#to get mad at me for making him drive all the way up here. coulda told me 5 hours ago he says. no. you couldve had a fucking rational brain
angustully · 1 year
so when does my relationship with my dad stop being so fucking fraught. oh never? not til one of us dies? oh we both have to kill each other to satisfy the themes and motifs. whatever
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nezu3kun · 1 year
like alright let me rant a bit but i can't believe some of the stuff i gotta read on here like you all take this goofy ass movie too seriously.
i'm a bit tired honestly of people arguing how it's not copaganda. bro i assure you. even if the cops are bad people, the sense of justice and the "joining the force to make a difference" is still copaganda. the lack of consequences those characters face is also copaganda. the "i gotta cleanse new orleans of this evil" is also copaganda. sorry you can't see it but it's still there. you coulda watch the fucking dexter show. dexter himself? still copaganda.
and don't get me started on dracula or the ship itself. lol. what a shitfest. the insanity i gotta read on here. "sorry bro dracula is abusive" yes, and? "renfield was goth because he was abused" what? "renfield is a booboo wet cat babygirl scrunkly who deserves the world and if you think otherwise you're being ableist" no he doesn't? no he isn't? no i ain't? listen i will soak him in milk and throw him against the wall. that is what he deserves.
and please jesus christ the thing that makes me mad the most i think is seeing the way people on here refer to nic cage as this... old, unsexy man playing a *for once* unsexy dracula. sorry to burst your bubble his dracula is sexy as fuck. and i know why people say this. cage is not that handsome anymore, he's old. drives me up the fucking wall the way young people refer to older folk like this. i could explain myself better but english is a pain!! aprended español para que os pueda rantear, me cago en vuestra vida
you gotta enjoy things more, man. the discourse should be fun and engaging and not "i have this headcanon and if you don't agree with it you're insane" come on now
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cddiemunson · 2 years
wait can you write when he actually finds out that she has powers?
❥ yes yes!
the drive home was awkward, soft music played through the old van, the occasional sound of beer cans being shuffled under the strange girls feet was the only thing keeping eddie present.
" so.. " his fingers tap against the steering wheel, throat dry as he spoke. " you from around here? " he turns his head slightly, jumping when he saw the girl staring intently at him already. if he didn't think this was weird already he definitely did now. " not a talker? " he tries again, switching his blinker on before turning down the road to the small trailer park. she never responds. in a way he was hoping maybe he finally lost his damn mind and was seeing things. that would make more sense that whenever the fuck was happening right now.
stepping from the van he used his hand to shield his eyes from the rain, running to the other side of the van to open her door with a loud creak. reaching a hand out his lips curled into a small smile, his best attempt to look as friendly as possible. her hand was much smaller than his, shaking as she gently took it. he felt bad, gently helping her from the van and slamming the door behind them.
" normally it's not such a mess. " he lies, kicking the door open and stepping inside, awkwardly rubbing the back of his neck. beer cans and clothes were thrown all over the trailer. day old dishes were stacked messily on the counter and an old popcorn bag was thrown on the couch from where his uncle had been snacking the night before. the whole place smelt of weed and cigars, making him awkwardly laugh. " you sit here, i'm going to get stuff to clean you up. you look like shit. " turning away from her he scrambled to the bathroom, grabbing whatever he had to clean wounds as well as a fresh change of clothes. tossing the hoodie on the couch next to her he dropped to his knee's opening the first aid kit to reveal four band-aids and some rubbing alcohol.
" don't worry, i'll fix you up and you'll be as good as new. then we can get you back to wherever you belong. sound good? "
" no "
he stops, fingers halted on the cap of the rubbing alcohol at the sound of her soft voice. " no? " he repeats. " no as in you don't want to go home? " he asks, watching as she slowly nods. you've got to be kidding. the only thing that he's gathered is that she can actually talk. " we can figure that out later. what i am about to do? it's going to hurt. don't kick me. " he pleas, dabbing the rag with rubbing alcohol onto the girls feet, fingers gently holding onto her ankle just in case she does decide to kick the shit out of him. placing the band-aids on the cuts he gently slides some socks over her feet, smiling proudly at his work.
" i'm going to call someone. get you some help. " as if agreeing to himself he nods, grabbing the phone. the only people he knew to call was mike and dustin. they're the only ones crazy enough to know what the hell is going on.
however, as if it couldn't get any more insane, the phone flew from the wall, slamming against the ground and shattering, leaving his hand next to his ear in the position it was to make a call. if you could hear what the inside of his brain sounded, it would be the dial up sound computers make. what the fuck just happened.
" no " she repeats, making him snap out of his shock and look over at her, then the phone. blood trickled down her nose, dripping down her lips and onto her bare legs. " what did you just do? " he asked, eyes nearly popping from his head as he gathered the broken phone off the floor and tried to call again, only to have it thrown against the screen door on the other side of the room.
" okay. so no phone calls. got it. coulda just said so, but i get it. i throw things when i'm mad too. " he frowns. " i'm eddie. " he's seen enough horror movies to know not to mess with people like this.
" y/n. "
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t0shii · 3 years
Hiiiiii :D can I request angst to fluff with Bokuto suna and Kyotani where their s/o wanted some food/snakes in the middle of the night so instead of waking the guys up they go by themselves to Store and the guys wake up looking for them and get scared/mad when they can’t find them
ღ — when they wake up alone
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.! timeskip! bokuto, suna, kyotani (sep) x gn!r
.! angst + fluff/ lots of cursing, mentions of eating; not proofread
.! oh wow... i will totally write this for you 😈😈 ty for the request & hope you enjoy- these turned out pretty lengthy huh?
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bokuto is absolutely beside himself when he wakes up and your side of the bed is cold and empty. quickly he sits up and calls your name, "y/n?? y/n, baby?" no response the crease in his brows deepening with the frown on his lips. "must he in the bathroom or something" he mumbles to himself, clumsily getting out of your shared bed and walking fast to the bathroom down the hall. he knocks on the door quietly, "babe, you in there?" he waits a few seconds before opening the door, only to find the room dark and empty. now he's feeling really nervous, where the hell were you? 'the kitchen?' he thinks but when he gets there it too is empty, he basically tears the whole house apart looking for you, no where to be found. maybe you left him? finally got tired of his immature personality, maybe you just couldn't stand to be with him another minute- even as he slept.
the negative thoughts plagued his brain, so much so in fact, he hadn't even heard the front door of your shared apartment open, or the thud of your snacks hitting the hardwood floor. he hadn't even noticed you make your way toward him, "bokuto, baby, what's wrong?" his head snaps up at the sound of your voice, "y/n? you're back?" he reaches out for you and you stand there hugging him as he sat on the couch, "yeah, i couldn't sleep so i went to get snacks. why are you crying though? did you have a nightmare?" you run your hands through his hair and it calms him down almost immediately. "n-no but i reached for you and you were gone and t-then i couldn't find you anywhere.... i-i thought you left me for good." he hiccups, you feel guilt creep up your chest at his words. "oh bo, baby no! i just didn't wanna wake you since you have a match tomorrow." he sighs, arms wrapping around you tighter, "please just wake me up next time, you really scared me." you promise you won't leave the house without telling him from now on and cheer him up with some of the snacks you bought, and kisses of course.
suna's first feeling is disappointment as he reaches over to pull your body closer to his, still half asleep, but is met with an empty space. he's annoyed but doesn't think too much about it, you probably had use the bathroom or something so you'd be back in no time. it's only when he realizes too much time has gone by and you still weren't in bed he starts to get really irritated and a little nervous, why weren't you back in bed? he groans, throwing the comforter away from his body and stands from the bed, "y/n where the hell did you go?" his voice his hoarse as he calls out for you checking each room in the apartment, only for them to be empty. he curses to himself as he sits on the couch, plenty of emotions running through his veins. it worried him that he had no clue where you were and it pissed him off that you hadn't said anything before you left. even more though, he couldn't shake the uncomfortable feeling that maybe you left with the purpose of never coming back- it made him uneasy.
he hadn't meant to fall asleep on the couch in same position he'd sat down in, the sound of the front door opening snapping him awake almost immediately. all he felt was annoyance, it was nearly 2 am and here you were walking through the front door, paper bags in hand. "where the hell did you go?" the question comes out a little harsher than he'd originally wanted it to but he was too tired to care at this point. you flinch at his question, "uhm to the convenience store? i couldn't sleep so i decided to get snacks and you have a game later so i didn't wanna wake you." he rolls his eyes, "so you leave me to wake up alone? i couldn't find you anywhere- i was worried sick. do you only think about yourself or something?" well shit, he hadn't meant to say that last part. you drop your bags to the ground and immediately suna knows he's fucked up big time. "i-i'm sorry, i just didn't want to wake you up b-because-" you were already breathing heavy, tears staining your cheeks and suna has no idea how he can recover from this.
"oh fuck, baby- i didn't mean to- shit i'm so sorry" he inches closer to you and to his surprise you let him embrace you "i didn't mean to snap at you, i swear. i'm just so tired and i was so fucking worried you weren't gonna come back- god i'm so sorry" he hold you tight in his arms, "i'm sorry too rin, i should've at least left a note, but i knew i wasn't gonna be gone for long so i didn't even think about it." you apologize but he only shushes you, "still, i should have never snapped at you." you nod against his chest, "you really worried me though, i thought that- you know what it doesn't matter, you're back now. let's eat those snacks you brought back, yeah?" the two of you spend the rest of the night eating the snacks you bought and suna holds you close and tight like you'll fade away if he doesn't.
kyotani is a heavy sleeper, especially after a long set and he's definitely not a morning person- no matter the time he's woken up. so when he wakes up you side of the bed empty and cold, he already feels him becoming agitated. he rolls over to check his phone, 3:52 am, "what the fuck, y/n" the grumbles, "y/n." he yells, loud but no response, "of course you're gonna make me get up." he scoffs. firstly he searches the living room, he knew that oftentimes, you had trouble sleeping and knowing he hated to be woke up, you would sneak into the living room to watch tv until you were sleepy again but of course you weren't there. you weren't in the kitchen either, and he didn't find you in the bathroom nor on the balcony. kyotani checks his phone, no texts no calls, nothing. he rolls his eyes and throws himself onto the couch refusing to text or call you out of his own stubborn national, plus, what if you were driving? he turns on the tv to distract himself from the pit of anxiety bubbling in his belly, nothing can really stop his thoughts from running wild though, he can't shake the feeling that you weren't coming back and had left him for good, finally tired of his- well everything about him, really.
he thoughts are interrupted when he hears the front door open, relieved to see your face but angry as he remembers you'd left without a word. he frowns standing up to meet you at the front door, apparently you weren't expecting him because you flinch as he makes his presence known by clearing his throat, "oh fuck- kyo you scared me! why are you awake?" he scoffs "oh i scared you? well at least you didn't wake up to an empty house at nearly four am" his tone has you frowning, "i didn't wake you up because you'd be upset with me and i knew you needed rest after your show from earlier." his face softens but still he rolls his eyes and glances at the bags in your hands. "whatever, what's in the bags?" he takes them from you and sets them on the island counter, "i couldn't sleep so i went to get snacks." you follow him to the kitchen, "i got your favorite too." if he was still annoyed before he definitely wasn't anymore, did he even deserve the snacks? he'd just snapped at you minutes earlier. he grunts in acknowledgment, "c'mon, we can eat together, kyo. i'll put on a movie." you grab his hand in one hand and the bags of snacks in the other and lead him to the living room where you both lay on the couch.
his silence is all too loud as you put on a movie you both enjoy, "kyo, is something wrong?" kyotani can't help the tears that form in his eyes as he embraces you tightly, "i was worried about you, you brat. why'd you leave without telling me? you coulda left me a text or something." you're stunned at his sudden outburst, "i was only gone for 30 minutes, kentaro... but still i'm sorry, i should've left a note, but i didn't think you'd wake up while i was gone?" you rub his back and chuckle, "did you miss me that much, baby?" he shakes his head as best he can while it's in the crook of your neck, "i thought you weren't gonna come back." his confession surprises you, "oh... why would i not come back? i love you too much to leave for good." you grin, "really?" "really". the both of you spend the rest of the dark hours of the morning watching movies and eating the snacks you bought all while in a tight embrace.
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Summer Break(down)
Warnings: noncon sexual acts and rape, weed, breeding/forced pregnancy.
This is dark!Lee Bodecker and explicit. Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Warnings have been given. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you.
Based on this drabble request: Lee + interrogation + breeding/forced pregnancy + “you think your father would still love you if he knew?”+ Reader is mayor's daughter and get caught by Lee) smoking weed , so she is forced to give her purity to him +  Reader is a sweet innocent girl that refuses Bodecker's advances, which makes him very angry so he forcefully gets her pregnant in a fucked up revenge plot to ruin her life and leave her as the scarlet letter in town.  Requested by anon and @jaceyneedsabetterusername​
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You puffed the smoke and coughed it up in a painful cloud. Your throat burned as the acrid taste stained your tongue. You held out the burning joint to Darla and she chuckled as she watched you struggle. She took a log drag and blew rings in the air and handed it off to Mia.
“A whole year at college and you ain’t never tried it,” Darla teased, “what are ya doin’ up there?”
“Studying,” you rubbed your throat and refused another hit as your eyes watered, “you know how my daddy is.”
“Your daddy ain’t livin’ on campus, is he?” Mia trilled, “perfect little mayor’s daughter with her purity ring.”
“Shut up,” you growled, “if I got caught I’d be expelled, okay? I’m here now tryin’ it, aren’t I?”
“Ain’t ya?” Darla mocked, “is that how you talk now? So proper.”
“Christ, what’s gotten into you?” you waved away the smoke as she blew it in your face, “you miss me that much?”
“Nah,” she gave the stubby joint to Mia, “you just actin’ like you’re too good for us now.”
“How so? I’ve been nothing but nice--”
“Nice and sweet and perfect,” Darla muttered, “you running back to your dorm in the fall and I gotta wipe tables down as the eat-in.”
You were quite as her resent bit deep into you. It wasn’t like you made the decision yourself, your daddy would have skinned you if you hadn’t gone up to the all-girls academy. He held a prestigious office, he often reminded you, and you were just another merit on his record. You needed uphold his reputation as if it were your own.
Mia snorted dryly and offered you the joint again. Her face dropped as an arm reached around you, her reddened eyes glossy as the dwindling smoke was taken from her. You turned and backed away as the sheriff waved the joint in front of him and sniffed the air.
“I knew I smelled contraband,” his jaw ticked and his brow lifted as he eyed the three of you, “and you,” he pointed at you, “of all the girls in town, it had to be you?”
You looked at Darla and Mia as they blinked at the cop. Lee Boedecker was known for his cruel-streak and no-nonsense tolerance. You knew him as the pudgy, old man who tried to buy you a drink as you still wore your graduation cap. You remembered that day and the odd episode, how he scowled and stomped away, shaking your father’s hand on the way out of the diner.
“All this shit you’re bringin’ down from the city, huh?” he flicked the joint to the ground and blotted it out with his sole.
“N-no, I--” you looked back and forth between Mia and Darla.
“You two,” he pointed at them, “you go on.”
“What?” Mia quivered, “but--”
“You let me deal with her,” he waved her off as he gripped his gun belt, “just lookin’ out for the mayor’s daughter.”
The other girls peeked at you and slowly backed away. You watched them fearfully and as they disappeared around the front of the building, you turned back to the sheriff. He tutted as he shook his head and came closer.
“Won’t that be a scene? Tellin’ your daddy what I found you doin’,” he snickered.
“I… I wasn’t, I only--”
“I don’t care what you was only doin’,” he snorted, “I don’t… have to tell him but you’re gonna have to convince me not to.”
You blinked at him and frowned. You weren’t sure of his meaning and you surely didn’t want to find out. You backed away and he caught your arm.
“Now where’d you get that stuff?” he looked down at the crushed joint.
“It’s not mine,” you quavered, “I swear--”
“No?” he swung you against the wall and knocked the air out of you, “you sure you don’t know, now?”
You shook your head fearfully. You wouldn’t say it Darla who rolled it and lit it but you weren’t going to sell yourself down the river either. He slammed his hand above your shoulder and rested his other on his pistol as he loomed over you.
“Which one was it then? Pretty little college girl…” he purred, “a good girl, tell me which one of ‘em had it.”
You shook your head and pressed yourself to the wall, “I don’t know. Please, sheriff--”
“Please, sheriff,” he unholstered his gun and raised the muzzle. He steadied it against your chin and pushed your head up, “it was just a drink, sweetheart.”
“Sheriff, I--”
“You think you too good for me ‘cause your daddy,” he dragged the gun down your chest and along your stomach, “‘cause he sendin’ you away to read books?”
“No, no, what are you--”
He shushed you as he pushed the gun lower and hooked it under your skirt. He shoved his hand under your skirt and poked your vee with the metal nosebarrel
“I’d hate to ruin ya like that,” he sneered, “but I s’pose up at that fancy college, you got some good use.”
You shook your head and trembled as tears pricked and your nose tingled. He chuckled and leaned in to kiss your forehead. He wiggled the pistol between your thighs.
“No? You think your little act works on me?”
“I-- sheriff, please, I never--”
“Hmmm,” he hummed and inhaled the scent of your hair, “you ain’t no good girl.”
You sniffed as the tears rolled down your cheeks, your heart beating wildly as you waited for him to pull the trigger. He prodded more firmly and lowered his voice.
“How about I drive you back to your daddy’s and discuss this with him?”
Your eyes rounded as his blue ones caught them with a vicious gleam. You sobbed and shivered.
“If-- If you gotta--”
“Come on,” he pulled his gun away and yanked you off the wall.
He marched you down the alley and pushed you into his cruiser. He slammed the door and dropped into the front seat. He leaned to one side as he holstered his gun and clapped his hand over the wheel. He looked at you in the mirror.
“You sure you don’t wanna tell me the truth?” he asked.
“I did--”
“No,” he interrupted you, “you shut up if you ain’t gonna tell me straight.”
He started the car and rolled down the street. You shrunk into the seat afraid that someone might spot you through the window. He steered through the town and headed up the hill to your daddy’s house. You watched the trees around you as his thick breaths were laced with heated mutters.
He pulled off halfway up and idled between a pair of elms, “you can still keep my mouth shut, sweetheart.” You blinked at the mirror and he turned and stretched his arm over the back of the seat. He grinned at you and licked his lips. “What d’ya think your daddy will do?”
You hung your head. Your daddy would be so mad he’d lock you up for the rest of the summer, or worse, pull out his old switch. Your lip quivered and you sniffed as you wiped your cheeks with your cuffs.
“You want me to tell him?” Lee asked.
You peered up through your lashes at him and shook your head. He nodded and killed the engine. The car jolted as he got out and slammed his door. He opened the back and bent to look in on your with his hand on the roof.
“Right then, on your back,” he ordered.
“If you don’t want me to tell him, you gotta keep me quiet, now lay down, sweetheart,” he reached to his belt and unbuckled it with one hand, “it’ll be quick, promise, then you can go back to bein’ a good girl.”
“Sheriff,” you kicked yourself across the seat and lunged for the other door.
He caught your ankle and dragged you back. He flipped you onto your back and crawled over you, his weight suffocating as he posted his knees between your legs.
“That’s the thing, you can keep me quiet or I can make you scream and tell your daddy anyway,” he warned as he fought with your flailing hands, “it all goes the same way, got it?”
