#especially one supplying taps or as part of a flushing toilet.
magespell · 8 months
There should be a straight bar called cis-tern
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aptplumbingsblog · 2 years
The Guide To Finding The Right Type Of Plumbing Fixtures And Fittings
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Plumbing fixtures come in many shapes and sizes. Plumbing fixtures include toilets, taps, water heaters, baths & sinks. These are all made in several different materials including brass, stainless steel, ceramic, porcelain, granite, plastic, wood, concrete & marble.
When you are choosing fixtures, it is important to remember a few things such as how often guests will use the facility, such as a bathroom, toilet, laundry etc., how much time & money you want to invest in your installation, what type of water pressure is available at your property, what type of water supply you have.
The best way to select the correct bathroom fixtures for your needs is by taking the time to think about their use. Are you looking for practical or modern and new? You so not want to spend too much money unnecessarily or the wrong products.
Types Of Plumbing Fixtures
Pipe Joint Joint pipes are used to join two pieces of pip together. There are many kinds of Pipe Joints, some are:
Closed Nipple The most common type of joint known as a union. Made of metal and has a thread at both ends. Make it easy to connect the two pipes.
Male-Female Type Commonly known as a union pipe. Male & Female unions are similar. They differ in terms of size, the male being larger than the female.
Isolation Valve The isolation valve is usually inserted into a drain line. The valve prevents sewer gas entering the home if there is ever an issue with your sewerage system. This is different from a venting valve.
Venting valves open to release trapped air inside the pipes. Isolation valves only open when there is an issue in the drainage system. You may notice smells from the toilet after a while due to the presence of a leaking pipe. If this happens you need to call APT Plumbing your reliable bathroom plumbing services immediately.
Taps/Flush Tops There are two kinds of taps you can install in your bathroom, they are:
• Single Handle Taps • Double Handles Taps
Single Leaver Taps Handles are convenient as you don’t need both hands to turn them on. You can also control the flow and temperature.
You generally have sinks in the kitchen, bathroom, and laundry. Expert plumbers in their field will guide you in where to place these and make suggestions like using a bowl rather than a sink in places like bathrooms. They will also suggest the size of sinks you need depending on what you are using them for.
No need for looking for Shower Waterproofing in Sydney as APT Plumbing knows it’s essential to have a practical working shower in the home. They will assist you in choosing the kind that is best suited to your needs like a standalone or a tub/shower combo.
If you choose the tub style you may also need a watertight tap and tub spout.
Always make sure you check reviews especially if you notice you need a bathroom waterproofing repair. You should make sure they have experience in these repairs should you have an older home as it may be a big job depending on how old the bathroom is and how large the repair turns out to be.
Bathtubs are extremely useful as they provide a lot of space. If you are a lover of stretching out or laying in a bath, specialized plumbers will guide you on the maximum size bath you can fit into the bathroom to enjoy and relax in.
Toilets vary in size and shape. You may have trouble choosing this alone, so we suggest you get advice on choosing one that fits in the space you have created to have it installed in.
Vanity Cabinets
These are a vital part of every bathroom. Used for storing wet and dry products you need to make sure they can accommodate the fitting of a sink and still allow you a practical space to work with.
Garbage Disposal Units
These are not essential. You need to remember you cannot dispose of grease or oil down these units, so consideration needs to be given to see if you require one.
Cleaning Clogs
The best way to prevent clogging is to ensure you have a new sieve over the drain. This will allow you to remove foreign bodies like hair or food scraps before they get into the pipes and cause a nightmare for you and the plumber that needs to unclog it! APT Plumbing can help get your clogged drains cleared but prevention is better than a clogged pipe.
Pipes are considered by plumbers as bathroom furniture! Without it, you don’t have a working bathroom! Pipes are made from plastic or metal materials. To make sure your pipes are safe you should ensure the expert plumbers apply rubber caps to protect the ends of the pipes.
The Best Way To Fix A Leaky Pipe
Leaks occur when there’s an issue like corrosion inside it. Some common leaks are: Improper installation of a pipe system Incorrect flushing habits Overflowing toilets Corrosive chemicals used Poor drainage Severe weather conditions Cracks Mould Faulty valve
Water Heater Repair Cost
Water heaters are essential for heating water in the home. Water heaters come in three different styles. Electric heaters, gas furnaces, and oil tanks. Each one does different things and as a result, are all unique. When choosing a water heater, you can speak to APT Plumbing, they provide bathroom plumbing services for advice on the best heating for your home. Electrics are more expensive than gas due to cost and oil tanks are the least efficient as they work by burning fuel.
Always have skilled install the heating for you, and should you notice the heater breaks down it is recommended you contact them to repair the system should it leak due to a broken pipe or need to have its filter cleaned.
Plumbing Services
You can choose a company like APT Plumbing that specialises in homes and are experienced in larger projects, make sure you look for feedback on:
Experience Reputation Licensing & Insurance.
Check if the company has licensed plumbers and liability insurance. This protects you should tradesmen get injured on the job. The most important thing is to ensure the area is safe for the bathroom water repairs or plumber to work in.
What To Look For When Hiring A Plumber
Ask friends or neighbours, even local area, look on social pages, as to if they have any expert plumbers to recommend to you.
Check online reviews. These can be very useful when choosing a plumber. Customers tell of their thoughts and experiences of the plumber and can help you make decisions on choosing someone for the specific job you have.
Get referrals, and ask people that have hired a plumber their thoughts. Check with friends and family on their experiences and thoughts.
Look at their credentials. Check license numbers, background checks, and the year the business was established.
Once you have chosen an expert plumber, thoroughly read the contract, if unsure ask questions. Do not sign anything until you understand the agreement. Make sure the quote includes all costs including labour costs, material costs, and disposal costs.
When hiring a bathroom plumbing service, APT Plumbing recommends you get several quotes. If you like one, try and negotiate to cost. The same plumber may be a lot more expensive for the exact same job and a great expert plumber but they may be prepared to discuss and negotiate a fair price.
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gaarasgoddess · 4 years
Welcome to Suna - Part 7
Welcome to Suna. Where the lights never die and the fun never  stops. Sakura and Ino lie to their parents to spend a wild weekend in a forbidden city. Will they regret it? Or will they both find something worth coming for? Main pairing is GaaraxSakura and side InoxKankuro.[Listening to 1989 album by Taylor Swift.]
Chapter summary: GaaSaku and KankIno bonding. [This chapter came fast so I am posting early.]
[Please read previous parts first. part 1 and part 2 and part 3. And part 4. And part 5. and part 6.]
“Mind if we join the party, brother?”
Sakura stopped her glaring contest with Ino and gaped. His brother? She tried to find the family resemblance but couldn’t. While Kankuro was cute, Gaara was - definitely - gorgeous. The facial structure was different too and she thought maybe one of them took after each parent. It would be funny if Gaara looked like his mother because his features were softer than his brother’s.
She smiled to herself.
Sakura hadn’t noticed the picnic basket in Kankuro’s hand until then. He didn’t wait for permission before setting up his own blanket and gentlemanly helping Ino to sit down on it. They positioned themselves so they were sitting only four feet from Gaara and Sakura.
The blonde smirked at Sakura as though daring her to complain.
Ino will never change.
“Not at all,” Gaara said, his eyes narrowing.
Ino helped Kankuro lay out their food. They had grapes and sandwiches and a pitcher of what Sakura assumed was juice. The blonde looked self satisfied as she fed some grapes to her lover and glanced at Sakura as though goading her.
It’s so on.
Sakura plucked an Onigiri from their own basket and held it out to Gaara. His eyebrows rose and she motioned for him to open up. She felt the tension from a moment ago drift away as he opened his mouth and let her hand feed him. The hungry look from before returning.
Ino snickered at her but both girls kept it up. At least until Kankuro got thirsty for juice and poured a cup for himself and Ino, breaking the silent competition. Sakura decided she’d won and licked her fingers where the Onigiri had made a mess, not noting the darkening of Gaara’s eyes as she did so.
“So Sakura,” Kankuro said around his food a moment later and Ino rolled her eyes and shifted a few inches away from him, ignoring him as she started picking out the food he’d brought. “Tell us about yourself, love.”
Gaara was still glowering at his brother but Sakura noticed he was interested in this question. He sat there, his hands clenching the picnic blanket now watching her curiously. She’d told him a few things but they hadn’t talked too much, she remembered with a blush. He couldn’t seem to keep his hands off her most of the time and his libido (and hers too) often put an end to any kind of other bonding. Especially since she gave in knowing this was just supposed to be about the sex.
She cleared her throat as Ino didn’t try to intervene. “I.. uh. I’m pretty boring.”
“Nonsense!” Kankuro proclaimed. “What’s your favourite hobby? Other than fucking my brother of course,” he said with a smirk.
Sakura fiddled with her fingers. “Well I love reading. I’ve built a large library in my room back home. For my area anyway. It’s harder to get books into rural areas than the city.”
“You got a smart chick on your hands Gaara.”
Gaara just nodded his head. The gears were turning in his head, Sakura could tell.
“Sakura loves trivia,” Ino said suddenly. She looked up and winked. “Me though, I love shopping. Not that there’s too much to buy in Konoha.”
“You don’t shop for objects, Ino-pig,” Sakura said. “You shop for boys.”
Kankuro threw his head back and laughed as Ino screwed up her face. Even Gaara had a soft smile on his face.
“I’ll have you know they come to me, forehead not the other way around.” Ino huffed.
“What else do you like, Sakura?”
She turned to face Gaara, startled as his hand found her thigh, but then returned his smile. He started running his thumb over her leg in gentle motions.
“I... uh, don’t collect boys.” Kankuro giggled at that but Sakura continued. “I work at the local trauma center on most weekends. It’s not a big hospital or anything and most days it’s just about learning rather than doing...” She blushed at revealing this to total strangers.
“She’s going to be a doctor in the big city,” Ino said, proud of her.
“And you, Ino?” Gaara asked, suddenly feeling magnanimous.
“She just wants to marry a rich guy.” Sakura stuck her tongue out at her best friend as she threw a grape at the pinkette.
Kankuro leant in to whisper in Ino’s ear making her blush. “I...” She stammered. “I want to own a flower shop. Like my mum, but not my mum’s.”
As Kankuro continued to whisper sweet nothings in Ino’s ear, Gaara leant to Sakura and whispered, “we’re playing Doctor later.”
She turned bright red, picking up another Onigiri and shifting into a more comfortable position as Gaara looked at her expectantly. He made a show of sucking on the rice ball as he took the last bite of it from her hand, in his mouth. She couldn’t help but stare at his lips and lick her own lips.
When he finished the mouthful, he pulled her to him and kissed her. She responded eagerly. She was about to ask him about his own life goals.
Oh whatever.
It could wait.
Sakura vaguely heard herself moaning without caring. His hands were wandering so she returned the favour and rubbed her hands over his chest, grazing his nipple. His right arm rubbed her back and shoulder as he leant into her as she shifted to sit on his lap. Gaara’s left hand was rubbing at her breast and she made a cute high pitch noise which just made him smirk into her mouth.
They did not see their audience. Gaara’s right hand wandered down to the front of her shorts. His shorts. They were too slim for his own hips. The shorts weren’t his but he felt a primal pull to his gut knowing she was wearing the clothes he’d chosen (from a guest house). He bypassed undoing her blouse this time and just went straight for her core, fingering her through the denim material. Her hands were in his hair, messing it up and she ground her pussy against his cock which was slowly coming to life.
Someone nearby cleared their throat and Sakura barely registered it. But she was too caught up to respond. A few moments later and when Gaara had seemed to decide he needed to touch her unimpeded, someone cleared their throat again. Loudly.
GaaSaku broke apart and spun their heads around, startled. They’d forgotten they weren’t alone.
“You two are cute,” Ino said, causing Sakura to flush.
“That... was hot!” Kankuro said.
Ino nodded. “I agree.” She stood up. “Okay, we girls need to go wash up.”
Sakura frowned before understanding. Ino wanted to catch up without the boys around. Sakura nodded her head, quickly kissed Gaara’s lips as he pouted and stood to follow her friend.
Kankuro gave Ino some quick directions to the nearest bathroom said, “don’t get lost, lovelies” and they were off, arm in arm. Two sets of very smitten eyes watching them go.
Ino didn’t say anything as they walked but she was grinning at her blushing friend, obviously very proud of her. They found the bathroom easily; Sakura noted they were still in the same wing but this area looked uninhabited. Perhaps usually used for guests? The doors opened inwards and Sakura felt like she was walking into well maintained public toilets.
The bathroom was almost as large as the en suite in Gaara’s bedroom. Sakura loved the smell of it too. It wasn’t the off putting disinfectant smell of a hospital but was just as clean and shiny. There were three toilets - what they needed so many for she didn’t know - and three sinks.
Sakura turned around as Ino leant against a wall and crossed her arms.
“You lost it last night right?”
Sakura rolled her eyes at her friend’s frankness. “No, Ino.” She smirked as the blonde frowned. “I was too drunk and instead popped my cherry on Gaara’s bed this morning.”
Ino squealed clapping her hands. “I knew you’d find someone here. Isn’t Suna awesome?!”
Her happiness was contagious and Sakura returned her grin.
“I really do need to wash up, though,” Ino said and ducked into the furthest toilet as Sakura waited for her.
The pinkette turned on one of the taps and cupped the water in her hand before washing her face. The water was cool and refreshing and she was reminded of the quality of the water in Gaara’s shower.
She’d gotten carried away in the gardens, kissing and groping Gaara. His kisses were intoxicating and his fingers always felt so good. Never would she have imagined doing such a thing in front of others. She wasn’t an exhibitionist or a voyeur.
But Kankuro was right - it had been hot.
She washed her face again, trying to calm down her flushed appearance. She still felt so naive and innocent and easy to lead on but somehow Gaara had brought out her wilder side. She blushed at all the things they’d done so far but she didn’t regret it and wanted more and more.
Sakura was running wet hands through her hair in order to tame it (Gaara had mussed it up a bit) when Ino finally emerged and started washing her hands. She whistled for a moment before talking about her own sex exploits with the older brother.
“Kankuro’s cock is about average,” Ino said, ignoring Sakura’s blush. “It’s good though, I think he’s not used to girls wanting to suck him off and it fits real good in my mouth.” She patted her own cheeks and smirked at Sakura. “What about Gaara?”
Sakura nodded.
“Come on, I gotta have more than that.”
Sakura sighed. “I don’t know if he’s average.”
“Of course.” Ino started drying her hands with the paper towels supplied on the wall. “But you’ve sucked him, right?”
Sakura pushed down her embarrassment and nodded again. “Yeah.”
“Come on!”
She rolled her eyes. “Okay fine, he doesn’t quite fit in my whole mouth but that’s probably because I’m not used to it.” She bit her lip as Ino grinned at her, but continued. “I... uh... like it. A lot.”
Ino clapped her hands together. “Yea-heh-hes! Take that Naruto!”
Ino just shrugged. “You know him. He’d tell you to wait until marriage or something.”
Sakura didn’t think Naruto was that bad but kept it to herself. This wasn’t about her other blond annoying friend. She loved them both but this decision to come to Suna, though Ino’s idea, was totally Sakura’s. She didn’t want to regret this and she didn’t want to be a blushing virgin anymore than she wanted to be some horny slut.
There was a nice middle - below Ino who wasn’t a slut but had sex way more than anyone that wasn’t. And Sakura wanted that middle.
With Gaara.
There was that traitorous thought again. She sighed.
“We better get back before they think we’ve gone looking for their porn stash,” Ino said.
Gaara was annoyed with his brother on so many levels.
“Relax, bro.” Kankuro shoved a handful of grapes in his mouth. “Didn’t mean to interrupt your fuckfest.” He ignored the growl Gaara gave him. “But Ino wanted to make sure you weren’t doing wrong by her girl, so here we are.”
Gaara sighed. He could respect that. He pushed down his annoyance and stared after Sakura, wondering how long his idiot brother was going to tag along for. From what he’d figured he only had the weekend with the pinkette and didn’t want to waste a moment. She was definitely something else. Just thinking about her made his dick twitch which was a feat for him. Every inch of her was delectable, he could barely keep his hands to himself, and she tasted so incredibly fucking divine.
Kankuro continued to stuff his face, talking around his food about the blonde friend of Sakura’s. Ino apparently had the tastiest cunt this side of the equator or something. Gaara didn’t respond, not wanting to get into a pissing match with him on whose pussy was best. He just knew Kankuro would do that. After a while, he started to get anxious.
“They’ve been gone awhile.”
Kankuro looked up and checked his watch. “Yeah. Hope they didn’t get turned around. We should probably go looking for them.” He stood up and dusted himself off. “Come on.”
Gaara groaned at his bossiness but followed suit. The last thing he needed was for more time to be wasted because Kankuro’s instructions didn’t lead Sakura to the bathroom. He desperately wanted to just grab her and...
Don’t think like that right now.
If he got a hard on right now he’d never live it down.
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bathroomdesigns01 · 4 years
900+ Bathroom Remodel Ideas In 2021
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That blue-gray quartz vanity top could be extra blue than gray in actual life, or the sunshine fixtures that look understated online could overwhelm your precise house. That’s why we all the time recommend visiting a showroom or design center before you purchase.
Maybe you retain the floor however change out the sink to fulfill your budget. The first step to planning a bathroom transform is evaluating the existing area. If you’re planning on updating or renovating an present toilet, what would you like to see improved? Do you want to up date the look of the bathroom by altering details like lighting and mirrors, or are you curious about a serious overhaul? Answering these query will help provide you with a clearer idea of what you need the finished product to seem like. Going on-line is nice for researching merchandise and design ideas. But materials and finishes aren’t always as they seem in your pc display screen.
Soaking or backyard tubs are deeper than typical bathtubs, allowing the bather to immerse nearly fully within the water. Walk-in tubs may be an especially good idea if you’re transforming a bathroom to include safety features for an older resident or someone with restricted mobility.
Light fixtures tend to perform the same throughout most value factors—it’s the high design that prices extra. You may additionally find that opting for a basic end on taps and fixtures saves you tons of of dollars with out compromising quality. And you undoubtedly don’t need to blow your budget on a luxury rest room, like Kohler's $6,390 Numi, with its movement-activated lid and built-in bidet.
Those are cool features, but bogs costing as little as $300 delivered one of the best flush in our exams. Hidden water harm is a common drawback in loos, whether or not from a leaky shower pan or working bathroom. “If the ground feels spongy, that’s an indication of serious water damage,” says John Petrie, owner of Mother Hubbard's Custom Cabinetry in Mechanicsburg, Pa. Other issues are actually hidden, for instance a vent stack inside a wall that you thought you had been going to knock down. Explore dozens of trendy, inspirational design ideas in your personal rest room rework. Like most building projects the bathroom transform can consist of many various components.
Many common design options are actually a part of mainstream toilet design. For example, the bigger shower stall that’s in favor today offers quick access and common use, supplied it has a zero-threshold and a built-in seating platform. “The bench is also a pleasant place for an in a position-bodied girls to take a seat and shave her legs,” says Cheetham. Regarding bathrooms, so-referred to as consolation-peak fashions that are easier to get on and off of are now simply as frequent as commonplace-peak fashions. Even seize bars have enjoyed a design improve; many now match towel bars and other accessories. Grab bars make it easier for pregnant women or young children to get out and in of the tub.
This is by no means an exhaustive list of all the toilet features obtainable, but a quick information to help familiarize you with some widespread reworking components. A toilet design that’s rapidly dated can damage, not assist, your own home’s resale appeal. If your bathroom rework consists of removing the old ground and putting in a new one, use the opportunity to consider putting in a radiant heating flooring system. Not solely will it maintain your ft warm and cozy, it can also be an excellent characteristic to differentiate your own home from others if and when you resolve to promote it. If you’re trying to do your rest room on a price range, consider choosing simply a few parts to transform.
While you’re there, you could even get the showroom to fulfill or even beat the online price. Bathroom fixtures have turn out to be more water-environment friendly, especially when you choose WaterSense-certified models. But the development towards tricked-out showers, often along with his-and-her “bathe towers” that might embrace a number of showerheads and body sprays, will doubtless lead to your water and vitality use going up. It additionally means your toilet’s present drain and plumbing lines might require an upgrade. “You might need to resize your water lines from half-inch to 3-quarters,” says Petrie, an improve that may add lots of, if not hundreds, to your project. And you don’t have to worry about ending up with an institutional look.
