#especially since MUMU IS BACK
dlartistanon · 1 year
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After the breakup, Silence finds support while Saria is suffering
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cerastes · 1 year
Do you think Mumu will have any connection to Aegir lore?
I recall that you recognize what creature Mumu is based on so maybe you'd know if they have anything related to the sea at all
Muelsyse, possibly being based on Melusine, does in fact stand to somehow be related to Aegir lore at first glance, but there's also a chance that she isn't. Let me elaborate.
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Melusine was a fresh water spirit. Meaning, while the Aegir borrow from Atlantian mythos with a heaping helping of Bloodborne on top, Muelsyse, while also related to water, is more linked to a different kind of water altogether: Rivers. Melusine was specifically a river spirit. In depictions where she isn't a river spirit specifically, she ascend from a well. Regardless, she is not necessarily tied to the ocean (salt water). In terms of in-universe logistics in Terra, there's a big likelihood that Muelsyse's people, the Elves, and the Aegir know of each other and maybe even know each other, but there's enough reason to believe there's a clear distinction. It's also implied that Muelsyse is one of the last few of her people, and that her association with Kirsten might stem from wanting to recover them, whatever it is that precisely means (wake them up from a slumber? Repopulate? Undo an Originium curse? Maybe even just find her way back to them? Many possibilities).
If we lean on the Melusine angle, then she really doesn't have anything to do with the ocean, besides rivers and oceans technically both being water. Furthermore, she might be linked to Gaul in some way, as Melusine is predominantly associated with France in real life folklore, although it is not exclusive to it (there's Melusine folklore in a couple of other European countries, such as Britain, Germany, and Luxembourg).
And I think that's great! As much as I love the Aegir and the Abyssal Hunter storyline (my favorite, in fact), I do want Muelsyse to have her own stage and be able to shine of her own accord, with her own narrative chops. She's already associated to the Rhine Lab saga, after all, and while it can be used to link both storylines to some degree in the future, I do want them to be self-contained for the time being, let the Rhine crew have their own saga without being hijacked by the Aegir (especially since the Aegir characters are all very popular).
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eatmangoesnekkid · 4 months
Belly Dance Week 24 or so--Shaking in Hot Weather
What I noticed about belly dancing outside of the Western mindset which is rooted in the white male mind is that dance in a northern Europe climate has an element of scarcity to it, similar to how the most nutritious fruits do not grow in cold climates and there is a limit to what can be accessed or plucked off from a tree. Watermelon in Amsterdam vibrates and tastes completely different than watermelon in Mexico, DR, or even the South of Italy in summers. Cold weather has a scarcity consciousness buried inside and the body, especially a Brown or highly melaninated body, has to work very hard to stay healthy. It is not natural for most of us to live with low vitamin D levels. And this is the second time I have lost my residence's permit for Amsterdam. Perhaps that's the ancestors' way of wacking me over the head.
And I've been actually wacked over the head recently in another way. I was laying in bed sleeping deeply then suddenly I woke up out of nowhere and sat straight up in bed. Then "pop!" It felt like someone had hit me with baseball bat on my forehead. My partner was in Germany so there was no hanky-panky happening. I was alone and fell right back to sleep. The next day when I looked into the mirror--I had a bruise and scar the size of a dime and some head pain. I had already signed up for hot yoga so I went to class with all this mystery going on and during class thought I wouldn't be able to finish it. The heat was making the pain feel worse. Every time I leaned forward, I felt this stabbing across my forehead. I started taking it easy and relaxing more in my postures, doing about 80 percent of what I usually do. The teacher encouraged me, like she would any other regular, to go further because she was familiar with my capacity. I whispered to her what was going on. After class, she suggested I go see a doctor. "You could be internally bleeding." Well, I knew I didn't need a doctor. I needed to listen. Ha! The mystery bruise and scar have since cleared up as if they never happened.
Dancing in warm weather brings abundance to the body and to the dance. Don't get me wrong--I love my dance teachers in Europe who were born in Arabic cultures where Egyptian belly dance was taught to them as little girls by their grandmums-so cute. But I think that when you grow up in Europe or the US, you have to be mindful to not develop that western mind that doesn't realize that we are all different, our bodies are different, and therefore all our jiggles and gyrations will also look different. I think that can be tricky because you are learning to fit in with the European mind in order to date, to work, to socialize, etc., but that mind also comes with its own sneaky rigidity.
But I'm so grateful how my teachers in Europe have helped me to access my full hip girdle, and there is just this undertone of perfectionism that lives in the root system of the West and can be difficult to notice how we've all been affected by it. It is through this mindset that we learn how to walk, talk, and be in the world. I feel like some dancers in the West can get stuck in technique instead of the deep soulful feeling of the dance--tuning more into how the dance and music FEEL when they meet-the-moment of the body --than how they look—which should vary.
Dancing in a warm country is familiar to my soul. In heat, I move like the laws of fire and water getting rid of the pollution. There is a lot of diversity in the shapes of women's bodies and there is freedom to sway outside of the edges, because there is no such thing as an "edge." Women dance in huge shapeless mumu dresses, short skirts, bikinis, booty shorts, scarfs, etc. and there is no standard for anything. Everything is just wild and incredibly in harmony. In my first class, there were women in their 60s and young girls around 12. They all felt like family. There was a sincere love of one another that the women had nurtured together over the years. They assumed I was a "negrita" --a cute young dark girl, but I assured them that I was grown and a mama bear. And although I don't speak the Spanish very well, i always freshen up on the different ways to greet: formal, casual, an elderly person, and a child and ask basic things like “how are you” in Spanish. And I felt tiny pieces of home and sweetly connected. But I don’t want to romanticize it either. Because when you are foreigner and don’t speak the language fluently, you will always be a little exotic and an outsider but with the right attitude and courtesies, you can mingle your through and discover preciousness and other local harmonies where ever you land.-India Ame'ye, Author
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krp1x1finder · 9 months
hi! i'm 25+, she/her and looking for some 21+ longterm rp partners to write with over discord.
i'm a literate para-writer who prefers slice of life and somewhat supernatural plots. i really enjoy world-building and sending headcanons back and forth. i only write ocs and prefer f/m (i really like writing female muses) though i do write other pairings too, especially since i'm down for more than one thread at a time. i do mumus a lot since i love playing around with connections and matching my partners preferences.
in terms of fcs i use both idols and actors but refrain from using bts, blackpink, stray kids, certain members of exo and got7. i do tend to discuss these things further with my partners btw, which is why i also really value partner chemistry and communication. my activity is pretty high, even if i'm not able to get a reply up bc of work i'm always happy to gush about our ships.
do like and interact with this post if interested and i will come to you <3
🌸 !
