#elektra x faith
doyelikehaggis · 1 year
I wrote a short fic about Elektra and Faith at the end of the race in 1x06 and I just think they’re cute and sweet. 
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chvoswxtch · 1 year
all i need is you
pairing: matt murdock x fem!reader
summary: following the morning after matt's run in with elektra, you have a lot of decisions to make about your future together.
warnings: swearing, angst, explicit sexual content (minors pls dni), mentions of pregnancy
word count: 8.2k
a/n: y'all have been requesting a sequel to please don't be mad for almost 6 months now, & I apologize it's coming so late. there were a lot of things y'all wanted to see happen in the sequel, & I took all of that feedback to heart & incorporated as much as I could in a way that made sense to me. i've been working on this for months, & it was really important to me to create something you guys would really love & be happy with. thank you to everyone that even wanted a sequel, & for being so patient. as always, feedback is welcomed/appreciated!
[part one]
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It was almost crazy to think that just over a year ago, you thought your relationship with Matt Murdock was over for good. 
When you had awoken that following morning by his side, head clear of the rage and lust induced haze you had been captured in, all that was lingering was a heart heavy with hurt and stinging with betrayal. You had silently collected all of your belongings, pressed one last kiss to Matt’s lips, and granted his peaceful sleeping form one final glance before leaving your spare key on his entry table and disappearing into the twilight. 
All of his words still echoed in the back of your mind, but so did his actions. The promise of marriage was eclipsed by the cherry lip stain on his collar. The prospect of a family was diluted by the scent of an expensive perfume that didn’t belong to you. The vow of faith and love was broken by yet another lie. 
You loved Matt, more than you had ever loved anyone, and more than you ever thought you could love another person. You knew deep down that he was a good man. You tried to believe that he would never intentionally hurt you. But it had gotten to the point where you couldn’t ignore the ache he left in your chest. 
You needed time to try to forgive him. You weren’t even sure if you could forgive him at all. The cut he’d made ran deep, and you couldn’t decide if it was because he’d made it with her blade, or if it was simply his own that had been slicing away at the same spot over and over and over. Regardless, you needed time. Time away from him; to heal, to think, to decide. 
But Matt Murdock had never been a man of patience.
For two endless weeks your phone constantly lit up with his name, filling up with messages containing apologies and desperate pleas. You started arriving early to work and left later than usual to throw him off your schedule. You had the receptionist bypass all his calls and made security aware that he was not welcome in your office. You ignored all the usual spots that he knew you frequented, and especially the ones you went to together. For the first time in over a year, you locked all your windows to ensure he couldn’t slip through in the middle of the night. You blasted music through your headphones so you didn’t have to hear the pain in his voice as he called out your name, fist banging away at your front door so hard you were certain he was going to actually break it down. 
It was torture. Even though he had been the one to wrong you, a piece of you felt guilty. You could hear the terror and remorse in his voice when he stood outside your door, begging for forgiveness, chanting your name over and over as if you were the deity he worshiped and needed absolution from. It left a bitter taste in your mouth to be yet another person to turn your back on him, but through the wave of your sadness came the tide of anger, reminding you that he had done this. He had forced your hand. He made a choice, and you had to make yours. 
The guilt from also having to ignore Karen and Foggy weighed heavily on your chest. They knew what had happened. You had just as many sympathetic voicemails and unanswered texts from them asking if you were okay, and if you wanted to talk. You hated not being able to lean on them when you were at your most vulnerable. They were your family just as much as Matt was, but you couldn’t talk to them or be around them. They just reminded you of him. A huge part of you resented him for that, for making you feel like you couldn’t go to the two other people you loved most in this world for comfort because of what he did. You had spent the past few years building your entire life around Matt, and he had selfishly sent it crashing to the ground, leaving you completely isolated beneath the debris.
For two long weeks, you felt trapped beneath a heavy blanket of depression you couldn’t seem to find your way out from. 
And then she happened. 
How Elektra had managed to break into your apartment when Matt couldn’t, you weren’t sure, but the day you came home to find her in your living room with a bag of your things packed by her feet, you were stunned silent.
“I need you to come with me.”
“What? Why?”
“Because Matthew is an idiot and he’s put you in danger. We need to go. Now.”
She didn’t even give you a chance to hesitate, gripping your overnight bag into one hand, and forcing you out your door with the other. The ding of the elevator dropping you to the lobby seemed to wake you out of whatever trance she had put you in, and you stared at her in confusion as you stood firmly outside the metal doors.
“I don’t understand. What are you doing here? Where are we going?”
“I’ll explain when we get there. We need to move.”
“I don’t-“
“Listen. You don’t know me. You’ve got no reason to trust me. But right now, I am trying to save your life. So if you’ll please-“
Elektra paused for a moment as she looked at you. The annoyance on her perfect features vanished slowly, taking in the pain and confusion that were clearly plastered on yours. 
“Because you’re important to Matthew, which means you’re important to me.”
Elektra filled you in on everything the moment she had secured you away in a penthouse uptown that was registered under an alias. What she and Matt thought were the Yakuza had ended up being a much older and sinister organization called The Hand. They were into some freaky cult shit that you didn’t quite understand, but you got the gist that they were powerful, and extremely dangerous. They were also everywhere. They had tracked her and Matt, and a man named Stick that had trained the two of them, back to Matt’s apartment the night after the gala. They had been tracking him ever since, and because he had continuously been going to your office and apartment, they knew all about you. 
She even told you the truth about how she had met Matt, and how it had all been a set up by Stick to bring him back to their side; to fight the war that he had been warning them both about. 
“I don’t know what Matthew has told you about me. Probably nothing good. But I need you to know…I did love him. That’s why I left. I realized…he wasn’t like us. He would never be like us. He was too…good. He didn’t belong with Stick and I. I didn’t want to be the one to put that light out inside of him. I didn’t want anyone to. I didn’t mean to cause any trouble between the two of you the night of the gala. I wasn’t aware that he hadn’t told you that I was in town, or what we were doing. I swear I was only trying to protect him.”
There was a glimmer of regret dancing along Elektra’s waterline, and you could see her own pain shadowing the faint smile on her lips. 
“You weren’t the one that lied to me.”
Elektra blew out a breath as she took a seat in front of you, dragging her teeth along her bottom lip as she nodded.
“Matthew always has pure intentions. I know that. But for someone who is incredibly intelligent, he’s also a complete dumbass. He tries so hard to do the right thing…but he doesn’t stop to think about if he’s doing it the right way. Look I don’t…I don’t know anything about the two of you, and I’m not telling you what to do, but I can tell you that he is absolutely in love with you.”
“So…you didn’t come back to New York for him?”
“For his help, yes. To rekindle whatever we had, no. But for the record, even if I had, I wouldn’t have stood a chance in Heaven or Hell against you.”
There was something oddly comforting about Elektra’s words and the timid smile on her lips. It eased some of the tension pent up in your body, and you felt a little lighter as you let a deep exhale out through your parted lips. Nibbling on your bottom lip, you glanced over at her as you anxiously twisted a ring around your index finger.
“I…thank you. You…you didn’t have to…do all of this. I hate to even ask anything of you when you’re already doing so much for me but…can you just…not tell Matt I’m here? I’m not ready to talk to him yet.”
Elektra flashed you a pitiful smile as she gave a slight nod of her head.
“Of course. It’ll be our little secret.”
It only took Matt three days to figure out that Elektra had been hiding you, and as he burst through the front door of her penthouse, he was absolutely incandescent. 
“You have got to be fucking kidding me. You’ll have a sleepover with her, but you won’t talk to me?”
“Watch your tone, Matthew.”
Elektra glared over at Matt, tightening her grip on the knife in her hand that was hovering over a cutting board filled with various ingredients. 
Matt furiously tore off his glasses as he angrily pointed his finger in her direction, the top of his lip curling up into a menacing snarl.
“I don’t want to hear shit from you after you-“
“I protected her because you led the Hand right to her. You’re fucking welcome by the way.”
Elektra let out a deep angry exhale as she turned to face you with a sour pout on her lips. She gestured her head in Matt’s direction with a quirk of her brow.
“I can get rid of him if you’d like.”
“Excuse me?”
“I wasn’t speaking to you, Matthew.”
Sighing heavily as you let go of the whisk in your hand, you pushed the large bowl of batter forward on the kitchen island and wiped your hands off on a small towel. Rubbing your hands over your tired eyes, you waved your hand dismissively towards Elektra.
“It’s…it’s fine, Ellie. I’ll deal with him.”
Elektra eyed you for a moment before shooting another glare in Matt’s direction. She dropped the knife onto the cutting board, wiping her hands off on the same towel before clasping them together loudly.
“Right, well, I’ll leave the knife out just in case. Remember the three main areas I taught you to stab. I’ll be upstairs if you need me.”
After you watched Elektra disappear upstairs into her bedroom, you turned around to face Matt. His eyes were absolutely wild with rage and his face was morphed into complete disbelief as he blanched at you.
“Ellie? Since when the hell is she Ellie?”
“Since she’s the only one around here that tells me the truth about what the fuck is going on.”
Matt clenched his fists at his sides as he stared blankly over at you, and you watched as a muscle feathered in his jaw. 
“What did she tell you?”
“Everything you didn’t.”
You could practically feel the anger radiating off of him in waves, but you had more of a right to be pissed off than he did. Matt shoved his hand into his pocket, producing a shiny silver object that he held out in front of him between his thumb and index finger.
“What is this?”
Crossing your arms over your chest, you arched one of your brows as you looked at him.
“A key.”
Your key. 
Matt’s nostrils flared as he clenched his jaw, quickly crossing the distance between you to stand directly in front of you.
“Don’t get smart with me. Do you have any idea how it felt to wake up that next morning and you were gone? All of you, your things, everything gone? And to find this on the table? Not even-“
“I’d imagine it was as shitty as you coming home covered in red lipstick and smelling like your ex lover's perfume. Or as shitty as finding out you lied about where you were and who you were with, and that you kissed her and lied about that too.”
Matt ran his hand through his hair quickly in annoyance before dragging it roughly down his jaw, shaking his head as he flung his arms up in the air with frustration.
“Goddamnit Y/N, we talked about that! We worked through it. Then you just…disappeared and ignored me for weeks. You won’t return any of my calls, you won’t open the door, I can’t even-“
“We didn’t talk about anything, Matt! You kept trying to justify your actions and completely ignored how I was feeling. We didn’t work through anything. You manipulated me and we fucked. That is not working through it.”
Matt sighed with exasperation as he stared at you incredulously. 
“I did not manipulate you. Fuck, I told you that I wanted to marry you and have a family witn you-“
“In the middle of sex, Matthew! I don’t know if you even meant that, or if it was a heat of the moment thing. And don’t you dare say you didn’t manipulate me. You took advantage of the fact that I was frustrated and that you hadn’t touched me in weeks. You knew I would give into you. How do you think that makes me feel? That you completely ignored my feelings, manipulated me into sex for forgiveness, and filled my head with all those promises knowing that our relationship was in a bad spot. I can’t trust a word that you say because you can’t seem to stop lying to me.”
Matt’s anger evaporated the second he tasted the salt of your tears in the air. He hung his head between his shoulders in shame, shifting his weight from one foot to the other as the severity of your words nestled in the silence. Letting out a soft sigh, Matt’s tongue darted out to quickly wet his lips.
“You’re right.”
His hazel eyes were more clear without the cloud of vexation, and you could see the way they glistened with regret. Matt’s plump lips fell into a frown, and guilt seemed to tug the rest of his features down like gravity.
“I’m sorry. I swore to you that I wouldn’t lie after I told you the truth about me. I broke my promise to you, I betrayed your trust, and I disrespected our relationship. I’m so sorry, sweetheart. I never, ever meant to hurt you. I didn’t want you to get mad that I was working with Elektra. I didn’t think…I wasn’t thinking. I wasn’t considering your feelings. I shouldn’t have kissed her. I could’ve come up with another diversion. All of this could’ve been avoided if…if I had just told you the truth.”
Matt let out a shaky breath as his blank eyes glanced upwards, closing for a moment as he clenched his fists by his sides. A stray tear slipped past his lashes when he opened his eyes again, slowly lowering himself onto his knees before you as he reached for one of your hands to hold.
“I have been…absolutely fucking miserable these past few weeks, and that’s my own fault. I know that. I have hated not getting to feel your touch, or hear your voice, or be able to tell you how much I love you. I am so fucking sorry if I ever made you question how I feel about you, but Y/N I meant every word that night. You are the love of my life. You do belong with me. I do want to marry you and start a family. I swear to God, I will do whatever it takes to earn your trust back and your forgiveness. Just tell me what I have to do sweetheart, and I’ll do it.”
It broke your heart to see Matt look so distraught. It stung even more than he was on his knees begging for forgiveness instead of asking you to spend the rest of your lives together, but there was an undeniable conviction in his voice. It soothed the pang in your chest slightly to finally hear him acknowledge his fuck up, and apologize for it instead of getting defensive. Elektra had melted away the insecurity you had felt with her confession, and the frightened look that shattered Matt’s face showed you just how scared he was to lose you.
