scyzoa · 5 months
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krakenshaped · 8 months
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A commission for @scyphosaurus !! Some eliteshipping! (Fubuki/Ryo/Fujiwara)
This was such a fun and surprisingly challenging commission! It was a really good opportunity to test my rendering skills. Thanks so much Rico (<- Fujiwara's strongest solider) for the commission!!
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olddirtybadfic · 1 month
You Got Played: Bandit Keith Howard Must Die Inside (Part Five of Five)
In which I turn a Yu-Gi-Oh fic into a cheesy teen movie (that most teens wouldn't even be allowed into without a fake ID).
Part one is here. Part two is here. Part three is here. Part four is here.
This fic contains: Teen!me laboring under the delusion that Bandit Keith is the same age as Yugi and company; song lyrics inserted into the prose; mpreg (bonus “even pregnancy of the male variety does not work that way” content); Bandit Keith being a prick; all the characters are kind of idiots; author’s notes to give track listings; cheating; terrible OC; terrible OC slut-shames Kaiba; Noah Kaiba somehow being alive and bizarrely invested in his brother’s romantic life; Yami/Atem is corporeal for some reason; artistic liberties taken with medical technology
Meanwhile, Kyra had her own plan.
Kyra didn’t care that Keith had sex with Kaiba; hell, she had cheated a few times, too. But for Kaiba to just steal Keith from her like that—that was completely unacceptable by her standards. She wasn’t going to let any trenchcoat-wearing, Blue Eyes White Dragon-loving freak steal her man.
So that afternoon, when she spotted Kaiba walking down the street, little brother in tow, she grabbed him by the arm and dragged him into an area surrounded by bushes and trees. Mokuba saw her grab Kaiba and followed them.
“What the hell?!” Kaiba exclaimed. As Kyra stopped dragging him, he tripped and ended up on the ground. Kyra looked down at him as if she was an arrogant princess and he was a lowly peasant.
‘No matter what you do, He’ll never wanna be with you. He’s into what he’s got (and that’s me), He loves me, He loves you not.’ (author's note: He Loves You Not - Dream)
Kaiba got up, brushed his clothes off, and glared at Kyra.
Kyra had heard Kaiba’s outburst about Keith cheating. She didn’t appreciate Kaiba’s attempt to get his man back.
“What is your problem?!” Kaiba shouted.
“I don’t appreciate you moving in on my man,” Kyra said, evilly, yet seductively.
“What?! He cheated on me with you!” Kaiba retorted.
Kyra shook her head. “Kaiba, you’re so wrong, you’re right. Don’t you realize that Keith never thought of you as a boyfriend? He looks at you as a whore.”
“Don’t call me a prostitute.” Kaiba’s voice got low and threatening, which would be pretty freaking scary if he snuck up on you in a dark alley. “I don’t go sleeping around with everyone and I didn’t get paid for what I did.”
“Well, I’m not gonna let a whore like you steal my boyfriend just because your damn condom popped!” Kyra shouted.
“Well, maybe you should because I had him first!” Kaiba retorted.
“That’s a heaping pile of bullshit! I had him first! I’ve had him for a whole month!” Kyra shouted.
Kaiba’s eyes went wide. Kyra sensed weakness and went in for the kill.
“So, how long have you been dating Keith, Kaiba?” Kyra asked.
Kaiba said nothing.
“Come on, Kaiba, tell me how long you two dated!” Kyra pressed, still smiling evilly.
“That is none of your business, Kyra,” Kaiba growled.
“Why don’t I go ask Keith myself? I’m sure he’ll be happy to tell me how long you two dated. Or should I ask Noah? And he’ll surely want to hear what you did with Keith after he tells me, won’t he?” Kyra taunted.
Kaiba turned red. “Do not test me, Kyra.”
“Then tell me how long you and Keith dated, damn it!”
“We dated for two weeks. Then he started to ignore me.”
“I knew it! I knew he couldn’t have been with you for that long! He only stayed with you long enough to get in your pants, which, since you’re such a whore, obviously wasn’t long!” Kyra laughed evilly.
“Hold up!” Mokuba walked into the clearing. “I don’t know much about this whole situation, but it seems like you two are getting mad at each other for no reason. I mean, you didn’t know that Seto was dating Keith. And Seto didn’t know that you were dating Keith. It seems to me that the real bad guy here is Bandit Keith. He played both of you like Nintendo 64.”
Kaiba and Kyra looked at each other, in silence, for a moment. Finally Kaiba spoke. “What do you propose we do about it, Mokuba?”
“I propose that you play him back.”
A few minutes later, Keith was walking through the park when he saw the most repulsive thing ever (in his opinion).
Kaiba and Kyra were French-kissing on a bench.
“What the fuck is this?!” Keith shouted when he saw them.
Kaiba and Kyra looked up at Keith, then turned back to each other and continued kissing.
“Don’t you turn away from me!” Keith pulled Kyra off of Kaiba. “What the fuck are you doing with my girlfriend, Kaiba?!”
“We’re kissing. Couldn’t you tell?” Kaiba deadpanned.
“Kaiba, there are a million other girls in Domino. Why’d you have to choose my girlfriend?!”
“He chose me because we’re both tired of getting played by you,” Kyra answered.
“What?!” Keith tried to play dumb.
“Don’t act like you don’t know, Bandit Keith. You made both of us believe that we were the only one you were dating. You just wanted to get in both of our pants and feel like you were some kind of sex king for it,” Kaiba said.
“But why are you complaining, Kaiba? You know you liked it,” Keith said, trying to grab Kaiba’s butt again. Kaiba not only pulled away violently, but kicked Keith off of himself. Keith grabbed Kaiba and, before Kaiba could do anything about it, he began to kiss Kaiba on the lips. Kaiba pulled away and spat on the ground.
“You taste like shit!” Kaiba shouted.
Keith only laughed at this. “I love it when you’re nasty, Kaiba. You’re so sexy when you’re mad.”
“Then I must be really sexy now, because you’re really pissing me off!” Mokuba had to hold Kaiba back before Kaiba could cause any bodily harm to Keith.
Then Kyra turned to Keith. “Y’know, you’re a real pig. First, you cheated on me. Then, you tricked Kaiba into sleeping with you and you treat him like a cheap whore. Then you plan to dump him when he’s having your kid. Pardon my French, but you’re an asswipe!” Kyra shouted.
“Well, you shouldn’t be complaining either. You’re a whole lot hotter than Kaiba, so I’ll always come back to you,” Keith said smugly.
“Not this time, Keith! You know that little thing between you and me that’s called a relationship? Yeah, about that: it’s over!” Kyra shouted.
