#episode two fucking wrecked me especially
robinsversion · 2 years
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So I started watching the new don’t hug me I’m scared series…
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hup123hup123slapslap · 4 months
So a thought has been kicking around my head for a bit...what if Helio knew exactly what he was signing up for by making Kristen his chosen one?
It has always struck me as odd that when describing Doreen in Helioic heaven, Brennan mentioned her flirting with men and women. It also strikes me as odd that Kristen never got any pushback from Helio about turning her back on him. Even if he was similarly 'out of the picture' like sol was while Arthur was wrecking havoc, Kristen's powers should have faded when she fully committed to not worshipping him. You need to worship a god to get powers, and this is emphasized heavily in the latest episode. Kristen worshipping the vague idea of religion but Definitely Not Helio just doesn't cut it. Sure, taking away a PCs powers wasn't really in the cards in season one, but Brennan works very well and very caringly with what he has to establish as canon.
Kristen was looking for a reason to drop Helio from the get-go. His frat boy appearance and non-answer to a nearly impossible question didn't truly matter at the core of her feelings. She wanted an out from the prison she was trapped in with the Helioic faith, even if she didn't realize it fully. She had tension with her mom and her ideals from the scene one! She wanted to connect with people the church actively shunned. Helio was never the true problem.
Now, gods are shaped by their worshippers. So on some level Helio is shaped by people with shitty ideals. But there's still a foothold of good, especially if there are out and proud gays in heaven. Especially if Kristen Applebees of all people is the chosen one.
When you have worshippers misinterpreting your whole deal, going with Sol's shitty messaging and transferring it onto you and using it for bad things, what can you do as a god? Because you ARE what they say you are. So how can you fight back?
Well. You make your chosen one someone that embodies your true heart. Someone that can actually turn the tides of your worship.
There is an emphasis on tracker reinventing and revitalizing her religion. Changing it for the better. Taking the old and not tossing it out, but making it better.
Isn't that what Kristen struggles with the most? That's what she needs to learn how to do.
Tracker also established that she can worship multiple gods when she helped with Yes?. Kristen doesn't need to settle for one even if she (fingers crossed) brings Kassandra back.
Because the season opened with the slow apocalypse of endless night. Endless daytime would end similarly. There has to be a balance. They are two sides of the same coin. Day and night. The surety of the sun and the doubt of the shadows.
Kristen wants both. And she can fucking have it if she decides to.
Ally once said they appreciate that the enemy is always the church. Organized religion. Kristen is perfect for disorganized religion though. Chill frat boy vibes and anxious doubts and the ultimate message of 'just do your best'.
I think religious trauma is a compelling, close to the heart topic for a lot of people. And some turn away from religion entirely and wash their hands of it. But some people don't. Kristen is a cleric. She can't. She wants a god, she wants answers, and she just can't find them in the established community she was raised in. That doesn't mean the core of her religion was wrong. The church was. So you take the religion and you harness it in a way that means something to you.
Maybe Kristen being desperate enough to invite Helio back into her life is what this has all been leading to.
She can remake a god. She's done it before. Because Kassandra was good at the core. Maybe Helio can be too.
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uninformedartist · 7 months
So just finished watching the ep so review. Spoils ahead:
So the episode was ok to me, solid 6/10 one of the better episodes which since this was supposed to be an "extravagant" ep why does it got better quality than the main eps, idk Viv has her moments like this ep and other eps its a train wreck in writing ect.
Mammon worked on my nerves, from design to his movements, personality ALL of him was annoying, which props for an annoying Villian but its Villian I never want to see back again and he's hinted for some sort of return.
Side tangent: Mammon is like the how many-ith Villian to get a return ep/hint at one. It was 1st cherubs, then dorks, then stella/ice twink, striker/crimson now Mammon & according to the leaked storyboards a ghost guy that tries to talk IMP into off-ing themselves... its a flipping lot and cherubs & dorks seem to be forgotten dispite dorks knowing & having hard evidence they exist, flip Viv chill it with your Villian of the week cos its way too many now.
Anyway, Blitz didn't need to be in this ep besides the flashback. Ozzie got him to talk Fizz out of being Mammon's puppet but ultimately Ozzie spoke him out of it & gave him courage to quit/confront Mammon. Even Blitz being a bodyguard/killing people for Fizz could've been any imp. Blitz is starting to feel like Steven from SU, in every ep even tho the ep doesn't need him/ the episode surrounds topics a wee child shouldn't be in (i.e Lapis trauma dumping on Steven & he a child isn't really equipped to handle that situation).
My fave part of this ep was Ozzie and Fizz. Ya'll I legit prayed Viv wouldn't mess these two up and my prayers were answered. Absolutely a joy these two were. Fizz especially what a darling. Loved that small scenes with him and the deaf imp child, l dont know sign language but it looked genuine animated and was just sweet moments.
From their interactions, Fizz's panic attacks/self doubt felt & were genuine... I felt that as someone that has panic attacks from high stress on my studies/life. It was just handled well. Fizz feeling less than and needing to prove himself from 1. his past 2. his appearance, that accident affected his self image/worth so much (why I felt him forgiving Blitz was too hastily done but I digress) & 3. him doing this Mammon contest still to gain/earn Ozzie's love for him cos Fizz believes Ozzie only sticks around because of this fame Mammon gave Fizz. Ozzie finally saying what he loves about Fizz was lovely, wanted that in the 1st ep but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. Their song was... I didn't like it BUT the message in it was beautiful. Lastly Fizz saying fuck you to Mammon from the courage/strength Ozzie gave him was a nice send off... also Ozzie saying he loves Fizz ah ngl that made me smile agh I just love them. I want to see them more than the Stolitz show but thats only a wish. Props Viv, you get 1 brownie point not messing this up.
Last findings, the ep was bloated as hell my soul Viv please stop cramming so much in an ep, this one is 30 mins long & yet still felt bloated. Pacing was a motherfuka damn it was bad & the swearing was jarring (its a Viv written ep I don't expect any less but still gonna point it out) and the comedy wasn't so prominent in this ep, Blitz/Mammon gave some comic relief but in the best and worst ways:
The way the VA delivered this line "to be fucked" made me laugh, the line is cringy but the delivery lol gold
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Aand Blitz, my soul shut the fuck up & get out this ep. Last ep & this one he said something so agonizingly cringe I pulled my face
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The world of HB is legit American hell or earth just painted red since Fizz named all these places in America just "hellified" where his fans come from.
And very last, congratulations Salem glad you got the cathartic send off you deserve from working under Viv, truly fuck you "Mammon" indeed :) also glad they credited you this time.
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karizard-ao3 · 1 month
My reactions to Evangelion episode 26: Take care of yourself
I had to go to the store after the last episode and I was a nervous wreck the whole time. I am a nervous wreck right now. My stomach is turning. I am so worried about what we're going to find out and what's going to happen.
We're focusing on the instrumentality of the heart belonging to the boy Shinji Ikari. Oh, god.
So is it going to be like a hive mind?
"If I run away, no one will talk to me again" "Don't abandon me!"
"If I pilot the Eva, I can exist as myself." Is the reason piloting the Eva was so painful at first because of how hard it is to look at oneself?
"I have nothing else."
The Eva changes and overcomes their personalities if they tie their identity too much to it. Like Asuka.
So, all this mind meld stuff is the instrumentality taking place, yes? They are all kind of slipping together into one consciousness?
Oh, Asuka with those hollow cheeks.
I can't believe this has been going on for two episodes lol. I can understand why they had to make a movie after this because I feel like I'm going to riot. I thought we were going to, like, return to the plot.
Oh, thank god.
But is this an alternate world? Since when is Asuka his childhood friend? Pen Pen is a clock?
Do they not have faces?
It's so weird to see them, especially Shinji, acting like such normal kids. But him and Asuka fighting is cute.
The art style changed from animation to sketchy stills. I guess the illusion is fading.
Ah, it was another possible world.
We're back at it. Oh, god. I was into it for the last episode when I thought it was leading up to something but at this point, I've given up and I feel like I'm having the same message hammered into my head over and over again.
Lol and then everybody stood up and clapped.
I am laughing so hard. What the fuck was that?
In Conclusion
How is that even a conclusion??? I... I need to know that something is actually going to happen in the movie.
Okay, I skimmed the Wikipedia page. That sounds more like it. I'm planning to watch it on Sunday and I guess I saw a couple spoilers? But I read it in that not paying attention way so I'm hoping they will spill from my head by then. And it was just stuff that I was either already anticipating or was not surprised by anyway, so I think it will be fine. And I think I saw Shinji survives? So I'm even more fine if that's the case.
I'm not supposed to like this ending, right? Like, I'm allowed to think this was nonsense?
I mean, I suppose it was meant to be the instrumentality proceeding as planned and succeeding but, like... It just feels like the author stood up, threw down their pen, and declared, "I am fucking tired of crafting a story with plot points and tension and character development! I want to talk about the weird things I think about in the shower!" and then proceeded to do that for an hour.
I had myself worked up into a tizzy over nothing.
I'm sorry if I was supposed to enjoy this, but, I am now super excited for the movie.
I'm sorry. Episodes 1 - 24 were great, though. 10/10 would watch again (and probably will)
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spikes-left-eyebrow · 1 month
Just watched the episode Angel last night and I'm so insane and not normal about it. Its so bad. Its so good. Its everything to me. Buffy asks Angel if he's been following her and why he would keep an eye on her. He says "Maybe I like you." She smiles and says "Maybe?" And girl I cant even blame her. If a person I was vaguely attracted to came into my home when I was 16 and told me they were watching me bc they like me i would have immediately been dtf. But can you tell me why at at 240!!!! Angel is saying insane shit like this?????? Image being an adult and some GUY is like "I was watching u bc i like you teehee" restraining order. IMMEDIATELY!!!
Angel also has so many goofy ass lines in this script I genuinely feel a little bad for David bc we all know hes a bad actor especially at the beginning but him saving Buffy from The Three with the line "Good dogs dont bite" ?????? what r u talking about bestie. what is that. I will however fault him for the fact that he will just smirk at the most inappropriate times. what the fuck is that. "No buffy I didnt read ur diary 😏 ok why tf would u say it like that?? or when he grins after saying the slur for romani?? like hello??
Also just the way that they intro his history is SO funny. Buffy shows up to kill him and he's like "why wouldn't I kill your mother I'm just a creature, right?" my brother in christ you are literally. the only single vampire in the entire goddamn world that has a soul. why would she. the vampire SLAYER. have any reason to believe that ur just a normal dude??? And the way he talks about the curse like so nonchalant with his little smirks.... personally I would have simply killed him based on the attitude. the vibes alone.
Then we have the absolute genius of this ep!! Darla with the guns?? *chefs kiss* are you kidding me thats SO funny. So effective. She clocked Buffy as being a bad ass slayer and despite 400 years of wrecking havoc consequence free she said hmm ok I cant take her but two (2) guns probably could. Thats why shes been alive so goddamn long. I love her.
And Willow's bravery?? Literally the shyest girl in school seeing Darla with the GUNS and still shouting to Buffy, to protect her from not only physical but emotional harm?? Obsessed!!
And finally, the last scene with the Bangel kiss. Listen. I am not a Bangel lover and we know this!!! But the way my man pressed into Buffy the whole time despite the cross burning into his chest??? I have been obsessed with that scene since day one. Whoever wrote that ate and left no crumbs I fear. Delicious.
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showtoonzfan · 10 months
As I’ve said before, the Fizz episode is the only episode of the entire second season that I’m interested in, and it’ll be like a big bang to me, cause I CANNOT wait to see how they fuck it up. It’s going to be a train wreck and I’m here for it, I have so many predictions, so here’s a list of them!
— I always referred to it as the “Fizz and Ozzie episode” but I feel like most of it will be about Fizz and Blitz and their backstory, judging by the trailer shot of them as little kids again and the one where Fizz is seemingly singing to Blitz but then drops him. Also bc Blitz always needs to be in every single damn episode and Viv refuses to show someone else’s perspective lol.
— It would be nice if we dove into how Fizz met Ozzie, how he took him in and how they started to perform/date, but I honestly don’t think we’ll see much of that, and for all we know, the shots of Fizz performing could be in modern time instead of a flashback. Judging by the two shots of Fizz and Blitz fighting that was at that panel, this episode is definitely more about them then his relationship with Ozzie tho.
— I have the feeling that the “Hell finding out Ozzie is a hypocrite and dating Fizz” conflict probably won’t be resolved, I mean look at Ozzie’s for Blitz and Stolas lol. It either won’t be resolved and the episode will be unfocused, or resolve it too fast and in a forced/underwhelming way. I highly doubt it’ll be a huge conflict anyway since Viv never really dives into the class system in the first place.
— Fizz and Blitz will either patch up things up immediately at the end of the episode, or not so Viv can use the characters/conflicts for another future episode that obviously won’t be planned. I already know they’re going to paint Blitz out to be this guy who’s sweet and deep down wants to make amends with Fizz so I won’t waste my anger for that, (how much you want to bet Blitz being responsible for Fizz’s body was an accident and he never meant for it to happen so the fans can say he’s an uwu baby who must be protected) but if Fizz actually ends up forgiving Blitz at the end of this episode (especially if it turns out he’s responsible for Fizz’s missing his arms and legs) I’ll be pissed because even if Fizz DOES end up forgiving Blitz, doing it at the end of this episode would feel too fast and forced. I don’t want this to be Loo Loo Land again lol.
— Stolas may or may not appear in this episode to do the crystal deal. Ofc it would be WAY too much to cram in for an episode that already seems to have a lot in it, but they might do it. I will be honest, I 100% doubt the “Stolas making a deal with Ozzie to give Blitz a crystal” plotline will actually go anywhere tho. Knowing that this season clearly wasn’t planned and that Viv is making stuff up/pulling things out of her ass, this probably won’t go anywhere since Stolas later in the season is clearly going to be taken in by Imp anyway, and we gatta push him and Blitz being together regardless of they’re doing the book deal or not. Anyway that shot of him sitting in a room and the clock ticking could be from another episode, but of we do get Stolitz content here, who knows, maybe Blitz will see how healthy Fizz and Asmodeous are and want that with Stolas.
