#especially jiro he is so good to pose!!
wyrmswears · 4 months
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my parents got a fancy camera so ive been playing with it instead of revising
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my posts are going to be a gallery of reasons why i failed my exams come results day
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twsthoodstar · 3 years
They meet your Crew
This is a continuation of my Twst x Hypmic MC series; suggested by @theheavenlymoon how would the characters react to meeting your teammates?
(I’m so sorry this one is super late 🙏🙏 I didn’t mean to forget about it, please forgive me.)
Octavinelle x Buster Bros
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I feel as though Saburo could give both Azul & Jade a run for their money in the smarts department: this kid is such a genius and with an even smarter mouth. With that smug little face! 🤣 Azul certainly won’t take this brattiness well and might try challenge him to show off his smarts.
Like maybe a game of wits so to speak, meanwhile Jade’s just smiling in the background watching Azul loose his cool against a middle schooler. Though if Saburo’s feeling confident enough he might tease Jade too, but that’s when it’s no longer fun. 😑 Of course you stop Jade from interfering because no one harms your little brothers without an a**whooping.
Floyd and Jiro fist fight. No other way around this. These two would definitely go at it, especially with Floyd’s dangerously erratic mood swings. He might call Jiro a funny nickname and Jiro might take offense to that, then it all just escalated into one big mess 🤦🏽‍♀️ You guys have to break them up before they turn the Lounge upside down.
Let’s just say everyone left the dorm with a big bruise on their head.
Savanaclaw x Mad Trigger Crew
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Now these three knew you were some type of a gangster, the way you carried yourself, the way you acted, and the stories of what you’ve been through proves you grew up in a rough place. Building some tough skin. But they didn’t expect you to be friends with an ex-military soldier and a literal dirty cop!
Leona’s rather suspicious of Jyuto, while he’s sure you can hold your own just find he doesn’t trust the rabbity cop one bit despite his “mannerisms.” Reminds him of a certain sharp-toothed smooth talker working for that octo-punk. Though Jyuto doesn’t really seem to care, in fact he seems to enjoy messing with the guy.
I feel as though Rio and Jack would get along great! Rio would be a bit of a role model, a fearless soldier who’s been through thick and thin to help his comrades! Meanwhile Ruggie’s chowing down on who knows what that Rio left in the kitchen. Rio’s cool in his book, as long as he gets to eat his delicious cooking again. Oh look at that, he made seconds, how nice. 😰
You had to force Leona to sit down before he could even think of hightailing it outta there.
Heartslabyul x Fling Posse
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Just imagine the chaos. Riddle would blow a gasket in no time. 🤦🏽‍♀️ Dice would probably get his “head” cut off the second he’s there because of his constant whining for money. Trey would take pity on him, but he seems like the kind of person that gives food instead of money to the homeless. So imagine Dice milking it how he hasn’t eaten in days, even though he stole ADeuce’s lunch earlier.
And Trey just scoots over a four tier cake! That thing would instantly be gone. Speaking of ADeuce, I can imagine Ace trying to show off his card tricks and challenging Dice to a few rounds. Imagine his suprise when good ol’ puppy dog Dice beats him seven times in a row. Deuce is just sitting there cheekily smiling at how the ever-spiteful Ace just lost at his own game.
Cater would probably ask Gentaro for all sorts of poses and pictures. Given his aesthetic is somewhat “outdated” but also kind of elegant. Gentaro let’s that little comment slide for now, because he’s too preoccupied with Cater’s pestering. However, he can’t say he minds the attention, plus it’s a new opportunity to have some fun.
Though Cater takes him by suprise when he comes up with some colorful lies of his own.
Diasomnia x Matenrou
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Right away Malleus and Sebek mistake Hifumi and Doppo for servants, no joke considering their unwavering support for you as well. (I mean they are very faithful to Jakurai and one of the most emotionally balanced teams). But there’s also Sebek’s low opinion on humans, especially the strange one muttering to himself! Anyways, poor Doppo would not take that well.
I mean he is talking to a prince after all, and he already gets hounded at work but now he has the world’s most powerful fae looking down on him like a dog. Someone just give Doppo a break please Though Hifumi doesn’t seem to mind one bit. In fact he’s bounding around like a small child at the fact you’re friends with actual fairies.
Silver might mistake Hifumi for another prince, given his shining image, but both’ll be too busy comforting Doppo to give it much thought. His low self esteem is actually quite frightening; why not a hot drink made my Lilia himself?
Doppo chugs it down and claims that he likes it! The Diasomnia gang is just mortified that this poor salaryman is actually enjoying Lilia’s drink. While Hifumi lays passed out on the floor from a mere sip. Reminds him of his favorite lavender drink.
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akkivee · 3 years
hey so like, arb kind of validated me on how i like to think ichikuu reunion could go??? i’ve been on the fence posting fic since i’m not a writer and haven’t been one for like, eight years but 👉👈 i kinda feel good about it soooooo
i’ll share lol it's apparently around 3k words and i've been slowly chipping away at it for a year but it's a full fledged fic
tw: kuukou and ichiro have potty mouths lol, ichiro belatedly realising he’d been on his way to an anxiety attack but nothing graphic
‘Watching you and the other members of The Dirty Dawg come together was kind of like watching a clash of titans,’ Saburo had admitted to Ichiro on a rare Sunday morning where the fourteen year old was up before noon without Ichiro’s wake up call, despite mucking around on his computer long into the late night hours.
Ichiro, amused at the time, threw a smile at his brother as he set a small portion of fruit for him to sleepily nibble on while breakfast finished cooking. He wasn’t sure why Saburo’s sleep addled mind decided on this as his topic for discussion, but with his brother’s hero worship, Ichiro could follow his thought process.
Still, ‘Oh, yeah?’ Ichiro prompted, knowing Saburo had plenty more to say.
Saburo hummed, sleepily finishing his bite of mango and blueberry. ‘You probably don’t get it, since they were your old teammates but the tension was palpable, Ichi-nii. Even though you were just standing around, talking to each other, the air was charged; anybody could tell that you were each other’s fated opponents.’
Here, Saburo pouted, eyes flicking down as he recalled the scene,
‘Especially between you and Aohitsugi Samatoki. I felt paralysed the moment you looked at each other, never mind when you brought out your mics.’
At that, Ichiro had laughed sheepishly as he ruffled Saburo’s hair, apologising again for his behaviour that day.
That conversation on that arbitrary Sunday bubbled up to mind, unsurprisingly Ichiro supposed, as he stared at Harai Kuukou, standing not even twenty feet away from him, outside the walls of Chuuoku and found himself unable to breathe.
Ichiro could hear his heartbeat in his ears. Pain spiked from the meat of his palms as his nails bit into his flesh. His vision tunnelled in on Kuukou alone and Ichiro came to the startling realisation that he was a lot less prepared to see his old partner than he thought he was.
“Aniki?” Jiro’s voice filtered in, muffled, but close and it was enough to fend off what had been probably shaping up to be an anxiety attack. “What’s up? Why’d we stop?”
It was a simple query, one Ichiro didn’t have the voice to answer. It was fortunate, then, that at twenty feet away, Jiro’s voice carried out and brought Kuukou’s attention straight to him with laser focus.
Maybe it was having those bright, gold eyes on him again for the first time in two years (two years far too long) that pulled the air right out of him, and he breathed,
“…Ichiro,” Kuukou croaked, and his name sounded as if it had been gutted out from his core.
The two of them stared, shell-shocked, for what had to have been minutes stretched out to feel like hours. Ichiro found, however meagre it was, some solace in seeing that Kuukou, too, seemed to have been blindsided by their sudden encounter.
(A fated encounter sounded pretty apt, some distant part of Ichiro chimed in.)
“Master Kuukou,” a low, liltingly voice crooned by Kuukou’s shoulder as a tall, almost waif-like, man struck a rather dramatic pose behind him, “Is this an acquaintance of yours?” Almost simultaneously, Ichiro’s brothers made similar inquiries and Ichiro knew whatever spell had been cast upon them had broken when the shock on Kuukou’s face faded into something colder and unreadable.
The reality of the situation was just as much of a slap in the face.
They were outside the Chuuoku walls, the second division rap battle only days away. He and Kuukou were not reuniting as possible friends; he had his brothers as his team and Kuukou his own.
So when Kuukou scoffed and turned his back on him, Ichiro understood. This was just the nature of the game they were in.
“Let’s go, Jyushi, Hitoya,” Kuukou muttered as he marched away, ignoring his teammates annoyed grumbling and worried simpering.
Without even a word or a backwards glance at Ichiro.
It’s just the name of the game.
Rage, red hot and scathing, bubbled up anyway.
“So that’s it then?!” Ichiro thundered, his blood boiling as it carried him forward. He felt arms encircle his waist and hands pull back his arms, his brothers’ worried shouts registering somewhere in the back of his mind but years of anger, frustration, confusion and hurt were pouring from every pore in his body and he couldn’t stop it even if he was able to.
“You show up again after all these years and don’t say shit huh?! You’re really just gonna run away again like a little bitch with its tail tucked underneath the balls you wish you had?!”
It was all heat of the moment bullshit Ichiro knew he wouldn’t be able to recall later. His anger burned too hot and smoked out everything that wasn’t Kuukou, making Kuukou acknowledge him, making Kuukou look at him, Kuukou, Kuukou, Kuukou—!!
Kuukou’s head swiveled sharp and the white hot anger in his eyes left Ichiro suddenly feeling like ice.
“Back the fuck off, Ichiro.”
Any words that he may have had left to say clogged in his throat and again, he watched Kuukou walk away from him.
(You’d think, after watching every single person you’d ever cared about throughout your lifetime turn their back to you and leave you behind, that you would get used to feeling adrift after, however short it had been, your heart had felt full.
It was a bitter thought.
Ichiro let that one stay buried.)
There wasn’t a place on his body that didn’t ache and every step he took felt heavy and sluggish; all signs pointed that Ichiro definitely shouldn’t be moving around but…
He’s had quite the weekend.
Turns out, with all his personal drama with Kuukou getting dragged to the surface, he’d forgotten that his father was also participating in the division rap battle. With Sasara, no less.
And to make matters more complicated, Samatoki specifically sought him out to…
Ichiro immediately compartmentalized that specific conversation to ruminate on another day when he wasn’t so exhausted, both physically and mentally.
Limping through the hotel’s automatic doors felt like an odd achievement but he relished it as he looked up into the Chuuoku night sky. He took in a deep breath of fresh air, some of the the tension immediately loosening his shoulders.
Yeah, this impromptu night stroll was about to do fucking wonders for him.
“Ohh, Ichiro! Just the man I wanted to see!”
What little smile had begun to form on his face, froze along with every other part of his body.
And as his luck would have it, there he was; Harai Kuukou once again not even twenty feet away, idly lounging on the hotel’s outdoor décor without a care in the world.
“K-Kuukou…” Ichiro stammered, shell-shocked and completely unable to process how wild this weekend continued to be. Given how Kuukou outright laughed at him, it was was probably showing on his face.
(Ichiro’s heart fluttered and his head oh so helpfully reminded him that it’s been two years since he last heard Kuukou’s laugh. Very helpful. Such an amazing thought to have. Seriously.)
Kuukou hopped off his resting spot, gait easy as can be as he approached Ichiro with a lazy grin. “So it been that kind of day, huh, Ichiro? Too bad I’m about to make it worse, hyahaha!” That smile slid off his face as he came to a stop in front of him, meeting his eyes as if he were throwing down a challenge.
“You wanted to talk; let’s talk. I got shit I need to tell you.”
And with that, Kuukou snatched up his hand and dragged Ichiro forward.
“Ow—what the hell—Kuukou, hey, wait a second—”
“Hyahaha, nah man! If I give you any time to think, you’re going to pussy out on me! Gotta strike when the iron’s still hot!”
He probably wasn’t wrong, Ichiro gave him begrudgingly and almost tripped on the final step out of the hotel property and into Chuuoku’s night life.
“Where are we even going?” he grumbled as he sped his pace up to prevent any more potentially hazardous missteps.
“I dunno? I’m kinda hungry so probably somewhere we can eat.”
“You do realize it’s after midnight, yeah? We’re underage; there can’t be many places that’d let us in.” Ichiro deadpanned absentmindedly, taking in the moving advertisements and bright lights, assorted from neon, to fluorescents, to warm yellows illuminating the multiple businesses still open along their path. Even the night life inside the walls shone brighter, Ichiro wearily scoffed.
“Yeah, but get this,” Kuukou looked over his shoulder and grinned, wide and cocksure, at Ichiro, who did his damnedest to not compare it to lights around them like a fucking sap. “We’re celebrities, Ichiro! Ain’t nobody gonna give a rat’s ass about a couple of brats when they’re famous and fair game for some casual ogling!”
Kuukou laughed, loud as was his characteristic, and again, Ichiro had to admit he was probably right.
He pouted at Kuukou’s back, knowing anything else he’d try to use to protest this happening now would only sound like flimsy excuses and privately gave in to letting Kuukou take him to wherever struck his fancy.
(He tried not to think about how little he actually minded getting pulled along to Kuukou’s pace right now. His face felt hot. God, he was embarrassing.)
Kuukou took him to a goddamn McDonald’s, effectively making their previous dispute moot. While it was a bit of a surprise the dining room was still open, their age definitely wasn’t a concern. The girl manning the register was starstruck, barely managing to greet them with her slack jaw. Given how the McDonald’s was virtually empty, she probably didn’t expect two well known men to waltz into the cheap dinery. Not that Kuukou noticed; his undivided attention was focused solely on the menu and figuring out what he wanted to eat.
Their orders were placed with little hassle, though it did take a little while to come out since Kuukou apparently was more than ‘kinda’ hungry and ordered quite a bit—
(“Damn, Kuukou, did you order the whole menu?”
“Shut up, let’s see you fight Jinguji Jakurai’s team and not come out feeling hungry as fuck.”),
—and took their spot next to a wide glass window on the second story the McDonald’s had to offer.
Kuukou immediately attacked one of his three burgers with gusto, and as he started to nibble on his order of Mega Potato fries, Ichiro took the time to just… look at Kuukou.
Though his face was littered with bandages from his time during the Division Rap Battle, he looked well. He didn’t change much at all, Ichiro observed upon his initial cursory sweep; his vibrant red hair was still short, his ears were still riddled with piercings, and he seemed to still favour wearing sukajan jackets that wound up a bit large on his frame.
The little things—changes—filtered through faster than Ichiro wanted to admit. He didn’t slick back his short fringe anymore. He seemed to have added to his piercings and changed the location of a few. His long eyelashes looked darker and more defined; he was wearing mascara, Ichiro thought with a faint amount of surprise. Gone was the plain coloured tee and his black school uniform trousers, replaced by monk robes. That neckline was… generous and Ichiro could tell Kuukou had bulked up a little bit compared to two years ago.
Two years was a long time, Ichiro thought to himself. Plenty of time to grow up and change with the different, separate lives they led. For instance, and he recalled the memory with stark clarity, the Kuukou he knew two years ago wouldn’t have been able to treat him with such cold indifference and walk away from the fight he was trying to pick with him a few days ago.
That was the most unsettling change, Ichiro thought. It was that, that made him realise he didn’t know this Kuukou at all.
Ichiro’s jaw tightened.
He likened it to watching a train wreck in the making; Ichiro couldn’t stop himself from starting over from the top to find any other changes he could discern, only to find Kuukou’s eyes watching him right back.
Ichiro startled, and nearly choked on his fry. He broke eye contact long to chug half his cup of coke to stave off a coughing fit but Kuukou was still staring at him when he returned his attention back to him. He could feel a blush burn his face and he scowled at Kuukou, as if it would cover it up or something.
“…What’re you looking at?” Ichiro grouched, sliding down in his seat and subtly trying to hide his face in his hood.
He expected Kuukou to mock Ichiro for obviously not being able handle what he dished out, but Kuukou merely shrugged.
“You look well, ‘s all.”
Ichiro didn’t respond.
Kuukou leaned back in his chair after stuffing the last bite of… his last burger (damn) and haphazardly flicking the wrapper on his tray. He turned to look out the window, gaze pensive, and Ichiro recognized the motion for what it was; he was trying to give himself time to think as he finished chewing his last bite.
…Kuukou from two years ago wouldn’t have stopped to consider his words at all, something ugly within him whispered.
“I ain’t… gonna apologise for the other day,” Kuukou started haltingly, gaze still focused out the window. “I didn’t want to air out our dirty laundry in front of my team and your little bros since that shit should stay between you and me. I know you wouldn’t have wanted that either, even though your temper is still stupid short.”
Ichiro scoffed internally. Pot, meet kettle, he privately thought, but kept it to himself. Kuukou wasn’t done.
“But,” he faced Ichiro again as a hand came up to rub the back of his neck. His gaze remained on the window though. “I wanted to apologise for the shit that went down between us those two years ago.”
Ichiro’s brows flew high.
“I said a lot bullshit, and even though I didn’t mean any of it, it still happened because I was weak,” Kuukou spat out with a nasty sneer, venom oozing from every word and every ounce of it directed at himself. Ichiro could tell— self-loathing was a familiar companion; seeing it on Kuukou, however. That was jarring.
But a steely resolve smoothed Kuukou’s features as he met Ichiro’s gaze, whatever conviction he was swearing giving his gold eyes an almost unearthly glow.
“I’m sorry. And I’m going to do everything in my power to make sure that shit doesn’t happen again.”
And that was that.
Kuukou was obviously done with sharing his feelings as he snatched up a milkshake he ordered and noisily began to slurp down, as if he hadn’t just shaken Ichiro to the core with just a few short sentences.
He hadn’t meant any of it?
Kuukou left him because he was weak?
Is… he willingly to be friends again?
For all that Kuukou managed to say, Ichiro still felt like he had a bunch of questions. There was something about Kuukou that hadn’t changed in two years; he always said something meaningful and impactful but still had you wondering what all he was saying.
Oddly enough, that fact, something so core to who Kuukou was, had Ichiro laughing quietly, relief flowing through him.
Kuukou paused from downing his large milkshake in one go and squinted a glare at him, “What’re you laughing at?”
“Nothing at all,” Ichiro said lightly, a smile playing on his lips as he watched Kuukou warmly, “Just… glad to know you haven’t changed too much.”
Kuukou looked briefly taken aback, before a sly grin stretched across his face. “Well, I can’t say the same for you. Have you become even more of a softie since the last time I saw you? Or even looked at a pair of scissors? That’s a full ass mullet you’re rocking.”
Ichiro chuckled, somewhat self-consciously, until he felt a gentle tap on his foot from under the table. Ichiro fixed Kuukou with a wide stare as Kuukou met his eyes with a kinder smile.
Kuukou crossed their ankles together.
“It is the nature of all things to change. We say all things must come to an end and that is certainly true; but that doesn’t necessarily mean that it’s over.
“Our time as the Naughty Busters is over. And we can’t ever go back to those times.”
And yet, he flashed Ichiro a bright grin.
“That doesn’t mean we, Ichiro and Kuukou, have to be over though. We’ve grown up a little and that’s not a bad thing. Just means we’ve experienced different things, lost some things and can come together to teach each other what we’ve learned.
“They say two halves of a broken sword reforged with gold makes a stronger sword. I think we can make that work for us too.”
Ichiro didn’t know how he wasn’t crying right now. Honestly, he was pretty sure his eyes were misting over. He choked out another laugh, and croaked out through the thickness he felt in his throat,
“I can’t tell if that was some of your made up inspirational poster bullshit anymore so yeah, I guess some things have changed after all, huh?”
