#especially w that wet noodle of a man........
/slides over crumpled $10 bill
what were your original, meaner plans for r/s in oao? (if it's spoilery, you can respond to this after you publish the whole thing, i'm just soooo curious)
there are some points that i cannot divulge bc they are still spoilery but the tldr version is: sirius fucked benjy 🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭
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petitelepus · 3 years
Yo I noticed that you haven’t write about wreck gar so- wreck gar number 23?
You hate it there. The school was a real drag and you couldn't stand being there any longer than you had to but the world was cruel and in hopes of getting a proper job one day you had to have graduated from university with grades that would shine like stars in the night sky.
You hated being in the classroom filled with people who didn't care shit about you and why should they? You hadn't exactly been talking with your classmates since... You started school a year and a half ago. You knew you could have made friends, but you hated school, you hated people and you hated yourself.
Especially when Professor gave back your exam and you saw a big fat C on the front page. You felt your stomach drop and despair clutch your heart. Another C...
You looked over your shoulder, watching after the professor, but he was already at the far end of the class. You swallowed as you put the exam away and waited for the class to end so you could talk with your professor. The class ended half an hour later and you wanted to approach the professor but he was surrounded by your classmates. So you waited and finally, when the other students had left, you approached the older man.
"Uh, professor? About my grade... Do you think I could take the exam again?" You asked bashfully and the man looked at you. "I'm afraid to tell, but all grades are final."
"B- but... I can do better. I just need some time." You swallowed, "Please professor Ratchet, let me take the exam again."
"Is everything alright?" Ratchet asked and you frowned in silence before nodding, "I guess..."
"Look kid, I'm going to ask you..." Professor Ratchet cleared his throat and looked at you seriously, "Is everything alright with you? You aren't being bullied or anything?"
"N- No, sir." You frowned. The old man nodded, "Is everything okay at your home?"
"I live alone." You blurted, but it was true. You used to live in this small town, but when you had gotten into Cybertronian University you had moved onto your own from home. The professor sighed and took his huge calendar and looked through the days. "I can't let you take the exam again, but if you want I can get you some remedial instruction."
"I..." You really didn't want that, but it might have been what you needed. "Can I think about it?"
"Sure thing kid." Professor nodded and looked at the clock that hung over the classroom's door. "Now get going. School is done by today."
You nodded and bid your professor good day before leaving. Only a handful of students were scattered around the university and you were one of them. You went to the front door and were about to leave when thunder suddenly roared and it started to rain like crazy. Typical Autumn rain.
You groaned. You didn't have an umbrella. Just your luck. Well, you would have to suck it up and take off. You pushed your school bag against your chest and ran out into the rain, but you had a plan. There was a 24/7 market just around the corner and they usually sold everything, umbrellas included.
You entered the store and the cashier looked at you as water dripped down your hair and clothing. You didn't dare to say anything but smile awkwardly as you took a shopping basket and went to search for food and an umbrella. Noodles for your poor ass, energy drinks for your night owl life, and a cheap umbrella.
You paid the cashier and left the store quietly before opening your new umbrella and setting on your journey back to your apartment. You tried to dig out your ear puds but you couldn't find them from your bag so they must have been left in your apartment.
"Shit. This day can't get any worse." You cursed by yourself and kept going while listening to thunder wreck havoc above in the clouds. As you thought what a crappy day you had you saw something orange peeking from an alley and you stopped for long enough to see what it was.
"Oh, you guys are adorable! What am I going to call you?"
It was a man with a bright orange jacket and a rucksack big and full enough to last for a long hiking trip. At first, you thought he might be drunk or on some sort of drugs as you listened to him talk by himself so excitedly. You were about to leave when you heard the tiniest meow and you stopped on your tracks. Cat?
Carefully, you patted the man's shoulder and he looked over the said shoulder at you. You blinked. "Uh, is everything okay?"
"Hello! I'm Wreck-Gar!" The man greeted you happily and stepped aside enough for you to see a cardboard box that was just about to crumble into wet mush in the hard rain... but what caught your attention were the 4 little kittens in the box. Your felt like your heart was about to jump out of your chest and you awed.
Wreck-Gar smiled, "I found these little guys! Cute, aren't they?"
"Very cute." You nodded and looked at him. "Are they yours?"
"No, I found them!" He turned and took a folded paper from his pocket and gave it to you. "They had this with them!"
You took the paper and read the message. "Free Kittens." You frowned but Wreck-Gar was smiling. "Aren't we lucky! They are free!"
"They're orphans." You said and looked at the man. "They should be taken to shelter. Can you do that?"
"Sure!" He said with a wide smile but you frowned, remembering that all the shelters were probably closed by the time you would make it to one. School had stretched and the sky was turning dark. One of Autumn's many miracles. "They can be taken tomorrow. Do you have a home where to take them?"
"No! I just came to the city!" He said like nothing was wrong. You blinked in and wondered how he could be so happy? He is soaking wet, he has nowhere to go, and now he has four little lives in his arms. You weren't prepared for this. You were getting anxious, you had to get away.
"Ah... Okay." You nodded and turned to leave, "G- good luck!"
"Bye-bye!" The man called after you and you managed to step out of the alley before your feelings took over and assassinated your common sense. Fuck it. You turned around and raised the umbrella over the man's and kittens' heads. Wreck-Gar looked at you over his shoulder and smiled, "Oh, you came back!"
"Yes, uh... Do you have any place to go? Friends or something like that?" You asked, but Wreck-Gar shook his head, still smiling. "Nope! But I have a tent in my backpack! I can sleep in the park!"
He could definitely NOT do that! The cops would take him straight to the station and you didn't have enough money to send him to a motel. Aah, you felt a headache coming. Must have been thunder and this big man's constant happiness. Not only that, but you felt weak from hunger. You rubbed the ridge of your nose with your fingers and looked at him. "Would you like to come and spend the night at my place?"
You didn't believe it was possible, but Wreck-Gar's smile got even bigger and he jumped up on his feet from his crouching position and you were taken aback by how tall he was and you got to experience it as he hugged you tightly against his chest.
"I'm so happy! Me and kittens get to stay with-!" He stopped and frowned in confusion, "What's your name?"
You told him your name and he cheered up again as he repeated your name. You tapped his arm and he seemed to realize that he was hugging you a little too hard. "Oh, my bad!" He said and kneeled back down to grab two kittens and he offered them to you. "Will you help with kitties?"
"Yeah, sure. Hand them over." You nodded and carefully took the black and white kittens into your arms while trying not to drop your umbrella. Wreck-Gar got the last two kittens and you two started walking through the rainy city streets until you got to your building complex.
You inserted the key and opened the door, but just before you stepped inside you turned and looked at Wreck-Gar seriously. "If you try anything stupid then or I'll scream loud enough for neighbors to call the cops."
"Right! I won't try anything stupid!" He said and you had a feeling he was being genuine so you let him in and you took an elevator to your floor. Once there, you used your keys to get inside and flicked the lights on.
"Shit." You cursed when you realized what kind of a mess your apartment was. Empty noodle cups and empty energy drunk cans were scattered everywhere
"Did you have an accident?" Wreck-Gar asked and you blushed in embarrassment, "Wha- No! My apartment is a mess!" You cried out before shame washed over you and you took off your shoes and he copied you. Both of you put the kittens down and the little things immediately started to meow. You smiled and put your bag down. "Let's get you and kittens warm. You can sleep on my couch this night."
Wreck-Gar looked at your couch covered in clean or dirty laundry, you weren't sure anymore yourself either, but he was still smiling. "Got it! I'll sleep on the couch!"
"Just a second." You sighed as you grabbed your clothes and threw them onto your bed that weird enough was the only clean place in the small apartment. But just as you were about to go and search for the extra blanket you felt your headache turning worse. You had to sit down on your bed for a second, but Wreck-Gar seemed to notice you weren't feeling good.
"Are you okay?" He asked and you wanted to nod, but you couldn't. "Just... Tired."
The kittens were meowing and you wanted to help them, but your body seemed to shut down. You could rest your eyes a little bit. You closed your eyes for a moment to stabilize your breathing but you didn't open them... Not until a couple of hours later.
You groaned as you tried to recall what had happened, but your head was hurting too much. It felt like there were razor blades whirling inside your head. You groaned as you heard clanking here and there but suddenly the noises died out and someone pushed a cold glass of water into your hand and a pill to another.
You didn't even think, you just automatically took the pill and chased it down with water. "Thank you..." You muttered weakly before you buried your head between your pillows and fell back into sleep.
You didn't wake up, until the next day. You groaned, but you felt much better. Like, a ton better. You felt like a new person, but you still wanted to sleep... Until you heard meowing and your eyes snapped open as you bolted up. The kittens! Wreck-Gar! You looked around and saw the little black and white kittens chasing each other around the floor.
Wait. Your floor was clean? You looked around and saw that all your energy drink cans and empty noodle cups were gone. Also, what was that scent drifting through the air?
Suddenly your bathroom door opened and Wreck-Gar steps out of the little room, wearing your pink bathrobe and a towel wrapped around his head. The look on him was actually pretty funny and you snorted as you tried not to smile or laugh, but the man noticed and beamed like a sun when his brown eyes landed on you.
"You're awake!" He cheered before suddenly smacking his hands over his mouth and then whispering again, "You're awake...!"
You nodded as you looked around and then at him. "Did you clean here?"
"I wanted to help the nice person who helped Wreck-Gar and kitties!" He said and smiled as he rushed across the room to your small kitchen. You rubbed your eyes as you pushed yourself on your feet, grabbed some clean clothes, and went to take a shower. You let Wreck-Gar know that shower was taken and you got rid of your dirty clothes and took a quick shower.
You put the clothes on and stepped out of the bathroom, rubbing your hair clean dry with your towel and you were about to head to the kitchen but then you saw a bowl of soup on your coffee table in front of your couch.
"I made you soup since you're sick!" Wreck-Gar said happily and you blinked as you took a seat on the couch. "What is it...?"
"It's chicken noodle soup! Eat your soup before it gets cold!”
"How did you get chicken? I had nothing in my fridge." You asked and Wreck-Gar looked extremely proud of himself as he smiled, "I took all your cans to the recycle and got meat with the refunds!"
"What about kittens?" You looked at the four little furballs running around, but they didn't seem hungry. If anything, they had a lot of energy.
"I boiled some chicken for them also and shredded it!" He said and you turned to look at him. Wreck-Gar while you had been sick, this unknown person had cleaned, taken care of you and kittens, and made you all food. And that wasn't the end of it. You watched with eyes wide how the man took off the towel around his head and his long black hair fell over his shoulders.
You could feel a blush rise to your cheeks as you looked at him. You had been too tired and sick last night to take notice but Wreck-Gar was quite handsome. His skin was lightly tanned, he had a clean face with some mustaches that he must have cleaned up in the shower. And damn, he looked good as he tied his long dark hair into a bun.
Wreck-Gar notices you looking and your blush grew darker but he seemed completely clueless. He smiled instead and pointed at the soup, "Please eat! I called a doctor to check you!"
"You have a phone?" You asked and he seemed proud. "I have everything I need in my backpack!"
"Even local doctor's number?" You asked, but now you were just teasing him. You ate the chicken noodle soup he had made and you could feel your strength coming back to you.
A doorbell rang and you were about to let the doctor in with your control panel by the door, but Wreck-Gar was faster. "I'm buzzing you in, father!"
"Wait..." You blinked in shock, "You said you don't have friends or anyone to go to!"
"You didn't ask about family!" He said and you blinked. This man was either the most trusting and kindest man you have ever met or then he was that and dumb. Your apartment's doorbell rang and Wreck-Gar opened it for his father and-!
"Professor Ratchet?" You asked and the old man blinked in shock as his old eyes landed on you. He repeated your name in surprise and you looked at the younger man.
"You know my professor?"
"I sure do! Ratchet is my father!" Wreck-Gar exclaimed and your eyes widened in shock and you snapped your attention to your professor who looked like he was one now having a killer headache. He saw how you looked at him and shook his head. "He remembers wrong, I've told him I'm no father figure!"
"Ratchet and I met while hiking!" Wreck-Gar cheered. Ratchet grumbled under his breath as he walked to you and started to ask you questions about your health and how you were feeling. You told him honestly and he nodded, pleased that you were healthy again. "Must have been stress that got you. You can take a couple of days off from school, I'll let the other teachers know that you needed rest."
"Thank you." You were honestly so overjoyed that you could almost cry. Suddenly you heard a tiny meow and you all turned to look at the kittens that were interested in your professor's jacket. "I didn't know you had cats."
"I actually don't..." You frowned, "I found Wreck-Gar and he had found them in an alley."
"Of course." Ratched looked at the young man and grunted, "Wreck-Gar, you can't keep doing stuff like this!"
"I tried to help the kitties." He said and Ratchet crossed his arms. "I cannot let you stay here any longer and bother my student. Grab the kittens, you're coming to my place. We will discuss what to do with you there."
Wreck-Gar didn't seem to notice how serious the situation was, as he was still smiling. One by one they got the 4 kittens and Ratchet excused himself and his friend... But you couldn't let it be the end.
"Wait!" You called after them and they both stopped and looked at you. You blushed and swallowed your fears, "Professor, if Wreck-Gar doesn't have any other place to live... Could he stay with me?"
"Please, you don't have to feel any responsibility for him. I can take him off your hair." Professor said but you shook your head. "No, he actually took care of me instead of another way around. And I like him."
You smiled as you looked at Wreck-Gar who was beaming, "He isn't like other people I've met."
"I don't know... He needs to be taken out regularly and he needs very much attention and training." Ratchet said and you blinked. Did your professor just describe a dog?
"I think I can handle him." You smiled and Wreck-Gar cheered, "I get to live with such a nice person!"
Professor Ratchet grumbled but finally nodded, "Alright, but when you return to school after two days of rest, take Wreck-Gar with you. I'll get him a job there so he isn't leeching on you. Oh, and what are you going to do with the cats?"
"It's okay." You nodded as you scratched one kitty's chin, "I think we can find a home for them. Just like Wreck-Gar."
And you did. Your cousin happily took the kittens and found them a life-lasting home. Wreck-Gar moved to live on your couch and when you returned to the school, he got a job as a janitor. Not the most glamorous job, but he is good at cleaning and keeping the university in shape. He also made school less bad for you.
And... a couple of months later you and Wreck-Gar kinda started dating, but that was a story for another time.
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dietyprophet · 3 years
Extended Greetings
It’s only been a couple hours since MK has met Xiaoli, and he can already say that he was already one of his bestest friends already. MK has never met someone like the pretty man before. Xiaoli was just someone who seemed to be out there from everyone on his own sort of level than anyone MK has met. He was plenty of fun to be around!
“And that’s the story of how a simple flower pot caused a 3 hour traffic jam,” finishes up Xiaoli, sharing one of his many stories about odd events caused by mundane things. MK has never been more entertained hearing them.
He laughs, “Seriously? Man and I thought I had bad luck before, three hour traffic jam, no thank you!”
Xiaoli gives a hum, “personally I think it was worth waiting, otherwise I wouldn’t have such an interesting tale to share.” He looks up ahead to see a girl waving. He points to her as he looks over at the shorter boy, “MK, it seems like someone is waving at you.”
MK looks over to see who Xiaoli was pointing to a large smile forming on his face, “Mei!” he jogs over to her. Xiaoli steadily follows him right after, keeping a fair distance from the girl but still close to MK.
“MK, what took you so long dude? We’ve been waiting forever for you to come,” Mei jests. She then takes notice of MK’s companion right behind him, “And who is this now? A new edgy friend?”
“Oh, this is Xiaoli! Xiaoli, this is Mei,” MK introduces his newest friend to his best friend. Xiaoli’s eyes glint and his smile widens, giving the girl a simple wave. “Greetings, I hope we can become friends!”
Mei grins, “Sure! And as your newest and coolest friend I shall bring you the wonders of Pigsy’s noodles,” and that she goes off to where Xiaoli can only assume she would either get said noodles or get Pigsy to make them. Either way it ends with noodles.
“Lively one, isn’t she,” says Xiaoli with a smile. MK nods, “Yeah, she wouldn’t be Mei if she wasn’t!” MK then goes in the same direction Mei went, “c’mon I want to introduce you to everyone!”
“Oh, you introduce me to everyone? What an honor,” chuckles Xiaoli, MK rubbing the back of his neck all bashful like but giving in his own laugh with Xiaoli.
Xiaoli, who was still behind him, then goes up close to the side of his face, “I won’t deny that I don’t appreciate it though,” he gives a smirk seeing MK’s face go slightly red at the sudden closeness. “I-is that so, well glad to hear that!” MK says with as much of made up macho he can bring out of himself, though Xiaoli can easily see through it. “If you say so~,” says the pink-haired boy, tongue wetting the top of his lip offhandedly.
Xiaoli pops his lips, striding ahead of MK to where Pigsy’s restaurant was, “try not to fall behind now, or else they’ll think you decided to dip out!”
MK snaps out of his stupor, giving a laugh as he goes after Xiaoli, “Hey wait up!”
Reaching the restaurant resulted in a bit of yelling by Pigsy at MK as soon as he walked into it.
“MK where have you been?!” Huffs out Pigsy angrily, MK sweats nervously at his boss’s confrontation. “U-uh well you see–“ he begins, before Xiaoli’s arm comes in front of him. He looks at the pink haired man in slight confusion, Xiaoli mouthing the words “leave this to me” to him before looking at Pigsy.
“Sorry, sorry,” he begins, a smile on his face, “please don’t get upset at him, I was the reason why he was late and dragged him far behind because of that. I hope you can forgive him for something I caused now, right?”
MK can only hold his breath as he watches Pigsy seem to contemplate the excuse given by Xiaoli. Glancing over to look at his newest friend, he was surprised to see him without a look of worry or even a sweat of doubt on his face. He was perfectly calm and collected, with that smile he gave to Pigsy still not even moving an inch and never faltering one bit.
Xiaoli notices him staring, tilting his head a bit, making MK quickly look away with a slight blush for staring maybe a bit too long. Xiaoli only chuckles at his reaction, the two look back at Pigsy as they hear him give a sigh, “fine, I’ll let you off this time but this time only.”
MK jaw drops, watching Pigsy walk away muttering about “having to prepare one bowl extra”. He looks over to Xiaoli who just looks at him with his smile.
“Like I said, leave this to me.”
With a grasp of his arm, MK lets himself be pulled over by Xiaoli to sit at a table where the rest of his friends were. Xiaoli sits down and then gives a single pat right next to him, inviting MK to sit there. MK sits down and smiles at Xiaoli, turning to look at the others.
