septembersghost · 2 years
Would love to read your thoughts about the narrative within red that you mentioned in one of your previous posts… please tell us more! 🤍
okay so, this has existed in my head for nearly a decade! let me see if i can even explain it properly (i might have to dig up something i wrote a few years ago, but never shared on tumblr). 💖💖💖💖 this is focused on the central tracklist, State of Grace - Begin Again, because while i love and adore the bonus/vault tracks, those sixteen songs are what tell the story for me.
last year, when taylor announced red tv, she wrote:
"The heartbroken might go through thousands of micro-emotions a day trying to figure out how to get through it without picking up the phone to hear that old familiar voice. In the land of heartbreak, moments of strength, independence, and devil-may-care rebellion are intricately woven together with grief, paralyzing vulnerability and hopelessness. Imagining your future might always take you on a detour back to the past...Musically and lyrically, Red resembled a heartbroken person. It was all over the place, a fractured mosaic of feelings that somehow all fit together in the end. Happy, free, confused, lonely, devastated, euphoric, wild, and tortured by memories past."
and that struck the chord beautifully for me, because it's always how i've envisioned and understood the story of the album, and its rollercoaster of sounds and emotions.
we begin the story with the anthemic opener of State of Grace, which has almost a sense of wonderment and euphoria in experiencing the world, those drums like a heartbeat, and it sets up the thesis of the record - it's like a prologue. we fall in love 'til it hurts or bleeds or fades in time. and I never saw you coming, and I'll never be the same. it also has this transcendent sort of faith in it - the heartbreak has already happened, but she's telling us what it's worth. this is a state of grace, this is the worthwhile fight. love is a ruthless game, unless you play it good and right. these are the hands of fate, you're my Achilles' heel. this is the golden age of something good, and right, and real.
then we dovetail into Red, and it's like a flashback and a flashforward, reflecting on what's happened as a whole, while also serving as a set up for the rest of the story to unfold. she's already compared this love to a cannonball, and now to driving down a dead end street, so we feel this overwhelming rush. faster than the wind, passionate as sin. she sets everything up for the ups and downs. losing him was blue...but loving him was red.
Treacherous is like a snapshot of the first part of their story. she's discovered this tenuous, dangerous, unstoppable force that she's fallen in love with, even knowing it's reckless. I can't decide if it's a choice getting swept away. I hear the sound of my own voice, asking you to stay. and all we are is skin and bone, trained to get along. forever going with the flow, but you're friction. she takes the risk, and when it ends up being as treacherous as expected, she berates herself for not knowing better, even though she saw his red flags, like i mentioned in the other post (I knew you were trouble...and I realize the blame is on me), and it sounds chaotic because she's struggling.
the worst of the heartbreak happens with the entirety of All Too Well, and i could write about ATW forever, but i think we all know its power! she's going over and over what happened, asserting her own memory (I was there, I remember it), while also being strong and insistent that he knew it too (you told me 'bout your past thinking your future was me...back before you lost the one real thing you've ever known...wind in my hair, you were there, you remember it all, down the stairs, you were there, you remember it all...), and desperately trying to put together the pieces of what's happened (just to break me like a promise, so casually cruel in the name of being honest...I'd like to be my old self again, but I'm still trying to find it). she knows what she felt, she knows it was real, and rare, and it was sacred to her.
how do you come away from that pain? be with friends and just try to forget it all (make fun of our exes). it's also important that 22 follows ATW because of what happened at her 21st birthday. it's supposed to be fun - so she reclaims that next year instead.
but the pull of that love is still there, still inescapable, still in her mind in the night. she has to stop herself from reaching out to him. we made quite a mess, babe. it's probably better off this way...and I just wanna tell you, it takes everything in me not to call you. and I wish I could run to you. and I hope you know that every time I don't, I almost do. she even uses it to foreshadow "never ever" - I bet it never, ever occurred to you that I can't say "hello" to you and risk another goodbye, until finally she realizes, no, this can never work, there's too much hurt for it to ever be okay (WANEGBT - then you come around again and say, "baby, I miss you, and I swear I'm gonna change, trust me." remember how that lasted for a day?).
then Stay Stay Stay is the daydream, where she's picturing what could be, if someone would stay, someone who would take her for all she is (you took the time to memorize me, my fears, my hopes and dreams, I just like hanging out with you all the time. all those times that you didn't leave, it's been occurring to me - I'd like to hang out with you for my whole life). it's like a transition from the climactic, powerful heartbreak into something else.
