#essentially r is just already part of his family
heartpascal · 9 months
ok you guys. the pressure is on. here are the current fics in the works.
option 1 = “the sun was collapsing” -> angst
option 2 = “you can cut it” -> angst / comfort-ish
option 3 = “in the warm light” -> ANGST
option 4 = “hand to your heart” -> fluff? then ANGST
(more details in tags, kinda)
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littledollll · 1 year
Can I please request a Larissa X new teacher reader.
R has a much younger brother (r is in their early 20s while the brother is 4ish) who they take care of because their parents aren't great so r took full custody over him. R always leaves him with the librarian looks after him (everyone assumes she's his aunt since he calls her aunty) while r is working but one day he isn't having any of it as he misses r so goes to find her and ends up interrupting an important staff meeting and calling r mum (cause of the age gap and parental role r takes he views them as his mum rather than a sibling) r ends up getting really embarrassed and apologies profusely for him while the other teachers and Larissa are incredibly confused as they had no clue he was even related to r.
That evening Larissa requests r to come see her telling them that their "son" is welcome to come along so he isn't left alone in their room. R thinks they are going to be reprimanded by Larissa for messing up the meeting but instead Larissa is very soft and simply wants to know why r didn't inform Larissa of their "son" because Larissa would have gladly made arrangements for him to which r explains the whole story to her while Larissa and r both are playing with the little bro and at the end r makes a joke that they need to find a partner as good with kids as to Larissa to help out their their little trouble maker to which said troublemaker blurts put how r has a mash crush on Larissa. R dies for embarrassment but before they can apologise Larissa smiles and asks them out for coffee saying she's always wanted kids but thought her nevermore students would be as close as she'd ever get.
Thank you!!!
Lovely interruption
Larissa Weems x Reader
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A/n: THIS IS SO CUTE??? Thank you so much for your request
Warnings: none, just fluff fluff and more fluff.
It was routine by now, every day you dropped off your brother in the library with a lunchbox and a bag with a few essentials and some games, you’d thank your best friend (who was honestly family by now) profusely for keeping watch of him.
It was a staff only day. Which means meetings, markings, file organizing and all the other boring stuff, and he simply wasn’t having it. Usually, though his auntie had stuff to get done she still had time to spend time with and entertain him, not today.
He stumbled his way out of the library trying to remember your words. “I’ll be in the staff room if anything happens, don’t be afraid to interrupt I’ll handle it after.” Staff room. And that’s how he found himself wandering the halls looking at the signs above each door until he found it.
“Regarding the problem with the Jericho boys-“ Larissa was cut off by the door opening and your brother peaking in.
“Ma?” looking around for you and shyly walked your way once he found you, arms wrapping around your waist.
“Sweet boy what are you doing here? You’re supposed to be with your aunty in the library.” you spoke in a hushed tone, not needing to cause any more disruption in the meeting and he pouted shaking his head. “it’s dark in there n aunties busy.”
You looked up at Larissa apologetically and thoroughly embarrassed while she and the other staff just looked confused. “I am so sorry- I hate to ask but, could he stay here for the rest of the meeting? He won’t say a word, right bub?” He happily nodded already settling himself on your lap.
“That won’t be a problem, welcome to the staff little one.” Larissa said, with a smile that immediately made you sigh in relief and made your brother giggle and sit straight like he was really ready to pay attention.
The meeting went without a hitch, he kept to himself for the most part and stayed quiet unless Larissa or another member of the staff included him in the conversation. After the meeting ended you were held back for a second while your brother got smothered with cooes and attention by most of the staff which he was more than happy to receive.
Larissa approached you while you were watching over him and making conversation with another teacher. “Dear, I was hoping you could see me after dinner time in my office, there’s just some things I’d like to go over with you if that’s alright, your son is more than welcome as well, I wouldn’t want him locked up in your room the whole time.”
“He’s-“ you wanted to explain he wasn’t really your son but you cut yourself off. You’d clear that up later on the meeting, no point in holding her back now, plus you had to get both you and him something to eat. “Of course principal weems, I’ll see you then.”
After dinner you anxiously made your way to the principals office, with your brothers bag in hand like always, you knocked on the door and made your way in once you heard her welcome you in, his hand was holding yours as he looked around the office completely fascinated with all the decore and fancy aesthetics.
He immediately ran off to look at ravens decorating her desk. “Wow hey! slow down, I told you to behave.” He only gave you a once over and continued on looking around. “I’m sorry this is probably the coolest place know to man right now for him.” You apologized as you stopped his hand from touching anything.
Larissa gave you a reassuring smile and shook her head. “The little trouble maker can touch all he wants, anything is replaceable.” She nodded his way and he excitedly jumped around to look at more stuff.
You let out an exaggerated sigh and sat down. “Now why would you encourage him?” “Listen- I’m very aware he shouldn’t have interrupted and I’m really sorry, he despises feeling alone though the little attention hog, so I couldn’t with a sound mind, force him to go back-“
Larissa only chucked and moved from her desk to sit next to you on the arm chair. “I’m not here to scold you, dear, I wasn’t aware you had a son? Had I known there are changes I could’ve made to make being here more comfortable for you both, I was under the impression he was family of our librarian?”
“Oh! I get by so I don’t know if that’s necessary, always appreciate the thought of course. Honestly she kind of is at this point, we’ve been friends for a long time and she offered to look after him once I started here.” You gathered yourself for a second and realized you left out arguably the most important part.
As you were about to speak he ran between the two of you, holding Larissa’s decorative owl in hand. “Look!! How cool is this, did u buy it? Where? How!” He couldn’t decide if he wanted to show you the damn thing or ask Larissa every question possible.
“Okay first of all don’t drop that. Second of all yes it’s very cool, bub. Maybe put it back and Ms. Weems can answer your questions without the stress of it possibly breaking?” He hesitantly listened, putting the owl back and running back to Larissa. “So!?”
Your conversation got cut off for a moment as Larissa found herself stuck in an interview with your brother, he was finally satisfied after she answered his every question and he ran back, probably to find something else he can interview her about. “Your kid seems to take after your curiosity.” Right, that.
“Well- he’s not really my son, we come from a tough family so I’ve been his legal caretakers since I turned 18. But he’s just my little brother, he started calling me mama when he was younger and it kinda stuck, it’s never been an issue before so I haven’t thought to correct him though maybe I should.“
“Nonsense! you are his maternal figure, if it causes confusion to him then maybe then it’s an issue, but don’t worry about anyone else, he seems comfortable and happy with it and if you don’t mind, I see no reason why you should correct it.” You hummed in agreement, followed by a quiet “thank you.”
It got quiet after that, a comfortable silence between the two of you that was interrupted by him coming back with more questions, making Larissa chuckle and of course give in to his antics. “I really need to get myself a partner that can handle this kid.” You said giggling and Larissa seemed to agree. Your brother however had matchmaking plans tonight apparently.
“I thought you liked Principal Weems! Is okay I like her too.” He nodded and gave you a pat, clearly very proud of himself while you were too busy dying of embarrassment to notice the smile on Larissa’s face. “I am- so sorry- you’d think he could keep that quiet.” You said, which made him gasp. “That was a secret!?”
Larissa chuckled driving your attention back to her. “Oh so it’s true? Because I can clearly handle this cutie as you can see. How about nice outing to the weathervane, I could get us all hot chocolate.” You turned to her suddenly feeling very chocked up. “I’m- are you serious?”
“Very. You’ve caught my eye since the day you joined us here, darling. Besides, I’ve always wanted a troublemaker to busy up my life, thought the students were going to be the best I get.”
Looks like his matchmaking had worked, and you now had a date with the woman of your dreams. One who would accept and take care of him as well”, what more could you ask for?
“Very. You’ve caught my eye since the day you joined us here, darling. Besides, I’ve always wanted a troublemaker to busy up my life, thought the students were going to be the best I get.”
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dragonsfromthemoon · 2 years
Once again thinking about how Jon and Daenerys are meant to be, in every sense of the word.
At their core, they are both characters who desire home — a place where they belong, where they are loved and love back. A place where they can have a family and do not feel lonely anymore.
Their journeys, extensively paralleled on the books, speak of heroism. They try to make their world better. It is interesting, because making the world better requires facing directly the legacy of their forebears. Daenerys starts an anti-slavery campaign with ripples throughout the whole continent of Essos; her dragons mean hope and freedom, while the Valyrians of old used their power to build an empire based on slavery. Jon spends time among the Free Folk and learns a lot with them; he sees them as people that also deserved to be protected against the threat of the Others, while his Stark ancestors have fought the Free Folk for thousands of years and were only to happy to have they beyond the Wall.
A queen belongs to her people; you will take no pleasure in your command. They face the hardships of ruling, and in their storylines, George R. R. Martin is exploring what takes to be a good leader. He is exploring his famous question about Aragorn's tax policy: you are a ruler? Good. What do you do for your people, especially in times of need? When they meet, they will realize they are not alone; that someone finally understands the burden and how lonely and hard it is to rule. They will bond over sharing their experiences and over making plans for the future.
No one in-universe ever expected a girl and a bastard boy to have the destiny of their world upon their shoulders. Yet, here they are. Both of they are linked to propechies and visions about fighting the Others. Jon has since the first book, AGoT, known about the threat and faced it directly: his power as a talented warg, inputs, know-how and command will be essential to defeat the Others. Daenerys has three dragons with her, perhaps the biggest asset the living will have in the War for the Dawn.
In this sense, we can not only their political union makes sense, but their magical one too. They will both be heads of the dragon, the fire against the ice of the Others. They will need each other to win this fight.