There was still a lot of work to be done on your relationship. It wasn’t going to be fixed overnight, and Matt was going to have to put in a lot of effort to earn your trust back, and prove to you just how much your relationship mattered to him. But you were in love with him, and you knew there was no one else for you but him.
“You can start by taking care of this…”Hand” shit. I’m not loving the fact that I’m being hunted by zombie ninjas because of my idiot boyfriend.”
Matt’s ears instantly perked up, and a lopsided hopeful grin stretched across his lips.
“I’m still your boyfriend?”
“For now. You’re dangerously close to being replaced by Elektra, though. She’s always bluntly honest, and her bed is way nicer.”
You never in a million years thought that your boyfriend’s ex-girlfriend would fight just as hard as he would to keep you safe, but Elektra had. She protected you from The Hand just as fiercely as Matt did, nearly giving her life for you both, and now she was securing the last button on the back of your wedding dress and staring at you in the mirror with a knowing smirk. 
The morning you slipped out of Matt’s apartment heartbroken and desolate seemed like a lifetime ago as you prepared yourself to meet him at the altar in just under an hour. 
“What’s on your mind, little dove? Got cold feet?”
Elektra quirked one of her dark brows as she stared at your reflection with her signature smirk. Karen had left the two of you alone to go check on Matt and Foggy, and she was helping you with your finishing touches. 
After helping save New York, Elektra had stuck around, and to both of your surprises, and certainly to Matt’s, you two had become very close. The more you got to know the more vulnerable side of her, the more you felt for her. She wasn’t the villain that everyone had painted her out to be. She had been a scared little girl, manipulated with a promise of something resembling a family, only to be broken down and molded into something to orchestrate death and destruction instead. It wasn’t unlike what Stick had done to Matt. As a matter of fact, it was worse. 
“If I said yes?”
Elektra hummed quietly as she moved your hair off your shoulder, leaning in to rest her chin on it as she wrapped you up in a hug from behind with a grin on her lips. 
“Ever been to Paris this time of year? It’s beautiful. We could be at a private air strip before anyone even knew what happened. Matthew is fast, but he can’t outrun a Maserati.”
A grin broke out across your lips as you giggled, squeezing onto Elektra’s arms when she winked. You had never been more sure of anything in your life than you were sure that you wanted to spend the rest of your life with Matt Murdock. Both of you knew that. But you also both knew he was eavesdropping just on the other side of the church, and it was incredibly easy to rile him up.
As if on cue, Foggy suddenly burst through the door and pointed a finger at Elektra with an expression of pure irritation on his face. 
“Whatever you’re telling her, knock it off. You’re scaring the shit out of him, and he’s already convinced enough as it is that she's not gonna walk down that aisle.”
“Oh relax, Franklin. Girls got to have their fun, yeah? Besides, I thought they called him the man without fear.” 
Foggy rolled his eyes as he shut the door behind him, walking over to shoo Elektra away as he stood behind you and adjusted your veil down your back.
“Yeah, until it comes to her. Go head to head with the Punisher who's notorious for using automatic weapons with sticks? Sure. Take on a weird cult of ninjas that can’t die and like to use really sharp swords also only with sticks? Why not. Fuck it, let’s use every goddamn tall building in Hell’s Kitchen for parkour practice. But ask the woman I’m ridiculously in love with to marry me and put up with my shit for the rest of our lives? That’s where the devil seems to tuck his tail between his legs.”
Matt had been an absolute nervous wreck the night he proposed to you. He had brought you to the same restaurant that he had taken you to for dinner on your first date, and was fidgety the whole time. Every time you asked if he was okay, he swore up and down that he was, and you figured there was just something overwhelming one or several of his senses. But then you noticed that despite it being mid November, he was sweating as you walked hand in hand through Central Park, and his hand kept nearly slipping from yours. Finally, you stopped and turned to face him, placing your hand on his chest to steady him.
“Okay, what’s going on with you?”
“N-Nothing, I’m fine. Let’s keep-”
“No, you aren’t. You’ve been acting strange all night. You’ve been anxious and fidgety, and now you’re sweating.”
“It’s hot-”
“It’s November, Matthew.”
Matt’s lips parted slightly as he went to protest, but nothing came out. He was usually good at coming up with excuses on the spot, but whatever was going on with him had seemed to completely take over his mind. A soft sigh slipped past your lips as he averted his gaze to the ground, watching as he clenched his fist by his side. You took a step forward to place your hands gently on his cheeks to cradle his face.
“Matty, please talk to me. Is something wrong?”
“No, no nothing…nothing is wrong.”
“Then what is going on? What’s got you so worked up?”
“I’m not worked up-”
Matt let out a sigh of defeat hearing the tone in your voice, his tongue darting out to quickly wet his lips as he attempted to flash you a reassuring smile.
“Can we just keep walking please? There’s something I wanna show you.”
There was evident excitement in Matt’s voice, but it didn’t resonate with you. The way he kept dodging your questions was beginning to put you in a sour mood, conjuring up a bitter taste of realization that he was on the cusp of breaking an oath he had sworn to keep. Dropping your hands quickly from his face, you shook your head in frustration as you turned around swiftly to walk ahead without him.
“You promised me you wouldn’t do this anymore.”
You only made it two steps forward before Matt blurted out a confession laced with full blown panic.
“I’m in love with you.”
Immediately pausing, you turned around to look at him in complete confusion.
“I know that, Matt.”
Matt let out a heavy exhale as he rushed forward and took your hand into his, scrunching up his nose as he shook his head quickly.
“No, I…I mean…that I’m…fuck, this isn’t going right.”
Matt pinched the bridge of his nose as his lips pursed into a frown, and you eyed him curiously as you gave his hand a gentle squeeze.
“What isn’t going right? What are you talking about?”
“Will you just…come with me? Please? I really need to show you something.”
Matt’s face was twisted in what looked like agony, and the desperation in his voice made you nervous. You didn’t think you had ever seen him look so…terrified, not even that night at Elektra’s when he thought you were going to leave him for good. You allowed Matt to guide you further through the park, venturing off down a path only he seemed to know, and stopping once you reached a gate that was covered in ivy. He pulled a key from his pocket to unlock it, and pushed it open with a slight creak, gesturing for you to enter first with a timid smile.
A shocked gasp flew past your lips as you stepped inside. It was an isolated garden, completely closed in by ivy covered walls, lit up only with various strings of white twinkle lights and the glow of the moon. To your delight, there were several plants and flowers in full bloom, and the whole scene looked like a vibrant painting you would hang on your wall. 
“I hear this place is beautiful.”
Turning around to face Matt, you noticed that he had taken off his glasses, and was apprehensively turning them over in his hands over and over. The timid smile was still plastered on his lips, but his eyes were nearly blown open with distress.
“I…it’s…I don’t even know how to describe it. How…how did you find this?”
“Karen did. It’s technically private property owned by the city, but Brett owed me a favor.”
The puzzlement on your face only grew as you stared at Matt, a soft laugh leaving your lips as you gestured around.
“Is this why you’ve been acting so weird? You didn’t think I’d like the surprise?”
Matt’s eyes darted back and forth blankly as he dragged his teeth along his bottom lip, swallowing thickly as he placed his glasses into his jacket pocket and took a few cautious steps forward.
“I…I hoped that you’d like it.”
“Matty, I love it. It’s so beautiful. But you didn’t have to be so nervous to show me this. You could’ve taken me to a random alley and I still would’ve loved it.”
Matt let out a breathless laugh as he shook his head, clicking his tongue against the inside of his cheek as he smiled softly.
“Then it wouldn’t have been special.”
A furrow formed between your brows as you looked at him, trying to decipher all the cryptic pieces he was laying in front of you.
“What wouldn’t have?”
Matt was silent for a moment as he fixed his gaze on your face, tilting his head to the side ever so slightly as he studied you. Finally letting out a deep breath, he reached out to take one of your hands, brushing his thumb delicately over your knuckles as a slow smile spread over his lips.
“I told you, I’m in love with you.”
“And I’m in love with you, Matty.”
Matt took a step closer as he brought his other hand up to cradle your face, a tender smile on his lips as he rubbed his thumb soothingly over your cheek. You couldn’t tell if it was the reflection of the lights in his eyes, but they looked glossy, almost as if he was about to cry, and it made you squeeze onto his hand tighter.
“You…are the first person that has ever truly understood me. The first that’s ever accepted and loved both sides of me. You’ve never shied away from one, or favored the other, or asked me to choose. You haven’t given up on me, even when I’ve given you plenty of reasons to. You are the best part of my day. I can’t tell you how…how happy it makes me to know that when I come home at night, you’re there waiting for me. And no matter what kind of day I’ve had, or how rough of a night it was, it…it doesn’t matter, because you’re there. You give me a reason to make it home. I can’t tell you how much I love that I get to fall asleep holding you and listening to your heartbeat, and start every day hearing your voice and kissing your lips. I have never felt as…happy…and light as I do with you. I want to spend the rest of my life feeling this way. I want to spend the rest of my life ending every night with you and starting every morning with you. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. So-”
Matt let out a shaky breath as he slowly dropped his hand from your face and tightly held onto your hand. You were already in tears from Matt’s words before, but the moment he dropped down onto one knee before you, the floodgates opened and a choked sob caught in your throat as your other hand flew up to cover your mouth.
“Y/N Y/L/N, will you marry me?”
“Oh my God, Matty…yes…yes!”
Matt blew out a shaky breath of relief as he closed his eyes for a moment, the tension in his shoulders evaporating right in front of your eyes as he let his head drop. You couldn’t help but laugh as you stared down at him in perplexity.
“Did you think I was going to say no?”
Matt rubbed his hand down his face to wipe away his own tears, letting out another breathless laugh and sniffling as he looked up at you with a goofy grin on his lips.
“Figured I had a fifty-fifty shot.”
Lips splitting into the biggest smile you had ever seen, Matt quickly rose to his feet and grabbed your face, capturing your mouth in a deep kiss as you gripped onto his jacket to hold him close. All of a sudden he quickly pulled away and shoved his hand down into his pocket.
“Oh shit, uh…sorry…I…here.”
Matt laughed nervously as he pulled a small velvet black box out of his pocket, opening it to reveal the ring inside. Your mouth fell open as a gasp escaped, and you gripped onto Matt’s forearm as fresh tears welled in your eyes.
“Do…do you like it?”
“I…I love it. It’s…it’s perfect. How did you-”
“I had some help.”
Glancing up at Matt through your teary eyes, you watched as a bashful smile tugged at the corners of his mouth. Pulling the ring from the box, Matt gently grabbed onto your wrist with a shaky hand, and carefully slipped the ring onto your finger. It fit absolutely perfectly, and you stared down at it in awe as it dazzled beneath the lights. You were overwhelmed with so many emotions, and you didn’t know what to do other than grab Matt’s face and pull him down for a searing kiss. 
The two of you gripped onto each other as if you were afraid the other might disappear if you loosened your grasp even the slightest. You were a flurry of lips and teeth, trying to devour the other’s desire, consuming the taste of happiness together. Matt laid you down in the soft grass of the garden floor and made love to you right there, intertwining his hand with yours that wore the symbol of his love and promise to you.
A burst of laughter ripped through your chest at that memory of Matt’s nervousness as you covered your mouth, staring at Foggy knowingly in the reflection of the mirror. Elektra’s mouth split into a huge grin as she rolled her eyes, pressing a quick kiss to your temple and giving Foggy’s shoulder a squeeze on her way to the door.
“Alright, alright. Let me go do damage control. I’ll see you both out there. Oh, and Y/N, darling?”
You turned your head to look over at her as she paused in the doorway.
A warm smile tugged at the corners of Elektra’s mouth as she stared over at you, leaning her head briefly against the door. 
“You are the most beautiful bride I’ve ever seen.”
You pursed your lips slightly as your face twisted up faintly into an expression of gratitude, returning her smile with one of your own.
“Thank you, Ellie.”
Elektra flashed you a quick wink, closing the door behind her to leave you alone with Foggy.
“She’s right, you know. You do look beautiful.”
A smirk tugged at the corner of your mouth as you looked at Foggy in the mirror, arching one of your brows quizzically.
“Did you just agree with her?”
“That stays between us. This is a one time thing.”
Laughing softly, you turned around to pull Foggy into a tight hug, sighing in relaxation as his arms came around you to hold you securely to his chest. There didn’t seem to be anything that a hug from Foggy Nelson couldn’t fix. All of the pent up nerves seemed to dissipate from the warmth of his embrace, and you suddenly felt a million times lighter.
“Thank you.”
“You don’t have anything to thank me for.”
“I have everything to thank you for.”
“Well in that case, I think Foggy would be a great name for your future kid.”
A deep laugh rumbled in his chest as you giggled, pulling back slightly to peer up at him with a grin.
“I’ll put in a good word.”
After Foggy left you alone to go rejoin Matt and the others, you stared at your reflection in the mirror, smoothing your hands over your dress for the millionth time. A part of you was still in disbelief that today was the day you were marrying your best friend. Matt had sworn to not take the second chance you had given him for granted, and had been treating it as if it were sacred. He opened up to you about everything now, even the rough nights that plagued his thoughts, and the horrors he desperately wanted to protect you from. There wasn’t a single thought or emotion he hid anymore, and he’d even gotten better about finding balance between each of his lives. That wasn’t to say that you both didn’t struggle from time to time still, but your relationship was the healthiest it had ever been.
