#especially if ur video is getting thousands of views??
rollercoasterwords · 2 years
feel like i shouldn't have to say this but if ur gonna copy and paste quotes from my fanfic as ur tiktok content the very least u could do is give me credit for my own writing 😐
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solar-wing · 5 months
⚣ 5+1: TikTok Trends 🤳🏽
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⚣🤳🏽 A/N → I kept seeing all these couple trends on TikTok and it made me think of how Jason would react to these very same trends with his boyfriend...so I wrote it. tee hee WARNINGS: established relationship | social media trends | relationship goals | fluff/comfort | jason's had enough |
⚣🤳🏽 Summary → Five times Y/N did a social media trend/prank on Jason and the one time the vigilante finally got his boyfriend back.
⚣🤳🏽 Words → 3.7K
REBLOGS & replies are greatly appreciated, please! 💛
⚣ ENJOY 🤳🏽
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Social media is an interesting thing with a variety of uses. You could use it to connect with old friends from high school and college, remembering the good ole days. It could be a place to connect with other people in specific communities so individuals could find those they related to and shared similar views and interests with. More than ever, it could be used to spread activism and political messages.
For Y/N L/N, it was a place for him to display his loving and chaotic relationship with his boyfriend Jason Todd.
They both had very different relationships with social media.
Y/N was a whirlwind of hashtags and filters, a living embodiment of the digital age. His phone was an extension of his hand, scrolling through endless videos and GRWMs where they were always running late for whatever they were getting ready for.
The boy took his college studies seriously, but the thought never not crossed his mind that he could become a full-time content creator if he wanted to. Ask any of his friends or especially his boyfriend, the dude was a walking meme who kept hundreds to thousands of reaction pictures and videos on his phone which is something he successfully managed to get his boyfriend addicted to as well.
No seriously, it had gotten so bad that Bruce had to reach out to Y/N to see if he could get Jason to stop or at least delete the photos from his phone. Apparently, in their family group chat, his boyfriend had taken to sending some very targeted and specific images.
It was fine until Bruce said something about Jason being reckless or something and risking lives, and his boyfriend responded with some interesting images and a very petty caption.
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Jason: this u?
It was safe to say Bruce was less than amused, though apparently everyone else found it hilarious. But, sadly Y/N had to inform the billionaire that he wouldn’t be able to get his boyfriend to stop even if he tried and that he was also a victim of this new ordeal.
Bruce was confused until Y/N showed him a picture Jason sent him after Y/N refused to come cuddle him because he was studying for a midterm.
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Jason: get ur ass in here now or else...respectfully
This was the exact fun and chaotic energy Y/N wanted to share with the world on social media and TikTok. But, Jason had a different relationship with it than his boyfriend.
On the opposite end of the spectrum, Jason was a firm believer in a simpler existence, preferring face-to-face conversations over likes and retweets. He possessed a refreshing aversion to the constant buzz of notifications and the pressure to document every meal or outing.
His only exception was Twitter, where he could voice his unhinged and questionable thoughts freely without raising suspicion or judgment because it was…well, it was Twitter. 
However, that did not stop Y/N from using his poor and innocent lover in his little TikTok exploits when he wanted to.
The first one was something innocent, at least in his eyes. He and Jason were in their shared apartment near Y/N’s campus. They were lying together on the couch, with Y/N parallel to the piece of furniture while Jason sat up properly with his boyfriend’s legs over him.
He was silently reading a book while Y/N pretended to scroll through social media, fidgeting now and then when Jason would accidentally tickle his feet while unconsciously rubbing his feet. Then, the sneaky little man would pull up an audio from TikTok of a man’s voice, talking as if they were on a Facetime call.
At first, Jason didn’t think anything of it when he heard the ring from his boyfriend’s phone and he knows that he frequently calls his parents or friends. Besides, Jason knows almost everyone that Y/N knows so it definitely wasn’t out of the ordinary.
So why the fuck did he not recognize that voice that was speaking on the other end of Y/N’s phone? More than ever, why was it male?!
The second he heard the random male voice ask his boyfriend why he was smiling like that, the phone was snatched out of his hand and Jason was prepared to threaten extreme bodily harm to whoever was on the other side of that phone.
So imagine his confusion when was looking back at himself.
When he noticed the recording button at the bottom, he looked toward his boyfriend who was trying his best to hold in his laughs and was doing a terrible job. Y/N made sure to snatch his phone back though so Jason couldn’t delete the footage.
Jason allowed it though despite his annoyance, seeing Y/N happy and laughing always trumped over any negative feelings he was experiencing. However, he did give his boyfriend a nice gentle lesson about what happens when he plays with the vigilante’s jealous side.
It ‘twas not gentle though, not one bit.
And Y/N was a little fucker who never learned his lesson. Proud of it too.
The second time wasn’t even a week later after he’d seen a new trend going around the clock app that he just knew he wouldn’t be able to resist.
“Might be a little bit controversial but get ready with me while I give you my reasons on why cheating on your significant other is okay in certain scenarios.”
In under 5 seconds, the bathroom door shot open after the apartment sounded like a large predator had come running through it. Judging by the very unamused look Y/N was receiving, it may have been just that.
Y/N had to do his best not to laugh (or moan) at the image on his phone’s screen of a hulking, pissed-off Jason standing over him as he watched his skincare in silence. He knew his followers were going to get a kick out of this, probably detailing the filthiest things their horny little minds could cook up in his comment section like the little horny bastards they were.
Though, Y/N would be no better.
Jason still didn’t say anything, continuing to stare down at him like an angry parent who’d just been embarrassed in church by their child.
“Um, can I help you?” Y/N asked, desperately holding back the smile pulling at the corner of his lips.
Jason’s dark hair fell over his forehead, his white streak hanging lazily between as his eyes narrowed down at his smaller boyfriend, his large, intimidating arms crossed over his chest. Y/N had to take a large breath to calm down the fluttering in his stomach.
Why did his boyfriend have to be so hot? The world was not fair.
When Jason continued to not say anything, just staring silently at his lover, Y/N decided to finish his skincare in silence while checking to make sure his video was still recording.
When about five minutes passed and neither of the boys said anything, the taller and larger male started to become slightly confused. Why wasn’t Y/N saying anything? He wasn’t crazy, knowing exactly what he heard until a lightbulb went over his head and he realized what was going on.
Once Y/N finished patting his face with sunscreen, he looked up to his boyfriend to see him with a now slightly less peeved expression and more of a smug, amused look.
“You think you’re funny, don’t you?”
“I think I’m quite hilarious actually.”
Jason didn’t say another word before turning on his heel, slowly walking out of the bathroom back towards the kitchen with that damn slutty walk of his. Seriously, why was the universe so unfair to Y/N? Then again, he definitely wasn’t complaining.
But, just because Jason realized what was going on didn’t mean he was going to just let the harmless prank go so easily. Y/N would be reminded once again how petty his boyfriend could be in the worst ways possible.
There really should be a hotline or emergency number for guys whose boyfriends decide to tease and edge them for over an hour. These crimes should not go unchecked!
Anyways…Y/N still didn’t learn his lesson. Third time’s a charm.
By this time, Jason had become well aware that Y/N would not stop using him in his little videos and pranks, so he figured if you can’t beat em, join em. He got his own TikTok account and only followed his boyfriend while also doing his best to keep up with whatever trends were going around, especially with couples so he could stay one step ahead.
This proved very useful, as when the ‘Water’ song by Tyla became a trend all over TikTok, Jason was more than aware of what his boyfriend was trying to do when he noticed from the corner of his eyes him recording him, pretending like he was just watching the videos.
Ah ah ah, gonna have to try harder than that, babe. Jason didn’t even budge like he was going to look, not like he would’ve either way.
But, he was NOT prepared to come home one day to find his boyfriend with his tripod set up, starting the countdown timer to record a video. The second the video started recording and Jason realized what song was playing, he didn’t waste a second before running and tackling Y/N out of the camera view before he could even hit the first beat.
He didn’t care if he fell for that one, those moves were for Jason’s eyes only. Something else the vigilante was going to have to remind his boyfriend about.
But, at least when Y/N looked at the footage, he realized he finally had something to post for that trend where people ran and tackled their significant others to that Barbie Girl remix. He’d always wanted to do that trend but hadn’t met Jason yet, so he was a bit too single to do it.
The fourth time was something also a little bit simple, less of a prank and more of Y/N just being a little shit that went looking for trouble.
When Jason was once again in the kitchen cooking, with his usual tank-top and jogger combo, Y/N thought it a perfect opportunity for him to get some revenge on his boyfriend since the gargantuan male always found it funny to slap Y/N on his butt hard as shit. Vengeance was needed.
So, when Jason wasn’t looking, Y/N walked into the kitchen positioning his phone in another spot so it could see the entire action, knowing if he tried to be sneaky, the vigilante would still catch on to him and turn around. He walked up behind him and gave his boyfriend a little hug as usual and a kiss on his back, something the towering male pretended not to be giddy at.
However, his sweet, tender moment was interrupted when he felt a medium-palm land on his ass with a precision aim, leaving a tingling sting behind.
“Payback!” Y/N decreed, already turning around and running for their shared room.
When he went back and looked at the footage later, he had to admit, the view of Jason turning around slowly as Y/N scurried away was very amusing. Especially considering he layered the video with the Wii Sports fencing music as his mammoth-sized man stalked after him like a predator cornering its prey.
His vengeance did not last long.
By this time, Jason had become somewhat of a regular presence on Y/N’s TikTok account, and all of his followers wanted more content with the two of them together.
So, after a long time coming, Y/N had managed to successfully convince Jason to do a video with him on camera. They decided to do the Alphabet challenge, something Y/N thought he’d have an easy win at.
He was not prepared for his boyfriend's extensive vocabulary. “Are you ready to start, honey?” Y/N started sneakily, thinking his boyfriend wouldn’t catch it.
“Bet you thought you were slick, huh?” Jason replied with his usual smug look.
“Can you be any less smug?” Y/N said with a playful eye roll.
“Don’t act like you don’t like it.”
At that point, it was almost like they weren’t even doing a challenge, but rather doing their usual relationship banter back and forth that just happened to be getting recorded. The longer it went on, the more chaotic it became, both boyfriends pulling the absolute wildest sentences they could think of out of their mouths to throw the other ones off.
“Suck my ass.”
“Turn around”
He’d also underestimated Jason’s lack of shame and vulgarness.
“Explain how you get a body like that?”
“From fucking whiny little pretty boys like you.”
Yeah, he should’ve thought this one through a little more.
They’d managed to go through the whole alphabet at least three times, going from bantering back and forth to Y/N reciting lines from movies he could both think of, to Jason reciting lines from some of his favorite books. The smaller man at some point figured he could start using lines from pop culture and trends to throw his colossal boyfriend off. However, he was absolutely not prepared for him to quote the Rachel voicemail, word for word, knowing how much that whole message always made him weak.
“This is for Rachel you big, fat, white, nasty-smelling fat BITCH.”
Why did he have to put so much emphasis on the ‘bitch’ part? He threw in the towel there and let Jason have it, swearing victory on their next face-off.
Now, Y/N didn’t think it would go any farther than that. He figured he would keep making videos pranking Jason and that now and then, the vigilante would begrudgingly join in.
Oh, he was wrooong…
Frankly, Y/N should have known Jason was playing a prank on him the second he called him by his actual name instead of one of his pet names. The vigilante always got upset at him when he used Jason’s actual name instead of babe, baby, Jaybirdie, love, or even just simple Jay.
So, when Jason was not only calling him by his name but refusing to touch and or kiss him at all. Y/N absolutely should have figured something was up.
When Jason got over his initial awkwardness of physical touch in their relationship, that meant became a touch-clingy animal. Whether a hug, hand holding, cuddling, or even simple finger grazes, he needed them all. And kissing, if Y/N ever even dared leave their bedroom, let alone their apartment without giving his giant teddy bear of a boyfriend a kiss, he basically committed the ultimate sin.
So, imagine his surprise when he wakes up and leans over to give his Jaybirdie his kiss, and the big lug rolls over to the other side of the bed before his lips can even get close. Never mind the fact that he woke up and Jason was not cuddling him, hugging, or even just touching him for the matter.
But, he figured Jason was just out of it, discombobulated after waking up or something, and needed a moment. Then, when he was getting ready for his classes and making breakfast, Jason came out and Y/N plated his food for him while grabbing some juice from the fridge.
“Thanks, Y/N.”
Immediate strike two.
Y/N immediately turned around to his lover who was slowly eating his food, rather than inhaling it like he usually does which is why Y/N always has to make extra because the man is still hungry after the first plate. He gave him a weird look and just shrugged it off like he was hearing things, continuing to fill up the glass of juice before handing it over to the vigilante.
“Thanks, Y/N.”
There it was again. Okay, so he wasn’t imagining shit.
And, now that he was thinking about it, Jason was acting really weird. He didn’t come in and hug from behind like he does when Y/N is cooking. He hasn’t made one lewd sexual joke all morning. Heck, he’s barely looked towards the smaller male since this morning.
“You’re welcome. Is everything okay?”
Finally, Jason looked up at him, but it was with a straight face instead of his usual small smile or even the smirk that he always seemed to carry.
“Yeah, why?”
“I don’t know, you just seem like you’re upset about something. Did I do something to make you mad?” Y/N asked, suddenly feeling very vulnerable and uncomfortable. He was not used to this behavior from Jason. It was almost like the beginning of their relationship when the vigilante wouldn’t be very guarded against him because he didn’t trust him yet. A feeling he was very happy to forget.
“No, nothing’s wrong. I’m fine. Are you okay?” Jason asked.
“Yeah, I’m fine. Just worried about you, I guess. You seem quiet.”
“I’m good, Y/N. You don’t need to worry about me.” Jason said, going back to scrolling on his phone while eating.
“Oh, okay,” Y/N said softly, looking down at the ground and feeling very out of place all of a sudden.
On the other end, he didn’t realize how much it was KILLING Jason on the inside to keep up this ruse. He was just about ready to fold and call it quits this morning when he turned over and avoided his boyfriend’s kiss.
Now, he felt absolutely disgusted and horrible at how hurt Y/N looked. He planned to wait it out until he got back from his classes, but he knew right at that moment he wasn’t going to be able to make it that long. He underestimated how much seeing his boyfriend upset would affect him.
“Alright, well, I’m gonna head to my class now. Text me if you want to meet up for lunch.”
“Okay,” Jason said, not saying anything else which he could see was visibly confusing Y/N even more.
He knew that Y/N didn’t like to push because of Jason’s boundaries, always rather giving him space than crowding him and trying to force him to tell him what was going on. It did nothing to help alleviate the guilt he was feeling.
When Y/N came over to try and give Jason a hug and goodbye kiss and Jason visibly moved away, the vigilante wanted to kill himself right at that moment at the wounded expression all over the boy’s face, who just moved to grab his bag, keys, and phone and damn near ran for the door. That was a clear strike three for the college student.
Absolute shit Jason felt like.
When he heard the front door open and slam, he immediately jumped up, grabbed his phone, and ran after his boyfriend who was booking it towards the stairs.
“Y/N, wait.”
When he made no moves to slow down, Jason had to pull out the vigilante moves to catch him since he was nearly out the complex door.
“Baby, stop. I was just messing with you,” He said, grabbing his boyfriend and planting kisses all over his face.
“No, that’s not funny. Get off me you jerk,” Y/N said not making any move to push Jason off which the vigilante smiled at.
“I’m sorry, but now you know how it feels,” Jason showed Y/N his phone that had been recording the entire interaction, “Payback,” He declared, clearly mocking the smaller boy.
Y/N rolled his eyes before heading back inside with his boyfriend who showered him with love and kisses for his prank but made fun of him the entire time. And it didn’t stop there.
Jason did scare pranks, couples challenges where they had to answer questions (his favorites were the ones that came with punishments like dunking each other’s head in water or getting hit with a pillow), and more.
It was the reaction memes all over again.
But, there was still one challenge he hadn’t come across yet that Y/N did and was more than ready to do on his boyfriend.
They were currently sitting in the car, spending a day out together since Y/N's load from his classes was light and there weren’t any cases Jason was working on with himself or his family either. They were parked in a parking garage outside a shopping center, having just come back from shopping and grabbing some food inside when Y/N set up the camera.
“Babe, what are you doing?” Jason asked while stuffing his face with the freshly baked pretzel bites they got.
“Saw this new couple challenge on TikTok and wanted to do it,” He said, setting up the phone mount and adjusting it so it had him and Jason in full view.
“So, I saw this new challenge where couples are asking their partners random questions about each other and seeing who knows more about the other. So me and my husband are going to do the same thing and I’m going to start.” Y/N said into the camera.
The moment it came out his mouth, Y/N could see the initial surprise on his face turn into a small smile, but he didn’t say anything or question him, so he kept going. As he did his best to think up random questions to ask Jason, he kept referring to him as his husband, increasing the smile to a shit-eating grin the longer it went.
“Why are you smiling like that?” Y/N asked.
“I’m your husband now?” Jason asked, turning to him with a raised eyebrow.
“Yeah, is that a problem?” Y/N asked with his own raised eyebrow.
“Absolutely not,” Jason said, not saying another word as Y/N ended the video. He pulled out his phone as they finished their food and Y/N showed the original challenge that everyone was doing, agreeing with him when he called the guy from the original video a complete idiot.
But, he definitely noticed Jason not being as discreet as he thought he was, immediately noticing Jason’s browser on his phone being pulled up to engagement rings.
Oh boy.
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☀️ | Jason Todd/Red Hood | ☀️
☀️ | Masterlists | ☀️
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cozymochi · 10 months
im so sorry people are being assholes in the comments of ur iz animatics :((( they bring such joy and are so well done!! forever grateful that you share you art <3 even if you decide to take them down i just wanted to let you know that you are appreciated <3<3<3 hoping your day goes well and you find small unexpected delights
I don’t plan on taking them down. That carnal part of me gets a lil’ joy when I still see nice comments anyway. It’s only been a year, but I still get comments! So that’s crazy.
Another fear I do have is the response if I do post again, and it’s completely different than what those 2.4k subs are expecting to see. I’ve already warned about it literally a year in advance, and then again very recently in multiple places. Idk why I SHOULD be uneased by it, but it’s not like IZ fans are quiet when it comes to their distaste when something changes. *cough.* It’s part of why I’ve distanced myself from that fandom (there’s a myriad of reasons but still).
