#guys taking photos of legos is REALLY FUN ACTUALLY
wyrmswears · 4 months
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my parents got a fancy camera so ive been playing with it instead of revising
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my posts are going to be a gallery of reasons why i failed my exams come results day
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lawlietscaramels · 8 months
Headcanons ╾ Matt
Because Matt.
they get more fun after the first few
he seems like the kind of guy who grew up with lots of sisters
I'm bouncing forth between "all older than him" and "all younger than him" so let's just say some older some younger
somewhere between three and five
I don't think he would be an orphan actually (I have some headcanons for Wammy's House that I'll expand on some other time), he probably ran away or was kicked out maybe
I feel like his family would be really poor maybe he ran away to take on barely legal contracts and send them money
Matt's favourite Mario character is Rosalina, closely followed by Luigi
he has stuck a nicotine patch on his forehead before - yk like Amy did in Brooklyn 99
he tried to eat Mello's chocolate once when he had the munchies
oooeuggnhheuehh that was a mistake
he has never elaborated ↑
His favourite mythical creature is the wood nymph but if he himself could become a mythical creature he'd be a leprechaun
star wars is a fantasy star wars is a sci fi NO, YOU IMBECILES, STAR WARS IS A SPACE OPERA!! the only thing that can get him riled up is this debate
even though he actually hates Star Wars
Matt has a blonde wig and he doesn't know where he got it
watched Breaking Bad and cried
watched My Little Pony and cried
watched John Wick IV because he got lost when tracking down a target. accidentally shot the screen halfway through
Terrified of any and all old black and white photos of a young girl because he's convinced they're all vengeful ghosts. He would like to meet a ghost actually but NOT a young Victorian girl dying of tuberculosis thank you very much good night
Matt will drive through the city at night because it relaxes him. plays 80s or 00s grunge rock and takes pictures when he's stopped at traffic lights.
can play the cello
His weird-stare-without-blinking rivals L's
I headcanon him as Belgian
when he was little he wanted to be a park ranger. his favourite animal is deer.
his favourite word is "undiagnosed" and I think that says a lot about why he likes Mello (that said he likes the word because of how it sounds)
I feel like he has dyscalculia
HE LOVES LEGO. like so much. he has played all the Lego games like Lego Batman and stuff. steals sorry borrows Near's Lego. he actually will return it.
Matt is actually a really sweet big brother figure to a lot of the younger kids.
he'd play games with them n stuff
He was in Japan when Haunted Mansion came out but figured it would be fun to watch it. He bought soy sauce popcorn (he was trying to buy caramel popcorn) and did not understand half of the movie but it was fun
oh yeah I don't think he knows that much Japanese. he speaks Dutch + English fluently though
does that thing where he glues a coin to the ground and watches as people try to pick it up. has laughed at this for hours. sits in a nearby garden and has a picnic
rolls his ankles a lot
gets sick relatively easily but will just continue on with life cause he doesn't get very badly sick. minor cold.
accidentally got himself abandoned on a desert island once. luckily he saw a helicopter while cloud watching. it found him easily because his hair looked like it was on fire
oh yeah speaking of his goddamn HAIR
it's brown, but bleaches red when he's in the sun. I also draw it with little green bits. because all the colour hcs are cool. and I'm indecisive.
he's really good at card games
has been on several popular TV game shows. always loses.
𝖎𝖋 𝖞𝖔𝖚 𝖑𝖎𝖐𝖊𝖉 𝖎𝖙 ˏˋ⋆˖⁺˖⁀➷ 𝖕𝖑𝖊𝖆𝖘𝖊 𝖗𝖊𝖇𝖑𝖔𝖌 + 𝖋𝖔𝖑𝖑𝖔𝖜
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viswifetotallyreal · 10 months
golden retriever masc gf Ellie( Modern AU) head canons<3
Disclaimer!! These are just my personal opinions and thoughts, do not take any of these for fact or try to “correct” me! Thank you!
Also this is my first time posting something like this on my account which is all for fun so if you guys have any ideas I would love to receive requests for short stories or head canons!!
- 100% still loves astronomy and space ofc
- Definitely into fashion and would dress in a lot of earthy tones!!
Plays electric and acoustic guitar!!
- Beanies! beanies! beanies!
Listens to classic rock🖤
- Has a hopped septum piercing and a horsehoe but prefers the hoop!
- Fave color being sage green or orange!! (examples after list)
- Okay so I feel like she’d be the type to have that blonde under dye hair mixed with her auburn hair WHICH IS SO EFFING CUTE I SWEAR😭
- Wears readers!
- she’s such a homebody and would probably prefer at home hobbies, but she’d definitely enjoy little outside picnics or small cafe or park dates!!
- Ask her to build one of those cute Lego sets with her and she’d be on one knee.
- And speaking of SHE MAY ACTUALLY ENJOY COFFEE 😭and if not I feel like she’d be such a chai ☕️ girl!
- Works at a record store!!
- Her major may be astronomy/engineering(idk why engineering its just so fitting for her)
- Is only a morning person when you guys wake up to each other cuddling one another! (I’m so lonely Wtf)
- Doesn’t really care about spoiling “money wise” (meaning she likes to give gifts that were homemade or flowers🤧🤍) but when it comes to you, what is “price”??
- To end it off,she’s definitely a little more to herself around new people before they get to really know her ,and after a while, she’s really outgoing and has to ALWAYS be talking whether it’s about her interests or engaging in your interests, what she did that day, or even the most intricate thing of the color mug she received at the cafe because it was her favorite 😭which is the cutest thing ever.
hope you guys enjoyed these!! Been feeling vry lonely and desperate lately so the the headcanons just started flowing in🤧 lmk if you’d want me to write stuff like this more!! I love you and I hope y’all have a good day/night whenever you are reading this,🤗
- irie
Not claiming these photos as mine!!
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la-principessa-nuova · 6 months
My Secret Trans Room
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One of the cool things about the layout of my house is that I have a walk in closet that is extremely out of the way and pretty much safe from any guest ever going in it, and so when I say I am a closeted trans woman I mean I’m literally hiding in a closet.
It started as just a corner in this closet where I put my fem clothes and my wig, but then I started jokingly referring to it as my “girl cave” (euphemism not intended) or my “trans room”, and slowly I started wanting to make it a safe space where I can be in girl mode and feel comfortable and girly.
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Back when I was trying out the name Alice, I got this cute wall decal and then never got around to updating it. To be fair I also never got around to bringing some other colors of dry erase marker downstairs, so I never got around to updating my whiteboard to be prettier.
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Fun fact about that whiteboard sticker is that I had a roll of that from a project years ago and then when I started my current job, I temporarily had to work out of this closet while I waited for my new laptop to arrive (they gave me one that didn’t work with the dock I have upstairs as a placeholder but I had another dock hooked up in this room for writing that I barely ever ended up using because I never work on my book). So one day while I was working in there I got stuck on a problem and needed to work it out on a whiteboard and so I went and grabbed that roll and stuck this bit on the wall.
You can also see here the corner where I have some D20 stuff that gives up more masc energy. I didn’t want to kick it out of the room because I still like it, but I didn’t want it affecting the vibe of the room so it sits in the corner. You can also see a little bit in this picture and the next one the corner of masc shirts because my other bedroom closet doesn’t have a hanging rod so I needed to hang a few shirts in here. They’re my attempt to phase in more color to make my choice of clothes after coming out seem a little less uncharacteristic to my family.
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Next up is the area where I hang my dresses and sweaters. This spot used to just be where I hung my trans flag, but as my wardrobe expanded I needed the space. I’ve also crammed my mirror and lamp in here. The lamp has to be behind the mirror because otherwise I’m in shadow when I look in the mirror. But yeah, it’s really crammed in there.
My purses are also there. I got a couple different styles to try out, also because they’re really just to complete outfits right now since I’m not going anywhere in girl mode yet.
The red and black striped sweater is a really cute cat hoodie that I wish I took a picture with while I was up taking photos. I’m in bed now, but maybe tomorrow or something I’ll put together an outfit to show off some of my cute cat stuff.
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Next we have the other side of the room. In terms of decorations, we have LEGO flowers in a knock-off lego vase, Blåhaj with trans cat ears, some trans and lesbian flags, a Korok (Yahaha! You found me!), and Boggy the Froggy. If you look back to the first photo in this post, you can see Peppermint Preston and Big Blåhaj.
Oh yeah, and how can I forget the three little Dvärgtall guys next to the books? (BTW I didn’t remember the name so I googled “ikea decorative men” and it came up).
In the middle is an epic gamer sit/stand desk that I have slowly been turning into a vanity. I just got it ready to actually use, so I haven’t brought my make up in from the bathroom yet. That will go in the bins under the mirror.
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Zooming in a little closer, we can see my cute acrylic tape dispenser on the left of the mirror and the unicorn diffuser on the right. I don’t buy into the essential oil pseudoscience stuff but I prefer them over chemically air fresheners and scented candles for making a room smell good. I usually diffuse rose in this room, so it always smells like a mixture of roses and new clothes.
Past the vanity, I have a couple bookshelves. This is mostly LGBT books and a few books that just look a bit girly, plus some very trans-adjacent manga. They’re partially in here to hide them so they don’t out me, but mostly just because they add to the aesthetic.
Below that I have some shoes, but not much because I don’t go outside in girl mode yet. Then I have a hanging shelf thing where I keep most of my bottoms, and next to it all of my tops.
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Beyond that is what can only possibly be described as too many wigs. Of the 15 wigs, I would say that 8 are wearable and maybe 4 are something I plan on wearing depending on what style I’m going for in the near future. Some of them are obviously more for goofing around dressing up, but some are just bad wigs. The bottom right one is tangled beyond repair, but I keep it because it was my first wig that I bought the night my egg cracked.
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Honorable mention to the “MAKE YOURSELF A PRETTY GIRL” box one of my wigs came in and my Sundry Sidney poster, positioned almost like a call and response.
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I went to walk back into the room to put my glasses down and the only light was the red charging light on this galaxy moon. Way creepier vibe than usual.
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photogirl894 · 1 year
Man, you guys, FanX Comic Con was seriously the greatest! Definitely an experience I'll never forget! 🥰💜 I had so much fun and got to meet some celebrities that I had been so excited to see! A couple of them were some of the best encounters I've ever experienced! I want to share some of the photos I got and tell my favorite parts of the weekend, so I'm gonna put it under the cut cuz it'll probably be long 😅
We got there that night and got to see Zachary Levi (Tangled, Shazam) perform his first ever concert, which was freaking amazing! I really hope he continues to do more music cuz he's such a great singer! We got to take pictures with him afterwards cuz we'd bought premium tickets for that. He told me he liked my eye makeup, too 🥰 (He has a black eye cuz he'd fallen and busted his face earlier that day 😫)
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That was when I wore my Merida cosplay and I had a few people actually ask to take pictures with me, which was sweet 😊 A lot of them, of course, were with some younger girls. I loved it!
Sadly, the Mandalorian armor my husband spent a lot of time making wasn't staying together before we went, so he had to leave it, but he kept the helmet at least! We got a picture of it all together, though. (Though he later admitted it was probably good he didn't wear it cuz he figured he would've died from how hot he would've been in it)
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We got photo ops with Ashley Eckstein and Katee Sackhoff, which were pretty cool! They both told me I made an amazing Merida and my husband told Katee "This is the Way" and she said it back 😆
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I got an autograph from Jim Cummings and he also recorded a personal voice message for me in both voices of Winnie the Pooh AND Tigger 🥰 (and I'd only asked for Pooh) It seriously made me cry when I listened to it cuz Pooh Bear is my whole childhood and hearing his voice say my name was just amazing! 🥹
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Then...this was the best part of the whole day (more like the whole weekend)...I got to meet John Rhys-Davies from Lord of the Rings!! 🥰😆 He's one of my favorite actors of all time (and the reason I wanted to go to FanX in the first place) First of all, we get up to the table, he says hello to me with a big smile, my husband takes his helmet off and John goes, "Oh no, put it back on!" We busted up laughing and he did, too. I gave him my copy of "Fellowship of the Ring" (the book) to sign and I told him how LotR has influenced much of my life and he's one of my favorite actors ever and he said I was very kind. Then, no joke, we go to take the pictures, he puts his arms around us and says, "All right, no fooling around, this is a serious picture" and then proceeded to TICKLE US!!!! 😆😆 He tickled us and then looked down at me as I was laughing and said, "Behave!" It was so unexpected and funny! Then after a minute, he turns to my hubby and says, "Now you, go over there", nudged him to the side and then turned and hugged me! I can't even tell you how happy I was!! 🥹 I told him that made my day and he hugged me even tighter! I'm not even kidding, I don't think any other celebrity encounter will ever top this! It was fun, sweet and funny; everything I wanted and more from the one person I wanted to meet the most! I loved John Rhys-Davies so much before and now, having met him in person, I love him even more now 🥰💜 This was literally a dream come true!!
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I wore my Bad Batch getup as well as some new Lego Hunter earrings I bought the previous day 🥰
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Got to go to the Star Wars panel they had with Daniel Logan, Carey Jones, Katee Sackhoff and Gina Carano and man, they were so fun and funny!
I got in line to ask a question and was literally TWO people away from the front of the line when they had to end the panel 😝 But that was okay cuz my question would've been for Daniel, so I just went to his booth later and asked him there! So I got to meet young Boba Fett himself, too! 😊 I asked him, "How often do you keep in touch with Temeura Morrison?" His answer: "Never. I hate that guy. He stole my character!" 🤣🤣 Then he told me they keep in touch often, Tem is very much his dad and they're probably gonna start doing cons together! "Once I get his ass off the island and back to the States," he added 🤣🤣 He was awesome to talk to and I'm so glad I ended up going to see him, cuz I didn't originally plan to. I was the last one in his line for a little bit, so I got to talk to him for a while. He was so sweet! He also appreciated my Bad Batch outfit, which I knew he would since I know he loves the show! We both agreed we can't wait for season 3! Then his autograph was so nice, too! He took the time to do the drawing for me and even left a kind little message. Then when I went for the picture, he said, "Come here and give me a hug!" 😊 He was absolutely delightful!!
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We saw a lot of fun cosplay, got some fun merch and overall, just had an amazing time! I really hope to get to go again next year and I look forward to seeing what celebrity guests they get next time 💜
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spideyyboii · 3 years
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pairing: peter parker x platonic reader 
summary: peter knew his friends hated Christmas with their families so what better way to spend it than with his closes friends 
warnings: none
word count: 1.4k 
||main masterlist||peter parker masterlist||christmas masterlist||
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Christmas had never been a holiday you enjoyed, your family weren’t very festive and when they did get together to celebrate there was always some form of argument. In recent years you found it harder to cope with the family drama and began to try and find excuses to get out of celebrating with your family.
Your friends were the same and didn’t really enjoy Christmas well except Ned. Peter hated Christmas as it reminded him of the death of both his parents and his uncle Ben, Mj hated the holiday as she believed it was just another way for corporate companies to make money whilst Ned loved the holiday but he pretended to be a Grinch with you guys. “So I was thinking that we could celebrate Friendsmas before we go home for Christmas so we can actually enjoy the holiday for once.” Peter suggested hopeful everyone would agree as he wanted to be able to enjoy the holiday with his friends instead of being upset with May about the lack of family they have. “You know what Peter, I think that’s a good idea but we aren’t having Christmas dinner. None of us are good enough at cooking.” Mj was the first to agree to the idea of celebrating with friends, “I think it would be fun better than listening to the family argue.” You said agreeing to the plan, Ned was the last to agree and so Friendsmas planning began there and then.
Before long the day of Friendsmas rolled around and you were all excited, “So I ordered pizza for us since Mj doesn’t believe any of us are capable of cooking a turkey.” Peter said with a laugh as he knew Mj wasn’t wrong and that none of them would cook a Turkey properly and they'd most likely end up with food poisoning, “Well Peter you’ve outdone yourself the decorations are amazing.” You were shocked that he’d bothered to decorate his dorm with light and a tree, “Well I wanted everyone to enjoy the celebration so I thought why not go all out. Now what do we want to do first? Presents or food?” Peter asked excitement in his tone, “Presents!” Ned exclaimed.
All of you sat on the floor in front of the tree with your presents in front of one another, nervous as to what your friends' reactions would be towards their presents. “So who wants to go first?” You asked hoping someone would volunteer so you weren’t forced to go first, Peter gave in and went first. As he opened each of his presents he couldn’t contain his smile, Ned had bought him a yoda lego set, “Ned this is awesome but it was definitely over our budget which means you're helping me build it.” Peter gave the man a hug, very excited to start building the set. Next was Mjs gift and Peter was nervous as to what the woman would have bought him, “Don’t get too excited. It’s nothing too interesting.” Mj said seeming uninterested but you knew she was actually nervous as to the man’s response to her present, “Mj this is amazing, how long did it take you to make. It looks so realistic. Thank you!” Peter couldn’t believe Mj had done something so sentimental and something that would have taken so much of her time. “Oh my god Mj this is beautiful you captured Peter so well like it’s so unbelievably detailed. How long did this piece of art take you?” You asked, “Not too long, now open the next presents.” Mj demanded annoyed at the attention that was on her, the last present for Peter was from you and you knew he’d enjoy it. “You remembered. May’s going to love this as well thank you.” Peter pulled you in for a hug and was so emotional by the present you had gotten made for him, “How did you even find a photo that had Ben in it?” Peter continued with all his questions, “When we went to see May the other week I snuck a copy of the one photo of him she keeps on display and managed to work my photoshop skills.” You explained. Unknown to you, this was the best gift Peter had ever received. It meant the world to have a photo of himself, aunt May and uncle Ben at his graduations.
Next to open their gifts was Mj as she wanted the attention to be off her as soon as possible. The first present she opened was from you, “How did you even manage to find all of this?” She asked shocked that you had managed to find every ticket, photo and receipt from your friendship, “I kept everything, it means a lot to me. I found you guys during a difficult time in my life and you helped me get through some of the hardest moments. So I kept everything and made it into a photo for you, I know it’s not very interesting but I wanted-” You were cut off during your ramble by the woman throwing herself on you, “Thank you.” Ned gave his present next and it made everyone laugh, “Ned why would you buy me this?” Mj asked between laughs every time she looked at the ‘Spidermans number one fan’ shirt she found herself laughing, “Well you said you were Peter’s biggest fan so I thought why not be Spidermans as well.” The last present she opened was Peter’s and she had a huge smile on her the second she opened the box, “I finally have an unbroken one. I still prefer my ruined one as it means the world to me.” Things had been strange between the pairing recently due to their breakup but they had managed to keep a friendship alive, “Well I thought if I couldn’t give you a complete black Dahlia the first time then you definitely deserved one the second time.”