You stilled and stared up at him. It was as if he’d slapped you. Your eyes overflowed and he brought his hand up to trace the streaks with his thumb.
“You’re so sweet,” he ran his hand down to your dress and groped your through the fabric, “mmm, so sweet.”
You tensed as he pushed his hand between your bodies and lifted himself as he pressed his fingers to your cunt. He tugged your skirt up impatiently and rubbed along the front of your underwear. You turned your head and swallowed a sob.
“I woulda been nice, taken you out proper,” he pushed his fingers under the cotton and you gasped as he caressed your folds, “you coulda been a sheriff’s wife, you coulda made your daddy proud.”
He poked his fingers inside you so roughly you whimpered. He pulled them in and out even as your body resisted. He sank to his knuckles and squeezed until you cried out.
“Now you can take my bastard home to him,” he snarled and tore his hand out of your knickers.
He unzipped his pants and wriggled as he shimmied them down. Still trapped beneath his weight, you stared at the back of the leather seat as your tears hovered on your lashes. He grunted as he ripped your panties down to your knees. He stretched the cotton between your legs as he bent them and rested on the fabric.
Bent beneath him, you closed your eyes as he felt around your cunt. He pushed his knees against your ass and lined up with your entrance. You clenched as he prodded and struggled to get his tip inside of you. He swore and leaned heavily on the elbow planted beside your head.
“Now, don’t make this harder than--” He bucked into you so hard you hollered. He smothered it with his hand and held himself deep inside of you, “you weren’t lyin’ about the boys, were you?”
You squeezed your eyes tight and he wiggled until you squirmed. He pulled back and rammed back into you roughly, groaning as he did. He waited and did it again, each thrust reverberated up your spine.
“You think your father would still love you if he knew?” he rasped, “huh, what you think everyone will say? That whore went up to the city and got a child on her.”
“P-p-please,” you whispered as you pushed on his chest, “it… hurts.”
“Oh, it gon’ hurt, sweetheart,” he growled, “but it didn’t have to.” He hissed as he kept his hips moving, “you made it this way.”
“I can’t-- don’t-- I can’t have a ba--”
“You gonna have my baby,” he sneered and hooked his arm under you, “you gonna carry me with you the rest of your life,” the car shook with his movement, “it was only a drink, sweetheart… one drink.”
Please reblog and like! Let me know what you think.
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draculcid · 3 years
single dad billy au! angst cause I HAVE to. maybe when shes a bit older she got in an argument with steve and yelled 'why do you care you're not my real dad anyways! which she absolutely did NOT mean but it rlly hurt steve cause theres always been a small insecure part of him that thought that.
(au tag)
okay yeah definitely. and i think she’s a lot like billy, in some ways. she thinks steve is too good sometimes. thinks that maybe she doesnt deserve that- that steve’s just going to leave her and billy some day.
she never really thought much about it until one day when she hears about how her friend’s real dad left. she becomes paranoid. because steve’s not really her real dad- and he could leave if he really wanted to.
and she just doesn’t want to get attached or get used to steve’s presence anymore, in case he decides he’s suddenly going to leave.
so maybe for a little while their kid starts being a little distant from steve. and it’s weird and very out of character of her. steve notices, of course, because she stops doing the things they usually do together with him. like, she starts saying ‘oh no- i have way too much homework to do tonight,’ whenever he asks her if she wants to go out. she doesn’t really talk to him often. she weirdly doesn’t accept anything from steve, from random things he thinks she’d like to add to her scrapbook to that one snow globe he got her on his business trip with her name etched on it.
it’s fine, he tries to convince himself but. he notices something bigger.
the biggest difference is that she stops calling him dad. and it’s not like she just started randomly calling him “steve” again out of nowhere. it’s just a tiny change. like the way she says “hey, can you pass me this?” instead of “hey dad, can you pass me this?”
and steve feels like he shouldn’t even notice- but he does. and he starts overthinking every little detail. it absolutely drives him mad, trying to find where he went wrong. and he brings it up to billy one night while they’re in bed, but billy manages to convince him that it’s just her being a teenager. kisses steves temple and assures him, “she loves you. always has. stop worrying.”
so he does. stops worrying. he holds on to that little “she loves you, always has,” and ignores all the little changes.
until that one afternoon he goes to pick her up from school and she just mutters, “I coulda walked home.” which- fine, teenagers are embarrassed to be seen with their parents or whatever.
but she was never like that. and the drive home is weirdly tense. she doesn’t ask to play any music, and only says “t’was fine,” when steve asks her how her day was. it wasn’t actually fine, he guesses from the tone of her voice. so he doesn’t drive home. he stops by their ice cream place. the one they always used to go to- to make bad days better and to celebrate good days. “ice cream? I know we haven’t been here in a while-”
“can we just.. go home?” she cuts him off.
“..okay. yeah, that’s fine, I guess,” he furrows his brows, putting the car in reverse again, “you okay, little sunshine?”
“I’m not little,” she groans. steve smirks.
“okay, let me rephrase that,” he looks over at her, and then asks, genuinely, “you okay, big sunshine? bad day?”
“dunno. you shouldn’t care that much, anyway,” she mumbles, looking out the window. 
“hey, stop that. stop pushing me away,” his brows pull together again, “of course I care..you’re my daughter. and I want to know what’s wrong.”
she murmurs a silent, “not yours,” to herself.
“we can go see a movie if you want?” he offers, trying to fix her bad day, “or. you know, daddy wanted to go to that record shop downtown? right? we could go and buy him something, if you want?”
she shrugs. she’s thinking, he’s too good, he’s gonna leave us alone, and no one will take me to get ice cream and we’ll never get to go to the record shop downtown again, and no one will make daddy happy again-
he shakes his head at the lack of response and decides, whatever. if she wants to go home, he’ll take her home.
the drive back is silent, and the second he parks the car in the driveway, she pretty much runs into the house.
“am I that embarrassing to hangout with?” he yells out, jokingly, as he steps into the house. her back is turned to him, so he can’t tell if she laughs. though, she probably doesn’t, he thinks.
she doesn’t even respond.
“hello?” he says, getting a little impatient, “you’re kinda in one of your angsty teenager moods and I’m getting a little annoyed here, to be honest. talk to me because I’m trying to help.”
she turns around, and that makes steve falter. she looks angry, blue eyes welling with tears.
he quickly inches closer to her, “woah, hey. baby, what’s wrong?”
“you’re not my real dad!” she finally yells out.
and steve’s face falls. literally. his eyebrows lower and pull closer together. he looks like he just got punched in the stomach, “wait...what?..”
“I didn’t- I don’t want to hang out with you anymore!” she shouts, “okay? I just- you’re not my real dad. and I’m sick of you pretending like you are because one day you’re going to leave me and daddy all alone! stop pretending like you- like you care about me!”
“I’m not pretending anything..” steve whispers, choosing his words carefully, “yeah. no, what? I’m not leaving-” he draws his lip inwards when he realizes what she’s saying, “I’m not- baby, do you want me to leave?”
she scoffs, “I don’t know! I mean, if you’re planning to leave, then do it now.”
his eyes widen because he can’t lose this. she notices the pleading in his eyes as they gaze at her, “I never planned to..” he shakes his head, feeling his stomach tighten, “unless you want me to- I guess I-I could talk to billy- and then, I mean, I don’t want to leave him- or you- but if you think-“
“no!” her lip quivers. steve knows that means she’s going to start sobbing in a few seconds.
he ignores the pit in his stomach and finally finds the courage to return her gaze. he opens his mouth, only to immediately close it again.
silence ensues for a moment between them, but when she starts to rub her eyes, wiping her tears, he silently steps forward
“okay- uh. I’ll- we’ll figure it out,” he stutters, holding holding his arms out for her, “come here.”
she chokes out a cry when his arms wrap around her, enveloping her in a hug.
“sorry- d-dad, I don’t want you to go, ever,” she says through shaky breaths.
“i won’t,” he says quietly, stroking the back of her head. “not unless you want me to.”
“don’t want you to,” she mumbles, gripping his shirt. “you- you are my dad. I wasn’t thinking.”
“s’okay,” he continues, “think billy’d flip if i left outta nowhere anyway, hm?”
“sorry. I just thought- it’d be easier- if you left now. I didn’t want to get attached-” she confesses, sobbing into his shirt. his work shirt, jesus.
“nothin’ to be sorry about, big sunshine,” he whispers, drawing back and holding her at arm’s length. “just- don’t do that to me. don’t push me away again. you had me scared for weeks.”
she reaches up yet again to rub at her eyes, urgently saying, “i know. sorry. but you’re my dad. and i love you, okay? don’t leave.”
“i’ll never leave. you’re stuck with me,” he jokes, trying to lighten the mood. “are you certain you don’t want to get some ice cream?” he asks, leaning down so she could look him in the eye. “you look like you need it.”
she scoffs, smile returning back to her face, “you just want an excuse to go get ice cream.”
“I just want an excuse to spend time with you,” he pokes her side, “you’re too cool for your old dad now.”
“debatable,” she sniffs, “ice cream sounds good.”
“yeah? that’s what i thought, my little ray of sunshine,” he grins, wiping the stray tears on her cheeks with his thumbs.
“dad. stop calling me that!” she grouses, “I’m not little anymore!”
“whatever you say, big sunshine.”
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micer2012 · 3 years
no cure is coming, you know (LLSMP Fic)
A few months into Last Life, Skizz and Tango are some of the only members to still hold onto their humanity. With Tango the only member on dark green and Skizz on yellow, Skizz is cursed as the Boogeyman at the beginning of their session. He knows that without hesitation, without question Tango will give one of lives to him… and that’s exactly the problem. [3k words] [crossposted on ao3]
just trust in me, my dear… no cure is coming near.
“Skizz! Countdown time!”
Skizz heard Tango’s voice coming from one of the top layers of their castle, their home. He put down the axe he had been using and ran inside the castle, shutting the door behind him.
“Boogey time?” Skizz called. “Boogey time, my brother!” Tango responded, barreling down the stairs to meet Skizz.
And right on cue, as the moon hit the highest point in the sky, the countdown began in their heads. 5, 4, 3, 2, 1…
Silence filled their home.
“Nothing. You good?” “Yeah! Yeah, ob-viously. What, were you worried?”
Tango laughed. “I- I mean a little. I gotta be worried a little. There’s what.. 5 non-reds left?”
“And MY teammate is the only one who’s still on dark green.” Skizz boasted, hand on his chest.
Tango punched him playfully, snickering. “Don’t get so high and mighty! I went from.. What, 11 lives? Down to a measly 4.” “That’s only because you were such a good sport about it, Tango Tops. You coulda kept those for yourself, y’know. Been the schamaze of all time.”
“Ha!. Suppose it would have been. But- but I bet we’d have FAR more enemies. It would not have been a good idea to be on that many people’s bad sides that early…” “I coulda took em.”
Tango laughed again. “Y’think? Etho and Bdubs? Cleo?” “I coulda took em. If they were trying to hurt my best friend.”
Tango smiled sadly at him, before looking down. “I wouldn’t want you to lose any more of your own lives because of My theoretical jerk move.” Skizz just looked at his friend, before sitting down on the floor, gesturing wildly with his hands. “Well, Theoretically, I wouldn’t lose any lives then! I’d just do a super good job, and kill them down to 0.” Tango let out another laugh. “Says the guy who lost his life to a mob!”
Skizz pointed his finger accusatory at Tango, still criss-cross applesauce on the ground. “Hey, it wasn’t a ’’’mob’’’ it was a BABY ZOMBIE. You KNOW how much I hate those Lil’ annoying kids! Those- Those are more dangerous than most of the people on this server. THEY are the ones with the bloodlust, I’m tellin you.”
Tango laughed again. “Heh, suppose you’re right. At least it wasn’t an enderman, right?” Skizz narrowed his eyes. Yellow, but the sclera were still tinted purple from the… events of the previous season. “Tango Tops, if I had lost my first life to an enderman AGAIN, I think I would have just quit the server.” Tango snickered. “True that! True that. Alright, I’m gonna go back to my scouting.” Skizz pushed himself up from the floor. “Of course! I’ll be.. I think I might go caving.” Tango turned back to meet his eyes. “W… Will you be far from the base?”
Skizz paused, and then shook his head, hands up. “No, no! Just like, tunneling nearby. I won’t.. I’m not leaving our base, I’m not leaving you here with the.. With those Swarms.”
Tango nodded. “Of course, of course just.. Just checking. Are.. Are you sure you want to go out alone? The boogeyman just got chosen and- and you’re… one of the 4 victi-”
“Hey, don’t you talk like that. You’re a much higher target than me, and you Know I can take care of myself, right?” Tango looked to him, then looked away. “I’m just.. On- on second thought, you’re sure you don’t want me to come? We can go mining together, better- better to have eachother’s backs.” “Then the castle will be unprotected.” “I don’t care. Better it get raided than us.” “No, this- this is our Last bastion. We CAN’T let this fall, then.. Then we’d have nothin’, Tops!”
Tango’s eyes were soft when he looked back up at Skizz. “If I lose you, then I’ll have nothing.”
Skizz was taken aback. He froze for a few moments, before walking over and putting his black-stained hands onto Tango’s shoulders. “Hey, d-don’t talk like that. I’m not going anywhere! F-FIRST sign of danger, I’m calling you and running back home. Okay, buddy?” Tango nodded. “Yeah.. Yeah. Okay. Be-be careful.” Skizz patted his shoulders, before walking out to leave the base. “Of course, Tops! Nothing bad’s ever gonna happen to your buddy Skizz.”
You are the boogeyman. You must by any means necessary kill a green or yellow name by direct action to be cured of the curse. If you fail, next session you will become a red name. All loyalties and friendships are removed when you are the boogeyman.
Skizz looked down at the message sent to him on his communicator, hands shaking so much it was hard to read the screen.
But he didn’t need to read the screen, he had heard the message beamed loud and clear into his own head. He- He had lied and Tango had believed it. Tango would believe anything he said. He knew that- He- He knew the second he told Tango he was the boogeyman, his friend would immediately let him take one of his lives and free Skizz from the curse. He probably wouldn’t even be mad that Skizz had lied to him earlier.
Skizz had dug himself a hole in the wall of one of the mountains near their base, 10 deep and covered up. He paced the 3x2 room he had made now, this tomb, ranting to himself. He needed to get his thoughts out SOME way.
“Ok. So.So I-I’ve gotta get SOMEONE. A green or y.. Oh, this WHOLE time too I thought killing one of the reds would be fine- THAT would be too easy huh?? We’ve got HOARDS and hoards of hostile reds trying to hunt us down every moment, targeting us like mobs- but NOO. Nooo, it’s gotta be one of the people who’ve still got humanity, huh? Cruel. CRUEL trick to play on Skizz.”
Hand on his head, he scrolled through the list of names on the communicator. He and Cleo were on yellow, BigB and Lizzie were on green… Tango was on dark green. He scrolled back down, cutting off Tango’s name. No. No, that was off the table.
“T..Tango Tops has got the best chance of winning right now out of all of us. Even- not just Life wise, but he’s sharp. Tango’s a sharp cookie. Right now, he’s got the best shot of winning.”
He kept looking at his communicator, before shoving it back into his pocket and groaning, hand on his face. “GAAAGHH, WHY DOES IT GOTTA BE A GREEN OR YELLOW?? L--Lizzie and BigB and Cleo, they’re still up this long because they’re Set up. They’ve Got an alliance, they- they’re untouchable to the reds. I surely won’t be able to be touching them!! ‘Specially without Tango’s help!!” He gripped his face, growling again, before punching the cobblestone wall to the side of him. “And-And I CAN’T tell Tango this. I’m not bringing him into some.. Into some yellow and green fistfight. He’s gotta stay safe, he’s the biggest target on the server.” Skizz was breathing heavily, adrenaline that had been building up leaving as his hand stood in place in the small crater he had made in the wall. “He..He’s gotta stay safe. He’s got the biggest chance of surviving out of everyone. I..” Skizz withdrew his fist, balling it up and rubbing it with his other hand. It hurt. “I can’t do that to him. I’m not gonna be the one who hinders my buddy’s chance.”
The adrenaline gone, Skizz just stood in his little 2x3 box, the chill of what he had to do running up his spine. He kept running his hand over his other hand. “I...I can’t do that to him.”
He had memories of being reckless and running into battle. Of- Of the loyalty to his friends and the stab of betrayal overcoming his senses, along.. Along with the drive to kill. The drive to dig his sword through Impulse’s heart, through Grian’s, through Tango’s, it.. It was the worst feeling he had ever felt in his life, and it had completely enveloped him.
He remembered Ren crying out, asking him what he was doing. He had convinced himself he was doing it for their benefit, right? Skizz had screamed, as he ran towards the castle, he was doing it for the Red Army. For the only people who defended him. For the only people who gave him a chance. And that chance he had immediately squandered, leaving the Red Army with 1 man less the coming week and.. And leading to Skizz having to watch his friends run into a battle that all of them knew they weren’t going to be coming out of. Skizz had known that when he surged the Crastle too. This was a death game, only one person could make it out alive, and they were all resigned that they were not gonna be that lucky winner.
Skizz ran his hand over the scars around his mouth. Vertical slits where his face had torn itself open, enderman hostility Not mixing well with his human anatomy. His arms were stained black too, not that he had noticed, taken how often they had been stained with blood.
A voice that sounded like his own was talking in the back of his head, reminding him that He was the boogeyman, and reminding him of what he needed to do. Like he could forget.
Tango was holding his hand, and the two of them were bolting. A swarm of reds, what used to be the southlanders, was chasing them, and their base was already compromised. There were only a few minutes left of this session, if- if the two of them could just get to safety-
“HERE! TANGO, FOLLOW ME!” Skizz let go of Tango’s hand and started digging into the wall, into the cobblestone he had used to patch up his Vent Hole from earlier today. Tango followed after him, panting, as they dug their way into the wall and closed the opening behind them.
“Th...D’ya think we’re safe here?” Tango managed between breaths. Skizz was breathing heavily too, holding his chest. It sounded like the man was about to pass out, whole body leaning onto the cave wall. “Skizz.. Woah, Skizz buddy, take some breaths. The sessions almost over I- I think we’re good.”
When Tango went to go put his hand onto Skizz’s shoulders, he jolted back, chest still heaving.
“Th.. The sessions almost over?” The words sounded incredibly pained.
“Y-Yeah. Few minutes til midnight.” “Few minutes til midnight…” Skizz stuck on the words, and then slumped down against the wall, falling into a sitting position. He was still holding his chest.
“I don’t think anyone’s been killed by the boogeyman yet, right? All the deaths have been red.”
Skizz, still slumped over, did not react to this news.
“...This’ll be the first week where the killer fails, if something doesn’t happen in the next minute..”
A pained sob was expelled from Skizz, shaking his entire body.
“S-Woah, Skizz? Are you- did you get hit? I have regen potions, are- what’s wrong?”
Skizz was shaking now, trying to not make noise as the tears ran down his face. He was failing.
“Talk to me man, use your words. I can’t help you if I don’t know what’s going on.” Tango was kneeling next to him, also on the floor now.
The tears hurt Skizz as they surged down his face.. A kind of singing burn, like his cheeks were being branded. It had been happening ever since 3rd Life ended, a side effect of the whole enderman thing. It was excruciatingly painful when he was crying big, painful, tears like now, but not as painful as his mind was. Not as painful as knowing what he had to do was.