Insanity incoming:
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I don’t have immediate plans to make more animatics, they’re kind of long term thing to consider. Back when I used to make them I had NOTHING but free time and my biggest concern was feeding myself cuz my home environment was horrid and I had zero means of leaving since I lived in bum fuck nowhere! Since my last yt upload I moved out, was in a car wreck (not even 2 days in), my own car went through thousands of dollars in repairs, i got a job, went through a period where I worked nearly 100hrs for several months consecutively with hardly any breaks, and to think! It wasn’t and it’s still not sustainable. Things changed. And I do not want to go “home.” After being forced to visit family again a month ago I especially don’t want to go back.
The channel was literally a dumping ground. I got those 2k subs when I wasn’t posting for a year. So! You can imagine I might not be prioritizing a channel I only used as a dumping ground or in a state to make fully or even barely boarded videos and shitposts weekly or monthly. Idk what these people want from me schedule wise. I make $0 from it, and monetizing for a few cents isn’t worth it. I didn’t even get paid when I made thumbnails and assets for bigger channels lmfao. Yeah, I did do that. Wouldn’t know tho. Paid in “exposure” hurr hurr or “omg i need that money myself XDD cmon” whatever backwards excuse.
So what’s next in line but a bunch of strangers with fickle attention being passive aggressive and demanding I make more stuff when I say multiple times that I don’t intend to, and if I do (big if) it WON’T be what they came here for. They aren’t paying me. It’s not like I have a gajillion other things to be concerned about.
…Okay, that was a tangent.
Those few condescending comments make me just wanna outright cancel what iz stuff was left on the backburner. It was more like an indefinite hiatus until I can stomach finishing them. The files take up space anyway for the projects I’m actually interested in. Even if all of them are purely hypotheticals until I can get my focus together (which isn’t likely to happen anytime soon).
sorry about the TMI rant for a second but!! MAN!! It’s frustrating! If anything I could very well take them down. But, I won’t. Besides, for all I know some tiktok took some and it’s getting an exponentially higher amount of views anyway. I should at least keep mine…
It’s not like i don’t WANT to use it for actual new things, but the sheer pressure keeps me away. I get enough pressure to make animatics offline as it is. And if someone out there is gonna be all like “well who cares what those kids think” believe me, I get it and I promise don’t care. But at the same time it’s egghhhhhh. I delete the comments anyway.… however that doesn’t mean they still won’t bug me.
Considering all of the above it’s a miracle I don’t just take them down.
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guaifenesinheaven · 3 years
guaifenesin in hell: a post-mortem retrospective
in this post i want to share some fragments from guaifenesinhell, a hybrid alternate reality vlog and erotic furry video art youtube channel which i developed throughout 2021. i was very secretive about this project, showing it to maybe a dozen people. it is now unfortunately defunct, so unless i sent it to you directly, or ur one of the ~500 people who found and subscribed to the project organically, this post is the only way to experience guaifenesinhell now. sry!
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guaifenesinhell (short for guaifenesin in hell) was composed mainly of film footage of my fursona guaifenesin, a funny cartoon dog/wolf woman with white and blue fur and starry eyes who lives in hell
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most of the vids were set in an interior living space of some kind and featured guaify performing simple, domestic actions for sustained periods of time: boiling a pot of water, laying on a carpet in the sunlight, doing some dishes, heating clothing to remove bedbugs, watching a candle burn in the dark, etc. these clips were entirely unedited, each being a single uninterrupted shot of guaifenesin performing the specified action in its entirety and then walking out of frame.
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guaifenesinhell also gave me an excuse to produce a healthy amount of body inflation kink content
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these videos were fairly formulaic, consisting of short sequences in which guaifenesin’s body would expand as she sat or stood in place, often with the same uncharged emotional affect as my other videos. producing these was the most enjoyable part of the project, especially designing the props necessary to create a convincing inflation sequence. these videos were also, somewhat predictably, the most popular part of my channel, some of them gaining tens of thousands of views relatively quickly.
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i found it pretty sexy as well, and was overall very satisfied that i was able to produce actual niche kink content with some degree of sincerity. this has been a goal of mine for a while; while my previous long-term social media project had ostensibly been “about vore” (eternal love to the dead god vore) i had failed to rly get my hands gooey in this respect, gesturing broadly at the kink as a metaphorical concept without portraying it directly. this was something i personally sought to rectify, and a crucial step in creating art which was more identifiably “furry.” when i think of people portraying their fursonas in art online, making little worlds for them to live in, the two things that most come to mind are infinitely repetitive yet inescapably comfortable domestic lives and sexual fetishes. this, coincidentally, is what hell looks like.
there were also a number of misc. videos which i wont go into too much detail about here, mostly first person, found footage style stuff, little rituals and cryptic fluff meant to add to the narrative tone i was developing, or foreshadow later videos i was planning to release. i consider these more or less inseparable from the original Youtube channel, loose ends that cant rly be replicated on another platform.
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kitasfox · 3 years
Yeah it's definitely frustrating. Even as a reader, someone who enjoys one shots/fics I get annoyed because I don't want tumblr to only keep showing me that stuff and tbh it's why I tend to still use ao3 a lot more. But then you don't get that fun blog personality so it's a balancing act lol. I will say when it comes to short one liners, drabbles or HC vs one shots/fics it has a lot to do with attention spans and overall energy to view said thing. Think of like tiktok vs youtube, or even when vine was a thing. It's generally a lot faster to grow on those platforms than long form videos especially if you hop on the trend because people spend idk how long watching the same thing over and over. Long form stuff tends to get more of those loyal followers that will be with you through it all but that % is usually lower compared to how many followers you have and it def sucks to be that and then see people dip because obviously we are just a single account . More followers doesn't always equal more consistent interaction because yeah I see big blogs make similar post even though they have hundreds sometimes thousands of notes (I guess "low" is just comparable to how many follower they have). My read later/watch later list is long but I do still try to like,rb,show love etc because it's important to show appreciation where possible. I never got big enough to care about notes when I was writing because when you have 30 followers and get 15 notes it's not as crazy as when you have 300 followers and get those same 15 notes.
you're right baby I did overreact A LOT yesterday bcs of a personal thing that had me fucked <3 but also bcs this had been bothering me for a while now.
I love you and the fact that you took ur time out of your day to read my crybaby tantrum and send me this, and that you try to interact w writers all together
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gayspock · 6 years
you kno, this is #1342 on the list of “things wrong with beauty gurus & their culture” (#1 is Everything, ofc)  but its been on my mind all day and like. its so funny when some big name like james chales or nikkietutorials literally... takes a smaller artist, and redoes their look and thinks bc they gave them “credit” its Okay. like, yes, it does give them v. good exposure to ppl but. uh. lest we forget, only One of their videos can churn out tens of thousands of dollars lmao. like they literally make so much fuckn money just off copying much more talented ppl, without ever giving those ppl a penny, and instead they’ll be Praised for it bc they gave a lesser known artist a few thousand follows on insta for all the ppl who bothered to click through to their  page link hidden in the description. its so wack.   
and obviously this shitehappens within... prolly every community ever on youtube especially, but prolly. other places too. lik. wow im expsoing my entire youtube history, here, but quite Similarly bigger minecraft channels will literally just take youtube videos that smaller channels did and remake them into a video that’ll get 100,000s of views and then pat themselves on the back for promoting smaller channelswhen. literally no one has any reason to even click on their video any more bc u covered the whole damn thing urself for wads of cash. like wh cant any of u just do ur own shit im cryinh.
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what's ur love hate relationship with petra collins
I think her aesthetic is so dreamy and lovely and I really adore all of her work in Rookie, but at the same time her art feels very similar to some problematic white feminist ‘sex positivity’ stuff from the beginning of this decade that just generally rubs me the wrong way. I feel like I never saw anyone but thin white cis women in her work until fairly recently, and even then that’s once she got big enough to get paid to shoot stars like Zendaya.
I’ve also been following her blog for a long time here on Tumblr and there’s just something kind of off to me about someone who mostly publishes her work in Rookiemag, which is primarily read by teenage (and therefore underage girls), and how much vintage porn is on there? Untagged, no less? Not to come across as an enormous prude and she can do whatever she wants with her blog, etc., but I feel like when thousands upon thousands of teenage girls the world over are interested in your art and might be looking up to you, it might be good to think about how the art you promote might effect someone at such an impressionable age’s views of themselves, ESPECIALLY when youth/coming of age is such a recurring theme in your work.
But I’m also Rookie trash for life, and her portrait work is always really nice, and that Carly Rae Jepsen video she did is really pretty. I know she’s pretty young too so I think that she might get better about some of this stuff as she gets older. I also realize that there are not truly unproblematic artists either.
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thewarlocksbitch · 8 years
ur smut is amazing could you do a malec or pynch fic where they make a sextape?
It was possible that Ronan had come up with the mostbrilliant idea in human history.
Adam disagreed.
Ronan suggested it, nonchalantly and when they were with therest of their friend group so Adam couldn’t outwardly freak out, almost a weekago, a month after Adam had cemented the date he’d be moving into his dorm anda little less than a month after Ronan had come up with the idea. Adam, let’s make a sex tape before youleave.
In that moment, Adam did not react except for a quirkedeyebrow (and perhaps a fair amount of blushing). He was interested, at least.That was enough encouragement for Ronan; throughout the following week hegently wheedled and whined, preaching to Adam his deep interest in the subjectand stoically enduring Adam’s refusals: Youknow I’ll visit often. What if Noah or Gansey sees it? You don’t even know howto use a tv, Ronan.
But he hadn’t yet saidno.
It was Thursday night. Gansey and Blue had gone with Henryto a drive-in movie the local library was hosting, the invitation to whichRonan had turned down with an amount of scorn so lethal Gansey had banned himfrom being within ten feet of Henry until the foreign add-on recovered. Opalwas sleeping over with Noah at Monmouth and Adam was working late, so Ronanspent the evening leisurely and lovingly doing his chores around the barnswhile Chainsaw flapped around him and he later fell asleep on the worn couch inthe dusty moon-lit living room.
He woke to a text from Adam. You up? Ronan’s glaring phone screen told him it was just aftereleven.
Ronan propped his elbows and chin on a pillow and typed outa reply with some difficulty, as his brain was still sleep stupid and his eyesunfocused. Always. you coming to thebarns?
Adam’s reply was instantaneous. do you have that camera with you?
Ronan’s heart surged. Yes, he had the camera.
Adam must have assumed, because Ronan’s phone chimed againbefore he could type a reply. I’m on theway over
 Ronan let the phone slip from his fingers to the floor andhe crushed his face into the pillow. He squeezed his eyes shut and tried tocount the pace of his pulse in his ears. He was awake and alive and alive.
Ronan couldn’t have possibly fallen asleep waiting for Adam;his heart was currently in a state that his brain deemed untrustworthy enoughto not keep conscious watch over. He untangled himself from the old quilt hehad grabbed off an always rocking-rocking chair and got the camera from theBMW. He’d kept it in there for two reasons; firstly, he hadn’t known where he’dbe when Adam agreed to make the tape; secondly, Ronan would never tire ofhaving Adam on top of him in the car, and he’d been half-hoping Adam wouldsuggest they film pressed close in the back seat. Ronan wasn’t going to pushthings, though. He knew Adam preferred the comfort of a couch or bed and he wasmore than happy to give him that.
Ronan made his way back into the house and let the door hangopen behind him; he wanted to smell the nighttime. At night, the barns held adifferent kind of magic, oversaturated by how loudly sounds were heard in thesilence and by the comforting press of shadows. Everything around Ronan feltlike his father, all of it created in the image of his mother. The mismatchedrugs, the chipped mugs that hung by a keychain hook above the sink, theswinging Edison lights and shimmering potted plants.
Ronan surveyed theliving room. It was lit mostly by translucent strips of moonlight that snuckpast the heavy curtains half covering the bay window, and a trivial amount oflighting came from glow in the dark stars stuck to the far wall; those wereMatthew’s. It was okay, Ronan guessed. He knew fuck all about the aesthetics offilming. He checked the grandfather clock ticking quietly in the corner andturned for the stairs.
He took them two at a time to his old/current room to see ifit was the better option. He set the camera down on his dresser and sunk ontothe tiny bed. This was where he and Adam had first kissed. That first kiss, inRonan’s mind, was all light and whimsy, akin to the room it had taken place in.That kiss was as soft as the well-loved blankets that now lay rumpled at thefoot of the bed, as cautious and as strange as the dream objects Ronan hadhidden under it, fearful of what they meant. That kiss was as central to whoRonan was as this room and the entirety of the barns was. That kiss owned thisroom. Also, the bed was almost ridiculously small. And Adam liked to sit on theporch after sex, sometimes. Ronan took the camera and tiptoed back down stairs.
He stopped at the base of the staircase, more startled thanhe usually would be when his heart wasn’t already racing. Adam stood in thedoorway, sliding his thin jacket off and nudging his shoes to the wall with hisheel. He looked across the room at Ronan and smiled. “Too excited to put thatdown?” he asked.
Ronan grinned and closed the distance between them. Hegrabbed Adam by the front of his shirt and pulled him to his mouth. “Come here,shithead,” he said softly. Adam melted against him, his mouth cold from outsidebut quickly warming as he opened it and let Ronan slip his tongue in. His handsfluttered up, one coming to hold the back of Ronan’s neck and the other goingto the waistband of his sweats.
“Wait,” Ronan rasped, reeling away. He scanned the room,trying to remember where he’d left the tripod.
“What?” Adam huffed, sounding just a little annoyed.
“I need to set up the camera.” The tripod was leaningagainst the couch. Of course it was. Ronan grabbed it and stood it up.
“I was just going to take your clothes off!” Adam said, butthere was as much fondness in his voice as there was irritation. He went tostand behind Ronan and hooked his chin over his shoulder.
Ronan secured the camera and clicked it on. “How many actionmovies have you seen that start in the middle of a scene? We need some buildup.” He pressed record and aimed it at the couch.
Adam let out a low breath against Ronan’s neck and slid hishands over his chest, hiking his shirt up slightly. “Do you have anythingespecially kinky planned?” he asked sweetly. The drawl in his words wentstraight to Ronan’s cock.
“Call me a romantic,” Ronan said, embarrassingly shakily,“but I was kind of hoping you would just fuck me into the couch.”
Adam dropped his hands to Ronan’s hips and bit into hisneck. “Can I take your clothes off now?”
“Yes,” Ronanpractically whined, and Adam pushed him onto the couch.
Adam was on him immediately, rubbing his palm hard overRonan’s tented sweats and leaning down to suck at his neck. “When you watch thevideo of us, will you call me?” he asked, and slid his hand under Ronan’s boxers.Ronan gasped at Adam’s hand wrapping around him and jerked his hips up into thetouch. “When you jerk off to it, will you sound this hot for me?”
“I will,” Ronan said, “Adam, I’ll-“
“Let me hear you now,” Adam murmured, Henrietta accent heavyon his tongue. He pushed Ronan’s shirt up high on his chest and kissed down historso, his mouth hot and wet.
Ronan half sat up and pushed a hand into Adam’s hair,staring at the dusty strands pooling over his knuckles. He ran his hand throughit slowly, then caught at it with a gasp when Adam bit down at the indentationof his hip. Adam smirked and pushed Ronan’s sweats down just enough to pull hiscock out. He leaned to the side to give Ronan and unobstructed view of himsmearing precum down the length of the shaft with his thumb, tendons in hiswrist flickering. The light brown freckles dotted across the back of his handwere just visible in the scarce lighting.
“Fuck, Adam,” Ronan mumbled unconsciously, staring at Adam’shand so intently that he didn’t realize what else Adam was doing until he hadgrabbed Ronan round the waist and tugged him further down the couch.
Ronan’s elbow slipped out from under him and he fell back.Adam crawled up to straddle his hips and tugged at Ronan’s shirt. “Take thisoff,” he said, punctuating each word with a slow roll of his hips againstRonan’s. Ronan obeyed as quickly as he could with shaking hands, and then Adamwas on him, fingers curled over Ronan’s jaw and his teeth teasing his bottomlip.
Ronan pushed his hand into Adam’s hair again and tugged hardthis time, making Adam moan into his mouth. Ronan’s heart surged; he couldprobably come just from the noises Adam made alone. He dipped to mouth at theunderside of Adam’s jaw, down his neck, at the base of his throat. He pulledAdam’s head back and pushed as far down into the neckline of his shirt as hecould, feeling the warmth of Adam’s skin against his flushed cheek.
Ronan drug his mouth back to Adam’s lips, biting this time,and he caught Adam’s keen gasp in his mouth. He moved his hands to Adam’s hipsand pulled him down hard against his lap, himself much more affected by themotion than Adam, who was a thousand times less sensitive because of hisclothes.
“Parrish,” Ronan mumbled, his words muffled against Adam’smouth. He slid Adam’s shirt up, gliding his palms over the curve of his stomachand ribs. Adam shivered. “Wanna get your clothes off.”
Adam put both hands against Ronan’s chest and pushed Ronandown onto his elbows. He leaned down and kissed Ronan with bruising force, justfor a second, and then he was kneeling over Ronan’s thighs and tuggingdeterminedly at his sweatpants. Ronan stared at him. Adam was fully clothed,but the way his cheap white t-shirt clung to his shoulders and rode up on hisstomach and the way his light-wash jeans strained over his thighs left verylittle to imagination. His uncombed hair, released from Ronan’s death grip,stood up in disarray towards the back. Ronan reached forward to brush his bangsaway from his face.
“No hands yet,” Adam said, catching Ronan’s wrist andholding it down against the couch.
Ronan wasn’t going to say something as embarrassing as “Iwas just trying to see your freckles”, especially when he was being recorded,so he merely whined and tried craning his neck to see instead.
Adam’s face became more hidden as he began to kiss theinsides of Ronan’s thighs, Ronan’s sweats and boxers successfully caught aroundone ankle.
“Ah,” Ronan breathed, a little helplessly. Adam’s handtightened around his wrist.
Adam ran his other hand up Ronan’s thigh and pushed it offthe couch; he raised himself up onto his knees as he grabbed Ronan’s other legand carefully placed it over his shoulder.