That had Kuukou crowing with laughter as he chucked one of his food wrappers at Ichiro, “Fuckass, my shit’s always legit and always has been! Let’s see if I still play nice after this!”
“I didn’t even know ‘playing nice’ was even in your vocabulary,” Ichiro teased, lightly kicking at Kuukou’s feet and internally gave up at not feeling disgustingly warm and happy that Kuukou once again was by his side.
He still had plenty to say to Kuukou. But at this moment, Ichiro had a feeling everything would turn out alright.
(And they did talk some more.
Ichiro laid out everything he felt about their break up and everything that followed. And perhaps as Kuukou’s way of playing on even ground, he shared his own feelings. None of it was very pretty nor easy.
But in the wee hours of the morning, as they joked and laughed through the streets of Chuuoku and quietly exchanged numbers in the lobby of their hotel—
It felt like they had a pretty good start on their new relationship.)
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dreamingwithbts · 4 years
Demon (Boku No Hero) - Chapter 4
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Warning: Swearing
“Now, it’s time for combat training!” All Might say. “Sir!” I hear Lida and I look at him in his costume. “He looks like a transformer.” I think. “This is a battle center from the entrance exam, so will we be conducting urban battles again?” Lida asks All Might. “No, we’re going to move ahead two steps! Most of the time, fighting villains takes place outside, but if you look at the total numbers, atrocious villains appear indoors at a higher rate. Imprisonment, house arrest, backroom deals. In this society filled with heroes, truly intelligent villains hide in the shadows!” All Might say and everyone hears him attentively. “For this class, you’ll be split into villains and heroes and fight 2-on-2 indoor battles. However, the key this time is that there’s no robot you can just beat up.” All Might say. “Can we beat them up anyway?” Bakugo says of course. “Will the punishment be expulsion like with Aizawa-sensei?” I hear Uraraka. “How shall we be split up?” Lida asks. I see Dad explaining the exercise by reading a scrip and I couldn’t listen to him since I was trying not to laugh. “Teams and opponents will be determined by drawing lots!” All Might say showing us a yellow box. “Sensei! There’s an even number!” Lida says. “Yes, one group will have 3!” All Might say. “Isn’t that unfair?” Kaminari asks. “Expect the unexpected!” All Might say laughing loud.
 I went to the box and I took the letter B, I look around seeing who has the same letter. “Who has the letter B?” I ask. “Me.” I hear a familiar voice. “Shoto!” I almost scream, happy I was in a familiar face. “Aka.” Shoto says nodding, smiling a little, missing the glare Bakugo was giving at Shoto. “Why did she end up with him? Does she know him?” Bakugo thinks frowning. I look around, and I see Lida was paired with Bakugo. “Good luck Lida.” I think then I see Izuku with Uraraka. “Yes! My ship is sailing!” I say under my breath celebrating. “What?” Shoto asks me serious. “Nothing, nothing!” I say still smiling.
All Might picks up the starting team, and how coincident. “Team A will be heroes, and Team D will be the villains. Everyone else, head toward the monitor room.” All Might say. “Shit.” I think when I see is Izuku versus Bakugo. “His going to kill him.” I think, imagining Izuku death. We started leaving them. “Good luck Izu-kun, I know you can do it!” I say smiling and patting his back. “T...thanks Aka-chan.” Izuku says nervous. “Don’t kill him.” I say to Bakugo when I pass next to him. “Shut up.” He responds.
 Everyone was in the monitor room watching has they prepared the battle, I was next to Shoto nervous for Izuku, looking at Dad I know he was nervous too. I see Deku successfully dodging and able to attack Bakugo. “You can do this Izuku, but I have a feeling this is making him more angrier.” I think serious watching the battle. I heard All Might talking with my classmates, but I was to focus on the battle.
Minutes passed and the battle is getting worse and worse. “All Might.” I warn him. “Young Bakugo, the next time you use that, I’ll stop the fight, and your team will lose. To attack on such a large scale inside is inviting the destruction on the stronghold you should be protecting. That is a foolish plan for both heroes and villains! You will lose a lot of points for it!” All Might say. “His not going to stop.” I say making everyone look at me. “Why do you say that?” Kirishima says, and I could feel Dad eyes on me. “Bakugo deeply, isn’t doing this to win. His doing this to destroy Izuku, winning this would be a bonus.” I say serious, not taking my eyes off Izuku and Bakugo and everyone stays quiet. “Akuma is right, as a teacher, I should stop this.” All Might think. I hear everyone talking about Bakugo, but I only stay beside Dad worried about Izuku. “All Might!” I scream watching the battle, seeing Izuku being destroyed. “Bakugo! Stop! Don’t do this!” I yell in the mic. “Aka-chan!” Izuku says shocked while Bakugo stops walking frozen. “SHUT UP DEMON!” Bakugo yells angry but doesn’t move. “This doesn’t concern you.” He says and starts running towards Izuku again. “Dammit!” I say. “Akuma voice almost stop him, why?” All Might thinks. I saw Dad struggling to know what to do. “All Might!” I say and also Kirishima tried to stop the battle.
Everyone was shocked looking at the end of the battle, I look at the ground my hair covering my face while I try to control my anger and Quirk. “I’m disappointed with you.” I say to Dad, the only one to hear me. “Akuma.” He whispers while I leave the room and go to the battle building. “Aka-chan.” Mina says seeing me leave. “Eh? Where is she going?” Kirishima asks. “Hero Team wins!” I still hear All Might.
 I enter the building room seeing Izuku being taken to the infirmary by robots, I stop and kneel beside him. “You did good, Izuku. You won.” I say and get up again seeing him go with the robots, then I look at Bakugo who was frozen in place. Silently I walk towards him and stay in front of him, red mist covering my fist, he looks at me and I punch him hard making him go against the wall, making a hole with the strength I throw him. “I’m going to kill you.” I say quietly making his eyes big, shocked, my eyes were almost red in anger, looking at him. “Not now, but if you do that again. I will kill you.” I say my red mist disappearing, and I leave the room leaving him hurt on the floor, both physically and mental. I passed by Dad without looking at me, and we don’t say anything. “WHY? WHY DOES SHE PROTECT HIM? WHY DOES HE HAVE SO MUCH LUCKY? WHY DAMMIT?” Bakugo thinks watching her leave.
 I enter the room and stand beside Shoto and everyone went silence looking at me, but no one said anything. “You okay?” Shoto asks me. “Fine.” I answer, and he goes silence again, then All Might and the others enter the room. “Well, even if I say that, the MVP for this battle was Young Lida!” All Might say, while Yaoyorozu talks I observe Bakugo, who doesn’t takes his eyes from the floor.
“All right everyone, let’s change locations and start the second match. Match two! Team B are the heroes, and Team I are the villains!” All Might continues the class.
Shoto and I were in the front of the building. “Like old times right Shoto.” I say smiling. “Yes. Let’s go.” Shoto says, and we enter the building fighting against an invisible girl and a guy with a tail. “They know each other?” Kirishima asks noticing that we knew each other. “Lucky guy.” Kaminari says. “So she does know him, how?” Bakugo thinks.
“Now, let’s start the second indoor person-to-person combat training match!” All Might say. “You know what to do.” Shoto says, and I nod immediately start using my red mist to levitate myself, trying not to touch the walls and floor while Shoto freezes everything. Shoto and I enter the room where they are with the weapon. “Hello!” I say levitating smiling at them who pose to fight. “You can move if you want, but the skin on your feet will come off, so you won’t be able to fight your best.” Shoto says stopping at the door. “That was dark Shoto.” I say while levitating towards the weapon. “He did not cause any damage to his teammate or the nuclear weapon, and on top of that, he weakened the enemy. And her using her Quirk was able to be with him and assist in any case, she was able to control her Quirk good enough to not touch the ice and is able to support the cold.” All Might say to the class. “They are so strong!” The class says.
“Hero Team wins!” All Might sas when I touch the weapon. Shoto starts melting the ice, so I levitate myself to the ground stopping my Quirk. “Sorry. The difference in our ability was too great.” Shoto says making me shake my head smiling. “You never change Shoto.” I think and all of us leave the building. “All right, everyone gather round for a review of the second match. Next, we will begin the third match!” All Might say. “He is very strong. She is too. Both stronger than me.” Bakugo thinks angry.
 The rest of the battles went on normally and the end of class came fast. “Good work everyone! We didn’t have any major injuries other than Young Midoriya, either!” All Might say, and I glare at Bakugo when Izuku was mention, and he only ignores me. “Well then, I must review the results with Young Midoriya! Change and return to the classroom!” All Might say running out. “Review, sure!” I think rolling my eyes teasing him in my mind.
The girls, who I finally knew the names, and I were changing to our normal uniform. “Aka-chan? Are you going to visit Deku?” Ochaco, who insists for me to call her that, asks me. “No, I know his going to be fine.” I say. “You were terrifying when you went to Bakugo.” Jiro. “Especially the punch!” Mina says imitating me. “He deserves it.” I say like it has nothing. “Is Midoriya your boyfriend Aka-san?” Yaoyorozu asks me making me almost shock on air. “What! No! His like a brother to me.” I say clarifying everything, and I swear I heard Ochaco sigh in relief.
The rest of the afternoon classes went normal with Izuku still in the infirmary, but Dad text me saying he was fine.
 The last class ended, and I see Bakugo quietly get out of the classroom without talking to anyone, a few minutes later I see Izuku entering the classroom, I smile at him who smiles back before everyone surrounds him, then suddenly he looks at Bakugo seat, seeing his not there and quickly left the class. “Well guys, I’m really tired, so I’m going to go home. See you tomorrow!” I say waving goodbye. “Bye Aka-chan!” Some yell at me while others just nod, and I leave following Izuku, but instead of listening to his conversation with Bakugo I teleport to the school gate waiting, for him.
“As I watched the ice guy and the demon girl I thought, ‘‘I can’t beat them’’! Damn it! I ended up agreeing with what that ponytail girl said! And I should have listened to the demon girl when she told me to stop! Damn it! Damn it, damn it!” Bakugo says to Izuku.
I see Bakugo passing beside me crying not noticing me. “Going home Time Bomb?” I ask teasing him starting to walk with him and I see him trying to cover his crying. “What do you want Demon?” He asks. “It’s okay to cry, you know.” I say. “I’m not crying!” He screams. “Okay!” I say putting my hands in surrender, then we keep walking in silence.
“Aka-chan?” Izuku says when he notices me walking with Bakugo. “Oh, I understand now.” All Might say making Izuku confused. “This may be good, they can support each other.” All Might think.
“Why are you following me?” He asks putting his hands in the pocket. “I’m not, were just going in the same direction.” I say and we both know that was a lie, but we kept walking together in a comfortable silence until we came to a crossing road. “Well, I’m going this way.” I say pointing to the right. “I’m going here.” He says pointing to the left. “Well then, see you tomo...eh?” I start saying. “What are you doing?” I ask him when I saw him going right. “What do you think I’m doing you stupid girl?! I’m taking you home!” He says not looking at me, so I didn’t see his blush. “Own! Who knew Bakugo could be nice!” I say laughing. “SHUT UP!” He screams.
 Note: Hope you like it! New chapter every Friday!
Tag List: @holaaaf​​
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syrupa · 3 years
Hello! can I request a matchup? My name is Yumeji, i’m gay and go by he/him pronouns. My personality type is INFJ. I have short brown curley hair and i’m 5’4. I’m chaotic af, I swear 24/7. I stub my toe? I swear. I do something dumb? I swear. I do literally nothing? I swear. At first i’m pretty quiet though, I need to actually be friends with this person to show my chaotic side. I love PDA, i’d probably be following them anywhere while saying the most random shit. I might just yell CHEESE or something like that for no apparent reason. I act all happy and cheerful, but it’s all usually a facade. I like to act all cheery so people don’t worry about me, but i’m reality I have serious depression and anxiety. My thoughts spiral out of control a lot and I really need a hug to snap me out of it. My hobbies are art, singing and animating. I like cats, star gazing, daydreaming, listening to music and talking with close friends. I dislike good ol father dearest, when people interrupt me while I daydream my life away and vegetables, I don’t like vegetables. Anyway, thank you, I hope I did this right.
these can be seen as platonic or romantic
I match you with...
Momo Yaoyorozu
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The two of you met at the park. You and a couple friends decided to meet up there since you all had know idea where to go or what to do. All you guys knew was that you were bored and should do something. Waiting at a bench, thoughts began to spiral around and you couldn't stop them. Luckily for you, a nearby hero-in-training spotted you and your situation. She wanted to help you any way she could. But she didn't know exactly what to do. Momo hasn't really helped anyone stuck in your situation. That didn't mean she was going to stand by and do nothing.
"Excuse me sir but are you alright? Do you need anything? Are you sick?" She asked, rubbing your shoulder. The sudden gesture surprised you and you thought it was one of your friends. Turning your head, you soon realized that wasn't the case. You saw a girl with her dark hair in a tight pony tail and she seemed worried or at the very least least concerned.
Putting on your facade, you smiled and responded to the young girl. "I'm alright ma'm! Thank you for the concern." With a stoic face, she shook her head. "I'm sorry for pushing on the matter but I can tell something is wrong. Is something troubling you? If there is then you can rant about to me, I'm listening." This shocked you a bit. You didn't think some random person would treat you with such kindness. You didn't know how to respond. The young girl seemed to notice your shock. "I'm Momo Yaoyorozu! May I take a seat?" You nodded your head.
"If i am making you uncomfortable, i'll leave whenever you like. I just want to lend you an ear to talk to." You don't know how it happened, but you vented out everything to her. Maybe your feelings were getting too overwhelming? Maybe it was just the spur? You weren't quite sure. But the polite lady comforted you through everything.
"Thank you for... this." You quickly said, trying to wipe away your tears with your sleeve. The girl gave you a genuine smile and offered you a napkin. Wait since when did she have a napkin? "My quirk allows me to create objects." Oh. "Thank you again." You said standing up. "No need to thank me, do you want my number just in case you need someone to vent to again?" Her kindness once again shocked you. "Uh yeah actually, that sounds nice." She swiftly made a pen and notepad to write down her number.
Your interaction with that Yaoyorozu girl never left your mind. She really saw a complete stranger zoning out and said, "Ima change this persons entire day." You stared at the number on your phone. Today you just really needed someone to talk to and you didn't know who. You scrolled through your contacts until you saw hers. The dark haired ponytail girl who comforted you about your problems despite not even knowing you.
Her kind words played back into your head and you found yourself texting her for comfort. Almost instantly after you sent the message she responded, asking if you wanted to vent through a call or just text. Choosing text, you began sending her mountains of text messages, just ranting about life. And she listened. She listened to every single word. She comforted you, gave you amazing advice, and offered you encouraging words. She was so good at this, it was like she was your therapist.
A little after that incident, you thought about how unfair it was for her. She had to make time out of her day for you, some guy she met at the park, just to hear you rant about your dumb problems. You should do something for her, you should give her something in return! Wait she offered to do this, why am i feeling bad? Yeah it was her own fault. Still maybe i should do something for her.
After basically fighting with yourself, you decided you'd ask to meet at the same park you met at to treat her to some coffee. To make it less awkward, you'd invite a friend. You sent her a small text saying, do you want to get some coffee with me and a friend tomorrow? Her response wasn't as quick as it was when you sent the text asking to vent to her but it was still rather fast. ofc! where and when? :) You gave her the information and turned off your phone, heading to bed.
The next day, you got up and got ready for your little hangout. You met up with your friend and headed to the park. At said park, you saw she was already there waiting. You wanted to ease the tension and said. "Well you're early." No shit Sherlock you uttered to yourself. Momo nodded her head with a smile. "Let's start heading off to the coffee place." You and your friend agreed.
The whole thing was surprisingly fun. You mixed well together due to the huge difference in personalities. It wasn't awkward at all and it felt like you were simply hanging out with another friend instead of some random girl who comforted you at the park. After that experience, you started to invite her to more hangouts with your friends. Instead of only speaking to her when you were sad, you began speaking to her on a regular bases, having full on conversations about whatever was on both of your minds. You two had gotten very close and the relationship you built was extraordinary.
The dynamic was basically: Mom and Chaotic Child. I think you already know who is what role.
She's gotten used to the foul things you say. You'll be latching on to her arm and saying the weirdest stuff and she'll just stand there like it's an average Tuesday. (it is for her) Jiro wonders how she hasn't lost her mind by now. Momo will say something about it if your around certain people though. Just making sure you don't get your ass kicked.
Momo has a deep appreciation for art. When you show her your animations, she's so proud of you. Praises you so fucking much it's crazy. If you ever need someone to help you visualize certain poses, she's always up for it. She'll make time out of her day to do it. If you draw her specifically, AAAAAAAAAAA. She'd be so happy and have a huge smile on her face.
Just like how she is with your art, she's super proud of your singing voice. Talks about your voice a lot whenever the topic of music is brought up. She only has good things to say about you. If you write songs, she'll be so supportive of all of them. And if you ever need help with said songs, she'll talk to Jiro and ask her to help you with whatever you need. Momo isn't confidant in her own skills, especially in music, so having someone like Jiro helping you would be more useful in her mind.
It'll take some convincing but if there's a specific role in a song you need her to do then she will do it. Deep down within her she'll be bursting with joy that you chose her for the role out of everyone. Just please help her improve her confidence. She really needs more.
Makes sure no one breaks you out of your daydreams. If they come up to ask you a question whilst you're in your fantasy world, she'll shoo them away and tell them she'll ask you later. Basically Momo will tell them to fuck off in a kind way whilst whispering. If it's something really important and she has to snap you back to reality, she'll speak in a very soft and comforting tone.
One night, Yaomomo felt like crying. Mistake after mistake, every second she felt like she was the biggest failure in the world. Everything felt so overwhelming. It felt as if she was drowning in a lake of sadness. Every single time she tried to climb out, another round of waves hit her. The ruthless cycle left her feeling pathetic, helpless even. Tears threatened to fall from her eyes, but she bit her lip. Momo put on a tight smile and began walking forward.
You and her had arranged a small hangout under the cherry tree in the park you met at. She wanted to be happy for you. She wanted to be happy for her friends. Momo swore to herself that she wouldn't cancel on you. Even if she was at her lowest, she wanted to be there to help and support you.
Her smile was, to you, clearly forced. The girl's raven hair was a mess, seeming like she was pulling it a moment before. The dark eye bags was a dead give away she was tired. Her hands were balled into fists. And if you looked closer, you could see her thumb digging into the soft skin of her hand. Momo was clearly not okay and you were not going to allow that.
"Yaomomo, everything alright?" you said in a tone that made it obvious you were being serious. She simply nodded her head, taking a seat beside you. "Yaomomo I could tell when you're not okay." Her lips formed a straight line as she closed her eyes. It looked like she was thinking hard about something.
You wouldn't push her to talk about whatever was troubling her but you would try to take her mind off it. You took her hand in yours and rubbed circles into her knuckles. Usually you were on the side of being comforted rather than comforting. But you had to be there for her, exactly how she was there for you. Her kindness blew you away the first time you met and now it was finally the time to repay her for not only that kindness, but all the love she's shown you for the amount of time you've known each other.
The simply gesture snapped her out of her thoughts and her eyes darted down to your hand. Momo's lip then turned into a small smile. Tears began forming in her eyes and she pressed her head into your shoulder. Although you couldn't tell exactly what she was thinking and why she was crying, you were glad you could give her some peace of mind. Not a word was said during this interaction.
