#ethubs on the mind most of all
elven-kisses · 2 years
guys I swear I will art properly soon I've just been too damn busy daydreaming about gay people my bad
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auriidae · 9 months
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PART 2 ‼️ me & my friends when we are stuck at life (pt 1) (pt 3)
character notes under the cut!!!!!
both in true hs canon and in this au, rage represents chaos. and lifeseries grian is so undoubtedly linked to chaos above all else — he thrives off it, subsists on it even. if it’s not something he can seek out it’s something he’ll initiate. but — make no mistake, the anarchy he initiates is very much limited to within the game. he doesn’t break the game system, he works within it and disrupts whatever system the players are trying to put in place… for the benefit of the game itself. and again, with heirs being played by their aspect, it only makes sense for him to be one. rather than jimi, though, he’s okay with this — being an agent of chaos ties him to it intrinsically, and that makes him feel so, so alive. he’s okay with being controlled, for the most part, because it also means he’s in control. at least at the beginning.
i wanted to make eethos a mind player so bad you don’t understand 😔 but i think he is closer to void in reality. either way he’s a thief — dealing in redistribution of his aspect only to himself, whether consciously or unconsciously. i think void makes sense for eethos because he’s such an unknown to many of the other players (and also to some extent probably himself). a thief of void — taking the mystery from others, knowing them and their secrets and cloaking yourself in them, making yourself an unknown. if void is an aspect more focused inward, also (i like the idea that the central struggle of void players’ character arcs are more personal than some of the other aspects), we could have eethos vs the mortifying ordeal of being known + choosing to stay. which comes back to his class, with thieves having to let others have their aspect as well in order to fully complete their character arc. with that being said eethos “wghats the deal wiht abtrhoom pesnis” mind player will always be real in my heart ok
beedub oh beedub my beloved rogue beedub. rogues typically have the problem, right, where they are capable of redistributing their aspect for the benefit of others but never for themselves. so they try to find others who can help them with it but really just have to learn to stand on their own (and end up finding a source of their aspect that way). this specifically throws beedub n eethos’s friendship into the saddest light because beedub is okay with giving everything to his friends + allies (esp eethos) while quietly hoping they will help him in return, but the thing beedub wants eethos (as a thief) is incapable of giving to him. he can only take, and that’s where their sort of falling out where eethos starts avoiding him and spending more time with others comes from. eethos needs to learn to give to others (not beedub) and beedub needs to learn to stand on his own. ethubs makes me sad. BUT ANYWAYS hope as the aspect of imagination, of being caught up in seeing what could be, of love and trust unconditionally without paying mind to the possible repercussions. that is pretty bdubs-coded i think. he’s a hope player and he’s going to be ok guys he’s going to be fine :)
again feel free to ask me questions abt them !!! lifestuck is in my brain
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thecoolerliauditore · 24 days
whats ur scott/pearl dynamic... i agree people have got to be weirder about platonic relationships. they can just as insane as any other one and its delicious!
I'm so sorry anon scott/pearl is like. ethubs level insanity inducing for me I'm pre-emptively putting a cut here because I know it's gonna get horrid.
short answer is queerplatonic. medium length answer is that pearl desperately just wants a friend and scott is insane.
Gonna try doing this chronologically because otherwise I'll drive myself insane.
Last Life
LL Scott and Pearl is defined, to me, by a mixture of their genuine care for eachother and their very strange power dynamic. They are both aware that their team-up is born out of being mutually beneficial for the game rather than any sentimental reasons (a really nice contrast to FH) at least, in the beginning.
Pearl values Scott so much that she literally would give up her life (or, lives) for him as well as kill for him. Scott seems to believe for a good chunk of LL that what Pearl values him for is the labour he can perform for her (e.g. gathering resources and fighting alongside her) but I'd argue Pearl simply valued Scott as her friend above all else (Pearl desperately craving companionship above all else is going to be a massive running theme going onwards so I'd say it makes enough sense).
Even when it comes down to the final four and the two split up, with Pearl even saying that she "doesn't have to feel bad" about killing Scott, they have eachother on the mind.
I don't really know how to break this down without just linking the clip itself but:
Scott: Ren, stop running! Je-sus!
Ren: Leave me alone, go kill Martyn! Why are you going for me?!
Scott: I have to, you killed Pearl!
Pearl (ghost): Aww... Aw, that's sweet...
What bookends Scott and Pearl's LL relationship, to me, is Scott rescuing Binky the axolotl from Pearl's body after she died. Scott has always loved animals but he's also someone very meticulous about his inventory management and maximizing his chances at winning, and this final 1v1v1v1 was him at his sweatiest gameplay-wise.
There were much more useful things he could've chosen to loot but he chose to save Binky and even places him down in a pool of water in end to make sure he survived even after Scott himself dies (with the way he spoke, I think it's clear he was either ready to kill himself or knew Grian was about to smite him).
Other examples of their developing sentimentality and trust for eachother over the course of the season include Pearl catching a blue axolotl later on and remarking that it's "Scott's favourite colour", their stare-down routines for the boogey assignments (a really nice contrast to other alliances, like the fairy fort, who would literally scatter for the same thing) and, despite how I usually talk about this moment, Scott refusing to consider Pearl as a boogey-kill target (his refusal WAS because of gameplay purposes, but the fact that he never targetted Pearl, even when she had the most lives in the game, I think says something).
Scott's alliance with Pearl in LL is also unique in a lot of ways compared to other seasons. As mentioned before Scott does alot of things to powergame, and one of those is building his base in the corner of the map where it is harder to attack (he even says this outright in 3L). The Scottage, however, is dead centre in the LL map and causes him endless amounts of mostly southlander-induced grief. He also acts somewhat like he believes he is inferior to her on occasion (likely egged on by the previously mentioned power dynamic their alliance is built on), such as when he complains that people keep assuming Pearl built their house when he did (implying people believe Pearl is the more skilled builder), whereas Scott in other seasons very rarely ever shows any sign of insecurity.
Their relationship is not without a hint of darkness, as Pearl is essentially blind to Scott's feelings regarding her both positive and negative. In return, Scott is also unaware I'd argue to the end that Pearl valued him simply for him rather than what he could bring her, as I think that's a concept Scott struggles with in all of his relationships. Which leads to The Horrors.
TLDR; LL Scott/Pearl is awesome. Pearl is a wild card in Scott's life that changes up alot of things that are foundational to him. But I think that scares him because:
Double Life
Throws up. thinking about it.
I think this is where my thoughts on Scott/Pearl differ from a lot of people because I don't think Pearl feels anything more for Scott than a want to have back what they had in LL or at least closure for why he left her.
It's been awhile since I've watched her POV but I remember it being a big deal to me that Pearl never referred to Scott with any romantic terms. I think she says "soulmate" at some point but within the context of DL that word loses a lot of its connotation. Plus she was upset at Cleo too, although most of her ire was directed at Scott (imo because of the soulmate thing but also because they'd been allies for longer in LL).
Scott, on the other hand, outright accuses Pearl of "cheating" on him and starts to push the "crazy ex-girlfriend" angle onto her hard throughout the season. Despite Pearl never acknowledging anything resembling romantic in their relationship beforehand. At one point, Pearl breaks into his house and proclaims that she's just going to live there from now on, to which Scott says "this is why I'm gay."
The crazy ex/yandere thing was much more something Scott framed her as than anything she actually was, as her initial desire was to reunite with Scott AND Cleo and her insane giggly persona was something she adapted after Scott had started imposing that character onto her.
Adding to that, I do think if Pearl was actually romantically interested in Scott, she would've expressed it already during LL when the two were most close or even after DL when Scott gets a lot more brazen with the way he talks to Pearl. That isn't to say that she cares any less for Scott than he does with her, I just don't think the word "boyfriend" ever entered the equation for Pearl.
As for Scott, things get a little muddier. I think he's weird about Pearl because he's weird about romance and women in general. Scott has a very idealized vision of romance and operates under a certain belief system that he is doing everything with the goal of eventually achieving the happily ever after he desires (e.g. his 3L ending) - I think it's interesting how many times he emphasizes "fate" in 3L with him and Jimmy's relationship (as well as how that plays into other series, like esmp1).
With that in mind I think it's not too far a reach to say that Scott probably views the "soulmate" title differently to Pearl and sees the romantic connotations where Pearl doesn't. However he clearly isn't uncomfortable with a woman being his "soulmate" (despite the "this is why I'm gay" remark), as he calls Cleo his "chosen soulmate", so the issue is definitely with Pearl specifically. In my mind the key difference between Pearl and Cleo, in relation to Scott, is that the former acts to challenge Scott's beliefs about himself and the world whereas Cleo acts as a reinforcement. I can expand on that but this isn't the Scott/Cleo post and it's plenty long already so I'll spare you for now.
To clarify: I don't think I can definitively say Scott feels anything romantically for Pearl either. He definitely is stranger about her than she is to him, but his worldview regarding romantic attraction is very idealized to a point where it's hard to draw the line at where the performativeness begins and ends. e.g. I do think he loved Jimmy but I don't think he was initially romantically attracted to Jimmy.
