#esp not anti kate
kate-apologist · 3 months
actually i'm still not done complaining about rtd writing kate because i've spent so much time hyper fixated on her and modern unit it might as well be a secondary special interest at this point
you know what would have been a far more interesting kate character arc that would fit with the broader themes of the season? seeing her kids. having her kids involved. having gordy be part of unit during empire of death? amazing, and more compelling than the romance they're setting up between her and ibrahim. kate's family is a chunk of the lore, hell bring connall (her nephew around gordy's age) into unit and she wants him to evacuate but he refuses
i think they've severely fumbled what could have been a new dimension to kate by concretely involving her kids and instead went for a romance arc that's gonna do very little interesting with her character (except maybe a scene of bringing gordy in and seeing his mum date someone his age lol)
and don't get me started on the being okay with literal children in her workforce that is literally a frontline defense organization
a lot of my grievances regarding the relationship thing is that i never really wanted a kate romance in modern canon. as much as i love to do weird shipping shit with her in fandom, i think she's a stronger character when she's single-i think it's a good reflection of her history and the generational trauma in the lethbridge-stewart family. she's got her rough history with her dad, what i presume to be a rough divorce and custody thing with her kid, i think her being the head of unit makes it difficult for her to balance work and life. even dating someone inside unit wouldn't help with this imo. not to mention the fact she is constantly almost dying, i couldn't see her entering a relationship after her home literally gets blown up. maybe once she retires but while she's at unit, unit is her life and there's really little room for anything else
i have this terrible inkling in my head that they're going to make unit similar to the avengers and god what a waste that would be
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magickkate · 1 month
about me: FAQ my practice
I have been holding off on answering many of my Asks as they relate to this post. Hopefully, this answers many of the questions sent my way! this is a really long post, but it's good info about me!
What name do you go by in your practice? Kate
How long have you been practicing? about 8 years, since 2015-2016
Path and Tradition
What type(s) of witchcraft do you practice (e.g., Green Witch, Eclectic Witch, etc.)? I primarily stick with kitchen, green, and solitary witch, however, I am really drawn to the practice and idea of speaking and working with the dead and kind entities.
Do you follow a specific tradition or path? If so, which one? I am religious in addition to my practice as I follow a Christian faith. I utilize this in my practice having a deity to talk to as well as ask for blessings from, etc etc. I give offerings of time and energy more often than physical gift offerings.
Beliefs and Ethics
What are your core beliefs or principles in your practice? Simply do no harm, since I have an underlying religious belief that what needs to be taken care of will be taken care of. (such as if someone wrongs me, I don't need to do anything, my deity, the Christian God will or the universe will get everything all sorted). And I just don't like retaliating my energy in that way when I have way better uses.
Do you follow any ethical guidelines or rules (e.g., Wiccan Rede, Threefold Law, personal code of ethics)? I guess the Christian code of ethics + my own adjustments to them bc some takes are wonky.
Deities and Spirits
Do you work with any deities, spirits, or other entities? If so, who are they? The Christian God, but I would love to work with the dead or other kind entities since I believe in spirits. I don't work with my ancestors though.
How do you honor or communicate with them? through praise and time, prayer, and reading the Bible.
Tools and Materials
What tools are essential to your practice (e.g., athame, wand, crystals)? cup of water, a candle, and a bowl of salt!!! I now live in an apartment where candles aren't allowed so it's just been the water, salt, and a spicy oil (to simulate fire).
What materials do you commonly use (e.g., herbs, candles, oils)? oils, herbs/spices, (no more candles...:(( ), salt, water, teas (not counted as herbs bc most herbs I use otherwise are for throwing into the air or something witchy I don't know it's complicated, tea is specifically for brewing and consuming.
Rituals and Ceremonies
What regular rituals or ceremonies do you perform (e.g., Sabbats, Esbats, daily rituals)? BATH RITUALS omg my favorite, I think I made a post about this somewhere on my page, if I can find the ritual template I'll link it here. otherwise, I am a wh*** for Sabbat rituals, specifically Litha, Beltane, Samhain, and Yule, but I love them all tbh esp when Ostara lines up on the Christian holidays and I don't have to explain why I'm extra giddy.
Describe a typical ritual or ceremony you perform: a lot of it is cooking, like I just look insane like I'm dramatically cooking dinner or something. otherwise, there are usually hella candles that I can't have in this apartment and so much salt and herbs, and my journal (grimoire/BoS)
What types of spells do you commonly cast? usually something like a personal or home protection spell (short and long-term ones, and for the long ones, the renewals of them), wards, and refreshers of them, but also spells for "anti-" migraines and other headaches since I struggle with multiple types of chronic headaches.
Describe your process for creating and casting a spell. I usually use candles (not indoors anymore) spell jars or a food dish of some sort that has corresponding elements to the task/intention at hand
What forms of divination do you use (e.g., tarot, runes, scrying)? I only tarot right now, scrying can be really draining for me and trigger my migraines.
