#emma swan fluff
drghostwrite · 6 months
Running back to you…
Pairing: Regina Mills x reader
Summary: After Regina keeps going cold on reader you finally tell her how you really feel. How is she going to take you telling her how much you love her?... Feat the other world Robin.
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******************************************************** "Robin!" you looked up watching as Regina ran to him, she wrapped her arms around him as he stood there just looking at her, not returning the embrace, she pulled away and you watched as her face dropped seeing that he couldn't have cared any less.
Your stomach turned and hands shook at watching the interaction, why did she keep going for him, the constant advances that were turned down, the wishful glances returned with blank stares. For almost an entire year you had been in love with the woman and yet she wouldn't even bat an eye, you were just a friend, her person, the dependable shoulder for her to cry on.
You're the one that climbed out of your totaled car after the accident, battered and ran headfirst into the fire to save Henry, her son, while Robin stood idly by after saving himself.
"Hey Y/N, David has to stay here with Emma to clean up the scene, I'll take you home." you turned met by Snow’s gentle expression and nodded.
"You're cleared, but if you're feeling intense pain I would recommend letting us take you to the hospital." the paramedic said acknowledging you and Snow as you watched Regina.
"I think I'm good," you said a light smile pulling the corner of your mouth, you got up to walk away.
"You're a hero, you know..." the young woman called after you. You turned around to slightly face her, "saving the kid, it was brave, not many people can say they have the guts to do something like that... and her I'm sure she'll see it."
"Thanks." you said looking at Regina before turning to walk away, you climbed into David's truck as snow took you home.
"You saved his life..." she said breaking the silence. You watched the trees pass by in the darkness outside the window as rain started to fall, rain drops racing down the window. A few minutes later you pulled into your driveway, hopping out and heading towards your door.
"Hey Y/N..." Snow called
"Yea?" you turned to her.
"Just tell her." she said and you nodded as she pulled away into the night.
---time jump---
2 hours later you heard a soft knock on your door, you pulled yourself off of the couch with a grimace, holding your injured side you pulled the door open, revealing a disheveled Regina, dark jeans and her black long sleeve had rain spots from the storm outside.
"Regina, " you whispered in suprise at seeing the woman on your doorstep.
"Y/N, can I come in?" she asked and you stepped aside letting her come in. She looked around your keys thrown on the table next to the door with your phone. Your brown suede jacket hanging on the chair, your brown boots had mud on them placed next to the chair in the dining room, she followed you to the kitchen as you went to grab a drink.
"Want anything coffee, tea?" you asked back still turned to her as you poured coffee.
"Coffee would be nice, thanks" she said as you poured her a cup, turning to her she saw the gash on your forhead being held together with little white butterfly bandages, a black eye, and your lip sliced open drops of blood on your tank running down your shoulder.
"Y/N..." she said concern flooding her features at the condition of your face.
"I'm okay," you said pulling out a small smirk. she leaned forward to get a closer look at you, her hand ghosted over your side, the slight touch making you wince at the pain in your side.
"Y/N..." she said lifting your tank to reveal the already purpling bruises.
"Don't Regina." you said reading her face.
"Please just.."
"Shut up and let me help you!" she scolded, her magic quickly flowing to ease the pain, repairing the injuries. a moment of silence pasing between you but a conversation happening behind your eyes
"I wanted to say thank you..." She looked up at you but you were avoiding her eyes by watching her hands, as the purple flowed between you, "For saving Henry, I know that wasn't easy and you got hurt in the process, but..."
"I can't do this," you said quickly pushing past her.
"Y/N here just let me help you, you're hurting..."
"Regina, Just stop!" you snapped.
"Y/N?" she asked treading lightly, her body language was protective as she tried to keep her defenses from going up.
"I-I just can't right now." you said and turned your back to her leaning on the island.
"Did I do something?"
"Then what is it?"
"nothing..." you said vaguely trying to calm yourself down.
"It's not nothing..." She rouned the island to come to your side, and looked at you softly with concern.
"Y/N I love you, I'm here..."
"Do you?" you whispered under your breath.
"What?" she asked.
"Do you love me? Truly love me?" you said looking up to make eye contact with her.
"Is that even a question?"
"Obviously... Regina, if you knew what was good for you..."
"Y/N where is this coming from?... why would you even question if I love you?"
"Because, no matter how hard I try you return to him every time."
"Robin? is that what this is about, why would you say that?"
"Because I LOVE you, I love you, I'm in love with you... For awhile now, and I see how you look at him, and in return what do you get... Regina I want you and only you, everything, the good and bad, Regina and the Evil Queen, Henry, all of it." you snapped back, realization of what you said hitting you when you saw her face.
"Time after time I watch as you run back to him, he doesn't know you, he doesn't love you and yet you go back everytime... tonight I climbed out of a totaled car and into a burning one not just because I love Henry but because I know what he means to you and I love you with everything I have, and you still ran to Robin after he did what make sure no hair was out of place. I would risk my life for you everytime cause I want nothing more than to have a life with you, to love you, and show you what true love is."
"Y/N..." she said trying to find the words.
"I'm sorry," you said hanging your head, waiting for her to reject you and scold you. But instead she stepped closer to you, she lifted your chin with her fingers and suddenly her lips were on yours.
"I never knew, I didn't think you would want me so I tried to stay away... I have a lot that comes with me and I always thought you were too good to have to be put through that." she said resting her forehead on yours.
"Regina that's the point, I would voluntarily walk through the fire with you if it meant we both made it out, I don't deal with this baggage, your scars because I have to, I do it because I want to, because I love you." you said pressing your lips to hers in the gentlest kiss you could muster.
"So what does this mean for us," she said a few tears falling.
"It means whatever you want it to, it means you have a protector, someone you can run to. You were never meant to belong somewhere that you aren't loved."
"No, I belong with you," she said looking up into your eyes, her coffee brown orbs soothing your soul, "my happy ending."
"A part of it at least."
"no Y/N you are my happy ending, the arms that I find comfort in, the person that I get to come home to, you're my future."
"I want to have babies and a beautiful home, and live in love, it's never easy but it's a choice I'm willing to make everyday, something I will fight for until I draw my last breath, I will always come running back to you."
"And my arms will always be open, our home will always be our safe haven," you said pulling her in for a kiss feeling the hot tears touch your cheek as she cried in relief of the confession.
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happy-emmdings · 10 months
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It’s fluff hours!!💓🥺
Emma painting Killian’s nails based on @dykelilypage’s wholesome headcanon that still lives in my head.
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beanssenpai · 3 months
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Emma and Regina being cute 🥰
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searchingwardrobes · 7 months
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I'm back!!! After months and months of creative exhaustion and writer's block, this story came to me one night when I couldn't sleep. It's just a little one shot of pillow talk in Camelot that's a little fluffy, a tiny bit angsty, and a whole lot of tenderness. I hope you all enjoy it!
Rated T
               Killian wished for the first time for those garish artificial lights of Storybrooke. As Emma said, he was becoming a 21st century man, and he had come to enjoy the ability to see his beloved in all her glory, even after the sun went down. Here in Camelot, however, he had to rely on his sense of touch alone to map the marks on Emma he had come to know so well.
            “You and I, we understand each other,” Emma had said once, and the longer they were together, the more they saw it to be true. Though many a woman had warmed his bed, he still felt self-conscious the first time Emma saw the scars that riddled his body, yet she had smiled in that knowing way she had, and had cheekily said, “let me show you mine.”
            His thumb now grazed the puckered one on her shoulder, a form of punishment by a foster father using the tip of his cigar. He nudged her hair aside with his nose, then lightly brushed his lips across the faint white line behind her right ear, caused by a broken beer bottle.
            “I thought I ducked in time,” Emma had chuckled when she told him the story, “until I felt the trickle of blood dripping down my neck.”
            He knew what it was to make light of a person’s past, as if childhood slavery was just one of those things that happens sometimes. There was nothing normal about it, however, just as there was nothing normal about Emma living in an alleyway at the age of ten ducking from beer brawls.
            Emma shifted in his arms with a contented sigh. He wished she could sleep, but since the darkness wouldn’t allow herself that reprieve, at least she could find solace in his embrace. “You silence the voices in my head,” she had told him, pressing her nose to his collarbone. If that was the case, he would not leave her side, though the sleeping arrangements hadn’t made her father very happy at first.
            Killian’s fingers danced along the jagged scars along her upper back, the newest ones, from when a skip she was chasing pushed her into a plate glass window. That story elicited a shrug and bragging rights that she only missed a few days of work. Bravado – he understood that defense mechanism as well.
            They really did understand one another.
            Emma reached around for his arm and pulled his hand down to lace his fingers with hers. She pressed their joined hands to her chest, and he noticed the slightest change in her bearing. An almost imperceptible stiffening, and did her pulse just kick up a notch? She shifted again, this time as if she were uncomfortable.
            “Are you alright, love?”
            Emma released his hand, and using her magic, she lit the candles in the room. Then she rolled over to face him, her hands fluttering, as if she didn’t know whether to touch him or not. She finally balled them up in the sheet that covered her, pulling it up to her chin.
            “Do you know the song ‘Brandy’?”
            Killian chuckled. “You know my only knowledge of this realm’s music is you and Henry. Right now your lad is educating me on something called punk? Apparently, it was a favorite of his father’s.”
            Emma rolled her eyes. “Oh yeah, Neal loved that stuff. I prefer the classics.”
            “Like those beetle people?”
            “The Beatles, Killian, and yes. Also Motown, Elvis, Creedence Clearwater Revival. I don’t know why, I just always liked the old stuff.”
            “And this song? ‘Brandy’? Is by one of these singing groups?”
            “Uh, no, but it's kind of the same genre, I guess. I don’t know even know who sings it, actually. I thought maybe you’d heard it at Granny’s or something. It’s about this girl and a sailor, so . . . “
            “Ah.” He nodded, encouraging her to go on. He was glad she’d lit the candles, though he still couldn’t see her well. Well enough, however, to see the furrow of her brow and the way her lips turned down. This was obviously about more than a song. “Most sailors I know prefer rum, though. Brandy is a little high brow for our modest tastes.”
            Emma rolled her eyes, which was precisely what he’d been going for. “Brandy is a woman. She lives by the sea and serves drinks to sailors. In a tavern, I guess.”
            “Aptly named.”
            Emma adjusted her pillow beneath her head and rolled over. She continued the story gazing up at the ceiling instead of looking at him.
            “The song tells the story about her and the man she falls in love with. He’s a sailor, and he loves her, but always leaves her.”
            Killian is beginning to see where this is going. He shifts closer to her, propping his head up on his blunted arm so he can look down at her as she speaks. With his hand, he strokes her arm gently.
            “The chorus,” Emma continues, “is what the man always says to her: Brandy, you’re a fine girl. What a good wife you would be, but my life, my love, my lady is the sea.”
            There are many things Killian could say. The first thought that comes to his mind is that the man in the song is either an idiot or a complete cad who most likely has a girl in every port. He’s known the type. People probably assume he’s the type, but he was always careful that his one-night stands had the same expectations he did. He actively avoided women who would be a “good wife.” Not every sailor had good form, however. He could explain all of that to Emma; tell her that the song is unfortunately a common tale, but it’s never been his.
            He knows, however, that none of those things are what Emma needs right now. So he waits, without moving, his hand still caressing her arm. Emma releases a puff of angry breath before speaking again.
            “I’ve always hated that song.”
            “Emma, love,” Killian says gently, shifting onto his back and reaching for her, “come here.”
            She comes to him a bit shyly, and he smiles at her gently as he cups her face with his hand. In her gaze, he can see hesitation. Fear. He doesn’t know if it’s the darkness whispering doubts, or if it’s her same old insecurities, but this is one battle he knows how to help her fight.
            “My life,” he says, kissing her cheek, “my love,” he kisses her nose, “my lady,” he kisses her forehead, then pulls back so he can gaze into her eyes, “is you, Emma.”
            Her eyes well up with tears, and a hesitant smile teases the corners of her mouth. “The Jolly Roger was your home for so long. You had nothing holding you back. Nothing tying you down.”
            Killian shakes his head. “Emma, you said once that you and I understand one another. You, like me, were an orphan. What is the one thing all orphans want more than anything else?”
            “A home,” Emma breathes without hesitation.
            Killian nods, then kisses her fiercely, pulling her to himself, his hand tangling in her hair, pouring into his kiss all his hopes and dreams for their future. When they part, breathless, Emma presses her forehead to his, her smile finally full and joyous.
            “So I didn’t freak you out when I mentioned that white picket fence?”
            Killian tucks her against him, wrapping his arms fully around her. As he kisses the top of her head, he thinks of the real estate ads he and Henry have been looking at, one house in particular that looks fit for a princess, with a view of the sea.
            “Not at all, love. I want that too.”
            Emma snuggles further into his embrace, her hand splayed on his chest, right over his heart.
            “Good,” she says, with that edge of smugness he’s always found so endearing.
            He tries to stay awake, for her sake, but the warm, flickering light of the candles, combined with the softness of her in his arms, lulls him more than the ocean waves. Just as sleep pulls him under, he murmurs against her hair.
            “You’re my home now, Emma. My life, my love, my lady.”
Tagging: @snowbellewells @jrob64 @teamhook @kmomof4 @whimsicallyenchantedrose @spartanguard @xhookswenchx-reads-blog @thislassishooked @thisonesatellite @xarandomdreamx @zaharadessert @huntressandlioness1 @jamif @undercaffinatednightmare @onceratheart18 @sparlecorn93 @sals86 @pirateherokillian @jonesfandomfanatic @linda8084
I don't even know who is around anymore, so let me know if you want to be added or removed from my tag list!!
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princess-and-the-swan · 3 months
One-Shot Fic Rec: A Love/Hate Relationship
By @jrob64 | Rating: T
Killian Jones' neighbor, Emma Swan, has hated him since the first day they met. When she finds out he came down with the flu and attempts to nurse him back to health, he's more than a little confused. A fluffy CS one-shot where Emma (attempts!) to nurse a sick Killian back to health even though they have a rocky relationship. It's cute and funny and a quick read if you need a lil pick me up! The author is going through a rough time so send them some love in their comments!
Read it on AO3
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grtmnick · 1 year
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Emma's rising to her feet was more unsteady than she'd anticipated. After having almost stood fully, she fall backwards and against the gnarled remains of the dead tree behind her.
She felt inexplicably out of breath.
A warmth spread throughout her chest. She could feel her cheeks flush, no doubt increasing in obvious redness and contrasting with the paleness of her skin.
Having spoken allowed Regina's name, in that moment only seconds ago, there had been a rightness to its utterance. It had reminded Emma of the way she'd been resisting feeling for some time.
