#they were all excited and ready to help her and were worried when Damien said what could go wrong😭😭😭
Fic idea I might work on one day based on a headcannon or comment on a walkthrough I saw one day:
A little wholesome fic of MC and Erik. MC romanced one of the other brothers, and Erik is talking to MC one day about a crush he has and she’s like *GASP* and makes him tell her EVERYTHING. The fic progresses to Erik slowly losing his little mask and it’s about how he still calls MC “Princess” bc of how she’s family to the brothers and they were nobles which would make her royalty as well. It only fits. It’s a wholesome fic bc I said so. He tells her about Irene and she gives him tips on how to be his real self (which she knows obviously) and AGH.
I remember seeing a comment on YT or a playthrough with the commentary saying how Erik still calls Mika “Princess” because she’s family to him (and the other brothers obviously) and they were nobles in the Abyssal Planes and he can’t help but give her a title too. She’s so important in their lives, so. Yeah. I think this commentary was from someone watching the scene of Erik and Irene in SM2, where she’s all “What’s with the ‘Princess’” and her being slightly jealous. I just…love that idea and it’s completely canon in my head.
No one can change my mind.
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criminalmindzjunkie ¡ 3 years
I Carry Your Heart With Me (Part One)
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Summary: Spencer and the reader are reunited for the first time in fifteen years. 
A/N: Very excited to get the ball rolling on this one. I hope you all enjoy it! Message me if you would like to be added to the taglist.
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Fem!Reader
Content Warnings: swearing
Word Count: 4.5k
“I cannot believe you talked me into this,” Damien mutters from the passenger seat, his icy blue eyes wide with fright. He pulls his gaze away just long enough to point at a lone cow grazing to the left of the road. “Look! That cow is just like… standing there. No fence around him or anything. What’s stopping him from stampeding into us the second we get out of this car?”
Damien sounds so genuinely horrified that you almost feel bad for laughing. Almost.
“I don’t think that’s going to be a problem, Dee. Besides, that cow didn’t even look up when we drove past. We’re not even on its radar.”
“Oh, yeah? Ever heard of a little thing called mad cow disease?” Damien persists, in typical dramatic flair. You roll your eyes at him and he curses underneath his breath. “You know, when I agreed to go with you to this wedding, I pictured something more akin to a five-star resort with a minibar and a heated pool. Not rogue livestock and shitty cellphone reception.”
“You didn’t agree to anything – you practically begged me to take you with me.”
Damien waves his hand, dismissive, his eyes still roaming over the pasture. “Because I wanted an excuse to take a week off work. This is not the controlled environment I expected.”  
“If you don’t quit complaining, I won’t hesitate to push you out of the car and leave you here with the cow,” you retort. In your periphery you’re able to make out Damien raising his middle finger to you. Rude.
You chuckle and fix your attention back on the dirt road. You’re driving almost painfully slowly, because the very idea of having to pay extra for damages to this already astronomically expensive rental car makes you feel nauseated. Despite your efforts, the car is covered entirely in dust. Its once pristine, white paint job has transformed into a muddy color.
There goes my deposit.
You shake your head at the thought. You had more pressing matters to concern yourself with; i.e., the fact that you were approximately five minutes away from coming face to face with the one person you swore you’d never speak to again. Two months seemed like ample time to prepare yourself in theory, but now that it is no longer some far-off thing, you know that your attempts at preparing yourself were in vain. With each day you crossed off the calendar leading to your departure date, your anxiety grew and grew until you worried your poor heart would give out under the stress. Getting onto the plane bound for Montana felt like the proverbial nail in the coffin, and a hefty dose of Dramamine was the only thing that kept you from spiraling as the plane ascended into the air. You slept through the entirety of the trip and, much to Damien’s chagrin, there is a sizeable puddle of drool on his left shoulder to prove it.
The lengthy nap helped. The tight band constricting your chest had loosened, and you pulled out onto the highway feeling refreshed and rejuvenated. You had Damien by your side and five vacation days to enjoy. Your best friend was getting married to the love of her life, and you were hellbent on standing by her side through it all. Spencer Reid can kiss your ass, as far as you are concerned. No way is he going to ruin this for you.
You are still very much clinging your take-no-shit mentality when you breach a hill and the ranch comes into view, effectively expelling every single positive thought from your head. Aforementioned anxiety reappears in full-force and you stomp down on the breaks.
“Fuck, I don’t think I can do this,” you squeak out, casting a look at Damien, whose eyes are trained on the sprawling expanse of the house ahead of you. “We can still turn around – no, we should turn around. There is no version of this that won’t end in me getting embarrassingly drunk and crying in front of everyone. I’m turning around.”
Damien’s hand on yours, strong and steady, is the only thing that keeps you from whipping the car around and retreating with your tail between your legs. His fingers pry your white knuckled grip off of the wheel slowly, his thumb rubbing reassuring circles across your skin. Its sweet and so overwhelmingly gentle that you’re a bit stunned. You glance at him in a silent question, as if to ask who are you, and what have you done with my friend?
He gets the message loud and clear, because of course he does. Damien fixes you with a smile, grip tightening on your hand.
“I’ve seen you hold your own against some of the biggest names in journalism on an almost daily basis – looking damn sexy while you do it, might I add,” Damien chuckles, and you can’t help but give a weak laugh of your own. Damien’s smile grows at this, and he continues, “If you can handle your business against those conniving pricks, I’ve no doubt that you can tough it out for this. You’re not the type of woman that lets some guy dictate what she does or doesn’t do. And you sure as hell aren’t the type of woman that would let some guy rob her of the opportunity to stand by her best friend on the most important day of her life. As the person who probably knows you better than anyone else on the planet, my opinion of you is pretty rock-solid, if I do say so myself. So, unless I’ve completely overestimated the extent of your badassery, I suggest you rethink that plan. What do you say?”
You avert your eyes and swallow against the lump in your throat.
“Spencer’s not just some guy. For a long time, I was convinced that he was the guy,” you whisper. The car is silent, save for the quiet crooning voice of George Michael flowing through the speakers. Damien squeezes your hand, prompting you to continue. You blink up at him with wet lashes, lips pulled into a sad smile. “Have you ever been in love?”
Damien shakes his head and rubs his thumb along the top of your hand. “I can’t say that I have, babe. Haven’t been that lucky.”
You let out a shaky breath and bring your other hand up to wipe at your eyes.
“Maybe you’re better off. I’ve only been in love once,” you gesture to your pitiful appearance and choke out a wet laugh. “Look where that got me. He fucking crushed me, and fifteen years later I’m still broken up about it. It’s pathetic.”
Damien frowns and shifts in his seat so that he’s fully facing you.
“I don’t want to hear you say that self-deprecating shit again. You were hurt by someone you gave your heart to, and I can only imagine how devastating that must feel. Being upset about seeing him again does not make you pathetic. The fact that you’re here, about to spend a week with the guy just so you can be there for Cassidy, is pretty damn admirable as far as I’m concerned.” Damien ends his monologue by pulling you into a tight hug, and you couldn’t be more thankful that he’d come with you. Not only was he a secret sweetheart, he also gave the very best hugs.
By the time he releases you, the tension in your chest has eased significantly. You nod once, and Damien’s rewards you with a smile.
“I am pretty cool, aren’t I?”
Damien snorts rather unattractively and rolls his eyes.
“I take back everything. You suck, and I don’t know why I bother with you, you narcissist.”
Now that the mood has lifted significantly, you reluctantly press your foot against the gas pedal.
“Too late. No takesies backsies,” you singsong. “You think I’m sexy and badass, and I’m never going to let you forget it.”
Damien mutters something undoubtably snarky underneath his breath, but it’s drowned out by the sound of gravel crunching underneath the tires. That, and the sound of your blood roaring in your ears as you inch further down the driveway.
The house, a beautiful log cabin with stone accents along the underside, is massive. Standing at two stories tall with a large wraparound porch and more than a dozen large windows, it’s a far cry from the modest little cabin in the mountains that Cassidy had made it out to be. Even Damien is slack jawed at the sight of it, sitting pretty against a back drop of rolling mountains, and you can’t help but feel a little smug.
“Still want to complain about that five-star resort?”
Damien shakes his head dazedly, “I retract my earlier complaint.”
All too soon, you roll to a stop and put the car in park. Several other cars are parked haphazardly in the grass around you, and that annoying voice inside your head wonders which one belongs to Spencer. It’s not that you care – you totally don’t – it’s just that you are kind of hoping that he hasn’t arrived yet. A few hours to acclimate to the environment before having to deal with him would be nice.
“You’ve got this, babe,” Damien murmurs. “And I’ll be with you the whole time, just in case you need a reminder.”
You flash Damien a nervous smile.
“You’re a really good friend, Dee. I’m really glad that you’re here,” you say, before narrowing your eyes at him. “If you tell anyone I said that, I’ll deny it.”
Damien snorts and pushes open the door.
“Get your sassy ass out of the car. I’m ready to mingle.”
As soon as you set foot on the porch, the front door flies open and a flash of curly red hair precedes a collision that nearly sends you flying back into the railing. Ecstatic squeals rip through the otherwise serene evening air and two boney arms envelop you into a tight hug.
“I cannot believe you’re actually here,” Cassidy laughs as she squeezes you tight. Her enthusiasm has you joining in, the two of you laughing happily and pulling back to examine one another. Cassidy places a sloppy kiss to both of your cheeks before throwing an arm over your shoulder. “I fully expected you to just blow off the whole thing, if I’m being honest.”
You cast at Damien, who’s watching on with an amused grin on his face.
“Believe me, she tried.”
Cassidy turns her attention to Damien and extends her free hand.
“I take it you’re the infamous Damien that I’ve been trading emails with?”
Your eyebrows scrunch together in confusion, “Wait, what? The two of you have been emailing?”
Damien accepts Cassidy’s hand and gives it a firm shake, all while smiling smugly.
“Yep. Me and Ms. Cassidy go way back.”
“I mean, that’s cool, I guess, but why?”
Cassidy and Damien share a look, both of them shrugging.
“Mainly to talk about you,” Cassidy admits, not even bothering to look apologetic. When you frown up at her she waves her hand dismissively at you. “All good things, I promise. Don’t worry your pretty little head about it.” Cassidy punctuates her words with a patronizing pat on your shoulder.
“I knew letting you two meet was a bad idea,” you grumble.
Cassidy simply drops her arms from its place on your shoulder in favor of tugging on your hand.
“Come on, sour puss. I want you to meet my husband. He’s a real sweetie – you’re gonna love him.”
A flash of white-hot panic shoots down your spine and you dig your heels into the floor.
“Wait,” you squeak out, eyes wide. “Is… Is he here yet?”
Cassidy’s eyes shine mischievously, briefly flitting up to Damien before returning to you.
“He is. And you’ll be happy to know that pictures do not do the Good Doctor any justice.”
Salt, meet wound.
“Don’t know why you’re telling me that,” you mutter.
“Denial is not just a river in Egypt, my friend,” Cassidy singsongs as she begins tugging you forward. For someone so tiny, she makes easy work of forcing you through the threshold.
The foyer is just as impressive as you expect it to be – beautiful cedar walls and a grand staircase that leads to the second floor. If you weren’t horribly on edge at the current moment, you would definitely comment on the fact that the foyer alone is probably larger than your entire apartment, but you’re too busy scanning the immediate area for tall skinny white guys with stupidly curly brown hair to comment on the grandiosity.
Cassidy leads the two of you to double doors to the right, and just as she’s about to push them open, the shrill ring of your cellphone offers you an out.
You slip your hand from Cassidy’s grip and give her a faux apologetic look.
“I should probably take this – it might be work.”
Damien narrows his eyes at you. “I thought you left your work phone at home.”
You ignore him and begin taking a few steps backwards, “Is there somewhere private I can go?”
An indiscernible look flashes across Cassidy’s face and then her lips pull up into a sugary sweet smile. “Follow the hallway to the very end. Leads to the back porch,” she says. “No need to rush. Take all the time you need!”
Okay, weird, you think to yourself, but the idea of putting off the inevitable for a few extra moments is too tempting to pass up, so you continue your retreat. You make it to the back door in record time and let out a relieved breath as you bring the phone to your ear.
“Hi, mom.”
“Hi, baby. I was just calling to make sure the two of you got there safely.”
You push open the back door and the breathtaking view of the ranch prompts you to take pause; sprawling fields and rolling hills as far as the eye can see, grazing livestock congregating near a lazy stream at the far end of the property, and several horses running across the expanse of the left field. It was wonderfully serene and vastly different from the bustling rat-race that was New York.
You smile to yourself when a loud moo rips through the otherwise quiet ranch. I could get used to this.
“Yeah, we made it,” you murmur into the receiver. “You would love this place, Mom. It’s probably the prettiest place I’ve ever been. I’ll send you a picture when I hang up.”
“How’s Cassidy? Still a little spit-fire, I assume?”
You lean against the railing and let out a snort, “Oh, absolutely. Don’t think that’ll ever change.”
“I’d hope not,” your mother hums. “How does Damien like the ranch?”
“He’s not exactly a fan of the livestock,” you chuckle. “Damien’s never even seen a real cow before. City boy through and through, that one.”
You and your mother share a laugh that dissolves into a comfortable silence. Comfortable, until the telltale clearing of your mother’s throat warns you of the impending inquisition.
“So,” your mother begins. “Are you going to tell me how it went, or are you going to leave an old woman wondering? “
You sigh and run a hand through your hair. “Fortunately, I have yet to run into him. I may or may not be hiding out on the back porch as we speak in an attempt to avoid just that.”
“Y/N,” your mother chastises. “Prolonging the inevitable isn’t going to make this any easier.”
“I know, I know. I’ll go in there soon. It’s just a lot, you know? I needed to take a breather, first.” Just until my hands stop shaking. Or until Cassidy comes hunting for me. Whichever comes first.
“I know, baby,” your mother coos. “I’m proud of you for trying. Just don’t drag things out, okay? You’ll only make yourself sick with nerves.” Unfortunately, that ship has sailed. The rolling in your stomach can attest to that.
           You laugh a humorless laugh, “I don’t know, Mom. You always like to remind me how stubborn I am. I’m sure if I put my mind to it, I can just avoid him for the entire week.”
           A tiny movement at the very corner of your vision and a loud creak makes you whip your head around, and what you see has your heart falling to your ass.
Spencer Reid, looking absolutely stunning in a pair of khaki dress pants and a white cable-knit sweater, sits in a porch swing with wide eyes and a book clutched tightly in his hands. Soft, caramel-colored curls frame his face and a five o’clock shadow runs the length of his jaw, adding a bit of grown-up flare to his otherwise boyish features.
He looks every bit as beautiful as he did on the day he broke your heart.
Spencer knows that he should have spoken up as soon as you walked onto the porch. It was immediately obvious that you hadn’t seen him, and he swears he’s one second away from clearing his throat and launching into the introduction he’d been planning for the last sixty days. But the words die on his tongue as he drinks in the sight of you.
You’re so close to him for the first time in years and it’s more than a little bit dizzying. And yeah, he’s used his very limited knowledge of how the internet works to Google you on more than one occasion, but the version of you leaning against the porch railing is a far cry from the pixelized one. A light breeze rolling through the air lifts your hair away from your face, and Spencer’s breath catches in his throat as he surveys every perfect inch, from the curl of your lashes to the smattering of freckles on your nose. He indulges himself, eyes settling on your cherry red lips, fascinated by the way they move as you talk on the phone. Spencer is intimately familiar with those lips – can recall the way they felt pressed against his own. The years spent apart have done nothing to dull the memories. He’s not entirely sure if that’s a good or a bad thing.
It amazes him how you’ve somehow managed to change a lot, but also not at all. You stand before him as an oxymoron personified, and it’s a lot for Spencer’s poor heart to take in. Your hair is a bit lighter than he remembers, as well as a little longer, but it still looks just as soft and he can recall with startling clarity how it felt when he used to run his fingers through it. You have a few more laugh lines than you did, as well as a scar on your left elbow that hadn’t been there before, but everything else about you is so painfully familiar that Spencer could almost pretend that no time had passed – that he still knows your body as well as he once did.
Spencer knows this isn’t true. Every seven years, the body resets; old cells destroyed and replaced with new ones. You’ve both spent enough time apart that your bodies have reset twice over. You’re as much of a stranger to him as he is to you.
Spencer positively abhors the thought.
The sound of your laughter pulls him from the depths of his mind, and while the laugh isn’t warm or inviting in the slightest, he relishes it. What was once one of his favorite sounds has existed in his head as only a memory for far too long. Hearing it in person is jarring in the best of ways.  
The euphoria he feels dies a horrible death when you speak again.
“I don’t know, Mom. You always like to remind me how stubborn I am. I’m sure if I put my mind to it, I can just avoid him for the entire week.”
Fucking ouch.
Spencer cringes hard, too hard, because the porch swing screeches out an angry creak and you whip around and holy shit, have your eyes always been that entrancing?
He watches as your entire body goes rigid, tensed as if you’re about to bolt. You blink hard, eyebrows drawn together to form an adorably bewildered expression as you assess him. Spencer hopes he doesn’t look too disheveled. He hadn’t even thought to freshen up after his trip, an oversight that he’s regretting terribly as your eyes flit over him.
Spencer isn’t sure why, but he stands up. Maybe it has something to do with feeling vulnerable. Maybe he just wants to close the distance. The two steps he takes towards you support the latter. He’s thankful that you don’t move away, but the blank expression on your face worries him.
The two of you stand five feet apart, but you feel worlds away. Spencer refrains from speaking for as long as he can stand, which is only about thirty seconds.
Your lips part, and Spencer holds his breath.
More silence. Spencer gulps.
“It’s good to see you,” he says, cautious. The last thing he wants to do is fuck up within the first five minutes. Unfortunately, his brain and his mouth seem to have some sort of disconnect, and Spencer continues against his better judgment. “It’s been a while.”
It’s been a while? That’s seriously the best I can come up with?
Spencer contemplates drowning himself in the nearby stream.
“It certainly has.”
“Five-thousand, five-hundred and seventeen days.” And roughly thirty-six and a half hours, but who’s counting?
Muted noises flow out of your phone speaker and you pull your eyes away from Spencer. He’s both relieved and devastated.
“Yeah, Mom, I’m fine. I just ran into someone. I’ll call you back later, okay?”
Spencer agonizes over the fact that he’s been reduced to someone while you and your mother exchange goodbyes. You’re smiling when you look up at him again, but Spencer’s seen what a genuine smile of yours looks like, and this isn’t it.
“I didn’t see you sitting there. My apologies.” Your formality makes the situation all the more excruciating.
Spencer lets out a nervous laugh, “I suppose avoiding me is out of the question now, huh?”
It’s hard to tell who’s more horrified by the words that tumble from his mouth, you or Spencer. A fierce flush spreads across your cheeks. It’s the first crack in your otherwise calm and collected exterior thus far and Spencer relishes in it. Maybe you’re not as unaffected by him as you seem.
“I… I’m sorry you had to hear that,” you stammer, blinking up at him with guilty eyes. “That wasn’t very kind of me.”
“Don’t worry about it. I can’t say that I’m undeserving of your anger,” Spencer whispers so quietly that he worries you don’t hear him over the gentle flow of the stream. The hardness that returns to your eyes lets him know that you heard every word.
You clear your throat, signaling your unwillingness to discuss that particularly painful topic. “You’re still partial to Cummings, I see.” You gesture to the book clutched tightly against his chest.
Now, it’s Spencer’s turn to blush. The book in his hands, tattered and worn from years of use, is incriminating. The two of you both know what lies just beneath the binding. The fact that Spencer has it with him now makes him think that he might as well be wearing a t-shirt that reads, I’M STILL NOT OVER YOU.
Spencer raises a hand to scratch at the back of his neck. “Oh, yeah. Old habits die hard, I guess.” His eyes scour your face for a sign of anything that might clue him in to you feeling the same way. A flicker of something dances across your face, but it’s gone so quickly that he can’t be sure if he imagined it. He forces a nervous smile. “If I remember correctly, he was your favorite.” It’s a shitty attempt at a joke.
You exhale a shaky breath and to his absolute horror, your lower lip begins to wobble. He wishes he could reach up and pluck his words from where they hang heavy in the air.
“Not anymore,” you murmur, and fuck if that doesn’t absolutely wreck him.
Spencer shouldn’t ask, but he can’t help himself. “Oh. Why not?”
He holds his breath, anxiously anticipating your next words. You seem to be battling with yourself, mouth opening and closing several times. Spencer is content to wait as long as it takes for you to answer, but the universe is much more impatient than he.
The door leading onto the porch swings open and out walks an honest to God Abercrombie and Fitch model. Or at least, a man who meets the qualifications and then some. Long, flowing blonde hair and a crisp white dress shirt makes Spencer’s unruly brown mop and dumpy sweater look pitiful in comparison. Spencer frowns.
“Sweetheart, you’ve been out here for like ten minutes,” the man chastises as he closes the distance between you and him. Spencer watches him wrap his arm around your shoulders and pull you to him like someone might watch a car wreck happen; with equal parts horror and morbid curiosity. “You can’t hide out forever.”
All traces of rigidity leave your body and you melt into the man’s side. It happens in such a way that screams familiarity, as if the pet name hadn’t already driven that point home. The awful, gut-wrenching realization slams home and Spencer has to fight to keep his knees from buckling.
“Uh, sorry,” you mumble, before nodding your head in Spencer’s direction. “Damien, this is Spencer Reid.”
The man’s – Damien’s - eyes go almost comically wide as they settle on Spencer’s dejected frame, before schooling into a cool indifference. He offers him a polite smile that’s a little tight around the edges, but doesn’t outstretch his hand.
“Ah, Spencer. I’ve heard a lot about you.”
Spencer swallows hard to keep himself from barking out a crazed laugh. He’s heard of me! That’s certainly something, considering the fact that no one thought it necessary to tell Spencer that you have a –
Spencer’s eyes dart down to your left hand. Thankfully, mercifully, your ring finger is bare.
“Uh, y-yeah. It’s nice to meet you.” The words burn as they roll off his tongue.
Damien nods at him before turning back to you. There’s an unmistakable fondness in the way he looks at you as he speaks. “Cassidy wants everyone back inside. They’re about to serve dinner.”
You smile up at him, not even casting a parting glance at Spencer before Damien leads you back inside. Spencer stands there long after the door closes behind the two of you.
The book feels heavy in his hands.
taglist:  @is-this-even-important @evelyncade @usuck​ @m0rce1ddd​ @bauhousewife​ @whxt-to-write​ @spencerwaltergubler​ @lovesicksofi​ @idgafayiowf​ @shadyladyperfection​ @mercy-burning​ @sapphic-prentiss​ @itsmytimetoodream​  @m0rce1ddd​ @bauhousewife​ @whxt-to-write​ @spencerwaltergubler​  @enchantedcruelsummer​ @no-honey-no​ @inkstainedwritergirl​ @tnoh13​ @xxconfettiitsaparade​ @calm-and-doctor​ @muffin-cup​ @fortheloveofcriminalminds​ @arcticrory​ @holl2712​@themanwiththreephds @blameitonthenight21​ @stellabelle​ @me-a-hopeless-romantic​ @musicxlover97 @anightflower​ @andiebeaword​ @annesauriol​ @haylaansmi​ 
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justcourttee ¡ 4 years
Can you do one where all the Wayne’s meet marinette before knowing she’s dating Damian and something happened to her parents and Bruce already has the adoption papers and damiens like no father u can’t adopt my gf
This is so cute and was so much fun to write. Hope this is something like what you had in mind :) @leagrey
Family Dinner
“I would like to apologize in advance. Father and his feral mistakes are very lively people and I fear they will take too much of a liking to you. If it is at all uncomforting, just squeeze my hand and we will leave.”