He could hear the countdown in his own mind. Second by second it ticked by, and the letters filled his brain and his vision with large red text. It was screaming at him. He was screaming back at it, desperately trying to get it to shut up. There were other voices in his mind too, screaming and crying and tugging at him. He can’t do this, He has to do this, Why won’t he get it over with and do it already? He’s learned nothing from last season, keeping this in is just gonna make this more painful for both of them, he deserves all this pain for what he put Tango through.
He was gripping himself with both his arms now, shaking. All of his senses were screaming that he had T-60 seconds left to kill a green or yellow name.
“I.. I-” Skizz managed, voice cracking. “Yes?” “I feel like I’m gonna throw up.”
“Oh!” Tango moved away from his best friend slightly. “Uh, Here, I have a bucket. Let me pour out the water.. Here. Here you go, buddy.”
Skizz was holding the bucket now. His darkstained hands were holding on so tight, it looked like the steel might crack. Not just his hands now, it looked.. It looked like his entire arms were turning black in a veinlike pattern. Tango couldn’t see his face.
Skizz kept hold on the bucket. T-50 seconds left. He had to get on with it.
Skizz slowly moved his hands to the buckles of his chestplate, and started undoing them.
“Wh- What are you doing? Are you hot?”
Skizz pulled the chestplate over his head, and set it aside. “I-I uh Drats I just. Poured out the water. Um, I’ve got.. potio-”
“Tango. Look at me.”
Tango turned back and focused his eyes on his friend. The tears were still running down his face leaving burnmarks on his cheeks, his eyes were still covered, his.. His chestplate was off. The blackness in his veins ran across all the space his skin was visible and.. and he was shaking like an egg about to crack.
T-40. “You- you remember what you said about the boogeyman not killing yet, right?” His voice was shaky, like the words hurt to get out.
Tango’s face was frozen, and then dropped.
“Skizz.. No. NO.”
Skizz’s grip on the bucket got tighter. T-35.
“Skizz I- Skizz, you KNOW if you had just told me I would help you get a kill ri- Ok.Ok, No I’m not mad. There’s no time to get mad, I’m not mad at you, I’m just.. Skizz, you know this isn’t going to break our alliance, right? I’ve told you countless times, I trust you.”
Skizz convulsed like he was trying to hold in another sob, eyes still not meeting Tango’s.
“I’m… I’m not mad. I’ve got 4 lives left, I in no way think less of you. This was inevitable.”
T-25. “Here.” Tango took Skizz’s hands, cold and limp in his grip, and placed his Netherite Sword into his hands. They had only had enough to make a sword for Tango- of course, Skizz had found the Netherite first, but insisted it was used on his buddy.
“Do what needs to be done. I won’t think any less of you.”
Tango spread his arms out now, crouched in front of Skizz.
Do what needs to be done. Skizz..Skizz needs to do what needs to be done, alright. It didn’t make it hurt any less, knowing this was what he had to do. It didn’t make him any less scared.
This was the worst case scenario. Tango had the greatest chance out of all of them of living.
Skizz certainly had no chance. And he didn’t want to drag his only friend, his brother down with him. Like he had dragged the Red Army with his own selfishness.
Tango had the best chance of winning out of all of them.
His hands were shaky as he moved the sword into the correct position, inches from his heart.
You are the boogeyman. You must by any means necessary kill a green or yellow name by direct action to be cured of the curse. If you fail, next session you will become a red name. All loyalties and friendships are removed when you are the boogeyman.
Skizz was scared.
“DO IT ALREADY!” Tango yelled, arms thrown out and eyes squeezed shut.
Skizz drove the blade through his chest, piercing his heart.
Piercing his heart.
“Wh-” Tango opened his eyes, and screamed. That scream was the last thing Skizz heard before his vision went black.
Tango was frantically shifting through his inventory, holding Skizz’s corpse in his other hand.
The second his hands found his way upon an apple, lightning was heard outside the cave.
It pierced through everyone’s hearts, a shot in the air heard serverwide.
When Tango looked back to the body it was gone, the only sign left of his brother being a pile of still items.
“No. N-No. No, I- I was at gr.. No, No h..this. This has to be a dream, th- this has to be a nightmare I- I can’t.. I, I can’t……………” Tango’s voice trailed off into incomprehensible quiet sobbing. He was curled up in a pile around the items, holding close the only remainder of his friend. The only thing that he had left period, since the castle had been taken… But he would have took a thousand structures falling to keep his friend. He… He would have done anything to keep his friend. Both Skizz and him knew that.
Skizz had respawned in the spruce forest. He was leaning against a tree, still weak on his feet. There was a hole in the middle of his chest, and it hadn’t stopped bleeding.
The reds weren’t gonna hurt him now, he had become one of them. A murderer, just like them.
The curse needed a green or a yellow’s life taken to be broken, and he sure had a spare yellow life.
He wasn’t gonna let his own incompetence, his own selfishness doom the fate of his friend again. Tango had the best chance of winning, and he needed to keep all 4 of those lives.
As-as a red he could help too, right? Pick off any other reds that make claims on his friend. Of.. Of course, he couldn’t speak to his friend anymore. He couldn’t see him. He couldn’t even get his stuff.
It was better this way. Tango had the greatest chance of winning, and he was only going to hinder that chance.
He took his communicator out of his pocket, hands still shaking. They were covered in red now, and the communicator’s screen was splattered with red as well.
Skizzleman was killed by Skizzleman using [YOU BET YOUR LIFE]
LDShadowLady> …
Grian> WHAT
SolidarityGaming> ?????
Skizz looked down at the screen.
Tango hadn’t typed anything.
He put the communicator back into his pocket.
This session was ending now. And the next session might be his last. But he didn’t care, his own life didn’t matter, as long as he used his corpse to lift his brother to the win.
He had learned from season 1, hadn’t he?
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kitkatd7 · 4 years
What Could’ve Been; Broken Hearts & Whiskey Pt. 2
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Summary: Bucky finally starts trying to get his shit together but when you show up with another man it throws everyone for a loop.
Warnings: Angst! Overprotective Bucky, Pissed reader, Threats, womanizing character who gets what he deserves, Talk of the breakup, Cursing that Steve would be ashamed of, Tiniest bit of fluff but not really.   
Word Count: 3,331
A/N: I’m finally backkk!!! I’ve been wanting to work on this series for some time now and I’m finally getting a bit of motivation to do so! I hope you enjoy it!
A/N 2: Entire paragraphs of italics are flashbacks, single sentences of italics are internal thoughts, Bold italics are song lyrics.  I used lyrics from the song What Could’ve Been by Gone West for this story.  
Masterlist of Masterlists || Marvel Masterlist || Series Masterlist || Part 1
**2 Months After Breakup**
Waltzing into the living room of the Avengers tower, you're met with a chorus of greetings from your adopted family. Despite you and Bucky being over you still spend time with everyone else- just when he isn’t around. 
You haven’t seen him since you broke up and you’d like to keep it that way. Seeing him would just be more than you could handle; you already lost him so why remind yourself of it more often than you already do? But at the same time his absence from movie night is just as painful of a reminder- like a puzzle with a lost piece. 
Snapping back to reality you give a halfhearted smile, joining Steve and Sam on the couch as Natasha hits play on ‘John Wick’.
2 hours later you’re standing in the kitchen making snacks with Sam before the next movie starts. “That’s ridiculous, Sammy!” You giggle, watching the microwave timer count down until the popcorn is ready. “Bacon does not belong in ice cream.”
You hear him chuckle behind you as he empties M&M’s into bowls. “Bacon belongs in everything, sweetheart. You're gonna try it sometime or else...”
“Or else what, Sa-” You cut off as you turn around, frozen on the spot as you peer over 
Sam’s shoulder.
“Hey, y/n,” Bucky whispers. Your gaze travels up and down the man you used to know, but he’s different. His eyes have bags beneath them from lack of sleep, his hair longer and more unruly than it was the last time you saw him. The stubborn jawline you remembered was replaced by a nervous clenched jaw. His eyes once so bright were now timid and dull; no longer holding the same sparkle that used to make you smile.
In an instant your expression went from a carefree woman with her friends to the girl who’s heart was shattered by the stranger before you whose face you used to know so well. 
“Can we talk?” Bucky asks gently, his expression hopeful yet dreading. 
“What are you doing here, James?” you whisper, wrapping your arms around yourself as Sam looks between you both carefully.
“I live here,” Bucky nearly scoffs. 
“Barnes,” Sam warns, his shoulders tense as he glances at you worriedly.
“I don’t want to talk to you, James. I have nothing to say.”
“All you have to do is listen. Please, doll.” 
Despite your best efforts to appear unbothered, the nickname shatters your false bravado. “Don’t call me that,” your voice breaks as tears cloud your vision.
“Excuse me,” you whisper, rushing past both men, ignoring Bucky’s call of your name and attempt to stop you. 
“Let her go, man. You’ve done enough,” you hear Sam say as you flee down the hallway, slamming the bathroom door behind you. 
Locking the door you turn on the faucet as the tears begin to fall and the suppressed memories rush back:
**2 Months Before Breakup* Flashbacks*
“It’s midnight! Where the hell were you?” You yelled, tears pricking your eyes.
Bucky sighed in defeat, his expression resigned and cold. “Can we do this in the morning?” His tone more of an order than a request as he turns his back on you and begins to walk down the hallway of your apartment. 
“No, we can’t do it in the morning. You owe me an explanation. You were supposed to be here when my parents got here. You promised.” You sniffled as Bucky’s shoulders stiffened. “I’m sorry. I don’t have a good enough reason,” he mumbles before walking away. 
I haven't stopped thinking about you
Has it really been this long?
Two years and an ocean between us
And I don't know where it all went wrong
I know I coulda kissed you harder
And yeah, you coulda followed through
Shoulda talked a little bit softer
But we meant every "I love you"
**1 Month Before Breakup**
Glancing around the restaurant you see no sign of Bucky. Checking your phone for the 8th time in the past 10 minutes, you sigh. Where is he? You’ve been here for an hour; waiting in your new dress for the man who hadn’t bothered to show. You’re getting tired of the pitiful looks the waitress and the other customers are shooting you. Polishing off your second glass of wine you open your phone: no new messages.
You’ve already sent Bucky 5 texts and called him 4 times; you're done.
Paying for the wine quickly you all but flee the restaurant, trying to hold back your tears. If you weren’t so upset you would probably laugh; laugh at yourself for being so naive to think he would keep his word. But you can’t bring yourself to laugh, not while your heart slowly shatters at the hands of the man who swore never to hurt you.
I don't know what this is or what it isn't
But it feels like we've got unfinished business
**2 Months Ago; AKA Week of Breakup**
“Hey this is y/n, I can’t come to the phone right now cuz I’m out livin my life! Leave it at the beep.” He hears your all too familiar voicemail through the speaker. He had helped you come up with it, you hadn’t known what to put on it. He kicks himself, knowing you weren’t actually out living your life, just dodging his calls. Not that he blamed you- He deserved it and he knew it. Calling again, he’s not surprised when he hears your voicemail again.
“Hey… Um, listen, I know I was supposed to be at your place after the mission… I just wanted to unwind with the guys and- Shit. I’m sorry, okay? I didn’t think you would mind that much, I’ll be over in a bit to make it up to you, okay?” He leaves the message and ends the call before starting his car and driving towards your apartment, guilt heavy in his stomach.
You listen to his voicemail over and over, a strange mix of rage and sorrow weighing on your heart.
Tears roll slowly down your cheeks silently as you lay curled up in a defensive ball on your bed, trying to block out the unmistakable sound of Bucky begging you to open the front door; “Babe, please open the door,” He says, fist resting gently against the frame. “I’m sorry- really, really sorry. Please let me in and we can talk about it,” He sighs, resting his head against the door in defeat. He could break the lock and go in. You both know that. But he wouldn’t do that to you- All that would do is make you fear him and that’s the last thing he wants. He slides his back down the wall til he’s sitting on the floor next to your door, his elbows on his knees and his hands in his hair; Tears gathering in his lashes. He really messed up this time.
The next day you drag yourself out of bed, trying to forget last night and all the tears you shed. After a shower and breakfast, you head out the door for a coffee run before work. You stop in your tracks when you see Bucky still sitting there, eyes red from lack of sleep and regret written all over his face. He jumps up when you walk out, keys in hand, the door closing behind you. “What are you doing here?” 
“I- I came to apologize,” he murmurs, looking in your eyes.
“I don’t want to hear it,” you bite, moving to step around him but stopping when he steps to block your path.
“Bucky, I’m going to be late for work,” you say coldly, glaring at him. “Move out of the way.”
“Please doll, just let me explain-”
Huffing, you roll your eyes. “I understand perfectly, James.” You watch as he flinches a little at the use of his first name. You only use it when you're really mad or really happy, and it isn’t the latter right now. “You were too busy with your beer buddies to come see your girlfriend after being gone for three weeks, but what’s new? It’s been like this for months. I guess it was naive of me to expect something else this time.” 
'Cause we left blood the on the tracks
Sweat on the saddle
Fire in the hills
A bullet in the barrel
Words never said in a story that didn't end
Looks like you're on the mend and I'm on the bottle
We folded our hands with money on the table
**Present Day**
All the broken promises, nights alone and tears came rushing back as sobs racked your body. Sliding down the door you rest your head between your knees, eyes screwing shut tightly in a useless attempt to stop the bittersweet memories and tears. 
Little do you know that outside the door sat a man with tears clouding his vision as he listened to your muffled sobs on the other side of the door. In that moment he wanted nothing more than to turn back time and undo all of the agony he caused you and hold you like he's been wishing he could for the past 2 months. You were just on the other side of the door, separated from him by a few inches of wood and yet you had never been farther away. What did he do?
Tried moving on, but I keep coming back again
To what could've been
What could've been
Oh, what could've been
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Stumbling into your apartment you all but throw your keys and purse down before shuffling into the bathroom and turning on the hot water for a shower before turning back to the mirror.
The person you see looking back at you in the mirror isn’t who you remember- or at least not who you thought you were. The person you remember was carefree and happy; living in a dream with the love of their life. You don’t recognize the girl in the mirror with swollen, bloodshot eyes and shoulders that hold the weight of the world. What happened to the girl you used to know?
A single tear rolled down your cheek, leaving a mournful trail in its wake. Bucky. Bucky happened to that girl. 
There had always been doubt hidden in the back of your mind; doubt that your beautifully woven reality would become nothing more than a tangled web of what once was and could’ve been, but you never thought it would end like this. You had imagined it being another girl that came between you, or perhaps his self loathing or the inadequacy you felt. Never did you think it would be the unexplainable, cold, unfeeling resentment that had taken over the gentle, sweet man you thought you knew.  Where did it go wrong?
A couple more simple, "I'm sorry's"
A little less tryna be right
I wonder how many good mornings we wasted
'Cause we didn't say goodnight
One touch before we fell asleep
Just before our love was out of reach
Coulda been enough, coulda saved us from this loneliness
“Steve?” Bucky calls out as he strides into the training room, the door banging shut behind him. Whirling around Steve clutches a hand to his chest. “Jesus, Buck! You scared the hell out of me!”
“I need your help,” Bucky demands, jaw set in a firm line and his eyes glittering with determination. 
Steve runs a hand over his face, letting out a sigh. “Is this about Y/N and the other night? Because if it is I am not apologizing to the poor girl for you, so you can just-” 
“I want her back.” 
“You what?!” Steve exclaimed, his jaw dropping.
“I want her back- I need her back. And I need you to help me.” 
“Damn it, Bucky. It’s been 2 months and you saw how she still feels about what you did. How are we gonna fix that?”
“I don’t know yet, Steve… But I have to try. Please.”
Strolling into Tony’s party happily, you smile up at your date, your arm linked with his.
You greet Tony with a warm smile and a kiss on the cheek before turning towards the sound of Natasha calling your name. Sashaying towards her you give her a hug before turning to give Thor and Steve one as well.
“So, who’s this?” Nat asks, gesturing towards your date who’s eyeing her unabashedly, his gaze dropping to her neckline.
“Oh, sorry! This is Jordan!” 
You roll your eyes as Thor begins lightly interrogating him, but he doesn’t pay much attention, his gaze fixed on Natasha’s retreating form.
“Can we talk?” Steve asks, his hand resting gently on your forearm. Following him into a nearby corridor you give him a puzzled look. “Is something wrong, Steve?”
“Um, not exactly…” he murmurs, rubbing the back of his neck.
“Well, what is it then?”
“It’s about Bucky.” Seeing your irritated expression he holds up his hands innocently. “Wait a minute. Just hear me out, okay?”
“Look, he’s been spiraling since you guys broke up; not eating, always working and out on missions constantly, and his nightmares are getting worse again.”
“Why should I care?”
“Don’t do that. Don’t pretend like you don’t still love hi- Actually, fine, Y/N. If you want to pretend that you don’t care then that’s your problem. Just know that seeing you the other night? Changed something. He’s trying again, and I don’t want to see him lose that. So even if you want to tell yourself that it doesn’t matter to you, at least think about it for me.” Steve turned away, pausing for a moment. “Oh, and by the way? Seeing you here tonight with someone else isn’t gonna be good for anyone… But why should you care, right?”
Taken aback by Steve’s lack of usual patience, you can only watch as he walks off, disappearing into the crowd and leaving you with mixed emotions and a hard decision ahead of you; what were you gonna do?
No matter how hard you tried to block out thoughts of Bucky they always managed to slip back in between the cracks in your shattered heart. Steve was right; you did care. But what were you supposed to do about it tonight? Especially about Jordan. Were you supposed to walk up to him and say ‘oh, by the way you have to leave because my ex is here and he may or may not rip your arms off? No, that wouldn’t work.
Racking your brain for a solution, you snag a glass of champagne from one of the passing trays, downing it in the hopes of drowning your mixed emotions - it didn’t work. Taking a deep breath, you start weaving between the sea of bodies towards where you left Jordan.
Spotting Thor and Tony you make your way towards them, smirking when you hear Tony arguing with Thor over… something. 
“Where’s Jordan?” you ask, joining their small circle and trying to shake off your conversation with Steve.
“He was here a minute ago… I’m not sure though, kiddo,” Tony says, giving you a puzzled glance. “Speak of the devil, here he is!” Tony exclaims as you look over your shoulder to see a slightly ruffled Jordan walking towards you, his eyes holding an unnatural hazy look.
“Where were you?” You ask lightly, gaze raking his bedraggled form; his shirt slightly untucked, hair mused and lips pink. 
“Oh um, nowhere. Just the bathroom.”  
Accepting another glass of champagne, you push down the fury in your chest. You’d just taken a sip when an all too familiar figure came to stand beside you; a scotch glass in his hand and clad in an unfairly attractive black suit. “Hey Y/N, who’s this?” 
Nearly choking on your drink, your eyes widen. “Bucky! What are you doing here? You hate these parties!” You say before you can stop yourself. Stupid. The offhanded statement would seem innocent to most, but to you- to you it was a reminder that you still knew him better than anyone else did, a reminder that you remembered all the nights alone together instead of at the noisy parties, a reminder that you still cared enough to remember. 
You could see that he was thinking the same thing. “This is Jordan. My…” you faded off, not quite sure what to call him.”