The Last Time is the final realization of why some things are too broken to be fixed (you wear your best apology, but I was there to watch you leave).
Holy Ground is a recognition of healing, and realizing that's possible. it's a joyful reminiscing of a whole other romance of the past, wistful with a tiny bit of new wishful thinking creeping in too, and she brings back in the love as spirituality theme that exists in State of Grace (and, as we now know, in ATW10). it's so important because it contains recovery. it was good never looking down, and right there where we stood, was holy ground...tonight I'm gonna dance for all that we've been through.
Sad Beautiful Tragic is also a reminiscence, but a much more regretful one, and one where they were both wrong at times (and time is taking its sweet time erasing you. and you've got your demons, and darling they all look like me). she's still trying to understand why something beautiful and magical could come with such agony, how to reconcile that. it's tied back to ATW (time won't fly, it's like I'm paralyzed by it), but this time she's trying to let go (for the life of us we can't get back). the reason those memories are being stirred up is because of the difficulty she's having in processing and putting away what happened in the story of ATW, but if she can celebrate one, and feel a sense of catharsis, maybe it's beginning to get better.
The Lucky One shifts to a new perspective, one much more on personal identity (though the difficulty of finding an honest love still comes up - and your lover in the foyer don't even know you), and how everything can seemingly be going right, everyone can tell you that you're pretty and lucky, but you can still feel betrayed and alone (and they tell you that you're lucky, but you're so confused, 'cause you don't feel pretty, you just feel used). the subject of the song took the money and your dignity and got the hell out, and she's thinking maybe that's the right choice, because the atmosphere has become oppressive, filled with hollow praise and memories of past love and the people who left.
then light streams back in, and everything changes, and she finds there's still room to fall in love again (so dust off your highest hopes) and every time she discovers it anew, there's a leap of faith in it (all I know is a newfound grace). she finds a way to believe and to dance again (Starlight has outside inspiration, but it's also a big moment of recovery on the record, dreaming impossible dreams.)
Begin Again closes the story with an exhale, a new beginning, something simple, and kind, and hopeful. there is a chance to heal, and there is a way to find yourself again, and to embrace your passion and happiness, and there will be someone who listens, and never mocks your dreams, and looks at you like a treasure. and even if that doesn't last, there's the hope someday it will. she's been through all this pain and tumult, and she learns to value herself again, and to open her heart and trust again. she's finally able to stop dragging herself back through the shattered glass of what was, to be in a new sparkling moment. for the first time what's past is past ...I think it's strange that you think I'm funny 'cause he never did. I've been spending the last eight months thinking all love ever does is break and burn and end. but on a Wednesday, in a cafe I watched it begin again.
it's always been almost like a book set to music for me, where every chapter represents these watercolor moments she's experienced, until she emerges on the other side, not unbroken, but still shining.
ultimately, then, the narrative loops right back to State of Grace as well, because it's a love story, and a healing journey, and a reflection on everything love is, and what we hope love can be. we grow and fall and mend, and we remake love anew over and over again, and it's always a little bit painful, and it's always a little bit brave, and we whisper a little prayer that maybe someday, someone will clasp our hand and cherish the whole of us.
"when the dust settled, it was something I’d never take back. Because there is something to be said for being young and needing someone so badly, you jump in head first without looking. And there’s something to be learned from waiting all day for a train that’s never coming. And there’s something to be proud of about moving on and realizing that real love shines golden like starlight, and doesn’t fade or spontaneously combust. Maybe I’ll write a whole album about that kind of love if I ever find it."
we learn to live with the pain, mosaic broken hearts.
but this love is brave and wild.
and that, to me, is Red.
