#erron for you all
jombenz · 9 months
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What happens next? Hell if I know. And that's just the way I like it.
do u guys like the background !?!
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thevillainsfangirl · 3 months
This is gonna ruffle a lot of feathers, I’m sure, but...
If you're going to love a fictional villain, LOVE THEM AS A VILLAIN! Stop trying to make them into some Good Person™ that they’re not. What is it that you even like about them? You think they're hot?
Quit being a pussy! THEY'RE FICTIONAL. It's not some moral dilemma if you love a villain AS A VILLAIN.
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(Remade this old post because I had some characters to add.)
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error-in-errors · 1 month
Official relationship charts from the new timeline website
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There’s also some for the AJ trilogy, Investigations, and TGAA games but I’m focusing on these—the AA2 one especially like ouch … “can’t forgive”
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shiresome · 3 months
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I'm gonna make them interact seven thousand more times now. Thanks
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lunasilvis · 1 month
2 months into 30.
Growing into somebody I can be genuinely, genuinely proud of. At night I rest well 🌛
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rxttenfish · 6 months
"why did aaravi and miranda end up engaged after only two months of dating?" easy.
1. theyre uhaul lesbians.
2. look at these idiots and tell me either of them wouldnt get into a relationship knowing exactly what it is and where its going. aaravi would NOT date around on a whim, and miranda is already so focused on finding the perfect someone who is her true love. the second both of them think they've found someone for the long haul they're not changing their mind.
3. it took so long for them to realize they even had a crush on each other while it was so blatantly obvious that they basically were dating already.
4. also plot reasons but don't worry about them it comes up next chapter.
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tiny-huts · 2 years
Anyway when I die all the official artists that have drawn Artemis can lower me into my grave so they can let me down one last time
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tigorrrr · 5 months
Yσυɾ Wσɾʂƚ Sҽʅϝ (AU) pt.5
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Tw: whump, enslavement, dubcon/noncon (just to be safe), hate sex, slight auralism, conflicted feelings, stockholm-ish, feelings of denial, insecure masculine man (lol)
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They were just a breath away. So close. Too close. She could taste his breath, but couldn't detect nothing specific.
Nejteri tried to swallow the flavor of iron in her mouth or close her jaw shut, but her body was not complying.
She gasped, eyes squeezed shut as she awaited pain to course through any part of her body from her captor, a wrongful punishment.
It was unnervingly quiet and dark for Nejteri, the suspense was almost torture itself.
Slight movement and some kind of metal object hitting the floor spiked her anxiety.
A slithering, split tongue traveled from Nejteri's chin to her lips, she forced her eyes to open in time to watch as the self proclaimed Khan gathered crimson streams and licked her chin clear of his blood. He wasn't shy to graze her stained teeth with his mouth's muscle either.
The tip of his small, crooked nose brushed over hers when he tilted his head. Shao Khan got rid of his helmet and now he felt almost naked without it, vulneable, but it had given him an access to be closer to his prisoner.
She was forced to hold his heated, hungry gaze as he did so, frozen. Her mind must have overheated because, Gods, how can this be a reality she's living in?
How did it came to this?!
He stared intensely, observing every little twitch her facials muscles would make as his tongue teased her gaped cavern, not plunging inside just yet. Nejteri trembled beneath his 'touch' that was so unexpectedly gentle and slow.
Having her so helplessly in his hold, dominating over her, had him enticed and his shorts clothing felt much tighter. When Shao Khan collided her body against his, Nejteri felt the stirred excitement.
Nejteri shivered, she needn't to look past her breast and in between their bodies to see the erection's generous shape against her belly.
Shao Khan didn't mind to taste his own blood he oh-so-kindly cleaned from her mouth. Instead of pulling away, he inched his head closer until their lips were a ticklimg touch away. Nejteri's less hazed orbs were more focused on his face that truthfully isn't attractive to many, he felt something in his chest when she had given no sign of disgust — a relief, perhaps.
He held her by her hair for so long but didn't inflict any sort of pain while completely at his mercy. It was puzzling her.
A tyrant like him should have grasped that opportunity. Slay her for her daring attack.
But he didn't.
Shao Khan was careful as he himself could be.
No. No, that's not it... Is it? There must be something else about it. He's aiming for something to gain! And that something has to do with his perverse appetite.
It wasn't until her feet were planted form to the ground and the heaviness left Nejteri's neck and shoulders, along with the grip on her nape, and a loud clang of the collar colliding onto the ground that she realized she was collar-free and an open palm rested against her bruised cervical, the pain had yet to come in a rush but that is not what concerned her.
