#mlp g4 theory
bigshepherdrascalmug · 11 months
Equestria Girls multiverse FIM theory! Read please!
So today about my post about MLP, I try to crack the Equestria Girls inconsistency with the show; and it's not what you guys think it is; and no, there is NOT a single inconsistency in that show, because we got it all wrong actually...
Equestria Girls is actually an alternative world to MLP, and it follows the laws of alternative dimensions wich means that even though A and B are similar in some aspects they are NEVER the same or operate in the same way, meaning that per example if both A and B are set on earth, the two worlds are gonna work differently, either that meaning that in one world gravity works fine and in the other it doesn't, or maybe we have the same solar system but earth has no life and everything we know as it is, is in Mars... Besides MLP takes place in the same universe as the human world, considering there is the Horse Head Nebulosa thing, and we have seen humans in there in the comic generations??? Right?? That confused me because I haven't seen the whole thing; this is gonna be something we will ignore for now lol.
Proof of my theory would be the fact the Dazzlings are older than Celestia and Luna if not the same age but in the human world they are teenagers, Starlight being older than the other girls but in MLP they are all the same age, Sunset becoming younger and not changing much since the day she entered the portal even though she was supposed to be in her 30's if not 50's by the end of the show in MLP because when Twilight was a kid Sunset was an adult and Celestia's pupil, Discord being a plushy, etc, etc.
Meaning that Equestria girls is NOT a copy of FIM but rather a reareangement of the characters we know from FIM; AND if the universe ever were to be the same according to the MLP lore the universes would crash merging together and destroying both of them unless the two of them actually compensated for it.
One example of that is Reflections when Sombra and Celestia from different worlds fall in love, notice that in this world Sombra is a unicorn but in MLP he is an Unbrum, Discord is a hero, Derpy is one of the elements of harmony and so on; but. These universes aren't a complete copy of one another, and an example is Derpy being good even though in this world the majority of bad guys in FIM are good and the good ones are bad, because Derpy has never been a bad person in FIM, whoever in the mirror world the majority of characters in there that are good are evil in FIM and vice-versa, meaning THE WORLD is concpensating in order for them to not be the same, but why? We get that answer later on inthe comics, when Celestia spents too much time in there for at least 1000 years the universes start to intertwine and Luna and Celestia become evil, and the universes start to mirror each other, which starts in them crashing, and then Sombra has to sacrifice himself in order for the balance to keep calm because there needs to be some inconsistency in one of the universes in order for them to exist, meaning that it creates a paradox, because if now Sombra is bad in there in FIM he has to be good and vice-versa.
And okay, what this has to do with Equestria Girls you ask?? Simple, the fact we do not have a human Sunset Shimmer, think abou it... If the universes were suposed to be the same shouldn't there be a human Sunset? And if there is why hasn't the universe crashed yet considering how long she has been in this world?
Simple: either human Sunset does not exist, or when pony Sunset entered in there the human one got stuck in a form of limbo so the worlds would not crash (which was supposed to be the finale of EWG until Hasbro cancelled it).
And something else too to think about, is everything else, the fact the girls are humans, not ponys, they are teenagers not adults, they don't end up dating with the same people in the show, like Rarity is with Apple in EQG while Rainbow is with Apple in MLP and Rainbow is with Fluttershy while Discord is with her in FIM (though I don't know about the last one because I haven't seen any confirmation that Rainbow and Flutter are a thing and I have only seen proof of Apple and Rarity but let's assume this information is right), the fact they aren't living alone but rather with family, they are still in High School, the fact there is no magic, and the magic in there comes from Equestria and is not a thing from this world, etc, etc. Meaning that the 2 worlds are complete separeted version of one another... In short, EQG is similar to FIM bit there not the same.
In conclusion, EQG is an alternative dimension/world of MLP that has the "same" characters but the laws of physics and reality are completely different because if 2 universes in MLP are alike at least like 85% or 60% they get destroyed simultaneously. That's it... That's the explanation for EQG. It was so obvious yet it took so many years to realize it... I feel stupid now.