“Could you hand me that pillow behind you?” Adam askedRonan, releasing his wrist. Ronan did as Adam asked, heart pounding at the heatin Adam’s eyes. “Lift your hips,” Adam said, and he placed the pillow underRonan and gently pushed him down.
“Adam,” Ronan said, and this time Adam understood. He lacedhis fingers through Ronan’s and let Ronan hold their joined hands on hisstomach.
“You’re beautiful, Ronan,” Adam said, and he spread Ronan’sass with his eternally distracting hands, and pushed his mouth between them.
Ronan moaned, loud and unabashed, as Adam flattened histongue against his entrance and squeezed him. Adam slid his hand down to Ronan’sthigh and tugged him closer, making Ronan know without a doubt that if he werestanding up, he would’ve fallen over. Adam slowly began to lick him open, thewet heat of his tongue and the weight of his gaze on Ronan more than enough tomake Ronan completely let go of his self-awareness and press to Adam’s mouth,his hands, pushing into every good feeling Adam gave him.
Adam let go of Ronan’s thigh and reached up to put hispointer and index fingers against Ronan’s lips. He didn’t lift his head to ask;he knew Ronan understood. Ronan sucked Adam’s fingers into his mouth, lovingthe way hollowing out his cheeks made Adam’s wrist twitch. He let his head fallback and he grabbed Adam’s wrist with his free hand, partly to steady himselfbut mostly so that Adam wouldn’t pull away yet.
He licked Adam’s fingers, eyes closed, and Adam moaned, thesound and the shakiness of his mouth sending a chill up Ronan’s spine. Ronangasped and angled his hips up, sucking hard on Adam’s fingers, and Adam pulledhis hand away. Probably it was for the best; the both of them were already tooexcited. Ronan was so hard it hurt.
“I want you in me, Adam, I–” Adam pushed a wet finger intoRonan, still eating him open. He lifted his gaze to Ronan’s face and Ronan felthimself flush from his ears to his toes. Adam curled his finger inside Ronan,watching him, the movement practiced and perfect but not enough. Ronan already felt plenty wet and open, and he wasimpatient enough to moan out, “Three. Put three in.”
Adam quirked a brow but didn’t lift his mouth to sayanything. He pushed another finger in, angling it beneath his tongue.
“Adam,” Ronanwhined, covering his face with both hands and rolling his hips down, “Fuck me.”
A sound like a growl left Adam’s throat and he shoved hisfingers in, hard, letting Ronan arch off the couch. He grabbed Ronan’s thigh tokeep it from crushing his neck, nails digging in and leaving colorless crescentmarks. He turned his head and pressed his cheek against the pale skin of Ronan’sthigh, heaving breaths and staring at his fingers as they pumped in and out ofRonan. “You’re too tight,” he said, but he pushed a third finger in. Ronan’ships jerked and he pressed his palms into his eyes. “Just relax,” Adam said,kissing Ronan’s thigh, his voice soft and his mouth hot; without a visual Ronanwas even more affected than usual; usually he couldn’t help but stare at Adam,but right now he wasn’t sure if he could endure that, too. Adam curled hisfingers inside Ronan slowly, angling them against his prostate for the firsttime. Ronan gave a full body shudder, heat flooding his chest, and Adam’sfingers withdrew almost fully. “Let me make you feel good.”
“Please,” Ronan said, voice hoarse. He pushed himself halfupright and threaded shaking fingers through Adam’s hair; it was pretty tanglednow, thanks to Ronan, but it hadn’t been neat in the first place anyways. Ronanhung his head. He wasn’t past begging, but he couldn’t quite bear looking Adamstraight in the eyes when he was already so ruined. “Adam, just watching thislater is going to kill me. I need you inside me. Please.” The last word wasbarely a breath.
Adam’s fingers slowed. “How?” he asked, voice contemplative.
“What?” Ronan lifted his head. Adam was watching him with aplacid expression, little attention paid to the movements of his wrist. “How-how do you fuck me?”
Adam smiled. “How do you want me to fuck you?” He crawledforward, his fingers completely withdrawing and leaving Ronan feeling empty.Adam placed his other hand over the base of Ronan’s throat and leaned in tomouth at the underside of his jaw. “You can get on all fours and I can take youfrom behind,” He bit down; there’d definitely be bruises later. “Or maybe I’lltie your wrists up and shove your face into the couch. You like that, don’tyou? I know you do.” Ronan reached down and palmed Adam through his jeans,incredibly bothered by the fact that he was still fully clothed. Adam hummedinto Ronan’s skin and pushed into his hand. “But then… I really love having youon your back like this. You look so pretty, and I can get so deep when yourlegs are over my shoulders…” Adam ran his other hand lightly up Ronan’s chest,fingertips grazing over his nipples and raising chills on his skin. Ronanyanked at the button of his jeans, arms straining. Adam let out a shaky breath.“What do you think will be hotter?” he asked. “What do you want to see?”
“Anything,” Ronan rasped. Adam talking to him like that lefthim feeling a little dazed, and getting Adam’s jeans off in this position washard enough. Ronan managed to get the zipper down but gave up there and movedhis attention to Adam’s shirt. “Anything, Adam,” he said again, pulling Adam’sshirt up. “Whatever you want, I’ll–” Adam clamped his hand down over Ronan’smouth, smiling. Ronan could have kept talking, but he went quiet and let Adampush his neck back. Once Ronan’s eyes were trained on the arm of the couchbehind him Adam started to trail his hand down, fingers brushing over his lips,across his jaw, down the line of his throat, barely there. Ronan twisted hisfists in Adam’s shirt, fully aware that he was making embarrassing noises butunable to stop.
“I think I’ll take you like this,” Adam said quietly, hispalm sliding over the span of Ronan’s chest; Ronan’s skin warmed beneath it.“At least at first.”
He got up suddenly, and Ronan raised himself up onto hiselbows to watch him pull his shirt over his head. He stood in the slim spacebetween two planes of moonlight, caught in shadow. The muscles in his back slidunder his skin and flexed in his arms as he bent to push his jeans and boxersdown. A small, distracted part of Ronan’s brain thought to make sure Adam wasin front of the camera, because he’d definitely want to see this again – the dusty frecklesdecorating Adam’s shoulders and back clearly visible, his erection flushed andcurled against his pale stomach, the mess his hair had become falling over hisface and hiding almost all of the redness on his cheeks – the more productiveside of him thought to reach for the lube and box of condoms tucked into hisjacket on the floor.
Adam stepped out of his jeans and then he was on Ronan, histongue in Ronan’s mouth, his hands spread over his thigh and hip. Ronan leanedup into the kiss, sighing into Adam’s mouth, shaking under his hands. Adam wassolid and warm against him. Ronan tore a condom open and wrapped a hand aroundAdam’s cock. Adam hadn’t been touched yet, not really, and the moan he breathedinto Ronan’s mouth was loud and uninhibited. Ronan stroked him a few times,spreading the thick layer of precum down Adam’s shaft and smiling as Adambucked into his hand.
Adam turned and pressed his face into Ronan’s neck. “Put iton,” he gritted out, his fingers digging into Ronan’s skin. Ronan slid it overhim, then jerked Adam with his slick hand for good measure until Adam growledand pulled him farther down on the couch so that he was laid flat on his back,his legs resting on Adam’s thighs and wrists pinned above his head by Adam’shand.
Adam ran his other hand down Ronan’s chest, pressing thebreath out of him. His stare was intent as he trailed his fingers down Ronan’sthigh and spread his legs a bit more.
“Shit,” Ronan said breathlessly, “we could be porn stars.”
Adam pinched his lips between his teeth and nodded,thoughtful. Then his face went still, lips open on a slow breath and his eyesfocused. He let go of Ronan’s thigh and wrapped his hand around himself, andafter a nod from Ronan he leaned on Ronan’s wrists as he slowly slid into him.
Ronan immediately arched up, trying to press himself againstAdam. Adam met him halfway, and Ronan felt himself stretch to accommodate himas he bit at Ronan’s ear and murmured, “You’re definitely pretty enough to beone.”
Ronan let out a shaky breath and closed his eyes. Helistened to Adam, tried to synch his breaths to Adam’s slightly steadier ones.Adam’s weight shifted as he put some of it onto his arm by Ronan’s head, hisother hand still firmly holding Ronan’s wrists down. Adam kissed across histhroat, helping Ronan to relax; Ronan could feel the fast beat of Adam’s heartwhere their chests pressed against each other.
Adam rubbed his thumb along the sensitive inside of Ronan’swrist and nipped at the juncture of his jaw. He rolled his hips a few times,slow, and Ronan moaned. “You okay?” he asked softly.
Ronan made some sort of sound, not wanting to waste hisenergy with words when it felt so much better to pull at Adam’s hold on hiswrists and angle his hips up to meet Adam’s still ones.
“A yes, then,” Adam said, sucking a bruise into his throat.He pulled back, sunk his teeth into Ronan’s neck, and slammed back in.
Adam took advantage of Ronan’s immediate boneless-ness bysliding his hand along Ronan’s thigh and carefully setting it over hisshoulder, then doing the same to the other, all the while slowly rocking intoRonan and sucking at his neck.
He pushed Ronan into the couch, gripping his wrists hard andkeeping himself at just the right angle. Ronan dug his ankles into Adam’s backand happily let himself be folded almost in half; the way Adam was fucking him,he could probably touch Ronan’s knees to his shoulders with just a little moreeffort. Adam kissed Ronan’s flushed cheek and then bit at his swollen lips,teeth teasing. Ronan shivered and he kissed Adam back, closing his eyes andurging Adam on with flighty breaths and moans. He felt himself clench aroundAdam, and the rest of his body reacted; his stomach twisted with heat, hislungs seized, and his eyes rolled to the back of his head. Adam was everywhere.
Adam slowed, and the tide in Ronan sloshed inside him,unable to spill over. He leaned away from Ronan’s mouth, barely kissing him,and Ronan opened his eyes to see Adam’s staring back at him. Ronan struggledfor a moment to clear his mind and focus on Adam. He wasn’t sure if the heat hefelt was from the blood rushing under his skin or just from Adam’s closeness.
Adam smiled at Ronan and went to bite at his neck. He rolledhis hips gently, and one arm pressed down on Ronan’s abdomen to keep him from tryingto meet Adam’s thrusts. Adam smiled into Ronan’s skin. “You’re not gonna comeyet, are you?” he asked, his words drowning in his Henrietta accent. “Hasn’tbeen that long, has it?”
Ronan squeezed his eyes shut. “That’s unfair,” he said,barely more than a whisper. “When you finger me and eat me out like that, youcan’t–” Adam slammed into him hard, lighting up every fuse inside Ronan. Ronangasped out, “You can’t just–”
“Ronan” Adam murmured, and he was back to his slow asmolasses movements, “I think I can.”He kissed Ronan’s racing pulse point and started to move faster, his hipssnapping. Ronan tipped his head back, letting Adam’s mouth drag over his throatand letting Adam bury him in the couch. He dug his ankles into Adam’s back ashard as he could, using the only leverage he could to get Adam impossiblydeeper inside him—
Ronan gasped loudly, the feeling overwhelming him easilybecause he couldn’t do anything with it; his hands were trapped above his head,and Adam’s face was buried in his neck. Ronan twisted under Adam, meeting hisnext thrust and making him moan into Ronan’s neck. Ronan tried straining hisarms again, but Adam held tight. Ronan growled. “Kiss me, you asshole.”
Adam laughed; Ronan was infuriated at how fond he was of thesound, and of the feeling of Adam’s chest shaking against his. Adam pepperedgentle kisses up Ronan’s jaw and settled on his lips with a happy sigh. Ronankissed him with all he had, sliding his tongue along Adam’s and pressinghimself to him as best he could. Adam was holding back still – his thrusts werehard like Ronan liked them, but they were lingering and almost languid, and hislips moved against Ronan’s sweetly instead of pulling back to bite – and Ronanknew Adam was loving every second of it.
The thought of watching this later – of what they lookedlike right now – and seeing himself writhe under Adam while Adam’s beautifulhands held him down and his mouth kept him in check was almost enough to makeRonan concede.
But Ronan had never been a patient person, especially withAdam. His thighs trembled on either side of Adam’s neck.
“Let me ride you,” Ronan whispered to the ceiling.
Adam’s breath stopped, made more noticeable by comparison tohow he had been gasping into Ronan’s mouth two seconds ago; Ronan smirked atfinally breaking Adam’s composure, and he knew Adam felt it.
But Adam didn’t call him out on his deceitfulness. He justlet out a shaky breath and said, “Fuck, okay.” He kissed Ronan hard, lips bruising,every bit of his control thrown out the window. He bit down hard on Ronan’s lipand pressed Ronan hard into the couch, but his hands were gentle as he slidRonan’s legs off his shoulders. He sat up and Ronan followed him; finally givenback his hands as Adam steadied himself, he wrapped them around Adam’s neck andburied his face in it. Adam ran his hands down Ronan’s sides and dug his nailsinto his thighs, his grip decidedly harsh.
Ronan moaned into Adam’s neck and bit at the tender skin ofhis throat, loving the soft noises Adam made. Adam grabbed Ronan’s hips andpulled him down into his lap, and Ronan curved into him as Adam pressed inside.
“God,” Adam said reverently, grazing his fingers up Ronan’sback and then raking his nails down. Ronan unfurled under the touch, rockinginto Adam’s lap. He shifted so that his thighs were more secure on either sideof Adam and began to fuck him in earnest, every part of him shaking. He movedhimself up and down, the insides of his thighs burning, Adam’s tacky skinsticking to his. There was no point in building up speed when they were both alreadywound to the utmost. Adam tipped his head back, his eyes closed, mouth open,and Ronan bit up from his throat to tug at his lower lip.
They really, definitelyweren’t going to last like this.
Adam grabbed Ronan’s hips, his thumbs pressing into Ronan’sabdomen as he directed his movements in a way so purposeful and precise Ronandidn’t think he’d last more than a minute.
“Adam,” he warned, his words slurred and muffled againstAdam’s lips. “I’m–”
“I love it when you ride me like this,” Adam interruptedhim. “The way you feel, and the way you look – Jesus. You should see yourself,” he cupped Ronan’s jaw in one handand kissed him slowly. “I can’t wait until you see the video.”
“Adam,” Ronan said again, unable to properly kiss Adam back.Adam didn’t seem to care; he kissed Ronan even as Ronan’s head fell back inweakness and he shut his eyes against the heat exploding like a supernova inhis stomach.
Adam thrust up into him, hard, and wrapped his hand aroundRonan’s cock, his entire body shaking against Ronan’s. Ronan tightened his armsaround Adam’s neck, trying to keep them both upright. “Come for me,” Adam said,stroking him in pace with his thrusts. He bit at the corner of Ronan’s mouth. “Ronan.”
Ronan’s self-control became nothing. Adam told him to letgo, and that was all he needed to let himself break. Adam stroked him faster ashe came over his hand and onto his stomach, his hand bringing him to the edgeand then still going, taking Ronan past his limits. He gasped into Ronan’smouth as Ronan seized around him, and Ronan pushed both of his hands intoAdam’s hair to yank his head back. He rode Adam harder and kissed him as he came.
Adam’s mouth hung open on a breath he couldn’t take in.Ronan kept riding him, tugging on his hair and pushing him as far as he couldtake him, riding out both of their orgasms until Adam gasped out a weak, “Ronan,you’re killing me.”
“I just love to see you like this,” Ronan said, completelyunapologetic. Adam’s come was dripping down his thighs, and while it was sexierthan almost anything to Ronan, Adam probably wouldn’t appreciate him pointingit out. He discreetly fumbled for a towel he had laid over the back of thecouch to wipe himself and Adam up, then slumped against Adam and ran his handsthrough his sweat damp hair, gently. “Sorry.”
They just breathed for a long time, laying side by side,hands roaming, exchanging the occasional lazy, spent kiss. Adam’s fingerstrailed over every centimeter of Ronan’s tattoo. Ronan kissed the freckles onhis cheeks and ran his hands through his dusty hair until it was free oftangles. He felt Adam’s heart begin to return to its normal pace against him.
“Want to see something?” Ronan asked Adam.
Adam lifted his head. “Sure.”
Ronan led him out to the porch, grabbing a heavy quilt fromthe rocking chair on the way, and Adam sighed happily as Ronan wrapped itaround them both and sat on the steps.
Adam didn’t have to wait long; Ronan’s dream creaturesseemed to always know when he was close.
The white buck stepped out of the trees and into theclearing, his foxy red ears perked, branch-like antlers casting shadows acrosshis face. He trotted towards where Ronan and Adam sat, and no more than a fewseconds passed before his herd – the deer that didn’t belong to Ronan, or atleast they weren’t created by him –came out of hiding and followed. They were all quite tame now, and fond enoughof Ronan to extend their trust to his friends. One doe with spots like Adam’sfreckles tiptoed forward and rested her head in Adam’s outstretched hands.
Adam stroked her long, velvety face with the tips of hisfingers. He tilted his head towards the pale buck. “He’s getting big,” he said.
Another doe came up to Ronan and nibbled at his boxers; hewas glad he’d taken the time to put those on, at least. He fondled her ears andlooked out to the rolling hills of the Barns again. “Yeah, he is. But that’snot what I wanted to show you.” Ronan pointed to a single fawn trotting towardsthem, her spindly legs too long and awkward to allow for how fast she was tryingto go.
Ronan watched Adam’s face to see the second he saw it.
Adam’ mouth dropped open, and Ronan laughed. “You dreamtone,” Adam said, staring at the fawn as it came to stand at the edge of theherd, “with wings?”
The fawn was completely ordinary looking except for thelight brown wings that sprouted from her back. They were like the nighthorrors’, featherless and interrupted by talons and thin, bent bones, but theylooked softer on her. In the dream Ronan took her from, she’d followed him fora long time, head low to the ground, wings stretched out parallel to her back,and Ronan had let her. She was nice to look at, and seemed intent on observinghim, instead of antagonizing him like Opal or Chainsaw. The curiosity in hergaze was just like that in Chainsaw’s, though, and the way she skittered on herhooves and fumbled with herself was so much like Opal. It was instinctive forRonan to snatch her away from the black things in his head when they appeared.
“I thought you’d like her,” Ronan said. He watched as thefawn slowly moved into the midst of the herd, wings flapping every couple ofsteps. It seemed she didn’t know to tuck them into her sides, and she keptstartling the other deer on accident. They would get used to her soon enough,though; it had taken them a short while to love the pale buckling, too.
