#employee management application services
myco01 · 8 months
HRM Application Services | Employee Management App | MyCo
Elevate your workplace with MyCo's HRM app! Our services and employee management app transform traditional offices into modern, efficient hubs.
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jcmarchi · 10 months
Enterprise Service Management is Making AI-Powered Teams a Reality
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/enterprise-service-management-is-making-ai-powered-teams-a-reality/
Enterprise Service Management is Making AI-Powered Teams a Reality
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Your employees probably feel like robots.
Just attempting to keep up in our increasingly networked and always-on world often means an endless barrage of alerts for the various applications and technologies we use to do our jobs. We are inundated with phone calls, emails, texts, Slack messages, etc. Our teams are more connected than ever, but that actually may be limiting our productivity and collaboration. One study found that employees already spend nearly 30% of their time on email, leading to high levels of stress and pressure to respond to messages rather than focusing on more substantial tasks.
While communication is key to collaboration and creativity among teams, especially in today’s hybrid and remote workforces, an overabundance of communications is bogging down employees’ abilities to do their best work and stifling creativity rather than fostering it.
This communications overload scenario is the reality for most teams across departments within an organization. However, the good news is that there is a solution to streamline internal communications, requests, and tasks.
IT teams have long recognized the value of IT Service Management (ITSM) solutions in streamlining and improving efficiency. These systems use AI to help automate routine tasks, prioritize requests, and provide self-service options for employees. Instead of having a real person do this alone, AI quickly supports simple tasks such as automating service ticket routing, leveraging virtual assistants to answer frequently asked questions, and developing an endless feedback loop to enhance the end-user experience.
A recent survey of SolarWinds customers found that its AI features in ITSM solutions enabled IT teams to reduce the time to resolve tickets by 24% and save an average of 23 hours per week. These benefits can now increasingly be leveraged beyond IT teams with the move to what is being called “Enterprise Service Management,” which enables other departments to build their own AI-driven ticket management system.
Closing the Communication Floodgate: AI and Enterprise Service Management to the Rescue
The expansion of Enterprise Service Management (ESM) provides every department across an organization with its own service portal, ticket management system, and service catalog. This empowers HR, legal, marketing, sales, and other departments to enjoy the same increase in efficiency and productivity that IT teams have seen for years. And with the integration of AI into ESM services, it further facilitates inter-departmental cooperation, enabling the entire organization to enhance service delivery, better manage requests, and speed up workflows for better employee and customer experiences.
Consider an HR department which plays a pivotal role in an organization’s success, from recruitment and onboarding to benefits administration and employee engagement. They are frequently inundated with inquiries, from leave requests to payroll issues and everything in between. Traditional communication channels like email, phone calls, and instant messages often result in bottlenecks and delays, leaving HR departments struggling to keep up.
With an ESM system, HR departments can transform their operations and significantly reduce the need for email or phone calls. For example, leave requests can be streamlined through the ESM system. Employees could submit requests through the portal, which would then automatically route them for approval to the appropriate managers, with notifications and reminders built in. This reduces the administrative burden on HR and ensures that requests are processed promptly, enhancing employee satisfaction.
The AI Advantage: Scaling Success Across the Organization
The benefits of ESM get even better with the integration of AI, which has already proven it can be a powerful tool for businesses. AI algorithms within ESM can analyze data generated by various requests and interactions, providing valuable insights to all teams. AI-powered ESM solutions can go beyond just appropriately directing ticket requests, for example, by providing personalized responses based on the employee’s profile and past interactions. AI will also be able to identify trends in employee inquiries, helping departments proactively address common concerns and improve company policies and workflows. With the promise of AI, the entire organization is poised to become more productive and efficient.
AI will have a profound impact on our businesses and teams. But counter to some concerns, we foresee this to free up our teams’ time for more impactful work rather than mean a loss of jobs. We can expect people to work alongside their new AI “colleagues” while taking on new creative and innovation-driving roles that AI is not suitable for. In short, rather than replacing jobs, AI will empower humans to spend their time where it’s most engaging and impactful.
Organizations cannot afford to let inefficient internal communications slow their operations and creativity. It’s time to envision a workplace where employees throughout the entire organization can dedicate their attention to their substantive responsibilities instead of being overwhelmed by a flood of alerts and notifications. The future of work has arrived, leading to unprecedented creativity, innovation, and productivity, no matter the size of your business or industry.
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@rosekillermicrofic, September 6th - Book, T, Word Count - 721
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It was a really regular day today at the bookstore where Barty works.
Like really regular.
Like 'all of his regulars came in today' regular. 
The couple who comes here every two weeks to buy two books. Barty learned that they trade the books once they’re done with them and then have bookclub-style date nights. Which is really cute but totally not his thing.
The old ladies who come here for an actual bookclub. Barty had to stifle a laugh at today's choice, some 'murder mystery’ that was a lot more romance than their usual mystery or horror selection.
The one young boy who spends all his weekly allowance on the newest Batman and Spiderman comic.
Even the young woman with the service dog. Barty always has good conversations with her, even though he can never remember her name, and isn’t too keen on asking for the fourth time.
The entire day, Barty was waiting for the ball to drop. Waiting for a call from his boss telling him a shipment got delayed or that he’ll have to cover for Avery again because somehow he’s always sick the day there’s a concert playing in the city over. Figure that one out.
But none of that happened.
It was half an hour to closing when Barty heard the doorbell chime, signalling someone had just entered the store. 
Now, he doesn’t have the best view of the door from where the counter sits—his manager trying to get more stock shoved on the shelves rather than worrying about the safety of the store—so he doesn’t really see the customers until they ask a question or come to check out some items.
That’s how he found himself leaning over his counter, trying to figure out the new scheduling system on their computer. He'd been putting it off all day and just needs to get it done before the store falls into more chaos than it already is. But he just can’t even get past the sign-in. His manager left a sheet of employee codes, but every time he would input it, nothing would work.
That’s when the stack of computer science textbooks appeared on the counter in front of him. Ah, the customer was ready to pay. But if they’re taking computer science, would it be rude to ask for help? No, right?
