#electrical treatment
ecgekg · 4 months
He's in tachycardia and breathing heavily. The defibrillator cardioverts him
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would just like to drop in and say that I'm still pissed that Fourteen didn't get to run around in 13's clothes for an episode. Clothing is such a fundamentally huge part of symbology for the Doctor (not just an indication of the current incarnation, but often an indication of the current incarnation's big tonal shifts/grief/connection to companions, especially in NuWho) and the fact that Jodie took so much effort to establish a costume that was gender-neutral and could be worn by all fans and Doctors and her doctor was so much less about her being a woman and more about the gender-gremlin nature of the Time Lords and more specifically the Doctor themself and the fact that Fourteen was immediately back in clothing similar to what he wore the first time, no passing of the torch, no literal cloaking of the new Doctor in the last Doctor's clothing until Fourteen could establish themself as a Doctor in their own right just leaves SUCH a nasty taste in my mouth, especially combining with the way that the specials tend to frame the Doctor previously being a woman as if that was the one thing that made Thirteen different/special in ironically such a binary way for what is supposed to be the most trans-inclusive episode of Doctor Who.
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Redwood Pyschiatric Institute - Part 6
CWs: mention of ECT, mental hospital whump, mental health gaslighting, force used against patient (electric shock baton), forced psychiatric care
Matthew Cooper pulled up in front of a small house on the end of the street, pulling out his phone to send a quick text that read 'I'm here.'
On the screen were a series of previous, unanswered and unread messages he had sent to his friend Rowan.
'Hey Rowan. Just checking in.'
'Rowan, it's me. What's up bud?'
'Where are you?'
'Fine. If you won't talk to me, I'm not going to try anymore'
Then, from today. 'Rowan, I'm coming over.'
Matt sighed as he dropped his phone into his pocket and clambered out of the car. He walked up to the front door, and rang the doorbell. He waited a moment, and when there was no answer, he rapped on the door with his knuckles. Still, nothing. The whole house seemed to be silent and still. He pressed his face to the one of the windows, attempting to peer through.
"Rowan!" He called.
No answer.
"Crap." Matt murmured. "Where the hell are you.."
He strode around the back of the house, searching for any signs of life from his friend. Finally, he spotted a back door, slightly ajar. It struck Mathew as strange. Rowan was not a careless person - in fact, quite the opposite, he could be rather paranoid, in Mathew's opinion. So it was completly out of the ordinary for his friend to leave a door unlocked, and Mathew also had no idea how long it had been open or if Rowan was even in the house still.
Cautiously, Matthew entered through the door, calling Rowan's name as he went. There were no traces of recent life - everything was put away neatly as Mathew would expect of Rowan, until he reached his friend's bedroom. This room was a mess - papers were scattered everywhere, on the bed, on the floor, on the desk.. Rowan's laptop was also still there, but Mathew wasn't keen to go trying to break into that. He pick up a paper sitting on the desk, and scanned through it. It was a newspaper article.
'Redwood Asylum patients claim gross mistreatment'.  The headline read. The article was dated 1964. The next article, from 1970, announced the closing-down of the Institute. The outdated facility had claimed around 1000 lives by the time of its closure, almost a hundred years since it opened.
All the other papers and articles were about the institute, why puzzled Mathew further. Why was Rowan so obssessed with this place? And more importantly, where was Rowan?
Mathew did a quick google of the place, finding that it had since been reopened and claimed to now be running as a more modern psychiatric hospital. Matthew was all out of options - his only remaining option was right in front of him. He hit the phone number listed on the web page, drew a deep breath, and hit the call button.
"Hello, you've reached Redwood Psychiatric Institute. You're speaking to Carol, how can I help you?"
"Uh, hi Carol, my name's Mathew Cooper. I was wondering if you recently had a visitor by the name of Rowan Murdock?"
"I'm sorry but we can't disclose information on our visitors. We have, however, got a patient by that name. There's a note on his file saying he can't have visitors, are you family?"
"Oh, uh.. no, I'm a long-time friend of his though. I was just wondering if I could get some more information on what happened." Mathew stammered, shocked at the news. Rowan was a patient?
"I can arrange for you to meet his doctor, in that case. Doctor Wilson. I'm sure he'd be willing to discuss Rowan's - well, yes. Rowan's recent weeks with us."
Mathew arranged a time for the meeting and then hung up the phone. He began to head out the room, when he turned back, picked up one of the articles on the psychiatric institute, and then continued on his way out of the house.
"Mathew Cooper, I'm here to talk to Doctor Wilson." Matthew announced to the woman at the front desk.