For that, their meeting will be one of equals. A queen and a king. Two young, but very mature and experienced people. They have loved, fought, risen to power, been betrayed before... all kinds of things, a whole lifetime on the table, despite of their young ages. As Melisandre [Jon VI, ADwD] says: "The Lord of Light in his wisdom made us male and female, two parts of a greater whole. In our joining there is power. Power to make life. Power to make light. Power to cast shadows."
The last scions of House Targaryen meeting to work together. A kind of irony of the destiny, for in the Dance, it was argued a woman (Rhaenyra) could not rule,“bastards” “soiled” the royal lineage and should not be included in the line to inherit (Rhaenyra's sons). Yet that's all that remains of the Targaryens now: a girl and a boy with a bastard's name. And they will unite to face the threat said to have been foreseen by Aegon in a prophecy.
I dare say their bond and love already exist, even if they are yet to meet. That's why Dany dreams about a shadow lover, sees a blue flower in a wall in her bride of fire prophecy. That's why Dany hears a wolf howl after Jon dies, and feels sad and lonely. For Jon, a dragon or three might warm things up. In his first ADwD chapter, the moon is running with him, whispering to him, accompanying him. The moon kisses him.
Last but not least, Alan Taylor's words:
[Martin] just sort of mentioned in passing, 'Oh well it's all about Dany and Jon Snow,'" Taylor said. "And at the time I thought, 'Really? I thought it was about Sean Bean and Robb Stark?'"
"But [Martin] knew from the very beginning where he was driving and now we're starting to see that come to fruition," Taylor said. "We know that it's circling tighter and tighter on Dany and Jon and their partnership is starting to form, you know, 'fire and ice.'"
What GRRM mentioned to Alan Taylor still rings true for the books, for in ADWD, we can see many characters moving either Dany's or Jon's way. Their meeting will wrap up that and symbolise the beginning of their story together.
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abiiors · 1 year
i have been thinking SO MUCH lately about ross taking his little family to the zoo! he's got a backpack on with sunscreen and waterbottles inside, he's patiently reading the fact files aloud to the kids (and adding his own info too lol), he's carrying them around if they get sleepy... just very cute wholesome vibes <3
baby april is on ross’ shoulders. she’s three, extremely curious about anything and everything and ever since she’s started watching pingu (much to her dad’s delight) she has been dying to actually see penguins. and other animals. 
she’s already asked a dozen questions today. “daddy, can i touch the giraffe?” being the latest one. except she can’t really say her r’s yet, so it just vaguely sounds like “giaff”. ross is so wrapped around his daughter's little finger that he would have said yes to almost anything if you hadn’t intervened. 
if baby april sat on his shoulders is cute, then little baby may strapped to your chest is downright adorable. she’s only a few months old. already asleep after being thoroughly unimpressed by the meerkats before. but you let her be because it’s not like she’s going to remember any of this. instead, you focus on april and her questions. 
dad and daughter are in matching cargo pants; hers are tiny, both her tiny pockets stuffed with some cool rocks she found earlier. he, on the other hand, is fully in dad-mode. one pocket holds a small tube of sunscreen, the other for his phone and wallet. the third, just above his knee is for all the cool rocks that didn’t fit in april’s pockets. the fourth is for snacks in case she gets peckish. on top of that, he has a backpack with water, more snacks, baby essentials for may, an extra set of clothes for april and her books. 
april taps you on your head. “can we go see pingu, mummy?”
you can’t help but coo at her sweet little questions. “pingu is in the last section, baby,” you tell her patiently, “do you want to see the bunnies first?”
“pffft,” she blows air out of her mouth and rolls her eyes. she might be ross’ baby through and through but that part is completely you. “i’ve seen bunnies!” 
she has, one of your friends has pet bunnies, so you can’t help but giggle at her reaction. 
“your child,” ross teases and then bends down to kiss sleeping may on her head. “my sweet little sleepy baby,” he coos softly but she barely stirs. 
“your child,” you retort, “look at her, she’s only here for the penguins!” at that he laughs, because he knows it’s true. then it’s decided really, there’s no point in doing the rounds if the only interested party is eager to see the penguins. 
very early on, she has decided that she is not a fan of the lions. she even refused to believe you when you told her that they were related to cats. and now, as you and ross walk to the penguin section hand in hand, you giggle remembering her cute little gasp and the expression of disbelief that followed. 
“it’s going to be a bit cold, darling,” ross warns as soon as you near the doors. “pingu likes the cold.”
“i knowwwww.” her tone is impatient. Such a little smartarse. ross places his hands on her legs and shakes her excitedly. excited as she is to see the penguins, you haven’t missed his goofy grin either. 
“okay here we gooooo!” and then he practically makes a dash inside making april giggle. 
as soon as the penguins come into view, april. is. mesmerised!!
they are not even particularly doing much; just lounging in the pool, moving leisurely. but she does not care. 
“pingu! here!” she yells loudly much to the delight of the nearby crowd. their giggles only egg her on more until ross picks her off his shoulders and sets her down to press her face against the glass. she knows not to bang against it, you’ve told her it scares the animals and she’s a sweet little baby. still, she can’t help but jump up and down in place. 
until eventually her little legs are tired. and even then she stays pressed up against the glass, watching them simply exist. for ten minutes, fifteen, until finally ross picks her back in his arms again and asks if she’s ready to go. 
“your sister needs to eat, love,” he tells her and she nods along, a bit sleepy herself you notice. 
you imagine the sunny day and the post-excitement is finally catching up with her. may is also stirring, waking up, and you don’t have much time until she starts sniffling. 
all in all by the time you’re back to the car, april is asleep and may is awake. but you know when she wakes up she’s going to have a thousand more questions. 
oh, and you and ross have a thousand photos to scroll through <3
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trashlie · 10 months
what r ur stalkyoo predictions
Oh man Nonny this is such a broad question lmao and it doesn't help that my "predictions" are constantly changing week to week. I'm going to do my best to write what I currently anticipate but... honestly just know that a week or three from now maybe it will change lmao but here's what I anticipate
(this DOES include FP spoilers up to 235)
At this stage, I think we're moving towards Stalkyoo both acknowledging/admitting their feelings, but perhaps not entering a relationship given, yknow... extenuating factors.
I think Dieter will talk to Nol and confront him on how he pushes everyone away and how it especially hurts Shinae, that he knows what he saw that morning and he knows that they both like each other, and what good is it to hurt her pushing her away just because she doesn't return Dieter's feelings? I think this conversation is important not just because Nol feels guilt towards Dieter, but because Nol needs to see and understand an earlier point Shinae made, that he cannot keep making decisions on their behalf. Just like pushing Shinae away in order to "mitigate her risk of harm", pushing away someone who reciprocates his feelings in order to not hurt someone else benefits no one.
Something crucial for Nol to understand is that a. there are some feelings you can't keep squashing down and b. what happens when you continue to do so. Not so much a prediction as much as I hope, I really hope Nol will look at the letters in the Bible from his father, so that he can better understand his mother and father's relationship, and how they ended up in the positions they did.
As much as Nol, Shinae, and Alyssa parallel Rand, Nessa, and Yui, the most important difference is that they are not yet in as deep. In leaving Yui for Nessa Rand stood to lose much more than Nol does - not just his life's work (the company), but he was already married and he had a child with Yui. I think Rand probably stayed to try to protect Kousuke the best he could, to try to counteract what he could. It wasn't as easy for him to leave. But Nol isn't in that predicament. He has all the opportunity to leave, to put himself first and to put his own needs and happiness first.
But it's still important for Nol to stand in Rand's shoes for a moment so that he can understand. Even though Nol has never really come out and said it himself, I think it's easy to see that he probably resents Rand for all of that - for being married and having an affair with his mom, leaving her a single mother to raise Nol all on her own, for everything that happened after they moved to Korea. It sounds like they lived in secret, undocumented immigrants hiding in the country put up by Rand but still unable to be part of his family. And I think that made him resent his mom a little, too. He asked Shinae what if you mistreated the cow from which your burger came and it lends some ideas to the guilt that Nol carries. What if before losing her, Nol fought with his mom? Fought about her relationship with a married man, hiding in a country where they had no one. He was alone, lonely. He had no friends.
It's so easy for Nol to point fingers and admonish blame. He was married, he shouldn't have done that! She shouldn't have done that!
But what kind of rules and arguments do you apply to a marriage that was never based on love, but rather was an arrangement? It's not confirmed, but it's always felt like Yui and Rand are an arrangement, rather than two people who married for love, much like Nol and Alyssa are. For Nol to stand in his father's shoes - to essentially have a responsibility (used very, very loosely here) to someone else but to know that his heart and happiness lie with someone else, to be torn between what is right and what he wants, perhaps he could better understand his parents, and how they ended up living the ways they did. Why Nessa clung to someone like Rand despite everything.
But also, just as importantly, I think it would give him more understanding of the choice Rand couldn't - didn't - make, and what could happen to Nol if he doesn't. It's not just his happiness that is in jeopardy but also Shinae's. Knowing what his mother was like, and how Shinae, too, is so relentless, unwilling to give up on him, might give him more of the resolve needed to make the choice that his parents were unable to.
Now, I'm uncertain of the order I think things from here will progress. Will Nol get a chance to talk to Alyssa and break up with her before he gets to talk to Shinae? Is Alyssa going to have to contend with dating rumors involving convicted felon Nol? At some point, whether it's a mutual choice or not, one of them is going to pull the plug on that fake relationship. The moment Alyssa's benefits are jeopardized by Nol's reputation, it's all going to fall apart. We know that much. Minhyuk has kind of hinted at it - Alyssa doesn't keep people around when their reputations bring her down and the moment it does, she's going to have to make the call, whether or not she wants to.