“Hey guys, this is Xiaoli! Xiaoli, this is Tang, Sandy and you already met Mei of course!”
Xiaoli gives a nod to each, “Hello friends! I hope we will know each other well!”
“Here you go,” Pigsy slides over five bowls of noodles across the table, Xiaoli gives the chef a light clap at the display. Grabbing a pair of chopsticks, he begins to slurp his bowl of noodles, sucking his lips in at the end of his noodle strand before then popping them out.
MK looks over to him when he hears the lip pop again from his friend, tilting his head slightly at the action. Xiaoli notices him staring once more and smirks this time, “you wanna ask about my lip pop habit don’t you?”
MK quickly blushed in embarrassment at the question, “w-what? Nooo!” His stutter didn’t help him one bit, instead making the other three look at him with cheeky looks. Especially Mei and Tang. The cheeky looks only grow the more he tries to ignore them, until he admits defeat “okay, uh, maybe a little…?”
Xiaoli just chuckles, “No worries friend, it’s just a small habit I had ever since I could remember! I had it for so long that I don’t even remember how long exactly I had it for,” he slurps up some more noodles, MK nodding to the answer he was given in understanding.
Mei then perks up from her seat, body leaning across the table, face to literal face with Xiaoli. “Hey how did you manage to meet MK, I thought everyone evacuated the city?” Xiaoli just smiles, “Well I never actually left the city, I was still around to see not only Demon Bull King causing havoc but the fight MK here had with him.” Xiaoli looks over to said boy, “Which might I say was a wonderful display of power, friend!”
MK just shrinks away from the praise given by his pretty pink haired friend, “Aw, it’s nothing–! But it was pretty sick, am I right?” Xiaoli just chuckles, “Very.”
Tang hums in agreement, “Indeed it was MK,” Sandy and Mei very enthusiastically shared their own agreements with the statement of “it being the coolest thing ever!” as MK is just getting more and more bashful with the praises.
MK and Xiaoli stand outside after finishing up their noodles, nightfall already having befallen sometime ago. “Are you sure you don’t need someone to walk you back home? N-not that I’m saying you can’t go by yourself of course, it’s just after everything that happened today with DBK and him just kinda just destroy the city there could still be more dangers around and–“
“Shhhhhhhhhhhhhh~” MK stops his tangent as he immediately looks at Xiaoli, finger pressed on his lips as it then travels to MK’s. MK blush a bit at the contact, Xiaoli just chuckles at his reaction, “you worry too much, friend! No need to fret about me, I have everything handled you know?” Pulling away his finger, MK nods, “o-oh alright then.”
MK then rubs his arm nervously, “hey if you have time tomorrow maybe we can hang again? Only if you want to of course!”
Xiaoli gives a hum, eyes close in consideration of the offer, MK Can feel his nerves building up by the second. Opening his one eye, Xiaoli decides to give some mercy on the other after some seconds of silence, “I would love to, where shall we meet again?” He grins as MK practically bounces on his feet.
“Oh, uh, it’s at Sandy’s boat! Wait you don’t know where that is, um, crap… Wait I can text you the directions oh wait I just realize that I don’t have your phone number! Xiaoli can I have your phone number, wait that sounds weird I’m so sorry–!”
Xiaoli just laughs, “It’s alright friend, I actually have a good idea where it would be, I have a hobby of going around the city very often!” Walking off, he gives a wave to the monkey boy, “see you tomorrow, MK!”
“Oh that’s great! Ah, see you tomorrow!”
MK would come to realize later that night he never told Xiaoli where Pigsy’s restaurant was, not once at all. Perhaps he saw it around? It wouldn’t surprise him if he did, especially since it’s his hobby and perhaps just never had the interest of entering it before. But the thought just didn’t seem to want to leave his head just yet. That doesn’t really matter now to him, because today he made a friend unlike anyone he has met before, and he is going to see him again tomorrow.
This friendship would be something MK will never forget.
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lu-undy · 4 years
Chapter 74 - SBT (Spicy, kids, stay away!)
Here it is!
"So, gonna tell me what you have for me that's better than dinner?" 
"I will, be patient." 
Lucien straddled his lover's lap and smiled. He held both his hands and laced his fingers between the Aussie's. 
"Alright, how long before you tell me?" 
"We will get our dinner delivered, then, we can sleep - or not, as you wish - and tomorrow, you shall enjoy your surprise."
"Sounds like I already have one for tonight, eh?" Mundy put his hands on Lucien's waist. 
"You might." 
Suddenly both men heard a cry for help outside of the van. Lucien jumped out of Mundy's lap and both leapt at the door and opened it. 
"I-I'm sorry!" The poor man said. "I-I'm the delivery bloke, I just have your order!"
Mundy and Lucien looked between themselves and the delivery man. The herd of fluff was hissing, showing their needle-like teeth at the intruder. 
"Cats, calm down, he's ok." Mundy said as he walked to the poor, scared man. 
"Sit." Lucien said and all the cats obeyed. "Good boys and girls." He crouched to pet them. "We do apologise for the trouble, they are not usually outside without us to look after them." 
"It's fine. A hell of a family of cats you have, eh?" 
"Yeah… Here's for your tip and thanks mate. Sorry again." 
"No worries, bye!"
Mundy and Lucien slipped in the van again. 
"Wanna get in?" Mundy asked the cats. 
"Meow." Soot spooned his companion and started to bathe Perle. 
"Alright, fine, try and not make other babies especially not in front of these ones…"
Perle hissed. 
"Mundy, they know what they are doing, come inside, please."
The Aussie chuckled. 
"Fair enough."
He slipped in and they sat down. 
"What did you get us?" 
"Some chinese, I hope you will like it." Lucien answered. 
"Prefer French, but it's fine." He winked at Lucien who smiled. 
Each took their box and started eating their noodles. 
"Mh, could have taken it more spicy than that, eh?" Mundy said. 
"I have very low tolerance for hot food, and I didn't know for you so I played it safe." Lucien answered. "If the lack of hotness is unbearable, I can correct for that after dinner." 
"Well now, you have to, eh? Can't promise me things like that and not deliver." Mundy answered. 
"Then let it be so. But before I forget, tomorrow I shall arrange a few things, I don't need you to be here so you can stay home and sleep for a bit longer."
"Alright, that's nice." 
"Are you not curious as to where I am going?"
"As long as you come back and still love me, I trust you, love." 
Lucien smiled. 
"And I value it pricelessly, mon loup." 
They went on having their dinner.
"So, how d'you feel about Victoria's weddin'? You nervous?" Mundy asked. 
"Quite so, oui. I never imagined walking someone down the aisle in a church for their wedding, especially not like that…" 
"What d'you mean, like that?" 
"Victoria is not my daughter."
"She feels like she is though. And I saw you with her, luv', you really behave like you're her dad." 
"Hm. Maybe."
"For sure!" Mundy said before slurping more noodles. "The way you held her and comforted her in the diner… I was starin' at you and was thinking to myself that your son was mighty lucky to have you as his dad." 
Lucien's eyes snapped wide. 
"I'm serious, love. You're… very different from my dad, for example." 
"How so?" Lucien asked. 
"Dad wasn't very… Uh… He wouldn't show that he loved me much. Not that he didn't, I think he really did love me but he just never said it or showed it. But you, hell, that hug you gave her was more than I ever got from my Dad."
"I see… Same for me technically." Lucien answered. "I never knew my father, never met him. I only saw one picture of him which is now under the ground in Paris."
"D'you ever… regret doin’ that?" Mundy asked. 
"Doing what?"
"Buryin' all your personal stuff?"
"I am not sure. Part of me doesn't want to look back and just wants to focus on this new life I am leading here."
"But the other half wants that stuff back?"
"Not so much for my own." Lucien answered. "But rather, for you."
"Oui. I would like to show you Marie and Jérémy, I would like to show you so many things so that you understand me better…"
"Hey, love…" Mundy tightened his embrace. "I get you, ok? I understand you and respect you."
"Thank you." 
Lucien raised his lips and they exchanged a kiss. He then straddled his lover's lap without his lips disconnecting from the Aussie's. 
"Mmh… Yer lips taste amazin'..." 
"So do yours…" 
The kisses became wet and sloppy while hands touched, grabbed, explored and Lucien seemed particularly eager that evening…
"Gosh, y-your hips, Lu'..." 
Mundy felt his lover was rolling them against his. He put his hands on Lucien's waist and indeed his palms rolled, following the Frenchman's pelvis. 
"Bugger, Lu', wait, let's get to bed…"
They both slipped in the bed and their clothes were thrown left and right, carelessly, until they ended up naked. 
"L-Lu'... You really are doin' things to me right now…"
"I can feel it, mon loup…" Lucien answered. He was on top of Mundy, kissing his neck and going down to his chest. 
"What put you in the mood? You went from normal to this in a flash?!" Mundy asked. 
"You, your lips, your touch, your eyes…" Lucien punctuated his sentences with kisses and licks, to which Mundy closed his eyes and whimpered. His hips started to react on their own. "I also have taken the liberty to buy something for tonight…" The Frenchman added as he was biting the Aussie's hip. 
"Oof-! W-what is it?"
"This here." Lucien put it on Mundy's chest and the Aussie squinted. Not a split second later, his eyes snapped wide as he understood what that little plastic bottle contained. 
"Oh… Y-you wanna-?"
"Oui." Lucien cut him. He laced his fingers through Mundy's and went to his lips.
Their lips lapped and sucked at each other's, filling the van with sounds that made them both warmer. 
"If you so wish, mon loup, I am yours." Lucien almost whispered in Mundy's ears, with his velvet voice.
"Bloody hell… Y-your voice…"
"What about it, hm?" Lucien went on. 
"You know… Perfectly… But what's the plan, hm? Turn me on like there's no tomorrow and then what?" Mundy asked.
Lucien went to his ear and put his hands on Mundy's cheeks. 
"Use that bottle… and me." 
Mundy's eyes snapped wide and his pupils shrank. He grabbed Lucien by his lips and flipped him to be the one on top. He then turned the Frenchman on his stomach with raging lust. 
"Gosh, Lu'..." Mundy laid on top of Lucien, flush against him on his back and started lazily grinding as he bit and kissed his shoulder and his back. "I… I don't wanna hurt you but…"
"Please, I know you won't hurt me… Just have fun… Argh-!" Lucien felt Mundy's teeth dig deeper on his shoulder, his pointy canines would leave a mark, for sure. 
"Want you…" Mundy growled.
"Take me…" Lucien answered before another bite made the sweat break everywhere and the heat between his legs coiled more.
Mundy went down, leaving marks of teeth and such all along his lover's back until he arrived where he wanted. 
"Gosh you look like a porcelain doll…" His hands grasped Lucien's soft flesh left and right and kneaded it like a priceless dough. Lucien whimpered and propped himself up on his elbows. "You look so good I could bloody eat you…" 
"Be my guest - argh!" 
Mundy growled as his hungry teeth dug in the flesh. 
"Mon Dieu!" 
Lucien arched his back as he felt his lover's tongue closing in on his vulnerability. He grabbed a pillow and dug his nails in it as he moaned.
"Look at all this…" Mundy lapped where the Frenchman had been craving some attention and Lucien moaned loud. The Aussie let his tongue paint the tight ring of muscles as his hands pulled left and right to reveal the Frenchman's secrets better. 
"Mon Dieu, Mundy… Aargh!" 
"You're bloody delicious… and so fuckin' soft…" 
"Argh! Please!" 
"What d'you want, hm?" Mundy lapped and the Frenchman's hips jerked on their own. 
"Please… The bottle…" Lucien's eyes were shut, he couldn't see anything anymore. 
"Right, here comes." 
Lucien heard the plastic cap pop open and Mundy coated his finger generously. 
"C'mere." Mundy flipped Lucien on his back again and went straight for a sloppy kiss. Lucien wrapped his arms around his lover and kept his legs open. "Breathe slowly and relax, ok? I got you, luv'..." 
"Oooh… Hah… Slowly… Please…" He hissed.
Mundy held him with one arm while his finger worked gently on his lover. 
"See…? I'm goin' very slowly, it's all fine… Relax, luv', I've got you here… You're with me…" 
"Aaah… Mundy…"
"Sssh, save your strength, just enjoy." Mundy added a kiss to Lucien's lips before sitting between his open legs. He took the bottle and squirted more of its content on his finger before going at it again. 
"Aah… P-please, Mundy…?" Lucien's eyebrows were arched high up. 
"Okay. Here… I'll go slow as always, ok…?"
"O-oui… Oh… Oui… mmmh…" 
Mundy worked him up in slow, gentle movements and Lucien discovered feelings he thought he never would.
"Mundy, please… Your lips…"
"Sure, luv'." Mundy laid on top of Lucien's slim body and held him close as he kissed him. He got surprised by how much Lucien needed it. "You ok, darl'? You feel different."
"Please hold me." 
"Course." Mundy let his whole weight fall on Lucien and held him close and tight. "Talk to me, what is it?"
"It is… My first time doing this… I need you to be slow… I apologise but-"
"No, don't apologise, we'll take our time, ok? And if you want to stop here, we'll stop here, ok?"
"I am sorry." Lucien screwed his eyes shut in shame. 
"Hey, there's nothing wrong with wantin' to go slow, ok?"
"Oui but a minute ago I was so sure of myself but now I don't know anymore." 
"It's ok, it's fine, you can change your mind." 
"But Mundy I put you in this state and now I'm backing away… It's…"
"It's fine is what it is. There is no problem whatsoever, ok, Lu'?" Mundy put his hands left and right on his lover's cheeks. "Love? Open your eyes, just a second." 
"I can't. I'm ashamed." 
"Hm." Mundy thought fast. He put the blanket over them both, they were now both underneath it. "Here, now, nothing will get to you. Please, Lu', look at me, I need to see your beautiful eyes…?" 
Lucien frowned. 
"Love…?" Mundy kissed his closed eyelids gently. "Please, gorgeous?" 
Lucien blinked a couple of times and opened his eyes. He looked up at Mundy and quickly averted his gaze. 
"Hey… Don't feel weird about it." 
"I am sorry." 
"No, don't be, there's nothin' to be sorry about." He kissed his bearded cheek. 
"Yes, there is. Look at me, a man older than you and I behave like a teenage girl…"
"No." Mundy answered. "I couldn't give a shit how you behave like. You have your limits and I have mine, if we get close to these limits, you have to tell me and I'll gladly stop, ok?"
"At my age, Mundy, at my God-forsaken age…!"
"Who gives a shit?!" Mundy asked. "I don't! It's your first time and I'm so bloody happy it's with me and… Gosh, this whole thing just makes me love you more…!"
"You say this to comfort me." Lucien was still not looking his lover in the eye. 
"No, I don't. I just think it's beautiful of you to react this way… It feels like…" Mundy brushed his lover's upper cheeks with his thumbs and Lucien finally met his eyes. "Feels like a first time to me too, eh?" He smiled softly. 
"I love you, Mundy…" Those round, light blue eyes were something to behold. Lucien's eyebrows were arched up in a pleading way and the Aussie couldn't help but just smile and try and remember that instant, that face, the long silver hair all around it like the beams of a masculine sun… 
"I love you too, sweetheart, ok?" Mundy continued brushing Lucien's cheeks. 
"And I'm proud of you."
"Yeah, you took more than I ever did in my life. You're a bloody hero, y-you're my everythin'. I love you so much." Mundy kissed Lucien's cheek again and the Frenchman pulled him closer. 
"I cannot ever recall a man as gentle as you are, Mundy." 
"Never seen anyone as gorgeous as you eh." 
"What? It's true." He chuckled.
"I can believe it." Lucien arrogantly answered. 
"Love ya." Mundy buried his head in Lucien's neck and peppered kisses from time to time. "Love ya like you have no idea." 
"Me too." Lucien wrapped his arms around Mundy's head. "Me too, mon amour, but please…?"
"I think I am ready for more." 
"You sure? We can stop it here if you want." 
"Non, please… I want you." Lucien pulled him closer and grinded his hips.
Mundy left a final kiss. 
"Should I continue or…?" 
"Oui, please."
"Anythin' for you, love." Mundy coated his fingers again. "You really sure though? Oh…"
Lucien took his lover's hand and guided him down where he wanted it to be. 
"Alright, here we go…"
"Ahaa…. Hah…" 
"Breathe slowly and relax. It's much easier than earlier, I can feel it."
"More, please." Lucien closed his eyes to focus on what was happening down there.
"Right… Here… How does that feel?" 
"Orh… Oui… A-another finger, please, I want to feel you more." 
"Okay, luv', take a slow, deep breath." 
"Oh-oui… Oui, Mundy…" Lucien hissed and arched his back. "Oh!" Mundy started moving his fingers and Lucien's hips moved slowly. 
"That's it, Lu'... You're doin' amazing, you're great." 
"Please, your lips." 
Mundy bent down and Lucien pulled him closer when their lips collided. 
"Mmh, how d'you feel, love?"
"I will be better in a minute."
"Oh, bugger, am I hurting you?" 
"Non," Lucien smiled. "I mean when you will truly make love to me." 
Mundy felt a rush of blood to his head. The way that Lucien gazed at him, lovingly, and those words… Poetry. 
"Y-you're… the best." Mundy laid on his lover and kissed him again, more and more. He was past the shy stage now and felt comfortable enough to stick his tongue out himself and start the French kiss. Lucien moaned under him and wrapped his legs around the Aussie's back. 
"Oh! Gosh…!"
Lucien had grasped both their masculinities in one hand and stroked them in unison. Mundy groaned and buried his head deep in Lucien's shoulder. He started grinding against his member and in his warm palm. 
"Gosh, Lu'... Yeah… Yeah…" Mundy added his hand on top of Lucien's and both rolled their hips in rhythm. One groaned and the other whimpered. A concert of lust in delight major. 
"M-Mundy… Please… Do it…" 
"You sure, luv'?"
"Oui… I want you… in me." 
Mundy's eyes rolled back in bliss and his member gave a twitch. 
"I want you too… You're so bloody sexy…" 
"I do my best." 
"You don't need to." 
Mundy grabbed the bottle and popped the cap open again. 
"Non!" Lucien snatched it off his hands and poured some of it in his palm. "Let me please…"
They sat on their knees, face to face. Lucien sank down on all four and grabbed Mundy's member in his hand. 
"What are you - oh? Yeah… Please… Gnh…" 
Lucien took it between his lips and tasted it. Annoyingly enough, his long hair was flowing everywhere and it wasn't practical at all. He swooshed his head left and right to throw it out of the way.
"Let me help ya…"
Mundy took Lucien's hair and held it away from his face. The Frenchman hummed in thanks and sucked just a bit harder. 
"You're welc-oh!-me" Mundy's hips jerked forward on their own.
