#envious razor
clever-fox-studios · 10 months
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A silly little cross over gag with my Oc, Ylixir (pink) and the Envious Razor-verse FNAF DCAs, who are pranksters that never learn their lesson.
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Update with the envious razor lore
Turns out Ballora is the mother of sun and moon 
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patchy-patchy · 2 years
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lemonjuice212 · 8 months
drop bros
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This is a sketch from envious razor where sun and moon hit people with hammers
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bbbigbush · 3 months
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bush and boobs :O
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boizandgurlzinthehouse · 10 months
𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 𝐰𝐞 𝐝𝐨 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞.
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pairing: coriolanus snow x toxic!fem!reader
summary: someone always throw a spanner in her works, to achieve her biggest dream —being coriolanus’ lover, wife and claiming power. luckily, y/n is not on the loser side when it comes to playing. 
trigger warnings (overall): mastermind!reader, toxic!reader (for real, she’s doing nasty things), reader’s family is a bit fucked up, reader is obsessed with coriolanus snow, lying, swearing, blood, violence, killing people, hunger games stuff, i just love volumnia gaul, reader hates lucy gray and everybody who’s around coriolanus, mental health problems mentioned such as psychotism, domestic violence mentioned, drugs, mention of sexual fantasies.
trigger warnings (in this part): mastermind!reader, toxic!reader (for real, she’s doing nasty things), reader’s family is a bit fucked up, reader is obsessed with coriolanus snow, lying, swearing, domestic violence mentioned, drugs, mention of sexual fantasies, mentions of gaining weight and wearing a corset (patrick bateman vibes), i really hope it doesn't seem like bodyshaming, reader has problems only with her own body.
another day. another chance to win him over. 
y/n could be named for many things: a filthy liar, a nepo-baby, a psychopath or simply a crazy girl, but she was never, ever lazy. waking up, she always had the same routine: getting out from the bed, changing into her underwear she wore the day before, making her hair up into a bun, spreading carbon on her teeth to be white as marble. working out, even if it hurt, because how could she be the best wife ever for coriolanus if she was lazy and out of shape? through workout, she thought about who she is. i am y/n y/l/n, youngest member of the house y/l/n. we are noble, i am noble, and i deserve everything what i have now. i am beautiful, clever and nobody can ever drag me down. the people who hate me are only envious of my life, my body and my mind, but they’re all going to soil. i love the life i have, and i will appreciate every single second of the life i will have when i achieve my goals. i have every tool i can use to win, and i will use them to be the woman i want to be. it’s not far away, and everyday is a chance to be closer to the woman i want to be.
after that, taking a bath, scrubbing her body with a sponge, so her skin would always be silky, using her razor to get rid of the unwanted, ugly hair on her body. smearing vanilla and rose oil onto her skin: vanilla for being gentle, and rose for coriolanus. brushing her teeth, washing down the charcoal, washing teeth with the regular toothpaste. sitting in front of her dressing table, picking her eyebrow, putting cosmetic oils and serums on her cleavage, her neck and her face. while letting it dry, picking out the outfit of the day, calling in her maid, hortense to help her with the corset if she felt that she gained too much weight because of the medicine, or was on her period. y/n hated so-called red days, and waited for the day when she could bear her husband’s children. putting her clothes on, sitting at the dressing table again, her maid helped her if she wanted a special hairstyle. checking her manicure, it was now soft pink, it’ll match with her clothes. making her hair, she did her makeup, curling her eyelashes, putting a little chili on her lips to be so full –it hurt like hell, but how could she be perfect if she didn’t put effort in it?, whilst repeating another list in her mind. this was for coriolanus. 
be kind with him, but never too kind. be kind and modest with everybody else, so they won’t notice it. agree with him in the things that are important, but also speak your mind if he seems doubtful. speak your feelings to convince him, you are important to him. always accept his help, but don’t make redundant situations, don’t look like the damsel in distress. make him feel special, let him be the man he is, make him feel that you support him and his plans, but never make too big promises. don’t look pathetic, don’t show your emotions too much. never talk about him to others, only if they mention him, talk good about him, and talk bad about others if it’s needed. don’t make a scene if something doesn’t work your way, it will sooner or later. take action when it’s the right time. 
applying lipstick as the last step, she was ready to step out from home. y/n knew she had a strict routine, but doing mornings on autopilot let her think about more important things, like her daily plans. first destination was the school where coriolanus was, but first, she needed to get her papers after graduating, after that they’re gonna have lunch together, and then, she’ll look for the letters to see if volumnia gaul accepted her application. probably she will, she knows her entire family, how great they are, and she probably heard about y/n herself too. 
“good morning ms. y/l/n, how are you?” lacy, her sister’s maid asked her as she carried the laundry in a big basket through the hallway on the ground floor. 
“i slept well, lacy, thank you. where is my sister?” 
“your sister, morphia went to arrange the flowers and the cake for her marriage. i am so happy for her, ms. y/l/n!” 
y/n couldn’t decide if lacy was truly happy or just acting. but she wasn’t a threat, so y/n didn’t care. 
“me too, lacy.” 
her father was sitting at the head of the table, reading the tabloids, her mother, lorelei was eating some eggs with meat, some gin in her glass on the side. 
“this pheasant is really good, cyril.” she mentioned, looking up to see her youngest child. “oh, my sweet, y/n! good morning.” 
“good morning, mommy.” she said, giving her a kiss on the cheek, going to her father, she waited until he stopped reading the tabloid and looked at her. her father, cyril y/l/n was really strict, but not as strict as crassus snow. once, after her father made her burn the flowers she tore off from their garden and beat her, her mother stroked her cheek, saying “oh, honey, don’t be sad. your father is a good man, not like crassus snow. i think you should be glad that you don’t have him as your father.” so this way, y/n was happy. or so her mother thought. 
“good morning, father.” she told him too, giving him a kiss on the cheek too. she could do that until she was eighteen, after that, only the greeting was acceptable. y/n saw once, when morphia tried to kiss her father when she passed eighteen, she got slapped across the face. but they were happy, weren’t they? 
“how’s your application with gaul?” he asked as y/n sat down. 
“i handed it in yesterday. probably a letter will wait for me in the afternoon.” 
“why, what will you do today?” 
“cyril, i already told you that! your butler even wrote it down for you!” her mother whined, looking at her daughter. y/n took a slice of bread, reaching for the butter and the knife. 
“don’t mind it, mother. i’m going to the school to get my graduating papers, then have lunch with coriolanus, and then–”
“coriolanus snow? that boy and his family are broke, his father was gullible and got killed by the rebellion. why are you humbling yourself in his presence?” 
control. control your face, your hands. y/n’s fist curled around the knife tighter, grabbing it with real force. 
