#elsie spade
burninlovebutler · 2 years
Forever Winter update ❄️
don’t think anyone is awake or caaaares but i just wanted to post an update that chapter 28 [‘Temporary Fix’] will probably be posted this weekend (hopefully) 💗💗
anywaaaaay here’s a sneak at the moodboard 👀
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also! character intros/moodboards are coming soon 💗
characters intros included will be:
austin butler 💊 (lmao)
elsie spade 🥞
nox ford 🗡️
aspen 🎀
josey 🦋
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thefirstknife · 4 months
ViDoc... 2!
A lot of cool stuff shown, my favourite being the strike, but first I want to mention this:
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They said that when looking at Ace of Spades they realised they have the potential to make the rest of the deck of cards so this is why TFS weapons look like this and have character portraits; they're a deck! And specifically, these characters were chosen because of their ties to Cayde's story.
Obviously we have the generic Warlock, Hunter and Titan to symbolise the Guardians, but then there's others. Ikora and Zavala are obvious. Bottom left is most likely Shiro-4; hooded Exo with Hunter knives, I'm not sure who else it would be. The hood first made me think Elsie, but the Hunter knives don't make sense then.
Bottom right? That's Maya Sundaresh! Both as human and as Lakshmi-2, as we've learned from Veil Logs. It helpfully also has the Ishtar Collective logo. For those that don't know, Cayde worked as her guard, as an Exo, while she was still with Ishtar on Venus so that's why she's connected to him.
And top right? We have the "neoteric kiyot" cloak with the symbol of the Six Coyotes. Six Coyotes Exo member with ties to Cayde? That's Micah-10. Micah-10 category 10000 event.
Also for those that don't know, back in Beyond Light we got a really neat story about Micah-10 as a child in the lore book Your Friend, Micah Abram and some associated lore pieces that confirm Micah-10 is this kid. In one of the entries from the lore book, Micah is exploring Europa and accidentally alerts two Exos who then end up panicking, trying to shoot the intruder and then catching the kid. Then on one of the raid armour pieces, we have Cayde's flashback to this event from his POV, showing us that he was one of the Exos (as Cayde-1 then). He tried to shoot Micah, not realising it's a kid, then later grabbed them and held them up; the implication here that this is almost certainly the source of his mismatched memories that made him think he had a son. Him holding Micah is what eventually progressed in him simply remembering holding a child and constructing a story to go with it.
Micah-10 is an incredibly interesting character in general, as she is the closest thing we have to someone fulfilling the prerequisites for a speaker; even as a child, she was having strange prophetic dreams where something was speaking to her (most likely the Traveler) and showing her as an Exo. As a Guardian, she has the unique quality of being followed by Ghosts and has the title of "den mother of Ghosts."
She was also illustrated for the Volume VI grimoire collection, the one about Ghosts! Her Ghost Stories lore book is featured there accompanied by an illustration which shows her with a sniper, which the weapon with her image in TFS seems to be:
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And yeah the sniper appears to have trans colours which I can't see as anything other than deliberate because Micah-10 is canonically trans! (Link to my post about it with links to a few more posts about it)
Incredibly exciting to see her featured on one of the TFS weapons, especially after she was featured in the grimoire and also in the TFS CE, in the autograph book where she left her own message, and so did the Ghosts that follow her. It's also interesting to tie her to TFS when we're going into the Traveler, given her unique relationship to the Traveler that she's harboured since she was a child. Can she become more than just a lore character now? Please?
Destiny fandom when a minor lore-only character gets one new mention be like: time to write an essay.
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pupsmailbox · 3 months
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NAMES ⌇ adelaide. alice. alyx. aspen. azalea. blanche. blanchesse. blanchette. bunny. cat. cherie. cheshire. chester. claire. clover. daisy. elsie. hart. hatter. hattie. hyacinth. indigo. iris, iris. jack. kingsley. knight. lacey. lacie. lily. matilda. merry. misty. night. noire. noiresse. noirette. oddity. opal, petunia. queenie. rook. rose, rose. rouge. rougesse. rougette. salem. simon. sparrow. tiffany. tillie. vanessa. verity. violet. void. wisp. wybie.