Marinette glanced over as Damian stared menacingly at the oak doors in front of them. It had only been a year since she had met him, but he had never once mentioned the idea of her meeting his family. Maybe it was because he knew today was special and he knew that meeting them was her only request of him for the longest time.
“Do you feel uncomfortable Damian? If so, please don’t put yourself in this position because of me.”
“Tt, utter nonsense. Me? Uneasy? Now you are just babbling.”
A small smile tugged at the corner of her mouth at the sight of the red threatening to overtake his cheeks.
“Well then, I guess there is no point in standing outside all day huh?”
Before her fist even made contact with the door, it flung open. Several curious faces piled in the doorframe, all trying to get a good look at her in case Damian changed his mind in an instant.
“You idiots, back up now or I’m leaving with her.”
A mutter of apologies echoed through the door as Marinette bit back the chuckle. With a great sigh, Damian motioned for her to step through the entrance, his tense body signaling that he was already ready to throw in the towel.
“It’s so nice to finally meet you all, my name is Marinette Dupain-Cheng.”
Her half-wave seemed to send a shock wave through the room as all eyes narrowed in on her, watching her every movement. Cautiously, she lowered her hand. A moment of silence passed and then two. Everyone seemed locked onto her, unsure of what to say and if she was being honest, she had the slightest idea as well.
“Are you all crowding her? Shameful. I thought I told you to wait in the dining room.”
It was as if the heavens had parted and uttered a command. Several bodies darted in different directions and in seconds, the hallway had been cleared save for Marinette, Damian, and an older man with graying hair and a killer smile on his face.
“Miss Dupain-Cheng, we are truly honored that Master Damian has allowed you to grace us with your presence for dinner this evening. I apologize for Master Bruce’s charges. They really are all excellent kids, but rare elements such as yourself tend to erase their minds of any manners I worked so hard to instill in them.”
He shook his head in mock disappointment as he offered her his hand.
“Oh please, don’t worry about it, Mr. Alfred. I’m sure they were just as excited as I was.”
Taking his hand, she did her best to give a strong shake. His warm smile seemed so inviting, but the thought that he could clear a room with just a sentence shook her to her core.
“Please, just Alfred is fine. May I escort you to the dining room?”
Marinette nodded as she blindly reached backward for Damian’s hand to drag him along. If the butler had noticed, he made no comment as he led them.
“And here we are, I will return shortly with the first course for tonight. I do hope you enjoy the meal. I have prepared special platers for you and Master Damian to commandeer for your dietary restrictions.”
Before she even had the chance to thank him, he whisked away, leaving her to stand by Damian’s side in front of the largest dining room table she had ever seen.
Her eyes darted to the head of the table where a dashing man stood, his eyes kind and welcoming as he motioned to the two empty seats beside him. It all felt so overwhelming, too many sets of eyes for her to count were plastered on her alone. Shuffling along, she managed a small curtsey to the man before allowing Damian to help her into her seat.
A small murmur erupted from the dining room table. Had she done something wrong? Perhaps she had set herself up at the table, but Damian just got so flustered about those sorts of things, insisting he wanted to be a proper gentleman.
“I’ve heard very little about you Ms. Dupain-Cheng, but the little I have been able to wrestle out of my son has been nothing short of blessings.”
Marinette was sure her face was burning as she muttered a small thanks.
“I apologize for the huge turnout. When I mentioned to my oldest that Damian was bringing a friend home for dinner, it seems word spread fast. They all wanted to meet the person who managed to break through to him that wasn’t Jon.”
His smile appeared jokingly as he glanced over the near full table.
“But please, where are my manners? My name is Bruce and please feel comfortable to refer to me like that. The three boys across from you are my oldest Dick, Jason, Tim, and Duke.”
Dick's smile was blinding as he reached over the table to shake her hand vigorously.
“I’m so glad my little boy has made a friend and such a beautiful and well-mannered one as well!”
“Yeah, I wonder how he did that?” Jason, at least that’s what she believed his name was, stroked his chin thoughtfully as he stared down the two. Duke began to stroke his chin as well before he leaned across the table, shielding his mouth from where Damian sat.
“Hey, Marinette, blink twice if he’s threatening you or your family’s lives in any way.”
There was a small thud from under the table as Duke flinched slightly in his seat.
Bruce shook his head as he motioned past the boys and to the girls that sat on the other side of Damian.
“On this side of the table are my daughters in all but paperwork. Barbara, Cassandra, and Stephanie.”
“Uhm, you forgot one pop.”
The girl at the end of the table kicked her feet up onto the table, her mischievous smile poking at Bruce’s patience.
“How could I ever forget you, Harper? I was just saving you for last.”
Harper sent a wink in Marinette’s direction earning a giggle from the girl.
“Miss Harper, I must ask you to refrain from placing your feet on the table as I serve out the first course.”
Instantly she straightened in her seat as Alfred seemingly materialized from behind. The smile on his face as dangerous as ever. Marinette could finally see what Damian was worried about, his family was absolutely wild. Her eyes drifted from each person as they absentmindedly chatted in small groups.
Damian’s hand found hers under the table, giving her a slight reassuring squeeze.
“Marinette, I must apologize for dinner being so late. I had to work over today and even if I got out earlier than usual, I must admit it is not early enough. Please apologize to your parents for my inconsiderate job.”
Marinette swallowed hard as she sat down her fork.
“Oh, uhm, I suppose Damian didn’t tell you. I-uh-live on my own in the city.”
All of the chatter in the room fell silent and once more, she could feel the heat of every stare in the room on her.
“Oh? Are they okay with that? Gotham isn’t exactly known to be the safest at night.” His chuckle was humorless as he watched her bright eyes dull.
“I actually came to Gotham on my own merits, a fresh start if you will. My parents died last year in a bakery fire. Papa tried to find me, thinking I was home, but even as Maman begged him to leave the building, he couldn’t leave believing I was still in there.”
She felt a single hot tear trail down her cheek, but she was quick to wipe it away before any more could follow.
“I apologize, I had no idea.”
Marinette shook her head vigorously as the apologies spewed out of her mouth.
“Please, forget I said anything at all. I one hundred percent overshared. Now dinner will be so awkwardly, please, it’s been a year, I’m okay.”
The conversation started back slowly, but once it did, Marinette couldn’t stop laughing. She shared with them her business and talked about how she and Damian first met. Tim couldn’t wrap his head around the thought that Damian would have actually stopped on the street to comfort her.
“I mean, what are you? A demon tamer? Teach me your ways sensei.”
As Alfred collected the final plates for the evening, Marinette felt better than she had in a long time. When it came time to leave, Bruce offered to escort them back to the front.
“Miss Dupain-Cheng, may I ask how old you are?”
Bruce’s stare was concerning as he reached out to pick up her hand.
“How do you live in an apartment then?”
“Oh, My grandmother signed the lease. She technically lives with me, but she’s such a free spirit, I couldn’t possibly expect her to stay in one spot. I mostly live there on my own. Honestly, I’m quite jealous of the large family Damian has, he is very lucky.”
Marinette thought she had to be hallucinating. Bruce Wayne almost seemed to be vibrating the more she talked.
“You know Marinette, this manor is quite spacious. If you ever need-”
“Absolutely not.”
In one quick movement, Damian was between them, his glare ready to cut through his own father.
“But Damian-”
“Father I cannot allow you to adopt my girlfriend!”
Bruce’s jaw dropped as he finally noticed the constant contact that the two had initiated all night. At first, he thought it could be just her way of keeping herself grounded, but the more he thought back on it, it did seem quite like how a couple would act.
“Dammit, now I owe Steph $20.”
Marinette peeked behind Bruce where all of Damian’s siblings stood exchanging money, Tim looking especially upset as he handed the blonde a crisp bill. For what felt like the billionth time tonight, Marinette felt her face flush.
“You are all utter buffoons. Father, we will complete this conversation later. As for now, I will escort Marinette back to her apartment and I will be taking the car.”
Damian’s hand intertwined with hers as she allowed herself to be dragged from the manor. A chorus of goodbyes echoed after her, even Alfred waved her goodbye as he graciously shut Bruce’s mouth for him. As she climbed into the car, Marinette leaned over to place a small kiss on Damian’s cheek.
“What was that for?” The stutter in his voice was something she adored, something that only ever appeared when she caught him off guard.
“Thank you for letting me meet your family today. It turned a bad day into a good one.”
“Yeah, whatever,” the red of his cheeks betrayed his indifferent attitude as he shifted the car into drive.
As the manor disappeared in the rearview mirror, only one thought remained on her mind. Just how would the conversation go with Bruce when Damian returned?
The thought alone made her smile.
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anothertimdrakestan ¡ 4 years
Lovebirds Damian Wayne x Reader
Words: 2.8k
Requested? Yes! From a few lovely anons!
“So far i am loving your blog and went through like all of your writing🥰💖💖💖💗💞! I was wondering if you could do 'star sapphire corp reader' x damien please? Like them getting together” and “Could you please do sapphire lantern reader with your choice of the batboys meeting on a mission?”
I absolutely love the sapphire corps! Thank you for these adorable requests! Dami plus a lover actually in tune with their emotions- hell they’re powered off the emotions- is too funny and so adorable! Also we are going to pretend that Raven and Damian aren’t a thing even though I’m using the DCAU teen titans alrighty? Plus it gives me a chance to ship BBRAE YEAHHHH! Hope you enjoy!
I’m so sorry it’s long it’s my first fic back I was so excited haha
“Deep breaths and English you got this” you stared at yourself in the mirror of your makeshift room in titan’s tower. Being the youngest member of the star sapphire corps you were the one tasked with the trip to earth, it made sense, no one wanted to work with teenage earthly heroes but you. Finally, a chance to meet a being similar in age to you! No more old hymns about the power earthly love, you were about to experience it first hand. 
Your mentor had called in a favor and you had been escorted to earth by none other than the physical embodiment of flirtatiousness, Hal Jordan. The trip itself was tiring so upon a midnight arrival you retired to your room without meeting anyone. Now, you could hear a bustling of voices, there was so much emotion radiating it seemed slightly overwhelming, so you opted to wait for Hal to come pull you from your room. 
At the familiar knock you shook away your nerves and flexed your hands into fists, feelings your ring almost pushing you to go outside. “Howdy miss l/n! Ready to meet your new team?” You were greeted with the cheesy grin that had apparently wooed your mentor, but always prodded you. “Good morning Hal, temporary team remember?” you replied, letting your aura be picked up by your purple light. Hal coughed awkwardly, “we walk on earth newbie, not many float here” embarrassed, you touched back down, clearing your throat as you exited your quarters. 
As you made your way down the hallway shouting grew, but upon you entering the room went quiet. With a small smile wave you scanned the room, noticing a green boy who was burning a strange looking food, two other boys who had froze to look at you but stood at a large table that made a strange sound, and lastly a raven haired boy who was sharpening a- sword? At ten in the morning? On the couch. The green boy came up to you first, “hello! You must be y/n! I’m Gar, there’s Jaime, Vic, Robin, and Raven isn’t here but she’s also part of the team! Nice to meet’cha!” Trying to keep up with the names Gar started shouting “SHE’S HERE Y’ALL” apparently to summon a woman who looked like the leader, as she was much older. Following her was a younger girl in a purple cloak, you quite liked her look and vibes, though she felt quite closed off. 
After learning more about everyone at a team breakfast with strangely prepared food you were with the team getting suited up as your mission to travel to Celea, a planet whose environment was toxic to any being over 18, making it a “teen titan’s mission” as they called themselves. As some of the titan’s changed into their suits and prepped themselves for combat you bonded with Raven and Blue Beetle as you had all loaded onto the ship fairly easily. “So why do you have a powerless human on your team? Do you not worry for his safety?” you wondered as you watched Robin methodically pack all his gear. “Trust me, Robin could take all of us out if he wanted to, he’s earned his spot on the team from pure skill and being a little bit of a monster- OOMPH” Jaime was cut off by Raven nudging him. You couldn’t help wanting to hear Robin’s story, as you were like him too- powerless but highly trained and craving to do more. Luckily you had a couple hours of flight to get to know the mysterious boy. 
The ship was large, built for a league of heroes apparently. This meant the team had spread out but you had stayed in the piloting area to assure yourself the team was on the right trajectory, apparently Robin was as well. “You actually know where we’re going?” his voice shook you from your calculations. “Yes, I’ve visited Celea before, but never to fight it’s people” you mused, wondering how in just a few years since your visiting a toxic group of manipulative outlaws had attempted to stake their claim to the beautiful Celea. “TT, not much of a fighter?” Robin mused snarkily, his flitted down to the ring on your finger. “Y’know your team here thinks you’re pretty strong, but I’d wager you’d be easy work for me” you teased back, twisting your ring around your finger as Robin came closer to you. 
Sitting next to you he began, “my abilities come from my skill, my wit, and my determination. I don’t believe you can say the same princess” you scoffed, “you underestimate me Robin, this ring is nothing without me, not the other way around. Powered from my emotional control and my creativity, my skill takes focus and agility not just glorified muscle memory” you winked at him, enjoying the banter. He scoffed in return. “Yes and what can you do with that ring that I cannot defeat with my blades” he mused. This invitation was perfect. You got up jubilantly, started your lecture. “Clearly you lack certain knowledge Robin, hand me one of your so called blades” you stuck your hand out as Robin rolled his eyes handing you a bat-shaped blade. Without a second thought you cut into the side of your arm, wincing at the pain. “Y/N! What are you doin-” you cut Robin off, beginning to channel your power. “You see, true power is the ability to heal any cut your blades could make, to take was has happened and turn it into a place of love, not malice or hate” as you said this, the familiar purple tone washed over your arm, easily mending the break in your skin. You noticed it felt faster than usual, but wiped it off as adrenaline. 
At the display of your powers Robin was in awe. “That’s not all I can do” you laughed, creating a small purple hand that pushed Robin’s open jaw closed. He stumbled back angrily, mumbling about accepting your abilities merit. “You impressed now Robin?” you grinned, sticking out your hand to him. He closed the distance, returning your handshake. “Damian.” he said softly. You swallowed, Damian. It was becoming. Your ring began to warmly glow, Damian snapped his hand away wearily as you cooled your emotions. “Oh uh! Sorry, energy burst” you said, it was a half truth at least. Damian nodded, moving to go clean the batarang. 
The rest of the trip was short, upon entering Celea you’d divided, Damian was with you as the both of you entered publicly while Beast Boy and Raven entered covertly, planning to cover you if the diplomatic endeavors went south. Blue Beetle and Cyborg, unfortunately, weren’t allowed in Celea as their tech was apparently very old and triggered the planet’s defense system, so they stayed up in the ship was manning comms, prepared for an air fight. 
Upon entering you were taken straight to the capital, a sapphire corps was a rarity on Celea and they were all excited for your help. You and Damian met the governing leaders, explaining that you were here to help end the tyranny on the dark side of the planet. As you had hoped, they agreed, you could feel their love for their planet was strong, but that was about all the love on the planet as everyone was so young. It felt slightly difficult to keep a reign on your emotions on Celea, the planet itself was a safe haven for children, almost like a giant orphanage ran by beings that reincarnated frequently as to stay alive on the planet, the concept of pure love was foreign to many of the children and unharnessable. It all felt quite isolating in comparison to earth, a planet driven by intense emotions. 
“You look tired already” Damian mused. “I’m fine, just not a huge fan of a child-only planet” you responded as you made your way towards the large base, preparing yourself for a fight. Before Damian could respond you were joined by Raven and Gar. Their presence eased some of the pressure. “You guys love each other, it’s refreshing” you said, both of them froze, staring at you. “Oh uh, we haven’t really talked about that yet” Raven whispered, staring at Gar who was grinning like a child in a candy shop. “I love you too Rae!” he cheered. “Not how I imagined I’d say it but, yes, I do love you idiot” she huffed. Your cheeks flushed, “oh uh, my bad sorry, it just, seemed so obvious” you giggled, secretly glad you’d brought the two together. 
“Just a couple’a couples!” Beast boy teased, you felt your cheeks redden, glancing to Damian who was now suddenly interested in looking anywhere but at you. You felt your ring begin to glow again, covering it with your other hand. “Oh wow! Look at that! We’re here! Battle time!” you cleared your throat, setting the group focus on infiltrating the rogue base. 
The base itself was relatively small, it hadn’t been flushed out yet but the four of you were here to clear it before they had the chance. Trying to establish a child trafficking ring on a planet of only children was disgusting, and needed stopping before it got the chance. You were especially passionate about this endeavor, the reason for you channeling the power of love was when you lost your sister, that loss of love taught you it’s importance even at a young age, and after training harder than anyone you knew you earned the ring, promising to defend love the way no one defended yours. You would protect these children at any cost. 
There was no need for stealth as you had the permission of the Celean government, it was more of an ambush. As Gar shifted into a large tiger, Raven donned her hood, and Damian stripped himself of the Celean garb, you noticed his Robin suit, littered in weapons and ties, he looked like a hero. There was that damn glow again. Channeling it into your focus you felt the warm aura surround you as you lifted off the ground, ready for a fight. 
“Y/n should say it!” BB roared, Raven nodded in agreement. “Say what?” you looked at Damian. “We have this tradition where the leader says ‘Titan’s Go’ then we fight, and I guess you’re our leader today” he said, you noticed the light tint hiding beneath his mask. “Okay!” you said, positioning yourself, flexing your hand to feel your ring one last time before shouting.
And you were off, soaring through the air while BB and Robin took the ground. You noticed a few scared looking kids were being held in pens, and you decided to free them first. As Raven covered you easily, you floated down to the kids, accidentally bonking heads with Robin who stared at you. “I’m so sorry! It’s just we always have to-” “Get the kids out first” he finished your sentence, a small smile dancing at the corner of his mouth. For just a fraction of a second, your eyes flitted down to his lips, feeling his gaze of you the moment felt like slow motion before you both snapped out. “Let’s go! This way!” you used your ring to break the gates as Robin herded the kids out to freedom. 
Glancing up you saw a couple rogues grabbing kids as they tried to run away, your heart stopped when you saw one pull out a laser blaster. “Enough!” you screamed, violet rays exploding from your hands as you easily knocked them out of your way. Leaving your post you flew up and began eradicating anyone who tried to harm a child. “No one hurts my sister!” you screeched, your powers growing stronger by the second as you began dividing your powers between knocking out bad guys and literally carrying children to safety. As the last of the kids were safe you escorted Beast Boy out while you and Raven combined your powers to crunch up the base, making it unfixable and uninhabitable forever. 
Feeling the adrenaline subside you glanced down to see a herd of children cheering, but your focus drew to Damian who was propped up against a barrel, nursing a laser bullet wound. Rushing to his side you quickly pulled open his suit, a trail of blood trickled into your hands. “Damn kevlar doesn’t stop their bullets apparently” he coughed. “Oh my god Damian don’t go” Gar shifted next to you. “He’s not going anywhere” you said, focussing your energy, feeling the pain and imagining turning the warmth of blood into mending, the pools of blood are just pockets of blissful love. 
This wasn’t a good time to tell the team you’d never healed a wound this large before. Positive self talk right? Or negative. 
I’m alone on a planet of useless children, surrounded by a glorified furry, goth, and stocked vigilante. No one is here to help you y/n you’ve gotta do this. You felt the wounds begin to mend, after all that focus you’d barely started. Damian you idiot! If you die right now how will I know why my damn ring is gleaming everytime I see your cute face. Fuck. I didn’t mean cute. Yeah I did. Okay, save the cute face. Maybe kiss the cute face if you save it? Yeah. That’s a good deal y/n let’s do that. Your head was rushing through a million thoughts, anything to motivate you to do the impossible. Halfway there, you could feel it. “Holy cow, look! The wound is closing!” Gar pointed at Damian’s chest. “Y-yeah. No help from you green bean” you mumbled. “Oh I know what’ll help!” Gar squeaked, running off. You turned to Damian who was just staring at you bewildered. “Don’t look at me like that when I’m literally repairing your organs bird boy” you whispered through clenched teeth. 
Then a surge of power came over you, it felt raw and unchanneled, you glanced up to see Gar mid-kiss with Raven, giving you a thumbs up. The love was short lived, but enough to keep your engine revving. Alright girl you got this, heal, then kiss, maybe. Definitely heal first. He has to live. C’mon. “JUST LIVE DAMMIT” you shouted the last bit, feeling the last of your power drain while the wound completely closed. “Holy shit I’m a badass” you whispered, before feeling intensely light headed. 
You woke up in the ship med bay, jolting up. “HE LIVED HE LIVED” you burst up, throwing a fist in the air. The other corps members would be so proud! Your first battle with death you’d won! “You’re right I did live, thanks to you” a familiar voice brought you back down to earth. Next to your bed was Damian, now in casual clothes with a little bandaging on his other wounds. “Oh! uh yeah, you’re totally welcome” you grinned. Awkwardly Damian scooted closer to you. “I think I owe you a certain gratitude” he said, emotions dripping in his voice you hadn’t heard before. 
This time his eyes snapped down to your lips, as he leaned in you felt like you were dreaming. When your lips connected you couldn’t help but smile into the kiss, feeling lightheaded with pure joy. The kiss itself was soft, blissful and lovely. Damian’s lips felt soft against yours, like they fit with yours like a puzzle piece. Pulling away you stared at him shocked. “I could hear your thoughts when you were healing me, had to live up to your expectations” he winked while you covered your face with embarrassment. “Oh my gosh that’s so embarrassing yikes” you mumbled into your hands. You felt Damian’s hand slide under yours, caressing your cheek, drawing your eyes to his. “I thought it was pretty endearing personally, I suppose it’s because I was being saved by the most gorgeous, fascinating girl I know” he mused, before bringing you in for another kiss, this time more passionate, as if to show his feelings through a kiss instead of words. 
You spent the rest of your earthly get-away with the Titans, finding a sort of family with them. When you were called back to your people you promised to return in a few weeks, hoping to move your station to earth. They could always use another lantern right? 
When you returned to your mentor, C.Ferris you told her of your earthly adventures. She laughed, “a Star Sapphire’s greatest strength and weakness all wrapped into a snarky earth boy body” and you couldn’t help but agree. And with that, you were sent back to earth, this time returning as Dove, because every Robin needs a lovebird to help them along the way. 
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drakewalkerfantasy ¡ 3 years
Making it right (Blaine x Denise)
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Summary: The day when he takes her for a surprise is the day, when she finally realises that it’s more and it always will be more for both of them. The day when she finally starts to believe that the fairy tales can be real at least with this man.
Words: 3202
Rating: PG
Warning: fluff/could be some words or innuendoes, but nothing too specific
A/N: I hope you will love it. I’m not sure if I like it myself... it seems too rushed and I don’t even know if in character. But here it is. Sorry for any mistakes, I tried proofread as much as possible.
“Where are we going,” laughed Denise, trying to match Blaine’s large strides and quick pace. His hand holding hers almost dragging her after him, in only him known direction, making her walk faster.
“What in the concept of surprise missed it’s meaning?” chuckled Blaine, sounding amused by her impatient. But that was one of the reasons why he fell for her... one of the reasons why he was still falling for her even stronger. “But I can promise you will love it,” Blaine said, finally stopping, turning to face Denise and taking both her hands in his. “Now can I blindfold you please?”