Keith’s jaw dropped at least two inches. Kaiba walked over to him.
“Bandit Keith, if you play with fire, you just might get burned,” Kaiba said.
After Keith had walked off, stupefied by what Kaiba and Kyra did, Mokuba, Kaiba, and Kyra shared a victory high-five.
“That was so great! You two really put Keith in his place!” Mokuba cheered.
“We sure did,” Kaiba said.
“Kaiba, I’m sorry I called you a whore. I didn’t mean it, you’re really not a bad guy,” Kyra said.
“It’s okay,” Kaiba said. “And I’m sorry I almost stole your boyfriend.”
“It’s okay, you didn’t know he was dating me.”
As Kyra turned to leave, she said, “And you’re not a bad kisser either.”
Kaiba blushed. “Thanks.”
Later that day, Kaiba was walking down the street, alone. He was happy that he had put Keith in his place, but he was sad that Keith wouldn’t ever want to be with him. A part of him hated Keith and wanted him to drop off the face of the earth, yet another part of him wanted Keith to come back and take responsibility for his actions.
“What am I supposed to do with his child? I can’t raise it all by myself,” Kaiba thought. “And why would Keith want to do what he did? Why would he just take my virginity, then dump me like that? How could I be so stupid?!”
‘How you gonna up and leave me now? How you gonna act like that? How you gonna change it up? We just finished making up. How you gonna act like that?’
Kaiba reached his home. He went up to his room and lay down.
‘How you gonna act like we don’t be making love? You know we be tearing it up, breaking stuff, and getting rough. How you gonna trip, How can you forget? How you gonna act like that?’ (author's note: How You Gonna Act Like That - Tyrese)
Mokuba went into Kaiba’s room. He found Kaiba lying on the bed, staring into space.
“I can’t believe Noah was right, Mokuba. I acted like such a pompous idiot. He kept trying to warn me and I wouldn’t listen,” Kaiba whispered.
“Seto, you’re not an idiot. You were just being protective of your boyfriend because you loved him. It’s not your fault that Keith was a low-down cheater. You deserve someone better than him, anyway, so forget about him,” Mokuba said.
“But how can I forget about him?! I’m having his kid!” Kaiba growled.
“Don’t worry, Seto, we’ll figure something out. Everything will be okay,” Mokuba said, hugging Kaiba.
Noah heard their conversation and entered the room. “Are you okay in here?”
“Noah, you were right. I should’ve listened to you when you said that Keith was cheating on me. I’m a jerk,” Kaiba said.
“No, you’re not a jerk. I didn’t want to be right. I just didn’t want you to get hurt. I only wanted you to be happy,” Noah said.
Kaiba’s exhaled heavily. “Thanks,” he said, starting to smile again.
“But you say you’re having Keith’s child. How can you break up with him?” Mokuba asked.
Noah took a second to recover from this shocking news, then he responded, “He can’t, Mokuba. I’m going to go to Bandit Keith and force him to take responsibility for what he did.”
“You can’t do that, Noah. He’ll only end up cheating again,” Kaiba said.
Then, Mokuba thought of something that changed everything. “What if it’s not Keith’s?” he mused to himself.
He didn’t realize that Noah had heard him. “What did you say?”
Mokuba realized that he had said it out loud. “Uh, nothing?”
“It’s okay, Mokuba, he’d find out sooner or later, and I’d rather it be sooner than later,” Kaiba said. “I did it with Yugi, too.”
Noah stared at Kaiba in shock. “Did it ever occur to you that it could be Yugi’s child?”
“No, it didn’t. Because I started getting the symptoms after I did it with Keith. It couldn’t be Yugi’s kid,” Kaiba stated.
“Well, just to be sure, I’m taking you to the doctor to find out,” Noah said.
Due to amazing advances in technology (and the fact that this is just a fictional story), a machine had been invented so an expectant mother could tell who the father of the child was. All they would need was a sample of Yugi’s DNA.
They had their sample; it was a few strands of Yugi’s hair, taken from Kaiba’s trenchcoat. They knew it was Yugi’s hair because it was tri-colored and they made sure it was Yugi’s and not Yami’s.
“I’m telling you, it’s not Yugi’s child. You’re wasting your time, Noah,” Kaiba said, as they went to the doctor.
“I just want to be sure, Seto,” Noah said.
After the test, the doctor showed them the results. “Seto Kaiba, I have determined that the father of your baby is Yugi.”
“I knew it,” Noah thought.
“I can’t believe it,” Kaiba thought.
That night, Kaiba reflected on the events of the day, as he lay in bed. He had put his cheating boyfriend in his place, successfully broken the news about his situation to Noah, and found out who the true father of his child was.
“But will Yugi even look at me after I ran off yesterday? I bet he’s already moved on. He thinks that it’s Keith’s child. He probably thinks I’m a freak. That Blue Eyes underwear was a little weird,” Kaiba thought.
As Kaiba drifted off to sleep, he thought, “Where do I go from here?”
The next evening, Yugi decided to go to the park to listen to music. It was a nice, quiet day. The setting sun painted the sky brilliant shades of red and violet. Yugi listened to his portable tape player, admiring the nature while running through the park.
Kaiba, who had decided to stop moping around the house and go outside, was walking through the park, too. He was so absorbed in his thoughts that he didn’t even notice the sunset that much.
It was getting dark. Yugi was wearing black as he walked toward Kaiba. Kaiba didn’t see Yugi and Yugi wasn’t really watching where he was going. The two ran smack into each other, knocking them both over.
“Oh, crap! I’m so sorry, Kaiba!” Yugi exclaimed, running over to help Kaiba up.
“Yugi, we’ve gotta stop meeting like this,” Kaiba said, smiling as he got up.
“I keep knocking you off your feet,” Yugi commented.
“In more ways than one,” Kaiba thought silently. He said out loud, “Yugi, I have to tell you something.”
Yugi looked up with interest. “So do I.”
“I love you, Yugi,” Kaiba said quickly.
Yugi stared at Kaiba. “That’s certainly different.”
“If you don’t love me back, I’ll understand,” Kaiba said, turning away.
“No, I do. That’s what I wanted to tell you. I love you, too,” Yugi said.
“Really?” Kaiba asked.
“Really,” Yugi answered.
Yugi and Kaiba hugged.
“Yugi, I have something else to tell you. I’m pregnant with your child,” Kaiba said.
“But, I thought it was Keith’s child,” Yugi said.
“No. I was wrong. It’s yours,” Kaiba said.
“Then, maybe we can get married,” Yugi said.
They sat down on a bench.
