#episode: Syren
(E)GG AU: Fu’s Story
[Part 1: Fu’s backstory]
One day, Wayzz sensed the Peacock cracking. He couldn’t tell exactly where it was (a precaution to protect against bad Guardians), just that it was in Paris. Fu transformed, intending to handle it himself, but quickly realized he was too old to wield the Miraculous.
(As kids lack maturity and the elderly have lived long enough to reach insanity, the Miraculous are designed so that holders outside of their “prime” can only use a power once per recharge (without the use of spells). Due to the effects of aging, elderly holders typically also experience loss of agility.)
Knowing he’d have to trust another holder again, he traveled to Paris to start seeking out new heroes.
(His experiences during The Great War influenced him to only release the Ladybug and Cat Miraculous, be adamant about not revealing their identities to anyone, and (partly influenced by his upbringing in the GO) seek out teen heroes: old enough to handle the power (though limited if he needed to relinquish it), but also too young to easily pack up and go (unlike the couple of adults who’d tried that). (Furthermore, though he had an understanding of modern revelations about youth, thus also being against teen marriage, it was still through an ancient lens. So, though he was aware of how stressful and demanding heroism and a double life would be, if they proved to be “mature”, he viewed placing the responsibility and high expectations on teens just the same as he would with a young adult.))
By the time the Butterfly was activated with nefarious intentions, he was prepared to give his top picks a final test just to double-check. (He’d admit he was more than a bit biased in picking Adrien, but how could he deny someone who only wished for freedom? Besides, as the boy was beloved by all, it would spare Plagg from having to once again deal with his power being used to tear down all his holder’s enemies. (Even still, the (subconscious) influence of The Great War made him hesitant to reveal his existence to the Cat holder (and the Ladybug holder by extension).))
Marinette and Adrien did even better than he expected, despite the first-time hiccup. He surely thought Marinette would quit after forgetting to purify the akuma, but she got back out there (which is far more than he could expect from himself) and exceeded all his expectations. He felt terrible for just throwing them into the fire, but he couldn’t risk connecting them to him. It wasn’t like he would be a good guide anyway, especially not above ancient beings.
But fate had other plans (yes, eventually meeting Adrien, but that would be later): Marinette brought the Grimoire to him, and gave him hope. Perhaps false, but hope nonetheless. The Grimoire had been left back at the temple, and if it survived, maybe some of the Guardians survived too. Much better suited for passing on the legacy than he was. Even still, Marinette certainly had the kwamis’ favor and the skill for it, maybe it was time to pass his knowledge on before time caught up with him. Passing on the Turtle (however temporary) must’ve been his first hint.
(He refers to his box as the “Tibetan Miracle Box” because it’s the last box from the Tibetan temple. With all the cross-culture influences, box trading, and even some Miraculous swaps between boxes, most of the boxes only represented awkward mash-ups of cultures.)
Getting sick was a stark reminder of his mortality. He wasn’t all that sick, he knew he wasn’t. He would recover just fine, probably in a few days and the medicine would quell his symptoms in the meantime. But… thinking about if he was that sick, the possibility of him later becoming that sick… It left him in the kind of mental anguish that hurt him physically. He was glad the doctor brushed it off as him being dramatic– he was! And neither she nor Marinette deserved to put up with his problems. But… still… He wanted to see Marianne again. He wanted to be with her again. And he completely understood if she didn’t want to after he left her behind for so long, but she deserved closure for why; that she did nothing wrong. And his anxiety pressured him to tell her now, so he asked Marinette to pass on his letter to her.
Marianne knew Fu’s letter was off. She knew reading to the end would clear everything up. It was just… all the talk of being “too late”… it sounded like the words of someone… No. No! It had to be something more bearable! It had to be… He didn’t love her anymore! Yes! Something she could get over. After all, they hadn’t seen each other in years. It would be pretty messed up that he sent Ladybug to deliver his message instead of coming in person to say so, but that’s a much better option than he physically couldn’t. Because he could! He’s fine! He’s alive! He’s not…! He’s not… He just doesn’t love her anymore because they haven’t seen each other in so long…
“Backwarder… You want to go back and make up for lost time.”
Oh, how she did. Maybe… Maybe they would’ve had more time before… before… Just become akumatized and you won’t have to think about it.
Why did she act so rashly? Now she and Fu were going to lose even more time together because she couldn’t just read to the end… That’s okay. He’s okay. That’s what’s important to her. She missed Fu, but if Ladybug was with him, that means he’s not alone. And she has Mr. Ramier, so she isn’t either. They’re okay.
It hurt Fu to lose Marianne again, but he should’ve known he was asking too much. He was supposed to be focused on helping Marinette become a Guardian, not his late-life romance. Though it was nice to know Marianne was okay.
[In this version of the Butterfly, Hawkmoth’s empathy is so bad, he constantly misreads feelings/doesn’t bother to look deeper into buried feelings (often just makes stuff up when he can’t tell at all). (There are many akuma I apply this idea to, but that’s a discussion for another post.)]
When he heard of the new exhibit from Tibet, he was curious about what was dug up in his first home, and decided to tune in to the news broadcast. He never knew whether or not that had been a good thing.
He couldn’t leave her to fix his mistakes again. Not this one. He knew Marinette. He knew she would do everything she could to stop it. But she couldn’t. And she would die trying. After Adrien sacrificed himself first. No. He would handle this himself. He’d take their Miraculous to keep them out of danger and lead that beast away from everyone. He’d lead it all the way back to Tibet and drown with it in a volcano if he had to. He would not– could not– let it destroy innocent people all over again. Perhaps Hawkmoth and Mayura would leave Paris to avoid getting their Miraculous eaten, or simply because he took the Ladybug and Cat with him. Maybe he could take them down with that beast. If he couldn’t, maybe the other heroes Marinette and Adrien met could. He just had to get that beast away from Paris. Away from Marinette and Adrien and Marianne. He had to.
He really shouldn’t have underestimated Marinette. She was an incredible Ladybug, and once again, she proved she’d earned her spot among the legendary heroes. He hoped he wasn’t too insulting in his doubt. The restoration of the temple, the Guardians, Su-Han, the news brought him to tears. But he knew he had to remain in Paris. Hawkmoth and Mayura were his responsibility. Besides, he was surely exiled now that Su-Han was back to explain what Fu had done. Someone would certainly come for the box, and he would give it up, but he would still stay to deal with the consequences of the attacking akumatized victims and sentimonsters.