“I do,” Adam said, still petting the doe absentmindedly. Shenudged her nose into his palm. “I like all of your dream things.”
“Most of them,” Ronan corrected him.
“Most of them,” Adam agreed.
Ronan was silent for a moment. Silence was easy for him,usually, but there had been too much on his mind the past few weeks. He turnedhis head to look at Adam, the quilt around his shoulders coming up to scratchhis neck. “I’m really going to miss you,” He said. “Really fucking miss you.”
“We’ll visit.” Adam said. But he kept his gaze on the doe hewas petting, and his voice was uncertain.
Ronan went on, “I don’t know if our home movie is gonna beenough for me.”
Adam traced the star spiral of hair in the center of thedoes wide forehead. “You’re going to call me when you watch it, remember? Ithink it’ll be enough.”
Ronan gave a dissatisfied snort.
“And I’ll send you nudes,” Adam added. “Way more than Iusually do. And you can send me weird fruit and Opal’s drawings, and, I don’t know,we’ll just do what we always do. We’ll be fine.” He was starting to sound lesslike he was trying to convince Ronan and more like he believed himself.
Ronan rubbed a hand over the back of his shaved head. Hehated how worried he was about Adam leaving. He kind of loved how easily Adamsaw through him. “Want to go for a ride?”
Adam didn’t look at him, but he smiled. “Are you gonna bringyour camera?”
Ronan leaned over and kissed Adam on the cheek. “Yeah, Iam.”
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thankguard · 8 years
2016 was the year that this scene was finally accepted by mainstream media outlets, played regularly on Triple J and given the opportunity to throw mad rap events at some of the countries’ best live music venues. The number of local rap: artists, releases, managers, parties, radio shows, even blogs exploded too. MANU CROOKS was put on BEATS1 rotation & posted on The FADER. SAMPA THE GREAT racked up over half a million streams on “BLUE BOSS”. BARO blurred cultural/sonic boundaries. TKAY MAIDZA dropped a huge album + landed that KILLER MIKE collab. MIDAS.GOLD, CULT SHOTTA, BIG SKEEZ, I AM D, NICO GHOST & SAVOUR THE RATIONS all dominated live-stages across the country. The GREMLNS, PLAYBACK 808, 1 HUNNID RECORDS & TREXON WAVE showed us the future. These squads are all barely out of high-school, have a strong African heritage and are blowing up against the odds. Almost all of the above was soundtracked by producers: DOPAMINE, MIRACLE, JAMES DAMIAN ANGUS, MITCH GRUANKE & HARVEY who don’t get enough credit. JUNOR launched his AUD$ radio show on SYN which is legit. The PROPHECY BOYZ launched SAUCE - a new brand that will probs do huge things in 2K17. RARE FLOW TV, provided an essential piece-to-the-puzzle, bringing this all to life in quality music videos. Australian rap music is at an all time high. But tbh, it’s going to take another miracle to push it any further. Now that there’s money to be made here, cashed-up copy-cat rappers/labels/magazines/venues with no imagination will find a way to suck the life out of your music for a quick profit. Historically, this has happened many times over, preventing Australians from truly impacting music culture on a global scale. WTF is the diff between us and: Canada, England or America? Terrible artists will succeed if you let them. Donald Trump was elected president. We’re always a stones-throw away from making the next generation of AUS rap fans (and the rest of the world) cringe at us. Question everyone. Even THANK GUARD. Oh, btw. This blog still doesn’t make money. Here’s 50 songs that inspired us to keep hustling in 2016 in between dem long-ass shifts. 50. “VIEWS UP” - NYUON (MELB)
NYUON - an essential character in the MELB rap scene - stretches out the parameters of his sound a little more with each release. “VIEWS UP” saw him lean back towards centre after the experimentally hazy, lilting vibe of his ’15 BYMYSELF tape. With the help of producer ROOKIEPRO he pooled that self-effacing, conscious rap-swagger into his most polished track do-date. 49. “SORROWS” - BLESSED (SYD)
Taking cues from CUDI, UK alternative-pop and their own minds, BLESSED managed to instantly stand out from the rest of the trap-heavy SYD scene last year. Their output in ‘16 was super consistent, and “SORROWS” (our fav) has already amassed over 127K plays on Soundcloud. Early days, but their potential for global appeal is already proven. 48. “I.D.C.A” - 18K (BRIS)
“I.D.C.A” gives you a real wow moment the second those bars come in. 18K’s on that: modern-day BONE,THUGZ & HARMONY/vaguely MIGOS ATL, super-quick flow. His beats are perfect too. Hard hitting, modern trap sounds AND a hint of like CLAMS CASINO cloud-rap as well. 47. “30 DAYS” - DENNIS (MELB)
Mysterious producer/singer DENNIS dropped this one to no reception whatsoever. The mastering isn’t professional, but the song itself and the man’s vocals are world class. You gotta pump the volume ride it to the peak for full-effect fam. Like some new BON IVER shit without the cringe, pretty sure this came out first too. 46. “PRESSURE (ft. JACE XL)” - BILLY DAVIS (MELB)
BILLY DAVIS & JACE XL (RYTHYM SECTION) are both heavily associated with THE OPERATIVES (who monopolised vibes in MELB the last decade). JACE shows off his life-changing soul crooning over some classic BILLY DAVIS instrumentation. This would be a lot higher if it were more relevant to our needs. 45. “NO MORE” - DEEVILLA (SYD)
With this track alone, SYDNEY-based DEEVILLA proved he can write the type of song this scene needs. His flow, lyrics and overall mood on “NO MORE” summed up 2016 perfectly in terms of music & vibe. FLIP TRILL’s production on this one did all the above and more. 44. “RUN UP (ft. FLYBOII & L.U.I)” - LIL SPACELY (SYD)
Got the vibe that BLACK DANNA head honcho SPACELY had a tough 2016. But, being an essential SYDNEY rap-character that he is, the dude still managed to drop some of the livest AUS rap tracks of 2016. On “RUN UP”, he took the chunky, horn-filled instrumental from FAT JOE and REMY MA’s “ALL THE WAY UP”, puffed out his chest, and along with a couple talented homies delivered a growling, arrogant battle track that signalled his readiness to take his music national. He’s already dropped several tracks in ’17. Stay woke. 43. “FIRE” - SQUIDGENINI (MELB)
SQUIDGENINI a.k.a Bella, is one of Melbourne’s better-kept secrets right now. She’s been honing her craft for some time: playing in bands, producing solo tracks and supporting huge artists. “FIRE”, one of her only releases in 2016, instantly put her on our radar. This highly ambitious track features no-bullshit lyrisicm, eccentric production and some straight up vocal-fire. 42. “NAH BRUH, THIS IS WAGE GANG!” - VEENO (SYD)
When BABY VEENO dropped this insane freestyle in October it was criminally over-looked by many (including us). Choosing YOUNG THUG’S timeless “SEE YOU” beat from that G.O.A.T RICH GANG tape proved to us that the man has taste. The ensuing bars instilled visions of VEENO becoming SYDNEY’s trap-SKEPTA in ’17. 41. “CLAP BACK” - SAVOUR THE RATIONS (SYD)
SAVOUR THE RATIONS were one of the most influential, pro-active and entertaining AUSTRALIAN rap crews of 2016 (especially towards the end). KWAME, DOMBA, JAYJAY ASSASSIN, GYBRYLLAH SHYNE & RAJ MAHAL made their biggest moves via videos/live performances. “CLAP BACK” which was dropped on Jan 2nd, 2016 showed the boys doing their ting for their own entertainment. This year they’ll be doing it for thousands no doubt. 40. “BEST FRIEND (YOUNG THUG REMIX)” - BIG SKEEZ (SYD)
This was probably the local track we played most last year. BIG SKEEZ really stood out in ‘16 for his song-writing hustle & originality (highlighted on his S.A.T.T mixtape). Remixing such a familiar, iconic song allowed SKEEZ to let loose in the booth more than ever before, resulting in 3:14 of explosive, feverish trap-fury filled with icy-cold local references/flips. 39. “ALIVE REMIX (ft. BARO & CAZEAUX O.S.L.O)” - ESESE (MELB)
Couldn’t think of a more suitable 2016 MELBOURNE summer-rap anthem than this BARO remix if I tried. It feature local pillars: CAEZEUX O.S.L.O, SKOMES and the ESESE crew - and oozes those heavenly FITZROY day-party vibes. Hearing HENOQ and O.S.L.O both spit new-gen AUS boom-bap masterpieces in rapid succession would’ve brought a tear to the eye of every true BURN-CITY rap-fan this year. 38. “NO MORALS (ft. $KINNY DOM)” - BLACK NAPOLEON (WA)
On “NO MORALS”, BLACK NAPOLEON brought equal parts: slow, deliberate and estatic D double E style booth raps - the kind you’d hear on some UK Pirate radio set to the table. LUCHII, another PERTH-based genius jumped into the mix sounding more like a 6K Gucci, nailing the perfect guest verse. The CAMERON PARK directed-visuals for this one featured no guns, knives or punches thrown, but it still stands as one of the most violent local vids of ’16. #HOMEBAKED. 37. “FUCK THE JUDGE (ft. REMI)” - BARO (MELB)
When BARO dropped the second taste of his soon-TBR JPYNTK tape about 6 months ago, the world was torn in half by the racial violence sweeping the US. It was literally with you everywhere you went, no matter ur skin colour. “FUCK THE JUDGE”, which was released at the very hight of this chaos featured inspired verses from REMI + BARO and was accompanied by the statement: “They're killing my people. They're killing PEOPLE.” The song itself also made another (less important statement) about BARO’s unflinching confidence as a dude/rapper. It was his first absolute crystal clear “fuck u” to industry/fan expectations - a sign that he might be giving the typical AUS rap-sound a much needed kick up-the-butt in 2017. 36. “POTENTIAL (I SEE)” - LORD LEVI (MELB)
When it comes to MELB underground anthems in 2016, LORD LEVI’s “POTENTIAL (I SEE)” is practically unrivalled. The hook, flow and production on this one truly encapsulates the rise of the BURN-CITY outer-suburb high-school trap scene in 2016. LEVI and the GREMLN squad built a dedicated following last year on the back of songs like this. Trek thru any BURN-CITY suburb and “I SEE POTENTIAL” follows u through the streets. 35. “FLEX MODE” - ERIK SANDERS (BRIS)
Brisbane’s ERIK SANDERS blew up out of nowhere last year on the back of several highly-polished, US-influence nu-trap singles. “FLEX MODE” bursts out of the gate with a series of auto-tune inflected bars that twist-and-turn, merging multitudes of impressive melodies in quick succession. This one gets real wild at the end too. 34. “RIDE (ft. REZT)” - LUCHII (WA)
LUCHII has always struck us as an interesting character, but we still slept on the man in ’16. When he dropped “RIDE” like a month ago, we swore to stay woke on the PERTH creative forevermore. This one rides an island trap wave that reminded us of CHILDISH GAMBINO’s “CALIFORNIA” and MAC MILLERS new stuff, but it also hits on something completely new. The vocals reference ATL rhythms/tones AND something else, which MUST have been born in a cloud of green smoke on one of those pristine PERTH beaches. 33. “PULL UP (ft. CIDI, LORD BRAVO, DUT BOL & RANDOLPH)” - BONKI CHOL (ADEL)
In 2016, the TREXON WAVE squad was our guilty pleasure. We legit found ourselves rinsing their proficiently rugged trap cuts more than CHANCE or FRANK. “PULL UP” is the song that started the whole affair. I remember being high af on a Tuesday at like 2PM about 8 months ago just blasting this enchanting MIGOS-style cut on my speakers for an hour straight. Jut listen to BONKI CHOI and homies: CIDI, LORD BRAVO, DUT BOL, RANDOLPH bring the sauce one time. They all flaunt separate styles, personalities and lyrical tendencies on this one, but their skills/delivery are at 100 throughout. 32. “HOW U FEEL” - NICO GHOST (MELB)
Close your eyes and “HOW U FEEL” will take you to a dark, nondescript club setting. Smoke settles in over those eerie trap bells - the calm before the storm. That amazing harpsichord removes any sense of time/location. Your mind is finally empty. Nico spits that FB generation mantra: “I couldn’t really give a fuck how you feel”, lulling you into a false sense of security before ruining your life with intensity. NICO’s 2016 was pretty-much dominated by his wild live-show. But in between sets he found the time to gift us with this the premiere for this one. Was a huge step forward for us. The man’s legit. 31. “MONSTER TRUCK” - ALLDAY (MELB)
ALLDAY is huge - has been for years now. In 2016, he went through a bit of a sonic evolution and we fucked with it heavy. “MONSTER TRUCK” is a song that pushed Australian rap to places in the world it rarely reaches. This one features earnest lyrics, euphoric melodies and a skin-tight flow - years of work/experience all coming together. ALLDAY made some serious global waves last year as unique voice in the world of post-OVO rap music. 30. “LIONA” - NASTY MARS (MELB)
On “LIONA”, future-star NASTY MARS took warm, wavy, lo-fi production ripped straight from a SOULECTION cassette and crafted his own rap/soul-experiment around the peaks and flows of the beat. Although, hardly representative of this guy’s unreleased material, live show and overall position in the AUSTRALIAN rap/soul scene - “LIONA” still managed to take on a life of it’s own… just suss the comments. 29. “BLOOD THICKER THAN WATER” - LUTHER (BRIS)
One of BRISBANE’s most charismatic up-and-comers, LUTHER teamed up with AUS production royalty JAMES DAMIAN ANGUS early last year for a YOUNG THUG/LIL WAYNE style cut that blew us away. The production bangs. LUTHER’s wild, warbling trap-jitterings are fierce, crunchy and at times hilarious. Everything you want in a track like this. The dude is associated with the WORLDWIDE BOYS who will blow up this year. 28. “THIRSTY” - ANFA ROSE (SYD)
“THIRSTY” came last year amidst a never-ending avalanche of consistently jaw-dropping ANFA ROSE & DOPAMINE joint-efforts. Everything on this one from the samples, to ROSE’s perfectly structured verses - to those 808 snares cutting thru your entire being - to the lyrics enforced our theory that these dudes aren’t human. They are computer programs or clones or holograms or something. 27. “MARIA MARIA” - GEEK, CHARLES X & SELASIE WUSSAH (SYD)
This one - easily top 3 most iconic “THANK GUARD” anthems in our entire history. Seeing it live at one of our BONEY parties inspired some of the most emotional dabs ever dabbed. When it dropped back in Jan, it brought out some of our best writing ever too… so I’m just gonna quote myself here.

“On the most polished THANK GUARD Premiere to-date, a dynamic trio of epileptic acid-rappers exchange contrasting melodic flows - in a bid to win a Spanish bae’s heart.” If you don’t know GEEK, CHARLES X (of CULT SHOTTA) or SELASIE WUSSAH by now we don’t trust u. 26. “1 3 1 6” - E L K (ADL)
Adelaide teen E L K bursted onto the scene with last year with “TUTEN KARMEN”, which would have easily made the top 10 if he didn’t remove it from SC. “1 3 1 6”, a different (but equally impressive) joint also blew us away. This one brings guys like MF DOOM & JAY ELECTRONICA to mind instantly, but channeled thru the purity of a fresh, young mind with the voice of a rap-god. In 2016 alone, E L K and his PLAYBACK 808 crew went from bedroom rappers, to the creators of a legit AUS rap movement that looks poised to climb mountains in 2017. 25. “FEELING GOOD FEELING GREAT” - TOYOTOMI HIDEYOSHI (WA)
2 months ago, FourAM head-honcho TOYOTOMI HIDEYOSHI teamed up with producer SNOWEE for a sun-drenched 6K anthem. Some rare RAE SCHREMMURD vibes (if they were slightly more sober). Truly peaks at the end. TOYOTOMI is another young dude whose influence on the culture went beyond rapping last year. From short films, events to supporting those around him - this kid did it all in 2016. 24. “DOPER THAN DOPE (MACHINEDRUM REMIX)” - SK SIMEON (MELB)
One of AUSTRALIA’s best rhythmic-vocalists had a huge 2016. SK SIMEON has been a worldwide reggae force for a minute now. Born in Uganda, recorded his first song at a studio in Dandenong… But last year “DOPE THAN DOPE” - one of his best tracks to-date was remixed by MACHINEDRUM. This version (which sounds good anywhere) took SK’s insane rapid-fire singing and infectious tongue-in-cheek delivery to dance-floors around the world. 23. “NULIFE” - MAIA (BRIS)
BRISBANE neo-neo-soul singer/producer MAÏA returned to form in 2016 with her nostalgic, intimate “LOFI” Mixtape. “NULIFE” - a definite standout will swallow you up whole in a blanket of warm, jazzy melodies and pulsating rimshots. Coming very early in the year, this track really pre-empted a lot of trends that are dominating American music culture as we speak. We predict huge things for MAIA in 2017. 22. “$AUCE” - GREMLNS (MELB)
2016 was the year of the GREMLN in the suburbs of MELB. No other underground AUS rap squad made more of an impact than these guys in the last 12 months. This “SAUCE” video came about after months of anticipation and was defs worth the wait. It showed the GREMSQUAD more polished-than-ever, a bunch of real young talents standing at the crossroads between street-fame and industry acceptance. The video itself is like a cross between an old-school Tarantino movie and a London GRIME vid, but set in some unmistakably murky Burn-city graffiti spots. 21. “BERETTA” - MATT BLACK (SYD)
SYDNEY-based vocalist MATT BLACK exploded out of the blocks last year with a series of MIRACLE/DOPAMINE produced R&B/SOUL singles - the type big labels dream about every night. “BERETTA” is the whole package. A high-concept, slow-burning, futuristic love-song which cleverly compares a lover to a pistol. Two things that (depending on the circumstances) can save you or destroy you, make u feel like a man or a mouse. 20. “EVERYDAY” - DREAM$TEAM (ADEL)
So much love for duo’s with vastly different voices. When you listen to a DREAM$TEAM you got no time for boredom. You’ve got CHARLTON on the first verse who always goes in with this SHAKE070-style flow and A-grade emotionally-charged lyricism, then the other G comes in riding world-class auto-tune vibes that sit somewhere between YACHTY & TRAVI$ SCOTT. The production, which features ZAYTOVEN-style piano, is the opposite of corny… bounces hard & leaves plenty of room for vocals. These guys are insanely talented for their age-bracket. Anythings possible for them in 2017 19. “TENNIES” - TKAY MAIDZA (ADEL)
TKAY MAIDZA, easily one of the most successful artists on this list had a huge 2016. She was spun on SKRILLEX’s OWSLA radio show, played a tonne of festivals in AUS & FRANCE, but most importantly dropped a huge studio album, TKAY, which featured guest verse from KILLER MIKE (Run The Jewels). “TENNIES” was our favourite track from the album, because it combined her signature worldly sugar-rap with some hella uplifting footwork vibes. How often is boundary-pushing music this much fun? 18. “LAPUTA (TAYLOR MCFERRIN REMIX ft. ANDERSON PAAK)” - HIATUS KAIYOTE (MELB)
The one and only MELB-based GRAMMY-nominated future-soul quartet that we probs should have posted by now had to have a presence on this list, at least to show you all what’s possible. Their second album “CHOOSE YOUR WEAPON” is a must listen, but was released waybach in 2015. Last year, TAYLOR MCFERRIN recruited ANDERSON PAAK to rework standout single “LAPUTA” for a remix EP. The results speak for themselves. 17. “PEACEWALKER” - GALLU$, RAIDER KING (BRIS)
GALLU$ was real cult-force down in BRISBANE last year. His influence on the scene transcended his recordings - a huge statement considering the quality of songs like “PEACEWALKER”. This one features some heavy statements screamed with a natural Aussie accent over “GLASSSS” by PYRMDPLAZA. 

