bookworm555 · 2 years
Noticing Trauma: "I don't want to pry..." for Switzerland and Latvia, "You're right, I don't understand yet" for Poland and Estonia post-TWL, "Count your breaths" for Iceland and Estonia. (Feel free to switch any of them up if you like!)
Thank you so much for these! (Sorry for the delay!)
Taken from this noticing trauma/angst ask meme.
These got sort of long (this always happens with these prompts, X'D), so I put them under the cut.
"I don’t want to pry..."
Basch only meant to leave the conference center's cafeteria to find the drinking fountain. (There was no way in hell he'd pay for an overpriced water bottle, and he cursed Alfred for choosing a hotel that didn't even provide complimentary lunch.) But after he turned down one of the hallways, he saw what looked to be a person curled up against one of the stairwells.
Curious, Basch tilted his head and walked closer, and soon he recognized who it was.
The boy's head snapped up, his eyes widening.
Though his brain told him not to, Basch sat down next to the short Nation. He didn't know Raivis very well, but Lili was friends with him, and had only positive things to say about him, so for that alone, he got involved. "Why are you sitting over here? Didn't you want lunch?"
"I...I didn't want to pay for it."
At this, Basch chuckled a little bit, nodding his head in agreement. Though the smile slipped off his face as Raivis continued.
"Plus, it's not like I could eat, anyway. There's too much going on, today. I got too stressed, and my stomach hurts, and--"
Basch cut him off, gently placing a hand on his shoulder. He didn't miss the way Raivis flinched a little at his touch, though he said nothing; he would ask Lili about it later. "I don’t want to pry, but.. I want you to know I also want to listen, if you want someone to talk to."
Bach almost kicked himself; he didn't do this, he didn't talk about feelings. But he knew Raivis went through terrible things. Things so awful he saw other, more powerful Nations averting their eyes when he walked by them at meetings, clearly guilty that they couldn't, or just didn't want to, do anything to stop it from happening. Basch didn't know any details, but he knew enough. And he wasn't stupid; he easily put two and two together.
He was snapped out of his thoughts when Raivis lunged forward and embraced him, tightly wrapping his thin around around him.
"You're right, I don't understand yet" (This one is set post-TWL)
"Did Toris send you over here?"
Eduard looked less than pleased to see Feliks standing at his doorstep, holding a tin of kołaczki.
"No; I figured I'd pay you a visit, that's all." Without waiting for a response, Feliks entered Eduard's house, kicking his shoes off as soon as he got inside, revealing pink and green checkered socks. He plopped down on the couch, placing the tin of sweets on the coffee table in front of him before yanking the lid off, popping one of the peach preserves-filled ones into his mouth.
"I outdid myself this time!" Feliks exclaimed, speaking with his mouth full. "These are totally delicious!"
"Seriously, Feliks?" Now Eduard actually looked irritated. "You barge into my house, make yourself at home on my couch, and then get powdered sugar everywhere? I ask again, why are you here?"
After finishing the cookie, Feliks wiped his mouth. "I'm here because you need help, Eduard. You won't talk to Toris, and I doubt you talked to Raivis. Which is understandable; he's dealing with a shit-ton, too. But damn it, Ed, you were kidnapped by a group of batshit scientists and experimented on again and again! Toris told me about the scar on your chest and torso; you were fucking vivisected? I know that would've messed me up. And I'd want to shout that to the world."
"You don't understand!" Eduard finally shouted, though he sat on the couch next to Feliks, bowing his head.
"You’re right, I don’t understand, yet. Will you help me?"
The look Eduard gave Feliks broke the shorter Nation's heart; it was so hollow, with barely any light left in his eyes.
"Give me some time," Eduard finally said. "I'm not an open book like you are. But thank you for asking. Maybe...maybe someday I'll tell you more." As he spoke, some brightness returned to his eyes, though tears pricked the corners of them.
Feliks nodded. He didn't expect Eduard to spill his guts right here and now. But the 'maybe' was more than he hoped for.
Smiling, Feliks reached into the tin and grabbed one of the strawberry jam-filled cookies, pressing it to Eduard's mouth.
Snorting a little, Eduard grabbed the sweet, swatting Feliks' hand away.
(Kołaczki are delicious, by the way, XD)
"Count your breaths"
Eiríkur was at his limit. This particular conference wasn't just fellow Nations; humans were also involved, too. It didn't happen very often, only two to three times a year, but he didn't like it. While he recognized that not all humans were bad, and he definitely had a soft spot for his citizens, being surrounded by a bunch of them stressed him out. He felt like he was being scrutinized and studied under a microscope, especially since his silver hair was strange, even by Nation standards, and the more he caught the humans' eyes, the more uncomfortable he became.
He was snapped back to reality when he felt a hand on his shoulder. Whirling around, he saw that it was only Eduard.
"Count your breaths with me, okay?" The bespectacled boy's voice was soft; Eiríkur had to strain his ears to hear it.
"What?" Eiríkur narrowed his eyes.
"You look like you're about to have an anxiety attack," Eduard pointed out. "This works for Raivis, so I figured you could try it, too." He squeezed Eiríkur's shoulder gently. "Ready? One, two, three, four…"
In time with Eduard's voice, Eiríkur counted his breaths, first only in his mind, but by 'four', he began saying them aloud. And much to his surprise, he found himself relaxing, losing some of the tenseness in his shoulders.
"It worked!"
"I figured it might."