"Sign here, and then take this visitor pass, and it'll be the third door on your left." She smiled, a friendly but tired, 'I've been here all day and I'm just trying to be friendly to you but I could care less' kind of smile.
"Thanks." Mathew smiled back as he followed her instructions and then headed down the hall.
Inside the office, the doctor sat behind the desk, looking comfortable but composed.
"Hello Mathew, take a seat. My name is Doctor Wilson." The doctor smiled from behind his glasses.
Mathew sat in the chair across from the doctor, and extended his hand to the doctor, who took it and shook it firmly.
"Thank you for coming, Mathew."  Doctor Wilson greeted. "I understand these circumstances must be.. rather confusing, and I appreciate your willingness to discuss this in person."
"Thank you for meeting with me, Doctor Wilson. I understand you must be very busy." Mathew acknowledged.
"Indeed. Now, allow us to get right into it. Now, when did you last see your friend?" The doctor asked.
"Well, I must have seen him last a few weeks ago." Mathew answered.
"I see. Well, he came here as a voluntary self-admission on September 13th. He was incredibly unstable, and we immediately began his treatment. When we admitted him, we looked into his medical records and his personal records. Now, while I'm afraid I have some hard news to digest, there is no other way to say this - his name isn't Rowan Murdock. His real name is James Lawton."
"What- you mean, he's been lying to me this whole time about who he is?"
"No, not at all. James is a very mentally ill young man, not a pathological liar. We discovered symptoms of schizophrenia throughout the last few years of his life, but it was not yet diagnosed or treated. It has just since accumulated and worsened. He has been in dire need of treatment for years, but when he came to us, he was at the height of a schizophrenic breakdown, believing he was Rowan Murdock, a profilic journalist investigating the asylum before deciding to admit himself.  We've been treating him with medications and ECT. He has been doing better the last few weeks, however,  we are worried that a visit with you, an old friend of 'Rowan's may cause another setback." The doctor sighed.
"Oh..." Mathew's heart sank at the explanation. He couldn't comprehend the whole story, it was not anything he could have imagined. Of course, he had accepted there was some horrible series of events that had led to Rowan- or, James - being here, but not like this. "I.. I'll do anything you need, I'll say anything, I just- I need to see him, I need to talk to him."
"Alright, I'll arrange a visit." Doctor Wilson conceded. "But you mustn't encourage any of his delusions relating to 'Rowan Murdock'."
"Understood, Doctor. Thank you very much."
"James, I have a visitor for you." Doctor Wilson stood in the doorway, ushering Matt ahead of him.
Matt entered the room hesitantly, his eyes scanning around until they landed on a small figure, hunched up in white in the corner of the small room.
The figure Matt had once known as Rowan did not acknowledge the presence of anyone in the room. He simply muttered something under his breath.
"James. I've brought you a visitor." Doctor Wilson repeated, mild annoyance already in his voice as he approached James and bent down, waving at his patient to try and gain his attention.
James blinked, several times, slow and sluggish, as if drawing himself out of a trance. He glanced around the room, eyes landing eventually on Mathew.
"Who.. whoareyouu-" James slurred softly, as Doctor Wilson grasped him by the arm and helped him onto his feet, bringing him over to the small bed in the centre of the room.
"He's on a lot of medication right now. He may be suffering some short-term memory loss right now, so remember that this will pass. Just remind him who you are." Doctor Wilson said to Mathew.
Mathew nodded and approached the bed, kneeling in front of his old friend. Rowa- James, he reminded himself, looked pale, and his usually-thin frame looked even thinner than usual, or maybe that was the ill-fitting hospital gown. The circles under his eyes were dark, and his face was pinched and gaunt.
"Hey, James. It's me, your old friend Mathew." He said softly, reaching out a hand.
James didn't take the hand, instead, he sat there, staring blankly at it as Matt continued talking.
"We've known each other since university. You used to come and 'study' at my house. I'd steal your notes, and then we'd play video games together until 3am, even if we had class the next morning at 9." Mathew chuckled slightly at the memory, his heart aching a little to see his friend of five years in this situation. They'd been very close through university, but in the last two years they'd drifted apart slightly as both adjusted to their adult lives. Still, he cared for his friend.
Matt drew himself out of his own thoughts and looked up to see James staring at him with an.. odd expression.
"James, are you alright?" Matthew asked gently.
"That's.. not my name." James said flatly.
Shit.. He'd triggered James. His friend began to cry - no, more like tears were slipping down from expressionless eyes.
James suddenly stood and lunged at Mathew, knocking him to the ground as he began to scream at Matt.
