#thanks for asking friend
ominouspuff · 1 month
what would be on your art creation wish list? something you haven’t drawn yet for whatever reason?
Ohoho, ROOK. This is a difficult question, but I love it.
I have a few private answers, but one I can share is an animation dream. I admire Hayao Miyazaki as an artist, and respect his philosophy. I am very serious about wanting to create traditional frame-by-frame films someday, especially ones that likely would fall under the same ‘genre’ of stories.
At the moment, this is beyond me. I’m practicing frame-by-frame animation, but it will be a long process. Here’s a piece for reference:
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I have many animation dreams, some more serious and dear to me than others.
For my current Star Wars interest (and just for kicks and practice) I’d love to put together a short end-credits style piece about my RepGA AU, like a wholesome epilogue, or a happier-ending AU to my AU that may not feature all these happy endings precisely.
A few scenes that would feature:
- Plo Koon stepping out of a train-transport onto what is clearly a foreign planet’s platform, with much alien tropical vegetation, wearing a sun hat and followed by first one, then two, then the entirety of his battalion all decked out for a vacation and parading like ducklings (Wolffe is wearing colorful shorts alongside the equivalent of an incredibly thick, tough mountain shacket and combat boots).
- Ahsoka waving out of a train transport, grinning happily as it comes into the station, and the camera panning to see Anakin and Padme very worn, leaning on eachother with signs of recent hospital stay, and Rex right next to them grinning like a fool and holding both twins in his arms (Anakin has a hand pointedly resting on Luke’s head around Rex’s back, so that he essentially is a hen clutching the entire party to his person, visually).
- Fox and Cody in whatever counts as intensive care with healers in the vicinity. They are bickering about the weird hospital food that transcends all AUs and dimensions.
- Obi-Wan digging through rubble to help with cleaning up the wreckage of a sub-city in Coruscant, pausing to catch his breath while Alpha-17 both makes fun of him and walks over leisurely with a water bottle for him. Nearby, a team effort comprised of engineering tools used in a way not quite intended by the designers and Fordo’s raw strength launches an enthusiastic Wolffe up into a second-floor they were having trouble accessing, through a hole in the wall.
There are more, but they would give spoilers.
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mjfass · 15 days
..u okay?
Not really. I still can’t get over what happened with the BCC. They were truly my emotional support wrestlers. I am soooo sad.
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a-franciscan-spirit · 1 month
How is the Big Move going??
I got here yesterday evening. It took two ten hour days of driving to get here. The last hour was the worst cause it was so boring I was trying not to fall asleep. But I am here, surrounded by the literal baggage of my life, and realizing I forgot half of it. Or packed the wrong half. I am so very, very tired.
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kpforpresident · 2 years
how about "38. because they're running out of time"?
Lexa smiles to herself as a pair of persistent, chap-stick coated lips press insistently to hers, disappearing for a breath before angeling back again. She gives herself over to the moment, running her free hand gently through painstakingly curled golden locks, careful not to muss them. Clarke tastes like the vanilla Burt’s Bees she applied earlier, the lingering taste of champagne coating her tongue as Lexa swipes gently through her mouth. 
Around them, people in various levels of cocktail dress from nice restaurant to ballroom ready mill around, admiring the bright and eclectic art pieces that are staged intentionally around the large, cavernous white room. A string band plays quietly in the back corner, the quiet clink of champagne glasses mixed with the murmur of chatter as people drink and talk. 
Lexa opens her eyes and pulls away gently, locking with a sparkling blue gaze as she does so. She glances at her watch- five minutes remain. Clarke presses one more playful kiss to her cheek, derailing her train of thought as her honeysuckle perfume clouds Lexa’s head pleasantly. She was wearing the same one as on their wedding day- the bottle that she only pulled out on special occasions, because she claimed, it’s good luck, Lexa. 
