#especially if he's just outright shouting but it's so rare
grahamdollton · 7 months
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darknights-beloved · 1 month
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cw; pining, (not specified) afab reader, loots of yearning yk, slow burn, pre relationship, nothing mentioned too explicitly- just diluc wanting to keep you safe, holding HANDS !!!
synopsis; diluc finds that the more these feelings grow for you, the more he wants to keep you safe. (and walk you home like the gentleman he is) wc: 1k
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"You need not worry about me. I can handle myself."
Something Diluc had often heard leave your lips, stubbornly. All too rigidly. Words he should be accustomed to hearing by now, or at the very least, something that shouldn't affect him so deeply. Try as he might, he could not remain indifferent. And he is aware that if given a choice, he'd much more likely choose to accept the fact that he cares about you too much for him to bear sometimes than accept your words of dismissal for his concern.
However, the fire burns in him, equally stubborn as you are. Maybe more. A little prideful, if one may add, otherwise, it was a feeling Diluc hoped to avoid and push away. To care about someone meant you were bound to be vulnerable, to let your guard down. But Diluc couldn't afford to let his guard down. Not when his hands were so soaked, so roughened by blood and blade, while yours remained almost fragile in his. Small. Delicate. Undoubtedly, they would continue to be that way. Perhaps callous the skin on his fingertips even more. And that's why he shouldn't ever hold your hands in his dirty ones. He mustn't.
Tonight however, he couldn't help it.
He would never willingly venture forth, shouting out loud to the world of his affections for you outright. That secret remained deep within the confines of his heart, locked in a cage where the bright flames of his intensity for you ran rampant and wild. Your smile did nothing to soothe it.
Longing was painful, especially when the words reached nowhere near one's throat. The words he so desperately wanted to confess.
"It's far too dangerous at nightfall. And you, for one, aren't careful enough." No, you were. That was an excuse, a pitiful lie to accompany you home for just another night. Both of you knew that his words had no real bite.
your much great help in assisting him in barkeeping tonight has taken up both of your time. he feels guilty for not having dismissed you earlier, so you could reach home safely. but, yet again, the duke found himself rendered lost in your presence. distracted by the comfort of it.
"you know.." you began, unsure whether or not to be amused to him pulling out excuses like a magician would pull out rabbits from their hats. "You've used that excuse last time."
You knew Diluc to be a protective friend, his no-nonsense nature often expressing a seriousness that could be intimidating. Yet, in moments like this, you caught glimpses of a rare softness—an unexpected gentleness in his demeanor. Of course, this was always followed by his sincere care for you. You were a dear friend to him, just as he was to you, and although his concerns were consistent and understandable, you couldn't help but indulge in the thought that he used those worries as a guise to spend more time in your company. It was comical, really.
you chuckled when you noticed the noticeable flush of his ears.
Diluc averted his gaze away from you quickly.
"Do not tease me" he warned "I simply want to make sure you get home safe."
"just like every other night?" you raise a brow at him.
"just as every other night."
You sigh at his tense expression, though it does not ease him. Not infinitesimally. If anything you could only pretend that he assumed you were to continue your protest. "I insist, allow me to accompany you." He repeats. Had you wanted to argue further, you would not hesitate like this.
You're no fool. You can tell he is concerned as well, albeit unknowing of how deep that concern falls. And while you do not mind him accompanying you per se, you wouldn't want to trouble him either. Ridiculous. Diluc would scoff at the idea, had you expressed it aloud. You? A burden? The only annoying tug at his strings would be from being unaware of your current safety. It was a constant nag in his mind, to make sure you were okay. But not one he shunned from him. Quite the opposite, actually.
"Are you sure? I would hate to trouble you." It slips you, a little too quickly. A constant nag on your part to make sure you did not discomfort the man. "You've already done so much━" But Diluc hated the idea of you having to walk on eggshells because of him. No. Never would that be befitting for someone he cares too deeply about. Too deeply to admit.
"So have you." he interrupts, scoffing. Your shoulders relax at the unmistakable softening of his eyes as he turns back to face you. "Besides, it would put me at ease knowing you had arrived at the confines of your home securely." He speaks the words with serious sincerity, his vermilion eyes boring into yours with a hint of sternness.
"We both know how it gets at night-time." he continued, clearing his throat gently. And the more night he spends walking you home, the more gentlemanly he becomes. He takes a step closer to your figure. "This is also a handy way to repay you for all your work."
Another excuse. It causes a small flutter in your heart. Diluc Ragnvindr had once again let his guard down. For you.
the city of freedom would get breezier by nightfall━ accompanied by the low howls of the wind, the two of you stood across each other near the gates of the city. In the coldness of the night, you oddly felt warm in his presence. The lamplights of the Mond city were almost fully wiped out, casting heavy shadows across the paths and alleyways of the area. You looked into those vermillion eyes of his, illuminated by the soft moonlight.
"Fine." You relent for another night. Were you truly going to turn down his offer anyway? and the man almost sighs in relief. (you see how quickly he relaxes. He's not subtle, his eyes betray him) Though you can never win against him. You never have. "I enjoy your company, anyway." You smile and Diluc's own lips twitch up in response.
"Thank you…" He breathes and extends a gloved hand out to you. Part of you don't know what he's thanking you for. You don't question it. he's letting his guard down. A little, maybe…or a lot. You graciously accept it. But as your hand holds his, he lets himself be soft. He can't win against you either. He can't fight this feeling. It pulls him in, like a moth to a flame. No, that's too cliche. Perhaps something deeper, more profound that words fail him.
When Diluc holds your hand, it will be gentle. A tender gesture. His roughened ones wrapped around your softer ones, as if shielding you from whatever harm may stumble your way and disposing of it immediately━ he cares. While his hands may never match the softness of your own, he shall use his roughness to wield the greatsword that he guards you with.
Even in the simplest, most trivial ways, he cares.
With him by your side, you've not a thing to worry about. Not even the chill of the night. He is already offering you his coat, just like every other night and more nights to come.
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all rights reserved @eroxotckv @dcrkn1ght
a/n: i wrote this last night after somehow being able to overcome writer's block, a lil bit. its not that good but yeah. dividers @rookthornesartistry
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mypimpademia · 1 year
— Supermom & Superdad!
Pro-hero!Parent! Izuku x pro-hero!Parent!Fem!Black! Reader
TW: Swearing, domestic hcs, mentions of fighting
Note: requested by @sakuras-cafe You and Izuku have two kids, a son and daughter! They’re fairly close in age about 1 to 3 years apart, or even twins if you’d like it’s open for interpretation.
Key: (s/n) = Son’s name, (d/n) = Daughter’s name
⇶ Naturally, both you and Izuku were more than elated when you became parents, and love your kids more than anything in this world
⇶ And naturally, you were both terribly scared of what could happen to your kids seeing that both of your jobs were dangerous for the both of you as is, and you couldn’t imagine if that affected your kids as well
⇶ But thankfully, you’ve had little to no trouble with anything incredibly dangerous!
⇶ But handling your domestic lives as well as hero work is definitely more than what either of you bargained for!
⇶ From the very start, there were some issues concerning media coverage on your relationship and new family
⇶ Of course, it was anticipated considering he was the #1 hero and you were also a top hero, but it was a bit overwhelming to actually experience
⇶ You were no strangers to having flashing cameras and reporters in your faces, but you mutually agreed to shield your children from that life
⇶ You’d post pictures of them when they were babies, but very rarely showed their faces, hid their names, and more, for as long as you could. Family outings were also kept as quiet and private as possible
⇶ As they grew older, you opened up more about your family and your kids were featured more on your socials and you’d sometimes bring them to interviews as a family! Everyone saw you as a picture perfect family (and y’all are, let’s be honest)
⇶ But overall, you tried to keep them away from too much direct publicity and wouldn’t allow paparazzi or random reporters near them
⇶ Of course, a few would slip through and get a hair too close, but it never ended well for them…
⇶ Izuku and you both have sparkling reputations with civilians, but they grow dim when people start to interfere with your family
⇶ You never know anyone’s true intentions, and although the both of you are pro hero’s, and can handle pretty much anything, there are still people out to get you and you need to be careful!
⇶ You always try to be nice when interacting with media people, but aren’t afraid to snap a little if they invade your space too much or just get plain annoying
“For the last time, I don’t have time for questions right n–” You said, before you were so rudely interrupted by the paparazzi once again.
“Just one question! Everyone is dying to know, when will you-”
“I said get the fuck out of my face!”
⇶ Izuku is kind by nature, and is nice to matter how infuriating the near harassment can get. And if he gets to overwhelmed or irritated, he’ll simply ignore them
⇶ But when he’s with the kids, the story is much different
⇶ Izuku has always loved children, and has always been over protective of them, but that protection turns up 10000% when he’s with his own kids
⇶ He’ll go from a sweet, loving, caring dad to outright mean and defensive, more so than anyone has seen him before
“Pro-hero Deku! I have a question for you sir!” A reporter shouted from across the street, before hurrying over with a microphone in hand and a cameraman behind him.
“Not right now please, I’m with my family.” Izuku said politely, scooping up your son and daughter in each arm and turning to walk away.
“Wait! Just one question, please!” The reporter pleaded. “Deku, what’s your plan to defeat the LOV once again after their newest plan?” He said, practically shoving the microphone into Izuku’s face.
At this point, a small crowd had gathered, realizing Izuku was there, and they were intently waiting for his response, and autographs.
Izuku, however, was more than annoyed, especially when he saw how this overwhelmed your children who were hiding their faces in his shoulders.
“Hey kiddos, can you cover your ears for daddy?” He asked your kids, who promptly followed his request.
Izuku sweetly kissed their foreheads, earning ‘aw’s from the crowd, before he cleared his throat.
“I said get the fuck away from me and family. What don’t you get about that?” He spat, causing the crowd to gasp. “And then you wonder why famous people don’t like paparazzi, asshole…” Izuku began to walk back towards his car, still muttering profanities.
“So fucking annoying…”
⇶ Yeah, the media knows not to get close to your kids, especially when Izuku is around.
⇶ As much as you’d like to spend most of your time with you kids, it’s simply not possible in your line of work
⇶ But you and Izuku always make sure they’re taken care of, even when you’re not around
⇶ You normally drop them off at granny Inko’s (who is fully retired and living in a nice little house thanks to Izuku and you), but when you get an emergency job alert or want to give her a break, you hire a trusted babysitter
⇶ But even when you’re working, the parenting doesn’t stop!
You felt your phone frantically buzz in your pocket as you hid in an alley from a villain. Pulling it out, you checked the contact.
“(D/n)…?” You muttered to yourself.
You hurriedly answered the call, fearing there may be something wrong.
“Hello? Is everything okay baby?” You said in a hushed, out of breath tone.
“Mommaaaaaa!” You heard her say in a dragged out, annoyed voice.
You sighed, in both relief and slight irritation, before answering, “Yes, sweetheart, what is it?” You asked, pinching the bridge of your nose.
“(S/n) ate my wingstop leftovers! Again!” She shouted.
“Yeah, um, okay–” You sputtered, hearing a loud explosion in the near distance. “Listen honey, I have to go back to wor-”
“Don’t believe her mom! Those were mine and she knows it!” (S/n) shouted from further away.
They began to argue over who did what, among other things that were completely unrelated.
“Okay, okay!” You yelled, making them both abruptly stop yelling at one another. “How about I buy you both wingstop when I get back? Is that okay?”
“Okay!” They both said in unison. “Love you momma, have a nice day at work!”
And then the line clicked as it disconnected.
⇶ God, they could be a handful.
⇶ But you wouldn’t trade parenting for the world, and adore the sweeter moments between you all when you and Izuku have time
⇶ Family movie nights, baking, vacations, and more
⇶ And there are some things neither of you would miss for the world, like birthdays or school events
⇶ You make sure you show up no matter what, even if that means coming in right after a fight with a villain while still in your hero costumes
⇶ But the times you cherished the most were nights after long, hard days, where you all unwinded with snacks and a movie
“Mom, Dad, can we stay up late tonight?” (D/n) asked, settling into the blanket.
Izuku turned to you, smiling while raising an eyebrow.
“Hmm…” You hummed, smiling back at your husband. “Sure, but you have to go to bed when the movie is over.”
“Fine by me.” (S/n) said, carefully putting a blanket over himself while trying not to spill the bowl of popcorn.
“What movie are we watching again?” Izuku asked, turning his attention back to the large tv that was hanging above your lit fireplace.
“The new Little Mermaid, I’ve been waiting forever for it to come out!” (D/n) exclaimed.
She hit play, and all of you excitedly watched as it started. Izuku wrapped his long, muscly arms around all of you, and leaned forwards as you fed him a few pieces of popcorn.
(D/n) reached over to wear you had moved the bowl, and grabbed a piece for himself, throwing it up in the air in an attempt to catch it in his mouth. He missed, and it landed on his head as he huffed, raking his hands through his thick curls to pick it out.
You chuckled, picking it out yourself, and then leaned down, burying your face into his green hair and breathing in his shampoo, as you kissed the top of his head.
You wished it was like this all the time.
⇶ No matter how scary or exhausting juggling your hero lives and parenting could be, you and Izuku would never trade your little family for anything
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pillowspace · 11 months
I wrote 1,148 words at like 2AM of Celestial Sundown Moon and Reader because of this post I made.
Your footsteps echoed through the spacious corridor lined with doors as Moon led you away, leaving the pink and white fox god with the theatrically booming voice far behind. The atmosphere was weighed down by thick layers of tension, and Moon did not give your presence a single ounce of acknowledgement aside from the visible stiffness to the lines of his shoulders. The last time that you had gotten a glimpse of his expression from behind the bars, it had turned from shocked to a silent communication of stormy eyes that you were royally screwed the second the two of you had privacy away from prying eyes and ears.
Honestly, you less regretted having followed after him, and more so regretted having gotten caught. That rockstar gal as the fox god had so loudly proclaimed her to be had been scary when she grabbed you.
The dead silence of the walk of shame behind Moon made the background noise of shoes scuffing the floor deafening. The air was suffocating. Eager for a distraction, you glanced up to see two smaller gods stood by a tall, glass window; one green and wide-eyed with what looked to be a single antenna ending in a glowing ball of light, while the other was pink and squinting mis-matched eyes in disdain. They were both openly staring at Moon out of the corners of their eyes, whispering to each other in hushed tones. You skipped an extra few steps closer to Moon's back and lifted your head high from your shoulders to quietly whisper to him.
"Hey. Are those your old castmates?"
It felt like an eerily bad omen that Moon wasn't even taking the time to tell you to shut up, especially considering the fact that you weren't even supposed to be seen talking to him in the building. You shrunk back into yourself, steps slowing down to lag behind as you had been prior.
Moon finally slowed to a stop in front of one of the large doors and pulled out from beneath his cloak the very key that the fox god had handed to him. You stopped beside him and tapped your foot against the pristine floor, warily glancing around the hallway as he unlocked it. Kissing the calm before the storm goodbye, you looked back just in time for Moon to push the door open, and you followed behind him with your gaze down low as he stepped inside. Eyes wandering as you passed him by, the room was lit up by torches against the walls and filled with all kinds of strange equipment that you'd most like find in a circus, as well as a few things you couldn't even recognize as having a Mortal Realm equivalent at all.
"I hope you had your fun back there, by the way. That was humiliating," you whispered, brow dipped low as you straightened your posture out and pulled the hood of your cloak off of your head to fall down against your upper back.
From behind you, you felt a gust of air hit you as the door slammed shut with a bang loud enough to make you startle. You turned towards Moon to see him with a hand tightly gripped around the handle, and he whipped around to face you, expression positively enraged.
Ohhh, fuck...
"WHAT WERE YOU THINKING!?" Moon raspily shouted, and all you could do was stare at him with wide eyes. "Oh, did I have fun? Clearly not as much as you did, coming here of all places!"
You had heard him hiss before—and hiss like a cat, he did often—but shout? That was something so rarely drawn out of him. You supposed that this was the worst you had ever outright disobeyed him before, but still. It surprised you. That surprise then bubbled out into an annoyance of your own.
"I was supposed to sneak in, then sneak out. I wasn't trying to get caught!" You shouted back, thankful for the walls that you had earlier watched Moon be assured were soundproof. He scoffed.
"And what good did that do you? Because if anything that Funtime told me back there was true, then you were an easy catch. If I had left without seeing you, do you have any idea what they would've done to you!? ANY idea!?"
"I can do a couple tricks for an apple," you said through gritted teeth, balling up your fists to feel the prick of your own fingernails against rough skin. "I would've escaped."
"You are reckless," Moon took a step forward to shove his index finger against your chest, causing you to lean back and look down at it in offense, "overzealous," he took another step forward, followed by you taking a more nervous step back, "and overconfident in your own mediocre abilities. If what Sun told me about you being so smart and cautious was even remotely true, then you've been discarding that caution for... what? To prove a point? Is that it?"
You shot Moon an affronted look. "To help--"
"You could help by not getting yourself tortured or killed, did you think of that?" he hissed. You grabbed onto his wrist and firmly moved his hand away from your chest, sick of the unwanted weight against you. He retracted it with ease, ripping his wrist from your hold to swing it back to his side, swishing the folds of his gold-edged, royal blue cloak in the process. You glared at him, and his expression remained just as stormy with gritted teeth.
"If my abilities are so mediocre, then why have you been keeping me around!?" You shouted, shooting your arms out wide beside yourself with your palms laid out. "I'm not asking to leave here, but you've said it yourself! I slow you down! So just what has been the reason!?"
Moon just stared at you, anger but also hesitation crossing his features as he thought on a response. A look of irritated defeat won out, and he turned away from you to silently walk farther into the room with a slouched posture. Your gaze followed him as his footsteps echoed throughout the room, your own arms falling back down to bounce against your sides.
"Where are you going?" You asked, tone unimpressed.
"I'm sitting down. We can't leave yet without rousing suspicions. You should take a nap, now would be a good time for you to slow me down," he bitterly grumbled in response, as if you hadn't mirrored his own exact words from the past back to him. He found a chair against the wall and fell into it to cross his legs and brood.
"So you're not answering the question then?"
He did not respond.
You rolled your eyes and kicked at the floor, glaring down at the corner of the room in front of you. "Typical," you murmured.
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bougiebutchbitch · 2 years
I can't fucking believe you got me back into Batman again... Only problem, the Joker tag is full of character hate. :/ Typical.
Honestly, agreed. I'm never cool with putting hate in character tags or :stares at the Joker tag: tagging your weird Danny Phantom murder fantasies with the character you're graphically killing.
While I still don’t agree with tagging that hate, most of the versions that people really seem to hate on are Leto Joker (which I totally understand because... ugh, the way he acted on-set was gross) and the darker, abusive and predatory comic versions. Again, understandable.
I love Lego Joker and Telltale Joker, who are both canonically little meowmeows who have done no harm to anyone, ever.
(Slight exaggeration. Shh.)
Telltale in particular is one of the only portrayals of his character as both queer, mentally ill and violently inclined (with the potential to hurt a lot of people) without demonising queerness or mental illness! That's really cool! I'd honestly dare anyone who hates his entire character to play through the Vigilante ending of Telltale and insist that every single version of Joker is an irredeemable shitbag? He's a guy who's been fucked over by the world, who gets emotionally & physically abused by his psychiatrist, who gets tossed out of an institution with 0 memory of what it's like outside and no framework for survival...
There is no happy ending  to his story. There's only one ending that hurts less, and one that hurts more. Either way, people get hurt. There's something kinda poignant about that.
As for the comics... every writer writes him different. How can folks hate the whole character when there are so many interpretations, between White Knight and Death of the Family and Europa and... etc. etc. etc. I love my murder-clown in some comic runs, even when he's completely amoral and unhinged and kills for fun. In others, just... meh. Especially when they try to make him  Dark And Edgy, rather than fun and bright.
This is all to say... rest assured that anyone who outright hates the entire character with 0 nuance probably hasn’t engaged with any Joker media outside of the films, the shitty incel fanbase and a few of the darker comics. There's so much great stuff out there and he's (sometimes) an awesome queer icon, albeit one with very bloody hands. I wish he wasn't so overused in the comics - I think he'd be a lot more appreciated by the fandom if they DIDN'T always toss him into the mix, and let a few good writers handle him. But isn't that true of all characters in Batman? :shrug:
So - yeah, I rarely dip my toes in his tag because there's so much hate, but I can at least console myself that this hate is directed towards specific, narrow interpretations of the Joker that I myself am not especially fond of.
Although with that being said, I think people should love whatever interpretation of his character they want to love. A big shout-out to people who do like the darker comic personalities, or Leto-jokes. You guys get a lot of stick, but keep on truckin’! You do you, and I’m sorry about the haters!
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llycaons · 11 months
ep46 (2/3): go off wen ning!!!
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oh this episode has so many great romantic shots of lwj catching wwx and dramatically cradling him in his arms and gazing tenderly at him and taking care of him physically and looking horrified and caring when he learns the truth. it's like his number one role in this episode from this point on
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THERE HE IS!!!!! much like jyl's ep25 speech, this is wen ning's absolute best scene. the best scenes of both jyl and wen ning, gentle and deeply loving side characters with little political or cultivation power, involve them defending wwx, someone who looked after and protected them in turn. it's happened so rarely and it's so satisfying to see it come down like that
come to think of it, most great lwj scenes are of him doing the same thing
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oh gosh lwj looks almost disgusted when he sees jc draw suibian. like 'really??? HIM??? ugh'
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oh he is NAILING the 'the man I love went through torments untold and I utterly failed him when it mattered and now I hold him in my arms and gaze at his face and wonder how I could have been so foolish' look
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I love that wen ning has such a precise and detailed memory. it's fitting as a companion and defender of wwx, who famously has a poor memory even when it comes to himself. it's so good for wwx that wen ning and lwj both witness and carry wwx's struggles so he doesn't have to do so alone. im getting choked up
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oh and he just tears into jc in this scene. mwah. so so satisfying
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and look how passionate he is! quiet, timid, kind wen ning, whose default expression is solemn awkwardness or a shy smile, outright shouting at this sect leader. and rightfully so!
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his is his SISTER! and jc shouldn't forget why he's here! wen ning isn't here to punish or kill jc or even really hurt him. he just wants him to know who he owes his life and success and strength and sect to - people he's abandoned, people he's tortured, people he's sworn to kill. it's a bitter pill to swallow, and it's devastating for him, but wen qing deserved to be remembered. and jc needs to understand what exactly wwx did before he can decide to torment him for eternity or whatever he was planning
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jc sobbing should also be satisfying, but honestly it's just sad. he makes me tired. isn't he tired?
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thank GOD wen ning said this because a lot of people take wwx at face value especially when it comes to jc and it's important to remember that wwx wasn't being sincere in a lot of circumstances, both before and after the war
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oh god and now he's remembering all the things he did to wwx and the things wwx said to him before he left to get his core 'restored' oh god oh fuck this is why he apologizes later. this is what it took. thank you wen ning 😭 I will never ever call wwx an idiot for not communicating things he was clearly too traumatized or in too much of a precarious position to communicate but I'm so glad someone did
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I love the 'grabbing a sword hilt in determination' thing that both lwj and wwx do
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GO OFF!!!! this is probably the meanest thing wen ning even says in this scene and it's literally just the truth. people who call wen ning cruel for this are weak bitches. 'uwu jc lost his entire family' yeah so did wen ning and jc failed to help them even though THEY saved his and his sibling's lives. jc always scolds wwx for not being grateful but he's so ungrateful and self-absorbed himself. 'wq turned down his marriage offer' was that seriously the fucking best he could have come up with
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anyway wn and lwj united in taking care of and defending wwx is such a lovely partnership 🥺 for so long he's been taking care of everyone and all alone and refusing help and now the two most loyal and loving people still alive are looking after him and making sure he's okay. it does make me emotional
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awww yeah romantic lotus pond night boat ride with a third wheel slash servant (?) wwx sure directs him to row like one
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oh god...this line really hits. when you and your family are facing extermination from literally everyone in the entire world, when everyone is treating you as less than human and calling for your blood, when you're utterly alone in the nightmare, then having even one person stand up for you and advocate for you, just one person who tries to save you...yeah I would remember that too. but then wen ning always remembers the good people do for him. he was loyal to wwx as soon as wwx was kind to him, bc it was something wwx does regularly but that never happened to wen ning before.
man arguably wen ning lived by the 'forget the bad, remember the good' that cssr told wwx. I feel like I've already said that
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as tangled and silly as the timeline is for nightless city, I don't find it hard at all to believe that lwj, hearing some shit went down and the wens turned themselves in, first went to nightless to advocate for them. failing that, he ran back to BM looking for wwx and found a-yuan. he took a-yuan to CR, put him in with a medic, and then booked it to nightless.
...actually now that I write it all out, it does sound a bit unlikely. but lwj WOULD delay going to wwx if a-yuan needed him, and the travel time for the wens and the time wwx spent asleep could account for the time lwj spent desperately flying back and forth all over the jianghu
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oof yeah I joke about lwj not communicating shit but really...in this situation I can see why to an extent. yeah, lsz deserves to know his identity and family. the wens shouldn't be absorbed into the lans and lost from the world forever. god knows there's enough real world examples of racist adoption that contributes to genocide and loss of culture (see, white adoption of indigenous americans and aboriginal people). but I can see him not wanting to tell a child that hes the last survivor of a mass murder bc there's no comfort he can offer. he didn't even really know them. it still would have been better if he'd told him, obviously. people shouldn't but cut off from their families, even dead. none of the wens should have been forgotten. but I see why. and I see why wen ning is doing the same thing
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spinster-sisters · 3 years
[10:02pm] k.ys
Tw: Mind numbing fluf, this was fun to write ngl, v cute, blushy yeosang, extroverted reader.
