#Inspired by the last chapter of Learning Opportunity on AO3
reddenedrust · 1 year
Humming along to the Hymm of your Heart.
- Redraw/Re-imagining of this.
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11 notes · View notes
chiqelatasblog · 6 months
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In the Middle Of the Night🌙
-> Ao3 link is here.
-> Part One is here.
Pairings : Bi-Han/ Sub-Zero x You, Kuai Liang/ Scorpion x You, Tomas Vrbada/ Smoke x You
Author’s Note: Hey there everyone! First of all, I’m beyond excited by the interest you’ve shown in my fic. Thank you so much! I poured all my love into this chapter, and I’m incredibly proud of the result. This bad boy clocks in at over 10k words, so buckle up and enjoy the ride! Happy reading!
I summoned you, please come to me,
Don’t bury thoughts that you really want.
I fill you up, drink from my cup,
Within me lies what you really want.
Tomas had always harbored a discomfort with darkness.
One vivid childhood memory was the time he and his twin sister sneaked out of the house to fish by the creek. They had visited this place with their mother many times before, surrounded by tall grasses and dense trees lining the riverbanks. In addition to fishing, they splashed in the stream as the spring weather warmed the water, engaging in playful water fights and skipping stones. However, they had not anticipated the difficulty of finding their way home after nightfall. Time seemed to slip away unnoticed until the sun vanished, leaving behind only faint orange rays. Amidst the sounds of creatures in the dark and the dim moonlight, Tomas found himself more frightened than ever. Seeking refuge beneath the shelter of a towering oak tree, he and his twin waited anxiously for the morning light without daring to blink.
Another poignant memory was his first night after being adopted by the Lin Kuei following the tragic loss of his parents. Given a room of his own within the clan’s compound, it marked a stark contrast to the cramped quarter he shared with his sister at home—a small room with a cold-leaking window and a wooden floor that creaked with every step. Despite the spaciousness of his new accommodations, the room only served to accentuate his overwhelming sense of loneliness. Confusion, fear, and sorrow weighed heavily upon him, compounded by the haunting memories of his family’s demise. The image of his mother’s final gaze, the sound of her voice uttering his name as she drew her last breath, remained painfully fresh in Tomas’s mind. Standing alone in the darkness, he hesitated to emerge from the refuge of his hidden position, fearing the harsh reality that awaited him—a reality that felt more like a terrible nightmare than the truth.
Later that same night, Kuai Liang, the son of the grandmaster, whom Tomas had only glimpsed out of the corner of his eye and estimated to be a few years older than himself, sought him out. Tomas never expected anyone to visit his room, especially someone whose language, lifestyle, and appearance were so foreign to him. Despite being a complete stranger, Kuai Liang persisted in his efforts to communicate with him.
Over the years, Tomas had learned to leave the past behind and devote himself to the Lin Kuei with unwavering respect and loyalty. He seized every opportunity for growth, not limiting himself to combat training alone. In addition to mastering multiple languages, he immersed himself in various fields of knowledge, receiving specialized education ranging from geography to mathematics. Inspired by his brothers, Tomas aspired to become a formidable assassin, striving to emulate their strength and steadfastness. His determination to bridge the gap and prove himself led him to seek training in magic from clan elders. Before long, he mastered the art of smoke magic, earning his code name in the process.
As time passed, Tomas emerged as one of Lin Kuei’s most skilled assassins, earning the respect and admiration of his peers. Though differences still lingered between him and his brothers, they no longer served as barriers; instead, they became markers of individual experiences and growth. Tomas gained renown for his stealth and speed during missions, aided by his mastery of the smoke magic for concealment. Yet, he also understood the value of leveraging shadows for support. Through discipline and practice, he learned to embrace the darkness, transforming his fear into a potent weapon.
Until Quan Chi sealed him and his brothers inside the book…
Tomas couldn’t recall the last time he had been free. It must have been ages ago. While he had anticipated the relief of escaping, the reality proved disorienting. After spending so long confined within the book’s pages, reentering the world was akin to landing on an alien planet. Colors seemed brighter, sensations felt unfamiliar, and even the taste of things seemed strange.
It had only been a day or two since they emerged from the book’s depths. During that time, Tomas had been reluctant to close his eyes, fearing a return to the vast darkness that had engulfed him for so long. In the book, there was only emptiness—a void that left him disoriented and disconnected from time and reality. The experience had shattered his ability to cope with darkness; although it was bad to have a new master, he would prefer this situation to eternal darkness.
Inside the book, the only connection to the outside world was through sounds, which provided a vague sense of the passage of time. Now, sitting in the living room, an overwhelming surge of pent-up energy coursed through him. He longed to move, to run, to stretch his limbs freely. Yet, his heightened senses left him feeling overwhelmed by the outside world. It was as if everything had become too much to bear at once, triggering a cascade of emotions.
Such experiences were not uncommon when they remained dormant for extended periods. It took several days for them to readjust. Kuai Liang, in particular, struggled with the transition. His pyromancer abilities meant his metabolism was faster than both him and Bi-Han’s, making the initial days a nightmare as he grappled with an accumulation of pent-up energy. Bi-Han fared better in comparison, his cryomancer abilities allowing him to maintain control despite the prolonged dormancy.
“Are you all right?” Tomas inquired, glancing at his brother who sat a little distance away. Drops of sweat glistened on Kuai Liang’s forehead, his face flushed. His usually dark hair, kept in a bun, was now disheveled, with tufts of hair glued to his skin due to sweat. Despite his typically bronze skin, it appeared pale under the strain of his condition, a deep frown creased his brow, accentuating the thick veins that bulged on his neck from the tension of his clenched jaw. He spoke in a muffled voice, his fists tightly gripping the cushion beneath him.
“It’s more intense compared to the previous ones. It’s becoming increasingly difficult for me to cope.” Kuai Liang muttered, his voice strained.
“You should lie down on the sofa,” Tomas suggested, rising from his seat and closing the distance between them in an instant. “Standing like this isn’t good for you. Let me help.”
“I’m fine,” Kuai Liang insisted stubbornly, his words almost a hiss through clenched teeth. “It’ll pass soon.”
“We both know it’ll take a few days,” Tomas reasoned gently. “Come on, lie down and stop being so stubborn. You need to rest.”
“I’ve been inactive enough already from being trapped in that damn book.”
“And now you need to rest so your body can recover.”
“Is everything all right?” Your soft voice floated from the entrance of the room, drawing Tomas’s attention. You stood there in an old plush robe, your legs and feet bare beneath your long nightgown. The bandages he wrapped around your legs from the first night they emerged from the book still in place. Like him, your face was colorless, and the purple rings under your eyes betrayed the sleeplessness you shared with them.
“Kuai Liang?” Bi-Han’s sudden appearance next to you, like a dark, silent shadow, caused you to jump in place with a start. Tomas observed your startled reaction, your eyes reflecting fear at Bi-Han’s sudden presence. Since they emerged from the book, they had noticed your agitated demeanor and your constant efforts to maintain a clear distance from them. It was evident in every gesture that you had yet to adapt to the situation and were still struggling to accept what was happening.
As Bi-Han approached them with purposeful strides, he rested his hand on his brother’s forehead, from which a thin, cold smoke wafted. Upon contact, a sizzling sound filled the room as cold and heat met. Kuai Liang’s eyes closed with a slight sense of relief, his tense posture relaxing slightly. Bi-Han’s expression remained stern.
“You’re burning,” Bi-Han remarked, his dark gaze fixed on his brother. “How long has he been like this?”
“For about half an hour, he suddenly relapsed. When he insists on not resting—”
“Nonsense. We both know you’re not going to get through this without lying down somewhere, Kuai Liang. Don’t be stubborn and do as you’re told.”
“What’s going on?” You hesitantly approached them, your anxious eyes shifting between Kuai Liang, who was breathing rapidly and starting to sweat profusely, and the two brothers. “Is he ill?”
As Bi-Han gave you a piercing, stern look, you stumbled back a step. Tomas felt a surge of anger at his brother’s harsh demeanor. Bi-Han had always been somewhat rude and obstinate; as the grandmaster before being trapped in the book, he was accustomed to looking down on others, being condescending, and considering everyone except the Lin Kuei as worthless. This attitude had persisted over the years, even when they served various masters of the book.
Many masters had attempted to break his demeanor and relished in the opportunity, but when they realized Bi-Han could not be tamed, both he and Kuai Liang were held accountable for his actions. That was when Bi-Han had to learn to control his sharp tongue and condescending gaze. But when it comes to you, you seem different from the masters who came and went. You were an ordinary person, with neither unusual strength nor fighting skills to suggest you knew how to protect yourself.
Tomas had scrutinized you closely the first day he emerged from the book and quickly formed a profile. Your physique seemed too delicate to be that of a warrior, and your gaze exuded kindness and compassion. The fact that you didn’t assert any authority over them indicated you might be harmless. While he hesitated to fully embrace this belief, it often proved true when reality differed from their initial assumptions. This made Bi-Han’s treatment of you seem inappropriate and cruel.
“Kuai Liang is a pyromancer, master,” Tomas interjected, breaking the uncomfortable silence that had settled between them. “When he’s unable to release his power for an extended period, it accumulates inside him, causing sensory overload and physical strain.”
As Tomas explained in simpler terms, given your unfamiliarity with their world, another layer of concern clouded your expression.
“Oh, I see. That sounds truly awful. Does the same situation apply to you?”
Bi-Han had been on the verge of making a rude remark once again, but Tomas acted swiftly to prevent him from further upsetting you. “No, our powers and metabolic rates vary among us.”
“Then is there anything I can do for Kuai Liang? I have antipyretics and painkillers; perhaps they might help.”
“Are you daft, woman? We’re dealing with a man whose metabolism is four times faster than normal. Do you think mere drugs will affect him?”
“I-I just wanted to help.”
“You’d be of greater help by not interfering,”
The moment Bi-Han hurled the words at you with a tongue as sharp as a knife, Tomas watched you swallow silently and your eyes glistened with tears for a moment. His chest ached with a slight pain for you, whom he had never known; you stood so vulnerable and small in front of them. But you collected your composure quickly, surprising him, squaring your shoulders and lifting your head.
“He can sleep in my bed until he’s better. It’ll be more comfortable than the couch. Can you move him there?”
After they carried Kuai Liang to your room and Bi-Han pulled a chair next to him, settling in, Tomas returned to the living room with you.
“He hates me.” you muttered in a hoarse voice.
“He hates everyone.” Tomas replied, realizing you were referring to Bi-Han. With a pillow tucked under one arm and a not-too-thick, pink-purple patterned blanket in the other, you prepared the makeshift bed on the couch.
With a sigh, you settled onto the end of the couch, which Kuai Liang had been using as a bed for the past few days. While he and Kuai Liang shared the living room, Bi-Han had taken refuge in your study. Your house was quite small, and Tomas had initially doubted whether they could all fit in here.
“If I hadn’t been protected by the book, he would have torn me in half already, wouldn’t he?”
“It can’t be said that he gets along well with strangers,” Tomas replied politely. “He needs time, master.” As the last word slipped from his lips in the usual manner, he observed your gentle expression falter, your lips pressing together into a straight line. He knew you disliked being addressed that way, but after years of habit, it was difficult for him to remove it from his vocabulary. His body ached with a twinge of pain for disobeying your request once again—a never-ending side effect of the curse. They had to obey their masters unconditionally, and if they did not, and this situation persisted, their suffering increased exponentially.
“Tomas, please don’t call me that. I am not your master, and it makes me very uncomfortable every time you address me as such.”
“I’m sorry,” Tomas murmured in a low voice, avoiding your gaze as he stared out at the nighttime landscape of tall buildings and colorful lights beyond the window. “It’s just a habit.”
“There’s no need to apologize. I just want you to know that there are no distinct classes between us. We are equals.” You leaned back against the armrest, pulling your knees toward your stomach and wrapping your arms around yourself. “It’s very strange. I haven’t slept a wink since yesterday, and yet I still don’t feel like I can sleep.”
When Tomas turned his gaze back to you, he noticed your tired eyes staring into emptiness. He could imagine how surreal and overwhelming the unfolding events must have sounded from your perspective. Moreover, sharing your home with three unfamiliar, burly men, and constantly feeling on edge because of Bi-Han, must have added to your nerves.
“So do I.” Tomas replied after a moment, joining you. “I’ve been inside the book for so long that it’s hard to believe I’m out now.”
“If you don’t mind, may I ask how long you’ve been there?”
“What year is it?” He asked.
“Two thousand twenty-four.”
“Then it has been nearly two years since we last emerged.”
Your eyes widened in horror at his response.
“Two years? That’s terrible! What have you been doing all this time in the book? Is there any way you can pass the time?”
The question sounded so innocent to Tomas’s ears that he almost wanted to laugh. It was the first time he had encountered a master like you—a master who, despite having the power to use them as mere tools, condoned Bi-Han’s rude behavior and tried to create a small comfort zone to help Kuai Liang through the process. Even though you knew the power you held over them, you chose not to exploit it fully. If you had wanted to, you could have expelled Bi-Han, and even him and Kuai Liang, from your home. After all, they had no choice but to obey your orders if they wished to avoid excruciating pain.
They hadn’t revealed this detail to you yet, as it was too valuable and represented one of their greatest vulnerabilities. However, whether you were aware of this information or not didn’t change the truth. By opening your home to them and engaging in conversation with Tomas, you were trying to understand the situation despite the risks involved. He doubted every now and then, as you seemed so sincere. You cannot act all the time, can you? As he was a professional in reading people, he couldn’t be entirely sure about you.
“No, we can only wait until our new master reads the words in the book,” Tomas explained.
“How so?” Your eyes widened slightly. “Can’t you do anything?”
“No, except for waiting in the dark, we can only sometimes hear voices coming from outside the book. This helps us understand where we are, and sometimes even the year.”
“God, this is—this is so cruel… How have you been able to maintain your sanity until today? This is officially torture.”
He also pondered the answer to this question himself. If he had been sealed inside that book alone, Tomas doubted he would be capable of forming coherent sentences right now. It would be a miracle if he could even speak.
“My brothers… Without them, it would have been inevitable that I would have lost my mind,” he admitted through clenched teeth. “But sometimes even that is not enough. That’s why we pressured you to read the book when you found it.”
“I thought I was going to die of fear at that moment,” you confessed in a low voice, cheeks slightly flushed, as you turned away from him and focused on your clasped hands. “But I’m glad I made you get out of there after hearing what you’ve told me. I hope I can help you break this curse as well.”
Tomas remained silent, grappling with uncertainty about the sincerity of your words. They had encountered similar displays of kindness before. In the past, there was a master they believed to be compassionate and well-intentioned, who had convinced them to lower their guards and give their trust a chance. They had fallen for gentle touches, pleas instead of commands, sweet compliments, and precious gifts. Even Bi-Han, typically skeptical, had thought that previous master was different.
But they were mistaken. They soon discovered that everything she did was merely a facade to gain their trust and manipulate them, raising their hopes only to shatter them. They had sworn never to trust again after that betrayal. As long as they were trapped in the book, they would always have a master, and their relationships would remain purely transactional.
Tomas had learned the hard way not to put faith in anyone. So your words held little weight for him. Each of them represented a month, and when they returned to the book three months later, you would be out of their lives. It seemed foolish to invest in a bond for something that would soon disappear.
‘’Tomas? Are you okay? You’ve become quiet,” you asked, noticing his distant expression.
Hearing your voice, Tomas snapped out of his thoughts and looked at you. “I have a lot on my mind. My thoughts are too loud,” he confessed with a tight smile.
“I have a solution that might help. Since neither of us has had any sleep,” you suggested, rising from your seat and making your way to the kitchen, which was adjacent to the living room. Tomas felt a twinge of curiosity as he watched you move. ‘’I hope you like chocolate.’’
“What are you going to do?”
“Hot chocolate. Sweet things are always good for stress. I think we both need some relaxation and serotonin,” you explained, retrieving two mugs from the kitchen cabinet and placing them on the counter. As you continued to prepare the hot chocolate, you asked, “Do you want to watch a movie?”
Tomas repeated the question as if to confirm that he had heard you correctly. “A movie?”
“Yes,” you affirmed cheerfully, without glancing at him, as you arranged the ingredients on the counter. “I like to watch something on Netflix when I can’t sleep. It helps distract my mind.”
“Netflix?” Tomas queried, unfamiliar with the term. As you briefly explained what Netflix was, Tomas observed you moving around the kitchen with a sweet smile, pouring steaming hot chocolate into the mugs and adorning them with white toppings resembling candy. He was familiar with the concept of movies, but his upbringing with the Lin Kuei left little room for leisure activities, such as watching television or electronic devices. Thus, while he understood the concept of movies, he had never encountered anything related to them until now.
“We can watch something that won’t require too much thought,” you suggested as you placed the mugs on the coffee table in front of them. Retrieving your laptop from a nearby spot, you positioned it on your lap and adjusted the screen so that Tomas could see. “Here, you can browse the movies from here.”
Tomas curiously scanned through the films from various categories displayed on the screen. There were so many options that he found it difficult to decide which one to choose, unsure of what would be the right choice.
“How about action?” you proposed, attempting to assist him. Your understanding expression conveyed that you recognized his struggle to make a choice. “We could watch Johnny Cage’s movies. The Ninja Mime movie series is legendary! What do you think? If you don’t like it, we can explore other options, of course.”
When Tomas agreed, your smile grew, and you placed the laptop in the center of the coffee table for both of you to see. As you leaned down to switch off the nearby lamp, he impulsively reached out and grabbed your wrist, causing a small, sweet electric sensation to pass between them. You both shared a momentary pause, as if sensing something peculiar, and Tomas noticed the sound of your interrupted breathing. What the hell was that? Tomas had never felt anything like this before.
“Tomas? Is something wrong?” you asked, your concern evident in your voice.
Tomas tried to ignore the tender feeling as he quickly released your wrist, as if it had burned him. Despite facing numerous sorcerers and warriors without fear, you, with your delicate demeanor, seemed more fragile to him, easily susceptible to harm even without the protection of the book.
“Could the light stay on?” he requested hoarsely, instantly noticing the understanding in your eyes, realizing the underlying reason for his question.
“Of course. Is it alright if we share the seat until the movie ends? There’s no other way for me to see the screen.”
Tomas found it strange that you asked, considering it was your home. You didn’t need his permission to use your own belongings.
“This is already your couch.” Tomas replied, showing his confusion.
“You’re also my guest. I want you to feel comfortable, not like you’re on edge,” you explained. Surprised by your response, Tomas nodded in agreement instead of verbally responding. “Great! Then I’ll start the movie. Come on, start drinking the hot chocolate before it gets cold. Your marshmallows are about to melt.”
Following your instructions, Tomas picked up a yellowish-white ceramic mug with daisy and bee patterns and took a sip of the steaming, incredibly fragrant drink. The sweet liquid danced on his taste buds, flooding his mouth with an unparalleled delight. It had been an eternity since he had savored something so delicious and sweet, a rare treat that he hadn’t experienced in years. Closing his eyes in bliss, he relished every moment of it.
“Do you like it?”
“I love it,” Tomas replied honestly.
“Really?” Your face lit up with a huge, almost radiant smile, and Tomas once again felt that sweet ache in his chest, far from painful. “I’m glad to hear that! If you want more, don’t hesitate to tell me. I still have plenty of chocolates in the cupboard.”
After your words, when the movie started, Tomas watched you eagerly settle on the end of the seat and sip your hot chocolate out of the corner of his eye. Despite the seat not being too large, there was a noticeable distance between you; someone thinner could have squeezed in between with a little effort. Although Tomas still couldn’t quite decipher your intentions, he turned his attention to the film after stealing a few glances at you, and slowly felt his troubled thoughts quiet down, his overly active senses beginning to relax.
Settling more comfortably on the couch, he took another sip of the hot chocolate you had made. He couldn’t remember the last time someone had done something like this for him. Usually, the situation would be the opposite—he would serve someone, fulfilling their wishes and desires. Now, it felt strange and unfamiliar to him to drink the beverage you had offered without expecting anything in return, as if you would later chastise him for such naivety. However, that never happened. Instead, you were completely engrossed in the film, occasionally giggling at the jokes inaudibly. Your smile, perhaps even sweeter than the hot chocolate he was drinking, had a warmth that made one want to hear your voice again.
Despite being occasionally distracted by your voice, Tomas found himself unexpectedly enjoying the movie. The action scenes were realistic, the jokes humorous, and the flow of the film simple yet intriguing. During one of the fight scenes, Tomas mumbled, “He fights well.”
“Isn’t he? He’s also a master of martial arts. All of these scenes were shot without the use of stunts. That’s why I have a lot of respect for the work he does. He’s one of the few actors I’d like to meet.” you remarked as you popped a half-melted marshmallow into your mouth, causing Tomas to watch your soft lips open and close on your fingers. He felt a warmth again, but this time it was burning and dangerous rather than sweet. He shifted in his seat as if trying to shake off the feeling.
“Do you want to watch the second one too?” you asked after finishing chewing. Tomas responded in a muffled voice. “I can’t deny that I’m interested.”
“Wonderful! I’ll refresh our drinks then. Wait here, I’ll be right back.”
Tomas rose once more, feeling uneasy about being served by you again, as you asked nothing of him. As he approached, you were just about to open the milk lid when you looked up, meeting his gaze with inquisitive eyes.
“Did you want something?”
“Tell me what I should do, please,” Tomas said through clenched teeth. How long would you leave him in this state of uncertainty, without giving him any orders? This unfamiliarity, persisting for days, was making him nervous. It was vastly different from the structured system he was accustomed to.
“I am not your master, Tomas,” you responded calmly, looking into his eyes, your voice gentle yet firm. “You are your own person. I will not give you orders, neither now nor later.”
“This is wrong,” Tomas said akin to a snarl, his voice sounding foreign even to himself. Even before an assassin, he was a hunter, and now, he felt more trapped than ever as he still couldn’t grapple with your rules. Do you even have rules? “Something is always expected.”
“This situation doesn’t apply here. I can see that you don’t trust and believe in me, and I don’t blame you for that,” you said, your face filled with a sadness Tomas couldn’t comprehend, your gaze softening even further. “Tomas, please try to believe that I’m sincere in what I’m saying. I do not demand anything from you, and I will not. You are free to act as you want, make your own decisions and choices.”
“Why?” Tomas questioned.
Why were you being so kind?
“Because it’s the right and humane thing to do,” you said simply, without hesitation. Then, you turned your attention to the task at hand. “Now, how many marshmallows do you want? I think I can put at least six on top.”
Did you realize the power you held in your hands? A word from you could compel action. But it seemed like you didn’t even care about this power; instead, you focused on trivial details about the second movie you were going to watch.
Once you had assembled a small mountain of marshmallows on the mug and handed it to him, Tomas accepted it in silence and settled back into the seat with you to resume the movie. He felt oddly content in a way. Though part of him still awaited the unveiling of the mask he thought you wore, he found some solace in the simplicity and normalcy of the current situation. Even though he had forgotten what it felt like, experiencing it again now stirred a mix of emotions within him, difficult to define.
While watching the movie, it was your harmless chats that occasionally provided small pieces of information about the actor or the movie, though it usually remained one-sided. Tomas lost track of how many movies you watched that night, ceasing to count after the second film. As soft yellow lights appeared and the sky began to brighten, he realized that an entire night had passed watching movies. Stretching his muscles, which had stiffened from remaining in the same position for so long, he turned his neck from right to left. When he glanced back at you, he saw that you were quietly curled up in your corner, fast asleep.
You had your arms crossed over the armrest of the chair, using them as a makeshift pillow for your head. Your mouth was slightly ajar, and the gentle rise and fall of your chest indicated deep sleep. Bathed in the morning sunlight, a peaceful expression graced your face.Tomas felt relieved watching you, as if a weight had been lifted from his shoulders, akin to lying on a calm sea.
On one hand, he was surprised that you felt comfortable enough to sleep next to him. You likely couldn’t resist the fatigue any longer and succumbed to it. Tomas couldn’t help but notice how vulnerable you looked, despite not wanting to admit it. You appeared delicate enough to be easily hurt.
Careful not to disturb you, Tomas pulled a blanket up to your shoulders, ensuring you were completely covered. As he did so, Bi-Han appeared at the entrance of the living room, his expression as cold and discontented as ever.
“What do you think you’re doing?” Bi-Han demanded.
“You’ll wake her up,” Said Tomas, in a voice that sounded like a whisper, slightly scolding. Carefully getting up from where he was sitting, he made his way to his brother’s side, his shoulders tense and his posture upright. He changed the subject directly, not allowing Bi-Han to scold him further. “How is Kuai Liang?”
“It’s bad, but he’ll pull through. He’s unconscious right now; I don’t think he’ll wake up for a while.”
“It’s the first time I’ve seen him this bad.”
“We stayed in the book for too long this time,” Bi-Han growled hoarsely, his voice tinged with wildness. Clenching his fists at his sides, his eyebrows furrowed deeply, and his gaze darkened. Tomas could feel the cold emanating from him, chilling his skin like a winter wind. “This cramped place is suffocating me. I’m going out to explore. Take care of Kuai Liang.”
As Bi-Han stormed out of the house without waiting for a reply, Tomas sighed and headed for the room where Kuai Liang was staying, ignoring his weary eyes due to insomnia. Opening the door slightly, he peered inside and saw his brother lying motionless on the bed. Stepping into the room and closing the door quitely behind him, Tomas prepared to tend to his brother.
Although he felt a twinge of guilt for intruding into your private space by entering your bedroom, Tomas didn’t dwell on it much, knowing that you had opened this place up for their use like any other part of the house. After opening the window to let in some fresh air, Tomas couldn’t resist looking around curiously. Your room, like the rest of the house, was small, with a closet and a standing mirror in one corner, and a bookcase filled to the brim with books and pictures scattered haphazardly on the shelves in another corner.
Approaching the bookcase, Tomas found some books filled with confusing information about computers and programming, which he couldn’t quite comprehend. Was this your interest? After glancing at a few of them, his attention was drawn to the photos. Some were framed, while others were hung around the shelves with wicker ropes. The photos depicted people with wide, friendly smiles, along with various landscapes. In the photos, you appeared pleasant, happy, and cheerful, almost laughing in the eyes.
Tomas frowned slightly as he picked up a frame that caught his attention. He hadn’t seen such an expression on your face since they came out of the book; instead, you seemed agitated, with traces of fear in your eyes. He wished he could see you with that same expression from the photos; laughing seemed to suit you, exuding a pure aura that inspired trust. Maybe you truly were like the person in the photos… maybe—
Shaking his head, Tomas tried to dispel the thoughts and returned the frame to its place. He then sat on the chair pulled to the right side of the bed and looked at Kuai Liang. His brother looked worse than he had ever seen him before—his bronze face even paler than the day before, sweat glistening on his skin, chest heaving with rapid breaths, and a contracted expression indicating distress.
Tomas changed the cloth on Kuai Liang’s forehead and listened to his audible breathing, occasionally wheezing softly. Though he wished he could offer his brother some relief, there was little they could do in such circumstances. Kuai Liang had to fight this battle alone and regain control. Tomas watched him for a long time, his hand resting on his chin as he became lost in thought.
It was the sounds emanating from the kitchen that snapped him out of his reverie. Thinking that Bi-Han might have returned, he left the room and found you sipping coffee while cooking something on the stove. When you noticed his presence, you turned around, raising the mug in your hand with a sincere smile as you greeted him.
“Good morning. Did you get any sleep?”
“Not really,” Tomas admitted.
The smile on your face faltered slightly. “Hmm, so the movies didn’t do the trick. Fortunately, I have more remedies up my sleeve. I bought some herbal teas and aromatherapy candles a while ago. We can give them a try tonight,” you suggested with a cheerful tone, taking another sip of your coffee. Before returning to your cooking, you asked curiously. “How is your brother?”
“He’s sleeping. He’s not well, but he’s a strong and stubborn man. I’m sure he’ll recover soon,” Tomas replied.
“I’m glad to hear that. Bi-Han didn’t want me to help, but I made some porridge for Kuai Liang. I hope he won’t be upset with me. Of course, if you think he will be, we can keep it between us. Eating can be difficult when you’re sick, so I thought some comfort food might help him,” you explained, gesturing to the pot on the stove. “I’ve also prepared something for you. Have a seat. You drink coffee, right?”
Once again surprised by your thoughtfulness, Tomas couldn’t tear his gaze away from you as you served him pancakes smothered with a generous amount of maple syrup, a plate of perfectly crisped bacon and eggs cooked to perfection, and a steaming mug of coffee, its aroma wafting through the air and tantalizing his senses.
“Is Bi-Han awake too? I saved some for him.”
“He went out to explore. I don’t think he’ll be back before noon,” Tomas replied, still eyeing the food before him, unsure of where to start. Despite knowing he could eat without waiting for your command, it was difficult to break the years-long habit of awaiting orders. You must have noticed this detail, as you called out to him in a soft voice.
“You should eat before it gets cold, Tomas. You may not enjoy it as much later,” you said gently.
Tomas, relieved, filled his fork with food and began to eat his breakfast with great pleasure, savoring each piece slowly as it settled warmly in his stomach. As he ate, he noticed you quietly watching him while sipping your coffee from the bench you leaned against.
“I hope I didn’t burn the egg,” you remarked after a while. Tomas shook his head, indicating ‘No’ since his mouth was full. After a sip of coffee, he managed to give a straight answer.
“Everything is quite delicious, maste—thank you.” he said, correcting himself at the last moment. A warm smile settled on your face, exposing your teeth, reminiscent of the photos he had seen. Despite your simple appearance in a loosely tied robe and a nightgown, you radiated natural beauty and warmth, filling Tomas with a sense of comfort he hadn’t dared to believe.
“I’m glad to hear that,” you chirped like a bird. “Because I almost burned it while I was taking care of the porridge. I kept breakfast simple since I wasn’t sure what you liked.’’ While taking another sip of coffee, you sat down a little further away, collapsing into one of the chairs placed around the kitchen island. “There is a local library very close to here. I have to stop by there for half an hour. There are some books I want to look at. Do you want to come with me? I think coming out after being in the book will make you feel better.”
Tomas’ body immediately contracted with tension, almost instinctively. He was curious about how much the outside world had changed, but on the one hand, he was not ready to encounter innovations, re-enter among people, noise, and much more. His senses were still at a hyper level, and that fidgety feeling swirling inside him had not calmed down yet.
“Perhaps some other time. Besides, I don’t want to leave Kuai Liang alone like this,” Tomas replied.
“Oh, you’re right. It was a rude question on my part,” you admitted, taking another sip of your coffee before looking at Tomas with curious yet deceptive eyes. Tomas met your gaze and asked after swallowing the food in his mouth, “You want to ask something, am I right?”
“There’s just one thing I’m curious about. But I don’t think it’s right to ask.”
One edge of Tomas’s lip curled upwards; he was starting to like the way you were approaching more and more. You were treating him like a human being rather than an object, and he’d forgotten how that made him feel.
‘’You can ask, it’s okay,’’ he encouraged.
‘’Your hair… Is this your original color?’’
An unexpected chuckle spilled from Tomas’ lips. It seemed funny and innocent enough to make his heart ache that you chose this when there were tons of questions you could ask.
‘‘No, it’s that color because of the smoke magic. Its previous color was brown.’’
‘’Smoke magic? Do you have the power like the others?’’
You took a breath with excitement; Tomas could have sworn your eyes were shining.
‘‘Will you show it to me?’’
Tomas let go of the mug he was holding with another smirk that he couldn’t stop, and thanks to the thin, gray cloud of smoke rising from his fingers, he made the mug float in the air. While your eyes opened wide, you took a sharp breath and stared at the floating mug in amazement, and Tomas took great pleasure in watching your reaction.
‘’This is incredible! What else can you do?’’
‘’I can be invisible.’’
‘’No way!’’ You said it in an incredulous voice. Tomas raised an eyebrow, gave you a sarcastic look, and then made his body invisible, watching you keep your mouth open with amazement. Your reaction was so sweet that Tomas laughed out loud this time, and when he made his body visible again, you looked at him with big eyes for a few seconds as if he had grown out a second head.
‘‘That was the coolest thing I’ve ever seen in my life. You’re incredible!’’ Against your obvious compliment, Tomas’s heart misfired once again, and he felt his cheeks getting hot. Not knowing what to say, as you kept talking excitedly, he squeezed a big mouthful morsel in his mouth before saying something ridiculous. ‘‘It must be great to have such a talent. You can even go to North Korea without anyone hearing a sound.’’
Tomas barely swallowed the morsel in his mouth and looked at you with a manner that showed he didn’t understand why you could want such a thing.
‘‘Why would you want to go there?’’
‘‘Out of curiosity, of course.’’ After giving him a little look with your flushed cheeks, you cleared your throat with an artificial cough. ‘’There’s something else I’m curious about.’’
‘’Are you going to ask why I don’t resemble my brothers in appearance?’’
‘’No, actually, I was going to ask why Kuai Liang said ‘Earthrealm’ that night. The other one is a personal question; it wouldn’t be right for me to ask you to explain.’’
Even so, when you were talking to him like that, Tomas felt the need to explain to you. He decided to sit back in his chair and calmly tell you everything from the beginning, so that he could make you understand the world you’ve fallen into a little better and make sense of it, maybe so that you could also start feeling safer around them. After all, you were going to be together for three months, and no one knew better than him how exhausting it was to be constantly on edge, both physically and mentally.
‘‘I am not their brother by blood; I am adopted,’’ Tomas said simply. ‘’Before I became a part of Lin Kuei, I had my mother and twin sister; we were hunters. We made our living by selling the meat and fur of the animals we hunted, until one day we hunted in the wrong territory. There was an accident.’’ As Tomas slowly began to tell you about his life, he was surprised at how easily the words fell from his lips. Normally, he was a closed box to someone he didn’t know; he wouldn’t open his past easily, but something in you was preventing him from doing so.
‘‘I am so sorry for your loss.’’ It was impossible not to hear the sadness and sincerity in your voice; your gaze had an expression that showed that you were really sorry for his loss. One hand was hesitantly raised, then Tomas did not pull or push his hand away when you placed your hand on his hand, quite delicately, indicating that he could easily get out of your grip if he wanted to. Your touch defined you; it was warm and reassuring, and it also made him realize how much he really needed it.
‘‘Thank you,’’ said Tomas, involuntarily. With his thumb, he gently stroked the top of your hand as a token of his gratitude. When he started to retell where he left off, you were listening to him with great attention. You didn’t interrupt for once; your facial expression was lit up with a warm expression, sometimes sad, sometimes showing that you were proud of his achievements. After briefly mentioning his past, when he came to the question you asked, he actually mentioned that there is more than one world, the details of Lin Kuei’s purpose, creature from other worlds, and gods. While listening to what you were saying with great interest, Tomas was starting to enjoy watching your expression more and more.
"It turns out that I've been sleeping under a rock all this time.’’ You said, gasping in amazement. ‘’So you're superheroes, are you?’’
Tomas chuckled at your comparison.
‘’It was an overly generous comparison. It would be more accurate to say protector than superhero; we served under the orders of Lord Liu Kang to protect Earthrealm from external dangers.’’
“Lord Liu Kang… He was the one who was the Fire God, wasn’t he?’’
‘‘Yes, that’s him.’’
‘’I can’t believe it, God, huh?” You were like a little girl sitting on the edge of a chair, warmed up with excitement, cheeks flushed as if you held a huge candy in your hand. ‘‘No wonder Bi-Han got mad at me when I accidentally branded you as blood lust murderers. After what you said, my own life suddenly seemed very… simple.’’
Tomas reached for his now cold coffee, hiding his laughter. ‘’I’d like to hear it.’’ He said, trusting in the small, fragile bond established between you through the conversation.
‘’Well, what I’m going to tell you may not sound as cool as yours. I graduated from the software engineering department last year, I was working as a programmer at a game company until a few days ago, but I lost the job.’’
‘‘I’m sorry to hear that.’’ Tomas said in a genuine voice. You shrugged your shoulders as if it were all right, but your face had fallen a little, revealing what was going through your mind.
‘‘Don’t worry, I wasn’t happy working there anyway, it was more about making money. Actually, my dream is to one day secure a partnership with one of the big companies by releasing my own game, but when you face the real world, you realize it’s not that simple. No one wants to partner with a novice; someone without a background. Plus, I haven’t found any inspiration for my so-called game yet anyway.’’