You opened your presents next excited as you knew your friends were good at giving presents. Whether it was a joke or a sentimental present they were always good, Peter went first and you were beyond excited, “Peter are you serious! You're really going to take me around the city like web swinging and then I get to work with Banner and Stark, Peter you're awesome how did you convince Stark?” You asked, hoping he didn’t put himself in trouble for you, “Don’t worry about it but I’ll be seeing you in January for your first day.”
Next up was Ned who yet again made you laugh, “How are we both meant to be spider man's number one fan? Mj I think we’re going to have to fight for the title.” You said laughing at the look on Peter’s face. “Well you just can’t wear them at the same time.” Ned said proud of his idea. “Right my turn, you're both going to be put to shame.” Mj passed you her present knowing you’d love it, “Mj you know I’m forcing you to come with me and we’re going to have so much fun.” You couldn’t believe she’d gotten you tickets to Disney somewhere you’ve wanted to go since you were a child but your family would never go.
Last up to open presents was Ned who was surprised he had been able to wait so long to open his presents, the first present he ripped open was from Peter “I guess great minds think alike.” Ned said with a laugh at the lego set in front of him that he was looking forward to building with Peter, “Well I guess we’ve got two sets to build. Which is better than one.” Peter said with a smile, the next present he opened was Mj’s which instantly had him in a fit of laughter “No way! We did not have the same idea. I love it Mj, I’m wearing it every time Peter needs help with spidey stuff.” Ned loved the gift which was something so simple it was a white shirt that said ‘man in the chair.’ “Why are you guys so obsessed with me?” Peter asked with a laugh as he was so confused by all these customised shirts that were directed at his secret identity. “Not you, we're obsessed with Spiderman.” You stated matter of factly. The last present Ned opened was from you and he was shocked that you’d spend this much money on him, “You did not! What made you buy me this?” Ned asked shocked about the cost of his present, “Well I thought you needed something to add to your collection and I knew Peter’s was currently better so your welcome.” You said whilst giving your friend a hug.
It’s safe to say that the four of you enjoyed your friendsmas and would be making it a tradition every year so you could make happier memories during the festive season.
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chaeinedup · 2 years
Date night with WEi
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I feel like he’d play it safe most times, like movie dates or perhaps picnics;
And then once you guys get closer he’d prefer to stay in;
He doesn’t really care where he is as long as he has good company and both parties are having fun;
He’s very comortable to be around so you also don’t care for a specific place or activity;
Listen to me you can’t deny this, he picks you up, you guys go through a dive thru and then park in either an empty parking lot or infront of the beach;
Talking for hours about everything <3.
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He’s a little box of surprises;
Every date is going to be different but all of them will be special;
Donghan is a very unique person therefore he leaves an impression, in this case a very good one;
He pays attention to things you say, like brands you like, flowers you’ve mentioned, places you want to go;
I honestly think you guys would have themed dates, that includes dress codes as everything;
Like baking night and you have to wear a chefs hats, it’s mandatory;
If you guys obsess over a movie or tv show he’ll probably make something with that;
(Literally he means the world to me);
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He’s a little all over the place;
He get’s nervous FAST. He does not want to mess up or choke on his words, but lucky him, you actually find that adorable;
And also very cliché;
He will take you out for dinner, open the door for you and pull your chair so you can sit;
He will most likelly get a bouquet of red and white roses for you;
I feel like in every date, doesn’t matter what you guys do, we will always give you at least one rose;
I don’t know I feel like it be something he’d think it was cute and that you’d like.
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Regular dates are usually like pretty chill;
But if it’s like an important day, like your bday or your 100 days together…Sweetie he’s going to go all out;
He wants that day to never be forgotten so he’ll do his best to make something impactful and special;
Like he will plan a whole trip behind your back, HE IS GOOOOOOOOOD AT KEEPING SURPRISES FOR HIMSELF;
Unless the plan involves someone else, he’s probably the only one who knows he’s doing this;
If you cry he’ll kinda feel guilty but accomplished at the same time.
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Most dates are outside;
Picnics, walks along the beach or the giver, a caffee you’ve been wanting to go, mixed with some polaroids and photos next to the every flower you see;
To him dates don’t have to have a typical romantic element in it;
You could just go out to get ice cream and that’s enough;
It’s very casual yet he’s having fun and spending quality time with his other half;
You can’t be a jealous person tho cause as much as he loves he also loves his friends;
Meaning he’ll also have dates with his besties, specially junseo ahaha.
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This boy has two completly different moods;
Either it’s a pretty calm date like building lego or painting things for each other;
Or he’s going to take you to a really nice place and I mean N I C E;
He will book you guys a weekend getaway just so you can have the entire 24 hours in a day savouring each others company;
The getaway also includes a very cute dinner with fairy lights and candles around;
And all of this is most likely happening on the beach; 
Junseo hopeless romantic agenda!!!
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egg-emperor · 2 years
I finished building the whole Lego set today despite my hangover. it looks so cool yaaayyy :D
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I forgot to put the line of Chaos Emeralds in front for this photo oops but I do have them too
very proud of myself because it took a lot of effort and time, especially because I mixed up pieces to build the characters first. I've never had an adult Lego set before, 1000+ pieces is a lot but it was a fun challenge. I really like all the accessories and interaction with the set, Sonic can actually be launched off the spring!
the badniks are so cute and fun to build! the Motobug's face can be switched out for an angry expression but I was too lazy to get it out of the box for the photo while hungover but I'll probably take a photo of it later on. look at these fun little guys 💕💖
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while the Eggman does look very strange and I really wish they'd make a big fig Eggman like he was in Lego Dimensions because it was the perfect look, this Eggman is strange in a cute way. he's a bit of a skrunkly and I think it's quite charming actually, I accept him. XD 💜💕💖💘
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he deserves all the emeralds!
here are some other angles of him both inside and out of the Egg Mobile. the detail on the Egg Mobile is super impressive and it was fun to build!
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I like how even the instruction booklet is Sonic 1 themed with the title and end screens
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I'll take more pics with more closeups and angles at some point and make a fun scene of it or something when I'm feeling much better XD
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waitimcomingtoo · 4 years
Where We Start Again - 4
Pairing: Peter Parker x Reader
Synopsis: how do you fake date someone you have real feelings for?
Series Masterlist and Regular Masterlist
Playlist by @tiny-friggin-human
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“Wasn’t lunch crazy today?” Your friend Naomi giggled shortly as she leaned against the locker next to yours. You made a face as you finished putting your books away and hoped she didn’t catch it.
“I wasn’t there. I haven’t sat with you guys since Monday.” You told her, a little offended that she didn’t notice you were gone.
“Really? Huh, I didn’t realize.” Her eyebrows knit together in confusion. “Anyways, Colin and Henderson were flipping water bottles without the caps on and it was the funniest thing. Until Colin got Abby’s hair wet and she told him his girlfriend was cheating on him with Henderson. It was so funny.”
“Sorry I missed it. Is Colin okay?” You asked her and she snorted.
“Who cares?” She replied and you figured you should have seen that answer coming. “Anyway, are you coming tonight?”
“Tonight?” You shut your locker and turned to her.
“Fallons party. He just texted it in the group chat.” Naomi explained and you briefly thought back to the groupchat you never checked. “And I heard from Effie who heard from Lacey that he specifically asked if you were going to be there. He totally wants you.”
“I can’t tonight. I have plans.” You gave her a falsely sympathetic smile and hoped she’d drop the subject.
“What could possibly be more important than Fallon’s party?” She asked like the thought was impossible. “He said he got like, six cases of White Claw and his parents are away. You have to be there.”
“Sounds like fun.” You lied. “Sorry I have to miss it.”
“But Y/n!” She whined and you sucked in a breath. “There’s no laws when you’re drinking Claws. You have to come.”
“I have the science fair and then I have plans with Peter and Ned. I told you yesterday, remember?” You asked her but her face showed no sign of recollection. From the other side of the hallway, Peters ears perked up from the other side of the hallway at the mention of his name. He used his advanced hearing to listen to your conversation after hearing the tension in your voice.
“Who’s Peter Annid?” Naomi scoffed and you had to bite your tongue to keep from screaming.
“Peter and Ned.” You corrected her sharply. “Peter Parker and Ned…I don’t actually know his last name. But I’m hanging out with them.”
“Omg, ew why?” Her nose scrunched you in disgust. Peters face fell upon hearing this, reminding him that you and him lived in different worlds. You looked at her for a moment before deciding what to say next.
“Because I’m dating Peter and friends with Ned. Ned Leeds.” You stared firmly as you remembered his last name.
“You’re actually dating that guy?” Naomi grimaced. “I thought that was just a mean rumor Flash started.”
You couldn’t believe what you were hearing and laughed in disbelief. You made eye contact with Peter from across the hall and he gave you a sympathetic shrug.
“It’s not a rumor.” You snapped. “Peter makes me really happy. And I have to be at the science fair to see him win.”
Peter smiled to himself at your words and started walking over to you.
“Y/n, people like us can’t be seen with people like them. We definitely can’t be cheering them on at the nerd fair with all the other nerds. What if someone sees you?” She looked genuinely worried for you and your jaw clenched in frustration.
“Is everything okay?” Peter asked as he came behind you. He put his hands on your shoulders and rubbed your arms to calm you down, immediately feeling the tension leaving your body. You leaned your back into Peters chest and looked at Naomi.
“Then they’re gonna see a supportive girlfriend cheering on her genius boyfriend. Enjoy the party, Naomi.” You smiled at her and took Peters hand. “Let’s go, baby.”
You walked down the hall together, away from Naomi’s dropped jaw. Peter couldn’t wipe the smile off his face from you standing up for him.
“What was the about?” Peter asked you once you were far enough away from her.
“Nothing.” You answered. “Conversations with her are never about anything.”
“Are you okay?” Peter could hear the annoyance in your voice lingering from your conversation with Naomi and wanted to help you.
“Yeah. I’m sorry.” You stopped walking and turned to Peter, still holding his hand. “Don’t worry about me. You need to focus on your acceptance speech when you win the science fair today.”
“You don’t get to make an acceptance speech. You get a sweaty handshake and a firm, passionate pat on the back from the principal.” He told you and you laughed happily.
“That’s kinda hot. Are you cheating on me with Principle Mendoza?” You teased him.
“I’m sorry. I have a thing for spider veins and your legs are too perfect.” He played along, making you look down at your legs shyly.
“I hate you.” You shook your head and continued to walk to class. “I’m gonna fake break up with you just for saying that.”
“But I cant fake live without you, baby girl. Can you give me another fake chance?.” He pouted. You giggled and wrapped your arms around Peter, pulling him into an unexpected but welcomed hug.
“I’ll give you a million fake chances, baby.” You mumbled into his ear before pulling away. “But I’m about to be late for real math. I’ll see you at the science fair.”
“Okay. I’ll see you there.” Peter smiled in content as you squeezed his hand and walked away. It had been five days of fake dating. That meant there was only more week to go. As much as Peter loved the time you spent together, he couldn’t the shake the fact that it was ending soon. The moments he had with you felt real, but that didn’t change the fact that they were rooted in a lie. Still, you had chosen to blow off a party to come to the science fair with him. That had to mean something.
It meant something to him, at least.
“Look at you with your informational poster.” You smiled fondly at Peter as you walked up to his table. The LEGO lamp you had glued together sat in front of a poster about the science behind solar power. Peters eyes lit up at the sight of you and he stepped aside so you could get a full view of his presentation.
“Thanks for coming, daisy.” He grinned and pulled you into an embrace. You were surprised with him taking the initiative to show affection, but you appreciated it nonetheless.
“I’ve been walking around and you definitely have these people beat.” You said as you squeezed his arm for good luck. “One kid just had a baby carrot taped to a battery.”
“Yeah, he doesn’t actually go to this school.” Peter told you. “They tried to kick him out but he started barking so they let him stay.”
“Ladies and gentlemen, the judges have made their final decisions for the winners of Midtown Techs 75th annual science fair.” A teachers monotone voice came through on a microphone. Ned joined you guys with a box of popcorn, holding it out to you to offer you some. You and Ned stood on opposite sides of Peter as you impatiently waited the heat the winners.
“Let’s go, baby. This is all you. All you, baby, all you.” You mumbled just loud enough for Peter to hear. He chuckled and looked at you from over his shoulder.
“I am so scared of her right now.” Ned whispered to Peter.
“I know.” He whispered back. “I am so turned on.”
“In third place, Madison McDermott.” The teacher announced. Scattered claps sounded from the crowd.
“Madison has nothing on you, baby. Nothing!” You said into Peters ear as you bounced up and down.
“Second place, Chirag Saini.” The teacher said, earning more claps.
“Chirag wishes he was you right now baby, he just wishes.” You hyped him up and rubbed his shoulders.
“And in first place, Peter Parker.”
“AHHHH!” You screamed, wrapped one arm around Peters neck and pointed to him with the other. “That’s my boyfriend! That’s my boyfriend!”
Peter laughed happily and hugged you back, more excited to be holding you than to win the science fair. You buried your face in his neck and squeezed him tightly before running away to collect his trophy.
“She seems excited.” Ned commented with a knowing smirk.
“I have never felt this loved.” Peter squeezed Neds arm in excitement as he watched you bounce around.
“MY BOYFRIEND WON THE SCIENCE FAIR. FUCK YOU CHIRAG - I don’t mean that though your model of the universe is gorgeous- BUT YEAH PETER.” You ran back to Peter and threw your arms around him again as he lifted you off the ground.
“Remember, all I get is a sweaty handshake and a pat on the back. It’s not that big of a deal.” He tried to tell you but you didn’t listen.
“This is the hugest deal!” You grabbed his face and shook it. “You won the science fair four years in a row. And you did it after everything you’ve been through. I’m so proud of you.” You said sincerely and Peters heart melted.
“Meet me outside in five minutes.” He said as he rested his hands on your waist. “I have to show you something.”
“Okay. What’s-“
“Mr. Parker, you’re needed for a photo.” Principle Mendoza called for Peter.
“Go take your picture. I’ll see you outside.” You assured him. Peter kissed your forehead before he lost the nerve and went to get his picture taken.
As the camera flashed, Peters eyes drifted to you. You had your hands clasped together and a proud smile on your face as you bounced on your heels. It almost made Peter emotional to realize he had never been looked at that fondly. In the moment, he knew the truth.
He loved you.
He had developed real feelings for his fake girlfriend.
After waiting the allotted five minutes, you went outside to see what Peter had to show you. You walked slowly, taking the time to think about the past week with Peter. Even you didn’t know why you were so happy that he had won. Something about getting to know him gave you a newfound need to see him happy. As much as you liked spending time with him, you regretted getting attached. You only had a week left of your fake relationship and once it was over, you’d be left crushing on a guy who only saw you as a way to get Flash off his back.
You rounded the corner and saw Peter standing in the courtyard holding a bouquet of daisies.
“What’s this?” You asked curiously and he gave you a bashful smile.
“Will you go to the dance with me?” He asked as he held out the bouquet. You stepped towards him and accepted the bouquet with a confused leer.
“What?” You chuckled shyly.
“I know were already going together but you still deserved a proposal.” Peter explained. “You Flash this is how I asked you and I know you like daisies and I-“
“I would love to go to the dance with you.” You cut him off and sniffed the bouquet.
“We love to see it.” Peter used your own words and made you laugh.
“You are such an idiot.” You shook your head. “Can we go get that sandwich now?”
“Hola.” Ned bellowed as the three of you entered Delmar’s sandwich shop. “Do you know what today is?”
“Oh no.” Delmar gulped at the sight of Peter and Ned.
“Peter won the science fair!” You held up Peters trophy and screamed. Ned started pumping his fist and grunting while Peter hid his face behind his hand.
“Por favor, don’t make me make this sandwich.” Delmar pleaded. “It hurts me as a chef.”
“We’ll take one sandwich which every ingredient please.” Ned ordered and Delmar shuddered.
“Can we get it on whole grain bread?” You asked the boys and Ned gagged.
“Sure. Anything for my girl.” Peter touched your chin fondly. Delmar noticed the display of affection and folded his arms.
“Su novia?” He asked Peter, who looked at you in confusion.
“I’m sorry?” Peter stammered.
“Sí. Muchas gracias.” You smiled politely at Delmar as you dropped a five dollar bill in the tip jar. Delmar smirked at you and held up his hands in defense.
“Fine. I’m make it.” He agreed. “But only because I’m happy for you, niño.”
“His name is Peter.” Ned deadpanned.
“It means kid.” You told them. “You’ve been in my spanish class all four years, Ned.”
“I know.” Ned sighed dreamily. “I love that class.”
“Hey. Quit staring at my girlfriend.” Peter snapped his fingers until Ned stopped gaping at you. You smiled proudly at Peter calling you his girlfriend and wrapped your arms around his torso.
“She’s your fake girlfriend.” Ned reminded him. “Why do you care?”
“Because she’s right here. And she can hear you.” You said sarcastically as Peter wrapped an arm around your shoulder.
“Here. I made your disgusting sandwich.” Delmar slammed the sandwich on the counter angrily and Ned paid him.
“Grassy ass. Me gusta el sandwich.” Ned took the sandwich and bowed.
“Get out of my store.” Delmar ordered. You and Peter stayed in each other’s embrace and you left the store.
“We usually eat it on the rooftop of my apartment building.” Peter told you as he squeezed your shoulder.
“Let’s go. I’m hungry and it almost smells edible.” You quipped.
Ned watched curiously as you and Peter walked in front of him to Peters apartment. From his perspective, you looked like an actual couple. And with Flash nowhere around to see you faking, he wondered what you were doing it for.
As he heard you laugh loudly at a joke Peter said that couldn’t possibly be as funny as you made it seem, he realized something.
You liked Peter.
“Haha, just kidding”, he thought, “…unless.”
You got to Peters apartment and rode the elevator to the rooftop. Peter laid one of the towels down so you all had a place to sit. You took a seat next to Peter and put your feet in his lap.
“Y/n should have the first bite since it’s her first time.” Ned declared as he unwrapped the sandwich.
“You are going to love this.” Peter grinned as he handed you the sandwich. “Here.”
You took a bite and chewed it slowly. You could taste the mustard, salami, and peanut butter with the first bite. Your face twisted in disgust as you painfully swallowed the sandwich.
“So what do you think?” Ned nudged you.
“I think that’s the grossest thing I’ve ever had in my mouth.” You whispered hoarsely.
“Well you haven’t been dating Peter for that long so-“ Ned began until Peter smacked him.
“Ned!” He scolded and Ned retreated.
“It’s making my eyes waters. Are my ears supposed to be ringing?” You looked at them for answers.
“That would be the jalapeños.” Ned nodded in approval.
“Here. I can’t have this near me. It’s making me hate myself.” You handed it off. Peter took the sandwich and took a bite, wincing as it went down before passing it to Ned.