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PRONOUNS ⌇ ae/aem. ae/aer. biz/bizarre. bow/bow. bun/bun. bunny/bunny. card/card. cat/cat. caterpillar/caterpillar. che/cher. clover/clover. club/club. creep/creep. cu/cute. curious/curious. cute/cute. dark/dark. diamond/diamond. dream/dream. eer/eerie. fall/fall. fear/fear. float/float. flower/flower. fool/fool. freak/freak. grim/grim. grow/grow. guard/guard. hat/hat. haze/haze. heart/heart. hx/hxm. hy/hym. h♡/h♡m. h♢/h♢m. h♤/h♤m. h♧/h♧m. king/king. knight/knight. lace/lace. lo/lost. lost/lost. mir/mirror. odd/odd. queen/queen. rabbit/rabbit. red/red. rook/rook. shrink/shrink. shx/hxr. shy/hyr. sh♡/h♡r. sh♢/h♢r. sh♤/h♤r. sh♧/h♧r. smoke/smoke. spade/spade. surreal/surreal. swirl/swirl. tea/cup. tea/tea. tea/teacup. teacup/teacup. thxy/thxm. thy/thom. th♡y/th♡m. th♢y/th♢m. th♤y/th♤m. th♧y/th♧m. time/time. twist/twisted. weird/weird. won/wonder. ♠/♠. ♣️/♣️. ♥/♥. ♦/♦.
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princess-ibri · 2 months
What were the Queen of Heart's sisters like?
I feel like they’d also have big personalities like the Queen of Hearts, but in different ways. I actually think they’d fit in well with the Four Humors personalities, so :
Sanguine: Optimistic, cheerful, and even-tempered (Tillie-diamonds)
Choleric: Ambitious, energetic, and leader-like (Rosie-Hearts)
Melancholic: Analytical, literal, and thoughtful, but can also be creative and depressed (Elsie-Spades
Phlegmatic: Relaxed, thoughtful, calm, and unemotional, but can also be apathetic (Lacie-Clubs)
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Thanks for the ask!
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kiiyome-art · 4 months
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Newest vidoc reveled each card part of the new arsenal has a person who has influenced cayde on it!
We know Ikora (king of diamonds), Zavala (king of hearts), Maya Sundaresh/Lakshmi (queen of hearts), and possibly Elsie (king of clubs).
What is confusing, is that the top row completely eludes me. At first, I thought Shiro might have been represented by the queen of spades, indicated by the iron lord wolves that accompany the card, but im not quite sure the exo looks enough like Shiro.
My first thoughts about the warlock, hunter, and titan, was just significant experiences with each class as his time as vanguard. But given who these other cards are about? Im not so sure about that theory, they all seem to be relating closely to who Cayde is.
Elsie sort of makes sense, if that's actually her, given that the time loop she's stuck in starts EVERY TIME with Cayde becoming vanguard. But honestly, that's really all that comes to mind.
One thing that stands out to me, is there is one, significant person missing. Where is Andal?? Unless he is represented by the hunter with the helmet, I am thoroughly shocked, and honestly a little disappointed. With how big a role Andal plays in Cayde's story, I would have expected him to make an appearance.
Id love to hear your thoughts and theories on these cards and what they represent further, so please feel free to elaborate!
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Honey Girl Chapter 2 is posted!!
turns out, tumblr only lets you tag 50 users in a post, and my tag list ended up a lot longer!! so, anyone i couldn't tag in the actual post, i've tagged here.
hope you all enjoy Chapter 2 <3
Chapter Two HERE !!
Series Masterlist.