— Knowing that Fizz is one of Viv’s favorites, I wouldn’t be surprised if this episode DOES jab at Blitz more and really show how hurt Fizz was by him. Like I said tho, they might patch things up quickly. Either way, gatta love how she clearly plans to show how negatively Fizz was affected by Blitz but can’t do the same with Octavia, Verosika or Barbie since they’re females and boring to her.
— If this episode has another pointless M&M B-plot like Loo Loo Land, Seeing Stars, or Western Energy did, I swear.
And that’s pretty much it. We can all predict that Blitz burned Fizz somehow, there’s not much to say other than it’s ganna show how they used to be friends and make a soap opera about how bad Blitz feels so.
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caelyne · 5 months
sonic prime s3 was. okay :3 spoilers below..
i really loved how episode 3 ended. as Sonic willingly gave himself up to Nine to prevent him from decaying the universe further, the other characters soon follow behind with the intention of saving Sonic from Nine. This look, on Nine's face, got me really excited.
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The heavy breathing, the look of panic on his face, followed by seething fury. I was thinking, oh. He's about to start Screaming.
my problem is that.. episode 7, the last episode, is what I thought episode 4 would be. Right before the end of episode 3, it felt like Sonic was getting through to Nine. He let his guard down, and it felt like they were gonna talk it out.
but he didnt. instead sonic immediately ran back to the side of the other characters and was like 'wow howd you guys find me??? alright then lets show nine we mean Business!!!'.. and then the two armies fight in a barren wasteland with a crystal backdrop for 2 episodes.
it wasn't until they faced off at the top of Nine's fortress and into his lab that Sonic finally started to understand Nine's point of view. how this lonely, scared kid, with the power of the universe at his disposal, wanted to escape his old life and build a new one with Sonic. how Sonic's urgency to fix his mistakes and bring back his old world and his old friends made Nine feel like he was just being used.
as he comes to this realization, the same thing at the end of episode 3 happens. the others storm the lab, and Nine is suddenly in a corner; afraid and lashing out, threatening to destroy everyone... and then Sonic jumping to his defense when the others wanted to End him for wrecking the universe. I wanted to see more of that. More of Nine breaking down. More of the relationship between Nine and Sonic. More of Nine pushing Sonic away out of fear. More of Sonic desperately trying to be this kid's friend. More of Sonic trying to protect this kid that he loves so fucking much.
the season wasn't bad, i enjoyed some aspects of the character interactions and the animations and voice acting were Quality. But I guess the battle episodes just felt like filler. There was stuff going on, but it got old after Nine revived his entire army for the third time. My disappointment comes from the fact that the writers (probably correctly) wanted to focus on all of the characters they have. All the alternate versions of the main cast, the eggmans, etc. I think it could've been interesting to do it a bit differently though, rather than a whole big avengers battle with inconsequential robots in the same location for 3 episodes. myah! but i guess this is a action show more or less aimed for an audience that is younger than i am and probably not nearly as attached to Tails as a character, unlike me, who is normal, i assure you,.
shadow and sonic are so gay though. all of the flirting sonic was doing with him was good. and i cried when nine hugged sonic. i think i actually whimpered. im just.. so weak for tails/nine. especially when he's vulnerable. I just wish season 3 had a better plot and lead up to that moment.
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Do you have favorite BL dramas or movies? If you do, what's your top 20 Asian BL dramas or movies?
Hi anon! 💙 Thank you for this ask! I can make a list! I love it 🥰
Of course I have favorites and I am so thankful you ask for my 20 favorite bls, because 10 would be too hard 😅
I don't have any logical reason behind my choices. Most of the times I go with the feeling I have while watching the show. The following is not a best to last ranking, just my top 20 favorite shows 😊
Goodbye Mother
A vietnamese movie about a young man, Van, who visits his family for the first time after being abroad for nine years. He doesn't come alone, but brings his boyfriend Ian with him. Van waits for the best moment to come out to his family and present Ian as his partner. It is more of a family drama than the typical bl, but it is such a good movie. The grandmother is the heart and soul of it all. It provides everything, happiness, sadness, anger, pain, love...just a perfect movie. It is still available on GagaOOLala, but on the list to leave soon.
A Tale Of Thousand Stars
One of my feel-good-series. EarthMix is one of my favorite pairing and they went crazy with all the staring and pining. The story of Tian and Phupha who meet at a village in the forest where Tian works as a volunteer teacher and Phupha is the local Chief Forest Officer. We whitness how two people get to know each other, understand each other and develop feelings for each other. It is a romantic fairytale dealing with important and serious issues and I love it! You can watch it free on Youtube.
Moonlight Chicken
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Speaking of EarthMix...Moonlight Chicken is my newest favorite and one of the easiest decisions for picking as a favorite. It is a short series, but it tells so many stories in a perfect way. No character comes too short, no realtionship is undeveloped. It is such a perfect series. EarthMix are killing it, but GeminiFourth stole the show. Their depiction of a this first love between a deaf young man and an angry young man was just so beautiful. Both had their dreams and both felt unheard and unseen from the outside (especially the parents and guardians) and they developed such a pure and beautiful bond. I could go on and on about the beauty of this show. Perfect and free to watch on Youtube.
My School President
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And another GeminiFourth project. I am so in love with this show. It is something personal. The story about a first love and such a healthy love and Tin, our school president is one walking green flag. The show helped me on a very personal level to understand parts of my own history and choices and I am forever grateful and will keep this in my heart. And besides that it is such a comfort watch. Every conflict is dealt with before the episodes end and there is no drama, just love and respect. I love it! It is also free on Youtube.
This is something else. We have time loops and some supernatural stuff happening while the main character tries to rescue this young man who is as it turns out the love of his life. And when it looks like it finally can work out, destiny or in this case a higher entity, plays a little bit with time and fucks everyting up again. It is really interesting and tense and there are twists and it is just amazing!
The Untamed
Does this count as a bl? It is not the typical bl, more a censored adaptation of same-sex original work from China. Nevertheless you can see the love and affection between Lan Zhan and Wei Ying. This is a masterpiece. When I tell people about it, who don't watch asian dramas, I always tell them it is better than Game of Thrones for me, so they can put it in relation. This show wrecked me. I cried like never before. And I can't put into words what this series made me feel. It is on Viki and WeTV.
180 Degree Longitude Passes Through Us
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Speaking of non typical bls stuff. 180 degree is such a good series. It is difficult to watch, because it feels really raw at parts and it deals with so much stuff, like homophobia, grief, internal homophobia, trauma, loss, love different kinds of relationship, growing up and stagnation, resignation. And the cinematography, uuuhhh! Such a beautiful series and in everything you see on screen you can intepret something in it. As a person who studied language and the comparison between novels and their adaptations, this was heaven for my intepretation loving heart. You can watch it on GagaOOLala.
A First Love Story
Strongberry at its best. It is korean and a short film in two parts and perfect. It tells the story of two best friends who have feelings for each other, but one of them enlisted and has to go to the military soon. We meet them again after some time and get a very intimate view on a very short part of their lifes. The acting is good, the story is good, the chemistry is good. You can watch it on Youtube or soon it will be on GagaOOLala again.
Be Loved in House: I Do
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My comfort watch. This is nothing special. It is just a workplace romance, but it feels so cozy and I love the story. It makes me feel all the butterflies and happiness in my stomach and I love this shit! The company gets a new boss, who is very strict, has a bunch of rules and forbids his co-workers to date, because love can be a distraction and because of his own personal trauma. Can his stone-cold heart be warmed-up again? Oh the cuddles are everything for me! It is on Viki.
History 2: Crossing the line
I like most of the HIStory shows, but tis one I like the most. I do love the secondary couple of HIStory 3: Make our days count and HIStory 4: Close to you (I know...don't judge me), but as a whole series I really like this one the most. Perhaps because it is something different with the whole Volleyball thing or because I think the main couple is just so sweet. I don't know, I like to rewatch it from time to time. You can watch it on Viki.
Bad Buddy
My first asian bl ever. I am so happy I could start with this one. I love the story of Pat and Pran. Enemies to lovers is something else and they did a really good job. And their love was so vulnerable and sweet. Even though Pat always tried to be the strong kind of macho man, he was soft and sweet with Pran and it was so cute to watch. And the iconic rooftop scene! What a scene! It is free on Youtube.
Long Time No See
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Another movie. I don't want to spoil anything. This has assasins and mafia and love and romance and sweetness and blood and fighting. It is not the typical bl stuff, it is more mature, but a really good action movie in my eyes. I liked the drama and the action scenes. As it is leaving GagaOOLala soon, I just rewatched it and it is still good!
Semantic Error
I don't know how many times I rewatched this one. The enemies to lovers story that just melts my heart. I am reading the manhwa and this is so explicit! The series is so tuned down from the original. Nevertheless I love the story of how SangWoo made his way into JaeYoungs heart and melted our all hearts on the way. This one is on Viki.
Old Fashion Cupcake
The story of the 29 years old Togawa who tries to show 39 years old Nozue how beautiful life can be. And what better way to show him than to eat the most delicious sweets ever. I am always hungry and craving for sweets after watching this. This series gives hope. You are never too old to start enjoying life and to allow yourself to love again, even if the person is ten years younger. And another one you can watch on Viki.
Love Mechanics
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I guess this is here because of YinWar. I mean, their chemistry is through the roof! The story itself...well...cheating and pain and War is crying quite often. But it is still good and I can't stop rewatching it. Yes the story is hurtful and a little bit stupid, but VeeMark are adorable when they are happy and in love. It can be watched on WeTV.
DNA Says Love You
We all love some slow burn, right? I mean, this one is very much slow burning, but with a reason and it is a really interesting story behind all that. It is a complex story with some really good staring and pining and hurt and comfort. You have to watch carefully to understand everything, but it is worth it and the wait while our hearts burn away through the slow burn is worth it too.
Gaya Sa Pelikula (Like in the movies)
This one is...it is cute. I don't know what else to say. It is not the best production, but the story is good and the actors are doing a good job. Karl needs to live on his own because a family tradition says it is a good idea to show early on how to survive alone in this world. So he moves into his uncle's apartment where he meets his neighbour Vlad and because of some reasons the end up living together. I love the soundtrack and their whole story. It is free on Youtube.
Once Again
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My favorite bl series of 2022. It tells the story of Shin Jae Woo who deals with childhood trauma and because of some supernatural stuff happening, he jumps back in time to the year he was almost the victime of a crime, but Kang Ji Hoon helped him back then. JaeWoo wants to rescue JiHoon from this path. I was crying through most of the second half of this series. It is just so good. Painful and hurtful. Just watch is you can deal with sad stuff. Everytime I need a good cry, I come back here and it always works its magic. It si on Viki and GagaOOLala.
We best love: No. 1 for you
The true enemies to lovers story. The slow burn and the slow realisation is just so perfect. I feel with Gao Shi De through this whole story. I love to rewtach it and see things I haven't before. And the second season is good as well! Not as good as the first one for me, but still really good. You can watch it on WeTV.
Secret Crush On You
If you manage to get past the first episode full of cringe and you learn things about the characters, you see that these are all of us. The characters are not flawless, they make us cringe, because it feels too real. You can't act normal when you are living your secret crush. And you feel uncomfortable if you don't fit the norms. It is so beautiful to see that there are people out there who love you for who you are. And who isn't afraid to tell the world about it. This series makes my heart feel all the beautiful feelings. It is a little gem out there. And you can watch it for free on youtube.
Well these are my top 20 of all the bls I have watched. It was so much fun! Thank you for this ask!
I guess after this month there are going to be new favorites. Our Dating Sim or A Shoulder To Cry On are some really good shows and I hope they won't mess it up in the end like Oh! My Assistent did.
Have a beautiful day and stay happy and healthy! 💜
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kiloskywalker · 1 year
HOLY CRAP YALL WHAT AN EPISODE!  SO GOOD ON ALL FRONTS NO NOTES ABSOLUTELY BEAUTIFUL thanks to @chaotictarlos again for screaming crying and throwing up with me. I have a super early call time and three flights tomorrow so my thoughts are going to be kinda brief but holy shit. -Already 5 minutes in and i was getting high heart rate notifications from my Apple Watch -APD comes off so fucking useless in this episode like did they do ANY investigating at all?  Seriously its ridiculous.  They missed the false wall, they missed the ash in the fireplace?  Like who is this detective and where is Detective Washington?  But you know who was one of the best detectives?  FUCKIN’ TK STRAND!!!!!!!  HE’s come a long way from misidentifying statues as people!  NO ONE is gonna stop him from finding his man. -Carlos you smart SOB, making that connection with Trudy.  Also him talking about Gwyn and her love for TK being flowed through him...fucking wrecked me.  I miss my mom and I hope I find someone like that.  Carlos balancing his need to scream for TK standing right there but also trying to protect him from the crazy lady with a knife, can you imagine. -Ugh both Ronen and Rafael were SO GOOD in this episode.  Probably the most intense we’ve seen from either of them, especially with Detective!TK.  Sidenote, Ronen’s instagram stories were so funny.
-Okay also, some of these one liners were so good.  Even if they were in stressful situations.  The serial killer adjacent old lady being more of a LGBT ally than my own father lol: “I love the gays!”  Also new favorite Owen line: “I’m a fireman.  Our codes are like: Fire!” -I swear to god the last five minutes of this episode aged me like 20 years.  SHE WAS SO CLOSE TO HELPING CARLOS!  THEN TK AND GABRIEL WERE SO CLOSE TO HIM!  UGH!!!  Who else had TK having to do CPR on Carlos.  I can’t wait for the residual trauma for the two of them!  I know there’s limited time for that but that’s why we have fic writers. -ALSO, the B plot was crazy: I’m getting real pissed off with the FBI.  They clearly have no idea how to run this investigation, they are treating their asset (Owen) with more contempt than the people they are trying to catch.  Clearly Owen is scared/uncomfortable with their plan and they are doing nothing to assuage that.  Like my god. -I also can see how they are going to set up an inevitable conflict between TK and Owen which I know Ronen has teased in previous interviews, why the two of them have kind of drifted a bit.  I’m excited for that conversation to come, I can’t imagine how TK is feeling at this moment.
