#especially when Yona is involved
galahadenough · 1 year
I keep thinking about Sidon, and how totk handled him. I really can't help but wonder if one of the higher ups at Nintendo stumbled onto a fic for which he was very much not the intended audience. Because while no individual thing feels like it's horrendously bad, when it all comes together something does seem a little... fishy.
First and most obviously, there's Yona. At the most basic level, that is a classic reaction to having too much shipping. Throw a fiancee into the mix. And her design is interesting. It ended up working for a lot of people, it seems, but the head shape is almost edging into a cartoony look in comparison to the other Zora, and there are no other Zora with that vivid of a color. And for me personally, the english verbal aspects (yes, yes; sure) was somewhat grating. Sidon is also a distinct color, though, and it could be an indication of royalty. But it is still such a vivid green. But she is also lovely, helpful, supportive of both Link and Sidon, and really stands on her own as a character. All of these things ended up working really well for her, but it makes me wonder about the intentions behind the design.
So, we have tick one in the fishy column. By itself it wouldn't really stand out to me, but it keeps going.
With every other sage, you find the sage and proceed to work together. It is such a feeling of companionship, and support, especially in a franchise such as Zelda that is built on solitary questing for the most part. With Sidon, he sends you off on your own for nearly every step of the way.
He sends you off to talk to Jiahto at Toto Lake.
He sends you off to find the king.
He sends you off to figure out Floating Scale Island.
Oh! Finally! He goes with you to check out the beam of light... but he stays behind when you go through the whirlpool to the Ancient Zora Waterworks. Nevermind.
He goes with you to Wellspring Island, but immediately suggests splitting up until you reach the Water Temple.
So this is fishy point number two for me. It doesn't really fit his personality and actions in the last game, and it feels very distinct from the other sages. By itself, not too weird, but we're doing math here.
The water temple feels kind of off to me too. With Tulin, you have the Stormwind Arc, a Rito myth and children's tale come to life with a thrilling ascent into the sky. With Yunobo you have the Fire Temple, a gorgeous monument to the history of the gorons, rooted in the very depths of Death Mountain itself, buried among the rocks and lava of the earth, feeling so symbolic of the earth the gorons come from. Even with Riju, with the game not quite committing to the contentious history that the Gerudo have due to their association with Ganon, you have this epic and ancient temple rising from the sand, a monument to the Gerudo's past, a part of their history consumed by the very desert they call home.
The water temple is... pretty enough. I might have been a bit more impressed if it were my first sage. But it's not that big and it doesn't feel very connected to the Zora. It's in the sky. They are fish. It uses the low gravity mechanism. Which is fun. But why?? Why here, why for the Zora who are built for water more so than running and jumping? There isn't even that much water involved outside of the vases you fill to dump on the muck. No rivers. Nothing very deep, nothing with currents, nothing involving large or natural sources of water. Just. Water facets. And weird Zonai (Zonai, not Zora) water bubble machines.
That makes fishy point number three, and in my opinion the worse point against it (tying with my next point, perhaps). A lot of this post is based on opinions, and things that could be explained away. But it feels wrong that this temple is so disconnected from the Zora.
Fishy point number four. The Mucktorok. It... I have no real issues with it existing in a Zelda game. It wasn't my favorite, and I can see how people could enjoy it. I've enjoyed hearing other's perspectives on it. It's goofy and silly. It's interesting, in a way. But it's placement in the game is what makes it feel like a deliberate snub at Sidon and the Zoras. It is the only boss that isn't cinematic. It isn't dramatic or epic, and it doesn't give a sense of danger as much as a sense of comedy. We've had enemies like that before, but they are mini-bosses. On top of that, from what I've heard, you don't even get a cool fuse weapon when you defeat one in the depths. That, to me, feels a bit deliberate.
My last point doubles as an idea for improvement, and is somewhat connected to my issues with the Water Temple. And that is Sidon's sage power. Outside of the temples I get the most use out of Tulin's ability. Then Yunobo. I don't really use Riju's ability often, but I can really see the use. But Sidon's ability really doesn't seem that useful. The shield feels like a worse version of Daruk's Protection due to the fact that you have to activate it by tracking down Sidon's shade (and I think it expires if you don't use it quickly enough?), and while not useless, I don't think a lot of people plan to be hit. And the water projectile probably isn't useless, but it seems like more trouble than it's worth when you can use an arrow, or just throw something.
Inside the Water Temple it feels even worse since that is where the ability is supposed to be showcased. I had so many splash fruit, and that was so much easier than remembering to talk to Sidon and waiting for his ability to reset. I think I only used his ability for the water spout wheels. Maybe a couple of times in the boss fight, but that felt more difficult than using the splash fruit, too.
My idea for improvement is a bit of a rework of the temple and a different ability. Sidon is shown to be able to manipulate water and currents, so his ability could be the ability to do just that. He could create a current that runs up or down a river (or through still water), the current could be a stream of water that rises up above the water, straight up or at an angle. That could be a method of travel in the temple. Instead of using those odd Zonai bubbles to travel it would be a Zora ability in the Zora temple. That would also give more of a reason to have more or larger bodies of water. You know. Having water in the Water Temple. And this is all without even considering adding some mechanic for going underwater, like is so common in Zelda games. But that is another option that would have fit so well.
I could see this temple being either in the sky or on/under ground. And this ability would be so useful outside of the temple. You could travel more easily in the water. You could use it to travel up into the air above water to get a boost up, and that could fill a little bit of the gap from the lack of Revali's Gale. It would be interesting, it would fit the character, it would be useful.
So that's five fishy points. That.. kind of got away from me, but it's been cycling through my head for a while now. And like I said at the beginning, all of these points feel fairly innocuous by themselves. It's just so many things that add up to the feeling that someone in the creators really didn't like Sidon. And that bothers me because I really like Sidon.
Despite this (not) small rant, I truly love the game and so many things about it. And the funny thing is, I don't think I would have gotten so worked up about it if I hadn't gotten the thought of some horrified high up Nintendo executive reading shark-dick porn stuck in my head. I still find that thought hilarious.
And with that, I'm off!
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Whos the most likely to get arrested for attempting something they saw in a movie
First off, let’s all be honest with ourselves, Smolder has already been to juvie. This girl has 100% shoplifted from multiple storefronts and she is not sorry.
Gallus too, but he’s a little bit more broken up about it and mainly just did it for food when he was starving. He also managed to avoid juvie due to equal parts Grandpa Gruff intervening on his behalf and just Griffonstone having such crap infrastructure that the cases never really went to any kind of official court.
Ocellus has committed atrocities. Twilight knows that she’s committed atrocities and knows that Chrysalis is at least 90% to blame for that. She knows Ocellus needs therapy, not jail time.
Yona has a few assault and destruction of property charges under her belt, but she’s thankfully managed to avoid jail time due to equal parts being genuinely willing to either pay or work off the damages to settle out of court, a lot of those assault charges being ruled in self-defense, and just the reluctant acceptance that no prison could ever hold her.