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aqqleshiqqing-archive · 9 months
My dear Jaide,
How are you, love?
I'm sorry that my exploration of Mt. Coronet in Sinnoh takes a bit longer than expected. Don't worry, I'm fine! I still keep thinking of you and hope I can return home to you and Ruby soon.
I found this very beautiful jade stone today and it reminded me of you and how we first met. It's like it makes me feel closer to you.
I still can't believe how lucky I am to have met you and that I can call you my wife now. Seeing your smile every morning brightens my day, I still get this warm feeling in my chest just thinking about it. It even makes the dark caves I explore every day now seem much lighter.
I hope I can hold you in my arms very soon again. Maybe I can take you out to dinner as soon as I return to Hoenn to make up for my long absence?
I love you,
P.S.: I'm thinking about taking the jade stone home and placing it next to the collection on our chimney… There still might be some room for it…
I'm so happy to hear your ongoing success, Mt. Coronet is a big place, but it must sound exciting to you! Sticking around in the same caves can get boring, don't you think? At least I can understand that. I hope the scarf Ruby made is doing good for you, especially under the cold temperatures that Sinnoh is offering.
Jades will always have a special place in your heart, won't it? They are rare, after all.
I think that was the best accident that ever happened years ago, because you found me again with it a decade later.... I can't help but smile, and gently tap the necklace I wear just remembering the good times.
It would definitely be nice if it sat in the center of the living room - the chimney. I'm sure you'll make it stand out from the rest, of course you would.
Though, I almost considered if it would look nice on your stickpin - we would be matching in that way. But your suggestion is much nicer and it would make our house even prettier. Ruby would love that too - you know how he loves to make things pretty.
But, moving on-
I'm doing fine, thank you!
Ruby and I have been learning how to make Poffins with the recipe guide you sent over since arriving in Sinnoh! We're still trying to understand how the stirring thing works... I don't really think going well judging by Mumu's odd reactions to the flavor - but! There's progress. I hope we'll be able to make nice Poffins for your Pokemon when you come back. Metagross really likes my cooking.
I do hope you'll be back soon, it can get a bit lonely sleeping by myself, and your son misses your goodnight farewells. Don't keep us waiting too long, okay? I'd love for us to go out for dinner to celebrate your return.
We miss you lots!
- Jaide & Ruby (Ruby was watching me write this, and asked me to mention him here.)
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alister312 · 1 year
1, 2, 22, 23!!
THANK U FOR THE ASK ELLA!! sorry it took me a hot sec to answer 😅 in reference to this ask list
1. First ship you remember
I’ve said it before but Bunny is the very first SP ship I remember shipping and what got me into the fandom in the first place! Second after that I think was Style… they’ve always been ships that go hand in hand anyway so it makes sense. Anyway Bunny was my OTP back in the day, definitely the ship I read and wrote the most fic for (before discovering Gregstophe).
2. Your newest ship
I feel like everyday there’s new rarepairs I’m crafting in my head like “Would that even work?” BUT my most recent one I think I’ve stuck on is Gary/Heidi (Gardi?). It started from me doing the South Park ship meme for my 400 followers, when I drew them next to each other and thought “Aw they’re kinda cute!” Since then, I’ve been thinking more about them (especially with my next gen concept) and I think I really like them together? I picture them being super normal, much more so than any other SP couple, but very sweet and supportive. I’ll admit that part of why I like that comes from the fact that I don’t have any major Gary or Heidi ships I like (except Stary, but I’m shipping Style like 90% of the time so not really). It’s a little “pair the spares” in that sense, but I’ve never seen anything wrong with that concept.
22. Ship that you immediately fell in love with after one scene despite not considering it before
Not a scene BUT I really started to like Kengory (Kenny/Gregory) as a ship after rereading Lex Talionis recently. They’re not a pair in that fic but they have SUCH a good dynamic in it, I couldn’t not fall in love. Like, it’s a pairing you’d never consider because they don’t interact in the slightest in the movie (nor is there any implication that they ever did) but if you really start to think about it, it makes a ton of sense. Both care very deeply about protecting those around them and standing up for what’s right. They’re also both a bit of a martyr, Kenny as Mysterion especially. There’s also the potential for them to have a sort of prince and the pauper thing going on (I know the prince doesn’t date the pauper in the OG story but oh well).
23. Poly ship that you ship despite not shipping some of the characters in it outside of poly ship
This isn’t quite what the question asked but I’ve got a number of weird poly ships involving Kevin Stoley?? For example, last year I was kinda into the idea of him plus Tokendy, then him plus Clybe, and now I’ve kinda got him in a larger polycule for my next gen (Kenbe are married but Kenny is also dating Butters and Bebe is also dating Kevin). I’ve never been huge into any individual Kevin ships, mostly because the only big ones out there are Revin (and I headcanon Red as a lesbian) and Stolovan (which I do like but not nearly as much as other Clyde ships). Kevin is just my beloved little nerd loser and I love tacking him onto ships that make no sense <3
Mumu and I have also done fun thought experiments where we take characters, stick them in a randomizer, and make random polycules from that. It’s all very silly usually, but sometimes there’s some really interesting ideas and circumstances we can think of that would lead to such a ship!
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starcchild · 1 year
Fill in this form to let your RP partners your preferences in terms of writing. Knowing your partners better makes figuring out the kind of interaction you can have with each other easier! Repost, don't reblog.
name. midge
pronouns. she/they
preference of communication. tumblr or discord, though discord is definitely easier for me to keep track of things sdfghkfsd
name of muses. Carter Stark (here) is my main, but I also have Faegalad (@courierofrivendell)! I do have a mumu but I wanna revamp it so I'll leave it for now, though I have it linked in my pinned post lol
rp experience / how long. I've been rping for about ten years! I started off on the official wc forums before moving over to ff net! I then moved to tumblr and then discord, and now I'm back here!
best experience. tbh I think my whole experience with Carter has been the best so far dsghkjsfd - I've had a lot of good times on all platforms, but I've been having an absolute blast here tbh!
rp pet peeves / deal breakers. vaguing, anon hate, having no patience when following someone and unfollowing without giving them time to look at your blog, and hating on ocs
fluff, angst, or smut. my order preference is: angst, fluff, and then smut sdghjgd - I honestly have no issue writing any of the three, but angst is absolutely my favorite genre, though I'm a sucker for fluff as well sdfgkhjd
plots or memes. mmm both tbh!! Plotting can be fun and tbh I'm always down to deviate from original plot ideas since muses can behave differently when actually placed in plotted situations, but memes are also always a fun way to just kinda do whatever!
long or short replies. long! I tend to ramble and one-liners tend to kill my muse, but I honestly have no problem with short replies!
best time to write. I find I have more muse at night, and especially when I can't stay up late jkgffdsjh
are you like your muse. we are alike in some ways (some overlapping interests and anxiety issues, but Carter's definitely worse ahah), but not all that similar! Carter's definitely her own person
tagged by: @illbringthechaosmagic tagging: anyone!!
