#especially since i'd be traveling solo
wavernot4love · 3 months
have been absolutely stressing about pulling off 2ourdust pittsburgh for a week straight, even moreso post-albany, but i am feeling a little better now because
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this got announced!!! and as a western new yorker it is even closer to me than pittsburgh yippee!!! and also i have a few months to figure out how i am getting there! also jimmy are still here! + dashboard and the maine!!
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sciderman · 10 months
EXTENDS MY HANDS.... DO YOU HAVE ANY CABLE COMIC RECS........ deadpool can be there too i guess
hilarious... hilarious... with all the cable comics i've been reading lately you'd THINK i'd have recs but honestly i don't. i've been reading all the cable comics i can get my hands on but his comics are really boring or confusing and i'm so sorry. it's no wonder they're always in the bargain bin. i'm so so so so so so sorry nathan summers. i still buy the comics because you look stupid hunky in them. and i'm a simple girl with simple needs.
nathan: [time-travel dialogue that makes no fucking sense to me] me, twirling my hair and kicking my feet: hahaha noo cable don't expo-dump me you're so hooot hahahaha...
i think the x-force stuff and the new mutants stuff might be more interesting - i think maybe cable works better as leader of a team (his usual role) or paired up with a foil (aka deadpool) vs solo, he's just not interesting enough to carry anything on his own (sorry)
that being said, my rec list will probably have a significant deadpool bias, because deadpool happens to often be the spoonful of sugar to help the medicine go down, as it were - i think the thing that makes nate work is when other characters Point Out how ridiculous he is. and wade wilson kind of built an entire career off of that.
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i think when nate's played straight (ha) he's just not my bag - i think he needs to play off of characters that reveal just how silly he is. especially since stakes are often so high with nate - time-stream space-time-continuum sort of stuff - it asks a lot of you. so you need someone there to keep things kind of silly. i always prefer lower-stake stuff, personally - otherwise, the thing needs levity from somewhere.
his most recent series was cute (bable my beloved) - written by duggan (who is Not my favourite deadpool writer, and also wrote uncanny avengers - general consensus is that duggan doesn't really Get Cable, but his stuff is still very readable.) (deadpool is there, also.)
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on the topic - uncanny avengers (2015) - i kind of don't like the way nate is written here - very stoic, unfeeling, very hyper-macho. but he looks really sexy (even with his receding hairline.)
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speaking of this particular artist that draws nate so sexily - deadpool vs x-force. beeeeeeyoing. i think it might be one of my favourite books with nate in. for entirely shallow reasons.
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daddy? sorry. daddy? sorry. d
i've read the cable (2008) series and it was - kind of an infuriating experience, admittedly. the writing is confusing, and the art is actually insanely infuriating to me. like i wanted to scream while reading this series. it's sensory overload. a lot of cable comics feel like that for me, actually. i found this entire book in the bargain bin for like, £2 and STILL didn't buy it because i hated reading it so much.
that being said:
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daddy? s
god. his head is so tiny. whatthefuck.
i think my favourite cable stuff i've read is probably niceiza's stuff (again. fuck.) and i think it's for the same reason why i like his deadpool stuff the most too - everywhere else I see nate he's this rugged tough guy who's kind of intentionally one-dimensional and hardcore - but when i read niceiza's nate he's kind of stupid sometimes. he's stupid and his worldview is kind of perplexing and ridiculous, and we're kind of perpetually infuriated by him but kind of feel for him because we have a real sense that he's trying so hard. it's not just cool-guy i have a massive gun check out my massive gun i don't have time for emotions i have a time-stream to fix sort of stuff - nate gets a weird kind of vulnerability in niceiza's stuff, and he's constantly, literally de-powered. niceiza loves de-powering him. and i love to see a nathan summers de-powered. he's so sexy when he's pathetic. i love pathetic men. and niceiza just so happens to have a knack for writing the most pathetic men i've ever seen.
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so cable & deadpool (2004) and deadpool & cable: split second, obviously. do i even need to say it.
i'd love it if anyone had any recs for what people feel is the definitive cable - like, cable fans, if you could point at a book and say "THIS IS IT. THIS IS NATHAN SUMMERS AS HE WAS INTENDED." i'd love to read it, i'd love to read it. i know there's definitely comics i can point to for deadpool when it comes to that - but i think everyone takes something different from these characters - and a character like nate, i've seen so so so many different interpretations of him in fanon that always get me curious.
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airenyah · 10 months
get to know me ask game
considering i was tagged by 4 different people (@lurkingteapot, @recentadultburnout, @telomeke, @nongnaos -- thank you guys <3) in the last two-ish weeks i think it's about time i finally get to this. sorry i'm late dfkgkldfgkldf
RULES: bold the ones that are true and tag some people to do it.