“i know, but he has great talent. and he’s gonna be the next president of panem.” she replied calmly, looking at him. sometimes she fantasized about stabbing him there, at the head of the table. 
“president of panem? y/n, you are so amusing when you say things like this. but i truly hope your words will become reality someday. crassus wasn’t gullible, everybody was afraid through the first rebellion.” his face softened, just as he spoke to a three year old. 
“yes, honey! your father doesn’t doubt you, he’s just amazed at what you are saying.” her mother added, sipping on her gin, batting her lashes. it wasn’t even ten in the morning, as she was already wasted. after eating the slice of bread, y/n stood up, hiding the knife into her sleeve. 
“i’m going out, but i’m gonna be here for the letter. please don’t open up before me.” she asked, making her father look up. 
“hortense is going to bring it to your room.” 
“thank you, father.” 
“honey, you didn’t even touch the caviar and the honey, please eat some more!” 
kissing her mother’s cheek again, y/n looked at her. she got her eyes, her mother was truly beautiful when she was young, acrimonious lips talked cyril only married lorelei because of her looks. nevertheless, the creed family was also noble, y/n only had to bear festus’ horrible personality twice a year, christmas and the reaping. 
“don’t worry mommy, i’ll be fine.” 
she could work easily with an empty stomach, getting back to her room, preparing her bag. looking at the medicines, she put the bottle under her clothes. she didn’t need these pills that made her useless, slow and lazy anyway, she needed something else… and she knew her horrible cousin, festus got that white, powdery thing. grabbing the butterknife from under her sleeve, she touched it. it was the worst knife ever, blunt and short, like some of the fighters in the games. y/n loved her father, respected him and counted on his words, but questioning her and laughing at her, it was the exception if it came to love and respect. and if her father is doubting her again, she will–
funk! well, who thought that people could stick butter knives into the wall? 
arriving at the school, showing her papers that she was a private student, the secretary gave out her graduation stuff. nodding, the secretary told some things, but her mind was focused on finding festus. going to the main hall, everybody whore red, y/n was the only outstander with her black skirt, soft pink blouse and black blazer. every school uniform was truly awful, the capitol is the wealthiest in all panem, couldn’t they make it a little bit more… pleasant? it’s a shame that every fabric is on their hand, available, and still, they style it horrible. nevermind, festus was there, chatting with that bitch arachne and that fucker pliny harrington. 
“hey, festus, hey, everybody. can we talk for a minute?” she turned to her cousin. festus looked at her, smirked, then looked at the others. 
“of course. sorry, it’s only a minute.” he said to them, walking to one of the corners with y/n. leaning to one of the marble piles, he dug his hands into his pockets. “so, what do you want?”
“why are you asking me so pitiless?” y/n blinked at him. for some people, formality in family could seem heartless, but she was relieved that she didn't need to waste her time if she didn't want to.
“you talk to me only if you need something.” 
“me? don’t be ridiculous, i helped with all your assignments in school, what would your mother say if she heard that?” y/n couldn’t be a big gamer if she didn’t knew the connections in her environment perfectly well. seeing how festus’ face became a little bit rigid, she continued. “anyway, i want from that white dust you gave me last time.”
she couldn’t even carve a wider grin on his face, even if she wanted to.
“so you liked it? it’s better than your stupid pills.” y/n had a poker face, but she wondered how he got to know. “you’re not the only one who knows things in the family.” fucker, you don’t even know everything, yet you still play like you’re the most clever. the funny thing is that it ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble, no. it's what you know for sure that just ain't so.
“i have business somewhere else soon, can i get it or not?”
“it will cost some money, but i am always happy to help my family.” oh, fuck off. y/n reached her hand like she wanted to shake hands with him, and this way, demand and supply met. “if you drink some of it, it’ll be better. you are a crazy bitch y/n, but if snow really will be the president, remember me as one of your biggest supporters.” he smiled. “oh, and volumnia heard some of his great ideas about getting more audience for the games. if you’ll work for her, that ugly power couple thing can be really dangerous.” what ideas? she knew it was a problem that the game wasn't so popular, and he thought that coriolanus wasn’t so interested in that. of course, until now, because big money was at stake, and everybody was prowling around the corner. y/n curled the corner of her lips up under duress, bidding goodbye to festus. she wasn’t gonna take it now, she used it only for emergencies.
now, she could completely focus on coriolanus. where was he? walking to the other long hallway, looking around, he was nowhere despite that they stuck to eleven am yesterday. suddenly, she felt two hands on her shoulder, making her turn. 
“there you are!” there he was. y/n could look at him for an eternity, could he look better under eleven hours? everything about him was perfect, from the way he looked to the point he talked, and y/n almost tasted the sweetness when his mind was forming those clever, great thoughts. and his looks? she knew they could have the most precious children; angel blonde hair, blue eyes, chiseled jawline she could kiss a million times, his body was sculpted by the gods who were looking down on them, and she prayed every night to the deities so they could be each other’s one day. in y/n’s mind, coriolanus wasn’t just a boy or a soon-to-be-man. no, he was the base of everything, he had everything that y/n needed, and y/n was raised truly the best way. nobody else could get in the near of the perfection he formed, and y/n could see the future. the future, where they marry, she is in the longest, most beautiful white dress full with gemstones like rubies, sapphires, diamonds and emeralds, vowing endless loyalty to each other, the whole world is envious of the wealth they have. the future, where he becomes the president of panem, leading the nation with a strong hand and making decisions with a strong mind, while y/n helped to make the games more impressive, more dangerous, more cruel, but first of all, supporting him in everything, even if she has to get her hands dirty. the future, where she was pregnant with his children, naming them ancient names so they could mirror the same noble qualities those deities had, raising them the best way so they could even outgrow them, perfect people. “how was your morning?”
the future they could have. the future they WILL have. 
“hello, corio. mine was pretty good, got my graduating papers. how was your day so far?” 
“it was… good, i guess? this mentoring thing is new for everyone, i spent all night thinking how lucy gray could win.” 
that name, again. keep it cool. 
“i’m sure you will think it out. shall we go and eat lunch?” 
sitting in a gorgeous, golden restaurant, y/n chose a corner for them to sit in. when their food arrived, she waited for him to speak. it seemed like something was itching his mind, and she was one of his best friends, wasn't she? corio looked to the side, then at her, then took a bite from his lunch. let’s break the ice. 
“is everything okay, corio?”
“yes, yes, everything’s fine. is it… on my face?” 
“well, since i…” don’t make it too personal. “...since we know each other so well, i see worry on your face. you can tell me everything.” 