Silverstream has never committed a crime before meeting her friends, but she’s since tried to in order to be arrested because she wanted to know what it was like, especially after finding out so many of her friends are ‘hardened criminals’. So far, her crime sprees have involved graffiti and other forms of public art. Said graffiti was so beautiful that one of the store owners even paid her for the ‘commission’.
Sandbar is so freaking pure that cartoon birds braid his hair. The closest this boy has ever gotten to committing a crime is accidentally loitering, after which he wrote an apology letter to the store owners.
You would think, because of her family, that Swift Foot would probably have the biggest laundry list of crimes out of all her friends. But in practice, every bad thing she’s ever done has always been on the orders of her father. Meaning they’re not officially recognized as crimes in Thrace because it was the will of their king. The one bad thing she did outside of Thrace’s borders was the whole Feats of Friendship thing, and that was more just a dick-move than it was an actual crime.
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fourstarsoutofnine · 1 year
Your Linksona. Hand it over.
HAJAHASV thank you so much
I’ll use this to tell yall a bit more about him
-He grew up in hateno; his father was a knight-turned-farmer after getting honorably discharged(I tried to look up how that works for royal guards, couldn’t find anything on it so I’m just gonna assume it’s the same as it is for US military)
-He(Leo) was always a pretty snarky guy, though before the calamity it was mostly in his head. After the calamity, though, he has a bit of trouble keeping his thoughts to himself. He kind of just says whatever pops into his head
-And because of such, a lot of people talk, and you can imagine where that goes.
“That can’t be the princess’s knight! He’s way too disrespectful!”
-This causes some major insecurities for Leo. First he had to train for the master sword, when he used to just have it, and now he can’t even control his mouth?
-Hehe funny boy trauma.
-He also has a lot of pent up anger towards the goddesses, especially after choosing him again when he failed. Is it just so they can laugh at him? Watch him fail again? He thinks so.
-He doesn’t wanna do this. He wants to save Zelda, of course, but he wished he didn’t have to.
-And don’t even get me started on how tragic it was when totk happened.
-The panic attack this boy had, yeesh
-I’m thinking about giving him scars, I’m just not sure where they’ll be yet, but know he’s got some.
-Now onto some fun stuff—this boy loves animals. Dogs, his horses, all of them.
-He likes the caves. They’re like little mazes and it’s fun to go through them.
-Shield-surfs. Literally. Everywhere. And I mean Everywhere.
-Hates the depths, thinks they’re terrifying
-Ironically though, he does like treasure hunting in there.(Will do anything when there’s treasure and money involved)
-Loves to fight lynels and boss bokoblins.
-Also loves putting majora’s mask on and getting in the middle of a crowd of bokoblins +boss bokoblin and grabbing a dual handed weapon and spinning to attack. Thinks it’s hilarious.
-He and tulin are a chaos causing duo.
-You should’ve seen the look he had on his face when he found out about Yona and Sidon
-And the look he had when he saw Yunobo with that mask.(he almost fully got into a fistfight)
-acts like he’s not all that smart, but likes to do research on things. His favorite, and most dangerous subject is the gloom hands.
-loves helping Purah and Robbie
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rddykilowatt · 2 years
ramble ramble ramble ramble zeno beloved ramble ramble ramble ramble
I’m gonna dump akayona thoughts here ‘cause I love this series lots and they make me very happy to ramble about! (warning for spoilers if you’re unaware of anything about zeno or his backstory)
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I don’t see a lot of people analyzing or digging at the things that I do, usually they’re more centered around widely known details and fan favorites and such.
So here we go:
Ever since Zeno wiggled his silly way into the group (the dragons, yoon, hak and yona) he completely threw away all of his self preservation. And you can say “well ofc, he’s there to protect yona” but I think you’d be wrong for simplifying it that way. He's such a complex character. Out of all of them he is the one that stands to be the least affected by Yona’s presence same with the presence of the other dragons. He simply decided to approach them on his own accord, they didn’t approach him. This guy has had to kill and run to protect him from others and from himself for millennia.
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He’s completely lost his purpose in life by the time we meet him in the series, having lost so much and constantly being at odds with the concept of time. But he found that purpose again in protecting the hhb, which is where I bring this back to the previous statement that he completely threw away all his self preservation, or rather he actually gained some.
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During the Xing arc the dragons end up being imprisoned, and Zeno willingly offers himself up to Mizari to have his arm cut off as means to get away easy, but they all outwardly express their disdain toward this. Jae-ha being the one to intervene and avoid Zeno being subjected to such treatment.
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Though I think it should be said that he could’ve easily sacrificed himself for them here, it's just his arm right? But he let's Jae-ha intervene and sway the topic away from him. Despite the fact that he could at any moment throughout the series (after his power has been revealed) when there’s a battle or confrontation, power his way through fights and run away or get help at the drop of the hat but guess what? He doesn’t do that, he stopped doing that for the sake of the others. He instead he chooses to stick by the side of his companions even if he could just as easily tear himself apart or be torn apart in order to help them escape.
A good example is this scene in the current arc:
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Even with the artifact from Hiryuu castle in their presence that causes there powers to amp up and everything, Zeno sits tight, literally. He sits there tied up tight with the others. I bring this scene up as an example because like I previously stated he could just tear himself apart here, now more than ever to help them escape. But he doesn't.
(Whether this is due to his wisdom beyond years or because he doesn't want to upset the other dragons is up in the air for sure but we're gonna say it's cause he doesn't wanna upset the others for the sake of this post)
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I feel like it should be explained further, it’s been brought up multiple times throughout the series where Zeno’s partook, especially in anxiety inducing parts, the others don’t like to see Zeno hurt even if he heals, even if he’s used to the pain. They don’t like it, they’ve been very upfront about how much they hate it, how much it scares them to see him injured in ways that would kill any mortal being, in ways it would kill any of them. Seeing him bleed is the worst experience for them. And I think Zeno makes the conscious choice to no longer completely tear himself apart just to escape in order to save them because he doesn’t want to scare them more than they already are in the situations they get involved in. As well as when it wouldn’t be necessary to do so, when they work together just as well to escape without unnecessarily blood being shed.
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Zeno is honestly an enigma of a character, he says a lot but simultaneously says nothing. Which makes me love him even more.
What I’m saying here is all me reading between lines and using my own brain to come up with something that would make sense rather than it being a verbal statement or thought being stated in the series. There’s no real textual evidence that outright states that Zeno has made any of the choices I’ve stated, it’s just my own thoughts surrounding him.
At the end of it all here, I personally believe this is one of the best ways his character could be written, especially as the only one remaining from the original dragons. He gives things away to the group and the readers but only with bits and pieces. The rest is speculation or a matter of putting things together. In my opinion he keeps us hooked into the series, he’s the one character still present that carry’s so much weight and wisdom with him. He’s the one character in the hhb that understands the pain that each separate individual has faced that even they amongst themselves can’t understand.
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They’ve all learned how cruel the world can be, how painful being alive is in their own ways but in my opinion Zeno is the only one that understands their individual experiences infinitely. For crying out loud he knows things that the characters around him don’t even know and that we the readers don’t as well. He’s seen and lived through more life than them all combined, but he still holds onto his humanity albeit rather stubbornly. He still continues to learn and grow and above all else he sees that everyone is human and that there can be/is still good in the world even with all the bad.
