#emc's writing
emcscared-whumps · 7 months
WHUMPTOBER 2023 - 02: “I’ll Call Out Your Name, but You Won’t Call Back.”
Whumptober 2023 Navigation Post
Thermometer | Delirium | “They don't care about you.”
Wow I'm a dumbass LOL, you see, I MEANT to have a rough limit of 0.5k, but here we are, 4 times that.
Regardless, I had a lot of fun with this one, and it wrote so easily once I changed up what caused the delirium.
This takes place roughly one year before Shifting Phases, Pete is 17 here and is suffering a very weird symtpom of moon deprivation... :)
CONTENT and WARNINGS: Nonhuman whumpee, impaired awareness, referenced/implied childhood trauma (not described)
wc: ~2k
Pete’s Perspective
Pete should have been safe.
As soon as he got the dates for the big exam, he checked the calendar. It was a Final, one of several across each of his subjects for him to pass before he would graduate and proceed with his post-schooling courses. His first fear was that it was the day after a full moon. The Final was for Essay and Literature, one of the core subjects where a pass was required to graduate at all. With such an important exam coming up, Pete nearly collapsed with relief when he found the full-moon fell on a night two weeks away.
For once, everything seemed to be working out; he was finally in The Powers’ favours. He was tired, of course, but the preparational classes his school ran were all making sense; he even managed to retain most of the content where he’d failed to take notes; and he’d got an early start.
Hunched over a desk layered with pages and printouts underneath open novels and textbooks, Pete worked studiously to prepare against a growing mental static until the sky turned orange, red, and then fell dark.
Slowly, the words began to sway and swim on the pages. It was getting hard to focus. Blinking, Pete leaned back in his chair and sipped from the luke-warm cup of tea Ma had left him, curling his toes in his slippers, and massaged his temple with his free hand. It was as if the darkening sky had draped a blanket of tiredness over his body; cold, heavy, and uncomfortable. It bogged down his thoughts.
Maybe I’ve studied too much, he thought idly, cracking open an eye.
He set his tea back on the desk and looked down on his work only to find the words that he had just written foreign and difficult to understand.
What had he been studying...?
Oh, right, it was...
What was it...?
Whatever it was, it felt important, he had to press on.
Pete tried to take more notes, but found he had nothing to write. Anything was better than nothing, so he soldiered on, all that left his pen was a mishmash of different letters. They looked right, but something seemed wrong. Pete couldn’t work out what, but it made his heart pound.
He leaned back again, groaning.
The movement made his stomach turn and his head spin. His body followed the loll of his head and he slouched further into his chair, dimly staring at his surroundings.
Something was wrong, he could feel it. Nothing looked right.
“Why...? It’s wrong, why?” he mumbled, unable to hear the way he mangled the words.
It was wrong.
It wasn’t his home, wasn’t his room. Something was just wrong with it all. Where is the moon...? he found himself wondering. It should’ve been there, shining onto him, making everything okay. It should’ve been there.
But it wasn’t.
A call rose from somewhere. The word sounded familiar.
He rose from the chair, work forgotten, and padded to a door and left the room. There were stairs just across from him, and that strange call came again, drifting up the flights; “Hey, Pete! Tea!” it said, and it continued on, but the words bounced off his mind.
As Pete descended the stairs, he felt he was supposed to be afraid.
Why did he need to be afraid? He didn’t understand that instinct until he reached the bottom of the stairs and followed the voice to a different room, lined with cupboards.
An older woman with curly blonde hair and a soft white cloth draped over her shoulders brightened at his approach, and pushed something with rising white curls toward him. It made a clattering sound as it went. She smiled, but something didn’t feel right, it felt wrong, wrong enough to make his heart squeeze itself in his chest.
Something in her face changed, she wanted to know something. She wanted something from him. Why was he here with her? He should be with Ma, not this woman.
He felt his brow crease further—had it been creased the whole time? — and he took a step back for every step she took toward him.
“Pete...?” she asked in his ma’s voice, “Are you feeling alright? Is something wrong?”
Pete didn’t like those probing questions, he shouldn’t answer them. She shouldn’t ask him. They weren’t safe.
He wasn’t safe
He frowned. That was not his name, not his name.
Something beeped from the room lined with cupboards, and a humming sound ceased. What was that...? Pete craned his neck to find the source of the sound, and while he was distracted, the woman covered the distance between him and took his hand, saying something.
