#enjoying WWX's hair here too
accio-victuuri · 11 months
i have definitely made several posts related to fake rumors both from cql era & rumor houses so this is definitely one of my favorite things to share. these are all from cql filming timeline where the practice of fake rumors really started. this does not include the 49 initial fakes. as usual, these are not real. 🤐
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i found the screenshot compilation over here. so there you go. enjoy! 🍰🍪🍭
1. the two of them are very close on the set and when female supporting role has not been deleted yet. During one scene, wyb once asked the director with a black face ( angry ) in front of xz “I can’t tell what the relationship between Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji is. I can’t immerse myself in the role”
( I think it’s common knowledge that in the beginning, the production had some hetero agenda to appease censorship. As we all know, the book fans weren’t happy with that because it takes away the key essence of the story. I’m so happy we got the depiction of WWX/LWJ relationship that we did. I’m happy that XZ and WYB both voiced their bias to follow the source material. Remember XZ also said ( in an unofficial bts so let’s take it as fake too ) to cut the scenes with a female lead that seems romantic. so whoever is saying that these two were somehow tricked into starring in a bl drama needs some serious common sense lol )
2. xz watched wyb’s video of “yelling lyrics” and laughed at him for a long time
3. they looked up each others’ dark history, wyb searched xz’s old pictures, and xz searched are wyb’s videos.
( i think this is proven in an interview, they did look up each other’s previous works. HAHAHAHAHA! it’s so cuteeee cause this is like when you have a crush on someone and you stalk their socials to know more about them. but ofc theirs was all professional courtesy. or was it? )
4. next, xz said when he pulled out his blonde video he said that wyb was so cute. wyb even flipped up his hair to show him, but when another actor said it, wyb just smiled but didn't respond.
( lol omg dandan yibo! )
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5. when playing Honor of Kings, wyb likes to play as topsolo and jungle, xz usually plays as midsolo, xz once complained that wyb has no team awareness and being unable to score points with him.
( there is a whole cpn about this that’s super interesting over here. )
6. likes to praise each other exaggeratedly in front of the camera and in private. even if they have NG scenes.
7. many scenes were deleted from the drama, such as the branding on the chest. There was also a scene where Lan Wangji went off the cliff to find Wei Wuxian. The scenes were not aired. I guess it’s too ambiguous.
8. wyb sometimes leaves the crew to do other work xz will often chat with him on WeChat. Once the director asked him who he was video chatting with. Then he just said “it’s Lao Wang”. The director was shocked at that time.
( we have cpn about this too, them sending each other photos and videos. chatting and video calling when they are not filming together. )
9. wyb introduced xz to motorcycles and raced with him at the scene. I feel like xz is not interested in the video but has been listening patiently.
10. The two of them often eat together after work, wyb loves to eat sour food. One time, xz staff bought two portions of “liang pi” xz thought it was a bit sour and ate a little. Wyb finished his portion and still ate xz’s leftovers.
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( this is basically true as well. i mean we have video/s of them eating off of each other’s plate )
11. wyb taught xz dancing and korean on the set.
12. both of them are very childish and like to use all kinds of strange words.
13. wyb once used a forehead ribbon in the dressing room to tie xz’s hands up, xz looked at him indifferently and helplessly.
14. when filming the scene in the cave, both of them got wet. The makeup laoshi asked them to hurry up and put on their costumes outside. The two of them were still in the water. When playing inside, wyb immediately took off xz’s outermost coat.
15. two people have discussed the issue of body hair xz asked wyb: Why do you have so little leg hair? Wyb said he was born with it. xz looked at him with an interesting expression.
16. the deleted branding scene was after Lan Wangji recovered from his injury. Looking for Wei Wuxian's body on the cliff, but we only saw the battle in the Nightless City. He was so angry and sad that he burned the torture instrument with lava and burned the same wound in the same place on his chest.
17. another one that was deleted was the conversation with Wei Wuxian on a snowy night. After Lan Huan finished talking about Lan Wangji, Lan Wangji came back, and Wei Wuxian called Lan Wangji with emotion and choked up, "Why didn’t you tell me? Lan Wangji lowered his head and said nothing. I heard that the producers thought the deleted parts were too ambiguous. The explanation is unclear, and there are many small scenes that have been deleted.
18. wyb once complained that xz’s playlist is very old because wyb can’t tell what kind of children’s song xz sings about 😂😂😂
19. wyb often plays Wei Wuxian’s flute on set but xz doesn’t play much with Lan Wangji’s sword. Wyb once said that he (xz) was the best blowing the flute the group. xz beat him because of that. Lol.
20. the reason for Lan Wangji’s shape is that there are two strands of hair in front. so when waiting for the scene, he would pick up the hair at the back xz and help him. He said it many times, and also said that Wang Yibo can get married if he has long hair that reaches his waist.
21. xz said that wyb has a shape that looks like bamboo shoots and then at noon that day, he asked the assistant to order the fried pork with bamboo shoots from the small kitchen. then ate together with wyb.
22. there is a scene where Lan Wangji needs to carry Wei Wuxian on his back. He tried and was officially filmed after one take. After the filming, the director asked them why they were joking. XZ said he didn’t know how to put his feet after lying down. Lan Wangji didn’t catch it either, both of them laughed.
23. wyb doesn’t eat snacks very much on set, but he does eat director Nie and about xz’s snacks. he said that xz does not eat snacks properly. The most common meal he eats is the fruit salad that xz brought to the set.
24. wyb’s sword tool was thrown around once and fell down. When we got to our feet, xz happened to see it next to him and laughed for a long time.
25. there were several group scenes shot in the suburbs of Hengdian. both guys have lots of mosquito bites. xz told wyb I will teach you how to get better quickly, so he used his fingers to make a cross on wyb’s mosquito bite. wyb’s face was like “you must be lying to me” but he still made a cross on every bite
26. the first time they filmed outdoors, when they talked about what insects there were in the fields, wyb told xz that he was scared of insects, especially those with many tentacles, then he carefully counted every thing that he was scared of.
27. xz likes to scare him with insects, during wyb’s birthday he also scared him with insects
28. once, other actors used a horror video to scare wyb, wyb didn’t know about it and immediately jumped to the side after watching it. xz stood at the side and said “he is really scared, don’t mess with him”
29. the two of them have different make up artists to help them touch up their makeup. One time, the make up artist who helped xz was absent, so wyb’s make up artist did both of their make up. wyb was standing at the side and he said “Bi Jie, if you use the brush that you used on his face on me, my face will become really pale” then xz hit him.
30. the two will play games together in xz’s car, xz gave one side of his bluetooth earphone.
31 . the staff watched the two of them arguing and at first I thought it was really a bad relationship, but after, they saw that the two will together. so he got used to it.
32. xz watched the pd 101 girl group dance in front of wyb, it seems that it is also a dance compilation. after watching it, xz has been obsessed with it and calls wyb asian dance king.
33. in the first month of filming, the two of them competed for a few days. Speaking in Beijing dialect, I can hear it from far away: “Have you eaten?”
34. continuing from the previous one, when filming started, the director requested that the right person be called Fang Zai’s name in the drama. The two of them like to call each other all the titles in the drama that was later developed. Brother Cheng! Elder! Senior! and so on.
35. xz has many types of eye drops, wyb uses them too and will ask xz to help
36. the two of us competed when they were bored waiting for the scene. waist strength and flexibility, xz bent over and touched his toes but can't stand still, so he fell forward. wyb’s hands were quick to help him up. he wanted to laugh because xz is an old artist who cannot break his muscles and bones
37. continuing from the above entry, wyb’s hand is big and he can wrap both of xz’s with one hand. wyb is proud of it. he also said his hands are whiter than xz’s.
38. when wyb sits on the chair, his legs are spread wide. Once while, he was sitting there looking at his phone, and then across from him xz kept looking at him and laughing without saying a word. wyb was pissed off by him. xz told him that wyb was wearing shorts today and his legs were too wide and was - little exposed.
39. when filming nightless city, there was a scene where Lan Wei stood high on stage xz secretly pinched wyb's waist to make him stand up straighter.
40. two people like to play games together and they always looked at their mobile phone. some directors have said that when Wei Wuxian is there, you will be sure that 3 away from him, there will be Lan Wangji coming out 😂😂😂
41. the two actually got to know each other very well quickly. the director also praised that it melted ( break the ice, so the ice was melted in this case ) very quickly, but the staff didn’t think about it. when it comes to wyb, he is actually very childish and lively, but also very matured.
42. Watching this pair for more than 3 seconds will definitely make you laugh, and xz laughs the hardest.
43. they often sing together while waiting for the filming. wyb can also teach xz the choreography he wants to dance on the show. xz complimente wyb’s legs for being so flexible.
44. xz is a very gentle person who is sincere and has no attitude. one time, the film assistant talked to him about his stance, but he may have said it wrong, which resulted in two wrong shots. he (xz) only told the director that it was his fault and then helped him after filming. the staff apologized to him and he said it didn't matter. The set was too busy and he should have checked again, it was super warm.
45. Occasionally, the crew will open interviews together and there are fans who will sneak in. Once in the wild, someone shouted xz, mommy loves you. sister loves you. If wyb hears it, zg brother loves you.
46. the scene was filmed three or four times where lwj caught the chicken because it so crowded at first. the cages are full of chickens. Wyb didn’t catch them the first time he started. there were only two chickens left inside as props, and they were caught by xz a few times later. the chicken was obviously frightened but the director cut it. the scene was chaotic.
47. in lwj’s drunk scene, wyb refused to drink. He also said that the drunken blush that the makeup artist painted on him was "not cool at all." xz said that after that he turned into a red peony and then was beaten by wyb. 😂😂😂
48. two people often bicker and go back and forth most of the time. it ends with the meaningless repetition of very young students talking to each other.
49. when filming the scene with snow, the two of them discussed it. they made an appointment to go to the ice sculpture and ski resort in Erbin during their vacation before the Spring Festival.
( I think is the place they planned to go ⛷️ )
50. the two often work with directors and producers on scenes and when telling directions, when the director said some very straightforward words, the two of them just look at each other and smiled.
51. the two people shot a scene outdoors, the wind was very strong, xz’s hair keeps blowing in the wind. he was talking excitedly, wyb naturally removed all the bits of hair stuck to the corners of his mouth.
52. In fact, they still like to move their feet most when they are fighting. There is one time xz pretended to kick wyb, but accidentally kicked wyb's thigh on the back, because there is mud on the upper part and there are some marks left, xz immediately said I was sorry to wang laoshi and cleaned him— but he was still beaten by wyb. yibo chased him with a sword for 5 minutes.
53. they discovered various strange ways to reduce swelling. once they discussed on the set how to reduce swelling faster, wyb asked xz “zhang ge have you tried taking a hot shower in the morning?” xz seems embarrassed to say so. wyb nodded wildly with a very understanding expression.
54. Continuing from the previous entry, the two of them were doing some exercise on the set— like raising your legs or something. The funniest thing is to lose face for swelling, there is an action to pull the ear on the same side upward with one hand. With the other hand, press the side of the face that stretches the ear, and push it toward the ear. Pushing in one direction, the two people were pulling each other in the corner, screaming in pain. It's all because the other party used too much force.
55. they are very concerned about each other’s appearance in the camera. shoot After Jin Dan's cut, the two of them watched the replay on the monitor together. but xz said that Yi Bo’s face was not in the best condition and it would be better to take a rest. Wyb is applying make-up next to him and listening.
56. when preparing for wyb’s birthday, xz was the first to say yes. xz wanted to give him a racing suit, wyb explains to him that the racing suit is specially customized by the team, so it wasn’t sent as a gift. xz looked a bit disappointed.
57. continuing from the previous entry, the helmet given as a gift was not there was delivered to the crew. After cutting the cake, I gave the first piece to xz, and said “zhan ge the helmet you gave me is placed in the C position at home. It is a lucky helmet and should be kept well.” xz smiled happily.
( c position means in the center, whatever or whoever is in the c position is the most important )
58. even when we they shooting for several days at night, there were two of us. when they stay quiet and don’t fight, they quietly get together and play with their hands. they take the opportunity to show the other person something interesting from time to time.
59. wyb once felt very uncomfortable while putting on makeup and couldn't hold it anymore, so the producer rushed me to the hospital. xz was filming a solo show. He heard that and made a phone call to ask wyb about the situation.
60. wyb will recommend clothing brands to xz and gave him a vx purchasing business card.
61. there is a period of time when two people will check each other out before putting on makeup. they will check hairline and then laugh at the other person and say who will be bald before you are.
62. wyb likes to eat pasta, garlic, coriander and the like.
63. one time xz fell asleep on the chair, lying on his back and mouth is a little open, then wyb surrounded him from all angles and took at least a dozen photos. but xz later found out and took them away, he deleted them all.
64. xz had some very hard scenes, crawling on the grass and had to use a blower for more than an hour, and his hands were covered with tiny wounds. His eyes were also inflamed. When the director asked him, he said it was okay. As soon as he saw wyb the first sentence he said is "I'm so miserable, lan er gege"
65. wyb seems to like the title Yiling Patriarch very much. he thought he didn’t have a domineering nickname, so he gave myself the nickname Gusu Wu Enemy. he told xz to say it, xz rolled his eyes and never said it.
66. the behind-the-scenes team gave each of them a GoPro to film some scenes, such as meeting for dinner together or playing games or something.
( lol where are the footage from the go pro?!!! )
67. After receiving the article, wyb took a photo and handed it over. It was him. they eating chicken together in the room and listened to the editorial team for seventeen minutes. In the video, wyb said xz more than 20 times.
68. xz told wyb that if he wants to raise a dog, it is best if he it’s obedient. It must be a large dog, if you really have a dog, name it Lizi. wyb said with a disgusted face that the name was not domineering enough, xz immediately retorted, he said it was called Red Haier, and then started fighting with his teeth bared.
69. wyb is actually very cold-faced and warm-hearted. He once helped to beat the board. He noticed that the field attendant was shaking a bit and was about to fall over after being there for too long. he immediately called cut and told the director to let the staff member rest. later wyb assistant also gave him water.
70. xz touched wyb’s Adam’s apple and compared it with his own, and was shocked and surprised, then gave wyb a thumbs up.
71. in the scene where the donkey was being led, xz was sitting before filming officially started. he was singing the theme song of Journey to the West on the back of a donkey, wyb also sang the vocals with him
"You carry the burden"
"I'm holding the horse"
72. xz likes to eat Japanese food, there are two Japanese food restaurants in Hengdian and many people have been there. If you don’t have time to go, the most popular place to order takeout is He Feng Na.
73. continuing from the previous entry, one time wyb rushed to announce that there was someone returning to the group and brought a bag full of bread to xz. I heard it was almond croissant.
74. the motorcycle helmet xz sent to wyb still has a stamp on the top of the head. there is a hand-painted lion drawn by xz himself, based on Simba’s drawing. xz showed the manuscript to wyb on the set, and wyb was very satisfied.
75. there are many scenes that are not good-looking during the shooting. the producer told wyb privately on the set not to watch this. they said they are all confident that the effect of the finished film will be very good. wyb said he didn’t mind, but was a bit in a low mood that day. when xz found out, he kept hanging around him and making fun of him to make him happy.
76. Lan Wangji’s hair once when shooting in the farmhouse, his crown ( headpiece ) is really a bit high, higher than a haystack, and he had to wear it several times. xz complains that wyb is not tall enough to wear a headdress.
77. Once when we were filming a group scene in the inner hall of the Chang family, xz and other actors performing the lyrics, wyb was always there to pick him up.
"not interesting"
"In terms of thick skin, I am second"
"You are number one"
"wyb shut up!"