How do you integrate divination into your practice? I use tarot once daily whenever I have free time or if have a specific question to ask or when I want to try out a new spread (usually the case)
Nature and Elements
How do you incorporate nature and the elements into your practice? I use herbs and spices primarily, if I can find them fresh in the wild (I live in the city, so that's rare), then I will use those (not to eat) in my spells. I usually get stuff store-bought. But I have been looking for good trails and parks in the area since we moved an hour from where we lived during college. I want to get a local field guide and find some cool plants, mushrooms, animals, and things while out on the trails. My husband says he is eager to go on walks, and I am too ADHD to walk without something to do so looking for plants and animals/birds would be so fun.
Do you have a special connection to certain natural places or elements? I feel like I belong somewhere rainy with no bugs... (no fresh cut grass since I'm allergic), I unfortunately have a strong fear of bugs (thanks dad).
Astrology and Cosmic Influences
How do you use astrology or cosmic events in your practice? I don't use a ton of true astrology, but I pay attention to the moon, the sun, and the planets as they are currently, but not as they relate to me or others in my daily life and practice. This next question explains it a bit further.
Do you follow moon phases, planetary transits, or other celestial influences? I usually do a moon phase bath on the high points of each turn (new, first, full, third) to reset for the new week. For planetary transits, of course, we all know mercury retrograde, however, I like to journal at every point, whether highs or lows to see which point I'm being affected the most, see if it is mundane or mystical. I have a calendar specific for these days, and I like to map out what my "tasks" are for the week or month.
Sacred Space
Describe your sacred space or altar. I have a physical altar on my dresser in front of my dresser mirror, but also a cute tech altar on my computer, and most of my resources and books and stuff for information are digital so having a digital/tech altar allows me to have quick access to any info I may need.
How do you create and maintain this space? My dresser can sometimes get cluttered but usually, it's easy to clean up. My computer altar just needs a bit of organization occasionally when files get to be too much. I normally do y workings all over the place however I use many of the same elements in all workings which allows for the continuity of my altars.
Personal Development
How do you continue learning and growing in your practice? I love to learn. If I hear something new, I will spend so much time trying to learn as much about it as I can. Sometimes, I don't resonate with it for my practice, but I enjoy knowing about it. I am by no means an advanced practitioner, so I still have so much to learn.
Do you keep a Book of Shadows or a journal? If so, what do you document? I do, I journal my daily events, thoughts, etc. I also take note of most of my research and all of my workings to look back on. If I have odd dreams, I will write down those as much as I can remember. If I have a weird experience, I will explain that in my journal for future reference, sometimes, I think I get shown omens of sorts, but who knows!
Community and Coven
Are you part of a coven or magical community? No, not at this time. I work alone. I am involved in a couple Discord servers that are like groupchats for a lot of practitioners around the globe. Sometimes, I get so busy with school, work, and home life that I don't interact there often.
How do you interact with or contribute to this community? I interact with mutuals on Tumblr and Discord and occasionally run into people who will comment on my accessories/jewelry that spark further conversation opening up about our practices.
Challenges and Goals
What challenges have you faced in your practice? Since I practice alone primarily, I have noticed that I have a lack of close-by practitioners to lean on for suggestions, information, meetings, etc. Like when I say I practice alone, I mean I don't conduct workings with the help of additional witches or practitioners in the form of a coven or group. I do find interest in friends or groups with other individuals who are practicing.
What goals do you have for your future practice? To feel more comfortable in my craft without aid rather than using ritual/spell aids as I sometimes forget the steps or wording I've written since I sometimes have gaps in my workings due to my schedule.
Let me know what other questions you guys have!
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ladyelainehilfur · 1 year
Barbie thoughts
Was highly entertained by Michael Cera's character. I think Alan was underutilized, and I really enjoyed his presence.
The best character was Weird Barbie, hands down. I didn't expect much from Kate McKinnon but the delivery of her lines blew everyone out of the water. But then again, she got the best lines.
This is my first time seeing Margot Robbie's acting and it's pretty darn good! I liked her take on Barbie.
LOVED Ryan Gosling as Ken. He looks great blonde, his abs are killer, his outfits are awesome. Really enjoyed his massive beach off with Simu Liu's Ken. Had a giant smile the entire dance break.
This entire movie should've been a musical. That was my thought watching the Kens sing and dance. Or maybe Ryan Gosling is just an amazing singer and I should watch La La Land again (tried and failed to become invested, stream Another Day of Sun tho)
The house dance party rocked and the Kens killed it
I'm somewhat surprised it's so heavily feminist. Like, Disney TV movie levels of speeches, complaints, and revelations. Wasn't a fan. It didn't have to be subtle but the dialogue for these parts was not good.
Bro, I couldn't STAND the daughter character. Edgy characters are only acceptable when they have the background to justify it. The daughter just came off as a privileged brat who had read too many 2018 anti-Barbie articles about her being bad for body standards without forming her own opinions. Calling someone who she believed to be suffering from delusions a "fascist" for having positive interpretations of Barbie....yeah, go away. This movie did not need her.
That car chase felt like a massive commercial for Chevy.
Ken saying he lost interest in the patriarchy when it became about more than horses, REAL.
The scene of the people giving them stares and saying misogynistic stuff right to Barbie's face...I just think it was too much.
