#elmike fic
gaymikelesbianel · 2 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Stranger Things (TV 2016) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Will Byers/Mike Wheeler, Eleven | Jane Hopper/Maxine "Max" Mayfield Characters: Eleven | Jane Hopper, Mike Wheeler, Will Byers Additional Tags: elmike, platonic elmike, byler, elmax  Summary:
Mike is in love with Will. Deeply and utterly just head-over-heels in love with his best friend. However, he wasn't as discreet about his feelings as he should have been. El knows because she isn't a fool and has suspected it for a while.
In the end, though, they will always be together and be there for each other. Whether it be in a romantic way or not.
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emblazons · 4 months
Forewarning: Gay Mike talk skip if you want
Not to be that person in 2024 that pride gifset did it to me but I still genuinely do not understand how the "girls being girls was never a problem for Mike" argument came to be, considering THIS the show's Mike talking about, learning about, confessing to and just being around spaces re: girls:
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note: this isn't even touching any of the moments we see hints that he's into boys—JUST the moments where we see his displeasure with/disinterest in engaging with girls (or commentary by other guys who are interested in them). Will, a confirmed gay character, doesn't even have this many reminders of his lack of interest in girls.
Once is a coincidence. Twice is a pattern. Twelve times without real effort to pull every example? and I didn't even include him taking a girls hands off him while kissing or the four other times they kissed eyes open or hidden? Iet's be so serious lmao
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hyperfixatedbean · 4 months
I would love an angsty Byler story where Mike thanks El for commissioning the painting, only for her to have no idea what he's talking about. tysm <3
Thank you SO MUCH for the prompt !!!
It was chaotic cause I lost everything and had to rewrite it but it is HERE
I hope it’s not too bad :’D !!
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onstoryladders · 1 year
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This chapter offers lots of platonic Elmike, Elmax, some Lumax, Mike having another gay crisis, Max going through it for the 2nd chapter in a row, and also Madwheeler fighting.
Thanks to anyone who'll give this a chance 💖
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elevenmayfieldz · 5 months
oneshot 1 is up! it’s called 2AM and you can read it here !!
who knows how long this one will take to be updated again
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groovinrightalong · 9 months
Okay it’s no longer wip Wednesday but I deleted my other wip because I totally rewrote it so here’s a new one to make up for it. It’s probably Wednesday somewhere.
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livv-watkins · 2 years
Mike gets vecna’d and it’s that one concept where vecna shows him what his future with Jane would look like vs Will etc etc. Enjoy!!
All of a sudden he’s in this life that he promised himself he’d never be in, mirroring his parents with a sad and loveless relationship. The dying flower field gone from his vision in a blink, replaced by the buzz of a small tv in front of him.
Mike rubbed his eyes tiredly, he was wide awake a second ago, watching Hawkins fall, but now he was sitting on a familiar la-z-boy with a newspaper article long forgotten in his lap and a knot in the back of his neck from sleeping up right.
The sound of food sizzling came from where he assumed the kitchen was, followed by the distinct sound of breakfast sibling rivalry. It reminded him of when he would dump syrup on Nancy’s eggs.
He sprung up quickly, only to immediately regret it. His back ached and he dizzied slightly, as if he had aged 30 years in the span of a second.
What had happened? Where were the others? Will, El, Nancy, Jonathan, Joyce and Hopper and Will. Where had they gone?
“Sweetie! Get up, breakfast has been ready for almost 10 minutes.”
Sweetie? Was that El?
He moved towards the sound quickly, the house he was in resembled his own, but was not quite the same. Walls were filled with photos of unfamiliar children and cheap plastic trophies obviously won from kids sports.
As he entered the room he immediately froze, El stood by the stove before moving to place more food on the table. She looked much older, with the long curls that she had so recently lost flowing from her head and a tacky apron around her waist.
“You fell asleep in the living room, again.”
She sounded disappointed, a tone he commonly heard his mother use on his father when he did the same as he just had. There wasn’t even a hint of the stiltedness in her voice, gone from years of real world experience.
“El, whats going on?”
She looked at him confused.
“El? You haven’t called me that in years, Mike. Are you alright?”
This was creepy, so so creepy. What would he call her other than El? Why was he here? Who were these kids? What is happening?