She is, in a way, freed.
Her body found its will to move again but they just stood in the middle of the dungeon, looking at one another. Nejteri's thoughts raced like wild horses and Shao Khan allowed her to piece her thoughts together, although not patient he is also in no hurry.
Nejteri has to double-take the situation, she was powerless in his grasp just moments ago.
And it greatly frightened her that she enjoyed it, excitement shoot down her tailbone to her core below her stomach. She should have at least tore herself from his body, escape that distracting mass that has been digging into her upper abdomen — her own brain scolded her for not doing just that.
It's all because he handled her with care, as if showing her; "I will not hurt you unless you'll give me a reason to".
That's when the reasons for a clawing escape abandoned her, she was curious.
And he did the opposite of an actual harm. Yes, he was rough at first, but maybe he wouldn't have been if she hadn't attacked when all he tried to do was to get her on her feet.
This awful(?) position she was cornered into, the strength of this Dragonoid man and everything else about him.. It brought out the worst in her.
Shame itself didn't flush her face and it infuriated her!
... It could be his fault she feels that way! More often than not even the unexpected have a sliver of all kind of magic in them — Shang Tsung came in mind!
This man, Shang Tsung, Quan Chi— they're all the same!! Oh, how she hated them with every fiber in her body!
With a disdainful glare scrunching her round face Nejteri slapped his hand away from her skin, but she was unsure whether to make a run for it or wait a little longer. She was still unsure what he's capable of amd not knowing the floorplan of this building would only result in being possibly trapped in a corner.
Letting his arm limply flop by his side, his darker lips curled upwards and his hair-less brow rose in challenge.
Snatching the small woman who he'd have to chase was no problem for him, he wasn't born with a silver spoon in his mouth and where's the fun in having someone else join in, the Khan only can't guarantee that it would be a cell he'd bring her back into.
"Have you calmed down now?" Shao Khan's scolding tone held playfulness as he peered down at her over his half-bare chest.
"Go try your games with someone stupid enough to cooperate! I don't understand what you're playing at and it's getting on my nerves you Emperor wannabe!" Nejteri snapped, leaning back with square shoulders as if to puff up her bosom and seem bigger, just like he did more than once directly at her.
He considered the copycating as engaging when done by people smaller than him.
"Oh?" his coo was more of a rumble that she felt quake along her spine. "But you were enjoying it as well."
Nejteri's face flared in pink hues and the curly ends of her hair puffed up their bulk along. "T-that's absurd!!"
She took a step back and Shao Khan followed after her.
As she spat a few more curses that he was deaf to, at the moment, Nejteri didn't notice him lean down in the heatful fury that she steamed out of her system.
Shao Khan inspected the colourful splotches around her throat, near her collarbones her skin was dewy with blood where the iron collar had chafed the flesh because of his cruel tugging from earlier.
The Dragonoid man hunched and brushed his unsightly nose over her jaw and down her artery where he felt the drumming heartbeat and almost didn't notice her excitable swallow.
But Nejteri didn't want to admit that it wasn't fear that had her frozen solid in place.
Wet, warm flesh flatly pressed against the side of her throat and Nejteri jerked away, startled awake.
She tried to run from the massive man, to anywhere really, and in this case it was the cell she was locked into for weeks.
Heavy steps at her tail whacked her nerves until she couldn't handle it no more and turned her chin over her shoulder to see a bare chest, closing in her view, before it smacked into her nose completely as the Khan pushed at her.
The cold metal of her cell met her back not so gently, he drove her against it so she would have no opportunity to wiggle out of his hold this time. His patience had run out, her arousal had been tormenting him for too long.
Nejteri refused to submit, though, thinking it's another domineering high he's trying to reach for his perverse deviation. But what's worse is she wanted a taste to be pushed to the edge a little further by someone whose double she's attracted to but she will repay any attempt of his to bend her with any Emperor-ish demands with defiance — not realizing that it was rousing for the Khan himself.
"What in the— HEY-!"
Shao Khan minimalized her struggle by caging her against his solid body again and tsked at her pitiful sneers and growls. "I'm making the decision for you, woman, or we would be playing mouse and cat all day!"
"Go t' hell!" Nejteri snapped right back.
When the behemoth of a man lifted her by one arm around her waist and her feet couldn't feel the solid ground, she choked on an airy gasp mid-sentence. Nejteri wasn't given a chance to paw onto anything, the Khan snatched her flailing hands with his free hand and pinned them above her head.