Lucien chuckled as he pulled back and generously slicked his lover's member with the content of the bottle he had bought. 
"There… Keep the bottle near, we might need more, mon amour."
"How do you want me?"
"On your belly, luv'." 
Lucien did as he was told. Mundy lay on top of him and kissed the back of his neck. 
"You ready, Lu'?"
"I have been waiting for too long, Mundy, please…"
Mundy took the matter in his own hand and positioned himself. 
"Breathe deep, Lu'." 
Lucien closed his eyes and he felt it. 
"Oh… Oui… Doucement… Oui… Orh - Mundy…!"
"You're doin' great…" Mundy groaned. "Just tell me if it's too much or anythin'..."
"More, please…!" 
Mundy lay down again on top of his lover and bit his shoulder gently as he pushed his hips deeper. 
And then, he stopped. He was entirely in the safety of his lover's body. 
"Gosh… You alright?" 
"O-oui… Don't move, please, hold on…" 
Lucien turned his head and Mundy kissed his bearded cheek and his lips. The Frenchman was barely kissing back. He was focusing on the new sensations. It was hurting, obviously, but knowing that it was his lover's member that was pulling his body at its limits made it all worthwhile. 
"You're gorgeous…  And brave… I love you… And you feel so… so…" 
"Say it." Lucien asked. 
"So bloody tight, argh…" Mundy's member was aching with anticipation as he felt Lucien's walls closely wrapping him all around. 
"Move, gently please…" 
Mundy pulled his hips back slowly, not all the way, and pushed in again. He maintained the excrutiatingly slow rhythm for entire minutes. 
"Mmmh, Lu', you sure you're relaxed…?"
"Oui, as much as I can be…"
"Gosh you're so tight… I'm so scared to hurt you…" 
"You won't, continue gently for a bit more, please…"
Mundy's hands were wrapped around his lover's torso as he rolled his hips slowly still. He felt his lover's body get used to it as it relaxed little by little. 
"Faster, please."
Mundy picked up the pace only slightly, still afraid that it would go pear-shaped. But soon he felt Lucien raise his own hips to meet him. And the Frenchman started moaning louder as Mundy's hips matched Lucien's eager ones. 
The Frenchman buried his head in the pillow to smother his obscene song of pleasure but Mundy wanted to hear him, he slipped the pillow off of him away and held his body between his strong arms. 
"Bloody hell you sound and feel amazin'..." 
Both were in a pool of sweat and the van's temperature had dramatically risen. The bed started creaking under them both and they moaned, hissed, growled and groaned louder still. 
"M-Mundy… Ahaa…"
"Nnh-! Yeah…?"
"Hold me close, please…!" 
Mundy instinctively put a hand on Lucien's, pinning his wrist to the bed and sliding his fingers in between the Frenchman. His other hand went underneath Lucien, he wanted to hold him somewhere and couldn't find where until his hand grasped wherever it was and Lucien let a powerful and high-pitched moan out. He rolled his eyes up in bliss. Mundy had wrapped his fingers around his throat… 
The Aussie bent down again to push his hips deeper and he bit Lucien's ear. He grunted at each push of his hips. 
"You're - bloody - amazin'... You feel - so - bloody - good… gnnh! Y-you're gettin' me close…"
Lucien was moaning with an open mouth and as Mundy kissed his cheek and now the corner of his mouth, he realised that the poor Frenchman was drooling on the mattress, he had lost all sense of control of his body. 
"Lu'...? Lu'... What you said about the bottle and stuff… D'you mean it…? You said to use the bottle and… you?"
Lucien painfully nodded. 
Mundy tightened his grip on Lucien's throat slightly and grabbed his shoulder for leverage. His thrusts were now utterly controlled by his hips. He ran after his satisfaction, chasing it as he flared his nostrils, moving as fast and deep as he possibly could. Lucien opened his legs slightly more and Mundy stopped. 
"Bugger… Are you alright?" 
Lucien was sobbing. 
"Hey, luv', darlin', Lu', talk to me…" 
Lucien panted to catch his breath and he answered, his eyes still closed. 
"Please take me… to the end… with you… Don't stop… again… Before… the end…" 
Mundy frowned. 
"Anythin' for you." 
He put a hand back on Lucien's throat while the other was now on the Frenchman's member. Mundy's hips started anew and he felt it. Lucien's masculinity had been out of patience and Mundy's fingers were coated in its eagerness. 
"Gosh, you've been on the edge for far too long… I'm sorry, luv', we'll do it together, I'm takin' you to the end, I promise…!" 
Mundy's body was melting in a pool of sweet as he picked up the pace on his pelvis and his hand. 
"L-Lu'! Lu'', I'm so close-!" 
Lucien groaned louder as he thrusted his hips into Mundy's hand…!
In a concerto, both yelling their satisfaction as if they were alone in the world, they arrived where they had aimed to be. Mundy bit Lucien's neck at the back as he sheathed himself as deep as he could. At the same time, he felt Lucien's pleasure burst out on his fingers.
They panted and breathed heavily, Mundy freed Lucien's throat and kissed him wherever his mouth could reach, namely, on the top of his back and the back of his neck. 
"I love you… I love you… I love you… You're the best, I've never loved anyone else like you before, you just… You make everything make so much sense… You… You're everythin' I never could dream of… Y-you're the stuff of books and movies… You're amazing…" 
Lucien sniffed and Mundy's eyes snapped wide open. 
"Lu'? Love, tell me, what's wrong?" He hugged his lover tight. 
"P-please… Can you…?" Lucien moved his hips and Mundy gasped. 
"Oh, bugger, sure…" He withdrew gently and Lucien curled in a ball. He continued to sniff. 
"Lucien, please, talk to me? Did I go too far? Did you want me to stop but you couldn't say? Oh, Gosh, I-I'm so sorry, I… Argh…" Mundy gagged and Lucien flipped on the bed. 
"'Scuse me…" 
Mundy put on his underwear and slipped out of the van. 
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aggresivelyfriendly · 4 years
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Hi! I know I have other unfinished fic, but I’ve actually been writing a bit, and you can blame @the-well-rested-one! I have five chapters queued up and outline for several more, that’s a good sign! Please comment if you read, or reblog! Thank you to @nikibi6 and @emulateharry for the looksie!
The One Where Harry Styles Sneezed On Me
Day One
There's only three people out on the pavement ahead of her, and a part of Elise is tempted to tip toe because she watches too many movies.
The streets of London are quieter than Elise has seen them since she moved here. She'd basically never left her university classes and not been shoulder to shoulder with wall to wall people. Her classes were over at rush hour and there were a lot of people in London at any time of day. Had you asked her before the move, she would have said she liked big crowds. But now, the tube sometimes gave her anxiety, a brand new thing, because it was so packed.
Today, well London was like a ghost town, like the film where she'd fallen in love with the city and decided she would study abroad there. It was an odd one, but that sounded like her.
28 Days Later was a weird inspiration, but maybe because London was empty in the movie, she was able to see things about it better. It was also why she felt like she should be extra quiet on the nearly deserted streets, this was the closest approximation to her favorite movie scenes she'd probably ever see in one of the biggest cities in the world. Elise had never been to a big city, not really, the largest was maybe Phoenix. But it didn't really feel that much bigger than Tucson, where she grew up, or maybe it had just grown before her eyes so she hadn't noticed.
London was a proper big city as her roommate told her, and Elise hadn't made it for a semester abroad. She'd wound up here for her post graduate work, she couldn't afford it during undergrad. The living expenses, turns out, were too expensive, but she'd found a way later, because there was a will, a dream.
Her will for today had been to find her way after class to the next public green space on her list. She'd done Kensington Gardens, Hyde Park, and Regent's Park. She went after class when she could, if there was sunlight to catch. Today was so pretty, she had decided to go even if it meant catching the tube by herself at night. And then she had stepped out into a London eerily like the one from the movie that had first infatuated her. There were people on the street though, and they didn't look like the walking dead, just the walking afraid. Those who had braved the streets wore masks. One lady had gardening gloves on. Elise wasn't sure if she was underreacting or everybody else was over the top. She hadn't really thought about it, mostly because she was under 80, and well, honestly, maybe she did feel a little bit of the invincibility youth brings.
Apparently lots of Londoners didn't feel the same way. Including those who ran her Uni. She arrived with her notebooks and excited for her day plans, resolute, to find a sign on an easel in the entryway.
"Classes Cancelled today. Online classes will resume tomorrow. All formats will be conducted via Portal for three weeks, or until further notice."
Well, shit. Had they thought to send an email? It may have saved her the trip.
Elise looked at the 100,000 emails in her gmail and discovered they had indeed emailed her. This was why she avoided online courses, she was much better, learned better, in person. Also, she was abysmal at keeping up with things via email. The next few weeks would be a trial.
She'd have to figure it out, and she knew herself; A schedule was necessary, she'd write one down, on paper, to order her life while she had to finish these courses online. But that seemed to be her only coursework for this day.
That was a bright side. She took it as a silver lining, she could head to the old London Heath right away. She considered walking, plotted out her path and realized that it was a long, long way, so long it would steal all of her energy to explore.
The tube was really ghostly, like the ghost town they visited once, Calico or something?
Regardless, she was surprised she wasn't more excited. It was just like 28 Days Later. Well not really, no bloodthirsty, spattered lurchers, but it felt eerie. Like it had the first time she watched it, before she got totally immune to the plot and could only see the sights. She was thankful when a few people got on her carriage, though they sat as far from each other as the spacing allowed. She quickly looked up more information on her phone and estimated how far away the people should be, they were all separated by much more than that.
By the time she got to her destination, she'd normally be just getting out of her first class, and Elise's stomach reminded her that this was meal time. She really was married to a schedule, or at least her biology was. She thought a picnic would be lovely, so she looked up a market and found a Whole Foods nearby. She would splash out for her lunch it looked like, could be worse, could be Waitrose, and must be cheaper than a cafe, surely.
London was pricey. Which she'd known intellectually and was now experiencing literally everyday. As such, Elsie was kinda thinking she needed a job. Was she allowed to work? Maybe on campus. She'd have to ask the question to somebody who knew; she was running through her reserves.
Elise kinda sighed at herself as she walked into Whole Foods. Maybe this was not the best idea. But it was bright and cheery inside and smelled like green juice and roasted vegetables. Her stomach growled and she decided the worst that could happen was she would wind up eating cup o' noodles and have to pack a lunch a lot towards the end of semester before her next stipend.
Elsie shrugged and sang along a little to the song playing overhead. She felt like she rarely heard One Direction here, she heard it played out more in public in the US, and wondered if that was due to public exhaustion. She understood that it had been next level crazy here. Maybe it was just time? They'd been her favorite when she was in early high school. She had decided she was gonna marry Liam in eighth grade. That opinion changed as they all aged. She got too cool for them, and well, some of them grew up nicely. "Just how fast the night changes." She tried to harmonize along. The song also meant she wasn't hurrying she was, however, wandering.
Fruit, she should grab some fruits, that was always a good place to start.
How she wound up by the hot bar she didn't know, but she grabbed a bit of roast chicken and realized the layout was backwards to the one she was used to in Tucson. The metal spoon clanked as she got some potatoes that looked deliciously crunchy and had little burned ridges like she loved. She should have some vegetables. Carrots didn't count, real green things were needed. Asparagus counted. She was looking at the cut fruit, but then thought about her budget concerns and headed over to the produce section.
It was a little emptier than what she assumed was normal, a few ladies and a tall, lanky man in a hoodie and hat were the only people about. He was broad from the back, but had a furtive set to his shoulder that made him smaller. He was also standing exactly where she wanted to be. In front of the bananas, her favorite of the economical fruits. The best bunches clustered where he didn't seem to be doing anything but loitering.
Elise's belly growled, the aroma of her roasted chicken wafted up. She'd give it another minute and if he hadn't moved, she'd try to politely shoulder her way around him, 6 feet or not.
She gave it two minutes. By the end her converse was audible tapping. He still hadn't moved at all. So help her, if he was on his phone! It was time for action. She came up to about his shoulder, and he did not seem to notice there was 5 feet of impatience at his elbow, at least he certainly didn't move. When Elise realized he was on his phone, her patience snapped. That had to break some kind of grocery store etiquette. Was there grocery store etiquette? Certainly, it would extend to standing so people couldn't access foods when you were fucking around on your phone.
She reached past him, "sorry, excuse my reach." she hoped he could hear just how not sorry she was. Elise was good at passive-aggression.
She heard his breathing change and was ready to tell him he had just been blocking the bananas for three minutes, and she knew she wasnt being socially distant, but he was being rude, when he turned towards her. He was being rude, especially by English standards and she would tell him so, even if she wasn't sure if he was exactly impolite, accusing an Englishman of that was very effective.
She realized two things when he looked at her.
One- he was not some stranger- he was HARRY. FUCKING.STYLES!
And two- as his spit splattered all over her face, he wasn't about to call her rude, his gasp had been the beginning of a sneeze.
The last hour had been an absolute blur. She had just sat down to eat. And though her 16 year old self would consider this an upgrade, her 23 year old self was really sad the heath was not the site of her lunch, even if it had been switched out for her teenage dream.
Because Harry Styles had started his litany of apologies with a "fuck!" Then a spilling ramble. "I'm so sorry, dammit, I knew I should have just sent somebody. Dammit, Jesus fuck, now you will have to be quarantined too." His hands were fumbling with the wet wipes and she could smell the disinfectant on them. She stopped him short before he was wiping that shit on her face and was redirecting his hand while he was still talking about how they could just both be holed up in his house. It distracted from the fact he was rubbing spittle off her shirt very close to her nipple.
"I mean, it's not huge. Damn, I kinda wish the new house was done. Then we wouldn't even have to see each other. Not that, I um, wouldn't want to see you, or like whatever, but um. We don't know each other and we'll be, like, living together for several weeks. I guess you could quarantine at your place. But I just feel better, cause it's my fault. Seems rude to possibly infect somebody due to negligence, and not like, help them through it. I just had to have my celery juice." That part was said under his breath, and he wasn't holding any juice.
She remembered the closed juice bar. The sign had read: Our fresh bars-juice, smoothie, and coffee are close due to Covid- 19 contagion worries. We apologize for any inconvenience.
Then it clicked, while she wiped his sputum from her face. That is what he was talking about. What the?
"Are you just wandering around whole foods infecting people? You have the virus?"
She realized she'd been talking really loud and attracting attention. Harry certainly realized.
He looked agitated and around to see if they had an audience, and she realized his face was a bit of a liability. That would be some headline for sure. "Harry Styles spreading coronavirus!" or some shit like that. He used to get press for existing, the memory made her soft for him.
"Let's get you checked out. And we can go back to my place and talk?" He made eye contact and she got confused for a second longer.
"What?" Elise found herself saying. She would normally never ever go home with some dude in a store. But, this dude was Harry Styles, and that made her feel simultaneously safer and also like this was a chance she had to take. She also wanted to yell at him a little.
He sighed, like she was a hard to open packet of chips. "Can you check out and meet me outside?" He looked around again and bit his lip because the women nearby were watching them. He handed her his basket and helped her transfer her things to it, "Can you grab my things too?" He didn't sound like she remembered him. But she supposed she'd not done more than listen to his albums once through after she'd grown out of her One Direction phase.
He sounded better. He was still growing up well.
"Huh?" She was not following him. He gave her that exasperated face and thinned his lips before he quickly got a hundred pound note out. "Check out and I'll meet you in my car. I'm near the front, all right?"
She barely remembered checking out. The girl had to prompt her twice, and she'd shoved the sanitizer at her when they'd both had to touch the change. She even considered keeping. Can you grab my things too, the audacity! But she handed it to him promptly and he put it away and sanitized his hands and gave her a squirt too. Chivalry in the time of Corona.
The drive had been quiet. Though she was sure there were things to do, to say, certainly. So the radio played and Harry sang along. It was a surreal moment, right out of her teenage dreams. Listening to Harry Styles sing in his expensive car. The missing piece that made it reality instead of fantasy was that she was not singing along, instead she was confused and hungry.
"Here, I'll warm up your lunch." Was the first thing he said to her as he ushered her into the square house she recognized from something on the internet years ago. It was a little cold inside and Elise fitted her sweater around her shoulders and sat at the wood grain kitchen table. Her food came to her steaming. Then a warm mug she immediately wrapped her hands around.
"You cold?" He asked while moving to a fancy looking blue screened rectangle on the wall. "I'm always cold, so I just wait until someone seems too cold to change anything."
She nodded.
"Right, so you know me?" He asked like it was taking out the garbage.
"Um," Elise took a drink. "Yeah, I was a huge One Direction fan in high school."
He smiled at that. "Ok, is that why you've gone silent? Freaking out?"
"Yeah, and also, I'm not really following. Honestly."
"Why don't you tell me a little about about what you think is going on. Then I'll fill in my side."
She took a breath. "Can I eat my lunch first?" She needed a minute, and she was beyond hungry, and annoyed. Definitely annoyed. And maybe just a touch of freaking out. Harry was her favorite for a lot longer than Liam, if she was honest.
"Oh! Yes, of course." He shook his head, "how rude of me."
That was why he felt rude? Not the bananas or irresponsible shopping trip. Elise widened her eyes at her carton before she dug in and didn't look up until the blender went.
A green smoothie, vibrant and lush, was placed at her elbow. It matched his eyes. "Here, to your health."
"Thank you." She took a sip and smiled. Her blood sugar was rising and she was already feeling considerably better, though her odd situation and figuring it out came to the forefront. "So, um, to my health hmmm?" She cheered the air.
Harry exhaled and nodded.
"To yours as well?"
"I suppose you could say that." He pulled his lip between his forefingers and she remembered that from interviews.
"You're not supposed to touch your face." She ah, ah, ahhed with a grin.
He laughed and it broke some of their tension. "I'm not. Neither are you."
Elise realized she had her chin in her hand. She slapped it lightly on the table and sat up. "Fair enough, so what am I doing here, Mr. Styles?"
He groaned lowly and she wondered what that was about. She didn't let it sidetrack her though, she'd wait out his response.
He took a big gulp of health and Elise watched the chunky residue slide down the glass.
"You've heard of Coronavirus, yes?"
She couldn't help but roll her eyes.
He chuckled, she hoped at himself, what the fuck kind of question was that?
"Right, pretty unavoidable, yeah?" He didn't need her to agree, he kept talking. "I travel a lot."
"Duh!" she interrupted.
At that he really did laugh. "So, I travel a lot, duh, and I flew on a flight where somebody tested positive. There aren't many tests yet, they're rationing them."
"Even for you?" She was surprised.