Though one thing I didn't mention is that it is possible for there to be a similar universe to one another, but that is like extremely rare and according to the laws of FIM I guess it would have at least one thing different in there or else you know reality crashing, bla, bla. So yeah, that's it I solved the code... Finally I finally explained EQG!
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heckyeahponyscans · 10 months
Lauren Faust originally imagined all her G1 childhood faves in a My Little Pony reboot. So why was Applejack the only one who made it in? We don't know for sure, but here is my theory.
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IMO Hasbro went into the MLP reboot wanting each main character to be a different color of the rainbow, similar to TMNT or Power Rangers. (Which is a big improvement over Core 7 G3 when THREE out of seven characters were pink.)
So let's look at the initial G1 crew:
Sparkler - blue Twilight - pink Surprise - white Firefly - pink Applejack - orange Posey - yellow
Already we can see some pink is doubled up. But just wait.
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Pinkie Pie was THE face of G3 My Little Pony and Rainbow Dash was nearly as popular. Hasbro made big versions of these ponies, they made small versions of them, they made plush baby versions, and they were immortalized on birthday cards, balloons, ornaments, and other merch. I was so disappointed when I heard Pinkie Pie would be in G4 because I was tired of seeing her, ha ha.
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But Hasbro was not tired of selling merchandise of their most popular ponies, so I'm sure one of their first notes was "We absolutely need Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash in the new lineup."
Their personality changes wouldn't matter to Hasbro. What mattered was their marketability as toys / designs.
So Firefly, Twilight, and Sparkler were now out of the lineup, due to also being pink and blue.
Now we have:
Rainbow Dash - blue Pinkie Pie - pink Surprise - white ??? Applejack - orange Posey - yellow
But, uh oh! Pinkie Pie and Surprise both have balloon symbols. So Surprise also must die leave.
IMO the names being trademarked / easily defendable was important to Hasbro, and they already had hundreds of G3 names / designs at their disposal. And also they needed a purple pony for this lineup.
So Twilight Twinkle (later renamed Twilight Sparkle) joined the crew and became a unicorn.
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Rainbow Dash - blue Pinkie Pie - pink ??? Twilight Twinkle / Sparkle - purple Applejack - orange Posey - yellow
G1 Glory's colors (white with purple hair) then replaced blue Sparkler. But wait!! Both Glory and Twilight Sparkle-Twinkle have stars on their rumps! So Rarity retained Sparkler's symbol of diamonds.
I don't know why they didn't use one of the G1 names, except perhaps that "Rarity the Unicorn" was already a Hasbro trademark, having been a G3 character.
Rainbow Dash - blue Pinkie Pie - pink Rarity - white Twilight Sparkle - purple Applejack - orange Posey - yellow
So why was Posey changed to Fluttershy? In my opinion she was switched up quite late because the original plot of Dragonshy had her as an earth pony, which is why she was struggling to get up the mountain. (That's why they had to add the bit about Fluttershy's wings locking up from fear.)
In addition to wanting a variety of colors, I think Hasbro wanted two of each main pony species. Originally Pinkie Pie was slated to be a pegasus, but then she was switched to an earth pony. So Yellow Pony was shunted into a pegasus slot instead.
Basically, I think Posey got replaced with Fluttershy because it was thought that butterfly symbols were more befitting for a pegasus. Plus girls love animals and if they needed plots revolving around growing plants, they already had Applejack on deck.
So in the end Applejack was the only G1 pony who remained in G4, not because Hasbro had any special hold on her, but because she had a pretty unique name and she wasn't a repeated color.
Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk
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basicallyautistic · 2 months
In season 6's two-parter episodes: "The Crystalling" we learn that Sunburst knows a lot about magic, but can't cast most of them. Now, this could just be explained as him being genuinely untalented in spell casting but i've got another explanation:
Sunburst may have an invisible disability! Like, maybe his horn developed later than most ponies and that naturally made him unable to cast more difficult spells. Disabilities do exist in MLP, we've seen several examples!
Scootaloo has naturally small wings that restricts her flying as a Pegasus pony, and they stay that way even when she's an adult!
