#eruhaben was the sacrifice
valdeswan · 1 year
Cale and Eruhaben were drinking quietly when an exited Raon enters the room flying.
“Goldie! I have a question! The intelligent Rosalyn told me that sometimes new stars born and others die, but, how they die?”
Before the gold dragon can even process the question, Cale responded without hesitation and almost seemed like reflex a response when his face didn’t change.
“Usually an overdose”
Eruhaben snort without grace and Cale suddenly realizes with horror who he said that answer. There's no way he's gonna explain what that means to Raon.
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justanotherpjofan · 8 months
I really like how Cale says Raon must have learned a lot from Eruhaben and Ron and is proud about it, but sweetie he has learn most from you he literally thinks and says a lot like Cale and this dumdass can't see that he is the parental figure.
Then what does he think he is doing? Being a chill rich uncle? No sir they are you kids like it or not they take you as a role model to learn of and not repeat your self-sacrifice charade.
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teriri-sayes · 2 months
Reactions to The Incomprehensible's Chapters 323-324
Brief summary: Cale can use Instant up to 10 minutes. Neo keeps attacking Cale's allies. Bloody Cale reaches his limit, and Neo is about to explode. DHB sacrifices himself as Neo explodes.
We got a double chapter today, and it was so tense like last time. B-B-BUT!!!! THAT CLIFFHANGER!!! 😰😰😰 WHYYYYYYYY!!!! DHB!!!!! 😨😨😨 NOOOOOOO!!!! PLEASE, AUTHOR-NIM!!! DON'T KILL HIM!!! 😭😭😭
Poor Raon... He kept screaming in despair, seeing his human all bloody and getting hurt because Cale kept protecting him from Neo's attacks. And then, he had to see DHB sacrificing himself to protect him too. 😭😭😭
Cale's Instant grew to the point that it could now last 10 minutes. And in its full power, Instant could make time slower than what Neo could do. But the ancient powers were screaming at Cale to stop. Because Cale kept using all his ancient powers along with Instant when fighting Neo. And that was putting a huge strain in his plate. Vitality of the Heart was shouting to Cale that he had already reached the limit, but Cale ignored it! 😭😭😭
Neo was scum. He purposely kept attacking Cale's allies, such as CH, Raon, and Eruhaben, knowing they were Cale's weakness. And when he realized he was about to die, he tore out his own heart to hasten the explosion.
Cale was really panicking today. His condition was really bad. It was worse than the chapter when he first used Instant. It was worse than the time he killed WS. Cale really pushed himself to the limits today. He kept cursing at Neo, angry at the latter for constantly targeting Raon and his allies.
His vision was blurry because of the blood. His hearing was faint because his ears were also bleeding. He could not tell if his body was feeling hot (overuse of Instant) or cold (because he was sweating so much). His clothes were torn here and there, and wounds appeared all over his body. And his internal injuries filled his mouth with blood.
Worst of all, his allies could see his bloody state but were all helpless to help him. Raon was crying when he saw his human like that. Eruhaben and CH were shocked and scared upon seeing all the blood.
DHB... 😭😭😭 His bones finally broke, and his soul flew out of his skeleton body. He turned to a brilliant light in the shape of a dragon. And at the speed of light, he grabbed Neo who was about to attack Raon, and flew up into the sky, away from everyone. And when time flowed again, Neo reached his end and exploded. And Cale saw the platinum light distorting in that explosion. 😭😭😭😭😭😭
Author-nim, how could you do this?!!! DHB had yet to hear the name Cale would give him! Please let him live!!! 😭😭😭
Ending Remarks Today was so tense, and it ended with such a cliffhanger. 😨 Next chapter would be aftermath of the explosion, and hopefully, please, author-nim, DHB would still be alive in some way.
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slackerlifewhere · 4 months
Involving kids in battles
There are a lot of opinions about Cale Henituse, formerly known as Kim Rok Soo. Some readers love him and some readers don't. Some find him funny and some think he's annoying. Some see his selflessness and some judge him as selfish.
He's a very complex character that is just tired of the bullshit the gods did to a lot of people including himself.
But the one thing that some readers do not like about him is how he includes kids in wars and battles against multiple powerful threats.
I've made a post about female characters that slightly mentions this. It can be found during On's part in the post if you're curious.
So here's the thing about the kids in TCF, or rather, the kids in Cale's group. They're strong in different ways.
And most of them, excluding Lily and Basen, are not humans.
To understand why I think their presence in battles are okay, let me first bring up Kim Rok Soo's past to understand the way he thinks.
As we all know, at least the ones who finished the first book, Kim Rok Soo did not have the best life. His parents died from a car accident when he was young and he was left to his abusive uncle. He was mostly alone with no connections to other people (for reasons you need to read about if you haven't yet) until the apocalypse (when he was a young part-timer) happened where he had to survive by himself until he became a member of a team with different abilities. He was a member who had to fight and watch people die when he was young until he's 36 years old.
He doesn't have a normal life and childhood.
'Kim Rok Soo had once had to starve in the past. He did not enjoy seeing children looking so skinny. Although Lock had always looked feeble and his tall height made him skinny from the start, he seemed even thinner now.' - Chapter 234: Something Obvious (3)
So if a person who grew up under these circumstances is suddenly thrusted into another world where anyone can die easily, what would he do?
Basen and Lily
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His first reaction to the idea of Basen being sent to the plaza where Cale knows a tragedy might happen, is to agree with Deruth's idea of replacing Basen, knowing full well that his younger brother will not come back completely fine, especially since he's a normal kid. He chose to sacrifice his safety for a brother he barely knows since he recently just got transmigrated in this strange world. Basen is more fit to help in their territory than to fight in battles. And he does not see this as a weakness.
When Lily asks for a sword instead of a normal toy a child of her age would normally want, he easily agrees. This is a kid who wants to learn how to fight. He knows that there will be war coming to Roan Kingdom and their territory will be the first to face this danger. So the idea of her learning how to fight, with the mindset of someone who survived in an apocalypse, made him agree without complaints.
Raon Miru
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Fast forward and he gained the trust of three children who are harmed by a tribe and a cruel noble. He pities them but also understands their pain at the same time, especially after everything he went through. He knows coddling them would not make things better since they already know how harsh the world is.
Raon is a baby dragon but he's stronger than all of the people in his group, except Eruhaben. He's a kid who easily talks about destroying the world if Cale doesn't wake up after fainting. He's a kid who wants revenge against Venion and he never let go of that anger even when he was freed by Cale and his group. He knows he's stronger than Cale and does not want to leave this "weak" human despite the strong enemies they face.
But Cale, even with this thought of "putting him to use" at first, told him to hide himself in all battles and when around strangers.
Even though he knows Raon can fight, it's obvious the little dragon will face potential problems if everyone knows there's a dragon in the group. Arm would do everything to get Raon and bring him to DHB, the nobles would probably become greedy, a lot of people will rely on him for things he shouldn't even need to do, and Raon will never be truly free from all the expectations placed on him.
He could leave Raon with Elves and Eruhaben but considering what Arm did to the elves, Eruhaben's lair, and Olienne, there are no safe places to leave him.
Cale gave him the freedom of choice. He can live freely as a dragon without trusting a human. He was fully confident that Raon will not follow him. But he did. So Raon is his responsibility now.
I made a post about liking both Cale and Reigen Arataka and I can honestly see their similarities in this part. They know the kid with them is stronger than them but they also know that fully placing all the responsibilities and expectations on this kid will ruin them.
He, like Reigen, tells his kids that it's okay to run when facing a strong opponent. That it's okay to rely and let the adults handle the hard part of the battle. He respects and relies on them when necessary and pulls them back when they face real danger.
When the White Star first appeared, Cale's first instinct was to hide Raon in his arms and to defend themselves from the man. He was also prepared to fight until Eruhaben appeared. No matter how much Raon wanted to fight, Cale kept hiding him and was genuinely scared for the dragon.
So yes, he cares for the kids in his own way but doesn't treat them in a patronizing manner.
On and Hong
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Like I've mentioned in my other post, On and Hong also did not have a great childhood. They were chased from their tribe who wanted to kill them because they're "useless" and mutants.