“Do you wanna listen to music?” Yugi asked.
“Sure,” Kaiba answered.
Yugi took out the tape player, put a tape in, pressed play.
As they listened to the music, Yugi remembered something that had happened in PE class. “Remember in PE when we had to learn the tango?”
Kaiba chuckled. “It was disastrous. The teacher paired us up and I was too tall to dance with you properly.”
“And I kept stepping on your feet,” Yugi added.
They listened to the music for a while. Suddenly, a song came on that got their attention.
‘Watch the band, Through a bunch of dancers. Quickly, Follow the unknown.’
“Our song is playing,” Yugi joked. “Let’s dance.”
“You think our dancing will be any better?” Kaiba asked.
“Well, I’ve gotten taller and I’ll try not to step on your feet,” Yugi said. “Let’s try the tango.”
“You don’t wanna do such a dance with me. I can’t,” Kaiba said.
“You’ll be fine,” Yugi said.
They began to dance. Kaiba was surprisingly good at it.
“You’re really good at this,” Yugi said.
Kaiba smiled. “Thanks, Yugi.”
They continued to dance in the final twilight of the setting sun.
‘Courage, my word, didn’t come it doesn’t matter. Courage, couldn’t come at a worse time.’ (author's note: Courage - Sarah Polley (I heard it in an episode of Charmed))
Moral of the story: If you're going to two-time a guy, make sure he's not better at card games than you.
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dipplinduo · 2 months
These are based on your submissions. :) I will refer to the ship as what's voted most on in my blog/works unless we get a more established name somewhere else!
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insomnia-arts · 3 years
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@gxmonth Day 16, Prompt: Trap! 
It’s meme time, and since my last “draw the squad” type picture went over so well, here’s another featuring all three of the Obelisk Elites! The original base I used is by @mapleleauf and I thought it suited them perfectly! I love the chaotic vibe from Fujiwara, the pure Himbo energy from Fubuki, and the “why do I have the only functioning brain cell” look from Ryo
Also to go along with it is a more traditional meme I made for a groupchat I’m in 😅
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higuchimon · 2 years
[fanfic] In Memory
"When's he going to disappear?"
"Are you sure he didn't do anything to them?  I mean, it's - not impossible, is it?"
"They were his friends, weren't they?" 
"That doesn't mean anything.  They're both gone. And he's still here."
"I heard they found blood where Fujiwara was."
Ryou turned a page in his book and did his very best to ignore all the whispers that raced around the room.  He knew he wasn't doing a very good job of it.  But he was quite skilled at focusing on what was in front of him so that gave him something else to think about.  He'd already hashed over everything to do with the disappearance of his two best friends as much as he could.  He and Principal Samejima had carefully reviewed everything to do with Fubuki's recent vanishing and came to the conclusion that there wasn't anything that Ryou could have done differently.
So now he was alone.  There were other students who he associated with on occasion, but none of them were even close to being as close to him as Fubuki and Yuusuke were - had been. 
Alone.  He tried not to think too hard about that or about the other whispers that flew around the room.  No one wanted to get his attention. They just talked about it where he could hear it.  He ignored it all, or at least didn't respond to it.  What else could he do?  He knew he hadn't had anything to do with either of their disappearances. Yuusuke got too involved in whatever strange studies he'd been in.  Fubuki had just vanished.  There one moment and gone the next. 
No matter how people chattered and whispered among one another, as far as Ryou was concerned, it was too quiet. Yuusuke had never made much noise, but Ryou had always been aware that he was there.  Fubuki certainly made more than enough noise for the other two of them combined.  Not having him there made it seem as if a hole had been cut out of the world.
The clock bonged a deep, resonant noise, and Ryou at once got up, tucking his book away.  The other students quickly shut up and backed off, no one getting anywhere near him.  He'd expected that.  They'd been like that ever since word of Fubuki's disappearance spread throughout the school.   They would talk wherever he went, but not a single person dared to approach him.  He almost wished they would, just to clear the air.
He made his way to his room - his new room.  Everyone who had still been in the Obelisk Blue elite dorm had been relocated to the main Obelisk building.  This room didn't feel anything like his old one.  That one had had the marks of all the times he and Yuusuke and Fubuki had spent in it.  This one was flawlessly kept, not a scratch or scrape or personal item out of place.  Everything was where he'd left it.  It would always be where he left it.
Ryou settled down into his chair on the balcony.  The sun had long since set and now stars sprinkled the skies overhead.  It was the new moon; it would be very dark except for the starlight.
Fubuki said Yuusuke talked about darkness.  Is this what he wanted?  Ryou got up and headed over to the small area set up as a miniature kitchen.  Not much could be made here; it was mostly for hot drinks and the occasional snack.  He made tea, and stared down at it for a few moments as it dawned on him he'd poured out three cups without even thinking about it. 
He missed them.  He had no idea of where they were or if they were even still alive.  He wanted to believe that they were, that he would see them again one of these days.  He had no idea of when or how - it could take years.  It probably would. 
Ryou took the three cups over to the table outside and carefully doctored each one until they were just the way he, Yuusuke, and Fubuki liked them.  He picked up Yuusuke's cup and sipped at it.
Fujiwara Yuusuke.  One of the few who'd ever given him a true challenge in a duel.  He might not ever have that again.  They'd enjoyed several games of shogi against one another - and Yuusuke usually won those, though Ryou had a few victories under his belt as well.  They'd taken pictures together.  Ryou still had copies of those - though he knew that Yuusuke's copies had been destroyed.  He glanced to the nightstand beside his bed, where the picture of himself, Yuusuke, and Fubuki rested in a silver frame.  Yuusuke, Ryou thought, would become a researcher, perhaps help Industrial Illusions when it came to developing new cards.
When he finished the tea, he set the cup down, then picked up the next one.
Tenjoin Fubuki.  The tea gave him the feeling of the sea, of laughter and daring, of teasing and steadfast support.  Fubuki hid how good he really was at dueling.  He probably wouldn't have become a Pro Duelist, but he would support Yuusuke and Ryou no matter what they did, assuring them that each of them was an achiever in their own way.  And he would probably encourage them in their romantic lives, no matter what.
Not that Ryou had ever considered a romantic life.  He had the two people he cared about the most and he had his deck.  He'd never thought he'd need anything else.
With that cup done, he sampled his own at last.  He would become a Pro Duelist.  He would be the Champion one day.  He couldn't think of anything that would deter him from this.  Even without the other two there.  Perhaps that could even - somewhat - help.  He would focus on his studies.  Focus on his dueling.  It would give him something to do, which he knew he needed.