“So who else is gonna be there?” You ask with excitement.
“Well, San and us. Then Yunho, Mingi, and Jongho, I think Seonghwa and Hongjoong are busy though,” Wooyoung counts of on his fingers, “oh, and Yeosang obviously!” He finishes with a smile. You do your best not to show the disappointment on your face, but Wooyoung knew better.
“What’s wrong with Yeosang?” He asks with an arched brow.
“Nothings wrong with him! I just don’t think he likes me very much.” You admit, tuning your head to your feet as you keep walking.
In truth, you’ve had a crush on Yeosang from the first time you met him. But you can never quite forget how when you came up to him that night asking him for his number with a smile, he had just stared at you. It was so embarrassing. He didn’t even say no, he just looked at you with an expression so blank you honestly thought he hadn’t heard you at first. That was until he had gotten up and left you at the table without another word.
But alas, he was Wooyoung’s best friend, so avoiding him was hard, and ignoring him when he looked so pretty every time you see him is damn near impossible. You tried to be friendly with him, you really did. Pretending like the first night had never happened seemed to be the best way to go. But still to this day he rarely even looked at you, much less responded to you. You got maybe a word out of him at a time if you were lucky.
To your surprise, Wooyoung started laughing his characteristic high-pitched laugh. You frowned at him and continued walking.
“You this Yeosang hates you?” He choked out through his laugh.
“I didn’t say hate!” You began, although you kind of expected he did, “I just think he prefers it if I wasn’t around.”
Wooyoung looked at you again in amazement.
“Trust me, he doesn’t hate you.” He said, and although his laughter was dying down there was a hint of amusement in his voice.
“And what does that mean.” You ask, unable to see what was so funny.
“It’s not important,” he giggles.
Later that night you find yourself out to dinner with the rest of your friends who could make it. And of course, by some divine intervention (otherwise known as Wooyoung) you are stuck at the end of the table, with none other than Yeosang sitting to your right. Jongho was across from you, but you had a feeling he was on special orders from Woo to not talk to you because you were now sat in awkward silence.
You did your best not to pout at the others at the table as they chatted away, completely ignoring you, but even you could feel the scowls on your face. The whole situation was made even worse by the fact that Yeosang looked as perfect as always. He quietly ate his dinner without a care in the world and it annoyed you to no end how even when forced to sit next to you, he would rather stare into his plate than even look at you.
Once or twice during dinner, you saw him glacé at you from the corner of his eye, but nothing came of it at all. He was probably just wondering why you were being so quiet. If anything he was probably great full for it, as you had always suspected that was the reason he ignored you. Which didn’t make any sense in itself, Wooyoung was his best friend, how could talking be the thing that set him off. Though perhaps he got enough of that from him. Still, it wasn’t your fault. You frowned even deeper at the thought and continued to push your food around your plate, having long since lost your appetite. Only more annoyed when a certain pretty boy glanced at you again.
Walking home wasn’t much better either. Whatever game the others were playing by forcing you to get along with Yeosang was kept on as your little group made its way through the park. Everyone else surging ahead, leaving you both in the dust with at least a few feet to spare.
You were surprised when he kept pace with you, though it was dark, and you doubt the others would appreciate it if he left you behind and he knew that as well.
After a few minutes of distinct laughter coming from the group ahead of you, you expect even Yeosang was tired of the awkward silence. That is the only way you can reason as to why he spoke up.
“Are you feeling ok?” He asked in his quiet deep voice. He glanced at you, before turning away quickly. Though you should be excited that he is speaking with you, you only felt more upset.
“And what’s it to you?” You spat back with a scowl. At your words, Yeosang’s head whipped around to face you. It was too dark to see his exact features, but his wide eyes shown clearly in the dim light. He looked shocked. If you were in a better mood you would have apologized as he clearly looked shocked, but you didn’t. He turned away and looked twords the ground.
“Well, umm, you looked a little off at dinner tonight and you weren’t talking much so I-“ he trailed off, gaze rooted to the ground.
“Oh and I bet you enjoyed that,” you grumbled. You didn’t feel any real animosity towards the man. How could you? Especially with your harbored crush, but you still said the words. At this Yeosang stopped dead in his tracks, and you had to do the same. There was a street lamp only a few feet away so you could see him a little better now. The only expression on his face was confusion.
“Why would I enjoy that?” He asked, almost too quiet to hear, even with the voices of your friends fading as they got further away.
Now it was your turn to look confused. You shook your head a bit with a laugh before looking at Yeosang again.
“Because you don’t like me?” It came out as a question, and you quickly tried to qualify it, “listen, I know that we’re both in the same group of friends and everything but I don’t blame you for not wanting to talk to me, I know I can be a bit much sometimes and I-“ this time you cut yourself off because Yeosang’s face was twisting into something completely other than agreement. It was disappointment.
He waited for you to fall silent before looking down and kicking his shoe against the pavement with a sigh. He muttered something that sounds like “-idiot” and you briefly started to get angry with him again before he spoke up.
“I don’t hate you,” he mumbled. He looked up ever so briefly before his gaze flew back to his shoes. You could faintly see him biting his lower lip and if you didn’t know better you would almost think he was? Blushing?
“Then why-?” You trailed off, surely looking stupid with how flabbergasted you felt. It’s not like you expected him to tell you outright how much he disliked you, but this? It felt way too sincere.
“It’s because he likes you!” You heard Wooyoung shout from a safe distance away. You whipped around to face the rest of the group, only just now noticing that they had come to a stop to watch your exchange. Wooyoung had his hand up to his mouth to help his voice carry, not that he needed it. His word sunk in slowly.
You had half a mind to run and punch him for making fun of you, because there was absolutely no way that The Kang Yeosang could possibly like you, especially with how you talked his ear off for months on end when you were still trying to befriend him. You blushed bright red. You turned back to Yeosang, ready to tell him to ignore Wooyoung, but Yeosang was blushing as well. Far more than he had been before, possibly more than you. He was biting his lower lip again. Staring at you, waiting for your reaction.
And then the realization sunk in. The Kang Yeosang liked you as well. You whipped back to Wooyoung.
“Wooyoung you jackass!” You hollered, flinging your arm in the air for good measure. He had fingered out your crush on his friend a long while ago apparently. Then you turned to face Yeosnag again. You heard your friends laughing in the distance. He looked mortified.
“I-I’m sorry, you don’t have to say anything. I know I have been a-“
“Yeosang, please let me say something.” You cut him off. You said with a smile. He looked surprised, still deeply embarrassed, but surprised. And still incredibly pretty, but you put that thought aside for a moment.
“Yeosang, I like you.” You began, “in fact, I have since the day I met you, which is rather pathetic on my part but let’s ignore that for now.” You continued with a laugh.
The man stood frozen. The seconds passed. And then he cracked the tiniest hint of a smile.
“Oh,” he started, as if coming out of a trance, “well,” he paused again to look away before turning back, his pink cheeks shining in the light from the streetlamp, “would you like too-“ he trailed off.
“Yes, yes I would.”
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xlbrh · 4 years
Genshin Impact - Arguments with their s/o
notes : omg guys i hit 100 followers on here!!!
honestly it makes me so happy to see the support on my posts, it really does motivate me to continue writing on a daily basis
i’m accepting requests atm so if you have any specific requests for a headcanon or prompt then don’t be afraid to let me know and i’ll try my best!!
i hope i can continue to provide you with this small piece of happiness, going forwards into the future!!🥰
Genshin Masterlist
warnings : arguments
format : bulleted, headcanons
pairings : diluc, kaeya, childe, zhongli, xiao, albedo x gn! reader
word count : 873
everything under the cut-
they wouldn’t happen often, since diluc is a relatively calm man
but if something has bothered him enough for it to be brought up in an argument, then you know it must be serious
his words would be harsh and his tone stern – not because he wants to intimidate you, but because he wants you to realise the seriousness of the situation
would not appreciate it if you shouted at him, although he hates it he would not be scared to shout back
the same would apply if you initiate it, even when he knows he’s in the wrong his pride would sometimes stop him from admitting that
would definitely give you space, sometimes even to the point of outright avoiding you until you approach him again
though he will always apologise first, letting his conscience get the better of him
probably the most likely to instigate arguments out of the boys
he really does like to push your buttons sometimes – but on occasion will take things too far without realising
but he’s also not afraid to lecture you when he thinks you’ve done something wrong, even if you yourself cannot see it
would challenge you if you did the same to him, so you can see why things can blow up sometimes
will let his emotions get the better of him sometimes – and if it gets really bad the fight may last for a few days
if you guys live together he would go and stay in his office at the knights’ headquarters, giving you both some space of a while
but he would always come back to you, usually with some flowers and chocolate as an apology
for sure would take you out on a date as soon as you make up
arguments can happen from time to time
usually started by you if he throws himself into danger just for the thrill, or he takes his teasing a little too far
although there’s never bad intentions it can happen, especially when you’ve already had a bad day
started by him when you get hurt without him around to protect you
in childe’s mind that’s your way of telling him you don’t need him, which is obviously wrong but out of anger he can’t see this
they don’t tend to last for long – at most for the night – before they’re resolved the following day
emotions just build and are let out, once you both talk things out and apologise, things go back to normal
though if something in particular has bothered him, he is the type to bring it up again in the future
arguments would be extremely rare
zhongli wouldn’t let many things bother him – they usually only do when your safety is on the line
would never, ever raise his voice
no matter the situation or how agitated he gets, he knows shouting will do no good
much prefers to talk things out like civilised adults, sorting out any conflict within a matter of minutes
of course that doesn’t mean he wouldn’t allow you to express your emotions to him, even if that means you end up crying and shouting at him
rather than getting worked up himself he would stay calm and composed – this way he can always calm you down if anything gets out of hand
even when an argument is caused over something insignificant, he would apologise and try his best to make you happy again
arguments with you break his heart, so he avoids them at all costs
as soon as he can sense either himself or you getting annoyed, he does his best to get rid of any stress as soon as possible
would probably go to zhongli for advice on matters like these – he really doesn’t want to mess things up with you and scare you away
though things like these are inevitable for couples, so at some point it will happen
he would try to stay as calm as possible but his emotions would take over, especially if you were in danger
is the type of guy to hold it against himself if he shouts at you, after all adepti should protect humans, not scare them
he would admit to his mistakes and cast his pride aside, so you’d also have to comfort him so he feels comfortable again
he would have the same type of approach as zhongli – staying calm and collected
most conflict would probably just be you worrying about him overexerting himself with his experiments
more than once you’ve had to assist him home due to how exhausted he gets
he tries to justify his research and the lengths he’ll go to get answers, but you don’t always understand – not that he can blame you
usually he’ll just let you vent out your worries, acknowledging them but not taking anything to heart too much
unless it makes you cry, in which case he would try his hardest to understand your views to the fullest
if for some reason he initiates the conflict, it would be cool and methodical, his calm voice preventing you from raising yours
rather than being arguments, they would more so just be conversations of mutual worry over each other
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bluesora · 3 years
celebrating mother’s day with you
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tsukishima kei ; sugawara kōshi ; oikawa torū ; kita shinsuke
headcanon ; fluff ; age up ; snippets of cuteness ; parenthood ; special edition — mother’s day
note: i’m not sure if i portrayed each characterization well but i just thought it’ll be fun to write one. after all, i was blessed to be born with loving parents and i just wanted to share the love i’m grateful for.
tagging: @forgetou @amjustagirl @yacoka @haikyuutothetop @luvnami ;; thank you for dropping these characters as i couldn’t decide who to write for. (of course it was more exciting without context)
ps. it’s longer than expected i’m sorry :’)
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tsukishima kei
tsukishima isn’t one who would remember special occasions unless someone had schedule a plan in advance with him. when he wondered if he should do anything for you after hearing his colleagues whispering during break, his work got busier than usual so he had forgotten about it.
that was, until he realized he had ten missed calls from his son; which was odd because he weren’t one to call him so often.
“i was in a meeting, what hap—” before tsukishima could finish his sentence, his son interrupted him, “i bought mom’s favorite cake since you’re slow. hurry home or there’s none left for you,” the line was cut right after; which of course left poor tsukishima’s partner to deal with the aftermath. “tsukishima-san, about the report—”
“it must be so urgent that it needs my immediate attention even when i’m packing up right?” his words dripped of pure sarcasm despite the polite smile hanging from his lips. everyone could literally see the panic swirling in his partner’s pupil.
“i’m sorry!! good work today and see you tomorrow!!” it’s the weekend tomorrow, but tsukishima was too hung up on his son’s attitude to shoot another of his sarcastic reply.
you, on the other hand, were neither someone who would celebrate such occasion unless it was for birthdays or holidays. therefore, you didn’t really had anything in mind nor were you expecting anything as well.
when you finally reached home from a tiring day at work, you were definitely not expecting to see your favorite cake on the table while your son popped a party popper with a party horn in his mouth right beside you.
“happy mother’s day!” he tried to mumble out with the horn still in his mouth. you couldn’t help but chuckle at the unexpected surprise, dropping your bag on the counter just so you could hug him—one that he wholeheartedly hugged you back because tsukishima wasn’t around.
it took an hour for tsukishima to be home, a small bouquet of flowers in his hand when he walked over to where you and the cheeky lad was sitting. “oh! you didn’t have to though,” you smiled in surprise.
“dad’s just guilty he forgot about our promise and didn’t want to come home empty handed.” you chuckled at that, perhaps it wasn’t entirely wrong either but you still appreciate the sentiment. it was rare for him after all.
“those who break promises don’t get desserts.” he continued to press his dad’s buttons, only to see tsukishima loosened his tie with an expression he could not understand.
“oh, but that’s on your mom to decide if i’ll get one tonight or not.” you could feel your face heating up at your husband’s words, the tone and smile that dawned on his face was a look you knew oh so well.
“tch...i thought i hid it well.” of course, your clueless son didn’t know the true meaning of those words and thought the strawberry shortcake he bought for his dad was found out.
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sugawara kōshi
sugawara would definitely plan in advance with the children. especially when they were the ones who excitedly wanted to do something for you.
“mama like animals! lets go to the zoo!” the middle child exclaimed with so much enthusiasm, sugawara could only chuckle at her adorable smile.
“you only said that because you wanted to go to the zoo, dummy.” the eldest one huffed, feeling proud that he saw through her obvious tactic.
it didn’t take long for the two to start crawling over each other in a fight while the youngest one giggled amusingly as if she was watching a performance. that was, until an insult was thrown at her so she joined in the fight to prove her worth.
“if you don’t stop now, we’ll be celebrating at home like how we did the past two years.” that immediately ceased all action, since they haven’t had the chance to go out together as a whole family thanks to your busy schedule.
“how about the park? the cherry blossoms have bloomed and mama likes going to the park!” of course, sugawara was fond of this idea. it’s been a while since there was a family picnic session.
and so on that very day in which you finally managed to take a day off, you weren’t expecting to be blind folded while having your children guide you to wherever you were supposed to be.
knowing how clumsy the trio could be, he wanted to accompany them as well but was outright rejected when they said they could do it themselves with so much confidence, he wasn’t sure who they got it from.
with their tiny hands, it took a while for them to tie the piece of cloth around your eyes, and even when they did, it wasn’t tied well enough so you could actually still see your footing (which saved you immensely from all the accidental knocks along the way)
after what felt like forever, you finally reached the park where they shouted ‘happy mother’s day’ in unison. you kind of already knew it’ll be a picnic from the soft grass beneath your feet and those fallen pink petals, but you were still moved to tears when you saw your children squeezed together into your husband’s arms while cute decoration and plates of food were spread between you and them.
“mama, try the cookie first! i made them myself!” the middle one was the first to break the silence.
“no! try my sandwich first, i’m the eldest!”
“so what if you’re the eldest? mama must be thirsty from walking so have my ultimate happy berry juice!” the youngest chirped with pride, as if her logic was a straight pass to winning.
you laughed at their competitive nature, which was oh so endearing at the same time. and it was obvious if you don’t decide soon, an all out food war was going to happen.
“before that, shouldn’t mama receive papa’s present first?” sugawara’s cheerful voice interrupted their little argument, and just before the youngest could ask what it was, her eyes was covered by the eldest son along with the middle one.
you couldn’t help but hit his arm in embarrassment when his lips met yours longer than it should’ve been.
“hey! that’s not fair, i didn’t get to see papa’s present,” your middle one sulked, only to be carried into sugawara’s arms as he peck her little cheek with a wink. “why don’t you ask mama what it was, baby?”
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oikawa torū
it was supposed to be a big surprise where he came home earlier than the date he had told you. he even told the kids about it and they promised to make it a success (money was definitely involved to be honest)
“make sure you delay mummy at the grocery store long enough for me to set everything up in time.” he reminded his daughter time and time again, only to have her sigh at his impatience.
“i think i’m old enough to not forget something so simple dad. and please stop addressing mom like that, it’s creepy.” she cringed, wondering how you even deal with oikawa every day.
“dad, have you even baked a cake before? do you think you can get it done within an hour or maybe two?” his son asked the third time that day, which did irk oikawa with that tone of his.
“of course i can! are you looking down on me? it’s just a simple vanilla cake and some fruits on top. how hard can it be?”
of course, with every rhetorical question that pose a challenge, there would always be an answer exactly of what’s to be expected.
you, with no idea that your husband was making a mess of your kitchen, took your own sweet time at the grocery store since your daughter was there to help and it’s been a while since you had a mother and daughter bonding time.
“do you think your dad would like to have curry tomorrow? or should we just have hamburger steak?” you asked, still unsure of the menu for a celebratory dinner.
“i think he would like anything you cook, so don’t worry about it. dad’s always so happy to eat your homemade meals.” she answered with shrug, but you could tell she was happy to rely the same sentiment.
everything went smoothly and she did managed to stall your time with her longer than the agreed duration. that was, until she received a text from her brother saying dad’s cake was a failure and they should just get one outside; you two were already at the apartment lift when she read it.
“dad, i think you should just give up. they are already walking over from the—” oikawa having enough of his son’s constant nagging about how he should’ve just bought a cake instead, threw a whiff of flour to his son’s face without thinking.
and of course, which kid would not retaliate from that. the kitchen, which originally wasn’t as messy, turned into chaos of white fluff and sticky childish banter between the two.
you, not expecting to see your husband, was clearly surprise when you heard his voice by the door. the only excitement that came from that vanished the moment your eyes fell onto the state of your kitchen.
“happy mother’s day?” oikawa managed to choke out when he felt your growing presence with each step towards him.
“i’m sorry mom, it was my fault please don’t kill dad—” your son pleaded softly by the side, only to fell speechless when you threw yourself into oikawa’s arms instead.
“welcome home,” you greeted with so much warmth, oikawa couldn’t help but embraced you tightly as he replied, “i’m home.”
“mom? you’re not mad?” your daughter asked in disbelief when she brought the groceries – including the ones you dropped – over to the kitchen.
“mad? why would i be when you dad’s sleeping in the kitchen tonight.” you were so serious and certain, the two broke into fits of laughter as they ran from their father (which was fertile because they got caught immediately and was tickled to tears)
“why are you laughing when you two are having a sleepover with daddy tonight.”
“please dad, just stop.”
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kita shinsuke
there was no surprises because kita’s way of celebrating was just regular activities but doing it together. which was honestly, what you love to do most since you don’t always get the chance of spending weekdays with your family often.
from preparing meals to visiting town, usually it would be done by kita himself. however, this time because of the special occasion, you took time off to accompany your husband while bringing your little ones along with you.
“mama here’s the carrot,” your little girl placed the orange vegetable on the chopping board before humming a tune while the other twin helped kita with picking the ends of the beansprouts.
“papa are we going to town later?” she beamed excitedly, hands still working on the tiny vegetable while her legs swung to the rhythm of her twin sister’s melody.
“yes, we are. do you have a place you want to visit?” he was done with his side so he continued onto the pile his daughter was removing.
“yes! we want to go to onigiri miya!” they both said at the same time, giggling right after when their father looked surprise.
“all right, let’s go after our lunch.” and everything went along smoothly with the little twins setting the table together while you and kita took turns to cook up the dishes. lunch was pleasant despite minimal words being exchanged since the twins were taught to not talk with their mouth full (and their mouth are always stuffed full)
while you and kita held hands with the twins walking hand in hand by themselves in front, the feeling of nostalgia seemed to tickle your bones at the memory of how you used to take long strolls with kita during your younger days.
“what’s wrong?” kita tugged your hand gently which snapped you back to reality when you realized you all have reached the store.
“nothing...i’m just grateful to be your wife and mother of two beautiful angels.” your smile had him press a fluttering kiss to your temple as he softly replied, “me too.”
“i see yer two are still as lovey-dovey as ever captain.” atsumu popped his head out from the entrance, both twins sitting comfortably on his arms as he carried them as if they were feathers.
“i’m not your captain anymore atsumu, but i see they both seemed to like you.” kita smiled at his two lovely dolls, one that atsumu have never seen much of because of his busy schedule.
“of course, who do you think i am? the better—” but before atsumu could even finish his flex, the two snapped their head over at the appearance of osamu in his apron. their hands immediately reaching out for the man to hug.
“uncle osamu!!” they squealed happily, trying their best to squirm out of atsumu’s grip.
“i guess not huh ‘tsumu,” osamu smirked at the annoyed twin, patting his hands dry before prying the little twins from his brother’s vice grip. of course, they both would fight over the kid’s affection. who wouldn’t right?
you watched the pair of twins in amusement with your head against kita’s shoulder as he wrapped an arm around your delicate frame. this too will be yet another moment kita would not forget, for he felt blissful to be their father and your husband.
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sadclearance · 4 years
right hand
pairing: katsuki bakugo x male!reader
summary: 5 things bakugo uses his right hand for + 1 thing bakugo uses his left hand for *wrote with “left hand” being in mind as a prequel, but can also be read as a standalone 
category: fluff
warning(s): none
word count: 1500
s/t - skin tone
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when they were in high school, midoriya izuku noticed that bakugo katsuki--his childhood friend and bully--always started fights with a right hook.
which was incredibly powerful, albeit predictable.
midoriya still remembers a specific sunny morning in their third year when this expected yet efficient move was used for something that wasn't exactly a fight. a second year had made the unbelievably stupid mistake of--
"watch it, dumbass!"
and immediately after bakugo caught y/n before he could fall on his ass, bakugo's right fist met with the second year's nose, successfully breaking it and scorching off the hairs of the kid's eyebrows.
at the time, nobody really thought anything of it. bakugo was protective of the few people that he considered--but would never outright admit--to be his friends, and y/n was one of them.
but it was at the christmas social event that was held for the third years to get a chance to make connections as well as have fun before the end of their student years that it became clear that it was much much more than just friends looking out for each other.
"what're you doing all alone?" kaminari asked as he leaned against the wall next to y/n.
"everyone's either flirting with pro heroes or kissing their asses, and i'm not really in the mood to do either."
"yeah, i can see that," kaminari snickered as mineta got slapped in the face by mount lady after both a series of terrible flirting and a horrendous attempt to literally kiss her ass.
"surprised you're not doing the same."
"well..." kaminari said as he pointed up. he was wearing a hat with a hanging mistletoe.
"how not unexpected," y/n laughed.
"you know the tradition," kaminari winked pointing at his lips.
"okay, okay. for the holiday spirit--"
and as y/n leaned in to give kaminari a peck, a strong right hand grabbed his chin, and his lips met with a pair that belonged to someone else.
kaminari was too shocked to be disappointed after being pushed away by none other than bakugo.
"fuck off, dunce face," bakugo said before crashing his lips against y/n's.
that was one hell of a way to find out that two of his best friends were dating.
bakugo's jealousy only got worse after graduation.
but to be fair, that was his own fault.
he may have chilled out since their time together as first years, but he was still a headstrong ambitious hero.
they didn't go public with their relationship because bakugo figured it would be distracting to his goal.
which was a decision that he immediately regretted when he remembered just how attractive y/n was--something that other people clearly appreciated as well.
y/n got gifts, compliments, and very suggestive comments wherever he went, which did nothing but fuel bakugo's anger and displeasure.
there was a solution to this problem, and it was to let it be known to the world that y/n was his and his only.
instead of doing what normal couples do and going to an interviewer or announcing their relationship on his social media accounts, bakugo decided to--
"so... y/n," the barista looked at the name she just wrote on the cup and then back to y/n. "are you seeing anybody?"
"what's taking so fucking long?" bakugo asked as he came up behind y/n, right hand harshly meeting y/n's left ass cheek.
"ow! what the hell? there's paparazzi right outside of the window," y/n scolded, gesturing toward the crowd of people with cameras on the other side of the glass wall.
bakugo's only response was to press a kiss against y/n's lips, smirking into it as he saw a flash of light in the corner of his eye, fully aware of the fact that his hand was still on y/n's ass.
when he saw a building crumbling on top of y/n, he knew what he had to do.
he had faced a similar obstacle to this in his first year of high school, when he was up against round face--ochako. she had collected rubble that he had unknowingly provided and gathered it all up to the sky, later using it as a weapon by making it rain down on bakugo.
a building, however, had much more stone than a collection of collateral concrete that an individual collected over only a few minutes.