You sat in silence as you both watched the stars in all their glory. Choosing to ignore the tears that were running down the girl's face, you shifted slightly and turned your head to face hers. "Do you want to lay down on my lap? I think that would be more comfortable than the position you're in." Momo responded with a simple nod and smile that was enough to melt your heart.
After repositioning, Momo's breath turned even again and her tears soon faded. You both began cracking jokes whilst watching the stars. Laughs and giggles filled the cold night's sky. Exchanging a look you both thought the same thought. I would do anything for you.
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astro-break · 4 years
Quick first thoughts on the first ep of the Hypmic Anime. Spoilers beware (and im writing this as I watch so :p)
Otome’s speech is.... questionable from a persuasive point of view. Manga did a great job of introducing her (which you can read here) but they really cut out the more terrifying parts of her speech and how she uses force to show people that she's not to be messed with
Its cool seeing everyone in their respective environments though. thats cool. Though they could have added Sasara and Kuuko (shhh i know why they didn’t let me dream)
I love how poppy the typography is. Its amazing how the visuals just leap out at you. The OP does a great job of this. The first few seconds before the title really gives me Persona 4 OG OP vibes with the influx of information given. The rest is a clear concise and streamlined way that still gives character. Animation is sparse but still carries across a general idea of each character and shows off each character object. Rendering is really nice and pays a bit of homage to the posing artwork thats done for the MVs. They also do their division hand signals and thats cute
Love how the OP has blatant HifuDoppo and DRB matchup foreshadowing
so far I really like what theyre going for. BB is about brotherly familial bonds and they show the goods and the bads. Jiro and Saburo bickering right out the gate really cements the fact that they get along like cats and dogs but you can still see that they love each other, working together when the situation calls for it
Now the 3d models. Theyre... not great but usable if you don’t look too hard. They serve their purpose and don’t actively detract from the viewing experience.
Visual typography in the rap itself are fun and poppy but they dont.... speak to me? like theyre there yes and I appreciate them but the only ones that got me excited were from Ichiro’s rap
I take my words back the group portion was kickass and I apologize
I love how they interpret the Hypnosis Speakers though. Esp. Saburo’s organs. That was super creative and I love it! If there was one thing that I felt was missing from the franchise was a deeper exploration of the speakers but the anime puts a new and fresh spin on it! Love it, especially with their attack patterns!
If the production team ever feels inclined to, Id love to see those info sheets on Otome’s desk released. There seems to be very interesting info and stats written out about each member (like capabilities, personal status etc.) They all seem unique too so I really really really hope they release images of those sheets
OOOOOOOOKAY MTC. I have such a big biased for them so Im very torn to see what unfolds
Rio striking out on his own is interesting. Out of everyone in MTC hes the biggest team player yet here he trusts his teammates to go ahead. This either displays Rio’s willingness to trust his teammates or it becomes very OOC if the anime wants to set him up as a lone wolf like character
I love how they specify its a drug deal. It means that Jyuto surely will show up and it also shows that Samatoki knows Jyuto’s motives and willingly gives black market info that he knows aligns with Jyuto’s goal. Thats A+ detail writing there and a great establishing characteristic for both of them
OOohhhhhhhhhhhhh man Asunama-san’s voice acting is god tier his work as Samatoki is phenomenal. He pulls of Samatoki’s threatening voice so well with those almost calm words before his voice becomes loud and confrontational. Those rolling syllables in contrast to Komada-san’s almost lyrical and airy speech and Kamio-san’s strict and enunciated words is such a delight to hear. It just speaks to how amazing and great these Seiyuu’s are in order to pull of such amazing work
Im so biased but MTC has such a better rap than BB im so sorry. Just by watching Samatoki’s part, the imagery is amazing. Even the arrival of his Hypnosis Speaker was awesome and sent a shiver down my spine. using the lyrics to form blades and blood was such a great thing to do. Theres so much more variety that just him standing there and shots of his hypnosis speaker. The old fashioned vignette shots, the four panel spread, the nods to old Kurosawa era films are great and I love these small details. Even the typography looks better.
Again, the interpretations with the speakers is fresh and new. Its great and I love the different imagery and attack patterns. Each one is so unique but carries across each different style of rap.
The 3d modles aren’t any better tho lol
(Hi this is Astro who is reading over their assessment again and making a note. Yeah I’m a bit harsh on BB’s rap. I’m not going to change it since I still stand by it and this post is supposed to be a documentation of my first impressions. I think one of the reasons why I’m so harsh on BB is because of their dynamic as a trio of brothers. They Have to have a more uniform approach than the other divisions. Which in of itself isn’t a terrible thing, it just doesn’t catch my eye as much as MTC did. Thats all! I definitely don’t hate BB, they’re maybe my 3rd favorite division out of the current lineup [not including TDD era teams like Kujaku Posse, MCD, and Naughty Busters] its just that their rap was pretty meh)
Samatoki crouching like a real gangstar and the cigarette kiss killed me
sadjkhfjkasdghsadjkcsdjhsdfsjhf im dying i love these trio of dumbasses so uch oh y fod someone save me aaaaaaaa (Astro note here! yeah i died when the jyuto and samatoki’s stomach growled im weak please. Samatoki’s face is just so precious and funny I might set it as a profile pic somewhere)
But also my initial assessment of Rio possibly being characterized as a lone wolf is very much jossed and im very thankful for that. It seems that Rio was simply trusting his teammates to carry out their part of the plan while he carried out his own. I like that, it really shows how much of a team these three are and that they genuinely trust each other. He’s also comfortable enough around them to invite them to dinners after work casually and not just for special occasions.
I really love MTC guys
Oooh! we get Ramuda on his design process which is really cute. the inside of his studio is super cute and retro and i love it. the poppy old music you would hear in a cafe or 90′s resturaunt is also really cute (astro note: yeah i know that in ARB you see the interior of Ramuda’s office but its kinda different seeing it animated)
the translation i have has gentaro speaking in early modern english (Shakespearian english for those who aren’t english nerds like me) but from what I can hear, he doesn’t speak in a particularly old fashioned way? Its more formal than old? and hes speaking without any of his character persona lying thing that he likes to do (as he refers to himself as “Shousei” throughout the segment where hes in Ramuda’s office which is kind of his default pronoun of choice). so its kinda odd for the translation to go in that direction but im not complaining
Gendice banter is gold but it feels... flat? a little? it doesn’t have the same impact as in the drama cds or in the manga? i feel? Also Ramuda using gratuitous english is??? idk how to feel about that
kjshf thats against the rules Ramuda omgggg,,,,,,,, (astro note again: while watching i was under the assumption that using your hypmic for monetary gain such a as buskering [which is what FP is doing] is against the rules. May not be the case but whatever)
FP’s rap might be my favorite in terms of tune and lyrics though. It’s a nice laid back bop and really gives of chill vibes. the integration of 3d and 2d is really nice and i love how they play off each other in the rap. The wordplay is so fun with little nods here and there and the beat is poppy too so it really energizes me.
Ramuda’s rap concerns me slightly since he makes very subtle and small nods towards his past (being created in a laboratory, warfare, and his overall very unpleasant life experiences) but spins it into something cutesy. It could be a coping mechanism, it could be me overthinking it. But it does make me worry a bit. Gentaro and Dice’s rap really play off each other with Gentaro sticking to stories and Dice taking up the baton by carrying on that same imagery but putting his own spin on it.
the self awareness of how scattered they are as a team is interesting though. It doesn’t seem like something you’d speak about in a rap? but i guess since its not really a do or die situation they can afford to be looser on things like this.
Right off the bat, i don’t like how they handled Hifumi and Doppo in relation to Hifumi’s fear of women. Slug made a post once talking about this and I echo many of his sentiments. Hypmic has never been very tactful about tackling this particular issue and while I didn’t have high hopes that the anime would be any better it hurts to see Doppo take away the one thing that allows Hifumi to function within society.
Doppo’s breakdown mirrors a lot of my own mental state when I spiral though its shown a lot quicker than what happens to me oof. that hits close to home. though Jakurai’s advice is. Questionable. Its not the best advice to give to someone but we have no idea what kind of doctor Jakurai is so ill let it slide
Jakurai’s pose looks like hes going to do a mahou shoujou transformation lmao
I don’t have many thoughts about the rap though again. How they visualize the rap is interesting. the different imagery is quite interesting for each of them and the typography is nice a distinct but im still on the fence about the visuals here
The sound is in the same boat. The sound effects either drown out the rap or are too quet but some parts are nice at least. When they talk about Tokyo’s beating heart, the heartbeat sound is a but distracting especially since its only played once. But the imagery is at least nice
I wonder if for the eds they’re going to take a similar approach to what Enstars did and have a four different endings, one for each division. I love the blend of styles here and it really accentuates that although they’re different they mesh well together.
Ramuda’s silhouette though is hilarious. Love it.
:p and thats it. Uh not bad for a first episode. Established all 12 characters really nicely and their dynamics. I had some problems with it but then again nothing is perfect. I look forward to what they show us next week
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Class of 1-A Imagine
The entire 1-A class got hit by a quirk swapping villain! It’s all randomized and I spent a bunch of time on this! Please draw what they would look like and dm me!
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 - He was lucky enough to get Denki’s quirk
 - Didn't even notice for a few seconds
 - Only realized when he couldn’t run anymore
 - His engines were simply gone ~ POOF!
 - It was only when he looked at his hair and saw bright yellow
 - Immediately runs away as fast as his weak, human legs can take him
 - When they tell him what happens, he forces Kaminari to tell him how to use it
 - “I don’t know, you just... do the thing.”
 - “Well what thing because on page four of using your quirk, it says that...”
 - When Iida gets the hang of it, he doesn’t like to use it
 - He’s terrified of hurting someone, and since he isn’t experienced, he doesn’t want to go brain-dead either
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 - She got Deku’s quirk
 - She doesn’t like how big her arms get
 - All Might immediately helps her since he doesn’t want her to break any bones
 - She doesn’t fully grasp the concept and chooses not to use the quirk
 - She’s seen how bad Deku can get
 - She is overjoyed at something else though
 - “My tongue Mina! Look at my tongue!”
 - Everyone finds out Asui has a beautiful singing voice
 - She’s almost sad to get her own quirk back
 - But it’s okay
 - She can’t hurt herself with her own quirk ~ribbit
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 - He was able to get Sero’s quirk
 - “Well you didn’t hear this from me but it’s truly unfashionable.”
 - “Look at me, the human tape dispenser of 1-A.”
 - “Ugh, I can’t even wear my fur jacket because my elbows are too thick.”
 - “Sero, how do you wear long sleeves with this thing?!”
 - Aoyama doesn’t want to use the quirk, it’s just not “flowing with his vibe”
 - He wears his fancy jackets for the entire month after the quirk wears off
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( a picture of Bakugo trying to help Kirishima learn about molecules ^^^^)
 - He got Momo’s quirk
 - At first he’s sad, his unmanly quirk is gone for an entire week!
 - But then he realizes that he can walk around shirtless for an entire week
 - “It’s for my quirk!”
 - He likes being able to make food in an instant, he just doesn’t like it when Aizawa insists that he know the basic molecules of certain things
 - “When am I going to use this? I will never have to make an umbrella in my life!”
 - He likes to stick to food, especially liking that he can make any meal better than Bakugo
 - “Dude! I could solve world hunger from my abs!”
 - “Woah, imagine if I could make a car from my abs.”
 - “Can I make wings like Hawks?!
 - When the week ends, Kirishima is kinda disappointed 
 - But Bakugo is happy he got his cooking buddy back
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 - He got Uraraka’s quirk
 - He’s super excited honestly, he likes being able to fly
 - “I feel like a feather.”
 - Ochako is happy to be able to teach him how
 - “Let’s just stay indoors. We don’t need you floating off to space.”
 - Koda almost wants to go to space
 - Once he learns how to use it, he uses all his time zooming around the dorms
 - Once Aizawa takes them outside to train, he just floats around in the air
 - Aizawa lets him
 - He knows this precious baby needs some relaxation with the clouds
 - He also likes the birds
 - He can’t speak to them though, which is frustrating for him
 - “How do you not remember me? I fed you dinner last night!”
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 - He got Tokoyami’s quirk
 - One second his tail was there, the next second it was a mean looking bird
 - Ojiro likes taking his bird on walks, he doesn’t really know what to do with it
 - He talks to the bird sometimes, and for some reason he can understand it
 - “Dark Shadow seems too emo. Let’s try Gregory.”
 - The bird agrees 100%
 - When Ojiro is training, Gregory is too powerful sometimes
 - “How do you control your own shadow?!”
 - Training sessions with Aizawa is just one big mess for Ojiro
 - Nothing gets accomplished accept Ojiro talking to Thompson and Thompson trying to attack anyone who gets close
 - Ojiro is so excited to get his tail back, but it sad that Tokoyami won’t take the same request
 - rip Gregory
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( Sato’s reaction to getting Mineta’s quirk^^ )
 - Sato has Mineta’s quirk
 - Sato doesn’t come out of his room for the entire week
 - Everyone understands
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 - She got Sato’s quirk
 - She makes a bunch of sweets as an excuse to eat all of it
 - But that’s not a big deal at all to her
 - She’s not invisible anymore!
 - The moment she realizes that she isn’t invisible, she goes crazy
 - She’s actually kind of tan
 - Not only that but she’s gorgeous!
 - Thick brown hair, green eyes, and she’s so skinny
 - Her face alone has everyone in 1-A dropping dead
 - Some of the guys can’t believe it
 - They’ve chatted with this girl for months and had no idea
 - She wants to ask Ojiro on a date, but what happens when the quirk wears off
 - It does wear off, but nobody cares
 - They always knew she was pretty, and this just confirmed it for sure
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 - He got Hagakure’s quirk
 - What’s not to love about being invisible?
 - The strange part to him is that he can still see himself
 - All of his extra arms are gone!
 - That’s sad, all of his shirts were custom for those arms
 - He borrows clothes from his friends
 - It’s funny to see a robe and bunny slippers walking around at midnight though
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 - He got Todoroki’s quirk
 - It’s okay though! He’s got his creepy notebook!
 - Todoroki gladly give him teaching on how to use it
 - “Remember, flames do damage and ice can be used to capture things.”
 - Deku knows all of this from his “research”
 - But that doesn’t stop them from spending everyday training together
 - It’s fun... and “helpful”
 - Deku loves being his own microwave and freezer
 - He accidently catches things on fire from time to time
 - He got scared by a movie and froze half the couch
 - Todoroki kissed him and he burned half his shirt off
 - “How do you control this thing?!”
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 - She got Mina’s quirk
 - “Yay! I got acid hands! I got acid hands!”
 - Mina makes her wear oven mitts
 - She accidently burns a hole through her bed while having nightmares
 - “High five! Wait... never mind.”
 - “Mina, teach me how to do the thing!”
 - Also let’s not forget that Ochako has pink skin, horns, and alien eyes
 - “Ooh, I look so cute!”
 - Ochako spends most of her time posing in front of the mirror
 - “Look at my horns Kirishima!”
 - “Mina, look at my eyes!”
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 - He got Iida’s quirk
 - Whenever he runs, he ends up going sonic on people
 - “Denki, take a lap!”
 - “I don't think you want that Mr. Aizawa.”
 - Whenever Denki tries to use Iida’s quirk, it’s always a quick fail
 - So far Denki has taken out a trash can, Present Mic, tripped on a basketball, run into a tree, faceplant into dirt, and accidently swallow a bug
 - The worst part is that Denki sleep walks
 - Running into stuff, tripping over a potted plant, falling down a flight of stairs
 - “This is better than being brain dead I guess.”
 - Denki spends most of his time making fun of Iida by waving his arms like a robot and trying on multiple pairs of glasses at once
 - Iida demands that Kaminari trains
 - “Kaminari, you will read all of these books on how to operate engine legs or else!”
 - Kaminari must admit the engine legs are cool
 - Except when Kirishima put hot dogs in them
 - The entire class room smelled like burnt meat
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 - “Cool! I look like a frog!”
 - She got Asui’s quirk
 - Her hair turned green, her tongue grew, and her pupils dialated
 - “Asui, look at this!”
 - She uses her tongue to swing off the dusty chandelier when Iida isn’t looking
 - “Ew! They should make tongue condoms!”
 - Jiro and Ochako have a blast teasing Mina and Asui
 - “Ribbit bitch! Your frog queen has arrived!”
 - Denki gets Jiro a crown to wear around the dorms
 - Ochako buys the four girls frog onesies
 - “So kawaii!”
 - Jiro never was into swimming until now
 - She likes that her fingers don’t get wrinkly
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 - He got Ojiro’s quirk
 - “Dude, look at my tail!”
 - Bakugo makes fun of his “backwards dick”
 - It’s funny, but not that funny
 - In return Sero whips him with it
 - “I feel like a monkey!”
 - Sero hangs from everything he can
 - “This thing has more muscles than I do!”
 - He goes to a playground nearby with Denki and swings off the monkey bars
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 - He got Koda’s quirk
 - “I’ve never been much about nature. Too much light, not enough darkness.”
 - Bakugo jokes that he can finally talk to his pigeon brothers
 - “Dude! The birds love you!”
 - And everyone is right
 - As soon as Tokoyami walks outside, a pigeon lands on his head
 - “Why did that pigeon just speak to me?!”
 - Tokoyami is scared of the outside now
 - “I can hear their voices still!”
 - Tokoyami has a panic attack over being able to hear the animal voices
 - “Why do ants sound so manly?”
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 - He got Bakugo’s quirk
 - “I’m not asking that bastard for help.”
 - Instead, he goes to Deku for training
 - “Deku, you have that stalker notebook still?”
 - Bakugo’s quirk is like his own quirk
 - “Seriosuly? Just heat?”
 - “Kind of basic if you ask me.”
 - Once Bakugo hears that, he goes beserk
 - “Icyhot!”
 - “Oh no no, you can’t call me that anymore.”
 - Todoroki likes propelling himself in the air with explosions
 - Bakugo’s quirk is too loud, like his personality
 - He doesn’t like using the quirk honestly
 - “It's not very good, very violent, and I don’t like getting sweaty.”
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 - He got Kirishima’s quirk
 - “Yea bro, you can get hard too now!”
 - Mina tries to stop him from saying that
 - Poor bby doesn't understand
 - Kirishima tries to help, but Bakugo is having no part in that
 - “How difficult can your quirk be Shitty Hair?”
 - It isn’t easy though, especially when Bakugo is forced to be shirtless.
 - He’s used to his hero outfit covering his chest
 - Bby is a little self conscious
 - The best part is that he doesn’t sweat that much
 - “Fuck yea! I don’t smell like fucking cinnamon and caramel!”
 - Bakugo does miss his explosions and hand grenades
 - Your quirk is too boring Kirishima, and it’s not loud at all
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 - She got Aoyama’s quirk
 - Her immediate reaction is to read a bunch
 - “Aoyama! Wait up, I have so many questions!”
 - Next though, she has fun with it
 - “It’s so pretty!”
 - Along the way her and Aoyama become friends
 - He brings her pain releivers to help with the stomach pains
 - “It sucks but at least it’s pretty.”
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 - She got Jiro’s quirk!
 - Immediately her skin isn’t pink, her horns are gone, and her eyes turn bright blue
 - She’s still as spunky as ever though
 - “Dude! Imagine all the hot gossip I can listen to!”
