#eomer moodboard
sotwk · 8 months
Rainy weather means Wet Éomer time.
It's a gloomy, rainy, stormy morning!
Perfect atmosphere to load up on some Karl Urban / Éomer inspo and get work done on THE SCENE. (Taken, Final Chapter in progress)
I finally completed the scene that needed to be written before the scene I've been dying to write, and every fellow writer knows the joy and relief that brings.
Here's a lil' moodboard teaser for the fun and hype. Happy Friday y'all!
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Extra special tag for @scyllas-revenge cause I know you won't want to miss this one.
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dreamlandcreations · 1 year
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Immortality/The choice
Éomer x Reader x Haldir
As only part elf, you could choose between two worlds. And it seems you might have to decide sooner than you expected, with your heart pulling you in two different directions.
Content with spending time in the elven kingdoms, learning the way of your ancestors and slowly gaining control of your abilities, you never even thought of the possibility of finding a place among mortals.
"Your heart is both elf and human, I believe in the worst way possible." - Galadriel
• moodboards masterlist •
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guardofcitadel · 2 years
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Éomer and Éowyn
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nyx-genderfluid-bean · 7 months
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Requested by @stop-the-skeksis
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elentarial · 1 year
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Day 3: Men-> Eomer, Eowyn, and the Rohirrim
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Happy Birthday Me!
☆★☆★→ Let's Celebrate Together! ←☆★☆★
by ME giving YOU something! My inbox will be open next week for moodboard requests that will then be posted on August 1st (my actual birthday)!
How long will my inbox be open for these moodboard celebration requests? ╰┈➤ July 16th - 22nd! Anon is also on if you prefer that!
How many requests are you allowed to send in? ╰┈➤ I'm going to set the limit at 2 per person for my own sanity's sake lol
What characters can be sent in?
Any of the TGM pilots (including Cyclone!)
Rhett Abbott
Rick Flag
Takeshi Kovacs
Robert Pattinson Batman
Eddie Munson
Steve Harrington
Bucky Barnes
Din Djarin
Oberyn Martell
Javier Peña
BONUS: if you really wanna tickle my heartstrings, you could send in one of my OCs. Check my blog navigation post for info on them!
How should you send in your requests? ╰┈➤If you follow me, you know I love a good AU. So I'm going to ask that each moodboard celebration request be a character + an AU/vibe that you would like to see. I won't list any of these out, since the amount feels infinite, but here are some examples and examples of how requests can be sent in: ╰┈➤"Eddie Munson + Knight AU" or "Legolas + Summer" or "Rick Flag + Dark Academia"
Again, taking Groovy 27 Moodboard Celebration requests starting TOMORROW THE 16TH and my inbox will close on the 22nd of July.
The moodboards will be posted throughout the day on August 1st!
tagging a few friends that seemed interested: @castle-of-ruin @lillyrosenight @becks-things @indynerdgirl @blue-aconite @slightly-psycho-multifan @newlibrary @a-reader-and-a-writer @uniquedreamlandcheesecake @ahopelessromanticwritersworld @fairyheart @theforevermorereject @yanna-banana
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I'm thinking of drawing some griomer art but I have no ideas
so can you suggest anything?
ooooooooh more Griomer art is always a blessing
some idle thoughts:
secret assignation/meeting
are they fighting or flirting or fucking? do they know? probably not.
feral rituals! feral rituals! (more blood and fire and weird headdresses the better)
something with a dragon - symbolic of Grima of course, but also dragons are cool
lol grima on the throne sitting sideways or something wearing the crown giving eomer finger guns like "eyyyyyy boy-o" and eomer is Not amused
throne blow job
Related, sort of, to the fifth bullet - but here's a bit from the latest chapter: Six days ago, Éomer’s dream changed. Six days ago, his mind went to its usual place as he slept but instead of being asked what it is he wears beneath skin, he was in a long, dark room. There was a hearth fire in the middle of it. At one end, a dais. He was at the dais as soon as he noticed the dais. Someone says to him, You are the weir. That is a powerful position to inhabit. Be wise about how you direct the currents. He then knelt, for he was to receive a crown he wanted and didn’t want. When he looked up it was into the hooded, dragon-hungry eyes of Gríma.
