#enjoy some emo poetry
shanaraki · 2 years
I love how we're seeing the different emo bands takes on nostalgia.
Brendon Urie is out there ruining himself 'cause he wants to keep the concept of Panic! At the Disco alive like some violently murdered corpse whose limbs and hair are clipped to the body, now more a memory than a solid thing.
MCR is making fun of just of that, of the way the industry is selling a distorted version of the events of their past. They are mocking the way people expects them to stay frozen on a time when they were miserable, just because that's profitable for the music industry, just because their suffering is entertaining. But MCR won't do that, they won't back down after all they've gone through, after all they have won (because they fought hard for it!), after all the improvement. They have the right to live now, create new things.
Paramore reminded everyone of how that past? The one they so badly want back? That past was full of racism and misogyny and homophobia !!!!!Bands like MCR and FOB and Paramore were not enough because they were too queer or too black or too femenine. They are "heroes of the scene" NOW not because the scene has always loved or embraced them, but because they all refused to disappear, to give up, to give in. The real triumph is for them to enjoy, because now the scene is crying and begging for them to be back (but not them just the image of them) and they can say "fuck you, this is for my bandmates and the fans!".
And now FOB is back, with Pete Wentz spitting poetry about how nostalgia can be such a strong feeling, but there's more than just it. You cannot stay for the memories to consume you, not when there is so much to see, so much to do, so many details happening right here and now for you to enjoy. You need to acknowledge your past with all it carries and you need to move forward. You can't stop, because nostalgia can and will try to kill you, but why would you let it? Why are we supposed to live from the past? FOB have been called sellouts their whole time they've been here, so why would they listen now to the noise? It's just them, their fans and the people they love on this journey.
I love MCR I love FOB I love Paramore because they won't be used to manipulate the audience into believing the past was better. It was not. Now is better, the future they've made, the future they fought for. Now is theirs and ours. They win now.
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small-world-au · 3 months
Ramshackle Stone facts you might have/haven’t heard of before!
By yours, truly :333
(FYI, some of these fact are super old and might’ve changed for current canon!)
Stone’s name isn’t ACTUALLY Stone! It’s his last name!
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His first name could possibly be Eric, Phillipé, or Cecil! As stated by Zeddyzi on one of her older posts.
(I personally think Eric suits him better!)
He has a fear of rats/mice/and death!
He’s possibly aromatic and Demi.
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He hates bananas cuz of their texture!
He’s into astronomy! 🪐
It’s possible that in the future he’ll open up in future, but he’ll just stick to smoking and drinking for now. (He’s a VERY private person!)
He’s a big crybaby. (And me too :3)
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He can’t fuckin dance.
He listens to Nirvana! (Is that how u spell it????)
He has a love/hate relationship with his violin. 🎻
He can also be quite childish when it comes to potty humor.
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He’s actually super sweet and sentimental when not sober!
He’s the most happiest when he’s surrounded by puppies or just chilling with friends. :333
His birthday is on march 14!
As stated by Zeddyzi, if he were to have a blog, it be about science!
If he were going to date someone, it be someone he’s already close to! (He ain’t picky as long there’s a strong connection!)
If you were to take him on a date, he’ll just act awkwardly. (Cute :3)
He’s not very artistic.
He doesn’t like food. (especially spicy food!)
To express his love, he gets drunk…(um…what???)
He fidgets A LOT in his sleep.
If he were in a dangerous situation and he’s SUPER drunk, he just be standing there like a deer in headlights.
When drunk, he can’t fight for shit! (Save this confused man!)
He’s very grateful for his friends and is scared to lose them if he fucks up. (Same 😎.)
He’s not funny. Can’t even tell a fucking joke to save his own life!
He’s definitely the “don’t you pull that stupid shit” mom type as confirmed by Zeddyzi!
His blood type is B! (positive or negative, it’s not confirmed yet.)
If he were to be a Pokémon trainer, his team would be ghost/ice type!
He has a habit of being/staying clean, but often times fails miserably at it.
He doesn’t exercise. (maybe when he’s running tho!)
He trips a lot.
He loves doggos!
He hates anime.
His turn on/off is science/when people try talking to him. (Eh???)
He wears eyeliner! (According to Zi, he was born with it???)
OH!!!! HE LIKES EMO POETRY!!!! (As shown in Zi microwaving the Stone plush to DEAT-)
AND HE HAS BLACK 💅!!! (They couldn’t animate in the pilot cuz, ya know, it be difficult to animate.)
That’s all I have for today! Hope you enjoyed reading these facts about our beloved emo boy🖤🖤🖤!!!
Have a stone and skipp drawing! (Art by @zeddyzi )
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Edit: shout out to @k1tkatzzz for pointing out that interesting detail!
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tellerluna-stories · 2 years
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PAIRING: scaramouche x reader
GENRE: canon-compliant. belligerent romantic tension, flirting but not quite flirting, the trope of helping the other get ready for an important event.
TW/CW: slight spoilers for 3.2 archon quest (although it was literally revealed in the livestream so idk if it counts as spoilers).
A/N: boo, I'm alive (sort of.) I can't believe I'm writing for emo pinocchio, much less simping for him (yes, @x-zho and @byeol-ssi you read that correctly),,,, but HEY IF THIS DRABBLE GETS ME OUTTA BURNOUT DEPRESSION Y NAT COCONUT
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"How fares your one follower, Lord Harbinger?"
The Balladeer pauses in the middle of what he's doing, a tangle of energy tubes falling around his ankles like an undignified noodle dish. Your voice is carefully, perfectly even, your eyes steadily fixed on your book as if nothing was the matter.
"Haypasia? Well, she's the first of many to come, so of course she is someone of great prestige in my eyes."