“Ummmm, Mister Kinky...,” murmured Denise, stepping closer to him and trying to kiss.
“Someone needs to get her mind out of the gutter or mine will also go there and we will never get anywhere,” laughed Blaine, pulling her closer before placing his hands on her shoulders and pressing his forehead to hers. “So now be a good girl and turn around,” he said.
“Will you punish me if I disobey?" she murmured the question. Her lips ghosting against his, while she spoke.
“Denise...,” growled Blaine with an edge of the warning in his voice before finally turning her around and tying the red blindfold, that was matching Denise’s dress. Placing the soft kiss to her shoulder, that instantly sent a pleasurable sensation down her spine.
“You are no fun,” she pouted with the most adorable pout on her lips.
“I promise you will not regret it. Now give me your hand,” said Blaine, taking her hand in his and leading her down the steep path. His hand placed protectively on the small of her back, while another held hers, carefully helping her down until they finally came to the halt.
Still holding her hand he walked her forward until she heard neighs and clutters of hooves nearby, feeling how her heart fluttered in excitement. A moment later the lace slipping from her eyes, revealing to her two beautiful mighty horses held for them.
“How do you knew?” Asked Denise, coming forward and placing her hand on a chestnut horse's snout, patting the animal with affection.
She had been around horses since the very early age. She learned how to ride her first horse... pony, when she was about 2, excelled at this only a year later. And since then she just got better and better at that.
From early childhood horses were the only way for her to find peace. The only way to the happiness she always craved. And the only way for her when she felt trapped to feel free.
Even one moment near to the horse made her calmer. The single short horseback ride made her grounded. And when she sent her horse into the gallop she felt stronger, more powerful, happier. And she was good with them.
She could feel how her mind raced with the million questions. How did he know? Who told him about her hobby... passion... getaway... Did he speak with her parents? Nadia? Damien? Tatum...
“Tatum,” explained Blaine as if he could hear her mind, patting his own black horse before stepping back to Denise. “Need help here,” he asked, watching how she easily saddled the horse, making him look at her in awe.
“I’m good here,” she replied, feeling how the thrill rushed through her, waiting for Blaine to saddle his black stallion before they started to move forward side by side. Letting their horses lead the way, walking over the narrow path until the sound of waves started to reach them, revealing in the moment a beautiful narrow beach in front of them.
“Was it your surprise?” after a moment asked Denise, watching at the water. Inhaling the salty smell of the sea, letting the wind mess up her hair and flutter her red dress.
“Thought you would miss it... I mean all of it... your horse... the ocean... freedom, but it’s only part of what I have planned for today. So, race me to the end of the beach?” suddenly said Blaine with the grin, nodding into the distance, where the beach was ending with the cliff digging into the sea.
“You are on, Hayes. You will be eating my dust before you know it,” laughed Denise before sending her chestnut beauty into a gallop without a single warning. Making Blaine’s eyes follow her for a moment longer, admiring the way her body moved. Watching how easily she settled in a perfect galloping position, whispering something into the Chestnut’s ear. Her body’s weight pushed down on to the stirrup, her lower leg kept at the girth and her knees and ankles held springiness, to absorb the galloping movement. Her red dress fluttered on the wind when the Chestnut moved and her melodic laugh rang through the wind, while the water splashed around them.
It took him only a moment or two to admire the view in front of him before he shook himself from the reverie and finally sent his own horse into the gallop easily catching up with Denise, watching how her eyes widened in surprise. Now, moving neck to neck with all might until finally stopping at the end of the beach under the overhanging rock.
“You couldn’t help yourself but have to win,” she pouted getting off Chestnut but not faster than Blaine, feeling his hands around her waist and his hot breath in her ear, while she slid down to the sand.
“Not a chance, querida,” murmured he with a light kiss to her cheek, feeling her back pressing to his chest and her ass brushing along his crotch making him hiss.
“Someone either liked a horse ride a little bit too much or is happy to see me,” she purred, turning to Blaine, making him hiss even more.
“You know, I'm always happy to see you... but it’s not the point and I’m kind of trying to be a gentleman here... so, can you please stop grinding against my hard-on?” groaned Blaine, squeezing her hips in a warning because she brushed her butt against him in a sensual motion once again. Making him finally turn her to face him. “Now... please, stop making him too happy to see you and let’s get moving.”
“It’s not far, just a dozen meters from here behind the cliff,” replied Blaine, nodding to the cliff that was digging into the water, making it look like a ship making its way into the sea. “Don’t worry it isn’t deep,” explained he, noticing how she looked at the water’s edge.
“And what about them?” asked Denise patting the horse she was riding just a moment ago.
“They’ll be fine. They were both raised here. Know these trails even better than I do and they know their way back,” said Blaine giving both horses a sugar cube before gently patting them on their crops, watching how they started to strode in the direction they just got from. Finally extending his hand to Denise, Blaine waited for her to accept it. “Are you ready?” he asked in this smooth velvety tone.
The damn tone that sent the thrill down her spine every time. And the one that made her throat go dry too suddenly, making her feel shy under his intense gaze, and making her ready for impulsive decisions.
Gently Blaine tugged her hand, tearing her gaze from the two powerful animals trotting away from them. Leading her to the waters, stopping just a little bit shy of the waves licking the shore. His firm muscular body crouching in front of her taking off her sandals and then his shoes. The sandals dangling now from her fingers, while he held his shoes, rolling his dark blue jeans to his knees before making the first step into the sea that was still freezing cold at the end of May.
The edge of the cliff that dug into the water cutting the shore in half wasn’t too wide so before Denise could complain about the chilling temperatures or the hem of her dress getting wet they were already on another side and drying. Her fingers curled into the sand and she looked around them, taking in the view. Feeling how Blaine stepped behind her, his hands wrapping around her waist letting her lean into him for a moment before turning her to face him.
“Let’s go,” he whispered in a smoky whisper with his eyes fixed on hers.
“Where now?”
“Just over there,” he nodded to the left and only now when her eyes followed the direction he pointed she noticed a white blanket spread in a distance with a picnic basket on it. And something else... flowers... or more precise baskets of flowers. And she felt how her heart missed a beat... and then another one. Until started to beat in a full force from how romantic whatever Blaine planned looked like.
Slowly he walked her toward the blanket, helping her seat before opening the basket and starting to set a food in front of them, making her mouth instantly to water. She bit her lip watching how he had set a board with different cheeses on it in front of her, before taking a box of nicely cut strawberries and grapes. Everything that she loved. All what he took out was her favourite and her heart beat faster from how thoughtful he was. That he even bothered to take her on a date even though she was his already, despite the fact that he didn’t get her a ring.
“How do you...,” she gasped. Know, sounding more like a whisper and her pulse picking up the speed when he took out the box of the heart shaped french macarons and placed it in the middle. He hated them with the ferocity she didn’t even know was in him, this why she never said that she loved them... never opened her guilty pleasure to him. And still... here he was, placing her most favourite, custom made, most delicious macarons in the world, most hated delicacy by him before gingerly taking the last item from the box. Her favourite flower, making her heart jump and her eyes widen as no one... never done anything like that for her, and she felt the treacherous lump forming in her throat, stubbornly pushing it back and blinking her tears not letting them to fall.
“Someone wants to get laid today or to get blowed,” she murmured jokingly. The laugh ripped out of her throat before she could stop it like a self-defence mechanism that kicked in automatically to protect her from disappointment later. Her hand placed on his thighs and her lips meeting his. But before she could deepen the kiss he stopped it, kissing her softly before moving away.
“I always want to get laid, but today... more than anything I want to take care of you... make sure that you know that I’m here for a long haul,” said Blaine caressing Denise’s cheek with his thumb.
“I already know this. Your rushed after me all the way to the airport to stop me from boarding the plane and your speech kind of made a point. Don’t you think? Plus you hate macarons with the passion, but still, here we are...,” said Denise, nodding toward the box.
“I know, I did, but you better open the box,” suggested Blaine nudging a pink box of macarons toward Denise, feeling how his heart skipped a beat under her scrutinising gaze.
After a minute, that was the most torturous minute in Blaine’s life, consisting of never ending continuous seconds Denise finally reached the box. Her long delicate fingers undone the lace ribbon, and her mouth waters from the single thought of enjoying the treat she missed the most here. Carefully she opened the box and froze... her eyes widened even more, and her heart started to beat a staccato of sounds that was unknown to her.
Never ever did her heart beat like that, while her eyes flew over the macarons in the box. Full box of custom made, heart shaped macarons with different messages and all for her. The proclamation of love in different languages and among them the message on the perfectly rounded five macarons. Will you marry me? The message, that her eyes skipped over and over again, feeling how her heart beat faster every time when her eyes stopped on the beautiful diamond ring sitting on top of the heart shaped lilac macaron with the word Yes! still unable to believe that this is happening. And even more, that he even could have considered that her reply could be anything but Yes, when her eyes stopped on another silver macaron with the reply No! Thinking of how perfect he is, that even though this reply would break his heart he still requested it to be created with an unique taste.
“But you...,” croaked Denise, feeling how the lump inside her throat grew bigger, wondering how long it will take for it to block her airways. Feeling suffocating and trapped, until she felt his comforting touch on her hand. Calming... grounding. Making the lump ease and the raspy voice to leave her throat. “But you... you already proposed. In an airport. When I... when I was leaving...”
“Yes, I did... but I didn’t have a ring then, and I want to make it right.... is this okay with you?” asked Blaine, holding her hands. His thumbs run soothingly over her knuckles. Taking the edge off her, while she slowly nodded and he released a breath of relief he even didn’t realise he was holding. “Good...,” breathed Blaine, kneeling next to Denise, facing her with both of her hands in his. “Denise Alexandra Park... I know that our story didn’t start like every other fairy tales' story. Met a girl, wooed a girl and then swoon her. We met... we had some fun and then we parted. And the only thing I knew about you was the name Alex... and the name of your friend Tatum... it was complicated and then, when I met you again you were engaged to get married in a couple of weeks. And this was the only time left that we were supposed to have. The time that I thought will be enough to get you... that out of my system, but it wasn’t. I couldn’t forget you then and I definitely couldn’t forget you now after waking up near to you for two best weeks of my life. You know I never believed in fairy tales or happy endings, and I know you didn’t either... not after dickheads you were dating,” he chuckled, making her blush and her lips spread into a smile. “But with you... God... with you I know that it is possible. I know you are terrified... but I promise if you will tell me yes...”
“I already...,” tried to interrupt Denise, only for his lips to capture hers to silence.
“As I said, if your reply will be yes, our marriage will never be the golden cage for you, neither will it be to trap you. And I promise to give you all the freedom you need... and all the space you may want... just tell me will you marry me?” 
And she knew that this was her way out, that Blaine not only wanted to make it right but if she wanted to take her Yes... the one she gave him only a couple of weeks ago she could and no matter how much it would break his heart he was ready to risk it... but even to her utter surprise she didn't want it... not now... not ever... not with him. With him she wanted all in, not out.
Denise looked at Blaine with the bated breath, when realisation started to hit her one after another. The thoughts whirled in her mind, while she tried to grub at everything that had happened so quickly and process it, feeling how her pulse started to race with the neckbreaking speed.
Only a few weeks ago she was engaged... doomed to get married to the guy who she didn’t love and who didn’t love her back. And what was supposed to be only a whirlwind romance before her “big day” in a month somehow she ended up with another proposal, this time from the guy she somehow within two week... or was it from the first sight? The thought is so silly that she almost laughed at it. Silly... you don’t believe in love from the first sight... you don’t believe in love at all... not since... Her eyes widened... Shit... she gasped, the kaleidoscope of events was spinning in her brains quicker and quicker...
Their first meeting... their dance... their kiss... threesome... her eyes locked on his through the mirror... his pulsing length in her... sleeping together... then the letter... the tears... the fight with her parents... loveless engagement... the Summit... the sex... the last two weeks filled with sex and passion... then more sex... their fight... him not wanting to let her go... proposal... her muttered Yes!!! Yes!!! Yes!!!... more tears... another two or three weeks of sex and passion... his parents cutting him off... her parents cutting her off... and now another proposal with RING, and two choices she needed to choose from… when in reality here was the only choice she wanted to make.
The panic rising in her and the lump started to build in her throat again until she felt the gentlest squeeze of his hands and she suddenly felt calmer, not suffocating from pressure, more free then she ever felt. Her eyes moving between two choices... one of which she will make in a moment... the one that will change her life forever.
Her hand reached to the one and he closed his eyes to steady his breathing. And if he thought that previous wait for her to open the box was torturous now the single moment felt excruciatingly long, but he still waited patiently not rushing her until he felt something against his lips and he twisted his nose before taking a bite, feeling how his heartbeats slowed… then stopped... then stopped again... before starting to beat anew... reborn, when the lavender lemon taste with a hint of honey exploded on his taste buds, nauseatingly sweet, but SO sweet... the taste of Yes!!!
His eyes flew open meeting hers, smiling... before his lips met hers urgently... passionately. The way it was from the first moments they met. The fire igniting inside them... burning them before Blaine broke the kiss, both panting heavily. His hands reaching to hers taking the heart shaped macaron out of her hands.
“You minx,” he whispered against her lips, smiling, before taking the ring from the macaron and sliding it onto her finger before kissing her again… before loving her… before devouring every single inch of her body with his. Every movement and kiss was a promise… the promise of freedom and the promise of love she was seeking for.
And after the hours they lay together on the white blanket, spent and happy. The food was everything that Denise loved, and Blaine was everything she could ever wish for.
@choices-bound​​​​​ @jamespotterthefirst​​​​​ @mercury84choices​​​​​ @k2624​​​​​ @kowshikha @sophxwithers​ @itsjustwinter @ramseysrookiex​
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aldi-mikazuki ¡ 3 years
Final Dance
I had been friends with the queen to be for years, she was beautiful and kind! My best friend, and loving twin flame. Never once did Naveir fail to make me feel better, she knew all my woes and all my secrets. The future queen was one of great trust and a gold heart! But one thing I suppose she failed to notice was my jealousy, had my father not died my family would have been the next to take the throne, but i was to young and her father was to replace mine. Currently she is next in line to the throne, but that changes tonight.
The preparations for Naveir's coronation were happening today, and as her best friend and noble i had permission to stay by her side through all of it. I sat in a chair in the middle of the room as her servants fussed over her hair.
"Oh I'm awfully nervous!! Can you believe I'm being crowned ruler today!? I've been waiting years for this and now today is the day." "Your father would be really proud of you, you know." Naveir looked my way with a sad smile "you think so, Amelia?" I nodded encouragingly "I know I'm proud of you! The kingdoms pride finally becoming queen? It's perfect! I imagine you'll find a fine suitor to rule by your side as well!" "Oh don't remind me of that!!! It's embarrassing...." "You know you have to get one before 25! Besides, I'm fairly certain you already had a certain guy in mind" Naveir blushed as i laughed. "If you asked for Damien's hand in marriage I'm sure he would be flattered! And certainly he would say yes." Damien was our childhood best friend since we were 5, we shared many exciting nights and lazy mornings, he was also quite the charmer indeed! He had half the kingdom wrapped around his finger, including me and Naveir. "Oh would he!? I can't bare the thought if he were to say no!" "Now now princess" Naveir laughed at the nickname, i always called her that teasingly because she hated titles, but i was the only one who could call her princess just because i can, although today would be the end of that... "he can't say no to the future queen can he?" Naveir turned to me smiling "I wouldn't hold my title over him, i don't have the heart to. Damien is special, you know? I want him to be happy, i want him to make the choice, because i value him over me." My heart ached hearing her talking about him in that way, she was so selfless, and i the complete opposite. I was so selfish for wanting him all to myself, i was so selfish for not considering Naveir as much as she considers others, but i guess that's one more reason to love Naveir, because she was perfect. "Listen Naveir, no matter who the suitor is, you'll always be their perfect bride! And they'll love you no matter what."
The servants finished up her hair and then moved down to adjust her beautiful dress, she looked stunning and admittedly i was in awe. She walked over to me and gave me a hug. "Thank you for your kindness Amelia, truly i don't know where i would be without you." I hugged her back tightly. "Me too..." But that was a lie, i do know where i would be, i would be in her shoes. "Well now that I'm ready lets get the maids to help you! After all we have a ball after the coronation and you're my right hand lady" she winked at me and we both giggled. "As you wish my queen, i will try my best for you." Naveirs eyes widened as she realized i used her new title now and then smiled. She turned around then, and left, me in thought behind her.
I got dressed and later headed speedily towards the large court room, picking up my dress a bit so i can get there easier. The big court room was truly beautiful, white marble floors and walls, grand statues and windows where you could see the gardens and groves near the castle, and 3 large chairs at the end where the queen, her right hand lady and Husband would go. I of course had to get here before the guests and took my place next to her as we waited for the guests to be ushered in. "Soooo, how are you feeling my queen?" Naveir gave me a nervous laugh before replying, "oh don't remind me!! We're so close, just minutes away from sealing the deal, and then i will be sentenced to sit in this chair for good" "I imagine that's a good thing though, wouldn't you say?" "It is don't get me wrong, but i won't be so free you know? As a princess i had less duties, now im afraid I'll have little time for myself and all the time to mess up!" I chuckled at her, how does one so adorable become queen? How do you train all your life and still not be ready? How can one so innocent lead? How could she doubt in her abilities? It's almost as if she isn't prepared to be who she will be. "Well Naveir, you've been studying and training all your life for this! We've spent hours at the library studying for this day, i helped you remember? There's no need to worry, you trust me don't you?" Please say no... "I do trust you! But- You helped me Amelia, where i fail you always succeed! You should be here, not me" You shouldn't say that to me... Not when i already took my chance before you offered... Don't make me feel bad now. "That's not true, you're amazing! And you'll be great, i know you will, besides I-" before i could finish the guests were all seated and the priest came in trumpets blaring, the ceremony had begun.
After a long speech the priest got to his final questions "Will you Naveir care for these people?" "Yes" "Will you put their safety and needs before your selfish wants?" "Yes" "Will you rule justly and without bias?" "Yes" "Then i declare you Naveir Neru to be the next ruler of the kingdom of Lark" the priest declared her queen and placed a beautiful gold crown with purple diamonds over her head, as the crowd clapped and cheered i did to, though it felt hollow.
Later at the ball, me and Naveir laughed and danced the night away, it felt like we were little again going to balls with her father watching over us so we wouldn't cause to much trouble, i truly was happy in that moment to be her friend, i felt wanted and loved all over again. My happiness as always was cut short though, later that night she asked Damien for her final dance and i had to step aside. "You don't mind if i dance with him, do you?" Well of course i don't mind you sweeping the love of my life off his feet, go ahead your majesty. "Of course not! Go have fun with your date" i winked at her as she giggled and ran to her partner, suddenly i wasn't so happy to share the same space and i went for some fresh air on the balcony.
Some time later Naveir found me again. "Getting some fresh air?" I turned as i saw the queen walk towards me serenely, smiling. "Ah yeah, just felt like taking in the pretty sky you know?" "It reminds me of back when we would sneak away and dance here instead, father always got mad i saved my final dances for you here" i grimaced "it would seem your last dances are reserved for someone else now..." She looked at me in surprise "Oh Amelia that's not it at all! Why do you think i followed you here?" "What-" she took off her shoes, climbed on the thick banister and then extended her hand "May i have this dance, just once more?" I smiled as i took off my shoes and took her hand, standing on the banister with her. "Remind me again why we always used the banister instead of the actual balcony?" "Haha you're testing me aren't you?" I chuckled as she decided to give me an answer "You like walking the thin line" "that i do!" She twirled me as turned to the other side. I always liked the danger and thrill of dancing with a princess under the stars, the thin line between her safe space and my space beyond the palace walls reminded me of how special our bond was, but today is the day we switch places.
"Have i ever told you why i love you so much my queen?" "You know you can just say friend" she giggled. But i shook my head, if i use that word it'll make things harder, titles are what im after, and we'll keep it that way. "No, why do you love me friend?" I sighed. "You have this wonderful heart of gold, such kindness and selflessness bundled into a wonderful person, i truly admire how qualified you are" as we continued i held her a little tighter "but you know something Naveir?" I brought her closer "It is said that the things you love in someone can be the very things you despise" "what...?" She looked at me surprised as i dipped her slowly "I hate that you're always so kind, caring and perfect in every way!" I was spitting venom as she struggled in the dip a bit but i held her in place "i hate that you took everything away from me! I hate that i care so much about you despite you being the enemy, i hate that i love you as my closest friend despite you being ruler is better in a way.... I hate that you want to marry the love of my life! And i hate... I hate how long it's taking to let you go" at this point we were both crying as i held her tight, i kissed her forehead gently trying to forget my anger for a moment. I brought her out of the dip and then made her face me properly, with her hand in mine i continued "but putting all that aside... I refuse to let you stand in my way!" And with that i shoved her off the balcony with all the strength i could muster. She went flying onto the pavement as i saw her teary eyes look at me with a sad smile one last time, and then she was gone.
I stepped off the balcony and walked away, towards the guards head courters, i would tell them in tears that i found our queen had fallen off the balcony and to hurry because i didn't know if she would make it. They ran as fast as they could and once they found her dead they brought her in to a room to lay her down to rest one final time, before they could prepare the body. They left me to grieve over her, as i knelt by her bed and held her hand. I kissed her hand then got up "Thank you for this final dance, goodbye... Naveir."
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whishu ¡ 3 years
Chapter I - The moment she saw them…
Everything seemed to come like a storm. So many events that were not expected happened and it started to make her feel like the world around her was crumbling down. However, there was always light at the end of the tunnel so she kept walking towards it, her mind crowded with thoughts. She started to drown deeper and deeper in her mind, a voice finally making her wake up to reality.
“Tayka? Are you alright?” A tender voice asked her, Tayka turning her eyes towards her friend as she smiled softly and was resting her hand on her shoulder.
“I am fine…I was just lost in my thoughts a bit…you know that today I move and…it’s just been stressful lately.” Tayka said, rubbing her head and slowly getting up, taking her bag. “Thanks for the concern, Naomi. Very sweet of you.” She smiled, hugging her before both of them left the class. They started to discuss about Suzu, their other friend that remained home because she got sick, Naomi offering to drive Tayka back to her place to get her bags. As the two girls left the school and got in the car, Tayka took her phone, seeing some texts from her parents that made her sigh.
“They are not home again?” Naomi asked as Tayka nodded and looked outside the window for a moment, the rain starting, big drops of water hitting the windows of the car. With both of them arriving at Tayka’s place, she took her two suitcases, putting them in Naomi’s car and going with her to her Grandfather’s mansion. She was nervous since the estate was now hers and her Father hated it so much. She never knew the issue between her Grandfather and Father but she preferred to leave it that way. It was better for everybody. When they arrived in front of the gate, Tayka took her suitcases out of the trunk of the car, the rain starting to get her clothes soaked slowly. She thanks Naomi quickly before she ran towards the entrance of the house, dragging the large cases after her, softly panting when she stopped.
Her eyes wandered a bit at the large door before she pulled her keys out and opened one of the doors, drops of water dripping off her face and hair. Before she could worry about catching a cold, her eyes landed on 5 men that were laying on the floor of the lobby, blood being splattered everywhere. “What…” dropped the handles of her suitcases, keeping her eyes on the guys and taking a step closer, not sure if she should check them or call the police.