There had been a tradition for the past few years, that the most talented duelist be referred to as the Kaiser.  While there wasn't anything official about it, rumor had been that Yuusuke would be the one so named.  But now Ryou alone stood a chance at it.
Then that's what I'll be, he determined. No matter what happened, he would live his life to remember those he'd lost.  He loved dueling but he loved those two as well.  He would not forget - no matter what.
The End
Notes: It is implied that Yuusuke was capable of defeating Ryou. So perhaps he might have been the Kaiser if things had been diferent.
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entamewitchlulu · 7 years
[Bandit Keith Howard/Kaiba Seto]
Seto had never been good at the businessman smile, and when he did manage to force it out, he felt like he was puking in his mouth.
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+ Bandit Keith MWAHAHAHAHA (just recently found out that Keith x Kaiba is a thing and is called Eliteshipping)
Send me a "+" and a character you would like to see me hook up with... and Mun and Muse will give their opinion on the ship.
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"That loser?" Scoff. "I don't think so."
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[[OH MAN we found the first hard sell--
Look, card game prowess isn't everything to Kaiba, I'd ship him with people that don't play. But if you are going to play Duel Monsters, being a cheater is a pretty big dealbreaker. I don't think Kaiba knows that, but he'd almost-certainly find out. (Losing to Joey Wheeler is also a pretty big mark against someone in Kaiba's eyes.)
Although holding Pegasus at gunpoint might earn him some points. Kaiba hates guns, but... y'know. I dunno. It’s hard to picture.]]
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iced-coffeebean · 3 years
Ships I’m Soft For
(Just so y’all know what you’re getting yourself into if you see spam of these) For YGO DM: Wishshipping and Peachshipping
GX: Anikishipping, Jurassicshipping, and Eliteshipping
5ds: Scoopshipping and Toolshipping
Zexal: Aztecshipping and Spidershipping
Arc-V: Candyshipping, Appleshipping, FallenAngelshipping Vrains: Lol none. They all give me either demi or aroace vibes. I think Gakuto and Yuga is Sevens has a little nice things going on. I enjoy their friendship and bs lmao. For Demon Slayer TanZen, GenTan, ZenNez, InoZen (gives me the most Jurassicshipping/Angelshipping (GX) of vibes), TanKan and IguMit That’s all fam u w u
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olddirtybadfic · 2 months
You Got Played: This Wouldn't Have Happened if They'd Brought Their Duel Disks (Part Four of Five)
All the drama in this fic and not one card game. Did teen!me even understand this show?
Part one is here. Part two is here. Part three is here.
This fic contains: Teen!me laboring under the delusion that Bandit Keith is the same age as Yugi and company; song lyrics inserted into the prose; mpreg; Bandit Keith being a prick; all the characters are kind of idiots; author’s notes to give track listings; cheating; Noah Kaiba somehow being alive and bizarrely invested in his brother’s romantic life; Yami/Atem is corporeal for some reason; Yugi and friends go all Office Space fax machine on Bandit Keith; the 2004 is strong with this one
The next day, Mokuba noticed that Kaiba didn’t seem to be “completely there.” It was as if Kaiba was under a trance of sorts. He barely spoke, slept or ate.
And he didn’t smile. Not even a trace of a smirk could be seen on his face.
Noah hadn’t noticed because he was out, trying to get rid of his anger toward Keith.
Mokuba entered Kaiba’s room. “Seto, what’s wrong? You haven’t been yourself lately.”
“Nothing. I’m fine,” Kaiba said, coldly.
“Seto, I know something’s wrong and it has to do with Bandit Keith. I’m gonna find out sooner or later, so you might as well just tell me now.”
Kaiba sighed. “Noah was right. I couldn’t tell that Keith was cheating on me. But now I see how he did it. We only went out during the night, so he could cheat in the daytime. When we did go out, we went to places where there weren’t a lot of people, so no one would see him cheating. He also made me keep it a secret so no one would know and be able to tell his girlfriend.”
“So, when are you gonna break up with him?” Mokuba asked.
“That’s the problem. I can’t,” Kaiba answered.
“Why not?”
“I can’t.”
“Why can’t you?”
“I just can’t, Mokuba!”
“You have to dump him because he cheated on you, Seto! Why won’t you tell me why you can’t?!”
“I can’t because I’m pregnant with his child, Mokuba! I can’t dump him while I’m having his child!” To Mokuba’s surprise, Kaiba’s eyes started to tear up.
“Seto….You never cry,” Mokuba said, shocked, while Kaiba wiped his nose.
“Who says I’m crying?” Kaiba punched the wall and began wiping his eyes.
Mokuba started to hug Kaiba as Kaiba continued to cry. “Don’t worry, Big Brother. Everything’ll be all right, somehow.”
Meanwhile, Noah was taking a walk. He was still fuming about Keith’s actions.
“How could he do that to Seto?! He was the perfect boyfriend towards Keith. How could he hurt my little brother like that?!” Noah thought angrily.
It just so happened that Yugi, Joey, Yami, and Tristan were walking down the same street as Noah. Yugi and Joey had told Yami and Tristan about what Keith had done to Kaiba and they were just as pissed.
Noah met up with the four other boys.
“Keith is a sorry-assed cheater,” Yami declared.
“Yeah. He’s the lowest of the low for playing with Kaiba like that,” Tristan added.
“We should make him pay,” Yugi said in a low, ominous voice.
“Y’know, Yuge, you don’t sound so freaky sayin’ dat anymore,” Joey commented.
As they were walking down the street, Keith came along and practically pushed them all down, saying, “Outta my way, bitches!”
“Hey! You can’t just go around, knockin’ guys ova like dat!” Joey yelled. “And we’re not finished cussin’ you out ova Kaiba!”
Joey, Yami, Tristan, and Noah dragged Keith into a deserted alley while Yugi followed them slowly and eerily, like a stalker following his victim.
“I already said stay the fuck out my business! It’s none of your business whether I cheat on Kaiba or not!” Keith shouted.
“Actually, it became our business when Yugi and Joey told us how they caught you making out with that girl,” Yami said.
“It became my business when you decided to toy with my little brother’s heart!” Noah yelled.
Keith stepped into Yugi’s space. “What about you, little Yugi? When did this become your business?” he taunted.
“The minute you laid your disgusting hands on Kaiba.” Yugi’s voice was eerily calm.
“What does my touching Kaiba have anything to do with you? He was nothing but a whore to me. He was just someone to do when I got bored with Kyra,” Keith sneered.
Yugi was enraged.
“You hurt Kaiba. Now you must pay,” Yugi said.