“Date,” Jordan finishes for you, wrapping his left arm around your waist lazily, his hand traveling slightly further than appropriate for the first date. “But we’re keeping things loose, isn’t that right?” Jordan asks, glancing at you but not waiting for an answer. “And who the hell are you?”
Your eyes widen in shock, glancing back and forth between the two men; taking in Jordan’s cocky smirk and Bucky’s knowing look. 
Bucky extended his hand, a malicious smirk on his lips and dark glint in his eyes as he took in the unprofessional state of Jordan- including the lipstick stain on his white button down- and the uncomfortable shift of your weight, leaning away from your sorry excuse of a date. 
Jordan accepted the outstretched hand, wincing visibly and paling at Bucky’s iron grip.  “Bucky Barnes,” Bucky offered, enjoying as the other man wriggled uncomfortably in his grip, his arrogance forgotten. His gaze lighted on Bucky’s metal arm, his eyes lighting with recognition and terror. 
“Holy- you're the Winter Soldier! God man, I’ve heard so much about you-”
“An honor, I’m sure,” Bucky drawls, looking bored, his voice dropping an octave in warning. “Now get lost.” 
You sputter defiantly as Jordan scurries off, his tail between his legs. 
“What was that for?!” you fume,a fire burning in your eyes as you turn on Bucky.
“Oh c’mon. The guys’ been eyeing every other woman in here! He’s a douche! What was I supposed to do? Just let him feel you up after sneaking off with who knows what girl?”
“Who ‘feels me up’ is none of your concern anymore!” 
“Come off it, Y/N! You didn’t even want him touching you! I was protecting you, so your welcome,” he huffed.
“I don’t need protecting, and I sure as hell don’t need you to protect me. So you can go fuck yourself, James. You can’t treat me like shit for months and then get mad when someone else does the same thing!” you snarl, spinning on your heel and storming off as Bucky watches you. 
Bucky stalks across the floor, the crowd parting before him; not willing to get in the way of the 6 foot man on a mission. Locating his target- dancing with another girl no less- he grabs him roughly by the collar before pushing him against a pillar.
“What the hell, dude?” Jordan fumes, eyes locking on Bucky’s before he goes slack, his eyes widening in horror when he recognizes the former assassin.
“Every single thing you’ve ever heard about me is true, so shut up and listen closely,” Bucky growls, his arm braced against Jordans chest forcefully, a murderous glint in his eyes. “I expect you to do exactly what I say, and if you don’t, I’ll know. First, you are going to get your sorry ass out of here, and then you are going to send Y/N an apology text, telling her what an asshole you are, and that you don’t deserve to even look at her. Then, you are not going to get within 1,000 feet of her, and you are not going to text, call, or even think about her ever again, or I swear to God I will hunt you down, cut your balls off and shove them down your goddamn throat, got it? Nod if you understand. Good. Now. Get. Out.” 
Releasing Jordan, Bucky watches as he falls to the floor before scrambling towards the door with the fear of God instilled in him. 
“What the hell did you just do, Bucky?”
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poc-movie-supremacy · 3 years
I’m coming home to you
Christopher wanted to see his Buck today and who was Eddie to refuse? They picked up Buck for a nice day at the pier. When things go from great to catastrophic, will Eddie reunite with Buck and Christopher. Based off this tumblr post by @sexyapplemilk
This story is for @sexyapplemilk/ @fandom-101 @its-like-looking-in-3d
Thank you to @not-falling-but-flying for reading over this long long fic!
I hope you guys like it!
Eddie and Buck had the same day off. Well Eddie had the day off and Buck didn’t have work but potato potatoe. It was Saturday so Chris didn’t have school today either. 
Eddie was sitting across from Chris at the breakfast table munching their way through breakfast. It had been a quiet morning so far, Chris was lost in his own thoughts. Eddie wondered if his kid was planning anything, but decided not to put much thought into it. 
“Daddy can we see Bucky today?” The question made Eddie cock his eyebrow. He knew that Buck had been wallowing in his bed for the past few days after he got the news he couldn’t go back to work just yet. Part of him didn’t want to disturb the younger man, but the other part of him figured this could be good for Buck. Also he can’t say no to his kid. 
“Let me ask him if he’s free.” Eddie will probably come over anyways, Buck can’t get mad at him, he had Chris. “Finish your breakfast first though mijo.” Chris shouts in joy and resumes eating his breakfast, bagel with fruits cause eddie can’t mess that up, with renewed rigour. Eddie smiles fondly at his kid while he takes a bit of fruit. 
Eddie made Chris finish getting ready for the day. They had to do Chris’s PT, get changed, fix their hair. Eddie combed his hair back, put on a nice white shirt and a plaid button up, jeans, and some sneakers. Chris put on a yellow stripped shirt and blue pants. He waited impatiently for his dad by the door. Eddie chuckled, unlocked the door then walked with his kid to the car. “What do you want to do for today Chris?”
“We can color or Bucky says he got a new video game!”
“You don’t want to go outside?” 
Chris looks at his dad curiously. Eddie helps him into the car then doubling back to get into the drivers seat. He starts the car and starts to drive. “What could we do outside?” 
“You could go to the park, play on the play structure?”
Chris wrinkles his nose. “Bucky can’t fit on it though, I know, we’ve tried.” Eddie laughs out loud at that. The idea of Buck trying to fit into a play structure is way too amusing. 
“Well okay then, no park, we could… go to the laser tag?”
“I promised I’d go with Denny next week though.”
“Hmmm yea we gotta keep our promises don’t we?”
“That’s what you always say.”
“Well maybe Buck will have better ideas huh?”
“Bucky has the best ideas!” 
They get up to Buck’s apartment and Eddie doesn’t knock, instead he just lets himself in. The apartment is eerily quiet and Eddie wonders if Buck wasn’t home. “Buck, Hey Buck me and Chris are here to hang out.” He looks around the apartment for any signs of his best friend. 
“Daddy look.” Chris points up to the loft to the mass on the bed.
Eddie smiles proudly at his kid. “Good job mijo. Go sit in the living room while I go rouse Buck.”
“Can I watch tv?”
“Sure kid.”
Eddie sets Chris up in the living room before heading up to Buck. The bedroom is a bit messy, loose clothes strung everywhere. The blinds are closed and all the lights are off. Any evidence Buck is here is the gigantic mass on the bed. Eddie frowns in worry, before getting to work. He opens up all the blinds and repeatedly pulled the covers off of Buck to force him to get up.
“Dude I have nothing to do today.”
“Nope, you're taking me and Chris, more importantly Chris, somewhere today. Heads up, he’s vetoed the park and laser tag and he’s downstairs. Get changed and start thinking of places to go. I’ll make you something to eat.”
Buck looks at him incredulously. “Eddie, you can’t cook.”
“Yea it’ll probably be toast or a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, but food is food and you need to eat.”
Eddie watches Buck calmly. Anger, confusion, acceptance and happiness flit across his face. He gives Eddie a smile before turning around. “Okay Eddie. Anything for my favorite Diaz.”
Eddie knows he means Chris, he still leaves the loft with a small smile.
The Diaz’s make Buck a peanut butter and jelly sandwich with some strawberries Eddie found in Buck’s fridge. Buck’s in a white shirt and a plain pink button up. His hair is slightly gelled up and any trace of sadness was gone from his eyes. Happily he let Chris pull him to the kitchen table. “Wow this all looks so good buddy, did you make it?”
Chris beamed. “No Dad helped a bit.”
“You coulda convinced me otherwise.” 
Chris giggled as Eddie rolled his eyes, “I cut up the strawberries.” Buck made a small noise of understanding before starting to eat. Chris quietly colored beside him. Occasionally he stole Buck’s strawberries. If Buck cared he didn’t comment on it.
“So have you picked where we’re going Buck?” Eddie asked.
“Yes actually, May’s been talking about visiting the Pier with her friends and I figured  if it was good enough for her, it’s good enough for us right? You wanna go to the pier buddy?”
“What’s on the pier?”
Buck’s face lit up in a blinding smile. Quickly he starts listing off all the unhealthy snacks sold at the pier. Eddie shakes his head and mock glares at Buck, but he only gets a cheeky grin in response. 
“You’re going to give him such a sugar high. Ugh, if you want to do this you have to put him to bed tonight.”
“You’re going to stay with us for the whole day?!” Chris smile could put the sun to shame. He looked eagerly between his father and his Buck.
“Sure Buddy if that’s what you want.” Chris nodded his head so fast he looked like a bobble head. 
Buck chuckled, “Okay buddy, I’ll hop you up on sugar then have the pleasure of tucking you in.” Buck sent Eddie a teasing smile, only to receive an eye roll in response. 
Once Buck finishes his food, the boys head for Buck’s jeep. They could’ve ridden in Eddie’s truck, but Buck likes driving more than Eddie. Chris’s car seat is transferred to the back of Buck’s jeep and they all pile in. Some top 40s song blares from the radio as they head to their destination. 
The wind feels nice in Eddie’s hair. He stares out the window as he listens to Chris and Buck have an animated conversation. Eddie doesn’t really pay attention to it, but it still sounds nice, his son and best friend being happy.  
“Will you ride with us Eddie?”
“The bumper cars? Do you want to ride on the bumper cars with us?”
“Oh why not. You sure though, I’ll kick your butt.”
Buck squacks offendedly. “As if, I’m a pro at bumper cars Diaz. In fact I should be asking if you’re okay going against me.” Buck flashes him a cocky smile and Eddie gives him a deadpan stare. He’s impossible yet so endearing. Eddie can’t bring himself to hate it, any of it for a second. 
Going to the pier, Eddie will admit, was a very good choice. The smell of fried food and the noise of the amusement park rides was relaxing. It felt like being back at the state fairs in Texas. Buck and Chris dragged him along to every ride and Eddie went willingly. He doesn’t remember the last time he had so much fun. 
Eventually they tired down. Eddie was sitting on a bench next to Buck with a frankly gigantic brown bear on his lap. Chris is watching the surfers surf the waves down below with Buck holding onto his shirt. Eddie let himself relax after spending a whole day running after a child and a golden retriever. When Chris comforted Buck, Eddie snuck a photo of the moment. Buck was smiling sadly up at Chris while Chris held Buck’s chin in his hand. It was so sweet Eddie could’ve gotten a toothache.
He went about saving the photo when Chris started talking again. “Where did all the water go?”
So there was a Tsunami in California, and Eddie was in the middle of it. He really can’t have nice things. Immediately Buck grabbed Chris and together they started running off the pier. Man can’t outrun nature though and they were barely halfway across the pier when they got swept away.
Buck tightened his hold on Chris as he felt the water slap them around. As much as he wanted to keep Chris with him, he wasn’t stronger than the water. Eventually Buck felt Chris get torn away from him. Debris the tsunami picked up hurtled toward him. He could feel little nicks appear on his arms and legs. 
When he finally broke through the surface, he spotted Chris clinging to a pole twenty feet in front of him. Carefully he angled his body so the water would take him to Chris. When he got close enough he leaped and wrapped his arms around Chris. With the same intensity, Chris clung to Buck tightly. It was nice to have proof that Chris was safe. After hearing the little guy cry out for him and Eddie, he wasn’t letting Chris go anytime soon. 
For a while the duo was at the mercy of the water, but when Buck spotted a half submerged fire truck, he used his reserved energy to swim towards it. Once there, he lifted Chris onto it and then lifted himself onto it. The whole act hurt his leg, but Buck didn’t voice his pain. Quietly he breathed a sigh of relief. The open air stung his fresh cuts and his soaked clothes clung to him uncomfortably. Chris climbed into his lap and rested his head on Buck’s chest.
“Bucky, where’s my dad?”
Buck sighed, not wanted or knowing how to answer this question. “It appears that we got separated when the wave hit, but that can’t be permanent right buddy? When the water recedes we’ll go search for him okay?” Silently Chris nodded. Buck carded his hand through his curls and let his head gently hit against the truck. He breathed deeply once before getting into action.
“Hey superman, can I give you a quick check-up? I wanna make sure you aren’t too injured.” Chris nodded and Buck went about a modified version of the paramedic check up. (He’s been around Hen and Chimney to know it by heart. He also is a certified EMT.)
“You’re all healthy, kid, just a few cuts but that’s okay. Pretty amazing, I need to know your secrets.” Buck poked Chris’s cheek to make him giggle. He succeeded.
“I had you. You saved me.”
Somewhere along the way Eddie got separated. In the water he tried to reach for Chris or Buck, but his hand kept getting smacked by debriefs. He did it enough times that he was sure his wrist was sprained. 
When he finally broke free from the waves he couldn’t tell where he was. There were string lights hanging above him and a row of nondescript red buildings. Eddie let himself be dragged along with the waves while he thought of something to do. Buck and Chris weren’t beside him, making him officially alone. He hoped they were still together, the thought of all three of them trying to survive this on their own was enough to puke. 
He clutched onto his St. Christopher’s medal as he searched for someplace to grab onto.  There were inflatable toys, scraps of metal, and spare tires; but nothing safe to actually hold onto. Eddie tries to groan in frustration, but he ends up swallowing a mouthful of water instead. 
After another half-hour he finally sees an awning of a restaurant. He makes his way over and lies down on the awning. He breathes in deeply and lets out a slow breath. He’s safe. He’s safe and alive and all alone. Dread tries to settle in his stomach at the thought of his son. He knows he can’t think like this, but god it’s so easy too. He can only hope that Buck is with Chris, Buck will keep Chris safe. 
When the water finally recedes, Buck climbs down the truck. The nice lady, Mrs. Violet, hands Buck Chris before climbing down herself. “Stay safe you two. Good bye.” Chris waves goodbye and Buck gives her a megawatt smile. She’s nice company while they were stuck on the truck. Buck hopes they find their husband. He waits to make sure everyone else gets down safely too. 
The winds from earlier have died down. The warmth from the midday sun beaming down on him feels nice. His clothes have dried into uncomfortable messes, but it’s fine. He gave his pink button to use a tourniquet for a man with a bloody arm. 
Chris tightens his hold on Buck, shifts around to get comfortable, then goes lax in his arms. “You don’t want to be let down buddy?” Chris shakes his head. Buck hmmed in acquiescence . 
As an eight year old, Chris is hesitant to let people hold him. He says he’s too old for it now. The first time it happened Eddie called Buck to drink with him. Buck agreed and listened as Eddie complained at how big his kid was getting. The fact that Chris was willing to be held right now meant that he was more scared than he appeared. It made Buck worry and want Eddie. He shouldn’t be here, Eddie needs to be here to console his kid. 
Buck hiked up Chris further up his hip then started walking. He didn’t know which way he should go, just hoped wherever he went would lead him to Eddie. 
Eddie fell asleep. He fell asleep on top of the awning waiting for something to happen. It wasn’t a great sleep, he kept seeing Christopher get torn away from him. Eddie shocked himself awake and took stock of his surroundings. The water was gone, leaving in its wake the debris it swept away. Also dead bodies. If Eddie had anything to puke up he’d be hurling. 
Okay, okay, you can’t stay here. You gotta go find your kid. How… Eddie thought. Call someone? Call Buck! Or Bobby or Carla! Hope invigorated him to pull his phone out despite the fact that his wrist was definitely broken. Hope left him when he saw his completely waterlogged phone. Okay Plan A was bust on to Plan B… whatever that was. 
The awning was connected to a pole that he could climb down. Best way to find his kid and his best friend was to look for them. Slowly he made his way to an edge of an awning. Then he edged himself off the edge slowly and feet first. Eddie wrapped his feet around the pole and shimmied down. 
There were a few stranglers around him, similarly confused and lost. He tried asking them if they’d seen his lost kid or best friend. Unhelpfully they shook their heads no. Eddie sighed and continued walking. 
Buck’s arms were on fire. His leg was also on fire. He’s pretty sure he was also bleeding something… not good. Holding Chris and walking around for hours in the hot sun hadn’t been kind to him. Buck was still searching for Eddie or a hospital. Finding Eddie was better than finding a hospital, but at this point he’d take either.   
Technically he had found two hospitals already, but they were filled to the brink. The wait was astronomical and there was no place to sit. And there was no Eddie. He let a nurse check Chris out and give them some supplies, water and granola bars, before heading out. In hindsight he should’ve also asked for a phone to call someone but he forgot. 
Chris had long since passed out in his arms. The kid's soft breaths on his necks was very reassuring. It was part of the reason Buck didn’t want to let him down. Another reason was because he wanted to physically pass Chris off to Eddie. Who is fine. He’s healthy and fit and able to carry his kid when Buck finds him. ‘Cause he will find him, Buck can’t not find him.
Chris shifting in his arm brought Buck back to the present. “Bucky? Bucky, I'm tired.”
“I know superman, you’re okay. I heard there's a new hospital a few blocks from here. They’ll be able to help us.”
“Okay Bucky. Can I have ice cream when we get there?”
“We deserve it don’t we? Still need to ask your dad though buddy.”
“Why? He’s not the boss of you?”
“This is a trick.”
After searching for Buck and Chris for five hours (and getting nowhere his evil mind adds) he’s starting to lose hope he can find them on his own. No one has seen a tall man in a pink button up nor a little boy in a yellow striped shirt. Eddie’s poor heart doesn’t know whether or not to implode at that. By now the sun has started setting. The winds aren’t as refreshing as they once were. 
As he made his way down another debris filled street, two first responders found him. Eddie resists their attempts at checking him over for any injuries at first. He needs to find his partner and his kid, but he’s also tired. The first responders seem to pick up on this. They promise him that they’ll help him find his kid and partner if he just cooperates. This is how they cajoole him into going to a hospital. With promises of phone calls to his kid and a message passed around to the other first responders that Firefighter Eddie Diaz of the 118 is looking for his partner Evan Buckley and his son Chris Diaz. 
This satisfies Eddie a great deal and he then becomes a much better patient. (He’s still grumpy and aloof, but now he’s tolerant). He’s almost fine, acquired a cut on his right arm, broke his left wrist, is dehydrated and exhausted. One of the first responders tosses him a bottle of water on the way to their destination. Eddie finds out when they arrive that it’s a VA hospital set up specifically as a halfway point for the sick and wounded. 
The first responders usher him in through the door and into the hands of a nurse. They describe his injuries, and tell her about his missing family. He’d correct them but the statement doesn’t feel wrong anyways. The nurse takes him to a free cot before giving him a check up too. 
The first responders hit the nail on the head with his list of injuries. Since it’s not severe he doesn’t need to be transported to the hospital right away, although it is recommended. She leaves to go get him pain meds and once again, Eddie is alone. The people in the cots beside him don’t count. Hell one’s unconscious and the other one is having an intimate looking conversion with a loved one. There are tears, Eddie looks away.
To keep himself busy Eddie makes a to do list of what he needs to do next. Find Christopher. Give him a big hug. Give Buck a big hug. Sleep. Tell people he’s okay. Buy a new phone. Buy ice cream. The last one isn’t technically an emergency but forgive him he’s in pain. 
The nurse comes back with a wrap for his wrist and disinfectant and band aids. He finishes his water while she works. The nurse tells him he’s lucky his wound isn’t infected. Eddie nods, mind focused on something else.
“This is awkward, but my phone got damaged in the tsunami and I need to tell some people I’m okay. Is it alright if I borrow your phone and make some calls?” 