Leaning one hand on your chin, your face fell with a mix of unhappiness and a hint of pessimism. Tomas felt a strong need to console you and put a smile back on your face.
‘‘It doesn’t sound impossible.’’ He said with a smile. ‘’Besides, it’s their loss that they’ve lost a talented woman like you.’’
Watching your cheeks flush with his compliment filled Tomas with pride and an irresistible desire for more. As you shyly murmured a small ‘’Thank you’’, Tomas heard the front door open. While his body reflexively tensed, his muscles were ready and alert until he saw who was coming.
When Bi-Han’s imposing body appeared at the entrance, you stood up, moving before him.
‘’Bi-Han! Welcome, we were having breakfast. Are you hungry? I’ve saved something for you too.’’
‘’I’m none of your concern.’’ Bi-Han’s words cut yours short, and within seconds, the smile vanished from your face, shattering the warmth Tomas had worked to foster, and you retreated into your former guarded and distant demeanor. ‘’I remember I told you to take care of Kuai Liang.’’
‘‘His condition hasn’t changed since you left, brother.’’ Tomas responded in kind, his words adding to the escalating tension between them. Sensing the growing unease, you delicately cleared your throat, subtly redirecting both their attention.
‘’I’d better go to the library, as always you can use the things in the house as you like. Tomas, if you want to watch something on Netflix, please don’t hesitate to use it.’’ With your head bowed, you left the room after finishing your words quietly, leaving Tomas and Bi-Han alone.
Tomas ended up near Bi-Han, taking a hard breath. ‘’Why are you acting like this? She’s done nothing but help us so far.’’
‘’And did you believe it?’’ Bi-Han’s voice was thick and authoritative, sounding incredibly deep. “You’re still very naive, Tomas.’’
‘’If you can’t choose your words carefully, can’t you at least pay a little more attention to your intonation? You’re scaring her.’’
‘’And why should I care? As long as the book exists, there will always be a master, and that woman is no different from the others. You have to understand, Tomas, it would just be foolish to trust anyone but each other, especially when you have such tremendous power in your hands. Don’t get your hopes up.’’
Tomas wanted to oppose him, but unfortunately, although Bi-Han spoke with his usual brutality, he was right on one point; as long as the master-slave relationship existed, it carried a power that could easily deconstruct the delicate trust established despite everything. An order that would come out of one’s lips was enough to take away their consent.
After Tomas stayed silent, Bi-Han approached him, his intense gaze lingering for a moment before shifting to the food simmering on the stove.
‘’What is this?’’ Opening the lid curiously, he looked at what was inside. ‘’Did you do it?’’
‘’No, she prepared the porridge so that Kuai Liang could eat comfortably.’’
With his answer, one of the muscles in Bi-Han’s jaw twitched.
‘’I told her to not interfere.’’
‘’She may not be the person we thought, Bi-Han.’’ Said Tomas, there was an opposition in his voice that he didn’t understand where it was coming from. ‘’Tell me, which master has prepared breakfast or something similar for us before?’’
‘’Stop calling them masters!’’ Although Bi-Han turned to him angrily with furious eyes and stood in front of him as if he were a mountain of intimidation, Tomas did not allow him to intimidate him. He wanted him to hear what he was thinking.
‘’I’m not saying we should trust her, but you know as well as I do that she hasn’t done anything to deserve your cruel approach so far. She wants us to be comfortable in his house, she even gave Kuai Liang her bedroom, just to help him in the healing process. She tried to set us free the very first moment we came out of the book-‘’
‘’This is not the first time we have encountered this situation.’’ Bi-Han interjected once again. “At some point, she’ll be compelled to give us orders. I wonder if you’ll still defend her then.”
It’s been a few hours since you returned from the library. Throughout your time there, you remained engrossed in the books you brought back, occasionally scribbling something in your notebook and muttering to yourself. Finally, Tomas approached, more curious about your activities than the movie he was watching. When you lifted your head from among the books at his approach, you asked, ‘’The movie didn’t catch your attention?’’
‘’Frankly, I was more interested in what you were doing. You’ve been sitting there for hours, doesn’t your neck hurt?’’
As you tested his words by moving your neck, a hint of pain crossed your face, accompanied by a soft whimper. ‘’Ouch, you were right. My neck is terribly stiff.’’
Offering to help, Tomas raised his hands in the air, gesturing to massage your neck. ‘’If you want?’’
‘’If it’s all right with you, please,’’ you responded, your voice a blend of shyness and gratitude. As Tomas took his place behind you and began massaging your shoulders and neck, he felt a strange electric current once again. Your skin felt soft and tender between his calloused fingers, and he couldn’t help but notice the clean and beautiful scent emanating from you, enveloping him in a sweet warmth. Slowly, your stiffened body began to unravel and relax under his touch. Curious about your reading material, Tomas inquired, ‘‘May I ask what you are reading?’
‘‘I’m doing research. These books contain a ton of information about witchcraft, spells, and curses. I thought maybe there might be some useful information in it for your situation.’’
‘’Have you been looking at these for hours?’’ Tomas asked incredulously.
With a simple ‘’Yes,’’ you innocently confirmed. As Tomas watched you turn another page, he felt a familiar ache in his heart. He hadn’t realized how hungry he was for understanding and kindness. Every movement, every word, every soft look and smile you shared seemed to weave into Tomas’ soul, confirming his growing certainty that you were unlike anyone he had ever met before.
‘’You must be tired, thank you, Tomas, that’s enough,’’ When you spoke from the book without raising your head, Tomas reluctantly withdrew his hands, even though he didn’t want to. Touching you like this felt nice; it was a rare sensation to interact with another body of his own accord, free from orders. Moreover, it was confined to a simple touch without fulfilling desires, a sensation he had almost forgotten. It also made him feel powerful, as it was an action he took by his own decision, highlighting the profound impact of a simple gesture on him.
“May I accompany you?” Tomas asked.
“Of course, you don’t even need to ask. You can look at whatever you want, and if you want to have a drink, you know where they are,” you replied, smiling at him. Tomas opted to brew herbal tea for the both of them. He carefully poured the freshly boiled water into two mugs before selecting green tea bags to steep in each one. As he settled next to you, he glanced at what you had written.
“Have you found anything yet?”
“To be honest, not really,” you admitted, reaching for the mug he offered. With a sigh, you glanced wearily over the open books. “Salt baths, incense, and natural stones have been mentioned, but these seem more for balancing energy. I haven’t come across anything about how to deal with black magic yet.”
“Don’t push yourself for our sake.”
“What? What do you mean?” You looked at him with furrowed eyebrows, a slight hint of frustration in your expression, urging him to explain.
“The demon who cursed us, Quan Chi, is a master of black magic and is cruel as well. You’re not the first person to promise to help us; I’ve seen this scenario before. I don’t think the solution is found in these books, so you shouldn’t burden yourself too much searching for answers you may not find. Our past attempts to break the curse only led to more suffering, it only led to disappointment and despair.”
Your eyebrows furrowed further in response, and though your expression darkened, your eyes betrayed a hurt that softened your features.
“I can understand why you’re hesitant to trust given your past experiences, and it infuriates me to think that others have exploited you in this way.’’ you asserted, your tone tinged with emotion. ‘’While the solution may not be found in these books, we won’t know unless we try, Tomas. I refuse to simply stand by and watch as time slips away and you’re forced back into that book. Our paths have crossed for some reason, and I will help you as much as my means allow. I understand that trusting again is daunting, even frightening, but I’m asking you to give it a chance.”
‘Only a fool would hope,’ Bi-Han’s words from years ago echoed in Tomas’s mind. It was easier to believe that you were playing some kind of game than to trust. But, on the other hand, it was undeniable that there was a hint of truth in your words. If you had a different purpose, you wouldn’t have gone to all this trouble or greeted Bi-Han’s rude words with silence. Even though you knew the power you had over them, you were always careful about the words you used, afraid to abuse it and put them in a difficult situation. Tomas didn’t want to make the same mistake again. He had been in that book for ten years and had seen and experienced a lot. He could navigate the familiar order, knowing the rules and what to expect. But this situation was different.
Maybe after a few days, you would change your mind and want to take advantage of this opportunity that fell into your lap. You might be overwhelmed while searching for a solution, realizing it wasn’t a problem you had to solve, or you might grow tired of them invading your home. The possibilities were endless. Despite this, Tomas still didn’t know what would be left of himself if he chose to trust again, only for it to end badly.
“Tomas?” Your soft voice pulled him out of his thoughts, and he met your worried gaze. “Are you all right? If what I said made you feel uncomfortable, I’m sorry.”
Your words, whispered gently, stirred the dilemma Tomas found himself in. It was too early for him to make a decision, as he didn’t even know you properly. Yet, there was a part of him that wanted to believe in you. Despite all the challenges he had faced, you were the first master he wanted to give a chance to after all these years. But he avoided saying it, not wanting to give you the power to manipulate him. As much as he wanted to give you a chance, the part of him that longed to escape from this situation and the complex emotions you evoked in him was more dominant.
“I’m fine, it’s okay,” Tomas replied, brushing off your concern. “I want to take a look at this book.”
As Tomas changed the subject and reached for one of the books in front of him, you eyed him one more time then resumed your reading quietly, allowing him the space to process his thoughts.
A serene silence enveloped the room, punctuated only by the rain outside tapping against the window, the gentle rustling of paper, and the occasional exchange of words between you. Tomas found himself once again enveloped in the same sense of peace he had felt while watching the movie with you last night. It was a rare feeling, one that he hadn’t experienced since being sealed within the book—time spent according to his own will, without orders or prohibitions.
As you sat back after having a snack and took a deep breath, Tomas’s attention was drawn to you like a magnet. Although he had been pretending to focus on the books in front of him, he found himself increasingly intrigued by observing you. Your facial expressions were as transparent as the pages of the books, and Tomas couldn’t help but watch you intently, captivated by your every movement and expression.
“It’s getting late,” you remarked with a tired smile, stifling a yawn with the back of your hand. “Are you feeling sleepy yet?”
“Not really,” Tomas replied honestly, though the idea of closing his eyes lingered in the corner of his mind. Despite having spent close to two years inside the book and therefore doing nothing, he couldn’t shake off the effects of insomnia. Trained to be a perfect assassin, he was accustomed to enduring extreme challenges beyond those faced by ordinary human. However, beneath the facade of strength and resilience, he was still human and had basic needs like everyone else. This included the need for sleep, a fundamental requirement that even his demanding training couldn’t negate.
“We could try lighting these candles, what do you think?” you suggested gently. “I also have another idea that might help, but we need to move to the couch for it.”
“I’m fine here, thank you,” Tomas replied, his voice betraying a hint of tension. You glanced at him, as if trying to discern what was bothering him, and placed a hand over his, giving it a gentle squeeze. Tomas felt his resistance waver at the contact, the part of him that craved connection stirring to life once again.
“Let’s give it a try, and if it doesn’t work, I promise not to insist.” you said softly.
Tomas wanted to refuse your offer, but he couldn’t resist your comforting smile and reassuring words any longer. “Alright,” With a sigh, he rose from his chair and settled into a corner of the couch, while you searched for candles in the room. As you lit a candle and placed it on the coffee table, dimming the other lights, Tomas’s body tensed instinctively.
“The smell will spread soon—Tomas?” Though he felt your weight settle into the seat beside him, Tomas couldn’t bring himself to turn and look at you. His eyes scanned every dimly lit corner of the room, searching for the perfect escape route. His muscles were tense, rendering him immobile like a statue, and his breath seemed to freeze in his lungs, causing his chest to barely rise and fall. His hunter instincts stirred to life, hazy with the need to survive, to prevent shadows from drawing near him as if they harbored fatal threats. Memories of his days as a hunter flickered in his mind, images of tracking prey through dense forests and navigating treacherous terrain. It was a life defined by instinct and survival, skills honed through years of relentless pursuit. Even now, those instincts remained sharp, guiding his every move in this unfamiliar setting.
“Tomas, what’s wrong?” you asked, concern evident in your voice.
“It’s dark,” Tomas managed to utter, his voice barely above a whisper. “I don’t like the darkness. It reminds me of the time I spent in the book.”
“Oh, I’m sorry, I completely forgot! Just wait here, I’ll take care of it right away.” you responded, moving to get up. But Tomas stopped you abruptly, his fingers closing around your wrist with an iron grip. Though his hold may have been too tight, he felt powerless to loosen it, trapped in the conflict between fight or flight. His muscles tensed like coiled springs, his focus hazy with panic, aggravated and feeling more vulnerable than ever his instincts screaming at him to do something.
“Don’t go,” Tomas said, surprised at how foreign and commanding his own voice sounded. Though he intended it as a request, it came out more like an order. His voice was hoarse and strained, and he wasn’t even sure if you could hear him clearly.
“Okay, okay, I’m not going anywhere,” you assured him calmly, radiating a confidence that suggested you knew exactly what to do. “Tomas, it’s okay. Look at me.”
Your words cut through his panicked mind like a knife, and though his body remained tense, he obeyed, attempting to slow his breathing and regain his focus.
“Tomas,” you said softly, placing a hand on his cheek. He flinched at first, his body tensed more than before, ready to strike. If the circumstances had been different and he had seen you as a threat, he would have already broken your wrist because of this move. But you were no threat; your touch brought an unexpected sense of relief, like a balm to his frayed nerves. “Come on, turn your face to me. It’s okay.”
Though your hand rested gently on his cheek, you exerted no pressure, leaving the choice entirely up to Tomas. Slowly, hesitantly, he turned his head to face you, meeting your warm smile.
“That’s it, you’re safe. They’re just shadows. There’s no one here who can hurt you,” you reassured him, stroking his cheek gently. As he gazed into your soft, comforting eyes, Tomas felt the urge to fight slowly ebb away under your touch and gaze.
Along with your soothing words, Tomas allowed himself to be guided, feeling as though he were a stuffed rag doll after the sudden surge of adrenaline. His head came to rest on your legs, though he couldn’t quite decipher how he had ended up in this position. His muscles felt heavy, as if he were underwater, and his senses dulled, making it difficult to perceive movements and even more so to choose your words. All he could do was inhale the subtle scent of chamomile emanating from the candle and focus on the sensation your fingers created on his skin.
“It’s okay… Tomas… You won’t get hurt again… I’m here, I’ll keep you safe…” you murmured softly. Tomas wanted to laugh at your words, which he could only catch in pieces. How could you shield them? You had no power or ability, yet, your expression of wanting to safeguard these men, twice your size and skilled in taking lives, stirred something within Tomas. Despite the lingering adrenaline, he felt a wave of calmness wash over him, like a gentle ray of light caressing him. He found himself leaning into your touch, seeking comfort in the gentle caress of your fingers against his hair. Truly, you were unlike anyone he had ever met before, and it would be unfair to pretend otherwise.
As you gently stroked his hair, Tomas felt his body grow heavier, his eyelids drooping halfway. Despite a wave of panic at feeling so powerless and vulnerable, your words reassured him.
“I’m here, and I’ll be here when you wake up. Don’t worry, Tomas. You’re safe. You’re not in the book. You’re here in my house, next to me. Can you feel my touch?”
As your fingers continued to run through his short hair, Tomas succumbed to the weight pressing down on him, feeling as though he were being completely submerged underwater. His body went lax, not even having the power to lift a finger. Every muscle seemed to surrender to the fatigue, and he found himself unable to muster the slightest resistance. With a gasp, his eyes closed, enveloping him in the darkness of his own exhaustion.
When the light hit Tomas’s face, he initially frowned and attempted to shield his eyes by turning his head to the side. However, as the light persisted, his eyebrows furrowed even more, and a displeased expression formed on his lips. In response, a sweet giggle reached his ears, prompting him to open his eyes quickly. There, he was met with your image, and for a moment, he simply stared at you like a fool. Your greeting, delivered in a calm and soft voice reminiscent of the morning sun, warmed him from within.
“Good morning,” you said with a kind smile. “Did you sleep well?”
Confusion clouded Tomas’s mind. Sleep? Did he really sleep last night? He remembered his body aching but couldn’t recall falling asleep, his mind retracing the events of the previous night. The last thing he remembered was the delicate sensation of your fingers in his hair. Still resting his head on your lap, Tomas’s cheeks warmed as he managed a small “Yes,” filled with disbelief. Your smile widened at his response.
“I’m glad to hear that,” you replied. With your hand still resting gently among his short silver hair, Tomas marveled at how natural the moment felt. Your presence brought him peace, as if you had always been there just waiting for him to find it, and there was something undeniably addictive about it. It was as though the chaos and uncertainty of his past had been momentarily suspended, replaced by a soothing tranquility he had longed for without even realizing it. In your company, the weight of his past seemed to lift, leaving behind a sense of clarity and hope that he hadn’t felt in years. For the first time in a long while, Tomas allowed himself to simply be, basking in the warmth of your touch and the serenity of the moment.
“You didn’t sleep?” he asked.
“No, I stayed awake because I was worried about you having another attack,” you confessed.
As Tomas’s cheeks flushed with shame, your unwavering concern only deepened the impact you had on him. Your words ignited within him a desire to shield and safeguard you. No one had ever approached him with such genuine kindness before. You were truly a kind-hearted and innocent person, evoking so many forgotten emotions within him. It was a feeling so unfamiliar and rare for him, he found himself instinctively wanting to protect you from any harm in that moment, unable to bear the thought of you suffering in any way. In his life, he had never felt this protective over someone in such a short amount of time. It was a fierce and raw instinct, almost primal in nature. Even he himself couldn’t fully grasp or comprehend this feeling.
“Thank you,” he said, lifting his head from your lap and reaching to touch your cheek. You smiled, leaning into his touch, and replied, “No big deal.” As Tomas gently stroked your soft, dreamy skin, he felt an alien sensation he hadn’t experienced in years. Could it be… happiness? The last time he had felt such pure joy was when he and his sister found a piece of glass they thought was a precious stone, believing it would improve their income. Looking at you now, he was transported back to that moment, reliving the feeling exactly.
His body rested and fit, and in the morning light illuminating the room, you looked more beautiful than ever in his eyes. Your presence felt like a remedy to his damaged body and mind, something he never expected but needed.
As he gently pulled you towards him, his touch so light that you could have easily slipped away, you didn’t resist. Your lips were soft, your breath warm, and as your lips met his with a sweet sigh, Tomas felt the walls he had built to resist crumbling. The sensation of your lips against his sent an electrifying jolt through him, every touch igniting a warmth in his chest that seemed to spread to every corner of his being. Each moment of it felt like an eternity, every brush of your lips against his sending waves of longing coursing through him. The kiss was delicate and soft, each movement cautious yet filled with desire. Tomas feared disrupting the moment, afraid to harm you as he savored the intoxicating sweetness of your scent mingled with the warmth of the morning light against his back.
Perhaps it was a foolish move, one that would invite reproachful glances from his brothers, especially Bi-Han, but it was worth experiencing this feeling. He wanted to trust—this moment, your words, you. It was a basic and burning need. Tomas had never fully believed in the promise that light comes after darkness, but in your presence, you made it seem believable, like there could be more. Your body nestled between his arms felt right, as if you were meant to be there, and he had finally found his way home. In that moment of kissing you, Tomas felt a sense of completeness wash over him.
He had never liked the dark, but with you by his side, it didn’t seem so daunting to face it anymore.
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jeanniebug623 · 6 months
Hello, internet lovies! 🐞💙 I can’t believe I get to celebrate this! Silent As Shadows has reached 10k hits! This calls for celebratory chibis of these sweet summer children! Spider’s look is inspired by earlier chapters when he was learning how to communicate with Rey’ka (aka Rey’akina) and writing it all down.
I can’t be more humbled that this story became more than a passing fancy. 🥹
I posted the first chapter on August 29th of last year with no expectations or confidence in my writing/storytelling abilities and am stunned to see how far it has come. The support from the AO3 community has been incredible and Tumblr opened a lot of doors to other opportunities and meeting other writers I’ve only fangirled about! 🤣
From comments from @cyren-myadd first appearing to fan art by @anxiousdreamcore (which has been my PC’s background ever since!) to writing prompts from @lilt78 to unexpectedly meeting people from AO3 here on Tumblr (your names are safe with me but I hope you know who you are! 🤫) to regular reblogs of SAS and other works by @nilnether and others…
Ahh, I could exhaust my character limit thanking people for the inspiration they give!
My silly little story of Spider and a deaf Na’vi OC going through the trials of RDA imprisonment in the missing time of Spider with the recoms is more than I ever imagined. I genuinely believe it would not have made it this far without all the helpful criticisms, comments, and kudos. Thank you for making me feel a part of the Avatar fandom in a most unexpected way!
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moldycantaloupe · 6 months
Stars Reassembled
Chapter 1: instructions not provided
word count; 2.8k
rating; T
tags; additional tags to be added, hurt/comfort, summonings, they/them pronouns for Phantom
Cw's: arguements, summonings.
Quintessential summoning's were never the same as other summoning's. Quintessential ghouls are not ghouls, but are spirits of the underworld. To be summoned Topside is to learn everything from new. or, Phantom was summoned into an unfamiliar vessel, into an unfamiliar world.
ahh it's here! Chapter two is already posted hhhere, so you don't have to wait for that. idk what else to say, enjoy!
You can read here or on Ao3 if you desire
Aether closed the door to the Sister’s office silently. He turned around with a heaving sigh, running a hand down his masked face.
After a week of discussions, carefully looked at timelines and notes, they had come to a decision to summon a new quintessence ghoul for the Ghost Project. Copia had tried to assure him countless times that the decision was made purely for scheduling reasons, that Omega really needed a right hand ghoul in the infirmary, especially during tour season, but it stung all the same. He loved touring, it was quite literally what he was summoned for. He was given the opportunity to mentor the new ghoul into becoming greatness, but that wouldn’t be for a while.
Quintessential ghouls weren’t a rarity, but they hardly ghouls either in the Pit. They were spirits created by the damned and the lost, of the energy those souls left behind. Lucifer decided to channel all the energy of humankind into spirits. Loose magick running rampant. So, no, quint ghouls weren’t rare, but because of their nature they were the hardest to summon from all of the Pit.
Copia was tasked by the Sister to create a ghoul from scratch. According to her, that’s what all the Emeritus brothers and Nihil had done with all the quintessential ghouls they summoned. Copia had already shown designs during their last meeting, crass sketches and diagrams of what he wanted. The Sister frowned at them but said nothing. Aether was intrigued, at least.
He was told by Omega that both of them were heavily inspired by Greek gods. The band needed strong ghouls, and what better way to get them then by creating them yourself? Ever since his own summoning, he was always told how gorgeous of a ghoul he was. How ethereal he looked. During the European leg of the tour, when they had the down time to visit a museum somewhere near Rome, Dew couldn’t keep his eyes off one statue. When Aether asked, Dew turned to him, copper eyes shining under the show lights of the room.
“You have his face,” he had muttered, pointing towards the statue. He couldn’t deny it.
Aether sighed again before lifting his body off of the door and started to make his way to their den. He had to break the news to his pack, now. Everyone should be back for lunch by now. 
He remembered how traumatic his own summoning was. He remembered how terrified he felt, unsure of this vessel he was suddenly thrusted into. He bared his new fangs towards Omega and his Papa, hardly understanding any of the noises they were speaking. When Omega began speaking ghoulish, he calmed only a little. Quint’s didn’t need to know ghoulish, they didn’t speak. But traveling through the Pit, toying with the damned souls and ghouls, he’d picked up on certain words and phrases. He wasn’t as terrified of Omega when he began speaking words he could actually understand. He needed to be that savour for this new ghoul they were to summon within the next month. He needed his pack to be ready to deal with a new ghoul.
Telling the pack went as well as he could’ve hoped. 
There were some gasps, a solemn nod from Mountain, wide eyes across the ghouls. He had wathced Dew the entire time, waiting for the fire ghoul to start yelling. Dew’s shoulders became tense in his seat, his expression unreadable, arms crossed against his chest. But no words came out of him. He felt his own shoulders sag when Dew stood and promptly walked away, already feeling the headache of an argument to come. He slowed his speech down to a full stop as everyone watched the fiery ghoul stomp away, eyes soon turning towards Aether.
“I,” he sighed, running a hand down his face. “I’m putting a pause on this, I’ll go talk to him.”
There was a murmur of agreement that he didn’t stay for. He made his way to their shared room, the heat of the doorknob being no surprise as he opened the door.
“No,” Dew was already pacing back and forth in the center of the room. His arms were still crossed, save for a clawed finger shoved to his lips. His tail was whipping wildly behind him. Aether shut the door gently, standing a few paces away.
“Dew, it-” Aether tried.
He stopped in his pacing, body turned away from Aether’s. 
“This is not up for argument.” Aether continued, fists clenching at his side as a means to self soothe. “It was a unanimous-”
“Unanimous?” Dew turned in a blink, hair flying over his shoulders, “Since when was this decision ‘unanimous?’”
“We’ve been talking about it for a week,” Aether brought a hand out as if trying to tame an animal.
“We,” Dew gestured wildly with his arm, “includes us. Unanimous includes us.”
Aether took in a deep breath, letting his eyes shut. He could feel the heat radiating from Dew despite the space between the two and felt his own tail begin to twitch. 
“Let me rephrase, then.” He stated. “‘We,’ as in Sister, Copia, and I, decided it would be best for the band if there was a new rhythm guitarist.”
Dew scoffed and looked around the room, as if there was an audience watching. He found none and went back to look at Aether with angry eyes.
“I think the one we have works just fine.”
They stared at each other for a few beats, air stale as Dew’s anger festered. Aether opened his mouth to speak but was cut off by Dew’s hand, palm up in a wordless statement.
“Un-fucking believable.” Dew scoffed again. “First Sunny, and now you. When do they expect them to start touring?”
“I started about eight months after my summoning.” Aether ran a hand through his hair. “They’re giving them a year.”
Dew nodded, hand slowly lowering to his side. Aether sighed and took one step forward, Dew glancing down towards his feet for the brief second.
“I know, it sucks.” Aether began, quieter than before, “but I need you to be with me on this. This ghoul is going to need all the support they can get.”
Dew snarled, “That’s it? Not even a fight to keep your position in the band? What the fuck!”
“You say that like I had any decision in this.” 
“Oh, so it wasn’t unanimous,” Dew gestured towards him, “it wasn’t ‘we,’ it was the fucking clergy.”
Aether mulled over his next words, shoulder slumped. Dew sighed heavily, the answer already given.
“Yeah, whatever Aeth.” Dew moved away from him, going to sit down at the edge of their bed. “Just, leave me alone for a bit. I can’t fucking do this today.” 
Aether clenched his jaw and turned back around, hand already on the handle to leave. He turned to give Dew one last glance, eyes softening at his face already beginning to break its tough exterior, tail wrapped protectively around his thigh.
“I’ll be in the office at the library if you need me, Dew.” Aether nearly whispered before he fully shut the door.  He wasted no time in lingering, walking straight towards their den’s front door. He needed to do quite some research for the new ghoul.
Aether glanced up from the book he was studying when the doors to the library opened. He felt a little dejected when it wasn’t the small fiery ghoul that walked in but rather Omega. He moved his glasses up to rub at his tired, sore eyes.
“Hey,” Omega’s voice, while trying to stay quiet, still boomed throughout the expansive library. He grabbed a chair to sit next to Aether in the cramped office space, eyeing the vast amounts of papers and books strewn across the tight deskspace. 
“What’re you doing, man?” Omega leaned in  and caught sight of the text in the book, eyes squinting as he read. “Why are you reading on quintessential summonings?” 
Aether heaved a heavy sigh, resting his cheek in the palm of his hand and eyed Omega. “Because we’re summoning a new one.”
Omega tilted his head in confusion, “Why? We’re fine in the infirmary, there’s no need-”
“For the band.”
Omega’s tail flinched behind him, his arms crossing over his chest. “Why, what’s wrong with you?”
“Nothing, from what Copia said.” Aether waved his hand around, “Just… scheduling issues, I guess. Something about the infirmary in chaos while Swiss and I are away.”
Omega scoffed. “We’re just fine during tour season, so that’s horseshit.”
Aether responded in another sigh, shoulders shrugged. “Whatever Sister says, goes. Can’t argue with her logic.” 
They sat in silence for a minute more while Aether let his eyes rest. Glancing at the clock, he realized he’d been at the library longer than was probably safe.
“So, what are you reading up on, then?” Omega leaned back in his seat. “Usually the clergy deal with all the complications of a quint summon.”
“I know,” Aether ran a finger down the text of the book, pointing to a paragraph handwritten fairly recently, “but as far as I can see, you and I are the only documented summonings with notes on the aftermath. I don’t really remember my first few months on Topside, so I would like to learn for the new ghoul.”
Omega barked out a laugh, Aether turning to look at him, confusion written over his face. “I could tell you all about your first few months Topside, you were attached to me like a fuckin’ puppy.”
Aether huffed, smiling. “Was I?”
“Oh, yeah.” Omega nodded. “You had Alpha forced out of our room the first couple weeks while you got acclimated.” 
Aether cringed, vaguely remembering snarling at the fire ghoul his first night, how he would eye Alpha on the commons couch every morning until he felt able enough to sleep in his own room.
Aether sighed, shaking his head. “I’m worried. I had you, and eventually Dew, to help me fully learn how to…” he waved his hands vaguely in the air, “how to be. I need to be that for this ghoul, and that ghoul is going to need a Dew.”
Omega’s eyes softened, a small smile formed on his lips. “I think you’ll be a great mentor.”
Aether chuckled lightly, glancing over. “You think?”
“I know.” 
They chatted for a bit until the sun began lower, warm light filling the tiny office space. Aether waved Omega goodbye before he set back into his studying. Aether hadn’t fully realized how some of the most mundane daily tasks would need to be taught. Walking, speaking, moving the body. Maybe even breathing. He glanced back up from his studies when the creaky doors opened again, shoulders relaxing when he finally saw his fire demon there, slowly making his way over to him.
“Hey, firelily.” Aether leaned back in his chair and stretched his arms up, groaning at the protests his muscles and bones made. Dew took over Omega’s chair, sitting to let his chin rest on his knees, his tail wrapping around his own forearm.
“Hey.” He said quietly, eyes subtly avoiding his gaze. Aether smiled.
“What’re you doing up so late, Dew?” Aether glanced at the clock over on the wall, wincing internally as he saw how late it really was.
“Was missing a certain quint, I guess.” Dew shrugged.
Aether hummed, “I’ll head out after I finish this section, okay?”
Dew nodded, staring intently at the desk while Aether continued on. It was about five minutes later when he broke the relative silence.
“The…” Aether watched as Dew chewed at his lip in hesitation, “the new ghoul, I guess. What do we do?”
Aether lifted his head up in consideration, placing his free hand on Dew’s nub of a horn.
“We show patience,” he began, “and we show love… more set on the patience part.”
Dew huffed, leaning into the touch of Aether’s large hand. 
“Aether,” Dew’s brows furrowed together, eyes casting over to meet his own, “I… am scared.”
Aether nodded, “That’s okay. I’m scared, too.”
Dew squinted. “You? Big man Aeth, scared?”
Aether rolled his eyes and pushed at Dew’s horn, effectively pushing his head away. Dew cackled.
“I’m very in tune with my emotions, thank you.”
Dew made to stand, his laugh dying down as he presented his hand to Aether. Aether hesitated, eyeing the books still open and notes not fully finished just yet. Dew noted the hesitancy and shook his hand.
“This’ll be here tomorrow.” He simply stated. “You need sleep.”
Aether sighed and gave in to temptation, taking Dew’s hand and standing with him. He groaned at his sore ass, not excited to be back in the same chair tomorrow. He let Dew lead them both out of the library, feeling his body sag further along the way.
It was the summoning night.
The energy in the ghoul’s den was ballistic since he woke up. Aether had, after nearly two years of sleeping in the same room together, finally moved the rest of his stuff to Dew’s room to give the new ghoul a space. Cumulus spent the week crocheting a blanket for the ghoul. The yarn she used was soft and a mix of purples, what she deemed perfect for a quintessential ghoul. She encouraged everyone to snuggle into it at any state of being made to secure their scent into it. The repeat offenders were Rain and Swiss, using it as a sneaky way to get in cuddle times together. Even Dew had curled up into the blanket at Cumulus’ side one night while she worked on it. Aether had felt a puff of pride when he was able to snap a quick photo of it.
Breakfast was filled with fast chattering shared between Aurora and Sunshine, Aurora excited to meet her, as she called it, “new best friend.” Swiss was in shambles at the news, feigning heartbreak in his chair. Mountain flicked the back of his head when he came around with the rest of breakfast, getting a laugh from everyone.
Aether spent the majority of his morning in the ritual basement, getting all the ingredients and diagrams ready for their summoning. He’d spent a good chunk of his week charting the stars and moon, deciding when the optimal time would be to start. Omega spent the morning with Aether, the two of them bouncing their calm yet nervous energy off of each other.
By the afternoon, he and Omega made their way to the Sister’s office to put together the final pieces of the summoning. Copia met them there with an anxious smile. It was his first quintessential ghoul summoning, a once in a lifetime opportunity, and he wanted it perfect. The Sister had made sure her feelings of disdain towards Papa’s design was once again acknowledged during that final meeting. Aether smiled as Papa outwardly ignored them, pointing to certain parts of the book for Omega to study.
It was now ten minutes before they were to head down to the basement. The entire pack had to be there. It was just after dinner that everyone began prepping their ritual robes, tying satchels and helping with masks. Mountain was crouched next to Aurora, helping her recite the ancient text. Swiss was tying Cumulus’ hair back in the kitchen. Dew was pacing in the living room rug, picking at his fingers, tail swaying behind him.
Aether walked over to Dew to hug him from behind, kissing the top of his masked head. “You ready, firefly?”
Dew held onto Aether’s forearms to ground himself, “do I have a choice?”
Aether hummed in understanding, kissing his head one more time before letting go. Once Cumulus had her mask put on, he clapped his hands together. It was time to go.
The basement was as suffocating as he remembered during his own ritual. It was always different for each ghoul. Rain’s made it humid, Cumulus and Cirrus’ made it breezy. Swiss, Sunshine, and Aurora all made it feel overwhelming; humid but dry, fresh but overly stuffy.
This time it was hard to breathe, the dulled magick of the pre-summoning coursing through the air. They all lined up in a half circle turned away from the entry door. Copia and Omega were already there, facing the pack. Copia had given both Aether and Omega to discard the masks if needed, and he would be forever grateful for it.
All the ghouls lined up around the summoning circle. Aether gave Dew one squeeze on the shoulder before joining Papa and Omega, lining himself up on Papa’s left side. Copia eyed them all before he sighed through his nose, letting them all know it was time to begin. Omega drew a small knife and motioned for Copia to give him his hand. Once the blade drew blood, the ritual started. The magick from before came to life as the pack joined in on Papa’s chanting. Aether noted how Aurora shook, more than likely overwhelmed by the power behind a summoning. 
The drawn symbol on the ground began to glow within the circle, sparks of magick emanating from it. It was time.
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tamurilofrivendell · 2 years
Beauty and the Beast | Chapter 35
Previous Chapters [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34]
Read on AO3 [x]
Pairing: Thranduil/Fem. Reader Summary: A Beauty and the Beast inspired tale with Thranduil the Elvenking and a human reader from a nearby village Taglist: @captainchrisstan​ @rebleforkicks​ @yjrevolution​ @majahu​ @honey-wine @accio-boys​ @achromaticerebus​ @solomonssimp​ @tired-ass-show-girl​  @dreamlessnight​ @daddy-long-legolas​ @sleepyamygdala​ @coopsgirl​  @penguinlovestowrite​ @midsommar-nights​ @whore-of-many-hot-men​ @elvyshiarieko​
note: Don't ever listen to a word I say again because I split the ending into two parts so the final chapter (genuinely this time!) will be posted tomorrow because it's all finished and I just can't wait!! Though I'll be kind of sad for this to end!
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Two days later, you had finally stopped crying at every opportunity. You had half wondered if you should flee the kingdom and spare Thranduil the pain of watching you wither and die before his very eyes, but you knew that it had never actually been something you were seriously entertaining. Merely the panicked scrambling of a mind scared to break the already fragile heart of the one it loved so deeply.