 - Mina tries the teacher’s lounge with Asui and Ochako, only to hear Aizawa and Present Mic planning a date night
 - “We should totally go as well!” Mina offers
 - They go on all sorts of “spy missions”
 - Mina also likes being able to tan with Momo from time to time
 - She does miss her horns though
 - She realizes quickly that Jiro’s earphone jacks are also Bluetooth
 - Jiro just never told anyone before
 - When Mina gets her quirk back, she is so happy to look “normal” again
Omg this took all day! Please comment down below your favorite combo and if I should do another one! Love you all! Stay safe! <3333
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zukuthehero · 4 years
Bakugo’s Secret Collection
I did a commission for @everythingbaku​ Hope you like it <3
Ren laughed at Kirishima’s story as they walked through the mall.
“And then Mina skidded across the ground and slammed into the wall, haha, instead of- ha, instead of doing the flip- snicker- like she wanted.” He was laughing so hard he barely got the story out.
“You’re so mean!” Mina whined, shoving him gently, but she was grinning too.
“Oh!” Kaminari said excitedly. “Look! It’s Midoriya!”
Ren moved over to see. Kaminari had rushed to a store window, looks like one of the hero merchandise stores.
He lit up.
Looking in the window, Ren could see that there was a figure of Midoriya, mid-kick, just sitting in the window. The outfit was even fairly accurate, getting the arm braces right along and the hood flapping from behind, even the shade of green was almost exactly like Midoriya’s. Beside it was one of Uraraka, floating on a rock, hands out.
“Oh!” Ren beamed, “There are figures of our classmates? Do they have the rest of you? Hang on let’s go in.”
Ren hurried into the store with Mina, moving to the figurine section and finding the Midoriya (Deku?) figurine. Mina cooed when she found one with him holding Eri, when they fought Overhaul.
“These are adorable!”
“He looks so fierce!” Ren said, admiring the one of him mid-kick.
“Totally manly,” Kirishima added from behind them.
“Let me see if there are others!” Ren said, starting to dig through the other figurines, “I’m gonna try to find the whole class.”
“This is dumb, why would you want figures of those extras anyways?”
Ren just sent Bakugo a quick smile, not fazed by his normal grumbles.
Ren managed to find one of Tsu, her tongue out and in a fighting pose.
“It’s so cool, they’re even pretty accurate!”
“Yeah,” Kirishima agreed. “Especially for bootlegs.”
“Are they all bootleg?” Ren asked, picking up a figure of Mashirao. “This one looks official.”
“I think the figures are official,” Mina said. “But the jackets and hats and stuff don’t seem to be.”
“I just can’t believe we have figures while we’re still at school,” Sero muttered, picking up a figurine of Momo.
“Ooh,” Ren said. “Can I have that? I need to get one for everyone in the class now, or everyone that they have.”
“Yeah sure.” Sero passed it over to Ren, who put it in the basket he grabbed. He would get figures of everyone, and maybe something extra for a few.
“Oh my god,” Mina called. “There’s a Red Riot hat.”
“What!? Kirishima called, darting over. “Oh, that’s so manly!”
Ren moved over to see too, finding Mina shoving on a red hat, with a top styled like Kirishima’s hair.
“Oh, I love that!” He agreed, reaching for one of his own and noticing a few other hats, like an Ingenium one, and a Shoto one with two colored sides.
There was even one for Bakugo! It looked based on his mask additions.
“I need all of these,” Ren muttered.
“There’s a lot more merchandise for us than I expected.” Kirishima said. “I mean, we’re still students. Most full-time heroes don’t even get that much merchandise, not if they’re not high on the charts or popular locally.”
“Yeah! It’s really cool,” Sero agreed.
“They have a jacket based on Midoriya too! Oh, and one based on Uraraka, that’s cute I’d wear that.” Mina held up a stylish pink, black, and white jacket.
“You’d look good in it,” Ren said cheerfully.
Mina flashed him a grin, “Thanks. What are you gonna get?”
Ren hummed, “A little bit from everyone if I can find them all.”
“Ugh, we’re gonna be here all day.” Bakugo grumbled.
“Oh, cheer up, it’s great that we have merchandise! Don’t you want to get something?”
“Well, you don’t have to get anything,” Ren said. “But it’s really cool to learn that they have merchandise for us. I didn’t know that.”
Bakugo just grumbled, sulking along behind them as they kept rummaging through the aisles.
“Oh! Here’s one for Mr. Aizawa.”
“Wait seriously? I’ve never been able to find merchandise for him.” Ren rushed over to Sero.
And indeed, there was a Mr. Aizawa figure, mid jump with red eyes, hair up, and capture scarf whirling around him.
“That’s amazing!”
“It’s so realistic, haha, I almost expect my quirk to be gone,” Kirishima laughed.
“Ugh, I don’t know if I brought enough money to get all of it,” Ren muttered.
He dug out his wallet and checked the cash he brought.
“I guess I could use my card, but I try to limit that.”
“You can borrow some from me if you want,” Mina offered. “Just pay me back later.”
“Really,” Ren beamed at her. “That would be great!”
“Or you could just not waste your money on stuff for these extras.” Bakugo huffed.
Ren rolled his eyes, “It’s stuff for me though.”
“It’s stuff of the extras,” Bakugo pointed out. “Just for you. Why would you waste money on them?”
“Because they’re my classmates and friends,” Ren laughed, sending Bakugo a teasing smile. “Come on Bakugo, just cause you’re the best of the best doesn’t mean we can’t appreciate everyone else too.”
He rolled his eyes, “Whatever. It’s your money to waste if you want.”
“Thank you, I will.”
Bakugo huffed.
“Ooh, look!” Mina chirped. “They have tape! Based on Sero’s tape!”
“Isn’t that just normal tape?” Bakugo grumbled.
“Oh! The dispenser looks like his arms!” Ren chirped, “That’s awesome.”
“That’s so cool, I need that for my room!” Kirishima cheered, snagging it. “Totally getting this.”
“You guys are ridiculous,” Sero said, but he was smiling.
“We should make these the official class tape dispensers,” Mina grinned.
“Don’t you da-“
“Why would we do that?” Ren asked sweetly. “We have Sero already.”
“You suck,” Sero laughed.
“Okay but if they have Sero tape dispensers, do they have other things too?”
“Obviously, you guys have been looking at it all this whole time.” Bakugo pointed out.
“No, I mean daily stuff!” Kirishima insisted. “Like, uh, blankets, or um, soap or something.”
“Soap or something,” Bakugo said flatly.
“Oh come on, it’s manly!”
“Alarm clocks?” Mina offered.
“Speaking of,” Kaminari said. “I found alarm clocks.”
“Hahaha, that’s Koji, Oh, my gosh I love that.” Ren rushed over. “What sound does it make?”
Kaminari pressed the button.
It started tweeting like birds.
“Ooh, there are different settings! Looks like it has roars, bird tweets, growls, and… cicadas? What are cicadas?”
“They make really obnoxious noises at night,” Ren said. “Really loud, they’re pretty big too.”
“Huh, weird,” Sero said.
Ren looked through the shelves in this area of the store. There were a lot of actual hero merch, stuff for ranked heroes, but they also had a decent amount of merch for students.
There were some things from the third-year students too, a Le Million, a Suneater, and a Nejire-Chan.
The things that held Ren’s attention were the things for his year.
There was I Can’t Stop Twinkling glitter packs, Sugar Rush weights, Pinky Shampoos, and even Bakugo Bath Bombs.
Honestly Ren didn’t even know that there was merch for heroes like that.
“I want so much of this,” He mumbled. “I guess I’ll stick to one thing per class member.” Maybe.
He carefully picked out the Cellophane tape dispenser for Sero.
He spent a few minutes debating over getting a pinky figure for Mina, or the shampoo. Both were cool, and oh, there are hair pins styled like her horns!
He ended up grabbing the figure. He’ll get the other two later.
Next up, a Red Riot hat, a Red Riot rock collection, or a Red Riot figurine.
The rock collection would be hilarious, but Ren settled on the hat. He could wear that around to support Kirishima, or just to mess with him. Both works.
Looking through the Charge Bolt merch he found, oh haha, there’s a plug outlet styled like Kaminari. That’s hilarious. He definitely needs that. The figurine is cool but being able to use Kaminari as a plug is way cooler.
Ren dropped that in the basket.
Alright then, obviously getting the Deku figurine (he picked the one of Midoriya with Eri, it just seems so much more like Midoriya that he couldn’t not get it), and he did love the jacket for Uravity, a short debate with himself settled it and he shoved that into the basket next.
He was just looking at the Froppy merch when Kirishima called him over.
He moved over and flushed when he realized it was a figurine of him.
“Look, Ren, it’s you!” Mina looked so pleased.
It was him in his chimera form, ready to battle with his blue fur and hair. He looked a bit fierce.
Bakugo was leaning over too, “They actually managed to get your looks right, not a bad figurine.”
Ren stifled his blush, shooting Bakugo a smile, “Aww, thanks. And I’m honored you think I look good.”
Bakugo scoffed, “I didn’t say that.”
Mina laughed, “I think you look great, Ren. They really captured your fierceness.”
Ren grinned at her, “Thanks Mina.”
“Okay but like, guys,” Kirishima gushed. “I think they have at least two things for every person in the class. I found a jacket for Ren too. And headphones for Jiro-“
“Headphones for Jiro? Where!?” Ren asked excitedly, he needed a new pair of headphones anyways.
Kirishima laughed and passed him a pair to put in his basket.
“Yeah, like I was saying. They’ve got figurines for everyone that I’ve been able to find, and like, there are Ingenium shoes, our Iida Ingenium shoes, not his older brother. Though I guess they’re basically the same…”
“Oh! I’ve been needing new shoes. Where are those?” Ren asked, peering at Kirishima in excitement.
“Dude do you have the money for all this?” Kaminari asked, peering into Ren’s basket.
“Of course I do!” Ren said with a huff.
He mentally went through how much money he has, plus Mina said she would lend some…
Yeah, he should be good.
“I’ll help pay if he needs it, and I think this is great. We can have something of our friends with us. It’s super sweet!” Mina beamed at them.
“Mina is right,” Kirishima said. “It’s super manly to support your classmates.”
Bakugo was rolling his eyes majorly as he leaned against the shelf where the figurine of Ren was.
Ren rolled his eyes fondly but moved on to finding more stuff for the class.
He found some Animan animal treats that were cute, he could feed some of Mr. Aizawa’s cats!
Speaking of Mr. Aizawa, he snagged the figurine of his grumpy teacher.
He grabbed a Froppy figurine as well (the Froppy themed wash clothes were cool but he didn’t have need of them).
He hummed and studied the sugar rush stuff, either the weights, the figurine, or the candy pack.
He grabbed the candy pack (with eight different kinds of candy!).
He found a soft Dark Shadow blanket, and a cool pair of gloves styled like Invisible Girl (soft and warm, they’ll be good for winter). He found a cool soft scarf for Tail Man too.
He debated over the stuff for Momo, there was a cool figurine, but there was also a cool periodic table set, which would be helpful in chemistry, and it was themed off of her…
He bought the periodic table set after Bakugo shoved it into his hands, grumbling that he was taking too long.
He grabbed a mug for Shoto, it was a plain black that apparently turns white when cold and red when hot. Which he may be really excited to try back at the dorm.
He laughed at the reaching tool for Dupli-Arms. He was definitely buying that, it’s so funny.
He tossed the shoes that Kirishima mentioned earlier into his basket, the Ingenium shoes. They’re basically the same as the one’s Iida’s older brother had, but they’re still cool.
And finally, he found a cool figurine of Bakugo.
“Well,” Ren said, studying his haul. “That looks like everyone.”
“What about Mineta?” Sero asked.
“… Nevermind.”
“Why don’t we pay and go get lunch?” Mina chirped.
“Sounds good to me,” Ren agreed, heading to the front to pay.
“Oh!” Kirishima said. “You forgot yourself.”
Ren laughed, “I’m not gonna pay for a figurine of myself.”
“But it’s awesome,” Kaminari insisted.
“I don’t have the money to spare to get a figurine of me too, guys.”
Mina giggled, “Show yourself some love! It’s super cool that we all have figures.”
“Are you guys buying figures of yourselves?” Ren asked as he got in line, Mina beside him.
“No,” She said. “But I might get one of me later! It’s fun, and it would be cool to commemorate it.”
“Yeah, makes sense.”
“Yo, did you guys see where Bakubro went?” Kirishima asked.
“No, did he wander off?”
“He disappeared a few minutes ago.”
“Strange, I’m sure he’ll turn up. Maybe he saw something interesting.”
“Yeah, I guess.”
Ren reached the front and flashed the helper a smile as they started scanning his purchases. A few minutes later he handed over his cash (all of it) and Mina added her’s to pay the rest (thankfully not nearly as much as he feared. He had enough to cover most of the purchase).
The two grabbed their bags (and Ren might have changed his arms to gorilla arms to handle them all, there was a lot) and headed out, finding Bakugo outside with his backpack dangling from one shoulder.
“You done now?”
“Yeah yeah Mr. Grumpy Pants. Let’s grab lunch now.”
“Finally,” He muttered.
“Oh hush,” Kirishima laughed. “You didn’t have to wait that long.”
“You guys just wouldn’t leave. The merchandise isn’t that interesting.”
“I think it’s super cool!” Mina said.
“Yeah, you mentioned. Once or a dozen times.”
“Oh, be nice,” Ren leveled a look at him. “There’s nothing wrong with having fun looking at merch for our class. I’m sure even you were excited about merch for yourself.”
Bakugo scoffed, his cheeks a faint pink. “Was not.”
“Are we getting food or what?” Sero and Kaminari were standing ahead, looking at us expectantly.
“Coming, coming,” Ren said, moving after them.
Ren stretched where he was sitting in one of the study rooms in the dorm.
The Bakusquad was supposed to be studying together but Bakugo hadn’t shown up yet.
“Should someone go get him?” Kaminari asked.
Ren huffed, “I’ll go. Maybe he just started studying on his own and lost track of time.”
Kirishima laughed, “That sounds like him.
Ren stood up, “I’ll be back in a few minutes.”
“Good luck!” Mina called.
“Bring back snacks,” requested Sero.
“Yeah, yeah, sure.”
Ren moved out of the room and to the elevator hitting the up button with a sigh.
He patiently waited for the elevator before getting in and hitting Bakugo’s floor.
A minute later he was walking down the hallway to Bakugo’s room.
He paused at the door, knocking loudly.
“Hey, Bakugo,” He called as he pushed the door open. “We were meeting to stu-“
Ren faltered at seeing Bakugo throwing a package to the side, just a second too late to stop Ren from seeing it.
It was from the store earlier in the day, the one with all the bootleg (and official figurine) hero merchandise.
The box had a figure in blue on it, a familiar figure in blue.
Ren stared at the picture of him on the box, before turning to look at Bakugo who was bright red.
“Don’t you know to wait until someone says you can come in!?” He snapped, trying to move to block Ren’s view.
But it was too late, Ren had already caught a glimpse behind him.
There, on the shelf that normally had a poster hanging from the one above it, covering up what was on the shelf, was a collection of figures and a few assorted additions.
His face went red.
There was a figurine of Ren in his Chimera: Beast Mode form, looking mid strike, one in his Chimera: Water Mode form with stylized waves around him, A Chimera Land mode figure mid run, one just him in his hero outfit, blue mask striking with the hood over it, and even on of him in his school uniform, mid-fight (he thinks it’s based on that time they got attacked during a non-hero related field trip).
There was also a little reading-light shaped like him, a fluffy scarf that looked like his blue hair, a shampoo bottle shaded blue like his hair, and a stuffed animal version of him. There were some pictures behind it as well, pictures of him fighting as a hero in one of the many disasters that the class kept getting in, and a few group shots of the group, plus one of just Bakugo and him hanging out.
“Bakugo,” Ren murmured.
“Shut up,” He scrambled to put his poster in front of it again. “We’re never talking about this again.”
“Bakugo that’s so sweet!”
“I had no idea you admired me so much,” Ren continued, grinning widely now.
“Shut up.”
“Why, you even have a stuffed animal of me! It looks soft, is it soft?”
“No, go away, let’s go study.”
“But you were just putting up that new figure,” Ren leveled a pout at him, shooting a look to the figure laying on the bed. Another Chimera: Land form figure, but with different animals.
Bakugo growled at him.
“I don’t want to get in the way of your shrine-“
“It’s not a shrine!”
“It’s so well done, you clearly put a lot of work into it.”
“Oh shove off.”
“I’m very touched, it warms my heart to know you care so much.”
“Do not.”
“I mean, you were so flustered earlier, what with us buying figures, I’m so sorry, I didn’t realize you collected them, I’ll make sure to send you links to more!”
“Did you get those posters custom made? I didn’t see any in the store.”
“I hate you.”
“Really! It’s the sweetest thing, I’m touched. Where did you get them?”
Ren had a shit eating grin on his face at this point, Bakugo’s hands sparking as his face stayed a bright red.
“You’re horrible, let’s go study.”
“But I am studying! I’m studying your amazing shrine to me.”
“It’s not a shrine! And we will never speak of this again, got it?” Bakugo leveled his best glare at Ren, who finally stopped.
The smile not leaving his face he nodded solemnly, “Oh course, another word of it won’t leave my lips.”
Bakugo’s phone pinged two days later when he was returning from his morning run.
He glanced down and saw it was from Ren.
He smiled and clicked the link, then scowled.
He bolted towards Ren’s room, phone with a link to merchandise for Ren open on the screen clutched in his hand.
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valkavavaart · 4 years
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no one asked but i wanted to do all of this in one sitting lets go.. this is long im sorry
1. favourite character 
jyushi, kuukou, ramuda.. i will not pick between them
2. least favourite character 
jyuto.. also saburo but he’s growing on me
3. favourite division
nagoya, baby!
4. favourite buster bros member
legally adopting jiro.. thats my boy i love him
5. favourite mtc member
rioooOoOOoOOoOoOoOOo i dont care the other two but like id give my life for riooOoOOOo
6. favourite matenrou member
doppPOOoOOOoOOOoo but also dr jakurai jinguji if ur out there...
7. favourite fling posse member
r a m u d and a.. whos that
8. favourite character song
UMMM drops and moonlight shadow both slap...?
9. favourite rap battle
its gotta beeeeee battle battle battle? i dont rlly listen to them much i just think abt the art where ramuda and jakurai are like face to face except we KNOW ramuda is barely like 5′0″ and jakurai is a big tall 6′4″ish man so how are they this close is ramuda sitting on his knee?? is jakurai kneeling?? is ramuda on a box
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10. favourite tdd member
again.. ramuda lmao.. like esp tdd ramuda his outfit is so cute hes just so tiny..
11. your otp
UMMMM i like getting into a lot of ships?? id say my favs are probably like.. gendice or riodice maybe?? and ichikuu.. rn im like rlly into hitoya/jakurai too i want those old men to hold hands (i wanna draw them but idk any good poses for old dudes who r also boyfriends)
12. your notp
anything involving saburo uMmMMmm.. im not rlly a fan of samatoki/ichiro & tdd era samatoki/ichiro ESPECIALLY rubs e the wrong way.. i also dont rlly like jyushi/hitoya or kuukou/hitoya they just rlly rub me the wrong way
13. how did you get hooked on hypmic
ok so on twitter all my friends and the artists i follow got rlly into fire emblem three houses and i didnt own a switch at the time but i was like "cool i'll like find a bunch of artists that draw this and i'll UHHH maybe get hyped for it idk" and one of the artists was riryou_ on twitter who was posting like mochi blyeth and i was like omg so cute... and they spoke abt like hypmic a bunch too and i was like "oh i vaguely know what hypmic is (based off of all the samatoki memes and sasara fanart i’d see), maybe i should get into it??" then they like posted jyushi and i was like "oh he looks so dumb i need to know more" and i HEARD jyushi and i was like "actually he's adorable and i love him!!" bc i have a soft spot for like.. crybaby chuunis, and then downloaded the game and was like "wtf!!! where is jyushi" and thats why im here..
