#emmerdale edit
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[song: If We Have Each Other — Alec Benjamin]
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tylerposey · 1 month
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DANNY MILLER & OLIVER FARNWORTH Emmerdale — August 29th 2024
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thelovetheystole · 8 months
While we wait for something to hopefully happen soon, here is another photo edit I did. Just trying out different things on my phone.
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buddiebeginz · 7 months
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I do not love you as if you were salt-rose, or topaz, or the arrow of carnations the fire shoots off. I love you as certain dark things are to be loved, in secret, between the shadow and the soul. I love you as the plant that never blooms but carries in itself the light of hidden flowers; thanks to your love a certain solid fragrance, risen from the earth, lives darkly in my body. I love you without knowing how, or when, or from where. I love you straightforwardly, without complexities or pride; so I love you because I know no other way than this: where I does not exist, nor you, so close that your hand on my chest is my hand, so close that your eyes close as I fall asleep. — Pablo Neruda (desktop wallpaper | phone)
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starrythomas · 1 month
The World Goes On chapter three
This chapter with a bonus drawing by @b-blushes ! Click through to the story to see them on ao3 or see them in b's post here.
Fic summary:
Aaron and Robert are going about their daily life with their big brood of children. Between kids taking exams, an elderly stepmum and two businesses, they have a lot of responsibilities, but they're handling things together. Then Jimmy tells Robert about his plan for their haulage firm to expand. For some reason Robert isn't too keen on the idea, and he refuses to explain why. As it turns out, there's a lot that Robert isn't talking about these days.
Note: this fic is fully COMPLETE, I am merely giving each chapter a final brush-up and polish before I post it each Tuesday.
When Aaron woke at 8am, he was alone in bed. That probably explained why he was hugging a pillow. He turned onto his back and stretched, taking a moment to appreciate the fact that now that the kids were older, he didn't get woken at 5am by boisterous four-year-olds wanting snacks, games and general attention. Then he took another moment to mourn the loss of those days. That was something he hadn't understood before he became a parent: that alongside the excitement as each milestone was reached, there was a little touch of sadness that they would never again be such an innocent scrap of a person. Once he had finished wallowing, and circled back around to being delighted with the kids that he had now, Aaron put the pillow aside and picked his phone up off the bedside table. He checked Hermione's seizure-mat log to see nothing unusual, then caught sight of the date. Something inside him jolted. He couldn't think why at first, but then it came to him: today was the anniversary of Jackson's death, while he was still a young man of just 23. How strange that he could have forgotten today's significance, for even a moment! It didn't dog his every thought any more - hadn't for a long time - but still, an anniversary. He usually at least took a moment to think of Jackson. Sometimes he wondered what Jackson would think of the life he had now; whether he'd be proud. So much had changed since 2011 - was that really 25 years ago now?
Keep reading...
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ninalucas · 1 year
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@lgbtqcreators​ creator challenge — lgbtq+ characters { 1/10 }
"I never knew anyone who could make me so happy."
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yorit1 · 8 months
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flawlesslyperf · 2 years
i have a feeling it’s not gonna be an easy road for him 💔
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kaceyrps · 6 months
137 gifs of Ash Palmisciano in Emmerdale during March 24 can be found in the source link. these are all from scratch so please don’t edit or claim as your own. if you plan on using these gifs please reblog this post.
triggers: alcohol, flashing lights
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her smile🥹
[song: Apocalypse — Cigarettes After Sex]
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runandhideguys · 1 month
thinking about that time I got accused of only watching robron edits because I referenced things that actually happened on emmerdale that didn't paint andy in the best light
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imabillyami · 9 months
thanks to @afterdarkprincess for tagging me <3
last song: She's got you by Patsy Cline
favourite colour: black & grey (also burgundy & dark rich leafy greens, I can never pick one) - I'm a sucker for dark colors (with matte finishes)
last movie/tv show: last movie was Hedwig and The Angry Inch (2001) & last tv show was Emmerdale (guilty pleasure show oops)
sweet/spicy/savoury: spicy and savoury, but more spicy. love spicy food! (or as spicy as my sorry white ass can handle, I'm under no illusion the food I eat is actually spicy)
relationship status: very happy :) (edit: guess not so happy after all. freshly single again in time for the holidays)
last thing i googled: traditional japanese build inspo for the sims 4 save file I'm working on (I fell down the rabbit hole again lol, I love building)
current obsession: Sami, but that's a given. Also Jey & The Bloodline & Samijey & Kevin & kickass women's wrestling. Other than that I'm going through all my old music, cause I haven't listened to so many great songs in forever, while I'm either writing or building.
no pressure tags: @usosthetics @taydaq @jeyuwuso @shanie-the-komania-toyaddict @darthsyd-ious @crxssjae @rollinsland and anyone else who wants to! 💖
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thelovetheystole · 5 months
Happy Birthday to Robert, who I can't believe is celebrating his birthday in a cell for the 5th year... Just let him out already!
