#episode 52 part 1
Well probably not literally since she's on the road but STILL LOL
And also I didn't mention in the liveblog bc I forgot but !!! THE LAWSUIT'S CLEAR :DDD AAAHHHH IT'S OVER!!! :))) YAYYY :D
Anyway 🥰🥰
She helpin out :))
Oh gosh 😬😬😬
Will we even see the others this episode?
Ope yeah we will :D
DANG car crash in a pole 😬😬
WAIT I just remember, next week's the one with the wedding planning plot isn't it!!! That AND Marjan lol?? Y'all this is crazy xD
Also I'm starting to suspect more and more that they will just squeeze the whole season into 8 weeks slkfjhfgds xDD maybe they'll change the date next week lol
I'm preeetty sure that's the episode anyway lol
Dang that car o.o
Uh ohhhh 😬😬😬 that's a loooot of electricity 😬😳😳
That doesn't look good o.o
Y'all this episode is gonna be WILD XDD
That's the last of my last thoughts!! Now it's time for the. . .
I really loved this episode!!! I thought it was great :DD. There were some really emotional, and (especially) sweet parts :')), but it was also SUPER funny slfkgjhdkls xD. Tommy's storyline was fun and emotional at some parts (and a bit serious given what was at stake) but also SO hilarious sometimes XDD. Paul's storyline was so sad at times :'((( but also really sweet :'). I really do hope he can work things out (or, that things work out I guess) with Asha, because he deserves it :)) <33. And also that last scene of them all playing basketball, plus Tommy, Trevor, and the girls out together, was so sweet and cute 🥰🥰🥰. Also, the cases were great this episode :D! Definitely interesting ones lol :).
Now! Time for the individual parts :).
Marjan! Miss you girl :')) :'(, you're amazing!! I love her :'DD 🥰. But!!! She is returning to us next week :DDD! AAAHHHHH I'm so excited to see her again :))) 🥰🥰!! It looks super dramatic o.o but I'm sure it'll all be okay, and it'll be a fun time :D. I would say she must be doing great at her job, but she currently does not have one lol. Eh, let's say it's travelling - she's great at that lol! Good for her xD <3.
Carlos! Another one to miss <33. And of course, I'm sure he was wonderful at his job today :)). I love him 🥰❤️. But!! We get to see him next weeeek :DD. And it'll be the WEDDING PLANNINGGG :DDD!! Y'all I am so excited for that lol. It's gonna be great :D xD.
Nancy! I loved her this episode :D. She was great, and I loved the little Mateo-Nancy-TK trio 🥰🥰. She was amazing at her job, too :DD. I mean, she literally stood on the back of the firetruck all the way to the hospital xD. Slay, lol. And I really loved her supporting Paul :)). Of course, in a teasing, sibling way lol. It was amazing, and to mention that ending scene again, that was so good :)). And she was great in it :DD!
Mateo! Again, a great member of the Mateo-Nancy-TK trio this episode :DD. Pretty much the same stuff for him as I said for Nancy - he was amazing, and it was great to see the supportive siblingship with Paul :))). Also, the fact that they were all just watching him make coffee xD. It didn't quite turn out right but it was amazing and a great effort Mateo <33, lol 🥰. I love him so much :DD ❤️.
TK! Another great member of the Mateo-Nancy-TK trio xDD. I know it's the third time, but seriously, I loved them so much :)). They were great. The advice and support (and teasing lol) they gave Paul, and just being there 🥰🥰❤️. Also, TK specifically was adorable in that conversation after Asha came through xD. They all were but yk lol. I love him 🥰🥰🥰. Also I am SO excited for next episode xDD. WEDDING PLANNING TIMEEE!! It's going to be chaos lol. And so good xD. I'm so excited lol :)). And of course, TK was great at his job this episode :D. Poor him and Nancy on the back of the truck though lol XDD!
I just realized I probably could've put them all together, but whatever lol.
Judd! He was great this episode :)). It was fun to see him trying to help Tommy a bit, but also it was hilarious XDD. I can only imagine the conversation of Grace spilling the tea on all that went down to him LOL! Amazing xD. But, he did help out in the first scene with him and Grace (though he did also joke around just like the other time XD) ❤️❤️. Also, he was great at his job, as always 🥰🥰. But yeah :)). Adorable wonderful man <33, and great in the end but lol xD. I love him 🥰❤️.
Grace! I love her :DD. She is so amazing 🥰🥰. She was great at her job, as per usual (always) ❤️❤️. And her finding out about Tommy and Julius was just XDD. HILARIOUS, lol xD. And mood girl, it's wild information to receive xD. But I am glad she was there for Tommy, as always, and she was a great friend :D. And her reaction to the smoothie scene was hilarious XD. Our girl was giving us everything this episode lol. But yeah, she did genuinely help Tommy out and give her good advice, so that's awesome too 🥰.
Owen! I really liked how he helped out Paul this episode :D. I mean, he ain't no therapist, but he's not a bad listener :)). Sometimes lol. But it was really nice to see him supporting Paul and trying to help :')). And while obviously their situations aren't quite the same, the story near the end was really good :'). Plus, Gwyn mention 😭😭❤️. Lovely :')). And that is so her xdd. Anyway, I'm super happy he helped Paul regain basketball as a part of his life :'D. Also, Owen was great at his job this episode :)). And, I am excited to see all the crazy wedding planning shenanigans next week XD. This man is going to go INSANE but I am here for it lol. We've been seeing little hints, or things leading up to it, like at the beginning of this episode, and now it's finally time for the real thing xD. I'm not ready but so ready lol. But yeah! I love him <33.
Tommy! I'm really glad everything worked out with her and Trevor :'DD. And Melody, of course lol. It was a great storyline, and definitely had its serious moments, but it was also HILARIOUS at parts XDD. Like when Melody recorded her (or honestly any of the actual confrontations lol), or Tommy talking with Grace and Judd (any of the times) xDD. At least Evie and Izzy were cool with it though lol. I'm glad Tommy and Melody worked it out in the end :'D. Both Tommy and Trevor deserve to be happy, and right now, that's with each other :))). But obviously their kids do too, so I'm glad they are <333 🥰🥰. Also the near ending scene was so sweet :'DD 😭. Obviously Melody would want her mom for that situation, but Tommy was there for her, Tommy helped her, she comforted her, and she was just generally all around awesome :')). She was a good person to be there for Melody till her mom could ❤️❤️❤️🥰. And I'm glad Melody had someone :')). And I'm happy that Tommy could be that :)). They were so adorable ❤️❤️. And all of them in the ending scene!!! They may not be perfect, but they're all learning and navigating this. And they're so sweet :'DDD. I love them all 🥰🥰. Also, of course, Tommy was amazing at her job :D. I love her so much 🥰🥰❤️.
Paul! I enjoyed Paul's storyline so much 😭. It had some really sad parts, but also some really happy parts :')). And together they made it great <3. Real quick, he was as per usual great at his job this episode :))). Anyway! I really love the relationship he has with Asha - they're so cute and sweet :)). Also him getting interrogated by the 126 was so funny XDDD. My poor guy LOL. No escape from the Mateo-Nancy-TK trio lol xDD. Anyway, Owen helping him out was really nice too <33. It's a tough situation. He left a lot of his life behind, t separate himself from it :'((. But I think that, with the regaining of basketball, he's starting to get some of that back :'). To be able to accept it, to know he can still do those things if he wants :'DD <3. And I really hope, for his sake (and for Asha's) that that extends to her too :')). There's just so cute :DD 🥰🥰🥰!! They both deserve to be happy, and they have that with each other (just like Tommy and Trevor :)) ). So yeah, I hope it works out :'DD. It's obviously a super scary thing to do, as we could tell this episode 😭😭❤️, but I think it might be worth it :). Hopefully it is <33 🥰. Also the basketball scene at the end was just so amazing :'DD. It was a bit silly, not in a bad way, just funny :). Lighthearted, I guess :D. But it also meant a lot :')). Plus, y'all know how I love group scenes, especially outside of work 🥰🥰🥰. Which, well, technically they were still inside of work, but whatever XDD. Y'all know what I mean lol. Like, off duty xD. Anyway, seeing all of them together was so fun 🥰🥰❤️. It was such a fun and sweet scene :D. I loved them all your honor <3. Anyway, back to Paul :). He's going through something scary right now, but I know he can do this. I am so, so proud of him :'DD 😭😭❤️. I felt so bad for him at points, because it sucks :'(((. But now he's taking another step forward :)). He deserves to be happy :'))) <33. I love him so much 🥰🥰🥰🥰❤️.
Overall, I really loved this episode! It had a lot of hilarious parts, and a lot of emotional parts :). But the funny parts didn't cheapen the emotional ones, the the emotional ones didn't weigh down the funny ones :'D. It was just a really great balance <333. Anyway! The cases were great :DD! A bit unexpected, with the double call on the pizza one, and the walk in for the upside down lady XD. But they were really cool, partly because of that :D!! Also! I am SO EXCITED for the next episode :DD. It looks like it'll definitely have more drama xD, but I'm cool with that lol. Between Marjan, and that car rescue, and the wedding planning plot!!! This gonna be so amazing :DD. I'm a bit nervous, but so excited :)). Both ready and not ready lol. Anyhoo :). Everybody was great this episode 🥰🥰, and though there was definitley some drama, everything got sorted out :')).
So yeah! I really enjoyed this episode, I thought it was amazing. I'm super excited for next time! This has been my review of. . .
9-1-1: Lone Star, Season 4, Episode 7: Tommy Dearest
It was great! I'm a bit nervous for the next episode, but I'm excited more than anything. I'll be back next week with my review of. . .
9-1-1: Lone Star, Season 4, Episode 8: Control Freaks
See you then!
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I watched James Somerton's final video, and all I got was this 6 page document
As soon as I learned his final unreleased video was on Revolutionary Girl Utena, I knew I had to hate watch it. I didn't know that I'd spend the following 4 hours making a comprehensive doc on everything I hated about it. But here we are.
The TLDR (is this too long to be a TLDR?)
The intro section, as well as Part 2, are directly plagiarized from wikipedia. The rest is unclear.
He makes a “haha this show is so weird right guys” joke 10 different times
He reads Anthy as so emotionally stunted she literally has to be taught how to think for herself, and believes that being the rose bride makes her feel good
He says that his reading is ‘vastly different” from the rest of the community, before boldly stating that this is because he sees it as a “deeply allegorical and symbolic story”
He sees the sexual abuse as “not to be taken literally”
Insists that the show be separated into parts that are strictly literal and strictly allegorical for the entirety of parts 3 and 4, before making the contradictory move of analyzing characters as allegories during part 5
The only characters that get dedicated sections are Akio and Dios, who he doesn’t believe are the same person. 
He says Dios gets his powers by “deflowering women”
He calls Akio, known child predator, a chaotic bisexual
Uses 14 year old SA survivor Anthy’s passive personality to make a joke about her being a bottom
His final point is that Utena was the real prince all along
There are no citations
Anyway, full version for people who hate themselves under the cut. With time codes, because I cite my sources.
Part 1: Intro
This entire section is almost exclusively quoted from the Wikipedia article for Revolutionary Girl Utena. Words have been changed, but the order at which certain topics come up is not. Highlights include:
0:56 In his introduction of Be-Papas, lists the founding members in literally the exact same order as Wikipedia.
