#emerie edit
positivewitch · 7 months
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@emerieweekofficial Day 3 - Family/Friends
Cassian's throat tightened, and even from across the ring he could see Nesta's eyes gleaming with pride and pain.
The world seemed to pause at the words. As if it had been following one path and now branched off in another direction. In a hunred years, a thousand, this moment would still be etched in his mind.
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gamelpar · 2 months
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looking forward to it 💀
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azertyrobaz · 2 months
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How can you be part of this?
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doublesunsets · 2 months
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this is what happened right?
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fanfrelon · 5 months
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Tyler Posey & Teen Wolf cast
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purplebass · 10 months
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2023 books - a gathering of shadows by v.e. schwab (reread)
Magic is tangled, so you must be smooth. Magic is wild, so you must be tame. Magic is chaos, so you must be calm. Are you calm, Kell?
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wa-royal-tea · 4 days
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Previous | Beginning | Next
(Transcript under the cut - Click Pics for HQ Version!)
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Cassia Garden, Belcoast (4:25pm)
Emery: What’s taking them so long? The guests are already seated.
Belle: Be patient. Your papa probably has something to talk about with her.
Belle: Oh! There she is!
Emery: Oh dear…
Ginny: What’s wrong?
Ginny: Do I look bad?
Emery: What? No, of course not! I just…god, I think I got sand in my eyes. Hold on.
Belle: Well, the ceremony is starting. Come, papa. I’ll help you to your seat.
Ginny: Actually, mum, grandpa’s gonna walk me down.
Emery: Really? I thought you wanted me to walk with you.
Anthony: I already told her that when she asked, but she insisted.
Ginny: You two are the most important men in my life before papa and Rainier. So, I want you both to walk me down.
Belle: The bride has spoken. What do you say, Em?
Emery: If this is going to make you happy, then, of course. Let’s do this.
Ginny: Thank you, dad.
Anthony: I think it’s time. Are you ready?
Ginny: Yes, I’m ready.
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Rainier: Thank you, sirs.
Anthony: Be good to her, Rainier.
Rainier: Always.
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Rainier: Are you happy?
Ginny: Very.
Rainier: Good.
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Belle: Our baby has grown so well.
Emery: She has.
Belle: You did well, Em. Irene would be proud of you.
Emery: No. We did this together.
Irene: You both did well…Thank you…
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Vincent Price
A Royal Scandal (1944)
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sunshinebingo · 2 months
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Gwynriel from Emerie’s pov - 700 words - Fluff
Emerie felt like crying. She was fine when she woke up this morning. She was fine 15 minutes ago when she arrived at the House of Wind. But then she had to witness all this.
First, it had been Gwyn’s shy smile when she had come out into the training area and had spotted Azriel. Then, she had walked towards him like she had been floating on his shadows and had kissed his cheek before saying, “Morning, Az,” while fluttering her lashes at him.
The blush that had coloured Gwyn’s cheeks when Azriel had tucked the hair that had escaped her braid behind her ear was still very much there minutes later while Emerie watched them from across the ring. His hand was also still on her cheek, his eyes sparkling with a similar joy to the one that was visible in Gwyn’s.
Emerie kept watching them as Azriel leaned down and whispered something in Gwyn’s ear that made her giggle. Being the only other person currently present besides these two, Emerie couldn’t help but feel like she was intruding, no matter how far she was standing. But she was also more than a little excited to witness this. Only one person could turn the fearsome Shadowsinger into a blushing, chuckling, lovesick fool. And very few people was lucky enough to see it happening before their eyes.
The sound of Gwyn’s giggles was like a summoning bell to the shadows that rushed towards her. Emerie didn’t know much about Azriel’s mysterious minions but the way in which they were playing with her chosen sister’s hair and twirling between her fingers didn’t scream deadly to her.
It certainly didn’t seem like Gwyn found them scary as she lifted her hand and literally talked to them. It was not long before Emerie saw Azriel bring his own hand up to intertwine his fingers with Gwyn’s. Her heart soared for her sister when she saw how much brighter Gwyn’s smile turned.