She reached for her phone but before she could call anyone, a hand grabbed hers, making her turn and seeing a pair of deep green eyes watch her. She wanted to scream and struggle but the voice of the man-made her freeze. “Calm down and kiss me.” Tayka looked at him confused, opening her mouth to reply in protest. “A-Alright…” That was the worst moment for her mind to play tricks on her. She started to feel warm inside, her heart twisting and turning and beating faster. She had no idea what was happening with her and even if she wanted to oppose this, she couldn’t. Soon, the man leaned closer, kissing her as Tayka melted in the kiss, her mind being empty and her body warmed up.
“Forgive us, miss. I know this might be very sudden for you and we apologize for scaring you and making your home such a mess. We were running from a band of…misfits and we got here without having any knowledge that the estate was owned by someone.” Tayka sighed short, rubbing her head and taking everything in, somehow being pleased with the explanation. Still, there was something that bothered her. “Why did that guy kiss me-” She stopped, walking towards Sam and slapping him, crossing her arms angry at her chest as she watched him. “What the fuck was that for?!” He grunted, rubbing his cheek and looking annoyed at her, both of them being ready to fight. “Who said you could kiss me?! I don’t know what you did to me but you have no right to do that!”
“Sam. Let her go.” A voice could be heard behind the one called Sam, soon the guy grunting under his breath and letting her go, Tayka regaining her control over her body. She looked confused and tried to figure out what just happened, the deep soothing voice soon speaking again. “Forgive my brother, miss. Sometimes his instincts take over him and he acts all reckless.” Tayka watched him for a moment, seeing the other guys stand up, making her take a step back and trip over her luggage, falling down. She rubbed her back a bit, looking up and seeing the men watch her concerned, getting startled, and finally speaking. “Stay back! Who the hell are you?! Why are you in my house?! Why did that jerk kiss me?! WHY THERE IS BLOOD EVERYWHERE?!” Her voice started to echo in the house as the men watched her in shock, not daring to say anything back to her.
“It was just a kiss! Calm down, woman! Don’t tell me it was your first kiss.” Tayka blushed, hitting him again and stepping away annoyed, her face red and her body burning with anger. “You start to piss me off, you know?!” Sam growled like an angry dog, his brothers stepping between the two so they don’t jump at each other’s throats. “Apologize.” Tayka spoke, turning towards him, her expression calmer but her posture still stiff. Sam sighed, crossing his arms and looking at her, his expression calmer. “Fine…fine. I’m sorry. I did not mean to steal your damn first kiss…It’s just…ha. I did…I didn’t want to make you feel used or anything. I just needed some energy back to heal. I am sorry.” Tayka watched him, somehow pleased but also more confused. “Apology accepted but…what did you mean by energy?”
Another man stepped closer to her at that question, his gentle eyes watching me. “We are…not really normal…We are incubi.” He said short, Tayka looking at him and blinking. “Uh…you make fun of me now?” The guy watched her, sighing and speaking again. “I know it might sound wrong but you have to believe us. We are incubi and what Sam was did was take your energy in order to heal.” The young woman looked in his eyes, soon feeling two hands on her shoulders, making her look behind and see two pretty ocean-like eyes watch her. “We feed of sexual energy. However, we don’t have to kiss someone in order to get energy. We can just touch them and poof! We got the energy. Also hi! I’m Matthew! These are my brothers: James, Erik, Sam and Damien.” The young-looking guy smiled, Tayka watching him for a moment and finally understanding what they meant. “So this means I will be your meal so you can heal?” She said a bit irritated, still being a bit scared.
The guys looked at each other, then at her, Tayka taking a step back a bit worried. She watched them, then at the blood on the floor, sighing long and opening her arms. “If I don’t have to kiss you all then maybe from a hug you can get some energy. Now come here before I change my mind.” She said as the boys smiled a bit reassured that they could take care of their wounds, going to give Tayka a group hug. She blushed softly, feeling her body warm-up as she held tighter on the fabric of their clothes, Tayka resting her head on one of the boys’ shoulders, her body starting to feel light, passing out.
After a while, Tayka slowly woke up, opening her eyes and noticing that she was not in a familiar room. She slowly sat up, rubbing her head and grunting softly, her body still feeling a bit weak. “Are you ok?” A voice made her jump, looking towards the side of the bed and noticing Damien watch her concerned. She looked at him, calming down a bit and taking a deep breath. ‘This scared the living soul out of me…’
“I did not mean to scare you.” Damien said, Tayka jumping a bit again, the incubus responding to her river of questions before she got the chance to open her mouth. “I can read minds. It is something I can’t really control…and yes. All of us have different abilities but don’ worry. We won’t harm you.” He spoke, smiling softly as Tayka called down a bit. She watched him, sitting up and sighing. “Why are you in my room, Damien?” She asked, the incubus soon answering her with a soft smile curved on his lips. “I came to call you to dinner. After you helped us…we decided to thank you for a delicious meal. U-Uh can you stand up tho?” He asked concerned, Tayka moving close to the edge of the bed and trying to stand, her legs giving up a bit. Damien caught her in his arms, picking her up bridal style, Tayka blushing soft and realizing how strong was, her weight being inexistent for him. “Thank you.” Damien said, Tayka realizing that he could read her mind, blushing more as Damien laughed softly and made his way towards the lobby.
“Thank you, Damien but I will walk on my own from now.” She said, smiling a bit as Damien let her down slowly and pat her head. “Alright.” He said short before making his way into the dining room. Tayka sighed short, getting startled when she heard Matthew’s voice, the incubus smiling at her. “Hey there! How are you feeling?” He asked, his smile being bright and sweet, making Tayka smile as well. “I am well, thank you for asking.” She said as Matthew looked at her and got an idea. “Get ready.” He said, moving his hand in his pocket and taking out a toy, smiling. “Tada-” His excitement disappeared when he noticed the creepy white squirrel he was having in his hands. “Oh my…What did I just make?!” He said, getting startled when the squirrel started to chuckle, jumping in Tayka’s hands as she caught him and looked at the toy. “Awh…thank you Matthew.” She said, the incubus remaining silent and terrified. You are not going to keep it, are you?”
“Why not? I like him. He looks unique.” She said, laughing short as Matthew got chills down his spine and made his way towards the dining room scared, Tayka smirking and following him with the squirrel in her hands. “Come on, Matt! Look how adorable Simon Tabby is.” She said, Matthew getting startled and hiding behind a chair. “Keep that thing away from me! Look how creepy he is!” He said as Tayka laughed and got a bit startled when Simon jumped from her hands and ran out of the dining room. “Awh…you upset him, Matthew.” She teased him a bit, Matthew watching her and swallowing, rushing in the kitchen. Tayka laughed short, sitting at the table and soon having the 5 incubi in the room, sitting down at the table, plates of delicious food being laid in front of all of them. The young woman looked at her plate, the smell making her almost drool, everything about the dish seeming delicious.
She looked up, noticing the boys watch her, Tayka raising a brow and realizing that they were waiting for her. “Guys, you can eat in peace. You don’t need me to tell you that you can.” She said, smiling a bit and taking a bite of her food, smiling pleased. “Woah! This is wonderful!” She said as James smiled towards her. “I am glad you like it, miss. We put lots of effort to repay your kindness for helping us with our energy.” Tayka blushed soft, remembering that and wanting to take another bite when her phone started ringing.
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crystalangelluna ¡ 4 years
A New Chance Chapter 2
Ao3  Part 1
I hope you enjoy the second chapter I tried...
But what can I say when you write a chapter really late instead of sleeping oh well... Mari does know their identities since they were comic book characters, etc.. Damien is only really here for 5 seconds but I plan on including him a lot more in the next chapter which will hopefully come out tomorrow. If you have suggestions or gave spotted and errors please let me know. Enjoy :)
It has been 9 months since her sacrifice, in those nine months a lot has changed, for example Hawkmoth has been put to jail for terrorism, and for manipulating paris to leave it in a depressed state for years but they couldn’t express it in fear of becoming an akuma victim. They slowly started recovering up after all the trauma.
The remaining members of the agreste family adopted the little girl who was akumatized. They welcomed Vivian Mari Agreste into the family 3 months later.
Marinette looking down below at them was very happy that Adrien has a sibling, and also happy for Adrien when he finally started being himself again after what happened.
During her funeral all of Paris went to express their appreciation for her, as she was the one who saved the world from the terrible fate of the wish. Her parents were proud and upset that their daughter was a hero of Paris, but upset that she had to pay the price
Heaven was beautiful, it was indescribable, unlike anything she ever thought it was. She got to meet all the past holders of the miraculouses and listening to their stories as heroes. They became the family she never had.
Even after all these months of thinking and trying to figure out the answer, she never knew why her last lucky charm was a Key Chain in the shape of a Robin. She figured it was one of those times where the lucky charm sends something that may represent the near future, like the time when she was forced into the Guardian title the prior year.
Every now and then she wonders what happened to the miracle box, where specifically in Earth B-42 did it appear etc. The PMH (Past Miraculous Holders) told her not to worry especially since they would be alerted if something happened. Her birthday was rolling in and was excited about spending her birthday with the PMS since they became like family to her.
On the day of her birthday the PMH made her favorite cake and all was fun and games until something happened. Marinette's necklace started glowing, The kwagatama had flown off her neck and landed on her hands. Everyone started gathering around her to see what was happening, curious as to why it would be reacting that way since their Kwagatamas never reacted that way. There was an image appearing out of and it appeared to be KWAMIIS!!!
“HAPPY BIRTHDAY MARINETTE!!!!” Yelled all the Kwamii’s excitedly from inside the Miracle Box.
Mari started tearing up, after a long time of not seeing them and wondering if they were ok, they were in right in front of her and she couldn’t be happier.
“H-Hi guys y-your ok”she couldn’t help but muster out.
“Aww bug don’t cry we’re ok what about you, are you ok?” Plagg was the one who spoke up.
“I am getting better, I had a lot of help.” She explained and looked towards where the rest of her family was behind her. They couldn’t help but melt a little.
“Mari since today is your 16th birthday we decided to give you your present.” Tikki spoke up barely containing her excitement.
“Ooh what is?”
“A new opportunity for you to start over in an alternate universe on Earth B-42!!” Yelled all the kwami’s
“ Wait-WHAT!!!” Mari was trying her best to process everything that was just revealed.  A NEW CHANCE-ALTERNATE UNIVERSE-COMING BACK TO LIFE-LEAVING HER FAMILY THE PMH. She then realized that she never gave up her guardian title which meant that it was her duty to protect the magical beings to make sure they never end up in the wrong hands again.
“ I have a duty as Guardian of the Miraculouses, which means I have to protect you from evil at all costs. My journey is not over yet it had only just begun!!.” Mari spoke with the tone of a leader.”
The kwamiis were all excited to have their guardian/ladybug/Mari back with them. They all explained what she must do in order to go back to the world of the living. She said her goodbyes to her family and went off to bed knowing it would be the last time she would see them in a long time.
She awoke from her rest thinking that it was all a dream looking around she expected that she was back in her pick room at the bakery. But was instead met with a chamber of sorts. It seemed more like a room for royalty, she observed as she explored a little. There was a knock on the door, alert she got the nearest weapon-like thing to protect herself with. Instead a woman in her 40’s came in then kneeled at her feet and started exclaiming in an unfamiliar language that she somehow understood.
“ Oh great guardian please excuse my inappropriate behavior for intruding.” “Don’t worry, no harm done, just one question where am I?”
“ Why great guardian you are in the great temple of the Miraculouses. After 300 years of waiting you have finally come to us. We have so much stuff to get you ready for.”
All Mari could think about was…
Turns out she was in the original temple of the miraculouses and that same day she was named the Grand Guardian of the Miracle box.Also that the language the woman and her talked in was the Guardian Language. After a long talk with tikki and the rest of the kwami's, she decided to stay and learn all she can so she can be a great guardian. She learned multiple languages, all the types of martial arts, how to wield a sword, how to summon the miraculous powers in and out of costume, and much more.
Once she was done with her training she left the temple with the Miracle box on a mission. To destroy all lazarus pits and bring balance to the world.
Her first stop is Gotham, New Jersey, USA.
She is able to heal places by just being there for a period of time and using her ladybug powers.
On the first days she made sure not to appear on Batman's Bruce Wayne’s radar directly, so she goes out and heals Gotham during the day and transforms into Ladynoir at night to help with crime. She occasionally comes across some of the bat clan on their patrols hearing what they were saying using her super hearing, courtesy of the black cat miraculous.
Keeping her stealth in check she follows them around Gotham seeing as she is seeing her favorite heroes since she was little saving Gotham. Also since back in her universe everybody here were comic book characters or made into movies and tv shows.
Of course she forgot one tiny little detail…
She was wearing Plagg miraculous.
So eventually his bad luck caught up to her when she was following robin for the first time on a fateful night.
Knowing that Robin Damien was more observant, skillful, and gets mad easily she was extra careful not to get caught. Of course this wasn’t the case when he suddenly turned around and charged at her with a katana. Using the first thing of self defense she “accidentally” said…
And right there where the katana once was, aiming it directly towards Ladynoir Marinette…
Well lets just say the Katana was no more…
Realising what she had just done (which was getting caught and completely disintegrated Robin’s Damien’s katana into pieces) she well....          
Ran away……
But before she ran away she yelled “Sorry!!!”
She could tell he was chasing her, since she kind of you know…
She hears plagg cackling maniacally in her head.
                  At least someone is enjoying the Chaos am I RIGHT?
@thequeenofpotatoeunicornss @kceedraws
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plaggs-stanky-cheese ¡ 4 years
Princess of the order; Chapter 2
Previously On the Princess Of the Order
Damian asks me a question. However, I don't hear it. All I hear is my head yelling " YOU LIED!! YOU ARE JUST LIKE SOPHIE!". I wring my hands. My head is right I am a liar just like Lady Sophie. I couldn't take this anymore. I look up to Damian (who is an inch taller than her) and say " I need to tell you something. I-I can't do this". He looks at me concerned. I drag him to the edge of the order. I spill all my secrets. Every. Single. One. I had to!! Those beautiful green eyes of his melted my heart and my life was too much for a 5-year-old!!! After I finish my rant he looks at me. I then realize what I have done. My eyes widen. What if Damian snitches?!?!?! Oh no, you messed up Marinette. " Hey, Hey! Don't worry!! Your secrets safe with me." I look up to Damian. " really?" He nods. I quickly hug him and tell I'm to meet here again same time tomorrow and just as I was about to head back to my palace Damian had grabbed my hand and gave it a chaste kiss. " Have a Good night Sahib Alsumui "
From that day on they had met up at the same spot. Sometimes Marinette had to go in her royal wear, but it was a small price to pay. This went on for years until one fateful day...
Damian and I had just finished exchanging gifts. Both of our 10th birthdays had just passed. I had received a necklace with angel wing charms and devil horns saying "Sahib Alsumui". That had become a nickname only Damian had used. Marinette had made a special announcement about how no one was allowed to call her that claiming she wanted to have a less formal relationship with her subjects. Damian had received a similar gift, a gold ring with dove wings, and inside the ring, a secret message was engraved. Marinette put the ring on him not letting him see the message and made him swear not to look at the message unless she said. Why? Cause the message was short and simple, yet meant a lot. It had said I love you, Dove. The two children had just released each other from their hug when Marinette had to go to Castle of Creation to meet the past ladybug. Just as she was about to go the League of Assassins drops in. Some Monks nearby grab Marinette.
" DAMIAN!!!" Marinette yells as she sees an assassin behind Damian. " NOO" she screams right before her eyesight blurs and she slumps.
I jolt up, breathing heavily.  It's okay Marinette that was 6 years ago. Breathe.
   Tikki flies up to my face and squeaks " Are you okay Marinette?" her voice laced heavily with concern. I had been waking up very often in the middle of the night for the past month always waking up with labored breathing. Tikki had kept me notified of all my strange behaviors in the night. " Yeah, I'm okay Tikki." "Well, there is no use in sleeping now bug, there only 2 minutes till your alarm goes off so I suggest getting ready early." I give a small smile to Tikki and joke " At least my nightmares are helping me with my school schedule now". Tikki just looks at me with a lost look in her eyes before flying back into my purse. I shrug it off and get ready for school. The rest of the horrible day plays inevitably in my mind.
I wake up in a quaint room. My memories were quite fuzzy but I had a feeling that I could trust the place. I head downstairs to only find my Auntie Sabine and Uncle Tom. They rush over to me mouths moving only I wasn't listening. My memories were coming back. I.....I was to head over to my Aunt's place only in an emergency. My eyes widen. In a quavery voice, I ask
" Where is Damian?" not wanting my conclusion to be true, praying to the gods that he's alright. I look over to my Aunt and judging by the look on her face.......Damian didn't survive. I fall to my knees crying body shaking sobs as my Auntie and Uncle hug me.
My Aunt's yelling snaps me out of my trance. I finish doing my pigtails, straighten my purse and head downstairs. Wanting to be early and speak with Adrien before everyone else arrives I grab a croissant and I quickly head over to the school.
I wave over to Adrien who is sitting on the stairs smiling goofily at his phone. He's probably texting his boyfriend. "ooooh Adrien's got a crush!!" I tease while looking down at the boy lounging in the steps. He sticks out his tongue back before saying " Hah hah ha".  I squish myself between him and the railing, Adrien quickly moving over for more space. Adrien quickly turns off his phone and rests his head on my shoulder.
" So, how's the Night Terrors?"
" *snort* Horrible as always"
" Look Adrien, I'm fine okay!! They're just old memories replaying in my mind, and the night before the last, I dreamt the first time I met him so that's a point!!!"
Adrien lifts his head off my shoulder and gives me a skeptical look. I shove him gently and say " okay okay enough about me, how's your mom?". Today marks the 2nd week of Hawkmoths defeat. I recall how I made up a whole team, calling upon almost all of the miraculous for the fight, but as always it ended with me and my kitty against the world...as always. I had healed Mrs. Agreste since Adrien needed a guardian. He wanted to bury his mother in peace but the law required for him to have at least one of his parents unless he wants his father's company ripped from him until he is adopted or is old enough to take charge of it. " She's okay, but still catching up on what happened during the last 5 years" Adrien stated resting his head back on my shoulder. I hum in response happy she's catching on. We sit there gazing at the beautiful city in front of us. It had been a rough 5 years for all of the Parisians but all that was in the past.
" Ya know... I'm still pissed at the JL for ignoring us, but I'm kinda grateful too??" I state. Adrien glares at me from my shoulder and says in a cold voice " Why? ".  I wasn't taken back by his voice as it was understandable. If they had helped earlier then no Parisian would have to see their loved ones get murdered and resurrected in front of them. I sigh and jokingly say " well I don't think that I would be able to fight off an akumatized Batman, how bout you?". We burst out laughing.
Our laughing dies down 2 minutes before Alya, Nino, and Chloe arrive.  Despite all the things that happened these past 5 years Marinette and Chloe becoming friends were the craziest. Not finding out the identity of ladybug and hawkmoth but their ever-evolving friendship. Like always they ask about Marinette's night terrors and she shrugs them off saying that they were getting better. Yeah, no these were lies. Tikki had often reported to me about the terrors and I became increasingly worried. We all know about Marinette's past but I'm pretty sure what we knew was just a fraction of a bigger and more horrifying story. This Damien character was very important to her and he was her bestie in the Order. Very intriguing.....
More students enter the schoolyard and we started walking toward homeroom. We enter the room. Alya and Chloe pull me aside, with matching looks on their face. " Ninos distracting M, now spill, we know the night terrors aren't getting better." Sweat rolls down the back of my neck as they give me the look. I swallow and stammer out " I-I can't my lady trusts me so uh I like can't really t-tell you guys". Just as they are about to retaliate Mme. Bustier walks in with the biggest smile adorning her face. I signed in relief and made my way towards my seat along with the others.
" Good Morning Students!!!!  Today we have a video call with Lila and then I will be handing out the summer job packages for Gotham and New york!"
Shit, I forgot today's the last Wednesday of highschool. Damn, we came far. Mme. sets up the projector with help from Markov and suddenly Lila's face pops into view. Yaaay. I cant practically feel the hate coming from the 3 girls behind me. I shiver. These girls behind me are the most terrifying in the world when they need to or want to be. I discreetly pull out my phone, zone out Lila, and text away to Jon.
~~ a Lil time skip if that's okay~~
Lila had finally ended the call claiming that she had to go the sleep bright and early to help Prince Ali. I was very excited. Jon said he is living in Gotham for the summer so  I decided to surprise him. The minute I had gotten the forms for the summer jobs I had filled in the Gotham form and placed it in my knapsack. I turned around and asked the girls where they're going. Nino is honestly fine with anything so he's going with Alya.
" hmm I might go to Gotham but New York does have..." Alya mumbled to herself
" Ugh, I can't decide!! I might decide over a drink later though" Chloe had said picking her nails.
I faced my lady and she just sighed and said: " I might join ya".  Alya and Nin agreed with them so I knew I was going to end up coming with them to drive their drunk asses home or at least to my place. The bell ringed for lunch since our school days had shortened ever since Hawkmoths defeat. We went to lunch chatting.
-Another time and POV skip cause this chappie has been a bit bland no?-
I ran out of school, before stopping at the edge of the sidewalk. I sat down at the ledge, my breathing more labored than it was when I snapped out of my trance. My hands meet my hair as I run my hand halfway through. I had another night terror although I wasn't asleep this time. I was fully awake and I saw a bloody Damian pop in front of me and stabbed me in the lung. Normally I wouldn't have flinched but.....this...this was different.
I hear the doors slamming open and running. Alya and Chloe drop down beside me. " M are you okay? Nino and Adrien are grabbing our stuff." Alya says concern dripping in her tone. I sigh shakily and say " I--Im good I just really needed a breath of air". Chloe and Alya share a look.
" *sigh* okay no I'm not. I have been having night terrors of my best and only friend in the league and it breaks my heart every damn time guys. I..." my voice cracks " I can't handle this" tears stream down my face and I bury my head in my hands. My friends hung me and rub circles on my back while I sob. I can barely hear the sound of Adrien and nino dropping down next to me. they hug my back.
After a good solid 2 minutes of crying which is the most, I have done in 5 years. I get out of their grasp and wipe my eyes. I get up grab my bag and look down at them. " Wanna have a drink?"
They grin at me and I grin back. We quickly make our way towards the mayor's hotel.
~After they have 5 shots of tequila and Adrien has one shot of vodka ;) kudos if ya get it~
I take a lazy glance at the room. Adrien is on the floor balancing bottles on his stomach, Alya and Nino are making out and Chloe is well, Chloe. I blink at Chloe and point a finger at her she looks at me. " hEY wHY arEnt yOu dRunK?" she looks at me with a bored expression and says " Darling I only survive life in general because I take shots every morning. Try Me. "
I gasp. Nino and Alya stop eating each other's faces and surround me and Chloe. I glare at her as hard as I could while being wasted that is. Adrien gets up and pours each of us 5 shots of the strongest we have.
" Aight start on 3, 1...2...3!"
We start. before I can even get into the 4th shot I look over to see Chloe already done and taking selfies. Being the drunkard I am I fall out of my chair and start to chant Chloe's name while bowing down at her. I don't notice Adrien recording it though. Since we just consumed the strongest alcohol ever we decided to fill out the job forms, while we were drunk. 
After a while, we all fall asleep on the floor the bottles on our stomachs shaking the slightest.