1:40-2:00 His list of Be-Papas previous works is lifted entirely from wikipedia, only with the words changed. This leads to a strange moment at 1:52 where he claims Be-papas ‘lent their talents to’ Neon Genesis Evangelion, a show which started production at least a year before Be-papas was founded. On the wikipedia article for Utena, this is instead referring to the previous work of Shinya Hasegawa and Yōji Enokido
4:23 he uses a quote by Yūichirō Oguro describing the production as a “tug of war”. He seems to have lifted this in its entirety from Wikipedia, as he does not cite the actual source it is from (the box set companion book, btw)
As for James Somerton originals, at 0:44 he claims that out of all magical girl series,”none to my knowledge have been more discussed and dissected than the 1997 series Revolutionary Girl Utena” He will go back on this at 5:05, where he states that “Sailor Moon takes the lion’s share of discussion” in regard to influential magical girl anime
Part 2: Part 1
(At least I know I’m not funny, unlike James Somerton)
Speaking of which. Here is every single time he makes a “wow this show is sooooo weird you guys” joke: 6:00, 8:50, 10:40, 10:58, 13:46, 17:07, 24:16, 30:34, 41:19, 48:01
Here’s every time the punchline to the joke is the existence of Nanami, a character who he otherwise completely disregards: 10:56, 12:05, 16:22, 42:40
6:16 Claims that the “Apocalypse saga” and “Akio Ohtori saga’ are two names for the same several episodes, depending on the release. This is untrue. Instead, different releases either only have the Apocalypse saga, or split the episodes into an Akio Ohtori saga and then the Apocalypse saga. 
7:58 Claims Utena intervening on Anthy’s behalf begins the first duel. While this happens in the movie, Touga intervenes in the scene he uses clips from (like literally right after the shot he uses in the video). Utena only gets drawn into the duels when Wakaba’s love note to Saionji is posted. Youtuber Noralities’ Utena video also gets this wrong, which makes me wonder if this was copied.
9:09 Claims Akio’s “End of the World” moniker is actually more closely translated to “Apocalypse”. In reality, the translation moves away from a more apocalyptic reading, with 世界の果て (Sekai no hate) apparently translating closer to “the furthest reach of a known world” or “edge of the world”. (Love the implications of this translation, but I digress)
9:10 As can be assumed from the previous point, this means I can’t find any sources that point to them not using the title “apocalypse” for religious reasons
10:10 Uses Anthy’s extreme passivity under her Rose bride persona to make a top/bottom joke. I’m gonna repeat this in case you’re just skimming. He uses a trait that likely stems from years of abuse, (possibly exaggerated by the persona Anthy uses to manipulate people), and uses it to call her a bottom. 
He also just doesn’t seem to understand how the whole point of Utena constantly telling Anthy that she's just a normal girl who should make more friends is framed as Utena imposing her will on Anthy, just as much as the previous Engaged have done. 
11:54 Apologies in advance for my most “um, actually!” point yet, but technically his statement that Anthy stops being host to the Sword of Dios is wrong. Akio literally pulls a sword out of her chest in the final duel. It's a more evil-looking sword of Dios, granted.
13:02 !!! CANTARELLA SCENE ALERT !!! He interprets it as them fighting over Akio?? Which like. I will allow people to have their own interpretations of vague and symbolic scenes. I will. I swear. This is not technically incorrect. It just makes me want to eat my own intestines.
14:44 Bad Anthy take #1: He states Anthy “is emotionally stunted to the point where she needs people to make decisions for her because she does not know how to think for herself” This ignores several moments of Anthy clearly making her own choices throughout the show, including the suicide attempt Somerton mentions about a minute prior. This also strips Anthy of what little agency she has throughout the story, usually exerted through messing with Utena or Nanami. (The fact that she repeatedly makes choices that contribute to her own abuse is, in my opinion, one of the most interesting parts of her character, and it's a shame that Summerton’s ‘reading’ of the story completely disregards that)
Additionally, he once again reads Utena ‘urging Anthy to think for herself” in the first arc as an unambiguously good move, and not as something critiqued in the show.
14:52 Summerton reads the Swords of hatred as symbolizing men’s hatred specifically. Again, I’m trying not to completely disregard differing interpretations to a show like Utena, but this feels very simplistic, especially considering the harm we see aimed towards Anthy by other women
16:42 Here he claims that his reading of the story seems to be “vastly different” from the bulk of Utena discourse. What is this reading? That the show shouldn’t be read literally. Or, in his words, “[we can interpret] Revolutionary Girl Utena as a deeply allegorical and symbolic story about the struggles of coming of age amidst widespread institutional corruption in a high school and which describes a passive culture of inaction in regard to brazen instances of domestic exploitation in which there is not only a question about the caporeality of the events transpiring but also which events can be taken for granted and which events are meant to signify abstract sociological institutions.” The idea that he believes this is in any way a new reading of the material honestly baffles me.
Part 3: Part 2
17:48 through 18:50 differently quotes the Wikipedia article for postmodernism. He even makes a joke at 17:55 about Wikipedia. Please kill me. 
The first three themes he lists at 19:11 are just the three main themes listed on the Revolutionary Girl Utena Wikipedia page. What was that about a “vastly different” reading, James?
You’re gonna have to take my word for it, but this section is so short because it's just him talking about the various ways the story can’t be taken literally. He does, ironically, call this a hot take.
Part 4: Part 3
Here’s where the reading falls apart folks
At 23:15, he states that some things in Utena are allegorically coded, while others are to be taken literally. This is true. However, he seems to take this to mean that some parts of the show are Strictly Literal, while others are Strictly Allegorical for things going on in the Literal World. 
This is apparently why he prefers the Anime to the Movie, where there basically is no separation between the Literal and Allegorical
This take is bizarre to me for several reasons, but here is my favorite. At several points, he mentions how Revolutionary Girl Utena is a work of Magical Realism. Magical Realism is literally defined by its blending of the “literal” and “allegorical”, the mix of fantastical elements in a mundane, realistic setting. This idea of the impossibility of a blurred line, that Utena must either have lore where the magic is all real and means nothing, or dedicated allegory segments quarantined from the rest of the story, is contrary to the very idea of Magical Realism.
I can’t help but wonder if Somerton took his mentions of Magical realism from a previous work, due to how little it is consistent with his final argument. Either way, this section suggests a great lack of creativity in his analysis, a shame for such a creative work.
24:36: Shiori slander, for those who care
After this he gets really worked up about people assuming symbolism in everything, even when the author ‘doesn’t make it clear something is symbolic’. He shuts down a reading of a shot in the Lord of the Rings. Miley Cyrus is there? Very The Curtains Were Blue of him. 
28:22 Claims that Wakaba is the key to telling where the Strictly Literal segments end and the Strictly Allegorical segments begin. He states that, under this lens, deeply personal moments of character suffering such as all of the sexual abuse and Anthy’s suicide attempt (which he literally cites) should be read as symbolic and be “approached with uncertainty rather than confusion”. (28:24-29:13)
This also somewhat falls apart when you consider Wakaba is the jeep in the movie's car chase
And then he rants about people not liking his Attack on Titan video for a bit. Since its potential symbolism also doesn't follow hard enough rules to be symbolism. Once again, the separation of “fact vs allegory” I haven’t watched AOT, so that's all I’ll say.
Part 5: Part 4
Thank god this part is short. Much like Dios’ on-screen presence.
32:55 Makes the extremely bold claim that Dios is not Akio. As in, never even became Akio. because Dios is Strictly Allegorical.
Just to be a pedant, this is pretty explicitly disproven in the show
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Confusingly, both earlier and later he will address these two as the same character. 
33:04 he also explains the root of Akio’s name in a tone that suggests this is supplemental information and not like. Literally something he explains out loud in the show?
Part 6: Part 5
This section is nearly entirely about Akio Ohtori. I would like to note that him and Dios are the only characters with dedicated segments.
38:30 The part where he states that Dios gets his powers from deflowering women.
38:46 Claims, once again, that Akio’s abuse of Anthy “may not be literal”. 
38:59 “the instance of exploitation here is used because assault has deep roots as indicating that akio's gender is the source of his imbalance”  THE ASSAULT IS ABOUT AKIO NOW???
39:45 Bad Anthy take #2: “Anthy’s conformity to the Rose bride is based around the fact that she feels good being subservient because this is the only thing in her life that has ever brought her any kind of positive reward”. This is a direct quote. Anyway, I can’t think of any instances in the show where Anthy’s subservience gives her a positive reward, except maybe when she’s intentionally using it to manipulate others. As for her feeling good being the rose bride. She tries to commit suicide. Dude.
Side tangent, but isn’t this exactly what Akio says during the final 2 episodes? That Anthy enjoys being a witch? Is the main villain, who consistently says things during that very episode that are blatantly false, our source of information for this take? I guess so, since this is the dedicated Akio section.
At 40:20 he decides to introduce the concept of Anthy, Akio, and Utena as stand-ins for wider concepts, which is antithetical to his approach in analysis beforehand
Part 7: Part 6
42:40 he finally acknowledges that he’s been spending too much time talking about Akio, and literally no time on characters like Nanami
46:10 states that Utena’s exclusive motivation “is to protect Anthy from the predatorial intentions of the other dualists”, which disregards the fact, which she states herself, that she was largely participating in the duels and protecting Anthy to feel like a prince
48:04 The part where he says that Akio has ‘chaotic Bi vibes’ in regards to him sleeping with Touga, who is 17 and implied to be a long-term victim
Part 8: Part 7
54:01: His concluding point is that Utena was the real prince all along. 
In true Somerton fashion, the video then ends over a scrolling wall of patrons, with not a single citation in sight.
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essycogany · 8 months
Rare But Not So Rare Sonic Moments. Character Analysis.
A weird topic I’m more then happy to discuss.
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Mandate: “Sonic’s not allowed to get overly emotional.”
I’m starting to think the mandates do break in a few instances. This one specifically is something I’m quite interested in because this is probably one of the rarest emotions Sonic displays. Getting sad/emotional.
Hopefully this essay will be a positive outlook on the mandate.
(Despite being a discussion about negative emotions.)
Examples Of Sonic Getting Emotional
I might not include everything, but the examples I have knowledge of will be stated. If you have anymore examples, I’d love to see them.
SATAM: Sonic cried when he and the Freedomfighters had to leave his Uncle Chuck in Robotnik’s lab.
Archie: The times Sonic cried/teared up was when the weight of a situation got to him, when something tragic occurred and all hope was lost, or when he was filled with joy after those instances ended. Those moments like others, didn’t go too far. (For the most part)
Pretty sure he never out right sobbed.
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Underground: I think Sonic only cried when he was a little kid.
Correct me if I’m wrong.
X: In episode 52 Sonic allowed his tears to shed with his head turned away from us. He and Chris ran one last time before Sonic left through a portal to go home forever. It obviously crushed him even if we didn’t see his face.
Boom: Sonic cried/teared up in two episodes of the show. First when Tails was reminiscing about the Tornado and noticed Sonic wiping his eyes. Sonic replied, “What?” Then he, Knuckles, and Tails all cried when they thought the baby they took care of was gone. Also, in Archie when Stick’s rock friend broke or “Died,” everyone in team Boom morned it. Sonic included.
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IDW: Sonic shed tears in the Scrapnick Island Issue. Even if it was “Mecha Sonic’s” tears I’ll count it anyways because it’s a good loophole and it came out of Sonic’s eyes.
Movie 1: It’s implied he indeed cried during the baseball scene. The sources being a deleted scene and story-board of the film.
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Prime: This doesn’t really count, but Sonic teared up in the first episode when he was held captive by the Chaos Council and had light blasted in his eyes, when he was in darkness. Then Sonic actually cried in episode 7 when he ate a seadog. Either because he was home-sick or starving.
(In the last episode of season two it’s implied he might cry in the next episode. Especially with the shot of him looking on the verge of tears and then covered his eyes in the background of the last shot, but we’ll see.)
By the way. You can see the instant improvement from episode 1 to 7 of the tears animation. Just thought I’d say that.
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My Overall Thoughts
Hold on because this is going to be a long ride.
First thing I’d like to discuss is the mandate itself.
I personally don’t believe it means, “Sonic shouldn’t cry.”
(Which has been stated a bunch)
If that were the case, I don’t think this majority of moments (specifically the recent ones) would’ve happened. I think the mandate meant Sonic couldn’t and or shouldn’t go too far with his emotions. I don’t think the mandate existing makes any since, but I won’t get into that.
My point is, Sonic can cry, just not in an overly dramatized way unless it’s done for comedic purposes.