ALSO: “Are you kidding, you died!”, “Yeah, look who’s talking” I MEAN,  exCUSE ME.....Fiancés that have-their-heart-stop-and-literally-die together, stay together. AND REMEMBER: ALL ROADS LEAD TO THE WEDDING All in all, an absolutely fantastic episode.  I can’t wait to read some fics about it.  I have a really early call time tomorrow (0500) and three flights (Orlando-Houston-Chicago-DC) so idk how available I’ll be, but I’d love to talk more about it with yall!
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haley770 · 3 months
glue me by los campesinos! is my favorite song(by my favorite band) ever and it is so so wilmon. literally everything about this song is perfect and beautiful. the lyrics represent wilmon and young royals so much. so lets go through it, shall we?
just a little note: almost nothing about this is in any order of the show(it is in order of the lyrics), basically just what scenes/things i am reminded of by some of the lyrics because so much of it lines up with this amazing show [:
/this song begins with such an amazing line, "the clouds salivating, drooling from the sky at the thought of the trouble to wreck" it is raining. water is such a big component as a metaphor in this show to represent everyones feelings. (thank you @tvmicroscope i love your analysis') its also just such a beautiful way to describe the rain as well, the clouds salivating, oh my god (!!! WTFF thats AMAZING I LOVE IT). and then it continues, "and its high tide, as the sewers rise and the drains have become obsolete" it is flooding. both of these just make me think of how it was raining on wilhelm in the soccer/football field scene. when he was soo fucking high and confused and overwhelmed, his brain was being flooded by so many feelings and emotions. probably conflicting each other. wilhelms entire life as he knew it is falling apart, he lost his brother, his best and only friend. he blames himself. he feels guilty. he is burdened with the title of the crown prince, which is the last thing that wilhelm wants. and most importantly(to him at least) he had to reject the love of his life because the crown prince cannot be gay like that. he felt like he was drowning in all of these emotions. he couldnt handle it, "i cant do this anymore", earlier in this same episode when he yet again rejected simon. but still, he goes on and makes the most amazing(and somewhat embarassing) love confession to simon because that is what he really feels. it is the only thing he can take a chance with for him to feel anything nice. and real. (ily tvmicroscope your analysis' are so beautiful)
/and now simon turns up, "seems theres no place in this town, for something as pure as you seem" wilhelm definitely thought this when simon actually came to rescue him in the middle of the night all like "you came, oh my god you came, im so glad youre here, youre so beautiful" wilhelm was definitely shocked simon actually came, especially after all the back and forth wilhelm put him through. it just further proves how amazing(pure) simon is(for this world/town).
/another heartbreaking one "water to my waist in a shark-infested bin" again reminds me of the football field scene when it was raining. wilhelm is so overwhelmed with everything. the water. he just wants to talk to somebody, but he is surrounded by fake friends who want to use him, people who dont give a shit about him as a person. the sharks. he doesnt have anybody to turn to. so he takes the chance of calling simon.
/this time, i hear simon. "and i heard, that it hurts" it literally echoes simon's "love shouldnt be this difficult" from the season 3 trailer. or maybe even in season 1 where wilhelm completely betrays simons trust and then doesnt understand what he did wrong. its just so heartbreaking for both of them ): especially because simon still loves wilhelm but hes also angry at him. at first, wilhelm didnt want simon to be mad at him because of the drugs, and he wasnt. but now he lied, and their relationship has since changed, and simon is mad at him, rightfully so.
/this one is more direct, "two wrists, two wrist watches. tick-tick-tocking second hands slightly out of time" how many times have watches been brought up or specifically highlighted in just seasons 1 and 2? SO MANY TIMES. (haha get it) we even saw some watches in the season 3 trailer! even boris! "ive had this watch for 40 years and it still works" 40 years is honestly crazy though, what the hell. let me see that watch.
/yet another heartbreaking one, "i requested a room with a view, in the middle of a war between me and you" is literally wilhelm looking at the beautiful lake in season 2 crying because he has completely lost hope for simon and he felt soso alone )): thankfully(...)felice came to rescue him, replacing simon from season 1. parallels am i right?(we did NOT need another kiss between felice and wilhelm. one was enough. or apparently it wasnt i guess)
/and, excuse me, OH MY GODD, i can HEAR wilhelm telling simon: "ill be gloomy til they glue me in the arms of [he] who loves me, til the rats and worms are all interned at least five feet above we" he will not give up on simon until he is sure there is no hope left(which we saw in season 2 until the valentines day ball kiss, also in the previous paragraph). another scene that fits is how wilhelm asked simon to hold him ): and finally, just wille being silly (the rats and worms because rats and worms are inherently silly like come on) reminds me of their 'date' by the water in s1e5, but its also so sweet because he is saying he wants to be together with simon until death. which is really the only thing wilhelm definitely wants(as well as for august to rot in hell, or jail, either works but both would be best, but thats besides this point).
/then simon, "[he] smiled, at a joke" just in general how happy he is when theyre together. this reminds me of the lake 'date' again and how totally in love simon looked whenever he was looking at wilhelm. as well as the laugh at the end of s2e5 after wilhelm closed the curtains, im glad theyre healing and can laugh about that.
/once again, excuse me, THE FOOTBALL REFERENCES(its los campesinos' thing to have a lot of football/soccer references in their lyrics but i dont really know much about football/soccer, i just know the references are there) WITH THE WHOLE FOOTBALL METAPHOR AND HOW FOOTBALL=SOMETHING REAL(from what i remember about the tvmicroscope analysis, read it if you havent it was so amazing and it was just so nice to actually see someone take the time to go through the show and each clip and write everything down, i am not very good at spotting metaphors but i love reading about them). but we have roshs great line, "rowing isnt a sport. football is a sport." very insightful for this entire metaphor. i guess you could say when they were at rosh's football/soccer game for these lyrics, but i think thats a bit boring, sorry. i would also like to note that, because of my non-existent knowledge on football/soccer, i chose not to talk about them in detail because i really dont understand the references in the song. from what i do know and so we are on the same page, the references are "im diving into headers, put this pretty face where the boots are flying in" | "but we connected like a yeboah volley" | and "of missed panenka penalty" as well as the chant at the end of the song, but i will actually talk about that in depth because it isnt very specific. there might be more(probably) but im not 100% sure about them.
/finally, we have the entire ending, "ex-boyfriend, boyfriend, give us a song" repeating. another football reference by los camp! which also fits the young royals narrative. the repetition is used as a chant for football, a play on "give us a wave". firstly, the valentines day ball comes to mind. this scene is showing simon who he really(again football is a real sport, thank you tvmicroscope) loves at the valentines day ball, hence him chasing after and kissing wilhelm. he also previously said he couldnt fall in love with marcus, "it just feels like he likes me for real" and "i just dont understand why i cant fall in love with him" ON THE FOOTBALL FIELD. too bad he didnt take the hint back then. also(unrelated) he couldnt even spell marcus' name right. "Hej Markus" seriously simon? too bad he never sent that text. they could have potentially broken up sooner. and then at the end of the valentines ball when marcus wille is listening to his ex-boyfriend his boyfriend sing a song he wrote about HIM(despite him being unaware of this fact until the next episode). it is such a crucial moment in season 2's whole plotline(and wilhelms sanity). next, this reminds me how he literally fell in love with simon when he was singing for him when he was being welcomed to hillerska. the glance around at erik and august like "are you seeing this shit?" or "are we watching the same thing?" look because of simon is so iconic. and the smile is so sweet. his first gay panic experience. moving on, it reminds me of how they sang the same song together later in this same episode "it takes a fool to remain sane". finally, when wilhelm was PISSED because simon couldnt sing his song at the jubilee(and they broke up yet again) and he asked jan olaf about it. he really wanted to see simon perform that for him ): and for simon to be able to perform his song and be happy. at least wilhelm was able to give his wonderful speech. really i am so proud of him, nobody could have expected this from him, especially at this point. not even simon! "it was a.. um.. a moment i didnt want to share, with anyone else, so i lied about it". he has matured so much in such little time, he didnt even want to give this speech either. he shouldnt have to. his anxiety must have been through the roof and he probably threw up afterwards. and of course the infamous consequences. the only reason the queen talks with her son. at least he has simon with him now to hold him when it gets too much(no more fights season 3 please i beg i cant handle it after season 2, the ending did kind of make up for it all though). i got a little off topic but you get the point. also, i brought each of these different scenes up because the ending specifically repeated this lyric several times, like all of these different moments line up. its literally wilmons song, you cant tell me otherwise.
well, that was a lot. i have been thinking about this for WEEKS. months even. and while i typically wouldnt post something like this, i put soso much thought into writing this. like ive actually put so much thought into this its driving me insane. its literally wilmons song, in my opinion. i also just needed a reason to talk about my favorite song and band and relate it to my favorite show. please listen to the song(or anything by los camp! theyre AMAZING). thats really all i need in life, for more people to hear this masterpiece.
🩷💜 thank you💜🩷
i dont know if i will ever do anything like this again, perhaps. im not sure. i did actually enjoy writing this though. i didnt originally plan on writing anything significant but i got carried away. i was supposed to be drawing more wilmon, i want to finish it before season 3 is officially out but it is just so detailed📚. someone yell at me to finish the drawing PLEASE ! time is ticking but its so fucking DETAILED and TEDIOUS. oh my god theres only a week left WHAT THE FUCKK. anyways i loved this [: very fun!
[if there are any typos or just flat out mistakes, either no there isnt or just let me know, i probably wont fix it but i appreciate it. i also want to say i am aware i am HORRIBLE at staying on topic i just had so many things ive wanted to say]
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stardusthuntress · 8 months
EnigmaTech - Ch. 4
My Tech Lives AU! (see prior chapters for summary)
Chapter 4 - A New Perspective
Tech x female!reader (pronouns only)
Word count: ~8.3k 
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Chapter Summary: Picking up right where we left off, the lost 3 and the regs now freed from that creep, Hemlock, are in need of a chance to heal. And, as Tech would say, the human body is fascinating, and especially puzzling when driven by the emotion center instead of the logic center.
Also, Tech may or may not end up shirtless at one point! Kinda needs a warning of it's own, hehe! <3 I recommend referring to the following fan art pieces by @amorfista (here and here) and @lightspringrain (1; 2; 3) and @bruh-myguy-what (here) and so many more, but these were the ones that have been on my mind lately!!! <3 love you guys!!!
TW: mentions of Tech's injuries again. I'm not a fan of the way shows show a character getting injured and then in the next episode they're fine. It's just so unrealistic. So, Tech is gonna be recovering for another chapter or two beyond this. It won't be gruesome tho. No descriptions of grossness. Just mentions of where Tech's mods are.
A/N: I am not a medic, nor do I know a damn thing about medical treatment! Nothing gross. Nothing angsty. A touch of jealosy, but that's it. Tech figuring out what the fuck it means to flirt. Reader's callsign still used intermittently.
It's been so long since I've added to this story! I've been so busy. Lift took a turn I did not expect, but I think it's actually gonna be a good change! Just needed some time to figure out what to do with the curveball. I've had most of this chapter pretty much ready to go for a while tho, so it's time to release this to the world! Doing my best to getting back into writing these, I miss writing so much!
Tech dividers: @/djarrex
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“Tech, let’s give those meds a few more minutes under observation to bring your system back to a somewhat normal level before we do anything else, just to make sure you’re stable. Okay?” Spitfire checks in with her patient. 
“Yes. That is an excellent idea. I will inform you if I perceive any changes in my current state of being. Perhaps it will provide adequate time for my brothers to receive medical attention as well?” 
“Certainly,” she nods, beckoning Wrecker over. “Wreck, the left shoulder?!? Again???!!! Your poor left shoulder, Big Guy! That’s at least the third time you’ve taken a hit to your left shoulder since the Empire became a thing!” 
“Tech told me once that it’s better that it’s my left rather than my right because I’m right handed.” Wrecker’s voice is quiet. 
Spitfire sighs, “He’s correct there, but either way, less hits to any of you at all would be ideal. Let’s get you patched up, Big Guy.” 
“Awwww, no I hate medical stuff. Do we have to?” 
“Yes, we want it to heal. It will be over before you know it. Tech and Crosshair are getting patched up too. I won’t do anything that might hurt if I don’t have to, I promise.” She pats his arm, trying to reassure the large man with touch as well as words. 
Tech didn’t remember seeing Wrecker take a hit to his shoulder, but he’s glad someone noticed. 
She has finally managed to sit Wrecker down and has started rummaging through the med pack Echo got out to use on Tech and Cross. Out of the corner of her eye, she notices Wrecker fretting. 
“You remind me of another trooper I once worked with, Big Guy,” she starts, “I was working with the 104th at the time. The man’s name was Numbskull.” 
“Hah! how’d he get a name like that?” Wrecker asks. The room is quiet, all the men listening to her voice in an attempt to keep their minds off of the horrors they found within the walls of Hemlock’s facility. 
“By doing the same thing you do, Goofball! He took so many hits to his shoulder that he eventually lost all the feeling in his arm.” 
“His whole arm?” Wrecker seems stuck somewhere between amusement and worry. 
“Mmhmm. After enough hits to the pressure points and the spaces between the gaps in his armour, he said all he felt was a tingling in the back of his skull when the doc tried the good old pinch test.” 
“Where you pinch his arm to see if he can still feel it?” Once Wrecker started trying to think his way through the story, his worry began to fade.
“Exactly, all he felt was a little tingle in the base of his skull. And then eventually he lost all the feeling in his arm completely. But he could still use the arm like normal, he just couldn’t feel it.” 
“That doesn’t sound so bad. I’d rather not feel any pain.” Wrecker’s shoulders relax. 
Tech and Echo laughed, exchanging glances beside her, as she continued her work on Wrecker. The idea isn’t so bad to them either, a numb Wrecker would certainly be a lot easier to deal with during medical exams, thats for sure. 