She wanted to run to Gwyn, squeeze her in her arms and tell her how incredibly happy she was for her. She wanted to do the same with Azriel who, after years of getting to know him, had become so much more than just her trainer. But not before she made sure that he understood the consequences that would come for him should he ever hurt her sister.
Emerie also felt the sudden urge to groan at the sky and demand why she did not have a partner of her own. Someone to be as disgustingly in love with as Gwyn and Azriel were. Even though they had only recently made their romantic feelings known to the public, Emerie, along with Nesta, had always had a front row seat to the evolving relationship between the Spymaster and the Valkyrie. The line between friendship and love had naturally grown thinner and thinner for the two friends who had slowly learn to trust each other with their lives, but most importantly, with their hearts.
The more she watched her sister experiencing that kind of happiness, the more Emerie longed for it too. After all, who had never wondered for even a second what it could be like to love someone in this way and be loved back the same? To have someone to share a physical connection with as well as the kind of feelings that felt both strange yet like the most natural thing.
With a sigh, Emerie brought her head out of her wishful thinking and back to the present. Tears pricked at her eyes as she once again looked at the two before her. If she did not have any partner to share her love with yet, she decided, then she would devote everything to the people in her life who already loved her.
Emerie would trust in the plans that the Mother and the cauldron had for her. Someday, perhaps, she thought as she made her way towards to water station. When she walked past Gwyn and Azriel, she saw them lightly rub their noses together in between exchanging little kisses.
“Ugh, would you two stop being cute for a minute? Some of us are desperately single here,” she whined, though her heart was bursting with love for them.
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homerjacksons · 11 days
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5 star reads of 2024 ↳ the fragile threads of power by v.e. schwab
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starsailores · 5 months
fake adsom tweets
(but theyre all aftf starboard quotes)
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azertyrobaz · 3 months
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What will you do, Emerie?
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seking-922 · 2 months
,,If I go over, then you go over. Drop the blasters!''
~ Dr. Royce Hemlock
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I want to thank you for the many likes with this picture. You guys are fantastic! I received more than 500 likes on my Hemlock-themed pictures. My image editing and drawing skills improved a lot during the creation of the works. I owe it all to your enthusiasm. This after that too, I will also edit pictures and draw, although maybe less often. I made all the pictures that were taken for you. Thanks girls and boys!
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positivewitch · 7 months
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@emerieweekofficial Day 3 - Family/Friends
Emerie , Gwyn, Nesta, Az, Cas go to the vacation at the Summer Court
(P.S. Cassian begged to be forgiven by Summer Court and swear he’ll never destroy any building “ again”)
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purplebass · 9 months
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2023 books - a conjuring of light by v.e. schwab (reread)
It wasn’t a good-bye, not really. What was the word for parting? Anoshe. That was it. Until another day.
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wa-royal-tea · 11 days
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Previous | Beginning | Next
(Transcript under the cut - Click Pics for HQ Version!)
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Cassia Garden, Belcoast (3:57pm)
Indirah: Where’s my heels? Has anyone seen my heels?
Ginevra: I’m going to wait downstairs. Eloise, are you coming?
Eloise: Yeah!
Camille: Kak Lina, can you do my hair, please?
Catalina: Sure! Let me get the hairbrush first.
Belle: There. You’re all done.
Ginny: Thank you, mum. How do I look?
Belle: Beautiful. You look beautiful, my dear.
Ginny: Mum…please don’t cry. It’s too early for that.
Belle: I know…I just can’t believe you’re getting married already.
Belle: You grew up so fast. I still remember how small you were when I first met you.
Ginny: Mum…
Belle: I remember that day when you asked me if you can call me “mommy”. I can never forget that day, ever.
Belle: You made me a mother, Ginny. Even though I wasn’t the one who gave birth to you, you still loved and accepted me.
Ginny: But you loved me like your own too, mum. You’ve never treated me differently. Not even once.
Ginny: You’ll always be my mum. No one can tell me otherwise.
Belle: I wish Irene was here to see you like this. You grew up so well. She would be proud.
*door opens and closes*
Belle: Hugo? What are you doing here?