“El, don’t mess with me. What’s going on? Where’s Will?”
Her expression saddened, quickly glancing over at the children at the table.
“Our Will or your best friend Will?”
“My best friend Will is our Will! El, what’s going on? We were just on the Hill not even two minutes ago and—“
Somewhere in his small monologue the youngest of the children had already started crying, obviously worried by the man’s behaviour. The eldest was already half out of her seat, and who he assumed was the middle child sat visibly confused by the ordeal.
“Mike, what are you talking about? That was 20 years ago.”
“20 years?!! No way, El, where is Will?”
El sent him an incredibly worried glance, before shooting away to shush the girl that kept crying. 20 years was too long, way too long. This had to be something to do with One, but Will said he was still resting. Will. Where was Will?
With the child in one arm, bouncing her up and down as a way of comfort, El placed a steady hand on the side of the spiraling boy’s shoulder. She asked him over and over if he was okay, if something was wrong and reassuring him that it was over, but he couldn’t believe it. He kept asking where Will and the others were, he asked and asked, but El wasn’t giving him a straight answer and—
“He’s dead, Mike. He died saving us.”
“what? El, what do you mean—“
He could feel the tears starting to well up in his eyes, but he blinked them away as quick as he could. He couldn’t cry, not here, not like this.
“Damn, I didn’t know dad had emotions until now.” The middle child exclaimed.
“Will!” Both the eldest and El scolded at the same time.
Will? That was not Will. Will would never say something like that, especially not to his family. Will was kind, and selfless and amazing and —
and dead.
Will was dead.
He couldn’t do this anymore, he had to escape. So he just blocked his ears and closes and eyes and prayed. He prayed that this would end, that he could go back and make sure everyone was okay. He prayed that Will was okay.
Then all the muffled noise stops, there’s no more children crying and El wasn’t grabbing his arm and begging him to tell her why he was acting like this. Instead, the family’s panic is replaced by a familiar voice.
“Mike? You okay, babe?”
Immediately he opened his eyes again. Though he was still freaked out and terrified and confused because the boy in front of him was much older than he was 5 minutes ago, Will was there and he was safe. Will was safe and okay and he just called him babe and—
wait what?
“Mike. What’s up?
He was still in a kitchen, just not the same one as before. It was smaller and cozier and over the counter there was a large window that stared down at the surrounding city.
The space was open, just in front of the window sat a yellow sofa with a small stained coffee table. It faced a slim tv, much slimmer and modern than the one he had at home. The tv was perched on a light yellow shelf that matched a decent amount of furniture in the house.
He kept staring off at the apartment, noting things like how there was an accent wall that was almost the same blue as his room and how books and papers were sprawled over the table and how —
“Mike, say something. You’re being extra spacey today and it’s worrying me.”
Mike quickly snapped out of his haze and stared at Will, with an older face and stubble marking his jawline, he looked good.
‘you okay, babe?’
Will opened his arms toward Mike, inviting him in to hug, and who was Mike to say no? This was okay, he and Will were okay. He could live like this a little longer.
So he walked towards Will and slumped his head into his shoulder, before putting his arms around Will and snuggling his face into the crook of his neck. Will’s hands wrapped around his torso, the coldness slightly seeping through his shirt to his bare skin. He paid no mind to the faint sound of music he heard, too immersed in what was Will Byers to care.
“You scared me, y’know. It’s like you teleported into the room.”
Mike only mumbled in response, taking Will’s presence and practically eating it whole. Will pulled him back a bit, before putting an unexpected soft kiss on his lips.
Though Will’s lips were almost freezing, Mike burned up like a flame. Will just kissed him and it was really nice. It was really nice, so he ducked down to return the favour, but Will’s hand wrapped around his face to stop him from going any further.
To your soul
To your soul
“How disappointing.” Will spoke, but it was not his voice. His eyes practically glowed white as he stared Mike in the eyes and gripped onto his face tighter and tighter.
Mike tried to run, but he was stuck in place. His feet glued to the floor and forcing him to watch the man in front of him slowly mold himself into a monster as he shook in fear. The distant music from before was louder, the lyrics slowly starting to blare in his ears.