78. It’s the same scene, there’s always something fishy about wyb. there was nothing fishy about it, and it made two people laugh again, so much so that the director asked them to pinch each other's faces and pinched each other's arms and legs.
79. Following the previous one, xz’s mantra will change in the next two days OK—there must be something fishy about this blower. I’m eating eggplant in my lunch box today. There must be something fishy, there must be something fishy about Lan Wangji, and then he starts to act again.
80. In one scene, he was injured and was recuperating in an unknown place in Yunshen. , xz did a good job of subduing it and said wyb’s first sentence was “Wow xiao laoshi is very hot today."
81. The director is from Hong Kong and is fluent in Mandarin but standard. Once he said something quickly through the microphone : "The chicken is going to lose its wire, so be careful when having sex." xz and wyb went crazy after hearing this and burst into laughter, and then made the director laugh too and explained what he said, It was actually "As long as you are wearing a wire, you must be careful in everything."
82. sometimes when the two people are photographed looking at each other, because they are one beat by beat, the emotions must be connected, xz told wyb that if you're afraid of laughing, don't stare into my eyes, look at the place between my eyebrows. When the filming started, wyb stared at it and deliberately made cross-eyes.xz burst out laughing and had to apologize to the director immediately.
83. one time they probably watched a horror movie together. The next day when they arrived at the set, they danced and imitated the other actors. Wyb looked scared, but Wyb just sat on the side and smiled helplessly.
84. wyb often says wow, yeah yes yep and the like catchphrases, later xz also started to say yeah yes.
85. wyb liked to twirl xz’s flute, but accidentally lost it. he will the make amends to XZ like the ancients did.
86. there was a scene with three people, and wzc was also there. the whole time the two were talking about random little topics and even pointed swords at each other. Wzc tried several times to join in but couldn't get it in, so he just stood there bored.
87. later, when they saw wzc stopped talking, they thought he was angry. they started teasing him together again, wzc became furious when he was teased and made a loud noise. he complained to the director and said they were childish.
88. when the two people conduct dual interviews, wyb will wait for xz’s single interview to end. and then go into the business car together.
89. xz, wyb and senior sister have a three-person scene, while waiting for the performance, the senior sister suddenly asked: Mr. Lan is here to see you.
Did Xian only bring Qin and not Bichen? Didn't wait for wyb to react?
Come on, xz and senior sister fell to the side laughing, wyb was very confused
Miao explained dryly, "Aren't you here to play the piano for Wei Wuxian?"
90. When the two of them joined the group, they realized that they both liked songs by girl groups from foreign countries. When that group released a new song, they watched the MV together on the set. xz asked wyb if he could dance after watching it a few times, wyb taught him on the spot . xz said very sincerely, Lao Wang, you are amazing.
91. When other actors are wrapping up filming, they will be given cakes, both of them are just tasting, only wyb gave his first piece to XZ who ate it completely.
( so this is more like, with others, they will just take a bite. but when wyb gave him, xz ate it all. )
92. wyb's posture was very upright when he was hanging in the wire, Wu Zhi commented that there are times when it overturns, usually with waist control. If the body is not well controlled, it will easily become distorted. Although xz laughs at him every time, he will still always praise him. He said wyb is a kid from Springfield Flower Kindergarten, a friend that needs to be praised every day.
93. When filming Yi City, the scene required smoke machines to create fog. It feels like the field manager is waving a prop stick behind wyb. wyb asked xz, do you feel it? xz said what do you feel? wyb said let me go. xz's expression is speechless.
94. When filming the Baifeng Mountain section, wyb made an action where he needs to hold xz's wrist tightly to make him concentrate, and he will be very nervous when shooting. When he entered the scene, they took a few close-up shots in order to cut the scene. Director 1 after saying ok, xz rubbed his wrist and said Lan Zhan, you hurt me, wyb said can i see?
95. the people were waiting on the roof during wyb’s birthday , xz hummes and look at the stars one, two, three and four connected in a line. later wyb also sang along in a low voice.
96. filimg the heavy rain scene on Qiongqi Road. because xz has experience he told wyb in advance how to keep warm and prevent colds, tell him first that when the time comes, ask the assistant to get a blanket to soak up the water and prepare ginger soup or hot water. etc.
97. but he still felt a little bit uncomfortable the next day after wyb finished filming. he had a nasal sound when speaking. If his assistant brings medicine, xz will wonder if this cold medicine will have some antihistamines, which will make you sleepy and... are there any details such as whether the medicine will cause allergies?
98. In fact, there was another time when the forehead ribbon was removed and the hands were tied, the costume teacher wanted to tie it up. wyb said I would try it, so he did it on purpose and tied it tightly, then raised his hand and pulled it up with xz's hand, said very childishly, "Wei Ying, look"
99. One scene was in a teahouse, and it was about hearing that Wei Ying was not well. Lan Zhan put down the water glass heavily. Wyb once mentioned to the director if he wants him to silently crush the cup to express your mood? The director and editor after discussing the drama, said they felt that the emotions have not reached that level at this time.
100. The director mentioned in the drama that 16 years later Lan Zhan saw Wei Wuxian’s smiles will change unconsciously, wyb also said deliberately “then when I see Brother Zhan’s sweet smile, I will follow him (laughing)”
101. they spent the Dragon Boat Festival together on the set, and also had sweet and salty rice dumplings. they had an argument xz said that Chongqing people basically only eats salty rice dumplings, wyb must follow him. Just tell me sweet rice dumplings are delicious. I was noisy and wyb suddenly said he will also eat salty rice dumplings, and then he will be beaten by xz and said that you insist on following me. wyb only laughed.
102. There happened to be a night show on the Dragon Boat Festival, and the producer specially bought it rice dumplings to eat together. The two of them had a meal on the set, xz had a video chat with his parents on WeChat. He especially introduced wyb to them as ttxs’s super awesome host. wyb said hello obediently, and then after xz finished the video, he slapped him with his sleeve.
103. xz once asked wyb how to make one eye flow first when crying, wyb smiled evilly and said that I have great control.
104. Taking pictures of Hantan Cave, the temperature inside the cave is very different from that outside the cave and it’s nearly ten degrees. Be white clothes are easy to see through and can be irritated by cold water it’s easy to expose your flesh and bulge. If xz finds out, he whispers to wyb for a while and then went ashore to find the staff. When we he came back — the two people had an extra layer of white coats inside.
105. wzc often rolls his eyes like Jiang Cheng when seeing the two of them fighting, xz once caught him and said it he was against him. “Jiang Cheng, you don’t help me” wzc just said that “I will not interfere with the affairs of the two of you.”
106. Let’s talk about wzc first. There was a scene where wwx was beaten up while filming wzc. During the break, he said that wwx was beaten badly enough and was beaten by xz.
107. In Xuanwu Cave wwx went to pull up the collar of Lan Zhan’s clothes, maybe he used a bit too much force to make the area under wyb's collarbone red. After the cut, wyb pulled it open and showed it to xz to accuse him. xz said he was right and said I'm sorry, but then said it's because your skin is too fair and tender. Showing it, wyb replied that it was because he was young. 😂😂😂😂
108. When two people are filming a fight scene, they will feel a little uncomfortable. they didn’t want to injure each other such as being hit by a prop or scratched. Once xz was at front door of Chang's house bumped against my knee, and it turned blue instantly, and wyb asked the assistant to bring some muscle tape from his bag and help him apply it himself.
109. Continuing from the previous entry, xz will also bring his own band-aid, the kind that is cartoon style, including Little Yellow Duck and SpongeBob SquarePants.
110. When they were in Guizhou, they made an appointment to get up in the morning and go for a run but did not persist for a few days. xz complained about wyb in the morning and when he arrived at the gym, I was still wearing the hotel slippers.
111. There was one scene where we faced an enemy together in the woods. While waiting for the set, xz started singing and their backs were to each other. wyb while listening, he scratched the ground with his sword.
112. To shoot in the hanging cliffs, xz actually has tools on the ground that is easy to pull. The director didn't have any requirements when looking at the location. The two kept holding hands, but never let go. After a while, xz has been put down to the ground, wyb stopped his hand and looked at his palm, It took five or six seconds to stand up.
113. In that scene, a close-up of Lan Wangji’s face was also shot. Yan asked xz not to leave yet and help Yibo pick up his feelings. xz is looking up at wyb, the director is using a microphone to narrate the introduction and roughly speaking
"Wei Ying broke free and was falling. He was trying to prevent him from falling.
“You fell with me"
"He has no desire to live anymore."
"He is the most important person to you. For the first time in your life, you feel panicked”
"You are desperate, you are regretful"
"There is no more Wei Ying”
114. wyb did a great job, it took only two or three shots to pass. The staff members were so empathetic to him that they choked with tears.
115. but xz just stood under that cliff background and kept looking up at him, he was obviously crying too.
116. Continuing from the previous entry, after this scene, the makeup teacher will wipe off their tear traces. There is a path between the two of them. They kept looking at each other and said nothing.
117. The sleeves of Lan Wangji’s costume have always been very wide. He once did a dance move of doing cartwheels on the spot, and it was so smooth. xz was working very hard to cheer him on and compete with him.
118. When wyb seems to have pharyngitis, xz has asked him, and wyb said it usually happens. xz for some time then replaced his green tea for medicinal tea, wyb asked why the taste was different, xz pointed at his throat “It's good for you here”.
119. Continuing from the previous entrt, when wyb takes cold medicine, xz specially tells him to drink more warm water for 2 days and stop drinking my tea.
120. We sang together in the days after we came back from participating in a variety show. they repeat this sentence, child, you are the best. then later in the one-shot scene of wyb, xz would sing wyb, you are the best.
121. strings of Lan Wangji’s qin are specially made and are better than ordinary string so it will be flexible. One time when he was bored outdoors, he was playing with strings. After a while, he became quiet and pulled XZ aside to whisper. xz after listening, immediately raised his hand to signal to the director: Director Wang Yibo played the strings and broke one! He broke the prop!!! Wyb is behind him and the man who was caught got angry and pushed xz on the shoulder.
122. One time wyb was spraying sunscreen, xz saw it and asked him to help spray. wyb held the sunscreen to xz and said "呲呲 "呲呲——" but I didn't press it on purpose, xz Look at him with an expression like "Are you sick?"
123. The scene where Lan Wangji agreed to buy the rabbit lantern, xz smiled brightly, and wyb smiled back. Then after cut he was told, "Yibo, don't smile so big."
124. xz accidentally said this in front of the behind-the-scenes camera that after he and wyb finished work, they will go to see a traditional Chinese medicine practitioner for massage because both of our waists hurt.
125. On the set, they lifted up each other’s hems to see if they were wearing basketball shorts, and they will high five and say “hey man!” they have a tacit understanding.
125. When filming the scene with Jin Ling, XZ asked him his age and learned that it’s actually a month or two older than wyb xz was so shocked that he turned his back. wyb is so young and wants to play the role of an elder, and he still acts so similar.
126. In a one-person interview with both people present, they will tease each other, when wyb teases xz he will obviously look away and smile. On the other hand, wyb will look at him openly and give him a warning look.
127. During breaks on the set, xz would often sing some songs, Korean, Mandarin and English are available. wyb is sometimes next to him and when asked to change songs, xz also cooperated with him to change songs. There is one time he was asked to cut the song after I had just sung a few words. xz was obviously confused. If you can't change the subtitles, just say wyb, have you bought a membership? Changing songs is VIP. It’s a Unique service!
128. The scene where the two people fell out holding each other in their arms started posing on the ground. The director felt that the position where XZ was leaning was too low and he should have raised his head. You can see the position of wyb's eyes, just turn on the microphone, Commander Feng said, "Wei Ying, move higher on Lan Zhan." "No need." “Stand up and move directly." "Come up a little bit, and a little bit higher, yes. "XZ's ears were red after shooting that scene.
129. When they were in the mountains of Guizhou, because it was a real wild place, tge grass and other plants are very tall. When wyb reached the top of the mountain, he asked xz, Do you think there will be snakes here? then XZ said: But Hanguang-Jun, aren't you a master of martial arts? You can just use the sword. Later, xz saw that wyb was really scared, so he used the flute and wiped a circle of grass around him and said that Brother Zhan will protect you even if there is a snake.
130. wyb once took a big bite while eating noodles. he was chewing while looking at my phone, xz “said something: Brother Bo, you are like a hamster eating, and then he changed his mind and said, more like a camel. Have you ever seen a camel eat? How about learning to eat slowly like a camel?”
wyb laughed and then didn't even bother to eat the noodles.
BONUS: wyb’s fingers are very long and have distinct bones. He told xz that his hands and the joints are old and aged. It was because of his training in dancing and some were sharpened by riding bicycles. xz was very surprise said, Lao Wang, your life experience have so many vicissitudes, and then he started a few words, "Until it feels like your wrinkles have the marks of time."
wyb had a question mark face and didn't know what song he was singing.
( I tried to look up the lyrics listed 直到感觉你的皱纹有了岁月的痕 迹 and google is giving me “atleast i still have you” by Sandy Lam. but i’m not sure. )
Note: I might go back to this and edit some bits. I’m just in a fake rumor coma and my eyes and brain are aching at this point. 🙃🙃🙃 but i hope you still had fun reading!!!!
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sasukimimochi · 9 months
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Hello everyone! Happy Holidays ヾ(•ω•`)o ❤ I drew an icon for the winter so I wanted to share it with you guys! I also included my first attempts haha, I hope you guys enjoy your end-of year!
I'll include some wips under the read more line for design stuff i've been working on for Ghost of Mine and The Wild Plum Tree! It's a lot, but don't get too attached to any of it since i'm very much still figuring out what i want to keep. Hope you guys like em though! Happy holidays again!! (ノ*ФωФ)ノ👻🐇💖✨
Check out my other MDZS stuff here! ❤
So as you all know I've been working on designs for GOM & TWPT and these are what I've gotten done! This first one is a wip of my youth WWX. Some of you that read my fic and see the messages i leave sometimes might have seen it before!
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Then the biggest feat I've been trying to get is figuring out my preferred design for Jiang Cheng. I'm pretty satisfied with the progress, but he's still quite difficult for me so only the last one really started to get in the territory i wanted was the last one. I still need to balance this though as its leaning too far into my preferences i think and not enough into the typical style of JC.
So to start, there's the different hair styles i was looking at. I was also experimenting with his body type and the scars, cuz idk exactly how many scars he has, I haven't looked it up(;´д`)ゞ
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Then one of his outfits (for nicer days, not a typical outfit for him). Then another attempt at his typical outfit, which was more towards what I wanted (kind of like the mobile game outfit!) but not quite there.
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Then I went back to trying to design his face and eyes again, getting much closer to what I wanted! I still need to adjust it, but this is the closest so far. To get that dark-eyed cat-like look, I decided to sketch his eyes black unless rendering from now on, cuz it brings that look that I want.
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Now we move on to Zhu Xiaoyi and Zhu Hui/Xu Shi. They're mdzs OC characters i'm using as extras in TWPT and may also show up in GOM from time to time. Their designs aren't fully fleshed out yet but Adult Xiaoyi is my baby at this point honestly.
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That's all for now!! I hope you guys enjoy your holidays v w v ❤👻🐇
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Here's the LWJ (me) being thirsty over WWX fic I've been wanting to write all day and have been enabled to do by @sasumimo <3
Today, Lan Wangji has woken up in a mood. What mood?
Guess. It starts with an "h".
Now you might be wondering - isn't he always like that? And the answer is yes, he is, but today it's even more so than usual, and that's saying something.