"y/n!" he shouted.
recreating the move from his first year, he raised his right hand and released a massive explosion--one much larger than the original maneuver.
he had succeeded for the most part. small bits of rubble rained down on them, but it was more like getting hit by hail than being buried by a boulder.
the mentioned man gritted his teeth and pressed the rough fingers of his left hand into his terribly cramped and pained right hand.
"you overdid it, you idiot!"
y/n rushed to get medical attention, and bakugo reluctantly let himself be pulled around.
he would've crudely yelled back that he didn't need help, but the worried look on y/n's face stopped him.
"i'm not gonna die, dumbass," bakugo rolled his eyes. the words were intended to come off harsher, and more like bakugo insulting a subordinate for not being able to see the obvious, but they came out closer to a soft reassurance instead.
"do that again, and i'll kill you myself," y/n glared. he looked more like an angry puppy.
"as if you could even land a hit on m--"
y/n's lips shut him up.
"even though that was the stupidest thing i've ever seen, thank you for saving me," y/n smiled, rubbing soft circles into bakugo's right hand.
"'stupidest thing you've ever seen'..." bakugo grumbled.
"what the fuck are you doing?"
it's been a habit to hold hands while doing almost anything since their time together at u.a.
hell, they used to hold hands throughout basically all of high school except during hero training.
subjects like math, language, history--they didn't require both hands. they only needed to write on a piece of paper, and they only needed their dominant hands for that.
so it comes as no surprise that that habit followed them to their pro hero years, pale left hand entwined with s/t right hand as they finish their paperwork.
bakugo's confusion was prompted by y/n's sudden fascination with his right hand.
"i rarely ever give this one attention," y/n shrugged.
"it's not its own being. like a pet or a person."
the look bakugo gave y/n told him that he was the biggest dumbass in history, but y/n ignored it in favor of responding, "still a part of you i rarely get a piece of."
"i hate the way you worded that, creep..."
"you're still blushing."
"in your fucking dreams!"
going to a nice place was somewhat out of the ordinary for the two of them.
bakugo was focused on being the top hero, and being the top hero meant sacrificing a lot of time.
y/n doesn't know what changed bakugo's mind so suddenly, but he wasn't about to reject a once in a lifetime opportunity.
"the breeze is so nice," y/n breathed in the fresh air of the beach.
he had ran up to the gorgeous ocean, cold water hitting his bare legs while he tried to convince bakugo to join him.
"not up to the challenge? that's rare," y/n teased, turning his back to him and going deeper into the sea.
"oh, shut your trap! i have a damn good reason."
"yeah, i'm sure you do. you sure you aren't just cold?"
"i said shut the fuck up!"
"okay, okay," y/n complied and entertained himself with the vibrant blue waves.
"i love you," came bakugo's voice abruptly.
"that's weird, you never say it first, especially not without any form or profan--" y/n turned around to give bakugo a ridiculous look, laughing as he did, only to stop almost immediately.
"fuck y--" bakugo had to stop his habitual reflex. "marry me... dumbass?"
bakugo with a nervous tone, one knee in the sand, struggling to not get up because of the annoying shifting and imbalance, and a ring in his hands was a priceless sight to see.
"yes! yes! yes!" y/n ran back to the dry sand.
bakugo grinned and accepted the kiss but broke it off sooner than he would've liked for the fear of dropping the ring and losing it to the waves.
he slid the ring on y/n's hand with a proud smile before y/n demanded to have the other ring.
"shit, calm down," bakugo laughed, but he couldn't help but feel happy that y/n was just as ecstatic.
although he was the one to say that, bakugo's left hand struggled to stay still as y/n put the ring on bakugo's ring finger.
"i love you," y/n pressed his lips against the trembling left hand once he was done.
with the rings safely on their hands, bakugo could freely go back to enjoying the treasure that was y/n's lips.
a sequel exactly a month after
i like this format because i'm shit at transitions
i mean just look at the shift from iii to iv...
i had an idea for the right hand theme for a while now since the battle trials when izuku mentioned the right hook thing but i was like woah i could do it with this while writing left hand
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thefanficmonster · 3 years
I'm so happy you like the idea! Your first three words are: Rattle, Candlelight and Corset.
Oh this is gonna be interesting 🤭
Pairing: Chris Redfield x Female OC (taken in by the Winters family as a daughter of theirs basically)
Warnings: Swearing (No Spoilers for any games don’t worry😊)
Genre: Romance, Fluff
Enjoy the mess my brain’s produced. Love, Vy ❤
“I have several questions surrounding this bullshit event!“ Gwen shouts from inside her room where she’s been getting ready for the past hour with the Captains of the BSAA keeping a watchful eye outside her door, making sure she doesn’t get any ideas of running away.
“I have as many as you do, trust me on that one.“ He replies, readjusting his tie. He hasn’t found himself in a three-piece-suit in a long time, all’s been soldier get-ups, bulletproof wests and combat boots. Truth be told, it’s not that he doesn’t want to dress nicely, he’s just rarely had any occasions worth dressing up for. Lord knows he’d be at home in this very moment, seated on the couch with a cold beer bottle in his hand. So to make the truth truer - he actively avoids places and events that would require him dressing up. It’s simply a hassle in and of itself, but dealing with the people at the even - that’s what he’s most bothered by.
“You cannot expect me to believe that’s the truth!“ Gwen shouts again, the sound of shuffling accompanying her voice. 
“Leon said it was important, Jill backed him up and you know I rarely get a say when the two of them partner up to support one another.“ Chris says, sighing while reaching for a cigarette before withdrawing his hand, remembering he didn’t take his pack with him on purpose. Claire says he needs to break the habit little by little so, in order to give her peace of mind, he does try whenever she’s looking. However, when she turns away, he’s quick to light a cig, almost as quick as a dying man getting connected to life support.
“You, Leon and I have very different definitions of the word ‘important’.“ She sasses back, her voice now being the only sound coming from the room which is a sign Chris cannot decide the meaning of - is she almost done? Is she starting over with everything? Either way, he doesn’t mind. Running late to the gala the mayor’s throwing is not particularly bothering him, he actually prefers it.
What’s been bothering him is the fact that he’s found himself impatient of something else. Impatient of seeing her - not that he’d ever admit it. Him and Gwen have been friends for quite some time. Well, they did get off on the wrong foot, but were quick to arrange a relationship alike a friendship and function without wanting to gauge each other’s eyes out. Somewhere along the lines they became actual friends without even noticing.
Gwen Winters had every right to be suspicious of Captain Chris Redfield. Not that she was always wary of him or anything - seeing as how him and her ‘parents’ are friends, she never thought twice about the guy. However, when she expressed interest in joining the BSAA and earned herself a scoff from him, she was rather pissed. Being the main chemistry project of an asshole with a saving-the-world complex back in Raccoon City, it’s safe to say she got some above average strength to her name. And that’s putting it mildly. Being rescued from that lab by Leon and getting taken in by the Winters family, she’s developed her own hero complex, the need to save those who can’t save themselves always dwelling within her.
And so, despite the amusement Chris showed when she brought up the idea, she became a BSAA soldier. 
“I think we established that on your very first mission, soldier.“ Chris chuckles, recalling that first mission he was so opposed to, mostly because Gwen was tagging along at her request and the allowance of Leon. He was very fucking afraid they’d have to carry her dead body out of there but the action was quick to turn the tables on him - having Gwen save his life more than once. What surprised him most though was her humbleness about it. She didn’t rub it in or nag him about having proved her point. She was just glad they had all made it out in one piece and that struck him with a whole new intensity. Almost like a wake up call.
The door beside him suddenly swings open, causing him to abruptly straighten up from his leaning position, shooting a look at the doorway from which emerges Gwen. Or at least he believes it’s her. Had he not known she was the only other person in the house at the moment, or had he seen her passing by on the street he wouldn’t have recognized her.
And he’d have every right not to: this must be the first time she has worn a dress since prom - if she even wore one then - and the same probably applies for the make-up she’s put on. It’s not much or anything, in fact the only reason he’s noticed it is because he’s so used to seeing her make-up-free face. So much so, he’d recognize even a drop of foundation if she applied it. And oh boy, is he whipped by the sight. He can lie all he wants and to whoever he wants to, but he cannot lie to himself. Especially not when his jaw has fallen to the floor, his eyes have grown wide and his heartbeat has picked up noticeably.
If Ethan could hear at least half of what Chris is thinking at the moment, he’d be as good as banned from the Winters home forever.
When Gwen’s eyes meet her Captain’s, she can’t help but smirk, “What is it, Cap? I exchange the bulletproof vest for a corset and you suddenly don’t recognize me?” She asks, raising a teasing eyebrow.
He knows it’s wrong, for so many reasons: He’s her captain, she’s his soldier; She’s an adult but he’s still significantly older than her; She’s the ‘daughter’ of a friend of his, to make matters even worse - It’s so wrong yet he can’t get the thought out of his head. It’s not just now, it’s something he’s been struggling with for quite some time. He’s constantly haunted by her: the sound of her laughter, her smile, that focused frown that appears every time she is looking at a map or a new case, analyzing its every detail, the twinkle in her eyes whenever she gets told she’ll be going on a mission and that same sparkle growing brighter when she returns from it having successfully completed it.
It’s all overwhelming, and in the nicest, wrongest way possible.
“Honestly, Winters, seeing such a shift does rattle a person. Especially when I haven’t seen you out of a soldier’s uniform for years now.“ He comments, his eyes traveling up and down her body on their own accord, despite his best attempts at keeping his gaze on her face.
She laughs, “Can’t really go to training in a dress and high heels, you know. If I had more opportunities, the dresses in my closet wouldn’t be covered in spiderwebs.“
“Duly noted.“ He smirks, offering the young lady his hand as he leads her down the stairs, “I could help you out with that.“
She frowns, pausing mid-step, “Oh no, no, no no. If what you have in mind is a bunch of charity events, you better get that thought out of your head. A bunch of rich assholes drinking champagne, really not my scene.”
Chris chuckles offering her his arm as they walk out the front door to where he parked his car upon arriving at the Winters home, running into Ethan, Mia and their five year old daughter, about to head out for the night. He won’t complain about the lecturing he received, he deserved it after all. It’s a miracle the two even agreed to let Gwen accompany him, not that they could stop her either way seeing as how she’s an adult woman who’s more than capable of making her own decisions.
“No, no, I know you hate those events. I do too.“ He says, oddly timidly as the two get seated in the car. “I was thinking more along the lines of...“ He contemplates how to say it without making the rest of this night awkward, or mess things up with Gwen in any way. She means a lot to him and he’d hate to lose her over his complicated feelings he wishes he could control. “Dinner under candlelight, maybe?“
He’s as stiff as a boulder, tense and expecting something, anything. Literally anything, even outright rejection would be better than silence. Regardless of her answer, he’s gonna regret this move later when Ethan hears about it and goes to kick his ass.
Out of the corner of his eye, he catches the slight shake of her head, a blush evidently appearing on her cheeks, visible even in the dim light in the car. A small smile graces he features as her hand travels to his which is nervously resting on the gear shift. “Sure, I’d like that.” She says, her smile growing wider.
There’s that same twinkle - the sparkle in the eyes of a soldier willing to fight for the greater good, putting everyone above herself. And, on his hierarchy, she’s number one.
“I’m glad.“
Chris Redfield has regretted many things in his life and will probably regret even more in the future. However, he was a fool to think he’d regret this decision - one look at Gwen’s eyes and all regret was erased. All ass-kicking he might receive for it seems more than worth it, looking at it from the perspective of this very moment.
Then again, Captain Chris Redfield has never been a stranger to a little ass-kicking.
Thank you so much, Anon for this super fun challenge! I hope to receive more three words to turn into fics cause I really enjoyed this experience 🥰
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restapesta · 3 years
gossip never ends
Mickey Milkovich simply just showed up one day at the Old Army, tattoos on his knuckles and a scowl on his face. Lola couldn't help but be intrigued -- nobody lasts here long enough to pique her interest, but there was something special about this guy. The gossip spreads like wildfire, but Mickey's something else altogether -- it's just a matter of time before Lola and her friends figured out why.
OR: How Mickey's coworkers found out about who Mickey really was back in season 10 -- this is more of an outlook on Mickey and his feelings throughout season 10 and how it reflected on his job and altogether his demeanor.
This is based on a prompt by @whatwouldmickeydo which was also even more explored by one of my favorite Gallavich accounts on Tumblr @ianandmickeygallavich -- so, I simply just worked through what they had already created. I hope they don't mind I used their prompt and this is dedicated to both of them! Enjoy!
words: 5.3k
The gossip began almost the exact moment Mickey was introduced to the three workers by the manager.
The Old Army staff was not a stranger to new workers coming and going, some people sticking around longer, working for a couple of months without stop, maybe even sticking around for a full-time position; some just passing through while on trial-basis, failing to meet the manager's demands and simply moving on to find better or more fitting employment -- but the sight of Mickey Milkovich was definitely not something, Lola thought, anybody, not just the curious employees, was used to.
Lola fell into the group of people who had been working at the store for ages now, starting years ago and still sticking around now, subsequently being present for all the biggest changes made to and within the popular store. She saw the interior change, the managers shift, the employees getting hired and fired -- she saw it all. It couldn't be said for many people. Honestly, only three members of the Old Army staff had actually been working full-time here, while everybody else was just a passing face.
She was so used to seeing new faces that it simply did not phase her anymore -- Lola had her own stable position in the store; she had her colleagues which she got along with, and she never paid much attention to the newbies once they came into the store. She knew it was almost always just for a short while, basically until they made a mistake while working and got politely declined for the position, so she usually just remained civil, not engaging in much mingling or bonding -- it wouldn't last anyway.
The staff change happened way too often, especially with security. The store management had no idea how to pick the right person for the job -- they either always chose the gangly, skinny types; the ones who couldn't defend others or themselves from a burglar if their life depended on it, or they chose the fatties who had a donut too many during their break and couldn't chase ten feet after the culprit.
Still, this guy -- this new, weirdly interesting guy -- seemed promising.
Lola had no idea where they managed to find him -- he was kinda hot, and definitely in really good shape with thighs and calves that could probably kill if they wanted to. He seemed crude and unapproachable, and the brooding, mysterious attitude definitely didn't quench anybody's curiosity as to where the hell he came from and how the hell they managed to find him of all the people in the world. A scowl was constantly etched on the newcomer's face -- not just when he was being introduced to the staff by the manager, as Lola thought would be the case -- but literally at every single given moment of the workday.
There were only rare moments Lola and the others saw him smile -- usually every single one of those moments being when he was texting someone during his break, or when he was coming back from having lunch with someone at the food court. Not that anyone would dare ask who, although they definitely speculated.
Mickey was the type of guy Lola was interested in making friends with. She approached him once during their shared shift -- usually, she wouldn't even bother, seeing how these guards come and go, but this one really piqued her interest -- trying to figure out who he was, where he came from, what he was doing here. Was he single? She needed to know for her lady friend considering how he was most definitely a sight for sore eyes.
It came as somewhat a surprise when he gave off clipped answers to her questions, most of them not even answering.
"Did you always work security?" She'd ask with a bright smile.
"You could say that."
"How long are you planning on staying with us?" Trial-basis or undefined employment? Lola wondered silently.
"Until Larry finds me a better job."
Silence. And then a quick, "Never mind."
Lola had officially given up on her efforts to befriend and find out more about the man once Mickey gave her a sharp, pointed stare after she pointed out he didn't have a ring on his finger, hoping he would reveal his relationship status to her.
She most certainly wasn't that lucky, and she almost shat her pants at the murderous expression on his face. She didn't ask again.
The others tried to pry information out of Mickey too, but they certainly lacked the subtlety Lola had. She honestly couldn't say she was the most discreet person in the world, but she was in the Old Army, considering how she found herself working with the two most non-discreet people in the world. Lola was upfront too -- let's not get that wrong.
But at least she didn't outright ask him if he was in a gang like Jeremy did.
"I wanted to know if the tattoos were gang symbols! They freaked me out!" The skinny twenty-year-old replied when the other workers gaped at him with wide eyes.
Jenna shook her head. "Dude, you can't just ask a guy if he was in a gang."
He wouldn't reveal his age, let alone his gang status if he had one, Lola scolded Jeremy mentally. The guy was as open as a seashell -- you could try and pry it open to see if it had a pearl inside, but you'll most likely fail and, to be honest, probably get pinched in the process, if not careful. It was perhaps best not to even try or, if you did, to proceed with extreme caution. A bunch of seashells didn't even have pearls in them anyway, so it'd all be useless in the end.
It only took a week for the staff to find out how Mickey managed to find himself here at Old Army out of all the possible places in the world. It was a shock, to say the least.
One morning, the revelation came when Larry Seaver showed up to the store, dressed in a nice suit and tie, wearing his casual, perky smile. He asked for the manager and had greeted Mickey immediately once he laid eyes on the man. Larry approached him as Jeremy went to get the manager, placing a firm hand on Mickey's shoulder, smiling widely at him.
Lola and Jenna weren't snooping, but they did manage to overhear Larry asking Mickey if he enjoyed working here; if everything was going well; if he was staying out of trouble -- a question that certainly didn't help stop the gossip -- and if he settled in home nicely.
Mickey responded to most of his questions with short, non-descriptive answers, but not with any malice or disdain. He answered them as if he had to, putting an emphasis on the "I'm not getting into any trouble, don't worry Mr. Cheery," making Lola wonder why the question even needed to be posed.
When the manager finally showed up, greeting the man happily, Larry followed him to his office, leaving the others to get back to the customers -- and some to get back to stopping crime. It was only when Larry Seaver left that Jenna shouted, "Oh my God, he's a parole officer!" at the other two workers while drinking coffee in the break room.
"He's a what?" Jeremy asked, slightly confused.
"A parole officer! I heard him talking to the manager about Mickey and how he's settling in. Mickey is a parolee!"
"Jesus Christ, I knew it! And you told me I shouldn't be scared." Jeremy answered with a sullen look, exaggerating a shudder.
Lola quirked an eyebrow at her friend. "Were you eavesdropping?" She was more amused than surprised if she was honest.
Jenna shook her head at Lola in exasperation. "So not the point. Lola, the guy went to prison!"
"We should all just quit now," Jeremy added.
"Come on, you big baby. The guy keeps to himself. You have literally nothing to be scared of." Lola was rolling her eyes at the man, slightly annoyed at the comments.
It didn't surprise her Mickey was here on parole -- it didn't surprise her he was in prison at all. He seemed like the type, not just because of his sullen look and crude knuckle tattoos. It also had a lot to do with the way he carried himself as if the entire world was against him and he needed to protect himself from the inevitable upcoming battle. It was probably why he never spoke to anybody, why he never had coffee with them, and why he seemed to avoid human contact at all possible times. It was also, now, very much obvious why he was so good at guarding the store -- it takes a criminal to catch a criminal, she guessed.
Honestly, it all just made him more interesting.
"I kind of think it's hot," Jenna admitted sheepishly.
Jeremy's eyes bulged out. "You're kidding me."
She shook her head, smiling like a teenage girl. "He's dark, brooding, mysterious. And he's got a really nice ass."
Lola laughed at her friend and at Jeremy's horrified expression. "You should go flirt with him. Maybe you'll be able to figure out if he's single or not." She was only partly joking. Jenna probably didn't need a repeat of what Lola had gone through.
She sighed sadly. "A guy like that is not single."
"Yeah, sure. An ex-con definitely isn't single and is probably in an extremely committed relationship with somebody who loves him for who he is. And that same ex-con guy totally loves somebody back with his whole, entire heart." Jeremy quipped sarcastically and Jenna pinched his bicep in response.
"Love is love, asshole. People murder for love."
Jeremy nodded in response. "Exactly. That's probably why he was in prison."
Jenna rolled her eyes. "You know what? Unlike Jeremy here, I'm not a pussy. I'm gonna go talk to him."
Lola's eyes widened in response and she smiled widely. If anyone would take the bullet for the team, it'd be Jenna. "You go, girl! Get him. Just make sure to be subtle about it"
Jeremy and Lola watched as Jenna went up to Mickey who was standing next to the Old Army store entrance, looking as bored and uninterested as ever. When he saw Jenna approaching, he grimaced, obviously preparing himself for the confrontation.
Jeremy and Lola locked eyes as Jenna began to audibly flirt with Mickey. They couldn't hear everything she was saying from where they were eavesdropping but they didn't hear Mickey even speak. Based on the disappointed look on Jenna's face when she walked into the break room again, they didn't think it went that well.
"So?" Lola inquired hopefully.
Jenna shook her head. "Completely uninterested. I even made my boobs look bigger in this shirt. Didn't work, obviously."
"What'd he say?" Lola probed deeper.
"Well, I asked where he lived, where he used to work, if he was settling in nicely -- and he just kind of hummed."
"He barely even answered the questions."
"Maybe he's gay and in a committed relationship with a dude," Jeremy added sarcastically, once again. "Maybe I should go up and flirt with him instead. See if it works for me."
Jenna rolled her eyes at Jeremy's sarcasm. "You're too big of a pussy to do it. Plus he's probably not gay."
Jeremy didn't rise to the bait. Instead, he just smiled. "Whatever you say, Jenny. Oh, by the way -- I totally am."
Mickey never spent his break with the others. In fact, he was either sitting outside the store, drinking Pinkberry and messing around with his phone, or he was at the food court, presumably meeting somebody for lunch. Lola was dying to know who, but she never dared to ask or to check, although it would have been so easy.
The curiosity extended out of the workplace as well -- Jenna, Lola, and Jeremy had a group chat. It was, at first, formed as a work chat, purely for announcements and work hours, but as time passed -- and as the employees and employers changed -- it evolved into something much more. Now, it was their main gossiping media.
 --- old army besties ---
LOLA (9:56 PM): I can't find him anywhere on social media.
JEREMY (9:58 PM): You're obsessed.
LOLA (9:58 PM): Fuck off, Jeremy.
JENNA (10:03 PM): There are a bunch of articles about him escaping prison!!!!!!!!!
LOLA (10:04 PM): NO SHIT
LOLA (10:04 PM): !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
JENNA (10:06 PM): https://images.app.goo.gl/rzDzCogf1H84QD78A
LOLA (10:08 PM): oh my god
JENNA (10:08 PM): I KNOW
JEREMY (10:07 PM): ya'll are crazy
JENNA (10:08 PM): Is it bad it just makes me even more attracted to him??????
JEREMY (10:09 PM): yes.
LOLA (10:09 PM): NO!
LOLA (10:10 PM): Jenna, same.
JEREMY (10:11 PM): I have a psych ward to recommend you to. Hold up.
JENNA (10:11 PM): Jeremy, stfu
*JEREMY has left the chat*
LOLA (10:12 PM): You wanna add him back in or should I?
JENNA (10:12 PM): Neither.
JENNA (10:12 PM): Let him suffer.
 The gossiping continued for a while. It didn't honestly seem like it would stop at all, and nobody really seemed inclined to put an end to the wildfire gossip that spread through the entire Old Army staff. Not that anyone cared much, either, if they were being completely honest.
One day, though, the Mickey who was always grumpy and never without a scowl seemed particularly furious.
He spoke to no one, he didn't check his phone at all, which was a rare occurrence and almost never happened -- he was usually glued to the thing, always texting someone -- and he basically looked like he was ready to kill the next person who dared steal something from the store.
"Anyone wanna ask what crawled up his ass and died?" Jenna asked lowly, observing Mickey from where she and Lola stood behind the cash register. Jeremy hung around in the back, angry that they still hadn't added him back to the group chat.
Lola simply grimaced. "I guess we've been dealing with happy Mickey all this time."
Jeremy pretended not to pay much attention to them, very much bitter. He just muttered, as a side note, loud enough to get even Mickey's attention, "Yo, I guess they found who killed that parole officer."
That piqued Lola's interest. The murder was all over the news the day before -- a parole officer named Paula had been thrown out the window -- and Lola didn't expect them to have found the killer so soon.
"Already?" She wondered, out loud.
"Who is it?" Jenna asked.
"Some ex of hers -- Shelly, I think. They arrested her yesterday."
Lola released a sigh. "That's some good news. Now she can't hurt anybody else." She mentally applauded the police for the good and quick work.
Out of the corner of her eye, she noticed Mickey was listening in to their conversation. She could have sworn she heard him snort when she muttered the last part, the one about it being good news. She saw an opening, and when Lola began to open her mouth and try and include him in the conversation, he had already turned around and left to stand back at his regular spot, expression sullen, pretending as if he never even cared to listen in after all.
Mickey was gone all of a sudden one day -- as the manager had told them briefly, on paid leave. He didn't reveal why or when he'd be coming back, only saying how Mickey had something important come up, and that he'd eventually be back. He didn't seem to be aggravated while talking about Mickey, so Lola guessed he didn't get fired, nor that he was being tested again for his position -- he had honestly been doing great. Better than the ones before him, at least.
Lola was actually somewhat shocked. She was also slightly disappointed he didn't tell her.
Mickey had actually started opening up a little -- not much (when she said little she meant very little) -- but he was finally communicating with them during their shift together, something he most certainly hadn't even tried to do, no matter how hard they tried to push. He also seemed happier, coming in one morning looking the happiest Lola had ever seen him.