“This was the last science fair. That technically means this is our last sandwich.” Ned said after he swallowed. Peter realized he was right and felt a sadness settle into his tummy. You noticed Peters face and interlocked your hands.
“It doesn’t have to be.” You piped up. “We could come back and do this every year. On this exact date.”
Peter stopped sulking when he heard your suggestion. You were already planning ahead for your future. And by some miracle, it included Peter.
“I like that idea.” He told you. “I’m not planning on leaving New York. Mr. Stark said I could work for him during and after college so I’ll be around. Where will you be?”
“I’m not sure.” You answered. “Anywhere but here, hopefully. I want to go somewhere where not one person knows me. I just don’t know where that is yet.”
“Well what about that Harvard application on your kitchen table, says your friendly neighborhood stalker?” Peter quipped.
“I don’t know, it’s a long shot.” You shrugged it off. “I probably won’t even apply.”
“I think you should.” Peter encouraged. “They’d be lucky to have you.”
“Maybe.” You smiled softly at him.
“Guys, what does GYHAHN mean? My mom just texted that.” Ned asked in a panic as he looked up from his phone.
“No idea.” Peter shook his head as he rubbed soft circles into your hand with his thumb.
“Get your Hawaiian ass home now.” You translated and got puzzled looks from Ned and Peter. “What? I speak angry mom.”
“How’d you know she meant Hawaiian?” Peter wondered.
“I took an educated guess.” You replied. “Why does she need you home?”
“YGFL?” He read the follow up text out loud.
“You’re grounded for life. Here.” You handed him one of the daises from your bouquet. “Give her this and tell her you were helping Peter carry his giant science fair trophy home.” And tell her you appreciate her waiting.”
“Okay. Me appreciate.” Ned nodded. His face faltered when he realized what he said. “Why does this always happen? Bye guys. And congratulations Peter.”
Ned picked up his bag and did an elaborate handshake with Peter before leaving. You fell into a comfortable silence with Peter following Neds absence.
“I hope you don’t mind that I spared a daisy.” You said as you scooted closer to Peter.
“It’s okay.” He smiled. “Thanks for helping him. I promise he’s cool when he uses full sentences.”
“I’ll have to take your word for it.” You chuckled. “I still like hanging out with you guys. Even if you made me eat that sandwich.”
“Hey, you wanted to come.” He reminded you when you insulted the sandwich. You smiled softly and looked down at your intertwined hands. “Are you really not going to apply to Harvard?”
“I mean, yeah it’s my dream but what if that’s all it is? Just a dream that isn’t supposed to come true.” You shook your head. “As long as I can start over somewhere, I think I’ll be okay.”
“Well I hope you change your mind an apply.” Peter told you.
“Peter?” You said after a beat of silence.
“Today was the most fun I’ve ever had in high school.” You told him honestly. A grin broke out on his face when he realized the same could be said for him.
“I thought you were a party girl. Are the popular kids really that bad?” He teased you. He thought it would make you laugh, but it caused a sad expression to cloud your face.
“Do you want the truth?” You asked quietly.
“You can tell me.” He leaned forward when he saw how vulnerable you looked.
“It’s like they’re not even people. They’re all just a collage of different personas they put on so people like them. And they need people to like them. It’s like an addiction. And yeah, people like me but, but what if I don’t like me?” Your voice broke as you looked to Peter for answers he didn’t have. “What if they’re following around a leader who isn’t all that great?”
“It doesn’t have to be such a bad thing. They follow you because they like you.” He tried to make you feel better but you shook your head.
“They don’t even know me.” You said in exasperation. “I haven’t been myself for one second in that building. I was too busy trying to please everyone. And for what? Once high school is over and we all get out of here, what will it have been for?”
“I don’t think people are thinking that far ahead. I think they just want to be the center of attention in a given moment.” Peter reasoned.
“But that’s not what I want. I want weird, kinda unsanitary traditions with friends and people to talk to when I’m sad.” You laughed sadly. “I want people who notice when I’m missing. I want- I want…”
“What?” He asked.
“I want to be loved.” You confessed. “You and Ned love each other so much. Any idiot can see that. No one loves me like that.”
“But you have all those friends.” He wondered.
“I have followers.” You corrected him. “I don’t have any friends.”
“As far as I’m concerned, you have two and a half friends.” Peter tilted your chin up so you had to look at him and your eyebrows knit together in confusion.
“Ned isn’t a full person yet but he’s so close.” Peter explained and you laughed spritely.
“This is why I can’t wait for college.” You sighed. “I can start over and finally be myself.”
“At Harvard?” He smirked.
“I would never get into Harvard.” You laughed softly.
Peter let go of your face, content that he had made you smile until he remembered something you had said.
“What did you mean before when you said you didn’t like you?” He asked and your smiled faded. You took your hand out of his and picked at your nail polish nervously.
“I know you think it’s hard to be you, but it’s hard to be me too. I wake up every day terrified that people are gonna realize I’m nothing special.” You looked up at him with watery eyes. “Everyone wants something from me and they don’t even know why. And I’m scared that once they really think about it, they’ll realize I’m not good enough. That I’m a fraud. I feel like I can’t breathe.”
“You can breathe with me. It’s okay, daisy.” He pulled you into hug and rubbed your back as you nuzzled into his neck.
“It’s so much pressure. They want me to be this perfect, happy girl but I’m not.” You sniffled. “It’s so hard to look at yourself and not be able to find anything you like. I threw myself into planning the dance but when the planning was done I was left empty. I thought I was going to lose my mind and then…”
“What?” He pulled away a little to look at you.
“I saw Flash picking on you in the hallway.” You smiled. “And I made a split second decision to pretend to be your girlfriend.”
“I knew you didn’t think it through.” He chuckled as you confirmed his suspicion.
“Maybe not, but,” you shrugged, “four years of high school and I finally found someone I actively want to be around. I wish I started pretending to be your girlfriend freshman year. I would’ve been so much happier if I had.”
“Let’s go to that party tonight.” He said suddenly. “The one that girl was talking about. You seem like you need a party.”
“We don’t have to. I know you’re not really a party person.” You scrunched your nose.
“Well I can’t know I’m not a party person until I actually go to a party.” Peter pointed out. You pulled away from Peter and took both his hands in hours.
“Peter Parker, would you be my date to the party?” You proposed.
“Daisy, I’d be honored.”
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@a-villain-vying-for-attention​ @wendaiii​ @dorbiksbitch​ @t-monosapiens-h​ @badhollandfluff​ @silteplaittais-toi​ @thisisthebiplace​​ @seasidecrowbar​​ @spideygirl2003​ @5-seconds-of-mendes​ @bitchylittleredhead​ @oh-whatabeautiful-parker​ @everydaymj​ @write-from-the-heart​ @blackpetalsmeandeath​ @electraheart-3174​ @shawni-h​ @peterparkoure​ @sleepythighsweat​ @steebbb​ @traveleraroundsworld​ @averyfosterthoughts​ @bralessandflawless @viwihere @eridanuswave @the-greatt-perhaps @spidey-lillies
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mandoalorian · 4 years
Hi 👋 hope your staying safe! Can I request something with Santi, please? Could you write something where Santi and reader used to be friends as kids, Santi having looked out for reader when she was picked on or if she fell over at school, but then after he graduated they lost contact until years later reader reaches out to him randomly and they reunite, maybe fall in love??
Sorry if it's strange, I'm going through something similar but I'm trying to get the guts to reach out to the guy, it's nerve wracking!! 😳😨 Maybe reading something will give me a boost 😂
Tinder [Santiago Garcia x F!Reader]
Word count: 1,700
Rating: 18+ I guess? I don’t know. Nothing explicit, it’s just Tinder is an 18+ app.
Warnings: food mention, tinder mention, allusions to sex
Tinder. It was so tedious. An app that had gained it’s reputation for being nothing more than a “hookup app” or even a “sex app”. It was associated with superficiality and laced with sexual innuendos. It was the app that had been accused of igniting modern day hookup culture. It was the app that Santiago Garcia frequented every damn day. The man even paid a premium! It was a quick and easy way for him to meet girls for drinks and a quick fuck. It’s all a man like Santiago had time for. Falling in love wasn’t an option for him. It was something he’d never considered until Games Night last week. 
Once upon a time, Will’s small living room was just filled with him, Santiago, Frankie, Benny and Tom, but the head count had grown extensively over the past few years. Tom had reconciled with Molly, Yovanna and Benny had something going on, and now even Frankie was engaged to the blonde haired, blue eyed girl who sat quietly in the corner sipping tea and doodling in her sketchbook. 
Santiago didn’t mind the girls. In fact, he actually enjoyed their company, but their presence only had him yearn for something more. He’d never been one to think about settling down or starting a family of his own, but he felt an indirect pressure. Maybe trying out one long term relationship wouldn’t be so bad after all? But he was so used to his flings. How was he ever going to grow out of his commitment issues and find someone he could really connect with.
Truthfully, he’d already found her, about fifteen years ago.
You and Santiago Garcia were the best of friends. You used to do everything together; walking home from school hand in hand, singing and dancing when you thought no one was around, playing LEGO and building up jigsaw’s. He was your soulmate, in every sense of the word. But you can’t stay young forever and eventually Santiago left your small neighbourly town to join the military. And you never saw him again.
Which is why it was a surprise when you, half asleep at 2 am, and drooling on your pillow, lazily swiped right on his profile. You weren’t even paying attention. Just another tanned skin man with dark brown hair and chocolate eyes. It was a haze, and your desperation to move on from your ex boyfriend had you yearning to meet someone new. You groaned tiredly, deciding you were never going to find someone as good as your ex, switched your phone off and shoved it under your pillow before finally getting some sleep.
At around 3 am, Santiago still wasn’t asleep, thanks to his roommate Frankie and his fiancée keeping probably the whole apartment complex awake. He pulled out his phone from his nightstand and checked Tinder. That’s when he saw you. Before even checking your name, he could tell it was you by that familiar sparkle in your eyes, and the way your perfect lips curled into a smile. It might have been fifteen years since he’d last seen you, but just looking at your photo made it feel like yesterday. He couldn’t contain his wide grin as he flicked through your photos. You looked just as beautiful as ever, and Santiago recalled the crush he had on you when you were both kids. He wondered how come you hadn't settled down already. He knew you always dreamed of getting married and having kids, with a big house and a big dog. So why were you on Tinder?
In a simple spur of the moment, Santiago swiped right.
‘It’s a match!’ the words blew up on Santiago’s screen and illuminated the dark bedroom. Streamers and confetti exploded around your photo; the typical thing that always happened when he matched with women on Tinder, only now it actually felt like celebrating. This meant that you must’ve swiped right on him too. 
You spent the morning the same way you always did, laying in bed and checking the notifications on your different social media. Just before you were about to get up, you remembered how you’d impulsively installed Tinder the night before and, on a whim, you opened the app to see if you had matched with anyone.
You scrolled through the eight matches you’d gained through the night, frowning and twisting your face in disgust at some of the profiles. You really hadn’t been paying attention to who you were swiping.
Your eyes went comically wide when you read the name at the end of the list.
‘You have matched with: Santiago Garcia! Say hi!’
It was like time had frozen and you read the words over and over again. Santiago Garcia. Santiago Garcia. Santiago Garcia. You wondered how many Santiago Garcia’s lived in New York City - or more specifically, only three miles away?!
You hammered your thumb into your screen to view his profile and you were blown away as you went through his photos. That was definitely him. That was definitely your childhood best friend. Although his hair was once dark and curly, it was now short and slightly salt and peppered. He had a slight graze of facial hair in all of his photos, and in most of them, he was seen to be hanging out with a bunch of other guys. Wait- was that Francisco Morales too? They were still friends?
You were so nervous to say something. Truthfully, if you had come across his profile at any other moment where you weren’t half asleep, and hopelessly desperate for love, your fear would’ve stopped you from swiping right. You’d been in love with Santiago since pre-school. It had been over a decade but you still thought about him every single day and cherished those long lost moments you spent together. 
But the reality was, that he’d swiped right on you too. He was interested in you as well! Which had to count for something. You took a deep breath and typed out the words “Hello :)” before quickly turning your phone off and throwing it across your bedroom. 
You sat bolt upright in your bed for a few moments, contemplating what you had done. You told yourself it would be okay and asked yourself what was the worst that could happen. You sighed and forced yourself out of bed to get ready for the day ahead.
Turning off your phone was a good idea because you’d actually forgotten about messaging Santiago until about lunch time. You flicked through the television channels, holding a lazily put together sandwich in your free hand, and landed on a dating game show. You considered applying, thinking about how fun it might be, when you remembered you might already have a shot with someone else. Santiago. You dropped your sandwich on the coffee table in a frenzy, ran to your bedroom and turned on your phone. The painful minute it took to completely boot up sent butterflies rampant in the pit of your stomach.
Santiago: Hey! How you doing? I gotta say I was really surprised to see that we matched last night. It’s been a long time!
Oh my god. He’d replied. He’d replied three hours ago and you hadn’t said anything back. Shit. You wondered if you had already blown your chances, but little did you know, Santiago had been holding out for a message from you for a long time.
You: Right...almost fifteen years, I think! I’m okay. How are you?
You pressed send and took a deep breath. It was okay. Just casual small talk. It would be okay. You slid your phone into your pocket and went back to eat your sandwich. No matter how hard you tried to focus on the game show, you just couldn’t stop thinking about Santiago.
“Santi! You got a new message!” Frankie called from the other room, taking a huge, messy bite out of a candy bar and picking up his phone.
“Frankie! I’m literally on the toilet… can it wait?” Santiago cried, face palming and chuckling incredulously. Living with his best friend for five long years meant that Santiago had become accustomed to interactions like this.
“No, I don’t think so,” Frankie mumbled, knotting his eyebrows together as he read the notification that had popped up on the screen. “Hey, are you talking to Y/N L/N from high school?”
“Wh- what?” Santiago asked, feeling his cheeks flush.
“Oh my God you are!” Frankie gasped excitedly, typing in his friend’s passcode for his phone and getting inside. “On Tinder!”
Santiago finished up washing his hands and walked out the bathroom, an unamused scowl drawn upon his lips. Frankie swallowed at his best friend’s expression.
“This has to stop,” Santiago warned, taking his phone from Frankie’s hand. “I love you buddy, I really do. But you’re getting married next Summer. You can’t keep trying to talk to me while I’m on the toilet!” 
Frankie laughed and rolled his eyes before getting back to his video game. 
Santiago was shocked to be reminded that you had remembered exactly how long it had been since you last saw each other. He began to compose his next message. You practically screamed when you felt your phone vibrate at the notification.
Santiago: I’m well, thanks for asking. Would you be interested in meeting up sometime for a few drinks? I’d love to catch up.
Drinks. A catch up. It sounded perfect. You already found your mind racing as you wondered what to wear.
You: That sounds great!
Santiago’s reply came fleetingly.
Santiago: Are you free tonight? X
Tonight was so soon… but you were free, and it felt like you’d been waiting forever to reunite with your childhood crush. And he felt the same way. It was so exciting for both of you.
You: Tonight sounds great. See you then :) x 
You and Santiago spent the rest of the day in anticipation to see one another. You didn’t know then, but the accidental Tinder encounter turned out to be the long lasting and perfect relationship both you and Santiago craved. The soulmates were reunited at last.
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regrettablewritings · 3 years
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I dare . . . to Dew both 😎 . . . Oh wait that sounds bad especially considering the image I chose --
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Who the fuck put the Peeps in the microwave?: Oh come on, you know exactly who did it. . . .  Okay, technically, it was a team effort with you egging Dewey on. The man was a bottomless pit that seemed to derive amusement from your horror at what he’d be willing to consume. A stale pack of Peeps found at the back of a shelf at the bodega was far from being an exception. But if this bozo was about to profit off of your disgust, you were at least going to have fun with it. Warm marshmallows? Fine. Good, even. Warm Peeps? Evil. Cursed. You both knew this. But Dewey had a reputation to uphold . . . Besides, maybe if he squinted at the pulsating, gooey mass, it could look like . . . Fuck, he didn’t know, something actually edible? Suffice to say, Dewey wound up spending the next few hours curled up on his side on the couch. You weren’t sure if the ordeal was necessarily that bad, but given the slips of anguish that crossed your boyfriend’s face as he attempted to scarf down the sticky blob, you weren’t quite ready to completely dismiss it.
Who forgot to put the cat outside before sex?: Luckily for you, you don’t have a cat~ It’s Dewey. Baby boy just gets lost in the kissing/caressing sauce. It takes a few times but eventually, even photos or action figures nearby have to go face-down before anyone takes a trip to Pound Town.
Who posts Vines/TikToks of the other doing embarrassing shit?: You do, mainly because while also being his significant other, you double as his social media expert. The job of attending and recording his rehearsals and shows both with and outside of SoR falls on your capable shoulders, and sometimes that means you wind up getting golden footage of Dewey doing a split gone wrong, or pushing his ancient twenty-something-year-old body too hard and releasing an almost death metal-like croak in response. And by sometimes, I mean often. At first, it frustrated him that you went on to pose these things -- he wants to look cool, dammit! -- but the comedy gained him enough traffic to also grab some new followers. Even the view counts on his actual songs went up! . . . Okay, yeah, maybe you’re more than just capable of being his social media expert. Good job, babe.
Who breaks the most phones: Sometimes, Dewey forgets his phone in his bands or hoodie. He only remembers it all too late when he makes a leap on stage and sends that bitch soaring. Other times, it’s because he’s zoused and it slams to the concrete outside of the bar. In a puddle.
Who dies first: . . . I mean . . .
Which one I could see as being lactose intolerant: Neither party, really. Though I feel like if Dewey were, he’d think it was “rock-n-roll” to completely disregard that and keep horking down the cheese-sprinkled meatball subs from the deli and chase it down with a milkshake. As far as he’s concerned, lactose intolerance is just The Man to his body, telling it what it can and can’t digest. Stick it to The Milk Man! 🤘😤
Who thinks they can do something really well even though they can’t: Oof. Well, without getting into the psychology of Dewey Finn, I think it’s safe to say that deep down, Dewey is a rather insecure guy who’s at least somewhat aware of his shortcomings. There’s a good chance that he covers most of that with a sort of confidence that he has to believe in, otherwise it means everybody who ever doubted him was right. So in a way, I think he’s at least somewhat aware that stardom -- or, at least, stardom the way he always imagined he’d experience it -- just isn’t for him. He’s a very talented musician, that can’t be denied, but being a Rock God just isn’t in the cards for him. At least, not in the way he spent all those years focusing on. His immaturity and tendency to showboat make that job proposition even further than what it probably could be if he had a bit more going for him, humility and awareness-wise. That being said, Dewey is The Heart of his projects, and has a skill in leadership that he’s only just recently become aware of thanks to interacting with the kids of Horace Green. That is where his focus needs to be for the time being. And it’s through honing those skills in, and doing some maturing, that he stands a better chance at paving his own way to becoming a musician of some fame.