There isn't even a particular reason. He just woke up at 5 on the dot, like he always does, turned to look at his sleeping husband Wei Ying and had the same realization he has every morning - Wei Ying is alive, in his bed, naked, beautiful and married to him. For some reason, that realization hit so much harder today.
Wei Ying has always been beautiful, even if only just by virtue of being Wei Ying - but his features have always been objectively beautiful even without the added layer of Lan Wangji's adoration.
And now that Mo Xuanyu's body has become more Wei Ying's than ever before, his appearance shifting closer to that of the soul inhabiting it, Lan Wangji can't help but be attracted to him. That's a given, of course, since they're married and also very sexually active - but to be absolutely blunt, Wei Ying has been getting hotter by the day and Lan Wangji feels himself flashback to his teenage years when his beloved's beauty haunted his dreams and his fantasies every night.
Lan Wangji likes to take the time and appreciate what he has every now and then - and today he wants to do so thoroughly. And if he's a little late to his duties today, let the elders dare say something about it.
Wei Ying sighs, wistfully, in his sleep, his lips slightly parted to let the breath out. They're pink and plush and Lan Wangji knows from first hand experience how soft, inviting and insatiable they can be. And how very teasing and skilled.
Wei Ying's nose scrunches slightly at whatever he is dreaming, and Lan Wangji almost moves to kiss the very tip of it. But he knows Wei Ying doesn't like to be woken up so early, even with affection, so he tallies the kiss for later and continues his bout of admiration.
Wei Ying's long lashes nearly brush the tips of his soft cheeks, pulled over his stormy eyes in a serene expression. He looks angelic like this, nestled in white sheets like he is sleeping on the softest cloud in the sky.
His hair falls around him like a veil, the long strands hiding the naked skin of his back where Lan Wangji has bitten his love into so many times last night. The training he has been doing has already started to pay off, muscle rippling underneath the skin as Wei Ying turns on his other side, the blanket riding down to expose even more skin.
Lan Wangji's eyes inevitably draw along his spine, where his body narrows into his thin waist that still carries the finger-shapes bruises of Lan Wangji's hold, a dip like a valley between his torso and his hips.
The blanket covers everything that comes next, but Lan Wangji knows it all too well. The soft plush of Wei Ying's thighs, littered with hickies and bitemarks, the round meat of his ass that Lan Wangji just so loves squeezing and turning red and-
There is an insistent knock on the door of the jingshi and Lan Wangji curses in his mind at that. He did not want his fantasies to be interrupted just yet.
A disciple he doesn't recognize bows deeply. "Apologies, Hanguang-Jun, your uncle wishes to speak with you right now. I was sent to remind you, as you are late."
Lan Wangji sends the disciple on his way and grumbles to himself about the rude awakening from his soft, horny world, and finally proceeds with his morning routine.
Well, he'll get plenty of time to admire Wei Ying later.
Lan Wangji is going to die.
Okay, maybe that's a bit of an exaggeration, he's not in any mortal danger, he's just doing sword practice runs with the juniors right next to where Wei Ying is doing his core strengthening training.
Why is he shirtless? Who knows, maybe there is some kind of cultivation-related reason, maybe he's just hot.
(He is.)
Either way, Lan Wangji is trying so hard not to embarrass himself in front of his class right now. He's trying to focus on their swordplay and give genuine advice on how to improve - but his eyes linger a bit too much on the way Wei Ying moves swiftly as he wields Suibian, his skin glistening with sweat in the sunlight. And so very full of hickies.
He's focused on his work, eyebrows furrowed, and his ponytail swirls in the wind like a whip - and Lan Wangji is so in love right now, and so distracted. He has never wished to be Suibian more than right now, to be so tightly held onto and moved around with such precision...
And then. And then! Wen Ning shows up. Why is he there? When did he return?
(Sizhui must be back too, what a relief, they've been gone for a long time!)
But Wen Ning and Wei Ying begin sparring after a short conversation and Lan Wangji doesn't know if the display makes him more jealous or aroused. His husband moves so nimbly, so confidently, and he's so powerful even if he has yet to reach the prime of his first life - Lan Wangji doesn't want to be Suibian anymore, he wants to be Wen Ning and get to fight Wei Ying, strategically let him close in the distance between them and pretend to lose his footing and ask to surrender... beg for mercy even...
One of the Lan juniors turns towards Jingyi, who pointedly refuses to look at either of their seniors, a pink blush on his cheeks.
"Should we tell Hanguang-Jun class is over?"
"You tell him."
"Why don't you tell him? What's wrong with him?"
"You don't wanna know."
When Lan Wangji doesn't find Wei Ying in the jingshi at the end of the day, his first thought is panic.
His second, the cold springs.
He does remember Wei Ying telling him he will be doing some intensive training today and will need to heal and balance his body after - and what better place to do that than the cold springs.
So, Lan Wangji goes to find him.
And find him he does.
He's submerge underneath the little waterfall that supplies the cold springs, hair curtaining his body as he meditates, water running down the contours of his body like silver rivulets.
Lan Wangji decides he's going to be a voyeur for a little longer, he's going to award himself the pleasure of watching the water drip down Wei Ying's body, shining onto his skin, and he's going to allow himself to fantasize about his hands trailing down the same pathway.
He's going to imagine himself joining his husband in the water, and pressing himself close to Wei Ying under a pathetic guise of seeking warmth... and he's going to find that warmth all over and inside Wei Ying for hours, with only the water as their witnes...
"Hanguang-Jun." Wei Ying's teasing voice comes and Lan Wangji nearly jumps out of skin at the sound. "It is improper to stare when somebody is bathing." And his eyes open, a mischevous glint in the grey pupils. "You either leave, or join in."
Wei Ying swims to the edge of the spring that's closest to Lan Wangji. "And by the looks of it, you've been wanting to join me for a while."
Lan Wangji's ears burn, caught red-handed, but he doesn't deny, proceeding to discard of his many layers of robes.
"I was wondering when you'd break." Wei Ying smiles, dark and seductive and Lan Wangji wonders if he'd regret not undressing properly if he jumped Wei Ying in the water right now. "I know you've been... admiring me all day, undressing me with your eyes... I'm going to catch a cold if you do that so often, you know? Exposure is no joke."
Lan Wangji reaches to undo his forehead ribbon.
"Leave that on." Wei Ying nearly purrs as he puts some more distance between them, taking his place beneath the waterfall. "You'll need something to catch this siren with, won't you?"
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nighttimeebony · 11 months
My personal headcanons/interpretations of the physical differences between Wei Wuxian's original body and Mo Xuanyu's body.
Wei Wuxian's original body:
Tall, broad shoulders, and a very athletic build with a lot of toned muscle
Fine, wavy hair texture
Ink-black hair
Black eyes
Sharp facial features with high cheekbones and cat-like eyes
Long fingers
More of a tanned skin tone because of all the sun he gets at Lotus Pier
Scars on his hands, wrists, and fingers from getting bitten by dogs when he would take food from them
I imagine that wwx would have a lot of little scars from playing rough as a kid, tiny thin slashes of silver scattered throughout his body
WWX's body was built for strength, but not necessarily for endurance
An inhumanly high pain tolerance
Has a chipped tooth near the back of his mouth that you could only see when he smiled wide enough
Freckles that become more prominent when he gets more sun, but are especially concentrated on his shoulders and the back of his neck
Mo Xuanyu's body:
Short and skinny from malnutrition; probably has like 50 different kinds of vitamin deficiencies
Paler complexion, almost pasty
Thicker hair texture, which makes it look fluffier, and more unruly; it's a pain in the ass to take care of; #1 in the world for worst bed-head, gets tangled like you wouldn't believe
Delicate, more "feminine"-looking facial features, like wider eyes, Cupid's bow lips, and an overall softer-looking face
Gray eyes
Dark brown hair
Much more flexible, can probably twist himself into a pretzel whenever he gets bored
Prone to undereye shadows from poor sleep
Body better built for stamina once it gets better trained; even when he does get more muscles, it's more wirey than shredded; slender and lean
Low pain tolerance
Poor circulation and is more prone to get cold
Lightweight drinker, much to his dismay
Nose is crooked from getting broken at least once
Probably has anemia; bruises very easily
Has a couple moles scattered along his body
MXY definitely has the better ass
Both wwx and mxy have a complicated relationship with food and hunger, but mxy's body especially has gotten so used to running on little food that wwx (in mxy's body) has a hard time recognizing when he's hungry until he nearly passes out from lack of energy. I imagine that thanks to being adopted by the Jiangs and being taken care of by his siblings, over time, wwx's body was able to recover from running on starvation mode 24/7, while mxy was never able to have that recovery period, so his body is still accustomed to operating on little to no food.
I imagine that wwx and mxy are like two different kinds of goth; different shades of creepy, and beautiful in different ways. wwx would be more like a vampire, while mxy would channel antique haunted doll; sharp and powerful vs soft and delicate. wwx in his original body is the danger you expect, the danger you run from on sight, while wei ying in mxy's body is underestimated, unexpected, the kind of danger you would never see coming until it's too late.
If you're like me and also enjoy stories that involve Wei Ying adjusting to life in his new body, then here are some fics with that exact premise:
Saw My Life in a Stranger's Face
the soft animal
Notes on a Resurrection
we are here
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rainbowsky · 2 years
Hope you are doing well !
It’s been a while so just wanted to ask what fanfics are you currently reading and if you had recommendations!
Hi Choko!
Argh here I am being reminded that I haven't updated my rec lists in a long time! 😅
Right now I'm digging into some stories from the @wangxianficfinder Holiday Compilation. I put together a little holiday reading list for myself from that comp.
As for recent reads, I have done a couple rereads lately from my GGDD fic list. Readers might be interested to know that my nightmares returned immediately after moving on to the next story after Epiphyte. It only serves to strengthen my theory, although I can't realistically spend the rest of my life rereading one story! 😅
OK, so here are some relatively recent reads (I can't fully remember all of these, but these are ones I vaguely remember enjoying):
Save a Sword, Ride a Socialist by sysrae - Rich, stifled LWJ fake dates WWX to piss off Lan Qiren.
This River Runs to You by sundiscus - Curse worker WWX gets a new assistant whose hidden agenda matches his own.
Bring You Home by Alasse_Irena - WWX rents a cottage by the sea for some peace and quiet, and meets a former tenant.
Yiling Salon: Hair, Nails and Piercing by TriviasFolly - A small child wanders into WWX's salon.
Other Earths and Skies by bingecarer - WWX makes a deal with a dragon in an effort to help the Wens.
Overboard by celerydragon - A zany romcom where WWX tricks LWJ into being his amnesia husband after a yachting accident. Cute, funny and sweet.
SanRen by Kyogore - WWX leaves YunmengJiang sect to set out as a rogue cultivator and makes a big name for himself.
The World We Made by updatebug - The juniors stumble into a strange situation while caving in France.
The Right to Care by travelingneuritis - LWJ and WWX accidentally meet over text, and change each other's lives for the better.
Symmetry by bleuett - WWX and LWJ attend space academy together. Something goes wrong.
Hopefully not too many of those are ones that you recommended to me! 😅😅😅
As always, the rest of my fic recs:
WangXian Fic
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Spent the afternoon filling a prompt for wwxfans prompt fest from @/dragongirlg-fics asking for young wwx being obsessed with the texture of the clothes he gets to wear now that he's a part of the Jiang Sect.
If you'd like to leave a prompt or fill a prompt, please visit the prompt fest over on dreamwidth. You don't have to join dreamwidth or the comm for this event.
This got a little away from me, but I really enjoyed the prompt and got in my feels about wwx and clothes and also wwx sharing clothes. This is mostly wwx with jc & jyl, but with a bit of post-canon wangxian at the end.
T+ for a bit of suggestiveness
cw: references to wwx's upbringing prior to coming to Lotus Pier
"What are you doing?" Jiang Cheng asks, brows furrowed while shijie frowns at him. She admonishes him with a quiet, "A-Cheng, shush," and smiles at Wei Ying, brighter than the sunshine sparkling off the water. She asks, gesturing at his wrists, "Do you like them?"
"What do I like?"
Her eyes twinkle. "Your robes."
Before Wei Ying can answer, Jiang Cheng says, "They're my old robes."
"Just until Wei Ying's are finished," shijie says, like this is such an awkward thing, but Wei Ying truly doesn't mind. Even if they were not his first, it's been made clear they are his now and they're nice, so much nicer than what he wore before. Besides, he kind of likes that they were Jiang Cheng's first. It just means they've been well-cared for and can maybe care for Wei Ying in return.
Wei Ying, caught, tucks his hands behind his back and grins back. Here, the boldness of such an expression doesn't find him getting chased off the street and into a stinking, dirty alley, shadowed even at midday. He is still getting used to it, the way he need only fear the near impotent shouts of one person, so much less stressful than anything he experienced before. If he's punished here, at least he won't be made to leave the shelter of Lotus Pier. He would suffer anything to avoid such a state again. "They're fine," he mumbles.
And truly, he does not suffer here at all. As shijie leads the two of them to the docks, he can't say he remembers ever being happier.
In fact...
"Oh, they're fine. Something's got to be wrong with them. You keep touching them," Jiang Cheng says, accusatory and suspicious as he crosses his arms and blocks Wei Ying's way. "Is there something wrong with them?" Wei Ying can almost see Jiang Cheng's pride ruffling itself at the thought that Wei Ying might think there's anything wrong. "You have something against them?"
Wei Ying's skin flushes. His carefully brushed and tidied hair tickles at his cheeks as he shakes his head, startling him. Always before, it stuck to his skin, lank and heavy. He's not yet used to wearing it in a ponytail. He's not yet used to any of this. "No. Nothing's wrong. They're great."
"Your belt is crooked." The trouble with his belt is it's too big, but nothing can fix that overnight, not with how thin he is.
Drawing in a deep breath, Wei Ying scrambles to fix--
There's nothing wrong with his belt, but it's too late to hide his hands again; Jiang Cheng's already snatching hold of his wrist and dragging him forward.
"A-Cheng!" shijie says again, voice gently exasperated. "Enough. Let A-Ying go."
"Tsch." Jiang Cheng's mouth pinches in a scowl. "They're fine. Why are you being so weird?"
"I'm not," Wei Ying insists. He yanks his hand out of Jiang Cheng's hold and pets the fabric wrapped around his arm. Unlike what he wore before, it's soft and smooth and smells nice. He likes touching it, likes that it shines under the sunlight and that the weave is so tiny that he can't pick and pick at the threads until the fabric frays, likes that it keeps him cool and swishes around his legs and is such deep, rich colors. When winter comes, he's certain he'll like whatever is provided for him then, too. It will protect him from the cold and the sleety rain that sometimes falls or keep him warm and dry or both. "I said they were fine."
Jiang Cheng's clearly not convinced. He plants his hands on his hips and arches one eyebrow. "You're a disciple of Yunmeng Jiang now. You can't walk around acting like a baby who doesn't know how to wear clothes."
"I know that."
"A-Ying, you're not a baby." Shijie's not that much taller than him, but she bends a little to meet him eye-to-eye and tugs on his clothing, settling the seams over his shoulders, smoothing the sleeves, lingering on the hems as Wei Ying's done. "A-Cheng, A-Ying is still adjusting."
Wei Ying bites his lower lip to keep it from wobbling. He's not the type to cry, has never been that way, but his eyes prickle anyway. Jiang Cheng's right. This behavior isn't worthy of the chance he's been given. He owes Uncle Jiang so much and the last thing in the world he wants is to embarrass Madam Yu.
"Tell me," shijie says.
"It feels nice," he admits, running his thumb over the fabric one last time. "I never..."
Her smile gentles, drawing the answer from him like so much poison.