Pete jumped with fright, a yelp escaping him, and tore his hand from hers. He curled his lip in the beginnings of a snarl. “Who a-are ye,” he half-hissed, “k-keep yer—yer hands off.”
From the way she looked at him, wide eyed, mouth slightly agape, something was wrong with the way he spoke. The words didn’t feel right in his mouth either, and that frightened him.
The woman frowned deeper, saying something in a questioning tone before rushing away and reappearing before he could think to turn and run instead of stumbling backward down the long part of the room.
In her delicate, tanned hands was a long, white object with a tapered body and a blunt metal tip.
She tried to get close again, but he wouldn’t let her. Close was dangerous, no matter how much good she thought she was going to do. It wouldn’t be good for either of them; especially not him.
It doesn’t matter, he thought, eyes darting between the stairs, outside, and soft, comfortable-looking furniture until he found another door. He couldn’t let her touch him, not when everything in him screamed to keep her away, and so he shoved her hands down from his shoulders and arms and ran.
Outside was past that door; he could see the darkness of night illuminated by streetlamps, tantalisingly close. The moon was outside. If he got out, he could get away from this unfamiliar woman and this unfamiliar place, he’d be safe, and the moon would shine down on him with its soft, pale light, and everything would be okay.
He had to get outside.
He had to find the moon and make sure it was still there; he wanted so badly to feel okay.
Before Pete realised, the cold brass of the doorknob was pressed into the skin of his hands. It felt like the crisp night air.
He needed it.
He cried in frustration when it stubbornly resisted his weak, shaking grip, and the fumbling turn of his wrist, refusing to set him free from the foreign walls which shrunk down on him each second he struggled. And the woman, she was fast catching up, sounding concerned as if he were her child. He was scared, he wouldn’t be scared of his own mother, she couldn’t be his mother.
Finally, Pete bumped the door’s deadlock and the door released, finally letting him escape the stifling confines of the woman’s home and into the fresh night air.
Kate’s Perspective
The second Pete appeared from the hall and cautiously approached her in the kitchen, Kate knew something was wrong.
Her Pete always came down with a soft smile on those handsome features, thanking her for whichever snacks or tea she brewed for him during his study. Tonight, he looked tired and gaunt with deep shadows under those usually bright blue eyes, and suspicion and confusion lined each small crease that formed along the furrow of his brow.
Was he sick? Tired? Was he finally succumbing to the overwhelming pressure the school put on him to succeed?
“Pete?” she asked, “Are you feeling alright? Is something wrong?”
He simply stared at her, turning his head slightly as if intimidated. Kate rounded the peninsula and approached, but for each step toward him, he took a step back.
This just wasn’t like him; he had acted this way only a handful of times after he’d settled into her home all those years ago, she couldn’t blame him for having such episodes. For such a small child to witness a horror like that was a true tragedy, and though his mind had seemingly locked up those memories, sometimes, they resurfaced. In recent years, it began to look slightly different, maybe even more severe.
Was that what this was? Another episode of his mind trying and failing to comprehend what he saw as a child? He’d always avoided her offers of getting him help. Maybe she should be firmer before it’s too late.
He was still staring, guard up.
A small spark of hostility flickered in those shadowy eyes, but it disappeared as quickly as it appeared when the microwave beeped and turned off, drawing her son’s attention.
Kate took the oppourtunity to move closer, picking up his hand and pressing her palm into his. His hand was delicate in hers, chilly and fine, and shaking. In her softest voice, she said, “You can tell me what’s going on, I’m always here if you need, okay? Is it about that night?”
In a delayed reaction, Pete yelped and tore his hand away as if burned, curling his lip and snarling.
Kate’s heart stopped. Those wild eyes, those too-sharp teeth... in that split second, they made him look the perfect, terrifying picture of something else entirely.
Slowly, his gaze shifted into one of fear that passed straight through her. Even the heavy, panting breaths he took seemed full of confused fear. He didn’t respond or even seem aware that she spoke to him again, telling him that she’ll take his temperature and put him to bed, and that if he was running a fever, she’d help him with a tepid shower.
When she returned with a thermometer, Pete bolted for the door and cried when he couldn’t get it to open, clumsily rattling the brass knob with the tremors that wracked his body. Hearing him sound like that broke her heart. Finally, the door opened, and he ran down the entryway stairs.