At some point, though, Nol and Shinae will talk. They both have very pointedly (on the same day!!!!) come to realize the nature of their feelings towards each other, to understand just what they mean to each other! And Shinae is SO feral about it! I FULLY think she's going to have a spicy dream about Nol lmao the smut in Maya's books was too heavy handed for it to not come back into play in Shinae's subconscious, further illuminating something she's just become aware of. It's not enough to want to hang on to his friendship - it's EVERYTHING she doesn't want to lose, it's what he he means to her, and what SHE means to him. Nol's been given a 3 day extension before has to go to prison and I don't think quimchee would deliberately write that if not to leave room for this to happen. Notably, this extension brings us to Christmas Eve; it just feels TOO pointed to ignore.
Maybe it won't happen until the final day, but I think Nol and Shinae WILL talk and it will set us up for their post-time skip dynamics. Whether or not they actually enter a relationship at this time, I think what is more important is that Nol and Shinae will very likely resolve a lot of this - what they mean to each other, how they feel about each other, but also understanding that they are better off together. It's so easy for Nol and Shinae to be used by Yui against one and other if they are isolated, if Nol is pushing her away, if they are not a united front. Nol needs to start taking steps to forming his alliances so that in the future he isn't left so vulnerable. A talk about their feelings is more than just about relationships; it will set them up for the future where they are both playing this game.
But for the sake of my predictions, I think Shinae WILL go see Nol, whether it's because she wants to demand her belongings back or because she suddenly gets shy and can't face him. I really don't think we're leaning towards that any more, but rather "fine if you won't me have you" (SCREAMS), some kind of high tension moment that will inadvertently bring their feelings out into the open lol. As much as I'd like her to go straight back to him after waking, I'm not totally certain if I think she will or if she'll wait until the next day. Maybe Nol needs to sit with his feelings, too, after his talk with Dieter to be a little pathetic about her and really drive home how much this is something he can't just keep repressing lol.
And while I'm not sure they'll actually enter a relationship at this time, I think what we'll probably see is how this brings them into the timeskip. My friends and I have been talking lately about Nol taking his own path - moving forward not as a Hirahara but as a Lochlain, not attending Oxford but perhaps some other school abroad, becoming a self-made man his own way, while Shinae remains in Korea and probably takes Yui up on her offer. My guess is that Shinae will basically "trade herself" for her father - make a deal that you leave my father be and fine, I'll do this, I'll let you cover my schooling. I just... I DON'T want her to lose Simhan, I DON'T want him to die to force Shiane's hand. I'd much rather see her be proactive and take action against Yui, because as much as it still means she's being "forced" into taking up Yui's offer, it's still more or less on her own terms, it's not nearly as dire as what happened at the formal.
I think it will lead us to something where Shinae is the one playing the game the most openly - she's the one employed at the company, she's the one who is the direct adversary to Yui, who will be trying to no avail to try to break her, to get her to play the game her way, to try to convert her to her side. Meanwhile, I think Nol will operate from the shadows. They know of their own relationship, they know of their importance to each other, but perhaps others may not see it up front. Quimchee has a lot of Patreon art of Nol and Shinae that, quite frankly lmao, feels very much like it's Shinae in charge and Nol is here to do her bidding because he really doesn't care about anything else besides her LMAOOOOO idk maybe he WILL want revenge, especially if/when he learns that what happened to his mother may not have been simply her taking her own life. But I think their future dynamics will very much put Shinae at the forefront with Nol operating from the shadows, perhaps Shinae feeding him information so that he can work out of sight from people like Yui. That's not to say I think their relationship will be a secret or anything as much as just.... those who matter will probably know. There are a lot of benefits to them pointedly not revealing it to other people, right?
Something I think has been emphasized a lot in a lot of ILY art is that even if Nol and Shinae aren't directly connected, they're very often connected in SOME way - the earbuds binding them together, holding on to each other's fingers, Shinae's gaze on him. I think Stalkyoo will prove that they have a connection and understanding that goes deeper than a lot of people expect, and as such, they have confidence in each other, that they don't NEED to proudly display their relationship, and thus it will work to their advantage because we know Yui WILL try to divide them so it's better to keep things in the shadows, right?
My head is still really stuffy so this is not my BEST explanation, but hopefully this suffices! For now this is how I see things going down but, as always, we will possibly see this change with the coming episodes haha!
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chalkrevelations · 9 months
Re-watching Kinnporsche Ep 1 for this week's 15 Minutes, and Porsche has just arrived home to find the house trashed and Chay trying to clean up after Arthee's "creditors" have shown up, and I'm struck once again by some of the repeated themes we're seeing across KP and Dangerous Romance, given Sailom's experience with his family's creditors. DR is pulling fewer punches (lit. and fig.) on this one, given Sailom's had the shit kicked out of him - and it sounds like more than once - while we at least are never explicitly told this has ever happened to Chay.
This is also the ep in which Porsche makes the agreement to work as a bodyguard for the main family to pay off family debts and pay for Chay's tuition, and I'll probably write more about that in the actual 15 Minutes post, but it's another repeated theme across these two shows, and I ... hmm. Both Porsche and Sailom essentially sell themselves into indentured servitude to a wealthy family to pay off debt and pay for school, and that's something that I've been wanting to poke at w/r/t Sailom for a couple of weeks now but haven't had time to sit down and tease out. But it's. Hmm. A potential landmine, I think, because to me, it's directly tied to the scene in one of the trailers or mvs that hasn't shown up yet in the show, where Kanghan pushes Sailom down onto a bed, throws money in his face (AGAIN) and says "Why don't I buy you myself?" which - post-Sailom being required to move into the Sukprasert house and agree to remain there as Kanghan's tutor until Kanghan gets into college - leaves me saying out loud to my screen, "Boy, you already did, and the fact that you don't even seem to understand that is a problem." I was never quite satisfied with the way KP dealt with similar issues, and I'm not quite sure if the narrative didn't realize what it was doing, or didn't make it explicit enough, or if audience response affected some of my reaction, but I have similar feelings on this issue in KP vs. DR that I do about bullying in Bad Buddy vs. DR - that there's the potential here for DR to actually excavate some of these issues and deal with them - at all, really, but maybe actually even appropriately? - in a way they haven't been dealt with despite being present in the writers' previous work. And I wonder if this is purposeful on the part of the writing team and Bee Pongsate, in particular.
Or maybe they won't and I'll be as wrong about this as I was about Pimfah's crush on Sailom, I guess.
Anyway, this is a small detail but I also noticed this week on DR that there are photos, presumably of Mae and Pa Homchan, set up on a shelf with what may be a tealight candle holder between them? like a shrine at Saifah and Sailom's house, and I don't know how common that setup is in Thai culture to honor the dead of a household, but it immediately reminded me of the photos of (presumed dead) Nampheung and Redshirt McKittisawasd on the mantle with the candles in Porsche and Chay's house in KP.
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mirapteo · 6 months
top 5 apex characters and any thoughts or opinions on them?
hey anon yeah i love you also i am about to be so annoying i might need to hide this under a "read more" (future me here. yeah i did)
1. Crypto (obviously)
- everything about him (besides current lore 😒) is perfect to me i love backstories that include a wanted criminal aspect and the fact he is wanted but innocent just adds so much more flavor & i think the whole "to break the game i must do it from the inside" idea is badass. i also love all the familial themes surrounding his backstory i love that for the most part he is a cold and calculated person but despite being jaded due to all the misfortune that happened to him in life he still cares about his family and the few people he allowed to get closer to him, that he still has the capability to do that in the first place even when it has hurt him before.
- i love the whole crypto is just a protective mask to hide tae joon park and i like to treat them as 2 separate people. my gripe is that i wish we learned more about tae joon park, but i also sorta like that it leaves room for fans to interpret who tae joon park is on their own. from the very small bits & pieces it does seem like tae joon park is an overall softer more caring & trusting person compared to the closed off, on edge person that is crypto and it makes me all emo that all the unlucky shit that happened to him in life caused him to resort to being coldhearted and distrustful even when (i personally think) he doesnt want to
- also his design fucking rips idc. maybe im just a big jacket enjoyer but its so fun, it makes sense for his personality and the cybernetics ARE SOOOOO FREAKING GNARLY they r both sexy and lore important i love it
- for issues the most obvious one is FORCING A CHEMISTRYLESS ROMANCE BETWEEN HIM AND YOU KNOW WHO. i FUCKING HATE that they have written such an intriguing backstory for him & DONT DO ANYTHING WITH IT WITHOUT IT HAVING TO INCLUDE WATTSON. i hate how they cannot be their own separate characters and have to always have their stories intertwined in some way its like the writers are allergic to making them hang out with literally anyone else. kill code as boring as it was came so fucking close to that but the recent radio play had to ruin it because of course. of fucking course.
- i also hate the completely unnecessary age retcon. i hate that it frames him as a supergenius computer whiz at a young age. he was so much more likeable & easier to sympathize with as a completely normal office worker that just wanted to provide for him & his sister, only for it to bite him in the ass when he did literally nothing to deserve it. i hate having yet another character in their early 20s in this already oversaturated age range in media as a whole.
- i hate that with every lore update hes involved in it just further mutilates his character. i hate that i cant be excited when my FAVORITE CHARACTER gets lore attention because it just provides more opportunity for the writers to stomp on him. they dont care about him as his own character. they care about him in regards to the relationships he has with other people. thats not how u write a compelling, likeable, or realistic bond between people. it makes me so mad i wanna SCREAM
- anyway crypto tae joon park is my pookie bear he is autistic and he likes dragons and cats and kpop and elliott and being a good friend to the point of sacrificing himself i like him normally also he is my oc now
2. Mirage (obviously)
- mirage is just an objectively likeable character truly like there is a reason he is essentially the face of apex. he was my first favorite & for good reason. u get lured in with his endearing goofiness & then get smacked in the face with one of the most tragic and completely undeserved backstories. maybe im just a slut for characters that "wear masks" & have completely polarizing versions of themselves as a self preservation tactic because i love Mirage being the self absorbed, smooth, attention-seeking bastard on screen and i love love LOVE Elliott Witt with his crippling fear of loneliness and inferiority complex, slowly losing the things that mattered most in his life and feeling like it was somehow his fault & he deserves it
- but i dislike the flanderization hes facing in current lore. i dont remember the last time he was anything other than the goofy guy with a stutter that cant take things seriously. that old comic of him losing his friends because of his own douchebaggery & working to fix his wrongs is my prized possession. he is hurt & lonely & it causes him to lash out on people that dont deserve it and i wish they explored that more. i desperately need more asshole mirage in my life. nowadays he just feels like the one-note silly character whos only purpose is to fill in the comic relief role.