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kyuu-rah · 1 month
Another Hawai'i dream last night. A few times a month, always. Maybe more often these days. Its so confusing for my home to be somewhere so severely colonized with an economy that amounts to minstrel performance and hospitality for the worst fucking people you can imagine. I never belonged there, but it shaped me, and ive never felt i belonged more than how i belonged there. Its an insidious little thing - every white person comes back "changed" with stupid ass honu bumper stickers and mumu and the same pictures of the same shit every other person who's visisted has taken. As a mixed race woman with white, cultureless parents, it was the only culture i had access to - I never had access to what was supposed to be my own African or Caribbean cultures, and I likely never will. It feels a part of me, Hawai'i. Yet not only can i never go back due to the overwhelming cost of living, it just doesnt seem my place to be there at all. It makes me wonder if anyone has written about home as a tool of colonization - that my home is incontrovertibly stolen and that i will never belong elsewhere so i must belong in the place that isn't mine from which i started. This is a fallacy, as nobody truly belongs anywhere, we always adapt, i'm just a case of failure to adapt, failure to let go. I keep trying to let go but it comes to me in my dreams even 20 years since i left. In my dreams, I go and its different but it feels the same, I still love it. Of course my own dreams would tell me that. I visited Vegas 2 years ago (they call it the 9th island because plane tickets to and from HI are relatively cheap and it's more affordable for especially native Hawai'ians) and I felt closer to home than ever. We drove to SoCal and I cried on the beach seeing the sunset and touching the Pacific for the first time in nearly 20 years. She feels like an old friend. My eyes begin to mist thinking about it again.
But i don't belong there. It isnt mine. Its manufactured to be "mine" to replace the colonized. My military upbringing was a violence on that place. Even though my culture, my being, are lost to colonization, it doesn't sit right with me to wash my hands of responsibility in return for a salve for the heart. Home must be a smaller place for me, with no common people, no common food, no common language. Home lives inside me and me alone. But sometimes the islands visit.
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tarnishedxknight · 2 months
Headcanons: Stark's Contributions In The MCU Verse
{out of dalmasca} Since I also write Tony Stark over on my mumu, I just wanted to talk a little bit about what Tony would do for and with the former residents of Ivalice once they find themselves residing at the Avengers compound.
Tony is surprisingly sympathetic to the mental health issues the Ivalicians experience in modern times. Being a tech genius, he would absolutely reach out in various ways to help make things easier for them or to provide them with comforts wherever possible. And I do believe that Basch, Ashe, Noah, and Drace would all accept those offers, especially once they find out what they are...
It's very plain to Tony that the pervasiveness of modern technology and design throughout the compound and in each of the time travelers' private quarters is a stressor on them. For some, it's merely annoying, and for others, it actually interferes with their lives. Some can't sleep with the humming of various appliances, weird lights everywhere, or the feeling of being watched. Others can't stand the automatic doors or look of either white or stainless steel walls and surfaces everywhere (which is the standard until the occupants changes it).
Tony would spend some time with each of them, getting an idea of how they wanted their rooms to both function and look, and make adjustments. He might swap out the automatic doors for regular ones, install wood or stone paneling and surfacing, remove all unnecessary or unwanted tech to reduce headaches from EMF or loss of sleep due to noise, or change or reduce lighting according to what they prefer.
Here are some examples. He'd make sure Ashe had a big picture window that faces the sunrise every morning, that bookshelves were installed, that there was an enclosure for Sunny, and that the automatic doors were replaced with regular ones. Noah would get a large hammock installed because beds aren't always the most emotionally comfortable places for him to sleep. Drace would have all unwanted kitchen appliances and bathroom "nonsense" removed to suit her minimalistic style. And Basch would have wood installed and paintings of forests, the automatic doors have to go, and he'd also want some bookshelves.
Realizing that they came from a completely different time, and hearing about the significance of some of their armor and weapons, Tony would do his best to recreate them... with upgrades. He'd have them describe or sketch out the designs of weapons and armor that they would want to have back again, and would show them prototypes along the way, until the design was right. Then he'd improve on them, adding cooling systems and other features to the armor, and using better/stronger materials to make both the armor and the weapons, such as high grade steel and vibranium.
So for example, Basch and Ashelia could have weapons that were more like what they were used to using, and Basch could have his Dalmascan armor recreated if he wanted. Drace and Noah could have their signature Judge Magister's armor and weapons recreated, and once in full armor, they could even have some of the same technical upgrades and features that Tony uses in his own suits, if they so choose.
Music is a huge part of Tony's life. It makes him happy, it's great to work to, and it helps him through the rough times. So he'd give each Ivalician a device with which to listen to music that would have access to YouTube, Spotify, etc. He'd teach them out to use it, how to like/save things and make playlists, and how to charge them. This would just purely be out of the kindness of his heart, wanting them to have the same musical motivation, creative outlet, comfort, etc. that he uses on a daily basis.
That's about all I can think of right now, but you get the idea. As weird as Tony would think they all are, he recognizes what they're going through, and he'd genuinely want to help.
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knightcallie · 6 months
for the tav backstory ask game - 6, 8, 9, 23! :3
"Welcome to Baldur's Bounty! Our special guest today is Weichei Zauviir, a drow visitor from Rubenschaun! Mr. Zauviir, we have some burning questions for you!"
The drow slightly tilts his head, giving a polite smile. It seems he has experienced this kind of thing before, clasping his hands together on the arm of the couch. "Oh hallo! Come, sit!" he invites. When we finally sit, he says, "Ask away good saer," as he leans back a bit.
9. What did they do for work/to get by?
His dark lavender eyes sweep up and back to us, lips pursing in consideration. He shifts, replying, "I'm not sure how Faerûn feels about this career." It's careful, gauging. "But I am a bounty hunter by trade. It may have some overlap with monster hunting, but overall I have handled missing persons and on the rare occasion, it was strictly getting more information." It isn't always so gruesome. "I'll admit, I did lose much of my paycheck because of..." A sheepish, guilty smile appears. "Inn damages. For the better part of a decade or two."
6. When did your Tav learn their abilities/skills?
Weichei inclines his head, humming thoughtfully. "I've learned everything I know quite early on. Maybe too young for some," he admits. "My older sisters were in the assassin trade since they were in their double digits, so they prepped me since I was a baby." (What do you mean,, since you were a baby?) He rolls an open hand as he replies, "Well, small, small poison microdosing. Puzzles in varying forms." He brightens. "I especially like the weapon ones, lots of hidden compartments and all. Oh! And Vaddy and Ya-ya--"
He rambles about how each member of his family helped grow his skills and abilities. His father (Vaddy) is a blacksmith, so he knows how to discern good metals, good weapons for certain applications.