There was just something different about Regina, particularly when compared to the juvenile pursuit of an immature pirate, or how much pain and shame still existed within Emma from the so long ago jilting of her first real lover.
The blonde stepped forward and away from her position leaned against the tree, newly determined to seek out the woman who'd occupied Emma's thoughts more so seemingly every moment.
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booksteaandtoomuchtv · 9 months
Weekend Getaway (1/3)
AO3 | 2 | 3
SUMMARY: When Emma's roommate drags her to get a live Christmas Tree, she ends up trapped at a Christmas Village for the weekend. Fortunately, the village had a bar and a bartender that Emma wants to get to know better.
Tagging: @anmylica, @deckerstarblanche, @elfiola, @goforlaunchcee, @jrob64, @kmomof4, @pirateswhore, @stahlop, @teamhook, @tiganasummertree, @undercaffinatednightmare, @xarandomdreamx, @zaharadessert - DM me if you would like to be added/removed from the list.
"You're coming with me," Ruby announced as she banged into the flat. The front door crashed against the wall before closing behind her. Wearing a red knit sweater with a Christmas tree on it that actually lit up and arms heavily laden with shopping bags, she was the bright spot - literally - of Christmas Cheer that Emma was certain she did not order. 
It wasn’t that Emma hated Christmas or anything quite so dramatic. But if given the opportunity to skip directly to New Year’s Eve after Halloween, she would happily accept. There was no escaping how dreadfully lonely her life had become since she’d driven away from Storybrooke after - Nope, not going there. 
"We are getting a live tree this year! Get your jacket, let's go." Ruby continued, not waiting for Emma to acknowledge her. 
"Those are fire hazards. Plus, where would we put it?" Emma gestured at their tiny, crowded living space. 
Ruby grunted as she deposited the bags on the nearest chair. She grabbed Emma's boots and threw them at her, "Put 'em on."
Scowling and grumbling, she clicked off the TV and shoved her feet into her boots. 
It was impossible to deny Ruby anything. They came to the city together a few years ago to get over their broken hearts and discover a life outside of their small town. They'd helped nurse each other through the heartbreaks, acted as both wing-woman and excuse for one another - depending on what the night demanded, and endured the challenges of being artists in a big city together. Ruby had landed a part on an off-broadway play and Emma was in her second season at the New York City Ballet. It took several failed auditions, many pints of ice cream, and the constant support from one another to get them this far. 
"Let's burn down the building then."
"That's the spirit!" 
§§§§    §§§§    §§§§    §§§§
They drove for hours, leaving the city behind for the snow-covered, rolling hills of the upstate. While singing and dancing to old favourite songs, they passed several signs advertising various Christmas tree farms. Ruby would shake her head and drive by them. After the tenth one, Emma finally asked where they were going.   “I found the perfect farm online.” 
At Emma’s sceptical look, Ruby continued, “I promise, there is something special about the one we are going to," Ruby explained. "I can just feel it, you know?" 
Emma released a resigned sigh. Ruby was impulsive and spiritual, believing her intuition was a powerful force that should not be ignored. Emma needed something a bit more concrete to guide her decisions. 
Ruby slowed at a lane that was much like any other they had passed all day, except this one sported a faded red pickup truck with rounded fenders that was wrapped in fat, colourful light bulbs. A hand-painted sign welcomed guests to the Jones' Christmas Tree Farm for sleigh rides, hot cidre, hot chocolate, and to cut and carry home their very own tree from its stand on the stained wooden slats in the bed of the truck. 
As they bounced along the uneven lane, Ruby cleared her throat. “Don’t kill me…”
“No promises.” Emma tore her attention from the endless rows of firs and spruces lined outside her window to glare at her old friend. The ice in that glare would have stopped the hearts of mere mortals. But, this was no mere mortal. This was Ruby Lucas and nothing could hinder Ruby’s excitement once it gained momentum. 
Ruby smiled brightly at Emma and pulled a duffle bag from behind Emma’s seat. “I booked a cabin for us for the weekend. We were just saying that we needed a little break and they had so many fun things and, wait until you see the farm, it is beautiful!”
Emma had planned to set up a station on her couch and binge-watch garbage telly. Not spend a weekend on a farm, much less a farm that would doubtlessly be filled with families and couples buying trees the entire time. This was definitely worse than the countless movies featuring smiling men and women in red or green sweaters in front of a highly decorated tree that were beginning to populate every channel she surfed, right? Yes, she decided, it was. Ruby had driven her directly into the ridiculous small town that featured in the background of one of those ridiculous movies and was making them stay for the entire weekend. This was not what she had in mind when they were talking about their holiday. Sun, sand, and sangrias had featured in her dreams. Not snow, cidre, and Santa. 
“They’d better have hard cidre or spiked egg nog,” Emma muttered.
“Like I would spend a sober weekend in a cabin on a farm!” Ruby shot Emma a wounded look. 
Emma snorted and shook her head. “Well, that’s something, at least.”
“Oh, hush. This will be a weekend to remember.” 
The lane opened up to reveal a stunning farmhouse with snowy Christmas trees in rows lining the hills sprawling in every direction. A red barn stood out brightly in stark contrast to the white landscape. It would have been breathtaking, Emma thought, if not for the Christmas Village that stood before the barn under twinkling fairy lights.
"Our cabin better be out of town."
"Well...it is close to the Holly Jolly Tavern, I think." 
"I know how much you hate Christmas and we are changing that this year. Your heart will grow three sizes and Tiny Tim will live after all."
"Wait...am I the Grinch or Scrooge?" 
"Yes." Ruby laughed, throwing the car in park. "I'll check us in, why don't you go find your Christmas spirit?" She mimed taking a shot before getting out of the car and walking toward the farmhouse, leaving Emma in the passenger seat of the old car, quickly growing cold, wondering why she allowed Ruby to pull her into these ridiculous situations in the first place.
§§§§    §§§§    §§§§    §§§§
The Holly Jolly Tavern was, thankfully, more Tavern than Holly Jolly. Sure, a decorated tree stood tall in the corner near the fire crackling in a large hearth and large multi-coloured bulbs were strung along the walls. And, of course, the drink specials had cutesy holiday names and instrumental Christmas songs played softly in the background. But, the bartenders weren’t dressed as elves or in tacky holiday sweaters and the tables and chairs were your standard sturdy wooden pairings found in drink establishments everywhere.
Emma sat at the long bar and scanned the wall of spirits trying to determine what best fit this situation. 
“What can I get you, love?” The low voice was charmingly accented, and it sent chills down her back. She turned toward the bartender and met brilliant blue eyes that stilled her heart. He wore a crooked smile that made her think very dirty thoughts about his lips and the amber scruff framing the sharp line of his jaw. 
“Whatever your favourite drink is,” Emma answered with a flirty smile. She thanked whatever gods were watching that her voice sounded steady, her mouth was suddenly so dry that she'd expected it to crack. 
He nodded at her request and started pulling together ingredients for her drink. She watched him at his task, mesmerised by his movements and the way he focused so completely on his task. She wondered what it would be like to have that focus directed solely on her and her pleasure. She felt her cheeks heat at the thought and turned away in an attempt to hide it, but his eyes danced with mischievous humour as he handed over her drink, telling her that she was caught. Luckily, he was kind enough not to comment. 
She studied the bright red drink, cranberries and mint floated in the glass, and a thin lime garnished the rim of the tall glass. It looked refreshing and exciting. She wondered if this was truly his favourite drink or a cocktail he had mixed for her using that special power great bartenders had - that uncanny ability to know exactly what a patron needed based on a single glance. 
“A Cranberry Mojito,” he told her, leaning on the bar before her. Her eyes lingered on his well-defined arms and the unfair way they were stretching his deep blue knit sweater. “What brings you here, um?” 
“Emma,” she answered for him, “And, oh, I don’t know. I guess that I have always dreamed of living in one of those ridiculous towns from those cheesy Christmas romances.”
“Pleasure, Emma. Killian,” he said in that musical voice. “I take it this trip wasn’t your idea, then?”
“Nope. My roommate surprised me as we were pulling in - Ohhh! This is good.”
He smiled in triumph at her approval. “The trick is making the simple syrup from scratch with fresh cranberries.”
“I’ll take your word for it,” Emma said before taking another sip of the deliciously sweet and tart drink. “Is this truly your favourite drink?”
“Tonight, it is.” 
“Your tastes change so often?” She teased, her eyebrow lifting to emphasise her innuendo. 
“I’m not so fickle as that, love. I am partial to rum, but not so dull as to only take it one way.” Killian replied, meeting her gaze. The heat in the depths of his sapphire eyes made her stomach tighten in response. This man was too good to be anything but trouble. 
Mmm, but it would be some good trouble. 
“That looks fantastic! Can I get one, too?” Ruby’s voice shattered the tension building between them. 
“Coming right up, love,” Killian answered immediately. His eyes lingered on Emma’s a moment longer before he turned to mix Ruby’s drink.
“It’s a Cranberry Mojito,” Emma explained, turning to look at Ruby. “Here, try some while you wait.”
Ruby’s eyes were wide and she was biting her lips together tightly to suppress what Emma knew to be a wolfish smile. Emma shook her head subtly, pleading with Ruby to not say a word. Ruby nodded excitedly at her in approval of whatever she had read into the exchange she interrupted earlier. Emma frantically shook her head - whatever you are thinking, stop thinking it! 
When Killian returned, setting Ruby’s drink on the bar before her, Ruby pounced. “So, what is your name?”
“Killian,” he answered with amusement laced in the melody of his voice.
“And what does your girlfriend think of you making eyes with your patrons, Killian?” 
Emma sputtered and coughed as she tried not to choke on the sip she’d taken before Ruby’s obvious question. Ruby turned to Emma, earnest concern etched on her face, while her eyes danced with humour, “Are you okay, Emma? Need some water?” 
Narrowing her eyes at Ruby, Emma shook her head. Her breath was still taken by the liquid burning in her lungs. A few strangled coughs later, Emma ground out that she was just fine. Killian slid a glass of water to her anyway, the sweet gesture sinking Emma further into… well, whatever was happening between them.
“Good,” said Ruby briskly and she turned to Killian expectantly. 
“I’m not a man to make eyes with someone while involved with another,” his accent clipping the words. 
He hadn’t liked that accusation one bit. The realisation warmed Emma as much as the rum spreading in her blood. He wouldn’t cheat on her and leave her too embarrassed, too ashamed, to face the town she had lived in her entire life. He may be trouble, but he was honourable trouble and that she could handle.
“What kind of a man are you then, Killian?” Ruby asked. She sipped from her cocktail and pinned him with a look that dared him to rise to the bait. 
“Don’t do that, Rubes,” Emma snapped. Her temper was rising - she felt the need to protect Killian from Ruby’s intrusive questions. Killian sent her a grateful look before excusing himself to serve a man flagging him down on the other end of the bar.
“Ooh, you like this one,” Ruby whispered far too loudly as she waggled her eyebrows ridiculously. Emma could not help but laugh and the strange frustration that had so quickly risen in her dispersed.
“No. I just thought that was unfair of you,” Emma said simply.
Emma rolled her eyes at the disbelief in Ruby’s tone. “Fine. Think whatever you want.” 
“I do and I will.” 
“So, what is there to do in a Christmas Village?” Emma asked in a very smooth and effortless transition from the previous topic. 
Ruby perked up and started rattling off various activities that she had booked or seen on her walk over to the pub. Emma listened half-heartedly - her attention straying to the barkeep continuously. She caught him looking her way once and he sent her a devastating smile before returning to his work. 
He served them several more rounds as the night grew older, but he was unable to linger longer than getting their order or setting down their drinks as the Holly Jolly Tavern stayed busy once the sun went down. 
When they left, staggering into the night, Emma felt a twinge of disappointment that he hadn’t seemed to notice her exit. 
Would it have been too much to ask for him to come out running to see her home safe like some Victorian gentleman? She snorted at that very drunk, very ridiculous thought and followed Ruby to the cabin she would call home for the next few days.
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snowbellsquiver · 1 year
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AU: Circa 1992. ( In a modern world where Charming made it through the wardrobe with Emma & Snow) He tells his nine year old daughter all about his quest to find her mother and wake her from the queens sleeping curse.
“You had to kiss mommy to wake her up? Eww daddy that’s gross.” Emma crinkled up her nose giggling. David chose to use this reaction to his full advantage. She was his little princess after all.
“Yea. Very gross, Emmy. I only did it to save mommy. You should never kiss boys or girls unless it’s to break a curse. Even then you have to be much older first. Like thirty. Yea. Mommy and I were thirty.”
“Charming!” Snow playfully scolded as she lingered in the door way eyes misty and so full of love at the scene before her.
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withgirl-sq · 2 years
Swanqueen headcanon
After they got married, Emma spent a while staring at the first document she received from the Mayor’s office, it was the first time she saw the signature of Regina Swan-Mills
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abnl-on-ao3 · 5 months
Chapter 17 Sneak Peek
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Update coming Friday, 19th — Titled “Reaching Valhalla”
No content warnings this chapter! Just a truckload of fluff and smut. Feeeeeeelingssss*
Next week we will see this story come to an end. With just two chapters to go after this one, I hope to see some readers who have been saving their comments until the end— I would love to chat, and to thank you profusely for taking the time out of your days to read it.
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“Blanket Fort Fluff” by kazoosandfannypacks
Pairing: Captain Swan Rating: Teen Word Count: 1788 words Summary: When Emma realizes Killian's never made a blanket fort before, she sets up a blanket fort for their next night-in together. Author’s notes: A few months ago, we were watching my cousin's young son, and I asked the lad if he wanted me to make him a blanket fort. He seemed confused by this question, and I realized his parents and uncle and aunts had all failed him, in that he had never had a blanket fort before. He was delighted when I made him his "very own room" with some tray tables and blankets. Always on the lookout for fanfiction ideas, I realized that our favorite pirate has probably never had a blanket fort before either, so I decided to write a fic to remedy that. Taglist:@zahara@kmomof4@jonesfandomfanatic@booksteaandtoomuchtv@jrob64@tiganasummertree@anmylica@teamhook@undercaffinatednightmare@gingerchangeling@lonelyspectator@caught-in-the-filter  @ultraluckycatnd  @cs-rylie @silver-the-phoenix @pawshapedheart  [if you’d like to be added to or removed from this list, hmu in my dms or askbox!]
Also on Ao3!
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 Killian sat on the couch next to Emma, his arm wrapped around her as she scrolled through the pin-interesting application on her talking phone. How Emma and Henry were able to focus on watching a moving picture show while also focusing on their phone screens was still a mystery to Killian.
 Emma's talking phone buzzed- a digital message from Henry, one with a picture.