Who is more likely to get kicked out of bed: Both of you, but for different reasons. With you, it’s more literal: Dewey is an active sleeper, and sometimes those dramatic routines from his fantasies of partying atop Mount Rock integrate themselves into his dreams. If you’re lucky, you just wind up with his arm flopping onto your face. But on particularly excitable nights, you wind up with his foot turning your lower back and legs into a stage upon which he gleefully stomps some vague rhythm. If you haven’t made it out of bed by then to just move yourself to the couch, then it’s already too late and you’ll son find yourself slamming to the actual floor. (And God, Odin, and the rest of the Mount Rock’s inhabitants help you if Dewey left some Legos on the floor.) In Dewey’s case, it’s because he’s still awake but trying not to be -- and failing at it. He tries to listen to music but even if the playlist starts off soft and relaxing, it inevitably turns into him singing and air-guitaring or air-strumming along while his mouthing of the words turn into whispers before eventually just becoming full-on singing. What had started off with “I Don’t Want to Miss a Thing” transforms into “Highway to Hell”, which sends him packing on a highway to the couch so you can catch some shut eye.
Who uses the computer the most?: Given that Dewey is an instructor and keeps working on music even outside of SoR, he always needs technology in his reach. But at the end of the day, what with the technicality of smart phones being miniature computers, you both are pretty even.
One again, thank you for participating and I hope the week turns out better!!!
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peachhcs · 4 years
pairing: peter parker x fem!oc 
summary: peter's on edge, saimi's upset, and ned is just..ned. when peter decides to go after a couple of guys robbing a bank one night, he's faced with the consequences when he gets hurt and has to give up his secret to his two best friends
word count: 4.3k +
warnings: a little angst but mostly teenagers just trying to find their way in this big ol’ world
I’m really excited for the first chapter! I hope y’all enjoy it!!! 
Remember; add yourself to THIS taglist for any posts relating to this series and more extras coming soon!! 
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Chapter 1
saimi spots peter coming in from the corner of her eye. the teenager smirks slightly, telling her friend she'd catch her later before hurrying towards peter. saimi went for his back, clinging onto his neck as she jumped onto him. peter yelped—surprised and not expecting it. saimi giggles, nuzzling his head with her fist.
"what are you doing? get off of me." peter laughs, instinctively catching her anyway because that's what he did.
"hey penis parker." saimi emphasized on the horrible nickname flash gave peter freshman year that just seemed to stick. peter crinkled his nose, absolutely hating that nickname with such a burning passion.
"shut up." peter rolled his eyes while saimi snickered. she loved using it just for fun and so did ned���but obviously if anyone else called peter that, they'd be at their throats in a heartbeat.
saimi stayed attached to peter's back as he walked to his locker; she ignored the longing looks people were giving them. something peter has always admired about his best friend, she never let people's opinions get to her — and she was like kind of popular, but that wasn't really the point anyway. peter finally let her go as he needed to use both hands to put his locker combination in. saimi went to lean against the side of the lockers, her eyes scanning over people passing in the hallway.
"so guess what," a bright smile sat on saimi's face while she turned her attention to her best friend again. peter couldn't help in smiling back, loving the way her mouth curled up into a smile like that.
"go on,"
"ned got the new lego death star set." saimi finished, smiling even wider. peter's eyes widened as well, disbelief written all over his face.
"no way, seriously? how many pieces?" peter questioned as he removed some textbooks from his backpack, careful not to reveal the red and blue suit at the bottom.
"4,016 pieces. you wanna see it?" saimi was already pulling out her phone before peter could respond. she hurriedly scrolled through her phone before landing on the picture ned sent her last night. she passed peter her phone.
"woah, even from the picture it looks impressive." peter commented, examining the box that ned was holding up in the picture. a large smile was on ned's face and peter couldn't wait to see it in person.
"i know right. you and ned are coming over tonight to my place so we can all build it. i can't believe i'm saying this, but i'm actually excited to build it." saimi pushed a strand of hair behind her ear, her brunette waves bouncing just below her shoulders. peter laughed at saimi's comment, but his smile was quick to fade when he remembered the stark internship.
"wait, i can't. i have the stark internship, remember?" peter hated lying, especially when it was to his best friends— but he could not tell them about what the stark internship really was. saimi's face fell, her smile turning into a frown and peter absolutely hated that.
"seriously? can't you just skip just for tonight?" saimi begged and it physically hurt peter to see it. when saimi read his expression, she knew he wasn't going to change his mind. she frowned again.
"i'm sorry, but i can't just blow mr. stark off, you know that. he's like a really powerful person and i really don't want to be on his bad side." peter argued his side—kind of unexpected that saimi was complaining about this now when peter's had this "internship" for two months now.
saimi grumbled, knowing all too well, but that was a conversation for another time. one she wasn't quite ready to talk about in a school hallway on a friday morning. peter couldn't quite read his best friend's expression, but he knew she was disappointed.
"i can try and swing by later if it's not too late?" peter suggested, trying to make up for his absence. it was something he hadn't really noticed, but saimi and ned have—mostly saimi—peter had been growing quite distant from them lately and he didn't mean to. it just kind of happened because he was busy being spider-man and trying to keep queens safe.
"no, don't worry about it. it's fine." the spark and excitement that was in saimi's voice was now gone. she pushed off of the lockers, walking away from peter. she shouldn't blame peter, she couldn't really. it was her dad's fault after all—actually her fault—she was the one who led her dad to peter.
"wait, saimi—" peter hurried to close his locker and catch up with the girl. he hated when she was upset, especially if it was his fault. the curly-headed boy tugged on saimi's arm, making her stop for a brief moment.
"i'm sorry, really i am. i promise i'll make it up to you guys soon." peter tried to apologize. however, saimi crossed her arms and a new, angry, expression sat on her face. peter didn't like when she was angry.
"i'm pretty sure that's the 50th time you've said that and it hasn't happened." saimi's tone was now bitter and peter couldn't really blame her. he frowns, scratching the back of his head.
"i promise i'll do it this time. the stark internship just keeps me really busy.." peter tries not to cringe at his bad lie. saimi clenches her jaw and tries to keep from rolling her eyes.
"i know how this much means to you, peter, but try not to let yourself fall in too deep. there's a lot of things you don't know about mr. stark." saimi turns on her heel and walks the other way without another word. peter was left there to wallow in his thoughts. what did that mean? don't fall in too deep.
"peter! there you are!" peter turns his head and spots ned coming down the hallway. peter smiles, walking towards him to meet in the middle.
"hey man. what's up?' peter chuckles, fist bumping ned like always. it was something they always did—like their thing or whatever you wanted to call it.
"did you get my photo last night? i got the new lego death star set and it's awesome. you and me are heading to saimi's after school to build it." ned smiles widely and proudly. peter chuckles but then grimaces at the fact that he never checked his phone last night after returning home from patrol. he ended up passing right out because it was so late and he was just so tired.
"i didn't look but saimi showed me the picture you sent her. it looks really awesome." peter smiles, enjoying the way ned was so excited about his lego set. he really didn't want to break the disappointing news to ned, but what other choice did peter have? he just hoped he wouldn't have two friends mad at him the whole weekend.
"it is really awesome. you're gonna be doing double takes." ned laughs and peter laughs too, but his smile quickly fades.
"hey, so i actually can't make it tonight. i've got the whole stark internship." peter watches ned's face for a reaction. he practically holds his breath — afraid of how ned was going to react.
"seriously? alright, saimi and i will just build it without you." ned tsks and he seems to be okay with it, but peter can't really tell. peter squints at his friend, trying to read his expression more clearly.
"are you sure you're okay? you're not mad?" peter questions, really digging for a detailed answer. ned shrugs slightly.
"i'm disappointed, but i understand." ned shrugs again and peter frowns. he wasn't sure if he liked that or saimi's reaction better. telling someone you're disappointed in them is even worse than telling them you're mad. it's like a double blow.
"saimi got pretty upset. i feel bad, i do, i just can't disappoint mr. stark, you know?" peter rambles on to argue his point. he couldn't disappoint queens was the truth. if something happened out there and he couldn't save them, peter wouldn't forgive himself.
"yeah, i get it man. saimi's feelings are understandable, but we just wanna spend more time with you, you know?" ned wasn't really one to get overly upset at things. he just acknowledged it and then moved on. peter wished he was like that, but he cared too much about others to just move on like ned does.
"yeah, i know and i'm trying really hard. this stark internship could get me places though." peter says and ned nods in more understanding. the shorter boy pats peter's shoulder in comfort.
"i know. i'll talk to saimi for you if it helps." ned suggests and peter nods. at least ned wasn't mad, but it still hurt peter that saimi was upset and he was the cause. she was his best friend and having your best friend upset at you is a bad feeling—also peter had a fat crush on her but that was completely irrelevant. she was way out of his league anyway.
"okay, thanks. i'll catch you later." peter holds his fist out for a fist bump. ned bumps it like usual and the two part ways to their first period.
saimi taps her fingers against her desk while scribbling in some notes that were on the board. she makes eye contact with ned when he comes in. the two exchange a warm smile as ned takes his seat beside her.
"hey, i'm so excited to build that lego death star tonight." ned smiles and saimi smiles at his excitement. she forgets about her notes for a moment, turning to ned to give him her full attention.
"i know me too, which is surprising because i've never been excited to build legos before." saimi chuckles, thinking how her dad never bought her things like legos when she was younger. it was more like she got mechanical tools for her birthdays and christmas and her dad showed her how to use them.
"peter told me he couldn't make it." ned brings it up first and saimi side eyes him. she scoffs, looking back at her notes. saimi has always been an understanding and a very easy-going person, but this was something she was having a hard time understanding for different reasons.
"saimi your feelings are valid, but peter hasn't had something like this before. your dad is the closest thing peter's had to some sort of "father figure" besides his uncle ben." ned tries to reason with saimi. the girl sighs, she places her pencil down to look back at ned.
"i know, but it just feels like he's taking peter away from us. i mean, you guys haven't seen my dad like i have. he's not an easy-going person like i am." saimi eyes ned and he nods in understanding. even though saimi's known peter longer and has been closer with peter, ned knows her biggest secret that not even peter knows. technically, ned wasn't even supposed to know either, but the boy came to her apartment unannounced one night and things went from there.
"just go easy on him, alright? give him this one thing." ned's voice softens. saimi nods, essentially giving in, her features soften. she wants peter to be happy and she can't stand in the way of something he's really passionate about. she won't stand in the way of something peter's passionate about.
"i hate how you're always right." saimi teases, narrowing her eyes at ned. the boy smiles brightly, taking saimi's comment as a compliment.
"i love it. it's something i'm finally better at than both of you." ned snickers and saimi rolls her eyes. her and peter were considered "the smartest" in their grade, which saimi didn't think so for her at least— peter and ned, especially peter, would argue otherwise.
"whatever, enjoy it while it lasts." saimi snickers and turns back to her notes. the two exchange a smile before settling in for class.
saimi lifts her phone to her ear, settling in on one of the stools by the counter. she impatiently taps her fingers along the marble, hoping her dad was going to pick up. he was known for never answering his phone; actually he only answered for pepper now.
surprisingly, the phone clicked on the other end. saimi perked up, straightening herself up in her seat. you could say the relationship she had with her father was touch and go.
"hey, kid. what's up? why are you calling? i've got a meeting soon." tony spoke fast and it sounded like he was multitasking and in a rush.
"hey dad. i just wanted to talk to you about something.." saimi bit her lip as she listened to whatever her dad was doing on the other end. the background noise seemed to stop and there was a sound of a door closing.
"okay, what's up?" tony's tone shifted from fast paced to slowed down and a little bit concerned.
"it's about..peter." saimi started and she heard her dad go silent for a moment.
"what about him?"
"dad, he's looking for your approval and you aren't giving it to him. he's waiting for a call from you..i feel like he's gonna fall in too deep before he knows how to get out." saimi shifts on her stool. she loved peter—as a friend—and saimi will always support what he wants to do, but she doesn't want to see her best friend lose himself in becoming too obsessed with being spider-man and trying to save the world, or queens.
"you know i said the same thing to you when you joined the team. you were like him, too." tony says and saimi falls silent. she didn't know what to say to that.
"well didn't you kind of force me to join the team because you were in a losing battle with captain america?" it was a low blow to say, but saimi's relationship with her father was rocky. it always has been since her mom died.
"saimi, i know you're worried about him, but trust me on this one. we both know what he can do and how capable he is of keeping himself safe. i wouldn't have recruited him if i thought otherwise. plus, why do you think i still have the training wheels protocol on his suit?" saimi bites back a laugh at that last part. she sighs, picking at her sweater to busy her mind.
"laney and joe are out tonight?" her dad shifts the subject. saimi nods, even know he couldn't see her but the camera could.
"yeah. ned's coming over later so we can build a lego death star." saimi chuckles, smiling at the thought. her dad chuckles too.
"a lego death star?"
"yeah, it's actually really cool. i'm kind of excited to build it." saimi smiles. she glances around the empty kitchen, partly wishing her dad was standing right in front of her to have this conversation and not like fifty miles away upstate—it was the price she had to pay though if she wanted to stay out of the public eye and her dad's tabloids.
"well, i'll have the cameras on and i'll check in here and there to make sure you guys are doing okay. don't get into any trouble and don't answer the door to strangers." tony drills his daughter on the usual safety protocols. saimi rolls her eyes playfully, nodding because she's heard those words a million times before.
"i know, i know. thanks for picking up the phone this time." it was another low blow, saimi knew that, but it was true. she hears her dad sigh at that.
"have a nice night, okay? i love you saimi."
"i love you too, dad. have a good meeting." saimi ends the call and she takes in a deep breath, slowing letting it out.
the knock on the door pulled saimi out of her thoughts. she glanced at her watch, ned was early. he was probably too excited to wait. saimi chuckles at the thought and heads to the door. she pulls it open and sure enough, it was ned with the box in hand, backpack, and a grocery bag of snacks.
"are you ready to build a lego death star?!" ned exclaims and saimi smiles widely. she nods her head furiously, letting ned in.
"i know i said i'd be by later, but i just couldn't wait. i've been staring at the box since it came in." ned exasperated and saimi laughs. she shakes her head to tell him it wasn't a problem.
"well we better get started if we wanna finish it by midnight, and knowing us, it'll definitely take us until midnight to build this thing." saimi laughs. ned smiles and hurries to the living room. saimi locks the door, out of habit looking to her right where peter would usually be and they would exchange a glance at ned's antics. she frowned a little when he wasn't there.
ned's words were pounding in the back of her head, "just give him this." saimi glanced at her phone on the counter, thinking about the conversation she just had with her dad.
"saimi, come on! don't leave me in anticipation!" ned called from the living room, breaking saimi from her thoughts. the girl laughed before hurrying towards the living room to start building the lego death star.
"ned, look at the book! the bigger gray piece goes here!" saimi points to the little diagram in the pamphlet. ned squints his eyes, swiping the book from saimi's hand to look at it.
"no it doesn't. that's a different gray piece." ned argues but saimi shakes her head. she swipes the book back from him, staring at the diagram again.
"nope, it's this gray piece. see?" saimi shoves the page back into ned's face. she watches him stare at it for a moment before slowing nodding.
"you know what, you're right." ned says in defeat and saimi rolls her eyes. she grabs the gray piece she was talking about and snaps it onto the base.
"they should've made them different colors. it would make this a whole lot easier." ned huffed and saimi bit back a laugh. it was around 9:30pm and the two still had over a thousand pieces to go. they were spread all over the floor in piles and they were maybe..less than halfway done.
"well then wouldn't that defeat the whole purpose of it being a lego death star?" saimi questions, looking at he next page. ned waves her off in annoyance and saimi smirks.
suddenly, there was a rather loud bang on the balcony doors making both saimi and ned jump in surprise. saimi whipped her head towards the door and she saw the outline of a person standing on the other side.
"holy shit, what the fuck is that?" ned grabbed onto saimi's arm. saimi squinted for a moment and in the dim reflection of the light, she could make out a blue and red suit on the other side.
"wait.." saimi rids her arm of ned's and stands up. she slowly approaches the door, tilting her head slightly.
"saimi..i wouldn't do that if i were you." ned calls out to her but saimi waves him off. she goes for the door and quickly pulls it open. the person on the other side falls into her arms, making both of them stumble back slightly.
ned gasps and saimi blinks in surprise. she could smell a very familiar cologne sent coming off of them and saimi knew who it was under the mask—although she's always known.
"s-spider-man?" ned stutters from behind the two. saimi carefully pushes peter off of her, steadying him. she watches as he hesitantly lifts his mask up, revealing his curly brown hair. ned gasps, again. saimi pretends to act surprised.
"peter?!" ned exclaims and peter sheepishly looks between his two best friends. this was definitely not the way he wanted them to find out his secret.
"hey guys.." peter gives a small awkward wave. he looks down, ashamed for lying to them for this long.
"well, it's about time you told us." saimi wasn't going to give herself away, not yet anyways. she couldn't deny or pretend like she didn't know, but she's not ready to tell the full truth yet. peter's head pops up in complete surprise.
"wait..you knew?" peter eyes saimi as she goes to close the balcony door. the girl nods, pursing her lips together.
"it's kind of obvious." saimi winks at him. peter's eyes widen in surprise—is that what she meant this morning by don't fall in too deep?
"i-i think i need some air." ned breathes before hurrying to the front door. he steps out for a moment and saimi turns back to peter. she raises her eyebrow, knowing he had to have come here for a reason if he was here in his spider-man suit.
"are you okay? what happened?" saimi questions, already seeing the gash on his forehead.
"these guys attacked me at the bank. they were trying to rob it and i tried stopping them, but they had these weird weapons that..were more powerful than i was." peter explains and saimi raises her eyebrow. weird weapons?
"what kind of weird weapons?" saimi leads peter to the bathroom where she could clean him up. she sits him down on the toilet seat while looking for some rubbing alcohol and a bandaid.
"i don't know..they were different than like guns and stuff. they could like blast fire or something?" peter eyes saimi. she meets his gaze and raises her eyebrow—she should definitely talk to her dad about that. peter admires how pretty saimi looked despite being under the poor lighting of the apartment.
"h-how did you figure it out? have you known all this time?" peter shifts the subject. saimi bites her lip, trying to figure out what she could tell him and what she couldn't yet—what she didn't want to tell him yet.
"pretty much. i'm your best friend, peter. you think i wouldn't find this stuff out?" saimi chuckles. she examines his cut, deciding it wasn't deep enough to need stitches. peter gazes into her eyes for a moment, getting lost in them. both of their faces burned from peter's stare. saimi shifted on her feet a little.
