#elounor who
statementlou · 20 days
do you know where it came from that louis was seen with his ex?
anon are you talking about... Eleanor??? 🤣🤣🤣 LMAO But anyway assuming you are actually asking and not just trying to seed this rumor and casually drop in the idea that actually dated as if that's an obvious thing people would naturally believe (probable), she and he are both doing the same 'influencer guests of Ferrari' weekend thing so they have been in the same places some over the last couple days, although not seen together, but Elounor stans have always excelled at saying they're interacting when in fact... they are not... so I'm sure someone out there has made up some rumor. Me, I just want to see a picture with Louis and her fucking enormous gym giant of a boyfriend (he's there with her) together, learning Eleanor's actual type after all those years was legitimately one of the funniest reveals of all time and a side by side of him and Louis would have me in TEARS, that man could pick Louis up and juggle him
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larrylimericks · 2 years
Green Waves Edition A repeat pic, a split déjà vu; The Sun says they’re done: El and Lou. Lou let the news spread For an hour then said: The wind makes nice waves — that is true.
Clean Shaves Edition Her love for the dogs was abundant But as girlfriend, El’s been made redundant. Though we’ve still one more mess, Bookend “E” with “HS”— We’re beard-free-in-2-3 triumphant!
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hyunjining · 2 years
god eleanor cracks me up
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narrie · 2 years
She ended l*rries 😂😂
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holyshit · 2 years
remaining danielle anons ⬇
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moonslust · 2 years
Don't you like Louis anymore? 👀
I do. My love for him is infinite🤩, I just got bored with the constant updates; like most, I obsess over an artist to know all about them and once I get all my facts, they gain a place in my heart and I don't feel the need for incessant info about them.
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silverfoxlou · 2 years
Didn’t you know? True love means you take the first flight out when the love of your life lands in the same country 🥹 //
Did I miss something omg?? When did this happen 😭
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twopoppies · 2 months
I do not want to be that person and it’s paining me to even put this in an ask but you seem like a reasonable person who wouldn’t mock or get angry about it, but there’s been things piling up and I need to vent
If it comes out even with the Euros something is going on between Louis and Krystle I can’t be sure I’d be surprised
does Louis look to the left a lot yes but then when you see Ks posts she’s on the left, (I’ve been to his show I’ve seen this) and when he sings “I love him” he would look up there nervously, the mountain of art about loving someone or wanting their love or an unrequited love (apparently she is separated but it could be about him too because you marry someone their love had been requited at some point) her posting a pic in her IG stories with “beloved” and it was rams skulls and Louis is a Capricorn and few other pics she’s posted lately.
Maybe they suffer from the curse of coincidences.
I understand they’re friends but he’s her employer and she’s always right there.
I know the very small, tiny bit of possible evidence sounds foolish but there is just this vibe there I can’t put my finger on it, if they (Harry and Louis) broke up (I’m not sure they did) I think they would be the reason for it. Maybe they have an arrangement like a lot of people think they do, but with K it’s not a one night thing with a woman, a relationship would be established, definite feelings there let alone he was at her wedding.
If it’s true I think it’s been since just before his Euro tour started or during it, could be the reason H took the pearls off finally and never put them back on or why he shaved his head. More than a few times Louis looked like he was going to cry even on stage and Harry looked miserable and it was more than him stunting at the time.
Or it could be very recently who knows
When I said I don’t want to think this and I do think they could be together I meant it, but with them everything seems to have two possibilities
Love, you seem like you’re really serious about this question, and I can’t help but think you’ve got to be a newer fan because literally no one except handful of teenagers who wanted Elounor to be real, has ever thought Louis was anything but gay until maybe the last year or two that he’s been pushing this ridiculous image.
As for Harry’s pearls, fans made up the idea that they represented something about Larry. There was nothing to indicate that other than the supposed number of pearls correlating with the supposed number of years the two of them have been together. I don’t see how him changing that piece of jewelry means anything.
It sounds like you’re linking together all sorts is really random things. I don’t recall Harry looking miserable recently, nor Louis looking like he was going to cry. And I’m sorry but there are so many reasons Harry could have shaved his hair… Louis breaking up with him to date Krystle is so far down the list it’s not even on the list.