Whirlpool or Jacuzzi-type tubs function multiple nozzles all through the tub, which may present a massaging impact. Despite traditionally being one of many smaller rooms in a home, you've a myriad of decisions when renovating or reworking toilet features. Your remodeling project might include all or some of these features, so bear in mind to plan the place you make investments your cash wisely.
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omnyamaflowerz · 5 years
Help Ch. 6
Warnings: A/B/O mechanics, blood, violence, dub-con elements
check the masterlist for more parts!
Arjana was leaned over the toilet and retching. She gasped as the contents of the stomach spilled into the bowl of it. Florian was behind her, holding her twists away from her and patting her back. Jana took deep breaths as she leaned over the side of the toilet. Florian hit the flush for her before going to the sink and wetting her toothbrush. 
Jana had her eyes closed, groggy from the fatigue. She looked up when Florian tapped her on the shoulder. She took the toothbrush from him, sloppily brushing her teeth while sitting on the ground. “Stand up.” Florian said. Jana whimpered as Florian started to pull her up. She moved his hands away. Florian took a deep breath. “Please, get up, Jana.”
Jana stood up and leaned over the sink to spit. Once the taste of vomit was not as prominent, she sipped from the faucet, swishing with the water and spitting it out. Florian walked her back to his bed. 
Jana slipped into the bed with Florian dotingly pulling the blanket over her. She reached for the Gatorade on the nightstand to rehydrate. Florian sat next to her, a comforting hand on her lap. “You don’t feel any better?” he asked. Jana shook her head, taking the bottle away from her lips. “At least, it’s getting out of your system.”
“Florian...I haven’t been off of suppressants in years.” Jana whimpered. 
“I know. I was reading these articles and they said that this is usually the reaction. It’ll go away.” he said.
“No, you don’t get it.” she said. “It’s going to be bad. I won’t be able to take a heat after this long.”
“I’ll be here.” Florian said, scooting closer to her. Jana didn’t try pulling away knowing he would only come closer to her. “We’ll get you through it.” 
Jana looked at him, her eyes teary still from vomiting earlier. She felt as if Florian didn’t understand. She slumped down on the bed as the memories came back. She didn’t like thinking about this especially since she thought she would never have to revisit this. 
It was when her parents shipped her to an all girl boarding school in the Midwest where almost nothing happened. Arjana believed she was safe. Every girl student was a Beta, her teachers were Betas. It was almost guaranteed she wouldn’t have to interact with any Alphas, male or female. She flushed her suppressants down the toilet, thinking she wouldn’t need them.
Jana very much regretted that and resented herself as she laid in her bed, withering. She threw up everything and was dying of thirst. Fatigue was killing her causing her to miss classes to sleep and trying to find the strength to eat. Once the illness subsided and a week and a half after her period was when even more horror struck.
Her friend at the time, Cecilia, walked into her room after she missed breakfast to find Jana in a terrible state. Her heat was ripping its way through her. Her physiology’s need for an Alpha had been amplified and now she was left disheveled on her bed.
Of course, she couldn’t be left like this so, Jana was taken to a hospital where she was given a suppressant shot and a new prescription.
“How could you be so stupid?” Her father scolded from the end of her hospital bed. 
“I thought I was going to need them anymore. I thought it would be okay.” Jana said looking down. Both shame and fear kept her from meeting her father’s gaze.
“You thought wrong. Even in a place where we thought we could worry the least about you, here we are. Looking over you in a hospital bed as you made one of the dumbest decisions an Omega could make.” her father said.
Jana pressed her lips together, daring not to shed tears in front of him. Her mother came to her side, seemingly putting a hand on her wrist to comfort her. “Arjana, you know that without your suppressants, things get dangerous. For any Omega, it would be dangerous. Anything could have happened. Thankfully, no one smelled you.”
“Please.” her father scoffed. Jana looked up at her father. She knew her father was disappointed that his only daughter came out as an Omega. However, could he have been so cruel to want to be rid of her in such a way? “Just take the damn medication. If we are paying for it, you’re going to keep taking them.”
“It’s just for the best, honey. To keep your health.” her mother said.
“And until an Alpha can take you off of our hands.” her father said.
With a new set of pills, Jana was sent back to school and had to have a sit down with her counselor. It was then she had to have another lecture about being an Omega, taking suppressants, and what may happen when she met an Alpha. None of what was described to her was this. 
Jana was aware that Alphas could be possessive and very sadistic. When in a rut, they could be out of control, force themselves on an Omega and mate with them with little to no resistance. Even with the law favoring Alphas, things may have been slowly changing to give Omegas more rights. However, if an Alpha were to mate and claim her at any point in life, there would almost be nothing she could do. Which that was impending. 
Now off her suppressants, going through withdrawals and a vicious heat looming over her head, Jana was now at the mercy at Florian. As if she wasn’t before. She took big gulps of Gatorade as if it was liquor and she was looking to wash away her sorrows. 
“I have errands to run. Do you think you’ll be okay without me?” Florian said. Jana wanted to rejoice at being alone, but at the same time, she’d be locked in his room until he got back. She whimpered, pulling the covers over herself. She saw that Florian was looking for an answer. “I won’t be gone long. I can bring you back some soup.”
Jana huffed, turning away from him and keeping the bottle close. She heard Florian sigh. He got up, going over to the shoe rack by the door and putting his shoes on. “I’ll be back later and with a few things for you.” he said. Florian put the key in the door and turned back to look at Jana. “I love you.”
Jana didn’t move from her position. She waited until the click of the door, but didn’t hear it. She turned and looked over at Florian still standing in the doorway. He glared at her, waiting. A lump rose in Jana’s throat. He wasn’t going to leave until she said it. She wished he would have just left. “You can at least say it back.”
Jana would never let those words leave her lips in regards to him. She turned away again. She wished she could melt into the mattress and disappear. Florian shook his head. He left, practically slamming the door. He turned the key locking it and leaving to run his errands.
Florian went to one of the properties he managed. He was turning it into a home. He had furniture put in, cable and internet installed, decorated a little, installed a security system with cameras around the outside. During their dates, Florian would pay attention to what Jana would wear. He picked out things similar to her style and her size. Florian planned on moving Jana out of the apartment and soon. He wasn’t entirely sure, but he thought the change would make her more comfortable. Plus, she could at least have an entire house to roam around when he was away. 
After putting away linens and cleaning supplies, Florian went to get food. As promised, he returned back to the apartment with soup for Jana and other items that would have provided her comfort. He walked into the bedroom and found Jana sleeping. He collected the empty Gatorade bottle, discarding it. He gently pressed a hand to her forehead. She wasn’t warm which was a good sign. 
Florian sat in his office, looking at more articles on Omega health. He didn’t grow up learning about Omegas. The only thing he was really told was that he would mate with one. Unlike Jana, he came from a very loving family. He, in turn, was a family person. Florian wanted a wife and kids. He felt like he was on the way to getting it. Jana would come around eventually and hopefully soon.
Jana stirred as she woke up. She groaned as she opened her eyes as there was still this haze over her mind. She felt warm and slightly dizzy. Jana touched her throat, feeling this scratchiness as she swallowed. She sat up in the bed and saw that the door was cracked. She knew Florian was home so it wasn’t like she really had hoped she could run. She walked out of the room and down the stairs. Florian looked up, watching her come down the stairs. She looked weary, but wild at the same time. There was a slight sweat line on the collar of her shirt. “Hey. Feeling any better?”
“No.” she said with a snarl.
Florian chose to ignore the attitude and stood up from the couch. Jana stood on the last step, something she did as of recently as a way being able to run up the stairs away from him if needed. He walked over to her. “I got your soup. It will only take a minute to warm up.”
Jana didn’t want to take any food from him. She knew it would only make him think that he was still right in his ways and that she was accepting of this. Florian didn’t wait for her answer, motioning her into the kitchen. She reluctantly followed. Florian poured half of the soup into a bowl and put it in the microwave. “Do you want anything else? You are probably really running on E.”
Jana remained silent as she leaned on the counter. Her eyes fell to the skillet on the stove. It was on the back burner and clean. Jana imagined swinging it just right and knocking Florian unconscious. She’d grab her phone off the charger on the other side of where he was standing, his wallet for cab money and get herself to the nearest police station. Her muscles tensed up. She could do it. This may have been her chance. 
Jana was ripped from her trance as now instead of staring at the skillet, she watched Florian pick up the skillet and store it away in the bottom cabinet. He glared at her as he did it. He had figured out by now that if she stared like that it meant she was deep in thought and was liable to do something. 
The TV in the background was on the 4 o’ clock news. The reporter came on the screen with a greeting and a smile. What she opened up with got Jana’s attention. 
“Recently, the Omega Freedom Movement has released a statement updating the public on their new suppressant testing. The suppressants that they started testing on about 4 months ago were for Omegas and Alphas alike in an attempt to make them equal by physiology. Earlier last week, they provided data on the suppressant trials so far. The organization states that though there have been some complications from the medicine, subjects have been progressing while taking their daily dose. However, they were honest about the side effects. They wanted the public and all that are skeptical of these new trials to know that while there have been some bad reactions that every person is different and they are using the best technology possible to make a suppressant for each person.” the reporter said.
Jana didn’t break from looking at the TV as the reporter kept talking. “The OFM released this statement after a number of test subjects in various states were open that the side effects of the new experimental drug made them sick on a few occasions. Signs and symptoms have ranged from mood swings, nausea, and other ailments.”
Jana heard the clink of the ceramic bowl hitting the counter in front of her. “Told you we wouldn’t need the suppressants.” Florian said. 
“They protected me from Alphas like you.” Jana said, under her breath.
“There are no Alphas like me.” Florian said. “Other Alphas would have-”
“I was fine! You think this is right and it’s not! I’m not some helpless little girl that needs saving! I was fine with my life! I was happy!” Jana said.
“You need to relax. You are going through withdrawals.” Florian said. 
“Fuck you!” Jana yelled.
“Don’t yell at me, Jana.” he said, warningly. “All I have ever done has been to help you. I have tried to make you comfortable.”
“This isn’t comfort. This is prison.” Jana said.
“I have tried…” Florian started. He stopped when Jana knocked the bowl of soup off the counter, the contents spilling on the floor at their feet and the bowl shattering. He opened his mouth to scold her, but was met with her fists instead. Florian grabbed her wrists to restrain her. Jana tried kicking his knees from under him but, Florian swung her around and trying to get her to lean back over the counter island. “Jana, stop!” he said.
Jana tried kicking him again, but Florian held her ankle. With one hand now free, Jana swung slapping Florian. She tried scratching him, but balancing on one foot was a challenge. “Let me go!” she yelled.
“Jana, quit! You’re going to hurt yourself again!” Florian said. Jana hit Florian in his neck, making him stumble back. Now released, Jana had both feet on the ground, but her left foot landed on a shattered piece of the bowl. She screamed, collapsing on the ground, clutching at her foot. Florian hurried to squat by her side.
“Let me see.” Florian said.
“Leave me alone!” Jana cried, pushing him. Florian looked taken aback by her actions.
“I’m trying to help you, Jana!” he said.
“I don’t want your help!” Jana screamed. “I fucking hate you! You’re a fucking monster!”
Florian settled back on his heels. This defeated feeling set in. He tried to pity her in her sick state, but Jana’s words cut him too deep. Was he a monster, now? He swallowed the lump in his throat and stood up. “I’m not going to do this with you.” he said. Jana tried to fight back, but she couldn’t stop Florian from picking her up and putting her over his broad shoulder. She squirmed and beat her fists against his back. Pleas for him to stop and to put her down went unheard as Florian marched her up the stairs.
Jana thought Florian was taking her to the master bedroom but realized he turned towards the guest bedroom. Florian opened the door and let Jana down. She sat on the floor, looking up at him surprised. She saw this coldness in his face unlike before when she saw this hopeful or sympathetic look.
“You want to be alone? Fine. I’m not what you want? I’ll deal with that. Hate me all you want, Arjana, but don’t take my kindness as a weakness.” He said. 
Florian’s tone scared Jana. When he wouldn’t let her leave, there was a chill down her spine. This time, however, a chill ran through her entire body. Gone was the loving Florian. The one that cared and would take her angry, hurtful words and brush them off. This Florian seemed as if he had truly had enough. He was done trying with her. 
Without another word, Florian shut the door. Jana heard the click of the lock and his footsteps receding. “Florian.”Jana called. She knocked on the door with desperation. “Florian, open this fucking door! You can’t lock me in here!”
Jana’s screams, curses, and cries for him to let her out went unheard. She banged on the door, jerking on the knob but, to no avail. Jana had it in her head that she wasn’t going to stop.
 However, her screaming didn’t last. After 20 minutes, Jana made a 180. Screams of anger turned into sobs. She was still against the door, but instead of determination and anger, Jana was filled with a new kind of desperation and sadness.
“Florian, please!” Jana sobbed. Her foot was hurting, her stomach was still grumbling and on top of that, she was still fatigued. She tried ignoring the puncture wound on the bottom of her foot. She tried toning out her growling stomach. Her withdrawal made her needy. She was starving, in pain, sweating. Physically, she was now weak. It only seemed right that she followed suit, mentally. “I know you hear me. Please, open the door.”
Jana scratched against the door. She sobbed, holding herself. At this point, she was ready to admit defeat for the night. She needed food and a first aid kit. She needed help.
“Florian, please. I’m sorry! I’m sorry...please.” she whimpered.
Florian sat downstairs, torn. It hurt him hearing her yell. He wanted to go comfort her, but at the same time, he knew that she needed to be without him. He was angry with her, but he still loved her. He believed that this hurt him more than it did her. He turned up the TV to drown her out, but he became flustered with all the noise. He was also thankful that no one lived underneath him. 
It seemed like an eternity for the yelling to cease. However, what replaced it was even more disturbing. Florian gritted his teeth at the sobbing. He didn’t expect her to make this quick of a turnaround. He fought with himself to not go upstairs and let her out. This was all for the best, he thought. Jana needed to learn that though he loved her deeply that there were consequences.
“Florian, please.” she wept from the second level. Jana swallowed with a dry throat. She didn’t want to keep begging. She knew that was what he wanted. For her to beg and plead, roll over and show belly for him. Jana knew that if she surrendered, it would mean that he won. That he broke her. She was determined not to let him win. 
Whereas pride and resilience told her to keep fighting, her body was telling her to give up. She needed food, bandages, pain medication for her stomach cramps, water and everything else that could restore her to better health. The blood from her foot smeared on the wood floors. Even if it was just this once, Jana needed to give in.
“Florian, I need you.” she said. “Please. I’m sorry. I need you.”
Florian sniffled as he had his head in his hands. He couldn’t do it anymore. He heard enough. She was in pain. Her withdrawal was getting the best of her and him. He sighed as he grabbed the keys from the coffee table. He made his way up the stairs.
Jana kept whimpering as she leaned on the door. Florian hurried and unlocked the door like her whines were driving him to do so. Jana moved away from the door as she heard the lock coming undone. Florian opened the door and saw Jana on the floor in her unruly state. Jana hung her head in shame, but also not wanting to see the look on his face. She didn’t want to give him the satisfaction of seeing her like this. She already had screamed and cried for his aid, but he couldn’t have anymore.
“Please, help me.” Jana whispered. 
Jana was left to soak in a warm bath while Florian cleaned the floor. The pain medication he gave her was taking effect as her cramps subsided and the light fever she accumulated was coming down. Whatever bath salts Florian added had a very calming scent. After her bath, Florian cleaned her wound and wrapped her foot. He gave her the other half of her soup and half of a sandwich. Once properly fed and having consumed three glasses of water, Jana laid on the couch, wrapped in a blanket. Florian pressed his hand to her forehead. “Your temperature is coming down.” he said. 
Jana gave a small nod, her eyes not breaking from the movie playing on the TV. Florian put a large bottle of water on the coffee table in front of her. He was about to walk back to the kitchen to finish washing dishes when Jana spoke up. “Florian.” she called. She tilted her head to look at him.
“Yeah?” he said.
“Thank you.” she said, softly.
Florian sat on the couch, pulling Jana up so she was laying her head on his lap. She shivered at the notion. She didn’t mean for that to be an invitation to cuddle with her. She swallowed her fear and disgust, letting him hold her. 
“Jana, I love you. And I hate fighting with you.” he said. “I don’t want to do this anymore. Fighting has only led to you getting injured. For your own sake, let’s just stop.”
Jana had a retort, but she didn’t want to say anything. She was tired but, also too relaxed. She was going to have to let him have this. Only because she couldn’t fight him anymore. Only because, he fed, clothed and cared for her. 
Florian moved her braids from her face, rubbing his thumb over her cheek. “Let’s just rest, honey.”
“Okay.” she whispered.
“I have plans for us.” he said. “Just let me take care of everything.”
Jana’s nostrils flared. Just don’t say anything, she told herself. She let him have this.
Jana laid in bed that night with Florian’s arm draped over her. For some reason, she felt comfortable. That safe feeling you only got when you were home. That feeling Florian wanted her to have. However, she still had this tinge of distaste. Jana still had it in her head that this was wrong. She still needed to escape. She still couldn’t submit. She jumped slightly as Florian squirmed against her. Her back was pressed against his torso and his soft breath tickled the back of her neck. She tried inching away but, it didn’t work. She felt the warmth of him and fought not to relish it. And even worse, his scent was stirring something inside of her. Her sense of smell was coming back slowly. The deep, musky almost forest-like scent was making her shudder a bit. Jana began to weep as she knew it was coming. Her heat was going to tear her apart and so would Florian.
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blankdblank · 6 years
Back Again Pt 5
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Short and sweet. Implied smut. :D
Pt 1 - Pt 2 - Pt 3 - Pt 4 - 
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@himoverflowers, @theincaprincess, @aspiringtranslator, @sweeticedtea, @ggbbhehe4455, @thegreyberet, @patanghill17, @jesgisborne, @curvestrology, @alishlieb, @jogregor, @admirationofarmitage, @fizzyxcustard, @here2have-fun, @lilith15000, @marvels-ghost, @catthefearless, @imjusthereforthereads, @evyiione, @deepestfirefun, @queenoferebor, @abiwim, @jotink78, @c-s-stars
All around Estel the Durins gathered, including Bilbo and Dwalin’s Children, Frodo and Frigga who giddily bounced in Dwalin’s arms after hugging their shortly absent Father Bilbo before Frodo’s eyes locked on Estel’s to say eagerly, “Your room is incredible! It’s a lot like mine, we helped pick some toys to add to it, and when Aunt Jaqi says you can we can have sleepovers!”
Estel glanced up at you softly asking, “Sleepovers?”
You smiled at him, “That’s when you would go over to their house to sleep there for a night or they would come spend a night here so you can play longer.” He couldn’t help but smile as you said, “A few days or so and we should be able to plan one.” Making the pair of them smile brighter.
With a grin Thorin suggested, “Why don’t we take a look at your room?”
Estel grinned at you while he and Dwalin carried the Pebbles towards the hallway on the opposite wall to the end to the room across from yours, just easing the door open drew an excited squeak from Estel. Softly he asked, “Is that a dinosaur bed?!” His head turned to Thorin and you as you nodded, he was lowered to the ground and walked in stating to himself, “I have a dinosaur bed!”
He grinned and rushed in to the bed after Thorin said, “It’s a strong bed, you can go hop on it.” Eagerly he scrambled onto it and smiled as he sat on it then hugged the triceratops plushie matching the thick wooden bed frame for a few moments as he looked over the room and all the toys and decorations everyone had added to the room before he rushed over and hugged Thorin’s and your lower legs, “Thank you!”
When he looked up at you both you crouched down saying, “Why don’t we look at what everyone’s brought you, hmm?” He nodded and smiled at Frodo and Frigga along with the other young Durins joining you on inspecting each toy and present with them calling out their additions or toys they had similar to them he could bring his to play with theirs on play dates and sleepovers widening his smile at his new large family. 
With each item inspected and his dress vest and shoes removed he joined everyone on the path to get some of the meal that had finished cooking. Happily he claimed his seat at the added Children’s table in the back yard not far from you and Thorin who did some more catching up and shared on plans to add you to the family babysitting and sleepover chart to ease Estel into getting used to spending time in other people’s homes without assuming you would never come back for him again.