It was the first day Mickey made actual conversation with her -- about the ugly clothes in the store, nevertheless -- and she genuinely was starting to like him.
"Maybe he likes you," Jenna told her after noticing them talking.
Lola blushed. "Probably not."
Jeremy snorted and both women turned towards him. "He's probably more attracted to me than you." He muttered absentmindedly while scrolling through his phone.
"Still sticking to the gay theory?" Jenna asked pointedly.
"I may not be dark, brooding, and mysterious, but my gaydar is on point. At first, I was skeptical, but he rocks that pink pastel shirt a little too well." He said, a small smile playing on his lips.
Jenna and Lola shared a look before both rolling their eyes.
"Let's hope he asks you out." Jenna finished and Lola blushed even more. Stupid crush. Jeremy snorted.
She was a little disappointed he was gone but his step-in was a cute guy and the gossip between her, Jeremy, and Jenna was endless -- Jenna and Lola came up with different theories as to where he was which all ranged from family emergencies to crazy prison breaks -- Jeremy would simply roll their eyes at them whenever a new theory came up.
When Mickey came back a couple of days later, it seemed as if he had a spring in his step. For the first time in all the time Lola had known him, instead of a scowl, there was a smile present on his face.
"Holy shit, he's smiling." Jenna pointed out incredulously, and Lola simply nodded shell-shocked. He had a beautiful smile.
It was even weirder when he greeted them when he walked into the store, uttering a simple, "Hey" which neither woman expected.
"So, that's happy Mickey," Lola said under her breath. "Good to know."
The sudden chirpiness didn't disappear throughout his entire shift and Lola began to wonder what type of vacation he had gone on to be this happy. She needed to ask him -- if it could take the stick out of his ass, then it could definitely make her feel like she was in heaven.
The answer came shortly after.
"He's got a ring on his finger."
"What?" Lola and Jenna exclaimed simultaneously, looking at Jeremy like he was crazy.
"The hell are you talking about?" Jenna asked, glancing between Jeremy and Mickey, inconspicuously trying to catch a glimpse of Mickey's hand.
"He's married, guys. He probably got married while he was away. There is a golden band on his ring finger."
Lola and Jenna were surprised they missed it. The ring shone brightly on his left hand, reflecting the shitty lighting of the Old Army store. It looked beautiful and, somehow, it made him look complete. She didn't even realize something was missing until it was there, staring straight at them. That's what the wedding ring seemed like -- a piece of Mickey they were all simply missing. Something that let them know that there was somebody in his life, a single person, who had his heart -- a person who managed to pry open the shell and find the pearl. Perhaps the process was painless; perhaps it wasn't -- Lola supposed there were only two people in the universe who truly knew the answer to that question.
"Well, I didn't see that coming."
Lola chuckled, letting the genuine happiness she felt for him consume her. "Me either."
The next time she passed him, she smiled at the ring widely. "Congratulations! I see the ring." She pointed at his hand.
Mickey smiled softly, gazing at it with a look in his eye Lola could only describe as love. "Yeah, thanks."He seemed a little uncomfortable, so Lola refrained from asking about his wife, and if he had any pictures to show her. She was learning new things about this man every day. The woman who tied him down must have been patient, but also extremely lucky.
"Ugh, I wish he was single," Jenna muttered again later on in the day, gazing longingly at Mickey's ass. "That butt makes the whole ex-con, escaping prison thing worth it."
Lola laughed at her friend, agreeing silently.
It was nearing the end of their shift, and the four people had changed out of their uniforms, getting rid of the ugly pastel pink color, exchanging it with something that was actually fashionable -- Mickey had an especially good fashion sense, in Lola's opinion (he could rock ripped jeans). Mickey had still been in the staff changing room when Lola noticed a guy hanging around the store. A tall, extremely hot redheaded guy, with one of the best bodies she'd seen on a man in a while.
She shook Jenna's arm so she could point out the guy to her, aware that Jenna deserved to gaze at a man this good-looking. He was wearing a tight-fitting black shirt along with skinny jeans that accentuated all of his muscles, from the ones in his arms to his leg ones -- he was ripped, and Lola could only assume there were chiseled abs hiding underneath the shirt. He was drop-dead gorgeous.
Jenna turned around to see what the fuss was about, but her mouth fell open when her eyes landed in the ginger.
"Oh my God, I think just came."
"Me too," Lola admitted. She was genuinely concerned for her wellbeing. "I think we need to get laid."
"Definitely." Jenna's eyes were glued to the man. His hair was perfect too -- slicked back, and just... it was a sort of, ' you simply had to see it to believe it' type of situation. He was beautiful. "Man, how the fuck does God create these men?"
Jenna didn't tear her eyes away. "He must be either really bad in bed or a total douchebag. There's no way he's that hot and nice too."
They suddenly heard Mickey's voice behind them. "Trust me, he's neither."
Lola and Jenna jumped in surprise, but she didn't even have a moment to think about what Mickey said. She was still looking at the ginger, but his green eyes were locked on somebody else though, and he didn't even seem to notice the two women gaping openly at him.
When Lola turned to follow his gaze she was surprised to see it land on Mickey.
"Oh my dear Lord, he's totally eye-fucking Mickey!" She whisper-shouted at Jenna, Mickey being far away not to hear her. Jenna whipped her head around towards where Mickey stood, seemingly unaware.
"Oh my God, he totally is!"
Mickey noticed them staring. He raised an eyebrow at the two women and then as if on a whim, approached them. "You need anything?" He asked, seemingly uncomfortable, but he still paid no attention to the fact a guy was blatantly letting it show on his face that he was imagining all of the things he could probably be doing to Mickey, right now. The redhead had the biggest case of bed-eyes she'd seen in a while.
Lola blinked herself out of her daze. "Um, no. Uh, we just-- we, uh--" She was at a loss for words and Jenna didn't seem to even think about helping.
"Ugh, God." They suddenly heard Jeremy exclaim. All eyes turned to him. "There's a really hot guy outside the store, and he's staring at you." He made a gesture as if saying, 'See, that wasn't so hard now, was it?'. "That's what they're trying to say."
Mickey turned to look forward outside and when his gaze fell on the guy -- the guy he had most certainly already noticed -- his face lit up even more, and his lip curled into a smirk. He turned towards Jeremy and nodded at him. "Glad to see you toughening up."
Jeremy smiled at Mickey as if they were sharing an inside joke, and both Lola and Jenna had no idea what it was. They shared a disbelieving look. "Learned from the best, man," Jeremy replied as they fist-bumped and Lola knew her and Jenna's eyes had to be unnaturally wide.
"So um, so you know the guy outside? He's totally checking you out." Jenna nodded at the hot guy who was still watching them -- watching Mickey, specifically. Lola guessed he was waiting for him, for whatever reason. She guessed hot guys stuck together. If he wasn't a ginger, Lola would have assumed they were brothers and that the good looks simply ran in the gene pool. Lola watched as Mickey locked eyes with the man and smiled. The guy raised his eyebrows in question and Mickey just kept the grin on his face.
"That's Ian, my husband."
Shock couldn't even begin to describe what Lola was currently feeling. If somebody had dumped a bucket of ice-cold water down her back, she would have probably been less surprised. As she was contemplating everything she knew and had been learning about Mickey, the man in question waved towards Ian to join them. Ian made his way inside and Lola could lie and say she didn't swoon.
"Hi." He greeted sheepishly with a smile, previously observing the commotion.
Mickey seemed unnaturally relaxed as he stood close to Ian, wrapping a hand behind his back subconsciously. Lola wondered who the man in front of her was -- it most certainly wasn't the grump Lola had been working with all this time.
"Ian, meet Lola, Jenna, and Jeremy."
Ian smiled politely at all three of them, leaving Lola in a daze -- God, he was gorgeous. She was just about to reply when he nodded at Jeremy specifically. "Sup, Jeremy. Heard a lot about you."
Jeremy smiled back at Ian. "Same, dude. Your husband just can't seem to shut up about you."
Ian smirked, and then turned to look at Mickey, "Is that so?"
Mickey rolled his eyes. "Fuck you both. I got married. What am I supposed to do? Just shut up about it? Hell no."
Ian laughed and draped an arm around Mickey's shoulder. "Don't worry, baby. I don't mind."
Ian and Mickey shared a quick look, and Lola wondered if she would ever find a person who would look at her the way these two men looked at each other. She suddenly felt bad for thinking Mickey was straight -- everything about this simple interaction screamed gay.
"We should head home, I know you've been waiting for ages outside."
Ian nodded. "Yeah okay, let's go." He then smiled at the three people in front of them widely. "It was nice meeting you guys."
Jeremy was the only one capable of responding. "You too."
"See ya'," Mickey muttered lamely as a goodbye and the couple was out of the store in the blink of an eye, arms wrapped around each other, talking quietly, their expressions pure happiness.
Lola and Jenna turned around to stare at their friend.
"What the fuck was that?" Lola asked, incredulous.
The traitor in front of them shrugged. "What? While you guys were coming up with conspiracies and weird theories, I actually talked to the guy. He's pretty cool. He was raised and lives on the Southside where he met Ian. He first spent some time in juvie. Got shot twice. Went to prison, escaped from prison, went to Mexico, worked for a cartel, rolled on said cartel be with Ian. They were in prison together and they decided to get married when they got out. He's actually been giving me tips to boost my street cred. We've been working on that shit for some time now."
Lola shook her head in thought. "When did you guys become so close?"
Jeremy snorted. "When you decided not 5o add me back to the group chat, bitches." He smirked. "Revenge is a dish best served cold." As an afterthought, he added, "I'm not dark and brooding, but I guess I can add mysterious to my list of charms."
Lola and Jenna watched him as he turned around.
"Is it just me or did he suddenly get hot?"
Lola sighed loudly. "I think we've been tricked."
Jenna groaned, suddenly. "I can't believe it. Two men that hot -- and they end up with each other. Like, what the fuck? Why can't there be one for me?"
Lola laughed, but, as always, silently agreed.
Everybody lost their jobs when the pandemic hit, and when the Old Army finally went back into business, Mickey Milkovich wasn't there. The gossip moved on to different topics and different employees -- the hot security guard was nothing but a distant memory.
The next time Lola saw them was years later. She was much older, much more experienced, and much more in love. She had met somebody, had fallen deep, and it had changed her life for the better.
Love was an interesting thing.
Mickey was standing at the corner of a street. The sun was shining brightly above him, and Lola realized he still looked as beautiful as ever -- his face was much more relaxed though as if the walls he had spent years putting up were suddenly all down, letting his pearl shine through, and glint in the sun. He was waiting for somebody outside of a store, and somehow, Lola knew it was his husband.
She couldn't remember his name, but she could never forget the look.
So many years had passed, and Lola had gone through so many relationships -- but the look was what always had her looking for more, never settling for anything short of what she knew she could have. What they showed her she could have.
Once she found someone who looked at her the way Ian -- Lola would only remember his name sometime later in the day -- looked at Mickey, and somebody she would look at the way Mickey looked at Ian -- that was when she'd know she had found the one.
Ian exited the store, much to Lola's expectation, his red hair, slightly grown out, fiery red in the Sun. The boy holding his hand was smiling widely, and the smile only grew once he saw Mickey.
The boy dropped Ian's hand and ran towards -- Lola simply knew -- his father, jumping into his arms. Mickey picked the small boy up effortlessly -- he was no older than five -- laughing along with him as the boy dove into, what Lola presumed, a story.
Ian and Mickey shared a look, so akin to the one they had shared that day, years ago, in the store, filled with so much love, adoration and happiness before focusing their gazes on their child. It wasn't just between them anymore -- the love they had was now for the little boy as well, nurturing and taking care of him, allowing him to bask in it. They probably didn't even realize they were doing it.
Lola felt tears in her eyes.
She had once searched for the look.
Now, she hoped she would one day be able to share this look with her own husband and her own child.
Lola patted her swollen belly.
One day.
She watched as the two men and boy pulled away, still listening to the story the boy was telling. Lola pulled her phone out as she watched their retreating forms.
Lola opened the group chat, typing excitedly.
 --- old army besties ---
LOLA (12:33 PM): You'll never guess who I just saw.
 She was thankful for many things Mickey Milkovich showed her, but the one thing she was grateful for the most was that thanks to him, the gossip never ended.
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hollyxqx · 4 years
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↪ PAIRING: reader x yoongi / reader x seokjin ↪ GENRE: friends to lovers to enemies to lovers, 90s!au, college!au, angst, smut, hurt, comfort, FLUFF ↪ SUMMARY: hooking up with your childhood best friend was never your plan, but neither was falling in love with him either. he’s troubled but his heart is gold. when you move away for college, things start to take a turn.
↪ WARNINGS: TW! mentions of alcohol&physical abuse, yoongi’s dad is a terrible human, minor descriptions of violence, smut, explicit sex, recreational drug use, but despite that there is a lot of love and fluff, so much pining between these two idiots in luv
↪ WORD COUNT: 20k (it’s a big one!!!)
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series masterlist
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It Began As A Mistake
The shared wall between your houses is far too thin, you often think. You hear a lot of what you’re not supposed to. The mask the Min family next door displays to the world is shattered for you every night when the raised voices and banging starts.
You expect Yoongi will be requesting your company soon, if the shouting and screaming through the wall tonight is any indication to go by. It’s a pattern that has become more frequent, especially as of late, but has been going on for as long as you could remember.. It’s routine now. 
Not that you mind. Yoongi is your closest friend. The longest relationship you’ve had with any other human being (aside from your parents) is the one you share with Yoongi. You met him the day you moved in next door at the tender age of eight. He had been playing in his front yard, throwing and catching a basketball against a hoop attached to the brick wall of his house. You don’t remember much about the first meeting other than laughing at his enormous oversized shirt that reached his knees. 
According to your mother, it was a fast friendship. By the end of that first day you had proudly declared to her that Yoongi was your bestsest frien. She always recalls the story with a fond smile on her face, given how much she adores him. As an only child, Yoongi was like the brother you never had. And that’s how the relationship continued. Innocent and almost sibling-like.
Until it wasn’t. 
The memory of the first time you slept together is hazy. You don’t know exactly who initiated the first move but in the moment it made sense, as if it was the right thing to do. Yoongi had snuck out, climbed in your bedroom window as he usually did when he wanted to escape his turbulent home life and made himself at home in your room.
He had never been particularly vocal when it came to expressing his emotions. That was just Yoongi; silent, stoic, strong. It was only with you that he would allow himself to even be marginally vulnerable. Occasionally the veil would slip ever so slightly and you’d get a peek of the turmoil underneath and every time you did, you wanted to take that pain away from him any way you could. 
So when you held him in your arms and he murmured into the skin of your neck how much you meant to him, you knew you would do anything for him. Which is why when his lips found yours you kissed him back. When he slowly removed every item of clothing you wore, you let him. When he fucked you on your childhood bed, slowly and purposefully, you granted him access to your body. Whatever Yoongi wanted, you allowed him to take from you.
If it meant bringing some happiness and light into his life, it was worth it. You loved him, after all. 
As if on cue, you hear a quiet tap on your window. You look up from the book that you were unsuccessfully trying to distract yourself with to see Yoongi, peering at you underneath a mop of shaggy black hair. When you notice him he gives you the briefest of smiles, but you can see in his eyes he’s anything but happy.
“Figured you’d be over soon.” You say quietly as you push the window open to let him in. “He’s bad tonight, huh?”
You were referring to Yoongi’s father. The center of the hurricane of chaos that is the Min family. Mr Min had a serious drinking problem, and whenever he had one too many it was like he transformed into someone else entirely. Mrs Min and Yoongi took the brunt of his wrath. Although Yoongi never outright said it, you had long since deduced the violence his father inflected. Mrs Min had ‘walked into a door’ too many times for you to count.
“He’s an asshole.” Yoongi mutters, kicking off his sneakers. “I waited until he passed out, there’s no way I would leave that monster alone with Mom.”
“You wanna talk about it?” You ask, scooching over to make space for him on the bed beside you. He shakes his head ‘no’ as he flops face down on the mattress. Rarely does he want to open up. He lays on his front, head resting on the back of his palms. “I’m sorry Yoongi.” You rub his back affectionately.
“You should be, I cut my hand climbing up the trellis.” His muffled voice replies. “Maybe invest in a rope ladder for me.”
“Noted. Now let me see your hand.” 
Yoongi allows you to look at the small cut on his hand. It’s nothing serious but you go and fetch a plaster from the medicine cabinet in the bathroom anyway. On your way back to your room you pause outside your parents bedroom and listen. Their television is off, which means they must be asleep. As much as they love Yoongi, catching him in your room after hours would probably not go down well.
“Thanks.” Yoongi mumbles once the band aid is secured. “Can I sleep here tonight?” He asks quietly.
“You don’t need to ask” You tell him this every time, but he never listens. Instead he pulls you into his arms, holding you tightly as if you’re the only thing tethering him to reality. He may not pour his heart out to you but his need for affection, for love, is clear when he holds you like this.
“I had such a shitty night.” He says into your skin, face buried in the crook of your neck. His breath tickles. “Just wanna forget it.” He presses a kiss to your throat. “Wanna forget everything that’s not you right now.”
Your stomach involuntarily somersaults at his words. He’s not romantically interested in you.. You know this.. He’s your best friend. In the two years you’ve been sleeping together you’ve worked hard to keep any feelings at bay, but when he says things like that, your heart races. Your phisiolocical reaction betrays your head. 
It’s not the same for Yoongi and you know that. He doesn’t get butterflies. He’s just blowing off steam. It is why you constantly remind yourself about the reality of the situation. It’s just sex. If you even allow yourself to think otherwise for a moment you’ll get carried away and that can only mean one thing; the end of your friendship.
He leads you back to the bed, laying you down on the mattress before his lips are on yours. Yoongi is a phenomenal kisser, a fact you're reminded of when he nips at your bottom lip before sliding his tongue in your mouth. It’s slow and passionate, something you’ve grown to love about his kissing style. He knows just how much to give and take.
You’re hot all over from his touch. His roaming hands caress your body, his touch gradually growing more desperate. It’s heavy breathing and grinding and intense. Like he can’t get close enough to you. “Yoongi,” You pant as he pulls your shirt up and over your head. 
“Hmm sweetheart?” He asks distractedly, eyes on your now naked breasts. The pet names only ever come out during sex. Leaning forward he cups them in his hand, kissing all over your chest. He takes one of your hardened nipples in his mouth, swirling his tongue over it, sending electricity straight down your spine. His mouth is sinful.
“I-I don’t have a - “ You moan a little when you feel his clothed hardness press between your legs as he moves to your other breast. Your hands fly to his hair, anchoring him to your chest.“Yoongi, I don’t have any condoms.” You manage to get out. 
He carries on what he’s doing but hums against your flesh, “Did we finish that pack already?”
“Y-yeah.” You stutter as he kisses his way down your navel. Yoongi hooks his thumbs in your shorts and drags them, along with your panties, down your legs. He kneels between your thighs and grips an ankle in each hand, bending your legs up and outwards and open. “I meant to pick some up.”
“Hmm,” Yoongi replies, once again distracted as he settles down on his chest between your spread thighs. Most of your hook ups begin this way. He reads your body so well now, after two years of doing this together he has every tip and trick down to a science. Spit sloppy kisses land on the soft meat of your inner thigh before his tongue makes it way in between your lower lips making your breath hitch.
He loves having his hair tugged and pulled whenever he’s eating you out, so your hands wind themselves through his dark locks. He grunts at the contact but still takes his time even as you tug on his hair, encouraging him. “God, Yoongi.” You whine quietly and breathlessly. “Feels amazing.”
His hands hook underneath your thighs, legs resting over his shoulder,, pulling your mound closer to him as his tongue begins to flick faster against your clit. It’s so hard to be quiet when he plays your body like this. You clutch at the sheets beneath you and a pillow simultaneously in a hopeless attempt at remaining silent.
“Look at you,” Yoongi breaks away, peering up at you through his bangs. There’s a dark desire in his eyes and your arousal on his lips. You can’t help but wonder if he loves the control aspect of making you feel good. “I can tell you’re barely holding it together. Fuckin’ needy for me. Do you want to cum like this? Or with my fingers too?”
“No.” You whisper and he quirks a skeptical brow.  “I want to cum with you inside me Yoongi.”
“We don’t have condoms.” He reminds you, languidly licking a stripe up your pussy, eliciting a shudder out of you. He slips one arm back underneath your leg so fingers can toy with the outline of your entrance. “As much as I’d love to feel you...I’ll get some tomorrow for us.”
You let a muffled cry as he slips a finger inside of your wet heat, curling it expertly. “A-ah, Yoon -” You gasp as he pumps it slowly. “I’m on birth control.”
His motions come to a frustrating hault. “Since when?” 
You had been on it for a while, not because you were having a lot of casual sex but just for your the sake of your period (something you didn’t feel like would particularly interest your best friend). Yoongi and you had long since established practicing safe sex so you carried on using condoms. “A few months.” 
“Are you...are you with other people?” He asks and you can’t believe he’s asking this with his fingers literally inside you. 
“Yoongi I’ve never been with anyone other than you.” You inform him quietly. He’d never known that he was the one who took your virginity. At the time you were so embarrassed to be the only one of your friend group still carrying their v-card, though looking back that was such a ridiculous thing to worry about.
“Really? Not even Jimi - “
“Don’t even say his name to me.” You cut him off abruptly. Jimin had been your boyfriend when you were a teenager, who ended up cheating on you. “No. Are we going to do this because I’m slowly starting to get turned off here.”
“I’m sorry sweetheart.” He gives you that same lopsided smile that makes your heart thud. Slowly he leans down to reattach his mouth to your still hyper sensitive clit before resuming fucking you with his fingers. “You’re the only one I’ve ever been with too.” He mumbles so quietly you almost miss it if it wasn’t the tickle of his hot breath against your sensitive flesh.
For some reason that turns you on more, knowing that this moment, this feeling, you’d only ever shared with each other. 
Your tightening around him, walls clenching as he brings you closer and closer to orgasm, chest heaving as you try to catch your breath enough to whine, “Yoongi I’m close, please stop, please, please let me cum on your cock.”
He pulls away with a smirk. “How could I say no when you beg so prettily?”
Yoongi reluctantly tears away from you and stands briefly to shed his clothing. They’re tossed uncaringly to the floor before he crawls over you, wedging himself in between your legs. When his bare cock brushes against your hot cunt you shiver. It’s electric, raw and thrilling at the same time. You can practically feel yourself dripping on to the sheets below.
Your lips brush together, before he whispers a warning with a laugh, “I’m probably going to cum really quick.”
“You better not.” You tease, closing the distance between your mouths with a searing kiss. Yoongi continues lapping at your mouth as one hand nudges your thighs apart a little wider. He grips the base of his cock, lining it up at your entrance before dipping the head of it in painstakingly slowly. 
“Ok?” He breathes against your cheek as he inches the rest of himself in slowly. You nod eagerly. When he’s sheathed all the way inside of you he groans, a little too loudly for your liking. 
“Yoongi!” You whisper shout, clamping a hand against your mouth. “Be quiet!”
He licks the inside of your palm and you squeal at the ticklish sensation,  yanking your hand away which was his goal. “Now who's the loud one?” He tries to joke but his voice is deeper, hoarser, husky,  like he’s trying to hold back from just pounding you into the mattress.
“Move, Yoongi.” You nudge your hips upward slightly, desperate to feel him,, causing him to bite down on his lip in pleasure. 
“You feel so fucking good.” He whispers in your ear as he slowly begins to rock his hips against you. “So fuking wet, so fucking warm.” He keeps his face next to the shell of your ear. “So tight for me sweetheart.”
He rests on his forearms as he begins to pick up speed. Together, after all the practice you’ve engaged in, you’ve both long since learned how to fuck quietly in your bedroom. Tonight however Yoongi seems to be losing himself more than usual. Both of you stop instantly the second your headboard hits the wall with a thud, staring at each other in fear.
After a few tense moments of waiting to ensure no one in your household has woken, Yoongi mutters a low apology before carrying on thrusting. 
“I’m close, Yoongi.” You whisper, pushing his chest up slightly so you’re able to reach down to your neglected clit. The other hand finds purchase on his shoulder. “Ohhhh,” You moan squeezing your eyes shut. You can feel Yoongi’s dark gaze on your face. Knowing he’s watching is undeniably hot. 
“Baby cum for me,” He pants. “Please, I’m so close. Wanna feel you squeeze my cock while I fill you up. I’m gonna cum in you, claim you, make you all mine.”
You’re not even sure if he’s aware of what he’s saying but it does the trick and you feel that tightly wound coil deep within you let go, and you’re coming hard around his cock. He’s gasping and swearing when he follows seconds later, slowly grinding against you to a stop.
He all but collapses against you. His skin is hot and sweaty and sticks against yours. In other scenarios it would be disgusting but you relish in it, pulling him towards you for a kiss. He tastes salty and sweet.
“Shit, that felt too good.” He chuckles breathlessly after a few moments. “I’m sorry it was so quick.”
“I loved it.”
He’s still panting when he pulls out,, rolling onto his back next to you. “What?” He asks when you start to giggle.
“Your cum is leaking out of me and it tickles.” You grab his hand and put it between your thighs. “Feel.”