Yona maybe be in the title of the series, but Zeno is still just as much of a main character as she is.
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lord-rodentia · 1 year
Eh, just a random headcannon specifically for Sidon. Maybe some ramblings too, dunno yet.
He always has resting bitchface, in public or private. He will also occasionally give people the side eye (as seen with a cutscene/dialogue thing when Yunobo spoke in totk [can't say more about it without it being spoilers]), and he is always very irritable.
Only with Yona and Link will his expressions ever soften, he's usually calmer around them as well. He also has to fake certain expressions in front of certain people, which could be why he tends to seem uncomfortable in some cases. (That could just be my brain though.)
When he's thinking he's always glaring too, even when he doesn't even mean to glare. He also just seems completely uninterested in many things as well. His speech patterns are also odd, like he wanted to say something else but didn't want to just so he doesn't seem like an asshole to the other folks he's talking too.
I don't know though, it could just be me, but he doesn't seem like he's supposed to be his actual self most times, especially with the one conversation with him and Yona where she told him that he wasn't being his usual self and he seemed pretty pissed about it before snapping into a happy mood. Even some cases in Botw he seemed a bit odd to me, he stood out way more personality wise compared to everyone in Zora's Domain.
Sometimes he even glares at Link after conversations, even though that could just be an issue involving some eye animations (like how one of Yona's eyes was stuck in the thinking animation when she wasn't even thinking about anything.)
He kinda just seems always angry, but to be fair, I know little to nothing about shark behaviour, and the complete behaviour of the Zora as a whole (side from them usually being a peaceful people.)
Again, it could just be me, but I've just been thinking about it and it always seemed strange to me how he acts. For all of you who actually use those tags or are followed to those tags, even if not, you can look at this. Maybe think I'm an idiot or just overworking my brain, but I swear he deadass acts like this.
(I know some of the botw peeps know about or also own totk.)
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seagullcharmer · 9 months
idk got embarrassed abt rambling. totk headcanon stuff (and spoilers!!!!!!!!) below
there's a lot of comments abt how link doesn't tell anyone anything that's going on in totk, but (and i know i may be reaching and/or delving into headcanon territory lol) but. rewatching some of the early game stuff, like the first tear / geoglyph and talking to impa about it. link has already seen and had a conversation with rauru, he knows who rauru is, sonia clearly identifies herself, so why does impa call them 'mysterious figures'? is link being purposefully vague and/or obtuse, or is it that few people can actually understand link? now, i know i am not alone in believing link to be predominantly nonverbal + to use sign language. but link is also from 100 years ago with wishy-washy memory. language changes over time, impa is an old woman, so maybe it's not so much 'link doesn't tell people things / keeps secrets' but 'this guy uses an older form of language that we don't fully understand / know how to interpret' impa may have forgotten the common signs used pre-calamity (and also there's just. very little internal consistency between botw + totk) or link had an easier time during botw and then with zelda he turned to using court formal sign language, which we would be all but forgotten in 100 years time when so much of castle town + the court figures fell. idk. again, reaching, stretching, burrowing into headcanons, but. whatever. throwing it out there
ok i put it under the cut so i'll just ramble willy-nilly good luck
so throwing out the headcanon that josha is hard of hearing and uses sign language. this is inspired primarily by the way she uses nicknames for the people around her-- robbie is 'goggles', link is 'swordsman', purah is 'director'. while i admit i am far from an expert on sign language, i understand that it is common to give people 'sign names' that are typically derived from distinct characteristics about them. robbie is never seen without his goggles, purah was a top sheikah scientist pre-calamity and is now the director of lookout landing (and associated with the research team, etc etc), link is known for his sword skills, so all of those make sense within the context i am describing. idk, just really like the idea of josha&link especially re: using sign language, even though with the idea above there could be some clashing if they use signs the other doesn't know.
but also josha being disabled would be another large factor in why robbie wouldn't let her explore the depths by herself. come on, this is hyrule-- hyrule has let children do far worse for far worse reasons. but, her being a youth and disabled would certainly be enough reason to not let her go alone. also, since it's extremely dark and only link can activate lightroots, it would have a further level of danger in that you straight up would not be able to see signs. lack of communication > heightened danger > potential death. no good for anyone involved
although speaking of, where did josha come from???? there are no sheikah of childbearing age in committed relationships that would make her possible. dorian's wife is dead, josha is older than koko and cottla, so he's out. cado and his wife are divorced, and neither are really in the market for children. also if she came from a kakariko villager they would've just said so i'm going to stop listing villagers. but we know yona is a zora from outside of hyrule, so who knows. entirely possible there were sheikah immigrants and josha travelled back to hyrule after the calamity once it was deemed safe enough (because, hey, it's hyrule, and having continued prophecies and legends of doom and gloom, plus the literal 100 year long calamity does not lead to thinking hyrule is a safe place. hence, safe enough.)
i think tears of the kingdom had a lot of potential. the opening was very fun and interesting!! travelling with zelda and learning lore to set up the story ahead, getting to see her as a person, her love for hyrule and passion for research, very fun indeed!!!! the music was SO GOOD i must admit! and then the tutorial island and the introduction of the new mechanics were gorgeous, they felt so fresh and i think we were all very eager to see what would happen in that first hour or so. landing back in hyrule kingdom, seeing how it has changed, learning about the existence of the depths-- the opening had so much going for it. and then....... there wasn't much else. exploring is so much fun. i love exploring, it's one of my favourite parts of playing games. i had a blast for the first 70 hours i played, because there was so much to see and do! but i know that's not for everybody. and i gotta say, the wind temple was a fantastic first dungeon. it had interesting set-up, clear stakes, a loveable growth to a previous minor character, the dungeon itself really felt more like classic zelda dungeons, the music and the boss fight were incredibly cinematic-- but it was the only one.
sure, it was eerie getting to gerudo town and seeing how empty it was, but then the lightning temple was just kind of a slog. i loved the re-introduction of the gibdos. the tower defence game to protect riju. but the lightning temple itself just..... it was a little lackluster. and don't get me started on [gestures at all of sidon + the water temple]. and i'll admit, i liked the fire temple, i liked the silliness of the dichotomy between all the other regions facing severe threats to their habitat and livelihood and then. ganondorf's like 'yeah i'll get the gorons addicted to gloomy rocks' which i know is. not great from the actual presentation of it (yes, it's a not subtle reference to drugs + drug addiction), but the way the gorons have been presented in the past (i. really don't like their mouths. too much like the racist art of black people 1940 and earlier), and yunobo's boss outfit was. again, gritting my teeth at the racism. but the fire temple had an interesting design, and it was cool to see the return of gohma!!!!
but at the same time, tears of the kingdom had a lot of times where it mostly seemed to be catering ineffectually to older fans. 'see? we remember uhhh dungeons! gohma! you love gohma. and gibdos! and ooh, look, like-likes! everyone wanted like-likes back, right?' although i'll admit i gasped at the return of the bomb flower, even though something has happened to the plant over the years, where it can no longer reproduce nigh instantaneously. truly, the people of hyrule have fallen down on the job in protecting their agricultural heritage. (although, seeing tomatoes made me very happy. i can once again eat tomatoes by living vicariously through link). (and, thinking on it now, it could have been really interesting to bring back the various -baba enemies. especially in faron. but i'm getting away from myself)
and i was delighted by the change to link's cooking animation! i rarely skip it because i love hearing him hum snatches of classic zelda tunes.