Ruth was cool
I enjoyed the narrator interrupting the movie occasionally
John Cena merman >>>>>>
The resolution for the Barbies and the Kens was good, but I don't lean positive towards Barbie becoming human.
Barbie being able to close her eyes and see the past of her human was strangely under explained
I liked the set design of the cubicles in the Mattel building
Will Ferrel and his merry group of business men had almost no role in the story and could've honestly been cut without the story ending differently. Will's acting was great but the company gags did nothing for me.
I'm happy they reused the sets throughout the movie. I hope the individual pieces find good homes.
So much of the humor in this film just didn't work, but I think the biggest stinker was the Justice League Snyder cut joke. My theatre was dead silent.
The singing with the guitar joke was great though, esp for me and the friend I was seeing it with bc the song was one we'd heard over and over at work :'D
But in general, I didn't really like the soundtrack.
The marketing for this movie was nuts. $500M worldwide in a week?? Whew. I don't think it's word of mouth pushing the movie, so the insane marketing is doing all the work here. I don't know if it deserves $1 billion in revenue, but I hope all those who worked on the marketing team give themselves a pat on the back. I went to a refresqueria after the movie and I'm pretty sure Mattel did not pay for this small business to have a pink Barbie-themed and a blue Ken-themed crushed ice dessert.
I'd give it a C+ or a B-. It had its moments, but I wouldn't see it again nor would I tell people to go out of their way to watch it. There are going to be some great compilations on YouTube.
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henryrodhamkissinger · 7 months
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Darby Crash (with Exene Cervenka of X.) The savant and enfant terrible of punk, surprisingly sharp and introspective lyricist given how insecure and awkward and bad at talking he was, for one of the greatest rock and roll bands ever. It is a shame ofc that early punk fashion involved swastikas and iron crosses. It’s hard for us to imagine that social world now, but it had absolutely nothing to do with any kind of beliefs. It was a symbol of the grotesque, a signifier that “I am not like you, fuck off, you should fear me” for a 19 year old kid who was ruthlessly tormented his whole life for his speech impediment and supposed learning disability and appearance, and many punks adopted this. The most extreme symbol of shock and immediate visceral revulsion. Your heroes weren’t exceptions (Siouxsie Sioux, early on, wore a Nazi arm band sometimes.) I’m not defending it—obviously. It was rather quickly abandoned, as punks grew up a bit, literally and figuratively. Today being Punk is one of the things you can be, one of the Fashion styles, one of the genres you can adopt and work a regular job and be basically a normie. In the mid to late 1970s-early 80s it was a group of people who came together on the basis of their mutual ostracism from the world, and felt liberated in simply owning it, with power in small numbers. You were a vile freak to most of humanity if you looked different, if you dressed “punk,” now a Look, now Mary-Kate Olsen wears a Minor Threat t-shirt as Fashion. (Aside on that: imo, it was Fugazi, the anodyne NPR late night music hour friendly world-music-appreciating vegan pacifist pussies, who started to make punk something palatable.)
The Germs were a direct musical (and sometimes outright amusical) expression of Darby Crash. Darby, in turn, the consummate sputum-target of old drunks and yuppie young husbands alike, the most ferocious embodiment of that early punk spirit before punks figured out how to be actually subversive against power, hell, before they were old enough to know the Vietnam war from their own assholes. That later subversive transgression (from Dead Kennedys to Crass and Discharge to Gang of Four and the Slits) was bought by the complicated, sometimes ugly embittered embodied aggressiveness of someone like Darby, whose musical style if it sounds familiar is only because the Germs had the vision and the guts to invent it. Germs were the first band to play punk music that wasn’t basically sped-up, slightly gnarlier power pop. Who in that period of norms in the music idiom and in that social climate would invent such a blisteringly sonically-hostile ramshackle dirge? Everyone in that audience was Rejected by the society, everyone who came out to see Germs play their noise-striped hazardous materials while Darby, again this was a Kid, guzzled whiskey and downers and benzedrine in desperation (not as a rock-star gesture.) Suicide, Stooges, and the Velvet Underground had done abrasive and minimalist music before, but it was self consciously Art, rarefied music for cool people, decked out in Fashion. The Germs, and a bit later the Middle Class, Black Flag, Void, No Trend, The Dicks, Negative Approach, Dead Kennedys, and all those other bracing visionaries of a subculture of total refusal were by contrast losers and social pariahs. They turned repellant into menacing, and menacing into subversive and subversive into truly radical, forging a home for the castaway all the while. Radical esp with UK entrants like the incomparable avant-garde grating noise poets Crass; Rudimentary Peni with their fearsome dirge courtesy of bipolar self taught inimitable visual artist and poet of paranoia and death Nick Blinko; Discharge, violently heavy sludge-thrash whose ascetically stripped down formula of minor-key panic attack extremity has never been matched or successfully grokked; more consciously but no less effectively anarchist/anti-capitalist greats like Zounds and Subhumans.
Darby had a suicide pact with a friend, who opted against following through with it ultimately. The world was too intolerable for Darby, though, who took his life before it had hardly started, at 22.
Anyway, “what’s in an image,” I guess the whole early history of hardcore punk. I don’t need to have a thesis or conclusion do I? Listen to Germs, listen to No Trend, listen to Reagan Youth and Crass. Punk made me everything I am, once a punk always a punk.