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Derpy Hooves/Muffins/Ditzy/Bubbles/Best Pony has her eyes misaligned, making her seem wall-eyed and well, derpy. Since her vision a lil messed up because of this, she also has a habit of being clumsy.
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(As someone who gets a lazy eye whenever they aren't wearing their glasses, Muffins is very comforting lol)
Stellar Eclipse, who has just the coolest wheelchair i've ever seen- is also an honorable mention!
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So, all these ponies have visible disabilities, who says there can't be invisible ones aswell?
Back to Sunburst, he mentioned to Starlight that he knows a lot about magic but can't actually do anything with it. Which makes me wonder, does he have an underdeveloped horn or is just something wrong with his magic that's unfixable? That could be classified as an invisible disability!
Again, it could just be that he has a hard time casting difficult spells- but it's a nice headcanon! and in the 40 years the MLP franchise has existed, there's only like 5 to 6 visibly disabled ponies (which are all in G4 i think) so let me dream lol
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Thanks for reading my theory, my MLP THEORY!
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namenotfound0 · 5 months
I re-watched all of G4 and started G5 for the first time and I have a theory of the timeline
(That being said, the events of the FiM show did take place)
When Princesses Twilight Sparkle and Mi Amore Cadenza (Cadence) ruled their two kingdoms, after the death of their closest companions (the Guardians of Friendship and Shining Armor), their defense plans were made weaker. Twilight realized that so long as she ruled, she would outlive all of her closest friends. With the elements of harmony destroyed and the Pillars long dead, it seemed there was no remaining Friendship magic. Twilight continued to take on new pupils and send them all over Equus, but without the bonds of friendship they once had as an example, and with no villains to fight, they never lived up to her legacy. Alicorns are immortal and cannot die, and when Princess Cadence joins Princesses Celestia and Luna in retirement, they decide to cast a spell together to send them on to the next world. Twilight is devastated all over again, and decides that being apart from those you care about only leads to heartbreak, so she reaches out to Princess Flurry Heart and Dragon Lord Spike. She gives them a choice; to return to Equestria and live in Canterlot with her, or to remain outside the borders of her kingdom and establish a diplomatic relationship. Spike protests at first, but ultimately decides to return to Equestria to be with Twilight. On the other hoof, Princess Flurry Heart refuses to leave the Crystal Empire, knowing King Sombra is out there waiting.
Twilight grew wary of the other kingdoms, eventually telling Flurry Heart that the Crystal Empire was technically officially a part of Equestria, and taking control herself, believing this to be the only way to keep her niece safe. Yakyakistan ends its Friendship treaty with Equestria after 100 moons as promised, and Twilight is too busy with two kingdoms to deal with international relations. Meanwhile, the Dragon Lands have a new Dragon Lord, and he doesn't approve of Princess Twilight's rulership. The Dragon Lands sever ties with Equestria, and soon Griffonstone and the Changeling Kingdom follow. The Kirin realize that Equestria is becoming weaker and flee, fearing that their homeland could be taken over. Princess Flurry Heart tries to stop Twilight from making rash decisions, but Twilight argues with her, causing a rift between the princesses. Spike, remembering what happened all those moons ago with the Two Sisters, tells Twilight that he wants to go into limbo. She denies him, so he seeks out another powerful unicorn to help him. In his travels, he goes to the Crystal Empire and finds a scroll left by Celestia, Luna, and Cadence for Flurry Heart. It details the spell they cast to enter the next world. Shocked, Spike takes it back to Canterlot, only to find Twilight and Flurry Heart in a massive fight.
Desperate to stop them before it got out of hand, he tells Twilight about the spell and suggests she reunite with her friends. Twilight seems to consider it, but Flurry Heart sees the Royal Stamp of the Crystal Empire and becomes enraged at Twilight, thinking she had stolen her mother's magic. In a flash of magic, the scroll is destroyed and Twilight is weakened. Seeing everything she did wrong, she begs Flurry Heart to reconsider her actions. Spike, having no other choice, tells Twilight how to cast the spell. She thanks him, and sends him into limbo, realizing his plan. Flurry Heart starts growing crystals in the Canterlot throne room, feeling that Twilight stole her home from her. Twilight and Flurry Heart fight, breaking several of the crystals in the process. Knowing that Flurry Heart's power matches her own, Twilight draws power from the ponies in Equestria, leaving them drained like Tirek. She sends one of the broken crystals to each of her pupils, infusing almost all of her magic in them, knowing that they would need to be united in harmony and friendship, but trusting her pupils to continue her lessons.