(He even got his magic compass, and other assorted treats, back from the staff. His staff which was now at the Louvre. He allowed Ladybug to give it to them, as it was beautiful and well-designed and a piece of his history that should be shared with the world. Though he had mixed feelings about giving it to the same people who literally dug up his trauma.)
He never wanted to make Marinette the Guardian like this. If she didn’t need the magic he was passing onto her, he wouldn’t have put the burden on her at all. She didn’t need the stress. She was going through so much already. But someone would come for the box, and they could help her. He just hoped she’d be okay in the meantime.
It was strange not having memory. He didn’t even have enough to miss it. A courtesy of fate, he supposed. He felt bad not recognizing the people who apparently knew him, but they were so kind, he could hardly be upset by the idea of getting to know them again. Especially Marianne. He didn’t know why, but he felt so safe with her, like he could tell her anything. Maybe he used to.
Marianne thought she would’ve been more upset seeing Fu without his memories, but he looked so… relaxed. It was the first time she saw him without the weight of the world in his eyes. It was in an admittedly tragic way, but he was at peace. And she found herself just happy to be with him again. That they could be in peace.
Fu was different, of course. Sort of in the way that she felt like she was making a new friend (which she believed was only fair, as Fu was experiencing the same but to an even higher degree). Yet, he wasn’t as much of a “blank slate” as she had initially worried, and still retained many of his old habits and sense of morals. Just more relaxed, and less nervous. She supposed that made sense; the memories weren’t gone, even if he couldn’t access them. It would take some getting used to, he really wasn’t her old friend anymore, but she had no complaints, she liked her new friend too.
[Continued (kind of) in the AU’s version of “Furious Fu”.]
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bittersweetresilience · 11 months
Adrien Agreste and Borderline Personality Disorder
DISCLAIMER: I've been a bit low on spoons this week, so I haven't gathered as much evidence as I probably could have. Also, I am but a humble student in clinical psychology. This is mainly a thought compilation for @moonieratty!
To introduce the topic, without going into it too much, personality is described by features and behavioral patterns, or traits, consistent across situations and across time. Personality disorders are therefore enduring patterns of highly maladaptive traits evaluated in personal and sociocultural context (Dozois, 2019, p. 290).
Like other disorders, personality disorders have diagnostic criteria. The DSM is used primarily for diagnosis in the US and Canada while the ICD is used more widely in Europe and other places. I'm more familiar with the DSM, but I've included a brief section on the ICD to be comprehensive. It ended up a bit longer than anticipated, so let's go below the cut. Warning for discussions of abuse, self harm, and suicide, and a brief mention of substance use.
Overview of Borderline Personality Disorder
BPD is prevalent in a small percentage of the population, about 1-2% by varying estimates, and is characterized by instability across domains of emotions, identity, interpersonal relationships, and behavior. Its onset is usually in late adolescence or early adulthood and symptoms may diminish with age, after one's thirties or forties, especially with therapeutic intervention. Along with ASPD, it has been the focus of a lot of clinical research; it is unfortunately associated with high rates of non-suicidal self-injury and suicide (APA, 2022, pp. 754–755; Dozois, 2019, pp. 308–309).
Etiological factors for BPD include both biological and environmental disturbances. Of note to our discussion is the heightened risk for BPD in cases of child abuse or neglect, as well as growing up with another family member with a serious mental health condition (NHS, 2022). It's been well established that Gabriel is emotionally neglectful if not outright abusive toward Adrien in multiple ways, so this is a clear risk factor. In addition, although I won't argue definitively for Gabriel having a psychological condition, he did keep Emilie's body in the basement, so there is clearly some kind of disturbance going on.
From a cognitive-behavioral perspective, Linehan argues that BPD stems from families who consistently invalidate childhood emotional experiences and "oversimplify the ease with which life's problems can be solved," which may cause children to learn to seek attention and communicate with others through emotional outbursts (Dozois, 2019, p. 297). This rings true for Adrien and Gabriel as well.
I have to apologize for my son, Ladybug, he's like his mother. Way too overly dramatic. (Jackady)
It doesn't seem like this is the first time Gabriel has thought this, and labeling an emotional reaction as being overly dramatic is very much invalidation of it. As for emotional outbursts, Adrien has had quite a few, mostly as Chat Noir. More on this later.
To round out this first section, attachment theory proposes a connection between poor parent-child attachments and BPD relationship difficulties. Specifically, maladaptive behavior in relationships may stem from childhood development of an anxious-ambivalent attachment style, where intense fears of abandonment interfere with a strong desire for intimacy (Dozois, 2019, p. 310). You can clearly see this in Chat Noir's relationship with Ladybug, and I'm sure other people have discussed Adrien's attachment style more in depth, but suffice to say I think this is an apt description.
Argument from DSM-5-TR
In the DSM, personality disorders are primarily diagnosed on a categorical model. There are a few general criteria which I won't be going into, but I will highlight that personality disorders are stable and pervasive, and would be diagnosed only if they were leading to significant distress or dysfunction. Adrien's mental state is not great, so the latter shouldn't be a problem, but this show does not always pay attention to consistency, so I'm going to be speculating some. Everything in this section is cited to the relevant DSM entry unless otherwise stated.
The DSM characterizes BPD with instability in relationships, self image, and affects, as well as marked impulsivity. It has no exclusion criteria, so BPD can be and frequently is comorbid with other disorders like mood disorders, PTSD, and ADHD. Of the below criteria, five need to be met in order for a diagnosis to be made.
Frantic efforts to avoid real or imagined abandonment
Hey, where're you going? . . . So you're allowed to know her true identity, but I'm not? (Syren)
You're not really replacing me with a turtle, are you? (Anansi)
A lot of people have delved into Adrien's abandonment issues, which feature most prominently in his relationship with Ladybug. His fears of being replaced result in him seeking reassurance from Ladybug, and he can lash out if he does not receive the response he hopes for. Ladybug is his world, and he wants to be hers, so anything infringing on that feels to him like a threat of being abandoned, and he does not like it very much.
Impulsive behaviors like giving up his ring can be interpreted under this lens: he can avoid abandonment by doing the abandoning first. Then it will be him leaving, and not the other way around.
I also interpret Adrien's nightmare (Le Marchand de Sable) as being a fear of being alone as much as it is a fear of being trapped.