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@gloriouspurpose01 @cultofcarter @unaxv @rebeccapineapple @digitalhearts @katiedid-3 @pekusofixus @w1nter-wolf-barnes1 @leabunny @waywardhunter95 @hinata7346 @kaitlin013106 @ameerakane20 @samlworld @teambarnes72 @gloriouscrownwizard @melsunshine @its-daydreamer23 @youdontknowmegls @littlemiss-yeehaw @mishtay @all-will-be-well-love @doveromanoff @your-shifting-gurl @king-of-spades-aroace @mrs-bucky-barnes-73 @wariowap @ancientbeing10 @5lutty5arah @kuntxrgraudunkelbunt @buckybarnesb-tch @alana4610 @loki-is-loved @loonalockley @shmaptain-ashmerica @ghostofwinter @tim-thefrog @elsie-bells @nevermoreraven1 @sunsetsimpsblog @allcheesemelts @baconeggndcheez @rafesgfxo @almosttoopizza @kimanne723 @evan-peters-wife @jupitervenusearthmars @ace-27749
last few in comments <3
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So the weapons we know characters have (might add more if I rember more)
Saint had that one shotgun I think it was called wastelander
Zavala shit a pain with a khvostov (broken)
Shaw Han held a khvostov (also broken) in first cosmordome mission
Elsie has no time for explanations
Eramis had the dsc sword (altough lost it)
Cayde had ace of spades
Shiro has whatever the sidearm was called
Banshee 44 used to have the lament and always tinkers on that telesto
Crow has hawkmoon I think
Amanda has a chaperone
Ana has the Polaris lance
Ikora has her shotgun
Drifter has a revolver in a holster
The playlist activity vendors probably have the playlist weapons available to use
Devrim kay has that one d1 exotic sniper rifle which I don’t know the name of
Rohan had that rifle which I don’t know if it’s special or one we’ve seen before or if it even had a name
Hawthorne has a sniper which I haven’t tried checking which it is
Rhulk has the original version of his lance
Eva levante has her oven
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labjegyzet · 6 months
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Beszélgetés Ken Follett-tel a Kingsbridge sorozat 5. kötete, A világosság fegyverei kapcsán
Ez a könyv az ipari forradalom idején játszódik – miért pont ezt az időszakot választotta?
A késői 18. század, amikor A világosság fegyverei játszódik, a nagy viszályok kora volt. A konfliktusok mindig nagyon jó alapot adnak egy regénynek és ebben az időszakban sok sztrájk, és kenyérlázadás volt, valamint az emberek fenyegetve érezték magukat, hogy az új gépek elvehetik a munkájukat. Mindezeket a problémákat mélyítette a Franciaországgal szemben zajló háború, amely 23 éve tartott és magas adókat eredményezett, a férfiakat pedig erőszakkal kényszerítették a hadseregbe, hogy Napóleon ellen harcoljanak. De a 18. század egyben az egyéni szintű fejlődés időszaka is volt, mivel egyre több ember tanult meg olvasni és szakított időt arra, hogy fejlődjön, és képezze magát.
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Miközben ezt az időszakot kutatta, volt olyan felfedezés, amely meglepte vagy nagyon feltűnő volt? Vannak kevésbé ismert tények /adatok az 1700-as évekből, amelyekről azt gondolja, hogy több embernek kellene ismernie?
Azt tudtam meg, hogy rengeteg nő kísérte a brit hadsereget a waterlooi csatába (és máshova is). „Táborkövetőknek” nevezték őket, de nagyon bátrak voltak és fontos munkát végezetek, például vizet és lőszert hordtak a férjüknek a csata idején. Ez egy csodálatos felfedezés volt és ez késztetett arra, hogy fontos szerepet írjak az egyik női karakteremnek.
Van párhuzam A világosság fegyverei és napjaink között? Van valami, ami visszacsenghet abból a korból a mai olvasók számára?
A 18. század utolsó évtizedében megélhetési válság volt jellemző, amit most érzékelünk Nagy Britanniában és szerintem sok más országban. Egyelőre még nem tartunk kenyérlázadásnál, de látjuk, hogy az emberek küzdenek, hogy boldoguljanak. A késői 18. században a kenyér ára olyan magas lett, hogy „Az asszonyok lázadása” elnevezésű jelenség következett be. Az asszonyok, akik nem tudták megoldani a családjuk etetését, betörtek a pékségekbe és ellopták a kenyeret.
Híres az alapos kutatásairól, utánajárásáról. Milyen kutatásokat folytatott A világosság fegyverei előtt, és ez miben hasonlított a korábbi könyveihez kapcsolódó munkájához? Könnyebben kutatható időszak volt?