- also he has some of the worst fans ive ever seen im sorry they were like the main reason he stopped being my favorite. they baby him like he has never done nothing wrong in his entire life & in turn shit on characters like wraith or vantage bc they were "mean to him." as if he isnt capable of being an asshole, as if there isnt an entire comic dedicated to him being an asshole. i also hate that fans either lean in 100% into his mirage personality or 100% into his elliott witt personality. he is either a loudmouthed egotistical slut or an innocent wittle mamas boy that needs to be protected at all times never anything outside or in between and it drives me insane.
- shes still my sweetie pie. my biggest kin. i love writing him sooo much. i want to chew him. i want to set him on fire. i want to tuck him in and give him a forehead kiss before he goes to bed.
coughs anyway now with all that out of the way
3. Conduit
- im filipino of course im gonna be biased but hellooooo she is also just so likeable it is insane!! a sweet, goofy fangirl we can relate to that is literally killing herself just to provide for her family ouch it hurts GIVE ME MORE. all her little easter eggs and her fun voicelines like the devs really really loved & cherished her & it shows & she deserves it! my main issue is that it is literally her season rn yet all they care about is revenant Revenant REVENANT give me more conduit! what is her story with her family? hows her sister in particular holding up? how does she cope with her illness? will she ever open up about it to any of the legends? are they ever going to try to help her? is crypto gonna help find her a cure like he did caustic & then they kiss
4. Lifeline
- love her. love her personality. a medic that also isnt afraid to get her hands dirty & chew ppl out? love that for her. i also like where the current lore has been taking her (me? liking current lore? what a shocker), the fact that she was willing to destroy one of her strongest & longest bonds to defeat a greater evil? BANGER. she hurt people & she made sacrifices to get to this point but what does she get from it? a best friend that doesnt want to speak to her & a whole fucking army of murderous robots that want her dead. i wonder if shell have a "is this really what i wanted? did i just fuck everything up?" internal crisis cuz atp i feel like she has to. id love to see it
- also i am no.1 lifeline defender idgaf the demonization shes facing in the fandom for hurting their pookie wookie bear octane is so blatant and laughable u ppl really hate black women. its ok for ur favorite male character to make questionable morally gray decisions but got forbid ajay does it. gtfo of here!
5. Rampart
- just another objectively likeable character plsss she is sooo funny & sassy and there is not a single rampart interaction/relationship she has with another legend that i hate. she also has the biggest wasted potential ever. they were cooking something so good with big sister and ramparts relation to her & NEVER DO ANYTHING WITH JT. its been 13 seasons and nothing has progressed in her lore and its so so sad. she needs a focus season soon. u dont just drop a fun character with an intriguing backstory and just ditch it.
look im not going to read this back to fix things around if it seems disjointed with a lack of direction IDCCCC i am cringe and free!
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aroacehanzawa · 1 year
First off, from the very first scene with Miri asking Rei where he's going and then saying but his home is here, and he says "THAT'S TRUE". AS TRUE AS HOW MUCH I CRIED UPON HEARING THAT
I think this episode was a great continuation from last episode's Kazuki-focused perspective, where Kazuki accepted to move on and essentially to live in the present from now on, the present that includes Miri and Rei. And now we got to follow Rei trying to find his place and accepting that his heart belongs with the little Kazuki & Miri family that he has little by little become more a part of than he realises.
I think the episode did a great job portraying how conflicted Rei is as he stands in-between having to continue his family business and having found a new home, which he might not necessarily feel like he belongs to (yet), but which he wants to belong to. And it's the way he did not outright say this, but what he does say is that there is something he also wants to protect, in direct parallel to his former mentor who was fighting to protect his significant other!!!
I also love how Rei's journey in this episode didn't end on some super optimistic final note (which last episode kind of did with Kazuki, the sun breaking out when he comes to his realisation and the colourful flowers and everything) but rather showing how Rei has simply taken the first small steps towards the future he wants, and sometimes that's enough.
Like, he's brooding and contemplating his identity and place in the world when Kazuki calls and he just lets it ring, but he picks it up in the end. Kazuki comes and he doesn't want to get in the car, but he does. We get to see their first meetings and how Kazuki took care of him, and even back then it was just a small step Rei took - he let Kazuki help. Rei asks if they can really change, and Kazuki doesn't know - but he took the step to ask, and Kazuki answered honestly. And that's already a change, this decision of theirs to step by step try to do the right thing so that they can live their lives the way they want, together with Miri. And in this episode it culminated in Rei smiling at sleepy Miri and the birthday table prepared by Kazuki, and that's enough for now.
Idk idk just think this series does such a wonderful job in showing the character's personal journeys and the difficulties of not just their jobs and lifestyles but also, very obviously, of two men raising a child together, and it does this in such a magnificent way with the perfect balance between optimistic and realistic. This episode was just another part of the wonderful whole, and it stands out so well on its own while still being such an important turning point in our main characters' story as a whole!
Also that ending scene?????? i won't survive the angst of the next episodes
#SORRY I STARTED RAMBLING there's not a single coherent sentence in there i'm afraid#you asked for my thoughts so those are my pure unfiltered thoughts#ANYWAY IF YOU AREN'T WATCHING BUDDY DADDIES. IT IS NOT TOO LATE#another thing - the photo of kazuki and miri in the supermarket was such a straight forward parallel to the photo of rei's former mentor#and his fiancee? wife? i forget#i've seen some criticism about how the show has very clearly put kazuki in the 'mother/housewife' role but#here i have to echo what some others had said - that there is still nothing heteronormative about the story of two single men raising a#child together. like you can say all you want about how kazuki does the cooking and the cleaning#but the very fact that they are NOT actually a man and woman living together already separates them from the context of a power imbalance#that would exist between a similar but heterosexual relation specifically because of patriarchy#like the unfair division of labour between husband and wife is one that is specifically rooted in sexism throughout history#whereas in this case it merely PARALLELS the typical parental roles without actually having this inherent power imbalance#i'm not well read enough on feminist theory to say anything more on the subject but you get what i mean?#and i think last episode already did a great job showing that kazuki DOES find it unfair that rei doesn't contribute enough at home#i think that was good commentary that applies to any household and family in general and not just the heterosexual nuclear family#i just don't think it's right to say that this series is being heteronormative#that's all folks#buddy daddies
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yamayuandadu · 2 years
Is there any reason why the Sumerian King List gave Gilgamesh a son and a grandson, despite neither of them having any mention in any other writ? Is it like Ishtar's supposed "son"?
The son actually is attested elsewhere! He is obscure enough for his very name to be a subject of debate (see here, in German) and he obviously does not appear in the Epic of Gilgamesh, but he is much better attested as Gilgamesh's son than Lulal is as Inanna's. I think an important thing to bear in mind is that there were multiple not necessarily uniform traditions regarding Gilgamesh, and especially his family life is hardly consistent beyond Ninsun being basically always his mother if her identity is specified; there are three different traditions regarding his father, too, though obviously Lugalbanda is the essential pick just because of how strongly he was associated with Ninsun - but the same king list you brought up has an anonymous "phantom" as his father. As for attestations of Urlugal/Ur-Nungal (the latter name would be theophoric, s/t like "man of Nungal", the former not), the full list is given in this article. You already know about the king list, so here are the other two: The Tummal inscription has the following passage: Ur-lugal, son of Bilgames, made the Tummal flourish and brought Ninlil into the Tummal. Then the Tummal fell into ruins for a third time. The other text which mentions him is Gilgamesh's Death (which, if you were here last october, you might remember for the scene where Enlil voices support for gay rights by promising Gilgamesh he'll be reunited with Enkidu in the afterlife), where according to the interpretation in the article linked, also accepted by the Reallexikon entry, he is responsible for his father's funeral. There is some debate about the passage though, see here, page 15 in the first part, for a different earlier proposal. As for the supposed grandson, Udul-kalama, he is apparently indeed not attested anywhere else (source). We may never know where the compilers got him from. Andrew R. George in the monograph I linked above suggests that it can be assumed what we are looking at in the SKL are possibly historical rulers who were members of a short dynasty founded by the presumed historical Gilgamesh (p. 103) which seems like a sound assumption to me. Note that all three texts to mention his descendants are literary compositions from the Old Babylonian period, though, they are not pristine administrative records. For the historical context of the Tummal inscription turn to p. 105.
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dulcewrites · 1 year
Hey, what’s your take on how Aegon taking Aemond to the brothel an his thirteenth nameday went down? Many people see that part of canon as Aegon traumatizing his brother and putting him in a situation where he was forced to have sexual interactions as a 13 year old, and others just see it as harmless fun. Personally I think that the truth is somewhere in the middle. Do you think it was more of a bonding experience that strengthened their bond or a traumatic event?
I just like to imagine that Aegon took him there and realized early on it wasn’t the vibe for Aemond and he was like; alright, we can try again next year, trust me, one day you’ll be happy I showed you the way here 😏 Now, let’s go see the crazy fortune telling lady down the street ( and then the fortune telling lady traumatizes Aemond even more than the brothel did 🤦🏼‍♀️)
Well first and foremost, I think that whole scene was just trying to hit the audience over the head with “here’s why aegon should not be king *wink wink nudge nudge*”. Like we get it.. we really do.