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buddiebeginz · 3 months
Oh my god you also love Robron! I am very new to 911. I just finished the entire series last month but loving Robron and Buddie. Yeah I collect those blogs like infinity stones. Good taste 💗
Hey glad to see a new Buddie fan. ❤️ I’ve loved Robron for a long long time. From back when Emmerdale was still good. My other sn that I usually use is sugdendingle so you might have seen me around using that one. Btw if you’re ever looking for Robron gifs I have a lot I’ve reblogged over time they’re organized by eps on my Emmerdale tag pages.
I make some Robron gifs and edits too occasionally although at the moment I’ve been all about Buddie but I’ll post some new Robron content again soon.
Message anytime. 🙂
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thegirl20 · 9 months
actually i wanna ask all of them but i narrowe them down ❤️💥✨️✍️🚀🥳🦋🦈🔎🤩🤖💛🎨 but feel free to skip i know it is many!
❤️ What is your favorite line that you’ve written in a fic?
“I told you, my mother-in-law is moping all over the place, weeping and wailing like an Italian.” Bree Van De Kamp in this fic.
The reason I like this line is that in the episode the following week, Bree said to her mother-in-law:  “Even Italians take a break now and again.”  So I felt like I’d got the character right.  That’s my favourite kind of dialogue - when it feels right for the person saying it.
There are probably more recent things I’ve written that I quite like, but that’s the one that sticks in my brain for some reason. Despite it being like 17 years old.
💥What is one canon thing that you wish you could change?
Can I say the last three and a half years of Emmerdale? 😉
✨️Out of the comments you’ve received on your fics, what are two or three of your favorites?
I can’t answer this one. I enjoy any time people tell me they’ve enjoyed a fic. I love when people pull out the bits they liked the most. I love it when people tell me they can ‘hear’ the characters in my dialogue. Those are my favourite kinds of comments, because I enjoy writing dialogue so much that when it sounds right to people, I feel accomplished.
✍️What’s your ideal writing setup?
I used to write long-hand. I would jot notes down in my work notebook or whatever and then type it up, editing and enhancing as I did so. I stopped doing that and now I mostly just capture snippets of notes in google docs and build things around them. But I used to quite like the tactile sensation of writing by hand.
I don’t really have a set-up as such. I have a room that I use as an ‘office’ and sometimes if I know I need to get some writing done I’ll go in there so it feels more official. But I can write anywhere my laptop is, really.
🚀 Do you like to outline your fic first or create as you go?
It depends. Mostly my fics grow out of a single line of dialogue or a single scene I have in my head. So I’ll jot that down, then write around it. If I know the story I want to tell is longer, generally I’ll still jot down the scene or scenes I have in mind first, but I’ll try and do some bullet points outlining a vague structure and the things I know I want to include. But if it’s a short fic I just sit down and write it, generally without knowing much of what will be in it beyond the initial thing that inspired me to write it.
🥳 Why did you start writing fanfic?
I’ve always enjoyed creative writing. When I was little, like 8 or 9, I would write out scripts for my dolls or for my friends to act out. I enjoyed writing stories whenever we had to at school. So I suppose when I discovered that people wrote stories about shows I liked, and could make the characters do whatever they wanted them to do, it appealed to me.
🦋 Which character is your favorite to write?
Charity Dingle. No question.
🦈 Which character is the toughest to write?
I find a lot of characters difficult to write. When people don’t have a distinctive voice or way of speaking, I struggle, because I rely on dialogue a lot for characterisation. Yennefer, for example, I find difficult to write and I don’t think I really capture her a lot of the time. I tend to shove her into modern AUs and use that as a bit of an excuse.
🔎 Does anyone beta read or edit your fics?
No. Not even me!