Scott throws around romantic terms very liberally too, as seen in 3L when he referred to Scar as Grian's husband, so I think it's reasonable enough to assume that he just does that thing where he sees a relationship reach a certain level of fondness and assumes that it must be romantic and applies that to his own relationship with Pearl or assumes Pearl must operate by the same logic and so her pursuit of him must be romantic.
So, with that all being said: Pearl specifically having the "soulmate" title freaks Scott out because it makes his assumptions about his feelings for her real and acknowledging this would send him down an identity crisis spiral OR a worldview crisis spiral both of which would make him immediately explode. His relationship with Cleo is casual and alliance-y enough for him to not be uncomfortable with the same title being used for her.
As such, he abandons her, taking out the root cause of his discomforts and possibly projects his own feelings onto her through the "crazy ex-girlfriend" stuff. That second part I admit is a bit of a stretch and dubiously sourced but if anyone wants more about that ask me about Scott's views on women in general sometime.
Scott never actually hated Pearl, he hates himself but he doesn't allow himself to admit that so he has to hate Pearl for making him this way instead. Unfortunately Pearl lacks the tools and context to protect herself from him or help him, so she only ends up reinforcing what he believes.
Pearl's line at the end about how she forgives him is. Dubious at best to me. She certainly doesn't act like she has in the future and I think it was more born of her need to believe he still cared to some capacity, to the point where even that could be read as a sign of affection.
Limited Life
Limlife Scott/Pearl is hilarious because they're both very not over DL and while Scott does his thing where he likes to pretend none of his feelings from previous seasons carries over, Pearl is a little shit to him the whole time.
I honestly don't have a lot to say here other than that they're both very spiteful this season, Pearl more obviously than Scott, and Scott killing her in the end without a word is horror to me. I wrote a thing once about the part where Pearl says he looks like a rat if that's interesting.
It is a little bit sad to me how Pearl almost resembles her LL self at times despite claiming to be in red mode, very mischievously giggling to herself when she refuses to return the Mean Gills enchanter. Except this time Scott does not entertain her antics whatsoever and even feels victimized by them.
Side note I think Nosy Neighbours and Mean Gills are a great parallel to look at and I'm sad more people don't talk about the similarities between those two.
Secret Life
This is the season where Scott either lets the mental illness overtake him completely or acquires an entire new one because. jesus fuck.
Scott is still doing his thing where he pretends to not hold onto feelings from previous seasons and says - TO Pearl - that he and Pearl are over their differences.
Very early on in the series, Scott runs into Pearl and, after she's out of earshot, says to the camera "you guys are obsessed with flower husbands, when really it's just been me and Pearl," which is a very. Odd thing to say considering what's happened so far. Not only does it feel very out of character for him to even imply he's aware he never truly cared for Jimmy as a partner, this very casual outright acknowledgment of the perceived romantic tension he believes he has with Pearl, despite everything he did previously to fight it off, is so very strange. If it wasn't for this one line I don't think I'd feel as confident saying Scott feels more for Pearl than Pearl does for Scott, but he did say that and he's insane for it.
Not only that, right before that, Pearl (having just bumped into him) says something about it being strange that they keep finding eachother, to which Scott says that it must be "fate". Shudders.
He also waits for her to leave before saying the line comparing her to Jimmy, implying at least some level of self-consciousness. I guess he's ready to say those thoughts aloud to himself, but not directly to Pearl?
This isn't the only instance of Scott being strange about Pearl this season. Later, when Scott gets a task to get three people to say "love you" to him, he spends extra long trying to bait it out of Pearl, which is the same scene he says they're both over what happened in DL. He actually incorrectly uses the term "trauma bond" here, which is really funny to me but also very Freudian slip of him.
Pearl doesn't say it back and Scott teases her with this come the next episode where he playfully cites it as a reason he doesn't want her near his base, where Pearl finally entertains him with an equally playful "love you, Scott," which is apparently enough for him.
The Jimmy parallels continue here as well, since Scott also unsuccessfully tried to do the same thing with him in Limlife and, unlike all the other people who he didn't succeed getting those words out of as part of his task that episode, Jimmy and Pearl's rejections are the only ones he commented on afterwards.
There's smaller instances too, such as him chasing after Pearl on his horse throwing bread at her when Pearl baited him into helping her with her task or him being all too comfortable with having Pearl around his alliance despite acting antagonistic to her allies (snidely saying under his breath "she wants you to win..." when Bdubs mentions Pearl's promise to him, or refusing to take Joel in as an ally, are examples).
In my humble opinion. Scott is maybe overcorrecting. He probably does feel guilt for DL and LimL and desperately wants Pearl back, but he's allergic to self-reflection so his way of getting there is to write everything off as water under the bridge (we're cool now, Pearl! Right Pearl.Right Pearl. Right) and dive into trying to claw out any sign of affection from Pearl to confirm to himself that she still cares. Loves him, you could even say. I still don't really know what to make of that line where he compares their relationship to FH but. Whatever.
You might've noticed at this point that this section is very lacking in half of this duo. Where the fuck is Pearl. I haven't really talked about her because, in all honesty, I don't think she really cared that much for Scott this season.
She certainly still wants to be friends with him again, that much is evident by her entertaining his "love you" bullshit, but she was much more concerned about the Mounders and Gem that season. Scott trying to push him abandoning her back in DL to the side probably didn't sit right with her, since she actually agrees with him when he says that, but later hunts him down specifically saying that they had unfinished business from DL.
TLDR Pearl pretty much avoids any confrontation with Scott until she snaps at the end, but is still wrestling with her need to have him back.
I think it's super upsetting how, after all the clinging onto Pearl, Scott ends his season by murdering her friends and running away from her when she chases him down. He wants her back so desperately but he would literally rather die than have to deal with the confrontation.
Real Life
I don't count this one as canon.
If I have to say anything I'd say this is evidence Pearl has memory issues or murdered Scarlet Pearl in her sleep.
Uh yeah that's about it. Fellas is it gay to like a girl so much you have to kill yourself
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toxic flower husbands this toxic flower husbands that
all of your trafficshipping ships are toxic
scarian? TOXIC! like even in 3rd life you guys it was toxic
flower husbands? TOXIC!
fuckin idk ethubs? TOXIC TOO (<- literally saying this as someone who is so insane about ethubs, and flower husbands too but yk)
whatever the ship name for Lizzie/Cleo is? Cleo literally burned down Lizzie's home cause BigB (who correct me if I'm wrong, just recently moved into the fairy fort- or hell, even recently moved into Ren's shadow tower i dunno Last life was like two years ago) killed her, is that not toxic to yall?! I love me trafficyuri but girly pops! that's not healthy!
there is no way in hell you can have a stable relationship (besides maybe ranchers idk i didn't pay attention during DL) in a death game Like obviously ship whatever you wanna ship I'm not gonna police anyone cause these guys happened almost three years ago so you have to like what I like, this is more of an "in defense of flower husbands" because I feel like most of you guys are comparing flower husbands to ranchers when calling it toxic and yknow yeah you can idc but keep in mind that you sound like the biggest hypocrite when you literally are out here like(and call me a big hater for this one) "IM STUCK IN THE DESERT THEY'RE SOOOO!!!! SCARIAN!!!" king scarian is just as bad
anyways im a big ol lil hater who likes flowers who happen to be husbands xoxo gossip girl
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violet-fire-cat · 7 months
Hehe I'm so glad I got sent a few of these! I'm gonna have fun rambling about aus now! Lots of rambling. I'm not kidding. This one at least is uh- long. Oops.
As I said before, a lot of my AUs are Ethubs focused, but hopefully you guys don't mind that! 😅
Soooo, let's see, which one should I start with, hmmmmmm. Let's go with one I was talking about with a friend a lot a few weeks ago!
And that would be -
Assassin Creed AU 🗡️ Well- it's inspired by Assassin's Creed anyway. I am not well versed enough on the series lore to do anything that sticks to it too closely. I wanted to play around with ideas a bit anyway. But I started playing one of the games again a while ago and that's where the ideas came from.
Assassin AUs have been done before, yes. But this one is mine!
Etho is an assassin, somewhere in the 18th/19th century, and has been with the Assassin's Brotherhood for most of his life. He's very good at what he does. He's smart, quick, and stealthy. Like a ghost with a knife. You won't know he's there until his blade has found it's way into your throat.
The Brotherhood consists of various other Hermits, including; Doc - retired assassin now serving as the groups main medic Tango - his targets often go out with a bang. or with fire. Grian - death from above Cleo - master of poisons and deadly concoctions Impulse - weaponsmith, where you go for a new knife or gun Zedaph - creator of gadgets and nifty tools and Mumbo - the spymaster. Kinda. Not really. Far too squeamish for assassin work. So he handles information gathering, sorting out jobs and targets, etc
They work together to take out criminals and other bad people who are causing issues in the area. As well as probably aiming to solve some sort of ancient mystery like in the games. (Though I haven't figured that part out yet.)
The story is mostly focused on Etho, a lot of what I have is about his and Bdubs' relationship too, but there's other stuff as well. Rambling continues under the cut ~
Etho doesn't interact with civillians much. But then he meets Bdubs. Bdubs is not affiliated with the Brotherhood. He's a craftsman. He works with wood, leather, and sometimes metal, making tools and clothes mostly, but weaopns too, and selling them in his little shop. Etho goes there on a whim looking for quick repairs or a replacement.