They did not trust anyone until they met Cale who says one thing and does the opposite. They placed their trust on Cale who may appear indifferent and cold but seems to care for them by giving them bread, medicine, and meat without having expectations from them.
Some readers might find it distasteful but it's obvious that they want to be useful, no matter how small their contribution is to the fight. I think the term "useful" makes it cruel but for them, it's something to be proud of. When he first uses this term, it's when they were saving Raon. But his next instinct was to check if they're okay after infiltrating the cave.
Is it bad to let these kids fight after they escaped death? Yes and no.
They should be safe, away from harm or danger. That's normal to think about children and I agree they need safety like normal children. But once again, these kids aren't human and they are in a different world from us. They grew up in a tribe that expects them to be strong so in every opportunity, they look for ways to be strong.
That's not exactly a normal kid's way of thinking.
And again, Cale's initial indifference to everything around him is the extension of what his former life did to his psyche. He's not a normal person either. None of these characters are normal. Oddly enough, the most normal are Litana and Valentino.
And in all honesty, knowing how he thinks and respects someone's needs and wants, if they want to stay away from danger or stop fighting, there is no doubt he would accept their wishes and let them hide somewhere far away from Arm. But like Raon, they want to fight back against the tribe who wants them dead. In a sense, they also want revenge and to prove everyone that they've become strong.
Lock and the Wolf children
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Lock is still a young boy, no matter how much he shoulders after the death of his tribe. I still see him as a kid like Basen.
When Lock was having troubles during the war, Cale did not scold him. Instead, he encouraged him to eat since he noticed how Lock hasn't been eating since he first learned he can't use his berserk form. He told him that he did not need to fight. His only role was to stand and protect Raon. Simple but it made Lock feel relieved and happy that Cale didn't get angry at him for being weak.
I see it as Cale just wanting him to step back and get stronger, to rely on the rest of the adults and to not worry about regressing. I can only imagine what Kim Rok Soo went through to be so wise about this kind of situation.
This part is one of the most memorable to me because of what happens at the end of the battle,
'I am the adult.
I am the guardian of these two children.
I need to take full responsibility since I chose to take them in.
I need the Super Rock's power.'
Cale, despite all his inner complaints and initial reluctance about how he's suddenly involved in a group of children's safety and protection, finally admitted how important it is that he takes full responsibility of those he took in. And the way he does it is by "sacrificing" himself.
When Lock finally overcome his fear and was about to protect Cale, Cale got annoyed and said,
"Children grow up so fast" with a pat on Lock's head.
He sounded like a father or an uncle who was proud of Lock for overcoming his obstacles. This one scene among multitudes of others made me recognize how much he cares for these children. It's happening mid-battle but it doesn't detracts the emotional value but only increases it. It was another reason why I find Cale Henituse so interesting and mesmerizing.
Cale Henituse, for all his self-hatred and low self-esteem, does not bring down a child or person's confidence. He gives them the choice to become strong and protects them when they're weak.
He does not force them to do anything they can't or don't want to do. He knows what he went through as Kim Rok Soo is bad and he doesn't want them to go through the same thing.
Reading between the lines made me see that there's something deeper than what Cale shows.
I'm not gonna lie, I sound like Clopeh at some parts whenever I write like this. I felt the same when I was writing about the female characters lmao
I'm sorry if this is so long 😅 I became too passionate about this topic. I understand the people who are worried about the kids but this is still my opinion about it.
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weirdsht · 2 months
I really love characters with the tendency to bleed and be some human sacrifice. Tysm kdj and krs. 😭 i have a new idea altho I'm not sure if somebody's already done this. Cale and the group with someone who coughs out blood everytime they spill spoilers from the tcf novel? Like she's been transmigrated/reincarnated (whatev you desire (⁠^⁠^⁠). Bro is trying to help so bad bc they hate war so they do it subtly and carefully (imagine having to be careful with your wording, I can't even--) but can't help but shit out blood sometimes or most of the time cos they forget and get frustrated
Forgive me for i love miserable characters...
Hardbound (Paperback pt. 2) - Cale x Reader
notes: I decided to link it to another oneshot I did before because I think it fits. I hope that's okay!
tags: blood, like the whole fic is blood, heavy cursing, Cale might be ooc, NOVEL SPOILERS (near the end of book 1)
English isn’t my first language so there will be grammatical errors
Pls don't repost my work anywhere without my permission
Constructive criticisms and any kind of interaction are more than welcome
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Crimson, the colour of Cale’s hair.
That was the colour Cale can see right now. However, he is not looking at his hair.
Instead, he was looking at the blood dripping from your mouth.
“Stop speaking. This is not good for you.”
“Why not? You cough up blood all the time. Why can’t I do the same?”
You joked lightly but Cale didn’t like how weak your voice sounded. Indeed, he always coughs up blood. Especially whenever he overuses his ancient powers. But the blood he coughs up is dark red. Dead blood from his regeneration powers cleansing his body.
Not the vibrant crimson blood dripping from your chin. Blood from a beating heart, a sign of vitality as Eruhaben would say.
“I need to continue, you need to know about this. We must hurry up so just- ugh… so just listen.”
When you told Cale you were going to pull a “World Tree-nim and a Cale combo”, he didn’t know what he expected. 
It certainly wasn’t you trying to give out spoilers from your beloved book and coughing out copious amounts of blood.
“There will be monsters. Ones too hard to– Ugh! Fuck! I’m sure you understand what I mean.”
“That’s two out of five. Those things will be in a pit. It’ll look like statues, you will also see… you will also see an altar there…”
“You don’t need to speak anymore. Please, the rest of us will figure it out.”
“No, no. I’m fine really… Bear bastard, you know who it is, hostages. He’ll– Ugh!”
Drip. Drip. Drip
“It’s Tasha’s people. For a summoning– Fuck that one really hurts! I'm trying to speak as vaguely as possible already, what the hell…”
“Please… I’m going to tape your mouth shut if you don’t shut up.”
Drip. Drip. Drip
“I’d like to see you try. The tape won’t stick with all– with all this blood.”
“Enough jokes. The fourth and fifth ones are connected. In Endable, watch out for bears and black– watch out for black mages. And avoid– Shit! Avoid using instant. But I'm not sure if it's… if it's possible… I need to speak… to speak to Raon. The last spoiler is for him– ugh..!”
Drip. Drip. Drip. Drip.
Cale wanted to refuse. He wanted this to end.
At first, it was just from your mouth.
The blood that is.
Then it started dripping from your left eye. Naturally, your right eye was next.
Then your nose. Then your ears.
Before the commander knew it, your entire face was covered with blood. He tried to wipe it, but they were dripping so quickly that it did nothing.
Cale doesn’t know how are you still conscious. He isn’t even sure if you’re still breathing. That was why he wanted you to shut up. That was why he desperately wanted this to stop.
But it can’t
Cale can’t refuse nor can he end this.
It was because you already made up your mind. And since you did, there’s no stopping you now.
So he gets Raon. Warned the toddler that the sight inside the room would not be pretty, but he must listen. Because their futures are resting upon the words you are about to say.
Upon the words written in your beloved book.
“I know… If you can’t listen I’ll listen for you and rely on the message.”
“No… I’m great and mighty. Because I’m great and mighty I shall listen to this conversation myself.”
Raon flew over to where you were. Placing himself on your lap as he uses his stubby paws to hug you.
“Ah, it feels comforting to have such a great and mighty being comforting me. But you’ll get blood on you– Ugh..!”
Drip. Drip.
The black dragon didn’t care about the blood. He just hugged you tighter at the sound of you coughing up more blood.
“Raon Miru-nim remember this well. Things might get messy and despite my meddling things might still go awry. So I’m telling you right now. In Endable, Cale might become incapacitated to fight– Fuck! Ugh, I promised to not curse in front of you…”
Drip. Drip. Drip. Drip. Drip.
“It will be hard, you will need to do everything yourself, without Cale. In fact, you will have to do his job– ugh… but you must do well. Remember, the first thing you have to do is have Mila-nim on standby. She can heal him.”