but.... i know everyone and their dog has complained abt tears of the kingdom. its story really fell down on the job. the gameplay was fun, but the story wasn't compelling. finding the tears out of order could put a huge damper on continuing to play. it's an open-world game, you need to leave wiggle room for the story! sure, non-linearity can be great! but part of what made loz games before botw so fun and compelling was having the clear directions on where to go. you couldn't really spoil things for yourself, because it just wasn't an option. botw did a good job juggling the various places and plotlines, but totk.... didn't. all of the temple cutscenes were exactly the same, and give us zero reason to have an emotional connection to the prior sages. they don't even have names!!!!!! i know other people have said it much better than i can about how botw helps you like the champions, and mourn that they're gone. and totk barely even gives you reasons to care about your friends the current sages. everyone loved sidon, and yona is a lovely character, but they kinda shoe-horned it in and then bungled zora characterisation, imo. zora's domain is gorgeous and elaborate, and then we're expected to believe sidon and yona got married as soon as sidon comes back from the water temple and yeehaw he's crowned king ???? where is the elegance?? the ceremony???? these people are long-lived and cherish tradition. and yona's been visiting for a week after who knows how many years apart, and they get married just like that. despite them having clear relationship trouble. of course they love each other and share a commitment to each other, but sidon wasn't treating her as a partner, and she was right to call him on it! so even if they're gonna live a few more centuries, that doesn't mean they need to jump right into marriage immediately!!! also, while i like yona, they didn't give us much reason to care about her. if anything, so many fans hate her for simply existing as sidon's never-before-mentioned fiancee. and i understand that, i do. she could be likeable! if we were, just, you know, given any opportunity to get to know her. honestly, i would've liked the water temple more if yona had been the sage. sidon was unimpressive in all aspects. how the hell had he never discovered this ability. (i know, back to totk's lack of internal continuity) so introducing yona and allowing her to be the sage-- that could've been very interesting, honestly. given her a way to show sidon he can trust her, and that while of course he will worry, he can rest assured she is capable and can take care of herself, and show herself to be an asset to hyrule's zora's domain.
that was wayyyy too long to be a paragraph, but i'm not editing. i like yona. block me or don't.
idk y'all. i like totk, i don't regret buying it, but it was very weak for a zelda game. albw was better, and it has a lot of issues that i will leave for another post (although y'all can pry that game from my cold hands. it's good!!!!!!! yes it's misogynistic and the non-linear dungeons is frustrating but! it's still a good game and has mechanics that are actually plot-relevant and limits the number of new characters, so you can get to know them and care about them!!!!!!! sorry totk!!!!!!)
um. i got tired. i forgot what i wanted to say. if you read this, wow. blowing you kisses, shaking your hand, saluting, whatever. thanks.
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mobolanz · 11 months
For the fun OC asks: 6, 15 and 24!
Okie thank you!:D ✨💖💞
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6. What would they give their life for?:
Mia: for a very naturally giving and devoted individual, that's really on edge considering she wouldn't be so much of that if anyone takes it for granted and abuses it. She'll have to hold that someone VERY. VERY. VERY dear to her to actually give away the chance for great life as she pleased for herself if she thought this specific individual needed it more, be it if for their passions and dreams, or even that person's very life and safety to allow them continue and persuade the former.
Cecille: she doesn't think of that one much, or at least doesn't want to. She finds it to be a miracle she even woke up the next morning (for someone who hates sleeping) and hasn't worn herself out of the struggle to keep herself standing against those who don't like it, so actually valuing anything beyond that and disregarding her own life is an absurd concept to her. She thinks no ill and actually admires those who would, it shows they're true to whatever cause it is, but that can't be her. Especially because last time she actually tried, she found herself furthest from home thrown in a dark alley.
Evelyn: Being granted a right and way to exist and go on with her life just the way vulnerable gentle and Passionate she is without her mere presence causing anyone harm or leeching them dry. In a way it's "being forgiven" even if she's left with nothing, but she's obviously scared of being left with nothing. Which is an odd thing to work herself to death for, because then what would she do should she finally achieve it? Like bb omg ;-;
15. What was something their parents taught them?:
Mia: thinking of this one as I type because I never pondered much on her familial life... but I figure that despite living alone , she had a positive relationship with hers in contrast to the later two. So ever since young age it's to be all about what she feels she can truly do great in life,and is pleasant for herself as much as for others. And persuade it however available to her, and not hesitate when the chance to achieve more is offered to her - so long as she'll love doing it as much as the service she offers. That way to never waste away. A long one for love what you do and do what you love. Which explains her displeasure with her Living situation ever since departing- until a certain supernatural involvement OwO
Cecille: same as Evelyn's minus the guardian. But otherwise not much that isn't a toxic mentality that if she let's anything block her way from perfecting, that's not enough of a try, sje doesn't want it enough, and even an excuse.
Evelyn: Biological ones- most basics of her polite & ladylike mannerism (or more specifically delivered the overall program to her personal tutorers)
Her guardian since middle teenage years- learn when to shut up and be thankful for what you actually have because asking for more and more is what got you to lose it all to begin with.
24. Do you know their MBTI type?:
(Ohhhh love this one since I took ones for each of them 🤭)
(personal favourite examples: saki hanajima, shin-ah, chihiro ogino, nunnally vu Britannia, jane eyre, nia teppelin)
Cecille: ISTP
(personal favourite examples: Levi, Annie, sailor uranus, kyo sohma, aizawa shouta, arya stark)
Evelyn: ENFJ (Interesting factor: opposite of Cecille's and mirroring Mia's )
( personal favourite examples: falco grice, mami tomoe, margaery tyrell, princess yona, chibiusa, )
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theclearblue · 8 months
For the ship ask, can I ask : Sokka/Toph, Yona/Suwon, Gon/ Killua?
Oooh of course, these are some fun pairings!
Ship it
I think this is a cute pairing! I definitely think they are the closest to each other out of everyone, they have really good heart to hearts and rely on each other in a unique way, especially in Season 3 is where they really shine.
I think both of them have such a genuine and silly friendship/dynamic that makes them appealing! I also think both can sometimes be a little emotionally closed off so it's nice to see them really open up to each other about hard topics and share their vulnerabilities.
Hmm I have no idea if this is a popular or unpopular headcanon or not but I kinda view Toph (aged up) as aromantic, where even in this dynamic she really appreciates Sokka! But she doesn't know where to draw the line between a friend and a partner.
Don't Ship It
They're cousins 😭😭😭 Don't get me wrong, LOVE both characters and their dynamic, both are fascinating characters that hold a lot of love towards each other but also pain and guilt, but them being related puts a full stop towards this ship for me. Also even though I am usually a pretty big multishipper, Yona/Hak are just it for me and Suwon gives me aro/ace vibes as well
Not to keep hammering this point home, but not being related would certainly help 💀 And I know Yona has a crush on him at the beginning of the series, but she grows SO much as a person that I think her love for Suwon just fundamentally changes with that growth too? So even with not being related, I think the two of them have grown and matured in such a way where it isn't feasible to me.