“it’s… it’s gonna be really, really embarrassing for me, but… so, y/n, it’d be my pleasure if… you’d come with me on a date?”
clawing on her thigh, was this reality? was coriolanus really, really asking her out in this glorious place? was she truly worthy of his love? moderating her grin to a smile, she looked at him. he was truly a love-child of an angel and a god, and while y/n was truly a masterpiece herself, it was the biggest honor for her to get into the grace of this guy. now, the idea of the wedding and the best imaginable life wasn’t so far away. did the gods hear her prayers above, and saw the list she created? 
“forget it, y/n, i know i’m not–” coriolanus tried to hush the previous idea with an embarrassed look on his face, but y/n shook her head. obviously, her mind wandered for too long. 
“no, no! of course i’d go on a date with you. with pleasure.” y/n smiled, slowly reaching for his hand that was on the table. they touched each other frequently before, but not like this. she hated a part of herself, the part that could melt under his touch and got dizzy from only his skin. but truly, she could eat it up if she could. 
“oh, okay, well… i just… thought that it’s embarrassing, because you pay for all of this, and–” never let a man’s pride falter. it’s the firewood for the campfire, the pressure for the diamond, the water for the plants. if you feed a man’s ego, he’ll trust and love you. 
“corio, dear, please. i’m not with you because of your money, we can’t do anything about our past and families. and you’re gonna win the plinth-prize, so what are we worrying about?” 
“but–” y/n hushed him gently, playing her finger in front of her lips. 
“i’m sure you will win that prize. why, who else would win it? the daughter of an energy secretary? or a rich, spoiled kid?”
“they are all rich and spoiled.” y/n totally let pass the fact that she was too. but what was the problem with it, really? they couldn’t do anything about it, you can’t decide where you were born. a person can change everything about itself, but not its origin. it always stays with you, clinging onto your ankle, to drag with yourself everywhere. in this life, they got on the winning side of the wheel. and who cares about the next life? 
“but no one’s father is a general, except you. and i know that you didn’t like him, but keep the mindset.” 
“you are so clever, y/n. thank you for always putting my mind into it’s place.”
“i’m just telling the truth. and… how are things with the game? is it hard?” 
“oh, it’s… i still need to figure out some things. but i had some ideas about ways to get people more engaged in the games, like getting them sponsors, or interviewing the tributes so the viewers can get closer to them, pick a favorite, some things like this.” 
“it sounds really interesting, did volumnia hear these things?” as much as she hated festus’ bragging, he also mentioned things that she could use. maybe that’s why everybody got rid of her so fast at a big gathering like the graduation two days ago. she never had ‘juicy tea’ or some things like that, only if she wanted to get something. and when she wanted to get something, the chamber of secrets instantly opened. 
“yeah, well she came in when we were discussing those things. she said that i need to write it down, and then clemensia interrupted that we’ve always worked and brainstormed together, so we can write that together, too.” 
totaling another pen, dovecote? being a tricky bitch, i wasn’t expecting less from you. 
“i think volumnia should know that the idea was yours. clemensia is your good friend, but why wasn’t she just cheering that you got the gamemaker’s attention?” plant the seed. maybe not with clemensia, she will do it for herself, but anyway. coriolanus needed to know the truth. 
“i will talk with her about this.” he won’t. he’s too kind-hearted for it. “and i’ll write down my ideas. anyway, how’s your application for volumnia gaul? did you hand it in?” y/n nodded at his question, chewing on the potatoes. 
“got handed it in yesterday. i really hope if i go home this afternoon, a letter will be waiting for me.” the smile on his face was worth everything. what could that mouth do if there were only the two of them? because she knew what her mouth could do. 
“i’m sure she’ll hire you. one of your thesis got onto her table, remember? the one you wrote about the possible content of venom in mono– and dicotyledons. and if she’s not, then she’s a dingbat.” y/n remembered that thesis, her brain always burned out from the three-day long insomnia. 
“careful, corio! i hope she doesn’t have ears everywhere.” that woman was the queen on her chess table, it was the side that could never be decided. 
all the way home, she thought about coriolanus. y/n gotta hide the grin she was forming with her lips when she was driving home with the chauffeur of the family. all the effort, all the pain… it was worth it. she almost teared up from the joy, but her mascara was really expensive, even her mother thought that it was too rich for their blood.
“is everything alright, miss y/l/n?” helius, their private driver asked, looking into the rear-view mirror. y/n nodded, exhaling and inhaling. big news like this always messed with her head. nodding, everything was perfect. 
stepping inside the house, she raced up to her room immediately. there was the letter, persephone slept beside it. picking it up, y/n used her nails to tear it up. she never waited for news like this. the sooner she knew, the sooner she could got suit in the new situation. 
dear y/n y/l/n, you got accepted…
throwing it away, she instantly picked up persephone, screaming into her fur. persephone meowed, already used to her owner’s insane habits. anyway, the food was tasty in the house, so why not bear it? 
“you hear this, persephone? the lucky star is shining on us.” she whispered to the cat, stroking her head. she couldn't sit back, not now. not when good things, the reward of the hard work could be felt. not when everything worked for her plans. “mother and father will be so happy. and we are happy too, aren't we?” 
y/n didn't know happiness, only when her heart got fast and drug-like feeling curled in her blood. but now, she got to be a predator. a predator who sat for hours, days to catch its prey. when news were coming in, things always changed. she had to be patient, but she couldn't get lazy, not now. not when strange news was coming up. news that didn’t match with her expectations, nowhere, never. news that bathed her soul with venom. news that raised her little game onto a new level. 
a/n: the prologue got so many notes like my tumblr literally BLEW UP thank you so much girliez 😭 i hope you liked this part, more focus will be on corio i just want to size up reader's mindset
take care of yourself babes, love y'all luisa
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dollwrites · 11 months
𝗰𝗼𝗻𝘁𝗲𝗻𝘁 𝘄𝗮𝗿𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀 ∣ smut ( minors dni ), fem!reader ( service top ), power bottom!dio, pegging, restraints, degradation, masturbation ( him ), all characters featured are aged 18+
𝗶𝗺𝗽𝗼𝗿𝘁𝗮𝗻𝘁 ∣ please reblog && leave feedback. not proofread so there’s probably mistakes. thanks for reading < 3
𝗸𝗶𝗻𝗸𝘁𝗼𝗯𝗲𝗿 𝟮𝟬𝟮𝟯 ∣ day eighteen [ dio brando + pegging ]
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you could beg him all you wished.
you could scream and cry your please, masters until your throat was raw, and you choked on the dryness of your own mouth, but he still wouldn’t give you any pleasure. he was determined to make you suffer, and suffer you were doing, exactly.