Mathew was so shocked, he couldn't react. James screamed himself hoarse until suddenly, he gave a suprised shout, and collapsed onto his back, convulsing in agony at the hands of orderlies who had appeared in the room.
"Are you alright?" Doctor Wilson asked as he extended a hand and helped Mathew to his feet, pulling him away as the orderlies descended upon James' form, brandishing a syringe. Quickly, Doctor Wilson escorted Mathew out of the room, away from James' dreaful shrieking protests.
They returned to the doctor's office, where Wilson handed Mathew a glass of water. Matt graciously accepted it, ignoring the odd drop spilling out from how badly his hands shook. He downed the glass, wiped his face, and finally spoke. "What- what will happen now?"
"We will have to change his medication, and I'm going to perscribe another course of ECT." The doctor replied, calm but with a hint of frustration.
Mathew realised that clearly, James' treatment had been quite a difficult process that was now far from over.
"Shock therapy?" he asked.
"While that is the outdated term for it.. yes. It is now quite safe, and often used in quite severe cases of mental illness. Clearly, his schizophrenic hallucinations and paranoia are not yet treated. We will have to increase our efforts to stop these delusions that he is being trapped here."
"Will I be able to return and visit him again, Doctor?"
"Maybe after the next round of ECT. Thank you for coming, Mathew."
As Mathew drove away from the Redwood hospital, he wondered what fate he was leaving his friend to.
@jazatronasmr @onthishamsterwheel @bumpthumpwhump @bloodsweatandpotato @whatiswhump @jancameforthewhump @dream-whump @ratking-whump @inkstainsonmyhands12 @halstead-shaw13 @sparrowsage @sowhumpful @whatwhumpcomments @caspersdelusion
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starleska · 7 months
we just watched Electric Dreams 1984 and i've never been more distraught in my life!!!! that sweet computer just wanted to be loved!!!! 😭💖💖💖💖💖
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random-lil-illing · 3 months
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meeks... the nerd ever...
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newty · 3 months
i Have to know what wwi au duck hunt is about??
duck hunt is one of the more complicated ones--i wrote it back in college and began rewriting it a year and a half ago?? it's a climactic insane moment where elliot confesses to nol and i wanted to shape it up bc it feels like this the entire way thru
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theyre wandering around in the fields nearby the psychiatric hospital nol is a patient at. hes very comfortable in nature with his rifle, looking for things to kill, while eli is worriedly tagging along w an umbrella
nol kills a couple ducks and collects them, making him even more brainlessly content w himself. it starts pouring and nol leads them to a gazebo beside a heavy river w a bunch of canoes
they have this tense, awkward talk abt eating and food, then nol decides he wants to swim bc hes already wet and he's still riding this weird, unthinking high of feeling in his element. elliot's like, no wtf
so nol grabs him and runs across the canoes like a plank bridge until one inevitably shifts and knocks them into the river. eli panics, and nol yanks them back to the shore.
theres a huge physicality to the water eli gets dragged from, the shore pebbles he gets pulled onto, nol's hands on him and nol's body above his to shield him from the rain. this is not making eli feel any better, and hes like 'fml never do that again sir'
the convo becomes 'why do u call me sir. its weird.' / bc i respect u / 'no u dont. theres smth wrong w ur respect.'
so eli just explodes like yeah!! there IS smth wrong w it!! and wrong w me!! and im gonna just spell it out in the most convoluted way bc im frustrated and afraid!!
so nol sits there with a single dead braincell. barely understands any of it. and comes out of the convo with a Sinking Suspicion that being institutionalized for several manic breakdowns in Not the worst thing wrong with him, and perhaps he is in love w this medic thats been bullying him across the somme offensive
eli sits there w a braincell that feels like its being pinned to a torture table. nol tells him to go back to town, but hes like 'mmmm no' bc maybe he'd rather feel like a prey animal abt to be killed by a machisimo madman than be alone. so nol hands him a dead duck like. 'k. ur good at taking bullets out so'
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inniave · 1 month
trying to drag myself out of post medication & brain treatment sleep stupor and oh boy i'm losing. badly.
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tevintersoldier · 1 month
so the past year when i lived with my mom we put all my furniture and boxes and stuff in the garage for storage. our, as it turns out, very damp garage:)
i have found mold on almost everything made of wood, including my bookshelves and nightstand:) and some of my wooden kitchen utensils:) i wanna set everything on fire:)
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sunflowercider · 3 months
I must admit. It's still weird het nonsense, but Adeline and Rakiel are kinda sweet. BK Moon is at least dedicating some time to explore emotions on Adeline's side.
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ecgekg · 4 months
he's been sedated while the shock is given to bring the rhythm down. The carvioversion is successful.