The nurse smiles and nodds. She gets out her iphone, unlocks it and gets out the phone app. Eddie takes it gingerly and thinks of who to call first. His parents? Ha. He could call his sisters, but if they don’t know then he didn’t want to worry them. He’d call Tia Pepa but she’s probably with Abuela already so calling Abuela’s home phone is the best bet. 
She’s calm if not incredibly saddened when she picks up the phone. Abuela  lets out a fast stream of spanish that’s said through tears once she realizes its him. He waits patiently for her to finish talking before reassuring her she’s fine. Eddie wants to tell her about Christopher, but he’s worried about Abuela having a heart attack so instead he promises to bring Chris over for lunch tomorrow. He then talks to Tia Pepa for a bit, but there’s not much new to say because Abuela had the phone call on speaker. She thanks god that he’s okay and that he better see her as soon as possible.
When they hang up he immediately calls Bobby. As he waits for him to pick up the phone he gives the nurse a sheepish smile and promises that this is the last call. 
“Hello Bobby Nash, who is this?”
“Bobby? It’s Eddie, listen, my phone got damaged in the tsunami. Buck, Chris and I were at the pier and I can’t find them anymore Bobby.”
“Hey, hey, hey, Eddie, you need to breathe. Okay breathe.” Eddie rubs his hand over his eyes as he takes a deep breath. 
“Okay Where are you right now.”
“The new VA hospital they set up.”
“Okay I know where that is. I’m going to send out a message to keep an eye out for Buck and Christopher. I’ll also ask Maddie to start calling the hospitals to see if they have Buck. We’re going to find them okay Eddie. Buck’s a fighter, we’re going to find him and Chris.”
“I know Cap it’s just-.”
“Hey Hey, this isn’t your fault, you can’t blame yourself for this. Stay there at the hospital so we know where to send Buck and Chris when we find them.”
“Yeah okay, okay, okay.” 
“Okay, are you okay?”
“Umm yeah I’m fine, shallow cut and sprained wrist. I’m fine Cap, it's Buck and Chris.”
“I know that, but I worry about you too. I gotta go, they need me, but take care of yourself okay? Stay safe?”
“Yes sir.” Bobby hung up and Eddie gave the nurse back her phone. 
The nurse left almost immediately to tend to other patients. Eddie took a deep breath before taking the next step. He knew someone had to have a list of patients at this hospital somewhere, he just had to figure out who. Eddie got up from his cot to start looking around. 
The first few people were a bust. Lady #1 was actually a nurse who just finished tending to a patient. Man #2 was actually an off duty first responder helping out. Lady and Man #3 and #4 were family of some of the victims of the tsumai. Eddie was starting to get frustrated. He needed to find his son and partner quickly. The longer they were out there the more Eddie’s insides turned into knots. 
He walked forward towards the entrance and saw a woman with a clipboard. “Hello ma’am is that a list of patients for the VA hospital?”
The woman turned toward him and smiled politely. “Yes it is. Who are you looking for?”
“My son Christopher Diaz. He’s 8 years old and about 4 feet 5 inches tall. He was wearing a yellow striped shirt and khakis. I’m also looking for my partner Evan Buckley. Late twenties 6’2’’ wearing a pink button up, white shirt and some jeans. He has an identifiable birth mark on his right eyebrow that could be mistaken for a burn scar.”
The lady pursed her lips as she scanned through the papers. Eddie tried not to loom or tap his foot as he waited. When her face fell and she frowned he tried not to cry or get violent. “No, I’m sorry sir, I don’t have anyone like that listed here. They could be at another hospital, or,” the lady pointed to a nearby tent, “they could be there.” 
Eddie followed his gaze to the place she was pointing at. “The, the-” black trash bags were piled in front of a stark white tent. That could mean it was only one type of place. 
“I’m so sorry sir, if your family is actually there.” Eddie barely nodded at her, listlessly making his way over to the tent. Part of him wanted to believe that Buck and Christopher was at another hospital, but if they were, wouldn’t they have been found by someone. Wouldn’t Eddie have tangible proof that they were alive? Tears started streaming down Eddie’s face. His knees started to wobble as he started scanning through the list of the deceased kept just outside the doors of the tent.
“Eddie! Has anyone seen an Eddie Diaz?!” A loud voice echoed in the background. Eddie frowned. It sounded a lot like Buck, but he- the lady said he was-
“My name is Evan Buckley, have you seen Edmundo Diaz?” The voice was slightly softer this time. Eddie turned around and almost fell to his knees. There, bathed in the LED lights was his best friend clutching his child in his arms. Eddie sobbed and started running to them.
“Buck! Buck!” 
“Eddie?” Buck wanted to run to Eddie, but walking was hard enough. He stayed where he was and let Eddie run into him. It didn’t take long. Buck quickly felt Eddie wrap his arms around both him and Christopher. 
It was then in his best friend's arms that Buck finally let the weight of the day catch up to him. His knees buckled and he went boneless in Eddie’s arms. Said man took it like a champ, first he made sure he had a secure hold on Chris, then he let himself sink to the ground with Buck. The younger man rested his back on Eddie’s chest and relaxed. The uncomfortable, burning pressure on his legs and arms was finally eased. Buck made a happy little sigh and burrowed further into Eddie, just as Chris was doing in his sleep. Maybe he should’ve been embarrassed by it but he just spent over five hours slowly losing hope that he would ever find Eddie alive. It would take the fear of God to separate them. 
Eddie seemed to have the same idea. The arm that wasn’t around Christopher tightened around Buck’s waist. The younger man could hear his partner murmur prayers in what he thought was spanish. Tears, of what Buck hoped was relief fell from Eddie’s face onto Buck’s shoulder. 
“Oh god, oh my god, I thought- I-” Eddie rambled, finding his voice again.
“Hey, hey hey, I’m fine. Me and Chris are all right.”
Eddie made a disbelieving noise. “Okay my leg hurts like a bitch and I probably have one too many cuts, but it’s nothing life threatening.” 
“You wouldn’t lie to me?”
“Not after the day I’ve had.”
“In a minute we should get you checked out.”
“Aww you can’t do it for me?” Buck shifted his head slightly to bat his eyes at Eddie.
“No, an unbiased professional should handle you,” Eddie whispered hoping the night sky would hide his blush. Buck nodded and listened to Eddie breathing. 
“We’re okay, we’re okay, we’re okay,” Buck whispered, like a mantra. He brought Eddie’s hand up to rest above his heart so Eddie could feel his heart beat. “We’re okay, we’re okay, we’re okay,” Even though Buck actually did need medical help, the trio stayed like that a little while longer, basking in the fact that all three of them were lucky enough to make it out alive and to return to each other. 
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whumpasaurus101 · 3 years
Five Past Three
Oki ik i said i was on a writing break but uhmmmmm feck that :) here is some Pheonix content BC THE POOR BEBE HAS BEEN NEGLECTED OMG!!! SO here is some backstory shenanigans that are sorta important to know heheh 👀
CW: drug use (not in too much detail but oc is high.) / i cant think of anything else BUT if i missed anything plz plz plzzzz lmk!!!!!
Pheonix collapsed to the ground with a grunt. His whole body was tingling, almost numb. He felt as if everyone in the world was watching him. He lifted his head, no one.
The wind blew more, making Pheonix shiver.
He could still feel the pounding of the nightclub’s music in his head. Not the one he worked at, oh no no, he wouldn't get high at the place he worked at.
He scrambled in his pocket with numb fingers, trying his best to take out his phone. He tried to put in his passcode, 1-7-8-5, try again, 1-4-5-6, try again “FUCK!” Pheonix yelled, throwing his phone across the car park, hearing it crack against the concrete.
“Who’s there?” Came a voice. Pheonix curled up more in on himself. “Son, are you alright?” Phoenix's head snapped up to see an old man standing in front of him. His vision was shaking as he tried to focus in on the man. He could hear him talking but he couldn't understand! He sounded so far away, yet, he was just about a meter away.
“Hey -ah! Ya reak, boy! What did you take?!”
“Wh-what time is it?” Pheonix’s shaky voice asked. “It's five past three in the mornin’, lad. Now, are ya gonna answer my question?” Pheonix shook his head. No. To be fully honest, Pheonix didn’t know himself. He shouldn't have been so reckless! How did he even get in the carpark? He didn't remember walking here.
“This is dangerous! Someone coulda just picked you from the streets and- well, God knows what would happen! You're lucky I saw ya, lad.” His phone! That's what he was doing! “C-could you pass me my phone please, it-it's over there.” The man looked at him, confused at first before he saw the phone lying there. He strolled over and picked it up, studying the cracked screen.
The lock screen came on and the man could see some notifications. Ten missed calls from Sammy, a bunch of text messages from Sammy too and then just some regular notifications. “Well, it seems as if someone is worried about you, ya better call them back before they go absolutely mad lookin’ for ya, ay?”
Pheonix just held out his hand for the phone before asking again, “What time is it?” The man huffed, “Lad, you just asked, it's still five past three.” Pheonix’s eyebrows furrowed, “N-no, you told me that ages ago, th-the- I-”
“Shhh, it's alright, relax yourself.” He passed Pheonix’s phone over and pointed at the time, “See?” He asked in a gentle voice. Pheonix nodded as he saw the numbers through tear-filled eyes.
“I-I- yes, I’m sorry-” “Hey, no need. Now, how about you ring your friend there and we can sort out how we can get ya home. How does that sound?” Pheonix nodded as he tried to put in his passcode once more. His hands were shaking violently as his numb fingers attempted to key in the numbers. Please try again.
“Here, how about I’ll put it in for you and you can do the talking, aye?” Pheonix nodded, “The uh, the passcode is 1-4-5-2. The man put in the code and Pheonix’s phone unlocked. The man opened the phone app and pressed the contact ‘Sammy’. It only took one ring until Sammy’s desperate voice was heard, “Pheonix?!? Pheonix are you okay?! God I'm gonna kill you if I haven't already died from a heart attack!" Pheonix chuckled slowly, " ‘m okay Sammy. Well, kinda. Theres a uh,, a man with me.”
“Ay, it's okay, he’s makin’ it sound a lot worse than it is,” The man chuckled. Pheonix laughed, almost falling from his sitting position. “It's alright, my name is Hudson Wheeler, I’ll share the location where we are now. I was walkin’ back to my car when I saw your friend here, someone must have roofied him.. Unless he took the drugs himself. Although, I haven't gotten much chat from him.”
Sammy’s breathing was heavy on the other line as he tried to decide whether to believe it. “Alright, alright, stay on the call and send me your location right now.” Hudson went into messages and selected the button to share the location, he waited for a moment before asking, “Have you got it?”
“Yeah, yeah. Jesus Christ, Pheonix. Alright, how long can you stay with him for, Hudson?”
“As long as you need. You know, I can bring him anywhere if you need me to?”
“No, no, sorry, but no. I- I’ll collect him but it might take me a little while.”
“That's alright. No worries, I have all the time in the world.” Sammy let out a sigh of relief, “Uhm, thank you. Thanks for helping him and I’m sorry I was salty at the start. He’s just, well we've had some bad experiences when it comes to this stuff in the past.”
“Hey, it's all good! You're a great friend.”
“See you sooooon Ssssssammmmyyyyy,” Pheonix laughed.
“Mhm… see you soon.”
Sammy hung up and Hudson looked at Pheonix, shaking his head and chuckled.
Sammy rushed out to the driveway of their house and quickly hopped into his car, keys, wallet, water, phone. That's everything, they thought. They quickly turned on the engine and reversed out of the driveway. They pulled up a map on their phone and followed the directions that came up on the screen.
They put the volume of the radio on full volume and drove. He knew he was driving over the speed limit but he had to get to his friend. They had to. Their foot pressed down on the excelerator more than intended but they didn't notice.
They didn't notice until police sirens started to blare. “No! SHIT!” They slammed the steering wheel with all his force, making their palms turn red. They thought about just speeding and avoiding the police, but he had enough things that they could get caught for than that.
They growled and pulled over, running a hand through their hair. A policeman came over and tapped on the window. Sammy blew out a huff of air and pulled down the window, “Hey officer.”
The officer shone a flashlight into the car, making Sammy wince and cover their eyes. “HEY! Hands up slowly, no sudden movements.” “I'm s-sorry officer!”
“It's alright, now, do you know why I pulled you over?” The officer’s thick Southern accent spoke. “I'm sorry, I was going way above the speed limit, I just- I wasn't thinking, I just-” “Hey, hey, hey, no need to get wound up now alright?” Sammy nodded. “Alright, and where are you going to?”
Sammy thought for a moment, they couldn't give away too much. Pheonix had taken drugs. The last thing Sammy would want is their friend to get arrested!! “I uhm, I'm just going to pick up my friend.” “Mhmm, alright. Listen, you seem like a good person, although I am quite curious why you're out this late, but listen. Drive slower and focus, got it?” Sammy nodded quickly, “Y-yes officer, thank you so much officer, I promise it won’t happen again.” The police officer chuckled slightly, “It's alright, safe drive.” “You too.”
The officer patted the window and smiled and Sammy drove off. Slow, slow, easy, calm, relax. They looked to the map, fifteen minutes.
Hudson looked over to Pheonix who was now lying on the ground, eyes wide as he looked up at night sky. Tears streamed down his face. “Hey now, why are you crying?” Pheonix licked his dry lips and shrugged. He could see streaks of pink and green in the sky, he guessed Hudson couldn't see them.
Hudson dug into his backpack, “Ah, I knew I had it!” He took out a water bottle, “Here, sit up.” He supported Pheonix’s back and helped him sit up. He brought the water bottle to Pheonix’s lips and gently tipped the water.
Pheonix was fully leaning against Hudson for support. He gulped the water quickly and whined as Hudson took the bottle away. “Hey, I cant have ya gettin sick alright?” Pheonix whined but nodded. He then turned his body with a groan and cuddled into Hudson as he shivered.
Hudson sighed as he looked at Pheonix, “What are ya doin’ to yourself, lad?” He shielded his eyes as bright lights suddenly shone. “Looks like your friend is here. Hey, wake up.” Hudson slowly stood up, carrying Pheonix by the shoulders with him.
Sammy rushed out of their car and dashed over to Pheonix, “Oh my god, Pheonix, you idiot! Here, can you help me get him into the car please?” “Of course.”
The pair guided Pheonix to the backseat and laid him across the back. Sammy closed the door and sighed. Hudson gave him a sympathetic smile. “Thank you, thank you so much.”
“Of course, my pleasure. I would tell you ways to help him sober up, but I'm guessing this isn't your first rodeo,” He chuckled slightly.
Sammy huffed, “No, can't say it is. But seriously, thank you. Listen, this is all I got but please take it,” Sammy handed a fifty dollar bill to Hudson. “No, hey, that's not necessary at all!”
“No, no, please take it.”
Hudson sighed and took it, “Thank you.”
“Can I give you a lift back home at all?” Hudson smiled, “Oh that's so kind, my car is actually only five minutes away but thank you.”
“Of course -no of course.”
“Well, you better get that laddo home, hm?” “Yes, yes. Thank you.”
Sammy got back into the driver’s seat and turned on the engine. They looked in the mirror and saw Pheonix asleep. They smiled and closed his eyes for a moment. No, no, get home and then sleep. They widened his eyes and put their hands back on the steering wheel.
The drive home was fine. Sammy didn't play the radio to ensure Pheonix could rest. They kept at the right speed too, they couldn't get pulled over again. They yawned and blinked hard for a few moments.
Once the car pulled into the driveway, Sammy helped Pheonix into their house. Pheonix groaned but Sammy ignored him, “Hey, none of that now. Cmon, let's get you to your room.”
They tucked Pheonix into the guest room’s bed and left a basin on the ground just incase. “Rest up,” they whispered. “G’niiiiiiiiiight,” Pheonix chuckled.
taglist: @as-a-matter-of-whump @jordanstrophe @milk-carton-whump @yesthisiswhump @kixngiggles @just-a-whumping-racoon-with-wifi @happy-whumper @thelazywitchphotographer
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thiswasinevitableid · 3 years
77. a prophecy said that we’ll save the world together but I’ll be damned if I enjoy your company while we do because you insulted my best friend the first time we met
Ot4, sfw, please!
Here you go! I'm very pleased with this one
The drive hasn’t changed. The road into Kepler goes under the same covered bridges and winds up the same hills it always has. Even the views from driveway to the October House are the same one’s he watched through back windows with rising delight. He’d hoped to get here when the fall colors were still crisp and bright, but they droop from the branches like mourners from the weight of the grey rain.
No one batted an eye when he said he was moving North on Joe’s invitation; Joseph Stern inherited the ancestral home in Vermont, with its sprawling grounds and stately decay. It would make sense that he’d ask the friend who spent so many summers with him there to take up the role of groundskeeper.
Duck pulls his truck into the carport next to a languishing Chrysler Imperial. He runs his finger over the black curves, raindrops plinking on the tin roof as he wonders whether he could coax Joe into taking him for a ride.
He leaves his bags in the car for now. Letting his friend know he’s here is the top priority.
The house is just as tall and mismatched as he remembers, turrets and wide windows mixed with sloping eaves and a sun room. It’s patchwork quilt character extends to it’s color; some walls are red, others goldenrod, and the door is bright as a ripe pumpkin.
Joe christened it the October House the first summer he and Duck visited there. Joseph’s aunt, a proud spinster, suggested his transplant parents send him to the family farm for a few months of growth. When Joe showed his characteristic skepticism about spending his summer alone in Vermont, she offered to let him bring a friend. He chose Duck every year.
The October House was the last thing they spoke about the night before Duck left for basic training (and, soon after, Normandy). Joe was already slipping off the map, recruited for secret purposes by men who valued his intelligence over his humanity. He told Duck to remember the summer they were thirteen, to remember he was brave.
It wasn’t Duck Newton’s first war, but it was for damn sure his last.
He opens the door with the tarnished key Joe sent him. Anywhere else, he’d call out to find his host. But he knows where he’ll be.
One flight of creaking stairs, a left turn down the hallway of faded photos, a right into the room with the mural of Noah’s Ark on the wall, and there he is. Black hair slicked back, blue silk robe covering old scars and new, and eyes that are bluer still turning to take him in.
That’s Joe alright; immaculate even in his madness.
“You’re here.” He stands, dazzling smile reflecting the firelight.
“Told you I’d come. Can’t leave you here to get buried alive in books.” He opens his arms, unsure even as he commits to the movement. Joe hesitates, then steps across crumpled maps of stars and seas to hug him.
“I missed you.” He whispers. Duck doesn’t mention that Joe was the one to disappear once the war was over. They had one night in Huntington celebrating the boys who made it home; Joe’s smile stayed painted on the whole time, but Duck couldn’t get him alone to ask why. Then he fled north and didn’t respond to letters.
“Missed you too, Joe.” He peers over the taller man’s shoulder, takes in the mural and all the materials on the floor. Duck steps from the hug, paper crunching under his boots as he goes to trace the door of the ark, “you’re tryin to go back.”
“I want proof Sylvain was real. I, I want to see it again, to know we didn’t dream it.”
“Got a scar on belly that says we didn’t.” Duck turns, slips his hands into his pockets, “why are you really tryin to go back? They told us we couldn’t, said that if we came home the gate would shut for good.”
Joe doesn’t answer right away, runs his fingers over the badgers and bears fleeing the flood, “Do you ever wish we’d stayed?”