His twin older sisters (Yasdia and Vierna) taught him how to fight, how to sneak, how to do sleight of hand, how to craft weapons and poisons. They taught him the ins and outs of the dangerous trades and those connected to it, taught him the languages known in the trades.
His mother (Mumu) imparted some wisdom about her time as a poisoner, he could remember her foraging for specific species of plants and mushrooms, the murmured instructions as she pounded her mortar and pestle.
Then came various mentors and colleagues over the years as he went into the bounty trade. If going by the time he's been in the trades, he had the introduction of the assassin trade at 14 years old before fully committing to the bounty trade at 16 and then on. But overall, it was simply part of his childhood.
8. Does your Tav have any pets?
He breathes out a fondness, smile reaching his eyes. "Not many. Back in my early days, an old friend and bounty partner was given a loris as a gift from his deity. It wasn't exactly my pet, but I was the primary caretaker of Lor Jr when I put in a group with him."
There's some clarifying questions about this odd pet before he continues. "Then there were these two cats--" There's a reminiscing tone in his voice. "Mer, my deceased husband, and I took care of. The white one was Cushy, and the black one was Wishy. They just reminded us of each other, they were so cute..."
More recalling about those cats before moving on. "We've had a handful of other cats throughout the years, but we also had a lot of dogs. Beau, my other husband, grew up with them. But he always had a, kind of a...? Druidic? dog companion? His name is Boloo :)" He shifts to tuck his legs underneath him. "Jr comes and goes, but we did end up having hamsters, mice, rats, more cats, a stray ungulate? ever since having three daughters and a son."
23. Share any hcs/anything you want to say about your Tav’s backstory
He thinks about a fun fact to leave the audience with, ponderng intensely. "Did you know... I went to a spelljamming academy for a couple months?" Upon seeing our shocked surprise, he explains. "It was probably years after Mer passed away... My friend Syretia suggested applying to the academy, even would recommend me too. It was, what...? Only about a little over a month of training?" He does an unsure waving of his hand, face considering. "But after getting froze to death in a simulation and nearly getting charmed by a mindflayer--" (Aren't elves immuned to getting charmed?) He gives an unsure gesture. "I decided it wasn't for me and returned back to our world."
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kuroos-babie · 4 years
Falling in Love With a Single Mom HCs
Osamu x fem!Reader | Atsumu x fem!Reader
[ Headcanons/MiniFics ]
Request: Idk if anyone’s requested it already but your head canons are just giving me a bunch of baby fever so can I request some with the Osamu and Atsumu 🥺🥺 —anonymous
a/n: thank u for absolutely tolerating my perpetual baby fever 🥺🥺 i had so much fun writing these, i might even do oneshots god i loved atsumu's part so much pls do tell me what you think!!
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❀ it was almost closing time for Onigiri Miya, people already filing out the restaurant after having their fill of good food
❀ but there you were, in your corporate uniform sitting in front of two 7 month old little boys
❀ osamu looks at you fondly from the counter, cheek resting on his hand with his elbow propped
❀ you always drop by when the shop is about to close, too tired to fix up dinner for the three of you— or so he assumed
❀ you let your boys gobble on their own onigiri's, occasionally turning and patting at the other's cheek
"They seem to like the new stuff", he commented as he walked over to your table with the excuse of clearing up the plates you were done with, "Are you done with these?"
"Oh yes, thank you. Yeah they've always had big appetites, I figured I'd let them try something new this time"
Just when Osamu was about to take the empty katsu plate, one of the twins whined in protest, clumsily swatting at his hand, "Eung! Nuh!"
"Oh? Not yet?", he chuckled as he let go of the plate, letting the younger twin pick at the crumbs
❀ you laughed at each other— him noting the way your eyes drooped slightly in exhaustion and he couldn't help but empathize with you
❀ he knows how stressful it is to raise twins, and twin boys? even more so
❀ he grabbed a nearby chair and took a seat
"Is it alright if I crash your dinner for tonight?" he asked before you could even react, "I'd even throw in two orders of tempura and some sake for you"
You yield with smile, only shaking your head since you have no idea how to even reject his offer— not when he has the sweetest smile on his face
❀ since then, he would join you for dinner and let the twins try new onigiris he made
❀ he always has a fond expression on his face when looking at your children, especially when they're stuffing each other's face with the food he made
❀ you two grew closer over sharing food and fawning over the twins
"So you take the both of them to work? And then come here for dinner before going straight home?"
"Sounds about right, yeah"
"No husband?" "Nope" "Boyfriends?" "I don't have time for any", you chuckle
It was a Friday evening and you two chatted over a bottle of sake, each having a twin snoozing on your laps
"What do you say we change things up a bit? Let me take you out tomorrow"
He was now reaching for your hand which was wrapped around your sake cup, the heat that was rising from your chest certainly not coming from the alcohol
❀ Miya Osamu was never one to dawdle, ever the straightforward gentleman
❀ that's why he didn't waste time telling you how he adored you and your boys— and wanted to be a part of your family as soon as you would permit him
❀ he definitely changed up your weekday routine— instead of coming home with the twins after dinner at Onigiri Miya, you found yourself coming home to him and your kids cuddled up on the couch, the smell of food wafting throughout the house
❀ you take turns taking the twins to work and always made time to eat dinner together, bonding over food and the twin's milestones for the day that the other couldn't witness
❀ your hands were full with the boys starting to walk and run but your heart was definitely fuller at the sight of the grey-haired man they're always running to, toppling over him as they giggle in delight and you just can't help running into his arms as well, giving him a kiss as a silent thanks for finding you three
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❀ you were a fan of the black jackals and have been pestering your high school friend to let you meet the team for the longest time
❀ hinata did his best to slip you in between their busy training schedules and whatnot, finally introducing you to the team one weekend after their practice
❀ well, introducing your daughter first
❀ you handed her over to hinata before excusing yourself for the bathroom real quick
❀ he waltz in the locker room and i kid you not, bokuto and atsumu were all up in their faces the moment they laid eyes on her
❀ the 16 month old girl in pink wasn't too impressed
"Gimme her, I'm really good with kids" Bokuto insists while making grabby hands but your daughter only turned away and laid her head on Hinata's shoulder
"Move over, Bokkun, lemme try"
❀ you bet bokuto was dejected for the rest of the day
❀ Hinata lowered the little girl to the floor, keeping her steady as she tries to gain balance
❀ Atsumu sat on the bench near her, calling out to her with a wide grin but she only whined and turned back to Hinata to be picked up again
"Banana! D'you like bananas?" was his last resort, grabbing one from his lunch bag which Samu prepared
Her ears pricked up at the word, turning to look at him with hopeful eyes, "Pana na!"