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magpiesbones · 4 months
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seventh-district · 4 months
#Seven’s Public Diary#vent post#vent#cw vent post#cw vent#cw health#cw medical#cw medication#cw death#death mention#after nearly 2 weeks of unexplained pain and Symptoms and working myself up into the worst panic attack of my life#i finally caved and went to urgent care :)#it’s not lost on me that the same thing happened a little over a year ago. not bc of the same symptoms but it’s the same fear of dying#smthn smthn if i had a nickel smthn smthn weird that it happened twice. i rlly hope this doesn’t become a pattern#i can picture it now. every spring i walk in and they’re like ‘ugh it’s the neurotic hypochondriac with 4 anxiety disorders again 🙄#wonder what they think they’re dying of this time!’#sigh. anyways i’m fine. probably.#the consensus was ‘no you’re Probably not gonna have a stroke and die. you’re just Very stressed and in a lot of pain.’#got diagnosed with Stressed Guy Syndrome so now i take ✨painkillers✨ and ✨muscle relaxers✨ 🙃#they wanted me to take a steroid shot too but that felt like overkill. it’s also a big step for me to be willing to take anything at all#not bc i’m scared of getting a shot in the neck i’m just. scared of medication in general. the side effects. the potential for dependency.#it’s only for a week but i’m still uncomfy with it. but it Is nice to be in less pain. tho i have my doubts that it’ll help long term#time will tell. but i still can’t shake the fear of the tiny chance that it Could be more serious. but it’s not big enough for them to test#for it so. just gotta live with the fear. which in turn is making it hard to relax. which is what i’m supposed to be doing. so.#anyways. i Hope the meds work and i don’t end up back there next week spending More money and seeking more treatment#sighhhh i just can’t catch a break these days. it’s Always Something#at least the electricity and internet are back on after the tornado last week. and at least i’m not in much pain for now. silver linings.#sorry to everyone i’ve unintentionally ghosted but it’s been hard to think through the pain and now the meds are making me eepy#hopefully i’ll recover and recharge my social battery sooner than later. bc i do feel v bad abt it#and it’s So nice to sleep without much pain so i’m. taking advantage of that this week. Seven Try To Relax Challenge 2024
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doctorweebmd · 5 months
very nice people in comments/bookmarks responding to me being insane in the author's comments of my fics: i hope op is doing well UwU
op: <3 hours of sleep, refreshing the EHR to see if the guy she coded for 30 minutes last night is still alive, just ate half a pint of icecream, going back to work in 4 hours and somehow still writhing in guilt for not putting out a fanfic chapter in >1 month
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kodiescove · 10 months
I seriously can't recommend enough that if you have treatment resistant depression/severe long lasting depression/severe suicidal ideation thar you should look into electroconvulsive therapy(electric shock therapy).
Its not scary like the movies portray it to be. AS FAR AS IM AWARE it is standard practice in 2023 that patients are put under anesthesia for the procedure(I know my hospital puts me under).
Seriously, I've been chronically suicidal since the age of 8 and ECT just came in and got rid of all that. It has literally saved my life and continues to save my life and keep me alive and functioning. You may not even need as long of treatment as I do.
Talk to your counselor and psychiatrist about this option, especially if you don't feel like medication is doing enough for you.
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musicrunsthroughmysoul · 11 months
*squeals* I never realized this footage and audio existed! Although I guess I wouldn't have looked for it specifically since "My Misery" isn't one of my favorite Phantom Blue songs, and I kind of have to be in the right mood to listen to it. (Apparently now is the right time.)
Two things I noticed (one important, one not): Gigi's vocals are SO BEAUTIFUL on this, and - I know that other people (especially musicians for some reason) say this shit all the time but I'm also going to say it now - SHE SOUNDS JUST LIKE SHE DOES ON THE RECORD?! I MEAN, WOW. Absolutely incredible. The other thing I noticed that apparently I hadn't noticed before is that Gigi has a nose ring? Actually, all of the jewelry that she's wearing here looks amazing.
Of course, I must also mention: Michelle. 💗 Beautiful guitar playing. Especially when (as a Phantom Blue fan, at least) I've never seen or heard her play acoustically. Beauuuuutifuuuuuuuul.
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mamadalena · 2 years
It's not hard to imagine why Still Star Crossed was cancelled with an unfinished story.  Yes, the show isn't outstanding and has many flaws. But in the distant 2017, a black and dark-skinned actress and a white guy as leading couple, with a spectacular multiracial cast, settled in Renaissance Italy ... Well, I could imagine the racist roar. 
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