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backtodecember · 2 years
Where is your header from lovely? Xx
hi honey! it's by the super duper talented @seegoldendaylight 💖
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In Biblioteca puoi scoprire autori e opere che non conoscevi o di cui avevi sentito parlare ma che ancora non avevi avuto modo di leggere. Ed è per questo che abbiamo deciso di dedicare un angolo alla scoperta di questi "tesori nascosti".
Oggi l'opera prescelta è "La vita bugiarda degli adulti" di Elena Ferrante.
Il bel viso della bambina Giovanna si è trasformato, sta diventando quello di una brutta malvagia adolescente. Ma le cose stanno proprio così? E in quale specchio bisogna guardare per ritrovarsi e salvarsi? La ricerca di un nuovo volto, dopo quello felice dell’infanzia, oscilla tra due Napoli consanguinee che però si temono e si detestano: la Napoli di sopra, che s’è attribuita una maschera fine, e quella di sotto, che si finge smodata, triviale. Giovanna oscilla tra alto e basso, ora precipitando ora inerpicandosi, disorientata dal fatto che, su o giù, la città pare senza risposta e senza scampo.
Ne “La vita bugiarda degli adulti” le protagoniste sono queste due figure femminili: nipote e zia divise da anni, educazione, carattere; inoltre, il racconto, doloroso e tratti disturbante, del passaggio di una ragazzina dall'infanzia verso l'età adulta. Il punto di vista è esclusivamente femminile, e nell'animo femminile la Ferrante indaga, scava, racconta, fino alle sue pieghe più intime e nascoste. Ci sono, è vero, poi tanti uomini che bazzicano le pagine del romanzo, ma tutti fungono da elemento complementare alle figure femminili. Quasi fossero dei pretesti per consentire alle altre, le vere protagoniste della storia, di svilupparsi. Tutti i personaggi di questo romanzo sono personaggi estremamente complessi, nessuno è mai totalmente positivo o totalmente negativo. Anche i personaggi apparentemente secondari, come quello di Tonino o di Giuliana, si scoprono pian piano: quelli che sembrano buoni, semplici, puri, rivelano poi un lato di sé quasi più “animale”, ma anche fatto di insicurezze, fragilità, bisogno d'essere amati. La contrapposizione iniziale fra la Napoli borghese e quella popolare si fa via via, nel corso del romanzo, meno marcata; nessun personaggio è completamente colpevole, nessuno è completamente innocente; sono tutti, in fondo, divisi in due. E quindi sì, forse in questo romanzo c’è una critica alle ipocrisie della società borghese, ma c’è in realtà un viaggio nell'animo umano che è molto più ampio.
Zia Vittoria, apparentemente, è meschina, ignorante e invidiosa, ma con lo scorrere delle pagine il lettore vede in controluce la fragilità di questa donna, le difficoltà che ha dovuto sempre affrontare con i pochi strumenti che la vita le ha messo a disposizione. Così come la perfezione della mamma di Giovanna lascia il campo ad una sempre più grande dipendenza verso un marito che l’ha umiliata per anni. Una debolezza che non riesce a colmare trovando la forza in se stessa ma solo attraverso il supporto di un altro uomo. Il padre di Giovanna sa incantare con le sue parole e, agli occhi della figlia, non è altro che un figura misera, capace di creare solo dolore alle persone che gli sono vicine. Eppure, può lei stessa constatare che per le donne, lui è un pifferaio magico che le incanta e le fa pendere dalle sue labbra. Giovanna prova a orientarsi in un mondo fatto di maschi. Lo fa inizialmente attraverso il linguaggio del sesso che gli viene insegnato, appunto, da un ragazzo. Poi lo fa credendo di trovare nell’amore la sua via di salvezza. Ma nonostante la sua mente adolescente concepisca gli stratagemmi più assurdi per far suo l’uomo più perfetto che crede di aver mai incontrato nella sua vita, si accorge che, in fin dei conti, altro non è che una copia ripulita di suo padre. E decide di ripartire da sé, sapendo di valere molto di più di quanto qualsiasi altro uomo le consentirà mai di brillare della propria luce riflessa.