Leaving Thranduil now had never been an option, not really. You could not have lived with that and it was true that it would cause him pain just as much as losing you in the future would. You did not wish to hurt him at all but doing it right now felt far more cruel, especially when he had finally blossomed into this wonderful being who had learned to open up and feel love once more.
Besides, you were quite selfish, and you could not be without him.
So you accepted, a little reluctantly, that you loved Thranduil as he was and he loved you as you were - a mere human - and you were going to marry him and live out your days in his realm before one day, far too soon, leaving him to mourn you beneath these very trees.
Your father had been able to tell that something was wrong, of course, but you were loath to talk about it with anyone else in case you started sobbing again. You assured him it was fine and he accepted it even if he did not fully believe it.
He smiled and laughed more in the days since he awoke and you found great joy in seeing him interacting with the elves, even with Thranduil who he had once feared and wished to rescue you from.
You walked in on the two of them one day, your father laughing heartily over a glass of strong elvish wine and Thranduil lounging in his chair with a glass of his own, an amused chuckle leaving his lips.
“What have I walked in on here, hm?” You asked with a soft laugh of your own as you sat down at the other side of the table, propping your elbow up and resting your chin on your hand as you looked between the two.
Thranduil was the one to speak, your father too busy trying to get his laughter under control. “Well, your father was regaling me with stories from your village.” He raised his chalice to his lips and threw back the rest of the contents, his brow quirked in amusement when he set it back upon the table. “However, I fear that the wine is much too strong for him, considering that he has been laughing over something he is certain he said out loud to me, but in fact only said in his own head, for the past twenty minutes.”
You shook your head as your eyes turned on your father. “For Eru’s sake!” You tried to scold him but it didn’t quite hit the mark and it wasn’t long until he looked as though he might fall asleep at the table any moment.
“Elros!” Thranduil’s voice beckoned to the elf he could sense lingering outside the door. You turned to watch Elros enter and you smiled kindly at him. He seemed much less jittery than last you had seen him as he returned the smile.
Thranduil gestured to your father. “Would you be so kind as to escort our friend here to his room? I fear he shall keel over any second.”
Elros assisted your father in standing, the man putting his arm around the elf’s shoulder and leaning in close as though he were about to tell him a secret, but all that came out ended up being a jumble of nonsense. Elros looked a little concerned as he walked your father from the room and it was all you could do not to laugh at the poor fellow.
You turned back to Thranduil as the door closed and found he had risen from the table and moved towards a little desk at the back of the room. When he returned, he lay out a little box on the table in front of you and opened it up. Curiously, you watched as he unveiled a collection of beautiful looking rings. You tilted your head as you looked up at him, silently asking what they were for.
“I would like you to choose one.” He explained, looking up at you as he gestured a hand towards the rings on the table. “I have chosen yours, it is only fair, after all.”
“You want me to pick a ring for you to wear?”
Thranduil nodded. “Once we wed... I shall wear it, as a symbol of our love.” He paused so briefly you nearly missed it. “For the rest of my life.”
You bit your lip lightly, glancing back down at the rings. They were all so beautiful, you didn’t know where to begin. You wondered what he would prefer but he offered no assistance, wishing it to be entirely your decision. Eventually, you settled on one of silver to match yours, but instead of ruby coloured gems set into flowers, this had emerald coloured stones twisted into leaves. He seemed satisfied as he put all the other rings away, smiling as he studied the one you had chosen.
“What... ring did... did Caleniel choose?” You asked after a long pause, unsure if you should mention the Elvenqueen at all. He had told you all about her the day of her begetting, when you had sought him out after he’d shut himself away in her chambers. Still, you did not sure if it would be too far of you to bring her up out of nowhere.
While he hesitated, he did not seem upset or angry. His gaze dropped to his hand with a tender smile and he held it out to you, slightly wiggling his finger. “This one...”
You reached out for his hand, brushing his skin gently as you studied the ring. “She had a good eye.” You said softly, smiling as you released his hand.
“Well, yes.” He shrugged, pulling his hand back. “She took me as a husband, did she not?” Thranduil joked in return, smirking as he poured himself more wine.
You blinked at him and shook your head, trying to look far less amused than you actually were, though the twitch at the corner of your lips likely gave it away. “You are terrible.”
“Yet you love me.” He teased, watching you over the rim of his glass as he lifted it to his lips once more.
You shot him a scathing look but ended up laughing in spite of yourself. You rolled your eyes at him. “I do love you... ego and all.”
Thranduil feigned a look of indignation as he placed his wine back down and leaned towards you. “Hmm.” He hummed and you shivered slightly as his lips brushed the shell of your ear.
Your eyes drifted shut and you leaned into him, sighing as he kissed a line from your ear down your jaw and to your throat.
A knock at the door caught your attention and you heard Galion’s voice on the other side. “My lady? Myleth is looking for you, she wishes to go over your dress and your hair one more time.”
You groaned softly. “I cannot wait to wed you, Thranduil... but I fear I have become Myleth’s personal doll.”
“One more week, my heart.” Thranduil chuckled against your skin, pressing one last kiss to your throat before he pulled back and rose from the table. “Just one more week.”
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“Why can I not look at it?” You asked with a heavy sigh, your head tilted back slightly and your eyes on the intricately carved ceiling above you.
Upon entering the room, Myleth had (as seemed to have become routine) made you close your eyes and turn away from the large mirror. “It’s a surprise.” She huffed, shooting you a look that you wouldn’t even see, but you knew her enough by this point to realise she’d done it anyway.
“It is just a dress.” You muttered childishly.
“Excuse you!” Myleth playfully smacked your hip from her place down at the hem of the dress she had helped you put on blind. “That attitude is exactly why you are not seeing yourself in this dress until the day you are presented as the king’s bride.” She shook her head, baffled. She had full faith in the fact that you would change your mind when you actually saw yourself all beautifully dressed on the day... and she would be gracious enough not to throw it in your face!
You had grown used to her dressing you up by this point and, as someone who had never grown up with many dress options, you didn’t really care what you wore. You didn’t fully care what you got married in, truthfully, for it wasn’t as important as being married, being with Thranduil’s. While you did want to do it, this was in some way merely a stepping stone, and one that you felt had been a long time coming.
You idly thought of Vermund and how angry he would be if he could see you now. A smirk tugged at your lips. He would absolutely hate this. Good.
“Do you have much more to do?” You asked, bored of studying the ceiling. You wanted to check on your father and then go and find Legolas or maybe finish the book you were reading.
“No, just... a little... there!” Myleth stood, smiling. “All done.” She took a moment to study the dress, her gaze softening as she thought how lovely you looked in it. “Alright. Close your eyes!”
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When Myleth had finally released you from her evil seamstress clutches, you made your way down the hall in the direction of your father’s room. Just to check in on him before you went to the library to read the rest of the day away. There was still so much to do but today you did not wish to do any of it.
Rounding a corner, you came upon Tauriel, sitting alone on a bench in the quiet hallway. She saw you coming and immediately stood, pasting a smile onto her face, but you had noticed her quickly wipe away a tear. You frowned and quickened your steps.
“What is it?” You asked upon reaching her.
Tauriel shook her head quickly, smiling at you. “No, no. Nothing. Do not worry! Everything is well.”
“It doesn’t look well.” You said, tilting your head at her. “You can tell me.”
Tauriel was quiet a while as she bowed her head, gaze fixed on her feet as she seemed to wrestle with the decision of whether or not to talk to you about whatever was on her mind. When she looked up, it seemed that she had decided to speak on it.
“Do you remember the conversation we had before?” She asked quietly, glancing around a moment as though afraid of being overheard.
You paused a second as you thought back and then nodded. “About Legolas?” You asked, thinking about the day you had left Thranduil in the library, upset about the way he seemed to hold disdain for Tauriel in regards to his son. You recalled the way you had fled the library after he entered it and the way he had come to try and offer an unsure apology later, however your ire had waned by that point. It was the day you found that copy of Beren and Luthien in your room.
Tauriel nodded, her cheeks turning slightly pink. “I am afraid I lied to you.” She shrugged and you knew what she meant. She was saying that she did not simply see Legolas as a friend, but more, and you had already known it. She had not outright denied it but she had not confirmed either.
“Why were you crying?” You asked her then.
“Well, I... I...” Tauriel floundered briefly, not wishing to say anything to upset you or make you feel bad, not when you were so happy and everything had fallen into place. She was happy for you and she was happy for her king, of course she was, she had seen and felt the changes and nothing could be better for him, or you, or this realm... and yet. “It is... it is just the wedding, my lady. All the talk and the...”
You nodded in understanding. You hadn’t thought about it but it was probably difficult to see it, especially if she was fighting feelings. Maybe she was having similar thoughts as you had on that day - maybe seeing Thranduil marry a mere human made her wonder why she would not be deemed good enough for his son. “I see. Tauriel...”
She shrugged quickly and turned from you. “Forgive me. Please, I am alright. I must go, I have things to attend.”
She fled before you could say anything else and you blinked after her for a while, even after she had turned the corner and was out of sight. Then you turned and hurried back the way you had come and made for the stairs that led you back to Thranduil’s chamber.
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He looked up in surprise as the door burst open and you came rushing in. He rose from behind his large desk, papers forgotten, and quickly took in your expression, trying to figure out what was wrong just by looking at you.
“Why do you not allow your son the happiness you have allowed yourself?” You asked once the door had closed behind you.
Thranduil blinked, taken off guard. Of all the things that had rushed through his mind, this was not one of them. “What?”
“You heard me.”
“Indeed, I heard you, yet I do not understand the question.” He said with a slight bite in his tone, eyeing you as he walked around the desk.
“I see the way he and Tauriel look at each other.” You said.
At this, Thranduil rolled his eyes and turned away, suddenly understanding what it was you were getting at.
“There!” You said, moving closer to him. “Thranduil... if you can marry a lowly human, why cannot your son marry a Silvan elf?”
He whirled back round to look at you with a deep frown. “What are you talking about? Who said that?”
“Tauriel.” You scanned his face. “Do you remember the day in the library? When you thought you had done something to upset me?”
He nodded. This was something neither of you had spoken of since and he had to admit that he was still curious. “Of course.”
“I had asked Tauriel about... about her and Legolas, because I had seen things and I thought they were together. She told me that you would never allow it. That she was but a lowly Silvan elf, not of royal breeding, not suitable for your son.”
“What does that have to do with you fleeing the library?”
You hesitated for a second but figured that there was no use in secrets between the two of you now. “I thought that perhaps, if you thought such of Tauriel, then what must you think of me.”
He tutted a sound of disapproval and took a step closer, taking your face into his hands as he looked back at you. “I said this to Tauriel once, yes.” He sighed and you could see in his eyes that he did regret it. “But I did not mean it.”
“Then why say it?”
Thranduil was quiet for a long while then, his face thoughtful, almost a little sorrowful. “I just wished... to keep them apart.”
“Because you don’t think her good enough?”
“No.” He said firmly. “Because I am not blind either. I have seen their stolen glances for years upon years. I have heard their familiarity and their inside jokes. I have seen them grow close... too close.”
“But why?” You implored, unable to understand anything he was saying. If it was not for the reason that Tauriel (and maybe even Legolas) believed, then... why?!
“To spare them!” He snapped a little, frustrated by your prodding, though he was not angry at you, you could tell that easily enough at least. He did not want to have to admit it, to say any of this out loud, but he knew that he must now that he was faced with you.
You blinked up at him, lifting your hands to cover his own, still on your face.Your thumbs brushed against the back of his hands. “Spare them from what?”
“My suffering!”
He did not need to say any more, for you understood almost immediately. He dropped his gaze from your face to the floor and you shuffled closer, removing your hands from his and wrapping them around his neck, pulling him close. He let himself fall against you, his arms going round you in response.
Thranduil had said what he had to Tauriel all those years ago, he had kept himself in between her and his son like a wedge, because he knew that what they shared was real... and that a loss of that magnitude was catastrophic. Especially with Tauriel and Legolas always in the forest with their weapons, fighting spiders and orcs and the like. Thranduil had striven to keep them apart to spare them the pain that he knew came from it... the pain he had drowned in all these long years.
It was another cruel act from a shattered heart, you realised.
You stood like that for a long while before you turned your head to kiss his face. “It is like you said the other day, my love... why should pain or loss mean we forsake the happiness that these years before will give us?” 
Thranduil inhaled a shaky little breath as he pulled back and then he managed the tiniest of smiles and a small nod, leaning in to press a kiss to your forehead.
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The day of your wedding had come at last and you found that you had woken with more nerves and anxieties than you had anticipated. You had thought it would be simple, you would walk through the formalities and then... you would be Thranduil’s wife, you would stand beside him and support him, and most of all you would love him.
For as long as you were able.
But you were shaking as Myleth weaved your hair into a beautiful tangle of braids and curls.
She smiled kindly at you in the mirror as she tied a red ribbon. “Breathe, dearie.”
She was doing her best to suppress her excitement, you could tell, and it almost made you laugh. You had grown to truly love her during your time here, she had made those first few days so much easier for you... and now you were marrying the king you once feared and despised! Who’d have thought?!
Next, she helped you into your dress and, when you turned to look at yourself, you were struck for a long moment. For having next to no input in the entire thing, you found that you loved it, just as Myleth knew that you would - she knew you so well by now, of course she would find something that was utterly perfect. Utterly you.
“Oh...” You breathed out, blinking back a few tears as it hit you that this was actually happening.
The door opened but you barely registered it until you heard a soft gasp and turned, your father standing staring at you. “You are a vision, my girl!” He beamed, moving to embrace you.
Elvish customs were different from those of humans, but Thranduil and you had decided that you would merge the two together, considering you were joining from two separate worlds.
You hadn’t thought you minded but he had insisted upon it and you found that you were glad for it as you neared the hall with your father. He would be ‘giving you away’ as it were, walking you towards Thranduil where you would do some kind of ring exchange and then there would be a feast... though you knew that elves technically did not consider themselves truly wed until after... consummation. It made you blush, to think of it. The night you had agreed to marry him, he had taken you to his bed, but he had merely kissed and touched you... all over, yes, but it was not what you knew tonight would be. You shivered with anticipation but you could only be nervous about one thing at a time so you turned your mind back to the ceremony.
Walking into that hall was the most nerve-wracking moment of your life even if your father’s firm hand grasped your own as you clung to his arm. However, it all got easier when you actually saw Thranduil. He was standing waiting and he looked almost as uneasy as you did, but setting his sights on you seemed to have the same effect as it did you.
Everything else seemed to melt away as you neared him, though your legs were still shaking beneath you with what was practically the entire kingdom watching you. You still held some small concern that they would not like this but you felt no such emotion emanating from the crowd and it eased you further when you even heard cheers from some after Thranduil kissed you in front of everybody.
Even Legolas and Tauriel were in higher spirits than you had ever seen them, as you sat down at the table with Thranduil. You wondered at their merriment until Thranduil leaned down and whispered in your ear that he had had a long, fruitful discussion with them after your talk... and that they had his blessing.
It made your heart soar that he would do that and you felt a surge of emotion, rewarding him with a kiss on the cheek. Every time you thought you could never love him more, he surprised you.
The rest of the evening passed in a whirl of good wine, plenty of food, and lots of singing and dancing as it seemed the elves were so very fond of. You danced with your father and sobbed into his shoulder when he told you how proud he was of you... and how proud your mother would have been.
Then Thranduil had cut in and the music had changed again, to the same slow tune that had been playing that night of your first dance, during Mereth Di a Rhîw Menel.
This time it was not Legolas who changed the song, but Thranduil.
All eyes in the room were fixed upon the pair of you as spun you around the floor, but the two of you hardly noticed, only seeming to have eyes for each other.
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starryevermore · 1 year
following orders: the intel (3) ✧ tech
following orders ✧ a tech bad batch story | ao3
inspired by: a conversation with @captainsbestgal​
pairing: tech x fem!reader
series summary: you don’t want to live in a galaxy where the love of your life, tech, does not exist. but, you can’t abandon your already grieving family. you devote all of your energy to helping hunter and wrecker save omega from the empire and, perhaps, save the wayward crosshair along the way. but the longer you look for the youngest member of the bad batch, the more you suspect that your lost love is not as lost as you once believed. 
chapter summary: despite wolffe’s information, there still is not much to go in your quest to find omega. that is, until an opportunity presents itself. 
word count: 5,183
series warnings?: spoilers for “plan 99”, plan 99, canon-typical violence, hurt tech, canon divergent, fix it fic, angst, grief/mourning, torture, hurt/comfort, emotional hurt/comfort, relationship discussions, mutual pining, clone troopers speak mando’a, depression, suicide ideation, memory loss, brainwashing, jealousy, not proofread
chapter warnings?: grief/mourning, mention of alcohol, not proofread
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One Month Later
And yet, nothing changed. Nothing substantial, anyhow. Despite the rumors that Wolffe, Boost, and Sinker had heard on Cato Neimoidia, there wasn’t much else to be heard. It made sense, of course. The Empire was attempting to sweep the clones under the rug. The last thing that any higher-ups would have wanted was for the public to know they were torturing, experimenting on, the very people they had created to fight their wars. This was information that was going to be under heavy lock and key. Few people would know about it, and even fewer would know the intimate details. With the kind of missions Rex was running, it was difficult, if not impossible, to find out anything that might be helpful in the hunt for Omega and Crosshair.
In the weeks following the Wolfpack’s reveal about the possible experiments, you found yourself going on fewer and fewer missions with remaining members of the Batch. It was too disheartening. To be out there, fighting to save others when you couldn’t even save your own family… You didn’t understand how Echo did this sort of thing day in and day out. Did it not kill him to know there was little to be done to save Omega? To save Crosshair? How did that not wear him down? How did that not make him want to give him, declare this all a fruitless endeavor? (Perhaps he was a better person than you. Perhaps you were too selfish.) 
Of course, your reluctance to leave for missions did not mean that you gave up entirely. The clones were more than capable of going off, saving their vode, retrieving information, without you. But when they returned to base, they were spent, and the necessary upkeep on their ships and the few droids they had became sidelined. You weren’t the best mechanic in the galaxy, but you learned enough from Tech over the last several months to make yourself useful. At least it kept your mind from wandering off, worrying about all of the horrible things that Omega had to be experiencing. 
“We’ve got room on the Marauder for one more,” Hunter said as you fiddled with a ship’s hyperdrive. 
You glanced at him, then saw Wrecker standing just behind him. Wrecker still didn’t like to talk to you all that much. From what you’d gathered from Hunter and Echo, he was worried that you might finally break, finally snap at him, finally blame him for his perceived part in Tech’s death. Wrecker wouldn’t blame you for lashing out, Echo told you, but he thought it was better to give you space. It didn’t matter that you told Echo to tell Wrecker that him avoiding you was hurting you more; the big guy had already made up his mind. 
“I need to get this fixed before Howzer and Gregor go on their mission,” you said, turning your attention back to the broken hyperdrive. 
“I’m sure one of the droids can finish up if you wanted to go with us,” Hunter said. 
You looked over at one of the pit droids hitting the other with a wrench. “…Yeah, I think it’s safer if I finish this.”
Hunter didn’t say anything for one beat, two. Now more than ever, he wanted the remaining members of his family to stick together. He couldn’t protect his family unless they were all together. But, he knew he couldn’t force you to do anything you didn’t want to do. “We leave in ten minutes,” he finally said, “in case you change your mind.”
“I won’t, so don’t wait up for me. There’s a lot around here I need to work on, anyways.”
You weren’t sure how long Hunter lingered, but when you looked a few minutes later, he was gone. But Wrecker still remained a few feet away, staring down at feet, hand rubbing at the back of his neck. You let out a sigh, rising to your feet, and approached Wrecker.
“Are you going to try to convince me to go, too?” you asked. 
He shook his head, then extended a hand toward you. Your brows pinched together, watching as his hand opened to reveal a ration bar. “You need ta eat,” he said. 
“Wrecker—” you started to argue, but you were cut off by the sound of your stomach rumbling.
How long had it been since you last ate? The meals here were hardly remarkable—they almost entirely consisted of those terrible rations partly left over from the war and partly stolen from the Empire. It wasn’t like on Pabu, where Shep and Phee always invited you to dinner, always had real, hot meals available. Your time spent on this base had all blurred together. Had it been hours since your last meal? Days, maybe? The pang in your stomach gave you no indication—only that you hadn’t eaten in some time, and that ration bar looked oh so tempting. 
It was funny, how you could distract your mind from your base needs if you zoned out far enough. 
“You need ta eat,” Wrecker repeated. “He wouldn’t want ya to hurt yerself like this.” 
You stared at the ration bar for a moment. “I’ll eat, if you promise to stop avoiding me. I don’t blame you for anything that’s happened. If you think you’re sparing my feelings by staying away, you’re wrong.”
Wrecker looked down at his feet. “But ya should. I’m s’posed to protect us—”
You took the ration bar from Wrecker’s hand, then used your free hand to hold his now-empty hand. “Tech wouldn’t want me to hurt myself, I'll give you that. But he would also wouldn’t want you to feel at fault for a decision he made. You know Tech as well as I do. He calculated every odd, every chance at survival. There’s nothing any of us could have done to have made it better.”
“I dunno—” Wrecker shuffled his feet. “What if you change yer mind? What if you start to feel bitter? I can’t lose you too.”
“Oh, Wrecker…” You dropped his hand, wrapping your arms around him. You rested your head on his chest. For a moment, Wrecker remained perfectly still. But, slowly, he wrapped his arms around you, too. “I miss you. Okay? I don’t want to lose you either, and when you push me away like this…Even if your intent is good, it feels like I am losing you.”
“Let’s make a deal, yeah? I start taking better care of myself, if you stop avoiding me.”
Wrecker’s mouth lifted into a smile. “I can do that.”
“Okay, good.” You pulled away from the hug. “Now, go on that mission and blow something for me.”
“I can definitely do that!”
You let out a laugh, watching as Wrecker ran over to the Marauder. It felt a bit strange, to laugh. It felt wrong, to be happy when so much had completely and utterly gone wrong. You tried to think of what Tech would say. Maybe something about how people have to grieve in their own way, but that part of that process was learning how to live again. That being able to laugh again was a good thing, that it was a sign you were healing.
Sighing, you turned back to the hyperdrive. Now was not the time to be thinking about things like that.
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The unfortunate part of pushing those thoughts to the side was that, eventually, it was all going to boil over eventually and, often, in the worst ways possible.
Wrecker hadn’t meant any harm. Really, he didn’t. But when you’ve spent so much time trying to push your feelings to the side, trying to ignore the pain in your heart. And when he did the one thing you couldn’t ignore—Maker, you couldn’t stop the rage from boiling over.
Ever since Hunter had given you Tech’s goggles, you took them with you everywhere. That was relatively easy when you all were still on Pabu. You hardly ever left the Marauder, so you didn’t have to worry about breaking the goggles any further. But now that you were on the base, going out of the ship and helping with repairs…Well, it was much harder to ensure the goggles were safe. You had a few bits of scrap fabric, so you fashioned something of a bag that you wore on your belt with the goggles inside. It wasn’t infallible, though. One wrong move, and you could easily break them even more.
It had been a rare moment of respite for you and the Batch. Wrecker and Hunter hadn’t been sent out on a mission in a few days. It had been a relatively quiet day. You were busy fixing some broken blasters. Hunter had joined you under the guise of offering assistance, but he wasn’t particularly inclined to that sort of work. All he really did was hand you the tools that were too far out of reach or helped you steady something when you needed it. Mostly, he just talked. 
Ever since the night on the dock, if he had the time, Hunter would come and talk to you about Tech. You weren’t sure if it was more for your sake or his—was he trying to cheer you up? or was he clinging to the memories of his fallen brother?—but, regardless, you appreciated the gesture. 
“Tech actually tried convincing the Kaminoans that a Jedi started the food fight?” you laughed as he regaled one story from when they were cadets. 
“No, worse—he tried to convince the long-necks that one of the regs was Force sensitive,” Hunter corrected. “Which was impossible, because they tested all sorts of things, so if a reg had a high midi-chlorian count, they would have known.”
“Or Shaak Ti would have realized.”
“Exactly! But it had been the fourth time that month that Wrecker and Crosshair started a fight, and Tech worried about the long-necks might to do them, so he just started talking without thinking.”
“I'm surprised he could do that,” you teased. “For all his brilliance, he had to come up with the worst possible lie imaginable.”
“Tech was never a good liar, but it kind of worked in the end. The long-necks were too interested in if they had missed a Force sensitive clone that they never did do anything to Wrecker or Crosshair.”
“What about when they realized Tech was lying?”
“Well, he came up with a bit of a better lie then. Said it must have been a trick of the light,” Hunter laughed. He leaned forward on the bench, propped up on his elbows, shaking his head. It was rare to see him so calm, so relaxed. “Still a terrible lie, but they let it slide. They couldn’t prove anything by then, anyways. Actually…Now that I think about it, they did put us on janitor duty for a while there…”
You snorted, trying to imagine the Batch as janitors. Tech would probably be the most diligent about it, at least in terms of making sure they others weren’t mixing any chemicals. Or else Wrecker would be convincing him to make an experiment of it, just to see what would happen. Hunter would be giving a half-hearted effort, just because he was too distracted by making sure the others didn’t get them into more trouble. Crosshair would only be contributing to the mess by throwing his toothpicks on the ground. If Echo had been there, he probably would be grumbling the entire time about how it wasn’t fair that he had to be punished when it wasn’t even his fault while also being the only one actually trying to clean.
It was nice, to laugh like this. The ache in your chest was ever-present, but having time like this dulled it slightly. 
But the universe was not on your side. For every moment that you felt a little more normal, a little bit lighter, it would all come crashing down in a blaze of fire. (Grief is not linear, Tech would say. Some days will be worse than others. You might feel like you have gotten over something, but one thing will remind you of the pain. It might feel like a setback, but grief does not just end because a certain amount of time has passed.) 
Wrecker had come running up to the bench where you and Hunter sat. He looked excited about something—maybe discovered a new joke, or was just excited to spend time with you and his brother. Regardless, he was running, running, running— As you watched him, you worried if he would be able to stop in time, if he might crash into the bench, if he would trip over his feet and fall or—
“Oh, kark—”
The bench shook as Wrecker fell into it. When he hit it, the bench slid into you, knocking you off your stool. You landed on your hip. A cracking sound made your blood run cold. Hunter rose to his feet, rushing around the bench to where you were. He helped you to your feet, trying to hide his flinch as more of the glass cracked against itself.
Time seemed to slow as you reached down to the pouch. You opened it, tipping it over so its contents spilled onto the table. The goggles fell out first, a dull clunk! ringing through the air. The glass followed. Pieces that were once attached to the frame were disconnected, mostly shattered into hundreds of near dust-like particles. Your breath hitched in your throat. 
Wrecker said your name. You could barely hear him. “I’m so sorry, I-I didn’t mean to—”
“Are you alright?” Hunter asked. 
A hand reached out to touch your shoulder—who the hand belonged to, you weren’t entirely sure; your mind was a million miles away—but you flinched at the contact. Without a word, you scooped up the goggles, clutched them close to your chest, and ran off to the Marauder. 
Was it childish to do act like this? To be so close to falling apart over a pair of already broken goggles becoming more destroyed? Perhaps. But, oh…What would Tech say if he was here? (“Grief is not rational, sen’ika.”) And yet, you found yourself feeling ashamed at how you felt. It was just a pair of goggles, right? But they were his goggles. His bunk on the Marauder and those goggles were all that you had left of him, the only things left of him that were purely his. 
Now, you fully understood how Omega could be so distraught when the Marauder had been taken. 
In the sanctuary of Tech’s bunk, you let yourself feel the tidal wave of emotions rush over you. A sob wracked your body as you buried your face in his pillow. It did not bring you as much comfort as it used to. In the weeks since you lost him, his scent had faded. The lack of his presence made you feel out of place. Even look at his dozens of notes decorating the wall made your heart ache more than before. 
Neither Wrecker nor Hunter followed after you. You wondered what they were doing. Was Hunter chastising Wrecker for his carelessness? You hoped not. Wrecker didn’t mean anything by it. He didn’t know the consequences that would follow from his actions. You knew Hunter knew that. But Hunter was also at his wits end. You weren’t quite sure what would send his over the edge. 
But the longer you laid in Tech’s bunk, staring at his notes on the wall (How to Win Her Heart: Step 1. Make her laugh—she has a very nice laugh. Step 2. Learn more about her. Share your own experiences. Step 3.—), the more concerned you became. Was no one going to come talk to you? Hunter had always been the type of person to give you space when your emotions were high. But he always came around eventually. And Wrecker…Well, usually he would have come running after you the second he hurt you. 
Sitting up, you decided you had to go see what was happening out there. But, a steady clunk! clunk! clunk! of a pair of boots stopped you. The footsteps were heavier than Hunter’s usually were—he tended to be relatively light on his feet, always careful to not make too much noise so he didn’t overwhelm himself. That meant it must’ve been Wrecker. You swung your legs over the edge of the bunk, peaking your head out so you could watch Wrecker approach you. 
His head was hung low, hiding his face from you. But you could imagine the pained expression he probably wore. He always wore his heart on his sleeve. Even if he hadn’t meant to cause you pain, he felt every ounce of guilt as if it were intentional. What was more curious, however, was the glint of something in his hands. When he got closer, you realized it was a necklace. 
“Wrecker—” you started. 
“I know it’s not the same as it was before,” he said, cutting you off, “but I tried to make it better.”
He held the necklace out to you. It was a simple silver chain, but the pendant was the part you were interested in. It was one of the larger shards of glass from Tech’s goggles. Your heart clenched at the sight of it. Wrecker had done this? To make you feel better?
“Did you make that?” you asked. 
“Mhm. Picked it up when we were on Ord Mantell. Learned from one of the ladies who made jewelry when I’d hafta wait for the Mantell Mix be made.”
“But…why?” You didn’t understand why Wrecker would pick up on this hobby, why he would reveal it to you now. Perhaps the grief was clouding your mind. It was hard to think these days. 
“I like blowin’ things up,” Wrecker said, twirling the chain of the necklace around his finger, “but I like knowin’ I can do gentler things, too. I like knowin’ my hands can make things an’ not just destroy things.”
He held the necklace out to you. You took it from him, looking at the yellowed piece of glass that hung from the chain. The edges of the shard had been filed down so it wasn’t as sharp, wouldn’t cut you as you were wearing it. 
“You made this?” you asked. 
Wrecker nodded. “Most of the glass was too broken to salvage. I put those pieces in this,” he said, producing a small box and handing it to you. “But I figured you could wear this piece, keep him close to your heart.”
You handed the necklace back to Wrecker, turning your back to him. “Help me put it on?” you asked.
Wrecker reached around, looping the chain around your neck and clasping it shut. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to break it.”
You turned back around. “It’s okay. I know you didn’t mean to.”
“I just didn’t know you carried his goggles around with you. If I did—”
You grabbed his hands, squeezed them tight. “It’s okay. I’m not mad at you.”
Wrecker nodded, but he still looked so crestfallen, so remorseful of what he’d done. You gave his hand a tug, urging him to sit next to you. Slowly, he sank into the bunk. He kept his gaze turned toward his lap. You scooted closer to him, bumping your shoulder against his. Finally, he looked up at you, his eyes glassy as if he was trying to do everything he could to not cry. 
“Tell me a story about Tech,” you said. 
“Doesn’t Hunter usually do that?”
“Yeah, but I wanna know your stories about him. I wanna know about who Tech was through your eyes.”
Wrecker was silent for a moment, two. For a second, you wondered if he was going to say anything at all. If you were going to have to assure him again that you weren’t upset. But, finally, he said, “The first time you joined us on a mission, Tech spent the entire night talkin’ ‘bout you. Kept talkin’ about how he liked how you listened to him, didn’t roll your eyes or nothin’ when he’d start ramblin’ about a topic. Really liked it when you asked him questions. Said it made him feel like he wasn’t a bother to other people. But, what he really liked, was when you laughed at one of his jokes. Showed me a recordin’ of you laughin’ over and over and over again.”
“I never knew that.”
“He didn’t want you to. Took him a long time to figure out how he felt about you.” Wrecker’s mouth tugged into a smile. “Didn’t stop him from practicing every joke he wanted to tell you on me first.”
You twisted your necklace around your finger, a smile growing on your face, too. Oh, if only Tech knew how much you loved him from the moment you two met, too. 
“He made a lot of bad jokes. You should be grateful he ran them through me first,” Wrecker teased, bumping your shoulder with his. He moved as gently as he could manage, careful to not knock you over. “He kept trying to make a joke about tookas work, but it never did.”
“Could you tell me some of those jokes? If you remember them, I mean.”
And for the rest of the night, Wrecker told you as many jokes he could remember. (Which, of course, sometimes meant that he only remembered the set up or the punchline but not both, which was just as funny in its own right.) 
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“Have I mentioned that I hate this?” you muttered, picking at a loose thread on your dress as you waited in the long line of people seeking admittance to the Imperial gala. 
“You’ve made yourself perfectly clear,” Hunter said through the comm in your ear. “Just focus on the mission.”
“I don’t see why you or Wrecker couldn’t have joined me.”
“Our faces are a lot more recognizable than yours, sen’ika. Even with us looking different than the regs, if someone were to look a little too closely, our cover would be blown.”
“I just don’t like being out here on my own.”
“You’ll do fine,” Hunter assured you. “It’s nothing you haven’t done before. It shouldn’t even end with a fight. You’ll be fine.”
But, Tech was with here before, you wanted to say. You held your tongue. It was cruel to point out something that Hunter was already painfully aware of. He knew his brother wasn’t here anymore. He knew you and Tech were the ones who used to run these types of mission before. He knew it was killing you to have to do this on your own. 
“We’re on standby if you need anything,” Hunter said.
You didn’t say anymore. Nothing you said could change anything. You were already in too deep to walk away. In fact, you would likely only draw more attention to yourself than if you were to follow through. If someone were to abruptly leave the line for the biggest event on this planet, that would surely draw too many eyes to you. Eyes you couldn’t afford to have on you at the moment. So, there you remained in line, glancing at the rich and powerful people who stood around you. 
Oh, what would it be like to actually be one of them? You had played this role before, done all the pomp and circumstance. You’ve putting on the pretty gowns, laughed at the outlandish things the wealthy would say because they don’t have the first clue how the rest of the galaxy suffers. But you only knew this life as an outsider. What would it have been like to truly be one of them?
Before, you used to imagine that, after the war, Tech would invent some brilliant thing. He would marry you, and together you would become a power couple. Still on the outside, of course—the rich and powerful look down on people from “new money”. But to be a part of the conversations in a real way, to be able to actually do something with the power and prestige you would share. Maybe you would be a Breha and Bail Organa sort of couple. Using your wealth to fund the change you wished to see. That would’ve been nice. 
“Name?” a droid asked you.
You blinked, not realizing you had already reached the front of the line. How long had you been daydreaming of a life lost, one you never truly had?
“Dione Hart,” you said. 
The name had been something you and Tech picked together. He supplied the first name, Dione. He seemed oddly sheepish when he suggested it. You didn’t understand until he explained that Dione was the mother of the goddess of love. She was believed to heal with just a touch of her hands. In one of the most well-known myths of Dione, her daughter had been in battle and, as she Dione tended to her wounds, she reminded her daughter that, though she was immortal, she, too, was subject to pain and injury. 
“Since I have met you, I have begun to understand my desire for your affections,” Tech had told you, “yet the rational part of me worries of the pain I might experience if I allow myself to give into such temptations.”
“But isn’t the joy of love worth the chance of pain?” you had asked. 
“If it is with you that I get to experience that joy? There is no doubt in my mind that it would be worth it.”
“Then let our last name be Hart, because you’ve had mine since the day we met.”
The droid confirmed your name was on the list and waved you in. Without really meaning to, you held your breath as you passed through the doors. Definitely no turning back now. 
The room was the sort of opulent display of wealth you’d grown to expect from these events. The entire place glistened in gold and sparkled in marble. Droids flitted around, holding trays of drinks and food in portion sizes so small Wrecker would opt to eat the tray itself if he were here. You fought the urge to laugh at the thought of him hiding in the corner of the room, trying to nibble on the metal. But, alas, luck, or the Force, or whatever cosmic energy deigned this moment to exist, was not on your side. 