2016 was a year where artists like POPCAAN & J HUS were getting love on THE FADER + DRAKE/BIEBER/SKRILLEX were jacking sounds from the Caribbean and breaking billboard records. When our own YAW FASO shared this MACHINEDRUM remix of his sun-drenched single “ALL OF MI LIFE” the timing was perfect, but as the hook declares, he wasn’t riding any trends. Reggae is one of the few genres that makes you smile, dance and forget about all your issues. This song, bursting with: FASO’s highly motivational reggae mantras, sugary buildups and super-refreshing production does all the above. 15. “IDK” - GILL BATES (BRIS)
With his LESS STRESS, MORE SUCCESS EP, GILL BATES showed a whole new side of himself to the world in 2016. Standout cut “IDK” took the catchier side of AUS rap into unknown territory: substance & self-awareness. Above all tho, it’s just a great song. That larger-than-life JAMES DAMIAN ANGUS production grabs you from 0:01… GILL’s opening line “BEEN DROWNING MY SORROWS // BOTTLE AFTER BOTTLE” takes you into his psyche… Then GILL & JAMES drag you deeper and deeper into darkness before flipping things with a bittersweet xylophone-driven hook. A world-class highlight from one of the best local releases in 2016. 14. “NEVER BEEN” - TYRØNE (SYD)
In the last 12 months, few local artists worked harder than TYRØNE. The SYDNEY rapper/producer legit dropped a full EP Trilogy, brimming with GOAT Australian rap lyricism. Song, after song the guy managed to craft a unique aesthetic for himself and his music – darkness that isn’t fake. “NEVER BEEN”, a real standout encapsulates this dedication to his craft more than any other. That skin-tight baritone flow just doesn’t stop on this one. “I SAY LIFE IS EVERYTHING YOU MAKE IT // ONE THING DAMN RIGHT I AIN’T NEVER BEEN FAKE BITCH” 13. “HIT EM” - I AM D (BRIS)
BRISBANE one-man-movement I AM D flew way under our radar until we heard this one. “HIT EM” showcased D’s near iconic nu-AUSSIE rap tone, through a stream of SKEPTA-like vocal punches that explained every move he would make in the local scene. Little did we know at the time, but he actually went on to achieve everything he rapped on this track. In a matter of months after its release: he got signed to a major label, dropped a hugely successful EP, landed a national tour and stamped his influence on the local culture. 12. “NO FATIGUE (ft. GEEK & SELASIE WUSSAH)” - CULT SHØTTA (SYD)
The video for “NO FATIGUE” really set the tone for CULT SHØTTA season in 2016. They were always a truly unique presence in the Australian rap game, but on this track, they toned things down, unleashing line-after-line of vibrant acid-raps over a relatively sparse bass-driven trap beat. As per usual, CHARLES X, GEEK & SELASIE WUSSAH each brought their A-game, showing off vastly different styles/personas, each challenging different “AUSTRALIAN RAP” taboos in the process. It also marked the beginning of director RUFFY’s much-needed string of ambitious video-work that helped elevate many-a local rapper last year. 11. “FOR GOOD (ft. SAMPA THE GREAT)” - REMI (MELB)
Couldn’t think of a better ’16 feel-good Aus-rap summer anthem than REMI and SAMPA’s “FOR GOOD” if I tried. When your air-con breaks on a 35 degree day, this song could actually save ur life. The production, hook and overall vibe really feels like a classic Triple J anthem, the type that soundtracked our lives. But, obviously everything has been re-worked for the next-generation, creating a crisper, more sonically diverse hit than we’re used to. 10. “EXISTENTIALITY” - OJIKAE (MELB)
“EXISTENTIALITY” is a lovesick vision that’s refreshingly different from the over-saturated BILLBOARD TOP 100-style R&B that the likes of TORY LANEZ and BRYSON TILLER put out. It was also the very first track released by 17 y.o VCE student Matt Cicero, which blew us away immediately last JULY. The guy wrote something original, produced the track himself and whipped out a spine-tingling vocal performance that singlehandedly dragged his ass all the way to the top 10 of this list. 9. “ASSUMPTIONS” - MANU CROOKS (SYD)
“ASSUMPTIONS” was premiered on ZANE LOWE’s BEATS1RADIO show… got our mag a global shoutout AND tore stages apart across the country in 2016. We heard more sides of Sydney game-changer MANU CROOKS than ever before on this one. With help from production masterminds DOPAMINE & MIRACLE, CROOKS departed from them brooding Toronto vibes to show Australia & the world that he can can TURN UP like the best of them. 8. “CALL ME” - DEVARN (MELB)
This song is what THANK GUARD is all about. Sonically, it’s right up our alley… but more importantly it came from a creative young dude who: thinks for himself and punches well-above his weight considering the resources/money some people on this list have at their disposal. It also tells a story we have witnessed for years now…

“ALL OF MY N*GGAS THEY WORK IN THE SUN // WAITING FOR LABELS TO HIT UP THEY PHONE // I WANT SOME MONEY TO GET ME A PHONE” Few rappers can get you on their side like Melbourne’s DEVARN. His vocals are earnest, intimate - when he raps, it feels like he’s letting you into his world. He doesn’t slur his words, or smother them in auto-tune either - you can hear every word the man is saying. Also, huge props for referencing some of our fav underground anthems >> SAUCE (GREMLNS) >> MOOSHAMAD // I HAD A DREAM WE GON’ MAKE IT. Damn. 7. “000000” - MIDAS.GOLD (BRIS)
Last year, Brisbane’s MIDAS.GOLD elevated himself to the Mount Rushmore of this new-wave. Of all the wild trap releases & intimate soul-searching cuts on his huge FOR WHAT IT’S WORTH EP, “000000” had the biggest impact on the scene. It dropped all the way back in JANUARY when local rappers were all bumping FUTURE & YOUNG THUG 24/7, but still didn’t truly believe that an Aussie could incorporate these sounds into their music so convincingly. MIDAS truly made this quality JAMES DAMIAN ANGUS/MO LIASON beat his bitch from 0:01, before abruptly taking the track down a notch in its last third, flipping the beat and creating a Schoolboy Q-esque bleary-eyed, kushed-out vibe that eased the track out from its original energy. 6. “WHIP IT” - BIG SKEEZ
We’ve been huge supporters of BIG SKEEZ for a long time. Every track he dropped in 2016 wreaked of originality in both vision and character. SKEEZ, a dude climbing his way up a ladder of: elegant email signatures, cut-throat managers and concrete industry rules, often collaborated with us thru a simple fb message - or just bumping into him in the city. This made us question the likelihood of his success to some extent, but when this video for “WHIP IT” dropped, it turned all our dreams into a reality. The WAVY BADMON, along with his SYDNEY crew absolutely owned the big screen, turning up like a pro to one of the standout tracks from his under-rated debut mixtape. Seeing this whole evolution transpire before our very eyes gave this CERNE STUDIOS production a real sentimental value for the whole THANK GUARD team. 5. “ABSURD” - ANFA ROSE (SYD)
ANFA ROSE and DOPAMINE’S magnum opus will make you cry like a Canadian watching Drake sing the national anthem. The silky smooth, “Absurd” is a beautifully executed blend of 808s, pianos and harmonies. When it comes to polish, no local track released in 2016 comes close to this one. DOPAMINE stripped back that instrumental, focusing on an ethereal and ominous beat with a chordal pattern that slides effortlessly from note to note. ROSE’s delicate melodies fuse perfectly with the instrumental and his lyrics, which are reminiscent of DRAKE’s odes to RIHANNA, or THE WEEKND’s odes to drugs. 4. “RUN IT (ft. LEVI, PHANTOM & KMALITH)” - MIKE WANG (MELB)
When low-key GREMLN MICHAEL WANG dropped this fire squad track all borders between Australia & America went up in flames. The MELBOURNE underground literally outshone the AUSTRALIAN i-Tunes charts. Nothing would make sense ever again. In terms of flow, lyricism and local impact… this was without a doubt one of the best Australian rap tracks released in 2016. WANG, LEVI, PHANTOM & KMALITH came out, guns blazing with their own jaw-dropping take on that MIGOS-style flow (and this was all before “BAD & BOUJEE” blew up). That little OVO-style hook/breakdown “I GOT BANDS…” really added a whole other dimension to the song too. Don’t even get me started on the message behind these lyrics and their relevancy to our scene, the city of MELBOURNE and the racial/cultural tensions often overlooked by most Australians. 3. “BLOWIN’ UP (ft. MIRACLE)” - MANU CROOKS (SYD)
“BLOWIN UP” was MANU CROOKS flipping the switch and making a statement: his rise to success is about much more than bangerz. Being able to rap and record full-time is any local rapper’s dream and seeing the SYDNEY rapper get premiered on The FADER must have motivated thousands of Australian teenagers to keep hustling in 2016. Honestly, didn’t think someone from this new AUS rap-scene would make the pages of a mag like The FADER for at least another year. That stamp of approval means a lot. Manu’s tuned-up, magnetically charismatic vocals definitely stole the show on this one…Dude just seems to know exactly what to rap and when. But, none of this would have been possible without his equally talented bros: DOPAMINE & MIRACLE who both shined, bright as ever on this one. 
DOPAMINE always knows just the right amount of syrupy autotune to sprinkle over his mates vocals & this beat speaks for itself. MIRACLE’S production and vocals contributions always help bring a track to the next-level. All 3 of these guys will no-doubt make even more Australian-rap history in 2017. 2. “WDUBI (ft. NASTY MARS & MARCUS)” - BARO (MELB)
When the mind of a black sheep is re-configured to entertain the mindless masses, an artist has reached their final frontier. BARO (NASTY MARS & MARCUS) did this last year with “WDUBI” - the first taste from his eagerly-awaited JPYNTK tape. On first encounter, it plays as the perfect Australian new-gen rap jam. But on further inspection, everything about it: the production, vocal stylings and somber sonic undertones expose it for the beautiful alien it really is. All three verses loosely acknowledge US 2K16 rap (CHANCE, GAMBINO etc), but overall this track really does’t follow the rules set by the American market at all - which is why we love it so much. That NIC MARTIN production plays a huge roll in this also. Something about those double-timed snares/claps and the tempo made this one feel so damn refreshing. We really played the fuck out of this one last year. THANK GUARD. Oh btw “AND IF WE HAVE A SON I THINK WE’LL NAME HIM STEVEN” - line O.T.Y 1. “BLUE BOSS” - SAMPA THE GREAT (SYD)
LMAO. In 2016, a lot of local bro’s hyped their shit like crazy. Walking around like the TUPAC reincarnate, talking smack online & sharing videos on FB 10 times a day… and SAMPA THE GREAT quietly drops a song that makes them all look foolish, raising her to instant-legend status. SAMPA is emotionally mature, intellectually elegant, socially conscious. Her words can fight wars or comfort a child. She is the type of person you’d want running for president, let alone running the local rap scene. “BLUE BOSS” is like a world-class 2K16 surprise rap-hit, but also feels timeless. Unlike kindred spirits NONAME & KAMAIYAH, SAMPA keeps her production and overall-vibe as earthy as possible, creating her own unique place in the rap-world. Considering the desperate need for more female rappers in this country, the quality of SAMPA’s vocals and her all-too-rare modest demeanour, we had to give “BLUE BOSS” the #1 spot. Posted by PAULINE HANSON
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celebritylive · 5 years
Oprah Winfrey has pulled back from her planned Russell Simmons #MeToo documentary.
The media mogul, 65, was set to be an executive producer on the untitled film, which is slated for a Sundance Film Festival premiere later this month.
The documentary focuses on a former music executive who has accused Simmons of sexual misconduct and was intended to air on Apple TV+. Simmons has vehemently denied all allegations against him.
“I have decided that I will no longer be executive producer on The Untitled Kirby Dick and Amy Ziering Documentary and it will not air on Apple TV+,” Winfrey said in a statement obtained by PEOPLE.
“First and foremost, I want it to be known that I unequivocally believe and support the women Their stories deserve to be told and heard. In my opinion, there is more work to be done on the film to illuminate the full scope of what the victims endured and it has become clear that the filmmakers and I are not aligned in that creative vision,” Winfrey continued. “Kirby Dick and Amy Ziering are talented filmmakers. I have great respect for their mission but given the filmmakers’ desire to premiere the film at the Sundance Film Festival before I believe it is complete, I feel it’s best to step aside.”
She added, “I will be working with Time’s Up to support the victims and those impacted by the abuse and sexual harassment.”
In a statement obtained by PEOPLE, Dick and Ziering said, “Revealing hard truths is never easy, and the women in our documentary are all showing extraordinary strength and courage by raising their voices to address sexual abuse in the music industry. While we are disappointed that Oprah Winfrey is no longer an Executive Producer on the project, we are gratified that Winfrey has unequivocally said she believes and supports the survivors in the film.”
They continued, “The #MeToo experiences of Black women deserve to be heard, especially against powerful men, so we will continue with our plans to bring the film to The Sundance Film Festival. This film more than two years in the making, will be our eighth to premiere at Sundance.”
“The film is a beacon of hope for voices that have long been suppressed, and an inspiration for anyone wanting to regain their personal power,” they added.
RELATED: 18 Women Accuse Music Producer Russell Simmons of Sexual Misconduct — Everything They’ve Said
Tina Then, president and CEO of TIME’S UP Foundation said in a statement the organization “is in full support of the survivors who have spoken out about Russell Simmons. These women are brave. We believe them.”
“We support Oprah Winfrey in maintaining that the victims’ stories deserve to be heard on their own terms. Too often, black women are silenced, disbelieved or even vilified when they speak out,” Then said. “On top of that, for year, these women have been attacked by powerful forces surrounding Russell Simmons – illustrating how difficult it is to speak out against powerful men. And how important it is for powerful men to be held accountable for their actions.”
She continued, “As Oprah made clear in her statement, any decision by her and Apple regarding this documentary does not change the underlying facts. We assert TIME’S UP’s unwavering support for these survivors. We are in awe of their courage and strength. We will continue to fight for them, and we will continue to fight for a future where black women are truly heard and believed.”
View this post on Instagram Dearest OPRAH,you have been a shining light to my family and my community. Contributing so much to my life that I couldn’t list a fraction of it in this blog.Ihave given you the gift of meditation and the groundbreaking book”THE POWER OF NOW “we bonded to say the least. This is why it’s so troubling that you choose me to single out in your recent documentry. I have already admitted to being a playboy more (appropriately titled today “womanizer”) sleeping with and putting myself in more compromising situations than almost any man I know. Not 8 or 14 thousand like Warren Beatty or Wilt Chamberlain, but still an embarrassing number. So many that some could reinterpret or reimagine a different recollection of the same experiences. Please note that ur producers said that this upcoming doc was to focus ONLY on 3 hand chosen women. I have refused to get in the mud with any accusers, but let’s acknowledge what i have shared. I have taken and passed nine 3-hour lie detector tests (taken for my daughters), that these stories have been passed on by CNN, NBC, BUZZFEED, NY POST, NY MAG, AND OTHERS. Now that you have reviewed the facts and you SHOULD have learned what I know; that these stories are UNUSABLE and that “hurt people hurt people”. Today I received a call from an old girlfriend from the early 1980s which means that they are using my words/evidence against me and their COMMITMENT/ (all of the claims are 25 to 40 years old) It is impossible to prove what happened 40 years ago, but in my case proof exists of what didn’t happen, mostly signed letters from their own parents, siblings, roommates, band members, interns, and in the case of 2 of your 3 accusers,their own words in their books. Shocking how many people have misused this important powerful revolution for relevance and money. … In closing, I am guilty of exploiting, supporting, and making the soundtrack for a grossly unequal society, but i have never been violent or forced myself on anyone. Still I am here to help support a necessary shift in power and consciousness. Let us get to work on uplifting humanity and put this moment and old narrative behind us
A post shared by Russell Simmons (@unclerush) on Dec 13, 2019 at 6:35am PST
Simmons made his feelings about the documentary known on social media in December when he shared a photo of himself and Winfrey from a previous Super Soul Sunday session in which he was a guest.
“Dearest OPRAH,you have been a shining light to my family and my community. Contributing so much to my life that I couldn’t list a fraction of it in this blog.Ihave given you the gift of meditation and the groundbreaking book”THE POWER OF NOW “we bonded to say the least,” Simmons began. “This is why it’s so troubling that you choose me to single out in your recent documentry. I have already admitted to being a playboy more (appropriately titled today “womanizer”) sleeping with and putting myself in more compromising situations than almost any man I know. Not 8 or 14 thousand like Warren Beatty or Wilt Chamberlain, but still an embarrassing number. So many that some could reinterpret or reimagine a different recollection of the same experiences.”