He could see something out of the corner of his eye, through the large window across the room. A portal floating a foot away from the building. Through his tears he could see his body slowly start to rise as vecna’s claws latched onto his face, and he could see someone’s hand desperately grip onto his ankles as he flew up.
“I will take away your suffering, Michael. You won’t have to live the life you never wanted to live longing for the one I just showed you.”
…The love that you need will never be found at home
run away, turn away…
“It is time.”
…run away, turn away…
“No.” He spoke, before reaching to the side and grabbing a kitchen knife on the counter, cutting a vine clean off of his body.
He didn’t dare look back, running towards the window and unlocking it as quick as he could.
No, you never cried to them, just to your soul
Vecna glared at him as he slid the window open, but he paid the monster no mind. On the other side of that portal there was Will, begging him to come back and telling him he loved him. On the other side of that portal there was the boy he loved telling him that he loved him back.
Run away, turn away, run away, turn away…
No vine could stop him as he leaped towards the opening with no hesitation, only a second away from falling 30 floors down.
Instead, he fell into the arms of the boy on the swings. He fell into the arms of the boy he went crazy with. He fell into the arms of the boy he had loved before he even knew what loving was, and he was okay.
Sitting in the dying flower field, surrounded by the people he loved and cared for the most. He was okay.
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parkitaco · 2 years
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uh wow it’s already wednesday so look!! platonic elmike!! everybody cheered!!
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fruity-cleric · 2 years
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@foodiewithdahoodie fic "playing favourites"
this fic is so cute!! I just couldnt get these scenes out of my head :)) i really hope you like my interpretation of your fic <3333
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immabreaksmth · 2 years
Look- I love byler fanfics, i really do, but if el is villainized or will is being described as a 'crybaby' and 'feminine' person and mike is the big bad bully who is super muscular- i will die. The anger i feel whenever one of those things happens in a byler fanfic- El is literally so sweet she wouldnt hurt her best friends!! AND WILL- WILL IS MORE MUSCULAR THAN MIKE GUYS. MIKE AND WILL ARE THE SAME HEIGHT IM PRETTY SURE ABDKSHDKSN
My son aint no bully!! Anyways
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weirdo09 · 1 year
i don’t smoke
a byler song fic
‘i don’t smoke’ ‘except for when i’m missing you’ ‘to remember your mouth, how it’ ‘tasted true’ ‘and i don’t smoke’ ‘except for after i’ve held you, baby’ ‘being with you’ ‘makes the flame burn good’
“well good morning, michael. how’s your day?” mrs. kelley asked with that fake smile. mike looked at the floor then stared at her clock necklace. “oh, just fine.” he said, staring into mrs. kelley’s eyes. mike hates high school, sure but he also hates not experiencing with his boyfriend. who’s his boyfriend you ask? well you know him and you live him, it’s will! but then, the byers moved and the phone line was always busy and suddenly, his mom began confiscating his letters from will so now, mike’s stuck, stuck in this stupid fucking town without his best friend, his boyfriend. “michael-.” mrs. kelley began to say until mike interrupted her. “jesus christ, would you stop calling me that fucking name? my name’s mike!” mike snapped before suddenly standing up.
mrs. kelley cleared her throat, “your session doesn’t end for another half hour. sit down.” she demanded, mike narrowed his eyes at her. “no.” he said, mrs. kelley sighed. “you don’t have to make this any more difficult than it seems, mike please sit down.” she said, mike glared at him. “and as i said, no, i don’t give a shit about this stupid sessions!” mike shouted, walking over to her office door, opening it and slamming it. “michael!” mrs. kelley yelled, putting her head in her hands.
mike has been prone to outbursts and other things since the byers had left, it seemed like he was missing something but no one could figure it out. mike hid in a bathroom stall, grabbed a cigarette and lit it. he inhaled it then exhaled, putting the cigarette to the side. mike closed his eyes, the warmth of the cigarette reminded him of joyce, of jim, of will as crazy as it sounds. mike began to cry and took another puff, hands shaking. he opened his eyes and suddenly he was back in will’s old room.
mike had his head on will’s lap, who was scratching his scalp. mike hummed, smiling like he was drunk on love. this had been good for a while until their lives were spun out of control. hopper was wary of their relationship, not wanting what happened to el to happen to mike so he began limiting the time spent between the two. it’s not like mike wasn’t pissed but for the first time, he sucked it up and went along.
