#especially the caramel those little dudes are so good
commandermeg · 1 year
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bobcatmoran · 2 years
Against my better judgement, I'm watching the GBBO Mexican Week since the following week's episode will be coming out here in the US tomorrow. Disclaimer that I have zero Mexican heritage. I just like me a pan dulce and am an award-winning baker for non-Mexican bakes.
We start off on a "high" note, with Noel and Matt in eye searingly bright ponchos and sombreros, saying, "I don't think we should make Mexican jokes, people will get upset."
"What, no Mexican jokes at all?"
"I don't think so."
"What, not even Juan?"
This seems to be setting the tone for the episode quite nicely.
Or something.
More beyond the cut for the sake of everyone's dashes who haven't turned on the annoying thing where it cuts off long posts. This is gonna be LONG. And very spoilery. Fair warning.
Signature: Pan Dulce
After 2 bakers being off for "illness" (covid?) last week, everyone's back in the tent.
The little clips from the bakers as they walk in do nothing to instill confidence that anyone is coming to this from a perspective where they actually know anything about Mexican baking or that they've done much in the way of research to prepare themselves.
"I don't really know much about Mexican cuisine, so this is an absolute adventure."
"When someone says Mexican food, my mind goes only to fajitas."
"Mexican food's fun, but Mexican baking? What do the Mexicans bake?"
Carole at least acknowledges that she did do research, because she wasn't familiar with Mexican sweet bakes. I salute her for choosing pan de anise, something other than the conchas most other poeple are doing, even though she can't pronounce it to save her life.
Abdul straight off the bat says he's never had any sort of pan dulce before, so he's not sure what they're supposed to be like. I can't entirely blame him because I don't think Panaderias are as common in the UK as they are here (even in suburban Minnesota I have at least two within a 5 mile radius). I do salute him for doing as much research as he could for his besos, though Paul is like, "No, your research is wrong, they're supposed to be a completely different texture, I have just been to Mexico."
Prue decides that it's a good idea to correct Janusz, who was born in Poland, that "cacti" is the correct plural of "cactus," not "cactuses." Because that's what's important.
I'm quietly dying inside at how the scriptwriters clearly decided that craquelin was the best term for the topping on conchas. (later addition: oh gods, the judges are calling it that, too)
Sandro, I love you, but that's PUSHING the definition of conchas, having a filling and a salted caramel base.
Break while the hosts decide that Mexico is definitely a real place. Like Oz.
I'll admit that I've never made conchas, but I've made the close Japanese cousin, melon pan (got a couple awards for them yay), and much sympathy for all the bakers going that route because getting the tops rolled out to the right thickness and scored nicely is sooooo fiddly. Not all of them manage it. Sandro, I love you again, but those "conchas" are. Tall. My dude, did you look at any photos of what those are supposed to look like? (later addition: given all of Paul's comments on shapes, apparently this is what Paul thinks they're supposed to look like? Taller than they are wide??)
Paul complains that Carole's pan de anise "aren't Chelsea bun shape."
Techinical: Tacos
Tacos, which as everyone knows, require baking.
Oh, wait. No they don't. What the heck, Paul Hollywood. Why did you set that as the technical.
Corn tortillas made from scratch, steak, "spicy refried beans," guacamole, and pico de gallo. So many baking skills involved in this. Wow.
Paul: It's Mexican Week, Prue. It has to be tacos.
He then goes on to mispronounce pico de gallo, which Matt somehow managed to get mostly right.
I am dying over how everyone, especially Paul, is pronouncing "taco."
Instructions are brutal, including steps that are "Make the Pico de Gallo." [capitalization as though it's a proper noun] "Make the refried beans." "Make the guacamole." It looks a bit more involved for the tortillas, so there's a bit of mercy there.
Oh gods, at least 3 of the bakers have never even heard of pico de gallo.
Oh noooooo, Janusz has the "cilantro tastes like soap" gene. Nonetheless, he goes ahead and adds it to his pico de gallo mixture since it was on the ingredients list for it. "Spicy, soapy, salty, and sour. Great," he says, tasting it.
Carole, bless her heart, is peeling the avocado for her guacamole like it's a potato. Her tortillas are. Uh. Well, she tried. In her defense, how could she know that Mexican Week would have a technical that involved ZERO baking.
Syabira, who seems to be the only one in the tent who's made Mexican food before, is unimpressed that they are not provided with a tortilla press and are instead asked to flatten the dough with a casserole lid.
Kevin says the most true thing ever, "Everyone's got an opinion on steak, and everyone thinks you've done it wrong."
As the judges approach, Matt mentions that the bakers have been asked to make a taco that include, among other things, "a tangy guacamole," which is not an adjective I'd have thought to apply to guacamole.
Paul complains that there's some color on some of the tortillas, and that's a garbage statement right there.
Prue states that one of the tacos has too much salt "in the taco." She clearly means "in the tortilla," but. Y'know.
Showstopper: Tres Leches Cake
Ok, first of all, the bakers are required to make a cake that has at least 4 layers, which is not something I've ever seen any one do with a tres leches cake. Its very form lends itself to a single layer cake, since it's so moist. I'm getting shades of Jürgen, Actual German from last season, who pointed out to the judges that they'd assigned a traditional German cake to be made in layers which is never ever made in more than a single layer.
At least this requires baking.
Dangit Sandro, you were my favorite coming in, and here you are, being like, "Oh, Mexican? Ok, I will put a GIANT MOUSTACHE on my cake." My dude, did you do your research for this week by watching Speedy Gonzales cartoons? Like, I know he has serious baking chops, knowing why certain things work the way they do. But. Yiiiikes.
Matt suggests to Abdul that since he's making a Dia de los Muertos themed cake that he'll get him some poison. Abdul points out that the holiday is about honoring the dead, not making more of them. Noel is excited for this theming.
Paul is BEWILDERED by the very concept of Syabira incorporating sweetcorn into her cake. Corn??? In a baked good?????? (my Midwestern soul wants to crawl into the TV and punch him)
Quietly dying at how everyone pronouncing "tres leches." Like it has a "z" at the end of the first word.
Kevin, quite sensibly, points out that tres leches sponge is not made for stacking. He is right. He loses points when he says he's making an Aztec temple for his cake, Paul asks him if it's Mayan or Aztec, and he then replies, "There's a bit of overlap, isn't there?" (no, no there is not. Not geographically, and not temporally).
I do wonder now, seeing which types of chili peppers the bakers are choosing (a lot of birds-eye chilis, which I personally associate more with Thai food than Mexican), what sort of availability you get in the UK. Like, they're all developing these recipes at home with the ingredients they can get. And I'm fully aware that Mexican ingredients are lot less available there than they are in the US.
Carole is using an angel food cake as her base to be soaked in the tres leches, and oh boy. She's another baker who, going in, I loved, but she's really struggling this week.
Further discussion amongst the hosts as to whether Mexico is a real place, and omg can we please stop doing this bit.
Janusz says what we're all thinking. "It's a four hour bake. You're not gonna make it perfect, will you?"
The judges are stunned and bewildered at how Syabira managed to have sweetcorn in her cake and make it taste like sweetcorn. Inner Midwesterner continues to scream. Especially after Paul says, "it's not for me."
Ready to shove both Prue and Paul off one of those Aztec pyramids where they used to do human sacrifices after all their complaints about uneven soaking for making a layer cake out of a cake that, by definition, includes a saturated crumb, which is not a thing that is structurally sturdy.
Paul continues his theme of being unable to stand anything much spicier than ketchup. For Mexican Week. Prue is in the same boat.
Two bakers eliminated this week to make up for last week, apparently. Ugh.
Anyway, even with German Week last year, they effed up some stuff, according to the Actual German in the tent. For the love of little green apples, they need to bring in someone who's actually from that country or at the very least someone who's deeply studied that country's baking tradition for these Ethnic Weeks. No, sending Paul Hollywood to the country for, like, a week does not count.
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always-andromeda · 1 year
Hi lovely Meda! 💗 probably I'm too late with this wonderful event but I'm curious about what character do you think I match with! (From Paul's characters hehe) so I choose Caramel Delight please!
So I'm 5''4', with dark long hair and well you already know how much I love the coquettish style! Also I'm very interested in art and music, I love love listening music all day! And reading a lot! I love to bake and cook and I love just to see people enjoying what I cook for them.
I like painting (even tho I don't paint as good as I wanted hehe) and I like to do little things for my bedroom (diy's mostly).
Also I enjoy videogames a lot! I used to spend a lot of time playing Assassin's Creed or any game my brother bought hehe. So yeah I think that's it! Sorry if this is too long hehe love ya!💖
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Don't you worry, Ushuaia, luckily you managed to get your request in on the final day; so you're all good! I'm so glad that you've been enjoying the event so far and I hope you'll also enjoy your pairing. You're a special person that deserves a pairing that's just as special! With that being said, I have decided to pair you up with Timothy Klitz! Let me paint my picture out for you.
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Your style would totally take poor Klitzy aback. I'm a firm believer that the pink and cutesy aesthetic makes him completely weak in the knees. Based on appearances alone, he'd already be convinced that you're the sweetest person to ever live. But as soon as he'd get to know you, that adoration would only multiply. Especially if you ever painted or baked something for him. If it was some sort of baked good, he'd almost be inclined to submerge it in resin so he could keep the little token forever. But, alas, he loves seeing how happy you get when he tries your food more. So that boy is definitely on the road to eating better than he has in years.
And I just know he'd love to play video games with you. It would be one of those things that his friends would totally make fun of him for. Eli would absolutely get on his ass about letting a girl use the other controller. But Klitz would swiftly cut him down with a, "Dude, she's ten times better at this than you are." Regardless of if that's true or not, Klitz just really likes spending time with you. Besides, Eli cheats at games all the time, he can't be trusted anyways.
Klitz has a tendency to be a bit too uptight. And, you, Saia, are like a ray of sunshine that could really ease the tension that he carries with him everywhere. You'd allow him to have fun and to see the brighter parts of life. And for a guy that can sometimes get too wrapped up in himself and his future, he really couldn't ask for more in a partner.
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sprog-writes · 2 years
Peter can't believe that after all those years he forgot to introduce his friends to Kaine and Ben.
Good thing that the clones have stopped trying to kill him or things would get really complicated, really quick.
Story under the cut!
If you knew Peter Parker you'd also know a lot of peculiar things seem to happen to him. Some more believable than others.
If you’re Peter Parker’s friend you’d also know that he has a tendency of making other people aware of those things a little too late in the game, in a way that doesn’t let you improve his situation if such is ever needed.
MJ knew that.
Flash knew that.
Harry especially knew that.
They were sitting in their favorite spot, a little coffee shop that had grown with them, one they'd been visiting since before Gwen’s death. One that has changed itself to accommodate Flash’s wheelchair after his deployment -as well as Matt’s blindness when it came to it, but that’s another story for another time- and one where the baristas knew their exact orders by heart -Gwen’s had even been added to the menu when she passed.
They were waiting for Peter to show up, finish whatever fight he got into, and/or save whoever found themselves in need of saving. He had never missed one of their weekly catch-ups –been late? Yes, almost always. So much so that they’d resorted to telling him a false time of arrival, a few half hours before they would actually show up, and he still managed to end up late most days– so the other three were calmly sipping their drinks as they kept an eye on the door.
“It’s 11 in the morning, Harry. Isn't it a bit too early to get a cocktail?”
“Flash, dear. You drink your heart attack in a cup, and I drink my unhealthy coping mechanism. It’s just the way it is,”
Harry couldn’t help but chuckle and clink his glass of Old Fashioned to Flash’s salt caramel flavored hot chocolate with whipped cream, sprinkles, and chocolate shavings on top.
“You’re both disgusting,” MJ commented, sipping her iced boba, “but nothing you order will be worse than Peter’s,” she smirked, as she raised her own glass to accentuate her point then took another sip.
“Amen to that,” Flash giggled in return just in time for them to hear the little bell on top of the door jingle as someone made their way in.
“Hey, man!” Harry immediately got up and went to the newcomer, gesturing at him to join them in their spot -next to the establishment’s windows, where they’ve sat since the beginning- and hugged his friend.
With one arm lounged on the other's shoulders, Harry enveloped him in a side hug and began moving towards their table.
“We already ordered for you. We knew you'd be late again and frankly, we didn't want to wait for your abomination of an order,” Harry admitted and then raffled the other's hair. He made a questioning sound, squinting to look at it, “did you do something to your hair, Pete?”
“Oh!” wide-eyed with understanding the other exclaimed, “I see what's going on here now”
“What do you mean, tiger?” MJ asked when the two were close to their table and as Harry sat back down on his seat.
“Well, actually-” he was interrupted by the sound of the bell chiming again, as another guy came in quickly, apologizing while he made his way towards Harry and his friends' table.
“I'm so sorry guys! I was actually on time this time, but one of my skateboard's wheels came off as I was crossing the road and an old lady almost tripped on it and I felt bad, so I helped her get home and once we were there she just kept giving me food and talking about her grandson and how proud she was of him for coming out after she saw my pin and-” he stopped, realizing his friend group was one member too much and made eye contact with the additional guy standing right next to Harry.
“Hey, Peter”
He smiled wide and with a half chuckle, he squeezed the other with a hug, “Ben! Where have you been, man? You didn’t even tell me you’d be back in New York”
Ben chuckled, “You’re crushing my ribs, Pete”
“Oh! Sorry,” Peter apologized as he let him go, “tell me everything”
“Well, we actually weren’t planning on staying long”
“We?” Peter grinned, “is Kaine with you?”
“Ugh, yeah. He got evicted a few weeks ago while we were in the same town and he attached himself to me like a leech,” they both laughed.
“Dude, I haven’t heard from you two in forever!”
“I know, I’m sorry,” Ben scratched his neck sheepishly, “our phones got destroyed a few months ago and we haven’t been able to replace them yet”
“I have to go with you then!”
“Are you sure?” Ben eyed the group next to him, hoping Peter would take the hint.
He did not.
Harry, however, did. The three others were observing the scene before them with amusement (MJ), disbelief (Flash) and betrayal (Harry). MJ was smiling and sipping her tea while slapping Flash in the arm, who was too shocked and slack jawed to actually be annoyed by it.
“Yes, Peter,” Harry said with his arms crossed, “aren’t you forgetting something?” he raised an eyebrow, jerking his head towards their table.
“Oh-” Peter sat down and dumped his backpack under the table, hooking his leg into one of the straps, “You are so right!”
“There you g-”
“We should all go to meet up with Kaine!”
“No, Pete,” MJ tried to get it together enough to explain it to him, but couldn’t help but laugh so hard she could hardly breathe.
“Peter,” Flash took pity on him, “we have no idea who you’re talking about,” he said softly, stealing a glance towards Ben.
Peter’s eyes widened, “did Gwen and I never tell you about it?”
“What does she have to do with this?” Harry couldn’t believe what he was hearing. It seemed whatever Peter forgot to tell them went all the way back to the beginning of college. And -yes, ok- they weren’t the closest at the time, they had a bit of a falling out, but that doesn’t mean he didn’t deserve to know about Peter’s apparent twin brother!
Ben decided to come to Peter’s rescue and interrupt the pitiful display happening in front of him, “Hi, I feel like it’s my time to introduce myself then,” he extended a hand in the group’s direction, “I’m Ben Reily. I'm one of Peter's clones"
His introduction was met with flabbergasted expressions.
"You know, I shouldn't be surprised that this has happened to you. And yet," Flash spoke up, still unable to keep his eyes off of Ben.
"'One of'?" were the only words that came out of Harry's mouth.
"Kaine's the other," Ben supplied as a response.
"Ah! Don't forget Jessica!" Peter piped in.
"Oh, yeah. I haven't heard from her in so long, how's she doing?"
“Pretty good, actually! She started hanging out with Miles a lot lately and-”
“Hate to interrupt such a heartfelt reunion, but I need you to give us more details, man,” Flash had been steadily sipping at his drink, admiring the display in front of him, “you can’t just drop the fact you have clones on us and then not elaborate”
Peter looked around, seemingly realizing the situation he’d put himself and his friends in, “Oh gosh. I can’t believe me and Gwen never talked about this,”
“To be fair,” Ben added, “you, me, and Kaine weren’t on the best of terms in the beginning. And Jessica is a more recent development so,” he let the sentence trail off, vaguely gesturing with his hands and shrugging.
“What does that even mean?!” 
“Don’t worry, Harry,” Ben started, not letting Peter explain the situation, “we stopped wanting to kill Peter and steal his life ages ago”
“I don’t think that helps your case, Ben”
“It definitely doesn’t,” MJ finished the last sip of her drink and stood up, picking up her purse and pulling out her wallet, “but I also definitely want to meet Kaine now”
“And Jessica, when the time comes,” Flash added.
“You two are insane”
“But you’ll still be coming with, right Harr?”