 "You do realize your mother is actually right here in the room with you?" Killian asked Henry, who sat in his own chair a few feet away. "Why don't you just get up and show her whatever it is you want her to see?"
 "It's just easier to send a text message," Henry said, "Less work."
 "Makes sense," Killian said, secretly wondering how any step that involved using more technology was something someone could consider less work.
 He saw Emma smile at whatever it was Henry'd sent, then reply with a picture of a face that was laughing while crying. She showed the message to Killian; it was an image of text that said: "I've decided to no longer be an adult. If you need me I'll be in my blanket fort- coloring and eating fruit loops."
 "A fortress made of blankets?" Killian asked.
 "You guys didn't have blanket forts back in our world?" Emma asked.
 "Of course not," Killian said, "we had fortresses made of practical materials, like wood and stone. What's a blanket fort supposed to protect against?"
 "Bad days," Emma shrugged, "sadness, I guess?"
 "And adulthood," Henry tacked on.
 "Ain't that the truth, kid."
 "So kids in this realm just build forts out of blankets," Killian asked, "for fun?"
 "All the time," Emma said.
 "Fascinating." Killian said.
 He didn't bother trying to continue the conversation, as the movie was just getting to what Emma and Henry referred to as "the good part," the final confrontation between good and evil, and Killian wanted to give it his full attention.
 That conversation was all but forgotten after a week, when Killian took Henry sailing to give Emma a day to herself. He then dropped Henry off at Regina's- and now Emma and Killian could have a night to themselves.
 "Emma, love," he called as he entered, "I'm home!"
 He was in for a bit of a shock when he entered the living room. It looked like someone had set up a tent over the couch. It was made of blankets, hung on a clothesline strung across the room, fairy lights from last Christmas strung along the blankets' edges.
 One of the blankets lowest to the ground moved, opening like a flap to reveal Emma peeking out underneath.
 "Surprise!" Emma said.
 "Indeed I am," Killian said, "what's all this?"
 "Remember when I told you about blanket forts?" Emma crawled out from under the blankets, wearing a robe and pajama pants.
 "Aye," he smiled as she walked over to him, "I take it this is one of them,"
 "Not too shabby, if I do say so myself." Emma placed her hands on his shoulders and gave him a kiss. "I figured it might be fun to do something special tonight."
 "Every night with you is special, love," Killian kissed her cheek, "I'll join you in the fort as soon as I've washed up."
 "Don't be long."
 "Wouldn't dream of it."
 He'd noticed when he went upstairs that Emma had laid out his own fluffy robe and pajamas pants for him, as well as his slippers, so after a quick shower he changed into those, then hurried downstairs, not about to keep his Swan waiting too long.
 Emma was waiting for him at the entrance to their blanket hideout, holding a bag of microwaved popcorn
 "That was quick," Emma remarked, "I almost didn't have enough time to make popcorn."
 Killian smiled. "You'd be surprised at how motivated a pirate can be when he's got a blanket fort and the most beautiful woman in all the realms waiting for him."
 He gave his wife a kiss on her now blushing cheek. Ever looking for a chance to be a gentleman, he took the bowl of popcorn from her so she wouldn't have to carry it herself.
 She smiled and pulled back the "door" to their fortresses and gestured for him to enter first. He did so, and she followed after him.
 He hadn't expected it to feel so much cozier than the blanket fort than it usually did in the living room- and yet, something that felt like home hit him as he walked into the blanket walled room, which contained the couch, a pile of pillows and blankets in front of it, and more fairy lights around the inside.
 "In the spirit of nostalgia," Emma said, taking his hook in her hands and dragging him across the fort by it, "we'll sit on the floor."
 "And color in a coloring book while eating fruit loops?" Killian joked as he followed Emma to the pile of pillows and blankets in front of the couch
 "I was thinking I could pull up a movie on my laptop, and maybe we could have popcorn and snuggle instead," Emma said.
 "Aye, I like that plan," Killian smiled.
 Emma took a seat on the floor, and Killian followed her down. He found a comfortable position reclining against the back of the couch, and it soon became a lot more comfortable, as Emma sat down next to him, nestling into his arms like they were the only place she could possibly belong.
 Emma pulled out her laptop.
 "What movie are we gonna watch tonight, love?" Killian asked.
 "I don't know," Emma said, "picking which movie we watch every time is such a huge responsibility."
 Killian could tell she was being sarcastic, but he still understood the sentiment. As much as he wished he could be more helpful in picking movies, he really knew nothing about the topic in question at all.
 "In the name of nostalgia," Killian offered, "maybe a movie you liked as a kid?"
 "That narrows it down," Emma rolled her eyes, then looked at him and smiled as she added, "but I appreciate the suggestion."
 "I just wish I could be more help."
 "You're all the help I need," Emma said, patting him on the leg.
 Killian pressed his forehead against the side of her head and took her hand. "And you're all that I need." he whispered.
 A slightly flustered smile crept across her face, just as Killian had calculated would happen, and she set her laptop down and turned towards him, so their noses brushed against each other.
 "You're all I need too," Emma said.
 "The most incredible woman in all the realms needs an old washout like me?" Killain thought, shaking his head and smiling.
 "What?' Emma asked.
 "Have I told you recently that your eyes sparkle like the morning dew on the grass?" Killian asked, brushing his hair out of her face with his hook, "Or that your smile is like the silver lining in the clouds after a week of storms? Or that your hair shines like the sun in winter, and that flush of red creeping across your cheeks right now is the most beautiful color I've ever laid eyes on?"
 Emma placed her hand on his neck.
 "I don't know," she replied, "have I told you recently that your eyes are like a dip in the lake in the summer? That your hair's like a field of flowers that I just wanna run through," and she slid her hand back and her fingers charted their courses already through his hair, "and that your lips are like a ship, like a home I want to fall into?"
 Now he was blushing too, trying as he may to keep his cool.
 "I believe you have, love," he said.
 "Have I?"
 "At least once or twice- but about that last line," he then tapped her lips, then his, with the flat of his hook, "something about falling into my lips?"
 "Oh?" Emma leaned forward, her smiling lips hovering next to his, just close enough to drive him mad. "And what was that?"
 Killian smiled, "I think you know," he raised an eyebrow.
 "Do I?" she raised an eyebrow in return. "Do I really?"
 "Now you're just toying with me," he said, "you know how it gets to me when you play coy with me."
 Emma's smile widened, "You wanna kiss me so badly it's almost pathetic."
 "I don't want to kiss you badly," he said, letting go of her hand so he could cradle the back of her neck instead, "I want to kiss you well- oh so very well."
 Her breath spiraled across his lips like a hurricane, and her fingers twirled around his hair and twisted across his neck like they'd gotten caught in the storm. She smiled, then whispered, "Go for it."
 She didn't have to tell him twice. He pulled her lips into his like the tide draws a ship to her home port, less like he was pulling her and more like he was leading her exactly where she wanted to be anyways.
 And it was right where he wanted to be too. Half a decade ago, he wouldn't've dreamt of a moment like this one- holding Emma Swan- his wife, Emma Swan- in his own two arms, in the living room of their house, her lips on his, her hands on his neck, wanting to be here, wanting to kiss him, to hold him, to love him! In two centuries spent trying to get what he wanted, he never would've guessed that what he wanted was as simple and beautiful as this.
 She slid her hands down to the edges of his robe, pulling him even closer than he already was, curling her lips even tighter around his.
 He shifted her ever so slightly, Emma giggling a little as he laid her down, her head now resting on the couch, himself almost laughing as well as he wrapped himself around her. His lips stayed on top of hers, his face on hers, his chest on hers- his heart on hers.
 "Oh," she sighed. She let go of his robe, only so she could run her hands underneath it, all along his chest and back, tracing out routes she was well acquainted with. "Thanks for the help."
 "Help with what?" he asked, with a low voice, and with messy kisses as his lips danced across hers.
 Emma wrapped her arms around him tighter, pulling him even further onto her, then left his lips so she could plant a field of kisses just below his ear, before whispering a response into it.
 "I don't think I'll have to worry about picking a movie tonight."
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rockonlavender · 7 months
Someone send me swan queen fluff prompt.
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happy-emmdings · 1 year
Hometown Goodbye
on AO3
Summary: The car ride from Storybrooke to Henry's new college is a chaotic experience worthy of their chaotic family. Even without the whole royal escort of his family accompanying him into the new environment, three parents and a restless toddler are already quite enough for one small car and a very long ride.
Word count: 3 026
Author’s note: Season 7 canon divergence, in the sense that it ignores the existence season 7. Hope ended up kinda stealing the spotlight in this but... good for her.
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It was bound to happen. After years of discovering curses and fighting villains alongside his crazy fairytale family, it was time for Henry Mills to embark on a new journey, wherever it may take him. College life sure did sound like a whole new kind of adventure. He wasn’t even sure if he’d be able to stick to the plan. Now that the new chapter was just around the corner, the real world suddenly seemed more daunting than a trip to a land full of magical danger. But there is no use getting ahead of oneself, when every journey has to start first. Some start with a curse, some with a long family road trip.
He had already said a proper goodbye to his grandparents and his kid uncle in advance. Luckily, Emma had managed to gently relay to them that he wasn't comfortable with having a whole royal escort of a family accompanying him into the new environment and that yes, he'd remember to call. Three parents and a toddler were already quite enough, especially all in one small car.
"Alright, I think we're good to go," Emma announced as she slammed the trunk of her yellow bug shut.
"Are you sure you have everything, honey? Socks, all your chargers, toothbrush-"
"Mom!" Henry interrupted Regina's endless checklist that she already went over for the third time since she arrived in front of the Swan-Jones' grey house.
"I'm nineteen years old, I packed a toothbrush, okay?" he snapped.
"And your laptop?"
"And your books?" Emma joined in.
"And your sword?"
"Ye- No!"
Henry turned back to the house to see Killian descending the stairs with Hope and smirking at him with an amused twinkle in his eyes. He must have found the endless fussing amusing. Easy for him, when he wasn't the victim of it...
"No, Hook, I'm not taking my sword to college. Pretty sure that's not allowed. But I- shit!"
"Language!" both his mothers exclaimed at once as he suddenly bolted inside the house.
"My books," he grumbled hastily, slipping past Killian and running upstairs.
"You mean these?" Killian called after him, lifting up his left arm with a backpack hanging from his hook.
Henry turned around, already at the top of the stairs and rolled his eyes.
"Yep," he confirmed awkwardly and jogged back to take the heavy backpack from his stepdad.
"Thanks," he muttered, when Killian smiled and gave him a teasing wink.
“Now we're good to go!"
"Aye, just gotta put the little pirate princess into her travel throne," Killian said, tickling Hope under her chin, eliciting an adorable giggle and an even cuter attempt at a scary growl from the tiny girl. With almost theatrical courtesy he opened the car door for her, but then he suddenly swept her up without a warning and spun her around, while holding her under his arm like a sack of flour. Little Hope spread her arms and screamed in delight at her daddy's excess.
"Killian, she's gonna be dizzy," Emma protested, but she couldn't hide the soft look in her eyes and the smile that broke through her fatigue like a beam of sunshine hitting water surface and setting it alight with a thousand sparkles.
"Apologies, love," Killian smiled innocently as he finally put his daughter into the car seat and started working on strapping her in.
"If she throws up, you're gonna be the one cleaning it up," Emma added, crossing her arms.
"Are you actually wearing that thing?" Regina gestured to his hook, raising her eyebrows. "We're going to the outside world. Don't you have a fake hand or something?"
"Aye," Killian rolled his eyes and glanced over his shoulder with an annoyed look.
"But I can't do a bloody thing with that useless hand-shaped piece of wood. So forgive me if I prefer..." he used his hook to pull the seatbelt over Hope who was holding his only hand in her little fingers, trying to take his rings off "...to avail myself of the ability to handle things."
Regina shrugged with a quiet whatever and Killian raised his hook to tickle Hope with it, making her squirm in her seat. Her carefree laughter rang like chimes in the wind and Killian wasn't the only one whose face lit up with a wide smile at the sound.
"Besides, I haven't sharpened it in years," he added, nodding to the blunt tip of the curved appendage.
"Yeah, we all remember Captain Pacifier," Regina scoffed, evoking the memory of Killian's babyproofed hook. When Hope was just a baby, he started wearing a pink piece of plastic on his hook to make it harmless. It just so happened that it also became Hope's favorite thing to stick into her mouth.
"Oh yeah, that worked wonders," Emma sighed.
"That it did. But as proud as I am of my pacifying techniques, I never quite grew fond of that particular moniker." Killian shot them an irritated look, but Emma's innocent smile made his eyes soften.
"Okay. Are we ready to go?" Henry chuckled.
Killian sighed in frustration, when Hope managed to slide a black-jeweled ring off his index finger, and gestured for her to give it back. Instead, she raised it to his ear as if trying to see how it would look as an earring.
"Daddy, why you never wear your birthday eawing?" she pouted at him.
"I- uh..." Killian looked up at Emma with a silent plea for help.
"Daddy is saving them for a special occasion, sweetheart," Emma chimed in. "Give him his ring back, we have to go now. Henry doesn't want to be late."
"What is special occasion?" Hope crossed her arms.
"Um, it's when something important happens." Emma explained hastily. "We can chat on the road, baby."
"Today is impowtant," Hope insisted.
"I'd say she has a point," Henry teased, giving his stepdad an innocent smile.
"Daddy, please," Hope pleaded with big puppy eyes as she slipped the stolen ring back onto his finger.
"Love, I'd be delighted to but we don't have time to- oh okay-"
Killian watched the little girl clap her hands in excitement and reach into her pocket to pull out the kitschiest pair of earrings the pirate has ever set his eyes upon in his long life. They were two little silver princess crowns with sparkly hearts at the tips. That would not have been so bad if not for the even more sparkly unicorns dangling from the crowns on short little chains along with a pair of cheap-looking hot pink feathers. For some inexplicable reason, Hope thought they were very elegant and she had convinced Emma to buy them as a birthday gift for her daddy.
Surrendering to his stubborn baby girl with a deep sigh, Killian took off the black earring he was wearing and let her attach the atrocity to his ear. He waited patiently for her to find the hole in his earlobe after a few probing stabs. But he stopped her hand by gently catching it with his hook, when she reached for his other ear.
"I don't have my left ear pierced, darling. And I would prefer not to have it done by that earring."
"Oh… okay,” she shrugged, looking a little sad.
"Here," Killian smiled and carefully put the sparkly accessory on her right ear. "There you go, pirate princess. We're in this together."
"Now we're both pirate princesses," Hope beamed at him and leaned forward to plant a big loud kiss on his nose.
"Whatever you say, love," he smiled wearily and raised her tiny hand to his lips, before finally stepping back and closing the car door, pointedly ignoring the amused looks of the other adults.