"are you mad?"
"no. maybe a little..disappointed that you didn't tell us, but no i'm not mad." saimi rubs the alcohol over his cut. he doesn't wince though because of his heightened senses. peter frowns, getting hit with the disappointed card for the second time today.
"is that what you meant this morning about not falling in too deep? you said that because you knew?" peter questions and saimi glances at him. she looks away for a moment. peter wants to push further because he could tell there was something on her mind, but he knows better and doesn't ask on it.
"sort of. you'll understand..later.." saimi trails off. peter drops the subject for now because if she wanted him to know, she would tell him eventually. saimi moves to put the rubbing alcohol away and puts a bandaid over peter's gash. saimi brushes a hand through peter's hair and gives him a small smile which he returns gratefully.
"i'm sorry i showed up unannounced. i knew i couldn't go to aunt may because she'd definitely flip out if she found out." peter chuckles and so does saimi. they both knew all too well about aunt may and she would definitely freak out.
"it's alright. i'm glad you finally told us though. you may wanna check on ned though." saimi chuckles, glancing at the door where ned went out of. the two get up and saimi digs through some clothes peter left at her apartment for him to change into.
she lets him settle in and collect his thoughts while she goes to check on ned herself. saimi found him leaning against the railing staring down at the stairs.
"hey, you okay?" saimi asks, leaning against the railing too. ned glances at her, giving her a small smile and nodding.
"yeah, sorry. i just had to get some air. i can't believe peter is spider-man. that's honestly so cool." ned chuckles and saimi nods. she had to admit, peter being spider-man was really cool and kind of hot?—wait, no.
"when are you gonna tell him?" ned glances back at saimi after a moment of silence. she didn't need to ask what he was talking about, she already knew. saimi frowns slightly. she was really dreading the day she would have to because she's been keeping this secret much longer than peter's spider-man secret.
"soon, hopefully. i don't know..it's a lot to take in. i mean..let's not forget your reaction." saimi eyes ned and they both exchange a laugh.
"yeah, it is kind of weird. i mean one of my best friends is spider-man and the other is a literal avenger at fifteen years old." ned eyes her and saimi smiles. she picks at her finger nails slightly and ned puts a comforting arm on her shoulder.
"does this mean we can't finish building our lego death star?"
saimi laughs, a genuine one which is something she hasn't done in awhile. ned laughs too and the two stay there for a few more moments just taking everything in.
a new thought was now eating away at saimi's brain though. if more people found out her secret, she has a higher chance of putting them in danger and that was the last thing she wanted. even saimi and ned knowing peter was spider-man put them at a lot of risk now. there were some bad people out there that would do anything to take them out. literally.
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lostintranslaation · 4 years
history always repeats itself
By @wh0doyouthinkyouareiam for @clover-roseee for the @friendly-neighborhood-exchange!
Rating: Gen
Relationships: Peter Parker & Tony Stark, Peter Parker & Ned Leeds, Peter Parker & Morgan Stark (Marvel Cinematic Universe)
Characters: Peter Parker, Tony Stark, Ned Leeds, Morgan Stark (Marvel Cinematic Universe), Pepper Potts
Summary: When Peter gets bitten by a spider at the Stark's lake house, he thinks he's got it all under control. He's gotten through a spider bite once before, right?
(hint: he doesn't quite have it all under control)
Read it on AO3
Peter shrugs his backpack over his shoulder and winces. He’s been busy recently and between trying to finish out his senior year strong and helping with May’s homeless shelter liaison program and spending more time with the Starks, Peter hadn’t had much time to go out on patrol. So yeah, he was out of shape. But was it normal to be this sore?  
“Peter? Can you hear me?” Ned cranes his neck around Peter’s locker. Peter blinks.
“Uh, yeah.” Peter closes his locker. “Sorry, I just zoned out for a minute. What were you saying?” He shoves a knuckle into his eye to counteract the pressure building in his head.
“Have you seen the new Star Wars movies yet, the ones that came out during the blip? I think there’s, like, two, maybe three. They switched the actress for Rey, but I heard they’re pretty good other than that.”
“I haven’t, have you?” Peter pulls his hood over his head as the two of them push open the doors of the school to start their daily walk to the train back to Queens. At least some things never change.
“No. Haven’t gotten the chance yet, y’know? Been a little busy. But,” they stop at the bottom of the stairs, “I got a new Lego set from the latest episode for my birthday last week. I was thinking, if you’re free tonight, we could put it together and binge all the movies that came out while we were gone?”
Peter sighs and leans on the railing. “That sounds like a lot of fun, but I promised Ton- Mister Stark that I would babysit Morgan tonight.”
Ned’s jaw drops. “You call him Tony?” Peter just smiles and looks down. “Are you guys… close? It seems like you’ve been hanging out with the Starks a lot recently. Babysitting tonight, the lake house last weekend…” Peter huffs out a laugh.
“Last weekend was just to help them out. They needed a couple boxes moved in their garage and Pepper called me to help out because Tony’s still… not in moving-boxes condition. But yeah, ever since… you know, he’s been acting different. Nicer, I guess. He’s like, actually wanting to spend time with me, which is a nice change.”
“Well, either way it’s cool.”
“Yeah,” Peter agrees. “Hey, I gotta go. Tony told me to just come to their apartment after school got out.” He starts walking backwards. “But text me about a raincheck for our Star Wars binge, okay?” Ned nods and Peter turns around to start the three-block walk to the Stark’s Manhattan apartment.
It’s chilly out, the kind of cold where fall is fading into winter and the sky is grey and the streets are wet even though it’s been a couple days since it last rained. Peter tries not to focus on the headache building behind his eyes and the stiffness in his neck and hopes that Morgan will be up for a nice, calm movie night or something like that.
Knowing her, she probably won’t be, though. She’ll probably want to play horses or something like that and Peter will have no choice but to trudge around their apartment with her on his back, perfecting her princess wave she’d tried so hard to teach him but couldn’t quite accomplish.
And despite all this, despite the fact that when she gave him the eyes he was physically incapable of telling her ‘no’, he wouldn’t change a thing. He couldn’t change a thing, not even if he wanted to. The first time he’d babysat her, she’d asked for a juice pop and then the next thing he knew it was a couple hours later and they were sitting on the couch watching Sofia the First, three juice pops in. When Pepper and Tony returned, they just offered sympathetic smiles that said that they’d been there before and sent him home with a nice check.
The doorman at the Starks apartment building was nice and Peter sometimes would buy him a coffee if he had a little extra cash when he came over to visit. But today all Peter could do was offer up a weak ‘hi Mister Hudson’ and a tight-lipped smile.
“Hello Mister Parker,” he greets as Peter walks through the doors. “Up to see the Starks?” he asks before pressing the floor number in the elevator. And after not receiving a verbal response, “Rough day at the office?”
Peter sighs and leans back against the cool wall of the elevator as it starts its ascent. He pulls his jacket tighter around himself and tries to suppress a shiver. “I’m just tired. Nothing new,” Peter says. “How are you?”
“I’m doing great. You know, Ava had her baby a coupla days ago.” The man’s wrinkled face splits into a giant smile and Peter can’t help but smile himself.
“Congratulations! How does it feel to be a grandpa?”
“Oh, it’s incredible. She's incredible,” he flips open his creased leather tri-fold wallet to show Peter a photo of a pink squishy baby with giant eyes and a small tuft of dark hair atop her head.
“What’s her name?” The elevator dings and the doors slide open.
“Nina,” the doorman replies, still smiling fondly on the photo in his hands.
Peter claps the man on the back. “She’s beautiful, Mister Hudson. Have a great rest of your day.”
“You too, Peter. Try and get some rest.” The look in the man’s eyes is sincere. Peter smiles and the doors slide shut again.
Peter leans against the wall in the entryway and kicks off his shoes near the door. He closes his eyes and hangs his head, but the moment of solace does not last long before Morgan’s footsteps come pattering down the hallway to greet him.
“Peter!” He kneels down and pulls her into a hug.
“Hi Morgie.”
“Do you wanna have a tea party tonight? Mister Bear is gonna be there.”
“That sounds like a blast.” He straightens back out and immediately doubles back over, an involuntary groan escaping from his lips as his stomach cramps. He sways on his feet and a wave of nausea rises in his throat but he swallows it back down. Clipped footsteps echo down the hall.
“Heya Pete,” Tony rests a hand on the top of Morgan’s head and she squirms out from underneath his touch. “You feeling okay?”
Peter forces his face into a tight smile and straightens back out. “Mmmhmm,” his voice is higher than normal and he clears his throat. “Just peachy.”
“Do you have the keys?” Pepper asks from down the hall and Tony answers back in the affirmative.
“Alright, we gotta get going.” Tony extends an arm to Pepper and she laces hers around. “We shouldn’t be back too late, maybe elevenish. You know the drill. Dinner and bedtime like normal.” Peter nods and tries to ignore the tension building in the back of his neck.
Pepper walks down the hall and slings her purse over her shoulder before kneeling down to give Morgan a peck on the top of her head. “Be good for Peter, okay?”
Morgan nods and beams up at Peter, “We’re having a tea party, right Petey?”
Peter musters up a small smile to return to her. His head is pounding now and he leans against the wall for support. “Yep!”
“Well don’t have too much fun,” Tony shrugs his coat over his shoulders and him and Pepper step into the waiting elevator. They wave as the door closes.
“Bye Mommy! Bye Daddy!” Morgan waves back.
She takes Peter’s hand and looks up at him. “Ready?” Peter nods. The headache is blinding now and he can hardly think straight. The room is spinning and waves of nausea roll over him to the point where he has to rest his hands on his knees until the bout passes.
“You okay?” Morgan rests a hand on Peter’s sleeve and sharp spikes of pain race up his veins towards his neck. He coils away from her touch and ends up on the ground. This can’t be good. He takes a breath and rolls up the sleeve of his sweatshirt. A raised red bump greets him.
The Starks’ garage was a mess. Old bots and other projects that Tony didn’t need anymore littered the floor and boxes of old tools and car parts were stacked up to the windows. At one point, Peter moved a stack of firewood into the house near the hearth. There was a nest of spiders wedged between the logs and Peter swears he saw one bite his arm. But he was sure it was nothing to be worried about. He was Spider-Man, after all. Whatever spider had bitten him, it was sure to be no worry.
But now, as he swallows back the bile rising in his throat and his arm that had been bitten throbbed so deeply he could barely think, he wasn’t so sure.
The skin around the bite was red and swollen but other than that didn’t look too abnormal. Peter rolls down his sleeve and forces his face into a smile. “I’m okay, Morgs.” Her face is unconvinced so he takes her hand with his good arm. “I’m okay.”
“Promise?” She holds out her pinky.
“Promise.” He hooks her pinky around hers and she nods. “Are you hungry? I think we should eat before we have our tea party.”
“Can we have dino nuggets?”
Peter pushes himself up off the floor and takes a moment to catch his breath before responding. “Whatever the princess wants.”
She takes his hand and pulls him towards the kitchen, slower than she normally would, but with all the usual enthusiasm. His feet blunder underneath him and legs float as if disconnected from the rest of his body. A bead of sweat races down his temple and he catches it with the sleeve of his sweatshirt.
In the kitchen, he blows out a shaky breath and digs in the freezer for the chicken nuggets. His chest feels full of tissue paper and he can’t suck in a full breath.
Once the nuggets are in the oven and a glass of juice has been poured for Morgan, Peter searches through the cupboards for some tylenol or ibuprofen or anything really. Once he gets his hands on a bottle of ibuprofen, his shaking hands are barely able to twist the cap off, but once he does, he shakes out a handful of the tiny orange pills and swallows them, chasing them down with a glass of apple juice.
Some time passes and Morgan plays her music and Peter is almost able to take his mind off of the warning buzzing in the back of his neck and the increasingly painful stomach cramps that come and go like a wretched tide.
Once they’ve both eaten, (Morgan more than Peter, for once.) Morgan leads Peter down the hall to her room and shows him to a seat at a table set up with her pink-and-white porcelain tea set and stuffed animals resting in their own chairs in front of their own teacups and saucers.
Morgan picks up the teapot and “pours” the tea for herself and Peter and each of the guests at the table. Peter zones out for a moment, but Morgan must have said something to him because she’s staring at him expectantly.
“Yeah?” Peter blinks. His stomach is full of bricks and it aches like it never has before. He clamps his arms around his middle and breathes as deeply as he is able.
“I said do you want sugar,” Morgan sighs, exasperated.
“I think I’m good.” Peter replies. He can no longer ignore the pain and his sweatshirt is damp with sweat.
Morgan sets the sugar bowl down on the table and rests her forearms on the white tablecloth. “You’re not very fun to play with today.”
Peter looks up and his head pounds. “I’m sorry babe. I just don’t feel very good. Do you want to watch a movie or something?”
Morgan sighs. “I guess. But only if it’s Nemo.”
“Nemo it is. You go get it started and I’ll be right in.”
As Morgan bounces off to the movie room, Peter stumbles into the bathroom, leaving the light off to ease his headache. He rests his head on the cool granite of the bathroom counter and breathes for a moment, working up the courage to fight back the nausea that threatened to cripple him. His heart is racing and so is his mind, trying to match up his symptoms with something, anything that he could remember from his time being a Boy Scout when he was younger and Ben was still around. It almost felt like it might be a black widow bite, but wouldn’t there be fang marks? Or maybe there wouldn’t, Peter doesn’t know.
“Petey? Are you coming?” Morgan’s voice pulls him from his head. He splashes water onto his face and takes small deliberate steps to avoid toppling on his way to the movie room. It’s only a couple rooms down the hall, but still, Peter is sweating and his legs are trembling and he practically collapses down onto the couch when he arrives. Breaths come in labored pulls and his head is swimming in pain.
Morgan orders FRIDAY to start the movie and FRIDAY complies, but Peter has a difficult time focusing on the movie, or anything besides controlling his breathing and not puking all over the rug.
Peter doesn’t know how, but somehow, he was able to make it through the movie and to Morgan’s bedtime. She had fallen asleep on his shoulder and he somehow hadn’t noticed until after the movie had ended.
He moves to wake her and everything hurts. He doesn’t remember feeling this horrible since the first spider bite. Oh no. It couldn’t be happening again, right? No, right. Yeah. It couldn’t happen again. Unless…
“Is it over?” Morgan sits up and rubs the sleep from her eyes.
“It’s over, baby. Time for bed. You should go and use the potty and brush your teeth really quick so we can get you to bed. It’s getting late.”
“I would do that all really quick if I could get a juice pop.”
Peter sighs. “Alright. One juice pop. Then bed.”
“Deal.” She hops up from the couch and bounds toward the kitchen.
Peter leans forward, an involuntary groan escaping from his lips as his stomach cramps again. When he stands, his vision blacks out, and he comes crashing down to the floor.
Tony’s watch buzzes on his real arm. Peter’s photo lights up the display. He pulls his phone from his pocket and picks up the call.
“Hey Pete, how’s it going? Everything alright on the home front?”
“Daddy?” Morgan’s voice is shrill, like it only is when she’s scared.
“Morgan? Are you okay?” This grabs Pepper’s attention and she comes closer to Tony and the two of them walk away from the center of the social circle to the outskirts where they can hear better.
“It’s Peter,” she says. “I think he fell down and now he’s sleeping really hard and I can’t wake him up.” Her voice wavers and Tony’s heart speeds up, fluttering and skipping over beats like they’re nonessential.
“It’s okay Morgie. You did great. Can you tell me where he fell?” Pepper’s eyes are wide and Tony fights to keep his demeanor calm when all he wants to do is freak out.
“In the movie room.”
“Did he hit his head when he fell?”
“I…” Morgan whimpers, “I don’t know.”
“It’s okay babe. No worries. Everything is all good. Mommy and I are going to be home in just a couple minutes, okay? It’s all going to be okay.”
“I’m going to give the phone to Mommy, okay? And we’ll be home really soon.”
He hands the phone to Pepper and they leave the party in a whirlwind of curt goodbyes and squealing tires until they are back at the apartment and running through the lobby, barking inquiries about Peter’s condition at FRIDAY.
When the elevator doors finally open at their penthouse apartment, Tony and Pepper sprint down the hall to the movie room. When they finally get there, Tony’s stomach drops. It’s a sight no parent should ever have to see, one of their kids pale and sweaty and passed out on the floor while the other looks on with tears in her eyes and streaming down her cheeks.
Tony skids across the floor and his knees creak when he droops down close to Peter (he would pay for that later). “Peter? Time to wake up buddy. It’s not bedtime yet.” He cups Peter’s cheek and he can see Pepper ushering Morgan out of the room out of the corner of his eye.
Peter shifts under Tony’s touch and groans. His eyes open, just slightly, and then close again. “Come on buddy. Talk to me. You can do it.”
“T’ny?” Peter breathes. His face is so pale. Way too pale.
“Yep, it’s me buddy. What’s going on?”
“I,” his face scrunches in pain and he lets out a breath, “I dunno.”
“It’s okay bud. No worries. Everything’s gonna be fine. Cho’s on her way, but she’s about 20 minutes out. Be honest, can you wait that long? Or should I take you to the ER?”
“I dunno.”
“Okay, okay. That’s fine. We’re gonna get this all sorted out, no problemo here.”
Peter hums and closes his eyes. “Oh, no siree, we’re gonna want you to keep those peepers open right now, okay? Peter? Open up.”
Peter hums again and opens his eyes back up. He gasps and sits up suddenly, like he just realized what was happening. “Morgan?” Peter whips his head around searching for the girl and Tony manhandles Peter back to the ground.
“Morgan’s fine, kiddo. She’s with Pepper.”
He blows out a breath. “Okay, that’s good. That’s good.”
“How long have you been feeling this miserable bud?” Tony maneuvers himself so that Peter’s head on his thigh and he tangles his fingers in Peter’s sweaty curls.
“Since yesterday. Got bit by a spider.”
“Again bud? You have quite the luck with spiders, huh?”
Peter squints up at Tony. “Could you turn the lights down? Head hurts.”
“FRIDAY, lights down to 15 percent.” She complies.
“Tony, I don’t—“ Peter claps his hand over his mouth and gags.
“Woah, it’s okay. It’s okay. Let’s get you—“ he pushes Peter up into a sitting position and rubs his back. Peter gags again and vomit splashes onto the dark carpet. “There you go. You’re okay.”
“I’m sorry, I’m sor—“ he doubles over again and groans.
“Hey, it’s all good. No apologies here. I was thinking this rug was getting to be out-of-style anyways.” Peter just whimpers.
“It hurts Tony. Like, really bad.”
“I know bud. I’m so sorry.”
Peter leans into Tony’s chest and Tony rubs his shoulders. “Make it stop,” Peter whines. “Make it stop, Tony, please.”