Whether or not Harry and Louis broke up, I’m sorry but I can’t in a million years ever believe it’s because of a woman. I’m not mocking you at all, but there’s literally nothing about Louis’ behavior, his signaling, his songs, etc. that have ever given me the impression that he’s interested in women. All of this stuff about Krystle seems so nonsensical to me, I don’t think you’ll find a single fan who’s been here since before 2019/2020 who would buy into it.
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lululawrence · 2 months
happy larryopocalypse eve my dear muskrat placenta. haylor and elounor shall bring a chorch to burn down the ship of the parasitic worm baby larries and gusher in new world order of propserity in your fandom you will thank the simon later. may you have gulag evning. gouda
“Inspired words from a man who knows how to ski.”
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larrylimericks · 2 years
¡Dios mío!, the only thing worse Than Boyfriend Lou is the reverse; From Pool Girl beginnings To Mexican fibbings — That’s right, it’s the partyboy! curse.
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sadaveniren · 2 years
People who are coming into my ask box talking about exploiting children as if gay men (and women) haven’t been having and using their own biological kids to closet themselves since the dawn of time.
NOTE I’m not saying it’s okay to “exploit children” but it’s ONE OF THE WAYS GAY PEOPLE SURVIVE. THEY HAVE KIDS WITH THE OPPOSITE SEX TO SHOW THEY ARE NOT GAY! Gay people put themselves through forms of corrective rape to try and protect their closet. And so Louis having a kid play actor (obviously we can’t know what the kids knows or doesn’t know but my personal thought is the kid is told he’s an ACTOR) is just a different flavor of that.
And we can get into the entire argument about the exploitation of child actors at a separate time (WHICH WOULDNT BE ON LOUIS IN THIS CASE MIND YOU THIS WOULD BE ON THE KIDS ACTUAL PARENTS WHO ARE PUTTING HIM UP AS AN ACTOR!)
Basically what I’m saying is regardless of what we the fans think or feel Louis’ closet and BG are not OUR problems. They aren’t OUR decisions. They are a product of Louis’ closet and we do not know the behind the scenes reasons these things might still be going on. And also to look at BG in isolation of the last two or so years in terms of Louis “choosing this” completely ignores the fact he DIDNT choose it. He fought against playing dad for SO LONG. If he is still doing there is a reason and that reason might just be it is the most simplistic way to maintain his closet - WHICH IS HE CHOICE.
Walk quickly with me through this hypothetical situation where Louis ends BG AND maintains his closet. BG has been something that has been an internet meme since the beginning. If BG ends the likelihood of Louis being able to maintain his closet without doing something ELSE heterosexual would be near impossible (elounor engagement anyone?) because a lot of his interactions with Eleanor (and women in general) would be scrutinized.
His only other - non ramped up stunt - option would literally be to disappear for a couple years, to let it all die down and hope that things ease up and so by the time he came back nothing was talked about. Maybe going MIA for a couple years isn’t something he wants to do!
You are allowed to be upset that things aren’t ending but a lot of the arguments and talk I see and get sent makes Louis a villain when he’s just trying to survive in the music industry as a gay man. His documentary just got banned in Malaysia for (among other things) pride flags - which he didn’t cut out! Him AND Harry have both performed in countries where homosexuality is criminalized and sneaking pride flags in was an act of extreme courage.
Being closeted is OKAY. It has to be because being secretly gay and alive is better than being openly gay and dead. So please remember… gay people do stuff we may not agree with to protect their closet. Having a child actor spend 3 hours a day acting is really not that serious of a crime. He could have an ACTUAL CHILD who he ACTUALLY was showing off and making money off of ala… oh idk the Kardashians… Beyonce or plenty of other celebrities who make their child part of their brand. It’s not like he’s out here using Freddie to make an adidasxFreddie collab. He is literally just… pretending to have a son that he showed in his documentary because HES CLOSETED. And if he didn’t include him in the documentary that’s meant to show off his life - coupled with the fact he just broke up with Eleanor - would make fans start digging and low tier media would pick it up - just like they did in 2016 with BG.
Just. Please. Critical thinking. Compassion for closeted people. Learn to separate your emotions from choices other people make.
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louisisalarrie · 5 months
Hey there. I have a Eleanor related ask. Forgive me!!! I’ve not been in the fandom as long as some of you. I know E was seen as a ‘stunt’ but why do you think he supposedly went ‘back’ to her the second time. They were ‘together’ 4 years initially (I think) then split, then the whole Briana s*it, which let’s face it even if Louis did sleep with her was a one night drunken mistake, definitely not a relationship. Then Danielle, then back to E who L was then ‘with’ for another 4 or 5 years. Stunt or no stunt, why did they even get back together? Has L ever given any response to that? And what were the theories in the fandom at that time?
