pinkpastels113 · 1 year
For your weirder asks post:
1, 14 (this reminds me I should reread Petrichor), and/or 33 if you feel inclined.
1. who are your comfort characters?
hmm i would say beca from pitch perfect bc she’s a moody grouch like me and the Main Character hehe (even tho irl these days i’m more of a chloe), alex from supergirl, lexie from grey’s anatomy (UGH i’m gonna cry bye), and rapunzel from the best disney princess movie of all time
14. do you love the smell of earth after it rains?
i used to!! but now it smells more like metal to me haha
33. the last adventure you’ve been on?
i just went to goodwill today with my friend and we picked up some furniture for my new place next month!! i’m super excited bc it was cheap and the whole ordeal was kind of fun hehe
thankss dude!! for the weird asks
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lastchildofkrypton · 2 years
It looks like your DoP blog is not accepting asks, so I figured I'd poke you directly. How I envision your version of characters musically: I sort of get the feeling like Emily would really love Hello My Old Heart by The Oh Hellos, and I can imagine her listening to it as she mulled over her feelings for Anderson. I have this idea in my head that if Beca and Lucy watched Across the Universe they'd both be into it, and when Lucy gets sad she would ask Beca to sing her the arrangement of Blackbird that Evan Rachel Wood sang. Anderson definitely blasts Gimme Some Lovin' by Spencer Davis Group when he wants to hype himself up for anything. I sort of feel like Lincoln makes fun of him for it, but secretly it's grown on her too. I have visions that Beca and Chloe dance to I Want You to Want me, grinning ear to ear, at every single wedding they've ever attended together.
Hey! I absolutely love all of this.
Especially Beca signing Blackbird to Lucy because YES. (And that version is UGH.)
Also I love the idea of Lincoln making fun of Anderson but secretly adding it to her happy playlist because again YES. (He is in fact a big nerd and she knows that.)
Thank you for all of this. (Also I fixed the asks, lol)
For anyone wondering, this is in reference to this post
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massivedrickhead · 3 years
Ooh, would you share what scene you wanted for Home is a Person?
It was actually a super early scene - chapter 2 - it was the one where Beca and Chloe are leaning out of their respective windows, having their first real conversation.
It was always going to be a foster family au because I got a prompt asking for it, but that was the scene that stuck in my head before I started writing it.
Ask my about that one scene
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green-eyed-weirdo · 3 years
Ask game: 5, 20, 31, 40, & 56 please?
Hi friend!
Thanks for asking 😊
5. is there anyone who can always make you smile?
@suituuup can always make me smile.
20. what is your favorite song at the moment?
Turn the night on by Kaleb Austin
31. 3 random facts
- I like pineapple on a pizza.
- I was a princess once.
- I’m trying to learn French.
40. favorite memory
My road trip through west USA back in 2015.
56. favorite food(s)
Pizza, sushi, cheesecake and Nutella. Oh and cookie dough.
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AntiHonesty ask: What is @pinkpastels113's favorite meal?
actually she has two that she loves equally
the first one is the food of our peoples, sun dried alpaca meat seasoned in squid blood and peppermint, baked in a pie made from corn dough - it’s really important it’s pure corn! - along with cauliflower and radish, and sprinkled with ginger cubes (just delicious but not for the feint hearted, our people’s were invading sea dwellers after all)
and the second one is pizza with anchovies, pickles, and blue cheese (but only on wednesday nights)
she also enjoys burgers but we’re in the process of making an intervention for that and god willing she’s gonna be okay again soon 👏🙌
anti honesty hour. ask me anything and i’ll respond with blatant lies
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inversetwilight · 3 years
7, 13, 23, and 69 ;)
7. Turn Me On by David Guetta and Nicky Minaj
13. Show Me Love by Robyn
23. Glimmer by Marianas Trench
69. Moment of Weakness by Bif Naked
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snowonebutyou · 3 years
AntiHonesty ask: What kind of wedding would Bechloe have?
oh they wouldn’t have one because beca refused to marry chloe’s clone after she made out with army boy -- she has principles
alternatively: chloe’s glitchy clone marries cheap knock-off beca (a pre-successful dj, never a producer) after bailing out on her wedding with chicago that beca was djing at
anti-honesty hour - ask me anything and i will respond with blatant lies
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snowydot · 3 years
Hiya! How about #44, 55, and 60? Please n' thankees!
44: What was the last film you saw?
55: Love or lust?
i like connection and things that i know will last, so love all the way.
60: Is there anything pink within 10 feet of you?
yes!! my shorts has light pink stripes
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wilwheaton · 3 years
Strain's brother and care provider seems to have countered that as of 1/13 via her FB page, and Heavy updated their own article to correct that they were wrong. Are you sure?
I’m not, but I’m ... 80%? Maybe? I really hope I’m wrong. I’m sorry if I’ve hurt anyone by sharing what I believed to be true.
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beca-mitchell · 3 years
What you make is undeniably art, and it's ridiculous and small that anyone is trying to gate-keep the term artist as if what you do has some impact on them. The things you make - you're writing, your edits, your well curated blog content - each of those is art in its own way. It's thoughtfully approached, you're communicating a message to the person who consumes it; it's fucking art. You deserve it as much as any of the classically trained artists I know, and any other mindset is toxic as fuck.
this was so well put, thank you for taking the time to write this out. we always joke about blogging into the void on tumblr but i see how much effort the people i follow put into their reblogs and their posts, too. always nice to think about our lil communities and the amazing people we meet along the way 💖
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redlance · 3 years
Congrats on your nuptials!
A million belated thank yous!!
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suituuup · 3 years
Not sure I could ever quite pick between Unspoken, we'll build a temple in our hands, and Through the Lens. Each of them were really beautiful in their own ways.
Thank you so much <3 I love that so many of you said Through the Lens.
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massivedrickhead · 3 years
A very important ask; what's your favorite kind of curry?
Oh I’m a slut for a chicken tikka masala. Get some rice, chips (chips with curry is a big thing in the part of the northeast I live in), garlic naan, some onion bhajjis 😍
I’m so hungry hahah
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green-eyed-weirdo · 3 years
Well hello Ms. Debbie! #1, 3, 8 and and 36?
Oh well hello there friend! 💛
1. 6 of the songs you listen to most?
Turn the night on - Kaleb Austin
Elastic heart (piano version) - Sia
Afraid of the Dark - Chef’Special
The Bones - Maren Morris and Hozier
Everywhere - Fleetwood Mac
3. Grab the book nearest to you, turn to page 23, give me line 17.
“… about it”
8. Girls… (finish the sentence); Boys… (finish the sentence)
Girls are pretty; Boys are friends. 😆
36. Define Art.
Art is not really my thing to be honest, but I’ll give it a try; Art is any form of creating that makes people feel and/or think.
Lets get personal
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lastchildofkrypton · 3 years
I hope you appreciate how embarrassing it is that I literally squee, out loud, whenever I see you've updated. ;)
So you mean like once every 80 years?? Thanks for reading! 😀
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inversetwilight · 3 years
Fancy seeing you here! ;) How about questions 4, 6, 43 please?
Hey Euler :)
4: What do you think about most?
It's a tie between the girl I like and my homework for the course that I'm taking. Actually, I probably think about her more tbh.
6: Do you sleep with or without clothes on?
I sleep with some clothes on. I usually just wear pyjama shorts and a tank top.
43: Do you have any nicknames?
Most people call me Court. My cousin has called me Courty since we were kids. And toddlers give me all sorts of nicknames because they usually can't say my full name lol
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