#thank you debbie for coming up with that alternative with me
softmick · 5 months
Hi Meg! 💖
84 or 86 for the fic game?
Thanks for the prompts, Calli! I went with 86. “Fine, don’t say anything and make me worry.”
Oh boy, this got away from me! and went sad. What is even happening? Lol.
Franny runs into the kitchen and wraps her arms around Debbie’s legs. She speaks with too much concern for such a small child, “Mommy? Is Uncle Ian okay?”
These days Franny notices everything, but Ian hadn’t exactly made it hard. Debbie’s face scrunches before she remembers to look reassuring. Her reply comes out weak, “Of course!” Franny considers this with a finger to her chin. Debbie tries again with a smile. “Yeah, I’m sure he is.” She isn’t really sure at all, but she remembers how it feels to believe a mom should be. “Why don’t you go get ready for bed and we’ll both tuck you in?”
Franny nods and runs up the stairs. A small win, but a win. Debbie listens to her daughter’s steps grow distant.
Ian had beelined straight to her from the door, scooping the girl up and holding her close. She had greeted him to no response. He alternated squeezing her limbs and pressing his face into her hair, taking breaks simply to stare into her curious face. Franny was patient and still for as long as she could manage. Debbie saw her start to squirm and broke up the moment.
Now Ian is on the couch alone holding Franny’s well-loved stuffed rabbit gently between his big hands.
“Ian?” Debbie whispers, sitting next to him.
He doesn’t speak, simply wraps an arm around her and presses a kiss to her head with a shaky breath into her hair. It feels so nice she could almost cry, but she doesn’t forget for a second that they don’t really do this. They’re close, not touchy-feely.
“Are you okay? Franny was asking.”
She thinks he’s nodding, but it’s hard to tell as he pulls her tighter.
“Can you tell me about it?” She asks hopefully.
He kisses her again and lets her go, but doesn’t meet her eyes.
Her heart flips against her ribs and she lets out what she hopes is a chuckle. “Fine, don’t say anything and make me worry, too.”
Ian swallows and looks down. He might resent the question from Lip or Fiona, but he’s Debbie’s big brother. He should ease her worries, not cause them. He doesn’t want to scare her and doesn’t know how to tell her why he’s so upset, why his heart feels so raw.
He tightens his grip on the rabbit and looks into it’s shiny plastic eyes. “It’s all so fragile, this,” he says nodding towards the stairs.
It’s felt that way in the past, but Debbie looks at her brother and feels pride. He’s still here, trying, succeeding, living. She thinks about Carl trying his hardest to follow in Ian’s footsteps and help this crazy world somehow. Liam, sweet Liam, bright and kind through it all. Things are looking up for Lip now that he’s sober… Debbie sees possibility for them all.
There’s an account in her name with enough money to keep the house warm, the water flowing. Her daughter is safe, fed, and loved undeniably. Whatever else happens and despite the desperation she may feel for a love that’s all her’s, her family is good.
“Gallaghers are pretty resilient.”
There’s truth to her words, but Ian knows intimately that they’re made of the same breakable bones and soft tissue as everyone else. He knows that there’s no way to protect any of them from the seemingly endless ways people come to the end.
“Bad day at work.”
It’s an immediate relief to her. It’s not an episode.
Debbie knows exactly what he means. Someone died, maybe multiple someones. Ian won’t say it that way though. When he says anything at all he says, “It was a bad day at work today. I lost someone, Debs.” He takes responsibility for each one and never elaborates.
“You always do your best, Ian.”
Ian hears her and forces himself to nod - slowly, twice. He knows that it’s true. At least tonight. Earlier. He did everything he possibly could. He would’ve given everything for it to have been enough.
Debbie waits, not expecting him to say anything else. She wants to offer something more, something comforting, and tries to imagine what someone older or wiser might say. The only voice she can conjure is her own.
The silence, unusual as it is, seems to have a magic of its own because Ian does speak again.
“Bad accident on 55. Lost three tonight.” He doesn’t usually need to share. He feels bad, he deals with it alone in any number of ways, he feels better. It’s a well-worn path. But right now the burden feels so heavy, the pain is so sharp, that he feels too weak to keep it inside. Maybe if he can get it out he’ll feel better and Debbie will understand what’s going on with him for once.
He sucks in a shaky breath, “Two young kids, babies, Deb.” His voice breaks at the last part and tears drop thickly.
He wonders what they thought about in their final moments. If they were scared, if they knew they didn’t deserve it. If they knew, the way all kids should know, that they meant the world to someone. That someone cared. All the responders had tried so hard to make those last moments as gentle as possible. They had held little hands, whispered words they hoped were soothing.
Debbie aches. She has enough grief to last a lifetime and so does Ian. They don’t deserve more. It isn’t fair. If she could stop him from hurting she would. She leans into him.
It’s her worst nightmare, something happening to Franny, to Liam. To any of them. For them to die not knowing how fucking grateful she is to have them in her life, not knowing how much she loves them. For her to die before she gets the chance to tell them all. She does her best to show Franny every day, but none of her siblings communicate as well as they should. She worries the message gets lost. They’re close, not intimate. It’s not the kind of thing they talk about.
"We’re safe. You’re safe.” She pauses as he sniffles loudly. Then she tells him what she’d like to hear. “Fran’s safe and she adores you. She knows you love her, okay? We all do. You’re a good person, Ian.”
She doesn’t know if it’s enough, if he can feel the weight behind her words. But she’s sure. In this moment, right here, she’s confident she’s right.
She squeezes his shoulder and stands. It won’t help anything if she starts crying. “Lets go say goodnight, huh? You can read us a story.”
“Up in a minute.”
Ian never knows what will happen when he opens up which is why he mostly doesn’t. But maybe he’s just tried the wrong siblings. Somehow Debbie cut to the root, excised some of the pain. Helped him. He turns out the lights and heads upstairs, rabbit still in hand. With each step he feels a bit lighter, a little younger. How many times has he made this trek, to put little Gallaghers to bed? Debbie, even. And now her daughter. A lot, he thinks, but never enough.
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kamiimiya · 3 months
TEEHEE 1, 3, 5, and 7 with kokonoi hajime >:D
ask game here
♡ If you have one, what's your ship name?
kokomiya !! just a silly basic little shipname cuz those are the ones i'm used to in most fandoms and i'm simply not creative enough to think of something unique and funny.
i honestly like the tag misconceptions more than i do the ship name, because i Thought about that for a little while even though its kinda basic so it doesn't even really seem like i did much thinking. but for a long time we didn't like each other, he thought i was wayyy too nice and just going to be used by everyone around me ( deadass projecting but go off koko dearest ) and i couldn't understand why he has such a grudge against me. we understand each other a little bit too well in some regards, despite each of us being on the opposite ends of The Horrors. sometimes he mentions that i would understand inupi more than i understand him, and he just doesn't understand why i'd choose someone like him when it's so obvious that he had the capability to hurt others. he's so blinded by his lack of self worth and inability to truly understand other people's depths that there's just a lot of miscommunication between the two of us for a really long time.
♡ What song would you duet for some chaotic late night karaoke?
umbrella by rihanna. is it because of that one scene with inupi where koko was hiding behind the umbrella and trying his best to act confident even when he was losing it a little bit ? yeah. maybe. who cares. it's also a BITCHING song and you can't look me in the eyes and tell me he doesn't know it by heart. and to be very clear, i'm not saying he's gonna be jay z and i'm rihanna. we alternate lines like how god intended. i will step out of the spotlight this one time and let him have the last little bit with the last few lines because i feel like he needs them a little bit. maybe it would do his psyche some good who knows.
in the tune of rihanna, also s&m is a very good choice. my minds eye can see him swaying his hips and doing a little dance and dammit he's feeling himself. gonna do that silly debby ryan thing where he pushes his hair behind his ears trying to be hot but its kokonoi hajime so it just works idk how to explain it. first verse is his and he'll sing it alone, i'll just sing the background vocals. we alternate the lines of the chorus & sing the post chorus ' come on, come on, come on ' part together at the same time. second verse is mine. if you see him blushing at the mention of whips and chains no for the love of god you do not.
♡ If you were dogs, what breeds would you be?
so he's definitely going to be something like a doodle or a golden doodle. something that looks pretty but actually may not be the best pets. i lived in a house with golden doodles and let me tell you they were wild and rowdy if not trained right and also practically impossible to kennel train at any point in time, and maybe it was just the dogs that the person had but they had the worst separation anxiety i've ever seen in dogs, and that's pretty much just koko. if you look at them from a distance you think that they're pretty and fancy looking and then you spend more than a minute in the same room with them and you realize that they're actually a handful, and i love koko for that.
for myself, i don't really have an in depth answer. i like pomeranians and also i too have a bark wayyy bigger than my entire bodyweight. they're like 3 apples tall and mostly fur, and have one of those super annoying barks that just simply don't shut up ever, and i'd like to think that's me going on and on and on about stuff that no one objectively really cares about. they're also extroverted but can get aggressive with dogs much bigger than their own size. and yeah that honestly just checks out with me i will body check a dog 4x my size because i don't like the way that it didn't look at me.
♡ Describe how your f/o smells, be absurdly specific.
oh boy he's expensive but also depressed. you can tell he's having one of those days where he just can't be half assed with anything because the cologne he wears will be sprayed so much that you can't smell anything else. he chooses savage from dior because it's one of those colognes that covers up everything else with just a little bit sprayed, but he'll still overspray it to the point it almost chokes you with the scent of it. if he's not wearing any cologne ( rare, but not impossible. i just have to catch him at the right time ) he probably smells like a mix between his lotion he wears and his body wash / exfoliant. he shops at bath and body works for lotions because he likes the deals and also has a thing for their candles.
if he's out doing ' business ' i think honestly he sweats wayyy more than he likes to let on especially since most uniforms are a jacket of some kind and they're actively fighting most of the time, so he has to use a pretty strong deodorant to hide it. definitely carries deodorant with him and he's so shameless about it. he definitely hops into the shower the moment he's home though.
sometimes, though, he smells like blood and a housefire, with the smell of smoke so thoroughly coated in his hair and blood underneath his fingernails, and i can't mention it because it's really not the important part going on right now. sometimes i just gotta pull him into the shower and wash his hair for him really well and fix dinner for him without mentioning it. tears or worried words from either one of us may break the fragile thread hanging on and it's just not worth it. i know he's okay, he knows that he's safe. it's,,, important that the nights we're together stay as normal for him as possible, especially on nights like those.
and anyways so i - ( gets shot )
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redqueenphoenix · 1 year
State Championship (TWD Fanfiction Part 14)
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State Championship Part 14
(A TWD Fan Fiction)
I do not own any of the rights to The Walking Dead, nor do I own any of the characters mentioned from here on in, other than Victoria Hawkins. Some situations have been changed and some people may have been switched in this alternate universe. 
Coach Negan Smith X Female OC
Word Count: 2176
Part 14
Before Victoria knew it about a year had gone by as she stayed at the St. John Dairy farm with her sister. She had found herself keeping busy with helping Drew and Danny keep the farm safe while Erika tended to the animals with Brenda. It seemed to be going very well after they got the electric fence completely set up around the farm and working properly. She had gotten proficient with using a gun as well as other objects to fend off the walkers with Drew’s help. He seemed to like her a lot, but she paid him no mind. 
Over the course of the year, Victoria and Erika saw plenty of people come and go from the farm, talking about possible settlements and encampments that had been set up. Kinda like safe zones for people and this intrigued Victoria. She often wondered if Negan was out there in one of the settlements, but never brought it up to anyone.
One night a particular group had made their way to the farm and asked for refuge from the horrors outside the fence and Ma gave the okay for them to stay in the barn for the night. Being the kind soul Victoria was, she brought food from the house to them.