"Even for me," he sighed. "I'm just a person. Anyway, the person in question asked for a pic for his daughter—."
"Likely story."
"Perhaps, and so, we were in close proximity and we shook hands," she nodded along with the line of his narrative. "They won't test me unless I show symptoms. But quarantine was recommended."
He finished, he'd left out a part though.
"Is Whole Foods part of the quarantine radius?"
He blushed a little, and all of the reasons she'd had some of her earliest fantasies about him surfaced. "No, not as such. But I was low on bananas."
"Nobody you could pay a euro for your bunch of bananas?" She hoped for a laugh.
He squinted. "Course, but I don't like to be a bother."
She couldn't help but laugh at that. "So, in your effort to not inconvenience anyone for a couple hours, you've exposed me by sneezing in my face, rude, and kidnapping me to your house? So, now I have to quarantine too?"
"You aren't a kid. How could I nap you?" This was not a joke, but the humor of it was not escaping either of them.
"Not what that means, though I've no idea why." She shrugged.
"Young lady napped?" He tried.
"Oh god, you are sooo English. Young lady napped." She tried on his drawl.
"That was terrible!" He shook his head like he was offended.
"I thought it was pretty good?" She popped her shoulder and her own little dimple in her left cheek appeared, though it didn't pull the weight his did. He narrowed his eyes before raising up his eyebrows.
"It was alright, I suppose. We have time to perfect it."
"Why's that?" She found herself asking.
"Well, we're pretty much stuck together. How d'ya feel about two weeks at Le Hotel Styles?"
He couldn't be serious, could he?
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Patlabor fanfic WIP
Summary:  Shige has a cute moment with Noa.  Asuma is definitely not jealous.  Because this is SV2 and nobody ever has anything better to do, absolutely everybody gets involved.  Basically, Noa becomes the center of a (PG) harem comedy and has absolutely no idea.
Backstory:  I’ve been going through a handful of fanfic WIPs and story notes from the past few years, seeing if anything really sparks my interest / seems like it’s worth finishing up...and I really like a lot of lines and concepts in this one, but I also probably won’t ever finish it.
At the time (sometime in 2018), I never finished it because the ideas got more complicated than I felt like wrangling, and because the “she was actually just blushing over Alphonse all along” ending seemed so obvious that it didn’t feel like the shenanigans leading up to the reveal were “worth it”.
And now, I probably won’t finished it because at the time I thought Noa was in her early or mid-twenties, and that Shige was in his mid- or late twenties...but it turns out that Noa is 18 in the Early Days / TV timeline (and left SV2 by the time she was 23 in Patlabor 2) and that The Next Generation set Shige’s canon age at 59, making him fucking 45 during Early Days / TV.  8′)  Since part of the story hinges on Shige crushing on her, even though (or especially because?) it’s onesided, the age difference kinda squicks me out too much for me to want to write any more.  But again, a lot of the lines and concepts make me laugh, so I figured I might as well share.
If you like this but wish it had more terrible sex jokes and/or that it was just poorly written Shige/Sakaki smut, check out my AO3 page cus that describes the only two Patlabor fics I've finished thus far  X’D  (And I definitely won’t be offended if that’s not your cup of tea.)
And now, the story~ (+ notes)
Shige started, banging his head on the raised hatch.  It took a few moments of swearing and cradling his skull before he managed to straighten up and turn around.
Noa had her hand over her mouth, a fiery blush spreading across her face.  He hadn’t expected to see her—it was so late, and she was clearly dressed to go home.
“Oh, uh,” she fumbled, shuffling her feet a bit.  “S-sorry, I didn’t—didn’t mean to interrupt—”
Shige grinned, though the muscle movement made his head injury sting.  “No problem!  ’Sup?”
“I, uh...”
Another surprise.  The blush deepened, and—Shige had never seen her shy.  Hadn’t thought her capable of it, honestly.  Noa was the only girl he’d ever met who burped openly instead of holding it in.
Noa’s hand slowly rose up to point at—him?  Oh, no, past him, into the cavity of her Ingram’s leg.  The hatch on its shin had been opened and the curved guard over the ankle removed, exposing a tangled web of pistons and wiring.
“Hm?”  Shige blinked, then seemed to get it.  “Oh!  Oh, you’re worried about your ‘Alphonse’, right?”
“Oh, n-no, that’s not—”
“ ‘He’s’ just fine, Izumi-chan, cross my heart!  I’m just taking a peek at the ankle servos, you’ve been shifting to the left a teensy bit when you walk lately—not enough to interfere with the auto-balance, of course, but who wants to worry about maybe possibly potentially tripping over six-ton feet in the middle of a chase scene, right?  I’ll get ‘him’ back in tip-top shape in no time!”
“Ah, well, th-thank you, Shige-san...”
Shige grinned again, turned back around, bent into the leg cavity and picked up his toolbox.
Sound echoed in here.
He heard the slight whistling through his teeth as he tried to expel the tune stuck in his head, every little reverberating clink when his tools touched the mechanisms.
He didn’t hear footsteps.
More carefully this time—squatting further down instead of straightening up—Shige extricated himself and turned around.
Noa jumped, glancing away sharply, shuffling her feet again.  That pink in her cheeks looked utterly alien, but...very, very cute.
Shige swallowed.
“H-hey, c’mere,” he blustered, grin a bit more lopsided than before.  “Lemme show you.”
Noa hesitated—wow, shy was a really great look on her—but stepped forward.  There was only room for one on the awkwardly curved slope of the Ingram’s foot, so Shige slid off and gallantly helped her up, being extremely careful about the placement of his hands.  Noa’s fingers dug into his shoulder as she steadied herself, peering into the inner workings of the Ingram.
Shige pointed at things, his already-too-loud voice echoing throughout the cavern of the exposed leg.  He explained what was what, Noa nodded and “oh!”ed and asked all the right questions, her hand on his shoulder the entire time.  She glanced clumsily back and forth between the towering mechanisms and Shige, eyes bright, breath a little ragged.
It was Noa who almost slipped and fell climbing down, but Shige was absolutely dizzy.
“Sucks to be you, Asuma-chan~”
Asuma and a handful of the maintenance crew were crowded in the break room divvying up their Shanghai Noodle lunch orders.  He squinted skeptically.  Shige had been bursting at the seams with swagger and pride all day, and the tone of this latest remark implied a dramatic reveal.
But Asuma refused to give him the satisfaction of showing he was curious, and instead calmly dipped his chopsticks into his ramen with nothing more than an “Oh?”
“Izumi-chan’s got a crush on me.”
Half the room jumped.  Shige crowed with laughter.  Asuma tried his best to hurriedly wipe the wet noodles off his vest and to look coolly aloof at the same time.
“So, what,” he grumbled, failing at the latter, “is this like the time you thought the mailman had a crush on you?”
“He did,” Shige retorted defensively.  Then he settled back in his chair again, arms folded behind his head, the picture of perfect smug serenity.  “But I caught Izumi-chan staring at my sexy ass while I was bent over the Ingram’s ankle servos last night.  You ever seen her blush?  Almost reminds you she’s a sweet young girl!”
“What makes you think she was staring at your ass?” mumbled one of the mechanics.
Asuma almost dropped the paper towel he’d been furiously wiping with.
“Yes.  Yes!” he blurted, then remembered he was supposed to be coolly aloof and crossed his arms (spreading the broth stains to his sleeves).  “I mean...it was probably ‘Alphonse’ you were working on, right?  ‘He’s’ the only ‘man’ she has eyes for.”
“Oh, so you think just ’cus she hasn’t jumped on you that she’s completely immune to masculine charms?”  Shige snorted, but he was already starting to go red at the ears.  “All you ever do is yell orders at her!  I’m the one taking care of her beloved ‘Pat-chan’ every day—nursing ‘him’ when ‘he’s’ sick—making sure ‘he’ always looks ‘his’ best—it just makes sense that she’d fall in love with—”
“Seriously?  By that logic, Noa’d be sleeping with the entire maintenance staff!”
All the mechanics in the room became very alert.
“Or Chief Sakaki!” added Asuma.
The mechanics instantly deflated.
“Whatever.”  Shige snapped up his bowl and dug in, pointedly avoiding Asuma’s gaze.  “You’re just jealous.”
A triumphant smirk played across Asuma’s face.  He sat back down, stain be damned.  “Aw, don’t worry about it,” he said soothingly, blowing on his own ramen.  “I get it.  You’re crazed with loneliness being cooped up with a bunch of sweaty guys day after day, right?  Of course you’ll take any smile from a girl as a—”
“I am not—”
Both men nearly fell out of their chairs.
“There you are!” chirped Noa, though she gave a self-conscious start as she glanced around the room and saw just how many people were in it.  Asuma stared.  He’d never actually seen her blush before.
“U-um,” she went on, suddenly timid again but trying to smile through it.  “So, Shige-san...I just wanted to ask...c-can I, uh, hang out with you again after my shift’s over?  ...Like yesterday?”
“Absolutely, Izumi-chan,” said Shige smoothly, flashing a toothy grin at Asuma.  “Absolutely.”
Hiromi groaned.
“C’mon, c’mon!” Asuma hissed, shaking him.  Well, as much as he could shake the big man.  “You’re curious too, right?”
Hiromi groaned again.
“What?  It’s gotta be you, it’d sound weird coming from anyone else!”
“You’re nonthreatening, man, you’re like a big teddy bear, you listen to people and care about their feelings and stuff!”
Asuma bullies Hiromi into discreetly asking Noa cus Hiromi’s nonthreatening (like a big teddy bear)...Noa misinterprets & thinks Hiromi’s asking her out?
Ota thinks crush talk and/or dating a coworker is super unprofessional but now he can’t stop thinking about it either, is jealous that no one’s hitting on him?  Starts alternately peacocking & being really irritable? Demands Noa and Kanuka rate the men in terms of attractiveness and then immediately gets mad cus that’s so dumb?
Noa keeps hanging out w Shige after work, looking at Alphonse’s schematics...he tries to ask her on like an actual date and she’s disappointed? Goes anyways (& went with Hiromi too)?? Now everyone’s really confused??? Asuma asks her out too???
Kanuka’s stoically scornful, like “are you all that desperate for a woman?” (like they’re all crowding around Noa cus she’s one of the only girls they know, and/or comparing it to kids who don’t want a toy until they see someone else play with it)  Hiromi’s just really embarrassed and too shy to admit to Noa that there’d been a misunderstanding
Shinshi’s glad that everyone’s thinking seriously about their romantic futures
Shige & Asuma start getting weirdly competitive and start going on like trio dates where they keep one-upping each other and/or Noa thinks it’s a group hang and invites the others along
Eventually Kanuka just spells out to Noa what’s going on & she’s really surprised and embarrassed. Admits she was so shy and cagey with Shige cus she didn’t want anyone making fun if her for looking at Alphonse “naked” (since he was a mechanic, he’d understand the fascination)
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Yukie Tanaka - IT1
On the roads near Ishikawa, there was a motorcycle gliding its way along the road with no halt. Yukie held on tight-fisted to the handle as she swivelled from left to right in case of cars coming her way. She never noticed any cars for quite some time. She did not once find it odd. The storm has been arguing for quite some time. There has not for once been a single pause before back to fighting again. The Raindrops fell as swiftly as her motorcycle. Driving at seventy kilometres per/hour. You can almost imagine them as hailstone with its rapid speed, although, they do not pinch at your skin.
Yukie had become tedious from the long journey. She turned on the radio to listen to, thanks to her wireless system. No one was nearby to be eavesdropping on what she was listening to. She could not see why not. She just hoped the sound of the engine and raindrops will not wash out the man's serene voice. There were pieces of news on the radio, new events occurring around the outskirts of Tokyo. 
• • •
At around 8:00 pm, the police found a man in his house dead. He was a seventy-one-year-old named Kenzou Hibiki. The police suggest that it was an act of suicide with his addiction to the pills. The reporter also reported that there was an accident near the scene of the death took place. Two male victims. One of the men confirmed to have died a few hours ago while the other was currently hospitalised. After that, they moved onto a news article, 'Why kids should buy dogs as pets'. Yukie did not wish to hear an absurd forged article; she turns the radio off.
Yukie could not even fantasize the idea of that happening to her. It would honestly be horrifying... or it was. She shakes her head in displeasure.
No... do not think about that. It was all just a nightmare. Mei is safe. She is no longer in harm's way...
Her relocation to a town called Kanazawa was a shock to her and the intention of actually doing it was never the plan, to say the least. Her caretaker stated that she was going somewhere one time, but she never realised where and how far it was going to take. The trip from Kyoto to Kanazawa was a lengthy distance. She had the choice to take a train, then another, then another and then a bus. However, she did not want to be scurrying from left to right trying to find the right train every minute. And so, she took her motorcycle instead. It required her to get a motorcycle permit, which involved completing a driver's education course, including traffic laws and signs exam since she was under the age of eighteen. She personally felt homesick being away from Kyoto. It was her hometown. Today, she had to live in a town with new people to judge and a new school to attend to and hope THEY do not judge her.
• • •
As she was driving closer to the town, she had a gullible urge to jump off the motorcycle and make a run for it as she was getting even more impatient the longer it took just to reach that tiny kilometre. She stops close to a small entrance with a jumbled stone path leading the way to a row of shops from the north and two-storey houses from the west and east. She never once spotted a single piece of rubbish. Beautifully carved, decorated stones along the path, meticulously placed in the order of the architect's mind; varying from small to large shapes. In the form of an abstract. Not once did she notice a pattern.
She finally leaps off her motorcycle, lifting the helmet off her head. Placing it on the handle of the leaned motorcycle, she swings her head left to right to allow her silver-white hair to breath freely in the wind and drenching rain.
Silver-white hair...
An odd piece of colour to have. Her hair is usually the thing that people recognise first. Not her smile, not her greeting, her hair. Nevertheless, her skin is another thing people grow great concern of. Her skin is pale white like snow-white from a grim fairy-tale. It is virtually identical to the colour of her hair. However, in her situation, it was no fantasy or tale made up. Many imply she is not taking in her vitamin D or is not eating enough "appropriate" food. In all honesty, she does, she has a healthy immune system, but no one ever takes her word for it because, in the end, she still looks like a haunted ghost with green devoid eyes gradually washing away as she aged.
She swings her hair back to tie it into a neat high ponytail, hair drenched from the commotion of the storm. Sweeping her fringe along the back of her ear, she grabs hold of the handles of her motorcycle as she walks her way through the rows of buildings, beginning with the east. East is right, and right is always right, right?
Her new caretakers lived near here with their last name templated right next to their door. Tanaka. Just like hers.
Yukie seems to be having a lot of difficulties trying to find the house. All the houses just appeared as identical twins to her. She wandered along the first side of the east of town a little longer searching for her last name; starting with 'T'.
No luck so far.
Her clothing began to stick to her cold thighs and her hair formed into wet strands of dreads from the rain. Her body encourages her tenacious mind to give up the search and head back to where she started; around the entrance and shops up north. The shops and stands were nonetheless open, continuing to do their business as usual, even around the night of twilight. She questioned if they might know anything about the Tanaka's. Who knows what they may know; perhaps even where they live? She suggested how weird that question could come out. There are vast ways to clarify this question.
She walks up to a stand that seems to be selling cooked food. The smell made her stomach churn for a second and mouth water. She has not had anything since she last left her hometown. She waits for the man to come around the counter. And fortunately, there was shade from the dousing rain. The man wearing an apron came along, rubbing his hands with a striped towel. He remained watching his hands as he greets her. "Hello, what can I do for-" When he looked up to see his customer, a yelp escaped from the man's mouth as his greeting, who could not even finish his sentence and was virtually close to dropping his towel. His eyes almost bulge out by how petrified he was. A woman as pale as a sheet? Is this possible?
Yukie could only smile and wave, but it only seemed to make the situation more awkward than she wanted it to be. The man apprehensively smiled and rubbed a hand against his neck. "I-I'm sorry! I didn't see you there!"
That is one of the biggest lies someone has ever said to me...
"W-What can I do for you?"
Her mind got straight to the point. "Do you know where I can find the Tanaka's?"
The man only continued to stutter. "T-They usually live around the corner of the houses to your right. It's detached and really quirky compared to the rest."
Yukie formed a fake smile. "Thank you, Sir."
She thought it was a bit irreverent of him to act in such a matter in front of her. Sometimes she asks herself, why are you still bothered by that? Strangers act that way towards you all the time, especially the children; their the worst when it comes to gossiping. She does let them off the hook since they are young. They need to learn eventually what is wrong and what is right. She walks all the way to the end of the path as directed by the storeman with her backpack on her shoulders whilst holding onto the bars of her motorcycle. A long ride and a long walk.
The storm continues to cry, and the shower did not stop once. The day felt miserable and dismal, along with the death and accident that occurred according to the radio. She stops around the building she first spots before it led off to the next row on the other side of the corner...
This must be the house I am looking for! She hoped to herself.
She checks the name. She thought she was imagining when she saw the one name she was dying to see. Her own last name, Tanaka. This was it; this was the house. She placed the motorcycle next to the side gate of their home. She hopes they do not mind her doing that. With elated thoughts and nervous fluttering butterflies in her queasy stomach, she knocks on the door with an unintentional rhythm.
No answer...
Perhaps, they were not home. She checks windows and surprisingly enough, the light was shining in the room next door to this... door. She knocks again. Still no answer. She sighs out of desperation. Out of luck, she presses onto the handle of the door. It opened. Yukie was taken aback; it almost made her hair stand on end. I-It's open? Maybe they 're inside after all.
Please excuse me...
Yukie enters the house, greeted by a lovely interior. The dinner table looked appealing. Smooth wood oak walls, table, cushioned chairs, and tatami mats as flooring. But other than the appearance, no one was around. Yukie plonks her bag near the doorway and searches around the house. She checks upstairs first. There were two rooms. One had a double bed with a delightful scent of roses. The interior in the bedroom felt very nostalgic to her liking. The next door was an empty and bland room. The blandest out of the entire house. There was an old bed, a white stained vanity, a wardrobe attached together with two drawers on each side of the wardrobe filled with nothing but hangers and just one dreamcatcher above the bed. The only colourful thing. Yukie came to the realisation that this could potentially be her new room. Lovely...
She hops down the stairs to see the last room of the house. The kitchen. When she enters the kitchen, A mess introduced her to the setting of the kitchen. Plates, forks, bowls, knives, every piece of cutlery all scattered and stacked up near the sink with a few on the side. How can anyone live with such a mess? She wonders. She cheekily checks the fridge to see what was currently stored. There was barely anything in there except for a humongous bottle of ice water, a pot of "nutritional" noodles and rice. That is it. She found post-it notes stuck to the front of the fridge once she shut the frigid air from the fridge. It said, "Things to get. Tuna, salmon, eggs, noodles, nori sheets, milk and bread."