Blonde hair // I prefer loose clothing to tight clothing [it's just so much more comfy lbr] // I have one or more piercings // I have at least one tattoo // I have dyed or highlighted my hair [i had red highlights as a child and i've gone blonde twice] // I have gotten plastic surgery // I have or had braces // I sunburn easily // I have freckles // I paint my nails [sort of -- i used to for quite a while bc it's the only thing stopping me from my horrible nail biting habit but unfortunately i got lazy during lockdowns and now i hardly paint them anymore] // I typically wear makeup // I don’t often smile // I am pleased with how I look // I prefer Nike to Adidas // I wear baseball hats backwards
I play a sport // I can play an instrument [i've played the violin on and off since i was 5 years old (currently at 3 years of lessons since my last break), i also played the piano from age 7 to 19 and the recorder from age 6 to 15 (that is soprano recorder, alto recorder, tenor recorder and even bass recorder for a semester or so)] // I am artistic [i'd say so... i mean i'm not the most talented person but i HAVE worked as a professional graphic designer for a year and a half and i sometimes make gifs (if you want to see them then search for the tag meine grafiken on my blog)] // I know more than one language [lmao i mean... i'm not a monolingual english speaker so... ok but in all seriousness: my native language is german/austrian dialect and obviously i know english. part of my family is italian so i know conversational italian as well (plus it's one of my working languages at uni). i can understand conversational norwegian and i'm slowly starting to understand more and more conversational thai (i'm at a point where i can watch a lot of shows without subtitles and understand the main plot, even if i miss some details) i had french in school and remember some basics (like how to introduce myself and some specific vocabulary like colours or numbers) and i've also looked into korean so i can read it and i know some basic grammar and a few words here and there] // I have won a trophy in some sort of competition // I can cook or bake without a recipe // I know how to swim [perks of being part italian means that unlike most austrians i actually learned how to swim in the mediterranean sea hehehe] // I enjoy writing [kinda?? i enjoyed writing stories in school but i never really write in my free time although sometimes i think i'd like to. but then when i sit down to do it i just never have any ideas and so i give up] // I can do origami // I prefer movies to tv shows // I can execute a perfect somersault // I enjoy singing [i went to an elementary school with a music focus which is why i played 3 instruments and my class was also a choir. i also took group singing lessons at the local music school in my teens. if i had the time and the money i'd get some solo singing lessons. i've considered looking into it for the coming winter semester] // I could survive in the wild on my own // I have read a new book series this year // I enjoy spending time with friends [i love them so much 🥺🥺🥺] // I travel during work or school breaks [i love traveling internationally when i can afford it. i also travel within austria sometimes, especially since they introduced the klimaticket which is a ticket that lets you use a whole bunch of public transports from trains to trams to busses all around austria. every few months i go visit my friend who studies in southern austria] // I can do a handstand
I am in a relationship // I have been single for over a year [i don't really care much for dating and relationships tbh] // I have a crush // I have a best friend who I’ve known for ten years [we met at summer camp 12 years ago and we're celebrating our 10 year anniversary of being best friends this winter -- hi @magsimags ily] // my parents are together [i don't understand how but somehow they've made it work for lthe past 30ish years idk] // I have dated my best friend // I am adopted // My crush has confessed to me // I have a long distance relationship // I am an only child // I give advice to my friends [i mean if it comes up or if they actively ask for it then sure] // I have made an online friend [a few actually, i've made quite a few online fandom friends and then i also have a few online language tandem friends] // I met up with someone I have met online [i've met up with a bunch of language tandem partners irl that i found online first. as for my tumblr mutuals, there are 4 in total that i've seen irl -- you know who you are <333]
I have heard the ocean in a conch shell // I have watched the sun rise [let me be clear, it was bc i pulled an all-nighter or was suffering from insomnia. NOT bc i'd voluntarily get up at an insane hour in the morning to watch the sun rise. plus in the winter it's a lot easier to watch the sun rise without meaning to bc if you happen to have class or work early in the morning you might actually get to see it rise while you're on your way there] // I enjoy rainy days // I have slept under the stars [one time during summer camp we spent the night on a field underneath the stars, it was very lovely] // I meditate outside // the sound of chirping calms me [i like spring!! i like summer!! i like warmth!! chirping means it's spring or summer and warm!!!!] // I enjoy the smell of the beach [i spent a significant amount of time at the mediterranean sea when i was a child and i miss the sea so fucking much. unfortunately austria is a landlocked country] // I know what snow tastes like [it snows in the winter in austria, you can bet your ass i've eaten snow as a child] // I listen to music to fall asleep // I enjoy thunderstorms [only in the summer tho and when i'm safe and sound inside and it's not keeping me up in the middle of the night when i'm trying to sleep] // I enjoy cloud watching [kinda!! i mean the sky is so pretty like!!!!] // I have attended a bonfire [not big ones but we regularly had fires at summer camp] // I pay close attention to colors // I find mystery in the ocean [idk if i'd say i find mystery in the ocean but i sure find it fascinating] // I enjoy hiking on nature paths // autumn is my favorite season
I can fall asleep in a moving vehicle // I am the mom friend [around certain people i absolutely turn into the mom friend, but not around everyone so i won't make this red] // I live by a certain quote [yeah "wenn's passt, dann passt's". it's tricky to translate, something like "if it's a good fit, it'll work out". the literal meaning is "if it fits, it fits" or "if it works out, it works out"] // I like the smell of sharpies // I am involved in extracurricular activities // I enjoy Mexican food // I can drive a stick shift // I believe in true love // I make up scenarios to fall asleep [sometimes?????] // I sing in the shower // I wish I lived in a video game // I have a canopy above my bed // I am multiracial // I am a redhead // I own at least 3 dogs
since i'm late to the party i have absolutely no idea who's gotten tagged already so if you've done this already or don't want to do it at all feel free to ignore!!
tagging: @solo-silenzio @magsimags @newyearknwwme @killiru @gaym3bo1 @elnotwoods @swabianhotpocket @cornflowershade @gillianthecat
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stillsneaking · 8 months
I’m looking for advice.
I’m in a long term relationship (7 years) and have been with my boyfriend since I started undergrad. I went to college local to my hometown, so never really moved away. We grown into adults together, and lately I’ve been feeling as though I’m having a quarter life crisis (I’m 25F). I don’t know who I am, especially apart from my boyfriend, don’t know what I’m doing or where I’m going. I love him and see a future for us, but I need to develop some sort of independence.
Something’s been calling me to take a solo trip out of the country. I just want to go to Canada to enjoy the winter and (hopefully) snow, and I want to do it alone. I’ve traveled internationally before so I’m not too worried about that, but never really traveled alone apart from work trips. When I brought it up to him, he started to get upset and maybe a little defensive I didn’t want to take the vacation with him. I told him it’s just something I want to do alone before I don’t have the opportunity to do these things anymore (marriage, children, etc.) We never really settled on whether I should “be able” to go or not. I want to bring it up again, but it’s hard for me to explain what’s pushing me to do this when I don’t quite understand it myself. Did you ever experienced anything similar in your mid-20s? Any advice?
How cute. I love being asked for this kind of wholesome advice. Being entrusted with your sincere relationship concerns. I'll take this responsibility seriously, and will offer my best (admittedly paternal) and earnest thoughts. You absolutely should explore before committing to any lifetime relationship. Especially if you are going to commit for life. You owe it to yourself to discover who you are on your own--independent of this boyfriend. Go explore. Go to Canada. Ski or snowboard and make some random new friends and make some low-stakes mistakes. If he really loves you, he'll support this and be there for you when you come back. Maybe he'll do some searching of his own. It would be good for him too. And if he doesn't support this, then that tells you everything you need to know about how he'll respect you as a life partner. (And make no mistake about it--romantic "love" is maybe a quarter of what makes a successful marriage or partnership; there is simply so much more, and being supportive and good solid teammates is the biggest part.) So, yeah, tell him you need it. Tell him it's not because of him, but that it's ultimately *for* him. You will be resentful for life if you don't, and I'd bet a lot that you wouldn't make it for the long haul. So go adventure, escape, party, maybe fuck some other guys (hey, you've seen my blog, I couldn't keep my response *entirely* PG...and be safe about it!), maybe fuck some other girls, drop acid, learn something new, do some silly kid stuff before the heavy responsibilities of life come at you. Likely you'll long for home after awhile, and possibly you'll long for him. Maybe not thought. Either way, it's an important thing to discover and know for sure.