Atsumu leaned back to the bench, his hand propped behind him as he watches her waddle over to him "Ahh she's so cute"
"Yeah, makes me want one of my own", Meian chuckled, watching the scene unfold
Your daughter reached him, patting at his thighs as she chants "Pana pana na" when she hits his pockets and a crinkling noise caught her attention
"Oh you want this instead?" he asks her, taking a piece of chocolate from his pocket
❀ he watched as your daughter's eyes light up in delight at her first taste of chocolate, drool dribbling down her chin which he quickly wiped with a tissue
❀ the team watched as the 16 month old little girl climbed up to Atsumu to settle on his thigh, happily munching on a mini snickers bar
❀ the look you had when you entered the locker room wasn't as delighted though
"Sorry I took so long, I couldn't find th— what's that in her mouth?"
"Oh, Y/N!" it was Hinata who greeted you before turning to the setter, "Atsumu-san gave her chocolate"
"You gave her WHAT?"
You could only rub your face with your hands and exhale in frustration, "Why would you give a 16 month old some chocolates? Oh my god"
❀ you explained to the team that you were avoiding giving her sugary treats so as not to get her used to it, only feeding her fruits and yogurt for snacks
❀ they all apologized in Atsumu's stead who only had a pout in his face as he murmured "I didn't know, I'm sorry" again and again
❀ you relent and tried to get your daughter from the setter, to which she whined, chocolate-covered fingers gripping at Atsumu's shirt
"She likes me" he beamed at you as if he wasn't looking as dejected as Bokuto a few moments ago
"You bribed her with sweets" you deadpanned, making Atsumu pout at you
❀ your daughter didn't want to let go of him, squealing and whining when you tried to pry her off him so you just let her cling to the faux blonde setter for the rest of your stay
"Come on, baby, it's time to go home"
You tried getting her for the nth time but she just grunted and nuzzled against Atsumu's neck
"My arms are kinda numb"
"Do you want to take Atsumu-san home?" Hinata suggests, effectively sending a wave of heat to yours and the setter's cheeks
"Uhn! Mumu-tan!" he could only chuckle nervously as she patted and squished at his flushed cheeks
❀ you decided, albeit with a drawn out sigh, to take Atsumu home with you, knowing your daughter will get fussy when she starts to feel a bit sleepy
❀ Atsumu spent the rest of the day over at your house, bouncing and playing around with the little girl as you tried to get chores done, preparing dinner for them while you're at it
❀ after eating, you went to do the dishes, noting the eerie quiet as you had your back towards the living room
❀ you spot him completely knocked out on the couch with your daughter, head dangling on the backrest as he had a hand on your daughter's back, soft snores coming from the both of them
❀ you couldn't help but smile at them, quietly sitting and leaning back beside the two as you let the peaceful quiet lull you half asleep
❀ atsumu awoke with your face in front of him and he could just trace the exhaustion from your dovish sleeping expression
"Ahh she's cute" he whispered to himself in a smile before adjusting his position, shuffling closer and pulling your head over to lean on his shoulder as he tried to continue his nap
"You two're the absolute cutest" he sighed as he nuzzled against your daughter's head, squeezing her even tighter
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toukenramblings · 3 years
Music Headcanons: Mutsunokami Yoshiyuki, Yamanbagiri Kunihiro, Hachisuka Kotetsu
Oo the starter swords, I got a special place in my heart for these lot. I sorry if these short lmao
Mutsunokami Yoshiyuki
See, MuMu adores music. Folk songs especially. He sings a lot so don’t be surprised if you hear him randomly belting out songs from Tosa! He has such a good voice, change my mind. 
Mucchan adores songs that more or less tell a story, folk songs that tell of tales of bravery and strife. 
Most of all, Mucchan loves sea shanties. It’s probably because he adores the ocean and boats in general. Especially if they tell a story. Think that Wellerman song on tiktok!
He would also adore all kinds of foreign music. Going back to the idea that Mucchan would love learning new languages, he would of course adore all kinds of foreign music! Celtic music the most probably, since they have a sense of adventure in them; something he adores.
That isn’t to say he won’t listen to other music! He will happily do so! Don’t be surprised if he will sing along to it, no matter what language it is! He may not be uber fluent in the said language but he’s trying his best! Besides, sometimes music can help you learn languages! 
100% that person who uses music to work out, sea shanties are great for doing chores and just existing in general!
Would also have a record player in his room, just for the aesthetic. He would almost collect music players at this rate!
To help him sleep at times he plays instrumental music or ambiance. Most of the time it’s of the sea, he makes sure that his room is farthest away from Hotarumaru and Horikawa though, so they won’t have to hear the sounds of the ocean and uh...get PTSD
Mucchan will also sing for you as well! Or anyone else that is listening at least. He’ll sing for the kids, for you, for his partner or whomever he is dating, so on and so forth! He adores music in general so of course he’s going to share his love for it loud and proud! 
Is also one of the sword warriors more than willing to learn a musical instrument 
Yamanbagiri Kunhiro
He’s more of a person who will listen to songs of self-worth, or something peppy to take his mind off of things. He doesn’t have a lot of confidence after all, so listening to songs to help boost it do help! He wants to be better for you, platonically or romantically. 
Kiwame Manba will still listen to songs that will lift up his spirits but it’s more so for background music as he does work. Normal Manba doesn’t listen to music while he’s working as he’s worried that he might not be able to focus on the task at hand and fuck up and thus earn your ire. But Kiwame Manba will know that you’ll be fine if a lil mistake happens while he’s listening to music. 
When Manba sings, he’s very shy about it and most of the time he will be singing soft songs that he listens to or the songs that the AWT48 have made. Kiwame Manba will be more than happy to sing for you, if you so ask him. Normal Manba will only sing by himself, soft murmuring when he thinks no one is listening to him. Will flush if someone does hear him sing though. He has a nice voice!
Yamanbagiri has a secret fondness for love songs, finding the dedication to someone sweet. 
Don’t be surprised if you catch him listening to classical music, or folk songs, or even songs that the others recommend him! He has a bit of a hard time saying ‘no’ to anything so he’ll collect a lil treasure trove of music in his device or CDs, whatever have you!
A song that I think Manba will enjoy is Masayume Chasing by BoA (because i adore BoA) the right kind of peppy and good message sending out. Catch him humming along to the song, maybe dancing along to it when he comes back to Kiwame; and then almost freezing in fear when someone catches him. 
Like Mutsunokami, Manba will also have a record player. Sometimes he’ll play music on it, but it’s mostly there for collection. It looks pretty cool on his room after all!