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starzymp3 · 11 months
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𓂃 📌 hello! My names tatum / star(zy), or quinn ! Welcome to my apple orchard! im a twee, vintage and apple loving puppymutt skunk critter who posts all kinda stuff like art, f2us, and just random shit i like !! 🍎🍏
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𓆣 animals (my spin) ((esp skunks, wolverines, badgers, dogs/wild dogs/wolves, felines, foxes, owls, hyenas, bats, otters..))
𓆣 music!! (london after midnight, smashing pumpkins, deaftones, adrianne lenker, alex g, faye webster, flower face, kate bush, machine girl, metric, mazzy star, the cranberries, the moldy peaches, the sundays, tv girl, vashti bunyan, fiona apple, the beatles..)
𓆣 murder drones
𓆣 chillas art games + puppet combo
𓆣 porcelain figurines, cherished memories figures + plushies, charlie bears, rubber face dolls
𓆣 baking and sweets!
𓆣 the peanuts (SNOOPY!!)
𓆣 nintendogs
𓆣 beatrix potter
𓆣 rain, snow, autumn, winter, christmas, halloween, sometimes thunder, allat random shit
𓆣 mystreet
𓆣 any old disney movie (esp lady and the tramp)
𓆣 care bears
𓆣 fatal frame
𓆣 okko lets be heros
𓆣 the amazing digital circus
𓆣 madoka magica
𓆣 serial experiment lain
𓆣 old fucked up movies (felidae, the plague dogs, ringing bell, etc)
𓆣 kemonomimi
𓆣 indie games (little misfortune, night in the woods, fnaf, etc)
𓆣 class of 09
𓆣 pinky and pepper
𓆣 920 london
𓆣 bluey
𓆣 sweet tooth
𓆣 geronimo stilton
𓆣 amphibia
𓆣 the owl house
𓆣 mlp (g1-g4) + eqg
𓆣 splatoon
𓆣 all dogs go to heaven
𓆣 k-on
𓆣 minecraft
𓆣 studio ghibli movies
𓆣 angel beats
𓆣 warrior cats
𓆣 beastars
𓆣 hello kitty (esp the movies)
𓆣 animal crossing
𓆣 animaniacs
𓆣 lps
𓆣 aggretsuko
𓆣 pokemon
𓆣 evangelion (ALSO HAVENT FINISHED..)
୧‿̩͙ ˖︵ ꕀ⠀ ♡⠀ ꕀ ︵˖ ‿̩͙୨
ᛝ◞   :   abt me ;;  ׄ
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𓆣 im omni + girlflux !
𓆣 i have audhd , bpd, dyslexic, hypersexual
𓆣 im 16 yrz
𓆣 i use she / it / thxy / k9 / neos [prns.cc] prns
𓆣 im a therian , pokekin , otherkin (questioning)
𓆣 a fictkin / synpath / copinglink of many !
୧‿̩͙ ˖︵ ꕀ⠀ ♡⠀ ꕀ ︵˖ ‿̩͙୨
ᛝ◞   :   art stats ;;  ׄ  
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𓆣 art trades ; temporarily closed</3
𓆣 art collabs ; noo
𓆣 commissions ; not yet but maybe soon !
𓆣 requests? ; yeah!^^ just be patient! (fyi: ill do any requests from emotes/emojis to doodles, nothing more!)
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ᛝ◞   :   linktree ;;  ׄ
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missbrunettebarbie · 3 years
Saw your Bridgerton ranking and it's probably one of the few times that I see Sophie above Kate and Penelope, probably because those 2 are more relatable than Sophie
Nonnie, dear, I've long accepted that my opinions are not the Bridgerton fandoms opinions.
I didn't dislike Kate, tho her ship with Anthony killed almost all the warm feelings I've had for her, but Penelope will never, ever be a character I like. IMO, she was a gossip and a coward and most of the time, she was two-faced too. And maybe, maybe, I could have tolerated her more if her book wasn't the most boring historical romance novel I've ever read. How did her fans manage to pay attention to that dull piece of writing?!
Anyway, my rankings are purely subjective. And when it comes to my 4 favourite female characters (Hyacinth, Sophie, Lucy and Francesca) it was very hard to rank them so I asked myself "Who do I feel more protective of?" and Sophie came in at #2.
LMAO at Kate and Penelope being more relatable than Sophie. I didn't feel like they were relatable at all? Except in the begining when I felt like Kate's concerns about Anthony marrying Edwina were justified and everyone else were idiots for thinking she was irrational and jealous. Then of course, she fell for Anthony herself, pretty much proving those people right. Other than this, Kate and Penelope were a run-of-the-mill 'underdog' that's actually super privileged once they stop wallowing in self-pity.
For me, Sophie will forever be above them even if her taste in men is also horrible. This woman made Violet Bridgerton bearable to me! And her cameo in Eloise's book was its one saving grace. Sophie is a miracle worker.