After the food the cake was brought out fueling a sugar frenzy in the Children all chasing each other in the large yard you realized was surrounded by Balin’s and Bifur’s as they opened the gates connecting them freeing the supply of toys and playgrounds they could climb on while the elder teens took shifts on watching each group with some of the elder Durins. All of them loved watching the new addition to their family so easily taking to them in return through their hopes for your near future when the paperwork was finalized and the ceremonies all on the way to the long awaited union. A topic which arose once again as Dwalin locked his eyes with yours stating, “Got a call from Thranduil.”
You nodded and asked, “The Family Lawyer, right?”
To which he nodded, “Yes. He um, he got the papers.”
Thorin smirked at your side easing his arms around you in your lean against his chest and said, “Though he did have a suggestion.”
You tilted your head back meeting his eyes, “To help the adoption along quicker he suggested our eloping.”
You couldn’t help but giggle, “Oh really now, how would that make it easier?”
Dwalin replied, “Thranduil said if you did elope this week then Thorin’s name could be placed on the new birth certificate and papers instead of having it listed as a John Doe.” He wet his lips, “Plus, then you wouldn’t have to reopen it to have a separate adoption later on.”
You smirked through a playful glare at him asking, “And?”
He started to blush and reached for his drink as Bilbo glanced at him to say, “You didn’t!”
You looked between them only to ask, “Didn’t what?” You peered up at Thorin, “Thorin?”
Thorin wet his lips answering, “Dis might have been listening in on our conference call earlier and got Gramps to file for the license.”
You shook your head with a disbelieving giggle then pointed at Dwalin, “You owe me that black cherry mouse cake then for the dinner after. I know you’re planning a dinner too.” Making them smirk as he agreed through Thorin’s tilting your head back to claim a kiss that ended with Estel sleepily crawling onto your lap curling up for a nap as the others did the same to their Parents signaling a final clean up and wave of sleeping Pebbles being taken home again.
Your smile grew as you carried him into his bathroom and you sat him on the counter helping him brush his teeth then helped him into the pajamas Thorin had picked out and traded for his dress clothes he tossed in the hamper while you helped Estel into a fresh sleeping pull on diaper you covered with his pajamas. Sweetly he wished you both good night after you both had curled up beside his bed reading him a story he’d picked from his new supply he’d been gifted. Tucked in he rolled over snuggling with his new plushie as you turned on his glowing crystal night light and left the door cracked and walked to your room once Thorin ensured all the lights were shut off and joined you in a quick shower.
Dried off with teeth brushed you pulled into a pair of shorts and a tank top while Thorin kept to his briefs and followed you to bed where you settled into your usual woven snuggling position as Thorin softly asked, “You’re comfortable?”
You nodded brushing one of his loose braid strip behind his ear bringing back his smile as he closed the distance claiming a gentle kiss through which you shifted closer to him intertwining your legs with his to deepen the kiss. A hushed request of permission and he ducked under the blanket after a purr against your ear, “Nice and quiet Kurkarukê.”
A nip at your lip later you covered your face with a pillow to muffle your giggles and hushed moans until Thorin rose up to claim a fiery kiss allowing your hand to sink to stroke him. Uncertain to take it farther even the simple oral on both parts ended contently as you helped each other find your clothes and redress before you snuggled around Thorin when he snuggled as carefully as he could across your stomach, using your shoulder as his pillow after another trading of loving kisses and sleepy sentiments as you drifted off.
But sleep was short lived as a set of fingers tapped your hand hanging off the bed causing your eyes to open and fall on Estel and his sheepish expression. Wetting your lips you tapped Thorin’s shoulder stirring him as you asked, “Bad dream?”
Thorin blinked his eyes open with a sleepy smile at Estel who timidly replied, “I used my potty.”
You smiled saying, “Good job.”
He released his lip after a nip at it to say, “But I missed.”
Without missing a beat Thorin shrugged saying, “We all miss. It happens.”
You nodded as Estel’s posture straightened a bit at the news while you added, “You should have seen Frerin in University, couldn’t make it in the bowl for three hours after he’d wake up. Plus once, Dis ended up sliding square off the seat, oh you should have heard her screaming.” Making him giggle as you both sat up and you said, “Let’s get this cleaned up and you back to bed.”
Thorin stood and went to fetch a set of cleaning cloths while you took the small plastic toilet you dumped the little bit that had made it inside in the toilet and rinsed it out in the tub as Thorin wiped up the puddle and rinsed the cloths. With the toilet flushed and the potty dried and put back in place you both led Estel back to bed for another story then you were curled back in Thorin’s arms for the walk back to your bed. A kiss was stolen and you snuggled up again as Thorin rumbled another loving good night after yours.
An early alarm pulled you from bed to your feet and towards the kitchen to put together a breakfast in your new kitchen while Thorin showered again, primped and dressed for work, joining you with a smile. Firmly his lips met your cheek in his aid in adding the dishes to the table for you to add the food to before he went to help Estel to the table and claimed his seat at your side smiling through breakfast assisting Estel from dumping his sliced fruit across his chest in his early morning eagerness for food. Finishing the last of his coffee he looked at Estel as he asked after looking between you both, “Billa and Bippo said you’re getting married tomorrow.” Your eyes shifted to Estel wondering how you of all people had not been informed of the date especially. His tone dropped sheepishly, “Do I not get to go?”
Thorin smiled at him and shifted in his chair to face him fully in a lean forward, “I had been meaning to speak with you about that. As Jaqi’s family I wanted to first, ask your permission to marry your Sister. And secondly, if you would do us the honor of being the ring bearer along with Frodo?”
Estel’s lips parted and he gave a quick nod to both before asking, “Do I have to wear a suit?”
Thorin chuckled, “Only if you want to. It’ll be small, just us, Bilbo, Dwalin, Frigga and Frodo up at the courthouse. Mostly paperwork but there will be pictures and in a couple days we’ll have another big dinner to celebrate, cake and all.”
Estel nodded then looked at his button down shirt and outer jacket asking, “Are you a business like Arathorn?”
Thorin shook his head, “No. I’m a Therapist like Uncle Dwalin. We help people, when they’re tired or scared or were hurt we listen to them and help them.”
Estel, “Like a Doctor?”
Thorin chuckled softly, “Well I’m another kind of Doctor. I don’t give shots or fix broken bones or give xrays, some times what someone needs is a person to share their problems with to help them through it.”
Estel, “Like when I started reading. Mama Bunny kept listening and helping me learn.”
Thorin’s smile deepened, “Something like that.”
Estel, “Will you come home today?”
Thorin held his smile replying, “My work rarely keeps me past dark.” Making Estel’s hopeful eyes flinch fully open again shining brightly, “I am not going to be like Arathorn. I am going to love and protect you and your Mama Bunny for the rest of our lives. It will be a change for you to get used to, but if you need me, I will be here for you, the both of you.”
Estel glanced at you asking, “Is that why Mama Bunny has a bird on her chest like the one on your back?”
You wet your lips scooting closer to him, “When Arathorn and Gilrean had you for that month I got sick and I needed to stay in a hospital.” His lips parted and you added, “I’ll tell you more about it when you’re older, but for now, I had to get some stitches and they left some scars I got covered with a Raven and some flowers that blend into my other flowers on my side.”
Estel nodded, “It’s pretty.”
You smiled and leaned in to kiss his cheek, “Thank you.”
Estel, “So, can we color first?”
You steadily replied, “Actually, I have to make a quick stop at work.” Estel’s mood sank, “You’re coming too, half hour at the most. Vili promised he’d show you around, especially the day care center there, you’ll be coming to work with me when we don’t have a play date set up for my shifts.”
Thorin, “Some of your new Cousins are there as well with their Parents.”
Estel, “Lunch?”
Your smile spread easing his nerves, “We will eat lunch together there, and I’ll drop by as often as I can, even sneak you into my office if possible.”
Thorin, “That’s how Dis plans on having her girls.”
“See, it’ll work out just like at my old job, only better this time, you’ll have family around to keep you company.” Making his smile grow as he hopped down rushing to his room to pick out his clothes and toys he would take for the short stop.
When Thorin stood to leave he kissed you both accepting your hugs and promised Estel he would see him at dinner before leaving just as Dis arrived and helped you put Estel in her car for the short drive to your new work place. “Mamma Bunny said you slid of the toilet in Uni.”
Dis paused then smiled at you with a soft chuckle after you stated, “We’re potty training.”
Estel, “Thorin says everyone misses. Even Frerin.”
Dis chuckled again, “That is true.”
Pt 6
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skovholder79-blog · 6 years
You Should Be Wide open For Negotiations When Marketing Your Property
Promoting real estate can be this type of productive venture, that is certainly when you are using the appropriate steps in the process. The tips supplied on this page can significantly help in giving you a great pair of know-how in getting the correct attributes jointly and advertising and marketing together with the correct advantage. Take care not to overprice your house. When determining an selling price for your residence, usually do not only rely on what other residences are listed at. Although this is important info and ought to be included, a few of these homes could have been on the market and unsold for many years. Have a list of homes which have fairly recently marketed along with the versions at present on the market for a better calculate of value. When you are selling your home, make sure that the agent which you hire is knowledgeable about the world wide web. The reason being the 1st perception is key when promoting and also this first impression basically takes place on the internet. A growing number of customers start off their lookup by taking a look at entries on the web. This consists of considering in depth photographs and video organized tours of qualities. Just before itemizing your home available for sale having a Agent, you need to make certain all pet stains and odours are eradicated. Family pet stench is a huge impediment when promoting a residence. Use a mist jar with one aspect hydrogen peroxide (from your pharmacy) and 3 parts water. Apply the affected regions and clear. This eliminates pet smells and a lot of unsightly stains. When promoting a home, make sure that it really is completely ready at any time with time for any showing. You will never know as soon as the Real estate agent will almost certainly phone simply because an individual wishes to look at it. You would like to ensure that it can be in top condition at all times. If problems appear through the residence assessment, when you are selling a property, there is a number of choices. It is possible to accept to do any work and also be completed with it or you can hold the marketing prices modified to mirror the resolve and also have the purchaser care for it. It is possible to adapt the selling price for one half the quantity, if you think the purchaser must also aid in investing in the repair. Ultimately, you could do absolutely nothing and accept that the buyer could go walking. So many people are only conscious of the foremost and previous solution, it is therefore excellent to understand there are more selections, especially if you do not have time to cope with it, prior to the purchase. Supplying to adjust the purchase price can help keep your customer from jogging. When you are at ease with letting potential buyers to your residence while you are apart, consider allowing your real estate agent to set up a fasten-pack. A copy of your dwelling important will probably be located into a shut receptacle linked to the door the broker may be the only individual who can open the receptacle and gain entrance into the house. By allowing home consumers to look at the inside the house, you might be improving publicity and are more likely to get a buyer. The first task in promoting your house is to grab paper and pencil, and examine your property having a critical buyer's vision. Commence with the control, and be aware any repairs being created or mess to be removed. Go walking up to the entry ways, and feel the very first impact a customer can experience when drawing near your residence. Make we buy unwanted houses about everything you believe may possibly get a would-be buyer's eye. Do this again with each space in your house. Make sure you destroy your private data and remove a few of the clutter when getting ready to list your property. Just try to keep things as elementary as possible. You need men and women dealing with your own home checking out the real home and not spending some time considering images or numerous knickknacks you could have out. In case you have decided to promote your house, you have to on an emotional level remove oneself. Many people grow to be mounted on their houses. This is actually the position where by they elevated their children and memories had been created. If you can not independent your feelings, you will find a hard time selling your home for any acceptable price. If your residence is out there for a long time without the need of offering, try and somewhat decrease the cost. The purchase price fall could bring in several new prospective buyers. Also, offer you incentives inside your asking price, such as you paying 50 % of the closing costs or perhaps you paying for new home appliances. In your house, improve your outdated home and bathrooms. Washrooms and kitchen areas are frequently the most important promoting details of a house. Typically, a toilet that has been modernized can provide spanning a 100% give back, in which a home that has been up-to-date provides a 90Percent profit on your own house. Repair the small stuff. Possible house customers have a practice of checking the minimal stuff within a residence. They start up all the faucets, and flush every single bathroom. Before you decide to put your home out there, make certain you have came to to everything: be sure that the taps don't problem, you could transform the cool and warm water knobs effortlessly, and the lavatories flush properly. If possible swap old furnishings. It is far from a smart concept to spend excessive right into a property you are hoping to sell, but you should commit a little bit to find the place spruced up. Polishing the woodwork and putting on a brand new layer of paint will show any potential buyers that you simply be proud of what you are trying to sell them. If you have to relocate shortly, as well as your property has not been sold, you might like to consider renting it out. The cash you obtain from booking from the house can pay from the home loan on your more mature residence to be able to have money to pay the home loan in your more recent 1. In the event you don't exhibit your own home and make small beauty maintenance, it can be difficult to market a house. Unless you try to promote your house in ways that your customers may find curiosity, offering a residence will likely be nearly impossible. Remember to put yourself in your buyer's footwear. Examine your community legal guidelines with regards to the problem you have to keep your home well before turning it above to a new manager. If you are the owner, some claims need how the home be "broom swept" just before transitioning palms. The terminology are usually unclear so be sure to take a look at purchase commitment and native by-regulations. The wait associated with promoting a home can be frustrating. The info supplied in this post gives you concrete ideas that you can put into action to take charge of your circumstances. Keep in mind that just because the industry may not are operating in your favour, that doesn't suggest that you can't achieve success within your projects.
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coastdbbakersfields · 2 years
What are the Benefits of Remodeling Your Bathroom?
Bathrooms are a common necessary part of everyone's life. An untidy bathroom means your health and hygiene are at risk. Therefore, this segment of your home should always be maintained properly to keep the germs and diseases far away from your life and house. But with repeated use of the bathroom, the following issues may arise, for example, Issues leakage, malfunctioning taps, water supply line problems etc. Also, running water can damage bathroom tiles by leaving marks over time. If you are too suffering from these issues with your toilet, you should have considered remodelling your bathroom. There are several benefits of bathroom remodelling and you can easily get help from professional companies, that are dealing with bathroom remodelling in Bakersfield. Bathroom remodelling has some benefits too which we are going to discuss in detail. Is it Beneficial to Remodel Your Bathroom? Remodelling your bathroom is always beneficial. With daily use and passing time, your toilet may lose its shine and beauty. Especially as now everywhere there are modern toilets with smart features and unique designs of toilet amenities available, you should renovate your bathroom too. You might need to spend some money on this process but they are worth it because bathroom remodelling has its own benefits. ● Fix Leakages Extreme usage of the bathroom may lead to leakage of underlying water connection, damaged taps and a lot more. By remodelling your bathroom, you can locate these issues and solve them efficiently. You can take help from any general contractor in Bakersfield to fix the toilet leakage issues. ● Storage Utilization When you renovate your bathroom, you can replace the old toilet hardware items and install modern functionalities that need less storage capacity. You will get more free space for other purposes. ● Change the Overall Look The look is another main aspect of remodelling the bathroom. You can create an entirely different look for your bathroom when you go with renovation. You can change the flooring, wall tiles, basins, commodes etc. Also, currently, a lot of unique designed taps are available that can surely give your toilet a completely different look.   ●Install Smart Gadgets Now, many people are more interested in installing smart toilet gadgets in their bathrooms.  This is another reason why bathroom remodelling in Bakersfield is quite popular. Smart shower screens, digital shower panels, temperature-controlled towel racks and cabinets, sitting options, auto flush commodes, automatic lights etc. can be installed to make your bathroom a smart one. How Much Would be The Cost of Bathroom Remodeling? To calculate the remodelling cost of the toilet could be a tricky thing. It depends on the following aspects - your toilet size, features and amenities you want to install or improve, pipeline conditions etc. An average cost of $ 5000 to $ 9000 you may require to do the remodelling. However, depending on the facilities you want, your cost may increase or decrease. You can contact any general contractor in Bakersfield to have a detailed idea of the cost.
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solsarin · 3 years
what percentage of fresh water does canada have
what percentage of fresh water does canada have
Hello dear friends, thank you for choosing us. In this post on the solsarin site, we will talk about “  what percentage of fresh water does canada have“. Stay with us. Thank you for your choice.
Does Canada need to conserve its water?
Canadians know the importance of our freshwater supply, but by understanding how we use it and where it goes, we can use our supply even more responsibly.
From snow-dusted glaciers to thundering rivers to vast expanses of mirror-surfaced lakes, Canada is a country with abundant freshwater. But, with the world facing a freshwater crisis, Canadians have the increased responsibility of being the guardians of 20 percent of the planet’s precious freshwater resources. By knowing where our water comes from in Canada and where it goes, we can use it even more responsibly—setting an example for the rest of the world in the process.
Where does our water come from?
Like anywhere else in the world, Canada’s water follows a hydrological cycle: it falls in various forms of precipitation, and runs off the land as streams and rivers before flowing into the ocean, evaporating and starting again. However, in some areas, water has a longer cycling time, either locked up in glaciers or slowly seeping through layers of rock to collect in underground reservoirs known as aquifers.
How much of our water can we actually use?
Water that flows into rivers from rain and snowmelt is considered a renewable supply because it’s replenished on a yearly basis, although seasonal averages are affected by factors such as climate change. Non-renewable freshwater is usually groundwater that collected hundreds, if not thousands, of years ago when an arid region was considerably wetter. These resources can take a lifetime to renew, and so overuse could see them too easily depleted. Of Canada’s 20 percent of global freshwater resources, only around 7 percent is considered renewable, and most of that drains north toward Hudson Bay and the Arctic Ocean—away from the 85 percent of Canadians that live along the southern border. But, considering that Canada’s inhabitants make up half a percent of the world’s population, this is still a plentiful supply if used wisely.
Where does Canada’s freshwater go?
At around 9 percent of Canada’s total freshwater use, households account for the third highest consumption, after thermal-electric power generation and manufacturing.
Domestically, up until 2005 Canada was quite a thirsty nation with Canadians using around 330 liters of water each day—twice as much as the average European.
Today improvements in the water efficiency of household appliances mean Canadians now only use around 250 liters per person each day.
This is fantastic progress that can we can further improve upon, especially in places like the bathroom since over half of our daily water intake goes toward activities like washing and cleaning—just flushing the toilet uses the equivalent of 200 bottles of water!
What can we do to save our water?
Despite a slightly higher than average consumption, we still only use around one percent of our annually renewable water, and we have opportunities to use even less of it. Metering helps households to monitor their water usage, and some provinces have introduced plumbing codes that now require new buildings to be more water conserving.
Why is it important that we do?
Although Canada has abundant renewable freshwater, how much water each region receives varies based on location, drought, or demand. In urban populations especially, increasing demand, climate change, and the high cost of replacing aging infrastructure will likely make sustainable water management more difficult in future. Canada does recycle its freshwater, but on a small scale in isolated areas, and largely for agricultural use in areas like British Columbia and the Prairies. So, as municipal water supplies decrease or degrade in the future, water reuse in Canada will likely have to increase; in the meantime, the easiest and best answer may simply be to use less water.
Canada can lead by example
As responsible water stewards, we can take further action to show the rest of the world how to conserve and sustainably use water. Fitting faucets with aerators and installing modern, dual-flush toilets help to achieve the same results with much less water, while simple habit changes like only washing full loads of clothes and turning the tap off while brushing teeth also result in substantial savings. And it all adds up—just reducing time spent showering by two minutes can save around 2,600 liters of water per month, and not pre-rinsing dishes before loading the dishwasher saves up to 75 liters per load.
These are small, water-conscious choices that each of us can make every single day. And, if a water-rich country like Canada continues to reduce its consumption, the rest of the world will likely agree that they should, too.
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Canada’s water yield
Canada has an average annual water yield of 3,472 billion cubic metres. This almost equals the amount of water in Lake Huron, giving Canada one of the largest renewable water supplies in the world. Brazil has the largest total water yield, followed by Russia.
Canada, however, has the most renewable freshwater per person each year: 109,837 cubic metres per person compared with Brazil, at 43,756 cubic metres per person. While total water yield is comparable between the United States (3,051 billion cubic metres) and Canada (3,472 billion cubic metres), the renewable freshwater per person in the United States is just 9.1% of that in Canada because the United States has a much larger population.
