#erik's route
hauntingsunshine14 · 29 days
summer olympics 2028 in a universe with no exy we have:
star gymnast neil josten
heavyweight champion andrew minyard
tennis pro kevin day
rugby goddess allison reynolds
d pole laxer matt boyd
marathon swimmer renee walker
volleyball libero aaron minyard
hockey forward dan wilds
synchronized diver nicky hemmick
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I’ve fallen back into seduce me and I know that almost nobody knows about me anymore in the seduce me fandom but I’m here for asks on headcannons or fic ideas and I’m begging for some bc I’m just…lost in the sauce right now.
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cpirits · 2 years
(( @dokutamashi said:
Erik would be seated on Gajeel's lap, facing the other Dragon Slayer with an impish smirk on his lips. Hands would slide up and over the muscular forearms of the other Dragon while avoiding contact with the rivets within the warm skin as fingers danced along bare flesh on the collar of the other male. After touching with fingertips, the Poison Dragon would lean forward, all while keeping eye contact until he wasn't able to anymore - and drag his pierced tongue along any skin he could. "Hmm... better try that again." Erik would lean in and nip at the area he'd 'assaulted' with his tongue before licking it again. He'd then sit normally once more, while keeping his ass situated directly on Gajeel's groin as his lips twisted once more into an impish grin. "So... I've begun realizin' that I can't get yer ass outta my head. Now my question is this." Erik would keep eye contact with the other male as long as he was able to do so. "What am I to ya? Because I'm pretty sure yer who I've been /waitin'/ fer." Erik would lean forward after posing his question and press little kisses to the skin he'd been licking previously. He did wonder how long it was going to take Gajeel to ask him about his tongue piercing. At this point he'd intentionally be listening to Gajeel's heart, mind, and soul because they didn't lie. ]
UNPROMPTED // accepting
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〜 多くの魂 ——— He had been highly curious about what the other was doing, and merely stared into his eyes as Erik's hands worked themselves up his arms, that magic Erik had in his veins, running through his blood, at his fingers making Gajeel's muscles tense and his pupils dialate slightly. A lip would rise just briefly, and his breath would even out.
〜 多くの魂 ——— Large hands perched upon the arms of the chair Gajeek was sat upon as Erik moved and resituated himself a little bit. 'Is he trying too hard to turn me on? If so, it's not working...' He breathed through his nose calmly, watching Erik, move yet again -- this time leaning inward to run his fangs and tongue ( which was warm against his collarbone ) along the skin, leaving goosebumps, and Gajeel's loins warm.
〜 多くの魂 ——— Again Erik caught his eyes before shifting himself and turning his back to rest comfortably in Gajeel's lap. His ears pricked at Erik's words and he rumbled deep within his chest, a sigh, and air out his nose, fangs catching his bottom lip in annoyance that only Erik brought out of him.
〜 多くの魂 ——— "If I did like your ass, it's not like I'm supposed to say fuckin' why." Crossing his arms, he'd growl a bit and respond again. "You're my type, that's fuckin' why I'm into you." He hadn't really a good long answer as he felt Erik pointedly sit a bit deeper against his crotch. "Stop fuckin' teasing me, bitch." He snarled sharply as his patence was growing thin, at this point he was ready to snatch Erik and eat him. Sure Gajeel liked to be toyed with, but Erik was a true VIPER ( pun clearly intended ).
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nicholasdwuffwood · 2 years
I like thinking abt the potential development of tristamp vash as a character a lot I just really hope I'm not setting myself up for disappointment 😭
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fietskriebelskos · 7 months
FietsKriebelsKrant 2024-2
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Major Update: To move forward is to take a step back.
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Hello everyone, it's been a while. I hope you're all doing well. I'd ask that you read this to the end because some major changes will be in the upcoming update.
TLDR: You will need to start a new save file for new update (this weekend) otherwise there will be very noticable issues down the line.
I can't recall the last time I made a post or an update like this and frankly i'm scared to check . I've been struggling with writers block with the end of Chapter 1 and my small bouts of depression did not help one bit, so I had to take a step back and re-examine the narrative. If you ask me what the problem was, i'd say that perhaps I rushed too quickly into the main story, when I needed a little more foundation to stand on. After a few months of deliberation, a solution has been found. And I think everyone will like it. There will be no major rewrite of any sort, I think I would cry if that were the case.