He continued, “Please note that ur producers said that this upcoming doc was to focus ONLY on 3 hand chosen women. I have refused to get in the mud with any accusers, but let’s acknowledge what i have shared. I have taken and passed nine 3-hour lie detector tests (taken for my daughters), that these stories have been passed on by CNN, NBC, BUZZFEED, NY POST, NY MAG, AND OTHERS.”
RELATED VIDEO: Russell Simmons Steps Down From Business Empire Following New Sexual Assault Allegation: Report
“Now that you have reviewed the facts and you SHOULD have learned what I know; that these stories are UNUSABLE and that “hurt people hurt people”. Today I received a call from an old girlfriend from the early 1980s which means that they are using my words/evidence against me and their COMMITMENT/ (all of the claims are 25 to 40 years old) It is impossible to prove what happened 40 years ago, but in my case proof exists of what didn’t happen, mostly signed letters from their own parents, siblings, roommates, band members, interns, and in the case of 2 of your 3 accusers,their own words in their books. Shocking how many people have misused this important powerful revolution for relevance and money.”
Simmons denied the allegations that he had “forced” himself on women in his post, writing, “… In closing, I am guilty of exploiting, supporting, and making the soundtrack for a grossly unequal society, but i have never been violent or forced myself on anyone. Still I am here to help support a necessary shift in power and consciousness. Let us get to work on uplifting humanity and put this moment and old narrative behind us.”
Multiple women have accused the music producer of sexual misconduct including Drew Dixon, who is the subject of the documentary and one of the first women to come forward with accusations toward Simmons.
In 2017, Dixon told The New York Times she was working her “dream job” as an executive at Def Jam Recordings in 1995 but allegedly dealt with “prolonged and aggressive sexual harassment” by Simmons, who co-founded the label.
According to Dixon, Simmons made sexual comments about her and asked her to sit on his lap during a staff meeting, in addition to regularly exposing his erect penis to her.
Dixon alleges his behavior culminated in rape one day in his Manhattan apartment. “I was broken,” she told the Times, adding that Simmons allegedly pinned her to his bed and she later woke up naked in his hot tub after blacking out despite not having any alcohol.
from PEOPLE.com https://ift.tt/2sdylnn
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topicprinter · 5 years
We asked marketing experts what their recommended growth hacking tools were, we gathered up the answers, and here are the most commonly mentioned tools.Let's take a look!1. AhrefsUsing Ahrefs is an integral part of our growth marketing strategy and one of the best growth hacking tools. Here is how we use this tool: Keyword research is the most essential part of growth hacking. However, it is a time-consuming and tedious process. With the help of Ahrefs, we can easily find trending keywords which our target audience is looking for. We produce quality content using those keywords to improve search engine ranking and overall ROI. Ahrefs helps us in keeping an eye on our competitors. We can completely understand why our competitors are ranking so high and what we need to do to outrank them. First, we find out what competitors are ranking for, then create similar content. Next, we find keywords that our competitors are not targeting and may not have the highest search volume. We target these so that we can rank faster by avoiding high-competition keywords. We find opportunities that we have missed out on by uncovering how our competitors have been building their backlinks.Then, we reach out to the sites that have linked to our competitors and try to get a link for our site from them. The ResultsI've 2 specific examples of relevant data/results (how Ahrefs helped us to increase our organic traffic):Links/mentions for GigWorker (a new site of our company) from the likes of HR.com, MerlineOne, and Business2Community). We have yet to see a sharp increase in our organic traffic, but within only 2 months or so, we have earned unique backlinks from over 150 referring domains apart from a continuous improvement in our DR and UR as this screenshot shows.We have used the same strategy for our partner site, Ridester.com. The result? First, traffic increased from 0 to 253K unique monthly visitors. Second, traffic increased again from 253K to 650K after 7 months. Finally, after 12 months, it increased from 650K to over 1.5 million unique monthly visitors. 2. OutgrowOutgrow is a tool that allows you to create interactive quizzes which, later on, you can implement on your own website. It's a great addition to your growth hacking tools list for adding to your "top of funnel" marketing strategy.Quizzes are an exciting way of hacking growth and virality (if done right). With one simple quiz, you can collect up to a couple of thousands of new leads.To do that you have to first do research on what interests your audience the most. It must be personal, it must move curiosity, and it must make people curious to find out what's the end result.You should have really in-depth and thoughtful quiz results. This will determine the number of shares that will ignite growth.Quizzes are a great growth hacking tool as people like to share their results (if these are worth sharing). Thus, spend time on those, make them creative, and well-sounding.This tool really helps build leads and increase shares of the quiz if it's of high enough value and interest to your target market.3. BuzzSumoBuzzSumo is one of my favorite growth hacking tools. It's a perfect tool for anyone working within content marketing, email or social media outreach, and search engine optimization.I use it for several things:To follow all the trending, most shared and linked to content within the different topics. This is useful for keeping up to date, but also to see what type of content works right now so I can get inspiration to make something similar. For instance, generating blog post headlines to use.To get notified about other websites linking to me or linking to sites I consider as my competitors. I can then share that content or perhaps reach out to the site linking to my competitors in order to try to get a link too.I also use it to discover influencers and other people interested in my vertical. This can be used to find people to follow or reach out to and see if they could share my content. Similar to the above benefit, if an influencer has engaged with similar content in your niche, it's likely they will be open to sharing or engaging with your content. Especially if it's of high quality.4. VYPERWithout traffic, you will have a hard time building a business. Not only that but now you also need followers and an engaged audience if you plan to sell anything online.It's a growth marketing tool that helps brands build traffic, engagement, leads, and customers. It does this by using contests, giveaways, and reward programs.The reason this tool works so well is the gamification and incentivization aspect. By giving people the incentive to share and engage, you can build an audience that is much easier to monetize. Not only that, but all of the built-in sharing also generates a ton of new customers. (Bonus that there's a free plan).5. MailshakeEmail outreach can be a gift or the most damaging tactics to your brand if abused.That's why Mailshake makes the list of top growth hacking tools.Without the correct settings and email limitations, you will end up in the spam folder faster than your recipient can read the subject line.This growth tool helps you craft the perfect cold outreach email. It makes sure you have the right subject length, link number, and quality email address to make sure your emails find your leads' inbox.Using Mailshake with a number of other tools (mostly ones to attain the contact information for your leads) is a powerful combination.6. PhantomBusterOne of the most popular tools submitted to the growth hacking tools list!PhantomBuster tool helps you quickly grow Facebook groups that you have just made. I have made many facebook groups for my clients and this is my go-to method to get engagement for their posts and drive traffic to their websites. In the post is a step-by-step for how to use PhantomBuster tool to capture your competitors' audiences.You can also use Phantombuster for Linkedin and Instagram profiles with these Facebook URLs which can help in branding, advertising, and other stuff.7. BonjoroIf you are looking to grow your business, a critical cog to that success is your ability to create engagement and conversation with your users.Bonjoro is a video emailing tool that integrates with many CRMs and ESPs and allows you to quickly send out a personalized video to a prospect.One use case I leverage this for was one of my brands HGC for our game Arkon. This tool is a little more advanced than others on the growth hacking tools list but it's definitely worth trying!We did a test with 100 people who had purchased our product, sending 50 of them Bonjoro generated thank you emails that were custom-tailored and sending 50 standards thank you emails.We received a 64% response rate from our Bonjoro cohort (32/50) and 16% from our control (8/50).From our Bonjoro cohort, we received substantially more reviews, future purchases, and even referrals (we ask people how they heard about us and found a handful that listed people from the Bonjoro cohort! Using video and email to increase engagement is a growth hack that's working exceptionally well right now!8. ColibriColibri helps you increase the online visibility of your brand and increases your SEO efforts.You can get statistics and information on the people searching for your competitors.It's also an SEO driven growth hacking tool that helped me make essential changes in my online marketing, which ultimately increased the conversion rate. It also shows you where your customers are engaging online so that you may take part in relevant conversations across the web. You can even integrate it with Google Analytics to check the stats and measure the success of your outreach strategies. Colibri can also perform an on-page SEO analysis to get your pages ranked higher on search engines. This should be the bare minimum when it comes to optimizing your website for SEO.9. QuuuQuuu Promote is a great tool that helps your blog posts go viral. It's a pretty awesome growth hack to jump-start new blog posts that don't have too much traffic yet.Other than that, we use the Facebook retargeting pixel to show our ads to people who have already visited our site and blog. The more a person visits our website, the higher the likelihood of converting them into a customer because they trust you more. Facebook retargeting pixels are a great way to get them to come back to your site again and again. 10. TubeBuddyTubeBuddy is packed with powerful features that will boost organic video views, explore popular tags, A/B test titles, descriptions, and thumbnails and much more. So lets deep dive into the key features and benefits:Tag Explorer - You can find the best and most trending tags for your videos. The recommendations are customized for your specific channel. Publish to Social Media - Gain more views by publishing videos directly to your social media accounts (Facebook).A/B Testing - Not sure which thumbnail to use? Or which title will increase CTR? A/B testing feature will allow you to test titles, descriptions, tags, and thumbnails. Competitor Score - Understand what works well for your competitors, best-ranking tags, subscriber count, view rate, and much more. Best Time to Publish - If you are already worried about the best time to publish on social media, then you know the importance of getting the timing right. You can automatically find the best time to publish YouTube videos for the audience that you have built. Brand Alerts - Get notification when someone mentions your channel so that you can stay on top of it. What are the results for my channel?More subscribers: As I was able to test more titles and thumbnails, I got a better understanding of which types of titles, descriptions, and thumbnail are engaging. This helped me get more CTR, views, and subscribers. I have more than 1,300 subscribers and 27,000 views.Videos Rank Higher: If you are already using an SEO tool for your website, then why not for YouTube? TubeBuddy allowed me to research and find the best tags for my video, as it plays an important part to rank videos. More watch time: TubeBuddy told me when and at what time I should publish my videos so that it reaches the maximum number of viewers and get more video watch time. I highly recommend TubeBuddy to any growth hackers/growth marketers to scale their marketing efforts and optimize their digital campaigns. 11. KlaviyoKlaviyo is a great email marketing growth tool that helps drive a good number of traffic and sales once you have a solid email list.It's not a dedicated "growth hacking tool" but is definitely important in your business if you are doing email marketing so we had to include it.We use it for every special shopping event to boost our website sales. Recently, we ran a Prime Day Campaign through Klaviyo and it went well in terms of both traffic and conversions. 12. Google TrendsGoogle Trends is the most accessible free growth hacking tools that is available to all marketers. Making viral content is all about creating the right piece and putting it out at the right moment. Google Trend's Realtime Search Trends tab gives you an overview of what's currently hot. You can find a topic that is organically training at the moment and create a piece related to that topic. Of course, it must match your niche and what you're writing about on usual. While Google Trends doesn't show you any complex metrics, scores, and KPIs, it does give you a clear look at what people are currently searching for.The crucial thing is whether you're able to capitalize on the current trend and get into already trending news. SummarySo there you have it, all the growth hacking tools to take your brand to the next level.If you want to learn more about growth hacking and marketing and see in-depth case studies you can read more about it:https://vyper[.]io/blog/best-growth-hacking-tools/
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shirlleycoyle · 5 years
This Meme Explains Why TikTok Isn’t Like Any Other Social Media
People think that TikTok is a black hole where teens jump in and memes pop out. To be sure, TikTok has both teens and memes. But the reality is much more structured than it seems.
TikTok is dominated by videos with a very rigid, formulaic structure: a song, a dance. “You Need to Calm Down” by Taylor Swift plays, and the person sets up a social scenario that ends with them lip-synching “You need to calm down, you’re being too loud.”
Most of TikTok is like Mad Libs: the specifics of the joke differ, but the punchline is always the same. At any given moment, there’s maybe five to ten sound bites—which could be songs, or original audio recorded by users—that are accumulating the majority of the views, sometimes hundreds of thousands in just hours.
Enter TikTok’s latest genre: point-of-view videos, or POVs. They create scenarios that range from horror, to historical fiction, to teenage fantasies, to the completely absurd. These videos often have little in common aside from the significant role that they assign to the viewer.
The traditional TikTok POV is shot from a first-person perspective, making the viewers the main character of the video. TikToker @porrinate, who identified himself as Adam, told Motherboard, “I think it makes it very personal to the viewer, because the video is through their eyes.”
Adam made a POV captioned “#pov you dont have a lunch at school and i offer you my entire lunch because i want you to be okay.” In this video, the viewer is a student that doesn’t have lunch. Adam speaks directly to them.
“I took it from my own experience, which was like, I didn’t get to eat that much in high school—and if I did, it was from somebody else,” Adam said. “So I would always feel like, people need to be more generous, especially towards those who are really struggling.”
The structure of an app helps decide what kind of posts are more likely to succeed. On Twitter, a blank slate of 280 characters, it’s attention-grabbing, ratio-inviting shit posts. On YouTube, where ad revenue can be low or unreliable, it’s lengthy, vlogger-style videos that are cheap to produce.
Meanwhile, TikTok encourages recycling sound bites which are used by sometimes thousands of videos. This has spawned a culture where people use familiar joke formats, and gently add a little bit of themselves.
By making viewers a part of the video, POVs uniquely allow creators to engage with viewers, and by extension, connect with their peers. POVs leverage TikTok to appeal to shared human experiences of joy, despair, embarrassment, and laughter. For now, at least, it’s something that sets TikTok apart from other social media apps.
Why POVs Could Only Happen on TikTok
People can post videos on Twitter or Facebook, but since users only see content from users they follow, those videos have a limited ability to spread. People who aren’t following you, most often, will simply miss the video you share. TikTok is different because of the app’s For You page, which pushes users to view videos from wide-reaching pool of users (even ones that you don’t follow).
The For You page surfaces posts from across the platform. It’s an algorithmically-generated recommendation feed, catered to each user. Unlike Twitter’s Moments tab or Instagram’s Discover page, which also surface posts from users you don’t follow, the For You opens automatically when a user launches the app. But we don’t know the specifics of how the For You page works. According to TikTok’s listing in the iOS App Store, some opaque mix of app engagementlikes, shares, and comments—dictates what users see.
Most TikToks only have 15 seconds to engage a viewer and maximize their reach on people’s For You pages. That’s a large part of why POVs are successful: they grab the viewer’s attention by pulling them into the plot of the video. The impact is immediate.
“Across different platforms, you think of the different types of cultures that have emerged,” Becca Lewis, an internet culture researcher with Data and Society, said in a phone call. “A lot of that is due to these artificial constraints platforms place on the type of content that gets created.”
The opacity of the For You algorithm has a huge impact on TikTok. If you’re trying to make a popular video, it makes sense to stick to one of the Mad Libs formulas that dominate the For You page on a given day. It’s the act of reaching for the biggest-common-content-denominator in a vast pool of videos whose logic you can’t see.
Here are some memes that are popular at the time of writing:
“Wasabi” by Little Mix plays and people lip sync the lyrics while using TikTok’s “face-tracking” filter, which identifies and zooms in on your face.
“One Jump Ahead” from Aladdin plays and people lip sync the line “Let’s not be too hasty,” and the reply “Still I think he’s rather tasty,” usually while the user pretends to be two different characters.
“No Reason” by YunggTez plays and people act out a situation in which they convey confidence, attitude, and a lack of regard for others.
Nir Eyal, author of Hooked: How to Build Habit-Forming Products, said in a phone call that users won’t make a habit out of an app unless there’s a “variable reward”—or, a variety of entertaining content. Without that variety, users get bored.
“The problem I think that TikTok is struggling with is that they depend on the meme model,” Eyal said. “Because if everybody does the meme the same way, what happens to the variability? It becomes predictable. The predictability makes it boring. Nobody wants to see the meme because they already saw it.”
But POVs are anything but predictable. Instead of appealing to a common meme formula, POVs appeal to a common humanity. They put the viewer into the messy center of an emotional situation.
Take this TikTok by Olivia Giordano, for example. The caption is, “there’s not enough seats at the lunch table today, so you have nowhere to sit.” In this video, the viewer is the person who can’t get a seat at the lunch table. It’s like exposure therapy, violently bringing viewers face-to-face with the shame, humiliation, and sadness of living through this particular situation. But the viewer experiences these feelings in a safe setting: TikTok.
A similar video is captioned, “ur teacher lets u pick partners but u have 2 friends in ur class who partnered up.” In this video, you’re watching yourself try to team up with a friend for a group project, but quickly realize that your friends both chose one another before you.
By acknowledging that these uncomfortable experiences exist, these POV videos lend significance to experiences that young people often have to dismiss in order to get by.
A lot of POVs focus on acting out a true-to-reality situation. For instance, TikTok user @yazdemand made a POV captioned, “#pov your my mirror after My family say that ‘you will always be a boy.’” Viewers watch the private, vulnerable moments of this teenager getting ready. There’s a tension, and you can feel her confidence and apprehension playing out simultaneously. People going through a similar situation can find community.
A Yeet into the Spectrum of POVs
Not all POVs are exposure therapy for the cruelty of being a teenager, or heartfelt experience confessionals. A pillar of the POV genre is the massive selection of videos that rely on humor and sometimes absurdity.
A great example of this is a TikTok captioned, “i’m ur dumb jock crush. you tell me you’re feeling depressed. i try to make it better.” In it, user @idrinkvapejuice acts out the crush’s reply to her admission of depression.
Other videos, like “POV: what my birth control sees when i remember i have to take it” and “POV: im checking ur head for lice (and u have it)” are pretty self explanatory. There’s also videos like “Pov. our eyes meet at the Area 51 raid” (which is a poking fun at a POV formula that starts with “our eyes meet”).
But the POV genre, and TikTok in general, isn’t immune to harassment and hate speech problems that plague social media. Jess Fisher, TikTok user @jess.fisher5 has a recurring TikTok series where she pretends to be the personification of each astrological sign. In her POV video, captioned “#wholesome TAURUS POV,” Fisher acts like the personification of Tauruses, who are generally defined as compassionate, loyal, and sometimes parental.
Fisher said that this POV got an unexpected response: a flood of duets—or new videos that are displayed directly alongside an original video—and comments from old men.
“Not all of them, but a lot of [the comments] were like, ‘I’m gonna rip that shirt off of you,’ and things like that,” Fisher said.