Dio elicits a soft, throaty chuckle at your pitiful whimper, and he tilts his head to one side, peering down at you. “My, my, is my little possession feeling entitled, today?”
the visage of him hunkered down over you, knees spread wide and balancing on the balls of his feet, was driving you insane. your blurry eyeline trails along the slick, rubber cock that disappears as he descends upon it with a symphony of breathy grunting accompanying the action, and you’re so envious. he takes the fake phallus akin to the way that you usually take his cock, and even from your position, flat on the bed with your arms bound to together at the wrists above your head, you could see the way the pinkish ring clenched around the toy as he fucked it.
“I love that look on your face.” Dio swoons, wrapping one mighty fist around his cock and pumping in merciless, rapid-fire strokes, while his other palm rests on one knee, and he bounces up and down on the toy strapped to your groin. “That envious look. You hate to watch me have all the fun, don’t you?” your master muses, a devious grin etching his lips over sharp, pearly fangs. “What’s the matter? Do you hate me for not letting you feel good, too? Do you want to curse your master for it?”
“N-no, master…” you whine, laying your head to the side, watching him use you, before you added in a soft, pathetic tone, “I just… am begging for you to touch me, too. Or, a-at the very least, let me touch y-you—“ your eyes glue themselves to the way he jerked himself off; you could offer a much softer, warmer grasp. hell, you would even let him spit on your hands until they were dripping, that way your grasp felt more like your drooling cunt.
Dio’s brows screwed into a distasteful scowl as he huffs, and reaches out to plant his free hand on your chest, instead. the power and weight behind the movement is enough to knock the breath from your lungs, and you croak in response, eyelids fluttering. “Do you think me so weak, little fuck slave, that you could bat your eyelashes and pout, and I would give you exactly what you wanted?” he didn’t wait for an answer, sneering, he leans closer, his hips rocking back and forth as he takes to toy to its hilt, and moans in satisfaction. “You want so badly to feel pleasure, too, but your master has no use for your sloppy hole today. I want to get fucked,” his harsh words and the disregard he holds for your own ecstasy adds fuel to the wicked eroticism of this moment— of your master using you for his own gratification. “And, if I have to tie you to the bed and strap a fake cock on you in order to get what I want, I will do so. And you will thank me, once again, for the opportunity to please me; it is a privilege not many are gifted.” his abysmal, razor like fingernails scrape at your chest, dragging along one, hardened nipple, threatening to break your skin, and you shudder. “Because you, my little piece of meat, are little more than furniture to me.”
your eyes roll back at that.
why did your pussy clench when he compared you to furniture?
had Dio Brando truly broken you to the point of getting off for him, even as he demeaned you, and reduced you to nothing of worth?
you gargle a moan, your back arching as if in hopes to drive the dildo deeper into him, but his weight crashes down on you, pinning you in place. “Master!” you cry out, tears in your eyes, as your core weeps for his attention. a flick of his finger, at the very least, underneath the leather harness. “Please! I am going mad!”
“Fuckable furniture.” the rough pad of his thumb scrapes against the slit on his broad, pink tip, before he thrusts himself into his hand, gripping and moaning, swirling his hips to feel every inch of the cock jammed inside of him. Dio throws his head back with a happy grunt. “And furniture doesn’t fucking move. Furniture doesn’t beg for attention when it is owed none. Furniture is silent and subservient, dearest fucktoy.”
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rileyslibrary · 1 year
hello! absolutely love your blog <3!! just thought i could share since idk who else to dump my ghost infested brain.. but lately i’ve been brainrotting for fluffy and domestic ghost hh something about helping him shave in the morning before cooking breakfast together and just lazing around in the afternoon drives me insane
Lazy Sunday with Simon
A/N: I got this ask before I decided to turn off the anon option for a while! I’ll let you know when I turn it back on :) There’s more A/N at the end; meet me there!
He usually wakes up at 6 a.m., regardless of the day of the week. You’ve always marvelled at this trait, secretly envious of his ability to jump out of bed immediately. You wonder if he’s a morning person by nature or if his past military training instilled this reflex. Regardless, you rarely wake up at the same time. And on the rare occasion that you do so, he’s eager to get up as soon as possible, as though laying in bed simply served his survival needs for sleep and nothing else.
But today is different. It’s almost 9 a.m., and you sit on your shared bed, watching him sleep. His chest rises and falls, and you mimic his breath, momentarily experiencing life from his perspective.
As you shuffle to retrieve something from your bedside drawer, he stirs and wakes up.
“Shit!” He curses, shooting up like a spring.
“Simon,” you say to him, your hand halfway to the drawer, “it’s Sunday.”
He checks his phone to confirm your statement, then sighs. Rubbing his eyes, he turns to look at you.
“Good morning,” he says sheepishly.
“Morning,” you respond with a chuckle.
He crawls over to your side of the bed and kisses your lips.
“You, sir, need a shave,” you tease, gesturing to his stubble.
He rubs his chin. “I do, don’t I?” he admits, rising from the bed and heading to the bathroom.
You hear the sound of the toilet flushing, the faucet running, and teeth brushing, followed by a silence that makes you tune in. You can listen to him unscrewing the cap of his shaving cream, whistling as he applies it to his face.
You rise from the bed and enter the bathroom. Simon catches your eye in the mirror’s reflection and raises an eyebrow.
“This room ain’t big enough for the both of us,” he quips, mimicking Nick Grindell from The Western Code.
You smile and press against his back, wrapping your arms around him. “Looks like there’s enough room now,” you say playfully.
He resumes shaving, and you watch him closely; tiny strokes with the razor, then a rinse and repeat.
“Can I try?” you ask, and he stops mid-stroke to look at you.
“I don’t know, can you?” he teases.
“I’ve shaved my legs before,” you reply.
“Exactly,” he emphasizes, “your legs, not my face.” But he hands you the razor anyway and instructs you on how to proceed.
You seem to be doing fine until he suddenly jerks back from the razor and lets out a yell. You panic, but he quickly bursts out laughing.
“Asshole!” you exclaim. “I thought I cut you!”
“That was the point, love,” he chuckles. “You should have seen your face.”
“And you should have seen your face if I had actually cut you!” you quip, brandishing the razor in mock threat.
No matter how long you two live together, he remains his old, caustic self. He is kind and gentle, except when pulling one of his “jokes.” You’ve had to learn to adapt to his sense of humour.
You announce that you’d go to the kitchen to get breakfast started while he keeps on shaving, and he gives you a thumbs up.
As the kettle on the stove begins to whistle, you deftly mix the pancake batter. He approaches you and stands beside you, watching you whisk.