She smiled. Her story was working, distracting and calming not just Wrecker, but all the boys, while she patched them up, but she was only getting started. 
“There was this one day where Numbskull was fighting a battle down a seppie hallway. The boys had managed to take out the main power generator, so the whole base was running on backup power. Now, this base was enormous! Definitely ended up a lot bigger than the Seppies intended it to be. So much so, that the entire base was really struggling to function on backup power. Doors would only half open and then get stuck, and blast doors could easily be pried back open without much effort. Battle was going surprisingly well. Turned out they were trying to empty the base anyway, probably because it got too big and was only good as a diversion anymore, so it was just a skeleton crew there. And Numbskull’s squad was one of the ones assigned to work their way through the hallways and clear out any droids they found.” 
She pauses to glance around the room at their faces to see if they want to hear the story before continuing, “Just his luck, Numbskull managed to find a room chock full of fully functional B1’s. Now, Numbskull liked to wield 2 blasters, one in each hand, like Tech over here.” 
Tech smiles, surprised she was aware since he had clearly not been doing that during today’s escape. 
“Numbskull’s preferred tactic was to plant himself in the middle of the driods and extend his arms in a T-pose so he could take down droids on either side at the same time, or so he claimed.” She demonstrated with her body: holding a pretend blaster in each hand, one outstretched on either side of her, pointing 180 degrees away from each other. “He thought that was the most fun way to take the droids down. After a while it kinda became his signature move.” 
By this point, all the men are engaged in the story, various expressions of amusement on their faces and in their stance and posture, not paying much attention to the medical checkups she and Echo were conducting. Even Omega was listening from Hunter’s lap, and Hunter seemed relieved that she was so entrenched in the story and was getting a little of her mojo back. She’d grown rather quiet since their return to the ship. Meanwhile Hunter conducted a discrete medical scan of his little girl with one hand while the other comfortingly petted her hair. 
“I was working with the Commander in the control room when the call came in. Numbskull’s squad had managed to draw the B1’s into the hallway, and Numbskull planted himself right in the middle of all the droids and pulled his signature move,” She’s laughing a bit as she tells the story. “The men were laughing so hard they could barely call it in. Turns out, Numbskull hadn’t noticed the blast doors closing, he’d been so focused on one blaster, he forgot to look back over his other shoulder at his numb arm too. You know how the blast doors close in a spiral so the last spot to close up is right in the center? Well, by the time he remembered to look at his other hand, his numb hand, his arm was stuck. The blast doors had closed around his wrist. It was a good thing the whole base was only functioning on low power, or it would have just taken his whole hand clean off and he wouldn’t have noticed a thing. In the end, he was fine, just some minor bruising. That was the day his squad knew they’d picked the right name for him.” 
Wrecker howled with laughter, and the rest of the room wasn’t far behind. 
“You should have seen the Commander’s face when the squad finally stopped laughing enough to tell him what had happened and that Numbskull was stuck and in need of an extraction.” 
Echo paused, halfway through a procedure for Crosshair, earning a glare from his patient as he turned towards the woman, “Wait, did you say you were working with the 104th?” 
“Yup!” She confirmed. 
“That was the Wolffepack?!” Echo’s disbelief echoes in the small room. 
“Yup!” she was laughing too. “So you know how Wolffe never smiles, and definitely never laughs?” 
“Yeah…?” Echo’s disbelief has turned to skepticism, but it’s quickly fading, she knows too much about Wolffe for this to be completely made up. 
“That was the closest that man has ever come to a laugh that I have ever witnessed. He could not believe the dumb shit his men had gotten into. He just stood there looking pained and staring into a corner for a second (though I think he was focusing all his effort on not laughing), before snorting in annoyance (or laugh that broke through his composure) and leaving the room. He told us later he had to ‘borrow Master Plo’s saber to get Numbskull out’. The control room was still on a holo-call with them when the second bout of uncontrollable laughter that came through the comms a few minutes later turned out to be the squad’s reaction to the way Wolffe just walked in and stood there, glaring at Numbskull’s arm for a solid minute, muttering something about ‘my circus, my monkeys’ and ‘definitely my idiots’ before he ignited the saber and took the doors outta commission.” 
Wrecker laughed again, loud and proud, and clearly relaxed. 
“All done, Big Guy!” she patted Wrecker’s uninjured shoulder, and he got up and walked to the cockpit. Omega jumped up and went with him, Hunter’s favorite soft blanket wrapped tightly around her shoulders.  
Tech looked around the room. Spitfire had clearly done that to relax more than just Wrecker. His whole family (Omega was right) had clearly enjoyed the story. 
Echo declared Crosshair done, and he stood to leave the room. He’d been so tortured, he wasn’t exactly up for walking on his own yet, and she let him put a hand on her shoulder for balance. She discretely helped him up and passed him off to Hunter who was standing at the ready for him. But before Crosshair let go of her shoulder, he gave it a quick squeeze of thanks, and a barely noticeable nod. He too had appreciated the distraction. 
Echo joins her as they begin a scan of Tech’s injuries. 
Still laughing softly to himself Echo shook his head in disbelief, “I still can’t believe that’s a Wolffepack story,” he snorted, pinching his nose. “Does Rex know this one?” 
“Na. Never found the time to tell him. And somehow I don’t see Wolffe ever wanting to tell him that one either. But I sure hope he learns the story someday!” She had moved to helping Echo patch up Tech. 
Tech notices how easily she and Echo converse, not to mention the indicators of a shared history that seems to go back to Echo’s 501st days. Tech wishes he had something like that to help him figure out what to say to this brilliant Mandalorian woman. Tech lets his mind drift a bit as they continue their tests and scans, realizing this is only the second time in his life he’s felt this way about someone. 
Eye’s still glazed over, he begins to subconsciously turn towards the woman whenever she says something, but hardly reacts at all to anything Echo says. 
“Uhh,” Echo looks over at her, “I think this part will go a lot faster with two hands.” He holds out the next patch Tech will need. 
She smiles and takes it, “You don’t need my help, but since you’d rather I do this, I will.” She laughs, which makes Echo smile back. He always did love the sound of her laughter. 
Echo smirked, glanced between her and Tech, and left the room. 
Tech felt his own logic replaced by a sudden bashfulness, his mind nearly as blurry as his vision, but this time he gets the feeling the haze in his mind is from emotions rather than an unstable body in an environment designed to keep it off kilter. But he realizes her story was meant as more than just a way to calm them all down. She also liked it when her actions and words had many meanings, much like he did. She’d just given him a conversation starter. 
“Thank you,” he muttered, unable to look at her as she finished patching him up. “For calming down the whole… family with a story. You’ve no idea how much they needed that. Wrecker can be quite the handful during medical exams.” 
She laughs and nods, “Oh, I know.” 
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It’s not long before they arrive at the medical facility. 
Medics determine that whether or not Tech needs a replacement eye is TBD, he needs to heal a bit first and they need to run a few more tests. So they send him back to his family and the Marauder. 
In the meantime, they are quite overwhelmed removing the chips from the hundreds of clones now roaming the hidden medical facility. To help process them all, Rex volunteers those who have previously had their chips removed and the Mandalorian to aid the processing. 
Naturally, she volunteers to help as much as she can. They assign her to work with Echo to monitor Tech’s state of health, and give her rotations of state of health checks for the other new rescues before and after chip removal, usually during Tech’s more intensive medical checkups with a real doctor. 
This also means she needs to be more familiar with the specifics of Tech’s injuries. Back on the Marauder, she, Tech, and Echo set about constructing more detailed notes about every new mod now adorning Tech. 
“I’m going to need you to take off your shirt for the next part so I can see the mods the medics mentioned on your torso, maybe add some fresh bacta and replace the bandages, you know the drill,” 
Tech obliges without question. It is a logical request, she is only doing her job and intends to help him to the best of her ability as he adjusts to life with his newly modified body. 
However, he finds himself sitting on the hem of his shirt. So, to make it easier, he simply stands up to take it off. 
She turns back around, having just traded out instruments in her hands, doesn’t realize that he stood up to remove his shirt, and nearly faceplants into his bare chest. 
Not that she’s complaining. 
She does everything she can to NOT visibly react beyond simple and expected surprise, but boy is that hard! Tech is ripped. The man has very chiseled muscles. Clearly, Wrecker and Hunter weren’t the only ones hitting the gym frequently. It made sense, they are military men after all. Being in good shape was a logical choice for war. Getting a lot of exercise was a given anyways, and was common amongst the battle-hardened Mandalorians she was used to as well. But somehow, all that had slipped her mind, until Tech took off the tops of his blacks, that is. 
She blushed and hoped her little inhale when she turned around and came face to face with his chest wasn’t audible. She does her best to concentrate on her work, but it’s hard given how attractive and intelligent this man is. 
Wrecker grins at Echo from the doorway. Her reaction wasn’t lost on him. 
Echo takes this as their cue to excuse themselves and return to the others in the cockpit. 
“Oop, sorry! Didn’t realize you stood up!” Is all she says. Fortunately, without his goggles, it wasn’t likely that Tech would notice if her cheeks were heating up. Unless he touched her face, which he had no reason to do, so nothing to worry about, right? 
“Ah, my apologies. You switched out tools more quickly than I anticipated,” Tech tried to look down at the blurry shape he knew was her. 
To verify that the medbay station has not shifted - since it’s not like he can just look at the wheels to see if it is locked in place - Tech turns slightly and leans to place a hand on the medbay station he had been seated at. 
Realizing only too late that she’s still in his personal space, she quickly attempts to shuffle back to a reasonable distance for two new acquaintances, only to find herself dodging his shoulder as he turns to place a hand on the pad. 
Tech freezes when his shoulder brushes past soft hair. He can hear her shuffling around quite close. “Oh, forgive me, I should have warned you I needed to locate my seat, so that you knew not to start yet. Now that I am once again seated, you may begin.” 
How sweet of him to assume she was simply eager to continue on with the state of health check. Of course that’s all it was. She tried to convince herself she had not just gotten distracted by his abs. 
Thankfully, Echo and Wrecker had returned to the cockpit with everyone else, so no one was there to witness the full extent of her embarrassment. As such, there’s nothing much that can be done except to plow on though the medical exams, so that’s what she does. 
Her hands are, once again, cold. So, she rubs them together in an attempt to warm them up before she begins. 
“I take it your extremities are usually cold?” Tech inquires. 
“Yeah, sorry. Not so great when I’m acting as a medic instead of a warrior.” Tech notes that this is the first time her voice has sounded a little shy. 
Following the sounds of her, he reaches out for her hands, and takes them in his. 
His touch is gentle, soft. Surprised that he reached for her hand at all, she is shocked into silence. 
“That hardly qualifies as cold. You may begin, if you are ready,” Tech states. 
“You know it will feel colder on the skin that is usually hidden beneath your blacks and your armor,” she points out, partially on autopilot, still trying to process the face that Tech just took her hands in his and that he just gave her permission to touch him. 
“Yes. I am prepared,” Tech assures her. 
“Alright, here goes,” she shrugs off her feelings as best as she can. 
Gentle fingers examine the lines between machine and man, searching for bruises and tender spots in the hopes that the internal damage is minimal and was well patched up. 
Tech is amazed by how gentle this woman’s touch is. There are moments when he is barely even aware that her fingers still rest on him. 
And he quite likes having her hands on his chest and arms. He’s never enjoyed touch so much, nor had he ever liked touch directly on his skin so much before. In fact, he usually didn’t like it. He’d been trained to wear blacks and gloves whenever he did anything - building things, warfare, even when typing. He didn’t like things on his skin. His blacks provided a welcome barrier between him and the strange textures of the world around him. 
Hunter had often placed a hand on his shoulder, and he’d noticed Captain Rex did the same. Even during medical assessments, the Kaminoans only touched the clones if it was absolutely necessary. Clone medics were a different story, many used touch to reassure stressed and pained brothers, but Echo, the medic of the 99th, knew Tech didn’t like touch. 
Wrecker’s touch often annoyed him though. Wrecker often forgot how strong he was, and roughhousing wasn’t uncommon around him. Tech didn’t like it when Wrecker would shove his shoulder, but Wrecker meant well, so Tech didn’t say anything about it anymore. 
But then she had touched him. And it was like she had known he was repulsed by, and unfamiliar with touch, so she kept her touches as light and barely-there as possible. As she works on a panel on his shoulder, her palm rests on his pec. 
Tech quietly revels in it, resisting the urge to place his hand upon hers and hold it there flat against his chest for a moment. Was this why Wrecker and Hunter liked touch? No, it couldn’t be. Her touch was not like any other being Tech had ever come into contact with, pun intended. She was special, but he barely knew anything about her. He could barely even see her… and though physical attraction had never been important to Tech before, he found himself aching just to know her face. It hadn’t helped that Echo had made a point to describe her as cute when he introduced her to Crosshair. He wondered what Echo considered cute… if only he could see, then he might understand the comment. 
Fixated on his ability to see, or rather lack thereof, Tech’s mind begins to spiral. He’s so used to being able to see the world around him, and so much of what he does depends on it, a few hours of blindness felt like an eternity. 
Much of what Tech did depended on his ability to see, but now he’s going to have to learn alternatives just to live. 
He can get a walking stick, or a guide massiff, though it’s not likely Hunter will allow the latter. They don’t need one more mouth to feed. Normally, he would just build a robotic one, but he can’t safely construct anything if he can’t see what he is doing. Gonky could help a bit as a proxy guide-massif, but there is a lot he can’t do, and he’s slow, Tech needed fast. 
Speaking of speed, would he ever be able to run again? It’s hard to move quickly if you aren’t aware of your environment. He wouldn’t be much help on missions if he can’t move quickly… and he definitely wouldn’t be able to fight with just his hearing to rely on. 
Now Tech wished he had the force. He’d heard tell of Jedi who learned to see through the force, but that wasn’t in the cards for a mere clone. The Kaminoans seemed certain that the ability to wield the force could not be cloned, and as far as Tech was aware there was no reason NOT to trust their knowledge there. After all, cloning was their expertise. 