Tony holds Peter closer. Peter is hot. Like, just-ran-three-miles-in-the-August-heat hot. “FRI, ETA on Cho?”
“Helen Cho will arrive in seven minutes.” Even though she’s just an AI, Tony swears her tone is sympathetic.
“Can you tell me where it hurts bud?”
“My stomach and… my— oh Tony my head too.”
“Cho’s gonna be here any minute bud. Just hang in there.”
“Mmhmm,” Peter nods into Tony’s chest and he can tell that he’s crying. It makes his heart ache.
The next seven minutes pass slowly and painfully, but somehow, they pass. When Cho gets there, she takes the situation by storm and all Tony can do is watch.
“Did he say what kind of spider it was?” She pricks the back of Peter’s hand with a needle and hands Tony the saline bag with instruction to squeeze.
“Uh, no he didn’t.”
“How long has it been since he was bitten?”
“36 hours, max.”
“And what are his symptoms?”
“He said his head hurt, and his stomach. Fever and sweating. Nausea and vomiting too.”
She holds his eyelids up and flashes a penlight into both of his eyes. “Anything you want to add, Peter?”
“Hard to breathe. Can’t really move my legs.”
“Got it. It sounds to me like this might be a black widow bite. Were there two fang marks at the bite site?”
“I don’t… I don’t remember.”
“It’s okay. No worries. I’m going to give you muscle relaxants, painkillers, and something for the nausea.” She digs around in her kit and produces three syringes that she systematically plunges into Peter’s saline line.
“Givit to me straight, doc,” Peter slurs. “How long do I got?”
Cho huffs our a laugh. “You’ll be fine, Peter.”
“Oh goodie.”
“Yes ‘oh goodie’. You’ll still be hurting for a couple more hours, but we just gotta let the venom flush out of your system. So that means lots and lots of water.”
“Hope I don’ drown.”
“Looks like those painkillers are kicking in nicely,” Cho smiles as she packs up her bag. “Call me if anything changes.”
“Thank you.” Tony puts a hand on her shoulder.
“It’s no problem.”
As Peter fades in and out of consciousness, Tony works on getting him cleaned up and changed into a pair of Tony’s old sweats, carefully threading the IV line through the sleeves of his sweat-damp hoodie. The bite is swollen and red and Tony feels sick at the thought of Peter feeling so horrible for so long.
Tony wedges his arm under Peter’s and the two of them wobble over to Peter’s room together. Peter collapses into the bed and Tony helps him get comfortable, pulling up the comforter and brushing his slightly-too-long curls off of his clammy forehead.
“Daddy?” Tony whips his head around.
“Morgan? Aren’t you supposed to be asleep right now?” He sits on the edge of Peter’s bed.
Morgan just shrugs and fists her pajama shirt in her hands. He beckons her over and pats his knee. “C’mere madam secretary.” He pulls her close and bumps heads with her. “Pete’s fine. See?” He points over at Peter, and Peter raises his arm in a pathetic wave.
“Hiii Morgie,” Peter says, a touch too loud. “I’m gettin’ aaalllll better. No problems here, no siree.”
“See babe? He’s fantastic. A little high, but other than that, he’s doing great.”
Morgan looks back up at Tony and sniffles. “Are you sure?”
“Sure? Honey, I’m positive.” Morgan nods and crawls up into the bed with Peter, where he tucks her under his arm.
“Well,” Tony slaps his knees, “I think I’m going to turn in for the night. Holler if you need anything, okay?” Peter mumbles something along the lines of ‘okay’ and Tony switches off the lamp. “Love you guys.”
“Love you too,” Peter mumbles and Tony’s heart melts.
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pbandjesse · 4 years
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Welp. Today was my first day at this new job. I'm not sure what to say really. It wasnt a bad day. But it was like. Great. 
At least I slept well. I fell asleep easy and woke up feeling pretty good actually. I was a little tired but just normal tired. I laid in bed a little, James came and laid with me for a little, but soon I wanted to be up and dressed. 
I felt really cute today. My hair needed to be washed but that was alright. 
I spent the morning hanging out. I had breakfast and played a little animal crossing. James and me were hanging out and decided to do things at 930. Keeping each other on task. He went biking and I went to work in the studio. 
I wanted to keep experimenting with beading. I got a box of bigger beads and that was fun playing with. I did a video of that. I also decided to do a 30 days 'til 30 photo thing. I should have started yesterday but that's alright. I am doing 30 days of toys that have stories or memories attached to them. So far people really like them! Feels nice. 
I did some stretching. And soon James was home. He got a shower and I was getting ready to leave. I got my bag together and said goodbye and off I went. 
The school was really nice. I was given very good directions and found the place easy. Though I couldn't find a doorbell, someone did come get me. And the day started off well. Everyone seems really nice. I got a tour and some orientation. They didnt seem 100% sure where I was going to be, what grade or whatever. But today they put me with 1st grade. 
The kids were great. Every kid I met today was super nice and they were fun. But I'm not sure if I will stay in this job. That's kind of over the top. But I felt very uncomfortable with the way the classroom was running. And it stressed me out. The teacher in the room make some comments to the woman in charge kind of implying that they didn't want me there. And the afternoon was off. I don't even know.
At 3 though I was alone and in charge. We went and had snack and then the kids asked to go outside. This was the big problem. I told the kids to get their jackets. And we went out and were having a good time. When all of a sudden a woman came up and was yelling about one of the kids not having their jacket. And I'm like? What? And then her and the kid run away to the front door and my walkie wasn't working and i had to get the other kids and once i did the parent was screaming at the guy in charge and then me about the kid getting sick because of me. And I'm like. He had a jacket. And she was like but it's not his coat! And i was just like. I'm sorry but that's what he put on when I said put on jackets so I'm sorry? But she just kept yelling and so I just was like. Okay I'm taking the kids inside now.
So basically for the rest of the afternoon I felt pretty awful. I tried to not be upset in front of the kids i still had. I drew with them. And played legos. When i just had one kid i let her draw on my tablet. That was fun. And soon we were in the cafeteria waiting for pick up. 
Once all my kids were gone i went to talk to the supervisor and he made me feel a little better about the whole thing but i still felt shitty about it. I didn't want to upset a parent. And its my first day. I'm trying my best. I don't know the kids yet. I'm trying to learn them too. He said it would be alright. And honestly i was just happy i got to go home early. I cleaned up and headed out. 
When i got home James was making us pizza. I had some packages to open. But I just sat on the couc and cried for a few minutes. But soon I was calm again. 
I opened my packages. Was excited my last Christmas gift to James came. A really beautiful gold kettle. 
We had dinner. And i went and took a shower. 
We are both really tired. James keep falling asleep sitting next to me. I am going to try to just sleep i think. 
I hope tomorrow is better. I don't know what will happen. But I'm going to try my best. 
Sleep well everyone. 
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girlgrouptrash101 · 5 years
Jeongyeon (Twice) as Your Girlfriend
Request: “May I request Twice’s Jeongyeon as your girlfriend if requests are open?”
A/N: thank u to my kind friend for helping me w this, love u <3
- C
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1/2 of the meme squad along with Chaeyoung and she will never let you forget that
you’re bombarded with at least 8234984 memes in your messages every day, and they’re not even good ones (sorry Jeongyeon I’m sure your memes are spicy this is just my headcanon)
also, queen of dad jokes that only she laughs at, though you secretly love them
because she’s such a dumbass, but she’s your dumbass
likes taking you on dates to arcades, fairs, restaurants, or sometimes just on late night walks where it's dark enough so she can hold your hand without you being able to see her blush uwu
You honestly got the best girlfriend because when she comes over, she just puts on her favourite music and,,, cleans??? You help her of course, but like damn that’s dedication if I’ve ever seen it
half the time you end up getting distracted by the music and turn it into a dance battle on the spot, forgetting completely about the task at hand
This girl will nEvER let you rest, she’s always teasing and poking fun out of you, but it’s just her unique way of showing you she loves you
if you ever actually got upset over it, she’d turn 180 degrees on the spot, forgetting whatever she was saying and pulling you into a hug, giving you little pecks on your temples and apologizing profusely
midnight trips to the convenience store to buy instant ramen because y’all got hungry at like 2am
The thing Jeongyeon really loves about you the most is how comfortable she feels with you, and how any worries that were on her mind leave immediately as she sees your bright smile
LOVES when you wear her clothes but will never admit it
she purposely leaves her hoodies and stuff out in hopes that you put it on, and she pretends to be surprised when you come out wearing it
When she first took you to meet her members, the other 8 girls couldn’t stop cracking up at the cool facade Jeongyeon was trying to put on for you, even you couldn’t keep a straight face at her
as soon as you left though, she’d be non-stop talking about you for the rest of her days and asking her members if they thought you were as cute as she did
one time Jeongyeon went out to the local toy shop and bought a load of lego for you guys to spend the afternoon building random shit just because she is that kid in a woman's body
you guys ended up having so much fun,,, until you stepped on a stray lego the next day and thought that you needed to get your leg amputated because the PAIN
Takes photos of you even when you’re convinced you look dead but Jeongyeon is always like ‘you look gorgeous as always’ and proceeds to take another 50 pictures of you
she has a big ass photo album that you guys like to go through every anniversary and be all soft about it
when Jeongyeon prints out a batch of photos you get the album out, decorating it with little stickers and writing your memories in it with your favourite sparkly gel pens uwu
it eventually becomes like a timeline of your favourite memories, and you always look back over it when Jeongyeon is away, it helps just a little with how much you miss her
Always asks you if you preferred her long or short hair, and she never believes you when you tell her that she looks beautiful no matter what
You and Jeongyeon never really get into fights because neither of you think it’s worth it, life’s too short, just laugh about it and make up ya feel?
Her favourite position to cuddle you is when she has her ar around you, and you’re snuggled into her side
that way she feels like she’s protecting you,, and she also has easy access to give u dem forehead kisses u know
so many inside jokes that you’ve lost count
but whenever one of you brings one up, you end up rolling on the floor, tears coming out of your eyes at the laughter
watching back all of Twice's music videos together and making Jeongyeon get all flustered when you fangirl over her being on screen
nothing makes your heart beat faster than seeing Jeongyeon barefaced and wearing her cute glasses
you just have to grab her and kiss her all over until she finally escapes your hold and calls you gross, when secretly she loves it and just hopes you do it again
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NSFW From Here:
Big switch
She’s quite a shy bottom, always afraid to be too loud unless you coax it out of her
when she tops it’s passionate, making sure she takes the time to worship your body and remind you just how beautiful you are
Jeongyeon likes marking up your body in places that aren’t too obvious because it turns her on to think that it’s just your little secret
always promises to never waste a drop whenever you come, because your taste is addicting and won’t ever let it get away from her eager lips
when Jeongyeon comes, she comes way harder than she ever expects to
it’s kind of an ego boost when she looks up, shocked and her head spinning since you literally just made her see stars
the biggest turn on ever is letting you ride her thigh while you’re wearing her hoodie, something about seeing you so vulnerable and cute when you’re wearing something that belongs to her
and if you ever send her videos of you touching yourself while wearing her clothes, she’ll go absolutely crazy
gets shivers when you whisper in her ear
She gets super possessive at times, and you always know when she gets jealous because she tends to be rougher
as well as asking you who you belong to just so she can hear you moaning out her name
Jeongyeon has a lot of things she wants to try, but she’d only ever be confident to ask about them if she was like,,, super drunk
you eventually convince her to open up though, and you both find yourselves exploring things you’d never dreamed of
but it doesn’t matter what you do, because Jeongyeon always makes you feel so good, she knows your body and prides herself on making you feel as good as possible
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Park Jimin/Reader [F]
Genre: College AU, Enemies->Friends->Lovers, Fluff
Warning(s?): Mentions of Drinking/Smoking, Jimin’s Tattoo
Words: 9.7k
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Summary: Park Jimin was a hot topic name floating around campus on the daily.  Always seen with a girl at his hip with a different girl on his thigh just a few days later.  Rumor has it he’s never had a fling with one girl lasting longer than a week.  With your gossip-addicted best friend and his friendship with Jimin, Jimin comes to learn about you.  A week isn’t so hard sticking around one girl, the hardest part is when day 7 stars approaching. So, he decides he wants to make a wish instead. Wishing on a dandelion has to work. 
a/n: this is sloppy bc I did it all in one sitting and I apologize
“I heard Jimin broke up with his girlfriend!”  The first thing you were greeted with at lunchtime and it was your overly excited, sparkly-eyed best friend.  He was always the one to get any and all gossip he could just because he wanted to be part of the circle of gaudy gossip.  You could care less about half the bull that comes out of his mouth.
“And why would I care?  What, is it his longest lasting relationship or something.  Wow, 5 days with the same chick, whoop-dee-doo.”  You slid into a cafeteria, blue chair unloading the tray filled with two wrapped chicken sandwiches and a styrofoam bowl of strawberries.  
“Oh come on, you can’t deny that it’s odd.  There’s talk about him actually liking this one, maybe he’ll go back in for a double dip.”  
You gagged.  “Eugh, can’t you go and tatter off to your other friends?  I don’t wanna hear anything about Jimin’s sex life, Jackson.”
Jackson slumped over in the seat next to you as he sighed dramatically into the air. He would always act like you just kicked over a tower of legos he spent 4 hours building whenever you would blatantly refuse to care about his gossip. It was no surprise that Jackson knew all the haps of anything ever.  He was a people person, who knew everyone ever it seemed.
If you called some random number over in LA, you had no doubt if you mentioned Jackson, they would answer back ‘oh, yeah I know him!’.  He’s been everywhere and you were always curious as to why.  He wasn’t a homebody by any stretch.  
“I can’t talk to other people about his hips girl, all because they’ve all been with him before.  You- albeit- haven’t! So, I can talk to you about him with a clean slate honey.”
“That reasoning and your stupid use of pet names have no correlation of why I need to hear it and I’ve also revoked your drunk stay over privilege until next Monday.”
Jackson gapped at you.
“Your couch is my drunk home! Don’t evict me you, she-devil!” He whapped at your shoulder and swapped right back to the topic at hand.  “Besides, I’m his friend, why aren’t you?”
“Do you really have to ask?  He doesn’t know I exist for one and I’d like to keep it that way.  All he’s gonna do is try and wedge his half-dollar-coin-sized dick between my legs.”
“Sometimes, you really do need to get laid.”
“If you don't think I won’t knee him in the balls if he comes even within a 4-foot radius of me, you’re wrong.”
Sensing the conversation die, Jackson finally moved onto a different topic altogether.  Even if the topic shifted from Jimin, the conversation he yapped your off about how unsanitary the school campuses bathroom is, was still far from welcome.
Munching on your food, and nearly finished Jackson stopped his yammering when someone clapped his shoulder.  Looking over his shoulder, he busted out into laughter at the irony as you could see their figure in the corner of your eyes.  Only offering a small and short eyeroll.
Park Jimin stood behind Jackson, his hand on his hip with a pair of shades and a beanie on his blonde head. His leather jacket covered his yellow flannel that hid his white tee with his jeans that were ripped at the thigh.  His biker boots were worn and frankly needed some care to them.
You remain unbothered and silent as the two began to speak to another.
“I was told to pass along the message,” Jimin said as he held out a small scrap of folded paper.  Taking it with a pluck, Jackson flipped it open and scanned the words written along it.  
“Right on, right on. Whose place is this one at?”
“Jin’s setting us up.”  Jackson whistled with a smirk.
“Of course.  Mr. Connections, always pulling through.”
Jimin nodded, Seokjin always had connections.  Be it with a house to throw parties or what flower shop to go to when your little 3-year-old niece wants a bouquet of daisies for her birthday. He always had a go-to.  Perks of being a rich kid who knew any and everyone with the social skills to back you up.  You’ve even asked him once if he knew a place in town that sold old, used textbooks. He was cocky about it, but at least he gave you an answer and a promise to save some money.
“Friday at 8.  Don’t forget like last time and show up at 3 when everyone is already passed out or getting fucked in a room, yeah?” Jimin quipped with a smirk on his face.  Jackson only rolled his eyes as he swiveled around to you, shoving the paper in your face as you popped a strawberry in your mouth.
Reading the words in sloppy handwriting, it looked like a kindergartner wrote it.  It just showed a location, a time and date.  Probably all the for party that you assumed to two were fawning over.  You shifted your eyes to look over the paper into Jackson’s face.  A gleam in his eyes and a smile on his face.  Far too suspicious.
“Why am I looking at this?”
“You’ve gotta come with me!”  You rolled your eyes as slapped the top of his hand, making him retracted it and rub at the skin with a pout. “Rude,” he muttered.
“If you think I’d enjoy being in a loud, sweaty, drunken club with all your frat friends looking for a night less than 20$ and 5 shots, you really need to revoke your friendship with me. I’d rather stare directly into a high voltage flashlight for 2 hours and go blind, thanks.”
You popped another strawberry into your mouth as Jackson laid his head down on the table and looked at you.  Lips pouted and eyelashes fluttering like a damsel in distress.  
“Not happening.”
“Okay okay,” he reasoned before he sat up and snapped his fingers.  A stupid plan forming in his head, you could feel it. “How about it’ll be a favor for me?  I’ll owe you one!” You sighed as you rubbed your forehead.  He was such a headache.  “Please, I won’t ask anything more for the rest of the month plus I’ll even owe you a favor.  Any favor, you know I'm down for anything.”
“So long as it doesn’t end up with you sitting in a holding cell?” You quipped with a smile as you remember back in high school he was running around town, causing all sorts of trouble with beer on his brain instead of logic.
“That was a long time ago! Let it die!” He whined.
As the two of you bickered, the both of you had failed to register Jimin still stood at the table.  Jimin knew a lot of the student body, even if the campus and college were diverse and huge.  Though, he hadn’t seen you before.  Arguing with Jackson about not wanting to come to a world-class frat party was amusing enough.  The fact that you seemed to know Jackson already, only made it better.  You probably had so much dirt on him it was laughable.
You seemed stubborn, probably annoyingly so.  He moved to rest his rear on the table top, lounging with one leg propped up as he watched you two.  He wasn’t needed here, he wasn’t required to stay and listen in on a conversation that had literally nothing to do with him.
Yet, he was intrigued all the same.  Then, you noticed him.
You peeked around Jackson as you threw the last strawberry from your bowl into your mouth, the red from the fruit staining your lips in a way he wanted to forget, but somehow knew he wouldn’t.  
“Can we help you?” You asked in a spiteful manner.  He lifted his hands in defense.
“Oh no, carry on.  This is fun,” he replied as you rolled your eyes.  “Besides,” he started again, “it’s just a party.  There’s nothing wrong with that.”  
“Some of us have other things to do believe it or not.  Maybe I’m not into alcohol, or maybe I’m just not a party person.  Ever think of that genius?”
He hissed in a playful manner, dramatically clutching his chest.  