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fayevalcntine · 2 years
feel like this is a good place to rant? i'm so confused by edwina x anthony shippers because it seems they genuinely misunderstand both characters and why they're incompatible. anthony's view of a wife was basically as a job. in his conversation on the terrace with the other doucey lords he said "wooing the PIECE should be easy" and did not say anything against returning to "more pleasurable partners" once the job is done" 🤢. he was putting up a facade the whole time with edwina, acting like the "kind, gentle, even-tempered" gentleman that she wanted (the audience can laugh at her blindness because we know he is anything but that but it sucks for her!!). all "one-on-one" interactions were closely chaperoned which limited conversation topics to things like common interests such as books, which is nice but you can't build a loving relationship on just that. i also don't think they wouldn't talk about their major emotional commonality that is their dads because 1. violet was there and 2. anthony hates any deeper talk about his dad. edwina would be fully unprepared to deal with his broody temperamental high-strung control freak traumatized side. likewise edwina was also fulfilling her role as the perfect debutante and ideal wife prospect which put her under so much pressure and she knew because he made such grand moves in his courtship like inviting her family to his house that if he turned her down it would hurt her prospects to find someone else. she had to go along with whatever he wanted to impress him (even at the altar when he compliments her wedding dress she says she's "happy he's pleased" that phrasing is so 🤢). neither of them could be their true selves around each other because they both have to repress so much of what they're actually feeling to fulfill their duties. the show highlighted the imbalanced power dynamics between them really well, and it was a big part of edwina's character arc that she was done playing this role. but it took a devastating reality check to get that growth and when she finally knows what kind of person anthony really is she is unimpressed (love when he gave her that bouquet and she tossed it aside to the footman). why anyone who likes edwina and her growth during the season would want her in a relationship like that with a person like him is beyond me.
Honestly with the exception of like, maybe 2 people that I've seen, the only edwina-anth*ny shippers I saw in the beginning when the episode 1 screening came out were saphne shippers that were just saying they shipped it out of spite because they didn't like how popular Kate and Anthony was. I do very much agree with you on all the points you made, though, especially when their entire courtship/marriage is further explained by Anthony when he talks to her after she runs away from the altar as being them "taking part in their roles in society". He is a viscount, she is a diamond, on paper they make a perfect match because his high rank positions him as an eligible match for her when she is the most sought-after lady in the ton. And when Edwina basically asked him if he loved her, his sole answer was that he understood her, meaning he understood how hard she had to play her role as the season's diamond in order to please the ton but also ensure her family's good reputation moving forward.
Not enough fans even want to understand this part about Edwina as a character because they're too busy saying she's "ungrateful" to Kate for being angry but Edwina was always under pressure to behave the way she had to to make sure everyone liked her, especially after knowing how much Mary still suffers from society's sniping comments about her past scandal. And Anthony was the main guy who had all the power in their courtship and even potential marriage because again, he's the gentleman with the higher status while Edwina's own title was still "up in the air" since the Sheffields hadn't reclaimed her by then. His attention to her and public desperation to get to meet with and court her was obvious throughout and Edwina HAS to entertain him once they go to Aubrey Hall because at this point even the mothers want to expect a potential engagement for them. And like you mentioned, if Anthony doesn't propose, not only will Edwina think she did something wrong in playing her part (one that she's prepared for for almost half her life), but she'll also be vulnerable to other people's gossip as a result, since the season's most eligible bachelor didn't want the Queen's chosen diamond of the season. Like Anthony said about ending the engagement to Violet, even him not proposing would've possibly harmed her reputation because if a viscount finds something lacking in the Queen's definition of "flawless", then there must be something wrong with Edwina as a possible bride. Also, Edwina doesn't have the security of a higher title or even the monetary security that Daphne had during her own season, so she couldn't outright deny Anthony and his attention towards her even if she had wanted to, and during episode 2 it's obvious that she's trying to not hurt anyone's feelings because that's what a proper lady must do to anyone who shows her positive attention.
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hatchetation · 3 years
On Kate having a friend or support system: for the laughs, I kinda hope Whistler and Ernie strike a friendship and he starts thinking he's qualified to give her relationship advice, especially since he's back with Dalia. Whistler would be all weirded out and unsure about everything he's saying, but he's the only one she can talk to about it. 😂
How do you think the team dynamics will change given the Lucy x Kate drama?
I would LOVE for Whistler and Ernie to strike up a friendship. I've really enjoyed their scenes together thus far. I think when Whistler is around Ernie the nerd side of her jumps out which I adore. They're kindred spirits, especially as the people who do the sort of behind the scenes work. I loved that scene in 1x10 where Whistler and Ernie had to narrow down the possible weapons that Clark Lohan was stealing or w/e--some humor thrown in there but also just badass problem solving.
Hmmm I'd be interested to know how you think the team dynamics will change? Well for one, my hopes for a team + Whistler hangout are dashed for now. If I had to guess, I'd say the team will be firmly Team Lucy, but certain people (esp Tennant and Ernie) will have sympathy for Kate and might even be willing to give some advice to either Kate or Lucy that isn't entirely anti-Kate.