“Dinner’s on, we made food over in the guest house and wondered if you guys wanted some?” She brought the basket of food into the barn with the newcomers. 
 The young mother smiled as she held her son close, “Emery would you like some dinner?”
The young boy lit up as he nodded, “thank you miss!” 
Victoria sat the basket down for the group, “I’m Victoria. If you need anything please feel free to come over. My sister and I have been staying in the guest house.”
The young mother smiled as she reached into the basket, “I’m Debbie,” she pointed to the man leaning against a hay bale, “that’s my husband Henry. And this is my son Emery.” She looked around, “William must be up in the house talking with those nice people about us staying longer than just the night.”
“It’s nice to meet you all.” She smiled warmly, “I’m sure they will let you guys. The St. John’s are nice people.” Victoria turned to head out of the barn and made her way back to the guest house. 
As the sun was setting over the farm, Erika made her way from the main house in a hurry. “Sis, we have a problem.” Her eyes were wide. “I’m not supposed to say anything, but Drew just told me that we are running out of food and we can’t feed everyone.”
Victoria shook her head, “that’s bound to happen, the cows haven’t been doing so great.”
“I overheard some weird stuff, which I don't think I was supposed to hear, but I think they are talking about eating those nice people in the barn.” 
Victoria’s eyes went wide, “what!?” She quietly exclaimed as she looked up to the house. “You must have heard wrong.” 
“No, I promise you I didn't. Ma said that they were already working on cooking one of them up.”
Victoria looked to her sister with concern, “then I need you to pack up and get ready to run.” She motioned to the house, “have the family ready too. I’m going up to find out what’s going on.”
“Be careful. Don’t let them know that you know.” Erika warned as she headed back to the guest house to pack up their bags. 
Quietly Victoria made her way up to the house, slinking along the side of it towards the kitchen window. She made sure to stay low and out of sight as she eavesdropped into the conversation that was taking place.
“Ma, the girls have been important to us. We have to tell ‘em.” Drew’s voice almost sounded like he was pleading with her.
“Fine,” Ma sounded different, almost like a woman with no feelings at all. A complete and total different person, “we already killed one of the newcomers, but he was scrawny. He won’t feed us long and it won’t take those people long to realize he ain't coming back from the house.”
“Then we need to send them on their way or utilize them too.” Danny said coldly as his footsteps paced the kitchen.
Victoria’s heart stopped, her sister was right. The family that took them in were eating people and on top of that planning to slaughter that wonderful family down in the barn. She wouldn't allow that to happen. Quietly she made her way back down to the walkway between the guest house and the barn. Noticing her sister was standing in the partially open barn door waving at her.
“So?” Erika asked, handing Victoria’s backpack to her.
Slipping into the barn she shook her head. “You heard right.” She leaned down to make sure Erika packed everything of importance. Her family photos, her iPod, some clothes and provisions. It was all there. Standing up she shouldered the bag, “I don’t know if we are going to be able to sneak out without them noticing, but it is worth a try.”
Debbie stepped forward with a concerned look on her face, “what about William? Where is he?”
Breathing a heavy sigh she shook her head while looking down, “he’s gone. They disposed of him…” She was unable to tell them that he was the St. John’s dinner that night. “We have to move. Does your truck have any gas?”
Henry nodded, “we have about a half a tank, been siphoning it here and there to get away from the walkers.”
“You don’t think they siphoned the gas from the truck for the generators do you, sis?” Erika asked, looking out the barn up to the house.
She shook her head. “I doubt it. We had to raid the gas station up the street a few days ago. The generators had plenty.”
“Then I say, we make a break for it.” Debbie stepped forward with her son behind her, “you two are more than welcome to come with us. It’s the least we can do for you since you warned us and you're helping us escape.” 
Victoria nodded to her sister, “alright.” She pushed the barn door open a bit more, noticing the lights in the house now that the sun had gone down more. “They seem preoccupied with whatever they are doing. We should go now. Stay low and quiet.”
The family nodded to Victoria as she made her way out of the barn with them behind her. Slowly and quietly they made for the truck. Henry, Debbie and Emery took the cab and the two girls slipped into the back. 
As soon as the truck started the front door to the house came flying open and a bunch of cussing ran out over the farm. Henry hit the gas as the sounds of gunshots rang out through the farm. Peppering the side of the truck and almost hitting the girls in the back.
“You girls alright?” Henry asked as they hit a dirt road and blasted through the fence at the front of the farm. 
“Yeah, are you guys?” Erika said through the small window.
Henry nodded and then looked down at his gas gauge, “we’re not going to get too far, but we will get far enough away from those freaks.”
“Have you girls heard of a place called Alexandria?” Debbie asked as she turned to talk to them through the window.
Victoria shook her head, “I can't say that I have.”
Debbie smiled as she handed a map through the window, “It’s said to be a safe zone, like a settlement. Some guy named Rick Grimes runs the place. That’s where we have been trying to get to.”
Taking the map she placed it in her pocket, “is it really a safe zone?”
“That’s what we’ve heard and that’s good enough for me to want to check out.” Henry said as he turned down another road. 
“Alexandria…” Erika said almost dreamily. “The place sounds pretty.”
“It can sound pretty all it wants, but that doesn’t mean it’s real.” Victoria settled back in the truck bed and closed her eyes. 
“Well we can always hope.” Erika curled up with her sister.
A few hours later the truck sputtered and died. Rolling to a stop as the sun was coming up. The sudden jerk of the gas running out of the truck woke Victoria up from her sleep. Reaching over she gently woke her sister.
“Ride’s over girls. Trucks made her last hooray.” Henry said as they got out of the truck. “Time to take a walk.” 
Victoria leaned down and picked up a machete from the truck bed and fastened it to her belt as she jumped down to the ground. Erika followed, grabbing a pipe that was in the back of the truck. 
“Are you sure this is the right road towards the train cars?” Debbie asked as she held Emery’s hand. 
“Positive.” Henry smiled as he looked down to the map he was carrying. “It’s a couple days' walk, but this is the right way.”
Erika looked over to Victoria with a smile, “hey, maybe things will look up when we get to this place.”
“Let’s hope.” She said as she fell into step with the family.
As they walked they heard the sounds of the walkers, moaning, wheezing and shuffling around. It was horrifying, but it was their life now. They made their way down the path and kept their eyes peeled for danger. Soon they realized that there were more and more walkers in the area, which made Victoria concerned.
Victoria pulled her sister close as they walked due to the moaning and wheezing getting louder. “Erika, I think we are about to be in some major trouble. Stay near me.” 
Erika nodded as she noticed some walkers making their way from the treeline towards them. She grabbed her sister's hand as they made their way closer.
“Shit guys.” Henry said as he pulled his gun from his belt. Firing off a shot at one of the walkers that got close to them. 
“Don’t! Noise attracts them!” Victoria quietly exclaimed as more came out of the treeline. Her eyes went wide as they came clambering out of the trees towards them. There were too many to successfully fend off. 
“We’re gonna have to make a run for it.” Debbie said as she grabbed her son’s hand.
Victoria nodded as she swung her machete at another walker that got dangerously close. After bringing it down, the women took off running with Emery.
Another gunshot echoed as Henry grunted. Debbie turned to look and saw that a walker had bit into her husband and she let out a painful sob. “Don’t look, Emry! Don’t look baby.”
Victoria felt a fear creep into her chest as another set of walkers came out of the trees in front of them. Biting her lip she swung on the walker, missing and striking it in the side of the legs. She thought she had incapacitated it when it wiggled around and grabbed her leg.
Emery broke free of his mother’s hands and ran to Victoria’s defense. Grabbing the walker’s good leg and pulling backwards on it to free Victoria. As she got free Emery stumbled back right into the awaiting arms of another walker.
“NO!” Debbie screamed as she ran for her son, the walker on the ground grabbing her and bringing her down. It’s horrid jaw ripping a piece of her leg out as she struggled to get to her son.
Victoria felt a cold anger shoot through her as she brought her heel down into the walker’s head that was on the ground. Moving she brought her machete around and hit the one holding Emery.
It was too late; they were both bitten. 
“Go on without us.” Debbie drug herself towards her son’s body on the ground. “You need to go.” She pointed. “Alexandria will keep you two safe. It’s too late for us.” tears came down her face as she held her son. “Thank you for your kindness at the farm. You deserve to be safe, girls.”
Victoria nodded to Debbie as she took Erika’s hand, running down the path as fast as they could, until their legs could no longer run. Breathing heavily, Victoria pulled out the map that Debbie had given her. Looking down at it, then bringing her eyes up with a smile. She couldn’t believe it, the tracks that were on the map were right there in front of them. They were almost to Alexandria.
The end... no it's just the beginning. Will Victoria ever see Negan again? If she does will he remember her? Make sure you continue the journey of Victoria and Erika Hawkins in the next fanfiction titled "Against the Wind."
Thank you all for taking this journey with me and riding this fanfiction out to the semi end. You're love and support has meant a lot to me with this work of love. I hope that you all have enjoyed reading it as much as I have with writing it! Much love to you all!
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blackacre13 · 2 years
Hiii, can you do one where Lou's overwhelmed with work and Deb tries to talk to her abt it but then she snapped, leaves her for several hours making the other one worried and kinda hurt. Then she comes back home with flowers and gifts feeling guilty with her attitude, soft smut afterwards(?) thankss
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There was a light tapping on the door and Lou looked up through messy fringe with an exasperated sigh. If April had the audacity to bring her the wrong numbers again she swore…
“Baby?” A soft voice murmured instead, an undeniable Debbie Ocean choice of heels making their way into the room, toe first after nudging the door open. The brunette’s head peeking around the door.
Lou’s sigh stilled in her throat. She would always rather see Debbie than anyone else. But at the same time, it only reminded her of her growing pile of responsibilities, a lack of follow through from everyone she had asked for assistance or delegated a task to, and if Debbie was showing up then that meant…
“You missed dinner,” Debbie smiled sadly, closing the door behind her.
A large takeout bag landed on top of the blonde’s current stack of paperwork with a thud. She couldn’t help the grimace that ghosted across her face. The last thing she needed was the grease from spicy egg rolls on tax forms and liquor licenses.
“I thought I’d bring dinner to you,” the brunette grinned, dragging a chair up to the other side of Lou’s desk before she moved to shimmy off her coat. Her hands were already on the paper bag, undoing the staples. “And pending how much work is left to be done, maybe a little bit of dessert. Here? Or at home?”
“Debs,” Lou sighed, frustrating dripping out of her mouth before she could stop it. It was sweet. Really. It was. Romantic, even. And she bet she could guess every last item in that bag down to the extra pair of chopsticks in there because she always managed to pick them apart into the world’s weakest kindle when she was stressed. And Debbie knew that.
She could have said thank you. Or said exactly what she was thinking. But her jaw was unhinging without her say and she was spitting venom at her partner, her own words unclear to herself. Just the occasional bites of “damnit” and “out of time” and “in the way”. And all she could see was the hurt in Debbie’s eyes and her clenched jaw to keep from letting her from lip quivering as she nodded, backing up slowly.
“Yeah..you’re right…I’ll just—“ but Debbie didn’t finish the sentence before she back treaded out of the office. And even though Lou didn’t actually catch it, she knew her fiancée was shedding a rare Debbie Ocean tear.
She had fucked up. Majorly.
She growled at the bag of Chinese food and cursed at herself. “This is your fault, Miller.”
The door burst open and April stumbled in, shoving several file folders at her, looking like she was about to vomit.
“I’m sorry. They all look the same and I didn’t want to bring you the wrong ones again and I—“
“Please don’t fire me,” April squeaked.
“Fire you?” Lou raise a brow, chuckling dryly. “You look how I feel, kid. Breathe. Help yourself to a drink. And then go the hell home. We’ve done enough tonight. It’s nothing that can’t be done tomorrow. There are more important things.”