When they ‘split’ again in 2022 or was it ‘23, it was to do with L touring and them not spending time together, is that right? But I don’t get why she couldn’t just join him on tour. She doesn’t seem to work so what was the issue?
Sorry if these are silly questions. I’m just not as informed as many of you!
Hello anon!!! Don’t be sorry, lovely to have you here and welcome!!
The general consensus that I’ve seen, is that Eleanor well… seems to be the most reliable and lowkey stunt to keep coming back. I mean, louis and her have been “on and off” since 2011, they’ve built somewhat of a rapport (albeit begrudgingly due to their circumstances) and she’s just pretty unproblematic. It also is an attempt to keep up Louis’ long term gf vibes which were assigned to him back in 2011.
Louis and Harry were very clearly given very undeniable roles to keep them closeted from 2011. How could Harry, a womaniser, and Louis, who is a romantic and in a long term “serious” het relationship, possibly be linked? Two ends of the spectrum to keep them far enough away from each other as possible.
The whole “we can’t be together because im touring” thing is just bullshit, too. If you wanna make it work, you make it work. He’s got enough money to fly her out to every show. She can go out every once in a while, still model or be an influencer or whatever on the side, and they can still make it work. People do this with people they love. You can find a way. But it’s a classic excuse that has been used for artists breaking up with their partners for yeeaarrss.
So it’s an easy cop out, that leaves little room for argument, and still somewhat validates that she is serious and succeeding with her modelling/influencer career, and makes it look all very considerate and adult between the two of them. An answer to the breakup that’s like “we fell out of love” puts a much harder end to the relationship and makes it harder to bring her back when need be. Every gf since bbg has been to get him away from B, and then getting back with E makes it seem like he’s over his party days and is stable and grown up.
But then they broke up but they’re not “out of love”, because if that’s the case… who are Louis’ songs about?
So yeah. If you wanna check out more Elounor stuff, I would highly recommend going to this tag by skepticalarrie, and while you’re there, head to the pinned post and go through the links that will give you everything you need to know to get up to speed with what these last 13 years of chaos have all been about xx
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narrie · 2 years
isn’t louis’ documentary coming out soon? i’m curious if eleanor is in it or if she was edited out
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skepticalarrie · 6 months
Nah, I don't think this means anything. Douis was such a failure and it happened to serve a very specific purpose, it wasn't like Elounor.
What purpose? To keep B away? I wasn’t there back then, therefore I don’t know much about Douis.
One thing that I’ve always found weird is, that he didn’t delete the photo with her and the “Lucky” caption when he got back together with El. Sorry, but if he really was her bf, then I would have found it really weird he still got a photo with an ex on his Instagram. I know both were stunts, but at least try to make it believable 🤔
Oh, definitely to make sure that he and Briana wouldn't turn out to be a thing. Douis was messy and not quite planned (not that any of his stunts ever were). In my opinion, the entire babygate stunt was planned around Eleanor, and then when this didn't happen, it was planned around Briana, who he was supposed to be in this long-term relationship with, and then this didn't happen either... So they kind of tried to fit Danielle into the picture, and it never made much sense, they clearly didn't even get along at all. So of course he came back running to Elounor at the first chance. Everything was just stupid.
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harryiconstyles · 11 months
If they bothered to listen to Walls, the story is right there, and not very veiled. The lyrics are pretty clear. Louis said it was a break-up album, his exact words, and he said it while he was “dating” Eleanor. He never said it was about an Elounor break-up, either.
This extraordinarily unintelligent woman still thinks that Walls is about Louis Tomlinson ending his relationship with Harry Styles. Like all Louis haters, she thinks Eleanor Calder was a beard.
Walls is not a straightforward break up album, as Louis explained: 'It's about breaking up and then coming full circle to being back with Eleanor, who I love dearly.' Songs like Walls, Defenceless, We Made It and Perfect Now clearly illustrate this process.
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awesomefringey · 2 years
What?What happened to dogwalker?
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No idea - but if there was an interview where Louis states he’s single, believe me the tabloids would be the first to know. Not some Elounor / Eleanor account who is looking for some excuse to delete or remodel their fan account.
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