“That stings.  And to think I was inviting you.”
“No, Jackson was inviting me.”
“But, I invited him.  So through correlation, I am the mastermind.”
“Oh my god,” you sighed as Jackson bit his lip in amusement. He knew Jimin had no idea who you were, yet he was chatting you up like you’ve been talking for a week.  “I don’t really want to take an invite from some rando guy who hops from girl to girl like frogs from lily pads.  Please shut up.”  
Before anything else, you looked at the watch face on your wrist and pushed out your chair.  Loading the tray with your trash and empty strawberry-stained bowl, you slung your bag over your shoulder. Jackson stood up as well, taking the tray from you as you huffed.  
“I’ll take your trash,” he kindly said.  It was suspicious once again, but you’d allow it.  “You’re going to work on your camera right?  Didn’t you get a new one?” You nodded.
“I did.  I was going to go back to the dorms and fiddle with it.  I don’t have another lecture until 4, so I can afford some practice photos.” He nodded.
“Make sure to take a photo of a dandelion and show it to me first!”
“What if I wanted to show my roommate?”
“You know she won’t be there.  She’s always out late.”
“You’re right,” you added with a playful smirk.  She worked late and after that, she always had something to do. It was a good night when she came sauntering into the dorm at 2 AM.  
“Go on, shoo you, little photographer, you.” You shook your head with a chuckle and began to walk off.  Swerving around chairs and people, you plugged your headphones into your phone and placed your sound muffling cuffs over your head and toned out the world.  Leaving the cafeteria, the school and then to the campus grounds.  
Jackson as he said, dealt with your trash as Jimin hopped up from his seat on the table top and meandered his way back through the cafeteria to his mob of friends.  All talking about one thing or another.  
All Jimin could think about as he drummed his fingers on his arms was how to convince you to come to the party on Friday. He had something he wanted to know about and, quite frankly, he felt like you inadvertently challenged him.  So, of course, he had to prove a point now.  
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Having someone banging on your door Friday evening at 6 PM was something you surely didn’t want to deal with. Already cozy with one of your old hoodies and a pair of shorts with your hair a damp mess from your shower earlier on, you were lounging on your couch flipping through TV channels utterly bored.
Jackson had spammed you with text after text trying to convince you to come to the party.  He tried every bribe in the book, but you just would not yield.  You only assumed that Jackson was the one pounding down your dorm door, but when it didn’t stop and your phone never chimed with a text to let him in, you grew curious.  
Growing tired of the constant bangs that didn’t seem to stop anytime soon, you rolled off the couch and stomped to the door, swinging it open without even peeking through the peephole who is inside.  Ready to be met with your best friend's face, yet not so.
“What the hell?” You whispered to yourself.  There, in front of you and your dorm room who just shoved his way past your shoulder to saunter inside was Park Jimin himself. “Um, excuse me?”
He, with his hands shoved into the pockets of his mint green windbreaker, turned to you with his tousled blonde hair and dark eyes.  “Yes?”
“Get the hell out?” You questioned as you motioned to the door.  He untucked his hands as he cupped his chin and puckered his mouth and crinkled his chin in a false thought motion.  He was already trying your patience.
“I think I’m good. Thanks for the offer though!” You groaned as you begrudgingly shut your door, glad for once that your roommate never comes back until way later than 6PM.  When you waltzed back into your living room, Jimin had made himself comfortable on your couch with your TV remote like he lived here.  You were offended, obviously so.
You stood in the doorway of the room as Jimin waved you over as you took skeptic steps towards him and sat on the far end of the couch.  Clear away from his grabby fingers that probably need a sanitize or two.
“I don’t bite you know,” he chuckled as he dug his phone from his pocket.  He opened his messages and you watched his thumbs drum away on the screen.  Messaging, hitting send, opening a new conversation and repeat.  How many friends did he have?  “We’ll leave in an hour.”  He said without batting an eye.
“Excuse me?”
“Jin’s party? We’re going.” Who did this man think he is?!
“Says who?!  I’m not going, I’m pretty sure I made that obvious before. You were eavesdropping so you know this mind you.”
“I wasn’t eavesdropping, I was just listening.  It’s not like I was hiding behind a wall and listening in while you and Jackson bitch back and forth.  Which is funny, by the by.” He dropped his phone into his lap as he hiked his arm up on the back of the couch, looking at you, your knees pulled to your chest with your feet on the couch cushion.  “You’re actually quite cute.”
You quickly jumped up and sat perched on the arm of your couch, pointing a finger at him as you opened your mouth and furrowed your brows.
“Ah-ha! I knew it!”
“Knew what?”
“You’re just a sleazy, shady, horny college frat boy who is just following me around because you don’t know me!” Jimin offered an annoyed eye roll, his eyes sticking up to his eyelids before he looked back down with a snarky grin. “I’ve heard your resume from Jackson, and I know better than to throw myself at you.”
“Oh, so you know about me?  Well, that’s unfair as I know nothing about you.”
“In fact, come any closer and I’ll punch you in your stupid face.”  Jimin just shook his head as he huffed out through his slightly parted lips.  He watched as you sat perched on the arm of your couch like some sort of bird of prey, practically hissing at him. You had obviously heard all the rumors from Jackson, most of which are probably true.  Most.  Not all of them are true though, however, he won't deny that he couldn't count the numbers of girls he's 'dated' on his fingers and toes combined.
"You know, I'm not all that bad.  I'm not gonna just get you drunk and pull some cheap trick on you like some jock would." He slid his phone into his windbreaker pocket.  "How about we compromise."
"Sounds sketchy," you reply without missing a beat.
"Now, now, hear me out.  I can tell you don't like me much," you interrupted him with a sarcastic 'oh really' before he continued talking over you, "but I'm not so much as a horn dog as I am something willing to give someone something they want.  I'm not into sex if it's not consensual, so don't worry about me making any moves on you."  He spoke like he was being truthful, but you still weren't a hundred percent certain you could take his words at face value.  He sighed, "look, if you go with me, we don't have to stay the whole time," he tacked on.
"We? Makes it sound like you're expected me to tail you all night."
"Not exactly, I will be hanging around you though.  Jackson said parties aren't your scene, and I absolutely know that if you had the option, you'd be a wallflower all night." You squinted at him as you held your pinkie towards him.  He looked at it with ticked brows then back to you.  "And this is?"
"A pinkie finger," you answered.
"No shit genius, why are you sticking it in my face?"
"Oh please, it's like you don't know what a pinky promise is."  You rolled your eyes.  "I'll go to the stupid party if, and only if, you stick to your word and not abandon me to flounder on my own because I'm actually a big wimp and I will cry and I will cause a scene otherwise."
Jimin busted out laughing as he linked his pinky in yours.  Extending your thumb, you pressed it against the pad of his own and 'locked' in the promise.  Now he absolutely wasn't allowed to go back on his word.  Or else you'd probably throw a knife set at him.
Jimin shooed you off as you walked to your room, swaying and moaning the entire way before you shut it behind you.  So much for a boring, cozy night in.  For once, maybe you'd see your roommate if you weren't out all night.  You sighed as you sadly stripped out of your hoodie and shorts replacing them with skinny jeans with holey knees and a white shirt.  Fixing your messy hair and tying it back with a stretched out hair tie, you slipped on your worn out flats and grabbed your phone from the nightstand.
It was nothing glamorous, and you expected other girls to probably be dressed more... openly to put it nicely.  Though, you were only going because you were peer pressured into it, not to get laid and definitely not to get hit on.  If anyone even came close to you with a stupid, drunk pick up line, you're most likely to panic and flee the scene like you committed murder.
You sighed as you looked into your mirror.
"Why am I a pushover to some jerk who hardly knows me?"  Then, you gasped as you stomped your foot, finally registering that Jackson had blabbed to JImin about you. "That snake!!  I'm taking away his drunk couch privileges indefinitely!" All while Jimin sat on the couch in the living room, laughing to himself as you screamed at nothing and shot Jackson a text that you were coming with him to the party.
To say Jackson's reply back was overbearing was an understatement.  He acts like an idiot towards you, but the 'Don't you dare try anything with her, I swear to god,' text he received told him that the relationship you two have is more than just back and forth banter.
When Jimin's ears perked up at the sound of your door down the hall unlatching, he picked himself up off the couch and watched as you came back into the living room changed and much more party ready.  He let out a loud whistle as you adjusted your shirt, tucking it in and letting the boy see just the smallest sliver of your stomach and if he was being honest, it was more attractive than he thought it would be.
You were teasing him and you weren't even aware of it.  That was the most painful thing about you so far.  He cupped his chin as he looked at you.  Peeking up as you fumbled with getting your shirt just right, you caught him inspecting.
"What?" You bit.
"Something just seems, off?  Something is missing from this look."  He hummed as he walked around you.  The shirt was fine, the jeans were aesthetically pleasing and the small choker you hooked around your neck was a touch of college that worked wonderfully with the outfit in question.  He came back to your front as he scrunched his eyes and then shot them open with a snap and a small ah-ha moment. "I know! You need a jacket!"
"Because it's a staple in fashion to have a jacket with a look so simple.  Your shirt and jeans combo with a flare of the choker is appealing, but a jacket always seals the deal!  Or, if it's too hot than settle for a cardigan."
"What are you, a fashion guru?"
"No, but I do take a high deal of pride in my fashion sense."  You rolled your eyes as you crossed your arms.  Why white?  It was almost too transparent, your stupid yellow star printed bra was just barely visible in the bright lights of the living room.  Surely it'd be fine at the party, it'll be dark in the house, save for the random rave lights that Jin is bound to have.  He goes all out when it's his party.
"And I assume you'll want this jacket to be black?" He nodded, it would be just wrong to have a white jacket over a white shirt.  It would clash too much.  "Too bad, I don't have one.  I have a grey one?" He shook his head.
"Nope.  Monochromatic is good, but not with this look.  Black is the only option.  Ah, you know what, I have something at my house I could lend you.  It'd so perfect with you!"  He smiled as he grabbed your wrist.  "Come on, I live 10 minutes off campus.  We've no time to waste!"  He whined as he dragged you through the dorm and eventually out the door.
Soon, within the next hour, you found yourself climbing off of his motorcycle- that nearly frightened you to death with him as the driver- in his leather jacket outside a house too big to be real and almost envy-inducing.
The house was two stories and looked like a widened stock photo with how wide it was.  All the window shades were open and lights of blues, reds, purples flickered in uneven patterns through them.  The music was just bass boosted enough you could feel it in your feet when Jimin marched you both up the patio and through the door.  It was like walking into a speaker the way your body met with all the heat, lights and loud music.
You couldn't hear yourself think as you weaved through people, behind their backs and gasping when you nearly ran into a couple more than ready to take their lip lock elsewhere.  You shrunk in on yourself as you stumbled around before Jimin took your wrist again.
"Come on," he leaned closer to you and spoke loud enough you could hear him.  Letting him drag you off somewhere, he quite rudely pushed people away and maneuvered through the crowds of drunk college kids. He was definitely used to this- the way he moved through the masses was a clear indication of that.
Soon he had pulled you into the kitchen where it was much less crowded than you figured it would be.  You would think since all the liquid was stored here, it would be a madhouse, but only a few bodies stood around sipping from the typical red cup with rosey, drunken cheeks.  The music had dulled back in the kitchen, so a conversation wasn't totally out of the question.  You placed your hand on your chest and sighed at the room to actually breathe.
Jimin, beside you, chuckled as he rubbed your back between your shoulder blades.
"you really aren't cut out for tight spaces, doll."  You glared at him.
"Oh, so you just now realize that you moron?" He only chuckled as he whipped out his phone and sent a text to someone.  Just one text, as opposed to an hours earlier when he was texting anyone and everyone nonstop in sequence.
No soon was Jackson waltzing into the kitchen.  JImin watched as you seemed to lighten up at the face of someone so familiar to you.  Jackson sauntered out with a smile, nearly jogging at he bumped into your side with his own.  Wearing a snapback and some jersey with a pair of old, acid washed jeans, he looked like a jock ripped straight out of some gross teen-movie.
His breath stunk of booze, but he was still partially sober.  He could hold his alcohol better than you thought he could, to be honest. You pushed away his cheek that was far too close to your face to get the radiant smell of beer away from your nose.
"you're gross and smell, get away from me you sweaty-"
"Do not insult me when I know for a fact you're so ready to shit bricks."
You gaped at him as you smacked the back of his head, making him whine and wince as he rubbed it.  Sure you were nervous being here, but you weren't that nervous.  You crossed your arms as you pouted, Jimin once again finding a sense of adorableness between you and Jackson's interactions.
"I hate you," you muttered as Jackson feigned hurt.  He dropped his act as he playfully slapped your ass, making you squeak before he turned to Jimin.
"How'd you get Straight-Lace-Y/n out of her room on a Friday my man?  I gotta know, for future reference of course."
"You would never believe how easy she is to persuade if you say the right things."  Jackson gasped.
"You didn't make some sketchy deal did you?!"  You squawked as Jackson quickly pulled you against his chest, nearly knocking you over in his haste as he practically hissed as Jimin.  "Don't be touching my little Y/n! She's way too young!"  You whined.
"I'm only a few years younger than you!"  Jimin didn't know how old you were exactly, but if you were younger than Jackson, you were around his age then?  Jimin just shook his head as he slipped his thumbs through the front belt loops of his pants, leaning back just enough for it to almost be attractive.  Almost.
"I won't disclose our agreement with someone who didn't witness it.  Clients secrecy."
"Stop!" You grumbled.  "That makes it seem so bad!"  Jimin laughed as the three of you soon took to sticking in your little group and chatting.  Jimin had finally got you to loosen up enough to at least have one cup of something to drink.  Beer wasn't typically your thing, but after not being impressed with the rest of the liquor lineup, it wasn't so bad in comparison.
Eventually, you seemed to even start enjoying yourself.  Playfully quipping at anything Jackson or Jimin had to say and even smiling or laughing at some dumbass joke that came out of one of their mouths. Jimin laid off the alcohol for the most part, as he was your ride home and he may be wild, but drunk driving is definitely not his main game.
Soon, Jackson abandoned ship and Jimin had begun to wander around and meet of people he knew, all while you remain attached at his side with his hand over yours.  True to his word, he never once left you on your own the whole night and when Jimin finally suggested you go back to your dorm it was well past midnight.  You didn't want to stay out this late, but you weren't particularly fussed about it either.
Weaving back around passed out drunks, far too attached couples and still dancing troopers, Jimin and you ended up back outside and across the lawn to his motorcycle where it had sat parked all night.
As he placed his helmet on his head and climbed on, you followed he flipped up his visor to look at you.
"It wasn't so bad, now was it?" His muffled voice asked.  You rolled your eyes, hating to admit that anything Park Jimin did for you was actually enjoyable unlike you previously thought.
"It wasn't awful, but don't expect this to happen a second time, Park." After dropping you off and making sure you got into your room safe and sound at ten after 1AM, he drove back home.  He lived in an apartment off campus, well off enough to afford it before he needed to get back into the part-time job department of life.
Stripping free of his party clothes and swapping them out for sweats and a thin, stretched out grey shirt, he flopped onto his bed.  Realizing two things. One, you still had his leather jacket and two, he hadn't stopped smiling since you wrapped your arms around his waist on the way back to your home.
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You were rudely awoken the next morning at 10AM with your phone that blared for the 4th time beside your head.  Groaning, you grabbed the stupid piece of screaming plastic that continued to ring and finally looked at the screen.  Though it was sunny outside, your blackout curtains in your room made sure to keep that pesky sunlight out, so the screen brightness did little to no good on your retinas.  
Unknown Calling…
You squinted at your screen.  Who was calling you? Sighing, as soon as the call dropped for the 4th time, you noticed that the same number had been the same one to call previously.  Rolling lazily onto your chest, your blankets tangling around your legs as your you felt your hair tangled around your neck and around your ears.  You stared at the black screen of your phone, as you were testing a hypothesis. True to your suspicious, the screen lit up as your ringtone blasted for the 5th time.  
Answering it seemed to be your only option at this point.  Five back to back calls was way too excessive to be some random coincidence. Swiping to answer it, you pushed your hair out of the way and placed your phone by your ear.
“Hello?” You answered the best you could with sleep still thick in your voice.  
“Your sleep schedule is awful.  It’s been like, what? Nine hours and your ass in still in bed?” You groaned as you flopped onto your back.
“How did you get my number, Jimin?”
“Take a wild guess?” He teased.  Obviously, it was Jackson.  You muttered a ‘snake’ under your breath as Jimin chuckled into the line.  “Get up, we’re going out.”  You blinked at your dark ceiling.  
“And if I said no?”
“Then I’ll come bang on your dorm door again. I’m already sitting outside the campus dorms.  It’s not too long of a trip up the stairs Y/n.”  You groaned again knowing full well that Jimin absolutely meant it.  “No?”
“Fine, give me like 15 minutes.”
“Don’t push me,” you cut as you hung up on him. Tossing your phone aside,  you crawled out of bed with a whine as you wobbled around your room, trying to wake up enough to wash your face before getting dressed.  
Jimin stood at the curb of the dormitory, leaning against a light pole.  He watched as you cut the call off and your number faded from his phone screen.  Shaking his head, he pocketed his phone as he took a breath out.  Part of him was wondering what he was doing?
He could’ve made other plans today, but he didn’t.  Rather, he didn’t want to.  He fell asleep with you on the brain and woke up the same exact way.  After texting Jackson all morning, trying to pry information out of him and successfully doing so with the promise of a week’s worth of lunch on him, he finally got your number out of him too.  So, the calling began.  
He was rather shocked it only took 5 calls to wake you up.  He laughed to himself as he plucked his phone from his pocket and sent you a text before you came down.  
Jimin: Bring my jacket back, I miss it. :((
He laughed out loud when you shot back nothing but the middle finger emoji.  What a highschooler move.  It was chilly out today.  The clouds kept hiding the sun as they rolled under the light, only letting brief spots of warmth out at a time.  A small breeze was in the air as Spring had just begun with the promise of rain in the afternoon no doubt.  
His blue jeans and hot pink hoodie stood out, yes, but he was proud of that fact. His hair free of a cap lifted with each small gust of wind.  It was exactly 17 minutes when he saw you walking out of the dormitory, a red flannel purse on your hip. His jacket on your shoulders with a black shirt with the picture of a cat on the breast pocket and a pair of blue shorts.  Your hair was down, without anything covering or added to it.  
Part of him didn’t want the jacket back now.
When you got to him, the first thing you did was greet him with a harsh stomp on his foot with your shoes.  He whined as his thin converses did nothing to guard his foot against your heel.
“What was that for?!”
“Calling me five times and then proceeding to force me out of my dorm on a Saturday!”  You argued as you huffed and crossed your arms. “As punishment for stealing my lazy day, I’m keeping your jacket until I return home.”  He grinned, he wasn’t totally against that.  