“Pete! Slow down, what’s wrong?? Please, talk to me!” Kate called, hurrying after him, but it was to late. There must’ve been a light rain at some point this evening because the pavers gleamed with a thin layer of ice that Pete didn’t notice until his slippers slipped, yanking a leg out from under him, sending him crashing down the rest of the stairs.
He could do little more than turn his head and let out a winded whine on the path where he came to a stop. He seemed to be searching for something, but couldn’t find it. His eyes flicked over Kate and the terrace, but it served only to worsen his confusion; he didn't recognise her at all. He tried to pick himself back up, but each attempt ended in misery and a thud. His eyes glistened with tears, and he sobbed brokenly; the only discernible parts were about being lost, and then he quieted as a distraught daze crept over him.
“Oh Pete,” Kate murmured, carefully descending the slippery stairs to where her son laid, “You’re alright, you’re home, let’s get you back inside.”
He didn’t resist when she took his hand and pressed the back of her own to his forehead, only whimpering about something only he could understand.
“No fever, but you feel a little chilly. Let’s get you to bed and warm you up, my sweet. I’ll make sure you get an exemption from the exam tomorrow.”
It was slow going, but Pete seemed to register a few of her words, she hoped, and the small movement of his head looked like a vacant nod. Thankfully, he cooperated, allowing Kate to lend her support and balance to him and walk him back into their home and up to bed where she laid him gently to recover. With her son tucked in and laid an extra blanket over his doona, Kate pressed a kiss to his forehead and switched off the desk lamp, leaving the moonless night to shroud the room in darkness.
If you would like to be added or removed, please let me know <3 More info [here]
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artbyeloquent · 2 years
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HtDO Countdown to NaNo - Character Intro II
Dev 51 • she/her/hers
Department: Inter-Planar Relationships (IPR) Veilsight obtained: at age 3, after a dangerous fever Direct superiors: the C-suite Coworkers: Esther (dir., EMC), Abram (dir., CRM) Subordinates: Rimon, Yael, Ariel, Brooke
It’s not wise to reckon with the Director of Inter-Planar Relationships. Dev’s department often gets written off at first glance, but one shouldn’t underestimate the power of negotiating with spirits. Dev’s the most unpopular director because of her blunt and cynical attitude, but she doesn’t show up to work to gain approval from her subordinates.
Favorite people: She’d never admit it, but Rimon’s it Favorite things: A good bottle of whiskey, luxury items, designer fashion, horror movies, strong coffee
taglist (ask to be + / - ):
@ellierenae @objectsofpower @the-finch-address @mr-writes @afoolandathief @weaver-of-fantasies-and-fables @gabelish @v-ahavta @druidx @ashen-crest @pe-ersona @moononherwings @stories-by-rie @punkluvr @holyatlas @wildswrites @notwritinganyflufftoday and our newest, @talesfromaurea!
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freefallingup13 · 1 year
from the not-whumpy prompt post
a soft-toy/plushie/stuffie :)
Ok I could always go with @sideblogformindtrash ‘s method of using it as a reward/comfort object for Whumpee (like Blue’s Bonnie)
Imagine putting something. IN it. Smth pokey that’ll be quite a bit uncomfortable for whumpee to find out about when hugging the plushie close. A sharp object in the stuffing.
Alternatively, escaped Whumpee finding a plushie when they come home, along with a little note from Whumper…
Ooh, a twist of the “comfort” idea, though; Whumpee always walks around with a big plushie. It’s something Whumper taught them to do in public to hide their bruises and not be questioned about why they seem so fragile and scared. After all, a person that looks shy that’s holding a big plushie? That’s something you’d write off as cute or a little weird and walk away from without a second thought.
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Write a fantasy story. Here is your prompt: FCC and ISED Canada Compliance
This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules and ISED Canada
licence-exempt RSS standard(s). Operation is subject to the following two
conditions: (1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this
device must accept any interference received, including interference that
may cause undesired operation.
This product has demonstrated EMC compliance under conditions that
included the use of compliant peripheral devices and shielded cables
between system components. It is important that you use compliant
peripheral devices and shielded cables between system components
to reduce the possibility of causing interference to radios, televisions,
and other electronic devices.
EU Compliance
Apple Inc. hereby declares that this wireless device is in compliance with
Directive 2014/53/EU.
A copy of the EU Declaration of Conformity, including device frequency
bands and maximum radio-frequency power, is available at www.apple
com/euro/compliance. Apple's EU representative is Apple Distribution
International, Hollyhill Industrial Estate, Cork, Ireland.