“Of course I am. You would be lost without me”
Ben watched how Peter smiled at his friends and resigned himself to his destiny. He knew Kaine wasn’t going to enjoy the impromptu visit. He grinned.
It was going to be hilarious.
The walk to Ben and Kaine’s hotel was relatively uneventful, with MJ, Flash, and Peter using the time to actually catch up, while Ben forced himself to look everywhere that wasn’t Harry, who kept sending death glares his way.
“Wade did what?”
Peter laughed, almost tearful, “I know, I know. But I swear Double D deserved it this time,” MJ shook her head, hiding a smile with her hand, “And-” he extended the word, ignoring her, “-we had the spouse’s approval. So-”
“I don’t know if that makes it better, to be completely honest with you”
“Hey, no one got hurt in the end, and DD only tried to punch me a little after that”
“Sorry to cut the story short, guys,” Ben interrupted, as he reached for the door of the building next to them, and after an awkward ride in the hotel’s elevator, they made their way into room 704.
“Hello, honey. I’m home!” 
“Love you, too, buddy,” Peter had to suppress a laugh at the other two’s exchange. He had missed them, though he wouldn’t admit it in front of Kaine. He doesn’t need to get bullied by his own clone, too, and Kaine had a ‘every emotion other than anger and disgust is stupid and shouldn’t be expressed’ kind of mentality. Like the wannabe edgy 14-year-olds that Peter taught to.
It was pretty funny, on occasion.
Kaine walked up in front of them as they stood at the room’s entrance. Peter didn’t expect him to be only wearing boxers while eating cereal straight from the box. He froze as soon as he saw them.
“DUDE,” Flash yelled, shielding his eyes, cheeks redding up.
“Jeez, Kaine!” Ben walked past him, grabbing a pair of shorts that one of them had left in a corner of the room and threw them at Kaine's face, “put some clothes on, I don’t want to see your junk!”
“We have the same junk”
“Yeah but it’s not on my own body, so it’s weird man”
“Whatever,” Kaine grumbled as he rolled his eyes and acquiesced to Ben’s request, “what’s the Peanut gallery doing here anyway?”
“Peter forgot to tell them about us, MJ and Flash wanted to meet you, and I’m pretty sure Harry is plotting how to kill us and make it look like an accident”
“Seems about right”
MJ was the first one to regain composure, Flash still covering his eyes, and Peter about to burst with laughter. She cleared her throat and extended a hand towards the two bickering in front of all of them, “Hi, my name’s Mary Jane and it’s a pleasure to meet you, Kaine,” she smiled pleasantly.
“Yeah no need to do that,” Kaine walked away from the crowd, towards what the others could only assume was the kitchen to sit down his cereal box, “we have all of Peter’s memories up until sophomore year of college”
“WHAT,” Harry was the first one to react, pulling Flash’s hands away from his eyes as he did so. Flash felt himself get even redder, his cheeks heating up even more.
"So," Peter took pity on his friends and stalked forward, sitting on the couch, "what have you two been up to?"
Ben shrugged, "Nothing much. Vigilante-ing, mostly. I hang out with Johnny sometimes. See how long it takes him to realize I'm not you"
"Which Johnny?"
Kaine threw the shirt he was putting on at Ben's head, "Stop messing with him. He has enough money to actually ruin our lives"
"So does Tony Stark, though. And Peter bothers him plenty," Flash decided to join in on the conversation. Peter sent him a grateful smile, happy to see him make the effort to get to know them.
"Yeah but Tony is never learning our secret identity,"
"I do," Harry sat next to Peter on the couch, "and I also have enough money to ruin your lives"
"Harr," Peter admonished.
"Hey, guys," MJ rested her arm on Harry's head, "we don't have to share Peter anymore. There's one each," she smiles, "I call Kaine"
"I feel offended," Peter crossed his arms.
"Me too"
Peter looked at Kaine, "Why are you offended?"
"I just got compared to you. That hurts, you suck"
Peter made an affronted face, which made Ben burst out laughing.
"I really missed you, Pete"
"I didn't"
Ben punched Kaine's arm, "Shut"
"You dick-" he unsheathed the spikes in his inner wrists. Everyone but Peter and Ben gasped.
"No fighting in the hotel room. We do not have the money to pay for damages!"
"Dude," Flash, who still sometimes had trouble keeping his fanboy tendencies internalized, stared at Kaine’s arms with sparkling eyes, “you got different powers?”
“Huh?” Kaine stopped as he held Ben in a headlock, Peter trying to pry his arms away from Ben’s neck, “I mean, I think I’m the only one with extra features,” Flash’s question distracted him enough for the other two to free themselves, “motherfuckers,” he muttered, “anyways, Ben was the first success, made the fruit loop realize Peter was Spider-Man and dude went ‘You know what would be funny?’ and made me,” he scratched his head.
“Ok,” Harry clapped his hands, calling attention to himself, “Peter, explain,” he demanded, pointing towards his friend.
“Oh! Right. Remember Miles Warren?”
“The Jackal?” Flash questioned.
“See, yes, but that’s what most people remember about him. He was also our- well, mine and Gwen’s- sophomore year biology professor”
“Oh my- of course he was…” Harry raised his hands to massage his temples.
“Parker Luck strikes again, huh, tiger?”
“Well, it gets worse”
“Not helpful, Ben”
“Who said I was trying to be?”
Peter shot his clone a look that rivaled the one men saw on Medusa before getting turned to stone, “Anyway,” he picked the story back up, “Warren became weirdly obsessed with me and Gwen. We never figured out why-”
“Because he’s a pervert, that’s why,” Kaine also received one of Peter’s looks, and held his hands up in surrender.
“But he used to make us work together all the time, keep us after class, all kinds of weird things. Then, one day, we found petri dishes with our names on it, vials, syringes. All the stereotypical things of a creepy, evil scientist’s laboratory”
“And a few days later, I pop up,” Ben interjected.
“And try to kill us”
“Well, mostly you. But in my defence I was convinced you were an impostor who had taken over my life while I was in a coma”
“I don’t blame you,” Peter responded, “it was a convincing enough lie he got me to believe it too for a while…”
“What even is your life?” Flash asked in disbelief.
“You haven’t even heard about me, yet,” Kaine smirked, getting more comfortable on the couch so that he could see everyone’s faces.
“How did you figure out who the clone even was?” MJ, beautiful, intelligent MJ asked, falling headfirst into one of the most stressful events of Peter’s life.
“I didn’t,” he said.
“Gwen did,” Ben finished.
“Though we look the same and share a lot of memories, we don’t share all of them nor all of our genetic make up”
“There are differences in our DNA”
“For Warren it was easy to implant fake Peter Parker memories inside the clones”
“It was a bit harder to do so with Spider-Man memories”
“Of course, once he figured out the Peter Parker equals Spider-Man equation, he remedied the best he could”
“But there are things Peter told basically no one about Spider-Man related things”
“At least at the time!” Peter rushed in to defend himself, “I’m better at it now. Still, this was information not available to the general public, so Gwen quickly realized that the ‘headaches’ ‘I’ was getting-”
“-were actually me not knowing what his Spider-sense was or how it worked”
“He also didn’t know the Spider-webs formula”
“Which is something that this dork has memorised since he was 14”
“What about Kaine, then?” Flash asked.
“Remember how I got my powers?” Peter asked in lieu of responding.
“Yes,” Harry said, not meeting anyone’s eyes, “your parents were working at Oscorp under the impression of finding a cure for degenerative diseases, but my father was actually getting them to attempt to recreate a form of the supersoldier serum”
Peter nodded, “And I don’t know what, but something possessed my dad to use himself as guinea pig numero uno. The serum worked, but only for me”
“And Kaine fits in all this how?” Flash, beautiful, confused Flash asked.
“Warren was cut from the same cloth,” Peter relaxed again, “he figured ‘hey, I have Spider-Man DNA and a reliable way of cloning him and indoctrinating said clones. Let’s make an army’ -didn’t even take the chance to try and clone Gwen, luckily- and Kaine is what came out of that”
“He manipulated my genetic makeup enough that I had additional powers and wasn’t convinced I was actually Peter,” Kaine explained, “but he still had enough control over me that he managed to convince me I needed to kill Peter and the failed clone”
“And…?” Harry prompted.
Kaine sighed, “You’d be surprised how powerful uncle Ben’s words and influence on your life are, even if it’s just memories”
“Wouldn’t be the first time memories of uncle Ben reformed a villain,” Ben chuckled.
“Oh, FUCK,” Peter jerked up, suddently, startling everyone, “guys, does Doc Ock count as a clone of mine?” he asked, ignoring the questioning looks of his friends and the whispered ‘what’s, as he looked at Ben and Kaine stare at him emotionless for a few seconds.
“Yes,” they responded in unison.
Kaine and Ben both burst out laughing.
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gas-stxtion · 1 year
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@rejectshumanity said: ♡ ♢ ☼ for the munday meme!
(what is this? an interrogation? come back with a warrant - open)
//hehe thank you <3 i'll put these under the cut b/c i never fucking shut up lmao
♡ What are your top five favorite things about yourself?
//how daaaare you make me be nice to myselffffff
no jokes aside <3 anyway.
i like that i'm generally a nice person! i think that it's important to be kind when you can, because there's enough darkness in the world. why not be kind when you have the chance?
... on another note, though, i'm really happy that i'm getting better at standing up for myself and handling conflict. because being kind is important, but sometimes you gotta be a bitch and that's life! i was rereading something i sent a friend years ago regarding a conflict i was having at the time, and i was astounded by it lmao like... oh my god. my dude. you have very good reasons to be upset and it's okay to say "i'm mad at this person" without adding a million disclaimers that it's probably not their fault!!
i genuinely think i'm *so* fucking funny, and for better or worse, you will certainly hear my jokes.
i'm a good listener. when people are having a hard time and need someone to talk to, i'm good at like... just offering a listening ear. i may not always have advice but i can generally listen and chat and help someone talk through it if that's what they need.
i don't like to judge people unless they give me very, very good reason to, especially if i don't know them. i try to assume ignorance more than i'll assume malice, though i'm also trying to get better at recognizing when the line between those can get a bit blurred haha.
♢ What’s your favorite flavor of ice cream?
//gimme that salted caramel <333 though honestly a long-time favorite is like. anything with cherries. that's the good shit.
☼ Who are your top five favorite fictional characters?
okay for the sake of not going on forever, i'll just list five characters that aren't muses of mine (at least not on this blog). because we all know mr jack townsend is number one but like. others deserve a shot. for fun, i'll also explain myself a bit :3c
dr. robert langdon - the da vinci code (and other dan brown books)
i was obsessed with these books a completely normal amount as a middle schooler (lying). something about this like... charming middle-aged professor who keeps finding himself in the middle of massive conspiracies usually related in some way to religion and frequently having his life put in danger? and saves the day by being a fucking nerd? what a dude!
arthur morgan - red dead redemption 2
if you were there for my rdr2 fixation (which most of you definitely weren't lmao) then uhhh yeah <3 genuinely i had a huge crush on this character and was so obsessed with him for so long. the yearning was out of control, folks. i do still have a lot of fondness for him, but tbh some not-so-fun interactions in the fandom really put me off of the whole series for a while. he still means a lot to me though!
rhys - tales from the borderlands
would it be exaggerating to say that rhys tftbl is the reason i'm trans? probably. but y'know something about him really resonated with me at a time when i was really going through some gender fuckery and trying to figure myself out. idk what it says about me that that shitty little twink helped me figure myself out a bit, but anyway.
evelyn mckinnon - accounts from a lonely broadcast station
had to list at least one woman lmao- but yeah i really love evelyn. she's such an incredibly written character and every time i reread (or. rather. re-listen to) the series i actually get a little choked up because her narrative is so *fascinating* and well-done to me. like wow we love a tragic cringefail woman who has to face her own mistakes and become better, not just for her own sake but for others'!!! and face the fact that her fuck-ups hurt more than just herself!!!
evelyn is one of the many characters i'm considering for the horror multimuse i talk about sometimes. and maybe i'll even let her stay a cis woman- i'm kidding ASDFJKL; but like. fr. we'll see.
charlie kelly - it's always sunny in philadelphia
honorable mention for the trashiest man i'm currently thinking about lmao- so i started watching iasip because i wanted to see the insanity for myself and. wow all of these characters are terrible. but god it's so fun to see them in action. and charlie is by far my favorite. he's illiterate. he drinks paint. he eats cat food for fun. he's an artist. he makes a living beating rats to death with a stick. he's a wet paper bag of a man. he's very deeply traumatized and doesn't realize it.
he's the perfect man.
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i honestly cant remember if i already sent u a prompt, so if i did, either disregard this or!! have another prompt from me ig!! sldfkjsd. *anyway* !! 40 (Eating tomato soup and grilled cheese) w magnus n whoever else u might want :O? -ise
From this prompt list! (still accepting!)
Magnus trudges inside, kicking snow off his boots. He peeks his head back outside and whistles into the cold air. After a moment, Johann comes bounding onto the porch, flinging snow off his fur.
“Oh you’re a mess, bud,” Magnus says lightly, scratching him behind the ears. “Come on, I’m figuring out what to make for dinner. If you’re lucky, you might get some little scraps. Maybe.” Johann runs inside and quickly curls up on the couch.
Magnus makes his way to the kitchen and begins perusing his cupboards. The weather thoroughly chilled him to the bone; all he wants is something hearty and homey. Nothing jumps out at him. It’s shaping up to be a day where all he can see are ingredients, not their potential. Those are always especially frustrating but he’s determined to not heat up a Fantasy Lean Cuisine.
After a moment of consideration, he strolls over to the bookshelf in the living room. He might not have any ideas for dinner, but he knows who does. He scans over the shelves for a moment before plucking Simmer it up with Taako: A guide to soups, stews, and everything in-between, one of Taako’s latest cookbooks. He sent an advanced copy to Magnus a few months ago with a note telling him to “start honing your skills since you’re determined to live in the middle of nowhere with a million dogs.”
He cracks open the glossy tome and scans down the table of contents. Everything sounds good but a lot of it sounds high effort. He considers French onion soup before remembering just how time intense the recipe is. He really doesn’t feel like spending an hour caramelizing onions before the soup can even start cooking. He keeps searching before landing on it: creamy tomato soup. That’s just what this day needs, he decides as he walks the book back into the kitchen.
He laughs to himself as he skims through the story prefacing the recipe. It’s some half-truth about a particularly cold plane. There came a point where we all needed something warm and rib-sticking; swiping sweaters from each other’s closets couldn’t sustain us for a whole year. Sweaters were swiped alright but nearly all were from Magnus’s closet. It was his bitching that forced this soup into creation that year.
He reads the ingredient list and immediately runs into a snag. The recipe calls for fresh tomatoes. Hmm. His cabinets are filled to the brim with canned vegetables and tomatoes are no exception. He wonders if canned would work just as well. Magnus fishes his Zune out of his pocket and brings up Taako’s number.
“You got Taako,” the voice on the other end of the line drawls.
“Hey, I’m making your tomato soup recipe –“
A peal of laughter cuts through Magnus’s train of thought. “You’re actually using my cookbook? Mags, that’s precious!”
“Eh, might as well learn from the best. Even if the best tells bullshit versions of true stories that makes him look better.”
More laughter erupts from the other end of the call. “I editorialized a bit, sue me.”
“Anyway, I don’t have fresh tomatoes, can I just use canned?”
“Canned?” Taako makes a noise of reluctance. “Are they at least good quality?”
Magnus looks at the cans in his cabinet. Some are dented, all are the generic Fantasy Kroger brand. “Yeah,” he lies.
“Well, it’s not gonna taste as good but it’s your soup.”
“Thanks, Taako.”
“’Course, my dude. Later days.” The line clicks off abruptly and Magnus returns the Zune to his pocket.
Okay. Canned tomatoes are allowed. Magnus is ready to rock and roll on that soup. He goes about collecting all his ingredients and—
Scratch that. He realizes he has white onions, not yellow or red. He can’t remember if these are acceptable substitutes. Zune once again in hand, he calls Taako.
“Another soup question.”
“My dude. It’s been less than five minutes.”
“I don’t wanna screw it up!”
A heavy sigh. Magnus can practically see the eye roll. “What’s up now?”
“Can I use a white onion instead?”
“Yeah. Might be a little sharper of a taste than what you’re looking for but you can just add literally a single pinch of sugar. Actually, no, half a pinch, you’ve got fucking goliath hands.”
“Okay, thanks!”
“No problem.” The line clicks again and the Zune once again returns to its home in Magnus’s pocket.
He writes himself a quick note in the margins about the half pinch of sugar only to realize that he is going to fuck up this soup. Begrudgingly, he fishes his Zune from his pocket again.
“Dude. Are you fucking kidding me? I’m not Ask Jeeves, what’s up now?”
“I don’t have chicken broth,” Magnus sounds deflated.