“You shouldn’t be doing that,” he comments, gesturing towards the bowl.
“Whisking batter?” you question, eyebrows raised.
“You shouldn’t be doing pancakes in general,” he elaborates, lifting his shirt to reveal a hint of a soft belly. “Look.” He says and gives it a slap.
He has put on some weight after leaving the army, but this didn’t bother you as much as it bothered him. The weight gain was not the real issue but rather a manifestation of how he felt - insignificant. He didn’t talk about it directly, but it showed up in other ways. Mumbling to himself while watching the news, for example, reciting what his team would have done differently in that case. Or by reflecting on how he could have helped in recent disasters while discussing with your friends. In this case, it manifested in the form of fishing for compliments.
“You look fine.” You comment, but he rolls his eyes.
“No, I don’t,” he says, “stop lying.”
“Hey,” you wave the whisk at his face, “I never lie, ok?”
He shoots his arms in the air. “First the razor, now the whisk,” he says, “you’re too aggressive today, don’t you think?”
“I like you, no matter what. Understood?” You keep threatening him, and, with a manoeuvre, he takes the whisk off your hands to continue the mixing.
You prepare the table, and he serves the pancakes he cooked. You both sit down at the table, enjoying your breakfast. As you eat, your mind keeps going back to your previous conversation.
“Hey, I was thinking,” you say between bites. “There’s a veterans’ group in town that meets every week. Maybe you could check it out?”
He looks up from his plate and then shakes his head. “No,” he states.
“Why not?” You ask, “it could be good for you to connect with other veterans and share your experiences rather than arguing with the TV.”
He keeps staring at you, and you’re unsure if he feels exposed or contemplates your idea.
“There are other people like you, Simon,” you explain, “good people who went through similar things.”
He shrugs and takes another bite. “What do they do in that group?” He asks.
“I don’t know,” you reply, “but I can find out if you want.”
“No,” he shakes his head, “I’ll do that.”
You smile. “That’s great,” you say, relieved, “I think it could really help you.”
He nods and takes another bite. The two of you continue eating and talking, enjoying the simple pleasure of a warm, late breakfast.
You both lay sprawled on your living room couch. You’re glued to the TV, binging on the new season of “Love is Blind,” while he lies next to you, engrossed in a book.
You notice his eyes flickering towards the screen occasionally, but he tries to hide it. You catch him peeking again and can’t resist poking fun at him.
“Interested, I see?” You ask with a smirk.
“What the fuck is that?” he asks you back with a sneer.
“It’s a reality show,” you explain, gesturing towards the screen. “People date each other in these rooms called ‘pods’ without seeing each other.”
“Huh,” Simon scoffs, “and how do they meet?”
“One proposes, and if the other accepts, they finally meet.”
He puts down his book, stares at the screen, and then back at you.
“Like a marriage proposal?” He asks with raised eyebrows, and you nod.
“You’re kidding,” he states in disbelief.
“No,” you shake your head, giggling, “I’m afraid I’m not.”
He opens up his book again and shakes his head. “What a load of bullshit,” he grumbles.
But as the episodes keep rolling, you can see his resistance slowly crumbling. His book is closed for good now and placed on the side table next to him. “What a load of bullshit” has now turned into “what a fucking nob head!” and “can you believe them?!”
And as the day turns into dusk and the marathon draws ungracefully to an end, he waves his finger at the TV.
“Put the next episode!” he orders.
“It’s not aired yet.”
Simon’s face contorts into a look of pure shock and horror, and you stifle a laugh.
“You can’t be serious, love!” he yells. “When are the next ones supposed to be aired?”
“In two weeks, Si-”
“TWO WEEKS?” he exclaims in a high-pitched voice. “What are we supposed to do for two weeks?!”
“There are three more seasons before this o- “
“Now!” He commands, slapping the cushion with enthusiasm. “Put. The first. Season. Now!”
Hey, sweet person who requested this and fellow readers! 🍫 Hope you enjoyed it! Maybe I got Simon a little out of character with the “Love Is Blind” scene, but I saw a similar TikTok/IG Reel (I can’t remember where exactly) and instantly thought of him. So I wanted to include it! Also, my stupid ass kept writing “whisker” instead of “whisk” until I thought to google it. Glad I did.
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blindmagdalena · 7 months
yanderelander is SOO (FROTHS AT MOUTH AND BARKS LIKE AN ANIMAL) i just love him being shamelessly manipulative for the "greater good", stealing a readers things and jewelry, following her home and watching her sleep, all the while stringing the reader along, making her feel stupid for even considering that he was doing these things to her - /him?/ her hero? how could she make such assumptions 👀
Homelander is such an expert gaslighter. he would be meticulous in ensuring that none of the strange misfortunes that began popping up in your life could be tied back to him. "C'mon, babe. It's me. You really think I'd do something like that?" and no, of course you don't. how silly of you.
he'd scoff at the concern your friends and family show at the gradual way he's been siphoning all your time to himself. "They're jealous," he whispers in your ear, the flick of his tongue warm and serpentine. "They'll come around."
and why wouldn't they be envious? he's sweet, he's handsome, he's filthy rich, he's yours.
especially in the beginning, it's so easy to let slide the things that don't quite make sense. the things that don't always feel right.
in the honeymoon thrill of it all, you barely notice how distant friends and family grow. work becomes more difficult, more tiresome, less worth the effort. Homelander loves you so deeply, so constantly, you have less and less time for anything else.
but that's why they call it falling in love, isn't it? that feeling of the ground giving out from under you, the jolt of plummeting, the intense singular focus on another person. that's love.
every twist of your gut is met with a tender kiss, an array of flowers, a sparkling necklace that slips around your throat like a leashed collar, the lead wound tightly around his gloved fist. by the time you feel the choke of it, it's too late. you're well and truly his.
and through it all he remains so sickeningly sweet, cooing softly in your ear. his smile razor sharp. at some point you become hyper aware of the sheer immovable strength of his embrace. your heart races when he cups your face because you know you'd take your own head off before you successfully tore it from his steely grip.
his hold on you tightens until you realize he'd sooner tear your heart out than let it go.
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Just like any self-respecting Utena fan, I've latched onto a (semi) minor detail that I just can't find a satisfactory explanation for!
(MASSIVE RGU (series and movie) spoilers ahead!)
As someone who has engaged with RGU supplementary material plenty, it often goes out of its way to point out how Miki's eyes are "like crystals" and similar things. You can see it in the game and in the light novels.
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The fan translation is accurate in this case.
So after staring at movie screenshots one too many times, I noticed that his eyes aren't blue there... they're green! And he's the only character whose eyes changed like this.