If you do venture out, let us know how those adventures go!
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xplrvibes · 5 months
I kinda have a hot take. You/those who will read this obvi don't have to agree. But I'm getting tired of snc haunted content. Not only because it gives me major anxiety and I think they have stuff attached to them, but it is just.. boring? Like, I rewatch old videos because haunted stuff gives me nightmares. But also as one anon said.. why all the ritual stuff? If you've proved ghosts are real, why keep doing it? Like.. I believe in the supernatural.. of course I do. But their content as far as I can tell seems so repetitive. I recently tried watching some new haunted content to see how I'd feel. Still anxious but I see it is, pardon my language, the same crap it's always been. They say they have (yet another) the biggest proof and the best video yet. And something happens and they're shocked and there's a ritual that goes wrong. You've proved ghosts are real, it's repetitive, like move on haha. I miss when they did videos on their own and did exploring. I wish they did more of that, just legally this time. 25x25 was my fave series, for example. But since it "flopped" they dove back into haunted. I just wish their contemt was more diverse, maybe not as haunted related and repetitive. I hope people can decipher what I mean. And of course no offense to those who watch and truly enjoy the haunted content.
I'm actually somewhat in agreement with you.
I think my problem with their haunted content is that they've started leaning too far into the rituals and the loud streamers and the shit I personally don't really care about. I enjoyed it when they weren't using as much...stuff, I guess, to fill the time. They could focus more on the empathic stuff (although I guess they won't do that anymore thanks to the debunkers), or they could do solo investigations, or get more into the history of the places...but no. Everything is getting louder and just more...pointless, I don't know.
I think the haunted could still be fun and good for them if they could just tone it down a bit, maybe stop with the annoying guests and the dumb rituals and "challenges" and shit. I still do enjoy it sometimes, especially in episodes where they are a little calmer. Those moments are starting to get fewer and farther between, though.
But that's just me.
But I also agree that it'd be neat if they could pepper in some other stuff, like their Chernobyl series, from time to time. Sadly, I think the failure of 25x25 scared them off from trying something like that again, which sucks, cause that'd be a great secondary channel thing they could do (maybe give reacts a break). And of course, I know the days of illegal urbex are well and truly over for them, as they should be. But the occasional legal abandoned or travel/adventure video probably wouldn't hurt the bottoming too much.
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idsb · 10 months
hi holly!!! i am thinking about taking a job that would likely require a lot of travel around the us (by car instead of bus, but they pay for gas and lodging which is pretty sick) and i am nervy about that but also it could be good? i guess i’m curious (if you feel comfortable answering!!) if you have any thoughts or advice since i know you travel for work quite a bit anywayyy ilu i <3 your blog k thanks byeeee 💞💞💞💞
Hi!!!!! omg that's so exciting!!! that sounds like an INCREDIBLE job that I would love so much, but I think an important thing is to question if that lifestyle works for you.
Some of the pros are that, especially driving, you get to see SO much of the country, and see so many gorgeous places and have so many beautiful experiences that you simply wouldn't have when flying to destinations if you were just traveling on vacation. A random diner in Idaho will have the best pancakes you've ever eaten in your life; on the drive from Denver to Salt Lake City there's this part where the highway opens up to the base of a river winding around a mountain, it's one of the prettiest spots in the whole country and it'll just be your day for like 4 hours. You can plan to leave a day early and spend it having a picnic by the ocean, visiting a national park, or exploring a new city - hell, even leave a week early and see an entire region. You'll sing songs in the car and make the best memories to some gorgeous views, see Saguaros and mountains and cows crossing the road, idyllic farmland and treacherous cliffs. You'll meet random people at gas stations you'll remember forever. You'll have a favorite restaurant in every city, your days off will be an adventure, and having a free place to stay for a lot of it will make it even better - a lot of your life will literally be a most-expenses paid solo vacation.
The negative side would be that those things are not for everyone. You'll get really bored and lonely on long stretches of road, and have to be really comfortable with yourself to be entertained when on drives alone for that long. It could be hard to maintain friendships if you're always gone for extended periods of time. Nebraska is shit to drive through and goes on forever. You'll pop a tire without service and have to deal with it. You might miss certain things because you're far away. It might get monotonous and lonely, and you might have days where you're somewhere really cool, but you feel empty inside because you're not sharing those things with people who you actually love at home.
It really depends on the genre of life experience you stake more weight in - for me, the cons of life at home that get missed and the more lonely days pale in comparison to the positive sides of the experiences I listed, and I am so deep inside my own head sometimes that I really do feel like I am my own best friend - and because of that, the situations where I've been on long drives alone are some of the best experiences I've had, and I don't think I'd trade mosaics of different experiences with people I probably won't see again for anything that a life of being there for everything that happens at home could get me. But for a lot of people, the polar opposite is true.
If you're unsure of the answer to that question, it will never hurt to test it out and see what you think. I think filling your life with as many colorful and different things as you possibly can is what it's all about, and makes your life seem a lot longer and fuller - and if you do that for a year and you absolutely hate it, the worst you'll end up with is some wasted time and a lot of good stories, and it helps if you go into it with an awareness of the fact that the bad parts will inevitably happen, but you'll wind up with so many positives that are hard to come by in any other way.
I hope that helps!!!
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outsidereveries · 5 months
dreamcatcher: pros and cons about dreamcatcher company
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jiu: she has learned to work in a team with people who have helped her even in her worst days. to jiu dc's biggest strength seems to be that she has found the people who can vibe with when working. she also likes dreamcatcher's concept a lot and her exploring with it is also a plus. it seems that the challenges she has experienced make her very thankful and moreover really happy.
sua: similar to jiu, she likes the path dreamcathcer is taking regarding their musical path, concept and so on. however, she also appreciates the amount of work she does while being in dc (she seems to rest more in the recent months for which she's been really thankful?) and also the patience the company has towards the girls. she seems to work slowly in some aspects sua feels the need to work harder or to catch up with everyone else.
siyeon: this will be deeper.. but detaching from the reality. either she doesn't find anything positive to share or her mental health is unstable in one way or another and her job helps her running from her mental health problems.
handong: also deeper ones, but being away from her hometown and even country. this seems to be related to her family and environment back in china/wuhan, generally she feels happier in south korea.
yoohyeon: actually, her taking rest whenever she wants to. might be into the group activities more than the rest of dreamcatcher.