Hmm the angst potential is so great for them, I think they are both such interesting characters that have such a troubled past that they have to navigate, but they also clearly love each other SO much, it wouldn't of hurt so bad if that love was any less. I think just every duo within the Hak/Yona/Suwon trio have such a unique relationship it's unlike anything else.
Ship It
UGH they're cute throughout the entire series but the moment where Killua is just looking at Gon with such awe and says "Gon, you are light" wowwowwow that moment changed my life and made it go from cute childhood friends to like true soulmates.
Oh I just love how Killua becomes more human and kind and just gets to be a normal kid for the first time because Gon gives him the opportunity. And later when Killua takes everything he's learned to try and save Gon when he starts losing his humanity? They really do it all where you have the cute fluffy childhood friends side to just the angst filled devastation that happens at the end of the chimera ant/election arc.
Ohh I'm probably not involved enough to know truly what the hot take of Gon/Killua are, but it really annoys me when I see hxh fans say shipping them is weird? I promise you gay people can know that they're gay before the age of 18 lmaaaaoooo, I had my first gay crush at like the same age.
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kachikirby · 1 year
For the OC ask!
Fettuccine: 2, 4, 6, 12, 14, 16
Kurabe: 5, 6, 12, 14, 16, 20
Katsumi: 1, 9, 12, 14, 16, 25
Thank you for the ask!
2. I feel like it's the fact that she's actually an interrogation genius and child prodigy. She was the youngest person to ever join Task Force Zetta, which is basically the elite unit of the Intelligence Division of the Organization. But I feel like people wouldn't realize that based on how she look.
4. If Fetty is frightened, she would probably freeze. It takes a lot to scare her, but she can get scared.
6. It would be extremely difficult unless it was someone she highly respected. (i.e. Meta, Risotto, or Pandoro would have the easiest time convincing her) But even then, she would be a bit skeptical why and ask them to justify why.
12. She often tries to put on a brave face with her work, especially if whoever she is interrogating had some way to end themselves while she was doing it, but it does haunt and upset her, but she never says it. Other than that, she does try to act confident in the face of death. (i.e. when she was poisoned by someone) But overall, the moments are few and far between because her job doesn't really involve fighting.
14. She overall just wants to be seen as a good person and a close friend or even lover to Meta.
16. Her pain tolerance is surprisingly high. There's a reason her mirror world counterpart is a masochist. (i.e. she likes it rough)
5. Depends on what it is she wants. Generally, she can chuck a lot of money at her problems, and they'll go away because she's rich. But if her family is threatened, she will kill.
6. It would be near impossible to. The only way for her to be convinced to do something against her moral compass is for it to literally be the only solution.
12. Kurabe is EXTREMELY hard on herself. Like if something horrible happens and she believes it's her fault, she will go into a mental spiral and have a breakdown. She also doesn't like being a burden on others, so that adds to her self-destructive behavior at times.
14. While Kurabe doesn't really care about the opinions of others, she does want her students to see her as a teacher they look up to and rely on for years to come. It works, seeing how a lot of her former students visit her. (Meta tends to visit the most of them because he's also her adopted son.)
16. One of the things she teaches those who are willing is an unnaturally high pain tolerance while still being able to fight. Like being shishkababed and having a limb cut off level of pain tolerance.
20. Kurabe doesn't really get jealous if I'm being honest. She knows that Mikuto only has eyes for her and she's content with her life. Most is she will teasingly get jealous if Fetty mentions how Meta is more snuggly with her, because she loves hugging her son too.
That time Yona broke through all the traps in her home just to see where she lived. It took her forever to get her out and replace them all.
9. "Aaan? Bukkorosu zo!" (Nn? I'll kill you!) because that was one the the quotes I had in mind when thinking of Katsumi's design. The specific character that I associate this line with is actually her voice claim. (Neru from Blue Archive)
12. She will do anything for money, no matter how destructive or deadly it is or even if it means she'll cross paths with the Organization. She just has that much confidence that she'll make it out alive.
14. She doesn't really care how she's seen by others. She just wants to be paid. She is literally willing to backstab the person she's working for if someone else is willing to pay her more for what she does. Also, one of her policies is literally "I get half of my full payment in advance in case you all die".
16. I'd honestly say on par with Kurabe. Maybe a bit more than that, since she's a ruthless mercenary.
25. Honestly, while I like her personality a lot, her design is my favorite thing about her. I came up with her because I really like the aesthetic of bancho and sukeban and I wanted an OC that reflected that. I also made her a puffball/Astral/whatever you would call Kirby's species because I wanted to have one that was more in the morally grey territory after having a lot that were more on the lawful or neutral good side, and that was why I made her a mercenary as well. Everything else followed after that.
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gamebunny-advance · 2 years
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"Plants" Process (Initial Sketch | Layers)
Sure, might as well talk about this one, because I actually have a bit to say about it.
So the title I uploaded this with, "Say you will about NSR..." was originally a (*mis)quote he says in the game when you fully unlock the Natura district. The line isn't especially significant, but I've always thought of it as surprisingly "quaint." It's very small, but it serves to humanize him just a little bit when up to and after this point he's dipped into cartoon-style villainy. These brief moments of honesty within his duplicitous nature is a part of why I find him to be an endearing character.
*The actual quote is, "Say what you want about NSR..." but I mistyped it when posting it. The meaning of the line is basically the same, though.
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Due to this line, I've had the idea of drawing him surrounded by plants for a while. My first iterations of this idea usually involved him on an apartment balcony adorned with plants and overlooking the city. Sadly, my visions for the scene exceeded my artistic ability, so it's an idea that's been on the back burner for a while.
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[A sketch I did last year based on the idea.]
It wasn't until I just randomly thought to come back to this idea that I sketched this piece.
But tbh, I don't think my vision was very clear. There's no sense that he exists in a real place (why in the world would a hanging planter be hung so low, XP). All I knew was that I wanted to draw him surrounded by plants, and that originally I wanted the color palette to be very limited.
Very recently, the SiIvagunner channel had uploaded a parody video of the Yona Yona Dance MV, which led me to listening/watching the original video (which I somehow managed to never see up to that point).
I found the limited color pallet of the video to be very striking, and I wanted to make something inspired by it combined with the experiment I did with my recent Kliff x Tati piece, which also only used about 4 colors.
However, I am abysmal at color picking, so I grabbed a color palette from @/color-palletes (link) to help the process along. In the end, I couldn't keep myself from trying to use all possible colors. Strictly speaking, there's a shade of every color in the rainbow in the final piece, which is about as far from a "limited palette" as it could be. Nonetheless, I think the darker tones of the colors do help to tie everything together, so it feels more limited than it actually is.
To return to discussing the sketch itself, there were a few ideas that changed and evolved throughout the process.