“Okay, here’s what’s gonna happen. I’m going to grab some ingredients, you’re going to start planning on how to craft me the sickest goddamn spice rack you’ve ever made, and Krav and I will be over there for dinner.”
“Taako, no, I don’t wanna disrupt your evening.”
“No, my dude, you’re my best friend and you’re having a soup struggle. I am contractually bound to come over, actually.”
“Isn’t Lup your best friend?”
“My best friend who isn’t related to me,” Taako corrects.”
“Isn’t that Ren?”
“Okay, my best friend who I’ve known for over a century who also isn’t related to me.”
“Wait, I thought that’s Barry.”
“Magnus, I’m doing something kind and generous for you. Are you really going to look a gift Taako in the mouth over some semantics?”
Magnus laughs a little. “No, I guess not. I’ll start planning that spice rack for you.”
“You better. See you in a bit.”
“See you. Thanks again.”
“Don’t be sappy about it or I’ll just drop off a bottle of ketchup.”
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Part 1.
Avengers x fem!reader
Pt. 2
Genre: Minor angst, more fluff.
Warning: Language! (cursing here & there)
Words: 1746
Synopsis: This takes place in Avengers: Age of Ultron. When The Avengers were at the rock bottom, Nick Fury and advised by Maria Hill, to initiate the B.A.B.Y Protocol. 
The Avengers gather in the lab after one of an ugly half made robot command a few of the Legionaries to attack them. Currently they are finding out about what or who attacked them. Some of them cleaning their wounds and Thor going out to track the Legionaries. Bruce the only one who starts first. “All of our work is gone. Ultron cleared out every research that we do. He uses internet as an escape route.” Natasha turns and lean her body to a table to say what she’s found. “He’s been in everything. Fails, surveillances. Probably know about us more than we know about each other.”
Holding his right wounded arm, Rhody said “He’s in the internet, he’s in your files. What if he decides to access to something a little more exciting?” By that, Maria has thought something. “Nuclear code.” Natasha looking at them “Nukes? He said he wanted us dead.” Steve interrupt her “He didn’t say dead. He said extinct.” “He said he killed somebody.” Clint said but Maria ask back. “But no one else in the building.” Their conversations cut by Tony. “Yes there was.” He displays JARVIS damaged simulator form and all went silent except Bruce, he checks on JARVIS.
Thor come in angry and straight to choke Tony. Being choke, Tony try talk to Thor “Come one. Use your words buddy.” Thor lift him up a few inch above the floor. “I have more than enough words with you Stark.” Steve walks closer, breaking them. “Thor. The Legionaries?” Thor update them about the Legionaries have the scepter and they have to retrieve it again. For the first time after the attack, Dr. Chow speaks. “You build this program. Why he’s trying to kill us?” Tony just laugh at that question and Bruce disagree. “Tony, this might not be the time to-“ Tony cut his sentences. “Really?! Bruce. We didn’t create a murder bot. Remember New York?” Everyone move their head down facing the floor remembering that event and Tony continue. “A hostile army of aliens charging through a hole in space. We’re standing 300 feet below it. We’re The Avengers. We can bust arms dealer all day but that up there, that’s, that’s the endgame. How do you guys planning on beating that?” Steve looking at him “Together.” “We’ll lose.” Tony say and Steve still with his answer “And we’ll do that together too.” He looks at everyone and gives the order. “Thor’s right. Ultron trying to draw us out. We start tonight. Do whatever you can to find him. The world is a big place, make it smaller.” Maria stand from her chair. “I’ll escort Dr. Chow to airport. I’ll see you guys in the afternoon.” They all nods and both of them walks out of the lab.
 Next morning.
A young girl wearing her café’s uniform walking with a headphone on her head. While walking, she notices a guy snatches a bag from a lady. That lady screaming asking for help while her baby crying to see her mother in terror from across the street. You bring down your headphone and chase that guy. Thanks for your training, you almost keep up that guy until he stuck in an ally, nowhere to go.
“You wanna give me the bag or I’ll take it from you?” You said. Looks like he’s stuck.
“Fast legs.” He said.
“I had trained before.”
“I’m not a bad guy.”
             “Well, good guys don’t snatch a bag from people especially in front of their baby! You gave me the wrong impression though. Now, give me the bag and go.”
             “I’d like to see you take it.” “You asked for it dude.” You move forward and fight him hand to hand combat. Actually, you are a bit surprise by his technique. He’s not so bad but you have been train by a professional back in the academy.
You’ve been caught one day and some guy wear uniform took you somewhere. You thought it was a juvenile school because you are just 15 that time. Turns out it was S.H.I.E.L.D. They gave you test by test and found out that you good at combat and a little bit good at common sense. After you graduated, work job by job. Gang to gang. Mob to mob. You can’t do that kind of job anymore. You want to be good and yes, you did stop working with the dark. You washed your hands and works at Donut Do It. It’s not your vibe but it is fine for your fresh start. After you slap that guy, you hear a woman voice call your name that has been long unspoken by anyone including you.
 “Baby.” A woman called.
             “Normal people doesn’t know that name.” You said while choking that guy.
She said “Maybe because you’re not a normal girl.”
             “What do you want Maria?” You ask that woman.
You immediately know who he is. Fury. “Oh God, not you too. Okay, for the record, honestly, I haven’t commit any crime that violated the laws.”
“You.” A deep voice man said.
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You can hear Maria smirk when she asks you “Are you sure about that?” “…today. You didn’t let me finish. I didn’t commit any crime, today.” You said. Fury tell you to let that guy go and you look at that guy “You’re with them?” He tries to answer even you’re still choking him. “Y.. YE.. Yes!” You release him and slap him real hard right across his face. “That’s for wasting my time. Fuck off.”
Fury look disbelievingly at you. “Was that necessary?” You look back at him “What? Caressing lightly on his soft cheek?” Maria interject “That’s the opposite of what you did.” You try again just to tease her. “Okay. I, tap his soft cheek?” Maria raise an eyebrow at you “Try again.” You surrender. “Fine. I just 180-degree angle slapped him. He’s a trained agent for God sake. He’ll be fine.” You turn around about to walk back to your work place and Fury stop you.
“And where do you think you’re going young lady?” He asks you.
             You turning back. “ Work. Turns out I have a job now papa bear. Thanks for the recommendation letter though. Now, will you excuse me, I have go to work. Hope to never see you two again. Babai.” Again, Fury stops you. “You are not going to that Donut Do It.” You tilt your head to him. “I told you I work there and I’m going. If you two want donut, you know where to find it. Mention my name and you’ll get 30% discounts.” Maria’s face changes when she talks this time. “This is serious and urgent, Baby.”
“We are gathering as many as best agents that we have, and you are one of the best, Baby. Come with us and we’ll brief you.” Fury said and you stop him from saying any further. “Look, I’m gonna stop you right here papa Bear. That is where you are wrong. Aren’t you guys seen my record? I know what good is but I’m far away from good. There is still red blood stain painted on my hands that I could never leave. Even if I wash it thousands time, it won’t come off. What makes you think I’ll do it?” You feel your left chest aching but you ignore it.
Maria answers you. “Because everyone deserves a chance to be and do good. To start over. Yes, you can’t wash that much blood on our hands but this is the chance for you to do something good in your life. A do-over. You actually do something good after the academy. Take out those mobsters down, those gangs. You went inside to get the intel and you burn them to the ground and made those cities safe. Then, you just proof us again just now by caught that robber.”
             You huff and look down on your feet. “You set that up.”
Maria look at you. “But you didn’t know that. Yes, Baby. We’ve seen your record. Detail. You are far away from where you are before the academy. Or after. I mean you did killed people.” You crunch your eyebrows at her “Hey!” Fury turn to talk. “Help us this time. After that, it’s all up to you. We are no longer bugging you. You are no longer in our record. I’m not wasting my time coming here if we don’t need you.” “I thought you miss me.” Fury huff and talk to Maria “I’ll wait in the car.”
             “He never begging. That kind of begging, what he did. Is it that bad?” I ask Maria and she nod with worry face. “Earth level threat. That’s all I can say right now. Come with us to tower and we tell you more.” You let out a long sigh. “Me? Out of all agents, me?” Maria walk closer to you. “Please Baby.” You’re now messing with her. “It Earth level threat and you want a baby to involve? What kind of adult are you? Put a cute baby in danger like that. Unbelievable.” She smiles more than earlier. “The kind of person that will make sure there will be chicken drumets and spaghetti carbonara every day for your meal.”  You silently look at her and playfully sigh and she knows you better. “Caramel pudding and fluffy pillow too.” The ache in your chest getting hard to ignore now. You ask Maria some time and turn back from her. You bending, breathing like your doctor teach you and massage your chest a little. Must be from running earlier.
“Hey, are you okay?” Maria ask, worry if you are sick, but yes you are sick.
             “Yeah. Just shock. Did you say fluffy pillow? You ask her, not wanting to let her know first. They need your help, that’s what you are going to do. Help as much as you can. She let out a giggles and wrap her arm around your neck. “Yeah, you are coming with us, like it or not.” You both walk toward their car where Fury is waiting. “How many pillow though?”
Thank you for spending your time reading this. Feel free to reblog or ask me anything, thank you in advance!
Part 2 is coming!!
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yuzukult · 3 years
i’m bad too 18 || kdy & reader
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title: i’m bad too - drabble series pairing: kim doyoung x reader genre: angst, fluff, eventual smut, goodboy!doyoung, nerdy!dy (basically he’s a dork) & badgirl!reader, hitman!au, oc-isn’t-a-hitman-but-she-could-be!au, word count: 1.8k warnings: none for this chapter a/n: just two more chapters left to the end !! :D taglist: @wownajaemin​​​​ @crescent-iak​​​​ @ncttboo​​​​ @byunbaekby​​​​​ @jinfizz​​ @doyoungyoung​​ @ahgayeah0305​​ @doyobun​​ @sexualitaeyong​ @mrkleelvr​​ @m1ss-foodi3​​ @hcwurld​​ ← previous chapter || next chapter →​​
Doyoung’s favorite drink is caramel coffee.
He doesn’t like it hot—you recall him mentioning, he prefers it iced, and he finishes it so fast that the cubes don’t melt and condensation doesn’t drip off the sides of the plastic cup.
So you shouldn’t be surprised that he’s at this very café. Especially since it is his spot, but it also shouldn’t be news to you when you’ve come here everyday for the past two weeks in hopes of running into him.
You wonder how he’s been doing. It’s been months since you’ve last seen him; forever ago since you saw him with that girl Karina, and you’re curious if he thinks about you as often as you think about him. He’s on your mind daily, sometimes by the hour depending on what you’re doing, and he feels like a drug you can’t quite quit (despite the shortage of time you’ve done fine without him).
And you admit willingly that your feelings for him come rushing back the moment you see that pretty smile dressed upon his lips when he laughs from his chest at the video his friend shows on his phone.
But you continue to sit in the corner of the shop, face behind your device as if you’re immersed in the technology when you’ve got your eyes on him the entire time.
Instagram doesn’t do justice. You never know what he’s really up to, you learn, because his feed only shows the happy pictures he poses for. But his stories—you stay for that. There’s some nights you’d catch him posting something with a scenery, a little heartfelt description written along the horizon, and it gives you a glimpse of how he’s vaguely feeling. Maybe they’re for you, well, you were hoping they were, but for a guy who isn’t the greatest in the romance department, he’s very artistic, so it wouldn’t be surprising if it weren’t for you.
Maybe it was for Karina.
Okay, there might be a slight chance that you were bitter about that chick. She hung out with Doyoung often, from what you speculate, possibly involved in the same friend group, having mutuals together (which, already is how she’s so different from you). She roughly reminds you of that emotion that runs through your veins when you first saw Doyoung talking to Joy; that clenched jaw, tightened fist, and a deep swallow to push down all your anger. Joy was just a friend, and you eventually learned that without having to go the hard route, but Karina… didn’t give you any reason to believe her friendly motives. But Doyoung isn’t yours, you have to remind yourself, and because he isn’t, there’s no need to get upset.
For one, the times you followed (don’t judge, you missed him but didn’t want to approach him if he wasn’t ready) him, Karina always stuck to Doyoung like glue. She was practically joined by the hip; batting her pretty long lashes, cheeks brushed with that coral pink blush like she’s all embarrassed because sweet boy Doyoung accidentally touched the back of her hand, and whenever she got the chance, she’d hold onto his arm tightly, pretending that she couldn’t catch her balance in those Ultraboost sneakers that were basically socks on a sole with no support.
“Ugh, you always do this,” one of his friends says, loud enough that you could hear from where you’re sitting. “How do you manage to beat me every time?”
“I learned the tricks,” Doyoung retorts, voice stable but his face all smug. “Doesn’t look like you did though.”
The other guy rolls his eyes before tossing his phone onto the table. “Forget that dumb game. I’m actually curious about something,” he begins, leaning over with his forearms pressed against the surface. There’s a mischievous smile that tugs on the ends of his mouth, and you rest back in your seat in curiosity when his tone changes. “You and Karina. What are the two of you?”
You nearly snap the pen you’d been fiddling in your hand.
Fucking Karina. Again. This bitch just keeps being brought up, doesn’t she?
Doyoung shifts in his seat, hands with his phone dropping onto his lap. A brow quirks, narrowing a strange gaze at his friend. “Why are you asking?”
“Mmm, heard there’s rumors going around about Karina liking you.”
“And,” Doyoung takes a sip of his iced coffee. “Why’s that matter?”
The friend clicks his tongue, groaning that Doyoung isn’t picking up the not-so-subtle hints. “Because. Have you seen her? Or are you just blind. She’s smokin’ hot like… literally any guy would want to get with her. And you too, which is kinda crazy—”
“—is it impossible to believe that someone attractive can like me?”
“I mean, no offense Doyoung, you don’t exactly look like the type that would sweep those types of girls off their feet. You spent most of the time indoors! Watching movies, playing games, maybe sometimes you go out to clubs and parties but barely and it’s with our geeky friends. Even I can come to terms that I’m a geek. Jocks or bad boys are what she would be into.”
Doyoung sighs. “Where are you going with this?”
“You should date her. Since, you know, you have that chance.”
He shrugs, bending the straw of his drink like he’s occupied with something else that’s going on in his mind. He’s quieter than usual, especially around a friend, and it’s left you pondering what’s got him so tied up. But then, you hear it.
“I’m waiting for someone.”
His guy scoffs in belief. “You’re waiting for someone. Who? That chick you were having friends with benefits with like a year ago? Dude, she was also out of your league. Rode a motorcycle, didn’t talk to anyone, hot, and somehow you got her attention. But dude, she’s been gone for a while now.”
Doyoung purses his lips. “Told her to come to me whenever she’s ready. Karina and I don’t really have something like… that. Not worth dropping the chances of her coming back and seeing me with Karina.”
“She’s got you that bad?”
A soft smile pulls on his lips, and he nods confidently. “Yeah, she does.”
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When Doyoung and his friend pack up their bags to leave, he halts in his tracks. “Actually, you head out first. I’ll meet you later tonight, I won’t be going to the pre-game.”
The latter stares at Doyoung suspiciously. “Really? What’s up with you? Thought you said you were tagging along.”
“Yeah but… I gotta do something real quick. I’ll meet up with you.”
Strange, you think to yourself, because Doyoung seemed like he was going to leave too, until that very last second. Then, you notice something. When his friend leaves through those double doors, he turns and looks directly at you.
At you. Like he sees you.
You’re not a ghost, but you’re pretty good at camouflaging yourself with a crowd. You’re not the prettiest nor the ugliest, so being average has an advantage in this field, but Doyoung isn’t like normal people. He sees you, and even though you’re in a black baseball cap with casual clothes to match, he still can spot you in a sea of people.
“You’re here,” he says, his tone between a question and a statement. Part of you expects him to be angry, fuming with rage because you’re here instead of asking him to meet up. “You’re… actually here.”
“I’m surprised you found me,” you retort, standing up from your seat and gathering up your belongings. “I thought I was good at blending with people.”
“I’m in love with you, you expect me to not see the girl I’m head over heels for?”
You pause.
Bag not even slung over your shoulder, your heart does the complete opposite of your motions and races. He what?
“Why aren’t you saying anything?” Doyoung straightens his posture, trying his best to read the expression on your face. “Why… Why haven’t you called or reached out? Were you not ready until now?”
“I thought… you had a girlfriend,” you admitted, and truthfully, you’re not sure how Doyoung manages to get you to spill out your insecurities so easily. His eyes widened, and before he could say anything else, you interrupt his train of thought. “But that was months ago. It’s fine. I trained, and I’m back in the field, and I wanted to see how you were doing, that's all.”
“But you didn’t want to call me?”
You clear your throat, drifting your gaze elsewhere. “Like I said before. Thought you had a girlfriend. I don’t want to interfere with anything in your life that could be normal.”