“See?” Clarke smirks as she angles away slightly, running both hands down her close-fitting black dress as she preens slightly at the attention. She gives a little spin under Lexa’s appreciative gaze, a flash of pale thigh peeking through as she twirls in her black heels. Slinky silver earrings hang from her ears to dangle just above her collarbones, her hair artfully mussed in the style she insisted was very popular among her Brooklyn art crew. Lexa straightens her own dark green blazer jacket with the hand that isn’t cradling a fluted glass before she passes it off to Clarke, snagging another one from a passing waiter. 
“You look beautiful, Clarke,” Lexa says softly, sincerely, as she takes a small step closer to her wife, slipping a hand to rest gently on her waist and smoothing her thumb over a hipbone. Clarke smiles into her glass as she takes a dainty sip, foregoing a verbal thank you for a physical one as she leans in for another kiss. Lexa tastes like the expensive, miniscule hors devours that had made their way around the room earlier, Clarke earning an extra adoring glance from a slightly distraught, food deprived Lexa when she had quietly let her know that she had ordered their favorite Thai curry to be delivered upon their arrival home later.
Lexa, ever the tactician, cuts her off with three shorter pecks, squeezing her tighter to cut off the protest she knew Clarke was sure to be brewing at being kiss-embargoed. 
“There’s plenty of opportunity for that later, love,” Lexa purrs as she gently nudges Clarke towards the three short steps up to the stage, where a bright spotlight and a microphone awaits her very talented wife. “But for now, we are out of time” 
Clarke gives her a blinding smile as she carefully climbs the steps, champagne glass cradled confidently in her right hand. She readjusts the mic as she surveys the impressive turnout, the modest brick studio in the heart of Brooklyn teeming with the best and brightest art talent on this side of the Hudson. Art collectors and enthusiasts alike turn patiently towards the stage upon its occupancy. A bright flash is seen from the back left corner, a photographer and writer duo from the Times surveying the scene with a critical eye.
Lexa holds her breath as Clarke carefully glances at her notes that are concealed on the podium, the dull roar of the room gently softening to a hush as hundreds of voices quiet. 
“Hi, everyone,” Clarke starts, her voice faltering slightly but then gaining power quickly as she chances a glance at Lexa. Lexa smiles encouragingly, hovering in the shadows at the bottom of the steps as she adjusts her hold on her glass, her nervous palm sliding slightly. 
“Welcome to the first annual art silent auction in my new gallery space- I’m so thrilled to see so many new and familiar faces! As many of you know, this mission is partnered with my wife, Lexa’s law firm, to help raise money and awareness for the nearby pediatric oncology ward…” 
Lexa smiles and relaxes with a soft sigh as she watches her wife shine onstage. 
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piratekane · 6 months
For the writing ask meme: 28, 30 and 33
28. any writing advice that works for you and you feel like sharing? - honestly just go all in. if you want to see it in a fic, write it. write for yourself. write for your friends! i love getting comments on fic (do not get me wrong, they sustain me) but i *cherish* the texts from friends that are just exclamation points. find a group of people in fandom who are just as unhinged about fictional characters as you are and write the story for them. you’ll love writing even more.
30. describe a fic that almost happened, but then it didn’t. - i have so many started fics, it’s unbelievable. let me look let me look… i started one where bea’s touch, specifically, activated ava’s halo. it has such promise! and i have a power rangers (2017) fic i’d love to finish someday about trini’s relationship with the color pink and how it changes from pre-movie to post-movie. alas. maybe one day.
33. give your writing a compliment - oh, sneaky. this is my least favorite on the list. i suppose… i feel pretty confident that i’m able to paint a picture a reader can imagine in front of them. i spend a lot of time on thinking about the environment and making sure (much to my word count’s delight) that i describe everything. enough now.
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foibles-fables · 10 months
13,14, and 29 for the writer wrapped
you got it!!!
13. What’s your longest work of the year?
meet me where the hours bend, Horizon, 3308 words. What can I say, I'm a shortform writer. I guess the real answer would be the Talanah script for FOTH, but....
14. What’s your shortest work of the year?
genuflection, Warrior Nun, 200 words. For the flashfic zine!