Besides moving some of the plants around, an idea I had that didn't get fully realized was that the three smaller plants in front of him were supposed to represent the game's rockstars: Mayday, Zuke and Tatiana. I had difficulty making that happen with the limited palette: since May, Kliff, and Tati share a lot of colors (notably red), and one of Zuke's main colors is green, the same color for the plants, it was difficult to main the references while still having them all not blend into each other. Perhaps with more time to think through the idea I could have reached a compromise, but as things are, that reference was more or less lost.
To get it out of the way: there isn't any real symbolism behind the plants chosen. They were picked strictly on their aesthetic value/ease of drawing them. If you wanna stretch, the Zuke vase is holding red flowers (poppies), so it's kinda referencing that time his hair was set on fire, but that's totally incidental~ However, I will say that originally that vase was supposed to hold orchids since it's apparently a flower common in Malaysia, but I had difficulty drawing them and settled on poppies. Hibiscus plants were also considered for similar reasons, but as someone who's actually grown up around hibiscus flowers, I knew I didn't really have another place to put them since those plants actually get really friggin' big.
Something else that was lost was the poster behind the snake plant. Originally I had thought to put a poster of Kul Fyra on the wall, but I honestly got pretty lazy about adding the details. That and Kul Fyra's colors would have blended into Kliff hair since she's a combination of reds and yellows. But that space felt so empty without *something* there, so I messed around with random shapes and eventually just landed on putting up some records. It's a generic detail, but I do feel like they add a "pop art" quality to the piece.
To conclude, this was very fun to work on and the turnaround on it was fairly fast. Usually for pieces like this, the process takes me a few days, but I sketched and finished this all in the same day. Had I given myself more time to sleep on this, I might have worked a little harder to incorporate some of my other ideas and clean it up a little more. That said, this is still one of my favorite pieces as of late, and I hope that I'm able to make more things like it.
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nikibogwater · 1 year
What if yona and mipha met?
Okay, buckle up y'all, 'cause I went borderline fanfic mode on this one:
According to her profile in the Purah Pad, Yona is a childhood friend of Sidon's, which means it's possible she and Mipha did meet each other at least once when Yona was still young. Ever since reading this, I've headcanoned that Smol Yona lowkey idolized Mipha. Mipha would have represented everything Yona needed to be as a Zora princess--kind, compassionate, beautiful, and a capable leader. I'd like to think that one of the reasons Yona grew to resemble Mipha so much is because she saw Mipha as a role model when she was little. They were probably already similar in personality and values, which would have made it easier for Yona to look up to her. I imagine Mipha was very much the Cool Older Sister--the one who, whenever she makes time to hang out with you, makes you feel really special. She would have gotten involved in Yona and Sidon's games, and taught the both of them really valuable lessons and skills. Perhaps Yona even felt jealous of Sidon from time to time. He got to have Mipha all the time, while Yona could only see her during diplomatic trips. Perhaps Mipha sensed this, and made a point of spending some one-on-one time with Yona whenever possible, teaching her how a princess must be able to rise above unfortunate events or unfair circumstances and be a pillar of strength for her people.
With all of that being said, it must have been devastating for Yona to hear of Mipha's death. Especially since Mipha's role as the Domain's princess (and now, queen) was passed on to her through her betrothal to Sidon. Since she is a relatively minor character, Tears of the Kingdom doesn't give us much insight into her own personal struggles, but I'm sure she must feel as though she is under a lot of pressure to live up to Mipha's legacy. Nonetheless, she's clearly doing an excellent job, since everyone in the Domain adores her.
Meanwhile, over in the Age of Calamity timeline, I am fairly confident that Yona and Mipha are thick as thieves. They have tea together almost every day, and regularly gang up on Sidon for some friendly teasing. He makes a show of being affronted, but he really enjoys their three-way banter.
Thanks so much for the fun ask, Non! I love these kinds of creative exercises, hehe! ✨
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ao3feed-sidlink · 1 year
The Night Does Not Belong To God
The Night Does Not Belong To God
by MoonlightAndDust
Link didn’t think this day could get any worse, until he laid eyes on the newcomer with her delicate sap-green skin and her poised air of nobility. His dread swells ever larger when she introduces herself as Sidon’s… as the fiancée.
The thing is, Link and Sidon have talked at great length about the reality of a political marriage. Though relationships between Zora and Hylians aren’t unheard of, they’re rare, and it’s especially complicated when it involves royalty. As a Hylian — and one without a functioning womb, because Link doesn’t have monthly bleeds anymore — Link cannot give Sidon a legitimate heir to the Zora throne. As Hylian Champion and Appointed Knight to the Princess of Hyrule, Link has other duties besides his care for the Zora people. He cannot stay in the Domain full-time and be the co-ruler Sidon will need when he ascends the throne. And as a man, he certainly can’t be Queen the way Zora law demands.
Link respects this. That doesn’t mean he has to like it.
Words: 11199, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Series: Part 3 of Silver Filigree
Fandoms: The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild/Tears of the Kingdom
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: M/M, Multi
Characters: Bazz (Legend of Zelda), Gaddison (Legend of Zelda), Original Side Characters - Character
Relationships: Link/Sidon (Legend of Zelda), Sidon & Yona (Legend of Zelda), Link & Yona (Legend of Zelda), Link & Zelda (Legend of Zelda)
Additional Tags: Trans Link (Legend of Zelda), Mute Link (Legend of Zelda), Blood and Violence, More Graphic Than Canon, Psychological Trauma, Chronic Pain, Hurt/Comfort, Angst, Established Relationship, Arranged Marriage, Mild canon divergence, Politics, Caretaking, Jealousy, Insecurity, Tears of the Kingdom spoilers, Post-Breath of the Wild, taking liberties with canon, No Yona Bashing (Legend of Zelda), we love yona in this house, No beta we die like Rauru, completed work, don't talk to me about the line indents, I'm too tired to fix it
From https://ift.tt/bc1pJCZ https://archiveofourown.org/works/48286228
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rosietrace · 2 years
Sarah Marigold
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"Tch, these fools... If I were Vivi-chan, I'd have their head on a platter by now."