The duets for Fisher’s video exist in a grey area: most of them don’t violate TikTok’s terms of use. It’s not against the rules to duet a video with a suggestive smile and comment. But the response was somewhat violating, she said. (A TikTok spokesperson encouraged users to visit its Safety Center for information about responding to misuse.)
“[The video] did make me think that maybe POV just strikes a chord in people,” Fisher said. “It hits them in a different way than normal videos do.”
POVs Make TikTok Feel Human
Fisher said that POVs make sense in the larger history of TikTok. TikTok, in its original form, was called musical.ly, and musical.ly was dedicated almost entirely to lip-sync videos. Fisher said that the foundation of these lip-sync videos probably lent itself to the creation of the POV genre.
“They could just be lip synching a song with intention, but it’s also like making the viewer feel like they’re being looked at, or being seen,” Fisher said. “The only difference between that type of thing and the POV genre is putting their own dialogue to it and writing it themselves. Like content creation rather than just lip synch.”
Platforms like Facebook often talk about how they want to “bring the world closer together.” But this isn’t easy for any social media platform to accomplish. Often, it seems, meaningful online experiences are built on finding communities with shared experiences.
This is what’s happened with POVs on TikTok. There’s countless different iterations of POVs: there’s humor, fiction, cosplay, fantasy, historical skits, and realistic ones, and there’s innumerable niches that have grown out of these subgroups.
This phenomenon seems to defy the odds: the TikTok For You page, in its seeming randomness, connects people with obscure mutual experiences. The result is something that feels fundamentally human.
This Meme Explains Why TikTok Isn’t Like Any Other Social Media syndicated from https://triviaqaweb.wordpress.com/feed/
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caveartfair · 6 years
The 5 Standout Shows of Gallery Weekend Beijing
Installation view of Liang Shuo, “Scenery,” at Beijing Commune, 2019. Courtesy of Beijing Commune.
As collectors head to Art Basel in Hong Kong this week, the galleries and institutions of Gallery Weekend Beijing came together this past weekend hoping to persuade them to stop off at the Chinese capital en route, and to assert the city’s enduring importance in China’s art ecosystem.
Gallery Weekend Beijing is funded by the Sevenstar Group, which owns the 798 Art District, a creative park that feels, at times, like a fortress for contemporary art in Beijing. The event, which opened to VIPs on March 22nd and continues through the 29th, expanded its programming this year, furthering its ambition to transcend its boundaries.
“Although it comes out of the 798 Art District, the concept of Gallery Weekend Beijing goes beyond 798, and not even Beijing is the limit,” said Amber Wang, who has been director of the event for two of its three editions. “We’re doing a lot of exchanges with different districts, cities and countries, focusing on the pioneering role of Chinese contemporary art.”
Gallery Weekend Beijing includes a plethora of initiatives, ranging from an emerging artists exhibition, a VIP talks program, an exchange with Zurich Art Week, and a prize given to the best show, from which 798 Art District will acquire a work worth at least CNY100,000 (around $14,900). This year, they also added the inaugural Beijing Art Summit, an impressive program of talks curated by curators Colin Siyuan Chinnery and Mari Spirito.
With 798 providing some of the missing connective tissue, several galleries muscled up to assert Beijing’s vital role in China’s art ecosystem. And for many, that importance is at least in part historical.
“Foreign visitors were quite intrigued by artists from the ’85 New Wave,” Wang said, pointing to exhibitions of Wu Shanzhuan at Long March Space, Liu Heung Shing at Star Gallery, Wang Huanqing at Hive Center for Contemporary Art, and Gong Lilong at Platform China. Li Jin’s sumptuous “Flesh and Bone” show at INK Studio, showing works prior to 2000, similarly looked thoughtfully to the past.
Although there was significant nostalgia for Beijing art’s glory days, several galleries staked out space in the present, with one particular artist standing out.
“Among Chinese curators I’ve been talking to, the most frequently mentioned name was Wang Xingwei,” Wang said, a perspective reinforced by several others. Below, we share Wang’s show, and four other highlights of Beijing Gallery Weekend.
Wang Xingwei, “The Code of Physiognomy,” at Galerie Urs Meile
The Encounter of Life, 2018. Wang Xingwei Galerie Urs Meile
Four Seasons (Spring), 2016-2017. Wang Xingwei Galerie Urs Meile
Paintings by the Shenyang-born artist often feel like jokes between drinking buddies. Several works showed off his facility with portraying China’s performative, aspirational visual vernacular. People on Segway-esque scooters commuted home through a rainy park in one painting, while a man covered in an overcoat of bees formed a heart shape with his hands in another.
Behind an interior wall at the gallery, concealed like a speakeasy, were paintings of fallen Chinese political figures. The 2016–17 series depicts Ling Jihua, a former political advisor to Hu Jintao who was sentenced to life in prison after taking over CNY77 million in bribes; General Xu Caihou, who was dragged from his cancer bed to face charges of selling job promotions in the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) before dying; Zhou Yongkang, the former Secretary of the Central Political and Legal Affairs Commission, who was convicted of taking bribes; and Bo Xilai, the Chongqing rival to Xi Jinping, who’s pictured mopping the Chinese character for regret on the ground of his prison cell, his face impassive, after being charged with corruption and handed a life sentence behind bars.
Although each man’s wrongdoings were made public before they were punished by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), now they’re supposed to be forgotten, removed from history. Some Chinese gallery visitors seemed to enjoy the paintings like students watching a friend act up in class.
Liang Shuo, “Scenery,” at Beijing Commune
Installation view of Liang Shuo, “Scenery,” at Beijing Commune, 2019. Courtesy of Beijing Commune.
Liang Shuo’s ingenious exhibition design, a spiral that only ever lets the viewer see a small section of his scroll paintings at once, is true to the way such paintings were traditionally shared—intimately and little by little. It creates suspense for the viewer, who can never be sure of what will come next around the bend.
Liang refuses to paint idealized landscapes from his imagination, instead insisting on capturing what he sees firsthand, and in many Chinese theme parks. His subjects include the faux dinosaurs, ghouls, and serpents that have been introduced to increase tourism, reinforcing the feeling of being on an amusement park ride at Universal Studios.
anusman, “Market Street,” at Tabula Rasa
Installation view of anusman, “Market Street,” at Tabula Rasa, 2019. Courtesy of Tabula Rasa.
The traditional market setting for this solo show implies that the works will be traditional ink paintings. But the incredible anusman is less like an ancient literati than a graphic novelist getting his thoughts down on paper in a way that is diaristic, bordering on stream of consciousness. Indeed, anusman’s work is printed in popular books by Chinese zine publisher bananafish. The work in “Market Street” follows his protagonist, Mr. Men, along the strange new neural pathways Beijingers navigate using Mobikes and WeChat’s location-sharing service.
Leila Alaoui, “Ya Rayah,” at Galleria Continua
Installation view of Leila Alaoui, “Ya Rayah,” at Galleria Continua, 2019. Courtesy of Galleria Continua.
The single most impactful work at Beijing Gallery Weekend was the installation of portraits entitled “Les Marocains,” by French-Moroccan artist Leila Alaoui. Alaoui’s first solo show in China, spread across the gallery’s three floors, also included the photography series “No Pasara,” documenting Moroccan people seeking passage to Europe; “Crossings,” which shows Sub-Saharan migrants; and “L’Ile du Diable,” a video of immigrants in Paris who had worked at the Renault factory on Seguin Island, which they dubbed “the Devil’s Island,” due to the harsh conditions they endured there.
The works felt especially freighted with import and sadness, in part due to Alaoui’s death in Burkina Faso in 2016—she was killed in terrorist attacks while working on a commission for Amnesty International. But it’s also particularly poignant in light of the new Human Rights Watch report describing the tens of thousands of villagers fleeing Burkina Faso, and the violent deaths of 50 muslim worshippers—many of them immigrants and refugees—in Christchurch, New Zealand, on March 15th.
Shi Guowei, “A Walk in the Woods,” at Magician Space
A Dense Forest, 2018. Shi Guowei Magician Space
Caochangdi, 2018. Shi Guowei Magician Space
Born in Henan in 1977, Shi Guowei uses his imagination to meticulously hand-color black-and-white photographs. From even a short distance, the images—of lichen plants; trees; a sudsy ocean—look utterly convincing as color photographs. Up close, however, they reveal the artist’s choices, forcing the viewer to doubt their own knowledge of nature’s palette.
from Artsy News
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neptunecreek · 6 years
Sextortion Scam: What to Do If You Get the Latest Phishing Spam Demanding Bitcoin
You may have arrived at this post because you received an email from a purported hacker who is demanding payment or else they will send compromising information—such as pictures sexual in nature—to all you friends and family. You’re searching for what to do in this frightening situation.
Don’t panic. Contrary to the claims in your email, you haven't been hacked (or at least, that's not what prompted that email). This is merely a new variation on an old scam which is popularly being called "sextortion." This is a type of online phishing that is targeting people around the world and preying off digital-age fears.
We’ll talk about a few steps to take to protect yourself, but the first and foremost piece of advice we have: do not pay the ransom.
We have pasted a few examples of these emails at the bottom of this post. The general gist is that a hacker claims to have compromised your computer and says they will release embarrassing information—such as images of you captured through your web camera or your pornographic browsing history—to your friends, family, and co-workers.  The hacker promises to go away if you send them thousands of dollars, usually with bitcoin.
What makes the email especially alarming is that, to prove their authenticity, they begin the emails showing you a password you once used or currently use.
Again, this still doesn't mean you've been hacked. The scammers in this case likely matched up a database of emails and stolen passwords and sent this scam out to potentially millions of people, hoping that enough of them would be worried enough and pay out that the scam would become profitable.
EFF researched some of the bitcoin wallets being used by the scammers. Of the five wallets we looked at only one had received any bitcoin, in total about 0.5 bitcoin or $4,000 at the time of this writing.  It’s hard to say how much the scammers have received in total at this point since they appear to be using different bitcoin addresses for each attack, but it’s clear that at least some people are already falling for this scam.
Here are some quick  answers to the questions many people ask after receiving these emails.
They have my password! How did they get my password?
Unfortunately, in the modern age, data breaches are common and massive sets of passwords make their way to the criminal corners of the Internet. Scammers likely obtained such a list for the express purpose of including a kernel of truth in an otherwise boilerplate mass email.
If the password emailed to you is one that you still use, in any context whatsoever,  STOP USING IT and change it NOW! And regardless of whether or not you still use that password it's always a good idea to use a password manager.
And of course, you should always change your password when you’re alerted that your information has been leaked in a breach. You can also use a service like Have I Been Pwned to check whether you have been part of one of the more well-known password dumps.
Should I respond to the email?
Absolutely not. With this type of scam, the perpetrator relies on the likelihood that a small number of people will respond out of a batch of potentially millions. Fundamentally this isn't that much different from the old Nigerian prince scam, just with a different hook. By default they expect most people will not even open the email, let alone read it. But once they get a response—and a conversation is initiated—they will likely move into a more advanced stage of the scam. It’s better to not respond at all.
So,  I shouldn’t pay the ransom?
You should not pay the ransom. If you pay the ransom, you’re not only losing money but you’re encouraging the scammers to continue phishing other people. If you do pay, then the scammers may also use that as a pressure point to continue to blackmail you, knowing that you’re are susceptible.
What should I do instead?
As we said before, for sure stop using the password that the scammer used in the phishing email, and consider employing a password manager to keep your passwords strong and unique. Moving forward, you should make sure to enable two-factor authentication whenever that is an option on your online accounts. You can also check out our Surveillance Self-Defense guide for more tips on how to protect your security and privacy online.
One other thing to do to protect yourself is apply a cover over your computer’s camera. We offer some through our store, but a small strip of electrical tape will do.
We know this experience isn't fun, but it's also not the end of the world. Just ignore the scammers' empty threats and practice good password hygiene going forward!
Example 1
I am aware one of your passphrase: password. Lets get directly to point. Not a single person has compensated me to investigate about you. You do not know me and you are probably wondering why you're getting this e mail?actually, I actually installed a software on the adult vids (sex sites) site and you know what, you visited this web site to have fun (you know what I mean). When you were viewing videos, your internet browser initiated working as a Remote control Desktop that has a key logger which provided me access to your display screen and also web cam. Right after that, my software program collected your complete contacts from your Messenger, FB, and email . After that I created a double-screen video. 1st part shows the video you were viewing (you've got a good taste haha . . .), and 2nd part shows the view of your webcam, and its u.  You do have only 2 alternatives. We are going to understand these types of choices in aspects: 1st solution is to disregard this message. In this case, I am going to send your actual video clip to just about all of your contacts and thus you can easily imagine about the disgrace you feel. Not to mention should you be in a relationship, just how it will eventually affect? Number two choice will be to pay me $3000. We will think of it as a donation. As a consequence, I most certainly will without delay eliminate your videotape. You will keep going on your daily life like this never happened and you will not hear back again from me. You'll make the payment through Bitcoin (if you do not know this, search for "how to buy bitcoin" in Google).
Example 2
Hi, victim.I write yоu becаusе I put а mаlware оn the wеb раge with porn whiсh yоu hаve visitеd.My virus grаbbed all your рersonal infо аnd turnеd on yоur сamеrа which сaрtured the рroсеss оf your onаnism. Just aftеr that the soft savеd yоur соntaсt list.I will dеlеte thе сompromising video and infо if you pаy me 999 USD in bitcoin. This is address fоr рaymеnt : 1K2jNTLdbHEwaALQWKMeGoKLWD67Cb6q8BI give yоu 30 hоurs aftеr you ореn my mеssаge for making the trаnsactiоn.As sоon аs yоu reаd the mеssаgе I'll see it right awаy.It is nоt necessary tо tell mе thаt you hаve sеnt money to me. This address is соnneсtеd tо yоu, my systеm will dеlete еverything automаtically aftеr trаnsfer соnfirmаtiоn.If yоu nееd 48 h just reрly оn this letter with +.Yоu сan visit thе pоlicе stаtion but nobоdy cаn hеlp yоu.If you try to dеceive mе , I'll sеe it right аway !I dont live in yоur соuntry. So they саn nоt track my lосаtiоn evеn for 9 months.Goodbyе. Dоnt fоrget аbоut thе shame and tо ignore, Yоur life can be ruined.
Example 3
𝕨hat's up. If you were more vigilant while playing with yourself, I wouldn't worry you. I don't think that playing with yourself is very bad, but when all colleagues, relatives and friends get video record of it- it is obviously for u. I adjusted virus on a porn web-site which you have visited. When the victim press on a play button, device begins recording the screen and all cameras on your device starts working. мoreover, my program makes a dedicated desktop supplied with key logger function from your device , so I could get all contacts from ya e-mail, messengers and other social networks. I've chosen this e-mail cuz It's your working address, so u should read it. Ì think that 730 usd is pretty enough for this little false. I made a split screen vid(records from screen (u have interesting tastes ) and camera ooooooh... its awful ᾷF) Ŝo its your choice, if u want me to erase this сompromising evidence use my ƅitсȯin wᾷllеt aďdrеss-  1JEjgJzaWAYYXsyVvU2kTTgvR9ENCAGJ35  Ƴou have one day after opening my message, I put the special tracking pixel in it, so when you will open it I will know.If ya want me to share proofs with ya, reply on this message and I will send my creation to five contacts that I've got from ur contacts. P.S... You can try to complain to cops, but I don't think that they can solve ur problem, the investigation will last for several months- I'm from Estonia - so I dgf LOL
Example 4
I know, password, is your pass word. You may not know me and you're most likely wondering why you are getting this e mail, correct? In fact, I placed a malware on the adult vids (porn material) web-site and you know what, you visited this website to have fun (you know what I mean). While you were watching video clips, your internet browser initiated operating as a RDP (Remote Desktop) that has a keylogger which provided me access to your screen and also webcam. Immediately after that, my software program gathered your entire contacts from your Messenger, social networks, as well as email. What did I do? I made a double-screen video. 1st part shows the video you were watching (you have a good taste lmao), and 2nd part shows the recording of your webcam. exactly what should you do?
Well, I believe, $2900 is a fair price for our little secret. You'll make the payment by Bitcoin (if you don't know this, search "how to buy bitcoin" in Google). BTC Address: 1MQNUSnquwPM9eQgs7KtjDcQZBfaW7iVge (It is cAsE sensitive, so copy and paste it) Note: You have one day in order to make the payment. (I have a specific pixel in this email message, and at this moment I know that you have read through this email message). If I do not get the BitCoins, I will definitely send out your video recording to all of your contacts including family members, coworkers, etc. However, if I do get paid, I'll destroy the video immidiately. If you want to have evidence, reply with "Yes!" and I will certainly send out your video to your 14 contacts. This is the non-negotiable offer, so please don't waste my personal time and yours by responding to this email message.
from Deeplinks https://ift.tt/2M9Z2xS
0 notes
trendingnewsb · 7 years
39 of the best celebrity responses to Keaton Jones’ powerful video about bullying.
Last week, a Tennessee woman named Kimberly Jones posted a video of her son Keaton online. It went mega-viral.
The video, which has been viewed on Facebook more than 20 million times since posting, shows Keaton in tears over being bullied at school. There’s a sense of despair and helplessness in his voice that no child should have to feel, but too many have.
“Just out of curiosity, why do they bully?” a distraught Keaton asks his mom. “What’s the point of it? Why do they find joy in taking innocent people and finding a way to be mean to them?”
This is Keaton Jones, he lives in Knoxville and he has a little something to say about bullying.http://pic.twitter.com/coyQxFp33V
— Everything TN (@Everything_TN) December 9, 2017
The video clearly resonated with people — some who have been bullied, some who have been the bully — and within hours, words of support began to roll in from around the world, including some notes from some high profile people.
Hollywood has Keaton’s back.
Avengers Chris Evans and Mark Ruffalo came up big for the little guy.
Stay strong, Keaton. Don’t let them make you turn cold. I promise it gets better. While those punks at your school are deciding what kind of people they want to be in this world, how would you and your mom like to come to the Avengers premiere in LA next year? https://t.co/s1QwCQ3toi
— Chris Evans (@ChrisEvans) December 10, 2017
Little buddy, I was bullied when I was a kid. You are right #ItGetsBetter! You are my own personal super hero. Protect Yo Heart. You got a pal in the Hulk. https://t.co/fRTAENcmV4
— Mark Ruffalo (@MarkRuffalo) December 10, 2017
As did Eleven from “Stranger Things,” offering her friendship.