Unstable and intense interpersonal relationships alternating between extremes of idealization and devaluation
We'll be united, more powerful and free. We'll defeat Hawk Moth, then we can both run away to an island! Far away from everything. We will live off nothing but fruits, and we will have a little pet hamster and we will name it— (Le Patineur)
I just can't do this anymore. I give up… on everything. Even you . . . If I become Chat Noir again, Ladybug will just end up rejecting me, over and over. (Kuro Neko)
Even though Adrien mostly keeps his head on straight regarding what he's owed and not owed by other people, his relationship with Ladybug is full of highs and lows. He thinks Ladybug is the most amazing girl, but this can recoil quickly into feeling as though Ladybug doesn't care about him enough or isn't meeting his needs.
Furthermore, he developed this idealization of Ladybug as a potential lover or caregiver at one of their first meetings (Cœur de Pierre), and continually sought to spend time together and share the intimate details of their secret identities early on. These are all common to individuals with BPD, as is the switch from idealization to feeling as if the other person "does not care enough, does not give enough, or is not 'there' enough." Ladybug is the only person Adrien consistently projects this instability and intensity on, which might be something interesting to explore.
Identity disturbance: unstable self image or sense of self
When I was a kid, I always wanted to be what my parents wanted me to be! (Exauceur)
But, does that mean Chat Noir is who I really am? Deep down inside? (Kuro Neko)
With all the secret identities, it isn't surprising that Adrien fits this criterion, but canon even explicitly draws a link between Adrien's unstable sense of self and his childhood experiences. He doesn't know who he is, and he distracts from this by being Chat Noir, only to struggle even more when he feels useless and underlooked as his hero self. His behavior shifts dramatically between trying to prove himself with grand gestures and refusing to participate or lashing out. There is definitely something to discuss on this front.
Impulsivity in at least two potentially self-damaging areas
Giving you some extra time . . . I trust you to bring me back, m'lady. (Gamer 2.0)
There are only two liars left in Paris and one of them knows the ultimate way to catch her attention . . . Crazy about you, m'lady. (Mensonge)
This is walking a thin line between impulsivity and suicidal behavior, which would be excluded from this criterion, but I'll list self sacrifice here because I can see an argument for Chat Noir's impulsive behaviors being out of love or the desire to be useful. There may still be some self injurious intent or euphoria, but Chat Noir does have faith in Ladybug to bring him back eventually. Nevertheless, this is impulsive and unhealthy. Chat Noir jumps too quickly to this option to have thought it through.
I can't think of another area, because Adrien isn't old enough for reckless driving, spending, substance use, or sex. This is also a kids' show. Just presenting these options for fanfiction writers out there.
Recurrent suicidal or self mutilating behavior, gestures, or threats
I... I don't know what to do! (Chat Blanc)
This is all our fault . . . Cataclysm. (Culpabysse)
By itself, what happened in Chat Blanc would not be solid evidence, as that was an unprecedentedly traumatic situation. Combined with Culpabysse, though, there is a strong case to be made for at least passive suicidality for this to be able to come up as an option.
You could also interpret the self sacrifice in this category. Suicidal behavior in individuals with BPD is often preempted by fears of rejection or abandonment, so an interesting analysis could be made on this front.
Affective instability due to marked reactivity of mood
He's still only thinking of himself! I just want this terrible day to be over and done with! I hate Christmas! (Pire Noël)
Sorry! Sorry! I didn't mean to make you so mad. I get it. You're sick of me . . . No one can help me, Kagami. (Glaciator 2)
Adrien's prolonged episodes of anger and despair reflect a high reactivity to emotional stressors, especially interpersonal ones. In general, he just doesn't feel very well unless something is actively bringing him joy. Most of his outbursts are brief, though, and I will discuss them as part of a later criterion.
Chronic feelings of emptiness
I'm not Adrien, so I wouldn't know if this is the case, but I can say he has experienced at least one depressive episode (Kuro Neko) and emptiness would not be unfamiliar. You can look at him and decide.
Inappropriate, intense anger or difficulty controlling anger
How was your amazing evening with your "friends"? . . . What do you think? (Glaciator)
Why not? No one'll know if I quit. No one'll care! (Syren)
A two-person plan?! There's only one two-person plan, and that's Ladybug and me! (Sentibulleur)
Give me a break, Miss "I can't even come up with a superhero name"! (Hack-San)
Anger in individuals with BPD can manifest as bitterness, sarcasm, or recurrent verbal outbursts, which Chat Noir absolutely exemplifies. These outbursts are often followed by feelings of shame or guilt and contribute to a feeling of being bad. Chat Noir apologizes after being harsh in Glaciator, and I wouldn't be surprised if he felt badly about the other times. Again, these outbursts are often precipitated by interpersonal fears and perceived threats of abandonment. Unlike other symptoms, this specific one tends to be unique to BPD.
Transient, stress-related paranoid ideation or severe dissociation
I cannot recall any evidence for this but headcanon away, my friends.
All in all, I think Adrien has a strong case for BPD presentation according to the DSM. Canon is not always consistent, but I think it presents an interesting and mostly coherent narrative for this lens. From this perspective, Adrien's behavior reflects a deep intolerance of being alone and a dependence on other people to define the self.
As a corollary, BPD behavioral patterns are frequently linked to self sabotage and self undermining right when a goal is about to be realized, which could manifest as dropping out of school right before graduating or ending a relationship when it seems to be going well. Food for thought. Individuals with BPD may also feel more secure with transitional objects like pets than with interpersonal relationships, which could reflect in Adrien's relationship with Plagg.
To add some subjective understanding to this clinical mumbo jumbo, I've added a source of genuine BPD experiences below (Mind, 2022).
Argument from ICD-11
With the release of the ICD-11, a dimensional model for diagnosis of personality disorders became the new standard. What this means is that individuals are no longer labeled as having 'histrionic' or 'dependent' or, indeed, 'borderline' personality disorders, but are rather assessed as having any form of personality disorder on a sliding scale of severity and with trait domain specifiers (Swales, 2022). To put it more simply, people are diagnosed only with a general personality disorder or personality difficulty which can be optionally specified as deviating on one of the personality traits in the Big Five model, which is well established in personality psychology.
This move has several benefits. Stigmatization related to particular personality disorders can be reduced, and differential diagnosis and comorbidity between personality disorders becomes irrelevant. However, people retain access to treatment and support. Evidence-based treatments like dialectical behavior therapy are particularly well established and crucial for BPD; for this pragmatic purpose, the ICD contains one additional specifier for borderline pattern personality disorder (Bach et al., 2022; Swales, 2022).