Never in her life was she handled like a ragdoll without the other being afraid to roughen her up, touch her as if equalling in the brute strength, especially not by Shao if we won't count the trainings she had to endure by his side when his capacity that his sickly body limited was a half of the percentage that he saved for times of battle.
Nejteri didn't mind Shao's softness, or so she thought.
She always dreamed to be caught in his arms and then spinned when he'd come home after a long day or weeks to months after a battle. Shoda always greeted her that way and Shao is the only one who resembles the closest thing of 'home'. And she misses it.
Their teeth clashed, his fangs poke at her lower lip but not hard enough for her to bleed. Jagged, forked tongue invaded her mouth that was forced open by a moan he coaxed out of her by the arm that was around her waist traveled lower to get a handfull of her rump with the digits digging into the ass valley, too close to the privy parts.
The kiss was aggressive, explorative, trying to get one another familiar from the inside.
As his tongue massaged over hers, she tried to push back at him. Shao Khan didn't know what made him trust her that when she tried to jank her wrists free he just let go and instead fisted the hand in her wild, red locks.
Little paws bluntly clawed at his nape and the crook of his neck, indecisive if they wish to strangle or buss him further.
Nejteri squeezed her eyes shut. If she'll pretend it's Shao, the man she knows by heart, then perhaps those emotions that are twisting the knots in her stomach will go away.
This all feels so wrong, but she felt the magnetic attraction that she can't deny.
It surged through her veins, pumping through her thunderring heart. Like an addict that needs a bigger dose after their first, small dip into the intoxication.
It could be her animal instincts taking over? It's spring after all... But that can't be it, Nejteri can't feel her inner animal freed and ready to take over.
Shao Khan's shoe planted on one of the bigger rocks that are littered outside the cell, propping up his leg that separated her thighs, and seated her right buttock on his well built thigh. His knee rested perfectly between two iron bars.
She was spread to his liking, the Khan has an easy access to her heated loins and has the best view with it, from above he saw everything.
Shao Khan pulled his mouth from hers, with a bloody string of saliva breaking their connection completely, resting his forehead against hers. It allowed her take her time to breathe for every sound and inhale/exhale was swallowed by him.
The hand on her hip left and coldness radiating from this prison replaced it.
With his fangs he undid his arm armor and it hit the ground, the sound somewhat startled the woman in his arms but she didn't look at the disposed object although curiousity gnawed at her.
Shao Khan brought the flesh hand to his mouth and bit down on two of his claws' tips, trimming them until they were blunt, then he spit out the clipped ends.
Other hand wandered lower and secured in the dip of her hip again, he made sure his 'bed'mate was balanced before his other hand dipped underneath the hanging cloth of her dress, tore up the dark shorts around the area of her crotch and with excellent precision of one tug.
His knuckle ran along the moistened cotton in between the untouched labia.
Nejteri shuddered at the contact she hadn't seen coming and grasped tightly the leather strap around his pectorals, her moans soundless, caught in her vocals. It made her spine jolt with pleasure and bounce on his thigh, the grip on her waist ever-so-slightly tightened.
Biting down on her lip and tilting her head back had her crown gently tough the cold cell behind her while she relied on her sense to feel and right now it was like a firework of emotions in the void.
His lips found her artery that she exposed, pecking the purple-ish blue flesh and her head tilted slightly to the side. The forked tip of his tongue lapped eagerly her salty, iron-tasting skin as his open-mouthed kisses rove along the length of her neck.
Pads of two fingers teased the leaking entrance in circling motion while the butt of the palm so firmly rubbed over Nejteri's clit that she thought she saw stars, something she never thought she'd ever experience.
"Oh Gods..." Nejteri airly whimpered.
"Look at me." Shao Khan murmured against her ear, prodding at her opening with just the tip of his 'manicured' digit.
Something like a knot clenched in Nejteri's underbelly, her dangling feet curled with her toes from the taunting anticipation.
Shao Khan pulled back and his hand stilled. "Or is my visage not to your liking?" his tone's rumble was a little tense.
He subconsciously chided himself for such laughable insecurity of his. If his own subconsciousness could manifest it would brutally beat him up.
Nejteri eventually peered at him over her lashes when he didn't return to 'the task at hand' and her emotions were immediately conflicted. No, she didn't prefer the person in front of her, but liked the way he made her feel — physically, speaking.