“But I thought you said we had to—“
“April,” Lou smiled. “Go. It’s fine. Promise. Send everyone else too. I’m headed out in a bit.”
“You okay, boss?”
“I will be,” Lou sucked in a breath. “Just have some crow to eat.”
“Is that what’s in the bag?” The younger woman smirked.
“That’s your dinner,” Lou grinned, chucking it at her. “Go home. Eat. Go the fuck to sleep. Your boss is an asshole. Now that’s an order.”
“You got it,” April grinned with a laugh. “Make sure you actually get home tonight.”
“I will,” Lou promised. “I just have a list of I’m an asshole but I love you errands to run before I beg for the love of my life’s forgiveness for simply being an amazing woman.”
“Isn’t that usually more a Debbie task?”
“We alternate,” Lou winked.
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notmyname2017 · 1 year
My next story is another one that has been playing on my mind.
Debbie was such an amazing girl. A new girlfriend to me and things got physical quickly.
After a few months of dating it got slightly more serious. And one day she told me she had told her past lover (a married man who she had seen on and off) about me. She seemed sad at having said goodbye; so I told her that I’m open minded and I asked how she would feel about that.
Her eyes lit up and she asked “open minded in what kind of sense” and I explained that my greatest desire was to completely satisfy my woman. And that if that required two men to make love to her constantly to keep her in a constant state of orgasm; I’d love to be one of them. She smiled and said really? And I explained that I’d love to have her in bed spoon fucking her whilst she kissed her lover and he held her breasts. Her eyes went wide, mouth dropped open and then formed a massive smile, nodding in an ask for me to continue.
So I went on…. “And after I’d cum in you, you could offer yourself to him to do exactly the same and you would kiss me. Telling me how good it felt to be fucked and I’d tell you that I’d want you to ride me next once he had cum. You reached down to my dick and held it till it was hard; kissing me deeply as I heard him grunt and exclaim. I knew his dick was releasing sperm in to your cunt. Spraying it over your cervix, mixing it with my spunk. He would pull out and you pinned me down. Holding me you guided my dick inside your pussy. Burying me inside you. I felt the wonderful warmth and extra slippery ness of sloppy seconds around my cock.
Now Debbie loved to ride and within moments she was quivering with her first orgasm. Her lover was now watching her and he knelt up on to his knees to kiss her. She panted in his face. And I could feel her pussy grip my dick in passion. Oh my word … just his kiss was making her cum again. He gripped her hair and one of her breasts and pulled her head back so he could put his tongue deep in to her mouth. She ground her pussy on to my dick rubbing her clit hard. This kept her on the wave of climaxing. Her thighs twitched and her body trembled.
Our next position came swiftly.
Debbie lay on her back. Head just off the bed her lover parted her legs. His head went down to her pussy. And he smelled her. A delicious smell of her musk, my cum and his own cum greeted his nose. He sniffed deeply and kissed her labia. Meanwhile I knelt down and kissed Debbie. Thanking her for the pleasure of her riding me; making me fill her pussy. She moaned as her clit was licked and sucked by her lover. He was very attentive. Alternating between licks, kisses and sucks. He made her moan happily as I kissed her. She then pulled her tongue back and whispered in my ear that she wanted to suck me. I saw in her eyes that she wanted more than that. She wanted my cum in her mouth, no, in her throat. I knelt up and my dick brushed her lips. Her mouth opened and she took the head inside her mouth running her tongue over the head as her own clit was sucked. I especially enjoyed this and I put my hands on her tits, gripping and groping her body. Eagerly searching for that release. I grew impatient I wanted to feel her lips strain against the root of my cock. With her head back in that position I was able to ease my cock deeper in to her mouth past the tonsils a venture in to her throat. Her lover saw that I now had my dick in her and he wanted a similar pleasure. Coming up from her pussy he pushed her legs wide, which split her labia lips apart and her fuck hole opened. The sight was awesome. My dick in her throat. She was gagging and her cunt open, wet and ready for our sperm. The anticipation was overwhelming. Holding her ankles apart her lover placed his dick at the open hole and slid inside. She moaned on my cock and I started to withdraw out of her mouth so that the vibrations of her moan stimulated the head of my dick. He was now inside her. It was such a beautiful sight to see her labia parted by a cock as my dick was in her face. Her lover gathered pace, with purpose he fucked her cunt. I responded matching his thrusts with withdrawing and vice versa. And with that we started fucking Debbie. We didn’t pause for a moment we just enjoyed the sensations her body was giving us. She was very generous and allowed him to push her thighs back parting her even further. I held her ankles now pushing my dick deep in to her throat so that it bulged out in her neck. Her lover was banging hard and I could tell he was about to cum in her cunt again. It didn’t take long and he was cumming inside her yet again. Eager to have the feeling of fresh cum inside my girls cunt I pulled out of her mouth and us boys swapped. He offered his cum covered dick to her mouth and I pushed her legs apart. This time I grabbed her tits and he held her ankles wide apart. The sloppy seconds were fabulous the feeling of adding my own spunk to her already cummed in 5 times pussy was exciting. I had to fuck quite hard and she was cleaning her lovers dick and then I ejaculated more sperm in to her.
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dreamy625 · 2 years
This rockstar life - 3.16 Fashion, turn to the left
Words: 2407
Content: No particular warnings for this one. I have been stuck on this for the longest time. For no good reason, just our old friend writer's block :/ Anyway, I got fed up with the Google Docs tab judging me every time I opened my laptop, so here it is in all its imperfection! 
From my head
“So you know that cliche where a woman gets a boyfriend and proceeds to change absolutely everything about him?”
“Well clearly that’s terrible. But… would you maybe… let me change one thing?”
We’re in the bath and he sloshes round to look at me. “Depends what it is?'' He sounds deeply suspicious. 
“Um… promise you won’t be upset?” He just looks at me with narrowed eyes.
“Your, er, hair. Just a bit.”
“My hair?”
“My hair?” He starts laughing, “You looked at the whole of me and my life and decided the one thing you wanted to change was my hair?!”
“Well your life is your own business, but I have to look at you, so yeah. Also I am very shallow.”
He settles back, leaning against me and hugging my arms around him. “Go on then, what do you want to do to it?”
“Well, we could make it less… yellow…”
“It’s blond!”
“Yeah, no, it’s yellow. And you’ve put so much bleach on it that all the ends are split. So it needs a few inches cut off, as well as a more natural colour. You can still be blond, but less… banana.” He hasn’t said no, so I plunge into the next bit, which I suspect might be more of an issue. “I know a guy…” he groans (I was right) “who works in a salon in Kensington…”
“I hate hairdressers.”
“No, but he’s cool. They do a lot of goths and alternative types, so he’s used to men with long hair. And I’ll stay with you the whole time. There is absolutely zero chance of ending up looking like David Hasselhoff, promise.”
“Can’t you do it?”
“Haha, no! Have you seen my hair? This is what happens when I cut hair.”
“I didn’t know you cut it yourself.”
“You would do if you ever went in the second floor bathroom. I always get bits everywhere. Debbie gets very cross with me. But this,” I twirl a wet yellow strand around my finger, “needs professional attention.”
“Ugh. Okay, maybe.”
“Thank you.” I hug him tighter.
“But, you have to let me change one thing about you.”
“Uh oh.”
“Come on tour with me. Not just a few European bits, somewhere proper foreign and far away. Australia, or Japan, or South America. I know you’re scared. But you’d be with me. And we have people that manage everything. You wouldn’t have to say a single word to anyone. You need to see some more of the world.”
“Are you sure you wouldn’t rather cut my hair?” I ask desperately.
“I like your hair.”
To cut a long story short (and long hair shorter, bah dum cha), he eventually gave in to my nagging and agreed to be restyled by Alistair the goth hairdresser (don’t worry, he does normal stuff too). With all the existing damage to rectify, it was an involved process and required a lot of complicated discussions about such topics as root shadow and feathering, which Steve just sat and watched happening over his be-foiled head as if we were speaking Swedish. He was not the greatest customer, fidgeting and grumbling about how long it all took, and giving the final result merely a cursory glance, so keen was he to escape from the chair and the polyester cape. But later, when he thought I wasn’t looking, I spotted him striking poses in the mirror and looking very pleased with himself (adorable!). So if anyone was wondering how Steve suddenly got amazing hair for the Adrenalize videos, this was it. You can thank me, and Alistair, later!
To my feet
“Let’s go jogging!”
Steve, who had been quite peacefully drinking tea and doing the crossword, just tilts his head to one side and looks at her curiously, like a quizzical owl. Alice’s perky grin droops.
“Why would I do that?”
“Exercise! Fitness! It’s good for you!”
His expression doesn’t change. “No thank you.”
“Look,” she sits down opposite him and moves the cigarette packet he was reaching for out of range, “it’s only four months until the tour starts. Don’t you want to get in shape for that?”
“What’s wrong with my shape?”
“Nothing. It’s a very nice shape. You look…” She smiles, and then shakes her head from side to side. “Not the point; it’s not about the outside, it’s about the inside. Remember you told me how broken you all were after the first few in-the-round dates of Hysteria?”
“Yeah, but…”
“And that was three years and however many thousand cigarettes ago. And the only exercise you've done in the meantime is running to the pub before last orders.”
“Still counts.”
“It's ten yards!”
“But I don’t like running! You don’t even like running!”
“You don’t have to like it, you just have to do it. Just try it once. If you make it three times round the park and don’t throw up, you never have to do it again. Promise.”
“I don’t have any running gear.”
“You have trainers and a tracksuit. It’s Battersea Park, not Don Valley.”
“I’ll look stupid. People will stare.”
“No stupider than the rest of the beetroot-faced plodders, and I’m pretty sure no one will recognise you. Where’s the last place you’d expect to see the hard-partying rockstar Steve Clark? Jogging round the park on a drizzly Tuesday morning, that’s where!”
“You’re not going to give up are you?” Alice shakes her head. “Oh alright. Once.”
He stands up, casting a last mournful glance at the Marlboro packet.
“And put proper underpants on. Can't have all that flapping about and scaring the horses!”
“Yes Ma’am.” 
Still grumbling, he stomps off upstairs to change.
Still wheezing and red in the face, Steve collapses on the sofa while Alice flops down on the floor and starts doing hamstring stretches.
“Oh god… I think I’ve forgotten… how to breathe.”
“Don’t be so dramatic.”
“I’m not… I nearly died! I’m never doing that again.”
“That wasn’t the deal.”
“I didn’t throw up!”
“No, but you didn’t make it round three times either. You stopped and coughed up half a lung on the second lap, and then limped home so slowly that we were overtaken by an old lady and an arthritic pug. So we have to keep doing it until you don’t sound like a TB patient.”
Unmoved by his plaintive plea, Alice just shakes her head.
“Then… please not tomorrow?”
“Day after tomorrow. You’re supposed to have rest days in between.”
“Thank god.”
“Tomorrow we can do yoga.”
“Yoga? What, standing on your head and going om and all that?”
“I was thinking just stretches and stuff. For flexibility.”
“Okay, the running… I suppose I see your point on that one. But I have no wish to put my feet behind my head or pretend to be a snake.”
“You know that thing you do where you lie on the stage with your legs bent back?” She does an approximation of the pose, miming a guitar held across her stomach, and Steve nods. “Are you planning on doing that this time?”
“I guess. I hadn’t really thought about it.”
“Can you still do it?”
“Course. I’ve always been able to do it.”
“But have you tried recently?”
“No, but I bet I can.”
“Go on then.”
Steve looks at his knees and then down at the carpet. “Er, I don’t feel like it.”
“Uh huh. So yoga it is then. Otherwise you might snap in half!” Ignoring Steve’s groan, she adds, “That pose is called Hero in yoga, which is kind of cool.”