"I think you look adorable," Emma teased with her arm around Henry's shoulder and a mischievous smirk on her face.
"Oh, save it, Swan. You know I love her to bits but how can my own blood have such an atrocious sense of style?" he sighed. "Of all the jewelry we could share..."
"She's three, babe. Style isn't necessarily what she's developing right now," Emma chuckled.
"I suppose you're right," Killian shrugged and tugged at the gaudy fake feather. "Let's depart then, shall we?"
"Are you really sure you want to spend hours inside that thing with a three-year-old that is going to get bored in ten minutes?" Regina raised her eyebrows at Emma and Killian.
"I did say we should take the Jolly Roger," Killian shrugged, raising an eyebrow at Henry as if to say the offer still stands.
"No offense to your ship, Killian, but this time it'd be easier to just park right next to the campus," Henry explained. Killian swallowed any offense he might have taken, simply nodded and got into the car.
"You can always take your own car, Regina, if it's a problem," Emma shrugged, "but I am not negotiating with her about this again."
Convincing the Charmings not to tag along was one thing, but trying to explain to a very stubborn toddler that she was most likely not going to enjoy a several hours long car ride proved to be rather impossible. She had already spent the entire previous evening crying because she realized that Henry going to college meant she wouldn't see him for months. She wasn't usually one to throw a tantrum but this time she made up for all the times she had been reasonable. It wasn't until Henry offered to let her come see where he was going to live, so that it wouldn't feel like he disappeared into a void, that her sulky pout turned thoughtful and she nodded her little head.
So now, Henry, his two moms, Killian and little Hope all squeezed into Emma's old yellow bug. Emma was at the wheel, of course, with Killian in the passenger seat. Henry sat in the back between Regina and Hope's car seat and they were on their merry way. Luckily, the Storybrooke's townline released them into the outside world with no side-effects.
"Remember when you brought me here, Henry?" Emma reminisced wistfully.
"Yeah," Henry smiled. "Feels like a whole another life now, doesn't it?"
"Ha! You bet! I can't believe you're all grown up now," she shook her head slightly.
"Me neither," Regina echoed.
"Call if you ever need anything, okay?" Emma said. "But even if you don't. Just call from time to time."
"Yeah, yeah."
"I'm gonna miss you," Regina smiled at him and smoothed his hair.
"Guys, I'm not going to another realm. I'm gonna be home for Christmas," Henry rolled his eyes.
"Or for a weekend, if you want to visit sooner," Emma shrugged.
"It sure won't be the same, taking the Jolly out on the water without my trusted first mate," Killian said, turning in his seat to look at him with a little smile.
"Yeah, I'll miss that too," Henry assured him. "But I'll see you all before you know it. I'm ready for the next adventure now."
"Preferably one without evil witches or fairies," Emma scoffed.
"Or rogue authors," Henry added.
"Or nasty demon boys," Killian smirked.
"Or dragons or dark wizards," Regina continued.
"Okay guys, now you're making it sound boring," Henry frowned.
"If you ever miss haywire magic, you know where to find it, kid," Emma chuckled.
"I guess," Henry smirked. "Just don't get all cursed or something while I'm gone."
"We'll try our best, lad," Killian promised jokingly.
Even if the last few years had been rather peaceful for Storybrooke's standards, life was never entirely 'normal' in their small cursed town. Even without dark curses and grand evil schemes, magical shenanigans still kept the sheriff's department busy sometimes. However, nothing too life-threating has happened in the last five years, so what would once have been a real peril, was now easily converted into an inside joke. For a second Henry almost regretted making it though, as a quiet little voice in the back of his head whispered an anxious what if... But he shook his head and pushed it away. No, there have been enough curses already. They have won every fight so far and it was time for a peaceful chapter in their lives. His family would be just fine.
Despite their initial worries, Hope was enjoying the car ride more than anyone. She made up for not being able to run around with swinging her legs ceaselessly and when she wasn't chattering, she provided everyone with music. Hope, the self-proclaimed shanty girl, filled any moment of silence with one of her songs made up in the spur of a moment. Ignoring Regina's exasperated sighs, Emma praised Hope's singing voice. Even if it was getting a little tiresome, Emma still found it incredibly cute and the way Hope's little face lit up in the rear-view mirror at the words of encouragement melted Emma's heart. The lyrics were mostly nonsensical even from the start but after an hour, even her tireless creativity was running out and she simply started filling gaps in her songs with endless yo-ho-hos.
"Yo, ho, ho and a bottle of rum!" she added loudly to the end of her latest car shanty, clapping her hands on her knees and nudging Henry to do the same.
An unsure frown appeared on Emma's face as she titled her head thoughtfully. She glanced at her husband with suspicious eyes.
"Isn't that from the song about fifteen dead guys?" she whispered to him.
"You mean Fifteen Men on a Deadman's Chest, love?" he asked, innocently scratching behind his ear.
"Why do you sing about fifteen dead guys to our toddler, Killian?" Emma raised an eyebrow.
"I don't," Killian lifted his hand defensively.
"Yo, ho, ho, ho and a bottle of rum!" Hope shouted happily from the backseat.
"Maybe she heard you sing it in the shower," Henry suggested, leaning forward to join the conversation.
As if on cue, Hope clapped her hands. "Sing with me, daddy! Our song! Mommy you too!"
Emma gave Killian a pointed look before turning her eyes back to the road.
"Alright, I might have sung it a couple times," he admitted, his voice making a little squeaky sound as he put on an innocent smile.
"Don’t worry, she made some… adjustments to it," he added.
"Daddy, sing!"
“Please don’t,” Regina groaned silently.
Emma lifted her eyebrows again, this time with her eyes still on the windshield. The corner of her mouth quirked up a little in amusement as Hope began the song which consisted of mostly gibberish. Killian joined in for the chorus, which changed almost every time, one of the versions being:
"Fifteen beans in a princess chest Yo, ho, ho and a bottle of rum Sheriff star, sword and a pretty dress Yo, ho, ho and a bottle of rum”
Together, Killian and Hope made up a long list of various things that the princess had in her chest. Among other things there were fifteen rings, fifteen teeth or fifteen cats. Killian added a sextant, map and a gold compass, while Hope came up with strawberry ice cream ‘cause it’s the best, and of course yo, ho, ho and a bottle of rum. “It’s the best” turned out to be her go-to rhyme. Emma started singing along with them and even Henry joined for the part of the chorus that remained the same.
“Careful before you raise an alcoholic,” Regina muttered, equally annoyed and amused by the situation.
“It’s just a song,” Emma waved her hand.
“She doesn’t want to drink rum, right love?” Killian said, looking at Hope over his shoulder.
“It’s bleh!” she shook her head furiously.
“I may or may not have tricked her into taking cough drops by promising her a real pirate’s drink,” Killian whispered into Emma’s ear. “Rest assured, her curiosity was sated.”
Henry caught that and made a mental note to replace the rum in Killian’s flask with cough medicine the next time he’d declare him a prank war. Emma shook her head with a chuckle.
“I thought you didn’t use trickery on women,” she quipped.
“Only when their little throats are sore and they refuse treatment,” he explained with a conspiratorial wink.
Eventually, Hope’s supply of songs was exhausted and she decided to occupy herself with trying to dismantle her doll. Henry started scrolling mindlessly through his phone with his thoughts wandering to the future of almost scary normalcy that awaited him at their destination. Every once in a while, he let his eyes get captivated by the landscape running past them outside the window in endless smudged stripes of green and grey and blue. He spun his pen between his fingers. He had a habit of keeping it in his pocket these days. Ever since he finally finished his second volume of Storybrooke’s history, he has had a strange itch to write something new, though he couldn’t figure out exactly what. He wondered if bidding his hometown goodbye was the answer or if there even was any inspiration for him in a world without magic. But perhaps it was precisely the lack of magic that had inspired him to first start seeking it out. Perhaps his own realm had its own lessons to teach him. He just still wasn’t quite sure how good he was going to be at being an adult in a normal world after growing up as a boy who’d been to Neverland and Camelot among other places. His fake memories of a normal life with Emma from the year after Pan’s curse felt more like a vague, distant, elusive dream, but he had some recollection of what it would have been like to have been a regular kid. But if the years that have passed since then have proved anything, it was that he was anything but. He just hoped he could find a way to fit in in his own world. He spun the pen again. Well, if he couldn’t, there were always other worlds to explore. And he just happened to know a town in Maine full of secrets and haywire magic that could be a gateway to any new adventure he’d pick.
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jrob64 · 2 years
Blow Me Away (A CS Modern AU One-shot)
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Happy birthday @apiratewhopines​! It’s a week late, but I hope it was worth the wait! Thank you to all of you who have already shown interest in this story.
After having a discussion with Beth about what it would be like to see Killian Jones as a glassblower in a hot shop, I was determined to write a story about it for her. It includes a short guest appearance by one of her favorite characters, Marco, and something else at the end that she always loves for me to write. Oh, and see if you can recognize the quotes from my favorite CS scene ever!
Please forgive any errors in describing the glassblowing tools and process. Like Emma, all I know about it comes from YouTube videos and the Netflix competition show Blown Away. If you have an interest in glassblowing, I highly recommend watching that show!
Special thanks to @cs-rylie​​ for her encouragement and help with plotting, and to the lovely @hookedmom​​, who cleaned up my messes as usual.
Story Summary: For her birthday, Emma Swan's friends give her lessons for glassblowing, something she has always wanted to do. Once she meets her instructor, Killian Jones, both of them feel the heat from more than just the furnaces in the hot shop.  
Rating: M (for smut)
Words: 12,929
Also accessible on ffn and Ao3
“Happy birthday, Emma!” Elsa, Ruby and Ashley shouted, then broke into the birthday song as Mary Margaret brought the cake in from the kitchen.
Emma Swan smiled broadly at her small group of friends, trying to convey her appreciation to each one of them. Growing up, she rarely had friends. Being in the foster care system meant she lived a transient life, not giving her many opportunities to develop close relationships. Now, at twenty-eight, she was finally putting down roots in the scenic little town of Storybrooke, Maine.
Her best friend Mary Margaret Blanchard brought Emma to her hometown after they both graduated from a culinary academy in Boston. Soon after settling there, Emma and Mary Margaret made their dream of owning a bakery together a reality, naming it Fairytale Confections. Emma handled the duties of working the counter, custom designing the cakes and decorating them, while Mary Margaret took the orders and did the baking. Since neither of them were interested in taking care of the accounting, they hired Mary Margaret’s friend, Elsa Arendelle, who also did the finances for her aunt’s ice cream shop, Any Given Sundae, located beside the bakery.
Mary Margaret introduced Emma to her other childhood friends, Ashley Boyd and Ruby Lucas, too. The group of friends welcomed Emma into their circle with open arms. Ashley was the housekeeper for the only hotel in Storybrooke, owned by Ruby’s grandmother. Granny also owned the town diner where Ruby worked as a waitress. When the bakery opened, she convinced Granny to buy baked goods for the diner from her friends.
It took Emma a while to get used to being part of a close-knit group, but after more than five years, she was very comfortable in their midst. The surprise birthday party was at Elsa’s house and it warmed Emma’s heart to see how much planning they put into it. A large, hand painted banner that stretched across the archway between the kitchen and living room announced ‘Happy 28th Birthday, Emma!’, streamers and balloons hung from the ceiling, and Emma’s favorite Rocky Road ice cream, bought from the ice cream shop, waited in the freezer. The birthday cake had been secretly baked by Mary Margaret and resembled Emma’s beloved yellow Volkswagen.
“You guys didn’t have to do all of this,” Emma declared, as she had done every year they gave her a party, though secretly she loved each one. The only other birthday party she’d ever had before coming to Storybrooke was at one of her foster homes when the mother’s birthday was two days after Emma’s, so they had a party for both of them at the same time.
“Of course we did!” Mary Margaret chirped as Ruby lit the candles on the cake. “You deserve special treatment on your birthday. Now, make a wish and blow out the candles.”
Emma swept her eyes around her group of friends, lingering on each of them for a few moments. She could feel herself getting a little emotional and was relieved when they all started inciting her to hurry.
“We’re not getting any younger here,” Ashley teased.
“Blow them out already!” Ruby chimed in, while Mary Margaret encouraged, “Close your eyes and make a wish.”
Emma smiled so hard, her face began to ache. “I don’t think I need to wish for anything,” she said.
“Sure you do,” Ruby grinned. “You need a big, hunky, stud of a man in your life!”
Emma folded her arms and fixed her with a glare. “I do NOT need a man. I’m perfectly happy without one.”
“Happy, but unsatisfied,” Ruby remarked, her grin growing even wider.
“You two can argue later,” Elsa interjected. “The candles are going to melt all over the cake if you don’t blow them out soon.”
Emma nodded, closed her eyes briefly, then opened them and extinguished all but three of the twenty-eight candles with one blow. Her friends clapped and cheered as she blew out the remaining candles and straightened up, beaming at them.
Ashley retrieved the ice cream from the freezer and began scooping it out onto the Autumn themed cake plates, while Mary Margaret cut the cake into generous pieces and added them to the plates. The tight circle of friends talked and laughed, enjoying the cake and ice cream at the small dining room table. They expounded on Ruby’s suggestion to wish for a hunky man by naming off the list of single men in Storybrooke.
Emma accepted it all good-naturedly until Mary Margaret mentioned Leroy, the grumpy town handyman. “Really? How desperate do you think I am?” she groaned.
“He seems gruff, but he’s just a big, old softy,” Mary Margaret said.
“Not gonna happen,” Emma assured her emphatically, while her friends laughed.
When they finished eating, Emma sat back in her chair, rubbing her belly and licking the last of the yellow icing off of her lips. “That was delicious, Marg,” she praised, using her favorite nickname for her friend. “And Sarah’s Rocky Road is always the best, Els.”
“I know,” Elsa sighed. “Having easy access to ice cream is nice, but it’s also very fattening.” She patted her jean clad thighs for emphasis.
“Oh, like you need to worry about that,” Ashley scoffed. “I’m still trying to get the last ten pounds of baby weight off and Alexandra is almost four months old.”
“You look great. We can’t even tell you had a baby,” Elsa said, while Emma, Mary Margaret and Ruby nodded their agreement.
“Tell my stretch marks that,” Ashley groaned.
“Time for presents!” Mary Margaret redirected, rising from her seat.
“Actually, it’s just a present,” Ruby corrected. “We all went together and got you one big gift.”
Mary Margaret set a small box wrapped in orange paper with a yellow bow in front of Emma, then sat back down and clasped her hands in anticipation. “Oh, I really hope you like it!”