“Have it your way,” he was easy to give him.
“What did you want anyway?”  He stood back up and swayed to your side.
“A week.”
“A little birdie told me that you can’t believe I can go a week with one person.  So, I’d be honored if you took me up on the challenge to so spitefully requested of me.” You shivered in mock disgusted.  “Hey!”
“Calm down, Queenie,” you teased with a grin of your own.  “I actually meant that towards all your flings, but sure.  If you think you can handle a week of me arguing leaving my room, by all means, give it a whirl.” Jimin looked at you with questions in his eyes.  “What now?”
“You gave in waaay too easy, Y/n.”  
“Yeah, well if I declined, I have a suspicion you’d whine to Jackson, who in turn would whine to me and I’m not really up for any more of that than I have to deal with on the daily.” He smiled as he pushed playfully on your shoulder, making you smile again.
“Look at you! Already guessing and knowing my habits.  We’re basically best friends already!”
“Don’t let Jackson hear you.  That will also result in whining.”
“Duly noted.”
Soon, Jimin had started walking around in random locations towards the city.  Something about wanting to window shop and making you come along with him.  You watched when he pulled out a Zippo lighter with a small, nearly empty pack of cigarettes directly off campus.  You rose your brow when you asked him about it.  He was a smoker, but he was in the middle of trying to quit.  He had slowed down from a pack in two days to only a few smokes in that time.  He wanted to pace himself until he cut them off completely.  Ht told you once this pack was done, he would try not to buy any more.
You then started offering him solutions to cravings.  Candies or small habits were a good way to get the urge to smoke off the brain.  Or, if he absolutely found himself not able to quit, e-cigarettes surely weren’t so bad.  Expensive, but not an awful half solution. He took your suggestions to heart, not actually expecting you to take that topic and run with it.  
He had snuffed out the bud when you both got closer to the shopping strip of stores after stores with a cafe on nearly every corner.  It was always busy during the weekend, and Jimin had a feeling you didn’t get to shop often.  The way you seemed to light up and become more bouncy at the idea of maybe actually getting something for yourself today was proof of that.
You both went to store after store with enough coffee breaks to power an engine.  Eventually, Jimin had walked into some indie store, more than curious about the odd patterns he saw in the display window.  You trailed after him, winding through aisles and stopped when you saw a small charm necklace.
The necklace itself wasn’t the best and the chain was weak enough that if you pulled just a bit too hard or it snagged in anything it would surely break. But, it wasn’t that which intrigued you.  It was the pendant itself.
It was a small dandelion. It’s small, metal puffs pushing out in the circle as it if you blew just hard enough the puffs would scatter. Jimin stopped when he noticed you weren’t tailing him anymore, turning to see you bent over and looking at it.  He backtracked to stand at your side, hands in his pockets as he observed it with you.
“You like this?”
You nodded.  “I do.  Dandelions are my favorite flower.  I don’t really like when they bloom into the yellow ones, Jackson used to pluck those and smear it’s pollen all over my arms when we met.  I do like the wish ones those.”
“Wish ones?”
“Yeah, the ones you make a wish on.  If you find one like this,” you poked at the necklace, “and you make a wish, you have to blow as hard as you can.  If you manage to get all the seeds to blow off, then your wish is supposed to come true.” You chuckled at yourself.  “It’s all fairy tale sounding, but you can’t deny its got its romantic side.”
“Huh, who knew an everyday weed is so meaningful to other people.”  You stood up as you huffed.  
“I’ve seen moms get mad at their kids for pulling dandelions and giving them to them as gifts.  They’re not weeds, so just accept them!”  You pouted as Jimin laughed.  You spun on your heel as you trotted off, Jimin watching your back as you disappeared behind some racks of clothing. He rolled his eyes at your dramatic march off as he stood up and followed you, not before grabbing the necklace though. 5$ isn’t too much to spend.
After he secretly purchased the necklace, he placed the small pouch it was in promptly into your purse when the two of you were at yet another cafe while you were in the bathroom.  Apparently, this specific cafe stop was for you to pee, as you had decided that a whole soliloquy about how your bladder was about to burst was absolutely necessary.  It wasn’t. When you returned, all you did two was chat like old friends who knew each other since you were in diapers.
Jimin wasn’t nearly as awful as you thought, and part of you felt guilty for judging him so quickly.  Sure, his reputation was a bit black, but the boy himself was a sweetheart, and you made sure to offer him an apology and a chocolate chip muffin as compensation for your rotten attitude.
Day by day went on and as classes rolled on, Jimin would walk you to and from class, pick you up from your dorm and drop you off and even bring you lunchtime coffee just because you couldn’t say no to something he already paid for.
Eventually, the dawn of day 6 in the week broke and Jimin had called up Jackson.  Telling you that he had something planned to do and that he would see you tomorrow.  He had grown so used to hanging around you, a stab of pain hit him when you replied back to him with an ‘ok :(‘.  You were far too cute he reasoned as he put the back of his hand against his mouth as you added on a ‘you owe me, Park >:(‘ to your message.  
Jimin: I owe you? For what spoilt brat
You: For leaving me alone to drown in boredom.  How dare you??
Jimin: It was literally just last week you were biting my head off for dragging you out of your room. Now your complaining that I have something to do without you?  My my my, how they grow up so fast. Bless
You: Choke and die.  I’m going to take a nap
Jimin: It’s 8AM don’t sleep and mess up your schedule!
Jimin: Y/N!
Jimin: Stay. Awake.
You: …
You: Fine.  Guess I’ll play Overwatch by myself
Jimin: Ew, who plays Overwatch?
You: yOU-
H laughed when you stopped replying.  Whether or not you actually started playing or went back to sleep was a mystery to him as he walked out of his apartment to meet with Jackson.  Jimin wanted to ask him a few things before the end of the week came.  He also had a few woes to lay on your best friend's shoulders.
A game of basketball was what Jimin had planned for the day with Jackson.  Going to the public gym and meeting Jackson with sports gear and a basketball in hand, the man-to-man day would begin.  
Jimin, walking onto the courts with his sports shorts and tank top watched as Jackson lazily threw baskets in a jersey and sweats. Dribbling the ball, he passed it to the smaller man who met him on the court.  Jimin, dribbling it around and getting a feel for it watched as Jackson crossed his arm before he stretched.  
“Really, Jimin? Basketball?” Jimin rolled his eyes.  
“Listen, I have a friend who aces in basketball, so shut up.” It started with the boy just taking turns shooting before a small match of one on one began.  Squeaking shoes on the floor with heavy breaths filled the nearly empty Thursday noon-time gym.  Lay-ups were shot left and right, 3-pointers and of course, the ever dreaded airball followed by laughing at the lame excuse of a shot all came with the game.  Soon, the two men were sat on the far wall, sweat covered and drinking out of water bottles purchased from the vending machine outside the doors.
“Now that the exercise part of the day is done, what is it you wanted?” Jackson asked. Turning towards Jimin taking a drink of water as Jimin craned his head up at the dim lights that definitely were going to go out soon.
“I think I have a crush on Y/n,” Jimin yelped when Jackson spit out his water on Jimin’s lap.  “Thanks for the shower, jackass!” Jackson coughed as he wiped at his chin while Jimin shook his shorts and his arms disgusted.  
“I can totally help you confess!” Jimin looked at his friend. “I’ve got this whole scene I’ve been cooking up for her lucky future boyfriend since like freshman year.  I’d spent a lot of time on this, and you- my lucky man- are gonna be the one to do it!”
“You’re okay with it?” Jimin asked, his voice skyrocketing as he barely spoke in a whisper. Jackson only shrugged as he put his back against the wall again and took a more steady drink since his last attempt ended covering Jimin.
“Yeah, why not?  Sure, you were a sleazy a week ago-”
“-But, it seems like you get along with Y/n. And she’s not just gonna snub you once the weekends because that’s what you said in the beginning.”
“She told you about that?” That was true, Jimin had only planned on staying with you a week, but now he wanted an extended date.  Permanently if he had the option.
“Of course she did dude.  Look, so long as she doesn’t call me up one day bawling because you did something to her, I have no reason to knock your lights out.”  Jimin shuttered.  He wasn’t unfamiliar with the strength Jackson possessed.  He didn’t fight often, normally pretty laid back and easy going, but he’s heard rumors.  All focus solely around you and how you were picked on freshman year of college.  He got suspended for 2 weeks, but you weren’t picked on anymore.
Jimin looked at his lap as he moved and stuck out his pinky.  He remembered the party night and how serious you were about a small pinky promise.  Then, that thought somehow shifted to how you seemed to take dandelions seriously.  Jimin sighed as he turned back to Jackson, sitting cross-legged and at the utmost attention.
“Alright, tell me what I’m gonna do about this.”  A grin broke out on Jackson’s face as he clapped Jimin on the shoulder.
“Buckle in, Park.  This is gonna be one romantic fuckin’ ride.”
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It was Friday as you sat in the library, reading and rereading the same paragraph in your textbook.  It was like your brain wasn’t registering the words, no matter how many times to read them over and over again.  You’d get halfway through, realize you clocked out only to repeat the process. You sighed as you slammed your head into the books fold and someone slid into the seat next to you.  
They rubbed your neck as you whined at your lame attempt at actually studying.  Turning your head and blowing your hair out of your face just enough to see who sat next to you, you weren’t entirely shocked to see Jimin. In his comfortable college dressed glory and his leather jacket, you had finally returned to him. His arm propped on the table as his palm held his chin. He was smiling, probably laughing at your obvious lack of concentration.
“Howdy, bookworm.” You rolled your eyes at him as you planted your face back into the book that smelt far too old to be a 2018 edition of World History. He chuckled again at you. “You know, you can always ditch the books?”  
“I’m so close to almost not having a B in this class it’s laughable.  I’ve never gone below that!” You whined, quietly of course as the librarian was a soundhound when it came to any loud noise ever.  She’s search out the source of the sound like a dog and quickly take to eliminate it.  You’ve been kicked out more than once in your attempts to studying turned to whines.
Jimin rolled his eyes.  Ever the drama queen.  His hand moved from your neck to treading through your hair and massaging your scalp.
“Let me rephrase,” he stopped and started again. “How about you stop for the day, hang out with me and then maybe I’ll help you study later.”  You sat up briefly, his hand remaining on the back of your head as you looked at him like a puppy dog would when offered treats.
“Can we get snacks?” You pouted and Jimin smiled enough his eyes began to close.  Patting your head, he nodded.
“Yes, we can get snacks, you big baby.”  You smiled as you sprung up and slammed your book shut, wincing on how loud the action was before you shoved it in your bag.  Jimin stole your bag before you could pick it up yourself and you pouted when he refused to give it to you. “Let me be a gentleman, Y/n.”
“You? A gentleman? Like you? As in Park Jimin who smokes and drinks?”
“I’m trying to stop smoking, you know that.”  
You nodded, pointing a finger at him.  “Ah, yes, good point.  I revoke that accusation then.” He just pulled up on his lips as he grabbed your hand and dragged you out of the library, stopping by your locker to ditch your bag inside it and then dragged you to a small convenience store to stock up on the snacks of your choosing.
However, you felt a bit bad when Jimin snatched your wallet from you when you went to grab your card and handed the cashier his instead.  You stomped and whined, but he was adamant that the bill was his to foot. You guilt was short lived when he placed the plastic bag of snacks in your arms though so you could offer him one of your marshmallowy-goodness cereal bars.  His payment for footing the payment.
Jimin gladly accepted this.
He convinced you to come back to his home so he could get out his bike, as he had told you he wanted to take you somewhere.  Not sure where he was going, you were half sure he was gonna take you someone and murder you with how sappy he’s been all afternoon, but also half as sure that he wouldn’t.  With a laugh and a promise to not kill you from his mouth, you decided to trust him.
“If you do kill me though, I’m so haunting you so think wisely,” you warned as you climbed onto his bike, your bag of snacks in a holding compartment under the seat as you sat behind him and wrapped your arms around his waist.  
You always just held onto his shirt, to offer him as much space as you could as you literally clung to him not to fly off while he zooms down the road. Though, before he even kicked up the stand, he pulled your hands from his shirt and tucked you close to his back.  He made you clasp your hands together at his stomach, saying it was ‘safe’ though he’s never said that before.
Taking a breath to cool down your heated face, you could see his stupid smile in his eyes as he flicked down the visor on his helmet and kicked up the stand before revving away.  
He took you down some country roads before an hour passed and he stopped when he was at an open field with a small farmhouse not too far off in the distance.  The cattle were off in a group as you could see their small black and white bodies look like ants from how far they were from the two of you.
“Are you sure we can be here?” you questioned when Jimin took off his helmet and ran his hand through his hair.  You hated when he did that, how dare he do that multiple times over and not be aware of it or his attractiveness skyrocket when he does.  Damn frat boy.
“Yeah.  I got a friend of a friend’s permission to be here.  It’s all cool.  We’re not trespassing so come on.” You swung your leg back over the motorcycle before Jimin linked his arm with yours and began to walk off, setting his helmet on his bike seat and not forgetting to grab your snacks either.  
The two of you just walked around.  Treading through the grass and making sure not to step on any flowers of innocent bees doing their hard work of collecting pollen.  Though, Jimin did wave and scare off a wasp once or twice. Which was dumb because that only resulted in the bug buzzing angrily after the two of you before it gave up.
Eventually, you both came to a grove of trees.  They were tall and proud.  You had no doubt they had taken years upon years to grow up to this level of brilliance.  It was just the right time in spring in flowers flew from the treetops and the green returned to the leaves. The wind that knocked the flower petals around was like a cinematic effect.  
Jimin was quick to plonk himself down at the base of one of the trees, sitting cross-legged while unloading your snacks.  Bags of chips, plastic bins of cookies, small individual wraps of brownies and of course some soda to tied you two over while you feasted.  Definitely not healthy, but oh so worth it.
The two of you sat under the tree as ate while you talked more.  It was strange that Jimin and you never ran out of things to talk about.  Any quiet gap between the conversation was quickly filled because all you two were doing was chalking up more conversations to have.  It was comfortable and the air around it made it seem like Jimin enjoyed it more than you did.
“Oh! I forgot, Jackson told me that you have a tattoo!” Jimin ticked his brow up at two things.  Yes, he did, but how did Jackson know that?  Then he remembered just who Jackson Wang was: Gossip Farm Member No.1. “How dare keep secrets in this relationship.  I demand a refund of time and lies.” Jimin shoved at your shoulder as he shrugged off his leather jacket, leaving him in a navy shirt.
“How about I show you and we can forget all about that refund?”
“If you whip your dick out and show me some weird cockring tattoo, please forget it.”  He laughed, nearly falling onto your lap as you braced his back. “I’m serious!” You cried in your own laughter.  He shook his head, putting the back of his hand against his face and looking at the sky through the tree’s leaves.  
“I cannot believe you sometimes.”  He swung his jacket around your shoulders.  “It’s on my rib cage, so hold my jacket for me.  I don’t want to get it all grassy.” You’d complain, but you did have a soft spot for this jacket. So, you slipped your arms through the sleeves and huffed in peace as the jacket warmed you up from Jimin’s body previous being in it.
Jimin slipped one of his arms back through the short sleeve of his shirt as it appeared under the bottom of it and pushed it up to reveal his torso.  The sharp, black ink of NEVERMIND engraved on his ribs. You awed at it.  It was something you wouldn’t expect to be on Jimin, yet the idea and the look of it suited him so well it was almost painful.
“Honestly, if you keep springing these attractive attributes on me I’m going to cry.” Jimin rolled his eyes as he- instead of putting it back on- removed his shirt altogether.  Showing you his back where a spade tattooed lay between his shoulders.  “Another one?!” He chuckled.
“You said not to spring it on you,” he slyly remarked as he watched your face heat up.  “What, too attractive?  Come to think, did you back-handedly compliment me a moment ago?”
“No. Shut your trap you stupid college frat.”
“You’re very good at sending compliments like insults.”
“Ugh, fine!  You’re attractive- is your ego gloated enough now?” He smirked as he took his shirt and threw it around your neck, dragging you closer to him. Your breath caught when he bumped his nose against your, scanning your face like a computer would a test sheet to make sure a No. 2 leaded pencil was used.
“It’s can be inflated a bit more, truth be told.” He watched your eyes switch between his own. “Remember what you told me about dandelions? How they make wishes come true?” You nodded. “Good,” he breathed before he kissed you.  He eased his shirt from around your neck when you didn’t fight or push him away.  He pushed down on you, pushing you further against the trunk of the tree as the sun made the shadows of the leaves dance.  
It was like the shimmering of the sea on your skin as he cracked open his eyes when he pulled away from you just long enough for you to grip the back of his head, entangling your fingers in his hair and pull him straight back.  He wasn’t complaining, smiling as the kiss became fervent.
He didn’t know how long he spent hunched over you in an intense lip lock, and frankly, he didn’t really care either.  Though, there is one thing from the Park Jimin a week ago that wasn’t snuffed out.  The playboy heartbreaker surely died, as you killed him within less than a week.  However, his tolerance and patience when it came to things that looked to become more heated than not, was still at an all-time low.  
He whined as he forced himself away from you, watching as your kiss-swollen lips breathed harsh air out in gasps and your face was as red as the blood rushing to them.  He chuckled as he kissed the tip of your nose and from previous knowledge of seeing it earlier, moved back from you and plucked a dandelion that sat behind him at the base of the tree trunk.
Jimin turned to you and held it in front of your face before he smiled and blew on it.  All the seeds scattering onto your face and into your hair as it left the stem bare. You blew out your lips, trying to make sure no seeds were unsightly inhaled at his assault.  
He laughed again.  “Wanna know what I wished for?”
You plucked seed after white seed out of your hair before you looked up at him as he tossed the stem over his shoulder. “You can’t tell.  That’s literally rule number 1 of wish making.  Telling someone the wish makes it void and it can’t come true!” You pouted.  “Though, I am curious.”
He smiled as he moved and pinched your side.  He kept pinching you until you got to your knees before he grabbed your waist and dragged you over to him.  You walking clumsily on your knees found yourself sat forcefully on Jimin’s thighs as he intertwined his fingers behind your back.
He pouted cutely at you as his blond hair was like that of the sun.
“I wished you would kiss me again.”
“You’re awfully cocky,” you replied with that same crimson on your face.
“I didn’t hear a no?”
“You didn’t, because you know damn well I’m not gonna say no!”
“It’s not nice to yell at your boyfriend who bought you snacks and only wants a kiss or two.”
“You’re actually the worst.”
“Kiss me!”
“Why should I?” You teased as he pushed his knees up, making you fall closer to his chest.  
“The dandelion said so,” so he laughed and kissed you again for certainly not the last time.
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