He has a finger on your chin, directing your attention back to him. Your heart skips a beat this time, air sucked out of your lungs from his stare, and you swallow. “I waited for you, though. If you’re ready to come back, please come back. I have never dated anyone since I left your place, and I don’t intend to either. I made a promise and I’m keeping it.”
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You hated reporting here.
There’s something ominous about this warehouse; it’s not just the people who occupy it, but it’s the building itself. Outside, it looks like an abandoned stone mill. Worn down walls, windows shattered, and located in a dangerous neighborhood, secluded from all the up-and-coming buildings that are being constructed a couple blocks down. The cars that came for drop off didn’t come here either, so it made the building even more mysterious and seemingly empty.
But the moment you stepped in the front doors—it’s like a factory.
A factory that manufactured everything from guns, grenades, to bombs, and so on. Everything that you wore on missions, everything you held between your fingertips, and everything you utilized in the field were all made here.
The headquarters.
Upon entering, you had to go through security. Guns are to be logged in, identities are checked through the system, quick but yet thorough pat down, and phones are chipped until you leave the premises. Needless to say, they were careful and even someone like you with so much skill and worthiness cannot go undetected here.
“Boss is asking for you.” A gorgeous girl says, clipboard in her arms. She’s got her hair tied in a low bun, glasses on with thick frames, and a pencil skirt to pair with her white blouse.
“I asked for boss, but yeah, that.”
She nods, bowing her head just slightly and you’re wondering how she even got in this field. Shy, quiet, and fragile, she seems, and you wonder if she knows what’s actually happening around here. “Please follow me.”
She takes you down a narrow hallway, far from where the other workers were posted, and takes you through these metal doors that looked too heavy for her to push, but the guards standing by the sides do it for her instead.
“Head on in. He’s waiting.”
“Right,” you gesture her a head nod in thanks.
Taeyong is seated at his desk, two additional guards standing on either side of the wood, and he’s fidgeting with the pen in his hand. “Lookie here. Our star player. Ten’s little sister. What do I owe the honor?”
“I want out.”
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moxfirefly · 4 years
@just-straight-up-chaos wanted smutty Halloween headcanon’s
So let’s do this 🎃
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What’s a spooky night without some lab activities?
And by activities I mean, lets get your back blown out in a dimly lit lab with this total mad scientist
Y’all get a little too into the fantasy ngl
It’s on the observation gurney he’s got set up for when the guys need to be tended for wounds (don’t worry everything is sanitized to high end)
The cold metal against your skin, chest pressed firmly
You feel those big ass hands on your hips
Your costume is bunched up and honestly Donnie has ripped some of the seams and he isn’t even sorry
Halloween is on a full mood, he’s blaming it on that
The music from the party is drowning out your noises and you’re thankful cause whatever has overtaken him has got you making some of the most embarrassing noises
It’s in the craziness of it all, the exquisite feeling coursing through you that he grabs a chunk of your hair, pulls you back and you’re done for
Full body shutter
Donnie at your ear telling you that you’re such a good girl
He loves the mess you’ve made around his cock
Your a limp noodle on the gurney
Donnie’s still hard
He makes some medical pun but you’re so gooey and satisfied so when he picks up at it again and the overstimulation hits
You grin like a sex crazed bitch
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Oh boy
Are you teasing this little shit by sucking on a lollipop
Left overs from a bowl you had for the trick or treaters
And you’re taking your damn time savoring the caramel flavor
The horror movie is background noise at this point for Mikey I mean he’s more preoccupied with your pretty lips sliding across the round candy, the small pink of your tongue twirling around it
He makes some comment about you liking that treat more than him: he is the ultimate treat after all
So here’s your trick
He’s kissing on your neck, leaving little marks here and there, hands grope your breast, he def paying extra attention to those sensitive nips
He tells you to keep enjoying your candy and you almost bite through the rock when you feel those hands in your shorts
You’re watching Leatherface revving his chainsaw when Mikey gets knuckle deep in you
And it never fails to knock the wind out of you how thick it feels, you can only handle one
Mikey may be phenomenal with his mouth but Christ does he have some of the best finger game you’ve ever experienced
Your lollipop is somewhere on the floor because you’re too busy holding on to him when you start to feel you leg cramp up in that painful delicious sensation
You clamp down so hard that Mikey says you’re gonna break his finger, and that he’s more than ok with it
You loose your sense of hearing for a solid five seconds when you cum
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You guys are watching the parade from a roof top
He’s not watching watching it tho you know?
He’s absolutely mesmerized by you and your red lip stick like wow he’s seen you with your lip tinted all shades but this red is basically HIS red
How can a color look so deliciously enticing?
Either way Raph’s mind is hyper focused and the cheers and screams and music are taking a back seat
You start giggling and the way your lips spread open in a smile have him gutted
This lad loves you™️
He especially loves how y’all somehow end up in this current predicament where his shorts or past his thighs and your lips are wrapped around his dick
The way the the color contrast against his member, the stains around your lips and chin with each upward and downward movement
God it’s so cute that you’re trying to take him past your usual amount and the way you gag and choke, spittle pooling at the base of his dick and your chin is such a sight to Raph
He praises the hell out of you, Raph can’t shut up as is but when you’re choking on his dick is extra filthy
Lots of “ya like that?” “Ya so good at this baby girl” “take me like a champ”
The guttural “fuuuuuck” when he cums
His pupils blown out when he sees you licking every last drop from his dick to your lips to your finger tips
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Leo’s called Honor Boy for a reason
But you somehow manage for this to happen
Maybe it’s the rum chocolate bars
But you beg Leo to break the two of you into an abandoned building that’s supposedly haunted
Between the tipsy giggling and you trying to scare Leo with your ghost stories
He gets handsy™️
Tipsy Leo is handsy my dude
Like he’s necking at you, gripping your ass, grinding into you
You’re both laughing and shushing each other
He backs you up against a wall and kisses you like he hasn’t seen you in months
You undo his pants as best as possible and he damn near rips yours down the middle
He does tear your underwear
Another pair dead
It’s messy and sloppy not the usual finessing Leo is accustomed too and that’s something you’re legit soaked over
You tell him he’s such a good boy and tipsy Leo is the best to bring out sub!Leo and he eats up the praise
You tell him that he fucks you so good, that nobody has ever made you cream yourself like he does, how big his dick is how it always feels like you’re gonna be torn apart by it
He’s panting and churring and fucking into you fast and sloppy your name falling in praise
He worships you
You’re his goddess
He holds onto you so tightly but he refuses to cum unless you do and once he’s got your screams echoing through the building is when Leo spills into you
You bite your lip ‘tsk tsk’ at him
“Did i tell you you could cum, blue boy?” You purr and Leo shudders, member giving another twitch withing you
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herstarburststories · 3 years
You Have A Home
Pairing: Sam Winchester x Reader
Summary: After a call from Y/N, Sam comes back town to help -- and brings Dean with him.
Requests: N°1 heyhey, could you do a Sam x reader where they went to college togehter and later meet again and they realise their feelings for eachother...xx + N°2: can you do a college sam headcanon with medicine student reader
A/N: This was fun! The monster here is mentioned in season 6, when the boys ask Bobby for advice on how to kill it. This is my first Samgirl long imagine, with Dean being the flirty he is. I wrote this almost one year ago, so it's more crude and I'm nervous to be posting it! And my piece for @cajunquandary 's 600 challenge, my prompt was monster of the week. Dividers by @talesmaniac89!
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Dean's eyes remained on the road when the bitter statement left his body, tangled with a wry chuckle, “I can't believe you are still in touch with those people.”
“Those people?” Sam arched elbows, slightly skeptical by his brother's tone, “They were my friends, Dean.”
“Sammy, all our friends? Dead. They all die. Or worse.” He glanced at him for a moment, pursing his lips together. It might not be an easy assignment, but was part of the job. Sammy had tried to run away plenty times and always came back, when would he understand? “We don't get to have friends. You should've learned that.”
“They are not our friends, they are my friends. Also, they don't know about the hunting life, they aren't in harm.” Sammy hissed once the other locked his green eyes on the road again. Dean sighed, moving one hand away and up from the steering wheel in a rendition gesture.
“Whatever you say, man. I'm just warning you, this doesn't usually end up good for them.”
Sam scoffed, Dean could get on his nerves sometimes, “We saved many people that got to have a good life.”
“Yeah, but those people didn't know us before that. I told you when you left Stanford--”
“I didn't keep contact, okay!? I just... I just still have a phone that they have the number of. No social media, no calls on birthdays.” Nervously gesticulating, he added, “I know how to keep them safe, Dean.”
“So, old friend?” The eldest Winchester asked after the few minutes of silence that followed Sam's outburst, “Female old friend?”
“Yes. (Y/N) (Y/L/N).” Dean smirked, and Sam to rolled his eyes at his behavior, “Keep it in your pants.”
He'd let out a malicious laughter before turning on the radio, the first guitar sounds of AC/DC playing in the background.
“I think you'll be the one not keeping it, Sammy.”
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“Hello?” The woman in nothing but a towel who had opened the door greeted them with a question, her brown eyes glaring at the two men with clear confusion.
Dean had no shame to check her out, innerly celebrating that she was still wet from her shower. Perhaps visiting Sam's friends wasn't that big mistake. “Hey, you.”
She grimaced at Dean for two seconds before turning her attention to Sam again, sudden recognition written on her face.
“Sam? Sam Winchester?” He nodded, smiling that light-hearted boyish grin at her. Not caring about her dressings, she just threw herself at Sammy, hugging him tightly. “I missed you!” She pulled away only to hit his shoulder. Her short stature didn't match Sam's, but he'd still make a grimace at her attempt of slap. “Why didn't you call? God, your hair grew a lot. Listen, I have some scissors.”
“Tried that, didn't work.” Dean interrupted their reencounter, trying to get in the conversation. An usual lopsided grin on his face, “Dean Winchester, Sam's brother.”
“Layla, Sam's friend.” She gave him a friendly smile in return, opening space for them to pass through the door before closing it, “Come in, I need to change in clothes.”
“I wouldn't even dream of that. Seriously.”
Layla would just wiggle one of her brows at Dean's comments, not impressed by it, “Ele é sempre assim? (Is he always like this?)”
Thankfully, Sam still remembered a bit of his friend's native language. He just chuckled, managing to apologize for Dean's typical Dean behavior, “Unfortunately. Sinto muito. (I'm sorry)”
“(Y/N) is in the kitchen. I'll be right back.” Her accent was thicking stronger duo the comfortability around Sam. Excusing herself, the caramel skinned girl leaded upstairs.
“What did she say?” Dean asked, side glancing at the path Layla had just gone on, not even sure of which language she'd just spoken, much less what was said. Sammy didn't bother replying, satisfied to grin at his obvxion brother. “Dude, come on!”
“Sam!” A well-known voice filled the room as the image of (Y/N) appeared in front of them, dressing your loyal cook's avental. You didn't think twice before jumping on Sam. “I missed you, giant!”
He, like always, caught you with a light-hearted laughter, “I missed you too, cupcake.” You two spent a few moments like this, enjoying each other's warm and long lost touch, until Dean cleared his throat. You finally went back to the ground, embarrassed by having a stranger to see that level of intimacy between you and Sam, “This is Dean, my--”
“Handsome brother. Hello, cupcake.” Dean was so going to tease Sam for the rest of his life for it.
“You really live up for Sam's description.” You giggled, heading towards the kitchen “Come in, I'm baking.”
“So, you and Layla still live together?”
“Most of the time, yes. You know how she is, comes and goes. Never wanted to stay in a place for too long and got a job that supported that.” The boys followed you, Dean examining the kitchen and trying to discover what you were cooking through the smell, while Sam couldn't take his eyes on you, “Apparently, just like you.”
Even though your back was facing them as you checked the food, the bite didn't pass unnoticed, “I had to leave, (Y/N)”
“I understand that, Sam. But you never called or texted. It was like I--” You quickly corrected yourself, “We never existed for you.”
“It's not like that.” Sam sighed, how could he justify? He knew you wouldn't buy a simple excuse. You were smart, and knew him too well to swallow a 'I went on a trip with my brother and just decided that college wasn't my deal' and leave it for that.
“I'm here!” Layla declared, arriving into the room with an excited smile, it was good to have the gang back together. Although, the tangible tension almost made her go back to the shower, “Am I interrupting something?”
“A sitcom DR.” Dean answered with sarcasm, spreading his figure on the chair when you turned around with an apple pie in your hands “What about we talk about the ca-- Is this pie?”
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“We heard a scream followed by a loud roar and (Y/N) stayed near the camping part because there was still a signal and I went looking for who it was. When I got there, the thing ran away. Jorge's body... No human did that. His chest was cracked open irregularly, as if it was done by an animal and his heart looked weird. Like it was squeezed and drawn on up somehow?”
“We got a Samia.” Dean stated, relaxing on his spot. Some sault, rosemary and fire would do the job just fine, “Let me guess, it left a clawn near the body or inside it?”
Layla nodded, “Right in the chest or what lasted of it.”
“Are you okay? Finding the body in that state.” A comprehensive manner englobed Sam's question, whom noticed the normality with his friend described finding a shattered body.
“Just some guts.” She shrugged, a grimace was all the reaction they'd get. Crying wouldn't help, neither being terrorized as they expected her too. “I've seen Grey's Anatomy enough not to care about it.”
“Well, I'm literally a medicine student and I am still not okay with that. Especially after you made me go and check the body.” You argued, glaring at your best friend who'd only roll her eyes in response.
“I needed a professional to say if he was dead or not!”
“You need a therapist.”
Dean got up, looking straight at Layla. Time to play the hero in shining armor, “Don't worry with that, we will take care of it.”
Frowning, you were the one to respond, “Do you work for the police now or?”
“Are implying that we investigate it by ourselves?” Your best friend added.
Dean couldn't believe his brother. How the fuck did he let them get inside without saying they didn't know about the hunting business? It was a luck shot that they didn't think much when he said Samia.
“Nope. Not you two. We will do it.” The blonde one said, pointing at them with a smirk.
“I agree, we will do it.” Layla replied, matching his taunt smile.
“Sam, I'm not letting you and your brother do it by yourself. Jorge was my professor, I knew him. Besides, we found the body.” You got on your feet and crossed your arms, waiting for a response. Sam always had a sort of hero complex, ready to help no matter what, but there was no way you'd be letting him go into danger with his brother. Getting in your dormitory to kill a cockroach back then or facing an idiot during a bar fight to protect one of your friends was something, but this? They were talking about looking for an assassin. What if something happened to him? You were the one who called. All on you. The thought of Sam getting hurt for any reason was unbearable, but because of you? You weren't willing to do that.
“You would be in danger, (Y/N). You both.” He tried to explain, internally hoping you'd accept his reasoning and let it go. Sam didn't want you to become one of the friends who knew about this life, you deserve more. He already lost one woman he loved in this city, he couldn't lose another.
You huffed in frustration, “Just like you will!” 
“It's different.” As he was terrified of, you insisted. Arms crossed still and eyes locked with his, determined to get something from him. Sam was smart enough to know that you would keep it going. Perhaps he could give you a short explanation, “Me and my brother, we are used to this. We hunt things like that.”
Layla tilted her head to the side. The way Sam talked remembered her of animal hunting, although she highly doubted that was the case, “Little more explanation?'”
“Monsters are real. Vampires, werewolves, spirits. The list goes on. Call us crazy. Roll the credits.” Sarcasm saltered every word of Dean's as he gestured up and down with a cocky smile. Everyone glared at him, a special furious look from his brother, “What? I thought they knew what we did and that's why she called.”
“Sam?” Your voice was fragile when you said his name, a demonstration that you would believe him through the fear of the truth, but that he had to say it.
Sam laid his hazel eyes on you. God, how he wished he didn't have to confirm anything, to break your vision of world so abruptly, “Dean is right. Supernatural things are real. I know it sounds--”
“Unbelievable? Problematic? Scary?”
“Yeah, all of them.” Sam offered you a humorless smile, then holding your hand the way he used to when you were nervous about an exam, “But I wouldn't lie to you, cupcake.”
The silence was broken by Layla opening a bottle of Whiskey, pouring them for the three people in the room besides herself. You rolled your eyes at your best friend, while Sam wore a tiny smile and Dean was astonished.
Noticing the eyes glued, the latina just shrugged “What? If you are gonna tell me that Dracula is real and you are a sort of Buffy's apprentice, then we will need some alcohol.”
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“Why did you call?” Sammy asked, his brows knotted together, mouth slight open as he waited for your response. “You didn't know what I did. And he wasn't my professor at Stanford. Then why did you call, (Y/N)?”
You could make up a hundred excuses. Lie and say he was the one friend besides Layla that you had somehow a way to get to. Appeal to the excuse of 'I felt something weird about the death and you said I should call if I ever had a problem of any kind'. But for as much as you felt horrible for using a death as a pretext for calling him, that was partially the truth. You already had put yourself into a mess of monsters and a drained heart, it couldn't be scarier than being honest to Sam and to yourself.