As she continues with the health check, she notices his demeanor falling again - he’s so used to being able to see the world around him. 
In an effort to both cheer him up and bring in their other resident expert in modifications to living beings, she calls Echo back into the room. As it stands, they do have a lot of similar mods now. She asks Echo a few questions about various attachments now adorning Tech as they run diagnostics and make sure everything is interfacing with Tech’s own body in ways that won’t do more damage than good. 
As they work, they place Tech’s fingers on each mod so he can “see” it, warning him of buttons and asking questions about what he can control. 
“Echo, does this data port look familiar to you?” She is working on a mod behind Tech’s ear at the base of his skull. 
Tech lifts his hand from his lap “Show me.” 
She obliges and gently places his fingers on the port. Meanwhile her fingers drift off the metal and settle ever so gently on Tech’s own skin, remaining near the piece she is working on. 
Tech twitches. 
She quickly pulls her hand away. “Sorry, I know my hands got cold again.” 
“It is quite alright, I was simply not expecting it,” Tech just hopes she misses the blush on his cheeks. He’s doing everything he can to keep his heart rate down too. He’d quite enjoyed her touch actually. Gentle and soft, despite the well-calloused fingers from years of working on wiring and machinery and armor. 
But it wasn’t just that. Tech was learning all sorts of things about the human body he had never even considered before today. One of which, is that there seems to be an erogenous zone just beneath the ear. Right where her fingers had so gently brushed. The softness of her touch had sent a spark through his veins and a shiver down his spine. Truth be told, that was why Tech had flinched, not the temperature of her hands. But he needed more data, not to mention time, in order to prove whether it was simply the long-lasting effect of whatever drugs Hemlock had used on Tech, before he even came close to admitting the real reason why to anyone. 
Unbenounced to Tech, Echo had noticed. Echo knew knew what it looked like when Tech flinched when he was startled. And the way Tech has straightened up instead of shifting away like he usually did looked a hell of a lot more like an aroused shiver to him. So a mind like Tech’s could be aroused after all. But Echo also needed solid proof before he’d believe it. And he was standing next to a very attractive woman. Afterall, the man was a Domino. So, naturally, there was one way to get more information quickly. He would flirt with her as the conversation continued, and watch Tech’s reaction. 
“I wish I could see the port,” Tech’s voice is quiet, “I cannot quite tell what it is with just touch.” 
“Yeah, it’s quite a small port and it’s recessed into the panel a bit.” Echo answers, no hint of mischief in his tone. Fives and Rex hadn’t nicknamed him ‘silver tongue’ for nothing. 
“Hmm, I swear I’ve seen a cable with that end on it around here somewhere…” Her thought trails off as she looks around. “Any chance you remember where we should look to find a plethora of cables we could try, Tech?” 
“If I could see my surroundings, I could probably think of the many places I keep assorted cables, but I do not know how things have been reorganized or shifted around since I was last on the ship…” Tech’s voice trails off with a sigh. 
The room falls quiet for a moment. Tech can hear them rummaging around. He never thought losing the ability to see would affect him so much. In fact, he never really thought about losing his sight at all. His mind was not made to process emotions well, in point of fact it was made with the intent of avoiding the cumbersome ordeal of emotions so that logic would drive him in stressful situations. But even the Kaminoans couldn’t remove all the human pieces, so Tech still had emotions… he slouched forward, resting his elbows on his knees and hung his head. 
Just a glimpse would be all he would need. He hadn’t realized just how dependent on sight his life was. No matter what happened, whether they were able to get him a prosthetic eye, like Wreckers, or whether they could not, he would make a point of learning how to cope in a world where he could not see, just in case. But for now, he was living in a world of VERY blurry shapes. He sighed heavily. 
“I know,” her voice piped up from right beside Tech. He hadn’t realized she was still right next to him. He turned towards her, though it wasn’t like he could SEE her. He suppressed another sigh. And felt a light touch rest on his shoulder where a soft, very familiar material was draped over his arm; his blacks. He reached up for his shirt and she placed it in his hand. 
“I know. It’s hard to lose a sense that you had previously depended on so much. We will find a way to get some of your sight back. We can also find other ways so you don’t have to feel so dependent on seeing the world around you, if that would help?” 
Tech nodded, “Thank you,” he replied quietly, placing a hand over hers on his shoulder. “And, for the record, your hands are not that cold.” 
“Oh,” her voice took on a teasing tone, “so they are a little cold, huh?” She nudged him with the hint of a laugh in the air between them. 
He let out a little chuckle too. Tech found himself unknowingly leaning into her touch a bit. He couldn’t see, but he could feel - touch as well as emotions. He’d learned that much from his interactions today. 
But the happiness on his features quickly faded, the weight of his current predicament too great to allow simple distractions to last for long. 
“Maybe you don’t need to see it or touch it to figure this out. What do you feel?” Her voice dragged his wandering mind back to the real world. 
“WhAt?” Tech’s heart raced. Had she already figured out he liked her touch? Had he been that obvious? Internally, Tech went into panic mode. Externally, he did his best to keep his cool, like he always did. 
“Can you access the port and tell us what kind of data it is programmed to receive?” She asked. 
“Ah, excellent idea,” he replied, cool and nonchalant. Of course that was what she had meant, Tech’s panic subsided. He put his shirt back on and took a moment to search for the device driver in his operating system. 
“It seems to be set up to take in all media types: text files, binary files, audio and video files, a wide variety of map files, anything a typical datapad can handle.” 
“WAIT!” Her voice was laced with a revelation. 
Tech jumped at the excitement in her voice, and he could hear Echo stop his rummaging. He had likely stopped to turn and look at her. 
“What is it, Gorgeous?” A teasing smirk graced Echo’s features as he looks at her, watching Tech in his peripheral vision, knowing full well Tech can’t see the look on his face, “another useful factoid on the tip of your tongue?” 
She laughed. Tech wished he could tell if she had also smiled at Echo or not. She likely had. It was a fairly common reaction when someone was flir—Wait! Was Echo flirting with her? Tech found himself getting angry. Illogical, he barely knew her! But he did like her touch, as well as her demeanor, not to mention her wit! She was kind, gentle, and had so far proven to be his equal in mind. She had, as Hunter described it, been the one to sift through Tech’s notes and make sense of them, and figured out he was still alive. He felt like he owed her his life as much as he owed it to his brothers. 
And yet the way Echo had called her ‘gorgeous’, and the ease with which they communicated in half-formed sentences while searching the room, as well as the shared experiences implied by the story earlier, would suggest they had known each other for quite a while. 
We’re they partners? And if so, in what sense of the word? Had he finally found his equal in mind, the kind of person he’d finally allowed himself to dream of having as a partner, only to discover that her heart had already been given away to someone else? Tech desperately hoped that was not the case. Though, if it was, Echo was a lucky man indeed. 
Tech was lost in his thoughts, his mind racing away in a split second, missing that he had not hidden the pinch of his brow when Echo called her ‘Gorgeous’. Echo took it to mean that Tech was upset that he couldn’t even see her face. 
“Video files! Tech! You brilliant man! You already solved it!” She exclaimed. 
“Pardon?” Tech was confused. He wasn’t holding anything. He hadn’t been fiddling with anything had he? 
“Where are the goggles?” He could hear her excitedly shuffling around him. 
“Goggles won't do much, I’d need ey—“ he stopped, realizing exactly where she was going with this. “My recording device! Do you think you could make it into a prosthetic eye? I could provide instructions, if need be.” 
“First, let’s just see if this is gonna work. Ah HA! Here they are! Echo, do you remember where we put the cable for them?” 
“Yeah. That I kept safe. It’s over here,” Echo’s footsteps walked past Tech, towards Echo’s special spot where he kept his important belongings. So that much had stayed constant during Tech’s leave of absence. 
“Okay,” she started, again at Tech’s side. “I repaired your recording device, and Echo made sure there’s no trace of the Empire’s meddling left on it. So, in theory, all we have to do is plug it in. Tell me if something doesn’t feel right, and we will unplug immediately and start a diagnostic. Okay?” 
“Excellent,” Tech replied. “However, if anything goes wrong, I suggest you have a mild sedative on hand to knock me out, and a set of cuffs ready just in case the Empire tries to take my mind back.” 
She sighed, Tech felt a new touch on his shoulder. Definitely her touch, but not like a touch he’d felt before. Echo could be heard retrieving the necessary preparations in the background, while Tech sorted out this new feeling. Then her hair brushed his bicep. She was resting her forehead on his shoulder! She laughed quietly. 
“You really do think of everything don’t you?” She’d said it quietly, so quietly it was likely that Echo couldn't hear exactly what she had said. 
“It is wise to be prepared,” Tech could feel his finger rising to accentuate his point, automatically. 
“Yes, but I seriously hope we don’t have to use them,” she muttered quietly, to him alone.  
“As do I,” He agreed. 
Echo returned with the cable and Tech’s suggested in-case-of’s. 
Tech sat there, waiting. Nervousness painting his features. He might be able to see again, momentarily! And if he did, would it be enough to make him useful again until he could teach himself alternative methods? Would it be enough to allow him to continue to participate in their chaotic lifestyle? Questions danced around his mind. But he took a deep breath and refocused himself on the here and now, on the senses he could still use. 
He could tell that she now stood side-by-side with Echo. Echo in front of Tech, while she returned to her post at Tech’s side. He tilted his head to give her better access to the data port there. 
“Let me take the remaining fragments out of the lenses. Maker, why didn’t we do that ages ago? Why did we let this sit here with shards of transparisteel in it?” She muttered. 
Tech noted that she seemed nervous too, though he was not sure why. He could hear the pieces entering the waste receptacle as she removed them one by one. Tech waited patiently, doing his best not to tap his foot. He needed to stim, but he didn’t want it to come across as impatience. 
“It’s okay if you need to stim, Tech,” she must have noticed what he was doing. “I understand this is a big moment, if you need to move to process it, don’t stop on my account.” 
Tech let a small smile cross his features, as he let out a sigh he didn’t know he was holding. “Thank you,” he said to the floor. He took a deep breath to let his nerves around her out - it was actually sort of helpful that he couldn't see her yet, it became significantly easier to let go when he was only vaguely aware of her presence - and allowed his foot to resume its rhythmic tapping. 
“Alright, you ready?” She asked. 
Tech nodded. “Ready when you are.”
“I’m going to put your goggles on you first, over the bandages.They’re gonna be very loose though, we don’t need it creating more injuries while these heal. You adjust them as needed so it feels comfortable, then when you’re ready, I’ll plug it in. I don’t know how it’s going to interface with your operating system, but I bet Echo can give you some tips on that if he hasn’t already. He’s standing right in front of you so he will be the first thing you see. Okay?” 
“Understood.” Tech held as still as he could, his anticipation palpable. 
“Here goes. Goggles going on…” 
He felt the band slip over his head, and reached up to adjust it as she had suggested. His fingers brushed over hers. He felt that new spark again, racing from the point of contact between their hands to his core. But right now he was too excited to see again. He pushed the spark to the side, hoping he would have time to focus on that later. 
“Ready to receive data,” he told her, closing his one good eye to avoid the juxtaposition of one blurry and one clear image confusing his brain. 
“Plugging in… there.” 
She and Echo watched the red light on the side of Tech’s goggles blink to life, and then go a steady red. 
Tech remained still for a moment. 
She and Echo exchanged hopeful glances. 
Then, Tech’s brows rose and his chin lifted, pointing the camera up, towards Echo’s face. 
“Hello, Echo,” Tech chirped, relieved to have some sight to work with again. Though this new perspective - from the side of his face - would take some getting used to. 
For the first time in a while, Echo smiled. “Hello Tech! Good to have you back, ol’ buddy!” 
Tech looked slowly down at his lap, and raised his hands, getting adjusted to the side-shifted perspective. 
Next to Tech, she giggled. “Oh you brilliant mind, you!” And she pressed a quick kiss to Tech’s temple. 
As heat rose to the surface of Tech’s cheeks, he was suddenly struck by the fact that he still hadn’t seen her face. He didn’t know why that made him nervous though. 
Echo laughed. Her surprise kiss to Tech had caught even him off guard. 
“Oh! Sorry, I didn’t even think about it, I just did it. Was that okay? I’m sorry if I overstepped!” She babbled. 
Tech opened his mouth to answer, but found his mind vacant of any coherent sentences. It was all he could do to try to refocus on his surroundings to ground himself once again. 
So he focused on Echo, who was still standing in front of him. It had been a while since Tech had seen Echo laugh like this. And their reactions would clearly indicate that Echo and Spitfire were clearly not ‘together’ as his brothers would say. But the nerves quickly took over Tech’s mind again as he realized she had withdrawn her touch from him while she waited for his answer. He did his best to reacquire his ability to speak. 
“It is quite alright. I do not mind,” Tech replied. Odds were, he was not hiding the warmth in his face now. He had completely lost control of it. Oh well, at least it was appropriate in such a situation. And it gave him an excuse to look at her. 
Slowly, so that his new perspective wouldn’t make his stomach spin like his head currently was from her kiss, he turned to look at her, hoping his naturally emotionless exterior would swoop in and save him from further embarrassment. 
But it seemed his subconscious wanted to make him suffer today. It took extra effort to hide his reaction. Echo was right. She was gorgeous. Tech had known she was smart, at least as intelligent as he was if he had to wager a guess. He was well aware that he liked the gentleness of her touch. And he had known that she had a pretty voice, and an even prettier laugh. But she was also very physically attractive. Especially with the flustered expression currently adorning her face as she bit her lip and looked nervously at him. 
Once again, Tech didn’t have words, he just looked at her. He didn’t know what he expected, all he knew was that her natural beauty threw him off guard. 
Beside them, Echo was trying to contain his laughter; though admittedly, he wasn’t trying that hard. 
“Brother, you’re staring,” Echo chortled, shaking Tech’s shoulder to snap him out of it. 