Bdubs is a pretty ordinary guy just going about his life. He has no idea what's in store for him when he meets Etho that day.
Etho is- odd. Tall and mysterious, and dressed in strange clothes. Bdubs doesn't know what to make of him. But treats him like any other customer. He does what's asked of him, Etho pays well. And he finds himself with a regular visitor.
Etho isn't entirely sure why he keeps going back there. He knows other people with the same skillset that he could go to instead. But there's something about Bdubs... There's something drawing Etho to him in a way he's never really experienced before.
Gradually, they become friends. And with time, that friendship progresses. Etho slowly falls in love with Bdubs, and realises that he's so screwed. He's never been in love before. And these- these- emotions. Are not easy to deal with! He doesn't know how to handle Bdubs being so gentle with him, so kind and smiling so sweetly.
And. Yeah. Things develop. A very touch starved Etho craves the gentleness and kindness that Bdubs gives him so easily. Etho has friends, sure, but this is different. Someone detatched from the violence of his work. Someone willing to care for him and love him despite all that he is. It's like nothing he's ever experienced before.
Bdubs never expected to get tangled up with someone like Etho. Danger surrounds him. Etho could leave one day and just. Never come back. But behind all that. Behind the layers of Trained Killer. There's a sweet, slightly shy guy that Bdubs can't help but love.
It's not all plain sailing though. No no. There's drama and chaos too of course. The nature of Etho's work kind of requires it. One time Etho returns to base badly hurt, and in a state of 'I thought I was going to die and all I wanted was to see you again,' he's asking Doc, who's looking after him, for Bdubs. Another time, Bdubs gets captured by the bad guys and Etho and the other assassin's have to rescue him. There's heartbreak as events leave Etho thinking that Bdubs doesn't want to see him anymore. And the difficulty of tracking down an assassin who doesn't want to be found. Etho becomes over protective at times, which Bdubs isn't fond of. But panic ensues when that protectiveness leads to Etho hurting Bdubs accidentally. Bdubs doesn't know what to think of seeing Etho kill someone. Knowing it happens is one thing, actually seeing it happen is another.
There's ups and downs, and I want there to be some overarching mission that Etho and the rest of the Assassin's are working towards. But I don't know what that is yet. I need to brainstorm and play the games more I think.
However, meanwhile, in the present day. Another young man, funnily enough also known as 'Etho', has somehow gotten himself roped into an investigation being done on his ansestor. A- distant cousin. Or something. He thinks. But the guy was an assassin. Which is cool. Fancy technology he'd never heard of allows him to relive the 'genetic memories' of the assassin. See what he experienced and learn about his life. About the things he did, the people he knew, and the events he was a part of. Hoping it'll help them find answers to something that's going on now.
This Etho, nerdy computer science graduate Etho, is very confused but overall rather fascinated by it all. Though he realises quickly there's a lot more at stake here than facts and figures about centuries old history. He learns a lot about his assassin ancestor and the life he lived. Maybe... Maybe too much. He's not sure that he wanted to know about the more- private parts of the guys life. It's interesting that the man the assassin was in love with looked a lot like one of the technicians working on this investigation, though. It's probably just a coincidence. The odds of it being anything else are far, far too small. But he is rather handsome, so surely you can't blame Etho for having a bit of a crush on him...
And- I am going to stop there or I could ramble all night dfghj. I love this AU a lot, if you couldn't tell. I'm probably forgetting things, but this is already more than enough to get an idea of how things go! There's assassins! And drama! And romance! And it's so much fun!
Thank you Anon for giving me an excuse to ramble endlessly about my AU! If you want to ask more about this au though then please do! Aaand maybe I'll draw something for it at some point too, I've been wanting to for a while hehe!
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liauditore · 1 year
Pssst if you’re still doing the shipping bingo, how would team rancher/solidaritek fill your bingo board?
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ok but.. real talk i think ranchers is like. my number two "I actually ship this no strings or footnotes attached" ship right after ethubs.
I am usually not one to be moved by ships that are just "they are fun and healthy together and love eachother" but oh GOD the ranchers. See I think the thing is they just.. make sense for eachother even if you don't expect it until the point they realise they're soulmates.
Jimmy's situation has been talked about to hell and back at this point but Tango is also very out of his element in the life series. He says himself that pvp is not his specialty and he doesn't have the time or resources to make his skill set shine. So he ends up either somewhat ignored or outcasted for most of the games. (<-- fyi fun fact this is where the whole 'mech pilot tango' idea came from lol. i feel like he'd have a dva-style mech outside of the life series)
In particular i LOVE his relationship with team BEST and I NEED desperately to talk abt it more. the way he's constantly talked over by his own teammates, intimidated, asked to sacrifice his own lives for their sake, "tango's Easy", etc. etc.
‘Cause inside, nothing’s fine It should be clear to prying eyes But I won’t let the feelings See the light So tell me, why should I even try? I’m frozen away in time
(Koala, Will Stetson)
They both have this habit of hiding their own insecurities behind a facade of boisterousness, but no matter how much either of them puff out their chests and raise their voices, their message of "please take me seriously" never seems to get through.
The Ranchers are just.. two losers against the world. and they inspire confidence within the other that they can't find in themselves. and yes the world forces them apart but you can Feel that influence they've had on one another in the background.
Guess I went and caved I wonder, is there another way? Because I want to believe That one day I’ll be okay So now, I’ll give it another try I can finally see with a clearer mind Even if the bumps in the road Might try to stop me, Still it’ll be alright Keeping it inside Isn’t clearing up the sky So you tighten your hand in mine Following the light like a cute Koala Laughing in stride
Plus I, uh... Unhinged but I have this thing with the life smp where there's this running theme throughout the story about how it doesn't really matter who wins or who dies first.
Because for every epic battle and every tear-jerking death there was fun and laughter and stupid, trivial drama before and in between and those little moments may not be as memorable or written down in history but they're what makes the series enjoyable. Yes, we're all gonna die, but isn't it cool that we laughed with eachother and made dumb jokes and adopted a frog and said "I love you" on the way there?
j-just like real life. life smp. evangelion moment im sorry
Though both of us will die one day Though this life is useless anyway When you’re here by my side, you make me feel like it’ll be okay And yet we laughed despite it all At this life which has no meaning at all Two lonely and broken souls leaning on each other’s sides I’m glad that you’re you, that I’m me, and for us two I’m kinda glad that you’re evil too When the day starts anew, hope I spend it with you I’m glad that I fell in love with you
(I'm Glad You're Evil Too, Rachie/Anthong translyrics)
The Ranchers epitomize that.
They are doomed. They both know this, I think. Neither of them can fight, they're left begging for scraps by session 2, no one on the server takes either of them seriously and they lost a life literally like 10 minutes into the first episode.
But they built a home together, raised livestock, stood up for eachother. and they were happy together.
and isn't that what really matters?
and neither of them are even aware of how much they really meant to the other one. the game ends. tango tells jimmy to go home. go. they certainly don't break up to the extent of Some Other Pairings In This Series but i like to think tango distances himself, thinking jimmy would be happier with his friends and not stuck with him. jimmy thinks the same. but they still wave hi and call eachother rancher and now they're running a salad restaurant together or something i guess.
It's just.. everything that gets the two of them condemned and made fun of in their other relationships is what's Celebrated in theirs. They can just be themselves, mistakes and silliness and imperfections at all, with no pressure to perform amazing feats and make amazing stuff and I think that's great.
um yeah i like ranchers.
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oh-snapperss · 2 years
hi for no particular reason and prompted by nothing in particular i'm begging for ethubs fluff. cmfort. occzy. cozy. pelase. please. pleas sfot. sfot comfy cozy soft please
anyway love you laurie <3 looking forward to totally NOT being carnally emotionally injured by your words in the very near future <333333333
omg hii shep. you asked me for a nightmare/comfort fic and uh. oh boy! i hope you like nightmare scenes!
this fic is based off the new half alive song, high up<3
Words: 3013
Read on AO3
CW: blood, nightmares, dead person (only in the nightmare), some unreality/disorienting scenes, general horror vibes?? i swear this is comfort in here LMAO
Things start out quite simple. The dark surrounds Etho. Etho waits to respawn. It’s nothing new, he must’ve been in the void between respawns a hundred, no, a million times.
As more time passes, and no respawn happens, Etho finally feels a spark of fear. The darkness of the void hasn’t ever been particularly appealing, especially since he’s been falling in it for hours. There’s no wind, no melody, no noise at all to help break the crushing feeling of the void.
Is he trapped here? Where was he before this? How long has it been? Where is Bdubs?
he is falling and alone and falling and still alone and falling and falling and–
“Wake up, wake up!”
His shoulder is being shaken, he’s not in the void, he’s… he’s lying down. There’s a quilt over the lower half of his body, twisted in such a way it’s clear either him or Bdubs has been thrashing about. There’s a snuffed out candle on the nightstand beside him, and the room is swathed in shadows and a stillness only found in the middle of the night. Chest heaving, heart pounding, it’s all he can do to keep himself from–
He flips around, quilt still tangled in his legs, and comes face to face with a dead man.