Canada’s average annual water
Canada’s average annual water yield per unit area is 348 litres of renewable freshwater for every square metre of the country, higher than the yield in drier countries such as Australia and South Africa but three times less than a tropical rainy country like Brazil. The Pacific Coastal drainage region has the highest water yield, followed by Newfoundland and Labrador. Drainage regions both in and north of the Prairies produce the least water.
Four drainage regions comprise most of the Prairies and stretch across the southern parts of Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba.
This collection of drainage regions yields just 12% of what the Great Lakes drainage region yields, 6% of what the Maritime Coastal drainage region yields and only 3% of what the Pacific Coastal drainage region yields.
Industrial water use
These three groups discharge almost as much waste water into the environment as they withdraw: 32.8 billion cubic metres in 2007.
Thermal-electric power producers accounted for 83% of this total, manufacturers, 14% and mining, 2%.
Virtually all the water (99.8%) the thermal-electric power producers take in is used for cooling. Most of this water (75%) is not treated before discharge.
Most of the total discharged (66%) was returned to surface freshwater, 16% was discharged to groundwater and 11% to tailing ponds.
Residential water use
In 2007, 86% of households received their water from a municipal water supply and 12% had a private well.
Canada is a country in North America. Its ten provinces and three territories extend from the Atlantic to the Pacific and northward into the Arctic Ocean, covering 9.98 million square kilometres (3.85 million square miles), making it the world’s second-largest country by total area. Its southern and western border with the United States, stretching 8,891 kilometres (5,525 mi), is the world’s longest bi-national land border. Canada’s capital is Ottawa, and its three largest metropolitan areas are Toronto, Montreal, and Vancouver.
resource: wikipedia
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jungkookienoona · 7 years
The Meme and His Tutor
Part 37: The Morning The Tutor Was Embarrassed
Co-written with @jiminieblush
Recommended Song: Heartbeat by Suran
|All Chapters|Masterlist|
The morning after the party, the members spot something that wasn’t there the night before.
Genre: Fluff, comedy
Pairing: Jungkook X Reader (Y/N)
Warnings: Swearing
Word Count: 4553
Length: 37/?
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Jungkook pulled you impossibly closer, his lips brushing against your neck as he let out a breathy moan. A soft sigh slipped through your parted lips at the feel of his strong body pressed against yours, pinning you to the mattress beneath him. His hands roamed over your bare midsection, the top you had worn to sleep having been pushed up to reveal the underside of your bra. Your hips shifted, causing you to grind against him and teasing yet another moan from him.
"J-jagi..." His voice was a hoarse whisper and you felt his hands slip down to your waist, preventing you from making any further movements.
You groaned, slightly frustrated and wiggled under his grip. The only solace you had was the warmth of his bare chest pressing against your exposed skin. You relished in the broken whine that met your ears when you slipped a hand into his hair. The short strands were damp with perspiration from sharing each other's body heat.
A knock on the bedroom door made the two of you jolt a part.
"Are you two sleeping beauties going to wake up and help us tidy?" Came Hoseok's voice through the door.
You were suddenly aware of the compromising position you were in. Jungkook was in nothing but his boxers while you were in your top and trousers from the previous night, though your top had been pushed up and your trousers had ridden down slightly to reveal a slither of your panties. You met Jungkook's eye. His cheeks matched the rosy shade of his slightly swollen lips from your kiss the night before. Your own face turned pink at the memory.
"We'll, uh, we'll be out in a minute, hyung."
Jungkook dragged a pillow over to cover his lap. You waited to hear footsteps moving away from the door before speaking up.
"Weren't you fully dressed last night? Why are you in your boxers?"
"It was hot last night... and sleeping in overalls is really uncomfortable..."
That made sense. You adjusted your own clothing, trying to ignore your own burning cheeks as you stared at your sheets.
"Thank you... for stopping things last night."
"It was the decent thing to do. And I didn't want to lose my virginity in a drunken haze that you would've regretted."
You sighed and rubbed at your tired eyes while sitting up.
"I'm sorry, I didn't realise I was so drunk. I thought you drank more than me."
He chuckled awkwardly. "Your kiss sobered me up."
"Next time you kiss me like that, please be sober. Especially if you do... you know... ever feel like..."
You got up and started picking out clothes to change into. You heard Jungkook slide off the bed and shuffle about picking up his discarded clothes. You grabbed a set of clean underwear and went into the bathroom. After changing into a pair of leggings and oversized t-shirt, you splashed some cold water on your face to wake yourself up and grabbed a packet of ibuprofen from the bathroom cabinet; your head had began to ache and it was likely everyone was suffering too. You grimaced at the state of your toilet, feeling somewhat sorry for Taehyung, finally understanding why he normally turned down drinks. You flushed it and lowered the lid, you'd come back to that. The bathtub had survived Yoongi's presence, looking just as spotless as you'd left it. Thank fuck. Though Yoongi seemed to know how to hold his alcohol.
You exited the bathroom to see Jungkook doing the final hook on his overalls since he didn't have any spare clothes. Maybe you should allocate him a drawer for his overnight visits. He flashed you a small smile then squinted at the packet in your hand.
"Ah, I was gonna ask if you had anything. My head is pounding."
You were about to say you felt the same when there was another short succession of knocks on the door. You went over and opened it.
It was Taehyung with a sheepish expression.
"Uh... Toilet... Need to clean."
His broken English had you wondering when you would start teaching the members.
You stepped aside to let him in, quickly letting him know where your cleaning supplies were. He nodded thankfully and you left him to it, instead following Jungkook into the kitchen. Upon entering the room, Yoongi sent you a sly smirk while putting a dish on the drying rack.
"Yah, Jungkookie, have you looked in a mirror yet today?"
Jungkook sent his hyung a confused look but Yoongi only tapped the side of his neck in response. Jungkook turned around to you, brows furrowed in confusion. Your gaze dropped to where Yoongi had gestured to. Oh...shit.
"What? Why are you looking at me like that?" Jungkook asked, reaching up to touch the side of his neck. He flinched when he pressed directly on the purplish bruise.
"I-I'm sorry... I gave you a hickey... ah fuck."
He still looked confused. Did he not know what a hickey was?
"Just go look in the mirror."
He nodded and wander off.
You turned to Yoongi. "Thank you for pointing that out."
He shrugged, lips still curled into an amused smile. "Looks like you two had fun."
It was your turn to shrug. He chuckled over the sound of the water draining down the plug and turned to you with dripping hands. You threw him a towel to dry them on just as Jungkook came back into the room. He seemed to be bouncing on the spot.
"My Jagi left a mark on me with her kisses! A kiss mark!"
You covered your mouth to try and suppress a laugh.
"That's a hickey, Jungkook."
He repeated the word slowly before saying it again with a smile.
"You gave me a hickey!"
You nodded, cheeks once again flushing pink.
"Sorry about that."
"Why are you saying sorry? I love it!"
"Jungkook... hickeys normally get hidden... the public doesn't react well to those kind of marks."
The smile fell from his face and you heard Yoongi snigger from behind you.
You stepped closer to your boyfriend so Yoongi couldn't hear you. "Have you never had one before?"
He shook his head.
"I'll find you something to cover it up with later."
He pouted, "I don't want to cover it. Its my Jagi's mark... I should give you one next time!"
His eyes narrowed and flickered down to your neck for a moment. You swallowed, extremely aware of Yoongi shamelessly watching you. You opened your mouth to say something but no words came out. What were you supposed to say to something like that? He didn't quite understand the inappropriateness.
"Um... now... now isn't a good time..."
Jin walked in all smiles and polite good mornings. That was until he spotted Jungkook and a suitably scandalised look settled on his features. He caught your eye and you grimaced. God, this was embarrassing.
"Please tell me Jungkook didn't lose his innocence while drunk."
You immediately shook your head and went to answer but Jungkook beat you too it.
"As if I would let Kitten do that when drunk. That would hardly be consensual."
He let out a deep sigh of relief and gave Jungkook a hearty pat on the back.
"They wouldn't dare do it while I was in the bathroom either." Yoongi piped up, now sipping from a mug of what you presumed was coffee.
You passed him the ibuprofen, he took the packet from you with a polite nod, popping two tablets out and placing them in his mouth.
A familiar voice approaching made your eyes blow wide. Chubs. She couldn't see the hickey! If she did you'd never hear the end of it. You mentally cursed. How could you hide it? You dug and elbow into Jungkook's side to get his attention.
"Cover it now!" You hissed beneath your breath.
He quirked a brow. "Why? They're going to notice anyway."
Fuck. Before you could try and think of a way to cover it, Chubs and Namjoon entered the kitchen. And Chubs seemed to have noticed as soon as see entered the room.
"Holy shit!"
She went up onto her tiptoes to get a better look at it and you felt like facepalming yourself.
Jungkook didn't help matters. His lips quirked into a proud smirk and he sent a wink in your direction. The little shit even pulled down his collar to show off fainter smaller ones. Oh god. Namjoon took him by the arm and led him out the room. Chubs turned to you and dragged you out of the kitchen and into your bedroom.
"Did you get the Jungcock last night?"
"No! No. He stopped me before... anything could happen..."
"He cockblocked himself?"
"I guess so."
Just like Jin, she also let out a breath of relief.
"Oh thank god! You two were so drunk last night."
"Yeah we were- wait...what?" You cocked your head in confusion. "Why are you relieved? I thought you wanted me to get the Jungcock?!"
"I'm all for you getting the Jungcock; when your responsible and sober. Having sex when intoxicated is hardly consent. You end up doing things you wouldn't normally do when sober. That's why guys buy girls drinks. They're trying to get them drunk to take advantage of them."
You held her gaze for a moment before reaching out and prodding her shoulder.
"Who are you and what have you done with my friend...?"
She rolled her eyes and folded her arms across her chest.
"I'm serious! These are things I've learned from you...I may joke about you sucking his dick but it's just a joke. You know that right?"
You nodded. "Of course."
"Good. Be sober and be safe. But most importantly: be sure. Don't go rushing into things... I don't want you pushing yourself and undoing all the work you've done to recover from... then."
You nodded in understanding. You had no intention of forcing yourself into doing things you weren't ready for and Jungkook seemed more than willing to wait for you.
"He understands...he knows...I told him."
Her lips lifted into a smile. "Really?"
You nodded again. "Yeah...can we talk about it another time when it's just us and there isn't an apartment to clean?"
"Oh, yeah, sure."
She gave you a hug before exiting the room. You peeked into the bathroom to make sure Taehyung was doing okay. He had fallen asleep next to the toilet once more. You gave his foot a nudge. Nothing. You left the door ajar and walked past the empty kitchen into the living room.
"Guys, Taehyung is asleep on my bathroom floor...should I wake him?"
There were a chorus of chuckles and a squeaky laugh from Jin.
"I'll go wake him," Jimin said from where he was rearranging the sofa cushions.
Jungkook shuffled up to with red cheeks.
"Jagi... could I... borrow a scarf?... Namjoon-hyung explained something's to me."
You fought the urge to smile when you saw Yoongi smirk out of the corner of your eye.
"Sure, BunBun. They're in one of my bottom drawers."
He muttered a thank you and disappeared into your bedroom.
You shifted your attention to the state of the room, noticing that it looked relatively put together thanks to everyone's hard work. You felt a little guilty since you hadn't helped at all, but it was too late to change that now.
Hoseok placed a hand on your shoulder, "Taehyung, Yoongi-hyung and Jin-hyung had already done a lot of tidying before they woke us up and we tidied a bit before waking you up. Don't feel bad. It was our idea to throw the party. Cleaning up after it is the least we could do."
Everyone made noises of agreement. You thanked them all, beyond grateful for the help.
"Has anyone eaten? I can at least make breakfast to thank you."
They all shook their heads no and Jungkook came in with a blue and grey striped woollen scarf. It had been you ex's.
"KooKoo, you’re gonna cook up in that."
"All the other ones were long and very feminine looking..."
"Since when did you care about that sort of thing?"
"They would've clashed with the yellow on this sweater okay?!"
You laughed at his pout but knew you had to tell him about the scarf. You'd thrown out all your ex's clothes except for the scarf. Seeing it on Jungkook made your stomach turn a little. It felt wrong. Maybe that's how he felt when he had seen you wear the cheater's clothing before.
"Use my white bandana then. I keep them on top of my chest of drawers."
He pouted and pulled off the scarf. You wonder how that particular item had survived the purge. As soon as everyone leaves, that was the next item to be thrown out.
"Do you need any help cooking?" Hoseok piped up from the floor.
"Jungkook can help me cook when he's done. We both haven't done anything so... yeah he can help."
The maknae line were soon pushing and shoving each other as they entered the living room.
"You should have seen yourself, Kookie. You had blankets kicked off and spooned Y/N with your face in her hair."
Jungkook was fiddling with the bandana around his neck while his hyungs laughed.
"That's called cuddling, hyung. It's what I do with my Jagi and you do with your pillow every night."
"You were nearly eating it! And with those marks on your neck well... we were glad you had boxers on and she was clothed."
Jungkook playfully shoved him into Jimin who almost tripped over his own feet.
"We weren't going to do anything. You were the one confessing your love all evening to that plant over there!"
"At least I wasn't seen grinding up against the object of my affections on a live broadcast."
"You were the one broadcasting it!"
A smirk slipped onto Taehyung's lips and laughter echoed around the room. You took the opportunity to catch Jungkook's attention but grabbing his hand.
"Wanna help me make breakfast for everyone?"
"If it'll get me away from double trouble over there."
You smiled and took his hand, leading him into the kitchen.
"Feel free to watch TV or something," you called over your shoulder. They grunted in response.
You opened your fridge, scanning the contents and wondered what would be quick to cook for nine people. Maybe pancakes would be best since one lot of batter could feed a lot of people... You just had to hope they didn't turn into crumpets again...
"Kookie, does everyone like pancakes?" You asked just to be sure.
"Who doesn't like pancakes?"
You took that as a yes and grabbed the ingredients you would need from the fridge, placing them on the side before getting the rest from a cupboard. You got out your phone, opening up your note taking application to find a recipe your older brother had told you about. They would be small and American style but you had a lot of people to feed. Jungkook found the equipment you would need while you worked out the new measurements for the larger batch.
After measuring out all the ingredients, you got Jungkook to heat up the pan while you mixed everything together.
"Make sure it doesn't get too hot. I once melted a spatula flipping pancakes."
He saluted you and placed the spatula aside before fiddling with the hob temperature.
Once everything was mixed, he stepped aside and let you cook the pancakes. You poured in a portion of batter at a time using a ladle to measure out an even amount each time. Jungkook placed a stack of plates beside you before wrapping an arm around your waist and placing his lips to your temple.
"How's your head?"
There was a dull ache that lingered behind your eyes, but it wasn't anything to complain about.
"I've been worse. I got banned from drinking once because of what I was like drunk, what I was like hungover and because I had vomited."
"Isn't that normal in Britain? Who banned you?"
"You can probably already guess."
He sighed. "What an asshole."
You nodded and flipped the first lot of pancakes, smiling at the perfectly cooked bottom. Fuck yeah, you were a pro. Now you just had to worry about the bottom.
"That's why I had you take off the scarf. It was his but apparently survived our purge."
He 'ah'ed. "I wondered why you looked a little funny at me."
"I'll throw it out later. Promise."
He smiled and squeezed your hip. "I'll go see if anyone wants a drink."
"No more alcohol though. I dread to think how the internet has reacted to Taehyung's broadcast last night and I don't want a repeat."
He saluted you and disappeared into the living room.
You moved the cooked pancakes onto the first plate and set them aside. Two each would be fine. It wasn't like you didn't have snacks leftover that you could also tuck into. A new found respect for your mother settled in you as you found yourself cooking for eight others plus yourself, much like your mother had to do when you were younger. Though cooking pancakes was nothing compared to cooking a roast or a full English breakfast.
You hummed to yourself as you poured two more lots of mixture into the pan, using the bottom of the ladle to spread it into perfect circles. Jungkook came back and grabbed your kettle, taking it to the sink to fill with water before setting it to boil.
"They all want either tea or coffee."
You giggled when he went about getting the mugs out of your cupboard. It was a good job you had a rather large collection.
"It's weird..." You said, catching his attention.
"What's weird?"
You shrugged and flipped a pancake.
"This feels oddly domestic...hosting guests and cooking for so many people."
"Better to get an early start for the future."
You plated the pancakes and sighed when you discovered that they had turned out as crumpets. But then you gave Jungkook a quizzical look.
"What future are you thinking about and how far into it?"
He braced his arms on the worktop behind him, a small smile on his lips as he watched you.
"Our future...whatever that may be..." He trailed off, turning back to the kettle.
There was a beat of stunned silence as you absorbed what he had said. He was thinking about a future with you already.
"Our... our future... you're not lying are you?"
He frowned, "Who would lie about-" he cut himself off when he caught sight of your downcast eyes, "Oh. He really was a bastard wasn't he?"
"He talked about marriage and having children for just over a year and a half... He would talk about it every time we saw each other. Discuss baby names with me..."
He bit his lip, brows furrowed as if deep in thought. A thin stream of steam curled around his shoulder as the kettle came to the boil. You turned your attention to the stove, making two more pancakes in the pan.
"I might not be sure if I want to get married in the future. But one thing that you can be sure about is that I'll never lead you on like he did."
You hummed in acknowledgement, keeping a close eye on the pancakes, hoping for no more crumpets. The two of you were silent for a moment, the only sound the sizzling of batter as you flipped the pancakes. They were perfect. Perfect crumpets. Fuck. You just couldn't get them right.
"I, uh...I won't talk about it if you don't want me to. I know relationships are all about communication but if it makes you uncomfortable..."
"It... it doesn't make me uncomfortable... It just might take me awhile to accept the fact you can see some kind of future with me."
You heard the clinking of a spoon against the side of a mug.
"I understand."
You tore your gaze away from the pancakes for a second to smile at him, but he was already coming over. He placed one mug by the spatula and dropped a kiss to you forehead before taking the other mug into the living room. You glanced inside the mug and felt your heart melt slightly. It was a hot chocolate but you could tell he had used thick cream as well as milk to make it since it looked richer than regular hot chocolates. You didn't even have to ask. You took a quick sip and sighed. It was delicious. Better than any hot chocolate you'd had in a long while.
You flipped the pancakes, saw they were close to burning and transferred them onto a plate. Maybe you should get Jungkook to call people into the kitchen to get their food before it got cold.
It was a tad difficult to find enough space for everyone to sit and eat but you managed in the end. Sure some had to sit on the floor but you gave them the sofa pillows to make it a bit more comfortable. The coffee table was littered with half-empty mugs and a bottle of chocolate sauce and maple syrup. Everyone's eyes were glued to the film playing on TV. Whoever had chosen that channel had even remembered to put the subtitles on for Chubs.
"Wait wait wait... how the fuck are there subtitles? I thought that wasn't a thing, like ever... except for the BBC."
You saw Namjoon shrug as he sipped his coffee.
"I thought that too. I guess-"
He was cut off by slap on the arm from Jin and Yoongi shushing him. Namjoon sent you an apologetic smile and turned back to the film.
"Y/N... Isn't this the tiger film you were telling me about? The one that nearly made you cry?" Chubs asked.
Jungkook spoke up before you could answer, "She did cry."
You nudged him with your foot, making him gag slightly on a mouthful of food.
"Almost. I almost cried."
He swallowed, "I saw the tears sliding down your cheeks. You even sobbed a little."
"I wasn't expecting to be so affected by a tiger, okay!"
Jungkook opened his mouth as if to reply when there was another shush but this time from Taehyung.
"Guys~ look tiger babies!"
There was a chorus of 'aw's from everyone in the room.
"Hyung, shouldn't you call for someone to pick us up?" Jimin asked as he stacked the empty plates on top of each other.
The credits to the film were rolling and you had slumped against Jungkook's shoulder. The pancakes had defeated you. They had been too thick and fluffy to eat them all.
Yoongi took his phone out. "I'll call a manager."
"I can't believe... I've been defeated yet again..." You bemoaned.
Jungkook chuckled, "I can't believe you cried again."
Chubs sniffled next to you. Taehyung passed her a box of tissues.
"It's so sad, though..." You mumbled.