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What does this mean? My first thought was to connect it with the characters who most prominently have green eyes in the series - Anthy, Akio and Dios. The characters who have the most power despite also being the most trapped in the system, with Anthy in particular having the power in the movie and being the only one of the three who is alive - if some theories are to be believed, she was the one who created the world the movie takes place in in the first place. However, she's also the person most trapped in it too.
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However, their eyes are definitely not the same shade. More on that later.
An interesting part occurs in the movie during the Touga and Shiori scene - we cut to Miki and Kozue in the bath. It seems Miki has grown since the anime - he accepts that there's no going back to their childhood, and tells Kozue she's still precious to him. In response, Kozue threatens him with a razor and calls him a traitor.
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And yet, the next time we see them, Kozue has become a car, and he smiles after she passes by, not sparing her a single glance. What happened? Did she become a sacrifice? She isn't seen individually afterwards unlike Shiori or Wakaba, she becomes just another car in the locust crowd. Perhaps more unsettling is the reason he gives to Juri for being a duelist - "I always wish to obtain more power". Juri responds to him by calling it manly.
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That fucking smirk haunts me. Anyway.
Pursuit of power - doesn't this ring a bell? Perhaps like a certain student council president? Of course, in the movie, Touga is dead, so perhaps someone else took his place in the narrative... Miki. The unsettling implications of what happened to Kozue seem to add to this. Not quite as sinister as Touga's relationship with Nanami, and there's no reason to see it as similarly complex, but also I don't see what else it could be.
So even though Miki appears to be pursuing power at the cost of even his sister, potentially, he's unable to get there. His eyes are not the same shade as Anthy or Akio, not even close - they're much brighter. He appears to have shed some of his innocence - no longer wishing to go back to that garden - but he traded it to pursue more power. No wonder he isn't ready to leave Ohtori yet.
An English-speaking person may also be tempted to connect this to the common expression of "green-eyed envy", and yet I'm profoundly unsure if this is the case. He's never shown to be envious of the power possessed by anyone (unlike Touga, he can't look up to Akio, who is also very dead), even if he and Juri see the ghost of Dios inspecting the cars.
However, no matter how much he desires power, in the end, he's one of the people helping Utena and Anthy escape. He tells them how to go to the outside world. He promises the student council will join them eventually. Arguably the most good-natured interaction Anthy has with any of them.
His eyes appear to be showing how much he's changed since we saw him in the anime, and in some ways, perhaps not for the best. However, he's not fully trapped in the hell of Ohtori Academy yet - there is hope for him, even if he's strayed into such a dangerous path.
In the end, I think all of them deserve their revolution, even if the road getting there is bumpy.
...Or maybe they thought it would fit him more to have green eyes idk lol-
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were--ralph · 3 months
Thank you for all your positivity towards hairy guys. I've been self conscious of my body hair since I was a teenager (suffered through multiple rashes from removal creams and broke an ungodly number of razors trying to get rid of it), and seeing all the horny posting and general positivity about it helped me learn to see it as desirable and finally embrace my natural resemblance to a Spirit Halloween werewolf costume. So thanks for the confidence boost <3
god im so envious like i want body hair so bad i might start using rogaine on my chest. its like in my top 5 most wanted changes about myself i need to be a hairy lil guy i NEED it. Like some of my friends have so much hair it sticks out of their shirt and its so unfair i need that i need to have hair everywhere i need hypertrichosis
so honestly keep growing it so when you're 40 you're a giant ball of hair that someone out there will lie on and be glad you didn't shave.
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clever-fox-studios · 7 months
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I’m a fan of Envious Razor
The Drop Bros really gotta cut back on their FAFO budget
Yli (and her siblings) is (are) the walking definition of a boss battle
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There’s an unintentional haiku in this video
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0v3rcast · 1 year
You, Great Creator of Teyvat, in the life before returning to your loving creations, contract lycanthropy. Beneath the moon, your body breaks and reforms as a great beast of the hunt.
Upon returning to the world you made, that power is now within your grasp, instead of the other way around. You don't need to lock yourself in a secure place every month or desperately resist the allure of raw animal meat - you can just toggle the Mighty Awoo Form whenever you please.
The people of Teyvat don't really understand what it is about a child raised by literal wolves that has their Creator so enamored, but it's kind of something they envy.
All the money in the world means nothing, flying is a vague passing fancy, walking on water or making bonfires from nothing or summoning lightning are just kind of given a pat on the back for.
But this dog boy who isn't even fully literate is constantly being given little favors, like randomly getting steaks or a bunch of animals coming into the area his pack lives in so they don't go hungry.
Speaking of dog boys, Gorou is more than a little flustered by the fact that the Architect of Eternity favors him.
(It's the one thing he can hold over Yae Miko when she's terrorizing him, and he's all the more grateful to you for that protection.)
At some point, one of your very envious and flustered acolytes come to you and ask just what it is about the pair that has given them such favor in your eyes.
Your response is an invitation to all of your acolytes to a special room of the palace on the night of the full moon.
They're all very excited to see this room, which up until now has been off limits.
Upon entering, that excitement becomes concern because of the massive claw marks in every wall and also the heavy scent of blood and the fainter scent of rot.
Once they've gathered, and the moon has reached its apex in the sky, you reach back in your soul for the Wolf Within.
It reaches back, tail wagging a thousand miles an hour, eager and happy to be free to roam.
And you undergo the change.
They watch in something like horrified reverence as your mortal form is warped and ravaged by something from within, something making their Divine Creator into a beast.
And you stand again, the shift over, now completely towering over every other being in the room.
(Because I love Okami, I'm gonna say your holy werewolf form has the cool swirls and red outlines that Ammy does
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but with a twist- instead of red, glimmering blue starlight adorns your fur, and the massive disc hovering behind you is made of perfect moonstone, connected stars softly drifting up from it, briefly forming constellations, and then vanishing.)
Razor BEAMS. The All-Maker was Lupical before, but now you're like Ultra Lupical! You are a wolf-person too, but, like, up to 11! You even have your own moon!
Gorou's smiling, his tail wagging rapidly. You know what it's like to have instincts like his, no wonder you were so considerate of his sensitivity to sound and smell, to his urges to chase- you had them all too.
Others range from 'absolutely flabbergasted' to 'weeping with jealousy' to 'a little worried why they're attracted to you being A Magical Wolf Person'.
You howl, and every other canine thing on the continent howls with you (including Razor, who is a wolf in spirit at the very least).
Andrius is having a big puppyish field day over the fact that the Celestial Packmaster is so close to his own form.
