#embraces new and old
pluralsword · 2 years
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Image description 1 of 49: three selected Autobot Data Files from the Transformers TTRPG by Renegade Games. They read:
Anode Xenoarchaeologist Alt Mode: Bi-Wing Flyer Anode began life as a blacksmith on Cybertron, but she reinvented herself into a treasure-hunting adventurer that specialized in digging up alien cultures and artifacts. She has a sharp tongue and loves taking risks, much to the chagrin of her spouse, Lug.
Arcee Career Warrior Alt Mode: Motorcycle Arcee is an Autobot warrior through and through and will shed Energon as vigorously as any other. Despite her loyalty, Arcee enjoys defending troublemakers and outliers. A ferocious and deadly warrior who’s an expert in hand-to-hand combat, she is also one of the best sharpshooters on record, never wavering from her dedicated protection of those she has sworn to defend.
Lug Xenogeologist Alt Mode: Toolkit Backpack Lug is the bonded spouse of Anode, happily riding along as her archeology kit and backpack until she herself is needed. She has a deep understanding of dangerous environments across Cybertronian territories and gladly puts her life on the line for science and the safety of her beloved.
End image description.
As mentioned before, we keep thinking about these data files, and wanted to focus on ttrpg motorcycle Arcee’s character a bit! So here’s part one of a story told through toy photos:
Embraces New and Old
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Image description 2 of 49: A kitbash of Anode kneels in front of a computer terminal, looking over at the open passageway while alongside her Conjunx Endura Lug, who is holding eight large fuel rods in her arms. Beside the the terminal are the Golden Disks, an energy sword (from T30 Arcee), and tucked away is a tiny Blaster in cassette player mode. Behind Lug, a round disc is barely visible, with armlets above the wall, where Legacy Prime Arcee sits, watching. Down the nearest hallway, Wheeljack walks casually... End image description.
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Image description 3 of 49: A zoom out of the earlier shot- Arcee and the disc are now clearly visible, and Wheeljack is walking alongside a similarly relaxed Nautica who seems to be chatting with Wheeljack. Behind the next wall of the base, Ironhide is gesturing for people to follow while Sunstreaker and Tread Bolt run ahead to turn the corner to where Wheeljack and Nautica are... End image description.
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Image description 4 of 49: Anode moves her hands away from the terminal to pick up her sword, while Arcee looks on, face now visible in the frame, and the platform discs on the floor and overhanging the wall start up with blue blast effects, with Lug stepping towards the one on the ground... End image description.
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Image description 5 of 49: as Lug steps away she looks over her shoulder to see BBM Wheeljack around the corner arms raised in exclamation, while Nautica stands beside him reaching for her gun on her back, wrench in hand. Sureshock rolls in her motor scooter mode to sneak between Wheeljack and Nautica, with High Wire biking himself in behind, and ER Sunstreaker and Universe Tread Bolt following with rifles drawn. Arcee continues to remain still on the top of the wall... End image description.
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Image description 6 of 49: a focus in on Legacy Prime Arcee looking down from the wall (a TR Arcee packaging box) by the overhang arm, her pink tri-crest bright on her blue helm in the room light, silver face in a slight grin... End image description.
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Image description 7 of 49: a focus on Anode picking up her blue energy sword in Arcee’s view- and the Golden Disks nearby, while Lug’s foot is seen approaching the activated teleporter (a ground bridge). End image description.
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Image description 8 of 49: behind the second wall, BBM Ironhide moves up to join Tread Bolt, followed by Thunderhowl with his sword sheathed and shield out, Legacy Elita One with her guns holsters on her back stacks, and BBM Ratchet with his rifle on his back. End image description.
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Image description 9 of 49: Anode snatches up the Golden Disks close to her chest and deflects a blast effect from Nautica with her sword, while Lug leaps into the ground bridge, and Sureshock in bot mode charge at Anode, followed by minibots High Wire and Grindor also in bot mode. Wheeljack is pushing Nautica’s gun out of position to prevent her from getting another shot in- and she has her wrench raised in exclamation. Meanwhile, Sunstreaker is about dip around the corner to aim her rifle, and looks on instead at Ironhide, who has her rifle raised aloft. Tread Bolt holds position, while Thunderhowl and Elita stop behind Ironhide, waiting... End image description.
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Image description 10 of 49: Lug now gone, Anode attempts to back into the ground bridge which has now caught fire in several places, while Sureshock wrestle the Golden Desk’s out of her grip... End image description.