Hugo: Mum asked me to call everyone down. The guests are arriving.
Belle: Oh, yeah. Ginny, you wait here, alright? I’ll have Lina or Dira call you later when the ceremony is about to start.
Ginny: Okay. I’ll see you later.
Ginny: Aren’t you going to follow her?
Hugo: Grandpa wants to talk to you. I’ll wait for him outside, yeah?
Ginny: Okay. I’ll take care of him. Have a seat, grandpa.
*door opens and closes*
Anthony: I heard you made your dress.
Ginny: Mhm! Do you like it?
Anthony: Yes. It’s beautiful. You look great in it.
Ginny: Thank you, grandpa.
Ginny: What do you want to talk about? Are you alright?
Anthony: I’m alright, my dear. I just…I need to give you something.
Ginny: What’s that?
Anthony: It’s a letter. From your mother. She wrote it for you before she…passed.
Anthony: I had this since you were a child. But I never found the right opportunity to give it to you. I thought today would be a good time. I’m sorry it took me so long.
Ginny: It’s okay. You have your reasons.
Anthony: Here, read it.
Ginny: What is it about?
Anthony: I don’t know. I didn’t read it. It’s your letter.
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Hi Genevieve, it’s mommy. Do you like the name I gave you? Your dad thinks it’s cute, and I agree. I think it’s a perfect name for you. But he said it’s a bit long so we should figure out a nickname for you. Maybe Gee? Vivi? Ginny? I don’t know. We’ll figure it out when you’re here I guess!
Your dad and I are so excited to have you. It wasn’t planned but nothing good in this world is planned!
You were a big surprise for both of us. I was scared when I first found out about you. I was scared that your dad and his family wouldn’t accept us.
I already had plans for us if his family decided to not want anything to do with you and me. I was sure that I could raise you on my own.
I imagined us living in a small home back in my home country. I can already see our life in it.
You taking your first steps there…
…first day of school…
…moving to college…
…and getting ready for your wedding.
It would’ve been perfect. Just you and me.
But when I told your dad about you, he was overjoyed. And despite his father’s disapproval, he asked me to marry him.
Adapting to this life wasn’t easy. But your dad made sure that I know I can always count on him whenever I needed him. Even when he’s far away for his military training.
He really loves you. Every time we got on a call, he always asks how are you doing. I sometimes feel like he loves you more than he loves me. But it’s alright. I know he’ll take good care of you when you’re here.
Just a few months left, and you’ll be in our arms. And every day I’m looking forward to it. Though I know once you’re here, I’m going to miss having you so close to me. It’s funny.
I hope you know how much I love you, Genevieve. I can’t promise you I’ll be the perfect mother, but I’ll try my best. I want you to know that I’ll always be there for you when things get hard.
Thank you for choosing me to be your mother. I love you, my daughter.
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Anthony: I have been alive for a long time, Genevieve. I have no regrets about anything I’ve ever done.
Anthony: But if there’s one thing that I deeply regret doing is…not being kinder to your mother.
Anthony: I…I was horrible to her. I’ve never accepted her. No matter how kind she was to me, I can never see past my anger towards her for “ruining” Emery’s future by having you.
Anthony: A few days before you were born. I had my first heart attack and your mother was the first person to see the signs and called the doctor for me.
Anthony: If it weren’t for her, I probably wouldn’t be here today.
Anthony: I was thankful. But I was too prideful to say anything at the time.
Anthony: I promised to myself that I’d be kinder to her after that day, but when Emery broke the news that she passed…it was too late.
Anthony: When Emery brought you to your late grammy and me before leaving you with your Aunt Sofia, I saw Irene in you.
Anthony: And I swore to myself that day that I can’t die until I see you happy.
Anthony: I want you to live the best life that your mother would’ve hoped for you.
Anthony: You don’t have to forgive me for my behavior towards your mother when she was alive. And if you hate me now because of that, I completely understand.
Anthony: I’m just glad that I get to see you happy now. And I hope that you’ll remain happy for the rest of your life.
Anthony: Yes, dear?
Ginny: I have something to ask you.
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