Yugi, Yami, Noah, Joey, and Tristan descended upon Keith the way a flock of vultures descends upon a carcass and began to beat him like a rented mule. Both Joey and Tristan tackled Keith to the ground. As he tried to get up, Noah kicked him in the shins and knocked him down again. Both Joey and Tristan began to smack and backhand Keith upside his face. Noah started to punch Keith in one of his arms. Keith was now on all fours. Yami began to kick Keith’s butt—literally and repeatedly. Yugi began to kick Keith in his thighs, screaming.
“Seto Kaiba is NOT YOUR WHORE!! HE IS A HUMAN BEING WITH FEELINGS AND YOU HURT THEM! I HATE YOUR STUPID ASS!! I HOPE YOU GO TO HELL!!” Yugi screamed, beginning to punch Keith in his other arm.
Kaiba had decided that he should take a walk to clear his mind. He was walking through the streets of Domino when he heard Keith shouting and Yugi screaming, along with the others.
He stealthily dashed into the alley, following the screaming. At the sight of the five boys beating Keith down, his blue eyes grew wide with horror.
The five boys (and Keith) stopped carrying on and looked up at Kaiba in pure shock. They didn’t expect him to come and find them like this.
Kaiba looked as if he was about to shout, but they couldn’t get a closer look because as swiftly and as quietly as a young deer, Kaiba ran out of there.
“Kaiba, wait! We’re sorry!” Yugi tried to call, but Kaiba only kept running, his long, white trenchcoat flowing behind him.
The other four boys only looked at each other, then continued to beat Keith down.
“WAIT!” Yugi cried out.
The boys looked up.
“This isn’t right! We shouldn’t be hurting Keith,” Yugi said.
“But, Yuge, he hurt Kaiba. We hafta get him back,” Joey said.
“And I have to avenge Seto,” Noah said.
“But two wrongs don’t make a right; we need to help Kaiba through this, but not stand here and fight,” Yugi said.
“That sounds vaguely like Dr. Seuss,” Yami commented.
“Guys, did you see the look on Kaiba’s face? We only upset him even more by doing this.”
They all looked at each other, reluctant to agree. But soon, they realized that Yugi was right.
“All right, Bandit Keith. You can go now. But if I ever see you lay your filthy hands on Seto again, we’re just gonna end up here again,” Noah warned.
Keith walked (or limped) out of there.
Meanwhile, Yugi had run off to catch up with Kaiba.
“If I had known this was wrong earlier, I wouldn’t have encouraged it,” Yugi thought. “Now all I wanna do is tell Kaiba how sorry I am.”
‘It’s like I missed a shot, It’s like I dropped the ball. Damn, I’m sorry. It’s like I’m on stage, And I forgot the words. Damn, I’m sorry.’
Yugi could see Kaiba’s tall, white-clad figure walking toward the rich neighborhood that he lived in.
‘But I’d apologize a million times before, I’d apologize a million more. So here it comes again, For all the wrong I’ve done. So get ready, babe, Here’s one million one.’ (author's note: Sorry 2004 - Ruben Studdard)
“Kaiba, wait up!” Yugi called.
Kaiba slowed down, but he didn’t stop.
“Kaiba,” Yugi said, catching up, “I really need to talk to you.”
“I can’t talk right now, Yugi.” Kaiba continued to walk.
“But, Kaiba, I need to talk to you about what I did.”
“I saw what you did.”
“Kaiba, I wanted to say that I’m sorry for it. I got mad about what Bandit Keith did to you. I let my anger control me and…and that’s it.”
“I can’t talk about it right now, Yugi. I have to go home.” Kaiba almost sounded tearful.
“But, Kaiba, Keith called you a whore!” Yugi didn’t even realize that he said this until it was too late. “Now I’ve done it,” he thought.
At this point, Kaiba could no longer stand it. He broke into a run. Yugi couldn’t catch up to him.
“Kaiba!” Yugi called, but to no avail. “Great, just great. Now I’ve done it.”
At the mansion, Mokuba was sitting around, doing nothing until he heard the door slam. He went into the foyer, just in time to see Kaiba stomp up the stairs.
“Damn…what happened to him?” Mokuba thought.
In his room, Kaiba sat, feeling confused and angry.
“Why would Keith say such a thing? I don’t go around sleeping with everyone…I hate this whole situation..I wish I had never seen Keith cheating..”
‘I don’t wanna know. If you’re playing me, keep it on the low. `Cause my heart can’t take it any mo’. And if you’re playing games, please don’t let it show. Oh, baby, I don’t wanna know….’ (author's note: I Don't Wanna Know - Mario Winans feat. Enya and P. Diddy (wow what terrible timing))
The next day, Kaiba woke up with a new goal: Get Keith back.
“I’m not going to take this lying down. I’m going to get my man back,” Kaiba said as he put on his trenchcoat. Noah was standing just outside his door and he heard Kaiba’s plan.
As Kaiba was walking past the door, Noah said, “You really shouldn’t, Seto.”
Kaiba turned around. “Nobody, not even you, can stop me, Noah.” Then he walked out the door.
He found Keith hanging out in a deserted alley. He snuck up on Keith and cornered him.
From the look in his eyes, Keith could tell that this was not the same Kaiba he had slept with and deflowered. “More Agreeable Kaiba” had reverted back to “Creepy, Cold-Ass Kaibitch” in the few minutes it took him to find Keith. He almost completely reverted back to the way he had been before he made friends with Yugi and company—cold, irritable, and just downright unpleasant.
“So, Keith, how’s your girlfriend? And when did you plan on telling me about her?” Kaiba said in a low, threatening voice. He had Keith pinned to the wall. Keith could feel Kaiba’s fingernails digging into his shoulders.
Keith tried to charm his way out of it. “You’re really feisty today. Did mean, nasty Yugi piss in your cornflakes?” Keith grabbed Kaiba’s ENORMOUS buttcheeks.
“GET YOUR HANDS OFF OF MY ASS!!” Kaiba hollered in Keith’s face. Keith grabbed Kaiba’s shoulders and flung him onto the ground.
Mokuba had followed Kaiba into the alley because Noah had sent him to make sure that Kaiba didn’t get hurt. He ran out from where he had been hiding and yelled, “Hey! You can’t handle Seto like that! He’s-”
“Stay out of this, Mokuba!” Kaiba interrupted. He got to his feet and turned back to Keith. “So why’d you lie to me, Keith?! Why’d you cheat on me after what I’ve done for you?! Do you know that I’m carrying your child?! I know you don’t because you’ve been ignoring me ever since we did it! How could you cheat on me after we had sex?!”