Very important note: Sarah was actually created by one of my friends, @mintychocolate04
Full Name: Sarah De Gracia Marigold
Japanese Name: サラ デ グラシア マリーゴールド
Romaji: Sara De Gurashia Marigorudo
Twisted from: The hunter's dagger/The lightning that struck the beautiful queen
V/A: Asami Seto(瀬戸麻沙美)
Age: 18
Birthday: November 1
Horoscope: Scorpio ♏
Species: Human, (alleged) Demoness
Height: 180 cm
Hair color: Ink black
Eye color: Red(normal), purple(using magic)
Homeland: Shaftlands
Position in Shard clan: distant family member, house Marigold
Dormitory: Pomefiore, transferred to Ignihyde
Class: 3-D (seat no. 19)
Sexuality: Pansexual/Demisexual
Dominant hand: Ambidextrous
{ Family:
Shuella Meilin Marigold(Mother)
Velveteen Belladonna Marigold(Aunt)
Ivan Marigold(Uncle)
Vivian Marigold(Aunt)
Florian Shard(Uncle)
Yona Von Monarch(Aunt)
Minami Rhys Von Monarch(Uncle)
Ludwig Von Monarch(Grandfather)
Grimhilde Shard Von Monarch(Grandmother)
Camilla Marigold(Cousin)
Aurelie Marigold(Cousin)
Mercury Von Monarch(Cousin)
Kiara Rhys(Cousin)
Victoria Shard(Cousin) }
Best class(es): Physical education
Worst class(es): Alchemy, incantations, herbology
Likes: Victoria, her cousins, her parents, sparring/training, honing her abilities, swordsmanship, spending time with her family, reading, Zen(platonically), Ignihyde's advanced technology, modifying her weaponry to her liking
Dislikes: False rumors, paparazzi, noble society, rumors surrounding her family, Malleus Draconia, Aurelie Marigold, Koral Larrane, rusted swords, blurry vision, alchemy, Camilla's singing
Hobbies: Swordsmanship, meditating, reading, walks in the forest, sparring, listening to music during class, slandering the Draconias to filth, helping Victoria with her "plans"
Talent(s): Agility, flexibility, dexterity, speed, strength, predicting attacks, swordsmanship, combat in general, ambidextrous, photographic memory
Flaw(s): Judgemental, overprotective, aggressive, (partially) manipulative, defensive, easily annoyed
Making her appearance in NRC in the middle of the second semester, Sarah is what one would call…. A bit unpredictable.
She's a very complicated young woman, especially considering she transferred to Ignihyde a couple of months into her stay in Pomefiore. Even though the latter dorm had her beloved cousin as a resident.
Speaking of which, Sarah's entire mindset is family oriented. She loves and cares for most of her family, practically unconditionally, and would do anything to protect them.
Hell, she admits to being influenced by Camilla and Mercury when it came to her insistence on willingly killing for her family's sake.
She's passionate, doting, carefree, and unabashedly fun-loving with all of her cousins, excluding Aurelie.
Although that does come at the cost of Sarah being rather overprotective of her cousins. Victoria specifically, since Sarah's admired Victoria since they were children.
When family isn't involved, Sarah remains closed off and painfully blunt, often coming off as sassy at times. And for whatever reason, she seems to have a vendetta against men.
Sarah is judgemental. With little to no shame, she's always saying things she probably shouldn't be saying aloud, and it barely bothers her as much as it bothered everyone else around her.
No matter who you are, family, friend, or foe. Sarah will shamelessly speak her mind with as little care as possible.
Unique magic: Thunder strikes(落雷)
Song: Thunder(Imagine dragons)
Like thunder, Sarah strikes fast, and in a flash, is able to hurt others at unspeakable levels, so it isn't a surprise that her unique magic reflects so much of her personality
This ability, though limited, allows Sarah to summon an occasional strike of thunder every time she snaps her fingers
Unfortunately, Sarah's energy will rapidly deplete the more she uses this ability, so she prefers not to use it unless the situation calls for it
As a child, Sarah would often use her unique magic to joke around with Zen and her cousins, but she decided to stop once she came to realize how much it was affecting her health
When they were children, Aurelie mocked Sarah for not being strong enough to control her abilities, which was enough motivation for the (at the time) 8-year-old to almost electrocute Aurelie into nothing but ash.
Name meaning
Sarah: In Hebrew, Sarah (שָׂרָה‎) is the feminine form of the noun Sar (שַׂר), which commonly translates to "chief", "ruler" or "prince"
De Gracia: "Of grace" in Spanish
Marigold: Marigolds were often linked to the powerful strength of the sun and represent the power, strength, and light that lives inside of a person
Sarah was homeschooled up until she managed to convince her parents to allow her to attend night raven college
She didn't have a personal reason to transfer to Ignihyde, she just personally preferred being there compared to Pomefiore (Which was enough for Crowley to let her transfer)
She won't admit it but her favorite cousin is probably Victoria
Calls Victoria "Vivi Chan" as her term of endearment
Sarah has an intense level of second hand embarrassment every time Camilla sings, it's just excruciatingly painful to listen to
One time she jokingly put on some of Mercury's corsets and realized just how fucking snatched his waist actually was
She originally took up swordsmanship in order to learn how to protect her cousins, but she eventually saw it as a hobby after a while
Due to the fact that most Marigolds had blonde hair, Sarah saw herself as a genetic defect and had a bit of trouble fitting in growing up in the Marigold side of the family
Victoria became Sarah's beacon of light because she convinced her to be more confident in herself
Absolutely hates what Aurelie did to inflict Camilla's curse, which is why she isn't as keen on protecting Aurelie compared to the rest of her cousins
Her father, Hawthorne, is a man who often smiles at all times and for whatever reason, doesn't have a last name
Sarah never questioned her father's lack of a surname, at least not out loud
Liked reading with Yona as a child and they continue to have reading sessions together whenever they find time in their schedules
One of the first people to notice signs of Grimhilde's abuse toward Victoria, but unfortunately no one believed her when she tried to tell others about it
Hates Ludwig and especially hates Grimhilde for what she did to Victoria
The only person she probably hates more than Grimhilde is Malleus Draconia, and that's saying something because Sarah proclaimed that she hated Grimhilde more than life itself
Sarah (after eventually meeting Roya) would relate to Roya's insecurities over his horns, as she also dawn's a pair of horns as well
Had to be convinced to wear a different pair of glasses when she was 15 because she was using the same pair for 6 years (Only because Victoria gave her the glasses to begin with)
Denies any protectiveness she has over her cousins especially Victoria
Treats Zen like an annoying little brother even though he's technically older than her
Chose not to participate in the swordsman solstice because she wanted to support Victoria and try to memorize the players' techniques
Accidentally exploded her family laboratory when she was 5
Mostly ties her hair up, but doesn't mind having it styled
Threatened to rip Koral's throat open but had to be restrained before that could happen
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avrablake · 1 year
Hi rainstorm
8, 15, 29, 48
From this game
Thanks so much Sleepy Dear!
8. Oldest WIP
My oldest active wip is actually my current one, Beyond the Darkness. The idea started as a fanfic many many years ago. I picked it back up 3 years ago and started over from scratch to turn it into an original story.
My oldest abandoned wip that I might actually come back to someday is a portal fantasy involving music as magic, elves with multi-colored hair, and ancient magic beings that transform into animal forms. This was very much my baby at one point and I would like to pick it up again someday.
15. How do you deal with writer’s block?
Sometimes I throw on music to distract myself and then word vomit onto a page. Sometimes I try writing from prompts to get new ideas or get myself unstuck. Sometimes I work on a different wip.
Usually I just take a break from writing though. Watch some shows I like, listen to my playlists, read some books. Things that can give me inspiration until I feel ready to come back to writing.
29. Favourite villain
Oh gee. Did you know Sleepy Dear that I absolutely love a good villain? Especially sympathetic ones. Give me a villain backstory that shows how they became a villain, that they could have just as easily become heroes under different circumstances.
One of my all-time favorites is Lex Luthor from Smallville. I just love him and his story arc. The fact that he tries so so hard to be better, to be a hero, but no one believes in him. Only Clark believes in him but living up to Clark's view of him, along with everyone's hate for him, is exhausting. And so his friendship with Clark slowly poisons him, fills him with jealousy, and guilt, and self-hate, which he turns into hatred for Clark. And eventually he's just so unrecognizable from who he was at the beginning of the show you can only see him as the villain he's become.