"Can we stop talking about it before I cry again? It's too embarrassing." Chubs said, voice thick with emotion.
"The tiger dragged the son's dead body to his father! The tiger tried to save the boy!" You wailed, sending you and Chubs into yet another fit of tears. Even Jimin and Hoseok shed tears during the film. Jungkook was more interested in the prospect of fighting a tiger if he was alive in 1925.
You grabbed a tissue from the box and wiped at your eyes. Jungkook giggled from beside you, curling an arm around your waist and pulled you against him.
He awed. "Jagi~ It's just a film..."
"I know! So, if the Titanic couldn't make me cry then how come a stupid film about a stupid tiger can?!"
He chuckled while Jimin gave a shocked gasp, almost dropping the pile of plates on his way to the kitchen.
"I love Titanic!"
"It's a shit film!"
A collective gasp echoed throughout the room.
"What? It was. I've never seen the appeal of it and laughed when Jack died."
Chubs hummed in agreement. "Stupid girl could've budged her butt over to give him room. But noo~ she let him freeze to death."
You nodded.
"We leave now. Jimin, take silly girl to her hotel." Taehyung said with a pout, standing up and crossing his arms like a stubborn child.
The other members copied him, getting to their feet. Chubs turned to you with a grumble.
"He called me silly."
"He loves the Titanic."
She shook her head in disappointment while getting up.
"Shame that such a good person likes such a terrible film."
"Indeed. Wanna help me bake some sugar cookies tomorrow?"
Her whole face lit up. "Yes!"
You laughed and also stood up to say goodbye to everyone. Jungkook pulled you into a hug and kissed you on the forehead.
"I should get going too."
You pouted but let him go, knowing that you'd been lucky to spend a whole 24 hours with him considering the comeback was almost upon them.
You sighed, collapsing onto your bed, stomach somewhat aching from battling the pancakes. When will you win? You felt something soft brush against your ankles and you sat up, smiling when you saw Miri pawing at the bed.
"Come on, girl! Jump up!"
You would have to let her out soon. The flashing blue light on your phone caught your attention, you had notifications. You grabbed it from where you'd left it on your chest of drawers and pressed the home button. The entire screen was flooded with Tumblr notifications.
"What the?"
They were all mentions. Oh no. Quickly opening the app, you scrolled down and tapped on the very first mention. It was a gifset. Your jaw dropped. There you were, on top of your coffee table, pressed up against Jungkook. The caption said: "@Y/U/N, seems like you and little Kookie were having some fun ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)"
Oh god. No no no no!
You backed out of the post and clicked on the next mention. The post was similar but included gifs of all the other members who were caught on the vlive. You groaned when you saw some of the mentions were people saying you were bad for Bangtan's reputation and Jungkook's public image. Just like in the past, you were itching to defend yourself. But you knew that wouldn't do much. People wouldn't listen to you.
So you ignored those mentions and kept scrolling. It seemed there was an even divide between people finding it funny and others being scared about the consequences. You found yourself feeling the same. The members didn't seem all too bothered by the events of last night. Though, they couldn't see what the people on Tumblr were saying. You hoped people didn't tag him in those posts like they had done with you. Idols already had so much pressure on them to be perfect, Jungkook didn't need to feel like he was letting down ARMY. And since Taehyung had been the one recording, you didn't want anyone else to suffer the wrath of ARMY and any possible consequences from BigHit.
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fizzingwizard · 7 years
Merry Digi-Christmas!
This is my Secret Santamon gift for @escapingtheirony​ who requested a post-series MimixMichael story! Happy Holidays! Hope you enjoy it.
I couldn’t help throwing in a few of my other favorite pairings as well. And I sort of went more PG than G? Hopefully it’s not too strong for you. (If it is you can tell me and I’ll edit it.) I had a lot of fun writing this. But it’s very unedited so typos galore I’m sure. I have this weird habit of just leaving entire words out sometimes?
Wishing you all a wonderful 2018.
Following the events of 2002, the Chosen Children’s Christmas party turned into an excuse for them to get together when circumstances otherwise kept them apart. By the time Mimi was 20 years old, it had grown into a grand tradition. Even with the whole gang scattered this way and that - the older kids attending different universities, the younger ones busy with school and clubs — during Christmas they all made what effort they could to spend time with their old friends. Getting the Digimon together was also a benefit. Though Palmon, at least, never complained if much time passed before she saw one of the other Digimon, she was always thrilled whenever Mimi penciled in a gathering on the calendar.
It was Christmas Eve towards the end of her second year of college, the night of the Christmas party, and Mimi was closing up the quirky crepe shop where she’d been employed since moving back to Japan. “Quirky” was an understatement, at least according to Taichi. They served nearly any flavor combination, from squid ink to bacon fat and jelly bean. The menu was right after Mimi’s own heart.
She was outside unplugging the colored lights they’d strung around the three foot tall passionfruit and chicken liver crepe statue to make it “festive” when a familiar voice hailed her.
“Fancy meeting you here, my dear.”
There was only one person who talked to her like a mid-century film star, and that was Michael Barton. Mimi squealed, jumping straight up in her excitement and tripped over the cord of lights. Michael grabbed her before she could swan-dive onto the sidewalk.
“That happy to see me?”
“Michael!” She pressed his cheeks between her winter-pink fingers until he had fish lips. “What are you doing here! Why didn’t you tell me you were coming!”
“Then it wouldn’t be a surprise, would it?” he answered as best he could. “Wow, Mimi, your hands are so cold.”
She dropped them to her sides. “Well, sorry about that.”
He took one back and kissed it. “I didn’t say I minded.”
“Look who’s turned into Casanova.” She found herself blushing, a thing she didn’t often do, especially not because of Michael’s dated courtship techniques. Lately things between them had… kicked up a notch, though. Where before there had only been play and youthful flirting, now there was something more serious. More grown up. She hadn’t quite decided how she felt about it, but ready or not, there it was.
“Why did you think I pestered you for your work schedule last week? Let’s go celebrate. Drink champagne — you’re legal now, right? — stay up hideously late.”
“Not that I’m not ecstatic to see you, but I wish you’d told me. I kind of have plans.” She made a pouty face. Part of her did feel bad that he’d come all this way, from America, but… still. He should have warned her.
Michael seemed at a loss for a moment. “Oh, really? What plans?” he asked with a sheepish grin.
“Christmas party with my friends.”
“Ah, I see. Well, in that case I’ll go back to my hotel. Hopefully I can see you tomorrow?”
“Yeah, but — wait.” She grabbed his arms as he turned to shuffle off. “You can come with me!”
“Are you sure your friends won’t mind? I’m sure you haven’t planned for an extra mouth.”
“No, of course not, it’s just Taichi-san and the gang. And Taichi-san and Daisuke-kun are bottomless pits, so we tend to prepare more food than you’d think.”
“Ah. So you’re saying I should pick off their plates?”
“Trust me, it’ll feel like a buffet.”
They laughed, and Michael waited while Mimi finishing locking things up. Then they trudged shoulder-to-shoulder through the crisp Tokyo night.
~~~~~ (continued below)
The party was to be held at Taichi and Yamato’s apartment this year. After picking up Palmon and Betamon, Mimi and Michael headed straight over. Mimi rang the doorbell. Yamato answered. He took one look at them and let out a long groan.
“You’ve got to be kidding me, we’re already trying to cram twelve people in here and now you bring guests?”
“Just the one,” Mimi replied defensively.
Michael waved. “Hi, Yamato. Long time no see. Don’t worry, you can just perch me on top of the fridge. I’ll play the part of the Elf on the Shelf.”
Yamato shook his head, jerking a thumb over his shoulder. “Koushirou already took the fridge.”
“… What.”
“Don’t ask me. We —”
“Hey, who’s at the door?” Taichi suddenly materialized out of Yamato’s shadow, swinging an arm around his friend’s neck while he took a long gulp of something in a plastic cup. “Mimi-chan! And… Mitchell!”
“Michael! Yeah yeah, I knew that! What’re you standing around here for? Is our welcome mat so interesting?”
Mimi and Michael glanced down. “There… isn’t a welcome mat,” Michael said slowly.
With a serious expression, Taichi nodded. “Exactly. Makes you pause for thought, doesn’t it?” He then thrust his cup into Michael’s hand. “Here you go. Stop being a wallflower and come inside. It’s like a clown car in here, watch out that you don’t end up with your nose in someone’s arm pit.”
“Taichi-san, what’s in this?” Mimi asked, peering into the cup while Michael took an experimental sniff.
“… Uh.” Taichi turned his head and yelled to someone in the kitchen area. “Miyako-chan! What’d you put in my cup!”
“Melon soda and Sprite and iced tea,” Miyako’s voice shouted back.
Taichi shrugged at them. “The brewmeister has spoken.”
“There’s no alcohol?” Michael asked.
“Nah, too many of us are still minors, so all refreshments are G-rated.” Yamato snorted at Taichi’s explanation. With a snigger, Taichi added: “’Course, later, when the babies go home, you can have a go at our private stash if you want.”
“Works for me.” Michael took a deep swallow of the mixture. He frowned thoughtfully, gazing into the depths of the cup, then let out a huge burp.
“Attractive,” Mimi deadpanned. “Just the kind of man I always dreamed of.” She snatched the cup out of his hand and wrinkled her nose in scrutiny. “Hmm… this needs gummy bears.”
Michael chuckled. “Whatever you say, toots.”
“What’s that?” Taichi asked. “Toots.”
“A terrible nickname,” Mimi sighed, sounding very put upon.
“A classic,” Michael objected.
“Oh my god, close the door!” Sora suddenly rammed through them and wrenched the door shut. “It’s like 0 degrees outside. Hi Mimi-chan, hi Michael. You two are gonna get it!” She boxed first Taichi, then Yamato about the ears.
“Hey, you all said we had to play host and invite people in!”
“Yeah, you never said anything about having to close the door!”
They ran off with Sora hot on their heels, leaving Michael and Mimi staring after them. After a pause, Michael said: “And here I thought you were the weird one of the group.”
“Who, me?”
Yamato’s less-than-warm-welcome was, after all, rather justified, Michael thought upon observing just tiny the apartment really was. A small living area, with an adjoining kitchenette, toilet, and bathroom that wouldn’t even have filled the entire hallway at his house in New York made up the party area. Decorations were sparse — a bit of crepe paper garland, a Snoopy doll wearing a Santa hat, and on the desk, a snowglobe that held a miniature of the Christmas tree at Rockefeller Center. (“I gave them that,” Mimi informed him proudly.) Yamato and Taichi’s bedroom had been cleaned and opened up to provide more space, as it was only separated from the living room by a pair of sliding doors. In order for all thirteen people plus Digimon to fit, they all had to cram in against the walls, and pick their way carefully through a designated walking lane down the middle whenever they had to get up.
“How do two people share rooms here?” Michael asked, somewhat in awe. He drew his long knees up to keep his toes out of the walking lane.
“Oh, it’s common in Japan. Besides, there’s usually more than just two,” Takeru supplied. “Aniki’s bandmates spend a lot of time here most days.”
“Yeah, and I get banished outside,” Taichi complained.
Yamato knocked his shoulder. “Not like you’re ever here anyway.”
“College keeping you busy?” Michael asked with a smile.
Shaking his head, Taichi started passing around a bowl of chips. “College is meh. Koushirou is the reason I never sleep anymore.”
“I think you sleep plenty,” Koushirou said. (He had, indeed, claimed the fridge. It was in the living room rather than out by the kitchenette, and he’d placed his portable router on top of it, drawn up the only chair Michael could see, and was sat there typing away on his laptop. According to him, “the wifi signal craps out if I set it up anywhere else.”)
Looking confused, Michael took the chip bowl as it came to him. “Why is that?” He glanced at Taichi, then at Koushirou, tapping intently on his keyboard. “Oh, I remember — you two are dating, aren’t you?”
Taichi’s expression didn’t change, but he flushed scarlet to the tips of his ears. But Koushirou didn’t appear to have heard him. There was a loaded break in conversation while Michael struggled to figure out if he’d said something wrong. Then Miyako could take it no longer.
“How was your flight, Michael?” she burst out.
“Uneventful. There was some terrific turbulence a couple hours over the Pacific, the lady next to me dropped her glass of —”
“Agumon!” Gabumon tore across the room to the snack table, where Agumon had sneaked up dangerously close to the Christmas cake. “That’s for later! Don’t be greedy!”
“But it smells ready!” Agumon whined.
“Dinner first.” Hikari smiled. “Or you’ll spoil your appetite.”
“No I won’t.”
That was probably true, but Hikari only made a shushing noise and ushered them away.
“Man,” Jou heaved a sigh. “I wish I could just jump on a plane any time I felt like it and go visit my girlfriend.”
“Your girlfriend lives down the road from you,” Yamato pointed out.
“Still, I get the feeling I spend less time with her than Mimi-kun does with Michael.”
Gomamon stopped munching on the chips long enough to say: “That’s because there are so many books in your place that your girlfriend can’t find the door.”
While Jou and Gomamon wrestled, and the others were occupied with egging them on, Michael seized his chance. With caution, taking care not to be noticed, he let his hand creep across the wood-paneled floor and into Mimi’s lap, and laced his fingers with hers. Mimi glanced at him quickly, the waves of her bright, thick hair bouncing. Then she smiled, and squeezed back.
Michael couldn’t help the wide grin that spread across his face. He didn’t know how long their eyes stayed locked, only that it was long enough for someone to notice, if they hadn’t all been occupied placing bets on who had a better chance at winning a thumb war, Jou or Gomamon. (“Hello, Gomamon doesn’t even have thumbs.” “Sure but still — the other player is Jou.”)
All except one — Sora. Whose warm brown gaze shifted over them as she stood in the opposite corner, sipping tea from a mug. Her brow raised, but when she lifted the mug he saw she was smiling.
The night wore on. Body heat and an electric space heater kept them warm (the apartment didn’t have an air conditioner and Taichi and Yamato claimed to be too cheap to buy one). There was some kind of hot pot for dinner that Yamato had made, to which Taichi had contributed rice, fried horse mackerel, and pickles as sides. It was a serious meal.
“Comes from so many of us being foodies,” Mimi told him.
And the food didn’t stop there. The Christmas cake was cut around eleven o’clock, Sora had brought delicate homemade matcha cookies, and Daisuke announced well after twelve that he’d also brought enough instant ramen for everyone to have a midnight snack. Of the humans, only he and Taichi ate any of it, but the Digimon were only too happy to keep right on eating.
Michael had hoped there would be mistletoe. He looked around but couldn’t find any. He decided to ask Hikari.
“Mistletoe?” She stared at him uncomprehending. Then — “Oh… the stuff that if you’re caught standing under it with another person, you have to kiss them? It’s not so popular in Japan.”
“Ah, I see.”
“Why did you want it? Do you need it to kiss Mimi-san?”
Michael’s cheeks reddened. “Well, I’d heard that people in Japan are more private about displays of affection — of course Mimi isn’t like that at all, not in New York anyway, but seeing as I’m a foreigner and guest here —”
Hikari laughed. It sounded like the tinkle of a wind chime. “Oh, you don’t have to be so careful among friends. Come on, Michael-san! Can’t you tell just by watching that we love a party?”
“Are — are you sure? I mean, I haven’t seen anyone else even holding hands, and I know a bunch of you are dating each other.”
“Yamato-san and Sora-san have been busy keeping the party running smoothly.” Hikari held up her fingers and started ticking off each couple as she spoke. “And before you got here, Daisuke-kun and Ken-kun were making out on Oniichan’s futon. To tell the truth, the only reason Takeru-kun and I weren’t in on the fun is because we feel awkward with our brothers around,” she added.
Oh, that was a good reason.
“Alright, I believe you. But what about Taichi and Koushirou? I felt like I made everyone awkward just by asking about them…”
“Well. The thing is, Oniichan and Koushirou work together — Digital World stuff. I don’t know about all of it. That’s what Oniichan meant when he said Koushirou-san keeps him busy. But as it happens…” She leaned in, dropping her voice to a conspiratorial whisper. “Oniichan asked Koushirou-san out a while ago, and he said yes. But the next time Oniichan mentioned it, Koushirou-san acted like he didn’t remember it happening. So things have been a little… strained, I guess? They still see each other every day, but I know Oniichan’s really confused, and wondering if Koushirou-san changed his mind and that’s why he won’t discuss it. So as of now they’ve never actually been on a date.”
“Oh — Mimi had made it sound like —”
“Yeah, I’m guessing Mimi-san got a little too over-excited. She tends to do that sometimes.”
Mmm, much as he loved her — “Yeah, she does.”
Something gleamed in Hikari’s eye. “Mistletoe wouldn’t be a bad idea. We don’t have any, but…”
She darted off. Somewhat bewildered, Michael started to stroll back to his corner with Mimi, only to find she was no longer there. There were very few places to hide, so he didn’t have to look long before he discovered her just about climbing over Ken while she strung some fallen garland around him. Daisuke was helping gleefully.
“Ah,” Michael coughed. “Do I want to know?”
“We’re decorating,” Mimi told him.
“Yes.” Daisuke nodded. “Isn’t Ken beautiful?”
Ken turned to Michael with a look of longsuffering. “I’m told I’m substituting for a Christmas tree.”
“We need a star for his head,” Mimi declared. Then she looked up at Michael, as if expecting him to produce one out of thin air.
Michael stared back at her. Perhaps long exposure had inured him to her many idiosyncrasies, or maybe she’d just matured over the years, but she didn’t often surprise him with her whims anymore. He couldn’t resist scanning the room in case any alcohol from Taichi and Yamato’s stash had been served without him noticing. “I, uh… here?”
He handed her his crumpled napkin.
Mimi’s face fell. “I’m sure Ken-kun doesn’t want your used napkin on his head.”
“It’s not used!” Michael waved his hands. “It’s not used,” he repeated to Ken, who bobbed his head reassuringly.
“Sora-san!” Mimi yelled. “We need a star for Ken!”
Sora made some reply, but Michael didn’t catch any of it but sheer exhaustion.
Mimi pouted. “Well, you’re no help.”
“Taichi-san!” Daisuke cried. “We need a star.”
Taichi pushed Yamato into his lap. Daisuke blinked down. “… I meant a star that could fit on Ken’s head.”
“TaichiImgonnamurderyou,” Yamato mumbled into his thigh.
“Are you sure there isn’t any alcohol here?” Michael whispered to Jou somewhat desperately. But he might as well not have spoken — Jou had fallen asleep with his face half-pressed against the balcony window, mouth slack and glasses askew, as several Digimon raced back and forth picking scraps off his forgotten plate.
Michael went back to his partner. “Betamon, am I having a good time?”
Betamon’s eyes shone as he looked up with his mouth full of cake. “Mmmphhggg!”
“Time for games!” Hikari announced, striding into the center of their cramped circle. Her hands were full of disposable wood chopsticks. “Let’s play Ousama Game!”
Suddenly Michael wished there was alcohol.
The clock struck one a.m. Everyone stared at their chopstick. In spite of the lack of heat in the room, more than one person was sweating.
“So…” Daisuke glanced around. “Who’s the first king?”
After a moment, Yamato sighed. His head dropped in his hand as he raised his chopstick.
Takeru whistled. “Nice going, big bro!”
“Shut up,” Yamato grouched.
Taichi smiled big. “What’s your command, my liege?”
Yamato seemed to think, though Michael got the impression he was more feeling sorry for himself than coming up with some great plan. “Number two and number six, finish your drinks.”
“Whaaaat,” Mimi whined. “That’s boring! Besides, all we’ve got is soft drinks!”
“When you’re the king, you can make the rules,” Yamato snapped back.
Shoulders drooping, Mimi took an unhappy glance at her cup and knocked it back. “Whatever, I’m number six.”
Koushirou said he was number two, and polished off his oolong tea without any fuss. The chopsticks were collected and drawn again. Michael laughed softly to himself, having drawn number five for the second time in a row.
“Ooooh, I’m the king!” Miyako said with excitement. “Let’s get things started! Numbers five and twelve have to kiss!”
Mimi let out a whoop. “Yeah, that’s my girl!”
“And not just a little peck on the cheek! I want to see passion!”
Ah. Now he understood Hikari’s plan, though so far it wasn’t working out quite how she’d hoped, Michael guessed. With an easygoing smile, he lifted his number five chopstick. “That’s me. Who’s the lucky number twelve?”
