The mountain I live on is always singing about how lonely he is, and while he has a very nice singing voice it's also very loud and all the sad songs are starting to bring down everyone's mood. We tried talking to him but I think he wants another mountain friend. Any way we could help him out with this?
Aww. Poor guy.
Genus loci are always a little tricky, balancing the needs and comfort of one larger sapience with the needs and comfort of others - typically ones that live on or around the former. We actually just had a rough case in California, someone rigged up a true “smart home” and we had to shut it down. We’re lucky that terra loci like this are often pretty chill.
However, since ETCetRA (the European Thaumaturgical Centre for Research and Analysis) banned geomancy on this scale sometime in the…40s, I think, it’ll be hard to really fulfill a request like this. I can pass this on to Applied Thaumaturgy.
…hm. Might also slip a messenger pigeon to some folks in the West Virginia office. We’ve got some druids on the payroll. If anyone would know what to do, it’s the folks with a connection to the Green.
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frances-baby-houseman · 5 months
I watched New Girl all the way through a few months ago and I loved it so much (I had seen almost all of it before when it originally aired but never revisited it) and I keep thinking I want another show that's just like new girl, with lots of episodes and good friendships and very swoony and then I just realized I could re-rewatch New Girl. So I am. but if you have another show that will be swoony like new girl please let me know.
Also I was watching the episode where nick loses his phone and they won't give him a new one at the store bc his credit is so low and he's like, it's fine I didn't want a phone anyway, and then I realized that I married Nick Miller.
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gwalch-mai · 1 year
Day 15: Pirates
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the girls are fightinggggggggggggg (playing pirates)
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backhurtyy · 3 days
donna’s little blue car and ten’s little blue box are something that can be so personal
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luftyloop · 1 year
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plasticanwires · 3 months
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aka-indulgence · 1 year
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Yes I am trying to get out the Funk™! Thank you for sending kind messages /w\
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bombawife · 1 year
both etcetera and dustin are so autistic coded
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realbeefman · 6 months
i love being cold and i love being hungry and i love shaking but i also love being fat and snoozing and storing up food for the winter like a chipmunk do you see my dilemna here
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gayfranzkafka · 9 months
guys Trouble in Paradise 1932 is such a good romcom + SO beejhawk coded
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My roommate hooked up with a ten foot tall sparkly woman who kept phasing in and out of reality and now there’s a god damn portal in my mini fridge. I’ve been trying to live a normal life but my roommate is like super involved in this woman’s life now and NOBODY HAS FIXED THE PORTAL YET. I missed my seminar because my acrylic nail got stuck in the piles of gooey stardust stuff my roommate’s girl leaves around the dorm. It’s driving me nuts. You’re a big guy on the whole ‘keepin it normal’ thing, any advice?
I mean, lucky roommate.
In all seriousness, there’s the usual advice about boundaries that applies whether or not your roommate’s partner is a demigoddess. In this case in particular what concerns me is definitely the portal. So, you might want to get in touch with an ETCetRA-licensed telemancy portal technician - portals aren’t meant to be just left open, that’s bad practice. It leads to instability, inaccuracies, all kinds of problems.
You’re going to want to very gently break it to your roommate that their new flame isn’t being very considerate of the mortals in the household, including themself. If you need a third party, maybe you can schedule the technician while your roommate is home, so that they can hear it from a professional.
As for the….stardust - vinegar and water in a 1:1 mixture.
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real-reulbbr-band · 1 year
sad,house,angry,romantic, family headcanons for electra
Electra Headcanons!
★ Sad ★ - She is touch-starved and hesitant to initiate physical contact with other cats apart from Munkustrap. However, as she grows up, her daring nature leads her to become the initiator of cuddles once she overcomes her initial reservations. (more info here)
■ House ■ - Electra never had a human owner, but she was adopted into a cat cafe where she met Etcetera, and they became inseparable. Other cats in the cafe included Tumblebrutus, Pouncival, and Quaxo, among others.
Jellyorum would occasionally visit the kittens at the cafe, which naturally introduced Electra to her. From then on, Jelly would bring Electra along with the other kittens to the junkyard, making it Electra's second home.
☠ Angry ☠ - Electra can get grumpy or moody when she feels left out, as she has a fear of missing out (FOMO). If it appears that the other kittens left her behind at the cafe, she can become a bit grumpy.
Additionally, she can get annoyed with some human customers, particularly when they try to pick her up against her will.
♡ Romantic ♡ - I don't have any particular Electra ships that I'm crazy about, so here's Elecetera.
Cettie was Electra's first crush, but she was too young to fully comprehend that she desired more than just friendship with Cettie. As they both grew older and developed feelings for Tugger, Electra thought it would be better to spare Cettie's feelings and pursue someone else, not wanting to risk their friendship or her own heart.
They started dating during their teenage years, as Tumble couldn't keep his mouth shut about Etcetera's feelings, which gave Electra the confidence to confess her own feelings.
And then they became even more inseparable, if that's even possible. <3
♥ Family ♥ - I'm inconsistent with these, but I like to play around with the idea of Electra as Bombalurina's daughter or Jemima's sister.
I like thinking of her as a Bombastrap or Tuggerlurina kitten, but the concept of her being one of Macavity's kids is also intriguing.
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denkies · 2 years
This is SATIRE btw
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chikaella · 2 years
i am going to revamp my edit blog RIGHT NOW.after i figure out who im theming it to
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raccooninthedaytime · 2 years
People always ask me “juliet why do you know all this weirdly irrelevant info about this incredibly niche subject” well my friend it is because as part of my adhd i have very small periods of hyperfixation in which i only focus on a single subject for like 3-7 days and absorb everything i learn like a sponge but form no coherent personal thoughts or opinions that warrant the creation of anything that comes out of it and thus i forget to tell anyone about it. And of course this creates the illusion that i dragged that info out of nowhere. because i kinda did
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houseofbreadpakoda · 8 months
Just watched Rocky aur Rani (yea bro I'm always this punctual) and shit. Ngl i really thought it was just a fun little film kjo shot, to pay homage in the first hour, but damn did it take a turn.
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