Some random picture inspo via a moodboard
there's a griomer pinterest board
in a field or by a river
playing cards or backgammon or some other game
could go dark and do something with post-Saruman grima who, as we all know, is alllllll kinds of fucked up - I would wager physically as well as mentally
I'm not sure if any of that is helpful? I mostly would live for a picture of them fucking but it's you know, weird pagan shit also happening (see: feral rituals! feral rituals!) - probably in a field, or maybe a bed, but there's def blood involved because that's a requirement for these sorts of scenes.
That said, any and all griomer art and content is so, so appreciated and I hope something strikes you for inspiration! <3 <3 <3
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queenmeriadoc · 1 year
Here I go with my Swiftie moodboard request! (if you are swamped, please feel free to stick this on the bottom of your pile!):
Eomer x Shieldmaiden!Reader + Gorgeous (aka angsty pining) + Red/Gold colors for Rohan?
Thank you again for leading me to this song!! Ahhh. This line is SUCH a mood.
You've ruined my life, by not being mine
Hope you like it <3
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thewhiteladyofrohan · 3 years
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Eomer Moodboard in Red and Silver for @im-almost-me
*click for better quality*
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inky-snowdrop · 4 years
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"Do not love the bright sword for it's sharpness, nor the arrow for it's swiftness, nor the warrior for his glory... Love only that which they defend."
-- Faramir, The Lord of the Rings
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sotwk · 2 months
It's the last day of Campfire Sleepover! Come toast your last smores!
(Technically the last hours, but I'm not going to be super strict about the hour of cut-off.)
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Thank you again to everyone who has participated and sent in requests! I will be working through all of them throughout the second half of July. Please keep an eye out! :)
All answers/responses written for this event are tagged #SotWK Summer Campfire Sleepover 2024.
I have not yet heard from several people who expressed an interest in joining, so I hope they see this "last call" announcement. :)
Once again, here is a rundown of all the Summer Campfire Sleepover Games! All of these are open to everyone!
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Pick one of the Special Guest Blorbos listed and I will write a 300-word “drabble” for them with a summertime-themed prompt:
Matt Murdock, Steve Rogers, Bucky Barnes, Aemond Targaryen, Cregan Stark, Harwin Strong, Gil-galad, Elendil, Halbrand
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Need advice or a chance to vent over a problem? Send a quick letter to King Thranduil and/or Queen Maereth, and one of them will respond with some loving parental wisdom! ANONS ARE ACCEPTED for this game ONLY.
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Share with me 5-10 bullet points about your Original Character (any fandom), and I will match them up with one of my own OCs, or a Tolkien canon character. Please include a face claim if you have one. 
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Fill in the blanks: “What would <name of Thranduilion Prince> do if <describe hypothetical situation>?” Send me the question and I will answer with some headcanons. For example: “What would Legolas do if he got asked to dance by someone who is a terrible dancer?”
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Quote a line from the lyrics of a song you love, and I will say which Tolkien character I think is most likely to say it. (Please name the song and artist.)
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Pick one character you would like to receive a love note from: Boromir, Eomer, Thorin, Fili, Haldir, or Feren. Please turn on your Anon Asks for this game to avoid delivery issues.
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Send me the link to a short fic (one-shot, 3,000 words or less only) that you wrote or you recommend. I will read it and “comment” by making a moodboard or doodle for that fic.
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house-durin · 2 years
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Autumn in Rohan
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Brother Warrior King
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taletime · 4 years
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thespiritoflife · 3 years
Congratulations on reaching 100 followers!!!! Can I ask for an Eomer moodboard in white and pink? Thank you!!!
Thaaank youuu!! 💜💞
This was fun to do! A little bit hard, hah, but don't mind!! And I love the result.💖
Again, I couldn't choose just one moodboard, so here are two moodboards. I hope you like it! I can change something in these moodboards if you want!
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Thank you and have a nice day!
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madamebaggio · 4 years
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Notes: Previously...
They finally meet!
Chapter 3
If Faramir had asked Éowyn to move in with him and stay there, she hadn’t mentioned anything at this point.
Not that she needed to tell Éomer what she was doing with her life, but they were technically leaving in three days and he wanted to be prepared to go back alone.
He hoped he wasn’t turning into a whiny man. He was happy for her, but the idea of being alone in Edoras was a bit hard to chew, he’d admit.
As much as he wanted Éowyn to be happy and have her own life -wherever that was -he also dreaded the long days alone in a place that used to be so happy, but would -eventually -become so empty.
He would not be in Éowyn’s way. He needed to grow the fuck up. He wasn’t a boy.
They’d be having dinner at Imrahil’s that night. He’d finally get to meet the mythical Lotty, someone he was truly curious to meet.
