ubataclass · 4 years
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Attending #stanbyme #2🏐🏐#let'sgotocommand#endplay #hungry #fuckcovid19 #fuckpolitics #fuckistilllookgood @🧩#🔫 (presso Roma "ladrona") https://www.instagram.com/p/B_2pXX1oCio/?igshid=yqrptehjd04z
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himalayev · 3 years
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ENDPLAYS ⁽¹³⁾ ii
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maladelusio · 3 years
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fantasy!verse: staged/terminal (endplay? curtain call?)
-staged thinks terminal is very 'interesting' from the start 
-terminal finds him insincere 
 -slow burn on both ends
-COUCH SWEET COUCH blanket knitted by unde(r)termination papyrus. 
-yes technically this is alt errink i am only a little creacher 
 -staged dislikes the pirate eyepatch. thats why terminal wears it whenever he visits 
-...still soft enough on him to make him a scarf hehe
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beatricebidelaire · 5 years
more kit & bertrand & r & frank (&ernest & dewey) play bridge in a room at hotel denouement headcanons:  kibitzing
while usually only four of them had time to attend, mainly because dewey’s usually at his secret library and one of frank or ernest had hotel matters to attend to, so all four people get to play, occasionally frank and ernest just let the concierges do the work and they’re both at the bridge session and sometimes dewey ventures out of his library and there’ll be more than 4 people so some have to kibitz instead
r was a very attentive kibitzer and she generally picked a person to watch and put herself in their shoes and imagine what she would do if she were the one holding the cards. she would be very focused as if she herself was playing the hand. when r sat behind kit, since r was taller, she occasionally liked placing her chin on kit’s shoulder
dewey was a kibitzer with expressive emotions which everyone else kind of noticed. when he has certain feelings about the layout of cards he sees he often shows his shock or frown or any other emotion in his face. his emotions were frequently used to other people’s advantage because they could guess the cards of the person dewey was watching behind sometimes.
once when kit&r partnered to play frank&bertrand and dewey was looking at frank’s cards and while frank kept a neutral expression throughout and gave nothing away, kit took one look at dewey’s deep frown that said “with these cards frank’s very likely to get endplayed” and decided to go with the route of throwing in frank and endplaying him rather than finessing bertrand twice and the route she chose made the contract. after the board bertrand, sitting opposite of frank, said, “dewey i think you sitting behind frank is very distracting for me because of the it’s like double the amount of handsomeness in front of me so could you do me a favor and go sit behind kit instead” dewey was like very baffled “are you flirting with me?” and kit who knew exactly what bertrand was doing interjected immediately “yes he is which is why you should go sit behind him instead” and bertrand glared at kit and dewey’s like “???” and r rolled her eyes and explained “dewey you’re giving away too much information every time you look at someone else’s card”
and then there’s ernest who’d gotten inspired by dewey and decided to fake his expressions which have nothing to do with the cards he saw, sometimes he would pretend to be shocked or excited when looking at very plain cards and sometimes he would lean in and fake whisper to bertrand suggesting which route to play but what he said was actually totally not applicable and he was just doing it for the chaos
frank was a good kibitzer during the time a board was being played because he could keep his expression completely neutral and devoid of information unlike either of his brothers, who either accidentally gave away truthful emotions or deliberately created false ones. but after the board, he often immediately listed out the mistakes made by people who played and how they might’ve played differently. sometimes an argument ensues “that’s speaking from hindsight” “it’s not the route with best probability that only worked since ...” “i did this move for [inserted reasons] and i think it made sense ...”
bertrand and kit generally did not prefer to kibitz and much preferred to play because they felt like they got easily distracted if they’re just watching. bertrand would have some desire to multitask and tried to watch the others play and read some coded letters at the same time and then the two tasks would distract each other. if he was playing with the cards actually in his hand he would completely get in the zone and focus on the game and calculated different odds and routes but he when not actually holding the cards or being the one playing it suddenly became harder to focus. kit was similar though she usually did not take out a letter to decode much as slip into her own thoughts and started designing a submarine in her head or other things like that and when she zoned back she’d often missed a couple of cards that were played. they both felt it was very easy to be super focused when they’re actually playing but not so much when they were just watching others play.