14. a character you identify with
im not assigning myself a hypmic kin!!!!!!!!
but i’ll pick doppo bc 1. never trust a doppo kinnie and 2. i too need a therapist
15. favourite character design
KUUKOU was designed specifally to cater to me here is exactly why
-his hair. i cant draw it but i like it
-hes like >:3 all the time 
-he has?? fucking fangs
-cat boy energy
-the like contrast of him being a monk and then him also just being a little bastard.. love that
-i like his jacket
-his dumb fucking boots..
-he comfy
-radiates chaotic energy
-one of his eyes is usually like slightly squinted?? i dont know why he does that but i like it
-he wont hesitate.. bitch
-i forgot this was supposed to be like based on his design and went on a long ass ramble abt his personality but like sshhh you wont see that.. delete
-piercings... the big one looks like a stretcher? i like that
-his speakers that look like the dragon w the bell are cool
-again short king rowdy boy
-he has long eyelashes and wears eye makeup.. thats cute..
- >:3
16. a character you'd cosplay
again kuukou looks comfy but thats a lot of layers.. itd be rlly warm right..
id say maybe jiro! ichiro would be my next choice idk i like their jackets
17. a character you thought you'd like + 18. a character you thought you'd dislike  
ok so i just put these together bc like actually.. before i got into hypmic when all i rlly knew was vague fanart of the characters and that jyushi is my man i did a tier list to like get my opinions on them down.. and sometimes i look back to it and im like.. AHAH...
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as u can see i was on board for jyushi as soon as i got here... but i thought sasara and kuukou were rlly neat and like i figured i'd like ichiro bc mmm... but honestly im not that big on ichi SFGKHDLF...
meanwhile in the bottom tier... jakurai, jiro, dice, rosho, ramuda, hifumi... the irony that i actually rlly like all of them... rosho took a while to grow on me but he's really good.. meanwhile hifumi probably still isnt a character im like SUPER into but i do like him..
heres my current tier list tho LMAO
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19. buster bros or mtc?
hnn.. its gonna have to be buster bros...
i like jiro and rio a lot and dont rlly care for the other 4 but like.. i think i like bb and their dynamic and find them more sympathetic than mtc lmaoo... like ichiro went through a lot for his bros..
samatoki also went through a lot for nemu but hes stinky as hell and i think he's stupid. but i will not write an essay on that.
20. fling posse or matenrou
fling posse BABYYYYYY i love those funky little lads.. i like matenrou a lot too but like fp just appeal to me a lot more and i rlly love their dynamic.. i could talk for days abt fp...
21. mtc or matenrou
matenrOUuUuuUUuUUuu again i do not care mtc aside from rio.. i dont rlly have strong thoughts on matenrou lol i like their friendship tho :)
22. favourite hypmic seiyuu
saito soma or takaya kuroda.. saito soma bc i generally love his voice and also he voices other favs of mine (yamaguchi hq, 2wink from enstars..) and takuya kuroda bc im literally a simp for kazuma kiryu from the yakuza series,
also ive been insulting samatoki so far but i actually like his va like the man has the range?? between voicing samatoki hypmic and leo enstars?? HELLO????
23. a song you didn't like
basically anything by mad trigger crew SBJFGKJHLDSF the only song i actively remember by them is whats my name.. i only play it for rio..
UMMM otherwise i guess like??? new star.. sucks bc i actually rlly like saburo's va but i feel like he doesnt rlly get the best parts/songs...? that being said i like songs w him in it so
24. a hypmic headcanon
ummmmmmm i cant think of anything lol snnzzz.. i saw the hc that ramuda was the one that like dyed jakurais hair and it was so cute..
25. favourite solo song
wasnt this already a question or can i not read.. whatever my brain is like gya gya gyaran gya gya gyaran bam gya gya gyaran bam gya gya gya gya gyaran bam
6. favourite mc name
they all fucking suck LOL
evil monk is very literal and i like that. i also like that 14th moon ties into jyushi's name and everything..
UHHH i guess doppo cause its literally just his name LMAOO and i think doppos a cute name
7. the most attractive character
i know i said that kuukou is designed to appeal specific to me but gentarou? pretty boy. love to see it thank you saito soma. also tdd era jakurai.. maybe its just cause i like the manga art a lot but... dr jakurai jinguji if ur out there
28. a kink
29. favourite life quote & 30. favourite rebuttal or punchline
i dont wanna give a serious answer to either of those so on a completely unrelated note, i think abt this a lot
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hyphypmic · 5 years
love your blog dawg ! could we get some hcs of the bois at disneyland?
hewwo! here ya goooo!
he has to keep the young ones in check
In the end, it’s saburo keeping ichiro and jiro in check
Ichiro is honestly just so excited, but he really is watching out for his brothers and finds saburo’s sense of responsibility pretty cute, even if Ichiro knows the schedule already (he’s been to Disneyland enough times)
He wears either cosplay or a fucking nerd shirt, or he gies wild with the cosplay, like an accurate one or like an outfit inspired thing
He’s in it for the thrills and races his brothers everywhere
SPACE MOUNTAIN, but he would ride almost everything
If he’s in Disney Sea, he rides the Journey to the Center of the Earth and Indiana Jones and the Crystal Skull 526629 times
He also likes taking pictures of his brothers and is that annoying gen Z with all the aesthetic pictures
Encourages Jiro and Saburo to take family pics at nice places and with the mascots
Oh and all the fucking march, yes of course he allows his brothers to shop till they drop at the Disney stores… but only buying one or two items for himself because he’s a big bro that way
food. All of the food
He literally is a hungry male teenager, who lives on testosterone and memes, so he’ll really go out and eat
Mickey Mouse waffle? Turkey leg? Churros? Every flavour of ice cream? Every flavour of popcorn? Even the soy sauce one? You bet it!
He also dresses up because he be a nerd like that
He only does it though if Ichiro does it
He also teases and steals saburo’s maps while running away from their older brother who wants to go somewhere else as well
He also steals a little bit from around the place, well nothing major, a scrap of cloth here, a rock there… well nothing that would go noticed really
Secretly addicted to the Tsum tsums and leaves with at least five new ones
all buster bros will fight at the buzz lightyear astro blasters
They will fight honestly
His favourite ride is the Splash Mountain, mostly he because he can laugh at Saburo not wanting to get wet
maps. Maps. just. Maps
Official time keeper
Like he knows all the times of the shows and of the parades and of the fireworks
He tries to keep a schedule, but ends up chasing Jiro and Ichiro everywhere
Buys the stuff toys
Already has a Duffy Bear, so he buys it clothes
He also brought it so he can take pictures with it and post them on instagram
He also loves pins because he likes putting them on his jacket or lanyard and actively barters for pins with the staff
The staff also give him stickers, not just because he’s a buster bro, but because he genuinely collects them
He would still ask for an autograph every time he would take a picture, and all his little autograph books have the dates on them so that he can remember when he went to Disneyland with his brothers
He also prints out the pictures they have in front of the castle, and has a compilation of them over the years
Favorite ride is probably the buzz lightyear ride with the guns
why the fuck is he even here
No just kidding, he tries to be edgy but he really isn’t? Like honestly???
He went here with Nemu once and she convinced him to wear a Mickey mouse headband, take a selfie with her in front of the castle, ride the fucking spinning teacups, IT’S A SMALL WORLD
He also was Nemu’s personal tripod, and he enjoyed it
He even gave suggestions on how to pose
He also loves the popcorn and would buy it at any given chance
When he went with Mad Trigger Crew (his excuse was to bring Riou), he was very excitable in a “cool way”
Like he would know the shortest routes and the best rides and strategies for lines
His favourite ride though is Tower of terror, because he’s secretly a sap for the stories
Nemu introduced him to the awesome hoodies, and he buys one every time he goes
He actually bought a Duffy Bear and Nemu bought him the Duffy scarf with the paws… he wears it
He’s gone on several dates to Disneyland and Disney Sea and he’s lowkey tired of it
But when Samatoki brings him to Disneyland, it’s an entirely new experience
The yakuza boss literally shows the two of them the best parts of Disneyland like he’s a fucking expert, and they don’t even have to pay extra to like skip the line because Samatoki fucking strategises
Jyuto actually enjoys Disneyland and has to play that cool guy that doesn’t actually enjoy
Though he’s actually a fucking sucker for all the shows really, and the rides… okay everything about Disney
Because he loves the childlike wonder that comes out of everyone when they’re at Disneyland because his childhood, and nearly everyone else’s in Hypmic wasn’t that awesome
He makes sure they don’t miss any of the shows, but Samatoki took care of that
Is the type to buy a watch or a necklace for himself
First time he went was with MTC on Samatoki’s insistence and he actually had fun
Of course, our favourite soldier is a bit NR, but you know, what do expect from such a harass
The thing is, he smiles a lot in Disneyland because it has that kind of magic
Samatoki actually convinces him to take a picture with mascots, in front of the castle, and at every possible place with the “picture spot” marked
Wicked at carnival games because he’s just strong and has good aim
Seriously, do you see him carrying around a bullseye stuffed toy and stuff
Has the highest score out of MTC in Buzz Lightyear, much to the cop’s and the yakuza’s dismay
Mostly NR during the thrill rides, but he grins at the expressions (especially Jyuto’s)
He also buys merch, but like the cooking merch, you know like the oven mitts… the pans… the moulds… the small little cute stuff
Seriously do you see him at his campfire cutting out Mickey shaped mountain lion patties?
Rides all the kiddie rides, like all of them, including the Dumbo one… and the carousel
And everything, he’s a literal child when it comes to it
Yes he brings his stuff toy around and takes pictures with it
Has those really really nice aesthetic pictures and like it would fit his Instagram theme
He also collects the stickers and really runs around like an energetic child, but he can very much take care of himself
He’d also drag Gentaro and Dice, and he’d really go full out kid
He’d take a picture with all the princesses and have a lot of shit on his clothes
He would be the type to have those headbands or those crowns or those character hats
Yes he would force Gentaro and Dice into it
Would eat all of the food, with Gentaro’s money because he’s broke
Yes Ramuda paid for their tickets because secretly Ramuda is fucking loaded
Is the dumbass that eats before a ride, but he also doesn’t throw up, much to no one’s surprise
He asks Gentaro the dumbest questions, like “how does the mascot breathe” not because he’s stupid, but because he’s partly in a food coma
He also gets super excited, like he doesn’t hide it because it’s like his first or second time inside and he gets to to both parks
He really goes all out when it comes to the rides and Gentaro really sees him light up so he indulges Dice with his food needs and clothes… especially the clothes
Favorite ride would be the tea cups because he can move really so fucking fast
Has to watch Dice because he knows Ramuda can take care of himself and basically enters a very peaceful headspace
But then he’s also the type to like disappear and hang around in the palace, take pictures, write poems, hang out with the princesses
He also hasn’t been to Disneyland before because like he didn’t really have the reason to, but he really enjoys
He loves the happiness he sees in children and adults and he thinks about it
He indulges dice in like buying stuff, but he buys himself like a snow globe or a statue
Oh or like a glass statue and he really likes the way it catches the light
And he wears his regular traditional clothes, so he too has really nice pictures in Disneyland with the flowers and shit, like the princess garden is his bitch
He’s very serene when he goes to Disneyland and would go with Matenrou
He isn’t the type to go alone because he believes it would be nice to spend time with friends or loved ones
One time he went with TDD and it was a fucking disaster, but a pretty fond memory all the same
If the entire hypmic is there, he will watch over
Which means being dragged to all the rides
Just imagine a tall ass doctor in the fucking magic carpet ride
It’s a fucking Small World (Thank u Hifumi)
He would genuinely enjoy the Winnie the Pooh ride (BECAUSE!! REASONS!!!)
Mostly watching over Hifumi, and carrying all the stuff
But he has so much fun really
Except on the thrill rides
Well, he loves the train that goes around Disney and he takes pictures of the view
He also runs after Hifumi most of the time and genuinely panics because Hifumi is really like a fucking speed demon
Actually enjoys the shows because music is so awesome and he loves how like the sets work and all
Tries not to bump anyone and tries to give everyone personal space when they’re in line but you know
The biggest fucking puppy ever
Has the biggest budget for merch like in all honesty
He fucking buys stuff toys and all
Though he’s afraid of the princesses, Doppo buys him a crown and so he’s just prancing around in a dress shirt and his fancy slacks and honestly just looks like a very Disney person
Has the cutest pictures with the aesthetic food
He also jumps around and drags everyone on the rides
Don’t pair with Ramuda, they’re gonna fucking make everyone die
He can’t pick a favorite ride because he loves all of them
Might be the Disney poster boy
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I'd like to hc that the ex villain s/o grew up in am abusive villain family? Like all they know is how to do harm and havent experienced people being patient with them. With this is mind, please may i request hcs/a drabble for the s/os toxic family member trying to hunt them down, maybe as revenge or in deluded hopes that their family wants to get back together? How would class 1A react? Thank you for reading all of this haha :"^)
Hey sweetie! Thanks for specifying your request! I did my best to makethese not to repetitive because let´s be honest no one is just gonna sit thereand do nothing when this is going on, so I apologize if some of these aresimilar!
This post turned out ENORMOUSLY long, so the scenariosare under the cut! Also short warning: Tokoyami´s and Todoroki´s parts are mildlyangsty.
YugaAoyama: Aoyama might not be the bravest of them all,but he stays surprisingly… calm? He has full trust into UA´s security system sohe doesn´t see you in immediate danger. Yet he understands that to you this isnot light issue. At first, he doesn´t really know what to do so he startsacting a little awkward around you. After a few days of wondering you noticethat he is giving his all to distract you from what is going on. All he wantsis for you to get through this unharmed so he does all these weird things thatwill keep your attention on him and nothing else.
MinaAshido: Is your knight in shining armor. Shehelps you by staying very positive about the whole thing. She´s the firstperson you´ve ever really trusted and to hear her say that everything is goingto be fine somehow sounds more convincing than hearing it from anyone else. Shecalms you down with her confident attitude, making it easier to believe thatthe past can´t get you anymore. Mina poses as a role-model for you to become justas bright and confident!
TsuyuAsui: Possibly the best s/o you could have in asituation like this. She really sees things for what they are and nothing else.And she sees that in any way the thought of your past coming after you has tobe extremely pressuring. She doesn´t really mention it in your day to dayconversation as to give you something to hold onto. Routine is extremelyimportant in troubling times. If you want to talk about it Tsuyu will listencarefully and talk about the matter calmly, similar to Ojiro. She´s always byyour side in these times cuddling you even more often than usual.
TenyaIida: Immediately begs you to consultauthority. He can´t stand the thought of you being in danger especially sincethis is someone from your past that could not only physically but psychologicallyhurt you. He can barely hold back tears when he thinks of how far you´ve comeand this is something he absolutely doesn´t want you to ever have to go throughagain. He feels a little better as soon as you´ve told authority about thisfamily member but will not budge from your side unless he absolutely has tountil the issue is resolved. He simply cannot risk having another person heloves hurt by a villain.
OchacoUraraka: She provides you all the emotionalsupport she can give. She helps you get through the day never missing a chanceto make life easier for you because “You never ask for anything. But when youdo I´d do anything to fulfill that.” Honestly, she´s just always thereencouraging you to go on with your life as you are right now because it´s theright decision and you have nothing to be afraid of since you´ve got theentirety of UA on your side. She´s so happy that you two have met and wants youto feel loved at all times just like you deserve.
MashiraoOjiro: Helps by being the rock in the surf. Hestays exceptionally calm to show you that you are safe where you are now. He actuallysits you down to have a talk about the current issue. He calmly tells you thatUA´s security system is completely waterproof and almost all of the staff areworking pro hero´s that have successfully apprehended villains many times. Helistens to your concerns and understands that you still feel scared since thisperson was part of your family and you know very well what they are capable of.He takes you seriously which is something you haven´t really experienced yet.Ojiro tells you that you don´t have to be afraid as often as you need to hearit to believe it.
DenkiKaminari: Positively does not know what to do. Howdoes one handle this? He just wants to hold you and tell you everything isgoing to be okay and that he´ll protect you no matter what. But he doesn´tbecause he doesn´t know how that would make you feel. However, should he seeyou acting out of the ordinary or look even a little sad he immediately forgetsabout that and just comforts you and smothers you with attention even if youshould tell him that you´re okay. He keeps on muttering while stroking yourhair and telling you how sorry he feels and how much he loves you. He´s justthe sweetest until you can´t help but feel a little better.
EijiroKirishima: Kirishima deals with the situationexceptionally well. He just has a good sense of how other people feel and how toimprove their condition. He texts you first thing in the morning asking how you´veslept. When you see each other, he can immediately tell what you need that day.Even the teachers notice how big of a help he is to you. Aizawa and All Might talkto him at one point giving you and him permission to meet up even after curfewshould that be beneficial to your mental health. He´s just that good.
Koji Koda: Koda is not the aggressive type at all. So instead of getting angry andfocusing on the person that is trying to get to you he focuses on making surethat you feel safe and comfortable. If you´re feeling anxious he´s thereto hold your hand and help you through it. If you have a lot on your mind, he´sthere to listen and help you collect your thoughts. If you can´t sleep at night,he will go as far as disregarding the rules and sneaking into your room orletting you into his at night depending on where you feel more comfortable. Hedoes everything he can so you can rest assured that nothing´s going to happento you at UA and that your decision to come here was the best you ever made.
RikidoSato: He just turns into the biggest worriedsweetheart in existence. Asks you if you need anything at least once everytwenty minutes. Sato monitors your behavior immediately sensing when somethingis wrong. He helps you to keep up with your schedule and your needs. He cheersyou on whenever you are eating even though you don´t feel like it. He waits downstairsfor you in the morning, so you don´t have to go to class alone. He supports youeverywhere he can in daily life. Again, routine is important for a person in emotionaltrouble. He sees that and makes sure that you always have an anchor to holdonto.
MezoShoji: Shoji is just…the best at making you feela little safer. Even though he is a sweetheart, most people wouldn´t start afight with him due to his appearance. He is also very hard to ambush due to hisinformation gathering skills. But the best part about this? Shoji is so good athugging. His form is large enough to almost encase you completely and there´sless things more comforting than that. Not to mention that he´s actually verysensitive to your needs and your thoughts. He helps you by just being there foryou.
KyokaJiro: Jiro is the one that freaks out most ofthe bunch. She is very close to demand for you to get personal security by thepolice. In UA of course that is not necessary, but she only calms down when youyourself say that you believe the protection of the school should be fine. Shecan´t help but be more nervous than usual though. It does comfort her thatshe´d always be one of the first to be able to tell should something be out ofthe ordinary thanks to her quirk. She comforts you. But you also have tocomfort her from time to time.
HantaSero: Just does his best to cheer you up everyday. He´s fully prepared to make an ass out of himself multiple times per dayif it leads to you smiling. Sero is bending backwards to let you forget aboutthe gravity of life for a while when you´re with him. You´ve had enough darktimes in your life, he´s decided. You don´t need to have that ruined bywhatever pathetic moron would try to take you from him. Doesn´t say it but isabsolutely ready to hurt someone badly if it was to keep you safe. You shouldn´thave to worry about anything.