(I say that because of Sonic Boom and the 7th episode of Prime examples. Which are obviously not meant to be taken seriously)
My opinions on Sonic crying.
It’s not necessarily needed, but I don’t mind if it’s done well. I do believe Sonic shouldn’t go too far unless the situation does.
One Issue in Archie when Sonic’s entire life was basically ruined, is a good example. If you’re going to have such calamities happen to him, especially since he has zero ego or mask to hold onto, I think it’s a fair enough scenario for him to react as drastic as his misfortune.
But I believe if he were to cry in something like the Metal Virus. (Just for an example) it could be like how Espio teared up after Vector’s sacrifice.
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Crazy idea. Let’s talk about Shadow for a minute.
Shadow is one of the most stoic characters in the entire franchise. He barely smiles, gets excited, or displays any overly positive emotions. While Sonic rarely cries, gets angry, or shows any harsh negative emotions. Shadow and Sonic are opposites because of that.
Sonic’s overall a positive and outgoing guy who wants to keep moving forward. Whenever he has the time to worry, he runs. Faces his problems head on. Sonic only let’s a small amount of his true emotions out when helping someone else. In general Sonic’s a pretty optimistic character.
Shadow on the other hand is a reserved and serious guy. Who wants what’s best for the world too, but in a more calculated and planned out manner. But for some reason, in Sonic Adventure 2 after Amy encouraged Shadow to save the world, (Which reminded him of Maria’s real wish) He sheds a tear.
I repeat. Shadow is the most stoic character in the entire franchise. Who rarely shows his emotions. And yet he cries.
Why can’t Sonic? To be fair, Sonic usually doesn’t have time to think, let alone worry about how he feels. But if Shadow himself can have a short moment of releasing his emotional baggage, why can’t the blue blur?
Is Sonic even as happy as he let’s on?
I’d say he’s genuinely happy half of the time. Then the other half Sonic’s internalizing everything negative in him. Everyone knows Sonic’s overall upbeat, but we’ve seen plenty of times (In the Metal Virus specifically) when he’s thinking, or enduring the chaos around him, he doubts himself. Sonic has these insecurities and emotions he barely let’s anyone see.
Besides Issue #24
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Even in Sonic Prime while Sonic shows the most guilt, sincerity, anger, fear, and sadness in the show. He sometimes still puts on a front and acts like everything’s fine.
Sonic Unleashed I’m pretty sure was the first and only time we’ve seen him mope for a minute. All because Amy didn’t know who he was. So, he does have some level of insecurities lingering every once in a while.
Can Sonic crying even work?
How I interpret him crying is when he’s alone. Some people theorize in certain instances like SA2 and Unleashed with Shadow and Chip’s sacrifices, he cried a little. I’m fascinated by this idea. I believe it’s the most in character way to let him cry. Maybe even something like X when his face isn’t shown, but you know how he’s feeling.
Even if we do see Sonic’s face, him crying or tearing up could be shown without being over the top. Normalize it in a way that doesn’t fly off the handle. His expression could have a hint of frustration, anger, or exhaustion. Crying is normal and I don’t see Sonic crying as out of character because it’s been done plenty of times.
It’d be nice if it happened in order to make Sonic feel more believable and sympathetic. As long as the dude’s not on the floor whaling, I’m sure it can work.
Final Thoughts
There are other ways to show Sonic’s emotions. Again, crying doesn’t have to happen, but it does help the writing feel less unnecessarily limited of what kind of emotions can be displayed on this character.
Though there are benefits too. Like finding fun loopholes or small animated details like in IDW and Prime. Sonic not crying so much makes the times he does (or may do in the future) feel earned and impactful. The examples before prove it can be done without taking away what makes Sonic who he is. It just needs to be subtle, quiet, and quick. (Or humorous) Depends on what you think.
At the end of it all, Sonic’s a tough hedgehog. Him shedding a few tears won’t ever change that.
Stay Creative! 💜
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meshlasolus · 2 years
House Of Memories MASTERLIST
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Series Rating: T
Obi-Wan Kenobi x Padawan!Reader
Summary: Obi-Wan Kenobi reflects on his years, his losses and his gains, his strengths and weaknesses, and in the middle of it all.... you.
If you're a fan, maybe consider buying me a coffee :)
If you'd like to see what the Padawan looks like, come here and here
Episode 1 Episode 20 Episode 39
Episode 2 Episode 21 Episode 40
Episode 3 Episode 22 Epsiode 41
Episode 4 Episode 23 Episode 42
Episode 5 Episode 24 Episode 43
Episode 6 Episode 25 Episode 44
Episode 7. Episode 26 Episode 45
Episode 8 Episode 27 Episode 46
Episode 9 Episode 28 Episode 47
Episode 10 Episode 29 Episode 48
Episode 11 Episode 30 Episode 49
Episode 12 Episode 31 Episode 50
Episode 13. Episode 32. Episode 51
Episode 14 Episode 33. Episode 52
Episode 15 Episode 34. Episode 53
Episode 16 Episode 35 Episode 54
Episode 17 Episode 36. Episode 55
Episode 18 Episode 37 Episode 56
Episode 19 Episode 38 Episode 57
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ave-on-main · 7 months
“Pre-boot Roy's dynamic with Slade is what fanon wishes Dick's relationship with Slade would be” is a bad faith fanon myth.
I’ve seen this statement go around since Dark Crisis ended last year and wittnessed people actually believe it, so here we go: It’s not true.
First of, lets talk about what allegedly makes pre-boot Roy the person that fanon thinks Dick is to Slade:
One panel that gets taken out of context to prove the statement above is Slade talking about Roy as his “ace in the hole” in Titans (2008) which gets equated to Slade calling Dick a “trophy” in Dark Crisis (2022). In context, these two instances are not the same. Comparing them makes no sense. More on why in the Roy section of this little essay.
Another point of contention is that Rebirth Dick secretly works together with Slade to protect the Titans (2016). People claim that is a rehash of what happened when Roy worked together with Slade while Roy was the leader of the Outsiders (2003), but the premises are entirely different. In Titans Dick works with Slade to protect the other team members. In Outsiders Roy uses Slade’s intel and funding without knowing he’s speaking to Slade. He thinks Slade is Batman.
It is also worth noting that the Rebirth version has more in common with the Apprentice arc of Teen Titans Animated 2003. TT 03 came out at the same time Outsiders did. Slade was revealed to be Roy’s contact in Outsiders #21 (February 2005). The first time Slade appears as Batman is Outsiders #4 (September 2003), but it is not known to readers or characters that Batman is not Bruce. The Apprentice arc of TT 03 started in Season 1 Episode 11 (October 2003). The show didn’t copy the comics, nor assumably did the comics copy the show. It could be a weird attempt at synergy to reveal Slade in 2005 but it is unlikely because DC cared very little about synergy at the time. Worth noting though is, that Slade’s role in Outsiders is extremely limited. Once his identity is revealed, he is no longer part of the plot.
Now, in fanon, the Rebirth version of events is largely ignored. If anyone in fandom wants to talk about Dick working with Slade, they’ll mostly use the more thought out version of the show as a blueprint or the Renegade arc of Nightwing (1996). Both comic and show are also actually written by writers who like Dick unlike Deathstroke 2016.
That Roy is important to Rose’s developement isn’t true. She babysits Lian but she barely talks to Roy or any of the adult Titans while she appears in Titans (1999).  Nightwing: Renegade retcons that Dick was there while she babysitted Lian, but all Roy does is villify Rose, not once implying that he had anything to do with getting her on the Titans.
Equally as untrue is that Slade is actually obsessed with Roy over Dick. It’s a purely fanon take.
There’s also this conspiracy going around that Slade & Dick stans working at DC are retconning things to make Dick look better, which is, I can’t say it differently, an insane statement to make. Dan Didio erased the Slade-Dick rivalry from existance, so much so that Higgins could not use them in the same story even though he was writing both New 52 books. Seeley & King could merely put Deathstroke into Grayson (2014) as a papershield target practice. Christopher Priest dislikes Dick, which he not only states on his blog but is also obvious in his writing (Deathstroke #4). Interestingly, the people screaming about retcons ruining everything had nothing to say about Rebirth Roy being part of the NTT roaster while Grant attacks the team (Lazarus Contract).
Infinite Frontier ties Dick and Slade together once more, but it is almost all talk and no show. It’s a distant echo of their pre-boot relationship. There was zero build up to their reconnection. Frankly, a Dick & Slade stan would put a lot more effort into it. The only reason DC brought a semblance of their rivalry back was because of Red X nostalgia and it shows. Dick only dons the Deathstroke mask in Future State: Teen Titans to complement Red X and his hunt for Deathstroke in Teen Titans Academy is mention but never shown, not even as a one panel flashback.
Meanwhile Green Arrow is now the first hero Deathstroke fought (Deathstroke Inc. Year One) and Slade encounters Roy soon after (Infinite Frontier: Secret Files #2). DC is still trying to tie Slade to the JL rather than to the Titans.
But what are their actual Pre-Boot relationships?
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Vastly different, that’s for sure. 
At first, Dick is largely tied to Slade because of Joey and the similarities (skill-wise) Slade sees in Dick. Later Dick’s ties to Slade’s children and what that causes makes respect turn into hate. 
Slade gets involved with Roy because of Cheshire and to manipulate the Outsiders by orders of Dr. Sivana. 
Roy Harper and Slade Wilson
Roy in Deathstroke (1991)
The first time Slade and Roy properly meet (aka actually share a word) is in Deathstroke The Terminator (1991) #18. They are both undercover and pretend to work with Cheshire.
Jade introduces Roy to Slade, and Jade “asks” for Slade’s help by using what amounts to a slave ring she can reactivate any time to control him. Together with her other underlings they set out to steal nuclear warheads.
Not knowing they could be on the same side, Roy betrays the team by going after Slade. Slade defeats him, and Roy is left in enemy territory.
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Roy makes his way back after Cheshire has already nuked Qurac. The destruction makes Slade and Roy temporarly work together to apprehend Jade and reveal their allegiances to each other (#20).
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While Roy is on the Titans when Rose joins the team in the following crossover event, she doesn’t interact one-on-one with him. All he does is give Impulse relationship advice because Bart is crushing on Rose (The New Titans #126).
Titans (1999)
Roy and Slade meet when Tartarus attacks H.I.V.E. which at that point is lead by an incognito Adeline Kane but don’t have a one-on-one interaction in thie story.
Their first true confrontation takes place later. Slade’s been contracted to kill Cheshire due to her nuking Qurac. As Slade and Roy fight, Slade mentions Nightwing as a comparison between the two, and even though Roy temporarly gains the upperhand, Slade escapes to go after Jade. (#22)
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Rose starts to babysit Lian after the Deathstroke & Qurac incident, but weirdly enough, she barely shares a word with any of the adult Titans. She’s really just kind of there.
Outsiders (2003)
Roy believes Batman is giving him intel and is funding the Outsiders  (#6, #11) . In truth, the Batman who he’s been talking to is Slade.
It's when Dick learns that Roy hasn't been talking to the real Bruce, that Slade reveals himself. Slade fights Roy, taunting him about killing him and adopting Lian to make her an assassin. Slade realizes Roy isn't on top of his game and sees the five direct bullet wounds he's received on an earlier Outsiders mission. Taking pity, Slade decides to leave him alive (#21).
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In #43 the Outsiders learn that Slade was hired by Dr. Sivana. The mad scientist saw potential in manipulating the team. It was not Slade’s idea to go after the Outsiders.
Titans (2008)
When Slade creates his own Titans team, Cheshire convinces Arsenal to join the team with her. She wants to use the opportunity to kill Slade. Roy pretends to have switched allegiances and joins the team.
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Slade knows not to trust them. He uses Roy’s drug addiction against him by switching out Roy’s “regular” drugs with a substance called “Bliss”. (#27)
Later Slade uses Roy as his “ace in the hole” when the Justice League confronts them. He threatens to blow up his ship with a warhead. The League, lead by Dick as Batman, retreats as not to harm Roy. In this case, “always his ace” means the reason Roy is on the team is to be used as a human meat shield because other heroes still care for him (Annual #1).