I'm gonna guess Jesse is that friend who would be like, how DARE she hurt you, she didn't deserve you, etc. and then when Lucy inevitably goes back to Kate will be like wtffff I thought this was done 😂 Also, I'm rambling now but can we talk about Jesse hugging Lucy at the end of the ep?? Love those big brother vibes and especially love how Lucy was like, okay I don't /need/ to be hugged but Jesse's like no no this is for me too <3
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thewhizzyhead · 3 years
oki i already kinda rambled about this in my reblog tags bUT I WANNA RAMBLE ABOUT IT MORE SO HERE WE GO WOO UNPOPULAR OPINION OF THE DAY: watt's act 2 is way too short. noW DON'T GET ME WRONG i know time constraints can be a bitch but i genuinely believe that if Act 2 were a bit longer so that more time could be allotted to focusing on the characters more then I would've liked it a LOT more. I dunno jfjsjs most of my gripes with Act 2 are probably due to time constraints umm for example:
+ Reese GOT SIDELINED A LOT IN ACT 2. heck she's the only Act 1 survivor to NOT get a solo/duet in act 2 jfjdjd plus um her trauma from killing Clark isn't that much addressed and ngl i'd say her killing Clark could've and should've been a more powerful and important plot point
+ We definitely get more glimpses on how Annleigh dealt with Clark and Farrah's deaths (i.e. the umbrella scene and Move On and other dialogue snippets) but considering her tumultuous relationship with Farrah, I would've liked a lot more light to be shed on their relationship in Act 2 esp since well the very last thing she said to her was "You are NOT my sister". Same goes for Kate considering the whole "You had one person left who believed in you. ONE." thing
+ Speaking of Kate, yea I believe we are all in agreement here when I say that Kateva should've had a duet of some sorts gjxjdf them having more scenes together would've been a great insight on Kate and Eva's characters and more importantly, on Kate's process of moving on and healing from Chess' death. (also kateva duet = gay rights)
+ as a firm supporter of the "Eighth-Grade-Should've-Stayed-In-The-Damn-Show" movement, yea i feel like Cairo and Riley's relationship could've been a lot more focused on. Frankly I believe that Act 2 did a great job on depicting Cairo and Riley's um worrying dynamic like wow a really good job and I like it a lot! However, I feel like the scene between ted-up Riley and Cairo could've been a lot more personal and could've probably shed a lot more light on um both of their dependency issues fjdjd I dunno ig there was quite a lot of build-up in the show when it comes to telling the story of their relationship and so what we have in the show as their final confrontation seems a bit short and rather anti-climactic. (but still i really liked what they did with riley and cairo's relationship in act 2 and in the whole show heck it's probably one of my favorite parts of WATT)
overall i still love the show to pieces but i would've probably loved act 2 a lot more if it was given more time. Buuut time constraints are a thing and I know most musicals have this sort of problem too when it comes to Act 2 so yea I understand why some plot points weren't that focused on. plus like,,,WATT's Act 2 is the least of anyone's worries,,,*side-eyes DEH's Act 2*
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discoscoob · 3 years
Loki I don’t think was incredibly biphobic, tho I do think the rep was kinda half-assed tbh, but that’s all in all due to the mouse rather than anyone’s actual intentions lol.
BUT! I think it’s important to listen to trans people, esp genderfluid people, that the show is transphobic. The MCU itself has been transphobic and genderfluidphobic since the beginning, sure, but in Loki trans fans were promised representation. And that was not delivered. I don’t think it’s just Sylki antis who are upset about that, and I don’t think it’s fair to make that generalization. (Not saying you did, this is more in response to a previous anon)
Kate I think already spoke about how she was the one who had to fight for the one line acknowledging Loki’s bisexuality, I think the mouse makes it incredibly difficult for any sort of representation. However I do acknowledge that the show did not deliver on the genderfluid representation that they implied would be present in the show.
They failed to deliver on any genderfluid representation apart from the file however ‘fluid’ was listed under sex and gender and sex aren’t the same so even that wasn’t done very well.
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iamnmbr3 · 3 years
Just read with my own two eyes that apparently “Tom fought for years for Loki to be in relationship” (article about how s ylvie is going to be main focus in the second season and comment how antis are going to be mad about this) and like... when?? Where?? Why???
I know I should probably ignore this shit, but when it shown down my throat, I blocked almost everything that’s connects with k ate h. self insert but stil she managing to slip through uughhhh
but that was in a different context. I think “fought” is maybe a bit strong of a term as far as I know. but what did happen is that tom had suggested bringing in loki’s relationship with Amora from the comics and their complicated push-pull frenemies dynamic could be interesting. which I think it could have been. I certainly would have vastly preferred a well written version of that to the disaster that is sylki even tho personally I don’t think loki needs a canon romance. given that marvel heroes - esp the male leads - always seem to need an obligatory love interest, it’s not a bad idea. the mcu handles romance terribly so I doubt it would be that compelling and I'd rather have nothing. but that would’ve been way better than the awful cringy Mary Sue self insert fic Kate and mike gave us with sylki.
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teamjacobthot · 4 years
twilight saga character tag!
thank you sm @softtwihoe for tagging me <3 i feel like im still new to the renaissance fandom on tumblr even tho i never stopped being a twihard so shit like this warms my heart <3
now my spicy twilight takes………………...