He enjoys the faint flicker in your eyes, choking back a taunting smile as your grip tightens on your book. To say that he held affection for you would be staunchly denied, but there was nothing Scaramouche delighted in more than to wear your nerves out.
"As she should be. Never forget the service she has done you, sir."
"And what of the service you owe me?" He retorts. "I don't recall summoning you here just so you could sit and recite pretty words to me while I do all the work."
An exasperated sigh and a slight rustle as you get up from your chair, followed by the echoing sound of your footsteps as you began climbing the stairs to the head of his soon-to-be divine vessel. "I had assumed that you wouldn't want my assistance until I was called for."
"I'm sure Haypasia would have willingly volunteered to assist me." Scaramouche remarks idly, tracing a finger along the polished metal. "When it comes to loyalty to me, I'm sure that that girl is second to none."
Silence, just as expected. Your face is pristinely neutral when you reach the top of the stairs and place the book on the floor, but he knows better; he knows how the blood surges in your veins in not-quite-jealousy, how the air catches in your throat at the thought of someone being better devoted to him.
Up until now, the Balladeer had had a hard time finding an edge over your nonchalant nature, with any sharp jabs left blithely ignored or rebutted, with no room for nonsense— for out of all the people who dared test their bravery by working with him, you were one of the few who had remained mostly unaffected by his short temper.
But with a certain researcher in the equation, it seems that he had a new — and most entertaining — way to push your buttons.
"You shouldn't have tangled up the tethers like this, sir." You kneel down to untangle the mess of cables at his already-tethered feet, your hair falling forward to conceal your face. "The Doctor would not be pleased if something were to malfunction tomorrow due to something as minor as this."
He stands stock-still as your hands trace along the length of his arm, searching for where to attach the cables to his wrists and shoulders, your fingertips brushing against his back as you check for any loosened tethers; to an outsider, it would seem that you were merely performing the duties of a faithful assistant. But every move and word was choreographed, designed to bring out your true intentions under the guise of professionalism.
"Tell me," The Balladeer asks, a taunting lilt to his voice. "What sort of book are you reading that distracts you from my glory?"
"Just something I picked up in the Grand Bazaar." You reply, and soft hands brush against the sides of his neck, reaching to safely tether him to his vessel. "A book of short essays and poetry, written by some obscure but well-read author."
"What sort of poetry?" Scaramouche keeps his gaze locked on yours, pretending to be unaffected by the way your arms enclosed the air around him, the close proximity between the two of you. The fun part of the game was to never reveal your hand of cards, after all.
"The usual; some about life, or loss. The seasons, and some about places the author had been to." Your eyes briefly flicker to meet his. "Love poems, too."
He cannot help but smirk, knowing full well at what you were playing at; the two of you had an unspoken agreement, a mutual push and pull as you aimed to tear each other's heartstrings out and have the other dancing in the palm of their hand. "Care to recite one, then? I'd like to see if you can actually spew pleasant words for once."
"If that is what the Lord Harbinger wishes," was your response, your gaze drifting away to focus on adjusting the tethers on his hands and wrists one last time. "There is one piece that I particularly enjoy; allow me to retrieve my book so that I may read that to you."
You were clever— he had to admit as much. This very well could have been your plan all along, to grab his attention with a book that you were certain would make an impression on him; he would not put it past you to have made such a bold plan.
But since the Balladeer was soon to achieve his lifelong goal, he was feeling generous tonight— he would indulge your little schemes for today, just this once.
"Ah, here it is." You straighten up, the pages rustling as you flip to the correct page. "This essay is rather long, but this particular excerpt is my favourite."
Scaramouche watches as you begin to pace back and forth aimlessly, your lips parting to take a deep breath in preparation... and he waits. He waits for the next move in the chess game, for his turn to come.
"Look up to the stars, and remember the light in my eyes." One finger traces idly along the page, your eyes following it intently as if to bore a hole through the paper. "Look to the east, the rosy dawn, and think of my lips, sweetened with the honey of memories with you."
"But furthermore, evermore, I beg of you, my darling..." Your feet shift to wander towards him, stepping closer and closer till you were only a few paces away from where he stood.
"...Look at me and only me forevermore." You recited, tilting his head upwards with the edge of your book, your warm breath fanning his cheeks as you leaned ever-closer. "Are these the sort of words you'd like to hear from me, Lord Harbinger?"
"Hah." A chuckle escapes his mouth before he can stop himself— really, truly, this was all too entertaining! "That all depends on what I am to you."
"What I am to you is the same as what you are to me." For the first time that evening you smiled, a mirror of the same smile he had now; the air of both challenge and taunt hidden behind the guise of a pleasant expression. "I wish you good luck on your promotion tomorrow, Lord Harbinger."
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pmkinpiexox · 8 months
♡Pumpkin's intro♡
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♡Hello to all my lovely followers and anyone visiting my page~♡
♡Welcome and enjoy♡
♡This post is just some stuff about me♡
♡please leave and do not interact if you are not 18+♡
♡ Age: 23
♡Sagittarius sun, Leo moon, Aquarius rising. Year of the dragon 🐉 ✨️
♡ She/Her, They/Them, I genuinely do not have a preference so don't worry about ever offending me. But pls let me know if you'd like to be called by certain pronouns so I can be respectful to you <3
♡ Pansexual. DONT LET MY POSTS FOOL YOU. I'd like to start making posts for the girlies too soon~
♡ Switch but definitely sub leaning
♡ My dms are now open but may be slow <3
♡ Submissions and Asks are open. Please let me know if you want me to answer you privately.