that time was shortened to weeks to days to mere hours and mike just couldn’t take it. he snuck will out and never saw him again, kinda shitty how that was also the day the byers moved due to government orders. god, mike hated himself, he messed up the one good thing in his life but not entirely. sure, for a few weeks, the couple were exchanging letters so that was fun. then, for some strange reason, his mom suddenly felt the need to confiscate his letters from will and that also happened to be the time he started smoking, fun.
so sure, during the months that passed, mike’s been irritable, quick to anger, prone to verbal outbursts but was never physical to an extent. in his defense, it was only when someone really really pissed him off. so, this was the shell to protect the soft bits of himself, to protect himself from being unrecognizable to his will.
‘so if you need to be mean’ ‘be mean to me’ ‘i can take it and put it inside of me’ ‘if your hands need to break’ ‘more than trinkets in your room’ ‘you can lean on my arm’ ‘as you break my heart’
people have said that mike’s always been a mean kid but will would always disagree. for he knew the sweet, vulnerable, caring mike that always seemed to come out only when he’d be alone with him. now, all he feels is hurt, hurt that mike hasn’t been writing back to him in a while. he would try calling and karen would answer saying he’s not there. will has been getting more and more irritated with everything.
mike seemed just as irritated, he sat in his room and screamed. he searched his room for something to break, his anger getting the best of him. mike found a picture frame and threw it against the wall, when he went to check the damage, he realized that the picture was. it was the last picture him and will had took before he moved. mike was shown kissing his cheek while will sat there laughing. he began to sob, mike took the picture out and held it to his heart. “i miss you, will…” mike whispered, clear tears streaming down his face like a waterfall. he clumsily leaned against the wall and sobbed. all that could be heard throughout the wheeler household was his cries.
holly looked at her mom, worried. “mommy, why is mikey sad?” she asked, karen looked at her with sympathy. “oh, i don’t know, baby, i don’t know.” she said with a sickeningly sweet smile. she knew why her son was crying and screaming his lungs out, she just didn’t know that it was all because of her.
‘i’m what’s left of when we’ ‘swam under the moon’ ‘now the rest of my days are just’ ‘waiting for when’ ‘you come down and tell me’ ‘i was meant for you, baby’ ‘being with you’ ‘makes the flame burn good’
that day, mike often reminisces. that day at the pool, that day before hopper separated them forever, they went night swimming. he had thought that it would be a good idea and it was….for a little while. try dipped in the pool and swam for a bit, shared an underwater kiss or two. after they got out, they chilled by the side of the pool. mike laid his head on will’s shoulder, will hummed, holding mike’s hand in his lap. “i was meant for you, baby.” will whispered, placing a soft kiss to mike’s hair. mike smiled, his eyes still closed. it didn’t want this night to end, until it did.
suddenly, mike was back in his room, laying on the floor, tear stains on his cheeks and his clothes. he crawled over to his desk and pulled out a hidden pack of cigarettes. mike then crawled out the window and jumped down to the ground, sitting down on the pavement. he pulled out his lighter from his back pocket, took out a cigarette and lit it. he took a puff then exhaled it out into the world, that warmth in his chest felt good, close to being as good as being with will.
‘so if you need to be mean’ ‘come be mean to me’ ‘i can take it and out it inside of me’ ‘if your hands need to break’ ‘more than trinkets in your room’ ‘you can lean on my arm’ ‘as you break my heart’
will has had his fair share of verbal outbursts. his family just dismissed it as adolescent behavior but el knew the truth. she has been secretly ‘spying’ on mike to see why he was making her twin cry. that night, el crept into his brother’s room and asked to talk. “yeah sure, el. what do you want?” will asked, his eyes puffy probably from crying. el winced at the sight, all will seemed to do now was cry and sketch mike.
“i know something about why mike hasn’t been writing to you.” el said softly, will’s eyes brighten slightly. “why? what do you know?” he asked, el sat next to will on his bed. “k-karen has been taking your letters and hiding them. she also told mike to stop sending letters. he really misses you, will.” el admitted, will stared at her for a bit. “ok but how do you know this?” will began to say, though it seemed like he already knew the answer. “you haven’t been spying on him, have you?” will asked, el looked down but nodded.