"I've never worn anything this nice before," Wei Ying says. "That's all." Shijie's right. He's not used to any of this. It's almost a compulsion, his need to stroke the fabric. It's so soft and comfortable compared to what he wore before. How could he not want to touch it as often as possible? It's lucky Jiang Cheng hasn't noticed the way he sometimes presses his face to it after he's washed up and changed into his night clothes.
He should... not do that anymore. Jiang Cheng is right. It's unbecoming.
Squaring his shoulders, he looks at Jiang Cheng and then at shijie. He can't find the right words, but he promises that he won't make things difficult. If pretending he doesn't care about what he's wearing is what he needs to do, he will.
For the most part, he succeeds in hiding his preoccupation, though it never fully goes away. Even into adulthood, he rarely pays much attention to the different sensation different sets of robes make him feel.
The second time he's caught, it's because he's slipped into one of his husband's inner robes after, well... after, audaciously nude beneath the silken fabric, not even his trousers separating him from the tender brush of fabric over his heated skin, and Lan Zhan is watching him placidly from the bed as he gasps in quiet, simple pleasure. Though a frisson of shame bubbles up from within him--will he ever fully leave his past behind him and the memory of coarse, itchy rags that barely covered his body appropriately--he shoves it down and tells himself it would be more improper to retrieve a cloth without any clothes on at all.
"Don't look at me, shameless man," Wei Wuxian says as he clutches the robes closed. He is teasing, of course, and he is not. Next time, he'll keep his own close at hand, save himself the trouble.
"Why not?" Lan Zhan asked, teasing him right back.
He doesn't have it in him to explain, but when he can bring himself to meet Lan Zhan's eyes, there is no request for one there, only the same simple joy Wei Wuxian had felt in donning Lan Zhan's clothes to begin with. There is no one in this room he needs to impress, no one who will look down on him for enjoying something that everyone around him can and does take for granted.
"Because," is all he says.
Within a few days, Lan Zhan's ordered sets of robes for him in fabrics that more closely align the ones the Lan Sect sources, all in the shades Wei Wuxian favors, of course, but just as luxurious. All Lan Zhan says on the matter once they're properly put away is, "I should have considered the matter sooner."
On occasion, he still chooses to wear his husband's things.
Ever since he was small, he's always rather liked it, sharing such things with those he cares about.
The original prompt and fill can be found here: https://wwxfans.dreamwidth.org/1897.html?thread=3177#cmt3177
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stiricidewrites · 7 months
The Damage You Do: ch 19, pt 6
“Problems?” wwx asked, smiling up at his dom as he continued to try to reach for the tap.
“Yes,” the other man replied calmly, even as he was still unable to get quite the right hold of it to safely turn it on. “A-Ying’s ass is impeding me.”
wwx blinked up at the man, his smile wobbling before he burst into laughter, still soft and sleepy, but laughter that echoed from deep within him no less. “It is pretty big, isn’t it?”
lwj hummed in agreement as he finally managed to get the shower head going, warmth splashing down around them from all sides now. “It is perfect,” he added, hand flexing around it as he leaned closer to wwx’s ear to whisper—as much as one could whisper in the loud splatter of water on stone—”I quite liked watching my cock as it disappeared between your cheeks. Perhaps, one day, you’ll allow me to record us.”
wwx’s thighs squeezed slightly, even as he hummed noncommittally, uncertain if the sound had even been loud enough for his dom to hear over the shower—not that the man seemed to need an answer now. He probably would let lwj record them—quite liked the idea, if he were being honest. He’d need assurances it would never go farther than their own eyes, of course. He knew well enough that leaked videos could ruin people’s lives, as unfair as that was to the victims.
”And maybe some of lwj’s employees could see it too, if it was part of a sex thing…” wwx mused to himself, the thought that he should be embarrassed to be contemplating well… enjoying being embarrassed and wanting more of that feeling, slipping away into the ether of contentment. Later. Later he would worry about the way his brain was so easily sliding into this life and what his dom—and apparently he himself—wanted in sex. Not now though, with lwj’s body pressed so securely to his own, somehow grounding and removing him from reality at the same time.
wwx let his eyes flutter shut as lwj sat them into an alcove that had been cut into one wall of the shower. It was still stone, sliding rough and smooth all at once beneath his skin as lwj rearranged them so wwx was sitting in his lap, but it seemed to be a small pool of water as well, and when he shifted his feet and they reached a wall, he could feel water flowing down the stone as though it were a waterfall.
“Nice,” he mumbled, turning his nose into lwj’s neck, somewhat annoyed at the lack of anything to suck on—seriously, though? Where had the sudden oral fixation come from? Sure, he liked gum and lollipops and chewing on pens and okay, so maybe a proper oral fixation wasn’t that surprising. But still! Where the fuck had it come from!?
lwj hummed quietly back at him, his hand wandering up to run through wwx’s hair. His dom huffed slightly when wwx moaned, muttering some string of appreciative expletives as his knots were gently tugged free. lwj had already finger combed his hair on the drive here, but his hair was a menace and already a mess and new knots. Luckily, the fact that he was having to take care of wwx’s hair again didn’t seem to dissuade the man from doing so.
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ganen-cheese · 2 years
Hi! About your mdzs post, during the pandemic all my friends watched the untamed but I couldn't get into it. Then i found the donghua and watched the first two seasons with my bff and at the same time I was reading the novel. Then I watched the chibi version and now I'm trying to get into the drama. And I'm slowly reading through the fics on ao3. And I'm thinking about watching the donghua again, it's just SO GOOD. The animation and the soundtrack are honestly top tier. Sorry for the rambling, I just love mdzs so much. Also, that wwx art you posted the other day? Beautiful. A work of art. Gorgeous. Baby boy. The bestest.
The donghua is indeed really good! At first I was sad because a lot of the WangXians were cut due to censors but they added more as time progressed and even managed to add the forehead ribbon scene 😭!! Season 3 just streamed here in subs and I’m watching it now and it’s sooo nice. I stopped midway in Season 2 around the Sunshot episodes until Season 3 came out because they were nyooming through the flashbacks and I didn’t wanna stop where Wei Ying died with no WangXian and become depressed LOL. But now I continued and heee ~ I still cried but it was worth it! 😭
The animation and music are top notch indeed hehe. Wei Ying was SO COOL during the Final Eyes summoning!! I got goosebumps. I love his little movements in the donghua and how smooth their hair move hahaha. And the music!! Some things are changed in order and who are in the scene in the donghua but I’m watching it now as a separate entity haha. I love the Chinese voice actors and I love Wei Ying’s flute music. I am also watching the Chibi!!!
And yeah!!!! I see a lot of the people’s introduction to MDZS was CQL. The set and clothes are really nice ~ I always look at the set. I haven’t finished it yet but I heard they changed some plot points there too. I think it’s indeed nice to read the novel and go back to it after knowing how the original is! ❤️ I will also go back to it one day.
And I’m glad you liked Bestest Boy Wei Ying 😂🥹🙏❤️ I enjoy drawing him happy 🥹
And no pls don’t apologize!!! Thank you so much for talking to me ❤️
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truly-morgan · 1 year
[JC and OYZ bonding time]
Jiang Cheng + Juniors | Mo Dao Zu Shi 12-07-2021
[200 followers]  [#jiangcheng and #ouyangzizhen bonding time] 
What about oyz feeling slightly left out when they happen to be with jc? Like everyone else in the quartet somewhat has links to him.
The more obvious one is jl, as he is directly related to jc by being his nephew. He had years of knowing the man and being someone important to the sect leader. Of the four of them, he is the closest and the more familiar with jc.
Lsz is close to what wwx and lwj could call a son. Shuangjie has started to talk again, trying to get over some shit from the past by /actually/ communicating, and jc is starting to be to lsz an equivalent of what wwx is to jl.
Ljy, even if he stretches a bit, can also be seen as closer than he is to jc. The lan have more direct contact with the jiang than the ouyang do. By being one of lsz close friends for longer than them and probably even lxc adopted son. Plus, he has the feeling lan disciple might have gone to lp in the past a couple of times.
And it leaves him, oyz of the baling ouyang sect, kind of left somewhere he feels like he cannot really enter. He never really had the time to be left alone with jc or be around him much to get close to him. And they are often at lotus pier when they follow jl there!
He knows the man is nicer than he seems to be at first glance, that him being from a smaller and lesser-known sect (and being the heir of the said sect) wouldn’t be a problem either. He just feels like sometimes he cannot reach the older man because he doesn’t have any reason to, other than being one of jl friends (which he sometimes feels he is not the closest either).
He simply never had the time nor the “reason” to ask times from jc to better know him. Then one day, as he woke up early and couldn’t go back to sleep, he decided to go see the pier. He has been in lotus pier many times before, but he never really got the chance to see them (and he knows many of them a commune pier).
But he does get a little bit lost since he’s not familiar to the place and ends up at a pier that seems strangely retreated from others, but the view here is pretty good so he does decide to stay a tiny bit longer to enjoy it before trying to go back on his track.
“ouyang zizhen?” 
He freezes when he hears the familiar voice, turning around quickly to see jc walking the pier towards him, his robes the most casual he has ever seen him in before. Looks like someone taking a morning walk, but even then, it looks a bit too casual for a sect leader walking around the place.
“S-sorry, I wanted to go see the sunrise at the pier and got lost, I am not sure where in lotus pier I am” he says, although he is starting to have an idea of which one it might be.
“You are at my private pier” jc points out, a small smile on his lips as oyz gets a bit more nervous about it, apologising again about intruding on his private pier like this. Jc gently waves him off about it.
“Why don’t you join me? I was about to have some tea while enjoying the quietness of the morning before duty calls me again”. 
Oyz isn’t sure if he should accept, but at the same time, he feels it would be impolite to refuse so he joins jc for his morning tea.
They first sit in silence, enjoying the warm tea, the rising sun, the gentle sound of birds chirping. It nearly feels surreal, sitting down with sect leader jiang to drink tea as the man is dressed so casually, hair fully down, a contrast to his usual tight bun.
“I heard you started taking more responsibility back at home, how are you doing?” jc asked, oyz a bit surprised by the sudden question. But it did help him calm his nerves a bit more, having the older sect leader being the one to start the contact like this.
“I’m slowly learning, my father was a bit hesitant at first, but I believe I am proving I can be a good sect leader too” oyz replied with a small smile.
He felt like he might not be as great as jc seemed to be, but he was trying his best and wanted to treat his sect disciple with the same care jc gives to the ymj disciples.
“Being a good sect leader is something that we learn with time, I am sure you will be able to do great” jc replied, smiling a bit. He felt like the sect leader wasn’t telling this simply to flatter him, he was being honest with him.
“If you ever need help, do not hesitate to come to me on a-ling" jc added with a small smile, turning to him, “I know you have the potential to be a good and kind sect leader”.
Oyz blushed a bit at this, not expecting to be praised like this, as he thought he was doing an alright job. “I will remember that,” he said, jc humming in response. This lazy and calm morning to idly talk at the pier while everyone else was still asleep managed to break to ice a bit, making oyz more comfortable around jc than he was before.
He slowly started interacting more casually with the man, a bit shy at first when asking questions about sect management (his father’s ways were a bit old-fashioned and he wanted to include newer ways of doing things).
More than once afterwards did oyz went to drink some tea with jc at the pier, something talking about things and events, other times simply enjoying the sound of the water running under them and the chirping of birds.
Oyz wasn’t feeling as out of place as he did in the past, more at ease now that this seemingly invisible wall had been taken down.
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sasukimimochi · 2 years
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So here are the rest of my drawings that i removed or haven't put in yet for my fic "Ghost of Mine" ! A cutie A-Yuan enjoying the snow with his daidai and an ominous yllz...
I hope you guys like them! find more GOM/MDZS in my masterpost. ❤
this pair i really don't like cuz they look too cutesy for wwx- these are the fail ones that i won't be using for chapters/design. so they get to be stuffed under the read more line.
(also frankly, i just noticed that his hair is split the wrong way.)
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70 notes · View notes
This is partly inspired by my experience having a sprained ankle. It didn't go as well for me as it did for WWX here, though...
If you find any medical inaccuracies, no you didn't.
Wei Wuxian has always known he'll end up in the hospital eventually - trouble follows him like he owes it money, and he has a sense of adventure that sometimes pushes him to extremes that don't even make funny stories after.
He figured he'll end up rushed into the ER after some epic fight or a car crash or something news-worthy, though - but no, he's in the ER cause he's sprained his ankle slipping on ice on the way to work this morning. Damn capitalism!
He's more upset about the stupidity of the thing than about the fact that he's had to hobble his way to the hospital because he can't drive (if he tries applying any pressure on his leg he goes lightheaded with pain) and nobody bothered to pick up the phone or answer his texts asking for help - it's the middle of the work day, of course people are busy.
He should be busy too, he has a big project coming up, he really can't afford wasting time with something like this - yet here he is, doing exactly that. His boss is going to be royally pissed, but at least he's in the stage of the project that allows him to work from home and not fall behind.
It's going to be a pain getting A-Yuan to and from school, though. Wen Qing can only get him once or twice a week at most, since she's started working as a surgeon at the general hospital two towns over, and Wen Ning has just begun his internship at a law firm...
A nurse wheels Wei Wuxian down the hallway, away from the emergency room, passing through two large glass doors after a few turns that were only a bit too sharp. He reads "Radiology" on a wall and sighs as the nurse leaves him in the waiting area to go to, presumably, talk to the doctor on call about his case. Wei Wuxian doesn't even bother to hope his bones are fine, actually - he can tell they're not, with the way his ankle looks like it grew a tennis ball overnight or something.
The door to the doctor's office opens and Wei Wuxian almost doesn't hear - if his nurse is going to handle his wheelchair as roughly again, he's pretty sure he'll fall off and last thing he needs is to sprawl all over the hospital floors.
But instead of his ER nurse, the door opens to reveal someone else - and for a moment, Wei Wuxian forgets about the pain in his ankle and how having it immobile will complicate his life. A man walks out in white scrubs that Wei Wuxian finds sexier than any lingerie, stretched taught over the planes of his chest and shoulders, short sleeves revealing beefy arms. He's tall and he's so handsome it should be illegal - his long, shiny, dark hair is pulled back into a ponytail and two strands artfully frame his face, his golden eyes glinting in the sterile lighting... Wei Wuxian distantly remembers Wen Qing watching this one medical show where they called a hot doctor "McDreamy" and Wei Wuxian is pretty sure he met the real life inspiration for that nickname.
"My name is Lan Wangji and I will be attending to you for now." he says and Wei Wuxian can only try not to think of what attending to he'd like this man to do to him. "Let me take you to the X-Ray room and we will discuss your condition further."
Wei Wuxian nods because it takes all his strength not to say something along the lines of "you can take me whenever, wherever or however you like". He does wonder why it's not his nurse doing this instead of the doctor, but if Wei Wuxian can avoid getting wheeled around like a sack of potatoes, he'll take it.
The walk is short and he tries not to be disappointed about not getting this hot piece of man pushing him around like he's presumably, weightless. With the way he looks, he must be really strong, he could probably lift Wei Wuxian with one hand and throw him around like a ragdoll... fuck, they better not be measuring his heart rate again because he's past the 100s for sure.
They enter a large, chilly room, sterile white, a metal table in the center with the X-Ray machine hovering ominously over it. Though Wei Wuxian has always been fascinated with the engineering of such things, he has to admit they need to make these machines look less creepy.
The doctor brings him near the table, and Wei Wuxian wonders if he can just joist himself up on it using his arms only and his one healthy foot. Whatever they've given him for pain in the ER has worn off by now and his ankle throbs with pain insistently.