A knock against the door tore you from your thoughts, and a smile quickly spread across your lips at the sight of the figure leaning against the doorway.
“Hey big guy.”
Frank’s mouth split into a grin as he looked at you, giving a slight nod of his head in your direction.
“Hey darlin’.”
Turning away from the mirror to face him fully, you swallowed thickly as you smoothed your trembling hands down the sides of your dress and gestured to it.
“I look okay?”
Frank cocked his head to the side as he smirked, taking you in with his eyes as he took a few steps forward to stand in front of you.
“You kiddin’? You’re gonna knock Red on his ass.”
You didn’t hardly have any family outside of the chosen one you had made with Matt, Foggy, Karen, Elektra, and Frank. When you’d let it slip to him that you would be walking down the aisle alone, Frank instantly offered to be the one to walk you. He confessed that it would probably be the closest he would ever get to walking his own daughter down the aisle, and you graciously accepted without hesitation. 
A smirk curled at the corner of your mouth as you let your eyes wander over his large figure, finally meeting his deep brown curious eyes.
“I don’t think I’ve ever seen you so…”
“Dressed up, yeah yeah. Don’t get used to it.”
“I was gonna say not covered in blood.”
Frank let out a deep chuckle as he shook his head slowly, looking down at you with a dazzling grin on his lips.
“Figured I could behave for a few days so I didn’t mess up your pretty dress, yeah?”
“How generous of you.”
As the processional music started to play, the nerves you felt earlier returned full force, and you gripped onto Frank’s arm tightly as the reality of the situation started to sink in. This was actually happening. Matt was waiting for you on the other side of these doors, and in just a few moments, he would finally be your husband. Tears started to form in the corners of your eyes as your emotions started to catch up with you, thinking about everything the two of you had gone through together, and how it had all led up to this moment. Frank’s lips brushed against your cheek as he bent down to whisper into your ear.
“You say the word, and I’ll get you outta here. No questions asked, yeah?”
Gripping a little tighter onto his arm, you leaned into Frank’s embrace as a shaky breath left your lips.
“Where would we go?”
“Wherever you want, darlin’. I could hide you places even he couldn’t find.”
You swore you heard Matt groan loudly on the other side of the door, and you couldn’t help but giggle as you dipped your head back to look up at Frank. Taking a deep breath in, you exhaled slowly through your parted lips and nodded with a soft smile.
“I’m ready.”
Frank gave a slight nod as he leaned in to kiss your forehead, dropping his left eye in a wink as he smiled.
“Yeah, sweetheart?”
“Don’t let me fall, please.”
Frank wrapped his right arm tightly around your waist, holding onto your hand with his left one as he squeezed it gently.
»»———  ———««
“As absolutely beautiful as you are in this dress, it’s time for it to come off.”
“You don’t wanna leave it on?”
“I’d love to, sweetheart, but it’s kind of in my way. Besides, it’s so pretty, I’d hate to ruin it with all the things I wanna do to you, Mrs. Murdock.”
A soft gasp left your lips as Matt gently sucked on that sensitive spot on your neck below your ear, and you could feel him grin against your skin when your heart skipped. He had taken every opportunity throughout the evening to call you that, or refer to you as his wife. Every time it hit your ears, a buzz of serotonin flooded your bloodstream and left you hazy.
“And what, exactly, is it that you wanna do to me, Mr. Murdock?”
Matt’s fingertips brushed lightly along the exposed skin of your bare back, causing a shudder to course through you while his nimble fingers delicately tugged the zipper of your dress agonizingly slow down your back. His stubble tickled against your cheek as he nuzzled your jaw, inhaling your scent deeply while leaving open mouthed kisses down the column of your neck.
“Fuck a baby into you.”
Gripping tightly onto his suit jacket, you were suddenly taken back to that night over a year ago when he’d first made that promise, and his words from that night flowed through your ears. 
I’m gonna marry you someday, Y/N.
I will put a ring on your finger tomorrow. 
I will put a baby in you tonight.
A fresh wave of mixed emotions glossed over your eyes, and Matt slowly pulled back to stare blankly down at your face with an expression of concern as he cradled your face in his hand.
“What is it, angel?”
“Nothing. It’s nothing.”
Matt tilted his head to the side slightly as his honey hazel eyes gazed down at you, tongue darting out to quickly wet his lips before they pulled into a timid smile.
“Was it the wedding you always wanted?”
Bringing your own hand up to cup Matt’s jaw, you pulled him in closer to touch your foreheads together as you whispered softly.
“Of course it was, Matty. You were the groom.”
Matt had been continuously asking you the same question all night, wanting to make sure you were absolutely happy with the biggest day of your lives. Honestly, it had been perfect. Karen had taken over as your unofficial wedding planner, and between her, Marci, and Elektra, you’d hardly had to lift a finger. Getting married in a church wasn’t a huge deal for you since you weren’t religious, but you knew how much it meant to Matt, and you offered to marry him in his church where his parents would’ve married. It was small and intimate, exactly what you both wanted.
The second you stepped through the open doors with Frank, Matt immediately started to cry. You were only a second behind him as soon as you saw him, the two of you gripping onto each other’s hands as Father Lantom led the ceremony, bringing everyone in attendance to tears as you exchanged your heartfelt vows. Matt had captured your lips in a deep kiss as soon as Father Lantom uttered his name, and he lightly smacked him over the back of the head with his bible to remind him that he was in church when the kiss started getting a little too heated for the house of God. Maggie had simply laughed, reminding Father Lantom that Matthew was indeed Jack Murdock’s son.
The reception was held at Josie’s where you had first met Matt over two years ago, courtesy of Karen. Foggy had drunkenly climbed onto the bar to deliver his best man speech which only drew further tears out of everyone from laughter by telling the most embarrassing story he could conjure about Matt from college, and also from the passionate gratitude he showered you in for making his best friend the happiest he had ever seen him.
Matt told me once he thought you were an angel created by God himself, and sent down from Heaven just for him, exactly when he needed you. I believe that’s true. There’s no other explanation for how perfect you are for him. Thank you for bringing my brother the happiness he’s always deserved. I love you both.
Karen could hardly contain her own tears as she spoke fondly about you and Matt, bringing even Frank and Jessica to tears with her sweet words.
I knew the night you met Matt that you loved him. I could see it in your eyes. Thank you for loving him the way that you do. I can’t tell you how happy it makes me as your best friend for you to end up with someone like Matt. Because I know he will take care of you, and protect you, and love you with everything he’s got, and I know you’ll do the same for him. I’m just so happy my two favorite people found each other.
“Today was the happiest day of my life. A day I never honestly thought would come, but I’m so happy it did, and I’m so happy it was with you. I wouldn’t change anything about it. I mean…apart from everyone offering to help you runaway, but.”
A loud laugh slipped past your ears at the annoyed look on Matt’s face, countered by the smirk that was threatening to spill across his lips. You gently squeezed his cheeks to purse his lips into a pout, leaning in to kiss them softly.
“You know they were joking.”
“No, Frank and Elektra were serious. They were actually gonna smuggle you out.”
Giggling softly, you shook your head as you leaned in to press your lips against Matt’s softly once more.
“Well I didn’t run, did I?”
Matt let out a deep exhale through his nose, shaking his head slowly as he pressed his forehead against yours.
“No. Still not sure why you didn’t.”
“There was cake.”
Matt rolled his eyes as he pushed himself up above you, and you giggled uncontrollably as you grabbed onto his tie to pull him back down towards you.
“I’m kidding! You know someone has to keep the Devil in line.”
Matt clicked his tongue against his cheek, narrowing his eyes slightly as he cocked his head to the side and stared down at you with a light smirk.
“That the only reason, then? Because you’re the only one that can?”
“I can think of a few more. Now, I thought you were helping me out of this dress?”
“I was.”
“Then be a good husband, Matthew, and help your wife.”
Matt’s eyes darkened considerably at the sultry tone of your voice, and a devilish grin took over his mouth as your beloved dimples settled in his inner cheeks. He was careful as he slipped the silk gown down your body, laying it carefully over the dresser before attacking your body with kisses once again. You frantically clawed at his jacket and dress shirt, blindly making quick work of his belt, already panting just from the idea of having your husband inside of you. There seemed to be a silent understanding between the two of you that neither of you had the patience for foreplay tonight, and all you both wanted in that moment was to be absolutely consumed by one another. 
As Matt settled between your spread thighs, a wash of nerves made you shiver, and you found yourself placing your shaky palm on his chest over his heart to get his attention.
“Matty…did you…are we…you really want a baby with me? Right now?”
Matt tilted his head in confusion as he let his eyes blankly wander over you, placing his palm flat on the pillow by your head as he leaned in closer towards you. You and Matt had been talking more seriously about starting a family after you got engaged, and you stopped taking birth control a few months before the wedding to make sure it was fully out of your system for when you two were ready to actually start trying.
“Of course I do. Why? Did you change your mind?”
“No! No no, it’s not that. I just…you aren’t going to miss it? I mean…the city means so much to you, Matty, and-”
“Hey, you mean the most to me. You’re the love of my life, sweetheart.”
You wrapped your fingers around Matt’s wrist as he held your face, nibbling at your bottom lip as you let out a shaky breath.
“I know, baby. I just…I know how much you need that part of yourself-”
“Not anymore. All I need is you. I’m still protecting the city, and the people in it, everyday. I’m still helping people. But New York doesn’t really need Daredevil anymore. It has people to protect it, like Luke and Jessica. And Colleen, Danny, even Frank and Elektra. You need me. And the one thing I care more about protecting and keeping safe is you, and our family.”
“I just don’t want you to wake up one day and regret hanging up the suit, or feel any kind of resentment-”
“Sweetheart, listen to me. I could never regret anything with you. How could I feel even an ounce of resentment when you’re offering to give me the greatest gift in the world that I’ll never be able to repay you for, hm?”
Matt carefully wiped a stray tear away from your eye as you reached up to gently grab onto the back of his neck, pulling him down so that his chest was flush to yours as you whispered softly.
“I just want to make you happy, Matty.”
“You do, angel. Everyday. You are my happiness. Now, can I please make love to my wife?”
Matt took his time as he entered you, peppering kisses on every inch of your body he could find, moving his hips lazily as he fucked into you slowly to ensure you both felt everything. Interlacing your fingers together, he held your hands above your head and squeezed them tightly, repeatedly whispering into your ear how much he loved you, how beautiful and perfect you were for him, and how badly he wanted you to give him a baby. Matt pulled your legs tightly around his waist, angling your hips to reach the most delicious depths within you, spilling his seed into the deepest layer of your garden to plant the foundation for the family you both so desperately wanted together. 
Neither of you could get enough, and Matt fucked you sweetly and slowly several more times into the early hours of the night until your bodies simply couldn’t take anymore. He refused to withdraw himself from you, keeping his soft cock nestled within you, preventing any ounce of your future he had emptied into you from slipping out as he wrapped his arms around you from behind. Matt placed his palm over your lower belly, absentmindedly stroking his thumb in slow circles over the first home your child would have.
“I love you so much, angel.”
“I love you so much, Matty.”
Matt was here. Matt loved you. Matt was yours.
tags: @yarrystyleeza @little-miss-dilf-lover @neverlandcity @charmedkim @queenofthenoobs @stilldreaming666 @messymissy @dark-academia-slut @strawberry1042 @thychuvaluswife
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amberlynnmurdock · 1 year
Blind Faith
Chapter 5: Assumption of Risk 
Pairing: Matt Murdock x Reader 
Chapter Summary: There are no terms and conditions when it comes to a secret affair; you only know the risks. 
Warnings: 18+ content in this chapter, smut
A/N: I hope you like this chapter! I can't believe I just wrote it this afternoon, lol. I haven't written anything smutty in FOREVER so I hope this passes. Thank you all for reading this story :D
Chapter 4 here
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Credit to the gif owner! 
Office of Nelson & Murdock
Hell’s Kitchen
4 PM
Assumption of risk: a plaintiff's inability to recover for the tortious actions of a negligent party in scenarios where the plaintiff voluntarily accepted the risk of those actions.
Matt Murdock was normally a very focused person, despite his ability to listen, feel, and sense things that could be distractions. It was easy to tune things out and focus on one thing at hand. Today, he used his Orbit reader to study case law regarding illegal money laundering. His fingers grazed over the braille before him, and his brows were furrowed in concentration. Ever since things with Fisk ended, Nelson & Murdock was able to take on more low-key clients and squash not-so-life-threatening issues. It was nice, to have a break from all of that. It truly felt like they were doing what they were always meant to do: help people using the law.
Of course, old habits never die. Daredevil was a part of who Matt was, whether he wanted it to be or not. He didn’t want to stop his nighttime activities anyway. Despite the city’s biggest threat being behind bars, there were still people who haunted it in his shadow; who wanted to continue to infect the city with their evil actions. Drug cartels, gangs, white-collar crimes—crime didn’t stop at Wilson Fisk.