Emma picked it up, surprised at how light it felt, and pulled the bow off the top. “I’m sure I will.” Carefully removing the shiny, foil paper, she found a white box that looked like it could contain a necktie. Upon lifting the lid, she discovered a plain white envelope. “Did you guys give me a million dollars?” she joked, taking the envelope out of the box and beginning to lift the flap.
“In your dreams,” Ruby smirked.
Emma laughed as she finished opening the envelope and drew out the gift certificate tucked inside. Reading it, her eyes widened and her jaw dropped.
“Do you like it?” Elsa asked anxiously.
“You…you bought me glassblowing lessons?” Emma managed to ask through her shock and surprise.
“Yeah, Marg went online and found a guy in Portland who offers them at his glass shop,” Ashley explained.
“I know you’ve always been interested in it,” Mary Margaret added.
“And you’re like, obsessed with that Blown Away show on Netflix,” Ruby threw in.
“So, do you like it?” Elsa asked again.
“Are you kidding? I LOVE it!” Emma exclaimed.
Ruby pointed to the corner of the certificate. “We paid for ten lessons. By that time, you should be an expert and will be making glass sculptures like Dale Chihuly!”
Emma gaped at her. “I didn’t even realize you knew who he is or the name of the show!”
“Yeah, well, maybe you’ll start giving me credit for paying attention to my friend’s interests now,” Ruby snarked.
Giving her the side-eye, Emma said, “I thought you only paid attention to my interest in men.”
“Now you know I’m not one-dimensional,” Ruby shot back good-naturedly.
“All you have to do,” Elsa broke in, “is call the number on the certificate to set up the lessons. The instructor’s name is Killian Jones.”
“Killian? That’s an unusual name,” Emma commented.
“I know, right?” Ashley said. “I don’t think I’ve ever met anyone with that name.”
“He sounds hot,” Ruby smirked.
“Of course he’s hot. He blows glass in a hot shop around furnaces all day,” Emma snickered.
Ruby clicked her tongue. “You know what I mean, Emma Swan. He’ll probably be shirtless and glistening with sweat…”
“Please don’t turn this gift into one of your perverted fantasies,” Mary Margaret chastised.
“The man named his shop ‘Blow Me Away’. It literally has blow me in the name. Besides, it’s not my fantasy, it’s Emma’s,” Ruby pointed out.
Emma rolled her eyes. “It’s definitely not mine. I don’t care what the instructor looks like, I’m just really excited to get started with these lessons!”
Bright and early Monday morning, Emma put a call through to Killian Jones. She was prepared to set up her first lesson, but was not prepared for the deep, accented voice on the other end of the phone.
“Blow Me Away, Killian Jones at your service.”
Emma gulped. “E-excuse me?” she stuttered, then facepalmed as she remembered ‘Blow Me Away’ was the name of the glass shop. “Uh…I mean…hi. My name is Emma Swan and um, my…my friends gave me glassblowing lessons for my birthday and I just called to, um…I wanted to…”
“To schedule those lessons, lass?” Killian asked, his voice tinged with humor.
She blew out a frustrated breath. “Yeah. Sorry about that, I just…I wasn’t expecting you to be British.”
He chuckled. “I do hope that isn’t a problem.”
“Oh, no. Not at all,” she assured him.
“That’s good to know, Ms. Swan.”
“Miss,” she spat out quickly, then amended herself, “I mean, Emma. You can call me Emma.”
“Very well, Emma. Now, when were you thinking about beginning your lessons?”
The way her name sounded rolling off his tongue rendered her momentarily tongue-tied again. “Uh…wh-when is a good time for you?”
“I’m here every day, so it’s really your schedule we should work around. Do you live in Portland?”
“No, I live in a little town called Storybrooke. You’ve probably never heard of it.”
“On the contrary, I’ve sailed into the harbor there a few times. It’s a lovely place.”
“It really is. I love it. My friend Mary Margaret and I own a bakery here. She’s the one who found your shop online and ordered the gift certificate for lessons.”
“The next time I go to Storybrooke, I shall have to find your bakery to appease my sweet tooth,” Killian said.
Emma smiled at his vocabulary. The man sounded like he just stepped out of the 1800’s. “You should. It’s called Fairytale Confections and it’s right beside the ice cream shop.”
He groaned, the sound of which caused her stomach to do a little flip. “Ice cream and cake. That’s truly not fair.”
“Sorry,” she laughed. “Anyway, I sort of sidetracked the conversation, Mr. Jones”
“If I’m to call you Emma, please call me Killian.”
“Okay, Killian. As far as the time, I’m free most evenings and all day Sunday when the bakery is closed, but you’re probably not open then.”
“Lesson times are flexible, so I would be more than happy to give them on Sundays, if that works for you.”
“Okay, great!”
“How many lessons were you given?”
“In that case, would you be amenable to having two lessons a week? Otherwise, they’ll run into the holidays when I’ll be in England for a few weeks to visit my brother and his family.”
“Sure. The bakery closes at two on Wednesdays, so maybe later in the afternoon?”
“Would four o’clock work for you?”
“Yeah,” she confirmed. “What time on Sunday?”
“You call it, Swan,” he said.
“How about one o’clock, Jones?” she replied cheekily.
There was a pause on the other end before he spoke again. “My apologies, Emma. I’m used to calling my assistants by their last name since three of the four are named Joe, including one who is a woman.”
She laughed lightly. “I was just teasing. I really don’t mind at all.”
“To answer your question, one o’clock on Sunday would be fine. Is this Wednesday too soon to start?”
“No, that’s perfect. I’m very excited to learn the art of glassblowing. It has always intrigued me.”
“Very good. Do you have the address of my shop?”
Emma looked at the paper in front of her again. “Yeah, it’s on the gift certificate. So I guess I’ll see you Wednesday at four.”
“Aye, see you then, lass.”
Emma ended the call and sat looking at her phone with a dreamy smile on her face. She would never admit it, but if his voice was anything to go by, she might have to agree with Ruby’s assessment that he was hot, in more ways than one.
As she drove to Portland Wednesday afternoon, Emma worried her bottom lip between her teeth. She was excited but also nervous, not only about learning something new, but also about meeting the man behind the sexy voice. She had actually dreamed about him the night after their conversation on the phone, as if her subconscious was trying to put a face with the voice that was still echoing in her ears.
Parking her bug in front of the warehouse her GPS declared was her destination, she drew in a deep breath, trying to steady her nerves. Then she grabbed the gift certificate off the seat, flung her car door open and stepped out.
She approached the building and pulled open the creaky metal door, looking around as she entered, but not seeing Killian Jones. Smiling at the glassblowing equipment spread around the large space, she mentally named things she recognized from watching the Netflix show and numerous YouTube videos.
Turning her attention to several blown glass pieces sitting on a table beside the door, she carefully picked them up one-by-one to study them.
“You must be Emma Swan.”
The words spoken close behind her startled her so much, she almost dropped the beautiful aqua colored bowl she was holding. Letting out a gasp, she quickly set it back on the table and turned around, saying, “Oh, I didn’t know you were…”
Her words trailed off as she got a look at her instructor. Her first thought was that her dream of him didn’t do him justice, and her second was that his looks certainly equaled the sexiness of his voice. He appeared to be about her age, was a few inches taller than her, with dark, disheveled hair, a strong, scruff-covered jaw, piercing blue eyes and a gleaming white smile. His hands grasped both ends of a towel slung around his neck, making his biceps bulge under the sleeves of his tight, white T-shirt, the V-neck allowing her to see dark hair peeking out.
While he waited for her to speak again, he used the end of the towel to wipe away the sweat on his forehead. A few strands of hair flopped down over it once he finished and her hand inadvertently reached forward, intending to brush them away. Suddenly realizing what she was doing, she jerked her hand back and ran it through her own long, blonde hair instead.
He looked at her with his head cocked and a raised eyebrow, his roguish grin convincing her he knew the effect he was having on her. She cleared her throat and said, “Uh, yeah. I’m Emma.” Holding out her hand, she added, “It’s nice to meet you, Killian.”
He took her hand, squeezing it lightly as he shook it. “Likewise. Have you been waiting long?”
“Not at all. I just got here and was admiring your work,” she said, sweeping her arm toward the glass works on the table. “They’re very good.”
“Thank you,” he replied with a smile. “Hopefully, by the end of your lessons, you’ll be able to make some nice pieces, too.”
“That would be great!” she said, her voice bubbling with excitement.
“Shall we get started?” he asked.
“Oh, do you need this?” She held out the crumpled gift certificate.
“Aye,” he said, taking the paper, folding it and sticking it in his back pocket. Then he gestured for her to go ahead of him.
“You didn’t check it. Are you just gonna take my word for it that it’s worth ten lessons?” she asked teasingly.
“Well, you haven’t lied to me thus far.”
She turned to look at him over her shoulder and saw the smirk on his face. She was enjoying the banter with him and already felt at ease.
Touching her on the shoulder, he stopped her in front of a large furnace. “How much do you already know about the art of glassblowing, Emma?”
“Well…I’ve watched every season of Blown Away on Netflix and quite a few YouTube videos. Does that count?” she asked, with a hint of embarrassment.
“Of course it does. I’ve watched them myself. Let’s see if you can identify some of the tools of the trade.”
As he led her around the shop, she was able to name many things he pointed out, such as the furnace containing the molten glass, the glory hole, where glass in the process of being blown was reheated, and the annealer, in which glass projects were placed to cool slowly.
He also asked her questions about the process of glassblowing to get an idea of what she knew and didn’t know. She impressed him again when she talked about gathering the glass with a blowpipe, rolling it on the steel marver table and rolling it in ground glass called frit to give it color. In addition, she correctly identified the majority of the tools he had laid out on the bench.
“You obviously know most of the important terms and equipment already, Swan,” he praised when they finished the tour. “Now you just have to actually do some glassblowing yourself. Are you ready?”
“Absolutely!” she answered.
Killian handed her a pair of safety goggles, then he demonstrated the procedure, calling on her to help him from time to time.
“That’s the basic process,” he said when he finished. “How would you like to try it for yourself?”
“Really? You think I could do that already?” She was nearly bouncing on the balls of her feet with anticipation.
“Of course, and I’ll be here to guide you. First, choose a color of frit and then I’ll help you do your first gather.”
She went over to the table to look over the color selection and chose green.
“Excellent choice. Go ahead and pick up your blowpipe.”
She did as directed and went to stand beside him in front of the furnace.
“Now, I’m going to open the door and then I’ll help you, okay?” he asked.
Emma nodded and held the pipe the same way he held it during his demonstration. He slid the door to the left a few inches then stood behind her to guide her hands. “Place it on the bottom edge of the door and start turning it clockwise,” he directed. When she did, he put his right hand behind hers on the pipe, helping her slide it into the molten glass. “Keep turning. That’s good. Start pulling it back, but don’t stop turning.”
With him standing so close, she felt heat that she knew was from more than the furnace. Between his looks, his voice, the way he listened to her, and how he made her feel important, he had an unmistakable effect on her.
When she had the blowpipe clear of the furnace, she was excited to see the blob of orange at the end of it. “I did it!” she exclaimed.
“Yes, you did,” he agreed, closing the furnace door. “Now, roll it on the marver and then in the frit.” Reaching around her, he adjusted her hands on the pipe, surrounding her with his presence, though she could tell he was being careful to leave space between their bodies.
He patiently walked her through the entire procedure until she created a perfectly round orb and placed it in the annealer.
“Unfortunately, it takes about four hours for it to cool down completely, so you won’t be able to take it with you today,” he informed her.
“That’s okay. I’ll get it on Sunday when I come back for my next lesson.”
“I’m very happy to hear you’ll be back. I was hoping you would enjoy it enough to want to continue all of your lessons.”
She beamed at him. “It was incredible! I can hardly wait until next time. What will we make on Sunday?”
He grinned at her enthusiasm. “Perhaps you’d like to try making a paperweight or a Christmas tree ornament?”
“Either one sounds good to me!”
Glancing up at the clock on the wall, she remarked, “I didn’t realize what time it was. I probably stayed past my allotted lesson time, didn’t I?”
“I don’t set a length of time for my lessons,” he assured her. “I’d rather just go with the flow of it, than to cut it off when we reach a certain point in time. I’ve really enjoyed working with you today, Emma. You catch on very quickly and appear to be a natural.”
“Maybe that’s because you’re a great teacher.”
He rewarded her with one of his smiles that made her feel a bit weak in the knees. “Perhaps it’s both.”
“Well, thank you again, Killian. I’ll see you Sunday.”
“I’m looking forward to it.”
She started to walk toward the door, but suddenly thought of something. Turning to face him again she said, “Hey, if you wouldn’t mind, could you take a picture of my project and send it to me once it’s out of the annealer? I want to show my friends that I actually made something today and I’d like to have proof.”
“Of course,” he replied. “Could you put your number into my phone? The one you called to set up the lessons was for the phone in the office.”
He pulled his device out of his back pocket, unlocked it, pulled up his contacts and handed it to her. Once she finished, and handed it back to him, he took a look at it. “Swan, huh?” he smirked.
“I told you I didn’t mind you calling me by my last name. Besides, I wouldn’t want you to confuse me with another Emma.”
He nodded as he tucked the phone back into his pocket. “Drive safely, Swan.”
Throwing him one more smile, she turned and walked out of the building.
Killian stared at the exit long after Emma left, not really seeing the metal door with the chipped paint, but remembering the lovely woman who just walked through it. After hearing her voice on the phone, he had spent more time than he would like to admit trying to imagine what she looked like, but no image that flitted through his mind the past few days could compare to her actual beauty.
He was glad it took her a while to gather her thoughts when she first laid eyes on him, because his first glimpse of her left him a bit speechless, too. Spending nearly two hours with her only made her more attractive to him. She was witty, easy to talk to, and a fast learner. When he stood close to help guide her, it was very tempting to move even closer, but he restrained himself. He didn’t want to offend her or make her uncomfortable in any way. For all he knew, she could have a boyfriend.
That possibility didn’t keep him from admiring her, though. After she chose the color of frit for her project, he couldn’t help thinking how it would perfectly match her beautiful eyes. He almost told her so, but decided to keep the comment to himself, unsure of how she would accept it. The memory of those eyes sparkling with excitement was going to remain with him in the coming days.
Taking out his phone again, he looked down at her contact info with a smile, thinking about her last statement. He didn’t think there was a chance he would confuse her with any other Emma. She was definitely one-of-a-kind.
He traced his finger over her name on the screen, then locked the phone and stuck it in his pocket, before turning to go back into the shop. He could hardly wait until Sunday.
“How was your first lesson?” Mary Margaret eagerly asked as soon as Emma answered her phone. She had just walked through the door of her small loft apartment and marveled at the innate sense of timing her friend seemed to possess.