At least, you hoped so. But your heart was rushing like when you saw Jorge's body. Jesus, when did love become so morbid?
You took a deep breath, oxygen barely achieving your lungs, and then started to talk.
“I wanted to call you the minute that you left, Sam. I almost did a million times.” You answered, looking down at the bottle of a sort of plant that he was putting in a dark green bag. “I thought about what you could be doing, what was so important that you couldn't send me a message. But you just didn't want to call, I guess.”
“I wanted to call, of course I did.” You scoffed at his statement, looking up to match his eyes, “(Y/N), I'm serious.”
“You didn't even come to Jess' funeral, Sam. Layla said that maybe you needed to leave to clear your mind, that was too much to deal with. But I was so worried, and sad and confused and I wanted to talk to you because you would understand, you always did. About anything. And I wanted to give you some sort of comfort, but--” You lifted your hands and shrugged your shoulder, a broken chuckle leaving your body. “But you weren't here.”
“You stopped leaving messages after two weeks. Calling was gone when it made a moth.” You sniffed. Sam's lips curved into a pure, cautelous grin. God, he was always so sweet. “The emails took two months.”
“You were never good with dates. I gave you a calendar in your freshman week.” Your teeth met your lower lip. He didn't answer, only nodding at your affirmation, omitting the fact that he still had the calendar between latin books and pieces of newspapers, “Yet, you remember all of it.”
Sam leaned forward, holding your hand with all the delicacy you would expect from a sculptor. It had been too long since he hugged you, and his touch made all your skin tickle with warmth. “I missed you too, (Y/N). I thought about you all those years.”
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“So, Cupcake?”
"Let's focus on the case, Dean."
“Then you can go back and eat your cupcake?” He remarked with a grin. His brother just huffed, pointing the flashlight through the trees, “So, Layla…”
Sam rolled his eyes, like he usually did when Dean started being too Dean for his liking, “Dean. The case.”
Before he could make another teaseful comment, a roar invaded their audition. The hunters gave each other a quick glance before heading towards the direction of the noise.
Shaking the salt and rosemary mixture in his hands, Dean smirked, “That's it. Time to shine, cupcake.”
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“I have to admit. Being patched up by a doctor is better than by Dean.”
A surprised, half relieved laughter came out your body as you finished another stitch on Sam's arm. That boy was unbelievable; openly talking and making jokes about his brother, who was also being patched up by your best friend in company of a bottle of whiskey, while he spoke about Layla's name being a rock song. You were working on a large wound on his shoulder-- which you were sure that was full of dirt from the forest.
Medicine student, but I'll take that complement.” You winked at him, gaining a soft grin from Sammy, “I was expecting more blo-- Why are you smiling? I'm touching a recent wound. It doesn't look dangerous, but I'm sure it is supposed to hurt. A lot.”
Sam's answer came out easily, the bare, vulnerable truth: “I'm happy you are here.”
You looked at him, his hair longer than before, but the soft simper remained on his face. You bit your lip to hold a giggle; her heart dared to hope. What he expected when he said things like this? A quiet contentment spread through his expression while he watched your reaction.
“You should have come home sooner.” 
His mouth formed a line, “I don't have a home, (Y/N). It's just Dean, me and the road now.”
“No, Sam.” Shaking your head lightly, you intertwined your fingers with his. His life was dangerous, you couldn't afford the luxury of waiting even more to share what you had finally admitted to yourself in the moment he walked through the door. It didn't seem like the easiest, simpler situation. But the only hard thing you couldn’t go through was to be away from Sam Winchester. He lingered on you for years, you were done letting him run away. It was time to hold his hand and walk together. “You should've come home sooner. To me.”
Comment & reblog. Feedback is magic! Check my masterlist ♡ Tags in reblog!
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tinymiko · 3 years
Coffee and cream
Henry Cavill/ thick woman
Rough sex, swearing, road rage, one night stand lots of swearing seriously I have a filthy mouth
So this is the first time sharing here and the first fic like this I've ever written be gentle. Also it's 4:50am and I'm doing this on my phone so formatting sucks.
Coffee and cream
Henry waited in line at the Starbucks half tempted to take off the ball cap and hoody in order to rush the service. Taking a look at the crowd he quickly changed his mind, his mother always said patience was a virtue. Besides getting his coffee 2 minutes earlier wouldn’t make up for the crowd of fans who would inevitably detain him for at least thirty minutes. He loved his fans was grateful for them but sometimes he wished he could grab a cup of coffee without getting mauled.  
He scooted towards the rear wall hunching in on himself watching the people come through the doors enjoying watching people without them watching him. A rush of hot air blew in as the door opened again. A small woman walked in head down auburn curls swinging down to her back blocking his view of her face. He wasn’t sure why he wanted to see her face but he felt compelled to move forward eyes tracking her as she waited in line. She was striking  pale skin dark eyes, long lashes. She had small lips that seemed to be perpetually smiling. Henry moved closer. Close enough that he got a whiff of her perfume,, she smelled like coconuts and he couldn’t help the small smile that tugged at his lips. No heavy floral perfume or overly sweet vanilla for the little lady. Coconuts was strangely appropriate, exotic sweet like her smile.
He shook his head and backed up wondering just what it was about this woman that had struck him so. She was pretty no doubt but not the most beautiful he’d seen, hell not even the most beautiful in the Starbucks. She had drawn attention though, more than a few eyes followed her. It wasn’t just that she was tiny barely reaching his chest she was undoubtedly a woman, thick and full. There were no gentle slopes or subtle curves on her. No the little doll was like a mountain road, round and dangerous curves. The sharp dip of her waist almost cartoonish in comparison to the ample hips and the swell of creamy breast. She was built like a brick shit house.
Henry was so lost in thought that he didn’t notice he had moved so close to her until she bumped into him. Her little hands steadying herself on his abs and he felt his gut clench in desire at the heat of her brief touch.
“ I’m so sorry sir, I wasn’t watching where I was going.”
“No I apologize, I hadn’t realized I was so close to you. I was a bit impatient for my coffee I guess.”  Henry took a deep breath when her brown eyes widened in recognition
“No worries it’s as much my fault as yours patience is a virtue I never possessed, especially not when coffee is involved. Besides it’s a hazard of being small sometimes people don’t see me down here.”
She smiled and then walked towards the pickup line grabbing a comically large Frappuccino. She walked back over to him handing him a grande caramel latte with Henry scrawled on the cup.
“I think this is you.” She told him an amused smirk on her face before she turned and walked away.
He stood for a moment just watching her go before chasing her out the door his long legs catching up to her quickly.
“ You know who I am?”
“ of course you’re huge dude plus a ball cap does not a disguise make.” The smirk was back on her face and Henry got the feeling she was laughing at him
“why didn’t you say anything?”
“ Because no one deserves to get attacked by fans before their first cup of coffee and you were practically crawling into your sweater trying to hide. Which is hard to do when you’re that big so kudos on that.”
Henry looked at her with disbelief before letting out a loud guffaw.
“Let me buy you a cup of coffee.”
“Already got one cutie besides I gotta go to work but enjoy your coffee. Also I loved you in the Witcher the wig really does it for you or does it for me however you want to take it.”
She climbed in a black SUV with a grunt that had him smilin, why did the smallest people drive the biggest cars.
“wait can I buy you dinner tonight. I'm in town for a few days training with Gracie.”
“The ju jitsu guy?” she asked.
“ yeah how’d you know?”
“I’m Puerto Rican we’re raised on boxing and MMA well that and dominoes. Anyways I really do have to go my boss is a hard ass and I’m already  late.”
“wait, just can you call in. I don’t know anyone here and I’d really like to thank you for not outing me.”
Isabella took a deep breath. She was really trying not to freak out. Henry fucking Cavill was talking to her! Asking her to dinner her plain little Isabella Sanchez. Of course she had immediately recognized him, who wouldn’t.  She had also recognized how hard he’d tried to blend into the walls and she felt sorry for him. How hard must it be for him to do anything without being mobbed. She was still trying to decide if it was worth hearing her boss's mouth when a group of girls came out of Starbucks. Unfortunately at that same moment Henry had taken off his cap to run his hands through his hair. The girls immediately squealed and rushed towards him. Not taking the time to think Isabella unlock the doors to her Suburban and yelled for him to get in. The car shook with the force of his body jumping in the passenger side and Isabella pulled the car in reverse tires squealing while she made an illegal turn onto the highway.
“ Wow thanks! I’ve never been actually been in a car chase.”
“that was hardly a car chase.” She said smiling
“Could have fooled me.” Henry muttered loudly.
“I could drive you back to the fangirls.”
“ no you’re a fantastic driver I didn’t fear for my life at all.”
Isabella snorted. So she had a lead foot she got him out of there before he could be molested by overly caffeinated fan girls.
“ I’m Isabella by the way.”
She held one hand towards him while quickly changing lanes and swerving around a slow driver.
“maybe you should keep both hands on the wheel.” He suggested with a dry chuckle. He was also not so discreetly putting on his seat belt. Isabella rolled her eyes. With his shoulders she wasn’t sure anything short of a head on collision would even jostle him.
20 minutes later they were pulling into his hotel and Henry had never been more glad to see a hotel in his life. The fact that the GPS has estimated their driving time at 40 minutes instead of the 20 minutes of near flying it took may have accounted for that. Isabella was sweet and funny and scary and the craziest driver he had ever had the displeasure of riding besides. He wasn’t sure how they had survived or how she hadn’t gotten arrested. She violated more laws than he had known existed cursing in English and Spanish at anyone that didn’t drive fast enough. So anyone driving the speed limit or below. He was a bit terrified of her, turned on to and he wasn’t sure what that said about him.
“ come up to the room well order room service besides I think I need some Dramamine”
“You can’t complain if you didn’t die that’s the rules .”
“I’m not sure I could complain if I did die.”
She snorted at his muttered words maybe she should have taken it easy on him but honestly she loved to drive loved the speed being higher than everyone else for once it was exhilarating.  She followed him to his room half worried half horny and wondered if she should be more concerned. She didn’t usually follow strange men to their hotel rooms. He had looked so panicked when those girls spotted him she couldn’t just abandon him.  She usually had good instincts about people and hers were saying he was a good person. of course her mind was telling her instincts she was thinking with her lady bits and well her lady bits weren’t thinking at all.
They ordered sandwiches and talked while they ate. Henry found himself telling her about his childhood about his love life or recent lack of and everything in between. Isabella was surprisingly easy to talk to. She wasn’t afraid to call him on his shit or to eat with gusto and he was glad. Hollywood and their   and gluten free salads were getting old. He missed comfort foods and comfortable people.  He laughed loudly as she told him about her uncle and father nearly getting into a fist fight over a game of dominoes how her aunt had forbidden the game since the “incident “ as everyone now called. Isabella called It hilarious and was still lamenting the lack of video footage of the two men dueling with canes while cursing up a storm. ( this actually happened)
It was nice really nice actually. He hadn’t felt so normal in years so when she stopped talking to take a drink he kissed her. Pulling her lush little body to him until she was straddling his lap. Her hips rocking against his hardness causing him to hiss.
He should stop he hadn’t meant to go this far but she felt so goddamn perfect in his arms. Squirming in his lap the heat of her cunt burning him through the jeans he was wearing. Fuck it he thought for once throwing caution to the wind. He wanted this wanted her. Isabella with her kind eyes and loud laughter her crazy road rage and gusto for life. It beckoned him a sirens call that he was lost to. He had spent years playing the game enjoying the fruits of fame. Had models and actresses all long limbed lithe all the same. Henry realized as he grabbed a handful of hips that it was like eating rice every day. It would keep you alive but was hardly living. Isabella this vibrant stranger was like a feast after years of famine.
 His hands traveled her back down to cup the fullness of her ass.  He pulled his mouth from hers to run his lips against her throat nipping at her jaw. She tasted like heaven sweet and salty and just fucking divine. Her fingers clawed at his back as ground herself harder against him he could feel her wet heat through the thin panties she wore. Her skirt uselessly rolled around her waist.
“Fuck Henry please”
Her pleas went straight to his cock and he ripped her blouse from her body tearing it in two leaving scraps hanging from her arms. Her nipples dusky rose and pebbled in his hand. He couldn’t help but suck one into his mouth before letting it go with a loud pop. She clenched her thighs and bucked her hips riding his Jean clad cock ferociously.
“You like little doll” he pulled the other nipple into his mouth sucking harder and she made little mewling noises. Dhe was going to be the death of him. He had known the second he had gotten into the car with her. He just hadn’t known she would ride him to death mewing like a kitten while fucking like the devil.
“more please harder"
Never one to deny a beautiful woman Henry pulled her still writhing body off him and tossed her bodily on the bed. She landed on the hard but he didn’t stop just ripped the rest of her clothes from her body. Before shoving his own off. Henry paused to look at her his gaze burning her body. The tattoo of a fiery heart on her hip the scar from an old belly piercing. Her glistening pussy just begging to be tasted. So he did he dived into the bed his weight  making her bounce a bit. Spreading her legs he passed his tongue over her slit. She squirmed trying to  close her legs but he held her thighs open scooting until she was trapped by his shoulders. Pinned beneath the massive girth of his muscular body. Every pass of his tongue sent a jolt between her legs. He plunged his tongue  in and out of her sopping hole fucking her with his tongue. Isabella screamed it was too much his weight his smell his touch everything was too much and she thought she might die of pleasure. He thrust two fingers into her cunt twisting and turning them while his tongue lapped at her clit. Her stomach clenched and her back arched obscenely  her breast jutting in the air and she convulsed the strength of her orgasm taking over her body. She shook with after shocks and Henry crawled up her body his face shiny with her slick.
Isabella felt her body tighten in response seconds before she was sure she was going to pass out but looking at his face covered in her juices his tongue darting out to catch errant drops. She was wet all over again. Pulling his face to hers she licked at the seam of his lips tasting herself. Her fingers ran through his curls and she tugged on them impatiently. In  answer he plunged into his bulbous head stretching her to capacity. He stopped halfway her little cunt so tight that he was afraid he’d hurt her if he fully sheathed himself. Henry could feel the sweat dripping down his head a vein in his neck bulged with the effort to keep still. He wouldn’t hurt her not after she’d been so kind no matter how much he wanted to let go. To fuck her into the mattress.
“ Fuck your so goddammit tight. I can’t fuck, we’re going to have to go slow little doll or I might hurt you. ”
Isabella took a deep breath slammed her hips forward fully sheathing him. She was full so full she could swear he was going to tear her in two but she needed it, need his big cock to fuck her into the wall.
“don’t you hold back don’t you fucking hold back.”
Fuck was all he could think when the tiny woman slammed her body down on him. He pushed into her his big hands holding her hips in a bruising grip as he pulled out to the tip than  slammed her body down his erection over and over. He had lost it. He knew he was holding her too tightly slamming her little body to strongly. The small part of his mind that still was coherent cursed his weakness even as he continued lifting her up before yanking  her down his cock till finally he felt his balls tighten. He wanted to make it good for her though the absolutely filthy sounds of him gliding in and out of her soaked cunt made him think it already was good for her. He managed to capture one luscious tit in his mouth biting hard to keep it as she thrashed screaming a second release and he roared incoherently feeling his seed fill her up he couldn’t help the smug smirk before finally collapsing on the bed. He had enough presence of mind to make sure she landed on top of him so he wouldn’t crush her then fell asleep.
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midnightmoonkiss · 4 years
Hand Snatcher
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Izuku Midoriya X Fem! Reader
Summary: When a creep is following you, what else are you expected to do other than to grab a hero's hand and plead for help? Who knows, you might just get coffee from it.
WARNINGS!: None  :)
Category: Fluff
Word Count: 2.9k
A/N: Found a prompt list, forgot all other responsibilities and cracked down on this cliche ass shit
Just To Clarify:
It’s very early in the morning
Streets are practically void of people
The reader is an office worker
Deku is just a sidekick, and reader doesn’t know about him
“I’ll buy you coffee if you hold my hand for five minutes.!”
You pleadingly whisper to the hero clad in a green and black suit, grabbing his gloved hand and trying to control the shaking of your body as you pressed close to him.
You didn’t want this to happen, you didn’t think you’d ever have to reach out to a hero of people for help, but at the moment, you didn’t have much of a choice.
It was a hard concept to grasp, that crime would show itself on the streets so early in the morning. Dawn was just breaking the sky, orange and purple rays of light shone down on the buildings, encasing them in a fire-like glow.
You noticed him following you for a while, but you put it off, figuring he just so happened to be going in the same direction as you.
Of course, when you noticed him getting closer, taking the same unconventional turns as you, you put him to a test, walking faster and taking routes that differentiate from your usual ones.
He still followed you.
He matched your pace, coming closer and closer to your much smaller frame.