“You’re gross.” He laughs but you know he doesn’t mean it when he pecks you on the cheek shortly after.
“I’m going to go clean up.” You inform him, as you awkwardly dress and make your way to the bathroom. 
When you return once again Yoongi’s semi dressed and partially under the duvet cover, patting the mattress signaling for you to join him. You clamber into bed beside him and he instantly wraps his arms around you with a yawn. “I set your alarm.” He tells you.
This is standard routine for you two so he’s able to sneak back out again undetected in the morning. You nod against his chest. As he stretches across you and flicks the bedside lamp off.
“Hmm?” You can tell he’s close to sleep already. 
“Will you tell me if you sleep with anyone else? I don’t want to go back to condoms but I don’t want an STD.” You shyly share. It would be a shame not to be able to have him again, raw and unrestricted. 
“Of course. I’d never put you at risk like that.” He replies sleepily. “You’re my best friend, dummy.”
“You’re the dummy, idiot.” 
“Shut up and go to sleep.” He says. You can tell from his voice he’s smiling.
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It’s your last day of high school but unfortunately not the last one of your part time job as a barista at the coffee shop you work at. It’s a nice place, but it’s boring. There’s still three months left until you hopefully are leaving town for the college of your choice (in the city, you hope with all of your fingers and toes crossed for luck). Nothing terrifies you more than being stuck in your hometown. Life is for the living.
After school you head straight for your shift. Normally your shifts pass by pretty quickly but today this one drags in. You know you have a few letters watermarked with the symbols of colleges you applied to waiting at home, courtesy of an excited call from your mom to the shop. 
You have little idea what to expect, resulting in an anxiety ridden few hours of work. Driving home it takes everything in you not to speed. 
“Here, here, here!” Your excited mother is thrusting a stack of different sized envelopes into your arms. You hadn’t even put your keys down or removed your jacket yet. 
“Give me a second, jeez.” 
The nerves you feel bubble ominously deep in your gut. You try not to let it read on your face as you shrug your jacket off and toss your keys in the bowl. If anything your mother may be more excited than you. 
“Well, open them darling.” She’s practically vibrating with excitement, a wide lipsticked smile stretched across her face.
Taking a deep breath you walk to the living room. You may have to sit down for this. 
The first letter is small. The smallest one. The return label indicates that it was from a music school in Incheon. One of the choices higher up on your list. A quick scan reveals - “I got in!!!!” You shout as you stand up. Mom’s cries of joy and affirmation fall on deaf ears as your heart thunders.
By the time you’ve confirmed your acceptance to Yonsei and Seoul National your mother is crying. Last, but certainly not least is the letter to Hangyang Uniersity. Out of all your applications, Hangyang was the only place Yoongi had applied to also. The prospect of potentially going to school with him excited you.
As soon as the black and white printed ink confirms it - we would like to offer you a place on our applied psychology course - you audibly gasp. You can’t wait to tell Yoongi.
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Neither Mr or Mrs Min usually arrive home before 8pm. Mr Min is a math teacher, who often works long hours before heading to a bar, whilst Mrs Min is a nurse; so when you bounce out the front door and to the house next door you know Yoongi will be home alone.
“Yoongi!” You singsong before you’ve even reached the door, knowing there’s a chance he may be able to hear you. “Yoongi-yaaa!” You knock obnoxiously on the oak, almost as if you’re tapping out a tune. “I know you’re home, your bike is in the drive!”
The door creaks as it opens, a disheveled Yoongi appearing on the other side. “I was napping.” He grumbles, tousling at his fluffy hair. You can’t help but think he looks adorable. 
“Do that later.” You tell him, with a playful eye roll. “I got into Hangyang!”
He barely has time to blink before you’re launching yourself at him, slinging both arms around his neck. It takes him a moment to react before a reluctant arm returns your enthusiastic hug. “That’s great, y/n.” He says into your hair before you seperate. 
Yoongi shuts the door behind you both. “And?” You can’t help but ask.
“And what?” He mutters walking past you and to the kitchen. You trail behind like an excited puppy.
“Don’t you ‘and what’ me. What about you? Please tell me you got in too.”
He freezes as he’s reaching for a glass. “I don’t know.” 
His words do little to kill your buzz. “What?” You laugh, assuming he’s joking. “Today is the deadline. How can you not know?”
“I just don’t, ok.” He flips on the tap and fills his glass up with water, the entire time keeping his back to you. Something is up, you’ve known Yoongi nearly your entire life. He’s withholding something. He was always the type to act defensively when he was mad, hurt, lying or all of the above.
“Yoongi, we can call the university and find out. Maybe your mail is just late.”
“I don’t want to, y/n.” He says curtly.
“I just don’t!” 
“You’re being so weird right now,” You frown. “Don’t you want to find out if we’re going to be going together? We’ve talked about this for years.”
“I’m not being weird. I just don’t know yet.”
“You are.”
“Just fucking drop it.” He groans, slamming his glass on to the counter with enough force that the water sloshes up over the edge. 
“Don’t talk to me like that! I have done nothing wrong!”
Finally he spins to face you, a neutral almost bored expression on his face. “You’re making a big deal out of nothing.”
“I - “ You cut yourself short, feeling a little foolish that he doesn’t seem to be as thrilled at the prospect of going to college with you. He hadn’t brought it up in a while. “I thought - thought you’d be excited. Nevermind.”
At your tone his expression softens. “Y/n, the idea of getting out of here with you sounded amazing.”
He lets out a drawn out sigh and stares at the ground. “I can’t go.”
It’s almost as if the air has been sucked rapidly out of the room. “Can’t?” You parrot back. This was the first you’d ever heard of this.
“You know what my situation at home is like. You know better than anyone. I can’t just up and leave.” He’s always hesitant, ashamed when speaking openly about what goes on behind closed doors. Even to you.
“You can, Yoongi.” You go to touch his arm for reassurance but he shrugs you off. 
“I can’t.” He grits. “I can’t leave her with him.”
“Yoonseok did.” You counter. It’s a low blow bringing up his older brother but it’s the truth. Yoonseok hightailed it out of there the second he turned sixteen, leaving eleven year old Yoongi to manage his dad alone. Yoongi’s childhood had done a number on him, burdening him in a way no child should ever be. 
“Yoonseok was a selfish dick.” He responds darkly, voice dripping with hate. “Without me, or anyone, to intervene my dad will fucking end up killing my mom. We both know it y/n.” Silent and unsure how to respond to such an uncomfortable truth you can only stare sadly at Yoongi. It’s painful to see him sacrifice so much for a family that didn’t deserve it. “I can’t leave her. It’s not safe,”
“I understand Yoongi, I do. But you can’t put your life on hold forever for your parents. At some point you need to get out, not just for your own safety but your sanity.”
“Yeah then come home to a dead mom. Great idea y/n.” He spits. “Don’t be fucking stupid. This is the reality of my situation.”
“I just want what's best for you, stop being an asshole!” You yell.
“You’re being controlling and quite frankly, kind of a cunt.” 
You scoff humorlessly in disbelief. “Really Yoongi?! Fuck you. And fuck this.”
Spinning on your heel you march towards the front door. This argument was going nowhere and you would only grow angrier if you remained in the tiny kitchen with him. One glance over your shoulder and you’re met with his glassy eyes watching you leave, the last thing you see before you slam the front door. 
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Three days later you and Yoongi are still not speaking, equally as stubborn as one another. You know he’s been avoiding you because you haven’t even seen him in passing, a rare thing when your houses share a wall. So you avoid him too. Fuck him for making you feel bad when all you do is adore him, support him, care about him.
He hasn’t even attempted to apologise. If you really try you might be able to hold on to this anger for a week.
That’s the longest you’ve ever gone without speaking. And it was for something so juvenile you can’t even recall it to this day. Also, you were both twelve and kind of dumb. So you figure a week is your limit. That’s the longest you’ll go without talking to Yoongi. 
Tonight makes it particularly difficult when you hear a deafening crash and a thud. You pause, mid page turn of a book you were devouring and listen. The silence that follows is deafening. 
But then you hear it. The extremely distinct raised voice of Mr Min. It’s unclear exactly what he’s shouting but the tone is enough to send a shiver of fear through your entire body. There’s another raised voice that’s unmistakingly Yoongi. Your heart clenches at the sound of him. 
They continue like this for an uncomfortable length of time. You wonder what your parents think about this. Although it’s not a secret in your household you never exactly sit down and chat about what you hear through the walls with them.
When it goes silent you don’t relax. You gaze at the shared wall you know is Yoongi’s bedroom, almost as if your hard stare can penetrate the bricks and mortar. A selfish part of you hopes he comes over tonight, as per routine. You don’t indulge in each other’s bodies every time but you know even just your company is likely the only form of affection Yoongi gets and you want to take care of him any way you can. 
This thought takes you to the window, where you unlock the latch, expecting him hopefully soon. 
He doesn’t come. 
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Yoongi lays on his bed, staring blankly at the ceiling. It’s not the water stain or the old outline of a where playboy poster used to be (he had snuck it out of Yoonseok’s collection and stuck there when he was a kid) that is captivating his attention. It’s the sound of his mom crying in the bathroom next door that’s keeping him awake.
His father had passed out a little while ago, thankfully. But not before smashing a glass dangerously close to his mom’s head and then pushing her so hard against the wall a hole appeared in the drywall. Yoongi had helped his mom clean up a few of the cuts and scrapes before she sent him out of the bathroom, claiming she wanted to wash up before bed. Her crying is breaking his heart.
Selfishly he wishes you could hear this.If you heard this you would understand in a heartbeat why he can’t leave. His mom is vulnerable. He knows you hear some of what occurs through the wall but it’s nothing as devastating as the muffled sobs his mom chokes back. The sound of a broken woman.
It makes him wonder how on Earth Yoonseok could just walk away from this and feel nothing. He hasn’t spoken to his brother since as a result. Through his Grandma he has a vague idea where Yoonseok is (doing odd jobs here and there in the city) but he doesn’t wish to know more than that. Hate is a word he reserves only for his father, but what he feels for Yoonseok is close.
He sighs, emotionally and physically exhausted, as he rolls onto his side. It’s been almost two weeks since he last saw or spoke with you and right now all he wants is to crawl into your bed and hide in you. Bury himself inside you while you clutch at him desperately. A world away from the pain and loveless home he’s trapped in right now.
He wants you so badly to be the bigger person, to be better than him like you always are. To come and find him, to sense that he needs you. He wants it so badly he aches.
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Before his key is even in the door, Yoongi knows to anticipate a Bad Night. Not that the typical bad nights are easier but Bad Nights with a capital B and M are worse. He can hear his father before he even sees him and knowing that today was a weekend, and therefore a day off from work for his old man it means he’s been drinking since sun up.
He hesitates, key hovering over the lock. He could just turn away right now and pretend he had to work late. Dealing with his father’s abuse is literally draining the life out of him. For a moment he considers it, really considers it. Then he hears his mom cry out with agony. Yoongi unlocks the door.
“Mom?” He calls out as he crosses the threshold inside.
There’s a wail, followed by a whimper coming from the living room. He follows the sound. 
He’s greeted with his dad hovering over his mom who is cowering against the wall, looking smaller and frailer than ever. Something inside Yoongi snaps. With as much force as he can he shoves his father away from her. Drunk and already weary on his feet, the older man stumbles backwards a few steps before falling. 
“Are you okay?” Yoongi extends his hand to her. Shakily she places her palm in his and he helps her stand. This does not please his father who is yelling obscenities as he struggles to get to his feet. Yoongi glances at him over his shoulder and he can sense the shift in the room. “Mom, go upstairs and lock yourself in the bathroom. I’m going to talk to Dad.” He says sternly. 
“Yoongi,” She cries softly but one look at his expression and she knows how serious he is. Fearfully her eyes flicker to where her husband is, as if he somehow has the final say. It angers Yoongi like nothing else. 
By now Mr Min is standing, albeit swaying and his expression is murderous. “You shouldn’t have done that. This has got nothing to do with you stupid boy.”
“Fuck you, old man.” 
He isn’t thinking, rage is pulsing through his veins and all he can see is red when he swings a right hook at his father, fist making direct contact with the older man's jaw. Fight or flight instinct kicking in with brute force. He’s never thrown a punch before in his life. 
It takes a few dazed seconds for his opponent to recollect himself. His father looks at him with such disgust, almost as if he can’t recognise the boy standing in front of him is his own flesh and blood. Someone he was supposed to raise, protect and guide. 
Normally, he knows better than to talk back. Normally, he knows better than to get physical with his dad unless it's in defense of his mother. Normally he knows better. And now, the look in Mr Min’s eyes tell Yoongi one thing; he’s going to severely regret it.
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This is your first taste of what feels like a life without Yoongi and it’s bitter. 
Fifteen days come and go with no sign from your best friend. The world feels a little emptier without him and it’s a sobering thought, that one day he might not be in your life. This realisation lights a fire under you and you decide to swallow your pride and take the first step towards reconciliation. It’s ridiculous. You and Yoongi don’t fight. It’s both of you against the world, the way it has been since you were kids.
Knowing he’s home alone again (both parents' cars are gone) you slip out of your house and make your way to his. This is probably the first time in your entire life you've ever felt nervous to see Min Yoongi. And not in a good way.
Knock knock.
You’re holding your breath as you wait and listen for signs of life from within the bricks. Silence. You knock again. 
Have five minutes passed or fifty? It’s an eternity waiting out here for Yoongi. When you’re about to turn to leave, the front door slowly creaks open. “Y/n?” 
When your eyes meet you inhale a sharp breath of air in, shocked. He has an angry black eye, swollen and purple. There’s a cut on his lip and the flesh around it is an inflamed shade of red. You don’t have to ask. You know where this came from. 
“Yoongi.” Is all you say before stepping forward and wrapping your arms around him. It’s a depressing parallel to the last encounter you had with each other. He’s silent but he returns your hold, burying his face in your hair. He inhales deeply as if it’s comforting somehow. “I’m sorry.”
“I’m sorry too.” He replies hoarsely.
“I understand why you do what you do for your mom.” You mumble into the soft cotton of his hoodie. “I just want you to be happy is all.”
“I know. I’m sorry for snapping at you.” He squeezes you a little tighter, planting a kiss on your head. 
“Please don’t ever go that long without talking to me again.” You say separating enough so you can see his face but still very much holding him in your arms. “Especially when things are this bad.” He smiles weakly and holds up a pinky, chipped with black nail polish. You link yours with his.
“Promise.” He assures.
As usual you ask - “Do you want to talk about it?”
He says nothing as he pulls you inside, lacing your hand with his. You think you know where this is going. Yoongi wants to feel loved. 
He leads you up the staircase, it groans under the weight of the two of you but otherwise the house is silent. Yoongi’s room is the first one on the upper landing, the mirror of your own bedroom in your house. The door still has a few posters of bands he had once loved and a worn logo sticker of his favorite basketball team. 
There’s a small twin bed almost identical to yours, except his is donned with a navy blue bedspread and doesn’t include the small mountain of assorted pillows that yours does. He always teases you about them, often joking he’s going to steal one and that you’d never notice. 
It’s quiet still as he leads you to the bed, sitting down first and scooting upwards until his back is flush with the headboard. “We don’t have to do anything.” He says softly as you mimic his actions. “I just missed you.”
Sometimes a person just needs someone to hold them, and you have no problem being that someone for Yoongi. Gently you pull his head to your chest and idly play with his hair, just how he likes.  A content sigh parts his lips. “I missed you too.” You tell him. “Do you know how much I wanted to run over here and tell you that Jimin came to my work, ordered a coffee, then tripped and spilled it all over himself?” 
Yoongi huffs a little laugh and you’re glad to make him smile. “Wish I’d seen that.”
“Next time don’t be a dick and maybe you could have.” You tease, knowing Yoongi has a penchant for frequenting your work for free coffee and sticking around, especially on slower days. He pinches your side playfully, although still hard enough to make you yelp. 
“I’m not a dick.” Although you can’t see his face you can hear the pout in his voice. “You live my life and then let’s see how stressed out you are.”
You were only teasing but his comment causes your heart to sink all the way to your toes. “I know you’re not.” You sigh, running your hands through his hair. “You can lean on me as much as you need. I’m basically your family at this point, Yoon.”
“Family.” He scoffs as if the word leaves a bitter taste in his mouth. “What’s that?” 
“People around you who love you.” You tell him firmly. You want to add on ‘i love you’  but the boundaries between you and Yoongi are so blurry now even you don’t know in exactly what context that would mean.
A comfortable silence settles after that. You almost wonder if he has fallen asleep, given the steady rise and fall of his breathing. You don’t know what comes over you but you pick his hand up, lacing your fingers together. He often paints his nails (you have always taunted he’s too goth to be a basketball player) and you’re examining the polish. The black paint is chipped and you stroke his index finger with yours softly.
“What are you doing weirdo?” Yoongi’s voice startles you and you freeze. 
“Your nails are totally chipped.” 
“Duh. Haven’t had time to fix them.”
“Can I paint them for you?”
He cranes his neck and gives you a confused look. “...Why?”
You’re not entirely sure yourself and you shrug. Maybe you just feel guilty and want to do something nice for him. “Okay.” He agrees slowly, still entirely not convinced but still leans forward so you can stand up and grab the bottle of polish, remover and cotton pads from his dresser. Everytime you come in his room you marvel at what a neat freak he is, everything is always so organised. 
“Black?” You confirm the color. He nods. 
You set your items out on the bed, this time opting to sit opposite Yoongi, facing him. To get close enough so that he doesn’t have to stretch his arms out uncomfortably you’re basically sitting in his lap, legs entwined. Gently you talk his palm in yours and begin to wipe away the remnants of the old paint. 
“No one has ever painted my nails before.” He chuckles. Your eyes meet and you can't help but smile. 
“That’s another first time milestone of yours I’ve taken.” Your expression turns into a wide grin. Yoongi rolls his eyes. 
He’s not delicate by any means (despite the bruises) and you don’t know why you’re treating him as such but delicate is what you are when you clean all ten of his nails. You can feel his burning gaze on you as you work; it spurs you on to do a good job. 
The room smells toxic, the fumes of the remover and the nail polish nearly make your eyes water. “Can I open the window?” You ask after the smell gets a little too much. Yoongi nods and you quickly hop off the bed and pop the frame open. The instant wave of fresh air clears your head. 
He’s watching you with a peculiar look on his face that you can’t help question but he brushes it off. You return to your earlier position and continue your handiwork. You can’t help but smile and admire the first nail, disproportionately proud of your newfound skill. Yoongi laughing ruins your moment.
“What exactly is so funny?” You question, quirking a brow. 
Still laughing he shakes his head. “You’re cute.”
The blush that creeps up from your chest to your cheeks is hot and there’s no way Yoongi doesn’t notice. He’s never really complimented you like that. In fact, he rarely says anything about your appearance, negative or positive. Occasionally when he’s mid way through fucking you something will slip out but it’s meaningless when he’s seconds away from an orgasm and not thinking clearly.
“Oh.” You mutter dumbly, trying to ignore why that makes you feel tingly inside. You carry on with your task at hand. When you’ve finished the second coat, you take him by the wrist and blow on his fingers, as if that’s going to do a whole lot to speed the drying process.
“Uh..” Yoongi makes a noise that sounds almost sexual in nature and you peer up at him with a perplexed look as you continue blowing. “This is such a douchey guy thing to say but when your mouth makes that shape....and it kinda gives me goosebumps when you do that...it reminds me of every time you’ve ever sucked my dick.”
“Oh my god.” You laugh, throwing your head back. “Seriously?!”
He nods, looking half amused, half ashamed. “They’re pretty memorable, you know.”
“Good to know.”
After his nails are dry and you’ve tidied up the mess you join him back on the bed. “Thank you.” He says, pulling you on his lap before you even have a moment to process what just happened. You straddle him, hands on his shoulders, staring intently at the injuries on his face. You brush a thumb along his bottom lip. 
“I like doing things for you.”
Yoongi holds your arm firmly in place, pressing a kiss to your thumb then bringing your hand to cup his face and planting a kiss against your wrist. His larger hand rests atop your hand, keeping it there and he nuzzles into you. There’s a palpable tension and the air suddenly feels too thick. It’s almost hard to breathe. As you get lost in his eyes it feels as if the world around you has vanished, leaving only you and Yoogi, in your own private universe. 
You lean in closer. His breath ghosts your lips. You’ve missed kissing him so much.
Then, the front door slams.
“Shit.” Yoongi flies up so quickly it’s a wonder you’re not thrown to the floor. “They’re home.” His parents are earlier than expected. 
“I’ll sneak out if you distract them?” It’s not that Yoongi’s parents don’t like you, they just a: wouldn’t approve of you being over unsupervised and without permission and b: the less fuel you can add to the fire the better. Mr Min will look for anything to be upset with when it comes to his son. 
“I’m sorry.” 
“Don’t apologise. Just go.” You push him towards the door. Before he leaves he turns to you and asks -
“ - See you tonight?”
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Yoongi’s in - dare he say it - a good mood when he sneaks out later that same day. His dad passed out early (a rare but welcome occasion) leaving the Min household in a relatively peaceful state for once. Slipping out the front door, armed with a box of his mom’s homemade cookies that you love, he makes the short trip to your bedroom.
A knuckle taps quietly against the window and he can’t help but grin when he sees the excitement in your eyes. After all you had unfinished business from earlier. You bounce over to the window wearing that cute lilac pyjama short set (the one that makes it hard for him to concentrate) and let him inside. 
“They’re still awake.” You whisper, holding a finger to his lips when he goes to speak. He nods in understanding, aware you mean your parents.
“For you.” He matches your hushed tone as he passes you the box of cookies. Your eyes light up with delight and a tiny gasp leaves your lips.
“My favorite! Your mom must have been in a good mood today to be baking.”
“Dad went to bed early, so..” He shrugs.
“Thank you.” You put the box on your desk and engulf Yoongi in a hug of gratitude. 
His hands are cold when he slides them beneath your flimsy camisole, wanting nothing more than to feel your naked skin. He kneads the flesh of your bare hips under his hands before dragging his nose along the juncture of where your collarbone meets your neck and inhaling. The scent of you, your skin and your body wash was comforting and arousing. 
He wonders sometimes if you truly knew the effect you had on him as his lips ghost over your skin with the briefest of touches. He wants to drown in you. This is the only place he’s ever felt safe. 
You exhale a shaky breath that sounds a lot like his name. He pushes your hair over your shoulder allowing his lips to roam your decliotage freely. There’s not a part of your body he hasn’t kissed, he thinks. He laves his way up your throat and meets your awaiting mouth. He can taste your strawberry lip balm, a taste he will forever associate with you.
You whisper between kisses that he has to be quiet (as always) but intrigue him when you push him towards the white wooden chair that matches the desk. He sits down and you swing a leg over his lap so you’re straddling him, a more intimate version of how you were on his bed earlier. 
“This is new.” He hums, hands stroking up and down your sides. 
“Can’t have the headboard crashing into the wall again now can we?” You giggle, pushing some of his hair off his face. 
Yoongi agrees with a smirk, gaze roving over your willing body. He strips you of your camisole, before devouring your breasts, taking one in each hand and grazing a thumb over your quickly hardening nipples. His lips find purchase on your neck once more. It’s almost sinful how you’re already grinding shamelessly against him. 
“Stand up and take these off.” He commands, snapping the waistband of your little shorts to punctuate his point. Quickly you shed the clothing, kicking them off. Yoongi’s cock is aching a little now, having been pent up for a few hours now. He hastily shoves his sweatpants down enough for his member to spring free.
When you’re seated on his lap you moan in pleasure at the feeling of his hardness against your bare pussy. “I’ve missed you.” You breathe, rocking your hips enough so that the tip of his cock brushes through your lips. He shudders at the combination of your voice and sensation.
His hands can’t seem to decide exactly where he wants to touch you. One has a handful of your ass, encouraging your movements and the other is palming at your tits. Then when you beg him to touch you he knows exactly where his hands want to be.
A sense of pride washes over him every time he feels how wet he makes you. There’s a thrill in knowing he’s the only one who has ever made you like this. The only one who has ever touched you like this. His thumb circles your clit slowly. He watches you with ravenous eyes.
Your soft whines just make the ache to be inside you increase tenfold. It’s so much better than any dirty movie he’s ever seen. It’s real and it's for him. “O-Oh, Yoongi.” Your head falls forward, resting on his shoulder. “I’m ready. Please. Just want you. It’s been too long.”
The fact that two weeks without him was too long for you does nothing but inflate his ego. Rarely does Yoongi ever feel just this self assured. “You have me.” He whispers, positioning you over his swollen cock. Slowly you lower yourself onto him, taking him like the good girl you are. “Fuckkk.” He exhales when you’re completely full of him.
“It’s s-so much.” You choke. He knows exactly what you mean. This is a new position and a new angle for you both. As beginners to sex neither of you had the confidence or experience to experiment too much yet. With you speared on his lap, it’s deeper than he’s ever felt you before. 
His grip on your hips is bruisingly tight as he stills you for a moment. It’s overwhelming how good you feel and he already came far too fast last time. He bites down on the juncture of your neck and shoulder, eyes squeezed shut tight. 
Eventually he calms down enough to let you bounce on him. Your eyes threaten to roll back in your head, lids fluttering shut. His mouth hangs open and he knows he porbbaly looks so dumb right now but he couldn’t fucking care. Not with how unbelievably good it felt. 