The DSM and ICD are designed to be compatible with each other in many ways, and in this case, the borderline specifier in the ICD is directly lifted from the criterion of the DSM (WHO, 2023, 6D11.5). Based on our previous discussion, Adrien would be equally qualified for a diagnosis in France. I would likely describe his personality disorder with moderate severity, where multiple areas of functioning are affected and self harming behaviors may be present, but not all areas or relationships may be equally impacted and traits are not as rigid and inflexible (WHO, 2023, 6D10.0–6D10.2).
Interestingly, the ICD includes three additional manifestations of borderline pattern which are optional and may vary across time (WHO, 2023, 6D11.5).
A view of the self as inadequate, bad, guilty, disgusting, and contemptible
An experience of the self as profoundly different and isolated from other people; a painful sense of alienation and pervasive loneliness
Proneness to rejection hypersensitivity; problems in establishing and maintaining appropriate levels of trust in relationships; frequent misinterpretation of social signals
I'm fascinated by the number of adjectives in here. I simplified very slightly, as I did with the DSM criteria, but I had to keep all these adjectives. Anyway, I won't elaborate for too many more paragraphs, so let's say sentimonster moment and leave it at that. I will spare you my mirrored Félix essay. For now.
Qualifications and Limitations
First of all, Adrien is a teenager. The distinguishing factor between a personality disorder and regular adolescent difficulties would be longevity and identity concerns beyond his developmental phase (APA, 2022, p. 758). Second of all, Adrien has a uniquely terrible home life and magical problems. Some of his behaviors could be normal considering his experiences and sociocultural context, and this matters when it comes to psychological evaluation. Take everything with a grain of salt!
More generally, the categorical model of the DSM has several issues, not to mention diagnostic issues related to culture, gender, and stigma. Some but not all of these issues are addressed by the dimensional model it includes in a later section, which shares theoretical foundations with the model of personality disorders in the ICD. Even so, issues remain. Diagnosis, access to treatment, and political statements are intrinsically linked in complex ways. I won't get into all of the nuances, but be safe, remember this is a fictional character, and keep an open mind.
American Psychiatric Association. (2022). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (5th ed., text rev.). https://doi.org/10.1176/appi.books.9780890425787
Bach, B., Kramer, U., Doering, S., di Giacomo, E., Hutsebaut, J., Kaera, A., De Panfilis, C., Schmahl, C., Swales, M., Taubner, S., & Renneberg, B. (2022). The ICD-11 classification of personality disorders: A European perspective on challenges and opportunities. Borderline Personality Disorder and Emotion Dysregulation, 9(1). https://doi.org/10.1186/s40479-022-00182-0
Dozois, D. J. A. (2019). Abnormal psychology: Perspectives (6th ed.). Pearson.
Mind. (2022, September). What does BPD feel like? https://www.mind.org.uk/information-support/types-of-mental-health-problems/borderline-personality-disorder-bpd/experiences-of-bpd/
National Health Service. (2022, November 4). Causes - Borderline personality disorder. https://www.nhs.uk/mental-health/conditions/borderline-personality-disorder/causes/
Swales, M. A. (2022). Personality disorder diagnoses in ICD-11: Transforming conceptualisations and practice. Clinical Psychology in Europe, 4(Special Issue). https://doi.org/10.32872/cpe.9635
World Health Organization. (2023). International statistical classification of diseases and related health problems (11th ed.). https://icd.who.int/
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therealtrashpanda · 11 months
So.. I gave derision another chance.
And... I still hate it so much.
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After killing off a main character by caving his head in, bringing him back as a small child with a grown man's face, introducing vampire Elvis AND the jersey devil, having a main character who is human and murders humans and wants to be a vampire and murders vampires, having the reason for that be Van Helsing dna, introducing a syren who is also a garbage bird, resurrecting a vampire's ghost then putting her soul in a doll to be a recurring character, 80s workout vampire cult, ancient imperial malewives, "gay is in gay is hot I want some gay", property brothers parody for an entire episode, MULTIPLE homoerotic fight scenes, every character being explicitly queer as hell, and LAZSLO CRAVENSWORTH IN HIS ENTIRETY, I can safely say that What We Do in the Shadows has cemented itself as my favourite show and possibly the most show ever
I'm gonna go scream at a mountain now
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This is more of a rant, but something that still baffles me about the show is, The Collector being the ONLY episode besides the last few S5 episodes where the main heroes get ANY significant leads on who the main villain might be (ignoring Chat Blanc and Ephemeral, because those were more Gabriel’s luck strike than anything).
I understand why they lifted suspicion from Gabriel initially, but Master Fu should’ve 100% doubted the “he can’t akumatize himself” claim at some point later on (seriously, Gabriel only had to make an akuma, detransform, and renounce Nooro), but with how incompetent he was as a Guardian, I’m surprised he could even make the “Grimoire owner = Hawk Moth” guess. And the MULTIPLE TIMES he went into the Agreste mansion, no progress. The LEAST he should’ve done is ask Adrien about the whole ordeal with the Grimoire - Adrien stealing it from his own father should at the very least raise some questions.
(A bit tangential, but a headcanon I have is, the suspicion falling on his father back then is what made him want to know what Ladybug is up to at all times - it doesn’t excuse his romantic advances towards Ladybug or his S4 behavior, but I think it did contribute heavily to the whole Syren fallout, even if some of it was just Adrien being grumpy for no good reason. Of course, this wasn’t Ladybug’s fault, and Adrien didn’t have the full context for the accusation when the audience did… so that’s another thing I blame on Master Fu, he seemingly never clarified anything to Adrien about the suspicion of Gabriel being a genocidal maniac)
And after that… the one to make progress is Mr. Plot Device Felix. In SEASON 4!!! And the only thing they could come up with was Felix seeing the miraculous because Gabriel’s tie slipped - a gigantic win button handed to him on a silver plate (though admittedly, his plan of tearing Gabriel’s pants was pretty cool).
Just remember, the main drama of Season 5 was the romance between Marinette and Adrien, and trying to stop the psychopath from recreating the world.
Really shows that our heroes have their priorities straight.