Blood drips from Bdubs’ shoulder, and Etho knows the warmth on his side is more blood seeping into his shirt from the second arrow wound in Bdubs’ side. Bdubs’ grins, two teeth missing, and his black eye is… well, it’s certainly not comforting.
“Bad dream, sweetheart?” Bdubs croons, and his voice is all wrong. It’s not his Bdubs. This Bdubs has a smile too wide. “Bad dreams, when you couldn’t even keep me alive? When you were too selfish to care?”
This Bdubs reaches a hand towards Etho, caressing his cheek with a gentleness Etho is certain he shouldn’t possess. But then Etho feels a stickiness against his cheek, and registers the warmth of blood on his face. Etho scrambles backwards, unable to help the gut reaction of panic and disgust and get that off NOW! He falls off the bed, trapped between the bed and the wall. Grasping at nothing, he tries to fly to his feet to run, but the quilt is still twisted around his legs. It holds him there, a sitting duck and keeping him from getting OUT-
He pulls upward with the nightstand, and…
The blanket is gone, along with the bed. He’s in the woods. There’s a splish-splash of running water nearby, and Etho heaves a sigh of relief at the thought of washing the blood off his face. The moon overhead is full, casting the jungle with more light than most nights.
Etho moves towards the water, although as he draws near, he realizes it’s flowing a lot slower than any creek he’s ever seen. Kneeling down, twigs pressing into his shins uncomfortably, he reaches down towards the dark liquid, mesmerized at the red color. Somewhere in his mind, a warning bell sounds. Is water red?
Something is wrong.
“No, no, no, no-” It takes less than a second to turn around, stumble backwards, away from his husband, away from the stench that can only come from a decomposing body. Bdubs limps forward, and the leaves around him turn red from the blood still dripping from the three arrows embedded in his body.
“You could have stopped this, cutie,” Bdubs smiles again, and Etho wants to throw up at how disgustingly un-Bdubs his expression is.
Etho keeps scooting backwards, unable to tear his eyes away from his lover, from… the thing his lover has become.
“Urgh!” Etho yelps as his hand dips into the creek. It’s not cold or refreshing, it’s warm, and as he throws himself further back from Bdubs, his other hand gets covered too. When he stands, breaking into a sprint, a cursory glance downward almost makes him scream. His hands are covered in blood.
“Wait for me, don’t leave me again.”
God, he doesn’t want to, he wants to turn around and be brave, but there’s no saving Bdubs in his state, and–
And Etho is a coward.
And it’s Etho’s fault.
When he trips on the vines he’s hardly surprised. The jungle always did seem sinister (was he in a jungle before?), and as they wrap around his legs, forcing him down to the ground, holding him still, tightening around his waist… it's all he can do to keep struggling. He pulls and pulls at the vines, but they wrap around his hands too, forcing him still to face… face his own…
“Don’t run away, my dear!”
Etho snaps his gaze up from the vines now reaching his waist, and there he is. There’s more blood on Bdubs now.
“‘Dubs… I tried to save–” Etho begins to plead, but Not-Bdubs cuts him off with a snarl, and lunges forward, hands outstretched and–
The vines release him, and it’s… he’s not in the jungle anymore.
It’s still night, but he’s in the shopping district now. The place feels silent, but Etho knows it must be late. Huh. Maybe he should go home? Etho’s never been one to fall asleep randomly, but… he must have been out just slightly too late and exhausted himself. Man, he’s not even sure what project he was working on today.
Okay, bed time.
Etho reaches for his rockets, and then realizes he doesn’t have any. That’s odd.
Wait, hang on… this is the wrong season. He’s in the Big-Eyes shopping district, and… and the ground is shaking.
Glancing up at the sky, Etho realizes.
It’s the end of the world.
Chunks of grass fly into the air, followed by rocks and bits of builds. Etho’s pretty sure there’s a flying pig. The ground shakes, and it takes a second for him to regain his balance. He grabs onto the nearest wood pole to keep himself from tripping over, then clutches it for dear life when he feels himself float upwards towards the ginormous moon in the sky.
There’s fires breaking out, and Etho can hear the distant screams of villagers and animals as meteorites crush them before the moon itself can. One of the shops nearby breaks into pieces, and his arm is grazed by a flying bit of wood. Etho winces as his feet hit the ground with more weight than needed, but then he’s tearing down the steps and toward the water. He’s gotta get out of here.
BOOM. Etho stops short at the wave bearing down on him from whatever just hit the sea, and just manages to avoid being soaked through and crushed by it.
Was the water… was it red? Why was the water red? Why is he even here? Hadn’t Bdubs been the only one left when–
“Bdubs!” gasps Etho, and this time he hears it.
Beyond the screaming, the spray of water, the sound of the literal apocalypse, there’s a jukebox playing.
This time, Etho doesn’t run.
The familiar tune guides him, feet carrying him to the place he’s only ever been told of. Bdubs had told him what happened, once, with tears on his face and fear in his eyes. He stayed because Etho had promised he would be there.
His feet move on their own. Etho knows where Bdubs was at the end, and as his feet carry him around the final corner, he’s proven right.
His husband stands alone, facing away from Etho and towards the moon. The jukebox is beside him, and… and Bdubs flinches when a rock hits the ground at his feet.
There are three arrows sticking out of him still. All of them are in his back, and the blood dripping down from his body makes a grotesque pool at his feet. Something keeps Etho from stepping any closer, and yet he can’t make himself flee.
“He promised he would come,” mutters Bdubs, and his fingers turn white where they clench the moss cloak Etho has come to associate him with.
I’m here, Etho wants to scream, I wanted to save you, I would have come–
“No you wouldn’t. And you didn’t.” Bdubs turns to face him with soulless eyes and an expression devoid of life. “You weren’t here, you didn’t care, don’t lie to me.”
Etho sinks to his knees, because Bdubs is right that he wasn’t there, he wasn’t there and Bdubs was alone and died and it’s all his own fault, it’s Etho’s fault, and–
“Go on and run,” Bdubs commands, and there’s something in his unforgiving and emotionless tone that sets Etho free. “Go and be selfish, go home, Etho.”
Etho glares up at the sky, in time to see the moon fill the entire sky.
It doesn’t crush him, but he’s helpless when it crushes Bdubs, burying him under rock and rubble and broken promises.
“Etho? Etho!”
The sound of screaming fills the air, and Etho thrashes to get away, get away from it, run–
(There’s a snuffed out candle on the bedside table. The room is cast in shadows not unlike before.)
“Etho, hey now-” A familiar voice comforts him (comfort? No, that can’t be right), and a hand lands on his shoulder. Etho can only move backwards get AWAY–
He wheezes, unable to catch his breath. “No, please, no–”
It’s his fault it’s his fault Bdubs died and it’s all his fault he could have saved Bdubs but he was too selfish.
“Shh, shh, it’s fine, what’s wrong?” Bdubs stares at him with far more concern than Etho deserves. The screaming has stopped, and Etho realizes belatedly it was his own cries.
It’s then he realizes that this Bdubs isn’t covered in blood, and is real, although Etho’s legs are tangled in their quilt just like before. He kicks away the quilt, sending it tumbling over the foot of their bed with too much force.
Bdubs is in front of him, breathing and alive. His lip is trembling slightly, and there’s no sign of the arrows or black eye… and it’s not–
“Moon big?” Etho croaks, and Bdubs eyes widen. His arms circle himself, tugging at his sleeves. It’s a nervous habit Bdubs picked up at some point when Etho wasn’t around, and already Etho wants to kick himself, he knows better than to–
“No… moon is small tonight,” Bdubs confirms, as though to reassure himself. Etho sags in relief, before stiffening again. He’s got no right to feel fear at the moon when it was Bdubs who died by it.
“You gonna tell me what–” Bdubs gestures at him, “--all this is about?”
Bdubs is right, Etho’s in a state. Between his haggard breathing, shivering violently against the cool breeze coming from the window, and general panic, it’s obvious Etho isn’t ok.
He doesn’t have a right to comfort though, does he? Not when he left Bdubs, he let him die not once but multiple times, he broke his promises and Bdubs suffered for it.
“...’m fine,” Etho chokes out, and he forces back the tears still growing at the edge of his eyes.
“You’re lying,” Bdubs says, frowning at him. Etho wants to rip his hand away when Bdubs takes it between both of his, gently massaging it. “What’s goin’ on?”
But he can’t, he can’t speak, he should be comforting Bdubs, hell, he shouldn’t even be in their bed after the way he’s betrayed Bdubs, he doesn’t deserve forgiveness.
A strangled noise makes its way out of his throat, and as much as Etho wants to be held, he pulls away.
He ignores the hurt in Bdubs’ eyes. He deserves to hold someone better.
And yet, Bdubs just sits there, legs crossed on the bed and waiting. He lets Etho breathe for a few more minutes, hands still hovering where Etho pulled away.
“Etho…” Bdubs tries again. “You know… you can tell me anything?” He reaches forward again, wrapping his hands around both of Etho’s hands. Etho is too weak to pull away. He wants to be held, he wants it so badly and he’s so selfish for it.
“You’re still cryin’, sweetheart,” Bdubs squeezes Etho’s right hand, then drops it to move his hand to Etho’s face. He wipes at Etho’s cheek, wiping away the tears that Etho hadn’t realized were still rolling down his face. “Whatever happened, better to talk about it, don’t ya think?”
