#epitome of leo energy
stinkrascal · 2 years
💝 ☕ 🤡 for whoever you'd like to talk about!!
YES FINALLY it is vaughn time!!!
💝 - What gestures do they really appreciate? How do you get on their good side? vaughn is a hopeless romantic. i cannot express this enough that he will literally fall in love with anyone that gives him any sliver of attention. he loves being pampered, being doted on, being praised, and even if it's only perceived attraction, that's enough for him to fall, and fall hard.
☕ - Coffee or tea? neither. he chugs monster energy drinks like it's nobody's business. specifically the pink cans.
🤡 - What’s something dumb they’re embarrassed about? he cries to annie about his mommy issues at least once a week, and then he feels really awkward and weird about it the next day and tries to pretend like he hasn't just hashed out all his life's woes to his best friend the night prior. totally conflicts with his carefree attitude, you know? he's always embarrassed about it nevertheless.
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I realize having 2H-8H, 4H-10H, and 6H-12H placements is common for women. And being feminine houses explains alot.
And in that way, 10H would represent the martriachy while the Guru in the philosophical 9H would represent patriarchy.
I think Aquarius is the archetype of the absolute masculine and Pisces the absolute feminine.
I've noticed air pairs up well with water and earth with fire. Air understands intensity as much as water does. Where air is a hermit and water a healer. Also water recognizes air is crazy like pixie crazy, whereas being entertained by the fact that they're the lunacy crazy, but they only under-estimate air. 🍃 this psycho-active game is what keeps the two going. Fun pair.
Air and earth at first seems boring, but the more they peek underneath the unmoving stability and silence of earth, they realize a humor that's hard to forget. And because air is timeless in the end, earth with it's tranquility wins the air to earth. Air brings a breeze; and this becomes a tropical 🍹 love.
The stubborn unmoving nature of earth is well understood by the inspiring nature of fire.
----I believe any synastry could work, and should if it was meant to be, and not to leave anything to fate 🍃 but even the most difficult like 8H 💄 synastry has worked in numerous cases for different individuals.
---I think the 4H 🏡 as one of the angular houses is very important since it's home and home is where the heart is. And the heart is the store for all our spiritual and earthly treasures. So it would make sense that originally cancer was ruled by ♃ Jupiter the planet 🌏 of abundance 💰.
Generally Jupiter for a woman's chart denotes the "earthly treasures" through the 🕺 Husband, and representing foreign cultures goes to say literally the woman as a home maker is accepted native to all cultures, belonging to none and therefore. The 9H being where the woman gets a culture they'll marry into, men as suitors, and residents of the 9H house. HENCE the 9H placements.
As for the man ; the Venus position indicates where they marry from. Nature and background of the woman in their 4H.
Literally the only axis that matter for a woman are the ones mentioned above concluding 1H-7H, 3H-9H, 5H-11H, to be the ones that matter for the man. And so the placements in it, infact this is relative and common on most Natal charts.
The mars 💉 placements show our actions, traditionally represented by scorpio(feminine) and the Aries (Masculine).
Also Mars is where we get adrenaline from, things "energize" us, ENERGY. ⛮ Meaning for the men the (ethereal) appeal comes from how consciously awake they are, and for the woman, the transformation they can do, as home makers in building Inheritance, as well as "the shared resources."
----The 8H, of shared Inheritance goes ahead to be a shadow of the 12H 🌊 what proceeds the eternity of a soul. Where Venus is exalted in Pisces again making it the highest archetype of a woman, in being the "golden alchemist of love". Compassion. Women are Soulful according to the 12H.
And ⚙ according to the 11H the epitome of the masculine, men are revolutionary. Fathers of civilizations. And because it all fair in love and war. Love is also a feminine form of civilization.
Fire and earth belong together too, like air and water.
That being said all chaos return to order, and all order is born from chaos. Therefore each harmful aspect in a birthchart appears to be neutralized by a uniquely powerful order in the chart. I think that makes astrology a "divine" science.
Edit; am thinking Leos have to be self sufficient because they are primarily ruled by the sun. "The father" in astrology and therefore being the energy of sustenance it will and must show in them and on them in a certain way. "Boss vibes" 😎 ✅
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harmoonix · 10 months
🌆City Lights🌆
°Astrology Observations°
✮ ✮
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🌆 - Aquarius Sun/Moon/Rising can be very ambient in their moods, 1 second they're the happiest the next second they feel sad/melancolic
🌆 - Capricorn/Aries Sun/Moon/Rising/Saturn are good placements for leaders, many leaders of our world have plenty of Aries and Capricorn in their charts
🌆 - Virgo Rising/6° 18° degrees on your ascendant> Epitome of an fairy, Virgo is portrayed as a virgin holy woman with a young beauty. They can embody this beauty into themselves
🌆 - People with Sagittarius Jupiter/Jupiter in the 9th house/ Jupiter at 9°, 21° degrees are extremely lucky in life, 9th house in combination with Jupiter gives great opportunities in life and is a blessed house in the modern/vedic chart
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🌆 - Pluto in the 1st house > They need to evolve, so most natives with these placements will go through a lot of transformations/challenges and lessons but they will be all worth in the end
* I just thought about it, most people of the GenZ are born with Pluto in Sagittarius and imagine all the natives of this generation born with Sag Rising > They have Pluto in the 1st house instant, an entire generation with Pluto in the 1st house*
🌆 - Lilith/Saturn/Pluto and sometimes Neptune in the 11th house can indicate being betrayed/backstabbed by friends
🌆 - People with Cancer/Moon in the 7th house need someone who is soft with them, most people I know with these placements desire an soft/sweet/nice partner
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🌆 - Aquarius Mercury/Mercury at 11°, 23° can be the type of people who are obsessed with their phones/technology/ you can see them talking at the phone 24/7 or sending messages aswell
🌆 - Moon in the 6th house/Cancer in the 6th house natives can get affected by the Moon and that affects their moods aswell, for example when Moon is in Capricorn and Cap being Cancer's opposite, the native can feel overwhelmed, nervous etc..Your mood is affected by the signs the moon is in that actual moment
🌆 - And I also think everyone feels better when their moon sign comes back in their sign from birth chart, like for example your moon is in Leo and you may feel the best right exactly when the moon it's in Leo
🌆 - I feel like natives with an Earth sign in their 2nd house may like eating a lot, I mean they can be the type of people who are always hungry or thinking about food
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🌆 - Chiron in the 1st/2nd house and aspecting ascendant can have a fear of gaining weight, or being seen as someone who may gain a lot of weight, they don't like such things and can often overthink about it
🌆 - There is no lie that people with Lilith - Mercury/Pluto - Mercury aspects and Lilith in the 3rd house are giving the best moans when they're in bed, and its actually more fun when it comes from ✨both✨ like, honey...don't make me sing alone by myself...
🌆 - Venus - conjunct Mercury can also possess a very good voice, but theirs can actually be more sensual and more light, let me just say people get excited when they hear your ✨voice✨
🌆 - Lilith square/opposite/conjunct Jupiter > the vibe of that person who always thinks about naughty things and has magnetic sexual energy
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🌆 - Saturn in the 6th house people are very kind, I never saw one Saturn in 6H doing something wrong or bad, they respect the rules and themselves, and they also make treat people with respect
🌆 - A Fire Sign in your 3rd house can indicate that you may like driving/cars/motorcycles etc... Also if you have Mars in that house too
🌆 - Venus in Pisces/Venus in the 12th house > I imagine these natives as the people who want to cuddle all day long and staying bed while watching some Netflix
🌆 - Libra/Taurus/Venus/Moon in your 4th house give you that aesthetic eye for decoration, your home can be your temple and you can decorate it so beautifully
🌆 - Having 9th & 12th house placements in your Juno persona chart can indicate an foreign spouse. Or an relationship aboard, 2 people who can live in different countries but in a relationship
🌆 - Moon in Scorpio/Moon in the 8th house in your Juno persona chart > I can already feel the spiciness of this placement coming through, it's majestic
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🌆 - Saturn - Ascendant aspects can get tired fast, these natives really need some active life, they can get less motivated aswell or just randomly lose all their motivation for something
🌆 - Sagittarius Venus is a fierce placement for those who may like flirting/talking dirty. Because they can have succes 100% also they like it spicy
🌆 - Juno trine/sextile/conjunct Neptune> they can create an special connection in their relationships and usually this energy can be felt even if they broke up. You can be the type of person people miss after they broke up with you
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🧁 - Night can be very beautiful sometimes. Especially if your city is surrounded by beautiful lights, but always take care when you plan to go outside at night. Just as a precaution 🧁
🧁 Have a very wonderful day to all people who read my notes, take care of yourself and love yourself the most 🧁
- H a r m o o n i x
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redheadlesbianfreak · 5 months
One thing that has always weirded me out about the TMNT fandom is the way certain versions of Donatello are mischaracterized to make them "similar" to 2012 Donnie and Rottmnt Donnie. I'm so sorry, but 2003 Donnie is not a mad scientist guys.