Twilight then faces Flurry Heart and casts the spell Spike told her about, using almost all of her magic to do so. Flurry Heart reverses it on her, and in a final attempt to stop her, Twilight sends a message to the crystals, hoping that when they're united again, the message will help guide the next generation.
The Crystal Empire becomes abandoned as everyone in all of the kingdoms leaves to the distant lands, fearing Flurry Heart and the disappearance of magic in Equestria. Flurry Heart had drained almost all of her magic, and Canterlot was destroyed. Twilight's pupils, a unicorn, a pegasus, and an earth pony, each took their crystals and fled, leading as many ponies as they could to the coast. Flurry Heart was too weak to follow them and too weak to stop the Everfree Forest from taking over most of Equestria. Her rage fueled her magic, and she set the mountain where Canterlot used to be aflame, transforming the castle and her appearance into a corrupted version of what used to be.
Discord watched the fire burn and the ponies flee, fearing the ponies he used to love. He disappeared into the Everfree Forest, a great sadness taking over him and leaving him half-asleep for centuries, devastated that he could never join his friends in the next world.
As the last ponies who knew what happened died, the story started to warp, causing fear and mistrust between the three pony tribes. The unicorns believed that they fled because the earth ponies were starving them, leaving them to hide deep in the forest, magic drained. The earth ponies believed that they fled because the pegasi were controlling the weather, sending lightning down on their crops and stopping the rain, leaving them in a firey drought. The pegasi believed that they fled because the unicorns had gotten in a massive fight, zapping their home into a wasteland.
The unicorns settled in Shady Hollow, renaming it Bridlewood and developing a superstitious, whimsical community. The earth ponies settled on Horseshoe Bay, naming their town Maretime Bay and developing an orderly and scared community. The pegasi settled atop a mountain outside what used to be Starlight's village, now long abandoned, naming their city Zephyr Heights and developing a futuristic monarchy.
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(A really shitty map for it as well)
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delightfullyodd · 4 months
Fun thought on Moondancer & Stralight Glimmer (which makes a super fun A.U.)
A textwall below!
So when look at Moon Dancer I can't help but wonder: why isn't she a sister of Twilight Sparkle?
How in the name of Luna are they not sisters?! I mean look at these nerd queens!
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Okay, original Moon Dancer has white coat. However, there is a version from Greece on the left that has pink-lilac-blue mane&tail and white body.
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Hmmm... So the left one works best from genetical point of view if we place her as Twi's sister. So on the other hand no-one ever said that all children must inherit delute genes.
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Okay now how Starlight Glimmer fits in? Well, She can easily be their third sister. Triplets. An extremely rare case for horses. But why not? After Flurry Heart anything is possible.
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Since we don't know what Twi's other relatives look like, let's speculate!
Say, the maternal grandma looked like G1 Galaxy. While grandpa on mom's side will be an ugly ass groom Raincurl (who is a male unicorn here because I said so).
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And, say, a somebody who would look like G1 Glory as parental grandma + gradpa Sunbeam on the side of Night Light.
Note that both grandpas carry genes responsible for yellow colour.
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Now a minute of genetic madness.
So mum is very pale dusty lilac with purple- white mane and light blue eyes.
Dad is blue with dark blue mane& tail with amber eyes.
Twi's brother Shining Armor is white with mane and tail that are several shades of blue. His eyes are blue.
Now, Twilight has purple eyes, lilac body and dark blue mane& tail with purple and dark pink locks.
Moon Dancer is pale yellow (maybe almost white or, more accurately, she would appear ivory) with mane and tail that are of cooler shade of red with purple and lilac locks. Her eyes are dark purple.
Glim is llilac-pink with with dark purple mane with cerulean locks and blue-lilac eyes.
So chances that Twilight might have sisters with such coloration are pretty high.