A legtöbb információt könyvekből és térképekről gyűjtöm, de szeretem meglátogatni a helyszíneket. Könnyebben tudom elképzelni a helyszínen a történetet, és ezért életszerűbben tudom átadni az olvasóknak. Múzeumokban jártam, mint például a Quarry Bank Malom (Anglia, Cheshire). A múzeum, amelyet a National Trust üzemeltet, valamikor szövő malom volt, olyan amelyben az egyik szereplőm dolgozott. A látogatásom során nagy hatással voltak rám a gépek, amelyeket használtak és az az elviselhetetlen zaj, amelyet azok kiadtak. Egy hetet töltöttem a waterlooi csata helyszínén egy szakemberrel, aki nyugdíjas tábornok. Séta közben néztem a tájat, a földeket és a gazdasági épületeket.
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A könyveire jellemző a sokféle és változatos szereplőgárda, miket mesélhet A világosság fegyverei szereplőiről és ki a kedvence?
Egy Sal nevű nővel kezdődik, aki fonónőként dolgozik (a szövéshez szükséges szálat készíti el gyapjúból). Sal kemény asszony, de van egy finomabb, romantikusabb oldala is. A fia, Kit, a kezdetektől Sal mellett dolgozik a malomban, és végül egy új szövőgépet talál fel. Aztán ott van Amos, egy jószívű malomtulajdonos, akire a zsarnoki apja hatalmas adósságokat hagyott; David Shoveller, becenevén Spade, egy bölcs és eszes kereskedő, aki kingsbridge-i szakszervezeti mozgalom alapítója valamint ott van Elsie Latimer, a püspök lánya, aki a szabadidejét áldozza fel, hogy vasárnapi iskolát üzemeltessen Kingsbridge legszegényebb gyerekei számára. Elbűvölő személyiség, de az egyik kedvenc szereplőm Jane Midwinter, társaságbeli metodista hölgy, aki bár rossz döntéseket hoz, nagyon bátor teremtés.
Rengeteg jellegzetes gonoszt alkotott az elmúlt években, találkozhatunk igazi alávaló szereplővel az új könyvben?
Ennek a könyvnek a főgonosza Joseph Hornbeam, egy kegyetlen üzletember, akinek sötét titkokat vannak a múltjában. Ő a legrosszabb munkáltató, akit csak el tudunk képzelni, és remélem egyik olvasómnak sincs ilyen felettese. Az első kéziratomban a londoni és New York-i szerkesztőim úgy érezték, hogy nem kapott elég borzasztó véget ez a szereplő, így újraíráskor egy sokkal rosszabb kimenetelt alkottam, amely az olvasók számára is kielégítő volt. Igazán rémes ember, de mégis az egyik kedvenc szereplőm a könyvben.
Mostanában a Bibliából merít ihletet a könyvcímeihez. A világosság fegyverei is egy bibliai utalás? És ha igen, elmondaná mi a jelentése?
Igen, a cím a Rómabeliekhez írt levél egy részéből jött: „Az éjszaka elmúlt, a nap pedig elközelgett; vessük el azért a sötétségnek cselekedeteit, és öltözzük fel a világosság fegyvereit”. (Róma 13:12, Károli fordítás) Azért választottam A világosság fegyvereit címnek, mert a 18. század azon időszakában, amikor a könyv játszódik, az emberek tanulással igyekeztek fejleszteni magukat. Így ebben az esetben a tudatlanságot szimbolizálja a sötétség, míg világosság jelenti az oktatás által a tudatlanság eltűnését.
A világosság fegyverei az Kingsbridge sorozat 5. kötete. Mi készteti arra, hogy visszatérjen Kingsbridge-be és mi teszi különlegessé ezt a kitalált települést, hogy ennyire szeretik az olvasók?
Amikor - most már több, mint 30 évvel ezelőtt - először megalkottam Kingsbridge-t a Katedrális című regényemhez, nem gondoltam volna, hogy az olvasók ennyire fognak hozzá kötődni. Számomra Kingsbridge egész Nagy Britanniát jelképezi. Amikor el akarok mesélni egy történetet a történelemből, mint például a nagy pestis vagy az ipari forradalom, amelyek sok embert érintettek és évtizedes hatásuk volt, akkor könnyebb mindezt kisebb és ismerős közegben elhelyezni, nekem ez Kingsbridge. Természetesen most már sok olvasó számára lett egy különleges jelentése Kingsbridge-nek, igazán hízelgő, hogy létezik egy általam kitalált hely, ami legalább olyan fontos néhány embernek, mint az igazi helyek, amiket ismernek és meglátogatnak.