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zoe-oneesama · 1 year
Scarlet Lady AU Chapters Master Post - Season 3
Scarlet Lady Season 3
 Episode 21 - Vanisher
     1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11   12   13   14   15   16
 Episode 22 - Riposte
     1   2   3   4   5   6  7   8   9   10   11   12   13   14   15
  Episode 23 - Captain Hardrock
     1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11   12   13   14   15   16   17
 Episode 24 - Syren
     1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11   12   13   14   15   16
 Episode 25 - Dark Cupid
     1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11   12   13   14   15   16
     1   2
  Episode 26 - Animan
     1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11   12
 Episode 27 - Puppeteer
     1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11   12   13   14
 Episode 28 - Pixelator
     1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11   12   13
 Episode 29 - Guitar Villain
     1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11   12   13   14
 Episode 30 - Princess Fragrance
     1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11   12   13   14   15
Season 1 Master Post
Season 2 Master Post
Season 4 Master Post
Season 5 Master Post
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miraculouslycool · 1 year
I'm gonna be forever salty that Cosmobug and Astrocat, easily the best power ups Ladynoir have, did not have a proper introduction episode like Syren and Frozer.
Them being in awe of the beautiful designs (and each other), Chat geeking out over Ladybug glowing in the dark, (lbr, Adrien was a glow in the dark sticker kid) Ladybug being fascinated by the starry design of Chat's suit. The two of them figuring out the hijinks of fighting in space, which cannot have been easy unlike the water and ice powerups, which are still earthly terrains. Them sweetly promising each other to do space patrols every now and then (even if they never actually show it in other episodes).
They could've included it in Startrain as an intro episode, which is, if I'm not wrong the first time Ladynoir has had to fight an Akuma in space. Instead what we got was a few minutes of them randomly transforming in the Shanghai special for the first time which was already focusing on so many other things. I'm still so upset.
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ilikekidsshows · 1 day
In retrospect do you think there were any major red flags in writing up to the S3 finale of ML that foreshadowed its downfall in future seasons or do you think it all started in what you call the retool era (S4&5).
I’d say we’re dealing with a lot of “recurring issues” and some actual red flags. As I’ve stated repeatedly, the New York Special basically has the same Ladynoir break up and get back together plot as season four, and it was bad in the New York Special and absolutely horrid in season four. Also, the show’s worst episodes, ‘Reflekdoll’ and ‘Kwamibuster’ reflect a lot of the writers’ more asinine writing decisions in the future. The New York Special and some season three episodes are, therefore, definitive red flags.
But yeah, the earlier seasons had some warning signs too. Adrien/Cat Noir is presented first and foremost as a lust object of Marinette’s. We don’t see Marinette appreciating Adrien as a person until ‘Origins’; before that point she’s only literally staring slack-jawed and drooling at Adrien’s photoshoots and ads. Marinette is also destructively jealous of Adrien from the point Lila is introduced, and she only escalates with the introduction of Kagami. Marinette’s objectification of Adrien has been in the show since its inception, considering that the original Adrien, thePV Félix, is presented in promotional materials as sullen, rude and unpleasant, meaning Marinette’s infatuation was most likely purely based on his looks. So, like, the sexism of heterosexual romance but the genders are just reversed is part of the show’s DNA.
Another important thing to note about the series is that our only Adrien-focused episodes, that focus on Adrien having some kind of a development arc with his feelings where he gets to be proactive about them instead of the show just showing the audience “oh, he’s upset now” or “oh, he’s happy now” and don’t still give Marinette a lion’s share of the focus and emotional weight, are ‘Copycat’ and ‘Santa Claws’, maybe arguably ‘Gorizilla’, though I suspect the Marinette trying to score a date segment takes up far more time than the important reveal of Adrien’s family problems. The writers have always prioritized Marinette’s feelings over Adrien’s.
Adrien’s contributions on the superhero side of things have also been getting downplayed since the start. He’s the more likely target of slapstick, with the show pilot ‘Stormy Weather’ having him get treated like a ping pong ball. He’s the one getting brainwashed or taken out by the Akumas frequently. And he’s the one the heroes’ shared mentor ignores completely. In ‘Syren’, Fu had to be strongarmed into meeting Adrien once, and then he never made an effort again. This is also the episode where the idea that Adrien shouldn’t complain about being treated as less than and should just patiently wait for whatever scraps he gets as a member of a team is first introduced. However, this episode was easily overlooked at the time, because the episode, in the end, had Fu meeting with Adrien, seemingly setting up Adrien being treated more equally, a promise that was never followed up on.
Now, though, I’d like to say why these things went unnoticed as red flags and just being some recurring issues. The thing about Adrien’s objectification was this: the people watching thought it was a joke and a sign of Marinette’s immaturity. It was presented humorously, and Marinette started being less creepy at Adrien once she became more able to talk to him. This, coupled with other lessons Marinette had about clear communication with her loved ones, like ‘Weredad’ and ‘Befana’, made people believe Marinette was going to have a character arc to grow into a more mature person who’s able to treat Adrien like a human being. This is another promise the writers never followed up on when they then retconned Adrien into a RealDoll and made him Marinette’s therapist to make sure Marinette never has to treat Adrien normally.
As for the lack of Adrien focus, the reason it went unnoticed was actually the lesser focus on other heroes, and the deeper emphasis on the superhero action than in S4-5. There were less heroes and more time spent on Akuma fights, which meant more screen time for Adrien as Cat Noir at least. When Cat Noir is the primary character Ladybug can interact with, he gets to give plenty of input on things and when he’s Ladybug’s only backup, he gets to do more things in battles. And then we add to that the bigger time the earlier seasons spent on Akuma fights, we get more of both of those things. It’s simple math. So, while Adrien didn’t get to contribute decisively a lot, he did get to contribute. Also, they had this thing where Adrien’s eclectic studies would be used to have Cat Noir give Ladybug highly specific but useful information.
Basically, yeah, there were some red flags and other lesser but still worrying stuff too.
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So, within the movies the Black Cat & Ladybug basically bail on their own. But within the show are deliberately handed out.
Given Plagg's power doesn't seem strictly necessary in the way Miracle Cure does, this kind of feels like a risky/not great choice.
Is this something you ever feel the need to address in fics?
Do you mean in a 'Adrien feels unnecessary' way or in a 'why does the Ladybug get extra powers??' way?
In the former, I tend to adjust things so that there's more communication between the Ladybug and Black Cat Duo. Maybe not at first, so you still get episodes like Syren. But it's quickly resolved. So while Adrien feels a little like 'technically LB is more needed than I am', I usually keep him from feeling too bad about it. Though he will still take a hit for her because if she goes down they're fucked(LB doesn't like this but gets that it must be done).