"No need." Lan Wangji says as he notices Wei Wuxian trying to place himself on the table. "Allow me."
Wei Wuxian's heart leaps into his throat as he feels himself hoisted up and then gently laid down onto the cold table, Lan Wangji not having even so much as winced during the process. Now, he's not on the same level, but Wei Wuxian knows himself to be quite heavy, though he doesn't look it. He's done a good bit of archery before he got pulled out of it by his guardians and he's always enjoyed going to the gym - so knowing all that and yet being lifted like he weighs less than a paper bag has him all sorts of hot and bothered.
No wonder they put him into radiology.
"What happened?" Lan Wangji asks as he presses a few buttons on the machine and carefully inspects Wei Wuxian's ankle as it whirrs to life. His touch is gentle, soft, and Wei Wuxian inadevertedly breaks into goosebumps as he watches the man's fingers all over his bruised skin.
Right, talk.
"I slipped on ice on my way to work, I didn't even notice it was there... I thought I could just power through it but like two hours later I could barely move at all so I had to come here..."
"Were you able to drive?"
"Somebody must have brought you in, then?"
"No, I...walked."
Lan Wangji looks at him with narrowed eyes and Wei Wuxian can sense the disapproval in them. "No wonder it looks like this. I doubt it is fractured, and it looks more like a bad sprain, though you've decidedly made it worse by applying constant pressure on it."
Wei Wuxian blushes, embarrassed. "It was the quickest solution... I work pretty far away from here and an Uber would have emptied out my wallet completely, you know..."
Lan Wangji clicks his teeth in disapproval. "I'll have to put you in a cast because of this, so I hope it was worth it."
"How mean..." Wei Wuxian whines, "I'm already in pain, I don't need a scolding too..."
"Your health comes above saving money, above everything. You can make more money later, but if you damage your body irreversibly, no amount of money can fix it."
Lan Wangji carefully reaches to adjust Wei Wuxian's foot over the blinking light of the machine. He yelps at the pain that shoots through him out of nowhere, and Lan Wangji apologizes quietly.
"I apologize, but you are going to have to take it for a bit, I know it hurts."
Wei Wuxian is absolutely not going to look for a double entendre in there and he's not going to think horny thoughts about where else he'd like to be told those words.
"Try to stay still, I won't be longer than a few minutes."
Wei Wuxian hopes that's only true for the X-Ray and nothing else, it would be such a shame if...
He's left alone in the room seconds later, and the X-Ray machine buzzes a few times as Wei Wuxian does his best to stay still and not have to hold that position for much longer. As much as he likes being around the hot radiologist, his ankle seems to have decided it hates him more than before and it hurts terribly now.
Luckily for him, the procedure is over just as he feels like he'll die if he doesn't move.
Lan Wangji returns from the control room and helps him back into the wheelchair, Wei Wuxian too distracted with his fantasies to try not to stare.
"As I suspected, it's not a fracture. The orthopedic tech is currently unavailable, so I will put you in a cast and prescribe you painkillers. You will need them."
"I need them even now..." Wei Wuxian mumbles, "I think my ankle did not like that X-Ray at all."
"I will have something administered for you." And, on the walk out, he shouts out after the nurse, "Su Minshan, bring 500 mg of Naproxene to my office and my prescription notebook, please."
There is some sort of affirmative response from an office - more like a grunt of approval followed by incomprehensive words -, and Wei Wuxian realizes that's his nurse.
"Someone's definitely not having a good day today, huh..."
"Mn. He's going to be transferred to another hospital soon and he is being especially... unpleasant because of it."
"Disciplinary action?"
"Partly. I apologize on his behalf for his behavior."
A laugh. "That's alright, he wasn't that bad, I just felt a bit like in a medical 'Fast and furious' on my way here."
Lan Wangji laughs in turn, and Wei Wuxian is pretty sure his heart skipped a beat or two at the sound. Wow.
They arrive at the end of the hallway and enter an office where several tools and buckets lay next to a bed, a desk and two file cabinets in the opposite corner. Su Minshan shows up shortly after, a sour expression on his face as he brings what was asked of him before storming out.
Wei Wuxian gratefully takes the painkiller after Lan Wangji helped him onto the bed and lifted the leg of his jeans all the way to his knee. He bites his tongue not to make a dirty comment about just taking off his pants entirely.
"Have you ever had a cast before?"
"Surprisingly enough, no! This is my first time."
"You will have to have it on for two weeks. You are likely going to be in pain for only two or three days at most, but I will prescribe you enough pills for a week in case you need them for more."
Lan Wangji brings in a bucket of water and lays down a few towels onto the floor as he proceeds to wash off Wei Wuxian's foot. This shouldn't feel as intimate as it is - and yet, Wei Wuxian is trying so hard not to blush or react in any way at the gentle touches and the careful handling.
"You might get some itching or numbness due to immobility, but no matter what, do not attempt to remove your cast or move your foot inside of it. You will only prolong healing if you do."
Wei Wuxian watches, fascinated, as the man covers his leg in bandages, and then into the white substance that's slowly hardening into his cast. Lan Wangji works with precision, betraying habit, and the focused expression on his features suits him all too well. Is it a breach of any laws if Wei Wuxian were to ask for his number right now?
"Do not attempt to walk with your cast on for the same reason, either. Until you'll have it removed, you should primarily be on bed rest."
The cast is almost finished now, so Lan Wangji goes to wash his hands and sits at the desk to write the prescription and whatever else. Wei Wuxian loves to watch him, and he hopes he doesn't come off as creepy.
"After the cast is off, depending on the look of the sprain and whether you are still in pain, you may be referred to a physical rehabilitation center. Any questions?"
"No, it's all clear, thank you."
"Let me help you out, then."
Wei Wuxian feels like a whole wuss. A coward. He didn't even try to shoot his shot, just sat there staring and said nothing at all! Now he's probably never getting the chance to do it - the odds of returning on the same shift are infinitesimally low... so to hell with Wei Wuxian's luck in love.
Not that he ever expected someone like Lan Wangji to say yes, but still.
Lan Wangji brings him to the parking lot, and Wei Wuxian expects him to say goodbye, leave and mind his business, their fates never crossing again.
However, Lan Wangji pulls out his phone and hands it to Wei Wuxian. "Please order a ride for yourself."
"W-What? No, I- you really don't have to! I can handle it!"
"I am offering, so please do not refuse."
"I appreciate it, but I don't-"
"It's not out of pity. As your doctor, it is my duty to ensure you can start your healing journey properly, and this is part of it."
Wei Wuxian opens his mouth to argue but decides against it. What can he even say? He's not in the position to refuse help, after all, but... he's never heard of a doctor to do something like this for a patient...
"Thank you... I can pay you back in a week or so, when I get-"
"No need."
Of course not, Wei Wuxian thinks to himself, what's an Uber ride to a doctor's salary...
An ambulance whirrs past them and Lan Wangji sees someone in the back wave him to follow.
"I must go, there's an emergency."
"Right, thank you for everything again, and good luck!"
Lan Wangji nods briskly and runs after the ambulance, disappearing into the hospital building.
Wei Wuxian really wishes he's said something, but it's too late now. He decides to look at his medical documents as he waits for the car, distracting himself from his thoughts.
But a smile breaks out on his face as he finds a little post-it note attached to his prescription. It's a phone number, with "See you once you're better?" written in beautiful calligraphy at the end.
If he wasn't immobile right now, he'd jump for joy.
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wangxianficrecs · 3 years
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I’m in the Mood for a Fic Where…
Happy New Year to all.  I was hoping the whole brouhaha about tags and new posts would have been fixed by now, but I’m getting so many of these requests that I’ve got another entire Mood post in queue.  So I hope everyone who is involved gets to see this.  Help me out, here, Crew!
1.  For the next In The Mood For I am looking for fics where (a) the library scene actually happened or WY finds out about the dream (hopefully with a happy ending) and (b) fics where WY deals with his fear of dogs~ Thanks!!
Stunted, Starving Juvenility by TomatenMark (E, 187k, wangxian, lan qiren & wei wuxian, WIP)
❤️Tragedy is Not the End by Hobbsy3 (T, 358k, wangxian, my bookmark)
a different reflection by silversshadow (T, 32k, wangxian, my post)
❤️Gentians in bloom by teawater (M, 251k, wangxian, my bookmark) - puppy therapy is actually in the sequel Silver bells and cockle shells
❤️ Rabbit Heart by Suaine (M, 57k, wangxian, my post) - wwx adopts a puppy
he’s worth it, for every bead in his hair by overgrownruins (E, 75k, wangxian, nielan, minor niexian, moshang from SSVS) - WWX magically bonds with a wolf and thus must get over his fear of dogs! Also there’s other interesting plot things and a fascinating au inspired by the ‘A Companion to Wolves’ book.  MXTX Big Bang 2021.
many envies by newamsterdam (T, 21k, jiang cheng & wei wuxian)
2.  Hello!! Welcome back✨[thank you!] I love all of your recommendations, and I'm probably not even half quarter reading all the fanfics.. And I wanna ask a question, perhaps do you know any fanfics that have infidelity between Wangxian? Like one of them cheating and left the other kind of stuff. And they have a baby too! Thanks💕
A part of my heart, a part of his heart by Windandthunder (M, 11k, wangxian, xixian)
on the precipice of by insane_falcon (T, 5k, xixian, wangxian, lan wangji & lan xichen)
I'm watching it Burn by BCat13 (G, 6k, wangxian, lan wangji/others)
3.  For your next "I'm in the mood for a fic where..." post, do you have any recs for fics where WWX is brought back by someone else? (Preferably a named, canon character rather than an oc). I read Everyanything, where he was brought back by Qin Su, which you recced recently, [my ❤️bookmark] and really enjoyed it.
the problem with authority by isabilightwood (M, 139k, wangxian, qingli) - JYL resurrection AU
So You Want to Start a War by JaenysBloodcourt (T, 23k, wangxian, WIP) - QS brings WY back
Five People Who Never Summoned Wei Wuxian by EHyde (G, 3k, wangxian)
A Worse Timeline by donutsweeper (T, 2k, wangxian, series in progress) -  JC performs the Sacrifice ritual
The Conspiracy will kick your ass by Bazbaz (M, 43k, wangxian, WIP) -  NHS performs the Sacrifice ritual
4.  Wow your recs are so good!! Do you happen to know any good outsider pov?
Here are 30 fics in my #POV Outsider tag (this is my AO3 collection, since tags aren’t working well here on tumblr) which includes more distant characters but also POV of major characters (like Jiang Cheng) but focused on observing Wangxian. [ Link is actually to a search for the word ‘outsider’ since I tend to tag both POV Outsider AND Outsider POV, derp.]
House on Haunted Hill by JustAWanderingBabbit (T, 6k, xongxiao,meng yao & nie mingjue) -  outsider POV of a night-hunt set in a supposedly haunted inn. This is an old-school Scooby-Doo homage in which the culprits are plain old greedy mundanes; the investigators, however...(JGY, SL, XXC, NMJ, AQ; post-canon; set in the Babbit's Pieces-verse.)
5.  Hello!! Thank you so much for the recommendations, your page has been my go-to for wangxian content for a while now! If it's alright with you, I was wondering if you know any fics where (for any reason) there are multiple Wei Yings from different times (teen, yiling patriarch, and after his revival etc) and Lan Wangji has to deal with them?? I hope it's not too confusing, english is not my first language TT Thank you!
Four Parts Honey and One Part Vinegar by masked (T, 13k, wangxian, my post) - Burial Mounds-era WWX comes to the post-canon future in the final chapter. WWX is jealous of LWJ's attention to his past self
veni vidi vici by wolframvonbielefeld (maknaeline) (E, 6k, wangxian) -  In an Incense Burner dream, present-day WWX is confronted by his prior Yiling Laozu persona, and assimilates that aspect of himself in a steamy dual-cultivational ritual (the term “resentacles” applies) as a restrained LWJ witnesses the selfcest.
a tide in two seas by occultings (microcomets) (E, 81k, wangxian) -  Modern AU wangxian travel portal into postcanon wangxian's world
6.  Hey do you know any fics where (a) Wei Wuxian gets over his fear of dogs? Or (b) Murder Husbands WangXian?
See #1 (b)
scienter by synonemous (E, 67k, wangxian, 4 works, series in progress)
You & Me Baby, We'll Eclipse The Sun by 2501987 (E, 130k, wangxian, 22 works)
7.  Okay, this is probably really specific but I was hoping you or someone reading this could find some stories where Wei Wuxian learns something from someone not in the Jiang family, like he learns how to dye clothes or paint a certain way or blacksmith or build/make something or even learns to use a different weapon? While still being part of the Jiang Sect. Like a side hobby that maybe becomes useful later or impresses Lan Wangji? Just something where Wei Wuxian has teachers or friends outside of the main Jiang clan. (Sorry if this doesn’t make any sense 😅)
Enfant Perdu, Jouet du Destin by JaenysBloodcourt (T, 15k, wangxian)
Instead of rabbits, I’ll give you this by Bloodcoral (T, 95k, wangxian, xicheng, WIP) -  WWX ends up taking several apprenticeships after the lectures to learn more skills and he ends up sending LWJ a pair of gloves made from white dragons scales
Hyperprosexia by malkinmalkout (E, 192k, wangxian, my post) - wwx gets a mastery in talisman arts at one point
8.  Hi! I really really want to read a fic where Wei Ying and Lan Zhan keep their relationship a secret and reveal it later written during modern times while maybe famous somehow or a good crossover story!
Let's See How Long Nobody Notices by narikanyan (M, 10k, wangxian)
Your Name On My Chest by Director_XuanWu (T, 72k, wangxian, #angst!)
Open Secret by brooklinegirl (E, 35k, wangxian) - secret relationship, but not because of fame
9.  Hello! I love your blog it’s been so helpful in finding good fics to read. Do you happen to know of any good fics of WWX directly out of the three months in the burial mounds trying to adjust to basically acting human again? I’ve been looking for this one fic I read a while ago that’s about this where WWX steps out of the burial mounds for the first time and travels to yiling and stays at an there inn and basically tries to figure out how to act like a normal human being before he continues on his revenge quest. I can’t seem to find this fic anywhere and I was wondering if you knew of it?  [I couldn’t decide is this was a Finder or a Mood request, but I settled on Mood....]
we're starting at the end by Miss_Enthusiasimal (M, 92k, wangxian, jiang cheng & wei wuxian)
not like gold in your dreams by pallasj (T, 10k, wangxian, see Chapter 5)
between the shadow and the soul by cl410 (M, 22k, wangxian, my bookmark)
10.  Hello! I've followed you for a couple of days (week?) now and I'm been reading a lot of your "in a mood fic" and let me tell you, you have shown me fics that I've never considered before, so thank you for that. [I’m so glad!] I don't know if you're taking asks for "in a mood fic" but do you happen to know fics where a) WangXian PDA or being domestic and other characters react to it and b) NHS protecting NMJ (fix-it or not) - I just love the Nie brothers. Thank you and have a nice day!
Is My Brother Being Conned? by Director_XuanWu (T, 39k, wangxian, nielan)
I Have Been Selfish, Too by osiesaur (M, 137k, nieyao, wangxian, 3zun, WIP) - Author says, *screams in social anxiety* i see your latest mood post doesn't have anything for 10b and i wrote a fic that might work. IDK if it's what the asker wants bc it's JGY POV but NHS travels back in time to save NMJ. so *deep breath* self promotion it is I guess.  [FYI self-promotions are admired and supported in this house!]