1. Character you find most relatable to you as a person?
the love of my life, without a doubt, 100% leah clearwater. mfs tried to make her feel bad for feeling her feelings but she was valid in all of them. also its canon that shes a scorpio but yall aint hear it from me
rosalie bc we have similar trauma (lmao :/) and like to disagree with people. i also love big dumb men
edward. as a fellow whiny musical pissbaby who cant let shit go, i get it
2. Character that didn’t have a POV in the books or certain unfinished manuscripts, but you wish did?
ok maybe this is super underground but sue!!! mf!!! clearwater!!! she had allllllll the tea on the pack and tbh i really wanted to see how she and her family were before and after harry’s death. that event was a really big deal (outside of just bella and edward) and set shit OFF in new moon
billy bc he also had hella tea and i bet he was super fucking conflicted during the ENTIRE saga bc he couldnt say shit to charlie!!! that shit sounds rough!!!!!
quil bc he was the last to phase and i just wanna know what he was going thru. he would’ve had hellaaaaa jokes too but smeyer doesnt care abt nonwhite characters so :/
charlie, assuming he supports the black lives matter movement
i guess overall i just wanna know how EVERYONE was doing in new moon bc that story ran DEEP. i want a midnight sun for new moon but for every character
nobody asked but new moon is the best in the saga and new moon stans have the best pussy
3. Character that’s underrated and deserves more recognition?
the entire wolf pack but wbk
riley but tbh i think its bc i just loved xavier samuel in the eclipse movie
the denali coven!!!! their story was incredible imo and while irina was a snitch, i understand why she snitched. she didnt deserve to die. the denalis deserve so much better and while garrett is cool to have around, that doesnt fill the void that irina left bc the volturi decided to be a bunch of haters. i want them to heal so bad. 
tanya gets a bad rep for having a crush on edward but she deserves better too
i’d like to read abt the vacations that the denalis with the cullens too
oh and all thats just BESIDES the succubus legend that tanya and kate and irina started in canon!!!!!!!! like??????????????????? they fucked and killed human men??????????? thats the story i wanna READ bitch!!!! thats my jennifer’s body (2009) fantasy!!!!! smeyer is a coward tho
btw carmen and esme are girlfriends :)
4. Character you thought was unnecessary for the story?
ok besides the obvious, and nobody drag me for it, but bree tanner. I get she was there to show us how fucked up the volturi are and to sorta predict bella as a newborn but……...we already knew the volturi kill mfs just for fun. if the cullens werent gonna adopt her we really didnt need many details on her. and regarding the newborn thing, bree’s role as a newborn didnt really mean shit bc bella ended up being ~the perfect newborn~ anyway!!!! smeyer tried to sell us the short second life of bree tanner as if there arent other worthy characters of having a spinoff novella about like leah or seth or rosalie or emmett or charlie or resume from bella’s ovary. that being said………..
resume, for multiple reasons including:
resume literally shouldnt exist. vampires shouldnt be able to have working sperm and even then, edward shouldve pulled out. he could barely even tongue kiss bella so wtf made him think he could cum in her????? whyyy didnt he use his big vampire brain to consider that????? 
resume seemed totally unwanted and unthought of??? bella and edward were so mf absorbed in each other like regular teen couples (with 1000x the intensity but still) that it didnt seem likely that theyd want a baby after fucking like three times anyway. miss bella “fuck them kids” swan also gave no indication of wanting children. ever. EYE would have simply aborted and went on to live my best vampire life :)
resumes existence defeats the purpose of imprinting bc theres no way she’d be able to conceive with jacob. at all. but we know smeyer doesnt think shit through
smeyer writing in resume ruined jacobs character even more esp coming off the shitshow that was eclipse. periodt
5. Top 5 female characters?
leah <3
6. Top 5 male characters?
jacob (pre-eclipse but that’s implied)
quil/paul (i love them equally)
edward’s dumb ass <3 sometimes
7. Character interaction that didn’t happen but you wish it did?
rosalie and edward but only under the condition that he finally stops being a misogynistic pissbaby towards her and accepts her for the sexy legend that she is. i feel like they’d get along well but smeyer is anti-hottie and anti-talent so i guess we’ll never know :/
leah and someone who loves her and respects her and validates her feelings :)
JACOB AND HIS SISTERS. OR EVEN JUST RACHEL. she literallyyyyyyyyyy came home after YEARS in breaking dawn but he was too busy simping over bella to acknowledge her??? huh???
bella and a licensed therapist
edward and a licensed therapist
8. Character that deserves more development?
the whole entire wolf pack but wbk
more specifically, embry. whooooom is his father???
emmett. like we get it hes funny and hot but like……….spare depth maam? any spare depth????