Drip. Drip. Drip. Drip. Drip. Drip. Drip. Drip. Drip. Drip. Drip
“I want to say more… but I’m reaching my limit…”
Raon tightened his hug and you weakly reciprocated it. You aren't sure if the wetness you feel in your shirt is from your blood or the dragon’s silent tears. Nonetheless, you still tried to hug Raon tighter.
In the meanwhile, Cale was already calling for servants and healers to attend to you as soon as you admitted your limit. His voice was laced with unusual panic. It made the others who didn’t know what was happening move with urgency.
“You are strong, smart, great and mighty, always remember that.”
You weakly stroked Raon’s back, trying to comfort him in advance for the things about to come.
“Young master what’s going on–”
Beacrox and Ron stopped in their tracks when they saw the condition you were in.
“Ahahaha, you guys are right on time. I think… I’m going.. To…”
You couldn’t even finish your sentence for you already fell unconscious. Your body dangerously swaying to fall off from your sitting position on the couch. Luckily, Cale was nearby and managed to catch your falling body.
Cale glanced at you, then he glanced at the open book on the table.
As usual, he couldn’t see what was written on the pages. He could only see the cover title at the front and the synopsis at the back.
But that doesn’t stop him from hating that damned book that put you in this state.
If only you haven’t read that book before coming here.
If only there wasn’t a restriction placed on you by that damned book.
If only…
“Fuck, after this war is done I’m going to try and burn that shitty book one way or another. I don’t care anymore if it’s your favourite.”
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note: in case it wasn't clear, the placement of the drips signifies how fast the reader's blood was gushing out
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maria-of-the-waves · 5 months
Erjon of the Wind Island
Ok, I'm writing this at midnight and it's probably coming from my sleep-deprived mind, but here's an idea what I need to write down before I forget it ヽ( ̄~ ̄ )ノ:
Well we all know that the Wind Island test was just an illusion unlike the SGT on Earth 2 and this is because the Sound of the Wind would not have enough power to create an entire alternate dimension based on anyone's worst fears of the challenger who is going to do it σ( ̄、 ̄〃).
We also know that due to the curse Cale never tried to form bonds with Min Ah, So Hoon or the rest of Team 1 but they still cared about him and were just as loyal as any member of Cale's family ( ‾́ ◡ ‾́ ).
Well, what if that were the case for the butler boy we see in the Wind Island test (ᓀ ᓀ)?
Let's say that he became very worried about his master after seeing him act in such a strange way and he decided to follow him because of that same concern ~(>_<~).
This only grew after seeing the way he spoke (or rather questioned) everyone he crossed, it got even worse after seeing him pick up a book that he already hated too much to even approach (。•́︿•̀。).
Well, he follows him from afar, not close enough to hear him but close enough to see him.
He watches everything that happens in Super Rock Villa and after he enters the top floor he gets very worried because he can't see it without giving himself away.
He hears the sound of a book hitting the floor and, alarmed, runs in only to see him "commit suicide" (メ﹏メ)
He panics and while trying to stop him he accidentally falls out of the window with him, causing him to somehow reach the real world (っ˘̩╭╮˘̩)っ.
Can you imagine his panic when he discovered that the world where he lived his entire life was nothing more than an illusion? That the monster that appeared in every horror story was real and was at its maximum power?
And that's not even counting the shock of trying to stop the suicide of a loved one and knowing that you're about to die only to wake up in a cave full of dead mana with a younger version of your lord ( : ౦ ‸ ౦ : ).
What's more, let's say that he cannot remember anything from before the moment the test began, there is not a single memory, only information full of holes that he knows is true until he no longer is, worse yet? He didn't even have a name! ლ(¯ロ¯"ლ)
Finding out all of that would give him an incredibly big identity crisis, the chaos of the destruction of Wind Island would definitely be worse with a preteen suffering from an identity crisis.
It's more thanks to him that everyone discovers that for an entire week Cale was trapped in an illusion of his worst fear and had to commit suicide to get out of it to get the flask and the whip (╥_╥)(they don't know that the flask could be obtained easily and Bud never tried to get him off the island so everyone thinks the test was to get the jar out and improve the Sound of the Wind ╮( ̄_ ̄)╭)
Eruhaben will feel incredibly guilty and will probably drink the entire flask, not wanting Cale's sacrifice to be in vain.
Bud will be worse than in canon thinking it was all his fault.
The children of "x" years of age on average will be very overprotective.
Ron and Beacrox will be more lenient than usual with Cale and at the bottom will be our butler boy.
Still in crisis, he decides to follow our young master, not knowing any life apart from him, despite questioning whether his affection for him was just another part of the illusion (ಡ‸ಡ).
Cale upon finding out this tells him to do what he wants and that if he is going to accompany them he will need a name or alias ( ̅́ ◡ ̅́ )
And he (Cale) ends up choosing Erjon as his name, which is of Albanian origin and means "our wind" (of course, the latter only after at least two hours of discussion about whether Cale will give him his name or Erjon should choose it, It turns out that even in a more than traumatized state of mind they are both incredibly stubborn)
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salaapaoo · 1 year
I just read His Brothers keeper and it was sooooo good and now I'm on a lcf/tcf rampage and need more reccomendations. Would you be able to reccomend some the more angsty the better :D
Ooh!!! Hmmm ... Big think....
Shadows in the dark by Luciel (SoulStuckInSomeday)
**this one may be really triggering. Make sure to read the tags beforehand! It's kind of like... Krs wakes up in Cale's body and has to relive memories, but there's a major blank and he's going through his diary to remember?? It involves SA, so please be aware before reading!!
**also includes suicide ideation
24,928 words, 8/11 chapters
Fire and Ashes by Cakeoholic
This one is from Raon's pov of before his rescue !! Very interesting, I enjoyed it a lot!! There hasn't been too many fics that try to show this as much ?? Or maybe I haven't really found them?
4,669 words, 1/1 chapters
When somebody needs you by lostintheclouds321
If you're looking for a longer fic!! This one is Eruhaben/Cale in a more modern world? But they're both basically fated to die and it's mentioned p early on (terminal illness, etc). It's rly fun to watch Cale deteriorate !!
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The heir of blood by Thursdays
This!! This one is by the same author as his brothers keeper! But this fic is about Hong and his past and his abilities! Hong whump!!!
**may be triggering because it includes self harm
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Familia ante omnia by shadowlancer_95
This one is if things went differently in that fight against dorph and sayeru >:) if you enjoy Cale whump and blood then this one might be for you!!
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I don't know if I should miss you, but I know I never cared by corvidaes
This is Vicross' pov on memories from when Cale was younger :0 !! I'm honestly really weak for their relationship/bond and I wish there were more fics similar to this!
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Overcoming the past by unknown_writer_fan
This one!! I really loved! I feel like it doesn't get too much attention or interraction because there aren't a lot of tags on it? But it's a kid fic where they find a mirror and it has this ability to show people their past selves. They're all intrigued and looking, but when Cale goes in front of it, it shatters and you get krs !! So it's about their interractions w him and learning about his past :D I'm WEAK for the deaged fics ... We need more!!
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Really good at being good at goodbyes by ferret_in_a_lake
This one hasn't updated in a while, but !! Very interesting concept! I look forward to when the author makes a come back w it!! Basically, it's if everyone died except Cale and the kids and god of death sends them back in time to fix it !! Parental Eruhaben!!!
*the author does have a note saying that they might not update or finish this though
13,276 words, 1/? chapters
This time around by thisisvee
This is probably one of my top faves that I look forward to them updating the most!! It updated yesterday and I screamed fjdkfkd
But it's basically, krs wakes up as Cale Henituse's son and you see Cale from his pov!! Cale is .. misunderstood (imo), and each chapter you find out more and more about why he behaves a certain way and hidden trauma!!
**references to SA, there's some memories?? I'd say past grooming?? Cale's getting better though!! Make sure to read the tags .
I really love this one because of the way the bond between Eytan (this is krs' new name) and Cale!!
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For my past, a tribute from your future self by chatartic_chaos
This one is if Cale is sent to the future!! But he wakes up .. in a coffin, and how the others react!!