“i have, i was angry that he was ignoring you and decided to, but i couldn’t stop after the first time i did.” el said, not meeting will’s eyes. “well, how is he?” will asked, sniffing. “he’s… not okay, will. he seems lost without you.” el started to say. “he’s been smoking, cursing people out and crying.” el finished and look up at her brother. will frowned, “karen’s a bitch.” he whispered, el chucked. “will, you can’t say that.” she exclaimed, will smiled. “i can and i will. she’s seriously ruining my love life.” he said before pulling his sister in a hug.
el was surprised but hugged him back. “thank you, el” will whispered, “your welcome, will.” she whispered back. after they pulled apart, will asked. “could you talk to him? just tell him that i’m still thinking about him and that i love him.” el nodded, “i will, for you.” she said. they smiled at each other. will leaned his head against el’s shoulder, the two siblings content with the comfortable presence between them. his heart felt lighter with the news el had given him.
‘just don’t leave me alone’ ‘wondering where you are’ ‘i am stronger than you give me’ ‘credit for’
mike woke up back in his bed with an excruciating headache. he thought about will and started to tear up. mike really hoped that will didn’t hate him for not talking to him, for not writing to him. he seriously hoped that will wouldn’t leave him. then, he heard el’s voice. “mike?” she said, mike jumped. he looked around to see if she was in the room and there she was, standing right in front of him. “el? are you here?” mike asked, el smiled and nodded.
“will wants me to tell you that he still thinks of you and he loves you as well.” el said, mike smiled for the first time in months. “thank you, el. could you tell him i love him too? and that i’ll send him letters again, i’ll address them to lucas’ instead.” mike asked, el nodded. “i miss you, mike.” she said suddenly, mike chuckled. “i miss you too, el.” he said smilingly. el smiled back and waved goodbye, mike returned the wave and just like that she was gone. mike was still smiling after she left, he took a look at the pack of cigarettes in his palm. he took out a cigarette and vowed that it would be the last he’d smoke for a long time. if it ever was, that i do not know.
‘if your hands need to break’ ‘more than trinkets in your room’ ‘you can lean on my arm’ ‘as you break my heart’
after el went to see mike, him and will’s relationship began to recover and now, they’re going on stronger than ever. though, mike still delves sometimes into his anger tendencies. he began to pick back up on writing, so that was nice. sometimes el would bring will along on her mind visits.
like yesterday, the two boys looked at each other, tears streaming down their faces. it was evident that they loved each other dearly and quite deeply. they hugged and kissed, el fake gagged. the two did as much as they could in the void. they ended up on the ground, mike’s head leaned against will’s shoulder. their formerly broken hearts seemed to heal in that moment for they were content. it seemed to be just them against the world and i like to think that they preferred it that way. their understanding of each other was most so through, in that short moment, they were happy about the road ahead and how their relationship would forgo.
tags: @eggo-owl @foodiewithdahoodie @unprofessionalprofessional @cgi-heart-eyes @atbyler @eefonline @xhavibee @yelenapines @over-rated-cheese @adorewillbyers @ikwhatyouaremikewheeler
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Part 1 - Fic
The three o'clock bell rang two minutes late. El Byers jumped out of her seat and sprinted out of the classroom. She had to find her brother. Will should have art now. El groaned, the art classrooms were on the other side of the school. 
As she ran El bumped into someone.
"Jane! Watch where you're going!" Cried a nasty voice.
El looked up and her heart skipped a beat. A tall girl with a blonde, low ponytail and a face crafted by the gods was standing in front of her. Oh no.
"Sorry Angela." She muttered as she ran around the blonde girl.
Angela smirked.
"Watch out Hopper!" She calls after El.
After what seemed to be a hundred years, El finally got to the art block. 
El peeked into a window, A4. Yes! There was Will!
She opened the door and jumped.
"Jane!" He cried, turning away from his canvas. Will walked over to the door where El stood.
El was always called Jane Hopper at school, it was to keep her real identity secret. If the wrong people found out the true story about Will and Eleven Byers, their whole family could become subject to torture or something far worse...
"C'mon, we're meeting Max out the front of school!" El urged him.