(He brags constantly to the other spirit animals of the world about how You definitely made him in Your image and gave him Razor to pass on the way of the wolf to, even if you didn't directly or indirectly do this.)
(The Adepti, for the first in probably millennia, feel their heart rates pick up in animal fear because if you so desired, they would be Back On The Menu, and no amount of running or flying would save them from the stamina of an enhanced human body mixed with the strength and speed of a divine wolf.)
You make sure your other hybrid or supernatural followers are well aware that you have nothing against them and that if you decide to go on a hunt, there's always space for them in your pack.
It becomes common for shrines to you to have guardian animals, dogs or wolves especially, and for hunters to bring your shrines the first kill they make under the light of the full moon every month.
(Maybe thanks to you 'accidentally' saying things out loud when you think you're alone, rumors start spreading that those with nonhuman traits (horns, animal ears and tails, nonhuman limbs) were descended from your favored servants or perhaps even your children.
And maybe that action means that those who've been ostracized for their nonhuman traits can live safer, happier lives, without the fear of rejection or the enmity of their neighbors.
But that's your little secret. They don't need to know.)
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yorutsuki · 7 months
「 ✦ Quality Care: Modern AU Genshin Impact ✦ 」
↳ You finally decide that you and your lovely boyfriend would have a self care night. A night where not only could the two of you partake and enjoy with taking time off and doing relaxin activities, but as well as spend quality time with each other.
[ Characters ] DICKZ
{ Diluc }
" Sorry Angel, i've never really done this..mask? Before.. "
Diluc is quite the busy man with having to run a famously popular wine business as well as a bar thus, he has no time for self care or relaxation. Hence, you can imagine he was quite confused on what you were asking him at first but nonetheless agreed, after all, how could he say no to his lover's request such as that?
For the majority you needed to teach him through the fine art of 'self care', as well as help him with some parts. Though being the quick man he is, he learned how the whole process worked quickly.
During face masks, you would apply his and he'd try to apply yours, keyword: try. Fun Fact, he's never actually done a face mask before, so this is his first time! Thus, it wasn't perfect like his as there were some rough edges and uneven parts but overall, it wasn't the worse.
As the both of you waited for the masks to dry and harden, Diluc offered to read a book which you agreed to. So here you were, cuddling next towards your boyfriend as he read to you, soothingly.
Afterwords when the masks were washed and skin was dry. The two of you would do some oils and moisturizer to soothe the skin.
Overall, Diluc loved it, although a bit confused at times, it did relax him more than he thought, and he got to spend time with you! Maybe he should do these more often...
{ Itto }
" Ah..so..how does this work exactly? "
When you brought up the question, he was a bit puzzled on what you meant but went with it anyways. When seeing the supplies and items on your vanity, he thought it would be easy—like a slicing cake with a razor.
This man has no clue what he's doing.
Sure he tried doing something like this a few years ago, but that didn't go well either. For the majority you had to guide him through the steps and show him how the items are applied which he was grateful for.
You were quite envious learning he didn't use moisturizer or any sort of skin care. This man literally has the finest and smoothest skin you knew—hell, could even beat k-pop idols. Though the thoughts and doubts were washed away when you received many reassuring kisses.
Unlike Diluc, you decided to put on a movie while waiting until the masks were ready. Itto suggested some and you suggested some—overall 'My Little Pony' was picked.
In summary, although it wasn't quite itto's style, it was a 10/10 for the both of you. You enjoyed each others company even if things didn't go quite 100% but that was the fun of it!
{ Childe }
" Oh! I'd suggest applying moisturizer before oils to seal it. "
Tartaglia, the sly fox of a Harbinger Organization. For the majority of the days, he's seen with his nose in documents or busy with missions—coming at home at midnight, sometimes even later.
So one can imagine how you were surprised that you weren't surprised when learning he had nightly routine.
When asking the gingered hair male, he seemed quite happy you even brought it up. Turns out, sooner or later he was going to ask you the same thing. The man may not seem like it, but self care was a perfect escape from work and a perfect opportunity to spend quality time with his lover—which is what the two of you were doing currently.
During the both of yours' routine, you decided to take some pictures in memory of this moment—the first self care night with each other. Some pictures quite cute and affectionate, others somewhat silly but cute.
After washing the masks off, during the final steps Tartaglia gave you some tips and advice on how to apply skin care which greatly helped. (Gate keeping them ✧)
Overall, Tartagles enjoyed the night and often keeps the photos in his camera roll, sometimes looking over those moments when he's busy at work. Definitely something he would look forward to again.
{ Kaeya }
" Hm? Oh! Yeah, I have my routines. How else would I keep up the look~? "
This man is one of the best people to ask advice from. Albeit he doesn't know much about self care, he knows quite a bit of self care. (🥰 try to comprehend that.) He doesn't get much time some days as his work ends late at night which ultimately leads him straight to his bed. Other nights he has some free time which he uses to clean himself up after a long day.
He was quite heart warmed when you suggested a self-care night as the week had been stressful with a huge workload upon him. But he was also a bit worried..Did he not look good? Was there something wrong with his face? You, being the best significant other, quickly washed the negative thoughts away by reassuring it had nothing to do with him—that his looks were perfect and finally concluded this would be the most relaxing night he'd have!
And it was!
The two of you took things slow and calmly—incense, dimmed lights and activities. Honestly, Kaeya wished it would last forever, his stress decreasing with each passing second of your touch.
As the two of you applied face masks, you decided to wait in the living room afterwards. Both of you cuddled up with each other on the couch before scrolling aimlessly through media, laughing and making jokes every now and then.
Finally after the masks dried and were washed off, the two of you applied the final touches, every once and while doing each other's skin care.
In the end, Kaeya and you had a very much needed relaxing night together—one which he'd forever be grateful for. Unfortunately it would be cut short in the morning as his work called along with heavy loads of documents that needed to be read and organized.
{ Zhongli }
" My dear, do you think perhaps you can do mine as well? "
Zhongli, the famous consultant of the WangSheng Funeral Parlor. With his ever going days, he surprisingly hasn't experienced or tried much self care. But you guess it's not needed considered perfect skin is one of the many perks of being a Archon. Though Archons still need self-care and too look after themselves even if its not 100% a need.
When you asked him if he could join you with your activities, he happily obliged, quite intrigued with the idea. Unfortunately, even being an Archon, he didn't quite know everything as he was struck on how to apply the face mask.
He watched you apply it but it just wouldn't quite work the way he wanted it. So here you were, sitting on his lap as you applied the face mask on him. Honestly, even with the thick layer clay, one could barely see a red hue on your face throughout the process.
When the both of you were done, the ex-archon suggested to make tea which you agreed to.
