#elizabeth weir x ronon dex
stargatelov3r · 1 year
Elizabeth x Ronon #49 for the ship prompt, please.
this got kinda long (904 words) so I also posted it on ao3
A kiss out of necessity
She needs him. And by the way he’s looking at her he needs her, too. Now. 
Elizabeth excuses herself from the party, mentioning something about preparations for the arrival of the Daedalus. Always a good excuse. She leaves. She knows he will do the same - after an unsuspicious amount of time has passed. At least that's how it usually goes.
This time, however, her doors have barely slid shut behind her when she hears the familiar chime and she opens them back up. Ronon is panting slightly, as if he ran all the way from the mess hall to her quarters. She lets him enter wordlessly, quickly checking the corridors to see if anyone could have seen them. Nobody is around. Everyone is at the party. Their absence won’t be noticed.
She faces him, her chest heaving already in anticipation as she seizes him up. His arm is still in a sling, a remnant from AR-1's latest mission. 
They made it back - barely, Ronon being the one beaten up the worst. The bruises on his arms (and no doubt in other places as well), and his split lip have almost healed, the injuries mere shadows on his skin now.
She thought she'd lost them. Again. She thought she'd never see them. Again. It never gets easier. But it makes their return ever so sweeter. Just as it makes this so much sweeter.
He’s still catching his breath, and it is not only because of his little sprint through Atlantis' hallways. His gaze is fixed on her, as if she’s the only thing he sees, as if she draws his attention like a single flame in the darkness of the night.
An invisible force pulls them towards each other, time apart, fear of having seen one another for the last time, and not to mention touch deprivation creating an almost ecstatic atmosphere between them.
It is the first time they are alone since the team returned a few days ago, and neither of them has addressed the other so far. Words, spoken words at least, are not something Ronon gives away lightly. It stumped her at first, yet intrigued her. This fascination has not gone away, not even since they started this game.
Surprisingly, he opens his mouth now, just as they are only inches apart and she has to crane her neck to look at him. She instantly shakes her head. No talk.
A smirk, one that makes her heart flutter and her stomach coil, tucks at the corner of his mouth and without missing a beat he leans down to meet her in an open mouthed kiss. She arches into the kiss, her arms flying around his neck, letting her need take a hold of her.
His beard scratches her skin, a feeling she never thought she'd like but has learned to love.
His kiss, his tongue, is just as urgent as her own, his body language almost frantic as he carefully pushes her back against the nearest wall. She doesn't know how but he manages to lift her up with one arm. He winces lightly when she wraps her legs around his waist and she momentarily draws out of the kiss. He is still towering over her...
"Are you alright?" Her speech is slurred with both lightheadedness from the kiss and the urgency to make sure that his injuries are not worse than he let anyone know and that she did not hurt him involuntarily. 
"Yeah," he replies, his eyes brimming with a softness she only ever noticed when they are in private - when he looks at her.
She tries to make herself a little taller to meet his lips again, instead his forehead finds hers and he just rests there for a moment, eyes closed, breathing - deeply - as if he is catching his breath for the first time after running for a long, long time.
Perhaps the last mission has taken more out of him than she - or anyone else - realized, perhaps what he really needed was a place to rest in peaceful companionship. A place to lay his guard down.
She cups his face with one hand, lets her fingertips brush through his beard, and she feels him shudder, his nose nuzzling against hers. She smiles, nuzzling back, hoping for another kiss, as his kisses are always so sweet, so deep, so heartfelt, so... open. As if when kissing someone - her -, he bares a part of him that he usually keeps hidden.
However, he makes no indication to kiss her again just yet, and she presses no further.
They stay like this for a while, silence enveloping them as elsewhere in the city the party rages on. A moment like this, some peace in the turmoils of Pegasus, is rarely found, rarely lived, rarely enjoyed, and insanely difficult to break out of.
Nonetheless Elizabeth eventually pulls back, her hand still cupping his cheek.
"Wanna get some sleep?" She asks, her voice echoing louder than she anticipated in the dark room.
He nods, turning his head to press a kiss on the palm of her hand. Her stomach drops at the gesture. It's easy to forget what lies behind the outer appearance of Ronon. It's easy to forget he is secretly a romantic. And yet he continues to remind her whenever he has the chance.