(That sounds flippant, but it’s the truth. This is because I write because it’s fun, and it’s not fun for me to have someone essentially ‘mark’ my work. And I know this isn’t how a lot of people work with betas, and I know it can greatly enhance both the experience and the end result, but for me my brain wants to be done with something when it’s written. It doesn’t want to go back over things. That’s why I tend not to plan things out very much either - if I had written an intricate plan for something, my brain would think it was done and wouldn’t want to do it again)
🤩 What led to your interest in the fandom?
Depends which fandom, really. I’ve been known to check things out because of gifs. I have a friend who I watch a lot of tv with and she recommends things to me and vice versa. Although, just because I watch something doesn’t mean I want to get involved in the fandom. Usually I get into a fandom, and particularly writing for a fandom, if there’s subtext involved. Or if people aren’t together yet. I like to have scope for creativity.
🤖 Are non-fandom friends aware that you write fanfic?
No. Absolutely not.
💛 What is the most impactful lesson you’ve learned about writing?
That people can take joy from my wee stories. Even the ones I don’t particularly like, there will be someone that likes them.
🎨 If someone were to make fanart of your work, what fic or scene would you hope to see?
This is quite funny, because @ehay offered to make art from my fic and I was unable to think of a scene that stood out. And that’s because I’m not a very visual writer at all. I don’t describe scenery or clothing or even people very much. I write dialogue. So it’s hard for me to think of scenes that I would like to see immortalised by the talented artists out there.
Incidentally, @ehay did create some scenes from one of my fics, and it is gorgeous and far more beautiful than I could ever have described: The hour of hush and wonder
And people got pretty excited about Cara Lannister back in the day.
I guess it's exciting to see fan art of AUs because I'm never going to get to 'see' the characters in those settings in canon.
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superstarlightt · 2 years
i wrote this in the middle of covid in 2020, with some edits that had been added once i was further educated so i thought i’d post it here too. this post is important. to me, to the disabled community and our allies.
how many disabled characters can you think of in the contemporary media? will traynor in me before euthanasia, sorry i mean me before you. ryan stocks in emmerdale. rem-dogg in bad education. artie abrams in glee. those are the only ones i can think of on the top of my head. and two of those four characters are played by actual disabled actors. james moore who plays ryan and jack binstead who plays rem-dogg. james has a disability similar to mine called ataxic cerebral palsy and jack suffers from osteogenesis imperfecta or brittle bones disease as it’s more commonly known as. unlike the actors who play will in me before you and artie in glee. but with the way the story is set out in me before you (and because i love sam claflin) i can forgive that casting.
however, i cannot forgive the fact that me before you even exists in the first place. now, this book and film is a meme in the disabled community because it deals with the topic of euthanasia and the whole saying of ‘i’d rather be dead than disabled’. if you haven’t seen this film or read this book, basically, me before you is about this young woman called louisa clark, played by the ever-so-lovely emilia clarke, who’s lost her job at a local café and gets a job being a ‘companion' for will traynor, a previously-successful banker with the perfect life who got caught in a motorcycle accident two years prior and is now paralysed from the neck-down. here’s the thing. i knew nothing about this film when it came out. i hadn’t read the book beforehand, i was just so excited that there was a love story involving a disabled person. it was everything my fourteen-year-old self wanted. then i saw it on netflix about a year after it came out and i heard people say that they cried at it so i thought that sam claflin’s character died at the end from his disability because of complications, because disabilities are like that sometimes.
oh, no. it was about euthanasia.
so, i know that this situation is a real thing that happens in day-to-day life. i know that people are born able-bodied and are then in an accident or get an illness that renders them disabled and they don’t know how to cope and i really sympathise with that. but my issue is, why promote it? why romanticise it and turn it into a huge love story? you are enforcing the saying ‘i’d rather kill myself than be disabled’, you are saying that unless the disabled person is out of their reach, family, friends and other people around disabled people can’t be free and happy. no-one should have those thoughts. i don’t care who you are, these thoughts cannot go through your head, nor any justifications of those thoughts. if the author and filmmakers wanted to tackle that subject, they should’ve focused on will’s mental health and the fact that it was severely declining, not the love story and how louisa was trying to show him he should live. stop letting able-bodied people be the ‘heroes’ in disabled people’s stories. as for kevin mchale, who plays artie, i have no real complaints, except maybe they could’ve hired an actual disabled actor. I’m just saying. and, as of november 2022, kevin has apologised for playing artie and said that he will never play him again, which i am so, so happy that to hear.