Come sempre Elena Ferrante chiude il suo romanzo lasciando a noi di proseguire, riflettendo su quello che sarà il futuro di Giovanna e, perché no, anche il nostro.
È opinione diffusa che il suo nome sia uno pseudonimo, per quanto tale ipotesi non sia accreditata dalla scrittrice. Tra le ipotesi fatte sulla sua possibile identità reale ci sono quelle di Anita Raja, saggista partenopea moglie di Domenico Starnone e traduttrice di Starnone stesso, nonché di Goffredo Fofi (nato però a Gubbio, in Umbria) e degli editori Sandro Ferri e Sandra Ozzola (delle Edizioni e/o). Ricerche stilistiche e stilometriche orientano l’identificazione verso il nome di Domenico Starnone. A queste si aggiungono anche corrispondenze che riguardano i personaggi familiari presenti nei romanzi di Starnone e di Ferrante. In questo senso sono molto significativi i saggi di Simone Gatto, che confermano un'analisi di Luigi Galella. Un'altra ipotesi riconduce alla formulazione del critico e romanziere Marco Santagata, che ha tentato di svelare l'identità di Ferrante, dietro la quale, a suo parere, si celerebbe la storica normalista Marcella Marmo, docente all'Università "Federico II" di Napoli. Altre piste, invece, indirizzano al filosofo Marcello Frixione, anche se l'approfondita conoscenza ambientale e descrittiva di alcuni rioni partenopei presente nei libri non si concilia con l'ipotesi relativa a Frixione, che è originario di Genova.
Nell'ottobre 2016 l'ipotesi che Ferrante sia Anita Raja si è rafforzata in seguito alla pubblicazione di un articolo (uscito sul Sole 24 ore e ripreso dalle principali testate internazionali) che desume l'attribuzione dalle transazioni finanziarie della casa editrice, un metodo deplorato con fermezza da Sandra Ozzola, della casa editrice E/O, senza però una vera smentita. Nel febbraio 2022, Claudio Gatti è tornato sull'argomento indicando, come scopo principale della sua ricerca, l'individuazione di "una chiave di lettura biografico-culturale ai suoi romanzi", attraverso le ascendenze ebraiche di Anita Raja. Senza aver mai svelato la propria identità, la scrittrice ha pubblicato il volume “La frantumaglia” proprio per soddisfare la curiosità del pubblico nei suoi confronti; in esso sono raccolte le lettere dell'autrice al suo editore, le poche interviste da lei concesse e le sue corrispondenze con lettori d'eccezione. La funzione principale dell'opera è far comprendere al lettore i motivi che spingono l'autrice a rimanere nell'oscurità. La scrittrice stessa parla di un desiderio di autoconservazione del proprio privato, un desiderio di mantenere una certa distanza e non prestarsi alla spinta che alcuni scrittori hanno di mentire per apparire come ritengono che il pubblico si aspetti. Ferrante è convinta che i suoi libri non necessitino di una sua foto in copertina né di presentazioni promozionali: devono essere percepiti come “organismi autosufficienti”, a cui la presenza dell'autrice non potrebbe aggiungere nulla di decisivo, dando vita, in questo modo, a un'inedita performance autoriale dell'assenza.
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lapasionde-com · 5 months
Elena Ferrante: El Poder de la Pasión
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Elena Ferrante, una de las autoras contemporáneas más influyentes. Su carrera literaria está marcada por una pasión inquebrantable por la escritura que se ha reflejado en todas sus obras. A pesar de mantener su identidad en secreto, Ferrante ha cautivado a lectores de todo el mundo con su narrativa auténtica y poderosa.