Perhaps, she thinks as her feet touch the ground again, one day she won't forget anymore.
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ghostlyfanparadise · 9 months
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ana-swritings · 21 days
"Interstellar Destiny"
Hello, my lovelies. Here it is. It's finally done. Hope you like it.
This is Book 3 of the "Interstellar" series. We are finally at the conclusion of the series, after almost 2 years. :)
Check it out and let me know what you think. :)
Love y'all,
Pairing: Evan Lorne x OFC
Fandom: Stargate Atlantis/Stargate SG-1
Words: 26.968
Fair Warning: Fluff; Angst; Hurt; Canon-Divergent; Grief; Comfort; Romance
Summary: Book 3 in the "Interstellar" series. Lara and Evan finally have their happy ending. Or do they? When a mission goes sideways, Lara is left to believe that her life has been turned upside down. Having to face new challenges, while leaving the one place she has called home for the last few years, Lara has to find a new kind of strength if she is to ever be happy again. But when a face from her face shows up on her doorstep, can she go back to her happy ending? Or will external forces mess everything up? Read on to follow Lara on her last adventure of the series.
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Making his way to the South Pier after his shift, Evan is a man on a mission. Carrying a large picnic basket, he has decided that tonight is a good night to set up a little picnic for Lara, filled with candles all around them and under a beautiful full moon.
As he sets everything up and waits for Lara to meet him there, he can’t stop the nervousness that threatens to overcome him, his nerves almost making his hands shake. He takes one last look around, making sure everything is perfect, and thinks that it’s time they start a new chapter in their story together, a smile spreading across his face.
It doesn’t take long for Lara to show up and be surprised by what he has done, making him relieved that no one had spilled his plan to her.
-“What’s all this for? Did I miss our anniversary or something?” - A smile plays on her lips.
-“No.” - He chuckles. -“I just wanted to do something special for you.”
-“Thank you. Today was a long day, you have no idea, and this is exactly what I needed. Just some alone time with you.”
Lara kisses him deeply, Evan more than happy to reciprocate the kiss. He is sure that, no matter how long the years run, he will never get tired of the feeling of her lips on his. Once they break apart, Evan helps Lara sit down on the fluffy blanket he borrowed from Teyla and takes a seat next to her, thankful that she loved the idea.
For the next few minutes, they eat and talk about their days, from crazy injuries that Lara treated, to the weird fruit Evan had tried off-world that morning, some of it having made its way into their picnic basket so she could try as well, after being cleared by the biologists in the city.
But the nerves are starting to get to Evan and he keeps rubbing his hand over his neck or messing with his hair. As much as he tries to disguise it, he knows he’s failing when Lara asks him if he’s okay.
-“I’m fine. But there is something I want to talk to you about, though.”
He sees her nodding at him to continue. Taking a deep breath, he knows it’s now or never.
-“Lara, ever since I met you, my life hasn’t been the same. We have been through hell and back to be together, and when we were finally in a good place, life threw another hurdle at us. In our darkest moment, when I thought I would never see you again, I realized that I don’t want to live my life without you. I want to share everything with you, the good, the bad, the ugly, all of it, because you’re the only woman I have ever loved this deeply. So, Lara O’Neill, will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?”
Evan can see the tears in her eyes as he kneels in front of her, a little box with a ring in his hand, and wonders if maybe this isn’t what she would’ve wanted. But the words that leave her mouth next, leave no room for doubts.
-“There’s nothing I want more than to be your wife. Yes, a million times, yes.”
Evan smiles so big, he is sure he is bound to pull a muscle. Placing the ring on her finger, he pulls her close and kisses her deeply. When they pull apart for breath, he thinks that he is one lucky bastard to be able to call a woman as amazing as Lara his future wife.
They spend the rest of the night making plans for the future, from where they want to get married to where they will live once they eventually return to Earth. They talk about who they want at the wedding and how things will change once they are actually married, and they know that some things will also stay the same.
Evan can honestly say that he can’t wait for the rest of his life and to grow old and gray with Lara. Hopefully, the Universe will be kind enough to them and give them that. After all they have been through, he thinks it is well deserved.
Hope you enjoyed it. :)
To continue reading, go here. :)
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missjadesfics · 2 months
Are you blushing because of me?