FumikageTokoyami: He starts having trouble sleeping atnight. Because Dark Shadow is even harder to control when he feels angry. Eventhough it´s not easy for either of you this experience brings you closer. Onenight you sneak out of bed and knock on his door because you´re feeling toanxious to do anything. When he opens up, he doesn´t appear to have slept either.He just silently lets you in and you spend the night holding each other’s handtightly and silently suffering together. Not being alone was the only thingthat made that night bearable for both of you. The night before was the last timeyou slept in your own bed for the next two weeks.
ShotoTodoroki: Todoroki is in a cold sweat when he hearsthat an abusive family member is after you. It almost causes a panic attack inhimself as he can´t help but immediately project this onto himself. After theinitial strike of fear, he feels anger and hatred bubble up inside of him. Heknows that his own childhood was nothing to sneeze at, but he can´t even imaginehow it must have been for you. He doesn´t talk about the issue with you as heis too uncomfortable thinking about it. He becomes attached to your hip though lookingout for you and demanding that you come sleep in his dorm room. He simply can´tsleep without you for as long as he deems you in danger.
ToruHagakure: Very frazzled. What should she do? Whatdoes one do in this situation to be a good girlfriend. She eventually settles on makingyou feel good often holding your hand, cuddling you or just giving you simpletouches. She´s invisible so she thinks it´s very important that you feel herthere. The last thing she wants is for you to feel bad just because some horribleperson decides to make things harder than they need to be. Tries to make thematter as easy to take for you as possible.
KatsukiBakugo: At first you weren´t sure if you shouldtell him because it was hard to tell what he would do. When he found out, he wasangry. After you tell him your reasons and what´s really going on however hisblood really starts too boil. You´ve been fucking ripping yourself apart tofinally have a better life. You´ve come as far as being able to build arelationship based on mutual respect and trust other than fear and now someonefrom your past DARES to show their ugly mug around here?? Yeah right, Bakugoisn´t having any of that. You really have to hold him back so he doesn´t runoff going after them by himself. You can bet your sweet ass that the personthat´s after you will NOT get close to you.
IzukuMidoriya: Is thoroughly shaken when he first hearsabout it. He is among the ones who has had the most experience with villainswhich means that after the initial shock he gets over it pretty quick andstarts thinking about what the best possible course of action for him is inthis situation. He decides that making sure your mental health isn´t affectedhas the highest priority. He asks you what he can do to make you feel better andfollows your instructions to a T. He asks if it is okay if he follows youaround for a few days. Just so his heart can calm down a little. As soon asthere´s a sighting of your toxic family member he´s off. Against the rules ofcourse. But let´s face it this is Midoriya he will not sit around when his s/ois in danger.
MinoruMineta: I think this one comes as a bit of asurprise since Mineta is generally considered a coward. But he is so not okaywith what is happening. He admires you so much for how you made it out of yoursituation. Coming from an abusive “family” if you could even call it that.Knowing nothing but the principal of eat or be eaten. And then you pulledyourself up with your own strength that came from nothing and managed to get afresh start in life with almost no help at all. He is fully aware that he couldnever do what you accomplished and for someone to have the audacity anddisregard all of the obvious rejection you have shown them just makes him…mad. It might not sound very convincing but trust me. Mineta is looking out foryou. There´s no way someone is taking you away from him.
MomoYaoyorozu: Momo worries a lot. This doesn´t bodewell with her. She asks you if you´ve told anyone and advises you to do so. Shetries her best to stay calm around you as to not worry you further, but she isvery nervous about the whole thing. She almost needs more comforting than youdo. But don´t be fooled she is prepared for every single eventuality. She has aperfect plan if she should ever come across this “family member” of yours. Andit´s not pretty. Momo rests uneasy until the issue is resolved. She just wantsyou to finally be able to live a life where youset the standards.
I hope this is what you were looking for my lovely anon!
-Love, Mod Anni
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otomeverything · 6 years
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Release Date:  February 14, 2019 (North America) Developers:  Idea Factory, Otomate Publishers:  Aksys Games Platforms:  PS Vita, PS4
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  I literally took my time playing this FD, knowing it’s the last (physical) otome game that will ever grace localization in the PS Vita.
Code Realize: Wintertide Miracles (Shirogane no Kiseki) is the second fandisc of the series, Code Realize. This game contains varieties of alternate and after stories that happened after the events of the last fandisc, Future Blessings.
  This fandisc contains the following stories:
Cantarella (Side Story) – Walkthrough available here.
Finis’s Epilogue
Sholme’s Epilogue
Love Triangle Stories (Short Stories)
Wintertide Miracles “First Christmas” (Alternate Stories)
Special Epilogues (Epilogues for White Rose’s stories in Future Blessings)
  ART AND MUSIC I know this is probably redundant as I’ve gushed about it a few times in my reviews for Guardian of Rebirth and Future Blessings. But, the artist Miko has done it again! I could not for the life of me, describe how incredibly beautiful the CGs are for this fandisc. There were also new sprites available for all the main and side characters, wearing their cozy winter outfits. Even Queen Victoria gets a new sprite wearing her expensive royal fur faux garb!
What I also loved about this fandisc were the new BGMs added for the series, they were all unforgettable and were specially made for the game’s Yuletide theme. One song that really stood out to me was the second Ending theme (Finis’ and Sholmes’ ED) “Beside You” by the artist SHOJI. Listen to the full track below:
***I purchased the whole soundtrack for Code Realize: Wintertide Miracles in iTunes. Link here.
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Cantarella (CV: Mamiko Noto) – Fuuka (Persona 4), Kotomi Ichinose (Clannad), Inia Sestina (MuV Luv), Felicita (Arcana Famiglia), Marvis Vermilion  (Fairy Tale)
Miles Strand (CV: Keiji Fujiwara) – Kagura Mutsuki (Blazblue), Jiro Hyuuga (Binary Star), Reno (Final Fantasy), Kiriya (Senran Kagura), Sakuya Tougane (Psycho Pass)
Baron of Aiguille (CV: Sugiyama Noriaki) – Akito (Norn9), Thor (Kamigami no Asobi), Suou Hana (Ayakashi Gohan), Katsuragi Naomasa (Yunohana Spring), Kashika Galle (Cendrillon Palika)
  SIDE STORIES AND AFTER STORIES I did Cantarella’s route first, followed by Finis and Sholme’s epilogues, then knocked out the love triangle dates before I played the main course, that is the “First Christmas” alternate stories for Wintertide Miracles. I myself, enjoyed this play order, though I would suggest playing whatever story you feel like playing first because that’s the whole point of a fandisc! lol
  CANTARELLA (Another Story) This story happened somewhere in the middle of Guardian of Rebirth’s common route. On their way home, after watching a performance at the Royal Opera House, Cardia and the rest of Lupin’s gang witnessed an attempted kidnapping of the Opera House’s beloved songstress, Cantarella. They’ve managed to save her as well as send her perpetrator running for the hills. They then took Cantarella to her home for safety measures, which lead the gang to meet her so-called “father” Miles. In this story, Cardia finds a friend in Cantarella and later on, discovers her true identity as both their existence managed to connect each other’s fates.
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Just like “Lupin’s Gang’s” (side) story in Future Blessings, Cantarella’s route offers new likable characters and an interesting new plot for us to follow. Although I’ve very much enjoyed this story (for what it is), I didn’t like how the writers threw in these important characters on the third game, since canonically they don’t matter anymore as the main plot officially ended in Future Blessings. I would rather have this as an alternate story than a side story because It felt kind of unfair for Cantarella, Miles, and Auguille to get dissed like that after this little episode. lol Unless they’re planning on a third fandisc! (laughs)
Although the choices you make in Cantarella’s route, will not change the whole outcome of her story. It will, however, change a few scenes and dialogues in the game depending on the guy (main characters) your choices are inclined to. You can view my walkthrough for this route here.
  FINIS’ EPILOGUE (After Story) This after story took place right after the end of Finis’s route in Future Blessings. 
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Six months have passed since Cardia managed to save his little brother, Finis from the unfortunate Nautilus incident in London. During this time, both twins return to their home in Wales and spend each day cleaning and repairing their old abandoned house while enhancing their bond as siblings. Suddenly, all hell breaks loose when one of Isaac Beckford’s invention called the “Knockers” have been spotted destroying a couple of buildings in London. It was made clear in the story, that these supposed-to-be-quarantined inventions of Isaac were “wrongly” activated by accident and it is now, up to the  Beckford twins (Finis’ most especially, since he’s fully knowledgeable when it comes to their father’s inventions) to stop this heaving uproar that threatened London its peaceful days.
This was probably one of my favorite After Stories in the series. Not only we get to see Finis in his true nature, as Cardia’s adorable cinnamon roll lil’ brother. We also get to see Lupin’s Gang and the Gordon Family in action as they help out clear the disruption in the streets of London during the main incident. ***This epilogue was very heartwarming and I absolutely enjoyed seeing Finis’ soft side while he deliberately declares threats whenever one of the main bois flirts with his sister! *chuckles* (´ ω `♡)
  HERLOCK SHOLME’S EPILOGUE (After Story) This after story took place right after the end of Sholme’s route in Future Blessings. 
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It’s been half a year since Sholmes defeated his arch nemesis, James Moriaty (in Code realize Future Blessings). During this story, Cardia becomes part of Sholmes’ Detective agency together with his partner John Watson. The three of them fight crimes for the cause of good, even to the extent of ‘trying‘ to stop Lupin, the gentleman thief’s planned diamond heist of the prized jewel called “Mermaid’s Tear”.  Though try as they might, Lupin, as cunning as he is, still gets the upper hand and was able to escape with ease together with his genius engineer assistant, Impey. I know this was just a filler episode but it was kind of weird seeing Cardia as their enemy for once, but oh well…
Anyway, Sholmes actual main story revolved around finding a cure to Cardia’s poison.  As the Horologium still present in Cardia’s body, this fact still poses a threat that one day it will activate again, killing her along with the demise of London and its people. With this complication at hand, Sholmes gathered his A-team geniuses in the field of science and medicine; Victor Frankenstein, Dr. John Watson, Impey Barbicane and even the deviant genius scientist Nemo, who apparently now lives in a tiny cardboard box located in sewers (laughs) 😂 Poor guy! As all of them try their hardest to conduct research on a formula that will counteract the horologium’s poison, more problems seep into the picture that eventually causes Sholmes and Cardia make one life-threatening decision.
I like how Sholmes’ epilogue was narrated in a fairytale-esque kind of way. I enjoyed the story’s fluff content though, to be honest, this is probably the weakest story in the game (imo) as there really wasn’t anything “new” going on. Nonetheless, if you’re a fan of Sholmes, I’m sure you’ll have an awesome time discovering a few surprising sides of our favorite hot daddy detective. 
  FIRST CHRISTMAS “Wintertide Miracles” (Alternate Stories) These are “after stories” that happened right after Finis’ route in Future Blessings. It’s merely an alternate story where our heroine Cardia finds love during the Yuletide season. We get one story for every five main characters. What’s really special about these stories is that Cardia falls in love with one of the guys while his brother is alive! …THIS couldn’t be any more perfect, ❤️ I almost wished this was headcanon!
  Spoiler Warning: I will only be posting each story’s premise but I’m putting up my spoiler banner just in case.
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  Victor Frankenstein After Isaac Beckford’s Nautilus incident that wreaked havoc in the city of London six months ago. Victor ended up opening a clinic located in the downtown part of London in order to help as many people as possible at a cheaper cost.
Victor’s main story started when one day he receives a mail from his parents in Switzerland telling him to settle down. He, in reply, told them he has no plans in getting married anytime soon but then started talking about how he’s currently interested with this ‘one girl’ and went all out writing two whole pages regarding his feelings for Cardia. (´ ε ` )♡ Without thinking of any repercussions, he sends the letter back to his parents judging its only the right thing to do as he’s speaking honestly from his heart. uwu. The next few days, he receives a reply letter from his mom saying they’re coming to London for Christmas so they can meet their son, Vic’s girlfriend. 🤣
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In result, a panicked Victor travels to Wales to ask Cardia to be his “pretend” girlfriend just for Christmas while his parents are in town. 😂
***This was by far the cutest, most endearing “First Christmas” story I’ve read among the selections and I absolutely enjoyed it to bits! Besides its overwhelming fluffy contents, we also get to see Victor introducing Cardia to his parents (in CG!).
  Saint Germain Six months after the Nautilus Incident, Saint Germain, visits Idea’s leader Omnibus and reports that both Finis and Cardia, Isaac Beckford’s “problematic twins” are now living peacefully in Wales as normal human beings and are no longer a threat to humanity. As one of Idea’s faithful apostle, he awaits for Omnibus next order but was surprised to hear her tell him to take a long sweet vacation instead.
Still dumbfounded by their leader’s words, Saint Germain goes back to the mansion to find something to do with his newly acquired free time but since everyone in Lupin’s gang went about their own lives after London’s incident, he was left as the only resident in his house. This made him feel lonely and he admits to himself how much he misses the rowdy group clamoring inside the premise of his mansion. What’s more, is that he longs to see the face of his beloved, who he has not seen since his last visit in Wales.
This made him decide to write invitation letters to the group for a Christmas “Get-together” party. Though unsure if his anticipated guests would actually make it to the planned event. Saint Germain waits with hopeful eyes to see the faces of his precious friends again.
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***The part where he waits for his friends actually made me tear 😭. Why are Saint Germain’s stories always melancholic? Why?! Thank goodness, this ended really REALLY happy. I would also like to gush on the fact that this is the only episode in the whole series where we get to see Guinevere outside her armor! Seriously, you absolutely can’t miss this!
  Abraham Van Helsing After London’s Nautilus incident, Van decides to travel with Delly all over United Kingdom in search for survivors of the Vampire War.
During their travels, the duo hears about the upcoming Christmas festival in London and decides to come home for the occasion as well as attend the gang’s Christmas party at Saint Germain’s mansion. They haven’t seen everyone in a while, so this decision made Van and Delly both excited. While at it, Delly proposes to take a side trip to Wales before coming to London and see the Beckford twins. Van agrees with him with Cardia in mind. ( ´ ▽ ` )
A few days have passed and they both arrived at Cardia and Finis’ home in Wales only to be disheartened to see the twins not being around. But with optimism as their friend, Van and Delly decided to wait. Night falls, and finally, Cardia and Finis arrived in the most unfashionable way ever (their automobile almost came crashing towards the duo) 😂 Everyone says their greetings when Cardia noticed that Van and Delly have been waiting out in the cold for too long, so she insisted they stay for the night.
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The supposed-to-be one night stay turned into days and the group eventually decided to go to London together. While still in Wales, Cardia wanted to make everyone Christmas presents in the form of knitting and Van insisted on helping her with it.
***I love this! (/▽\*) This surprising side of Van Helsing is all I ever wanted. I’m so glad to see him happy, always smiling and in his positive beaming self. It’s so refreshing! I need more happy-ray-of-sunshine Van Helsing in my life!
  Impey Barbicane Half a year has passed since the Nautilus incident in London and Impey visits the deviant scientist Nemo in prison from time to time as he plans to re-invent the gravity alleviator and is currently taking notes on Nemo’s advise while at it.
One day, In Saint Germain’s mansion, Saint tells Impey they received word from Van and Delly saying they’ll be back in London for Christmas. Since Lupin and Victor are already residing in the city, they decided to might as well invite Cardia and Finis in order for the gang to reunite once more this Yuletide season.
Meanwhile, in Wales, Cardia, (while fixing their automobile) thinks of how Impey’s constant declaration of love for her makes her heart feel woozy. She gets confused because she’s sure she loves Impey back but also “loves” the other members of Lupin’ s gang as well as her brother Finis. With this train of thought, she pesters her little bro and forced him to say the phrase “I love you” (to her), to which a blushing Finis, with all the effort, reluctantly did. 😂 But then yo girl was like “Oh but why does it feel different when Impey says it?” 😂 😂 😂 ROFL. This was adorably hilarious! I just can’t! 😂 
Later that day, they received a package from London in the form of a miniature Impey doll with a recording of Impey, Saint Germain and Lupin’s voice telling the siblings to come home for Christmas.
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***I really enjoyed reading this one! I love how Cardia was strongly forward of wanting to explore her own feelings as she tries to discover the different meanings of “love”.  …and seeing Impey immensely blush time and again was such an awesome treat, I couldn’t help but smile from ear to ear! Another plus point was that we get to see Nemo give love advises to yo boi and that, to me was the icing on the cake in this story! (laughs)
  Arsene Lupin After the Nautilus incident in London six months ago, Lupin is back doing his thievery schemes like the proud gentleman thief he is.
One day while on a mission to steal a prized necklace from a corrupt Duke’s estate, he ends up being chased by Leonhartd as usual and just when he was about to execute his dashing escape, he gets distracted (by thoughts of Cardia) and gets shot by a rubber bullet instead. This, not only surprised Lupin himself but his perpetrators, Leonhardt, and his men were also perplexed at how they were able to take out the famed gentleman thief in one easy shot. In the end, an injured Lupin still managed to get away as he limped his way back to safety.
Back at the mansion, Victor along with Impey confronts Lupin saying he’s not being his usual self lately and asks him to perhaps, take a rain check from work (theft missions). A week later, Saint Germain chimes in, telling him the same and suggests that perhaps he’s longing for “someone”.  Taking in the Count’s advise to heart, Lupin begins to think of Cardia and how her absence is taking a toll on him. He then concedes with his true feelings and finally admits he misses her badly and the only way to cure this yearning is to see her face to face. So he starts writing the ‘perfect’ love letter for his beloved lady. 😂
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***I must say, this after-story has the best CGs, as expected from the game’s headcanon boi. Just like Lupin’s uwu story in Future Blessings, it had its glorious romantic moments between the couple. As far as I see it, the game is clearly biased on Lupin’s story… the kabedon scene and that loooong kiss at the end, come on!  I couldn’t ask for more!
  TRIANGLE DATES (More CGs!) These are short stories which involve scenarios of Cardia spending her day with two main characters in the series. Although these are rather shorter stories compared to the ‘Wintertide Miracles’ selection, I was really impressed by how exceptionally good these little episodes were. You think you’ve had enough doki-dokis? Try this one on for size!
Here’s a list of all the Love Triangle episodes (you can play it in any order):
Lupin and Victor
Lupin and Impey 
Lupin and Van 
Lupin and Saint Germain 
Van and Impey 
Van and Victor 
Van and Saint Germain 
Impey and Victor 
Impey and Saint Germain 
Victor and Saint Germain 
Secret Episodes:
Delly and Sisi 
Aliester and Nemo 
Hansel and John Watson
  SPECIAL EPILOGUES These are short epilogue stories continuing the last events of Future Blessings (White Rose). These will unlock last, after finishing all of the above’s selections.
  IMPEY It’s been a few days and Impey hasn’t returned home after going on a work-related project (fixing airships and submarine engines in London).  Cardia was left alone in the mansion and although she knows Impey will come back soon, she thought of surprising him by gathering a lot of research documents related to their ‘moon-project’. She leaves for Wales to collect any information her father might have written in the past that can possibly help with the project. Not to ruin the surprise for her hardworking husband, she leaves a note that says “I’m going”.
Impey arrives at home, finds the note then begins to panic thinking Cardia has left him.😂 So he hurries and follows her to Wales to clear out this whole silly misunderstanding.
  LUPIN Cardia and Lupin go on a picnic at their secret place which has a great view of the industrial city of London and Lupin suggest that it’s about time to go on a honeymoon. Next few days, he takes Cardia to his birth city, Paris. There, they visit and the grave of his master, Theophraste and both of them said their prayers. They also ran into the head of the French police whom Lupin coined as someone equivalent to ossan Leonhartd. They had everyone (French police) chase them for fun and the couple gallantly escaped in style.