Use Restriction
This device is restricted to indoor use when operating in the 5150 to 5350
MHz frequency range. This restriction applies in: AT, BE, BG, CH, CY, CZ,
European Union--Disposal Information
The symbol above means that according to local laws and regulations
your product and/or its battery shall be disposed of separately from
household waste. When this product reaches its end of life, take it to a
collection point designated by local authorities. The separate collection
and recycling of your product and/or its battery at the time of disposal will
help conserve natural resources and ensure that it is recycled in a manner
that protects human health and the environment.
Class 1 Laser Information
This device is classified as a Class 1 Laser product per IEC60825-1:2007
and IEC60825-1:2014. This device complies with 21 CFR 1040.10 and
1040.11 except for deviations pursuant to Laser Notice 50, dated June
24, 2007. This device contains one or more lasers that could be damaged
during repair or disassembly, which could result in hazardous exposure
to infrared laser emissions that are not visible. This equipment should be
serviced by Apple or an authorized service provider.
© 2019 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. Apple, the Apple logo, and iPhone
are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S, and other countries.
Apple Books is a trademark of Apple Inc. Apple Store is a service mark of
Apple Inc., registered in the U.S, and other countries. Printed in China.
OK, I didn't use this prompt at all, but I'll take your word for it. Let's call this one "The Cask Of Amontillado"
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pigeonwhumps · 2 years
from this post,
1, 7, and 8 ^-^
- emc
1. When did you first start writing whump?
May 2021! At least, that's when I made the document of my first whump piece (30 May to be exact)...
See, I watched BBC Merlin during lockdown (well, quarantine actually), and then started reading all the fanfic for it. Then I started actually writing fanfic, and the first fic I started writing was one where Merlin's recovering from being raped and abused by visiting knights, and then they turn up again and he gets hurt again and... look, I'm gonna link it here. I'd definitely write it differently if I did it again but it's got decent whump in it and is accidentally 64k words long.
Anyway. I didn't start writing oc whump until this year but... that was definitely the start of my whump writing.
7. Favourite whump writers?
But– but there's so many! How do I choose?
Alright. Fine. I'll give you five. Although there are way more that I love.
8. Favourite kind of whumpee?
Hmm... well, non-humans are always good, as well as those with some sort of superpower. But aside from that... I mean, I like it when whumpees are convinced that whumper is their new master/caretaker. They're broken down enough that they don't think they're going to get anyone else – whether they don't think they deserve it, or just don't believe they will, I don't mind, but whumpees that are quite broken. And ones with trust issues, though I guess that goes for pretty much all whumpees really. Whumpees that might be pretty broken, but who can be defiant sometimes, whether it's in defence of another or a strongly-held belief, an object or even (unlikely though it is) themself – they're not going to submit to everything without question. There's something that'll make them snap.
Also, whumpees who try their best not to cry but do anyway. Whumpees who cry not at being hurt, but at someone being gentle.
Idk, I mean. I just really love whumpees, ok?
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not-a-space-alien · 2 years
hi uh, this is emc and uhhhhhh as u can tell i gobbled up this story oops, can i please be added to the taglist as @emcscared-whumps ? i lov the bbies so much ehehe i have yet to catch up with all of the sunset perspectives tho
ty for sharing this tasty lil story ^-^
Sure thing! I saw you binging it, warms my heart hehehe. Sorry for distracting you from your own writing project hahaha but that's when you know you got em good >:3
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In France, we have a diploma to pass at the end of our 4 junior high school years. It is called "Diplôme national du brevet" aka "DNB".
There two competencies which are evaluated during the DNB: - writing and answer questions about what we have learned. - talking about one artistic topic for 5minutes and answer questions about it for 10minutes
The examen is at the end of the year (around the month of June). This year, the writing test is on 26th - 27th June and the oral test is on 14th.
But before in the year, we we do a practice that we call “Brevet blanc”. It's noted on 400 points.
The writing : 350 points
The oral: 50 points
(almost) All our subjects are divided in three days :
First day : french which is composed of 1h10 of text studying, 20 minutes of dictation and 2h of redaction (you can choose between imagination or reflexion topic) . It is on 100points
Second day: History - geography - moral & civil education. This test during 2h . We have a questionnaire for each subject. history and geography are each on 20 points and moral & civil education on 10 points. Which give a total of 50points .