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Ronon Dex x Reader Dividers: @cafekitsune @rookthornesartistry Request: No Summary: Ronon loves making Y/n blush, even so much so it prompts him to reveal his feelings for her. Warnings: None, just Ronon and Y/n being adorable; Ronon does have slight wandering hands ;) Word Count: 2k Disclaimer: I don't own Stargate Atlantis, nor do I claim them as my own Comments, likes and reblogs are always adored and appreciated xx
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Y/n Shepard was John’s only child, so what happens, you might ask, in her daily life? Being the child of Lt. John Shepard means she doesn’t leave Atlantis. He claims it’s for her safety after losing her mother; he devoted his entire focus to keeping his daughter alive and well. So Y/n adapted; she trained with Teyla in hand-to-hand combat and helped Dr McKay discover Ancient technology; lucky for Y/n, Rodney McKay let her help him. He is always too stubborn and proud to admit to others when he is wrong or needs help, but Y/n always had a soft spot for him. To the shock of the whole of Atlantis, Rodney McKay’s being selfless towards someone else was unheard of. Y/n often occupied her time helping Dr Beckett with medical research, and he always loved the extra help with the younger girl. Everyone in Atlantis had become Y/n’s family quickly. Elizabeth Weir, the commander of Atlantis, kept a close eye on Y/n when her father was away on off-world missions. 
The day when the team assembled to go and find Ford, an old member of the team, Y/n desperately wanted to go. “Y/n, no, you have to stay here; we could encounter Wraiths. I want you to stay here. Understand me,” He told her; she nodded solemnly. “Fine, whatever you say,” she pushed him playfully as he kissed her head. “Don’t worry, we’ll be back in no time” He waved as Y/n grumbled, making her way up the stairs to the infirmary and seeing Dr Beckett on his chair. “Y/n love, why do you look so down?” He asked, worried Y/n sighed, sitting on a nearby bench. 
“I am sentenced to stay here again while my father goes on another off-world mission. So yeah,” She swung her legs back and forth. “Does my father not trust me? I am twenty-two years old. I’ve never been off-world before. I’m sure I can handle myself” She walked around. Dr Beckett laughed, swinging around his chair. “I don’t think that’s the issue, lass. Your father just wants to keep you safe, that’s all. You are his only child. His protective nature just takes over; he means nothing by it. Here, come help me with these blood samples. I need help labelling and ordering” He smiled at her as she sat beside him, helping him sort out the blood test tubes. “Now tell me, have you read any new books recently?” He asked her as they both worked away.
So, to say the least, when John and the team returned not with Ford but with someone new, Y/n’s interest was piqued. Running to the main operating room, she saw her father with the rest of the team “Dad!” She exclaimed as she ran into his open arms. John laughed, lifting her off the ground. “Oh, I always love your hugs when I come back.” He looked at her with a grin, and Y/n looked around. “No Ford?” She asked, and John shook his head. “No, he uh got away in a Dart; we lost him.” he sighed Y/n saw Teyla and hugged her friend Y/n looked over at the new guy who was already staring at her Y/n pulled away from her hug with Teyla. John saw his daughter’s eyes land on Ronon as she pulled away from her hug from Teyla. “Oh, Ronon, this is Y/n. Y/n, this is Ronon Dex” Y/n smiled, holding her hand out for Ronon; he smiled lightly, his head reaching out, and John pulled Y/n back. “Nope, not happening. Y/n, go see Rodney; he said he found something new you might like to look at” Y/n’s eyes widened. “Dad, stop it!” She looked at him, embarrassed. John gave her a stern look, and she sighed, looking at Ronon again before leaving the room. 