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Image description 11 of 49 : Anode, now fully on the burning ground bridge, reaches out to the Golden Disk’s in Sureshock’s arms, while Wheeljack outstretches arms in turn towards Anode... End image description.
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Image description 12 of 49: Sunstreaker has dropped her rifle, and follows in with High Wire with only hands, Grindor close behind. Ironhide looks over to get a look at what is happening, while Elita starts to rush around him, and Nautica kneels on the ground, face looking down at the floor, gun pointing down. Tread Bolt, Thunderhowl, and Ratchet hold back, Ratchet with an arm out towards Elita... end image description.
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Image 13 of 49: A zoom in on Elita stepping in between Ironhide and Nautica, who is looking away. Sunstreaker’s foot rushes onward, rifle behind her. End image description.
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Image description 14 of 49: Arcee, with a sniper rifle holstered on her wheel-pack, has slid down onto the ground bridge opening that Anode and Lug crossed through, one arm on the wall and the other towards the bots who had been after Anode and Lug... end image description.
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Image description 15 of 49: a zoom up of the earlier shot: Wheeljack’s leg on the ground is now visible, as is Sunstreaker’s arm, - at the top of the photo the ground bridge wall arms have come loose and broken apart... end image description.
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Image description 16 of 49: a zoom in on Wheeljack hitting the floor, arms around Sureshock, who is still clutching the Golden Disks... End image description.
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Image description 17 of 49: a lopsided, shaky, blurry photo of Arcee on the collapsing ground bridge, the nearby terminal and near-prone Wheeljack in view... end image description.
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Image description 18 of 49: just along the corner of the wall, Sunstreaker kneels, covering her head with her arm to brace from the explosion- and perhaps not wanting to see what happens to Arcee. High Wire hits the ground, and Nautica hugs Grindor close after he ran over to her. Meanwhile, Tread Bolt, Thunderhowl, Ratchet, Ironhide, and Elita wait, Ironhide scratching her own helm, while Elita looks on at Nautica, seemingly lost in thought... End image description.
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Image description 19 of 49: Blaster still behind the terminal in alt mode, Sureshock, Wheeljack, and High Wire look on at the burning wreck of the ground bridge, Sunstreaker in turn looking at Wheeljack’s drooped posture. End image description.
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Image description 20 of 49: A zoom in on Blaster on the ground by the terminal, Golden Disks also on the floor... Blaster’s reflection is visible on the terminal table frame. End image description.
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Image description 21 of 49: Elita One’s forearm reaches over the terminal to grab Blaster... End image description.
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Image description 22 of 49: An almost top down shot of squarely and roundly robust Elita One holding cassette player mode Blaster in her hands, looking down at him... the wreck of the ground bridge is visible in the background. End image description.
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Image description 23 of 49: A front shot of before, Elita’s left hand is clenched in thought, a slight smile on broad-helmed face... end image description.
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Image description 24 of 49: In front of a city backdrop elsewhere, Lug holds her fuel rods in hand while Anode steps towards her, sword at her side, big blast effect tears coming out of her eyes under her crested and goggled helm... End image description.
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Image description 25 of 49: Engine fuselage armor half skirts turned behind her thighs, winged curvy Anode kneels, still crying, into shorter boxier backpack Lug’s chest, while Lug holds her as well around the shoulders and wings, fuel rods on the ground... end image description.
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Image description 26 of 49: Lug leans in closer with her embrace now focus on Anode’s arms and her wings, head inclined as if smooching or whispering Anode’s helm... end image description.
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Image description 27 of 49: Slightly blurred from close-up of the same image as before, with Lug’s lips clearly on Anode’s helm. Lug’s blocky right ankle is clearly visible. End image description.
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Image description 28 of 49: similar image as before, with more visibility of Anode’s big angled ankles and her inner engine turbine-pack on her back, sword still clutched in her left hand. End image description.
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Image description 29 of 49: Lug and Anode, no longer embracing, reach out to pick up the fuel rods. Anode seems to no longer have sobbing droplets down her face. End image description.
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Image description 30 of 49: Lug and Anode rush off to the left, fuel rods in hand, four carried by each. End image description.
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Image description 31 of 49: Anode following along with fuel rods in her arms behind off-panel Lug. End image description.
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Image description 32 of 49: the point where Anode and Lug appeared is empty, only crates, towers, and an elevated highway or rail line visible... end image description.
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Image description 33 of 49: same as previous image. End image description.
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Image description 34 of 49: Legacy Prime Arcee appears in a plopped crash onto the ground face first where Anode and Lug used to be... end image description.