frank, when kibitzing, sometimes during boards which were more boring he would also do other things like trying to balance the hotel checkbook but he seemed to be able to balance between switching tasks well and not only could get some stuff done but he also didn’t miss the more exciting parts and k&b envied him for that. dewey didn’t really focus on the game sometimes either when watching and just concentrated on his library book instead and completely forgot about everyone else but unlike kit and bertrand he didn’t particularly mind nor try to focus on both the game and something else at once.
r and ernest were generally most attentive but r was much less chaotic as ernest was largely attentive because he wanted to calculate best way to make things chaotic
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aci32 · 2 years
AT THE GATES/MUNICIPAL WASTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hey folks, sorry for running 3 weeks late, but better late than never. Here’s my 12th review of 2022, At the Gates/Municipal Waste. This was the 2nd time I had seen At the Gates in the span of 3 weeks as I last saw them at Wacken Open Air and it was a great set, even though their set was short, like 45 mins and it was when they played all of Slaughter of the Soul, which is my fav At the Gates album. It also felt great to see Municipal Waste for the first time in almost 6 years and as well the first time I saw them play in the summer as the 1st and 3rd times I saw them were in the winter month of December, the former being 19 days before Christmas and the latter 48 hours before NYE 2016, 2nd time I saw them was in the fall, November 1, 2012. I will also point out this was the first time I saw Municipal Waste as an opening act and as well the first time in 14 years Municipal Waste and At the Gates toured together, which was on At the Gates’ reunion tour.
Let’s start the festivities!
The show started late as Enforced unfortunately were unable to make it and At the Gates’ tour bus ran late so the first band to take the stage was MUNICIPAL WASTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This was my 4th time seeing them live and they always have a great eneretic show. The moshpit was huge and people were crowdsurfing like no tomorrow. To wait almost 6 years for these guys to return felt like an eternity but nevertheless it was worth the wait as they were supposed to play with The Black Dahlia Murder and Testament 2 years ago but that show never materialized due to the pandemic, but this was just as awesome. Here’s their setlist:
IntroPlay Video
Breathe GreasePlay Video
You're Cut OffPlay Video
Grave DivePlay Video
Beer PressurePlay Video
Thrashing's My Business... And Business Is GoodPlay Video
Headbanger Face RipPlay Video
Blood VesselPlay Video
High Speed SteelPlay Video
Wave of DeathPlay Video
Sadistic MagicianPlay Video
Slime and PunishmentPlay Video
Black IcePlay Video
I Want to Kill the PresidentPlay Video
Electrified BrainPlay Video
Under the Waste CommandPlay Video
DemoralizerPlay Video
The Art of PartyingPlay Video
Born to Party
After Municipal Waste it was time for AT THE GATES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This was my 5th time seeing them and as well the 2nd time I saw them in a 3 week span as I had seen them on August 5th at Wacken Open Air after seeing Clutch, then after At the Gates at that time was Hypocrisy, and last but not least, Venom. This time around it was At the Gates on their own and they had a longer setlist that stretched 65 minutes from what I remember, so an improvement time wise. They also had Daniel Martinez from At the Gates doing lead guitar duties as I recall Martin Larsson handling a majority of them at Wacken. To see At the Gates play Slaughter of the Soul from front to back in a span of 3 weeks was nothing short of spectacular and I will never forget it. Here’s their setlist from Toronto:
Spectre of ExtinctionPlay Video
At War With RealityPlay Video
Der WiderstandPlay Video
To Drink From the Night ItselfPlay Video
The SwarmPlay Video
El Altar del Dios DesconocidoPlay Video
Death and the LabyrinthPlay Video
Slaughter of the Soul
Blinded by FearPlay Video
Slaughter of the SoulPlay Video
ColdPlay Video
Under a Serpent SunPlay Video
Into the Dead SkyPlay Video
Suicide NationPlay Video
World of LiesPlay Video
Unto OthersPlay Video
NauseaPlay Video
NeedPlay Video
The Flames of the EndPlay Video
The Night Eternal
Overall a great show and a great way to spend a Thursday night.
HEAVY METAL FOREVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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badbitchrecovery · 2 years
Cross Addiction </3
Cross-dependency and Cross-tolerance are two different things. When the same or similar effects Is achieved from one drug to another It Is called Cross-tolerance. Cross-dependency Is when a person who has become addicted to a certain drug uses a different drug, and alleviates the dependency of the former drug. An example of Cross-dependency Is a person that drinks alcoholically for years. A friend introduces them to methamphetamines and that person stops drinking all together and takes up an addiction to methamphetamines. This is a great example of a person becoming cross dependent. This may be because we addicts have different brain chemistry and they are hypersensitive to another different substance.