The next day, Y/n walked around Atlantis, stumbling across the cafeteria and seeing Ronon sitting alone. She smiled, grabbed water, a knife and a fork, and approached him. “Mind if I join you?” She asked. Ronon’s eyes looked up from the food. He looked around. “No one going to stop you today?” He teased her; she laughed, shaking her head. “Don’t mind my dad; he’s just overprotective” She sighed and offered Ronon the knife and fork. “Use these; it’s proper eating etiquette.” She watched him eye the utensils as he used them cautiously. She sipped her water. “I am sorry we didn’t get properly introduced yesterday. I’m Y/n; it’s nice to meet you officially,” She leant on her hand. Ronon nodded with a chuckle “Ronon, nice to meet you too,” he replied, eating his potato; she noticed he hadn’t touched the jelly on his tray. “You aren’t fond of jelly?” She asked, pointing to the small plastic container. Ronon narrowed his eyes at the blue food, shaking his head. “Not really. I don’t like the look of it,” He mumbled; he cleaned his hand and picked up the jelly with a slight smile. “Would you like it?” He offered; she smiled and took it; feeling their hands touch, she gasped softly. Ronon’s eyes shined at her reaction. “Thank you, Ronon”, she whispered as she ate the jelly. He winked. “No problem, Y/n”, he smirked, making her blush. So she blushes easily, Ronon thought.
As Ronon began to find his place in Atlantis, he became an official member of John’s team. At times, though, he was still standoffish to others and somewhat intimidating with a strike-first-questions-later persona. He spent much time with Y/n without John knowing about it. He could only imagine if John found out he and his daughter were alone together, the hell-raising that would occur from it. Ronon’s sleeping quarters were a few rooms away from Y/n’s, so running into her was part of the ritual. It was almost perfectly timed they would both come out of their room, lock eyes and smile. Walking beside each other, their fingers nearly touching, making their eyes avert down before pretending they didn’t notice. 
Teyla had noticed the lingering gaze between the two; she knew the look of love when she saw it. If McKay or Beckett ever noticed, McKay would make a shiver and a disgusted sound followed by a typical McKay-fashioned phrase: “Honestly, what would she see in a guy like Ronon? He’s hotheaded, stubborn, and, not to mention, dives in head-first into danger. She should be with someone more like…like,” He would try to say, and Beckett would finish his sentence “, Like you?” He asked with a raised brow. Teyla would laugh lightly as McKay would look between the two, puffing his chest out. “Me? You think so?” Nothing strokes Rodney’s ego better than when someone thinks he is the best at what he does or if he would be suited to a romantic match with someone like Colonel Shepard’s daughter. “I guess you could say that; at least I am not throwing myself in harm’s way whenever I have the chance” McKay would continue his work, making Beckett chuckle. “My friend, if Y/n ever decided to be with you. It would be because you’d be the only man on earth, and that’s not a compliment.” 
Ronon always found a moment to find something beautiful or unique on any mission the team was sent on. He loved seeing her face light up with each little gift he would give her. John had begun to see something was happening between his daughter and Ronon, his father instincts kicking in. Teyla would tell him to let the couple be. “Y/n is old enough to make her own choices, John. She knows you are protective, but you must let her grow independently at some point,” Teyla smiled. John grumbled, slouching in annoyance. “I know it will take some getting used to, that’s all. She’s never had a relationship; well, there has been no one that she’s liked, you know. And Ronon comes along and-” John spoke before halting his sentence. Teyla raised her brows. “He makes your daughter happy, John” Teyla finished. John sighed with a nod. “Yeah, he does, damn it”
Y/n sat in her favourite little hide-out, reading her book, when she heard movement behind her. Her head turned, and she saw Ronon climb over and sit beside her in the little nook. “Mmm, this is cozy. Good thing there’s only room for two of us,” he grinned Y/n blushed, looking down at her book. “To be honest, I never tested this cozy space with someone else, so I didn’t know if it could fit two people”, she admitted as Ronon laid back slightly. “I hope you don’t mind sharing it with me then?” Ronon whispered. His hand slowly moved to touch hers. Y/n felt her breathing hitch when his fingers touched hers. “I don’t”, Y/n whispered, her eyes gazing into his. “This reminds me I have something for you” Ronon reached behind his back and pulled out a small leather pouch. Y/n’s smile widened. Ronon grasped her hand and opened her palm, laying the pouch in her open hand. 