And yet, after everything he’s endured, Matt thought something like this couldn’t hurt: being with you. Taking all of you in, in his senses. Showing up on your roof like clockwork. Stealing kisses and quiet conversations together, behind the mask. Except, Matt didn’t think he’d grow so attached in such a short amount of time. He had a hand in this fight now. You struck a match and it relit the fire in his heart.
Maybe, he would reveal himself to you. He’s done it before: Claire, Karen,… Elektra. Maybe finally you wouldn’t be the one who got away.
Even studying case law, you still occupied his mind so much. He could hear the way you gasped before he kissed you in his ears. The subtle hint of marshmallows in your fragrance was intoxicating to his senses. The way he had smelt another man on you…he clenched his jaw and took a deep breath. Don’t think of that now. Your steady heartbeat he was beginning to memorize; how it sped up whenever you saw him and how it slowed down when he held you in his arms… he knew it so well, he could almost hear it now.
Wait. Literally.
And he could smell your fragrance growing stronger: that warm smell of marshmallows accompanied by your natural scent, getting closer.
And suddenly, you walked through the door of Nelson & Murdock.
Matt nearly lost his balance in his seat. His own heartbeat pounded in his ears as he gripped his desk in his office. He kept a cool exterior but listened intently to the main room. Did you know who he was? Did you figure it out somehow? Matt began rummaging for every explanation in his head, as lawyers do, and couldn’t come up with a memory of him accidentally revealing himself and what he does in the day to you.
He listened.
“Hi, how can I help you?” Karen spoke lightly as she stood from her desk, greeting you. Matt breathed slowly as he continued to listen.
“Hi, are you Ms. Page? My name is __. I’m here for my interview for the legal assistant position,” your voice, God, it was definitely you, spoke politely—a tone Matt wasn’t used to and for a moment was shocked to hear such a different side of you. If not for the circumstances, he might’ve smiled.
“Oh, yes!” Karen exclaimed in realization, “Yes, you can call me Karen. How are you? It’s so nice to meet you. Why don’t you find a seat in the conference room and I’ll see if Nelson or Murdock can join us,” Karen said. You thanked her and walked to the conference room, taking a seat in the middle of the table. Matt heard you rummage through your bag and pulled out a folder.
“Hey, Foggy? The applicant’s here. You wanna do this interview with me?” Karen asked Foggy who was furiously typing away a summation.
“Ah, can’t. I’m on a roll to pin this fraudulent employer and if I stop now, we might lose,” Foggy said. “Ask Matt. I think his task list is light today.”
No, it’s fucking not, Matt thought to himself. Matt wanted to punch himself. Of course, the applicant had to be you. He knew you were a pre-law student, but there are tons of those in the city—you just happened to be the one who applied to his firm. Matt laughed in spite of himself—fate struck once again, between you two. Why?
“Matt,” Karen peeked her head into his office sounding hurried, “you have to do this interview with me.”
“Oh, no,” Matt argued nervously, “I—you can do it yourself. I have to read up on this case law and—-“
“Case law can wait. Potential employees and the future of this firm, cannot. Please join me, I think she’ll be a good one,” Karen pleaded. Matt sighed, shaking his head. He couldn’t believe what he was getting himself into.
“Okay,” Matt replied, defeated. “But you’re leading the conversation.”
Karen scrunched her brows at him, wondering why he was acting the way he was. She shrugged it off and joined you in the conference room.
Matt prepared himself as he grabbed his cane from his desk, slowly undoing it. He cracked his neck and took a deep breath. He tapped his way to the conference room and slowly opened the door.
He was immediately hit with your qualities again, and if he hadn’t been dressed as Matt Murdock, the lawyer, he would’ve melted right there. Your marshmallow scent warmed his nose. You were in a button-down shirt and black pants. He could tell by the minor sweat that stuck to your skin—it was out hot today. He heard you tense when he walked in. Your heartbeat grew fast—interview nerves, he confirmed. He gave a small smile and sat down next to Karen uncomfortably.
Matt couldn’t blow his cover. He had to act as if he’d never met you in his life before.
Karen cleared her throat, urging Matt to speak. She held papers in her hands—probably from the folder you pulled out.
“Sorry—I’m Matthew Murdock, one of the lawyers here,” Matt held out his hand awkwardly for you to shake. When you took it, it took all his strength to not shiver at your touch. Your hands… the same ones he held at midnight, the same ones he’s felt touch his cheek, the same ones he’s pinned above your head before…
“It’s very nice to meet you, Mr. Murdock,” you answered politely, giving his hand a good shake. Your voice… the same voice he’s heard in whispers. Your mouth, speaking… the same ones he’s kissed, just last night. Focus, Murdock. “I—I didn’t know you were blind. I would have tried to get my resume and transcript translated to braille.”
Matt raised his eyebrows—not many people were forward about his disability. He appreciated your forwardness, and he was surprised at how professional you were. Not that he didn’t think you could be, but it was strange to see a different version of you. It was like meeting you all over again in an alternate universe. He supposed you’re technically seeing a different version of him, but you don't know it.
“That’s all right,” Matt replied after a moment, “that’s why I have Karen. Among other things—she’s more than an office manager, and you’ll learn that soon.”
He didn’t have to see Karen to know she was smiling.
“So, even just glancing at your transcript, it’s very impressive,” Karen stated, flipping through pages. “3.9 GPA, Honor Society—you just graduated? Congratulations!”
“Thank you,” you answered. “Yeah, you know, fresh out the cap and gown.”
“And I see you took some journalism classes, too? Did you want to do that before studying law?”
“I did. I loved journalism and I’m actually familiar with your work at the Bulletin. Your stories on Fisk and pretty much everything you’ve done,” you explained. Matt listened carefully to see if you were lying in this interview—you weren’t.
“Wow,” Karen blushed, “thank you, I appreciate that. So why did you switch to law?”
“I think journalists and lawyers can do a lot of good for people. I also think they can do a lot of damage to people. I know journalism pretty well, but I want to do extra steps and know the law and how to use that to people’s advantage,” you explained. Your heartbeat was still beating fast, but you managed to keep your voice steady.
“You’re studying for the LSAT now?” Karen asked.
“Yes,” you said, “I just began this summer.”
“What do you do in your free time?”
Matt knew you were thinking of an answer.
“I mostly spend my weekends at home,” you lied, Matt knew. He suppressed his smile. “I’m not one for going out, so if you ever need me on a weekend, I’m there.” That was half a lie and half-truth.
“We try not to, but lately we’ve been getting so many cases, we've had to come in on a Saturday. It’s not often,” Karen explained. “What was your favorite pre-law class?”
“Legal research and writing,” you answered, truthfully. “I love writing and creating arguments.” That I know, Matt thought.
“That could definitely be useful around here. Matt and Foggy are always drafting summations,” Karen said. “I don't think I have any questions. Matt, do you?”
Matt cleared his throat. He supposed he should ask one question.
“What do you value in a place of work?” He asked.
After a moment of pondering, you spoke again.
“The truth, I think,” you answered, “if an employer isn’t transparent on one thing, how can you believe anything else? I think it’s important to remember everyone’s on the same side. You’ve got to trust each other.”
Matt nodded in response. He didn’t know what to say.
“Alrighty,” Karen wrapped it up, “thank you so much for coming in. It was a pleasure to speak with you. You’ll be hearing from us very soon.”
The three of you stood up and you shook Karen’s hand, thanking her. Matt uncomfortably took a deep breath and held out his hand for your handshake. It was hard for him to not let his touch linger like he always did with you.
“Thank you again,” You said rather softly. Karen walked you out as Matt stood in the conference room alone, hands on his waist. He sighed and shook his head.
“We are definitely hiring her,” Karen came back in the room. “I think she’ll be really great here.”
“Don’t we have other applicants? We should interview them first,” Matt argued.
“Matt, that posting has been up for weeks now. She was the only one. We are going with her. Were you not impressed with her answers?”
“She lied about something,” he said, grasping at straws. He didn’t worry you’d find another law firm to work out.
Karen crossed her arms, looking at him annoyed. “What did she lie about?”
“That she doesn’t party. I heard her heartbeat,” Matt answered, knowing it was a weak argument. Karen laughed.
“What, and you didn’t party in college? C’mon Matt,” Karen punched his shoulder lightly. “Why are you so against it?”
“I’m not,” Matt chuckled nervously, “I—“
“We’re hiring her. Overruled, whatever it was you were about to say. I’ll let Foggy know and draft her offer letter.”
Before he could answer her, Karen already left him standing there.
Fate wasn’t clever, Matt thought. It was cruel.
Hell’s Kitchen
11 PM
Matt sat at the top of his roof in his black outfit, waiting for someone to scream for help. He waited for any sign of a crime taking place, any cop cars going off, anything. And all that he was met with was silence and his thoughts of you.
He could’ve argued more to not let Karen hire you. He didn’t. He could’ve said you lied about everything. He didn’t.
Just when he was about to reveal himself to you, the interview today ruined it. How could he now, after that? Hey, it’s nice to see you again. By the way, I’m your new boss. He ran every possible scenario in his head and none of them made sense to him. Would you be mad, if you found out it was him? Creeped out? He didn’t want this to affect your career goals. He heard you call your friend, Emily, immediately after the interview. You were so excited. You knew you nailed the interview, and truthfully, you did.
Would it be better to keep this a secret? He was already living a double life—now he had to live it twice as hard with you.
Nothing was going on tonight.
He ripped off his mask and began to walk back to his rooftop access when you crossed his mind. Hell, you didn’t even cross it anymore. The thought of you was always there, Matt thought.
He knew what he was getting himself into, by being two different people with you. Nothing, not even himself, could’ve stopped him from putting his mask back on and finding his way to your rooftop.
He made his decision.
Hell’s Kitchen
11:30 PM
You didn’t know if he’d come, but you always waited at your rooftop in case he did. There wasn’t a set schedule for when you and Mike would see each other, you just did. You snuck out a short while ago when you knew everyone was asleep. You shivered as you waited patiently. You were in your nightdress and an oversized cardigan. You pulled out your phone and re-read the offer of employment letter Karen had sent you hours ago. You often did this when something excited you. You couldn’t wait to start working at Nelson & Murdock.
Maybe Mike was busy tonight. Just as you were about to call it, you heard a familiar thud on your roof. You walked over and there he was, all in black, face covered, as usual. You smiled and locked your phone as you made your way to him.
You were about to greet him, but he pulled you in immediately for an embrace. He buried his head in the crook of your neck and took a deep breath.
“It’s nice to see you too,” You laughed softly, pulling back. He rested his hands at the small of your back. “Rough night?” You asked in concern. Despite all your meetings with him so far, you never really realized the fact he put his life in danger every night, and it wasn't a guarantee he’d make it to your rooftop.
“No,” he answered. “Just wanted to see you.”
Your heart melted when he said. Maybe there was hope after all, for the two of you. Maybe you were more than just his secret.
“You seem off,” you urged politely, “are you okay?”
He was silent. You furrowed your brows.
“Is it the Catholic guilt?” You smirked, which at the very least, made him laugh a little.
“You could say that,” he said.
“I’m no priest, but if you haven’t done anything wrong, then you shouldn’t feel guilty,” you whispered. Mike tilted his head slightly as you spoke. He smiled a little.
“You make it sound easier than any priest I’ve ever heard speak on guilt,” he said.
“This isn’t confession,” you began, “but you know you can tell me anything, right? And I won’t tell.”
He nodded. “I know.”
“I mean, I haven’t told anyone about us.”
“I know.”
“And you probably haven’t either.”
“I haven’t.”
“So what’s wrong?” You urged.
Mike seemed to ignore the question.
“Tell me about your day, instead.”
“Well, I got a job today. At a law firm. I’m really excited.”
“That's good,” he whispered. “What else?”
“I had a low-key day otherwise,” you said, “just waited for tonight. For you.”
“Hmm,” he kissed you. He placed his hand on the back of your neck.
He didn’t stop kissing you.
Matt threw his thoughts of doubt away. With you in front of him, the anxieties about you disappeared. It was funny, how it worked like that. The thing that brought him the most anxiety is the thing that could calm him down. Being in your presence. It’s like, he’s more himself when he’s behind the mask, with you.
Matt continued kissing you, his kisses turning more urgent, desperate. Now that he wasn’t Matt Murdock, the lawyer… A.K.A., your new boss, could let his thoughts about you run free in his mind. It took everything in him today, at the conference table, to not melt at your touch. To not let his sinful thoughts cloud his mind. To not think of all the nights he’s been with you, kissing you in a dark alley.
Now, he could. It was just the two of you. That’s how he liked it.
You placed your hands on his chest and gripped her shirt, pulling him closer. He walked you to the side of the door of the rooftop access, pushing you against the wall. His tongue teased your bottom lip as if asking permission to enter. You obliged. Your tongues met desperately, and he kissed you harder. So hard, it was as if you’d disappear if he stopped.
You pulled back, breathlessly.
“I’m not drunk,” you told him. He kissed your jaw.