As you let out a quiet giggle at the image of Wrecker’s shenanigans, a voice behind you asked, “And what has made a woman as beautiful as yourself laugh so prettily?”
Kriff. You weren’t meant to draw any attention to yourself so soon. You were supposed to spend a few minutes scouting the place, try to find an Imperial officer that was high-ranking enough to have the information you needed but stupid enough to hand it over after you batted your eyelashes at him. Oh, this better not ruin your plans…
You turned to face the man, a soft smile on your face. You had been ready to say something so sugary sweet, he wouldn’t realize you were telling him to get lost. But when you turned, you zeroed in on the insignia on his chest. Oh, he could be quite helpful indeed. You let your soft smile morph into something more flirtatious, looking up at him through your eyelashes, “Oh, I don’t share my jokes with strange men I’ve just met.”
“Strange men?” he repeated, quirking an eyebrow. “How about I introduce myself? Then I won’t be a strange man anyone.”
“No, only an unfamiliar one,” you teased. 
“Torin Bartow, ma’am,” he said. 
In your ear, you heard Wolffe say, “He works in stormtrooper recruitment. I’ve heard his name around a few times.”
Keep an eye on him, was the unspoken order. 
“Dione Hart,” you said. 
“A name as beautiful as the woman,” Torin said. He held his arm out for you to take. “Join me for a drink?”
Though every fiber in your being wished only to attack him, to claw out his eyes, to force him to tell you everything he knew about the clones being decommissioned—where they were taken to, what happened to them when they got there—you withheld from following such urges. Instead, you held onto his arm, allowing him to direct you to the bar. You allowed him to order you a drink—spotchka, a terrible drink from a terrible man. You pretended to enjoy it. 
You laughed at his terrible jokes. You pretended to care about all the “advancements” and “improvements to the galaxy” that the Empire was going to make. You fawned over his title. You batted your eyelashes and giggled and caressed his arm. You allowed him to buy you drink after drink, discarding them where he could not see all while he drank every last one of his own. 
And when the night came to an end, you allowed him to lead you out of the gala and into the night. 
“Tell me more about your work,” you cooed, clinging to his arm, leaning your head onto his shoulder as you walked. “What happens to the clones? I can’t imagine the Empire would just…” You swallowed down your disgust. “…discard them when so much money had been invested in them.”
“Oh, the clones are not discarded,” Torin laughed, his words slurring together. “Though, I cannot say for certain what happens to them either.”
“Oh?” Your heart sank. Was all this for nothing? Had you done all this for nothing. Maker, you had to think of something to say, something that might give you something useful. Something that would have made all of this worth it. “Surely a man as important as you would be privy to that information.”
If he was not so intoxicated—eight full glasses of spotchka downed in a few hours—he might have had you questioned for such a blatant act of disrespect. But he was too far gone, too unaware of what he was saying and its implications. “All I know is they’re taken somewhere in the Mid Rim. Finally being put to use, you know?”
You swallowed hard. What do you even say to that? “What do you mean?”
He shrugged. “The Emperor’s interested in cloning, I guess. Don’t really know what for. Now, c’mon, enough work talk—”
Torin leaned in as if he was going to kiss you, but you pulled out your blaster, pulling the trigger before he could get to close. Set to stun, though you wish it hadn’t been as you watched him hit the ground. After a quick glance around, you pulled him over into an alley, leaving him behind a dumpster. Someone would find him eventually. Or he might wake before then, drowsy and confused, unsure if the woman he met at the gala had been real or something of his imagination. 
“Looks like we got some work, boys,” you muttered. 
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sorserah · 4 months
Mechaniacs - Kirin Jindosh x OC - Chapter III
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Summary The story of Dr. Addison Lynch, a neuroscientist who played an important role in the past and will again in the future. (fic from 2017) _________________________________________________ tags: unethical medicine, blood, violence, neurology, neuroscience, dishonored universe usual type of stuff, first person _________________________________________________ ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/8598001/chapters/19733941#workskin
Grand Inventor Kirin Jindosh. Owner of the well known clockwork mansion and former student of Anton Sokolov. One of 4 persons I had on my list of people I definitely wanted to meet. Dr Hypatia was already checked and Sokolov, too, since I worked with him on the cure for the plague. But Jindosh was different. We share a fact that changed our whole careers: banned from the Academy for life, for reasons that are still not public. Well at least Jinoshs‘, mine spread around like a second plague. 24 hours were enough and everyone in Dunwall knew what I had done and I was ”asked nicely“ to leave the city. The last person on the list was Delilah Copperspoon. Great artist, twisted mind, but surely great for inspiration, but now, sitting on the throne, harder to reach then ever.
It probably would take some time before Emily would come back and I would be able to interrogate her about everything and the clockwork mansion. I sighed ”I wish I could be there.“ I heard he developed mechanical soldiers, way more impressive than the Tallboys were, they work completely without human interaction. Imagine the opportunities: Give them the ability to feel or to learn by themselves. Learning to react properly in conversations, giving advice based on statistics or based on intuition. And so much more.
I decided to spent the time on cleaning, drying and sorting my notes and things I had in the backpack and there was still the hand issue, that had to be taken of.  Most of the punch cards were ruined, but I was able to copy them almost identically with some old tools I found in the workshop. Unfortunately half of my written notes were completely ruined. The ones that weren‘t made out of ink survived, but it weren‘t many. I let them fall between my legs on the ground and grabbed the pillow next to me just to scream in it for a minute: ”HALF A YEAR OF WORK R U I N E D!“ and then indistinct screaming. How am I supposed to reproduce all correlates and possible causalities without any evidence and notes? I didn‘t know if I would be able to continue my studies now, after all that happened. All the evidences and no corpses. I doubt that Emily would bring me one. She did mention that she needs me for something and maybe I could ask her for a favor, but I guess being here and alive is favor enough. I stood up and moved to the window, it must be around 2 p.m. I could see Serkonos from here. Even if I wanted to leave „Where would I go?“  Not back to Addermire, not back to Dunwall. Maybe there was a university here in Serkonos. I could fake some of my papers, change my name, get my hand fixed...I stared on my flesh lump. I knew enough about anatomy to tell that it would be tough task for a skilled surgeon and impossible for me, even if I wouldn‘t be on this ship and had my tools and laboratory. „Maybe I should just...“ No. I observed my former hand. Chopping it off wasn‘t an option. But the pain will be back soon.
I leaned out of the window, a pleasant breeze, my hair brushing my face. If that one subject hadn‘t been escaped, everything would have been different. My stomach announced with a loud noise it was time to eat, I totally forgot.  I got comfortable in the bed with the loaf of bread. After eating it up and washing down a few more pain killers, I fell asleep. 
I woke at 2 am, someone was screaming in pain. It was me. My hand was hot and I felt my own heartbeat in it. I removed the bandage and inspected it. From my top of fingers down to the wrist it was pitch black. I just stared at it, unable to move, not knowing what to do, when it started to melt. Thick black liquid, running down my arm, burning everything in its way. „Addison, wake up!“ It wasn‘t me screaming, it was someone else. A man. And the person who just had woken me up was Emily. „We need your help. Come.“ This was clearly and order. 
She guided me into the next room, where Sokolov was convulsed in pain on the couch. „What happened?“ „Doesn‘t matter now, help him!“ „I am a neuroscientist not a internist.“ „I don‘t care and if you want to stay on this boat and not be thrown into the ocean right now, you do the best you can to help him.“ That was pretty clear. I found some health elixirs, some flowers and herbs on the table next to him. The herbs wouldn‘t be strong enough. I removed the elixir and poured it into a beaker, went back to my room and crushed a few of the painkillers, added them and heated the mixture up until it was dissolved. Emily was watching the whole time. „I am going to need more of those“ I showed her the painkillers „there won‘t enough in a few days.“ She nodded.  I poured the mixture back into its original vascular, sat down next to Sokolov and injected a bit. It seemed to work. The loud moaning and screaming changed into softer tones and deeper breaths. I turned around and saw Emily standing with the back to me facing Meagen, who entered a few seconds ago, so I took a sip. It was pretty strong.
„What do you mean, you don‘t know where to put him?“ „We don‘t have enough space Emily. Besides someone should watch him. I thought about putting him outside or in the machine room, but honestly I am sure he will just rip out something he can reach and build a clockwork soldier right here, from scratch“ Did she, did Emily...Were they talking about Jindosh? Of course. I sure as hell would volunteer to babysit him all day and all night.  „Put him in her room.“ „Are you sure about that? I mean Emily, both of them are batshit crazy. One slightly more then the other, no offense though“ Well she wasn‘t wrong: „None taken. I will take him, honestly I thought about running, but this thing“ I held up my blood lump „and I shouldn‘t go anywhere anytime soon.“ Emily nodded „You don‘t really argue in your favor, but it‘s not like we have a choice anyway...Fine, but put some handcuffs on him, don‘t put him near anything small and metallic he could reach, to crack them. The door will be open all the time and windows closed at night. Someone will check at least every 2 hours if everything is fine. “ Meagen nodded "Maybe we shoulf hancuff her, too?" Emily examined me "No. She knows what will happen if she tries anything." Meagen left. 
„Addison, is that really you?“ Sokolov seemed to have woken up. „In flesh and blood.“ Emily was at my side shortly after she heard him and he smiled at her, before he fell asleep. „How is he?“ „He is fine and will probably recover. I quick checked him for internal and external wounds, but it doesn‘t seem to be that bad. Give him a few days, maybe a week.“ „Thank you!“ She sounded relieved and took his hand. I gave her the elixir and left. She wasn't right. I didn't know what exactly would happen, if I tried something, but I also wasn't eager to find out.
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sinigangsta-ao3 · 2 years
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Heads up! Most of my fics are only accessible to those with a registered AO3 account.
AO3: AOT/SNK - EreMika
"all the time I have — it's yours" (rating: E, 13k words) In a remote cabin removed from the realities of war, Mikasa and Eren spend the remaining years of Eren’s life together: building a home, learning to love one another — and trying to reconcile the underlying feeling that they’re not supposed to be here; OR: my humble contribution to all the cabin fics out there, a.k.a. about 13k words of cabin smut with a side of domestic fluff and a dash of angst
"Asmodeus" (rating: E, dead dove, 10.6k words): OR, "How the Sun and Moon Came to Be"; an EM mythology/cosmology fic loosely inspired by the Filipino/Pampangan folktale of Apolaki (the God of War and the Sun) and his sister Mayari (the Goddess of the Moon)
"the formative years" series: a modern AU about how the people in our lives leave a lasting impact, whether we want them to or not
"junctures" (rating: M, 12.7k words): He exits her life the same way he enters it: frenzied, furious, and whiplash fast — in a way that leaves her dazed and breathless and grasping for something to ground her; OR: A freeform exploration of a young woman's most formative relationship.
"bearings" (rating: E, 38.3k words): He left home to pursue something great, only to discover that his new life has not panned out how he intended. Ten years later, he’s presented with an opportunity to return home — and to revisit relationships that he had destroyed in his quest for freedom.; OR: A young man’s journey to reconcile past trauma and to discover a way to heal and move forward.
"from doctor jaeger" (rating: E, dead dove, 2.9k words): Unplanned distance doesn’t stop Dr. Eren Jaeger from tending to his most special patient; OR: an epistolary fic of the super toxic and inappropriate relationship between clinical psychiatrist Eren Jaeger and his patient Mikasa Ackerman
"her summertime sentiments" (rating: G, 1k words) Paradis Island has known peace for decades. In her old age, Mikasa Ackerman reflects on her long and fulfilling life; OR: elderly Mikasa x elderly Eren AU
"here" (rating: M; 2.8k words): Over the past few years, Eren has been unable to decipher between what has happened, what is happening, and what is yet to come. On his final night of happiness, he manages to find something (someone) that anchors him to the here and now; OR: a gratuitous little one-shot exploring what happened when Eren and Mikasa got drunk at the refugee camp
"sins of our fathers" (rating: E, 2/12 chapters published): In the rural town of Paradise, California, the Jaegerists are law, maintaining order and protecting the people with iron and blood. Eren Jaeger has known his entire life that this town and this clan are his birthright and, at 25 years old, he’s poised to step into the leadership role for which his father has prepared him. But when he inadvertently crosses paths with Mikasa Ackerman, the soon-to-be heir of the rival gang determined to overthrow the Jaegerists’ reign, the two would-be enemies find themselves questioning their lives’ predetermined paths — and how much they need to pay for the sins of the generations before them.
the "straight/edge" universe: straight-A student!Mikasa x drug dealer!Eren modern AU, loosely inspired by "Euphoria"
"straight/edge" (rating: E, 3/5 chapters published): Mikasa Ackerman is prim, proper, and perfect. As the golden child of the Ackerman family, her academic achievements and extracurricular successes set her up for a bright future, while also atoning for her older brother’s past mistakes. When springtime comes, she crosses paths with a local boy with whom she’d typically never give the time of day — and they begin a whirlwind relationship that unlocks parts of herself that she didn’t know she kept hidden.
"love me low" (rating: E, 2.7k words): Mikasa allows her drug dealer maybe-boyfriend to help her relax as they hang out in his parked car; OR: a fluffy and smutty one-shot set in the "straight/edge" universe
AO3: AOT/SNK - EreRivaMika
"house of the rising sun" (rating: E, 1/2 chapters published): Levi and Eren have maintained a quiet co-existence for the past few decades — until Eren saves and brings home a young girl that will inevitably disrupt their manufactured domesticity; OR: polyamorous vampire AU loosely inspired by "Interview with the Vampire"
AO3: JJK - MeguMiki
"good girl" (rating: E, dead dove, 2.6k words): Megumi trains his new stepsister to be his sexual plaything, basically.
#nina-bean writing
#thursday thoughts
masterlist updated: Nov 29, 2022
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dani-escribe · 3 years
A Place To Call Home
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Chapter 1 
Pairing: Marcus Pike x F! Reader 
Wordcount: 1,594 
Summary:  Who would have known that a day at the art museum could lead to meeting an extremely handsome FBI Agent ;)
Warnings:  An incredible amount of fluff (seriously, like cotton candy level). SLOW BURN (buckle up for the ride!). Reader is a pediatric nurse, so a few mentions of kids and medical procedures in later chapters. 
A/N:  Thanks so much for reading and I really hope you like it! This is my comeback into writing and I am honestly so excited to keep writing this series. After watching the Mentalist and seeing how it ended I wanted to give our precious Marcus a happy ending (this is totally self-indulgent bc why not!). I want to thank @lowlights @fastandfeminist @wbl75 for being my beta readers and for all of their support. Anyways, I hope you enjoy! :) 
Read here on ao3 
You didn't know what possessed you to go visit the art museum on a rainy Wednesday afternoon, but you’re sure glad you went. You hadn't really had time to go to many museums in the last couple of years and wanted to really take in the experience. You’d been walking around looking at all of the intricate paintings and reading the descriptions of each one to try to understand what they were about when you saw a man that fit right in with the artwork. His pensive stance and deep brown eyes drew you in right away. 
He was reading the description of the painting in front of him. He let out a short stifled laugh as if he knew something more about the painting that wasn't included in the description. The grey suit and black tie he was wearing made you wonder if he might be here on a date with someone or if he worked here. You were truly hoping that it was the latter of the two.
 When you noticed that you had been staring at him for a creepy amount of time, you started to turn away, and in that exact moment he seemed to catch your eye. The way that he smiled made it seem like the world stopped for a short second. Before your flirty gaze turned into an awkward stare, you gave him a smile back and retreated to look at other artwork. 
Walking around the other exhibits and looking at the sculptures and canvases from different time periods you began to think about all the wonders that you missed moving around as a kid. Your parents were teachers/potters and their jobs came with the occasional relocation to different places. They said that while teaching was their passion, ceramics had been their first true love. This meant that while you were usually in a stable place for a few years, during summer you and your sibling moved around with them to sell their art in different fairs. While you had seen and sold a lot of different types of art over the years, you never really had much time to appreciate it. 
Your parents had been incredible in providing for you, and had only moved to ensure you had the best opportunities; but you always wondered about the experiences that you missed while being in a hurry to assimilate for half of your life. You knew that their teaching jobs didn't pay much, and that they used the money they got from their art to help cover the bills. This is why you had decided to move close to your family after starting a job at a local hospital in order to find a permanent place for yourself, a place that you could call home. 
After making sure to see all of the exhibits at least once, you walked out of the museum with a sense of satisfaction: one, because you felt like you were catching up on lost time, and two, because of the interaction that you had had with a handsome stranger. 
One of the best things was that the drive back to your new apartment from the museum, and pretty much everything else, was only about 5 minutes (10 if you counted traffic during rush hour). This also meant that everything was within walkable distance, which was also good because you sure as hell needed to start buying some supplies if you were going to clean up the pile of unpacked boxes at your new apartment. 
As the night went on you were able to get most of your unpacking done, and you thought back to the stranger with those big brown eyes and gorgeous smile. He had a kind smile, one that made you feel like you could trust him, which was rare in a man you had just met. God, not only that but the suit that he had on made him seem like he was straight out of a James Bond movie. While putting away the last of your clothing, the blue scrubs that you had bought for your new job fell from the pile that you were carrying. This was enough to snap you out of your train of thought. You really needed to focus on thinking about that instead of daydreaming about a person you haven't even talked to, even if he had some of the cutest dimples you had seen. After trying to get him out of your thoughts unsuccessfully, you figured that it was either stressing about your new job or thinking about him. Ultimately you decided that a little daydreaming couldn't hurt too much. You wondered if you would ever see him again, and hoped that by some twist of fate you would. 
With your job starting today you figured it would be a sign of good comradery to bring your new coworkers some coffee from the cute diner down the street. Also, you found social interactions to be quite tricky at first and an ice breaker couldn't seem to hurt. Plus who doesn't like free breakfast, especially on a Monday morning right? 
As you got dressed in your blue scrubs you headed for the door a whole hour early to avoid being late and to try to make a good impression. Making sure to note as you entered the diner to grab some scones or muffins for those who don’t like coffee, you accidentally stumbled into the man exiting with his coffee. The splash drenched his tie and shirt, only leaving his pants unscathed. Starting to profusely apologize and grabbing a handful of napkins to clean up the mess, you almost missed the fact that the brown eyes that were looking at you right now were the same ones that had held your gaze in the museum. 
“I am so sorry, I can totally pay for your dry cleaning,” you gasped, both out of embarrassment and amazement that you were seeing the gorgeous stranger that had plagued your mind for the past couple of days. 
“No worries at all. I actually needed an excuse to get out of wearing this tie that I got as a gift last year, so to think of it you really saved me,” he let out a chuckle. Now that you're looking at it, it is a very… bold choice of clothing. It was a striped neon tie with pink and orange interchanging lines. 
“I got it as an office exchange party gift and now have the perfect excuse to change out of it.” Those killer dimples were showing along with the smile he gave you that helped to put you at ease. 
“Well at least let me replace your coffee,” you said with a laugh at his honesty. 
You went back inside to pay for his and your coffee orders and got to talking a bit before your orders were out. 
“So what brings you around here, besides the coffee of course. I haven't really seen you here before,” he stated as he moved slightly closer to hear your answer over the clinking of cutlery and dishes. 
“Oh I actually just moved near here. I’m starting today at the nearby hospital as a pediatric nurse. ” His proximity made you suddenly aware of how tall he was. He had at least a few good inches on you, and he leaned in to listen when you spoke. This didn’t help with your already flustered state to say the least. 
“That sounds really exciting, congrats! The closest I get with kids at my job is the ones on an oil painting,” his eyes crinkled a bit as he laughed. 
“Yeah, I totally understand. Little kids are such a wonder but working with them is not for everyone,” you chimed in with a bit of a laugh “Are you a curator then, is that why you were at the museum the other day?” You asked with a hope that he hadn't been there with anyone as a date. 
“Oh no, I actually work with the FBI. I’m in the art crimes division. I was doing research on a new case which is why I was down in the museum. Some inspiration never hurts.” Now it was your turn to be amazed. You didn’t actually think he would be an agent like James Bond, but you weren’t complaining. 
“I guess it doesn't hurt that it's really close to here too huh.” You added noting that it was a bit serendipitous to have met him twice in a few days within the same five mile radius. 
Just as you were about to say something else your name was called and your orders came out. When you were about to turn to leave he called to you. 
“I never did get your name,” he noted before heading out. 
You told him your name and he repeated it in a way that made it seem like he was trying it out. 
“And I feel like the least I can do is learn the name of the person who I so viciously attacked with a coffee cup.” You stated as you gave him a sheepish smile.  
He let out a short laugh and replied, “The name of the person who you saved from having to continue wearing a highlighter tie is Marcus.” You shook your head at his joke and turned to leave. 
As you grabbed the door handle you took one last look back and said “hope to see you around, Marcus.” You waved and parted ways to head in for your first day of work.
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fireandiceland · 3 years
-End of the year review-
Thank you for the tag @kitaychan! I was already thinking about making an end of the year/new year post but now this is the perfect opportunity :D
1. What fandoms did you create for?
I only created stuff for Hetalia this year :)
2. How many works did you make this year? Fics (posted on ao3 or tumblr or wherever), edits, gifsets, moodboards, playlists, fanart, vids, meta?
I recently collected all the drabbles from my nsfw account in a google doc and that alone is overwhelming.. I posted 8 fics on ao3, a total of 21 drabbles on tumblr (on this blog and @fireandspiceland), I made 2 playlists on spotify (but didn't make posts for them) and 2 moodboards! Oh and I cosplayed as Norway and Kugelmugel (but I only posted one edit of me as Nor).
3. What are you most proud of?
There's a lot of things I'm proud of! I'll try to name a few:
I actually kept up with writing for more than 6 months now :D I tend to start hobbies but not keep up with them on long term, so this is kinda big for me.
I went out of my comfort zone a LOT this year. Posting the things I write, joining discord servers and actually talking to the people there, and making friends both there and here on tumblr! You might think I'm an outgoing person, but I always put off posting my fics out of fear of critisism and it's not that easy for me to make the first step and ask someone for their discord or message them.
I started creating my own universe with it's own laws for my fic How'd I ever get so lost? It's my first 'big' project with multiple chapters that are telling one connected story and there's some world building involved that I invested a lot of thought into.
4. Any stats you wanna tell us about?
Here's some numbers I guess! I only had this blog for 8 month, I recently reached 200 followers, and my most popular work on ao3 is about to have 500 hits. ^-^
5. What inspired you this year? Any specific works or creators?
Almost everything I created last year was inspired by a song from one of the playlists I made or by other people's art or AUs.. I also had some very inspiring and interesting talks with mutuals and then there's the requests I get! The sheer amount of content that there is in this fandom and that people keep creating is firing my own imagination and without it I wouldn't be able to create the things I did and do. Tagging everone would go beyond the scope, but my biggest inspirations this year were..
@breitzbachbea who is always ready to support my with her historical knowledge and do some brainstorming on discord <3 from our talks I learned a lot about topics I never knew I would be interested in!
@plz-let-me-nap and her SuFin blog! Our talks inspired some great AU's (that I still haven't made posts about) and simping for the nordics is a lot more fun as a group activity <3
@kitaychan with her amazing writing style and stories that leave you begging for the next chapter. Her thoughtful comments had/have a big influence on How'd I ever get so lost? <3
@modernday-jay who introduced me to mint chocolate (my beloved) <3 and is always giving me food for thought with his posts and his characterisation of Allen.
@ironicorange with his stalker Alfred AU and @neon-spirals with his Arthur and his tentacle boyfriend AU. I just had to mention these two because I love these AU's and it's amazing to be able to contribute something to them <3
6. What’s a piece you didn’t expect to make? Why?
Every single drabble on @fireandspiceland! If half a year ago you told me I would be fullfilling requests for nsfw drabbles, I would have thought you were insane.
7. What are you excited to work on next year?
Well it's this year now, but I'm looking forward to continuing the demon Arthur AU! I have lots of ideas for it and can't wait to flesh them out more. What I also want to do is get more into the teenage dirtbag AU and the bible camp AU. I love both of them dearly and I think there's lots of dynamics between the characters to explore in the future.
Tag some people!
Many people are already tagged above, but I also would like to tag @amber-isnt-a-precious-stone @starflight-blog @j-ellyfish @koolkat9 @cocasoula who are very dear mutuals who I love seeing around and interacting with.
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When Our Hands Next Meet
Series summary: Soulmates are given memories of their past lives when their hands touch. For Virgil and Logan, each memory is happier than the last.
This series was created for @analogicalweek and made in collaboration with the lovely @birdsongisland! Please go look at the piece that inspired this work and support them with reblogs so they’re work can be seen!
Credit to birdsongisland for beta reading this work and truly making it so much better with their suggestions. Thank you!
Chapter 1: Did You Forget?
Chapter Summary: Logan plans a surprise for Virgil on their anniversary, only to receive one instead.
Day 1 Prompt: Debate/Anniversary
Warnings: food mention. If there are others please let me know!
WC: 1320
AO3 link
Taglist (ask to be added or removed): @ace-in-a-shopping-cart @janus-is-an-adorable-snek-boi @logans-library @im-an-anxious-wreck @edupunkn00b
Logan adjusted the flowers in the vase one last time, stepping back before he nitpicked the setup to death trying to get every last detail right. Neither of them liked big, fancy occasions so he always tried to get the details right down to the wrinkles in the cloth so it would be special for them regardless. Frowning he stepped forward to wipe a bit of chipped nail polish off the pristine silky tablecloth, wincing as he looked at the state of his nails. Sometimes he hated how much he worked with his hands that polish never seemed to last half as long as it should, but then he thought of Virgil holding his hands while they watched a movie or their current binge show, carefully applying each color and keeping a hold of his hand while it dried even if it wasn’t strictly necessary- the image made him blush right down to his shirt collar and duck his chin against the smile that tugged at the corners of his lips. He couldn’t afford to get distracted at the moment- at least not for too long. Everything was set, all he needed  was for Virgil to come home.
He’d been surprised coming out to the backyard to set everything up only to find the lawn swept clean of debris and fairy lights strung up, twinkling in the late afternoon sun. He had wondered what Virgil had been doing, running off to the store after dinner. He’d spouted something about an errand, pecking him on the cheek and leaving before Logan could think to ask what he needed to be going out for at six o’clock in the evening. 
Admittedly he’d been a bit distracted with his own plans, digging for a lighter he knew they had to light the candle on the cupcake later. Thankfully said cake was holding up perfectly in the back of the fridge where he knew Virgil wouldn’t see it. Standing on the porch he smiled softly as he looked around, the backyard turned into a magical scene thanks to Virgil’s efforts. He hadn’t thought to set the lights up when he had planned his own surprise, so he was glad Virgil had made it even better.
Not a moment too soon he heard the car pull into the driveway, making a giddy sort of happiness settle in the center of his chest. Never had he been so enamored with someone that the mere thought of their presence lit up his nerves with a pleasant hum that left him dizzy and anchored in the same moment. But here he was, shifting anxiously from foot to foot waiting for his soulmate to come through the door. He only had to wait a minute before Virgil stepped out onto the back porch, confusion settling over his features before he shook it away and a somewhat nervous smile took its place. Smiling himself as he drew near, Logan held out his hand which was taken immediately and gently squeezed. The air was similarly squeezed from his lungs when he finally locked eyes with Virgil, his deep brown eyes glittering along with the purple eyeshadow applied underneath them with a darker shade of lipstick painting his smile.
Blushing slightly, he ignored the other's amusement and tugged him towards the table. “Did you forget what day it was?” He teased.
“Considering we ate dinner in suits- hardly. I was just surprised to find you out here, usually we eat dessert inside.”
“You had already set up the fairy lights. I thought it would be an opportunity missed if we didn’t celebrate our anniversary outside on such a lovely night.”
Virgil smiled softly and ran his thumb over his knuckles. “I’m so glad that I have you in my life, this is perfect. So much better than that auditorium where we first met.”
“Debate club was hardly the ideal circumstance for us to meet.” Logan chuckled.
“I don’t even remember what the subject was.”
“I believe it was one of the duller practice ones asking whether or not peanut butter was ethically sourced- to which you argued you were allergic and therefore should get a passing grade regardless because asking you to talk about it was unethical in and of itself.” Laughing at the memory he watched as Virgil only huffed in mock annoyance.
“It was a good argument!” Screwing his mouth to the side Virgil nudged him playfully. “It was a dumb subject anyway no one had any good counterpoints.”
“I did!”
“So did I, that’s not the point Lo.” Laughing outright at the seething look he received, Virgil held his hands up in mock surrender.
“You did, actually. I remember you doing very well for not having prepared anything.” Logan sniffed indignantly. “Mine were just better.”
Smirking, he leaned back into the table as Virgil’s expression morphed into a “challenge accepted” glare, eager to see where this would go. He always loved getting Virgil into debate moods, he became so animated and focused- a far cry from when he first started and thought hissing was a legitimate debate tactic. 
“I’ll have you know,” Virgil stepped forward purposefully, petite stature making it not nearly as intimidating as it was meant to be. “I’ve learned much better debate tactics since then anyway.”
Quirking an eyebrow, Logan smiled. “Oh have you-”
He cut himself off with a choked gasp as Virgil was suddenly holding his hand while down on one knee, a small box held open in his palm to reveal a ring with a stone that twinkled gently with the fairy lights behind them. He snapped his mouth shut as Virgil smiled that gentle smile, the same smile that Logan had counted himself the luckiest person in the world to see the first day he had seen the emo teen slouch his way up the stage and behind the podium, nerves clearly telling him to listen to his fight or flight reflex but instead choosing to put those around him at ease any way he could. 
“Logan.” He was snapped out of his thoughts with a gentle squeeze to his hand. “Do you remember how we had to shake hands after the debate?”
“I do.” Logan breathed.
“I saw all of you in that moment, every second we’ve spent together since our souls first met. I’ve loved you in every single life before this and in every single one I love you more still. I know it isn’t necessary but- I want to have a day that makes the fact that we’re soulmates everyone else’s problem.” Virgil held Logan’s gaze earnestly as he choked back a laugh. “Logan, will you marry me?”
“Virgil- of course!” Later he wasn’t sure if Virgil had tugged him down by his tie or if he had gripped it when Logan leaned down, but it didn’t matter as their lips connected and Logan could feel his boyfriend’s, no his fiance’s- his soulmate's heart racing underneath his fingers as he placed a hand to his cheek in an attempt to pull him closer.
Pulling away for a moment he laughed gently at the lipstick smeared slightly, reaching forward to try and fix it. “Virgil, that is not a legitimate debate tactic.”
“I’m taking it as a win anyway.” Virgil reached forward as well, pushing his glasses up to rub away a few stray tears Logan hadn’t noticed collecting on his cheeks. He leaned forward to kiss him again, and again, and again while the candles Logan had forgotten he had lit on the cupcake burned themselves out on the icing and the engagement ring was placed on the table in favor of holding each other as close as they could. And as Logan buried his face in the crook of Virgil’s neck and felt the other’s embrace tighten he knew that in all the lifetimes they had and would share, there was nowhere else he would rather be.
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robininthelabyrinth · 4 years
Three Gates - on ao3 (for content warnings check Ao3) - on tumblr: pt 1, pt 2, pt 3, pt 4, pt 5, pt 6
- Chapter 7 -
Meng Yao ended up not writing back to Lan Xichen at all, which turned out to be for the best – Madame Lan died of her illness a little later in the year, destroying Lan Xichen’s tentative proposals for a visit that they would have had to find a way to tactfully refuse anyway, and Meng Yao was able to write that letter with a great deal more sincerity and shared pain than he might have otherwise.
Lao Nie did not last the full year that Nie Mingjue had predicted they’d need – the initial qi deviation only led to more deviations down the road, as his unchecked rage twisted his mind further and further away from reality and he tried to cultivate with a saber that no longer existed; within four months he was no longer recognizable as the man he had once been, and within six he was dead.
It was not a good death.
Meng Yao had started hoping for Lao Nie to die by midway the second month, when it was clear that his condition was getting worse, not better, and that his madness was just a hair short of what it needed to be to remove him as unsuited for his position – he could stand, walk, talk, and make decisions (bad ones), and Meng Yao sometimes cursed whichever ancestor had schemed unsuccessfully to steal the sect leader’s seat through trickery because they’d made it so much harder for everyone else – but he hadn’t wanted it to happen the way it had.
For all that he was glad that Lao Nie was finally gone, six months after he’d actually died alongside his beloved Jiwei, Meng Yao would never have wanted Nie Mingjue to have to…no, better to say that he wouldn’t have wanted for Lao Nie to use his son as an instrument of his own destruction.
Nie Mingjue had been bearing up as well as could be imagined – better, even, through sheer will and the grit and stubbornness that the Nie clan had in spades – but that had been a step too far; he withdrew somewhere deep inside of himself, his eyes vacant and dead, and slept for three days straight. For a little while, Meng Yao had thought that he had also succumbed to a qi deviation, panic roiling under his skin as he had to try to keep it quiet, with Nie Huaisang helping as much as a small child like him could, but in the end Nie Mingjue woke up in time for the investiture ceremony making him sect leader.
They probably should have found some time to talk about it – talk about everything, to lance the boil of their suffering so that it didn’t fester in their hearts – except before Meng Yao could figure out what needed to be said, they were both pulled away by sudden spate of the skirmishes on the border because of course Wen Ruohan would use the opportunity of the sect leader’s death to try to steal away some of their territory.
They didn’t let him.
Nie Mingjue’s rage was something worth seeing, and Meng Yao’s own was very nearly as great, even if he expressed it through coldness rather than heat – even if he was considered too young to be sent out to the front lines, since unlike Nie Mingjue he was not pretending to be three years older than he really was, even if he could only help govern the sect at home in Nie Mingjue’s absence.
It was that coldness that let him cut through the politics that always followed the initiation of a new sect leader, especially a new one that foolish people from the outside might think would be susceptible to influence, might be naïve enough to allow himself to be used as a method for climbing into power.
It was that coldness that his mother saw, when she came to him with her own suggestions – the would-be influencers soon found that Nie Mingjue was born to be a righteous general, unyielding and stubborn, and that Meng Yao was coldblooded as a serpent, unmoved by their appeals, and so had come to Meng Shi with flattery and the promise of all sorts of things if only she would pass along a simple harmless message for them – and which made her words freeze in her throat long enough for Sisi to catch up with her and take her away, scolding her all the while for being too easily swayed.
It was that coldness that allowed him to continue to exchange secret letters with Wen Ruohan, stupid ones that claimed that his elder brother had gone mad to accuse another sect leader the way he had – treasonous letters, of the sort that Wen Ruohan would be able to use as blackmail if only Meng Yao wasn’t quite so sure that Nie Mingjue would listen when he explained why he was doing what he did.
If he explained. It didn’t seem necessary to burden Nie Mingjue with the knowledge of what Meng Yao was doing, not yet – not when he was already bearing so many other burdens.
Nie Huaisang had previously been uninterested in all things military, thinking of it as nothing more than more of the saber work that he hated, but Meng Yao knew that couldn’t be permitted to last, now that he was the proper heir, and so he took him in hand.
He took him to the meeting room, with all the maps and plans, and told it to him the way it needed to be told: “This stone represents twenty Wen retainers, and they’re all dead now,” he said, pointing to one of the silver pieces. “And that one’s ten Wen disciples, and they’re dead too – your brother killed them all by himself, taking them by surprise. They were all cut up into pieces, and he didn’t get a mark on him.”
“Why are you talking about the dead?” Nie Mingjue – who had in fact gotten several nasty cuts as a result of that fight, but facts weren’t relevant when weaving legends were for small children to learn viciousness from – asked, back from the frontline to gather supplies and set to go out again the next morning, rolling his eyes at them both. “It’s the living that matter.”
“I agree,” Meng Yao said placidly. “It’s the living we have to deal with. Mark da-ge’s words well, Huaisang. You always have to deal with the living, they’re far more troublesome.”
But oh, how nice it was to see your enemies dead!
(Nie Mingjue didn’t understand – but Nie Huaisang did.)
It took three solid months to finally chase out the last would-be incursion, and right around that time Lan Xichen finally got his way about coming for a visit the way he’d been insisted he be allowed to do for the entire time since Lao Nie’s death and Nie Mingjue’s confirmation as sect leader was announced.