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Dive deep (too deep) by cywscross
This one is about Cale's ability, record, and how he overuses it sometimes and it triggers a response >:)
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Poison in my veins (sacrifice in my bones) by cywscross
THIS !!! THIS ONE IS A MUST READ!! this one is if Cale gets poisoned and it specifically targets people w ancient powers!!! UUUGHH THE WHUMP!!!! IT HURT SO GOOD!!!!!!! I think you should just.. dive right in. Get hurt.
13,045 words, 1/1 chapters
Big shoes (little footprints) by hurricanelights
This is another deaged Cale fic where they get lil krs!! I gotta reread it but from what I remember it was smth like everyone knows him for being a certain way (strong, giving, resilient, etc) but they learn of his past where he was smaller, weaker, and he what he went through!!
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Rebirthia=protocol/. by mishamoonberry
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Peace? ㅋㅋㅋ aka Kim Rok Soo's Chaotic Past Reaction by redcosmos
Eheheje just as the title says!! Reaction fic to his past >:)
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Bastards by kariselverrie
This one is if ogcale was brought back to the past, but at the same time, krs is transmitigated in as his twin brother !!
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Meteor showers by mini_asteroid
This one... Honestly hurt my feelings. Its kinda like... Raon goes out on an adventure, but he forgets how quick time passes.
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Dandelion's latibule by senaria
This... UuYgGGhh this one is if Cale loses everyone and goes back in time to fix it, but tries to keep a distance... uuuUUGghhh. It harmed me!!!
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The ghost in the well by commandercale
This one is if things went wrong and Cale died, but then he wakes up as tboah cale !! Except he's a ghost stuck in a well.
**it can be triggering?? Because there's some scenes that reference his torture and I'm p sure his corpse is mentioned a bit ??
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Kim rok soo's guide to survival by pendwelling
This one !! I love this one a lot! It's kinda like if krs is put into Choi Han's shoes ??? As in he wakes up in the forest >:)
I love his interractions w lil ogcale!! And the meeting between him and the Molran's!!
This one hasn't updated in a while, but I am patiently waiting !!!
25,761 words, 4/? chapters
In accordance by pheenick
This!!! Ughhh!!! This one is if ogcale was a regressor and he's trying to change things, and sometimes he doesn't. I loved seeing him lose hope!!! Hmm a comparison... This is kind of like kagerou project - heat haze days !!! He dies and it restarts in the same spot and no one else remembers!!! UUUGGHHH!!!! LOVE
19,301 words, 2/2 chapters
And haha... Maybe.. you can check out my stuff ..? 🫣
Puppy teeth is abt Ron and Vicross having to watch ogcale lose himself in his own grief ?? There's a follow up fic called 00:00 !!
You're still a traitor is from basen's pov of his relationship w ogcale!! He resents him, but he loves him.
With a passing rain is w Cale and the kids and they make some memories !! :D
Wow... 24 recommendations ... Oop
But if anyone else has some recs, feel free to drop them in the replies or smth!!
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lappel-du-vide83 · 1 year
Trash of the count's family has been living rent free in my head for the past month so here have me LOSING MY MIND OVER HIM <3
Warning this is quite long and has swears and only starts at around chapter 300
See if you can guess what was happening ;)
Tcf rants
And omg eruhaben picked him up LIKE A WET CAT WJWIOWQP
Like some point of record introduction is where the video call unbutton happens way before 350 why did I have to find calberu so late
OMG krs life is so sad " you were meant to die" 394
424 He and I are happy as well gahhhhhh cale crying stop QnQ
When you try to pay attention to the villains monologue but the voices in your head won't shut up 446
464  piggyback super funny bro gets carried like a haystack
485 self doubt is a bitch
BRO that one chapter pls just LET HIM Cook
OMG "Please. Hyung-nim. I trust my smart hyung-nim.’
What in the goofy fuck is this arc (naru von ellejan)
543 was kinda cute dkwhy
595 cale? Sparring? Training his physical body?? Impossible
602 ."God. You must have seen me die today." Holy fucking shit my dudes
"Cale had started at some point to caress Alberu’s mane whenever he had the time." kuxiydsljxkysiysitzjgzkyxou pls and thank you
Ws needs to STOP
605 ‘Even though he tells us to live, why?! Why?! Why does he push himself overboard each and every time?!’ WHY IS HE SO TRAGIC also choi han almost screaming cale instead of roksoo
"Choi Jung Soo looked as if he was about to cry as he responded to the weak voice." ubc am shakibg
Taerang is so funny omg
Let me see what you have
A gun
613 "brightly as young Cale used to smile." awwwww
623 "The Henituse household’s number one priority during that battle was-
‘To make sure that Cale survives.’" :OOOOOOOOO
The misunderstandings lmfaooo
628 did not know duke deruth was chill like that
Poor guy cale bruh new member to caleism
644 Excuse me noble sacrifice???? Bitch you better not
HE BETTER BE FINE "called the beginning and the end of everything." ISTG CALE IF YOU DIE
"Raon swore in the exact same manner as Cale before heading toward the terrace." RAON IS SO CUTE
OMG why are they so wholesome to each other???
His mom bro omfg I am tearing
669 damn he's cold. But ig it's war bruh you gotta cold through the mess
670 just stab yourself they said. It'll be easy they said. BRO WHAKANDA REQUIREMENT IS THAT
The absolute disregard “Man, you talk to me so disrespectfully.”
684 'cales in danger'? YOU FOOLS HE IS THE DANGER
And alberu spinning the gun??? How did he get so cool with it
687?? '“I finally think that my life is a bit precious.” CALE NO
He had an extremely useful worker BAHAHAHA
689 rasheel is so real
BRO got a taste of his own medicine sit yo ass down and rest mf
700 wait stop this is kinda sad
702 cale in his insane era
703 yo what is happening
705 foolishly thought there'll be angst but look at that potential
Alberu the og glib tongue
715 the sealed god better fucking stop before I beat yo ass
717 that gave me chills for some reason
720 shit not even cale is safe from the abusive childhood tragedy
BRO imma beat the ws up his stupid curse affecting krs
Also the plot thickens
723 clopeh is crazy in the best way
736 this entire arc bro cale is causing so much chaos
WTF why is krs life so sad bro
I love this arc wait they're supporting each other so much its so adorable
And omg reactions!!
Karma bro
Sidestory 2-1 OG CALE FULL OF CLASS????
2.3 raon: can I be nice
Cale : no
WHY he so ruthless
BRO I just realised that this man has not sat down wtf he just finished fighting the sealed god let him REST
2. 4 "No matter what happened, the Crown Prince’s biggest ally was the Duke’s House of Henituse which had his sworn brother and his sword art instructor." GUYS
Ahh he was so sweet to the kid
2.14 wow that's insanely convenient that you need exactly 3 more assistants
2. 23 Mary tryna copy cale and alberu is so cute
2.23 WHY IS HE HURT????
2. 40 "The rejuvenated ancient Dragon smiled a lot more these days." AWWW GOLDIE GRAMPS
Also omfg cale stronk
2.41 so wait fire of destruction did become a god? How else does he know about super rock
2.55 damn our cale is strong
2.58 cale proving that once again, he is the scammer
2.59 nah bro this shit too goofy they're just waiting for him to faint
2.64 can we appreciate how fast choi han and sui khan protected cale like omg
2.65 GoD is so real bro is funny af
2.68 caleism ftw
2.70 LMFAO what does alberu want??
2.71 "I’ll give you the title of Minister of Finance. Will you do it?”" BRO IS ON HIS LAST STARW
2.76 cale is too nice omg
2.79" H, human! I figured it out now! Clopeh has gone so crazy that he’s gone full circle and looks calm!" I FUCKING LOVE CLOPEH THIS CRAZY BASTARD
The foreshadowing here is nuts my dude
2.96" up.? Who is above me" OMFG HELL YEAH
2.101 aww choi han and raon supporting him
2.107 Jakqpqpq Ron using sneak attack to make cale rest
2.110 lmfao choi han is the best at knocking people unconscious
2.113  cale is coughing too much blood bro I know it doesn't hurt but godamn
2.116 I love dominating aura so much
2.120 omg toonka found his bff
In conclusion I love this story and everyone in it pls and thank you
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blackcranio · 6 months
#278 #279
Eruhaben-Nim really beats Ryan to pulp.