Yukie had an idea. What if she were to buy the groceries for them? It would save them time, money and make a first good impression. She has plentiful of yen to waste and could not spend time and money during her breaks while on her trip. She takes the note with her and sets off on her self-errand to gather up the groceries on the list. The shops should not be too far. If she can make it in time, they may give her the last few minutes to get the things she needs. If they are not impatient to just close the stand and go home.
As she was leaving, she noticed the wet droplets stopped falling. The storm has finally taken its time to rest for a while. Yukie's guts were telling her something. A feeling. A feeling the storm would come back if she does not hurry along to the small store.
She made it in time for the shops. They mentioned they were going to close shop in under ten minutes. Yukie had to act fast and get as much as she could from the list, relying on what she can remember. She tries to snatch everything required. The Tuna, salmon, eggs, and noodles so far. Missing a few more. She spots the bread and grabs the wheat loaf, stuffing it in her hands with the rest of the groceries she was juggling. Maybe I should have brought a bag.
The lady working at the store was much more respectful in contrast to that man. It may be the case of her rarely looking at Yukie while she was stuffing the food in a scantily made bag. The lady was generous enough to give the bag away for free. Yukie could not decide whenever she should hold the bag by the grip or carry it with both hands to ensure the bag does not rip apart midway walking back. In the end, she went with using both hands. Yukie was grateful. She turns towards the same direction with a handful of groceries in her hands. Unfortunately, there was no sign of nori sheets or milk, but getting this much is better than getting nothing. She could have left empty-handed.
As she was walking her way back to the house, she hears a bang among the clouds. Just as she thought, the storm was coming back. She attempts to walk a little more briskly. However, something was slowing her down. The burden of her decline was not the groceries, but the looks she was getting from the people around the town. They glance at her; the thought of them with their abrasive gazes only made her sick with warped thoughts.
Why do people tend to stare at others? Aren't they adults? shouldn't they know better but to not stare?
She never craved this kind of attention or being this way in general, she never chose this life. It just happened naturally as he grew older each day. Someday, she hopes to just casually walk into the doctor's office and hear good news for once. 'Like music to my ears'. Perhaps she may walk in and they may suddenly announce there is a cure to her pale hair and skin!
But as she looks at it realistically,
It's never going to happen...
"Once we find a way to cure your distorted appearance, you'll be normal in no time, don't worry!"
"Normal, huh? Don't worry? I've waited long enough. Five years of cruelty, five years of judgement, five years of death."
• • •
"Now, if you don't mind me asking. Can you tell me your name, date of birth and age? I apologise for asking you for your personal information again, but one of our nurses seemed to have messed up a few of our files of our patients and we'd like to make sure the profiles are exact to what they were previously."
"Okay... My name is Yukie Tanaka, I was born on the 10th of July and I am sixteen."
"Thank you, Tanaka-san. I will be sure to fill in the misconceptions later..."
"Mind if I ask a question?"
"No, I don't mind, ask away..."
"Why am I here? Isn't my appointment in a few weeks?"
"Ah, yes. Well, the reason I called you here today is that I have a piece of news I need to tell you. And... you might not take it very lightly either."
"W-What is it...?"
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🌻 so i think i've pavloved myself into getting an urge to reread Convenience every time i go back to that restaurant cause they always have hockey playing... its happened the last THREE times I've been there!! i just see the hockey and then a couple players will get in a fight as they do and im like "oh! convenience! that was so good the last seven times i should reread it again" and listen im not complaining because its amazing but yeesh
🌻 also my new goal is to recommend convenience + the rest of your fics to at least one new person a week cause i’ve already unconsciously done it the last three weeks in a row anyway (at minimum lmao) im! ur biggest fan! i reread brother this morning too and istg that scene with the gun like,, pidge telling keith not to cream his pants always feels like a callout @ me after that scene i swear. like yeah i may be ace but lance is hot as fuck and that’s the tea so
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^ me handing custody of my heart over to u because u fucking OWN IT NOW FLOWER ANON!!!!
That restaurant fuckin know what’s good my dude, I remember when I went to Cali only ONE (1) place we went to had hockey on the TV and it was at the bar like half the restaurant away. I spent the whole meal leaned 45deg out of my seat tryna look at what was goin on lmao I was desperate. The hockey boys have to stop fighting though because it’s bad for my heart, the series we’ve been playing w Boston is so brutal, like every time there’s a check (and there are……. just so many) I’m like “stop being mean those are my boys!!!!!!!!!!!!!”
(sidenote tho imagine post-Convenience Lance getting riled up every time Keith takes a hit like yelling “DON’T SQUISH HIM THAT’S MY BOYFRIEND!!!!” probably ready to throw down with the hockey mans through the TV screen even tho he’s a wet noodle in comparison to a professional hockey player. Keith thinks it’s sweet, albeit wholly unnecessary, but secretly lives in fear of the day Lance tries to pick a fight with someone over it)
Alsooooo good timing on these asks because I actually did get to rereading Convenience and Brother this weekend ^^;; y’all I thought u were lying but u might have a point, I might actually know how to write……. There were definitely some parts that I think could’ve gone better but overall I’m kinda surprised at the quality of Convenience especially. Also I was initially worried that the ADHD!Lance wasn’t gonna be evident enough without me explicitly stating it and I’m here to say to past me… his adhd is basically a slap in the face lmao we gucci
Goodness and that fucking scene will haunt my nightmares. It had zero point apart from (1) sharpshooter Lance and (2) that line. I didn’t even mention the gun again after that scene, it was literally entirely for the benefit of thirsty Keith (and thirsty flower anon now ig. This is what I mean when I say significance comes from author intent and audience interpretation. Flower anon out here saving my life and my writer reputation)
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konyah · 6 years
Gentle Love
Chapter One – Promises
Rating: T
Disclaimer: I don’t own Naruto
Read on AO3 | Part of Origins series
A/N: Hey everyone! Sorry I took a little break there! I ended up getting pretty sick a few weeks ago, and last week was Golden Week so I spent that traveling (Okinawa, Osaka, Nara, Kyoto, and Tokyo). I’m glad to finally be writing the next part of the Origins series! This will focus on Naruto and Hinata’s relationship, and as of right now, I have 10 chapters planned out. I think this will be the official line up for the next parts in the Origins series: Shikatema, Saino, Metal Lee’s origin story, and Kakairu. Then I’ll work on the NextGen kids. The series is untitled right now, but it will include: Borusara, Shikajin, Mitsuhima, and Konohana. Maybe more as the series continues, but I don’t have any other ships so far in NextGen. Anyways, I hope you all enjoy this story!!
Four months. It had been four months since the two started officially dating. While she always dreamed about this day, she never thought it would actually happen due to her own anxieties.
However; here she was.
Hinata couldn’t help but to giggle as Naruto told her an incredibly lame joke, her mind wondering how she got lucky to be with such a wonderful man.
“Thank you!” He put his arms out in an exasperated gesture, “When I told that joke to Shikamaru, he said it was stupid and to shut up. For a genius, he doesn’t really keep up with jokes, y’know?”
“Probably because your jokes suck, idiot.”
Naruto and Hinata didn’t even realize that Ino and Sakura were in front of them.
“They do not suck! Hinata thought it was funny.” Naruto squinted his eyes at Ino.
“Out of pity, maybe?” The Yamanaki smirked, hoping to get a rouse out of the other blond.
Sakura rolled her eyes before offering a friendly smile to the couple to change the subject, “So, what are you two up to?” She’d rather not deal with Naruto’s complaining.
“I’m on a date with my foxy lady!” Naruto wrapped his arm around Hinata with a proud smile.
Sakura gagged, while Ino frowned, “Disgusting. Never say that again…”
“Eh? I thought it was cute. It’s a play on words with Kurama, y’know?” He looked over at Hinata, who was also weirded out.
“I-I don’t think it’s cute…” She looked away.
Naruto tapped his finger to his lips, thinking.
“Don’t hurt yourself there, bud.” Ino snickered.
“Oh! I got it.” Ignoring Ino’s remark, Naruto smiled to his girlfriend, “What about Hime?”
Lavender eyes went wide as crimson flushed to her cheeks.
“Aw!” Sakura chuckled with a coo, “She likes that.”
Naruto’s smile spread to his ears as he pulled Hinata into a bear hug, “It’s settled then! She’s my Hime!”
The four talked a bit more, before going on their respective ways. Naruto and Hinata ate at Ichiraku, then he walked her home while holding hands.
“Thanks for taking me out today, Naruto-kun.” She smiled up at him when they stopped outside her clan’s residential gate, “It was a lot of fun.” He nodded with a cheesy smile, “Yeah. Thanks for comin’ with.”
“And if it means anything, I enjoy your jokes.” Hinata giggled as she stepped a little closer to him for a hug. Naruto lovingly wrapped his arms around her shoulders with a playful snort, “Thanks, Hime. That’s because you’re actually smart.”
Their lips met with a smile, only molding for a few moments before separating. Usually, Hinata would say her last goodbyes for the night, but something in her core urged her to kiss him again. (Was it the way his strong arms were wrapped around her? Or his incredibly handsome smile?)
It was slow and gentle, but definitely more heated. His tongue timidly flicked at her lips, which she granted access with a welcoming sigh. For the first time since their first kiss, their tongues met. His hands moved to her warm cheeks to deepen the kiss as hers moved to grasp at the sides of his shirt and pull him closer.
When they parted for air, lilac met with cyan as their noses touched. She noticed that his eyes looked at her in a way that she’d never seen before. Little did she know, her eyes reflected the same feeling.
Swollen lips gently feathered against his one more, quick, time before parting. “Goodnight, Naruto-kun. I’ll see you tomorrow.”
“Y-Yeah…” His eyes never left her until she disappeared behind the gate.
With a content smirk, heart still fluttering, he walked back to his place with his arms behind his neck, whistling a random tune.
Two weeks later
For the first time since dating, Naruto invited Hinata over to his place for dinner. He admitted he wasn’t the best cook, but he had been practicing for her. Even though she was little nervous to be in his room for the first time, she agreed.
It was a small studio-esque apartment. A main room for sleeping with a small table for eating at, a separate bathroom, and a kitchenette area. Despite him cleaning a bit, the room was still a little unorganized.
She thought it was comforting; it reminded her of him. Especially the un-made bed she was sitting on.
Her thoughts were interrupted by the sound of a pan crashing to the floor, followed by a string of swear words. Hinata looked up right as he turned around, a giant, steaming, water stain on his stomach. He quickly ripped his shirt off while still cursing.
“Naruto-kun!” She quickly stood up, “Go sit down, I’ll get a wet rag.”
After placing the cool towel over him (followed by a satisfied “aaaaaah”), she let out a chuckle, “At least it’s not blistering, so it isn���t too serious. Does it still hurt?” She was sitting on the bed; her hips close to his.
“A little…” He playfully frowned, “You should kiss it better.”
Naruto expected Hinata to blush and cover her face – it was always so adorable when she did that. Instead, her cheeks only flushed a light pink as she gazed into his eyes. Slowly, she tucked her hair behind the ear closest to him and bent down to gently kiss his tattoo, under the towel, where the burn was.
He gulped as innocent eyes looked up at him after the quick kiss. Pink cheeks turned red as she realized how that just looked to him. Though, it wasn’t out of embarrassment. She felt it too. Feeling a little confident, Hinata slowly moved her face to his for a kiss. This time, she didn’t even need to back away before the kiss heated up. Her tongue ran along the roof of his mouth, earning a needy moan in response. Naruto carefully sat up to encourage Hinata to lay on her back, which she obliged. Her hands explored his shirtless torso as fingers danced across taut muscles. He didn’t care that the cool cloth fell to the floor.
Her touches only ignited the fire in his belly, and it took all of his strength to ignore Kurama’s crude joke (something along the lines of “about time, virgin”).  
Naruto began to kiss down her slim neck and fingers weaved into blond strands. However, her eyes snapped open when she felt his hands at the hem of her shirt, slowly pulling the fabric up. He got it to the top of her stomach before she swiftly pushed his shoulders up.
“N-Naruto-kun…” Her head was spinning with a mixture of emotions, “W-Wait…”
Naruto swallowed as hot breaths left his lips, “What’s the matter, Hinata? Do ya wanna stop?”
She thought for a moment before guiltily nodding, “I-I’m sorry…” Tears formed in the corner of her eyes, “But I want to wait until marriage before going any further. I know it’s not fair since you’re already shirtless, and I know you really want to bu-“
Naruto brought a finger up to her lips, “It’s okay, Hime. You don’t need to explain yourself.” He offered a genuine smile, “Just saying no is enough for me. But I guess we should talk about this more, huh? What are ya comfy with?” The jinchuuriki casually lowered Hinata’s shirt so her stomach was covered again.
Hinata really appreciated that – both the action and his words, “Kissing… like we were before… was fine.” She looked away with a blush, “Especially my neck…”
Naruto raised one eyebrow with a devilish smirk, “So ya like it when I kiss your neck?” Hinata sucked in a breath of air as she felt his nose tickle the skin there. “Like this?”
She was expecting a kiss, but instead jumped when he blew a raspberry instead. She squealed with laughter as he continued. “Or maybe here?” He moved to the opposite side as she squirmed in his arms.
“N-Naruto-kun! Stop it!” Her stomach quivered with laughter, “I-I can’t breathe!”
He chuckled while pulling back to kiss the tip of her nose, “Don’t stress about telling me what you’re comfortable with, okay? I want you to be happy, y’know?”
She nodded with a smile, grateful Naruto was so understanding, “Okay. I promise.”
“Now, where were we?” He leaned down, letting his lips touch hers without kissing.
Just as Hinata rested her hand at the back of Naruto’s neck and leaned up to kiss him, her stomach loudly growled.
Naruto laughed as Hinata blushed, “I guess we should eat dinner first, y’know?”
Months Later
It had already been over a year since the two started dating, and Naruto felt it was time for him to propose to her. He felt that’s what she wanted – when they’d walk by dress shops, she would look at the window longingly (she thought he didn’t notice), and she blushed a deep shade of maroon when people inquired about when they’d get married.
So, in front of him, sat: Kiba, Shino, Kurenai, Sakura, and Ino.
“You want to propose to her?!” Sakura smiled, “About time! She’s only been madly in love with you since the Academy.”
“Right,” Naruto nodded, “I know I want to, but I just don’t know how to. I’ve been thinkin’ about this for weeks, y’know? No ideas.”
Kiba snickered, “Knowing you, you would write “Marry Me?” on a container of cup noodles.”
“No, he’d spell it out on the ground with a bunch of cups.” Sakura chimed in with his banter.
“Eh?!” Naruto was shocked, “Do you think that’d be okay? Would she like that? I know I’d say yes to that kind of proposal.”
Ino moaned with annoyance, “No no no! It has to be romantic… Oh! Fireworks would be cool! Have them write it out!”
“Ooooh! That’d be cool!” Naruto put his fist in his hand.
“Hold up,” Kurenai crossed her arms with a chuckle, “Think about who he’s proposing to. Hinata isn’t that flashy. Think smaller and more intimate.”
“Oh, right…” Naruto let out a disappointed sigh and slumped his shoulders dramatically, “Man, this is so difficult.”
“Have you talked to her dad? Or Hanabi.” Shino quietly spoke up, “They know her best.”
“That’s a great idea, Shino!” He put his hand on Shino’s shoulder, “Thanks!”
Before anyone could say anything, Naruto ran off towards the Hyuga residence. Lucky for him, Hinata was out on a mission and wouldn’t be back until the next day.
Once inside, Naruto froze up a bit. He knew that Hiashi didn’t hate Naruto – in fact, he thought Naruto was a great partner for Hinata. Not only was he strong, but he helped her become more confident. Still, the idea of asking about proposing to Hinata made him nervous. Would he think it was too soon?
Defaulting to what he had seen in movies, Naruto bowed his head to the floor in front of Hiashi and Hanabi.
“I-I’ll be honest, I’m not really sure how to go about this. But, I, uh, really love Hinata, y’know. And I want to ask her to marry me. I promise to protect her with my life, even when I become Hokage one day. She’s the sun of my world, and I want to spend the rest of my life with her.”
“Naruto, lift your head.” Hiashi spoke with a flat tone. Naruto heard from Hinata how the man used to be harsh to her and Hanabi as children. He was expecting the man to fight him for the right to marry Hinata.
He gulped, expecting to fight or for rejection. Hiashi glanced at Hanabi, who nodded back.
“Hinata isn’t my property; you don’t have to ask permission to marry her.” He offered a comforting smile, “I trust her judgement, and I trust you.”
Naruto smiled to where his teeth were showing, “Thank you!”
“How are you going to propose?” Hanabi giggled, excited. She knew her sister would be incredibly happy by this.
“That’s the thing.” His smile slightly faded, “I don’t know how to. I want it to be special, but I know she doesn’t like over-the-top, y’know?”
“Oh!” Hanabi turned to her father, “Mom’s old necklace. You gave it to her at your wedding, right, Dad? I think sis would love getting that.”
Hiashi nodded, then stood up to walk to the little shrine in the room dedicated to his late wife, “That’s right.” He carefully picked up the emerald necklace, then walked over to Naruto. “Hold out your hand.”
Once Naruto did, Hiashi placed it in his palm, “Hinata always loved this necklace. After her mother passed away, I would occasionally catch her touching the jewel, as if Hinata were still holding her hand. I think my wife would want you to give this to her.”
Naruto was almost speechless, “A-Are you sure?”
Hiashi nodded, blinking away the tears that threatened to spill.
Before Naruto left, at the front door, Hiashi spoke up again, “Take good care of her.”
The blond smiled, “It’s a promise.”
A week later.
Naruto decided it was time. He planned out the perfect date – with the help of Hanabi, of course.
They started out the evening at Hinata’s favorite restaurant, which served Zanzai soup. It was one of her favorite dishes, and she claimed it almost tasted like her mom’s. While the restaurant with a little pricier than they usually went to, Naruto confirmed that it was okay since he’d been going on a lot of missions recently, so he had the extra money.
After, the main garden park of Konoha was illuminated with beautiful lights as the weather became colder. Besides the fairy lights and full moon, it was completely dark outside. At one point, Hinata shivered due to a frigid breeze. Naruto kindly wrapped his scarf around her neck. Hinata protested while puffing her cheeks out in a pout, claiming she made the scarf for him to use. Compromising, she wrapped half of it around him as well. They had to walk in each other’s arms, which worked for warmth and comfort.
“Oh, hey, I wanted to give ya somethin’.” Naruto stepped in front of his girlfriend.