He was a big, burly man, and ironically enough, he was clad in a dusty trench coat and fedora.
It was unclear if he was trying to stand out by looking shady or match the setting of a 1950’s murder mystery.
Either way, it was unsettling, and it was obvious he was trying to get to you for some unknown reason.
So the moment you spotted the hero, you immediately power walked over to him, heels clicking loudly on the pavement, trying to hide the shaking of your knees.
You had to look confident, had to act like you knew just who you were walking up to despite never seeing the hero before.
You couldn’t just scream out for help, especially since the man following you hadn’t really done anything other than give you the scare of a lifetime. Not exactly enough to scream.
All that truly mattered was that if worse came to worse, surely he, a fellow burly man, could potentially protect you.
Who were you kidding, he could! That’s what heroes did, right?
Protect innocent civilians?
It was unnerving how the man followed behind you still, despite you clearly making your way to an authority figure.
“H-Hey!” You called out, a fearful smile on your face, “Funny seeing you here, huh?”
And that’s when you whispered those words to him, locking your fingers with his own, absentmindedly taking notice of how soft his gloves were, and how large his hand was.
Deku, the hero you just attached yourself to, already knew something was up the minute you called out to him.
It was obvious you were trying to get the hell away from that creepy-ass dude following you. The man even had the gall to try and grasp your arm at the last second but stopped once he made eye contact with the hero’s cold, glaring eyes.
It would scare anyone if they saw that, especially in this day-and-age where there still was no symbol of peace just yet, and crime was still on the rise.
He was working hard to lower that crime rate, but it would obviously take many years, same as it had been with Allmight. He was only a sidekick at the moment, after all.
So, without delay, he happily squeezed your hand, pulling you towards his large frame and smothering you in a protective hug.
“It is funny, but I’m so glad you ran into me! I missed you~!” He sang out, staring down into your wide (E/C) eyes.
Oh, thank god! He was actually going to help you!
Reporters on the news always said to pretend someone was a significant other of yours to fool any potential snatchers. You were always better off with two people than just one!
With a smile of relief, you both headed off in a different direction.
A peek over your shoulder showed the figure still standing there, staring at you with blue eyes filled with malice. 
It sent a shiver down your spine.
“It’s okay, I won’t let him touch you.” you looked up at the kind hero, heart warming at his gentle yet determined gaze.
“Ah.. thank you so much! He’s been following me for the past half hour. I don’t know why..” you relented, head tilting down to stare at your feet as you walked hand in hand with him.
It wasn’t that hard to tell he was trying to get you or something, you were previously alone, after all. The streets were empty. You were the perfect prey. He looked like one of those villains that stole women when they had the chance, dragging their unconscious bodies to a rusty van just for them to be sold on the black market.
The hero would know, because, funnily enough, that was his current mission. He was out on the streets so early looking for a perp just like that. He had been for the past week now.
In fact, he already sent his location to the agency with the click of a special button on his utility belt.
He didn’t expect one of them to actually be chasing a woman, he just thought he’d see one conveniently out in front of a van or something. Life really was full of surprises.
It was certainly a good thing he was there when he was, or else…
He didn’t want to think about what would’ve happened to you.
“You won’t have to worry about him anymore.” He promised, beginning to swing your hand between the two of you, a distraction of sorts and a form of comfort.
You were clearly shaken up, legs and shoulders still trembling as your free arm held itself comfortingly to your chest.
A quick look at your attire led him to believe you were an office worker of sorts, black pumps, pencil skirt, button-up shirt, and a black suit jacket.
Those shoes certainly made your leg trembles more apparently, and it hurt his heart to see someone so frightened. It always had. That familiar need to cheer someone up swelled in his chest,
“How about we get that coffee now? I’ll pay! It seems like you could use a second to catch your breath.”
Wha?! Your eyebrows rose in disbelief as you looked at him from the corner of your eye, how did he know?
Geeze, you need to start giving heroes more credit it seems.
They’re practically trained to be perceptive, you just hadn’t expected this one to see through you so easily!
You were exhausted, you’ve been walking for far too long in these damned heels, and that fear pumping through your veins wasn’t helping either.
How embarrassing..
With a stuttered inhale, you straightened your back, “I’ll be paying, if you don’t mind. You did help me, after all.”
“But that’s my job~” He teased, smirking down at your now flustered self. 
“Well! It’s my job to pay back my hero!” You declared, pouting as you glared up into his green eyes shimmering with amusement.
“Alright, alright. Just this once, then.” He agreed, holding the door open to a cafe.
You had no idea how you had gotten here so fast.
Nor did you have really any idea where you were. 
It seems the mysterious man had distracted you too much for you to really pay attention.
Which, in hindsight, was a relatively good thing. It definitely took your mind off of what happened only a few minutes ago.
Walking in, you were immediately hit with the pleasant smell of caramel, coffee, and the aroma of freshly baked pastries.
It was a tiny little rustic shop, polished dark wood surfaces taking up the majority of the space.
Not that you minded, it all fits so perfectly well with the cream walls chandeliers hanging down.
It screamed comfort, and you couldn’t help but wonder if their coffee tasted as good as this place looked.
You immediately walked to the front counter, delightfully ringing the small golden bell that sat on top of the display case.
The unnamed hero watched from behind, smiling at how your shoulders relaxed, your body suddenly not as tense as it was before.
 This shop was a personal favorite of his, he’d often come here for breakfast or before a late-night shift. It wasn’t too far from his agency, so it was perfect. That, and he really enjoyed the food and quality of coffee beans here. Though it was small, it was certainly one of the more luxurious shops he’s been to. That’s not to say it was expensive, though, it was all amazingly affordable. A godsend to his practically broke ass.
He had no idea that apartments in the city were so much money, and they were eating at each and every side-kick paycheck he’d get.
A little old lady wobbled out from what seemed to be a break room, used floorboards creaking under her every step. “Hello, hello! Welcome Sugar n’ Spice Cafe~ How may I help y- Oh! Well if it isn’t Mister Broccoli head!” The woman gushed, enthusiastically waving at the man behind you.
Looking back, you could see he was already frantically shaking his hands, sweat dotting at his forehead. The moment he noticed you looking back at him, he shoved his hands behind himself, almost dying on the spot as he noticed you trying to hold back giggles.
 “M-Mrs. Suzuki! Hi!” A nervous smile forced itself onto his freckled face, cheeks dusting a pretty pink.
Aw, he was trying to act suave, as if a little old lady didn’t just call him a vegetable.
How cute.
It was hard not to laugh at that.
His fluffy green hair did indeed resemble broccoli, perhaps that had been his nickname here for a while, leading you to the obvious conclusion that he’s been here multiple times before.
Still, it was funny that a hero, someone who is the personification of strength and power, was called a veggie.
“U-uhm,” He stuttered, gloved hand scratching at the back of his head as he avoided eye contact, “Could I get my usual?”
“Of course dear. And how about you? What can I get for you, sweet cheeks?”
You jumped as you were suddenly thrown into the conversation, previously absorbed by how cute the hero looked at the moment. “D-do you have (f/d)?” You shyly asked, shifting from one foot to the other. You hadn’t had a chance to really look at the menu, so you hoped they had it and you didn’t just embarrass yourself.
“Of course!” She beamed at you as her tiny fingers began typing on the computer screen.
“That’ll be a thousand yen, darling.” 
After swiftly paying for your drinks, your hand once again was seized by a much larger one as you were led to a small booth in the back, the walls providing a sort of comfort as you sat in the corner. You could clearly see the entire shop from where you sat, and you know for a fact no one could potentially sneak up on you like this. Did he know it as well, and that’s why he had you sit there? It certainly put you at ease.
He sat across from you, shifting for a second as he made sure his flowy white cape didn't fall into the other booth.
It was a wonder how he even fit in this booth, seeing as he had large leg braces on. Muscle memory, maybe? 
You sat in silence for a moment, still taking in the cafe and all the decor lining the walls and shelves.
“I’m Deku, by the way-” ‘Deku’ sputtered suddenly, hands resting on the table as he fiddled with his fingers. A nervous habit?
All around, he seemed like a nervous and sweet guy - despite you only knowing him for no less than ten minutes.
“I’m (Y/N). And, thank you, Deku, once again, for saving me. I know it must’ve been weird for you to suddenly be latched onto so early in the morning..” You laughed, fingers tapping on the smooth table as you couldn’t help but stare at his gloves.
They were so cool! You wondered what all those weird things on the knuckles were, and what purpose they served.
Heroes always had such interesting gadgets on them to help aid with something, you’d be lying if you said you weren’t interested in hero support tools. The thought and creativity that goes into them were outstanding.
“Don’t mention it! I’m just happy I was there when I was.” All this man seemed to do was smile, and it was honestly a relief to know you hadn’t really bothered him.
“Order up!” Mrs. Suzuki called to both of you. Just as you were about to get up, Deku flung himself from his seat, knees knocking loudly on the table as he did so.
“Sorry!” He called back to you as he rushed to get your drinks.
It was.. Kind of endearing, seeing him flounder around a bit, it really opened your eyes a bit. It made you realize that even if they were heroes, they weren’t perfect, and they were just as normal as you were. It was hard to see that difference in today’s society. Heroes were always held on a pedestal, ones that they graciously accepted and thrived off of. 
But he certainly seemed different.
You were probably dragging him away from his work, now that you realized it, and yet he continued to stay here with you, calming you down with just his presence alone.
It didn’t even matter that he was capable of beating the shit out of that guy from before, it just mattered that he was a kind gentleman hoping to help a lady in distress.
It didn’t seem like he was looking for praise, money, any of that, he just... He genuinely wanted to help you.
You smiled to yourself. The world was corrupt, but maybe he could help with that. Be an example to others, especially to aspiring heroes already in the making.
It was his job, as he mentioned before, but he showered you in unnecessary kindness. 
What a hero.
You’d certainly make sure to condemn the name ‘Deku’ to memory.
Maybe even do research once you get home from your office job.
You had an hour before it started, and you didn’t really have any clue where you were since you didn’t pay attention.
You’d have to suck up what little pride you had left and asked the man where the fuck you were.
Just then, a cup was delicately placed down in front of you, paired with shuffling as he squeezed into the opposite seat.
“Thank you for paying! I hope I can repay you someday.” He added cheerfully whilst sipping at his hot beverage, before almost choking once he realized what he said.
Your cheeks heated up at the proposition, you’d be able to meet him again?!
Ah, but,
“Didn’t we just meet, Mr. Deku? I’m practically a stranger, and you’re already proposing a date.”
You teased, similar to what he had done to you earlier as you stared at him through your lashes.
He found himself gulping quite loudly, much to his dismay, cheeks flaring up as he felt like a mouse under your alluring gaze.
“W-well, uhm, m-maybe we can.. Get to know each other for a bit? I mean! If you’re not busy, of course! I-I know this is really random! I’m sorry if I’m freaking you out! I’m not really used to all of this, it seems like a date already even though I know it’s not. I assume things too much, I’m so sorry! I’m just someone who helped you and you wanted to repay the favor- thank you again by the way! I guess you could say I’m attracted to you a bit?! Y-you’re really cute! And I! I want to get to know you more! If I’m making you uncomfortable, tell me, and I’ll just-”
You reached over, placing your much smaller hand over his own, successfully cutting off his adorable rambling.
“It is a bit strange, but I don’t mind it. I’d like to get to know my savior a bit more, too.”
His lips turn into a wobbly smile, blush darkening at the contact, despite the two of you holding hands not long ago.
“But yeah! Let’s get to know each other a bit.”
And so, after a half-hour of chatting and laughter, you were shown to the nearest train station, given his number, and a promise to meet again soon.
In the back of your mind, you wondered what had happened to that creep, but later in the day, you’d find out, thanks to local news reporters, that he was captured and arrested not long after you left the scene.
Oh yeah.
You sure were happy you woke up extra early that morning, even if it was originally to head into the office to complete some work leftover from the day before, but you weren’t too excited to spend overtime on it now that you lost the chance. 
But you wouldn’t trade that time for the world, because your luck just hit an all-time high, seeing as you just potentially snagged the world’s greatest bachelor.
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my-sherlock221b · 3 years
Supernatural Rewatch Ramblings: Dead in the Water
This episode is the first one to be directed by Kim Manners. It was written by Raelle Tucker and Sera Gamble. It is still the MoTW format and once again the ‘monster’ is something that was created by human action. Ordinary seeming stories—of bullying, lies, cover up—with deadly consequences.
Read below the cut for more and also watch out for the add-ons by my partner in crime @soulmates-for-real​ who does the most amazing gifsets and image galleries 😎
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It reminded me of this quote:
“If only it were all so simple! If only there were evil people somewhere insidiously committing evil deeds, and it were necessary only to separate them from the rest of us and destroy them. But the line dividing good and evil cuts through the heart of every human being. And who is willing to destroy a piece of his own heart?” Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, The Gulag Archipelago 1918–1956
It is a chilling experience—both the actual monster when we do finally see it and the backstory of what really happened. These monsters are all created by the flawed human beings. Here is another quote from the same source which could well be the underlying bedrock of the two very different approaches we see Sam and Dean take in later episodes to the whole saving people hunting things.
“Since then I have come to understand the truth of all the religions of the world: They struggle with the evil inside a human being (inside every human being). It is impossible to expel evil from the world in its entirety, but it is possible to constrict it within each person.” .
Philosophical overtones aside, we are also getting more glimpses into the heads and hearts of the two leads.
It is already obvious that Dean has put the whole ‘Dad- is- missing- and- hasn’t- been-home-in -a -few-days stuff’ on the back burner till …ummm  forever ? cos he has Sammy in front of his eyes who is sitting shotgun and being completely brotherly and sniping and bitching while also being boyfriend- level possessive.
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As I said in the earlier review- I was just so swept away by the swashbuckling swagger of Dean that so obviously was an armour for his vulnerability that I almost didn’t notice Sam much. This is the episode where he became something more for me. Someone who was also finding out what Dean was all about at the same time as we were.
Someone who could pull him down to earth with a sharp: ‘People don’t just disappear, Dean. Other people just stop looking for them.’
But also reach out to him and remind him that they ‘can’t save everyone’.
In an early scene in the episode Sam scolds Dean for even starting to flirt with the waitress. 
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He smirks when Andrea shoots Dean down. He mocks Dean’s pick- up line about kids are the best. He seems pleased in a very petty way that Dean’s attempt has failed and that he has no choice now but to hang out with Sam and to give him his full attention.
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The episode does have plot holes –that house Lucas draws and the history of the friendship of the two men and the missing boy surely must be well known to everyone in that small town, including Lucas’s mother and how come no one joins the dots etc. etc.
But small quibbles aside, we get to see that the past casts long shadows—whether sins of the past or just events of the past. ( again a parallel to the lives of the Winchesters themselves. And in later seasons we find out just how far back into the past those shadows reach!)
We see that Dean connects with the mute boy, Lucas, but then we learn that he can do this because he had also shut down after he saw his mother die and he knows how scary the world can seem and how he needed to make himself brave to carry on.
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Sam watches from the sidelines and we can see him have an ‘oh ok’ moment as he stores away this information because it has clearly never been discussed in the family earlier. Kudos to Jared for being amazing with the ‘active listening’ that Sheila O’Malley references so often.
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So despite Sam challenging him to name 3 kids he even knows, we see that Dean actually focusses on the kid throughout. The shared sense of loss aside, maybe Dean also sees himself as the protector of all little kids especially after the Shtriga incident. (which we don’t know anything about yet) (and we do see him bond with kids in every episode that involves kids. It is adorable !!)
In this episode Dean is almost drowning in his dad’s leather jacket and the way the silver ring looks on his hand is just ridiculously sexy…sigh….and that amulet right where it belongs…..deeper sigh. Then the cocky grin, the unsubtle flirting, all macho/manly/me- so- hetero/me- see- me- conquer on the outside but the soft squidgy child- whispering caramel centre, the trauma of being a motherless kid—having become motherless in a brutal way, a missing and probably almost cruel dad, a brother he raised as his own who walked out on him to go seek his own dreams….all these layers are being put together slowly for us.
Dean is not what he seemed to be and that brash swashbuckling exterior hides a very complex and interesting person. The script and direction were excellent of course but Jensen brought to it just the perfect balance of bad-boy + I wuv hugs.
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Sam is still finding his way into the story and we are still watching things from Dean’s perspective as narrator which is fascinating to realize during the re-watch. As I have mentioned earlier, I was so swept away by Dean that it took me a very long time to focus on Sam as a separate person.
Ok, now, all together shout--- --WHY do people DO the following things??!!!
Put hands elbow deep into a sink, give lifts to obvious deranged malevolent spirits in human form, ‘let’s split up so we can cover more ground’, go into a shower/bath in a scary scene—can’t they HEAR the dun-dun-dun music score in the background?!! Sheesh.