Instead we going going to have a second prologue. This means that Chapter 1 will be inaccessible until the second prologue is complete. I'm very sorry that things have to be this way, but I do no see any other option for the story to continue forward in a satisfying way.
The second prologue will take place a few months after the first prologue during the Grand Festival of Eostre. This will be the first year you'll celebrate without your mother, at the very least you will have your friends and family with you at the time.
What to expect in the first half of Prologue 2:
Up to 13k words of new content.
Spend some time with your family.
Looooreeee & tea.
Meet Lior the Grand Cardinal of the Church of Eostre. The leading religion in Nibelheim.
Choose how to spend your free time at the festival in 2/4 possible routes. Route A: Alberich & Finny, Route B: Sieghardt & Thea.
(The last two routes will be added in the next update: Route C: Lynnette, Erik & Daria/Darius, and Route D: The Empress, King Lugh & Duchess Neaera)
Erik has a younger bastard half-sibling named Daria(f)/Darius(m). ( I will address them as Dara for short.) The final romantic interest, gender selectable. Even if you do not choose Route C, you will meet them later on in the second half of the update.
Fixes + Updates:
Character Creation has been updated and streamlined. (Gender/Pronouns and Sex are separate categories for both adult and child character creations. Attributes chosen during Child Character Creation will be stored as different variables in the event I choose to do anymore flashbacks later on in the story.)
Please note, that choosing after your sex (as an adult) I will assume your character will have the corresponding equipment down there.
Music Credits have been updated.
Minor adjustments to the colour of the UI, if people have any sort of colour theme they wish to see, I'll be more than happy to add them.
That is all for now. I hope the year has been kind to everyone so far. I haven't gone through my inbox yet, but I've seen glimpse of people's support it goes a long way. I sincerely do no think I'd come back if it weren't for the fact that I'd feel like I'd let everyone down. I will be making a patreon post after the first update goes live to talk about the new update and exclusives later.
Thank you for reading and enjoying TSR over the past year. It's means a lot to me and let's hope things will be better moving forward.
See you <3
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savethedots · 21 days
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I know this is nothing new but i wanted to point out again how much sense these two very opposite statements make. Erik knows that the kiss must be one of the big factors of whatever is wrong between him and Mathias. Ever since it happened they haven’t talked at all and all attempts from Erik got ignored or cut short with interruptions.
So he knows he needs to bring the topic up.
At first Erik wants to talk about what happened and says “it was nice”. Because it was. He is sorting it into positive memories. He doesn’t have a problem with the kiss. He didn’t feel bad during it. He was just surprised. I don’t think he’s at the point of wanting another one yet, because he hasn’t sorted his feelings, but that kiss happened and it’s fine with him.
The second one is Erik‘s attempt to just delete the kiss from their friendship. Not necessarily because he needs it to be deleted but he thinks that’s what Mathias needs. Erik only knows that Mathias ignored all his messages, didn’t initiate any conversation about it and then the ugly scene with Felix happened, which ties the kiss to something bad.
So after the first positive try (which was cut short), Erik goes another route. And why shouldn’t he? Even tho Felix was the reason they didn’t finish their first conversation, Mathias did not reach out on his own to finish it but seemingly kept avoiding Erik. So Mathias did not take that positive branch that Erik offered.
We do know that the second one was the worst thing Erik could’ve said. We did see Mathias heart break and maybe they could be at a completely different point right now if Erik repeated his first positive thoughts but it‘s miscommunication, it‘s teenagers, it‘s a slow burn and the first few eps are doing a pretty good job at delivering all that.
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cemeteryspider · 2 months
Genosha Revisited
Purely Father Daughter!: Magneto! Erik Magnus Lehnsherr x Daughter! Reader
Gambit! Remy Lebeau x Mutant! Reader
Summary: A complete rewrite of episode 5 of X-Men 97' where you and Gambit visit Genosha to see the place where your past trauma took place.