Duck thinks about bloody sand. Then about Jane getting married. His folks celebrating their twentieth anniversary.
“No. Christ, Joe, we were thirteen. It was fucked up to ask us to. Who the fuck asks two kids to rule a kingdom?”
A weak laugh, “and people say I’m the smart one.”
“You are.” Duck touches his shoulder, “now c’mon, smart guy, you don’t show me where my room is, I’m takin yours.”
“You sure this is the spot?” Barclay keeps a close eye on the gathering darkness for any bursts of sickly white.
“Yes. The maps align with the stories that they emerged near “a stone like that of a broken heart.” Indrid draws hurriedly in the dirt with his claws, his lower hands uncorking bottles as he does, “come closer, if this catalyzes before I expect, I do not want you to be left behind.”
Barclay sets a hand on his shoulder. Feels his feathers shudder as he inhales.
“It’s time. I, if this does not work, I am sorry.”
He bends, kisses Indrid between his antenna, “I trust you, little moth.”
Indrid hums as amber light fills the clearing, and then everything he knows and loves dissolves into heat and empty air.
It's the same static, the rush of heat like wind in a wildfire. The hairs on Duck’s arm snap to attention as Joe leaps from his chair. The door on the ark shimmers and glows with alien majesty. Then two figures fall face-first on the floor and the light is gone.
“Are you alright?” Joe bends to help the first, feathered shape but it stands in a flurry of down, the hairy figure following suit.
“Yesyes, we are fine.” The feathery one looks like a massive moth with some human features.
“Oh.” Joe grins, “I’ve never seen a Sylph like you before. This, this is incredible.”
“You know what we are?” The other asks hopefully.
“We do. We, I’m, I’m Joseph Stern, and this is Duck Newton-”
“Thank the stars.” The mothman bends one knee, his friend doing the same, “yes, we are humble emissaries of the kingdom of Sylvain. We have searched for months to find our way to you. You, who prophecy says will aid us, return and take your rightful place as kings, and save our home once more.”
“No. Nuh-uh, not a fuckin chance.” Duck steps back, spots conflict in Joe’s eyes.
“What do you mean?” The mothman stands, “you, the prophecy, my visions showed you-”
“Then they showed fuckin wrong. I just got my life into some kind of order, I’m not letting you and some giant fuckin ape-thing drag me into another mess.”
Red eyes narrow, “Do not speak of Barclay that way.”
“I’ll speak about him however I damn well please because this is my house!”
“Technically, it’s my house.” Joe sighs, “But Duck is right. We almost died saving Sylvain once before. As, as much as I miss it, I’m not sure I can go back if it means risking our lives again. I was sort of hoping for a middle ground between being stuck here and a near-death adventure.”
“Please-” Barclay steps towards Joe.
“Hey, he said no, so fuck off.” Duck growls. The Sylph growls back.
“Buddy, do you have any idea how much we risked to get here? How much energy Indrid just used to open the gate. Oh, and, by the way, without the stuff we came here for we can’t go home. We’ll be stuck here.”
“Then you shoulda had a back-up plan instead of assumin you could just say a few fancy words and get us to go back. Oughta get some brains to go with the brawn there, big fella.”
“Enough” Indrid hisses, glaring at Duck. “I do not care if you are a chosen one, nothing gives you the right to speak to him, or to me, so callously. We came to you, you who are--if I did not make it clear--our last hope, and you respond with cruelty. I ought to teach you manners, but I will restrain myself.”
“Like to see you try.” He turns to where Joe is carding a hand through his hair, expression lost, “it’s your place, so you decide how we get rid of ‘em. But I’m done here.” With that, he stomps down the stairs, already suspecting Joe will let the Sylphs stay. When it becomes clear that’s the plan, Duck heads into the garden to work and stays there until all the lights are off.
It’s just after midnight when he wakes from a dream, slicing at the air while weak cries die on his tongue. He sits up, then goes gravestone still as the door opens. Indrid’s eyes are warning lights in the dark hall.
“Are you hurt? It did not seem fair to leave your calls unanswered.”
“No. Just had a, uh, a bad dream.”
The Sylph steps through the door, turning on the small, standing lamp, “It is strange to be the only one not waking in terror for once. Well, I suppose Barclay doesn’t.”
Duck tosses off the blanket, “Fuck, is Joe-”
“He is fine now. Barclay was up looking at cookbooks when he started screaming and went to him. Your friend did not wish to wake you, but was so shaken Barclay offered to stay with him.” A little smile, “he is very comforting. Soft, too.”
“You’re sure he was just dreamin? Not sick or anythin?”
“Positive. He was yelling in some other language.” Indrid fiddles with the knick-knacks on a shelf.
Duck runs a hand across his face, “Probably German.”
Indrid cocks his head.
“He had to learn it when he was a, uh, a spy in the last war. The one here. He...he got caught, I only know that because everyone talked about how miraculous it was that he escaped. Joe never talks about it.”
“One can imagine why.” Indrid murmurs.
“Then ‘one’ can probably imagine why I don’t want either of us near a goddamn battlefield.” Duck snaps.
“Is...oh dear, you think that is what we’re asking of you? Nono, we came here for help in preventing a war, one that may destroy both our worlds.”
“You coulda led with that, y’know?”
“I suppose. I, I am, or was, the court seer. But as the evil spread across our kingdom, it disrupted my powers. Now they’re gone entirely. It’s as if I am navigating the woods with no compass and no stars.” His antenna droop. Duck turns the chair near his bed in invitation. The Sylph moves quietly across the worn boards, “The last vision I received before they disappeared was of you two helping us; I saw a new timeline of futures, bright and hopeful, unfurl before it was gone. When you said you would not help us, it was like ripping my wings from my body mid-flight. That is why I was angry. Well, that and how you spoke to Barclay.”
“Sorry about that.” Duck scratches the back of his neck, “I just...when y’all showed up, all I could think about was bein back in the middle of a fight. Of, of seein Joe die.”
“I am sorry too. I did not know you had suffered such things.” Indrid picks at the blanket with chipped claws, “I cannot promise there would not be danger if you aid us. But I give you my word that you shall hear no more of it from me. I only wish for you to accept this quest if you wish to.”
“Thanks. That already puts you ahead of the last time.”
Indrid hums, then peers at Duck’s arm where a tattoo peeks from his shirt, “What is that?”
Duck rolls up his sleeve to reveal the pine tree, “got it because it helped me think of home.”
“Yes but how? To wear art on one’s skin, that is amazing. Do you think they could do it on mine?” He holds out his upper right arm. Duck runs a finger up it, thinking of the polished cherrywood on the table downstairs.
“Might be tricky. You need skin for it to work.”
“Blast.” Wings flutter once, “do you have more I may see?”
Duck unbuttons his shirt as Indrid scoots closer; if he’s not going to sleep tonight, at the very least he can make someone happy.
“Gotta say, y’all bein’ here is doin’ wonders for him.” Duck hands Barclay a glass of water as he joins him on the porch. Joseph and Indrid are sitting on a sunny path of lawn, Indrid showing the human his wings and explaining them in detail so he can make notes.
“Seems to go both ways. Indrid hasn’t been this animated since we left to find you two. He’s even more talkative.”
“Joe’s always been good at that. He can get anyone talkin, and can make almost anythin sound interestin.”
Barclay sneaks a glance at the human; he’s much friendlier these last two weeks, but his protectiveness of Joseph hasn’t waned.
“I wouldn’t say him cheering up is all on us. From what he told me, the week you got here made him feel like his cares were washing away.”
Barclay nods.
Duck sips his water, rubs the condensation with his thumb, “In, uh, in Sylvain, am I rememberin right that men could marry men? Ain’t always easy to tell when there’s so many kinds of beings runnin’ around.”
“Why wouldn’t that be okay? Some kinds of Sylphs, like Indrid’s, don’t even have things like men and women. I mean, when they offered you and Joseph a chance to rule as kings, the records make it sound like the two of you would have gotten married.”
Duck chokes on his water, splutters as Barclay pats his back, “I, fuck, I’d never, we’d never, I, fuck, definitely never ever didn’t think about it.”
Barclay lets the horrible excuse for a lie slide, “It’s a way bigger deal that Indrid chose me for this; being a seer makes him noble and I’m just a cook. Going off into the wild with me? Trusting me? Thought some of the ministers were gonna faint.”
“Was it just you helpin him or are you two, uh, y’know?”
“Yeah, I do. Can you blame me? Look at him” he gestures to where Indrid is spreading his wings so Joseph can study them. Stars would he like to go down there and hold the human tight while he taught him how to make Indrid purr.
“He really is somethin.” By the look on his face, Duck wants to do the same thing, just in reverse. After a moment, he murmurs, “the night before we were supposed to face the Red Devourer Joe and I were in the tent by the battlefield. Curled back to front, my arms around him and I could feel his heart beating hard as mine. Shoulda been thinkin about strategy, or prayin, or somethin’ like that, but all I could think was that I oughta kiss him, just in case we didn’t survive. But I didn’t. There were chances after that. I never took ‘em.”
“It’s not too late.”
“If you found out Indrid wanted to kiss you for years and was too chicken to, even when he thought he was gonna die, would you really let him?”
Barclay thinks of claws in his fur, of Indrid huddled against him and chirping softly when Barclay asked to kiss him.
“Of course I would.”
“How long until the summer?” Indrid tosses the wool scarf Duck lent him over one wing.
“Months. Y’all got here in October, which means we ain’t even into the worst of the winter yet.”
An annoyed chirr, “We need more blankets.”
“Get you more when we’re in town tomorrow, fluffball. Hah, here’s some.” Duck kneels to cut some surviving leaves from a wild yarrow. They’re out in the woods because Indrid is running low on his feather oil, which keeps him from being miserable and itchy. He described what it did and let Duck smell some (it’s a bit like aloe and vanilla) so the human could reverse engineer what earth plants might do the trick.
Duck brushes off his pants, looks around, “Huh, we made it to the Maples. Joe’s aunt said she never got much from ‘em, but I don’t think she ever really tried.”
“What is special about them?”
“It’s how you get maple syrup. It’s in these trees.” Duck smirks, remembering Indrid licking the dregs from the bottle at the house with his long, long tongue.
He whirls to his left, finds Indrid with both rows of teeth sunk into a maple branch. He giggles, then guffaws as the Sylph pulls off with an indignant chirp.
“You, you gotta, hee, you gotta tap the trunk, n-hee” he doubles over as Indrid bites the same branch while drumming his claws on the trunk, “not quite, need some other tools.”
“Perhaps lead with that?” Indrid grumbles, wiping bark from his face.
“S-sorry just, just didn’t expect you to go to town on it like that, heee”
Indrid grins, “It was worth it to hear you laugh like this.”
God, when was the last time he laughed this hard? The thought sobers him, his joy faltering like a bird in a storm. Then he cackles as four spindly arms hoist him into the air.
“ACKhey, put me down fluffball! Ahhno thatheee, that tickles.” He laughs louder as Indrid holds him to his chest and rubs his fuzzy face against his neck.
“I thought that might do the trick” Indrid purrs, nuzzles his cheek, “no more despair, Duck Newton. Not today.”
Duck turns his face so they’re eye to eye, pine green to ruby red, “Deal.”
“I found everything on the list.” Joseph crumples the note paper and tosses it away as Barclay gleefully unpacks the shopping bags.
“This is so fucking great, I can’t wait for you guys to try this, and Indrid is going to lose his mind when he sees what I made. This dessert is his favorite.” He tucks the heavy cream and pears into the fridge.
“I’m excited to try it. We definitely didn’t eat any tarts when we were in Sylvain. The badgers who hid us from the red mist were, I think, pretty poor.”
“Yeah, the borderlands were bad off in those days. I was just a kid too but I remember digging out roots to try and make some kind of soup.” The Sylph turns those endearing brown eyes on him, “up for being my kitchen assistant again?”
“Always.” Joseph tucks a dishcloth into his belt. He’s very proud of himself for finding earth equivalents to all the ingredients Barclay needed to make a fall dinner from home. Having the Sylphs living with them means he goes into Kepler more often for groceries or goods to fix up the house. Everyone in town thinks his childhood friend is a good influence, getting him out of the stuffy confines of the October House.
They’re not wrong. When Joseph saw Duck in the doorway, a little world-worn but just as kind, just as practical as he always was, he decided that if the other man didn’t want to return to Sylvain, Joseph would set the project aside. He’d focus on the world he was in, because with Duck there he might yet find things to marvel at, things to discover that weren’t mired in the mundanity of human evil. They’d make the October House into a home, live out their days as bachelors.
Then Barclay had come through, auburn-furred and so gentle Joseph wanted to make like butter in the sun and melt. And Indrid, magnificent and vulnerable (and very infatuated with Duck). When Duck announced he’d help them look for clues to stopping the war, Joseph felt buried bits of his mind rising to the light of the new challenge.
After dinner, they take a pot of coffee into the living room. Indrid is delighted by records, is already putting one on as Barclay puts wood on the fire. The seer lays on the rug, head in his lovers lap and purring low.
Love me like there's no tomorrow
kiss me like it's goin' out of style
“You know, I wonder how one dances to this. It is not fast, but the rhythm is not like the formal dances at court.”
“Here, I’ll show you.” Duck stands, offering Joseph his hand. Lord, he’s pictured this so many times but still has to coax his own hand to move, “Joe, you’re leadin.”
He settles his hand on Duck’s hip and holds the other, concentrates on swaying them to the beat.
Hold me like you're afraid I might get away
Love like I've been gone for quite a while
“You can come closer, Joe. I ain’t gonna bite. Not in front of company.”
“I’m holding you to that.” He presses closer, prays for Duck to rest his head on his shoulder.
Take and wrap me in the package
my future my presence and my past
And love me like there's no tomorrow
and each day might be our last
“Dearest, I am rather tired from that lovely meal you made. Shall we retire?”
“Good thinking, little moth.”
Love me like there's no tomorrow
Make each night one more remembered
we will let the heaven be our guide
“Seems they didn’t need much of a demonstration.”
“Not sure that was Indrid’s endgame.”
Just love me like there's no tomorrow
and keep me right by your side
Joseph tips his head down, whispering, “What was?”
Keep me right by your side
In the crackle of silence between songs, Duck brings their lips together. Joseph forgoes their stance and pulls him against him, their hearts magnets that were finally turned the right way. Then his feet stumble on the rug, Duck pushing him back with a ferocity he didn’t know he possessed.
Joseph drops into the chair, Duck pouncing before as he breathes. Joseph growls, the hunger that’s been chained threatening to crack his chest from the inside, and nips Duck’s lower lip.
“I said no bitin.”
“You said you wouldn’t bite.”
“You're right, darlin’” Duck cups his cheek as Joseph grips his thighs, “I’m gonna do so much more than bite.”
It never gets easier, waking from these dreams steeped in shame, fear, and sweat. Except this time someone’s arms are around him.
“I’m right here Joe, we’re here, we’re safe.”
“Very safe.” Indrid stands behind Barclay in the doorway, “another dream?’
“Yes. I, um, I-” he reaches for Barclay without meaning to, is ready to apologize when the Sylph slides into bed beside him.
“Is this okay?” It’s directed at both the humans.
“Uh huh.”
Barclay adjusts so Joseph can hide his face in his chest. He should ask Indrid if he wants to be on the bed as well, the poor Sylph might think he’s not wanted-
“C’mon fluffball, my back is gettin cold.”
A delighted chirp and then a wing, black with a grey and red eyespot, drapes across him and Duck.
“Mmmmmm, I knew you would be lovely to hold.”
“Aim to please, sugar.”
“What happens now?” Barclay murmurs.
“My vote is we all get some sleep and work out the particulars in the mornin’.”
“Seconded” Joseph mumbles.
“We will need a good night’s rest; tomorrow I make the disguises for myself and Barclay so that we may begin our wider search.”
“Hope you guys like them.”
Joseph squeezes Barclay, smiling as Duck wiggles closer and Indrid’s wing grows heavier, “We’ll love them no matter what, big guy.”
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yoongikapi · 3 years
drunk | pjm | 1/2
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you were relaxing on the couch at home, just watching tv until you got a call from namjoon. “hey (y/n)!” “hey joon, what’s up?” “uh don’t be mad but we all went out for drinks but jimin drank a lot more than usual...” “what? what’s wrong with him?” you questioned. “i don’t know, it just seems like something’s bothering him and he’s totally wasted.” you rubbed your forehead in frustration as namjoon told you. “i didn’t drink so i’m gonna take everyone home, can you please take jimin off my hands? he drove here himself and i don’t wanna leave his car here.” you sighed. i can’t leave my best friend stranded in a bar, he wouldn’t do that to me. you told yourself. “ok joon, i’m on my way.” “thanks so much (y/n).” the bar wasn’t too far from your place, so you grabbed your jacket and jogged down the street to the bar.
at the bar
when you pushed through the front doors of the bar, you immediately saw jimin asking for more drinks. when the bartender told him he needed to cut back a little, jimin got furious and began to stand up on the counter. oh crap. you ran over to him and yanked his shirt in hopes of stopping him from attacking the bartender. he looked down at you and his pout became larger. “what are you doing here? he said, not making much sense. “what do you mean? i’m here to pick you up.” you told him, still holding his shirt in your grip. “you don’t need to be here, i can drive myself home.” “jimin are you crazy? your totally drunk, i’m driving you and that’s final, now get down!” you said and yanked his shirt a bit more. he fought back, and his shirt ended up tearing. he looked at you and climbed down off the counter. “if you wanted my shirt off you coulda just asked.” his slurred words were hard to understand, but the smirk on his face helped confirm what he said. he tried walking over to you, but was stumbling along the way. “jimin knock it off.” you said, wrapping his arm around your neck and holding onto his waist for support.
you slowly and carefully walked him over to his brand new car. “ok jimin where are the keys?” “i don’t knoooow?” he played, you returned a look of disappointment his way. “seriously, it’s late and i wanna go back home, where are the keys?” he smiled at you, “in my back pocket.” he slurred. you reached into his back pocket, but didn’t feel anything, then you checked the other. nothing. “jimin they’re not there.” “i knooow, i just wanted you to touch my butt.” he responded with a smirk and held up the keys. “too easy to steal if it’s in the back.” he giggled and began pulling on your cheeks. “silly (y/n), even you should know that.” he continued giggling as you took the keys from him and unlocked the car, trying to get him in the backseat.
“but that’s alright, your cuteness makes up for your obliviousness.” your eyes grew wide and you stopped. you looked at jimin but he was already looking at you, he no longer had a smile on his face. even in the crappy car lighting, he still looked ethereal.
