#especially for creators PLEASE
whaleofatjme1920 · 10 months
You guys gotta go back to reblogging the hell out of everything it’s how the hellsite stays alive
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scarletlotus182 · 4 months
I think what a lot of destiel fans forget is that outside the spn bubble most of us dislike Supernatural and anything related and have mostly heard of it against our will.
The whole destiel news meme is largely because of circumstances surrounding it and not because people were genuinely interested in what was going on in the show.
I promise you when it comes to cultural impact, Gundam, a series thats been around since '79 and it's most recent series which focused on a gay relationship ending in marriage in a country where gay marriage is not yet legal has had the bigger impact.
Everyone is begging you to step outside of your western-centric bubble
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theinsanefoxwriter · 2 months
Gregory Deserves Better...
I never make actual posts to be honest, but I feel the need to right now, because I’m just so…tired of this. My favorite character in the newer FNAF era has been mistreated by both fans and the creators. So I’m making this in light of the new book coming that, at least from the description we have right now, sounds like it’s just Security Breach, except Gregory is replaced by Cassie.
I’ve said many times elsewhere how I suspected they wanted to boot Gregory for Cassie, and...I had no idea how right I actually was. It angers me, but…mostly, I’m just hurt and very disappointed, because it sucks to see a character I loved get so disrespected then practically replaced. The ending of Ruin felt like a slap in the face, and the sting is only getting worse. (And very quickly, in case anybody takes this from what I'm saying, no I don't hate Cassie. I just don't want her to completely replace Gregory.) I’m not here to talk about that situation, though.
If anyone for some reason leaves a comment arguing the points I make, I’m just going to ignore or even delete it. I’m not here to discuss or argue with people who disagree with me and/or think Gregory is a bad character. I just want to express an opinion that I don’t think is said nearly enough. And that opinion is the fact Gregory is severely misunderstood and mistreated by both the fandom and canon itself. I’m not going to get into everything, but enough that you can hopefully understand the point I’m trying to make.
Most of the Gregory hate at the beginning was due to him destroying the animatronics and then lying about it to Freddy. I don’t see how this makes him hateable or a bad person. “Why’d he have to go out of his way to destroy them?” “He’s a bad person for lying to Freddy and giving him the upgrades of his friends.” “The Glamrocks were so awesome. Why did Gregory have to do that?” What kid in danger would want to help or be nice to the scary robots trying to kill them? Or against the better argument, why would he have sympathy for them in a moment of intense danger? When they were actively trying to kill him? He did what he thought he needed to survive, which was destroying them and using the good parts they had to give him a better chance against them. If they had been nice, he would have liked them, but they weren’t. They were after him. And choosing to do that plus being able to do that doesn’t make him a bad person, and it doesn’t mean he's uncaring towards others or that he’s heartless. What I think people don't take into account is that Gregory did befriend an animatronic, the one who wasn't attacking him. He went to great lengths to help Freddy, and genuinely cared for him; that bear needed to be rescued on more than one occasion lol, and Gregory clearly wasn't just doing it because Freddy gives him a hiding place.
And in regard to the lying, I think Gregory hid that he was getting the upgrades from Freddy's friends, because he didn't want to make Freddy mad or hurt his feelings. That does sound like something a kid would do, and he is a kid. He's not gonna be perfect in this situation, and he doesn't even do anything that bad. I don't think Gregory gets enough credit. Everybody just sees a mouthy kid destroying animatronics they like (despite the fact they're hunting him, and the virus has made them basically mindless. Why wouldn’t he?), and they hate on him for it and other rather stupid reasons. Gregory is more than the “annoying” kid who destroyed your favorite animatronics. He’s a clearly guarded and defensive child who got stuck in a bad and terrifying situation, but…in the end, stayed anyway to prevent this and other bad things from happening to anyone else. Gregory cares. Yes, even if he destroyed some animatronics. The creators calling him the “darkness of the Pizzaplex” or whatever they said doesn’t make sense. On the surface, he might look like some child who destroyed Freddy’s friends, but look any deeper at all, and that’s not the case. There’s so much potential for his character, and I’m upset that he isn’t being given the spotlight or time to further explore his potential properly, especially since Security Breach ended up being a bit lacking in a lot of areas: perhaps another factor in why he’s so misunderstood.