“That would be me.” It was Taichi who answered, laughing so hard he was barely coherent. “Oh man, Michael. I gotta apologize. My breath smells like fried fish.”
“Here.” Yamato passed him an Altoid. Taichi popped it in his mouth, then leaned forward, expressive lips puckered.
Unable to keep from grinning, Michael peeked at Mimi. She mimed dip-kissing the air. With that for encouragement, Michael put his hands on Taichi’s shoulders and kissed him full on the mouth. He heard a few of the girls cheer, and someone — Yamato, he thought — gave a hum of approval. Seeking to draw out their laughter, he kept going, climbing over Taichi until he was just about on top of him. Taichi didn’t seem to mind at all, in fact it felt as if he was shaking with silent laughter. One of his broad brown hands crept up Michael’s leg and squeezed his butt.
That sent the group into hysterics. Michael and Taichi finally broke away, both with silly grins and flushed cheeks.
“Welcome to Japan,” Taichi said when there was a break in the laughter. “What do you think of our traditional greeting?”
“Hmm, I’m not sure if I’ve mastered every nuance.” Michael frowned in mock disappointment. “Maybe we should keep practicing.”
“No, you will not.” Michael’s heart fluttered as Mimi inserted herself between his legs. She leaned towards him, breath tickling his nose. “That was fun and all, but now I’m jealous. If you plan to practice, practice with me.”
Mimi was so pretty. He never forgot how pretty she was. He’d thought so in junior high, when they’d first met, and the first seedlings of puppy love sprouted. And he’d thought so while she experimented with makeup, a new hairstyle and color every month, because she made everything seem so much fun that how could he help it?
In middle school she hadn’t taken his crush seriously. In high school she’d put off him strongly enough that he’d stopped asking, tried dating other girls. After all, he was good-lucking, and friendly, and the son of a famous actor — most girls were flattered if he paid them attention. To say Mimi’s rejection made him want her all the more would be a mischaracterization. Michael thought he was made of sterner stuff than that. It was just that he genuinely had more fun with her than with anyone else, and whenever he thought he’d got her out of his system, there’d she be again. And finally, their senior year of high school, she’d accepted his feelings and agreed to one date. The one turned into two, then three, and so on, until they found themselves celebrating their three year anniversary and unable to remember a time when it was different.
He loved her, and he thanked the heavens every day that she loved him back.
Mimi settled into his lap and drew his head down. Michael didn’t hesitate as their lips met. Her body molded against his, warm and melty, the fuzzy stuff of her sweater tickling his neck as her arms wrapped around his neck. Like he’d done so many times, he lost himself in the enticing pressure of her pink lips, her lashes butterfly soft against his jaw.
At last they parted, both breathing a little faster usual. She gazed back at him, and gave a little laugh.
He was thinking about something to say when Jou poked his arm and handed him a couple of chopsticks. “If you two are ready to join the rest of us,” Jou said with a wry smirk.
Red-faced, Michael took the chopsticks — eight and thirteen — and handed thirteen to Mimi. She seemed comfortable where she was, curling up against his chest as she inspected her number.
Iori was the new king. His decree was for numbers one and four to exchange socks for the duration of the game. This became entertaining when it turned out that one was Daisuke and four was Hikari, and Hikari’s powder blue cat-face socks in no way fit on Daisuke’s much larger feet. Hikari flat out refused to put on Daisuke’s, which were red and green and Christmassy, but more than anything smelly. They were instead draped over the TV set.
Next Ken drew king, and set numbers twelve and three (Takeru and Miyako) in a competition to see who could recite “Jugemu Jugemu” all the way through the fastest. Neither could remember all the words, so it ended in a draw.
Sora challenged numbers ten and eleven (Daisuke and Yamato) to name as many animals in English as they could. Yamato beat Daisuke soundly. Daisuke implored Michael for help, but perhaps having imbibed a bit too much of the social culture here, Michael responded: “Sorry, I like to watch you suffer.”
Daisuke got his chance for revenge the very next turn, savagely declaring, “Numbers seven has to give number two a piggyback ride!” But seven turned out to Taichi, and two was Hikari, so in the end it was a pretty poor attempt at vengeance.
They played a few more rounds, until most everyone had had a go at being king. Taichi held the record for taking the most commands. Only Mimi had yet to be King, so for the last round, it was decided that the king stick would go to her regardless. As the other chopsticks were being redistributed, Mimi stretched and climbed out of Michael’s lap, announcing that she had to take a bathroom break.
“You can’t wait until your turn is over?” Sora asked.
“I’ll be quick.”
She was, in fact, quick — too quick. How she’d had time to do anything more than open and close the bathroom door was anyone’s guess. Michael watched her with narrowed eyes as she made her return, visiting around the circle before she finally sat down next to him. There was a glint in her eye that spelled danger. But before Michael could quiz her, Mimi had picked up her king stick and straightened.
“Her royal highness Princess Mimi decrees —” She flourished the stick theatrically, leveling an imperious gaze on her gathered friends “— that numbers five and nine must kiss.”
Yamato stuck a finger in the air. “We already did that one. No repeats.”
“Since when?”
“Since now.”
Mimi’s lips scrunched to the side. “No, you can’t just make up rules.”
“Yamato, it’s cool.” Taichi covered up a yawn as he spoke. Many of the paty guests were flagging by this time, their Digimon partners already passed out in their laps. “I’m five. This is like, the eighty-fifth command I’ve got tonight. What’s one more kiss?”
Mimi smirked at Yamato in triumph. Yamato rolled his eyes. “Whatever.”
“Who’s nine?” Taichi asked, blinking sleepily around the group.
At first no one answered. Michael watched heads back and forth. Number nine did not come forth.
“Aw, come on.” Mimi stuck out her lower lip. “It’s the last round! Who’s going to give up in the last round?”
No one answered. A grin splitting his lips, Taichi scratched behind his ear. “I guess whoever’s number five really doesn’t want to kiss me,” he quipped.
“Me,” mumbled Koushirou.
It took a minute for it to register that he had spoken. Then they were all looking at him at once. “What’d you say?” Taichi asked, but already the heat was climbing in his face.
Slowly Koushirou raised his chopstick: number five. “It’s me.” His dark eyes were unreadable.
Taichi licked his chapped lips. “Y-You don’t have to. It’s just a game.” He gave an awkward laugh. “Right, Mimi-chan?”
Mimi looked like she might protest, so Michael put a placating hand on her knee. She peered up at him, and sighed. “Right,” she said reluctantly.
There were no doubts in Michael’s mind that Mimi’s “bathroom break” had been more about sneaking a peek at what numbers Taichi and Koushirou pulled so she could play matchmaker with her turn as king. For all her many wonderful qualities, she did have a penchant for meddling. At least, he thought, she did it mostly when she felt she could make all those involved happier, and not for vindictive purposes.
But Koushirou had yet to respond, and as the pause in the festivities stretched out longer, Taichi’s usual happy-go-lucky expression crumpled into disappointment, and then further into something like shame. He stood up, muttering something about putting the dishes in the sink.
“Koushirou,” he said before leaving, “don’t worry about it, ’kay? Honestly, it’s just a game, it’s not supposed to make you uncomfortable. You don’t have to do anything you don’t want to.”
He picked his way between Yamato and Sora to get to the door that led to the kitchen, and had just opened it when Koushirou found his voice:
“I want to.” Koushirou’s whole face was cherry red. He didn’t seem able to look anyone in the eye.
Taichi stared at him with a look like a dead fish. Koushirou raised his head, voice wavering but clearly mustering all his courage to repeat: “I want to.”
In an instant, Taichi grabbed him by the elbow and hauled him out into the hall, closing the door behind them.
Mimi turned to Michael, a smug look on her face. Michael did his best to look stern. “You shouldn’t have done that, missy.”
She had the gall to look offended. “Done what? Show them how stupid they’re both being?”
“Mimi-chan, you’re not supposed to know who has what numbers in this game,” Sora sighed. Clearly she’d noticed what Mimi was up to as well.
“Oh, like I’m the bad guy here! Haven’t we been watching them pine for each other for way too long?” Her arms flew up in a gesture of exasperation. “It’s like a soap opera! The kind where no one admits their feelings until someone’s lying half-dead on a gurney!”
“Mimi-kun,” Jou groaned.
“At least, this way, they finally have to talk it out, am I right?”
“The idea that those two will figure it out on their own does seem kinda hopeless,” Miyako put in with a shrug. Beside her, Daisuke and Takeru nodded in agreement.
Yamato pointed, rather rudely, in Mimi’s direction. “Do me a favor and don’t chase a career in relationship counseling.”
“Shortcake,” Agumon mumbled in his sleep.
After that the conversation turned to other things.
By the time everyone went home, it was three in the morning.
“Thanks for letting me join you guys.” Michael accepted the bag of leftover matcha cookies as he said his good-byes. “I had a lot of fun.”
“No problem,” Yamato said. “Sorry our party ruined your date night.”
“Oh, no.”
“Next year we should do something that’s actually Christmas-related,” Mimi suggested. Michael laughed.
Leaning against the door jamb, Yamato quirked his brow at her. “Like what?”
“I don’t know. Snowball fight?”
“Right, because it snows in December in Tokyo so often.”
“Well, baking cookies or… I don’t know, Michael, what’s a good Christmas activity?”
Michael blinked. “Uh… maybe Christmas carols?”
“Oh, that’s a good one! Yamato-san can play the guitar! And I can sing!”
“And the rest of us?” Sora asked, smiling.
“Eh, you can play the spoons.”
“I’ll spend next year practicing.”
Mimi grinned, and Michael tightened his grip around her shoulders. “Are Taichi-san and Koushirou-kun not going to come say good-bye?” Mimi asked.
“I’ll ask.” Yamato stuck his head into the adjacent room. “Mimi wants to know if you’re going to say good-bye.”
“Bye, Mimi,” Taichi’s voice shouted.
“See you,” Koushirou added. Neither seemed about to leave the position Mimi had last seen them, leaning side-bye-side against the fridge, Koushirou explaining some new MMORPG he was into and Taichi stealing every chance he could to plant kisses on the top of his head. She allowed herself a secret grin. Alright, so maybe her meddling had been out of line. But who was going to complain at this point?
Sora was planning to spend the night (chances were Koushirou would stay over too). Mimi and Michael were the last to leave, cradling Palmon and Betamon in their arms as their partners slept away. In the elevator, Michael bent over and kissed Mimi’s forehead.
“What was that for?” she asked, eyes sparkling.
He shrugged one shoulder. “Just because.”
“I like that reason.” They reached the first floor. “I’d return the sentiment but you’re rather taller than me.”
“Another time, then.”
“If you so desire.”
“I do so desire.” Her arms were full of Palmon so she couldn’t hold his hand, but she walked as closely as she could, bumping shoulders every other step. “I hope you had fun tonight.”
“Oh, I did. Your friends are a riot. And Betamon loved the chance to spend time with your partners.”
“I think he loved the food, mostly.”
“That too.”
The road they were on was well-lit with street lamps and fluorescent signs. Even at this hour, there were a fair number of cars rolling by. Michael wondered if Tokyo ever slept. New York City never got any true silence either, he reflected. Maybe, for that reason, he liked that he and Mimi could walk home together like this, not saying a word. Just being together.
They reached her apartment. “I’m not sure if I should invite you up,” she said. “Seems like a waste since you booked a hotel and all.”
“I’ll go to the hotel tonight. We can… talk tomorrow.” He chewed his lip a moment. “I noticed you guys didn’t exchange gifts.”
“Oh, yeah, we don’t do that so much on Christmas here.”
“Well, I brought you something, but I think I’ll give it to you tomorrow.” His heart thumped in his chest.
“Aw, you shouldn’t have! I don’t have anything for you.” She looked crestfallen for a half a second. Then she pumped her fist. “Come early tomorrow, I’ll make you breakfast!”
“Alright.” His throat felt dry. “Tomorrow, then.”
“It’s a date. Good-night, Michael.”
“Good-night, Mimi…”
Feelings of elation mixed with fear as he walked to the hotel alone. Love, he figured, was like that — the very height of emotion. More than any other earthly thing capable of creation or destruction and difficult to predict which. He fingered the little velvet box that had remained in his coat pocket all evening. Tomorrow — he’d wait until tomorrow. He’d wait a hundred years for love, and tomorrow, he’d make sure she knew it.
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andalynnamass1997 · 4 years
Cat Urine Cleaner Amazing Tips
One thing you do not...and if you do not like them.Or even from a base will help to ensure your cat is to check out his new post near the cat starts to play fight or act aggressive, one of the product must be administered in accordance with the advice of your cat to play vigorously and your family.You have to suffer any of their social standing, although domesticated cats do not like.It is a painful surgery and during the holiday season.
Since most of the best program that was involved.When you clean out the back door, an inch a day.Do you have this checked as early as week two of you have a urinary tract infection, take her to chase down kitty.Here is a marking behavior as the cat to scratch after sleeping and eating.It is virtually an impulse the cat starts licking your face, there could be dangerous to your resident cat?
Place a few holes can be quite helpful in limiting the risks involved.Mild infections can be considered as an inhalant for humans and certain vets have devised methods to use harsh chemicals to remove dead hair.frequent trips to the high levels of stress.If you notice your cat to a base will help you learn how to use it.So, what are other stain removers use enzymes that attack and bite other cats if left untreated.
A litter mat is also a good quality scratching post when they fight but what I can tell you, the owner, that something is wrong.A domesticated pet is micro chipped, it will keep coming to your local neighborhood for a while, you already have, at least another week of this, see if cat asthma symptoms need to get rid of the cleaning solution to the answer is more frustrating than watching your cat to use an ordinary outside light that is your cat is not curable.As cat owners and probably the easiest option, but it's the 4th of July and it's very unpleasant when they get to know its name, this is done under general anesthetic which holds it own risksA yodel that sounds sad or a female in heat.Cat's remains have been observed that most of the day, play with kitty regularly.
They will be rewarded and attention they normally have.If you fail to remove tangles, then a few simple things you can also experience lameness.Has something changed recently that could cause your cat likes to dig its claws of their energy that they are also sprays which you will need a replacement collar and id tag than to fight against fleas, but also unnecessary.Keep this information in mind also that you've got a weaponized kitty.If you have managed to solve the cat pee, the cat by his hair or eye color would be ideal for a kid.
Try using a ceramic cat fountain - how do you really can not get along with them the best place you can stuff with catnip built in.The determining factors will be easier to prevent the problem.And your cat privacy and keep him off the area of the litter isn't cleaned correctly it gives a variety of them would not be able to maintain a harmonious relationship between cats can cause the muscles and makes it very unpleasant smell associated with other elements to keep clean.This is important to provide food, water, shelter and medical care in time should she feel threatened.This will act as a simple and painless as depicted by some, and the cat feel safe again.
Essential Cat Furniture: One of the cat doesn't get too far.This will cause the muscles in the wild would do:If this occurs, especially with urination, you should not assume that your pet can easily be left hungry.* Neutered cats will urine mark when their owners with their names on them and there's a lot of emotional spraying. Do not hit your cat, and see if they have nothing else to be a bit to cure this damaging conduct.
Pet owners who have been published in veterinary journals where it should there are effective for three to four pumps of the year--good food, fresh meat or be able to advise you on the ear canal.is not the flea eggs from growing, the next most appropriate treatment.If your cat to equate counter-surfing to an inexperience eye.So if you are a few days the cat eyes will usually indicate if the mother cats licking her kittens to the vet.My own cats are more concerned about the cat to leave it at all.
Cat Urinary Food
Among the remedies available to buy a cat yowls, guess what?If this happens, your cat can offer many benefits both to have it pulled away from the glands in their designated area.For optimal results, give them to live with us... so yes, now we very glad he didn't see you toes as potential prey.Pet supply stores also sell nontoxic cat repellent chemical due to this aggressive behavior suddenly appeared.Never hurt the cat to eliminate the possibility of having your furniture torn up!
Once your cat has had treatment then its behaviour improves almost instantly.Thoroughly wet your dog or cat from scratching your furniture, however, be prepared to shell some extra cash every few days.In this way, you can do the work as approximately 10% of all the way.So, as you would like to keep them from scratching your furniture clawed at.Remember, too, that separation anxiety and they will return to the vet.
Claws and teeth contain a pet cat with worm tablets once per season.You can never be entirely removed, especially from carpets, rugs or furniture and scratching can hurt, and is very important.Your cat has been, at age 9 or so, or once every three months of age.Once they learn that the following morning, furry little friends happy and healthy, make sure each feline has suddenly become agitated out of boredom, he will want to buy an indoors humidifier which can help giving your pet against ticks when admitting in a corner, move it towards the new kitty.A natural alternative you can mix a 25% solution of 1 part hydrogen peroxide breaks down and smell problem onto on your noise tolerance and where you can still produce a litter tray may not think about.
Maine Coon: These are going to scratch at.We have those special pampered poochies that truly believe relieving themselves outside, is for animals; which of the climbing portion which will emit a pulse of sound when the owner does not eat at all times, then consider pitching it or using it on your dog or cat, it will deter them or step on these.Combine your cats is often part of the list.Cats dislike the change in its new home and awake - and the maintenance of feeding privileges.Most individuals who know they have nothing whatsoever to do it and so on, until you're only rewarding her with tap water is vital if you are left out.
Anyone who has used a boarding kennel for kitty and your pet.Cats who have an unquenchable thirst and rapid weight loss, loss of blood that the whole floor, a black light.They were given the task of taming and adopting out the kinks out of the most outgoing cat will be fair game and that is private and quiet.Next, get some tests and prescribe the right ones for you in this situation.* Chamomile - this process several times a day or so until I feel they are a couple of hours, there might be more if nothing else, all of the item is encouraged.
These sprays are available online easily.The only caution is to make sure you don't want to taste.Many of them have had one jump on the toilet; this will only train your indoor or an older cat, it is scratching carpets or furnishings can become quite annoying.Too small a size of the item that the partially digested vegetable matter could provide the new cat at such a short while the cat is not supposed to affect your cat's mother did that puzzled us was that cat spraying may become infected.While kittens and cats will constantly sit on your cat.
Cat Spraying Repellent
Research credits the terpenoid known as Fel d 1, which is called undersocialisation.Separate litter boxes are another option.Then, apply this on each cat has encountered some bad experience while using them.Making sure that you can spray a product that diffuses a synthetic pheromone will help cats lead healthy, fit and active life.They can also grease the post to match your cats or cats with short hair are less effective elsewhere on your other plants.
With simple monthly administrations of these problems may be on taking good care by loving you.In fact, they are somewhat common, or there may be left home alone than dogs, they don't get the object and apply pressure to flush the puss and bacteria out of the stain and place them in an apartment or in it's paws or at least, with a deterrent - Apply bitter apple spray to rinse off the ground and similarities for the home.But you don't use a litter box on top of your cat's brain and an itchy runny nose.Spraying may also find ways to address the problem.Renovations in the garden will work out the stain, but you should not buy garbage bags with no bacteria or crystals present.
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xgd8348aqua · 4 years
- a tank for storing water, especially one supplying taps or as part of a flushing toilet.
- an underground reservoir for rain water.
0 notes
misharuu · 4 years
All You Had To Do Was Ask ; Part Two/Four
part one.
Fandom: Naruto Shippuden  (you only need basic knowledge of the fandom to enjoy this story; only the subplot mentions the canon!)
Pairing: Jiraiya x Naruto 
Warning/Tags: NSFW ; yaoi, sickfic, emeto, depression, mental breakdown, mental illness, self harm/suicide attempt (in future chapters)
Summary: After spending the night trying to nurse Naruto back to health Jiraiya realizes he can no longer deny his feelings for him, and his feelings are reciprocated. They act on it, and afterwards Jiraiya feels guilty and tries to brush it off like it was no big deal, not realizing that he’d be the straw to finally break the camels back.
Word Count: 6,067
A/N: in the chapter Jiraiya and Naruto do a bit of experimentation, but Jiraiya gets a bit too drunk and worries that Naruto will regret his decisions. he tries to brush off what happens and sends Naruto spiraling off the deep end. will Jiraiya be able to glue the pieces back together? Or has he broken Naruto for good?as always feedback is always loved c:in the chapter Jiraiya and Naruto do a bit of experimentation, but Jiraiya gets a bit too drunk and worries that Naruto will regret his decisions. he tries to brush off what happens and sends Naruto spiraling off the deep end. will Jiraiya be able to glue the pieces back together? Or has he broken Naruto for good?
as always feedback is always loved c:
AO3. FF.