Furrowing her eyebrows, Hinata frowned, “You don’t need to buy me things, Naruto-kun.”
“Ah, no. I didn’t buy this.” He chuckled, hand shakedly reaching into his back pocket. Hinata thought it was because of the temperature. When he brought his hand up, the item fell. Acting fast, Hinata was able to catch it.
Idiot… Naruto cursed at himself.
“T-This is…” She looked down at the necklace, then back up at him, “Where did you get this? How?”  
“Your dad.” He awkwardly held her arms as she looked at the jewelry, “He said it’d be a good gift to give ya when I propose.”
This is when she realized he was shaking out of nerves, not because he was chilly.
“Eh???” She let out a surprised gasp.
“Will you marry me?” His voice was barely a whisper – as if they were in a crowded room, and he wanted to tell her something private.
Hinata’s eyes closed as she began to cry. Naruto’s went wide, fearful that he asked too soon. Before he can apologize, she tightly wrapped her arms around his waist.
“Yes!” She nodded into his chest, as more tears fell, “Absolutely, yes! Yes, yes, yes times a hundred!”
Relieved, Naruto returned the hug. Their lips met passionately without hesitation, smiling through the kiss.
With still shaky hands, Naruto carefully helped put the necklace on his fiancée. Their eyes met, both filled with joy.
“I love you, Hime.”
She smiled, “I love you, dear.”
Next Chapter
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anshellasunsong · 6 years
Summer Days Part 2!
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Three weeks had gone by since Anshella had met the mysterious demon hunter known as Ilansar Sunblight. Since then, she had seen him almost every night, getting ever bolder in their conversations. He even began to sit at the bar in the stool closest to where she worked behind the counter.
“You think he’s ever going to get the stones to ask her on a date? Because this mutual pining is making me nauseous.” Jettina leaned back in her chair with a booted foot up on the table. She shook her head as she watched the two oblivious to flirting with one another.
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“I was going to ask the same thing.” Tyr stated as he took a sip from his glass.
“I mean, it’s almost been a month…” Jettina took a piece of apple off of his plate and bit into it.
“Only time will tell. But, I’m more curious about you.” He perked a brow at her. “You’re shockingly cavalier about this. You’re usually like an overprotective mother hen around your youngest cousin.”
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Jettina shrugged. “Eh, what harm can it do? I think it’s been long enough for her to get used to this city and find someone to romance.”
Tyr nodded his head for a beat before he began to sip from his glass of ambrosia again.
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Anshella giggled softly as Ilansar smiled at her, her eyes twinkling. Ilansar took another sip of his water before looking around the lounge area. “It’s so slow this evening don’t you think?”
“Just a little, but it i-is just the middle of the w-week.” She shrugged, leaning on the counter. “Th-this is about as busy as it gets.”
Ilansar mulled over her words for a moment before he looked up at her and into her eyes. “Then, if it is not too much trouble, would you-that is if you want to-we could...go for a stroll in the city? And maybe have dinner...with me?”
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Anshella looked at him in surprise.
“Aaaaand there’s my cue!” Jettina jumped up from her chair and walked around the bar. She placed a hand on Anshella’s shoulder. “Why don’t you take a night off and I’ll watch the bar? It’s a total snoozefest in here anyways.”
“Oh, b-but…” She looked at her cousin before she looked at Ilansar’s hopeful face. “Well, I-I have been meaning to take a break a-and I could stretch my legs.”
She smiled at Ilansar. “I-I’d love to join you on a walk...and dinner with you.” She removed her apron and handed it to Jettina before she walked around the counter to meet Ilansar.
He beamed as he stood from his stool, holding out his arm for her to take. She gently took it and smiled up at him as the strolled out of the inn, talking animatedly about this and that.
The few patrons and Jettina breathed a sigh of relief and broke into a cheer with a chorus of ‘about time!’. They were just as excited about them finally taking the next step. Even though it was just a walk around the city and dinner.
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“So, tell me all about Winterspring. It sounds so fascinating knowing you lived there for so long.” Ilansar moved them down the Walk of Elders, placing his hand over hers, the one holding onto his arm.
“Well, l-let’s see…” She looked thoughtful for a moment before smiling warmly. “I-It’s very cold. N-Not as cold as Northrend, b-but not by much. Snow covers a good majority of the land, especially around the mansion i-in Starfall V-Village.”
“You lived in a mansion?” He blinked at her in surprise.
“N-No no. Not me. My cousin and her parents lived there.” She went on to explain. “You s-see, my f-father and h-his brother were twins, h-heirs to lead the h-head of our family. My father, Dadriel was the youngest by five minutes so h-his reign would come after Dabriel, J-Jettina’s father.”
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“Ah, that makes sense.” they continued to walk, Ilansar looking at her through his peripheral vision now and then as they talked. “I confess, I was very hopeful that you would come with me to dinner this evening. I...have been meaning to ask you out for so long but I never had the courage until tonight.”
“Really?” she blinked at him. “Y-You planned this o-out?”
“With a little help of course.” He winked at her before waving his hand to summon his little imp minion, Yazkol.
“Everything is all set and ready to go, ‘master’.” The little imp rolled his eyes, “The mage is waiting for you by the bank to send you both to Pandaria to the restaurant on the second floor of the Shrine of Two Moons.”
“Excellent.” He smiled at Anshella. “Shall we?”
She nodded at him and allowed him to lead her to the bank. Sure enough, and older looking elven man opened a portal for them. “Have fun.”
They nodded at the man and stepped through the portal, right in the middle of the Shrine, like Yazkol promised. They were met by a spritely Pandaren woman whom enthusiastically escorted them up to the restaurant and sat them down at a table overlooking the floor below.
“You d-did all of this...f-for me?” Anshella looked all around the room as they were seated.
“I did. All to get you alone to get to know you better.” He took her hand in his across the table, having her attention turned back to him. “I hope this is okay. You see, I have another confession to make…”
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“Yes?” she squeezed his hand.
“I have been...drawn to you ever since the night I first met you.” He smiled bashfully. “You...awakened something in me that I have not felt in a long time. And, I wanted to see where this goes.”
Anshella looked touched at his words. She gave him a wide smile, the half chelsea grin scar stretching with it. “I h-have to confess to feeling the same thing. I-I have been...so fascinated by you and I-I wanted to get to know you b-better. Maybe give...romance a chance?”
He blushed and looked shocked. But before he could give her a reply, their waiter brought their drinks and a plate of dumplings for them to munch on. “You two enjoy these for a moment before I come back with the entree! You’re going to love our food!”
The waiter left and the two let their hands go, just for a moment so they could take a drink of their water and try the food set before them. They fell into a comfortable silence as they savored the dish, looking at each other with shy smiles and blushes on their cheeks.
Their food was brought out ten minutes later and they each shared from each others’ plate, talking about past memories. They burst into laughter through bites of their food.
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“S-So, there m-my father was, the c-coldest part of winter, with Uncle Dadriel ,” She swallowed down a bite of noodles before continuing, “Both nothing but a house robe and slippers running from one of the lions screaming at th-the top of his lungs ‘Anshelliiiine, get this overgrown puffb-ball off of my tail!’”
Ilansar threw back his head and laughed, holding onto his stomach as he did.
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“We a-all told him th-that grumpy old l-lion was going to snap at him o-one day.” She wiped away a tear from her laughter. “H-He didn’t believe us. And my mother w-wanted to help but…”
“But?” He chuckled.
“But she was too busy holding o-onto the rail of the d-deck because she was laughing too hard!”
They both laughed hard again, setting aside their empty plates for the waiter to pick them up.
“Now that I would have paid good money to see.” Ilansar wiped at his own eyes, pulling out some coins to pay the waiter when he came back. “I definitely have to visit Winterspring one day.”
“M-Most definitely.” they smiled at each other as they stood from their seats, walking around to stand next to one another. Ilansar shyly reached over and took her hand, lacing their fingers together as they strolled out to the restaurant to the portal room. Anshella squeezed his fingers gently as they walked to the portal back to Silvermoon City.
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They continued to talk and laugh as they walked out of Sunfury Spire and down the ramp towards the fountain. They stepped to the side of the fountain, Anshella choosing to hop onto the edge of it, stretching her arms out for balance. Her hand never left his.
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He stopped them for a moment, turning to face her. She fanned herself with her free hand as he climbed up onto the ledge with her. “Th-This city is always so h-hot in the summer. Even during the evening. I-I don’t think I’ll ever be used to it.”
He chuckled. “In time you will. It must be quite the adjustment going from one extreme to another?”
“Just a l-little. Back home, it n-never gets to be m-more than -20 degrees during the day and -30 d-during the night.”
He smiled as she turned to walk the ledge again, not noticing the slippery spot on the polished marble of the fountain she was about to step on!
“Shella wait! You’re about to-!” too late…
She stepped directly onto the puddle of water and slipped, falling back into the fountain. Their hands still connected, Ilansar jerked forward and fell right into the water right next to her.
They both sat up, sputtering and spitting out the water that had entered their mouths when they went down.
“W-Well...th-that is one way to cool down…” Anshella moved her curtain of ebony hair out of her face, wet clothes clinging tightly to her curves.
“I’m afraid I’ll have to agree.” Ilansar looked down at himself and sighed. It did feel cooler in the fountain…
They looked at each other and let out a giggle that turned into full blown laughter. “You look like a drowned rat!”
“A-and you look l-like a soggy f-f-frog!”
They laughed until their sides hurt and wiped more tears of joy from their wet faces. Ilansar was the first to stand, reaching out his hands to pull Anshella to her feet. She giggled and thanked him before turning to start wading around in the water. He couldn’t take his eyes off of her. Even when they were standing in a cold fountain, she still flooded his chest with warmth. His heart thudded against his ribcage as his eyes took in her form. The soft curve of her rounded hips, the fullness of her thighs, and the dip of her waist.
“You know, I’ve always wanted to jump into this fountain but n-never had the courage to do so. May as well make th-the m-most out o-of this h-happy accident.” She smiled at him and began to wade her way over to the statues. She stepped through the waterfall of the fountain, beckoning Ilansar with a finger to follow her.
A passerby smirked as he noticed them, pulling out three seeds from a pocket before tossing them into the water around them. The seeds burst into three different colored trees each with blossoms blooming from them. He gave the demon hunter a thumbs up before darting off into the night.
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He shook out his head as he followed her, taking a deep breath as he stepped through the waterfall. She was looking around in wonder surrounded by crystal clear waters and falling petals. He was just looking at her… It was like a dream.
Before he even knew what he was doing he stepped towards her and wrapped his arms around her waist. She turned her head to look at him, wrapping her arms around his shoulders as their eyes met. The sound of heavy falling water became muted until it was nothing but a buzz of white noise to their ears. Time began to slow down as they stood there in the cool waters of the fountain holding one another as more stars began to twinkle across the sky. The clouds moved and the two were suddenly bathed in a spotlight from the full moon overhead.
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Their heads began to move towards one another, both sets of eyes beginning to close as their lips met. Ilansar pressed a gentle hand to the back of her head as his arm snaked around her back to pull her flush against him. The kiss was shy and gentle, but deepened as they became comfortable with one another.
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Tongues clashed and rolled against each other. A gentle push and pull like the waves of the sea. Breathtaking, gentle, rough, sweet, too much yet not enough.
The two were reluctant to part from one another, but the need for air proved to be too great.
Anshella looked at him with wide dazed eyes, running her fingers through his damp locks. Ilansar looked down at her, eyes never leaving her face. “You make me feel alive again.”
“I could say the same to you.” she smiled shyly. “Ilansar.”
“Shella.” He wrapped his arms tight around her. “Someday, you’ll be MY Shella.”
“And you’ll b-be MY Ilansar.”
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@ilansar @duskbringerbrotherhood @jettinasunsong
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stratus-skye07 · 7 years
Between Love Or Love [Two] | Suga
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Description: Time passes. You live alone with your one year old daughter. On her birthday, you begin to wonder what’s next for her. Yoongi gives you your answer.
Genre: Angst w/ fluff ending
Word Count: 5k
Usually I would wake up to the bright light of the morning sun but today is one of those days where a familiar cry starts ringing in my ear. I look over to the baby monitor where my baby girl is standing in her crib.
I drag my feet down the dark hallway towards the nursery room. The sun wasn’t even out yet but my baby was.
I turn the light on, “What’s the matter, Yeona?” She looks up at me with wet eyes, “Huh? What’s wrong? It’s too early for you to be crying.” It’s not until I pick her up that I begin to smell the problem. “Oh you want to give eomma a present this early in the morning. You shouldn’t have.”
The nine months of my pregnancy came and went so fast. I gave birth to a healthy baby girl. I moved away from Seoul in order to raise her in a quieter environment. It’s only a few hours away but I don’t think I can ever find the courage to go back. Not when I know what to expect if I go back.
Yoongi never contacted me after that night I left his studio. Throughout the year, I kept building the guts to tell Yoongi everything but each time I tried I lost all will. When I held Yeona for the first time, I knew that I couldn’t give her up like I planned. She looks so much like Yoongi from her eyes to her button nose. I fell in love with her at first sight.
I finish changing Yeona’s diaper then feed her some milk to get her to go back to sleep. I manage to get her to sleep after rocking her for ten minutes. By the time I managed to get her to sleep the sun had already risen and it was time for me to get ready for the day.
I take a shower and get dressed when my phone starts vibrating on the dresser. I smile when I read the name on the screen.
I slide the green icon to answer, “Isn’t it a little early for you to be calling?”
That familiar windshield wiper laugh reverberates through the phone, “Yeah, but I knew you’d be awake.”
“It’s like you already know my schedule.”
“I should by now. How’s your morning going?”
“I mean I woke up to a fresh smell of soiled diapers so you can be sure that I’m awake.”
“Of course, Yeona gives nothing but the best for you. Listen, the reason I’m calling is that we’re gonna have a few days rest and I know it’s almost Yeona’s birthday so I wanted to ask if it was okay to come visit?”
“Jin, you know you don’t have to ask. You’re welcomed here anytime. Plus I think Yeona would love to see her Uncle Jin.”
He chuckles, “As well she should, and she has good taste in men after all. After seeing me she’ll grow up with such high expectations for men that can never be met.”
“Oh how will she live?”
“I can’t help it. It’s a curse that I have to live with until I die.”
“Alright, I’ll let you go. I’m sure you have to get going for your struggle to keep up with dance practice.”
“Yeah, every new dance just keeps getting harder to dance to.”
Yeonna begins to cry again, “Oh I think I hear a crying baby. That’s my cue.”
“Alright, I’ll see you in a few days.”
Jin ends his phone call with you to sneak back into his room. He creeps back in to be sure not to wake his roommate. He closes the door slowly as to not make a noise when he gets a tap on his shoulder which scares him.
He shouts in his roommate’s face, “Yoongi, what are you doing up?”
Yoongi rubs his swollen eyes, “Your phone call may have been quiet but your laugh never is.”
“Oh I’m sorry for waking you.”
Jin plays it off as if Yoongi didn’t hear the whole conversation and the more he thinks about it, he never mentioned your name so it wasn’t anything that would tip him off that you were still in contact with him.
The following day, the boys had finished recording for Music Bank. Yoongi had been wiping off his sweat from the performance. He looks over at Jin who’s talking to Jungkook. Little did Jin know, Yoongi overheard the phone conversation he had that morning.
He turns to Namjoon, “Hey do you know anyone named, Yeona?”
“Yeona?” Namjoon thinks for a moment but shakes his head, “Nah, I don’t think I’ve met anyone by that name. Why?”
“I heard Jin talking about going to meet up with someone during our break time with that name. I was wondering if he mentioned that to you.”
“What? You think he’s seeing someone behind our backs?”
“I don’t know. If he was, do you think he would tell us?”
“Of course he would. I mean you did when you started seeing…” Namjoon silenced himself before bring you up again.
Yoongi never forgot about you but he kept his promise to never go looking for you. He figured after what happened that you would never want to see him anyways. As time went by, one day something inside him really wanted to see you. He went to your apartment to find it empty. You were gone. He figured he deserved it since he hurt you so much. Yoongi felt that he didn’t deserve to even be that close to you so with resistance he never looked for you.
“Yeah, I know. He would be the first to date since me.”
Namjoon nudges his shoulder, “If you’re that curious why don’t you ask him?” Yoongi didn’t want to be nosey but he kept thinking about how things ended with you and him that he didn’t want that to happen to Jin if he was seeing someone. Yoongi managed to go on because of his stone cold heart but Jin is a more emotional person that wouldn’t be able to withstand it if he had to do what Yoongi did a year ago.
It wasn’t until that night, back at the dorms that Yoongi had built up the nerve to ask Jin upfront about who he was going to be meeting up with in a few days.
They were both in the kitchen eating together when he decided to bring the subject up.
“Hyung, what are your plans for these next few days.”
Jin finishes slurping up his noodles before he answers, “I’m just gonna visit an old friend I haven’t seen in a while.”
“Your girlfriend, maybe?” Yoongi says in a joking tone but the sarcasm came out faint.
Jin begins to sense something different about Yoongi’s questioning, “Why? You want to meet her?” He returns the sarcasm.
“Is that a confession?”
Jin sighs, “Don’t worry, she’s more like a little sister to me.”
“Hyung, you should be careful when you meet up with your friend. Fans could get the wrong idea and that could put her in danger, especially when your feelings might change for that person.”
Jin smiles but deep down he has this feeling of irritation that he was trying to hint at something more, “Yoongi, I’m old enough to take care of myself. Don’t try to tell me who I can and can’t see. I’m not you.”
Today was the day that Jin is coming to visit. I give Yeona a bath and get her dressed in one of the pink dresses that Jin had given to her.
I finish combing her hair, “You have to look extra pretty today, Yeona. Uncle Jin is coming to see you so you have to look better than him.”
Yeona claps her little hands against her legs, giggling and makes cooing noises as a response.
I put her in the stroller to meet up with Jin at the playground. When I get there I take a seat at one of the benches there until I spotted him enter the area, looking around for me.
“Jin!” I called to get his attention.
Once his eyes found me he rushes over to give me a hug, “Oh it’s so good to see you, Y/N.”
“The feeling’s mutual.”
When Jin lets go, he looks over at the stroller where Yeona had been making more cooing noises. Jin has spent a lot of time with Yeona to where she recognizes him very easily. Whenever she sees pictures of him on TV or advertisements around town she always smiles and reaches her arms out to grab him. He’s been the closes thing to father that I can give her.
Jin takes Yeona out of the stroller to smother her in kisses, “Wow, look at how much you’ve grown since the last time I saw you. Eomma has been feeding you well, right?”
Yeona response by giggling and reach out to grab his lips.