“I don’t have time for guests,” Nie Mingjue said shortly when he found out that Meng Yao had approved Lan Xichen’s request behind his back. “Meng Yao, you deal with him; he’s here to see you, anyway.”
“Da-ge says that he needs to be kidnapped away from work,” Nie Huaisang solemnly told Lan Xichen, his beloved pretty gege, later that day, walking hand-in-hand with him through the gardens. “Or else he’ll never get a break.”
“Oh, your da-ge said that, did he,” Lan Xichen said, his eyes dancing. “Not your er-ge?”
“Huaisang, we’ve discussed this,” Meng Yao told him. “A good liar doesn’t back down at the first challenge. Don’t admit anything until you’re really cornered – or have a good excuse for why you lied.”
Lan Xichen laughed, but Nie Huaisang nodded seriously.
Meng Yao was pleased to see Lan Xichen, of course, but he had had ulterior motives: he had thought of a handful of schemes to use Lan Xichen to lure Nie Mingjue out of the sect leader’s office. It wasn’t a good place for him to be after everything that happened there – there were still bloodstains on the floor, ones that Meng Yao had caught Nie Mingjue staring dully at more often than he’d really like – and even though Meng Yao had already set up an alternative to use while they finished cleaning and redecorating, Nie Mingjue continuously claimed to be too busy to relocate even temporarily.
In the end, all his schemes turned out to be unnecessary because by the time they got back Nie Mingjue was out in the training yard for the first time in weeks, showing a solemn Lan Wangji how to jump over a saber sweep to the legs in what was mostly just an elaborate game of bunny-hops.
Lan Xichen abruptly sat down.
Right in the middle of the walkway, with dust getting all over his otherwise pristine robes, no less. Meng Yao sent Nie Huaisang back inside before squatting down next to him. “First time in a while?”
“Wangji wouldn’t sleep, wouldn’t eat; he’s barely moved since our mother died,” Lan Xichen said, staring at the training field. His eyes were wet. “He’d obey if we told him to do something, but he kept sneaking out of the house to go wait by our mother’s door, no matter how many times we told him…I only brought him with me because I thought it might do him good to be somewhere new, rather than somewhere where he couldn’t help but think of her.”
Meng Yao thought about the sect leader’s office, which if Nie Huaisang was doing his job was at that very moment being moved to its new temporary home and the old one locked to all who might try to come and insist on being let in. Even if they were the new sect leader.
“I know what you mean,” he said, and smiled wryly. “But da-ge has a way about him, doesn’t he?”
By this Meng Yao meant that Nie Mingjue had charisma in spades – he was a natural leader, causing men to instinctively listen to him despite his age, though anyway that ridiculous height of his meant that he was already as tall as a grown man and was often perceived as one even by those who knew better. No matter how soft he was inside, how torn or broken, Nie Mingjue could inspire devotion, even fascination, from others in a way few others could.
Even Meng Yao with his silver tongue couldn’t compare: he knew how to cater to people, to calm and misdirect them, to lull them into a false sense of security so that he could sneak his objectives out of them, but Nie Mingjue could ask a man to fly to the moon and they’d seriously consider giving it a try.
He was something very precious.
“Yes,” Lan Xichen said, and he sounded almost as if he were realizing that fact for the first time. “He really does.”
A month later, Nie Mingjue had to attend his first Discussion Conference as sect leader.
At least it was situated at the nice neutral Jiang sect, Meng Yao thought, but he worried the entire time Nie Mingjue was gone. It wasn’t that he wasn’t allowed to go, if he wanted, but Meng Yao knew that having him back home – safe, keeping an eye on the Unclean Realm and Nie Huaisang both – would be infinitely more helpful in keeping Nie Mingjue from stabbing someone than his advice would be.
It still killed him to do it.
To think of Nie Mingjue alone, just him and his father’s murderer and three men that didn’t care to trouble themselves enough to help him get vengeance, for hours and hours and hours –
But Meng Yao knew what he had to do.
So he waited and paced and worked himself hard enough that Nie Huaisang started using some of their well-established tricks to lure Nie Mingjue from his office on him, which was really a sign of doing too much, and in the end the Nie sect delegation came home safe and unharmed and even successful: Nie Mingjue hadn’t stabbed anyone (the low, low bar they’d set for a success), hadn’t started any fights either physical or verbal (an even higher bar), and had even managed to get the reasonable concessions they’d been hoping to push through in the negotiations regarding sect matters after all the speeches and festivities were done (a stunning achievement).
Nie Mingjue didn’t seem as happy about it as Meng Yao would have expected.
“Meng Yao,” Nie Mingjue said when Nie Huaisang was safely tucked away into bed; he must have been waiting. “A word.”
“Of course,” Meng Yao said, but still led him back to his bedroom to prepare to sleep. They could talk business as well there as they could in Nie Mingjue’s office, and this way he wouldn’t be tempted to do just a little bit more, A-Yao, just the urgent things as if there weren’t enough urgent things to drown a man in. “What happened, da-ge?”
“I received an unusual offer,” Nie Mingjue said, and the way he said it meant that Meng Yao wasn’t going to like it. “From Wen Ruohan.”
Meng Yao already didn’t like it.
“He – expressed sympathy,” oh, no, Meng Yao hated it, “and suggested that he might be willing to withdraw his claim from the western river so that we could rely on its tolls in our time of need –”
“He’s willing to withdraw his soldiers?” Meng Yao asked, honestly surprised. “His made-up claim to the river is the only thing allowing him to claim that he’s entitled to put Wen sect retainers in the sects there; if he withdraws them, they’ll all come rushing back to us to swear allegiance, and our western border would be much more secure, even if he reneges on his word later and tries to come back.”
And that, of course, meant –
“For him to put that on the trading table, he must have had an extremely offensive request,” Meng Yao said. “What was it? Half our men put down their sabers and Nie Huaisang’s head on a pike for having defeated Wen Chao in the junior calligraphy competition last year?”
That should have gotten a laugh out of Nie Mingjue, but instead he just sat down on the bed, his shoulders hunched up by his ears. “No,” he said. “He didn’t want anything from – from the sect.”
Meng Yao wasn’t stupid, and for a moment there his vision tinted red, Chiwen whispering sweet words of death in his ear: death to evil, death to those that threatened his loved ones, death to those that stood in his way.
Death to Wen Ruohan in specific.
“Da-ge,” he said, and for a moment his teeth gritted together before instinct took over and his face smoothed into a neutral expression, a faint gentle smile that didn’t reach his eyes. “You must be joking.”
Nie Mingjue’s shoulders somehow, impossibly, hunched even further up, as if he was the one who should be embarrassed by Wen Ruohan’s suggestion. “He propositioned me,” he confirmed, entirely unnecessarily.
“He tried to buy you, you mean,” Meng Yao said, and Nie Mingjue shrugged. Meng Yao’s eyes narrowed. “You’re not considering it, are you?”
“You said yourself it was a good deal,” Nie Mingjue said with a hint of stubbornness. “A shichen of discomfort and we could protect the western border for a generation, and if we can do that, we’ll have time to bulk up the rest of our defenses –”
“You cannot be serious. He killed your father!”
Nie Mingjue flinched.
“I know,” he said quietly. “But that’s my personal pain, not the sect’s, and I’m sect leader now, aren’t I? I need to do what’s good for the sect.”
“Okay,” Meng Yao said. “Fine. Then I’ll assassinate Jiang Fengmian’s son at the next Discussion Conference.”
“I’ll use a sword,” Meng Yao said. “You know how good I am at memorizing techniques; I’ve already gotten some moves from the Wen and Jin sects down pat, and no one will suspect a Nie if I’m not using a saber. In the chaos as they try to figure out who did it and what to do about it, we’ll be able to steal all sorts of benefits from the three of them. It’d be very good for the sect.”
“Meng Yao, don’t even joke about that.”
“Who said I’m joking?” Meng Yao said with a shrug. “You said it yourself – you’re a sect leader now. Why should your personal principles stand in the way of the sect’s advantage?”
“Without principles, there is no sect,” Nie Mingjue snapped. “Without principles, we may as well not be men; we would be beasts on two legs, a desecration of flesh, a waste of spirit…”
Meng Yao crossed his arms and waited.
“…and selling anybody, even myself, in order to take advantage Wen Ruohan’s offer would be a violation of my principles, too,” Nie Mingjue concluded. “I take your point.”
They sat in silence for a long moment.
“Still,” Nie Mingjue said thoughtfully, and Meng Yao turned to stare at him incredulously, “it’s kind of nice to know that I’d be really well paid for it, right? Your mother would be proud of me.”
“I’m going to strangle you,” Meng Yao said, but he was already starting to smile. Only Nie Mingjue would dare to be that tactless just to amuse – only Nie Mingjue would dream of making a joke about himself like that, with the same black humor Meng Yao and Meng Shi enjoyed most. “And you’re going to deserve it.”
“Probably,” Nie Mingjue agreed, and he was smiling back, and for a moment it felt like they weren’t sect leader and advisor any longer – just brothers, just friends.
“Yeah? I’m also going to tickle you.”
“Don’t you dare, I have a reputation to maintain –”
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ka-za-ri · 4 years
Descent Pt. 1
I told myself I was gonna take a break. I lied. I wanted to write a whole bin of Sin for Simeon. I’m sorry, not sorry at all. Let me know if you want to be a part of the tag list: Chapter Masterlist: Here Crossposted on Ao3: here Part [1] Part [2] Part [3] Part 4: [4] Part [5] Part [6] Part [7] Part [8] Part [9] Part [10]
Paring: Simeon x Reader Wordcount: 4,900 ish Genre: Smut Tags: Masturbation, Voyeurism, hints of dirty talk? Summary: Sent from the Celestial realm to observe and study humans; Simeon made a name for himself as the illustrious author of The Tales of the Seven Lords. After reaching acclaim for his first series, he's having trouble writing his next great hit. Good thing you're there for him as his manager and editor to help him work out the... kinks in writing.
The most dangerous aspect of humans was their innate ability to tempt even the most stalwart and steadfast of angels into a world of sin. Simeon was not immune to their ways, no matter how reclusive he became. It was easy to study them from afar, learning about them through numbers and sales numbers. The masses were easy to sway with a few pretty words. Blending in with humans was a trivial task for him. All he had to do was make a few public appearances for book signings and some launch parties for a new series; otherwise he was free to observe and study from afar. 
After the international success of The Tale of The Seven Lords, Simeon found himself feeling rather empty. He needed a new project to keep him entertained in the human realm. However, no matter what he started to work on, it didn’t inspire the same sort of passion he had for his older series. He needed a new genre, a new style of writing to refresh his passion for words. If he was going to make it in an ever changing market, he would need to adapt as well. Yet, no matter what genre he tried, every draft he came up with seemed too mundane and overdone. 
Everything except, for the temptation of writing something much more salacious than his last work. 
Just entertaining the thought had him on a slippery slope of falling from the grace of the Celestial realm. Sure, the strict protocols of olde had been loosened over the centuries. Many angels realized that enforcing perfect adherence to the standards of purity set so long ago no longer applied to modern times. Rules had been loosened and enforcement had relaxed to the point where Simeon was almost positive if he wrote an absolutely obscene novel, he didn’t risk losing his Celestial powers. 
The only problem was that he had no experience in the genre at all. He threw together a vague plot and outline, thinking it would be all he needed to inspire him. Surprisingly enough, the publishing house allowed for the drastic change in genre, confident that he would be able to create another best seller. Just having that much trust put in him made him want to succeed even more with the haphazard novel idea. 
But, despite his determination to make his new manuscripts lewd, he was at a complete loss as to what, and how to write them properly. The outline he presented to you seemed excellent on paper. Even if it had a few plot holes, you knew he could patch them up with a little work. So, it was natural that you would push the approval and leave him to his own devices to work on the manuscript. You were sure that an author of his caliber would be able to break into a new branch of the literary market without any issues. 
But, after several months of waiting, you had no contact at all from him regarding the progress of his new book. The industry needed proof of his work in order to justify their investment in him. Being so renowned, the pressure was on him to create something magnificent. You could only imagine the kind of stress he was going through and as his manager and editor, you were responsible for making sure he met deadlines. You hated to rush his process, but there was no way he could meet the dates set by the publisher if he didn’t give you something to work with soon. 
After trying to reach out to him several times by phone and email with little to no response, the only option left was to go to his abode and see just what he was hiding from. No other outline he submitted had passed so this was his one and only chance to continue his writing career. You patiently waited after knocking on his door, hoping he would answer and wasn’t going to ignore you any further. You knew how serious writer’s block could be; but you hoped he wouldn’t let that get in the way of being a professional. 
Luckily, the door opened soon enough and you were ushered in by an extremely tired and frazzled looking Simeon. He lead you to his office after you had taken off your shoes and changed into the guest slippers he offered. Simeon didn’t speak to you during the whole exchange, a shell of the soft spoken and attentive author you had come to know after so many years of working with him. He shuffled into his office, an obvious slouch in his posture and slumped behind his desk before gesturing at the empty chair across from him. 
“I’m guessing you know why I’m here.” You said and he sighed in resignation, burrowing his head in his hands and running them through his hair. You felt terrible adding stress onto him, he looked ragged, like he hadn’t slept in days. The bags under his eyes were so dark, they almost looked like deep bruises. 
“Yes… You want a manuscript…” his normally soft voice sounded hoarse and you wondered if he had eaten or drunken anything at all that day. “I’m almost done with the first draft… would you like to come and see?” He turned his laptop towards you and you started reading what he had so far. 
All seemed well and good at first. The characters were believable and the premise, though a bit cheesy, was definitely acceptable for the genre. The further you read, the more you noticed large gaps in his writing. Whole paragraphs seemed to be missing and sentences ended midway. Dialog was left unfinished and by the time you reached the end of the first chapter, it was a mess. You could already feel the inevitable headache you were going to get from editing for him. 
“Yeah, I know. It’s not my best work.” 
He tried to smile, but the emotion didn’t reach his eyes. You reached out to him and held his hand, rubbing your thumb in reassuring circles on his palm. “You’ve worked hard on it, still. What’s got you so hung up though?” 
He got a little flustered at your question, nervously running his hand through his hair and looking to the side. Writing such a topic with no experience in it was proving to be difficult for him. He could research all he wanted and consume all the media he could to aid him, but there was just something missing. His lack of knowledge was showing and he wasn’t sure how he could keep being composed about his failure so far. He gestured at the screen and shrugged, trying to get his message across without using words; but, when he saw your confused expression, he had to speak. “I don’t know what I’m doing.” he finally admitted. “I want to write this so badly, but I don’t know how to… describe the scenes the way I want to.” 
You sat back in the chair, crossing your arms over your chest and nodding. You could only imagine the difficulty he was having in producing the quality content you were sure he was used to coming up with. With deadlines looming above your head, you needed at least a chapter to submit to the publishing house so they knew actual work was being done. You sighed, trying to think of ways to jump start his creativity. The gloomy atmosphere of his office didn’t seem help. The lights were dim and the curtains were all drawn. It didn’t feel like a place that could invoke the imagery he was going for. “Let’s move somewhere.” you suggested finally. “Do you have a room with lots of sunlight? Maybe a change of mood will help.” 
“Ah… there’s the sunroom..” he said. “But I don’t know if just changing where I am writing will help the situation. If it hasn’t gotten done here, I doubt it will anywhere else.” 
“Just try it.” you encouraged, already unplugging his laptop and taking it with you. “It’s so gloomy in here, even I’m getting depressed just sitting around. Come on, which way is it?” 
“Ah… this way.” He said, shamefully shuffling out from behind his desk and showing you the way to the sunroom which overlooked a rather well manicured garden with a variety of flowers in full bloom. You marveled at the bright, airy feel of the room and took a second to really appreciate his choice in decor. 
“Wow, would have never pegged you as the kind of guy who gardens.” You teased, flopping onto the couch he had in there and lounged in its plush confines. Looking through the glass ceiling, you watched a few clouds drift by while Simeon got comfortable in a recliner in the corner of the room. You could tell he was still a bit frustrated, but you knew getting him some sun would do him good. 
“Well, when I don’t have any pressing deadlines, being with the plants helps relieve stress. It’s unfortunate that I cannot give you a tour this time.” 
“There’s plenty of opportunities in the future. They’re not going anywhere, and neither am I. You know I’m going to keep hounding you until your manuscript is finished.” 
He chuckled, nodding and opening up his laptop. You let silence pass between the two of you, going back to watching the clouds while the sound of his fingers flying across the keyboard lulled you into a daydream like state. You grabbed onto one of the large, decorative pillows he had on the couch, clutching it against your chest while you made up stories in your head about the clouds above. If you weren’t so stressed about turning something into the publishing house so soon; it would have been a perfect, calming afternoon. 
The clack of the keyboard stopped after a little bit. Whatever inspiration Simeon had when he entered the room seemed to have fizzled out and he was stuck in yet another rut, writing one word and deleting it over and over again. You sighed, turning to watch him as he gnawed on his thumb, mumbling to himself. 
“What’s not working?” You asked, your curiosity piqued. 
“Just… this scene… it’s not working. I can’t envision it.” He grumbled. Looking up at where you were laying on his couch, clutching onto the pillow, he was suddenly struck by a brilliant plan. The worry lines on his forehead disappeared and he broke out into a slight smile when he realized how he could get his creative juices flowing. “Help me… I need inspiration.” 
You sat up straight, ready to assist in any way you could. “Okay, what do you want me to do?” You asked. 
Simeon squinted, in the right light, you looked similar to the main character he had written. His plan could work if you reenacted the scene he had in mind. The issue was actually explaining the scene to you in a way that didn’t make his body feel overheated. He was already playing with fire by writing such a lewd book, pushing his limits further felt like he was sliding right down a slope heading towards a great fall. There was no other way, he reasoned. As long as I do not defile her, it’ll be fine. Taking a deep breath, he got up from where he was and walked over to you. 
“I need you to…. Uhm… Well.. how do I say this… I’m having trouble writing a love making scene and I need some… visual aids.” You blinked, processing his request and then looked him up and down, feeling your whole body heat up at once. You were sure you had kept your crush on him a secret. To have him ask you so suddenly to provide visual aid for an explicit novel felt like too big of a jump for you to comprehend. “Oh… Oh no, no, no. You don’t have to do anything with me.” He said, gesturing wildly when he saw you pointedly stare at his crotch. “You can just pretend that this is the ‘lover.’” He took the pillow from your arms and laid it on the couch. 
You didn’t know if you should have felt relived or disappointed that he wanted you to reenact a sex scene with a pillow and not him. It was all quite a bit to take in, but the desperate pout on his face was something you couldn’t ignore. And both your jobs were on the line. You sighed in resignation. “Okay, okay… But only because we have deadlines coming up.” You said. “You’re lucky you’re cute. I wouldn’t do this for anyone else.” 
Simeon smiled for the first time that day, hurriedly moving back to his computer and preparing to take notes on what you were doing. “I’m ready when you are.” he announced once he opened up a separate document. 
“You sure you don’t want me to just, you know… do you?” You asked, cocking an eyebrow as you started to undress. It was embarrassing for sure; but part of you relished in seeing Simeon so flustered when it came to the nature of lewd things. You wondered why he had bothered submitting such an outline at all when he wasn’t familiar with how to write erotica; but his determination to branch out to other genres had won you over in the end. It just fell upon your shoulders to show this man how it was done. 
“I… No… I can’t. I need to write.” He stuttered. Do not defile her, do not defile her. Her womb is sacred and not something you can toy with… Even if he wanted the first hand experience, he still had rules to abide by. 
“Alright, whatever you say. You’re the boss.” You shrugged, unbuttoning your blouse. “Don’t forget, part of the sexiness is in the tease.” You explained, taking your time to sway your hips side to side as each button came undone. Trying to seduce a pillow was so much more boring than trying to seduce Simeon. The things I do for this job… 
You made sure to waggle your ass as you peeled off your pants, tossing them to the side along with your blouse. There was something thrilling about being in a room made of glass. Any woodland creature that decided to come visit his garden at that moment would also get an eyeful of your progressively bare body. The rush of having Simeon watch you as you stripped had your heart racing. 
At the very least, you knew your efforts weren’t in vain. You could hear the furious clacking of the keyboard as you gave the pillow in front of you a sultry look. As lame as it all was, it was still rather arousing to know you were being watched by the man who you had crushed on for so long now. “Alright… sir. I’m going to need you to lay down. You have a problem that only I can take care of.” You said to the pillow. You tried hard not to laugh at how ridiculous the scenario was. It wouldn’t do to break the mood, especially when you could tell Simeon was definitely getting some writing done. 
You got back onto the couch, straddling the pillow between your legs once you were in nothing but your underthings. Licking your lips, you pretended that Simeon was under you and not the decorative cushion. If you closed your eyes, you could almost feel his lean body under your own, squirming in discomfort as you took control of the scenario. There was just something about how gentle and soft spoken he was that made  your heart flutter with the need to dominate him until he was a flushed, moaning mess. 
Using that fantasy in your mind, you slowly started to gyrate your hips onto the pillow, throwing your head back and moaning. “Oh yes…” You breathed, pleasantly surprised at the stimulation you got from the friction of your panties rubbing against your spread core. You hummed, content with the thought of Simeon holding onto your hips to keep your steady. If he wanted to watch, then you were going to give him the best show available. 
You grasped at your breasts, teasing your nipples through the fabric of your bra until they were sensitive little buds that made you gasp. As you continued to grind against the pillow, you could feel your essence starting to flow, no doubt you were going to leave quite a substantial wet mark on the pillow if you continued. You wanted to pause and warn Simeon of what was about to happen; but when you turned and saw the look of concentration on his face, you didn’t dare break his focus. 
He’ll just have to deal with it later… You figured going back to that happy place in your mind where the writer in front of you was actually under you. Closing your eyes, you imagined what it would be like to hear him moan as you pressed your heat against his cock. Surely he must sound absolutely angelic when he cums. Pushing slipping your hands under your bra, you pushed the fabric away, peeled it off your skin and threw it into a random corner to pick up later. “You have no idea how hot you look right now.” You purred, looking down at the cushions below you, wishing you had something sexier to talk dirty to; but you would have to make do with what you had. 
Leaning down, you grabbed a pillow to act as your ‘lovers’ head and started to kiss it. It was so hard to ignore just how disappointing it was to make out with a lump of fabric and not the beautiful man in the corner who was so engrossed with his writing, you might as well have been invisible to him. You could only use your imagination to fantasize about how soft Simeon’s lips must be. He always took such good care of his skin and he had an ethereal glow about him, as if he was blessed by the sun itself. You moaned into the pillow, hating the rough canvas you were pressed up against, but at least your pussy was getting something out of how much you were humping the pillow. 
You came up, gasping for air after having half smothered yourself with a pillow and glanced over at Simeon again. Even as he was furiously typing, you could see that he was at least a little affected by the show you were putting on. Good, I would have hated myself if he’s not even a smidgen turned on by this. You smirked, looking down at your ‘lover’ and pretended to whisper sweet nothings to them before getting off the couch. 
Simeon made a small sound of protest when he saw that you were no longer straddling the pillow, but he quickly shut up when he saw that you were divesting yourself of your panties. “Oh… carry on.” He mumbled, going back to his document, though his eyes continuously flicked up towards you to make sure he was capturing the moment properly. 
Feeling your bare pussy rub against the rough fabric of the pillow sent shivers of pleasure up and down your body and you moaned, riding it harder than before. The stimulation was great, but it wasn’t enough. Really, you wanted to have Simeon buried balls deep in you and not at his computer. However, your priority was your job and that meant sticking to what you had to work with. “Fuck…” You groaned, clenching your inner walls around nothing and wishing that you had at least a toy to fill you up and give you something to ride. 
You ground against the pillow, your essence soaking the fabric and leaving a sizable wet mark, but you didn’t care. It was all the stimulation you could get and you were going to work it for all it was worth. One hand went back up to your breast, rolling your pert nipple between your thumb and forefinger, whining at the mixture of pain and pleasure you were giving yourself. “Yeah… you like watching me touch myself, babe?” You asked no one in particular; but truthfully, you hoped Simeon was really enjoying what he saw and heard.. 
His fingers on the keyboard never ceased moving as he vividly described the scene before him. He was so wrapped up in his work, he didn’t even notice himself getting hard. There was too much to write and no time to think about the attention the rest of his body was asking for. He licked his lips, his gaze constantly going back and forth from the document to your body. You were acting out the scene so well, he couldn’t stop writing; he needed to record every detail. You were everything he had imagined his main character to be; effortlessly confident, commanding in the bedroom and dripping with sex appeal. Even if it was a spur of the moment suggestion, he had no regrets considering he was getting so much more writing done in the last half hour than he had in the past two months. 
Your breathing came out in short little pants as you tried to chase a release that just wouldn’t come with so little to work with. You reached between your legs to fondle your sensitive clit, groaning loudly as you made love to yourself. You didn’t know how long the scene was supposed to be, but your thighs were getting tired of riding an inanimate object and you just wanted to get off now. 
“Mm fuck.. You feel so good…” You breathed, closing your eyes and imagining Simeon sliding inside of you. The first pass must feel so good. You fantasized about lowering yourself onto his cock slowly letting him savor every inch that entered you. In your head, his bright blue eyes glittered in lust, watching his dick disappear into you until your hips met and he would moan at the feeling of being completely buried in you. “Yeah… just like that…” You moaned, rubbing circles at your clit while your inner walls clenched rhythmically at air. 
You went back to dragging your pussy across the fabric of the pillow smearing your essence all over to get as much out of the scenario as you could. Your fingers rubbed your clit harder, pushing you ever closer and closer to release. “Oh… Oh… I’m so close…” You whined, announcing your climax mere seconds before it happened. The last push you needed was looking over at Simeon and seeing him completely engrossed in what you were doing. His fingers frozen on the keyboard and his comfortable pants with a rather impressive tent in them. 
“Fuck. Simeon.” you cursed, cumming all over the pillow. Your fingers slowed their pace around your clit, rubbing your labia back and forth as you rode out the orgasm. You fell forward onto the pillows beneath you, still slowly humping them while you let the initial high pass and the afterglow set in. It wasn’t until the haze of pleasure passed that you realized you had called his name while getting off on his couch in front of him. 
Simeon swallowed hard, trying to ignore the way you called his name. Everything had gone smoothly until you had cried out for him while in the throes of your climax. He had stopped everything he was doing just mere moments before you did that; and now, he didn’t know if he had the mental capacity to continue with what he was writing. 
For once, he was tempted to throw away whatever celestial blessings he had to take you and be the real reason why you screamed his name. 
Shoving the indecent thoughts to the back of his head, he turned back to his document, writing a sentence and erasing it, repeating the action over and over again while his brain looped the beautiful image of you as you came on his couch. Now, he noticed the tightness in his pants, the obvious boner he sported as a result of such an experiment. But, he couldn’t be mad at it. He had achieved a groove in writing and he was sure he could finish the draft you needed in time.
Simeon let you rest a bit and gather yourself together on the couch. No doubt both of you were aware of the slip, but he could pretend it didn’t affect him as much as it did. Eventually, you had the courage to look back up at him, only to find him busily typing away at his computer. Sighing, and running your hand through your hair amused that he could stay so calm, you got up and started to get dressed. “So, I’m guessing moving somewhere else worked?” you asked, keeping your tone light. 
“Hmm… yes.” He agreed, half paying attention to what you were doing. He couldn’t bear to look at you while you were exposed and waited patiently until you were fully clothed until he made eye contact and spoke to you again. “I definitely got some good notes in. I’ll just need a little more time to flesh out some of the filler scenes and I’ll email you the draft in a couple of days.” 
You let out a laugh, surprised that he was able to focus on work still after what he had just witnessed. He truly was as innocent as he presented himself to be sometimes. “Alright, well. I’ll look forward to reading it.” 
“Will you be back?” he asked, looking at you with hopeful eyes. “You were so helpful, I think I might need more help for the rest of the book.” Not, like I want to see something like that again… No, I just need it for research purposes… 
“You know I’ll be back.” You laughed heartily, ruffling his hair. “I have to bother you at least once a month to make sure you’re on schedule to finish.” 
Simeon slouched into his chair and let out a soft laugh in relief. “Of course, how could I forget.” In his mind, he was already planning new scenarios for you to play out. There would be much more research to be done, and supplies to be obtained before your next visit. But, all those things could wait. For now, he closed his laptop, noticing how low on battery it had gotten.Time had slipped by him, the sun already well on its way past the horizon. “It’s getting late…” He commented, trying to change the subject to something a little safer than the masturbation session you just had in front of him. 
“Yeah… I’ll get going and let you work in peace.” In a moment of bold recklessness, you stepped forward and planted a quick kiss on his cheek. “See you next time, babe. Can’t wait to see what you’re gonna make me do for you.” you teased, giving him a coy wink before showing yourself out.
As soon as the door was firmly shut, Simeon let out a deep sigh, laughing out loud at the predicament he had put himself into. He wanted to quit everything and dissolve into the ground. He wanted to continue writing and see your body writhe in pleasure. He wanted to also defile you and sate himself inside of you. Most of all though, there was a growing darkness within him, one he didn’t even notice just yet; and that part of him craved to see you put in your place to beg for him like the god he knew he was. 
Pushing all his desires down and curbing his lust for the time being, he moved his computer back to his office and let it charge for the rest of the evening. His mind still swirled with the image of your exposed body riding that pillow in the sunroom. The early evening sunset made your body glow with an almost angelic light; and for once, he felt jealous of an inanimate object.
Quietly padding back into the sunroom, he looked at the soiled cushion; feeling a surge of heat rush through him when he saw the wet spot you had left behind. Licking his lips, he approached it like it was a wild animal, tentatively poking at it. If he closed his eyes, he could pretend to still feel your warmth lingering on the fabric. He could feel shame rising up in him as he laid down on the couch, rested his head on the pillow and took a deep breath, memorizing the scent of your arousal. 
His hand reached down between his legs, slipping past his pants and to his hard length that needed his attention. Turning his head to smother his moans and to surround himself with your unique smell, he teased and pleased himself, putting himself in the scenario you had played out just mere moments ago. 
“Oh… oh fuck…” He groaned surprised at how little effort it took to make him cum and ruin his pants to the thought of you bouncing on his cock and calling his name. He was quickly falling down the deep end of temptation and he could feel the darkness of sin encroaching. 
The scariest part was the fact that he didn’t care at all. 
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Burden of the Survivors- Chapter Two
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Burden of the Survivors
Pairing: Din Djarin x fem!reader Rating: T (at the moment- subject to change) Warnings: swearing, canon-typical violence *no spoilers- takes place in Season 1 timeline* Summary: Mando works alone- except for when the absolutely can’t. There are few people Din trusts – trusts as in he doesn’t expect a viroblade in the back the second he’s turned around. She’s one of them. Just as cautious and nearly as tight lipped about her past as he is, Din doesn’t mind her around too much. A/N: My inspiration is a fickle thing, I’ve been swinging back and forth between Shadows and BotS for a few weeks now. Finally got enough to sit down and finish this chapter, so cheers to that.
[Masterlist] [Chapter One] [Chapter Two] [Chapter Three] Cross-posted to AO3
Chapter Two
When Vero found you, you were nothing but a pickpocket on the lower-level streets of Coruscant-the byproduct of the horrors of the Clone Wars and the rise of the Empire. You were nearing sixteen and beginning to lose your touch. When you were younger-and smaller-it was easier to weave through crowds and avoid attention. Puberty and a growth spurt made it much more difficult for the teenage you to blend in. You made it work, you had to if you wanted to get by, but it took twice as much work to get folks to look the other way. Ever observant Vero caught on quick but said you had potential, just not as a street thief. The alabaster skinned theelin approached you with a job, a job that paid more than you could scrounge up in two weeks selling your stolen treasures. All you had to do was deliver a small parcel to a pilot friend of his at a docking station a few levels up without getting caught by the city guard before the pilot was scheduled to leave in two hours. It seemed easy enough and you desperately needed the credits. The last thing on your mind was what was in the package you carried. You knew better than to stick your nose where it did not belong, especially when you were getting paid. That decision changed your life.
The job was a test to see if you were capable and trustworthy enough to bring on for a real job as a runner, and you passed with flying colors. Vero took you under his wing and had you running smuggled goods and other products all over Coruscant. It was a reckless job, you knew that-even as a child-but it kept a roof over your head and food in your belly at a time in your life when you had forgotten what that was like. You were one of many street kids on Coruscant that had to turn to life in the underworld to get by, but you thank the Maker you ended up with the one crew on Coruscant that had some small sense of morals.
Vero worked for Shan Tillis, who had grown up on the streets of Corellia himself. Shan was sympathetic, smuggling had been his way out of the gutter, and he offered you that same opportunity. It had not taken long for Shan and the others to realize you were too smart and too quick on your feet to just move goods, that you and your brain could be used elsewhere. So, they taught you. Kom and Redarr, Shan’s lead muscle heads, taught you how to fight and how to fight dirty. Sola bought you your first proper viroblade (you’d nicked one years ago but it was made for hands much larger than yours so you’d always been rather clumsy with it) and taught you every trick in the book she knew, every weak spot on the body, how to wound but not kill and where to bleed someone out the fastest. Her lessons were always your favorite. Tala taught you how to pilot every kind of ship you could get your hands on, and how to hotwire a landspeeder- Vero was not thrilled when he discovered that lesson had been performed on his precious baby.
Everything that made you into the infamous bounty hunter you were now had been taught to you by that crew. Every cautious tick had been drilled into you by Kom and Vero. Redarr had schooled you on blasters, made you practice in-between jobs on how to take them apart and put them back together with your eyes closed. Zena taught you how to read people and how to know when a deal was about to go south.
Shan imparted you with the most practical wisdom of them all. How to know when you’re fucked.
This job seems pretty fucked to you.
The Mandalorian is silent as the two of you settle on the ridge above the compound. Scope out, he looks over the cluster of buildings. Even from a distance you’ve already counted ten nikto out and about, and you can safely assume they’re all heavily armed.
You tighten the various straps and holsters on your person before slipping your tactical mask into place. The contraption covers the lower half of your face and has always been more for the intimidation factor than much else. Redarr had gifted it to you all those years ago as more of joke than practical gear but you’d grown attached. Between the mask and its voice modulator, your hood and dark, nondescript clothes you could remained relatively anonymous when you wanted to, which was most of the time.
“If we come along the east side I think I can make it up to the roof without being seen, provide you with a little more cover.” You did always prefer the higher ground.
Mando nods, continuing to scan the scene, “there’s two on the northwest corner you’ll have to manage.”
Your scoff crackles through the modulator, “they won’t be an issue.”
He grunts before his head snaps back towards the edge of the compound, “shit. Bounty droid.”
“You’ve got to be kidding me.” You whip out your own scope, focusing in on where Mando was watching. Sure enough, you spot an IG unit bounty droid making its way up to the group of nikto lingering outside.
“Subparagraph 16 of the Bondsman Guild Protocol Waiver compels you to immediately produce said asset.”
You roll your eyes as the shooting starts. Droids had to have figured out by now it was never that easy. If it was, anyone with a blaster could join the guild.
The droid has a handle on the gunfight, but you groan as you watch the compound go into lockdown, all the blast doors slam shut before the last shot is fired.
“Droids.” Mando snaps as he stands, one hand clenched around the hilt of a blaster.
You jump up, following behind him. Again, with the acting first, thinking second.
As you approach the encampment Mando jerks his head up, “you take the topside.”
You scramble up the side of the building with relative ease, there are plenty of odd pipes and vents that make convenient grips as you haul yourself and up over the lip of the roof. When the droid had ruined any chance at a surprise attack, you’d lost sight of the two guards on the roof. You keep your rifle aimed in their last known direction as you settle onto your stomach, ready to cover Mando as needed.
“Subparagraph 16 of the Bondsman Guild Protocol Waiver compels you to immediately produce said asset,” the droid repeats.
Maker they really have no learning curve.
“IG unit! Stand down!”
The bounty droid has split second reaction times, shooting at what you can safely assume is Mando when he groans from somewhere down below and out of view. “We’re in the Guild!”
“So I suggest you stand down before you take a bolt to the brains, droid.”
Your quip draws the droid’s attention to your vantage point on the roof.
“You are Guild members? I thought I was the only one on assignment.”