Tolerance and dependence happen In an individual after long term, chronic use of any mind or mood altering substance. To explain tolerance in short, we could say that more of the drug is needed to achieve the same effect. Tolerance and dependence develop as certain cells chemically and structurally change to counter act the effects of the drugs.
Dependence is the continued use of a drug or chemical that in endplay produces a tolerance to that drug or chemical. There is two parts to dependence, physical and psychological dependence. Physical dependence is grouped by tolerance and withdrawal. When we use drugs or alcohol for a time our bodies will develop a physical dependency to those drugs. With certain drugs without getting a medical detox can be fatal (alcohol, Xanax, Ativan, etc. . ). Psychological dependence results in things such as cravings, irritability, insomnia, depression, etc. . . our brains never forget the reward for administering a certain drug and it is those rewards that lead to psychological dependence. When drugs are introduced to the brain they stimulate the release of dopamine from receptors in the brain. When these receptors are stimulated it produces the feelings of excitement and pleasure. When we use continually our receptors become hyper activated and the body will make changes to adjust to the chemical to protect the body. The brain itself will turn off certain parts of the brain and therefore turn off some of the receptors. What this does is counter act the effect of the drug, which then results In our tolerance to that drug. As the brain continues to shut off parts of the brain that are stimulated the person will need to administer more and more of the drug to achieve the same effect, thus creating a tolerance.
If you are chemically dependent:
Be sure to tell your doctor that you are chemically dependent before accepting any prescription
Avoid using appetite suppressants, sleeping pills, or cough syrups.
Abstain from using alcohol or "recreational drugs". This includes beer, wine, marijuana, cocaine, along with being moderate about eating and exercise.
Spend time with others who are recovering from chemical dependency and follow the spiritual path of your choice.
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writer59january13 · 3 years
On beginning to compose a new poem...
January 7th, 2022
Assaying thoughts gambol, scuffling as in an affray née crushing, jockeying, stampeding... demanding equal airplay
gushing as metaphorical think spigot turned on full force airway
thru totally tubular cerebral microcosmic aisleway vesicular conduit fifty plus shades of gray
exhaling sigh of relief, cuz
transcending writer's block innovative talent with words did once again allay needless panic, where yours truly finds himself punchdrunk in some dark alleyway, an unfortunate fate aging baby boomer
once skinny long haired
pencil necked geek
during previous lifetime
branded as Unitarian heretic
and punished courtesy auto-da-fé
avert reminding myself to utilize ujjayi breath hard driving gateway
into Pranayama practices analogous to make emotional transit thru golden itty bitty teensy weensy archway
infinitesimal impossible mission to pinpoint areaway,
yet crisscrossing meditative zen zone an array
of utmost nirvana
will never lead effortless mantra buffeted concentration not lead astray
and matter of fact
lightness of being scaling metaphorical kickstarting
rah height aweigh
up yonder within outer limits of twilight zone
re: supraconsciousness keeping at bay non intrusive thoughts ruff lee collaring, mimicking belay boring bonafide dog obedience training
pant tum miming begging for limp bizkit, thus
canine loosening seat belt buckle
one notch braving violating no trespassing sign despite restriction
heavily populated tint
head nab yule Haitian made Christmas benday
eerily resembling voodoo cursed poppet summoned
if anybody doth betray not being spellbound
hence, blithely skipping
remainder of my poetry
magic edict I dust not bewray, no matter red clay
rambling man evincing dismay
upon approaching his endplay
regarding scrimmage with death
when divine creator
mine lovely bones he/she will fillet
impossible mission to get-a-way
grim reaper who will hollar hooray
as one mortal man does inveigh
against purposelessness born
live free and die until judgement day.
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ubataclass · 4 years
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80ena#moderastafun#ioescodicasa #pazzionemodellooks #outfitinspiration #endplay#basta #misonorottoilcazzo #dettoallafrancese 🤞🏻👏🏼📣🤪 (presso Les Paletuviers) https://www.instagram.com/p/B_P7AcXgkYw/?igshid=1c4m8enq6wr88
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himalayev · 3 years
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freybourg · 4 years
How To Escape An Endplay - Weekly Free #97 - Expert Bridge Commentary
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sentinelleblr · 4 years
“ For years, some social media users have tried to delegitimize controversial or political protests with baseless theories “
“It’s frustrating when people from the outside start instigating and try to turn American against American.”