“What did you get me?” She asked him. Ronon smirked, watching her open the pouch; her hand dipped inside and pulled out a necklace with a blue gem in the centre. “Ronon, this is beautiful”, she gasped, admiring the jewellery. “You shouldn’t have this, wouldn’t have been-” she began. Ronon held her hand. “The man who gave me this, I’ve known him for a long time; he visited my planet. He would carve with local stones, gold, and anything he could find beauty in and sell it. He owed me a favour, and he did this for me. This gem I found on one of my scouts it’s the last piece of my home. And I wanted to give it to the woman I had fallen in love with. A piece of my heart for her to keep,” He murmured. Y/n gasped softly, her eyes beginning to fill with tears. Ronon cupped her cheek, pressing his head to hers. “Ronon”, She breathed, her heart pounding, hearing it thump through her body. “Yes?” He smirked, his eyes shining with a mischievous glint Y/n licked her lips, her breathing falling and rising quickly. "I love you too," She told Ronon Y/n climbed onto his lap and wrapped her arms around his neck “Kiss me, please.” She let out a shaky breath as Ronon happily obliged her request, both of their lips melding perfectly together. Y/n felt Ronon’s hand move up and down her body. His fingers left a trail of fire in their wake. 
His hands slid up her back, pulling her closer. Feeling her body relax under his touch, she fell into his embrace completely. Pulling away for a breath, the couple panted quietly. Ronon’s hands were placed on Y/n’s hips. "You are so beautiful", Ronon murmured, causing Y/n to blush her head falling on his shoulder to hide her embarrassment. “Are you blushing because of me?” Ronon teased with a laugh. Y/n pulled away and shoved him playfully, his eyes looking over her face. “I love it when you do; it means I’m doing something right” he smiled lovingly, her nose brushing Ronon’s softly.
"I'm glad I took your father up on his offer to stay in Atlantis."
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special dt : @hudson-bay-girl
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xenantis · 2 years
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HQ poster: here HQ wallpaper: here
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Sign Ups Are Now Open!
We’re pleased to announce that our fic exchange sign ups are officially open!! We can’t wait to see everyone’s works! Please make sure you have an account on AO3 (Archive of Our Own) and make sure to read the rules and FAQ carefully before entering!
As of right now, our schedule looks like this!
Dec. 14 2020: Sign up form goes live!
Dec. 29 2020: Sign up deadline to receive your assignment before the new year
Dec. 30 2020: Assignments go out!
Jan. 15 2021: Sign ups absolutely, 100% closed
Jan. 17 2021: Late assignments go out!
Feb. 14 2021: Post your fics!
Should you have any concerns, feel free to message us here, on our personal blogs ( @starrybouquet and @badstargateimagines ) or shoot us an email at [email protected] ! We’re thrilled to be having a fic exchange and we will be looking for pinch hitters! If you’re interested in being a pinch hitter, again, contact us at any of the above contact information and we’ll be in communication!
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samueltanders · 4 years
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oflanteandesign · 5 years
Chapter 1
Rating: G
Relationships: Samantha "Sam" Carter/Jack O'Neill, John Sheppard/Elizabeth Weir
Summary:  A small group of Ancients have survived their war with the Wraith. They have returned to take back their city, and decided that the members of the Atlantis Expedition are no longer welcome there. The two representatives the IOA have chosen to leave in Atlantis are Richard Woolsey and General Jack O'Neill, whose lives are put in danger when the Pegasus Replicators invade the city. With the help of Lieutenant Colonel Sam Carter, who wants to help her friends, (but mostly, wants to save the man she loves) the leaders of the former Atlantis Expedition risk their jobs and their lives to save their home.
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stargatelov3r · 1 year
For the ship game. Favorite stargate shit and stargate NOTP, whichever they are :-)
thank you so much for the ask! I already did my favorite ship (i assume that's what you meant ;) here but i'll do another one just for fun :)
Ship It
What made you ship it? it's so hard to remember this! but i think at some point i was just like "hm, i think Elizabeth deserves some good dick, let's see... oh yeah, what if she got together with Ronon every once in a while?" and that's basically what this whole idea started but the more i started to think about it the more i found that things between them actually might work out?
What are your favorite things about the ship? - they are both extremely sexy - they both have a hard time asking for the things they need in a relationship but weirdly i think that if they got together they would get better at it, especially if it started as a friends with benefits thing because then the whole thing would be based around talking about each other's (sexual) needs and i think that would translate into a romantic relationship as well - ronon is literally the only person who manages to fluster elizabeth! especially in the beginning when she tries to talk to him and he just... doesn't? it's hilarious to watch and i'd like to think that Elizabeth is wrecking her brain about how to get him to talk or how to get through to him - they care deeply about the people close to each other and i think they would Care! So! Much! about each other if they were in a relationship. just... so much... i could write more but i'll stop now
Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
again, i feel like just shipping them is an unpopular opinion? bc not a lot of people do ship them?