Manba doesn’t listen to much when he sleeps. Nighttime does give him time to be alone with his thoughts and sometimes they are just too much. He will turn on music to try and relax, blasting Masayume Chasing in his room to chill tf out or something like a guitar! 
Kiwame Manba will 100% be ready to learn how to play music, most likely piano though. 
Hachisuka Kotetsu
First off, Hachisuka’s voice is nice, I just wanna let y’all know before I continue. He is also a man who will want to learn how to play an instrument, shamisen, piano, violin, flute, don’t matter yo. He wants to learn! He adores music, and will often play for Urashima.
Urashima on the other hand probably listens to a lot of music and shares it with his big bros. Most of the music influence comes from Urashima yes, but Hachisuka will 100% want to play something for him. Nagasone is debatable but anything to make Urashima happy!
Don’t be surprised if Hachisuka learns how to play the instrumental version of a popular song on whatever instrument he’s playing! lmao watch him do instrumental covers of tkrb songs
Hachisuka does sing and claims he’s good at it, he is and will happily sing for Urashima and company if Urashima asks for it specifically. 
Would he listen to other foreign songs? Classics like Bach, Mozart, etc and such are a big fat yes. 
A song that Hachisuka will like are classical songs that are almost...epics in themselves? Similar to the ballads that Mucchan listens to, I think of Alan’s Shin Sen. 
Like the others above, Hachisuka will happily have a record player, but it’s along the lines of a gramophone? Ye olde aesthetic man, he wants it there just to look pretty as fuck. Will most likely ask for a piano, violin, flute, or maybe even a music room though!
He won’t mind cover songs that other artists do, but he cannot help but feel like they cannot capture the original. Perhaps this relates to himself and his beliefs but why ruin an original? Maybe he’ll find himself bopping to it in secret? Who knows? No one does except Urashima and maybe Nagasone. 
When he sleeps, he will prefer some music to drown out the snoring of Nagasone. He seems to sleep more peacefully to the sound of traditional Japanese music though. 
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polarisdelphi · 3 years
Answer the questions and tag 21 blogs you want to get to know better. Tagged by @sk-mumu
Thanks a lot for the tag! I'm feeling special ꒰´꒳`∗꒱
Nickname: Kah/Kaka (and polar bear/little polar bear - that's how my mom calls me ever since I was a kid, hence my blog name/art account)
Zodiac: Aries, ascending in Scorpio. I swear I'm nice when I want to
Height: 159cm 160cm
Last Movie I Watched: Avengers End Game. My sister made me watch ALL Marvel movies leading up to End Game 'cause I had never watched it, resulting in us watching movies together everyday for a month. It was worth it and I blame Loki the series, not the god
Last Thing I Googled: If Brazil accepts the jurisdiction of the Committee Against Torture for individual complaints and investigations - my post grad made me go crazy with studying/research this week
Favorite Musician: Muse, BTS and U2. My Holy Trinity of Music
Song Stuck in My Head: Nobody Does It Better, by Carly Simon. It's from the 70's and it was theme of the 007 movie 'The Spy Who Loved Me' - I love all the themes from 007 movies and this is one of my favourites!
Other Blogs: @polarisbibliotheque - I recently started this so I can go back to writing a little bit! I'm doing mostly DMC fanfiction for now, but more will come as inspiration strikes!
Blogs Following: Art related, DMC related, photography + culture (a lot on asian culture and history, like Vietnam, Japan, Korea, China), witchcraft in general, books + really old first edition collector books + libraries, rights related (human rights, activism, feminism, this kind of stuff)... I think that's it.
Amount of Sleep: 4 hours or less. I'm a mess and my sleep schedule is non existent. I've been trying to study Astral Travelling just so I can study/multitask while I sleep, like Doctor Strange
Lucky Number: 7 and 13 - I used to say I'm the unluckiest person on Earth, so I'd use 13 as a lucky number because its "jinx" energy would neutralize my unluckiness and turn into lucky vibes (you know, negative plus negative equals positive?). I've been doing it since I was 13, so far so good actually
What I am Wearing: Dark blue velvety-like sports pants and dark blue gap sweater. Everything I own is blue or black and I don't regret it
Dream Job: Oooh boy. When I was in high school I wanted so bad to work with music - anything really. But now, after Law School and such, my dream job would be working at the United Nations or some International Organization where I can actually help people in need with my knowledge
Dream Trip: So many. Hahaha but I guess Japan and Korea are on top of my list, especially Japan. I have no idea why, since I was very little I've always loved that country and always wanted to pay a visit I blame Sailor Moon. Other countries I have as huge top priorities are Romania, Hungary, Austria, Italy and Greece ^^
Favorite Food: Tea and biscuits/cookies (I'm an old soul). Also, I LOVE Brazilian barbecue. And pizza.
Play an Instrument: I play the piano for +15 years now (I guess...?) It's one of the very few things that puts me at peace and I love music with all my heart. I like playing songs by ear - currently I'm working on some BTS songs and Devil May Cry arrengements. Someday I shall finish the arrengement for Bury The Light, but I'm currently working on refining DMC3 Total Result. I might post here if you guys like it ^^
Also, I'm learning to play the guitar by myself, so it's taking a while.
Language: Brazilian Portuguese, English, an intermediate level of understanding in Spanish, very VERY basic Mandarin and currently teaching myself French
Favorite Song: Starlight, by Muse. It's the same since I was 14 and it remains unconquered.
Random Fact: I studied dance for +10 years and participated on competitions and such. When I was 12, I danced Can Can and I had a solo where I would hold my right leg up to my ear and spin around during two whole counts (two eights, as we'd say here). When I tell people about this, they doubt me and even after so many years, I can still do it!
This is one of the reasons why I like BTS so much: I watch their performances and I get it - the nervousness before it starts, the feeling before going on stage, performing while everyone's cheering... I miss it. And I like watching them do it because I loved it so much - the music and the dancing, I get it when they say they could do it until they die. I miss that sort of passion in my life.
I don't know too many people to tag, but you can do it if you want to! Feel free to mention me as the tagger so I can take a look ヽ(´▽`;)/♪
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uchu-the-angel · 3 years
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Hi everyone I just finished my new OC and after Little Nightmares 2 I decided that Mono should have a family before meeting Six and being trapped in the single tower so meet his younger sister Nil. [warning this character is a cross over to Little Nightmares 1-2, 9, and Bloody Bunny: The First Blood. And that some information on my drawing is not finished because there’s no room. If you don’t like it that’s okay just no hate comments please]
Name: Nil (Undead)
Age: (Unknown time) four, (Little Nightmares 2) five, (3 years after Little Nightmares) eight.