♡ dumb princess
♡My kinks/Stuff Im into (nsfw)♡
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♡In no particular order♡
♡ Daddy kink
♡ Edging
♡ Denial
♡ Praise/degradation most praise tho
♡ cnc
♡ humping
♡ being tied up/handcuffs
♡ Sex toys
♡ Erotica/Erotic audios
♡ scissoring
♡ corruption kink
♡ mind control
♡ dirty talk
♡ rough sex and soft sex
♡ dumbification
♡ hentai
♡ roleplay
♡ guided masterbation
♡Absolutely not into♡
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♡ Diapers
♡ Animals
♡ Toilet stuff
♡ Vore
♡ Blood
♡ Self-harm/mutilation
♡ Anything under 18+
♡ Sounding
♡ Anal
♡ cumflation
♡ Milking
♡ Choking (but I do like being held by my neck)
♡ Humiliation
♡As long as your kinks/desires are consensual and safe, and between adults, I will not judge you♡
♡Special interests (sfw)♡
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♡ Stranger Things
♡ Video games
♡ Poetry
♡ Anime
♡ Tarot
♡ Astrology
♡ True crime/creepypastas (Idk if they call them that anymore but oh well)
♡ Reading
♡ Journaling
♡ Camping
♡ Alt/Indie/Rock/Angst/Musicals/Emo music
♡ Collecting rocks and trinkets like a little crow or gremlin <3
♡ weed 🌱 + psycs 🍄
♡Please again feel free to pop me any questions or dms you'd like~♡
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♡My sfw/main Tumblr:♡
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spritefoots-hell · 3 months
Ok the brainrot for inside out 2 is finally getting to me, im airing out some headcanons
Anxiety loves ASMR to unwind but is scared everyone will make fun of her if they know, so she wears ear buds
Ennui and disgust are the only ones anxiety lets style her hair other than herself. Ennui because they have been close for such a long time and disgust because she knows she won't mess it up
Ennui has the must fucked up sleep schedule, you don't even KNOW
Envy collects things. Shes a chronic horder. Same with anxiety, but for different reasons
Anxiety loves weighted blankets
Joy sometimes sings in her sleep. It's mainly the tripledent gum song, which pisses everyone off.
Sadness adores sad music in different languages. She loves how poetic they sound
Disgust is the one everyone goes to when their clothes rip and such
Fear constantly tries to flirt with anxiety but either backs out at the last minute or screams his romantic words, which overwhelms anxiety
Joy adores weird als music and will do covers with her accordion if you so much as mention weird al
Anger loves excessively violent songs, he finds them calming in a way
Embarrassment has a diary where he puts his drawings and feelings about the other emotions in. There's a lot about sadness in there
Ennui LIVES for emo music. She likes listening to it with anxiety
Anxiety learned French EXCLUSIVELY for ennui and to talk about French culture, books, movies and other stuff with her
Envy has two forms, the small one when she's only slightly jealous of someone and a huge, monster-like one for when she's truly envious of someone, like to the point of wanting to destroy that person's life or be exactly like them
Disgust and fear like watching drag race together
Every emotion has variations of their outfits, and the one they normally wear is their favorite
Anger sometimes wakes up in the middle of the night to make sure everyone is asleep and everything's ok.
Sadness really enjoys writing poetry but gets shy when asked about it
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bull-shit-suji · 6 months
kuro modern au stuff that i word vomited into my notes app
kind of a Vincent summoned sebastian to save ciel so ciel doesnt actually owe sebas anything
amnesia? idk
single dad moment! except theres this other dad whos kinda find.. (cough agni)
i think vincent was like do NOT let ciel know ur a demon so sebastian keeps it a secret but he doesnt have a good handle on like. Humans. so he kinda does a bad job and ciel definitely knows that he's weird but doesnt say anything. will go out of his way to gaslight you when sebastian does weird shit because he thinks its funny
"hey uhh is your dad levitating?"
"he's flying above the school rn"
"that's a bird"
u think suddenly being a butler is hard? have fun being a dad bitch
alois is there but thats complicated. claude and hannah are DIVORCED but on decent terms (i think claude is like. toxic alpha male podcast type guy) and claude sees alois on alternating weekends!
are they demons? i dont know
i think ciel and alois can be friends. platonically. alois would probably say yes if ciel wanted to be romantic but i Promise you he does not. they are just pals :)
im saying ciel has a crush on elizabeth because i can (she's not his cousin here). emo boy x sunny church girl. said sunny church girl has to ask the mcdonalds employees for the blue raspberry slushie they forgot to put in ciel's order because emo boy is too scared.
grelle is actually living her best life transitioned with anne so they are ciel's aunts on his late mom's side. i think grelle likes ciel. mom figure moreso than anne is.
ciel owns four bongs and definitely a vape or two. come on now
he's also probably got celiac and is lactose intolerant he is just a feeble boy i think
he listens to twenty one pilots. sorry! sorry.
ciel is goth alois is punk those r kinda just the rules
ciel is insanely smart top of the class this shit is easy for him.
yells at sebastian daily. figured out what happened with his real parents around the age of uhhhh 12 or 13? has been an absolute terror ever since
"it was really nice of your dad to bring cookies for the field trip!"
"i hope he fucking chokes on one"
sebastian and claude are pta rivals.
"is this lemon bread store bought? my, how... efficient!"
"you made these from scratch? i can tell."
"i've never seen an interesting looking salsa! very exciting."
ciel purposefully invites alois over constantly bcus it pisses sebas off. alois is Terrified of that man.
"go grab the chips from the kitchen"
"but... what if mr michaelis is in there?"