“Yoongi,” You pant, laughing a little “You know I saw this in porn and wanted to try it.”
“Yeah - uh, wa - what?” He splutters, stilling you completely to ensure he heard you correctly. “Since when do you watch porn?”
“Last week the cable TV glitched.” You bite your lip shyly. “I may have watched some.”
“Fuck.” He growls, lifting you up and slamming you back down on his length. The idea of you watching porn, masturbating to porn and then thinking about him almost has him blowing his load immediately. God knows he’s thought about you countless times. Even before you’d had ever even had sex. “You have no. Idea. How hot that is.”
“Yeah? You think so?” You’re breathless, cheek to cheek as you whisper in his ear. 
“The idea of you touching yourself.” He groans. “Wishing it was me.”
“Of course I wished it was you.” You moan. “Think about you fucking me all the time. You can have me whenever you want me, Yoongi.”
Shit He’s so close to cumming already. Whispered obcenties tumble out from under his breath. Just as you’re starting to get too loud Yoongi covers your mouth with his hand but you grab his two of his fingers and suck them into your hot mouth, muffling your moan as you cum. The sensation of your mouth and your pussy is his undoing, and he explodes not even seconds later, cumming harder than he can ever remember. 
“You’re going to ruin me.” He pants, chest heaving. 
You laugh, pressing your sweaty forehead against his. “Not if you ruin me first.”
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Weekday routine insists you always assist your mother with the after dinner clean up. When you were younger you were often (as your father put it - ‘deviously smart’) at inventing excuses to get out of chores. Now as an almost adult you, it isn’t such a hassle. It’s even nice to spend a little time talking with your mother. 
The relationship you have with your parents is the inverse of the one Yoongi has with his. It wasn’t until you understood the gravity of his situation did you really start appreciating them in a newfound way. You could be a bratty kid in your youth, like everyone but you thank your lucky stars you had a loving, safe environment.
“Careful with that plate darling, it’s china.” Your mom instructs as she hands you the dinner plate, knowing full well how clumsy you can be. 
“How about we just eat from paper plates now on? They don’t break.”
Your mom cracks a smile as she shakes her head. “When it’s your house you can make the rules.” She gives you a pointed look. After a few moments of silence she asks - “How is Yoongi? I haven’t seen him over in a while.”
You look away to hide the blush that floods your cheeks. He’s over nearly every other night, mother. Right under your nose.
“He’s fine. Same old, same old.” You sigh, stretching up on to your tip toes as you put the precious plate away. 
“Is he joining you at Hangyang in September?” You mom pries. 
Oh shit. You’d forgotten to tell her. “Uh, no. No he’s not.”
“Oh sweetie. I’m sorry. I know you two were looking forward to it. It’s a shame he didn’t get in.” 
“That’s not why.” You take yet another precious china plate from her to dry. “It’s his parents.”
You don’t have to elaborate any further. It’s not a secret in your home. Your parents aren’t deaf, they hear everything you do. “I wish he would leave them. He’s worried for his mom.”
A long, forlorn sigh leaves your mother. “Gosh when he was young your father and I would phone the police on the really bad nights.” She tells you with a shake of her head.
“What? Seriously?” This was brand new information to you. She nods.
“Mrs Min always defended her husband. Made us look like we were imaging things. It’s so sad.” Her eyes grow misty. “I don’t blame that poor Yoonseok for running away. At one point we even tried to adopt Yoongi, you know.”
“Fuck, really?”
“Language.” Your mother warns and you hastily apologise, desperate to hear more of the story. “Yes. He spent so much time here, it was like he was our kid anyway. We seriously looked into it, hired a lawyer and a social worker. But it was too difficult. Mrs Min stopped talking to us for a long time.”
“I had no idea.” You breathe, awed. Although the idea of Yoongi potentially being your brother makes you feel nauseous now, given everything. 
“Mrs Min is a nice woman. She adores her children but she struggles.” Your mom says empathetically. “As for Mr Min? He was the picture perfect father and husband for a good while when they first moved in. You were too young to remember.” 
“I wish I could help them.” 
“I know you do honey. If only it was so simple.” You mom smiles. “Yoongi is lucky to have you. That boy is welcome in our home any time, as far as I’m concerned. And tell him I was asking after him won’t you?”
“Of course. He’ll like that you were.”
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Aside from Yoongi, Anni is probably the person you’re closest with. The juxtaposition between her and Yoongi is almost comical, like night and day. She is bubbly, fun and out-going; a stark contrast to Yoongi’s more foreboding and at times broody nature. Of course he was fun, but in such a different way. 
Anni somehow persuades you to accompany her to a house party. Your entire high school life you’ve only ever been to a handful. They’re not exactly your thing. But college is encroaching and that’s what you’re supposed to be doing there right? Partying, drinking, occasionally studying. So it doesn’t take a lot of convincing to get you prettied up and ready to go.
It’s Seyoon’s house that’s your destination, a guy in your year you’ve only spoken to a handful of times. The moment you set foot in the crowded building you already feel awkwardly out of place. As if your friend senses this she whispers in your ear, “You look great, don’t think so much.” while pushing you through the crowd. 
The first point of call is obviously alcohol. Together you do two shots each before grabbing a cup of something questionable. “Oh! There’s Soomin. Let’s go say hi.”
Soomin was Anni’s friend, someone you only knew by acquaintance. You spot her talking to a group of two guys and a girl you recognise but don’t know her name.  You instantly feel a little nervous, one of the guys is clearly older, and not to mention handsome. He looks like a model, beautiful dark hair coiffed perfectly. 
Soomin is very friendly and greets you both with welcoming hugs before introducing you to the group. “This is Yeona, her boyfriend Jongsuk and my cousin Seokjin.” 
“You don’t go to our school. You look like you spend your time in a drama as the male lead.” Anni teases Seokjin playfully. Of course she would be flirting right off the bat. He takes it in stride, shaking his head with a grin. 
“I used to. I just finished my first year at Hangyang Uni.” 
“That’s where I’m going next year.” You smile up at him. When he makes eye contact you blush like the school kid you technically are. 
“Really? That’s great. What are you studying?” He asks, stepping a little closer so he can hear you over the music. 
“I’m hoping to get my degree in Psychology and Sociology.” 
“Are you joking?” He laughs. At once you’re confused. You don’t exactly look like the studious academic type, and he doesn’t have to be rude about it.
“No…” You frown. “Why?”
“I’m a psychology student too. You’ll probably even be on the same campus as me!” He grins.
“Ohhhh, that’s cool! What are the odds?” 
“I know? Isn’t that so weird?” He laughs. 
“Do you enjoy it?” You ask, genuinely curious. That’s been a big fear of yours, worried you’ll begin your (expensive) further education and hate it. 
“I love it. I’ve always been interested in Psychology so learning from some of the best experts in the country is amazing.” He looks like a kid on christmas, eyes lighting up as he speaks. This guy might be model handsome on the outside but he is a total geek. It’s so endearing, you can’t help but like it.  “It’s a great school. You’ll enjoy it.”
By now the others' conversations have died out. Seokjin’s eyes dart downwards to your empty drink. “Want another?” 
“Yeah alright.”
“Come with me, I can tell you about all the cool spots on campus and what books not to buy.” He grabs you by the wrist as he says a quick ‘be right back’ to Yeona. Anni gives you a knowing smirk but you mouth ‘shut up’ at her. 
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Hoseok’s sunny, cheerful demeanour is something Yoongi normally appreciates about his friend. Unless it’s used as a weapon against him, like it is tonight. This is how he finds himself sipping on a disgustingly warm beer in the corner of Seyoon’s vast living room, doing nothing more exciting than people watching. 
You had told him earlier in the week you’d been roped into attending. Maybe that’s why he’d agreed to go with less resistance than usual. If he was truly honest with himself he was scanning the room, hoping to find you and turn this night around. The few times you’d got drunk together were always fun. 
He spies Anni first, talking to a group of people, which means you can’t be far off. He knows you went with her. That’s when some movement catches his eye. 
Initially it’s the tall pretty boy who alerts his attention, but his gaze drops downward to see him leading you of all people somewhere, wrist firmly encaptured in his grip.
Something hot and prickly rises in his chest and his heart feels like it’s screeched to a halt. If he witnesses this strange boy take you upstairs he might just lose it. That’s what usually happens at these parties.
He exhales a shaky breath of relief when the two of you make a beeline for the kitchen. Although the adrenaline rush isn’t gone yet, his heart is still thundering his ribcage. Through a small gap in the crowd he sees you talking, smiling, laughing. You look like you’re having fun. He doesn’t want to ruin that.
“Do you want another?” Hoseok nudges him with his elbow, gesturing with his head to the nearly finished beer Yoongi clutches. 
He does want another but that would mean going into the kitchen, so he refuses.
“Come on, little MinMin.” Hoseok teases, using Yoongi’s least favourite nickname. He hates being called little, or tiny, or short. “I know you want one.”
“Fine but I’m staying here. Fetch it for me.” 
Hoseok sticks his tongue out at him before grabbing his empty bottle and disappearing with it.
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“Me? No I’m not really into the partying side of college life but I can show you where to go if you are.” Seokjin has been sharing his wisdom for you for the last forty minutes. Evidently he’s learned a lot in a year at Hangyang. “I read books and chill. By myself.” He laughs and you join him. 
“It’s funny how we both aren’t the partying type and we literally met at a party.” You can’t help but chuckle, shaking your head at the absurdity of the situation. “Should we rejoin the others?”
Seokjin agrees and as you two exit the kitchen you see the back of someone’s head that looks a lot like Yoongi’s friend Hobi. You hesitate for a minute, attempting to decipher if it really is him or not when a subtle touch at the small of your back from Seokjin jolts you back into the present. 
“Come on.” He’s so unintentionally suave. It makes your heart beat just a little faster. 
Anni is animatedly telling the story of when you and her accidentally tried to give her white maltese dog Pricilla a bath and accidentally turned her pink with the wrong shampoo. “Your mom still hasn’t let me live that done!” You join in at the end. 
“Neither has Pricilla.” Anni grins.
“Please tell me you don’t have a dog.” Seokjin asks, grabbing both your shoulders in dramatic mock concern. “Please y/n, think about the animals!”
“I didn’t act alone!” You defend shooting a glare at Anni, who is playing innocent. 
“Well it’s a good thing you’re not allowed animals on campus.” Seokjin smirks. Anni gives you yet another knowing look. You can practically see the internal cogs of her brain whirring to life. Ever since Jimin she’s been dying for you to at least hook up with someone. Little did she know about Yoongi.
“You two should meet up when you’re both at school.” The look on Anni’s face tells you she’s assuming she’s doing you a favour, a gentle nudge forward in your romantic life. 
Before you can awkwardly deflect the question and give Seokjin an escape he answers first. “Yes we should, y/n. If you want.”
“Uh, sure.” You don’t see why not. As of now he’s the only person you know at Uni. It might make the transition a little more fluid. 
“Maybe y/n you can give him your number?” Anni meddles further. Oh god, you look so desperate now. You’re not interested in dating him and she’s making it seem like you are.
“I’ll have a different number when I’m at school.” You remind her. 
Seokjin reads between the lines, sensing he’s not quite privy to all the information. “No problem, I’ll give you mine.” 
He excuses himself for a moment, to grab a pen and paper. You look to see where he’s going and your eyes land on the one person you did not expect to see here. Yoongi. Yoongi watches you as he makes his way out onto the patio with Hoseok, dark eyes unreadable. Your heart leaps. Immediately you want to go over and say hello but you can’t. With one final glance he disappears through the sliding doors. Why do you feel like you’ve been caught doing something wrong?
Seokjin hands you a slip of paper with his home number and campus number. “Kim Seokjin.” You read aloud to yourself. “Thank you for this. I just saw my good friend here so I’m going to say hello. It was lovely meeting you!”
“You too.” He smiles warmly. 
“Come on Anni, Hobi’s here.” You inform her and her eyes widen in surprise. She likes Hobi. A lot. It’s the sweetest thing. 
“Bye Seokjin!” 
You drag Anni away before she can do any more damage.
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Yoongi and Hoseok are sitting on the railing of the large wooden patio, joined by Jungkook who seemed to materialize out of nowhere. He’s talking energetically about something but Yoongi isn’t really focusing. He spots you walking over to him. Your face lights up as soon as your eyes meet. It makes him feel funny.
“I didn’t think you would be here.” You smile brightly as you come to a stop before him. 
“Hobi tricked me.” He shrugs, sipping his beer. The frown that his dry response elicits makes him feel guilty. “Are you two having fun?” He nods his head towards Anni.
“Y/n was.” She giggles, nudging you suggestively. “How about you two? I haven’t seen you in a while Hoseok.”
He flashes her a winning smile. “You’re seeing me now.” 
Yoongi fights an intense urge to roll his eyes. Hobi’s flirting always made him cringe. It’s even worse when it actually works. Hoseok offers everyone a drink but only Anni takes him up on the offer. Together they disappear in search of alcohol, leaving Yoongi alone with you. He feels awkward for some reason.
“You know she likes him, right? Hobi.” You say after a few beats of silence pass between you. Yoongi figured, from the way Anni hung on Hoseok’s every word.
“I’m sure he’d be down to hook up. He’s not picky.” He mutters. 
“Yoongi.” You scold. “They suit each other. They would be cute together.”
He hums in response. You’re right, of course but he’s not really in the headspace to be getting giddy about whether two people will fuck or not. 
You hoist yourself onto the railing next to him, scooting close enough that your bodies are touching. He tenses when you lay your head on his shoulder. “You’re not in a good mood tonight.” It’s not a question, you’re just consistently excellent at reading his emotions.
“You know I hate parties.” He mumbles. 
“Me too.”
“You looked like you were having fun earlier. Don’t feel obligated to sit with me.” He speaks before he thinks. It makes him sound bitter and jealous and angry. He hates it because not only does it make him sound pathetic; it’s true.
“I want to sit with you.” You correct quietly.
He doesn’t know how to respond, praise and affection always make him feel a little awkward. For a while you sit in comfortable silence, just watching the rest of what seems like the world have fun. Yoongi spies that tall pretty boy you were talking to glancing over and he feels a little smug at the disappointment on the strangers face seeing you and Yoongi looking cosy together. 
“Those two have been taking a suspiciously long time.” Yoongi muses, attention now back on his beer. 
“Yeah,” You huff a laugh. “I wonder why…”
“Do you wanna get out of here?” Yoongi asks abruptly. “Let’s go to the diner. I’m hungry.”
“That sounds like a plan.” You agree to his surprise. 
At your suggestion you seek out Hoseok and Anni to extend an invitation, only to find them kissing in a darkened corner of the hallway. Yoongi rolls his eyes while you snicker - “About time.”
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When Yoongi smiles - really smiles - his entire demeanour changes. He has the tendency to look intimidating and cold when his expression is neutral (“I can’t help my face!” he would always defend when people mentioned it) but when he laughs his eyes light up like stars. You adore his gummy smile. 
The thought captures you in the diner as the two of you are doubled over with laughter. You were trying to throw a french fry into Yoongi’s mouth but missed completely, hitting an older woman in the booth behind, directly on the forehead. 
“No wonder you suck at basketball with an aim like that.” He grins, stuffing some fries in his mouth. 
“I’m so embarrassed.” You cover your reddening face with your hands but you’re still laughing. 
“It’s a good thing we’re Mike’s best customers or I’m sure we would have been kicked out by now.” Yoongi points out. He’s right. The greasy, twenty four hour diner has been your hang out for years now. 
“I’m going to miss it when I’m at college. I’ll have to make special trips back for the strawberry milkshakes.” You realise. 
“What about me?!” He scoffs playfully. “Nice to know on your list of priorities I’m below milkshake.”
“You know you’re my favourite.” You coo, stealing a fry from his hand before he has the chance to bite it. The look of indignation he gives you only makes you giggle. 
You walk home together, happy and still a little buzzed from the alcohol at the party. Somewhere along the way the back of Yoongi’s hand brushes against yours and he laces your fingers together. 
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Summer persists in much the same way. Yoongi gets a job across the street from your work as a full time record store employee. He enjoys talking about music in his free time, so he figures he may as well get paid for it. You’re happy for him and he seems a little more content. You coordinate lunch breaks when you can, meeting to eat in the sunshine. 
Once a week Yoongi brings you a record or cassette he thinks that you’ll like. Sometimes he leaves little notes inside the sleeve of the vinyl, secret messages just for you. They range from random thoughts of his, inside jokes or just which song he loved the most. It’s such a Yoongi thing to do.
You make and bring him iced americano’s, on the house of course. At this point you’re pretty sure everyone he works with assumes you are a couple. What’s weird is that it doesn’t bother you in the slightest. 
If you thought the boundaries between you and Yoongi were blurred before, it’s even more confusing now. Yoongi treats you as if you’re his girlfriend, but only when you’re alone of course. When your other friends are around no one would suspect anything at all is going on between you. To say it’s messing with your head is an understatement. You wonder if Yoongi is going through the same mental turmoil about this as you are.
Probably not, if you’re being truly honest with yourself. A part of you knows he’s just latching on to you for comfort, for a way of coping. It’s not like his home life has magically improved in the last few weeks. Truthfully it seems to be steadily worsening. 
It’s pathetic how willing you are to pretend that it’s real. That you belong to Yoongi and he to you. Your mother once told you, amidst your heartbreak over Jimin while you had been blaming yourself for him cheating, that if someone wanted to do something, they would, regardless of you. She said it to comfort you but the words haunt you now. If Yoongi wanted you to be together, wouldn’t he ask?
You’re leaving for college soon. You won’t have Yoongi for much longer. So for now, you’ll allow yourself this indulgence, and just enjoy being with him.
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“Please tell me you are not taking these.” Anni exclaims, holding up a pair of chunky black platform boots. “They’re the ugliest things I’ve ever seen.” She giggles at the look of outrage on your face. 
You’ve recruited Anni and Yoongi to help you pack some of your belongings since it’s only seven short days until you leave for Hangyang and could use the extra pair(s) of hands. The afternoon has consisted mainly of Anni questioning your taste whilst Yoongi rocks on your desk chair, attempting to solve a rubix cube he managed to find. 
“Yes I am taking those! They’re cute and they make me feel tall.” You snatch the shoes from her and place them in your suitcase. “Right Yoongi?” You ask, looking for backup.
“Yeah, sure, whatever.” He mumbles without even bothering to look up from the toy in his hands. 
“I’m going to miss you and your ugly shoes so much.” Anni sighs dramatically earning an eye roll from you. 
“I’m only one hour away from your school babe.” You remind her. Like you, she’s also leaving Daegu for Seoul. “It’ll be easy for us to meet up.”
“Have you met your roommates yet?” She inquires, inspecting yet another pair of your shoes. 
“Yeah, I’m with two girls. They seem nice enough. We have our own separate rooms which is nice.”
“That means you can have boys over.” She says suggestively. You hear Yoongi scoff slightly under his breath. 
“Yeah yeah,” You dismiss. “Speaking of boys, what’s going on with you and Hobi?” 
“He does not shut up about you.” Yoongi pipes up to Anni’s delight. “Seriously. It’s annoying.”
“I like him a lot. And we get on great.” She gushes, face lighting up. “But we’re going to be so far apart come September.” While you both are leaving for the city, Hoseok is going south for school.
“You can still date long distance.” You suggest.
“No you can’t.” Yoongi cuts in bluntly. “It won’t work.”
“What?” You look at him incredulously. “Of course they can.”
“No they can’t.” He rebuts, leaning forward resting his arms on his knees.. “It might work for a while. But she’ll be busy and will be meeting new people and he won’t be a priority anymore, because he doesn’t fit into her new life!”
“She cares about him! She’ll make time for him to fit into her life!”
“That’s bullshit. It won’t happen.” Yoongi jeers, a nasty undertone to his words that’s far too visceral to be directed at Anni.
“Alright, jeez. Calm down you two.” Anni looks between you, wide eyed. “I know you both care about me and Hobi but you don’t have to take it so personally.”
You and Yoongi lock eyes for a moment, a secret realization transpires between you, about exactly why you’re taking one another’s words so seriously. Before the tension in the room can worsen, your mom knocks on the bedroom door.
“Come in.” You call. She pokes her head through the door. “Hey mom.”
“How’s the packing going?” She inquires, peering around the room.
“Getting there.” You exhale, blowing some stray hairs away from your forehead.
“Good, good.” She nods. “I just got back from the supermarket, I bumped into Kim Jangmi and we had a very interesting chat.”
“Kim Jangmi?” You struggle to recall the name. It sounds familiar but you don’t exactly know the name of every single one of your mother’s friends. 
“Yes! You know, from my book club? Anyway she was with her son and we all got to chatting and apparently you met him a few weeks ago. Kim Seokjin!”
“Oh….yeah.” You mumble. “He goes to Hangyang and we ended up speaking for a bit.” 
“The handsome guy from the party?!” Anni interrupts keenly.
“Gosh, he is handsome isn’t he?” Your mother agrees, a little too enthusiastically for your liking. “He said you’re going to meet up at school?”
You glance at Yoongi before you answer, he  is clearly pretending not to be interested in the conversation, looking at the rubix cube as if it is the most interesting thing he’s ever seen. “Maybe. I don’t know. I barely know him.”
“He gave you his phone number.” Anni chirps. 
Yoongi’s eyes flick to you.  
“He was just being friendly.” You feel defensive for some reason. “We are on the same course, that’s all.”
“He’s a really nice boy, y/n. The reason why I came here was to tell you he’s going to help us when you move in next week.” Your mom beams.
“What?” You gasp, annoyed. “Why did you have to rope him into that?!” 
“He offered!” 
You sigh, feeling frustrated and defeated. “Okay mom. I'm sure that’s a lie, but ok.”
“Stop being difficult, darling.” She sighs. “I’m going to start on dinner now. Yoongi, Anni, you’re both welcome to stay.”
Yoongi and Anni both say thank you before your mother bids her goodbye. It’s odd in the room now; you feel exposed as if Yoongi just found out a secret you’ve been hiding. You want to tell him you’re not interested in Seokjin. You want to tell him you’re only interested in him. But you can’t. So the three of you continue packing.
Anni doesn’t sense the tension. “I hope your mom is making mac and cheese for dinner. Hers is the best.”
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Seven days feels like a substantial amount of time but it’s not, Yoongi has come to understand. His last week with you flew by and he wishes he had even just one more day before you depart for Seoul. Seoul feels final. Seoul feels like the end.
Your life is going to change drastically, in almost every aspect, while his will remain the same. He knows it, feels it in his gut, that you’re going to leave him behind. You were always better than him, too good for him and now you’re going to realise it. And he’s been clinging on like a desperate man.
Somehow he manages to convince you to sneak out. It’s one am and you have to be up early for the big move but he’s grateful when you agree anyway. He’s waiting for you in his car. It’s silent apart from the low thrum of the idle engine and some indie rock playing over the radio at a low volume. 
You slip out of your front door, in a hoodie that Yoongi notes belongs to him. He can’t help how the sight makes his heart swell and excitement begin to race through him. He leans across the console and opens the passenger door for you. “Hi.” You whisper with a smile. 
“Hi.” He whispers back. 
He waits for you to buckle your seatbelt before pulling off. The roads are almost deserted at this time, a fact he finds oddly soothing. 
“Do I get to know where we are going or…?” You ask, peeking at him slyly out of the corner of your eye. 
“You’ll know in a minute.” Is his response. He’s taking you to a spot you’ve both been many times before. There’s an observatory at one of the highest points in town which gives an amazing view of the landscape below as well as the stars. It’s peaceful.
When he parks in the abandoned parking lot (the observatory has long since closed, lying abandoned now) there’s a fond smile playing on your lips. You like it here, having always been fond of the night sky. “Is there a reason you brought me here?”
“No,” He answers with a shrug. “Just wanted to have a nice last night with you.”
“You’re acting like I’m going to war or something.” You laugh. “I’ll be back and forth between here and Uni all the time.”
You say that now but he thinks (knows) the reality will be much different. 
He’s silent as he draws you in for a kiss. Hands cup your face and he pours as much intensity as he can into the gesture. His name falls breathlessly from your lips as he pulls away. “I need to tell you something.” He manages to choke out. He’s nervous and it constricts his vocal chords.
You blink a few times before your eyes widen with worry. “Is everything okay Yoongi?” 
“Yeah! Yeah..” He tries to convince you. “With you leaving and all I just wanted to let you know. Y/n… you mean a lot to me.” He takes a deep breath, an attempt to summon some courage, whilst you watch him curiously. “Our..friendship is different now. Things have changed.” No shit, he thinks. “I like you. So much. More than anyone else. I - I, you, you know?”
He wants to verbalise that he loves you so badly, but his brain is blocking the words from escaping. He feels like a fool. An emotionally stunted fool.
“Yoongi,” You say gently. Your eyes search his own and he knows you understand what he’s trying to say. You’ve always been excellent at reading him. “Me too.”
“I’ve never felt like this about anyone before.” He confesses in a low voice. “You’re everything to me.”
“I feel exactly the same.”
His heart constricts before thudding wildly in his chest. This was the answer he had hoped before. He hooks your pinky with his just like he always does. “Promise me if things change when you’re away we’ll be friends.” He can hardly look at you as he asks his desperate question.