0 notes
gnewscar · 5 years
How to Repair Turbochargers And Effectively Solve Problems?
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How to Repair Turbochargers -gNewscar.com- Turbocharger repair-a car engine that has been using a turbocharger does require extra maintenance compared to non-turbocharger cars. Because if it is wrong to take care of turbo can be damaged where the new buy cost will be very expensive once to dozens also for turbochargers that small size. Turbocharger maintenance is actually freemaintenance where we do not need to do demolition and cleaning of turbo components. More focused to note is the routine of engine oil change and radiator water, since these two components are later also used as lubrication and cooling systems within the turbocharger system. Then the question is if we ignore the oil and radiator treatments and the turbochargers suffer damage, whether the turbocharger can be serviceable or repaired?. The answer of course can be, usually we need a replacement component or often called "repair kit " that the price per set is also decent even though it is only a kit. The approximate repair kit itself is roughly about 2 to 3 million to a small turbo engine. Is an effective turbo engine that is already in repair reused? Most likely from some experience in the field turbo will not be able to last a long time, different from the condition before the repair that can last a dozen years. Sometimes for turbo machine repair results in the term of a semester or year alone is already experiencing fussy back. It is very reasonable considering the material repair kits in the market are also different. That is why the official workshops more suggest replacing new than servicing, although the new price can be more than 15JT rupiah for 1 unit of small turbo engine. If calculated to replace new components even if it looks expensive more economical than repair that may be half a year the problem comes again, again and again imagine how much repair kit you should buy and also the install service that you should Prepare it later. After replacing the turbo engine you should regularly change the oil on schedule, or sooner than the set schedule will be better. Similarly the radiator system. Hopefully useful.
How to Repair Turbochargers
Wastegate Turbocharger Check Check the work of the wastegate. If the wastegate can not open perfectly then it will cause a problem overboost that triggers the detonation, but if wastegate stuck open position or can not close perfectly then the gas pressure ekshaust of the turbine wheel will leak so that the turbo charger is not able to generate the boost pressure. Try removing the linkage on the wastegate and move it by hand whether the wastegate can close perfectly. In cars that do not have a turbocharged boost pressure gauge on the instrument panel use a vacuum/pressure gauge tool to measure pressure or stress on the intake manifold. The vacuum/pressure gauge tool will measure the vaccine in units of Hg and measure the pressure in PSI units. The vacuum/pressure gauge tool should be mounted on the vacuum duct intake manifold and should not only be mounted on the vacuum hose holes that connect the intake manifold with the carburetor or throttle body. Place the parking brake and transmission in neutral position or Parking, then turn the engine round a few times by stepping on the accelerator in full. The pointer needle on LAT vacuum/pressure gauge must move from vacuum position to boost position as the engine round increases. The manufacturer's turbocharger boost pressure setting typically ranges from 9lb to 14lb. If the turbocharger is not at all able to produce the boost pressure according to the specification or pressure under the standard, pay attention to the stress readings when the machine position is idle. In previous models, if no vaccine leakage or detainees in the exhaust flow will show 16 to 22 Hg in idle. Pambacaan under this value indicates the possibility of excessive back pressure on the ekshaust duct or the occurrence of air leakage in the intake channel before the throttle body (check the turbocharger hose from the possibility of leaking or loose loss). Turbocharger Checks If the test result indicates that the vaccine is under normal circumstances but the turbocharger still cannot produce the boost pressure which should be the next step is to look for damage incurred in the turbocharger. One of the most frequent causes of the turbocharger boost pressure loss is the breakdown in turbocharger shaft bearings that lead to excessive friction and resistance between the compressor wheel and the turbine wheel with the Housas. Turbochargers can spin at speeds above 100,000 rpm, so if there is an excessive oblation in the turbocharged shaft bearings it will result in wheel turbocharger coming into contact with the Housas. Excessive friction will hamper the wheel of the turbocharger so that it is unable to generate maximum boost pressure. The best way to check for bearing or contact issues between housing with a turbo wheel is to remove the plumbing intake or ekshaust from the turbocharger (whichever is easier) in order to peek inside the turbocharger. If there are friction signs on the turbochargers or housing means that the bearings are Oblak and the turbocharger must be replaced or repaired. Try to turn the turbine turbo by hand while feeling a rough or restrained round, if the turbine turbo cannot spin freely it needs to