And maybe the idea that they are fuck buddies at first is unpopular as well but to me it makes total sense: she doesn't want to get attached, she can't do relationships in her position. he has lost everything at some point and now slowly gaining things back. he lost the love of his life and maybe doesn't want to get emotionally involved. but he *does* respect Elizabeth, he is incredibly thankful that she let him stay in atlantis... there is so much!
now let's get to my NOTP
I'm not sure I have a definite NOTP? But there are some ships that bug me and one of them is McKeller which is what i'm gonna use for this ask
Don’t Ship It
Why don’t you ship it?
a lot of people have talked about this before but for me they just don't vibe. It's not that i don't think that fundamentally different people can't find some common ground and maybe get together, it's that Keller sees McKay and thinks "i can fix him" even though he doesn't need fixing, you know?
Now, McKay is far from perfect, but she tries to change him into that person that would be the perfect boyfriend for her.
2. What would have made you like it?
for one i think if they had stopped wanting her to change him and if they had not pushed it that much?
also if they had made him her only love interest without sprinkling ronon and (in cut scenes) Vega in there as well.
3. Despite not shipping it, do you have anything positive to say about it?
I used to not dislike them when i was first watching SGA, does that count?
Otherwise I don't really have anything to say (:
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ghostlyfanparadise · 10 months
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ana-swritings · 7 months
New Story: "My Everything"
Hello, my lovelies. Here is the third and final story from the "My Friend, My Lover, My Everything" series. Hope you like it.
Check it out and let me know what you think. :)
Love y'all,
Pairing: Major Evan Lorne x OFC
Fandom: Stargate Atlantis
Words: 25,014
Fair Warning: Explicit Violence; Explicit Language; Fluff; Angst; Hurt; Slow Burn; Anger
Summary: Book 3 of the "My Friend, My Lover, My Everything" series
When a surprise visit, leads to a dangerous mission, Rosalie needs to come to terms that she is no longer on her own. But when she almost loses someone close to her, can she trust herself not to fall back on her old ways? How will she deal with almost losing the one person that has her whole heart?
Read the final book in the series to get all the answers. :)
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Chapter 1: I Promise
Rosalie reaches the Gate Room at the same time their mystery guest walks through the gate. She gasps in shock. Standing in front of her is the last person she thought she would see.
The bright eyes of a young girl search her surroundings, looking for a familiar face. Fay, the little girl that saved Rosalie from bleeding to death, walks in a slow pace, scared of the people that she doesn’t know, all armed with big guns.
Fay hears someone calling her name and soon feels herself being wrapped in a tight embrace. Looking up at the woman that is holding her, she lets out a sob, tears running down her cheeks and staining the woman’s uniform. Rosie is there, she will make things right, she is safety.
Rosalie can’t believe her eyes. Letting go of Fay, she looks the girl over, checking for obvious signs of injuries, but seeing none. She looks so scared, her clothes torned and frayed, it breaks Rosalie’s heart seeing her like that and sends a wave of panic over her.
-“Fay, what happened? Where are your parents?” - Rosalie looks over Fay’s shoulder, looking for someone that isn’t there.
-“Some… men took them… when we were… coming home.” - Her sobs are heartbreaking. Fay takes a deep breath before continuing. -“Mom told me to run, but I hid and saw the men take them through the Ring of the Ancients. Others went to the village. I remembered what you said, that if we ever needed help to come here, so I went back home to get this and came here.” - Fay shows her the IDC that Rosalie had given them months ago, just in case something happened.
-“You did good, Fay. You’re safe here, I promise.”
Rosalie pulls Fay against her chest again and just lets the little girl cry. She can feel Elizabeth and Sheppard standing close by, but doesn’t bother turning around and explaining, Fay already told them all they needed to know at the moment.
Pulling back, she turns to Elizabeth and hears the woman telling her to take Fay to the infirmary so Beckett can check her out and make sure she is okay. Rosalie gives her a thankful nod. She knows both Elizabeth and Sheppard might have a million questions for her, but right now all she can focus on is making sure that Fay is okay.