In the end, I’m simply tired of seeing a character that I connected with treated like he was just a writing mistake that now needs to be replaced by a “better” character. I’m not saying his writing was perfect, but he deserves way better than this. I feel very passionate about the characters I like, which is why this has affected me so much, and I hope at least a few people see this.
Anything I missed I’m going to touch on briefly here:
GGY? A cool concept, actually, that I wish was utilized in the games. And Gregory is clearly possessed there, similar to Vanessa, so him being Patient 46 and causing people’s deaths can’t actually be held against him.
Dropping the elevator on Cassie? I firmly believe that was not him, and very clearly the Mimic’s doing. There’s solid evidence behind it, but I’m not going to get into it because it’s exhausting. Just know that no one can convince me otherwise. And even if the writers wanted Gregory to do that, it’s out of character and clearly an act of character assassination.
Thanks for taking the time to read this. Now go hug a misunderstood gremlin!
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royalarchivist · 9 months
Quackity: Lately, I have been participating in events and projects, and unfortunately it's become clear to me that my presence and name have only been used to attract the attention of my national and international community with the objective, as I see it, of generating more attention towards controversies - destructive controversies, and a rupture that is very clear in the community. [...] In advance, I ask the organizers of any type of events and projects like this to please show more respect to me and my community, because I've shown lots of sympathy and cooperation in these various projects and events, but it's become clear to me that their only interest is in using my name. My name and my community have been used to attract all this attention for distorted purposes, and I will no longer allow that to happen. That is not what my content is about - not me nor my content nor anything I’ve done.
Here's Quackity's commentary on respect and his reasoning for distancing himself and his projects from future events and awards shows.
[ Full Transcript ↓ ]
Quackity: Before I leave, I would like to talk about something that is very serious for me and something that I would like to tell you about. Because for me it is a very serious topic and it is a topic that- well, I had my mind on and I want to express it- [reading Chat] yes, thank you. Merry Christmas, Merry Christmas.
Anyways, lately I have been participating in events and projects, and in these events and projects, unfortunately it's become clear to me that my presence and name have only been used to attract the attention of my national and international community with the objective, as I see it, of generating more attention towards controversies - destructive controversies, and a rupture that is very clear in the community, and this is what I want to say: I'm NOT ok with these types of dynamics or stuff like this, and I want to make it very clear to my stream, my community, and everyone that, for this exact reason that I just mentioned, I want to make it clear that I want to distance myself and any of my projects from the Esland Awards, which you all know is coming up.
Sadly, the Esland Awards have been an event with a history of much controversy, a lot of division, and a lot of divisions within the community, and as you guys know, as you know, my content has never been characterized by seeking controversy or divisions or anything like that. It's for this exact reason that I don't want to be involved with these awards.
In advance, I ask the organizers of any type of events and projects like this to please show more respect to me and my community, because I've shown lots of sympathy and cooperation in these various projects and events, but it's become clear to me that their only interest is in using my name. My name and my community have been used to attract all this attention for distorted purposes, and I will no longer allow that to happen. I don't want it to happen. That is not what my content is about - not me nor my content nor anything I've done. That's what I want to make very clear here.
That's about it. I'm going to continue with the projects I'm doing and I want to thank my community so much for the support and love. I appreciate it very much, but I wanted to make this clear - I wanted to make this clear. This is just a topic I wanted to address quickly.
Thank you for all the love and support, I love you all so much.
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bookofbonbon · 5 months
Just a quick PSA - please share (and maybe save an account that's been wrongly/mistakenly terminated!)
For those that don't know my main account (@blogofbonbon) was abruptly terminated yesterday which had also resulted in all of my sideblogs (including this one) being terminated along with it!
I was lucky enough to have my main account along with all of my sideblogs reinstated within a short 24 hours without any issues however, I found from other people's experience that it took some of them days, weeks even months before their accounts were reinstated.
I still don't actually have an answer as to why this has happened but, the general consensus from those who have experienced it is that it's a mistake/glitch.