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At the end of this arc, Roy betrays the team and decides against resurrecting Lian and with that stops Slade from resurrecting Grant. Slade swears revenge on him because Roy literally did what the New Teen Titans did. “Killing Grant.” The Titans comic and the entire Pre-New 52 universe end with Roy and Joey deciding to reform the Titans because Dick still believed in the teams value.
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Apart from the initial Qurac storyline, there’s no canon Slade and Roy story in which Dick doesn’t at least get mentioned.
Pre-New 52 Dick Grayson and Slade Wilson
New (Teen) Titans
Dick belongs to the six New Teen Titans that Slade originally takes on a contract against (New Teen Titans (1980) #02). Slade contacts the team soon after their first meeting to take them out. Dick plays the voice of reason during that second encounter and makes the Titans listen to Slade’s plan. Slade fails to kill them (#10).
During the Judas Contract, Slade learns Robin’s secret identity through Tara’s spying on the Titans (Tales of the Teen Titans #42). Slade attacks Dick in his office, telling him he won’t kill him if Dick doesn’t resist because H.I.V.E. wants the Titans dead or alive. Dick knows he can’t win a hand-to-hand fight against Slade and manages to trick him. Slade admires how Dick escapes, ascertaining that Dick is the leader for a reason. He’s the hardest to catch because powers don’t make a man. Just like Dick, Slade was the best even before he got augmented. It’s a first for Slade to loose his target. He blames it on being worried about the contract.
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While Adeline and Joey get in contact with Dick, Slade delivers the Titans sans-Dick to H.I.V.E. (#43). Adeline proceeds to tell Dick how Slade became Deathstroke the Terminator. Afterward Joey and Dick team up to save the Titans (#44).
After Tara loses herself in her rage and dies, Dick concludes Slade and she were manipulating each other (Annual #3).
Dick remains in contact with the D.A. office to ensure the Titans are still going to testify against Slade but a Deathstroke imposter attacks Lilith. Slade’s attorney spins a defense out of the imposter (#53). Gar has his own plans for Slade while Dick and the Titans want to focus on aprehending the imposter. Dick gets sworn in as an expert witness on matters of identity, and he tries to use what Adeline told him about Slade in court, but Slade’s attorney uses Dick’s words against the Titans. Slade doesn’t go on further trial but will remain detained in prison and has a small confrontation with Dick. (#54)
Wildbeests are hunting the Titans and Slade gets hired by Dayton to save Gar and the others. He would have gone after them regardless to save Joey. He ends up searching out Dick’s apartment first, probably in hopes he hasn’t been captured yet (#71). Slade doesn’t realize that Dick is one of the Wildbeests he encounters, and the one who helpes Slade escape from the second Wildbeest.
The Wildbeests realize they have a spy and overpower Dick. Slade catches Pantha just as she finds pieces of Dick’s costume (#74). Slade invades the Wildbeest base, and Joey reveals himself to Dick and him (#75). The two end up fighting Joey, but can’t get through to him. Dick implores Slade to calm down and focus as they escape to Titans Tower. There, Slade stops Pantha when she attacks Dick shortly before the Wildbeests attack the base. Slade and Dick escape together. While Slade can’t believe Joey is doing this, Dick is the more realistic of the two. 
Later, Slade gets them out of a tough situation by morally questionably methods. Slade expects a response from Dick but gets a proverbial shrug (#76).
Shortly before their final confrontation with Joey, Slade decides he has no other choice than to kill Joey, which Dick is against. Slade kills his son because he knows the real Joey regarded the Titans as friends (#84).
Slade and Dick meet on the Titans Tower island afterward. Dick notices him, which according to Slade not many are able to do. Dick asks why he couldn’t be bothered to show up at the funeral of the son he killed. 
Dick attacks Slade in his grief over Joey, telling him to fight back. Slade does if only to tell him he lost someone too. Their fight ends when Dick admits he doesn’t get how Slade and Bruce can just keep bottling their anger up, he’d explode. Slade tells him that losing control hasn’t done him anything good and that he has to believe he freed Joey. He then shows concern for having injured Dick, but Dick denies his help, and they part ways without anything truly resolved (#86).
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Dick in Deathstroke, The Terminator (1991)
Bruce calls Dick to get intel on Slade. While Dick knows how dangerous Slade is, he calls him a good man, to which Slade later responds by saying Dick’s wide-eyed and idealistic. (#7)
When Deathstroke gets into crosshairs with the Justice League and has lost much of his powers, the Titans set out to confront him. He encounters Dick and Koriand’r while he tries to escape. Dick tries to stop him and explains to him that if he’s an innocent man, he’ll stand by his side and help him get free of the charges (#14). In fact, the Titans saw what was happening to him on TV and Dick made the decision to help him or take him down depending on whether Joey dying pushed him over the edge (New Titans #89).
Dick and Slade end up working together when Eclipso tries to take over Earth’s heroes. Slade heads to Salvagion to get information about his current situation where he meets Nightwing, who’s been caught spying. Salvagion isn’t the enemy, though, Nightwing is there to retrieve information about Cyborg’s files to heal his friend. The files were lost when Titans Tower got destroyed. 
Dick and Slade fight against enemy mercenaries, who are attacking Salvagion,  and figure something is wrong. Dick then hires Slade and Pat to save the Titans.
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By 1993 Dick’s appearances in Deathstroke and The New Titans apruptly ends because he had been taken back by the Bat Office. Editorial was quite strict at the time, demanding him to be written out of New Titans.
Slade in Nightwing (1996)
As Dick tries to apprehend an out of control Man-Bat, Slade shows up to do just that with tranquil darts, shooting Dick too in the process (#17). Dick learns that Slade has been contracted to capture Man-Bat alive and knows Slade doesn’t work cheap, so he and Barbara figure out who Slade has been hired by.
Dick ends up fighting Slade on a boat, treading barbs throughout, and ultimately taking Slade out long enough to escape with Man-Bat (#18).
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While Dick’s working at the BPD, Dick one day comes home to find Slade in his apartment (#79). Slade reveals that he’s searched him out because he has a contract in town. Dick and Joey were such good friends, Slade feels it’s fair to tell him. Dick asks for the name of Slade’s target, but Slade hasn’t come to betray all of his cards, he’s simply trying to make a deal, so Dick stays out of his way. Dick considers calling for backup, but there’s no one he wants to put in Slade’s path.
During his police work, Dick sees Slade again and goes after him. They have a short confrontation in which Slade reiterates for him to stay out of the way, but Blüdhaven is Dick’s city, he’ll protect everyone in it. Slade threatens Dick and shoots when Gannon Malloy, Dick’s partner at the BPD, draws a gun at him. Dick saves him but gets shot in the arm (#80).
The Batfamily visits him at the hospital, and Dick asks Cass for help with Deathstroke. She fights Deathstroke and retrieves a disc from him that reveals who the target is (#81).
Dick succeeds to save Amy from Slade’s first attack, fighting Slade until he takes advantage of his injury. Dick tells Amy to run, stating Slade won’t hurt him. Even though Slade implies that he will, Slade doesn’t further fight Dick, going after his target instead. Dick ignores his own safety to attack Slade in close proximity again. It allows Amy to get far enough away for Slade to temporarly stop his hunt and punch Dick unconscious.
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Dick remains by Amy’s side as much as he can, stopping Slade from shooting her by dropping bills on him and fighting him long enough to tell him that Dick s overbidding the contract put on Amy.
Slade responds by saying that he always knew that Dick had a heart (#82).
When Blockbuster dies some time later, new villains want to take his spot and as Dick learns Deathstroke will be the hired help, he considers how he can stop them while Slade knows his secret idenity (#110). Dick hunts down Westbrook to get into contact with Slade. By the time Dick returns home, Slade has received his message (which leads to the famous shower panel) and Slade witnesses how Dick has gotten involved with the Blüdhaven mob (#111). Dick tries to convince Slade that he is one of the bad guys now, but Slade claims he doesn’t have an interest in seeing Dick be a “selfloathing mercenary” now that he has to take care of Rose.
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Dick wishes Rose good luck after both Grant’s and Joey’s deaths, and Slade ultimately decides through Rose’s input to let Dick train her. Rose tells Dick she was a nanny to Lian (paradoxially because he knows. He was there in Titans (1999)). They save Sophia Tevis and Rose tells her father, asking him if Dick gets to have a private life from them, which Slade replies to with “obviously not” (#112). 
While Rose and Dick investigate another crime, Slade seeks out Amy Rohrbach, telling her he won’t hurt her because she is permanently off his hitlist. He can still kill her family, though. He is searching for Sophia Tevis behind Dick’s back and confronts Dick with her existence and proof that Dick in fact remains a hero (#113). Rose’s training continues, and while Slade does not trust in Dick’s loyalty, he lets him investigate the villains Slade is currently working with (#114). Slade decides to monitor Dick as he sends out Rose and Dick to hunt Superman. Dick has been given a glove through which Slade can monitor and change his heartbeat as well as hear what is going on. Dick uses the fight to show Rose that the ideology of her father is wrong. 
When Dick is later confronted by Slade, who is threatening to kill him, Dick reveals that Slade cannot kill him for two reasons: 1. Slade killing Dick would cause Rose to betray him and 2. that Slade has always failed to kill him and that it never fails to make him mad. Slade lets Dick go, but knows Dick is messing with something too big for him (#115). 
After Slade betrays Dick, Dick plants geiger counters in Slade’s house and makes sure Rose learns that her father has been poisioning her with the Kryptonite in her eye. Slade and Dick are fighting during the conversation. Slade tries to stay in control of the situation, but Rose ultimately believes Dick, especially when Slade tries to silence him even though Rose wishes to hear what Dick has to tell. Dick makes sure Slade knows he’ll get back at him someday for what he did to Blüdhaven (#117).
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Titans (1999)
This Titans story takes place before their fallout. Deathstroke is fataly wounded by Tartarus and goes to the Titans for help. Dick reluctantly offers him a temporary place on the team, but not without putting a tracker on him (#10) and reminding Slade continuously that if he fights with the Titans, he must follow their rules (#12).
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Deathstroke brings Dick up while fighting Roy, claiming Arsenal is no Nightwing (#22) and Rose later becomes the carekater of Lian but hardly talks with the Titans on panel.
Teen Titans (2003)
When Slade defeats the Teen Titans by manipulating several young heroes, the original Titans aren’t happy about it. Dick tells Slade to leave (#45). When he doesn’t, Dick and he fight while the other Titans take on his crew. During the confrontation, Slade taunts Dick, but Dick still stops Cass from trying to kill him.
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When Slade tells the Titans they’ll never be able to trust Rose and Joey, Dick replies that they have proven themselves and will always have a place on the team. Slade gets away, revealing it was all a test to see if his children will have a good life with the Titans (#46).
Infinite Crisis (2005)
After everything that has happened with Grant, Joey and finally Rose, Slade blames Dick for his misfortune (#7). (The page this panel is from was apparently accidentally erased in the digital version of this issue. It can only be found in the digital collected edition and the print editions.)
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Batman & Robin (2009)
Talia hires Deathstroke to kill Dick by letting him take control of Damian’s body. She states that Slade has a “long and eventful history” with the “foolish young Batman pretender”. Slade has waited a long time to get rid of Dick per his own words (#11). Slade wants Dick to know who is going to cripple him, so Talia intensifies the neural bond for Slade to be able to speak through Damian. They are working together because they have both lost their children to the hero community because of Dick.
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Damian is resisting the control, which makes Slade unable to do much more than to reiterate his desire to kill Dick. Dick electroshocks Damian, knowing Damian can handle it, but Slade likely can’t because of his enhanced senses making him more vulnerable while connected through the neural link. Slade goes into shock, and Dick later searches him out after infiltrating Talia’s base to give him payback. 