In the latter, I do have it adjusted so that the Black Cat has an equal number of powers. It's just that its powers aren't currently applicable. Like, the gang currently has no use for Necromancy when fighting Hawkmoth, ya know?
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gale-gentlepenguin · 9 months
Gale’s Top Ten: Worst Akuma to deal with in real life.
1. This is solely based on how difficult life would be if the akuma was active. (Rules being in the city in which the akuma is active)
2. Their effectiveness of getting the Miraculous is not a factor, but their ulterior motives and abilities are. (Basically I’m not going to be the Focus of their goal in most cases)
3.And when I say deal with, it’s being a normal person having to cope with the akuma present.
4. I will be rating them at their absolute worst/most powerful. As to get the most accurate rating
5. This is a personal list, but trust me I have given it some thought.
6. No sentimonsters, so Strikeback isn’t making the list
7. Tv episodes, Specials and movie only.
10. Robostus
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Robostus is an akuma that’s slept on. Whether he is taking over all technology to make a giant mech, or hypnotizing people with screens he is a threat. And as a guy that works with technology, I’m in danger. Though in most cases it’s a direct inconvenience at best or I get put in tech storage at best.
9. Simpleman
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An akuma that can impact the intellect of EVERYONE IN PARIS. That’s terrifying. And we saw first hand how his simple antics made everyone as smart as Cosmo from fairy odd parents.
My intellect would drop dramatically and I would probably die from being that stupid.
8. Queen Wasp/Miracle Queen
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Honestly they are basically the same akuma with slightly different powers but the same method of control. My main gripe is being completely frozen by the venom which is just the worst feeling. Would I be made aware? Comotose? Plus I REALLY hate bees/wasps because of childhood stings. So no thank you. But it’s this low because it is still somehow avoidable.
7. Zombizou
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My fear of intimacy aside, this is somehow worse because it spreads like a plague AND, imagine the allegations that would spawn from this. No thank you. That’s a hell no from me dawg.
It’s only this low because as long as I’m not stupid I can avoid it.
6. YanluoShi
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Basically the stand in for all Giant akuma. The difference is his death laser kills and He was DECIMATING shanghai. All the other giant akuma were threats but Yanluoshi was just a bit more dangerous. And without heroes, shanghai would be SOL.
The Shanghai special really did have a heck of an akuma threat.
5. Akumatized Hawkmoth
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For those who haven’t seen the movie. Hawkmoth akumatizes his own heart and basically gives himself even more power.
He had telekineses and was flinging rubble everywhere, he turned the water in La seine into lava by FLOATING OVER IT. He was creating storms just by existing.He decimated Paris, and civilians were in serious danger.
The only reason he is so low is because he was so focused on ladybug and chat noir and despite the damage to Paris, no one was seriously hurt (except ladybug and chat noir)
4. Syren
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She Flooded Paris in minutes. It’s implied a LOT of people got caught in it. Like seriously. I can swim but even I don’t know how well I could handle a suddenly flooded city. At least with the previous entry there were more clear chances of survival. The next entrees have very little survival chances for me
3. Stormy weather
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She can make Volcanic eruptions. Category 5 hurricanes. Stormy weather’s powers are easily one of the most dangerous in the series. If she was allowed to go all out, I would put her on Akumatized Hawkmoth in terms of raw power. Now we never see the full extent of it, but she can Manipulate the earth by creating natural disasters. She likely would have wiped Paris off the map if she got her way. So that’s why she’s here.
2. Bubbler
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I know you all might think this is a joke, but I’m dead serious. The bubbler is probably the most dangerous direct threat. You know what his goal was? No more adults. Guess what, I’m an adult! And you know what else. He sent EVERY ADULT in a bubble to FLOAT IN SPACE. In the manga Tikki even points out that they would DIE up there. Bubbler combining my two greatest fears. Heights and tight spaces. Plus either I die of suffocation or the bubble pops and my body implodes from space. Or worse, I fall to my death at terminal velocity. My only hope is I can pop the bubble BEFORE then.
1. Chat blanc
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You know what your chances of surviving chat blanc are? Zero. He blew up the moon and killed everyone. Either from the result of the moon being destroyed or his power Cataclysming everyone.
He was Alone, this implies everyone else is dead. Not even the heroes on the other side of the world could do ANYTHING!
Survival chance with the other entries was varied. But chat blanc the answer is 0.
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snitchesnsneeds · 3 months
After too much stalling, I finally finished the other half of Miraculous Season 2. Here's my thoughts episode-by-episode:
Zombizou: The episode focused on Ms. Bustier. Honestly I get where she's coming from in that statement to Marinette. This is a world where people can become butt-ugly abominations because they felt upset, although I think Chloe still needs consequences for her actions as well as something like positive reinforcement. She had plenty consequences in season 1. Speaking of Chloe, That Asshole was wrong. There was clear intent for Chloedemption. Also could we at least have seen all that stuff Ms. Bustier does in previous episodes?
Syren: This was an episode the salters talked loads about, and honestly, I get where Adrien's coming from here. On a fundamental level the Ladybug and Black Cat miraculi aren't equals due to the Ladybug's magic reset button, but as one of the first Miraculous users, Adrien should've still been let in on the loop. Kid felt like he was useless, that Ladybug could save the day without his help. At the very least have Master Fu go one-on-one or have both kids show up while transformed or blindfolded. Also the water voices ticked me off, but that's relatively minor.
Frightningale: A fun character-of-the-week episode, especially since I'm fond of Clara Nightingale's constant rhymes and rhythm. She's dedicated to it and I love it. It's also good to see Chloe be an exceptional and talented dancer! It's good to see her having talents and interests that aren't just making people suffer!
Troublemaker: Another episode showing why I think Marinette and Adrien shouldn't date in any of their forms. I don't know enough about stalker shrines but I think Marinette's room is getting close enough to be one for Adrien. Though I'm pretty sure Adrien's seen worse or has been conditioned to not care, based on his reaction at the end. Still a shame that the local TV show had to live-film Marinette's room and beach her privacy in the local city-town of Paris while the real Paris has been converted to an amusement park for tourists. You got any other reasons why the population is so low? One more thing: I'm pretty sure the lack of ladybug-vision was more due to anxiety over losing one of her earrings and the difficulty of the villain more than anything else.