"mr m- you mean my dad? tell him he can shove a faucet up his ass"
"id rather die on the spot"
sebastian will yell at ciel and is maybe a little emotionally unavailable but he's trying!!! it's hard :(
does that Dad thing where he comes into ciels room and is like hey bud......... what r u up to..
ciel and seiglinde r also palls. the smartest people in school
lizzie is a JOCK. she plays softball.
alois is a theater kid come on now
ciel is best at writing and literature analysis, specifically fiction. enjoys history, language, and Some sciences as well.
au where myspace is still a thing ciel has a myspace account
he definitely writes shitty poetry
wants to major in business
alois is a glee and pitch perfect truther
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i love how edgy will's older stuff is. i think it's funny. i love imagining him as some angsty emo teenager posting poetry on his vent/gore blog which is an absolutely hilarious thing to imagine. also i genuinely enjoy confusing and pissing off people and by far the easiest way to do that is to play any song on self-ish
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mangora · 4 months
I’m so tired here are some assorted Disventure Camp headcanons:
•Jake is really into poetry. Some of his poems are bangers, some of them are absolute dogshit. He posts some of them online, mostly the bad ones because he’s not self-aware of how bad they are. He will spend hours on end writing in his notes app. Guy is a big fan of sonnets and free verse but his strong suits are odes and villanelles
•Rosa María, James, Yul, Lake, Riya, Fiore, and Alec are all multilingual. Rosa speaks English and Spanish, James speaks Portuguese and English, Yul speaks Korean and English, Lake speaks German and English as well as some French, Riya speaks Hindi and English, Fiore speaks English and some Italian, and Alec speaks English as well as a variety of other languages (he did a minor in linguistics for his university degree so he knows the basics of multiple major languages).
•Hunter’s a competitive chess player. Ally’s the only person who’s ever beat him fair and square, but even then, that rarely happens
•Lake is great at baking. She’s incredibly exact when it comes to measurements, timing, and technique. Rosa, meanwhile, is a great cook and she doesn’t measure anything
•Aiden can play bass guitar. He started learning as a teenager because he wanted to join an emo band one day. Chase your dreams boy
•Yul used to have braces and he’s really embarrassed about it
•Gabby’s a forager, she loves to forage for wild fruit and mushrooms and greens
•Ellie’s kinda a ghoul in the kitchen. Like she can make good food and drinks but most of the time she’s so tired that she makes evil energy drink-instant coffee potions or like that pistachio & condensed milk concoction from Arthur
•In a better universe I think Ellie and Jake are frenemies instead of fully hating each other and they play Minecraft together and Ellie is constantly stealing Jake’s shit and trying to defeat the Ender Dragon meanwhile he screams every time he sees a Creeper and begs her to turn Keep Inventory on because he keeps dying
•Miriam gets a cat after the show. She’s an older white cat named Snowball and she has the same personality as her. They are best friends and Miriam is so annoyed by her. She made them matching sweaters. Snowball is only fully nice to Jake
•Fiore listens to Thrash Metal. It’s partially just to throw people off when they find out, she thinks it’s funny
•Fiore also enjoys those YouTube prank videos, she knows they’re fake they’re just so stupid that she finds them hilarious. Kristal gives her an iPad for a day one time for entertainment and it pisses the rest of the Magenta team off so bad because she keeps playing these prank videos and watching epic fail compilations at full volume
•Grett loves crocheting. She slowly turns into one of those people who crochets during lectures and while watching movies and shit
•James is really good at Tetris
•Ally is obsessed with Sci-Fi. She, Tess, and Hunter watch Star Trek, Doctor Who, and Star Wars together because they all love the worldbuilding so much. Tess writes fanfiction about almost everything they watch. Hunter has terrible media literacy and misses the themes every time but he has fun watching
•After All Stars, Riya gets really into tattoos. She gets matching ones with Connor
•People antagonize Tom with the cop slide video and every time he clenches his fist and goes, “Stop laughing at him.”
•Kai has a bunch of pet bugs. Maggy’s secretly afraid of them still but she’s getting there. She likes rollie pollies
•Karol used to do roller derby and Lill used to ice skate. Ggirlf,riends,,, I miss them chat. Where is my old woman yuri
•Aiden eats plain yogurt nothing on it and it’s the one thing James doesn’t like about him. Like it’s so upsetting to him. Why does he eat plain yogurt
•Ashley likes hyperpop, don’t tell anyone
•Tom likes crockpot food. He is not invited to potlucks for this reason. He will always bring the crockpot
•Alec doesn’t like splatter films but he really enjoys psychological horror, especially mockumentaries and mondo films
•Lake read creepypasta a lot as a kid and she wouldn’t go into the kitchen after dark because she was afraid of Jeff the Killer appearing at her fridge
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cemeteryvalentine · 1 year
astro observations :3 !!!! part 2
i had fun with my last post, so why not do another one :D. also these r observations r kinda short lolz 🙏 bare with me
★彡 i feel like when people link cancers to being emotional, they mean major crybabies. which is so funny to me because being emotional isn't just being sad all the time. to me, being emotional is being the happiest, the angriest, the saddest, etc. also not every cancer is a big emotional crybaby 😭 but some of us are, and thatz totally okay 🙏. like i also feel like the astro community makes being emotional or a crybaby seem like such a bad thing when it rlly isn't :3
★彡 i feel like if anyone's rlly fluid with style and allat, it's mutable placements.. like i for an example am alwayz switching up my style and i don't have a specific one. i think if my style fit under a label it'd be alternative, but i love wayyy too many alt subcultures like trad goth, romantic goth, vampire goth, whimsigoth, emo, scene, grunge, decora, harajuku, over the top outfits, rlly chill outfits, you name it. i kinda wanna be a fashion designer or sum cuz i just love all sorts of fashion :P
★彡 adding on to that, i feel like mutable placements also like a lot of genres of music :3. like my playlist is an absolute train wreck lolz
★彡 i also feel like mutable placements along with cancer placements (or influence like 4th house lol) really enjoy writing/poetry.