9. Character who is your total opposite?
jasper bc he fought for people who look like me to be ENSLAVED and the fandom lets it slide for whatever reason :|
10. Character you warmed up to after experiencing the Renaissance?
edward, in some ways. i relate to him when im feeling extra self-loathing but then i get over it lmao. he’s still stupid tho
i used to think alice was annoying af (and i still kinda do tbh) but as a fashion hoe, i get it
charlie, sorta, even tho he’s a cop. i wasnt there for the original conversation on here but do yall think he supports black lives matter? idk tbh but we’ll never know bc smeyer probably doesnt know what police brutality is. anyways ive really enjoyed the discourse on his relationship with bella and how he doesnt trust edward
jacob <3 he’s always been my heart, my soul, my baby, my fuckin cinnamon apple, etc. but i love the posts that other fans/nonhaters have been making abt how warm and kind he was before smeyer fucked him over and how he deserves so much better. its like yes im glad youre seeing all the things that make me a team jacob thot :)
idk if yall have already been tagged but im tagging @howlonghaveyoubeenseventeen @leahclearwaterdefensesquad @leahclearvvater and @bellas-dumptruck-ass! also anyone can fill this out and say i tagged them <3
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odrseasonone · 5 years
S2 & S3 (& 2 S4) Notes
these are obv 100% jumbled atm but here’s the record of the notes we made!!!
AVINA has a dream about ANA dying her her arc is about trying to prevent ANA’s death
possibly, AVINA has a premonition that CRIS is gonna spell ANA’s doom??????
ROB and the butterfly!!!
DMITREI fineds out about CELIA and EVIE before the escape is through - and does nothing to stop them
perhaps the audience thinks DMITREI helped ALEX, JAMES, etc escape????
esp since we’ve already demonstrated jamitrei is a thing
OPHELIA’s danger is that she almost gets burned possibly???????
after that incident, her relationships w ISABELLA is greatly improved
CASSIUS doesn’t face off w the DEGREYS (to avoid too much repetition)
when you consume life forces, you consume souls, taking their minds into your own: a swirling cocaphony leading to madness
compare/contrast CHARLES/CASSIUS this season
first shot of CASSIUS, he steps out of the darklness into the light, smiling, as he looks at GUIN; last shot, he’s just killed CHARLES, he’s a mess in every sense, and he walks out of the light into the dark...
first shot of CHARLES, he opens his eyes waking up; last shot of CHARLES, he closes his eyes, dead
DEZOD trains RIC in his lair which is in like an alternate universe tbqh
AVINA and HELENA communicate through their dreams, connecting those two RESISTANCEs
DMITREI is the one, not HELENA, to ultimately reveal where CHARLES and RORAN are to ROWENA
the E RESISTANCE 2.0 is so pumped when they learn ROWENA & CASSIUS are leaving - only to have a new evil queen take her place
E RESISTANCE 2.0 tries to steal eggs from ROWENA’s vault while she’s gone (possibly foiled accidentally by LYNESSA’s own plot)
E RESISTANCE 2.0 forms an underground railroad to help LYNESSA’s “enemies” escape
DMITREI “warns” ROWENA of LYNESSA’s treason to hedge his bets re: rowena’s trust in him
ROWENA credits all the E RESISTANCE 2.0′s harmful actions to LYNESSA and doesn’t know they exist
as the executioner raises his blade to execute LYNESSA, we cut to DMITREI - at the moment her head comes off, he smirks
NED decides to back ALEX’s claim until undead!ANA makes NED and ALEX question each other...
RORAN wants to table the political situation
CHARLES reminds the RIDERS to remain impartial - RORAN’s against that
DMITREI warns ROWENA of LYNESSA’s treason just as she’s on the verge of annihilating the south - dmitrei takes credit for saving the south w them
DMITREI presents himself as a friend to the S RESISTANCE
CELIA is suuuuuper angry w JAMES
JAMES, having been revealed as harrion, grapples w his new position
JAMES tries to persuade everyone to secede from aragoth and become a republic/democracy
VINCENT befriends RORAN and IVETTE on DMITREI’s orders
S RESISTANCE finds out there’s a mole - they suspect ALEX and JAMES, all PIRATES, CELIA (if she’s part of the resistance)
JAMES kills an assassin in CELIA’s room, tossing him out a window - CELIA wakes up to find JAMES alone in her room and is enraged - later the same thing happens in reverse and he thinks she’s flirting and using his “excuse” since she’s clearly established she doesn’t believe him
MARGERY unsuccessfully attempts to assassinate JAMES before she’s caught in the CELIA one
CELIA leader of the anti-JAMES movement
RORAN figures out who the mole is and CHARLES dismisses it out of hand bc of RORAN’s track record w “CORA”
AVINA works on honing her skills a as a prophet
when he realizes RORAN was right about VINCENT, CHARLES apologizes and says how proud, etc, he is of RORAN
narratively speaking, RORAN comes of age at that moment and from then on out, they’re pr much on equal footing!! <3
AVINA uses her power to find RIC, which is how he’s rescued?
as CASSIUS kills CHARLES, he flashes back to killing WILL, CHARLES taking the place of WILL, RORAN of CHARLES
CELION spends this whole season bickering until they start making out
it is revealed that VINCENT is a spy - which is how ROWENA found them
AVINA figures out that ROB killed ANA - end s3/beginning s/4???
HELENA mysteriously disappears when she arries at vysova - sneaking off to the W RESISTANCE
HELENA tries to use her visions to help the E RESISTANCE
HELENA hooks up w the E/W RESISTANCE in the west
ROSE dies protecting HELENA
MALCULMUS makes a run at being norther warden after ALIA and RENFRY’s deaths
CORDELIA is made warden of the north - which is where she gets her arrington army
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