2003 Donnie is a very kind person. He gives food to the homeless community in New York City and befriends them. He's very patient with his brothers even if they irritate him. He's soft-spoken and a very gentle dude. There are so many moments where Donnie is caring for his brothers when they are injured. He stays by Leo's side during the Battle Nexus tournament and he tends to Mikey's sprained ankle during their fight with the Shredder.
Donnie is the "heart" of the team in 2003, which is pretty much spelled out in the episode "Same As It Never Was." The team falls apart without him because he's the glue that keeps them together. That's also why they're so distraught when he gets turned into a monster by Bishop; that is the exact opposite of Donnie. Not only is he a mindless monster, but he is also violent and doesn't hesitate to attack his family. That's why it's so devastating to the characters and the audience.
Idk, it just sucks to see the fanbase mischaracterize this version of Donnie so they can put all the other versions of Donnie together in a little box. It's giving "he would not fucking say that" energy. It especially sucks to me because I think the 2003 version of Donnie is the epitome of "positive masculinity." He's still a badass fighter but he's kind and gentle. He uses his strength and intelligence to help others and gives back to his community! That's fucking awesome!!!
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seafoamreadings · 9 days
week of september 15th, 2024
these are written predominantly for the *rising* signs but they are also intuitively "channeled" enough that they should work for any dominant energy you have! (try your sun if you don't know rising, or more advanced readers can try moon, anywhere you have a stellium, etc and see what works best for you!)
aries: it's eclipse week! most of that will happen without too much effort from you or even conscious awareness of it, which is probably going to suit you just fine. what you may be more aware of is the mars-nodal square around the same time. consider getting out of the house a bit, going somewhere for a change of scenery but without feeling too out of your element; the house of a close friend, a favorite place in nature, etc.
taurus: romantic dalliances may turn tumultuous if not actually sour this week, especially if not all has been above board. friendships can also get a little bit, let's say, interesting. use your good will as a defense; a little good karma never hurts. do your best not to act with malicious intent in any matter.
gemini: something puts you in the public eye with this eclipse, or at least under the scrutiny of a supervisor or someone in a similar role. this brings about changes, which hopefully are for the best! if all your action has been in alignment with your best self and highest goals, this goes well. otherwise, perhaps not.
cancerians: any eclipse is a big deal for you as the lunar creature you are. the full moon ones perhaps even more so. this one is in watery pisces, and can have you reconsidering or being forced to change academic pursuits, philosophies, and even deeply held spiritual beliefs. above all, don't try to hide or deny truths. be flexible as new information arises or events occur.
leo: i've said it before and i'll say it again, leos feel eclipses every bit as much as cancerians. you don't get a free pass by not being lunar, because you are the epitome of solar and the eclipse doesn't happen without the sun! this eclipse focuses on your resources, the ones you've shored up for yourself or were born with as well as the ones inherited, married into, or otherwise shared.
virgo: relationships are often a core theme for you due to neptune and saturn both long in your sign. this week it's all amplified and brought to a head by the lunar eclipse in pisces - which of course requires input from the sun in your sign. you don't have to be scared of eclipses, but don't expect things to still be the same after this week.
libra: although the eclipse is not directly involving your sign, the nodes of the moon are along the aries-libra axis. and mars is squaring them from your fellow cardinal sign of cancer. you do not have to act on the urge to Do Something, but you do need to heed it, take note of what it is telling you and how much comes from yourself vs what comes from expectations or fears. actions can come later; this week focus on stillness, patience, and collecting information. the eclipse will churn up plenty of it.
scorpio: as a fixed sign, chaos and volatility may not be your favorite vibe. but mars is in a position such that you can actually manipulate the situation in your favor. for one thing, while most people are uneasy about the unknown because it is scary, it also is full of hope - things might go horribly awry but... they also might go better than you ever dreamed of.
sagittarius: current high mutability is a blessing and a curse. you're so mutable yourself that in many ways it fits. on the other hand, anything you try to make stable and sturdy this time is likely to refuse to cooperate. just be as flexible and flowing as you can.
capricorn: mars in cancer is making many aspects all week, amidst a powerful lunar eclipse period. this creates a tense environment for you and yet that tension can certainly lead to a constructive decision or act (or several). take action, but avoid impulsivity.
aquarius: prominently featured this week are your resources, money, inheritances, and the taboo. this is an important time to see the sacred in the mundane, and even in the profane! be open to positive change even if it seems that things are sort of in shambles. and don't spend any more money, time, or energy than you absolutely critically need to. this is not a time to be doing excessive favors.
pisces: a lunar eclipse in your sign is of course the first order of business. this occurs over your self/others axis, so relationships and your self image and self concept are in the spotlight. or it might feel more like being an ant under a magnifying glass? at any rate, this is not all there is. so get your rest where you can get it. don't skimp on sleep, nutrition, or self care.
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piscesvenus12h · 2 years
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ARIES MOON: lawful chaos. The avenger of the friend group. “do as I say, not as I do”. Way more in touch with their emotions than others give them credit for.
Taurus Moon: stubborn. Emotionally intelligent and emotionally reserved. Stuck in their ways. Money and aesthetic driven. Big dick energy. Plan maker and care taker.
Gemini Moon: truly does not know what what they want until the moment of. The queen/king of communication. picks up on topics/ideas really fast. Really good at expressing their emotions, but it can come across as harsh if they haven’t built any emotional intelligence.
Cancer Moon: empathetic and craves harmony. Probably tends to other peoples emotions before their own. Grandma/grandpa of the friend group.
Leo Moon: center stage. Craves attention. Jovial to the core.  connects with children and animals very well. teacher vibes.  perfectionist, and expects everyone else to be too. Might be emotionally reserved.
Virgo Moon: calculates every single action they might take to see the end result. May appear to be cynical, but really is just a teddy bear.  swamp witch vibes. Healer energy. incredibly intuitive. Gifted with sciences.
Libra Moon: demands harmony with an interpersonal relationship. May struggle with being a people pleaser. loves words of affirmation and gifts. incredibly intuitive within relationships. 
Scorpio Moon: the epitome of angst. Does not like to be perceived. Feels things incredibly deeply, but does not show it. magnetic. Charismatic, leadership energy. Others trust you with their lives.
Sagittarius Moon: goofy. Comes across as emotionally unintelligent on purpose as a protective reason. incredibly perceptive. Struggles to settle down when they know their needs aren’t being met. Low-key a hopeless romantic. 
Capricorn Moon: hermit energy. Incredibly empathetic, even though you may not perceive this at first. selective with who they trust. resting bitch face. The stabilizer for those around them.
Aquarius Moon: aloof. Chooses to disconnect as a means of survival. loves or hates a group setting. Probably has a lot of online friends. Would probably meet their significant other from a dating app or social media platform. emotionally reserved. Picky with trust.
Pisces Moon: fantasy land. Intuitive of the emotions around them. Sleepy all the fucking time. May struggle with escapism or addiction. emotions change rapidly. Love with these type is intoxicating. 
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venuscnjunctpluto · 1 year
Observations Pt 7.
Credits: @venuscnjunctpluto
* Jesse’s Lilith is in Billie’s 12th house. This is such scary synastry to me because you don’t see how the Lilith person can be manipulating you or even trying to seduce you.
*scorpio risings have something noticeable about their ‘glabella’ (space in btw the eyes specifically the smooth area above the nose I had to Google it lol) I notice Scorpio risings have glabella’s that protrude which makes their eyes even more noticeable and intense. And it makes them look like a skunk lol (ex: Taylor swift, dita von teese, Natalie Portman, Chaka Khan, and Sydney Sweeney)
*moon square Venus people are the epitome of Candy Heron in mean girls. They end up in friendships and relationships that worse their emotional well-being. It’s usually summed up to them not being able to be themselves around their “friends” or partners.
*libra risings have pudgy noses with smaller nostrils while Aries risings have defined noses with larger nostrils. You can usually guess these two by their noses
*Capricorn rising women 🤝 elaborate ponytails, long braids, bangs idk their hair gives off power puff girl vibes
*the way Pisces placements get talked to is ridiculous to me. People will talk to them like literal children which is very demeaning.