As Rosalie leads Fay to the infirmary, being accompanied by Elizabeth and Sheppard, her mind keeps spinning with questions. Who are the men that took Chantria and Bassel? Why were they taken? Where were they taken? So many questions and she doesn’t have any answers. Maybe when Fay is calmer, she might be able to give Rosalie answers, although she doubts the little girl knows more than what she told them.
They make it to the infirmary and Beckett is already waiting for them. “Elizabeth must’ve told him we were coming.”, she thinks and smiles at the good doctor, who introduces himself to Fay. Fay looks back at Rosalie, half hiding behind her, and Rosalie understands the fear that is written all over the little girl’s face all to well. The fear of not knowing if she can trust the people around her, if they are going to hurt her in any way. It’s the type of fear that Rosalie never wished on anyone, specially not on a sweet child such as Fay.
After making sure that Fay knows that Beckett is a friend and that he won’t harm her in any way, Rosalie steps aside and joins Elizabeth and Sheppard, still in Fay’s eyesight but far enough so that she can’t hear their conversation.
-“Who’s the girl, Rosalie?” - Sheppard asks, his voice low and worry coating it.
-“Her name is Fay. A couple of months before we met, I was badly injured. Usually, I was able to stitch myself up, but I had run out of supplies. I was on my way to the local village when I collapsed. Fay found me while she and her father were collecting wood, and they took me in so her mother could patch me up.”
-“And how did she get an IDC?” - It was Elizabeth’s turn to ask the questions, and despite the question in itself, she didn’t sound angry.
-“I gave it to them when you told me I could give it to strategic allies. I know that they don’t exactly qualify, but I owe them my life. I had to make sure that they would be able to reach me if they ever needed help. I gave it to them when we visited the planet to try and establish some sort of trading agreement.” - Rosalie would never apologize for giving them an IDC, not if it can help save their lives. -“I wanna ask that you allow me to return to their planet and try and find out who took Fay’s parents, as well as get some things for Fay from their home. Like I said, I owe them my life. If it hadn’t been for them, I would’ve died that day. The least I can do is try and figure out where or why they were taken.”
-“I agree that this needs investigating. If there are people out there kidnapping other people, we might need to know who they are and what their purpose is. Take Major Lorne and his team with you.”
-“Thank you, Elizabeth.”
Rosalie walks over to Fay, hearing Sheppard telling Evan over the earpiece to get his team and a jumper ready, and she wonders what she is going to find.
-“Hey little one. How you feeling?”
-“Fay, I’m gonna be away for a little bit, okay? I’m gonna try and find out what happened to your mom and dad, alright?” - Rosalie softly pulls the hair away from Fay’s face.
-“I wanna come with you.”
-“I’m sorry, Fay, but you can’t. It’s too dangerous and if anything happened to you, I’m pretty sure your mom and dad would kill me. But you can help by staying here and helping Beckett with his patients.” - Rosalie looks back at Beckett and sees him nodding at her implied request. -“You are safe here, okay? They’re my friends and they will take care of you and keep you safe until I get back.”
-“Do you promise to find my mom and dad?”
-“I promise, little one. I’ll find them and bring them back to you.”
Kissing the top of Fay’s head, Rosalie leaves the infirmary and heads straight to the armory. Grabbing her Staff weapon and gear, she meets up with Evan in the jumper bay, knowing that by now Sheppard has already got him up to speed on what’s going on.
Sitting in the jumper, Rosalie keeps remembering the day that Chantria, Bassel and Fay saved her life. It’s then that she vows to stop at nothing to find them and bring them back to Fay. After all they did for her, the least she can do is try and figure out where they were taken and by who, no matter what she has to do.