  VAN Cardia and Van are finally getting married and Shirley helps Cardia put on her wedding dress. Cardia decided to step outside the church so she could practice walking in her high-heel shoes when a bunch of men in black suits kidnaps her and takes her to another wedding location. There she finds an impatient man wearing a groom’s outfit who urges her to walk down the aisle with him. Cardia remembers the combat techniques her husband taught her and throws the man to the floor. Meanwhile, a worried and upset Van bursts out through the church door and started taking down the men in suits Liam Neeson style! 😂 😂 😂 Before things get worse, the gang stops Van and explains this was all a misunderstanding as the kidnappers and groom were actually actors and the bride actress never showed up for rehearsals so they thought Cardia was her by mistake.
The Moral of the Story: Don’t mess with this couple… ever! 😂
  VICTOR Cardia is now working as Victor’s assistant in the Royal Society and they spend their days doing research in Victor’s lab. Though they call themselves husband and wife, they realize that they never really had an actual wedding ceremony. So Victor asks Cardia if she wants to have a proper wedding and she says yes. A few days later, they began their search for a church in London but couldn’t find any since it’s peak season. Queen Victoria, along with Leonhardt notices Victor’s sullen expression and asks him what’s wrong, Victor tells them their circumstance and a snarky Victoria promises to help him only if he can prove to her how much he really wanted the wedding. After their deal, Victor comes home later than usual as he’s working extra hard to get her beloved wife that perfect wedding she deserves. Finally, the day has come for Victor to propose to Cardia and Victoria granted them permission to use the newly renovated St. Paul’s Cathedral. They got married in front of their friends and the Queen, and Cardia couldn’t be any happier.
  SAINT GERMAIN Cardia is now free of her poison and she and Saint Germain return to London so they can hold their wedding ceremony. The Count buys the ship “Gloria” from their mafia adventures in Lupin’s Gang (Future Blessings) episode and tells her this will be their venue. A day before their promised wedding, Hansel takes Cardia to Omnibus cottage and there they meet with Saint Germain and the leader of Idea herself, Omnibus. The old lady gives them her blessing, saying they will no longer be in the watchful eye of Idea and Saint Germain is now finally, freeee!  Both couples said their thanks to Omnibus. They got married in their luxurious ship the next day and all of their friends are with them happily celebrating the couple’s most special commemoration.
  Will I be able to enjoy this game even if I haven’t played Future Blessings? There were a lot of characters and events in Future Blessings that were present and added to this game, so I don’t think it’s a good idea to skip Future Blessings in the series. In addition, the main “Wintertide Miracles” stories continue from the last events of Finis’s route in Future Blessings, so, all the more reason not to skip the first fandisc.
Localization There were a couple of typo mistakes that I couldn’t really overlook which makes me think that perhaps because of it’s promised released date on Valentines Day, the game was rather rushed and there wasn’t a lot of time spent dedicated solely on proofreading it. ┐(︶▽︶)┌
  FINAL THOUGHTS? \(^▽^)/ My overall play length for Code Realize Wintertide Miracles was a good 10-15 hours. Despite me trying to make the game last forever for about at least, two weeks, I finished it pretty quickly because I just couldn’t get enough of it.
Cantarella’s side story was way better than the gang’s Mafia adventures in Future Blessings and I sure did wish the ‘Cantarella-characters’ would’ve made a cameo in the special epilogues, because seriously, what a waste of good characters to be squeezed in, on the third game. ┐(‘~` )┌
Finis wins best boi in my book. This was one of the things I really appreciated most in this FD, and I’m sure most Code Realize hardcore fans would agree. Finis’ character finally gets justice! We get to see more of his adorable side as Cardia’s little brother while maintaining his hostile and dubious personality 😂. Who would’ve thought this boy is such a tsun-tsun! ❤
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Do I recommend this game? YES (esp. to all Code Realize fans) Take note, this game is the series’ second fandisc. So literally, one cannot play it all willy-nilly without fully playing it’s first two predecessors. Personally, I’ve enjoyed this game a lot but that’s because I’m such a huge fan of the series. Perhaps to those who aren’t into Code Realize, you probably won’t enjoy this as much.
With the production of PS Vita consoles and games, completely shutting down worldwide this year, Code Realize Wintertide Miracles was such a special treat for us otome fans ~ esp. now, where there is scarcity of otoge releases in the West.
The game’s romantic Christmas theme really took this one up a notch and the newly added side stories are really something to look forward to. If you already like this series, loved the game’s main casts and wished for more adventures with them, this game is definitely worth the purchase.
Code Realize: Wintertide Miracles Review CODE REALIZE: WINTERTIDE MIRACLES Release Date:  February 14, 2019 (North America) Developers:  Idea Factory, Otomate Publishers: 4,080 more words
56 notes · View notes
Chapters: 1/6 Fandom: ヒプノシスマイク | Hypnosis Mic (Albums) Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Aohitsugi Samatoki/Yamada Ichiro, slight Busujima Mason Rio/Yamada Saburo Characters: Yamada Jiro (Hypnosis Mic), Yamada Ichiro, Yamada Saburo, Aohitsugi Samatoki, Aohitsugi Nemu, Jinguji Jakurai, Izanami Hifumi, Kannonzaka Doppo, Mentioned Doppo's brother, Iruma Jyuto Additional Tags: Yamada Ichiro-centric, Probably ooc, Definitely OOC, Cringe, Cheesy, Romance, Angst, Fluff, Self-Indulgent, Very brotherly Ichiro, Not the canon Ichiro that neglect his brothers at first, No Mic, Alternate Universe - No Powers, No literally crushing each other with fire raps please, Alternate Universe - Normal Life, The Author Regrets Nothing, Red String of Fate, Alternate Universe - Soulmates, Not Canon Compliant, Dress Up, You'll know why I put that tag, I love Jyuto's red gloves, Graphic Wounds Series: Part 2 of Hypmic Red Strings of Fate : The Yamada's Summary:
Side story of 'All I Ever Wanted'. Can be read separately. I think.
A story covering the background of Ichiro and Samatoki's relationship. They're soulmates, but in front of his brothers, the pair always fight until they draw blood. They're supposed to be perfect together, but they never meet again when after that one fight.
A story takes Ichiro's perspective of the relationship, things that his brothers will ever know. It's been five years since the fight, and they never meet after that. Things he didn't want to remember came in dreams, like punishment for leaving his soulmate and sleeping with another. Dreams about the days before shit happens, before they have to separate, before all the disagreement, before they are forced to choose between each other or their family. In reality, Samatoki is not here anymore, so Ichiro tried to get by, no matter how he regrets how he left his soulmate.
The soulmate universe is inspired by “You would make a good soldier.” by 6fortius9, check it out!
Click Keep reading to read it on tumblr
Ichiro is used to a full house filled with noise. The only calm he had back then is when he woke up first thing in the morning to get ready ahead of time and prepare breakfast for his brothers. Sometimes for his aunt too when she has the day shift, and sometimes his uncle when he’s home from a long business trip. Even though his aunt and uncle didn’t join the table sometimes, it’s still full of life with Jiro and Saburo are bickering.
Sometimes it’s about a missing jacket they accused each other of stealing when it’s actually in the laundry, fighting over the warm shower, or any other thing they manage to disagree on.
Most of the reason they fight are petty things that get too far. Like games, and they support an opposite team in sports. Then he will come up from mid cooking with a spatula in hand and threaten them with no food if they don’t make up. Or if Ichiro wasn’t cooking, he’ll grab anything in the room and threaten them with that.
It works most of the times, sometimes the fight is so bad that one of them leaves the room or not talk to each other, but they always manage to go around it. They all do. His aunt is grumpy without her coffee when she wakes up and often pass out by the entrance when she came home. His uncle will pass out on the table in the morning when there’s no breakfast, and when he’s home, he pass out in random rooms too. How did they survive before Ichiro and his brothers came along? He has no idea.
He misses Saburo who went to school in Hokkaido and moving in with Riou, his soulmate. He misses Jiro who’s on an internship abroad so he’ll be closer to his long-distance girlfriend. Ichiro also misses his quirky aunt and gentle uncle.
Ichiro is also grateful that his aunt and uncle came around when their father left. He loves his aunt and uncle, but he misses his dad. He was not a good dad, but Ichiro still misses his dad. He misses his loving and kind dad, the one before his mom died, but it seems like no one else did.
Whenever he feels lonely, he instinctively looks at the red line on his finger, then immediately cursed at himself for looking at it.
“You’re okay?” Ichiro felt his heart leap at the sudden interruption of his daydream.
In front of him is a screen playing a video of an action clip and sound waves at the bottom that he only gets to edit on the first half.
The owner of the deep voice is Jakurai, his purple hair is tied up in a messy bun. His sharp and elegant face seems like he didn’t get too much sleep. Ichiro shrinks under the project manager’s gaze, especially when he just spent a wasteful amount of time daydreaming.
“I’m fine sir, just need some coffee, it’s not done yet,” he says apologetically.
“I’m not here for that, the others are buying Ramen from Kyoko’s stand, you want one?”
At the name of old grandma Kyoko, all his sense rouse excitedly, especially imagining her rich ramen broth and the perfect chew of her noodles and the tender pork strips, oh and the must-have gyoza... the rich and tender filling... light, a little burnt, and crispy on the outside.
“Yes,” Ichiro moaned, a bit too sexually for food.
His project manager, who thankfully already used to his antics, just shook his head and smiled amusedly. He picks up his phone and types away.
“Be down in 20. And take a break Ichiro, you look horrible,” he said, looking horrible himself, and walks away from the room.
Ichiro only now just noticed that he’s alone in the sound editing room. Everyone else must’ve been out to have lunch.
He looks down to the clock on the bottom right of his screen, three pm already, everyone is either having a late lunch or Jakurai is letting them have a longer break, which is impossible. That guy will so far lock the doors to make them all finish according to the deadline. Even so, he’s a respectable leader, and lock himself up with the rest of them.
Ichiro likes it here in Tokyo, working in a film making industry. It’s not far from his aunt’s and uncle’s home, but they’re busy too. It’s been two years since he worked here, he could’ve gone back and forth from Tokyo and Ikebukuro, but it’s more convenient to stay close in a walking distance. As the consequences, he’s homesick often. He misses everyone. He can only put so much family photos on his desk.
There is a picture of him and his brothers with his aunt and uncle on the beach. Ichiro is the one completely buried in the sand, Jiro is in the middle of giving him sand boobs and looks like he’s groping him. Saburo is making his mermaid tail, his aunt is doing a slav squat and pressing her palm together beside him and his uncle is taking the selfie with all that mess. It was funny, and somehow even though Ichiro is the one with boobs, Jiro is the one most embarrassed about this picture.
Then there’s Jiro’s high school graduation with all of the family, and Saburo’s Middle school graduation minus his uncle that can’t leave his work in Egypt, but Riou was there.
Beside it, is a picture of the three of them plus Riou, when he and Jiro went to Hokkaido to visit Riou and Saburo. It was taken on a flower field. He forces Jiro to make a heart together with him and makes Saburo and Riou poses in the middle of the heart. They protested at the cheesiness of the picture but Ichiro knows for a fact that this picture is Riou’s phone home screen.
Behind all that framed photo, he spots one he rarely sees. A picture of him, Jiro, his dad, and his pregnant mom. After Saburo was born, his dad doesn’t want them to take a picture together. Ichiro misses his mom the most, and he still feels like he’ll tear up every time he remembers her. But then he remembers Saburo, that little genius, brave, strong and stubborn little kid that he loves, and Jiro, another stubborn, hot-headed and strong-willed kid.
Maybe she’s gone, but she gave him his precious brothers. For them, he thanks her. He promised her that he’ll take care of them, keeps them safe, and Ichiro will do everything necessary to do so.
He looks at his hand again, the red string on his finger is as stark as ever.
His heartache for a bit, remembering all these things. He picks up his phone and dialed Saburo without any hesitation. Saburo picks up on the second ring.
“Sup Ichi-nii?” he sounds chipper, and that’s honestly all Ichiro needs.
“Just checking in.”
“Uh-huh, you’re lonely aren’t you?”
Ichiro melts on the inside, “Hope I didn’t catch you on a bad time?”
“No, you didn’t. How are you even calling at this hour? Jakurai isn’t breathing down on your neck this time?”
“Strangely he’s not! I’m alone in the room now, everyone is getting lunch.”
“At this hour???”
“Yes, at this hour, c’ mon, my odd hour isn’t news.”
“No it’s not, but you know what’s news?”
“What?” Ichiro finally feels intrigued.
“This New Year holiday I’m coming home with Riou! He finally has New years off.”
“That’s great!” Ichiro exclaimed, grateful that no one is here or he would’ve made ten or so people deaf. “It’s been so long since I met him, you guys doing good?”
“Yeah! I visit his grandparents grave last weekend, and turns out there’s a romantic story behind it.”
“You went to a cemetery and it was romantic, it’s a bit too late for a goth phase, isn’t it?” Ichiro teased.
“Just listen to me first!”
“Alright alright, I’ll listen!” Ichiro chuckled.
“Okay, remember the dog tag that Riou always wears?”
Ichiro remembers, Saburo told him about it years ago. Riou always wears this dog tag, and Ichiro assumed it was his because the man is an ex-navy. Turns out, the dog tag was not Riou’s, it was his grandpa’s, who gave the dog tag to his wife. His wife, Riou’s grandma, already died when he met his grandpa, and then gave the dog tag to Riou so he’ll know that his grandpa loves him even though Riou only meets him for summer break in Hokkaido.
“He thinks he didn’t have a soulmate, until he’s 14 and I came along of course. But when he was a kid he was sad about it, so his grandpa gave him the dog tag. His grandpa told him it was a reminder that he’ll find someone for him even though he didn’t have a soulmate. Because you know, I told you already about Riou’s grandparents right?”
“That they’re not soulmates?”
“Right! His grandpa told him he can return the dog tag to his grandma when Riou finds someone he loves. When we came to their grave, guess what he did.”
Ichiro gasps, “He gave the dog tag back?”
“He gave the dog tag back! I swear that man will be the death of me!”Saburo then squealed, Ichiro chuckled at his little brother’s antics.
Riou’s grandma and grandpa were not soulmates, but they’re happily married for decades and his grandpa still had the red string on his finger until the day he died.
Ichiro already knows this story back when Saburo told him in tears. It was the first time Saburo met Riou, and Riou told him that his little brother doesn’t have to choose him if the age between them is too heavy to bear for Saburo. Even though all that Riou wanted is a soulmate.
In the end, Saburo chooses him. It was the common fairytale-like red string of fate story. Ichiro is glad that Saburo gets to have them. But the story gave hope to someone probably not to someone that Riou might have predicted. It gave hope to Ichiro.
“Are you really okay?”
He wonders sometimes, but don’t we all? Sometimes we ask ourselves somewhere in life, if we’re okay, or if we’re happy, or if this is the life we want to be having, or if you’re making good choices.
And Ichiro just doesn’t know.
“Yeah! I’m just a bit swamped at work,” Ichiro isn’t totally lying about that.
“Are you sure?” Saburo didn’t sound convinced, of course he doesn’t.
This one particular brother of his is incredibly sharp that it’s scary. He can sniff your emotions no matter how good your lie is. Ichiro is never an exception. Ever since he was little, Saburo was always the first to notice when Ichiro is not his best.
Ichiro debates whether or not he should tell the truth, guess he’s just gonna go for it.
“I’m looking at our family pictures, and I don’t know.”
Saburo sighs at the other end, “Sometimes I worry about you Ichi-nii.”
“Hm? Really, why?”
“You gave up a lot of things for us, and you never let us do the same,” Saburo’s words stir him.
He bites his lips, deeply feeling the guilt that resurfaces.
“I really didn’t,” Ichiro says instead.
“You know Jiro and I are cool with it. You don’t have to protect us anymore.”
Ichiro bites his lips tighter, and it really breaks his heart more than it touched him.
“I know.”
“I’m sorry for bringing it up, we just want you to be happy.”
Ichiro smiled at that, he really does raise his brothers well. That’s all Ichiro needs.
“I am happy.”
He drops by the 3D animation office before he’s off to walk back to his apartment. Some of the desks are already empty this late, but there is still a few that stays, including his roommate. A ducked redhead sticks out like a sore thumb in the middle of the room filled with rows of messy desks. Ichiro walks over to the man who had his eyes open and glued to the screen. So focused that he didn’t notice Ichiro is already in front of him.
“Doppo,” he tried to call gently, but the man jerks away like he’s been shocked by a thunder. He was doing a meticulous work on a woman’s face with Blender app. Yesterday it was only a blop of circle. Ichiro will never know how the heck 3D modeling works.
Doppo had bags on the bags under his eyes, it’s a hard case of bags-ception. It’s been there since Ichiro first meet him, and only had been gaining in color and weight since then. The mug on his desk is half empty and stained badly, the stain wasn't there yesterday.
“It’s 10 PM, are you going back today?” he asked.
Doppo groaned, rubbing his face on his palms roughly.
“I don’t think I ca-”
“Yes! He’s going back with you.” A blond shoots straight upwards from the bunch of desks. Hifumi, allegedly Doppo’s best friend and former roommate, came barging through the desk and chairs in loud clatters and pushes Doppo off his chair.
“No!” Doppo yelled, and get a lot of ‘shh’ noise from the rest of the people there.
“I can’t go back, I have to finish this by today or-”
“You can finish it tomorrow! You’ll sleep on your desk anyway, just go back!” they bicker in a hushed voice.
“I agree, Doppo,” Ichiro grabs Doppo’s jacket that hanged on his chair, “You need to take a warm bath and sleep on a soft surface,” he puts the jacket on Doppo’s shoulder and grabs him by the shoulder, the man in his arm sways as he walks. Yeah, he really should go home.
“I’ll leave him to you!” Hifumi waved, Ichiro gave him an understanding nod and they’re off.
Two years ago, Hifumi wouldn’t even let Ichiro touch him without sending a threatening passive-aggressive comment. He didn’t know when or why he finally stops but Ichiro is relieved a little. Hifumi always said that taking care of Doppo has always been his job ever since they’re kids. But it’s not like Ichiro wanted to replace Hifumi, but what else can he do? The guy is his roommate, he can’t just let the guy drop dead.
Also, kind of a hypocrite of Hifumi to disapprove him in that first days when the guy himself, that let him room with Doppo, moves out from his allegedly precious childhood friend with his soulmate. Though Ichiro can’t really blame Hifumi on that one.
Doppo is unsurprisingly a slob. Hifumi kind of hyped Ichiro up at how much of a slob Doppo is. Shockingly though, it was not as bad as his house. When you live with two busy and always tired adults, and two teenage little brothers in puberty, Doppo is not that bad.
Doppo barely talks to him at first too, but you’ll be surprised how much simple care and attention do to a person. Also, patience, because Doppo doesn’t always reply to you in stressful days. Sometimes he doesn’t want to talk at all for no reason, and it can be frustrating.
Even though right now they’re walking with Doppo’s hand around his shoulder, they’re in no way closer than just good friends. They gave each other respected privacy and doesn’t probe.
One thing that surprised him about Doppo, is that for all the two years he lived with him, not once did he asked about the red line in his pinkie.
Ichiro sits Doppo beside the kotatsu table and the man just plops his head on top of there.
“Don’t sleep yet, I’m preparing the hot bath, have you eaten?”