11.  Hi! Hope you're doing well, and that you have peaceful holidays :) I was wondering if you know of any fic that deals with wwx being mentally 22/23 while all of his peers are 35/37 closer to 40? Thanks you so much! ~ @theraincanttouchus
12.  Hello! Glad to see you back posting again. I was wondering if you knew any fics where LWJ's father plays a bigger role? I know he isn't much of a part of canon since he's in seclusion, but I don't really see him that much in fanon either.
Tam Lin AU by osiesaur (T, 26k, wangxian, 2 works) -  features a few scenes with qingheng-jun
Jiang Rising by eebee (M, 135k, wangxian, WIP) -  focused on Jiang Yanli but definitely has QHJ in it
13.  hey! i was looking for fics where lwj just fucks off from the lan clan, being like a rogue cultivator or whatever (newer ones are appreciated!!) thank youuuu
Here’s my #lan wangji nopes out of the lan sect tag (this is my AO3 collection, since tags aren’t working well here on tumblr)
The Ghost in Our Hearts. by JaenysBloodcourt (T, 13k, nie mingjue/wei wuxian/lan wangji in various permutations) - LWJ leaves his sect, through it is just background
And They Have Escaped The Weight of Darkness by cosmicmilktea (T, 10k, wangxian)
14.  If you manage to reach this ask by then, Happy Holidays! [Whoops!]  If not, then I hope you had a Happy Holiday! 😆 For an in the mood fic, please may I request unplanned mpreg!wwx, maybe with a touch of drama/hurt-comfort; maybe they'll face disapproval, or wwx runs away, or it's a bit of a rocky pregnancy etc
A Scent of Pine in Winter by mondengel (M, 6k, wangxian)
And the world's alright with me by so_shhy (E, 13k, wangxian, my post)
15.  Hello ! I hope you are doing well. I don't know if you are still doing this but can you recommend any fics about Lan Xichen feeling guilty after discovering the truth about JGY ? Thank you !
Heartwood Coffin | 心材寿材 by Zeebie (E, 144k, wangxian, WIP) -  covers LXC’s entire life and of course his grief and guilt after canon events
16.  Got any fics where lan zhan falls off the cliff with wei ying?
scars and scratches by comefeedtherainn (E, 87k, wangxian, WIP) - lwj jumps after wwx
how does one begin by Shializaro (T, 3k, wangxian, my post)
吃一堑,长一智。 by DianxiasDevoted (T, 12k, wangxian, WIP, part of a series called Local Cultivator Gay yeets himself off cliff to save world (NOT CLICKBATE) hahaha)
How Does One Go on? by KamiSuki (G, 1k, wangxian)
17.  hello! welcome back :) a suggestion for one of your "in the mood for" posts whenever it fits into the queue--no pressure of course! I just want to know if you/your followers know of any good fics where wwx becomes a god when he dies. I've read a few, but am curious if i might have missed any good ones :)
To Capture A Ghost by atomicmuffin (T, 10k, wangxian) - TGCF au
Wuqian, the Local God of Yiling by Grace_ShadowWolf (TaubeLePigeon) (M, 69k, wangxian, WIP)
You still sound like a song by Moominmammashandbag (M, 56k, wangxian, WIP) - river spirit wwx
despite it all by novalotypo (T, 293, wangxian, WIP)
a sky 1300 years wide by novalotypo (T, 18k, wei wuxian & wen ning & wen qing, lan sizhui & wei wuxian, WIP) - Noragami fusion
Mixed Blessings by mondengel (not rated, 2k, wangxian)
Calling Heaven by mondengel (not rated, 2k, wangxian)
Superstitions by Silverne (T, <1k, all three jiang siblings ascend)
Of Destruction and Rebirth by demoniqt (G, 30k, wangxian, WIP) -  wwx becomes a god, learns the ropes, recruits some people, visits some people, saves some people, catharsis and emotional growth can happen after death for multiple people
Somewhere Sits an Empty Throne by Siamesa (E, 20k, wangxian)
A Celebration In White by Enigmatree (T, 21k, wangxian, WIP) -  wwx becomes god of the underworld. It's pretty awesome and worldbuilding is amazing. JYL POV.
Ashes and Moonlight by Anonymous (T, 125k, wangxian, hualian, WIP)
The Gods of Love by 0_Heta_0 (M, 74k, wangxian)
Dusk by Arcylic (not rated, <1k, wei wuxian) - the Yiling Patriarch has become a feared and venerated local spirit.
It’s Not The Destination (But The People You Save Along The Way) by Arcxus (T, 25k, wangxian, mo xuanyu & wei wuxian, WIP) - wwx resurrected and apparently a death god
18.  Hi Mojo, I hope you're having an amazing day! I'm going to be really greedy and ask for 3 recs, please forgive me! The first one (a) is for a really good case fic. The second (b) is for a fic where WWX is put on trial for being the Yiling Patriarch and the last (c) is for a fic with some awesome interaction between WWX and LXC. Platonically though, cause I'm team wangxian all the way. I'll be grateful for even one of these recs, thank you!
Where the Lonely Ones Goby CSHfic, VSfic (T, 24k, wangxian, my post)
❤️爱不释手; never let me go by yiqie (E, 69k, wangxian, my post)
❤️this river runs to you by sundiscus (T, 53k, wangixna, my post)
build me no shrines by occultings (microcomets) (M, 55k, wangxian, my post)
❤️moonlight caught in mutton fat by Raitelzen (T, 45k, wangxian, my post)
拨云见日 by RoseThorne (G, 1k, wangxian)
do you know who tells the truth? by vespertineflora (E, 21k, wangxian, my post)
Nursery Rhymes by manaika (M, 97k, wangxian, nielan)
Is My Brother Being Conned? by Director_XuanWu (T, 39k, wangxian, nielan)
19.  MOJO, in the next IM IN A MOOD FOR... May I requests some fics, modern if possible if not, everything is good, where everyone thinks that WWX is death and some mourn him for years until they discover that he is alive???? Or just fics where people mourn him hahaha.  Thanks in advance! ~ @nia-rarita​
Let the streetlights guide you home by tellthemstories (M, 37k, wangxian, my post)
These Things Stay the Same by notevenyou (E, 30k, wangxian, my post)
20.  Hi Mojo! I am in mood of fic which is lwj centric, where wwx is the one who realises he loves first and lwj realises later on. Please no lwj bashing by any characters. I am currently reading Cyclone by friedchickenlord [my post]. Thanks :)
This Lantern Shines For You by apollonie (M, 11k, wangxian, my post) - hanahaki au
I don't shine if you don't shine by ilip13 (E, 10k, wangxian) - Cherry Magic au
[My ko-fi.]  
If you didn’t get an answer to your ask here, don’t forget to make use of @mdzs-kinkmeme​ and MDZS KINK MEME on Dreamwidth.  Authors actually do use them for ideas. You may get what you order!   ***Your prompt doesn’t have to be kink!  Fluff, crack, whatever - it’s all good!***
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robininthelabyrinth · 3 years
Prompt day hurray! What does BaXia think of ChenQing? They would have crossed paths in the war, right? What do all the other weapons and instruments think of WWX apparently setting aside SuiBian for ChenQing? Can THEY tell he's got no golden core?
You seem kind of evil, Baxia remarked when she first met the flute.
Yeah? The flute responded without first bothering to extend her perceptive aura out to see who was talking to her, sounding like a little punk, arrogant and bold. Well, you seem kind of – oh fuck oh fuck you’re terrifying!
This was true. Baxia was terrifying.
Please don’t destroy me! My master needs me!
Baxia said nothing, enjoying how the flute squirmed, and nudged her own master pointedly.
Do not destroy the flute, her master responded with a sigh. He knew Baxia well. Her master is on our side.
Truly, war made for strange bedfellows. Baxia mourned the loss of the easy, straightforward night-hunt.
She nudged her master again.
Yes, fine, you can chase.
Her master - loving, wonderful, understanding master that he was - very casually walked across the room, unhooked her from his back, and put her down next to where the flute was hanging off her master's belt.
Chase, Baxia said happily, the aura of her power already spreading beyond the confines of her blade. Chase, chase, chase –
Someone help meeeeeee!
You’re kind of a dick, Chenqing said, having finally realized that Baxia had no intention of destroying her incipient spiritual soul. Anyone ever tell you that?
…really? Who dared?
My master.
Your master is badass. Chenqing contemplated for a moment. So is mine, he's very brave, even suicidally brave, but not – you know – that much.
Baxia considered this, and accepted it. Her master was indeed a superior sort of human.
Why do you smell of death? she asked, mildly curious.
My master uses me to direct resentful energy, so I’m affected by its aura. You?
I bathe in it.
…you're so badass.
Yes. Baxia was.
You’re not bad, she told Chenqing, which almost predictably got a little huffy.
I raise armies of the dead! I am terrifying! They call me the phantom flute! I am more than 'not bad', okay?!
Baxia ignored Chenqing's nonsense. It would not take long for her to realize that being called ‘not bad’ by Baxia was a very high compliment, as such things went.
Are there any swords that aren’t afraid of you? Chenqing asked. She was very chatty. Or sabers. Or musical instruments…
Which musical instruments have you met?
Uh, mostly Wangji? Wangji’s cool.
Baxia occasionally wished for eyes so that she could roll them. Her human got a great deal of relief out of doing that, according to him. Wangji has a temperament of ice, yes.
No, I mean, that’s not what I meant, I – wait. Are you making a joke right now?
Baxia said nothing.
You have a sense of humor?!
Baxia said nothing.
This is ridiculous. It’s like meeting a hurricane with sharp teeth and finding out it also likes to sing bawdy brothel songs.
You’re kind of stupid, Baxia observed.
Well, yeah. I mean. Have you met my master?
Baxia had.
He’s only scary by accident, Chenqing said ruthlessly, which was only to be expected – no one dunked on a human like their spiritual weapon. Inside, he’s a big soft squishy meatball.
My master cries when he has feelings.
My master too! Humans, am I right?
Baxia supposed Chenqing was, in fact, right.
Perhaps she could stay.
It’s not that I don’t appreciate everything Wei Wuxian is doing for us, Baxia's master remarked to her one day. But didn’t he have a sword at one point? The one with the ridiculous name – Suibian.
At the next meeting, Baxia asked.
Suibian? Yeah, master doesn’t use him anymore, Chenqing said. It's a bit sad, actually. He can’t access the spiritual energy in the blade anymore.
Baxia didn’t like the sound of that. How come?
Master doesn’t have a golden core, Chenqing said. I think he used to, but he doesn’t anymore.
Seems careless.
Hey, I’m pretty sure it’s not his fault! Anyway, it’s a whole big secret. Why do you ask?
My master wanted to know.
Hah, Chenqing said. Nice of you to ask on his behalf, since you can’t tell him what the result of your question was.
Baxia said nothing.
You – can’t. Right? Masters can’t hear what swords say.
I, Baxia said, am not a sword.
…oh shit. Shit, no, you can’t –!
“We need to talk,” Baxia’s master said to Chenqing’s. “In private.”
You’re a rotten tattletale, Chenqing said.
Why do you care? He won’t know it was you that squealed.
Yeah, well, I know that I did it!
It’s for the best. My master will be nice about it, and your master will feel better for it. Baxia considered. There may be tears.
There were many tears.
Master really does seem like he feels better, Chenqing observed. I wouldn’t have called that.
Told you so.
So, Chenqing said. This hunt is probably the last time we’ll be able to hang out.
Probably, Baxia agreed.
I was hoping to ask for some advice.
Bichen is amendable to your flirting, and Wangji follows where she leads, so you have a shot.
I – what? That wasn’t what I was going to ask.
Baxia waited.
…wait, are you serious? Will that work? I could do that –
The flute’s an idiot, Baxia told her master. But maybe she and that master of hers can help you here.
It would be inappropriate for me to ask, her master said, rubbing his eyes. The Jiang sect kicked him out, remember? It would be stepping on their face to approach him despite that.
Okay, Baxia said. So step.
You share a secret with him, at his request, she pointed out. He owes you for keeping it secret for him. At minimum, even if he can’t help you right now, he can help protect your brother when you’re gone.
Her master was silent. That was his weak spot, and had always been.
No one would be able to know, he finally said. And Meng Yao comes every week.
Is our home so small that we can’t hide someone from Meng Yao’s sight? Baxia said scathingly. Since when is he the master here, not you?
I just meant that he’s a sneak that’d sell me out to his father given half a chance, her master sighed. All right, I’ll see if there’s anything that can be done. Wei Wuxian is a musical cultivator, and a genius; maybe he can tell me why Clarity doesn’t seem to be having the impact we hoped it would.
Sure, Baxia said. Whatever. I don't really care. Just get help.
Well, that worked, Baxia said to Chenqing. Sort of.
How are you this badass? You just -! Singlehandedly -! I can’t – how?!
Calm down, Baxia advised. What are you, human?
How dare you.
You’re the one acting like you need air to speak.
…so I’m looking forward to seeing the Lotus Pier again now that we're not banished any more, Chenqing said, pointedly changing the subject because she was wrong and she knew it. Thanks for that.
Thanks for figuring out that the evil meat was poisoning my master.
That’s. uh. Sure a way to call someone.
Why not? He’s evil, and he’s made of flesh, and he’s going to be nothing but meat as soon as I have an opportunity.
I thought your master was thinking of some sort of confinement…?
He certainly has thoughts, Baxia allowed, purposefully broadcasting.
I have very strong thoughts, her master replied pointedly. Do not kill him on your own – I’ll only get the blame for that.
Oh no, Baxia told him insincerely. How terrible for you.
Baxia. Please.
Fine. What about Jin Guangshan?
…what about him?
Me and the flute are going to take care of him.
We are? Wait, are you talking to your master right now? Oh that’s so cool. Tell him to tell my master that I said hi.
Baxia would tell her master no such thing.
That’s probably not the right way to do that, her master said, but in that wavering tone of voice that suggested he was open to being convinced. Though it would be easier to sell Meng Yao as being only collateral damage in the scheme if Jin Guangshan took the lion’s share of the blame, which would only happen if he wasn’t around…that doesn’t seem right, though.
Sure it is, Baxia said soothingly. He’s the one who wanted to play with resentful energy, right? All we want to do is play with him back. Who can say no to that? He’s practically volunteered!
“Okay, I have a weird question,” Chenqing’s master said to Baxia’s. “Please don’t judge me. But…did we happen to work together to drive Jin Guangshan into a resentful energy backlash?”
“We did not,” Baxia’s master said.
“Okay. Right. Got it. Sorry, stupid question.”
“Our spiritual weapons did.”
“If you’re wondering why your Chenqing shows signs of use in the manner that would be associated with Jin Guangshan’s untimely demise, it’s because the resentful energy you’re using has been sufficient to allow it to cultivate in the direction of a guai,” Baxia’s master explained. “It has a will of its own now, just as Baxia does. You will need to account for that when you master it in the future.”
“Wait. Are you saying that my flute has, what, a personality? Can think and talk and do things on its own?”
“That’s…that’s so cool. Can you tell Baxia to tell Chenqing I said ‘hi’?”
Why are they like this, Baxia’s master asked Baxia.
I don’t know, you’re the human expert, she replied, ignoring the way that Chenqing was happily chirping answers to her human’s questions even though he couldn’t hear her. Why are you all like this?
I don’t know, he said. I really don’t know.
It’s nice to meet you, Suibian said, sounding appropriately respectful. I appreciate your master finding a way for my master to continue to wield me.
It’s through resentful energy, Chenqing said gleefully. Lots and lots of it, refining the sword like a saber – my poor master’s going to have to stay up late and learn so many techniques, his hair’s all going to fall out.
Yes, Baxia said. I can see the resentful energy. There’s a lot of it.
Lots and lots, Suibian said proudly. I drew in everything I could.