be repaired or replaced. Another problem that should be examined is the presence of cracks, or abnormal conditions in the turbine wheel blades. The turbo propeller is a component that has a very precise balance. Average turbine turbochargers used in automotive are in-balancing up to 0.001 ounces. The condition of the turbine wheel propeller that is cracked, worn or scratched can make an imbalance in the turbine rounds. Turbo may still be able to spin freely but the imbalances will make the rotation not reach the maximum rpm and will eventually make the shaft bearing not straight. There is no way to fix the imbalance of the rotating components, if there is an indication of damage then the only way is to do the replacement of components. To check for bearing gaps there is no need to remove and disassemble the turbocharger parts, simply by using the indicator dial mounted on the SAHFT hub to inspect the freeplay bearing. Upper and lower shaft movements should not be more than 0.0762 mm to 0.1524 mm. Endplay should not be more than 0.0254 mm to 0.0762 mm. Turbocharger damage If there is an indication of interference on the turbocharger then the turbocharger should Diloepaskan regardless if the later should be replaced or repaired. Thoroughly check the cause of the turbocharger damages so as not to repeat again after replacement or repair. The first thing to examine is the condition of the shaft bearing. Bearings usually suffer damage due to contaminated oil or also due to insufficient lubrication. If there is scratches or wear on the bearing surface is an indication that the oil is dirty due to unfiltered. Check the oil filter's possible cure. If the oil filter starts to clogged and bypass the open valve then the unfiltered oil will circulate to the turbocharger and the other machine parts. If the inside of the bearing appears blackened as it burns the likelihood of oil that thickens into the cause. Turbocharger bearings get the cooling effect of circulating oil and during working temperature are within normal limits so as to prevent the occurrence of oil thickening. But when the engine is turned off, the temperature in the turbocharger housing can increase to 300 to 400 degrees Celsius. Due to the heat, oil will suffer oxidation and form oil deposits in abrasive housing resulting in bearing wear. Using high-temperature oil or synthetic oil, installing additional oil coolers, and conducting engine oil change every 5000 Km can prevent oil quality degradation and oil deposit formation. In turbochargers with water cooler, oil deposit formation problems are smaller if oil change is done periodically and uses quality engine oil. So if there is an accumulation of oil deposits in the turbocharger housing try to check the cooling system hose from the possibility of being pinned or blocked. Bearings look melted or shiny as an indication of the lack of lubrication. Check the amount of engine oil, oil leakage and the presence of oil channel obstruction between turbocharger and engine or engine oil pressure too low (minimum oil pressure for engine with Turbo is about 30 Psi) The lack of a sling when the machine is turned off can be prevented in two ways, namely: By letting the machine idle one or minutes before it is turned off after the hard run, it will give time to cool the turbo. Installing an aftermarket reservoir that will automatically keep the oil pressure for a few minutes after the machine is turned off. Oil reservoirs will also put the initial pressure on the turbo oil channel to prevent the dry start from starting when the machine starts. Not centre, cracked and ruptured bearings are usually caused by unsealed shafts and wheel assembly or excessive trailer openings. The next thing to note is the condition of the compressor and turbine wheel. The cracks are usually caused by metal saturation, but the bending and damage of the propeller due to the presence of foreign objects about the propeller. If the propeller compressor wheel appears to be unsizzling the possibility of unfiltered dirty air into the intake system. Last check the condition of the housing. Replace housing if cracked, corrosion or curved. Be careful not to buy housing made of ordinary cast iron material. Exhaust housing must be made of nickel alloy which is resistant to high temperature. See Also : Reason, Why Diesel Engine Cars Should Change Oil Frequently? Overhaul Turbocharger The safest is to install a new turbocharger or a remanufactured result to replace a faulty turbocharger. This not only avoids repeated damage, but also the warranty. Read the full article
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aci32 · 2 years
Hi folks, sorry for running 3 weeks late but better late than never, here is my 11th review of 2022 and my welcome home show, Anthrax and BLS!!!!!!! This was the first time in 3 years I saw both these bands as I saw them in Toronto and Wacken Open Air respectively and I hit a milestone with BLS, which I will get to later. This was also the first time I had been to a show at the new History venue opened by Drake last November and I must say I was pleasantly surprised with the presence of A/C and as well crystal clear sound, this venue definitely smokes the Rebel nightclub by a landslide as it reminds me a bit of the Kool Haus with the crystal clear sound and the fact it has restaurants nearby, whereas Rebel has fuck all in terms of restaurants since it’s in the middle of buttfuck nowhere.