Biological Family: Old sister Duet (Deceased), Older Brother Mono (Alive), Oldest Brother Infinity (Fate Unknown).
Step Family: Dad 9 (Alive), Mom 7 (Alive), Old Sister 4 (Alive), Old Brother (Alive) [just a info 3 and 4 are twins], Grandpas 1 and 2 (Deceased), Uncles 5 and 6 (Deceased), older brother 8 (Deceased).[1-9 are mostly stitchpunk]
Friends: Six (Alive), Seven/The Runaway Kid (Possessed) [go look @LazyArtist13 on Instagram or @artisticlazy15-ln you would know what I mean], Bloody Bunny (Possessed) [another info in Bloody Bunny: The First Blood all dolls are possessed], Mumu (possessed and Alive),
Important: Dark Rabbit (Possessed, Alive, and may not just be her friend).
Other: Master Sloth (Possessed, Alive, and Nil’s teacher).
Personality: when she was four years old she had always been afraid of the unknown but a happy child until the incident, at five years old she is more worried about losing her family again has survivors guilt/survivors disorder after the incident and became muted [also in a different a incident], at the of eight years old she acts more like Mono and 9 in a way how ever she more of saving and protecting everyone also still muted however in her dreams she can talk but only in her dreams.
Abilities: Just like Mono [it’s a family thing] she can teleport through with/without the TVs (thought she glitches every time she use the TVs and takes her energy away the more she use the TVs the more Glitches and less energy she get so she chose without), can build things, make weapons appear and disappear out of thin air, can see and feel aura, see soul of different poison, see and talk to the dead, most importantly she is born with out a heart (not the spirit though it the fleshy part) which means she can’t feel pain or die [Don’t worry she has a soul well actually two souls].
Infinity: Nil and Infinity have a pretty close relationship as they would sleep and play together a bond that would never be broken until infinity was taken away which lead to her having survivors disorder.
Mono: Nil and Mono had your standard sibling relationship but Mono is a overprotective brother just like Infinity but when Mono went missing Nil fears the worst.
Duet: Nil and Duet relationship is interesting as Duet would act like the motherly tip for Nil all the time Duel died falling off a broken bridge.
9: Nil’s step dad and legal Guardian is a brave and respectful leader even though Nil didn’t want to give 9 more responsibilities 9 always let Nil know that he still cares and loves her no matter what.
7: 7 and Nils relationship is mostly how a daughter and mother should act however 7 is mostly overprotective of Nil especially when Nil walks off alone.
3 & 4: you may guess how two twin stitchpunk with flashy light eyes to communicate and are muted with a human girl child with survivors disorder you may think their relationship is bad. Actually no in-fact after some time Nil she got used to having lights in her eyes before they used project to communicate with her now she can understand them with out pictures.
1: for 1 Nil is a waste believe that human children’s are a waste of time and energy even when she’s watching him but after time he found out about Nil’s past and that her family had fallen apart one by one 1 felt bad for her knowing it was not her fault.
2: 2 for the most part is like a teacher for Nil but unlike some people that hates learning new things Nil is the opposite she loves to learn new things and knows how to build things, Nil’s first on she built is her lantern which 2 is impress.
5 & 6: 5 is the one who taught Nil how to take care of an injured will 6 taught her about alchemist.[I don’t know how their relationship goes].
8: yes this tough guy has a soft spot for Nil no matter how heard 8 tries he ends up caring for her even at night 8 protected her from nightmares like a knight in shining armor.
Six: Six and Nil is more like a ‘friend and enemy’ after hearing that Six left Mono at the Single Tower but couldn’t do anything about at least Six gives Nil food that’s a plus.
Seven: well when they first met its more of Seven should not sneak into Nil and Nil only scratched Seven’s neck but they do make things okay even if Seven is protecting Six.
Bloody Bunny: Bloody Bunny just like 7 is overprotective of Nil according to Bloody Bunny Nil reminded of her little sister Mumu even after founding Mumu she still overprotective.
Mumu: this has to be the double the fun, the trouble, and the cutest they almost had everything in common despite their past being different they always have their backs.
Master Sloth: a teacher that taught Nil how to fight and taught her how to control her abilities Nil loves to hear Master Sloth’s stories and welling to listen.
Dark Rabbit: as you may guess Nil did find Dark Rabbit and things didn’t go as well as Dark Rabbit tried to attack Nil but she dodgers them all the time but after the encounter Dark Rabbit started to have feelings for Nil [not live a boyfriend girlfriend will you come out to date thing] as if he know Nil and wanted to protect her from danger even if their first encounter was not good at least Dark Rabbit is making up to her and even heard about Nil’s past and she has Survivor disorder even about her oldest brother Infinity had disappeared he thought of it over and over again almost Infinity and himself are identical he thought maybe his is Nil’s oldest brother ever if Dark Rabbit has to stay in the shadows.
Backstory: Nil was a cheerful and kind girl when she was four years old, she never know about her parents, she has a close relationship to her old siblings Mono and Duet but not as close as her oldest brother infinity, she thought that her life will never change. Until one day a fire started since Mono and Duet are in different buildings except for infinity she had no idea what is going on [basically it’s a reference to the Little Nightmares Comic] the doors were locked and the windows are boarded up she thought they would die in a painful death but the sprinklers were on the fire had stopped but the nightmare did not as children’s one by one were taken away infinity took Nil’s hand and ran away from the place they were been and had injured himself in the process and found a window that was not boarded, Mono and Duet were out side waiting for them however infinity was grabbed and with one last glance to his younger sister before throwing Nil out the window. Nil cried and scream but she couldn’t do anything as her remanded family ran as far away as they could. A year has pasted and Nil became a different girl they had found a new place to call home but after the incident Nil blamed herself for the death of Infinity even though it was not confirmed given her survivors disorder when ever one of her family leaves she believes that they would die after stepping outside and she would not stop them and would have a lot of nightmares even night one day Mono hadn’t returned so her and Duet started to look for him but a creature clawed at Nil’s neck so deep that it even broke her voice box making her muted. As time went on they came to the place called the nothingness which in-fact no one is around but that doesn’t mean it’s not dangerous because when they are almost at the other side of a broken bridge they almost feel about Duet died falling will save Nil just as before she lost another of her family and it was all her fault even though she didn’t do anything. Nil kept moving forward but a machine with a needle stab her and took half of her soul away and was half dead when 9 and 7 gave parts of their souls [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8, and 9 have the same soul but with different personality] given her the ability to see ghosts and her right eye change to Emerald after. When they got to Duet there was no hope for her but Nil wanted to have her sister with her took Duet’s scarf as if she was on her shoulder during her journey with her new family she found Mono’s mask and put it on she was not longer scared and moved on. Three years past and Nil is now eight years old and she’s willing to bring her new and old family back together.