★彡 aries venus looove a good chase. my first lover waz an aries venus and they were alwayz so flirty and fun and wld do anything to get my attention :P
★彡 i notice people say that fixed placements are kinda hardheaded and stubborn when it comes 2 opinions. and at first i thought no wayyy i'm sooo open minded, but thinking abt it, itz pretty hard to change my opinion once i'm convinced i'm right 😭. i don't think i'm too closed minded though, cuz sometimes my opinion changes when i look through different view points, but most of the time, i think i'm alwayz right (cuz i am 😹😹). people also say we think too highly of ourselves. (probably cuz we're the best 😹😹 jkjk kinda).
thatz it for now :3 make sure to eat n drink water :P
also sorry abt most of these being abt mutable placements and cancer 💔
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bonecarversbestie · 3 months
why do you hate azriel, what is there to hate about him he's quiet and polite? just curious
Thank you so much for asking, I’ve been waiting to talk about this topic for a long time.
For your pleasure and convenience, I’ve organized my points into an easily digestible numbered list:
Caution: Azriel criticism ahead
First, his particular brand of emo broodiness is just not my cup of tea, and I enjoy scenes less when he is lurking in the corner.
Similar to how some people dislike Nesta because they have been hurt by someone like her, I have never liked Az because I’ve had someone in my real life pine after me like he did to Mor (read: super obvious, with no encouragement from me, in a way that made me feel guilty for not returning their feelings and everyone around us felt uncomfy/like they needed to buffer the situation)
I didn’t appreciate that he wasn’t a very good chaperone to Nesta. If the IC was going to force her into “rehab” they were obligated to protect her while she was there (including from Cassian). I accept that Az was busy spying on Briallyn, but even when he was around it seemed clear that he did not take his chaperoning very seriously.  
The hero complex. I get that this comes from his trauma and low self esteem – he doesn’t value his life as much as the lives of his family, but he also knows that they are all competent and strong, and trying to take on every risky task to keep them from darkness or danger is not practical, possible or fair.
The torturing people thing – yes it’s his job, and sometimes it’s justified like with the Attor. But torturing Eris’s soldiers was wrong especially because it was clear they were not in their right minds and Eris is an ally to their court. He also alludes to torturing people for information in the human queens’ castle. Yes, some of them may have been sympathetic to Briallyn’s cause, but how many were just humans working their 9 to 5? After Eris’s soldiers I don’t trust him to make ethical decisions about choosing his victims.
I’m uncomfortable with how easily he can invade the privacy of others with his shadowsinger gifts. We don’t have evidence that he abuses these gifts, but I don't completely trust him either. (see point 5, ethical decision making)
Most of my reasons for disliking Azriel actually have little to do with ships, but as he relates to Lucien: I don’t like how little respect he seems to have for Lucien and Elain’s bond while apparently wanting a mating bond himself. And his assertion that Lucien doesn’t deserve Elain despite being her mate, and despite the fact that Lucien has been nothing but polite and cooperative since arriving in the Night Court rubs me the wrong way.
And as for Elain: I think he will be yet another person in her life who is overly protective and coddling rather than someone who will empower and encourage her to grow (see point 4: hero complex) I also never got the impression that his feelings for her come from a place of genuine interest in Elain as a person. I cannot blame him for being interested in someone who is kind and beautiful, but I think that’s all she is to him. Elain is also extremely vulnerable and isolated at this point in her story and it seems like he is just pursuing her because she’s there and available (and per the bonus chapter he feels at least some amount of entitlement to her).
His temper is a red flag. Even Rhys admits that Az still sometimes scares the shit out of him. He could have ruined everything at the High Lord meeting by taking Eris’s bait, and he had to be called off by Feyre. It gave the same vibe as a child having to sit by the teacher because they can’t keep their hands to themselves.
Doesn’t want to write poetry. Not very romantic if you ask me. Doesn’t need to resort to it? Or doesn’t know how? Sounds like a skill issue.
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alexisntedgy · 9 months
More Mia Cooper + the ghosts headcanons because we were robbed of her growing up with them :(
. She hates The Wizard of Oz but the first time she said that, Kitty had been so offended that Alison eventually had to tell Mia to just never mention hating it (and also that she’d have to put up with seeing it on the tv on occasion, because Alison could never stop kitty or cap watching that movie)
. She inherited her mum’s skill for art, and did a few modern, #aesthetic (tm) sketch-y journal pages for each ghost. She drew things from stories she’d heard, from things she’d seen in the button house archives (her sketch of havers made cap very emotional) and from things associated with their time period. Pat didn’t have the heart to point out the many late-80s items from long after he’d died.
. Fashion comes and goes, and when scrunchies and 80s patterns come back into style, pat is quite proud of her outfits :)
. Lady B thinks a lot of her outfits are atrocious, but none of the ghosts would ever repeat those comments to Alison or Mia
. When she has her first heartbreak, Thomas follows her around in sorrow, repeating vague bits of poetry. When Mia’s sorrow turns to anger, Kitty enjoys following her around as she vents to her friends (oh, and kitty joins in. a lot. loudly.)
. Mia asks where Humphrey’s head is when she’s really stressed and needs to vent, because Humphrey loves to be there for her and really, truly does listen (not that he has a choice once the venting has begun, but regardless, he wants to listen, because it’s Mia)
. The emo phase leaves every ghost shocked and confused- except thomas, who uses her teen angst as inspiration for his poetry, and Julian, who thinks it is absolutely hilarious
. Mia texts Julian photos when she goes on trips away- an awful souvenir shirt he’d find hilarious, a nice beach view for Pat, strange novelties for Robin. and yes, she always brings back a postcard (or several)
. Cap is a little too eager to get her into some kind of sport, because he wants an excuse to run laps around the grounds with her. When she starts practicing for cross-country, Cap is ecstatic and demands (kindly) that Alison time their laps. Alison drew the line at recreating a warm-up routine Cap had designed for her.