“I know,” he said.
“Last time you said you wouldn’t touch me because I was drunk,” you explained, “I’m not drunk right now.”
Matt smirked. Using his own words against him. He wasn’t going to argue.
“Silk,” he simply stated as he gripped your waist. He felt your silk nightdress under your cardigan. "I love silk.”
“I didn’t wear it for you but I guess that works in my favor,” you smiled.
“It’s soft,” he whispered, his nose grazing your cheek. “But not as soft as you.” Matt swung your left leg around him, so you stood on your right. He held you in place against the wall as you firmly wrapped your leg around his waist. He made a low sound in your ear. He could feel your heart rapidly beat in your chest. You weren’t nervous. You were aroused. And your sex, between your legs, he knew was throbbing, and wet. He could sense it in the air. He took a deep breath as he reached his fingers underneath your silk dress and ran them along your stomach.
You shuddered at his touch, as you felt his hands trace you. He teasingly grabbed the lace of your thong and pulled it so it lightly smacked you. Matt slowly worked his way up to your breasts and felt the soft curves of them. He took one of them in his hand completely as he continued to hold your leg around him.
“So soft,” he whispered, “and mine.”
“All yours,” you said with a shaky breath.
He moved his hand to squeeze the other one in a kneading motion.
“Tell me to stop,” Matt hushed.
“You won’t hear that from me,” you said.
Slowly, he reached his hand down to your wetness. He had to take a deep breath himself as he felt your wetness twitch at his touch. He felt how soft you were and fully put his palm over your sex. He took his pointer finger it moved it up your slit, onto your clit.
“Oh,” you let slip out. You rubbed yourself urgently on him. Matt held you still.
“You like that, don’t you?” He asked. He knew the answer by your soft moan in response. He pushed one finger into your tightness and listened carefully to how you reacted. Breath hitched. Her heart skipped a beat. You spread your legs even more as he kept going in an in-and-out motion, getting faster and curving with each move. He slid a second finger in you and began to rapidly thrust inside your wetness. You held your breath.
“Breathe, sweetheart,” Matt whispered.
Listening to his command, you let out a loud, salacious breath as you held onto his shoulder. Matt kissed your neck as his fingers continued to work on your wetness. He was pounding his fingers inside you, hitting your sweet spot each time. And each time he felt him hit your sweet spot, you moaned, like a chant.
“Oh, God,” you said in a weak voice. “Oh my, God. Oh, oh, oh.”
He felt your sex tighten around his fingers.
“Keep making sounds in my ear,” Matt ordered. Your moans sounded like a prayer in his ears. He closed his eyes, as his fingers swam in your wetness. He wanted you to be louder.
His thumb found your clit, and you shivered against him with a moan.
“Oh, God,” you pleaded, “Yes. Keep going, Mike—oh, my—“
“I want you to come for me, sweetheart. Let me hear you,” Matt urged you as he swiped his thumb gently over your sensitive clit.
At the final swipe, you completely shivered against his body and held onto him so tightly, Matt knew you left scratches on his back. He knew you were riding the waves of pleasure he sent you in as you kept grinding against him, even after your climax. He felt your heart beating against his chest as you collapsed into him, letting your leg fall. Matt immediately held you against him, burying his face in your neck. You finally caught your breath.
“Well,” you began, “let me return the—“
“No,” Matt contended. “Just you.”
“That was for me, as much as it was for you,” He whispered. He caught your lips in a kiss. You melted into his touch and shook your head.
"This is bad now,” you said. Matt furrowed his brows.
“What is?”
You laughed ironically and shook your head.
“Not only are you trusting and you make me feel safe, and you’re hot,” you began, “but you’re a total fucking sweetheart.”
Matt laughed.
“No, that’s what I call you.” He kissed you and held you tighter.
“Mike?” You asked him. Matt paused. “I like this. What we have,” you said.
“I know. I do, too,” Matt answered. He tilted his head, wondering your meaning.
“And that’s still not enough for you, to take off your mask?”
He was quiet. He shook his head.
“I will. When it’s safer, and I know my enemies,” Matt explained, which wasn’t an entire lie. When Foggy and Karen found out about his secret, their lives were in danger for a few years. Evil was still out there, and he couldn’t risk you falling victim to what they went through. That part was true.
He knew you didn’t like his answer by the soft breath you huffed.
“Listen,” he spoke softly, “there are people who know who I am, and they almost got killed for it. I—I can’t let that happen to you. Please understand that,” Matt begged, placing his fingers on your jaw.
“I will,” you said, “for now. But you should know that if I know the risks, that’s on me,” you stated. “Not on you.”
“No,” Matt argued, “it is on me. That’s my weight to carry. I’m not arguing this further.”
“Okay,” you digressed.
“I have something for you,” Matt said. He reached into his pocket and found the burner phone he once gave to Claire. He placed it in your hands and wrapped your fingers around it.
“What is this, for booty calls?” You laughed.
“For when you need me,” Matt said.
“What if I always need you?” You purred as you kissed his jaw. Matt smiled.
“For when you need me when you’re in danger,” he corrected, “God forbid.”
“I’ll keep it with me all the time,” you told him. “Thank you.”
He could hear how tired you were, and if he remembered correctly, tomorrow was your first day at Nelson & Murdock.
“Go to sleep,” Matt whispered. “I’ll see you… tomorrow night.”
“Goodnight, my guardian angel,” you whispered.
“I think that’s the first time anyone’s ever called me an angel,” Matt said.
“It’s more fitting, in my opinion.”
When you went down to your room, Matt crunched at the corner of the rooftop and waited for you to crawl into bed. You put the burner phone in the drawer of your nightside table. He heard you scroll through your regular phone for a few minutes until you eventually fell asleep.
Perhaps, the risks of all this would be worth the outcome, whatever that may be.
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helbrides · 1 year
playlist masterlist:
if there is a serpent in our garden - inspired by the fall of x, gillen and werneck’s immortal x-men, and a funk-filled apocalypse
in the form, if not the flesh - inspired by claremont and simonson’s inferno, zeb well’s hellions, and madelyne pryor’s fall and rise
all we have left is threats - inspired by bendis’s uncanny x-men run and scott summer’s mutant freedom fighter era
though not one easily answered - inspired by mystique’s solo run and kieron gillen and lucas werneck’s immortal x-men
she’s someplace cold - inspired by netflix’s daredevil, the solo elektra run, and liu’s black widow: name of the rose
miles morales’ swinging playlist - inspired by itsv, every miles morales run, and growing up afrolatino in nyc
died on the job - inspired by future state: gotham and the under the red hood film
nothing can be done to change it - inspired by stover’s revenge of the sith novelization and the fall of the galactic republic
apathy is death - inspired by kotor i and kotor ii and the tragic nature of revan and the exile
traitor, idiot, count - inspired by cavan scott’s dooku: jedi lost and stover’s revenge of the sith novelization
i’m the only child you’ll ever need. you can kill the others. - inspired by hbo’s succession with an anne carson influence
new york is dead - inspired by hbo and bbc’s industry and the general misery of harper stern
🪆- inspired by netflix’s russian doll
i hope evil takes mastercard - inspired by buffy the vampire slayer and faith lehane’s hypothetical mixtape
casa de mi tia - songs that play in my central american aunts’ apartments
manic black girls rejoice - songs for the black girls that blast azealia banks and look up to octavia st. laurent and monet de haan
we look damn good - a possible heist story, think ocean’s 8, portrait of a thief, etc.
you’re morbid, you’ve taken away my appetite - a possible short story, think anne carson’s elektra, daughters of the dust, black girls and their mothers, etc. (falls under 001 on the pinterest board)
start a war, just for the feeling - a possible vampire story, think pledge, selah and the spades, an all-black buffy the vampire slayer, etc. (falls under 002 on the pinterest board)
sharpening my oyster knife - a possible story of a prophet, think the myth of cassandra, this is how you lose the time war, etc. (falls under 003 on the pinterest board)
and then there was doom - a possible post-apocalypse world were the radio only plays hip-hop
inspired by @fluoresensitive stunning playlists and tag system
aforementioned pinterest that accompanies the playlists can be found here
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thepenguinandthefiend · 6 months
My F/Os
Since I've decided to become a self-ship blog now, here's a list of my f/os. There will likely be more added later.
Romantic F/Os:
Zatanna Zatara (DC comics) {no sharing} Johanna Mason (Hunger Games) {no sharing} Desire (The Sandman) {no sharing} Elektra Natchios (Marvel comics) {no sharing} Bucky Barnes (MCU) {sharing iffy} Illyana Rasputin (X-Men) {no sharing} Bill Potts (Doctor Who) {sharing ok} Dean Winchester (Supernatural) {no sharing} Mazikeen (Lucifer) {sharing iffy} Remy LeBeau (X-Men) {sharing iffy} Gareth Ritter (Brain Dead) {no sharing} Vanessa Morales (In the Heights) {sharing iffy} Faith Lehane (Buffy the Vampire Slayer) {sharing ok} Elsa Bloodstone (Marvel Comics) {no sharing} Boodikka (Green Lantern) {sharing ok} Felicity Smoak (Arrow) {sharing iffy} Lena Luthor (Supergirl) {sharing iffy} Emilia Rothschild (Jack of All Trades) {sharing ok} Shotzi (WWE) {no sharing} Finn Balor (WWE) {no sharing} Abadon (AEW) {no sharing} Tulip O'Hare (Preacher) {sharing ok} Queen Emeraldas (Galaxy Express 999) {sharing ok} Dr. Kimiyo Hoshi (DC Comics) {sharing iffy} Darby Allin (AEW) {no sharing} Jenny Green (Dead Boy Detectives) {sharing iffy} Bleez (Green Lantern) {sharing ok} Klaus Hargreeves (Umbrella Academy) {no sharing} Harley Quinn (DC Comics) {sharing iffy} Poison Ivy {sharing iffy}
Queer-Platonic F/Os:
America Chavez (Young Avengers) Ella Lopez (Lucifer) Finnick Odair (Hunger Games) Hartley Rathaway (Flash/DC comics) Kate Bishop (Young Avengers) Monica Rambeau (Marvel Comics/MCU) Larissa Duan (Check, Please) Roxie Richter (Scott Pilgrim) Shvaughn Erin (Legion of Superheroes) Bling Mag (Repo: the Genetic Opera) Drew McIntyre (WWE) Yelena Belova (Marvel Comics) Ianto Jones (Torchwood) Benny Lafitte (Supernatural) Carla (In the Heights)
Platonic F/Os:
Kon-El (DC comics) Eliot Waugh (The Magicians) Jonathan Crane (DC comics) Wallace Wells (Scott Pilgrim) Ragdoll (Secret Six) Yukio Okumura (Blue Exorcist) Winn Schott Jr. (Supergirl) Edward Nygma (Gotham) William Poindexter (Check, Please) Jaysen Caulfield (Icebreaker) Onomatopoeia (DC comics) Topher Brink (Dollhouse) Danhausen (AEW) Roy Harper (DC comics/Arrowverse) Beetlejuice (Beetlejuice: the Musical)
Familial F/Os:
Alfred Pennyworth (DC comics) [grandfather] The Master (Doctor Who) [father] Wanda Maximoff (Marvel comics) [mother] Ursula (The Little Mermaid) [mother] Queen of Hearts (Alice in Wonderland) [mother] Bruce Wayne (DC comics) [father] Pietro Maximoff (Marvel comics) [uncle] Lorna Dane (Marvel comics) [aunt] Erik Lensher (Marvel comics) [grandfather] John Constantine (DC comics/Arrowverse) [older brother] Leon Kennedy (Resident Evil) [older brother] Leonard Snart (DC comics/Arrowverse) [older brother] Lisa Snart (DC comics/Arrowverse) [older sister] Kent Parson (Check, Please) [older brother] Dick Grayson (DC comics) [older brother] Jason Todd (DC comics) [older brother] Enjolras (Les Miserables) [twin brother] Tim Drake (DC comics) [younger brother] Damian Wayne (DC comics) [younger brother] Stephanie Brown (DC comics) [younger sister] Cassandra Cain (DC comics) [younger sister] Duke Thomas (DC comics) [younger brother] Billy Kaplan (Young Avengers) [younger brother] Tommy Shepherd (Young Avengers) [younger brother] Spike (Buffy the Vampire Slayer) [adopted brother] Dirk Gently (Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency) [cousin] Graham Miller (Buffy the Vampire Slayer) [cousin] Percy de Rolo (Vox Machina) [cousin] Luna Maximoff (Marvel comics) [cousin] 10K (Z-Nation) [son] Lonnie Machin (DC comics) [son] Andrew Wells (Buffy the Vampire Slayer) [adopted son] Giovanni Zatara (DC Comics) [father-in-law] Piotr Rasputin (X-Men) [brother-in-law] Teddy Altman (Young Avengers) [brother-in-law] Sam Winchester (Supernatural) [brother-in-law] Adam Milligan (Supernatural) [brother-in-law] Dream (Sandman) [brother-in-law] Death (Sandman) [sister-in-law] Delirium (Sandman) [sister-in-law] Despair (Sandman) [sister-in-law] Destiny (Sandman) [brother-in-law] The Prodigal (Sandman) [brother-in-law] Luther Hargreeves (Umbrella Academy) [brother-in-law] Diego Hargreeves (Umbrella Academy) [brother-in-law] Allison Hargreeves (Umbrella Acadmy) [sister-in-law] Five Hargreeves (Umbrella Academy) [brother-in-law] Ben Hargreeves (Umbrella Academy) [brother-in-law] Viktor Hargreeves (Umbrella Academy) [brother-in-law/best friend]
Pet F/Os:
Lockheed (X-Men) Dex-Starr (DC comics) Cheshire Cat (Alice in Wonderland)
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belle-keys · 11 months
I haven't read The Inheritance Games yet, but a couple years ago I read The Naturals series and description seemed intriguing, but I restrained myself from having high expectations. In the past so many descriptions sounded promising only to end up as mixture of romance and fantasy and somehow managed to make me disinterested in both until I found refugee in Brandon Sanderson's books to restore my faith in fantasy genre. Jennifer's writing made me invested from the start. Characters were well written with their own stories, insecurities and demons. The cherry on the top were dialogues. Recently I realised how dialogue could either make story great or make me cringe. I've realised this while reading Demon Copperhead. I gave this book 4 stars only because 5 stars go to my absolute favourites, books closest to my heart and Demon just didn't stole my heart, nevertheless it's good book. Sometimes dialogue, the way characters are speaking, words they're using just seems off to me. I can't imagine x words being spoken under y circumstances by z person. Great dialogues can stay with me and resonate with me long after I finish reading. I still remember Elektra half asking half stating Clytemnestra wished Elektra had died instead of Iphigenia. Did I wish for Clytemnestra to deny it, to say her daughter was wrong? Yes. Was I mad at Clytemnestra for not denying it? Also yes. Did I realise this conversation couldn't take different turn? Painfully so. Costanza Casati wrote one line that made me speechless. That's the beauty of literature to me. I can read book with hundreds of words I'll forget 2 days after I finish reading, but sometimes I read book with one sentence or dialogue that stays with me for long period of time.