Titans (2008)
Deathstroke makes a deal with Mad Hatter, which causes his group of Titans to cause havoc in Arkham Asylum. Dick, then Batman, stops him from taking an inmate with him (#28). Slade calculates whether fighting Dick is worth it and decides to do so. Dick is still furious at Slade for what he did to Damian.
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Dick is forced to let Slade get away to save two Arkham guards but pursues him, getting confronted by the new Titans team Deathstroke is leading (#29). Dick and Roy shortly work together. Dick tries to convince him that he is not a villain, but Slade tells Dick Roy is now on his side.
Slade and his Titans are able to leave while Dick deals with the freed inmates off-panel (#30). Ray Palmer point out to Dick that he is taking the confrontation badly, initially only blaming it on the appearance of Slade, who Dick has fought “more times than any [hero]” (#34). Slade reveals to Roy that he chose him for the team to ensure the League could not act in fear of putting him in mortal  danger. Dick gives the order for the JLA to fall back but both Slade and Roy know they’ll still be pursued.
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As usual, Dick and Slade share a snarky exchange before the serious fight begins. Dick leaves Slade to Ray while he engages with Roy. The hero Isis stops the fight because they are in her land. Dick makes it known that they should have killed Slade long ago but retreats with the League, giving Roy hope in the process to stand against Slade’s goal (Titans Annual #1).
Fans who enjoy the Dick-Slade dynamic whether at DC or in fandom aren’t erasing Roy to slot in Dick. Slade obsessing over Dick isn’t a new concept. He grew obsessed because their paths crossed many times over the years, and Dick has ties to all three of his children. Slade never felt obsession toward Roy.
If you want your fanon Slade to be obsessed with fanon Roy, and you want to transform canon moments, go ahead, nobody is stopping you, but don’t pretend it’s canon simply to erase Dick.
And before you all come with the Gar argument: Simply because the Gar-Slade and Dick-Slade dynamics came up around the same time does not mean they are the same. Gar and Roy are mostly tied to Slade through one person (Tara and Cheshire). Dick was initially tied to Slade through Grant (as were the other NTT) and then Joey, but their dynamic transcended that to something much more personal and the groundwork was laid by Wolfman himself when he made Slade point out how much Dick's capabilities remind him of his younger self.
The Slade-Dick dynamic is unique because it was allowed to transform and build-upon with each appearance (except for Dixon's). Enemies turning to frenemies then bitter enemies is not a story usually experienced like this in comics. It happens, but it happens as a backstory or under the same writer, not in real time.
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body-face-words · 3 months
Part 3 Moving onto analyzing Michael and David during season 2 of GO.
@cloud-based-and-rainpilled provided the video!
Part 1 Part 2
The part where David asks Michael what Aziraphale's favorite thing about Crowley is, will be highlighted in red.
Timestamps: 0:16 - 0:48 | 0:56 - 1:18 | 2:04 - 3:05 | 3:25 - 4:00 | 4:33 - 4:51 | 5:52 - 6:27 | 6:57 - 7:20
This will be a long post.
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0:16 - 0:24 1,2
They're sat in a similar way and move at the same/similar way. With their arms resting in the same way, chins up, then leaning forward. They're head is also tilting to in the same direction. A good indication that people get along and great to know if those people are happy in the relationship (whatever kind) at that moment.
When people spend a lot of time together and like one another, they tend to pick up certain mannerisms from the other. Way of sitting, ticks, doing the same motion at the same time, choice of words, etc. This is mirroring. They're also obviously very enthusiastic.
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0:25 - 0:48 "Do you have a favourite episode from the new season, or moment/scene?"
DT answers - 3,4,5
David doesn't shy away from initiating and sustaining eye contact. He leans closer to Michael when he starts answering. They're super relaxed. Dropped shoulders, no tension in the face, lighthearted tone. Michael throws his head back, laughing, instead of down like he usually does. David is genuinely smiling (small eyes, corners up, teeth showing, cheek bones out) and looking at Michael a lot more.
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MS answers - 6, 7
David waits and listens attentively. Leans his head a bit closer, stares off taking in what Michael is saying, and reacts to the conversation. He smiles when Michael laughs. Michael talks with his hands and smiles a lot, clearly comfortable enough to talk and express what he's saying.
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2:04 - 2:40
"What do you think Aziraphale's favourite thing about Crowley is?"
MS answers - To read, David scoots closer to Michael, but Michael doesn't move away. When the question is asked, David crossed his left leg over his right and lays his left arm over it, then puts his right arm behind Michael. All his attention is on Michael and the rest can wait. He's blocking the outside, not out of uneasiness, but because all his focus is on Michael. He scoots up, turns his head to be able to see Michaels face clearly, and completely ignores anything outside of them.
His arm is touching Michael, leg and/or hand is touching Michaels leg, but David leaves space between his torso and Michaels arm, making not so overbearing. David is flirting/teasing Michael. The smile, seeking direct eye contact, crossing his legs to Michael, putting his arm behind Michael, and 'invading' personal space, all indicate flirtatious/teasing intentions.
Michaels turns, backs up, and shrugs his left shoulder in order to see David in the eye and show David what he's saying ('I can see myself in your eyes'). Michael is not backing out. They're both smiles and neither of them is uncomfortable with how close they are. When Michael puts his hand down (image 11) the space between his arm and David's torso becomes smaller, but again, neither of them pull back.
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Content with the answer, David nods, smiles to the camera, adjusts his suit, and continues smiling as he turns to Michael, leaning into the chair and close to Michael. Adjusting the jacket could mean he really is just adjusting it, but with the smile at the camera and the faltering smile, makes me think he could have been on edge (nervous: 'what did I just do?') and calming himself down by putting a bit of distance. The next image if of him, smiling more proximately at Michael. Michael, is just staring at David with a smile. Just happy and amused at what happened.
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2:16 - David goes back to how he was sitting. When Michael is answering, David's gets closer as he listens.
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2:41 - 3:05
"What do you think Crowley's favourite things about Aziraphle is?"
David seeks out the eye contact. He's the one looking at Michael. In the previous interviews of season 1, he would stare off or look at the camera/interviewer but now, he tends to answer while staring at Michael. He has no problem with it.
"I like my yang, but I like it better when your yin is next to it." -MS 14,15 Michael looks to see David's reaction and is happy with it. David laughs, raises his eyebrows, and closes his eyes. The comment/image hit him by surprise. He doesn't have an unpleasant look on his face, but closes ones eyes typically means not wanting to see something, surprise, imagining something, or putting distance between yourself and the subject. They're still sitting in a similar way.
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3:25 - 3:40 16,17,18
What is your favourite fun fact that you like about your character?"
DT Answers - David now sits slanted towards Michael. Right arm resting on right crossed leg, causing him to slant over to Michael. Michael is also leaning to the right, but he's been like that for most of the interview. Maybe because it's comfortable or to be able to see David better. David gestures with his hands, then repositions his arms. 19
3:40 - 4:00
MS Answers - David listens then goes back to the previous position. Again, he tends to move a lot in general. 20
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4:33 - 4:51
4:38 - 4:42 David repositions, turning to Michael. 21
4:43 - 4:51 Michael stays the same. David leans closer. 22
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5:21 - 6:27
"What's your favourite behind the scenes moment/blooper?"
David is slanted again. 23
6:00 - 6:27 - The Apology Dance
MS Answers - Michael starts smiles as he tells the story. David starts rubbing his hands when he realizes what Michael is talking about. Rubs hands, pursued lips in a straight line, inflated cheeks. His initial reaction is 'oh it's this…" his eyebrows are relaxed/not furrowed and his eyes are more open than usual. It doesn't piss him off. He's not angry that Michael is bring it up or not angry about what Michael did. It's just a realization. 23,24,25 David then relaxes his face as he looks up, remembering the event, with a smile. It's not an unpleasant memory. 26,27
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Michael comments that the dance was hard for David and David furrows his eyebrows and says it wasn't difficult for him. David genuinely disagrees, but Michael got the reaction that he was hoping for. Michael smiles when David disagrees and goes on playfully that David made it look hard. 28,29,30,31,32,33
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"I got him to do it one more time with him thinking we were filming (34) another take, but it was (35) just so I could hold up a score (36, 37) card at the end and go SEVEN!" - MS
This is a happy memory for the both of them. Michael is having a blast as he's sharing and David is looking down with a smiling going over the event in his head, with a genuine smile. Fond, reminiscing smile. At the end. David laughs looking down (something he doesn't do often with Michael around). He's embarrassed and/or bashful. 38,39
Michael is just do happy. The memory and David's reaction to it.
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6:57 - 7:20
"What did you learn from working with each other?"
There's a cut, then we see David with his arms crossed. Could be he's getting in a comfy position or that for some reason, he's closed off to answering the question. At the end, he never does give a answer. Michael says that being a nice person will cause people to be nice back and David laughs at this looking down. Again, could be embarrassment and not knowing what to do/say or disbelief of what Michael learned ('really? You just learned that?'). David and Michael both laugh and then Michael looks away.
"You're a very nice man." -MS
"Oh so are you! Putting yourself down." -DT 44
David is bugged by Michaels comment and insinuation that Michael doesn't see himself as a nice person.
There's an obvious huge difference between now and then.
Michael is not bothered at all with their proximity. Neither one of them move away or are stiff in order to not invade personal space. Michael, more than David, is more mindful of not going over the line, but he's still moving his hands around and turning to David to see him more directly. He continues to stare at David (when David is busy talking) and following David's movements with his head/eyes.
David doesn't avoid Michael anymore. He seeks out Michaels face, is somehow always leaning or moving closer to Michael he talks a lot more relaxed and has more tone in his voice. He also stares now, unlike before where he would stare off into nothing or at the camera/interviewer. He's more receptive to Michaels comments more often.
They're both relaxed with each other. Sitting close was probably not a choice. We see Nina and Maggie sitting just as close, but more upright and stiff, but with Michael and David, they're moving towards the other or in the same direction. They both make more eye contact and are playful, genuinely smile, add on, moving their hands when talking. There's familiarity now. Enough for them to be relaxed and take everything the other says playfully and expecting/hoping for a specific reaction.
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pillowstorm03 · 3 months
[PSWG x Splatoon Manga]
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(1/2) Here’s the first part of the screenshot redraw from Panty and Stocking art style mixed with the Splatoon Manga characters. They shared a few similarities with their art staples so I decided why not fuse them. Plus it gave me an excuse to draw things in the PSWG art style.
It was done on paper but I digitized it to fix it up and well, get this result. Had to borrow and adjust some attributes of the screenshot to match my art style, some parts suffered like Aloha’s arm with the .52 Gal.
I think it could’ve been more expressive but hey, there was an attempt and it got better. Trust, I’ll post it, however I just don't know when. Hope this is feeding y’all.
Series: Panty & Stocking: Episode 3 Catfight Club
Original Post Date: March 12, 2021
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bowletta · 2 months
SRMTHFG Watch Guide
Hi everyone! I made a list for newcomers who are interested in watching SRMT but don't know where to start! : ]
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'Super Robot Monkey Team Hyperforce Go!' (Yes, that's really the title, 'SRMTHFG' for short) was a cartoon that aired from 2004-2006 on Jetix/Disney Channel.
It's about a boy and his team of cybernetic monkeys saving the universe from the evil Skeleton King. It sounds ridiculous... but it is so unironically good. There is plot. There is trauma. There are wacky antics. You can watch the entire series on YouTube, in HD, for free lol.
There's two versions of the show:
1080p HD, widescreen, censored (YouTube Link)
480-720p, cropped, uncensored (YouTube Link)
Personally I would recommend the HD cut. I am working on compiling every censored scene, nearly all of which are under 3 seconds (graphic violence, blood, etc.).
Under the read more is a guide to what episodes to watch, avoid, etc.
Symbol Guide:
Regular Text: Fine episode, but not required
*: Plot relevant
Bold Text: Good episode
Red: REALLY good episode
Strikethrough: Bad. Skip.