Anyways, I thought I'd just make a quick post about what to do if you find yourself in this position!
What does it look like when it happens?
Everything on my dashboard disappeared and nothing would load.
The tumblr app kept sending me notice over and over again that I was unauthorised to access/the connection had been dropped/I need to log in (despite not having logged out).
I didn't receive any notice or email from tumblr explaining or giving a reason as to why my account had been suddenly terminated.
When I attempted to login on desktop, it would just redirect me back to the login page.
When I attempted to go directly onto any of my blogs via their url, it would say that my blogs didn't exist - they were all just gone.
Your existing posts will not come up as 'deactivated00000000' next to your username in the same way that it does on a post from an account that has actually been deactivated - it displays your username as normal with the anonymous tumblr icon and nil option to click on your username.
What to do if this happens?
This post on reddit details in depth what to do but, I will summarise below.
There are three ways to go about it - only do ONE. If you do multiple it just backs up the system and takes longer for them to work through/process requests.
Reach out via Tumblr Support (this is the 'official' way to go about it).  https://www.tumblr.com/support -> select terminated account and provide details of what happened, your username and URL.
If you have twitter - send a tweet to @/tumblr or @/tumblrsupport (preferably tumblr support) with what happened, your username and URL.
Make a post on the linked subreddit above or DM u/tumblr_acct_help your username and URL.
I personally chose to go through Tumblr Support.
If you go through twitter/reddit but, have genuinely violated Tumblr TOS - they will tell you they cannot assist you via twitter/reddit.
If you go through Tumblr Support - @goldensmilingbird found that apparently support tickets with emails attached to terminated accounts don't go through!
I can't speak to whether this is the case or not (using the email attached to the terminated account) as I had initially sent a support ticket through my (at the time) terminated accounts email but, I heeded the warning anyway and had sent a support ticket through a backup account of mine under a different email.
When sending a support ticket via a different email:
Provide details of what happened and again, provide your username, URL and the email attached to the terminated account!
What to do after?
Unfortunately once you have done those things, you just have to wait!
As I stated above, don't send multiple tickets/tweets/dm's/posts on multiple platforms as all it does is slow the process down and backs the system up.
If the termination of your account was a genuine mistake/glitch, your account should be reinstated without any issues HOWEVER, when it is reinstated it will likely happen without any notice or email from tumblr so, you just have to keep an eye on your blogs! Check your URL's every now and then throughout the day.
If you have genuinely violated the Tumblr TOS' then whether the issue is resolved and your account reinstated will be up to the discretion of Tumblr.
Hopefully this is helpful to anyone who needs it or to anyone who knows someone who may need it!
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artofapeach · 5 months
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Actually laughing so hard, Pav truly is a poor little meow meow, doomed by the narrative, 100% asshole, fuck your redemption you bitch
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mlnhyuks · 2 days
Hiiiiiiii !
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I’ve you ever thought « Wow my mutuals are so talented I wish everyone could see their work », well I did I made this blog just for them !
If you are a multistan or like to support content creator please follow this blog 🫶 I reblog everything my mutuals do because they are too talented to be ignore and I love them 💕
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If we are mutuals please use the tag #Korimilook! I reblog everything, even non kpop content !
For Pokémon fans I also have the tag #pokecontent open to everyone mutuals or not ! And please check the tag yourself for content to reblog !
Also mutuals please choose your own tag if you haven’t ! This are the ones already taken !
My main is @yoohyeon ! You don’t have to follow my main, I’m just mentioning for the mutuals part cause it’s mutuals from my main and my sb @juvian ❤️
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paging-possum · 2 months
Grits my teeth because I am NOT going to share a dungeons and daddies opinion right before I have to go work for 7 hours I won’t I won’t
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fluffomatic · 1 year
I honestly don't even know how to start this, or even if I should. I know that this community has had its issues, controversies, etc. At this point? It's getting ridiculous. I'm disgusted by the actions of the fucking ADULTS in this community. This is supposed to be a safe space. For everyone regardless of age, race, sexuality, gender expression, religion, etc. The fact that you've used that to hurt people is revolting. I've gotten more information about what's going on by a friend, and honestly, everyone who is associated with the current thing going on except the minor or minors who were harmed. should be ashamed. If there is anything to take out of what has happened, it is this. Don't put any creator up on a pedestal. We're all human. We make mistakes, sometimes really bad ones. Myself included. Just be aware of the people you support and follow. If they exhibit bad behavior, call it out. I hope that all of you will hold me accountable for any harm I might have or may cause. I think the best thing about being human is that we all have the ability to learn and change. I wish everyone was involved the best, and I hope this situation teaches you a lesson. And to the people harmed, it doesn't matter if these creators do change and learn and grow, if they apologize up and down, if they do everything in their power to make it right, you don't owe them your forgiveness, you have every right to be mad. You're valid no matter what you choose.