"Alright, let's go then." 
El basically dragged Will out of the classroom.
"How was art?" El asked Will.
"It was fun. I'm painting a dragon!"
"One from dnd?" 
"Yeah. How was woodwork?"
"Eh, it was OK. I wish Max was there." 
"It's a shame the school won't let her do woodwork, she's really good at it."
Hawkins High wouldn't allow Max to take woodwork on account of it being "too dangerous for her because she's blind." El had seen Max drop into a 20 foot halfpipe, no helmet. What was really so dangerous about a hammer?
“Max has this friend who’s transferring here, I think you’d get along well. Like me and Max!” said El, jumping to the bottom of a flight of stairs.
Will gave her a knowing grin.
“Nothing, I’m just glad you’ve got a friend like Max.”  Will replied. 
He was glad. After living as a lab rat for twelve years, El deserved to have a good best friend. She'd struggled with bullying since she started school in 9th grade. People picked at her limited speech and lack of social skills. Will had never been able to stand up to bullies, but Max Mayfield? Yeah, Will Byers will never forget the day she poured half a gallon of strawberry milk into the bags of Troy Walsh and his dickhead friends.
Finally, the Byers twins reached the entrance of the school buiding.
El sprinted out the doors, having spotted Max. She could really run when she felt like it.
Will followed her. He could also run when he felt like it... He really didn't feel like it.
“Max!” El called out to her friend, knowing Max wouldn’t see her coming.
“Jane!” Called Max, swinging her head around, trying to place what direction El’s voice had come from.
“Jane slow dow--” Will stopped mid protest, he saw the person standing next to Max.
He was the most handsome person Will had ever seen. Long black hair, a black hoodie paired with black jeans. Lots of black actually, because he was also wearing black converse all stars.
"H-hi, I'm Will!" Will's face resembled a beetroot.
"Hey, I'm Mike. Nice to meet you!"
Will beamed, and Mike smiled back. Next to them, El was almost suffocating Max in a bone-crushing hug. They whispered something to eachother, and then fell apart, El had a mischievous glint in her eyes, and Max a meddling smirk.
El turned to Mike.
"Hey Jane."
"Hey Mike!"
She attempted to hide her trouble-making tone, but Will knew it all to well to be fooled. He was about to say something when Max slid over.
"Have a good day Will?" She asked. She folded her arms. She was definitely up to something.
"Yeah, pretty good." Will replied, slightly suspicious.
Mike turned to face everyone.
"I've got to go. A tour of the school or something."
"Bye Mike!" Cried El, jumping and waving, overenthusiastic as ever.
Max settled for a simple "C ya."
Will waved with a smile.
"Nice to meet you Mike. See you around?"
"For sure!" Mike agreed. Will's heart gave a flutter.
Damn it! A crush was the last thing Will needed to deal with at the moment. Honestly, as if he didn't have enough on his plate.
Mike waved as he walked into the entrance of the school building. Rows of lockers were scattered throughout the front building.
He's pretty cute, Mike thought. How does Max find the cute ones? She can't even see!
Will, El and Max rode down the street towards their neighborhood. Max on her skateboard, Will on his bike and El on rollerblades. El was surprisingly good at rollerskating, Will had been suspicious she was using her powers to steady herself, but no, El just had natural talent.
"Where'd you meet Mike?" Will asked Max, in what was supposed to be a casual tone, but probably wasn't.
Max paused skating. She brought her hand up to her face and frowned in thought.
“I think... Yeah we met in elementary school. Back when we went to the Grammar School. He was in my class in the second grade.” 
Hawkins Grammar School was a big fancy building on the other side of town. It took kindergarten through to seniors. All the rich, snobby kids went there. Well, most of them. A few, like Angela and Steve Harrington went to Hawkins High.
“You went to the Grammar School?” Will was surprised. The Byers had only ever been to the public schools. The grammar school was expensive, and Joyce never saw the appeal of it anyway. Why pay extra just for the same thing?
“For a couple of years, yeah. Until Mom and my stepdad got married. Billy didn’t want to go to the grammar school, and so I had to move.” Max rolled her eyes - old habits.