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Image description 35 of 49: Arcee kneels up using the alien bending capability of her powerful torso actuators to look onward with ease in the direction Anode and Lug went... End image description.
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Image description 36 of 49: she begins to change modes- her upper half turned around so her head and wheel-pack faces the ground, legs also moving... end image description.
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Image description 37 of 49: her sequence continues, her motorcycle shape apparent, one leg outstretched with a wheel at the end instead of a foot... her sniper rifle is affixed ahead on her side, and head inside her fuselage. End image description.
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Image description 38 of 49: nearly done actuating her motorcycle shape, Arcee sticks her kickstand down for balance, only one more armor flip is needed... end image description.
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Image description 39 of 49: side armor now tucked in and her rifle near her back wheel, still pointed forward, Arcee rushes off with an initial exhaust vapor of a blue blast effect. End image description.
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Image description 40 of 49: in front of a wrecked and junk covered landscape, a sitting Lug opens up her chest compartment to reveal a single pink energon cube. Also seated Anode touches her forearm with her hand, while Lug looks at her, fuel rods on the ground between them.
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Image description 41 of 49: holding hands with Anode, Lug chomps down on the energon cube with her left hand. End image description.
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Image description 42 of 49: a focus on Anode and Lug hands holding each other... end image description.
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Image description 43 of 49: Lug hands Anode the energon cube. End image description.
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Image description 44 of 49: Anode bites in on the energon cube, while Lug gently rests a hand on her engine armor skirt. End image description.
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Image description 45 of 49: Anode holds Lug’s hand again, who is looking down at her own chest compartment, which is empty. Anode nonetheless seems a little cheery, looking up at the sky.
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Image description 46 of 49: Lug closes up her chest, and looks over at Anode, still holding hands... end image description.
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Image description 47 of 49: the two go about picking up their fuel rods again... end image description.
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Image description 48 of 49: the junk covered place is now seemingly without bots again, the two Conjunx rogues gone...
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Image description 49 of 49: Arcee wheels in a turn in her motorcycle mode to where Anode and Lug had eaten their last energon cube...
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finzphoenix · 5 months
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Huh, they really keep killing characters in the new wannabe arkhamverse comic/game...
I don't know why I'm making a post about this, I didn't even particularly liked this version of Hatter. But it just feels so disrespectful towards the universe in general, you know? I mean, I get that all of these guys are doomed to die sooner rather than later, and that story arcs require sacrifices... but it still feels unjust to kill Batman's long term antagonists in a pre-game comic ://
Of course this is totally subjective, and I guess all I'm saying is... that I'm really sad that the characters in the one verse I care so much for are all slowly dying now v.v
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mxtxfanatic · 5 months
Alright, I’ll bite: has there been some turning point in the mdzs fandom where jc stans and shippers are now being ostracized? Because why am I suddenly seeing posts where people are acting like being pro-jc is some sort of fringe stance that the mainstream fandom will hate you for???
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gingaswag · 3 days
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lily cuteness overload attack 1000
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lollytea · 1 year
I thought about Hunter making Willow a pair of garden overalls before and I like to imagine that he takes her old season 1 dress that she's outgrown and repurposes the material into something practical that she'll wear all the time. She might not be the same person she was but that person is still special to her and she carries the memory proudly <333
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cat-mentality · 10 months
I know we have gone past Purgatory for a hot minute but there is something so fucking fascinating in the sheer contrast between how the Islanders react to reminds of that time that I want to go batshit overanalyzing it
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kouukie · 1 year
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Dandelion wishes.
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lampshit-art · 9 days
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Some thing never change. 2017 - 2020
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pingvin-king · 10 days
[workmate getting me to play GTA V]
workmate: it’s so fun, you can customise your own character! my character looks like me but with a bob haircut
me: that’s neat haha
also me: *receives a vision™️ of my gta oc and spends a while in designing him. also immediately develops his personality and character lore*
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sophsun1 · 2 months
oh!! 2.01!!! literally one of my most beloved episodes. are you going to post a gifset of the scene when michael spies on brian changing and revealing he's been wearing the scarf under his shirt? literally DEVASTATING to me but i love it so much <3
God, season 2 just hits you right in the feels and causes emotional distress as soon as it begins and literally doesn't stop till the finale!!!