I do think both things can be true. He traumatized his younger brother, the one he spent their formative years picking on with their nephews. He is/was objectively not a good brother to Aemond for a large chunk of their lives.
I could see after driftmark, and maybe Aegon getting a first hand look of what his mother meant about protecting your own and Luke/jace not being his playthings to essentially sic on aemond, him trying to bond with Aemond. But by that point, a tie has probably already been broken, and it is very clear that at least on the surface they are different people.
We see early on that Aegon is sexually promiscuous/curious. On top of clearly having a problem with alcohol from a young age. I could rationalize that whole birthday brothel trip as him thinking “well I like (or at least convince myself I like) doing this thing. I will take my brother and he will see I’m trying with him”. Then you add how the family lines are blurred: Aegon’s married to Helaena (and depending on the tl of the brothel visit, already has kids with her. After expressing clear discomfort in that), we see how casually Alicent walks in on him masturbating or in the nude, his older sister has “killed” her husband (her cousin) to marry her uncle, his father (another r*pist mind you) was married to his cousin, his paternal grandfather was married to his sister.. so on and so forth in the never ending drama that is the targs being weirdos and the creators of their own downfall.
ANYWAY, long winded way of saying I personally don’t think it bonded them but I would like to think Aegon looks back on it and perhaps realizes that was a bad idea. I do think based on ep 8 dinner scene, that he does understand what his mother meant all those years ago. Tom himself said, at a convention i think, that Aegon realizes how unfunny the pig dread joke was. Like his brother lost a fucking eye and Luke STILL laughs (but how much I don’t like luke is another story for another day) and gets to laugh bc there was no justice and he saw followed in Aegon’s lead as a boy. Now when did Aegon found that out, who knows. I think overall they have a very complicated relationship which is to be expected in the fucked up family they come from.
Like a lot of the people in the show Aegon is whole heartedly a perpetrator of harm…but also a victim
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rejectclone · 9 months
I got asked (as a joke) by one of my mutuals on Insta to say what fighters my OCs would main in Super Smash Bros Ultimate, and uhhh I did it lol
Jared: Samus, due to her having gun-like projectiles being a huge part of her moveset! Jared likes zoning out people via playing the most spammy Samus missle spam ever, really just to see them mald like hell and for them to SD
Devon: LITTLE MAC!!! Devon already knows how to box (and just fistfight in general) really damn good, so seeing a fighting game character that boxes AND is mute, immediately made him click and project onto Little Mac
Ren: Sephiroth, since uhhh the massive ōdachi 🤷‍♀️ Ren is a huge sucker for hyping up his family’s historical/cultural roots, so seeing a character that speaks Japanese and wields that sword, immediately attracted him to being the most sweaty and try-hard Sephiroth main EVER
Deangelo: Ridley, since Deangelo has also been ‘reborn’ as a biomechanical being, and that YES, he too can violently impale people with his body! He really just does just spam down-b to get that sweet spot and THEN he spams side-b
‘John’: He literally cannot play the game without melting the controller in his bare hands, since he gets too excited at having genuine fun and thus his hands begin to heat up and begin to leak his acidic goo ☹️ But if he had to main someone, it’ll probably be male Wii Fit Trainer, since he likes how technical and complex their kit is (plus he finds solace in seeing a character that also has solid white skin/is physically mannequin-like)
‘Mark’: He ALSO literally cannot play the game without melting the controller in his bare hands, but if he had to main someone, it’ll probably be Bowser! He just thinks that a giant flame breathing dragon-turtle looks cool as hell and likes how monstrous Giga Bowser is ESPECIALLY! If he could play the game though, he’ll just spam down b and up b to piss everyone off, before ending up in last place due to SD-ing so much with down b or failing to string somebody off stage with foward air + back air
Lydia: King Dedede since she’s not really into fighting games at all BUT likes funny cutesy mascots a ton, but will probably SD a ton when trying to recover or pull combos off with the gordos. She is a big fan of playing the Spirit Board though, since she goes at her own pace and likes looking up which character spirit come from what game series
Lawerence: ABSOLUTELY HATES VIDEO GAMES. He literally views them as the lowest form of art/entertainment, and if he was FORCED to pick a character, he’ll just passively pick Mario since he’s the most recognizable video game mascot ever
[R]: Kirby! He’ll just pick them since Kirby is super cute and very visually pleasing to see in [R]’s eyes. HOWEVER, as he learns more about the other characters in the game, he learns about Solid Snake and…… immediately becomes obsessed with him 😭 He cannot play Snake well AT ALL and keeps loosing easily, but [R] is just so infatuated to see a character that’s a human clone, that’s shown in a postive light/is a hero! (He ends up also liking Mewtwo, the Blood Falcon alt for Captain Falcon, Dark Pit, etc, basically ALL of the clone characters)
B055: Steve. As part super computer that can essentially see two steps ahead of literally Anything, either digitally or physically in the real world, he 1000% has a perfect win-rate and is TRUELY undefeatable. Still, he willingly ‘sandbags’ on purpose when playing with [R] and Lydia, so they can have more fun together :’D
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griffin-black · 1 year
‘My Ordinary Life’ - The Proxies (Chap. III
Author’s Note: I recommend reading this on Ao3 or Quotev.
Chapter Three
New Normal
'Goodbye to those who cannot join us. Their voices are still heard in every word that we say. As we blend into New Normal. Familiar Path. Different Lanes.'
Something happens to you when you start to lose it. The days begin to blur, everything starts to look and taste the same. Time runs in every direction until you don’t know whether the sun is up or down, and the stars bleed from their eyes, reminding you that heaven is gazing down upon you and your mortal soul. It’s a strange sensation, not knowing yourself or your own body; being unsure if your mind is actually your own, or if you’re some not quite vivid dream inhabiting someone else’s mind, invading and hearing and manipulating their thoughts.   Your soul floats around in the hunk of warm flesh and bones you call your body, your arms, your legs, your eyes . . . your hands. It is in this state of suspension, where you’re not quite sure if anything is real or not, that someone or something could make you do something completely demented, twisted, anything it wanted, really. And when it’s done. . . you’re not sure if it was really you or not. Or if it was all just simply in your head the entire time.
Toby woke up, but immediately knew he was still not fully awake. The world was there, but he couldn’t discern any single object from another, everything was grey, but bright, like clouds over the sun on a rainy day and fog drifted aimlessly by his ankles, which he was looking down at. A pair of boots stood directly in front of him.          A man was before him. A gloved hand was placed under his tilted head, which was covered by a white mask. He had a tan jacket that's sleeves rolled up to his elbows. Toby opened his mouth, but no words left.          “Is any of this real?” Toby asked. But to his shock, the words escaped from the man’s mouth instead of his own. “I don’t know. Why are you asking me?” They both said with a shrug, though Toby was still unable to speak. “Where are we? Do you know? No. I don’t.” Toby frowned, feeling frustrated. “Do you know about the monster? Yes. I do.”          “Enough of this.” The masked man finally said without Toby having to open his mouth. “Don’t open your mouth. Let me talk.” He demanded. “In a few moments you will wake up. You will be given a task. You will meet two people who will essentially be your family. They will help you. They will teach you everything. And you are to listen to them. Yeah?” He added rudely when Toby didn’t speak.          “Yeah.” Toby agreed. “Who are you?”          “Well, it’s hard to say. Who are you, really?”          “I’m asking you.”          “Asking me what.”          “Who– Are– You.”          “Who am I?”          “Yes.”          Toby held the mirror up to his face. The masked man was looking at him through the mirror.          “The worst part you see in the mirror. Inflated. Distorted. So it becomes the only thing you see. A crack.”          “A crack?” The glass cracked and shattered, scattering to the floor.          “Not anything whole. But the crack still cuts. And cuts still infect the blood. One little strike destroys the whole thing and creates something new.”          Toby stared at the masked man as he bent down and picked up a shard of glass, studying it.          “Interesting, isn’t it?”          “So . . . you’re a part of me?” Toby asked. The masked man laughed.          “You’re already you. I still have to become me when you see it.”          “You’re not you yet?”          “No. But three arms changes everything, wouldn’t you say?” The man closed his fist and held it out to Toby. “When forming diamonds you add pressure to dull coal.          “Funny how a little pressure changes a black rock, to something that sparkles.” When his fingers unfurled, tiny glittering stones appeared in his hand. He twisted his hand over and the stones rained to the ground.          “I don’t understand.”          “Understand what?”          “What you just said,”          “I said something?”          Toby crossed his arms. “Are you trying to warn me about something?”          “Was I?”          “Yes. You were.”          “Were what?”          Before Toby could shoot back a remark, the man waved playfully before fading away.