“Listen, Kaiba, it’s nothing personal, but Kyra’s a lot more experienced than you. She’s also a hell of a lot more satisfying,” Keith said.
“So, you’re just going to dump me because I used to be a virgin and because I’m no good in bed. You disgust me. I can’t believe I ever let you lay your filthy hands on me!” Kaiba shouted.
“Will you stop fucking shouting?! Your voice grates on my nerves like sandpaper!” Keith shouted.
Kaiba hauled off and slapped Keith across the face. “That’s for swearing in front of my little brother!” he shouted.
Then he slapped Keith again.
“And that was for getting me knocked up,” Kaiba said quietly. “Come on, let’s go, Mokuba.”
Mokuba followed Kaiba and his long white trenchcoat (and huge butt) out of the alley.
Moral of the story: Instead of violence, solve all your problems with card games.
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dipplinduo · 3 months
Yoooooo, what's up.
Okay so I've been chit-chatting with some people here and there and I've heard from a number of you (thank you!) about potential names for the Drayton x Carmine ship. From what I understand there is basically a lack of consensus in terms of how to refer to this ship. I don't wanna act like I run the internet so I wanted to open up a community discussion about it. This is what I'm thinking:
I want y'all to either comment, submit, ask box, etc. (literally whatever is easiest for you to reach me by, idc) your ideas for a ship name. I'll go back and edit this post as I get names, and then over the weekend I'll run a week long poll with the suggestions. I'm hoping this can help build some overall consensus so we can all find the shipping content in one organized place, but if not, whatever y'all decide is whatever I'll refer to them as with posts/reblogs/works of my own on this specific blog at minimum.
(If another name catches on down the line from elsewhere, I'll def adapt my tagging accordingly lol. I just want this ship to be NAMED!)
Here are the names being talked about so far that will be included in the voting poll:
if you've heard of the ship being referred to in any other way, or if you have an idea of your own, please let me know so it can be included!! Lots of love,
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insomnia-arts · 5 years
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I finally finished one of my WIPs!!!! The Elites give me so many feels its just so ugggghhhhhhhh 
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yunxies · 7 years
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fubuki has 50 different brands of shampoo, ryou washes his hair maybe once a month, yusuke tries and that’s what counts
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miracleboy-txt · 7 years
Isn't ryou/fubuki called idolshipping? I could be wrong but i thought eliteshipping was ryou/fubuki/fujiwara (which is also very good)
o shit you're right. It's not actually a major ship of mine so i've never needed to know the tag, I just looked it up before posting the fic and the list had it wrong (i just double checked)Thank you :)
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olddirtybadfic · 3 months
You Got Played: Seto's Love Life Tears the Kaiba Brothers Apart (Part Two of Five)
A wise man once said, "You know what this story needs? A love triangle!"
Part one is here.
This fic contains: Teen!me laboring under the delusion that Bandit Keith is the same age as Yugi and company; song lyrics inserted into the prose; mpreg fakeout scene (bonus "even pregnancy of the male variety does not work that way" content); vomit mention; Bandit Keith being a prick; everybody is kind of an idiot; Kaiba and Yugi dueling in bed without cards to “Cotton Eye Joe”; author’s notes to give track listings; condom mention; cheating; terrible OC; Noah Kaiba somehow being alive and bizarrely invested in his brother’s romantic life; old people bingo hall fight; Blue Eyes White Dragon underwear as a plot point
When Kaiba got home, he had nothing else to do. Doing the nasty with Keith had taken a lot out of him, so his first stop was the refrigerator.
Mokuba entered the room as Kaiba was making a sandwich out of cheese whiz, mayonnaise, pickles and, oddly enough, chocolate.
“Seto, what’s with the weird food?” Mokuba asked.
“I was just really hungry,” Kaiba answered.
“You’re never really hungry.”
“Doing it with Keith must have taken a lot out of me.”
“Did I say that out loud?”
“It’s not that big of a deal, Mokuba.”
“Yes, it is! Noah’s gonna be pissed off!”
“No, he’s not, because you’re not going to tell him.”
“Please, Mokuba? I don’t want Noah getting mad at Keith and trying to beat him down.” Kaiba attempted to use “puppy eyes” on Mokuba.
It actually worked. “All right! I won’t tell him.”
“Thank you.”
After Kaiba finished his sandwich (and a whole bunch of other food), he went to bed.
The next morning, Kaiba ended up paying for overeating by having to run back and forth to the bathroom to either puke or defecate. This started at about five o’ clock in the morning. Later in the morning, Kaiba was perfectly fine.
He reflected on what happened the night before. He knew Mokuba would keep his secret for him. He also knew that he couldn’t tell Noah, at least not right that moment.
“I can’t tell Noah right now. It would worry him too much. Plus, he might try to beat up Keith, thinking that Keith raped me. I don’t want to start any drama.”
Later that day, Keith and Kaiba were actually going out in the daytime for once. They were sitting in a hidden spot in the park.
Keith was looking around, nervously, knowing that Kyra could come walking by at any minute.
Kaiba was leaning his head on Keith’s shoulder. Normally, Kaiba didn’t do this, but Keith made him so happy that he kissed Keith on the cheek. Keith put his arm around Kaiba’s waist. Keith noticed how slender and delicate Kaiba was compared to himself.
A few minutes later, Kaiba left, saying he had to go to the bathroom, but he’d be back.
While Kaiba was in the bathroom, Kyra had stopped to talk to Keith. Noah and Mokuba had gone to the park and were walking by them.
“The weather’s really good today,” Noah was saying, until Mokuba stopped dead in his tracks.
“What’s wrong?” Noah asked.
“Look,” Mokuba said.
Keith and Kyra were making out, and they were in a very interesting position, with Kyra wrapping her legs around Keith….
“Holy crap….” was all Noah could say. “Isn’t he on a date with Seto right now?”
“Yeah, but we can’t tell Seto,” Mokuba said.
“Why the hell not?! He has the right to know that his boyfriend’s a player,” Noah said.
“But Seto’s so happy! Why should we ruin it? What he doesn’t know can’t hurt him, right?” Mokuba retorted.
“Listen, Mokuba, I want Seto to be happy just as much as you do, but he deserves to know the truth about Keith,” Noah said. “I just hope he hasn’t gone and done something stupid, like having sex with Keith.”
Mokuba stared over at Noah out of the corner of his eye. “That ship has already sailed,” he thought.
By the time Kaiba was finished in the bathroom, Kyra had left. Keith was still waiting on the bench. Kaiba sat down next to Keith. They moved in closer to each other and began to kiss. It was at this moment that Keith realized how different Kaiba’s and Kyra’s kissing was. Kyra always kissed him for a really long time and she used her tongue. Her kisses were long, steamy, and passionate. Kaiba’s kisses, on the other hand, were usually short and he never used his tongue.
