#entp quotes
mistype360 · 5 months
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When one of them can’t fuck and the other can’t stop fucking
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mbtitime · 2 years
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The 16 types as School of Philosophies
Follow me on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and everything else @mbtitime and @typefy
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ENTP, holding a deck of cards: Who wants a tarot reading!!
INTJ: Those are Pokemon cards
ENTP, holding a card: You got a Squirtle, it means fuck you.
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thepeelingrenoir · 7 months
"Reality is so big that you're not outside of reality, you're just at different parts of it."
-David Lynch
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oiblackestsheep · 4 months
MBTI Types as Spongebob quotes that live rent free in my head
INTP: "Remember, licking doorknobs is illegal on other planets." - Spongebob
INFP: "I knew I shouldn't have gotten out of bed today." - Squidward
INTJ: "Stupidity isn't a virus, but it sure is spreading like one." - Sandy
INFJ: "The inner machinations of my mind are an enigma... *milk spills* " - Patrick
ENTP: "You don't need a license to drive a sandwich. " - Spongebob
ENFP: "I was trying to tell you that I was choking on snow, but the snow melted and turned into water, and I drank all the water, and now I'm better." - Patrick
ENTJ: "Well, it wouldn't be the first time you ruined everything." - Squidward
ENFJ: "If I were to die in a firey explosion due to the carelessness of a friend... then it would just be alright." - Spongebob
ISTP: "Can I be excused for the rest of my life?" - Spongebob
ESTP: "How many times do we have to teach you this lesson, old man?!" - random fish
ISFP: "Always follow your heart unless your heart is bad with directions." - Spongebob
ESFP: "See, no one says 'cool' anymore. That's such an old-person thing. Now we say 'coral', as in 'That nose job is so coral.'" - Pearl
ISTJ: "I order the food. You cook the food. The customer gets the food. We do that for 40 years, and then we die." - Squidward
ESTJ: "My diet Dr. Kelp? How am I supposed to eat this without my drink?!" - random fish
ISFJ: "I'm so loyal, I don't mind sleeping out on the cold, hard ground while Captain Krabs sleeps in his warm, dry tent." - Spongebob
ESFJ: "Good people don't rip other people's arms off." - Spongebob
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roses-of-the-romanovs · 3 months
OTMA: Romanov Sisters' MBTI
Olga: INFP
"She was hot-tempered but did not bear grudges. She had her father's heart, but lacked his consistency. Her manners were harsh. She was well-educated and mature intellectually. One sensed in her a "good Russian young lady" who loved solitude, reading poetry, who was impractical and disliked everyday matters. She was very musical and would improvise on the piano. Straightforward and sincere, she was unable to conceal her feelings and was evidently closer to her father than to her mother." - Sydney Gibbes
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Tatiana: ISFJ
 "She was completely unselfish, always ready to give up her own plans to go for a walk with her father, to read to her mother, to do anything that was wanted. It was Tatiana Nicolaevna who took care of the little ones, and who -was a constant help to the Household, always willing to help them in arranging that their official duties should not clash with their private engagements. She had the Empress's practical mind and love of detail. She planned and arranged everything in the "Children's quarters" as it was called. She had a less strong character than Olga Nicolaevna, whose lead she would always follow, but she could make up her mind in an emergency quicker than her elder sister, and never lost her head." - Sophie Buxhoevedon
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Maria: ESFJ
"When I first knew the Grand Duchess Marie, she was quite a child, but during the Revolution she became very devoted to me, and I to her, and we spent most of our time together. She was a wonderful girl, possessed of tremendous reserve force, and I never realised her unselfish nature until those dreadful days. She too was exceeding fair, dowered with the classic beauty of the Romanoffs; her eyes were dark blue, shaded by long lashes, and she had masses of dark brown hair. Marie was plump, and the Empress often teased her about this; she was not so lively as her sisters, but she was much more decided in her outlook. The Grand Duchess Marie knew at once what she wanted, and why she wanted it." - Lili Dehn
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Anastasia: ENTP
"Ingenuousness and utter simplicity were the most characteristic qualities of Anastasia Nicolaievna. As a small child she was very mischievous, spotting at once the comical traits in people's characters and afterwards imitating them very skillfully, so that it was irresistibly funny. ... I never noticed in her the smallest trace of mawkishness or dreamy melancholy, not even at the age when girls fall a prey to such tendencies. She was the imp of the whole house, and the glummest faces would always brighten in her presence, for it was impossible to resist her jokes and nonsense. She was very boisterous, and sometimes a good deal too temperamental. Every impulse, every new sensation was something she immediately had to indulge to the full; she was aflame with life and animation. Even at sixteen she still behaved like a headstrong young foal that has run away from its master." - Sydney Gibbes
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mbti-darling · 6 months
ENTP, talking to a group, suddenly turns to INTP: you're not gonna like this
ENTP: *says it anyways*
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saltyfishdream · 10 months
ISTJ: And how did you prepare for the presentation?
ENTP: With my brain, thank you very much.
ISTJ: ...OK. (This guy is hopeless)
ISFJ: (being emo) I don't have Fe...
ISFP: It's alright *at least* you have more Fe than I do (has no Fe in their function stack)
ISFJ: ;-; That's too true...
ENFP: I want someone to hurt me
INTP: Good. (Takes out the hair removal wax)
ISTJ: I read your ESFJ x ISFP fanfic and I didn't like it.
ENFP: Come on it says Dead Dove Don't Eat in the tags if you don't like it then don't read it!
ISTJ: The taboo themes is just a minor problem.
ENFP: So what are you complaining about???
ISTJ: I have never seen so many grammar mistakes in my life.
ENFP: *dies of probably annoyance
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scruffycatio · 1 year
ENFP 7w8 teasing INTJ 5w6 for kissing ENTP 7w6 while ISFP 9w1 is like 😒
ENFP: intj kissed entp!
INTJ: no I didn’t!
ENFP: yes you did!
INTJ: didn’t!
ENFP: diiiiiiiid
INTJ: did…not!
ENFP: did did did did did did did did did did did
ISFP: *Ahem*
ISFP: ugh I could break this tie ISFP: They totally did.
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ofthisdust · 3 months
"He had a moment of lucidity reading 'The Bell Jar.' Maybe he didnt really love her, not the way he thought he did, not selflessly. That all he would do once they were together would be to flatten her out like a rug. That it'd be better if he never reached for her. So she'd stay herself, true and alive and he would never be guilty of trying to make her small. But then the moment went away."
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mistype360 · 4 months
mbti types as scents
infj, enfj : sandalwood, patchouli, sage, jasmine, cacao butter
enfp, infp: vanilla, hibiscus, rose, autumn, lilacs, parchment
entj, intj: bergamont, eucalyptus, cashmere, almond, lavender
intp, entp: lemongrass, nutmeg, spearmint, blood oranges
esfj, isfj: rosemary, white musk, brown sugar
istj, estj: leather, toffee, mahogany, black cherry, cedarwood
isfp, esfp: sea salt, clay, coconut, ocean, cactus, peaches
istp, estp: pine, petrichor, lemonade, champagne, bourbon
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Love isn’t something that weak people do.
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ENFP: *Screams*
ESFP: *Screams louder to establish dominance*
ENFJ: Should we do something?
ENTP: No, I want to see who wins.
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thepeelingrenoir · 7 months
"One day you will find the perfect fire/-the correct violence/ and you will be free"
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ENTP: I literally cannot believe I let you talk me into this.
ENFP: I literally said “I have an idea,” and you just went along with it without question.
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