Last day: sciences : we have four scientific subjects (maths, biology, chemistry and technology) but only three are in the exam. This year the three subjects are maths, biology and technology. Maths are on 100 points, biology on 50points and technology 50points too.
So, this week I'm on my «brevet blanc» week :
Yesterday I passed my french test, today my History - Geography - EMC test and tomorrow I will pass my sciences test.
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writeblrsupport · 2 years
hi i rb'ed a post of yours that said to send u our stuff as writers, and then i saw a ver where someone asked if they can just add u to the taglist and,,,,,
can i do that...?? is that okay???
it's funny as hell because i keep reblogging things about welcoming people and urging them to be less shy bc interaction is WONDERFUL
and now im battling the exact same problem lmao
(and also is it chill to tag u in a whump series when i finally finish writing it and beta and proofing it? i feel like it's been mentioned before if we can or cant, but i understand if not ^-^)
thanks for your time, have a great day and drink water ^-^
- emc
Yeah you can add us to tag lists! Me and @perasperaadastrawriting are working together to reblog stuff
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whumpsday · 2 years
sorry, u prolly get asked this a lot, but how do i go about reading your kane and jim series in a proper order?
do i follow the entries as laid out in your masterpost? or is that what those little numbers are for?
- emc
never been asked it before actually!
either way. up to you whether you prefer chronological or writing order
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dont-touch-my-soup · 1 year
i recently recieved my copy of the anthology, and i've started reading it ^-^
i've just finished your fic, and, i normally dont like hand whump, but the way you wrote it was so good????
i love it when writing is so good that it can help me figure out exactly what i can enjoy ^-^
thanks for submitting it, you should be proud, it's very tasty >:)
- emc
Awwwww thank you!! 😭
That means so much to me! It was one of the first whump scenes I ever wrote and I put a lot of work and research into it!
I am so happy you enjoyed it!! <3
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whump-captain · 1 year
from this post!
- emc
fhfgdkfslf sorry this took 2 years i completely missed the notification lmao. Thank u for the ask @emcscared-whumps (◡‿◡)
📓 do you actually write in your notebooks
I plan in them! Any kind of lore notes or theme connections that i wanna see written out i tend to put in my "dirty" sketchbook which is filled with the most random stuff lol. Any nice notebooks i usually use for drawing
📖 favourite thing about your current wip
Oooooh hmmmm. I think it is the fact that i know the story from beginning to end. This rarely happens to me lmao i usually start with the characters or the themes and then struggle with putting together a complete plot. I also like coming up with new ways to make it ~spooky bc it's gonna be a horror story with some nice eldritch stuff going on 👀
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emcscared-whumps · 8 months
WiJ 2023 - 27: Unstable (2/10)
WiJ 2023 Navigation Post
I'm finally back in the swing of writing! The exchange over on WLC was honestly super fun, and I very much enjoyed making my gift :) (You guys can expect to see that after the creator reveals on 29/08)
While the deadline was approaching, I chose to focus on that rather than continuing my WiJ miniseries, but now that's all done, we're back off hiatus!
(I still have some treats I want to make, but I'm gonna have a lot more balance between the art and writing now).
Enjoy the continuation :)
Beginning | Previous | Next
CONTENT AND WARNINGS: Hypervigilence, mentioned disordered eating and references to being underweight, not a lot else yet lol, just angst lol
wc: ~1k
The nearby restaurant Cole chose was... homely.
No, it was run down; the cloudy windows were so covered in torn old menu posters that they barely counted as windows, and the bricks which seemed to previously be white were stained a dull grey, and covered with creeping weeds. One panel of the door had a piece of graffitied ply where glass would’ve been.
The inside appeared only marginally tidier, but the aromas that drifted from the kitchen made the unappetising façade appear charmingly dishevelled. Cole still would’ve preferred somewhere else, maybe an alley café, but this was the nearest shelter that seemed quiet and somewhat private behind the screens of the booths.
Pete’s breaths still came shallow and laboured, but they slowly improved since they had been seated and ordered drinks.
The silent tension between the two had not, and quickly became too much.
“Feeling any better?”
Whether out of embarrassment or shame, Pete didn’t glance up for more than a second before nodding and returning his gaze to the floor. He barely acknowledged the waiter when they delivered a tray laden with cups and saucers, and a steaming teapot swaddled in a plain cosie, not even to thank them. Instead, his shaky hands fidgeted in his lap.