Trigger Warnings: Mentions of Trauma, Anxiety, Mentions of Enslavement (Genosha)
Word Count: 682
You allowed your mind to drift as you stared out the window of the jet. The vast expanse of ocean below made your stomach twist into knots. Remy noticed your frown and calmly grasped your hand in his.
"What's goin' on, Chere? Is everything okay?" He smiled sweetly, but you could feel the sweat on his palm.
You were returning to Genosha, where you and Remy had first met years ago. Back then, it was a place of enslavement and suffering, far from the mutant sanctuary it claimed to be now. Magneto insisted you needed to see its transformation—a place where mutants could thrive.
Reluctantly, after much persuasion from Gambit, you boarded the jet, now en route to Genosha.
"Oh, you know, just great, Remy. I feel like we're walking into the lion's den again." You squeezed his hand back, trying to mask your unease with sarcasm.
"I know it's difficult, but maybe the place has changed for the better. Everything's going to be okay, Chere."
The sinking feeling in your chest persisted. You knew better than to trust something that seemed too good to be true.
"We're here, dear," your father announced. You looked out to see a vast island of color. Your heart swelled at the sight of mutants with wings guiding the jet to the landing pad.
Putting your nagging thoughts aside, you exited the jet with your father and boyfriend.
Almost immediately, your best friend Kurt leaped into your arms, "Mein Freundin! I've missed you!"
After he released you, he hugged Remy. "And the thief! I've missed you as well! I'll be showing you around while the consul speaks to Magneto. Follow me and see the new and improved Genosha!"
An odd feeling churned in your stomach, but you forced yourself to stay open-minded as you stepped into the bustling world.
Mutants of all shapes and sizes surrounded you—some with wings, others with different colored skin, and some with serpentine features. It felt like home, but more like a community than a family, unlike the mansion.
Kurt led you through vibrant markets filled with fresh fruit, freshly caught fish, hand-knit goods, and other trinkets. You bought an assortment of fruits and baked goods to share with Remy, who gladly shared with you.
You arrived at an open area filled with dancing bodies and flashing lights. It wasn’t a party scene, but more a joyful reprieve from daily life. You pulled Remy into the crowd and began to dance.
"You better keep up, Remy!" you laughed, pulling him closer.
A small smile tugged at the corners of his lips. "I was about to say the same thing to you, Chere!"
Kurt talked to the band, and they began playing a lively tune with a fun guitar riff.
As the music picked up, you and Remy twirled and spun, your movements synchronized and fluid. The world around you blurred into a swirl of bodies and quick feet.
You and Remy moved in perfect harmony. He pulled you close and spun you out with a flourish, your hands never leaving each other. The crowd clapped and stomped their feet with enthusiasm. The music swelled, and the world pulsed with life.
As you finished the dance, the crowd clapped for you, amazed by the moves Remy had taught you from his Louisiana roots.
Heat rose to your cheeks, but Remy quickly dipped you and gave you a small peck on the cheek. Then you were off again, moving through the streets as the music returned to its tropical beats.
Your walking slowed as Kurt stopped to talk to someone he knew.
You let your head fall onto Remy's shoulder. "That was the most fun I've had in a while."
He smirked at you. "Me too, Chere."
You looked up at him and wrapped your arms around his neck. "I'm glad we came, Remy."
He wrapped his arms around your waist. "I'm glad too. This is much different from the last time we were here."
As the sun began to set, he gently rocked you and pressed a silent kiss to your forehead.