dami: she seems very sad about how dreamcatcher's relevance turns out nowadays. i'd say that the company encourages her to not give up, she might want to do it at this point as newer and newer groups are more famous than them in their hometown (excluding handong since she's chinese). she tries to move forward but is hard on herself for that.
gahyeon: she might have issues with working as a whole, dc seem to help with that even if it's in incorrect ways. she might want to criticise them for the ways they do that but isn't confident enough to do it so. might have issues with self-confidence or other ones, related to her mental health.
jiu: they only plan for the near future, dc doesn't plan for the longterm. dreamcatcher doesn't travel for overseas activities too, it feels like she wants to try at least a little part of this experience. they make tours a lot, maybe too much and jiu wants to experiment with attending fashion shows or having these overseas gigs in another way. i do sense she wants to travel more strongly.
sua: to sua, dc seems very cautious of their future plans regarding dreamcatcher. the company seem to want to avoid any controversies, especially since their name happened to have an one in the past and from rough memory, some others happened. sua thinks they're extremely naive and even stupid as hell. sua also seem to think that holding onto some activities dreamcatcher want to express isn't good at all and dc is just wasting some precious time. i sense that she knows some things from here and there directly through the company that make her feel useless because she actually do see the group's potential regarding these specific activities. basically, she thinks they're afraid of repeating past mistakes to the extent the girls aren't free enough.
siyeon: seems for her to not find anything positive for dc. they seem to restrict her creative freedom and even more: i'd say they might've tried to shut her up for things she wanted to talk about but dc refused her to do it so. she's personally overwhelmed as this is just what's usually happening for her personally. she's feeling mistreated in regards of her creative freedom (i don't feel anything about solo gigs at all) as she and the company just don't match energy-wise.
handong: she wants more individual gigs as she doesn't feel she has stable income. this might've led to some disputes between dc and her at some point in the past. nowadays this seems to be on hold because her solo opponturities seem to be .. back in china.. and if she doesn't want them as of now, it's reasonable why.
yoohyeon: she seems to be very paranoid about her individual future (and maybe that's why she would prefer to rest the most?). individually she wants to "break free" from dc as she sees how the negative sides are influencing her. she'd be fine with the group activities but as for the solo ones, she'd leave atp. i'm unaware of when the other contract talks can occur but they seem to happen soon.
dami: it's also related to dreamcatcher's fame, she thinks the methods dc are doing aren't working at all and would prefer to change them totally. she really tries to be rational but cannot to do it so, she is really sad about it.
gahyeon: she might want to try to be active in variety shows or to act (i am leaning towards acting a bit more) but dc is very passive regarding that. basically not letting her experiment in her solo gigs (enough).
might do some other groups in the upcoming days^^
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husbants · 1 year
What do you think Dan and Phils next big project is? (Solo or joint)
Good question and I wonder how much they even know, but they've been like... suspiciously quiet recently haha. Phil, especially.
Starting with Phil, I do hope a solo project of his gets picked up. Maybe one already has been and it's being worked on right now. I really hope that his recent stepping away from online presence (aided by Dan going on tour) is/was for more than just health reasons.
Phil strikes me as much more of a collaborator than Dan, who we all know is an enormous control freak (affectionate). Even if Phil is a showrunner/ director, I do sort of think he'll still be one of a larger group, even if the idea is widely his. If this theorhetical project is fiction, I'd lean towards something horror or sci-fi, since we know Phil loves those genres. He's, like, extremely briefly mentioned working on something fictional (and for many years, at that), so if he's still enthusiastic about that story, I'd love to hear or see it. Phil is so creative and quirky that I think whatever he'd come up with would be really special.
I also think Phil would really excel as a game show host, which we know is another one of his passions. Perhaps he's working on coming up with/ pitching a game show? I know dnp were trying to get a Truth Bombs game show at some point, so I don't think that's entirely out of the question.
Part of me also thinks Phil is much more enthusiastic about bringing the Dan and Phil (TM) duo back, but that's just enormous speculation. I honestly think some time in the future they'll return to traditional media like presenting, interviewing, and/or radio together, though.
Unpopular opinion, but I'd rather something besides Dan is Not Okay from Dan. I want Dan to act so, so badly, I genuinely think he'd be good at it, but I'd really prefer if he wasn't, like, playing himself? If DINOK ends up happening (and who knows, he could be working on it right now with all of the random places he's been spotted recently) I'll still enthusiastically tune in, but I'd personally rather something that doesn't sound like a mediocre Phil-less phanfic. Also, unfortunately, I'm just not sure it'd gain much traction beyond his already established audience. I think if he were to do a show where he's still actor/writer/director but plays a character who is not just Seinfeld-ifyed him, it'd work better to establish himself beyond his YouTube persona.
Speaking of Dan's yt... dude?? Where are the rest of the Dystopia Daily videos? I guess I was naive, but I genuinely thought he wasn't going to just drop off the face of the earth again after tour. I understand taking a break, but I figured there'd be some retrospective or the last (?) DD episode/ videos by this point. Maybe he's too busy with whatever the random traveling project is, but, like, I just find it odd that a recording of WAD hasn't even been hinted at or announced. I feel like WAD ended extremely unceremoniously and Dan's recent disappearance has made it even weirder for me.
So... with Dan? I do sort of think he's working on something right now. What that is? Who knows. But I think it began almost immediately after WAD finished up, and that's why he hasn't been able to wrap WAD up in a pretty bow or focus on yt at all. If I had to guess, it's crunch-time and it'll be announced/uploaded/whatever sometime in June. Dan loves doing things in June.
Sorry I rambled a ton. But. Yeah. That's kind of where I am thinking about upcoming dnp projects and what they could be working on.
Never mind; scratch all of that: they're definitely bringing the gaming channel back.
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primnroses · 2 years
If you ever wrote a Naruto fanfic what would your fanfic be about
I would write about Sakura of course. And it's funny because the type of "fanon" I want to see has actually happened or can actually happen if the story progressed in her favor.
There's a few ideas that have been stuck in my mind for a long time and that would be perfect filler material if the studio didn't have such a bias against Sakura.
If I had the talent I would write about Slug Sage Mode (there's a story I'm trying to read about it actually) because I'm really passionate about the concept. And it's actually canon that Sakura can train to be a sage so it's not so fanon.
I'm also a fan of Sakura's development as a kunoichi in taijutsu and medical ninjutsu. I would endlessly write about Sakura's new medical ninjutsu techniques, her path to becoming the best medic-ninja in the world, the bond with Tsunade, Shizune and all her lessons, her first patient and her first death, her first surgery... And all her first fights with Tsunade, her first accident while training, the missions she was given while training and the Chunin Exams. I'd be so interested in writing about the third stage of the exams and her victory in a solo fight to become a chunin.