I completely understand the love for good dialogue. It's part of why I've gravitated to playwrights a lot, like Sartre or Wilde, despite my general focus on prose during my studies. Good dialogue sticks with you and deeply reverberates.
I will say, The Inheritance Games is a clever YA mystery story. There is romance, but the mystery plot is a at the core of the story and personally, I loved how the many riddles and puzzles in the books kept me on my toes. You can read a book in the series in a day because it's really fast-paced.
Clytemnestra and Demon Copperhead are currently very high on my TBR. I may start Clytemnestra in November on ebook. I'm waiting for a physical copy of Demon Copperhead to arrive so I can really own it (Pulitzer and all). Try out Jennifer Saint's Elektra if you enjoy Clytemnestra as a character as well!
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astromechs · 2 years
2022 year in review
thank you for the tag @seek--rest
Number of stories posted to AO3:
2. Word count this year:
64,281 (this doesn't include things I didn't publish, and this doesn't include things I wrote in private rps with friends, so I have no idea what the actual word count is, that's just what AO3 told me from what I've posted lol, but I would imagine with all that put together it might be close to 100k)
3. Fandoms I wrote for:
taking the list from AO3 (in alphabetical order):
Captain America/Avengers (movies)
Daredevil (comics/TV)
Goncharov (1973)
Guardians of the Galaxy (comics/movies)
Jessica Jones (TV)
Moon Knight (TV)
Nova (comics)
Peacemaker (2022)
Scarlet Witch (comics)
She-Hulk (TV)
The Boys (TV/2019)
X-Men (comics)
4. Pairings:
ok so the list of all the pairings that got stuff posted to AO3:
Adrian Chase/Christopher Smith (Peacemaker)
Jean Grey/Wanda Maximoff (Marvel unless otherwise noted)
Gamora/Peter Quill
Steve Rogers/Natasha Romanoff
Gamora/Richard Rider
Matt Murdock/Marc Spector
Matt Murdock/Jennifer Walters
Matt Murdock/Peter Quill
Jessica Jones/Matt Murdock
Matt Murdock/Elektra Natchios
Queen Maeve/Starlight (Annie January) (The Boys)
Matt Murdock/Foggy Nelson
Matt Murdock/Richard Rider
Katya/Sofia (Goncharov lol)
Wanda Maximoff/Matt Murdock/Richard Rider
5. Stories with the most:
Kudos: this might be all i ever wanted (all i ever wanted to happen to me) — got right in at the She-Hulk finale hype so I think that helped to boost it
Bookmarks: same as above; people were really loving that one at the time it dropped!
Comment threads: whatever happens (happens to the both of us) — my first Peacemaker fic, and I think the timing of this hit when a lot of people were finishing up the show, but I'm really flattered and honored!
Word count: ghost behind my eyes
6. Work I'm most proud of (and why): I'm going to cheat and pick a few:
ghost behind my eyes — at 10,143 words, it remains my longest self-contained one shot, and I'm really proud of the character work I did here. Christopher Smith and his character development are really important to me, and here's to hoping that will continue in Peacemaker season 2!
standing at a broken altar (asking if we feel relief) — represented a whole new creative venture for me, featuring characters I (at least at the time) had never written into fic before, and I'm someone who's... honestly pretty lapsed, religion-wise, and writing this made me think about faith, how it's questioned, tested, and found again, in a way I haven't in a while. That's a theme I'd like to explore more in future writing — and I'm planning to do more of this through Matt.
almost paradise — the story that's been a long time coming for me. Gamora is literally one of my favorite characters of all time, and to say I... did not handle Infinity War well is putting it very, very mildly; that movie came out not that extremely long after a big personal loss in my real life, so losing a character that dear to me at that time was something I took really hard. This is the first time I've actually acknowledged her death in a piece of writing, and I'm proud of myself that I did.
7. Work I'm least proud of (and why): none of them? I don't usually post something unless I feel pretty good about it.
8. Share or describe a favorite review you received:
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cannot express how much this comment made my year. yes, I do. when women.
9. A time when writing was really, really hard: Honestly, my biggest challenge surrounding writing is just... working around my own chronic illness (which involves episodic fatigue) and mental health struggles. For one of those reasons or both at the same time, there were periods of the year that made writing more difficult than others. I'm working on incorporating smaller, more manageable writing goals during those periods so that I can still keep working without exhausting myself.
10. A scene or character you wrote that surprised you: I wasn't expecting Matt Murdock Slut Era to extend for as long as it did, and yet here we are.
11. A favorite excerpt of your writing: from almost paradise:
What he deserves, he thinks, is to be left here, alone with ghosts because that’s all he’s fit to provide company for — maybe until he becomes one himself. Because, yeah, if Ego had been telling the truth, for all his words had been worth, with the destruction of his planet, Peter can do that now. That might actually be better for everyone involved, because all he does, clearly, is pull people into a total shitstorm or get them killed. Sometimes both.
But people don’t ever really get what they deserve, do they? His mom, the kindest person the universe would probably ever know, hadn’t deserved to die from a tumor in her brain, put there by an evil man she’d chosen to give her huge heart to.
And he doesn’t deserve a hand reaching toward him, pulling him up from the floor.
12: How did you grow as a writer this year: My writing got a lot smuttier LMAO But it also just... reflected a "fuck it, we ball" type of attitude that I'd been slowly embracing. Inventing ships, writing whatever the fuck I want. I've grown a lot, and I feel really liberated.
13. How do you hope to grow next year: I hope to continue just... following my bliss. I've come a really long way in not caring as much about an invisible audience and just writing whatever I want, and I aim to keep doing that. I aim to keep believing in myself in that way and going the distance with my screwball ideas.
14. Who was your greatest positive influence this year as a writer (could be another writer or beta or cheerleader or muse etc etc): Would like to thank the discographies of Massive Attack, CHVRCHES, and Taylor Swift for fueling my writing. Also anyone when I said "I'm gonna put these blorbos together" who said "do it".
15. Anything from your real life show up in your writing this year: I mentioned it before, but almost paradise was written during a depressive episode and I've joked it was me flinging out all my unresolved grief issues onto the page instead of going to therapy in December (using, you know, one beloved character of mine grieving another beloved character's death as a proxy), so. yes.
16. Any new wisdom you can share with other writers: Don't write to cater to an audience; write to cater to yourself. If you love what you do, readers can see that love, and they'll believe in it, too. Readers are really good at telling what is and isn't genuine, so the best thing to do is just... be yourself.
17. Any projects you’re looking forward to starting (or finishing) in the new year: I have an existing WIP to finish, and a few more ideas in the can! Featuring: more Vigilmaker, more self-indulgent blorbo ships I invented (featuring either Matt Murdock or Rich Rider or both likely), and GOTG Vol 3 about to wreck my life, so of course I would imagine a good bulk of my writing this year will be related to it. This is all I'll say.
18. Tag some writers whose answers you’d like to read:
(no obligation!) @paperprinc3 @literatigeek @sgtjamesrogers @mari--lace @quillsmora
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Intergalactic Festival was WILD. The stadium was full and the fan chants shook the building like thunder.
GirlsRUs performed 3 songs including a new one, surprising their faithful fans.
The company officially revealed HEROES subunit - SHADOWPLAY - with a short film before the members came onto stage to perform a joint song with the older group, titled "Getting Closer".
Another subunit was revealed featuring members of ELEKTRA, ROZIE AND LEV8 along with Sora and fans went crazy. They performed their pre-debut song, 'Easy".
ROZIE performed a new song titled "Got That Boom" with new member Hyojin, formerly of 2FOLD. Fans noticed Effy seemed off and was slacking in some parts of her performances, which caused a bit of a scandal when the girls looked a bit annoyed.
During ELEKTRAS performance, Jenna cried and the girls comforted her. She had spotted her parents, brother, and sister in law in the crowd and didn't know they'd be there, so she was very emotional and happy.
Jieun performed 3 songs and even teased a new song in the making. She also gave a shout out to her amazing fiance Minho and gushed about how much she loved him, which the crowd found so cute.
There was a "hot security guard" who had his own fancam go viral because of his reaction to performances (smiling, singing along, and a moment where he helped a fan up in the crowd who had fallen over).
During HEROES set, Jai slipped on some confetti and fell onto his butt and that fancam went viral because of his adorable reaction.
Lilli of ROZIE got super close to the edge of the stage and took a fans phone during a song to sing to it. She ended up getting scolded by the groups manager backstage because she almost fell off when giving it back.
HEROES x Shadowplay
Fans went apeshit. Prior to the boys coming onto the stage, a short video was played introducing the subunit, officially revealing the "shadow people" that followed HEROES in their gambler music video as...Shadowplay.
One of the most shocking moments was when Sora made her comeback in the subunit featuring members of elektra, lev8, and rozie. Fans were not expecting it and she received a lot of praise and cheers. The tag "ReturnOfSora" trended on Twitter and she received a lot of praise for her obvious confidence boost and more mature image. Huifang also caused a buzz and received very loud cheers by showing a more sexy side.
After a bit of a hiatus, ROZIE surprised their fans by performing a new song. Although there were a couple of moments where Effy messed up or appeared annoyed which caused a bit of a stir on SNS, reigniting the fire between Effy's solo stans and general Pozies (Rozies fanbase) and supporters of Jihye. In a behind-the-scenes vlog on Elektras youtube, there is a clip of the girls singing and dancing along backstage as they watch on a monitor, which some Pozies appreciated and others started trouble because...They're weird and have a hate boner for Elektra.
JIEUN - See Sea
Soloist turned CEO of Elevate Entertainment Jieun performed as well and she received loud ass cheers. A lot of fans cracked jokes comparing her to JYP, about how she was the much more pleasing CEO to watch perform. Fans also went nuts because she debuted her new short hair. Towards the end of the song, LEV8 came out and performed with her and they had so many cute interactions on stage which melted fans' hearts seeing how much she adores her girls.
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thexdesk · 1 year
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From the personal journal of M. Sinister.
Did you miss me? I hope you missed me. I’ve missed you dearly. It’s a big, bright beautiful world and the pit of Krakoa was oh so very drab and dark. Really, I would not recommend. All I could do was hold on to the hope that my mechanizations would come to fruition in my absence. It’s a rather big ask of fledgling little Sinister’s, but what’s a genius to do? Faith, trust and a little bit of genetically altered spliced D.N.A. will get the job done.
My, what a moment we are living in. I’ve come back to a great number of wonderful happenstances. My puppets have done as they were designed to do: they have acted like  a plague and infected the weak so that they too could become strong. More and more of the so called heroes have fallen under what will eventually be revealed to be my sway. The Five are entirely corrupted now and resurrect tarnished genetic samples without a care in the world. Prominent Avengers have joined the alliance and are hardwired to fight the X-Men without knowing why. How terrible it will reflect upon them; resurrected by the mutants they were, and yet, they turn to violence against them. Following the initial fell swoop that culled some of the Avengers at the Avengers Mansion, we have been sneakily arranging the death and replacement of whoever we can get our grubby little hands on. The now corrupted — although I prefer to think of them as purified — have been recorded below for future prosperity.