Tech started and snapped his gaze back to Echo. Too fast. He could feel the nausea rising in his gut. He tried to close his eyes and then remembered his real eye was closed and this new ‘eye’ didn’t have eyelids. He got the feeling his face was likely draining of color. 
“You okay?” Concern laced her voice. 
“Unplug,” Tech managed, swallowing hard, “please.” 
She hurriedly unplugged the device. “What’s up, everything okay?” 
Tech sat still and breathed for a moment. Well, all things considered, it does make sense that a new point of view would be disorienting. However, since they had decided so quickly to try this, it was not an outcome he had yet thought through. 
One more swallow and a long deep breath and he was ready to speak again. “Yes. Thank you for unplugging quickly. The point of view of my recording device is a little too far to one side. I moved too quickly, and became disoriented and slightly nauseous.” 
Next to Tech, Echo was not even bothering to hold in his laughter anymore. 
Hunter appeared in the doorway, the laughter having drawn his attention from the cockpit, as Echo piped up, “Of all the things I thought might happen when we got out your goggles, ‘Tech getting distracted by a beautiful woman, and then allowing his own jumpiness to make himself sick’ was certainly not on the list.” He laughed harder, “I can’t wait to tell Rex this story.” Now Hunter was laughing too. 
Tech’s cheeks blazed with heat. 
“Are you sure it wasn’t the fact that I’m NOT actually attractive that made him sick, Echo?” 
The room fell silent. 
“WHAT!” Hunter and Echo’s voices suddenly filled the ship’s hold, reverberating off the durasteel walls. 
“Why would you think that?” Hunter asked. 
“Don’t coddle me Hunter, I’m used to it.” 
Hunter and Echo sat there fishing for words like fish out of water. Their mouths opened and closed, but no sound came out. 
Tech could hear only silence in answer. That was not okay. Why weren’t his brother’s saying something? No matter, Tech would do his best to remedy the issue. 
“Then allow me to put your concerns to rest,” Tech butted in, “For I AM certain that it was my startled reaction to Echo bringing me out of my reverie. I was indeed distracted by your beauty. I have rarely ever encountered an individual of your caliber. I must admit, while the first thing I noticed about you was your voice, it was your mind that truly caught my attention. But now that I have seen your face, I can confirm that you are indeed quite a stunning woman as well.” 
She spluttered for a moment, struggling to find words of any sort. “I… well… umm……… thank you, Tech. That’s… that’s very sweet of you.” She rested her hand on his shoulder again, and this time Tech happily reached up and placed his over hers. 
“He’s right, you know. I don’t call just anyone Gorgeous,” Echo flirted. Tech could hear Echo moving towards her, and desperately wished he could see what they were doing. But wait, that could work! Though he didn’t quite know why he was so desperate to keep Echo from flirting with her - was this jealousy? All he knew was that he was going to act on it regardless. 
“Will you, um,” Tech pointed to the side of his head. “I would like to see the rest of my brothers now,” he finished while she reconnected the cord. “We will have to find ways to do this differently in the future, but for now, at least I am not totally in the dark.” 
Off to the side now, Echo chuckled quietly to himself. So he had been proven right. Tech was already quite taken with her. 
“I’ll go get the others then,” Echo volunteered to give them a moment to themselves, already heading towards the cockpit. 
Tech sat still for a moment, and she watched the light blink and go steady again. And then Tech’s hand reached to the side, towards her. She knew he could not see her where she was standing, but it surprised her when he found her hand and gently pulled her in front of him, so he could look up at her again. 
“Yes.” Tech said, eyes wide. “You are indeed quite attractive, My Dear. Now, if only I could quantify that for you to prove it.” He smirked, “perhaps I can, though it will take time and deliberation to develop a good system. You are not something that can be taken lightly.” 
The surprise on her face pleased him. But his emotions were becoming very confusing for his analytical mind. He felt a rush at having so successfully complimented her on his first try. But he also felt nervous that he wouldn’t be able to best that compliment. And he felt ‘screwed’ as Wrecker would describe it… there was no way to avoid falling for this woman. But somehow, knowing that he was fated to fall for her was… thrilling? Emotions were complicated… and not at all logical… and so rarely ever came one at a time anymore. but alas, those were issues for later, he reminded himself again. Right now, he wanted to see his brothers, and sister! 
“My Dear,” he practically purred, he could see Hunter raising his eyebrows at him in the doorway behind her, “Would you help me to stand up slowly so that I can look my brothers in the eye when I greet them?” 
“You might want to wait on that one,” Hunter was now leaning against the wall just outside the main room, looking over his shoulder towards the copilot's seat as a blur of blonde dashed out ahead of Wrecker, Echo, and Crosshair. 
The woman stepped aside as the blonde dart zipped in for a hug. 
“Tech! I still can’t believe you’re alive!” Her voice was muffled as she refused to raise her head from his chest to speak. “Echo said you can sorta see now?” She uncurled herself from his chest and backed up so she could see his face. “Ooooh! Are you using the recording device on your goggles as your new eyes?” She asked. She seemed impressed. 
“Indeed. Good observation, Omega.” 
Tech couldn’t help but smile. Behind her, Hunter’s grin was the biggest of them all. Though Wrecker’s teary one might surpass that quickly. 
“Tech!” Wrecker blubbered from over Omega’s shoulder, “I’m sorry I couldn’t get you outta the railcar fast enough. If I had, maybe you wouldn't be dealing with this now.” 
“Wrecker, there was nothing you could have done. But it does not matter. I am here now, and we are finding solutions, just like we always do.” Tech’s voice was matter of fact, as always, but in a way meant to reassure Wrecker. 
Wrecker’s tears subsided a bit, and he tilted his head to the side, realizing he was standing directly in front of Tech, but Tech’s new eye was off to one side. By tilting his head, he could more directly look his brother in the ‘eye’ so to speak. “Is it… like normal… or is it… offset?” He asked. 
His observation impressed Tech. 
“It is offset. So much so, that if I move too much or too quickly it will make me feel nauseated.” Tech explained. 
“So, no sudden movements?” Wrecker tucked his arms in, resisting the urge to hug his brother. 
“That’s why you were laughing earlier, right?” Hunter asked Echo. 
“Yeah,” Echo answered, taking the opportunity to fill Wrecker in, “he made himself woozy when I startled him because he got distracted by her.” Echo used his thumb to gesture at Spitfire. 
Wrecker smiled, and had been about to further Tech’s embarrassment when Crosshair stepped forward, and for a moment the room fell silent. 
“It does not look like they treated you well, Crosshair.” Tech observed. 
“You could say that,” Crosshair drawled.  
“I wish there was more I could have done to prevent that,” Tech spoke up again. “I was connected to the main system at the base, but it seems Hemlock did his research well, and learned what not to do from our mission to break Echo out of the Techno Union’s control. I suspect Spitfire already told you as much… In short, the effect on my end was that I could see you two, but I could do nothing to protect you.” 
Crosshair shrugged and looked away. He was surprised that Tech still wanted to protect him. After they all kept their blasters trained on him while he rescued Omega from the sinking wreckage on Kamino, he had thought he’d lost their trust forever. 
“However, I could access your record,” that earned a side eye from Crosshair as Tech continued. “I am sorry about Mayday. Though I am proud he was our brother too. I would have acted much the same as you, had I been there in your stead.” 
Crosshair retreated into himself, jaw clenched, but nodded subtly. 
The other’s exchanged glances, that name was new to them. Omega opened her mouth, questions on the tip of her tongue, but Hunter shook his head, and she fell silent, understanding that that meant that Crosshair was clearly not ready to talk about it. 
“Have you received the medical attention you need since returning to the ship?” Tech inquired. 
Crosshair nodded, doing his best not to show how grateful he was that Tech had diverted the topic at hand, but Tech’s observational nature noticed every detail. 
“Echo made me his nurse!” Wrecker chimed in. “Don’t feel bad waking me up for anything Cross, I’ve got ya!” 
Tech let a half smile sit on his lips. He was back home with his brothers and sister again. Everything was going to be okay. And there was a highly intelligent, highly attractive woman, whom he was willing to believe was flirting with him, if her sudden kiss to his temple earlier was anything to go off of.
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Please don’t steal my work! I pour my heart into these so if you like it please reblog to share instead of reposting it!
taglist: @bambambunny @amorfista @originalcollectionartistry (I hope I got everyone, and if I messed up and added someone who wasn't supposed to be on the taglist, dm me and I'll fix it!)
12 notes · View notes
mdhwrites · 6 months
Do you think Amphibia's dedication to its themes was too much in certain aspects? I'll try to explain:
Sasha was the first commander of the resistance, but it was Anne and Sprig who brought the newts and toads to their side, and it was ultimately Anne who made them all work together. Amphibia wants Anne to be, in simple terms, "the most important person" in the show, but it leaves me wondering what exactly were Sasha and Grime doing for most of the resistance's progress to happen after Anne returns.
On the topic of change: Isn't it a bit weird that neither the ending nor Marcy's journal showed the girls potentially dealing with trauma after they return from Amphibia? I understand that they want to portray change as inevitable and a part of life you have to accept, but I can't help but feel they missed on a bit of nuance in the process. It could have been due to lack of time or space tho.
Best wishes!
The latter one of these two I actually find more interesting, even if it's slightly more infuriating too for reasons I'll get into, but let's get the first out of the way.
Mostly that... What? Anne takes a HARD backseat in S3B. It is about Amphibia and its people and while she has a couple episodes where she gets to be the one helping out, a lot of them are about the frogs themselves. Hell, Sasha is doing about as much as Anne is except that Anne can leave to promote the resistance and act as a fighter because Sasha is busy with the full time duty of a commander. There's a reason stories focus on a general's top soldier, not the general himself. That's just storytelling conventions and Anne still doesn't overshadow Sasha much. Hell, the Olms are MUCH more brought in by the Plantars and Sasha than anything Anne does. More Hop Pop above the rest even, not just Sprig.
As for getting them all to work together... Do you not remember that episode? Anne fails for 80% of it before she LOSES IT and makes them all realize that even if they hate each other, they hate Andrias more. Hell, she only leads them because she has mediation experience and again, she fucks it up for the most part. It's still Sasha who technically brought them all to one place. I will admit that Anne gets an episode with Tritonio but I've already talked about how Sasha was the leader for bringing in the Ohms. Sprig helps bring in the toads specifically because he pisses them off so much as to end up in a dual where he needs to expand his own way of thinking and looking at others in order to win.
None of this glorifies any of them. Anne just points out rightfully through empathy that Tritonio does care about his people. Sasha pushes the Olms hard enough to force them to listen to her and give them a chance. Sprig is bigoted but in fixing that, he starts to let go of it. None of this is glorifying anyone, especially with how hard each of them has to fight to get these people to budge enough to even bother working together to save their world, something the show depicts... Because the show DOES acknowledge change is difficult and something people push back again.
Anne spends literally an ENTIRE season breaking her old habits and changing into a more mature person. She spends the first season constantly wanting to default to how things used to be for her, or how she wants them to be for her before learning to appreciate the new world she lives in, both literally and figuratively. Even then, Anne is still Anne. Two seasons later, she still devotes herself to pleasing her best friend during Sprig's birthday because old shackles haven't broken. They've loosened but change takes time.
Amphibia itself reflects this. Quick change DESTROYS IT. Forced change destroys it. The entire world is wrecked by someone trying to make it become something it is not and to bend to his will. Its people though do not simply forget their grudges because of this though because letting those things go, the humiliations, the traumas, etc. inflicted by each other (especially on the frogs) is something they cannot drop. It takes a literal world ending threat to BARELY make them work together. It actually presents a lot of interesting potential for what in fact does happen to the world afterwards.
But if you NEED it to be about trauma... What the fuck did you miss about Sasha's arc? Losing to Anne almost KILLS HER. In fact, she is willing to die because of utterly defeated she is, especially by the fact that in that moment, she has to acknowledge that Anne is a better person than her, not just a fighter. This causes her to lash out so badly that she spends ALL of S2 in denial until she finds a way to possibly put herself on even footing with Anne. When she has to acknowledge the actual pain this caused though, everything that she's held onto that is now ripped away from her, it puts her in a spiral of self doubt until she figures out a new direction to go.
But Sasha is still Sasha, even changed like this because, well... It's almost impossible to entirely change a person or people. She still wants to be leading. She still gets grossed out the nastier parts of Amphibia. All that changed was that now instead of being self serving in her desires, she understands what leadership actually means and the true value of other people. Even then, she still is struggling with accepting all of this which is why she wants an out when it comes to Marcy. To not have to deal with something so hard.
THIS is part of why I am SOOOOO tired of trauma talk in cartoon fandoms. Anything remotely dark happens and people seem to entirely forget what actually is on screen and cry out for therapy. Remember: Amphibia is a fantasy, slice of life, comedy that eventually gets more of an adventure edge in S3B. They still however make comments on bigotry, the long term damage due to that bigotry, trauma and our responses to it, the change that that can sometimes require and the lengths we'll go to to avoid addressing that, etc. etc.
But because we never get an entire season dedicated to Anne sobbing about Marcy, no one actually cares because it's not as blunt as Barrel's Hammer. Everyone seemed to miss that Anne was so overwhelmed by what happened in True Colors that she couldn't even recap it all without frying herself and that was WITHOUT acknowledging her friend's death. That she works herself to the bone until people convince her that destroying herself won't fix those mistakes faster, it'll just make more mistakes. I LOVE how Amphibia deals with actually acknowledging some of this stuff while managing to still recognizably BE AMPHIBIA.
Heck, the fandom explicitly DOESN'T want the deeper discussions the epilogue implies. That all three of them went through so much shit for and BECAUSE of one another that staying friends would be hard. Other people won't remind them of getting stabbed, scarred, betrayed, etc. but the trio WILL. And so they needed time in order to properly cope with it all. They didn't disconnect but they gave each other space until they were ready to properly handle what their relationship could be now.