She hesitated before answering and her eyes flited around the room where her view wasn't blocked by his massive frame. "... I'm only a little befuddled. You're a Shao I am not used to."
"So it's my weak double you hoped would pin you like this? Touch you like this?" Shao Khan was upset, huffing his obvious annoyance into her face.
The thick digit wormed underneath Nejteri's underwear and slipped into the warm entrance with a wet squelch.
"Don't say it like that!!" Nejteri barked, almost jumped from her skin and felt the inside walls stretch with a pinching pain. She struck him with a glare her wide eyes held.
The Dragonoid ignored the clawing hand on his wrist that tried to pry him away, in return, his fingers curled inside the tightness that made her body spasmodically still and when she moaned he heard her vocals tremble.
"Why? It's the truth! As I will be pounding you hard and deep, you will expect me to turn into him and hope this all was a nightmare, don't you?."
Nejteri snarled, livid. Yet it was his lewd, silent promise that had her attention the most and made her blush almost as red as her hair. "No!! No! I'm just not used to—- to this!" she gestured at him, the whole him, and it unintentionally riled him further.
"Perhaps I should help clear your mind so you can tell us apart and your thoughts may be settled once and for all..."
A rough-textured finger drove knuckle deep inside of Nejteri and took the breath out of her lungs and she could actually feel the streams of her fluids running down her thigh, and for a moment embarrassment faltered her time of enjoyment.
She hooked her dangling leg around his hip, tightening her hold around his chest gear, certain he would let her fall if she hadn't braced herself.
Second finger joined the first, the wet insides squeezed and sucked at what was not part of its body that played her unexplored pleasures like an instrument.
The Khan's fingers twisted inside of her as he began to pump quicker and building up hot, unbearable tension in her belly which brought small tears to her eyes and when she dipped her forehead against his collarbones she hoped he wouldn't notice them.
Shao Khan pulled her front closer to his, her ear at his heart beneath his breast, that she nuzzled up to with desperate wails leaving her open mouth had, afluttered it like never before — or he can't just recall when it ever did.
The transition of a moan to a disappointed grumble nearly awoke pity within him when he was retreating his hand from between her thighs to his front lioncloth armour.
Nejteri cocked her head to see what is happening between them and was met with a girthy tip of her capturer's penis. And this Shao's cock looked more human than dragon-ish, no ridged lines of tiny, blunt bumps, the flesh looked more soft and smooth in lighter skin tone. Again, she's comparing, although more unintentionally now — while we're at it, this one lacked the girth but it made up for its length, and was uncut.
She was certain that if she wouldn't be wet like a river down there his own leaking fluids would provide for the slipperiness.
Shao Khan hoistened her by her hips again and guided both of her legs to wrap around his waist and Nejteri hooked them at the ankles, it felt like a necessity to do so.
Not so long ago Nejteri refused to even glance at him with one eye, now she can't look away.
The moistened pinkish glans peeked from inside the foreskin when his hand took a hold of it and pulled the flesh down. Shao Khan without hesitancy brought his phallus to her entrence and Nejteri watched it disappear inside, there was a small bulge of her belly she barely registered when hot tears began to blur her sight.
It was a smudged line of pain and pleasure that bolted through her body, each and every thrust hiccuped her moans, she liked it. Enormous hands on each of her hip gripped tightly she was sure and yet-to-be-bothered it will bruise her skin.
His dick slipped in and out of her tight pussy with no trouble, smooth like butter. Wet slaps and dripping of their mixed fluids were accompanied with Nejteri's moans and Shao Khan's raspy grunts.
"Look at you! Taking me so well!" he grinned at the woman toothily, voice husky while he huffed through nostrils excitedly.
"B— bastard..." Nejteri grunted through her teeth, the praise had her belly flutter and discerned now that it wasn't a bad thing. "Shut up and.. keep g-going..."
She pulled back, resting her back against the cell, her pleasure-drunk, sweaty face bobbed limply with the rhythm as he bodily moved her on his own pace.
Something that the Khan kept noted but not truly bothered is that they very clearly can be heard from the prison to upstairs, his prisoner is louder than him though. If anyone were to walk in on them Shao Khan would continue ramming his pelvis into the small woman, unbothered.
What he didn't consider is that if they would have an audiance then they could hide nearby them and watch from a distance if they so pleased.
They certainly had a guest none of the two caught a whiff of.
Erron Black waited too long in the darkness behind the door of the prison in the awkward in-between of silence and noise he endured.
Last time he checked, he was no voyeur, although he heard more than seen.