Ugh. Whatever. Without even looking up, Barty talks to the customer. “Hey man, I’m gonna guess you have some sort of experience with computers or whatever... Um, this—” he turns the monitor and points to the screen. “—is not letting me sign in, like at all. And I kinda need my schedule.” The customer laughs a little and that causes Barty’s head to shoot up. Holy—
Fuck! Why did he have to be hot? Barty awkwardly smiles at the man; he thought he would look like just another college nerd, not a literal Greek god.
He quickly surveys the issue. “Are you forgetting your password?”
“Nope. I have it right here,” Barty smiles, very nervous and flustered about the situation.
“Hmm.” The customer places his head in his hand, surveying the screen before looking down to the keyboard. “Ah.” He reaches forward and clicks a single key. Caps Lock. Could this day get any more embarrassing?
“Thank you,” Barty sighs. Then turns the monitor towards himself again and enters the password, the little ding coming from the speaker, and the application finally loads. He looks over to the books on the counter before looking up at the man’s face again. “I wish I could give you one of those for free, but my boss didn’t really like it when I did that last time.”
“I’ll just take your number instead then,” he says casually.
Barty’s ears go red. Oh my god, did he just ask for my number? Ohmygodohmygod. “Uh–I. Sure.” Barty grabs out a new roll of receipt paper, the closest thing to scrap paper that he has right now, and rips off a piece, quickly scribbling out his number, praying he remembers all ten digits correctly.
He hands the paper off and smiles at him, waiting for the customer to say something and then leave. Except they just stand there in silence. Staring at each other.
That is, of course, until the ball drops. 
“...you gonna ring me up?” 
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quietblueriver · 9 months
Wading into an Imodna au? Meet equine therapist Imogen, children’s vlogger Laudna and her co-host Pate, and the various other current and future employees of Camp Prudaj.
Imogen was tossing an eggshell into the trash, her ramen bubbling happily on the stove, when her phone buzzed with a call from an unknown number.
She gave herself one moment of exhausted frustration before taking a deep breath and preparing to answer. This was a new ritual, in the months since she sent in her MSW applications.
She hated speaking with strangers. Hated it. But declining risked the option of panic-ignoring the voicemail or, worse, having to leave one of her own, and she had years of practice working retail for some of the most unpleasant assholes in, she’d wager, a 300 mile radius, so she could manage the almost unfailingly polite university employees who had begun to call her about interviews and application supplements, and, most excitingly, scholarship offers.
She reminded herself of this last possibility specifically as she said, in her best customer service voice, “This is Imogen.”
“Ms. Temult. I’m glad I caught you. My name is Ariks Ehsteross. I’m a friend of Wilmer’s.”
Well. That was unexpected. It took her a beat longer than it probably should have to answer.
“Hi, Mr…”
Shit. Shit. The source of the call, not to mention hearing her boss called Wilmer, had distracted her so badly she hadn’t paid good enough attention and now she was going to butcher this man’s name.
He laughed, not unkindly, before she could spiral too much further. “Eshteross. But Ariks is absolutely fine.”
No way in hell she’d be calling any friend of Mr. Faramore’s—Wilmer’s—by their first name like that, but it was a nice thing to say.
“Sorry, Mr. Eshteross. Um, what can…what can I do for you, sir?”
“Well, Ms. Temult, do you have a few minutes to talk?”
She eyed her ramen, the clock, and the burner, resigned to the loss of her egg.
“Of course.”
It felt, strangely, like an interview, and thankfully, she’d had enough of those recently to answer well despite her lack of preparation and, well, total lack of information about what, exactly she might interviewing for.
She must’ve done well enough, though, because fifteen minutes and one surreptitious removal of a saucepan later, Eshteross said, a smile evident in his voice, “Thank you for that. I know this is out of the blue, and I do apologize. I hope to make up for it now.”
“It’s not…it’s no problem, sir.”
“Very polite of you, after twenty minutes on the phone with a strange old man.” She was silent, because she was entirely unsure what to say to that, but he seemed not to expect a response, chuckling to himself before he said, still cheerful, “Now, Ms. Temult, I’ve got a proposition for you.”
It had been a good proposition. Great, even. Nearly perfect, she might say, if she weren’t so wary of jinxing it.
Estheross was looking to resurrect a summer program on his farm, and he wanted Imogen to help lead equine therapy. He’d run it for its founder for nearly two decades before she got sick and they made the decision to close while she recovered.
“Unfortunately, she died a few years later. And I…” he cleared his throat. If he were her daddy, or Mr. Faramore, or basically any other man she knew, she would’ve tactfully pretended she didn’t notice.
For some reason, he felt different, so she did something different.
“I’m very sorry for your loss.”
“Thank you.” It was immediate and, from what she could tell, sincere rather than embarrassed. “Ellia was a wonderful woman, and many of us felt her loss deeply.” Another clearing of the throat. “Which is, I fear, why it took me much longer than it should have to get the program up and running again. It’s been nearly a decade since we last had children on the farm, and that’s far too long. I’m sick of the quiet, and we’ve got too much of everything here to let it go to waste.
“I understand you’re likely heading this way for graduate school.”
She hadn’t made the decision, officially, but unless she got miracle money from U of Issylra (and even then, she wasn’t sure she wanted something somehow more rural than Gelvaan), he was right.
“Yes, sir. I haven’t made a final decision yet, but I’m…it’s looking like I’ll be up there to start in the fall.”
“Well, from what I hear, anywhere would be lucky to have you, but you’ll forgive me if I say that selfishly, I hope you land in Jrusar.”
And that was interesting, because Imogen was fairly certain Mr. Faramore didn’t like her that much. Or really at all, if she was honest. She wondered what exactly Mr. Eshteross had heard from him. Maybe more importantly, what he hadn’t heard.
She’d waited too long again.
“Thank you, sir. That’s…that’s very kind of you.”