“I promise.”  You squeeze his pinky tightly. “Nothing will change. You will always have me, Yoongi.”
Little more words and confessions are exchanged between you. Yoongi fucks you in the back seat of his car for what he hopes isn’t that last time. It’s different, passionate and slow. The windows steam up just like in the movies.
Still naked and sticky on top of you, he stretches forward and draws a heart in the condensation on the window. He writes both of your initials inside of it, then kisses you through your adorable giggles. 
The sun begins to rise and you watch it together before he drives you home.
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The next time you will see Yoongi will be December. Three whole months from now. The thought anxiously chews away at your insides as you watch his house disappear in your rearview mirror. He has the phone number of your dorm and you promised to arrange regular phone catch ups. With your mother’s blessing you gave him a copy of the key to your house so he will always have a refuge, even if you’re not there to be one for him.
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Areum and Oli are surprisingly easy to get along with. It’s never easy to live with people so you’re thankful you lucked out with some decent roommates. The first night away from home the three of you spend the evening drinking wine, eating take out and getting to know one another. 
Your room is cute, decorated with a few polaroids of you and friends and some fairy lights that twinkle at night. Among them is two pictures of you with Yoongi. The first from when you were ten and your mom managed to catch him and you napping on the sofa together and the second was from the last few months and he’s wearing that smile you love. It only makes you miss him more.
College officially doesn’t start for one week, the seven remaining days are filled with orientations and registrations and parties. Almost every bar and restaurant in the area have deals and themed nights on in order to entice the students out and it works.
The third night as an official Hangyang student you find yourself at dinner with Seokjin. After he had struggled to get your mattress into your room he had winked at you and said ‘you can make it up to me by buying me dinner’. Sufficiently guilty at receiving so much of his help you had agreed.
“I spent almost my entire first year here.” He jokes as he sits opposite you at a typical burger place he’d insisted you take him to. “You won’t find a better burger in a fifty km radius.”
“We’ll see. I have plenty of time to find out.”
Now that you’re out of the earshot of your parents you take the time to apologise for them roping him into helping you move. Seokjin waves it off with a genuine smile. If you didn’t know better you would think he wanted to help you. 
Surprisingly it’s easy to spend time with him and you soon discover you have a lot in common, beyond being on the same course and coming from the same town. He watches re-runs of 80s sitcoms too and loves bad horror movies. He even has the same obsession with milkshakes you do. 
“Let’s share one.” He suggests, ordering only one lone milkshake from the waitress. 
“This isn’t 1950. Or lady and the tramp.” You laugh, scrunching up your noise. 
“Hey! Lady and Tramp share spaghetti. Have some respect.” 
“Oh I’m sorry, I naturally should have assumed that you, a twenty two year old college male felt so strongly towards an old disney film.” You giggle.
He leans in close and beckons you to do the same, as if he’s going to whisper a secret. “I think it’s the cutest film ever.”
“Aw, you’re a secret softie.” You smile.
“The softest.” He agrees. 
Your milkshake arrives and it suddenly dawns on you why he wanted to order one to share. This thing was as large as a two liter bottle, and after a huge burger you doubt you could have finished one alone. 
It’s almost - dare you say it - cute, sharing the dessert with him. You’re glad you agreed to the dinner. It’s been years since you spent time with another boy that wasn’t Yoongi and it’s nice. Between some of the classmates you’ve met, your roommates and Seokjin college feels hopeful. You’re excited. 
You go to pay the check but Seokjin stops you with a laugh, assuring you he was only joking before. “Let me treat you, as a thanks for your time.” He says before walking away with a grin. 
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Three weeks away from home and your routine is beginning to shape and settle itself. Classes aren’t as hard as you expect them to be but you have a sneaking suspicion it won’t stay that way for long. Seokjin offers to help if you need it and you’re grateful that he’s slowly becoming a friend. 
Thursday nights have become a regular thing in your new home. Areum, Oli and yourself make it a thing to have dinner together and gossip about the week. Oli is majoring in sports medicine so is almost always busy while Areum is studying law, which all but shackles her to the library. 
There’s a knock on the door and you hop to your feet, hungry and eager to receive the chinese food you’d ordered for the three of you. To your surprise is Seokjin on the other side and not the delivery guy you’ve become so familiar with as of late. 
“Seokjin. Hey! What brings you here?” You ask, trying not to sound too put out. As far as you were aware you had no prior plans arranged.
“I just finished my shift at the library and thought I’d come see my favourite freshman.If that’s okay?” He eyes you curiously.
“My roommates and I were just about to have dinner. Unless you want to join?” One more can’t hurt and usually you order far too much food anyway. He agrees eagerly with a smile 
Areum and Oli have met Seokjin once before and they greet him warmly when he joins the three of you in the small sitting area. Areum helps you grab some plates and napkins in preparation for the food arriving. Once in the kitchen she peeks over her shoulder to make sure she’s not heard, whispering lowly - “Are you two dating now?” 
“W-what?” You stutter, so completely taken aback you almost drop the porcelain you’re holding. “No!” 
“Don’t look so offended.” Areum laughs at your reaction. “He’s gorgeous. And so into you.” “No he’s not. Don’t be ridiculous.” You’re quick to defend. Seokjin is your friend and nothing more. You have Yoongi. Sort of. 
“So you wouldn’t mind if he and Oli…?” She nods her head towards the two of them, talking and smiling.
“Of course not.” You answer sharply. Areum looks at you as if she doesn’t believe you but doesn’t press the topic further as you rejoin your friends.
“Oh y/n, before I forget someone called for you this afternoon. I totally forgot to say before I had my nap.” Oli says as you sit down. “That Yoongi guy.” 
Both of the girls are familiar with Yoongi, given the amount you speak with him.  You called each other every other night, it was unusual for him to call during the day. “Oh. Thank you for letting me know. Do you guys mind if I call him back real quick before dinner?”
Your friends assure you it’s fine and you disappear to the kitchen where the house phone resides. Quickly you dial Yoongi’s number, having long since memorised it. You eye the clock, hoping it’s him that answers and not one of his parents. Thankfully your silent prayer is answered when his gruff voice greets.
“Yoongi, it’s me.” You begin quietly. “I’m so sorry I missed your call today, I only just found out - “
“ - It’s okay.” He interupts gently. “You’re calling now.”
“How are things?”
He lets out a worrying sigh. Something in your gut alerts you that things are not good for him right now. “Mom’s in the hospital. Courtesy of Mr Asshole himself.” He spits the last part out with venom.
“Oh my god. Is she okay?” 
“Yeah. No. Well, she’s alive. He broke her jaw, knocked out a few teeth.” He says it so casually, it only further exemplifies how used to this behaviour he has become. It’s a miracle he is nothing like his father. “She lied about it to the doctors but y/n, they know. I can see it in their eyes and they either look at us like we’re stupid or that they pity us.”
“I’m sure they don’t think that. They probably see instances like this all the time. It’s heartbreaking as an outsider.” You assure. “This could be a huge turning point. To actually get your mom away from your dad.”
“Yeah.” He exhales. It’s clear he doesn’t believe your nor agree. “Fuck, I wish you were here right now y/n.”
“Me too.” You reply softly, heart aching in your chest. You wish you were too. “It’s almost the weekend, maybe I can book a train home?” You have your first assignment due in a week and definitely don’t have the time to waste at home but for Yoongi you would do anything. 
“You don’t have to do that.” He sounds choked up. You wonder if he’s crying. “I’ll be busy looking after my mom anyway. I just needed to hear your voice. I miss you.”
“I miss you. Remember you have my key? Use it as much as you need it. You can always come up here for a day or a weekend.” You suggest.
The knock at the door signalling that the food has arrived is loud enough that Yoongi hears it through the phone. Areum’s voice yells to you as she answers it. “Sounds like you have to go. I’m sorry if I’ve ruined your evening.” Yoongi tells you sadly.
“Can I call you later?” You ask hopefully.
“Please.” Yoongi sighs. 
“Bye Yoongi. Speak soon.”
You hang up, plastering on a fake look of happiness as you rejoin your friends. They seem convinced, apart from Seokjin. “Boyfriend troubles?” He asks, in a not so subtle attempt of inquiring information of your relationship status. Areum and Oli exchange a knowing glance. 
“No,” You reply with a shake of your head. “I don’t have a boyfriend. Just checking in with a friend back home.” 
“I see.” Seokjin side eyes you, a secret smile tugging at his lips. 
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Strangely, Yoongi sleeps better knowing his mother is in the safety of the hospital. He spends the night alone, dad having long since fucked off somewhere. Yoongi doesn’t know where and more importantly, he doesn’t care. There’s peace in his home for the first time in forever.
His mind wanders to you. He hopes he hasn’t ruined your evening too much. From what you’ve shared through the phone college life is kicking off to a wonderful start. He wishes he could experience it too.
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As you had anticipated, month two of college has your workload almost doubling. Thursday night dinners don’t happen weekly anymore, given how much time you spend studying just to keep up with the rest of your classmates. When you were in high school your natural ability allowed you to not just get by but succeed. 
To be struggling, this early on in college, feels embarrassing. 
You talk less frequently with Yoongi and your family. In fact you barely even see the people you live with. Seokjin, however you see often, given that he works in the library. The single downside to this means he’s the only one who knows your secret. That college is hard and you’re drowning a little.
Once again, it’s a friday night and you’re buried in a mountain of books, furiously taking notes. Your hand aches, you have eye strain and your stomach has been gurgling for the last hour and a half. The sound of the chair opposite you screeching along the marble floor forces you to lift your head. 
“You’re here more than I am.” It’s Seokjin, smiling at you as he plops down onto the chair. 
You sigh. “Yeah, we’ve got a huge essay due soon and I need to do well.”
“I can help you if you want. I’ve passed that course, remember?” He taps the side of his temple. “I’m as smart as I am handsome y/n.”
You can’t help but laugh as you roll your eyes. “I could use some help.” You begin timidly. “If you don’t mind! And you’re not busy. I know it’s Friday…”
“I’m happy to make time for you.” He smiles and you feel like a fool when it makes you blush. 
Seokjin spends a further hour in the library with you and your coursework. He helps you tweak the essay where it needs it, knowing exactly what the professors are looking for. By the time you’re almost done it feels as if a weight has been lifted from your shoulders. Your stomach embarrassingly gurgles again and that’s when he decides you’ve had enough for one night.
“Come on, we’re getting food.” He is so commanding you can’t help but go along with it. 
Both of your roommates are out for the night so heading to your place seems like the best idea, opting to pick up some food on the way. You’re so dead on your feet having Seokjin practically push and pull you around and then home is welcomed.
The shrill pitch of a telephone ringing welcomes you as you cross the threshold into your apartment. You dash for the phone leaving Seokjin to deal with the paper bag of take out food. “Hello?”
“Hey.” It’s Yoongi. “I’ve been calling you for ages, y/n. Where’ve you been?”
“I’ve been studying. I guess I lost track of time.”
“You said you’d call me at seven.” Yoongi sounds grumpy and defensive. You wonder what’s happened at home now.
“I’m sorry. School is kicking my ass Yoongi.”
“Then don’t tell me you’ll call me at seven if you’re busy.” He almost spits at you. Someone’s clearly in a bad mood tonight.
“I said I was sorry.” 
You watch Seokjin behind you as he dishes the food on plates for you both, politely pretending to not listen to your conversation. He has no choice, the phone is stuck to the wall, leaving you trapped there. 
Yoongi heaves a long sigh on the phone. “I’m just struggling a little too.” He admits, leaving you feeling instantly guilty. 
“How's your mom?”
“Not good, but not any worse.” 
“I know it’s hard without me and Hobi there, but christmas is soon and I’ll be home for nearly four weeks.” You remind him. 
“I can’t wait.”
Before you can reply Seokjin’s voice is tearing you away from the conversation. “Do you want to eat in your room or the couch?”
“Couch.” You reply, hand over the receiver in an attempt to mute your voice. 
“Who is that?” Yoongi's voice is terse.
“Just a friend staying for dinner.”
“It’s a guy.” Yoongi states.
“A friend.”
“You said you were studying.”
“I was.”
“It doesn’t sound like it. You’re ditching me for a college boy already and it’s only been a few weeks. Glad I’m so memorable to you.”
He hangs up and you stand there in shock, the sound of the dial tone echoing in your ear.
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Yoongi slams the phone down, an action that is usually satisfying but does nothing for him in the moment. He squeezes his eyes shut and takes a few deep breaths, willing the anger he feels surging to subside. How could you move on so easily? He definitely had not imagined your feelings for him. So either he was stupid, or you had lied.
You’re hanging out with a guy who is comfortable enough to suggest being alone together in your bedroom and you have the audacity to claim he’s ‘just a friend’. He’s someone you clearly are overly familiar with. Yoongi scoffs out loud in sheer disbelief. 
He has to pull himself together. He can’t allow himself to get angry, not when his mom needs him. She still has a few more weeks of recovery and he’s been taking care of her best he can. An unfortunate and tragic upside to his mom’s injuries is that his dad has left her alone, leading to a relatively peaceful home life. Yoongi can’t be the one to destroy it now by letting his emotions get the better of him.
A few more deep breaths and he’s in a decent enough headspace to go check on his mom. Her painkillers are due soon, anyway. Yoongi retrieves a granola bar and some fruit so she isn’t taking them on an empty stomach. 
“Mom?” He knocks on the door to the spare bedroom, where she has been resting. The room was formerly Yoonseoks. In a bid to cling onto some hope of him returning, his mother has kept it intact. Yoongi knows his brother isn’t coming back. 
She makes a noise signalling he’s welcoming to come in. Because of her injuries she’s unable to talk well at the moment. 
“I brought you some painkillers.” He says gently, placing the items on the nightstand. She hums appreciatively. “I spoke to Dad.” He sighs, sitting on the edge of the bed. His mom nods, muting the TV she had been watching. “He’s staying with Uncle Jihoon tonight.”
His mom weakley reaches to squeeze his hand affectionately. He knows that means thank you. 
“The hospital called and confirmed your sick pay will extend.”He sighs, rubbing at his tired eyes roughly. “I said you were getting better and would be back as soon as you could.”
He stares at her for a few moments, wishing he had a normal life like you do. “I love you mom, I’m going to leave the door open if you need me.”
“I love you too.” She replies. It makes his chest squeeze knowing that she spoke, even though it pains her. Just to tell her son she loves him.
He nods curtly and leaves the room, ensuring the door is ajar. When he’s back in his own room he collapses on the bed exhausted. The last few weeks have been draining and his sleep is suffering. It’s restless, fraught with bad dreams. He sleeps much lighter, listening out for his mother. 
He wishes he didn’t resent you and Hobi so much for leaving him. He wishes his dad didn’t have anger issues and no self control. He wishes his mom was stronger and told his dad to get out a long time ago. More than anything, he wishes he had a normal life.
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As ever you’re the nicer friend and you phone Yoongi to make up the next day. He feels like an asshole, knowing how much you hate conflict, but he misses your voice so much lately  that it’s enough to override his own dickery behaviour. As usual it  doesn’t take you long to have him smiling again. 
Before you part ways you tell him it’s only thirty three days until you’re home.  He promises to be there waiting for you at the train station the day you arrive. Something warm blooms in his chest and he realises it’s the first time he’s felt hopeful in weeks.
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Seokjin insists on taking you out on the last night before winter break. Your complaints about the cold fall on deaf ears as he all but drags you from your apartment. He wraps his oversized red scarf around your neck throwing out a see? Now you have nothing to complain about. And he was right it felt nice., The cotton is warm against your skin and smells like Seokjin’s cologne. 
There’s a large christmas market close to campus in which he buys you some hot chocolate. It reminds you of the smaller one back home that you and Yoongi would frequent ever since you were old enough to understand the concept of the holidays. 
“Let’s go for a walk.” Seokjin suggests. “The Yanghwa bridge is pretty at night.”
There’s a comfortable silence between you as you stroll side by side. He spots you shivering and slips an arm across your shoulders, tugging you close to his side. His body heat is welcoming. You peer up at him to try and read his expression but he’s staring straight ahead, a wry smile playing on his lips. 
“I love Seoul.” You sigh happily. “I might actually miss it back at Daegu.”
“I wish I was going back to Daegu. My parents always go to Japan this time of year.” 
“You gonna send me a postcard from Japan?” You ask jokingly, nudging him slightly with your shoulder.
“Obviously. How are you going to go weeks without talking to me?” He grins. 
You shake your head with a laugh. He’s been such a welcome intrusion to your life lately a tiny, miniscule, barely there, part wonders the same.
Seokjin stops walking when you reach the middle of the bridge. The view combined with the lights is spectacular. You almost miss how he angles his body towards you until his hands are slipping around your waist and pulling you against his lean figure.
“Y/n, I really like you.” He says thickly.
You are almost unable to respond. You’re not stupid, he’s been dropping hints for months now but to actually hear the words leave his mouth is alarming. Your mind is racing a mile a minute, heartbeat increasing as you think of Yoongi. You shouldn’t be in this precarious situation, you’re not together but he’s yours - 
Seokjin completely disrupts your internal monologue by pressing his soft, plush lips against your own. He’s gentle, fearful as if you might completely reject him. When you don’t (to your own surprise) he presses his mouth against you a little harder. 
You don’t want to admit to yourself how good it feels. 
Seokjin’s large hands tug you somehow impossibly tighter against his body as he slips his tongue against your bottom lip, parting your mouth as he goes. It’s so different to Yoongi. It’s sweet. It’s new, uncharted terrority. Just as you begin to get into it and further deepen the kiss, his touch becomes infuriatingly tame.
He smirks at you when he finally pulls away. You can only imagine how dazed you look. 
“I- uh, what was that for?”
“You look cute in my scarf.” Is all he says, as if he didn’t have his tongue down your throat a moment ago. He laughs when your face twists with disbelief. 
“Seokjin, I’m not - I can’t. I shouldn’t be doing this..” You cringe at how embarrassing that sounds and how incoherent it is.
The confident exterior he brought with him tonight cracks just a little. “Why? You said you didn’t have a boyfriend.” He frowns.
“I don’t. But there’s someone. It’s really complicated. I’m sorry.”
“Ah,” He nods as he accepts the meaning of your words. “I see,” He sighs. “I’m not totally out of the running I hope?”
“I - “
“Look. Think about it over break. I like you. We have fun together! It would be nice to see where it could go.”
“Seokjin - “ You try once more. He shushes you with a smile. 
Despite the kiss the rest of the evening is nice. Thank god you don’t have to see him for a while though. 
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The nearly four hour train ride back to Daegu leaves you with plenty of time to think. Too much time, as it turns out. As much as you attempt to bury yourself in the book and magazine you’ve brought to serve as distractions. 
Seokjin kissed you last night. Seokjin kissed you. Seokjin kissed you and you liked it.
You’re on your way to see a boy who you have admitted openly how you feel for him, a boy who has waited months for you and you spent your last moments away kissing someone else. Even though you and Yoongi aren’t official you still feel awful. And if you’re brutally honest with yourself it’s because you can envision dating Seokjin. One could argue you sort of are already. He’s definitely been courting you.
When you step onto the platform and observe Yoongi for the first time, your breath traps in your throat. He looks like a brooding artist standing there in his leather jacket and chuck taylors. Your walk turns into a half run in a bid to get to him as quickly as possible. 
He huffs an ‘oomf’ when you crash your body into his but hugs you so tightly that he sweeps you off your feet. 
Yoongi carries your suitcase to the car for you. Neither of you can wipe the lovesick smiles from your faces. He holds your hand across the console as he drives, occasionally rubbing his thumb on your palm. It’s so sickeningly domestic and you love it.
When you’re finally alone in your room his lips are on your neck before either of you have removed your outer clothing. He’s all kisses and whispered praise as he undresses you. You’re naked on your back for him as he licks your pussy and all you can manage to breathlessly gasp is “I fucking missed you.”
You come with his tongue buried inside you and his fingers tweaking your nipples. “I fucking missed you, my pretty girl.” He whispers, biting the shell of your ear. 
The weight of his heavy cock in your hand is familiar. A visible shudder runs through him at your touch. When you get on your knees for him an exhilarated sigh leaves his lips. “Gonna suck my dick huh?” He’s almost mumbling to himself. You answer him by taking his cock in your mouth. He groans like he’s never had his dick wet before. “Fuck,” spills from his mouth like a mantra. 
Before he has the chance to get carried away he’s fisting your hair and flipping you onto your front. Yoongi fucks you harshly from behind. The hand in your hair grasps at your scalp to leave your head permanently tilted back for him. He shoots his seed as deep inside of you as the angle allows. 
His heavy breath on your neck and sweat on your skin feels fucking fantastic. You could die right now, happy, satiated and stupidly in love with Min Yoongi.
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Christmas Day had always been just another day in the Min household. He only became aware of how abnormal his family’s style was when he was barely a preteen and other kids at school would discuss the fantastical ways they spent their holidays. Even kids who didn’t celebrate the holiday seemed to enjoy it more. He didn’t particularly feel much about Christmas.
Until he met you. And your family welcomed him with open arms. A gesture which included inviting him over every single year. The invitation extended to his family but usually he attended solo (except for that one time Yoonseok joined and spitefully pushed your plate onto your lap). 
This year is no different. 
Your mom feeds him well. She’s kind to him, taking a keen interest in his life. Your father always asks about the one interest they have in common - basketball. It’s not much but Yoongi’s dad has never broached the subject. 
After dinner you suggest going for a walk, an idea with which Yoongi happily obliges. Unable to stop himself he’s lacing your hands together the moment you’re out of eyesight from your parents’ house. He kisses the back of your knuckles as he throws you a devilish grin. 
Naturally you gravitate towards the enormous Christmas tree and ice rink in the town center. It’s been a long standing tradition, however it feels far more romantic this time. It’s just the two of you and you’re holding hands, just like the other couples that frequent the area. The sparkling lights on the fir light up your eyes like stars.
Snow begins to fall as you come to a stop at the wooden railing that separates the tree from the public. Yoongi lifts the hood on your parka jacket up for you, kissing you on the cheek as he goes. It’s not even comparable for the amount you do for him but anything he can give you he will.
Adorably you nuzzle into him, resting your head on his chest. His arms automatically wrap around you and he lets out a breath of content. You probably won’t be able to stay out much longer given the rapidly declining temperature so he’ll enjoy this while he can. 
A voice startles him, calling out from somewhere in the distance. Yoongi’s head whips round to see Hoseok and Anni of all people. Without thought he quickly, albeit harshly, pushes you away from him, lest you get caught in such a compromising position. No one knows about you two and he’d like to keep it that way. He already knows you’re too good for him; he does not need others reinforcing it at every opportunity. 
Yoongi doesn’t think he’s made a mistake until he glimpses one look at your hurt, confused expression. 
“Hey guys.” Hobi greets you both warmly. Yoongi notices he’s holding hands with Anni. 
“Hey.” You reply. “Merry Christmas! It’s nice to see you both.”
“You too!” Anni replies warmly. “Did you have Christmas at the l/n house?”
“Yeah.” Yoongi mutters. “Just walking off the carbs.” 
“Hobi met my parents for the first time.” Anni’s expression is one of pure happiness and he can’t help but feel a little jealous. “We had dinner together too.”
“Aw, that’s lovely.” You say. Yoongi can tell you’re upset, your tone sounds forced. “I bet they adored you Hobi.”
“”Of course.” Hoseok flashes that winning smile. “When are you both free? We should go for dinner or something.”
“How about - “ Yoongi starts.
“I’m not sure, I’ve got lots of schoolwork.” You cut him off and he shuts up instantly. “I’ll phone you Anni and we can sort something out?”
“Sure.” Anni says slowly. “We’ll leave you guys. I want to go inside anyway because I'm cold. Hopefully see you soon!”
Anni gives you a warm hug while Yoongi hugs Hoseok. They both wave cheerfully as they leave. He watches their happy retreating forms until they disappear round a corner. When he faces you once more your body language has completely shifted. Arms folded across your chest, gaze turned downwards. 
He feels uncomfortable, he knows he hurt you but he’s not entirely sure how. Now it’s awkward. “Should we uh, walk some more?”
“Are you sure you want to be seen with me? You pushed me away from you so fast back there I almost fell over.” You mumble. 
“I didn’t mean to. Hobi and Anni don’t know about...anything.”
“So?” You finally look up to meet his eyeline. To his utter dismay your big eyes are glossy with unspilled tears. “Would it be so bad if they did?”
“Uh..I, um. I don’t know.” He trips over his wording like an idiot. The only reason he’s never breathed a word about your illicit activities to anyone is because he naturally assumed you didn’t want anyone to know. Yoongi wasn’t exactly the epitome of a model boyfriend.
“Why have you never asked me on a date? Why have you never asked me to be your girlfriend?” You demand and he panics. He doesn’t have an answer stronger than I don’t know and he’s confused as to why you’re so angry. He naively assumed what existed between you was enough. 
“Do you seriously think someone like me would make a good boyfriend?” He all but groans. You of all people should understand that fact. He’s never had a girlfriend. “I don’t do relationships.”
“Then why treat me like I’m yours? Why hold my hand? Why tell me you love me?!”
He doesn’t know what to say. He makes the fatal mistake of shrugging. 
You laugh mockingly. “Do you even love me? It feels like you’re just ashamed of me. Couldn’t even stand to touch me in front of your best friend. Just like that I let you have sex with me, I guess.”