“Yeah, she’s been missing her Uncle Jin. She goes crazy when she sees you on TV.”
“She should go crazy for the most handsome man in the world, mainly when that man brings her a present.” Jin pulls a stuff bear from behind his back to wave in her face which causes her to reach for it.
After getting back in touch, Jin and I take Yeona over to the swings for babies. Jin stays behind her to push her while I stand on the side to watch them have fun.
“I heard the new song. You guys are getting better each comeback.” Jin smiles, “Each album we’re doing something different so it’s not too bad to get a good response.”
“I’m glad you’re at least getting some parts in the songs.”
He shrugs his shoulders, “I add the visuals more than the vocals so I’m still doing my part even without parts.”
I smile at the sight of Yeona’s laughing face. Moments like these where I see the same expressions I once saw in Yoongi’s face makes me wonder how he’s doing.
I clear my throat to prepare myself for the can of worms I was about to open now, “So how’s Yoongi doing?”
Jin continues to push Yeona while giving me side glances, “He’s fine. Why do you ask all of a sudden?”
Since leaving, I’ve told Jin to never give me updates on Yoongi. It was mostly for me. I couldn’t take being a part from him while I was pregnant and I wouldn’t have been able to handle the news that he was seeing someone else if that time ever came.
“I guess after a year the curiosity has gotten the better of me.”
“He’s not seeing anyone if that’s your next question.”
I start to have a little hope that maybe he still had some memories of us that kept him from dating anyone else. Yet again, that’s just wishful thinking.
Jin stops swinging Yeona and takes her out of the seat to hold her on his hip,
“What’s really on your mind?”
“As Yeona gets older it makes me wonder what the next step for her is. Should I get back in the dating scene or tell Yoongi everything? So many thoughts go through my mind when I look at her.”
“Are you saying I’m not doing a good job as her Uncle?” He says with a playful tone.
“There’s no doubt you’re the best uncle. The thing is I don’t want her to resent me when she’s a teenager. She’ll end up lecturing me about how I should’ve fought to keep Yoongi in the picture.”
“Y/N, you’ve done an amazing job raising her. She’s healthy and happy. If you feel ready enough to date then you should. If you want Yoongi to be a part of her life then tell him. Whatever you do I know you’re doing it for Yeona. I don’t like seeing you torturing yourself with the decision.”
Yeona starts yawning and leaning her head against Jin’s shoulder. “Come on, it’s time for someone’s nap.”
We walked back to my apartment. Jin helped me put Yeona to sleep. He fed her and rocked her until she finally passed out from the day out she had. Jin and I continue to talk about the possibilities for Yeona. We were deep in conversation when there’s a knock on my door.
I open the door when the blood in my body completely drained. The familiar figure stood at my doorstep. Someone I never imagined seeing again.
After their conversation, Yoongi became suspicious of the way Jin acted. He normally wouldn’t be so hostile about the subject but his attitude gave something away.
Yoongi took a big risk in following Jin to meet up with his old friend. He knew that if Jin found out then he would feel that their relationship would be destroyed. He was only doing it to find out what kind of relationship he had with this girl friend. It wasn’t the first time he left to go see her so it only made his curiosity rise with the temptation to follow him.
He took Namjoon with him for support. It was mostly because he didn’t want to feel too guilty about spying on their oldest member.
“I still don’t understand why we’re doing this.” Namjoon says adjusting his seat in the train ride.
Namjoon and Yoongi had taken the same train as Jin to his destination but maintained a low profile by sitting in a separate car as him.
“Don’t you wanna find out if he’s dating someone or not?”
“That’s his personal life. Even if he is, he has a right to tell us when he’s ready.”
“Namjoon, think about it. Jin has always been open with us. Why all of a sudden he hides something like this from us?”
“I get your point but what if we’re wrong and this girl really is just a friend that he’s known?”
Yoongi nods his head, “That is why we’re doing this. That way if it’s true than we won’t have to explain why our noses are in his business.”
Namjoon clears his throat, “I’m sorry, our noses? I only agreed to come along so you wouldn’t start something that will jeopardize this group’s relationship from your curiosity.”
The two get off the train with Jin and follow him in the taxi to a playground. They both get confused as to why he would be going to a playground. They didn’t think too much about it assuming he was passing through or meeting up with his friend there. For some time, they had lost sight of Jin.
“Where did he go?” Yoongi asks scanning the playground.
“He sure is fast for an old timer.”
For a good while they searched around until they spot Jin by the swing set. They both hide behind a tall bush to take a peek at him with a woman. Jin is pushing a little girl on the swing as the woman he was with had her back turn towards them which made it difficult to see her face.
“Cute baby,” Namjoon comments when Jin takes the girl out of the swing to approach the woman.
“Must be her little sister?” Yoongi claims in an unsure tone.
Yoongi smiles at how adorable the baby girl is in Jin’s arms. His smile quickly disappears as the woman turns around to reveal her face. At that moment, Yoongi nearly lost his ability to breathe as he stared at you from the distance. His heart clenched at the sight of you in person after over a year of breaking up.
“Y/N?” He whispers through the knot in his throat.
So many thought go through his mind at the sight of you with Jin and a baby. He knew that you were an only child so that little girl couldn’t be your sister. Every assumption began to pop in Yoongi’s head. Especially the one possibility that you and Jin started seeing each other after you broke up or maybe you were seeing each other before then. The worst thought was that you two had a baby together at some point. No matter what the truth was Yoongi was angry at whatever it may be.
You and Jin had started leaving the playground together. Yoongi’s legs started moving to catch up but Namjoon is quick to stop him before he did something he would regret.
“Yoongi, wait. I know that you’re feeling angry about this but you can’t assume anything. We can ask Jin about this when we get back to Seoul.”
Yoongi shakes his head, swatting Namjoon’s hand away, “I can’t wait that long. I want answers now.”
It seems like his gaze on me lasts forever. It wasn’t until his eyes moved past me where Jin was standing.
He barges into my house to charge at Jin, “You son of a bitch.” Yoongi tackled Jin down to the ground and threw the first punch.
“Yoongi, stop.” Namjoon and I ran into action to stop Yoongi from doing any more harm to the situation.
Namjoon held Yoongi back while I helped Jin to his feet. His lip was bleeding but it doesn’t look like any more damage was done to his face.
“I can’t fucking believe you Jin, my own brother sleeping with my ex?”
Jin scoffs while holding his jaw, “Why do you care now? You abandoned her a long time. Why the hell did you two follow me anyways.”
“To see for myself if you were actually seeing someone. I just didn’t think I’d see you with Y/N and a baby? What did you do have a one night stand and get her pregnant?”
Jin clenches his fist as his anger begins to grow from how Yoongi was just spitting out all these accusations without knowing the truth.
I hold Jin back before he could antagonize Yoongi more by fighting, “Stop it both of you.” I look at Jin then back at Yoongi and Namjoon, “Jin, you have a train to catch back to Seoul in an hour right?”
“Yeah, but I can stay overnight if you need me to.”
I can hear Yoongi scoff but I continue to look at Jin, “No, I want you to go and take Namjoon with you.”
Jin’s eyes widen, “Y/ N, you can’t-”
“It’s okay, Jin. My question from earlier has been answered for me.” I look back at Yoongi, “I need to talk to Yoongi alone.”
Jin was extremely hesitant to leave but eventually, with enough push I managed to get him and Namjoon out the door. Before leaving, Jin gave me a reassurance speech about how his train doesn’t leave for another hour so if anything happens then he can come back quickly if things go sour. I know Yoongi and no matter how angry he is he won’t do anything harmful to me.
Yoong stood in the same spot for what felt like a long time. I past by him to close the front door then again to face him, but he never says anything.
“You want some coffee?” I walk over to the kitchen where he follows close behind, “You still drink it black, right?”
“How long have you and Jin been seeing each other? Before or after we broke up?”
“After, but it’s not what you think. Jin and I have never been intimate.”
“You expect me to believe that? You two have been with each other for over a year and never told me about it.”
“There’s nothing going on and even if there was it’s none of your business. Not anymore.”
“So what? We break up and you end up going after my roommate for consolation. Y/N, I never would’ve though you were that type of woman.”
I scoff, “How can you talk to me like this when you were the one that threw me away? You threw our relationship away like it was nothing.”
He runs his hands through his hair, “For fuck sake, I had to. After that fan incident, I kept thinking about that happening again but being worse the next time. You deserved better than having to wait for me to come back to you or having to force yourself to let me go for my schedules.”
Nothing of what he said processed quick enough, “What?”
He takes slow steps towards me until we were face-to-face. Something I dreamed about often but never thought I would see it happen, “After letting you walk out of my life, my heart turned cold that night. I never thought I could have that warm feeling that I felt with you again. I could never imagine myself with anyone else after that day. I loved you. After seeing you today again, I’ve realized that I still love you.”
I bite my bottom lip to hold back the tears that I had built up over the past year but it was too much to keep in.
My whole body felt like it was about to collapse but it was stopped from hitting the floor by a warm embrace. It was an embrace that I was too familiar with. A year a part but I could never forget the feeling or the smell.
I push at his chest but he doesn’t budge to let go. Something I wish he had done from the beginning. I end up throwing weak hits to his chest.
“All this time, I thought you hated me for what happened and you just…” I cry in his shoulder barely able to finish my sentence.
“I know, and I’m so sorry.”
Before I could say anymore, Yeona began crying from her room. I quickly wipe my face to hide the redness. She may be a baby but she recognizes when her eomma is happy or not.
Yoongi took me by the shoulders to look me in the eye, “Tell me something. Who is that baby? Be honest, is she Jin’s baby?”
I shake my head giving him the truth that I wanted to tell him that night I disappeared from his life. The truth I’ve been carrying heavily on my shoulders for over a year.
“She’s not Jin’s. She’s yours.”
Yoongi’s face goes pale as the realization of what I said hits him. He takes a seat on one of the chairs from the kitchen table.
I go into the nursery to get Yeona out of her crib. As I hold her in my arms, I begin to think about what was happening. She’s about to meet her appa for the first time. I always wondered how this would play out and now it was time to stop wondering.
When I came back to the kitchen, Yoongi had his head in his hands. It’s not until I pulled out the chair next to him to sit when he lifts his head. His eyes zero in on Yeona. He was taking in every detail of her face.
“Do you wanna hold her?”
He slightly shakes his head, “I don’t know how.”
I chuckle, “There’s nothing complicated about it.”
I place her on his lap where he grips her as if he’s scared that he’ll drop her. Yeona looks up at her appa.
At first, she has a look like she’s examining him which changes to a cute giggle. Yeona puts her hands together in her mouth before reaching up to touch Yoongi’s chin.
He gives her a gummy smile, “Hi,”
“Her name’s Yeona. Min Yeona.”
Yoongi pulls Yeona close to his chest before looking up at me with watery eyes, “Her last name is Min?”
I nod, “I thought long and hard about whether to give her my surname or yours, even putting your name on her birth certificate. In the end, I couldn’t deny the fact that you are her appa.”
In no time Yoongi started making faces and goofing around with Yeona, making her laugh. He had quickly gone into appa mode within an hour of meeting her. When Yeona needed a diaper change, he asked me to teach him how. He was taking his role as appa seriously.
He held her for a majority of the night, up until she fell asleep. I came to the nursery to find Yoongi still staring at Yeona even though she was asleep. I guess missing the first year of her life makes him want to not miss anything else.
I tap Yoongi’s shoulder, “She’s not going anywhere. One thing she got from you was that she’s a heavy sleeper.”
He laughs quietly, “She’s so beautiful. She looks like you.”
“Funny, everyone says that but when I look at her all I see is you.”
I walk out of the nursery to let him have his time with Yeona but he ends up following me out into the hall.
“Y/N,” I stop midway to face him, “I’m so sorry. If I’d known I wouldn’t have been so stupid. You wouldn’t have had to leave and handle all this on your own.”
“Jin found out that I was pregnant that night I left the studio. He was the one that encouraged me to tell you everything but I couldn’t after what happened. I even had him promise me that he wouldn’t mention a word to you about me or Yeona. He’s done a lot for us. So the next time you see him, thank him.”
“Where do we go from here?”
“I don’t know but we can talk about that later.” I point at the door down the hall from my room, “You can stay in the guest room. Spend the rest of your time off with Yeona.”
I end up lying in bed for so long thinking about what’s next now that Yoongi has met his daughter. It takes a while but I manage to get myself to sleep. It didn’t last long when I hear a cry coming from the baby monitor. All of a sudden it stops. I start to think that I’m hearing things now.
A few minutes of silence go by that I start to get groggy. Suddenly I feel a dip in my bed. I open my eyes to find Yoongi crawling over me.
I sit up on my elbows, “Yoongi, what are you doing?”
“Do you remember those nights we spent together in my room,” he looks at me with lustful eyes as he pushes me down onto the bed.
“How could I forget? We’d try to stay quiet while Jin was sleeping across the room.”
He looks at me all over. His hand reaches up to stroke my cheek, thumb grazing my lip.
He cuts me off by kissing me. Without much resistance I open my mouth to let him in. The feeling of his lips feels the same. The reaction my body is giving is like it used to be. It feels like nothing changes. It’s like the past year apart never happened.
Yoongi starts to lead his lips down to my stomach. I bite back a moan as I brush my fingers through his soft hair. He lifts my shirt to continue his pursuit but stops all of a sudden.
I look down my body to see him staring at my stomach. It’s not until he strokes my stretch marks I got from when I was pregnant that I put it together what he was distracted by. He must have a strong feeling of guilt missing everything, the doctor’s appointments, ultrasounds, and going through labor.
I sit up to pull him into a hug, “I was never mad at you, Yoongi. I was just confused at how one thing could’ve ruined our relationship like that.”
“I was so stupid. I shouldn’t of-”
I hush him with my fingertips and pull him to lie down beside me. “Stop thinking about the past and focus on right now. You know the truth now. You’ve met Yeona. Whatever you want to do now I’ll support it, whether it’s get to know her which I will help you with or not which I’ll understand.”
I don’t want him to hate himself for what happened but more like be happy that he’s got a bright future with his daughter if he chooses to stay and get to know Yeona. I never pursued him to tell him about my pregnancy because I knew how much BTS meant to him. I figured it was for the best.
I awoke to a dark room which made me believe that it was still early. It’s not until I reach for my phone to check the time do I see that it’s actually 10am. I shoot up realizing that I slept in. I look over beside me to find that Yoongi is missing. In haste, I get up to check on Yeona. Normally she would have woken up for a diaper change or hunger.
I enter her room when my heart skips a beat at the sight of an empty crib. Yoongi was gone and so was Yeona. In that moment I turned into a mess of panic.
I run into the living room where my racing heart begins to slow down. Yoongi is walking around the coffee table with Yeona gripping his fingers and a smile on her face. Seeing the sweet moment makes me want to cry but for Yeona’s sake I fight the tears.
Yoongi notices me watching them, “Oh look Yeona. Go walk towards eomma.” Yeona looks up at me while wobbling towards me. Once she reaches my shins I pick her up to hold her.
“It looks like someone’s having fun so early in the morning.”
“I didn’t think she’d be this energetic.”
“I was talking about you.”
I take Yeona with me to the couch where I put her on my lap. She starts reaching for my hair to play with it when Yoongi grabs my attention.
“I want you to move back to Seoul with me.”
I turn to look at him, “What?”
“I missed the first year of Yeona’s life and I don’t want to miss anymore. I can work around my schedule so that I’m with you and her. I also want you back. Waking up to you made me miss those mornings where you forced me to go to my schedules on time. I missed you so much.”
I smile letting the tears that I was trying so hard to hold back fall down my cheeks. I always dreamed of Yoongi wanting to know about Yeona but feared that he wouldn’t be ready to raise a child. Now he’s here, a natural appa, and wanting us to come back to Seoul to live like a family. This was one of the scenarios in my head that I thought was too farfetched to happen but it’s really happening now.
“I missed you too.”
Yoongi reaches up to wipe the tears away when Yeona begins to sob next.
“What’s wrong, Yeona?” Yoongi asks with a pouty face. “Are those tears of joy too?”
I pat her on the back to calm her from crying but it doesn’t help as she continues her sobbing.
“Shh, don’t cry. Appa’s here.” He’s extra careful when picking her up out of my lap. His face contours as soon as he holds her close to him, “Okay, I think I know what it is.”
I finish wiping my eyes, “Is she hungry?”
Yoongi shakes his head, “Nope, but with that smell, I’d cry too.”
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hobiyolk · 8 years
Bruises Luhan X Reader
Hey, guys, I am so so so sorry for not uploading ik I was meant to upload this fic on Friday, I had a lot of school work and I was very busy. Anyways here is the fic I promised you guys, It’s not good what so ever, everything sucks about this scenario I was just trying to make it sound realistic, but I am not sure if it sounds realistic, anyways I am just babbling. Hope you guys enjoy reading this ugly shit! 
WARNING: This scenario includes violence, abuse, and foul language; if you are sensitive towards those areas then I recommend you do not read this. 
                                                     4315 words 
                                          (Angst, fluff, slight smut)
Summary: You are being abused by your boyfriend, Luhan is the only one that can save you, will you leave your abusive boyfriend or stay with him? 
- How many times do I have to tell you to not touch my clothes?! 
You slide down the door covering your face and curling up in a ball. You were scared of him, and he knew it. He loved to see you tremble, he loved to see the control he had over you.
- “J-Jung, I- I am so sorry, I- promise, I won't do it a-gain” 
The sides of Jung's lips lifted up to a scary smirk. He dryly laughed at your vulnerable form.
- “How do I know you won't do it again?”
That took the soul out of you. - “I am going to make sure you won't be able to lift your head up after I am done with you”
He started to throw punches and slaps at you. You Cried no one heard you, you cry every day no one hears you. Your body started to feel numb, you couldn't breathe. Your cries for him to stop faded away slowly, your vision was blurry not knowing if it was the beating or the blood that was starting to slowly slide into your eyes. Jung was panting while looking down at you, his fist still clenched, he chuckled slowly 
- “That should teach you a lesson.” 
He was right, not only could you not lift your head, you couldn't lift a finger. He left you there, he left you alone to feel all the pain. You didn't dare to cry, your voice was stuck inside of you, it wouldn't come out. You had been sitting in the same spot with your head hung low for who knows how long, you heard someone's footsteps coming towards you, and you dragged your legs closer to yourself.
- “Hey y/n…” 
Jung crotched down towards you and cupped your cheeks while gliding his fingers along the bruises he had left on your face. You hissed quietly still not daring to look at the man in front of you.
-  “y- y/n look at me” 
You didn't dare to disobey him so you slowly looked at him. You could see the regret in his eyes. 