What I'm invested on the most right now is the time Sakura was promoted to jonin. I know Shikamaru and her were promoted together so I'd write about how it went, her reaction, Naruto and Sasuke's proud smiles, Tsunade and Kakashi actually recommending her for that (imagine two Hokage's recognizing your value) and her first S-rank solo mission. I true dream for me.
Her first genin team would be Naruto and Sasuke. I really want to write jonin captain Sakura going on a mission with her still genin teammates and being in charge. Sasuke and Naruto being stronger but obeying her orders would be so funny, especially since Sasuke doesn't follow orders, he dictates them. It would be a funny dynamic and even funnier to write.
Of course, I want to know Sakura's most inner and personal feelings about her Therapy Center. There's a general idea and introduction but I wanted to see more of that. Sakura working with the hospital staff to open the ward, choosing and training the personnel herself, giving speeches about what exactly she wants to do, traveling to Kumogakure, Iwagakure and other cities to build the same system. I'd like to write about mental health pioneer and best medic-ninja Haruno Sakura.
For the cherry on top, I would want to write about Sakura's promotion to Head of the Medical Department. She would have great responsibility for being in charge of one of the 3 government systems of Konoha and the only one not being under the supervision of the Hokage. It's such a big deal since it's responsible for budget allocations and other important matters. I envision Kakashi honoring her with such a title, a few years after she came back from her journey with Sasuke.
And not only that, Sakura would becomes director of Konoha Hospital so it's double responsibility. I imagine Shizune being so proud of her little student, who now happens to be her boss! Her juniors at the hospital going from Sakura-san to Sakura-sama or sensei.
Also Sakura is a teacher so I'd write about her teachings of first aid or basic medical ninjutsu to the students at the Academy, her medical ninjutsu classes for those that actually want to pursue a career in the field, her own students, etc.
I really want to read or write about Sakura's growth as a professional, as a medic, as a boss and as a mentor. I'm more interested about her path of saving lives than anything else.
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kaunisbaby · 2 years
the gig last night was HUGE 😳 I've never seen anything this big and wow. the band was super good, there were MANY solos (ethan and thomas mostly) and it reminded me a lot of 70s/80s huge rock shows and it really felt like an out of time experience. it was magical.
it was a 80k people show and there was so much variety?? there were children, elderly folks and everything in between. i saw people from austria, germany, spain (and angelina jolie and her daughter were there too 🤨) as well as people coming from all over italy! i also saw people of all styles and subcultures. honestly I'd been scared of feeling out of place because of my style but me and the bff were far from the only metalheads/goth people.
there were pyros and incredible stage lights making all kinds of effects! the giant screens showed the show in a way that i thought was super artistic (??). basically the production was HUGE, I've never seen anything like it, not even when i saw madonna in the 00's.
damiano is a literal god. he has an elegant mannerism when he sings that reminded me of young ville valo a lot which. you know. i like. but at the same time he seems very human and down to earth, a normal guy his age, for example when he went "LMAO look at my armpit hair on the giant screen" while he was talking in between songs. or when he said "now we're gonna show you something for the first time EVER" and obviously the crowd cheered, and he was like "lol i didn't even say what it is, could be the first time hearing thomas burping for all you know."
but it was actually A NEW SONG they were debuting, a ballad in english. it's still only a demo, and it's supposed to be the title track for their new album?? (but I'm not sure I understood that bit correctly).
i cried my eyes out during coraline LOL
ethan is a fucking BEAST (and good looking 😳), his drum solos were fire. victoria is so fucking good at bass and she's actually so damn gorgeous, if i was a teenager who was still searching for her style i swear she would be my main inspiration. thomas is also EXTREMELY good! and damiano holds an insane charisma, his vocals really really on point.
wow i thought this was going to be short because generally when i go to shows i have to travel and i usually go to the venue in the morning, whereas this time it was IN MY CITY and we got to the venue at like 6pm. i gotta say there's something extremely personal about homecoming shows. this is the first time im a fan of a roman artist (much less THIS BIG) so wow it almost felt like a national holiday that they were playing here and i do not feel very patriotic like ever but last night i felt kinda proud of being roman, especially since the venue was this ancient roman site. doesn't get any better than this
it was very tiring and my siblings and i got home at like 2am but it was so worth it! a great great show 🥺💖
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script-a-world · 2 years
City Entertainment (Part 2) (Google Submitted)
This is the second in a two part response of questions sent in after this ask reply: 
My city that I'd like ideas for entertainment is a small physically isolated island metropolis full of high rises and an underground city with a population of 30 million and an area of 400 square km so there isn't too much space. The climate is fairly tropical. It's definitely a futuristic sci-fi type city. When I say physically isolated - most people do not travel and there are few tourists. Imports and exports from connected places are mostly unmanned. Now, there's no magic but the people do commonly have enhanced mental and physical capabilities (imagine the majority of people are on performance enhancers like those at sport competitions generally ban but are just as safe and standard as coffee with slightly exaggerated results than irl) Mostly my idea is because people always improve over the past and medical advances certainly help. As for culture, well I'm trying not to really use too much of Earth culture as it's not Earth but my ideas have honestly inspired from everywhere and things are very multicultural (I'm multicultural as well), and there's no real dominant race or anything everything is intermingled. There are multiple languages used, but people generally know at least two and translations are quite easy so there isn't. One thing I might mention is that there isn't really religion as people are pro-science and religion is an ancient thing that became myths. I hope this is enough information, sorry I hadn't asked a very good question before - I was thinking I'd get a list and see what might fit on my own, especially unique  ideas I hadn't come up with.
Wootzel: We haven’t really had a lot of specific ideas based on your description, though we thank you for the detail! 
To cover some bases in your setting, and to avoid borrowing too many things straight from Earth, try to think about it this way: most entertainment/recreation can be boiled down to one of a handful of types.
Physical activity, moving the body. This can be working out or running or sports, etc.
Competition. This can be solo (one person against another) or team-based. Think sports, (again) and games like chess or card games, and even competing against oneself or a non-human other (high scores in games). People love watching competition as much as, or even more than, participating!
Drama. Soap operas, plays, TV shows, movies, books. People love hearing about someone else’s gossip!
Social interaction opportunities. Restaurants can fall into this, and any public space where people are welcome to gather freely, and you can combine this with any of the other points. Combine this with any other point and think about the shared experiences and how people might bond. 