I know there should be more to her story but I might think of putting her in a comic or animation if I am willing to do so
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sofiameds · 4 years
—- ☼ (lauren lopez, thirty-one, cis female, she/her.) have you met SOFIA MEDINA? they’ve been living in SHEARWATER for A YEAR now, but are originally from LOS ANGELES. you can catch them working as a DANCE TEACHER & VOCAL COACH, which makes sense as they’re PASSIONATE and DRIVEN, as well as DISTANT and SARCASTIC. keep an eye out for them! (ooc: pace, 21+, gmt, she/her) 
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‘ello for the third and final time ! pacey back at it again with a Gal. this time w/ the loml, sofia. what’s rlly exciting for me is that i’ve never actually played sof in a group before ? she’s an old ass muse but has only ever been played in like private 1x1 mumu type things, so putting her in a group for the first time ? egg siting. she’s also usually younger, and i’ve never played her single before, so this should be a load of fun ! let’s shake things up, babie.
as a california girl ( they’re unforgettable !! ) sof’s a long way from home. if she thought she was always cold back home ( and she did ) she since wants to eat her words. so not only is she Suffering w/ the weather ( even after three years of being in the uk ) but everyone else around her will be, too, as she will complain about it, and she’s such a ‘i’m gonna stick my cold hands on you for no reason’ person. 
as you can see above, sofia’s been in bayhaven for a year, but she’s been in the uk for three years !
la will always be her home, and it’s definitely more her pace tbh ( and more Suitable for work ) but she’s happy to be in bayhaven for a lil bit. it’s kinda like she’s like getting Living Elsewhere out her system, with the full intention to go ‘home’ eventually. it wasn’t her idea to make the jump to move to the uk, but she was happy to, and then it was her idea to move to bayhaven ! and prolly stay until her visa runs out !
back home, she has a lovely lil’ nuclear family. mom, dad, lil brother, the whole shebang. nice, supportive famalam, nothing too Wild to say there !
she loves her job now, but she unfortunately fell into the horrible stereotype of ‘those who don’t do, teach’ as she was never quite able to make it as a dancer. someone who believes in fate ( i.e. not sof ) might say that everything happens for a reason and things were supposed to happen the way they did, but everything that could’ve lead to a ‘big break’ for her, fell through, including needing to pull out of a dancing gig for a u.s tour for a musician ( i’m not being intentionally vague, i just don’t know who lmao. i’ve always imagined someone Big, but don’t want to be cringey by like… setting a name in stone or w/e ? ) due to breaking her ankle, and turning down the chance to join a respected dance company because her uncle passed away ( and while she hardly knew him and the death didn’t hit her hard, she wanted to be around for her mother ) as it would’ve required her to move away. so, instead, sof went into teaching, using her talent to train the masses. and by masses we mean young dancers aged twelve to sixteen.
the vocal coaching aspect actually happened accidentally. one of the kids she teaches asked her to help her prepare for an audition and run through a song with her… and then it became ongoing… and then another couple of kids asked… and, well, why not ? her voice and training goes to waste otherwise ( and she has like,, a nice strong belty voice that’s perfect for musical theatre, she just never had the interest. think… someone like alison luff, maybe ? great pitch, nice tone, stellar control, hell of a belt on her, ya know – but still seems reasonable that it’d come out of someone as tiny as sof ) and singing in the car and in the shower definitely don’t count. it’s just a bit of extra income, and putting to use a skill that otherwise gets ignored, but it’s something she does properly now, and took with her when she moved both times ! has a website and lil business cards and everythin’ !
she’s an extremely active person. not only does she keep fit and healthy due to ( or because of ) work, but almost all of her hobbies involve some sort of physical activity, and she’s always off doing something. like if she’s not at the gym, she’s at work, if she’s not at work, she’s doing some sort of class, if she’s not there, she’s on a hike, if she’s not there, she’s gone ice skating or rock climbing or god knows what. when she does sit her ass down, she loves a good book and can be partial to the odd tv series — but the problem with sof is that she either wants to watch the darkest, most twisted shit on the planet, or the most light-hearted funny-funny life-is-good-no-frets-just-laughs sitcoms, and there is no in-between. those are her two genres. 
she has stats !
and a pinterest board !
friends: it’s an oldie but a goldie ! but we all need pals ! sofia’s a social creature, loves a night out, could maybe do a with a gym buddy or a hiking pal, those mates that are great for a grumble-about-life session over a coffee, etc etc !
folks she knows through work: if any muses have appropriately aged kids ( little siblings ? cousins ? ) she could teach in her dance classes ? that’s a fun one !
exes: sofia’s the muse i probably have the most wiggle room with when it comes to most kinds of past-encounters, but especially with exes and such ! i’m… really open ? i don’t want to say i’m up for anything but basically that !
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ironsguilt · 4 years
HEY  THERE  !!   surprise ,  i’m  not  dead !!!  here’s  a  lil  update  as  to  why  i  haven’t  been  here  ,  and  some  of  my  plans  going  forward .
    first off ,  i  hope  everyone’s  doing  well !!  i’ve  missed  being  here ,  honestly :’-(   regardless ,  i’m  gonna  be  moving  everything  into  a  multimuse  blog .    i  currently  have  4  blogs  up ,  and  i  love  everyone  one  of  those  muses .   if  i  plan  to  continue  bein  able  to  rp  more  than  just  one  muse ,  i  gotta  move  to  a  mumu .  now ,  in  all  honesty ,  i  don’t  know  how  long  it’s  gonna  take  me  to  get  set  up  at  a  new  blog ,  especially  since  life  got  busy  for  me  so  fast ,  but  i’ll  be  looking  into  it  asap !
     as  to  why  i  haven’t  been  here .     stuff’s  been  rough .   when  i  went  on  my  hiatus ,  i didn’t  expect  to  be  gone  all  that  long ,  just  until  i got  into  the  flow  of  school  and  a  blog .    but ....   stuff  didn’t  work  out  that  way ,  obviously .     school  has  given  me  a  whole  lot  more  trouble  than  i  anticipated .     so ,  that  held  me  back  quite  often .    to worsen it ,  my  dog  of  nine  years  passed  away  on  the  29th  of  december ,  and  that  has  affected  me  quite  a  bit .    while  things  settle  down  and  i  make  an  attempt  to  find  some  type  of  flow  that  works  for  me ,  i’m  still  gonna  be  on  hiatus .   however ,  i  will  be  back !
tl;dr :  due  to  school  being  school ,  i  haven’t  had  the  time  nor  the  mental  state  to  run  a  roleplay  blog .   as  things  move  forward ,  i  will  be  turning  all  of  my  current  blogs  into  a  multimuse .
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