Or, you know, just because they were forced to work together for the sake of other people they cared about, they should totally be blood sisters for the rest of eternity. Let's not talk about how two of them literally had to let go of the third to let her DIE for the sake of those they cared about. How do you cope with that? Does that torture Marcy because she can't protect Anne after moving? Is she thankful to have an excuse to disconnect because it means she'll care less if Anne ever dies again? And that's just ONE of the BILLION questions you have to ask about what Marcy does when she finally gets a chance to breathe.
The season the fandom wants about trauma is NOT what they would get. Fandom trauma is where you have a character angst, cry, get a hug and a cookie and then everything is okay. It's an excuse to have big emotions that lead to stronger bonds. It still romantices it into something that can only be for the best for a person and not actually that hard to get over. Trauma doesn't work like that. PEOPLE don't work like that.
Just as a personal example, and sorry this goes for so long: In October I had a session with my therapist specifically about getting into trauma inflicted by my brother pretending to be mentally disabled, something I actually am, and betrayal/bigotry shown to me by a TOH Discord group. These scars were over a year old. Over two years for when my brother started his shit. I had technically talked about these issues with other therapists before but now it was to specifically talk about them with the context of me having worsened my Avoidant Personality Disorder.
It destroyed me.
I went from taking random walks and having a potentially positive, excess energy in me STRAIGHT to complete lethargy, non functionality and, of course, though not as blunt because Tumblr doesn't have a spoiler text option I can find, dangerous thoughts that even scared me more than usual on some nights. It took me over a week to function again. To get back to about where I had before. And mind you, this wasn't a session about FIXING these issues. This was just me talking about them to let my current therapist know what was on my mind and what had happened. It made such not progress that I'm actively scared about how many sessions it will take to actually make me progress on these issues.
Meanwhile, I am not some cinnamon roll who needs pets because of these issues. I get REAL upset when people treat me like a ticking time bomb who is about to start sobbing any second now. The main effect it has had on me is that I am TERRIFIED of publishing my own work. I had my experiences invalidated and my personhood made less and so my deepest expressions of those stand on extremely shaky ground where despite knowing I'm a good writer, nothing sounds good enough to my brain and it just causes more anxiety the harder I push. It's a large part of why I haven't written a lot this year and published nothing original that wasn't written LAST YEAR.
Now translate all of that complexity, and all that boredom that comes with it, to a full season of Amphibia about the girls processing the end of their journey and saying goodbye to their families. Even just a couple episodes about it. How entertaining is that? Is that ANYTHING like what you enjoy about Amphibia in the first place? Is that ACTUALLY what you want?
Because you know what? I made a story about depression, anxiety, trauma etc. and while people like the fanfic version, it's not my most popular fanfic and the published, original version of that story has mostly gone entirely overlooked, almost like those topics actually REALLY suck to read about and have explored properly rather than just being an excuse to have your ships hold each other a little tighter. Most people who read the fanfic were there to see Lumity angst that led to them getting together and were then shocked and pleasantly surprised how there were actual therapy techniques they could take with them and the like in it because they were there to see a couple they liked suffer so their bond could grow stronger.
And I want to be clear real quick: I do not begrudge anyone for enjoying Crises Girlfriends like that. I am actually just happy you enjoyed it at all and in a way that was healthy for you (and I've had people talk about needing to put it down because it fucked them up so badly). There are games I am SCARED to play because I fear what my emotional reaction will be to their themes. Celeste is one of those games. I don't like when my media wrecks me like that but that is a part of actually tackling these very serious subjects that ruin people's lives like trauma or depression or the like.
And... I just don't think most people actually want that. Let alone want that from their silly frog cartoon. it's just what people keep telling them to want because 'trauma' is the big buzzword of the day. The thing that makes it not like other kid's cartoons.
I don't want trauma regarded like that though. Nothing so serious should just be a token signifier to others that your story is 'deep', let alone when the story actually does show responses to trauma and how people handle that like Amphibia does.
For funsies, have an old blog that's admittedly about TOH but also applies to fantasy trauma in Amphibia as well because the genre is EXTREMELY awkward about trauma due to its fantastical nature. I think Amphibia does fantasy trauma better but, well... The Plantar's trauma about herons still applies to one of the types I describe.
Also, best wishes to you asker. Sorry for ending up using your ask to unload some frustrations I have about the topic.
I have a public Discord for any and all who want to join!
I also have an Amazon page for all of my original works in various forms of character focused romances from cute, teenage romance to erotica series of my past. I have an Ao3 for my fanfiction projects as well if that catches your fancy instead. If you want to hang out with me, I stream from time to time and love to chat with chat.
A Twitter you can follow too
And a Kofi if you like what I do and want to help out with the fact that disability doesn’t pay much.
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minisugakoobies · 2 years
Versus | MYG, JHS - Chapter 6
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Pairing: Yoongi x Reader x Hoseok
Genre: smut, fluff, angst, crack, enemies to lovers, Villains!AU
Rating: M (18+)
Warnings: mentions of weapons - blades, mentions of blood/bleeding, stabbing, explosions, fighting (hand-to-hand combat), flesh-eating bacteria, a plane nearly crashes, switching POVs, kissing, grinding, Vitality gives in to temptation, Yoongi and Hobi give in to their instincts
Word Count: 2.7k
Disclaimer: NSFW, obviously I don’t own BTS - they just inspire me
Summary: Supervillain exes Yoongi and Hoseok are sick and tired of having their plans for world domination wrecked by you, aka Vitality, the world’s most powerful superhero. When fellow villain Jimin suggests a little competition to see who can bring you to your knees, they both eagerly accept. Now the battle is on as both men engage you in fight after fight to see who will conquer you first. Will you finally defeat these two, or will they destroy you - and possibly take each other out in the process?
A/N: We're upping the ante with the battles this chapter! The lines are really starting to blur for our superhero and villains alike.
The chapter title comes from OK Go's Here It Goes Again:
I guess there's gotta be a break in the monotony But Jesus, when it rains, how it pours
Unbeta’d as usual. Please don't be a silent reader! 🥺 My inbox is always open! 💕
Chapter Five ✨ Series Masterlist ✨ Chapter Seven
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Chapter Six: Jesus, When It Rains, How It Pours
As far as weeks go, you’ve had better. 
Monday started off with a bang when half of midtown was ravaged by a gila monster the size of a jumbo jet that escaped from some mad scientist’s lab after getting into some horrifically effective secret growth serum. Tuesday you took down an entire team of disgruntled ex-military men threatening to blow up the city if the officials didn’t meet their demands for, uh, actually, you never asked what they wanted, you just defeated them before they could do anything other than terrorize a whole building full of innocent hostages. 
Wednesday was nothing but meetings and team building exercises - honestly, worse than the giant lizard and the mercenaries combined. 
And here it is Thursday, and you’re once again fighting Yoongi. He’s really been on one lately, and you’re getting a little sick and tired of seeing his face. Especially when he won’t stop throwing those fucking blades at you and ruining your plans to spend the day relaxing for once. Well, relaxing as much as you can for a superhero busy constantly saving the world. So, like, eating banana Choco Pies and maybe binging a few episodes of All of Us Are Dead in between training sessions.
“Heads up, pretty bird!” Yoongi grins as another dagger hurtles through the air. You spin, avoiding the sharp projectile, and aim a high kick at his head. He manages to duck, dropping to his knees. Two more daggers slip from his sleeves and he chucks them as he laughs gleefully. 
His plan is going fairly smoothly today. It was so easy for him and Taehyung to break into the high containment lab where the government’s Disease Control department stores the deadliest pathogens on the planet under lock and key. Even easier to incite hysteria when he threatened to release a vial of flesh-eating bacteria into the water supply. He so loves to watch leaders scramble about like helpless ants, just waiting to be squished under his big black boots. 
Not to mention how much he enjoys the thrill of causing a total meltdown amongst the public at large. It’s too easy to manipulate people. They’re so dumb and panicky. 
How he loathes them.
But as much as he’d love to actually release some of these vicious viruses, he’s really only here because he knew you’d come. And now he has you trapped in an enclosed space, surrounded by vials filled with instant death, making it impossible for you to use your powers. You can’t exactly blast him to hell if it means you might accidentally smash some of these tubes and release the doom stored inside. Especially since he and Taehyung destroyed all of the room’s defenses meant to keep any breaches safely enclosed within.
“You won’t get away with this!” you hiss as you knock one of his daggers out of midair with a well-timed kick. 
“Are you sure about that? Seems like you’re fighting with clipped wings, pretty bird,” Yoongi chuckles darkly. “Careful! Wouldn’t want to let any of these icky germs get out, now would we?”
Lunging forward, you tackle him to the ground, pinning his arms down so he can’t release any more blades. You still don’t understand where the fuck they all come from - is he conjuring them out of thin air? Or does he have a whole bunch of them strapped to his body at all times? Is his pale skin just a collection of scars under his pinstripe suit? 
“What exactly is your plan here? Release the bacteria, and then what? What do you want?” 
What does he want? You, writhing underneath him, begging for mercy. It’s all he desires.
“I want chaos. I want to bring the world crashing down around us, until the streets run red and only the strongest survive. This world needs culling, and I am the reaper!” His eyes flash as he rants, fidgeting, trying to rock you off of him as you straddle his chest, keeping his hands pressed against his sides.  
“You’re the reaper? No, you’re a disease, and I am the cure!” you snarl, fist curled, winding up to deliver a knockout punch. 
Yoongi cackles wildly. “You’re the cure? Be honest–did you just come up with that, or did you rehearse that before you got here?”
Well, not that he needs to know, but yeah, you’d rehearsed that since the moment you left headquarters. As soon as you realized you were headed to the infectious disease vault, you knew exactly what you wanted to say for your finishing quip. Stupid fucking superhero banter.
“Fuck you!” A little more pithy than witty, but it’ll get the job done. Just as you’re about to smack him six ways from Sunday, there’s a stabbing pain in your shoulder. With a wounded shriek, you reach behind you and remove a dagger, point dripping with your blood. 
Taehyung stands in the doorway of the vault. Goddamn it, you forgot all about the sidekick. All the supervillains you fight always have a loyal lackey just waiting to step in and prove their mettle. Yoongi must’ve trained him to handle his blades.
His presence distracts you long enough for Yoongi to wiggle his arms free, throwing you off of him. Yoongi reaches for the dagger but you manage to keep a strong grip on it, and the two of you begin to wrestle, limbs tangling as Taehyung suddenly shouts.
“Hyung! Look out!” A vial sitting dangerously close to the edge of the counter suddenly topples onto its side, glass shattering. “Don’t let it hit your skin!”
It’s the flesh-eating bacteria. Your tussling with Yoongi has brought you right next to the counter, and your back slams into the solid cabinet doors. Time seems to slow to a crawl, every second stretching to an eternity. You glance at Yoongi before you look up, staring in dread as the contents of the tube begin to drip towards your face–
A burst of wind ripples past your head and suddenly there’s a dagger sticking out of the wood, directly between your face and the oozing strain, catching every drop that dribbles down. Startled, you whip your head around to gawk at Yoongi. He’s frozen, arm still raised, a fierce look on his face. 
“Don’t just sit there, fucking move,” he growls, and you snap to, quickly jumping away from the counter as the lethal microbes run down the blade and trickle onto the floor where you had been a mere millisecond before. You lie on your side, panting, bewildered. Why the fuck did Yoongi do that? 
Yoongi’s stunned. Why the fuck did he do that? You were this close to becoming a bacteria buffet. If he hadn’t saved you, you’d be dead. He hadn’t even thought about it, just reacted on instinct, tossing a blade to protect you. 
Fucking hell, once again he really needs a minute to think. But now isn’t the time for any self-reflection, not with sirens blaring and Taehyung screeching in his ear that they need to leave before you shake off your shock and capture them both. He allows his confidant to pull him to his feet, and then he’s running, as fast as he can, away from the lab, away from the building, away from you and the expression on your face of total confusion - mixed with the one emotion he hates above all.
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Hobi’s made a slight miscalculation.
This thought occurs to him as he stumbles out of the cockpit of the jet, which is gradually diving towards the ground. 
See, his brilliant plan this week was to trap you on a jet skimming the upper bounds of the atmosphere and force you to fight him without your powers. After all, it’s an enclosed space about 6,000 miles above the ground. Since you can’t fly, why would you put yourself at risk by tearing a hole through the cabin or blasting one of the engines into smithereens?
The thing is, no matter how many times he had Jin sift through the scenarios and crunch the data, he completely forgot to take one factor into consideration: you’re kind of a compulsive idiot. 
“The controls are completely shot,” He hisses as he stalks across the cabin to where you’re standing, staring at your own hands. “As you in fucking shot them with that last blast!”
“I didn’t fucking mean to! Obviously!” you shout, snapping out of your shock. You’d been trying, really trying not to give in to the urge to just blow this asshole out of the sky, but he wouldn’t stop throwing punches and you just wanted to stun him, wind him enough to knock him down and pin him, except you forgot how fucking slick he is, how he moves like water when he fights, lithe body bending in ways you couldn’t even dream to, and with one smooth side step he’d avoided your blast. 
And now there’s a giant hole in the instrument panel and you’re going to die. 
Hobi should’ve prepared for this eventuality. He should’ve packed at least one parachute. 
Add it to the list of things he’ll go to his grave lamenting. 
“So what do we do now?” you ask, spinning around the empty cabin of the plane, looking for something that might help. Not that you have a fucking clue what would help. This isn’t a situation they’d trained you for when you’d started with the company. It was always assumed that if there were an air battle, one of the flying heroes would handle it. 
“We fucking die,” Hobi hisses. For once, he wishes he had Jin in his ear to tell him everything will be alright. But his communications are on the fritz thanks to the gaping maw that used to be the front of the jet. “Unless one of your stupid coworkers is about to swoop in here and save us?” 
One minute, you were on your way to a charity event, dressed to kill in your bright red strapless sequined gown, slit cut halfway to heaven up your right thigh, most decidedly not wearing the headpiece from your uniform despite your PR rep’s insistence because you think it’s tacky as fuck (and besides, it clashed with your dress something horrible), when your driver suddenly keeled over, blood spurting from his mouth, and the car went off the road. Before you could free yourself from the wreckage, you felt that invisible pulsing again, and everything went black. 