Information. Many people love reading about nature, other cultures, space, minerals, etc. 
Solitary experiences. People sometimes want to unwind by themselves and be occupied with something. Solitary+Drama = TV, books, etc. Walking or hiking solo is another great example. 
Celebration, like holidays or personal events. People love a good party! If you’re leaving religion behind you’re probably losing a normal source of holidays, so make sure your people still have plenty to celebrate. 
Food. Especially food variety!
This isn’t meant to be an exhaustive list, since I’m just spitballing things as they come into my head. When trying to design unique types of entertainment, think about the recreational and social needs that your people have, and see what solutions you can come up with to fulfill those needs. 
We had another asker at the same time looking for ideas on entertainment, and I’d recommend checking out the response to theirs for a few more takes on this topic. https://scriptaworld.wordpress.com/2022/07/30/city-entertainment-part-1/
Tex: Make a game of it - literally. If there’s a way to interact with the environment, other people, or one’s own mind, try to look at it from the angle of “I’m bored, how I can be not-bored”. Anything with counting, a points system, bartering, obtaining prestige (even if it’s only in a silly context), story-telling, or generating something pretty/unique/thought-provoking to look at can make any interaction a game, and thus entertainment.
Wootzel has listed some very good broad categories, and they’re very good starting points. Things like comparing cloud shapes, racing rain drops down a window, playing I Spy, seeing how many things you can stack on something, kicking or throwing one thing into/onto another thing, hopscotch, tic-tac-toe, art and gesticulation guessing games, mimes, and more are equally as captivating to children as to adults.
In point of fact, many of these game principles can be recontextualized for different demographics to appeal to the people involved. What is one child’s racing rain drops can be a college student’s betting on lecture keyword appearances can be a pensioner’s sea-side musings on which passersby trip on a loose section of boardwalk.
Entertainment is a means of communication, and while some are mostly “universal” (e.g. racing or storytelling), a lot of it is deeply cultural (e.g. rhyming competitions or bottle-flipping). Take a look at your source cultures and see what they already have in mind for real-world entertainment, and see how well it will fit into your world’s environment.
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actualbird · 2 years
Oh my god help I tried to submit this ask before and I got told a tumblrbeast ate it was it that long kjsfhjdshf. I'm so sorry if this is the second time you got this ask from me.
Me & my friend actually came up with a not-so-insane sounding theory: Marius is not from the in-game timeline. (This has basis in Marius third solo SSR, but I won't say anything you don't already know. You've seen that illustration, I can tell you it's seriously related to that!)
I'm thinking Madoka Magica here. Due to various events, Marius loses both Giann and Rosa. Unable to take the loss of both of them, he builds a time travel machine (only able to go to another timeline, not the past in his timeline), and sets out to save them both.
I'd like to imagine Marius at the start, so optimistic and eager, so helpful and open. He practically wore his heart on his sleeve around the first few Rosa, then gradually forced himself to close it off because he kept on failing. (As my friend pointed out, he feels like he doesnt deserve the love a Rosa in a timeline gives him because he's failed her too many times)
Also as my friend pointed out, this is why Marius doesn't open up as much to Rosa. He doesn't really like dumping so much about himself on her because he doesn't wanna get too attached to that Rosa in THAT timeline. Cause if he does, and he fails to save her- he'll be more broken than before.
The reason he seems emotionally detached while talking about the bad memories is because he experienced this in the first timeline, as the original Marius. The one that fell in love with Rosa and didn't know about the tragedy that would happen and didn't see the need to save her and Giann.
And can I add another layer of angst on top. He's stuck in a choose one situation. He can't save both, and he doesn't know that. Even if he does know that, he'd keep going to different timelines, in hopes of success, even if it's impossible.
omg jshdvfkj im glad this ask got through!! it's the only one that i got that looks like it, so hurray! u were successful!
that being said, u were successful in making me very emotional whHHHYYYYYYYY
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im personally not too big on theorizing about canon (my go-to is just to make an au HAHKJSHVFKJS), but it's interesting cuz i have played around with like, a madoka magica-esque au in terms of timeline jumping and immense angst, but it's always luke who im casting as the pseudo role of homura, since hes so very much intertwined with the concept of time and self destruction through self sacrifice
however, hearing ur rationale for marius is SO GOOD cuz i can see the connections and motivations, especially with how guarded and detached he is and oh god why wHY HE'LL BE SO DESTROYED, HE ALREADY IS, WHATS THE WAY OUUUUTTT
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overuse of crying memes aside, thank u for sharing this! if anything, im now immensely interested in applying some of the time-narrative concepts i usually apply to luke to marius too, cuz it fits him as well, what with how heavy his past is and also how he brings up the concept of memory a lot (like, his memories of giann, how he wants to be remembered always by mc, past anecdotes, etc). it fits, just in a different way and different angle
ah, subjecting faves to the Horrors <3 jhvVKJSHDF
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soronya · 1 year
Thank you @catchclaw for the tag ♥♥♥
Tea, coffee, or soda? Tea. I love tea. Especially Assam.
Dogs or cats? Cats. I love these little monsters!
Can you play any instrument? Sadly, I don't.
What's your sun sign? Taurus.
First song lyrics that pops into your head? Por la mañana con mis amigos un café solo y dos cigarillos... I have been listening way too often to Marquess - Mañana these days, idk, it makes me happy.
Do you have any tattoos? No.
Favorite place you've travelled? I haven't travelled much, I rather stick to one place which I absolutely love and always come back to. It's a small village in Germany at the Baltic Sea. Maybe one day, I'll move there.
What's the last movie you watched? I have absolutely no clue. It's been so long since I watched a movie, really.
Do you have any hobbies? Tennis and horseback riding. And writing, sometimes, though that's more of a love-hate relationship lately, really.
What languages do you speak? German and English. I had seven years of French in school and don't really remember anything.