“Did you ever meet Dustin?” Asked El. Dustin Henderson was a good friend of Will’s. In elementary school, Dustin was on a scholarship at the Grammar school. It paid half the yearly cost, but when Dustin’s dad had passed away, the Hendersons couldn't cover the cost on only his mom's minimum wadge job.
“Yeah, he and Mike were friends, so I knew him a little bit, but it wasn’t really ‘til Middle School when I started dating Lucas that we actually became friends.”
“Then we met through Dustin and Lucas.” Will added.
Lucas Sinclair was Will's other best friend. They'd been friends since elementary school. Lucas and Will always wanted to play "wizards and warriors" at recess. Wizards and warriors mostly consisted of waving sticks around and trying to speak in old English. Is it surprising they love dnd?
Max nods, “Then I met Jane well, you know when...” Max trailed off.
Max and El had met in a very unusual manner. But that was a story for another day.
“Race you to our street!” Yelled El, already flying ahead on her rollerblades.
“Unfair!” Cried Max, pushing her skateboard and cruising down the street.
Will chuckled and peddled faster, determined to beat El. He can’t let her win three days in a row.
The Byers' kitchen is cozy, with it's strawberry wallpaper and marble bench. On said bench sits El Byers. She has a smug grin on her face.
“Three days in a row!” She cried. Will shook his head. Siblings are infuriating.
"You cheated."
“Hurry up with the snacks. We’re supposed to meet Max back at the park in two minutes.”  
El reached for a few cookies, opening the pantry and moving the food with her powers. Then she shoved them into her bag.
“Done!” She cried as she jumped off the bench. She wiped the blood from her nose. Should El use her powers for household tasks? No, probably not. Does she do it anyway? Absolutely.
“Let’s go then.” 
A snapchat notification sounded. El checked her phone. El's phone case was covered in tiny sitck-on dimonties.
“Max just wanted to let us know Mike will be at the park.” El informed him, the ghost of a badly concealed grin crossed her face.
“That's okay. I don’t mind.” Maybe he and Mike can hang out when El and Max inevitably ditch him to use El’s powers in some incredibly irresponsible way that Will should reprimand them for but can’t actually be bothered to. (What Joyce and Hop don’t know won’t hurt them.)
"So, what do you think of Mike?"
Will can hear the grin on El's face. It sings I'm up to no gooooood agaaaaiiiin. Will groaned, if Mike's transferring to Hawkins High, then he'll be hearing a lot more singing grins.
"I don't know, I only spoke two sentences to him!"
"Hm." El seemed unconvinced. She typed something into her phone, then slid it into her bag.
"We should go meet Max and Mike now!" El urged Will, as though she wasn't just wasting time gloating about cheating.
Will followed his twin sister out of the kitchen. He turned off the lights, wiping the blood from his own nose. The scar where a 012 tattoo used to be got smeared with red.
"You shouldn't use your powers for silly things, like turning off the lights." El reprimanded him, waggling her finger and tutting.
"You shouldn't!"
"I'll zap you!" Will wiggled his fingers at El, squinting his eyes in mock concentration.
El chuckled, it's fun to wind up her brother sometimes. Will has never used his powers to hurt anyone. Except Brenner, but he deserved it.
El and Will Byers leave the Byers house, each with blood on their sleeves.
links: chapter 1 comic.
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hoteadepresso · 2 years
First chapter of my Mike-centric Byler fanfic! If you love mutual pining, angst, hurt comfort and platonic relationships, this is for you!
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the only reason i’d want a milkvan wedding is so el can run away from the altar with lucas and max while will and mike confess their love outside
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groovinrightalong · 8 months
Finally working on my I Am Not Okay With This AU sequel so here is a wip of the first chapter.
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himynameis4 · 2 years
@andiwriteordie @bottomlessabyssposts @wibble-wobbegong i can’t tell who if anyone will find this entertaining, lol, but i figured you guys might be the most likely to? Of tumblr people i know lol. 🤷‍♀️ so. Tada!
I have this idea I’m very attached to in the Spidey-Will genre… PROBABLY won’t ever be written, but lives rent-free in my head & makes me happy, so figured i’d share it.
So there’s this El-as-X-11 idea, which I’m quite attached to, because I feel that she and X-23 are quite similar in backstory with the Weapon X government program assassin thing, even if their powers are wildly different. Can’t figure out how to sibling-ify Will & El yet, but I’ll get there.