“I’m not hungry.”Doppo dismissed with a low and tired voice.
“I’m making you eat, I’ll make a...” Ichiro walks over to the fridge and sees what’s left inside he can work on, “Curry it is.”
“I don’t want to eat,” Doppo says firmly this time.
“You will eat, or I won’t wake you up tomorrow.” And that was enough to make Doppo agree, not without showing his dissatisfaction though.
“Fine,” he grumbles.
“Good, I’ll prepare the bath.”
Their apartment is small but it’s enough. The open ‘kitchen’ that only consists of a fridge, a microwave that sits on top of the fridge and the electric stove, and they are pressed against the wall of the bathroom. There’s a small kitchen island that’s as wide as the length of the bathroom wall for cutting stuff and condiments.  The bathroom is also painfully small and the only discomfort they have. Just because the bathtub is too small and they can’t completely extend their legs.
The living area only consists of the kotatsu and a small flat-screen TV that they only use on weekends. They have a PS4 console though, through winning the office’s lottery, and they play whenever they can. They only have one bedroom, and they sleep on a futon. The closet is small, barely manage to contain all of Ichiro’s clothes. Can you blame him? He likes cool clothes, and thankfully, Doppo doesn’t have much in that department and allow him to have more closet space.
Some might say it’s awkward for two men to be in one bedroom at night, but Ichiro doesn’t agree with that, at least not with Doppo. When they have their needs, they have a quiet agreement that they need to take it to a love hotel or the place of their partner for the night. Or if they don’t feel like having anyone, take care of it in the bathroom, quietly.
He rarely ever sees Doppo goes out though, when he does, mostly because he sleeps over at the office, but then again, they don’t probe on that stuff.
Ichiro returns from the bathroom to Doppo blinking heavily.
“Don’t sleep yet, the bath is ready.”
Doppo hums, he strips then and there, being butt naked before he walks into the bathroom, leaving a trail of his clothes. He’s not usually like that though, only when sleep-deprived, even so, Ichiro is used to it.
While he’s in the bath, Ichiro makes simple vegetable curry with instant curry block for one plate. Doppo steps out of the bathroom when the curry is done. He’s awake enough to pick his clothes up from the floor and put it in a laundry bag.
Ichiro placed the hot curry with potatoes and carrots on the kotatsu, and Doppo sits there when he’s clearly still wet and only have a towel on his lower half.
“What about you?”
“I already ate lunch and dinner, unlike you, and change to your pajamas before eating,” Ichiro scolds.
“You can’t make me.”
“Are you willing to bet on that?” Ichiro crosses his arms, looking down at Doppo who looks completely exhausted. Ichiro gave up.
“Fine, don’t blame me if you got a cold tomorrow.”
“Please drag me if that happens.”
“Ichiro!” Doppo groaned.
Doppo frowned and reluctantly stood up and walk to the bed room. But then he stops, and he looks back, “Thank you for taking care of me today,” he said.
Ichiro smiled, “You’re welcome.” Then he steps into the bathroom.
Ichiro showers clean and quickly for the long-awaited warm bath. It feels like all the muscle in his body just expands and let loose by the warmth, except his knees that poke out on top of the water. Stupid small bath.
He relaxed for a while, letting his mind think of anything but work. He splashes his knees with the hot water and startled when he sees a lot of red on his arm.
A brand new gush of a scar on his forearm, he can see his bones, and rips of flesh starting from his wrist down to his elbow. Ichiro knows it’s not his because, despite the open and gushing flesh there, he didn’t feel any pain.
His heart pumps a bit harder at the sight. Then not long after, he sees the wound close from the bottom working up to the top. There are two little red dots on each side of the closed wound, he must be getting stitches.
This isn’t the first scare he gets over a scar of his soulmate. The most heartbreaking one was the one on his back when he was eighteen. A thin and long trail of red lines and splotches of red that form a picture of a samurai with a face on an Oni mask surrounded by sakura flowers and peonies.
The wound had healed and disappears without a scar from Ichiro’s back, but the ones on Samatoki’s will leave a scar that lasts forever. As long as he has that tattoo, none of them are safe together, for them and the people around them.
So, Ichiro did what he had to do.
He told that to himself, before his longing gets too deep and turn into regret.
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razberryyum · 6 years
Gintama live action 2 movie review Part 1 of 3...SPOILERS!
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OMG where to even START??? IT WAS EVERYTHING I WANTED THE LIVE ACTION OF THE SHINSENGUMI CRISIS ARC TO BE!!!!!! I LOVED IT SO DAMN MUCH!!!! EVERYONE (except for one person) WAS SO GOOD!!! The core cast (Yorozuya, Shinsengumi and Zura) have obviously gotten comfortable with their roles now and whatever oddness there was with them in the first movie is now completely gone. Well...except for maybe the fact that Yagira Yuuya still can’t hold a cig naturally, bless his heart, but otherwise that man totally stepped up the plate as Hijikata/Tosshi and hit the freaking ball out of this universe. HE WAS SO DAMN AMAZING!!! He DESERVES to be on the top of the BD menu next to Gintoki instead of the man whom I will refuse to name on the left there. Ugh, that dude...ok, more on that later. And the new additions to the cast were all VERY STRONG, especially Miura Haruma as Itou. And here’s the thing, because I got the Japanese bluray, that means there were NO ENGLISH SUBS, which also means that I, being almost completely Japanese illiterate, couldn’t even understand like 98% of the dialogue. I know the story very well, of course, and actually, I should say stories since, in addition to the Shinsengumi Crisis Arc there was the Snack Smile Host Arc and the Barber Arc, and yet I was still able to thoroughly enjoy the movie. I laughed my ass off when it was funny and actually cried when things got emotional. I attribute everything to the great performances and direction. Director Fukuda TOTALLY gets Gintama. I love him. I hope he does a third movie with this same amazing cast (Yagyuu Arc, Vacation Arc or Baragaki Arc please). 
Anyway, I could go on forever about how much I loved this movie, so before I bore you to death, here are my favorite moments in the movie, and again, SPOILERS AHEAD, BEWARE!!! Also pardon the quality of my screengrabs...I did it a really stupid way cuz I was too lazy to hook things up properly.
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This was one of the scenes before the WB production logo came on. Lmao.
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The Snack Smile Host Arc (I don’t think it has an official arc name but I’m just gonna call it that): I thought Kagura (Hashimoto Kanna) still looked cute. She is so much more comfortable with the role now...her scene with Tosshi taking her pictures was freaking adorable. Sato Jiro, who is the Snack Smile owner here and Henpeita in the first movie, was hilarious. No idea what he was saying, but his performance was still funny. He did the same quirky mannerisms that he put on for Henpeita.
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Apologies to Kagura, Sacchan, and Otae, but Zurako stole the damn spotlight. She was stunning. 
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We are really so BLESSED to have such a perfect live action Okita as perfectly embodied by Yoshizawa Ryo. I would say he was born to play Sougo, except he was equally awesome as Ishida in the Bleach live action, so ultimately, he’s just a really strong actor. I’m a total fan now. Oh and this moment where he meets Sacchan and is actually getting excited by her S-play was just perfect. Live action Sacchan (Natsuna) was adorable...she didn’t have much screen time but she did a good job while she was present. 
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Just a cute moment where Paako carried off Zurako on his back. That’s all.
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Look at her! She’s so PRETTY!!! Oh and yes, Zurako totally put on a Joui Joy show with Elizabeth. It was hilarious.
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Paako flashing some serious leg here. Oh, live action ShigeShige (Katsuji Ryo) and Matsudaira (Tsutsumi Shinichi) were pretty good too. 
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This scene is still hard for me to watch...I don’t like seeing Hijikata cowering, begging for forgiveness and then getting beaten up for it. 
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I just had to laugh at the kinda sexy pose Hijikata was in when Itou first appeared on the scene by coming to his rescue from those Jouists who were beating him up. The two of them actually had a lot of chemistry so it was difficult not to ship them a little during the movie even though my heart was of course mostly devoted to GinHiji.
To be continued in Part 2....
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aion-rsa · 3 years
My Hero Academia Season 5 Episode 21 Review: Revival Party
This My Hero Academia review contains spoilers.
“What is…a normal life?”
“Normalcy” is often viewed like it’s some congenital defect in My Hero Academia and there are plenty of characters in the series who view a lack of special abilities as a confirmation of inferiority. Granted, My Hero Academia exists within such an exaggerated world that there’s a sliding scale of what qualifies as “normal,” especially when it comes to the context of society’s villains. Contrasting opinions are presented on which villains are acting “properly” and have the best vision for not only the state of villainy, but society itself. 
In this case, this translates into a deadly battle royale where might makes right and the ideology of the strongest villains will dominate. It’s a very solid foundation on which to build an episode, but “Revival Party” becomes an even more exceptional installment of My Hero Academia for how it effortlessly mixes its high-minded ideas with non-stop action, intimidating Quirks, and provoking character development. Who would have thought that a group of misfits led by an edgelord with stringy hair and dry skin would have such depth?
“Revival Party” engages in a fascinating look back to the chaotic days of when Quirks first revealed themselves as well as the public’s response to these massive changes. Among the many opinions on what to do with these powerful individuals, the discourse towards liberation–rather than suppression–was one valid perspective that ultimately went overlooked. It makes sense that a good deal of the public would believe that this introduction to Quirks is completely natural, so the same rules should also apply to their use. There’s obviously a lot to police when it comes to these powers, but it’s believable that others would want these changes to just naturally evolve.
Destro is an individual that My Hero Academia has allowed to lurk in the shadows through flashbacks and cryptic threats, but “Revival Party” provides a substantial look into the radical figure. Destro’s unwavering convictions were funneled into his incendiary manifesto, the Meta Liberation Army, which continues to inspire Quirk users in dangerous ways even long after the loss of Destro. However, unbeknownst to Destro is the news that he had a child–Re-Destro–who is more than willing to take up the mantle of his father as he challenges Tomura Shigaraki and the League of Villains’ way of life.
Up until this point the threat that the Meta Liberation Army poses has been more nebulous and mustache twirling in nature, but Re-Destro’s threats to Giran finally show their hand a little. “Revival Party” addresses that the major obstacle that the League of Villains face is that their Nomu supply has run out, which basically reduces them to a bunch of angsty cosplayers. This is a fair advantage for Re-Destro to try to take advantage of, but it also reflects just how little he knows about the League of Villains. Granted, the Nomu have become their primary means of force, but there are still tremendously valuable Quirks within the League. Shigaraki’s Decay remains one of the most destructive powers in the series, but it’s not as if his support is stuck with Quirks like Earphone Jack or Tail (apologies to Kyoka Jiro and Mashirao Ojiro).
The ultimate trial by fire begins when the collective forces of the Meta Liberation Army, whose numbers exceed 110,000 faithful followers, launch a surprise ambush on the League of Villains. It’s exciting to see this well thought out plan go into action and it immediately gives this meeting a different flavor than all of the previous showdowns between heroes and villains. Such chaos ensues that it honestly wouldn’t have been an issue if an entire episode was devoted solely to this battle and its barrage of unexpected Quirks. It’d even act as a suitable counterpoint to how so much of the beginning of this season focused on a showcase of what U.A. High’s Class 1-A and 1-B can accomplish.
There have been some dangerous encounters featured in My Hero Academia, but the moments where the League of Villains precariously venture into Deika City honestly feel akin to when Martin Sheen’s Captain Willard and his forces first boat through Vietnam’s Nùng River to parlay with Colonel Kurtz in Apocalypse, Now. This is unfamiliar territory where everything is a potential threat and there is non-stop attention placed upon these intruders. Even though large spans of this “My Villain Academia” arc are set in the past, it’s still one of the more suspenseful sequences that the series has put together.
My Hero Academia’s five seasons have conditioned the audience to believe that the League of Villains will come out on top and overcome these enemies, just like they’ve done with Stains’ forces or Overhaul and the Shie Hassaikai in the past. However, “Revival Party” starts to suggest that maybe the Meta Liberation Army will actually succeed, or at the least, seriously change the makeup of what the League of Villains look like. There could be a major shift in the series’ villains as these two opposing forces slowly eliminate each other or progressively coalesce into one dangerous organization. It’s still too soon to tell, but the situation already feels highly uncomfortable. Whoever is left standing will be more motivated to enact righteous change than ever before. It’d be fascinating to look at a new version of the League of Villains where both Shigaraki and Re-Destro share leadership and precariously work together towards a larger mission to reform society.
The larger fight between the League of Villains and the Meta Liberation Army gets broken up among its many players, which results in the always-entertaining Himiko Toga receiving a ton of attention. Toga has been compelling and terrifying ever since her first appearance, but she becomes the obsession of Meta Liberation Army’s Chitose “Curious” Kizuki and the subject of much deeper scrutiny. Curious is a captivating villain who benefits from an explosive Quirk, but most commonly leans on journalism skills to define her character. Curious attempts to relitigate Toga’s past and in many ways it would be appropriate if this episode were called “Himiko Toga: Origins.” 
Important context is provided for this wild character, which also speaks to how she’s very much been a victim of circumstance through her life and arguably never stood a chance at normalcy. “Revival Party” is incredibly useful to help understand why Toga is how she is, as well as what exactly she gets out of her involvement with the League of Villains. The visual of a young Toga gleefully sucking and chewing on the head of a dead baby bird is also easily one of the more disturbing visuals that My Hero Academia has ever produced. The hybrid of Toga and Uraraka that she temporarily takes on during the height of battle is also another evocative image from this powerful episode. 
Toga and Curious engage in one of the episode’s best battles and Curious comes across as unhinged as Toga, which is seriously difficult to do. There’s a raw, visceral nature to ever attack that lands between these two. Curious’ efforts to cripple Toga’s power reserves by turning blood into bombs is also a brilliantly evil strategy. “Revival Party” spends a lot of time on Curious, but it feels justified and that a serious defection from Toga could be on the way. Toga’s role as a “villain” is put under scrutiny, which in turn triggers serious reflection through her ride-or-die ally, Twice. On that note, as crucial as Toga is to the Meta Liberation Army’s plan, it appears that Twice serves an even greater purpose since his Quirk can be re-appropriated to make more copies of Re-Destro and basically guarantee that he never completely perishes since there are “back-ups” available. 
“Revival Party” never stops moving and all of this mayhem is just so much fun. The series feels energized by this shift in perspective and such heights are reached that turning “My Villain Academia” into its own spin-off wouldn’t be the worst idea (or imagine the potential in a new My Hero Academia feature film coming out, but that it’s entirely focused on the League of Villains). My Hero Academia would seriously suffer if it completely removed its villains from the equation, but it’s clear that these complex characters have reached a point where they demand more screen time and that the typical glimpses that the anime provides are no longer enough. Audiences are at the point where they want to see “Twice: Origins” or Gecko’s entrance exercise to gain admission into the League of Villains.
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My Hero Academia continues to triumph with its dedicated focus on its villains and “Revival Party” is just a riot in terms of plotting and visuals. It remains a risk for the series to spend so much time out of its comfort zone, yet entries like this are proof that it’s the whole universe of My Hero Academia that’s intriguing. Whether the series follows heroes, villains, or something in between, it still delivers action-packed excellence. 
The post My Hero Academia Season 5 Episode 21 Review: Revival Party appeared first on Den of Geek.
from Den of Geek https://ift.tt/3gEwPk4
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drimmolo · 6 years
2000AD Drawing method, actions and art style
I'm having a hard time thinking about what i could arite about in these posts since almost everything i talked about in my journals last semester was about all the harships i came across from draiwng a comic seriously for the first fime. This time, i already knew what i had to do so it's more about trying to note down my process on how i came to conclusions and decisions about designs and other such things but they happen so subocnsciously that i have to keep track on what i have to talk about ahah..anyway here's a journal on something very imporant: what i'm gonna use to make this comic!
So when Monty came around to see what our ideas and concepts were for this comic a few weeks ago, i showed him what i had thought about until now (mostly designs, concept art, themes and art style) and altough he liked everything, he made one remark that stuck with me: "this is an action comic so i would suggest that you focus less on details and more on dynamism. Make use of thicker lines and don't be afraid to use more black". At first i thought "well i mean sure" but then i realized that i do often tend to go a lot in details and create nice compositions almost unconsciously by using thin lines and very little black spots, and then end up with quite motionless bodies where only expressions change and the background engages the eye. 
I re-read my best comics and i realize that altough i play around with the camera angle at times, bodies don’t move that much...it kinda hurts to say but i’ve got a bit of a “talking heads syndrome” going on. I only make my readers engage with the text and with the details and not with what is actually happening.The only action that really moved the body in my last comic “Among Tales” is in page 4 where i am running...and that’s it. I guess it’s to be expected since most of my comics are about...pondering and talking and wondering rather than actual ...actiony stuff. I myself am quite the motionless person so I guess this realization should not come as a surprise.
I looked at the few action-y webcomics and mangas I love and i noticed that when it comes to the action itself, what really makes the reader engage with whats happening is actually perspective! I mean of course the main thing is having intense action with lots of dynamic poses and i get that, but I feel like a pose really becomes powerful when you see it from a point of view that enhances the action that is happening! Shounen mangas especially do that and i definetely can feel the impact of their actions because of it. If we take for example Boku No Hero Academia by Horikoshi, even fairly simple actions like the one in this page gain much more depth and impact simply because the angle is slightly tilted and the perspective is from below Jiro’s point of view (girl being saved).
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So yeah, perspective was really something I tried for the first time to play with in terms of focusing on the people rather on the buildings! In Among tales I used perspective to show how big the library but in this case it was about enhancing movement and making the reader feel as if they are seeing the action right there as it is happening! 
(insert images here)
I feel like i could have pushed the perspective even more but in that case it would have become a bit excessive and since I’m not that great with it I feel like i would have wasted too much time on it. I think i found a good balance... also i really love the panel with axel slicing the throat...i feel like the arm just slightly being foreshortened gives much more strengh to the move!
The other thing that Monty talked about, about the inking and the lines and the details, I just agree. I use a very thin line because it allows me to add many details but in this comic the point is not details but AAACCCTION so i’m going to go for a much ticker and rougher inking style! 
I’d like to say that i want to imitate the manga style a bit...but that’s not style y’know? I never tried go for a rougher inking style but I know for certain that I want to not focus on details i can’t complete this comic on my Cintiq. When I work on my cintiq, I simply can’t help but focus on the details, and since I work on Pain Tool Sai, the lines and brushes are just smoother. If i were to ink this comic on my cintiq, I would end up with simply...thicker black lines sadly. My other classmates who often work digitally like me have decided to work on this comic tradionally to have that traditional 2000AD look...and i’d lie if i said i didn’t think about it too but i sadly fear that would be a bit too much of a long shot...I’d have to learn about traditional inking and learn to draw on A3 papers....which is jjust too much. I already decided that for this project what i was gonna really focus on is the sci-fi feel, the actions and the emotions (cause that’s just a must for my comics...i don’t enhance their emotions there’ just 0 for me)...so i think that i will let my traditional skills shine another time. 
No for this project, I decided i will make the entire comic on my ipad using Procreate, which i think is a nice compromise between traditional and full digital. It may not sound like that ot someone who is full traditional, but Procreate is actually not that fancy of a digital program, and was mostly designed for people who work traditionally and want to have fun with some digital art. The app and the brushes it offers are much more “life-like”, and since the ipad is acting as paper, it just feels a lot more like i’m just drawing on paper. My hand too is more relaxed, and the pen even has a tilt sensibility....so yeah...i think this is a fair compromise! 
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