“what?” you asked as you continued looking deep into his eyes. “i like you (y/n), a lot. when are you gonna realize it already?” you slowly placed him in the backseat and reached over his body to buckle him in. you suddenly felt trapped in his embrace, you looked up at him who held you down over his lap. he’s even strong when he’s drunk. he said nothing, just looked down at you. “l-let go jimin, i gotta get you home.” he shook his head, and instead leaned down and kissed you. your eyes widened and his hand slithered around till he reached the back of your neck so you couldn’t pull away. eventually, you melted into the kiss, and kissed him back. he was the one to break the kiss, and when he did the only sound was heavy breathing coming from both of you.
you opened your eyes, expecting to be met with his beautiful ones, but instead his eyes remained closed. you realized he had passed out. you carefully climbed off of his lap and hopped into the front seat. you began driving but couldn’t get your mind off the kiss. you looked in the mirror to check on him, who was still passed out. what the heck just happened? he’s my best friend, but why did i enjoy the kiss? calm down (y/n), he’s drunk. his confession probably didn’t mean anything, and even if it did, he won’t remember it in the morning. that thought calmed you down, but also made you sad. it’s not like i want him to remember it, right?
you once again checked on him and decided it probably wasn’t a good idea for him to be alone like this. he wouldn’t leave me alone like this. you thought. you decided to take him back with you to your place.
next >
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callsignbaphomet · 3 years
My aunt drove me to the appointment and I was hesitant at first because she is...a stress factor in my life. I know for sure she doesn't mean to be and I'm sure she doesn't even realize she's doing it but it ain't easy talking to her. I feel like my entire family is prone to playing the victim.
Example. A few years ago my aunt planned out a vacation for all of us to go on. The majority of us didn't want to go. It started disastrously bad when my idiot brother wanted to take the long way which here in PR it means going through the middle of the island which meant taking roads that were curves over curves over curves. I get car/motion sickness. I said this aloud. My aunt and my mom have witnessed this first hand. Solution? I gotta drive to avoid throwing up. I didn't want to drive because I didn't know the directions, even then we got super lost, and I was on some medication that forced my p****d out and I didn't wanna go on this vacation but was forced to go (this is me as an adult btw 😐).
So what happened? We had to pull over so I could throw up on the side of the road. I was beyond pissed. The rest of the week went from bad to worse. My sister and her husband insisted that all they wanted to do was go to the beach. I don't like going to the beach, I don't like swimming, I don't like pools, I don't like getting wet. First time at the beach I was on the shore overheating and heavily bleeding and I looked miserable but yeah I'm soooo glad that bitch and her bitch husband had soooo much fun.
Following day they (sister and her husband) wanted to go to another beach. My mom spoke up and said I wouldn't be able to go into the water and didn't think it was fun to just sit at the shore all day. Someone finally remembered me 🙄
So C, who had had enough of the trip since the start had been super quiet and I got a little angry at him for not speaking up either. Turns out he was on the phone searching for interesting things to do in the area aside from going to the fucking beach. So he asked my aunt if he and I could borrow her car. She said okay and during the entire stay all they did was follow my idiot sister from one beach to another, that's ALL they did. Beach hopping.
Meanwhile C and I went to see some weird salt flats, we saw a fuck old lighthouse and befriended some cats, we went to a really old church with an amazingly beautiful garden full of flowers. On the third day we went out to a park and had ice cream. Loooots of ice cream. So all in all C managed to make that disaster better. When he and I got back to the apartment my sister was putting on a show about how C and I didn't wanna spend time with the family.
Dude, I went from 0 to 1 trillion in 1 second and I swear I was gonna lunge at her but C grabbed me basically by the scruff of the neck and held me back and quietly said, "If that's what you think that's a you problem." and we went to take a shower. Which btw only had two temperatures: third degree burn and lava coming out of Satan's butthole. You can imagine how great that felt in the middle of summer in the south side of PR.
Fourth day was an all out disaster cuz my idiot brother, who btw, first day there kicked me and C out cuz he wanted our room cuz it was the only one with ac and he needed it because his crack whore ass was detoxing from some meds. Was yelling and screaming about going to kill himself (read: he wanted something and no one was indulging him so he used the excuse to kill himself to manipulate my mom and aunt to get him what he wanted).
That day was a mess of people pointing fingers and mostly my sister shoving blame everywhere and basically calling out my aunt for making us all go on this vacation when no one else wanted to go.
Drive back was awkward as fuck all with my aunt crying and feeling bad and me and C on damage control. She was super mad that all they did was go to the beach and asked me and C about all we did so we did and tried to make her feel better because my sister told her she has a lot of flaws she needs to work on and now she all boo hoo. Sure, my sister coulda worded it better but I'm glad it happened.
My aunt is one of those "my way or the highway" type of people. She gets set on one thing and noooooothing will change her mind. She constantly hounds me about doing something "productive" with my art. I often just shrug and ignore her but this is constant. I don't sketch in front of her anymore because it's every single time. She also doesn't take social clues, she outright ignores them on purpose. If a subject makes someone uncomfortable she'll keep prying because in her eyes you're probably not working hard enough or doing your best.
On the way to the doctor she brought up art again. I outright told her I wasn't going to do it. I wanted to say not everything has to be about making money but I held on to that one. I told her it was hard to establish a network, that I would be competing with thousands and thousands of people and that it was hard.
All she got outta that was that everything is hard and I'd have to work hard to get out there and establish myself.
Bruh...I was stunned.
So I outright told her no. I don't want to. My art is for peace of mind and she dropped it but I just know she'll bring it up again.
Look. As a hobbyist my art is okay but me charging people for that??? Who the fuck would??? Pay for that???? Jfc.
So we moved on to yet another uncomfortable subject and she said I may have ptsd. Dude...no offense but ya ain't a doctor (thank fuck). So she told me I should check to see a psychologist because then I'd have the tools to handle things better. Fair. I have been thinking about that to see if maybe I can finally get an answer to several things or if maybe I'm making all this dumb shit up in my head. But that was about all the logical shit she said.
She even thinks people are actually not working because they wanna live off unemployment and don't wanna work.
My face went blank. I tried explaining to her that people are protesting unsafe work environments, slave labor/wages, shitty bosses and she heard all of that (granted maybe I could explained it better) and all she said was, "You gotta start somewhere and from there go up".
Then it struck me that of course she'd never understand. This woman NEVER had to work during her entire years of college or even her master's. She has NEVER worked a minimum wage job ever in her entire life. I wanna find articles on what is going on with that and send them to her. She's all of what I said and more but she can sooooometimes see reason. To be honest I'm angry and disappointed in her. She always seemed to adhere to more open minded concepts in terms of society, how differences in generations was good for all of us in general, who's taken to learning what she can about mental illnesses and trauma and so on. She still has much to learn about those last two, she still can't comprehand how me making phone calls scares the fuck outta me, but it's a start? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Idk I just needed to let all of that out. I love her, she's done a lot for me but she's also been a source of stress for me and I can't openly talk to her about anything because she's not easy to talk to. Sorry for the length.
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mwolf0epsilon · 4 years
Fic Request: Miss Twisted is causing some manner of trouble Alice Angel shows up, lectures her, and then drags her away by the ear and says something like "I have a perfectly good dinner getting cold at home and you're doing THIS"? Miss Twisted then tries to apologize and make it up to Alice.
Summary: A slight mistake in her schedule gives Miss Twisted a taste of trouble in paradise.
It wasn't often that the stars aligned for the sort of mischief that they were getting up to, but oh if the Society didn't enjoy it all the more when they got the chance to show up the Butcher Gang in a nice game of robbing the bank blind!
They'd used the troublesome trio of dopes as their distraction, breaking into the vault while they attempted their stick-up. Filled their bags and pockets with as much cash as possible, and then things really got interesting. You see, Charley wasn't one to share a heist, and neither was Miss Twisted. The glory would fall upon the most ruthless criminals, and that prestigious title was going to which ever of the gangs could get away with the plundered riches.
The battle was on.
"Getting tired are we?!" Missy cackled as she stared down the end of her opponent's retreating and swinging switchblade, her own dagger parrying blows aimed at her long springy arms. "What's the matter Charley boyo? Too old to tango with a dame?"
"In your dreams, princess!" He flashed her an ugly toothy grimace. "I ain't no pirate, but I can pull my weight in a swordfight. This is just the warm up!"
"Then warm up faster Charles, because the ladies don't like cold feet!" She flashed her own sharp grin at him.
"I'll remember that if I ever meet a lady then." He smirked.
"Why I oughta..." She swung her blade faster, trying to get him off balance. Behind her she could hear the struggles as Cameraman wrestled for control of their getaway vehicle from the meddling Barley, while the Brute was defending their spoils from the itsy bitsy Edgar who was trying to lasso a few bags out of his reach.
One lucky swing caught the side of Charley's blade and sent it flying from his grasp, leaving him weaponless and at the edge of the truck's open back.
"My, my... Seems like Lady Luck has a new favourite." Missy chuckled "And it ain't the leprechaun, it seems."
"Keep yappin' girly, even if you win this fight, the Butcher Gang will come on top in the end. We always do." The older male sneered. Barley and Edgar were at a loss for what to do, either continue their endeavours or risk losing their boss.
"Bouillonburg has a new crime syndicate and it sure doesn't need a trio of has-beens calling the shots anymore." And they'd all know it from this day forward, as soon as she sent the infamous leader of the Butcher Gang flying out of the back of a moving truck.
Or, she would of, if not for the truck suddenly coming to a halt and sending everyone tumbling about at the sudden stop.
"Oi! Cam what gives?!" The demoness cried out as she pushed Charley off her. "Warn a gal, wouldn't ya? I coulda snapped my neck!"
"I err... Uhm... I am quite certain that that is the least of your troubles right now..." Cameraman called back from the cabin.
"Oh yeah? Why's that?!" She put her hands on her hips and looked towards the cabin. Just barely able to make out her friend's small body and the stilts he was using to reach the pedals.
"Because I'm very certain your very angry girlfriend that is standing in front of the truck, is probably higher up on the list..." Cameraman replied as he sunk slightly in his seat to escape the glare of a very upset angel.
Miss Twisted stood there, baffled for a second, before startling.
"Oh crud, what day is it?"
"Erm...Tuesday? Barley offered.
"The 10th!" Edgar added, before tapping his chin thoughtful. "Of November!"
".....Papa Pluto's crooked teeth, I forgot our anniversary!!!" The demoness cried out in horror. She was so screwed.
"You're kidding... You forgot your anniversary?!" Cameraman looked as incredulous as a camera could. "That's low, even for you Missy."
"And rude." Brute huffed. "Missy should apologize to pretty angel lady!"
"I can't go out there! She'll eat me alive!" Her arms quickly twisted around her own head in an attempt to hide her face.
"Honestly, with Alice? Kinda deserved." Charley snorted.
"Agreed, ya should feel ashamed for standin' up the poor lass." Barley scolded.
"Yeah... We may be villains, but we'd never be so rude as to forget a date!" Edgar crossed his arms.
"None of you have girlfriends you jerks!" Missy protested.
"Uh... Charley and Barley are married?" Cameraman gawked at her. "And Brute has a boyfriend?"
"Since when?!"
"Three weeks. Long distance. They write each other... Am I the only one that listens to either of you rambling during breakfast?!" Cameraman was in disbelief.
"And yes, we're married. Edgar's our kid... We're literally a crime family." Charley pointed out.
"Pretty angel lady coming over." Brute pointed out. True to his words, the upset angel was floating over to meet them, and if looks could kill...
"Nice knowing you Missy. I'm taking all your stuff when you die."
"No fair! Brute want nice radio!"
"I don't need another radio, so we've got a deal big fella."
"I'm not gonna die!"
"I'm gonna die!"
Miss Twisted didn't die in the end, but from the scolding she'd gotten alone she might as well have died a little inside. Hell had nothing on the righteous fury of an angel crossed. Needless to say, making it up to Alice would not be easy. Especially when she's been robbing a bank and told the getaway driver to drive as recklessly and dangerously as possible in a busy road close to a school.
Thankfully, Missy was a resourceful lady. She knew how to turn situations around. Go big or go home, right? And even if it cramped her style, she'd tolerate a few of the hobbies her lady love fancied.
Playing the part of good samaritan was gag worthy, but if it made Alice happy, she'd oblige. There were ways to uphold her reputation as an emissary of misery, anyway...
And oh, if the next big hits she had planned wouldn't fix a month's worth of good deeds then nothing would! Go big or go home indeed.
The Butcher Gang wouldn't stay on top for much longer, and her girlfriend couldn't stay mad forever!
First thing was first tho, use a lot of the plundered riches to pay for a reservation at a fancy restaurant and wardrobe and accessories to match. Angel or not, Alice was still an appreciator of the mushy romantic stuff. Miss Twisted would just have to also make it up to the boys later.
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Crash and Burn (3/4)
Bo Sinclair x f!Reader 
Warnings: Cursing
You look to see Bo dressed down in a shirt and jeans, his hair untamed with his face scrunched into a dangerous scowl. His broad chest heaved and his white-knuckled fists clenched at his sides as he stalked through the doorway. Suddenly, he looked up and your eyes met his icy blue irises, pinning you where you stood. You swore you saw just a hint of fear in his beautiful eyes before a familiar fiery rage replaced it upon spotting you. You stepped back down, taking in his full expression. ‘Livid’ didn’t even begin to cover it.
“Just what the hell do you think you’re doin’ out here? Do you know what fuckin’ time it is?” Bo hollered as he stood above you glowering with his hands planted at his hips, an explosion barely contained. You flinched at his unforgiving tone. You were sure his shouting could be heard from Lester’s cabin just outside town “You better start explainin’ yourself, missy. I wake up to find you missing without a goddamn trace. No note! Nothin’! Not one damn word on where you’d be! Just where the hell were you plannin’ on runnin’ to?” You expected that Bo might throw a fit, but he was reacting much worse than you anticipated. He was practically trembling with rage and his posture was almost animalistic.
“Bo, I wasn’t-”
“Christ, Y/N!” Bo cursed as he slammed his hand against outside of the house. The sound startled you, even if you knew he would never, ever hit you “Where the hell did you go? Tell me right fuckin’ now!”
“Would you let me-” you were cut off as Bo kicked some old boxes and bottles out from in front of him with another growl of growing frustration. Broken glass crunched under his boots. With the way he started clawing at his hair and swinging out at everything in his way, you were beginning to worry he was going to hurt himself. “Bo you need to calm-”
“Don’t you fuckin’ tell me to calm down! I’ll calm down when I’m good and ready. So, you best get back upstairs in the meantime!” He ordered, his shoulders heaving up and down from the short, infuriated breaths he took.
“I can-”
“Save it! Get your ass back in the house.” Bo hissed, turning his body to let you through, glaring you down. He wasn’t going to tell you again. You took a deep breath, as you silently debated whether to heed him or challenge him by staying put. Looking at his face and considering the flash of worry you’d seen in his eyes just moments ago, you let it go and moved to go back inside.  
“Go find Vincent, Jonesy.” You ordered. Jonesy gave a short whine, but did as she was told. You saw her trot off just before Bo grabbed your wrist and yanked you back up the porch and into the house.
His grip wasn’t tight enough to hurt you, but you certainly weren’t going to escape the oncoming argument. You couldn’t make out the words he was grumbling under his breath, but you could bet about eighty-five percent was expletives. He led you both up the stairs and back to your bedroom, pulling you close behind.
When you got to the door, he moved you to walk in first, slamming the door after him. You made a beeline to sit on the edge of the bed while Bo continued to pace and rant under his breath. He had been upset with you before, but never like this. There was something deeper to his anger this time and he was going to give you a hell of time figuring it out.
You’d learned that when he got mad, it always came from his protective instinct. The trick was to keep an even temper and refuse to let him intimidate you or badger you into a screaming match; which was always easier said than done. You had gotten better at communicating with him when he got like this, but it wasn’t easy to keep your cool when he was yelling and cursing at you eight ways to Sunday. You took a breath, preparing yourself for battle,
“Bo, I can explain.”
“I should fuckin’ hope so.” Bo spat back, not sparing so much as a glance at you “Tell me, where were you plannin’ on escapin’ to? How far were you plannin’ on goin’ ‘fore I stopped you?”
“I was just going for a walk. I was on my way home when you found me.” You said coolly. He was really going to make this difficult for you.
“And what gave you the bright idea to walk around alone at three in the fuckin morning? Stupidest fuckin’ idea I ever heard.” Bo asked flicking his gaze to you, before continuing to pace about the room with a scowl. He circled the room like caged animal, practically frothing at the mouth.
“I wasn’t alone-”
“Right. You had the damn dog with you, that makes it better.” He added sarcastically. Stubborn, grouchy Bo was back in full force. It was hard to believe he was the same person who was so gentle just hours ago. You knew that both sides were a unique part of him and you appreciated both all the same, but damn if didn’t make him difficult to keep up with sometimes.
“Jonesy wanted a walk and I needed to clear my head-”
“Clear your head? Seems to me it was crystal clear since there wasn’t a damn thing runnin’ through it when you took off in the middle of the night.”
“I needed a-”
“You’re practically beggin’ for trouble! Did you even stop to think if anyone was still runnin’ around out there? No! You weren’t! You weren’t thinkin’ of a goddamn thing at all! It’s like you’re fuckin’ with me on purpose, Y/N!”
“You interrupt me one more goddamn time and I’m sleeping on Lester’s couch.” You snapped as you stood from your seat on the bed. You may have been shaken by recent events, but you were by no means fragile and he’d do well to remember that. You’d never been one to take his anger fueled accusations lying down before so you didn’t plan on starting now.
“The hell you are.” Bo declared finally planting himself in front of you, fixing his sight on your face. He was still tense and rigid while you did your best to remain collected.
“Then how about you let me explain.” You said in as calm a tone as you could muster as you placed your hands on your hips, looking him dead in the eyes. You wanted to be perfectly clear you didn’t intend on backing down. You could see Bo weighing his options and he thankfully settled on crossing his arms with a grimace: a sign for you to continue “Thank you. Now to answer all your questions, I got out of bed because I was having a real hard time sleeping. I couldn’t calm down and you were asleep, so I slipped out for something to drink. Jonesy found me in the kitchen and practically begged me to walk with her. I was still feeling a bit uneasy from…well everything that happened and so I thought walking with Jonesy would help calm me down. We only walked to the edge of town, before turning around, Bo. I swear, I was being careful. I’m truly and genuinely sorry for upsetting you, but I think you’re overreacting.”
“Overreacting? You were gone, Y/N. What the hell was I supposed to think? It’s dangerous out there and you were bein’ reckless.” Bo snapped defensively “Anyone coulda been lurking around. You should know better than to just leave like that.”
“Bo, you and I walk around Ambrose late at night all the time. You know as well as I do that hardly anyone ever pulls in at this time of night, especially this time of year.” You reasoned.
“We were together all those other times, Y/N.” Bo ran a rough hand through his wild hair, pulling it a bit in his frustration and began pacing once more.
“You’ve seen me do things that are arguably more reckless than a night stroll with a dog and I’ve never seen you this mad.”
“You left in the middle of the night and I couldn’t find you! I think I’ve got a fuckin’ right to be upset.”
“You’re allowed to be upset, but this is more than that, Bo!” You argued “So, tell me are you really this angry because I took a walk when you weren’t expecting it or are you actually angry because you were scared and you didn’t know how to handle it?” A risky thing to say, but you were in too deep now.
“Watch your mouth, Y/N.” Bo hissed as he shot a glare in your direction. He knew deep down what you just said was the absolute truth, but he hated that you knew exactly what was eating at him before could even make sense of it himself.
“Tell me what’s really wrong.” You demanded heatedly. Bo ripped his hands through his hair and whipped himself to face you, fire barely giving way to heartbreak
“You were gone!” he practically roared, his voice cracking.
“And I came back.” You responded sternly, neither pausing nor raising your voice, but standing firm “I came back and I’m right here.”