The cowboy had no better excuse, to explain why he didn't chose to leave and come back later, other than he waited for a sign that would tell him this wasn't consensual to jump into action. And he actually hoped that would be the case...
But he has no excuse whatsoever for his tight erection, Erron could only blame the past encouners with Nejteri's counterpart. The halcyon days of suffocating summer nights at their campsite, roasting a coyote and sharing whiskey, during those evenings is when Erron learned how much his introverted partner-in-crime can become vocal.
He may not be capable of glueing himself out of the spot but neither will he get between the tyranic ruler and the kindergarten teacher when they seem to be enjoying themselves and this might just help ease them both to up. The two, in the gunslinger's opinion, were quite pent up with stress over the past few weeks.
Shang Tsung will simply have to wait a little longer to get his new specimen in the lab chair. Erron is pretty sure the sorcerer won't even try to be all pissy about his delay when the erotic moans and obscene noises are echoing down the corridors outside the dungeon.
Erron only hopes they will be done in just about five minutes or the noises will drive him insane. Leaning against the wall doesn't keep him still anymore. And — more than likely — this was another lost opportunity to get Nejteri out of there, just a day before the Rebellion starts.
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I feel this tag is fitting here too lmao
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anarchonist · 1 year
I think a big problem in our culture is equating intent and effect, and this works both when predicting the effect and when determining the cause. It is important to remember that just as having good intentions does not excuse the harm one causes, so does someone having caused harm not always mean they intended to cause harm all along.
We are able to know our own thoughts, so when we cause harm we may easily downplay it because "that's not what I intended", as if that would make the harm go away. And when we judge others who cause harm, we similarly try to work backwards from the assumption that harm requires intent - and since we see the harm but not the intent, we assign intent somewhere where it may not even exist.
None of this is to excuse people who cause harm, but maybe to clarify that what we call evil is not some nefarious satanic mindset of ill intent, but rather a stubborn unwillingness to critically examine whether you might be causing harm even if you don't actively intend to, and even whether or not you truly care.
And the more power you have, the easier it is to distance yourself from the harm you cause and keep causing it.
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buzzcat · 1 year
eyyyy guess who wrote a month of My Hero Academia fanfic and posted none of it on Tumblr
so if you want the whole series, here is link (mostly dadmight, but also some Aizawa and Todoroki fam)
fics with titles and vibes are below the cut
roll for chaos (add proficiency modifier) - Izuku Midoriya and the Todoroki kids play Dungeons and Dragons
the future starts with you - The All Might was the pinnacle of technology. Within a few short years, it became the industry standard for mechs. But after years of having suspicions about the origins of the AI that accompanies the machine, Midoriya Izuku finally gets his hands on a prototype model, and vengeance quests have had weirder origin stories. (proto-Dadmight)
all these feelings (caught in my throat) - Waking up from a nightmare, Hitoshi is reminded that coping skills are, and just hear me out here for a second, good. (Dadzawa)
eager your kind are to meet you - There was a new god in Musutafu. Izuku knew it. He would swear it. No one had reported anything that would particularly herald a god, no unexplained lights or miracles or destruction. No one would, not if they were a small god; small gods would hardly cause any fuss at all. (Izuku & Aizawa, but not Dadzawa vibes)
did you know 'erroneous assumptions' is a four-letter word? - Four times someone swore around Midoriya Izuku, and one time Midoriya Izuku swore around everyone else (gen)
growing old is a blessing (and a promise to the past) - Toshinori travels to a future where he is dead and has been dead for a very long time, and he gets a gift he never could have asked for (Dadmight, also main character death)
a white knight (upon a fiery steed) - Momo saves Todoroki from a pushy reporter, and the defining characteristic of the fic is that Shouto is possessed of the intelligence given the average pet rock, but like, meant it affectionately
honesty: the best policy? more at eleven. - Izuku is hopped up on painkillers because achey breaky bones, calls All Might 'Dad', and then it's Dadmight but they are both supremely awkward about it because Feelings Are Hard (dadmight)
he stares into the face of death with eyes that never close - Toshinori is a merchant in Elden Ring, Izuku is Tarnished (dadmight, ish?)
the granddadmight jumpscare of the century - what it says on the tin. humor and fluff, and also Inko! we love Inko. (dadmight)
no one knows what a healthy bedtime is - Toshinori and Tsukauchi being bros in the trenches of 'self-care is hard', with also a halftime show of Dadmight (dadmight)
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reddenedrust · 1 year
Humming along to the Hymm of your Heart.