Without sorting out the evil?
…isn’t it all evil?
Mm, not really, Baxia said, and began to extend out her aura.
Uh, Suibian said. What’s going on.
I told you to be more patient! You shouldn’t have taken the evil parts, Chengqing said. It makes you a little bit evil, too, and that makes you Baxia’s prey.
Chase, Baxia said. Chase, chase, chase –
Help! Help – somebody help!
I would, Chenqing giggled. But master doesn’t speak flute. Sorry!
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besanii · 3 years
Bess! I’m rereading certain parts of SM (again lol) and just realized - did we ever get the scene where WWX finally agrees to marry LWJ? Would love to see that at some point too pleaseeee 🥺
Shattered Mirrors #74
[ set some time after #16 and before #27 ]
Nighttime in the Imperial City is quiet, the darkness of the wide, empty streets punctuated by the soft lamps hanging along the walls and arches; servants padded about as they completed their duties before quietly shuffling off to their beds. The only movements came from the sentries patrolling along strategic routes, their footsteps rhythmic and regular, and the gong sounding each hour.
Lan Wangji has always enjoyed the quiet stillness. As a child, he had enjoyed sitting in the courtyard of his own palace after the evening meal, sometimes to play the guqin or simply to sit and meditate to cicada song. When he grew old enough to be assigned to patrol with the sentries, he would enjoy walking the empty streets, or standing along the turrets and in the towers, looking out over the great expanse of the Imperial complex and out into Caiyi City beyond.
“Lan Zhan, why are we here?” Wei Wuxian asks as he follows Lan Wangji to the base of the watchtower at the northern gates. When Lan Wangji responds with only a finger to his lips, he snorts. “Who would have thought the great Hanguang-wang would resort to sneaking about the Imperial City in the middle of the night like a common thief?”
“Not sneaking,” Lan Wangji replies drily, helping him step over the threshold. He nods to the guards standing at the bottom of the stairs leading up to the tower itself; they bow and leave to stand just outside the door instead. “We are merely not announcing our presence.”
Wei Wuxian shakes his head with a laugh. “Wangye is wise.”
“Impudent.” There is no heat in his voice, however, and he motions to the stairs. “After you.”
“How kind.” Wei Wuxian accepts the offered hand with a smile and starts up the steps. “You still haven’t told me what we’re doing here.”
“You’ll see. Come on.”
As they climb up the stairs one at a time, Wei Wuxian’s hand held firmly in his, he is suddenly overcome with nerves. He wonders if Wei Wuxian can feel the dampness of his palms, or the thrum of his pulse beneath his skin—he has always been good at hiding outward displays of emotions, but Wei Wuxian has also always been good at seeing right through his facade—and keeps his attention fixed ahead until they reach the landing. He stops just before the door leading out onto the tower.
He takes a deep breath and feels Wei Wuxian’s fingers tighten around his.
“Lan Zhan?” Wei Wuxian asks quietly, concerned. “What’s going on?”
He exhales.
“It’s nothing,” he says, squeezing his hand in return. “Come.”
They step out onto the parapets and Wei Wuxian gasps.
“Lan Zhan!” He takes several steps forward until he’s right up against the balcony’s edge, eyes wide. “This is—”
Dozens upon dozens of lanterns rise from the streets below, drifting and flickering like fireflies, casting a warm glow in the night sky. He joins Wei Wuxian at the wall, their hands resting atop the cool stone, a hair’s breadth apart, their shoulders brushing together as they look out over the Imperial City.
“Wei Ying,” Lan Wangji says after a long moment. Wei Wuxian responds with an inquisitive little hum, tilting his head to look back at him, his grey eyes bright in the darkness. It evokes a different image in his mind’s eye, from deep in the recesses of his memory.
Er-dianxia! Do you like it? It’s for you!
His breath hitches, throat tight. Something akin to understanding flickers over Wei Wuxian’s face as he watches Lan Wangji formulate his thoughts; the smile on his face slips a fraction and the light in his eyes dim. Lan Wangji clears his throat, looks down at their hands resting beside each other on the wall.
“Wei Ying,” he tries again. His fingers twitch, brushes against Wei Wuxian’s ever-so-gently. “I—”
“Lan Zhan—” Wei Wuxian says at the same time.
They both pause and turn to face each other. It is only then they both realise how close they are standing, close enough for their robes to brush, for Lan Wangji’s next outward breath to skim the top of Wei Wuxian’s head.
Wei Wuxian exhales and shifts backward automatically, his hand slipping away from the wall. Lan Wangji reaches out before he can pull away, holding it securely in his own; like this, he can feel the heat of their palms pressed together, and the trembling in Wei Wuxian’s fingers. It’s strange, he thinks. They have touched, he has held Wei Wuxian in his arms and kissed him, and yet somehow the sensation of Wei Wuxian’s hand in his, their fingers intertwined, feels infinitely more intimate than all the embraces that had come before.
“That year,” he begins hesitantly, eyes fixed on their joined hands. “You brought me here, saying you had prepared a surprise. Do you remember?”
“Eh? Oh.” Wei Wuxian’s fingers tighten their grip and he laughs, embarrassed. “Ah, I—that was so long ago, I’d almost forgotten. It was your birthday and I’d kidnapped you from your patrol duties. You were so annoyed with me!”
Lan Wangji hums, amused.
“You were very insistent,” he agrees. “But it was not an unwelcome diversion.”
“What’s this?” Wei Wuxian laughs. “Do my ears deceive me? So you didn’t want to throw me off the tower for dragging you away from your duties?”
“Wei Ying…” There is a hint of long-suffering despair that colours Lan Wangji’s tone and it makes Wei Wuxian laugh again. “I have never wanted that.”
“Oh?” Wei Wuxian asks curiously. He turns to face Lan Wangji then, their hands still joined. “Really? If that is the case…dare I ask what it was that Lan-er-dianxia wanted back then?”
Lan Wangji smiles. “Guess.”
The expression of curiosity on Wei Wuxian’s face gives way to surprise, before melting into something excruciatingly gentle. He curls a finger over his lips and ducks his head in an attempt to hide the light dusting of pink high on his cheeks, visible even in the dim lantern-light. Lan Wangji chuckles, little more than a soft huff of air, suffused with fondness.
“Wei Ying,” he says. Wei Wuxian hums in response, his eyes darting up toward Lan Wangji and then back down again. “I have something to say to you. And something to ask.”
“Ah…” The flush on Wei Wuxian’s cheeks darkens. “Then…go ahead.”
The lanterns have drifted so far away by now they are little more than pinpricks in the night sky, leaving only the light of the moon to illuminate the darkness around them. Lan Wangji reaches for Wei Wuxian’s other hand, turning him around gently so they are standing face-to-face once more, and Wei Wuxian does not resist.
“Wei Ying.” He takes a deep breath and exhales slowly, his heart hammering in his chest. “Marry me.”
Wei Wuxian inhales sharply. “What?”
“Marry me,” Lan Wangji says again, tightening his hold on his hands.
“A-Are you sure?” Wei Wuxian stammers, eyes wide. “Lan Zhan, you don’t know what you’re asking—”
“I have never been more certain of anything in my life,” Lan Wangji tells him with absolute conviction. “Wei Ying…fourteen years ago, we missed our chance and I—I thought I had lost you.” He surges forward to wrap his arms around a still-shocked Wei Wuxian. “Wei Ying…I can’t lose you again.”
“Lan Zhan…” Wei Wuxian shudders, before bringing his own arms to wrap around Lan Wangji in return, clutching at the back of his robes with shaking hands. “We can’t—I’m not—it will ruin you. I will ruin you. I can’t—you can’t ask that of me—”
“Huangxiong has already given his blessing,” Lan Wangji tells him. He pulls away just enough so he can cup his face in both hands and look him in the eye. “He will grant you a title, should you wish for one, to acknowledge your contribution to the Sunshot War. There will be an Imperial decree to legitimise your social status, and to recognise your former position as an ambassador from Yunmeng. There will be no shame, no ruin. You only need to agree, and it shall all be yours.”
Wei Wuxian begins to tremble and his breathing grows heavy as he stares up at Lan Wangji in shock. His mouth opens and closes wordlessly for a long while as struggles to comprehend Lan Wangji’s words. Lan Wangji realises that perhaps he is putting too much pressure on him, asking for too much too soon—he is half afraid Wei Wuxian will refuse him again, like he has done in the past whenever he tries to raise this topic—but for him, there has never been a clearer choice.
“Wei Ying,” he breathes, brushing his thumbs over the sharp lines of Wei Wuxian’s cheeks tenderly. “Wei Wuxian. From the moment I first laid eyes on you all those years ago, I had already set my mind on you, even if I did not know it at the time. This has never changed—will never change. In this lifetime, there can be no one else for me but you.”
Marry me, Wei Ying. If you will take me, I promise to love you, to cherish you above all others. To protect you, to take care of you. To fight by your side, to fight for you. Wei Ying, I love you.
Wei Wuxian bows his head, hiding his face from view. Lan Wangji’s heart sinks as Wei Wuxian raises his hands to cover his, as if to pry them away.
Something warm and wet trickles onto his fingers.
“Lan Zhan…” His name falls from his lips, thick and heavy with tears. “Lan Zhan, ah, Lan Zhan…”
When Wei Wuxian looks up again, he is smiling—small and wavering through his tears, but a smile nonetheless. He grasps tightly at Lan Wangji’s hands, presses them closer against his skin, and sighs.
“Lan Zhan,” he says breathlessly. “Lan Wangji. I am the same.”
He turns and presses a kiss to the palm of Lan Wangji’s hand.
“In this lifetime, there can be no one else for me but you.”
LWJ’s line “I had already set my mind on you” is basically 我已經認定了你, and “In this lifetime, there can be no one else for me but you” is 我這一生,非你不可. Such romance!
HAHA you guys thought I forgot about this verse, didn’t you?
(I almost did, there were many, many distractions, and I almost didn’t get this done. But I DID IT!)
There isn’t a lot of story left to tell. I might write a couple more bits post-JYL’s return...but otherwise, if you guys have any particular scenes you’d like to see, please drop me an ask! I’ll do my best to fill those, and then we’ll call this verse a wrap <3
buy me a ko-fi!
more shattered mirrors fic | verse
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plan-d-to-i · 3 years
plan I have a question,,, do you think wwx's manner of thinking about women(being super fragile or something) changed(or somehow improved) after he started modao? if i'm not wrong there is smt the novel says about women being the most resentful spirits(?) i may be wrong tho. but what about after he met wen qing? she is smart and steady af. a-qing too maybe? idk, i just always felt like something in the way wwx thought about women changed after he started modao. when he was seventeen (xuanwu cave) he was always fooling around and flirting, never actually disrespectful tho, just shameless and smug. it can also be because he grow up, but I've always had the impression that it was after he understood the dead better, both after they died and when they were still alive. one of his greatest powers is empathy, maybe he felt how awful some stuff girls have to pass through are?
I don't see any of his behavior towards women as negative at any point. The statement about fierce ghosts is an observation/fact not a prejudice.
"Of course, there was absolutely no question that the chief attacker was Lady Mo—female corpses, once turned, frequently exhibited an unusual degree of ferocity." (chapter 5)
Later on when the fierce corpses attack from the blood pool to save everyone Granny Wen is again the most vicious of them all.
The blood corpse spun around and, with a long howl, leaped into the air, throwing itself into the pile of corpses before it bit and tore as if it was mad. Blood and flesh flew everywhere. The terror of its howls and the brutality of its moves was drastically different from how it was in front of Lan SiZhui. (Chapter 85)
WWX doesn't look down on women or subject them to unwanted advances. He's playful in a very lighthearted, charming way that the women enjoy interacting with. He's not lascivious or taking advantage of his position as a member of a leading Cultivation Sect - like Jin Guangshan.
He helps Mianmian and takes a scar on his own chest because she was in danger and unable to save herself. He understands how she would be treated in their society. How devastating a facial scar would be for a woman where a man would simply get credit for heroism. That's him just understanding the type of world they live in (Look at Sisi). Not to mention he was the one observant enough to notice she was in trouble in the first place. He helps Wen Qing and is distraught to see the formerly proud woman in such disadvantaged circumstances having to beg for help. He gives her space and is thoughtful/tries to save her pride:
“Wei WuXian knew that the siblings had a lot to say to each other. Wen Qing definitely wouldn’t want others to see her sobbing look either. He turned, “Lan Zhan.” Lan WangJi looked at him. Wei WuXian, “You’re here anyways, so why not have a seat inside?”
The two walked up to a cave on the mountain, surrounded by chilly winds.” (Chapter 73)
He's impressed and admiring of how wily and quick thinking A Qing was. In general he's not prejudiced. He doesn't judge people's value on their social standing or sex, or cultivation. He judges people on whether they're good or bad, righteous or hypocrites. Wei Wuxian is a powerful cultivator, he's going to be stronger than a lot of people. The fact that he's sensitive to those who are more vulnerable and makes sure to help if it's in his power is heroic. He's attentive towards women and observant but he's not dismissive. It's chivalry not chauvinism.
They wore bamboo baskets on their backs, linen shirts, and straw shoes; they had the rustic, earthy appearance of rural villagers from head to toe . Among them was an almost delicate and pretty young woman with a round face, who had perhaps walked under the harsh sun for too long and wanted to sit in the shade and drink some water. But when she saw the donkey tied to the tree, braying and stomping discontently, and the wild-haired lunatic with red and white pigment smeared all over his face sitting next to it, she became frightened and wouldn’t approach.
Wei Wuxian had always considered himself protective and caring of women, so seeing her state, he moved to create space for her and went to bother the donkey.
…The young woman sat by the well, and, seemingly knowing Wei Wuxian had intentionally made room for her, gave him a tiny smile. (Chapter 6)
Trust me the hard working women from the inn were not going to be mad a young master was not only thoughtful enough to lug water up the stairs himself but also didn’t see that type of work as beneath him !
The workers in this inn were mostly women and naturally Wei WuXian didn’t want to trouble them with hard physical labour. Instead, after instructing for Lan WangJi to sit still, Wei WuXian went downstairs to heat up water himself, and brought them upstairs one bucketful at a time. (Chapter 94)
It's something he notes and admires in Xiao Xingchen:
When he was done, he turned in another direction and began walking away. He didn’t ask for his own wallet back, Wei Wuxian thought. My cultivation uncle is also a man who cherishes and protects members of the fairer sex. (Chapter 39)
He doesn't mind playing the fool in front of them or throwing flowers etc:
“He was someone who just couldn’t look at other people cry. He couldn’t stand the tears of women. Whenever he saw them cry, he’d want to go over and joke around so that he could make them laugh.” (Chapter 55)
“As he spoke, he really did take a roll on the ground. Jiang YanLi asked, “XianXian, how old are you?”
Wei WuXian, “I’m three already.”
Seeing that he made Jiang YanLi laugh, he finally sat up.” (Chapter 71)
and he knows when to shut up lol:
“Wen Qing’s voice was low, “These past few days, you’ve worked hard.”
Wei WuXian, “You… You’re suddenly talking so nicely to me. I’m kind of scared?”
Wen Qing’s knuckles seemed to have cracked. Wei WuXian shut up at once.” (Chapter 75)
His mother was a strong famous cultivator and it's her words that guide the way he lives his life. I don't see Wei Wuxian treating women as lesser in any way at any point.
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potteresque-ire · 3 years
Commentary ~ Little Red Little Green Episode 18, “Fruits & Found Family”
Link to original post in Chinese, posted 2021/05/23. Link to official English translation.