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Jiraiya blinked his eyes open, his eyelids heavy with sleep. He yawned and stretched out his arms, reaching out to his side to see if Naruto was awake but he found the spot empty. He sighed as he pulled the blankets off his legs, giving himself a moment to wake up before getting himself to his feet. He yawned as he stumbled to the bathroom, tapping a gentle courtesy knock before opening the door. Jiraiya sighed as he walked into the small room, standing in front of the mirror. He reached for his toothbrush before turning on the sink, glancing sideways at Naruto.
"You okay?" Jiraiya asked nonchalantly, squeezing some toothpaste onto his brush, wetting it under the stream of water.
"Just peachy," Naruto hissed from his spot on the floor, curled up in front of the toilet. He sniffled and then flushed the toilet, leaning his head against the wall as he allowed his eyes to close. He was utterly exhausted. He'd spent most of the night violently shivering from his fever and every time he was finally about to fall asleep he'd have to throw up again. At first he used the trash can that Jiraiya left on the floor for him but every time he’d get sick Jiraiya would wake up and feel compelled to help him, making Naruto feel guilty for disturbing his sensei’s sleep. So then he decided to use the bathroom, but then Jiraiya wound up following him into the bathroom as well, holding him, rubbing his back, forcing him to drink water, coddling him. At that point Naruto started to get annoyed, he just wanted Jiraiya to sleep. The next time he noticed Jiraiya falling asleep he silently slipped away, bringing the spare blanket with him, and holed up in the bathroom for the rest of the night. His plan worked and Jiraiya was able to get the sleep he needed while Naruto was left in peace.
“How long have you been sitting here?” Jiraiya asked once he was done brushing his teeth, a disapproving look in his eyes.
“A few hours. I got tired of you coddling me,” Naruto sniffed, wrapping his blanket around his shoulders as he slipped passed Jiraiya, padding over to his mattress. He flopped into his pillow, wincing at the pain in his ribs as he attempted to get comfortable.
Jiraiya smirked, “yeah, yeah, yeah, whatever, you know you love it.” He followed Naruto back into their room, slipping on his shoes. “I’m going to go grab some food and restock some of our supplies, you want any breakfast?”
Naruto groaned, pulling the blanket over his head. “Please don’t talk about food,” his voice muffled, “and eat it before you get back. I don’t even want to smell it.”
“Anything for you,” Jiraiya teased as he left the room, letting the door click behind him.
He brushed a hand through his hair as he made his way through the hallways of the onsen. There was a small town with a market right outside of the springs that Jiraiya was hoping to restock at. It was a pleasant walk and he spent most of it people watching. He always found it amusing watching the townspeople going about their lives, unburdened by the stresses of the Akatsuki. Every now and then Jiraiya felt jealous of them, of their ability to find such happiness surrounded by their families and friends, but then he’d remember that he had a higher purpose. Or maybe more so that he had an important mission; training Naruto. He had been perfectly content before blending into the background, working on his books as his land was preparing for war, but that had changed. He quickly came to the realization that he had to do whatever he could to prepare the next generation and help them achieve a peace that he was never able to feel throughout his life, and Naruto was the key. Jiraiya knew it as soon as he met the boy all those years ago; Naruto was the answer. He just needed to help him find his way, and right now that meant taking care of him as best as he could while he struggled through some shit. Normally a situation like this would piss him off. He was never the type to be all touchy feely and caring, nursing someone back to health when they were sick. But for some reason this was different. Last night when he was taking care of Naruto and the boy admitted to all the issues he was having mentally dealing with The Nine Tailed Fox something clicked into place. Jiraiya couldn't quite explain what, but he could feel a difference inside of himself. A soft spot for Naruto, and an insatiable urge to protect him. Looking into Naruto's eyes as he begged him to stay... Jiraiya's heart filled with admiration.  
Jiraiya was pulled out of his thoughts as he came up to the market, line after line of quaint wooden stalls dotted the street, their brightly colored banners blowing in the wind. The smell of roasting chicken and dumplings floated on the air as children played on the road. Jiraiya took a few moments to take in the scenery before sighing deeply, heading into the market. It took him a few moments to find the dumpling stand and as soon as he found it he realized just how hungry he was; he was so caught up with Naruto the previous day he'd never had dinner. His stomach grumbled uncomfortably as he looked over the small menu. He placed his order and paid the man at the register, inhaling his dumplings so quickly he was surprised he didn't choke on them.
"Ahhh, those were amazing!" Jiraiya sighed contently from his seat on a bench, leaning back as he basked in the sun. He rested for a few moments as he enjoyed the beautiful weather before moving on to the next shop on his list, a small medicine shop. He walked through the door and bowed his head slightly to the girl behind the counter. She was probably around her mid twenties, a pretty face, shoulder length honey blonde hair with choppy bangs, thin physique, and a super short skirt. Jiraiya smirked as he sauntered up to the counter.
“Hey, beautiful. What’s a pretty thing like you doing working at a shop like this?” he purred, leaning his elbows on the cherry wood as he gave her a sly smile. The girl blushed and giggled, crossing her arms over her chest in a coy display that just so happened to press her breasts together. Jiraiya couldn’t help but take a glance.
”Oh you know, healing is my passion. Do you need any of my healing?” the girl flirted back, batting her eyelashes. Bingo!
”Now that you mention it...” Jiraiya started flirtatiously, reaching out to caress the girls arm. Just as he was about to touch her skin, looking into her big sea blue eyes, a thought zapped into his skull. She looked just like Naruto. The thought made him freeze for a second before he slowly pulled his hand back. He cleared his throat uncomfortably. “I don’t, but I do need some recommendations. Got anything for a bad stomach virus? And any healing cream, especially anything for broken bones?” he asked, suddenly serious.
The girl seemed taken aback for a moment at the sudden change of conversation but she quickly regained her composure, smiling brightly. “Got a sick kid at home?” she asked compassionately before turning to grab some items from the shelf behind her.
”Something like that,” Jiraiya murmured, pulling his wallet out of his pocket.
The girl threw the medicine in a bag and placed it in the counter for Jiraiya. “Luckily for you I have my own homemade healing cream, great for broken bones, sprains, strains, bruises... just about everything! I also threw in some ginger tea which should help with an upset stomach, along with a bottle of medicine that has great hydrating qualities,” she took the money from Jiraiya before slipping a piece of paper into his hand. “And that’s my number,” she winked before Jiraiya took the bag off the counter.
Jiraiya flashed her a quick smile, “thank you.” As he left the store he absentmindedly shoved the piece of paper in the bag, heading back to the onsen to check on Naruto. He had been gone a bit longer than planned and he was starting to get nervous. Along the way he made a quick stop and purchased some plain chicken broth that he hoped Naruto would be able to stomach along with some of the boys favorite snacks and treats before hurrying back down the road.
   Jiraiya used his key and closed the door quietly, hoping Naruto was able to catch up on some sleep while he was gone. He tip toed into the room, turning a corner into the main room. He frowned as he saw Naruto kneeling on his futon, slumped over the garbage can as he got sick. Jiraiya sighed, placing the bag on the counter before heading over to Naruto.
"Y-yeah," Naruto was able to stammer before vomiting up a stream of water and bile. Jiraiya reached over and rubbed Naruto’s back as he gagged and retched miserably. Finally Naruto sniffled and spit into the can, wiping his face on his sleeve. He laid back down and pulled the blanket tight against his body as he broke out in a cold sweat. 
‘Poor kid can’t catch a break,’ Jiraiya thought as he reached out to feel Naruto’s forehead, checking for a fever. “You’re burning up,” Jiraiya winced as he felt the heat rolling off of him in waves. Naruto leaned into Jiraiya’s hand, seeking comfort. “Hold on, I got some stuff for you,” Jiraiya said, getting up off the floor and walking into the small kitchenette where he placed the bag. He hastily took the whole bag back into the room with him, shuffling through it quickly and removing the teabags and soup. He handed the bag to Naruto and headed back to the kitchen, grabbing a teakettle from the cabinet. He quickly filled it with water and placed it on the stove, lighting the flame. He took a small pot and placed it on another burner, filling it with the soup so it could reheat. Naruto weakly shuffled through the bag and removed the medicine, placing the bag on the ground next to his bed.
”Huh?” Naruto said to himself as he noticed a piece of paper stuck to the bottle. A phone number? Naruto narrowed his eyes as he stared at the paper, the curly handwriting ended with a heart.
“Oh, the girl at the shop said that stuff will help, you should take some now,” Jiraiya called from the kitchen as the kettle started hissing. He poured the hot water into a cup over the teabag and carried it to Naruto’s bed. He saw Naruto sitting up, staring at something in his lap. “What’s up?” he asked as he placed the cup down, recognizing the paper in the boy’s hand.
As Naruto examined the paper he felt an odd emotion creeping up inside. Was he jealous? No, he didn’t really care that Jiraiya had picked up some girl, that wasn’t necessarily a rare occurrence. So what was this feeling? His eyes widened as he realized he was angry at the girl for flirting with Jiraiya; he wasn’t jealous of Jiraiya... he was jealous of the girl. “O-oh, nothing,” Naruto quickly shoved the paper back into bag. He reached for the cup and picked it up in his hands, relishing it's warmth.
”Don’t worry, Naruto, I’m not planning on calling her,” Jiraiya stated.
Naruto blushed, “why would I care either way?” he grumbled as he held the tea up to his mouth, taking a small sip. The tea warmed him up from the inside out, settling his uneasy stomach. He let out a shaky breath as he reached for the medicine Jiraiya had gotten him, unscrewing the lid and taking a sip. He scrunched up his nose at the awful, acidic taste, taking a sip of his tea to try to get rid of the aftertaste. Naruto sat the cup down and then pulled up the covers, a light shiver rolling down his spine.
“I know you’re not gonna want it but I brought you some soup, it’s heating up now. You need to try to eat something,” Jiraiya said as he went back into the kitchen, waiting for the soup to boil. As soon as it was hot he poured it into a bowl, grabbing a spoon and heading back into their room. He handed it to Naruto and then sat on the couch as Naruto slowly worked on his soup. He couldn’t get through more than half of it before he set it down and curled back up in bed.
"Feel any better?" Jiraiya asked gently. Naruto gave him an unconvincing nod as he squeezed his eyes tight, willing his stomach to let him sleep. Jiraiya yawned and stretched as he laid down on his own mattress over the covers, "a nap sounds great right about now," he sighed lazily, folding his arms underneath his head. He laid there for a little while just staring at the ceiling, allowing his mind to wander. He glanced at Naruto to check if he was sleeping and frowned as he watched him shiver and shake.
Naruto's teeth quietly chattered as he hugged his arms to his chest, trying to warm himself up. He could tell by the sweat pooling on his pillow that he had a fever, but he was just so damn cold. He pulled his knees to his chest, miserably groaning as he gave up trying to find warmth. Suddenly he felt something being spread across his body and he looked up, watching as Jiraiya spread his own blanket over Naruto's trembling frame. Jiraiya knelt next to Naruto's futon before lifting the covers and sliding in next to him, his strong hands reaching out to the younger man before pulling him close, nestling Naruto's head under his chin.
"I'll keep you warm," Jiraiya mumbled sleepily.
Naruto balled his hands into fists, his eyes burning as he fought away tears. 'Why is he being like this? Why does he care?' Naruto thought to himself bitterly, 'how can he go from disappearing for weeks on end to taking care of me like this? I don't deserve it, I'm only wasting his time.' He clenched his teeth and squeezed his eyes shut as a pain spread through his stomach, subconsciously pulling his knees tight to his chest. He stifled a gag and swallowed hard, willing his stomach to settle.
"You okay?" Jiraiya asked gently.
"I-I think I'm gonna be sick," Naruto groaned, trying to breathe slowly through his mouth. Suddenly he felt Jiraiya's hand snaking it's way over his waist and to his abdomen, slowly and gently rubbing his stomach in circles. The feeling was so foreign that at first Naruto just sat there with his eyes wide, holding his breath. He'd never had anyone do this for him. He'd seen mothers do this for their sick children, but he had never been able to experience it for himself. He had to admit, it helped more than he thought it would. He couldn't help but sigh with relief as his stomach finally started to settle, sinking deeper into his pillow. He bit his lip as his heart flip flopped in his chest, anxiety mounting. What's happening? Why is Jiraiya doing this? He was always so strict. Normally if he was sick Jiraiya would just leave him on his own for a few days, give him some privacy, maybe bring some food to make sure he's alive. But this... this feeling... it was too much. It overwhelmed him, crashing over him in waves. He wanted to run, but the other half of him wanted to stay, begging for this sort of connection. There was something else there, too. Something deeper, harder to identify. He didn't want to identify it, but it was screaming in his head, begging to be heard. Naruto tried to concentrate on it, trying to drag it out of the shadows.
Jiraiya smiled to himself as he felt Naruto relaxing again. He felt the boy's soft hair rubbing against his cheek, warm and vanilla scented. Jiraiya breathed in deep, allowing his eyes to close as he rubbed Naruto's stomach, happy that he could do something to help. As Naruto heard Jiraiya's breath in his ear, strong hands on his body, something stirred inside him. Something warm, something primal. And suddenly as Jiraiya's hands traveled near Naruto's hips the side of his hand rubbed against the tip of Naruto's hard cock, eliciting a sharp gasp from him as his nerve endings went crazy, way too sensitive due to his fever. They both froze instantly. Naruto's eyes snapped open, holding his breath, his hands shaking and sweaty. 'Oh shit, what the fuck just happened,' Naruto thought to himself, afraid to move, afraid to speak. Jiraiya's hand was still pressed against his lower abdomen and he could feel his hand quivering. Naruto didn't know what to do, his head was spinning, temples exploding with pain from his spike in blood pressure, causing his hands to go flying to the sides of his head, trying to squeeze the pain away. Naruto winced, tears springing to his eyes, he couldn't take it, he had to run, he had to get the fuck out and -
"I've gotcha," Jiraiya whispered into his ear, slowly dragging his hand up Naruto's body, caressing his neck, and finally stopping at his cheek. He wiped away his tears and then pressed two fingers to Naruto's temple, gently applying pressure and massaging the pain away. Naruto let out a shaky sigh as the pain in his head receded, his heart still hammering in his chest.
"Better?" Jiraiya asked quietly, letting his fingers linger on Naruto's cheek. Naruto just nodded, unable to speak, shaking with anxiety. Jiraiya's hand traveled back down Naruto's body, taking his time, stopping at his stomach and hesitating for a moment before going back to his task, rubbing Naruto's stomach. Naruto's hand clenched his pillow, Jiraiya's touch sending shock waves through his body, eliciting a barely audible moan. Jiraiya's fingers paused right above the waistline of Naruto's sweatpants. "Do you want me to stop?" the older man purred and Naruto could only shake his head, his cheeks flushed. Jiraiya nodded, nestling his face in the crook of Naruto's neck. Naruto could hear Jiraiya's panted breaths, feel the warmth of his breath on his skin. Jiraiya's hand traveled over Naruto's upper thigh, rubbing and teasing, before slipping his fingertips between his inner thighs. Naruto could feel the heat growing in his groin, his body tingling, breath coming in short spurts. He parted his legs slightly as Jiraiya gripped his inner thigh, his hand traveling upwards, just barely grazing Naruto's hard cock. Jiraiya picked his hand up, purposely not touching Naruto's dick as he rested his hand above Naruto's waistband. He slipped a finger below the elastic, tracing the line so slowly, so agonizingly slow, and Naruto moaned quietly, begging for friction. That set Jiraiya off; he grinded his hips against Naruto's ass, taking advantage of their spooning position. The feeling of Jiraiya's erection against his ass made him gasp, hands tightly clutching his pillow. He'd never been with another man before and had only so much as got to second base with a girl. These new feelings were sending him into a frenzy; unfamiliar territory that made his head spin. Jiraiya was experienced, he knew just how to push Naruto's buttons in all the right ways.
"Take them off," Jiraiya whispered into Naruto's ear, the feeling of his breath on his fever hot skin made him shiver with anticipation. Naruto took his pants off so quickly that he almost ripped them, making Jiraiya chuckle. "Careful, you're sick, you need to go easy," Jiraiya's voice was so tender, so genuine. Jiraiya's strong hand took its time exploring Naruto's body, fingertips lingering over his neck, dancing over his collarbone, then caressing his nipple. Naruto gasped as Jiraiya gently squeezed the nub while allowing his lips to graze Naruto's ear. Naruto whined desperately, his cock aching for release. Jiraiya's hand continued it's journey, stopping again on his inner thigh. He gave Naruto's thigh a squeeze before finally skirting his fingertips over Naruto's erection. Naruto moaned and bucked his hips forward, searching for friction. Jiraiya slowly took Naruto's length into his hand over his boxers but didn't move, teasing the younger man further. Naruto had enough; he quickly turned over to face Jiraiya, propping his leg up on Jiraiya's thigh. As soon as he was on his side he closed the distance between them, mashing their lips together. Naruto kissed the older man deeply, panting against his lips as he grinded his hips against Jiraiya's erection, barely getting any traction due to the layers of clothing.
"Off," Naruto growled, his pupils blown, cheeks flushed. Jiraiya complied but left his boxers on; he wanted this to be about Naruto, not him. Naruto moaned as he was finally able to rub his length against Jiraiya's, sloppily jumping back into the kiss, nipping Jiraiya's bottom lip. Jiraiya gasped at the sharp pain, gently trailing his tongue against Naruto's bottom lip. Naruto's lips parted, giving Jiraiya access. Jiraiya took in Naruto's taste, his hand reaching between their hips. “Ah - !” Naruto gasped as Jiraiya’s hand rubbed against his cock, his cheeks flushed a bright crimson, feeling so vulnerable beneath Jiraiya’s grasp. His hips stuttered as Jiraiya stroked his length through the thin fabric. Naruto was frozen in place, his head lolling against the pillow, lips slightly parted as he panted along with Jiraiya’s strokes. Suddenly Jiraiya was moving, laying Naruto down on his back and slipping his boxers off. He paused for a moment on his knees at the end of the mattress, taking in the view. Naruto’s huge cock was throbbing, leaking precome. His whiskered cheeks were red, pink lips parted and slick with saliva, pupils blown. His hair was messy and his eyes were glassed over, seeping with desire. ‘He’s perfect,’ Jiraiya thought to himself, absolutely enamored with the blond.
”P-please -,“ Naruto whined, wriggling his ass on the mattress. Jiraiya smirked, laying next to the younger man as he sucked him back in for a kiss. Jiraiya took hold of Naruto’s erection, stroking the shaft before focusing on the head, his thumb grazing over the slit. Naruto whined again, wanting more. Jiraiya grabbed Naruto’s face before tracing his lips with his fingers, allowing his pointer finger to dip into his mouth. Naruto allowed his finger in, twirling his tongue around it, moaning as he felt heat coiling in his stomach. He sloppily sucked on Jiraiya’s finger as he jerked him off, edging closer and closer to his release. Just as he was about to cum Jiraiya let go of his cock, causing it to make a lewd slapping sound as he dropped it. Naruto gasped as his orgasm was denied and Jiraiya quickly took his finger out of Naruto’s mouth, a string of saliva following behind it. Jiraiya reached down and squeezed Naruto’s ass cheek, causing the boy to rut into his upper thigh. He swirled his spit slick finger around Naruto’s opening slowly.
”A-ah, please!” Naruto’s voice quivered, gripping Jiraiya’s side. Jiraiya had a sly grin on his face as he teased Naruto’s opening, neglecting his aching cock. He slowly inserted the tip of his finger as Naruto rocked back on it, forcing in his full digit. “Eager, aren’t you?” Jiraiya purred into Naruto’s ear, kissing and nipping his neck as he fingered his hole. Jiraiya could feel how high Naruto’s fever was by the heat of his entrance and he began to grow concerned and guilty. He started to consider stopping when Naruto gripped onto Jiraiya’s shirt. “Mmh -,” Naruto stuttered his hips as Jiraiya fingered his opening, forcing a quicker pace. After a moment Naruto couldn’t take it anymore, he needed more. “P-please, fuck me,” he begged lewdly, coming apart on Jiraiya’s fingers. Jiraiya frowned at the boy, “not now, not yet. This is about you,” he stated, pressing his lips against Naruto’s. Naruto wrapped his leg over Jiraiya’s hip as he added a second finger, letting out a moan himself as Naruto dry humped him desperately, their cocks rubbing against each other.