“What’s that one called where you stick your arse up in the air?”
“Downward-facing dog?”
“Are you gonna demonstrate that one?”
She narrows her eyes at him, “Only if you do it too.”
Mirror queen, mannequin
“What are the other guys wearing?”
“Just… clothes? There isn't really an aesthetic. Phil's threatening to wear shorts!”
“Well what look do you want to go for? Rocker? Grungy?” Steve pulls a face. “You look nice suited and booted. But I guess that would look weird if the others are all casual?”
“I can’t play properly in anything too formal either. I need to be able to move.”
“D’you want something similar to your Hysteria outfits, or something different?”
“Different. That’s a bit old hat now.”
“Well you have to keep the tight jeans. Lots of girls will be disappointed if you don't wear those jeans!”
Steve scrunches up his face, “Stoppit. No one cares about that.”
“They most definitely do. What did that magazine call you, ‘smokin’ hot’?”
Splotches of pink bloom across his cheekbones. “That’s just ridiculous.” 
“How did you get your stage look in the first place?”
Steve shrugs, “Dunno, looking at other people I suppose; bit of Page, bit of Brian Robertson. Just trying stuff out. I wasn’t trying to be,” he grimaces, “sexy. I wasn’t going to go around wiggling my arse like Phil! Then some reporter said I had a ‘sleazy vibe’, so I thought yeah, that works, I’ll go with that.”
“And that’s why you started humping your guitar?”
“No! Well, sort of…” The blush has spread right out to his ears now. “How do you even know about that?”
“There’s a bootleg video. Phil showed me.”
“Ugh. It’s just performance… showmanship… everyone does… it’s nothing compared to what people like Motley Crue do…” he justifies desperately. 
Alice just grins at him until he splutters to a stop. Entertaining as it is to make her shy boyfriend squirm, she finally decides to be merciful and suggests they look at what they’ve got and go from there. She starts opening all the doors on the wall of built-in closets. 
They’d amalgamated a big chunk of their wardrobes not long after Alice moved in. They were wearing each other’s stuff so much anyway - t’shirts, jumpers, and shirts mostly, Steve’s trousers were way too long for 5’4” Alice, and her skirts didn’t really appeal to him - that it was a bit pointless trying to keep them separate and remember whose were whose. They shopped together a lot, plus Steve often came home from trips with bits he thought would suit his pretty but diffident girlfriend (usually from the type of shops she’d be too scared to go in) so the collection was extensive and eclectic. 
“Try this. And this. And this…”
“I am not your dress-up doll!”
“You are tonight! Go on.”
Standing in front of the mirror, Steve pulls on and off shirts, jeans, jackets, shorts (those get a universal no vote), some shiny dance pants from back in the day (that make Alice laugh so much she nearly falls off the bed), and even a jumpsuit that neither of them has any recollection of buying (also a thumbs-down). Alice watches with interest that is at least 70% about providing helpful commentary and merely 30% enjoying the show. 
“It’s so hard to choose; you look good in everything. Clothes hang well on you.”
“That's because I have the physique of a coat hanger. One of the cheap wire ones from the drycleaners!” He scowls at his reflection.
“I like that you're skinny.”
“You do?”
“Yeah. Most men, even average, mediumish ones, are just huge from my perspective. All shoulders, and legs like hams. But you're the same scale. Taller obviously, but I feel like we're the same species.”
Finally, with their room resembling a particularly disorganised parish jumble sale, they arrive at an ensemble of washed-out black jeans, a dusty blue silk shirt mostly unbuttoned, and a pair of biker-ish boots with studded straps. Steve’s hair, now he’s getting it professionally cut and coloured rather than just flinging peroxide haphazardly all over it, has lost its resemblance to a heap of straw and falls in soft shiny waves over his shoulders. Pulling clothes on and off over his head has mussed it up, and it looks as if purposely dishevelled. 
“That's it! Maybe needs jewellery?” 
Steve digs around in the dresser drawer and pulls out a medallion on a twisty gold chain he’d bought on their Mexico trip a few months ago. He hands it to Alice and turns, scooping up his hair so she can fasten it around his neck.
“How do you feel about make-up?”
Steve twists his mouth to one side. “I used to do eye… stuff… kohl? Sometimes, when we first started. But I looked like a raccoon.”
Alice goes over to her dresser and digs through the higgledy piggledy box of make-up, muttering, “You’re too fair for black but… maybe I’ve got… ah ha.”
Reaching up she sweeps a grey pencil under each of his eyes and smudges it with her finger. “You have such pretty eyelashes.” She steps back to admire her artistry. “Oh baby, you look gorgeous!”
With a hand on each denim-clad hip, she turns him to look in the full-length mirror.
“Yeah, not bad, I suppose.”
But Alice can tell from the tilt of his head and the smile he is failing to suppress that he can see he looks good. 
“Could you… paint my nails?”
“Sure. Black?”
Steve nods, still looking in the mirror, “Unless you think it’s too much?”
“Nah. Very Keith Richards.” She digs around in the make-up heap again, unearthing several half-empty bottles of black goo. “D’you want me to do it nicely, or badly?”
“Definitely badly. More rock n roll!”
“Also easier for you to replicate if you have to do it yourself on tour.”
“But you’re coming aren’t you? You can do it?”
“Of course. For some of it. But… in between.”
There is a brief heavy silence while Alice concentrates on a deliberately splodgy application of polish and they both try not to think about the length of time they’ll be apart. 
“You have lovely hands.”
“I do?”
“Mm hmm. Artistic. Those long fingers.”
“The horrible calluses though…”
“I kind of like them.”
He can see her smiling, half-hidden by the hair hanging forward over her face.
“They feel nice… sort of… scratchy… in a good way.”
“They do, huh?” He reaches out towards her, but Alice swerves away.
“Nuh uh, you can’t touch anything until your nails are dry!”. She screws the cap onto the bottle and drops it back on the dressing table. 
“How long does that take?”
“About half an hour.”
“Gahhh!” He stands helplessly in the middle of the room, flapping his hands like a frustrated pigeon. 
“There is nothing, however, that says I can’t touch you…”
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thebuckblogimo · 7 months
What do people do who don't have people who care?
March 4, 2024
There's an elderly woman with severe dementia who lives at the end of our street. One of the neighbors on the block recruited volunteers to cook dinner for the woman each night and deliver it to her because she can no longer cook for herself.
The elderly woman's two sons rarely come around. What if the neighbors didn't care?
Then there's my old buddy who is confined to his home due to an injury suffered in a car accident. He does not have the ability to perform certain executive functions. His brother pays his bills, does his banking, and shops for his groceries.
Now, however, the brother has health issues of his own. My friend has no other living relatives that I am aware of.
What will happen if no one is left to care?
Over the years I have known a couple people who outlived their friends or family, fell at home, were incompacitated due to a resultant injury, and weren't discovered for 24 hours.
I also have friends who have lost their spouses and who have few living relatives, making it difficult to face life alone. One of them is struggling, emotionally. Another depends on his late wife's niece should he need, say, a ride home after a stay in the hospital.
But what is an emotionally distrought, sick or injured person to do when he or she has no one? With whom do you share Thanksgiving dinner?
I also have a couple friends who reside in assisted living facilities, nice places that deliver great care that they have the means to pay for. But what if you can't afford to live in a nice, clean, comfortable place, with competent people to look out for you when you can't adequately care for yourself?
Or what if you come from a totally dysfunctional family, or your closest family members live in distant parts of the country?
There are no easy answers to these questions.
Thankfully, I have two brothers and two sisters who I know care about Debbie and me. Debbie has a brother and a sister who, along with their spouses, care about us, too. Moreover, we have four children who care. And we have many nieces and nephews with whom we are very close. We feel fortunate that we have people we can turn to in times of need, such as when our Clarkston home caught fire.
We would do the same for them.
All these thoughts came rushing to my head while staying with one of our sons as he completes a program to improve his mental health. Sometimes he feels broken, but at least he knows he can turn to us and other family members when he is suffering. From time to time he tells us how thankful he is that we are there to support him.
Which brings me to this point: Care givers need care, too.
We are in constant touch with neighbors whose son also suffers from depression. We share our knowledge and experiences with them. They do the same in return. The four of us feel as though we're in this thing together.
I also receive phone calls from an old friend who checks in to see how our son is doing. Sometimes I call him to see how his son, who has multiple sclerosis and uses a wheelchair, is doing. We have shared personal stuff with each other for as long as I can recall.
But what do you do if you have no one to sympathize and empathize with you?
Sometimes I take a roundabout way to get home from the pizzeria or grocery store on the other side of Grand Haven. One of my alternate routes takes me down a street of older homes, many in need of "fixing up." On more than one occasion I have noticed an older man--hunched over, with bowed legs and a cane--emerging from one of the homes with a canvas bag in hand, apparently setting out on a walk to the grocery store--or, God forbid, the gas station--for whatever foodstuffs sustain him.
I have no idea whether he lives alone or whether he has any friends or relatives who care about his well being. I just know I can see how difficult is for him to descend the steps of his porch to the sidewalk to go wherever it is he goes.
Struggle. That's what people do who have no one who cares.
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parkerbombshell · 2 years
Addictions and Other Vices 890 – Colour Me Friday
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Addictions and Other Vices Special Time Tonight 5pm - 8pm EST bombshellradio.com Repeats  Saturday 3pm EST and Sunday 8am EST #NowPlaying #indie #rock #alternative #Synthpop #indierock #community #radio #BombshellRadio #DJ #AddictionsPodcast #NewMusic #ColourMeFriday #Radio247 New Indie finds, previews of Just Another Menace Sunday artists coming up this weekend into next week ala Dennis The Menace, , discoveries from our social media followers and a few more surprises. Thanks to all the artists, labels and PR companies that submitted tracks this week.   Fix Mix 890 - Do I Love You (Indeed I Do) / Bruce Spriingsteen - Vision Thing / Simple Minds - Cat People / Giorgio Moroder/ David Bowie - Rush, Rush (US 12") /Giorgio Moroder / Debbie Harry - World's A Bitch - radio edit / Church of Trees & Carole Pope - All Touch / Rough Trade - High School Confidential (uncensored) / Rough Trade - Never Said I Loved You / The Payolas & Carole Pope - The Sensual World / Kate Bush - Big Time Sensuality / Bjork - Not Afraid / The Rare Occasions - Back Of The Car (Edit) / Vistas - It's Not Just Me, It's Everybody / Weyes Blood - Trouble In America / White Lies - Lost Control / Whitney - A Blackout For The Bloodsuckers / The Battles of Winter - Wrong Port / The Battles Of Winter - Wonder Where You Are Tonight / The Gravelberry's - Signed, Sealed, Delivered (I’m Yours) / Stevie Wonder - Watching The Detectives - Single Version/ Elvis Costello - FourFiveSeconds / Rihanna & Kanye West & Paul McCartney - Cold Turkey / John Lennon - (Just Like) Starting Over - Remastered / John Lennon - All Those Years Ago / George Harrison - Slip Away / Perfume Genius - Photograph / Perfume Genius - Sister (Album Version) / Rusty Egan / Mary Pearce & Boy George - Shadows / Future Islands / Debbie Harry - And I Was a Boy From School / Tears For Fears - Obscurity Knocks / Trashcan Sinatras - Supernatural / Barns Courtney - Waiting Outside / Big Wild - School Friends / Now, Now - Everyone And Everything / Ringo Starr - Not One Night / Julian Lennon - Taxman (2022 Mix) / The Beatles - Curse Your Fail / Broken Social Scene / Sebastien Grainger - Fire / Rita Wilson, Elvis Costello - 9 to 5 (FROM THE STILL WORKING 9 To 5) /Kelly Clarkson & DollyParton - Wherever I Lay My Hat (That's My Home) / Paul Young - Every Time You Go Away - Radio Edit / Paul Young - I.N.V.U. / Kid Kapichi - Lavatory Lil / Paul McCartney - Nostalgia / Suki Waterhouse   Addictions and Other Vices   Read the full article
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snowonebutyou · 3 years
AntiHonesty ask: What kind of wedding would Bechloe have?
oh they wouldn’t have one because beca refused to marry chloe’s clone after she made out with army boy -- she has principles
alternatively: chloe’s glitchy clone marries cheap knock-off beca (a pre-successful dj, never a producer) after bailing out on her wedding with chicago that beca was djing at
anti-honesty hour - ask me anything and i will respond with blatant lies
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nvzblgrrl · 3 years
Look. It's 2022. There have been loads of NuWho companions and I think I should be relatively safe to say that I really Do Not Like Rose Tyler.