Season 1:
Chiro's Girl*
Depths of Fear
Planetoid Q
Magnetic Menace
The Sun Riders
Secret of the Sixth Monkey*
Pit of Doom*
A Man Called Krinkle
Ape New World
Circus of Ooze
Hidden Fortress*
Season 2:
Skeleton King*
World of Giants
The Lords of Soturix 7
In the Grip of Evil*
Versus Chiro*
Shadow Over Shuggazoom
The Sun Riders Return
Hunt for the Citadel of Bone*
Wonder Fun Meat World
The Skeleton King Threat
Antauri's Masters*
I, Chiro*
Season 3:
The Savage Lands: Part I*
The Savage Lands: Part II*
Season of the Skull
A Ghost in the Machinder*
The Stranded Seven
Girl Trouble
Brothers in Arms
Monster Battle Club Now!
Meet the Wigglenog
Big Lug
Belly of the Beast*
Season 4:
Galactic Smash: Space Attack
Galactic Smash: Game Over
Incident on Ranger 7
Ghosts of Shuggazoom*
Invasion of the Vreen
Evil Ages
Night of Fear*
The Hills Have Five
Demon of the Deep
Secret Society*
Golden Age*
Object of Hate*
Soul of Evil*
TLDR; Here's a condensed list of good/plot episodes you should watch if you don't want to watch all 52 episodes VVV
Season 1:
EP 1 - Chiro's Girl*
EP 6 - Secret of the Sixth Monkey*
EP 7 - Pit of Doom*
EP 8 - Thingy
EP 13 - Hidden Fortress*
Season 2:
EP 1 - Skeleton King*
EP 4 - In the Grip of Evil*
EP 5 - Versus Chiro*
EP 8 - Hunt for the Citadel of Bone*
EP 9 - Snowbound*
EP 12 - Antauri's Masters*
EP 13 - I, Chiro* (Best EP of the series in my opinion)
Season 3:
EP 1 - The Savage Lands Part I*
EP 2 - The Savage Lands Part II*
EP 4 - A Ghost in the Machinder*
EP 5 - The Stranded Seven
EP 7 - Brothers in Arms
EP 10 - Big Lug (SO many good reaction faces)
EP 11 - Prototype*
EP 12 - Wormhole*
EP 13 - Belly of the Beast* (Tied with I, Chiro for best EP)
Season 4:
EP 4 - Ghosts of Shuggazoom*
EP 5 - Invasion of the Vreen
EP 7 - Night of Fear*
EP 9 - Demon of the Deep
EP 10 - Secret Society*
EP 11 - Golden Age*
EP 12 - Object of Hate*
EP 13 - Soul of Evil*
Thank you all for coming to my TED Talk on these silly monkeys lol, I hope you all have fun watching!
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(Gif by @/sweetcircuits)
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sarucane · 6 months
OFMD Spiral Parallels 52: Weddings
Intro: What I love most about how season 2 builds on season 1 of OFMD is the spiral narrative structure. Ground is repeatedly and explicitly re-trod from season 1 to season 2, but in season 2 everything goes deeper than season 1. Meanings are shuffled, emotions are stronger and truer, and transformation is showcased above everything. The first season plucks certain notes, then the second season plucks the same ones--but louder, and then it weaves them together to create a symphony.
The first wedding on OFMD is a death sentence. Literally: the wedding gift is tombstones. The bride and groom are being forced to fixate in place, forever. They're being told what they will be, forever.
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Neither Mary nor Stede want this. Neither see a way out. Both have been thoroughly beaten down by their families--but not beaten. Because even though both agree, even though Mary grabs Stede's hand at the wedding and she tried, even more than him, they're not broken by their wedding and the married life that proceeded from it. They aren't going to be buried under those tombstones.
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But the reason Mary and Stede aren't forever trapped with each other isn't just that they weren't beaten by their wedding. They managed to go one better: they decided to set each other free. They used their wedding--and their resulting unwanted lives--to give each other access to the lives they wanted. Mary gained permanent security in her independence, right down to the finances when Stede gave up his wealth; Stede gained the freedom to live the life he wanted, with the people he wanted. A wedding is a symbol: a marriage can be what the individuals in it want it to be.
The next wedding we get is in episode 2. The bride and groom here are nameless. The only speakers at the wedding are Ed and the priest.
The S2 priest, like the priest in season 1 (he even looks similar), seeks to determine the meaning of marriage. It is something that "elevates," something that proves certain people are better than others.
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And then Ed introduces himself as the devil. On the surface, this looks like a repudiation of this idea of some people as better than others, that (heterosexual) marriage and this high-class world are "better."
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But while Ed is rejecting the significance of the wedding by raiding it, he's also validating the worldview behind it. He interrupts the ceremony at the appropriate place. He doesn't truly disagree with the priest that he's "demonic," he says the priest is just underestimating how evil he is.
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Ed and gang proving that violence and darkness is more powerful than this false "light," in a zero-sum game where the winner gets to live. And Ed's caught in the middle with no will to shift: he's not participating in the violence, and he's not attending the wedding either. He's just looking at it, barely even here.
It's a trap, just like Stede's wedding to Mary last year. It is a trap with an exit--just not one Ed thinks he can take. He thinks he'll innately never be worthy of love or happiness.
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For the next two episodes, Ed's longing for Stede, for a life he feels is worth living, is represented by his fixation on the groom figurine.
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This detritus of a wedding that was meant to "elevate" is almost a replacement for the silk cloth he let fly away. It symbolizes a desire to be part of something else, something better than this base and vile life--and something more real than a life soaring above everything.
The wedding figurines are symbols that work similarly to Ed's silk in season 1, but they are somehow both less and more full realizations of that symbolic idea of being "a certain kind of person." On the one hand, they're more because they're two full bodies, one of which Ed modifies to reflect himself. To create a version of himself that could be loved. But on the other hand, they're also less because they're bits plaster made to look like people. Ed's silk endured unchanged for years, but within one episode the paint tones on the figurines are changing--hinting at the pure despair Ed is heading for, as even symbols of hope fall out of reach.
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These wedding figurines show Ed's desire to be able to live with himself again, to find a version of himself he doesn't hate through Stede. He's half-trapped, and half wishing he were the kind of person who gets trapped. And when he's giving up on life ever getting better for him again, he throws the figurines into the sea. 'Cause all marrisges end in death; all love dies.
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And then there's the last wedding of OFMD S2. It's technically not a wedding: it's a mateology, a semi-equivalent of gay marriage that was really practiced by pirates for a few decades.
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This wedding is basically the same as the previous two straight weddings on the show: two people stand and listen to vows. But it's also completely and in every way different.
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These are two people who have chosen each other, who have lost and found each other. There's no priest, instead three of their friends ask them questions.
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There's no suggestion of something "higher" happening, or some sort of trap: the questions are about love for one another, what they'll promise for each other, what they'll choose to be to each other in life and in death.
And from the beginning to the end, it's individualized. Unlike in the other weddings, the "bride" and groom aren't silent here.
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They don't say "I do" simultaneously as in most wedding scenes on TV. They give responses that reflect their characters. And though Lucius and Pete technically give different answers to several questions, their answers are also both in essence the same.
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They're not trying to be something they think they should be, and fear they'll never be. They're not making a statement about society, or longing to escape a "base" life. They're not trapped. They've decided that this is the shape their lives will take.
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Two weddings, and a marriage.
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wen-kexing-apologist · 3 months
Dead Friend Forever: Squicks and Triggers
Hello friends, I am here to sing my praises for Dead Friend Forever and implore as many people as possible to watch it. I know that it is in the horror/slasher genre and there are some pretty heavy things going on in it, so in case you want to jump aboard the incredible writing, story-boarding, editing train that is DFF but are worried about the content, here are as many of the possible squicks and triggers I could find. Color coded time stamps are where something plot relevant happens. If you are not able to watch that scene you are welcome to reach out to me via DM or ask for a summary of what occurs: 
Episode 1
00:31- A bloody altar with offerings that include intestines
00:43-00:51- creepy masked figure wielding an ax followed by significant blood splatter
01:00-01:19- intro sequence includes creepy masked figure, gun, bloody handprints, knife
1:35-1:55- blood and intestines, mentions of ritual animal sacrifice, close up on intestines crawling with maggots. Reference to mass suicide (These are all only on screen for less than a second at a time, and interspersed among the primary visual of the main characters sitting in the back of a truck)
02:52-03:00- Vomiting      
16:17-16:30- two audio cue semi-jumpscares, no visuals and nothing happens 
18:40-18:41- Jumpscare 
19:16- 19:28- random disembodied hand painted completely black appears from nowhere and slides across a character’s crotch
20:10-20:14-  jump scare of creepy masked figure and under scoring 
20:33-20:48- Blood on ground 
25:12-25:23- sounds of screaming 
25:50 - blood trail on the ground 
26:01- masked figure appears 
26:12- character run straight in to a sharp branch and is impaled 
29:41-29:45- blood
30:16-30:19- blood, including blood pouring out of a mouth 
30:34-30:38- blood, including blood pouring out of a mouth 
36:38-36:40- jumpscare
37:37- Blood, catatonic person impaled by branch visible throughout the scene
39:28-39:29- jumpscare
39:33- 39:35- creepy masked figure
40:10-40:12- jumpscare 
40:12-42:27- scene is interspersed with visual of unconscious, impaled character
Please note 42:27 is the end of the episode, next episode preview occurs after that, there is potentially triggering stuff in the preview. For space saving reasons I am not going to do the previews, just skip them. 
Episode 2
General Content Warning: At many different points in the show you will see a character catatonic and impaled laying on the couch. He will (for the most part) remain this way throughout Episode 2-4. From this point forward I am only going to add squicks and triggers around that character unless some sort of change or special attention is called to the character. 