. When she’s about 12, Mia demands to know what every major historical event she learns about at school was like, directly from the source(s) itself. She ends up getting extra marks on several papers due to her “impressive” historical knowledge and accuracy. But that isn’t why she asks for their stories- she just wants to know her family history, if you will.
. She asks for Alison to take photos of her with Lady B whenever something big happens in her life. It often takes a few goes, but they always get it in the end. Mia has two sets of every photo of major positive events in her life, and she keeps the ones with lady b in them in a safekeeping box.
. She plays virtual chess with Julian, and works on virtual crosswords with him and Robin. They sit across from each other so it’s like an actual game, and so she can comment on his moves even though she can’t see him
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icycoldninja · 3 months
Heyo! Thought I'd send In a silly one for the dmc men
Basically just having a reader who loves doing vocaloid dances (maybe k pop dances too but I feel like vocaloid is a different type of intensity)
And snice this is dmc it'd be fun if they're a hunter who mixes the dance moves into their fighting style
Gn reader is cool but it'd be neat if it was a masc reader snice you tend to get a lot of fem requests, you know, variety (and maybe plays on the dances being seen as primarily girly)
Love your stuff! Have fun!
Thanks! Hope you enioy!
Sparda boys + V x Vocaloid-loving!Reader headcannons
¤ Dante ¤
-So, you like changing your voice with software and/or listening to bouncy, upbeat songs made with said software? Great, so does he.
-It's a little known secret that Dante likes upbeat music with unnatural singing in addition to metal.
-He'll give you recommendations and will gladly accept any suggestions should you have some.
-He managed to get his hands on some vocaloid software with his boomer brain and spent a whole day making auto tuned noise with you.
-Thinks the dances you do are pretty cool, even if they're more "girl coded" than anything else.
-Guess what? He's started doing them too, and believe it or not, he might actually be doing them better than you.
■ Vergil ■
-Being the extremely motivated person that he is, Vergil scoffed at vocaloid and its somewhat annoying, perky beats.
-He first thought of the music as screechy, fake, and irritating, undeserving of his attention.
-Or so he said, for you see, after about a week of you forcing the bubbly, upbeat stuff into his ears, he started to enjoy it.
-Though he'd sooner die than let anyone else know this, he's added a great deal of vocaloid songs to his playlist, alongside Bury The Light, of course.
-He doesn't like watching you do your goofy dances because they're cringe, and they activate his innate desire to destroy all cringiness, which he must now suppress because he doesn't want to hurt you.
-Tried doing one of your dances in private and didn't like how it felt, or how it looked, so he stopped and vowed never to do it again.
□ Nero □
-Nero thought vocaloid was alright. It wasn't his favorite style of music, but it wasn't his least favorite either.
-Nero prefers edgier, borderline emo songs as opposed to this high-pitched squealing, so you'll have to understand.
-Another reason why he might not be so fond of the stuff is because he can't understand most of what the singers are saying, thanks to the language barrier, which, for some reason, bothers him.
-Won't stop you from enjoying it, though; to each their own.
-Thinks the dances you do are so ridiculous and exaggerated, so he teases you (lightheartedly, of course) about them nearly every chance he gets.
-Won't let anyone else do that, though. Nero and Nero alone is allowed to make fun of your dancing, not a single other soul.
● V ●
-V has little to no musical knowledge aside from Classical, so he was very interested in this all-new concept that he was discovering.
-Like a teenager falling into their first nightcore phase, (believe me, I've been there) V became obsessed with vocaloid.
-He listens to every song and playlist of songs he can find, getting really excited whenever you recommend something to him.
-You two gush about your favorite songs, singers, etc. nearly all the time.
-Thinks the dances you do are pretty cute (V is the definition of a simp) and wants to learn how to do them too.
-If you decide to teach him, you'll discover V would make a far better kpop idol than an old-timey poetry nerd.
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goldfeizh · 6 months
"Harold with a Goth Reader!"
PAIRING : Harold/Reader, established relationship
FANDOM : Total Drama, headcanons
CONTAINS : Fluff, words like "pretty" and "gorgeous" used in a gender-neutral way
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He ADORES you; He loves looking at you, watching you do your makeup, he loves it when you show him your outfit. Harold just genuinely thinks that you're really really pretty.
Harold would learn anything and everything he can about Goth Subculture. Like, the moment he realizes that he has a crush on you, he is gonna spend his whole night searching the internet for information to impress you with.
He often thinks about what he would look like if he was Goth, but he's also extremely reluctant to try it out. Although, he'd be secretly ecstatic if you offer to put makeup on him.
He has tried listening to Goth Music before, but he couldn't really get himself into it much. He definitely finds it cool, though, and he enjoys discovering new songs that he thinks you would like. PLEASE make playlists for this man, he doesn't even care if it's genres he actually listens to, the mere fact that you thought of him while listening to music already makes him so happy.
This man would defend you with his life— not as much physically, but he can and will talk anybody's ear off if they call you emo. He would ramble on about all the differences between Emo and Goth Subculture.
To be honest, Harold was probably intimidated by you at first. Like, he thought you looked cool, he was just a little nervous around you.
Once you actually talk to him, he becomes even more nervous— not out of fear, but because WOW, do you look gorgeous up-close. Mans is stuttering so much that you can't even understand what he's trying to say.