Gonna just stick the read more here so anyone who doesn't want to hear me complain can dodge it, because Honey You Got A Big Storm Coming.
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So yeah here it is - my anti-Rose bitch fest.
It's not about her fandom constantly going on about her being the Doctor's 'Wun Tru Wuv' - though that's eternally an annoyance when I'm looking for fic to read or when someone has the brass set it takes to manifest in my DMs to bitch about me having both of them in a fic that's not focused on Their Grand Romance and how that means I hate Doctor Who, David Tennant, love, democracy, and free will when I'm the one who ended up writing about 10 thanks to the gods of random numbers -, it's more about the fact that her flaws, of which there are many very solid ones broadly displayed in the show, are glossed over by them.
And most of those problems boil down to the fact that Rose Tyler is selfish. I would say that it's impossible to gloss over that fact, but people do constantly, for some reason or another, so I'm just going to lay it out.
Rose Tyler is selfish and it is, 99% of the time, never to the betterment of anyone else.
I'm not saying that Rose is incapable of being compassionate - that's one of the few praises I can give her character is that she can switch from contempt to compassion rather easily - but she is largely incapable of putting herself in another person's shoes or understanding the differences between Her Situation and Theirs, and often outright refuses to change her mind even with presented with evidence to the contrary.
This is best evidenced by her actions in the Idiot's Lantern.
'How so?' you might ask. 'Wouldn't it be easier to just point out all the shit she's done in the name of getting father-daughter time with Pete Tyler?'
Well, Yes, but that's so direct I think people would take that as a given and miss the fact that Rose Tyler can and will actively project her Daddy Issues onto anyone and everyone else, despite actively seeing evidence that that is a Bad Idea.
Because in the Idiot's Lantern, Rose Tyler makes the jump towards being an active Abuse Apologist. Not in a 'didn't know any better' sort of way, but after watching Eddie Connelly terrorize his family - AND GETTING SCREWED OVER BY HIM TOO - she turns to Tommy and goes 'well, you should go talk to him. He's Your Dad.'
And the Doctor Goes With It, despite being the one who actively tried to counter any and all of Eddie's bullshit through the episode before this point.
(Seriously, 10 is his own can of worms for me, but Rose with 10 is just a perfect storm of 'what the fuck is wrong with you two'.)
Also - let's talk about the Dimension cannon, I've been dying to talk about the Dimension cannon.
You know how the Doctor ended Doomsday by pointing out that he couldn't just come and pick Rose up from the alternate dimension because doing that would risk destroying not just the Earth (Earths?) but both universes?
(in case this was unclear, this is a bad thing)
Remember how Rose immediately goes 'so?' Remember how in Series 4, Rose starts randomly Showing Up?
Yeppers. You know what that means - she got that information and decided that, you know what? I want my Ballerina Barbie in the pretty pink tutu Wun Tru Luv, and I will happily burn down the house destroy two whole ass universes to get that, damn the consequences.
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(Okay, maybe Rose isn't a complete Debbie but like... seriously).
Now, you might argue that she wouldn't have used the Dimension Cannon at all if it wasn't Safe if only so the Doctor wouldn't be upset and that she would be able to have him to herself longer.
But the thing is that - thanks to the Audios, we know that she was testing the damn thing way before the whole Reality Bomb thing with Davros was going on. You don't test something to see if it works if you don't intend to use it. And you don't test it a bunch if you're sure it's safe to use.
Rose Tyler is 100% willing to risk killing off not one, but two universes if it means getting back to the Doctor, even for a split second.
That's Not Exactly Great *understatement*. Also, I don't want to hear any Rose stans call Clara 'unstable' and 'possessive' when they're willing to excuse this shit.
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Also, I feel the need to point out that the weird 'but The Age Difference' argument a lot of people take against Clara/12 (the Doctor being massively older than most of their shipping partners is fairly standard?) falls apart even further considering the massive amount of shipping/erotica for Doctor/Rose which shacks her up with every single incarnation currently known.
So, idk, just be straight forward and say that you don't like anyone that isn't Rose. You were just as clear on that when Martha became the Doctor's companion, considering the amount of racist harassment Freema Agyeman had to deal with in real life.
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(is it bad form to reuse the same meme twice in a rant? Probably. But I think the problem of fans being racist bastards is more concerning)
And if you're quibble is something more like 'but Doctor/(whatever companion isn't Rose that I want to rail against) isn't Heaallthyyy' - Rose and 10 aren't healthy either. Together, they constitute one mega asshole, one who is willing to make jokes about Queen Victoria not being amused after a shitton of people got mauled to death by a werewolf, not to mention the time in Love and Monsters where the Doctor brought Rose around to see a guy about to get eaten by an alien explicitly so she could ream him out which was immediately followed up by the Doctor straight up telling the Absorbaloff 'yeah, go ahead and kill him, I don't care' with Rose not showing any emotion that wasn't 'How Dare You Hurt My Mum's Feelings After I Hurt Her Feelings' until she realized that the Absorbaloff had eaten Elton's girlfriend and even then, it was rather vague sympathy.
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(a joke about the state of the universe or the 10/Rose stans screaming at me for making this post? you decide)
But back to Rose being Selfish - you know how she drops Mickey like a sack of hot garbage at the end of her first episode for having a PTSD response instead of being 'oh yeah this is Tuesday' like the Doctor? and how she just continues to pick him up and drop him throughout the rest of his time on the show however she feels like until he just flat out leaves the TARDIS in Age of Steel?
Now remember that during this same period of off-and-on again with Mickey as Convenient, she also picks up Adam Mitchell (on hardly any interaction at all and looking like a barely toasted piece of white bread) and Jack Harkness (self-explain), while also going for the Doctor's attention.
I don't have any problem with Poly-Am or swinging, if done respectfully with all parties, but this was very much not the case here - Mickey being constantly treated as a rebound option is already bad enough without bringing in the fact that he's black and Rose is consistently dropping him for white men and then coming back the second the white guy doesn't work out.
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(sometimes all you need is a 7 year old Cracked article to sum up how you feel about a certain character).
And let's not forget the fact that Jackie spent a year harassing Mickey over his supposed murder of Rose and Rose's lukewarm concern about that whole kettle of fish when she finally came back.
But then we have the secondary problem of Rose immediately going cold and territorial the moment someone gets close - and I mean even in the mildest sense of talking to or even breathing the same air as one of her boys.
We see it with Jabe (literally episode two), Lynda with a Y (Bad Wolf/Parting Of The Ways), Sarah Jane, and even in non-direct interactions such as during the group call during The Stolen Earth. She immediately will point out that 'she was there first' or - in Sarah Jane's case - is the Doctor's current companion.
So yeah. Rose Tyler. The worst? Probably not. She's certainly an interesting character to study (a bit like those people who seem to think they're one encounter with Truck-kun away from living the isekai dream). Would she be someone I'd like to be friends with? No. Absolutely not. Would I want to engage with her fandom? Hell no. Been there, done that, been accused of being the Anti-Christ on the merit of not liking her.
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nona-piccolo · 3 years
Obey Me you say ?? Oh HECK yeah, I’ve been thinking of a bunch of stuff ! Feel free to just respond to ones you enjoy, and I wish I had a preference of the brothers or others but that’s also really just up to you! The gender neutral pronouns are amazing, thank you !!! Now that that is out of the way, on to thoughts and questions!
How do you feel the brothers or others would react to a very blunt and honest MC? Like one that is nice as heck, but will not hesitate to tell you their actual thoughts on things- for example the constant bashing on Mammon or maybe helping Solomon out in the kitchen with friendly suggestions kinda vibe !
How do
Oh I love this one! A part of me thinks that the brothers truly need a blunt MC in their lives, especially with how they treat Mammon and such sometimes LOL Because there is no preference, I decided to only do the brothers for now. But I do feel bad, because my Asmodeus, Beel, and Belphie ones appear to be much shorter… Thank you for the request though, I really hope you enjoy the answer 💗
How the boys react to blunt MC
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Characters: Lucifer, Mammon, Leviathan, Satan, Asmodeus, Beelzebub, and Belphegor
Reader: gn!reader
Warnings: none :)
I think it’s well known that Lucifer is not the softest guy when it comes to words.
Not only does he say whatever is on his mind, no matter how harsh it may be, but he also doesn’t care at all whose feelings he hurts in doing so. And yet there has never been anyone else to try and voice their opinions fullheartedly towards him.
So when he first begins spending time with you, truly, he was lowkey shocked at how blunt and honest you were.
Especially when it was towards him.
“Lucifer, did you just hang Mammon from the banister… again??” you ask, barging into his office without knocking. He was quite used to this however, and the demon had long since given up trying to scold you for it; it was no use, you would just keep doing it.
It’s not like he minded though. In fact, your presence made his head feel light after the many hours of paperwork he was going at.
“Yes, I did actually. Why do you ask?” he replied, glancing up to see you situated in front of his desk. You had your hands on your hips, obviously looking displeased. For a second, he thought your irritation was directed towards him.
“Why do I ask?” you replied back, no hesitation in your voice. “This is the third time this week. Mammon clearly hasn’t learned to fix his behavior after the first few times, and it’s obvious that hurting him won’t solve a thing!”
Oh… your irritation was directed towards him
Lucifer blinked up at you, his red eyes trying to read your face. No one ever had a problem with him punishing Mammon in the creative ways he could find; in fact, his younger brothers appeared to love watching Mammon suffer.
Apparently… you had not.
“Y/N, I-” Lucifer sighed, hell bent on just straight up telling you that Mammon will never learn.
“No. Stop doing it. He doesn’t deserve that.” You cut him off, the frustration still showing on your face. And before the demon could reply, you had turned around to whisk yourself out of his office. 
The only thing left in the room was him and his thoughts--- and the sound of his pen slipping from his fingers to bounce onto the desk.
Ohhh boy, Lucifer had never had someone stand up to him like that. It wasn’t even like you were trying to be mean, or be the more ‘dominant’ one… you were just saying what was on your mind. And Lucifer wasn’t blind.. He knew how much his other brothers meant to you, so for you to care so much as to voice your opinion to the very avatar of pride himself--- maybe, just maybe, he could give Mammon a break from punishments.
Even though people like to portray Lucifer as someone who is super strict and would want to be around I guess more ‘submissive’ people who would obey him, I think he would certainly not like an MC who allows people to walk all over them. You are the perfect balance between kindness and honesty, making you a trustworthy companion.
And a good ol’ honest comment could never truly hurt Lucifer’s feelings. His skin was as thick as bone, so to finally be around someone who isn’t intimidated to speak their mind around him… it’s almost relieving
I guess you could even say he finds it attractive….
Mammon had always enjoyed spending time with you
From the moment he met you, you had always given off a fun and compassionate aura, and so the demon was ecstatic to finally have a partner-in-crime!
Ehhhh… it wasn’t like that though
Although you found humor and joy in going along with his harmless schemes, there were some where you put your foot down without a grain of hesitation.