A világosság fegyveri néhány jelente a waterlooi csatatéren játszódik. Nehéz megtörtént történelmi eseményeket és kitalált szereplőket összeegyeztetni? Szigorúan ragaszkodik a tényekhez vagy engedélyez magának egy kis alkotói szabadságot?
Sosem használom az alkotói szabadságot arra, hogy megmásítsam a történelmet. Úgy hiszem, hogy az olvasóim értékelik, hogy a regényeimben szigorúan pontos a történelmi háttér. Néha problémát jelent, amikor a történelem nem illik bele abba a történetbe, amit le szeretnék írni, de én mindig a történetet változtatom meg, nem a történelmet.
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Korábban említette, hogy A világosság fegyverei a szabadságért való küzdelem. Ezt egy kicsit jobban kifejtené? Ez kifejezetten ennek a könyvnek a témája vagy az írásainak általában?
Sok könyvem szólt a hétköznapi emberek küzdelmeiről, ahogy harcolnak a szabadságukért, vagy társadalmi igazságtalanságok ellen, és ez alól nem kivétel A világosság fegyverei sem. Az ipari forradalom idején nagy küzdelem zajlott a szakszervezetek alapításának jogáért, jobb fizetését és jobb munkakörülményekért. Ezt a tevékenységet a brit kormány 1799-ben bűncselekménnyé nyilvánította, de a munkások és segítőik 25 évnyi kitartó munkája eredményeként meg tudták változtatni a törvényt.
Ön szerint miért ilyen sikeresek a történelmi regények?
A történelmi regényekben a szereplők alapvetően olyanok, mint mi, de teljesen más körülmények között élnek. Olyan hétköznapi problémákkal küzdöttek, amikkel azonosulni tudunk, mint szerelem, házasság és gyerekvállalás, munka és pénz, erőszak és háború – csak számukra az élet sokkal nehezebb volt. Elmerengünk hogyan boldogultunk volna olyan durva körülmények között.
Úgy gondolja, hogy most utoljára látogatott Kingsbridge-be, vagy van esély, hogy a jövőben újra visszatér?
Jelenleg nem tervezek visszatérni Kingsbridgbe, de soha ne mondjuk, hogy soha.
A világosság fegyverei már kapható a könyvesboltokban és online. Megrendelem!
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zimhope · 1 year
15 year old boy killed with a Spade and knife in Cape Town, South Africa
This grade 10 boy, Trayton Januarie (15) was on way home from his grandmother’s house in Gladstone Street, Elsies River.  He ran onto a gangster that stabbed his body and struck him with a Spade on the head. Trayton was carried to hospital where he died upon arrival. Crime and war on kids is massive in South Africa. Every day a woman is raped in South Africa. Every day someone is raped and…
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scribesandvibes · 2 years
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#walkingwiththeancestors extending #graceandgratitude for i am most #thankful for my family. on days like this, we carry on #thetraditions of #theancestors, to embrace #historyheritageandhumanities. peace to my aunt elsie for teaching me how to communicate through the sacred language of food. if #joyisourpower, nothing satisfies the soul better than kinship and #comfortfood. as cousins pass the #meditation, we toast to the people and boast about runnin' a boston in spades. aunts and uncles offer #libations... resound #thegreatmigration, offer profound wisdom, and #teachtheyouth about back in the days. they never cease to amaze, young cousins under bid, old heads holla, "who reneged?!" all it takes is a #whomadethepotatosalad to find out #auntie ain't afraid to do a bid; to express #sentimentsofsankofa, i look back at the uncles with the heinekens, take a swig and realize we are now the generation that exclaims, "Wow! Look at you. I ain't seen you since you was a kid!" -stevie #soulfood (when #friendsandfamily come together like #macaroniandcheese) ・・・ #scribesandvibes #adifferentkindofvibe #peacetotheancestors https://www.instagram.com/p/ClW8OP7A-c2/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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elsy-animetronik · 3 years
Scary Monsters #5
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Nuevo Link
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critic-corner · 5 years
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Elsie Fisher at National Board of Review Awards 2019 : Elsie looked perfectly cute sporting a Dorothee Schumacher suit with The Frye Company shoes and a red Kate Spade bag. Very well-styled and suits her personality perfectly.