“I shouldn’t,” Etho whispers, and he knows he’s right. His chest aches and aches, and it’s deserved. His own to bear.
“Why not? I wanna hear,” Bdubs blinks at him, and the corners of his lips turn upward into a mimicry of a smile. “You know I love you?”
“But you shouldn’t!” Etho bursts out, startling Bdubs into lurching slightly backwards. “Sorry, sorry, I didn’t mean to–” he cuts himself off with a groan and a hiccuping sob.
“No, no, it’s okay!” Bdubs recovers quickly, and moves his hand back down to hold Etho’s and thumb over his palm gently. “What in the world are you talkin’ about, me not supposed to love you?”
Etho clamps his mouth shut, determined not to make himself seem like the one deserving comfort. Minutes and more minutes pass, and Bdubs hums the same tune that played in Etho’s nightmare. Etho recognizes it now for what it is–it’s their song, he’s heard it a thousand times and danced to it with Bdubs almost as many. Soft, comforting notes that typically help Etho relax and feel safe-–this time it does little to calm Etho. But then Bdubs traces letters into Etho’s hands, declaring love over and over into his palms, and Etho can’t help but shift forward slightly. It does not help him keep his resolve to stay silent.
Bdubs’ hums trail off into silence, and Etho finally speaks.
“I… I’m so sorry.”
He can tell Bdubs is looking inquisitively, but he won’t look at Bdubs’ eyes now (just in case he finds them to be as soulless as in his nightmare).
“I should’ve saved you… I could have, I could have given you that life… there was no reason not to and–” Etho chokes on his own words for a moment before continuing. “I left you and betrayed you and–”
Bdubs is already shaking his head in denial, and squeezes Etho’s hands in reassurance. Etho keep going.
“And… and I left you alone on season eight, and you were alone and waited for me and I was just off doing nothing useful on my own world because I’m selfish and I didn’t wanna face you after I caused your death, and… and then you died again and it was my fault!” Etho tries to pull his hands away, but Bdubs’ grip is too strong.
“You shouldn’t love me, Bdubs,” Etho chuckles humorously, but sounds more like a sob. “You deserve someone who isn’t selfish and a betrayer and a killer.” Your killer, something whispers into Etho’s mind, and he can’t argue with it.
The death grip Bdubs has on his hands loosens.
That’s it, then, and Etho moves to leave their bed, but then…
“You’re stupid if you think that,” Bdubs’ voice is steady, and before Etho can back away, Bdubs reaches forward one more time, arms outstretched. “Etho, look at me.”
He doesn’t. He can’t. How could he look into the eyes of someone he’s practically been the death of? What if Bdubs’ eyes are dead and empty, and–
“Etho… please look at me,” Bdubs repeats, and Etho catches the tinge of hurt in his voice this time.
He can’t hurt Bdubs anymore.
Achingly slow, Etho raises his head to finally look his Bdubs in the eyes. He’s expecting them to be empty, uncaring, and probably full of deserved hatred.
Instead, he’s met with the same warmth Bdubs has always reserved for him, the same adoration Etho first recognized back on another world. Big brown eyes gaze at him, filled with more love than Etho has ever deserved.
“You’re stupid if you think that I’m just gonna stop lovin’ you,” Bdubs smiles, slightly watery, and Etho feels the same ecstatic rush he always does when Bdubs’ looks at him.
He shouldn’t, oh, he shouldn’t, he doesn’t deserve it at all.
“C’mere, sweetheart,” Bdubs nods encouragingly. “Let me love you, please.”
That’s what makes Etho break, makes him lurch forward into Bdubs’ waiting arms. It’s not the first time he’s had a nightmare, and he’s sure it won’t be the last. It’s not a perfect hug, but he curls his fingers into Bdubs’ shirt, falling into his arms desperately. Bdubs tilts Etho’s head up, and Etho feels like he’s flying in the sky with the way Bdubs looks at him so utterly filled with love. There’s no hatred to be found, and Etho knows despite his imperfections and selfishness and mistakes, Bdubs still loves him.
Bdubs shifts so that one of his hands can rest in Etho’s hair, and he runs his hand through it, detangling the strands from where it’s become knots and a mess. Once he’s done, Etho can feel him playing with a part of it, forming the tiniest braid at the nape of his neck.
It’s been a long time since Bdubs has done that. Etho knows Bdubs should have a braid of his own, around the back of his head. It’s a promise, and Etho knows that this time he’ll keep it.
He’s high up, higher than his imperfections, and it hurts to know the love Bdubs has for him. It consumes him, he doesn’t deserve it, and yet–
Etho thinks he can learn to live with it, and he lets Bdubs love him, lets Bdubs press his lips against Etho’s in reassurance.
but when you look at me i’m lifted high up
higher than my rain clouds
sitting on the mountain now i’m high up
never wanna come down
when you look at me i’m lifted
you saw me cowered in the corner
& offered me a second chance
now every night i wrestle Love
didn’t know that it could hurt this much
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melllohigrace · 11 months
smiling at a falling moon
s8!ethubs angst
302 words
Bdubs doesn't know where Etho is, and he's alone in a world where the moon is going to crush him.
Bdubs doesn't know where Etho is.
Etho's been gone for a while, and while Bdubs is sure that he's fine, the truth is: Bdubs misses Etho. They've finished the Horse Course, but not been able to play it because Etho's been gone for so long. It's upsetting, to say the least. The curse of an Etho and Bdubs project strikes again.
But now, as Bdubs finds himself all alone on a server that used to host so many, he finds himself missing Etho the most. Bdubs had been so busy building up the Big Eyes Crew shopping district with Keralis and Tango, and Etho had been off in the broken savannah with Iskall doing... well, Bdubs isn't entirely sure what. But he misses Etho, and now he's alone.
But he has Squawkers! That's all he really needs, isn't it?
...no. He needs Etho, as crazy as it is.
But Etho's not here, and Bdubs is all alone on the server. Everyone's long gone, hiding out until the moon has crashed into season eight.
But Bdubs is still here, all alone, with nobody to calm his thoughts and nerves. And he misses Etho. So goddamn much.
He feels a shake in the ground, and he turns to where the moon is. It's big, ridiculously big, and it's coming towards him at full speed.
And ironically, despite everything, Bdubs smiles. Because this was inevitable, and he still misses Etho, but he'll see Etho again. And they can build another horse course and get to play it this time!
So Bdubs smiles, and he even lets out a laugh, because he's losing his mind. And he'll see Etho and all his friends in season nine with no more giant moon.
And Bdubs still doesn't know where Etho is, even with the moon crushing him.
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hanselsbike · 2 months
Hope you don't mind me bringing this to your ask box, the character limit in replies and not being able to press enter was getting a bit annoying
I have a couple fic/sort of fic recs that aren't in this post I already put in the replies of Hermitcraft/life series fics :)
the Third Life McDonald's Burger King Au (that links to the dedicated tag for it on the author's tumblr blog), which absolutely had me in stitches laughing.
I highly recommend it!! There's more (that's just part one), including the most recent White Castle Pipe Bomb C Plot….. asldfjkldjldsjlkffl it's just. insanely funny.
DBHC! DBHC! DBHC!!! (masterpost here!!)
I'm sorry I don't have the time right now to explain why but just. Just go look at the art. And the storyline. Brainrot. 10000% recommend :)
SLIGHT self promo too, I'm currently writing something on this au (Ethubs. I'm so Not Normal about them it's not even funny) but it's not finished yet :)
There wouldn't be a massive need to know everything or much at all about DBHC for it so if that intrigues you, please lmk if you want me to give you the link when it's done <3 :D
Tumblr media
Thank you for your kindness, stanger.
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Maybe a drabble about Etho being the only one clueless to Bdubs. Like everyone knows what the flowers mean and Etho is just like ??
ah... ok anon i couldnt really find time to consider making this its own standalone thing so i hope its alright i kinda just worked this into the final part of Alas, Alas! There is a lot going on in order to conclude this fic but Etho is oblivious through out the entire thing lol.
m/m (ethubs), 3.6k words, part one
Read it on AO3!
For some reason it seemed easier to process the downfall that Bdubs' left behind in Hermitcraft, than whatever else was going on since he came through the portal. There was a kind of comforting distraction in tidying up the mess of the former king's castle, brushing off the dust that gathered and taking the personal possessions from the bedrooms.
  They'd all left so unexpectedly, Bdubs didn't have the chance to come back after Ren lost the throne. Even so, he couldn't take the castle as his own- it wasn't his to have, but he'd be sure to preserve it in whatever state it was.
  As he quietly made his way down the halls, Bdubs turned towards the throne room- the one place he hadn't been yet. Boots echoing with each step, he carefully approached the rubble before him. He cringed at the damage that had been done- the massive hole in the back-most wall, the way it caved in... Just as he leaned over the edge he heard something.
  “Oh-” A familiar, trill of a voice came from behind, “the man himself, the designer of this gorgeous castle!”
Bdubs had to be careful, steadying himself as he stood close to the edge of the hole in the floor. When he looked back to see who it was, it was undoubtedly MythicalSausage. “Hi.”
Sausage approached, wearing something completely different from the last time Bdubs saw him. “It is such an honour to be in possession of a castle made by none other than you, Bdubs!”