When you first voiced your opinion on how bad of an idea it was to try and snap a picture of Lucifer when he was sleeping, he instantly thought you were a debby downer with a goody-goody type of attitude. Mammon had groaned out in frustration as if he was a 3-year-old child.
“Oh come on! It’ll be fun! It’s not like Lucifer will even see ya coming,” he responded, pulling out his phone to text Satan and Asmodeus his plans.
You had stared at him after that for a solid minute, your arms crossed and your eyebrows furrowed as if you were thinking. It wouldn’t take a genius to recognize how bad of an idea that was.
“Mammon, you’ll probably be punished again. Respect Lucifer’s privacy please. Besides, I think it’ll be more fun if we watched a movie tonight! What do you say we rewatch the TSL series together?” you had brought up an alternate solution to keep him out of Lucifer’s wrath, hands folded together and eyes wide as you hoped he would agree and listen to you. Mammon was just confused though, looking at you as if you were crazy.
You’d rather watch that series all over again instead of trying to cause trouble for Lucifer??
Ugh… but look at your expecting face… he couldn’t just let you down.
Surprisingly, and begrudgingly though, he had agreed.
And guess who wasn’t thrown from the banister that night?? Mammon.
Your honesty doesn’t just stop there though.
As the family punching bag, Mammon was so used to taking the hits for his stupidity and then moving on. He never fought back. So when you decided to voice out how ridiculous it was that he was being called “stupid” and how ironic it was that Asmodeus was calling Mammon an “attention-seeker” or that Satan was referring to Mammon as an “asshole”, he was whole-heartedly surprised. 
Apparently so were his other brothers.
Everyone just sort of sat there in silence as you shot comments back at them, scolding them for treating Mammon like he was dirt. It wasn’t just one instance either; Every. Single. Time. You told them to knock it off.
And just like that, the harsh insults towards Mammon began to disappear, especially whenever you were around.
The avatar of greed never had anyone to stand up for him in the ways that you had. And he feels his heart swell up with warmth as you berate Lucifer of all people for hanging Mammon upside; the fall causing his sunglasses to slip and break, much to his disappointment.
Mammon made it a goal to always be near you when he voiced his opinion around others; because not only would you acknowledge what he said, but you also made sure the others wouldn’t shoot him down for simply being himself
It was like he could breathe when he was around you. Like every single thing he said wasn’t nitpicked apart and thrown away as a stupid thing. You were different. You told him what was wrong and gave him constructive criticism.
BUT-- that honestly doesn’t protect him from himself
No one is safe from your blunt persona, not even Mammon.
I think this is what he truly needs in his life though; because I believe honesty and bluntness comes from a place of love and comfort. You are blunt because you want Mammon to be the best that he can be, you are blunt because you want to see Mammon succeed, you are blunt because you care about him.
Every honest thing you say about him is to protect him.
So whenever Mammon sneaks into Leviathan’s room at night for a limited edition figurine, or slips down Diavolo’s corridors to try and snatch a vintage portrait that could make him some potential money… he always pauses to think of your reaction to his late night greedy urges. So that when he hesitantly puts down the portrait, he can sleep comfortably knowing that you’d be proud of him.
To be honest… I think it would make him very nervous when he observed that you were an honest person
Even though his brothers are equally as harsh to him-- for example, they don’t hesitate to call him a nerd, or a weeb and otaku-- he doesn’t seem to mind it anyways, since Leviathan has fully absorbed and accepted his otaku persona.
But this situation is a bit different… because even though Leviathan is used to his brothers being honest with him, it’s a whole different thing when Y/N does it.
Someone out of his family circle telling him that he’s a weirdo??
Yikes, he doesn’t think his heart could handle that.
So to cope he’ll at first just stay in his room… far away from you… so he could get to his usual activities.
He is already so used to being locked up in his room away from prying eyes and others’ opinions, so as soon as he takes notice of your blunt tendencies (especially when you had first voiced your thoughts to Lucifer), Leviathan shies away from being close to a normie like you. Besides, he doesn’t even need to leave, right? He has an emergency built stash of food for when he needs to eat, and he could just do school work on his own computer.
He has this whole imaginary field of comfort that he had built up for years and years; a room full of figures and merchandise-- his own personal utopia.
Leviathan doesn’t want you to judge him; he doesn’t want you to think that he’s weird or a loser. His poor introverted otaku heart couldn’t handle it
Clearly, he didn’t understand you at all...
That doesn’t stop you from hanging around him either. You insist he shouldn’t have to wait up all night alone for tickets on Zaramela’s new worldwide tour, and you had dragged Mammon along with you to give Leviathan some company.
He felt cornered, deciding to let you in to stay up late with him. And while Mammon had fallen asleep (much to Levi’s anxiety), he was left to try and entertain you to the best of his ability.
Leviathan hesitantly hopped onto his gaming console, turning on a classic favorite of his. It was simple, it was easy, and he was very familiar with it, especially considering he had played it and completed it over 25 times.
Perhaps his movements will be more shaky and unsure, however. When you sat down to watch him play his video games, he may mess up more often, to his dismay. Your distance to him was decent enough, and you couldn’t help but smile as you watched him begin to get absorbed into the game.
“You know, you’re very good at the game…” you mutter, looking down at his fingers flying across the controller. You wonder for a moment how Leviathan can even stare at the bright screen for so long without any permanent eye damage.
Apparently he took your comment as a sarcastic one, lightly scoffing. “Okay I get it… we can do something else… like uhh..” his eyes flitted down to a random CD he had discarded on his floor a while ago. “We could watch The Girl Whose Grandparents Travelled Back in Time to Tell Her She Was a Princess,” he casually brought up airily; already in the process of turning off his video game. He reached over to grab the CD, realizing too late that this was one of the animes he didn’t really like...
You were a bit confused at the offer though. “Um no thanks. It’s a total rip off of The Girl Whose Parents Time Travelled To the Past to Tell Her She Was a Princess.” Your response was automatic, looking at the CD as if you were bored.
Leviathan paused. “What?! Y-You noticed that too??” he questioned, tossing the CD back onto the ground where it originally was. “Finally someone who understands!! The heroine was almost a complete carbon copy, I can’t believe the studio got away with that!”
You nodded your head, a serious expression on your face. “What a let down. Besides, the original had a better soundtrack 100%.”
Leviathan almost jumped on you with excitement.
Apparently not even Leviathan knew how harsh of a critic he himself was. All that harsh judgement he does on animes and video games… Perhaps you being just as blunt would be new to him. You were somehow both one in the same.
All in all, Leviathan didn’t understand how much of a blessing having an honest person in his life could be. Especially as someone who doesn’t judge; your honesty never crossed the line into personal territory. 
Instead, you gave him an opportunity to gain feedback on animes that you two binge watch together
And for the first time in forever, Leviathan felt like he had someone to indulge in.
He really really enjoys this
Satan pegs me as the type of guy that would find humor in hearing your honest opinions--- and you notice that whenever you speak your mind towards Lucifer, you can briefly hear a quiet chuckle escaping Satan’s lips.
Of course, as mature as Satan is, it’s not that he actually finds what you say humorous; he just never thought he’d see the day where some mortal human would stand up to a group of demons as intimidating as they could be.
You remind him of himself in some ways… both of you unafraid to speak your minds and both of you able to stand up for what you truly believe in.
And because of this, he registers the fact that instead of going to Solomon or Asmodeus for opinions on his books or feedback for his many essays, he goes to you.
Especially when Satan needs proper and honest feedback from someone who wouldn’t sugarcoat it. And unlike Leviathan, Satan relishes in some proper assessments.
Satan feels more drawn to you than the rest of his brothers, coming up to you for some of his more diabolical actions--- like the many pranks he kept under his sleeve for Lucifer
“Do you think Lucifer will see this one coming?” he asked you casually, sliding you a piece of paper containing a scribbled down--- yet well thought-out and detailed scheme to cause trouble yet again.
You quirk up an eyebrow, glancing away from your phone and down towards the sheet of paper. With a small sigh, you decided to give in and at least entertain the idea. He just didn’t give up, huh?
“Hmmm… didn’t you try a plan like this similar to before?” you replied, eyes raking through the pencil marks.
“Have I?” he mumbled, leaning in to feign involvement. “Yes,” you answered, dropping the paper and acting like you didn’t need to see any more.
“And it didn’t work that time. I don’t think it’ll work this time either Satan. Sorry…”
“Don’t be sorry,” he grinned.
It’s not like it was just Satan who enjoyed your presence; you would grow increasingly more and more comfortable about voicing your opinions around him. There’s only one thing better than a straightforward honest person--- and that is someone who can actually appreciate the honesty
After you recognized that Satan truly does not get bothered by whatever is on the tip of your tongue, things only got better.
I can imagine late nights where you and Satan would stay up until your eyelids became like lead and you couldn’t continue without sleep. Those nights were filled with honesty and intelligence. He thought you had a beautiful mind. He wanted to hear every opinion that popped up in your head
Hmmm… Asmodeus is a bit trickier. 
As an outward and bubbly extrovert, Asmodeus was bound to hear all types of opinions from all types of different people. And judging by his insane amount of confidence, he doesn’t let any of that negative energy affect him (He says it’s bad for his skin).
It’s not like you’d say anything mean to him to begin with, especially purposefully--- but I feel everyone takes criticism differently, and some take it to heart more than others
Considering you don’t fall for Asmodeus’s mind-controlling charm, your honest and blunt nature just adds the cherry to the cake on what kind of person you are. This just makes you more natural and pleasant to be around.
So instead, he makes his use of it, making sure to drag you along with every one of his shopping sprees around town.
You wouldn’t suck up to him, or brush off his hyper enthusiasm by simply saying ‘yes’ to everything--- much like his brothers do to him
“Y/N, Y/N, do you think this color will look good on me??” Asmodeus excitedly asks, holding up a beige scarf to his neck. Both of you couldn’t care less about the wandering eyes that followed trailed towards the loud demon of lust. “I think this color looks good on me, but definitely not with the outfit I’m wearing currently.”
You smile at his animated gestures, nodding your head in agreement. 
“I do think the color suits you, but didn’t you get a beige outfit a week ago? Maybe a cream color will look better,” you mention, shifting through the scarves on the rack.
Asmodeus pauses to pose in the mirror that was conveniently placed on the store wall. “You could be right~ I heard cream is more in style right now anyways. Thank you darling 💗.” 
Beelzebub doesn’t even notice you’re more blunt and honest; like, he doesn’t isolate that as your special quality
Instead, he just thinks that that is how you were as a person.
Honestly, it’s quite cute.
Whenever he eats off of the plates of others, or realizes that he just vacuumed down the cookies that you were supposed to deliver to Luke, you don’t hesitate to voice your disapproval. 
“Beel, please don’t eat other people’s food. It’s not nice,” you reprimand gently, noticing that no other brother on the table was going to say anything to reprimand him.
He quietly gulps down the rest of the food that he had finished chewing in time. “Oh… sorry,” Beel mumbled, wiping the remaining crumbs of the cookies that he knew you worked on for Luke.
He didn’t even realize he reached over to take the food.. One moment his stomach grumbled hungrily, and then the next moment he smelled the cookies you had spent all morning baking.
Whenever he ate his brothers’ food, they would always sigh and complain to Lucifer about it---which in turn caused Lucifer to tell them to just grab some more.
He really really didn’t mean it…
You sighed quietly, grabbing a napkin off of the table to aid in ridding the crumbs all over his shirt. “It’s okay Beel. Try not to do it again, kay?” It looks like you needed to throw together another batch of cookies in order to get them delivered to Luke before it got too late.
You glanced behind you, watching as Beel followed you to the kitchen again. The redhead noticed your questioning glance, and he only grinned in reply.
“I’m going to help you make more. It’s the least I can do…” he said.
The gesture must have made you happy, because he could see you return the grin instantly.