*simone biles just got married congrats to her! Her husband has so many prominent cancer placements and 0 degree libra mars. Civilized cardinal placements have such big husband/wife energy it’s insane. Very romantic and taking the time you learn you as a person. They also have Venus trine Venus, mars conjunct mars, moon conjunct moon synastry 💕
*kelis is the perfect example of a Leo dominant. She wears so many vibrant colors, dyed her hair often, and always carried confident aura.
*I notice Scorpio Venus women defend plastic surgery and those who get it. I know three of them who defend the kardashians like crazy (even though ppls problem is the lying about surgery but anywho). I think it’s bc they would get plastic surgery as well if they could.
*venus-uranus/aqua Venus placements make friends so easily it’s insane. They’ll get reposted on social media a lot as well.
*Ik this guy with cupido conjunct mars and he’s a huge flirt and player. I have cupido conjunct mars and I think it attracts players towards me it’s been so many situations a guy has tried to hide his player tendencies but I always found out eventually. I think this is a red flag placement🚩🚩🚩🚩
*i have cupido in the 8th so does Barack Obama, Ryan gosling, Rihanna, Monica Bellucci, Elizabeth Taylor, Cardi B. This might be a very seductive placement these ppl probably go all in when they’re attracted to someone. Or they might use their sexuality to get their crushes.
*zoe kravitz playing Selina Kyle and having Venus conjunct pluto makes sense. She can pull off darker looks and I notice women w this look like cats. Ryan destiny is also a good example of this.
* a lot of my celeb crushes I have their Venus in my 1st. Matthew Gary gubler, Rob Lowe, Prince, Johnny depp, Cillian Murphy etc…the house person can admire the Venus persons’s style.
*uranus-asc have something unique about their appearance and usually it’s a cleft chin (ex: Ben Affleck, Troian Bellisario, Adele) I have this aspect as well and I have one
*virgo venuses 🤝 wearing black clothes and glasses
*sag venuses 🤝wearing goofy graphic t-shirts
*hilaria baldwin has a sag venus and obviously that’s a indicator of being into other cultures. I notice ppl who tend to be fixated on or appropriate other cultures have sag or aqua venuses *insert timothee chalamet’s rap video lol*
*in defense of Austin butlers sexy voice…a lot of Taurus risings have voice changes or issues. Miley Cyrus’s voice has gotten incredibly deeper as well because she developed a condition. Unpopular opinion I think his voice just changed😭
* Saturn-asc and people thinking you’re older bc you are reserved. They’re the kid who sat down quietly and read books or knitted while everybody else was running around. Even when we have other carefree placements our Saturn-asc makes them barely noticeable at all during first impressions. We also love vintage clothing (ex: Keith powers) I saw a similar post but I agree that this can make someone’s rising traits develop more as they get older. As an Aries rising I didn’t start working out or asserting myself more until I got older.
Stars with Venus-asc tend to be really charismatic and funny during interviews. (Ex: Rihanna, keke Palmer, Megan the stallion, and lizzo)
*saturn-sun people have very strict fathers or male figures who tried to control them a lot growing up. This can make them very hard on themselves as they get older and I notice a lot of lawyers have major Saturn aspects.
* two prominent stem malfunctions (challenger explosion and the Columbia explosion) happened during Aquarius season
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dovesdreaming · 18 days
Boutiques and bionics
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Summary: Chase’s girlfriend loves to shop and is a bit of a diva but fits right into the davenports with her loving attitude towards them.
Warnings: none
Chase Davenport sat in the middle of the sleek Davenport mansion's spacious living room, his eyes glued to the tablet in his hand. The holographic projection flickered, showing a complex blueprint for a new bionic enhancement he'd been working on. The numbers and diagrams danced in his mind, but his concentration was abruptly interrupted by the sound of heels clicking on the marble floor. “Chase! There you are!” a melodic voice chimed, filling the room with an energy that was both captivating and, at times, overwhelming. Chase looked up, his expression softening as he saw his girlfriend, you, walking towards him. You were a vision of glamour, as always, dressed in a perfectly tailored designer outfit that complemented your flawless style. Your dark hair was swept back in a sleek ponytail, and you wore a pair of oversized sunglasses perched on your head like a crown.
“Hey, y/n” Chase greeted her with a smile, setting his tablet down on the coffee table. You, the epitome of fashion and flair, had an aura that could light up any room. Despite your diva like tendencies, your love for shopping, designer brands, and everything luxurious. You were kind-hearted and adored the Davenport family. You had a way of making everyone feel special, even if your enthusiasm for the latest fashion trends sometimes overshadowed the more mundane aspects of life.
You sauntered over to him, your eyes sparkling with excitement. “Guess what I just found at the mall? The most fabulous dress! It’s perfect for that gala you’re dragging me to next week”. Chase chuckled, wrapping an arm around your waist as you showed him a picture of the dress on your phone. It was a stunning piece, all elegance and sophistication, just like you. “I’m not dragging you anywhere. You were the one who said you’d be happy to come”. You smirked, leaning in to give him a quick kiss on the cheek. “True, true. But we both know you’re the one who’s really excited about this whole sciencey gala thing. I’m just there to look pretty on your arm”. Chase laughed, knowing you were only half joking. He loved how different you were; where he was analytical and logical, you were vibrant and spontaneous. But it worked. Somehow, it just worked.
“And how are my favorite couple doing?” a voice interrupted from the entrance. You both turned to see Donald Davenport, Chase’s adoptive father and the genius behind the bionic technology, walking in with a grin on his face. You instantly brightened, stepping away from Chase to greet Donald with a hug. “Hi, Mr. Davenport! I was just telling Chase about the amazing dress I got today. You’ll love it, it’s absolutely to die for!” You exclaimed, your enthusiasm infectious. Donald chuckled, patting your shoulder. “I’m sure you’ll look fantastic, y/n. And please, call me Donald”. Chase watched the interaction with a warm smile. You had been part of his life for almost a year now, and in that time, you’d become close to his family. You had a unique way of winning people over, even Leo, who was usually skeptical of most people.
“By the way, y/n” Donald said, as they all moved toward the living room, “Tasha wanted me to ask if you could help her pick out an outfit for the gala. She said you have the best fashion sense out of anyone she knows”. Your eyes widened with delight. “I’d love to! Tell Tasha I’ll be over tomorrow to help her out”. Chase’s heart swelled with affection as he watched you chatting animatedly with Donald. Despite your love for all things glamorous, you never hesitated to go out of your way to help those you cared about. You were kind, compassionate, and brought a vibrancy to the Davenport household that Chase hadn’t even realized was missing.
After a few more minutes of chatting, Donald excused himself to go back to his work, leaving Chase and you alone again “So” you began, turning to face him with a mischievous glint in your eyes, “I was thinking we could have a little date night tonight. Maybe dinner at that new rooftop restaurant downtown?”. Chase hesitated, glancing back at his tablet. He had planned to spend the evening working on his latest bionic project, but one look at your hopeful expression and he knew his work could wait.
“Sounds perfect” he said, slipping his hand into yours. “But I’m picking up the tab this time. You always insist on treating me, and I want to return the favour”. You giggled, squeezing his hand. “Deal. But only if you promise to let me drag you into a few shops afterward. I saw some shoes that would look amazing with my new dress”. Chase rolled his eyes playfully but nodded. “Alright, but you’re going to have to explain to me why you need another pair of shoes when you already have a closet full”.
You laughed, pulling him towards the door. “Oh, sweetie, there’s always room for more shoes. Now come on, let’s go. We have a date with the stars and some fabulous cuisine!”. As you left the mansion, hand in hand, Chase couldn’t help but marvel at how lucky he was. He had his family, his work, and you-a girl who brought color into his meticulously ordered world. And for once, he was more than happy to let go of his logical side and just enjoy the adventure. Because with you by his side, life was anything but predictable and he wouldn’t have it any other way.
Thank you for reading!
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erosastro · 1 year
Signs that aren't traditionally compatible but still somehow always drawn to each other
*This is based on mostly sun signs
*Remember though that compatability runs deeper than just your Sun signs. These are just patterns I've noticed.
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🦋 Aries + Scorpio - I think it's because of Mars ruler? That they work so well. But Aries loves the attention, is fiery and passionate and honestly Scorpio is just the same. Scorpio loves to give Aries the attention they crave.