“Oh, Ky, your kisses are so hot,” Keith muttered.
Kaiba stopped kissing Keith and looked directly up at him. “Did you just call me ‘Kai?’”
“Oh, shit, I just said that out loud,” Keith thought. “Uh….yeah.”
“Keith, that’s cute, but I’m not sure if I like pet names,” Kaiba said.
“Okay, then, I won’t call you ‘Kai’ if you don’t like it.” Then Keith remembered something. “I just remembered, I have to do some stuff tonight, so I won’t be able to see you.”
“It’s okay,” Kaiba said. “I should probably stay in and catch up on my sleep, anyway.”
So Keith walked Kaiba home.
When Kaiba went into the mansion, he heard the sounds of Mokuba and Noah having an argument of sorts.
“We have to tell him, Mokuba! He needs to hear the truth!” Noah was saying.
“But it would make him really mad! We can’t tell Seto that!” Mokuba protested.
Kaiba walked into the room. “What can’t you tell me?!”
“Seto, today we saw Keith making out with a girl in the park and we saw her and Keith on a date in the mall yesterday,” Noah said.
Mokuba covered his eyes so he wouldn’t have to see his brother fly into a rage at the news. When he heard nothing, he looked up. Kaiba wasn’t raging. He was just standing there, looking shocked, somewhat angry, and a little hurt.
“Why would you say something like that about Keith?” Kaiba asked in a dangerously calm, quiet voice.
“Because it’s true,” Noah answered.
“No, you’d say something like that because you don’t like him. Why don’t you just grow up and let me go out with whoever I want and STAY OUT OF MY BUSINESS?!” Kaiba’s voice got increasingly louder until he was shrieking.
“Seto! Keith is cheating on you! Hasn’t he ever slipped up and called you by the wrong name, or something?”
“No, he hasn’t! If he was lying to me, I’d be able to tell, Noah!”
“You can’t tell when someone’s lying all the time, Seto! He’s going out with another girl! He’s playing you like X-box!”
“YOU LIE!” Kaiba screamed, running to his room.
“Seto!” Mokuba ran after him, but not before he gave Noah a look that said, “I told you so.”
In his room, Kaiba was pacing around his bed, feeling extremely pissed off.
“How could he?! How could Noah even think of accusing Keith of cheating?!” Kaiba thought angrily.
Mokuba entered Kaiba’s room.
“Seto?” he started.
“Can you believe him, Mokuba? He has the nerve to tell me all that bull about Keith cheating on me. Does he think I’m a moron? Did he really expect me to believe that?”
“Well, I don’t know….”
“You don’t believe him, do you?” Kaiba asked, surprised at the possibility that Mokuba could believe Noah.
“Not really,” Mokuba answered. “Listen, Seto, maybe you should just calm down. I’m sure Noah didn’t mean to make you upset.”
“Yeah, I’m sure he didn’t,” Kaiba said, lying down.
Lately, that week, Kaiba noticed that Keith had been ignoring him. For the past five or six days, Keith had not seen Kaiba. They hadn’t gone out together or seen each other on the streets. Keith had not even called Kaiba.
“Could Noah be right about him?” Kaiba thought. “No! That’s preposterous! Why would Keith want to cheat? I can’t believe I even thought for a second that Noah was right.”
Later that afternoon, Mokuba walked into Kaiba’s room to see what he was doing. Kaiba had taped a poorly-drawn crayon picture of Noah to the wall and was currently blowing spit balls at it. There was a huge target drawn over Noah’s crotch.
“Seto, what are you doing?” Mokuba asked.
“I’m getting out all my anger without actually harming Noah,” Kaiba answered. He put another piece of paper in his mouth, stuck it in the straw and blew it out. It landed right on the target.
“Have you two even talked to each other?” Mokuba asked. Kaiba didn’t answer because he was too busy doing a victory dance that involved him trying to do the Harlem Shake, but failing horribly.
“Now what are you doing?” Mokuba asked, trying not to laugh at Kaiba’s horrible dancing.
“I’m doing my victory dance. I hit the target.”
Kaiba stopped dancing, put on his boots, and headed for the door.
“Where are you going?”
“I’m bored. I’m going for a walk,” Kaiba said, going out the door.
Yugi was bored.
He was walking down the street, just looking for something to do. It was his grandad’s bingo night and his cousin, Yami, had gone with him because he likes games. Yugi had chosen to do something else.
“It’s times like these that make me wish I had a girlfriend,” Yugi thought jokingly.
Kaiba just happened to be walking down the same street at the same time. He was starting to calm down over his altercation with Noah. Now he was just bored and wanting something to do.
Kaiba and Yugi ran into each other—literally. Yugi was walking past and he didn’t see Kaiba because it was dark and Kaiba was wearing black. Kaiba was walking and staring straight ahead, so he didn’t see Yugi because he didn’t look down. Yugi accidentally put his foot out too far to the left; Kaiba tripped on it and ended up on the ground.
“OW!” Kaiba yelled.
“Oh, crap! Kaiba, I’m sorry, let me help you up,” Yugi said, going over to Kaiba.
“Yugi, it’s okay. I can get up on my own. I guess I shouldn’t have worn black at night, huh?” Kaiba said, getting to his feet.
“No, I should’ve been watching where I was going,” Yugi said.
They both walked together for a while.
“So…do you wanna come back to the game shop and duel with me?” Yugi asked.
“Sure,” Kaiba answered.
Kaiba and Yugi made their way to the game shop. They weren’t exactly in the shop, because they were in Yugi’s room. They had decided to duel the old-fashioned way, without an arena or duel disks (Kaiba hadn’t brought his anyway).
Kaiba ended up losing to Yugi. Fortunately, he didn’t go all psycho over it.
“I always lose to you,” Kaiba said, shuffling his deck. He looked a little annoyed.
“Losing isn’t that bad,” Yugi said, trying to cheer Kaiba up.
Yugi’s large lavender eyes met Kaiba’s blue ones. Their faces got closer and closer, until……
Yugi and Kaiba began to kiss.
After a few seconds, Kaiba pulled away, saying, “No…I can’t do this….Keith wouldn’t like it.”
Yugi stopped. “How is your relationship with Keith, anyway?”
Kaiba looked somewhat upset, so Yugi started to regret asking the question. “He’s been ignoring me for some reason…I don’t know why. I think he’s losing interest in me,” Kaiba muttered.
“That’s awful! I knew Keith was low-down, but that’s just not right,” Yugi said, angrily.