“Thankyou,” Cole said and sent the waiter off, “we’ll take a moment to look over the menu.”
A small bubble of guilt sparked in Cole’s chest; Pete’s coldness was a testament to the stress he was under. Maybe bringing him so far into the city was a mistake, maybe it was too much for him to handle yet— he’d only just begun venturing out of Kate’s terrace again, and even getting him off the island took a lot of convincing.
Cole took the pot, watching the warm, rich tea flow from the spout.
He’s just shaken, he thought. Maybe he’ll loosen up after he’s eaten and rested.
He slid a steaming cup toward Pete, “Please have some, it’ll help warm you.”
“...Th... thanks...”
Pete finally raised his gaze from the table and briefly met Cole’s before surveying the restaurant, and finally, his tea. Each movement he made was lined with tension and practiced precision; from his ginger grip on the cup to the slow, calculated delicacy of his sips which he took only after careful inspection.
His guard was up. Perhaps, even more than before, and it was coming down for no one.
Cole shrivelled inwardly, and worked on his own tea, adding a splash of milk and dragging the menu closer before wrapping the cup in his palms. He let the warmth seep into his gloves. It had an odd flavour. Briefly, Cole wondered what kind of tea it was before turning his attention back to the menu. It seemed simple, containing mostly hearty dishes. Some were curries, some were heavy pasta dishes... Oh, the boule soups looked nice...
“Yes,” Pete murmured suddenly, seeming to relax marginally into the bench, “a bi—a bit. B-better, I mean.”
It took Cole a moment to recall his earlier question that he’d thought Pete had ignored. He gave an approving hum; “You’ll feel better again after we get some food into you... How do you feel about a soup boule?”
Cole could tell he had Pete’s full attention, even though he tried to hide it. He could faintly hear the young man’s stomach gurgle.
Pete wet his lips, “Y—yes please, it... it sounds n-nice.”
“Would you prefer onion, tomato, or beer cheese soup?”
As if dumbfounded and overwhelmed by the options, Pete hesitated, struggling to answer before perusing the menu himself.
“O—onion... p-please,” he said.
The smaller, cheaper option.
Cole was sure he’d want something more than that—he was as skinny as the day he left the House’s prison, and he had to be ravenous, especially after his ordeal just minutes ago. Cole was about to insist until he noticed the sudden reversion of Pete’s body language; his gaze was fixed on the table again, and he seemed to make himself smaller.
Cole sighed inwardly and thought better of forcing the matter. Clearly, something here was a sensitive topic with awful implications, but any approach would demand the utmost delicacy, so he decided against asking anything overtly.
When the waiter came back to take their order, Cole made sure to also request generous amounts of sides, and when the food arrived, even though it took many coaxing invitations, he was pleased to see Pete take advantage of the extra food.
He really must have been hungry to even try, because despite the obvious effort to eat more, as Cole instructed, he looked glum and guilty, seemingly addled by restraint. Cole could feel his eyes carefully observing the amount he ate, as if he were worried he wasn’t going to get enough.
“You don’t have to worry about me,” Cole said, “I’ve almost had my fill, please, have yours.”
Pete paused.
There was fear in his eyes, well beyond their usual anxiety. Cole’s heart ached. Truthfully, he hadn’t eaten as much as he usually would, maybe he would’ve finished the bread of the bowl and the rest of the sides, but he couldn’t refuse Penny and Mel’s offer of their special glitter slice. He said, “It’s your right not to go hungry. No matter what you say, you don’t deserve to starve. No one does,” Cole said, “least of all, you.”
“I—I’ve had—h-had my f-fill,” Pete said firmly, clearly adhering to some unknown harmful, standard that had been set for him.
“Okay then, as long as—”
A deep boom rocked the ground, rattling their dishes and the already flimsy panes of glass. Shouts rose on the street outside, and Pete stood suddenly, on the edge of panic, prepared to run. Dust streamed from the ceiling with a hiss.
The building’s very core groaned with the stress of the shockwave, the whole building seemed to sway around them.
“Wh-what’s—what was th-that—”
“We need to leave. Now, it’s not stable,” Cole said urgently, laying down credits on their table and standing, but before they made it to the door, another explosion rocked the building and a deep, terrifying crack sent its own shockwaves through their chests. Agony shot through Cole’s entire body and sudden darkness overtook his world before he could scream.