The 2 star dragon is a god of choas?? Or was it the follower?? What?
Choi jung soo laughing while him being piss off is the hottest thing in the chapter. He so protective of his family.
Because the mage sacrifice Ryan now nearly a god? Not one yet but closer now??
Lock hear the voice of the beast people from the black despair, he getting bigger?
Wow what kind of a mess is this? The mess of the mess . The situation is so messy???
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vveirdnobdy · 2 years
Eruhaben just picks Cale up like a mom cat, by the collar.
Cale is about to sacrifice himself: Eruahben rolling up his sleeves: NO
Welcome back to my Dad!Eruhaben agenda, its canon but not cannon enough thx
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murasaki-cha · 2 years
Mary thought for a moment. Cale’s complexion had been good. She had purposely climbed up the bone dragon to view Cale’s complexion. Because she was worried and had to inform CH or Eruhaben about Cale’s condition. But Cale was much better than she thought. However, her answer to the three was different.
She replied that she did not know as he always used his own power like this and made sacrifices. In the past, he used it to the point he collapsed. She added that he did not show his condition much, and his companions would only know after everything was over. She continued that they had to do what they can now that the monster was gone.
At that moment, Mary tilted her head to the side when she saw the reactions of the three. Zero suddenly got angry and stomped his feet on the ground, cursing. The pope let go of her clasped hands, muttering about the Purifier and saying that she would devote all her energy to reconstruction.
Olivia turned around with a stiff expression and walked towards the Imperial Palace, leaving behind the words that she learned another thing today. Mary did not say anything else and just rode on the bone dragon again. She had to relay Cale’s words to their group and tell them about his condition.
Summary here
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maxirueee · 3 years
Cale just being Cale
Cale: If other people can do it, let them do it. I can't wait to be a slacker.
Also Cale: *bleeding from using the Indestructible Shield in the Plaza Terror Incident*
Also Cale: *becoming a commander/strategist while being in the front lines against the indomitable alliance*
Also Cale: *saves the Whipper Kingdom, the Jungle, Mogoru Empire, Caro Kingdom, and the Roan Kingdom*
Also Cale: *purifying dead mana and golems using the fire of destruction*
Also Cale: *faints for 2 weeks after fighting against the Lich and White star*
Also Cale: *experiencing a horrible test where all of the people he knew died and only he survived*
Also Cale: *pushing himself by using all 5 ancient powers at once to protect Sherrit-nim's white castle*
Also Cale: *saving a kingdom in the eastern continent and saving the mercenary king's allies*
Also Cale: *disguising as young master Naru and heading off to the center of a dangerous unknown kingdom*
Also Cale: *becoming a commander in Earth 3 and preventing everybody from dying while fighting against an unranked monster while in indescribable pain*
Also Cale: *faints after breaking 2 out of 4 statues up against a hundred enemies in the Endable Kingdom with only Raon as his ally*
Also Cale: *will probably stab his own heart using the root dagger and use it to kill the White Star for good*
Cale: Why is my slacker life always drifting away from me?!
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blueteller · 2 years
TCF Summary Arc by Arc (Part 7/8)
Every TCF story arc in a nutshell
Volume 7: chapters 600-699
[< Previous] [Index] [Next >]
Eel Battle, Multiplied by Two [Electric Eel uses Split! The monster Duplicated!] The Koreans: *ambush* [Blue Head fled the battle!] [Yellow Head used Dig!] Cale: (…Well f***) Cale: Don't let them merge! Blue Head: *gets severely injured* Yellow Head: *eats the other one* [Yellow Head Fled the Battle!] Everybody: (…WTF) Cale: Okay so that's probably bad. Now we gotta wait for it to show up again. (But at least no one died) LSH: Hey Rok Soo, isn't it your birthday? Cale: Yeah, Choi Hans and Choi Jung Soo's as well The Koreans: Happy birthday! Cale: Thanks guys. For no particular reason, I'm going to go to an isolated place for a moment Choi Han: Cale-nim, are you o- Cale: *starts coughing blood* (…dammit, I knew it) God of Despair: This level of difficulty is clearly too easy for you, so I decided to change it to hard mode Cale: You bastard. I thought you couldn't interfere with the test?! God of Despair: I can't, but my lackeys sure can *Back in Endable* White Star: *after waiting for weeks for something to happen* Ok so the God finally gave us permission, let's just kill him The Black Mages: *drop no-magic-zone & blast spells at Orbed!Cale* Alberu: Ok so Cale said that on this specific day we're supposed to keep him alive. Let's move! Cale's group: *invades Endable* *Meanwhile, in Korea:* Cale: *literally coughing blood and dying from pain* …I'm fine Choi Han, LSH, CJS & PJT: (Like HELL you are!!!) Cale: We gotta finish fighting the Electric Eel today, we can't let the others know about my condition. We have to make sure no one dies Choi Han: Jung Soo, you take care of Cale. Make sure neither of you get hurt CJS: …sure (This guy is definitely related to me) [Yellow Head had evolved into Yellow Head with Blue Stripes!] The Ancient Powers: Cale! We finally re-connected with you! We can give you one full power now. We'll send you Vitality of the Heart right awa- Cale: Nope, gimme me the Shield The Ancient Powers: …you dumb self-sacrificial bastard Cale: *Mokuton-no-jutsus the trees to tie up the Yellow Head* [Yellow Head used Dig!] [Yellow Head Fled the Battle!] Cale: …third time's the charm, I guess Also Cale: *spits even more blood* Kim Rok Soo: *inside Cale's head* Hi, I'm the owner of this body and I've been here this whole time so I know everything. Cale, your life sucks Cale: (Couldn't agree more) *Back in Endable* Eruhaben: *charges in* White Star: Ha! You think one old dragon is enough to- Alberu: *turns Taerang into a gun* Parry this, you filthy casual White Star: Wait wha- Alberu: *rains bullets at him* White Star: …WTF!? Mary: *steals Orbed!Cale while the White Star is distracted* Raon & Lock: *steal Wolf child sacrifices* White Star: (…well s***) Cale's group: Later suckers! *teleports away* *Meanwhile, in Korea:* KRS: Anyway, I wanna smack that bastard Sealed God in the back too Cale: (Good to have you on board, buddy) The Ancient Powers: You can't kill a god, but you can use Embrace to seal him for good Cale: (Sounds like a plan) The Ancient Powers: Hey, the pain stopped! Seems like your friends rescued you on the other side already Cale: (Great!) I'm all better now- Everyone: No you're not. Lie down Cale: But- Everyone: LIE. DOWN. Cale: O-okay KRS: …what's with them? Cale: (I know, right?) The Ancient Powers: …you're both dense idiots KRS: We gotta tell LSH the truth. You know I won't have your powers once you leave, right? Cale: (…Good point) LSH: Ok, so what's going on with you? Cale: I'm actually from a parallel universe set in the future and currently possessing this KRS's body. He's still here and can see everything. Also I'm older than you LSH: … LSH: Seems legit. I'm still the Hyung tho Tiger!Alberu: Cale, let's finish this and get outta here! Yellow Head: *gets killed* Cale: *faints* *Cale coughs blood and/or faints counter: 24 (Triple Combo!)* *Cale & Co. blow up and/or destroy things counter: 35 & 36*
End Korean Side Quest God of Despair: You know this is not the end of despair in this world, right? Cale: I know. But you're actually a really good therapist? I never thought I'd say this to a god, but – thanks. You really helped me with my trauma God of Despair: … God of Despair: F***. You pass. Cale: Wait what God of Despair: Yeah, the test was actually about accepting despair, not defeating the monster. Good job. I'll give you time to say goodbye as your prize Cale: (Really? That's suspiciously nice of-) *wakes up and realizes he has barely 10 minutes left* (…I knew it. That a**hole) The Koreans: …Commander, are you okay? Cale: I'm fine. I lost all of my abilities tho The Koreans: *shocked and concerned* Cale: But no one died, right? The Koreans: …Right *extremely touched* Cale: Choi Han, let's go home Choi Han: Okay *vanishes* Cale: Ok, bye- *starts coughing blood* -Sealed God, you mother***ing son of a b****! *Cale coughs blood and/or faints counter: 25*