“Not at all. And of course, there’s no pressure, but I do hope you’ll think about my offer. And either way please let me know if you’re coming this way. I’d love to have you for supper, even if you decide work at Prudaj’s isn’t for you.”
Turned out Imogen was much better at dealing with assholes than men with manners, apparently, as she once again found herself a bit speechless.
“Thank you. Again. I really appreciate it.”
“Absolutely. Good luck, Ms. Temult. Thank you for your time. I look forward to hearing from you soon.”
Her egg was, as predicted, rubber by the time they hung up, and she ate her lukewarm noodles around it while she thought about Eshteross’s offer, clumsy as always with her chopsticks.
She was qualified for the job. Faramore knew that, and it was obvious from her LinkedIn, which she hated updating and avoided checking if at all possible but which had gotten a suspicious number of views in the last three weeks.
It made note of her equine therapy certification, which she’d received while she was in college, and her volunteer and later paid work at the program affiliated with the local university for two summers and her last year of school. It had been a few years since she’d been there in a long-term way, but she still did a few weeks for them at least twice a year, and her profile reflected that, too.
She felt a twinge of smug pride as she thought about her daddy’s regular and disapproving reminder that she was forgoing a paycheck for no reason every time she went over there, no matter if Mr. Faramore gave his approval and liked being able to put her certification on his website. It was ugly, but she was alone with her ramen and a job offer, so it lingered longer than it otherwise might’ve.
She added another tick in the pro column as she picked over the spinach in the bowl. It would be an additional paycheck and a steady summer gig. She’d get to do work that she knew she loved and get actual money for it. Not only that, it would be relevant for her program.
By the time she was slurping down the last of her broth, rubber egg sitting forlornly on a triple folded paper towel waiting for the trash, she was wondering how hard it would be to get her time at Prudaj’s counted as experiential learning. Eshteross said they had certified therapists on staff…
A week later, when she got the official scholarship offer from U of Issylria—generous but not enough to compete with Jrusar—she made two calls.
First, to the Jrusar admissions officer who had been ridiculously nice to her through this whole process. She was more enthusiastic than Imogen could’ve hoped, and it buoyed Imogen into an almost giddy state for the five minutes it took her to finish the intent to enroll form.
Second, she called Eshteross.
“Oh, wonderful! I couldn’t be more excited that you’ll be coming to join our team.” He sounded, incredibly, like he very much meant it. “Actually, there’s someone near Gelvaan that I’ve been looking at, and I wonder if you wouldn’t mind having coffee with her and giving me your impression?”
She worried, more than a little, about how much faith this man was putting in her but relaxed as he added, “I’ll be sending down a manager, Orym, to do a formal interview if all goes well. I did things a little differently with you, but, well, I’ve known Wilmer since we were children, and frankly, if you’ve lasted this long with him, that’s its own endorsement.”
He was right, of course, but she couldn’t exactly say that, so she said nothing for the second it took for him to fill in the blank himself.
“No need to respond to that. Apologies. In any case, her name is Laudna Bradbury, and she’s an…interesting art therapist. Academically qualified but she now runs a somewhat popular show on…the apps, apparently? You might’ve seen it. She does crafts, and there’s a stuffed rat-like creature called Pate who tells stories.”
Quite the sell. She was glad to be able to say, with honesty, “I’m not really on…the apps.”
“Ah, me either. Fearne, another…well, she does a little of everything really, but I suppose manager is as good a title as any, found her.
“She’s in the Taloned Highlands right now, it seems. Not terribly far from Gelvaan. I have her contact info, if you wouldn’t mind sitting down with her? Maybe Pate will join you!”
While he laughed at his own joke, Imogen forced herself to wait to look up Laudna’s name until after their call and tried not to get carried away imagining a rat…creature telling stories to children.
“I’d be happy to. Of course.”
“Oh, thank you. I’ll send you her information now.”
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ghostoffuturespast · 3 months
Since we're kicking off the Phantom Liberty photo story sets now...
I took these photos of Grandpa V in an approximation of Arasaka service dress a while ago. Since then, I have been on a quest for a serviceable pair of tactical pants. (There are many tactical clothing options in PL, the vast majority of them either come in atrocious patterns or are in colors that are OSHA approved and visible from space.) I've been wanting to put an Arasaka combat uniform together for a while now and this was the closest I could get on console. The hexagon pattern on the pants is more reminiscent of Militech and not up to Arasaka dress code black but what're you gonna do? So here's the infantry looks.
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Dropping out of college midway through her first semester and after a slew of rejection notices from other corps, Grandpa just barely managed to pass the recruitment exam and squeak into the ranks of Arasaka's Security division. Arasaka had not been operating in Night City (at least not publicly or officially...) since the AHQ Disaster of 2023 at the end of the Fourth Corporate War. With the need to quickly bolster their workforce and establish new headquarters in Night City, the corp's recruitment standards were less stringent than usual upon their return in 2070 after the Unification War. Grandpa received exceedingly low marks on the firearm portion of her exam while her score in hand to hand combat was graded at slightly above average.
The recruitment exam not only serves to measure the overall fitness and aptitude of applicants but also as an assessment for suggested combat cyberware modifications should an individual choose to pursue a security career long-term with Arasaka. Aside from the required cyberware that all employees receive as a contingency of their employment, Grandpa opted to forgo the corp's suggested recommendations for combat implants - putting herself at a marked disadvantage in comparison to the rest her platoon and squadron. Or so everyone thought.
She instead purchased and installed her own cyberware independently of Arasaka's cyberware loan program - a benefit that is offered to employees. Her unused college savings went towards purchasing a set of Kendachi monowire implants while additional skeletal and passive armor system modifications were acquired in subsequent years after her transfer to Arasaka's Counterintelligence division.
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And here's another pic of Baby Grandpa in service dress because she looks cute in the hat. Even though she does not like the hat.
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abbysimsfun · 1 month
Sims In Bloom: Generation 2 Pt. 24 (Waiting For Baby)
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To prepare for her son's arrival, Heather pored over job applications at the clinic. Once her son was born, she wanted to spend as much time with him as she could, but she was confident leaving the place for Marcus alone would be a mistake.