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tommytomatoe · 3 months
i don’t understand erik’s intention behind treasure and porter having this serious conversation about wanting to get to know each other on a deeper level than just sex, and then having their very next audio be them getting handsy on a ferris wheel. like…
in porter’s latest video we definitely see parts of him opening up to treasure and them having little moments like when he says, “i can see you,” or him being overall more playful than we’ve seen him be in previous audios. it’s sweet but it all feels like it’s just building up to the sexual content later in the video. i get it, its “hot boi summer” and erik’s been doing this on his channel for a while now, but why not pick a different couple to showcase? why them? let’s flesh out treasure’s character more or have porter face some consequences of his past, literally anything but having porter bite them on a ferris wheel would’ve been good. sometimes i wish erik would tone it down with the sexy stuff. there’s other ways to write intimacy then just sex.��
i think it would’ve been more impactful for the story if the video would’ve ended with them just talking. maybe porter tells treasure about magic and the rest of the supernatural world, they freak out a bit, but he promises to protect them. or treasure opens up about feeling lonely around their friends and that’s something porter knows all too well, to be surrounded by others and not feel seen. there were so many routes erik could’ve taken but all were brushed over because horny, sex, blah blah blah
TLDR; don't let sex overshadow good storytelling
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erial-c · 4 months
since vincent and sam are leaving the house, that leaves no other successor to william other than porter (obviously alexis but i doubt he would give that kind of power/status to her)
if erik does go this route i'd be rlly curious to see how porter would deal with all the formalities and shit of being a higher up in the house of solaire, since he was essentially treated as some sorta henchman by william most of the time
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Fic idea I might work on one day based on a headcannon or comment on a walkthrough I saw one day:
A little wholesome fic of MC and Erik. MC romanced one of the other brothers, and Erik is talking to MC one day about a crush he has and she’s like *GASP* and makes him tell her EVERYTHING. The fic progresses to Erik slowly losing his little mask and it’s about how he still calls MC “Princess” bc of how she’s family to the brothers and they were nobles which would make her royalty as well. It only fits. It’s a wholesome fic bc I said so. He tells her about Irene and she gives him tips on how to be his real self (which she knows obviously) and AGH.
I remember seeing a comment on YT or a playthrough with the commentary saying how Erik still calls Mika “Princess” because she’s family to him (and the other brothers obviously) and they were nobles in the Abyssal Planes and he can’t help but give her a title too. She’s so important in their lives, so. Yeah. I think this commentary was from someone watching the scene of Erik and Irene in SM2, where she’s all “What’s with the ‘Princess’” and her being slightly jealous. I just…love that idea and it’s completely canon in my head.
No one can change my mind.
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cpirits · 1 year
(( UNPROMPTED •• @ignis-venenatus said: [ "Gone on any fun jobs recently, Gajeel?" Erik's voice would sound from above the Iron Dragon, likely because the Poison user was lounging on a tree branch. Single violet eye watching the other male before the slimmer of the two would jump out of the tree and land nearby. He'd dust himself off but do nothing else otherwise. "It's been a while, ya miss me?" ]
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He had been outdoors for peace and quiet — the Fairy Tail guild hall got too noisy — but Gajeel was sure he'd be disturbed by someone. If he had a nickle ( he had heard the saying ) for every time Erik came around... He's have one nickle.
"I hear you, asshole. Thanks for making my quiet so loud." Looking up Gajeel scoffed, leaning against the tree trunk with his arms crossed. The tree barely oved as Erik jumped ( quite gracefully he noted ) and grumbled again as he landed. "Not like I'll tell you." Gajeel was being a bit irked about his solitude being intruded, but he didn't want to say what his heart felt -- that he did miss the other.
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Round Six of The Hottest 80s Band Tournament
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Defeated opponents: Yes, Spadau Ballet, Sepultura, Metallica
Formed in: 1984
Genres: Hard Rock, Hair Metal 
Lineup: Jani Lane- vocals and acoustic guitar
Joey Allen- guitar
Erik Turner- guitar
Steven Sweet- drums
Jerry Dixon- bass
Albums from the 80s: 
Dirty Rotten Filthy Stinking Rich (1989)
Propaganda: The Cherry Pie music video. That’s it, that’s my answer
Depeche Mode 
Defeated opponents: Anthrax, Bruce Springsteen and the E Street Band, The Kinks, Wham!, Joy Division
Formed in: 1980
Genres: Synth-pop, electronic rock, new wave, dark wave, alternative rock
Lineup: Dave Gahan - vocals
Martin Gore - guitar and keyboard
Alan Wilder - drums and keyboard
Andy Fletcher - bass
Albums from the 80s: 
Speak & Spell (1981)
 A Broken Frame (1982)
Construction Time Again (1983)
Some Great Reward (1984)
Black Celebration (1986)
Music for the Masses (1987)
Propaganda: The music. The LOOKS. The voice. (The sexual tension?) And they’re still going strong. My colleague saw them in the UK when they were only starting out and said they were so nervous. I find the juxtaposition of the confidence of their sound (not to mention the black leather) and that anecdote really endearing.
idk how much this counts as propaganda but I feel like it's very important to acknowledge that Depeche Mode specifically makes kinky synth for bisexual sluts. Like that's it, that's the band. They even managed to make their cover of "(Get Your Kicks On) Route 66" sound like it's about selling ass on the interstate. Slutty legends.