Keaton, this is so accurate. Why do people do this? I think your sooo cool Keaton! I wanna be your friend ( but srsly) ur freakin awesome ❤️ https://t.co/LD7Q762bL9
— Millie Bobby Brown (@milliebbrown) December 9, 2017
The delightful Tom Cavanagh of “The Flash” voiced his support  for Jones and against bullies everywhere.
Hey Keaton We here on “The Flash” are on your side – and against bullies everywhere.⚡️ #TheFlash @CW_TheFlash #StandWithKeaton https://t.co/svn8FTZmaT
— Tom Cavanagh (@CavanaghTom) December 11, 2017
Same with Beth Behrs of “Two Broke Girls.”
Keaton Jones you are amazing. So brave and strong and a beautiful human! Sending love from California! https://t.co/AALuA27r0Z
— Beth Behrs (@BethBehrs) December 10, 2017
He got some love from members of “The Walking Dead” cast.
Hey #KeatonJones Just saw your video about the tough time you’re going through. Not sure if you’re a Walking Dead fan but if it happens that you are then please be in touch as I would love to see you and your family @WalkrStalkrCon show in Nashville next year. On me. X
— Tom Payne (@justanactor) December 10, 2017
My dude. Lotta folks got your back. Me included. I’ll come down and have a chat with anybody getting on your nerves. You’re awesome my man. Be strong. Always. You will win because you are the better man. Believe that. Xojd
— Jeffrey Dean Morgan (@JDMorgan) December 10, 2017
Even Gaston and LeFou (a couple of fiction’s most famous bullies) weren’t having it.
I was bullied my whole childhood. Bullying makes me sick. Keaton, it will get better. I promise. These bullies will be a story you will tell one day when you are big and strong and mightier than all of them. https://t.co/8yEqalWfHd
— Luke Evans (@TheRealLukevans) December 10, 2017
This is my message for Keaton. Love you buddy http://pic.twitter.com/pdYK5E7JRk
— Josh Gad (@joshgad) December 10, 2017
Broadway star Ben Platt offered a few words of support.
Keaton- your vulnerability, honesty and emotional intelligence already show how much more powerful, valuable, unique and human you are than any of the bullies you talked about. I have no doubt it will get better and we will all do our part to make sure it does. We love you. https://t.co/JN9hCU49pY
— Ben Platt (@BenSPLATT) December 10, 2017
And so did voice actors Susan Eisenberg and Kevin Conroy, who provided the voices for Wonder Woman and Batman, respectively, on the animated “Justice League” TV show.
Stay strong, Keaton… You are not alone!! #KeatonJones #StopBullying http://pic.twitter.com/ASTUxPlgD4
— Susan Eisenberg (@susaneisenberg1) December 10, 2017
Keaton you are not alone. Please believe that it gets better in time. Bullies are really very weak and not worthy of your tears. I was bullied and grew up to play Batman, how cool is that?! https://t.co/wVWj7PkqLe
— Kevin Conroy (@RealKevinConroy) December 10, 2017
“Coco” director Lee Unkrich and “Ghostbusters” mastermind Paul Feig stepped up.
.@Lakyn_jones Hi! I directed Coco and Toy Story 3. If Keaton ever wants to visit Pixar, he has an open invitation! http://pic.twitter.com/Xv43RONyDr
— Lee Unkrich (@leeunkrich) December 11, 2017
Keaton, you are an amazing kid, a beautiful unique person. You are one thousand times better than any bully. You are right that it will get better one day. You will thrive. Keep learning, stay positive, laugh at how small-minded they are & keep being yourself. @STOMPOutBullyng https://t.co/1rjbarEYDO
— Paul Feig (@paulfeig) December 11, 2017
Some of the biggest stars in professional sports showed up, as well.
LeBron James called bullies “straight up wack, corny, cowards, chumps.”
Damn right! Bullies are straight up wack, corny, cowards, chumps, etc, etc! Keaton keep your head up buddy and push forward! You’re the best https://t.co/pqDgay77l9
— LeBron James (@KingJames) December 11, 2017
Cubs slugger Anthony Rizzo and Pirates outfielder Andrew McCutchen both offered words of kindness and comfort.
Keaton,U are not ugly, U are amazing. U r my hero for sharing ur story & continuing the conversation about the harm of bullying.Stay Strong! https://t.co/HaO2NqP4SP
— Anthony Rizzo (@ARizzo44) December 11, 2017
This breaks my heart. I stand with you Keaton. You are 1 million times stronger than those bullies. https://t.co/XmGwVYLUjF
— andrew mccutchen (@TheCUTCH22) December 10, 2017
Former Green Bay Packers cornerback Bernard Blake urged Jones to “never be ashamed of who you are.” Former NFL star Antonio Cromartie stepped in to say that bullies are often just insecure about themselves, asking him to be strong.
Keaton I, along with my @CSUFootball and @packers brothers wanted you to know that we stand against bullying. @Lakyn_Jones #StandWithKeaton http://pic.twitter.com/qReeMlDp71
— Bernard Blake (@BamBam_Blake23) December 10, 2017
Keaton you are a handsome young man who is made in the image God. The kids that bully you are very insecure about themselves. And it’s a shame that the parents of those kids won’t be accountable for their kids actions. Keaton Jones I’m here for you buddy. Be Strong young man
— ANTONIO CROMARTIE (@CRO31) December 10, 2017
Former NFL wide receiver Donté Stallworth urged caution for people suggesting that the bullies be confronted with hostility, asking people who really want to make a difference to try to do it through lessons of love.
We all know kids can be little shits at times—especially when it’s a group of them. We have to teach them to be better people as well through love and leading by example. They are kids, they can change their behavior through love.
— Donté Stallworth (@DonteStallworth) December 9, 2017
“Bullying is bullshit,” summed up World Cup champion Ali Krieger. “We need to start coming together, supporting each other and most importantly, standing up for beautiful kids in this world like Keaton.”
This brings tears to my eyes..bullying is bullshit! We need to start coming together, supporting each other and most importantly, standing up for beautiful kids in this world like Keaton. https://t.co/PxGHusq0Dp
— Ali Krieger (@alikrieger) December 11, 2017
Similarly, the music world had words of encouragement and support for Jones.
Demi Lovato predicted that Jones would come out of this experience much stronger than he entered it. Enrique Iglesias called the video “heartbreaking.”
I #StandwithKeaton. Keaton baby, just know you’re not alone. There are so many people who come out of bullying so much stronger and you will be one of them!! God bless you sweetheart. https://t.co/LdCAy2lDHu
— Demi Lovato (@ddlovato) December 11, 2017
Heartbreaking to see this. Keaton you’re strong to say these things and care so much for others. #TeamKeaton https://t.co/hgp0ehnn8Y
— Enrique Iglesias (@enriqueiglesias) December 10, 2017
“This extremely raw and real moment has brought hope and truth to so many people,” wrote Kevin Jonas. Nickelback called Jones “a brave young man,” asking if there was anything the band could do for them.
Keaton jones you are a hero. This extremely raw and real moment has brought hope and truth to so many people. Be you and be forever fearless. Never give up. You are loved!
— kevin jonas (@kevinjonas) December 10, 2017
“Courage is fire, and bullying is smoke.” Stay strong Keaton, you’re a very brave young man and a lot of great folks have your back. @Lakyn_Jones if there is anything we can do for Keaton, please let us know. #StandWithKeaton #StopBullying
— Nickelback (@Nickelback) December 11, 2017
Justin Bieber and Snoop Dogg posted words of support on Instagram. “The fact that he still has the sympathy and compassion for other people when he’s going through it himself is a testament to who he is,” said Bieber.
A post shared by Justin Bieber (@justinbieber) on Dec 10, 2017 at 7:20pm PST
Say lil Man U gotta friend in me for life hit me on dm so we can chop it up love is the only way to beat hate 👊🏾☝🏾
A post shared by snoopdogg (@snoopdogg) on Dec 10, 2017 at 7:50am PST
Anti-bullying activists, models, and YouTube sensations all got in on the act as well.
Monica Lewinsky offered a few kind words, saying that she’s sorry Jones is being treated this way, saying that other kids “would be lucky to be friends with [Jones].”
keaton, i’m so sorry you’re being treated this way. you don’t deserve one ounce of this pain. they would be 💫lucky💫 to be friends with you. it’ll get better. #KeatonJones #KeatonJonesIsAwesome https://t.co/IZoJQ60eY2
— Monica Lewinsky (@MonicaLewinsky) December 10, 2017
Model Mia Kang said Jones is her “absolute hero,” offering to fly out and visit him at school for lunch.
Keaton Jones you are an absolute hero. Anyone know how I can get in touch with this kid? I’ll fly out n have lunch with him at school any day. https://t.co/FmTqdvh8hK
— Mia Kang (@MissMiaKang) December 10, 2017
Logan Paul offered to chat with Jones on FaceTime and send some gear his way.
Hey @Lakyn_Jones I messaged your mother yesterday about Keaton… send me a DM, let’s get me on a FaceTime with Keaton and get him some Maverick gear 🤗
— Logan Paul (@LoganPaul) December 11, 2017
Politicians across the political spectrum offered words of kindness and courage.
Senator Bob Corker (R-Tennessee) thanked the young man for his courage, and Representative Joe Kennedy III (D-Massachusetts) asked others to look to Jones as a positive example.
Keaton, I know Tennesseans and people across our country join me in saying thank you for your courage. Bullying isn’t acceptable, especially in our schools. We’re all with you! #StandWithKeaton
— Senator Bob Corker (@SenBobCorker) December 11, 2017
We can all learn from Keaton Jones. #StandWithKeaton #StopBullying https://t.co/VkiN5cMWCO
— Rep. Joe Kennedy III (@RepJoeKennedy) December 11, 2017
Responding to an offer from UFC head Dana White to visit the organization’s headquarters, Donald Trump Jr. offered the Jones family a place to stay. Jane O’Meara Sanders of the Sanders Institute urged action over platitudes, calling on the country to “stand up to bullies — in our schools and communities, on social media and in politics and the White House.”
This boy is incredibly brave and the video really got to me. @danawhite, If he takes you up on your offer to see UFC Headquarters, I would be honored to host him and his family at our place if they need somewhere to stay. https://t.co/EWx05o0yI0
— Donald Trump Jr. (@DonaldJTrumpJr) December 11, 2017
💔 It will only “get better someday” if we ALL stand up to bullies – in our schools & communities, on social media & in politics & the White House. Keaton & every other child, teen & adult deserves to be defended against aggression. Please speak up. 💔 https://t.co/JCMPsaBjMd
— Jane O’Meara Sanders (@janeosanders) December 10, 2017
Media personalities joined the chorus with offers of support and workplace tours.
Jemele Hill and Sean Hannity offered Jones and his family tours of ESPN and Fox News, respectively. NBC’s Stephanie Ruhle pointed to Jones as a motivation for a more honest, brave, and kind world.
Hey Keaton, unfortunately you aren’t alone. A lot of kids are bullied, but they will be so uplifted by your courage. You’re a hero, young man. You are treasured and valued. Let me know if you’d ever like to visit ESPN. You can be my special guest. https://t.co/N8mkUTYnEy
— Jemele Hill (@jemelehill) December 11, 2017
If someone can get to me the name of the school, the principal, school board members i will gladly make the calls myself and fix this. Also if anyone knows Keaton and his parents, i will gladly fly them to NYC to be my guest & visit Fox News. https://t.co/uFyp2r2Yn7
— Sean Hannity (@seanhannity) December 10, 2017
At a time when hate wants to reign supreme, let #KeatonJones be our #mondaymotivation – be honest, be brave & be kind. Have a great day at school Keaton! #yougotthis
— Stephanie Ruhle (@SRuhle) December 11, 2017
HLN’s S.E. Cupp shared a story about being bullied as a child, saying, “It’s got nothing to do with you and everything to do with them.” Sunny Hostin, from “The View,” ended with a reminder that “being different makes you special.”
Keaton buddy, I was bullied just like you. It’s got nothing to do with you and everything to do with them. We love you, little man. Your squad’s BETTER than theirs! 👍🏻💪🏻😘 https://t.co/Z4U0soTCcT
— S.E. Cupp (@secupp) December 10, 2017
The bullies are the problem Keaton. Not you. Always remember being different makes you special. @Everything_TN https://t.co/K9VBbrYSQx
— Sunny Hostin (@sunny) December 10, 2017
It’s wonderful to see so many people, from so many backgrounds, come together in support of this one boy.
It’s worth remembering, however, that he’s not the only child in the world being bullied.
According to StopBullying.gov, 28% of U.S. students in grades 6 through12 have experienced bullying. 30% of students have admitted to being a bully to others. School bullying creates a hostile environment not conducive to learning and puts students’ physical, emotional, and mental health at risk.
If Keaton Jones’ story inspired you to take action, check out the StopBullying prevention toolkits for students, parents, teachers, and community members.
Read more: http://ift.tt/2AdMv6B
from Viral News HQ http://ift.tt/2zUwbqq via Viral News HQ
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irregodless · 7 years
it's cool this was a one-off thing, but i don't see the brainwashing as a bad plot point
what upset me the most about it was that it really seemed to backpedal a lot on what wed already established
the rest under the cut because i talk entirely too much (and a great deal about nothing at that)
in the second game we met a cast of students who ALL had these horrible life experiences, were easily manipulated, or already barely hanging onto hope. so when we learned who they were outside, it became obvious how they could become so. it was a short drive in driving them up the wall.
but then junko just showed them a video and... poof. it completely changed them. thats why i feel its important here to distinguish something:
the difference between brainwashing and mind control. brainwashing is what cults do (as an example). a systematic reworking of ones own beliefs and warping of perception to force someone to think another way. but that isnt what junko did. junko showed them a video and they instantly became as obsessed with despair as she was. they knew their purpose as shsl despair. there was no vengeance toward a cruel world (like say with the warriors of hope) there was no internalized anger. it was a superimposed despair by junko herself. thats mind control. she effectively forced them to behave that way. which leads into my next issue:
not only that plot point, but the entire installment, did an awkward job of making junko seem more evil and destructive (which she admittedly might have needed help with) and the 77th class seem innocent so wed forgive them for being despair. but the thing is- that was the point of the second game! that was part of the twist! to grow attached to and empathize with these students who were later revealed to be monsters. but then we realize........ it wasnt their fault to begin with? it was never their fault. they had a video that forced them to behave that way. their backstories are blown out the window and replaced with “but junko made me do it.” and with something as simplistic as the student council massacre and chiakis execution (granted that WOULD be traumatizing and horrible especially with the film tricks she learned from ryouta, but i dont feel it would be enough to make a person whole heartedly pledge themselves to the sake of despair).
its the difference between the student council who sat in a dark room in monokuma heads, surrounded by his influence, watching the murders near a thousand times, ingraining every scene into their memories to fuel their hatred for the school that did this to them (so they thought). as opposed to... watching a video and “oh i guess im evil now.” i didnt care when they were un-despair-ified because it was never their fault. i didnt care when they said “oh, time to make up for all the bad things we did...” because it was never their choice! if junko had said “hey sonia isnt it fucked up ur not allowed 2 have emotions but everyone expects the world of u, maybe u should launch nukes at other countries or smthn idk just a thought” and sonia said “Ah Yes That’s A Great Idea” and did that of her own volition... itd carry weight. but instead, she was working as a proxy of junko. the irony is we were talking about the junko ai implanting plan earlier, but this way, it was practically a reality already! they were no longer acting under their own autonomy. they did not choose to let despair win. they were forced to behave that way
and it seemed like this, as a plot, was implemented solely for the sake of the twist of the future arc... which also wasnt all that great! it was an arc with very little catharsis for character oppositions, very few resolutions to character development, no stakes at all for our main six, an immediate and unglamorous villain decay of monaka that was as simple as “im over it im going to space now i guess because that makes sense and also didnt end up having any bearing on the plot” and meanwhile, the motive for the entire game seemed contrived (someone was affected by the despair video... but chose to interpret that as a means to wildly chase hope?) but those thoughts are an entirely other rant EDIT: to be fair this also applies to komaeda but komaeda is also a very special case of his very own
but my last point is this: it completely depersonalizes the entire phenomenon of despair. junkos plan all along was to plummet humanity into despair by herself. it was to prove that despair would ALWAYS beat out hope and was ultimately superior in every way. all hope ends in despair. no matter how strong. ill give her that since she wasnt televising it to make a point, HOW she went about doing it was less important in that sense, but it also meant she had very little to do with it herself. this entire empire she established for herself was based on her making someone else do the dirty work for her, essentially
in the end, she had little to do with that innermost circle of despair she “treasured” so much. she kickstarted the despair, but the perpetuators were basically just robots
the idea that despair is powerful (even if the moral of the game itself is that hope is MORE powerful) is completely thwarted if you have to perform LOBOTOMY on people to make them feel that way. junko is an organic villain. she behaves the way she does because its how she is and how she genuinely feels and thinks. but by distancing despair so much from average human nature, it makes her seem more synthetic than ever. like this is just a “junko thing” not a “the whole world is actually at threat of becoming like her” thing. it makes her less scary of a villain because she becomes less human. and it was her amazing humanity that made her such a compelling villain. the fact that she feels emotions like everyone, the fact that EVEN SHE HATES despair but subjects herself to it anyway for the very SAKE of despair. EDIT: (for the first few sentences) and if despair isnt viewed as powerful... then theres no threat. theres no longer a conflict
maybe im just an asshole, weve established ive had this habit of “not getting it,” but this is truthfully how i think. after thinking about it in detail and analyzing what it means for the rest of the plot, this is honestly how i feel about it.
i dont really hate dr3 but at the same time i cant like it since both of the plots centered around this very specific theme that very specifically contradicted other parts of the story and would sometimes rely on convenience to be told.
i feel bad for being like this, but i dont think that im wrong, or at least that im on the right train of thought. i mean no disrespect if you or anyone else liked it (and ill state for the record that the “trash” statement is only a joke on MewMew Kissy Cutie 2) and i can appreciate that some people find it a good addition
but i personally find way too many flaws with it from the way they handled seiko and rurukas relationship down to how they decided to handle one of the most pivotal events in junkos conquest that fans had been looking so forward to
i dont know, thats just me. im sorry
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