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jehloo-blog · 1 year
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Leitura mais que recomendada. ☀️🏖️ #elenaferrante #elenaferrantebooks #lafigliaoscura📖 #afilhaperdida #reading #leitura https://www.instagram.com/p/Cp2dqROuCzL/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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La vie mensongère des adultes d'Elena Ferrante, ou la perte de l'innocence d'une adolescente napolitaine. * Quel plaisir de retrouver la plume d'Elena Ferrante, et de plonger avec elle dans la tumultueuse Naple ! * Nous suivons Giovanna, jeune fille sage et studieuse ayant grandi dans l'univers protecteur de ses parents professeurs. Mais l'adolescence va lui faire se poser des questions : qui est-elle vraiment ? Qui est cette tante Vittoria reniée par son père ? La vie est-elle aussi simple et limpide que les apparences veulent bien montrer ? * Giovanna n'aura de cesse de questionner son entourage et elle-même pour trouver sa voie et accepter que la vie n'est jamais aussi simple qu'il n'y paraît. Elle oscillera entre amitiés reniées, amours à sens unique, découverte du désir masculin, mensonges et omission de sa famille, fascination et rejet pour sa tante… toutes les étapes qui font de l'adolescence cette période si particulière et qui permettent à chacun.e de se construire. * Elena Ferrante, toujours à la première personne et avec les mots d'une adolescente, nous fait parcourir toute la palette des émotions ! * Si la saga "L'amie prodigieuse" garde une place de choix dans mon cœur de lectrice, ce roman vous fera passe un bon moment : à la plage ou en terrasse, profitez-en ! * #lecture #lecturedumoment #livre #livres #fandelecture #saga #elenaferrante #lenuetlila #italie #books #bookstagram #instabook #booklover #book #adolescence #litterature #lecture #livres #bibliotheque #bibliothequerevee #lire #jaimelire #fandelecture #bouquiniste #bibliophile #bookaddict #bookclub #bookcommunity #bookgram #booksbooksbooks https://www.instagram.com/p/Cn4Eh0rqhve/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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noodlelover1997 · 1 year
NYC trip summer 2022
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marellagiovannelli · 1 year
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La vita bugiarda degli adulti: eccomi completamente conquistata dopo aver "scollinato" la prima, impegnativa puntata della nuova serie Netflix diretta da Edoardo De Angelis e tratta dall'omonimo romanzo di Elena Ferrante. Anche gli altri episodi richiedono una certa attenzione e persino concentrazione (capirete perché guardandoli) ma ne vale veramente la pena. Superlativo il cast, a cominciare da Valeria Golino nei panni di zia Vittoria. La serie è fedele al libro sotto ogni aspetto; chi lo ha letto ritroverà personaggi, luoghi, atmosfere e i diversi volti di una Napoli anni Novanta magistralmente raccontata. #marellagiovannelli #opinionepersonale #lavitabugiardadegliadulti #serie #netflix #elenaferrante #edoardodeangelis @elenaferrante_official_fanpage #valeriagolino @valeriagolino_page https://www.instagram.com/p/CnHcdV9tsn5/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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tvrundownusa · 1 year
tvrundown USA 2023.01.04
Wednesday, January 4th:
(exclusive): "Madoff: The Monster of Wall Street" (nnm, docu-series, all 4 parts), The Lying Life of Adults (netflix, Italian mini-series premiere, all 6 eps)
(movies): "The Kings of the World" (netflix, Colombian teen drama, ~110mins), "How I Became a Gangster" (netflix, Polish crime thriller, ~2hrs+20mins)
(streaming weekly): Big Bet (hulu), Gannibal (hulu, Japanese mystery contd), Leverage: Redemption (freevee), Willow (dsn+, penultimate), National Treasure: Edge of History (dsn+), Star Wars: The Bad Batch (dsn+, animated, season 2 opener), The Interest of Love (netflix), The Circle (netflix, next 4 eps), Love Is Blind: Brazil (netflix, next 4 eps), The NFL Pile On (amazon, primetime)
(also new): "First Contact: An Alien Encounter" (PBS, special, 90mins)
(hour 1): Chicago Med (NBC, season 8 resumes), Celebrity Wheel of Fortune (ABC, special night), The Price Is Right at Night (CBS), Special Forces (FOX, "World's Toughest Test" competition premiere, 2hrs)