“That makes two of us,” Mando grumbles. “So much for the element of surprise.”
That was a kriffing understatement.
“Sadly, I must ask for your fob. I have already issued the writ of seizure. The bounty is mine.”
“Unless I’m mistaken, you are, as of yet, empty-handed.”
“This is true.”
You have to restrain your eye rolling to keep monitoring the roofline.
“I have a suggestion.”
“We split the reward.”
How many people was he going to offer to share your credits with? This was beginning to get out of hand.
“This is acceptable.”
Well considering how much Mando hated droid he at least knew how to manage them considerably well.
“Great. Now let’s regroup, out of harm’s way, and form a plan.”
You were sorely doubting that the droid was capable of forming a decent plan or following whatever you and Mando came up with, but it was worth a shot considering the situation had become even more fucked thanks to him.
“I will of course receive the reputation merits associated with the mission.”
“Is this really the time?” You shout down at the pair.
Mando seems to have the same idea, “can we talk about this later?”
“I require an answer if I am to proceed-”
An orange head pops into view on the roof across from you, “we’ve got company!”
The nikto takes a shot at the droid, “oh, no. Alert. Alert. Alert.”
Whole lot of help this one was. You land a headshot just as the doors of the compound slide open, more soldiers swarming out, blasters drawn.
“Let’s go!” Mando dives for cover and the droid follows after.
Your spot affords you a decent line of sight into the courtyard but there’s more of them then you thought there would be out in the middle of nowhere guarding who knows what you were after. It takes you picking off three of them before they realize you’re shooting at them from above. There’s a flurry of shouting and pointing in your direction and Mando makes a run for the main set of blast doors at the back of the courtyard. You were going to have friends on the roof soon. Lucky you.
Rolling back you jump to your feet, taking a couple pot shots into the courtyard as you make for the far end of the roof. The droid is a decent shot, covering Mando’s mad dash while you focus on the nikto popping up across the roof. One hauls himself over the edge to your left, making a swipe at yours leg with his blaster. The loud crunch of your boot to his skull cuts through the blaster fire around you as the body falls into courtyard. Gross. Two more appear out of thin air, their shots barely missing your head. Losing your blaster you duck and roll, knocking both over as you draw a viroblade from your thigh holster. Neither have time to react before you’re on them, each taking one clean slice to the neck.
Mando and the IG unit have made it to the main door as you duck behind some ventilation equipment at the northwest corner of the building. You appear to have control of the roof for now, but you can see the soldiers in the courtyard beginning to regroup. They have Mando and the bounty droid pinned. Shit. You can hear Mando’s modulated shouts from below but you can’t quite make out what he’s going on about. Hopefully he’s chewing out the dumbass droid who go you into this mess.
The IG unit steps out again, laying out a spread of blaster fire that doesn’t seem to do much. The nikto have plenty of coverage behind debris and the series of pillars lining the courtyard. Their numbers also seem to be steadily growing. Just how many of them were set up out here? Who needed this many bodyguards? It was nearly a small army. The IG unit cannot keep up with the incoming blaster fire, even with your help from above.
Your stomach drops as you catch sight of another incoming nikto on a hover blaster at the encampment entrance. You were all fucked. All you can do is hope Mando’s found good cover down there as you drop to your stomach, bracing behind the ventilation unit. The nikto lets it rip, covering the area with a spray of bolts. Most sound like they’re striking below you, focused on where you assume Mando and the droid are hiding.
Then as suddenly as it started the gun stops. Poking your head out you watch as the nikto is flung backwards and Mando yanks the blaster to him. You thank the Maker for whatever good fortune he earned for that to work. It takes only moments for Mando to swing the blaster around and mow down the rest of the small army.
“Well done,” the IG unit cuts through the eerie silence following the blaster fire. “I will disengage self-destruct initiative.”
“Wait, you guys can self-destruct?” Seemed a bit counterintuitive.
Mando’s visor snaps to where you’re hanging over the edge of the roof, looking for a spot to climb down. He wordlessly offers you a hand and you toss your pack and blaster down to him. Its not too high up so you simply ease over the edge and drop to the ground, ignoring the harsh jolt to your knees.
“Manufactures protocol dictates I cannot be captured; thus I have a self-destruct initiative.”
So the droid could have killed you all if had deemed the situation too risky. Great. You’re glad you hadn’t been aware of that during the shootout.
Mando helps the droid back to its feet. “You know, you’re not so bad. For a droid.”
Had hell frozen over? Mando was as droid adverse as they got, and now he was complimenting one? The universe must be ending.
“That blaster hit looks nasty. You okay?”
“Running a quick diagnostic… it has missed my central wiring harness.”
“Is that good?”
Mando glances back to you, “good?”
“Never better,” you grin. This could have gone significantly worse, so you had no room to complain at the moment.
“Well, now we just need to get the door open.”
The way Mando’s helmet whips back to the large blaster makes you groan. There were easier, less messy ways to go about things. You don’t attempt to talk the hunter out of it, he most likely wouldn’t listen to you anyways. It almost looks like he has fun shooting out the blast door until in collapses inwards.
You all take tentative steps inside the compound. One head appears around a far corner to the right. Mando’s quick draw has him downed before anyone blinks. “Anyone else?”
As if any survivors were going to offer themselves up to be shot.
“I’ll clear the west side,” you offer and Mando nods before heading off with the bounty droid in the opposite direction.
An unnerving silence settles over you as you stalk down the halls of the mysterious compound. The small army camped here had been prepared and well supplied. There are crates upon crates of food stuffs, weapons and ammunition. Some places are nearly packed floor to ceiling with it. What exactly was going on out here? How did they get all this out here in the middle of nowhere?
You worry your necklace pendant with one hand, an unconscious gesture you have yet to train yourself out of. Something was not right about this job, or at least more than normal. Over the years your own morals had morphed to accommodate your line of work. You worked for the guild and were often paid by unsavory individuals, but that was what you did to survive, and you refused to let that get to you. This however was picking at an old wound, long forgotten.
Another shot echoes through the compound and you find yourself racing back towards Mando and the droid, blaster held at the ready. Swinging around a corner you find Mando standing over a small floating pod, the bounty droid smoking out of its “head” on the floor. Maybe he didn’t want to split the bounty after all.
“Mando?” Your voice seems to cut through whatever trance the hunter was under, head snapping back towards you. “What happened?”
His shoulders drop, the tension seeming to fall away at your appearance. “He was going to kill the bounty.”
“I thought you said the client specified they wanted it alive if at all possible.”
Mando nods, “they did say that.”
That gnawing sense of dreads returns. Stepping up next to Mando you glance down into the pod-which appears to be functioning as some kind of traveling pram-and are greeted with wide dark eyes and pointy green ears.
Oh Maker no…
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Imaginary (Jumin x MC)
Chapter one here!
(Also to explain something! Both Bada and Eun are random characters I made up, I like to think that the island was already inhabited by some people, and that Jumin’s father bought part of it, in Saeran’s Normal End, he and MC talk about how the locals are all nice and stuff, so I wanted to add something like this here :D, OH AND! These are the sort of edited chapters, I will post the fully edited ones in AO3!)
AND feedback is greatly appreciated! Sorry if this one was kinda short! Next chapter we WILL get some cute kiddo Jumin, I promise :P
Chapter 2
In the end you weren’t able to find the ghost. That week your mother had been leaving you with heavy amounts of homework, and you hadn’t been able to go outside since by the time you finished it was always too dark, and your mother was home. You were also tired from the amount of history dates and math formulas you had to learn. Your mother wasn’t going to let you fall behind all of your classmates, but she also took it a bit too far and made you study things that even they hadn’t even seen yet.
Thus, your search for the ghost was cancelled. You weren’t able to see Bada and Eun either, which sucked since their food was so delicious last time, and you really wanted some more. In the meantime though, you spent your days reading about ghosts, and how to capture them or see them.
You wanted so badly to find the ghost! But you didn’t have the time. The thing that made it worse was that you were sure there was someone there, you always saw a small shadow by the windows, but as soon as you tried to get closer, it disappeared.
One night, you laid in your bed, unable to sleep and thinking about the ghost. It was about 11pm, your mother was already sleeping and you were sure everyone on the island was too. It made you feel weird, thinking that maybe you were the only one awake. Still, you decided to do something.
Soemthing reckless.
Slowly, very, very slowly, you got out of your bed and put on some shoes that you had in your closet. Then, you grabbed your favorite sweater, and gently opened the sliding door in your room, that led to a little porch. You tiptoed and went down the stairs, quickly running towards the enormous mansion. It was way closer than you had actually thought, and you saw a fence that probably led to the backyard. The fence was tall, no way you could’ve climbed that thing.
But that wasn’t going to stop you.
Somehow you managed to get on top of the fence. It was pretty tall, but you found that if you climbed a tree, and then jumped off from there to the fence, maybe it could work.
It- it didn’t.
Well it did, but you landed on your face and you tried your best to hold back a cry. Still, not wanting to give up, you slowly stood up and walked into the garden.
You were trembling, afraid of the dark, and you were about to reach for your flashlight when you realized...that you hadn’t brought your flashlight.
Welp, you’re dead now, I guess.
You mentally slapped yourself and gulped. There was no one around, and who knows when an opportunity like this might come again? But at the same time, it was way too dark, and you were going to be looking for ghosts. That was way too scary, especially without a flashlight. Then, an idea popped into your head. How about, you go running to your house, quickly grab the flashlight and then come back? You were pretty fast, and you were sure the ghosts couldn’t have noticed your presence yet.
You quickly turned around to go, open the fence door and race to your home, when you heard some footsteps behind you. And you froze.
“Who are you?” A voice said. It sounded like it belonged to a boy, but you didn’t want to find out if that was true or not, and you didn’t even turn around as you let out a small scream. You quickly ran towards the door, struggling a bit to open it.
Fuck it was stuck.
You pushed and pushed, the sound of footsteps coming closer towards you, and a different deeper voice coming from inside the house. Finally, the door bulged and opened, and you took your chance to run away. You didn’t stop until you were safe, under your covers and with all your plushies surrounding you.
That was scary as fuck.
You weren’t able to sleep that night.
When your mother woke you up at 6am, you stared up groggily at her, and she scolded you about staying up late, and that no matter how tired you were, she wanted to see all your work done when she came home.
You of course, decided to leave at lunch time to go and talk with Eun and Bada. You hadn’t seen them in a while and you were actually pretty hungry, the only thing that your mother had left you was another container filled with spaghetti and you were honestly tired of eating it for both lunch and dinner four days in a row.
So, you took your leave and followed the little path towards the village, this time stopping to admire the whole place. The village was up on some mountains, so you were able to see the sea from up above. You could see some men in boats, carrying heavy bags filled with fish, and women with scuba diving equipment coming out of the water. Then, when you looked up towards the other mountain, you saw what looked like a temple. It was red and huge, and you made a mental note to ask both Eun and Bada about it.
Finally, you made it to their house, and you were about to knock on the door, when Bada suddenly opened it.
She was going to say something when she looked down at you and you gave her a big smile.
“Well look who’s back! If it isn’t our little explorer. Found anything interesting these past few days?” She asked, as she motioned for you to come inside. You replied to Bada that, yes you had actually found some very interesting things, but before she could reply Eun came out from the shower, her hair dripping wet, and singing some really catchy song in another language. Then she stopped, looked at you and squealed, running over and giving you a tight hug.
“Hey Y/N! How’s your little ghost adventure going? Come come, we were about to have some lunch, you came at the perfect time! Oh sir here! And tell me everything about it, I don’t want you to skip over any detail.” She gently shoved you into a chair and then gave you a plate full of some Korean dish you didn’t really know the name of, but looked absolutely delicious.
As the two women sat down in front of you, you explained your adventure with the ghost yesterday.
“There was really someone there! He even talked to me!” You said.
Eun raised and eyebrow and gave you a quizzical smile. “Really? Do you have any proof?”
You quickly stopped and became quiet. Dammit!
“I...I don’t have any yet! But, there really was someone there! Seriously! I just...I forgot to bring my camera....” you confessed.
“Well there you go! You need evidence if you want to convince us you know?”
“You mean convince you. I believe in ghost and I think it’s probable that Y/N saw one.” Badda said, as she glared at Eun.
“Ah Bada seriously! Listen kiddo, I will admit that ghosts are real if I actually get to see one. If you manage to give me evidence I’ll believe you, but for now you don’t have any proof.”
“I will get some! You’ll see!” You confidently said.
The rest of the evening passed by quickly, as Bada explained about the temple up in the mountain. Appears you it was a temple that was able to grant each person one wish.
After wards you thanked them for the food and then you quickly looked at your watch and let out a little yelp. “Oops! I have to go now! Thank you for the food, it was great!”
“Wait Y/N, what about my book? Have you-”
“BYE BADA!” You quickly said and left the house in a hurry before Bada could finish her sentence.
You could hear her grumbling and Eun laughing from the other side of the door and you smiled.
You were going to get that evidence!
You quickly went home, and then started working on your homework.
That day, as you stared at your blank notebook while sitting on your desk, you went through the events that had happened last night.
There was certainly a ghost there, maybe even two, since you had heard two people talking. The ghost knew you were already there though, and that would make things hard. So you decided to make up a plan to show Eun and Bada that you were telling the truth. You quickly grabbed your pencil and took off a blank page from your notebook.
Ghost hunting plan:
You wrote, and then you bit the end of your pencil as you thought about what to do.
First of all, you had to bring a flashlight. That was one of the things that was the most important. You weren’t going to deal with two ghosts, in the dark.
Second, you had to bring your camera. That was on the top of the priority list too, since you did need it to take a picture of the ghost.
Still...you were pretty shaken up from yesterday and you didn’t want to be completely alone.
What if you brought one of your favorite toys? No that would make the whole process of climbing the fence harder....and if you were to bring something else, it definetly had to be that book about ghosts. Somewhere in there had to be some sort of ritual or spell or something, that would protect you from ghosts. So you decided to bring it!
And hell, to do it that same night!
Satisfied with your plan, and now a bit more confident with everything, you started doing the homework you mother had left you. Normally you would leave it and do it at the last moment, but today you were inspired and you had to have everything ready for the ghost hunting trip!
When your mother came home she immediatly went to bed, taking your work and locking her door. You then did your normal bedtime routine, washing the dishes, brushing your teeth and taking a warm shower. But then, instead of going to sleep, you sat on your bed with the book in your hands, and you counted down till your mother was asleep.
It was about 10pm, you could hear your mother snoring al the way from her room, and you slowly stood up and grabbed your sweater, some sneakers, the flashlight, the camera and the book. Of course you couldn’t hold everything at once, so the book was in a tiny backpack, and the camera was hanging from your neck. Alright! You were now ready!
Slowly, you opened the sliding doors, and tiptoed out of the porch. You turned on your flashlight and began walking towards the mansion, your camera ready. The lens cap protector thing, was off, and you had night vision on, so you were pretty good!
You finally made it towards the fence, and managed to climb it, this time without falling flat on your face. You gave a little victory dance as you looked around the garden.
It was...really beautiful.
The garden was filled with all kinds of flowers, purple, yellow, red, blue, and there were the bushes you had always heard about! One was in the shape of an elephant, the other one was in the shape of a horse and on and on. In the center of the garden, there was a huge fountain, that was turned off at the moment, which was a bit disappointing. There was also a stone path, that went all around the garden and then probably led somewhere inside the house.
You stood there for a bit, admiring the view. Yesterday was so dark, and you were so scared that you hadn’t been able to see anything. But tonight the moon was out, shining brightly and illuminating everything in front of you. It was beautiful.
Then, you heard some footsteps, and you quickly hid behind a bush. That’s right, you were here looking for a ghost, not to gape at that wonderful garden!
Dammit Y/N, pull yourself together! You thought, as you tried to figure out where the footsteps were coming from. You cowered a bit as they came closer and closer, almost in front of you. You slowly peeked from behind the bush, and saw a silhouette.
A boys silhouette to be more precise. He looked to be around your age, and he was wearing blue stripped pijamas, his hair all messy on top of his head. It was clear he had just woken up, and was looking for something...or for someone.
Drat! You thought. The ghost of the little boy already knew you were going to come back again! Maybe you should have waited a few days before coming back, but you were just so impatient.
Anyway, you had to make up a plan. You had left the fence door open in case you needed to make an impromptu escape, and you gave yourself a pat in the back for thinking that far ahead. What you had to do now, was to take a picture of the ghost. Slowly, very,very slowly you raised your camera to get a picture of the ghost.
He had his back to you, the moonlight shining behind him, giving him a very paranormal aura. Still, for some reason the lense wouldn’t focus, so you decided to move forward a bit to get a better look. Sadly, you miscalculated and you accidentally stepped on a dry leaf, making the ghost turn around in your direction, his face filled with worry but at the same time, confidence.
Then you stopped.
Damn he was cute.
You hadn’t seen his face till now, and you were taken aback by it. He was definetly a very good looking boy, one the girls in your class might go all crazy about. Never in your life had you felt something like you were feeling now. Could it be....love at first sight?
No! He’s a ghost, I can’t fall in love with a ghost, how would that even work?! You scolded yourself. Still, you didn’t stop your staring at the boy. Thankfully he hadn’t seemed to notice you were there, and before you could even think about it, you pressed the camera button and a loud CLICK was heard through the bushes.
And then a bright light came on.
You forgot to turn off the flash.
The boy let out a surprised gasp, and called out, but before he could once again catch you, you quickly got up and ran away from the place. You heard the footsteps following behind you, but you were faster and a few minutes later you didn’t hear anything else, and you slowed your pace.
That was close.
You triumphantly smiled as you looked through the pictures on your camera. Granted they weren’t super high quality, but you could make out the boys silhouette.
Hehe, now to become a millionaire! You celebrated. You sneaked back into your room and placed your camera and flashlight on your desk. Then you were going to grab your paranormal book from your backpack when...you didn’t find anything.
You turned your backpack upside down and staked it as hard as possible, but still nothing would come out.
Bada’s book.
Oh no.
Oh no.
If Bada found out you lost her book, you wouldn’t be able to have lunch at her home ever again! And you would loose the only...friends (?) you had in this island. You couldn’t allow that! You always had to return what you borrowed, that was one thing your mother would always say, and this time she was right! After all, Bada lent you soemthing really important to her, and you couldn’t bear to think about coming back to her home empty handed.
Still...you weren’t going to go back into the house. It was way to dark now, you were sleepy and you were sure the ghost was porbably waiting in the garden, somewhere.
What to do, what to do? You asked yourself as you put on your pijamas and laid in bed.
It must have fallen off somewhere along the way, you thought, so maybe you wouldn’t have to go into the garden after all.
Then you got it!
What if, tomorrow morning you went into the garden? There weren’t going to be any ghosts since it was daytime, you reasoned, and it would be way easier to find the book. After all, there would be no one around the mansion to scold you, or to tell you to leave! It was the perfect plan!
You tucked yourself into bed and looked up confidently at the ceiling. You were going to get that book!
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Limerence [M] ︳33
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Pairing: Zuko x OC
Genre: Romance, mainly fluff with future smut, and if you squint hard enough - you’ll find some angst.
Rating: SFW
Words: 18300+
Notes: I’m finally finished! Thank you guys for being so patient with me - I can’t even begin to express my gratitude. I feel horrible for making you guys wait so long - so I’ll cut to the chase and tell you the good news! Due to the corona virus - my summer courses have been cancelled, so I’m no longer graduating this summer (no, this isn’t the good news) - but because of this, that means your beech gets to update more often! So I plan on dropping an update schedule for all my stories, and my goal is to update every week (alternating stories).
Next - I got an Ao3 account! A lot of people asked me to make one, so I did. I’m going to take this week to edit Limerence (the first few chapters min.) before posting my work on there. But now Tumblr and Ao3 will contain all Explicit chapters of Limerence! 
The next fun bit of news is the next update you’ll receive will be a double update for Limerence! I was going to end this chapter a bit differently, but my friends pointed out a few things - and they convinced me others wise. Because of that, I’m planning on doing a double update. I can’t go too in-depth with it without spoiling, but at least you guys have that to look forward to!
But regardless, please stay healthy and safe! Love you tons, take care~!
Masterlist ︳32 ︳ 34
❤ Buy me a coffee? ❤
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Limerence: (English/n.) the state of being infatuated with another person.
The moment their eyes locked they knew - the flames within him twisted while the water within her turned. It was a connection, a connection that would lead to love, adventure, and drama.
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(Latin/n.) Someone who fakes or forces a smile when all they want to do is cry, disappear, or die.
~ Ying Yue Jiang ~
           There it laid, in my hands, glistening under the sunlight, the black onyx seemingly glowing. The dragon that was painted in gold looked beyond realistic; the red ruby protectively held in its grasp. The golden paint held pink reflections in the scales, each claw wrapped around the gem as if it were a newborn child – protecting it with its life.
           My finger trailed down the soulful image, feeling every ridge and divot engraved in the emblem. Anyone could feel the love, the power, in the illustration – how awe-inspiring it was. But I found myself stilling, the words engraved at the very bottom of the heavy seal mocking me.
           Imperial Consort of the Fire Lord.
           It was like a vice grip; someone squeezing my heart and causing my body to tremble. Since my official debut, and receiving this seal, I hadn’t once touched it. I was keeping it locked in my drawer for safekeeping. This mere chuck of mineral, the symbolism behind it, was beyond royal Fire Nation customs. My truest feelings…
           I could remember the butterflies in my stomach, the silly smile I bore as I took my oath that day. Zuko was delicately smudging the red paint on my forehead, the mark of the consort. A weak smile emerged on my face. Gosh, how flushed Zuko, and I was that day. Me unable to contain my nerves as we stood in front of thousands – declaring our devotion to each other.
           I already loved Zuko at that point; I was just too shy to tell him. Being near him, seeing Zuko happy and spending time with me was good enough. That day, I may have been nervous, but I was delighted - the happiest I had been in years.
           The seal slipped from my grip, falling onto the bed. My shoulder’s slumped, feet dangling over the edge, hands covering my face.
           I was selfish.
           I could still recall the way Zuko thrashed, his face twisted in pain, eyes teary as he clawed at his throat in desperation. I could feel the pain he was in, the fear, utterly helpless – a look I’ve only seen once, and that was when we were facing Yakone.
           Zuko was dying, right before my eyes, and I couldn’t deal with it.
           Everything happened so fast, and I could feel my hands starting to tremble. The image was still far too vivid, too fresh. I almost lost Zuko – no.
           I did lose him.
           “Yue…” a tender voice whispered out, a tone that could only belong to Aang. I swallowed back a sob, letting my hands fall from my face, trying to wipe all evidence that I was crying. Too weak to lift my head, my hands laid on my lap.
           Aang’s footsteps were soundless, and I could already visualize the way he was cleverly studying my sitting figure, trying urgently to read my mood. “Katara told me that Zuko is going to be okay; she induced him into a deep slumber to speed up his recovery, but…you saved him.” Aang spoke, and I noticed how clear his voice sounded, he was closer.
            “Thank you…” I muffled softly, running an unsteady hand through my tangled locks.
           Not even thirty minutes passed since everything went down, I hadn’t had time to change or clean my appearance, besides wiping my blood-stained fingertips. My hair fell in front of my face again, and I used the opportunity to wipe the rogue tear. I’m a complete disaster.
           “Yue…” Aang worried, but this time I felt his cool touch.
           His fingers caressed my face, tilting my head upwards to meet his sincere gaze. He was kneeling in front of me, the floor cleared of all the shards that once littered the bedroom floor. His face was pale, eyes round as he considered my figure. I saw the way his lips twitched, eyes shifting back and forth, trying to think of the right words.
           What to say, what to think, what to do.
           But what more could Aang say?
           What could be said about everything that managed to transpire in the last half hour that hasn’t been thought of already? My heart fastened in pace, mind spinning with the unknown. Why was the tea poisoned, who poisoned the drink– As if Aang could read my mind, a long exhale escaped him, pressing his forehead against mine.
           “I’m so sorry, Yue,” Aang breathed, his voice fragile – defeated.
           My bottom lip trembled, hearing the ache in Aang’s voice, his touch moving up my face so his thumbs could rub my temples. My body limped under his tender touches, head falling into his shoulder – a soundless cry leaving my lips.
           It was like he let loose to all of my thoughts, everything that tortured my mind manifesting into tears. I’m lost. I clawed at Aang’s mustard coloured robes, desperately seeking air. Every sharp gasp seemed to feed into the shivers, the anxieties and insecurities that haunted my mind, growing and swarming.
           Aang embraced my hunched body, bringing me closer to his own. “I-it’s my fault, Aang.” I sniffled, confessing the very thing that seemed to devour me. Aang cooed into my hair, his face pressed against my chaotic locks. “That’s not true, Yue-” he insisted, but I refuted his claim.
           “T-that tea was meant for me. If-if I had drunk it, if I had stopped Zuko-”
           “That would’ve been worse. You could save Zuko, but the reverse can’t happen.”
           “You don’t get it, Aang.” I wept, cowering away in frustration, to face him. His eyes were red and glossy as he stared back at me intently, mirroring the same pained expression that I wore.
           “You-you didn’t see the look on Zuko’s face. The moment he realized what I am.” I choked, struggling to string the words together. I wasn’t crying cause Zuko got hurt. Gosh, Zuko’s been through the spirit world and back – he knew pain.
           The tears that decorated my rose-coloured cheeks, they were tears of mourning.
           I may have saved Zuko, physically – but I lost him emotionally, mentally, symbolically. How could Zuko look at me, let alone love me? I was a monster – the very thing everyone was trying so hard to rid of.
           “You’re still you, Yue. Words can’t even begin to describe how much Zuko cares for you. How important you are to him, to us.” Aang blew, bringing me back to his shoulder to snuggle. I could feel his clothes dampening, but he didn’t complain once, preoccupied with easing my choked cries.
           I snivelled, pressing my eyes shut to stop the tears from overflowing - if only it were that easy. What about everybody else – Katara, Sokka, Suki, Toph? What are they going to think knowing what kind of monster I am? The words they lashed out the other day, they meant it, each and every word. It was only a matter of time they figured out what happened, what I had done if they hadn’t learned already.
           A Bloodbender – that is what I am, and there’s no running away from it anymore.
           Aang continued to rock me back and forth, dragging me out of the pits of my darkest thoughts, pulse slowing. He was buzzing softly as we swayed, feeling his lips sweeping my head. I found my body lazing in his embrace, nestling my head deeper in the crook of his neck.
           It was nothing like Zuko’s embrace, the sweet tune he often sung during our highs and lows. I bit my tongue to stop the wave of nostalgia from overwhelming me. I want Zuko, that’s all I want.
           I want us to be back in bed, laughing at our silly jokes, even if it meant accepting that terrible rate of two kisses per half hour.
           I snickered bitterly at the mere thought of our pointless banter from this morning. The banter that always rose whenever Zuko and I were left alone to our own devices. Meaningless talk that always had me bursting from happiness at the way Zuko managed to tease me mercilessly, a constant blush to paint my cheeks. The way he holds me close to his chest, our limbs intertwined – like two puzzle pieces coming together.
           Aang leaned back slightly, started by the sudden giggle.
           “What’s so funny?” He mumbled, and I drew away, wiping a tear with the back of my hand. Aang watched a tear escape my effort, the drop rolling down my stained cheeks. Without thinking twice, he tugged on his sleeve to dry it. “T-this morning.” I hiccuped, shaking my head with a sad smile, recalling the romantic moment that just took place.
           “Zuko said that I owe him two kisses per half-hour every time he keeps me warm.” I snorted, my gaze dropping to my lap, fingers twirling. “I-I told him no way, but now-but now I want nothing more but to give him those two kisses plus more.”
           Aang smiled sympathetically, hearing my confession, cupping my hands and bringing them to his chest. It was then I noticed how my hands trembled and the heat that Aang was radiating. It was nothing like the heat from Zuko, his natural, the fire within him.
           But regardless, feeling the warmth from Aang’s palms, spreading towards my own, had me mewling in delight. I was freezing, so used to having Zuko by my side, stealing his warmth like how Momo clung onto Appa for dear life. How did I survive in the Southern Water Tribe as long as I did without Zuko to warm me up?
           “I know I’m no Zuko…I don’t have the hard rock abs or long hair, or overall cranky attitude.” Aang spoke light-heartedly, testing the waters. And despite the tense mood, I couldn’t help but giggle at Aang’s words, a genuine giggle.
           Aang’s small smile shifted to a greater one knowing he enticed a laugh from me, letting his fingers intertwine with mine, placing them over his heart. “I’ll never be Zuko, Yue; no one could replace him. But he did teach me how to conduct heat, just in case, I have to warm you up for him whenever he can’t be beside you. Because trust me, Yue. There’s nowhere else Zuko would rather be than by your side.”
           A shy blush rose to my cheeks, hearing Aang say some of the sweetest yet cheesiest lines to date. Lines that only Zuko could manage to make somewhat non-cringe-able. But that was the magic of Aang; he always managed to change the mood in a flash.
           Wearing his emotions on his sleeves, Aang was never afraid to put himself in other people’s shoes, experience their pain, and empathize. This is why he’s the Avatar, and Katara is beyond lucky to land someone as sensitive and considerate as Aang.
           “Thank you, Aang…I-I-you accepted me the moment you saw me. You gave me a home, friends, a family. I owe you everything.” I said, voice cracking because it was true. If it weren’t for that faithful day, saving Aang, him insisting on a meal – I would've never been where I was now.
           But Aang merely shrugged his shoulders, letting my hands drop to my lap. “I lost my family, my Nation…I know how it feels to be alone. If it weren’t for Katara and Sokka, I don’t think I would’ve been able to grow, but now I have a place to call home.”
           “…Katara is home for you, isn’t she?” I timidly mumbled, and Aang smiled.
           “She’s my world.”
           “Zuko…he’s my home…but between you and me, he’s my universe.” I twinkled softly, and Aang chuckled. “You really had to try and one-up me?” he teased, his hand briefly scratching the top of my head.
           “I learned that from Sokka.” I peeped, a bit of playfulness arising from within me despite the melancholy that ran through my veins. “Of course, Sokka taught you that, make sure Katara doesn’t find out.” Aang muttered under his breath, trying to sound annoyed, but those were emotions seemingly foreign to Aang. He patted my head once more before dropping his touch.
           Our soft laughs died down, Aang letting his fingers trace over my own delicately as we sat in silence. Mimicking the way I usually outlined the natural lines or scars the littered Zuko’s palms and arms. Zuko…
           Zuko is okay; he’s in safe hands with Katara…and while I don’t know what was going to happen to us, I could get answers for something else. “Aang…umm…what did-what did the others say about, you know.” I whispered, shifting my gaze back to him.
           Aang’s easy-going expression flattered for a moment, letting out a conflicted sigh as he rubbed the back of his head. I spotted the look on his face, the same look when he was unsure as to what to say when he first entered. “It’s a …complicated.” He started, and I rose a brow at his words, not the words I was expecting to hear, let alone from him.
           “What does that mean, Aang?” I implored, clenching his hand anxiously. Aang’s mouth opened and closed, another great lament escaping him, fighting with himself. He doesn’t know whether or not he should spill.
           “Don’t worry about it, Yue. You have so much on your plate already-.”
           “But I do worry, Aang. I need to know. I’m tired of being left in the dark because people think I can’t handle the truth.” I pressured, and the look in my eyes must have spoken wonders because Aang broke.
           He pulled from my grip, scratching behind his head once again, a look of shame etched in his face. “I told them the truth. I told them that you used Waterbending to save Zuko.” Aang mumbled under his breath, his words nearly blending at how soft-spoken he was. My eyes narrowed, tilting my head in confusion. Told them…the truth?
           And that’s when it clicked.
           “You lied to them.” I gasped.
           “No, I told them the truth. Bloodbending is a form of Waterbending, is it not?” Aang stubbornly insisted, but even I spotted the doubt in his words. He didn’t even fully believe what he was saying to me. He sounded just like me, lying to himself about the truth – trying to convince himself more than me.
           I glowered, shaking my head as I twisted my fingers, “Omitting the truth is just another way of lying,”
           “But it keeps you safe.”
           I snorted, “They couldn’t possibly believe that, Aang. Waterbending wouldn’t have been enough to save Zuko. Katara should’ve figured that out by now-”
           “It’s easy to lie to the people who trust you the most.”
           It felt as if someone was twisting my stomach from the inside out – Aang doesn’t lie.
           Aang always tells the truth, but for me – he lied to everyone.
           My head hung low, biting my lips as I squeezed my eyes shut.“I’m so sorry, Aang-” I whimpered, the heaviness of the situation hitting me like a ton of bricks. He lied to not only his friends but the love of his life for me.
           He took advantage of Katara’s trust – all because of me.
           I was not only causing pain upon Zuko but now the people who I viewed as family.
           Aang cupped my face, forcing our gazes to meet. My amber coloured eyes met with his chocolate ones – a tenderness rooted deep in the stare. I found myself in utter awe, because despite it all, Aang still bore an amiable smile, dismissing my apologies with ease. “Some things must be done, and I know, in the long run, this is for the better.”
           I sniffled, “I trust you, Aang.”
           “Sokka, Suki, and Toph are working with the guards to figure out who did this to Zuko. We’re going to get through this together.”
           “Aang…what if-what if Zuko doesn’t forgive me?” I trembled.
           Just the thought of Zuko in the infirmary, hurt and in pain – at the mercy of the nurses and Katara made me feel sick. But the idea of this being the end of us after everything because of my greed. Because of my inability to be honest with Zuko took the cake.
           If only I were stronger if only I weren’t broken and a monster-
           Aang’s expression softened, ready to coddle me back to his chest, “Zuko loves you, Yue. Please don’t blame yourself-”
           A loud knock interpreted Aang’s speech, both us jumping at the noise.
           Whoever it was didn’t stop with a single blow, no – they were hasty and non-stop. Someone desperately wanted in. Who could it be? A guard, a maid? Aang tapped my cheeks appreciatively before rising to his feet.
           “I’ll get it.” He muttered, but I couldn’t help but notice how it failed to reach his eyes.
           There was a stiffness in Aang’s usual airy steps, much like when Toph used her seismic senses to feel. Aang wasn’t expecting anyone…he’s being cautious. I found my back straightening, brushing my hair as I observed the way Aang eased his way to the doors, the knocking lingering.
           His hand gripped the handle, leaning towards the entry and jarring it just a crack. My curiosity grew, slanting forward to see or catchword of who was so enthusiastically rapping away. Aang’s head popped out the room, and his body relaxed instantly, a surprised squeak leaving him.
           “Ursa-” Aang spoke, and I froze in my spot.
           Zuko’s mom?
           No-no-no-no- Ursa’s going to hate me, tear me to shreds-
           My face paled, eyes unable to stop staring at how Aang stepped back into the room, his lips moving as he spoke. It was as if everything was happening in slow-motion. Aang opening the door wide with a smile, the commotion of outside out of mind.
           All I could focus on was the rush of red that entered.
           My nails dug into my thighs, wincing at the impending fury Ursa was undoubtedly about to unleash upon me. It’s my fault, my fault-
           “Where is she?” Ursa gasped, urgency lingering in her words. Her voice sounded winded like she ran here with all her might. My eyes widen, hearing her, unable to utter a word as I studied Ursa. She looked frightened, her face white, body quivering.
           I’ve never seen Ursa look anything less than put-together, the definition of royalty and beauty.
           She was a kind woman, with a sassy tongue, two qualities that the people in the kingdom adored. It didn’t take long for me to realize that Ursa was the definition of strongminded, something I revered – and one could easily find such a trait in Zuko. His will was something that both drove me up the wall and admired.
           But the look that decorated her face – it wasn’t the typical appearance she maintained. It was different, a sight I’ve never seen before.
           Her lavish ruby robes were wrinkled, her raven coloured-hair slipping from the golden pins that kept her hair tidy. She frantically scanned every inch of the bedroom in a matter of seconds, and the moment her vibrant eyes fell over me, her shoulders slumped, a choked sob leaving her lips.
           “You’re okay!”
           Everything happened so fast.
           She threw her arms in the air, tossing herself at me, and the sweet scent of flowers flooded my scenes. My body weakened in her arms, letting myself tumble into her embrace. The overwhelming sense of familiarity had me flushing, something I thought I would never experience again – a mother’s hug.