🦋 Taurus + Sagittarius - Honestly this one stumps me a bit. But it could be a case of opposites attract? They're so different with taurus being the epitome of stable and grounded and Sagittarius the opposite. Maybe they need the other to balance each other out.
🦋 Aquarius + Pisces - Yall idk about this one. Could be like above, opposites attract. Aquarius might be drawn to pisces dreamy nature and Pisces might to be drawn to Aquarius intellect.
🦋Capricorn + Gemini - both are hardworkers but I think gemini teaches capricorn to relax a bit and not take things so seriously, which provides a good balance bc capricorn can teach gemini how to stay grounded and not be in their heads so much.
🦋 Scorpio + Sagittarius - I've noticed with a lot of these couples that they have a similar sense of humor. Sagittarius helps Scorpio come out of their shell and Scorpio helps Sagittarius see deeper meanings to life.
🦋 Pisces + Sagittarius - These two are actually similar in so many ways in that they're both dreamy and creative. I'm not surprised since they're both mutable signs and mutable signs can work well. I think the problem could only come in when Pisces wants romance/to settle down and Sagittarius values freedom a bit more.
🦋 Libra + Taurus - Again like Scorpio and Aries, maybe because of having the same ruler (Venus), there's no surprise they get along and can work well together. Libra craves the balance and stability Taurus exudes. Taurus loves the sensuality and romance Libra can bring.
🦋 Aquarius + Scorpio - Aquarius loves to stimulate their mind and Scorpio is a puzzle they want to crack. That's honestly the way I see this couple. Plus they're both fixed signs so there's an undeniable sexual attraction there too.
🦋 Leo + Capricorn - Every couple I've seen here are like best friends. You wouldn't be able to tell they were dating at first. They just click. Possibly because Leo shows capricorn adventure and capricorn shows Leo that their deeper feelings matter.
🦋 Libra + Virgo - Virgo loves romance, as much as they may not seem like it at first and libra brings that to the table. They bring some balance to the mercurian energy that virgo has and Virgo helps libra see things outside their rose-coloured glasses.
🦋 Cancer + Leo - These two are romantic as hell. Both are very touchy in a couple and I think cancer can show Leo to be in touch with their emotions and empathy. Leo can show cancer not to take things so seriously and allow themselves to have fun
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fairytypingg · 2 months
fuck it we're doing this
leo(i think thats what i am, idk a lot abt astrology)
7 minutes older and takes it way too seriously
overplans for everything
screams cries crumbles if she doesn't have 100% control over any situation
plays a lot into appearances but is actually a chronic workaholic(gets it from her uncle)
she and veneer were raaised by their uncle actually!!
velvet has a love hate relationship with the music industry, before and after the events of the movie
cannot ever talk about her feelings she'll explode
bottles everything up like im so serious
"i'll keep all my emotions right here. and then one day, i'll die."
she vents frustration by talking mad shit in cs:go lobbies
she's really good at the game
scary good aim because of it, and that DOES transfer to real life
has 97 mental illnesses and is banned from most public spaces/ref
"i inhereted severe generational trauma and all i got was borderline personality disorder"
someone help her
she needs therapy
also autistic <3
also a leo
7 minutes younger but only remembers bcs velvet will not let him forget
he seems chill in comparison because velvet is so high strung but he is the most dramatic bitch ever
says really out of pocket shit without thinking
"yeah that's why your parents dont call you then haha- what why are you looking at me like that what did i say"
he's the epitome of unmedicated adhd
probably needs glasses
the only one of the twins with a drivers license
was very outgoing growing up because velvet hated talking to people, so someone had to do it
doesn't rly understand velvet being depressed and thinks shes a drama queen like him
"im tragically doomed by the narrative" "drink water dumbass"
hes morosexual
"if a man can locate mount rageous on a map that man is not my type"
dumb fucking ass
love him, hes just kinda stupid.
Kid Ritz:
idk any other zodiac signs use ur imagination
every personality disorder you can think of
emotional manipulation is a sport and he is bringing home the gold
whats wrong with him
the answer is mommy issues. and rampant childhood neglect. also when you're raised as rich as he was you're gonna come out weird
struggled to understand the concept of lying as a child so when be finally got it he retaliated by lying for sport and then never stopped doing that
prefers machines to people
hes one of those "there is a minimum iq requirement to talk to me" guys
not just a talk show host!!
he's well trained to take over his father's political position when the old man retires
current director of public security
he's known as a purveyor of gossip for a reason
the saying goes that nothing happens in the city without his knowledge
like genius iq, reading at a college level by age 5, etc
actual child prodigy in every conceivable way
notorious for being "perfect"
he's the face of Ritzworth Media Corp for a reason
evil genius
also lonely
his father is grossly neglectful and his mother is a deadbeat
did i mention he has mommy issues
never met his mom and has devoted a lot of his energy to forming an intelligence network dedicated to finding her
hates people
like very antisocial
struggles HEAVILY with empathy
his interviews are notoriously difficult since he entertains himself by making his interviewees squirm
casual sadist in every conceivable way
What's Wrong With Him/aff
use ur imagination again im not gonna look it up
rebelling against common characterization here stay with me
secretive about her past but obviously hiding something
a chameleon type of person, can change her behavior, mannerisms, and even accent at the drop of a hat
carries a deep grief with her
distrusting and calculating
she'll "befriend" you but it takes a lot of effort to actually gain her trust
she WILL discard you if she's even slightly suspicious
nobody is sure what her goal is, but she has an agenda
orchid might not be her real name either
very mysterious
generally presents as kind and friendly but it's noticibly fake
cannot stress how much she is hiding something
capable of murder and not afraid to resort to such to protect her secret
dont look in her closet
she has participated in her fair share of underage drinking and can hold her liquor pretty well, but if you manage to get her drunk enough you may be able to pry some answers out of her
has a distaste for celebrities she doesn't see as beneficial to know
gives like. really good advice
identity issues <3
the song Phony is perfect for her
she moves as if she's used to her hair being longer than it is
what is she hiding?
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sailxrmxrs · 5 months
hello i really love your writing! if you're taking requests, i've been thinking about the infinite blue boys in a typical office setting with the MC and what that would be like? thank you!!~
this has been sat in my inbox for SO LONG I AM SO SORRY TO THE PERSON WHO REQUESTED THIS SDKFDGS but!! better later than never right??? right?????? anyway now is the perfect time to finally get around to this bc my brain has been so occupied lately playing sympathy kiss so office based otome is right at the forefront of my mind hehe. it's like it was meant to be. ALSO thank u so much!! i don't think too much about what i write after it's been posted so i forget people actually look at it sometimes sksjfkf TY FOR REQUESTING THIS WAS LOVELY TO THINK ABOUT also incredibly funny looking at the last post of me being like 'i want to get back to writing more regularly!!' as if i didn't slink back into the shadows again for four months this was also the first thing i've written since getting my new keyboard which is really taking some getting used to especially with nails dsklfsg still, enjoy office time gamers o7
♡ leo ♡
Leo definitely seems like the type to bring the energy to his office department, especially on a Monday morning when everyone wants nothing more than to have had just one more day to spend at home before work started all over again for another week. He'd be the only one with a spring in his step as he went about his morning, filling his water bottle, getting situated at his desk. Speaking of his desk, Leo's workspace would be the definition or organised chaos. Post-it notes are scattered across the bottom of his monitor, there's a pile of loose sheets covered in haphazard notes scrawled across them, and there are definitely more than a few pens with no ink left strewn across the desk. They also happen to be mixed in with perfectly usable pens so Leo would have to scramble for a pen when someone from another department came to brief him on a project he was working on. Every time, without fail, he is grabbing pens and scribbling on a notepad until he finds one that works enough to make notes clear enough for him to reference later on. You ask each time why he doesn't just go through and throw away the empty pens to which Leo jokingly scoffs about how he finds the right pens first time every time. He does not.