Cale's Official Hero Fanclub Cale: *wakes up* Everyone: Cale-nim's back!!! *tears of joy* Cale: (Ah, finally. Now, let's just quietly go back home-) Everybody: LOOK, IT'S YOUNG MASTER SILVER SHIELD, THE KIND OF HERO WHO WILL NEVER BE SEEN IN THE WORLD AGAIN!!! *throws a parade in celebration* Hilsman: *ecstatic* Young Master, you're become the most famous hero of the two Continents! Cale: *horrified* The Henituse Family: *acts normal* Welcome home, Cale Cale: (…oh thank God) Cat Tribe: *randomly try to attack in the background* Duke Fredo: *shows up wounded and falls in coma, for real this time* Deruth: Anyway, I hired some OP mercenaries to protect us, because we're super rich! Isn't that great? Raon: …Human, one of them is a dragon Cale: (…WTF) Dodori: Hi, I'm the extremely cool dragon who wants to join your hero party! Also I binged all the books about you Cale: (…A teenage otaku, huh) Cale: *eager to scam more dragons into joining their cause* Sounds great. But minors gotta have a parental permit to join Dodori: Ok, I'll bring my mom… Hopefully she won't beat me up too bad! Cale: (…am I making a mistake…?) Litana: *admiration mode on* Young Master Cale! Toonka: *tearful* FRIEND!!! Cale: (…oh s***) Chief od Staff: Young Master, there's an emergency! Cale: (Thank GOD!) *nopes out of there*
Dragons, Dragons Everywhere Dodori: Hi, I'm back! I brought my mom with me! Rasheel: *charges in with cute PJs on* Who DARES to disturb my slumber?! Mila: Is this a bad time…? Cale: *laughs hysterically* (THREE dragons showed up!! This is amazing!!!) Toonka & Litana: (Poor Young Master Cale… the pressure must be really getting to him…) Rasheel: I'll beat you up to a pulp!! Cale: *pats him on the shoulder* You're going to regret this in a moment Rasheel: Ha! You think a dragon like me would-! Raon, Dodori, Mila & Eruhaben: *stare down at him* Rasheel: *sweats* Mila: Hey, aren't you that thug dragon I once saw beating up some other dragons? It was really dope Eruhanen: … *embarrassed-by-highschool-hijinks vibes* Mila: BTW, I made holes in their cheeks and legs after you left. Lol, just kidding Cale: *doubtful* (…is she?) Rasheel: *realizes with horror he's the least violent and crazy dragon here* Cale: *smiling* Why don't you sit down and have some tea? Rasheel: …o-okay… Eruhaben: *explains how the White Star plans to summon the Sealed God and the Demonic Race* Rasheel: …WTF. How did this even happen?! (I shouldn't have gotten up this morning…) (Me: Rasheel is so relatable, the poor man) Mila: I'm in, so long as you officially become my son's Teacher, Young Master Cale: But- Mila: *vicious mom vibes* Cale: …okay.
Overthrowing Monarchy – Again! Dragon Half-Blood: *dying* Cale: Ok, time to cheat death again. Any ideas? Mary: ...We can turn him into a Bone Dragon Cale: Perfect Dragon Half-Blood: Are you really… going to save me? Cale: Well, you have to promise to abandon your desire for revenge and live to protect instead. Deal? Dragon Half-Blood: *shrugs* Fair enough Duke Fredo: *wakes up* Gimme your blood, pls Cale: No Duke Fredo: Worth as shot. Anyway, can you save the Vampires? The White Star is using them and the Dark Elves as sacrifices to summon the demonic monsters. They're at Mount Nex in the Sez Kingdom Cale: Sure *shows up at the Hope and Adventure Loving Inn* Bud: *looks at the bunch of dragons Cale brought with him* Bud: *jokes* Are you going to conquer another kingdom or something? Cale: No, but actually yes Bud: …Wait wha- Cale: Time to kidnap a royal and obliterate the Cat Tribe, I guess *Naru mode on* Cale's group: *infiltrates Sez Kingdom* On: *shows off being part of the Cat Tribe* Cale: *makes a show of kidnapping the king and dragging him towards Mount Nex* Sez Soldiers: These bastards, they dare step onto the Holy Mountain and abduct his majesty?! King Bakehe: *aware that Arm has a secret Cat Tribe base on the mountain* (…oh f***!) No, wait-! Cale: *shuts him up* If you continue your alliance with the White Star, your future will only consist of chaos, destruction and despair Rasheel: Heed our warning, human, for we are representing the Dragons King Bakehe: *looks at Cale* (…This guy is the leader of the dragons!!) *terrified* Cale: *at the Cat Tribe* Hello, friends~! We captured the king! Please stop the enemies behind us! Sez Soldiers: *also at the Cat Tribe* ATTACK!!! The Cat Tribe: (…well s***) No, wait-! Sez Soldiers: *go on a war path* Dodori: *throws pink boulders everywhere* Dorph: Fools! Even dragons are no match for my Darkness Attribu-! Rasheel: *Attribute Uno Reverse Card* Dorph: Wait wha- Rasheel: *beats him up to a pulp* (Heh. Cale Henituse is gonna be so proud of me!) *smug* [Enemy Dorph Got Captured!] *Cale mistaken for a dragon counter: 5* *Cale & Co. blow up and/or destroy things counter: 37*
Summoning the Unranked Monsters Raon: Human, half of the monster statues aren't here! The Dark Elves are also missing! King Bakehe: *spills* Sayeru took them back to Endable Cale: (Well f***) Cale: They're going summon the monsters in Puzzle City Alberu: On it *has evacuated everyone and gathered troops nearby* I'm going to Puzzle City then The Vassals: Your highness, you can't go! It's too dangerous!! Alberu: *thinks of Cale* I cannot retreat. They should all fight looking at my back (Me: 😭) Cale & Raon: *show up in Endable* Sayeru: Ha! You're too late! No one is fast enough to stop the summoning now!! Cale: Raon, take me back to the Raon Kingdom once I pass out. Don't be like me Sayeru: Wait wha- Cale: *uses Instant to destroy 2/4 statues & wrecks his whole plate and body* Raon: *saves him and takes him back home* Alberu & Choi Han: *watch the whole thing through video-call, horrified* (Me: 😭😭😭) *Cale coughs blood and/or faints counter: 27 (Double Combo! FATALITY!)* *Cale & Co. blow up and/or destroy things counter: 38*
Meeting the Original Cale Henituse (Also, Monster Fights) Electric Eel & Lion Dragon: *get summoned* Raon: *serves as the hub station for everyone* Alberu: Ok, the White Star timed everything so that all of our allies in other countries get attacked at the same time. They can handle it, but we have to deal with the monsters on our own now Taerang: Sir, at this moment, my prediction is that you're definitely going to die Eruhaben, Mary & others: *show up* Taerang: …ok, so now the chances of survival definitely increased Roan Soldiers: Gasp! We got a real Dragon on our side!! Electric Eel: *gets killed* Choi Han: *finds a Cintamani inside its corpse* Huh, that looks just like the one we found in Korea- PJT: *shows up inside the Cintamani* Huh? Lock: Huh?? Choi Han: HUH??? *Meanwhile* Cale: *dying from his plate being broken* [Mila used Mending! It's Super Effective!] Cale: *wakes up in his Korean office* …Huh? OG Cale/KRS: *looking back at him* 'Sup Cale: You're OG Cale? OG Cale!KRS: Yup, but I am KRS now. You should give up being KRS too to avoid confusion Cale: Sure OG Cale!KRS: Anyway, I was the one who made the deal with the God of Death to transmigrate Cale: I see, you really have been happy then OG Cale!KRS: Yeah. My mother actually reincarnated in Korea, so I'm trying to adopt her and be her uncle now Cale: Wow. OG Cale!KRS: The family, are they well? Cale: Of course OG Cale!KRS: Good. BTW, my mom had an Ancient Power Cale: Wait, what OG Cale!KRS: Yeah, I'm actually a regressor and when I was 40 the White Star won the war and by the end I realized he had my mom's Wood Ancient Power. It allows you to see the Annual Rings of Life of all living creatures. She broke her plate and died to hide half of it in Harris Village, which is why I hate that place Cale: Huh, so the White Star destroyed Harris Village while getting that power? OG Cale!KRS: Probably. You should go to mom's grave to collect the other half of it Cale: Got it. Live peacefully OG Cale!KRS: You too *shake hands with Cale* Bye! Cale: *wakes up for real* Mila: Teacher, I'm almost done fixing your plate. It's going to hurt a tiny bit Cale: Ok Also Cale: *feels incomprehensible pain moments later* (God DAMMIT I should have never trusted a dragon…!)