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Despite Marcus' endless flirtation with customers, the clinic had done well enough that Heather could hire another employee, and she found Kaori Hayashi enthusiastic and hard-working from the start. "I hope you'll be able to lead by example," Heather said when she hired her. "I won't be far away once my son's born, but I'll be happy to know the clinic's in good hands. I think you'll be a great help to Marcus while I'm away."
"I'll try, Doc Nesbitt. He told me this morning my butt looks great in these scrubs."
Heather sighed. "I'm sorry, I'll talk to him."
Kaori laughed. "No, it's okay. I told him thanks but his butt could look better, and now I think he's afraid of me."
"If fear motivates him better than I've managed, I guess that's a win. But if he tries anything again, please tell me."
"Will do, boss!"
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Heather made friends easily with Brindleton’s many strays. The town had no mayor, but the locals' favourite stray was a tuxedo cat who wore a tiny donated top hat – to the town, he was their honourary “Mayor Whiskers.”
After her arrival in town, Mayor Whiskers took a particular interest in Heather and followed her everywhere. No one in Brindleton grew better catnip than Heather!
But soon, he was spending so much time at Heather’s home with her other two cats, speckled grey King Tut and fluffy white Boomer, she officially adopted him.
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It had been a long time since she’d had to think about training bad habits from her well-behaved felines, but even with exhaustion and back pains in her third trimester, she was up to the task.
Mayor Whiskers had spent his life chasing birds as a stray. He didn't know what was wrong when Heather lectured him about eating trash or scratching furniture, but he loved his new home, and slowly changed his habits to please his new human.
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Despite the summer heat, Heather worked hard at her clinic right up until delivery. She knew raising a child would be expensive, and she needed to make as much as she could from the clinic before giving birth. Marcus Flex, her perpetual work issue, even picked up some of the slack when she grew tired more easily.
"You shouldn't work so hard, boss."
"I enjoy working, Marcus."
"And you're really good at it! But it can't be easy carrying that thing around." He glanced casually at her bump.
"I wouldn't mind being able to work a little less, but royalties from my VetConnect app took a hit from Petcare's splashy new competitor in the app store, so the clinic is the only way I'll be able to care for my son."
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"It was pretty uncool for Petcare to do that," agreed Marcus. "Why didn't they offer to buy your app if they wanted the same one."
Heather sighed. "I have a feeling they knew I wouldn't have sold it to them."
"Too bad, Doc. Selling apps can be good business. Maybe you should design another one! Maybe instead of a vet finder service, you could do a pet finder service! Like one stop, with breeder reviews, highlighting shelter pets."
"What? Like PetConnect?"
"Sounds good to me, boss. I'd download it in a heartbeat!"
Heather cocked her head at her vet tech as he exhibited a flash of brilliance she never saw coming. "It's a great idea, Marcus. If I ever put it together, I'll owe you credit."
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With Petcare's app replacing hers on the market, she was even more grateful Malcolm kept his distance after his visit. Just as she’d hoped.
With Petcare and Landgraab Corp. actively working against her ability to care for their son, she wouldn’t have anything nice to say if she saw him again.
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Heather was beginning to feel like she'd been pregnant for an entire year, and couldn't wait to meet her son. ->
<- Previous Chapter | Gen 2 Start | Gen 1 Summary | Gen 1 Start
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biohazard-4ever · 4 months
What specific type of training did Leon have to go through in the military. Just to let you know, I don’t have lots of knowledge about the military. I obviously assume Leon had to wake up at the crack of dawn and do all sorts of intense workouts, but I’m just curious because the difference from re2r Leon’s build to re4r Leon’s build is huge. They must’ve had my boy working hard💪🏾
Let us see here:
What kind of training does an agent go through? All special agents begin their career at the FBI Academy in Quantico, Virginia, for 20 weeks of intensive training at one of the world’s finest law enforcement training facilities. During their time there, trainees live on campus and participate in a variety of training activities. Classroom hours are spent studying a wide variety of academic and investigative subjects, including the fundamentals of law, behavioral science, report writing, forensic science, and basic and advanced investigative, interviewing, and intelligence techniques. Students also learn the intricacies of counterterrorism, counterintelligence, weapons of mass destruction, cyber, and criminal investigations to prepare them for their chosen career paths. The curriculum also includes intensive training in physical fitness, defensive tactics, practical application exercises, and the use of firearms. For more information, see our New Agent Training webpage. Over the course of their career, agents are also updated on the latest developments in the intelligence and law enforcement communities through additional training opportunities.
Leon didn't get his hair cut in the flashback because Leon was never a soldier boy. He didn't went to the military.
More here
Our special agents receive world-class training from seasoned professionals dedicated to mission success and personal development. U.S. Secret Service training utilizes cutting-edge curricula designed to enhance recruits’ existing skills and develop new ones critical to the Agency’s “Zero-Fail Mission”. Special agent trainees train alongside individuals that are equally committed and driven. During the first year of employment, special agent trainees receive several months of formal classroom, fitness, firearms and simulation training. [...]
Secret Service agents  receive continuous advanced training throughout their careers. In part, this training consists of regular firearms requalification and emergency medicine refresher courses. Agents assigned to protective assignments also participate in unique crisis training simulations that present agents with a variety of "real world" emergency situations. Agents assigned to offices in the field have the opportunity to acquire advanced training in the area of criminal investigations and are also encouraged to attend training sessions sponsored by other law enforcement agencies. All Secret Service employees participate in a wide variety of management and individual development courses. Ethics, Diversity, Interpersonal Awareness, Practical Leadership and Introduction to Supervision are among the topics currently offered to all personnel at the Secret Service.
You can base it out of here.
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Exploring AI's Benefits in Fintech
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The integration of artificial intelligence (AI) in the financial technology (fintech) sector is bringing about significant changes. From enhancing customer service to optimizing financial operations, AI is revolutionizing the industry. Chatbots, a prominent AI application in fintech, offer personalized and efficient customer interactions. This article explores the various benefits AI brings to fintech.