He's very much the epitome of a work best friend. Someone who will text you on the weekend like 'I know we spend every day sat next to each other but can we hang out together pls'. He enjoys your company okay!! You are very fun and he wants you to know that!! Will find himself getting into a bit of trouble for getting distracted talking about weekend plans with you but can you blame him? It's a Friday afternoon and his brain has logged off. Unfortunately for Leo, despite his brain having logged off, his computer is very much logged in so he has to force himself to keep going for that last stretch of hours between him and the weekend. Will whine and complain to you about how Fridays should be half days which, given Leo's usual demeanour at the start of the week, is an amusing shift in tone. Cut to a couple of hours later and Leo is shutting down his computer the second the clock ticks over to 5pm. He'll swing his chair around to face you, staring you down until you finally close everything down to get ready to leave. Think puppy watching and waiting for you to take them on a walk. Sometimes if you have plans for the Friday evening, he'll offer to pick you up on the way to work to save you the drive too. Also because it gives him an excuse for being late like oh no there was just so much traffic leaving their place I definitely did not stop for coffee on the way here not at all!! He absolutely did but don't worry he didn't forget to pick up your favourite order too~
I think Leo would be a really good motivator in the office too. If a day was going particularly bad, or if a really busy period struck he would be the perfect person to help keep your mood in balance. He's very encouraging for you to step away from your desk. Take a break, have a drink, maybe get a little snack to energise yourself. But he doesn't do it to distract you nor does he overstep any boundaries. He will offhandedly comment on how hard you've been working and make a gentle suggestion that a break is needed. He'd also offer to lend a hand if there was anything particularly pressing that was weighing you down. Try and say no. Try it. Never works. Leo's always happy to help because he knows you would do the same for him and have previously done so in the past when he was newer to the job and hadn't quite gotten his bearings yet. He makes the long days pass by quicker. Truly the best person to work with.
♡ milo ♡
Milo is absolutely that one coworker who keeps to himself a lot and develops this really cool and mysterious reputation. No one really knows what he does for work and no one ever asks him either because they're a little too intimidated to talk to him. It's not that he's had any particularly bad run-ins with anyone else in the office but more so that he no one really knows a whole lot about him. Any conversations about his weekend plans or what he did the evening prior are met with the most normal responses someone could muster. He's going grocery shopping, he's visiting family, he stayed in last night to watch tv. No one knows anything about his life outside of work and no one's bumped into him anywhere but in the office. The only reason people don't speculate that he lives there is because they see him drive in and park in the same spot at the same time each morning. Him keeping to himself isn't really an antisocial thing, but more so that he's there to work so would rather just get on with whatever he has to do with minimal distractions. He's an efficient man and doesn't like people stealing his attention away from any sort of deadline.
Then along comes this slight change in the office layout and suddenly your desk has been moved directly next to his. Surprise had left you stunned for a moment when Milo greeted you that first morning before sitting down and getting himself set up for the working day. He still never offered much conversation, just the usual 'good morning' and 'have a good evening' as you both left the office. It wasn't until you both stayed behind a little late one Friday evening to finish some paperwork before the weekend and he'd stricken up a conversation while walking back to your cars. It was mostly small talk, nothing of too much substance, but it was far more than he gave anyone else. If you ask, he simply answers that until the clock hits around 5pm, he's at work. Once he's left the office building, he's just normal Milo again. It's his way of separating work and his personal life. Honestly, his work/life balance is enviable.
Over time, as you grow closer, he'll start to chat more during office hours. Asking what you thought of a recent episode of a show, if you'd seen the news about an upcoming game. And your closeness wouldn't go unnoticed. You'll get coworkers whispering to you on your lunch break asking to share some information since they'd barely seen Milo speak with anyone else so openly before. You'd always politely decline, telling them he never really shared anything special and it was mostly just work related things—a white lie, of course, but what they didn't know didn't hurt them. Milo would appreciate it too, often voicing his complaints about the busybodies in the office not so subtly whispering about him. He didn't care too much about their speculations of him until they started dragging you into it too. Grumpy Milo grumbling into his coffee cup asking why they cared so much anyway. Who cares who he speaks to at work (He cares. But he won't tell you that).
♡ rory ♡
Rory at any given moment in time will take the opportunity to complain about something that has happened in the office that day. Whether it's someone not submitting documents on time or somebody emailing him with any extra set of tasks on top of his already stacked workload, he will be sending you a string of messages to blow off some steam. The first time it'd happened, you were sitting in the break room enjoying your lunch when Rory slumped into the chair next to you and signed so heavily you thought something terrible had happened and he was barely keeping himself together. As it had turned out, a new intern had done something without running it by anyone else first and caused a particularly big problem. One that Rory's manager decided would be his responsibility to resolve before the day's end. As well as meet his own deadlines for the same evening. To say he was stressed was an understatement. So Rory had taken solace in your quiet presence and let out his frustrations. Once he'd gotten it all out of his system, he apologised for the outburst and introduced himself, realising the two of you had never actually spoken before. He then offered to lend a listening ear for your own work annoyances, attentively taking it all in while you spoke. Once your lunch break came to an end, you exchanged contacts with the promise that you could be each other's dedicated work therapist whenever someone or something had pissed you off.
From that point on, you'd receive the odd message here and there throughout the day from Rory with the latest complaint. At first, it was just a way to get the annoyances off your chests but as time went on, conversations started to meander and before long you were becoming closer and closer. You didn't see each other much while working—only ever in passing if you needed to deliver a document to a different department or if there was a meeting you needed to attend. Your texts were your main point of contact with Rory until he suggested you start coordinating your lunch breaks so that you could actually hang out face-to-face rather than via text message. Coworkers would definitely start to speculate how and why these two individuals from completely different departments became friends or if there was something more to the relationship. Especially considering Rory, much like Milo, was more reserved and didn't really show much of an effort to become friends with the people he worked with. He was amicable enough but kept the colleague boundary up like a wall. Except with you, anyway.
I think Rory would want to extend your work friendship beyond office hours and would start wanting to text you later in the evening but is so nervous to come across as being too forward. He likes to act as though he's a very nonchalant person but he really isn't at all. Especially not where you are concerned. So you'd definitely need to be the one to nudge and initiate more of a friendship between you both. It wouldn't take much. All you'd need to do was text him one Saturday morning and mention how you were planning for a bookshop trip and as if he wanted to come along. He texts back almost instantly with a big 'YES' followed immediately by a 'glad you've finally recognised my superior taste in books' purely to save face for how eager he must have seemed. Would come into the office on the Monday with red cheeks once he saw you in the staff car park and try to sound as normal as possible commenting on how he had a good weekend. For his own sanity, just go along with it. He begs.
♡ alexei ♡
Alexei is the new starter who doesn't have a whole lot of office experience under his belt. He's bright eyed and eager to learn on the job but is also somewhat nervous to make mistakes or ask too many questions. It takes him a little while to settle in and feel fully comfortable with his surroundings but once he does, Alexei starts to really flourish. Once he knows you're happy to answer all of his questions and won't scold him for not understanding something straight way, he will come to you with an entire monologue of queries he wants to clarify. Literally rambles this long stream of consciousness before reaching the end of his list and looking at you all expectantly for your response. Listens so intently while he's perched on his desk chair, scribbling down notes as you run through everything he'd asked. Then turns back to his computer screen with a 'thank you' and then doesn't say another word for like two hours. He'll just be typing and clicking away with this intense focus until you have to tap on his shoulder and remind him to take a break from the screen for a few minutes. Will struggle to pull himself away for breaks because once he's in the zone he is IN. He only really likes stepping away from his desk when he has reached a good stopping point and he absolutely hates leaving a task partially finished.
I don't think Alexei would be a super social person at work. It wouldn't be for any particular reason other than the thought didn't really occur to him? He prefers to take his breaks at his desk because his chair is comfortable enough so the only people he really talks to on the regular are the people he works with directly. Being new, he hasn't had much of a reason to visit the other departments nor has he been brought on to any big projects that would have him meeting and working with anyone else around the office. Even after he's been there for a little while, he's reached a point where he feels awkward introducing himself because he's not exactly new anymore but he also doesn't know a lot of names. Whenever there's an office party or holiday event, Alexei will turn and whisper to you asking who that was or to remind him of a name. He could have had a good ten minute conversation with someone who and not had a single clue as to what their name was. It makes for some funny encounters, especially if it's someone not well liked within the office. They'd strike up a conversation just for Alexei to clearly not know who they are. We love to see it.
After Alexei has been working in the office for a few months and has gotten nicely settled in his job, I can see him being really welcoming to a new starter. In the same way you answered all his questions and helped him along with his training, Alexei would do the same for the new person. He might come across a little too excited with how forthcoming he is with explanations or offers to help out with anything they're struggling with but it's clear that he means well. He's just a little enthusiastic!! Would also start to add little decorations on his desk. He doesn't do anything too special, but he might have a tiny figurine of a jellyfish sat under his monitor and would have themed notepads and matching pens to go with them. If he's going to spend most of his day there, he wants it to feel like it's his personal little corner.