29. Favorite line/passage you wrote this year?
OH NO this one is HARD. First one that popped into my head's gotta be this passage from here--which, in retrospect, feels like I wrote it SO long ago lmao: Aloy’s salt-stung eyes flicker up as Talanah approaches with the next empty canister. It’s as tall as her waist, and she’s carrying it by the handles crafted near the top. Her movements are easy and light, her smile is soft and unbothered, and her silk and Carja armor look a lot more forgiving than the hide and fur Aloy’s wearing. But when she draws up alongside Aloy to make the exchange, it’s clear that the heat is affecting her, too. There’s a fine sheen of sweat slicked over all that Aloy can see of her skin. Skin. Oh. Has Talanah always—had skin? Stupid question, Aloy. Of course she’s had skin. Everyone does. But Aloy’s never been this close to someone else’s skin before, not that she can remember. Never noticed it like this. She’s definitely noticing Talanah’s now, though. It’s impossible not to notice when her skin is glowing, glistening like that, near enough for Aloy to reach out and touch. Makes her want to be even closer. And maybe that unnerves her, just a little. All the heat flares into triple, like she just swallowed a mouthful of the boiling sunlight.
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fandomscraziness22 · 2 years
Ooo, 12, 24, 15 for the writer asks?
Hi legolas my beloved ❤️
12) what headcanon will you keep implementing in your fics, even if canon ends up contradicting it?
Reggie becomes a part of the Molina family 100000%. Ray adopts him and he becomes the best big brother to Julie and Carlos because he just *is* a part of their family!
14) what trope would you refuse to write even if you were paid to do it?
I'm gonna assume you meant number 14 instead of 24 😂 probably accidentally pregnancy? I just have no desire to read or write that at all
15) describe (one of) your wip(s) in the weirdest/most contrived way possible! (asker can choose what wip)
I'm so bad at this lol but I'll try. Guy races through a hotel away from a monster (that was soooo bad and generic lololol)
Fanfic writer questions!
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kp4president · 2 years
18 and 32 for sentimental ask game please
18. What does your dream home look like?
I am ngl I am unsure I will ever own a home. that shit is expensive. But I would love to live on the coast (i am in love with the PMW), in a house with ceiling to floor glass windows/walls and so many plants. Bookshelves for days, maybe a view of the ocean? And a garden.
32. Is there a scent, color, song, etc. that takes you back to a specific year?
Old Pine by Ben Howard reminds me of my childhood summers at camp. The Juicy Couture perfume with a pink bow on top of it always smells like my mum to me. Campfires remind me of camping trips with my best friend when we roadtripped across the east coast. I am a very scent oriented/ music oriented person so they hold a lot of meaning and significance for me. The song Closer by the Chainsmokers/Halsey instantly brings me back to drinking and playing games at my friend's cottage, the moon shimmering across the water.
There's a quote that says, "I am made of memories" which really strikes true for me.
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cascowriteswords · 2 years
3, 5, 7 for the asks! You can throw in 1 if you want too…socks are cool. 😜
1: What color are your socks?: black like my soul
3: What is something you regret in the past month?: i went to an apple orchard/store with friends and i was debating getting an apple pie while i was there and i didn't and i've been thinking about it ever since
5: When was the last time you wrote someone a letter on paper?: i wrote my sister a note on paper the other week, does that count?
7: Do you get along with your parents? Why or why not?: Not really, but I get along with them the best I ever have right now, if that makes sense. I once didnt speak to either of them for an entire year (and my dad for 2). We have very different opinions about everything and there is a lot of resentment from childhood there, but it's something we are trying to heal from (or at least I am)
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writtenonreceipts · 21 days
For For the love of the game <3
My favorite scene
My favorite chapter (if it's a multichapter)
Hardest scene to write
Favorite character to write in the fic
Favorite dynamic to write in the fic
Why I chose that title
A fun fact about the fic
Thanks for asking!! <3<3<3
My favorite scene >>Rowan punching Cairn XD
My favorite chapter (if it's a multichapter) >>Chapter 6, the one right after the above! I liked getting to write Aelin and Rowan slowly trusting each other and telling a little about their pasts.
Hardest scene to write >>Oof. The last few climax chapters when everything comes to a head and is revealed. That deff slowed me up and took a while to get down.