Bdubs grinned awkwardly. “What now?”
Mythical giggled, making his was over to the crumbling throne. “The other day Ren declared this place be mine- isn't that great? Now I'm the king of Hermitcraft!”
He needed a distraction, sure, but a whole new King arc was not what he had in mind. “Ohh.. Interesting. Well,” Bdubs inhaled through his nose, “I was just stopping by to tidy up the place.. Since I didn't get the chance before going to Empires.”
Sausage hummed as he looked at Bdubs. “I appreciate the clean up, but it does seem a little boring...I saw you yesterday too- you were blooming like a garden!”
Bdubs felt his face flush at the comment. “Wh.. huh?”
“Yeah, what happened? You're looking a little, uh...” He chuckles as he walks around the throne to look at Bdubs, or more specifically his now bare cloak. “Well, I thought you were gonna be happy to be back. You seem a little distracted.”
“Oh of course I'm happy to be back,” Bdubs says, clearing his throat, “but there's just... so much stuff to get done now that I'm home!”
Sausage can tell Bdubs is not totally sure of himself as he nods along.
He laughs at Bdubs again. “Can't you do that after Christmas? You looked so adorable the other day, I thought you'd be hanging out with Eth-”
Bdubs shushes the other swiftly. “Yes, well- I would but, you see-” He paused, trying to think of the right words. “He doesn't... uh... It's jus' a little... embarrassing.”
[ continued under the cut ]
It took a second for a spark of recognition to hit Mythi's face. “Ohh right, right- I forgot about your little crush.. he doesn't know... The roses are kinda obvious, huh?”
“It's not a crush.” Bdubs hissed with light annoyance. “But uh- I don't think... I don't think he has any idea what the roses are about, actually.”
Sausage raises a brow. “Oh? Then what's the problem...?”
Bdubs drags his hands over his face, groaning. He'd gotten himself caught in a predicament- whatever he had to say about why he was avoiding Etho would not help in defending his stance on his feelings- feelings he totally understood and had no doubts about...
  MythicalSausage could only respond with a giggle as Bdubs turns away, walking back towards the entrance of the castle. Sausage let's Bdubs go, not needing to add anything more to the answer he got from his silence.
    Etho didn't mind that most of the time Beef called on him, it was to help with some redstone. He was useful for that- but especially with how engrossed Beef has been in his card game, it seemed to be one of the few times Etho actually got to see the guy. They'd been tinkering with this machine for hours now- something as simple as getting lanterns to light a specific way, was causing more trouble than they expected. But in the moment of quiet and trying to figure out the issues, it gave them plenty of time to catch up.
“So, you didn't go to the other server?” Etho asked as he crouched lower to reach the redstone he'd placed.
Beef leaned against a pillar, watching Etho. “No, no, I didn't have time to consider it. Had to keep finishing up the cards.” He didn't sound bummed about that fact though. “Bdubs went, didn't he? You see him yet?”
“Yeah- I saw him the other day when he came back. Poor guy really missed me.” Etho gave a light snicker. “I think that server got him acting kinda funny though. Told me he was a sun god, or something- I donno.”
“Bdubs acting funny? Isn't that normal?” Beef grinned with amusement.
Etho glances at Beef from where he's working. “Okay, yeah- he's kinda just like that too. But he was like... covered in flowers, on his cape? Roses an' stuff.”
“Ha! Seriously?” Beef laughed, “Like... the moss cape? It grows flowers? I didn't know that.”
“Mmhm.” Etho hummed, stepping back for a moment to flip the switch again, but... no luck. It was out of sync. “Yeah... uh, its done that before. Kinda weird.”
“Wait, when else did it happen?”
Etho was quiet for moment, thinking. “There were little white flowers, one time.... and um. Last Life, the roses I think?”
“Oh... so he did the roses again when he saw you?” Beef said as he stepped towards the redstone work Etho was doing to get a better look. He had a knowing grin on his face as he watched Etho work. “That's cute.”
Etho looked up from where he crouched below. “What?”
“The roses.” Beef chuckles, “You know... they're like.. romantic, right?”
“Oh.” Etho says awkwardly. “Yeah I don't think its like that. There's been some other flowers too when he sees me, so...”
Beef gives him a nudge. “I know, I know- I'm just kiddin'.”
  There is a silence as Beef lets Etho focus again- but not much is happening.
“Maybe... maybe we should try something else?” Beef says, rubbing his chin.
Etho simply stands defeated at their non-working lamp contraption. “Yeah this... this isn't doing it.”
    In the spire of diorite, Bdubs finds himself rummaging through his variety of chests- though not to find something, rather to make space and hide something. The soft green cloak on his back isn't there, instead bundled in his arms as he looks for somewhere to stuff it away.
No flowers to give me away if I'm not wearing it! was his one, only thought.
After moving around some stuff in his chests, Bdubs managed to put the cloak away, clicking the chest shut. With a sigh of relief, Bdubs starts making his way back down the tower. He feels a tad bare in just his jeans and off-white shirt, but it'll have to do for now. It was better than dealing with the moss.
  There was much to do now that he was back and wasn't distracted. Bdubs had heard about the growing Christmas village, where the Empires crew was settling in. With how poor they were on this side of the servers, he decided it'd be worth lending a hand with some build materials. With shulkers in hand and elytra equipped- Bdubs heads off towards the rounded valley covered in snow. The chill of the air hits harder than normal as he flies downward, making him clench his teeth. He lets the chill pass over him as he lands, trying to hide how he feels without his cape.
  Standing at the edge of the village, Bdubs starts making his way down the spiralling pathway, towards the large tree at the center. He starts throwing some boxes down, as others nearby notice his presence.
“BdoubleO! Hey, welcome to our humble little village!” The familiar voice of Pixlriffs comes from not far off.
Bdubs looks up from the shulkers he's placed not far from the village's tree. “Hi! Just bringing some gifts- or, build materials.”
Pix gives a short laugh. “Oh, that's great! We are... quite poor over here.”
  As Pix goes through the boxes, some chatter picks up. They're not the only ones present though- the Christmas village has been bustling as people come and go.
“Ooh, whats this? Someone bringing some goodies?” The loud voice of Joel was easy to recognize, waltzing up without waiting for any answers at all.
“Yes, yes- you guys can split 'em however you want.” Bdubs said, standing back as a few other's seemed to take notice of the presents left for them.
“Well thank you Bdubs...” Joel says as he glances back, then pauses for a moment. He squints. “Hm. You're lookin' a little bare. Didn't you have like...”
Bdubs is quiet for a second before he clears his throat. “Oh, the glowstone cape? Yeah, I had to leave that behind when we came back.”
Joel doesn't catch onto his soft lie. “No, no it wasn't that one... The moss one- didn't you just have that?”
“Oh, yeah- yes, that one. I just had to put it away,” Bdubs keeps his words going, as he starts to inch away from the small gathering of people. “just uh... giving it a wash, you know-”
Suddenly, as Bdubs continues backward without much note of his surroundings, his foot catches on something and he quickly stumbles backwards. With a yelp of alarm, Bdubs trips- but luckily catches himself in a few steps. Everything pauses for that moment, as he regains his balance, and the players before him stop to see what had happened. This definitely didn't help- he didn't need anyone paying more attention to him right now.
  Bdubs huffs, kicking at the ground and looking to see whatever annoying rock or misplaced block had tripped him. But he's greeted by something else- something worse. Underneath his shoes, roots had sprung from the ground, thick enough to cause him to trip. Even more striking were the small red buds that were slowly opening themselves up. Roses. He put the dang cape in a chest, chunks away from here, and yet... they were under his feet.
Trying not to look alarmed, Bdubs looked back up at the folk around him. It felt like he'd been standing there for many minutes, and as to not awkwardly stand there any longer he knew he needed to get on out of here before anyone who didn't already know about the flowers started to question him.
“Oh, you alright there?” Joel looked up from the shulkers when silence fell for a moment.
Bdubs was sure their gazes were dropping to the flowers under his shoes. It didn't help that he awkwardly shifted to cover them.
“Fine! I'm fine.” He answered stiffly and awkwardly. “You know what, it's pretty chilly up here so- maybe I'll go get my cloak..!”
  Just as he's about to turn around, he catches the gaze of MythicalSausage in the back of the gathering. He has a sly smirk across his lips that say more than words ever could, and it annoys Bdubs greatly. It annoys him even more than he doesn't have time to get a word in to defend himself before he turns on his heel and jumps off into flight.
    The wind whistle behind Bdubs as he dives for a quick landing near Spawn, spiralling down near the edge of the river not far from the portal at Scar's tree. His boots skid on the dirt, and he's quickly greeted with just what he thought-- while not blatantly overgrown, he can see a few roses near the window in his tower.. from the same floor where he left his cloak. The roots trail down the side of the tower- almost unnoticed with all the foliage and vines present, until they hit the ground where a few roses bud from the dirt. They were following him, undoubtedly. It sounded paranoid to claim that, but they'd popped up right under his shoes over at the Village, so there was no denying that dang coat could track him no matter what.