“It was great! I loved it, and already learned a lot. I made something, but I had to leave it in the cooling oven, so Killian said he would send a picture of it to me when it comes out. I’ll send it to you once I get it.”
“Okay. Tell me about Killian! He must be a good teacher if you already learned a lot. How old is he? Is he nice? What does he look like? ”
There was a brief silence after she finished asking her questions. “Are you done?” Emma laughed.
“I’m sure I’ll think of more later, but that’s all I have for now,” Mary Margaret replied, humor coloring her voice.
“Okay, let me see. Yes, he’s a very good teacher. He explained everything while he demonstrated the process and then guided me through it when I did it myself. I’m not sure how old he is, but I would estimate him to be around my age. And he is very nice. He put me at ease right away.”
“And…” Mary Margaret prodded.
“And what?” Emma asked innocently.
“Answer the last question.”
“What question was that?”
Mary Margaret heaved a sigh. “Seriously, Emma?”
“I’m sorry, I couldn’t help myself,” Emma snickered. “He…he’s the most gorgeous man I’ve ever seen, Marg. Dark hair, scruff, dimples and the bluest eyes you can imagine.”
“So Ruby was right! He is hot!”
“Hot and sexy,” Emma confirmed. “But I really don’t look forward to Ruby finding that out.”
Mary Margaret laughed. “I don’t blame you! She more than likely won’t let you alone until the two of you are married!”
“Oh, god,” Emma groaned. “Maybe she’ll forget I had my first lesson today.”
“Fat chance,” Mary Margaret giggled.
As if to prove her point, Emma’s phone buzzed with a text. Glancing at the screen, she groaned even louder. “Just got a text from her that says ‘How was your lesson with Mr. Hottie?’ How long do you suppose I can ignore it before I answer?”
“If you don’t answer, she’ll be pounding on your door very soon.”
“Ugh, fine. I’ve gotta go. I’ll send you the picture as soon as I get it.”
“Good luck. I’ll be listening for her scream when she finds out Killian is good looking.”
“I think I’ll just tell her he’s old and ugly.”
“You really think that will work?”
“Of course not. She should have been a police detective with her knack for interrogating people and making them confess,” Emma sighed. “Talk to you later, Marg.”
As soon as she ended the call, she responded to Ruby’s text.
E: The lesson was great.
R: Details.
E: I made a green glass ball.
R: More details.
E: It was fun!
R: You’re testing my patience.
E: I learned how to use the glory hole.
R: Glory hole? Now we’re talking. Were you horizontal or vertical at the time?
E: It’s a glassblowing term - an oven where you reheat the glass.
R: Whatever you say. Tell me about Killian.
E: He’s a good teacher.
R: What did he teach you? The Horizontal Mambo?
E: Ruby!
R: Ugh, fine! Is he hot?
E: Well, the furnaces are close to 2000 degrees, so it’s hard not to be hot.
R: If you don’t give me a direct answer Emma Swan, I’m coming over there to drag it out of you!
E: He’s very handsome.
R: I knew it! Did you ask him out?
E: Of course not!
R: But you are seeing him again, right?
E: Did you forget you gave me 10 lessons? I’ll see him at least 9 more times.
R: When is the next one?
E: Sunday afternoon.
R: Then you have a few days to plan how to ask him out.
E: You’re impossible.
R: And you love me for it. (smiley emoji)
E: I don’t know about that, but I do love you, Rubes.
R: I know. I’m adorable.
E: (rolling eyes emoji) I’ll send you a pic of what I made today when Killian sends it to me. It had to cool down so I wasn’t able to bring it home with me.
R: Ooh! He has your phone number and you have his! Finally, a step in the right direction! You now have the ability to send him sexy photos!
E: Ugh! I’ve gotta go, Ruby. Talk to you later.
R: Alright. Go daydream about your man.
When Emma entered the glass shop on Sunday afternoon, she saw Killian sitting on one of the benches, speaking to an older man with a fringe of white hair around his otherwise bald head. Curious, she quickly strode across the concrete floor to where the two men were sitting.
Killian looked up as she approached and stood to greet her. “Hello, Emma. How are you today?”
“I’m good, thanks,” she replied, her eyes flicking over to the other gentleman, who was looking at her with a broad smile and twinkling eyes.
“I’d like to introduce you to someone,” Killian said, leading her over to where the man was now standing. “This is Marco Pinetti. He taught me everything I know about glassblowing. Marco, this is my newest student, Emma Swan.”
“Ah, yes, Miss Swan. Killian has told me about you and your potential to be an excellent glassblower,” Marco said, taking Emma’s hand warmly between both of his.
“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Pinetti,” Emma said sincerely.
“Mr. Pinetti makes me sound like an old man! Please call me Marco.”
She chuckled. “Okay, but only if you call me Emma.”
“Marco stopped in to visit and I asked him to stay to watch your lesson, if you don’t mind,” Killian said.
“That’s fine,” she replied, then turned toward Marco again. “Please just remember this is only my second one.”
Marco patted her on the shoulder. “We all have to begin somewhere, my dear, but from what Killian has told me, you catch on very quickly.”
She glanced at Killian and saw the proud smile on his face. Her face heating from the blush creeping into it, she said, “I’m ready whenever you are.”
As the lesson went along, Killian was just as attentive and helpful as he was the first time. Marco ended up staying for the entire two hours, and by the end, she had a multicolor paperweight and a Christmas ornament cooling in the annealer.
“Do you have any advice for her, Marco?” Killian asked.
The older man scratched at his beard in thought. “Follow your instincts and don’t be afraid of making a mistake. Glass is fragile, yes, but pieces can always be remade. Experiment with it and have fun.”
Killian was nodding his agreement, while Emma soaked in the master glassblower’s words.
“Killian was right - you are a quick study,” Marco went on. “You have a knack for the art and I’m very happy you’re pursuing it.”
“Thank you, Marco,” Emma beamed, while Killian looked at her with pride.
The next month passed in a blur and far too soon, Emma was having her final lesson with Killian. She not only learned a great deal about the techniques of glassblowing, but had gotten to know her instructor much better, too. She really liked him, and was pretty sure the feeling was mutual.
It was all she could do to keep her hands off of him during their lessons. There was just something so enticing about watching him manipulate the glass, the muscles of his arms flexing with a light sheen of perspiration covering them. His knowledge, expertise and the easy way he explained things were also attractive qualities to her.
They texted one another daily. At first, it was just about the lessons, but eventually, they began sharing personal information with each other, discovering that they had many common interests.
When her final project, a plate with swirls of color, was put into the annealer, Killian turned to face Emma. “You have been a pleasure to teach, Swan. I’ve never taught anyone with more natural ability.”
Emma dragged the back of her wrist across her forehead to wipe away the sweat, but also to hide her blush at his praise. “Thank you, Killian, but I think it was because of your teaching that I learned so quickly.”
Killian scratched at a spot behind his ear, dropping his eyes to the floor. “It’s also been very nice getting to know you. I’m going to miss our time together.”
“Yeah,” she agreed, “but just because my lessons are over, doesn’t mean we can’t still text each other.”
“You’re right, it doesn’t,” he grinned. “I, uh, I was wondering if you might like to go get something to eat while you’re waiting for the plate to cool. That way, you won’t have to make another trip into Portland to pick it up.”
She answered with a smile. “I’d really like that.”
They spent the next three hours enjoying each other’s company at Killian’s favorite diner on the outskirts of Portland. When Emma finally checked her phone, she couldn’t believe how much time had passed. She usually had trouble carrying on long conversations with most people, but it was easy with Killian.
“I guess we should go back to the shop so I can pick up my project and get on the road,” she said reluctantly.
He drained the last of the water in his glass. “I suppose it is about that time.”
He paid the bill, after insisting it was his treat, and they both got into his SUV. Emma found a radio station playing Christmas music and sang one song after another all the way back to the shop, Killian joining her after the first song. Once they arrived, she collected her project and carefully set it on the floor of the passenger side in her car, tucking a blanket around it, before turning back to him.
“Well, this is it,” she said with a sigh.
“It, uh, it doesn’t have to be,” he said, stepping closer to her. “You’re welcome to come blow glass with me anytime, Swan.”
Emma grinned, thinking about how Ruby would twist his words to become something dirty if she was here. “You’re right. I can always buy more lessons.”
He reached out to take her hands. “You wouldn’t have to buy them. I thoroughly enjoy working with you and I’m telling you the truth when I say you show a lot of talent. Please consider this an open invitation to come here any chance you get.”
“Thanks, I would really like that,” she assured him.
They stood with their hands still linked for several moments, until Killian broke the brief silence. “Emma, I…I would like to see you again…I mean, besides you coming to the shop. Would you be interested in going out with me?”
She answered without hesitation, “Yes, Killian. I would be very interested!”
His grin stretched across his face. “Fantastic! Will Wednesday still work for you?”
“Absolutely! I’ve been sure not to schedule anything on Wednesday evenings, so that will work just fine.”
“Wednesday it is, then,” he said, giving her hands a squeeze. “I know of a place just outside of town that has a drive-through Christmas light display. Perhaps we can take it in after we have dinner together?”
“That sounds perfect. Do you want me to drive over here?”
“No, lass. It would be bad form to make you drive here and back by yourself. Please allow me to pick you up at your place.”
“That’s very gentlemanly of you.”
“I’m always a gentleman.”
“I’ve noticed,” she said softly. “I’ll text you my address.” Pulling her hands out of his, she ran them up his arms to rest on his shoulders. Gazing into his eyes, she saw the same desire she was feeling herself and pushed herself up to her toes to meet his lips with her own.
She felt his quick intake of breath and nearly pulled away, thinking she was being too forward, but in the next second, he responded by sliding his lips against hers. As her arms wrapped around his neck, his encircled her waist and pulled her closer.
Emma didn’t make a habit of kissing men. In her experience, she found most of them to be forceful and controlling with their kisses, not caring if it was enjoyable for her. Killian’s kiss shattered all of her qualms as he let her set the pace, gently caressing her lips instead of crushing them.
He lightly teased the seam of her lips with his tongue and she allowed him entrance. His hands spread across her back, holding her firmly but tenderly, and she sighed with contentment.
Resting her forehead against his when they separated, she licked her lips and smiled. “I hope you didn’t mind me doing that.”
His chuckle rumbled in his throat. “In case you didn’t notice, Love, I most assuredly did not mind. I've wanted to kiss you since the first day we met.”
She pulled away and looked at him with wide eyes. “Really?”
  He nodded slowly without breaking eye contact. “Aye.”
“In that case…” she said, before initiating another leisurely kiss, enjoying the feel of his hands moving up her back and into her hair. Using them to tilt her head, he deepened the kiss, but kept it soft and undemanding.
This time when the kiss ended, she forced herself to step back. “I, um, I guess I should go.”
“I…” he started, his voice a bit shaky. Clearing his throat, he tried again. “I suppose so. I’ll see you on Wednesday.”
“I’m looking forward to it,” Emma said smiling, before turning to move to the other side of her car.
Killian hurried around to open her door, responding to her appreciative smile with a flirtatious smirk. After she settled into her seat and fastened her seatbelt, he leaned in to brush his lips across hers one more time, then closed the door and tapped his knuckles against the window. She started the engine, shifted into gear and gave him a little wave.
Before she pulled out onto the street, she looked in her rearview mirror to see him rubbing his fingers over his lips with a slightly dazed look on his face.
After Emma’s yellow bug disappeared, Killian stood in the parking lot for several minutes, lost in thought. He had been truthful when he told her he wanted to kiss her since that first day she walked into his shop, but to have her initiate it was a very welcome surprise.
He rubbed his fingers against his lips, wanting to hold onto the feeling of kissing Emma Swan for as long as possible. He’d had many first kisses, but he was hoping this would be his last first kiss. He was completely under her spell, and found he didn’t mind at all.
Their date on Wednesday lacked all of the usual first date awkwardness as they shared easy conversation and genuine laughter throughout the evening. At the end of the date, after another languid kiss at Emma’s door, neither of them wanted to say goodnight. He finally tore himself away once they decided to go out again on Saturday.
They enjoyed four more dates before Killian went to England to visit his brother, promising to stay in touch with her during the weeks he was gone. Emma was disappointed they couldn’t spend the holidays together, but saw how much he was looking forward to being with his family after months of being separated, and was happy for him. The night before he left, she kissed him sweetly and told him to have a wonderful time, determined not to be one of those girlfriends who got weepy over saying goodbye. Just thinking of herself as Killian’s girlfriend made her smile and she knew no matter how long he was gone, she would be there waiting for him when he returned.
“I found her,” Killian told his brother Liam when he picked him up at the airport.
“Found who?” Liam questioned, looking over his shoulder before changing lanes.
“Her. The one. The woman I want to be with for the rest of my life.”
Liam glanced over at his brother. “Are you being serious?”
“Aye, very much so,” Killian said. “Her name is Emma Swan and I met her when she was given glassblowing lessons with me for her birthday. She’s…a bloody goddess, Liam. I think I’m in love with her.”
“When did you meet?”
“Six weeks ago.”
“And you’re already saying you’re in love and want to spend the rest of your life with her?” Liam asked skeptically.
“You of all people should understand, brother. I remember you coming home after seeing Belle at Uni, telling me you met the woman of your dreams.”
“That’s true, and I wasn’t wrong, was I?”
“No, she’s the love of your life, and I think Emma may be mine.”
A smile spread over Liam’s face. “I’m very happy to hear it, Killian, and I’m sure Belle will be, too.”
Killian grinned and settled back into his seat for the rest of the ride to Liam’s house.
“It’s your turn to open a present,” Emma declared, handing one to Ashley. “I had your name this year.”
The friends were gathered at the house Mary Margaret shared with her boyfriend, David, on the Sunday before Christmas. They had a tradition of drawing names for gifts, then exchanging them after making dozens of Christmas cookies. Now, the pizza they ordered was eaten and they were all a little tipsy on the margaritas Mary Margaret kept mixing up.
Ashley tore the paper off the box, lifted the lid and let out a squeal of excitement over the scented bath beads, bottles of her favorite lotion and a gift certificate for three massages. “I love it! Thank you, Em!”
“I figured you could use some pampering - being a wife and mother, and working full time.”
“Definitely. The closest I get to pampering these days is putting a new Pampers diaper on Alexandra!”
Her friends burst into laughter over her statement, then Ruby stood up to collect her gift from under the tree. Emma looked up when she stopped in front of her and held it out. “I got your name, you lucky dog.”
Emma bit her lip. “Am I going to like it?” She knew her friend had a penchant for giving slightly outrageous gifts. The year before, she had given Mary Margaret some racy lingerie that made her blush madly when she opened it, along with a very nice electric tea kettle.
“Of course you are! I mean, I couldn’t wrap Mr. Hottie and give him to you, which was my original plan, but I’m sure you’ll still like it,” she said, with a toothy grin.