“Y/n…” He starts. How is he even supposed to respond? This is all his fault. He’s only ashamed of himself, never you. “I can’t be what you need.”
An uncomfortable tightness constricts in his chest at the verbal admission. The sentiment has been lurking in the back of his mind since the moment he first started noticing you as more than just his friend. You deserve someone happy, stable, with a good background. Not the chaotic baggage he brings.
“You’re not allowed to have your cake and eat it too, Yoongi. That’s not fair.” You sniff as a lone tear escapes. “You can’t treat me this way, get jealous about dudes and then refuse to claim me.”
He had never even thought about it like that, unable to realise that’s what he had been doing to you.
“A guy at college kissed me, you know.” You blurt, heatedly.  His guilt quickly turns to shock and now Yoongi wants to throw up because you lied to him. You were off at college kissing people and then hopping back to him, the fool that waits for you no matter what.
“Is that so?” He mutters, hot anger bubbling in his chest. You nod staring at him fiercely. “I’ve met someone too.” It’s a lie. “I just respected you enough not to do anything.”
The entire atmosphere changes. You’re gawking at him as if he’s slapped you in the face.
“You've met someone?” 
He hums in agreement, terrified to commit even further to the lie. 
“No one that you know. But you’ve obviously met someone too, so it’s whatever.”
Mascara tears spill down your cheeks and it physically pains to witness. He turns his head to the side, unable to watch any further. He did this to you. 
“If it’s ‘whatever’ to you then maybe we shouldn’t do this - ” A sob chokes you mid sentence. “ - anymore.”
How is his Christmas day ending so spectacularly poorly? How is this his current reality? Yoongi’s brain and mouth stall, torn between the desire to rescue this horrific situation and hate you for kissing someone else. It simultaneously feels like a lifetime and a split second before you’re speaking, deciding for him.
“Nothing to say? Really?! Maybe I don’t know you so well after all,” the evident heartbreak in your voice makes his eyes burn. Now he really can’t bear to look directly at you. 
“You kissed someone.” He mumbles, weak and pathetic. “Maybe I don’t know you.”
“I’m leaving, don’t follow me.” 
He glances just in time to watch you walk away. “Fuck,” He groans a little too loudly, attracting the attention of a family nearby. Angrily he kicks a stone and clutches at his hair. He might be the biggest idiot alive. This is exactly why he could never be your boyfriend, he can’t handle anything.
Cold and numb, and not just from the weather, he reaches inside the breast pocket of his jacket and pulls out a cigarette. It’s a fairly new habit, so new you don’t even know about it yet, but fuck, does he need to take the edge off. 
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You manage to escape your parents and disappear to the safety of your bedroom as soon as you arrive home. Aggressively you draw your curtains shut, a not so subtle message to Yooni. The implication is clear; you do not want to talk. You doubt he’ll be making an appearance tonight anyway. This was no regular arguement.
You recall that night you left for school, the night he told you he loved you. Technically he never said the words. You. knowing him for most of his life, had assumed he felt what you had. Perhaps you assumed incorrectly. Horrifically inaccurately. And now your heart is wilting in your ribcage. 
Stupid, lovesick, little girl.
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The train ride back to Seoul is bordering on unbearably lonely, despite the carriage full of passengers. The days after Christmas that bled into New Years seem like a depressing blur that you don’t wish to recall but somehow can’t stop thinking about.
You haven’t heard from Yoongi since that horrible night. You wonder if someone else is occupying his time and that’s why he doesn’t wish to make amends. It’s always you extending the proverbial olive branch. You want him to want to do the same. Right now it looks like he doesn’t.
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a/n: if this gave you a rollercoaster of emotions and made you feel sad, dw you’re not the only one, lol. each part is going to be about 20k so buckle up babies! (this story is still going thru editing so if u see mistakes IM SORRY) thank you as always for reading :)))))) P.S feedback makes me happy, lmk what u think! what u think might happen! if you want to slap me for writing so much angst lol! <3
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i don’t condone any copying or translations of my work. written 2020©
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trashytoastboi · 4 years
hello angel ✨🤍! congratulations on 200+ 🎊 i was wondering if i could request law, kid, and sanji(separately) headcanons on how they’d react to their s/o getting compliments and positively approached in public for their looks a lot? thank you 💗💖💕!!
Hiya!🍀 thank you~ and of course ^.^ hope you enjoy~
Askbox: Currently closed
(Gender neutral)
Headcanons: Law, Kid, Sanji – Reaction to their S/O getting compliments and being approached in public for their looks.
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Trafalgar Law
🍄 {Name} had always possessed a very mesmerising kind of beauty to them and Law was instantly taken in by it. When he had eventually gotten to know them only to discover their wonderful personality as well, it’s an understatement to say just how swept up Law felt by them.
🍄 On one of the rare days when they could get away to spend some time together, Law had decided an impromptu date would be something nice for a change of pace. Disembarking and exploring around, while they were looking at some of the events going on in the town when somebody approached {Name}
🍄It was a common occurrence for {Name} to be approached sometimes it was for compliments, other times it was for opportunities to be a model or even asked on dates.
🍄 Law is happy that others can see just how wonderful {Name} is…but at the same time – he finds it annoying. Especially when they’re together and someone approaches them to ask them on a date.
🍄Law felt himself growing irritated, it was the third person to ask for date, Law glared down the person as he grumbled his annoyance and casually throwing his arm around them. {Name} chuckled and declined explaining that they were with someone already – and that someone was the pouty man beside them.
🍄Law felt it necessary to be more affectionate with {Name} especially when in public and normally Law was a bit more on the reserved side when it came to PDA but he thought it was called for to keep away the stragglers. Even so, he never outright chases people away for approaching {Name} since most of them do genuinely want to compliment them and he finds it a good confidence boost for his S/O.
🍄Despite all the times they are approached and received compliments they still enjoy being complimented by Law the most and he knows this. Law tends to compliment them a lot. {Name} always reassures Law that he is the only one they’re looking at. They will continue the remainder of their date with Law holding his partner close with an arm around their waist.
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Eustass Kid
🛠 Even for Kid who considers himself immune to the wiles and appearance of others could never deny how bewitching {Name’s} looks were for him, instantly driving him into a bit of a crush for them. The crush drove him to get to know {Name} and fall for them. (Although he still claims they fell for him first)
🛠When spending time together, Kid tries to make the most of it before dangerous situations or something else should arise. He is certainly not the most forthcoming to those who approach {Name} and tends to be quite aggressive towards the strangers who are disrupting his quality time with {Name}.
🛠Previously {Name} had always been approached, which Kid disliked a lot but didn’t do anything since they were not together yet. After becoming a couple he became much more protective over {Name}. There have been a few incidents when they had to stop Kid from attacking the poor unsuspecting person who had confessed to {Name} without the knowledge that they were with Kid.
🛠 Kid honestly gets an ego boost from others who approach {Name}, since to him it’s like having a treasure that no one else can have. Plus knowing how amazing {Name} actually is and feels pride knowing that they are all his. Still doesn’t help the aggravation that also comes with others approaching {Name}.
🛠He will either go for a silent and intimidation tactic making sure to stand very close to {Name} almost as if to show that they are together, if that doesn’t work. Then shouting, glaring and threatening tends to do the job, he will generally act as the mediator between {Name} and the stranger. Aggression will get worse if {Name} had been approached multiple times during their date.
🛠When Kid gets jealous he tends to become very grumpy and sulk, his S/O will instantly pick up on it and Kid might be bold enough to pull them in for a very passionate and public kiss, making sure everyone sees. This can fluster {Name} a lot and Kid will not always do it to avoid making them uncomfortable.
🛠After initial jealousy and irritation has died down, Kid has the inclination of wanting affection from {Name} both as reassurance but also since he doesn’t have to worry about unintentionally making {Name} uncomfortable with his overzealous displays of affection while in public.
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🍽 Sanji has an immense appreciation for everything he deems beautiful and that was extremely evident in the case of {Name}. The very sight of them left Sanji incapacitated with a near life threatening nosebleed. {Name} was pretty shocked to be approached by Sanji who had blood dripping down his face all the while flirting with them.
🍽 He always, ALWAYS. Makes time for dates with {Name} whether it’s a date that had been specifically planned or just something impromptu like the two of them going out for a walk, Sanji made sure that there was always time for the two of them. Sanji and {Name} were sitting together looking at the scenery when a few people approached {Name} to compliment them which left them feeling uplifted from all the nice compliments.
🍽 Sanji always enjoyed seeing {Name} happy especially when they got compliments from passerby’s. The only time Sanji was upset was when an artist approached {Name}, proclaiming love for them and even going on to say things like ‘You are my muse’ – Sanji took this as a sign of outrageous flirting and instantly shut the artist down.
🍽Beyond the few creepers and suitors, Sanji isn’t too upset when people approach {Name}. He is however very protective of {Name} and wary about the people who approach them, so while he may not be overtly irritated he tends to keep his guard up.
🍽 Sanji’s reaction to {Name} being approached always depends on the intention of the person approaching them. If it is a compliment, opportunity or something in that spectrum – he is actually quite proud of having {Name} as his S/O. Sanji only reacts badly when it’s people asking his S/O out on a date, passing suggestive comments or flirtatious remakes and those who just come across with a negative vibe.
🍽 {Name} instantly knows when Sanji is feeling jealous since he tends to hold their hand tightly, whether in sight of people or not. It’s his tell, since Sanji can hide his jealousy for the most part. Especially when all these people have been talking to his S/O.
🍽 {Name} reassures Sanji who will deny the fact that he was feeling jealous and tends to want to hold {Name}, whether it’s a hug or just having them nestle in his side while they sit together, it’s very calming for Sanji.
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igzsatelier · 4 years
Diamond Heart.
• It won't take too long for Mondo to realise he's interested in someone.
• After he realised he likes you, he gets nervous, slightly sweaty and blushes more, ends up yelling and shouting at you on impulse(then mutters an apology while looking elsewhere except you), smiles/grins A LOT more. He acts like this whenever you both are alone, though. • But when you both aren't alone, he would be distant. He doesn't approach you, yet he's almost always near you for e.g in the classroom, the cafeteria, the library, outside the school. Surprisingly, you'll hardly notice him at all, which is kinda impressive for a tall,buff guy with such recognizable hairdo. He's almost always quiet(and maybe stealthily) just so he can admire you from afar without getting noticed. • If you did manage to catch him staring at you, he'll quickly look away and act nonchalant and being in his usual demeanor, pretending as if he didn't look at you just now, with pink dusted on his cheeks. • His real intentions were to find the right timing to catch you alone, so he could saunter over to you and hang out/chat with you. He'll get frustrated if he can't, especially when you're always with your friends. But if you're alone most of the time, then you're making his plan way more easier. • He'll do subtle hints to show you that he's interested in you, like, helping you out with carrying stuff, accompanying you and bringing you where you need to go, him being protective of you, but, it's a bit difficult to decipher whether or not he's actually interested in you, because, he's quite helpful to others too. • Fortunately, it won't be so hard to notice if there's only the two of you. His stance would be, unnerving and kinda scary, as if he's going to punch you in the face at any moment, but no that's not the case, he's just anxious and blushy. • Another thing is that he would try to impress you! Let's say, doing tricks with his bike, flexing his buff muscles right in front of you, stuff he thinks that makes him manly and awesome. • Plus another reminder, he can be such a jerk and be annoying to you sometimes. You could either be red from embarrassment, or annoyance. • He'll mess with you in small ways like, dangling a book over the top of your head so you can't reach it, make snarky remarks, when you make silly mistakes he'll tease you about it. If you get flustered over compliments and praises(by him) then he'll definitely do that, mercilessly. He'll keep doing these things just to enjoy the sight of you being all riled up, he thinks it's charming. And also because you looked so cute, dammit he couldn't resist! • Get back at him, and he'll end up red in the face, and his voice will get louder too. If he's too overwhelmed, he'll just huff and walked away from you quickly. • He wants to say it, but confessing to you is going to be difficult for him, because, he's not use to feeling and showing himself being "weak" or vulnerable to anyone. • So to make this confession more bearable for him, he'll desperately look for any signs that you're interested in him too! And when he does find anything that could possibly meant you had romantic feelings for him, he'll be a little relief and glad. • When he finally confesses to you, it is....super awkward(for him). His words jumbled slightly, can't look directly at you, gets frustrated because he couldn't get it out right, then he'll outright shouts at you that he's into you, practically a bit sweaty. • Reject his feelings, and he'll totally respect that. That doesn't mean he won't be disappointed and upset later, and he will distanced himself from you.
• BUT if you confessed first, he'll be frozen for a few moments before staring at you, his eyes gleaming and asked if you could say it again.
• Return his feelings, and he'll be so fuckin' ecstatic! He might bear-hugged you and spin you around in his arms with a wide grin as a response. Either way, he's so relief it didn't turn out worse.
• He may or may not ask you out on a date after that. If he didn't, thats okay. The next time you're going to school he'll bring you there on his bike, and he'll be beside you all the time during school, whether you're in public or not, with an arm slung over your shoulders, a confident smirk on his face.
Bonus :
• Mondo? Flirting?? HAHA
• Mondo doesn't flirt. He'll be a mess when he starts flirting with someone he likes, and it ends up at him shouting at you before bailing.
• He will beat himself for messing up, then he repeats step one. This dude is trying too hard, oml.
• If he did succesfully said it, you will feel his eyes burning through you. To be honest, it's....giving you major anxiety, because, he's watching you like a hawk, and you have no idea whether to actually respond or not. It makes you think that if you give him a wrong answer, he'll be pissed off. Him on the other hand, he's anxious on how you'll react, and mentally prepares for any negative response you give him.
• If you end up brushing it off as a compliment, he'll be a little dejected.
• If you end up confused, he'll stammer and struggles telling you feeble explanations.
• If you end up giving him a nervous/intimidated response, he immediately feels guilty. He'll apologize, and may or may not tell you the reason behind it, beads of sweat on his forehead.
• But if you end up flustered, oh boy, he'll be surprised. That's a good sign right?
• To comfirm his suspicions of you having a crush on him, he does it a few more times. Unlike before, he becomes a smooth fucker(but mostly teases you), kinda makes you wonder how he becomes confident in such a short time, but he'll still be blushy throughout his interactions with you. He'll be cocky as fuck when he keeps getting the same results, and that will give him a huge push to confess to you.
• He might confess to you this way, and when you returned his feelings, he'll be like, "I knew it" with a smirk.
• Please flirt with him.
• He will be very embarrassed once he realised you were flirting with him, because, this never happened to him before, especially from someone he likes. So this feels new to him.
• He has no fucking idea on how to respond or what to do. Should he flirt you back? (It rarely happens, he's an emotional mess) He might awkwardly thank you, and thats it.
• If you won't quit your winking and teasing touches, he'll straight up shout at your face to fuckin' cut it out, with his face completely flushed.
• You don't uwu
• Does...does this mean you're into him?? Oh man, he has mixed feelings about this, but he mostly feels excited. "Holy shit! They like me...?!"
• He won't say it, but he likes the attention you're giving him.
• If you confess to him this way, Mondo.exe stops working. The feeling's mutual, and he's secretly glad that you confessed instead of him, because he doesn't want to accidentally scare you away if it was the other way around.
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prose-for-hire · 4 years
Sticky Situation
Pairing: Spike x Wyndam-Pryce!Reader
Request: Kinda vague request but, I'd love to see a Spike x Wyndham-Pryce!Reader set in S5 of Angel. Maybe reader's a former watcher sibling duo with Wesley, maybe Wesley's a parental figure? Idk, Go nuts!
Requested by: 🦋🗡️ anon
A/N: I went for former watcher siblings !! I hope this is okay !!💖🖤
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Angel announced to his team that he had drafted in some outside help. You were on contract to Wolfram and Hart to assist them track this demon that could teleport. You just so happened to have the exact device and knowledge on how to use it that they needed.
Angel contacted you, he had heard that you were on the side of good from word of mouth and so was happy to ask you to join his team for a moment. It was just lucky you had moved to LA already.
You used a different last name on documents less your father finally track you down through his council connections so when he had hired you, he hadn’t realised who you were. Just that you were known for being incredibly talented at tracking demons. A sort of rogue demon Hunter, if you will.
You walked into the large office space and two people immediately recognised you.
“Y/n?” They both asked at the same time before frowning and looking at each other in confusion.
Suspicion began to grow in the air. From all sides. Nobody could put together how somebody that looked the way you did could have a life that crossed paths with both Spike and Wesley.
“Huh, small world” you muttered. As if this wasn’t the most ridiculous coincidence of all time. Stood before you, along with the rest of Angel’s core team who you were yet to be introduced to, were both your brother and the vampire you had been seeing recently.
“Anyone wanna fill us in?” Angel looked between the three of you. He was expecting some drama, there always was with his team involved.
Wes and Spike started to speak at the same time, talking over each other, both stopped and squinted at each other. They both about to open their mouths to speak again when you cut in.
“Wes is my brother and Spike, well, Spike’s my-“
“Special friend, right love?”
Wesley and Angel shared an eye roll at his phrasing. But the room around you appeared to relax. You weren’t evil, that was the main thing. Wesley didn’t really know what to make of what was happening he just stared at you.
“We’ve been dating” you corrected him before your brother popped a blood vessel.
You and Spike had met at a strip club six months ago. You were there because a shapeshifting demon with a taste for male arousal (and subsequently flesh) was prowling the area. He would insist he was there for the same reason although you knew for a fact he was about to be the next hapless victim.
You had teased him about it and he had looked at you for a moment before offering to buy you a drink. It had only got better from there.
You had nodded your hello to Wesley, you hadn’t seen him in a while. Both of you had hit the ground running since you managed to escape your childhood home lives and barely looked back since. You did call each other for birthdays and to check in every couple of months (usually when you moved to a new place).
Spike was surprised you were related to Wesley, it hadn’t been obvious to him. Despite the family resemblance that was clear now you were in the same room. And how your speech pattern changed back to match his now that you were speaking with him.
“We both trained as Watchers together” Wesley added, informing the room about the connection you had. He had never mentioned a sibling and so everyone was suddenly very interested and looking between you both to catch the similarity.
“It could get competitive” You grinned fondly. You and Wes had to make it at least a little entertaining or you would have both died of boredom.
“Bloody hell, you used to be a watcher?” Spike asked, looking at you as if you were an alien.
“It was, uh, expected of us. Wyndam-Price family tradition.” Wesley said, his voice devoid of emotion.
“Don’t remind me” you added and Wes nodded once in understanding.
Angel soon moved talk along to why you had been there and a brief overview of who was working with who. He finished and people began to filter back to the departments they worked in until you needed them later.
You eventually moved to greet Wes properly after you were introduced to the other members of the team. You smiled at him. You had been closer when you were growing up, you had to be. You relied on each other and he often felt he had to protect you because he was older.
He had always had this protective streak he had just never revealed it to you so clearly. There had been people in your youth he had confronted, getting himself mercilessly tormented in your place.
He muttered something about wishing he had known you had moved here. That he worried about you when he didn’t hear from you which you
He became embarrassed at his admittance and instead changed the subject. Talk turned immediately, as it usually would, to the task at hand. Wesley described the details of the why and the what. And you provided the where best to look and the how.
After a few days on the job you were settling in seamlessly. Angel even began to consider asking you to join the team full time seeing as you already had a few connections here. You explained that your device would work its magic and you would walk around at night to try and get a better signal.
It had also given peace of mind to Angel over something he had been worrying about. Recently, Spike went missing for days on end (especially on a weekend) and Angel had been concerned that he was up to something. Turning back to evil ways. But he had just been spending a lot of time with you. You weren’t used to spending this much time with someone, you rarely stayed in one place longer than a few months. So this was something special.
It was a dream having you working in the same office. He made sure that everyone knew you were together. His hand often curled around your waist. He pressed absent-minded kisses against your temple when the others were talking. And he definitely convinced you to sneak away into the store cupboard more than once.
You being a temporary part of the team was actually doing wonders for your relationship. You were connecting on a much deeper level. One he had thought he would never feel with another person again.
He liked to be with you, by your side. He was quite clingy but he played it off very cool. You enjoyed it though, he adored you and you matched his feelings so easily. It didn’t get in the way either, you were both still ready for a fight anything that came your at any time. You complimented each other so well.
You were stood in Wesley’s office, debating your brother on some light reading. Well, it was light to the two of you considering you had been watchers. It was just a waiting game now, your device was trying to latch onto the demon you were looking for and you couldn’t do anything until then.
Spike stalked in while you were talking. He didn’t knock and slid a hand against your waist, pulling you against him so your hips connected. You were still talking as he did this, the movement becoming so natural between you both. Spike truly was someone that made you comfortable. And Wes noted this. But raised his eyebrows at you in that way he always had when he tried to pull rank on you for being the older brother.
You smiled as Spike had been oblivious to what this look meant. You leaned in and kissed his cheek, whispering that you needed to speak to your brother alone for a moment. He shrugged, leaning in to catch your lips before insisting he had wanted to go and annoy Gun anyway.
“Charlie boy!” you could hear Spike shouting through the glass trying to locate him. You sat on Wes’ desk for a moment before the conversation you had been expecting since you arrived started.
“Spike? Really?” Your brother questioned when he had walked away.
“We’re adults now, Wesley. I can make my own decisions on who I wish to date” Not to mention you had heard of his relationship with someone called Lilah. It was hot office gossip and she sounded like bad news.
“Your taste was always disastrous. But – Spike?”
“What? Come on, he’s a very pretty man” You offered with a teasing smile. You both looked through the glass to watch him talking animatedly to Gunn about something.
“I’m sure I wouldn’t care to comment” He looked back down at the book you had been discussing. You smiled, walking around to where he was sat.
“Oh, brother. Do you need your glasses cleaning?” You teased further, reaching for his glasses, “Look, here-”
“Remove your hand or else” he swatted at you.
“Or else? Are we back in prep school?” You laughed and he joined you. It was nice to see you again he couldn’t help feel guilty he hadn’t made more of an effort to reach you. He always waited for you to call him.
Your laughter died down after a while and you finished your discussion. You eventually felt Spike’s eyes on the back of your head, he was becoming a lot softer and liked to be by your side a lot more visibly. So, you got up telling Wes you would swing by again later.
“Y/n?” he asked just as you got to the door.
“I meant what I said, I worry - please, be careful” He frowned at his admittance. You matched him. You weren’t usually the types to say things like that outright. You were a lot more affectionate towards each other than your parents had been. But him saying this was new.
Maybe he had really meant it when he told you it would be nice if you stayed in LA a few days ago. You usually travelled. Didn’t stay in one place much (less your parents get a hold of you somehow). You did miss Wes and now you had even more reason to stay.
You rushed back over to him and hugged him, almost bowling him over. He shook his head but he was smiling slightly reciprocating the hug.
He then watched you slink over to Spike and he rolled his eyes getting back to his paperwork. It really wasn’t entertainment to him to watch you flirting with a formerly evil vampire. It was neither new or original. He had watched people do this with Angel for the last four years.
The though of having Spike as a brother in-law was almost shudder-inducing but he didn’t mind so much. Because at least it meant he wouldn’t lose touch with his sibling again.
Later that afternoon, you and Spike were stood laughing over an anecdote he had told about Angel when something in your back pocket began to light up. The device. The demon.
Your eyes widened. You had located it. This was the good bit. You wouldn’t even have to go to the demon, the demon would be coming right to you.
The device could act as a homing beacon for whenever the demon was in range. You pressed the button, nodding wordlessly to Spike who began to rally everyone of the main team out of their respective offices. You could communicate wordlessly with him. You were a team, the two of you.
He watched you take control of the room. He had always known you were incredible at your job but he was in awe watching you being so commanding. Making sure everyone was blocking off the exits. You were directing the room and ensuring everything was just so.
The demon arrived and tried to teleport but the room was now preventing it from doing so. You braced yourself as it tried to fight, ducking as it threw staplers and office equipment your way to try to distract you.
You dialled the button on your device all the way up and everyone else covered their ears. They knew the plan. The frequency was set so that the demon would hear a very high pitched noise. You had advised Lorne to stay out of rage just in case but it wasn’t fatal to humans. It just made your ears ring for a few days after.
The demon combusted. But not without leaving its last ploy against the team. It exploded, leaving gallons of thick sticky goo propelled around the room (much more than appeared could conceivably fit inside its body).
The entire room was covered. Everyone was drenched in the green liquid. Nobody had escaped.
Your eyes widened, you had forgotten about that part. You wiped your face as the rest of the room did. Angel sighed, shaking his head at the mess but the rest of the room congratulated you between their collective ‘ews’. You noticed your brother’s nod of approval. The demon would have killed large swathes of the population had you not done it.
Spike, however, had the most enthusiastic congratulations of all. He launched himself at you, his lips on yours despite the sticky situation everyone had found themselves in. He just loved you so much and seeing you that way, he wasn’t even sure what came over him. He just wanted to show you how he felt. He lips moved against yours, with such immeasurable feeling. His hand cupping your face as you slid your hands up his back adoringly. You pressed yourselves closer together.
Everyone was still complaining but you and Spike didn’t care. You kissed through the sticky goo that plastered everywhere. You even kissed through the rest of the office making their passive aggressive comments at the water cooler.
You really could see yourself sticking around this time. For good.
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