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mal-luck · 3 years
Are our exotics one of a kind?
Edit: there is some wiggle room as to whether or not the Young Wolf actually has some of these exotics because they have not received them in an exotic quest (Sweet Business, Cloudstrike, Wardcliff Coil, etc). Ultimately it’s up to you as a player or creator whether or not your Young Wolf or other OC has one of these weapons.
Kinetics slot:
Sweet Buisness: unknown, but likely mass produced by a city foundry
Sturm + Drang: unique, gifted to Sigrun and gifted to Victor respectively; recovered by the YW.
Vigilance Wing: unknown, but likely mass produced by the Cult of Osiris
Rat King: unknown
MIDA Multi-Tool / Mini-Tool: come from a different timeline and then mass produced by The City foundries
Crimson: unknown, officially does not exist
The Jade Rabbit: mass produced by Daito
The Huckleberry: mass produced by Tex Mechanica
SUROS Regime: mass produced by Suros
Cerberus+1: technically unique amalgamation
Wish-Ender: unique belonging to Sjur Eido
Malfeasance: the original is ours, but later mass produced by The Drifter
Ace of Spades: unique and in our possession.
The Chaperone: mass produced by Tex Mechanica, inspired by the original that belonged to Amanda Holiday’s mother
Izanagi’s Burden: mass produced by the Black Armory, but no more can be currently made
The Last Word: we are currently in possession of the original, but it has been mass produced by Tex Mechanica
Arbalest: unknown, possibly created by The Drifter or one of his associates during the Dark Age
Thorn: the one we have is a mass produced Shadows of Yor copy, see Lumina
Outbreak Perfected: we possess the original recovered from the old tower, unknown if there are more copies
Bad Juju: I believe we possess the original as created by Toland, the Shattered
Lumina: unique, the original Thorn reforged in the Light by The Young Wolf.
Monte Carlo: mass produced after it’s tech was sold to a City foundry by the hunter Egon Bash
Bastion: unique paradox weapon recovered from Corridors of Time
Witherhoard: unknown, probably created by the Drifter.
Traveler’s Chosen: unique, sidearm we owned when the Red War’s assault on the Traveler took place.
No Time To Explain: weapon pulled from another timeline gifted to us by Elsie Bray. Timey wimey.
Hawkmoon: reforged by the Traveler and now unique.
Dead Man’s Tale: unique, custom Tex Mechanica weapon owned by Katabasis.
Cryothesia 77K: unknown if truly unique, gifted to us by Mithrax according to the Season of the Splicer bungie page.
Ager’s Scepter: unique, created by Mara for Uldren.
Forerunner: original was inoperable, new version created by Banshee.
Osteo Striga: created by Jana-14, unknown if unique.
Energy slot:
Coldheart: mass produced by Omolon.
Fighting Lion: unknown if unique, original created by Wei Ning
Sunshot: unknown if unique, original created by the sunbreaker Liu Feng.
Graviton Lance: unknown, but likely mass produced after it’s debut. Original was found in Old Chicago.
Skyburner’s Oath: not unique, recovered cabal weaponry
Riskrunner: origin is complicated, likely not unique
Hard Light: mass produced by Omolon
Merciless: unknown if unique, but probably.
Borealis: likely mass produced
Prometheus Lens: unknown if unique, likely mass produced. Created by the Cryptarchy
Telesto: origin is complicated, in D1 was made by the foundry Cassoid (makers of Invective) but seems to be made by the Awoken of the Reef now.
Polaris Lance: semi-unique, both Ana Bray and the YW have a copy. Created by Ana Bray.
Trinity Ghoul: once belonged to Marin Mansanas, unknown if unique.
Wavesplitter: mass produced by Omolon
Lord of Wolves: not unique, captured eliksni weaponry
Jotunn: mass produced by the Black Armory, but no more can currently be made.