While drinking your tea away, you've got to listen to more stories of Zhonglis archon life, some new tea from the WangSheng parlor and update on his 'adopted son', Xiao.
After some hefty minutes of intriguing stories and news, both of you washed your mask off before it was oil and lotion time. He was a bit weirded out by the sensation of the oils but slowly got used to it.
By the end of the night he was quite content—a relaxing end to the day and his lover in his arms. He wouldn't mind doing this again in the near future, especially after a long day.
[ Masterlist ]
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sweetkiitsunez · 8 months
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❞ 𝐀𝐩𝐡𝐫𝐨𝐝𝐢𝐭𝐞'𝐬 𝐃𝐚𝐮𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐞𝐫 - Request from: @tellmesomegoodstory
❞ warning: slightly nsfw + afab!reader + dom!characters (levi and satan) + slight neck biting and love marks + possessive behavior + mention of blood in satan part + mention of hanging someone in levi parts + short
author note: bad english!! but i tried hehe. i don't usually make request like this, but it's fun and a good learning experience for me to write about satan and MC since I'm learning more abt leviathan's personality ♡
"solomon, you smell good..." sitri leans closer to you as his face is leaning towards between your shoulder and neck. you got snatch by satan as he glares at sitri with pure jealous that was written in his face.
"aye, I agree, solomon smells good. it's like vanilla mixed with cinnamon!" ppyong agree with sitri, also getting another smell from you, but satan kicks ppyong launching him away from you.
you could hear satan grind his canine sharp teeth. you don't mind it since satan's behavior is always possessive towards you. he doesn't allow anyone to take you away from him. his hand is on your waist as he pulls you closer. you always wonder what's up with him, and why is he acting so possessive towards the others beside you. before you could ask what's going on with satan, he interrupts you.
"solomon, you belong to me. don't let anyone get close to you." he held you closer to him. his face is closer to your neck, feeling his breath between your neck and shoulders.
"s-satan..." you glup, slowly.
his lips is on your collarbone as he inhale all the scent from you. ppyong and sitri isn't wrong, since they mentioned you smell like vanilla mixed with cinnamon. Is this what your ancestors smells like? you were nervous since satan hasn't letting you go.
"l-let's go, Satan... t-the others are looking at us..." you were about to push satan away, but he held his grip around your waist tighter.
you could feel ppyong and sitri watching you two as they are... learning something. they are watching what satan will do to you?
you felt a sharp pain in your collarbone as you bit your bottom lips until it bleed. satan licks your collarbone bite marks, then move to the other side of your collarbone and neck as he bit your neck like if there is no tomorrow. it's hurts, but... it feels good too. his teeths are sharp and you aren't expecting that he will mark you. you knew his teeths are sharp like a razor blade...
"heh... sorry, you're mine..." he let out a cheshire grin.
"i want to show 'em that you're mine..." he licks your wounded bite marks. the bite mark is visible to see and show that you belongs to majesty King Satan.
"don't worry, you'll be fine." satan reassure you as he lifts your chin and give you a small peck on your glossy lips.
"remember, you're mine only... not anyone else..."
Satan let out a chuckle. you are the daughter of both Aphrodite and Solomon. your smell does attract any demons and angels too.
now you know that... you belong to satan.
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Levi is annoyed and jealous of Barbatos, who is very clingy towards you. yes, levi is known as a king of envy in Hades. he has eyes on you for a long, long time. he hates it when his subjects get closer to you. he is aware that you are the daughter of both Solomon and Aphrodite. he is envious at your beauty, your ability to make people and especially demons and angels fall in love with you, but you refuse to release your power. you're a mortal and he is immortal and powerful. he heard rumors that you are sadistic, but you are nicest and soft-hearted person that he had met. seems like the rumor is trying to paint you as a bad person.
it does get levi's nerves when some demons get way too close to you. he wasn't hesitant to pull you away or hang someone. everyone knew to stay away from you because levi has his eyes on you, everywhere you go. he does trust foras to watch over you, in case something happens to you. you aren't sure if you should be worried if levi is jealous of your beauty, since you are aware that levi is the most beautiful demons in Hades and everyone knows that. you are not taking levi's spotlight, but it sounds like the opposite to levi. he loves you, but wouldn't admit it.
"solomon! you smell so good! you smell like red roses who blooms by the sun every day!" the golden hair demon whose voice is louder than you thought as he chants you smelling like roses.
"ah, thank you Barbatos..." you thank him with awkward smile. Barbatos is a demon who also smells like roses, too. it would be weird for you to be praise by someone who smells and likes roses. it's not like you're copying someone, right?
you could feel levi's intense stare somewhere. you couldn't look at him because he is jealous of you. he is aware that you are the daughter of both Solomon and Aphrodite. you have gotten your beauty and genetics from your ancestor Aphrodite. heck, you cannot blame them. you are clever to know that levi was envious of you, when you first met each other when he brought you to Hades. you are thankful for your ancestor's genetics since you cannot be fooled by anyone. you decided to play along with levi's being envious towards you and choosing your words carefully when you are around him.
"solomon," levi approaches you as he calls your name. "i wish to speak to you."
you are getting suspicious since levi's tone is a little more polite than rather harsh and cold. however, you accept his request since you don't want to get hang by the ropes that he commanded.
Barbatos left you two alone. of course, he follows his majesty's request. no one dares to reject their beautiful king of Hades' request.
levi had pulled you into his office as his eyes is staring at you like daggers.
"what do you want to talk about-" you were interrupted by levi's word.
"I'm jealous of you being beautiful than me. Are you challenging me?" he narrows his eyes as he crosses his arms staring at you with clear jealously written on his face.
"w-what...? no, why would I challenge you?" you asked slowly raising your eyebrow in confusion.
you saw levi walking towards you as he lifts your chin to make you look at him in the eyes. "...such pretty eyes." he murmurs as he squished your cheeks with his one hand. "They're pretty..."
you don't understand why he is praising your eyes? What business does he want from you? you are confused as his hand let go of your cheeks as it went down, stroking your neck. his eyes is following his fingers as it trace your neck.
"levi... you're being weird..."
"I want to mark you... you belong to me, solomon.." his sultry quiet voice as he traces your throat lines. "don't ever talk to that demon again..."
he refers as Barbatos. your mind clicked as he mentioned Barbatos was hovering over you because of your scent of roses. he is indeed jealous. now, levi wants to mark you as his, forever.
"what would you say, solomon?" levi asked as he pulled you closer. "do you want me to ruin that pretty skin of yours?"
you froze in your place as you watched levi's opened his mouth to take a bite of your flesh.
"I don't like it when they touched you, solomon."
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