Taking a deep breath, Emma removed the wrapping paper from the large box. When she opened the flaps, she found a body pillow with a photo of Killian on it. Her jaw dropped and she could feel her cheeks growing warm.
“Now you can sleep with him every night, at least until he gets back home. Then you can sleep with the real thing!” Ruby crowed.
“Where…how…how did you even get a picture of him?” Emma asked, still a bit stunned. “This looks like the one I took at the airport before he left.”
“It is! You should know better than to leave your phone unattended around me,” Ruby cackled. “So…do you like it?”
Emma stood and held the pillow up in front of her to get a better look at it. She had to admit it was a thoughtful gift, and having a tangible reminder of her boyfriend in her bed every night was quite appealing. Looking over at her friend, she said sincerely, “Yeah, I do, Rubes. It’s really great! Thank you.”
“You’re welcome. Oh, there’s something else in the box.”
Emma sat back down and looked in the box, then covered her face with her hands in embarrassment.
“What is it?” Elsa questioned. All of her friends stood up to get a better look.
Ruby reached into the box and held the box of thirty-six condoms aloft. “I thought I would get you a week’s supply!” she laughed.
Killian was really enjoying the time with Liam, Belle and their children, Adrian and Elizabeth, but he was also missing Emma more every day. They called, texted or FaceTimed regularly and it got harder and harder to say goodbye at the end of their conversations.
Three days after Christmas, once everyone else was in bed, the brothers were sitting in the lounge, sipping rum in front of a crackling fire. Liam observed his brother staring into the flames and could tell his mind was far away. “You’re thinking about her again, aren’t you?” he asked.
Killian startled a bit, then sheepishly grinned before raising his glass to his lips. “Aye, is it that obvious?”
“I can always tell when you get that dreamy look on your face. You look like a love sick puppy.”
“Just how many love sick puppies have you ever seen in your life, Liam?” Killian deflected.
“Enough to know you look like one,” Liam snarked. “You’ve got it bad, brother.”
Killian threw back the rest of his rum and set the tumbler on the coffee table. Rubbing his hands on his jeans, he took a moment before answering, “Being away from her this long has proven I love her. I can hardly wait to see her again.”
Liam nodded and stared into the amber liquid he was swirling around in his glass. After several moments, he said softly, “Then don’t.”
Looking up at him, Killian asked, “What do you mean?”
“You have an open-ended ticket to fly back, so you can return any time. I heard you tell her the other night that you wished you could be with her for New Year’s Eve. Why don’t you fly home and surprise her?”
“Are you trying to get rid of me?” Killian chuckled.
��Of course not, you git. We love having you here, but Belle and I both go back to work January 2nd and you weren’t planning to stay once we do that anyway. Why not go back a couple of days early and spend the first day of the new year with the woman you so very clearly love?”
Killian sat forward in his chair, rubbing his scruffy chin in thought. “You truly wouldn’t mind?”
Liam stood and strode over to him, placing his hand on his brother’s shoulder. “We love you, Killian, and we will happily have you with us for as long as you choose to stay. But if you decide to go back and can catch a flight, we will understand. After all, you’ve already done an excellent job of thoroughly spoiling your niece and nephew.”
Grinning, Killian pulled his phone out of his pocket and brought up his internet browser to check for available flights back to the States.
“Are you sure you don’t want to join us tonight, Emma?” Mary Margaret asked for at least the fourth time that day.
“I am not going to be a fifth wheel at a New Year’s Eve party where everyone will have a date,” Emma replied. “I’m looking forward to being in my pajamas all evening, eating popcorn, drinking hot chocolate and watching Netflix. I’m sure Killian will call to wish me a happy New Year, probably around seven, when it’s midnight in England, and I don’t want to miss it.”
Mary Margaret gave her a smile and pulled her into a hug. “Okay, but if you change your mind…”
“I won’t. Go have a good time and don’t worry about me. Even if Killian’s not here, it’s my first New Year’s with a boyfriend and I’m happy.”
Emma checked her phone for what felt like the thousandth time that evening. When Killian hadn’t called at seven o’clock, she thought maybe he was just celebrating the New Year with his family, but now it was ten and she was beginning to think he had forgotten all about calling her. She tried to tell herself he might be waiting until midnight in her time zone, but that was unlikely since it would be five AM in England.
She pulled up his contact info on her phone numerous times, but kept herself from clicking on it since she was sure he had to be in bed and didn’t want to wake him.
As she was trying to concentrate on the third episode of The Devil in Ohio, cuddling up to her body pillow, there was a knock on her door. Sighing, she grabbed the remote to pause the show, and crossed the room, mumbling, “I told you not to worry about me, Marg.”
Pulling the door open, her legs nearly gave out when she saw her boyfriend standing in front of her. “K-Killian?” she squeaked.
“Happy New Year, Love.”
“Killian!” she cried, throwing herself into his arms. “How…oh, how are you here?”
“Liam convinced me to come back home to you,” he explained, letting out a joyous laugh when Emma started peppering kisses all over his face.
She stopped her onslaught to ask, “I mean, what?”
“You know, Liam, my older brother, he sent me…”
His words were cut off when she tugged him to her and kissed him soundly, only pulling away to say, “I don’t care. I don’t care how you’re here, I’m just glad you are.”
“So am I,” he grinned, hugging her tightly and swaying their bodies back and forth.
Once they finally ended their embrace and moved inside her apartment, she looked down at herself, her cheeks flooding with color. “Here I am in my pajamas, no makeup, my hair a mess. I look terrible.”
“You look stunning, Swan,” Killian assured her. “I’ve never seen a more beautiful sight.”
“Charmer,” she giggled, running her hands up his chest to loop her arms around his neck.
“Just telling the truth, Love.”
Emma brushed her lips over his. “I missed you.”
He wound a loose tendril of her hair around his finger, gazing into her eyes. “I missed you, too. So much so that my brother called me a ‘love sick puppy’ and suggested flying back to be with you for New Year’s.”
“Love sick puppy?” Emma questioned. Her heart began to hammer in her chest, wondering if she was reading too much into the phrase.
Killian dropped his gaze and scratched behind his ear, before looking back up at her with a warm gleam in his eyes. “Aye, love sick…because I’ve fallen in love with you, Emma.”
Her responding kiss was an acceptance of his declaration, and when it ended, she breathed, “I love you, too.”
More kisses followed, both of them trying to convey their newfound feelings to the other. After a while, Emma became aware of Killian putting some space between their bodies. She tried to pull him against her again, but he resisted and the reason suddenly dawned on her.
“If what we’re doing is…affecting you, you don’t have to try to hide it, you know. It doesn’t make you any less of a gentleman,” she whispered. “And besides, you’re not the only one affected.”
His desire-filled eyes met hers. “I…I don’t want you to…think I’m pressuring you into anything…”
“It’s not pressuring if I want the same thing.”
“Are you sure?”
“See, this is how I know you’re different from most other guys. The second they hear a girl is interested in going to bed with them, they jump at the chance, instead of asking if she’s sure,” Emma smirked.
He rubbed the back of his neck as the tips of his ears turned red. “I just want to make sure we’re on the same page.”
“Trust me, we are.” He wrapped his arms around her again, and she pressed close to him, feeling his arousal against her belly. “I think making love for the first time would be a great way to ring in the New Year, don’t you?”
“Aye, Love. This New Year promises to be the best one ever, and showing you how much I love you would be an excellent way to start it.”
She beamed at him, gave him a quick kiss, then picked up the remote to turn off the television.
“What is this?” Killian asked from behind her.
Turning to see what he was talking about, her cheeks heated immediately. He was standing there holding her body pillow wearing a puzzled look on his face.
“That,” she said, “is my Christmas gift from Ruby.”
“Is it indeed? Well, I like this Ruby already! Have you been sleeping with it?”
“Yes. Are you jealous?” she teased.
“Of myself? Perhaps just a bit,” he admitted.
“Well, you don’t have to be anymore, because tonight I’ll be sleeping with you.” She took his hand and began leading him toward her bedroom. “Come on, I’ll show you the other present Ruby gave me.”
They entered her room and Emma dropped his hand to remove a small pile of clothes from her bed. Dropping them onto a cedar chest in the corner, she said, “I hope my messiness isn’t a deal breaker.”
“Not a chance,” he answered, glancing quickly around the room to take in her personal touches. He saw a few of her glass projects sitting on her dresser, and it made him smile remembering when she made each one.
“The bedding is clean. I just washed it yesterday, but I guess you don’t really care about that,” she said, turning down the top sheet and blanket. She knew she was rambling, but she was beginning to feel a little nervous about being with him for the first time.
“Hey,” he said, taking hold of her hands to still them, “breathe, Swan. Let’s take our time and let this happen naturally. There’s no reason to rush or force things to happen, okay?”
She brought her hands up to fiddle with the buttons on his shirt. “I love you,” she breathed.
His answering smile lit up the room. “And I, you. What do you say we get rid of some of these clothes?”
“Sounds good to me,” she agreed, pushing his coat over his shoulders and hearing it land in a heap on the floor. Next, she began unbuttoning his shirt, while his fingers found their way under the hem of her pajama shirt, caressing the soft skin he encountered.
His shirt soon joined his jacket and Killian sucked in a breath as Emma slid her hands over his chest, her thumbs skimming over his nipples. She felt his hands glide up her sides, taking her top with them. She lifted her arms, allowing him to remove it completely and saw his eyes darken with desire as he drank in the sight of her bared breasts.
“Absolute perfection,” he murmured, his hands moving to palm them. She bit her lip as his fingers stroked over her sensitive skin. After several moments of admiration, his eyes shifted back up to hers, then his hands were framing her face, his head dipping to kiss her. It was gentle and unhurried, and she could feel herself relaxing with every sensual sweep of his tongue.
When he pulled her closer, she gasped as her taut nipples came in contact with the coarse hair on his chest, causing her nerve ends to tingle. His hands made their way down her back and inside her sleep pants to massage her ass, making a moan escape her mouth.
She knew his hands could work magic; she had seen them as he manipulated glass. Now she was eager to feel them on every inch of her body and she told him so.
“With pleasure, Love,” he grinned. He began by ridding her of her remaining clothes, then urging her to lay back on the bed. She watched him sweep his eyes over her body, noticing the hunger in them as he took her in. “Emma, you are exquisite,” he breathed, his voice awestruck.
“Please touch me, Killian,” she pleaded, her hands reaching for him.
He obliged immediately, gliding his hands up her calves and over her thighs. His thumbs brushed over her mound, but continued over the curves of her body, stopping to caress her breasts. His body followed the movement of his hands, straddling her until he was hovering over her.
When his lips closed around one of her nipples, her back arched into him. Then his voice buzzed against the skin of her throat. “I want to find out what feels good to you, so don’t hesitate to tell me what you like, okay?”
“Mmhmm,” she replied, her eyes closing, already on her way to a state of bliss.
Killian was eager to touch his beautiful girlfriend in all her intimate places and discover the things that brought her the most pleasure. He shifted to her side and dragged his hand down her body again, nudging her legs apart when he reached them. “Are you alright with me using my fingers?” he asked in a low voice.
“Y-yeah,” she said, widening her legs.
He stroked his fingers through her folds. “You’re already so wet, Love,” he murmured into her ear, watching her bite her lip as she nodded jerkily in response. Continuing his ministrations, he began rubbing his thumb over her bundle of nerves, taking note of how her hands gripped the pillow behind her head.
Slowly, he eased a finger inside her, the heat of her channel welcoming him immediately. Adding a second one, he began to stroke her steadily. The quivering of her legs and the moans she was emitting assured him she was thoroughly enjoying what he was doing. He knew she was right on the edge when her hips lifted off the bed and she rasped out his name in a wrecked voice. Leaning down, he sucked her clit between his lips and that was all it took to bring her to climax.
When he began teasing the nub with the tip of his tongue, he felt her hands gripping his hair and lifted his head to look up at her. “Do you want me to stop?”
“Hell, no,” she groaned. “That feels amazing!”
He grinned and ducked down to continue paying attention to her clit as he removed his fingers from inside her, bringing a gush of her arousal with them.
Feeling her hands loosening in his hair, he sat back on his haunches and waited until her eyes opened, glazed with pleasure. “Alright there, Love?” he asked.
She licked her lips before answering, “Yeah, and just so you know, I enjoyed that.”
“Did you really?” he said teasingly. “I’m glad you clarified that.”
“You’re awfully smug, Jones,” she said, trying and failing to sound miffed. Pushing up to her elbows to look at him, she added, “And you’re also far too clothed. It would bring me great pleasure to see you completely undressed.”
“As you wish, Milady.”
He removed his shoes, then getting off the bed, he unbuckled his belt and quickly removed his jeans, socks and boxer briefs. He knew Emma was watching him intently and heard her intake of breath when he stood naked before her. “See something you like, Swan?”
Emma was sure he would be impressive, and she definitely wasn’t disappointed. As he climbed back onto the bed and laid down beside her, she reached for him, stopping just short of touching him.
“You want me to tell you what feels good and I want you to do the same, okay?”
“Okay” he promised.
She took him in hand, stroking and squeezing his cock and feeling it grow harder as she did. He started pressing kisses to her throat and shoulder, murmuring words of encouragement and pleasure into her skin.
After a few minutes, he reached down to still her hand. “Don’t take me too far,” he requested in a strained voice. “I want to be inside you when I come.”
Taking his face between her hands, she kissed him sweetly. “I think it’s time to show you the other gift Ruby gave me.”
“Now?” he questioned.
She giggled. “Yeah, just wait.” She pushed off the bed and crossed the room to her dresser, pulling open a drawer to retrieve the box of condoms.
Turning around, she held it up to show him and he barked out a laugh. “Well, I do have to admit I didn’t come prepared, so I’m very happy you have good friends.”
Opening the box and removing one of the foil packs, Emma said, “She told me this was a week’s worth.”
“I like the way she thinks,” he smirked, as Emma joined him on the bed again. Tearing open the package, she met his eyes in an unspoken question and, at his slight nod, carefully rolled the condom into place.
Killian gently pushed her onto her back and moved over her, palming her breast with one hand, while his other cupped the back of her head to tilt it to just the right angle for him to plunder her mouth. Her hands scratching down his back, along with her needy, throaty sounds, had him as hard as he had ever been in his life. He felt her shifting underneath him and soon he was cradled between her thighs, his cock rubbing deliciously against her wet heat.
Their hands continued to roam, caressing and squeezing, while their mouths stayed connected in a searing kiss, punctuated by nips and panted words of desire. He began lightly rutting against her, trying to gauge her readiness by her reaction. Soon, she wrapped her legs around his hips, pulling him to her tightly, and he got his answer.