I wake up in a room full of darkness and 2 people in white jackets. I look around confused and spot a little boy who I notice is ...Damien! The last thing I remember is taking shots in front of Chloe, where......where exactly am I? Damian yells and struggles in his binds I yell out a "NO!" as he screams in pain -
I jolt up screaming. All the bottles on my stomach rolling back onto the ground. " Wass wrong? Akuma?" I hear adrien slur out of habit. I look over to him unable to stop the tears flowing from my eyes. His body structure relaxes as he realizes it wasn't an Akuma. He scooches over to me. Without saying a word he hugs me and I cry softly into his shirt as he kisses my forehead and whispers soothing words.
It's bland I know, has a bit of comedy tho. And a bit of what I guess would call angst? Meh, the next one is Damien's POV so it will be better. The reason it's so long is that I wanted to make it less bland but I Obviously failed. oh well
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avasharpe ¡ 3 years
Sugar and Salt
Chapter: Nine of Ten
Summary: The day of the wedding is here and the nerves are high! Amaya walks on air as she gets ready, but the dangerous reality weighs heavy on Zari’s heart.
Fandom: DC’s Legends of Tomorrow.
Relationship: Amaya Jiwe/Zari Tomaz,  and Sara Lance/Ava Sharpe
Characters: Amaya Jiwe, Zari Tomaz, Sara Lance, Kendra Saunders, Behrad Tomaz, Sin Lance, Kuasa, Ava Sharpe, and Damien Darhk. 
Chapter Rating: Mature.
Additional Tags: Bakery and Coffee Shop AU, Mutual Pining, Fake Marriage, But Real Feelings, Food, Wedding, Lemons, Smut, Wedding Night.
Read at AO3
Read at FFN
Zari rolled over in bed and stared up at the ceiling. She knew what day it was, but a part of her wished she could stay in bed and hide from it all. Even if it meant sacrificing her future and her place in America. She was used to the anxieties that came with trying to get up in the morning. 
Yet, there was always one thing that never failed to get her up, coffee and donuts. Yesterday, she had gone to the best donut place in Star City and waited in line for an hour just to be able to get one donut. She had carefully packaged it up and placed it in the fridge for today, and she had dreamed of a powder and raspberry sauce all night. It was the one thing that got her to roll out of bed and walk down the stairs, even if she was still a zombie. 
Which was why she didn't hear Sara, Sin, and Behrad, already chatting away in the kitchen with a sizzling breakfast of eggs and pancakes. Zari stopped in her tracks when she saw Sara standing at the stove. 
“Good morning Zari,” Behrad cheerfully greeted her, holding up his plate of pancakes. “Aunt Sara made breakfast.”
“I can see that,” Zari said, walking into the kitchen. “You know, when I gave you a key for emergency purposes, this isn’t what I had in mind.”
Sara just shrugged, one hand on her back and the other holding a spatula as she flipped another pancake onto the plate. “Someone's gotta keep you on track this morning and Ray was the first one to offer, so I thought I'd save you the cheery trouble.”
Zari nodded but ignored the pancakes and went to retrieve her donut from the fridge, only to find that it was not there. She quickly spun around, ready to yell at whoever ate it, but Sara pointed towards the box on the counter. 
“I saw it in the fridge when I was getting things ready and so I put it on the counter to warm it up for you."
Zari’s anger died on her lips and she gave Sara a warm smile. “Thank you.”
Sara just smiled at her and placed a spatula of eggs onto a plate next to the turkey bacon. “Eat something other than sugar, you're gonna need it. No matter how nervous you are you should eat.”
Zari nodded and took the plate as Sara grabbed a plate for herself and sat down next to her. 
“May we be excused?” Behrad asked, looking up from his empty plate.
“Put your dishes in the dishwasher first and thank Sara for making breakfast, then you may go,” Zari nodded at him.
Sin and Behrad quickly did as they were told and put their dishes away. Sin rushed over, putting both of their hands on Sara’s belly and placing a kiss on her cheek.
“Thank you, Mommy.”
Behrad leaned over as well and kissed Sara's cheek. “Thank you, Aunt Sara.”
“You guys are very welcome,” Sara said as they quickly rushed off. “I’ll be up in a few minutes and you two will need to start getting ready.”
Zari smiled and watched them go. It was as if it was just another morning. However, the bag of makeup sitting on the counter with the shoebox and Sara's dress hung up on the door said otherwise.
“Are you okay?” Sara asked, putting a hand on her back and rubbing in slow circles. “You’ve turned pale all of a sudden.”
“I'm fine,” Zari said, taking a bite of her donut and trying to get lost in the sweet raspberry taste.
“It's okay to be anxious. I'd be worried if you weren't,” Sara said as she continued to rub up and down Zari’s spine in a comforting way. “I see how happy Amaya makes you and how happy you are together. Just think about that and focus on Amaya. Before you know it, you’ll be at the reception eating cake and laughing and you won't remember a single thing that was said at the ceremony.”
“That sounds like some good experience talking,” Zari smiled and looked over at Sara. 
“Well, I have done this before,” Sara said with a knowing smile.
“Yeah, and you just about fainted at the altar and Leonard lost his voice trying to say his vows,” Zari said, remembering the eventful ceremony at her friend's wedding years ago.
“Shut up,” Sara said, moving her hand from Zari’s back and giving her a little shove. “I was pregnant and Leonard was never good at public speaking. Besides, we still got married, but all I remember from that night was dancing in his arms, knowing he was mine forever and it made everything worth it.”
Zari nodded, she could make it through the ceremony if she focused on Amaya, besides she didn't have a choice that she wanted to stay in America.
Amaya woke up with a smile on her face. It was her wedding day. She rolled over and looked at her wedding dress that was hung up in her closet. She couldn't help but smile wider. She was so excited for this day and it was finally here! She was marrying Zari and it was a dream come true. 
She jumped out of bed and pulled the dress off the rack, before laying it on her bed. Amaya unzipped the garment bag and pulled out the dress, just staring at it. It was so beautiful and she was so excited. Amaya couldn’t wait to get dressed and spend all day in it, but first, she knew that she had to eat something. 
Amaya danced around her room as she floated into the bathroom. She quickly checked the knots that Kendra had put in last night and undid one to see the little curls wrap around her finger. She then washed her face, before practically floating on air as she walked down the hall. Amaya wasn't surprised to see Kendra in her kitchen cooking as both kids played in the living room. 
“Happy wedding day,” Kendra smiled, placing a plate of quiche at the counter for her. 
“Thank you,” Amaya said as she sat down at the counter and took a bite of the quiche. 
“You've got that bridal glow,” Kendra said as she looked over at Amaya.
“I feel like a glowing bride and I’m just so excited. I don't know how I can wait till this afternoon.”
“Well, there's a lot to do before then, so it'll definitely fly by,” Kendra said, putting down the pot holders and turning off the oven, before calling the kids for breakfast. 
They quickly ate and went straight back to the bathroom to get ready. Kendra took out her curls as Amaya applied her moisturizer. The whole time they got ready, Amaya kept smiling. She was unable to believe that this was her reality. Every time she calmed down, something would make her smile and she would fall into another fit of giggles like a school child. Amaya was just so happy. She couldn't wait to walk down the aisle and marry Zari. 
“Amaya you need to stay still,” Kendra said, smiling as she pulled the mascara wand back, narrowly missing her nose.
“Sorry,” Amaya said, trying to school her features and hold still as Kendra quickly applied the mascara and pulled back.
“It's okay to be excited, and I'm happy that you are so happy. Even if things are a little rushed, I know the two of you are sure about this. You and Zari are meant for each other even if it took you a little while to figure it out,” Kendra teased as she leaned down to wrap her arms around Amaya’s shoulders, giving them a squeeze. 
Amaya smiled and hugged Kendra before she pulled back. Kendra finished her makeup and spun her around to look at it in the mirror. Amaya smiled as she saw how beautiful she was and looked down at the ring on her finger. Even though they had started out doing this so Zari could stay in the U.S.. Amaya was doing this now because she truly loved Zari and she would spend the rest of her days protecting her.
As soon as Sara finished applying her makeup and put the curlers in Zari's hair they rushed out of the house to make it to the venue on time. Ava greeted them in a foyer with a clipboard and pen and smiled when she saw Sara. Sara was wearing a high waisted pleated dark blue dress that flowed over her and went down to her ankles. It matched Ava's dark navy suit that had a plunging neckline and was without an undershirt, that had drawn Sara’s eyes. 
“We’re gonna go find Kuasa, Gary, and Aldus,” Behrad said, running off with Sin before anyone could protest. 
“You look beautiful,” Ava sighed as she leaned down to put one hand on Sara's waist as she tilted her head for a quick kiss. “But you're behind schedule. Some early guests have arrived and Amaya and Kendra are already here. They’re in the room down the hall on your left and you two are on the right.”
“Don't worry, we'll be ready to walk down the aisle right on time,” Sara reassured her as she patted Ava's cheek and Ava smiled as she leaned into her touch.
“Oh I see one of the brides is running late, I hope it doesn't throw off the whole wedding.” Damien Darhk’s voice dripped with sarcasm, cold as ice.
Zari twirled around to see him standing there as he walked through the door as if he was just another guest. 
“Mr. Darhk, I don't believe I received your RSVP,” Ava said, pulling out her clipboard as she stepped in front of Zari and Sara.
“Oh well, I’m my daughter Nora’s plus one see here,” Darhk said, pulling out the RSVP card with a checkmark on the plus one.
“Nora is Ray Palmer's plus one,” Ava said, walking up and taking the card from his hand. “I'm afraid I'll have to ask you to…”
“Oh yes that Raymond fellow, well that's another matter, but that's not the reason I'm here,” Darhk said, as he looked pointedly over at Zari.
Sara wrapped a protective arm around Zari’s waist, her eyes like daggers as she glared at Darhk. “You need to leave now.”
“Oh well, then how would I know if this lovely bride gets properly married? We wouldn't want to screw up anything with immigration, now would we, Miss Tomaz?” Darkh said with a dark tone as he turned around to introduce his friend. “You've met my friend here Adrian Chase, he works at the local immigration office and is interested to see your case be presented next week.”
“It's nice to meet you Miss Tomaz, and congratulations on this wonderful occasion,” Adrian said, holding out his hand. “I look forward to presiding over your case next week after you get back from your honeymoon, of course.”
It took everything inside of Zari to shake Adrian’s hand. “It's a pleasure to meet you as well.”
“Well, we really are on a tight schedule,” Ava said, stepping in and turning Zari and Sara towards the dressing room.
Zari and Sara walked down the hall in silence as Sara guided her into the room. Zari sat down on the first chair she saw and Sara put her dress on the rack, before turning and locking the door.
“Hey it's okay,” Sara said, looking over at her and leaning down and to put her hands over Zari’s. “It's just an intimidation tactic, but it's nothing we have to worry about. You and Amaya are in love and that’s why you're getting married, it's all legal. Just focus on Amaya. All you have to do is get married to Amaya.”
Zari just looked at Sara, had no idea how she was supposed to walk down the aisle with Darkh breathing down her neck. How could she do this to Amaya? Amaya who was so perfect and selfless, who was helping her and getting all tangled up in something that wasn't her fault. Zari knew the penalty for a fake Green Card marriage and Amaya could go to jail. 
Zari looked up and saw an envelope waiting for her on the vanity. Her name was written in Amaya’s beautiful and perfect cursive handwriting, and Zari flipped it over to open it. Inside was a simple note that read. 
‘I can't wait to see you walk down the aisle, my beautiful bride. Just know that I am so happy to be doing this. I love you so much. - Amaya.’
Zari took a deep breath and took a moment to center herself. Amaya knew what she was getting herself into and Sara was right, it was just an intimidation tactic. They were doing the right thing and all she had to do was sign the marriage license.
“I can marry Amaya,” Zari said with a nod.
“Don't worry about anything else, Amaya, Kendra, Ava, and I are going to take care of it,” Sara said with a nod as she gave Zari’s hands a squeeze.
Zari stood up and went over to the garment bag. She unzipped it and pulled out the two-piece White Satin suit. Zari let her fingers drift over the fabric and pulled the pants off of the hanger before she quickly put them on. She took the jacket and pulled it on her shoulders. She pushed up the sleeves to her elbows, before turning to look in the mirror. She was ready. She sat down at the vanity and Sara started to undo the curlers from her hair. Zari was ready to be a bride, she was going to walk down the aisle and marry Amaya.
“It’s going to be okay,” Zari whispered to herself in the mirror, her lips moved but she didn’t hear the words.
Sara caught her eyes in the mirror and leaned down to tickle the back of her neck, making her smile. “There, that's what a bride should look like. It's your wedding day. You should be happy.”
Zari tried to keep a smile on her lips as she nodded, but it faded a little at the edges. She found herself fidgeting with her fingers as a knot formed in the pit of Zari’s stomach.
Everything was ready, everyone was in place. Zari stood in the hall and looked down at Behrad. They were the first to walk down and she took his arm. Behrad smiled up at her as they stepped forward. It was a short trip down the aisle and soon she stood next to Ray, who was set to officiate for them. 
Then Zari watched as first Kendra and Sara, then Aldus rolled down with Sin, and finally Kuasa walked down the aisle. She couldn't help but catch a glimpse of Amaya as she waited in the hall. For a moment, Zari forgot everything as she saw Amaya peak around the corner. Once Kuasa got to the end of the aisle, Mick kissed Amaya’s cheek. The music changed and it was Amaya’s turn. 
Zari looked over at all of her friends and family as they stood. They all looked so happy for her, everyone was smiling, some of them even had a few tears. ‘Just look at Amaya,’ she said to herself as she looked over at her beautiful bride. Holding on to Mick's arm, Amaya looked so beautiful, her tight curls cascaded down her back like a waterfall. Amaya’s dress fell around her with its long train. It had a V neck lace bodice with short lace sleeves that brushed over her shoulders. The skirt was long and slim, but full and flowed down her waist, accented by her long train. She was so beautiful that it was breathtaking. Amaya looked like the sun, warm and beautiful, but all Zari could think about was Damian Darhk.  
Zari looked back at Damien Darhk and Adrian Chase next to him. He gave her a hellish smile and a wink. She could feel her heart beating faster and suddenly she felt overwhelmingly hot. She was gonna get caught, and it would be all her fault. She would drag Amaya and Behrad and Kuasa down with her.
She couldn't do it. Zari couldn't do it. She couldn’t ruin their lives. She saw Amaya’s face fall as she shook her head.
“I'm sorry,” Zari whispered before she ran off. 
She heard the uproar of everyone talking as she ran off. She ran back down the hall and into her dressing room, slamming the door shut behind her. The plan now was just to grab her bag and leave. She could disappear for a few days and then come back and get Behrad and they could start over somewhere else. Zari looked around the dressing room. She had a suitcase packed for the honeymoon, so all she had to do was get it and go. She grabbed it and double checked that everything was there, then she heard a knock at the door.
“Zari it's me, please let me in and we can just talk.” Amaya pleaded to her from outside the door. 
Zari could hear multiple people talking as Amaya knocked on her door again, trying to get her to come out. She looked around the little room. There was a window, but it was just a single pane of glass and there was no way to open it. She looked around again, there was no way of getting out without going through her friends and she knew she could never face them. 
Everyone else continued to knock and try to talk to her, but Zari just sat down on the chair. She put her knees up to her chest and her hand over her face as she just sat there and cried. She cried for her life, and she cried for Behrad and Amaya and for the mess she had made of everything. When she finally cried herself out, she looked up to hear that they had stopped knocking and it was silent. She reached for a tissue and wiped her face.
Suddenly she heard the door handle rattle. Before Zari could react or protest, the door opened and Sara slipped in with a small plate. She gave Zari a knowing smile and came to sit down next to her.
“I brought you a donut,” Sara said, holding out the plate to her. On it were three powdered jelly donuts, her favorite. 
Zari just shook her head and looked down at her hands. For the first time, she wasn’t in the mood for donuts.
“I’d tell you a story about my wedding day, but this doesn't feel like wedding nerves,” Sara said, looking more pointedly over at her. “This feels like you're second guessing the whole thing.” 
“I can't do this to Amaya,” Zari looked down at the tissue in her hand. “I can't do this. I can't get her tangled up in things that are my fault.”
Sara shrugged and offered her the plate, but Zari shook her head. 
“Well, if you're not going to eat this I am,” Sara said, picking up one of the donuts and taking a bite of it. Sara sat down next to her and they just sat together in silence as Sara ate her donut. 
Zari gave in and took one of the donuts, shoving it in her mouth. It was perfect, just like Amaya, and just like everything she had ruined. She didn't chew properly and quickly swallowed. The donut formed a ball in her throat and she choked it down. As she coughed, Sara handed her a glass of water and patted her back. Once it went down, Sara put the donut plate down on the table next to them and Zari stared down at the glass of water.
“If you had to permanently tie yourself to Ava in order to protect yourself and Sin, would you do it?” Zari said as she looked over at Sara. 
She tried not to sound desperate, but she was desperate. For any way that she could do this without feeling like she was sinking to the bottom of the ocean. With a chain around her wrist and Amaya willingly tying herself to Zari. 
Sara just smiled, she stood up and put one hand on her ribs and with the other, she held her dress tightly against her lower abdomen to outline her rounded belly. Zari looked down at her stomach and then up at Sara. 
“You've gained weight, that's your answer?” Zari asked, throwing up her hands. “I mean, I know you've been hitting the sweets pretty hard, but I don't see how this relates to anything,”
“I’m not fat!” Sara said, smacking Zari's arm before she grabbed Zari’s hand and put it on her belly. Zari looked up at her, not sure what Sara was doing until she felt a jab against her hand and her eyes went wide. “I'm twenty weeks pregnant. Ava and I are having a baby. So yeah, we're tied together for the next eighteen years at least.”
Zari's jaw dropped as suddenly everything clicked. She looked at Sara's belly again and saw the clear outline of her pregnancy as Sara’s baby kicked her hand again. “You're pregnant, pregnant with Ava’s baby. Wait, what, Ava got you pregnant? Is she trans and at twenty weeks, that's like five months, which means you've been pregnant practically the entire time you and Ava have been together and you hid it from all of us?”
Sara just nodded as she sat back down next to Zari, with one hand on her belly. 
“I found out the day you and Amaya got engaged. We had to figure everything out pretty quickly and we’ve recently decided to move in together. When Ava and I met we just jumped right in and things happened so quickly. Before I knew it I was pregnant, but it worked out. Our kids love each other like siblings and we’re a family. Ava and I have taken the time to slowly fall in love too. So even though you're rushing to the altar, you and Amaya have done the same. I’ve seen you two fall in love with each other throughout this whole thing and you can make it work.”
“It’s not just that,” Zari sighed, shaking her head and looking down at her hands covered in white powdered sugar. “If I don't marry Amaya, ICE is going to deport me.”
“Oh Zari,” Sara said, looking over at her and grabbing her hand to squeeze it tightly. 
“I can't do this to her,” Zari said, shaking her head. “I can't put her through all of this.”
“You don't really have a choice,” Sara said, tilting her head from side to side and looking at Zari. “I know it doesn't seem that easy, but it is. Like you said, if you don't get married ICE is going to take you away, but you don't have to worry about Amaya. She doesn't do anything without knowing the risk first. She did this knowing everything that came with it. Regardless of that, she's crazy in love with you and she is doing this willingly.”
“But I could change my name and leave and go, somewhere.”
“And live your whole life on the run? Is that really what you want to do Zari?” Sara said looking over at her with a raised eyebrow. 
“Well, what did you do when you found out you were pregnant, surely you didn't just jump into Ava’s arms and have an instant family?”
“No, I freaked out after the test turned positive. I didn't even consider keeping them until I talked with Ava. Once I did tell her, she agreed to help me if I kept it. We talked everything over and we both knew what we were getting into with this baby. It made things easier to know that I had someone to support me. I know that you have talked this over with Amaya, she’s here to support you, and Kendra and I are here too.”
“Thanks,” Zari nodded, giving Sara a small smile and squeezing her hand. “She was the one who suggested we get married.”
“Well, there you go. You know Amaya is on your side and she knows what she’s getting into,” Sara said as she stood up and turned around to offer her hand to Zari. “Now, all you have to do is marry Amaya and live happily ever after, which I don't think will be too hard.”
Zari took a deep breath and took Sara’s hand. She stood up on her own so Sara didn’t have to bear her weight. Sara grabbed a tissue and wiped her eyes before reapplying her makeup.  The mascara Sara had applied was waterproof, so she didn’t have black tear stains on her cheeks. Zari took one look in the mirror. The evidence of her tears were gone and she ran her hands over her suit before they walked back out into the hall. 
Kendra, Amaya, Ava, and the kids were all standing in the hall talking to each other. The minute Amaya saw her, she pulled Zari into a hug. 
“Are you okay?”
“Yeah,” Zari said as she held Amaya, perhaps a little too tightly, as all she could do was cling to her. When Zari pulled back and untangled herself from Amaya, she held her hands and looked into her eyes. “Amaya, are you sure you want to do this?”
“Yes,” Amaya said in a firm voice as she squeezed Zari’s hands. “I love you Zari and I'd go to the ends of the Earth to protect you. Let me protect you so that you can stay here in America with me and Behrad.”
“Okay,” Zari nodded, letting out a breath and smiling.
“All right, everyone lets have a wedding,” Sara said, clapping her hands and ushering everybody back into the main room.
Every moment of the day was seared into Zari's memory. She didn’t look at anyone else as  Amaya walked down the aisle. She let herself get lost in Amaya and it took Zari’s breath away. She barely heard a saying that the officiant said or the passages Imam read as they performed the Nikah. She felt like she couldn't breathe until they finally signed the marriage certificate. As soon as she put her pen down Amaya grabbed her hand and the officiant announced them as wife and wife. 
Amaya wrapped her arms around Zari’s neck and leaned in to kiss her. It was then that Zari smiled into Amaya's lips and she felt like she was floating on air as they kissed. The only thing that mattered in the world was Amaya's lips on hers. 
They danced down the aisle to the music that filled her ears and Amaya's hand clutched her hand as if she would never let go. Zari caught Darkh’s glare as they walked and saw Mick and Nate approach him from behind. Darkh was thrown out of the reception with little fuss, along with all of Zari’s worries. For the rest of the night, she smiled as they ate and listened to speeches and kissed Amaya.  
As the party wrapped up, they stayed on the dance floor wrapped in each other's arms as they swayed. Zari put her chin on Amaya’s shoulder and Amaya wrapped her arms around her waist and laid her head on Zari’s chest. Amaya gently played with the hairs on the back of Zari’s neck as she hummed to the lyrics of the song as they pressed up against each other. Zari was so absolutely content and happy in Amaya’s arms as they kept dancing just for one more song. 
She heard Behrad’s laughter and opened her eyes to see him run past, quickly chased by Sin, Gary, Kuasa, and Aldus. She watched as they ran in between the tables and eventually settled on an empty table. Kendra and Carter were off to the side as they sat next to each other gently whispering as they smiled. She looked over as Sara and Ava swayed next to them. Ava had her arms wrapped around Sara from behind and both of them were cradling Sara's belly as they pressed cheek to cheek. Zari closed her eyes and got lost in Amaya’s arms again. Everything felt right and as of tonight, she was safe in Amaya’s arms. 
“You two better get going if you're going to make it to the hotel before midnight,” Kendra said, gently placing a hand on Zari’s shoulders. 