♡ brooklyn ♡
Brooklyn is the high ranking manager CEO businessman who is also one of the most likable people around the office. Despite him always being seen in his signature suits and ties with some sort of important document in hand at any given moment, he was genuinely pleased to speak with anyone working there. He has his moments of being the stern business type, particularly when in stressful meetings to discuss the company's performance for the quarter and their targets for the next quarter. Overall, however, he remains a generally calming presence. If you were his assistant, he'd try to alleviate as much of the pressure of the role as he could. He knew he was a painfully busy man and that you had no end of meetings to schedule, companies to contact for collaborations and partnerships. There was never really an end to your workload for which he felt a tad guilty. Anytime you entered his private office, reeling off the schedule for the afternoon or informing him of a visitor who had arrived to meet with him, Brooklyn is offering to make you a cup of tea or coffee no matter how many times you insist that that's your job, not his. He never listens.
I think he'd take a lot of interest in you as a person too, not wanting there to be this distinct barrier of boss and employee. He would much rather you both felt you stood on equal ground. That mindset had gotten him into some mild altercations in meetings when other company executives had made some sort of snide comment regarding your involvement in the discussions. Brooklyn wasn't going to stand for one of his most trusted and hardworking colleagues to be taken for granted. The strained tension never left the boardroom until a few minutes after the meeting ended and Brooklyn stormed out looking angrier than you'd ever seen him. Would be silent as he poured himself a cup of tea and then give you this serious talk about how if that were to ever happen without him around report it to him immediately. His expression was much sterner that you'd experienced from all your time working directly with Brooklyn, but it was evident that it came from a place of respect. And he explained as much as he leaned against his desk, pinching the spot between his brows as if the encounter had given him a headache.
There had never been any repeat instances following that afternoon, though you had overheard some whispers about the incident. Mostly from people surprised to hear that Brooklyn had raised his voice. Anytime you commented on it while presenting him with new paperwork, Brooklyn would adjust his tie awkwardly, face heating at the lack of composure he'd now exposed to the office. He took pride in coming across in a well-presented and calm manner so this one lapse of his self-restraint made him feel a touch embarrassed each time he was reminded of the event; in those moments he seemed less like the important business figure and more like a close friend you could playfully tease in passing moments between the busy hours. It was a comfortable and welcomed dynamic for the both of you.
♡ tobias ♡
Tobias is without a doubt the office socialite. He's always popping his head into the different departments with a request or to catch up after the weekend. He reminds me of someone I work with who is incredibly easy going and is friends with basically everyone in the office. Tobias can have a tendency to cause disruptions in that his voice will carry in an office room and he doesn't really realise how much of a distraction his presence can be sometimes. He doesn't mean to pull people away from anything important! But he also can't really help himself when it's the middle of the week and he's got all kinds of work adjacent stories to be shared. Will perch himself on your desk and start rambling away about something, not really noticing if you were paying him your full attention or not. It's only after he asks you a question and you noncommittally answer with a vague 'yes' that he'll start whining about how you're not listening to him. As much as we'd like to chat, some of us have work to do, Tobias. When you question him about his own work, Tobias will conveniently remember he needs to be somewhere else, dodging the question entirely and scampering away to a different department. There is usually a shaking of heads that follows after Tobias whenever he dashes off somewhere else—it's always from a place of endearing acceptance.
I can see Tobias being involved in the marketing side of a business. Definitely the one to organise big events and staff parties. He needs someone to rein him in though because some of his ideas aren't quite workplace or coworker friendly. He hears office party and thinks hell yeah time to go wild go crazy but no Tobias please the last time that happened you broke multiple office chairs we can't afford to keep replacing them every time. Would enlist you for help too because you're his favourite person to bother at work. Whether you humour him and play along or tell him to, light heartedly, leave you alone, Tobias will find his way to your desk for some quality catchup time. What do you mean it's Monday and you're busy? He needs to tell you about this movie he saw on Saturday that he thinks should be the theme of the next work event. He's also the type to bring food to your desk too. Will sometimes just buy lunch for you and pry your hands away from your keyboard so that he can slide a salad or pot of pasta into your grasp. Tobias takes lunch breaks very seriously. He'll also get treats for people in the office too! Buys little cakes or chocolates just because. This is part of the reason why everyone likes him so much; can't say no to a man who keeps you well fed.
Despite poking fun at Tobias being a bit more lax around the office, I think he genuinely would be full of solid ideas and he does feel pretty passionate about certain aspects of the job too. His work/life balance isn't perfect in that he tends to prioritise life a little more than he should sometimes but there's little harm in it. He's a very good person to be around if you're the type to get a bit too wrapped up in working. Tobias is NOT letting you overwork yourself. Not on his watch!! He's a surprisingly perceptive person and can very easily tell when you're stressed or not getting as much sleep as you should. Will take it upon himself to text you at the weekend to hang out and have a movie night with him. That way he can make sure you're relaxing and not spending your limited time off working your brain. Will steal your phone directly from your hands if you're staring too hard, eyebrows furrowed, and will replace it with a snack and gently remind you that it's the weekend time not work time. He has his uses sometimes.
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badbatchlover99 · 6 months
What the Bad Batchers kids would be like!!
(a short collection of characters to keep my mind off my current WIP)
Disclaimer!! There is no ‘timeline’ per se, just ages. You be the judge.
the son of Tech and Phee (sorry, I had to!). 
He is 16 years of age and the epitome of the best of both worlds. 
He is very intelligent, and adventurous. He also has a strange love of geology, but we won’t get into that. 
He is generally quite bashful like his father but leans a little more towards extrovert like his mother.
 One of those kids who really prefers to stay out of trouble at all costs, but then surprises you with lock-picking skills or something. (still working on him. Will probably add more later)
Leonié (or as preferred, Leo): 
the daughter of Crosshair (I had too much fun with this one.
 She is 14 years old and was… not meant to happen, but here she is. 
She lived with her mother until she was eight (mainly because Crosshair didn’t know she existed) but now she lives with her father and the rest of the bad batch. 
She is very monotone, yet sassy like her father, and (though she’d never admit it) wants more than anything to be just like him. 
She is an ambivert with the social battery of an Android phone.
She looks just like Crosshair but with some… obvious differences.
She is a troublemaker, but not the normal kind. She’s the kind that will go days acting like an angel, and then one day, there’s Suran wrap on all the toilet seats, which distracts you from her sneaking out to go get piercings and a tattoo. Yeah.
Is, as the writer of Enola Holmes said, prone to melancholy (aka she’s a smidge bipolar).
Buck (shut up, I know it’s a dumb name)
Is Hunter’s son (I ship Fennter, but we’re not getting into that right now)
He is 13 years old, and a scrappy little kiddo.
He definitely inherited Hunter’s shortness and gets into regular arguments with Leo about it.
And yes, he and Leo are the “you're an idiot, said with (platonic) love” duo.
He is an extrovert and very curious. Loves to see all the different cultures of planets.
Also inherited his father’s fabulous hair
Usually stays out of trouble, but… things happen.
Wrecker’s (adopted) son.
8 years old.
Wrecker found him on the planet equivalent to Scotland (don’t ask) as an infant, and was immediately like “This child is mine now.”
He is very high-energy. All.the.time!
Is the kind of kid that is always accidentally getting into trouble, and it’s cute for some reason.
Extrovert. No way around it. 
Want’s to try everything, meet everyone, do everything, eat every food, all at the same time type of energy.
Please leave comments, I'm new to all this and wold love feedback!!!
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cowabungacafe · 7 months
Goofy Grins
The lair was unusually quiet as you sat on the couch, flipping through a magazine. Leonardo, usually the epitome of discipline and focus, seemed to be in a particularly playful mood today. He had abandoned his usual training routine and instead was lounging on the adjacent armchair, a mischievous glint in his eyes.
You glanced up from your magazine to see Leonardo grinning at you, his expression more goofy than you'd ever seen before. It was a rare sight, and you couldn't help but smile back at him, intrigued by the playful energy radiating from him.
"What's gotten into you, Leo?" you asked, unable to suppress a chuckle at his antics.
Leo shrugged nonchalantly, but the grin never left his face. "Just felt like taking a break from all the seriousness for a change," he replied, his voice light and carefree.
You couldn't help but admire the sight of him, so carefree and relaxed. It was a side of him you rarely got to see, and it filled you with warmth to know that even the fearless leader of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles had his moments of goofiness.
As you watched him, Leonardo suddenly got up from his chair and crossed the room to stand in front of you. Without warning, he reached out and began tickling you mercilessly, his laughter filling the room as you squirmed and protested.