- “I-i am sorry” he whispered softly. You felt a tear escape your eyes, 
- “i-it’s okay…” 
he looked at you and smiled.
- “I love you y/n”
‘no, you don't’ 
-  “I know, I love you too”
- “You know that I would do anything for you right?”
‘you wouldn't do shit for me’ 
- “Y-yes of course I know.”
- “You know that you’re the only girl in my life”
‘do you not think I know about all the girls you have fucked?’
- “Yes i know, i know I am the only girl in your life.”
He looked at you with his dark beautiful eyes and you look at him with a blank expression, how can a beautiful person like him act like such a monster?
 You knew he didn't love you, you wanted to believe that he did long time ago; But you learned to accept that he will never be yours, he never was, you finally accepted that you were his canvas and he was the color of anger, he colored you with himself.
Jung and you were sitting in front of the t.v watching some stupid drama. Suddenly someone had knocked on the door, Jung narrowed his eyes at you. 
- “Did you invite someone today?” 
You suddenly remember that you had asked Luhan to come over. Jung's eyes looked at you dangerously
-  “did you tell anyone?!” 
You looked up at him with teary eyes 
- “No! Babe, i didn't I promise i-i” 
He stood up from his seat.
-  “don't you fucking babe me!” 
His harsh voice was stopped when the knock on the door got louder. 
- “H-hey Jung, how about you go open the door, and I will go and cover up the bruises. Okay?” 
He looked at you hesitant, but then turned his body towards the door 
- “if anyone finds out, you are dead meat. And I mean it you are dead! Do you hear me?!” 
You nod your head furiously and run towards your bedroom. Closing the door you started to pat your bruises with concealer and foundation and anything you could find to hide traces of any signs of beating.
*outside your bedroom*
Jung opened the door slowly and sighed at who was in front of him. 
- “What do you want?” 
Jung asked rudely 
- “nothin I just came here to spend dinner with my best friend and her lovely boyfriend” 
The boy who was standing outside patted Jung's muscular shoulders. 
- “Luhan, I am telling you to stay away from her” 
Jung spat at the boy who was in front of him. Luhan slowly chuckled
-  “mind telling me what all the screaming was about just now”
 Luhan could feel Jung's body tense under his palm, he dropped his arms off of Jung's shoulders. 
- “So, you gonna let me come in and see y/n?” 
Jung's eyes narrowed towards Luhan's face, not saying anything. 
- “Move it.” 
Luhan's voice became serious while talking to Jung. 
- “Do you not think I see her scars and bruises every day?” 
Jung's eyes widened at that 
“what the fu-” 
Luhan shushed the shocked boy in front of him. 
-“Save it.” 
Luhan went past Jung making sure to bump into his shoulder.
- “I'm guessing she's in there covering her bruises at this very moment?” 
Jung pierced his gaze into Luhan's eyes.
-  “Your ass does not know what the fuck it's talking about. If I were you, I'd watch out Luhan.” 
Luhan chuckled at Jung's attempt of threatening him. 
- “If I find one single bruise on her… I swear to my life I will beat you so hard, that pretty face of yours won't even be recognizable.” 
Luhan clenched his teeth, waiting for Jung's answer. 
- “Fuck off Luhan”
 Both of their eyes were piercing into each other. You came out of your bedroom welcomed by a tense atmosphere, you looked at Luhan trying to muster up the best smile. 
- “hey, Lu!” 
you greeted him in a high pitch voice. He just smiled sincerely at you 
- “hey love” 
You sensed Jung's form tense under those words. 
- “Who gave you the right to talk to her in that form?!” 
Jung asked trying to calm down his angered self.
 - “Oh, I am sorry.” 
Luhan spoke in the most sarcastic tone. you widened your eyes, tears about to escape out of your eyes because of the fear you had, Jung looked mad and that was not a good sign, you already mentally prepared yourself to be ready for more beating tonight. 
- “Guys! Let's have dinner, shall we? I am starving!” 
You walked towards the kitchen with the two boys lingering behind you. You placed the dinner on the table and sat down on your chair beside Jung.
-  “I hope you guys like the food, I made some fried noodles with chicken curry, and your fave” 
Luhan made a noise of drums rolling, and you moved your fingers up and down to represent the drumsticks 
- “BEEF!” 
both of you giggled
-  “thank you so much y/n, this looks absolutely delicious” 
You smiled at him 
- “help yourself” 
Jung's sighed loudly trying to get your attention 
- “it’s too loud, can you guys lower the volume?” 
Your smile immediately fell you stayed silent while looking down at your dinner that you had no appetite for. Luhan licked his greasy lips from the beef and broke the silence. 
- “Hey y/n, how come you are wearing makeup, I mean aren't you indoors?” 
you immediately snapped your gaze on Luhan's, trying to come up with the best excuse. 
- “what- well I just didn't bother to take my makeup off”
 I explained Lamely, you put your hand over Jung to reassure him and you could feel his body tense under your touch. Luhan's gaze fixed on your hands. - “How long?” 
Luhan snapped, you looked up at him confused and scared, what if he knows, what if he actually heard your screams of help. 
- “How long are you going to keep up with this boyfriend of yours?!” 
Your eyes started to water. 
- “w-what do you mean?” 
- “take off your makeup” 
your eyes looked right into Luhan's, pleading him silently to stop. 
- “S-sorry?” 
- “I said take your makeup off!” 
you jumped a little at his sudden harsh tone. 
- “L-luhan stop it!” 
you spat at him luhan looked at you still keeping his stubborn form, Suddenly he stood up from his chair 
- “w-where are you going?” 
you asked him with a shaky voice. Luhan took a towel with warm water and walked up to you.
- “SIT DOWN!” 
Jung scram as loud as he could, you shook in terror you felt as if your soul had already left your beaten up body. Luhan ignored Jung and grabbed your arms lifting you up from your spot, he looked right into your eyes he noticing the tears that were building up, he saw the pain and his eyes instantly softened at the sight. 
- “y/n, you are not even crying, how can you not cry? Has he filled you with so much pain that you can't even let it out?”
 you looked down on the floor bringing your trembling lips 
- “s-stop it luhan.” 
Luhan's grip tightened a bit he dabbed the wet towel all over your face and his eyes grew big.
- “What have you done to her?” 
Luhan softly spoke. Your bruises were perfectly exposed for everyone to see, you didn't know how to feel, you didn't know if you were scared or if you were revealed that someone finally knows.
 Luhan dashed towards Jung and held him by his collar 
- “what the fuck have you done to her you bitch?!?!” 
Luhan stared right into Jung's soul making him shiver slightly from Luhan's gaze. Jung felt threatened and scared, but he brought out as much as confidence he had and held onto Luhan's arms.
-  “it's none of your business, she is mine and I can do whatever I want with her” 
You felt a sting in your heart while hearing those words, Luhan clenched onto Jung's collar tighter, his face was full of anger his entire face was red and he looked like he could kill. 
- “No one.” 
Luhan says while bringing Jung's face closer 
- “No one can treat her like that. Do you fucking understand? And I am going to make sure she comes with me, make sure you never show your face to her especially me. Understood?!” 
Jung scoffed 
- “you piece of shit, Luhan you are so freaking naive. I am not scared of you and I think you know that, there is a reason y/n chose me over you, she has never loved you and she never will” 
Jung's smirk is what made Luhan loose it, Jung stumbled back from the punch Luhan threw at him. Your eyes widen 
- “ luhan!” 
Luhan kept hitting Jung's face till he was bleeding. 
- “Remember. I told you. I see one scar and your face is fucked!!”
 Luhan said between breaths. You run up to Luhan holding onto his built torso for dear life. 
-“Luhan stop.”
 You said barely whispering, you were a crying mess and Luhan couldn't help but shed a tear himself
 - “w-why would you do this?!?! Why would you hurt her, h-how could you hurt her?! How dare you lay a hand on her! Look at what you have done to her beautiful face you dick!!” 
Luhan screamed as loud as he could, you hugged Luhan tighter thanking god for having him in your life. 
- “y/n go pack your stuff we are leaving” 
you looked at Luhan with wide eyes.
- “w-what?” 
He looked right into your eyes.
- “you heard me. Go get your bag packed I'm not leaving you here with this dick. Hurry up” 
You nodded slowly at Luhan both of you were so focused on each other that you didn't notice Jung coming towards you two. You felt something tug at your wrist, and you almost screamed at the sudden contact. 
- “oh no, I don't think so Luhan. She's not going anywhere, she is staying here with me.” 
Luhan was about to say something before someone knocked on the door. You stood there Scared looking at Luhan. 
- “Go open it” 
Luhan instructed softly, you obeyed him and started to walk towards the door, until you felt Jung's grip on you become tighter.
-  “y/n don't do this, you know I love you. Do you not love me?!” 
You looked at Jung in disbelief and tugged your wrist free from his grip. 
- “Save the crap Jung, both of us know very well that you don't give two shits about anyone but yourself. DO YOU THINK I AM FUCKING STUPID?!?! EVERY WEEK YOU FUCKING CHEAT ON ME WITH A DIFFERENT GIRL.!!! I am done with you Jung and I don't want to see your face ever again, do you hear me?” 
Jung looked at you with pleading and soft eyes, you almost felt bad for him, but you were done with his shit you were done with Jung. 
- “y/n I-” 
you snapped 
Jung's eyes softened and his gaze turned towards the floor. You walk towards the door and opened it only to be met by cops. You looked at the door with wide eyes, what were the cops doing here? 
- “S-sir? May I help you?” 
One of the cops looked at you up and down 
- “miss, we have been sent a complaint that this apartment keeps making noises and is very loud.” 
You look at Luhan and he is not there anymore, and Jung is just there sitting on the floor looking like he had just seen a ghost. 
- “I-I'm sorry sir we will make sure to not make any kind of noises” 
you bow slightly the same officer asks comes closer towards the door and points his index finger towards your face.
- “May I ask what those bruises are?” 
You suddenly remembered that Luhan had wiped the makeup off of you
- “I-I um t-this-”
-  “this Man over there” 
Luhan pointed at Jung while he came out of your room with 3 packed suitcases. 
- “He has been abusing my friend for almost a year now, that is where she got those bruises from” 
the cops looked at you and Luhan surprised by the new information that had just been thrown at them. The same officer that you had talked to instructed the other two cops to take Jung away. 
- “U-um sorry but your name is?” 
The cops asked you 
- “my name is y/n y/l/n” 
the officer took his hand out and shakes your hands. 
- “Hi miss it's a pleasure to meet you. My name is officer park. I just wanted to tell you that you are safe now but we need more evidence, so we are going to ask you to come to the police station tomorrow. Is that fine by you?” 
You looked at Luhan, and Luhan quietly nodded. 
- “Great, where will I be able to find you then?” 
Luhan came closer giving the officer his card. 
- “Hi my name is Luhan, this is my business card so if you need y/n please call me on this number.” 
The officer nodded. 
- “See you tomorrow then.” 
The officer reassuringly smiled before walking off. You closed the door quietly and turned around to look at Luhan, you smiled wide at him and he threw you his signature smirk. 
- “T-thank you so much, Luhan” 
you ran up to him and gave him a tight hug. Luhan slightly blushed while feeling your body pressed against him. 
- “No problem my love”
 both of you stood there hugging each other after Luhan broke the silence. “Hey, y/n we should get going?”
 You looked up at Luhan “yes, Thank you very much” 
he smiled at you while kissing the side of your cheeks, you blushed slightly. 
------------Luhan's apartment--------------
Luhan dragged your belongings into his apartment. You stood outside the door looking into his apartment, you hadn't been here for the past year and it looked just like how you remembered it. 
- “Why are you standing there come inside” y
ou walked slowly into the apartment taking your shoes off by the entrance. 
- “this is okay right?”
 You smiled at Luhan 
- “okay? It's perfect!” 
You twirled around the room and hugging Luhan. 
- “Again thank you so much” 
you slowly whispered 
- “stop it, stop saying thank you. I would do anything for you.” 
You blushed slightly, Luhan took a hold of your hand and brought you to the bathroom, he made you sit on the sink counter while he opened one of his cabinets. You were staring at him, he always looked so beautiful. Luhan took out a first aid kit and he looked at you with a huge grin 
- “let's get those bruises fixed up!”
 You chuckled softly at his cuteness and nodded. He came closer to your face while he took out the things he needed, he started to rub the alcohol on your bruises while you quietly hissed. He was so close to you that you felt his breath on your face. Your heart beat had started to increase and you prayed to god that he didn't hear it. You flinched a little when you felt him gently rub the alcohol into one of your wounds. Luhan stopped what he was doing and looked into your eyes. 
- “Sorry, does it hurt?” 
Luhan spoke not even above a whisper, you kept starting at Luhan's angelic face not saying anything, you felt so hypnotized while looking into his eyes. widening your eyes at what you did next, your lips were pressed against his, you tried to deepen the kiss by holding onto his neck. You didn't want to let go of his lips what so ever because you know you loved him, you just never wanted to admit it till now. You suddenly felt Luhan grip onto your waist pulling you closer to his body, making the kiss go deeper than it already was. Luhan's hands slid up your white tank top but he pulled it out immediately. Taking a hold of his wrist you put his hand inside your shirt not breaking the kiss, guiding his hands all the way up to your breast and pressing it against your left boob. Luhan let go of your lips and looked at you with soft eyes 
“y/n I-” 
you shushed him by kissing his neck and pulling his shirt off, Luhan quietly groaned at the feeling. You moved your hands around his beautiful abs. 
- “Luhan I- I really love you. I promise I do I always have. I just never admitted it. I know I am a selfish person I know I am a terrible person. But I really want this, I really want you”
 With that you bashed your lips onto his again you felt Luhan kiss you back. Gliding your hands by his chest down towards where his aching member laid, you gripped his member massaging it lightly. Luhan moaned into the kiss when he felt your hands down there. 
- “O-oh god y- ”
 Luhan broke the kiss panting, you slid your hands into his pants and underwear and started to move your hands up and down his length. Luhan moaned at that and griped onto your waist while his head fell into the crook of your neck. You kissed Luhan's neck giving him hickeys. Luhan finally got into his senses and gripped your arms pulling you off of him, you whined in protest, he looked into your eyes while smiling. 
- “I love you too y/n, but let's not do this yeah? You are just sad, take your time to heal.” 
You started to grab onto Luhan's waist trying to bring him closer.
- “no but I want you Lu, I want you now!” 
You whined while cupping his cheeks, tears started to roll down your eyes and Luhan's eyes softened.
- “L-Luhan I am sorry, okay I am sorry for being a selfish person, but I want you, please. Please make me forget what that jerk did to me! L-Luhan please.” 
You were a crying mess, you felt Luhan's big hands grabbing you into a warm embrace.
- “shh don't cry, trust me, time will let you Heal and you will forget all about it.”
 You gripped onto Luhan’s shoulders tighter as if he will leave you there any second.
- “but I want you to heal me” 
Luhan looked at you while smiling, petting your back carefully scared that you might break. 
- “I know y/n I know but not now” 
Luhan carried you off the sink towards the bed. He placed you softly on the bed. Suddenly you took a hold of Luhan's arm making him fall on the bed with you. You turned Luhan around so that you were on top of him.
- “y- y/n what are you doing?” 
You shut Luhan up again by kissing him and grinding onto his member.
- “y- y/n stop” 
You didn't stop though, you didn't want to stop. Luhan forcefully turned you around, you started to kiss his collar bone. Luhan pressed your form against the mattress harder
-  “y/n stop!” You looked at him tears starting to come out of your eyes.
- “Luhan! Why?! Am I really that ugly?! Why don't you love me?! Why can't you touch me?! Am I really that ugly?!”
 Luhan looked at you with soft yet confusing eyes.
- “no- y/n no. Of course, you're not ugly I-” 
You didn't even let Luhan finish what he was going to say, you pushed him off of your harshly. 
- “whatever I am sure there is a hotel somewhere around here I can stay at” 
You walked out of Luhan's room and started to wear your coat taking your bags. You were not sure yourself why you were mad at Luhan, he had done nothing wrong. 
- “y/n!” 
You heard Luhan calling out for you. You didn't care, you knew you were being selfish but Luhan had just rejected you, and you were embarrassed, you didn't want to look at Luhan you didn't want to face the truth. You took a hold of your luggage while walking out the door until you felt a warm body embrace you. 
- “L-Luhan?” 
He was hugging you tight snuggling his face into the crook of your neck. 
- “y/n, why are you so stubborn? Please don't leave me I love you too; trust me more than a friend. And I just didn't want you to regret anything, especially since Jung, you are still an emotional reck. I- you are not ugly y/n. God. Have you ever seen yourself?” 
Luhan growled into your shoulder while biting into your pale neck, you moaned at the feeling you have been waiting for so long. 
- “Oh god, y/n you are the sexiest person I have seen. Do you know how hard it was to hold back, not just now but all these years.” 
You were really surprised with Luhan's confession, you didn't stay anything you stood there just listening to him go on about how much he loves you.
- “y/n you don't know how much I want to touch you.”
 Luhan grabbed your cheeks into his hands, making you turn face to face with him.  
- “But I don't want you to do anything you will regret later on. I want to take time in healing you.” 
luhan walked closer to you pressing his forehead against yours. 
- “ i promise I will heal you one-day y/n, but first you need to give yourself time to heal. Okay?” 
You nodded your head slowly looking down at the floor while blinking some tears away.
- “I-i am sorry i. I didn't want to be rejected by you. I- I really do love you, Luhan.” 
Luhan kissed your forehead.
- “It's okay.”
 He carefully took your trembling form into his embrace, lifting your chin up with his other hand. He placed his lips against yours ever so gently, you closed your eyes slowly snaking your arms around his slim neck, you grabbed onto his hair making him come close to you. Luhan groaned at the little feeling, taking an advantage of it you out your tongue into his mouth, both of you explored each other's mouth. You pulled away seeing how Luhan's eyes were still closed, lightly giggling at the beautiful view Luhan's eyes batted open
- “what are you laughing at?” 
He smiled, You shook your head.
- “nothing” 
He smiled back at you taking your coat off and lifting you bridal style. 
- “I think you need to rest now, you have had enough drama for one day.” 
You smiled and snuggled into his warm bare chest. Luhan slowly placed you onto the bed and he laid beside you, putting the covers over both of your forms he pulled you close to him, you were now snuggling into the crook of his neck. 
- “Thank you, Luhan. I love you so much.” 
you peck his neck, Luhan giggled at the slight tickling feeling.
- “I love you too y/n. I love you so much. Now go to sleep my love.” 
Luhan kissed you head for the last time before both you drifted off to sleep.
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