Hope you enjoyed it. :)
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lupines-slash-recs · 6 years
Fandom Masterpost - S
The Sandlot 
Benjamin Franklin Rodriguez/Scotty Smalls 
Shadowhunters | The Mortal Instruments 
Clary Fray/Isabelle Lightwood 
Raphael Santiago/Simon Lewis 
Sherlock BBC 
Irene Adler/Molly Hooper  --  Fanart Board 
Mycroft Holmes/Greg Lestrade  --  Fanart Board 
Sherlock Holmes/John Watson  --  Fanart Board 
Clark Kent/Lex Luthor  --  Fanart Board 
Snow White and the Huntsman 
Eric the Huntsman/William Hammond 
The Social Network 
Mark Zuckerberg/Eduardo Saverin 
John Cooper/Ben Sherman 
Spider-Man Trilogy 
Harry Osborn/Peter Parker 
Sports Night 
Casey McCall/Dan Rydell 
Star Trek AOS 
Hikaru Sulu/Pavel Chekov  --  Fanart Board 
James ‘Jim’ Kirk/Spock  --  Fanart Board 
Star Trek TNG 
Data/Geordi La Forge  --  Fanart Board 
Star Trek TOS 
James ‘Jim’ Kirk/Spock  --  Fanart Board 
Star Wars | Sequel Trilogy (Ep. VII-IX)
Captain Phasma/Rey 
Kylo Ren/Armitage Hux  --  Fanart Board 
Poe Dameron/Finn  --  Fanart Board 
Rey/Jessika Pava  --  Fanart Board 
Stargate Atlantis 
David Parrish/Evan Lorne 
John Sheppard/Rodney McKay  --  Fanart Board 
Ronon Dex/Radek Zelenka 
Teyla Emmagan/Elizabeth Weir 
Mike Ross/Harvey Specter  --  Fanart Board 
Supergirl (DCCW)
Kara Danvers/Lena Luthor 
Crowley/Bobby Singer  --  Fanart Board 
Dean Winchester/Sam Winchester  --  Fanart Board 
Lucifer/Sam Winchester 
Fandom Masterposts: # | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M| N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Crossovers
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stargatelov3r · 2 years
Hello !! Random question but would you ship Evan/John or even Rodney/Radek? 👀 Also I don’t think your Ronon/Elizabeth headcannon is that strange, I’ve seen fics on John/Caldwell !
hey pal! how you doing!
this is not so random considering that I've been answering asks about all kinds of ships for a bit now ;) (and enjoying it immensely)
John/Lorne, hmmmm. To be completely honest, I don’t realy see it at this point. I think that Lorne might have a crush on John, but I think lately when I’ve been thinking about John I kinda have him paired up with Rodney (yes, this is 100% because of my cohosts over at @jumpingpuddlespodcast).
I’m gonna say right now I’m seeing them more as friends, maybe really good friends, but not more. However,  I don’t rule out the possibility of shipping them.
Yeah, now that I’ve talked with a few people about Elizabeth/Ronon I feel much more comfortable with my opinions <3 I love fandom <3
John/Caldwell is a big nope for me because I feel it would bring up way too many daddy/authority figure issues for him
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stargatelov3r · 2 years
Love that this is such a popular question
I've actually talked about them before in this post but I have developed more thoughts.
i still think it would start out as a friends with benefits/no strings attached thing, but actually? it might become more? but it's not a "oh shit one of them caught feelings and the other one didn't" trope, it's kinda mutual and gradual? like,,, they start spending the nights at the other's quarters, they talk a bit more etc.
I think that Ronon sees in Elizabeth a person who sees him like nobody else does. From the get-go she tries to connect with him, she tries to talk with him, asks him about his plans, how he feels in Atlantis, tells him a bit about how things go in Atlantis etc. And I don't think anyone else does that. Everyone else sees him and thinks "big mean fighter who will break your neck when you cross him or his friends/family" and they are not wrong. But there is more to him and she sees that.
And I think he appreciates that, even if he doesn't say it, he probably shows her in some way.
Oh gosh. Maybe he even tells her that. There is a really soft moment when they are having breakfast in bed or she's reading or SOMETHING and he just watches her and she notices it and asks what's wrong and he tells her that one of the reasons he stayed on Atlantis was because of the way she treated him.
Obviously John played a big role in him staying too but her being kind but also determined and respectful and stuff was kind of the tipping point for him?
ah shit, i'm catching feelings for this ship now...
anyways, yeah... this all started out as an idea in my head bc they are both so fuckable and now here we are...
thanks for asking again about these two! who knows, maybe in two weeks i'll have even more thoughts about them xD
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ghostlyfanparadise · 2 months
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ghostlyfanparadise · 8 months
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