Monster Fights Continue Molan Assassin Squad: *finishes things up at Mount Nex* Cat Tribe Leader: Fools! Once the Temple Door opens, you will all die! Ron: (…ah, I get it now) *contacts Cale* The monster is guarding Sealed God's Temple, it seems. The White Star wants us to do the hard part and kill it for him *Meanwhile, in Puzzle City* Lock: *brings Cale the Cintamani* Cale: …the hell is this?? LSH: It seems we can communicate with each other now?? Cale: …that motherf***ing God of Death *Cintamani has been added to the Inventory* Raon: Listen up everyone! The Human woke up! Everybody: *relieved* Raon: He says, now we begin our plan: Goldie Gramps, play dead! Eruhaben: … Eruhaben: …What the hell?? Raon: Pretend to faint so we can trick the White Star into fighting the monster by himself! Eruhaben: Pff, this is definitely Cale's style, alright. That punk really is awake then Eruhaben: *dramatically pretends to faint* Choi Han: …should we help, too-? Alberu & Rosalyn: NOPE! Not you, you stay out of it White Star: *watches from the shadows* So even the Ancient Dragon was too weak, huh… Cale: We're at a stalemate, now
Thames Heritage Problems – Begin! Lock: So what are you going to do now, Young Master? Cale: I'm going to visit my mother's grave Everyone: … Alberu & Choi Han: *in-the-know about KRS and thus Be Confusion* Bud: *video-calling* (He's… he's gathering his resolve in case he dies!!!) Bud: Cale, you must absolutely not have weird thoughts like that! Cale: (…what the heck he's talking about??) Cale: *to Basen* Please lead the way, little brother (…because I don't know where to go) Raon: Yeah, let's go! Basen: *shocked at seeing Raon for the first time* Cale: How is everyone? Basen: Good. Lily is mad she can't participate in the fighting, since she's almost at High-Grade Knight level now Raon: Wow! Human's little sister sure is strong Cale: *faces the grave* (I guess now that I fully accepted my identity as Cale Henituse, I gotta get more invested in my family history, huh…) Cale: *digs up Jour Thames' Diary* Diary: "Hi person possessing my son's body" Cale: (She really knew everything, huh…?) Diary: "BTW, my family studied the cycle of life and aside from Immortals and souls who reincarnate without memories, there are three exceptions called Variables: Reincarnators, Regressors and Transmigrators" Cale (…the hell is this??) Diary: "Also there are Single-Lifers, who ascend after death. They have super long lifespans after they travel between dimensions" Cale: *thinks about Choi Han* (WTF???) Diary: "Anyway I knew my son would be either a Reincarnator or a Transmigrator eventually. Also, Reincarnators kick out the souls meant to be born in the bodies they steal and that causes those souls to have the same face as them once they are born somewhere else. The only known way to kill them is with the power of an Immortal" Cale: ... Cale: (…Good thing this dangerous information is definitely not in the possession of some evil megalomaniac I'm going to fight in the sequel!) Diary: "PS: There also might be some "Hunter" guys out there who may be going around killing Single-Lifers" Cale: (Well f***) Annual Rings of Life: *show up as a tree* Hi! You're cute! Cale: Excuse me? Annual Rings of Life: You look just like my brother and that cute idiot Deruth! Cale: Excuse me?? Annual Rings of Life: Anyway, you pass! Cale: Excuse me??? Annual Rings of Life: *get Embraced in Jour's Diary* [Wood Ancient Power: Annual Rings of Life (1/2), acquired!] Cale: *casually interrogating the captured Dorph* BTW, how DID you figure out how to eat a Darkness Elemental to gain its power, anyway? Dorph: A mysterious figure with red aura taught me Also Cale: (…I'm certain that's not something I'll have to get involved with anyway. This whole Thames heritage thing sure won't bite me in the a** later) *Cale's Ancient Power counter: 8.5*
Fourth World Tree Meeting Count Hubesha: *suddenly turns on Arm* Look, I might have been loyal to the White Star, but I sure didn't sign up for sacrificing our own citizens Cale: Makes sense Count Hubesha: I want to make a deal with you Cale: Mhhhh nah, your offer doesn't impress me. Think it over and make it better Count Hubesha: *Surprised Pikachu Face* Cale: Hi World Tree, I gotta talk to you about Single-Lifers World Tree: You mean like, Tribulators? Yeah, those dudes become gods after living though trials. Like that one who fought an evil Dark Elf and became a racist god as a result Cale: …The Sun God, huh? Makes sense. Was the God of Death also a Tribulator? *earthquake warning* World Tree: …Can't say Cale: Well, it doesn't matter anyway World Tree: Unfortunately for you, it's going to matter a lot for the sequel Cale: Wait what? Never-mind. I need your power to defeat a Reincarnator World Tree: Sure! There you go *World Tree Dagger has been added to the Inventory* World Tree: It's super easy to use. You just have to stab yourself Cale: …stab myself. World Tree: Yup! Right in the heart. You might have to do it several times if you miss, so it might be a bit messy Cale: … World Tree: Oh, don't worry about dying or anything! It's all gonna be fine. It'll even give you a health upgrade Cale: … World Tree: …what's wrong? Cale: …You DO realize my friends will have to see me stab myself, right? World Tree: … *realizes that his friends are all vicious, over-protective Yanderes* World Tree: OH. World Tree: Um… good luck, then? Cale: (…I am so f***ed.)