Anyway.     *eyeroll*
In a not- at- all- very- surprising turn of events Sam and Dean’s fake identity is called out and they are asked to leave town, which they do. But ….of course Dean does a very dramatic turn on the highway and takes them back to make sure the kid is ok!
Then Sam rescues the mother from the lethal bath- tub while Dean makes sure the kid is safe. Then they start to connect even more dots and eventually we see an incredible heroic rescue scene in the scary lake with Dean and the boy.
Jensen had described this shot in some interview as the most terrifying scene he had ever done apparently because he was responsible not only for doing the scene right but also for the young boy’s safety underwater.
What a fabulous visual we do get finally, with the boy in his embrace as they shoot out of the water!
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That lake with its dark water is one super creepy place. That very first scene where we see the girl swimming from an underwater perspective had me yelling at the screen for her to GET OUT NOW.
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So, finally, all is sorted and revenge has been had and bad folks die, good folks live and as they leave the town of course Lucas chats with Dean and they high five and just like the sister in the Wendigo episode, the young mother in this one also gives Dean a kiss on his cheek. Dean of course blushes and goes all gruff and drives off with Sam smirking in the shotgun seat.
The pattern is beginning to be established.
I am loving it!😍
The gag reel of this episode shows Jensen leaping into Jared’s arms.
This is the third episode only. So they have known each other only for a couple of months at this point?! Hmm…my J2 tinhat is also shining. And also wow. I mean Jensen is NOT a tiny guy.
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  Here are some other possibly more erudite and informed reviews if you would like to go down that rabbit hole like I did.
This one is cool https://the-orbit.net/entequilaesverdad/2016/05/10/supernatural-s1-e3-dead-water-summary/ and gives a fun and interesting score at the end which goes like this
Episode 3 counts:
Woman in the Fridge: 1
For Sophie Carlton being the first to get murdered by the vengeful spirit. It’s obviously meant to hook us harder: I mean, nobody would care as much about obnoxious brother Will, right?
Revenge from Beyond the Grave: 4
Sophie Carlton, Will Carlton, Bill Carlton, and Jake Devins.
Brotherly Love: 2
I had to give one to Sam for cock-blocking his brother right at the start. Another point goes to Dean’s sick-of-your-attitude lecture to his little brother, throwing Sam’s decision to go to college while Dean stayed behind with their dad in his face.
Toxic Masculinity: 1
For Dean downplaying his grief when Sam draws him out about the aftermath of their mother’s death.
Swimming in Sexism: 2
For Will Carlton’s comment to his sister that “guys don’t like buff girls.” I added a point for all the times they had Dean hitting on any available woman. They do want us to be extra-very sure he’s hetero, don’t they?
Cumulative Counts: Dean’s Man Tears: 3
One point awarded for all Dean’s choking up about Mom. We’re now three for three, folks.
This review totally calls out Dean LOL. I love the reviews that were written as first watch because they are without the benefit of hindsight we have on a re-watch.
“It was fascinating to me, then, that through this, Sam was able to learn about Dean’s own emotional reasoning behind his hunting. Of course, Dean, being the most stereotypical dude of all dudes who ever duded, has to immediately act like feelings aren’t cool because BLEH. Okay, that is one aspect of Dean that I’m not terribly interested in, especially since he expresses feelings like every five seconds. The whole “I am a straight man and I’m very straight and look at that butt straight I’m straight” thing is already exhausting because I get it. You don’t need to tell me this every five seconds.” 
The comments to this review are also super entertaining with gems like this:
“So, if you knew that someone had drowned in the lake recently and their body was never found, WHY WOULD YOU STILL GO SWIMMING IN THE LAKE? Especially if two people had. It wouldn't make you think, "Hey, maybe there's something dangerous in that lake?" This show has some of the least genre savvy people EVER. Like, for example, once this mysterious death thing shows up in a sink, why would anyone want to take a bath or really ever fill any basin with water again? Seriously, is this the Bad Decision Olympics?”
Here is an awesome review from Fangasm also
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ri-ahhh · 4 years
Ooooh but like what if it's gray getting jealous and a teeny but insecure too when MJ mentions some of her work mates and other close guy friends w whom she hangs out and drinks and parties yk?And when he finally meets them he might not be able to get some inside jokes or be pissy on how touchy one of her guy bffs is?!And just goes like"baby am I too young for you?"🥺maybe some cute fluff and hot makeup sex?? ;p Sorry if this too much or straight up lame It's cool if you don't wanna concept this
Ok, first of all, I love this. Second, this is my first MJ concept and I’m soft af🥺
If there’s one personality trait Grayson Dolan wouldn't normally attribute to himself, it’s that of being easily jealous. Why would he be? His life, despite it’s occasional heavy downs, is relatively picturesque in the grand scheme of things. He’s got a loving family, an amazing career, a beautiful girlfriend, and he’s narcissistic enough to proudly say he’s a good-looking dude.
But the little green monster first starts to stir in chest when said beautiful girlfriend lays back on his chest one morning, scrolling through Instagram while the two of them laze in bed. MJ is looking through the pictures she had been tagged in at a company dinner the night before, double-tapping her phone screen occasionally and diverting his attention away from his own phone when she does.
“Who’s that?” he asks, trying to sound as casual as possible as he eyes a certain picture with slightly narrowed eyes.
“Hm?” MJ had already scrolled down to the next photo, but she goes back to the one in question. Grayson points to the guy standing next to her. “Oh. That’s Jesse. He’s one of my teammates.”
Grayson doesn't respond right away, his gaze focused on the way the attractive young man has his arm wrapped tightly around MJ’s waist in the group photo. MJ is leaning away from him, but it still gives him a bad vibe — not from her, but from him.
“He looks friendly.”
MJ glances up at him and slaps the other side of his bare chest with the back of her hand jokingly. “Relax, we all had to squeeze in to get the picture. He’s just a colleague.”
“Yeah, to you,” Grayson mumbles. He tosses down his phone and turns on his side so he can throw his arm over her middle, nuzzling into her hair.
MJ smiles and scratches her nails up and down his sculpted arm, his warm breath tickling her ear. He’s not really the possessive type, too confident in himself and trustworthy in her for this to have ever been an issue in their relationship, but her work world is one entirely separate from him. She doesn’t think it’s too irrational for him to be suspicious, especially since she can admit feeling a little iffy about the way Jesse had so easily sidled up to her for that photo.
She shifts her head on the pillow so she’s facing him, kissing his lips softly but soundly. It’s an unspoken reassurance between them, and they both let the topic go.
A few days later, they’re in the kitchen together, a pass only she is allowed while Grayson cooks. MJ sits on the island, her feet dangling over the cabinets as Grayson stirs the vegetables he’s sautéing on the stove, when her phone buzzes on the marble countertop beside her. She picks it up and chuckles, her manicured fingers typing away.
“What’s so funny?” Grayson asks nosily.
MJ hits ‘send’ in the text response she wrote. “Jesse sent a stupid meme that reminded him of this super difficult exec we have to deal with for one of our clients.” She holds up her phone so Grayson can see it, but without the further context he doesn’t really see the humor in it. It causes a weird sensation to bubble in his stomach, one he can’t quite place, but it definitely makes him give the veggies an extra vigorous stir that has some of them flying out of the pan on accident.
He draws the line on this guy in his head when MJ sends him a text the next afternoon while he’s in a Wakeheart meeting downtown, just a few blocks from her office.
ugh baby i’m so sorry i have to cancel our lunch date :/ jesse wants to keep working on this report we have due this afternoon and i’ll look like a dick if i leave.
Grayson huffs and feels the back of his neck flush with anger. Why is Jesse controlling whether or not she can take her lunch break? She has a habit of skipping it to begin with, which Grayson can’t stand and actively tries to make sure she doesn’t do, so his irritation with this dude is through the roof now. His mind can’t help but wander to the possibility that maybe Jesse is doing it on purpose; he knows for a fact all of her coworkers know about him, so who’s to say he’s not trying to keep her to himself today? Before he can type out a heated response, however, MJ double-texts.
i promise I’ll make it up to you tonight. whatever you want, on me. literally and figuratively ;)
She knows him too well, can probably sense his frustration a few streets away. Grayson sighs, but his mouth lifts in a little smile, because he loves her and he’s low-key looking forward to that promise now.
Alright. I’ll be thinking about that to get me through this meeting. Pls eat tho baby, it makes me worry when you don’t.
me too lol. and gonna order some kreation now, don’t worry. ily
She punctuates her message with a few heart emojis, and Grayson returns the sentiment before pocketing his phone once more. His mind is far from the financial projections he’s supposed to be paying attention to, but luckily this is much more Ethan’s territory in the business than his, anyways.
Friday, he and MJ are cuddling on the couch watching a movie when out of nowhere she gasps a little and sits up from where she’s leaning on him. “Oh, I almost forgot to ask. You and E doing anything tomorrow?”
Grayson chuckles and shakes his head, amused by the suddenness of her question. He pushes a lock of her hair, damp from their shared shower, behind her ear. “Not that I know of, other than we might go to the skatepark.”
MJ grins. “Well, my boss is making us do our monthly team-building workshop at a climbing gym, if you want to tag along. I don’t think you’ll be able to join us during the middle of it, obviously, but afterwards it would give you the chance to meet some of the people I work with, if you want.”
He considers it. He hasn’t been climbing in a while, and he’s actually been itching to get back into it. Not to mention, it’ll give him a chance to keep an eye on Jesse while he’s around MJ in the skin-tight lycra she wears to work out in.
“Yeah, I’m down. I’ll ask E if he wants to come, too.”
The next day, the three of them roll up to the gym in Ethan’s Tesla. Grayson wastes no time in taking MJ’s hand in his as they walk through the parking lot, just in case a certain set of eyes are watching. MJ squeezes his fingers reassuringly; she’s not dumb, not impervious to the fact that when he kisses her goodbye once they step inside and before they go their separate ways that he had caught a glimpse of the man from the picture that put his guard up to begin with.
When he pulls back but makes no move to join Ethan on the other side of the gym, MJ shakes her head with a grin and cups his cheek softly.
“No need to stake your claim, Neanderthal,” she says.
He looks down at her with a pout that makes her heart and her panties melt. His wide hands plant themselves on her hips and tug her a little closer to him, anyways. “Am I being obvious?” he asks.
“Only to me,” she winks, rising on her toes to give him one more chaste kiss. “Now go with E, before Chanel gets here and I have to reverse the roles.”
Grayson laughs but does as he’s told, giving her waist a gentle squeeze before they part ways. MJ’s company had rented half of the gym, which was roped off for them. He chooses the open wall closest to the one they're using, eager to keep his girlfriend as nearby as possible for the couple of hours they would be separated.
As he sits on a bench and slips on his climbing shoes, Grayson can’t help but search out where Jesse is. He’s easy to spot, that’s for sure. Not only is he already next to MJ, chatting animatedly while she smiles and nods politely in return, but he stands out with his curly mop of hair, caramel-colored skin, and pale blue eyes. Maybe his attractiveness is part of the reason Grayson is somewhat intimidated by his obvious interest in MJ, but he’s also part of her everyday life, one he knows nothing about other than what she shares with him.
It’s never been something that bothers him, because it’s healthy to have a life outside of a relationship, but he’s always dated — hooked up, whatever you want to call it — in his industry. There was always a mutual understanding of what work and life in general entailed with those flings, and it’s taken Jesse for him to suddenly realize he doesn’t have the experience or the knowledge of how to handle his feelings with that not being the case with MJ. It makes him feel out of control, not good enough somehow.
Grayson Dolan does not like to be out of control and he most certainly does not like being below his own standards.
“Who’s that?”
Grayson is brought out of his daze by his brother’s voice and the hand he had clapped to his shoulder. If he were able to laugh at himself in this moment, he might have found Ethan’s question funny, since it was exactly what he’d said when he first saw Jesse, too. Ethan’s gaze is fixed on MJ and the man in question, who had placed his hand on her elbow as he talked only for MJ to duck down to ‘tie her shoe.’
“Jesse,” is all he says, standing up to buckle his chalk belt around his waist.
“Oh,” Ethan replies, nodding his head a little. “Do we like him?”
Ethan becomes another set of eyes for Grayson while they climb, giving him nudges or a little whistle every time he catches Jesse standing a little too close to MJ, or finding a reason to touch her, or to ‘help’ her as she climbs up the wall. Grayson glowers over every time, trying his best but probably failing to not to come off as the jealous boyfriend. Every once in a while MJ will catch his eyes, giving him a quick wave or a thumbs-up with a pretty smile just for him. It makes his heart settle some, only for his chest to tighten again when Jesse starts cheering for her a little too loud.
The two hours pass by a little faster as he settles into the rhythm of climbing, trying to put her touchy coworker in the back of his mind. He trusts MJ with everything in him, but he knows how men can be — ignorant either by choice or by idiocy to a woman’s obvious signals of disinterest.
He’s just reached the top of the wall when his girlfriend’s voice cuts clear through the loud chatter around them. He looks down and sees her on the mat, hair pulled back in a cute high ponytail, freckled cheeks flushed from the exertion of the day, as she waves him down with that same bright smile.
He grins, excited to have her to himself once again. “One sec!”
Once he’s made it back down the wall, he greets her with a kiss. She’s tied her jacket around her waist, leaving her top half covered only by a pretty green sports bra that happens to be both his favorite color and one that makes her eyes pop beautifully.
“I like this,” he says suggestively, hooking his finger in one of the straps and tugging gently.
MJ rolls her eyes and reaches up to adjust the center of the Wakeheart cap he’s got backwards over his hair. “Come on. You can meet the idiots I have to put up with every day.”
She leads him to the group, who are all standing around chatting, gulping down water, gathering keys and such as they prepare to leave. He gets introduced to them a couple at a time. Some of them he recognizes by name, such as Valentina and Jude (both of whom MJ actually likes and considers friends), MJ’s intern Alessia, and Chanel, of course, who bats her eyes so obnoxiously it’s almost comical.
And then there’s Jesse, who’s immediately sizing Grayson up with those striking eyes as soon as they approach him standing in the corner on his phone. Grayson doesn’t back down in the slightest, a smirk fixing itself on his lips when MJ leans into him and wraps her arm around his back. He drapes his own over her shoulders, pulling her that much closer to him.
“Hey Jess. This is the famous boyfriend I’ve told you all about,” she introduces, patting a hand on his hard stomach and smiling up at him for a moment.
Grayson lets go of MJ long enough to extend his hand. “Grayson.”
Jesse accepts and shakes his hand politely. “Jesse. MJ and I are teammates.”
“So I’ve heard,” he says, keeping a tight smile on his face as Jesse continues to square up to him, like Grayson has posed some kind of challenge.
Jesse nods, a grin of his own popping up as he gets the idea that MJ has maybe talked about him before. Grayson wants to roll his eyes, but he stays trying to be the bigger person here.
“So what do you do, Grayson?” Jesse asks.
Another hot flash overcomes him. He’s heard the question often enough to know there are two ways people ask it: innocently and genuinely; or knowingly and almost maliciously, like Jesse is now, waiting for him to say the ‘i’ word and berate him for it passive-aggressively.
MJ tightens her arm around him some, and it calms him down enough to answer with an even tone. “I do social media.”
“That’s just the tip of the iceberg, though,” MJ steps in for him with a grin. “He and his brother have a whole production team under them. And they're CEO’s and part-owners of a fragrance company, Wakeheart. I think I’ve told you, whenever you compliment my perfume, that it’s Grayson’s, right?”
She’s incredible, really. Grayson smiles and shows off the diamonds in his teeth, which glint in the harsh artificial light. “Well, Jesse, if you like MJ’s perfume so much, I’d be glad to send you our whole collection. Maybe you’ll find one that’s right for you.”
He can see Jesse’s resolve start to waver, especially when MJ stands on her toes to kiss Grayson’s stubbled cheek. “Very generous, huh Jesse?”
Jesse clears his throat and digs his keys out of his pocket tellingly. “Ah, yeah. Thanks, man, good to meet you. See you Monday, MJ.”
He brushes past the couple without another glance, and he at least has the decency to blush a little from embarrassment. MJ turns and wraps her arms around Grayson’s middle, staring up at him with big green eyes that sparkle with amusement.
“Do you think he got the picture that I’m completely, totally, head over heels in love with you?” she asks, swaying slightly as he wraps his arms around her as well. “And that he has no chance in this universe whatsoever?”
“I don’t know, I feel like you could’ve laid it on a little thicker. Hyped me up a bit more,” Grayson jokes, dipping down to brush her lips with his. A blonde statue glares at the pair of them when he pulls back and glances over MJ’s head. “Chanel is staring daggers at us. Should we make out right here so she can see how I feel the same about you?”
MJ giggles and shakes her head. “Unfortunately, nothing will faze that bitch.” She nuzzles his nose with hers affectionately, the chaste display a perfect disguise for the dirty whispers that comes out of her mouth next. “Mm, my CEO boyfriend can take me home, though, and fuck me nice and hard in the shower.”