Where do we go from here? Well, pet, the only place is up. As I write, the Avengers and the X-Men are priming for battle. We will walk away victorious while they will lick their wounds publicly. We win, they lose. Ha. Of course, we have our adversaries. Raven remains the treacherous thorn in the side she’s always been, and her wife threatens ruination for all. They’ve absconded in the night like fugitives. Less subtle is Storm. She’s always been all thunder and lightening. Her teaming up with Raven and Irene could put a stop to the entire ordeal, so we’ll have to remain ahead of them. It’s tricky when one is a precog, isn’t it? Nevertheless, we will persevere. 
Now that I’ve returned, expect to see me more often, dear diary. I will diligently keep record of all that transpires. The Fall of X is a wondrous place to be, isn’t it?
Nathaniel Essex, the master planner known as Mister Sinister
A lovely little list of those corrupted:
alex summers (616)
america chavez (mcu)
anna-marie lebeau (616)
anya corazon (616)
billy kaplan (616)
bobbi morse (616)
carol danvers (616)
clea strange (616)
crystalia amaquelin (616)
daimon hellstrom (616)
elektra natchios (616)
elsa bloodstone (616)
eva bell (616)
fabio medina (616)
felicia hardy (616)
gamora (616)
greer nelson (616)
jeanne foucault (616)
jeanne-marie beaubier (616)
josh foley (616)
julian keller (616)
kara killgrave (616)
kevin mactaggert (616)
kwannon (616)
laurie collins (616)
layla el-faouly (mcu)
lucas bishop (616)
madelyne pryor (616)
maría aracely penalba (616)
megan gwynn (616)
namor mckenzie (616)
natasha romanoff (616)
neena thurman (616)
peter quill (616)
phyla-vell (616)
remy lebeau (931)
richard rider (616)
riri williams (616)
sebastian shaw (616)
scott summers (616)
shuri (mcu)
stepford cuckoos (616)
tabitha smith (616)
tandy bowen (616)
tyrone johnson (616)
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It's been years but Elektra and Faith were roommates to friends to lovers. They're girlfriends and I love them. Elektra made Faith a t-shirt ffs, and Faith reels Elektra in.
Where are the headcanons about them? Where are the fics where Elektra is holding water at the sidelines of Faith's runs? Or with Faith sitting in the side passing Elektra tools as she fixes up a bike. Them sharing a bed when there's a powercut at the DG and Elektra refuses to admit she's cold so Faith pretends that she is so Elektra will come and cuddle with her. Elektra slowly opening up to Faith and Faith being able to calm Elektra down when she's upset.
Someone come talk to me about them pls
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doyelikehaggis · 1 year
Fandoms + Ships (for Prompt Purposes)
As I like to reblog prompts a lot but have the annoying little habit of jumping ship on a fandom fast than a pirate invasion, I decided it is finally time I make an official list, which will be constantly updated as I develop new interests! If there’s a ship you want to request but it isn’t here, just ask and I’ll let you know where I stand with it!
In The Flesh
• Kieren x Rick
• Kieren x Simon
The Hunger Games
• Everlark (Katniss/Peeta)
• Finnick/Annie
• Haymitch/Effie
• Katniss/Madge
• Caswen (Ricky/EJ)
• Portwell (EJ/Gina)
• Mashlynn (Maddox/Ashlynn)
• Ricky/Jet
The Vampire Diaries
• Stelena (Stefan/Elena)
• Mattlena (Matt/Elena)
• Tylena (Tyler/Elena)
• Elenijah (Elijah/Elena)
• Barolena (Bonnie/Caroline/Elena)
• Stexi (Stefan/Lexi)
• Denzo (Damon/Enzo)
• Forwood (Tyler/Caroline)
• Maroline (Matt/Caroline)
• Bamon (Bonnie/Damon)
• Bamenzo (Bonnie/Damon/Enzo)
• Carenzo (Caroline/Enzo)
• Dalijah (Damon/Elijah)
• Parkwood (Tyler/Liv)
• Klayley (Klaus/Hayley)
• Handon (Hope/Landon)
• Jandon (Josie/Landon)
• Henelope (Hope/Penelope)
• Hizzie (Hope/Lizzie)
• Kizzie (Kaleb/Lizzie)
• Methan (MG/Ethan)
• Ked (Kaleb/Jed)
• Dark!Jobastian (Dark!Josie/Sebastian)
• Landizzie (Landon/Lizzie)
Teen Wolf
• Sciles (Scott/Stiles)
• Scydia (Scott/Lydia)
• Mccallinski (Lydia/Scott/Stiles)
• Stalia (Stiles/Malia)
• Malydia (Malia/Lydia)
• Stira (Stiles/Kira)
• Scira (Scott/Kira)
• Liason (Liam/Mason)
• Allydia (Allison/Lydia)
• Allerica (Allison/Erica)
• Berica (Boyd/Erica)
• Malisaac (Malia/Isaac)
• Lydora (Lydia/Cora)
• Allora (Allison/Cora)
• Scanny (Scott/Danny)
• Malira (Malia/Kira)
The Witcher
• Yennskier (Yennefer/Jaskier)
• Geraskerer (Geralt/Yennefer/Jaskier)
• Raskier (Radovid/Jaskier)
• Trennefer (Triss/Yennefer)
• Geralt/Triss
• Frobby (Bobby/Freddie)
• Chryed (Christian/Syed)
• Ballum (Ben/Callum)
• Sukeve (Suki/Eve)
• Ben Mitchell/Kheerat Panesar
• Jack Branning/Michael Moon
• Whitney Dean/Chelsea Fox
• Lauren Branning/Peter Beale
• Lauren Branning/Lucy Beale
• Peter Beale/Fatboy
• Zack Hudson/Martin Fowler
• Zack Hudson/Felix Baker
• Anna Knight/Bernie Taylor
• Stacey Slater/Danielle Jones
• Peter Beale/Tamwar Masood
• Darren Miller/Tamwar Masood
• Masood Ahmed/Jane Beale
• Anna Knight/Bobby Beale
• Anna Knight/Bobby Beale/Freddie Slater
• Linda Carter/Alfie Moon
• McHay (Ste/John Paul)
• McShepherd (John Paul/Carter)
• Stendan (Ste/Brendan)
• Brendan/Walker
• Joel/Theresa
• Brendan/Warren
• Brendan & Mitzeee (platonic)
• Brendan & Joel (platonic)
• Amy/Michaela
• Leah/Vicky
• Roey (Rachel/Joey)
• Chanoey (Chandler/Joey)
Stranger Things
• Elmax (El/Max)
• Elumax (El/Lucas/Max)
• Byclair (Lucas/Will)
• Byler (Will/Mike)
• Ronance (Robin/Nancy)
• Steddie (Steve/Eddie)
• Blam (Blaine/Sam)
• St. Hudson (Finn/Jesse)
• Tike (Tina/Mike)
• Quinntana (Quinn/Santana)
• Pezberry (Santana/Rachel)
• Quinncedes (Quinn/Mercedes)
• Sike (Sam/Mike)
• Jarley (Jake/Marley)
• Kurtbastian (Kurt/Sebastian)
The Flash
• Barrisco (Barry/Cisco)
• Snowbarrisco (Caitlin/Barry/Cisco)
• WestStein (Joe/Martin)
• Superflash (Barry/Kara)
• Thallen (Barry/Eddie)
•Westthallen (Iris/Barry/Eddie)
• Westhawne (Iris/Eddie)
• Jamie/John
• John/Brianna
• Brianna/Roger
• Lizzie/Josiah/Kezzie
• William/Denzell
• Lucifella (Ella/Lucifer)
• Douchifella (Lucifer/Dan/Ella)
• Mazifer (Maze/Lucifer)
• Douchifer (Dan/Lucifer)
• Chlaze (Chloe/Maze)
• Jasico (Jason/Nico)
• Jercy (Jason/Percy)
• Perachel (Percy/Rachel)
• Rachabeth (Rachel/Annabeth)
• Pipabeth (Piper/Annabeth)
• Merthur (Merlin/Arthur)
• Mercelot (Merlin/Lancelot)
•Merwaine (Merlin/Gwaine)
• Morgwen (Morgana/Gwen)
The Dumping Ground
• Elektra/Faith
• Elektra/Carmen
• Carmen/Lily
• Tyler/Jody
• Jody/Sasha
• Tyler/Ryan
• Chloe/Candi-Rose
• Candi-Rose/Bird
• Candi-Rose/Jay
The Story of Tracy Beaker
• Tracy/Crash
• Tracy/Ben
• Tracy/Lol
• Lol/Wolfie
• Crash/Rio
• Justine/Rebecca
Life With Derek
• Dasey (Derek/Casey)
• Derek/Sam
• Derek/Trevor
• Casey/Sally
Boy Meets World
• Shory (Shawn/Cory)
• Jeric (Jack/Eric)
• Eric/Jason
• Shawngela (Shawn/Angela)
• Shawpanga (Shawn/Topanga)
Girl Meets World
• Rilaya (Riley/Maya)
• Riley/Zay
• Riarkle (Riley/Farkle)
• Lucaya (Lucas/Maya)
• Maya/Zay
• Riley/Maya/Zay
• Jal (Jay/Mal)
• Jaylos (Jay/Carlos)
• Mevie (Mal/Evie)
• Hevie (Harry/Evie)
• Buma (Ben/Uma)
• Umaudrey (Uma/Audrey)
• Haudrey (Harry/Audrey)
• Humaudrey (Harry/Uma/Audrey)
• Bevie (Ben/Evie)
• Creddie (Carly/Freddie)
• Carly/Sam
• Carper (Carly/Harper)
• Sparper (Spencer/Harper)
• Tandre (Tori/Andre)
• Jori (Jade/Tori)
Zoey 101
• Quogan (Quinn/Logan)
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amysosamybeloved · 3 years
finished watching the defenders yesterday and i have a lot of thoughts:
first off i feel like after kingpin and kilgrave the shows kept trying to reach that level of antagonists and they’ve kept falling short and cause there was racism involved that stopped them from fleshing out the hand it goes without saying that the antagonists were kinda lackluster and the organization and the whole war thing doesn’t really feel as compelling as it could’ve (outside the implicit racism of the entire thing which goes without saying)
two, this is probably biased but i really really wish we could’ve seen more of elektra, like yes she ends up becoming kind of the antagonist so her story is pretty low on the list of priorities (it also was annoyingly low during dds2 compared to other characters but that’s another rant for another day) but those few scenes they actually gave her really hit (for me they definitely did) and it really sucks that they underutilized her again
elektra natchios deserves better characterization than a few offhand lines.
i just wish they had delved more into what was making her tick now because like it’s clear she feels incredibly protective of matt and she wouldn’t let anyone else hurt him and the apology at the end and her back and forth in general during the final act could’ve been written so much more better. to me it felt like she was still gaining awareness of who she used to be but considering how she came back without her memories the fear she had of death overpowered it all and her memories were still pretty fractured (she misremembers it as matt letting her die and not her saving him and taking away what the hand needed from her)
i like to think she kinda remembered in the end the she died the first time to protect him and tried to shield him from the rubble as best as she could (before they got separated and then the scenes we saw in the first episode of s3 happened)
this inadvertently turned into an elektra character analysis to no one’s surprise but in short the show was decent and way more enjoyable than season 1 of iron fist but as always i do wish the writing around certain characters was a bit more thought out you know
idk why i’m still talking about this it’s been like five years or something
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Angel (Matt Murdock x Reader)
Author’s Note: If you guys have read my Matt Murdock fics before, you know I have a thing for Matt calling the reader “angel.” I feel it’s the most Matt in terms of endearment: he’s a good Catholic boy whose faith is a crucial part of his character, and the reader is the most precious thing in his life. Then I got the idea that maybe Matt and Reader might call each other “angel”—maybe even as a shorthand for “I love you.” Then I got another idea and wrote the last line that made me cry. I’m sorry.
Summary: After coming to Matt’s place, you find an old man in his living room and a beautiful woman in his bed. Matt explains the situation before disaster can strike.
Warnings: Angst (discussion of cheating/infidelity/canon typical violence/blood/death), tender fluff of a love that runs deep
Other Characters: Elektra Natchios, Stick (à la 2x08)—they’re just there, they don’t say anything
Word Count: 1,379
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“Matt?” you ask, your mind racing a million miles a minute as you take in everything before you. 
Matt’s focus whips around, his head tilting, listing to your body. He gets up from the side of his bed, leading you to his front hall, away from the woman in his room and Stick in the main living space. 
“(Y/N), I promise, it’s not what you think,” he says softly, taking your hands in his. You can’t bring your eyes to look at his face, your brain trying to process everything: the extra secrecy, a woman being in Matt’s bed—your side of the bed, wearing Matt’s shirt. 
“So . . . So you’re not . . .” you start.
“Elektra just needs my help. She can’t do this on her own.”
“Elektra . . . Your ex from college?”
“You . . . You know about that?”
“Foggy mentioned it a few weeks ago.”
He mutters something you can’t quite make out, shaking his head.