Amaya nodded as they let Kendra whisk them away. Zari’s car had been wonderfully decorated with cans, balloons, and so many rose petals that she knew she'd never get them out of her back seat.
“You be good for Kendra and Sara,” Amaya said, leaning down to hold Kuasa’s cheeks and press a kiss to her forehead. 
“You too buddy,” Zari said, running her fingers through Behrad’s hair before he pushed her hand off.
“We will. We promise,” Behrad said, fixing his hair again as he shooed Zari away.
“Here you’ll need this,” Sara said, handing her a small box. Zari opened it up and to her horror inside was a pack of dental dams, lube, condoms, lace panties, and a vibrator. 
“Sara!” Zari yelled, shutting the box as Amaya laughed. Kendra and Ava, who had also gotten a glimpse of the box, giggled as well. 
“Trust me, you'll need it, especially if you don't want to take home an extra wedding present,” Sara said with raised eyebrows as she rubbed her belly.
Zari just stood there mortified as Amaya laughed, She took the box from her hand and shoved it into the back seat. “We don’t have to worry about a baby, but the protection is appreciated.”
“True, but there are some other things that I'm sure you'll enjoy.”
“Okay, enough teasing,” Ava said, putting her arms around Sara's waist. “Let them go enjoy their honeymoon.”
They both got in the car and looked back at everyone as they waved them away. The kids threw petals at the car as they pulled by the venue. Before Zari pulled the car onto the road, she looked over at Amaya and smiled. Amaya leaned in to kiss her just because she could, before she pulled back, but held her hand as they drove. 
Instead of a full vacation, they had settled on a few days at a hotel in the mountain that overlooked a waterfall. It was a short drive and the concierge got them all settled before he took them up to the honeymoon suite. It was a beautiful big room with a large bed and hot tub, and a balcony overlooking the falls, and Zari could hear the roar of the waterfall. As soon as the concierge left, Amaya grabbed Zari’s hand and smiled at her, Amaya’s eyes heavy and hot as she pulled Zari towards the bed. Zari focused on the way that Amaya looked at her, so in awe and in love that it made Zari’s heart flutter.
Amaya pulled her over and Zari sat on the bed before Amaya settled herself in Zari’s lap, grabbing a hold of both of her hands. “Are you ready?”
Zari leaned in and kissed Amaya, letting all of her passion pour out from her lips. “I want you.”
Amaya smiled into the kiss and she and Zari fell back onto the bed. Amaya reached for the hem of Zari’s shirt, pulling it over her head. She tossed it aside and reached down to pull her own top off, having forgone a bra, Amaya was half nude sitting in her lap. Zari’s breath hitched as she took in the sight of Amaya’s breasts. Beautifully round with perked nipples, Zari reached out to trace the bones of Amaya’s chest. Tracing the little scar on Amaya’s breastbone all the way down to her waist and her small belly button that was as cute as she was. Amaya had always been fit and toned as she worked out regularly. Suddenly, Zari felt self conscious about the stomach fat that she carried, mostly from all the donuts she ate.
Zari looked up to see that Amaya was just as much in awe of her as Zari was. Amaya leaned down and let her lips trace their way across Zari’s skin. She gently pressed kisses to her collarbone and her breast, gently taking them into her mouth and lightly sucking each nipple until it was hard. When she pulled away, cold air on her wet nipples made Zari shiver. Amaya continued to trace her body with her lips. Going down her abdomen, brushing against her navel and continuing to her waistband, where Amaya once again stopped and looked up at Zari for permission.
Zari nodded and Amaya carefully slipped her fingers under the hem of Zari’s pants, pulling them down. Amaya had them off quicker than Zari realized she would and she was soon sitting in between Zari’s knees. Amaya held her calves as she looked up at her again and Zari breathed heavily as she carefully parted her knees. Amaya gasped at the sight of Zari’s wet folds, and smiled brightly, gently placing a kiss to her pubic bone at the top of her folds. 
Zari leaned her head back as Amaya licked her way down, spreading Zari’s hairy folds to make room for her tongue as she gently lapped her up. Amaya had quite the talented tongue. Slowly licking Zari’s clit in gentle, slow, and steady strokes. She slowly worked her up and up, she took two fingers and gently explored Zari’s opening. Amaya glanced up at her as Zari nodded eagerly before Amaya slid the fingers inside her. Zari began to gently roll her hips as Amaya continued with her steady pace.
“I’m, I’m so close,” Zari panted.
Amaya continued with her pace, slowly working her over. Zari’s breathing became erratic and she could feel herself clinch up before her pleasure came to a head. Zari came, spilled over with a gush of warm fluid onto Amaya’s tongue. 
Zari withered on the bed as Amaya licked her through it. Amaya pulled back and wiped her chin, which was dripping with Zari’s fluids, on the back of her hand. Zari reached down and pulled her up until she was sitting on her lap as they both fiddled with the waistband of Amaya’s pants.
It wasn't exactly the best position, Zari couldn't just pull her pants down and instead, Amaya pulled back, taking her pants off before going back to sit on Zari’s lap. 
“What do you want?” Zari asked, looking up at Amaya, her hands firm on her waist.
Amaya smiled and guided her fingers to her wet folds, taking Zari’s fingers and pushing them to her labia, parting her pubic hair and finding her vulva. Amaya lifting up her hips. 
“I want to ride your fingers.”
How could Zari say no to that? Zari pushed two fingers into Amaya and stroked her clit with her thumb. Amaya's vagina was soft and warm as Zari stroked her vaginal walls. Amaya began to set a gentle pace as she rocked on Zari’s fingers. As she went up and down Zari thrust in and out in time with her hips. With her other hand, Zari gripped Amaya's hips, holding them in place as she thrust into her. 
Amaya moaned and clenched around her fingers, getting wetter and wetter as Zari’s ministrations continued. She brought her fingers out and Amaya whined, chasing her with her hips as Zari circled two fingers around her clit, teasing her. Amaya opened her eyes to see the smirk on Zari's face. Amaya moved her hands to the base of Zari’s neck and tangled them in her hair as she pulled her forward into a kiss. 
Zari forgot to breathe as Amaya kissed her. She continued the circle with her fingers around Amaya’s clit and brought her other hand down to push two fingers back inside of her. Amaya broke off their kiss with a moan and she settled her head on Zari’s shoulder. Zari quickened her pace, she could tell from Amaya's breathing that she must be close.
Amaya whined the closer she got to coming, catching her breath as Zari filled her with a particularly strong thrust of her fingers, as she groaned into Zari’s shoulder. Amaya came with a long and heavy sigh, as she clenched around Zari's fingers and a flood of fluids rushed over Zari's hand. Amaya came down from her orgasm, sitting on Zari’s lap. As Zari pulled her fingers away, Amaya untangled her hands from Zari’s hair and pulled her into a hug. Amaya gently kissed from her shoulder up her neck to her lips, before settling her head back on Zari's shoulder as they both settled into the afterglow. 
They both settled on the bed and Zari turned to watch her as Amaya smiled. Zari loved that smile and more so that Amaya hadn't stopped smiling since they got married. She was so happy, happy to be safe, happy to be here with Amaya. She didn't know how, but eventually, they both drifted off to sleep in each other's arms for the first time of many nights to come.
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addictofsupernatural ¡ 4 years
Emotions (pt. 3)
Billy Hargrove x reader
Summary: Billy helps y/n make a list of what she needs to do and learn in her life.
Word Count: 2305
Chapter 1 • Series Masterlist • Chapter 4
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"So what are we gonna do next?"
"I don't know. There's a lot of things that I've never done." You said. You both decided that he would come over tomorrow. After the call ended you buried your face in a pillow from excitement. Your face was hot and you couldn't stop smiling. You don't fully understand this feeling; it's one that you've never had before, but you love it.
The next day you heard a knock on the door and practically flew to it. You opened it with a big smile on your face, but your smile quickly faded as you saw a bruise on Billy's jawline. You reached for it, Billy looking down and watching you. "Billy, are you okay?"
He put his hand over yours as you gently grazed the purple patch of skin. "Course doll. Can I come in?"
You sadly smiled and nodded, although not too convinced that Billy was okay. He came in and looked around. It was small and old, but also cozy and had a home feeling to it. You both passed El's room, seeing her make out with some kid. You looked at Billy mischievously before kicking the door, causing the kid to shoot up and hit his shin on the bed. "Not cool five!"
You snickered as Billy tried his best to contain his laughter. That kid's face was just too priceless. You both get to your room and leave the door a crack open. You then get out a piece of paper and a pen, writing down all that Billy insists you have to experience. You were both laughing together when Hopper opened the door. "Hey. Just uh, checking in. Making sure everything's okay." He said, then muttering, "Y'know, keeping it PG and all."
Mike then passed by Hopper, stopping right behind him. You saw the time, and knew Mike would have Hopper take him home right about now. "I don't know Hopper, I think you might have to be careful. Billy Hargrove is the town's bad boy."
You stared at Mike, wide eyed. You then looked at Hopper and smiled. "That's strange, because his tongue has been in his mouth the whole time he's been here, but I can't say the same for Mike. Isn't that just the strangest thing?"
Billy bit his lip to hide his smile, although failing miserably. Mike had his mouth hanging open as Hopper gripped him by his shirt and dragged him out the door. "Y'know, for a sweet little thing like yourself, you got a wicked mouth on you doll."
You looked at him, uneasy. "Is that a bad thing?"
"Hell no. It's badass." You beamed and giggled, scooted closer to him. "Alright, now we gotta do all the things on this list."
You both agreed on what to do that day, leaving a note and grabbing the things you needed. You said goodbye to El and went to the car. Before Billy could start the car, you put a hand over his. "Um, I try to be honest with you about my life." You two stared at each other for a moment, before you gently ran your hand over the bruise on his jaw. "Friends don't lie."
He stared into your eyes, and though he didn't know why, he felt safe to talk to you about this. Friends don't lie. Billy couldn't recall if he actually had a real friend then. "Just a small fight with my old man, that's all." He muttered. "Saw Damien on my bed and called me a fag. He tried to throw it away and I wouldn't let him."
You took your hand away and stared at him with sad eyes. "This is my fault." You stated.
"Sweetheart no." He grabbed your hand, kissing your palm and settling it on his cheek. "I chose to fight him. That's on me. From now on I'm gonna hide him in my room. Right now I just wanna have a nice day with my favorite girl, okay?"
You gave him a small smile at the compliment and nodded. As Billy drove you quietly said, "Hey Billy," He nodded his head to show he was listening. "I think you're my favorite guy."
He flashed you a big charming smile. "Think, huh?" You giggled.
You looked down at yourself, uncomfortable. You weren't used to showing this much skin, and you certainly weren't used to wearing something without anything under. You stepped out of the Hawkins pool locker room and timidly walked towards Billy. "Maybe we shouldn't do this. I feel people staring at me."
Billy turned around after getting two towels to look at you, and he wasn't prepared for what he saw. You had your hair up in a high pony tail, letting him be able to see your face clearly. Your cheeks were flushed and your eyes sparkled in the sun. You were hugging your body, in a one piece that was snug in all the right places.
"Well would you look at that?" He leaned against the counter, smirking as he looked you over again. "Aren't you just the prettiest thing? People are staring because of how great you look. Lucky me, I got to you before anyone else could snag you."
You bashfully looked down and smiled. Billy took your hand and led you to a pool chair where he sat you down and applied sunblock on you. As he did this, he listened to you babble on about how you almost went to a pool with El's friends before but then canceled because something happened with El that led to a lot of bad stuff that you didn't elaborate on.
"So you don't know how to swim then?" Billy asked. You shook your head. "All done. C'mon, you're gonna learn today."
You both went into the water, and Billy had you hook your arms around his neck while he swam to the deep end. At first you were nervous and didn't want to let go, but Billy insisted that it was okay and that he had you.
You got the hang of it fairly quickly, and the two of you were enjoying yourselves at the pool. A group of moms were glaring at you, and you caught bits and pieces of what they were saying.
You could hear their snickering. You suddenly felt weird about your yourself. It was a new feeling, and it made you want to hide yourself from everyone. You suddenly felt a pair of hands under water bring you to Billy's muscular chest. "Don't pay attention to them." He murmured. "They ain't got nothing better to do."
You hung out at the pool for about another hour before you both went back to your home. He then told you that there was a party tonight, which was also on your list. Later on as you got ready, Billy called you with a gruffy sounding voice. You heard yelling in the background. He asked to come over, and you said yes.
About ten minutes later you heard a knock at the door and opened it. Billy had a leather jacket on and a dark red button down shirt with a few buttons undone. He looked down at your outfit, with your red skirt and cropped white long sleeved shirt. It looked perfect and adorable on you. "Billy!" You hugged him. "Are you okay?"
He looked down at you and smiled. "Yeah, just my old man again. Don't worry about it."
You frowned. "That won't stop me from worrying. But come in, I made food for Hopper and El." As he stepped inside your house, he couldn't help but feel warmer. This house had warmth in it, the type of warmth that Billy's house could never have. Billy was pulled out of his thoughts as you gently grabbed his arm, coming closer to him. "Um, I think you should know that we're a bit strange. And El is a little shy."
He nodded, completely understanding. You didn't want him to be offended if your little sister was not as instantly warm as you. You called out that dinner was ready and served yourself. The other two came out of their rooms to serve themselves, all while staring at Billy. "You can serve yourself too." You smiled as you handed him an empty plate. You made meatloaf with mashed potatoes and red rice.
Hopper took out another small table and pushed it with the one that was already there, pulling up a chair as well. You and Billy sat on one side while Hopper and El sat on the other. When they weren't looking, Billy buttoned up his shirt some more. "It's nice to meet you both." Billy said politely, knowing how to act in front of others. He's had practice.
"Yeah, you too." Hopper forced out.
The conversation was not going anywhere, so you stepped in. "El, Billy's from California." Eleven had a map of the country in her room, secretly wishing she could go travel somewhere other than Hawkins.
She looked up, interested. "Ocean?"
Billy nodded. "Lots of ocean."
Billy flashed a grin. "Real pretty, sunshine." Eleven smiled.
You stared at your plate and smiled. El liked him. Hopper couldn't help but feel less tense at the way Billy was making an effort to make them like him. He began to tell El about the times he's gone to the beach with his old friends.
Everybody at the table enjoyed what Billy was saying. The one who enjoyed this the most was Billy. He's never had this. He's never had a nice dinner, where everyone talks to each other comfortably. It's always quiet, with Susan going on and on about her day. He felt wanted here. And the food was actually fucking good.
After everyone was finished you began to wash the dishes. As you did, Hopper took Billy aside. "So, um, I just wanted to let you know that I'm trusting you with my daughter, and that's kind of a big deal."
Billy felt a twinge of pride. "Thank you sir."
"Just, uh, be back by 10, and," Hopper scratched the back of his head, worried about entrusting his daughter's safety to someone else. "Keep her safe."
Billy nodded. "I will sir."
You slipped on your shoes and told Billy that you were ready to go. As the two of you walked outside and to his car, Hopper and El came out. "Bye Billy." El said, waving with a small smile.
"Bye sunshine." Her smile grew a bit wider.
When you got to the house Billy took your hand and led you inside. He then got the two of you drinks. You took a swig, wincing. "This tastes horrible."
Billy nodded, chuckling. "It's for the effect, not the taste. I'll get you something a little less grown up." You understood the joking mannerism in his voice, and gently pushed his shoulder with a smile before letting him go off again.
As you waited you felt a heavy hand on your shoulder. You turned around and saw an unfamiliar drunk face. "Hey, what are you doing by yourself?" He slurred.
"Um, waiting for Billy to come back." You said wearily. You considered using your powers to knock him out. You knew you shouldn't use it in a public place, but you had a bad feeling about him.
"Billy Hargrove?" He took a step forward, to which you took a step back. "What are you doing with him?"
"He's good company." You said in a monotone voice. He kept on walking towards you.
"I bet I can be better company sweetheart."
You backed up into a hard chest. You turned around to see Billy, drinks in hands and staring straight at the drunk teenager. "You don't get to call her that."
"Get behind me y/n." He didn't take his eyes off the guy, handing the drinks to you and stepping forward.
"You think you're the shit, huh California? You think you could just steal all the bitches, huh?"
Billy wiped his mouth, pointing at him. "What the hell did you just call her?"
You quickly set the drinks down on the counter and stepped in between the two. "Forget about it, please. It's my first party, remember?" You smiled and wrapped your arms around his neck. "Let's dance."
He glanced at the drunken teen before looking back at you. He stared at you for a moment before chuckling. "Whatever you want doll."
The two of you left the frustrated, drunk teenager and went to the living room, where he pressed your body to his, putting his hands to your hips as you rested your head on his chest.
"You should be more careful." He said after a moment of silence.
You lifted your head. "I know. But I'll have you, so I'm not worry." He happily looked down at you, making a mental note to kick the crap out of that guy another day.
After you danced you two talked to other people, Billy snatching you every time a guy got too friendly. Later you told him that you wanted to go, and so the two of you drove off, you telling him which way to go.
You parked in a field, where there was a pond on the other end. "Is this the part where something bad happens?" Billy joked.
You smiled and shook your head, looking out at the view. "When I escaped with El, we found this place, and just sat down to take in everything." You got out of the car and opened up his car door, grabbing his hand and leading him into the field, sitting down with him.
The two of you were sitting together, just talking about random things. He told you that he'd never had a trust worthy friend before, and you told him that you've never been around someone who was so focused on you. You both taught each other on this day that this was what having a true friend felt like.
Tag List:
@roxytheimmortal @shane-isa-shame @actuallyazriel @tanovic54321 @chipster-21 @jula-bear
265 notes ¡ View notes
hateswifi ¡ 4 years
Rising from the Ashes: Of Nette and Friends
So this is Part Twelve here is to my Master List and Part Eleven.
In April, she picked up her friends to show them her apartment and around, Gotham with the help of Damian.
"I don't understand why we have to pick them up," Damian grumbled, walking into her apartment. 
"Oh come on," Marinette pleads, holding onto his arm. "I haven't seen them since the Chinese New Year and look on the bright side, no disguises."
"Only for you, Angel," he says, placing a firm kiss on her lips.
"Let's go! Chloe is expecting us!" She says, opening the portal. They walk through together hand in hand into Chloe's room where all her friends stood. When she saw them, she broke away from her boyfriend to hug her friends. "Guys! I missed you so much!" 
"I've missed you too Marinette," Adrien said everyone nodding in agreement.
"You all remember my boyfriend, Damian," She said, breaking the hug.
"Of course we remember Damiboo," Chloe says, mimicking Lila's obnoxious voice. Damien groaned, remembering the sausage haired girl.
They had been walking to the hotel because they were staying at Master Fu's house when Lila approached them. 
"Oh my gosh, Ann? It's so nice to see you again. Who is this handsome man?" Lila cooed, wrapping her hands around his arm.
"Hi, Lila, this is my boyfriend," Ann paused, thinking about the name that Damian had chosen then continued speaking in her practiced British accent. "Thomas."
"Hi Thomas," Lila said, attempting to be seductive. 
"Sorry, Lila, but we were going to visit my friends. Thomas is meeting them for the first time today! Bye," She said through gritted teeth as they rushed off.
"That's the girl that made your life a living hell?" Damian asks, rubbing her shoulder, Marinette responds with a nod. "She's as fake as your wig." Marinette laughs, snuggling closer into his embrace. "I'm happy you had your family to help you when I wasn't there to help you," he says, kissing her head.
They walk into the hotel to pick up Chloe, who was waiting in the lobby. They greet each other, and then they go to pick up Adrien and Kagami from their Chinese lessons. After they greet each other, they go pick up Luka from his practice with Uncle Jagged, well just Jagged now.
"Thank you, everyone, for taking care of my Angel when I couldn't," Damian says, sincerely. "Especially you Luka," he said, putting a hand on Luka’s shoulder. "You saved her life during the last stand, thank you. I'm forever indebted."
"I was doing my job by protecting my partners and best friend," Luka said. "I would do anything to protect my family."
"No, seriously, thank you," Damian said, giving Luka an awkward hug because Damian isn't good at showing emotions. 
"That was a terrible day," Marinette shuddered, remembering how Lila shamelessly attempted to flirt with Damian.
"Good thing homicide is illegal or she would be gone," Damian snickers. That earned him an elbow in the side.
"You guys ready to see Gotham," Marinette asks, grabbing one of Chloe's bags.
"I'm excited, I think I'll have some great inspiration in Gotham and hanging out with you all," Luka explains, putting his guitar on his back,
"Are we going to the manor?" Marinette asks, turning to her prince.
"Yes, Alfred already has the rooms set up, Adrien are you and Kagami sharing a room? We have other rooms if you don't want to," Damian explains.
"One room would be fine," Kagami said, grabbing Adrien's hand.
"Actually," Luka says, taking Chloe's hand. "We've been dating for a while. We didn't want to tell you guys because Chloe wanted to tell her parents before we told anyone else." A chorus of congratulations follows the announcement. "Would we be able to share a room?" Luka asks.
"Of course I'll let Pennyworth know," Damian said, texting Alfred.
"Let them know we're coming so we won't scare them like last time," Marinette asks, picturing the manor then opening the portal.
"Yes, now let's go," he says, grabbing her hand then walking into the portal. The rest of her friends following. They enter the main entrance of the manor. 
"Welcome back Miss Marinette, Master Damian. Welcome for the first time, Miss Chloe, Miss Kagami, Master Luka, and Master Adrien, the rest of the Young Masters are excited to meet Miss Marinette's family," Alfred greet. "Now if you would follow me I'll show you to your rooms." 
There was screaming coming from the parlor. "Sunshine!" came Dick's distinct scream.
"Pixi-Pop where are your friends? I want to meet them!" Jason's scream. 
"Guys let them unpack," Tim explained, as Dick and Jason burst through a set of doors. They ran up and squished her a bone-crushing hug.
"Guys! I... I can't breathe," Marinette said, trying to wiggle out of their firm grasp. 
"Sorry Mari," they say, letting her go, Dick turns to them with a smirk. "Can we see your kwamis please!?" All the kwamis, including Tikki and Kaalki, came out of hiding. 
"Don't worry you guys are free to be out in the open here," Marinette said, looking at all the gods.
"We already stocked up on the food your kwamis eat," Damian said, wrapping an arm around Marinette's shoulder.
"Alright let me show you to your room," Alfred said, walking down the hall pointing out the rooms as they walked passed.
"Sunshine, I'm so happy you're staying this week!" Dick says when Marinette's friends were dropping their stuff in their room.
"Well, I still have to work this week, Diana said there are commissions that need to be done, but she said that I would be able to get off early due to them being here," Marinette said.
"That makes sense," Dick said, her friends were starting to emerge from their rooms. They decided to go out for lunch at the first restaurant that Damian had taken her to. They spend the week in laughter and come back from April break with Gotham heroes' merch, and Nette originals. There was a picture of all of them wearing Nette originals with Nette in the picture wearing the only Robin hoodie she’s ever made. They were all facing the edge of the building looking at the sun setting. Most of the class was jealous due to Nette's popularity growing around the world, especially since Luka, Chloe, Kagami, and Adrien posted pictures of them wearing Nette originals.  Adrien being popular for modeling still, Luka, after being dropped by Kitty Section due to Lila's lies, started a solo career later joined by Chloe with her singing, Adrien on piano, and Kagami being on drums, as an act of rebellion towards her mother, and fencing for Kagami as well. The group named, 4 Outlaws, have recorded a couple of songs and might do a small tour over summer break.