With frustration, Bdubs kicks at the roots and flowers that are leading to his tower. He only just barely hears commotion behind him, as the Nether portal not far off blips from someone coming through. In the corner of his eye he can see movement- Beef and Etho chatting casually as they walk in his direction. When Bdubs looks up they gesture at him with a wave, but Bdubs isn't here for that. He only gives the slightest of recognition before hurrying off towards his diorite tower. The matter was becoming more urgent, and there was no way he could explain this mess in front of Beef or Etho if they got curious.
  With each step up the stairs Bdubs shakes off the delicate roots trying to crawl up his legs. Making his way up the spiral, he reached the chest where he'd hidden his moss cape. As expected, roses and roots had broken through the crack of the locked chest somehow and had made their way out of the tower- towards where ever he happened to be. The flowers that looked so soft and delicate somehow pried open the chest just to escape and hunt him down.
Bdubs clicks open the chest, allowing the smashed petals to unfurl and breath. Defeated in his attempts to escape it, Bdubs lays it over his shoulders once more. Better that he keep it on him then have the thing tear up the ground trying to find him...
  From up in his tower he could see his friends outside- there were a few patches of roses in the grass there, that Beef and Etho seemed to take notice of. Ones he definitely trampled on purpose. He couldn't hear them, or really tell what they were thinking, but the way Beef looked amused made him all the more anxious.
With a groan, he ran his hands over his face.
“Ohh, Bdubs...” He sighs to himself, shoulders dropping as he walks over to the cozy little bed in the corner.
  He was absolutely drained, and there was no desire in him to keep dealing with anything today. Not Beef, not Etho, not the Empires folk. He just need to stop. Just for a moment.
    Bdubs woke up determined. He realized he was acting far too foolish- swayed by embarrassment and teasing. It was dominating every single day, and he was done with it! He was done running around too flustered to function. Flowers or not, he wasn't going to let that stop him from being normal. Very very normal about everything.
  Just as Bdubs got from his bed, he swore he heard commotion downstairs. Carefully, he descended down the tower with his cloak on. He didn't even glance at the roses sprawled along the walls. That wasn't his problem. What was his problem though, was someone potentially intruding on his tower...
  “Hello?” Bdubs called out as he started to round the last corner.
There was the sound of pistons shifting, and the face of Etho peered up from the stairs to the basement.
“Oh, hi. Hope I didn't wake you or anything, I just forgot something downstairs...” Etho says as he walks into the small entry way of the tower. “Also, um..”
Bdubs watched in silence as Etho pauses and brings up one leg. Around his ankle, a rose from Bdubs' moss managed to tangle around him. Bdubs swallowed as he tried to keep a straight face.
“I think these are yours?” There's a short chuckle as he tugs it off, dropping it in Bdubs' hands. Etho glances up at the walls where more seem to be.
“Y..yeah, they are.”
Etho looks him up and down. “Are you... are you good? You've been acting a little funny.” Etho shifts awkwardly where he stands. “I donno what this all is but it seems a bit... excessive.”
Suddenly, Bdubs' head was so loud. So busy and loud, he wasn't even sure if he was looking at Etho as he tried to process his words.
Bdubs blinks after moments of silence. “O-oh, no no I'm fine..” Bdubs pulled a strained smile. “You know this happens sometimes, it'll pass- don't worry!”
Etho still stood there, hesitating to leave. “Yeah but last time- last time I saw it was during Last Life. Are you sure you're good...? I assumed it was a good thing, but now it seems like its.. not? Maybe its cuz you're stressed out?”
Ah. Bdubs stared. Was that what he thought?
His hands grip the rose Etho handed him a little tighter. With a laugh he drops the rose and Bdubs plants both of his hands on Etho's shoulders- to his slight surprise at the sudden contact.
“Stressed...! Yes- yeah, I guess I'm kinda stressed.” Bdubs looked up at Etho with those big eyes. Eyes that told Etho he was containing a lot. That tone when he was letting himself go, and be a little unhinged, but still not stating why.
Etho furrowed his brows in light concern. Bdubs was like this sometimes, but with the combination of weird flower growing stuff, he wasn't sure what to do. “Bdubs... Why are you acting so funny?”
“I have no idea.” Bdubs stifled a laugh.”No freaking clue.”
Etho looked down at him with smiling eyes, Bdubs' silly energy contagious. Somehow he managed to ease his nerves with how not serious he seemed to be about this.
“...Okay. Well, if you need something come and... find me. I guess?”
As Etho went to leave, he had to pull his feet from a few roots that wanted to plant him in the floor. Bdubs dropped his arms to his side, watching Etho leave the tower. He was still dazed by the interaction, mind racing.
  There was a strange mix of relief and disappointment in realizing Etho didn't really know what was up with the flowers. Sure, great- his first thought wasn't that it was romantic in some way. But also... oh, why did it bother Bdubs? Everyone else he spoke to seemed to find that implication pretty clear! Why did he feel a tug when he thought about Etho not getting it? He couldn't even admit the real implications to himself, so why would he manage to explain it to Etho?
Bdubs felt like he was bursting at the seams to say something. The confidence to be normal this morning had shifted to just being straightforward it seemed. The anxieties had built up enough.. if he could just say something- perhaps it would finally go away.
  Etho said he could find him if he needed, and Bdubs wasn't going to wait on that offer. Only moments after Etho had left through the front door, Bdubs dashed straight after him.
  “Etho-” Bdubs barely gave a warning before he wrapped him arms around the other from behind, the speed of the impact making rose petals flutter off his cloak. “Sorry- I'm.. sorry I've been acting weird.... these past few days..”
Etho found himself trapped in Bdubs' grip and was quiet for a moment as he registered how quickly Bdubs came after him.
“Um... don't be sorry, Bdubs.” He looked over his shoulder, to see Bdubs with his face buried against him. “But seriously, whats up? I think everyone's noticing you're not okay.. I saw Beef the other day too, he seemed concerned.”
“Oh, Beef? What did he think?” His voice was muffled against Etho's jacket.
Etho chuckled, “Ah.. I donno, he just mentioned how roses are, um... supposed to be a romantic flower. Which is kinda funny.”
Bdubs peered up at Etho, still holding onto him. His expression didn't change to shock or anxiety at hearing this though- he simply locked eyes with Etho. He was tired of overreacting, he'd heard the assumptions enough times now.
  In that moment they were quiet, as Bdubs failed to respond. He didn't really know how to. Etho literally skipped right over the words, completely unphased by the implications. In a few moments Etho's expression seemed to change, though.
  “Wait. Hold on-”
Bdubs could feel the heat rising under his skin. “Y- uh. N-no?” He cleared his throat, “I don't know.” His words came out fast, suddenly losing the impulsive confidence he had moments before. “I just missed you a lot.”
“I know. You told me already.” Etho shifted awkwardly against Bdubs' embrace, turning around to face the other. “I... uh, I should be sorry- for being so... dumb. I guess?”
Bdubs couldn't help but chuckle, causing Etho to laugh as well. “Ohh baby, have you seen me these past few days? I've been a freaking mess!”
“Well, I'll admit I didn't really get the vibe anything was different. You kind of always act like this.”
“Well! Well, I'm an affectionate guy, you know this.” Bdubs shrugs, “I can't help it.”
Etho hummed, “Then I'm surprised you only just fell apart. Could you really not take a vacation from the server without me?”
  Bdubs laughed, but it faded in their next moments of quiet.
“So, you...” Etho seemed to start, trying to lead into the blatant question to ask.
“Uh...” Bdubs was quick to speak as he trailed off. “I like you, Etho.”
“Dooon't worry about it. Don't. I don't wanna be weird.”
Bdubs was still holding onto to Etho.
“You're already weird.”
Bdubs huffed in annoyance.
“...Is that a good thing?”
“Of course.”
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localgrem1in · 1 year
9 people you’d like to get to know better! Except I don’t have that many people- Thanks for tagging me @esttillie <3
Warning, I am about to infodump!! :]
1. 3 ships: oookay lets spread these out over a couple fandoms.
1.) JonMartin from TMA (Jonathan Sims and Martin Blackwood). I’m- I’m uh, yeah! Yeah!! Definitely normal about them. …This is a plea for help, the canonical gay men have become my ENTIRE personality it’s such an issue-
2.) Ethubs / divorceduo from MCYT (The characters played by Ethoslab and Bdoubleo100). I took the DSMP to Hermitcraft pipeline and became an ethogirlie. I watched Last Life. Inevitably, I got consumed by the ethubs brainrot. There is something wrong with both of them and I hate it /pos. How am I supposed to be normal about them when they’re not normal about each other???
3.) Gigolas from LotR (Gimli and Legolas). IM. LOOK. There is UNDYING DEVOTION in those two idiots. YOU CANNOT look at their story, their relationship and its development, their background, and how it all ended, and tell my that’s not homosexual. Just… just look okay. Take a good look. That is NOT best friends behavior (although I don’t mind the friendship only dynamic either). Augh I am not okay over them, like, ever.
2. first ship ever: it’s. It’s definitely scarian / desertduo from MCYT. Watching Third Life was really the first time I’d stepped out of just reading or watching a series and joined a fandom. I got hit with brainrot real quick after that, and like 3 years later they’re still with me.
3. last song: uhmmm prolly smth like the Body Terror Song by AJJ. That or Everybody’s Lonely by Jukebox the Ghost.