           “You’re okay. My child is okay.” Ursa repeated like a song, hands running up and down my back, making sure I was indeed real and not a figment of her imagination. Her gestures were dramatic, yet without a second thought, my arms enveloped her – how I missed this.
           “I’m so sorry, Ursa. It’s my fault; the tea was for me-”
           “Don’t blame yourself for the actions of others. You’re safe, and Zuko’s safe, and that’s all that matters.” She happily blubbered, and I could feel my heart flutter.
           The cheerfulness in her tone, squeezing the life out of me as she planted kisses all over my forehead. How many times have I seen Ursa do the same with Kiyi? Even with Zuko, much to his dismay. But the feeling of her peppering quick, chaste kisses all over my face had me rosy – a gesture bursting with the purest form of love.
           “If Zuko doesn’t propose to you the moment he gets better, I’m going to kill that boy.” She muttered under her breath, and I smiled through tears; tears, I had no clue I was even shedding. “I wish I could’ve been better for Zuko, done more for him, Ursa. I’m sorry-”
           “You don’t know, my child…you don’t know how much you’ve changed him. You saved him in more ways than one.” She droned into my ear, feeling her lips tugging upwards the whole time.
           I spotted the way Aang beamed from a distance, that signature smile of his painting his face as he shot me a thumbs-up. His mouth was moving the whole time soundlessly, a prideful ‘told you so’ lingering under his breath.
           “Lady Ursa, Zuko is currently in the infirmary, you can go visit him with Ying Yue. He’s sleeping, but I know he’ll love your support…” Aang proposed, and Ursa pulled back, nodding eagerly. “Thank you, Avatar Aang. That sounds like a wonderful plan.” she hummed while cleaning up my appearance.
           Ursa brushed the black strands of hair that kept falling in front of my face, tugging at a few tangles before straightening out the nightwear I wore. Ursa’s pink lips puckered towards the end, her eyes scanning my body up and down before clasping over my cheeks, “You’re running a fever, my dear.”  
           I was running a fever?
           Aang frowned hearing those words leave Ursa, scratching his beard as he walked forward, “It seems you pushed yourself by bending, Yue. We should get your chi checked by Katara-”
           “I’m fine- I promise.” I stammered, fingers twisting. The last thing I wanted was to be a bother when people should prioritize Zuko. I already caused so much trouble- “Oh, I swear, there are many things you can learn from Zuko, but stubbornness will not be one of them.” Ursa grumbled under her breath, and I coloured.
           “I promise, Ursa, I feel fine, just tired.” I lied, trying to make my speech chirpy with each word. My body ached the more I focused, head throbbing, and I knew it was because of the bending I just unleashed.
           I reached my limit, pushed myself too far…but what choice did I have? Between my bending or Zuko – the answer was clear. It’s just a matter of accepting the consequences.
           Bloodbending wasn’t a skill for the weak; it took years of practicing with Mom, healing animals before people. Even Mom got tired at the end of a busy day of treating so many people, Dad sometimes picking her up and tucking her into bed.
           “This isn’t up for discussion, Ying Yue. If you’re not the slightest bit well, we’ll never hear the end of it from Zuko when he arises.”
           “I promise, Ursa! There’s no need to cause a fuss over me.” I exclaimed, and Ursa simply rolled her eyes with a tongue-in-cheek smile. “Tell that to Zuko.”
           “Ursa-” I pouted, but before I could continue, Aang spoke.
           “Umm…my apologizes but-uhh-”
           Both of us turned to face Aang, whose brows were pinched together, a frown of concentration on his face. His hands were outstretched along the door, focusing. What was he doing? It was like he was trying to pick up on something. What could have Aang so bothered?
           “Aang…” I voiced, scared to startle him out of his stance of awareness, “What’s wrong?”
           “I don’t know, but I think someone is coming-no; people are coming.” He alleged, uncertainty lingering in his tone.
           But boy was Aang right about people.
           The ground felt like it was vibrating once he pointed it out, the sound of heavy footsteps moving together, getting louder and louder – like a swarm of bees. How did we not notice before? We were all so caught up in the moment, expressing ourselves that we failed to take in the obvious.
           Ursa frowned, my hands slipping from her grasp as she studied the door.
           “They’re here-” Aang warned, and once again, the sound of knocking resonated in the bedroom.
           Heavy and harsh – three solid knocks. With much hesitance, Aang stretched forward, opening the door wide, and I saw the way his face twisted to that of a stern expression. Could it be who I think-
           “Avatar Aang. We’re here to speak with Imperial Consort, Ying Yue if you please.”
           Aang moved aside, tilting his head towards me, his eyes narrowing thoughtfully. I gulped, staggered by the hefty sound of their footsteps entering the room – a room that was vast in size, suddenly feeling small with the number of people inside.
           Eleven people stood, some young, some old – but I recognized most of their faces from my debut. There were so many people I had met; it was only a matter of time faces began combining, names forgotten, despite Zuko quizzing throughout the day.
           And while they were most certainly not dressed as majestic as that day, they maintained an appearance of high-status, hair orderly, hands in front of themselves as their eyes settled upon me. I couldn’t help but feel self-conscious, understanding how I appeared.
           Despite Ursa’s effort to clean up my appearance, I knew I was less than presentable. If I felt like poop before, now I feel even worse. But it was the two elders that stood upfront that had me rising from the comforts of my bed, their presence reminding me of Zuko’s.
           Both elders had grey hair, the woman’s hair kept in a bun while the man beside her had his partly up, similar to Zuko’s go-to hairstyle for a casual workday. But the look on the man’s face, eyes tapered as he scowled. There was a wave of unspoken anger in his expression, noting that his knuckles were white from his fingers pressing against his skin.
           “Imperial Consort Ying Yue.” He said, no, more so hissed.
           The way my title slipped from his thin lips – as if it were a struggle for him to utter those words. Zuko said that four people voted against me. I fired one of them, so could this mean-
           “H-how may I be of service, council?” I spoke carefully, my voice cracking from bawling minutes ago with Aang and Ursa.
           The man merely huffed, chest-puffing hearing my voice. The display of discontentment caused the shiny emblem that decorated his arm to glisten under the sunlight that seeped into the room. Reluctantly, he cleared his throat, getting to the point of their visit.
           “As per Fire Lord Zuko’s wish and via Fire Nation customs, should he be unable to rule, power shall temporarily fall into your hands until he is well enough to assume his role. This ruling applies immediately.”
           Shit. How did I let such a fact slip my mind-
           “You are expected to be in a meeting within the hour. I hope you are well-versed and educated in such political matters. It would be a shame for you to make a fool of yourself during a time like this.” He snickered. Embarrass myself? He thinks that because Zuko isn’t with me that he can just walk all over me-
           “My son is hurt. My future daughter in law, the future Queen, should be spending her time with him, not in some meeting that can be postponed-” Ursa voiced furiously, but the man rose his hand, shutting her up completely.
           “With all due respect, you have no authority here, Lady Ursa.”
           “But I do, and I expect you to treat Fire Lord Zuko’s mother with as much respect as you do towards him.” I demanded, channelling my inner Toph as I marched forward. My arm outstretched before Ursa as if it could protect her from the complete and utter disrespect this man was demonstrating.
           I saw Aang’s breath hitch, sensing the pressure rising in the room, moving towards our side. The man’s eyes narrowed before bitterly kissing his teeth, forcing the fakest smile I have seen to date, and at that moment, it hit me.
           I do know him; he was with the man from the other day. He was one of the people who greeted us, although greet would be a bit of a stretch, when we arrived from Ember Island. He was there when I dismissed the councilmember; he’s one of the people who voted against me.
           “My apologies, Lady Ursa.” He spat, and I glared, my guard, rising. I can’t trust him.
           “I’ll be ready in an hour. See you at said meeting.”
           He merely nodded.
           Not bothering to show any more respect than necessary, he gave me a poor excuse of a bow, before twisting his body. Parading his way out, the others followed suit, an uncomfortable silence falling over them as they shared conflicting glances amongst each other.
           Yet as everyone trailed behind, one by one, the room growing spacious, the older woman who stayed by his side the whole time stood still. She bore a soft smile, a smile of comfort. The wrinkles that decorated her face were prominent, her eyes glistening under the lighting.
           “I wish for a speedy recovery for Fire Lord Zuko, Imperial Consort.” She sang as the room emptied to no one else but us. Her tone was light, reminding me of Aang in many ways. I saw Ursa’s body lax from behind me, shooting the lady a smile – they knew each other.
           “Thank you, umm…” I drew, pitch dropping, realizing I was ignorant of her name.
           “Ming. I never got a chance to introduce myself during your party.” She voiced gently, but the way she gazed at me. It was like she was reminiscing. As if she saw something that I didn’t - knew something about me, but not something necessarily bad.
           Who was she really? Why do I feel like I should know her?
           “Councilmember, Ming. I’ll see you soon; it’s a pleasure to meet you.” I spoke cautiously, unable to push the feeling away that she was important somehow. I wonder if she was on proper terms with Zuko? Her aura, it was unlike the man who was speaking before. It was like she was happy to see me.
           “The pleasure is all mine, Imperial Consort. Until soon.”
           She slowly left the room, and Ursa huffed inwardly as soon as we heard the delicate clicking sound of the door shutting.
           “I can’t believe the audacity of some of these councilmembers, insisting on meetings at a time like this.” Ursa fumed, patting down her dress in tune with her rant. The slaps against her dress were rough, slapping the wrinkles out of her gown – but also her growing frustrations.
           I saw the way her lips pressed tight, eyes watery as she raged, “We should be more concerned about who tried to hurt Zuko and you, not this.”
           Every word she spoke, her hands were starting to shake; it was like the reality that her son was currently unconscious was hitting her. Aang glowered, sensing the crabbiness coursing through Ursa. She’s worried about Zuko, the genuine fear of a mother unable to protect her son.
           She felt helpless, and I couldn’t help but relate to her on so many levels. Helplessness, uselessness – feelings that kept bubbling up from time to time, especially now.
           “We have people looking into the case, Lady Ursa. We’re going to get to the bottom of this.” Aang reassured, talking to her as evenly as possible. Ursa sighed in defeat, nodding along because while she knew Aang was right, that didn’t change the fact that she was facing a whirlwind of emotions.
           “I just don’t understand why Iroh can’t take Ying Yue’s position. This must be such a difficult time for you, and they were completely unsympathetic to the whole situation.” Ursa puffed, and I didn’t even realize what I was doing until I saw Ursa’s expression change.
           My hand fell over her shoulder, shooting her a small smile as I squeezed her shoulder. “I’m fine, Ursa. I made a vow to this nation, to Zuko, and I don’t plan on breaking that. It’s the least I could do for him…”
           “Yue…” Aang whispered, knowing very well what I meant by my works.
           The truth was that Zuko was unconscious because of me.
           I was beyond selfish to think that I deserved him; that someone like me, a low-life Bloodbender, deserved the happiness that I experienced from these past months with him.
           Zuko almost died because of me, because of my inability to accept the fact that I didn’t deserve him – that he deserved better. I can’t sit around and do nothing anymore. The least I could do is make Zuko proud, be the Queen he always thought I could be – even for a moment.
           “I can do this…I have to do this.” I mumbled under my breath, pushing back my self-destructive thoughts.
           Now was not the time to cry, nor to worry about the what-ifs of us. There were thousands upon thousands of people depending on me at the moment until Zuko can get back on his feet. I didn’t spend countless hours reading and studying for fun.
           Ursa smiled, her hand raising to caress my cheek. “I think I know what Zuko means when he says you have the spirit of a Firebender,” Ursa whispered, and I let out a small laugh.
           “I’m no Firebender, Ursa.”
           “You’re right; you’re even better. You’re a Queen, Ying Yue, Zuko’s Queen.”
           I can only try.
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             “Are you sure, Yue? I can go into that meeting with you.” Aang insisted, matching my haste pace as we travelled through the long corridors.
           The sound of my heels clicking against the marble flooring, high-pitch ticks bouncing off the walls were crystal clear. A considerable contrast to Aang’s feather-like footsteps. Our pace was in sync with my pounding heart, head in pain as I struggled to focus on my steps. My trembling hands, fidgeting with the pins that decorated my hair, didn’t help.
           All the things that could go wrong in this meeting – where do I even start? I’ve never done a meeting this grand with Zuko by my side, let alone by myself. I wasn’t ready for something like this, not to this scale.
           Sure, I did meetings back at the Southern Water Tribe, but this was completely different. The sessions there were calm and lax – jokes and smiles present at all times. And Zuko never got a chance to teach me the current plans or developments he was working on because I was sick, I’m out of the loop entirely.
           My breathing quickened.
           Chest tightening, each breath a struggle.
           I can’t do this; I’m not ready. What was I thinking-
           ‘Just breathe, follow my lead’ I recalled Zuko whispering in my ear, his voice like dark chocolate. There was always a huskiness in Zuko’s tone, a raspiness that had me swooning, or in this case, giving me a sense of security. ‘That’s it, babe, slow and steady’ – I found my eyes fluttering shut, hands falling over my chest.
           The memory was vivid, his arms wrapped around my waist, chin resting on my shoulder. The way his chest rises and falls on my back whenever we embrace, greedily trying to recall every single moment in time where he hugged me. Completely engulfed by his presence, his firewood scent, warm touch.
           You always know what to say, Zuko, I want you here so bad.
           “Yue?” Aang worried, his hand resting over my shoulder, and I froze. We stopped walking, and I reddened realizing what I was doing. “S-sorry, Aang-”
           “Yue, you’re flushed. Ursa was right about your fever; you're burning up.” Aang sighed, letting his touch drop back to his side. I pressed a smile, fingers coiling in front of me as I tried to even out my breathing. “I don’t have a choice, Aang; I have to do this.”
           “No, you don’t. This isn’t right, Yue- we both know that. You’re not well, you pushed yourself, and the last thing we need is you passing out.”
           “Aang, this is my duty. I made a vow to Zuko. This is the least I could do for him. He depends on me for this.”
           Aang blew out exasperated, and for the first time in a while, I saw a look of pure fatigue sweeping. His shoulders were tense, gripping onto his staff, his hands turning white. He’s frustrated, not with me – but with everything.
           “Aang…” I whispered, letting my hand rest over his suffocating clutch. It was like he realized then how passionately he was grasping onto his staff, almost stopping his blood flow completely. “It’s only until Zuko gets better. After that, I’ll rest, I promise. But I need to do this.”
           “This isn’t fair, Yue. Why can’t you just be happy?”
           Happy. I shrugged my shoulders, “Because monsters don’t deserve to be happy, Aang.”
           “Imperial Consort Ying Yue! We wish Fire Lord Zuko a speedy recovery from his cold.” A bunch of maids chirped, causing me to pull back from Aang.
           My head whipped to the sound of their cheery voices, noticing all the huge smiles on their faces, the sunlight from the windows casting a heavenly glow around them. Cold- “T-thank you for your support.” I stuttered.
           Am I missing something?
           The maids giggled, nodding before bowing, “Take care of yourself as well, Imperial Consort, good day!” My mouth opened, to wish them a great day as well, but no sound left. What just happened…?
           “I forgot to tell you,” Aang muttered from behind, causing me to turn on my heel.
           I rose a brow, crossing my arms as I leaned forward. “Forgot to tell me what, Aang?” I asked, and I saw the way Aang’s gaze shifted back and forth as if he was fearful of other people eavesdropping. He linked his arm with mine, strolling towards the throne room up ahead.
           “Sokka said it would be better if we keep this assassination attempt under wraps.” Aang hushed, leaning towards my figure unsuspiciously. I tried to control my expression, hiding my look of surprise. That was not what I was expecting to hear.
           “You mean lie to the kingdom?”
           “We have to, Yue. If the kingdom finds out that someone tried to poison either you or Zuko, it’ll cause chaos. We need answers, and we can get those if the people who tried the assassination think they failed, which they did.”
           “So, everyone thinks Zuko has a cold.”
           “And I brought Katara here as a healer-”
           Brilliant, absolutely brilliant. Sokka, you genius.
           I shook my head, noticing the grand doors at the end of the hallway as clear as day. Two guards stood at their post, holding on to their weapons, still as a statue. The throne room. My teeth dug into my lips, fighting to urge to turn on my heel and run back into the securities of my bed.
           But a dry cough that echoed down the hallway had me squinting. The same grumpy councilmember from this morning was standing in front of the throne room, near the doors and just out of sight.
           His arms were crossed, a bitter smile on his face as he stared down at us.
           A cold chill ran up my spine, watching the way he held his head high.
           But, just like that, he turned on his heel, entering the room. Why does it feel like everyone hates me in this kingdom?
           “I can go into that meeting with you, Yue.” Aang mumbled into my ear, and I sighed. “I’m fine, Aang. It’s just a meeting, what’s the worse that can happen?”
           Aang frowned, leaning against his staff with a raised brow – as if I was really asking such a stupid question. “A lot. There’s a reason why Zuko didn’t want you to get involved. Even with most of the councilmembers hand-picked by him, there are still a few who he’s itching to dismiss; he just can’t without a proper reason. You managed to get rid of one.”
           “Only three more to go.”
           “Be careful, Yue. That’s all I ask.” I nodded, sharing a soundless stare. Aang bowed his head, and I took a deep breath – a mutual understanding.
           Let’s do this.  
           I patted my dress down, shaking out any creases in the gown I wore. I didn’t even have time to admire the beauty of the fabric, too anxious to appreciate the exquisiteness. With much reluctance, I turned my back to Aang, slowly inching my way to the throne room.
           Straight into the lion’s den.
           The doors appeared grander as I walked down the empty hallways alone  – taking in the deep coloured wood, floor to ceiling in height, an entrance fit for giants.
           Through the light that shined through the windows, I spotted the stunning decals carved into the doors. Swirls, mimicking those of flames, etched with unbelievable accuracy. They reminded me of Zuko’s flames; controlled and restrained.
           But whenever Zuko did let loose, letting his flames run wild like that one time during the rainstorm, it was breathtaking. My hand began delicately falling over the woodwork, the closest I would get to touching Zuko’s flames without burning myself ironically.
           “Do you wish to enter?” A guard from the side spoke.
           Taking a deep breath, I nodded, unable to delay the inevitable any longer.
           The doors moaned loudly as the guards pushed the doors, allowing me to step into the great abyss. I found myself speechless, realizing that this was the first time I ever entered the Throne room. The last time this room was used was during Kayto’s visit.
           Gosh, what a sight.
           Long, endless lines of pillars adorned the space, reaching the ceiling, and it felt like beyond.
           Each post was decorated to the spirits, carved dragons flying up the posts in a spectacular dance. It felt mystical, like a depiction straight from a children's tale. The amount of time and effort that must have been given to creating such masterpieces was unfathomable. How long did it take to build this room?
           Candles lit up the space through low-hung chandeliers and candle stands, the room omitting a dark-yellow hue. The fact that this was practically a fire hazard in the making out of mind by the utter beauty of the place. But my attention fell over the sizeable dark-coloured table positioned in the center of the room.
           There sat eleven councilmembers, their eyes glued to me as I unhurriedly entered. All their faces were stern, the flickering candles casting eerie shadows over their features. And suddenly, the magic of the room started fading, the sick feeling in my stomach returning.
           “You’re late, Imperial Consort Ying Yue.” A voice boomed, a man standing from his seat at the table.
           I frowned, tilting my head at the sound of his voice, realizing who it was – this grump again.
           “Due pardon, but if I do recall, the meeting starts in an hour. I am early, fifteen minutes, in fact.” I clarified, and the councilmembers all stripped their gazes from me, staring at the table at which they sat.
           “Did you not receive the notice of time change? The meeting was due to start fifteen minutes ago.” The man shot back, and I found myself trembling. The way the room was designed seemed to draw out every single noise – his cantankerous tone hitting me from all sides.
           He set me up – he wanted me to look bad for coming late. There wasn’t a single maid looking for me, telling me about the change of time. My mouth opened and closed before swallowing my pride.
           Don’t argue with him, Yue.
           He wants you to mess up – reasons as to why you shouldn’t be with Zuko.
            “Apologizes, it seems the message failed to be relayed to me,” I spoke, each word forced because I knew the truth. The rest of the councilmember’s eyes narrowed, hearing my apology, but not in reaction to me, but to the man who spoke. They didn’t like him either; it seems.
           “No need to apologize, Imperial Consort Ying Yue. Please, take a seat at the head table.” A honied voice spoke, Ming. She stood from her seat, her back straight while bowing her head. I followed her gesture, her small hands pointing to the space at the far end of the table.
           How did I not notice that before?
           Unlike the others who sat in their seat at the table, this was a platform. Three steps above the ground, at the head of the table, a golden throne lined with luxurious rogue fabric. Hesitatingly, I walked forward, eyeing the set-up.
           The Fire Lord’s seat – Zuko’s throne.
           The style alone was undoubtedly not Zuko’s, much too gaudy, but this must have been passed down from generation to generation. Could I even sit in this place? Is this appropriate? Sure, I’m in power at the moment, but I’m not the official ruler, just a placeholder.
           “Is there an issue, Imperial Consort?” Ming questioned, her voice sounding distant. How big is this table, this room? I let out a timid smile, shaking my head. “Nothing at all, it’s perfect.” Ming smiled at my words, urging me to take a seat. As if she was letting me know that it was okay.
           I tried to lax my body, hands balling up the fabric of my dress before collapsing into the throne. It felt like clouds, the chair beyond comfy, and it gave me a clear view of everyone before me, too clear.
           The sensation of being high-up, towering above all, felt foreign, not settling well in the slightest. Towering above everyone else like I was some godly figure, all alone. Is this why Zuko doesn’t conduct meetings here? It felt isolating, almost dictating.
           Zuko was confident, too confident; he didn’t need to sit high up in a throne to command power. People just had to hear Zuko speak; his actions and work ethic alone were enough to secure his right as Fire Lord.
           Having everyone's eyes looking up at me had me feeling self-conscious, fingers playing with my dress, and that’s when I noticed the tidy pile of documents off to the side, ‘Fire Lord.’
           “The documents you see there will assist you in today’s meeting.” Ming smiled, already taking her seat once again. I nodded, reaching forward.
           I opened the folder, eyes briefly scanning its contents - schooling.
           My brows pinched together, flipping through the papers swiftly, not at all expecting to see this topic come in play today. It was all about budgets and funding for upcoming schools around the Fire Nation. The possibility of new educational institutions, finances, job increases for the general public.
           Zuko was trying to build more schools for children. Decrease the student to teacher ratio to provide a more personalized education. I had no clue Zuko was working on this-
           “Let us get straight to the point.” A councilmember coughed, my head snapping upwards to gaze over them all. My new found enemy let his hands rest on the table, palms down as if he were trying to control his composure.
           “We’re here to discuss the funding for the new schools set to be built within the year.” A councilmember rose their hand, gazing at me before speaking, “For what reasons? We have already established and approved all their placements.”
           The man merely rolled his eyes, tapping the table impatiently, “We discussed placement, but not funding. The funding that we have discussed is not enough for certain zones. Let us examine Ember Island – the funding for schooling should not be less than that of Black Cliffs.”
           I frowned, eyes darting back to the front of the document.
           A simple map was drawn, and sure enough, all the schools that had been approved were drawn on the map in red. Black Cliffs…its in the middle of nowhere…why would he want less funding if that funding is critical-
           “I disagree. Black Cliffs is in a remote area; they require more funding and a larger space since it is expected that these two villages will use this school until another one is built in the future. Ember Island already has three established schools, the new school being built is merely an expansion.” I reasoned.
           Thank you, Zuko.
           It was moments like these; I was thankful for Zuko’s complete and utter control-freak tendencies. His pretty handwriting was clear to read, the tiny notes he made off to the sides of each document helpful. I never got a chance to look at these papers beforehand like I had planned originally. He had to go and change the time of this damn meeting.
           “Nonsense. Ember Island and other cities need an increase in funding.” He insisted.
           “And why’s that?” I huffed.
           His eyes met mine, shooting me a glare. “If it was not clear in the notes in your pile, it is not unusual for high-status locations to have greater funding compared to low-class villages.”
           The language of this man. “I highly doubt that.” I started, but he pointed at the papers in my hands, “Look, Imperial Consort.” My eyes fell back onto the documents, rapidly flipping through papers.
           Contract approvals, estimated government costs for building, funding- what?
           My mouth dropped, fingers running along with the black ink, Zuko’s signature.
           The documents were older; previous educational establishments built within two years. Each city that was known to cater to high-ranking socialites gained more money for their public schools. But Zuko wouldn’t do something like that; he would never give more money to the rich.
           Yet the handwriting at the bottom, his seal of approval. Zuko agreed to this. He gave more funding to already prosperous areas in previous years.
           Why would you do that-
           “Well, Imperial Consort – did you find your proof?” The man snickered, a sinister grin on his face the whole time. He knew that I found what he wanted me to see, leaning back in his chair smugly with raised brows.
           I swallowed, nodding as I studied the paperwork.
           The gut feeling in my stomach, my mind screaming at me that this was wrong, wouldn’t go away. Zuko wouldn’t do that- he wouldn’t do this.
           “Good. We can end this meeting swiftly then. Just sign this paper here – you approving an increase of funding for these cities, and we can be dismissed.” The man smirked, waving the ivory coloured paper in the air. The other councilmembers gazed at each other in horror, shaking their heads.
           “Impossible. Fire Lord Zuko never approved of such means; he overruled Fire Lord Ozai’s school curriculum and funding process for reasons.” A woman shouted, slamming her hands.
           The man sneered at her, chinning towards me, “It seems like Fire Lord Zuko had a change of heart after all. He understands the importance of the high-ranking people of this Nation, not these filthy low-lives.”
           My hands started getting sweaty, watching the way the councilmembers began bickering with each other. They were at the edge of their seats, dropping formalities as they rose their voices. Zuko wouldn’t do that to children, gosh he had a hard exterior, but he wasn’t heartless.
           “I wish to see these documents! He would never approve!”
           “But if Imperial Consort found his signature approving of the funding in previous years…”
           “There will be an uproar from these villages. They are important, our main source of food. If they learn that we cut their funding and gave it to developed cities-”
           “Nonsense, they should know better than to revolt. Now hurry up and sign the papers!” The man shouted, slamming his hand against the table, the paper wrinkling under his grasp. The slamming of the documents reverberated in the room – bouncing off the walls and had everyone shutting up.
           His face was red, his eyes not wavering from my own, “Sign. The. Document.”
           “This needs to be deliberated in more depth-” I insisted. Gosh, Zuko wouldn’t do this, he wouldn’t approve of this. He wouldn’t do this-
           “Nothing more has to be discussed, just approve it already. If these children do not have a school to attend to by the end of this year, the blame will fall over you for delaying the process, Imperial Consort. Can you live with yourself knowing that you are the reason children will not attend school this year because you could not make a decision?”
           Just sign it Yue – you have your proof. Clearly, Zuko is okay with this.
           But I’m not okay with this.
           But the proof- My fingers fell over the black ink again, where Zuko’s signature laid.
           It was his, I knew his handwriting, down to the way he flicked his wrist or dipped his pen for ink. These papers were proof that he was okay with this, and if he’s okay with this, this leaves me with only one choice-
           “I refuse to approve the funding. I will review the documents, and we can continue this meeting this evening with my final decision.” I spoke, trying to make my voice sound solid. A wave of relief washed over the majority of the council, and I could spot the three individuals who had the opposite reaction, furry etched in their faces.
           “You are wasting time.” The man grumbled, and I heaved a sigh. “Maybe so, but regardless if Fire Lord Zuko approved of this beforehand, I need time to review this information.”
           “You may be Imperial Consort, but you will never earn the respect of a Queen – you are nothing more but a Waterbender playing dress-up.”
           An eerie silence overcame us, and for the tenth time today; I could feel my heart shatter because he was right.
           I don’t deserve to be Queen, nor Zuko’s partner.
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              Nothing was going right.
           It was as if the spirits decided that today wasn’t going wrong enough – let’s add more to my plate for their sick amusement.
           My hands ran through my hair in frustration, not caring in the slightest at the fact that the beautifully placed pins tumbled onto the rug underneath me. A string of curse words that would even have Zuko proud flew from my lips.
           Not even Zuko’s level of foul language would match my current state of self-destruction.
           The black ink pooled on the tabletop, some dripping on the red of my dress, like droplets of black blood. “Gosh, just my luck.” I fumed to myself, on the verge of just throwing every single bloody document on this table out the window. How does Zuko do this every day?
           Seeing the piles upon piles of paperwork that littered the floor, the words mashing together like a giant blob. My mind was spinning, face rosy from the stress and this fever that refused to back off for a second.
           I blew loudly, brushing my hair behind my ears before leaning over the study. My arm outstretched, fingers stretching to grasp the bundle of napkins placed off to the side.
           Utterly lost in my thoughts, I failed to take into account the vial of ink I had placed right in front of me, the draping of my sleeves knocking it over.
           My eyes widen, shoulders slumping in utter despair at the clacking sound of the glass vial hitting the wooden table, yet again – spilling the remaining ink.
           “Are you KIDDING ME RIGHT NOW!?” I cried, pulling back hastily, my long-sleeves dragging the ink with it. My voice cracked slightly, raising my tone as high as I did, not expressing such defeat in spirits knows how long.
           I watched helplessly as the ink settled into the natural indents of the wood, thankfully nowhere near the documents from the meeting this morning. And at that exact moment, a knock caught my attention, and I swallowed.
           Who could it possibly be now- Shutting my eyes before taking a deep breath, I bite my lip anxiously. Calm down, Yue. Count to ten.
           “Yes?” I squealed, trying desperately to mask my frustration. The poor soul, on the other end of the door, didn’t need to experience my wrath when they did nothing wrong. I’m just an absolute idiot, that’s the problem.
           The study door jarred slightly at the sound of my voice, and to my shock, a guard popped his head in, free of his helmet. His long wavy hair swayed side to side as he bent over from his waist, up, a worried look on his face.
           “Is everything alright, Imperial Consort-oh, did you spill the ink, again?” He mused, a silly smile popping on the guard’s face almost instantly.
           My face flushed, “…Maybe.”
           The guard didn’t even have to step back outside. He lifted his arm from behind his back, a perfectly folded set of napkins in his grasp. “Fire Lord Zuko always asks me to keep some on hand; he says his Consort is a bit of clutz.” He chuckled, leaving me stunned.
           My mouth opened, ready to protest, but the current flood on the desk, my lap and sleeve filthy had me thinking twice.
           Why do you always have to be right, Zuko?
           “I’m sorry for causing so much trouble,” I whined, my shoulders dropping in fatigue as my hand fell over my face. I rubbed my eyes, fighting back the tears of frustration, before exhaling.
           It was embarrassing.
           Here I am, pretending to act like I have the slightest idea as to what I was doing.
           Acting as if I was totally fit for this role, which I wasn’t.
           The guard let himself in, kicking the door shut behind him with his heel. He walked forward with ease, his boots clicking louder the closer he got. The guard seemed at complete ease as if he has walked inside this room countless times over the years to help clean up ink spills.
           “Don’t be sorry, Imperial Consort. Everyone has those days, even Fire Lord Zuko.”
           I perked up at the mention of Zuko, the guard starting to section out the napkins to clean up the mess. “Fire Lord Zuko wouldn’t spill his ink two times in a row, in less than an hour time,” I mumbled under my breath, and the guard snorted at my statement.
           “Permission to speak freely?” The guard requested, and I tilted my head in surprise, nodding.
           “Please, do not tell him I told you this, but Fire Lord Zuko used to go through six vials a day after his coronation because he kept knocking it over. Six times a day, I would go to the supply room, and bring them to him. I learned after day two to just keep them on me at all times.”
           I laughed under my breath at the story, the guard laughing with me, his armour rumbling with joy recalling those times. He outstretched some napkins towards me, which I grabbed with a smile, the tension in my body easing.
           I could already picture it. Zuko getting all flustered, just like me, trying to clean up his mess just to do the whole process all over again. Six times exact.
            “Thank you…I needed to hear that.” I hummed, letting a towel soak up some of the ink I had just spilled. The guard nodded his head, shooting me a smile, “No problem, you know, Fire Lord Zuko would be proud of how much work you got done. It must be nice for him to know he can take a day off when he’s sick because he has you to trust.”
           I froze, looking at the pile the guard was referring to.
           A few papers were completed, my signature at the bottom of each document with the Fire Nation seal beside. But the papers weren’t anything grand in nature – simple stuff. Stuff I used to do all the time back at the Southern Water Tribe.
           The only difference was over here, there was a lot of more pointless rules and ‘expectations,’ down to the way you cross your t’s and dot your I’s.
           “I highly doubt that…Zuko would’ve finished all this way before lunchtime, and I’m not even close.” I huffed, and the guard shook his head. “You don’t give yourself enough credit, Imperial Consort. He talks about you all the time to me. Says he trust you with his life.”
           “He does?” I shyly questioned, accidentally dropping the napkin into a small puddle of ink, causing little droplets to fly over us. I apologized under my breath, but the guard looked entertained, not bothered in the slightest that black ink now stained his uniform.
           “Of course, in fact…I am a little guilty of taking advantage of it. Whenever he is in a sour mood, I point at you through the window, and he’s back to it.”
           I coloured, recalling Zuko admitting to me he sometimes catches my morning walks with Ursa and Kiyi in the gardens. But if he can see my morning walks, that means he also sees all the times I play with Kiyi out in the gardens, or when I read books to her beneath the cherry blossom trees. Yet he still asks me what I did during the day, listening as I rambled on and on…
           “Imperial Consort, do you wish for me to put these documents away in the reject folder?” The guard interjected, cutting my thoughts in half.
           My eyes narrowed, staring at the paperwork in question. I found myself jumbled. “The-the reject pile?” I repeated, making sure of the words the guards just spoke. He nodded his head, and I found myself stunned, “These papers were from this morning meeting, I need them still.” I spoke, and I noticed the way the guards face twisted in confusion, a look matching mine.
           He opened his mouth, almost afraid to talk, and I stopped wiping the table eagerly, more interested in the thoughts running through his mind
           “You may speak, don’t hold your tongue around me. I don’t bite.” I insisted, and the guard’s shoulders visibly eased, scratching his chin like Sokka or Aang.
           “It’s just that…I don’t see why you have these papers or how you got these. These are all rejected proposals; Fire Lord Zuko just keeps them for reference.”
           “So, what you are saying is these papers, this funding – was never approved?” I gasped, running around the study to the guards’ side.
           The guard’s eyes widen in surprise, a pink blush coating his cheeks. Undoubtedly, taken aback by the way my hands fell over his arms. I didn’t even notice I did such an action, so caught up in the moment, it was a reflex.
           “N-no, Fire Lord Zuko would never approve of these figures. Taking money from smaller villages, he didn’t spend years fighting with the council to change those policies, just to go back on his promises.”
           That man- he set me up.
           “He-he tricked me. He wanted me to sign those papers.” I whispered under my breath, falling against the study in a state of shock.
           Zuko’s signature on these papers wasn’t for approvals, but his mark of denial.
           I knew Zuko would never approve of this, but the council didn’t think I knew Zuko well enough to know that. They think all I am to Zuko is a royal bedwarmer, that I don't know anything about him – the very thing Mai accused me of.
           “Imperial Consort, did I say something wrong?” the guard worried, his hands hovering over my body, unsure whether to support my resting figure. The poor guy thinks I almost passed out or something from this never-ending fever.
           I laughed under my breath, a wave of relief washing over me, “How can I be mad at someone who just saved me!” I enthused, and the guard looked more confused than ever. He looked around the room, scratching his chin as a low string of ‘uh’ and ‘oh’ left him.
           “I didn’t know you needed saving…I just offered to put away these documents.” The guard awkwardly said, and I rolled my eyes.
           “You don’t get it, this morning, a few members of the council wanted me to increase the funding for certain cities – and they fed me these papers. They tried to convince me that Zuko said okay to this in the past!”
           It was like someone lit a candle in the guard’s head, his eyes widening before he swore under his breath. “I can’t believe it- for years those greedy councilmembers tried to steal money. I’ve heard Fire Lord Zuko complain about this for months. They have this weird philosophy about the survival of the fittest – oppressing the weak and living off their ill-being.” The guard spat, huffing to himself in disgust.