(hour 2): Chicago Fire (NBC, season 11 resumes), Abbott Elementary (ABC, season 2 resumes) /   / Home Economics (ABC, season 3 resumes), Tough as Nails (CBS, competition season 4 opener, 2hrs), Special Forces (FOX, contd), Sistas (BET, season 5 resumes), NFL Tailgate Takedown (FOOD, competition premiere)
(hour 3): Chicago P.D. (NBC, season 10 resumes), Big Sky (ABC, season 3 resumes), Tough as Nails (CBS, contd), Hard Knocks In Season (HBO, 50mins)
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sandramiksaauthor · 1 year
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Up close and personal. What are some books that you haven’t read this year but will make it on your TBR for next year? 📖 I definitely want to read - Insatiable by Daisy Buchanan - In the Margins by Elena Ferrante - The Queen’s Gambit by Walter Tevis - Bones and All by Camille DeAngelis / / / / / #readmore #readmorebooks #readingtime #letsread #keepreading #igreads #booksofig #booksofinstagram #currentread #currentlyreading #bookreview #literaryfiction #booksbooksbooks #bookcommunity #bookish #bookstagram #books #bonesandall #thequeensgambit #elenaferrante #booktok #tbr (at Toronto, Ontario) https://www.instagram.com/p/CmZfSk1LU1b/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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kleinnasredes · 2 years
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A talentosa britânica Olivia Colman, uma das grandes atrizes da atualidade, é a grande força de 'A Filha Perdida', filme do qual falo esta semana no Domingo + do jornal A Tribuna. Ela está ótima como a misteriosa Leda, personagem de personalidade e caráter discutíveis, que toma sempre atitudes inacreditáveis e que flerta o filme inteiro com a inevitável catástrofe e com a fúria - mesmo que, na superfície, estampe um simpático e adorável sorriso... O drama, que marca a estreia na direção da atriz Maggie Gyllenhaal, concorre a três Oscar: Roteiro Adaptado, Atriz (com Olivia) e Atriz Coadjuvante (Jessie Buckley, que vive a mesma personagem, Leda, nos flashbacks de sua juventude). Adorei o filme, adaptação de um romance homônino da autora italiana Elena Ferrante e que, descobri depois, é uma das favoritas da minha editora @fernandalopesjornalista . É minha coluna de número 11 neste novo ciclo em A Tribuna. Obrigado, @alelopes , @rcsantini e toda a equipe do jornal! . . . . . . . #natela #grupotribuna #jornalatribuna #domingomais #cadernodecultura #oscar2022 #cinema #oliviacolman #melhoratriz #academyawards #afilhaperdida #lostdaughter #elenaferrante #psicologia #cinemacomgustavoklein #grecia #escritoraitaliana #maggiegyllenhaal #alien #ridleyscott #breakingbad #lindsaylohan #sigourneyweaver #escrevendosobrecinema #discipulosderubensewaldfilho #resenhadecinema #zerotreze #cinemasdesantos #netflix #streaming https://www.instagram.com/p/CbCzlkbuUMqTN1lZVSfXy0TQFue5kp9j7jK97c0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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jessicacousin35 · 2 years
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#lectureachevée Salut les p’tits grammes ! J’espère que vous allez bien ! Aujourd’hui, je vous parle de « L’amie prodigieuse » de Elena Ferrante. On y suit l’enfance et l’adolescence de Lenu et Lila deux copines inséparables dans une banlieue pauvre de Naples. Je vous avoue que je n’aurais pas lu ce livre si je n’avais pas vu la série avant où les jeunes actrices sont époustouflantes ! C’est donc les yeux remplies d’images que j’ai lu avec plaisir ce roman. L’adaptation est très bien faite, le réalisateur n’a fait que rétablir l’ordre chronologique et gommé des anecdotes secondaires. J’ai beaucoup aimé découvrir l’univers de l’autrice que je ne connaissais pas et fonctionner « à l’envers » en visionnant la série avant de lire le livre. C’est un récit touchant sur l’enfance et les petits tracas de l’adolescence. On s’aperçoit que finalement c’est pareil pour tout le monde et peu importe l’époque: notre corps change, on est en conflit avec nos parents et rien n’est plus terrible qu’une peine de cœur ou qu’un conflit avec une copine. C’est frais et très instructif ! J’ai découvert l’Italie des années 50 et les rêves des jeunes filles de cette époque. Une lecture que je conseille! Et vous? Certaines séries ou certains films vous ont-ils donné envie de lire le livre? #bookstagramfrance #bookstagram #chroniqueuselittéraire #roman #italie #enfance #adolescence #récitdevie #lire #lecture #elenaferrante #lamieprodigieuse https://www.instagram.com/p/CfjKtW4qlmyayrUPV1j8kqRsoCivXiv8BlfqBA0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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taylortruther · 2 months