Anansi: I find the new heroes good, personally. They give more screentime to other characters. Also again with Adrien's insecurity about being useful. And I think this episode would've been over sooner if they noticed that Anansi was going to get herself akumatized over the stress and maybe just let her come or something. Or if they got Marinette to arm-wrestle her instead. Marinette has muscles, right?
Sandboy: A lore episode, mostly. The nightmares were funny for a second and I was a bit annoyed by the Akuma's voice, but that's small potatoes. I like how compared to season 1, where we would be given a bunch of development for Sandboy it's just explained to us afterwards while we instead get more time for lore.
Style Queen: Hawkmoth has a contender for the most evil character in the show. Audrey Bourgeois is the kind of person that would be made fun of in those Karen freakout videos. She cheats on her husband, neglects her daughter to the point of not remembering her name, fires people over the most minor inconveniences, and starts G-rated killing people over getting a seat in the second row. She needs to be cancelled, deplatformed, and Chloe needs a therapist and better role models. I really liked the split-second of Adrien looking shocked after Marinette told him he had the catwalk down, btw. Did he think his identity was outed there?
Queen Wasp: This is why teenagers shouldn't get superpowers. I get secondhand embarrassment watching them. Also Marinette What The Fuck why the Hell are you getting Chloe to bond with the Absolute Worst Person For Her
Maledictator: This is what happens when you make Chloe bond with a Chernobyl-level toxic influence, Marinette. In general this episode was funny, both intentionally and unintentionally. Everyone starts celebrating Chloe ditching Paris with her mother except Adrien because Chloe was her only friend even though she was a detriment to everyone else and suddenly Marinette feels bad because she worships Adrien. The first thing the villain of the week does is make Audrey stop being such a horrible person and later he made Chat Noir reach the limit of catboyness. It's like a Smiling Friends episode. Also it was cool to see Chloe's depths and self-loathing. Surely that won't be forgotten and Chloe will be given therapy so she can become a better person, right?
Reverser (Put here so it makes sense timeline-wise): It's Yaoi time. Except that Nathaniel is into Ladybug (who I assume he knows is Marinette) here and Marc is fine with that. Overall a good episode. Some nice humor, and Reverser's probably the best akuma design so far I love the paper stuff. Plus more info on the side characters and a spot of good humor, excellent!
Frozer: Ah, there's the Nathmarc. And explicit Julerose. And Marinette getting some idea that her fantasy of Adrien is unhealthy and shouldn't be followed. And Adrigami, albeit a bit one-sided. Quit pining over someone who doesn't love you and get with someone who does, kid. And a smidgeon of Marigami. And Adrien's bodyguard being his daddy in place of his father. And a pinch of me seeing what the salters were talking about with the girlsquad and them forcing Marinette and Adrien together. Or at least Alya and Mylene. I couldn't hear what Alix, Juleka, and Rose were saying, but they disagreed, right? At least one of them had to disagree, right?
Heroes' Day Two-Parter: Marinette you're being too hotheaded against Lila no you gotta be like Columbo. Also yet another Marinette Costanza moment. Otherwise not much to say here. It's the boss rush episode, it's the series finale, Alya managed to catch onto Nino being Carapace but still can't seem to connect the dots between Ladybug and Marinette, the Peacock Miraculous is introduced, and Natalie is on my suslist.
I might procrastinate again on the first half of season 3. The first episode deserves a post of it's own. It's the salt episode.
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bittersweetresilience · 9 months
a tribute to ladynoir and some of the most beautiful moments of the show. this took me so, so long but it was worth it.
of all the episodes considered, the ones which made it in or nearly did were climatika, lady wifi, chronogirl, rogercop, l'imposteur, dislocœur, le mime, animan, le marionnettiste, reflekta, jackady, volpina, origines, audimatrix, le hibou noir, glaciator, zombizou, syren, rossignoble, le marchand de sable, le combat des reines, le patineur, le jour des héros, pire noël, silence, oni-chan, miraculeur, oblivio, festin, gamer 2.0, ikari gozen, chat blanc, ladybug, la bataille des miraculous, vérité, mensonge, culpabysse, optigami, glaciator 2, hack-san, larme ultime, éphémère, kuro neko, la dernière attaque de papillombre, évolution, multiplication, destruction, jubilation, détermination, exaltation, le choix des kwamis, perfection, révolution, le dernier jour, les héros unis, and la légende de ladydragon. i may have forgotten one or two but the list is long enough.
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ladyofthenoodle · 10 months
What do you mean Snake Noir was Cat Noir’s mental health peak?
ok so this question is in response to some tags i left a while ago and i’ve been putting off answering it so sorry it’s so late!!! part of the reason i put it off is i can’t remember whose meta i read originally discussing chat noir’s season 3 development and how snake noir represented him growing from his struggles and insecurities earlier in the season. so sorry to uncredited person that made me think about this initially and whose points i’m about to attempt to summarize.
in season 3, we start to see a greater imbalance between ladybug and chat noir‘s partnership. ladybug isn’t guardian yet, but she’s the one handing out the miraculous and allowed to work closely with fu. even as early as season 2, with syren, we see this affecting him and him becoming more unsure of his place on the team. then, in season 3, two more things happen to really exacerbate this: desperada and reflekdoll. in reflekdoll, he isn’t able to be mister bug without lady noire’s help, while she mostly does fine with his miraculous. in desperada, he fails to use the snake miraculous and hears ladybug say she doesn’t need chat noir. so he’s at a pretty low point.
but then, things start to get a little better. adrien gets his bro team up episode. he tries to move on romantically. he’s not basing his whole self worth on ladybug so much anymore. honestly i need to do a rewatch of season 3 to properly explain this because a lot of this development is subtle but it’s there. things are looking up!
and then, in the finale, ladybug needs him. she’s a mess.
and he gets it together. he picks up all her slack in that battle and he gets his second chance with the snake and he absolutely rocks it once he combines it with the cat! and it’s very symbolic that this battle he does so well in is while he’s wielding a miraculous he failed with before. and honestly after the season 3 finale, he rocks it every time he combines miraculous and he rocks the kwami swap too, so that level up in skill lasts… but as we all know, season 4 pretty much cratered his emotional health. hence snake noir being the peak 😭 shoutout to bunny noir and passion era mister bug though!
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flightfoot · 1 year
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marble-running · 6 months
AND another thing.
Since Syren established that Kim cares about people's feelings now, even if he's still not the best with social cues and thinking before he speaks/acts ("I think she was trying to tell me that I'm the boy she likes. But I was a doofus and didn't realise."), so wouldn't it make more sense for him to be akumatisd because he's feeling guilty about what he did?