You can hang out with one fictional character for an hour, who do you choose? Not fictional, but I'd really love to hang out with Roger Federer. For fictional characters, I'd really love to meet Magnus Bane, or John Marcone, or Neal Caffrey. MCU Loki is also on the list, though I don't know whether I'd survive one hour with him :D
Compliment yourself: I like that I don't give up and fight even though it's tough, that I always try to help others when in need and that I mostly click with animals I am tagging @babygirlrafa, @ispeakmorelanguagesthanyou, @vallasrevas, @airsignss, @nikonothere, @bluespring864 and @kingfisherprince
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emetophobiahelp · 2 years
Not a movie/show question but I'm going to Florida hopefully by April next year and I'm taking a plane bc it's faster, I've NEVER been on a plane before and everyone who has this phobia knows there's NO escape on a plane... Can't run and hide, can't hide in the bathroom or anything... I'm wondering if anyone has experience with the phobia and flying especially for first timers? I love being on boats so is it any similar? How can I help prepare myself? I have headphones, mint gum, travel tabs and all the emetophobia healing stuff but I'm wondering if I'll need more? I've been told you can't be asleep before boarding a plane so if I take sleep meds I may be screwed but it would help calm me down fast since I don't trust any other drugs but those. Also it would be a 3 hour flight I'm told bc for every day is an hour in the sky my dad says so 3 hours isn't much but I'm so scared I'm ready to call it off... But I have to go bc my gf is proposing to me once I get there, we had everything planned out ahead of time bc we don't like surprises. My gfs understanding as hell but... I'm so scared and I'm so sick of this, what feels like disease taking over my life... I've missed out on SO many things bc of this stupid fear... Even my graduations.. I almost missed my aunts celebration of life too bc I was being forced into a car with my 6 year old nephew and I do NOT trust kids at ALL... Sorry for the rambling, I'd love some advice if possible please...
so I actually love flying lol I've done quite a bit of solo flying as an adult and flew a bit as a kid, both with family and on school trips. the best thing about being on a flight when it comes to emet is that you actually generally are in your own little world. with the pressurized air and such there's a good amount of white noise blocking out sounds, and add your headphones to that and you can't hear much.
as far as sleep meds, I definitely wouldn't take anything BEFORE boarding because you might miss the boarding announcements. but once you board and get seated and settled, you should be fine if you feel comfortable doing that. depending on what kind of sleeper you are and what time it is, you may not even need that. on flights at night and in the morning they turn the lights off so it's dark anyway.
I would also recommend trying for a window seat bc then you are even more "isolated" from what other people are doing. you can just stare out the window and focus on that. but if you think you would feel too trapped or think you would need the bathroom, aisles are alright too! 3 hours is a pretty short flight tbh so I think you'll do great!
in ALL of my flights over the years, I've only been aware of two times I was in "proximity" to people v*ing. the first was in middle school on a school trip and it happened MANY rows behind me and the only reason I found out is because middle schoolers love to gossip lmao. I never saw or heard anything! the second time was in college when I studied abroad in india, and one of my tripmates had taken an edible before the FIFTEEN hour flight and then slept the entire time without eating anything else. so that was definitely an exceptional situation lol. and I managed to see that she was starting to feel s* when she woke up so I swapped seats with someone in an aisle further away from her. it happened right at the end of the flight and even though I was very shaken by it, it's actually one of my proudest emet victories in my whole life. and again, I tell you those stories not to hike up your fear, but to show that they're RARE! most people have experience flying and know their bodies and how they handle things. even people without emet take necessary steps to avoid these things!
I hope that's helpful :)
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Off topic/Non Chris related.
Since your followers seemed to be very well traveled/cultured or are from various countries. I wanted to know if there are any recommendations that people may have on where to go or see in Europe? I'll be going in April for about 2 weeks, first few days Ill be attending a wedding but rest of my trip I'd like to travel. Also i'll be traveling solo so kinda excited for that but also a little freaked out for safety reasons being a woman. My top destination choices are Italy which already has like 5 different cities I want visit and Prague but not sure how well that will work. I also want to go to Ireland, Switzerland, and Greece. But for sake of time and money I'll probably stick to 3 or 2 especially if I plan on hitting most of the cities in Italy that are on my list. I'm not big on touristy-sightseeing but will obviously see the big known or obvious landmarks.
I guess the suggestions really depend on where you're starting from. Where is your initial "wedding" point at, in what country? The anons may have ideas from there, or just suggestions for easiest ways to get from there to other places.
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notupforpolo · 1 year
Elegies: A Song Cycle and Narration 
William Finn’s Elegies: A Song Cycle is one of my absolute favourite musical theatre albums. Although it does not have a plot, as it is a song cycle, there is a cast of recurring characters who all sing songs about the overarching theme: loss, grief and mourning. The off-broadway cast recording from the original 2003 production at Lincoln Centre features Micheal Rupert, Keith Byron Kirk, Carolee Carmello, Christian Borle and Betty Buckly features 18 of the original 20 songs with the five actors constantly switching between narrators and characters. I implore everyone who hasn’t to listen to it! 
When I listen to it I always find myself trying to put the pieces together and figure out who the person telling the story is. I want to know from what perspective is it being told but also I find that it can give a deeper meaning to the songs and their message. Since it can be somewhat difficult to do, especially in some songs, I have put together a list of who I believe to be the narrator in every song. 
1. “Looking Up Quintet” opens the show and has no narrator as it does not have any lyrics. 
2. The first sung song is “Mister Choi and Madame G” wherein the narrator (played by Keith Byron Kirk) recounts his relationship to a korean couple and their family whom he used to know. It is possible that the narrator is William Finn himself but there is no textual support for this and I haven’t been able to find any other sources that suggests who it may be. 
3. In “Mark’s All-Male Thanksgiving” Micheal Rupert plays William Finn who recounts a thanksgiving event he’d attended. The central Mark is Mark Thalen, a real life lawyer, LGBTQ+ rights activist, and friend of William Finn’s who dies of AIDS. That Finn is narrating is further supported by the lyric: “The handsomest guy wore a tie / That was Arthur / sweetly decent, funny, and living / I met Arthur when Mark made his all-male Thanksgiving”. William Finn’s real life-partner is named Arthur. 
4. “Only One”, sung by Betty Buckley, is often accredited to an unnamed and unknown english teacher and I have no reason to believe otherwise. There is no source I can find who says anything else except for some who speculate her to be one of Finn’s teachers growing up. 
5. “Joe Papp” is about the man who established the Public Theatre in New York. Although it is mostly ambiguous with the narrator (Kirk) not having a clear voice there are a few lyrics who confirm it to once again be the voice of William Finn. “I never understood / What Joe was saying to me / He'd quote Shakespeare / And I'd simply nod” he sings which is something Finn also has mentioned in an interview with Playbill. “[...] he quoted Shakespeare all the time — I had no idea what he was talking about — and I didn't know whether I should say, "Wait — I — Joe — I'm really stupid — help me!" So I used to just shake my head all the time: I was exhausted. I didn't know what he was talking about.”