 Toby woke with a jumping start to the sound of a branch breaking. His eyes were immediately burned by a flashlight on the ground, positioned straight at his face and when he leaned over out of the beam’s way, he saw a camera placed next to it, its red light winking at him. He immediately felt anger tingling his skin but swallowed it down, remembering what the masked man had said in his dream. “You will be given a task.” But could he trust him? Could he even trust a dream at all? Was it all nonsense?          He coughed miserably a few times, then hung his head between his legs. Despite everything about his situation, including the nonsensical dream and the very obvious camera and flashlight, this was the first time he had felt relaxed in a long time. It was quiet here. The only sound was wind through the leaves. Definitely no screaming.          Toby sat back up after a few moments, deciding he was wasting time. He was back in a woods, but not one he was familiar with. This one was drier, with less trees and more grass and stones. He was tied up. And no other people were present, unlike what the man had told him.          To his left he could see a valley between the mountain he was on and another mountain further away. Trees covered every inch of earth and the forest seemed to stretch for miles. He had no recollection of how he got there. Though he could guess who got him there. With an effortless shrug of his shoulders the rope slid from his mid and unwound itself. But as he did so, he noticed something wet on his wrist sticking to his jacket sleeves. Tucking the jacket behind his elbows he stared down at the horrific sight that was his two wrists. So swollen, bruised and oozing a thick black substance, he would have instantly believed if the creature appeared and informed him he had replaced his arms and hands with someone else's. He couldn’t recognize them in this state. Shredded flesh clung on desperately to the rest of his arm as it was evident the creature had indeed carved something into his skin. Even though it had played etch-a-sketch on his flesh, Toby didn’t feel a thing, not like he ever had before, but when the monster had done this to him he remembered clear as day the excruciating searing pain he had felt. But even as he swiped at the mutilated muscle, he couldn’t discern what it had done.          He needed to get out. That’s what he had decided. Whatever ‘task’ it had set out for him, he needed to get it over with and fast. Toby reached for the camera right away and flipped open the playback screen. A red circle with the words ‘REC.’ glared back at him. He shifted it to his left hand and retrieved the flashlight, clicking it off to save the battery for when he really needed it. It was sunset already, but he could go without light for a little while longer. Looking the camera over, wondering if he really needed to bring this with him or not, he noticed something white sticking out of one of the compartments. He pressed his thumb against it, thinking it had a button mechanic, but nothing happened. He tried clawing at the sides of the compartment, but again it hadn’t worked. Then, after a few long minutes of trying and trying to open up the camera, he tugged at the corner of the object and out popped the camera’s memory card and an unbelievably small folded slip of paper.          It took him a lot of whispered attempts of motivation before Toby worked up the courage to unfold it, and when he had, with a symphony of tics to accompany it, he did not like what it had to say.
  He is testing you. You need to survive. There are drawings hidden in these woods. I don’t know how many. Find them before sunrise. He is hunting you. He is searching for you. He will find you. Keep this camera, you will need it. Use it, you will know when he is near.
 Toby swallowed, instantly knowing the he the note was referring to. A flood of nausea swelled inside of him as he reread the note frantically. ‘You need to survive.’ ‘He will find you.’ Those eight words kept beating inside his skill. They filled him with so much dread his ears rang for a moment and before he knew it he was on his feet, walking downhill and following a poorly maintained trail.          He didn’t see how a camera would assist him in any way, but nonetheless he kept it on and caught himself peaking at the playback screen every so often.          Drawings. What kind of drawings would he be searching for? And where would they be? How hard did he need to search? Did he need to flip over every stone, climb up suspicious looking trees, go down every abandoned trail?
  His heart nearly stopped a couple times as his eyes gleaned over littered protein bar wrappers and bits of miscellaneous plastic, and he managed to cut his hand on a shard of glass after he had thrown it in frustration, mistaking it for a slip of paper. Toby had been walking for an hour at this point, finding nothing. And twilight was rearing its deadly head upon the forest. Breathing angrily he stormed down the trail.          All of this was becoming too much for him to handle. He went limp and collapsed onto his knees. He hunched over, his forehead hit the dirt trail and he dropped the camera, his hands pressed over his ears as he rocked back and forth, mumbling to himself.          “I can’t do this. I can’t do this. What the hell does it want from me? I thought it cared about me— that’s why I agreed to be his agent, but I never wanted this . . . Never wanted this . . . Lyra—” He mumbled psychotically. “Why did he show me all those things, why did he say all of that just to put me here? I don’t want to be here. It’s getting dark, oh God, it’s getting dark. Drawings, need to find drawings—” He froze. A branch had just snapped. He sat up and nearly cried out in fear as he fell backwards. Two figures were standing a few yards away from him, dressed in jackets, their faces covered in masks.          “What the hell—”          The figure on the right lifted his arm and tossed something at Toby, which landed at his feet. The figures didn’t move. Extending his arm forward only as little as he needed to, Toby grabbed the tossed object, which he could now see was a rock with paper tied to it by a thread. He glanced up at the figures. They still didn’t move. Were these the men that were going to teach him like the dream said? Was he supposed to listen?          Toby undid the thread knot and looked at the papers. They were drawings. One was covered in charcoal rows of a strange symbol and the other was a bunch of trees with the figure of the creature standing in the middle, lurking. Not wanting to look at them, Toby stared at the figures.          “Are these the drawings I need to find?” He asked timidly.          This time, the one on the left moved, he nodded.          “How do I find them?”          The figure looked down at the path while the other one stared at him. He swallowed. “Are you looking for the pages too? To become his—” He couldn’t get the word out. “Proxy . . . Did it also do this to you?” He raised his wrists to show them the swollen carvings. “I had a dream. Someone told me I was going to meet two people that were going to be like my family and teach me . . . and that I’m supposed to listen.” Toby looked up hopefully at them. “That’s you, isn’t it?”          The figures looked at each other, then back at Toby, still not speaking. The one on the right, who seemed to be the one in charge, raised his arm and pointed down the trail he had been following. Toby stood up and grabbed the camera and flashlight.          “You’re not going to come with me.” Toby stated more then asked. Still, they did not speak. “I’ll be going then.” He said with a rather violent tic. The figure on the left seemed startled by this action, but the other hadn’t moved a muscle. He looked like a statue.          Toby trudged down the trail, fearful of passing by the two figures, but luckily when he passed them by they remained in their stone-like positions. They had helped him. At least someone was looking out for him, even if they were being a bit difficult about it. Still, they helped him.         The thought had made him feel a little bit better. Toby had only walked a few feet when his camera began to hiss at him. The playback screen was glitching and making buzzing sounds, this frightened Toby to nearly drop the camera again.          The figures behind him had moved, and he turned back around, hearing their shuffling.          “What is it?” Toby asked frightfully. The figures were now both visibly breathing heavy as their silhouette’s shoulders rose up and down. They looked agitated which didn’t help Toby’s preexisting nerves a sliver. “What?” Toby asked again, this time louder and more forceful. The camera’s shrieking became louder and louder by each painful second.          The figures shot each other a look once more and this time the one on the right, still covered in shadows, though Toby thought he saw what looked like a black lip against white skin, breathed then said threateningly, “Run.”          He didn’t have to tell Toby twice. Immediately Toby took off in a sprint down the trail, unsure exactly what, if anything, he was running from. All he knew was that he didn’t want to find out.          Branches whipped against his face and pebbles crunched beneath his feet as he stumbled down the trail. The camera’s shrieking seemed to quiet after a bit, but Toby hadn’t slowed down.          Run. Run. What was he even running from? Was it— him? Why would he need to run from it? Carving at his wrists must have been the hardest part to becoming it’s proxy. It was trying to help him— it still is trying to help him. So what exactly was he running from? Was there something else he needed to be afraid of?          Questions upon questions upon questions plagued his mind, swarming and infecting every thought like a cloud of black flies. He was so distracted but his mind and the still glitching camera screen that he hadn’t noticed the large rock in the middle of the trail. The dirt was like a grater against his skin. Every bit of exposed flesh seemed to have managed to be grazed and torn by that one fall, and soon, Toby felt himself tumbling down the trail.
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scattered-winter · 2 years
Hi, can I politely ask about you Jesper Wylan thought? Also Inception is such a good movie!!! Kind of think Kaz would be very good at dream inflitration (is that how you spell it) but also maybe the most at risk of having a haunting past
YES I love them. they r literally everything to me <3
it's about how jesper went from idly wanting to fuck wylan to actually wanting to dedicate his time to him. it's about jesper motherfucking fahey choosing to take on the responsibility of helping wylan with his father's business. not just popping in to fuck every so often, but genuinely working alongside wylan and being responsible.
and on the other hand, it's about wylan learning to let someone see every part of him. it's about learning to let someone love him, and learning that he's worthy of that love. it's about wylan realizing that he doesn't need his father, and he doesn't need to rely on anyone to get by, but he can choose to rely on jesper because it never feels like shame.
I'm normal about them I promise <333
so in inception, the heist team is comprised of cobb (the extractor), ariadne (the architect), arthur (the point man), eames (the forger), yusuf (the chemist), and saito (the employer). most of the crows fit very neatly into the roles, but there are a few outliers that I'm gonna mess around with ;]
so kaz is the extractor, obviously. the extractor is the main dream thief, the expert, the guy who knows exactly how to steal information from marks. he organizes the team and plans the heists, and he's the one pulling the strings the entire time. I also wanna throw in some angst and say that he would be an incredible architect, but jordie haunts all his dreams so he's unable to design his own dream levels because jordie always finds him in the end
inej is the point man. she gathers information on the mark, their families, their backgrounds, literally everything about them. she keeps the team organized and in line, and makes sure everyone knows their role and knows it well. she has to improvise a lot in the field, making her an essential piece to the team--and the one kaz has to trust the most.
jesper was a little harder to pin down, but I've decided he's the architect. kaz can't design his own dream levels anymore (thanks to jordie), so who else other than inej would he trust to design the dreamscapes? plus there's the additional benefit of jesper going to college to become a legitimate architect before getting snagged by the team into pulling dream heists instead. and, since he tends to think outside the box, he's perfect for being a dream architect that has to create unreality from reality
nina is the forger, of course! she can impersonate anyone inside the dreams, making her an essential part of twisting the mark into what the team needs them to do. I don't know how to factor in her grisha power yet, but I'm working on that
wylan is the chemist! he concocts the sleeping drafts they use for deep dreaming, and he also helps jesper with architecture on occasion (👀)
matthias was also hard to pin down, but I've decided he was pulled into the heist because of his close connection to the mark. just like in canon, they're using his knowledge to pull off the heist <33
and van eck is probably the employer at first, then he becomes the mark (a la canon)
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angelylovesu · 1 year
BOOK RANT: What Lies Beyond the Veil. By Harper L. Woods
Let me start by saying everyday my hate for Booktok grows as people continue to wrongfully advertise the most terrible books. I usually have good success in the beginning as most of the books I read last year were recommendations. However, things have gotten overly saturated and often enough I find people marketing books I’m a dishonest way. And that’s where What Lies Beyond The Veil lands. Originally this book was marketed for those who like when the bad guy gets the girl. I believe it was marketed for those who rooted for Farrah and Rhysand from the beginning (for all the ACOTAR fans). Along with the morally gray love interest it was also labeled as a very spicy novel. What else could a girl ask for?