Enhanced Customer Experience
AI-powered chatbots and virtual assistants are revolutionizing customer service in fintech. These tools provide 24/7 support, handle multiple queries simultaneously, and deliver instant responses, ensuring customers receive timely assistance. AI systems continually learn from interactions, improving their efficiency and effectiveness over time.
Superior Fraud Detection
Fraud detection is crucial in the financial sector, and AI excels in this area. AI systems analyze vast amounts of transaction data in real time, identifying unusual patterns and potential fraud more accurately than traditional methods. Machine learning algorithms effectively recognize subtle signs of fraudulent activity, mitigating risks and protecting customers.
Personalized Financial Services
AI enables fintech companies to offer highly personalized services. By analyzing customer data, AI provides tailored financial advice, recommends suitable investment opportunities, and creates customized financial plans. This level of personalization helps build stronger customer relationships and enhances satisfaction.
Enhanced Risk Management
AI-driven analytics significantly enhance risk management. By processing large datasets and identifying trends, AI can predict and assess risks more accurately than human analysts. This enables financial institutions to make informed decisions and manage risks more effectively.
Automation of Routine Tasks
AI automates many routine and repetitive tasks in fintech, such as data entry, account reconciliation, and compliance checks. This reduces the workload for employees and minimizes the risk of human errors. Automation leads to greater operational efficiency and allows staff to focus on strategic activities.
Advanced Investment Strategies
AI revolutionizes investment strategies by providing precise, data-driven insights. Algorithmic trading, powered by AI, analyzes market conditions and executes trades at optimal times. Additionally, AI tools assist investors in making better decisions by forecasting market trends and identifying lucrative opportunities.
In-Depth Customer Insights
AI provides fintech companies with deeper insights into customer behavior and preferences. By analyzing transaction history, spending patterns, and other relevant data, AI predicts customer needs and offers proactive solutions. This level of insight is invaluable for targeted marketing strategies and improving customer retention.
Streamlined Loan and Credit Processes
AI streamlines loan and credit approval processes by automating credit scoring and underwriting. AI algorithms quickly assess an applicant’s creditworthiness by analyzing various factors, such as income, credit history, and spending habits. This results in faster loan approvals and a more efficient lending process.
AI is transforming the fintech industry by improving efficiency, enhancing customer experiences, and providing valuable insights. As technology advances, the role of AI in fintech will grow, driving further innovation and growth. Embracing AI solutions is essential for financial institutions to stay competitive in this rapidly changing landscape.
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azspot · 9 months
In tech, bullshit jobs—which the late David Graeber defines as “a form of paid employment that is so completely pointless, unnecessary, or pernicious that even the employee cannot justify its existence” even though they are obliged to pretend otherwise—come mostly from bullshit projects. At Google, such projects are aplenty. According to Killed By Google, an archival project that documents discontinued Google services, products, devices, and apps, the company has discontinued nearly three hundred projects since its founding. These range from software systems to help businesses distribute and manage job applications (Hired by Google) to social media platforms that tried to mimic Facebook’s success (Google+) to manifestly uncool wearable technology (Google Glass). But projects at that scale are far and few between. Many were small and hackathon-sized in ambition. All failed to make a splash on the balance sheet. These “dead” projects are also just the tip of the iceberg. The website only documents projects that have been publicly launched; untold more have been nixed before ever being announced.
It’s All Bullshit
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handeaux · 4 months
Byron H. Robb’s Pertinacious Gall Got Him Evicted From Cincinnati And Honored In Texas
In the long and sordid roster of Queen City scalawags, Byron H. Robb holds a prominent place. He was delightfully incorrigible, congenitally incapable of telling the truth and absolutely unrepentant when exposed.
Robb fabricated so consistently that it is often difficult to separate any facts from the overwhelming flood of mendacity in his wake. It appears that he was born around 1836 in or near Parkman, Ohio, a tiny hamlet east of Cleveland and northwest of Youngstown. His parents named him Harvey, but he found that name uninspiring and relegated it to a middle initial. He began calling himself Byron, after the British poet.
At the age of 19, Robb launched a lifelong career as a bamboozler, selling a concoction guaranteed to produce luscious curls when applied to the scalp. At least one unfortunate customer went totally bald when she saturated her hair with the stuff. He got into the oil business by purchasing a dry well, then pouring oil stolen from nearby tanks into it. He then fobbed the now “productive” rig onto some credulous farmer. During the Civil War, Robb raised a cavalry company he dubbed the “Geauga Rangers” and offered it for service, claiming the rank of lieutenant on the basis of his own fabricated experience as a Texas Ranger. The United States Army wasn’t that desperate.
Among Robb’s myriad victims was Harriet Beecher Stowe, author of “Uncle Tom’s Cabin.” Mrs. Stowe ordered some “mammoth gourd seeds” from Robb to plant at her winter home in Florida. Robb claimed these seeds yielded gigantic gourds that could be used as washtubs. When her first shipment failed to sprout, Mrs. Stowe ordered another, and sent a letter inquiring what she had done wrong!
At various times, Robb popped up in St. Louis, New Orleans and a number of other locales, usually one step ahead of the law. When the constabulary sniffed too close to his fraudulent enterprises, Robb would “rent” another man’s name and resume business under that appellation until the coast was clear. During the 1860s, Robb paid a gardener named William Chappell $25 annually so he could advertise yet another hair tonic under the “Chappell’s Hyperion” brand.
It was reported that Robb dumped his first wife by encouraging her interest in another man. Robb sent her to Indiana to secure a divorce while he romanced an employee who would become the second Mrs. Robb.
Around 1875, Robb rented a house in Bellevue, Kentucky, establishing his business offices in Cincinnati. Entries in the city directories for the next half-dozen years indicate the constant churn of his schemes. At first, he listed himself as a “general agent,” which covered a multitude of sins. Next, he became the proprietor of the Monitor Manufacturing Company, then manager of the Monitor Lamp & Glass Works, and then President of the American and European Secret Service Company, then manager of the Electro Magnetic Hair and Flesh Brush Company.