Another favorite is the morally gray Su-won from Akatsuki no Yona. He's definitely an antagonist but it's hard to call him a villain. What he did was terrible, but he was also not wrong. The country is better off because of it. Like Yona you find that you want to hate him but you can't. He's not a bad person and he is most definitely a good king. And those moments when the heroes have to team up with him. Or when they have to admit that they respect him. Love love love.
Another favorite villain is Azula from AtlA. She's intelligent, and unapologetic, and charismatic, and Powerful. There isn't even the slightest hint that the writers have a redemption arc in store for her (until the GNs) and yet she's still sympathetic in the last season because of course she would be. In a different way from Zuko. But she doesn't want to be sympathetic. She doesn't want to be redeemed because she doesn't want to think that she needs it. I love her your honor.
48. What’s the most self-insert character/scene you’ve ever written?
All of my characters are a self-insert. They are all different pieces of me.
Thea is my anxiety and perfectionism and all the times my stupid stupid emotions overflow out of my eyes.
Nix is my avoidance and my self-loathing and my tendency to push people away.
Gram is me when you hurt someone I care about. I will fight you.
Kaori's issues with her father are actually all my issues with my mother.
Ryu is who I was in high school, trying so desperately to be someone I wasn't that I forgot who I was.
On a lighter note I wrote so many self-insert fanfics in middle school. They were fun and indulgent and what made me want to write my own original stories someday.
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guamhomeslizduenas · 28 days
Exploring Guam Homes for Rent: Find Your Ideal Rental with Liz Duenas
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Are you considering moving to Guam and searching for the perfect rental property? Finding the right Guam homes for rent can be an exciting yet challenging process. With Liz Duenas, an experienced Guam Realtor, you can streamline your search and discover the ideal rental that fits your lifestyle. In this guide, we’ll delve into the benefits of renting in Guam, explore available options, and show you how Liz can help you find the perfect home.
Why Consider Renting a Home in Guam?
Renting a home in Guam offers several advantages, whether you’re relocating for work, study, or simply seeking a new adventure. Here’s why you might choose to rent:
1. Flexibility and Convenience
Renting provides flexibility, allowing you to explore different neighborhoods and lifestyles without committing to a long-term investment. This is especially beneficial if you’re new to the island and want to familiarize yourself with the area before buying a property.
2. Lower Initial Costs
Compared to buying a home, renting usually involves lower upfront costs. With no need for a substantial down payment or closing costs, renting can be a more accessible option for those who prefer to avoid large financial commitments.
3. Maintenance-Free Living
Renting a home often means that maintenance and repairs are handled by the landlord. This can be a significant advantage, as it frees you from the responsibilities and costs associated with home upkeep.
Finding the Perfect Guam Homes for Rent
When searching for Guam homes for rent, it’s essential to consider several factors to ensure you find a property that meets your needs and preferences. Here’s how to narrow down your options:
1. Identify Your Ideal Location
Guam boasts diverse neighborhoods, each offering its unique charm. Whether you prefer the vibrant atmosphere of Tumon, the family-friendly environment of Dededo, or the serene beaches of Yona, identifying your preferred location will help focus your search.
2. Determine Your Budget
Setting a clear budget is crucial when looking for Guam homes for rent. Consider factors such as rent, utilities, and any additional fees to ensure you find a property that fits within your financial plan.
3. Define Your Needs and Preferences
Think about the features you want in your rental home, such as the number of bedrooms, proximity to schools or workplaces, and any specific amenities like a pool or pet-friendly policies. This will help you narrow down your choices and find a rental that suits your lifestyle.
How Liz Duenas Can Help You Find Guam Homes for Rent
Navigating the rental market in Guam can be overwhelming, but working with a knowledgeable real estate agent in Guam like Liz Duenas makes the process smoother and more efficient. Here’s how Liz can assist you:
1. Expert Market Knowledge
Liz Duenas has extensive experience in the Guam real estate market and can provide valuable insights into the best Guam homes for rent available. Her expertise ensures you receive accurate information and guidance throughout your search.
2. Personalized Service
Liz takes the time to understand your specific needs and preferences, offering personalized recommendations that match your criteria. Whether you’re interested in Guam homes for rent or exploring Guam homes for sale, Liz’s tailored approach helps you find the right property.
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Additional Options: Exploring Guam Homes for Sale
If you’re considering a long-term move or investment, Liz Duenas also offers a range of Guam homes for sale. By exploring both rental and purchase options, you can make an informed decision about your future in Guam.
Start Your Search with Liz Duenas Today
Ready to find the perfect rental home? Liz Duenas, your dedicated Guam Realtor, is here to help you navigate the Guam homes for rent market with ease. Visit Guam Homes Liz Duenas to explore available rental properties and connect with Liz for personalized assistance. Whether you’re looking for a cozy apartment or a spacious house, Liz’s expertise ensures you’ll find a rental that suits your needs and lifestyle.
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strxberrysage · 9 months
☆ about me !!
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✧・゚: *✧・゚:* . . . hello !! i'm sage <3 ;; 16 ;; any prns ;; aspiring fanfic author + hobby artist 。・:*˚:✧。
please read my carrd / about me byf !!
☆ [carrd] — for a quick about me + other socials !! ☆ [ao3] — no works atm ;; wip !! ☆ [art] — tumblr art acc ;; follow me on other socials ty <3 i'm on twitter , tiktok , and instagram ☆ [spotify] — for my playlists !!
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✧・゚: *✧・゚:* . . . byf :
☆ dni if bigoted ;; __phobic ;; zionist ;; basic dni criteria ☆ i am a minor . if i start taking requests/when you submit things , please keep it sfw , especially if you're an adult . i will block you . ☆ the way i type is a stylistic choice !! for my actual works , i try to use perfect grammar and pronunciation so this style wont be reflected within the actual content i will (hopefully) write ☆ no reposting any of my works ty <3 ☆ if you are going to give me criticism , ask me beforehand , and be respectful about it . ☆ if i offend you , or say anything incorrect , feel free to politely inform me about it . ty in advance :) ☆ i will not be taking requests at this time .☆ NO AI !! do not feed any of my content to an ai software ever .
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✧・゚: *✧・゚:* . . . about me:
☆ i'm a busy student taking dual-enrollment and ap high school classes , so i probably will be a slow writer . ☆ i prioritize my art more than my writing , so if you are interested , follow me on any social media platform !! my username is @IV0RYPH0BIA ☆ i do not intend on writing character x reader fanfiction . this may change in the future , or i might dabble in it , but for the time being , i wish to focus on character x character dynamics . ☆ i may interact with or post about celebrities (specifically kpop groups ateez and seventeen) , but i will not under any circumstances create fanfiction involving real people .
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✧・゚: *✧・゚:* . . . media i want to write about:
☆ haikyuu !! ☆ jujutsu kaisen !! ☆ yona of the dawn !! ☆ chainsaw man !! ☆ genshin impact !!
: ̗̀➛ the italicized names are high priority !
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thank you for reading this far <3
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