Beelzebub also happens to be lowkey blunt in his own way, because while he may hold back in speaking a lot of the time, much of what he does say (besides things food-related) is actually quite honest. He isn’t afraid to tell people what he thinks about them, but on a much lower scale than you.
I think this mixture of two similar people is wonderful--- 
Remember how I said some people take honesty and criticism to heart more than others?? Well… Beel takes to heart what you say and attempts to fix anything he can within his power.
Ha ha ha… ahhh Belphegor. Okay correct me if I’m wrong, but he’d totally be the type to purposefully do things that would make you snap at him or cause you to be more blunt.
He always knew you were kind-- I mean, you were the one to help get him out of the miserable attic. You were also the one willing to deal with Mammon, so… ya know.
But his level of respect for you rose when the demon took note that you were no welcome mat. 
No one could step all over you, and for a human, that was damn impressive to him.
For example, the first time he had fallen asleep in a weird position in front of you was when you, Beel, and Belphie decided it would be fun to bake some muffins for everyone. He was assigned the role of mixing together the mix and well… he fell asleep.
While standing…
You quickly snapped him out of it, voicing your opinion on how it was not the time to be sleeping--- especially if these muffins were to be done before dinner
He liked getting your attention in that way though
Belphegor was another demon with thick skin, and yet another demon who also happens to be blunt and honest (probably one the most in the family)
“You look like shit,” he mumbled into his pillow, watching you trudge into the room tiredly. You had dark under eye circles, probably due to the lack of sleep you had within the past two days, and your hair was unkempt. The strands thrown about your head like a cyclone just hit you. Belphegor had heard that you were taking extra magic lessons with Satan and Solomon, and he only assumed this was a result.
You grunted, flopping down onto the bed right next to him.
“Well, you don’t look too good yourself. But I guess that’s what 10 hours of sleep will do to you,” you bit back, the words were a bit slurred and muffled due to your face plant on the bed.
He chuckled lightly, scooching over to toss his blanket over you.
Belphegor would ask about your little magic experience later on; the loads of opinions you probably had would make due for an interesting listen.
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curlsinthewind · 3 years
10 fandoms, 10 characters, 10 tags
rules: show us your ten favorite characters from ten fandoms and then tag ten people to do the same.
thank you @grenadinepeach for tagging me! i did a lot of thinking but i think that im satisfied with my choice :) this took me ages but even if no one reads this, i will come back and read through my opinions over and over again because i like reading my thoughts :D
also, i stole a lot of these GIFs from a lot of people and i am very sorry
Liam Dunbar - Teen Wolf
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look, he's my baby, okay? i love his development and how he tries so hard to be better and better and actually accomplishes it. i love that even though he has to act tough, this mask sometimes falls off and he's freaking out over the simplest tasks, because that's what teenagers look like, that's what i look like and i love to see it.
alternate: Theo Raeken, Lydia Martin
Tina Cohen-Chang - Glee
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i know she's annoying, i really really do...but hear me out. she makes mistakes, she wants to be something more and tries hard to get what she wants. her voice is beautiful and one of my favourite female voices in glee (besides Santana). she is beautiful and gains so much confidence throughout the series and i love her for it.
alternate: Kurt Hummel, Blaine Anderson
Arthur Pendragon - Merlin
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i love this blonde himbo so fucking much. i would say it's pretty hard to like him at the beginning because his way of thinking isn't the brightest one, but once you get deeper into his psychology and listen to more interviews by Bradley James who so kindly explains why can Arthur sometimes seem so dense and cruel, you start to love him. i can't even express how much i love him, i just look at him and my heart swells with pride because i'm so proud of him and of what he did. i love him and this series with my whole human-being.
alternate: Merlin, Sir Leon, Guinevere
Brienne of Tarth - Game of Thrones
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i can't say anything more than brienne of tarth is the baddest bitch under the sun. i loved her storyline the most from the series and i love how she's this warrior who tries to push herself through so everyone would respect her for who she really is, and on the other hand she's just a girl who has feelings and fears and doubts, but she still pushes and pushes and i admire her for it.
alternate: Jaime Lannister, Arya Stark
Carl Grimes - The Walking Dead
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carl gets a lot of hate and i get why that is. he has mood swings, is angry in the least fitting situation, does stupid things and acts like someone he isn't. however, that's exactly the reason why i love him. i can't imagine growing up in a zombie apocalypse, i don't know what i would do, but one thing's for sure, carl embodies the perfect picture of a small kid who's world was ripped from them and they had to deal with it at such a young age. i love him because he's far from perfect, i love him because he's trying to survive even though he doesn't know any better, i love him because he's still this compassionate loving boy even though most of the people he loves are already dead.
alternate: Maggie Greene, Michonne
Raven Reyes - The 100
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we get a lot of independent strong women in the 100 series which is why i didn't stop watching it. however, when i was trying to decide what female character is my favourite, i immediately chose raven because she's smart and beautiful and so strong. she is important and she knows it, that is also why she' doubts herself so much, but she does what she has to do every single time even if she didn't believe in herself completely. i really wish to be like her.
alternate: Bellamy Blake, John Murphy
Alec Lightwood - Shadowhunters
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what can i say. i just love the trope 'he went soft after meeting his one true love' and i love bows and gays so yeah...also he was the only character (together with magnus and isabella) who didn't annoy me immensely :D sorry
alternate: Magnus Bane, Maia Roberts
Debbie Gallagher - Shameless
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I DON'T CARE WHAT ANYONE SAYS, DEBBIE IS SO FUCKING BEAUTIFUL, I HAVE THE BIGGEST CRUSH ON HER AND I WANT TO TAKE CARE OF HER BABY, thank you very much. i mean, she's a bad bitch. she grows up in a rough environment and that's exactly her personality and i love it. no redemption, no big life changes, no looking backs, just debbie, a bad bitch.
alternate: Carl Gallagher, Ian Gallagher, Mickey Milkovich
Marty McFly - Back To The Future
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marty's guitar skills are a big turn on, okay? also, he has the best fashion style ever and my first cosplay and only cosplay i ever did, was on him. he is a dork but still smart enough to right the wrongs and still brave enough to fight his enemies. his friendship with doc is absolutely awesome and i love him.
Theodora Crain - The Haunting of Hill House
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PLS, WHO DOESN'T LOVE HER???? she's hot and sarcastic and has fricking superpowers and is a lesbian???? PLEASE, she's the best character from this series, no one even comes close to her. i have the biggest crush on her. i admire how she got over her childhood and instead of hiding, she decided to use her gift for greater good even if it brought her unpleasant memories. she is broken (but like, good broken, if you know what i mean), she is smart and strong and hot and witty and there's nothing i could say against her.
HONOURABLE MENTIONS: Benjamin (Benjamin), Rikki (H2o Just Add Water), Hiccup (How To Train Your Dragon), Ben Hargreeves (The Umbrella Academy)
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onthecrosslook · 3 years
Well okay this is starting off well- heroin is always a good choice
He’s not sad
Told you
Okay okay so he needs to go to a funeral??
Wait we get a sexy Ben shower scene, we are truly blessed on this day 😇🙏🏻
Girl nonchalantly gives him drugs, nbd
Why? His dad seems like a chucklefuck
wait no I understand now
Okay…um…wow. This is…yikes.
*watching through my fingers*
Ah. Yes. Drugs.
“iM nOt aN aMaTeUr”
*is an amateur* *chokes on a pill*
Ohhh shit he’s in the wrong room I’m cringing
I’m crying in a bathroom now, Patrick vibes are strong with me
*flashbacks make me cry again*
*American accent* “Tryyyying to make me sad…bOo hOo.”
*crying again*
Oh fuck the drugs DO work- who would have known? *flashbacks to nOt bEiNg aN aMaTeUr*
Oh fuck you
“It’s just the antibiotics…”
“NGGH!” *sqweeeeee* *thump*
“Mr. Melrose.” “hAh!” “All good?” *unintelligible moaning that sounds like “just jet-lagged”*
What the fuck
He’s using money to snort cocaine- IN A PUBLIC BATHROOM??!? WHAT THE FUCK AM I WATCHING??!?
*blAReA bLaRgA bLaH* “THAT’LL FOOL ‘EM!”
Tar-tare tar-tare tar-tare!
“Will…someone be joining you…?” *voice crack* “fUCKing hell, I hope not…”
“I eat not from greed, but from passion!”
“Fuck! Fucking FATE, fuck, fuck!” *hits a telephone repeatedly*
Patrick are you okay…?
“Suuure I was gonna stab you” Mark if you touch him I will tear your heart from your chest with my teeth-
Fuck this is making me remember my own abuse
But will that stop me
Pfft. Rich people.
Absolutely CRINGING- needles are horrible I am gonna go cRy-
*cries some more*
Pleeeeeeease stop with the cocaine GOD DAMN
oh my ears are dead- is that a fucking train whistle
What is happening.
He’s screaming. I’m scared. This is a very accurate representation of cocaine.
“Become part of the silence. Good.” PATRICK P L E A S E-
“Now take a revolver and shoot his fucking brains out- bANG BANG BANG BANG BANG!” Yes I agree, your father was a dick
Oh. Trauma. Lovely.
Where did his trousers go- yknow what, I don’t want to know-
“You shouldn’t be alone” Yeah, you fucking THINK?
Who the fuck is Mary Ann
“Oh, THAT Mary Ann.” Yes, this explains rather a lot.
Patrick is Not Okay™️
Fucking hell, he put a television by the bath
Oh he’s pouring…alcohol on his head…?
Um. I did NOT need to see Benedict’s ass
Still did though. Trauma
“Just like your father.” I WILL FUCKING STRANGLE HIS FATHER-
he’s cursing so damn much 😭
“Nothing but the best, or go without.” Again, I would have murdered his father if he wasn’t already DEAD-
This fucker’s name is ‘Ballentine’? Fuck you
stop acting like your dad, Patrick. You’re better than that.
Why…is he bleeding…God, Patrick, I’m gonna cry, sTOP DOING HEROIN-
Wait Patrick is dating Debbie
How did I fucking miss this
“WaS iT a dIfFiCuLt ReLaTIoNsHiP, pAtRiCk?” “…Yes, Nancy.” FUCK YOU ALLLLL
“I’d give up drugs forever…or at least have someone attractive to take them with.” 💀
“There’s hard work and ambition involved.” Same, Patrick. Same.
*throws ashes on the floor* “REVENGE AT LAST!”
Can I just take one moment to appreciate how beautiful Ben is in this- his acting, the emotion, Goddamn, his hair is lovely- just…he looks and performs beautifully.
Wow. Mary Ann…Christ. What a bitch.
Oh shit
*hits it with a ceramic toilet lid* *lid breaks* “hOOOOOW?!!????”
Scared little boy. He’s just a scared little boy.
I’m so uncomfortable, I’m not going to go into this.
…Okay. Well. Christ.
…his mum actually looks really sweet…
Here come the waterworks (figuratively and literally)
“And the sun shone, having no alternative on the nothing new…”
Well, the eyepatch is gone! *laughs nervously*
“There will be rivers of blood, and the wicked shall be drowned.” Wow. That’s an A+ quote- is it from the Bible?
“Never mind.”
“Oh, fine, tried to kill myself last night.” I felt that in my soul.
“Christ, are you all right?” fUCKING NO, DOES HE LOOK ALL RIGHT???
He’s crying, ay bendito, the poor thing…
Conclusion: This series is…bloody incredible, holy fucking shit. Benedict’s performance is one that I am awestruck by- just completely flummoxed by how much he embodies Patrick.
And by God, Patrick Melrose…He’s been through so much, and he just needs help, for Christ’s sake. I really hope he gets better.
Tune in tomorrow for the next episode!