Eduard rubbed Eiríkur's shoulder before he let go, and the silver-haired boy found himself disappointed, oddly missing his touch.
"Can you sit with me for the next set of speeches?" Eiríkur blurted out, his mouth working faster than his brain. He blushed as he said the next part. "Your presence helps, for some reason."
Eiríkur figured Eduard was caught off-guard, too; he never saw the taller boy blush before, yet there was now a dusting of pink across his nose and cheeks.
"Certainly," Eduard finally said, sounding almost tongue-tied. "But isn't Mathias sitting here? He'll want me to move when he gets back"
"He can find a new seat," Eiríkur said, wrinkling his nose. "Just point him to your old one."
At this, Eduard sat down, and the two laughed, now ready to deal with the second half of the meeting. Together.
Hopefully, you liked these! :D
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See you there?
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carrymelikeimcute · 3 months
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tornoaserjo · 20 days
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beanghostprincess · 5 months
What's a fave more low key sanji scene for you? I do really like in Wano when he makes sure to hand the mouse back to the woman before passing out after fighting queen
Awww I love that scene so so much!
And I have a very specific favorite more low-key Sanji scene that I've been having a really hard time finding because I remembered the dialogue in Catalan (I used to watch it dub) and I didn't remember the arc. But! Turns out is right after Arabasta, episode 131. And I know it looks like an average simping Sanji scene but I SWEAR in the Catalan Dub it sounds so sweet. And he's the cutest. And idk why it stayed with me but I think I remember this quote almost every fucking day of my life.
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Nami: The right ridgeline is 42 degrees... Sanji: I'm the one at 42 degrees but it's the fever of love!! Why don't you draw a map of my heart, my dearest?!
If you wanna know how it sounds in Catalan:
Shit I wanna rewatch this now in Catalan I'm sobbing- This dub has so many great moments <33 My beloved
And to me, it sounds way better. Believe me. Please. I am not crazy. Tell me I'm not the only one who finds this extremely cute.
I just personally think it's one of Sanji's more original simping phrases and I swear there are a lot of more important/character-driven Sanji scenes I love but somehow this scene has a special place in my heart. Don't ask me why because I don't know.
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tojisun · 7 months
Are u gonna post more jjk💔💔
im trying, i swear!!
ive always wanted to add more to the ex-husband!toji headcanon bc ughhhh hes so nasty i need him since last year like??
but u guys can send some ideas if u guys want!!
my reqs are unofficially open n the only reason i still say theyre closed is because of how long it takes for me to complete works :( so it kinda lets ppl who want a work done asap to move along bc i dont want them to wait for so long if they dont want to, yk??
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quatregats · 22 days
Jo: Vaig a fer el doctorat en música valenciana
Tots els grups valencians: És hora de plegar ✌️✌️
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Dinant carn amb patates amb el papa un diumenge, i mirant les motos com quan era petit (m'agradava bastant MotoGP i Formula1 pel tema estadístic i dels rànkings i tal).
bastant nice
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res--publica · 3 months
Women in bumble are the most beautiful, talented, interesting and considerate people, and men, on the other hand, are... just there
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guillemelgat · 1 year
Han afegit més diccionaris a la versió en línia de l'Alcover-Moll! Alguns són dels principis del segle XIX, i inclouen formes no-normalitzades i traduccions al llatí i castellà—a més de representar una mica la diversitat de la llengua catalana (hi ha diccionaris del mallorquí i del valencià). A més a més s'accedeixen amb una cerca avançada que permet introduir-hi frases senceres, així que té pinta de ser una eina realment útil, sigui per filòlegs, historiadors, estudiants de la llengua, o qualsevol persona que vol saber més sobre el català que no apareix al DLC.
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minglana · 1 year
i started watching alcarràs and i wondered why the people were speaking with an eastern accent if they were from ponent. then i realized i had downloaded the dubbed italian version😭😭😭
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Intrusive thoughts while working on posts in public
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estefanyailen · 1 year
_ Vous les hommes vous êtes tous les mêmes. Si prévisibles, non je ne suis pas certaine, que-que-que tu l'mérites. Z'avez d'la chance qu'on vous aime. Dis-moi "merci" . 😌
_ Rendez-vous, rendez-vous, rendez-vous au prochain règlement. Rendez-vous, rendez-vous, rendez-vous sûrement aux prochaines règles. Cette fois c'était la dernière, tu peux croire que c'est qu'une crise.
_ Mate une dernière fois mon derrière, il est à côté de mes valises. 🍑👜
_ Tu diras au revoir à ta mère, elle qui t'idéalise. (Ta fuerte la letra). Quoi toi aussi tu veux finir maintenant?.
_ C'est l'monde à l'envers. Es el mundo al revés.
_ Fácil de decir, et que j'aime trop les bla-bla-bla, mais non, non, non, c'est important.
_ Lorsque je n'serais plus belle ou du moins au naturel, para, sé que mientes, solo Kate Moss es eterna.
_ Todo lo mismo, todo lo mismo, todo lo mismo y estamos hartos. Tous les mêmes, tous les mêmes, tous les mêmes et y'en a marre.
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tornoaserjo · 2 months
save me... ventolín. Ventolín save me
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yume-fanfare · 1 year
sometimes im like well i could also write this post in english so everyone can read it and other times estic a punt de xafardejar només en valencià per a fer posts llegibles per a una gran audiència de zero persones
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error404vnotfound · 1 year
my mother has done it
she achieved what I thought was impossible
she fucking ruined mar i cel for me
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