Episode 2 begins at 00:40
004:47-05:09- intro sequence
05:26-5:45- knocking, lights flickering, objects falling and breaking
06:04-7:00- horror movie shit, door unlocks, smoke appears, creepy masked figure enters with heavy breathing, close up on mask with blood, cut after a swipe with an ax
10:48-10:52- flashback to the creepy shit that happened in the bathroom [6:04-7:00]
1:47-12:49- close up of bloody impalement 
15:14-15:26- a raised and bumpy rash akin to boils 
15:26-15:28- creepy masked figure seen in mirror
23:18-23:25- creepy sound
24:30-24:32- close up of the impalement wound with squelch sound effect 
26:38: jumpscare
26:59-27:02- egregious amounts of blood pouring out of every visible orifice 
27:04-27:12- visual of blood dripping down a character’s face from the eye sockets and the mouth 
27:13-27:55- character being strangled to unconsciousness, appearance of creepy masked figure in background
28:00-28:04- disembodied, agonized screaming 
28:32-28:35- bloody rag and knife 
36:52-36:53- man drives straight through a garotte stretched across the road 
37:06- 37:11- decapitated body spurting blood
38:02-38:04- close up of decapitated head
38:49-38:58- gagging sounds 
39:09-39:11- decapitated head 
39:53- jumpscare of creepy masked figure
43:17-43:20- decapitated head
43:33-43:40- decapitated head, decapitated body, something starts moving underneath the decapitated body’s t-shirt
Episode 3
Recap is 00:00-03:09 and contains potentially triggering content (as listed above) 
03:10-03:16- decapitated body and then decapitated head depicted on screen
06:50-07:17- Show intro- same deal
10:36-10:38- dead body 
12:27-12:47- close up of decapitated head, followed by pooling blood and the sound of flies, squelching and something moving underneath the shirt of the decapitated corpse
12:58-13:00- something moving underneath the shirt of the decapitated corpse with squelching
13:11-13:28- something moving underneath the shirt of the decapitated corpse with squelching, close up of decapitated head, dog sniffing at the decapitated corpse
15:25-15:27- jumpscare, creepy masked figure throws an ax 
22:04- character grabs at the impaled object, squelching sound
25:18-25:21: blood
26:12-26:18-  significant blood smear 
26:49-27:09- bloody tapestries, bloody altar, bloody statues
27:23-27:33- bloody tapestries, bloody altar, blood splatter
28:37-28:46- bloody figurines, intestines and other organs covered in blood and maggots underscored with creepy piano music 
30:22-30:28- bloody altar, bloody statuettes 
30:29-31:40- attempted ax murder by creepy masked figure, it approaches from behind, its mask is covered in blood, there is a grapple but no one is maimed
32:50- 34:12- creepy masked figure on screen pushing over empty coffins to find where people are hiding 
34:43-35:02- characters trapped in coffin 
36:38-37:49- attempted ax murder #2, two characters being strangled, creepy masked figure on screen 
38:43-39:21- seizure on screen 
40:27-40:52- character threatened with gun
40:57-41:06- creepy masked figure
Episode 4
00:10-00:40 - Show Intro
00:40- - Show recap, includes potentially triggering content from Ep 3
01:47-02:26- seizure on screen
03:20-05:30- character held at gunpoint 
05:32-05:40- close up of a bloody impalement injury followed by choking sounds from seizing character
06:05-07:30- close up of a wound which is then sutured (suturing begins at 06:42)
08:15-09:09- characters trapped in coffin, starting to lose oxygen (they do escape)
11:42-11:56- creepy masked figure 
12:23-12:25- jumpscare
13:07-13:09- silhouetted figure lurking in background with creepy whisper sound effects 
13:35-13:49- figure reappears in background with creepy whisper sound effects, character shown covered in blood 
13:57-13:59- close up of blank faced character covered in blood
19:23-19:27- vomiting
20:19-20:24- vomiting
24:43-25:00- creepy masked figure, on screen seizure, lots of rapid camera cuts of someone choking interposed over the seizure
25:01-25:06- blood dripping out of an eye, eye opens red and full of blood
26:52-27:33- unconscious body sits up, turns head slowly, and then looms menacingly over someone while creepy music plays underneath 
27:36-27:49- very creepy smile, impaled object is slowly and painfully starting to be pulled out of someone’s body
28:00-30:24- creepy smile, gaping wound seeping blood, close up of wooden stake dripping blood, threatening character at gunpoint, struggling for a gun.
30:29-32:27 character death, distressed sobbing, CPR  
37:56-39:58- characters being threatened at gunpoint
NOTE REGARDING EPISODES 5-8: One of the main threads of episode 5-8 is pretty severe bullying, there are overtones of romantic feelings between an adult and a minor that does eventually lead to a sexual relationship, lots of mental illness related plot, etc. I am going to mark some of the more explicit scenes when it comes to this, but just want to warn in advance that I will not be able to time stamp everything because these are fundamental to the plot
Episode 5
00:10-00:40- show intro 
00:40-01:10- recap, which includes some potential triggers from ep 4
45:32-46:05- severe psychological distress
46:05-46:17 suicide attempt via drug overdose (interrupted before anything happens)
Episode 6
00:00-00:40- show intro 
15:05-17:26 scene contains hints at attraction between teacher and student
23:08-23:12- jump scare of creepy masked figure 
23:19-24:27- creepy masked figure + jumpscare
33:00-33:23- character being beaten
35:57-37:13- police interrogation that includes flashing camera lights
38:50-39:50- character in emotional distress while parents fight about him in his presence 
42:53-44:06- suicide attempt via drug overdose (interrupted with character being forced to spit pills out)
Episode 7
00:00-00:40- show intro
01:04-01:10- character being forced to spit out pills during suicide attempt (in the recap) 
19:00-19:02- use of the “r” word
24:00-24:23- creepy masked figure, character being strangled
26:10-30:00- clear attraction between teacher/student, including the teacher putting his hand on the student’s knee and holding hands
30:00-31:00- flirting and kissing between teacher and student (kissing begins at 30:34)
40:08-43:33- teacher/student with sex scene (sex with minor beginning at 41:34)
44:02-44:50- teacher/student sex scene 
45:00-45:23- revenge porn posted on social media, video of teacher/student sex visible
49:25- 49:54- psychological distress that includes character hitting himself in the head repeatedly
Episode 8
00:00-00:40- show intro
05:23-05:28- implication that character was hit by car
06:00-06:46- parents arguing about how bad their child is while he watches 
07:44- 08:42- emotional distress
09:20-09:22- child slapped by parent
11:07- 12:04-psychological distress
13:19-13:35- person impaled 
13:40-13:47- creepy masked figure
13:52-14:12- lots of blood coming out of orifices, strangulation, creepy masked figure 
14:12-15:17- Severe emotional and psychological distress
24:30-25:37- creepy masked figure + knife attack 
29:38-30:40- police interrogation
43:42-44:02- creepy masked figure and character being strangled 
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zoe-oneesama · 3 months
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Well THIS looks familiar.
Episode 52 Part 1 First < Previous > Next Season 1, Season 2, Season 3, Season 4, Season 5 Ep 41, Ep 42, Ep 43, Ep 44 Ep 45, Ep 46, Ep 47, Ep 48, Intermission, Ep 49, Ep 50, Ep 51
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Ko-fi | Patreon
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sweetmariihs2 · 4 months
@jasper-woozy @shychick-52
At first I was searching for the pages on google and I usually could find them on people selling the books online, but still they never published all the pages and when there was a book that Cedric was probably inside the story they never choose his page to show, and also I was so mad because in the Royal Sleepover book THEY DIDN'T PUT HIM IN, ONLY THE PUPPETS BUT NOT HIM AGAGHHRGRGRGGRGRRR
So, there are some "read along" videos on YouTube where they read books for children and basically they just scan the books and put the pages online 😭 with their voices reading of course
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If you search for "read along sofia the first story book" then everything is there for you
Usually the books are just telling the episodes stories but the wassalia book has one small cedric making the tree
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And besides the screenshots from the videos I found some more stuff on google that I'm sure you won't find in any video bc they're not the storybooks yk
This one is so cute 😭🫶 it's from that book teaching the abc
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And I REALLY don't know where this came from, I found it on pinterest and it's BY FAR ONE OF MY FAVORITES HE'S SO CUTE HERE
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these two here came from a custom book that you can put you kid's name inside the story (they did him dirty there)
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And there's the Cedric's Apprentice book which is so cute
These are from a game based on The Curse Of Princess Ivy (idk why they put Cedric there because they usually never put him on anything, it could be just Sofia and Amber, but no, and I will forever be grateful to the person who did this) NEW (old) 3D CEDRIC POSES AND HE EVEN HAS A CUTE ANIMATION WHEN HIS ICON SHOWS UP BAHANMQBAHSB I CANT
SOMEBODY MAKE A GIF OUT OF THIS (i made it) (that's the best quality I could find/make)
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In this one Cedric makes his appearance around 31:00 minutes and there's also a game making a spell for him (1:35:40)
That's all I could find until now!
The magazines are still a mistery though
Found some activities books:
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I'm gonna find more and make a part 2 :)
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midnightrings · 5 months
Hawk & Tim's scenes in chronological order
Okay, so I made a list with the timestamps of each scene between Hawk and Tim to be able to watch them in chronological order (you know, to make everything even more painful). I already watched through it yesterday and it worked well, so I thought I might share it.
Note that this only includes direct interactions between Hawk and Tim. The only scenes I included where they didn’t interact directly is Mary telling Tim that Hawk betrayed him, the letter Lucy burned, and the final scene at the AIDS quilt.
If you want to watch their entire story, including all the scenes of them talking about each other, I honestly think it’s easier to just watch the episodes in order and skip to the right parts (maybe I’ll also do another one for the entire series).
I hope I didn’t forget anything. Also, I can't gurantee that everything will be 100% accurate - it probably depends on where you watch the show (e.g. if the upload comes without the recap of the previous episode, this will probably be off)
(Below the cut due to length)
Episode 1:
4:00 – 6:15 11:11 – 14:10 17:04 – 18:34 20:32 – 30:31 37:20 – 42:13 43:07 – 43:32 45:16 – 49:07 55:00 – 57:56 1:00:08 – 1:00:59
Episode 2:
6:18 – 10:45 36:40 – 37:31 39:37 – 43:49
Episode 3:
9:32 – 11:47 2:02 – 2:23* 13:39 – 15:39 23:08 – 25:33 28:22 – 31:53 34:26 – 38:08 41:50 – 44:07 52:08 – 53:56
Episode 4:
25:42 – 33:20
Episode 5:
6:41 – 8:22 20:07 – 21:49 42:12 – 44:00 51:16 – 55:20
(unspecified year in the 1950s)
Episode 6:
46:58 – 47:44
Episode 8:
10:10 – 13:41 25:08 – 31:42 39:46 – 41:13 47:31 – 49:25 50:34 – 51:58
Episode 6:
6:15 – 7:02 8:33 – 10:18 13:12 – 16:34 28:50 – 31:48 41:15 – 43:38 49:04 – 50:09
Episode 7:
6:06 – 10:33 15:12 – 18:04 20:11 – 24:53 27:37 – 30:06 34:55 – 40:02 45:23 – 47:29 49:32 – 51:40
Episode 1:
57:57 – 59:31
Episode 2:
46:04 – 48:29 56:42 – 57:02
Episode 3:
2:24 – 5:26 25:33 – 27:37 53:57 – 55:43
Episode 4:
3:52 – 7:05 22:30 – 24:50
Episode 5:
2:05 – 3:00 55:20 – 56:10
Episode 6:
2:00 – 2:50
Episode 7:
54:50 – 56:12
Episode 8:
4:43 – 7:43 38:46 – 39:46 41:14 – 43:50 44:38 – 44:52 46:08 – 46:18 51:59 – 58:42 1:04:04 – 1:06:02
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cerealforkart · 1 year
Dungeons and Daddies the Manga the Masterpost
Welcome to Dungeons and Daddies the Manga! A complete, fan-run yonkoma-style recap of the second season of Dungeons and Daddies (a podcast about four teens kinda from our world trying to save our world after their grandparents messed it up). Use this masterpost to easily navigate yourself to your favourite episodes and remember all the nonsense our favourite daddies have crammed into this wild season.
Order the physical version of the manga, with 24 new exclusive pages over here!
Support me and this project and get a drawing with my ko-fi!
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Lesson List:
Lesson 1: Dungeons and D.A.D.D.I.E.S.
Lesson 2: The Game of Life [Any% WR Speedrun]
Lesson 3: The Unbearable Linkness of Peeing
Lesson 4: Barf Bum Movie Men
Lesson 5: Dance Dance Revelations
Lesson 6: Dance Dance Revelations 2ndMix Link Version
Lesson 7: The Gofast Club
Lesson 8: Slumber Party Mayorssacre
Lesson 9: Debate Me, Cowards
Lesson 10: Dad Me To Hell
Lesson 11: That Thing? You, Dude!