Le Monarque: see Jotunn.
Tarrabah: unknown if unique
Eriana’s Vow: likely unique, maker’s mark suggests it was created by Cassoid
Divinity: unique vex weapon recovered from the Black Garden
Symmetry: unknown if unique
Devil’s Ruin: I believe it is unique, repaired by the YW and Saint
Cloudstrike: likely unique based on its lore
Tommy’s Matchbook: likely unique
The Fourth Horseman: technically not unique, but we recovered the original I believe
Ruinous Effigy: unique
Duality: unknown if unique, but I believe it to have been constructed by Crow.
Ticuu’s Divination: likely unique based on its lore
Vex Mythoclast: unknown if unique, recovered from the Vault of Glass
Lorentz Driver: unknown if unique, likely not. Ours is a stable prototype.
Exotic glavies: ???, but probably unique
Dead Messenger: not unique, likely made by Cassoid considering the maker’s mark.
Heavy slot:
The Prospector: mass produced by Tex Mechanica
Tractor Cannon: property of the Ishtar Collective, probably not unique
Legend of Acrius: not unique, recovered cabal shotgun
D.A.R.C.I.: unknown if unique, but probably
The Wardcliff Coil: likely mass produced after the original prototype was created
The Colony: mass produced by Veist
Worldline Zero: I believe it was created by Elsie Bray, likely unique
Sleeper Simulant: mass produced by Clovis Bray company / Rasputin
Whisper of the Worm: unique
One Thousand Voices: unique, created from Riven’s bones
Two-Tailed Fox: mass produced by Daito
Black Talon: unique, created by the Awoken of the Reef
The Queensbreaker: not unique, recovered Eliksni weapon
Thunderlord: unknown, but possibly unique?
Anarchy: likely unique, created by Siviks, Lost to None
Truth: technically not unique but our version is stolen, originally created by Crux-Lomar
Deathbringer: unique
Xenophage: unique, very angry
Leviathan’s Breath: likely unique
Heir Apparent: not unique, recovered cabal weaponry
Eyes of Tomorrow: possibly unique, created by Clovis Bray
Salvation’s Grip: unique, prototype stolen from House Salvation
The Lament: unique, created by Clovis Bray
Gjallarhorn: not unique, presumably we own the second recreated copy since we gave the first away.
Parasite: unique
Grand Overture: probably not unique, modified cabal weaponry
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princess-ibri · 2 years
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Queen of Hearts Villainess Backstory !!
(Cuz I had ideas xD )
The Queen's name is Rosie 
She had three older sisters, Elsie, Lacie and Tillie, daughters of the previous rulers of Wonderland, the Red King and White Queen. 
The Red King disappeared into the Tulgey Wood years ago (around the time the Rabbit Hole linking Wonderland to England showed up) and the White Queen went to try and find him, leaving their 4 daughters to rule over Wonderland together in their separate Suites of Spades, Clubs, Diamonds and Hearts
The Queen of Hearts however overthrew her three sisters, by literally throwing them-- straight down a treacle well. Thus making her the sole ruler of Wonderland.
The King of Hearts used to be a very low status card but the Queen fell in love with him and promoted him to King so she could marry him (I always got the sense she was fond of him if no one else) 
She and the King have 10 children xD
The oldest of which, I have created a design for here
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(Frankly I'm astounded that there wasn't a Descendant Kid for the Queen of Hearts. I dunno, maybe they didn't want another Princess to conflict with Evie but I mean, she's a fairly memorable Villain, you'd think her kid would at least get a cameo. 