He's the type of guy to find some random object at a thrift store or a cool shiny rock, and he would bring it to you and be like "This reminded me of you! :D"
If you like literature or poetry, Harold would write poems for you. Most of it is really sappy and maybe a little cringy but it's cute.
Cemeteries freak him out, but if you like going to them, he would still accompany you. His hands are shaking while you hold them, he's jumping and flinching at every sound that he deems creepy, but he is staying by your side.
Concerts. He's never been to one but he thinks they're awesome and he would be over the moon if you asked him to go to one with you! He'd be happily holding your hand in the crowd. He's also rather tall, so he'll hold your phone for you up high to record the concert.
Harold enjoys celebrating Halloween with you. He has always wanted to dress up like a vampire, it is a childhood dream of his, and he will not admit it until you actually tell him that you wanna dress up as Vampires for Halloween.
He's a patient man but he can't deny the fact that it takes you so long to get ready. Like, if you guys are going to an event with a set time that you should be there by, he's waking you up atleast 2 or 3 hours earlier than the usual time you wake up so you can start getting ready earlier because he does not want to be late— unless it's an event that he doesn't really wanna go to, then take as long as you want.
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For the Goth Harold lovers. I don't see enough xReaders for this man, he's one of my favorite characters and I think he deserves some love!! I'd also like to note that I'm not Goth, I tried to do as much research as I can, and also tried to keep some things genera and maybe a little vague because I didn't want to end up offending a group of people. Please tell me if I got anything wrong, constructive criticism, likes, reblogs, and comments are appreciated!
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thedisasterracers · 1 month
Any headcanons on the recolors and sakura?
Oooooohhhhhh I dooooo.
Citrusella: • A witty, confident, hyperactive, and most importantly rebellious but means well. She has the energy to stand up and fight back if it means her friends are ok. (She is the type to bite someone’s face, she’s that chaotic.)
•Loves 2000’s scene, punk, and emo music and fashion. Her inspo is Avril Lavigne. She does her best to recreate her style to the best of her abilities.
•She hates on Swizz cuz he told her emo music is not a genre. She somehow never let that go? Another would be how him and jubi take up space in the couch. (She wants to watch domo shorts in the living room.)
•Her and the recolors have a band, their called ‘Sugary breakout’ She’s the lead vocalist, and electric guitar player.
•She uses a lot of hairspray on the daily! Sometimes she even uses her sisters when she runs out of hers. She sometimes spends her sisters money on clip-on extensions.
•She dislikes how jubileena embarrasses her like showing her friends photos of her “fashionable experimental” phase. She gets back at her by playing her guitar loudly in the garage.
• She’s prone to be too touchy with her best friends, at times she needs someone to tell her to stop cuz she misses the signs.
Torvald: • The chillest gal around town. Who doesn’t need to say much to get her point across.
•She’s seen as the big sister to Sticky and Sakura for her chill attitude but Minty sees her as her little sister cuz she’s the original.
•R&B enjoyer with the style of Aaliyah. Mainly sticks to the 90’s, sometimes wear 90’s street wear if she has the time.
•She is considered the most honest racer, if someone were to tell her that they have a problem, she would give her full honest opinion even if it’s hurts.
•She’s a listener at best.
•Her catchphrase is, “Just be Mellow, my yellow’s.”
• Torvald enjoys doing comedy and does it as her side job whenever she’s not racing.
Nougetsia: • She’s quite a meek and timid racer, who can invent unique gadgets for the karts that can make the game even more fun and interesting for the gamers out there.
• Number 1# Bunny lover.
• Make-up expert when it comes to basic designs to the more complex. She has ALL of the foundations if you need it.
• Nouget love croquette especially if its pink, she’s a Beabadoobe gal. She loves alt rock and pop.
• She adores nature like her sister but knows it’s not always sunshine’s and rainbows. Sometimes she gets concern for her Adora’s sanity but it’s all jokes in the end.
• She is willing to do risky things just for fun. Like Hot wiring king candy’s kart and go crazy by staying up and going to parties with her friends.
• Nougetsia is a science enjoyer and at times can be a HUGE GEEK for specific topics.
Sticky: • The kindest racer you’ll ever meet. However can outsmart you in a race if you are fooled.
• She is the nerd of the mint sisters. And some would say the straight man of the sisters.
• Her favorite genre of music is lofi and indie. She enjoys wearing tumblr fashion, mainly the nerdy one. She’s inspired by Hemlock Springs along with being a nerd about books and movies.
•She loves watching movies in the meantime and is one of those friends who would give you trivia and facts about the movie when you’re watching it with her. (Just don’t ask any further questions.)
• Sticky loves reading books. Most of times she would go on the internet and buy books. (or steal, she gets it from Citrus) She loves studying about butterflies because she loves the patterns they have, her bow even resembling a butterfly. To show her love of them.
• Sticks loves creating poetry that would express her feelings about what she’s going through, or about others.
• She’s an all around a kind, somewhat sarcastic, intelligent, and patient racer. Who would break a few rules here and there if she can get away with it.
Sakura: • The starry-eyed friendly girlie who’s a bit tomboyish. She’s always finding new ways to be amazed by the world around her.
• She’s the optimistic sister of the Mint sisters. She can also be known as the one with swords.
• Has a fondness of early 2000’s mainly the poppy and cool stuff behind it. She loves wearing Mori Kei fashion, while listening to Hikaru Utada. Though she only wears it when she feels comfortable when being alone.
• Sakura loves making weapons, upgrading her own swords, or just practice in the woods. She even does parkour to cut down any candy cane branches to make firewood.
• She makes her own bow in order to let video game characters and some gamers not confuse her with Candlehead. Since they have similar features, but are very different in tone and style. Even when others don’t see it; she would just ignore them and mumble something in Japanese so they wouldn’t understand.