Lesson 12: Scary Movie 2
Lesson 13: Children of the Code
Lesson 14: Welcome to Earth
Lesson 15: California Pizza Kombat
Lesson 16: Needlejuice
Lesson 17: OSHA’s Eleven
Lesson 18: Grand Theft Gato
Lesson 19: Pop Punk
Lesson 20: I Brought You My Catbus, You Brought Me Your Love
Lesson 21: Finding Forest Her
Lesson 22: Army of Tree
Lesson 23: Alright
Lesson 24: Spider-Boyz: Homecoming
Lesson 25: Stand and Delivery
Lesson 26: The Staircase
Lesson 27: Ei8ht
Lesson 28: King of the Hell
Lesson 29: S.O.C.C.E.R.: Shadow of Scorenogoal
Lesson 30: Mrs. Swallows-Oak-Garcia’s Home for Peculiar Teenagers
Lesson 31: Halt and Catch Fireball
Lesson 32: Con Mayor
Lesson 33: An Extremely Goofy Episode
Lesson 34: Finding Tori
Lesson 35: Apollo Four Teens
Lesson 36: When Terry Met Terry
Lesson 37: Cut My Life Into Pizzas
Lesson 38: Main Character Syndrome
Lesson 39: Hey, Dude
Lesson 40: The Teenhigh Saga: Break-in Wrong: Part 1
Lesson 41: We Need to Talk About Heaven
Lesson 42: Spirit Hallow Peen
Lesson 43: Attack on Titanic
Lesson 44: Atonyment
Lesson 45: Hell or High Father
Lesson 46: Lincoln in the No Holds Bardo
Lesson 47: Inside the Actor’s Funeral
Lesson 48: Next to Normal
Lesson 49: Halo Reach
Lesson 50: Larry the Capable Guy
Lesson 51: Cool Hand Linc
Lesson 52: Dood Riddance (Time of Your Life)
Lesson 53: Urination (Friends Forever)
Style Guide: [Part 1] [Part 2] [Part 3]
New Years 2023
Page 69.5
New Years 2024
The Team:
Manga by @cerealforkart​
Transcripts by @confusedfoam​
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smolwritingchick · 5 months
Forced To Believe Masterlist
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A Dean Ambrose x OC story! The Shield 4th member.
Summary: Taking place during the start of The Shield's debut in 2012, follow Morgan Lopez's career as she becomes a member of The Shield, revamps herself as The Outspoken Diva and makes a name for herself in WWE.
OC Profile of Morgan Lopez
Chapter 1- So, You Wanna Wrestle?
Chapter 2- My WWE Debut
Chapter 3- Fighting Back
Chapter 4- My First Wrestlemania
Chapter 5- Becoming Heel
Chapter 6- Total Divas Season 1 Episode 1
Chapter 7- The Shield's Girl
Chapter 8- Total Divas Season 1 Episode 2
Chapter 9- The Shield Isn't Unstoppable
Chapter 10- Total Divas Season 1 Episode 4
Chapter 11- Justice Continues Being Served
Chapter 12- The Underdog from Philly
Chapter 13- Catching Up Before MITB
Chapter 14- Money In The Bank 2013
Chapter 15- Total Slap!
Chapter 16- Frustration
Chapter 17- Total Divas Season 1 Episode 5
Chapter 18- I Know What I Have To Do
Chapter 19- Do You Know Who I Am!?
Chapter 20- Total Divas Season 1 Episode 6
Chapter 21- Army of One
Chapter 22- Wiping That Smirk Off Your Face
Chapter 23- You Look Like You've Seen A Ghost
Chapter 24- Total Divas Season 1 Episode 7
Chapter 25- Mommy Knows Best
Chapter 26- Revenge Is Sweet
Chapter 27- Total Divas Season 1 Episode 8
Chapter 28- Is That You Being Serious?
Chapter 29- In Due Time
Chapter 30- Trying To Gain Momentum
Chapter 31- The Slammy Awards
Chapter 32- That Was A Miracle
Chapter 33- The Answer Is No
Chapter 34- Tribute To The Troops
Chapter 35- Morgan's Answer
Chapter 36- Move Thief
Chapter 37- Meeting Hot Rod
Chapter 38- Respect
Chapter 39- I Hate Snakes
Chapter 40- If Only You Knew
Chapter 41- Making A Statement
Chapter 42- Yikes
Chapter 43- Sister Abigail
Chapter 44- I Lost Her
Chapter 45- She Belongs To Us Now
Chapter 46- I See What You Want
Chapter 47- Armageddon
Chapter 48- Armageddon Part 2
Chapter 49- That Supernatural Stuff Don't Work
Chapter 50- What Are You Doing!?
Chapter 51- Things Got Personal
Chapter 52- He Kept His Word
Chapter 53- Harley Mode Was Captivating
Chapter 54- Rosa's Mind Games
Chapter 55- Togetherness
Chapter 56- Public Displays of Affection
Chapter 57- The Shield Against The Authority
Chapter 58- Bad News Dinner
Chapter 59- Getting The Upper Hand
Chapter 60- Annihilated
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heartdrift · 8 months
Every Caryl Scene (S1-11) (1080p/Logoless)
Whew. I'm not gonna lie to y'all, this took forever. My goal with this was to recreate my previous Caryl compilation with 1.) all scenes intact, not missing anything and 2.) much better quality. I ran into many issues that I won't bore you with, but in summary - almost everything here is completely lossless from the original files, aside from S10, which I unfortunately had to reencode to fix a few issues I could not solve no matter how much I fiddled with it. However, it is still much better quality than the previous file I had up! These also have 6CH audio, which means that if you make fan videos and use something like Vegas Pro, you will be able to isolate the spoken audio from the music/random background noises and have better, cleaner voiceovers!
All of the seasons add up to about 123 GB, so I'm sorry that these will take up quite a bit more space than before, but the improved quality hopefully makes up for that! These are not perfect, so please forgive any little framerate bugs or very slight (hopefully) issues with video/audio syncing. I'm aware that the audio for S10 is a bit behind, but hopefully not to an extent that ruins anything - that season gave me quite a hard time, and I'm not really sure how to get it just right. It bothers the hell out of me, so I'm sorry, but I did my best. Otherwise, any issues should be pretty minor, but let me know if you run into anything major.
As always -
Credit is not necessary.
You are free to - and encouraged to - use these for anything creative that your heart desires. Just don't claim that you put these together yourself and I'm happy.
If you want me to see something you made with the scenes, tag me! I love seeing new creations in the tag, so don't be shy.
This is my love letter to y'all. It's not much, but I hope it sparks joy!
(Pssttt, psstt. If you would like episode timestamps for each season, click the link below. It's pretty lengthy and they're not precise, I just did my best.)
Season 1
00:00 to 02:52 - Episode 5, Wildfire
02:52 to 04:17 - Episode 6, TS-19
Season 2
00:00 to 14:21 - Episode 1, What Lies Ahead
14:22 to 20:05 - Episode 2, Bloodletting
20:06 to 21:38 - Episode 3, Save the Last One
21:39 to 26:16 - Episode 4, Cherokee Rose
26:17 to 27:18 - Episode 5, Chupacabra
27:19 to 42:17 - Episode 7, Pretty Much Dead Already
42:18 to 45:16 - Episode 8, Nebraska
45:17 to 51:00 - Episode 9, Triggerfinger
51:01 to 55:03 - Episode 11, Judge, Jury, Executioner
55:04 to 57:49 - Episode 12, Better Angels
57:50 to 01:12:48 - Episode 13, Beside the Dying Fire
Season 3
00:00 to 11:34 - Episode 1, Seed
11:35 to 20:08 - Episode 4, Killer Within
20:09 to 26:13 - Episode 5, Say the Word
26:14 to 31:12 - Episode 6, Hounded
31:13 to 33:14 - Episode 7, When the Dead Come Knocking
33:15 to 39:58 - Episode 9, The Suicide King
39:59 to 43:41 - Episode 10, Home
43:42 to 44:45 - Episode 11, I Ain't a Judas
44:46 to 46:18 - Episode 15, This Sorrowful Life
46:19 to 46:37 - Episode 16 - Welcome to the Tombs
Season 4
00:00 to 02:11 - Episode 1, 30 Days Without an Accident
02:12 to 06:11 - Episode 2, Infected
06:12 to 10:03 - Episode 3, Isolation
10:04 to 13:49 - Episode 4, Indifference
13:50 to 14:53 - Episode 5, Internment
14:54 to 16:18 - Episode 8, Too Far Gone
Season 5
00:00 to 20:07 - Episode 1, No Sanctuary
20:08 to 33:23 - Episode 2, Strangers
(^tw for emetophobia at 22:27 to 22:42, I know it might seem silly since this show is full of blood and gore, but I don't want to catch y'all off guard with something unexpected that might really bother you to see.)
33:24 to 34:19 - Episode 3, Four Walls and a Roof
34:20 to 34:52 - Episode 4, Slabtown
34:53 to 01:16:24 - Episode 6, Consumed
(^yes, I included this entire ep, y'all ain't missing a second of it.)
01:16:25 to 01:23:28 - Episode 8, Coda
01:23:29 to 01:27:29 - Episode 10, Them
01:27:30 to 01:28:14 - Episode 11, The Distance
01:28:15 to 01:30:58 - Episode 12, Remember
01:30:59 to 01:33:56 - Episode 13, Forget
Season 6
00:00 to 01:31 - Episode 1, First Time Again
01:32 to 09:26 - Episode 3, Thank You
09:27 to 12:59 - Episode 6, Always Accountable
13:00 to 14:59 - Episode 9, No Way Out
15:00 to 17:18 - Episode 11, Knots Untie
17:19 to 19:40 - Episode 13, The Same Boat
19:41 to 25:28 - Episode 14, Twice as Far
25:29 to 28:38 - Episode 16, Last Day on Earth
Season 7
00:00 to 02:55 - Episode 1, The Day Will Come When You Won't Be
02:56 to 03:55 - Episode 9, Rock in the Road
03:56 to 20:43 - Episode 10, New Best Friends
20:44 to 28:13 - Episode 13, Bury Me Here
Season 8
00:00 to 08:46 - Episode 1, Mercy
08:47 to 13:22 - Episode 4, Some Guy
13:23 to 15:22 - Episode 5, The Big Scary U
15:23 to 17:45 - Episode 11, Dead or Alive Or
17:46 to 20:02 - Episode 13, Do Not Send Us Astray
20:03 to 27:51 - Episode 16, Wrath
Season 9
00:00 to 02:33 - Episode 1, A New Beginning
02:34 to 07:27 - Episode 2, The Bridge
07:28 to 08:28 - Episode 6, Who Are You Now?
08:29 to 23:25 - Episode 7, Stradivarius
23:26 to 28:00 - Episode 10, Omega
28:01 to 29:41 - Episode 13, Chokepoint
29:42 to 31:01 - Episode 14, Scars
31:02 to 58:58 - Episode 15, The Calm Before
58:59 to 01:22:21 - Episode 16, The Storm
Season 10 (Part 1)
00:00 to 09:24 - Episode 1, Lines We Cross
09:25 to 35:48 - Episode 3, Ghosts
35:49 to 38:34 - Episode 4, Silence the Whisperers
38:35 to 39:46 - Episode 5, What It Always Is
39:47 to 53:52 - Episode 6, Bonds
53:53 to 01:06:48 - Episode 7, Open Your Eyes
01:06:49 to 01:19:18 - Episode 8, The World Before
01:19:19 to 01:44:24 - Episode 9, Squeeze
Season 10 (Part 2)
00:00 to 08:41 - Episode 9, Squeeze (continued from the previous part)
08:42 to 16:35 - Episode 11, Morning Star
16:36 to 20:04 - Episode 12, Walk with Us
20:05 to 31:45 - Episode 14, Look at the Flowers
31:46 to 40:01 - Episode 15, The Tower
40:02 to 01:02:20 - Episode 16, A Certain Doom
01:02:21 to 01:07:40 - Episode 17, Home Sweet Home
01:07:41 to 01:33:05 - Episode 18, Find Me
01:33:06 to 02:05:42 - Episode 21, Diverged
02:05:43 to 02:08:40 - Episode 24, Here's Ne/gan
^I don't want this post to show up in that character's tag on mobile, it would just be annoying for those fans since this doesn't have anything to do with him.
Season 11
00:00 to 09:55 - Episode 1, Acheron: Part I
09:56 to 15:29 - Episode 9, No Other Way
15:30 to 18:51 - Episode 10, New Haunts
18:52 to 24:27 - Episode 14, The Rotten Core
24:28 to 27:26 - Episode 17, Lockdown
27:27 to 37:24 - Episode 18, A New Deal
37:25 to 57:18 - Episode 20, What's Been Lost
57:19 to 01:19:32 - Episode 21, Outpost 22
1:19:33 to 01:20:56 - Episode 22, Faith
01:20:57 to 01:32:27 - Episode 23, Family
01:32:28 to 02:00:35 - Episode 24, Rest in Peace
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