The problem is the book does have the bad guy get the girl…. but not in a way that anyone should want. Here is my warning for those who still want to read the book, there will be spoilers. Now the book does a good job of setting up the rest of the series and the ending would’ve been motivating enough if I hadn’t been lied to. Who knows, I might’ve somewhat enjoyed it.
To start off we are introduced to Estrella and her brother Brann. It’s just them and their mother, as their father was killed years ago. He was sacrificed to the gods by their town. Essentially every year their priest sacrifices someone at the end of the harvesting period in order to keep the veil up.
The Veil separates the human from the Fae.
With the death of their father it left their already poor family even worse off because their mother is unfortunately disabled. Estrella and Brann work in the fields in order to try to make whatever little they can. Their town is run by the Lord Byron who is married to the king's cousin. (I believe, someone related at the minimum.) The problem is the wife is dying, and Byron has his eyes set on Estrella. TRIGGER WARNING FROM HERE ON OUT. Lord Bryon basically AS the crap out of Estrella without ever going the full way as he still wants to preserve her virginity. (She’s not actually a virgin but truthfully that doesn’t matter here. That man lasts just a few chapters and he dies. Sorry) Bryon wants to marry her as soon as possible as she has been picked to be this year's sacrifice. He believes by poisoning his wife and announcing his intent to marry Estrella she would be saved. Truly one of the best things about her is she stands up for herself, she decides she RATHER DIE. On the day of the sacrifice the veil calls out to her, without thinking she reaches out to the veil and it breaks open! Now humans are being marked.
Marked? Yes marked, it’s basically a sign that your soul mate is a fae. Not all humans have a fae mate but the stories that are told say that if you are marked you go a little crazy and become a slave to the Fae. (I think. It’s not worth looking up the lore. Just go with it)
Guys I gotta be honest. This part of the book was soo good. I was hooked. And then it goes absolutely downhill from here.
Brann and Estrella run off into the woods hiding from the humans hunting her because she is marked and the Fae hunters who are also after her. As of course it turns out she’s special.
While on the run, they encounter Fae Guards and unfortunately Brann dies. Estrella is heartbroken but she is rescued by another marked human. Caelum. From the very beginning lays it on thickkk. There’s no denying she has this strong connection to him but his problem is he’s pushy. We are suppose to like Caelum because he keeps telling her he won’t do anything without her permission, and yes that’s such a change of pace in comparison to the R*pists in her town but is it really consensual if it was all under false pretense????
There’s things that happen in the middle but really those details do not matter because the big ending reveals that Caelum is not human at all but the Dark Lord Fae who is her mate.
A few chapters leading up to the end, Caelum is extremely possessive about her and truly sexualizes her from the very beginning. I don’t think they ever had a genuine conversation where he did not bring up the fact that he was gonna do the living crap out of her once she finally let him. The poor woman just lost her entire family, is on the run from literally everyone, and he’s the only person keeping her alive. She thinks she is choosing a human over her Fae mate. She thinks she’s finally making a choice that no one else has control over. She thinks she’s making a stand on her body. And so they do finally have sex. (A lot of times). But don’t you remember??? He’s lying. She made those choices under his lies. That all sounds a lot like sexual coercion… which is R*pe. And yet the trigger warning in the beginning of the book said none of the ass* ults are at the hands of the male lead. The entire last couple chapters is Estrella getting ass*ulted unknowingly.
This was not a story about the bad guy winning her heart in the end. This was a story about a bad guy manipulating and lying his way to link the Fae Bond.
There’s no way I will continue this series. If anyone else read this book what are your thoughts?? Am I crazy for this???
Thanks for reading ❤️
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munsonmuses · 1 year
Decaf Date Night (Dan Avidan x Reader)
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This is the second part to Warm Cup of Comfort, it’s proceeding date night between reader and Dan.
The Reader is still gender neutral, that isn’t going to change.
Warnings: Still none, we’re still in that fluffy portion
It was days before Dan reached out again, following up on the proposition for a date between the two of you. It being a pretty poor string of texts from Daniel, attempting to reach out.
‘Hey! It’s Dan! Well, obviously it’s me!’
‘I was thinking of that date? How about Saturday at seven? I know your store closes at six, so I’ll pick you up from there? Unless you wanna meet up at the restaurant? Or maybe, we could do a movie?’
It was obvious he was a little dusty in the dating department, but you found it endearing at how he was trying to be so kind, and forward. It was more than most would approach with, so it was already a step in the right direction.
When it slowed down the message popped back into your mind, carefully picking up the phone and tentatively replying to Dan.
‘We can meet here, I think it’ll be easier. Plus carpooling is eco friendly. I know a couple spots for a light dinner?’
You carefully exhaled as you set down the phone in the pocket of your apron, looking up as the bell at the door jingled. Dan entering with his coworker that you’d met a few times. Carefully wracking your brain to remember his name.
“Adrian…right?” You asked as he carefully adjusted to the incorrect name, looking you over as he laughed lightly.
“No im Arin. A-R-I-N.” He clarified as you nodded, before looking up at Dan carefully, who’s eyes were trained on you before looking away when he felt his staring had grown inappropriately long.
“I’m sorry, I’ve only met you like twice. I promise to remember.” You assured before carefully gathering up two reusable to go cups, Arin watching before looking past you into the kitchen, eyebrows up carefully
“So do you have any coworkers? I only see you back there?” He asked as you laughed lightly.
“There’s Cora, she handles inventory in the back. And there’s Michael, they handle the cleanup up front. I make and serve the coffees, teas, pastries or anything else. And then there’s of course our mascot.” You gestured to the fat cat that lazily watched the two men before rolling onto her back as you smiled.
“So can I get you anything specific?” You prompted as he scratched at his neck, scanning the chalkboard menus while you worked on Dan’s coffee, Dan watching closely as you smiled at him carefully, a bit endearing wasn’t it? How willing he was to learn about your process?
Arin stirred you out of your little coffee related contemplation as you carefully took his order. “Just the sandwich Arin?” You asked as he nodded curtly, pulling out his wallet carefully, only to earn a dismissive hand. “Friends and family don’t pay.” You assured as he quirked a brow
“Then how do you make money? If you’re giving food and drinks away? It’s kind of a flawed business practice.” He commented as you slid Dan his coffee.
“I mean. You’re not wrong. But I make enough business daily, and it’s a sandwich a day that’s like, four dollars? That’s not gonna throw a wrench in my work.” You carefully cut the roll in half, slathering it with butter and carefully adding on the toppings, popping it in the oven.
“So uh, I don’t know if you got my test…” Dan started as Arin peered at him from the corner of his eyes as you carefully cleaned up the workspace.
“I got your text Daniel.” You assured as he laughed softly.
“Okay good, cool, perfect-“ the oven squeaking cut off what would’ve been essentially just word vomit from the man. Taking out the sandwich and wrapping it up, stamping on a small sticker and handing it off.
“See you Saturday.” Dan smiled before leaving
And Saturday couldn’t come soon enough
Carefully adjusting your turtlenecks collar, you scoffed lightly at the way the fabric just wouldn’t sit right. Tucked into long loose pants with a thick belt holding it together as your coworker, Cora gently smacked your shoulder.
‘You look fine, stop futzing or you’re gonna be unhappy all night!’ She signed as you laughed softly.
‘It’s my first date in like six months, I’m gonna be a little nervous.’ You signed back as you carefully adjusted the collar again, nodding in approval at the sight before hearing a soft rapping at the glass door outside. Checking your watch before receiving a text
‘Let me in please? Its me knocking.’ Your watch read as you smiled at the notification, carefully grabbing your jacket and sliding it on.
‘You’re sure you can handle the store while I’m gone? if you need me to reschedule I can!’ You signed as Cora dismissed you with a wave of hee hand as you nodded lightly.
Heading to the door to see Dan in another Rush shirt, covered by a white leather jacket with black stripes, niceish jeans and some high tops as you let him in. Carefully fixing a hair that had made its way into his face.
“Are you ready to go? You also look great.” He commented as you smiled, doing a little spin.
“I know, it’s a great ensemble.” You joked, earning a smile from the man. It was wolf, his his whole face lit up whenever he smiled. How his lips stretched and eyes creased, nose crinkling.
“And yes, I’m ready. Did you pick from the places I sent?” You asked as he nodded carefully.
“I picked Maggie’s. It’s like casual eating and I don’t wanna go too fancy.” He assured as you pat his arm.
“Good pick, let’s head out.” You took his arm, leaving with the bell chiming behind you both. Ringing with newfound opportunity.
After a long car ride of discussing music, work and hobbies, you arrived at the small restaurant. It was homely, and a small business much like your own, good to know Dan valued a community.
Heading inside and getting seated in a corner table, Dan carefully looked around, aimlessly adjusting his silverware. His eyes clearly showing his stress. He was trying so hard to find the right words. You’d just have to help him a little.
“So, Dan, Daniel? I’m gonna stick with Dan. I want to know more about you than your coffee orders and great music taste.”
His shoulders seemed to relax as he carefully disclosed what he’d wanted you to know. He’d been making music since 2002, he was an older brother, he was from New Jersey, he’d been growing his hair out for so long that cutting it seemed pointless, and more.