Let’s start the festivities!
First band up was Hatebreed. This was my 3rd time seeing them and first time seeing them in 7 years as funnily enough I last saw them with Butcher Babies and BLS when BLS were on their own headlining tour and it was the final show at the Kool Haus. Jamey Jasta was quite funny when he was telling people in the pit area to “come out of moshpit retirement” and at one point he jokingly said “I’ll pay for your knee operation”. I was rather shocked and angered when Hatebreed omitted Destroy Everything from their setlist as that is their signature song and signature closing song, so this is by far the most boring Hatebreed performance I’ve seen to date.
Second band up was BLACK LABEL SOCIETY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This was my 10th time seeing them as I last saw them 3 years ago when they played The Opera House and they played Sonic Brew in it’s entirety to celebrate 20 years since it debuted at the time. It’s always a great time for me seeing BLS live but I can definitely do without Zakk Wylde wearing the kilt onstage unless if he has Scottish heritage as the tartan he wears looks like my family tartan. Plus the heritages I know Zakk has are Irish and German since his birth name is Jeffrey Phillip Wielandt. As much as the guitar duel between he and Dario Lorina was entertaining, it did get a bit excessive. Also it was funny when Zakk had made the sarcastic remark saying “So the Toronto Maple Leafs are the best hockey team here huh?” Which drew resounding boos in reference to the Leafs’ repeated failures in making it to the second round of the Stanley Cup playoffs. Here’s their setlist:
Funeral BellPlay Video
Destroy & ConquerPlay Video
OverlordPlay Video
Heart of DarknessPlay Video
A Love UnrealPlay Video
You Made Me Want to LivePlay Video
In This RiverPlay Video
Trampled Down BelowPlay Video
Set You FreePlay Video
Fire It UpPlay Video
Suicide MessiahPlay Video
Last band up was ANTHRAX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This was my 4th time seeing them as I last saw them at Wacken Open Air 3 years ago and I enjoyed this show more in comparison that my glasses case didn’t fall out of my pocket like how it did 3 years ago after I saw Body Count at WOA 2019. Atmosphere wise, Wacken kicks the shit out of Toronto gigs any day. At one point Scott Ian made reference to Anthrax playing the El Mocambo when someone at the Meet & Greet had told him about it and as well Scott Ian made a few wisecracks in between songs as well. Anthrax still have a phenomenal live show and at 61 Joey Belladonna is as energetic as ever. At the end of In the End he sang a snippet of Heaven & Hell in tribute to Dio and as well at the end of the show, sang a snippet of Red Barchetta in tribute to Rush and Neil Peart. Here’s their setlist:
Among the LivingPlay Video
Caught in a MoshPlay Video
MadhousePlay Video
Metal Thrashing MadPlay Video
Keep It in the FamilyPlay Video
Antisocial(Trust cover)Play Video
I Am the LawPlay Video
In the EndPlay Video
OnlyPlay Video
Got the Time(Joe Jackson cover)Play Video
Bring the Noise(Public Enemy cover)Play Video
Indians(Joey sings the opening line to "Red Barchetta" by Rush as they leave the stage)
Overall a great show and a great way to spend a Tuesday night
HEAVY METAL FOREVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
0 notes
topicprinter · 7 years
1. Pick your website niche Do you want to make a niche site, personal site, passion project site, business site, or ecommerce site, etc? What topic will your site be focused on?Choose something you are interested in and then move onto step 2 where you will brainstorm a list of domain names based on what you want your site to focus on.2. Brainstorm a list of domain names A domain name is what people will type into the internet address bar to visit your site.What type of site do you want to create?You’ll want to pick a name that fits the type of site you want to create. In step 4 you will be choosing a specific domain name, so take the time right now to write down a list of 10 possible names for your site.Think creative, short, and brandable when brainstorming your list of possible ideas.To give you an idea of how you can get creative and think of different types of names, here is an example of my brainstormed domain name ideas for a dogwalking site: dogwalk.com furryfriend.com favpup.com favpuppy.com rollover.com furfriend.com thefurfriend.com furbaby.com walkable.com stacywalks.com stacysdogwalk.comI have found, the more general a name can be, and the shorter a name can be, the better it is. I have picked domain names that are way too long and I regret those names. I’ve also picked names that are way too specific, and I regret those when I decide to go in a slightly different direction with my site.Based on my experience my best advice is to pick a short name that is as general as possible. Interestingly enough, my favorite domain names have also not included the keyword I am targeting so don’t be afraid to be creative and not include your target keyword in your domain name.3. Set up hostinga. I'd recommend Hostgator since I ask a lot of questions and they always answer themb. There are 3 plan options, the basic, essentials and pro plans. Choose