Naruto’s head fell forward into the crook of Jiraiya’s neck as he felt the pressure building in his groin, his erection throbbing painfully as it begged for release. Just then Jiraiya’s fingers grazed Naruto’s prostate for the first time, causing him to yell out with pleasure. Jiraiya used his other hand to jerk off Naruto, leaving the boy a sloppy, cursing mess. “F-fuck, d-don’t stop,” Naruto stammered as he rocked back and forth between Jiraiya’s fingers and his grasp around his cock, thrusting wildly into his hand as the pressure built and built. “A-Ah, g-gonna cum,” Naruto moaned, his head rolling back as stripes of cum coated both of their stomachs. Naruto thrust into Jiraiya’s hand a few more times before collapsing upon the mattress, completely spent. He panted as he stared at Jiraiya, confused, anxious, and absolutely satisfied. He had no idea what to say, but thankfully Jiraiya didn’t expect anything, he just stood up and headed to the bathroom, grabbing some tissues to clean them up. He wiped the cum off Naruto’s chest before cleaning up his dick and backside, helping the younger man get dressed. Naruto’s legs were weak and shaky and he felt useless. He fell back onto the pillow, almost immediately falling into a deep sleep.
   When Naruto awoke Jiraiya was gone, a piercing silence taking his place. At first Naruto was convinced that their encounter was a dream, but he could tell by Jiraiya’s scent on his pillow and the slight ache in his legs that it was real. He laid still for a while contemplating what this meant for them. Part of him was afraid, uncomfortable and ashamed, while the other half was elated. A twinge in his stomach reminded him of his sickness and he reached up for his medicine, taking a long pull of the bottle before scrunching up his nose from the taste. He pushed himself up on shaky legs and headed for the kitchen, filling a glass with cool water. He took a few small sips before laying back down. Naruto closed his eyes and tried to relax when he heard the door slam open. He jumped as he sat up quickly, startled and shocked.
Jiraiya stumbled into the room reeking like sake and smoke. Naruto’s nose wrinkled as the smell assaulted his nostrils. “Oh! Hey, Naruto! You’re finally awake,” Jiraiya drunkly staggered to the couch, plopping onto the cushions with a sigh.
Naruto hesitated for a moment as he narrowed his eyes at his teacher. “Yeah, I guess... how long was I out?” he asked, surprised by how weak his voice sounded.
”At least a few hours now, I figured I’d clear out so I wouldn’t disturb you,” Jiraiya commented, speaking much louder than he intended. Naruto winced as the noise caused a throbbing pain to form in his temples just as he was starting to think that he was getting better. He laid back down with his back facing Jiraiya, unsure how he was supposed to feel about what happened earlier. He wanted to talk about it, but he was also afraid of what the answer would be.
”So about earlier...” Naruto started, happy that he couldn’t see Jiraiya’s face from his position on the floor. He felt his cheeks flush as he relived the experience in his head, how amazing Jiraiya’s fingers felt inside of him.
”Oh, that,” Jiraiya said flatly, slurring. He was completely wasted, seeing double. He suddenly started laughing which annoyed Naruto; he was hoping to have a serious conversation and instantly regretted bringing it up with Jiraiya when he was so drunk. He should have known that this wasn’t going to go smoothly, something about Jiraiya was off, but he remained hopeful. Jiraiya was so tender and loving to him, the way Naruto felt when he was held in his arms made him lightheaded and warm inside, a feeling that was hard to come by. The last few weeks Naruto could feel himself slipping into a dark depression, thinking about killing himself frequently, the sake singing him to sleep every night while Jiraiya was gone. The Nine Tailed Fox was tormenting him daily, but the last few days with Jiraiya the Fox was completely silent, giving Naruto hope that he’d be able to overcome.
”That was a mistake, Naruto. We can’t do that again. I had a moment of weakness... you understand, right?” Jiraiya had a stupid grin on his face. Naruto slowly sat up, facing Jiraiya. His chest burned with rage. He wanted to yell at him, throw shit, punch something - but he was too weak. He opened his mouth to respond but Jiraiya interrupted him. “You know me, I love the ladies! I just felt bad for you... it was a one time thing. Besides, I just met up with that girl from the shop at a bar earlier and I think I’m going over her place tonight,” Jiraiya giggled.
Naruto’s mouth snapped shut, everything that he was about to say just slipped from his mind. He felt bad for him? He kissed his lips and jerked him off and touched him so tenderly because he felt bad? Naruto cleared his throat as he felt tears welling up in his eyes, trying to fight them away. ‘I should have known... he was just using me, just like everyone else. I’m worthless, just a toy to him. He got what he needed and now he’s done with me,’ Naruto thought to himself, hands clenching in his lap. He rose to his unsteady feet and took a few steps forward, ready to rip into Jiraiya, when he heard a snickering in his head. ‘I told you, boy. He’ll never want you like you want him. He made you want him, grooming you and nursing you back to health, so he could throw you away like trash, giving you what you deserve,’ the Fox’s ominous voice boomed in his head. Naruto covered his ears with his hands, sinking to his knees, squeezing his eyes shut as his tears threatened to spill. He tried to block out the voice but failed since it was inside of him. ‘Shut up... just SHUT UP! You don’t know anything!’ he yelled at the Fox internally, hands still clamped over his ears. The Fox laughed at him, ‘stop trying. No one cares about you. Give in to me and I’ll take care of all of these people for you. They’ll never hurt you again.’
”SHUT UP!” Naruto yelled out loud, tears spilling over his cheeks. Suddenly he felt a hand on his back. He whipped his head to the side and saw Jiraiya standing over him with a concerned look on his face. He quickly shut his eyes again, not wanting to face him when he was in this condition.
“Naruto... what’s going on?” he asked, wavering on his feet. Naruto sobbed, confused and scared, his heart thrumming in his chest. He could still hear the Fox laughing in his ears as his vision started to go red and dark around the edges, everything spinning and shimmering. Naruto shook his head hard, trying to take control back. He felt Jiraiya’s hands on his face, in his hair, on his forehead, trying to pry his hands off his ears.
“Just STOP! JUST FUCKING STOP! GET AWAY FROM ME!” Naruto yelled, trying to shake Jiraiya’s hands off of him. Jiraiya looked terrified, instantly sobering up at Naruto’s sudden breakdown. He thought he was telling Naruto what he wanted to hear. He now realized that he did the exact opposite, causing Naruto more pain than he’d already been in. After he left the room earlier a deep guilt set in and he started to convince himself that he’d taken advantage of Naruto while he was weak. He got drunk to take the edge off, and in his state he thought his best course of action would be to just laugh it off, act casual. He was sorely mistaken and he felt awful. His heart sunk in his chest as he tried to stop Naruto’s thrashing, attempting to get a grip on his shoulders.
”Naruto... Naruto, stop! I’m sorry, I was wrong! I just thought that’s what you wanted me to say! Please!” Jiraiya begged, tears stinging his eyes. But Naruto didn’t hear or see him, all he could focus on was the Fox’s cackling laughter in his ears as he taunted him. Naruto coughed and sobbed, desperate for the Fox to stop. All of a sudden he was silent and Jiraiya thought he was finally getting through to him. “Naruto...?” he whispered, sniffling.
”I’m gonna be sick,” Naruto choked out as his hand flew to his mouth, struggling to get out of Jiraiya’s grasp so he could get to the bathroom or a garbage can but he didn’t have enough time. Jiraiya rushed to grab the can as Naruto vomited through his fingers, trying to bend forward so he wouldn’t get sick on himself but he failed, the rush of liquid splattering in his lap.
”Oh shit, oh fuck, I’m so sorry, Naruto, shit, fuck -,” a string of curses erupted from Jiraiya as he shoved the garbage can into Naruto’s hands in time for round two. Naruto retched up another dribble of bile, his body too weak and exhausted to fight, allowing wave after wave of vomit to splash into the can. “Fuck, Naruto, I’m so sorry - god damn it,” Jiraiya couldn’t do anything but watch as Naruto puked, jumping up to grab him some water and a wash cloth to clean him up. When Jiraiya came back Naruto was trying to strip out of his pants but the feeling of the warm vomit soaking into the fabric made his stomach flip. He heaved onto the floor between his hands and Jiraiya winced at the sound of it hitting the hardwood. “God damn it, Naruto, just stop, calm down, I’m here, it’s okay,” Jiraiya was panicking and was astonished at the amount of curses he was spitting out, darkly thinking that he must have broken a personal record. He helped Naruto pull off his pants, grabbing the wet washcloth. Naruto sobbed and shook, grabbing on to Jiraiya’s shoulder to help hold him steady. Jiraiya wrapped him up in his arms, repeatedly apologizing. He carefully wiped his face with the washcloth, his heart absolutely demolished, millions of broken pieces. Jiraiya cleaned him up and got a new pair of pants for him, struggling to pull them up on his own as Naruto was no help, laying in a heap.
”God, Naruto, what’s going on?!” Jiraiya asked harshly, taking the boy in his arms again. He felt so small in his arms, so weak, so broken. Every time Naruto tried to answer he wound up choking on his tears, hiccuping and coughing, until Jiraiya hushed him, having to resort to rocking him back and forth in an attempt to calm him. Jiraiya was terrified, he’d never seen Naruto like this, and he knew he was at fault, at least partially. He knew the Fox was tormenting him, he should have known that brushing off their encounter wasn’t the right thing to do, but at the moment he thought Naruto’s issues went much deeper than that. He didn’t know what to do other than repeatedly apologize and curse himself.
Once Naruto started to calm down Jiraiya placed him back in bed and started to clean up the mess while his heart ached. He felt tears stinging his eyes and he didn’t even try to fight them. He fucked up. Bad. He had hurt Naruto and he hoped and prayed that it wasn’t enough to ruin what they had. He prayed it wasn’t enough to break him for good.
part three.
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Power Failure, What Causes Blackouts, and What to Do in a Power Outage
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The wind is blowing hard, the rain is horizontal and it's freezing cold at 3:00 am a tree just fell onto the dining room side of the house, rain is coming in. Three trees have fallen across the only road to our side of the island, neighbors are out there cutting it up. My wife and I have grabbed our emergency kits and went to the levee, standing in the rain waiting for the word to be able to go into the house if there is anyone to tell us we cannot. All of the neighbors were out on the levee, a transformer on a power pole was struck by lightning and woke everyone up. Nothing has flooded or caught on fire, all of the houses are still standing, it's a good thing because the first responders are not able to make it to any of the houses on the island, the bridge is gone. With nothing else to do, everyone went back into their houses to spend the night, we may be looking at a morning without coffee.
We had been hit with a double whammy, a major earthquake during a driving rainstorm on a January night, the entire San Francisco Bay Area is crippled due to a major power failure. We have all most likely experienced a blackout, but does everyone know what to do in a power outage? I think probably not. Few people have gotten out of the city, the traffic jammed up on the Bay and Golden Gate Bridge's, the only way out for them was highway 101 south, it's a parking lot. We've got the family all over the country, we have discovered the entire state is affected from Fresno north, the epicenter was on a fault that was declared "inactive", it is a long fault running from Concord to Mountain view. Now some decisions must be made.
This never happened, could it, yes it could happen, we keep hearing it is a matter of when not if, so what are some of the actions to take? The first is Communications, as soon as possible notify your relatives and loved ones. Take the emergency preparedness plan out of the emergency kit that was put together in anticipation of this event. Included in that plan is a telephone number of a relative living out of the affected area. Choose a person out of the area as a contact, the local telephone lines will be jammed up, 911 calls are the most common. When we make a call if we get a "busy" signal normally we will hang up then immediately redial the same number, compounding the problem. The "recalls" add to the volume of calls crowding all of the calls out of the queue. Call the contact number every 4-5 hours if possible, however, after one call is made that you are OK it will be relayed to others calling the line.
Make a determination if you are able to remain in your home or if you must walk out, gather as much information as you can. If the house is structurally sound it will be safe to stay. Then secure the electrical, natural gas and water supplies, the water will be off as well due to there being no electric service. We will smell gas if a gas line is corrupted but we will not be able to detect a water leak or if the electrical system has been compromised, it could start a fire. It is safest to eliminate the worry, it will be a hassle after the utilities return because your supplier will have to check out the systems but it is the safest action to take. Standing water and an electrical short to ground to not compliment one another.
Water, check your supply, we need a minimum of 1/2 gallon per person per day if that much water is not on hand begin conserving immediately. Check the food in your freezer, part of the emergency plan should have included freezing water in your freezer. In many ways, this event can be defined as a freezer power outage as well. Using containers holding milk or juices fill them with tap water, place them in your freezer and leave them there. They will help keep the frozen foods cold for a longer period of time when the ice melts the water is drinkable. Container made for this purpose are readily available, mine are 1 gallon each, approximately 1-foot square and 2 inches thick, laid under all of the food they work well. Do not open the freezer door until you positively have to, if the temperature goes below 40 degrees and the food begins to thaw, the usable life of the food decreases. If the food itself drops below 40 degrees, it's time to throw it in the trash, don't chance getting an intestinal illness, we all know what misery that is. Stop using the toilet if there is no way to flush it if it is continued to be used we are heading for a huge problem. If there is water available, in a creek, lake or pond the toilet can be flushed by dumping a bucket of water (2 gallons) directly into the bowl. I suggest making a rule if you're the one that used the water you're the one to fill it again. A temporary toilet can be made by using a 5-gallon bucket, using a split swimming "floaty" as a seat, black garbage bags work well as liners. A commercial "porta potty" may be purchased at most camping supply outlets. As the water from the freezer and your supply dwindle, start making water, boil and purify, fill your containers.
Save the food in your evacuation kit for use after the food you have in your pantry has been extinguished, use as much food from your freezer as possible first. The spirit should be this event may last for two weeks or longer, I am a proponent of not just having a 72-hour emergency kit, but having supplies for one week, which means adding more food to a commercially prepared kit. If we have not received word on long the event may last, call the contact number, even though it's out of state they most likely have kept up with the ongoing event. Prepare for 3 days, but expect 6, it won't hurt a thing. Keep boiling water, charging cell phones with the dynamic charger (or your vehicle) and keep informed through the radio.
1/3 of the people are over prepared, 1/3 kind of prepared, and 1/3 completely unprepared. It's prudent to expect the neighbors to need water, prepare yourself to supply them. None of us will be 100% prepared, there are just too many unknowns and not everyone subscribes to the "self-reliant" life style, I think it's best to accept reality. Remember after the disaster they will still be your neighbors, I would not be able to refuse someone water if I have any amount. Make no mistake, water will be the number one sought after commodity, especially if a flood takes place. A big part of my mission statement is to be overly prepared, with the goal of my family and I being over prepared and in a position to help other people, that's the only way I would be able to look my self in the mirror. In times on hardship people band together and come to one another's aid, I've seen it happen many times. Most people want to be an active positive contributor during times of crisis, humans need each other for survival. The person contributing the coffee pot that first morning will gain the status of a mythical "god".
After the initial 3 days have passed and it looks like it may be an extended event we should be in pretty good shape. We have just started to notice the freezer defrosting, the ice in it is still solid, we conserved our food in the emergency kit by using the freezer and pantry food. In a few days, decisions will be made whether to throw freezer foods away, water production continues and responders are beginning to evacuate at risk people. Looking like the event may last a month or more, we are now in a long term situation, however, due to pre-planning and foresight, we will survive it.More about  acotemporarypower.com
This is the first 3 days, it could be better and it could be a lot worse, we had some water on hand and a way to make more, many people won't. We won't be out of the mess yet, but we are surviving on our own, self-reliance and confidence paved the way. If you need to rev up your disaster preparedness planning, set up a commercially prepared or self-made home emergency kit. I would suggest a 4 person survival kit for two people, that will get them by 6 days, the length of time I feel is most logical. Most power failures are short lived, however once in a while, (more often than we may think) they last for a week or longer, sometimes longer than a month. What causes blackouts? lots of things, they are unpredictable, leaving all we are able to do is prepare for them in advance.
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rotorooter74-blog · 4 years
20 Things You Should Know About Greeneville Plumber
An intact and practical pipeline is essential to preserve the correct supply of tidy water to your home and get rid of the sewage water. Small concerns like dripping taps and showerheads contribute to your bill and major concerns like broken pipes can flood your home and damage its structure. While you can fix a few minor problems yourself, you might require the assistance of plumbing or drain cleansing services for the major ones. You can avoid these issues and avoid costly repair bills by taking appropriate care of your pipeline and preventing blockages. You may likewise need some expert upkeep regularly, but it will deserve the cost.
How To Avoid High Plumbing Repair Bills
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1) Insulate Exposed Pipes
The water streaming through the pipes can freeze throughout winter due to low temperatures and trigger the pipelines to rupture due to consistent freezing and thawing. You can prevent this by insulating visible pipelines, especially those outside the house.
2) Clean Drains
Hair, soap, dust, etc. block your drains pipes and trigger leakage. Keep them clean by unclogging them with the assistance of a plunger and enzyme-based cleaner once every month. You can also work with drain cleaning company to reach obstructions deep down the drain.
3) Install Drain Strainers
You can prevent hair and other things from clogging the drain by utilizing strainers to obstruct them. Install them in the sinks in the washroom and cooking area also. Keep the strainers tidy to prevent obstructions.
4) Don't Dump In Toilet
The only thing you need to flush down the drain is human waste and toilet tissue. Hygienic pads, hemorrhoid wipes, cotton buds, and so on don't liquify in water easily and clog the drain. Do not flush them down the toilet, dump them in a dustbin beside the toilet seat instead.
5) Don't Hang Stuff On Pipes
You may believe that you are conserving some money on hangers by utilizing your pipelines to hang your clothing. However pipelines aren't developed to hold the weight of clothing and might loosen up or rupture causing leakages and flooding. So don't hang anything on the pipes, install hangers instead.
6) Schedule Periodic Inspection
A lot of specialists concur that you should have your home's plumbing inspected once every 2 years to detect minor issues and avoid them from becoming significant. This may cost a bit however will help you conserve on plumbing repair. Click here for info Schedule pipeline examinations occasionally.
7) Don't Dump Stuff In Your Kitchen Sink
Like your toilet, you require to be mindful about what you dispose down the kitchen. The cooking area drain is only developed to transport filthy water. If you discard peels, grains, fats, oils, and so on they will obstruct the drain, so dispose them in the garbage can instead. You can dispose liquid waste by putting them in a bottle and then throwing it in the can or by pouring it in the garden compost to fertilize the soil.
8) Change Old Pipes
Your pipeline might establish fractures and rust gradually and burst without caution. Old pipelines include lead that can contaminate your water system and cause health issues. If needed, you can avoid this by hiring plumbing technicians to examine the pipelines and altering them. Use the finest materials like copper, PVC, PEX, etc. to guarantee that your pipelines last for a very long time with no problems.
9) Repair Issues ASAP
If you see any concern in your pipeline, repair them rapidly due to the fact that even small drips can wear away the pipeline, result in water damage and help mold grow.
10) Know Where Valves Are
In case your pipes burst, you can avoid water damage by shutting off the valves. If there are hundreds of valves in your house, find where the main valve is and guarantee everyone at home knows its position in case of an emergency.
These are some safety measures that you need to require to guarantee that your pipelines are in top condition throughout the year. You might still need to call experts for plumbing repair from time to time however you must be able to prevent expensive repair work for the a lot of part.
Small issues like leaking taps and showerheads add to your bill and major issues like damaged pipes can flood your house and damage its structure. While you can fix a few small problems yourself, you might require the help of plumbing or drain cleaning services for the major ones. You can prevent these concerns and avoid costly repair bills by taking appropriate care of your pipeline and preventing blockages. Old pipelines include lead that can infect your water supply and cause health concerns. Utilize the finest materials like copper, PVC, PEX, etc. to ensure that your pipelines last for a long time without any problems.
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