Éowyn had even bullied him into a suit, even though he refused to wear a tie or tie his hair.
Imrahil had a beautiful house by the sea, and there were quite a few cars already parked there when they arrived.
As far as Éomer understood, Imrahil’s idea of a ‘small dinner’ involved catering to at least fifty people. This dinner in particular didn’t even have that much of a special reason. Apparently Imrahil was just happy to have them over and introduce them to some people.
They entered the house and were directed to the back garden, where they found a tent.
“Wow.” Éomer deadpanned.
“These people…” Éowyn chuckled. “Is it me… Or is this a bit much?”
“I have no idea.” Éomer admitted. “Thank you for forcing me into this suit.”
She chuckled. “You’re welcome.”
“Éomer! Éowyn!”
“Amrothos.” Éomer grinned at the young man. They shook hands as Imrahil’s youngest son came closer. “I thought this was supposed to be small.”
“Oh please.” Amrothos rolled his eyes. “Elphir loves using every chance he can to play the businessman and Lotty likes to organize parties. Honestly, they enable each other.”
Éowyn laughed. “Where’s your sister? I want to introduce her to Éomer.”
“And here I thought you’d be looking for Fara.” Amrothos teased.
“I’ll see him later.” Éowyn said casually. “Besides, Lotty is the only person in the family that Éomer doesn’t know.”
“Is that true?” Amrothos asked, surprised by the information.
“Yes. I’ve never had the pleasure.”
“Then come and meet our pride and joy.” Amrothos made a gesture for them to follow him. “She was the one that had this tent idea. I told her this looks like a wedding and she told me to shut up.”
“You probably deserved it.” Éowyn threw back.
“Why? Just because I mentioned it once? Or maybe seven times?”
Éomer was chuckling along when Amrothos called Lothíriel’s name. He followed his friend’s gaze and saw Lothíriel Prince for the first time.
She was wearing a pink dress that made her look like a fairy princess and her dark hair was pulled back on a fluffy braid. She had a single strand of pearls around her neck. As soon as she saw Éowyn, she opened a bright smile.
“Éowyn!” She came closer and hugged Éowyn. “I’m so glad you arrived.”
“This place looks lovely, Lotty.” Éowyn smiled at her. “Let me introduce you to my brother.”
“The famous Éomer.” She turned her pretty grey in his direction, the smile on her face evidencing the dimple on her lower lip. “It’s such a pleasure to finally meet you.”
She was gorgeous. Truly pretty in a way Éomer hardly ever saw. Her whole family was ridiculously good-looking, but she seemed to take it a step further. Her full lips, her cute nose, her amazing eyes… She was all pretty.
She was also very young, Éomer reminded himself.
“The pleasure is all mine.” Éomer shook her hand. “Your family loves to talk about you, and now so does Éowyn.”
She giggled, and Éomer knew it was an honest one. She wasn’t playing coy. “I hope it’s all good.”
“I’ll keep it a secret for now.”
She grinned at him again, then someone else called her name. “I’m sorry, but I need to go. I hope I get the chance to see you two again tonight.” She excused herself and left them.
When Éomer turned to Amrothos he found the younger man looking unamused. “What?”
“Don’t flirt with my sister.” Amrothos warned.
“Excuse me?” Éomer scoffed. “What’s that supposed to mean?”
“I’m watching you.” Amrothos warned once again, before going to talk to someone else.
“Can you believe that?” Éomer turned to his sister, only to find that she was really amused. “What?”
“You were flirting.” She accused him.
“I said one sentence to her!” Éomer protested.
Éowyn just kept grinning up at him, and Éomer gave up.
Éomer got dizzy after a while at the party.
The people there were all rich and influential and most of them were assholes. Elphir seemed to thrive on the whole thing, while Imrahil was the perfect host.
Éomer didn’t feel really comfortable in a place like this and he knew that Éowyn felt the same. They were much more down to Earth and the people of Dol Amroth were really different from the people of Rohan.
In the end, Éomer ended up sticking to Amrothos or Imrahil, since he knew them better. Once Faramir and Boromir appeared he felt relieved; the brothers were good company.
He saw Lothíriel going from one side to the other the whole time. It was quite clear she was responsible for the whole affair, but she seemed happy to be doing it.
At some point, Imrahil came to introduce his sister Ivriniel to Éomer. Boromir, who was there as well, winced in sympathy.