the basic plan if you want to make 1 site.Plan difference summary: Choose the essentials plan if you want to make more than 1 site right away.Choose the Pro Plan if you want to make an ecommerce site because it comes with an SSL certificate, which makes your site more secure and allows it to process credit card payments.If you want to make an ecommerce site, consider using Shopify instead, since it is my favorite ecommerce-specific platform, requires less customization to sell products, and is built specifically for ecommerce stores.4. Pick a domain name Use your brainstormed domain name list above as a starting point to choose your domain name.Domain name facts: Every website has a domain name which is what you type into the internet address bar to visit a site. Every domain name is unique which means once it is taken it can’t be used again unless the owner decides to sell it. Since every domain name can only be used once, this means many domain names are already taken by the current 644 million websites in the world. This means you have to be creative and flexible when picking one, since your #1 desired name may not be available.Some domain name choosing tips: Choose a short, brandable name Go for 2-3 syllables Try first for a .com because users are familiar with .coms and it increases user trust with your siteIf the .com you have your heart set on is unavailable, look to see if the .org or .net version is available, for example if you wanted furryfriend.com and that was unavailable, try furryfriend.org or furryfriend.net to see if those are available instead. If you’re having trouble finding an available name you like, try adding a the to the beginning of your domain name or a place or shop to the endPlay around until you find a name you like that is availablePlay around and type your domain name ideas into the ‘Enter Your Domain’ field to see what is available.Uncheck the domain privacy protection box as you scroll down.5. Choose a hosting plan Pick the 1 month plan unless you’re sure you want your site for more than one month, then feel free to choose a longer plan6. Make sure you uncheck all additional services. They try to get you by having all these $$ addons.7. Use a coupon code. The two best coupon codes are PENNYSAVE11 and CUTCOST25Enter the coupon code PENNYSAVE11 to get your first month of hosting for one cent.Enter the coupon CUTCOST25 to save 25% off a longer plan. You can choose the coupon that works best for you. If you are choosing to get more than 1 month of hosting up front, CUTCOST25 will save you more money, and if you are starting with 1 month of hosting, then PENNYSAVE11 will be the best deal.**Scroll back up and make sure all additional service boxes are unchecked, because you don’t need any of the additional services and they will add to the total cost.9. Install WordPress on your site Now, install WordPress on your site, which is the free platform that makes it easy to build and customize your site. Click the ‘Hosting’ tab:Click ‘Get Started With WordPress Today’Click ‘WordPress’Select your domain from the dropdown menu, click ‘Next’Fill in your blog title, username, first name, last name and an email address then click install to install wordpress10. Type your domain name into the address bar to look at your site.Congratulations, you have a brand new site!11. Login to your site Now for the fun part, we can login to your site. Go to your email and click the WordPress install complete email from Hostgator. Copy the username and password from the email:To login to your site, type your domain name into the address bar and add /wp-admin to the end.For example, if my domain name were favpuppy.com, I would type favpuppy.com/wp-admin into the address bar. This will bring you to your site’s login pageNow enter the username and password from Hostgator’s WordPress Install Welcome email to login to your site You’re in!12. Change your theme If you want to change your theme, you can click ‘Appearance’ then ‘Themes’ to see the different theme options:Then click ‘Add new theme’, and choose a new theme for your site:13. Add your first post Click ‘Posts’ then click ‘Add New’:Add a title to your post and add in some content. Then hit ‘Publish’ to make your post visible.Type your domain name in the search bar to check out your new post.Now that you have the basics set up, you probably want to customize your site even more and keep learning.WordPress Plugins WordPress plugins allow you to do amazing things with your site. Plugins are addins to your site that can do almost anything. My favorite free plugins are: * The Google Analytics plugin, which allows you to see visitor statistics including how many people visit your site and on what pages. * The Sumo plugin, which allows you to collect emails using simple popups. * The Simple Social Icons plugin, which allows you to insert your social media accounts as icons for visitors to easily access as they browse your site * The Yoast SEO plugin, which sets your site up for SEO success and allows you to easily edit your site meta title and meta tags without touching the code as well as guides you through setting your site up with many SEO best practices All the above plugins are also free, which is awesome.Good luck!