Interestingly, at least two of these companies had some basis in actual inventions patented by Robb. In 1877, Robb was awarded a patent for a device that extinguished a kerosene lamp if it was knocked over. In 1879 and 1880, he earned patents for “galvanic” hairbrushes. Unfortunately, Robb preferred fraud to manufacturing. People who ordered his lamps often got nothing at all, while customers of his galvanic brushes received nothing but a cheap comb with a bit of copper wire wrapped around it.
It was his “Secret Service” company that achieved the pinnacle of Robb’s infamy. The American and European Secret Service Company placed hundreds of advertisements throughout the United States, offering to enlist any correspondent as a bona-fide detective, complete with a frameable certificate and a shiny new badge for the low, low price of only $3.60. After paying this fee, applicants were advised to keep their day jobs in order to remain undercover until an assignment came up. Young men throughout the country signed up in abundance – many of them career criminals who believed that an appointment as a detective offered a credible alibi. There are reports of bushels of mail arriving every day at Robb’s Fifth Street office, half containing money orders for $3.60 and half containing dunning letters from newspapers that were never paid for running Robb’s advertisements.
Eventually the postal inspectors caught up with Robb and he was subpoenaed to court. Robb procured the cream of the Cincinnati bar for his defense, including Stanley Matthews, later appointed to the United States Supreme Court, and George Hoadly, later elected governor of Ohio. His lawyers reviewed the evidence collected by the Post Office and informed Robb that he was undoubtedly going to lose the case. His best option was to plead guilty and throw himself on the mercy of the court.
Robb responded by firing his crack legal team. He then sent telegrams to a dozen or so of his “detectives,” directing them to take the next train westward, to proceed to some remote location and to apprehend a red-headed, one-eyed man missing one finger and walking with a limp. The young operatives, delighted to finally be on assignment, followed orders and reported back that no such man could be found. Robb thanked them for their diligence, paid their salary and expenses and told his proteges to await their next assignment.
In court, Robb produced several of these young men as witnesses. They testified under oath that they had applied to the Secret Service Company, paid the initiation fee, received their badge and certificate, and had received an assignment from Robb and had been paid for it. The Post Office case crumbled. No matter they could prove nothing in court, the United States Postmaster announced in 1880 that nine Cincinnati companies controlled by Robb were prohibited from using the postal service in any manner.
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Byron H. Robb responded to this temporary setback with his usual flair. First, he went to court and had his name legally changed to Byron H. Van Raub, claiming it was the ancestral version of the family surname. Then he relocated to Texas and acquired some property he claimed was the famous Don Carlos Ranch, which it was not, and then got into the Shetland Pony business, and then the cowboy school business, and then the bloodhound dog business, and then the Buff Leghorn egg business and then the milch goat business. And he had the nearest Bexar County railroad whistle stop renamed Van Raub, after himself.
Every time Robb, or Van Raub, embarked on some new scam, newspapers around the country published scathing exposés of his extensive rap sheet. Newspaper owners were delighted to attack him because the one constant in Robb’s career was his reluctance to pay for advertising. Still, there was always someone willing to believe his folderol. One newspaper, reporting that Van Raub was seeking young men willing to become cowboys (and willing to send him $5.00 for particulars – sound familiar?) claimed he was a retired Prussian cavalry officer who insisted on stern discipline. When Robb died in 1913, the obituaries included some highly unlikely embellishments such as selling Shetland ponies to European nobility.
Amazingly, Robb’s bullshit endures to this very day. Out where Van Raub, Texas, once existed – by the 1920s, his namesake was nothing more than a ghost town – there is an official historic marker that reads in part:
“This community, named after Byron Van Raub, an English gentlemen rancher, was established along the route of the Kerrville Branch. It is said that this successful gentleman rancher developed the first dude ranch in Texas as a means to train fellow Englishman in the rigors of creating successful Texas ranching operations.”
The shifty little shyster from rural Ohio got himself memorialized as an English gentleman, capping a positively breathtaking life of unrelenting chutzpah.
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luxe-pauvre · 8 months
In fact, conservative criticism of the old nanny state hits the nail on the head. The current tangle of red tape keeps people trapped in poverty. It actually produces dependence. Whereas employees are expected to demonstrate their strengths, social services expects claimants to demonstrate their shortcomings; to prove over and over that an illness is sufficiently debilitating, that a depression is sufficiently bleak, and that chances of getting hired are sufficiently slim. Otherwise your benefits are cut. Forms, interviews, checks, appeals, assessments, consultations, and then still more forms – every application for assistance has its own debasing, money-guzzling protocol. “It tramples on privacy and self respect in a way inconceivable to anyone outside the benefit system,” says one British social services worker. “It creates a noxious fog of suspicion.” This isn’t a war on poverty; it’s a war on the poor. There’s no surer way to turn those on the bottom rungs of society – even geniuses like Orwell – into a legion of lazy, frustrated, and even aggressive bums and freeloaders. They’re being trained for it. If there’s one thing that we capitalists have in common with the communists of old, it’s a pathological obsession with gainful employment. Just as Soviet-era shops employed “three clerks to sell a piece of meat,” we’ll force benefit claimants to perform pointless tasks, even if it bankrupts us. Capitalist or communist, it all boils down to a pointless distinction between two types of poor, and to a major misconception that we almost managed to dispel some 40 years ago – the fallacy that a life without poverty is a privilege you have to work for, rather than a right we all deserve.
Rutger Bregman, Utopia For Realists: And How We Can Get There
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myco01 · 8 months
Advanced Payroll Service for Businesses | Payroll Services
Leverage MyCo's advanced payroll services to grow your company. Our solutions give organizations a dependable partner with a smooth payroll process.