- Redraw/Re-imagining of this.
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angustully · 1 year
so when does my relationship with my dad stop being so fucking fraught. oh never? not til one of us dies? oh we both have to kill each other to satisfy the themes and motifs. whatever
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kinddivinity · 2 years
Just a general observation, but why is it that the people with a million “DNI” warnings on their blogs are almost always the ones seeking shit out and commenting on other people’s posts to start drama?
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eileenleahy · 2 years
cant get over my professor saying "we cant just rely on indigenous knowledge for repatriation because its not based in fact -- they say we live on a turtle" i dont believe you were given an anthropology degree. there is no way you could ever make that conclusion without living in complete ignorance of everything
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septembersghost · 1 year
Posts like what you said tonight are why you're my fave girlblogger
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staff · 7 months
A message from a few of the trans staff at Tumblr & Automattic:
We want trans people, and LGBTQ+ people broadly, to feel welcome on Tumblr, in part because we as trans people at Tumblr and Automattic want it to be a space where we ourselves feel included. We want to feel like this is a platform that supports us and fights for our safety. Tumblr is made brighter and more vibrant by your presence, and the LGBTQ+ folks who help run it are fighting all the time for this, for you, internally. 
A few days ago, Matt Mullenweg (the CEO of Automattic, Tumblr’s parent company) responded to a user’s ask about an account suspension in a way that negatively affected Tumblr’s LGBTQ+ community. We believe that Matt's response to this ask and his continued commentary has been unwarranted and harmful. Tumblr staff do not comment on moderation decisions as a matter of policy for a variety of reasons—including the privacy of those involved, and the practicalities of moderating thousands of reports a day. The downside of this policy is that it is very easy for rumors and incorrect information about actions taken by our Trust & Safety team to spread unchecked. Given this, we want to clarify a few different pieces of this situation:
The reality of predstrogen's suspension was not accurately conveyed, and made it seem like we were reaching for opportunities to ban trans feminine people on the platform. This is not the case. The example comment shared in the post linked above does not meet our definition of a realistic threat of violence, and was not the deciding factor in the account suspension.
Matt thereafter failed to recognize the harm to the community as a result of this suspension. Matt does not speak on behalf of the LGBTQ+ people who help run Tumblr or Automattic, and we were not consulted in the construction of a response to these events.
Last year, the "mature" and "sexual themes" community labels were erroneously applied to some users' posts. An outside team of contractors tasked with applying community labels to posts were responsible for this larger trend of mislabeling trans-related content. When our Trust & Safety team discovered this issue (thanks largely to reports from the community), we removed the contracted team’s ability to apply community labels and added more oversight to ensure it does not happen again. In the Staff post about this, LGBTQ+ staff pushed to be more transparent but were overruled by leadership. The termination of a contractor mentioned in the original ask response was for an unrelated incident which was incorrectly attributed to this case. We regret that the mislabeling ever happened, and the negative impact it has had on the trans community on Tumblr. 
Transition timelines are not against our community guidelines, and weren’t a factor considered by the moderation team when discussing suspensions and subsequent appeals. We do not take action against content that is related to transitioning or trans bodies unless it includes violations of the Community Guidelines.
When it comes to the experience of trans folks on Tumblr encountering transphobic content, and interacting with bigoted users, we understand and share your frustrations. Tumblr’s policies, and Automattic’s policies, are written to ensure freedom of speech and expression. We prohibit harassment as defined in our Community Guidelines, but we know that this policy falls short of protecting users from the wider scope of harmful speech often used against LGBTQ+ and other marginalized people.
Going forward, Tumblr is taking the following actions:
Prioritizing anti-harassment features that will empower users to more effectively protect themselves from harassment.
Building more internal tooling for us as Staff to proactively identify and mitigate instances of harassment.
Reviewing which of the tags frequently used by the trans community are blocked, and working to make them available next week.
We’re sorry for how this all transpired, and we’re actively fighting to make our voices heard more and prevent something like this from happening again in the future. We know firsthand that having to deal with situations like this as a Tumblr user is difficult, particularly as a member of an already frequently targeted and harassed community. We know it will take time to regain your trust, and we’re going to put in the work to rebuild it.
We appreciate the space we have been given to express our concerns and dissent, and we are thankful that Matt’s (and Automattic’s) strong commitment to freedom of expression has facilitated it.
We will continue to fight to make Tumblr safe for us all.
— This statement was authored by multiple trans employees of Tumblr and Automattic.
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