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haystarlight · 4 months
Okay so I had a discussion with @babywonderlandwerewolf in the notes of this post and now I have enough Thoughts on Sunset Shimmer to make another post about it:
Cause like, if they're correct about time passing slower on the other side of the mirror and that's how the humans are younger (at least in maturity?) than the ponies, then think of what that means for Sunset
She gets mad and runs away at like 12-14 and by the time she comes back (on the human side anyway) she's 15-17. So, to her, it's only been 3 years. She would mentally still be a teenager
But, on the other side of the mirror, we know it's been longer than that since she's been gone. She left a little bit before Twilight became Celestia's new student, which happened when Twilight was a little kid (age not confirmed). By the time Sunset Shimmer comes back, Twilight is already an alicorn which means she's advanced in her studies (again no specific age given but she's definetly an adult by pony standards; she lives without her parents and stuff). So, at the lowest estimate, it's been 10 years on the pony side
Imagine how fucked up that must be. Sunset Shimmer would mentally still be 16 but, whenever she goes back to Equestria, she's a teen in an adult's body and everypony she remembers from before she left is now way older than her (this gets more juicy if you believe on the "Sunburst and Sunset are siblings" theory, which I do)
Then again, this still wouldn't explain why going through the mirror apparently aged down Twilight when she went through in the first movie already as an adult mare (unless it was adjusting her to match everyone else?? but if Sunset remained the same age the first time she went in then.... Idfk)
Also, if we're viewing it like this then the Princess Twilight/Sunset ship is messed up now because, even though they physically would look the same age, Sunset lives like she's 16 while Twilight lives like an adult (ew Twilight). It's like in Bojack Horseman when Bojack dates Wanda
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I really wished we got a backstory for Celestia and Luna before they were found by ponykind. Like, where did they come from, where are their parents, where do Alicorns come from in general, etc.
Other characters that needed a backstory but never got it: Spike, Zecora, Discord. Probably some others I'm forgetting.
I agree! Maybe they would've done it… if they didn't decide to create and focus on the School of Friendship and the Student Six…
What? You can't blame me for hating it so much. There were so many better things they could've written. So many things they should've written... but they chose that.
They actually did give Zecora a backstory, but it was in the season 10 comics:
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They wanted to do it in the actual show, but Ha$bro wouldn't let them… for some odd reason. 
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You know what? Actually… Who's to say Ha$bro wouldn't allow them to write those backstory for Celestia and Luna, or Spike, or Discord, etc too?
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I have a theory that Alicorns created the three pony races by magically splitting themselves up. Alicorns are made up of all three main pony types.
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Grogar is the one who created the various monsters seen throughout the show by magically fusing animals together. When those monsters had their magic taken away, they split apart and turned back into normal animals. 
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I think a similar thing happened with the Alicorns. Maybe all of the Alicorns (except the Royal Sisters), or just a good amount of them. 
Maybe Grogar created the draconequus (including Discord) in the same way, to continue to cause chaos to Equestria after he was gone. I don’t know. *shrug*
There's a popular theory that Scorpan (Tirek's brother) was the one to find Spike's egg and give it to Star Swirl the Bearded, or the Alicorn sisters. It's based on Generation 1, where Scorpan had found and took care of Spike until he let him live with the ponies. In G4 Scorpan was friends with Star Swirl and the Royal Sisters.
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It still wouldn't explain what happened to Spike's parents or how his egg got separated from them, but… it's something at least.
Maybe his father is Burnferno, the protagonist of a book he's shown reading in A Flurry of Emotions and Father Knows Beast. It's a reoccurring thing in this show that people who are considered fictional within the show's world turn out to be real (Nightmare Moon, Daring Do, Grogar and Gusty the Great, the Pony of Shadows, etc). Again, it doesn't explain everything, but at least its more than what the canon itself offered... which, just to be clear, is nadda, nothing.
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If Ha$bro really is the reason for these questions never getting a proper answer then… I'm really not surprised. Screw them.
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piratesoundpilled · 7 months
okay so I promised myself I would actually start using this account again after kinda forgetting about it for a couple years so I figured I would do an official introduction so here :3
and I forgot to add my name to the pic but it's gabriel!!