Now, as the train of your dress trails behind you, tattered from your fight, you wish you’d worn that stupid ugly-ass headpiece after all. Damn you and your fucking pride. There’s a locator beacon in the headpiece, which would really be handy right about now. You know Doc will track you eventually, but you’re not feeling very hopeful that he can do so before you become a superhero pancake.
“Save us?” you sputter, spinning around the empty cabin. “Who is this “us?” If anyone were to get saved, it would just be me, you fucknut! No one is coming to save you!” Whirling again, you aim a high kick at his head, scowling as he ducks. You chase him down the aisle, angrily tossing punches left and right, your throws getting sloppier the more irate you grow. “And you probably had that fucking radar-evading tech on again, just like you did in Argentina, right?? So no one knows I’m here and no one is going to find me until they dig my body out of the rubble!” 
Hobi catches your clumsy right cross and yanks you towards him, intending to restrain you, but the plane suddenly dips further and he ends up flat on his back, tugging you on top of him.
You huff furiously as your nose brushes his. From this close, his eyes are molten lava, burning into yours. His skin scorches you where it touches you, as though his entire body blazes with heat beneath you. 
Hobi is out of ideas. Out of brilliant plans, out of in-the-nick-of-time maneuvers. He knows his henchmen won’t get to him fast enough, no matter how swift his jets might be. So, for the first time in a very, very long time, he lets the panic take over. He stops thinking, and moves on instinct.
Wrapping a strong hand around the back of your head, he pulls you down, crushing your mouth onto his. 
There’s brief shock on your end, before the impending doom of your current situation floods your brain, sweeping all rational thought away in its wake, and you thread your fingers through his dark hair, cradling his head as you kiss him fiercely. You’re about to fucking die–why not live a little first? Go down happy. Or at the very least, anything but scared.
Of course his lips would be so plush. Of course his tongue would taste like sugar. Why would his kiss be any less irresistible than the energy flowing through him? Because it’s calling to you, again. Like a sweet siren song, an inviting melody only you can hear. 
This time, there’s no reason not to give in. 
As Hobi licks into your mouth, blindly needing to feel something, anything else right now, other than fear, and finding himself quite surprised that he is, you curl your fingers into his dark shirt and feed, pulling his energy into you. 
Hobi’s eyes go wide at the first tug. What is happening to him? It feels like something surging through him. His eyes roll shut in ecstasy. Holy shit, whatever it is, it’s fucking amazing.
You groan into his mouth, overwhelmed by the pulsating sensation of Hobi’s energy entering you. God, is this what it’s like to feed from a human? Jesus, why did you wait until death’s door to try it? You settle against him, thighs straddling his, and your eyes fly open (when did they close??) as you realize he’s hard as a rock between your legs. Is it from the kiss? From the fighting? Or could draining him of his energy feel as good for him as it feels for you?
The force building inside you is so intense, stronger than anything you’ve ever felt before - even more powerful than that nuclear warhead you’d disarmed one time by draining it dry. It’s extraordinary, how fucking good it feels, how fucking good Hobi feels, and as the sensation overwhelms you, you break the kiss, arching your back and letting go, releasing all that rippling energy in one big blast.
The jet explodes around you, disintegrating into nothing.
Hobi’s eyes widen in shock as you destroy the plane. Acting on instinct, he wraps his arms around you as you hurtle towards the earth in a freefall. He tucks your head into his neck, as if to protect you. 
Or maybe just to hold you close during the last few seconds of your lives. 
That’s when a strong hand suddenly grasps and yanks him out of midair.
“Shit, Vi, what the fuck did you get yourself into this time?” an irate voice demands, and then Hobi blinks and he’s zooming through the air as your flying teammate holds you both tightly and zips you towards the ground below. 
As soon as you’re standing on solid earth, your teammate throws Hobi down, pinning him to the soil. You drop to your knees, thankful to be on the ground again, breathing deeply as your heart continues to hammer frantically. Your teammate starts ranting about your “little stunt” fucking up his day off (as if you kidnapped yourself!). But you don’t respond, glancing at where Hobi, who lies with his hands cuffed behind his back, peers up at you. His dark eyes are turbulent, unsettled oceans churning wildly, and you know your own gaze matches his. 
Neither of you speak, and before long, he’s being whisked away by the containment team and you’re alone, staring at the dirt under your knees, marveling at how you survived but still feel completely wrecked. 
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Masterlist 💜 Find me on AO3 💜 
© 2022-23 by sunshinerainbowsbts/minisugakoobies. Crossposted to AO3. Please do not copy or repost.
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limeinaltime · 1 year
Burdens you all with my Uzi/N headcanons because I know they’ll never be real but they will always be real to me
- They are in so much denial of the fact that there’s any feelings between them early on, mainly due to their own trauma and isolation when it comes to socializing. Uzi shouts at the world that she only sees N as a friend in order to drown out the fact that her chest does back-flips every time he smiles, while N silently vibrates in a corner when it comes to his own feelings. The repression is strong. The eventual blowup and confession is delicious, and ends with a lot of blushing and stuttering, but the two eventually decide to give it a try.
- Both of them are too shy to ever initiate anything, and usually end up stumbling into hand-holding and the like together, awkwardly avoiding direct eye contact and hiding their blushing faces. It’s a work in progress.
- It takes forever for them to get used to physical contact (especially with N since the physical contact he’s used to is quite... painful) but god they’re so touch-starved that even simple things like friendly pats on the shoulder are desperately yearned for. Uzi eventually stops being so rough with N like how she is in Episode 2, instead opting for nudging him instead of outright smacking him and pushing him around.
- N wants to hold Uzi’s hands so much it’s driving him insane they’re so small but they’re both shyyyyy
- N often carries Uzi on his shoulders when she’s tired, and that eventually leaves an opening for surprise forehead kisses once Uzi gets a little bolder.
- I have this headcanon that Uzi’s actually decently strong (Workers are built for heavy labor, and girl straight-up bent a wrench with her bare hand) and she can also carry N, which is a surefire way to reduce the guy into a stuttering wreck.
- The two occasionally trauma dump on each other, although Uzi tries not to let stuff slip about her home life and her dead mom and all that while N just says shit about his time with his squad and all the fucked-up things J and the company did to him and that makes Uzi go 😬 and then he just brushed it off like it’s fine because he was built to think that. I never said their relationship would be smooth sailing these two need therapy so bad.
- Uzi likes to play with N’s hair. It starts as a subconscious habit she picks up, but eventually becomes an act of comfort and endearment for both of them. Sometimes she’ll let N just lie on her and she’ll play with his hair while he doubles as a weight blanket. N especially likes when she runs her fingers through the hair on the back of his head and gets all flustered and shy when she does it.
-On the other hand, N sometimes just buries his face into Uzi (usually her neck or her hair) and if that doesn’t turn Uzi into a flustered, shouty mess then nothing else will.
-Both infodump on each other a lot. Neither one knows what the other is talking about, they just like hearing each other talk.
- For all her tough talk, N does make Uzi genuinely happy, and he’s someone she can let herself be vulnerable to without being dismissed or made fun of. If anyone can get a hardass goth girl to crack an actual smile, it’s N.
- I will die on the hill that Uzi secretly has a really nice singing voice and N’s chest definitely did something weird the first time he heard her sing.
- Somebody To Love (the Glee duet cover) is 100% their song
- Neither of them ever say “I love you” outright (Uzi because she has enough emotional constipation to give a gastroenterologist a heart attack, N because he doesn’t want to seem lame to his best friend) and refuse to. Saying it seems like promising something that might one day be broken, because the people in their life always seem to get sick of them and push them away. Who’s to say they won’t be any different?
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napkinzilla · 11 months
Godzilla vs. Megalon 50th Anniversary and the Origin of Jaguarposting
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I started this account in November when my Godzilla hyperfixation was in full force thanks to a series rewatch I was doing and G-Fest. A lot of that hyperfixation was focused on Anguirus, Baragon, and Jet Jaguar.
I don’t exactly think they’re great characters or anything, I just kind of gravitated towards them for some reason. I know why for all of them, Anguirus having an off-screen reconciliation with Godzilla while forced to live together on Monster Island was actually sort of neat, I don’t like that we never get to see it and are forced to just assume it happened but its also nice to see something interesting and new, especially since this was at a point where the Showa era just kind of felt like it had grown entirely creatively bankrupt (The last truly creative Showa film is Hedorah, ik its a polarizing movie and I think that actually kind of proves my point a little). For Baragon, its that I just found it funny how they paired him with two far more popular monsters for this movie and then had him get his shit wrecked really quickly (he also has the most creative fight in the movie but I’m pretty sure I just liked him cause he’s a jobber). And for Jet Jaguar, its sort of hard to say. I know most of the western fanbase for the character likes him because of MST3K, but I never watched the GvM episode (except the Jet Jaguar song sub but that was after the hyperfixation kicked in).
The only reason I can think of is that he’s just funny to me. He’s basically the star character of this movie he isn’t in the title of and his plot just goes all over the place. He starts the movie as the invention of an engineer who wants to protect the world by piloting a robotic suit (which, considering there is an island full of monsters that is so poorly secured they could just leave anytime they wanted if they can swim or fly (almost all of them can), which they did in the last movie, its understandable why he’d do this). And by the end the suit has gained full sentience, befriended Godzilla, and defeated a bunch of underground men who control a giant bug with a drill head and drill hands. There isn’t that much explanation for most of these things either, they just sort of happen suddenly. Godzilla vs. Megalon is a terrible, terrible movie, and Jet Jaguar is the central character. Godzilla vs. Megalon is also an immensely enjoyable movie that I have subjected multiple people to so that I could see their reactions. I love it, its so fun, and Jet Jaguar is a big part of why the movie is so fun. He’s so fucking silly and stupid, I love him.
I said its hard to say why I like Jet Jaguar as much as I do, but its not impossible, in fact I basically just did. This overly long post has been mostly me saying why I like Jet Jaguar. But I haven’t really talked about Jaguarposting. Why the fuck do I post this guy? Because he’s funny to me, I made Baragon my Discord pfp for a while because he’s funny to me to. Its not super complicated, I am a very simple man. I main Blanka and Faust because they’re goofy guys, and in the same vein, I fixate on Jet Jaguar because he’s a goofy guy. The legacy of Godzilla vs. Megalon is that its a stupid fucking movie. Jaguarposting is a celebration of that movie’s stupidity, the idea that a post is funny solely because it features a character from the film.
I didn’t realize March 17th was Megalon’s birthday, I didn’t see any posts about it on the day and didn’t have the date committed to memory. So this post is late. But I still want to wish GvM a happy 50th. Maybe go watch it in it’s honor and hopefully see what I’ve been rambling on about for this long.
If you don’t know what Jaguarposting is, don’t worry, I’ve only ever used the term once and made like 5 posts in the genre across all social media. However its my first post on Tumblr, so I felt it was about time to explain myself.
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tiny012 · 1 year
Real easy for Mars to call Usagi a coward when she wasn't the one who regained the memories of the GENOCIDAL ATTACK ON HER KINGDOM + HER PAST SELF'S DEATH. Why didn't she and the others understand that?? There's no reason for them not to, especially not Luna and Artemis who (were in stasis instead of being reincarnated so they got all their memories) saw that shit happen themselves and should have been the most sympathetic to her. That scene is the top example of the Inner Senshi + the cats being absolute shit to Usagi in the 90s anime.
So for anyone needs a refresher
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The main thread
The sub thread and my break down
But yes
Usagi just got memories of her people, her mom, her love, them ,and her home being attacked and destroyed by a woman who still wants to kill her. To top it off, just saw the guy she through she didn't like who she through was a jerk but did have a tiny crunch has been helping her since she turned into Sailor Moon ( aka DAY ONE even before the Senshi come into to play) get stabbed in front on her. Which she through was dead because the last thing she remembered before passing out is holding his cold body next to her while getting her memories' of her past and him. Only to wake up with him nowhere to be found. Only to be told that " Hey He's alive but our enemies got him." Which she's seeing over and over in her head (IN RED) a big crystal rushing to him thanks to Zoi and him getting stabbed by it after he said he got this and he going to protect her.
So yes when Usagi said this
" I don't want to. I just don't want to fight anymore. But I just don't want to. Being told I'm a princess doesn't make me feel like one and it doesn't make me happy at all! I am Usagi Tsukino. I don't care about any mission anymore! So what about my previous life? It has nothing to do with me! What's with all of you ? I just don't want to fight anymore! If everyone ( she remembers what happens to Mamoru with the stab and start having tears in her eyes) If everyone ends up like Mamoru I don't want to see that. ( which she see the crystal stabs him more and she closes her eyes) It's too sad. I don't want this."
She was totally having a PTSD moment in which the only thing I hate is the fact it was in the tower where none of them was not safe at all.
But Oh
We are not being fair to Rei because she cares about Mamoru as Mamoru
Not him as being Mask.
But she have the audacity to put on her hands on her "friend" who she just found out is her princess who is an emotional wreck right now?
Who needs a hug and not a fucking slap to the face and to be called a crybaby even Rei emotions on high too but she didn't see what Usagi saw.
She did see red and a crystal stabbing Mamo and his body going to the ground over and over again like Usagi do.
She just saw the aftermath of what happened.
So to me it's another slap in the face when Rei said this to her
" Mamoru got hurt saving a crybaby like you." or " Mamoru did all that just to protect a coward like you"
Because Bitch!!
She fucking knows that! She saw it and it constantly playing it her head over and over again. She's going to have nightmares of that scene. She's going to wish she could have done more to save him but she doesn't want YALL to end up like that.
But she's a coward because she doesn't want to see none of yall end up the same way which yall do in a few episodes?.
Which yall did in the past?
I have treat for you fresh from today
Look at this tread right here
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This is from today when they made their return ( because I think they probably got banned for two weeks)
I really need to stop entertaining them for real.
Because I don't want to get banned from that reddit fooling with them.
But yes everyone in that scene was just downright horrible to Usagi and not understanding her state of mind at that time.
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