I may take some time away from tumblr. Probably not for very long, but the air here is definitely toxic at the moment. My messages will still be open for my friends, of course. Just give everyone time to heal from what happened. To the adults in the community, we have an obligation to make this place safe. Not just for each other, for everyone. We all need to do better.
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aaaand immediately after answering that ask i got one pretty much saying what it is. thankfully tumblr blurs pictures in asks until you click on em so That wasn't spoiled for me but still. cmon
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vellichorom · 1 month
Everyone who ever made gross and rude comments/assumptions about Thierry should explode, actually, and I'm chewing and gnawing on their bones as we speak (seriously, though. Awful. Need them all to reflect upon their previous statements and change their behaviour immediately.)
It's so disappointing and infuriating that people would be so terrible about a design which is so well-crafted, and clearly done so with a lot of care, consideration and appreciation for the character himself, (especially when so many designs just... aren't, if you ask me, though that's not what I'm here to bitch about this time) and I couldn't imagine how grating and unbearable that could get.
Me personally, I love your Narrator-- always have, always will, I've called him my favourite muse so many times for a reason! He's genuinely one of my favourite interpretations of this character that I've seen. There are so many things that make his design work so brilliantly. His relaxed, laid-back appearance is one thing that I especially love! I mean, The Narrator is some guy making a video game! Make that man comfy, Goddamn it!
Your design's wonderful, anyone who gives you shit about it, and who gave you shit about it in the past, better Watch Out. :^)
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thank you so much I HAVE SO LITTLE TO ADD BUT. the nice comments really do mean a lot because i swear to god sometimes it feels like 0 to 100 out here
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plutobutartsy · 4 months
i hateee when ppl on here act all high and mighty for being on tumblr. "haha we're so much better than the tiktok fandom god they're so chronically online lol annoying" like ooh yeah youre so quirky and special. i bet you bring books to concerts. should we tell y/n
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quietlyblooms · 3 months
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i became good at pretending. i became so good that after a while, the lines blurred between my truth and fiction. and sometimes, when i did a really good job of pretending, i even fooled myself.
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regulusrules · 2 years
Internally screaming and crying in awe from my friend who sent me this fanart telling me how much it screamed My heart is readily yours for her. Like imagine you find a brilliant mind out there thinking of something so similar to your fic, but they're just so much more talented because they described it in imagery rather than in words🥹
Art: He's my friend by kneelmortals @writingupsidedown
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thesparklingwriter · 10 months
After catching your fiancé cheating on you with your best friend from the Akademiya, you break off the engagement and return to Liyue where you work as an acupuncturist at the Bubu Phamarcy.
It didn't take Zhongli long to realize you are the reincarnation of Rex Lapis' late wife.
i do appreciate the support you give me here on this account, however, i do have a small request.
please stop leaving me request asks like this. i'm not an ai generator, you can't just put a prompt in my inbox and expect me to chuck it out. i am human, it does take me time to do these, and at the very least, i'd like to be asked politely.
other creators might not mind, but if i'm honest i find requests like this rude and it does put me off.
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no1ryomafan · 9 months
It’s the way I’m in between of “I’m okay if getter gets zero no content this year even though it’s the 50th anniversary because dynapro bot wise it’s grendizer year which has been long overdue, plus getter could be having it worse compared to other mechas” and “please god if your gonna give us even a crumb make it a new spin off manga at least even if I’m probably not gonna read immediately or just a fucking figure that ISN’T shin getter”
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