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pitchnhirejobs · 1 month
Pitch N Hire's Guide to Crafting an ATS-Friendly Resume for Better Hiring Outcomes
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What is an ATS? An Application Tracking System (ATS), alternatively known as a talent management system, is the software utilized by recruiters and employers for picking up, organizing and sorting out resumes according to particular guidelines. The main aim of an ATS is to simplify the process of hiring by eliminating irrelevant applicants and highlighting those whose qualifications correspond well with the job description. While saving time for HR departments, this also means that candidates must format their CVs properly. 3 Main Tips for an ATS-Friendly Resume:
No Header or Footer: Most ATS can't handle parsing information that goes into either of these two sections. Vital details, such as contact information, name, and title, need to be within the main body of the document. Keeping everything in a simple, easy-to-read format will help the ATS capture all your information correctly.
Keep it Simple: Elements for an ATS-friendly resume are quite minimalistic. Ensure common fonts such as Arial and Times New Roman are in use. Further, shun graphics, tables, or complex formatting in your resume. Traditional resume sections are critical: stick to sections like "Education," "Experience," and "Skills," making sure these are clearly labelled.
Use Keywords: Keywords are a very important feature in an ATS resume. Every content prepared on your resume will be scanned by an ATS to pick out relevant keywords about the description of the jobs. It makes it easy to beat the scanner by the use of relevant keywords that tally with the job posting. Be cautious not to stuff the resume with keywords; they must fit naturally into your content. How can Pitch N Hire help you? Pitch N Hire offers tailored services for job seekers and recruiters. For job seekers, Pitch N Hire offers automation tools that help you create an ATS-friendly resume, ensuring that potential employees wear it noticeably. Their platform also offers a range of job search tools, career counselling and personal career recommendations. For recruiters, Pitch N Hire offers advanced ATS tools that efficiently edit and organize resumes and simplify the hiring process. Their services include candidate management, interview processing and data-driven insights, all geared towards speeding up and improving the recruitment process.
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rjzimmerman · 1 month
Climate Workers Wanted. (New York Times)
Excerpt from this New York Times story:
Three years ago, Alexsandra Sesepasara moved home to American Samoa, a remote chain of Pacific islands, with her family after more than a decade of military service. She took a job as a water resources engineer for the utility that provides power, cleans up trash and manages drinking water for the more than 49,000 residents of the territory.
But soon after she arrived, she realized that rising seas and worsening storms, fueled by climate change, had brought new problems to her homeland, while exacerbating old ones. Saltwater was seeping into the islands’ fresh water supply, shutting down schools and leading to boil water notices. In December, the issue caused a nearby hospital to close all nonessential services for nearly a week.
There was another problem, Sesepasara said: American Samoa didn’t have enough workers to fix its water issues.
But this summer, the American Samoa Power Authority, her employer, became one of nine entities across the country to receive funding under a $60 million federal program intended to help train workers to combat the growing challenges of climate change.
The climate jobs of the future, experts told me, may mean adjusting how we think of the jobs of the past: Electricians may need to learn to install solar panels, construction workers may need to deal with new engineering requirements and bankers may need to manage climate risk.
“This is a model of us adapting our jobs in real time to the reality and need of the moment,” said Ned Gardiner, a program manager for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s Climate Program Office, which is coordinating technical assistance for the grantees.
The funding comes as part of the 2022 Inflation Reduction Act, which included hundreds of billions in tax incentives for clean energy and climate programs across the country.
While most of the applications NOAA received for the grant program focused on coastal resilience and protecting marine economies, the agency was open to proposals from sectors like shipping, engineering and finance, Gardiner said.
“Every job will be affected by climate change,” said Lara Skinner, founding executive director of the Climate Jobs Institute at Cornell University. “We look at every sector of the economy, and every sector will have to change. This isn’t some little transition.”
The tax incentives in the I.R.A. could ultimately help fund more than 6,200 projects in utility-scale clean energy and storage and almost four million jobs, according to the Climate Jobs National Resource Center, a labor organization educating workers on climate action.
NOAA’s work force program isn’t the only funding for jobs included in the I.R.A. Hundreds of millions of dollars are also available to hire employees in the National Park Service and workers to expedite clean energy projects in rural America, as well as to train a new generation of Indigenous workers through the Indian Youth Service Corps.
Last year, the Biden administration also launched the American Climate Corps to put 20,000 young Americans into jobs addressing global warming.
In the short term, there’s a lot of physical work that can be done to mitigate the climate crisis, like building more flood-resilient communities.
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drill-teeth · 1 year
To every company saying or has said “people just don’t want to work”, go fuck yourselves.
Plenty of people do want to work. I believe people by nature are social and kind. And people who can’t or don’t want to do physical labor aren’t lazy. They’re not bad people. They’re not “not contributing to society”.
This society fucking sucks especially when it comes to work. Especially low wage work. Companies will make candidates go through a cumbersome application process, once you get hired you usually have to have a shit ton of availability and agree to lots of hours (and do overtime more than you think so many places are understaffed), the conditions at most low wage jobs are exhausting and demanding mentally and physically, and then you finally get to your pay period and the amount you earned isn’t enough to make a single rent payment. It’s bullshit.
So many low wage jobs are essential by the way. It’s fast food work. Retail work. Grocery store work. Etc etc etc. Services people rely on every day and take for granted. Low wage employees are treated like shit by entitled customers and entitled management and are expected to give up so much of their mental and physical health for their job and aren’t given enough money to take care of themselves in return.
And you can say “well if you get some roommates you can find a place and make it work if everyone has a job” all you want, but that’s not the point. The point is that this society loves to say “you can achieve your dreams if you just work hard and earn it”. And that’s a lie. People are manipulated into believing the value of their life is tied to their ability to work. It almost doesn’t matter if you have a roommate if you still have to work a 40 hour work week plus overtime at a job that is so exhausting on your mind and body that you go to bed in pain and cry in the morning before work.
Plenty of people want to work. They just also want to live. They don’t want their job to kill them.
And I know sometimes you gotta play the capitalist game. I know sometimes you have to suck it up and go to work to take care of your loved ones because that’s how this society operates. I know sometimes you just have to.