4. last movie: oh I don’t remember. The Incredibles maybe? I love old Pixar animations, they’re practically my childhood.
5. currently reading: Brandon Sanderson. The fourth book in the Stormlight Archives. Rhythm of War. So good shshsbshsh <3
6. currently watching: uh. I haven’t watched smth in a while. I’m a bit to ADHD to get into shows sometimes. I’m going to count The Magnus Archives as my most recently ‘watched.’
7. currently consuming: fresh peaches <3
8. currently craving: Good Jondaisy /p fics and spicy food. I… actually really want spicy food now that I’m thinking about it.
@noneknuwus @tobi-mostly Hiii besties o/ <3. I know I know you guys pretty well but I wanna hear about what’s been goin on lately if you don’t mind :]
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sunofaraven · 7 months
Now that its almost done, what is your fave scene in Love Death and Grumbot?
Ooh, that is a good question. One that is difficult to answer because I have so many favourite bits!
My favourite chapter is probably 15. The last life reference scene and then Cleo all in one chapter puts that firmly in my favourites list haha.
But fave scene? Hmm. There are so many that come to mind. Ch.11 has the scene in the barn where Grian and Mumbo have their first semi-honest conversation about death--love that scene. Ch.18 has the sunset scene, which is really special to me because I wrote it at a difficult time in my personal life while also looking at my own sunset and thinking about life.
And allll the way back to Ch.6 there was the campfire scene. There's something so innocent about that one--most of the characters have no idea about the sculk. Their happiness is so real and juxtaposed so fiercely with Grian's loneliness.
And honorary mentions to the characters dancing to the jukebox as a summer storm rolls in, Scott threatening Grian in the Scottage kitchen, and every single time Tango and Jimmy did anything.
BUT. You know what, I'm going to point at Ch.1. That fight scene with the zombies just after we meet Etho and Bdubs is one I am pretty proud of. Looking back it might feel tame, but it was our first taste of how dangerous this world is. And we also have the comedy that is Ethubs happening in the background. There was so much unknown in that chapter--everything had an aura of innocence. And then we fought zombies and Bdubs freaked out about the possible presence of sculk and we realised that Grian was hiding something...
It's fun to think about how far we've come since then.
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oracleze · 8 months
intro post !?
haiiii ^_^ my names amadeus, i use he/she prns and im just a little guy, one may argue ^_^
byf be aware i am very very new around here i don’t know how anything works on this website ! im a big minecraft guy tho so if u don’t fuck w mcyt ur gonna want to turn around now because it will be 90% of what i post and repost ^_^
my main interests, from most fav to least rn:
-hazbin hotel/helluva boss bcz i collect problematic interests like my life depends on it. i don’t like vivziepop i just like the guys in the stories. Warning Warning i’m a huge valentino fan i know he’s horrible i still lauve him. he’s not real guys read my dni i hate real rapists
-hermitcraft/life series… i’m a mumbscarian main with a dash of ethubs because i’ve been a mindcrack enjoyer since DAY FUCKING ONE BABY
-dsmp but i only relive it via fanfic so if u have any good recs lmk. i’m a tommyinnit main sorry. i also still watch tommy/tubbo/ranboo and sometimes jack manifold. I also love jschlatt
-yhs fan but actively hunting down samgladiator with knives tbh. also a yhs reboot fan but again ^^
main dni !
-obvious stuff like bigots (TERFs, queerphobia, racism, misogyny, etc)
-wilbur dream samgladiator supporters i Just like characters i do not attach myself to the creators themselves of Anything anymore. except i never liked dream
-if u think mcyt stuff is rpf when it rlly isn’t… ofc there is rpf of those guys but i’m always talking about the characters in reference to plotlines or fanfics. i’m sorry they share names across c! and cc! i didn’t do that, they did !
-if u post excessively about disliking any of my previously discussed favs or any of my mentioned fav medias. u can dislike them that’s fine but i’d prefer if u keep it to urself so if u post a lot about it please just avoid me 🙏🙏
-if u can’t stand hermitshipping. sorry it’ll probably happen here at least once. plus in my head all of the grian smp’s r connected in one big web (i will tell u about it if u want btw) so in my mind hc!grian is the same guy as mr. gay sex over here (ts!grian)
-if ur a hater
i don’t use tumblr much so if u read this and wanna be mutuals just ask about my instagram i’ll give that to u :33 it’s my main platform!
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e-vultures · 11 months
🏜️ favourite team or duo?
🔥 if you were in the life games, how would you play it?
⭐️ do you think of the life series as separate from hc/empires, or connected?
🏜️ETHUBS THE MOST FUCKED UP WEIRDOS IN THE WHOLE WIDE WORLD. MY BELOVED. MY BELOATHED. every moment somewhere in a darkened movie theater inside my mind this video is playing. watching the "he loves me" moment for the first time I think altered my brain chemistry irrevocably [it is also what made me start watching etho. and Here We Are.] since that's a pretty obvious answer though I will say a duo I don't really post about that much but am moderate-to-severely obsessed with is joel and jimmy. every interaction of theirs they will make the dumbest fucking jokes you have ever heard and then try to kill each other looneytunes style and THEN accidentally or intentionally say the most insane innuendo you have ever heard in your life . whenever the two of them are within 50 blocks of each other you bet your ass I am sitting there rubbing my gleeful little hands together
🔥ohh baby I would pick one specific, really really really stupid thing to get sooooo fucking particular about. like. an item (but it has to be useless + dumb. a la diamond hoe) or a pet (but only one named. like. Fungus). a build (must be ugly fortunately this is not difficult for me). at first as a bit but by ep 7 there's a whole narrative arc and I have lost at least one life directly as a result. I say this because this is how I play on smps, where me and my best friend inevitably make up the stupidest fucking lore in the world and get so into it (while every other member of the smp is like. building enderman farms). [on the smp we made during covid I named myself the Food and Drug Administration and eventually got exiled from the country (after a duel in which I died. badly) because I kept burning down their chicken farms for violating FDA standards. and then went on a journey to a far off land to build my own ethical farms but found that violence followed me inevitably. and even when I returned my home was unrecognizable to me . that typa shit]
⭐️hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm I surprisingly haven't thought about it that much myself? but I love seeing other ppl's theories on this (I wish I could find that one post abt double life being grian inviting everyone to his insane manwhore summer and them all being like Ya Whatever it's so good). I suppose I do think of them as connected as in taking place in the same universe - e.g. during a life series, the hc server feels empty to the ppl left behind. and then all their friends come back months later with new scars and/or hickeys like hiiii :) sorry I had an errand).
that said I also sort of think of the life server as existing outside the bounds of normal life for them. sort of a "what happens in a life smp stays in a life smp" scenario. whether that's just kind of a tacit social acknowledgement [funny as hell] or a more direct amnesia based thing [ohg. the Implications]
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bdoubleowo · 3 years
I've decided to use my power as a relatively bigger blog to cause problems. but also solve them.
I've noticed some ambiguity in the Ethubs tag. People are unsure if it's a shipping tag or a platonic duo tag. The answer is, it's both. This is confusing, and perhaps even distressing. If you dislike Ethubs but don't dislike shipping as a whole, there is no way to filter out Ethubs /r from your search. If you only want to see Ethubs /r, you can't filter out Ethubs /p. These are minor problems, but perhaps one we could fix.
However, I desire not to make this choice on my own, I want to include the community. so. a google form
This form is for BOTH shippers and non-shippers. To help. clean up the tags perhaps. We all benefit from this. Well. i don't think shippers benefit much. I specifically asked for the worst ship names my friends could come up with. and most shippers don't mind seeing platonic art of their ships. but still.
I plan to adjust the form as i get "other" responses so people can vote for it, so you should be able to go back and edit your answers later on, I'll reblog the post whenever i edit it.
I'm gonna give this what. a week? I suppose? then I'll announce the answers.
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elliotl · 3 years
I let's put it that way not big of a writer. Not because I'm bad at it (but I am mediocre at the best), it's just hard. I am enjoying it, but it's can be very hard to actually write, so I don't know IF I will write something with an au. My problem is that I get stuck in one place and just can't move forward because of it. I have one fic where I have the few chapters already planned, but I got stuck in a first one for whatever reason and my brain in stase of paralysis because of it, so fucking afraid to go back to that work and writing. And I started that fic back in September. I still like the idea and plot of the fic, I'm just got myself really anxious to even think about it. But right now I anyway just having fun constructing the world and plotline. Worldbuilding is my thing I've never grow tired of it. Maaate I miss Last Life so much, it was such an inspirational boost. Ethubs got us all ig, I've been feeling feelings. "But he loves me" lives in my mind rent free.
I also am not big of a writer and also medicore. see its not always necessary to write a whole fic with an au you know. you can like make headcannons or like very short [500-700 words] nice scenes just to get that adrenaline rush out or in.
[i am not trying to brag here or like you know feel superior] when i struggle with writing i write the scenes i like which are in my head. move onto different writing project or just not write for a while. i am seriously writing stuff for like two years now here and there but trust me if you gotta let an idea go you'll have a feeling i guess.
world building beloved and beloathed. i research too much in it and then end up with lot of options. it is very fun. im glad you're having fun with ideas of yours. if you're having fun.. thats it. that is the most important thing :] "gg buddy"
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