I'm finding it hard to try and not gif every moment I come across because it's just not physically possible for me to do it without crashing and burning rip me. But, yes that devastating moment is on my gif list I couldn't leave it out, you will suffer once more 😭
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sysig · 1 year
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I decided to give a go to @niennanir’s lovely print-your-own-fic recipe on my Inside and Out as a test run and I’m quite pleased with the results as a first pass :D
I wish I’d taken a few more process pictures but there was a slight lull as I had to go shopping for 12x12 cardstock lol, but! I do have a couple closeups/extras that I added for funsies :D
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I went with freehanding the title and I think in the future I would opt to not do that lol, at least not without a printed template. That said, both LibreOffice and SAI refuse to recognize my SCII fonts >:0 If you notice on the first page, I used the Ace Attorney font in italic haha, it’s an okay alternative even if it’s not what I actually want |0 I am happy with the gold detailing tho :3c
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I did have an unconscionable amount of fun freehanding the ship caption tho ahh <3 <3 Immediate happy stims upon completion, their names together look so pretty ♥ Credit to Zarla’s original minicomic on that one :3
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I also managed to get the last sentence of the fic isolated on the last page thanks to the formatting haha ♪
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I was also able to add a bookmark! Ma happened to have a couple very thin ribbons to choose from and red ended up complementing the green very prettily!
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It reminds me of VUX tongues hehehehe ❤️💕💖💞
#What do I tag this lol#SCII#I am continually and incurably in love with papercrafts <3#Hard to believe it's been since Pokemon Homestyle since I've given anything a go! These darn talented artists inspiring me! Lol#Honestly tho I would absolutely recommend this project :D The prep work is manageable and friendly and the action itself is enjoyable#Depending on how much you enjoy repetitive motions haha ♪ Folding and creasing the pages was very relaxing to me :)#I went for my own fic as a first run since y'know - I have very direct access to it lol#Plus it'd be less sad if I messed something up - I want to do right by my favourites from other artists! I'm allowed to make my own mess lol#Also finally convinced me to return to the loving embrace of LibreOffice after like a decade away lol#I just never had a reason to redownload it! Wordpad does exactly what I want 95% of the time!#But it couldn't do columns so okayyyyy fiiiiine I'll get it again (lol) I do rather like it :)#There's still some things I'd change! I'm sure you can see from the pages where you can see both edges that the layout's a bit uhmmmm#Skewed? Corner-heavy? Lol just a matter of changing the borders :) LibreOffice's measurements are wack tho :P#But I fully intend to do this again! :D Print a few test sheets first >:3c Legitimately looking forward to it!#Probably gonna do another one of mine next before I give a go to someone else's I'd like to keep#I have ideas for how to improve! And better and more plentiful supplies! It makes me want to make! :D#Oh yeah and being in the book-making mood reminded me of one of the Vargas-as-a-psuedo-bible ideas I had but didn't put anywhere lol#If I may posit for your consideration: Before as the Old Testament and After as the New Testament :3c#I'd Absolutely buy two versions - And a full version for the record lol I would easily own multiple copies of physical!Vargas lol#Fun thought to me hehehehe ♪♫
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OOC | Dad Fact #3
Glenn’s not really a Halloween guy, mostly because of his attachment to Christmas. In fact, Halloween was the day he hung up his outdoor Christmas decorations; after Nick was done trick-or-treating, the two of them would stay up late to celebrate and hang these things up.
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puffywiz · 2 years
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I was replaying Pokémon Moon to prepare for this RP my friends and I do on and off before I got steamrolled into playing the new Fire Emblem lmao. But before that I was doing some designs for Guzma post game. In our RP we integrate characters from all the regions so when Guzma (bug autism) met Steven Stone (rock autism) he started developing a crush and it’s very pure and wholesome. Guz is gonna go on a trip to Hoenn in our game so I wanted to give him some new Pokémon and some new digs (peep his cool new pinsir megastone 🦂)
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goldensunset · 2 years
sada and turo are fascinating characters for the obvious reasons and it definitely drives me crazy thinking about how they were willing to do a bunch of insane and dangerous things for the sake of bringing about paradise on earth, but i don’t think we acknowledge enough the fact that their idea of ‘paradise’ consists of a bunch of dinosaurs and robots running around. no world peace, no sociopolitical movements, no bringing back long-lost people. they straight up just wanted to play with cool toys they read about in picture books and that ended up driving them insane. they’re so funny
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catthattalks · 6 months
Thinking about Elmer and man they were so trans/non-binary coded from the beginning!! Queer flavored before I even knew anything properly about being a non-binary or trans
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bilbao-song · 1 year
shoutout to me in elementary school gently coercing all of my friends to join my brady bunch fan club, blissfully unaware that they had no idea what the brady bunch even was
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