Éomer understood why very easily. Ivriniel was an opinionated woman, and this was the only polite way Éomer could think about her. The problem wasn’t that she had opinions, the problem was that she acted as if she was the right one and everybody else was stupid or plain wrong.
She’d even asked Éomer what he did for a living, and when informed he bred horses, she asked what he actually did for work. Apparently running a ranch and breeding horses didn’t sound like a real job to her.
“Aunt Ivriniel…” Lothíriel came towards them, clearly intent on distracting the woman.
“Talking about people who don’t have real jobs…” The woman snorted. “Are you still playing with that store of yours?”
Lothíriel obviously hadn’t expected the attack, because she didn’t even have a reply to it.
“Your poor father has to keep pouring money into it, just so you can play at working.”
“This is not right, aunt.” Boromir was quick to cut in. “Imrahil isn’t pouring mo…”
“She’s been spoiled her whole life.” Ivriniel told Éomer, completely ignoring Boromir. “Poor Imrahil had to pay everything for her.”
“Just like your father paid for you your whole life, Ivriniel.” Boromir finally snapped. “Don’t be a hypocrite.”
Ivriniel glared at Boromir. “Your father would be ashamed of seeing you acting like this.”
“Not really. He didn’t like you very much as well.”
Ivriniel gasped in outrage, but Éomer finally pulled his eyes from the trainwreck of a scene to see that Lothíriel had just left the conversation.
Once he saw Elphir coming to see what was going on -probably because people were staring -he left towards the house.
There was a set of French doors ahead and Éomer entered the house. He didn’t even have to go far to find Lothíriel; she was in that exact room, furiously pacing.
He wasn’t sure why he’d gone after her; he just felt the need to. Deep down, he knew she’d approached the group to divert Ivriniel’s attention from him, only to be the victim of the woman’s discontentment.
“Lothíriel.” He called.
She turned immediately to him, her face wet with tears.
“Éomer!” She tried to put some cheer on her voice, but it didn’t work out. “I’m sorry you have to see me like this. I always end up crying when I’m angry.”
He shrugged. “Well, I’d probably have trashed this whole room, so your method looks cheaper.”
She snorted, as she kept pacing. “I’m really sorry you had to see that.”
“Don’t apologize to me.” He told her quite directly. “You didn’t do anything wrong. It’s not your fault that…”
“She’s a hag?”
“You’re the one saying it.”
Lothíriel snickered. “I wish I could’ve said something, but I knew I was about to cry and then she’d say that I was doing it because I’m a spoiled brat.”
Éomer wasn’t sure what to say to that, so he just hummed.
“And she makes it sound as if I’m draining my father of money!” Lothíriel continued, exploding as her pacing turned almost frantic. “As if he’s been paying only for things related to me. She doesn’t give my brothers the same courtesy. My father paid for all our universities, he paid for all our apartments.”
Now she was full on rambling. “He set up Echiron’s practice and Amrothos’ office, and Elphir works for him! And yet… Yet I’m the one ‘playing’ at work? I’m quite aware that my father put money on my business and that I’m privileged because of that! But he isn’t pouring money on anything! The store is profting!”
“But just because isn’t a ‘respectable’ job like lawyer or doctor, it’s worth less? I can’t do what I love just because people will talk about it?”
Éomer just stood there.
Eventually she stopped and turned to him. “I’m sorry.”
“Stop apologizing to me.” Éomer asked a bit firmly. “I didn’t even say a word for the last 20 minutes.”
She chuckled. “You didn’t need to hear my ‘poor rich white girl’ rant.” She pointed out.
He shrugged again. “I knew where the door was in case I wanted to leave.”
She chuckled a bit. “Thank you for listening then.”
“You’re welcome. Here.” He pulled a handkerchief from his pocket and offered her.
“A real gentleman.” She grinned at him as she accepted the offer. “Could you find my father and tell him I have a headache and won’t get back out there.”
“I can do that, but are you sure you want to do this? You shouldn’t have to miss the party because of the hag.”
“I don’t like half of the people out there.” She confessed. “I just like organizing parties and helping my father.”
“I think he knows that.” He gave her a kind smile. “I’ll go and tell him then.”
“I don’t like that, when we finally meet, this is what happens.” She murmured.
“Don’t worry, Lotty. I won’t hold your relatives against you.” He promised her.
“And please, remember me not crying.”
He thought about the smile she gave him when they were introduced. “I can assure you, I’ll remember you by your smile.”
The smile she gave him in response was gorgeous.
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