Now of course her kid would be named "Queenie" in the actual Descendants, in my "Canon Descendants rewrite version" she'd probably be like…Aceline? Cuz the "Ace" part?😅
Ok that made me want to design an actual Movie Descendants version of the kid so here she is xD 
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I picture her being 20% “ my mother will hear about this” and 80% that terrifying type of preppy-jock kid who worships their sport like a religion that demands the blood of the opposing team 😳(er, that’s paint behind her I swear)
Anyway I think making her blonde, like the king, is a good way to differentiate her from Evie as well. They can be rival Blue and Red princesses >:]
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Quel dolor ch’io provai caldo ed immenso; Quando da lei mal vivo mi divelsi, Fitte in cor le sue spade infino agli elsi, Mi tien tuttor; tal ne conservo il senso. Pur dovria men d’alquanto essere intenso, Or che, per non morir, vederla io scelsi: Ma da radice il mio soffrir non svelsi Con questo breve passeggier compenso. Quindi è che gioja, qual dovria, non torna, Bench’io a lei mi rappressi, entro al mio petto, Ove il temere ogni goder distorna. Gran gioja, è ver, ma assai più affanno aspetto; E quel terribil dì già mi raggiorna, Ch’io sarò di lasciarla ancor costretto.
Vittorio Alfieri
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hustlemeanokay · 4 years
Okay, so Destiny Beyond Light spoilers below the cut... don’t read unless you want some spoilers... so... you’ve been warned. Serious spoilers.
I go through with the mission where you fight Eramis last night and holy shit. Like... YAAAAAAS. But seriously, I was all “don’t give a fuck about what ever the hell you’re jabbering about! You’re ass is mine... you. froze. my. ghost. Now, you die. Simple as that.” Doesn’t matter that he was fine like... two seconds later, that’s irrelevant. No one touches the little light. No one. 
And also, hearing Variks get all pissed. Hells yes! Rawrrrr grrrrr -flex- rawrrrr!!!!! 
On another note, I’m in love with Europa... it’s very... Destiny 1. And I love it. It has that feel, ya know? The buildings and the tunnels and what’s over there and HOLY SHIT that thing will kill you in a micro-second. Very very Destiny 1. 
Also - running around the Cosmodrome was like riding a bike, and yes, there are some badass enemies down the stairs, you know what I mean. They will kill you so fucking fast and it’s wonderful. 
And Mister Chubby Cheeks? OMG He’s adorable. Yeah, yeah - supposed to take him seriously but those cheeks.. just wanna squish ‘em and pinch ‘em and -ahem- oh sorry. Anyway! 
I got the exotic rifle from the Exo Stranger and omg... it was just.. so nostalgic and wonderful. Also!!!!! Seeing Zavala on Europa... I was actually like “uh... no, shouldn’t leave him here with that temple like right there...” after hearing Elsie go on about how the darkness is temptation and knowing that Zavala is so incredibly in need of a serious win right now... just nervous. 
AND omg, okay - I know I’m kind of going backwards here but I can’t help it - seeing Eramis rip Varik’s fucking arm off!!! RIP IT THE FUCK OFF! I know it was a prosthetic but that was an immediate... okay, she’s got to die. Hearing the desperation in his voice when he called for help... and how our Ghost was all “asshole? yeah, okay - we’ll help but then you better explain!” And then Variks kind of does but at the same time, doesn’t? And then Ghost is like “-sigh- fine. We’re good again, I mean - it is Variks.” 
ALSO, the dialogue from Eris, the Drifter, and Elsie was a nice touch. AND all the comments from Ghost about how he’s worried about you and okay...
So, my main’s an Exo hunter. And him going through Clovis Bray’s facility? Like... emotions, emotions. Border panic, emotions. And hearing Eramis taunt him, and then hearing Variks express sympathy/empathy over the Guardian having to have all of that Exo science crap rubbed in his face? That was a nice dialogue touch too but seriously - Wyatt-3 having to deal with just... all of that while he chases down an insane Kell? Just... well, material? Amiright? 
Also - maybe it’s just me... but Ace of Spades? It’s doing some serious damage now, I guess it’s part of the new meta or whatever. But it’s rocking it on Europa.
Also, also... I don’t want to be all debbie downer or anything but... the finisher I got in the season pass, the shush one or whatever where you basically imitate Uldren when he killed Cayde? Eh... that’s kind of in poor taste. I mean, I get it - Cayde’s gone and that sucks and I’m not saying that it’s this subject that can never be touched upon and I fully support Crow. Because they are not the same person. But having a finisher that imitates the kill shot that Uldren did, where he shushes Cayde and then aims and fires? That’s... just in poor taste. I don’t think I’ll ever use that one. 
Okay - so... thanks for reading my novel LOL. 
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