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If you would like to be added or removed, please let me know <3 More info [here]
(I'm no longer tagging the WiJ archive because I'm posting outside of July, and I'm 90% I shouldn't?? Unsure lol)
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artbyeloquent · 1 year
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HtDO Countdown to NaNo - Character Intro VI
Jake 35 • he/him/his
Department: Emergency Management and Control (EMC) Veilsight obtained: Unknown Direct superiors: Esther Coworkers: Adam, Leah Subordinates: Zohar, Jordan, Chris, Lani
Jake is probably one of the most popular names at Te’ena. As the gossip goes, he’s the perfect “NJB”—Nice Jewish Boy—stereotype. He has goofy, golden retriever-type energy, and is always seen laughing. As much as he seems to get on the more rigid employees’ nerves, no one can bear to stay mad at him.
Favorite people: Everybody! :-) Favorite things: Caramel flavored coffee, pastel button-downs, snow, Boston at night, hearing people laugh, road trips, vinyl records, gummy bears
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duocsiboilinh · 4 days
Giới thiệu Dược sĩ Bội Linh
Địa chỉ: 155A, Lạc Long Quân, Phường 1, Quận 11, Tp Hồ Chí Minh
Sở thích: vẽ tranh, viết lách, đọc sách.
Hotline: 0367991352
Thời gian liên hệ: Giờ hành chính
Giới thiệu: Dược sĩ Bội Linh
MEDAYROI được ra đời từ 2019, dưới sự cung cấp thông tin từ Dược sĩ Trần Thế Vững (cựu sinh viên Trường Đại Học Y Dược Thành Phố Hồ Chí Minh). Sau đó, Dược sĩ Bội Linh cùng với nhiều dược sĩ khác, tham gia chia sẻ trên MEDAYROI, cũng mong muốn giúp cho người đọc nâng cao sức khỏe và có được những thông tin về bệnh học Y Khoa một cách chính xác và dễ hiểu nhất.
Chi tiết: Dược sĩ Bội Linh
Dược sĩ Bội Linh Tốt nghiệp y khoa tại đại học y dược thành phố Hồ Chí Minh hệ chính quy. Hiện Bội Linh đang là dược dược sĩ chịu trách nhiệm chia sẻ chuyên môn tại MEDAYROI - Website chia sẻ đánh giá sản phẩm, thuốc, thực phẩm chức năng.
Sau khi được rèn luyện và đào tạo tại môi trường chuyên nghiệp, Dược sĩ Bội Linh đã tích lũy những kiến thức kinh nghiệm trong lĩnh vực chăm sóc sức khỏe chia sẻ về thuốc, tân dược và thực phẩm chức năng. Tôi từng chia sẻ kiến thức y tế tại Công ty TNHH Dược phẩm Á Âu, thực tập tại Bệnh viện Đa khoa Quốc Tế Vinmec, Bệnh Viện Đa Khoa Tâm Anh.
Sau khi chăm sóc người thân tại bệnh viện lúc thuở nhỏ, Dược sĩ Bội Linh đã ước ao trở thành Dược sĩ để chăm sóc sức khỏe cho gia đình và mọi người.
Nhờ thế, trong suốt những năm tháng học tập tại những trường top đầu về y học, Dược sĩ Bội Linh đã nắm vững các kiến thức cả Tây y và Đông y, cũng như chia sẻ những kiến thức y học, kết hợp linh hoạt giữa Đông và Tây y trong việc nâng cao sức khỏe cộng đồng. Ngoài những chia sẻ chính xác về y học, Dược sĩ cũng trau dồi thêm y đức nghề nghiệp, để hỗ trợ về mặt tinh thần cho người bệnh.
Dược sĩ Bội Linh cũng tham gia hỗ trợ bệnh nhân trong đại dịch Covid, hỗ trợ chia sẻ kiến thức y tế đến các vùng xa xôi. Dược sĩ cũng tham gia biên soạn các kiến thức chia sẻ trên những trang sức khỏe uy tín về thuốc, dược phẩm, thực phẩm bảo vệ sức khỏe, từ những tài liệu chính thống, uy tín trong và ngoài nước trên cả Drug.com, EMC, Uptodate, Pubmed, Webmd,....