He can see Marinette's upset, and he can piece together from her reaction and the added context he has that the reason she's reacting like this is because of the trick he pulled on her (as shown in the episode). Since he's friendly with Marinette now (shown in Dark Cupid, somewhat ironically), he feels guilty that he's hurt his friend like this.
Then there are a few potential routes:
A) He goes to Marinette to apologise, but she tells him to piss off (maybe because she's in the throes of a panic attack, maybe because she's justifiably angry at him), which makes him feel worse and opens him up to akumatisation. The akuma here would probably be different, since what he wants here is for Marinette to feel better and forgive him. Moral: you can't make someone forgive you, and you can't just make the pain you caused someone disappear.
B) He shifts the blame onto Chloe, since it was her idea, and he wasn't trying to hurt Marinette, he thought she'd find it funny (personally I'd have it as him just trying to make himself feel better, but you can have him genuinely believe it if you want). Again, the akuma would be different, since here he doesn't want to be blamed for the trick/how it affected Marinette. Moral: it being someone else's idea doesn't absolve you of responsibility. [Disclaimer: not sure this is very in character for Kim, as I don't recall him acting this way at any point in the show.]
C, if you want to stick with Dark Humour) He's in denial about how he hurt Marinette. He says it was supposed to be funny, she's overreacting and needs to learn to take a joke, but without any real conviction. When Monarch akumatises him, he says that he agrees with Kim, people need to learn to take a joke (because emotional manipulation is his whole schtick). Kim is relieved to have someone tell him he hasn't done anything wrong (no-one wants to be responsible for hurting their friend like that), and becomes Dark Humour. (The key difference is Monarch manipulating him into thinking he's in the right, not him thinking that way from the beginning.) Here Kim's underlying guilt plays into his defeat, causing him to resist Monarch somewhat, enough for the heroes to get the upper hand. Moral: you can't just run away from your actions. The best thing you can do is own up, fix the damage if you can, and try to be better.
Bonus: it actually shows Kim as a bully character who changed his ways and feels remorse for how he used to be, contrasting him with what Astruc has decided to with Chloe. (As opposed to them throwing in one line about him promising to change at the end.)
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zoe-oneesama · 2 years
I know you said you're not doing time travel-related episodes in the SLau, but I was wondering where they'd fit into the timeline? Like, which seasons/which episode numbers they'd be using your organisation? Purely out of curiosity, since you're not doing the rabbit miraculous/time travel, and there's no pressure for an answer, just wondering where you'd place them in the timeline
Alright, you asked for it. This is an alternate universe where the Pandemic didn't happen btw, for my own sanity:
September 2019:
Origins part 1: Mon, Sept 2 (First Day of School)
Origins part 2: Tues, Sept 3
Stormy Weather: Sat, Sept 14
Bubbler: Mon, Sept 16 (SL Adrien's Bday!) and Tues, Sept 17
Lady Wifi: Thurs, Sept 26-Sat, Sept 28 (all 3 days)
October 2019:
Copycat: Wed, Oct 2 and Thursday, Oct 3
Mr. Pigeon: Mon, Oct 7
The Pharaoh: Fri, Oct 16
Horrificator: Sat, Oct 26 and Sun, Oct 27 (over "Fall Break")
November 2019:
Rogercop: Fri, Nov 4 (after "Fall Break" ends)
Darkblade: Tues, Nov 11 and Wed, Nov 12 (biggest inaccuracy since this isn't when mayoral elections would take place)
Gamer: Thurs, Nov 14 and Fri, Nov 15
Reflekta: Mon, Nov 25
December 2019 (Where I start keeping a physical planner because my digital one kept deleting notes):
Timebreaker: Sat, Dec 7 (SL Alix's Bday!)
Simon Says: Sun, Dec 8 and the next Sun, Dec 15
Volpina: Wed, Dec 18
Collector: Wed, Dec 18, Thurs, Dec 19, and Fri, Dec 20
Befana: Fri, Dec 20 and Tues, Dec 24 (SL Marinette's Bday!) (During "Christmas Winter Break")
January 2020:
Kung Food: Fri, Jan 3 (End "Christmas Winter Break")
Evillustrator: Mon, Jan 6 (SL Nathaniel's Bday!), Tues, Jan 7
Vanisher: Mon, Jan 13 - Wed, Jan 15 (all 3 days)
Riposte: Fri, Jan 17 and Mon, Jan 20
Captain Hardrock: Sat, Jan 25
February 2020:
Syren: Sat, Feb 1
Dark Cupid: Fri, Feb 14
Interlude 1: Mon, Feb 17
Animan: Fri, Feb 21, and Sat, Feb 22
Puppeteer: Mon, Feb 24, and Tues, Feb 25 (during "Winter Break")
March 2020:
Pixelator: Fri, March 13
Guitar Villain: Sat, March 14-Mon, March 16 (all 3 days)
Princess Fragrance: Fri, March 27
Despair Bear: Mon, March 30
April 2020 (Things get weird here thanks to reordering some episodes):
Sapotis: Fri, April 3 and Sat, April 4
Anansi: Mon, April 20 (during "Spring Break")
Troublemaker: Sat, April 25-Mon, April 27 (technically "spring break" should still be going but we'll pretend it's done)
[Silencer Montague Sequence starts from Fri, April 17, since the contest is for the bands to make something in 2 weeks]
May 2020:
Silencer (the main episode): Fri, May 1 and Sat, May 2
Desperada: Sun, May 3
Ikari Gozen: Fri, May 15 and Sat, May 16
Crocoduel: Thrus, May 21 and Sat, May 23 (SL Luka and Juleka's Bday!)
Robostus: Mon, May 25
Prime Queen: Fri, May 29
June 2020:
Zombizou: Tues, June 2 (SL Caline's Bday!), and Wed, June 3
The Mime: Fri, June 5
Gorizilla: Sat, June 6
Sandboy: Mon, June 8
Reverser: Tues, June 9 - Fri, June 12 (all 4 days)
Party Crasher (all dates after this point are loose guesses): Sat, June 13
Frozer: Between Mon, June 15-Friday, June 19
Frightningale: Sat, June 20
Malediktator: Fri, June 26
Style Queen: Sat, June 27
Queen Wasp: Sat, June 27 and Sun, June 28
July 2020:
Catalyst/Mayura: Fri, July 3 (Last Day of School)
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