Kaiba was surprised. He didn’t think Yugi cared that much about their relationship.
“If Keith is thinking about breaking up with you, he’s a loser. He doesn’t deserve you,” Yugi said.
“Thanks,” Kaiba said. “You know, Yugi, Keith doesn’t have to know about us kissing. So, if you want to continue, it’s okay with me.”
Yugi’s face brightened and his eyes gleamed mischievously. “I’d like to continue…I’d really like to continue.”
One thing led to another, and pretty soon, their clothes were off, and……unlock the power of your imagination to guess what happened next.
‘If it hadn't been for Cotton-Eye Joe, I’d-a been married a long time ago. Where did you come from, where did you go? Where did you come from, Cotton-Eye Joe?’ (author's note: Cotton Eye Joe - Rednex)
When they were done….doing their thing, Yugi noticed that the protective device that he was using had burst. “Uh, Kaiba, our ‘protection’ broke.”
Kaiba sighed. “What else is new?”
“So, was this your first time?” Yugi asked.
Kaiba hesitated to answer. He didn’t know if he should tell Yugi about what he did with Keith.
From Kaiba’s silence, Yugi could tell what Kaiba was thinking. “It was Keith, wasn’t it? He was the one who took your virginity, wasn’t he?” Yugi asked.
“I swore I’d never tell you this, but yes. He was,” Kaiba answered.
“Don’t worry, I won’t tell anyone about it. It just really makes me mad how he did that to you, and now he’s ignoring you,” Yugi said, stroking Kaiba’s hair. “He shouldn’t be ignoring you, he should be treating you with the respect you deserve.”
“I don’t feel like I deserve much respect now. I feel like a cheap whore,” Kaiba said, quietly.
“Well, you’re the farthest thing from a whore,” Yugi told him.
Suddenly, they heard footsteps on the stairs, then somebody saying, “I’m home!”
It was Yami.
“What’s Yami doing home so early?! I thought he was playing bingo with Grandpa and all those old people!” Yugi exclaimed.
The two boys scrambled to hide Kaiba’s clothes. Kaiba hid in Yugi’s bed and Yugi sat down in front of him, pulling his clothes on. Yugi was finally dressed, just as Yami walked into the room.
“I thought you were playing bingo with Grandpa,” Yugi said.
“I was, but these two old people got into a fight because they both had bingo and only one person could win. One of them threw his walker at the other, and the other one tried to run over him with his wheelchair. Then everyone started throwing their canes and cards at each other. It got sort of crazy, so Grandpa sent me home,” Yami explained. “Hey, whose deck is this?” He had spotted a dueling deck on the desk. He picked it up and looked at it.
“This looks an awful lot like-no, correction, it is Kaiba’s deck! Was Kaiba here?” Yami asked.
“Well, you could say that,” Yugi said, stalling.
“I have to sneeze,” Kaiba thought.
“What does that mean?” Yami asked.
“Ah-choo!” Kaiba sneezed.
Even though it wasn’t a big sneeze and it was muffled by the bedcovers, it was big enough to be heard by Yami. He rushed over to the bed.
“All right! Whoever’s under there, come out!” Yami said, afraid it might be a robber who snuck into Yugi’s room.
Kaiba hesitantly poked his head out from under the covers.
“Kaiba?!” Yami was shocked.
“Hello, Yami,” Kaiba said sheepishly.
Yami was about to pull the covers off Kaiba to help him out (Kaiba was practically buried in covers), but Kaiba said, “Don’t.”
“Why not?”
“I’m kinda…..not wearing any clothes..”
“Oh, crap, I’m sorry!”
“It’s okay, Yami. Could you please hand me my clothes?”
Yami handed Kaiba the pile of his clothes. Kaiba put his shirt and socks on, but he realized that there was something missing.
“Have you seen my underwear?” Kaiba asked.
“What do they look like?” Yami asked.
“They’re white boxers with Blue Eyes White Dragons on them.”
Yami and Yugi started to search for the underwear, but they couldn’t find it. They heard the door close downstairs.
“It’s Grandpa,” Yami said.
They started to speed-search, but Yugi’s and Yami’s room was always a mess, so they had no luck.
Mr. Moto’s footsteps were getting closer and closer.
Kaiba pulled his pants on, sans underwear, and grabbed his deck.
“I have to go,” Kaiba said. “You’ll get in trouble if your grandfather finds me up here like this.”
“But what about your underwear?” Yugi asked. “You need it.”
“I’ll manage without it. I’ll help you look later,” Kaiba said, putting his deck in his pocket.
“That’s okay, we’ll give it to you when we find it,” Yami said.
With a slight wave, Kaiba climbed out the window and went home.
Yugi and Yami watched Kaiba’s retreating figure.
“Can you imagine the chafing? We’d better find that underwear,” Yami said.
Yugi was lost in thought, daydreaming about a boxer-less Kaiba.
Moral of the story: Clearly, the sexiest song in the world is Rednex's "Cotton Eye Joe."
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The Intelligent Terror of the Snow (or Kaiba and Keith’s Crack Adventure)
It snowed a foot overnight. When they woke up, Kaiba and Keith went out to play. First, they made snow angels. Then they had a snowball fight and Kaiba hit Keith in his penis with a big sexy ice ball. It hurt a lot, but Kaiba kissed it wildly and then it was all better.
Then they decided to make a snowman.
“We’ll make a really shiny snow man!” Kaiba said.
“Why don’t we make a snow woman instead?” Keith said. “That would be more hairy and politically correct.”
“I know,” Kaiba said. “We can make a snow dragon. That way, we don’t have to worry about gender politics.”
So they rolled the snow up drunkenly and made a sparkly snow dragon. Kaiba put a snow deck in the hand. The dragon was almost as big as Keith.
“It looks ridiculous,” Kaiba said. “But it seems like it’s missing something.”
“Here,” Keith said and held up a leathery set of rules. “I found this in the bed.” He put the rules onto the dragon’s head.
It was perfect. For about a minute. Then the dragon, even though it was just made of snow, started to move and growl like an elephant on LSD.
Keith screamed flaccidly and ran but the snow dragon chased him until he tripped over a tree root. Then the snow dragon screwed him fortunately.
“Nobody does that to my Molten Metallic Duel Disk,” Kaiba screamed. He grabbed an icicle and stabbed the snow dragon through the butt. It fell down and Kaiba kicked it apart until it was just a bunch of snow again.
“You saved me!” Keith said and they shared an embrace in the snow before going in for hot chocolate.
The rules lay in the yard until a rich child picked them up and took them home.
This is what I got from the slashfic generator.
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