So let’s say, hypothetically, X-11 escapes.
And, hypothetically, she might encounter/live with this universe’s version of Hop, first. But then she has to run, for lab-related reasons.
Perhaps, after an injury she ends up breaking into an apartment, in an attempt to find a place to sleep.
And so, our favorite college student, Mike Wheeler, returns to his cheap-ass apartment to find a bloody body lying on his couch.
He tries to see if she’s alive/has any wounds, and she throws him half across the room.
It’s the start of a beautiful friendship.
From there, El continues to be a cryptid.
Mike can never tell when she’s actually IN the apartment, so he starts, like, talking to himself aloud as he enters as if she is, which makes him feel a little bananas, but that’s okay. He still jumps every time he turns a corner & finds her standing there, though. Every. Time.
They come to a compromise on the sleeping situation? Kind of? El has the couch whenever she needs it, she just… if she’s going to come over bloody, could she clean it up? Mike invests in heavy duty cleaning supplies, and worries vaguely about being charged with murder. He figures El would probably break him out.
Here’s the thing, though. El doesn’t want to go out in public, and she doesn’t want Mike to tell his friends about her. Which is… fine. No, really, it is. Like, evil lab people, Mike totally gets it—he’s met Doc Ock, okay?
But college has been, like, really weird, and it’s hard to keep in touch, apparently, and—whatever, obviously Mike assumed everybody was closer than the were or something, but the point is—the point is—keeping secrets is hard, and he doesn’t think the whole “keeping this a secret” thing is HELPING the distance between everybody.
And also, El keeps stealing his clothes. Her excuse is that she can’t go shopping in public, which is probably bullshit, but El’s wardrobe is… eclectic. Mike’s not sure where she acquired it all, but there are a lot of men’s flannels and jeans mixed in with punk clothes, so Mike’s pretty sure stealing people’s clothes is just a Thing El Does. It’s kind of sweet. Still, that sweatshirt was a present from Will, alright, so he’s gonna need it back.
Another Thing El Does? Fucking monopolize the TV. And like, Mike’s trying to be accommodating, but certain shows run at certain times, El, and Mike needs his emotional support characters, damn it.
And then there’s the cats. So. Many. Cats. Is Mike ALLOWED to have cats in this shitty-ass apartment? Fuck no, not that anyone’s gonna call him out on it, apparently. Does Mike WANT cats in his apartment? Well. Hypothetically, how would you feel about having to dodge these creepy bastards, constantly getting scratched, watching reflective eyes blink out at you from the shadows, having to pull apart LITERAL cat fights… look, El heals fast, right? She has a skewed idea of which cats are “friendly.” These assholes are feral, stray, and most likely diseased, and Mike does NOT have the luxury of super-rapid healing, and he’s already running low on clothes because of El so having the cats attack his wardrobe is Not Helping The Situation, AND! And one of the assholes fucking tried to eat Roary, okay, he’s all chewed up & Mike had to hide him to keep him from acquiring further damage, & he’s, like, traumatized now. Yes he’s a plastic dino. He still has feelings.
Besides, they can’t AFFORD this much cat food, el, or the vet, it’s not like you’re paying rent—
No, that does not mean you steal more cat food—
Also El keeps eating ice cream directly from the carton & putting it back in the freezer & it’s driving Mike batshit.
Anyway. Mike’s… mostly sure he has a roommate now? She’s around often enough, and he kind of thinks they’re best friends at this point? Maybe? El sometimes doesn’t understand like, boundaries & privacy & stuff, but Mike knows he pushes her buttons, too—they get snippy with each other, a lot, but like, in a friendly way? Kinda like him & Max, except the ex-assassin (he thinks she’s stopped? Probably?) is definitely nicer. Mike talked to Joyce about it—WITHOUT exposing El, obviously—and she said open conversations about boundaries are important with roommates? So Mike’s gonna talk to El about that when he gets home, and neither of them are going to be defensive or dismissive, and it’s gonna be great.
Honestly, having an ex-assassin sort-of-accidentally become his roommate isn’t even the WEIRDEST thing Mike’s ever done.
He used to flirt with Spider-Man.
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