Grayson’s eyes turn a shade darker, and he bites his plump lower lip. He wants to slip his hands down to her ass, but he’s also very aware of how public they are right now. “If we even make it to the shower,” he murmurs.
MJ scrunches her nose and raises her brow in a look of mild disgust. “Gray, if you think I’m sucking your dick after it’s been in a cup for nearly three hours, without you taking a shower, you better think again. I don’t think even Chanel is down for that.”
Grayson lets out a belly laugh and releases her, taking her by the hand instead to go find Ethan. “Noted, baby. Noted.”
145 notes · View notes
loverboytrashmouth · 3 years
Of Macchiatos and Nicknames (pt 1)
pairing; Reddie
word count; 1.6k
summary; Eddie doesn’t mind studying at the coffee shop as much as he thought he would.
a/n; part one of two of a little coffee shop meet cute because meet cutes are my fav and also i’m a barista so i think about this kinda au a lot. also read on ao3 if you’d like! enjoy :)
Eddie didn’t even like coffee that much. He’d really only drink it when he needed the caffeine to get him through a long night of studying. He hardly ever visited the campus coffee shop, and if he did it was because Bill would drag him out of bed earlier than necessary to make a stop there before their 8AM lectures. 
It wasn’t until one afternoon during midterms that Eddie began spending most of his free afternoons at the coffee shop.
It was a particularly windy October day, so Bill and Eddie decided they’d trade their usual study spot outside on their university’s great lawn area for the cozy coffee shop right on the outskirts of the main campus . Eddie couldn’t stand studying there; it was constantly full of loud students who would call themselves “study groups” when really it was just an excuse for them to drink their lattes and goof off. He had tried to convince Bill that they could just go to the library or back to their room, but Bill insisted he absolutely needed coffee, blaming it on his lack of sleep the night before.
“Just get me anything, I don’t care. I’m gonna get us a table,” Eddie said to Bill once they entered, already beginning to walk towards the mid-sized seating area. Bill gripped his upper arm and pulled him back.
“Definitely n-not. I’ll be h-halfway done my drink before you finish your dis-disinfecting routine,” Bill chuckled, earning a glare from Eddie. “I’ll go s-sit. You know my order. I promise, I’ll wuh-wipe down the table with the utmost c-care.” Eddie sighed in defeat, rolling his eyes at his friend’s teasing and lightly shoving him towards the seats. The shorter boy turned around towards the menu hanging on the wall, trying to figure out what the hell he was going to drink. His thoughts were interrupted by a voice coming from behind the counter.
“What’s your poison, ol’ chap,” it asked in a very obviously fake British accent. Eddie’s gaze trailed down to where the voice came from and his breath involuntarily hitched in his throat at the sight of the guy behind the register. He had disheveled curly black hair that contrasted - very nicely, Eddie noted - against his pale skin. He was tall, Eddie not needing to move his neck much from the position it was in to see the menu to look him in the eyes. The barista’s eyes, Eddie noted, were insanely large behind the thickly rimmed glasses that framed his face, but somehow he made them look good. Eddie’s eyes flicked down to the barista’s sharp jawline covered in messy stubble, his slightly chapped lips in a playful smirk.
“You gonna order something shortie, or are ya gonna just keep undressing me with your eyes,” the barista asked in his normal voice, the smirk never leaving his face. Eddie snapped out of his trance, feeling his face immediately heat up.
“Am I short or are you just freakishly tall,” Eddie shot back, his voice dripping with offense but he knew the color on his cheeks told the barista that he definitely had no ill feelings towards him. The taller boy shrugged.
“Tomayto tomahto, pretty boy,” he said with a wink. “Seriously though, whatcha havin’? It’s my duty to know.”
Eddie huffed out a chuckled at him and shook his head, before it dawned on him that he barely knew anything about coffee. Sure, he knew Bill’s order was called a “caramel macchiato,” but what if he said the fancy names of the sizes wrong and embarrassed himself? He was already anxious enough about ordering in the first place, customer service interactions being one of his least favorite things (he’s so glad his work study is in the library, stacking books with little to no human interaction). It didn’t help that the stupidly tall - and cute - barista was full force hitting on him like his life depended on making Eddie blush.
“Um, two mediu- no, grande, right. Two grande caramel macchiatos please,” Eddie finally decided after a few short beats of silence, mentally kicking himself when he realized what he said, because he hates caramel macchiatos. The barista tapped out his order on the register, taking a couple glances at Eddie as he did so.
“Alrighty, you got it. And what’s your name?” Eddie furrowed his eyebrows at this question, taken slightly aback even though it was no secret the barista had been flirting with him this entire conversation. The latter must have noticed Eddie’s confused reaction, as he clarified with a chuckle, “So we can call it out to let you know your order is ready.”
“Oh, right,” Eddie laughed, his cheeks heating up once more, this time more of embarrassment at his misunderstanding of the question’s intentions. He reached a shaky hand to the back of his neck, rubbing nervously as he answered. “It’s Eddie.”
The barista nodded his head, his grin growing wider as he typed Eddie’s name into the machine. Eddie began pulling cash out of his fanny pack when the barista interrupted his movements with his voice.
“Don’t worry about that, Eds. They’re on the house today.” Eddie tilted his head ever so slightly, his furrowed eyebrows returning once more.
“Did- did you just call me ‘Eds’,” he asked, receiving only a simple nod from the taller boy. “How’s it fair I have a nickname already when I don’t even know your real name?” The barista smirked that shit-eating smirk again, holding a hand out towards the smaller boy.
“Richie ‘Trashmouth’ Tozier, at your service.” Eddie placed his own hand into Richie’s, the roughness of his dry skin making Eddie’s skin crawl, but in a good way.
“Nice to meet you, Rich,” Eddie replied with a smirk of his own, his eyebrows slightly raised. “Thanks for the coffees.”
“Anything for you, Eddie baby.” Another wink. God, Eddie’s face was so hot he thought he could probably fry an egg on it.
Eddie couldn’t hide the blush on his cheeks or the dumb smile that refused to leave his mouth as he walked over to the table Bill had chosen to set up study camp at. Bill watched as the smaller boy sat across from him and began placing books on the table, attempting to cover his smile with his arm.
“Wuh-wow, Eddie. I haven’t seen you blush like that since our s-sex ed course in high school,” Bill teased with a slight laugh. Eddie’s face heated up even more at the memory, as well as the fact that he’d been caught basically swooning over Richie.
“Shut it, Bill. You got those notes I missed when I was sick?” Despite Eddie’s attempt to change the subject matter, Bill pressed on.
“It was the barista, wuh-wasn’t it? I could s-see the way he was looking at you from all the way over-”
“Wait, how was he looking at me,” Eddie interrupted without thinking, his eyes full of hope. Bill laughed some more at his eagerness.
“Y-You’re kidding, right? I’m s-surprised he didn’t jump over the counter and attack you into a m-makeout session right then and there.” Eddie’s eyes widened at Bill, before glancing over his shoulder to look at the barista again as he was making their drinks. He must’ve felt eyes on him, because not even five seconds after Eddie turned his head, Richie looked up from the espresso machine he was working with and the two locked eyes. Eddie immediately snapped his head back around, but not before noticing the smirk that returned to Richie’s lips. Bill shot him a knowing look.
“Okay, he flirted with me hardcore and yes he’s absolutely my type but if I don’t study for this midterm I won’t be able to think about him with calc on the brain 24/7. Notes, please,” Eddie spat out at high speed, a habit he had since he was a preteen that occurred whenever he got flustered.
Bill passed the page of math notes over with an eyebrow wiggle, but Eddie didn’t get a chance to even glance at them before hearing an obnoxiously loud voice behind him call out, “ORDER UP FOR A SIR EDDIE SPAGHETTI.” Eddie mentally facepalmed at the nickname usage before getting up and walking back to the counter.
“Really? Eddie Spaghetti?” Eddie couldn’t resist the laugh in his voice or fond smile as he shook his head at Richie. Richie, in return, held the coffees out to him, and shrugged his shoulders with a grin.
“Cute nickname for a cute boy,” he commented casually. Eddie couldn’t believe how smooth this thick-glasses wearing, awkwardly lanky dude could be, especially when he felt as though he could burst with every sentence uttered by said thick-glasses wearing, awkwardly lanky dude.
“So, uh,” Richie started once Eddie had taken the coffee cups from his hands, their fingers brushing lightly and lingering a bit too long. Eddie noticed his ever so slight change in demeanor, leaving bold and flirty and inching more towards reserved and… nervous? “Can I expect to see you around here again any time soon?”
The sincerity Eddie heard Richie speak within that sentence made his heart flutter, as well as whatever anxieties he still felt in his stomach to slowly dissipate. With that statement Eddie realized he wasn’t just aimlessly being flirted with, but that this could actually, maybe, mean something a little more?
“You sure can, Trashmouth,” Eddie replied with a warm look in his eyes. Richie perked up at the nickname, his cheeks going pink as Eddie walked back to his table.
“Dude, I thought you hated caramel m-macchiatos,” Bill commented when he saw the identical coffees his friend was holding, but Eddie barely heard him. He was too busy stealing glances back at the barista.
18 notes · View notes
sleephyuns · 4 years
Jihyo shifts in his seat nervously, waiting for Mina to come back from the bathroom.
When he arrived there, Mina was nowhere in sight, which worried him. But only a minute after the time they’d set to meet, Mina had texted him telling him where she was. She wanted to change after her shift quickly, which came as a relief to him. A relief that she hadn’t left, that was. About the changing, he couldn’t care less. Mina looked amazing even in her work clothes. She could’ve hopped right over the counter in her coffee stained apron and Jihyo would still think she’s the pretty person in that cafe.
He taps at his watch, his knee bouncing a little as well, but then he sees something out of the corner of his vision, so he looks over.
And he can’t tear his eyes away.
It’s just so hard to considering how gorgeous Mina looks as she walks over to him with the same unexpected grace that she has when she’s pouring him his 10th cup of coffee for the week.
He’s still speechless as Mina sits down, tossing her hair over her shoulder.
“Great minds think alike huh?” She speaks gesturing to her shirt, snapping Jihyo from his thoughts.
“Sorry, say that again?”
“I said great minds think alike. We’re wearing the same color,” she finishes with a smile.
Jihyo looks down, then back at her, finally noticing the color of the sweater under her jacket. He can’t ignore the little skip his heart does seeing it.
“I guess so. Is lavendar a favorite of yours?”
“Hmm,” she thinks (the adorable way her tongue peaks out between her lips when she does so doesn’t go unnoticed), “I think I like the scent more than the color, but they’re both nice.”
“Ah, I see,” he said with a nod of his head “Anyway... how was work today?”
‘One boring question after another, huh Jihyo?’ he thinks to himself. He holds off the urge to tap at his watch.
But Mina responds just as enthusiastic as usual.
“It was fine. It’s usually pretty relaxed around this time of day, so after the morning rush, the end of my shift was alright.”
A look of realization passes over her face. “Oh! And we didn’t sell out of caramel scones today. Those always go pretty fast.”
Jihyo perks up at that. “Oh I love those! But I uh-“ His phone dings. He looks down and misses the way Mina gives herself a little fist pump and congratulatory nod of approval. He looks back up again none the wiser.
“Like I was saying. You know me. I’m always in a rush to get here so I end up a little short on change- “His phone dings 3 more times and he blushes. Part in embarrassment, part in annoyance.
“Sorry, could you give me one second?”
 He checks his phone and, unsurprisingly, his saving grace from earlier has become a thorn in his side.
How’s it going?
Is she there yet?
Bro please tell me she didn’t stand you up...
If she did I can get the other two and we all can stare her down on her next shift
Jihyo rolls his eyes then responds
Everything’s fine dude. Don’t worry about it. I’ll see you later ok?
Ok cool. Have fun, and stay safe!
 He puts his phone down and looks back up at Mina.
“Sorry about that. It was my friend Nayeon.”
“Oh...,” Mina sticks her tongue out in thought again, “right. The one who’s usually here with you before you guys have class.”
“Yeah that’s them. You remembered?”
“Ah well, sometimes it’s hard not to overhear you guys on quiet mornings.... even on not quiet ones honestly,” she laughs.
Jihyo laughs too. “Yeah I guess we are pretty loud huh? Sorry about that.”
“No don’t be! It makes my shifts interesting at least.”
 “Excuse me.” A voice snaps them out of their little bubble.
They both turn to the source. And while Jihyo looks at the person in front of them confusedly, Mina smiles in earnest. Especially at the tray in the person’s hands.
“Thanks Elkie.”
“No problem,” she says, throwing Mina a little wink as she walks off.
Before Jihyo can even say anything, Mina speaks.
“I asked her to bring this stuff over before you got here. I just had to make sure I remembered that you liked these first.”
Jihyo looks down at the tray on the table between them and sure enough, there’s one of the caramel scones they had talked about earlier and a small black coffee.
“So you remembered this too huh? You know the way to my heart Mina,” he jokes, taking a sip of his coffee. He loves the way it makes Mina blush. Definitely something he could get used to. He also takes the time to note what Mina eats: a small quiche and a bottle of strawberry sparkling water. It’s simple but it seems to suit her somehow.
“You’ve probably overheard a lot about me at this point,” he laughs, “so I’m wondering if you remember my major too?”
“Mhm. Fitness major, right? ....sorry if this is creepy.”
“Yep, and no you’re fine. I just wanna know about you in return.”
Mina swallows another bite of her food. “Well I’m a business major. Nothing too interesting there. I stay in the dorms about a block over. It’s a short distance from the buildings I takes classes in too, so it works well.”
“Nice, nice. Any roommates?”
“One. He comes by here once in a while so maybe you’ll see him one day. He’s majoring in engineering.”
“Oh that’s so cool. Do you know the specifics?”
Mina lets out a tired laugh. “Not really. It’s too hard to wrap my head around.”
Jihyo gives an agreeing nod.
“Oh but I know he was talking something about plane engines the other day. I don’t really know more than that.”
Jihyo grimaces. “Planes, huh. That seems interesting, but it makes me think about being on one and that’s just... ugh.”
Mina’s eyes widen. “Don’t like flying?”
 “Hell no,” he laughs, “I love driving. Though I have to borrow my roommate’s car until I save up enough for my own.”
“I’m kind of the opposite,” Mina replies, “car rides bore me. But I love plane rides. Which is good I suppose, since I have to fly to go back home to Japan on holidays.”
“Really? What’s it like there?” Jihyo scoots closer in his seat, listening intently.
Mina looks just as happy to be able to talk about it too. “Well you see...”
The two continued to talk without a care in the world. They went on and on, long after they’d finished eating.
It’s only after they finally took a pause to just bask in the silence, leaving Jihyo to tap at his watch, that he checks the time.
“Damn we sure have been here a while.”
Mina’s eyes widen in surprise as she goes to check the time on her phone. “Oh no... I’m sorry Jihyo, I hate to cut us off, but I have a night class. I need to get a few things done before then, though so...”
 “It’s alright I understand,” he smiles, “I’ll let you go.”
Mina gathers up her trash, taking Jihyo’s as well, and cleans up for them. When she comes back to her seat, she gathers up her things and Jihyo starts to do the same. They do so silently, and Jihyo’s not quite sure when he wants to speak up. When he wants to ask Mina if they want to hang out again.
They just step out of the cafe when he’s finally prepared himself.
“So I
They both stare. Then they burst into a fit of giggles, their faces warming up in the cool evening air.
Mina pulls her jacket in a little closer. “You aren’t cold at all?”
“Nah not really,” he shrugs, “but anyway, what was it you wanted to say?”
“No you can go first,” she assures him, stepping closer. With her being so close, he only then realizes the difference in their height. But that doesn’t deter him.
“I was wondering if you wanted to do this again? We don’t have to talk out the details right now, but I had fun talking to you. So I want to do it again.”
Mina’s blush spreads to her ears. “I had fun too. And I wanted to ask the same, she giggles. “I’d love to do this again.”
She takes one of his hands in hers. “Text me later tonight maybe?”
“Sounds good,” he smiles. They stand there for a minute, just looking at rach other with out a word. But eventually, Mina lets out a little huff. “I should go,” she pouts, rubbing her thumb across the back of his hand.
“Right, right. Like I said, I won’t hold you.” They finally let go of each other, backing up in their respective directions. “I’ll make sure to text you later!” he says with a wave.
“Oh one more thing!” Mina says, getting his attention. He turns back to her.
“Sorry if this is weird again but I like the cologne! It smells nice!” She gives him one last wave before walking off again, headed down the street.
Jihyo stands there for a minute, watching the way her hair flows behind her, mesmerized. But he should get going. So, after giving her one last glance, her starts walking home with a skip in his step. Yeah, there was nothing that could ruin his mood for the rest of the day.
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