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I like to draw as well but I haven't been able to recently because of my focus on school rn, I do plan to post some are on here eventually though!!
feel free in interact if we share any interests, esspecially if it's fnaf the musical!! also keep in mind I tend to struggle with responding to messages bc of how busy I can be and also just a lack of any real object permanence so apologies in advance for taking a long time to respond to messages/asks
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mollyjimbly · 4 days
my theory is that after twilight's mortal friends inevitably died. she fell into a great state of depression and was unable to keep up with royal duties, due to her severely affected mental state, she could not protect her kingdom and keep peace. thus leading to the great species war that is mentioned in g5.
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memeartboi · 2 months
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AU Theory #6: Darwin Watterson Adopt Applejack!?
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rurustims · 3 days
the video also touched up on the mirror pool in the mlp cartoon, the episode where pinkie pie walks into the pool and it is deemed that pinkie pie keeps multiplying by walking herself into the pool and walking out. however, the theory is that it isn't her just simply multiplying and that it may be a case of alternative universes coming together to create this situation. which i think is an awesome theory and could make a lot of sense, the obvious issue with the theory is we know nothing about the mirror pool how it truly works what its made out of why it exists really and the like, but it would be awesome if we knew more information on it! as that episode is actually veeery interesting to speculate.
does anyone have more detailed theories regarding the mirror pool too and that episode? :O
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shummthechumm · 8 months
clinging to my "mlp tales is a prequel set 30 years before the events of g5" hc like a rabid animal
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heckyeahponyscans · 7 months
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From the latest G5 MLP "Tell Your Tale" episode
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eiramuses · 1 year
Y'know, i was thinking.
With knowledge from the newer show, i have an idea about the whole bit in the MLP Gen4 Season 6 premiere where the royal sisters say that Flurryheart's birth as an alicorn was "beyond even our understanding" and something that "Equestria has never seen"
So they grew up in Skyros, according to the new canon, where evryone was likely an alicorn. (Thereby making the borth of an alicorn something EQUESTRIA had never seen)
This means there were likely only alicorn/alicorn parings for parents.
Flurryheart was born to a UNICORN and and alicorn.
So the sisters had just found out that that was possible, for a non-alicorn to be a blood parent to a born-alicorn. They didn't know Flurryheart was possible because it had never happened that a non-alicorn and an alicorn had had a child.
That's why it was, according to luna, "beyond even our understanding." It had never happened before, with a non-alicorn and an alicorn. It had only happened with double-alicorn parings.
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ponysongbracket · 7 months
Brony Song Tournament
Please listen to both songs before voting
Chaos Theory
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spinobsessed · 1 year
Scootaloo’s Disability
Scootaloo can’t fly bc she doesn’t have enough magic to do so, it’s semi-canon imo. Here is why:
Bulk Biceps (this character)
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Has small wings, along with a giant body. He can fly (not that well but still)
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She has normal sized wings compared to her body and age yet can’t fly. So obviously it’s not a wing size issue (mostly, we’ll get back to that)
when Tirek stole Pegasus magic, all the pegasi quite literally dropped out of the sky. They had full grown working wings yet couldn’t fly. This is because pegasi canonically use Pegasus magic to fly and control/walk on clouds, without it they can’t do those things (I’m assuming for the cloud part) their wings are too small to be able to carry their horse bodies. Which is why in the episode “Do Princesses Dream of Magic Sheep?” When every pony was in Lunas connected dream, Scootaloo did this to fly:
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This is how big a filly would need her wings to be in order to fly without magic, I’ve seen many people make AUs and redesigns on Tiktok where they make the wings large like this to be realistic.
TL;DR: Scootaloo can’t fly bc of a Pegasus magic deficit (potentially bc her mom is a Pegasus while her dad is an earth pony) and not bc her wings are too small. This is semi-canon to me. It’s canon in the sense that they show it not tell, but isn’t actually confirmed by anyone so even tho it’s the most logical explanation some ppl won’t accept it. I’m not sure why her wings didn’t physically grow but it definitely has nothing to do with her lack of flight
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