But the point is that you shouldn’t have to. This society could be better. Treat its workers better. Not kill them. And we should put the pressure on companies as much as possible for a better future because THEY need US. Not the other way around.
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saadiq12 · 3 months
HRMS System: 7 Powerful Ways It Can Transform Your Business Operations
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In today's fast-paced business environment, efficiency and productivity are paramount. One way businesses are achieving these goals is by leveraging Human Resource Management Systems (HRMS). These systems have evolved from simple employee databases to comprehensive tools that can revolutionize how businesses operate. In this blog, we'll explore seven ways an HRMS system can transform your business operations.
1. Streamlined Recruitment Process
Recruiting top talent is a critical function of any HR department. An HRMS system can significantly streamline the recruitment process by automating many of the tasks involved. From posting job ads to tracking applications and scheduling interviews, an HRMS can handle it all.
Automation of Administrative Tasks
HRMS systems can automate repetitive administrative tasks, freeing up HR professionals to focus on more strategic activities. For example, an HRMS can automatically screen resumes based on predefined criteria, schedule interviews, and send out automated emails to candidates.
Enhanced Candidate Experience
A streamlined recruitment process not only benefits HR but also improves the candidate experience. An HRMS system provides a seamless application process, timely communication, and easy access to information, enhancing the overall candidate experience.
Data-Driven Decision Making
HRMS systems provide detailed analytics and reporting capabilities that can help HR professionals make data-driven decisions. For example, an HRMS can track the source of the most successful hires, helping HR to focus their recruitment efforts on the most effective channels.
2. Improved Employee Onboarding
Employee onboarding is a crucial step in the employee lifecycle. A well-structured onboarding process can lead to higher employee satisfaction and retention rates. An HRMS system can revolutionize the onboarding process by automating and streamlining it.
Personalized Onboarding Plans
An HRMS system can create personalized onboarding plans for new hires, ensuring that they receive the training and resources they need to succeed in their roles. This can include automated workflows, task lists, and access to relevant documents and training materials.
Seamless Integration
An HRMS system can integrate with other systems used by the company, such as payroll and benefits administration, ensuring that new hires are set up in all necessary systems from day one. This reduces the administrative burden on HR and ensures a smooth onboarding process.
Ongoing Support
An HRMS system can provide ongoing support to new hires through self-service portals and access to training materials. This helps new employees quickly get up to speed and feel supported as they transition into their new roles.
3. Enhanced Employee Engagement
Employee engagement is a key driver of productivity and retention. An HRMS system can help improve employee engagement in several ways.
Performance Management
An HRMS system can provide tools for continuous performance management, including goal setting, performance reviews, and feedback. This helps employees stay aligned with company objectives and receive regular feedback on their performance.
Employee Recognition
An HRMS system can include employee recognition programs, allowing employees to recognize and reward their peers for their contributions. This can boost morale and create a positive work environment.
Employee Surveys
An HRMS system can facilitate regular employee surveys to gather feedback on various aspects of the workplace. This feedback can be used to identify areas for improvement and take action to address employee concerns.
4. Efficient Payroll and Benefits Administration
Payroll and benefits administration can be time-consuming and complex. An HRMS system can streamline these processes and ensure accuracy and compliance.
Automated Payroll Processing
An HRMS system can automate payroll processing, ensuring that employees are paid accurately and on time. This includes calculating wages, taxes, and deductions, and generating pay stubs.
Benefits Administration
An HRMS system can simplify benefits administration by providing a self-service portal where employees can enroll in and manage their benefits. This reduces the administrative burden on HR and ensures that employees have easy access to their benefits information.
An HRMS system can help ensure compliance with various labor laws and regulations by automating compliance-related tasks and providing regular updates on changes in legislation. This reduces the risk of non-compliance and associated penalties.
5. Data Management and Analytics
Data is a valuable asset for any business. An HRMS system can help manage and analyze HR data to provide valuable insights.
Centralized Data Management
An HRMS system provides a centralized repository for all HR data, making it easy to access and manage. This includes employee records, payroll information, benefits data, and more.
Advanced Analytics
An HRMS system can provide advanced analytics capabilities, allowing HR professionals to analyze data and identify trends. For example, an HRMS can track employee turnover rates, identify the causes of turnover, and develop strategies to improve retention.
Data Security
An HRMS system ensures the security and confidentiality of HR data by implementing robust security measures. This includes data encryption, access controls, and regular security audits.
6. Regulatory Compliance
Compliance with labor laws and regulations is a critical aspect of HR management. An HRMS system can help ensure compliance and reduce the risk of non-compliance.
Automated Compliance Reporting
An HRMS system can automate compliance reporting, ensuring that all necessary reports are generated accurately and on time. This includes reports related to payroll, benefits, and employee records.
Regular Updates
An HRMS system provides regular updates on changes in labor laws and regulations, ensuring that HR professionals are always informed about the latest requirements. This helps to ensure that the company remains compliant with all relevant laws and regulations.
Audit Trails
An HRMS system provides audit trails for all HR activities, making it easy to track and verify compliance-related tasks. This can be especially useful during audits or investigations.
7. Scalability and Flexibility
As businesses grow and evolve, their HR needs change. An HRMS system can provide the scalability and flexibility needed to support this growth.
Scalable Solutions
An HRMS system can scale to accommodate the growing needs of a business. This includes adding new users, expanding functionality, and integrating with other systems.
Customizable Workflows
An HRMS system can provide customizable workflows to meet the unique needs of the business. This includes creating custom workflows for recruitment, onboarding, performance management, and more.
An HRMS system can adapt to changes in the business environment, such as changes in labor laws or shifts in business strategy. This ensures that the HRMS system remains relevant and effective over time.
Implementing an HRMS system can revolutionize your business operations by streamlining processes, improving efficiency, and providing valuable insights. From recruitment and onboarding to payroll and compliance, an HRMS system can transform how your business manages its human resources. By leveraging the power of an HRMS system, businesses can create a more productive, engaged, and compliant workforce, driving long-term success.
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