Favorite character to write in the fic >>Rowan! I got to write more basketball related things with him, haha, and I loved that.
Favorite dynamic to write in the fic >>Aelin and Nox. I really like Nox's character and wanted to explore him more with this fic and him and Aelin's friendship. I hope to write more of them soon!
Why I chose that title >>I wanted something to be a little related to basketball and wanted to play on the idea of both Aelin and Rowan/the characters and "the love of the game"...IDK, lol, it makes sense to me and I loved that title.
A fun fact about the fic >>I've mentioned it before, but I played basketball through High School and a little intramurals in college. I grew up with my dad coaching me and going to WNBA/NBA games with him and my sisters.
>>send me a fic of mine and i'll answer<<
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cor-lapis · 5 months
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"If we must fight, Sethos... I shall defeat you with the power of my friend group of employed adults who miraculously have regularly scheduled meet-ups, and also my daughter!"
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stealingpotatoes · 1 month
This isn’t so much a question but I’m so emotional about how in your fix-it au, little baby Padawan Cal would get to grow up with his Master ;—;
Idk I’m just so emotional about how he gets to grow up along side Master Tapal and gets to have adventures. I cant stop thinking about it
YEAAA same same same it makes me go insane!!! TAPAL GETS TO SEE HIM GROW UP!!!!
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(commission info // tip jar!)
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cowboyskissin · 1 year
Some things you love? Could be anything! Is there anything that really inspires you or reminds you about the wonders when you're feeling down?
friendship as a concept and also all of my friends, poetry, t4t love, fresh fruits cut in a bowl, snoopy, the colour orange, seeing trans people smile, skating in the sun, holding hands, cooking for people i love
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kpforpresident · 2 years
27, 28 & 29 for the writer asks, please! Love hearing about how other writers get it done!
I have read and loved your Clexa fics for years so I smiled seeing this hit my inbox. Hi :)
27. Who is the most stressful character you’ve ever written? Why?
Lexa always really stresses me out because she's so heavily nuanced and complex to me and I am always worried that I won't do her justice. That's why chapter 5 of my canon story is taking approximately 5,000 years to write. 😫
28. Who is the most delightful character you’ve ever written? Why?
I loved writing Anya in The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down. I always felt really cheated of Lexa/Anya interactions in canon and it brought me a lot of happiness to write snarky, sarcastic, Anya that clearly just cared so much about Lexa. Is she technically delightful? No. But she brings me joy to write. :)
29. Where do you draw your inspiration? What do you do when the inspiration well runs dry?
Honestly, I am still fairly new to this so inspo hits me everywhere. Music, movies, people's phenomenal moodboards (here's looking at you, @thecrimsonknight), rewatching clexa snippets. I wrote a few things for clextober recently lately because I adore Clexa AND Halloween so it was the perfect blend.
If I lose inspo, I usually go read other people's fics, just from a break of the monotony of my own brain as well. There's so many amazing Clexa writers so there's no shortage of choices, but I just reread @steklir 's A Great and Mighty Wonder and it felt like reading it for the first time all over again. I can't wait to read it again at Christmas. :)
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eggcromancer · 5 months
Happy late birthday, it was a wonderful post you made, I just gotta ask something outta the silly.
Do you think it's as cute as I do, the idea of moon having a second nightcap that's party hat coloured and he swaps that on for birthdays
@sea-menace Dream big, my friend! Why stop at 2 nightcaps...? >:}
We got some seasonal caps:
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Modern day AU, where Fazbear Co. runs a content farm TikTok account; and Moon is horribly out of touch with gen alpha humour (because no one bought the animatronics internet plans 🥲) caps:
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And @lavenoon's jaw-dropping, heart-stopping, amazing Accidentally Undercover fic caps! ✨
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Pretend that Agent Dusk lost his original nightcap in a deadly shootout with a rival spy team and he needs to whip up a replacement PRONTO before he loses all street creds (He still won of course, but at what cost,,,,)
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paper-mario-wiki · 1 month
Loved ur little mousey so much I drew her
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she thought the torment was for one lifetime only, she's mad as hell!!
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