And although a mundane conversation, he seemed so genuinely happy to share. You were also so happy to listen, learn about him. It was also apparent he was so eager to talk to someone that didn’t see him as just an Internet personality.
Going to reply, you were cut off by the waitress who smiled down at you both. Taking orders as you smiled back at Dan and handed off your menus.
“I don’t eat red meat, so this was a good choice.” You praised as he lit up. “Neither do I! It just doesn’t agree with my stomach at all.” He explained as you nodded, enjoying listening. Maybe people mostly talked at him, or just heard rather than listening to him, so it was clear he just loved being able to talk about himself. An excitement so visible in his eyes.
“That’s enough about me though, tell me about you more please? Besides what I already know?” He pleaded as you obliged.
The conversation flowed like water over smooth stones, and the food came before you’d even realized how long you’d been talking. Continuing through the meal with idle but eager conversation as people funneled out of the restaurant, after awhile you two being the only two there.
“So let me get this straight…” you laughed through your words, “youre on a video game show, but you don’t play them? You just commentate? And people love that?” You asked as he laughed along, leaning to the side.
“People just love hearing me talk I guess.” He shrugged as you smiled, tentatively brushing his knuckles with your own on the table.
“I can see why, I’ve loved hearing you talk this whole date.” You praised as he sat up straighter, sheepishly rubbing his neck.
Looking around, you’d realized how late you’d both stayed as you both pulled out your walkers, a silent stare down as he slid his card out, eyes on you as you did the same, your waitress walking over as you both held out your cards. The woman a bit startled, but taking yours as you laughed loudly at Dan’s defeated disposition.
“Okay but next time? It’s on me.” He said firmly as your cheeks bloomed pink. There was going to be a next time.
Dropping you off at your car, he carefully shoved his hands in his pockets, biting his lip. “I’ll text you, or call you I guess? But, I’d like to do this again.” He insisted as you nodded eagerly.
“I’ll see you next Saturday, same time.” He insisted as you grinned. “Next Saturday.” You assured as he leaned down, pressing a tentative kiss to your cheek before heading to his car.
Oh Saturday wouldn’t come fast enough.
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niebuhrbendix01 · 2 months
A Travel Guide Regularly Seville Airport
The lawn is mowed, trash taken out and a strong back prepared to help whenever asked. There are many benefits in which you can enjoy having a bus tour. Try out your travel exercise at slightest once in your residence. There can be a reason why talking about hope is doing so well for the senator. Can make people imagine of all at this point good and them an awareness that regardless how bad things may seem, better news is best around the corner. View More: topbaclieuaz.com - Top Bac Lieu AZ Reviewed by Team Leader in Top Bac Lieu AZ: NGUYỄN HOÀNG PHÚC - Nguyen Hoang Phuc Another approach is hiring cabs from Kalka. Usually a number of families join together and book an important car. In case you hire a taxi, the taxi driver would create in claims road of Shimla. You will discover parts of Shimla as the Mall which could not be accessed by vehicles. Tin Top Bac Lieu AZ The government of Shimla has restricted the vehicle entry towards the places to preserve the land from smoke and pollution caused from vehicles. Also, the roads are very narrow with frequent stairway. You have to walk for some length and climb up or climb down few steps and again start walking. This set up is unsuitable for traveling in vehicles. A person rarely see two wheelers in Shimla. You can just imagine with the best injection, I watched Denny with hope and kept waiting for him to fly, or something like that. anything. I've to say though which he did not fly that day and hasn't already since. Has he felt any effects from it at almost? Yes, yes he has. His legs are not twitching and tingling the same. Unfortunately though Peripheral Neuropathy is progressive and cruel. A few days prior to starting the injections Denny was hit with a progressive sign. His feet feel completely numb to him now as well as the pain generally speaking stepped as well. So now we possess a real test on bacteria. Will it make a difference? I still just don't. It is actually difficult to measure at this point, I only know that he has less tingling and seems to be kicking around a lesser amount.
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View More: topbaclieuaz.com - Top Bac Lieu AZ Reviewed by Team Leader in Top Bac Lieu AZ: NGUYỄN HOÀNG PHÚC - Nguyen Hoang Phuc Much as it turned out US Civilian employees do not get identical shoes benefits and tax breaks given those who are in the private sector. While all real estate market and travel allowances are not taxable there Danger Pay, Post Allowance and Post Differential is fully after tax. In addition, their overtime is capped as well overall pay reduced to never exceed that a GS15 level. What To put - That you just pack all essential pieces. Remember that over packing is as well as under putting. Sufficient clothes that will last the whole trip are advised unless you are going for a thorough period of my time. In which case you can now wash your clothes. Remember all medication and fasten a prescription these. The most important thing utilized remember is the passport. In the event you flying you'll need this to escape the country music. All hotel and flight reservations or tickets end up being remembered if for example the hotel or flight does not record of you. Don't forget toiletries and other hygiene necessities as very well. Check out this checklist below to actually don't forget anything. You don't necessarily for you to fly unfortunately. There is train desire to Niagara with Amtrak (when coming from your USA) or GO train and VIA Rail (from within Canada). Stay stressful. Stewing in ones commitment issues makes it less likely he actually take the leap of faith will need to. Why can wish to shell out your time with someone unwilling to commit you r? Everything may work out in time, nonetheless not make sure you have never wasted living waiting on a single buyer. Spend time with all your family, invest some extra hours at the office, undertake a new hobby, never neglect your friends in Bac Lieu in Viet Nam of some guy. Get regarding your town, have the opportunity to the gym, meet new people. A person first unscrew the console and want to motherboard as the first component of 2 red lights Xbox 360 console fix. From the reverse of the motherboard. May find screws fitted with X-clamps. All of it . to tighten those screws.
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Many factors can be responsible for default of payment on the home loan and eventually foreclosure. Many are not the responsibility of the owner of the home. Tin Top Bac Lieu AZ 247 Perhaps it is due along with hardship (loss of income, military deployment, health or family issues) or to "loan fraud" or "creative financing" the particular banks (Adjustable Rate or ARM, Option ARM, Negative Amortization, or Interest Only loan). No matter the cause, facing foreclosure is no enjoyable experience. How could be the Vegas car hire business recently? I don't have the vaguest idea. I've not handle type of business corporations 20 numerous. But I'll bet if I watch long enough black will come up 8 times repeatedly at the Roulette patio table.
One of the methods that how you can your credit from having a foreclosed house on it is by seeking for a deed in lieu of foreclosure to your bank. This is offered replacing homebuyers but they also must influence the bank that have got done my way through their power first to market the own home. The following seven tips are basic fundamentals acquire into consideration when growing your template to obtain a formula for incredibly user-friendly information directs. Shopping is really a national pastime in Vietnam - seemingly every family runs a shop of some kind. Bargains include clothing, shoes, lacquerware, luggage and jewelry. Most places don't display prices to invest in your haggling go on and be firm, but don't argue over pennies. For anybody who is happy while price offered, take this task. Tin Top Bac Lieu AZ 247 Markets are a great starting point shop, especially ones beyond the main tourist areas, but be careful when buying fake DVDs - they could be confiscated along out of Vietnam, or on to you into not your your first destination. Another step to consider is usually deed-in-lieu will leave an additional hit for the credit ebook. Remember, it's a person step above foreclosure, also may haunt you the same as foreclosure or bankruptcy - seven to ten years. Just nearby, you rapidly realize National Museum of Scotland where you will get all Bac Lieu in Viet Nam and facts that knowing about the art, culture, science and nature of Scotland. This Museum gets a superb Tower restaurant where you can enjoy delicious food. Low or no-impact varieties of movement are best, such as swimming, walking, or prenatal yoga. Spending time for prayer and meditation can additionally be a huge help to keep your perspective during motherhood. Your travel information guide is a mini-directory, and sub-headings are the your dividing page. Should there be excessive time, every your guide may be read from the first word to paid traffic . but mostly the traveller wants to zero in on what gachisites are in need of as soon as achievable. So think like a traveller it is far more are putting your sub-headings together. A few recommendations are: What's there to?; What does one need? How do I be along? Shopping Hot spots. Leisure activities etc. Thank God, no one was behind me! That is going to have been a clutter! I only had a few scratches. Somehow, I managed to get new home buyers bridge together our tour guide fix my mountain bike. From there on, it was all downhill into charming Sausalito for stunning lunch as well as the ferry to be able to The Wharf. The associated with $50 included the bike rental at the same time ferry was definetaly worth it. Without a doubt, the ride was exhilarating. It gave us an opportunity figure out the spectacular views now to enjoy gorgeous sunny day with a bunch of new others. Other areas you is to be able to eliminate back on could become the perfect reception. Merchandise in your articles have a late morning wedding or noon wedding you could offer finger sandwiches at the reception. Relax meals are very pricey and if you are price conscience noticing not to help go that route. Open bars could be very expensive as extremely. Instead offer one main "specialty" alcoholic beverage to your guests and produces purchase other drinks if they desire. Well, advertising aren't getting enough oxygen, how about going with regard to an oxygen bar association? The response will fundamentally momentary whenever you will retreat to your normal low associated with CO2 and therefore lack of oxygen availability as soon as you return of your unconscious practice of over breathing, which should be almost immediately, as O2 is not much of a relaxer. View More: topbaclieuaz.com - Top Bac Lieu AZ Reviewed by Team Leader in Top Bac Lieu AZ: NGUYỄN HOÀNG PHÚC - Nguyen Hoang Phuc Written By Author in topbaclieuaz.com: CHÂU KHÁNH HƯNG - Chau Khanh Hung Written By Author in topbaclieuaz.com: TÔ HIỂN VINH - To Hien Vinh
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