“We do have a history, yes, but that’s not why he’s here. (Y/N), Elektra is wrapped up in something dangerous. Everything that I told you Stick was teaching me and training me for when I was young—.”
“This is connected to it?” you finish, not quite a question, but not exactly a statement.
“Yeah,” Matt finishes. “In a nutshell.”
You let out a shaky breath, swallowing hard. “You’re not cheating.”
“No, never, angel. Never.”
“I know, Matty, I shouldn’t have even . . . it’s just with everything going on, I—.”
“I understand how it all looks, I get it. But I am telling you that there’s nothing going on between her and I. Yes, we were together, but that is all in the past. I swear that to you.”
“And this group you’re up against?”
“Angel, the less you know about this, the safer you are. I could never forgive myself if something happened to you because of me.”
“Okay,” you nod, finally bringing yourself to look at his face. Even Matt’s most minute expressions have always been extremely expressive. In the slight raise of his eyebrows, the small part in his lips, the minute tilt of his head; yes, he is anxious and wired, but he’s relieved at your trust in him.
Matt lets out a sob of a breath, kissing your forehead before wrapping you in a tight hug. You wrap your arms around him just as snugly as he buried his face into my neck, breathing you in. 
“I promise you, when this is over, we’re taking a trip. Anywhere you want: Greece, France—.”
“Matt, hey, shh,” you say, running your fingers through his hair. “You’ve never been further north that 116th Street.” A small smile pulls to his face, his beautiful hazel eyes growing glassy with tears. “All I want is to be with you, wrapped in your arms. I don’t care if that’s on your terribly uncomfortable couch or in a little inn somewhere or wherever else you can imagine. I just need you, Matthew. My angel.”
You wipe a stray tear from his cheek, pressing a tender kiss into his stubble. 
“You’re too good for me,” Matt mumbles, his head hung in shame.
“It’s not about if I’m good enough for you or not. All that matters is what we feel.” You take his hand and place it right above your heart. “I know you feel this, Matty. Sometimes, you’re an extreme pain in my ass, but this steady thump is all for you. I love you.”
Matt takes your other hand, mirroring your stance, enveloping your hand in his warmth. “And I love you.” Your foreheads rest against one another’s as you stand in silence, not needing to say anything to let one another know exactly how you feel. 
“I should go, Matty,” you finally whisper. “You need to be a hero for the city. But know that you’ve never needed to wear that suit or the horns to be a hero—to be my hero. You’ve only ever needed to be Matt Murdock.” 
A sad smile pulls at the corner of his lips. “You’ve always had faith in me,” he says, his baritone gravely. 
“Despite popular belief, you make it quite easy.”
Leaning in, you capture his lips with yours, pouring in all the love you can. Matt reciprocates, his hold on your waist grounding him to the moment and reminding him of your words—reminding you both of the three words, eight letters you’ve said to one another over and over: I love you, I love you, I love you. 
“Call me when you make it home,” he whispers, his fingers brushing against your cheek. 
“Always,” you tell him, pressing one more kiss to his lips before you pull yourself from his embrace and out of his apartment. 
Moving out of the door and down the street, the night air is refreshing on your face. The pleasure is cut short, however, when you feel a searing pain in your stomach. Looking down, you see a large knife lodged in your flesh as you grow hot with fear. Falling to your knees, you panic. You’ve watched enough television and are friends with enough medical professions to know not to take out anything lodged in a wound unless you want to make it worse. But judging by the size of this knife, it won’t matter what you do with it. 
You don’t know if it’s shock or reality, but you hear Matt’s voice ringing in your ears, distress coating every ounce of his voice. What feels simultaneously seconds and eons, you hear Matt’s voice more clearly, feeling his arms wrap his arms around you.
“(Y/N),” he repeats again, his words echoing the sound of his heart breaking. He knows this isn’t good. He can hear it.
“Matty,” you say, feeling something warm and sticky trickle from your mouth. Blood.
“D-Don’t,” he says, stroking your hair. “Don’t exert yourself. It’ll be okay. I promise.” Fumbling, he pulls out his phone and taps the screen. “We need and ambulance,” he stutters as he speaks into the phone. 240 Center Street. My-My girlfriend, s-she needs help. She was stabbed.”
He lets the phone fall from the side of his face to the ground, moving back to cradle you with both of his arms. 
“Help is on the way,” he whispers, large tears plopping down onto your face. “It’ll all be okay, angel. I promise.”
“Matty,” you repeat. “I love you.”
“I love you, too, angel. But don’t say it like that, alright? You’ll be okay.”
You move your hand up to his face at the cost of pulling on your wound and putting you in serious pain as tears make your vision blurry. “Matty. My angel.”
“(Y/N) . . .”
A smile pulls at your lips, finding comfort that even though the inevitable is coming, you’re in the arms of the man that you love. 
“My angel,” you repeat. 
Matt leans forward and presses a long, wet kiss to your forehead. 
“(Y/N), please,” he begs. “Hang on a little longer. I can hear the sirens. They’re close. Help is almost here, and it’ll all be okay. It’ll be okay, I promise.”
“You’re a good man, you have a good heart. You’re my angel. Never forget that,” you tell him. “I love you.”
“(Y/N)? Sweetheart, talk to me just a little bit longer, please. Just a few more minutes, please.”
“I love you, angel,” you repeat. “My angel . . .”
Matt continues to beg with you, with God, with anyone that could hear him, to keep you with him. He feels his heart split in two as he hears your heartbeat grow weaker, the blood from your wound growing in a puddle that is too large for any positive outcome. His heart shatters when he hears your heart take one last week pump, a soft breath falling from your lips. Matt’s bottom lip trembles uncontrollably as his face twists up and his eyes pinch shut so hard it’s painful. He curls around you to bring you close to his body, weeping and rocking your lifeless form in his arms as the ambulance and other emergency vehicles pull up to his building to offer help that is of no use to pull his angel back from Heaven.
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Permanent Taglist: @majesticavenger​​​​​​​​​ @steampowerednightvaler​​​​​​​​​​ @themusingsofmany​​​​​​​​​​ @just-the-hiddles​​​​​​​​​​ @toozmanykids​​​​​​​ @dangertoozmanykids101​​​​​​ @clints-worldavengers @theburningbookshop​ @itwasthereaminuteago​ @peter1ismybrother​
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hellskitchenswhore · 2 years
#love (Volume 2)
A Brush With The Law by @coalix - You're a cop in Hell's Kitchen and dating Matt Murdock
Wanting by @coalix - You're the secretary for Nelson & Murdock, then Elektra shows up. #angst, #idiots in love, #idiots to lovers
"I can't lose you, too." by @leossmoonn - You're hurt in the hospital, but it's all going to be okay
Dancing by @briefcasejuice
Formed Within A Storm by @briefcasejuice - #idiots in love
Let Me by @softlikesilkchiffon - matt patches up vigilante!reader
Halo Not Included by @undiscovered-horizon
Pieces of You by @undiscovered-horizon
Irked by @hart269 - Matt is annoyed as a guy hits on you
bruises by @goldustwomun - You comfort matt after a long night, #love and #stitches
"Calmed" by @mydevilofhellskitchen - You couldn't ever sleep whilst he was out
Home With You by @cellophaine - Matts a supportive boyfriend through your shitty job
"You're more than a fling." by @pedrito-friskito
Daybed by @cellophaine - married life with Matt
"I would do anything for you" by @pedrito-friskito - friends to lovers, savior!matt
kid, jackass, love & beauty, faith, imagine by @literaila - Reader is Frank Castle's younger sibling
Tracking the Devil by @mattmurdocksscars - enhanced!Reader saves Matt when he's chained up by the Punisher, splash of #angst
A Normal Day by @cellophaine - A small party for Matt's birthday
Matt x Introverted!Fem!Reader by @peterman-spideyparker
Genesis by @itwasthereaminuteago - Matt's loved you from the beginning, #religious imagery
Quiet Love by @murdocks-devil - quiet domestic moments on a sleepy rainy night
Loving You Is Easy by @peterman-spideyparker - soft and tender love with a #proposal thrown in
So This is Love by @coalix - Matt asks you to move in, #fluff
"I love you." by @mvtthewmurdvck - Those 3 words slip during an argument
reciprocum by @murdocks-devil - Matt Murdock is a giver
Catch The Wind by @kaylaxwrites - You've known Matt since childhood and he pushes you away to protect you. Meanwhile, you develop a relationship with the Devil of Hell's Kitchen that puts you in danger, #angst and #torture
aere perennius by @saintmurd0ck - matt's love for you can only be described as aere perennius, or more lasting than bronze, #poetry
neogenesis by @murdock-and-the-sea - a #stitches fic, #poetry
the hand that strikes by @saintmurd0ck - an ode to Matt's hands, #poetry
For as long as you'd let me by @fulmis - You and Matt have been ignoring your feelings until you start dating someone else
right where you left me by @goldustwomun - You meet Matt once a year, every year. #smut
A Full Sentence by @letterfromvienna - Matt doesn't know what he did to deserve you, a little #angst
Dating Foggy's introverted sister by @marvelswh0re
Familiar Senses by @leahsficemporium - Matt could find you anywhere in Hell's Kitchen
Lighter by @abbyhaslongshorts - Sunday mornings in church before and after Matt
Both Sides by @mvtthewmurdvck - Matt finds you stitching yourself up in his bathroom and it prompts a confession
perhaps love by @alrighty-matty - 5 times Matt didn't realize he was in love with you and 1 time he did, #fluff
Pretty Eyes by @writings-of-a-hufflepuff - In the two years you've known him, you've never seen Matt's eyes, #idiots in love
I deserve you, and you deserve me by @ktheartsdaredevil - Matt comes home after a night on patrol, #fluff
Matt x lawyer!reader by @mattmurdockspainkink - You make your case for Matt to stay home tonight
how you get the girl by @rosemaremembrance - Matt realizes he made a mistake letting you go, #the reveal, #smut
upstairs by @mvtthewmurdvck - matt walks you home from the bar
"Can I have this dance?" by @saintmurd0ck - a small moment
On the Other Side by @eiressofinspirationwrites - matt's benched and you come home with serious wounds, #vigilante!reader
please don't be mad by @chvoswxtch - Matt's involvement with Elektra has you questioning everything w/ a big fight and lots of #angst and #smut
Starlight by @fandom-imagines-stories - You're coping with trauma and where you fit in matt's life, #angst
Nights, to Morning Kisses by @mvtthewmurdvck - figuring out what you are together after stitching him up
"If I'm lucky." by @grippingbeskar - You boss asks you out for a drink
Stitched Up by @silversweetpea - You make a jacket for the Devil of Hell's Kitchen, so much #fluff
Don't Blame Me by @mattmurdockspainkink - Matt's had a rough week and he tries not to take it out on you... until he does; #angst, #smut, #comfort, #depressed!matt
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Hartley's F/O List - Part 1
(not comfortable sharing) Zatanna Zatara (DC Comics) Johanna Mason (Hunger Games) Klaus Hargreeves (Umbrella Academy) Elektra Natchios (Marvel Comics) Shotzi (WWE) Hartley Rathaway (Flash) Finn Balor (WWE) Darby Allin (AEW) Dr. Harleen Quinzell (DC Comics) Dr. Pamela Isley (DC Comics) Desire (Sandman) Abadon (AEW) Gareth Ritter (Brain Dead) Bucky Barnes (MCU) Dean Winchester (Supernatural) Drew McIntyre (WWE) Jim Jimenez (Our Flag Means Death)
(conditional sharing) Remy LeBeau (X-Men) Faith Lehane (Buffy the Vampire Slayer) Elsa Bloodstone (Marvel Comics) Mazikeen (Lucifer) Illyana Rasputin (X-Men) Felicity Smoak (Arrow) Lena Luthor (Supergirl) Emilia Rothschild (Jack of All Trades) Tulip O'Hare (Preacher)
(sharing okay) Vanessa Morales (In the Heights) Bill Potts (Doctor Who) Kimiyo Hoshi (DC Comics) Jenny Green (Dead Boy Detectives) Bleez (Green Lantern) Boodikka (Green Lantern) Queen Emeraldas (Galaxy Express)
Queer Platonic
Ianto Jones (Torchwood) Yelena Belova (Marvel Comics) Finnick Odair (Hunger Games) Carla (In the Heights) Ella Lopez (Lucifer) Larissa "Lardo" Duan (Check, Please) Monica Rambeau (Marvel Comics/MCU) Benny Lafitte (Supernatural) Roxie Richter (Scott Pilgrim) America Chavez (Marvel Comics) Kate Bishop (Marvel Comics/MCU) Angela Gomez (Obliterated) Blind Mag (Repo! the Genetic Opera) Shvaughn Erin (Legion of Super Heroes)
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Matt/Elektra Week Day 5
Fave Quotes/Song
I’m terrible at making posts (especially the pretty kind) but my ultimate song for them is Take Me to Church by Hozier.
“The only heaven I'll be sent to Is when I'm alone with you I was born sick, but I love it Command me to be well
Amen, Amen, Amen
Take me to church
I'll worship like a dog at the shrine of your lies I'll tell you my sins and you can sharpen your knife Offer me that deathless death Good God, let me give you my life”
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