           “They planted false papers to get their way, tried to take advantage of you. I can’t believe it- no wonder Ming told me to keep an eye out for you.”
           “Ming?” I repeated— the older woman from this morning and the meeting, the one with a warm smile. The guard nodded, walking back and forth in the office.
           “Yes, she told me this morning to keep an eye out. That she doesn’t trust some of the councilmembers. She can’t come here herself to help you – it’ll look suspicious on her end. I’ve known her for years; she’s a good woman. She spoke with Fire Lord Zuko a few days ago before he caught this cold, offered her help as well.”
           The warmth that enveloped in my heart, my hands falling over my chest in bliss.
           I knew it-
           I knew Zuko would never do such a thing. He may be a tough cookie, but he was still sweet, and his heart was in the right place. He didn’t spend every waking second in his life to turn against his Nation – his work was his source of pride and honour.
           “I don’t know how they got these papers, Imperial Consort, but you can’t approve of this funding. It goes against Fire Lord Zuko’s whole goal.” The guard pleaded, and I smiled, clasping my hands with his. “Don’t you worry, I never was going to approve of it. But knowing that I was right all along makes things a lot easier for me. Thank you for everything.” I gushed, and the guard nodded, before stifling in a laugh.
           “We still have a mess to clean.”
           “Gosh, I forgot about that…” I muttered under my breath, but a smile still sat on my face.
           A victory.
           Even if small, it was still a win in my books.
           For the first time today, I felt like I could breathe. Actually, enjoy the fresh air that came from the window and appreciate the sun that danced along my skin. I was no longer in a weird trance, entirely out of touch with the world around me.
           “I’ll be back; we let the ink settle into the wood. I think we need some heavy-duty cleaning stuff to help us.” The guard chuckled, and I bashfully nodded, realizing just how grand of a mess I made.
           I let my fingers dab and soak up the excess ink with whatever clean towels were left, the guard letting his used rags rest on the table. His suit jiggled as he lightly jogged towards the office door. He swung it open, but just as he stepped through the doorframe, I noticed the way he jumped back slightly, bowing deeply.
           I pouted, opening my mouth to speak up, but a rush a blue and green caught my eyes.
           “Yue!” The voices cried into my ears, their arms wrapping around my body, squeezing me between them. It took a few seconds to process the embrace, but more importantly, who it was.
           “S-Suki, Katara?” I gasped out in surprise, struggling to breathe between their hug.
           Katara pulled back, running her hands down my face with a large frown. “Ursa was right; you’re heating up. Aang, you should’ve dragged her to me!” She nagged, and right away, a voice of protest popped up from behind her. “I wanted to, but she insisted on working.”
           “Just as stubborn as Zuko.” I heard Toph grumble under her breath, although I failed to spot her, Katara and Suki taking up much of my view.
           “How are you feeling, Yue? You look like shit, no offence.” Suki proclaimed, poking my nose good-humouredly. Even though she wore her thick makeup, I spotted the way her eyes lit up, wrinkles forming around her eyes. That’s right, Aang lied to them. None of them have a single clue as to what I did.
           I swallowed hard, looking back and forth around the room, seeing Sokka and Aang sneak into the room. The door shut behind them, and while they talked and asked questions about my well-being, I couldn’t help but focus on their appearance.
           They all looked drained as if they were put through the wringer. But the look on Katara’s and Sokka’s face took the cake. I hadn’t seen any of them all day, only Katara in the morning when she rushed to Zuko’s side. Dark circles painted their tanned skin, their bright blue eyes not shining as bright as usual.
           I frowned, raising my hand to cup Katara’s face.
           She must have been healing this whole time, trying to help Zuko. If only I could be as great of a healer as Katara- “You look tired, Katara. Are you resting?” I whispered, and she scoffed.
           Her hand gripped mine, pushing it away as she once again pressed the back of her palm against my forehead. “I’m fine, Yue, we’re all fine. But you, not so much. Have you eaten lunch today?” I flushed under her gaze, shaking my head with a silent ‘no.’
           Sokka kissed his teeth, noticing he wandered from behind me, resting his hands on my shoulders. His touch had me wobbling, the weight of his hands on my shoulders feeling heavy. I felt weak – and I realized I was still leaning against the study as a form of support.
           “Princess, you look ill. We can talk later; I think you need to call it quits for today.”
           “Talk to me about what?” I asked, facing Sokka, Katara’s hand dropping from my face. He sighed, looking at the others for approval of some sort. “Sokka, let’s not do this now...” Katara warned, but Toph’s unamused tone triumphed them.
           “It’s about Zuko, Princess.”
           Katara twisted on her heel – anger flashing in her eyes at Toph’s nonchalant talking, but she wasn’t fazed at all. Toph’s blindness proved to work in her favour, already lounging on the office floor, resting her head on her palm, elbow on her knee.
           My heart started pounding, seeing the dark looks on everyone’s faces, “Is Zuko going to be okay? Aang told me he was going to be okay-” I panicked, and Suki quickly wrapped her arms around my shaking body, hushing into my ear.
           “Hey, he’s going to be just fine. It’s nothing bad, we promise.”
           A deep exhale left me, my eyes fluttering shut as I fell against Suki. “I just want him to be okay. That’s it.” I whimpered into her arms, and I felt Sokka rest his hand on my head, petting my hair. “Don’t worry, Princess, we got this. We just wanted to bring you up to speed.”
           “Did you learn anything new?” I questioned, pulling back from Suki’s embrace slightly. She still held me close to her frame, and Katara nodded. “Yue…did you know that Firebenders are resistant to poison?”
           My eyes narrowed, unable to form words. Resistant to poisons? How is that possible? “I-I had no clue-”
           “Me neither, I learned that today with the nurses. But that’s the thing, why try to kill the Fire Lord with poison, the very thing that Firebenders are immune? Sounds counter-intuitive, don’t you think?” I stared, trying to under what they were trying to get at.
           I saw the way Zuko struggled to breathe; he didn’t resist the poison at all. He was dying; I felt him slipping from right beneath my fingers. “I don’t get your point….”
           “Whoever did this was trying to target you, Princess,” Sokka said, and I faced him. “We know that already, Sokka. The tea was meant for me. But what does that have to do with Firebenders and poison? Zuko didn’t look like he was resisting the poison at all. He was gasping and struggling and-”
           Suki gripped my hands, noticing I was shaking, just picturing Zuko again. The mental image of Zuko in pain forever etched into my mind.
           “Exactly, Yue. Zuko wasn’t resisting the poison at first, and that got me curious.” Katara budded in, turning to face Aang. He walked forward, searching into his robe, before pulling out a tiny red pouch.
           “How is it possible, that Zuko, a powerful Firebender, almost died from poison, when Firebenders are supposedly resistant?” Katara spoke, taking the bag and tugging the strings. The contents of the pack fell into her palm, grounded bits of herbs, scattering her palm.
           I remember those herbs-
           “That was what was in the tea…” I gasped, and Katara nodded.
           “Zuko’s mom is a master botanist, a fact not too well-known in the kingdom. We asked her to look at these herbs and tell us what it was. And you know what she told us, Yue?” Aang spoke, and I shook my head.
           I loved plants, always wanted to be florist back when I lived in Earth Nation. Have my little flower garden with a family. But I lacked the resources to learn the technicalities of the field, let alone botany. “I-I don’t know…”
           “Ursa said the same thing.” Aang started, poking at the herbs with his pointer finger. “This – isn’t something we know. Someone created this herb, Ursa said it’s called cross-pollination. It’s an advanced technique; not even Ursa is comfortable with it anymore. But whoever did this, did so with the sole purpose of creating a poison so potent that it could kill a person in seconds, or disable a Firebender.”
           “Someone wanted you to die, Princess, and if given a chance, kill Zuko too. A two for one combo.” Toph snorted, blowing upwards and causing her bangs to fly upwards.
           Katara dumped the contents inside the pouch again, passing it back to Aang. “You were their main target, Zuko was just an after-thought.”
           “So, what you’re trying to tell me is the person in question is a botanist?”
           “It seems so, but when we interviewed the gardeners and florists, everyone came back clean. They don’t fit the bill.” Sokka exclaimed, “Suki and I went through every registered gardener and florist assigned to the kingdom, everyone had an alibi.”
           “Does this…does this have something to do with Yakone and Azula?” I whispered. Everyone’s looks darkened, Aang meeting my gaze. “We don’t know for certain...we don’t even know what their goal is besides destroying the United Nations. But if that was the case, wouldn’t it be easier to attack me?”
           Katara visibly tensed, looking back at Aang with a frown, “Don’t say that…”
           “But it’s true; their motives are unclear and-”
           “Sokka.” I budded, cutting off Aang. Everyone perked up at my voice, stepping forward as I paced back and forth. “You said you checked every gardener and florist registered with the kingdom, right,” I questioned, looking straight at Sokka.
           He nodded, watching how I stomped up and down the room. Katara sighed trying to reach forward, “Yue, you need to sit down, you look like you’re going to pass out-”
           “What about Mai?” I blurted.
           The looks on everyone’s faces dropped.
           I stopped pacing, a hand falling over my head the more and more I thought about it. “Mai’s sister, owns a flower shop, right? Zuko said she works for her sister, not for the kingdom. She isn’t a botanist, but she could’ve easily tricked her sister into creating something this deadly.”
           “Yue. I know Mai is Zuko’s ex-girlfriend, and you already think she’s guilty beforehand-” Sokka spoke, and my face turned red.
           “I’m not accusing her of something because she’s Zuko’s ex, Sokka! I’m saying it because we know she’s the snitch, and if we know she’s working with Azula, why would she be innocent of this?”
           Aang took a deep breath, shaking his head as he took a step back. The room was growing in tension, and I didn’t even notice the way Toph stood. “Princess is right. You guys let your personal feelings get in the way – yet again. She’s a prime suspect first, before a friend. She has all the tools, easy access in and out of the kingdom. She would’ve known that Princess gave Kima and Lia the morning off.”
           My face twisted to confusion, stepping forward, “Give Kima and Lia the morning off?” I repeated, and this time they all gazed at me like I was crazy. “I was told that Kima and Lia took the day off because something came up.” I blurted.
           “No…we have paperwork saying you gave them the morning off. You sent a guard with a note; we just asked Kima and Lia a few minutes ago when they arrived-”
           “Imperial Consort Ying Yue did not send me to deliver such a letter.” A voice spoke up, causing us all to jump.
           The guard who was helping me from before was holding some cleaning supplies, his Adam’s apple bobbing as he swallowed deeply. “S-sorry for interrupting, but Imperial Consort Ying Yue did not request me to send the letter.”
           “You sent the letter?” I asked, and the guard nodded.
           “Yes, last night, before they left. Countess Mai asked me to deliver that letter to your maids in your place.” His cheeks flushed slightly, uncomfortable by the number of stares he was receiving, but he maintained eye contact with myself.
           “I-I knew about the rumours about you and Countess Mai, b-budding heads, so I was surprised. But she said you two had some afternoon tea and worked your differences. That she will be your aid, as a symbol of goodwill. I’m sorry, what is this all about-”
           “Goodwill, my fucking ass.” I snarled, and just like that, I bolted.
           “Yue~!” Aang shouted, “Where are you going!?”
           “Nobody hurts Zuko and gets away with it.”
           I ignored their cries, shoving past the guard, the cleaning supplies spilling onto the ground. My hand gripped the door handle, swinging the door wide.
           Red, all I saw was red.
           My hands turned into fists, not caring about the stares I was receiving from the guards and servants. My hair was a mess, dress dirty from the ink stains from earlier today. I wasn’t even wearing my heels anymore, opting for a more comfortable footwear the moment I went into the study – proving useful at the moment.
           The gang’s voices seemed distant, as I ran down the red-coloured hallways. The sun was starting to set, blood pumping loudly in my ears.
           How I tried to be friends with you.
           How I tried to think well of you despite all the trash you spoke about me.
           You can hurt me as much as you like, but don’t you dare hurt the people I love.
           I turned the corner, noticing that the rooms of the kingdom were changing. The artwork was less grand, the doors no longer as tall – I’m in the noble’s quarters. A few people dressed in regal clothing stared at me, eyes narrowing in confusion as they saw the way I scanned the area like a madwoman.
           “Is there something you need, Imperial Consort Ying Yue?” a woman asked prudently, her eyes judging my appearance.
           I glared, stepping forward, “Where is Countess Mai.” I hissed.
           Her eyes widened, the people around her looking panicked, hearing my manic tone. She took a step back, her body trembling with fear as she watched the way my fingers twitched with anger. “I-I’ll call for her, um- MAI!”
           A scene started to unfold, more and more people leaving the comforts of their quarters to look at the commotion happening outside. But it was that sound. That bored, mono-toned voice that had chills running up my spine
           “What do you want?” Mai hissed, turning the corner of the hallway, a look of displeasure written on her face. Her cat-like eyes met mine, her figure stilling, and I forced a smile.
           “Your nose healed nicely.” I spat, and without a moment to spare, she ran.
           My knees bent, chasing at full speed.
           The way Mai moved with ease, turning the corner she just came from as I hastily struggled to catch up. The long gown I wore kept slowing me down, the guards reaching out for me hearing my heavy footsteps.
           “Imperial Consort, what are you doing-”
           “Give me this,” I shouted, grabbing the dagger attached to their hips as I ran past them.
           They couldn’t react fast enough, slipping through them like water in a desperate effort to not lose track of Mai. She knew the kingdom better than me, and she was taking full advantage of it.
           Her light-weight but fitted clothing gave her an edge, looking over her shoulder with a glare as she saw I was on her tail. Mai wasn’t stupid; she was a trained fighter – her lean physique and quick steps were the proof.
           I reached down hurriedly, yanking a large chunk of my dress in my hands, slicing the extra material off. The sound of expensive fabric being ripped to shreds would’ve had the royals crying. But the dead fabric dropping from my hands had me sighing in relief.
           My legs felt free, no longer under the tight constraints, or weighted down. Now I can fight. My pace quickened, pushing myself off the wall as she turned another sharp corner.
           “Give up; already, you think you can catch me?” Mai snarled, and my eyes widened. Her hands snuck up her sleeves for a brief moment, before flicking her wrist towards me.
           I gasped, the glistening look of the setting sun reflecting off metal had me darting to the side. I twisted my body and bumped ungracefully against the hallway wall. The feeling of a sharp piece of metal cutting my cheek had me flinching, noticing that Mai stood still for a moment with a broad grin.
           “You don’t know how good that felt.”
           “You poisoned the tea, didn’t you?” I shouted. Mai shrugged her shoulders, “I didn’t do anything. I just gave the tools necessary. That’s all.”
           “You almost killed Zuko.”
           Her eyes narrowed at my words, snickering under her breath, “If he died, it would’ve been your fault. I told you the moment you came here. You made a mistake.” She turned on her heel, picking up the pace, and I huffed.
           I flung myself forward, disregarding the pain that radiated up my body. I can’t go on for much longer; I’m too weak from this morning. But I have to do this- A large red door was at the end of the hallway, and I spotted the way Mai’s hand stretched forward.
           Oh no, you don’t- I twirled the small dagger in my hand, and with a grunt, rocked my arm forward.
           Mai’s fingers grazed the knob before the sound of metal slicing through wood had her swearing. Pieces of timber sparked, splinters flying in the air at the sheer impact of the dagger piercing the exit. Mai flinched, realizing what I had done – the door was jammed.
           “Fuck,” Mai swore under her breath, before jumping on her toes, the look of absolute anger evident. She looked to her side, and with an irritated grunt, dashed towards the only hallway available.
           It’s a dead-end, she’s going to have nowhere to go.
           My pace slowed, almost running into the blocked door, praying that no one was on the other side, because they were going to be stuck in there for a bit. I looked towards the hallway Mai ran down, half expecting her to be throwing a temper tantrum, realizing she has nowhere to go, another part anticipating her to put up a fight.
           But to my absolute horror and confusion - Mai was still running at full speed. My mouth dropped, face paling. It’s a dead-end besides a window, we’re on the second floor; she couldn’t possibly be thinking-
           The sound of glass shattering had people screaming in their rooms.
           It bounced off the wooden floors, tiny pieces flying in the hallway – some even cutting the paintings that hung nearby. The small shards created streams of rainbows throughout the corridor- as I watched in utter awe.
           Mai’s crazy.
           And if Mai weren’t the reason that Zuko was currently in the nurses' station, unconscious, I would’ve saluted her. A part of me had to scoff at the idea of Zuko and her in a relationship. No wonder they didn’t work out – you had two ruthless, stubborn warriors, neither of them willing to submit or show weakness no matter what.
           ‘Too many cooks in the kitchen’ – wise words Iroh.
           I groaned under my breath, forcing my legs to trek forward, flinching as my feet were still sore from the small cuts I received from early in the day. My hands reached out, leaning out the window, the smell of fresh air filling my nostrils.
           Where the fuck could she have gone?
           My eyes desperately scanned the area, the waterfall that Toph just fixed in full view. Glass littered the grass below, servants causing a ruckus about the mess, but I pushed back the random shrieks of shock because I couldn’t find the very thing I wanted.
           Where is she? I turned my head to the side, only to have my body lax for a moment,  a sarcastic laugh leaving my lips.
           This sneaky bitch.
           Mai smirked, realizing that I spotted her, running along the roof before sliding her way down to the garden below. The red shingles on the rooftop shook and dislodged with every step she took, despite her light actions, landing onto the soft grass with ease.
           I looked at the distance between me and the roof. I don’t have the momentum; I won’t make the jump. But…I do have this-
           Taking a deep breath, I raised my hands, feeling the movement of the water from the waterfall.
           The servants quickly adverted their attention from the glass to the low rumbling coming from the waterfall, realizing that the waterfall was no long sprouting water – but coming at full speed towards me. They moved to the side in fear, and I found myself stepping off the window sill, flinging myself over the edge.
           The feeling of weightlessness hit me, still very much swinging my arms above my head in a frantic effort for the water to come to me. Black spots started filling my vision at a higher intensity than ever before, a cold numbness overcoming my senses as my body begged for rest – even for a second.
           I’m using too much chi, but I don’t have much choice at the moment.
           My gestures became more agitated, and right before I hit the ground, my body was immersed by water. Shielding me from the fall, I tightened my hands into fists, the water around me conforming around my body as a thin sheet of ice, rolling along the grass.
           Mai’s eyes widened in astonishment, seeing me jump back to my feet, before making a mad break through the unmarked zone of the gardens. That zone was supposed to be blocked entirely - Zuko saying it was still under renovation at the moment, a summer project of his.
           I swallowed deeply, taking note of how substantial my breathing has gotten. No matter how profound I inhaled, I could feel my lungs screaming for air. I need a breather; I can’t go on for much longer. Hot sweat layered over my skin, body clammy from over-exhaustion, the beating sun not making matters any better. But I need to catch her – I can’t stop now.
           With a deep gulp, I willed myself to push forward through the greenery in search of Mai.
           The sound of grass crunching under our feet, our hands hysterically pushing the overgrown tree branches and bushes to the side as we struggled to see in front of us. The area was dark, the sunlight barely making it past the greenery, the air crisp.
           “Stop running, Mai!” I shouted in a pathetic attempt to stop this mad chase. Just maybe, maybe, she would listen. Spots started to fill my vision once again, the gaps between what was in front of me and the dark spots making it difficult to focus. I bit my lip as a means to center myself.
           I’m running out of time-
           My arm raised in front of me, the sound of metal lodging itself into my ice, stopping dead in my tracks. Ice shreds flattered off my arm at the impact, and I let out a sigh of relief, realizing I got her weapon in time. Her daggers can’t pierce my ice-
           I gasped out in pain, her long fingers yanking my hair from the side and jerking me towards her. It all happened so fast, not even realizing that she was already beside me in seconds, my hair in her grip.
           She pivoted on her heel, using all her force to raise her knee straight into my stomach. My eyes widened, ice melting temporarily at the sheer disbelief of the attack. The pain was unbelievable, a dry heave escaping me as I cried.
           The way Mai moved – it reminds me of Azula so much. And if that’s the case-
           I shrieked in agony as the grip on my locks didn’t loosen, feeling each strand pulling from my scalp, using it as a leash to pull me back towards her for another attack. My feet stumbled forward as I doubled over in pain, watching as she rose her free hand into the air with a dagger in hand.
           “This is your fault.” Mai hissed, and at that moment, I dug my shoulder into her stomach.
           I grabbed her hips with a low grunt, lifting her off her feet and throwing onto the ground. The hold on my hair loosened, the dagger Mai held in her hand, falling onto the grass beside us.
           Her head hit the dirt, with a loud thud, and I swirled my hands around me, sitting on her waist as I pinned her wrists. The water slithered onto her skin, freezing over her hands and solidifying itself with the dirt. Her eyes widen, trying to kick upwards, but the water caught her feet, forcing her back to the ground.
           “I caught you.” I panted in pain, sweat dripping off my forehead as a cold shiver ran up my body.
           My body was shaking, losing focus rapidly as I forced myself to continue bending. The need to have Mai pinned underneath me, unable to move an inch, was the only motivation keeping me alive.
           Mai’s face twisted in anger, struggling against her bonds, “You’re a fucking fool.”
           “Says the one who almost killed her ex-boyfriend after proclaiming that you love him.” I breathlessly criticized, causing her to roll those dark eyes.
           “You don’t get it, do you? The only reason Zuko almost died was because of you.” I narrowed my eyes at her words. Let it go, Yue, don’t entertain her.
           “What does that mean, Mai.”
           “It means if you want Zuko to be happy, to be safe, you’ll pack up your things and leave.”
           “You just want me out of the picture.”
           “Think whatever you want to. All this started the moment you arrived here. Zuko’s life wasn’t in danger until you showed up.”
           I froze at her words, and Mai laughed bitterly, seeing the expression on my face. Because despite all the bullshit she put me through, she was right. Zuko was safe before I entered the picture – everything seemingly ties back to me somehow.
           Could she-could Mai be telling me the truth?
           “Think about it. All this drama happened because of you. Everything ties back to you being a Bloodbender.” She spat.
           My eyes widened, fingers digging into her skin under the cast of ice wrapped around her joints. But she didn’t seem the slightest bit fazed by the pain.
           “You know nothing, Mai.” I heaved, struggling to keep myself up at this point. My body was screaming in pain, my eyes shutting close as I tried to keep awake. “But I do. That poison, the only way to save him would be through Bloodbending. Aren’t you the tiniest bit curious who Yakone is? Why he’s so interested in you – why he reminds you of your precious Mom?”
           “Shut up.” I cracked, fighting back the tears of frustration. Don’t let her get to you, Yue. She’s trying to mess you up, keep it together. A few more seconds before the gang finds you-
           “Admit it. It all comes down to you. If anyone gets hurt, it’s all your fault.”
           “N-no, I would never hurt the people I love-” I gulped.
           “But you already did. You almost killed Zuko- he would never love you.”
           “Zuko loves me-”
           “Loved you. Zuko would never love a monster like yourself. Not after everything you’ve done.”
           The sound of crackling made my eyes open wide and head twist to the side.
           A blue flash caught my attention, energy sizzling and buzzing loudly through the empty garden space. I saw the movement of fingers through the low-rise tree branches, amber eyes staring back at me. Shit-
           I melted the ice instantly, much to my relief, jumping off Mai as I dodged for cover. The wicked sound of electricity cutting through the air, hitting the trees behind me, setting them ablaze. The heat that emitted from the foliage was intense, my skin feeling sunburned even through my dress.
           “A-Azula.” I gasped in pain, unable to get off the ground.
           Mai effortlessly rolled her body, skipping back onto her feet as she breezed towards Azula. “I’m wet.” She grumbled under her breath, waving her long sleeves to emphasize her point. Azula snorted, at her friends' gesture, flicking her long black hair behind her shoulder.
           “You’re lucky I came to save you. It seemed that this wrench overpowered you.”
           “She got lucky,” Mai groused back, kicking her feet into the dirt in front of her. Her dagger flew into the air, her hand reaching forward and snapping it up effortlessly. “Well, might as well leave then. No point causing any more of a scene than we already have.”
           Mai nodded at Azula’s words.
           I tried to stand up, forcing my feet to move, but my body refused to listen. I can’t let them leave; I need to stop them.
           “Wait-” I whimpered under my breath, trying to reach out. My hands dug into the dirt, driving myself to stand on my feet once again, but my knees buckled, crashing back onto the ground. Azula didn’t bat an eye to my cry, ignoring my weak protest as she twisted on her heel and blended in with her surroundings.
           But I saw the way Mai stilled for a second.
           She gazed over her shoulder with a look that had me holding my breath. For the first time since I met her, she let down her tough exterior, her eyes no longer containing that spark of feistiness. All that was left was a look of sadness, hurt…and pain.
           So much pain.
           I tilted my head to the side, unable to utter a word seeing the expression on her face – and as if Mai realized that she revealing too much of herself to me, a scowl painted her pretty face.
           “Remember, Yue,” Mai whispered breathlessly. “If you really love Zuko – want the best for him. You know what to do.”
           She whipped her gaze away from mine, sprinting off into the greenery around us – and there I sat – forced to bask in Mai’s words in a pile of mud.
           Sitting alone, with nothing but the sounds of trees rustling, birds chirping, flames crackling I found my eyes fluttering shut. An endless pit of loneliness emerging from deep within.
           My fingers dug into the filth as I cried because I knew what I have to do.
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              “Does my baby want some attention?”
           “Maybe…” I giggled, smiling naughtily as I let my hands play with the ends of Zuko’s hair. My legs were wrapped perfectly around Zuko’s waist, currently straddling him as he rested on the couch in our bedroom – in his reading corner.
           I could hear the book he was reading shut with a soft thud from behind me, tossing the novel onto the coffee table with all the other stories I stocked. Stories I knew Zuko would love to read during his spare time.
           Feeling his warm hands caress my hips, running up my back before finally falling on my jaw had my skin tingling. Butterflies in my stomach as I enjoyed his tender touches. The whole time Zuko bore a soft smile, his eyes in a dreamy daze as he studied my figure up and down.
           “You’re beautiful, you know that…” he mumbled under his breath, and I blushed at his words.
           He continued letting his fingers roam, thumb brushing my lips, rubbing my cheeks, and I couldn’t help but purr like a kitten. How I loved this. Zuko always took his time, never rushing, each touch, each caress, done with a particular intent.
           I didn’t even notice my eyes had fluttered shut until I heard Zuko’s deep chuckle once again, cheeks turning a dark hue of red. “S-sorry.” I blurted, realizing I was practically leaned into Zuko, our noses touching. But Zuko merely grinned, shaking his head, “You're needy.”
           “Just one kiss?” I pouted, and I saw the way Zuko rolled his eyes – trying his hardest to seem indifferent to the idea. But I still saw the way he licked his lips in delight, his eyes settling over my own.
           “What if I want two kisses, love?” Zuko teased, and I smiled, “Then I’ll give you three.”
           “And if I want four?”
           “Then you’ll get five.”
           “How about…a hundred kisses?”
           “Then you’ll get a hundred and one kisses.” I smugly retorted, and Zuko laughed.
           His chest rumbled underneath me, eyes squinting in delight at my silliness. His laugh was contagious, unable to stop my giggles from tumbling, our cheerfulness mixing.
           I’m so happy-
           “Yue, let me put a bandage on your cheek. It should heal within a day or two.” Katara hummed softly, leaning over my figure with outstretched fingers – pulling me out of my fantasy.
           Her touch was gentle, the stickiness of the bandage causing a slight itch on my skin where it stuck, reminding me of the dressing I had to wear on my jaw for a bit. “Thank you…” I muttered out tiredly, running a hand through my chaotic hair.
           I could hear the ruckus happening outside in the gardens through the opened window, already imagining everyone turning over every single pebble in that garden for any traces or clues. ‘Mai had all her shit packed, she was going to leave tonight,’ Sokka said before leaving Zuko’s study to help the others.
           A tired groan left my lips, rolling my head side to side to ease the tension in my shoulders. My eyes struggled to stay open, wanting nothing more but to slide into my warm bed, Zuko hugging me from behind-
           “Hey, did you ever find out what the Earth King wrote that was so important for Zuko to read?” Katara asked, catching my attention.
           My tired eyes opened a bit more, trying to appear alert as I saw the olive-green document in Katara’s hands. I shook my head, leaning over to take the neatly pre-opened envelope from her touch. Zuko never finished reading this letter; he decided to take me out for dinner instead.
           “I figured you would’ve read it; it seemed urgent,” Katara added.
           “You’re right; I should probably give it a read…” I whispered, letting the paper fall on my lap as I propped against the desk. A silence fell over us, both us trying to wrap our heads around what was happening.
           Mai set up the whole thing, and I saw the way the news hurt the team.
           They all looked wounded, their greatest fears coming alive. They knew Mai was the snitch, but seeing her running away, actually admitting guilt, was rubbing salt in the wound at this point. Why would you do this, Mai?
           Everyone says this is unlike you, yet here you are, doing exactly what you wouldn’t ever do.
           “Um, do you want to visit Zuko?” Katara said again, almost rushed, trying to fill the void with some sound. My body stiffened at the mention of Zuko, looking up at Katara like a lost child.
           “You haven’t seen him all day. I know it must be hard for you.”
           “I-It’s fine; I’ll-I’ll visit him tomorrow.” I blurted, shaking my head as I pushed myself off the table. I let my fingers play with the edges of the envelope in my hands, trying to look busy and distract myself from Mai’s haunting words.
           Zuko doesn’t love me anymore…
           She’s just trying to mess with you, Yue.
           But Mai has known Zuko her whole life. She probably knows Zuko better than I will ever. I’m an idiot for thinking that I was actually important-
           “You can visit Zuko now, Yue. I know you want to-”
           “I’m fine, Katara. I-” I stilled, no longer playing with the green folder in my hands to distract myself from my dark thoughts. Feeling the paper slide between my hands, grazing the Earth Nation wax seal jogged a whole new can of worms into my mind.
           My eyes widened, feeling my skin crawl- “Shit, I forgot! I have a meeting!” I gasped.
           My gut dropped, letting out a worn-out whine as I ran a hand through my hair.
           I looked out the window, noticing that the sun was starting to hide behind the tree-line, the moon ready to make an appearance in due time. But that means it must have started already, and now I’m going to be late, again.
           And that grumpy man is going to use that against me and say how useless I am and-
           “Yue. You can’t be serious?” Katara exclaimed, watching me bolt upwards and towards the study. I gave a mental thanks to the guard from early in the day, realizing he cleaned the desk despite me leaving the way I did. I need to thank him-
           “Ying Yue,” Katara growled, her hand yanking my shoulder back.
           I jumped at the aggressive shove, forcing me to face Katara. Her face was warped with fury, watching me as if I had eight heads. “What about Zuko?” Katara breathed, emphasizing each word.
           “What about him, Katara?” I snapped, swinging the documents in my hands into the air. “He’s out cold, because of me. Everything that happened today is because of me. Everything. The reason why Zuko almost died, the reason all this drama is happening, the reason why Zuko is drowning with all this council bullshit every day - it all leads back to me!” I cried in frustration.
           Katara’s face softened immediately, trying to reach forward to cradle me, but I stepped back. “You’re punishing yourself-” Katara realized, and I swallowed back a sob. “No, I’m doing Zuko a favour. He doesn’t want to see me, Katara. How could he after everything I’ve done?” I cried, pushing the folder tightly to my chest.
           Katara shook her head, her own eyes tearing, “Yue, Zuko loves you-”
           “Zuko loved me. Just-just drop it; I need to go.”
           “Yue, forget about the meeting-”
           “I can’t, Katara! It’s the only thing going somewhat right – the only thing I can give to Zuko when he wakes up. The least I could do for him.”
           “Yue-” I walked forward, the office door opening wide as I dashed out of the room.
           I ignored the cries of Katara behind me, blood rushing in my ears as I stormed down the hallway. The documents in my hands were crumbling under my death grip, furiously wiping the tears on my cheeks.
           This is the only thing I could do for Zuko – the only thing I managed to get right.
           The guards up ahead, safeguarding the throne room, saw my approaching figure, looks of disbelief etched into their faces. “Imperial Consort – the meeting was set almost an hour ago-”
           “Are they still in there, waiting?” I asked, and I saw the way the guard took in my appearance, mud stuck in my hair.
           “Y-yes-” they stuttered, and I nodded, “Good.”
           Not bothering to wait for the guards to open the door for me, I stormed inside.
           The doors swung open, slamming against the walls and catching the attention of the council in seconds. They all stood tall, eyes wide as they took in my appearance. “Oh my- Imperial Consort, are you alright?” A councilmember gulped in shock, and I ignored their inquiry, my eyes meeting that asshole.
           His face was stern, kissing his teeth as he studied my figure up and down in disgust. “You’re almost an hour late – and you come in looking like that.” He laughed bitterly; his two stupid minions amused by his joke. The councilmembers all shut their mouths, noticing the annoyance in my posture.
           “How about you take a seat, Imperial Consort?” A member politely suggested, and I shook my head, forcing myself to smile at them.
           “I’m perfectly fine because I plan on making this meeting short. Increase of funding – denied.”
           The man's eyes widen at my statement, crashing his hands on the table. For a moment, I thought he was going to jump over the counter, lunging at my throat. “Bullshit. Why is it denied, you know Fire Lord Zuko approved of the documents previous years, you saw his signature-”
           “No. What I saw was three councilmembers manipulating and falsifying classified documents to trick myself, and the council, to believing that Fire Lord Zuko approved of such funding.”
           The colour drained from their faces, but more importantly, the grumpy man who started all of this.
           His mouth opened and closed, unable to utter a word in response, and the rest of the members looked at them in horror. I raised the papers in the air, tossing them onto the table, seeing the documents glide into messy piles.
           “What’s wrong, you thought that because I’m Imperial Consort that I just have to sleep with Fire Lord Zuko, like some glorified concubine? That I don’t have a backbone? A mind of my own?” I spat, and I saw the bead of sweat build on his brow.
           “Only a concubine would speak with such vulgar language.” He scowled.
           “Maybe so, but it seems to be the only way for your small brain to understand. Which leads me to my next point - you, and your accomplices, will be charged with treason.”
           “Y-you have no evidence-” I rolled my eyes, hands falling over my hips, “You sure about that? Because I currently have eight others who can vouch for me. So, let the real joy of this situation come to light.”
           Out of the corner of my eye, I saw smug smiles on everyone's faces, hearing me put these fools in their place. But more importantly, I noticed that warm smile on Ming’s face, a smile filled with pride.
           My back straightened, holding the Earth Nation document to my chest, “You were so eager to get rid of me. But you will not lose your roles as councilmembers until Fire Lord Zuko comes in power once again. So rather than waking up tomorrow, eager for Fire Lord Zuko to awake – you’re going to wish he doesn’t. Because as long as I’m in this position, you still have your job – you’re going to want me to be in charge from this point on.”
           All the didn’t bother trying to hide their growing grins, watching as three of the most hated members get scolded like school children – stripped of all power and authority.
           I raised my head high, clearing my throat, “Now that’s settled, meetings dismissed.”
           Turning on my heel, trying to look as confident as I possibly could with twigs in my hair, dress ripped in half and covered in mud and ink, I walked out of that room with my chin up. I could hear chairs being pushed back at my words, my lips tugging upwards.
           A few claps could be heard from behind me as I made my way out, and a tired laugh left me. The guards before me amusingly opened the door, sporting prideful grins as the light from the grand hallway flooded my vision.
           And the moment I stepped outside, ready to celebrate my victory – tears streamed down my face.
           I kept on marching forward, my sobs growing in intensity, eyes blood-shot as my shoulders shook every time I tried to hold back another cry. I couldn’t stop it, the way my legs wobbled, a hand covering my mouth to muffle the small whimpers that left my lips as I ran towards my bedroom.
           I hope I made Zuko proud for once.
           I hope that when Zuko wakes up, he smiles at me. I want him to hug me, pepper kisses all over my face, saying how well I did.
           But no matter what.
           Above all things - “I just want to keep you safe, make you happy.” I cried into my hands, “even if its not with me.”
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Copyright © 2019 Mystic-Kitten, inc. all rights reserved. No reposting, modifying, or translations of any kind allowed. Thank you for your cooperation.
Disclaimer: I do not own any Avatar characters portrayed in this story besides Ying Yue Jiang, Lia, Kima, and any future creations.
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