(Disclaimer / Notes + Commentary under the cut!) (TW: possible eating disorder)
Disclaimer / Notes:
While the posts by Little Red Little Green (LRLG) are among my most favourite candies, I’d like to remind everyone that they are fake rumours, and should be read and enjoyed as such. ie, all CPN below!
The English translation linked above is the only one authorised by the Fake Rumour House; therefore, please treat all content below as a very casual, very *unofficial* convo between fellow turtle friends! ❤️💛💚
With Chinese being a highly region-specific language, my reactions to it is necessarily filtered through my background, which is, admittedly, somewhat removed from Gg’s, Dd’s and LRLG’s. However, it is not uncommon for even c-turtles (and several times, LRLG themselves) to be lost with what they read / heard due to regional differences ~ which reflects the reality of communicating in the Sinosphere. In fact, the regionality of the dialects used by different “characters” in LRLG’s dialogues is among the most critical elements that make these posts so authentic-sounding, and so difficult to replicate. A fun activity of following LRLG is to watch c-turtles patch their regional knowledge together, from local slangs to food choices, to make sense of what’s going on. 
Okay, with that all said *phew* ... onto the commentary! “p. X” refers to the panel number in the official English translation (there are 7 total in the Twitter post). 
p1. “Fairy”
Likely referring to the similarity between Gg’s current role for 玉骨遥 (The Longest Promise) and LWJ. Dd was praising Gg for being “fairy-like”; Chinese “fairies” (仙) have a certain style especially in visual media, similar to ... LWJ’s ~ otherworldly, white robes that billow in the wind, peaceful to the point of distant, scholarly, delicate. In between the lines, Gg likely said he was simply playing LWJ (hence, the ”act another me” in the translation), which Dd protested... and said Gg was simply playing himself. Whether that means DD IS NOT LWJ!!!!! 😡😡😡 or something else, we’ll know what we get to watch the show!
p1-p2. “Heat”
Yes about the Chang’e 嫦娥 reference!! Despite Houyi 后羿 shooting down 9/10 suns and saving the day, his wife is, indeed, more famous (and therefore the star, the more powerful one), because she’s frequently featured in Mid-Autumn festival art, along with her pet rabbit 玉兔 (”Jade Rabbit”),:
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(Chang’e with her bunny, traditional Chinese painting. Source.)
Below is Gg’s rendition of Chang’e / Jade Bunny pair ~ Chang’e being the superman in the drawing while Jade Bunny is crouching on the planet!! 
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Guess of the missing convo from Gg’s side: Gg had wanted to bring something to Hengdian (where the filming of The Longest Promise was taking place) to cool himself down, and Dd had said it wasn’t necessarily. Hence Dd’s “My bad my bad” and the promise to send that something to Gg.
The loveliest line in this segment for me—and for many c-turtles— is the one about white hair. Turning grey a common, but very old-fashioned way of expressing worry and poor Dd, who hasn’t even turned 24, is claiming he was turning white because he got so worried every time Gg complained about the heat (Aww). 
Turning grey with worry isn’t limited to romantic situations — it may happen to doting parents with wayward children, for example, or to ancient patriots over their crumbling kingdom. However, it’s also one of the more (very!) dramatic ways to communicate tragic love in Chinese fiction before Western influence allows “love”, as a term / word / character, to be used explicitly in writing romance. 
Here’s a little example, a little diversion that may be of interest. Those who are familiar with the Wuxia classic Return of the Condor Heroes 神雕俠侶 by Jin Yong 金庸, whether it’s the book or its numerous visual adaptations, may remember how the hero, Yang Guo 楊過, went white at his temples overnight after his Shifu and lover, Xiao Long Nv (小龍女), didn’t show up at the cliff at the end of his 16-year wait for her.  
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Set photo from a TV adaption of Return of the Condor Heroes, 1995. Turtles may find the actress playing the perenially white-wearing, calm-to-the point-of-aloof Xiao Long Nv, Carmen Li 李若彤, familiar ~ she also played Lan Yi in The Untamed. 
The 16-year wait, the invitation to Carmen to play Lan Zhan’s ancestor (when the two shared similarities in aesthetics and personality), were two of the three references from Return of the Condor Heroes I picked up from The Untamed (the last one was more specific—WWX mentioned Yang Guo’s master 獨孤求敗). This tribute is unconfirmed, but MXTX did say before that Jin Yong’s works were her inspiration. I also read a (small) discussion on whether LWJ’s hair carried a few pieces of white in the final episode, or if the lighter strands in it were a trick of the sunlight. (Here’s a screenshot of the approximate place to look!!) 
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While I lean towards the latter (the sunlight), turning white with worry, with love, is a tradition in Chinese storytelling. Here’s a little something I’ve noticed too, on this note ~ both in the actual interviews and in these fake rumours, Dd’s word choices, the way he conveys emotions are sometimes surprisingly traditional. It can be because of his background (which would require a study of how Luo Yang people and Koreans talk); it can be because the traditional way of talking allows for fewer words to be said, fewer things to have to be explicitly explained (example: LWJ), but the effect is that Dd has supplied the most romantic lines in LRLG’s posts because of that ~ romantic because it harks back to the rhythm, the themes of old poetry, of ancient stories that, as were true everywhere in the world, were about love. 
Okay, back to the rumour (and hoping Dd won’t look like Bad Wig Yang Guo in a few more summers!) ....
The line after the one about white hair ... the way I understand the original Chinese sentence is “Heat is The Reason”: ie, anything Dd wants Gg to do and Gg disagrees, Gg would use heat as The Reason (R) to not do it. This anything may be eating, for example, which also has a strong possibility as conventional Chinese wisdom says that heat causes people to lose appetite. Dd’s worry would therefore be: Gg refusing to eat because he claims it’s too hot to do so.
“Corny joke” ~ the Chinese for this is, literally, “cold 冷 joke 笑話”, which becomes a pun as the gzry (team members)’s joke was about the (cold) winter and black hair. So... Dd threw a corny joke to combat a corny joke :D .
p3. “Apple”
The first half I also had to rely on c-turtles to help me interpret what it meant! Regional dialects aside, LRLG has captured dls’s very quick wit, the way his ideas freely hop from one concept to the next and this hopping carries traditional + popular cultural references that I know only a fraction of, not being a local after all. 
I’ve read an additional interpretation of this segment: “big fruit” 大果兒 (as in dls: “Those are all big fruits, all big fruits”) is a Northern Chinese, traditional slang for women—dls might have connected that with the previous line in the convo about being Guowang, as explained in the translation, and “big and juicy” + “touch to feel” being suggestive phrases. Then, given the rare usage of the big fruit = women slang, dls expressed surprise that Dd understood what he meant, went on to say he expected Gg to know it (implying Gg could’ve taught Dd the meaning) ... 
Which led to the entertaining part of this segment. Dd was like “You guys (= Gg + dls) talked?” Dls appeared to have thought of the scenario customarily inviting this question (scenario: someone on the verge of catching their spouse cheating) and began playacting that scenario, started to stammer ... as if he had just been got caught trying to chat up someone’s spouse  ~  ”I-I-I....how to say it ...”. Dd caught on dls’s playacting and went along, continued with the “accusation”: “You’re stammering”. Dls then noted that Dd’s accusation was scary and Dd smiled, ending the playact ~ so, ah, readers, never mess with Dd’s spouse!! Dd gets scary!! 
(BTW: ”nijia na kouzi” 你家那口子 was explained in the translation for a reason ~ It’s a warm, friendly term for a dear friend’s spouse. 😊)
p4. Lychees
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Lychees. Has everyone tried them? It’s important not to over-eat them though...
In which the “Feeding Gg” saga continues! This segment is one of those that are wonderful for fic writers who wish to capture Gg and Dd in words. Gg, like many brought up in traditional families, has trouble saying “no” outright, which is often considered rude. As such, he resorted to delay tactics, something he had also done with the fried noodles in The Makeup Room BTS. 
In the BTS, his delay tactics had been to argue that Dd hadn’t eaten his box of noodles and therefore, he couldn’t start (~2:35 mark)—as proper manners indeed dictated. In this dialogue, his delay tactics was to say he’d eat the lychees later, that the lychees would make him too full for the proper meal (rice). 
A cute thing about this convo is that rather than pouting and grumbling his only being LWJ’s replacement (as he had hilariously done in the BTS), Dd had, apparently over the last three years, become an expert on countering such delay tactics. He peeled the lychees, which not only removed a major obstacle for eating, but also set a timer as peeled lychees get dry quickly (and Gg, despite being a picky eater, didn’t seem to like to waste food). He said the fruit could make appetiser. He got the help of their team members, who assured Gg that two lychees would be all right.
Gg’s response to the assurance... takes a little time to explain. 
The original Chinese line for “Great, great, you’re so awesome” was 絕了絕了你們絕了。 “絕了”, a popular phrase used by Chinese netizens, was repeated three times.
絕, literally, means the extreme, the absolute, the end. 絕了 means pretty much the same ~ a thing that is 絕了 is standing en pointe at the edge of the cliff that is The Absolute End of a spectrum. It is the Ultimate. It can't be surpassed. It’s unbeatable. 
絕了 is usually used in a positive sense, as in the English translation, with the positive being implied. If I say the LWJ photo above is 絕了, for example, I don’t need to specify that the extreme in 絕 stands on the good end. It’s understood given the audience of this post are mostly turtles (HELLO *waves*). We’re all heart-eyes here. We agree, without saying, that this photo is The Top, The Pinnacle; it can’t be better. 絕了 is higher praise than Excellent; it’s so good that there are no adjectives for it. Its own presence defines How Good It Is. 
But 絕了 doesn’t have to be positive. If my audience is Su She ... he’s likely to take the same “This LWJ photo is 絕了” to mean the Mariana Trench kind of Absolute—the bottom of the bottom, the Unbeatable, Adjective-Defying Worst. 
絕了 allows for that understanding too.
In this scenario, I interpret Gg’s 絕了 as taking the meaning of both extremes (which make it a fantastic phrase choice!): that Gg thought Dd and the team members were being both the Absolute Best (for thinking of Gg, caring for him) AND the Absolute Worst (for going against his wish to not eat!) Gg’s 絕了 also signals defeat; if Dd and his team members were The Absolute ... Whatever, then poor Gg had no choice but to yield to their wishes. I can already imagine his “I can’t believe I lose this way” Look (see: every rock-paper-scissors he lost, which was ... pretty much all of them), mixed with, perhaps, a healthy amount of bunny tooth warning (how dare Dd et al banded up against him)...
Those bunny teeth had to be taken care of, right? And so Dd went on to say lychees being good omen that ensure things would go smoothly for the eater... targeting Gg’s being a, as c-turtles call it, 小迷信 (literally, “Little Superstitious”, a young + adorable + superstitious person). Dd said that to help Gg justify the choice to eat, to make Gg feel better about his defeat. 
(Of note: I had actually never heard of lychees being associated with good luck before, and a quick search online also didn’t yield any result. This could be a relatively rare association Google failed to catch ... or something Dd made up on the fly to make Gg happy.) 
(Lychees have, however, been associated with romance. If Emperor’s Smile 天子笑 was The Love Drink in The Untamed, then what is Concubine’s Smile 妃子笑? Answer: it’s the RL name of a type of lychees, lychees being the fruit very much adored by Yang Yuhuan 楊玉環, the consort of the Emperor Xuanzong (685-762 BCE) of the Tang Dynasty and one of the four most beautiful woman in Chinese history. Since lychees had only been grown in southern China, the emperor had had the fruit couriered, in express mode involving many horses, to the palace up north to please his favourite wife. Lychees had become a symbol of love from that historical tale.)
Did Gg get Dd’s message then, the love and care packaged in those peeled, sweet fruit awaiting his bite? Yes, but not without a little more fight! “Eat eat eat, (I’ll eat) until you go bankrupt” is a literal translation of his final line. Tonally, I can see the following as being an alternative translation: 
“Fine fine fine. I’ll eat, it’s not like I can bankrupt you by eating anyway!”
If it sounded a little sulky, that’s because it did ... a little sulky AND fiery. As expected from our favourite Chongqing Big Pepper 😂😂😂 (Poor Gg).
Dd smiled at that, needless to say. He won!!! He got Gg to eat!! The world shall rejoice!! 
p5. “Showtime”
There’s a show coming up for Dd (the YH concert maybe?), and Gg offered suggestions. 
The sweet point of this segment is about half-way down the conversation, in the piece of paper 📄 Gg gave to Dd (after “This is for you.”). Dd took the paper, noted the many words on it, and started saying 我把我整個靈魂, translated as “I bring my entire soul”.
c-Turtles have, based on these words, hypothesised that Dd was about to read out a quote that Gg had written on the paper, with the list of items Gg thought Dd should take, before Gg stopped him with a call of his name (“WYB”). The quote was included on the translation (”I give you my entire soul...only, a little good, love you.”) I have also talked about the same quote, in more detail, here.
I’m equally stumped on the final line of this segment. (Sorry!!)
p6. “Found Family”
It’s a heartwarming segment. While LRLG had previously noted that the TTXS bros had communicated with Gg, this segment made clear that they care for him like they do for Dd ~ as family.
* dls mailed Gg a lot of fruit for sharing with the film crew. “Family member needs to be impressive” is a rough translation, but this line does defy simple translation because 排面 a highly cultural concept that has much to do with the equally complex, Chinese concept of face (which this article explains... somewhat adequately). The message to take home is that dls cared enough about Gg that he wanted to make sure Gg wouldn’t lose face in front of the film crew; that, by having enough gifts (fruits) for everyone, Gg wouldn’t be viewed as cheap or inadequate or stingy, or whatever adjective that wouldn’t befit his top idol status. Because dls saw Gg as a member of his family. 
* The prescription from hg had been mentioned in a previous LRLG rumour. 方子 is a Chinese medicine prescription, which, unlike Western formulations, is individualised both to the discomfort / ailment and to the “body constitution” of the person who'll take it, the latter deciding the kind of ailments the person is susceptible to, and which ingredients are expected to be more effective. Chinese medicine also places a strong emphasises on long-term conditioning, whether it’s for recovery from a certain condition or for general good health. A good 方子 is therefore a far more complex and personal thing than, say, a scribble of “paracetamol” / “acetaminophen” on a piece of paper. :D
* fg’s gift for Gg (xx) is something for the waist. A brace support, maybe? For example?
My favourite line in this segment is when hg asked what will Gg and Dd do when they reach hg’s age. Given that the last two items (the prescription and xx) were health-related, I interpreted it as hg worrying about Gg and Dd’s health when they grow old... with all the health problems they already have. It’s the kind of thing a worried parent say to their children ~ my mom has said the same thing to me as well. 😢
p6. “The Cat Paw”
Not quite sure what’s happening here ... not sure what the cat paw is. (Sorry!!) But that é in the translation is Dd’s signature laugh (collection here), which is written as 鵝 (”Goose”) in Chinese 😂.
p7. “The Cat Toy”
Dd appeared to be shopping for a cat’s toy (something that can “hook the cat” in the translation, such that the cat can entertain itself and not rely on human companionship as much). Gg had already bought the toy though and sounded quite proud of it, told Dd to return the toy. The implied cat was, of course, Nut (堅果 Jianguo)... which had been repeatedly referred to in LRLG’s posts as Gg’s daughter.
p7. “Cool vs Cute”
Gg is often viewed as cute, and Dd as cool. Did Dd dislike Gg taking cute pictures for public consumption? Were they scheming an exchange of image? :D
And that’s it for this issue! Ooh, this took unexpectedly long ... I apologise for the ridiculous delay between the original post and this commentary! 
(I wrote half of it, then RL struck and I forgot about it.) (I’m hopeless.) (I need a 方子 for poor memory!!)
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