Visual propaganda for Warrant:
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Visual propaganda for Depeche Mode:
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Edit: yes I realize that I spelt Depeche Mode wrong
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skunkox · 6 months
Let's Talk About Turning
Let's go in order of Listeners. If any of the recounted information is incorrect, please let me know.
Bright Eyes:
From retelling from old fans, Bright had literally no say (possibly idea of) the turning till after it was at least in progress.
They were in a life or death situation. They chose to continue living at the cost of losing the power they worked so hard to learn, along with the normalcy of everyday life.
They seem to be taking everything in stride, but I'm worried for them. They seems to be an optimist except for when it comes to their image to others. (That's a post for another day)
Has been given the option to be turned. They still have the option to. But there's 3 things pointing in the no direction. In chatacter wise at least.
Sam still intends to stay with them regardless of how they age. They finally feel their place in the pack. Why lose the original link that made them a part of that family? Last and finally, Sam won't be living an eternal life, regardless if Darlin' wanted to or not with him.
I'm personally a believer that Darlin' wants to keep a mortal life for Sam's sake. Giving him a natural life time line. I hate to think about it, but I think we all see how that's all ending. At least we know that if that's the route Erik has chosen, when shit really his the fan with the meridian, these two are safe. Right? Right.
Let me start off by saying we don't know much about them because their story is quite literally two videos deep so far. What we've seen so far is that Treasure appears to have a dependency or rather a need to do for others. Regardless if they might feel uncomfortable or just not enjoy the sway of their company. Old company we should say.
I think we've mostly come to the agreement that if Treasure hadn't wanted to go off with Porter, they wouldn't have. They were there for their at the time, friends. The night at the club very well could have been the last straw.
All this to say I believe Treasure will be getting turned. Treasure is at the beginning of a break out from their own shell and making choices that benefits themself. There is some level of care and joy between Porter and Treasure. If that grows, wouldn't they want to stay together? If the first person to truly make Treasure happy is gonna live forever, wouldn't they want to too?
There are other ideas of Treasure being a Stealth cause the bitch didn't seem to freak out over Porter being s blood sucking play boy. Erik seems to be leaving empowered reveals of his characters to listener characters to the listeners, for the most part.
There's also the chance Erik could kill off Porter's character. There's a rule of 3 for character stories, it seems. We lost Fred from a listener standpoint and gained Porter. We have 3 wolves. 3 vampires, and 3 d(a)emons that have consistant romantic undertones at the very least. Vega is dead, but he can be brought back. I don't think he's killing Porter off but it's not impossible?
We're at the calm before the storm boys. I swear in the next 4 months, shits gonna get real and all he'll will break loose. Or Aria? Through the meridian. I'm rambling.
But yeah. Totally think that Treasure will get that choice and will be turned.
Again, if my information is wrong, let a bitch know. We gonna suffer through this together.
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new-tella-us · 22 days
How would the boys react to Mika being pregnant? Would they know before her (I feel like James would) and what kind of fathers do you think they’d be?
Well they would all be happy by default. It seems to be in the succubus instinct to REALLY wanna further your lineage so, naturally they would all want this on a genetic level.
However. Mentality always beats genetics. Let's go into that.
If any guy could know that a girl was prego before the girl herself, James would in fact be that guy. I think of all of them he would be the most.... pleased? I guess? I feel like that's not the right word but happy isn't the word I'm looking for either. He was the crowned prince. Other than ruling the kingdom well, having an heir was probably the highest priority he was taught. Plus he does dedicate a good chunk of his life to making sure his brothers are happy and successful in life. It would be natural for him to be a family man.
Though as a father, one hurdle he would force himself to get over is his emotional distance. He knows that he's not the most emotionally open and that was fine when it was just Mika and she seemed to understand but he's aware that his judgmental nature and distance would negatively affect his child so he would work that out to give his child the best chance of a good life. On a positive though? That child is gunna be educated as fuck! They are going to read higher level books as a teen than most people do ever. Easy ticket to a stable life.