Ngay cả tại nền y học nước nhà Việt Nam, chúng ta cũng có những lương y, bác sĩ và những trang sức khỏe hết sức uy tín, để Dược sĩ Bội Linh học hỏi và trao cho mỗi ngày như Vinmec, Hello Bacsi, Youmed.vn, cùng nhiều bác sĩ, giáo sư uy tín như GS.TS.BS NGÔ QUÝ CHÂU, NGND.GS.TS.BS TRẦN QUÁN ANH, PGS.TS.BS NGUYỄN ĐỨC HINH, PGS.TS.BS Lê Minh Kỳ,.... đều là những người cống hiến cả đời cho lĩnh vực cứu người, chữa bệnh. Dược sĩ Bội Linh cũng mong muốn góp một phần công sức vào việc hỗ trợ y khoa cho lĩnh vực y tế nước nhà, cũng như nâng cao sức khoẻ cho gia đình và cộng đồng.
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Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@duocsiboilinh
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instagram: https://www.instagram.com/duocsiboilinh/
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@duocsiboilinh
Anyflip: https://anyflip.com/homepage/hremr
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brokenrobot2004 · 6 days
DeerHead EMC-V2
My 3D printer is probably done for good (or for a very long time) after I've looked into it's situation further and tried a few more things to get it functional again, but I wanted to keep working on this robot so bad that I'd gotten corrugated plastic, and paperboard to try and do a cleaner recreation of it's original form, in something that won't collapse beneath itself; I think it's working awesome so far, currently any problems I'm experiencing are now due to my own design flaws, one pesky servo (One for the in-and-out movement of the back right leg that seems over-greased, even after I'd tried to clean alot of it off which was maybe a dumb idea but it was worth a shot; it can move, but moves very slow and often if I try to make it move too far from it's last position, too fast instead of easing into it slowly, the power surges), and my servo controller being quite noisy, leading to it having jitters that sometimes get so bad they make the Arduino reset; if there's no way to get to the bottom of that without replacing the controller, I feel like I probably will eventually just because it seems like this one (PCA9685) isn't really supported at all anyways compared to other controllers out there and I've already thought of replacing it earlier on in the project but wanted to power through! I think it's good enough to work on for the time being though :] though at the same time, the animations I'm doing are being based in Tim's Servo Program, which is written in binary specifically for this controller; meaning if I got a new one, it better be early on and not after I've done most of, if not all of the core animations! (Sitting, standing, walking and turning, walking at different speeds, anger, sadness, excitement, fear, kicking ball and other ball-related interactions, things along those lines; just baseline animations!)
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I only have one picture for now, taken with my ultra-HD 4K 10 million billion trillion megapixel laptop camera XD I took another one, but the stupid camera app seemed to eat it, since it wasn't in the gallery. He's way more chihuahua-like in head shape now too, featuring big floppy ravioli ears like little puppy chihuahuas have in particular ^_^ which wasn't entirely intentional, but because they turned out that way I think it's super cute so I'm happy with it anyways! I tried to make a walking animation for him, which I filmed, but the video has my face in it; I may censor my face and upload it to YouTube sometime, alongside the video there is of EMC-V1 walking; which surprisingly, turned out better than when I made this iteration walk which I'm a little worried about ,':1c I actually think that's soley because I didn't remember to make the dog enter a slightly-crouching stance to take it's steps, like an Aibo does, which was written right on my sketchbook but I was too tired to have skimmed past it because by the time I was finished actually building the new body, it was very late O_o'
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Epic laptop camera moment!!! Surely you can comprehend the writing through those like, five pixels? Looks like it was taken on a 3DS, the bloody thing! ToT Anywho, that's the scoop on DeerHead for tonight!! I'm hoping I'll get him to successfully move around without help soon, but if not, I feel like I should get a servo controller that's more specifically meant for projects like this and have software to work with, or compatible Blender add-ons (Robotics and Blender working as one?! I'd nearly want to jump for joy if I got to use that kind of workflow!!) anyways; then I wouldn't have to deal with those rather nasty jitters too, and only having the servos rapidly jerk through the basic frames of animation because I don't currently know if there's a way I can make smoothing happen on Arduino, and I'd otherwise have to boot up the raspberry Pi and stick the animation into there, and be at the mercy of it working.. Actually, the more I think about this process, the more I want to get a new servo controller XD I'm going to look into that a little bit!
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perceptemc · 3 months
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Devraj Sanyal Writes Heartfelt Note On Four Decades Of Percept EMC | Everything Experiential
Read More: https://everythingexperiential.businessworld.in/article/Devraj-Sanyal-Writes-Heartfelt-Note-On-Four-Decades-Of-Percept-EMC/18-01-2024-506772/
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