He wordlessly encouraged her to loosen her legs enough for him to reach between them and line himself up. Pushing into her slowly, he watched her face for any sign of discomfort, but all he saw was pure bliss and love.
When he was fully seated, he dropped his forehead to her chest, trying to keep himself from listening to his body, which was telling him to take her hard and fast. Her legs once again gripped his hips and he could feel her nails digging into his back.
“Killian,” he heard her murmur into his hair, “feels so good, but…please move.”
Raising his head, he kissed her briefly, then pushed up to his elbows and started thrusting shallowly. He wanted to savor the feeling of being inside the woman of his dreams; the woman he loved, and who loved him. It was almost overwhelming.
Emma had never experienced more pleasure in her life. She felt like every nerve ending was sparking, shooting heat throughout her body. Killian fit inside her perfectly, like he was meant just for her. Her pelvis raised off the bed as she met him thrust for thrust, her hands scrabbling for purchase on his back.
She didn’t know how long she could last as the pace picked up and his strokes went deeper. Then his rhythm stuttered as he pulled back to look at her and she nearly came completely undone from the look of utter adoration in his eyes.
“I love you,” he panted.
“I love you, too,” she responded. “Now, make me come.”
Grinning, he set about doing just that, and in no time at all, she was falling over the edge, ripples of intense pleasure moving through her body.
Killian felt her climax pulsing against his cock and couldn’t hold back any longer, joining her in a blissful state of euphoria. Not wanting to put his full weight on her, he rolled them over until she laid on top of him, their chests rising and falling together as they tried to catch their breath.
Her smooth, soft skin was a magnet for his fingers, as he drew abstract designs into it. He could easily spend hours holding her against him, feeling her breath on his neck, her hair tickling his arms and her legs tangled between his own. He couldn’t remember ever feeling so sated and content.
Emma didn’t want to move. She wasn’t sure she was even capable of moving since she finally understood what it meant to feel completely boneless. Words failed her, but she didn’t care. Resting her head on Killian’s chest, she could hear his erratic heartbeat and knew this was exactly where she wanted to be.
The comfortable silence stretched on for several minutes, until she felt him brushing her hair away from her face. She lifted her head to meet his gaze. “Hey,” she whispered.
“Hey, yourself,” he mumbled lazily. “Happy New Year.”
She looked at the digital clock on her bedside stand. “We still have forty-five minutes to go.”
“I’m claiming it early because everything feels like a new start with you. I know it’s very soon to be thinking about this, and I don’t mean to upset you, but I can see a future with you, Emma. A happy one.”
“That doesn’t upset me, Killian. For the first time in my life, I can picture being with someone in a committed relationship. I’ve always said I don’t need a man to be happy, and I don’t, but I think I can be even happier with you.”
He barely had time to answer her statement with a smile before she was kissing him, sweet and slow, sealing their declarations about their future.
After cleaning up and putting on the bare minimum of clothes - Killian in his boxer briefs and Emma in his discarded button-down shirt - she reheated some leftover spaghetti for him. He had barely eaten since having lunch with Liam and his family. He merely picked at the meal on the flight, his stomach churning with thoughts of how she would react to his surprise.
“Oh, hey,” Emma said, “can I take a picture of the two of us? I want to send it to my friends. They were worried about me spending New Year’s Eve by myself.”
“Of course, but if they asked you to do something with them, why didn’t you, Love?”
“Because I was convinced you would call me when it was midnight in England and I didn’t want to miss talking to you.”
“So I disappointed you.”
She got up from her seat and circled around the table. Standing behind him, she wrapped her arms around him and kissed him on the cheek. “You definitely made up for it, my love.”
After collecting her phone from the living room, she resumed her spot behind him, wiped a bit of sauce from the corner of his mouth with her finger, and took a selfie of the two of them. Adding the caption ‘Look who came all the way from England to surprise me for New Year’s’, she sent it to her friends in their group chat.
She didn’t expect to get immediate responses since it was only a few minutes before midnight, but Ashley’s reply appeared within a few seconds.
A: OMG Emma! That’s fantastic! I’m so happy for you!
E: Thanks! Why did you answer so fast?
A: We had to come home early because Alexandra got sick.
E: Oh no! Hope she feels better soon.
A: She seems fine and is already asleep. I think she just missed mommy and daddy.
E: That’s good. Well, Happy New Year to all of you!
A: Happy New Year to you and your man too!
Emma couldn’t help the ridiculously wide smile that crossed her face at her friend’s last statement. Her man. She had a man, and not just any man. The sexiest, sweetest, most handsome man she’d ever met…and he loved her.
Checking the time on her device, she noticed it was 11:58. “Do you want to watch the ball drop?” she asked Killian.
“Sure, then we can officially welcome in the New Year.”
They sat down on the sofa and she quickly found a TV station where they could watch the countdown, which had already started. When it got to the final ten seconds, Killian took her hand and squeezed it as they chanted the numbers together. As the huge, glittering ball reached the bottom and lit up with the New Year, they embraced one another and shared a passionate kiss, only pausing to exchange I love you’s before diving back in for more.
Emma had pushed him back on the couch and was trailing kisses down his throat, when her phone started buzzing on the end table. She ignored it, until he asked, “Are…aren’t you going to get that, Love?”
She sat up and looked at him. “Do you want me to?”
“Whoever it is will probably continue to call until you answer it,” he reasoned.
Emma sighed and grabbed the buzzing phone. Seeing the name on the screen, she rolled her eyes. “It’s Ruby.”
He grinned at her consternation while she swiped across the screen. “Hey, Rubes.”
“GIRRRRRRLLLL!” Ruby screeched and Emma pulled the phone away from her ear with a pained look on her face. “Mr. Hottie showed up at your door? And he CAME all the way from England! He must be the most prolific lover of all time!”
“Oh, good grief, Ruby! Why do you always make everything sexual? And why are you calling me? Shouldn’t you be sucking face with Graham?”
“I already did and he knows he’ll get hot Ruby love later, but I saw your text and had to call! Did you make good use of my gift to you? Please tell me you’re already well into your week’s supply!”
Emma’s face felt hot and she knew it was beet red. “He’s only been here a couple of hours.”
“And your point is…?”
“Look, Ruby. I’m glad you’re happy for us, but I’d rather not share our, um…personal details.”
Ruby’s loud laugh came through the phone. “You just answered my question, Emma Swan. If you didn’t want us to know you did the deed, you should have made sure he wasn’t naked when you took the picture.”
“He wasn’t…” Emma started, then looked at her shirtless boyfriend. He grinned back at her, rubbing his fingers against his bare chest. “Okay, he was semi-naked, but that doesn’t mean that we…”
“Of course it does. You’re not gonna convince me he flew in from a whole other country to spend New Year’s Eve with you and all you did was shake his hand.”
“You know what, Ruby? Why don’t you go give Graham some of your hot Ruby loving now. I’m hanging up. Happy New Year!”
“And a very, very Happy New Year to both of you, too. Now, go do some more celebrating!”
They received congratulatory messages from Mary Margaret and Elsa soon after and by that time, jet lag and a day of international travel had taken its toll on Killian. Emma ignored his protests of wanting to follow Ruby’s instructions and dragged him off to bed, where he promised to make it up to her in the morning, then fell asleep in her arms within minutes.
He was true to his word, waking her up in the most pleasurable way eight hours later, the two of them celebrating until their growling stomachs finally drove them out of bed at noon.
The new year brought lots of changes to the couple, along with more happiness than either of them had ever known. Killian met Emma’s friends and their significant others, and was soon comfortable being part of the group. He spent many nights at her apartment and within a few months, most of his clothes were in her closet and his toiletries littered her bathroom.
Emma became a regular at Killian’s glass shop, while still staying busy at the bakery. Even though he was thrilled to spend so much time with her, he worried about the amount of back and forth driving she was doing in her old VW. One day in May, he surprised her with the announcement that he rented a warehouse in Storybrooke and was moving his shop there. She protested at first, not wanting the more isolated location to hurt his business, but he assured her his online sales were booming and that people would be willing to drive a little further for lessons, which proved to be true.
When he started looking for an apartment in Storybrooke, Emma suggested he move in with her instead, and he happily agreed. Once he had his shop up and running at the end of July, they moved the remainder of his belongings into her place.
In September, Liam and his family flew in to visit Killian and meet Emma in person. She had seen them through his phone screen on several FaceTime calls and already felt accepted by them. By the end of their week-long visit, her place in the family was cemented when Liam referred to her as the sister he always wanted.
Mary Margaret, who was newly engaged, was convinced Killian was going to propose at Christmas, so when he didn’t, Emma tried not to be disappointed. She really wasn’t in any hurry to get married, but after her friend planted the thought in her head, it began to take root.
Their plans for New Year’s Eve were to have dinner at their favorite restaurant overlooking the harbor and then attend the annual party at the town hall with their friends. That evening, Killian called her thirty minutes before their reservations to tell her he was delayed waiting for several orders to be picked up by the parcel service, and would meet her at the restaurant.
She blew out an exasperated sigh and sat down on the couch to wait until it was time to leave. Twenty minutes later, she buttoned her winter coat over the red, form-fitting dress she was anxious to reveal to her boyfriend, grabbed her handbag, and threw the door open.
It was like deja vu. Killian was standing in the hallway, dressed smartly in a navy suit, crisp white shirt, and silver tie, holding a bouquet of red and white roses in a glass vase she was sure he made especially for her.
“Happy New Year, Love.”
“K-Killian, I thought you said…”
“I wanted to surprise you.”
“Just like last year, huh?”
“Well, not exactly like last year,” he answered, bending to sit the vase on the floor beside him. Then he pulled a jeweler's box out of his jacket pocket and lowered himself to one knee in front of her, opening the box as he did.
Her eyes immediately misted over and she covered her mouth with both hands.
“Emma,” he began, “you blew me away the moment you stepped into my shop. You’re the love of my life and I want to spend every minute of that life with you. It would make me beyond happy and proud to be your husband, if you will agree to be my wife. Will you marry me?”
She started nodding before he even finished asking, and then she choked out, “Yes, Killian! Oh god, yes! I will marry you!”
He removed the diamond ring from the box and took her trembling hand to slip it onto her finger, then stood and pulled her into his embrace, showering her hair and face with kisses. When their lips finally met, the kiss was like none they had ever shared before - a promise of their future which was more than just a dream now.
As they stood with their foreheads pressed together after the kiss ended, he murmured, “I guess we better get going or we’ll miss our dinner reservations.”
She looked at him with a smug smile, bent down to pick up the vase of flowers and turned to go inside. Once she set the bouquet on the kitchen table, she unbuttoned her coat slowly and deliberately, letting it slide to the floor when she was done.
Killian’s mouth dropped open at the sight of her in the red dress and his Adam’s apple bobbed several times before he could force words past it. “Swan, you look absolutely breathtaking.” Moving across the room, he pulled her to him for another passionate kiss. Slightly out of breath afterwards, he picked up the coat and held it up for her to slip into it.
“I don’t need it,” she said.
“It’s freezing outside, Love. Of course you need it.”
She took the coat and folded it over a chair. “No, I don’t,” she purred, draping her arms around his neck. “I want to spend New Year’s Eve with my fiancé, celebrating the exact same way we did last year.”
“But dinner, and our friends…”
“I don’t care about dinner, and our friends will understand once we tell them we were celebrating our engagement. Unless you would rather keep our original plans?”
His face morphed into his signature smolder, with a sly smirk and one eyebrow raised high on his forehead. “Your plans are much more appealing, my love.”
Taking his hand and leading him to the bedroom, she said, “Come on, then. Let’s see if your new fiancée can still blow you away!”
Happiest of birthdays, Beth! I hope this brightens your day, and I wish the same for anyone else who reads it. Comments, likes and reblogs are always appreciated!
Tagging: @xsajx @hookedmom @kymbersmith-90 @kmomof4 @lassluna @pirateherokillian @teamhook @stahlop @elizabeethan @whimsicallyenchantedrose @resident-of-storybrooke @therooksshiningknight @jennjenn615 @lfh1226-linda @ilovemesomekillianjones @killianswannn @stories-enchanted @eleveneitherway @withheartfulloflove @kday426 @djlbg @kristi555 @laschatzi @xarandomdreamx @wyntereyez @goforlaunchcee @yasbio2015 @tiganasummertree @winterbaby89 @wefoundloveunderthelight @hollyethecurious @let-it-raines @jonesfandomfanatic @searchingwardrobes @oncechicagolove @andiirivera  @gingerchangeling @everything-person @klynn-stormz @qualitycoffeethings @enchanted-swans @ohmakemeahercules @donteattheappleshook @bluewildcatfanatic @the-darkdragonfly @demisexualemmaswan @grimmswan @spartanguard @flslp87 @ultraluckycatnd @thisonesatellite @captainswan21 @zaharadessert @mariakov81 @snowbellewells @kiwistreetswan @batana54 @nadine200179 @probalicious17 @courtorderedcake @julesep3026 @jackieorioncat @whatthehell102082 @jarienn972 @sthonour @linda8084  @pirateprincesslena @daxx04 @winterbythesea @artistic-writer @cocohook38 @captainswan4life85 @molly958 @itsfridaysomewhere @fallingforthecaptain  @onceratheart18 @strangestarlighttree @justanother-unluckysoul @mrs-potato-but-likes-tomato @anothersworld @deckerstarblanche @purplehawkcaptain  @superchocovian @k-leemac @citygirlscowboy @laughterandbooks @sotangledupinit @apiratewhopines @huntressandlioness1 @cosette141  @gingerpolyglot @motherkatereloyshipper @cs-rylie @anmylica @paradiselady19 @pawshapedheart @vampcoffeegyrl23 @elfiola @softkilly
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sugarycoatbaby · 1 month
new ao3 work!
Summary : Regina received a chance to take care of the girl she once saved, in the way she could have been a mother to her. (With sprinkle of SwanQueen)
This is basically age regressed Snow White being taken care by Regina.
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princess-and-the-swan · 3 months
MC Fic Rec: Until We Meet Again
By @searchingwardrobes | Rating: M
As a joke, Liam Jones pays a gypsy to show 15 year old Killian his true love in her magic mirror. When Killian looks in the mirror, he falls through realms and time until coming face to face with a 15 year old Emma Swan. Because I'm obsessed with younger versions of Killian meeting younger versions of Emma. Complete This is one of my favorite CS fanfictions and one that is so nostalgic for me since I credit this fic with getting me into the world of CS fanfics and I don't see this fic getting recommended enough. There's just something about these lieutenant duckling fics that I'm an absolute sucker for! This fic is a mix of an enchanted forest au and a modern au, but since it mostly takes place in the land with no magic, I classify it as the latter.
Read it on AO3
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