fortnight reminds me of how quickly love can change, like have i known you twenty seconds, or twenty years? when did your winning smile begin to look like a smirk? and been living so long in a twenty-year dark night, why'd you have to go and lock me out when i let you in? and i was a dreamer before you went and let me down so watch me strike a match on all my wasted time… i thought that it would kill me but it didn't, i woke up just in time
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hlficlibrary · 2 months
hii ! first, thanks a lot for your recs 🫶🏻 i was wondering if you have a few fics similar to wild love by purpledaisy where they’ve been friends for years and were never interested in the other romantically until one day they realize they’re very compatible with each other
Hi, anon! You're so very welcome! Here are some fics that have that same vibe as Wild Love you're looking for...
Snow In Love by @lululawrence
Harry and Louis are best friends and have been for basically as long as they can remember. For the first time since middle school, they are both single for the holidays leaving them with the brilliant idea to take each other as their dates to work events. To make things easier they will pretend like they’re dating. But then they learn something funny.
People thought they were already dating. Weird.
An advent fic featuring childhood friends, fake dating turned actual dating, really horrible secret keeping, and a winter weather surprise.
Never Let Me Go by loveisalaserquest17 / @elenaferrante
“Harry! I’ll tell you what,” Louis exclaims, clapping his hands together. There’s a big grin on his face. “If both of us are still single by your thirtieth birthday, we’ll marry each other.” Harry’s head snaps up, eyes widening. “What?”
Harry and Louis have been friends forever, but they couldn't be more different. One night, with a little too much alcohol, they make a pact to marry in ten years if they're both still single. Now, one month before the deadline, Louis is willing to do whatever it takes to avoid ending up with his best friend. But is he, really? | Loosely inspired by The 10 Year Plan
kiss me on the mouth (and set me free) by tempolarriefics / @tempolarriefix
Harry, being his endlessly patient self, asks with a wry smile, “And who am I going to spontaneously marry for financial aid?” 
He clearly intends for it to be a rhetorical question, for it to shoot down Louis’ ridiculous marriage idea. But Louis answers easily, “Me. You’ll marry me."
aka the not-so fake marriage AU in which Harry and Louis get married to keep Harry from dropping out of uni (and if they discover that they’re in love along the way, well, that’s neither here nor there).
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thelasttime · 20 days
https://www.tumblr.com/elenaferrante/748230464234553344 ksndksndksnddj 😭
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septembersghost · 2 years
tagged by @speaknowtv 💞
rules: you can usually tell a lot about a person by the type of music they listen to. put your playlist on shuffle and list the first 10 songs, and then tag 10 people. no skipping!
okay, so this is my ~1100 song playlist on my iPod (yes i still use my electronic bestie every day haha), let's goooo 😊🎶
Grapejuice - Harry Styles
Johnny Can't Decide - tick, tick...BOOM! OST
Star Maps - Aly & AJ
Hostage - Billie Eilish
Used to Do - Gabrielle Aplin
Fool for Love - Lord Huron
Roman Holiday - Halsey
Fearless (Taylor's Version) - Taylor Swift
Sacred - Nina Nesbitt
Orange Show Speedway -Lizzy Mcalpine
no pressure tags!: @lanne13, @someoneoffthestreet @nerdfaerie, @werebunniesfordean, @deaneverafter, @snowstormserenade, @elenaferrante, @takeawaythepain, @bi-lullaby, @deanwinchesters 💗
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