"Hey, cut it out!" you managed to gasp between fits of laughter, trying to push his hands away.
But Leonardo was relentless, his grin widening as he continued to tickle you, determined to make you crack. And eventually, you couldn't help but give in, collapsing into a fit of giggles as you surrendered to his playful assault.
Finally, Leonardo relented, his laughter mingling with yours as he pulled you into a tight hug. You buried your face in his chest, feeling the warmth of his embrace enveloping you as you both reveled in the joy of the moment.
As you sat there together, caught up in the bliss of your shared laughter, you couldn't help but feel grateful for moments like these, when Leonardo let his guard down and allowed himself to be goofy and carefree. And as you leaned into his embrace, feeling the weight of his love and affection, you knew that no matter what challenges lay ahead, as long as you had Leonardo by your side, you would always find solace in the warmth of his embrace and the joy of his laughter.
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youremyheaven · 5 months
Hi, I'm the Purva bhadrapada/ashlesha native from earlier and I wanted to add to the combo of nodals being attracted to yang energy. I also have a Leo stellium so that adds to it.
All of my friends/ex friends have prominent nodal energy, I have a similar dynamic with all of them in the way that they always look to me for guidance you could say? I've always been the emotional anchor, the therapist or the one that keeps their feet on the ground. My experience with them depends on if they have other energy prominent in their chart to ground them.
I have a double magha friend, but she has a Purva bhadrapada sun and moon conjunct Jupiter energy, similarly I have a magha sun, Swati rising friend but she has pushya moon conjunct Saturn. Their jupiter and saturnian energy keeps them from being too "hollow" or "void" in the sense that the ketuvian headlessness doesn't dominate their senses. They are both extremely anxious though and I'd attribute that to the rat yoni, since smaller yoni animals tend to be that way. Another Swati/Magha friend of mine always looked for my guidance in his creative pursuits, turned out he was in love with me too, so that just adds to the long list of nodals I've known that are attracted to yang energy.
On the other hand I have another magha sun, mula moon friend who doesn't have any other energy to really anchor her, and let me tell you she is probably the most unhinged person I've ever met. She, in comparison to the rest of my friends is always looking for my guidance/advice the most and for the longest time I was basically her 24 hours open therapist. It was the most emotionally and mentally draining friendship of my life and it was toxic for me so I had to cut contact with her. She was the epitome of ketu headlessness, no thoughts, head empty respectfully 😅
So yeah, if people don't have other energy in their charts I find it hard to have healthy relationships with them.
thank you so much for sharing your experiences. i feel like everytime i say nodals are attracted to yang energy specifically of Sun & Jupiter (because Sun is the source of light and Jupiter is by nature very giving and "boundless" and no other planet indulges Nodal behaviour this way- Venusians who only engage in mutually beneficial arrangements def wont, Mars people are not known for being accommodating or "giving", Moon is receptive and passive, Mercury is too trickster-y, Saturnians are too disciplined to tolerate the unhinged chaos of Nodal people so yeah that leaves us with Sun & Jupiter) and how draining Nodal people can be to these natives (speaking from my personal observations) people are quick to chime in "oh its bc men are trash, its not the naks" like honey boo boo i never said yang = men, im talking about planetary energy not gender dynamics. and ive literally watched it play out and i cant stand the chaos of these Nodal- Sun/Jupiter dynamics.
girlies will describe the most manic obsessive behaviour and ask "but my Sun/Jupiter person has no interest in me and does not give a flying fuck about me, idk why" and when I say its bc they feel drained by this type of behaviour they'll say "omg my Sun/Jupiter pursued ME, theyre OBSESSED with ME" idk if its being delusional or what but girl u literally just said they didnt gaf about u 😭maybe they were interested initially before they knew what it was like to be close to you and the minute they found out, they started distancing themselves. I've noticed the tendency to be delusional among Nodals and they always act like they're doing YOU a favour by unleashing their chaos on you. I knew a girl a long time ago who had Ardra Moon and Mula Rising who gave me random updates of the tiniest tidbits of her life and constantly overshared to a bizarre degree when it was absolutely clear i wanted nothing to do with her and one day she had the audacity to tell me that she was doing this because she thought i was lonely??? bitch what 😭😭 perhaps she genuinely thought she was helping me somehow and was offering me her company but she was completely deluded about how i "needed" her companionship or whatever bc i would act so cold and disinterested like girl can u not take a hint 😭
sorry Nodals but one thing I cannot stand about imbalanced Nodals who have no other planetary energy to balance them is how they completely lack self awareness and are absolutely delusional about how others see their behaviour
another Ardra stellium girl I know had a spam account on IG where she had like 30 followers and THOUSANDS of posts, she literally posted every spare thought she had in her head, including really embarrassing and completely personal details about her life and i told her i was concerned because others could see this info and use it against her and she told me that her "followers want her to be a vlogger" because she's "so entertaining" like bbg people find Trisha Paytas interesting, does not mean she isn't unhinged
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astronumerology · 2 years
Midheaven in Leo
The Midheaven in Leo Careers and Public Image
If you're Midheaven in Leo, this post is suitable for you. The most frequent rising sign of people with this Midheaven sign are Scorpio rising, but there are other possibilities too. Libra is also popular.
The Midheaven in Leo is usually an excellent place to be. It's energetic, ambitious, and unapologetic. Your position in the world aligns with your desire to shine and display your talents. You pour a lot of energy into your work.
Though you should always think about the whole chart, the Midheaven in Leo indicates that you wish for people to realize how wonderful you are. The best chance you have is to express yourself in your professional life. People who are in this position tend to choose the image they project with care.
If you have the Midheaven in Leo in Leo's chart of your birth, your talents are recognized by other people and with positive qualities you are well-received. It is important to have other placements to enhance this, but your Midheaven in Leo may indicate that your achievements are more recognized than the average person's. Even if you're not looking to be the center of attention in life, this kind of role is likely to be assigned to you at some moment. (However the people who are in this placement frequently appreciate privacy, particularly when it comes to who they are as a person. They don't want to put everything on the internet about themselves. In the end, it's only their achievements that are the focus.)
A Leo MC native is regarded as being a charming, elegant, dramatic, ambitious person. That's why others are drawn to Leo MC's charismatic, elegant, dramatic, and inspiring personality. The most attractive qualities they possess are ability to think outside the box, their optimism and determination when it comes to their professional lives.
If someone reveals the good side of Leo, they are extremely kind, warm, and an inspiration. These people have charismatic leadership. They are regarded as the epitomize of optimism and zeal to live life. If the way that someone expresses Leo energy is mixed with the darker side of the sign However they may be perceived as arrogant, insecure, selfish.
In general, it is described as self-confident and someone who is aware of what they are doing, even when they feel overwhelmed.
Let's dive into the meaning of the Midheaven in Leo!
"The "MC in the Birth Chart
Before we get started, a quick reminder of your sign of your Midheaven, although vital, is not the only factor that influences how this location performs. In addition to the ruler, you should also consider the aspects to your Midheaven, and generally look at it in the perspective of the entire horoscope.
If you have your MC in Leo the sign of Leo, it is controlled by the Sun. The Sun's position in the charts is vital to consider its sign, house, aspects. Someone who has, for instance the Sun in the 9th or 10th house will be way more noticeable for the rest of the world. someone with that Sun in the 12th house, regardless of the aspect to the MC in Leo.
To determine if you have MC You must be aware of you (almost) exact date of birth and where you were born--this point is highly time-sensitive. Without accurate birth records Unfortunately, it's difficult to get reliable information about your Midheaven. Your MC sign determines the it is that you would like your soul to play in our world. This signification is connected to your career, your public persona as well as your reputation, the relationship you have with authority figures, as well as your personality as an authority persona.
Depending on the house system you choose to use, the MC might represent the cusp of your 10th house, or it may represent the highest point of skies at moment in your life. As such, it is believed to be the best way to express your most significant achievements in life in the astrology.
The qualities of your Midheaven tend to be more evident later in your life. This point shows how you progress in the course of your life. It requires time to fully develop.
The Midheaven is one of the most important points in the horoscope--if you have any planet that is conjunct your Midheaven and you are adamant about paying particular attention to it.
What Does Midheaven/10th House in Leo Define in the Natal Chart?
So, what message does the MC in Leo say about the way that the world views you?
If you spot that the Midheaven in Leo in the birth chart chart's owner is likely to be someone with great ambition and dreams. Leo is an fire sign. Fire is the element of imagination, expansion, and vision.