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Change The Menu Fare
“Keep your heart with all vigilance, for from it flow the springs of life.” Proverbs 4:23ESV
As a child, I learned a little song:
‘Oh, be careful, little eyes, what you see,
Oh be careful, little eyes, what you see
There’s a Father up above looking down in tender love,
Oh, be careful. little eyes what you see.
Oh, be careful, little ears, what you hear,
Oh, be careful, little ears, what you hear,
There’s a Father up above looking down in tender love,
Oh, be careful, little ears, what you hear…’
Why don’t we take the words of that song seriously? Why do we tune in to the news channels? Why do we watch programming of sinful people’s unhappiness? Why do we watch speeches of darkness? Why do we refuse to learn how to turn fear, depression, anger,  hopelessness, and apathy away from us?
Lou and I moved to Ohio, deciding to not pay for cable TV. We had discovered during the previous year the anger and hopelessness we felt, seemed to be connected to watching news channels. Our selection of viewing now comes solely through the internet. Daily, we’ve guarded everything we watch. If the programming didn’t build us spiritually; had anything negative; promoted lewd sexuality; we hit the back button and found something else.
We’re both looking for total healing in our bodies. There are many healing evangelists in our nation on YouTube. Many faith teachers are available to help us strengthen our faith. Worship teachers help us turn our lives over entirely to Christ. Now, I have a few family members who might say, ‘oh you are just too emotional. That stuff isn’t real, it just gives you an emotional high.’ Well I’ll take an emotional high over the alternatives of hopelessness. 
My Lord Yahweh has been growing consistently in my spiritual eyes over the past year. There is nothing, ABSOLUTELY NOTHING that ElShaddai, Yahweh can’t do— “…Jesus said to him, “…All things are possible for one who believes” Mark 9:23ESV. 
Years ago, an acquaintance had a vision while in church. She was able to the souls of each person. Most people were walking around with babies looking starved and emaciated inside of them— the babies?— Their souls. 
What had been happening to me was a slow starvation of my spirit. I knew better. This wasn’t the first time I’d felt my ardor waning. Our spirits have to be nurtured first, more than our bodies, because “for out of it are the issues of life.” My spirit, the part of each of us which goes to heaven, needed 24/7 God foods. The entire Holy Scriptures are to bring growth to our spirits. 
Prepare a feast for your spirit and change the menu fare of your viewing. Why do we starve ourselves for different forms of entertainment? For negativity? Eye garbage? Feed your eyes and ears what is beneficial to your spirit’s growth. We’ve got a war to fight, if you hadn’t already noticed. Only from strength in our spirits can the joy of the Lord bring us through to total victory. How strong do you want to be? Do you want to win these major battles? Or a few skirmishes? It’s your choice. You choose.
LET’S PRAY: Lord God our lamps can run empty of oil without us even knowing it. Awaken us. Help us to see the only thing we need is you. Cause us to grow, in the name of Jesus Christ I pray.
by Debbie Veilleux
Copyright 2023 You have my permission to reblog this devotional for others. Please keep my name with this devotional, as author. Thank you. 
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jade-marie · 3 years
i’m so on the fence about how i feel about beth.
i was just thinking about how rio had to show her his family for her to see him as an actual human being. ( i thought that the family dinner was his way of humanizing himself so beth wouldn’t turn him in) like waa
even if he didn’t have a family he’s still a person w actual feelings. and i also think that she’s impulsive so she doesn’t think about how her actions will impact people(only about how it will positively affect her). if rio gets locked up what happens to his son? when dean got locked up she knew how much it impacted her children. like cmon.
and then she holds on to her stupid ass ideas even when they fail. did she fr think that rio was stupid enough to believe that carolyn was an actual mother? even when he addresses that he knew carolyn wasn’t a mother she says “if you don’t like her..” please stop w the lying.clearly rio was tired of it in ep 7. i was getting second hand embarrassment throughout the whole diner scene too even tho some parts made me laugh
please don’t get me wrong..i don’t HATE her i just hate the things she does at times. ik that this deal will protect her family/annie & ruby’s families. i mean if she “chooses” rio then what happens to them?? i would honestly be pissed off if she fucked up annie & ruby’s life without consulting them(cause we know she loves to do that and most likely will if she chose rio)
i really love reading what you have to say. at first i loved her character sm—and i hardly saw her flaws. then when i started to see diff perspectives on her behavior, i started to reevaluate how i felt about her.
anyways i respect ur opinions even if i don’t totally agree w them. and sorry about those assholes on reddit.
i would love to know what you think!!(ps sorry this was long lol)
Don't worry about the long ask - my reply got long too!
The whole storyline about Rio's family is something that really bothered me. I was so excited for it, literally the only thing I was actually excited for this season and it was all about Beth.
First, from a narrative perspective, I hate that they couldn't even allow Rio to have one interaction with his family that didn't involve Beth. Sure, she could've been there and seen it but let him play with his son, his nieces and nephews, get scolded by his grandma for arguing with Nick at the table. Whatever. We didn't even learn the names of his family members, no introductions were made. He was sat at the same table as Marcus and not a word was exchanged between them. So, giving him a family was just such a waste imo.
Seondly, he was introducing her to his family, presumably to show her what was at stake for him, because she constantly uses her motherhood and her family as a shield to hide behind and avoid the consequences of her actions. But that didn't help. She left a wire in his grandma's house and she continued with her plan to hand him over to the secret service. Like you said, even without his family, he is still a person with actual feelings (feelings Beth doesn't care about, so can we please stop pretending? shipping is fine but like, stop rewriting what is literally on the goddamn screen). She knows about Marcus, she knows Marcus. He's friends with her daughter, he's been in her home and drawn her pictures, she's had to listen to Rhea talk about how much Marcus was struggling without his dad, and Beth was willing to take him away again. Dean being in jail is a problem because her kids miss their dad, so the alternative is to take Marcus' dad away? Fitzpatrick had at least two kids who are now fatherless too. So the impression I get is that her family is the only one that matters, which like, cool, fine, whatever. But own that shit and stop using your kids as human shields.
The whole situation with Phoebe/Carolyn is part of a much larger trend the show has with dumbing down characters for plot convenience, as opposed to actually writing a clever plot and it irks me to no end. Anyone with eyes who saw Rio's face in that diner would know he was not buying it. Anyone who saw him at the house would know he was not buying it. But suddenly all 3 girls and the secret service are dumbasses who can't see this for themselves? I had so much secondhand embarrassment from the whole thing, and yeah, I chuckled at a few moments but the comedy feels really lazy now, it's not organic like in s1 and 2.
Lol, don't worry, I get it. I, however, do hate her. At least for now. So these things just make me dislike her even more, to be honest. Like you said, her deal with he secret service now includes Ruby and Annie, so it's not just her family on the line here. All 3 girls were arrested for armed robbery after their jewellery store heist, so if she reneges on her agreement with the SS by helping Rio - they all go to jail. Once again, it's a case of Beth making unilateral decisions and expecting everyone to follow the leader. That would be fine if someone actually pulled her up on it but they just don't.
Thank you for saying that, it means a lot. I know a lot of people just see me as a Debbie Downer, and I get that it can come across that way sometimes. But I agree that it's also important to see other perspectives and not just absorb one specific POV that suits your narrative. You don't have to agree with them all the time, but like you said, you should respect other people's opinions and allow people to voice those opinions how they see fit.
As for those Reddit assholes - fuck 'em. I hope they endure unending misery from my content. It's my gift to the universe 🙃
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mjsarcastic · 3 years
I watch the finale of Shameless, and damn it, I'm pissed off. WTF kind of ending was that???
Where was the resolution? Why were there so many random subplots thrown in literally twenty minutes into the episode? Why is Ian and Mickey and Kev and V the only two good pairings left on the show? Are you really trying to convince me that Tami, after spending literally the ENTIRE season telling Lip they had to move out of the Gallagher house, suddenly decided it was fine if they stayed and raised a possible second baby? Did anyone even find out about Frank dying? Did they really end this amazing show slowly gone down hill by basically leaving the entire cast singing fucking Kumbaya and pretending like they weren't all about to go through a bunch of shit? What the hell kind of writing went into this episode?
Sorry about the rant, I'm just upset that this was how this show I loved so much ended. I love the cast, I love the characters (besides Tami. I want Mandy or even Sierra back,) and I love this show. But come on! I can't be the only one who agrees that this was a terrible ending to a truly amazing show.
So, to make up for it, here's my alternative:
We start out in the morgue of a hospital, where Frank lays dead on a table, and when a nearby physician asks if he had any other family, Fiona is revealed to be standing there with a frown as she replies that he did (my mom pointed out that she was probably still his emergency contact even after Fiona left, and I agree.) Later, at Frank's wake, and after a reunion between Fiona and her siblings where she has to reveal the news, there's a small get together at the Alibi where Frank had been cremated and put in an empty bottle of whiskey that sits on a little table, and all the Gallagher's are there and give small speeches.
Liam is the most distraught out of all of them, and he finally stands up for himself and tells the gang that Frank cared for him more then they ever had, and he announces he had been accepted into a STEM school in, like, California or something and heads off because this kid deserves better, but of course he makes up with his family then heads off using his cut of the house money made from selling the house.
Speaking of, Lip stills manages to sell the house to that Shelby guy and invests in opening a bike shop with Brad and some of their old coworkers, and there happens to be an apartment for rent above said garage he rents out with the promise to Tami that she, him, Fred, and their possible new baby would be in a nice house by the end of the year. Yada, yada, I hate the pairing but it's pretty much too late to change it, so go with it.
Debbie, unfortunately, doesn't realize that her new girlfriend what's-her-name is basically her Jimmy-Steve and goes to El Paso with her, bringing Franny along, which is pretty unfortunate but there isn't enough room in the episode for Debbie to realize she jumped back into a relationship way too soon.
Ian and Mickey, my favorite pairing on the show, pretty much have the same storyline as in the episode with the discussion of kids and such included. I moved their anniversary up to a bit later, since my idea includes a short few month time skip, so bare with me here. Just know that they still had the anniversary party in the Alibi.
Carl decided to buy the Alibi as suggested in the show, and a few months later, there's a reopening where everyone attends including Fiona, who stayed to help, and Kev and V, who had flown back with their girls to attend the reopening before they officially moved to Kentucky and never looked back. Debbie isn't there, I honestly wouldn't expect her to be, but Liam is and so is Lip and Tami, and due to the success of Lip and Brad's bike shop, the pair were planning on renting a house soon where they could raise Fred AND their new baby...sarcastic yaaay. Fiona plans to go back on her travels later that night, Liam and Kev and V plan to leave to their seperate places the next day, as do Lip and Tami, while Carl stays and acts as a cop and a bar owner. There's a painting of Frank with a glass of beer raised and a smile on his face that Carl had commissioned.
And as the camera zooms away from the bar, as the Gallagher's all pour out and begin to go their seperate ways while a recording of them singing the same song in the real finale plays, the new name of the Alibi is revealed to be called "Frank's."
Finally, at the end, Frank stands on the beach in front of a barrel fire like how the series started, and he says the same thing he said in the real finale before he drinks from a bottle of beer, makes a toast to the audience by saying, "And to, you glorious bastards, for watching the Gallagher's suffer for your amusement for the past ten years. Here's to you, you motherfuckers!" And the camera zooms out away from him as the song finishes, and the credits roll for the last time.
Bonus credits scene: Tommy and Kermit sit at the new Alibi and stare at the painting of Frank as Kermit asks if the painting would follow him like the Mona Lisa, and when he tests it out, the whiskey bottle full of Frank's ashes that sits on a shelf under the painting falls and breaks into pieces, and Tommy and Kermit look at each other with the thought that Frank now haunted the place, and then, it cuts to black.
There it is; my alternate plot. Don't like it? Well, it's not canon, so move on with your life and deal with the real ending like the rest of us have to.
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