This caused Bo’s grimace to finally crumble as he tore his eyes from you to glare at the wall. All the anger left in Bo’s expression started to give way to the distress lying just beneath the surface. Your brow dropped the lines of frustration as you continued to look up at him with understanding. He stood still as stone and it was clear he didn’t know how to continue. You made it easier on him as you slowly stepped toward him and dragged him down to your level by his shirt. You wrapped your arms around his neck and wove your fingers through his curls. You felt him relax in your embrace as he wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you flush against him. You both stood like that for a moment, getting lost in each other’s scent, cherishing the moment of peace.
“I’m very sorry that I scared you. I didn’t mean to worry you, but I promise I was always going to come right back.”
“I wasn’t scared.” Bo stubbornly insisted with a scoff to really drive home his point. You weren’t sold, but you let it go without a fight. You knew you’d be hard pressed to get him to admit he got scared, at least in so many words. You turned your face to the side and placed a feather light kiss on the bruising just below his eye.
“It would have been okay if you were, though. You know that, right?” you added as you pulled back from your embrace to look up at him “In fact, I’d have been flattered. Big Bad Beauregard worried about me? What a concept.”
“You’re a pain in my ass, you know that?” Bo grumbled, though he couldn’t hide the chuckle that escaped the smallest of smiles that pulled at his cheeks. You beamed up at him as though he’d paid you the highest of compliments. Bo leaned down a pressed a soft peck to your nose. You let out a small, sweet laugh at the tickle from his kiss sent a flash of heat straight to your cheeks. You felt him smile against your face before he used a firm hand to tilt your chin up to kiss him properly. Your eyes fluttered shut, savoring the warm sensation that never failed to make you feel safe and protected. His lips briefly followed yours when you pulled away for air. With a smile, you reached down to unhook his arm from your waist to lead him back to bed. He let you crawl in first and as you made yourself comfortable, he got in next to you. You faced one another side-by-side. Bo used a hand to brush your hair from your eyes and placed it back on your cheek, completely engulfing it. Both of you used the short break in the conversation to rest in comfortable silence before either of you spoke once more.
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kyber-kisses · 5 years
Don’t Come Looking (Part.2)
Dean Winchester x Reader
Warnings: cursing, small mention of smut, pregnant!reader
Summary: after a drunken night of confessions, y/n soon finds something out that has her running for the hills. Dean goes after y/n.
A/n: this was hella fun to write, and I hope you guys look forward to reading part 3! feedback is always appreciated, and the taglist is open! gif not mine, credit goes to owner.
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Your mind was stuck in a haze as your car tore across the Minnesota boarder. You had no idea where you were going or how long you had been driving, all you knew was that you were putting miles between you and the bunker. Between you and Dean.
Your phone suddenly rang, making you jump in your seat. Without realizing what you were doing, you reached for your phone out of habit, hitting the answer button.
“Y/n, where the hell are you?” Deans voice echoed through your car, clearly angry.
Fuck. You really shouldn’t have answered.
“Dean-“ you began, only to be cut off by his booming voice again.
“Don’t give me damn excuses! You packed up and left and I know you had a reason behind doing that! Now tell me where you’re going!”
You sighed, letting your head fall back against the seat in defeat. Why was he so goddamn stubborn?
“No.” Your voice firm as you spat out the words, pulling the phone from your ear and hanging up. They were tracking your phone. You should have left it at the bunker. You should have smashed it. Rolling down the window, you tossed your phone out, watching it skid across the road from your rearview mirror.
“Have fun finding me now.”
*. *. *. *. *.
Dean inhaled, his grip tightening on his phone as he kept his gaze on the road ahead. He had been going 50 over the speed limit almost since they left the bunker. He had to get to you.
“She hung up.”
“I told you she would. She didn’t want us following her, Dean.” Sam sighed, looking down at the map stretched across his lap.
“But, why would she run? It doesn’t make sense. I thought- I thought we had something. . . “
“Maybe you shouldn’t have yelled at her while you were on the phone? That’s probably why she hung up.”
Dean was mad, hell, he was fuming. He didn’t understand why you would leave like that. Were you tired of hunting? Were you being hunted? Were you in danger? Was it him? Did he somehow drive you away?
Luckily Sam was tracking your phone, so hopefully he would be able to talk to you face to face in a few hours if he kept up the pace.
*. *. *. *.
Somehow you found yourself pulling up to Donna’s cabin, remembering that you had been here once before during a girls weekend with Jody, Donna, Claire, and Alex. You were surprised though to see Donna’s pickup already parked outside. Putting your own vehicle into park, you sat in silence, weighing your options.
You didn’t know where else to go. This was the only option you had right now.
Sighing, you slid out of the car and headed towards the door, fidgeting with the buttons of your coat.
Easing your hand, you knocked against the door, feeling a sudden wave of emotions hit you out of nowhere. After a moment, the door swung open, revealing a very confused Donna Hanscum.
“Y/n? What on earth you doin here?”
“I’m - I’m sorry for intruding, it’s just- I didn’t know where else to go.” You choked, holding back the tears as best you could.
“It’s alright, come on in. Let’s get you a drink, looks like you need it.”
“Oh, no thank you. I can’t.” You stated quickly, as she ushered you into the cabin, and walking you over to the couch. You could feel the worried look she was giving you as she sat down next to you.
“What’s got you spooked enough to be running all the way up here? The boys alright?”
You fiddled with your fingers, looking towards the carpet beneath your feet. “They’re fine. . . It’s just that-“ you took a deep breath, knowing this was going to be the first time you said the words out loud.
“Take your time.” She sighed, rubbing your back in an attempt to calm your breathing.
“I’m pregnant.”
You felt her hand freeze on your back before she pulled away, eyes wide. “Since when?!” Her voice clearly telling you she was ecstatic.
You should have seen that coming.
“It’s Deans.” Your own voice tired as you sunk further into the couch.
Donna’s silence had you turning to look at her, and the surprise on her face was almost enough to make you laugh. Almost.
“ You care to elaborate? I didn’t know you and Dean finally happened.”She spoke, still trying to digest the information.
“Trust me when I say it’s a very new development.” You let out an airy laugh, rubbing at your eyes.
“And your not happy about this?”
You groaned, falling back onto the couch. “No! I’m not!-“ you sighed, fighting with the two side of you. “I don’t know. It’s just that hunters are not supposed to have kids. We don’t get to settle down. It’s just not in the books for us. I’m a hunter, Donna. I don’t want to stop if I’m good at it.” You admitted, silent tears tracking down your face.
Donna patted you on the leg before standing up and heading to the kitchen, coming back a minute later with a glass of water. You chugged it, wiping away the tears from your eyes.
“Do you want the baby though?”
There it was. . . The million dollar question.
You paused, thinking it all over in your head. Of course you did. For as long as you could remember you wanted kids. But you never let yourself think you could have that. The world was too cruel for them.
“I do.” You nodded, feeling the tears start up again. “I just don’t know about Dean.”
“Wait, he doesn’t know? Good grief.” Donna sighed.
“No.— Why do you think I’m here? I found out last night and bolted. I told them not to follow me, but Deans stubborn.”
“Oh, well I coulda told you that. But if you don’t want me telling him your here, I won’t. You can stay for as long as you like.” She smiled,bringing you into a hug. Besides Dean and Sam, Donna gave the best damn hugs ever. They always made you smile.
She pulled away a moment later, beaming at you, “I can’t believe you’re pregnant!”
“Neither can I.”
*. *. *. *. *
“No,no,no,no-“ Dean sighed, watching the car creep closer and closer to where the tracker said you were. It was just up ahead, yet all he could see was a stretch of open road, and then he saw the glimmer of something on the worn asphalt, the last rays of sun reflecting off the object.
He practically slammed on the breaks when he was right in front of it, putting Baby into park and throwing open the door.
“Dean, what are you-“ Sam began, only to be cut off as Dean rushed across the road. Sliding out of his own seat, he looked over the roof of the impala, watching as Dean knelt down to pick up the object.
It was your phone. The deep green case being a dead give away. The screen was shattered, but it still worked.
“Damn it!” Dean yelled, pulling back his arm to throw the device, only to hold himself back. “Damn it.” He repeated, this time lower, his head falling. He thought he had you.
“Dean, you need to calm down if you want to find her.”
“I am calm!” He fired back, storming back to the impala and throwing himself back into his seat. “Where would she go?”
There was a long stretch of silence as the two tired to think of possible places you would flee to. “I don’t know. We’ve cross crossed through here about a dozen times.”Sam mused, pulling out the map again.
“Okay, then we just keep looking. We can hack the traffic cams, see if we can find her car.” Dean stated, putting the impala back into drive and pressing down on the gas, watching the speedometer climb quickly.
“Dean, relax. We’re gonna find her.”
“But what if we don’t? She’s a master at hiding, you know that. Or, what if we do, and she’s- “ he couldn’t bring himself to even say the word, breathing in deeply.
Dean heard Sam let out a sigh, seeing him rub his temples from the corners of his eye. “She’s not dead, Dean. She knows how to take care of herself. Just keep driving.”
And he did.
Before you had come into Deans life, he didn’t do the whole feelings thing, and then you had to waltz in with your sassy attitude and badass demeanor and stun him. That was a good ten years ago too, which made this all the more complicated. It was only until recently that anything had happened between you.
So Dean drove. He wasn’t gonna let you get away that easily.
*. *. *. *. *.
The week moved by slowly for you, your mind locked in a continuous haze as you tried to figure out your next move.
Donna was more than happy to let you stay for as long as you liked, but you knew you couldn’t stay forever, and there was no way in hell you were going back to the bunker.
A part of you felt bad for putting The Winchesters into such a deep state of worry, especially Dean, who was undoubtedly blaming himself for your sudden departure.
Dean and Sam on the other hand, had been tearing up the state in hopes of finding you, only to keep coming up short. As each day passed, Dean grew more and more stressed.
You were glad it was the peak of summer though. Being outside helped you think, helped calm you down. You spent as much time as you could beyond the walls of Donna's cabin, staying in the sunlight. While you did, you tried writing letters, trying to come up with the words to inform Dean of why you left, and why you didn’t want to be found. Nothing ever sounded right though, and it always ended with your pocket full of crumpled pieces of paper.
When you weren’t struggling with words, you found yourself meditating. It gave you time to empty your mind, help relax everything in your body.
But with the life you lead, relaxation never lasts long. . .
*. *. *. *. *.
It took way too long for Dean to finally admit defeat and ask for assistance finding you, the days ended late with bags under his eyes, and they began even earlier. Even if it had only been a week, it felt like a lifetime to Dean. He was surprised he wasn’t losing hair from the stress overtaking his every waking moment. He was desperate to find you, and Sam could see the toll it was taking on his brother.
“We should contact Rowena. Maybe she has some sort of tracking spell we could use to find her.” Dean mumbled, pacing the motel room and rubbing at his eyes.
Sam sighed, having no choice but to pull out his phone and call the witch before Dean decided to do something stupid.
When she picked up, Dean froze in his place, waiting eagerly for an answer, but finding it difficult due to the fact that he could only hear one side of the conversation.
It was only a few minutes, but once again, it felt like a few hours to him. He was getting impatient. He needed to find you.
Finally, Sam pulled the phone from his ear, hanging up.
“Well?” Dean questioned, crossing the room quickly, eyes wide and waiting for an answer.
“She did a quick locating spell. She’s sending you the address now.”
Within seconds, Dean was out the door, keys in one hand and phone in the other. He barely gave Sam any time to prepare, leaving him no choice but to rush out the door after him, grabbing his coat.
As Dean shot down the road, Sam wished he had a second seat belt around him as Dean was pushing way over the speed limit. The older Winchester cut down a two hour drive into a clean forty-five.
The sun was beginning it’s decent when they finally reached the destination Rowena had given them. A small breath of relief leaving Dean when he saw your car parked outside the cabin.
And was that. . . Donna’s truck?
Dean was flying out of the door of the impala, practically carving out a war path to get to you. His fists banging on the wooden door of the cabin.
When the door opened, he was sad to see it wasn’t you, but that didn’t stop him from pushing into the entrance way, head whipping around in search of you.
“Good to see you too, Dean. Mind the manners next time though.” Donna mused, crossing her arms and glaring at the Winchester.
“Donna, where is she?”
“Where’s who? I have no idea what your talking about.” She lied, trying to keep her promise to you.
“Y/n. And don’t lie. Her car is literally parked out next to your truck.”
Donna let out a soft damn it, as she closed the door behind the two brothers, wiping her palms on her jeans.
“I don’t think she’s ready to talk to you.” She admitted, walking further into the cabin with them at her heels.
Deans eyes continued to roam the surroundings. He could see one of your duffel bags on the couch, along with one of your books. But you were nowhere to be seen.
“Donna, please just tell me where she is. I’ve been worried out of my damn mind for the last week.” Dean admitted, shoulders heavy from the lack of sleep.
There was a pause from the sheriff as she slowly gave into defeat, knowing all too well that Dean Winchester was stubborn as hell.
“Fine. But don’t say I didn’t warn you. Give her time, she’s kind of in a shocked state.” She sighed, leading Dean towards the back door and swinging it open.her head nodding towards the partial figure.
Taking slow steps, Dean felt the breath leave his lungs as he walked towards you. You were almost half hidden by the knee high grass you were sitting in, fit still planted firmly on the ground.
You knew it was Dean walking towards you without even having to turn around. You had practically memorized the pattern of his footsteps after all these years, so you kept your eyes trained on the setting sun.
You knew there was no chance of running now. Dean was here, and even though you were a knot of fear and anxiety, it felt like you could finally draw a breath.
Dean lowered himself down next to you, eyes glazed with both worry and relief as he took you in. He didn’t exactly know how to describe your expression. You wouldn’t even look at him though. You looked tired though- defeated even.
“Why’d you leave like that? Did I do something wro-“
Fishing the test out of your pocket, you pinched it between your middle finger and index finger, passing it over to him.
“I’m pregnant.” You stated, cutting him off as you kept your eyes trained ahead. You were afraid to look at him, afraid to see his reaction. What if it was disgust? Or hatred?
Dean could have sworn his heart stopped for a moment, as he looked at you, eyes wide with shock, mouth slightly open. But there was something else there too. A softness that would have made you melt had you been looking at him. He forgot how to speak in that moment. He had no clue what to say.
“That why I ran.” You continued, twisting your fingers into the grass and pulling. “I was afraid. Afraid of facing it. Afraid of how you might react. . .that you might hate me.” Biting down on your lip, you turned further away, not wanting him to see you on the verge of tears.
A moment later, you felt a calloused finger under your chin, gently nudging your face in Deans direction. The second your tear filled eyes found his, you broke. He was looking at you in a way that no one ever had before. The softness in his expression was like no other.
“Don’t be afraid. I could never hate you.”
And then he was wrapping his arms around you, pulling you into his frame. You let out a sigh, breathing in his familiar scent. Everything about it felt like home, and for the first time in awhile, you felt yourself relax.
“Is it-“
“Is it yours? Yeah. It’s the only possible explanation.”you spoke, giving him the faintest of smiles as you pulled away from his hug, already feeling like there were miles between you.
“We’re gonna have a baby-“ Dean breathed, the information finally catching up to him, making it feel like he had gotten whiplash. “Holy shit.”
“If you don’t want to be a part of this, I understand.” You spoke slowly, head falling.
“Woah, hey!” Dean shot back, going to hold your face in his hands, giving you no choice but to look at him. “Don’t say that. I mean, sure, the information caught me off guard. But it’s you and me, y/n. There’s no better duo. Your stuck with me.” He smiled.
Your eyes widened, not expecting his answer. You didn’t deserve Dean Winchester. He was too good. Too kind. Too loving.
And then you were leaning closer, capturing his lips in your own. They were soft and moved slow on your slightly chapped ones. He even tasted like home.
He pulled away much sooner than you would have liked, but you let it happen.
“Will you come home? You really scared me.”
You couldn’t help that your face fell, turning away from him as you sighed. “I can’t. Not yet.”
“Don’t y/n me. Do you have any idea how big this is, Dean?” You raised an eyebrow, grabbing his hands in yours. “A Winchester having offspring? Word will get out, and we’ll having every monster gunning for us. You know that’s a fact.” You stated, squeezing his hands.
“The bunker is probably the safest place for you to be though.” His tone worried as he looked at you.
“Sure, but for how long? There are dozens of witches out there with enough hoodoo to power down the warding. Plus, I’m not gonna lock myself in the bunker for nine months.”
“Y/n, what are you saying?”
Taking a deep breath, you let your eyes wander to the horizon, the sky painted with shades of pink and orange. “I’m saying; I think it’s probably best if I disappear for awhile.” The pain you felt saying those words was enough to almost form more tears.
“Dean, don’t fight with me on this. You’re just picking a battle you’re going to lose.”
There was a pause from the man next to you as he tried to think of a plan. Dean Winchester had just found you. He couldn’t lose you again.
“Then I’ll go with you. Eileen and Sam will be more than fine on their own.”
“No.” You shook your head, looking back to him to see his face fall. “If you want to help me, go back home with Sam, keep working cases, killing monsters. Make this world a safer place to raise a child. I can take care of myself.” You nodded, sending Dean a pained smile.
Deep down, he knew you were right. About all of it. But the thought of leaving you again, this time knowing you were pregnant? It had him scared beyond belief. He wanted to be by your side. Not miles and miles away.
“If it helps ease your conscience at all, I’m really good at disappearing. Nothing will find me. I’ll be safe. Promise.” You crossed yours fingers over your heart with a smirk.
“Then why did I find you?”
“Maybe because deep down, a part of me wanted you to.” You admitted.
Brushing off your hands, you stood up, Dean pushing off from the ground to join you as you began your slow trek back to the cabin. Dean took your hand in his, a gesture that he was not know for, and you felt your heart swell. Maybe there was nothing to be worried about. You had been afraid for no reason. Dean still had your back all these years, and that wasn’t ever gonna change.
Before you could step onto the back porch, you held Dean back for a moment. “Could you do me a favor, and fill in Sam on everything? I don’t think I have the energy for another baby conversation.”
Dean gave you a soft smile before nodding, continuing up the steps.
Everything was going to be okay.
*. *. *. *. *. *.
“Promise me, you’ll at least call? I wouldn’t mind Face Timing either.” Dean looked down at you, as the two of you stood in front of the impala.
“Of course.” You nodded, pulling him in for one last hug, not wanting to separate. You two were like magnets, constantly connected. This was going to be harder than you thought.
From the front porch, Donna and Sam watched with soft smiles as you exchanged goodbyes. Eventually the younger Winchester came down to join you, wishing you luck and pulling you into a hug.
The force it took for Dean to walk around the side of the impala and get in was painful. Knowing he was leaving you to handle this on your own, well, it had him struggling to turn the key in the ignition.
Eventually he did it, and he was easing out of the driveway and back onto the dirt road. He kept his eyes on the rear view mirror, watching your fading figure until he couldn’t anymore. Then he looked forward and pressed his foot to the gas with a new determination. He still had work to do, and a promise to keep.
You stood with Donna as you watched the taillights fade into the distance, a somber expression stuck to your features.
“You alright?”
“Yeah. I’m just gonna miss him, that’s all.” You sighed, unable to keep my your hand from resting on your belly.
You were gonna be fine. Both of you were.
That would be the last time you and Dean see eachother for awhile. And it broke your heart.
Final part coming soon!
Taglist open!
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