I feel like Erik would have a feeling but also after the events of Demon War, he would be a little doubtful. He says himself that he would be happy if Mika was the mother of his child so he would happy with the pregnancy, his only concern would be for Mika's health and safety. I kinda joked about this in a previous post but because of the whole "demons are born with tiny horns" thing, that could probably scrape up Mika's insides especially since -if the kid is born with horns like Erik's or his mother's- that shit is coming out of the sides of their head. So O U C H.
As a father though, I can see Erik being very doting possibly to the point of mildly spoiling the child. He wants to give his child all the love and freedom his mother denied him, giving them the opportunity to do any activity they could ever want regardless of how it seems socially. He would essentially be raising his opposite for better and for worse.
Sam would absolutely NOT be able to tell. He probably didn't even think it was possible. He would be shocked but happy. I don't think he sees himself as the fatherly type but he's more than willing to learn. His concerns will change based on what route you're on. If you're on the King Sam route, his concern would be the race of the child. Sure Mika was turned into a succubus but how much of that changed her genetic makeup? Would she make succubus children or human children? And, the more concerning part, how would the kingdom react? They barely accepted Mika as their queen, they would NOT accept human children as their future rulers. Sam would rather not have to fight his entire kingdom, yknow?
By contrast, if you went down the default good route, Sam couldn't give less of a fuck about race if you paid him to. Now his concern is how he's gunna raise the kid. Royalty gives you structure, without that he has to freestyle.
As a father, I can see Sam as kind and soft but only with his wife and daughters. Yes I said "daughters", I made a mother's day drawing that shows Mika and Sam having twin girls. (So like double OUCH on the birth for Mika) Sam is your typical overprotective dad type. He wants his girls to be safe so he will protect them with his life. He would also teach his daughters self defense so they can protect themselves once they're grown.
Matthew would also not be able to tell. If Mika gets morning sickness, Matthew would be more concerned that she's caught something from work. Though when he is told, he will be SQUEALING with happiness. He would absolutely be the happiest of the five to be a dad. It's far beyond "biological need", he genuinely wants to be a parent. Mika is not lifting a goddamn finger for any of the chores or physical work. Hell even Simon Tabby causes fewer issues to not stress Mika out.
As a father, he would be fun loving. His child would never be bored or feel neglected as long as he's around..... However, like Mother, like Son. It's not that Matthew is anywhere near as crazy as Aezera but he would probably share a few of her values on family and magical education. He would prioritize the child's happiness and self expression while also making sure that they are well trained and well educated especially in magic. After all, even if the child doesn't show immediate promise, he had a runt phase too. They just need some training. This is the exact way Aezera raised Matthew, with Matthew just being not invasive or horribly controlling. Definitely an improvement, still room to improve though.
I would say "Damien is a mindreader" but he isn't at this point! YAY! So he might not figure it out until he's told. Now, I think Damien would be happy, however after seeing a video from Michaela, I realize he would have more of a nuanced response. His anxiety would take hold as he questions if they even have the physical and emotional resources to care for a child. On top of that, race comes back as an issue but it's now the opposite. Has Damien's DNA changed when he was truly turned human or would he produce demon kids? How would two humans deal with human-demon hybrids? He would be terrified of any of his kids gaining his mind reading seeing how miserable it made him and he would probably also be concerned from Mika's safety with the horns thing again. However, when his anxieties calm down, he would show more of that happiness. The best part of the next nine months would be Mika and Damien getting to set up their child's room and fill it with everything new parents need.
As a father, I think Damien would be a sweet but stern dad. Teaching his kids morals and kindness so they can grow up to be empathetic people. As much as his last interaction with his mother broke his heart, from how heartbroken he was we can tell that Damien's mother had a close relationship with Damien once. I think he would try to reform that relationship with his child and mimic all the things he loved about his mother hoping that his kid could view him the way he viewed his mother. Where I think his fault would lie would be his slightly possessive nature and his PTSD. That would extend to his children and may make him stifle them in an attempt to keep them away from danger, real and perceived. Though an honest conversation, either from the child or Mika, would help.
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