This position suggests that the person who is charting is extremely driven to achieve success in life. If you have this position and you are adamant about it, you've got an incredible determination to make your goals into reality. You are not frightened by obstacles, you see them as bumps in your road. If something is of a significant importance to you, you are determined to attain it, especially in relation to your status in the social as well as your professional.
Whatever you do, you'll want to be the best at it. You take a lot of pride in what you are doing. Ideally, you have a job that you're passionate about.
This means that your work is the most effective way to get noticed. Some are globalscale, while others are on a more local level however, you're likely famous in your community. Even if you try the best you can to keep your life a secret the public still knows about your work. To illustrate this point one could imagine an elementary school teacher who would like to keep his private life private, but people recognize him on the streets.
This was an everyday example but in some instances those with the Midheaven in Leo get in the field that leads them to glamorous settings.
Sometimes , your job may not be the thing you're known for, but your interests or hidden passions. Perhaps your work takes you in another direction, but most people who have this placement have hobbies like art or music that draw interest. People who have an Midheaven in Leo are driven in their minds to become famous and get their name on the map. The applause of the public can mean a lot to you.
Many people with this placement are talented artists of some type. It can be what makes their names. It is generally quite an imaginative placement.
People with Leo powerful in their charts (and with emphasized fire signs in the general) are natural leaders. With the Lion's MC in the sign of the Lion, you're thought of as strong, committed and courageous. People are generally eager to follow you. You have the potential to influence others and spread positivity. You probably have a personality that stands out. Most people who have their personality traits in Leo are very generous and enjoy sharing their knowledge with others.
Your mission in the world is to inspire people to live life in a way that is enjoyable by your examples. You are a lover of beauty and luxury. However, if you are too extravagant with things, you can be a victim of the negative aspect of Leo's Midheaven in Leo may manifest as showing off the world, boasting, or being excessively self-conscious. It may be a way to seek validation from the world.
Leo is the sign of self-expression and shining. You might want to follow a in which you express your own unique personality. You may be attracted by glamour, fame, glory-the list goes on. Leo is an opulent sign after all. It's only natural that your heart grows towards being a king or queen. You feel good when you are in an authoritative position and it could become your ideal to be in roles of power. Leo is a MC sign is usually found in the charts of powerful leaders.
It's important to note that every sign and placement has both positive and negative possibilities.
If you are on the dark side of Midheaven in Leo the Leo, you could be arrogant or arrogant. You might reject even rightful, constructive criticism. You might be domineering and controlling if you are in a position of authority. Some people who have this sign can turn into tyrants. It could be difficult to consider the viewpoint of others in consideration, or accord credit to others. It could be a one-size-fits-all placement in the birth chart. It's essential to keep everything in mind and don't make conclusions based on one specific placement.
Imum Coeli in Aquarius
Let's take a look the opposite half of the Axis of MC, the Imum Coeli.
The Imum Coeli (abbreviated as IC) corresponds to the bottom part of sky in any time, as seen from an arbitrary location. This point is always directly to the MC,, which represents the most elevated point in the sky. It also means that they're always situated in the opposite sign. If you have your Midheaven in Leo, this automatically means you're Imum coeli will be in Aquarius. In a way, the IC symbolizes the base of the chart. It is linked with your home, roots, and your family.
Many people with this position on the MC-IC axis are from a home that was in somehow unusual. Their childhoods were often characterized by a lack of connection. Sometimes , everything was great (at least in first glance), but it was not like what they saw in the homes that other family members lived in. You developed a sense of independence and probably had to adapt to erratic situations. In some cases, this could mean that you were less confident than your peers and you might have been shy as a kid.
But this can also mean that your family life was chaotic, unpredictable in a situation where you could never know what to expect. Often, you had to be a lot older than your peers.
Many people with IC in Aquarius were not encouraged to embrace their desire for praise, praise, warmth. Even in adulthood you may be unkind to your child. In some instances, this placement indicates that you were never taught to manage emotions effectively. This part of our lives was usually ignored in preference to rationality and logic. This Midheaven in Leo asks you to become familiar with your child within and to honor the needs of your child, no matter how absurd they may appear on first glance.
The IC in Aquarius could manifest as having an unique, unconventional taste in home decor, or having unique living conditions. Folks with this natal placement are more likely to change their place of living more frequently than the majority of people. Sometimes , this could mean that you don't believe that you belong somewhere and you have a house but not necessarily an apartment.
Leo Midheaven Careers
Here's a list that includes the most popular Midheaven in Leo professions:
artist, designer
This placement implies that you could excel in roles that let you make decisions, take charge, in control, and be able to express your uniqueness. You're probably attracted by roles which allow you to be seen, rather than to be a part of the background. This MC in Leo suggests that you have the potential to become a great leader. You might dislike being a subordinate in your professional life. It is a fact that people with this kind of job often play a prominent place in their local community.
You require autonomy in your job and should be able to use your creativity.
Again, it's important to think about other aspects too. There are lots of career indicators in astrology. It's never an ideal idea to come to conclusions based only on one specific placement.
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valleyxrose · 1 month
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valley's personality
The Meyer's Briggs Personality Test:
ENTJ-A - The Commander
People with the ENTJ personality type (Commanders) are natural-born leaders. Embodying the gifts of charisma and confidence, ENTJs project authority in a way that draws crowds together behind a common goal. However, these personalities are also characterized by an often ruthless level of rationality, using their drive, determination, and sharp mind to achieve whatever objectives they’ve set for themselves. Their intensity might sometimes rub people the wrong way, but ultimately, ENTJs take pride in both their work ethic and their impressive level of self-discipline.
The Moral Alignment Test:
Chaotic Evil
A chaotic evil character does whatever his greed, hatred, and lust for destruction drive him to do. He is hot-tempered, vicious, arbitrarily violent, and unpredictable. If he is simply out for whatever he can get, he is ruthless and brutal. If he is committed to the spread of evil and chaos, he is even worse. Thankfully, his plans are haphazard, and any groups he joins or forms are poorly organized.
Typically, chaotic evil people can be made to work together only by force, and their leader lasts only as long as he can thwart attempts to topple or assassinate him. Chaotic evil is sometimes called demonic because demons are the epitome of chaotic evil. Chaotic evil is the best alignment you can be because combines self-interest and pure freedom. However, chaotic evil can be a dangerous alignment because it represents the destruction not only of beauty and life but also of the order on which beauty and life depend.
The 5 Love Languages Test:
Receiving Gifts
Your Love Tank overflows with Receiving Gifts. You find deep connection in Receiving Gifts. Tokens of affection are a tangible expression of love. You cherish the time and effort someone put into selecting and presenting a gift to you. You'll likely remember even small gifts for years because of the emotion you attach to it.
The Enneagram Personality Test:
Eights are motivated by the desire to be independent and to take charge of themselves and others. They are assertive personalities and passionate about life, which they approach with vigor and confidence. Eights know how to look after themselves. They pursue their own destiny.
These are the qualities of natural leaders, and whatever role they find themselves in, Eights have an imposing presence. They are action people, preferring to ‘do’ rather than conceptualize, and they are ready to make the difficult decisions and accept the consequences if things go wrong. At the same time, Eights believe that people should be encouraged to help themselves rather than relying on others for assistance. ‘Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish, and you feed him for a lifetime’ is a piece of proverbial wisdom that Eights wholeheartedly buy into.
The Four Temperaments Test:
The sanguine personality is characterized by a cheerful disposition, lively energy, and a generally positive and optimistic outlook on life. Sanguine individuals tend to be highly social, extroverted, and enthusiastic, often possessing a contagious sense of humor that makes them the life of the party. They are usually creative, imaginative, and tend to be very entertaining.
Sanguine individuals are also spontaneous and can be seen as impulsive at times. They have a tendency to live in the moment, which often leads to them being adaptable and flexible in different situations. They tend to be more interested in the present than in future plans or consequences. This trait, however, can also lead to difficulty in maintaining focus, staying organized, and following through on tasks.
Zodiac Sign:
People born under the sign of Leo are natural born leaders. They are dramatic, creative, self-confident, dominant and extremely difficult to resist, able to achieve anything they want to in any area of life they commit to. There is a specific strength to a Leo and their "king of the jungle" status. Leo often has many friends for they are generous and loyal. Self-confident and attractive, this is a Sun sign capable of uniting different groups of people and leading them as one towards a shared cause, and their healthy sense of humor makes collaboration with other people even easier.
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