• In her time off she would sing by herself. She’s would do this when she’s alone and sometimes be comfortable enough to sing around someone she likes.
• She LOVES the outdoors so much that HATES being inside. Not to the point that she’s a stray cat but more like someone wants to do something outside and can’t waste time being inside. She would even stay outside in the rain just to have fun.
Ok that is all I can offer.
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introvertedbread · 8 months
Cabaji as a boyfriend
A/N: Yes I'm aware bf fic's are not exactly my main content, yes I've never written for One Piece, and yes...there is little demand for this guy- but what am I if not spiteful and confusing :)
CW: Tsundere's, Knives, inappropriate use of a unicycle (don't try it at home kids), likely not proof-read. F/C= favorite color
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A surprise to nobody, he's a Tsundere, buckle up.
He rarely accepts PDA, he thinks others wont respect him if he's seen being "soft"
give this guy a chance, it takes him a long time to trust others, especially after he lost his brother.
Listens to some of the edgiest "its not a phase mom" music known to man, this guy 100% listens to "Emo Girl" un-ironically.
a really good singer! he never sings in-front of others, but if you catch him in the shower you might hear him humming or full-on singing if its been a good morning so far!
Really good with clumsy partners, if he can handle a unicycle, he can handle you're dumb-ass <3
adding onto that, he once caught you once "borrowing" his unicycle to reach a high-up shelf. (you fell off and broke your ankle, he patched you up while heavily scolding you)
Loves to scare the soul out of you when its 7 am, you just woke up, and ask for a knife to butter your morning toast and he just yanks one out of his throat and casually hands it to you (Walks away until out of ear-shot and starts hysterically laughing at your shocked face)
His love-language is gift-giving! he will sneak you little things like knives, snacks, or even poetry and songs he wrote! (not that he cares or something, no way at all 👀)
In all honesty, Cabaji really does love you, he just sucks at showing it, but you're his whole world and would feel like crap if he learned you didnt think he cared (Not that he would ever show it, but expect to find a handmade knife with a F/C handle on your bed the next night)
(I really hope you enjoyed this! remember to send in a request! its totally free and really makes my day! it also lets me write more content for ya'll since I have ideas <3)
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class-1b-bull · 1 year
you’re insane for posting really consistently my dude, i LOVE the grind you have, it inspires me to write more for my own mainly 1B centered blog!
anyways, may i request class 1B with an S/O that goes on a ridiculous amount of tangents? (super social, literally always talking to everyone and is always ranting about anything that comes to their mind, whether it be a consistent story or something incredibly random?)
Not proofread we die like men
Awase - he loves watching you talk about whatever random thing you thought of. Hes paying attention but hes not comprehending a single word you say. He just kinda listens with a stupid smile on his face.
Sen - he looks kinda unenthused and bored when your going on a little rant about who knows what but if you stop talking he immediately asks for you to continue so he can just silently listen to you.
Kamakiri - it depends on what youre currently ranting about. If hes interested he joins in the convo and genuinely listens, if not he just kinda lets you talk at him for a while lmao
Kuroiro - he would probably write some emo ass poetry or something about it. He listens well though and if you spend a while talking about a certain thing he will look up a few things about it so he can understand better.
Kendo - she always talks with you about whatever your ranting about. She asks questions, says her thoughts, ect. But if shes tired or something she will just listen and nod instead.
Kodai - ya know how when people want you to stop talking they'll kinda just say yea and okay without anything else. Shes like that, she doesn't want to stop talking, she actually genuinely enjoys listening to you, that is just her conversation default. (Shes trying lmao)
Komori - i like to think Komori is the same way when it comes to things shes interested in. You both take turns ranting and talking to eachother about random things.
Shiozaki - she likes listening to you ramble as she does simple everyday tasks. You both end up walking around the dorms having conversations about who knows what while she does laundry or makes a snack or something yk.
Shishida - everytime you start to ramble about something you both somehow end up in the common rooms or to the side with tea in hand. He simply keeps the conversation going while walking you to the side and making tea, he only does this cuz it helps him pay attention better.
Shoda - he will try his best to stay active in the conversation but thats a little challenging considering his more shy nature. Thats why hes so glad youre so social compared to him.
Pony - she finds your little rambles adorable and is always happy to listen to whatever is on your mind. If you have a bad tendency to jump around she helps you keep focused on one thought at a time as well.
Tsubaraba - he never knows what your gonna rant about next so he made a little game for himself. Every time your about to start ranting he will guess what its about in his head and somehow hes always wrong lmao, he loves listening to you tho
Tetsutetsu - not only does he actively ask questions and keep your tangent going but he matches your excitement when you ramble.
Tokage - she matches your excitement when you ramble about who knows what and shes constantly asking questions and having dramatic reactions to each word you say.
Manga - he loves listening to you ramble while drawing. Hes good at multitasking in that way so he will keep your rant going by asking questions and stuff while doodling
Honenuki - he loves to just listen to you rant while you both share a snack. He will ask a question or two every now and then but most of the time he prefers to just listen to you.
Bondo - hes good at listening but thats about it. He doesn't ask very many questions or says his opinion or anything. And he doesn't do anything exsept sit there and listen when you speak.
Monoma - he teases the shit out of you and acts annoyed almost when youre about to start ranting but then he gets upset when you stop telling him your random thoughts and stories.
Reiko - she likes to silently listen to your rambles while keeping to herself. She finds it strangely calming. It gets to the point where she will find you and ask you to talk about whatever is on your mind when shes stressed.
Rin - whenever you rant about something he will research a ton of stuff over it just so he can understand it more the next time you talk about it. However most of the time the topic is brought up again unless someone else brings it up lol.
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