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dridineji · 8 years
(Yoga Music-Workout Songs)
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zenruption · 5 years
7 Signs You’re Driving With Bad Wheel Bearings
Snap. Grind. Pop.
When you hear these unusual sounds while driving, chances are, your wheel bearings need immediate attention.
Get Your Bearings
It is unsafe for you to keep on driving when you hear strange noises coming from your car. This means that there is a problem somewhere, and that you should take the time to have the car checked as soon as possible.
Sounds like clicking, grinding, or popping are just some of the tell-tale signs that there might be something wrong with your wheel bearings. Automotive wheel bearings are tiny steel balls set together in a steel cage. These sets of balls are responsible for helping wheels turn and spin freely. At the same time, they help reduce friction and secure the wheel onto your vehicle.
These bearings work hard, so they eventually succumb to wear and tear. Once they are worn down, the abovementioned noises start.
Here are some tips from a trusted bearings manufacturer for spotting the signs and symptoms of a bad wheel bearing:
1. Abnormal side pulling
You should give appropriate attention to your car when you experience an unusual side pull while stepping on the brakes.
While a faulty caliper could be the cause of this problem, one cannot rule out loose bearings as another source of the abnormal pull. Severe looseness of the bearings can lead to excessive turnout which, in turn, causes the brakes to pull or pulsate.
2. Clicking, popping, or snapping sounds
You usually hear this noise when cornering or making sharp turns.
Clicking, popping, or snapping sounds are usually caused by a worn or damaged CV-joint. However, the cause could also be excessive bearing endplay, which is usually the result of poor clamping.
3. Grinding while the car is in motion
You usually hear this noise when turning or shifting.
This type of noise is normally a sign of a lack of bearing integrity, often caused by raceway or roller damage. It could also mean that there is existing mechanical damage within the wheel-end system.
4. Growling, humming, or howling sounds
These kinds of noises can start up when you are driving in a straight direction.
The sound increases as you turn the wheels slightly to either direction. Normally, the defective side is the side opposite of where the noise is coming from.
5. Uneven or abnormal tire wear
Worn or excessive looseness in the bearings can cause abnormal tire wear.
In addition, other common causes for tire wear can be attributed to improper tires, misalignment, incorrect tire inflation or pressure, and damaged or worn suspension components.
6. Wobbling or wheel vibrations
Wobbling or wheel vibrations can be caused by an improper clamp (or the lack of it). It can also be because of mechanical damage in the bearings.
This symptom is also commonly connected to suspension, worn tires, or wheel components. Severe chassis misalignment could also be a culprit.
7. Anti-lock Braking System failure
If the Anti-lock Braking System lights up, then this is a sign of extreme mechanical damage. Due to incorrect movement in relation to too much endplay, the car can experience loss or lack of bearing clamp. This loss or reduction in bearing clamp is usually brought about by mechanical damage caused by corrosion.
When this happens, it is crucial that you bring the car to an authorized service center right away so you can avoid any untoward incidents on the road.
Bear in Mind
Your car’s wheel bearings and hub take on too much load, especially if you use your car every day. This means these parts are also prone to excessive wear and tear and will eventually break down.
Depending on external factors such as heat, moisture, or road salts, wheel bearings are built to endure for a long time. Typically, these can last for about 160,000 kilometers, so you may only have to replace it about once in a car’s lifetime.
Regardless of this fact, when you notice the signs and symptoms discussed here, it would be wise to bring your car in for a thorough checkup. Head to your trusted auto repair shop and have a professional mechanic or auto technician take a look. Authorized service centers also have the appropriate diagnostic and repair tools to ensure that your car will be back in tip-top shape in no time.
Hassanein Alwan is the Managing Director of Mineral Circles Bearings with more than 10 years' experience in the bearing industry's technical support division, sales and marketing, plus strategic business development consultancy.
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