6. “Peggy Hewitt & Mysty Del Giorno” has a similarly ambiguous narrator as Christian Borle and Carolee Carmello commemorate how loved the actress Peggy Hewitt was, particularly by her girlfriend Mysty. Finn did know Hewitt as she was part of the cast of his musical Romance in Hard Times. Borle opens the song by telling an anecdote about the couple and sings “She [Peggy Hewitt] was in a children's show / And we were sitting with her girlfriend / The late, great Mysty Del Giorno” which suggests that his character was friends with them. Borle is the only solo singer in the song thus I believe that he is playing William Finn. 
7. Carolee Carmello sings “Passover” next, and there is plenty of textual support to suggest she too is playing William Finn.Carmello sings “Anyway, when I tell the story of Passover / Which I am instructed to do / I will include how the Jews of Natick traveled over the Hudson river”. Finn’s hometown is Natick, Massachusetts (also mentioned in a later song) and it is stated that the family is celebrating Passover with family in New Jersey, meaning they would have to pass the Hudson. We are family within Finn’s immediate family. To establish it being Finn not another member of the family we can look at the third line where the narrator refers to their sister and later it is said that “Michael, as the youngest, sings out the four old questions”. Finn has two siblings, Nancy and Michael, who are also mentioned in a song later. By process of elimination, as the only sibling not mentioned, it’s Finn narrating. 
8. Although there is no textual support whatsoever it is my belief that “Infinite Joy” (sung by Buckley) is also William Finn’s perspective. This song was used in a revue by the same name and in an interview with The Cultural Critic Finn said this is about the impression his mother Barbra Finn left on his worldview. “I see the world through your eyes”, “You said that life has infinite joy”
9. “The Ballad of Jack Eric Williams (And Other 3-Named Composers)” is the first of two songs where the narrator is explicitly named – William Finn is the narrator. It’s a conversation between William Finn (Rupert) and composer friend Ricky Ian Gordon (Borle). 
10. The beautiful and sad “Monica and Mark” is my personal favourite but also has a very confusing element. Mark is again referring to Mark Thalen and Monica is a personal friend of Finn’s. The song is sung by Rupert, Kirk, and Borle and throughout the song the pronoun “we” is used. The lyrics  “Arthur and I met his good friends Andy and Monica” and “And they asked us to be her godparents / Which we gladly became, we became” (sung by Rupert and Kirk, not featuring Borle) suggests the “we” referring to William Finn and his partner Arthur. Monica dies of cancer and wants Finn to write a song for her. Kirk sings “She wanted, I quote / That you'd sing a song you wrote / That'd make the people cry” after which Rupert sings “I'll write a new song / Wait I'm thinking / I'll write a new song / And I'll play it / Told from her point of view”. To me, this and the godparent-line suggests that Rupert is again Finn and Kirk is Arthur. However, what to do about Christian Borle? In the original staging Kirk is only paired with either Rupert or Borle, who are never paired with each other. In their essay on Elegies Michelle Dvoskin suggests that Rupert is the present Finn and Borle is the past Finn. I agree to an extent however I suggest that Rupert represents the reminiscing Finn whereas Borle represents the Finn that in the moment was mourning, which I think is amplified by the fact that Borle delivers most of the bad news in the song, such as the fact that Monica is sick. 
11. “Monica and Mark” sets up “Anytime (I Am There)” which is the very song Monica asked Finn to write. Therefore Carolee Carmello is singing as Monica. 
12. “My Dogs” sure is an odd number and one where the narrator remains unnamed. It could be Finn himself, a friend of his, or just a made up narrator. 
13. “Venice” again features Rupert as William Finn. Although the central character is “The former lover of my lover”, “a sophisticated Pole, named Bolek” it is Finn who narrates his and Arthur's (mentioned on multiple occasions) relationship with Bolek. Bolek also calls the narrator “Billy” which is a nickname for William which is also used in the next song where it explicitly refers to Finn. 
14. “14 Dwight Ave., Natick, Massachusetts” is the second song where the narrator(s) are explicitly named. Buckly plays the composer’s mother Barbra Finn and Borle plays the composer’s younger brother Michael (mentioned by name in “Passover”). 
15. In “14 Dwight Ave., Natick, Massachusetts” Micheal is taking Barba for one last drive before she dies. In the following song, “When The World Stopped Turning”, Borle sings about Barbra after her death. Sadly, although there is video of some of the songs up on youtube, I can’t know how it was staged. Because Micheal was the one singing it is likely that Borle is still playing Michael. However, as the most prominent voice has been William Finn it is not unlikely that he is once again the narrator. Thus far, potentially everyone (according to my analysis), has played Finn and therefore it is not unlikely. Borle could also be playing both, or even all three of the siblings (William, Nancy, and Michael).
16. The last three songs are all written in response to 9/11. “Goodbye/Boom boom” is often written as two songs, however on the cast recording it is the same track. Kirk is a husband working in the world trade centre leaving a voice message for his wife and child and Carmello narrates his wife’s reaction as well as the reaction of the architect who drew the towers, both in 3rd person. Michelle Dvoskin suggests that Carmello is the wife however as a trauma response she is speaking in third person. The same goes for the architect (who uses male pronouns), meaning that she is playing two distinct characters. 
17. “Looking up” is Buckley lamenting the loss of the towers as part of the New York skyline. Not being able to see them there is a constant reminder of the tragedy. There is no clear narrator. 
18. The closing song, “Goodbye (Finale)” has no clear voices as the actors say goodbye in beautiful harmonies. 
In conclusion, I fucking love this musical.
Sources (formatted wrongly, ik):  Robert Viagas, “PLAYBILL ON-LINE'S BRIEF ENCOUNTER with William Finn”, Playbill, https://playbill.com/article/playbill-on-lines-brief-encounter-with-william-finn-com-329495, 2004 Michelle Dvoskin, ““Just Saying Our Goodbyes”: Elegies’ Queer Interventions into the History of 9/11”, The Journal of American Drama and Theatre, https://jadtjournal.org/2015/03/06/just-saying-our-goodbyes-elegies-queer-interventions-into-the-history-of-911/#_ednref35, 2015 Acting Up Stage Company, Study guide for students, https://musicalstagecompany.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/Elegies-Study-Guide.pdf  Steven Cohen, “Finn de Siecle, the finite joy of William Finn”, The Cultural Critic, https://theculturalcritic.com/finn-de-siecle-the-finite-joy-of-william-finn/, 2001
All lyrics taken from Genius, but it should be said that it is not always correct when it comes to who is singing.
Videos from the original 2003 Lincoln Centre production Infinite Joy Monica & Mark and Anytime (I Am There) 14 Dwight Ave., Natick, Massachusetts
Bonus: Fred preformed by Christian Borle – it was cut from the cast recording
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