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abbybubbls ¡ 4 years
A Character Study of Actor Mark (and others)
This is something I’ve had in my mind for quite a while. Since everybody’s going on a late Actor Mark craze lately, I’ve noticed that some people have been forgetting that Actor Mark is... well... an asshole. I won’t name any names, just know that I have no ill will towards people who view him differently, they can do whatever they want with their favorite characters, I just wanna go on a bit of a tangent, so... here we go.
Also, you’re gonna have to create a “flaw” counter because I use the word a LOT here.
Let’s get this out of the way; Actor Mark is flawed. Seriously flawed. He’s egotistical, he’s selfish, he only cares about notoriety, he’s a megalomaniac at best. And some people would assume that the Actor has been innocent before the Mansion messed him up after Celine left him, but... not really.
The Mansion pointed out the Actor’s flaws for a long time, and made those flaws more apparent when he was at his highest and lowest points in his life, making him more of an asshole within these moments. It wasn’t towards JUST the Actor though. It’d be towards William (eccentric, being too much of a hopeless romantic), Celine (using people, overprotective, short temper) and yes, even our innocent angel baby Damien himself (confusion, mostly). Almost every character in this series has flaws, but of course, the Actor is most apparent, even when we don’t see him that much.
Then again, the Actor is that kind of character you can guess what he’s like RIGHT when you look at him at first glance. Rich, has a big ego, arrogant, keeps secrets, etc.
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I mean... the Actor was ALWAYS like this, it’s just that it’s more pointed out and apparent when there are defining moments in his life. He’s an asshole!
I’m not saying that the Actor is an asshole ALL the time, though. I’m pretty sure he’s had his moments of doing good, but... not a whole lot has been seen of him doing any good at all. We only hear that he’s helped Damien become a mayor, he gave up everything (maybe a bit too much) for Celine when they were married, “reaching out” to William while hiding his spite... and that’s really it. I mean... he gave Abe a job, too... I guess... 4 good deeds the Actor has done! Yaaaayyy...?
Anyway, what I’m getting at is that Mark (not Actor Mark, our boy the man of the hour Mark Fischbach himself) said that he doesn’t believe in 100% good flawless people. Almost every character he’s played and created have things wrong with them.
Let’s use our boy Wilford Warfstache as an example.
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Wilford is playful, colorful, excited, curious, and is in constant need of looking for adventure and fun. But he is also very trigger-happy, easily distracted, violent, VERY forgetful, he selfishly runs away from his responsibilities (hence him blowing “BUBBLES!” in the GIF above), and he’s so traumatized and out of touch with reality that he just makes his own as he goes with no worries whatsoever.
Now, Wilford has been my most favorite Ego for a LONG time, and as much as I love portraying him as a cute soft playful idiot, I never forget that he does have a lot of things wrong with him, so I don’t make him too innocent and naive. He’s too far gone to even try and turn back to the way he was, and I absolutely LOVE that concept, and I think it fits very well with somebody like Wilford. His backstory and his problems and are what make me love him so much because he’s such a fun but complex character.
There is a degree as to how many problems that the character has and to see if that character really is a good person or not. There is always this middle ground between the black and white, there’s the morally gray area. You can create a grid of white, gray, and black, and list every Ego with ALL of the flaws that each of them have, and you can put them in whatever area depending on which one has the most problems. And of course, Actor Mark has a lot of them.
The Actor does have every right to be upset that Celine left him for William, but never to the point where he wants revenge on them. The Actor is too prideful and so up his own ass that the Mansion made his flaws more apparent than ever for YEARS, and he’s so spiteful and CONVINCED that he deserves to be more happy than anybody else that (justifiably?) did him wrong.
This is when some people assume that the Actor is the victim, and I don’t agree with them at all, but I can see where they’re coming from. The Actor became depressed that Celine left him, he was all by himself in the Mansion losing his mind, and he can be a very sympathetic character. And yes, when you look through his perspective, you can see why he’s so upset to the point of taking revenge on William for “stealing” Celine away from him, when really Celine probably had every right to leave the Actor for William anyway. She did say that she was never comfortable in the Mansion, and she was probably used by the Actor just for attention.
I’m not saying that it was a great decision for Celine to leave without saying anything. I mean, she could have just said she wanted a divorce because she felt uncomfortable with her surroundings and liked William much more, and if the Actor wouldn’t be so spiteful, he’d let her go. But of course, that doesn’t happen, so all my hopes and dreams for a nicer ending are crushed (I’m just kidding, I ADORE the ending we’ve gotten).
Where was I? Oh yeah, people thinking that the Actor is the victim... The more that I think about it... he’s really not. He brought it upon himself to be spiteful and brought misery to his friends instead of trying to move on from it. Sure, he doesn’t have to forgive them, but he should have at least tried to move on.
There is this VERY important statement that Mark has mentioned during his DAMIEN Explanation stream that most people seem to forget: The Actor never apologized for his actions once.
Let’s go back to our boy Warfy for a sec.
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In Wilford ‘MOTHERLOVING’ Warfstache, even though Wilford may not remember a whole lot of Abe, he knows that he might have done something wrong to him, and apologizes wholeheartedly (with a squeak hug and everything)! He admits that he’s done some bad things even though he doesn’t remember them, or even know that he’s done them at all. He apologizes and is willing to move on from his previous mistakes, though of course he might know he’ll make more down the road.
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In DAMIEN, the Actor is so far up his own ass that he doesn’t think all the horrible things he’s done to Damien, Celine, and Will are even that horrible. He’s thinking that his actions are somehow justifiable because of his tragic backstory, thinking he’s the hero. “My humble upbringing, my tragic backstory... There’s no other role for me to play!”
The Actor SAYS he’s come to Damien to apologize, but he doesn’t say sorry once. He never says “I’m sorry for what you had to go through” or “Yeah I might have gone a bit too far with you” or anything that would even remotely count as an apology. He only says “Things weren’t according to plan, some mistakes were made, it was supposed to go like this but then I found another way around it”.
He’s more focused on his own plan more than what happened to his friends DURING the plan. The Actor is SO convinced that he is the hero of his story that he NEVER admits that he is in the wrong of what he’s done to Damien and Celine, but he says he’s willing to move on from the past... when he’s really not.
He loses his temper very quickly whenever he mentions the past and he keeps snapping at Damien. When he “casts” Damien as the main villain of his story (even though Damien has done absolutely NOTHING against him besides not agreeing that he was good enough for Celine), Damien refuses and wants to live in peace, and then the Actor gets pissed off more, practically forcing Damien into the role of a villain.
You know who admitted that they’re wrong?
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A LOT of people have had mixed feelings about Celine ever since her debut. Even I wasn’t so sure if I liked her when I first saw her. Nothing like some decent writing and character development can’t fix!
Mark has stated that in Who Killed Markiplier?, Celine had no real clear motivation than just “controlling people” and “doing seer things”, so he wanted to do more with her in DAMIEN.
Here’s some stuff we now know more about Celine;
1. She is overprotective towards Damien, and wants him to be safe within the body they both are forced to share.
2. She is Damien’s twin sister (ten minutes older)!
3. She REALLY wants the Actor dead after what he’s done to her and Damien.
4. She is a badass queen and has GREAT aim with her ax.
5. Her survival skills are to the max.
6. Her kickassery cannot be contained.
7. She has used people to protect herself and her brother... and admits it.
I am not saying that manipulation is a good thing, I myself am very gullible and I don’t like being used just to feel idiotic in the end. But of course, when you look into Celine’s perspective, you can see that she has controlled people for a very good reason, even though Damien is literally the same age as her and can take care of himself... but she wants to keep him safe anyway. Celine admits this in her lowest point, Damien lets her sleep after all that she’s done for him.
Here is the way I see it; If you don’t honestly and truly admit that you are in the wrong and don’t take responsibility for your actions, then you are not ready to move on from your past mistakes.
Just like everybody, we all make mistakes, and it’s our responsibility to make sure we can evolve from these mistakes instead of ignoring them or focusing too much on them at the same time.
Wilford is ignoring his mistakes entirely, but he still apologizes anyway without taking full responsibility for his actions and lets somebody else do it for him.
Celine does a good mix of both ignoring and focusing a lot on her mistakes, admitting that she is wrong and tries to take responsibility for it by letting Damien take the wheel.
Actor Mark, as well as Wilford, is ignoring his mistakes like mad, but doesn’t apologize at all.
And this is why I love the Actor as a character. I know, right? I’ve talked in SO MUCH detail about how and why the Actor is a horrible person and I just said I love him as a character! Well, much like Wilford, I have a strong adoration for characters that are ridiculously flawed, and we go deep into their pasts to find out why they’re the way they are.
Actor Mark really is the embodiment of a vengeful tragedy, and his entire character is so complex and interesting to look into...
and now people are treating him like an uwu soft angel boy, but this trend is gonna end soon, I’m sure. Not the love of the Actor, but the uwu soft angel boy part of the trend because... he’s not that at all.
Anyway, Actor Mark is not the hero, he’s an irredeemable douche bag, and I love him anyway. Let me know if there’s any more details about him that I’ve missed!
- Abby
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damien-ward ¡ 4 years
The Daughter of the Investigator
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A hand raked through black strands of hair to brush them from her face while Vivienne stood on the deck of the ship docked in Booty Bay. Staring out over the port she let out a sigh while she enjoyed the slight breeze that blew through the air, it made the humidity bearable as she watched the denizens of Booty Bay go about their business. Her mind in a fog from her urge to hunt and desire to run.
“Mommy, mommy! Come here! Look!” Came the sudden squeal from behind the Gilnean woman causing her to look over her shoulder at the tiny girl across the deck, her daughter Celina, jumping up and down beside a dwarf. She was no older than five and her hair was dark as night just like Vivienne’s only much more wavy, something the woman chalked up to being from the girl’s father. Just like her eyes. There was never any doubt who the father was, Vivienne knew, but if there had been she would have quickly figured it out just based on the girl’s eyes, she had only seen those blue eyes on one other person and that was Damien the night they were together.  
A smile crept onto Vivienne’s face as she watched her daughter jump around all excited, Celina loved watching Bornir, the dwarf beside her, fish and see what he could catch while they were out at sea. Brown eyes stared at the girl for a moment as she cherished the moment, seeing Celina happy brought a warmth to Vivienne’s heart that she never would have imagined before the young child came into the world. But now? She would do anything to protect her daughter and make sure she was happy.
“Come on ye son of a mongrel!” Bornir said loudly as pulled on a fishing line, he had clearly caught something of note. He was the ship’s cook and excelled at fishing, however he grunted and made all kinds of exaggerated noises in what seemed like a bit of a show to amuse little Celina. It worked. She giggled and laughed at the man’s heaving and hoeing as he reeled in the fish over the side of the ship. Plopping it on the deck he bellowed out a hearty laugh before lifting it up to show off.
“It’s so big, look mama!” She pointed enthusiastically at the fish wiggling in Bornir’s grip.
Vivienne made her way over to the two of them and squatted down wrapping one arm around her daughter, “Wow, that is a big fish isn’t it?” She spoke in an excited tone, her Gilnean accent very thick, looking between Celina and the fish.  
“Want to hold it, lass?” The dwarf asked extending his arm out to move the fish closer to the small child.
“No!” she recoiled in response and giggled, “It looks slimey.”
Both Vivienne and Bornir laughed at her reaction before the latter brought his arm back to his side and he smiled, “Well I am going to get to cleaning this here fish so we have something for dinner. Ye can come watch if ye want to.” With that Bornir nodded before he took his leave and headed down into the hull of the ship where he prepared all the food. As he was walking toward the inner parts of the ship passing him was a Night Elf, another one of the crew members, Faldron, carrying a barrel on his shoulder. The dwarf waved the fish in the Kaldorei’s direction as he passed, likely showing it off, causing the night elf to give him a pat on the shoulder.
Faldron walked out onto the deck and set down the barrel, as soon as Celina saw him a giant grin spread across her face and she sprinted towards the elf, “Faldron!” She yelled happily and upon reaching him wrapped her arms around his calf as the elf towered over her.
The night elf leaned down to pick up the small child, his long green hair falling over his face while he did so, lifting her up he smiled through his short clipped beard, “What has you so excited this afternoon, little one?” Faldron spoke in his deep, calming voice as he held her with one arm letting her wrap her arms around his neck.
“I helped Bornir catch a fish.” She said proudly.
“You did? Do we have a future professional fisherwoman in the making? Perhaps the best in all Azeroth?” His tone was playful.
“Maybe.” Celina grinned and looked down embarrassed as her cheeks turned red.
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Vivienne then made her way over to the two of them and smiled while she began tickling Celina’s stomach making her laugh before she looked up at Faldron, “Syrana still asleep?”
“She is. You know her, she still holds to the nocturnal lifestyle of our people. She should be up in a few hours or so.” While he talked Celina ran a hand through his beard making the elf laugh. He then lowered her back down to the ground, “All right little one I have to get back to work bringing these barrels up to the deck.”
Celina pouted and crossed her arms while she looked up at him, but once he pat her head she began smiling.
“Hey, sweetie?” Vivienne knelt down once more, “Why don’t you go see how far along Bornir is? I need to talk with Uncle Faldron for a minute.” 
“Okay.” She said enthusiastically before stepping closer to kiss her mother on the cheek and then turning to run and find Bornir in the ships interior.
Vivienne watched her until she went out of sight and then stood and looked at Faldron, who had a confused expression on his face as to what she needed to talk about. “I just wanted to check with you and make sure you and Syrana were still okay with watching Celina in the next day or so, you know what with the full moon and all.” She briefly gestured up at the sky.
“Oh, of course. You never need worry about that, Syrana and I love watching over little Celina. She enjoys when we tell her stories of our people and how we used live back in Kalimdor, especially Syrana’s tales as a Sentinel, and she asks so many questions. She is a gift from Elune.”
His last comment brought a bright smile to Vivienne’s face, it gave her great comfort knowing how much Faldron and Syrana cared for Celina, she knew they did after all these years but it still comforted her now. After all they were practically like family to her, like her aunt and uncle, just as everyone else in the crew was. They all treated her as family ever since she was born.
“Thank you. I am eternally grateful to you two... You know I get on full moons, and I am just not ready for her to find out what I am yet.” While the full moon didn’t directly force Vivienne into her lupine form she had discovered that during this particular phase that she had the strongest urge to transform. To run free and hunt. And she didn’t want to give in to the urge and change in front of her daughter. “I don’t want my own daughter afraid of me.”
“I understand completely. One day when she is older you can tell her, but for now we are more than happy to watch over her for you.” His voice calming as usual and he gave her a smile. “Now I need to get those barrels up here or we won’t have anything to trade while we are here.”
“I’ll let you get back to it then. I am going to go check on Celina and make sure she is staying out of trouble with Bornir, then I will come help you carry some of the barrels, you look like you could use a help.” She nudged his arm playfully and he shook his head in unamusement. The two then headed into the interior of ship.
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alj4890 ¡ 4 years
Kiss/Love Prompts
(Maxwell Beaumont x Nadia Park) with the prompt: A gentle kiss that quickly descends into passion, with little regard for what’s going on around them as requested by Anonymous. (Thomas Hunt x oc*Amanda) with the prompt: Staring at each other’s lips for a moment before moving closer, as if drawn together by some unseen force also requested by Anonymous. And the prompt: "I shouldn't be here." As requested by @krsnlove​
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(Maxwell x Nadia) (Thomas x Amanda) in a The Royal Heir/Red Carpet Diaries/Perfect Match crossover Fan Fiction
@lxaah11​   @alleksa16​   @penguininapinktuxedo​   @blackcoffee85​   @stopforamoment​     @hopelessromantic1352​     @krsnlove​     @annekebbphotography​        @hopelessromantic1352​   . @sunflowergirl05​   @desireepow-1986​  @greywitchyshots​   @lilyofchoices @moodyvalentinestories​  @emceesynonymroll   @my-heart-beats-for-ya @aworldoffandoms   @ab1901     @lolablackwrites     @flyawayboo   @i-bloody-love-drake-walker   . @trappedinfandoms   @kate-mckenzie
A/N This isn’t a part of any particular AU, but the idea came to me while listening to one of my playlists and somehow this storyline came about, LOL. It will be a short miniseries because somehow it blossomed in size the more I went into it. I changed Nadia’s problems with Eros for this and made her and Rachel Hunt old college roommates. Without further ado, let's see if Thomas Hunt's sister, Rachel, knows what she is doing when she sets him up on a blind date. Maxwell also plans his hand at matchmaking once more. He was awfully successful with Riley and Liam. And what are plans without a few troublemakers in the mix?
Song: In My Dreams
part 2
A Not So Perfect Match (Part 1)
Upper East Side, New York, Friday the 12th...
"Rachel!" Nadia squealed before squeezing her surprise visitor in a tight hug. 
"I've missed you too." Rachel patted her back. Her eyes widened at the top of her old friend’s once striking, jet black hair. “You colored your hair?!”
“Yeah.” Nadia pushed her now caramel hair back over her shoulders. “I needed a change.” Her brow furrowed with this unexpected visit. "What are you doing in New York?" 
"I came to check on you." She replied. “You didn’t sound right when we last talked.” 
The petite artist teared up some at the sweet gesture. "You shouldn't have come all this way. I'm fine."
"Nadia." Rachel grasped her friend's shoulders. "I lived with you for four years in college. I think after you comforted me during my crying jag over that moron, Nelson, who stood me up our freshman year, we are way past having to fake being fine."
Nadia's overly bright smile dimmed. "Thank God. I didn't think I could continue acting happy." Her eyebrows drew together with worry. "Not that I'm not thrilled to see you again, it's just..." She took a deep breath. "It's just that I'm tired."
Rachel waited silently for her to elaborate.
Nadia groaned, thoroughly disgusted with herself. "I know when we last talked, I told you about the Eros debacle."
"Yes." Rachel moved her hand in an impatient motion to get her to continue.
"Well, ever since Damien found out the dating service was actually for people who wanted to cheat on their significant others and that it had someone perfectly matched for me, I have been too scared to try dating again.."
"Because!" Nadia practically exploded off the couch. "Each guy I think is the one turns out to be my worst nightmare. They either cheat, or stalk me, or take my left shoes, or--"
"Whoa. Back up. Who took your left shoes?!" Rachel glanced down at her own footwear, wondering why a man would do such a thing.
"Evan." Nadia reminded her. "Remember? Junior year, he broke into our room and took two left shoes from my closet."
Rachel's eyes narrowed as she thought back. "I completely forgot about that."
"I wish I could." Nadia tilted her head for her friend to follow. "I've recently made a study of my bad boyfriends."
She led her into the second bedroom of her apartment. There was a large rolling bulletin board covered in pictures of various men. Multicolored strands of yarn went from one ex to another.
"Wow." Rachel stepped forward and read the notes written in glitter gel pens and such her friend had posted with each one. "Nadia, perhaps--"
"Look, I know it's crazy and I'm crazy for going through with making this." Nadia's eyes filled with tears. "I have to know why I'm a jerk magnet."
"You're not a jerk magnet." Rachel rolled her eyes. "You have simply had a run of bad luck."
"It isn't a run! It's years of this." Nadia pointed out.
The evidence on the board was damning. It did seem that somehow the jerks of the world latched on to Nadia.
"You need a change." Rachel decided. "Pack your bags. You're coming with me to California."
"What?" Nadia exclaimed. "Rachel, I can't just--"
"Yes, you can." Rachel went to Nadia's room and began to go through her clothes. "We will go shopping once there. But for the time being, these will do." She pulled out several outfits and laid them on the bed. "I'm going to introduce you to someone that I believe is perfect for you."
"Who?" Nadia asked. An excited trepidation overcame her.
Could the perfect guy be waiting for her in Hollywood?
"My brother." Rachel declared. "Like you, Thomas hasn't had the best of luck with dating." A smile slowly formed as she imagined one of her best friends marrying her only brother. And it would all be because of her brilliant matchmaking.
"Rach, I don't know." Nadia hedged. "Didn't you say he is," she hesitated, "kind of grumpy?"
"He definitely is." Rachel searched for a suitcase. "And that's why I think you would be perfect for him. He needs someone sweet."
"I'm not so sure it will work out. You said he has a quick temper. I do too and--"
"You both have an artistic temperament." Rachel pointed out. "While yours is on canvas, his is film." She continued to pack Nadia's bags. "I can't wait for you two to finally meet."
When she noticed her friend trying to think of a way out of going, she decided to use their new current obsession. They had spent numerous hours on the phone talking about their favorite book.
"Maxwell Beaumont is bringing everyone in The Royal Romance to Hollywood in a few days."
"What?!" Nadia squealed. "Do you think we could meet them?!"
"Tommy Phelps invited my brother to a party for the nobles." Rachel laughed when Nadia dramatically flopped on her bed. "I talked Thomas into taking me. If you come, he can take us both."
And then you'll fall in love with each other, she thought.
"Why didn't you lead with that?!" Nadia broke into a wide smile. “I would love to go to California."
A private jet, a few hours east of Hollywood...
"Excited?" Maxwell asked.
"Sorry?" Amanda removed her ear buds. "Did you say something?"
"Are you excited?" Maxwell repeated.
"About going to Hollywood? Of course." Amanda slipped her ear buds back in, assuming the conversation over.
He yanked out the right one.
"I'm sorry, were you not finished?" She set her kindle down.
"Amanda, you're about to meet everyone who's playing your favorite people in the world!" He took her by her shoulders and playfully shook her. "How can you sit there calmly?"
She laughed at his antics. "I am curious who the director picked to play you."
"I'll give you a hint." His dimples deepened. "Your favorite actor is playing yours truly."
"No!" Amanda's eyes widened. "Are you saying that Ryan Summers is playing you? Ryan I am too handsome to be true Summers?"
He nodded, finally content at having worked her into an excited frenzy.
"I love his movies." Amanda sighed. "Any chance you added a hidden romance for you in the script?" Her lips curved in a teasing smile. "I would be willing to work for free to share a love scene or two with him."
"Oh really?" Maxwell teased. "I guess it's a good thing I told him that if he wanted to learn more about me, then he should spend time with you."
"Shut up!" Amanda hit his arm. "You didn't!? Did you?"
"I did." He winked at her. "Perhaps you can also get to know him."
Amanda fanned herself with her tablet. "I can't imagine talking to him much less spending time with him."
"Breathe." Maxwell repeated. "In and out."
"This is going to be the best trip ever." She declared.
Hollywood, Sunday the 14th...
"Come in." Thomas yelled out when he heard the persistent knock.
Rachel opened the door to his apartment. "Busy?"
He finished packing a stack of books in a crate. "Only with getting the last of my things on the moving truck."
"Good thing I came ready to help.” Rachel rolled up her sleeves.
"Thank you." He handed her a box and motioned toward the awards case. "Bubble wrap is over there."
"This is it for the bathroom." Ryan came around the corner. "And I managed to-- Rachel!"
She smiled at him over her shoulder. "Hello Ryan."
His slow, suggestive smile that made his horde of fans shiver formed. "I didn't know you were stopping by. I would have dressed up."
Thomas eyed the two silently.
"I like to surprise my brother. Keeps him tethered to the real world." She teased.
Thomas did not bother to respond to her quip as he hefted a box downstairs.
Ryan set his own box down and helped Rachel reach one of the awards on a top shelf.
"I heard you were in New York." He helped her wrap one of the SAG Awards.
"I was."
He paused waiting on her to say why she went there.