Meeting Totally-Not-IronMan *Meanwhile, in Puzzle City* Cale: Ok, so Count Hubesha told me that the White Star finally got the an Earth Ancient Power that disguises him and he's pretending to be one of my father's subordinates… We gotta smoke him out Deruth: The Crown Prince wants to play dead…? If that's your plan, then I'll play along Alberu: Let's take the drama to the next level then Alberu: *falls dramatically* Roan Soldiers: YOUR HIGHNESS, NOOO-! Taerang: Slight damage sustained. Connecting to your "AS Representative" about repairs Alberu: Wait what Ahn Roh Man: *picks up* Who the HELL is the arrogant prick of a thief holding my item right now? Alberu: …did it seriously just connect me to Earth 3??? Alberu *smirk* (Well hello new source of info!) Lion Dragon: *stands down without strong opponents to fight* Cale: Ok, so now I know how to kill a Reincarnator… *omits the heart-stabbing part* Alberu: Ok, so now I know that Choi Han's uncle Choi Jung Gun stole Taerang from Earth 3… Also apparently, the Sun God's name is Angelina. Cale: Huh. The more you know Choi Han: *has an existential crisis about being a Single-Lifer and possibly becoming a god in the future* Deruth: *suddenly acts sus* Hilsman: *also suddenly acts sus* Cale: *eyes narrow suspiciously* *Among Us Sound Effect plays*
Cale, the White Star, and the Best Moment of the Whole Series Violan: *captures the fake Hilsman* You must take us for idiots, huh. I take personal offense to that *pets Raon in her lap like a magnificent bada**.* Fake Hilsman: Look, I don't work for the White Star, it was just a coincidence. I'm actually- Violan: I don't care, we'll deal with you later Cale: Ok everyone, either the White Star or someone working for him is definitely impersonating my father Cale's group: *pissed* Cale: The jig is up. Where's my father? Deruth!White Star: Still in town, but I can change that at any moment. Cale Henituse, I'm going to offer you a deal Cale: We defeat the Lion Dragon for you, and you return my father to me? White Star: That's right Cale: Wanna make a Vow of Death on it? White Star: … White Star: …no. Cale: Pff. I hate this, but very well. We will work together for once Everybody: ??? Alberu: (No way…) White Star & Cale: *shake hands* White Star: *smug* This is truly a meaningful day- Cale: *openly b****-slaps him* Everybody: !!! White Star: *shocked* White Star: …You hit me? …YOU hit ME? Cale: Heh. I slapped you so that it would feel even worse than being hit. How does it feel being slapped like the b**** that you are? White Star: You son of a b****…! Cale: Lol, you're not my mother Also Cale: *activates mana disturbance devices all over Puzzle City* White Star: Are you crazy?! Are you seriously planning on fighting the Lion Dragon without magic??? Cale: But you won't be able to snatch my father away, you dumb bastard Cale: *charges at the White Star* Jack: Your highness, by the way, the Sun God(dess) wants you to light up the night Alberu: Wait, wha-? Taerang: Holy Flashlight Activated! Alberu: Ha! Nice Also Alberu: *dramatically "becomes the sun" while wearing PJs*
White Star gets Embraced Cale: *uses the Blood-Drenched Rocks for the first time* Cale's group: *pauses* …the hell is that?? Cale: *remembers how the main condition to seal living people with Embrace is to either have them fear you or shock them* Cale: Hey White Star! You wanna know something funny? White Star: …what? Cale: You were right about your Transmigrator theory… White Star: I KNEW IT-! Cale: …but I've only been in this world for 2 years, you absolute moron White Star: !!! *completely taken aback* White Star: No… You're lying! Cale: Ha! For once, I'm really not White Star: It can't be-! Cale: Face it, b****. It took me only 2 years to dismantle your entire 1000-year-old plan White Star: No, that's not true! That's IMPOSSIBLE! Cale: Search your feelings, you know this to be true White Star: NOOOOO-! Cale: *seals him with Embrace in the Golden Plaque* Alberu: …Why are you covered in blood?! Cale: What-? Oh. No, this is just mud. …Your highness, why are you in your PJs?? Alberu: …I forgot to put on armor. Anyway! What happened to the White Star? Cale: Oh, he's right here *shows him the Golden Plaque* Alberu: … Alberu: PLEASE tell me you didn't Cale: *shrug* It was the first thing I could grab Alberu: You bastard… *Cale & Co. blow up and/or destroy things counter: 39*
Enter the Temple of the Sealed God Wind Elementals: Cale, we think we know where the Bears are hiding! Cale's group: *rescues Deruth* Deruth: I apologi- Cale: Don't say something so useless. (Why would anyone apologize for getting kidnapped??) Sayeru: *mockingly* What a teary reunion-! Cale: *deadpanning* Check your eyes, you dumb bastard. Neither of us are crying [Sayeru Fled the Battle!] Alberu: *uses up all of his mana heroically fighting the Lion Dragon* Lion Dragon: *gets killed* Alberu *faints* *Alberu bleeds and/or faints counter: 2* Cale: ...I can't believe the Crown Prince just let himself faint like that! How irresponsible! Everyone: … Everyone: *looks at him and his "27" counter judgmentally* Cale: …what? Everyone: We have no words for you. Sealed God's Temple: *appears neatly at Cale's feet* Cale: …it gotta be doing this on purpose.
End Volume 7.
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teriri-sayes · 1 year
Reactions to Tsunami Stopper's Chapter 189
TL;DR - HD got excited and about to reach enlightenment when he saw CH's fight against Blood Demon. Raon couldn't solve the array formation, so they called Eru for help. Eru taught Raon a way to seal it, but Cale still had to stop the tsunami alone.
Excited Heavenly Demon A third of this chapter was all about HD and his thoughts about the battle against Blood Demon. There was also his analysis about Cale's DA and CH's new aura. And he came to the conclusion that reaching the Nature Realm was not the answer to becoming stronger. Rather, he would do it the way CH did.
It was interesting that he made CH his new goal to aspire to because CH was more similar to him than Cale. And all these thoughts of becoming stronger got HD so excited that if it were not for the current urgent situation, he would have gone to a quiet place and practiced his swordsmanship. I think it was also hinted that he was about to gain enlightenment. Seriously, Cale. How many murim people gained enlightenment because of you? 🤣🤣🤣
Panicking Cale Today, we got the rare scene of Cale panicking. Returning the core to the array formation did not work. Raon couldn't figure out the altered array formation. Fortunately, they managed to contact Alberu and Eruhaben to ask for help.
But Cale was still in panic mode at that time. He ignored Alberu's greeting and proceeded to demand a solution from Eruhaben. His way of addressing Eruhaben went from polite to informal, and he was even shouting in his panic. Goldie-gramps was bewildered to see this side of Cale that he stuttered in his answers. 😂
Cale's panic was justified. He knew that dealing with both the seal and the tsunami was extremely hard. Oh yeah, forgot the explanation about the tsunami. The altered array formation summoned a tsunami that was threatening to sweep away the entire island and even reach the mainland. So Cale now had to stop that tsunami. He's now a tsunami stopper and not a tsunami creator. 😉
Back to Cale's panic, he knew that dealing with the seal and the tsunami would not just end up with him coughing blood or fainting. Rather, he might even kick the bucket! And he couldn't pass it on to Raon because he did not want the young dragon to cough blood either!
Eruhaben's solution was to seal the array formation. Turns out that the altered array formation contained the power of a dragon plus the power of a world tree. Sealing was Raon's role because he was a dragon.
But poor Jungwon... In order for the sealing to succeed, they needed a suitable "sacrifice" that could handle the powers of a dragon and the world tree. And Jungwon's statue was perfect for it. Cale even patted Raon for coming up with that. So poor Jungwon... 🤣🤣🤣
The ending of the chapter was quite hilarious. It roughly went like this:
Eruhaben: Sealing is easy for Raon, but it will take some time. Cale: The plan is simple. I stop the tsunami as much as possible while Raon handle the sealing. CH & CJS upon realizing that Cale was going to buy time for Raon and stopping the tsunami alone: ... Cale: It's not like have a choice, okay? Water AP: Cale, let's do it. You can do it! It's really simple! Cale: ...Damn it!
Ending Remarks Next chapter will be about Cale stopping the incoming tsunami. The question now is, what will happen to Cale afterwards? Will he cough blood? Will he faint? Or will it be all of the above? 🤣 I guess we'll have something to look forward to on Monday. 🥰
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cale-need-self-love · 2 years
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
I wouldn't wait for Eruhaben so I edited Paseton.
Sorry Paseton~
Thank you for your sacrifice <3
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shiii-kei · 3 years
LCF : Card up my sleeve
Readers: *anticipating*
*During a Battle*
Novel: Lock, was unable to fight.
Novel: Rosalyn had overused her powers to the point that she was bleeding.
Novel: Mary and Choi Han were fine, but they were not as strong as the enemy.
Novel: The Tigers were injured as well and were having enough trouble dealing with the rest of the minions.
Novel: Eruhaben is not here either.
Novel: And as for Raon, I cannot expose him for more danger.
Novel: That meant that there was only one option left.
Readers, [Internally]: This is it! This is the moment where Cale will finally reveal his powers!
Readers: This is the part where he will sacrifice himself!
Novel: Cale could see people approaching him.
Cale, smirk: No worries, I still have more strong companions..
Novel: The Whales!
Reader, dissapointed [Internally]: Ugh, what—? Ahem, not that I wanted Cale to suffer more because of his powers but, okay sure, whales, helpful, sure—
Cale: Witira-nim!
Witira: Understood Young Master Cale!
Novel: They were at their limits.
Readers, anticipating, once again [Internally]: Woohoo!!! Cale!!! Its your turn!!!! Just bleed—
Novel: That meant that there was only one option left.
Reader: YES! CALE, GO—!!!
Choi Han, appearing out of nowhere: Cale-nim!!!
Novel: Choi Han is covered in his imperfect dark aura as he glared down at the enemy below him who has hurt his family.
Readers, extremely confused: I thought he was out of commission!!!
Cale, who seems like he's mocking the readers: I still have a lot of hidden powerful card under my sleeves.
Novel: It won't be Cale's turn anytime soon yet. ;)
Readers: It's not that I was desperate.
Reader: No.
Readers: Psh.
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