now… i’m a twenty-one-year-old person and i have spent my whole life since i was aware of my disability wanting someone in tv, books or films to reflect me. a happy disabled teenager who was born disabled. that’s all i’ve ever wanted in life. a character whose disability isn’t used for a plot or whose main focus isn’t how sad they are about being a disabled person. just a normal character who just happens to be disabled. and not just a one-off character in a tv special. a main character who has friends and crushes and enemies just like everyone else. say toni topaz in riverdale or harper finkle in wizards of waverly place. and yet the media has failed to produce anything of the sort. even if they have set a foot in the right direction with disney channel’s andi mack and pop tv’s one day at a time. you only need to look at these shows and they scream diversity and social awareness. but there are still no disabled characters. besides that woman in penelope’s therapy group in one day at a time but again, she’s not a main character.
this is why i was so obsessed with sex education and isaac goodwin when i watched it. isaac was everything i’d ever wanted, a funny, real disabled character. i could go on and on about isaac, from his actor, george robinson, to his scene in season three, episode four. i still get so emotional about that scene and i haven’t even rewatched it yet. yes, isaac did some questionable things in his introductory season but so did every other character in the damn show so i don’t see how it warranted so much ableism when no other character got that much hate. just say you’re ableist and go.
now, sia, as a person and ‘filmmaker’, is disgusting. i am not autistic so i don’t want to speak for the autistic community but i do have some people very close to me who are autistic and they have all said that what she was doing with her film was incredibly offensive. from the use of restraints that have been proven to kill people to the fact that she tried to collaborate with a group that compares autism to cancer who ALSO disagreed with the film, she must have known that what she was doing was harmful. not to mention, she claimed to have worked with an autistic actress (who she later fired because she couldn’t handle her sensory issues) before hiring maddie ziegler but it also came out that she wrote this film for maddie and that she ‘just can’t not work with her’. first off, that’s fucking nepotism and secondly, maddie was very uncomfortable with playing the role but sia forced her. so, which one is true?
sia has also publicly told an autistic person who said that she would’ve reached out to play the role that she might’ve been a bad actor just because she’s autistic. if that’s not ableism, i don’t know what is. she also deleted twitter for a bit because she couldn’t handle the hate she got so that just screams she knows she did something wrong. avoid music by sia at all costs and watch loop on disney+ instead. loop is a pixar short about a young nonverbal autistic girl of colour(!!) and an allistic boy as they figure out how to communicate with each other without words. the voice actress for the girl is also a nonverbal autistic girl, which just makes the whole film even better.
the one tv show that consistently puts in disabled characters who are strong and genuinely happy with their disability is bbc’s call the midwife. this is one of the many, many reasons why i love this show with every inch of my body. i could talk about call the midwife for days and days about every plot line i love that they have come up with. one of which is the somewhat recurring appearance in seasons two and three of jacob, a young man who has cerebral palsy. i love jacob and his story whenever i watch the two episodes he’s in and colin young just makes it even better. because call the midwife is set in the fifties and sixties, jacob and other disabled people live in an institution and this is where we first meet jacob in season two when a young couple with a baby who was born with spina bifida are struggling and are thinking about sending him to the institution. the main thing i love about jacob is how normal his character is. he’s a cheeky young man who’s in love with a woman who has down syndrome and when he finds out that her mother had taken her home because she got pregnant, he goes after her to see her. now, who couldn’t love someone like him?
call the midwife is the only tv show, in my opinion, who has the gut to represent the disabled community accurately. and i am so happy we have something like that because this show showcases so many different plot lines, i could go on forever. oh, and the first two or three seasons are based on real accounts by jennifer worth, the author of the call the midwife memoirs and main character of the first three seasons of the show, played by jessica raine. but one show putting in accurate representations of disabled people isn’t enough, no way.
we need happy disabled characters in teen dramas, in kids’ shows, in blockbuster films. we need more. i want to be represented. i want disabled children to get the representation i never got as a child. i don’t want any other innocent preteen to enter their teenage years hating themselves and giving themselves internalised ableism like i did. i hated myself for years before i found the disabled community on here via my old account because i couldn’t find anyone anywhere in my media consumption that i could properly relate to.
and even now, i get excited when i see a wheelchair in any promotion campaign for a tv show or a film.
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