She glanced up at him. "I went to talk a friend of mine into coming here for a visit."
"A friend, huh?" His smile grew at the thought of her having a secret love. "Is this a close friend?"
"Very close." Rachel replied.
"Really?" Ryan turned away from her and picked up a box to take downstairs.
"I think she is perfect for Thomas." Rachel added when he stepped out the door.
Ryan slowly backed up. "Who's perfect for Thomas?"
"My friend in New York. Nadia." She explained. "I intend to put them together."
Ryan thought about the numerous ways this could end badly for all parties involved yet wisely kept it to himself. "When do I get to meet her?"
"You don't. Not until she meets Thomas." Rachel's nose crinkled. "You're too handsome."
His brow furrowed. "And this is bad?"
"Yes." Rachel faced him with her hands on her hips. "I can't tell you how many women have told me that you blind everyone with your looks and charm. I need Nadia to truly see Thomas. Once that is done, then you can meet her."
Ryan casually leaned against the doorframe. "Do I blind you?"
She rolled her eyes. "Not at all. I'm immune to the charms of actors and models. One of the perks to having Thomas as a brother." She cut her eyes to him. "Why do you ask?"
"Just curious." He winked at her and said over his shoulder. "I like to know who will let me get away with anything by just flashing a smile."
She shook her head in exasperation while packing the rest of Thomas' awards away.
Her brother returned, frowning slightly at the few items that were left.
"Moving into your home seems like a new beginning, doesn't it?" She asked, attempting to sound innocent.
Perhaps a little too innocently.
His eyes narrowed. "What are you getting at?"
"Nothing." She kept her back to him. "Just that life itself can change when one moves out of their comfort zone."
"I'm moving to a home I personally designed as my comfort zone." He grumbled.
She grit her teeth at how obtuse he could be sometimes. "I meant that you will have a place where new memories can be made without the stigma of the old."
He stopped packing and folded his arms. "What new memories are you talking about?"
"Well," she shrugged a shoulder. "You'll be making new movies. Throwing parties--"
"I'm not throwing parties."
"New romance." She continued, pretending he had not interrupted.
"I'm not interested." He informed her.
"You will be when you meet the right person." She set the last of his awards in the box. "Thomas, you built a home with eight bedrooms."
"And what better way to fill them than with a family!" She exclaimed.
"Rachel, I built those for visitors. Plus, I am using some of those rooms for--"
"When do you invite people to stay with you?" She snapped. "And don't you dare say you are using them for your movie paraphernalia."
Thomas ran his hands over his face. "Rachel, I appreciate your concern, but I am perfectly content as a bachelor. I don't have to worry about whether or not I am focusing on a relationship like I should when a new film comes my way. The unnecessary drama of trying to figure out how serious we should be or--"
"That's why I have the perfect person for you!"
His eyes widened. "What?"
"You mean, who." She smiled at him. "I found someone who understands getting swept away with artistic endeavors."
"Rachel, you are not setting me up with someone." He stated firmly.
"Yes, I am." She argued. "Nadia is the one for you."
"Nadia?" Thomas' frown firmed as he tried to recall how he knew that name. "Your old roommate? The one you claimed was deeply in love with love?"
"That was nearly ten years ago." Rachel waved her hand dismissively. "She's mellowed some."
"No." He snapped. "Thank you for what I assume is a loving gesture on your part, but I am not interested."
"You're meeting her Thursday night for dinner at La Boucherie ." Rachel informed him. "Then escorting us next Friday to The Royal Romance party." She hefted her box and walked out the door, yelling, "Don't even think of getting out of it!"
Ryan dodged her on his way back inside. "What's wrong with Rachel?"
"She set me up on a blind date." Thomas replied bitterly. "One I neither asked for nor wanted."
The Royal Romance movie set, Tuesday the 16th...
"Here's the ballroom where we have the big BOOM" Tommy Phelps moved his hands like a bomb blowing up.
"But the night when Liam was crowned King was when the photos happened." Riley pointed out. "Not the night when the Sons of the Earth attacked."
"Love how you're thinking." Tommy said. "But we thought fireworks exploding during that big reveal of you and Tariq would really hammer home how little control you had."
"That moment was fraught with turmoil." Liam argued. "I had to immediately come up with a way to keep Riley safe while also trying to find a way to be with her." He looked about the ballroom. "I don't think fireworks do justice to that heartbreaking moment."
He shifted his daughter in his arms when she grunted.
Riley slipped her arm around him. She alone knew how he still suffered from that one night's decision. To this day, he apologized for being unable to choose her in that moment.
While the director continued to discuss options with the royal couple, Maxwell led the others to meet their actors.
"And this is Ryan Summers, aka me." Maxwell cocked his head to the side as he studied the man. "It's like looking in a mirror."
"I don't think you know what a mirror is." Drake commented.
"See." Seth pointed out. "This is what I am talking about. I need to know how you use your snark when talking to others."
"I still can't believe they chose Seth Levine for Drake." Amanda whispered to Olivia. "He is nothing like him."
Olivia nodded before turning her attention to the actress cast as her. "They made the right choice for me. Victoria Fontaine is known for not taking crap from anyone."
The normally blonde beauty had her hair the exact shade of Olivia's rich red locks. She was in the midst of training with a pair of daggers.
"She's got potential." Olivia muttered. When she noticed Amanda's lack of comment, she turned to see what held her attention.
"Really Amanda?" She teased. "You're drooling."
She quickly touched the corner of her dry parted lips before scowling. "Look at him!" She whispered. "He's more handsome than I expected."
"I guess Ryan is not too hard on the eyes." Olivia conceded.
"Amanda!" Maxwell motioned for her to come over. "I need you to tell Ryan how wonderful I am."
She steeled herself and hoped she didn't succumb to giggling like an idiot when he spoke to her.
Ryan held his hand out. "So this is the other friend who only knew of circumstances through phone calls?"
"That's me." Amanda could feel her skin flush from her neck to the tips of her ears. "I was away caring for my late uncle during Liam's search."
Maxwell grinned at her hand remaining in Ryan's. "She was the voice of reason whenever I called in a panic. If anyone can tell you what I went through during my times alone, it is the duchess I would call at three in the morning for encouragement."
"You won’t mind my pestering you?" Ryan's smile flashed causing her cheeks to turn darker.
"Not at all." She replied, smiling shyly back.
"Sounds like you two could use that dinner reservation I won't be able to make." Maxwell interjected. "Perfect opportunity to talk about me."
"What?" Amanda turned abruptly toward him. Her hand slipped from Ryan's grasp.
"Thursday night, seven o'clock. My agent unfortunately scheduled a last-minute book signing for that night. " Maxwell quirked an eyebrow at Ryan. "Any chance you could take her to dinner at La Boucherie?"
"Maxwell--" her voice almost squeaked with embarrassment. "I... I’m sure Ryan has...we can't..."
"Sure." Ryan responded. "I'll come by and pick you up." He smiled once more at Amanda as he left the two to speak to Tommy.
She pinched Maxwell underneath his arm.
"Ow!" He rubbed the spot. "What was that for."
"Did you just set me up with Ryan Summers?" Amanda hissed.
"Are you asking if I concocted a plan to have one of my best friends go to a romantic dinner for two with the one actor she gasped over when he removed his shirt during a love scene?" He countered.
She dropped her head in her hands. "Maxwell!"
"You're welcome." His sing song voice taunted her as he left her alone.
"Here you go Chris." Addison helped him into another jacket. "Better?" She asked when he moved his arms.
"Much better." He replied. "Thanks Addison."
She smiled and went to check on Cassandra's ballgown, pausing when she overheard one of the nobles talking about someone she knew well.
"I still think Thomas Hunt should have directed this." The dark-haired duchess muttered behind her cup.
"You sure it isn't your crush on him making you say that?" Asked the guy that was clearly best friends with the king.
Addison ducked behind a column to continue to eavesdrop. She peeked around it to see how the duchess looked when responding.
"Just because I've always found him attractive doesn't mean he isn't a talented director. When I think of all he could have done with this story--" she smacked the man's arm.
"Amanda, what was that for?!" He asked.
"You know what you were doing, Drake Walker." She wagged a finger at him. “I don’t make that expression whenever I talk about him.”
"Would you have been able to concentrate on the tour if Hunt was directing?" Drake teased.
Amanda's cheeks turned red. "I highly doubt it." She lowered her eyes. "I was secretly hoping we could still meet him." She looked around the set. "Seems unlikely now."
"You've got a few weeks to casually bump into him." Drake countered, nudging her side. "Just because you haven't seen him after a day or so in Hollywood, doesn't mean you won't."
Addison studied the noble closely. She might work for Thomas, she thought. Then the next words she overheard caused her to decide then and there to set Thomas up with this lady.
"I guess we better rejoin the others. Tommy probably has this whole soundstage rigged to blowup like every other movie he has directed." Amanda grumbled. "Would it kill him to stick to the heartache and romance of Liam and Riley's story?"
Addison quickly pulled her phone out and sent a quick text.
Holly. I found her.
Later that afternoon, The Beverly Wiltshire...
Nadia closed her eyes and sank deeper into the pool, sighing at how wonderful it felt. She tilted her head back, enjoying the sensation of the cool water mixed with the warmth of the sun.
She might have to visit California more often.
She sat up with a start, spluttering at the wave of water that crashed over her.
"I'm so sorry! You okay? I tripped and almost landed on you. It was either splashing you or drowning you."
She rubbed her eyes and blinked at the man nearly tripping over his words with the speed he was speaking. A pair of startling blue eyes were narrowed in concern at her silence.
Her lips parted at the face that slowly came into focus. The very face that graced the cover of the book she kept on her nightstand sheepishly smiled at her.
"I hope I didn't hurt you." He said, dimples deepening.
"I'm fine." She managed to say, smiling at him. "Besides, if I didn't want to get wet, I shouldn't have come to the pool."
His smile grew. "I've never understood people who want to just lay out by water. Who can resist how great it is to swim?"
"Exactly!" She exclaimed. "I'm usually the one having to drag my best friend into the water. He thinks he is too old to play in the pool."
Maxwell shook his head in sympathy. "It takes special people to be friends with such a person. We have to work so much harder to make sure they have fun."
"That's what I always say!" Nadia covered her mouth at how loud her words were. She was so excited to be talking to the Maxwell Beaumont that she lost all volume control.
He smiled and held his hand out. "I'm Maxwell by the way."
"I know." She bounced a little in the water with meeting him on her first day out. "I am your biggest fan! Well, me and Rachel are. I can't tell you how much I LOVE your book!"
Maxwell couldn't stop smiling. "I love meeting a fan."
Her bouncing began to make waves. "Fan hardly describes it. Not that I'm like obsessed with you or anything." She quickly amended. "I've had a stalker fan before. Not. Fun. At. All. Huge fan of your work is a little more appropriate."
His smile dimmed. "You had a stalker?" His eyes swept over her. "I wish I had Amanda here. She could tell me what movie I must have seen you in."
Nadia laughed and shook her head. "I doubt it. I've never done any acting. I'm an artist." She explained moving her hand as if it held a brush. "Paints and canvas."
He playfully wiped his brow in relief. "Thank goodness. I was about to call a doctor to check me over for a head injury if I had forgotten someone like you."
Her cheeks flushed. "I--that's so--thank you." She clasped her hands together to keep from fidgeting. "If you are ever in New York, you'll have to come by my gallery."
"New York huh?" His eyes held hers. "I should have known. After meeting Riley there, I've learned that amazing women come from that city."
Nadia thought she might melt right then and there.
He moved a little closer to her. "Nadia, I don't suppose--"
"Maxwell!" Hana called out. "There you are!" She sent a brief smile toward Nadia. "Sorry to interrupt but Tommy's been trying to get a hold of you. He needs to discuss another scene he thinks needs to be amped up."
"Be right there." His smile disappeared at having to leave. "It was nice meeting you Nadia."
"Best day ever." She replied.
He fought his grin. "Any chance you'll be staying in Hollywood for a while."
"A couple of weeks." She replied.
"Here? At the hotel?" He pushed himself out of the pool.
She became speechless at the sight of him shirtless and dripping wet. "Um. Hmm? Yeah."
He quickly dried off. "Then I hope to splash you again." He winked at her and hurried off.
She watched him until he went back inside before ducking under the water. She let out a squeal once under then popped back to the surface.
Nadia scrambled out of the pool and reached for her phone. "Rach? I JUST MET MAXWELL BEAUMONT!"
Later that night at The Ivy...
At a table for four out on the back patio, Holly waved to get her friend’s attention.
"Hey guys." Addison pulled a chair out and collapsed. "I needed this."
Steve chuckled at her actions. "Hard day?"
"Hard barely covers it." She grumbled. "With all the fireworks and explosions, I'm going to have to find flame retardant material to make ballgowns out of."
"Could be worse." Holly countered. "You could be helping Thomas move into his new home."
Steve grimaced at the reminder of his current assignment. "Or trying to draw up the right plans for his guest house." He rubbed his temple. "I somehow convinced myself that it would go easier after drawing up blueprints for his dream home." He downed his cocktail. "I've never been more wrong."
"He is a demanding, highly detailed man." Holly muttered. "Turns out great on film but is such a pain to work with."
"At least with Thomas, there aren't any surprises." Addison countered. "I'd willingly trade spots right now for a break from Tommy."
"Don't worry. You'll soon be back where you belong." Holly lifted her menu and grinned. "Tortured with the rest of us as we deal with Mr. Hunt's next vision."
"This is the last time I volunteer to work under Tommy." Addison swore.
Steve leaned closer and lifted a blonde lock of her hair. "Addison? Did you get burned?"
She glanced down and let out a shrill shriek. "MY HAIR!"
Holly coughed to cover her laughter. "I'm so sorry." Tears fell with her suppressed laughter. "I'm not laughing about what happened, just your reaction."
Addison dropped her head on the table with a loud thunk. "I need drinks."
"On it." Steve got their waiter's attention and ordered her favorite.
She sighed and resumed sitting up straight. "Thanks."
"Cheer up." Holly nudged her. "We can get your hair cut in a cute style before Matt gets back in town."
"I know." She mumbled.
Steve and Holly shared a glance at their friend’s unusual low spirits. "So tell us about this woman you found for Thomas."
Steve quirked an eyebrow. "I'm curious how you plan on getting them together. He's already trying to get out of one blind date."
"Blind date?" Addison narrowed her eyes. "But I found the perfect one! Who set him up?"
"Rachel." Holly explained. "With an old roommate of hers."
"She's an artist from New York." Steve added.
"No. Nope. She will not be his perfect match. The lady from Cordonia will." Addison argued. "And I think I know how to get them to meet. Is Thomas still planning on doing that sci-fi movie?"
"You know he is." Holly answered, wondering where she was going with this. "He's been taking his time with it during this move. Plans on focusing on it in a few weeks."
Addison pulled her phone out. "Don't judge me for this, but I took some pictures of the one I want for him."
Her friends studied the first image.
"She's pretty." Steve zoomed in on her face.
"I agree." Holly studied the next picture Addison had snapped.
"Look at her eyes." Addison pointed out.
The two were silent as they did as she said.
"Okay." Steve said slowly. "She has beautiful eyes."
"Oh." Holly blinked. "Oh, you're good."
"Right?!" Addison exclaimed.
"Am I missing something?" Steve asked.
"When are you doing this?" Holly asked. "How will you get her to do this?"
"I overheard her say she hoped to go on a tour of the studio. I thought I could offer to take her to Thomas's soundstage and," she scrunched her shoulders with anticipation, "watch the two fall in love."
"Hello?" Steve waved at them. "Guy over here that isn't fluent in Chang-Sinclaire-ese."
"Addison is going to pretend she's found the perfect person to play the female lead in Thomas's next film." Holly explained. "He has stated more than once that he believes he needs an actress with large, expressive eyes."
"Oh." He looked down at Amanda's face again. "You are good."
 "Good enough to have you buy dinner for me?" Addison teased.
"I did just build a multimillion-dollar home." He pretended to think about it. "And you were singed on the job."
Addison clasped her hands together. "Think of my poor hair and how desperately it needs nutrients."
"I guess I could be talked into it." He smiled at her. "I do owe you both for recommending me to Thomas."
"Wait, you're paying for mine too?" Holly rose halfway out of her chair to search for their waiter. "I need to add to my order."
Once they had their entrees, Addison studied the two closely as they talked about their day. Feeling confident in her choice for Thomas, she began to wonder which individuals she could match them with.
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crystalangelluna ¡ 4 years
A New Chance Chapter 5
Ao3/ Part 1 /Part 2 /Part 3 /Part 4/ Part 5(You're here)
Taglist: @wannajointhecrabcult @kceedraws @thequeenofpotatoeunicornss @lilyreadbooks12
{With the PMH (Past Miraculous Holder} They were all sitting in the movie theater, eating popcorn, and watching the events unfold themselves.
“Our little bug needs some guidance, you guys thinking what I am thinking.” The first-ever ladybug spoke up (Mei).
“We should give her a surprise, after school”
Everyone agreed and started planning out their idea. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// (With Mari) Yesterday was pretty embarrassing, especially since the assassins escaped. Oh well, I don’t want to relive that again.
(Mari it is Mei, after school today, go to the alleyway near _______ street. We have a surprise for you. Make sure to bring Kaalki with you. And just know, we are looking after you.)
(Thank you, Mei, I am happy to hear from you again, say hi to the others for me, will you?).
She happily agreed.
In under 10 minutes, I got ready to go to school, I grabbed my purse along with Tikki and Kaalki, and headed out.
Gotham Academy
Very different than I had pictured it, but it will do.
Being the new student sucks sometimes but it is what it is.
My mission is to avoid Damien at all costs. But apparently luck isn’t on my side, because he is on the other side of the school steps,
Great way of keeping a low profile, Mari. I scolded myself
Just ignore the pretty boy… Just ignore the pretty, wait what? Stop it, Mari, you promised yourself you wouldn’t go down this path again…
Just ignore your childhood crush,
Shi- No cussing, a tinny voice said in the back of my head. Shoot he’s looking at me better RUN!!!
(Damian’s pov) Yesterday was pretty embarrassing, and not to mention the bloody assassins dared to escape. All because of my insolent brothers.
Alfred dropped me off at Gotham Academy. I honestly don’t understand why my father forces me to even go to this school. I am clearly more intelligent than these empty-headed people. But apparently, I have to “socialize” with kids my age. No thank you I am fine with just one friend.
Where did that come from?
I was about to go inside when I noticed someone on the other side of the school steps.
It seemed the new student was having a fight with herself, she then ran up the steps and trip but got back up and headed to the office.
What an idiot.
Whispers were going around the school, so were rumors and questions about the new student. Why would a new student be joining in the middle of the trimester, and especially in the city with the worst crime in the world?
I headed to my first class, Physics
I sat at the back of the classroom next to Jon because he is the most tolerable in the whole school.
“Good morning class today we have a new student, please introduce yourself, Miss.”
The same girl from earlier stood up to speak,” Hi my name is Marinette Dupain-Cheng and I originally lived in Paris.” This raises my suspensions even more, why would someone who lives in a safe city be somewhere like Gotham. People are Weird.
(Mari's POV)
“Thank you Marinette, you sit next to Marely, please raise your hand.” A black-haired, brown-eyed, Hispanic-looking girl raised her hand. While I was walking to my seat, 2 things stood out to me. I was sitting behind the one person I didn’t want to sit near.
Damian Freaking Wayne/Robin. And he was glaring at me, great, the famous bat glare.
I just sighed.
Great trying to stay away from Damian is harder than I thought,
Mei and the rest had something to do with this.
(Mei and the rest of the crew) They were snickering at the screen that showed their beloved little bug and her fate. Marinette was correct; they were a part of it, especially if they were planning her love life all while eating popcorn. This was going to be Fun.
(Time skip, Mari's Pov)
It was lunchtime already and so far I was done with my first 3 classes. I had Marely in all of my classes so she showed me around the school. She easily became one of my new best friends. Luckily for me, Damien was only in my first class.
Lunch came and went by, I punched a kid in the face cause he went too far in his opinion on me, then we got sent to the principal's office only for him to place us in detention for the next day. And then it was time for the last class of the day...
Oh how I was excited to participate in this class {who hates the gym, cause I do?}
The Gym teacher announced that they would be competing against the art teacher's class since the teacher was absent for the day.
Low and behold…
{You guys probably think It is Damian, am I right?}...
It was that jerk face that I met earlier, the one I punched in the face, for calling me pathetic and a liar. Can't I have no enough enemies in my life? Jack, Jacob, Jim whatever his name is,
he is going DOWN!!!
Too bad he got on my bad side, you never want to see a pissed off, Mari.
Also, too bad for him, dodgeball is my favorite game, and I happen to be the best at it.
Well back when I was alive in my Paris.
And I happen to be the hero Ladybug. And I carry the Kwami's Of Creation and Teleportation right now, and not to mention the others especially Plagg./p>
Calm down Mari, it is okay you have another chance, you can sorta of start over again. I told myself.
Right now you have to show jerk face exactly who he messed with.
(Another time skip cause ya author too lazy 🤪)
Let's just say he will never mess with me, again. And for that matter, if these Gotham kids are who I think are, word spreads fast, and they would know not to mess with me.
As I was heading to the direction Mei talked to me again.
(Bring Marely with you, she will play a big roll in the future. Oh and she needs to know the truth after your surprise)
(Are you sure, that could be dangerous and risky?)
(Trust me you will need all the help you can get, just don't worry about it right now, you know what Bunnixx would say!!)
(Yeah, yeah I know, everything has a time and place.)
(Marley's pov)
I was about to leave the building when Marinette or as she told me to call her Mari, called out to me. I turned around and saw her running towards me.
She tripped but caught herself gracefully, I giggled.
" Do you need anything Mari?"
"I was wondering if you would like to hang out right now?"
My common sense screamed at me not to go because, 1.We are in Gotham for crying out loud. 2.She could be a villain in disguise And 3. I just met her.
But alas my gut is telling me to go, and I trust my gut, especially since it got me out of sticky situations.
So I went with her.
(Damian's POV) All-day people were pestering me with rumors about the new student. Especially after school, apparently, she beat up a kid and beat him at Dodgeball.
I spotted her talking to the girl she sat next to during Physics.
They left the building, and then I did what any reasonable person would do.
I dragged Jon with me and we followed them.
This is Gotham after all. And I am the son of the World's greatest detective.
(Mari's POV)
Someone was following me, I bet I know who.
It won't be of any use losing them now.
I’m just going to let them be surprised. Oh the CHAOS!!!
When we arrived at the place Mei informed me, Marely was confused.
"Just wait for it." Not even 5 seconds later a portal opened up behind us and covered our mouths, I wonder if this is the surprise that Mei had for me.
Then they yanked us into the portal and it closed.
I looked into a familiar room that I thought I would never see again I turned around and I saw…
And older looking Adrien and Kagami than me, precisely 3 years.
I was wrapped in a hug. I didn't even know that we were crying, once that was over I looked up to see Marely super confused and shocked.
I mean who wouldn't be both when you were kidnapped, then your recently new friend hugs your kidnappers and they all cry, and you don't even know what is going on.
"Umm, Marely meet my best friends Adrien and Kagami, from another alternate universe."
"Hi, I am Adrien" The sunshine boy is back.
"Greetings, nice to meet the friend of my best friend."
"Hi, I am Marely, can you tell me what the heck is going on???"
"Well, you see Marely…"
(With Damian)
Wtf just happened?!?!?!?
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